#theres something about ellis thats just
papas-new-guineas · 8 months
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No thoughts
Only wheek
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tookthe-405 · 7 months
On our way
Chapter 1 :
We’ll keep falling on each other
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Loser!ellie x ex-bsf!reader
authors note: first chapterrr🤪 ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO PLS
And pls tell me if the chapters should be shorter and what kind of perspective I should write from (Ellie pov will come later when I’ll fit), LONG AF
Summary: modern Jackson au!
you and Ellie were best friends through your childhood. Now your just neighbours who act like enemies towards each other, but after an incidence you both decide to run away together.
Joel lives 💯
warnings: anxiety , Panik attack?, alcohol, smoking, feeling of throwing up (only mentioned once) smut in future chapters!!, chaotic and stupid arguing between reader and Ellie, school anxiety, messy af (I mostly write at night when the demons come out🐺)
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(ellie is 18 and reader is 17 (soon 18))
Readers pov:
You couldn’t remember the fall out.
For a matter of fact you couldn’t remember anything that happened that night.
You just knew that the next morning Ellie and you weren’t friends anymore. You guys weren’t anything, just total strangers who knew more about each other than any other.
“Iced Coffee and 4 chocolate donuts should be your order”
Your head snaps up and an older guy holds out a bag of donuts.
“Yes, thank you”
You quickly scurry out of the waiting crowd, out the dinner and into the summer air.
2:25 p.m. If Jody would finally pick you up, the both of you might only be 10 minutes late to the game.
While you're waiting, you take a donut out of the bag and realize as you're eating that you don't have a cold ice coffee in your other hand.
you really wanted that coffee, and by any normal logic you should just go back.
But the fear of embarrassment won. so you decide to just wait outside without a coffee, feeling the dizziness of the lack of sleep in your brain.
The day before was the last exam and you couldn’t sleep the whole night, because of your anxious thoughts that are so unjustified that it’s actually embarrassing.
you watched the cars drive by, as you wait for Judy to pull over.
Today was the last school day. Ever. This morning was the last morning you would ever be in a high school class room to study.
After waiting for a while you hear the horn of Judy`s car or rather her parents car, since both of you are broke and only one of you has their license.
"i forgot my coffee" you complain as you collapse into the passager seat.
"yeah but you didn`t forgot the donuts and thats the really important thing here" Jody happily takes the box full of donuts, out of your hand
"footbal games always stress me out" you rummage through your bag, looking for gumm or just something that will help your body through this hard time.
"i hope my exams were good" you tell her anxious.
"It was our last fucking day, dont worry about something that is over soon. Those last days don`t really matter no one cares"
"I do"
Judy scoffs, puting the donute to her mouth again, all while looking at the street.
"I know, thats your problem. Really, you need to fix that. Your grades are amazing and whatever college you wanna go to, will say yes."
Now you scoff.
"right then why haven’t they replied yet then?"
"because you were too anxious too send your application, you almost threw up in my room"
Your face contorts at the memory. Judy's poor cat hissed at you the whole time because you couldn't sit still at all.
"yeah sorry he gets like that, but not all cats are this easy to annoy i swear"
Your giggle fills the car and you share the last donute, as judy tries to find a parking spot which is obviossly not that easy anymore.
"goddamit those wild people are so greedy" her hands grab the steerig wheel harder, but theres simply no other free spot anymore.
You grow even more annoyed now.
The thoughts in your head take more space than you usually allow them.
The whole morning was shit, the whole day is shit and your life is fucked if you don’t get into university.
"i think we need to use the other one" judy says
"then we`ll have to run through the whole fucking school, were already late, Malik is playing!"
Out of the corner of her eye, she looks at you, thinking, and finally sighs.
"get out I’ll park the car" You immediantly regret snapping at her.
"you dont have to-"
she interrupts you (no suprise)
"bro get out of my car. It’s my fault we`re too late anyway and we both know im only here for the fries"
For a few seconds you hesitate, but then you grab your bag and the donut, and get out the car. Outside, a warm brise tickles your skin, now that the sun is shining right on your face. You pinch you eyes.
Judy dissapers around the corner and you wave, hoping she saw it, but the worry leaves with her because you start running towards the football field.
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The whole row was full, every seat. You try to push your way through the crowd on the front, which didn't make it any easier because everyone was pushing forward against the bar to see better.
And it was so loud, every type of noises from every angle. This is your last game of course everyone will be loud, Jesus you’ll be loud, but the game hasn’t even started.
Arriving in the almost last row, Lyla waves to you and you sprint towards her.
"I don't know how you manage to save us seats, thank you so much," You almost scream, because the large group sitting behind her started singing the fucking national anthem.
lyla quickly hugs you and sits right back down. "I don't know how either, but here you go. Where's Judy?"
Her gaze wanders behind you to look out for her, as if judy is hiding behind you "Looking for another parking spot and getting us some fries"
You feel the light box in your hand and remember the one donut inside it.
“Here we’ve left you a donut”
“How generous” lyla replies smirking
Your attention turns to the football field. No one’s there.
“Everyone is still in the cabins, you're not as late as you think" she adds while slurping her milshake.
Malik is Lylas brother and a good friend of yours. Even Judy likes him, and that's saying something.
After the "incident" you tried so hard to find another group of friends, that one day it actually happened.
Which wasnt easy, before ellie you didnt relly need other friends. You also didnt want other ones. You always thought she felt the same way.
Her company, her words, her feelings and thoughts were all you wanted.
"Holy shit im not late!"
Judy's loud voice pulls you out of your thoughts. She quickly sits down next to you and hands you the large french fries package. You grin at her and pass them on to lyla. The loud noises became quieter and quieter, which made you hear the microphone voice.
"Dear seniors and juniors, After weeks full of learning and exams, one last football game with our beloved team and a guest team of their choice should be enough for you. I don't understand why you wanted to have this when every one of you’ve seen so many other games, but as you want. That’s the last one really though, please."
Judy giggles at the voice of the principal, but with empathy rather than mockery.
"Poor Ms. Servopoulos, juniors and seniors are not easy. The Other Class's prank surpassed everything"
lylas eyes widened at the memory. "Which of the 20 One?" She asks, leaning a bit over my lap to hear judy better.
"The one where they all had their tables outside at the_" Judy's bright voice gets stuck in the air, and she looks past me with squinted eyes in dismay.
You know why and didn't want to turn around.
But you do it anyway.
She wore her typical short baggy shorts and a red oversize t shirt with a fucking beanie , which makes her look like the love child of Adam Sandler and Jesse Pinkman.
You’d be happy to laugh at her if she didn't look so fucking good. But you chuckle a bit in your head at the Beanie, because it’s fucking june.
She looks down at you , just standing there.
Ellie has always been a bit taller than you. You might be sitting right know, but you still know That hasn't changed yet. You don't have to get up to be sure. You would notice if she grew even 1 cm. You don't know if she would still recognize that about you.
The familiar, soft and light brown freckles on her face. As a tween you always wanted to connect them, to find out how it would turn out. Or how she would look. Or react. You wanted to make her laugh so bad it hurt.
"Seth told me to bring this too you"
The Ice Caffee, with your name on it, is suddenly right in front of your face.
"Why should I accept it? It's already warm anyway" The irritated pitch in your voice cannot be ignored
Elie's gaze remains neutral, but there was some caution in her expression. "He forced me when I was paying, just take it and throw it away."
"Why didn't you throw it away?"
"Because im at a point where I listen to that old man for my benefits. Seth hates me already. He didn't even tell me about the senior special last week" she protests
You roll your eyes in annoyance.
"i dont give a shit about you or the now hot coffee"
Your argument became more intense, Judy and lyla exchanged glances but stayed out of it. You want to sort out your shit yourself and they know that.
"just fucking throw it away ellie!"
"No, I'm sitting at the top and have to go down all the fucking stairs and-"
"I don't care Ellie"
The people around slowly became aware of the both of you screaming, and you wonder for a second how strange you both must look right now. How you line up like little kids. But ellie also hurt the child version of you. God she has hurt so fucking many versions of you.
"just be happy that I’m even bringing this too you, i didnt really had to do that"
Her hand holds the plastic cup so hard in front of your face that it looks like it's about to explode.
The fact that she thinks she has a right to be angry with you bothers you even more, as you try to hold back your tears. You try to imagine her as adam sandler, screaming at you in this fucked up voice from grown ups, to make the tears go away.
"right i didn’t ask you to do anything, you decided to be so stupid and come over here"
she chuckles sligtly at your words, really pissed now. "you bitch-"
The last words never came out of her mouth. But the coffee out the cup. On your shirt.
Frightened, you take a loud breath in and stand up. Ellie has already put a safe distance between the both of you and her own mouth is open with surprise and startle.
Behind her stands a paralyzed Joshua, with his hand on his mouth.
"I swear, he ran into me...," she babbles desperately to herslef, waving her hands in the air, the empty cup on the floor now. Looks like the rest of the liquor soaked your shoes.
Yo didn’t let her finish. You mumble to lyla and judy not to follow you and that you would call them later. You grabbed your bag and Then left.
And you cried the whole ride home with your mom next to you. And not because of the coffee.
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The smoke comes out of your mouth, you take the ciggarette to you lips again, and breathe in deeply.
If you smoke in your room, you always have to lean almost completely out of the window, now with the shadows of the trees falling in your face.
The light, split by the limbs, danced to the movements of the branches. There was a small and almost sweet breeze in the air.
The sun is still shining, but the golden hour is almost here.
You get goose bums on your arm as a cold breeze comes, and you put out the cigarette on your ashtray.
As you lie down on your bed and just stare at the wall for a while, the dark smell of cigarettes is still in the air. your parents don't care as long as it doesn't get into the rest of the house.
You grab a book from your bedside table and start reading.
"And when you at last find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter- they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped darek inside yous so long"
You close the book with a jerk.
Yes, maybe no sylvia plath for today.
The buzzing of your phone makes your head move to the side.
Judy: Malik won
Judy: Tonights a party at the beach, everyones going
Your eyes stare back into the void of your ceiling.
Ellie has had so much influence over you and your feelings for so long, that has to stop at some point. And with all the anger in you, you think that today it will.
You get up and stand in front of your closet, you rummage around to find something and you do. A t shirt that belonged to ellie.
Your fingers brush over the dark green material. It was a fucking normal t shirt. Except that it wasn't.
"Today it will stops"
You put the t-shirt in your backpack and look for an outfit that was well suited for the beach. In the end, you wear short jeans shorts, where your grandma had sewn in flower patterns years ago, With a light blue shirt it goes nicely with the flowers.
you: can you pick me up?
Judy: I would love too :)
You quickly brush your teeth to get rid of the smell of smoke. Outside, you can already hear Judy's honking. You sprint down the stairs with your backpack and look for your beach shoes.
"Where are you going" Your mother is standing behind you with her arms crossed. In her old cardigan, she looked like she did a few years ago and you almost get a déjà vu.
"A party, Judys picking me up"
"how long are you gonna be there?"
"Mom im going to be 18 in what now 4 days you dont have to ask me that anymore"
she scoffs
"yes i do and guess what? i also want you to text me So i know youll be fine"
Nervously, you look out to see if Judy's car is still there, maybe she thinks you've changed your mind.
"Ok, Mom, I'll probably go to Judy's and be gone till midnight."
Suspiciously, she looks at you from head to toe, but (luckily) gives in.
"okay but please call me if something happens. Be smarter than your brother"
Your body flinches at the mention of him. "Has… he called lately?" you murmur
She looked at the floor and you thought for a moment she was going to cry. "No, but maybe if you call him, he'll answer"
You nod, but you know you won't do it.
He doesn't care about you either.
"I'm proud that you're coming along" Judy and you are walking, with beer in your arms, towards the beach where a few people have already gathered.
"I mean, that was a great show, a few people definitely noticed it"
You sigh at the unpleasant memory. "Then that's the way it is, I think a few other things are going to happen tonight, that are far more interesting than a girl with coffee on her T-shirt"
"I hope so" A mischievous smile on her face.
You look around to find lyla and malik, But because of all the people, it doesn’t really work. You were sure that there weren't that many seniors and juniors, but that a few friends of others came along. There was a big fire and even a barbecue.
After wandering around for a while, you find the two siblings. They had already made themselves comfortable on the big blanket and had taken some alcohol with them, but the bottles will probably spread over the whole beach anyway.
"Finally I see you, everything ok with you?" Malik mentions as he stands up, giving you a vigorouslyhug. "Really fucked up what happened"
You digress with a wave of your hand and sit down
"im fine, but you won, tell me abou it!" You try to make your voice as shrill as possible to make it clear that you don't want to talk about it.
“oh yeah we won, I made a touchdown, obviouly"
"almost didn’t catch it tho" throws lyla into the round and you giggle.
"Shut up, we only won our last game Ever, Because of me!”
Pride, but also the quiet pain of the loss of his team, can be noticed on his face andin his voice. The reality that you try so hard to run away from hits you again. high school is over, real life begins now.
“whatever, im getting something to drink and then im gonna tell sam to put on some music” Lyla ties you back into the moment. "I'm going with you , I need a drink of Voda-Coke"
Later that night Mr. Brightside was what got you on your feet and into the crowd.
Mesmerizingly, the fire flares higher and leaves just light trail of smoke behind. Malik and Judy are now singing along loudly with the others.
All these people who so clumsily sing the song about a heartbroken man, as if they would die if they don't do it, carry the same fate with them. They will all wake up tomorrow with a headache and worries about the next day. as it is one day closer to real life.
Some have broken families or parents, complicated friends, grief and draining fear of the future.
Knowing that it was like that but everyone was still singing along motivates you to do it too.
"Here more vodka has to work not taste good" Judy pours more vodak into your cup, but misses more than ends up in it.
Now you just laugh, because why did you thought so long about everything, this night was a good decision.
"I need to dance like I physically need to dance"
She grabs Malik's arm as he pours more beer next to her.
“let’s danceee!"
Lyla stands next to you, grinning and sober, and you both watch her.
"he likes her"
Lyla explains
"I know" you reply.
“That’s fucked up”
She looks a bit worried, as she watches the two of them dance and sing, with her arms crossed
"is that bad? or are you the "dont date my fucking brother" type of girl, please dont be by the way its always a bit-"
Your brain is mush, your tongue works on its own and Lyla obviously didn't like that
"no of course not, i don't care about him or who he dates"
The light from the fire reflected on her skin, she looked like a painting drawn at sunset and you wished you had your camera with you. It would be a shot of a very sad girl, with a lot of repressed feelings that she will never explain to a human soul.
But she didn't have to, because you understand.
You once looked at someone like that, from a distance where these looks were not visible to the person, where they were safe.
Comforting her was your first thought, dumb decision because a drunk person comforting a sober one never works out.
"I'm sure judy likes you back"
Alarm bells could be seen in her eyes.
"shut up you don't know that"
you laugh but it sounds unstable.
“No your right I don’t”
It looked like a lot of fun, everyone singing and drinking away their worries, you just wanted to join the dancing crowd when you see her. Again.
Fast an quickly, just ignore her, act like you didn’t see her.
But your eyes lock with hers and your stomach sinks.
In that moment you wish you could just admit that Ellie will always be a part of your mind. Wherever you are, with whomever, she will always appear In your mind and she will haunt you.
The worst thing is that it was also your fault, you allowed this relationship to be far too deep and perplexed even though you knew that it was becoming too emotional.
Ellie's presence on the other side of the fire, fills you with all those deeply buried feelings, as if she dug them up with her own hands. As if you told her where you buried them.
“I really don't understand you two"
with a snap you arrive back on planet earth.
"the both of you. starring at each other, like you're about to run through fire to be just a bit closer. Makes me want to puke" lyla repeats.
Disbelief and vulnerability spreads through your chest and all those lights are too bright, the music is too loud and Ellie is too close.
"It's ok to forgive, we don't even know what happened so be honest, how bad was it?"
brushing all those feelings off, or at least trying to, you turn around and disappear into the darkness.
In a kind of trance you push your way through the many people, a few call after you, and you are sure that you have run into someone. You just didn't notice anything about it.
You stop in front of the many cars. You used to drive with your father to the local supermarket or other short distances, but you're not willing to steal a car.
Your head turns to the right then left, looking for something, anything that will take you away from here.
Cars, skateboards and bicycles.
Without thinking about it, you grab an unchained bike and get on it. The adrenaline in your veins works on its own and has far too much influence on your body.
It took some time to get stable on it, because the tears in your eyes made it difficult to see. Nobody seems to have noticed that you ran away and that you are riding a bike that doesn't belong to you.
The road was pitch black dark.
The warm summer wind wipes your tears away, the bright street lights of the city can be seen in the distance.
You step on the pedals and realize that you have arrived on the local road.
Out of breath, you press your fingers on the brake lever.
Desperately trying to get your lungs to return to normal, mind concentrate on the outline of your shadow that was visible on the floor, because of the street lanterns.
You get off the bike in silence, put it down next to you on the sidewalk and sit down.
The pumping of your veins feels like electricity.
You could still hear a few cars in the background.
You brush away strands of hair from your forehead.
“Fuck” you hear yourself whisper.
The tears were just about to come back when you hear a car turning.
She still drives Joel's old truck.
The vehicle stops in front of your feet and you notice that some of the light green paint has rusted off.
That wasn't the case the last time you saw that thing.
Ellie slams the car door loudly behind her, so she looks back to see if everything is still fine.
The feeling of shame just bubbles out of you and drips onto the floor, as she steps in front of you with even louder steps.
your head lifts up just a bit, to look at her. Her nose is a bit crooked and she's breathing just as fast as you were a few seconds ago, it looks a bit like she was running after you.
“What the fuck are you doing”
Ellie Williams will always come from the far corner of the world and remind you that you will never let go of her.
The effects of the alcohol still had an influence on your brain, so you stay calm.
“calming down"
For a few seconds it's eerily quiet, for a moment you thought Ellie had left again, but the squeaking of her sneakers prove the opposite. Her body settles down next to you.
"You look really stupid, sitting here like that."
You scoff mockingly.
"yes, that's exactly why you're sitting next to me bitch"
"don't fucki-"
"Don’t act so innocent, remember what you said today before you spilled my coffee on my shirt”
Her head turns to you, sweet regret and longing in her moss green eyes. She scans the bike next to you.
"i think i stole that" the embaressment goes up your cheeks.
"yeah totally badass, but we have to bring that back later" she chuckles softly.
The bright beam of light from the lantern above you gives her face an bright tint , like the beach sun always did in the evening.
"sorry... about the coffee, joshua ran into me and-"
"Yes, I know you've said that before"
She drops her head. No idea why she's sitting here, but you don't mind. you just wanted to capture her and keep her close to you, like a butterfly.
"your brother called me" Ellie mentions it so casually that it shocks you to the bone.
He can even call her but not you. After she just sat down, you were as close as ever.
"what did he say"
"He wants us to come visit him."
Her pupils were large, but you assumed it was because she just drove a dark route and not because she was high. She's way too lucid to be high.
"why? and why the both of us?"
Ellie shrugs her shoulders cluelessly
"He said that we would like Florida, that he was getting a new apartment next week and that we should visit him. You didn't tell him anything about me?"
"I haven't told him anything Ellie, we haven't been able to get in touch with him for months"
You can clearly see from her expression that it makes as little sense to her as it does to you, which worries you even more. something is wrong.
You can feel how your hands shaking, you tried to tell yourself that your just cold.
"Alex said that he tried to call you and your parents, but the line never got through, fuck he even reached Joel"
You continue to shake and Ellie gently grabs your shoulder like she has often before, when you were lost in your head, when you were so afraid of roller coasters that you almost vomited or when you cried because Alex moved out 3 years ago.
Ellie's own security was always an anchor for you, when things got too confusing she strengthened you and even though you didn't talk to each other for almost a year, she still decided to tell you that your brother was fine.
That he wants you with him.
Sometimes, on the particularly melancholic nights when loneliness and nostalgia take over, you read Sylvia's poems and it just clicks. That all because this girl with her hair that is way too short and her pants that are way too big and her full lips, her unhealthy obsession with the universe and planets, exists on the same time as you.
“There’s gonna be a explanation or a reason whatever but just calm down for now okay?”
her voice is suppressed but still safe. yes the Ellie Anchor effect, fuck that shit
“Okay yes your right what the fuck”
“Yeah I can be right sometimes”
“ I Doubt that”
Her lips pucker upwards and yours follow suit. you are still too close to each other, it all feels too new and yet too nostalgic.
The old patterns gave your heart a little sting, you quickly shook off her hand on your shoulder. You clear your throat, thanking the universe or whoever there is that it's night.
Otherwise Ellie wouldn't have been able to miss your red cheeks. In your mind you beat yourself up because you still feel this way after everything she did.
"Show me your phone"
Your hand goes protectively to your back trouser pocket. "um no?!"
Ellie Scoffs thinking your joking, but when she sees that you’re serious, she laughs.
"just give it? the fuck do you think im gonna do"
"I don't know"
With a little nudge to your foot, she gives you that look again that shows trust and you give in.
It's a little painful for you, this morning you had a mental crisis because of her, now you letting her scroll through your contacts.
"yeah, sorry to disappoint you, but this is not your bros number"
But that must be his.
Your parents gave it to you.
"show me" you said firmly, having a really fucked up scenario in your head, about why this is the wrong number.
Ellie takes out her phone and shows you your brother's contact. chats, phone calls, everything is there. the one from this week too.
"this doesn't make any sense, I just- I don't get it"
"Your parents gave you the number?"
You nod, "My mom said, a few Months ago he had to change his number, in the beginning we texted a bit but never really called"
your eyes switch from her phone to yours to check the numbers again and again .
"After a few days, he didn't get in touch at all, with no one. We thought he was just done with his old life." you pronounce the words and your stomach turns.
Ellie's eyes stare thoughtfully at the asgap in front of you. You're helplessly trying to build up eye contact to figure out what you're thinking.
"I think they lied to you… He said something like this could happen" She says it so fucking sure.
You couldn't take in any more and you get up with your eyes are watering "What the fuck are you talking about Ellie" Your voice broke with the trust in your parents, even Ellie looks at you sympathetically.
"Alex said on the phone that he has been trying to reach someone from home for a long time, but it doesn't work. He was so desperate that he even called me and joel. Do you think your parents or your mom-"
you raise your hand to tell her not to finish the sentence. "Why… would they do that?"
She gets up and comes closer to you. "He mentioned that your mother said he shouldn’t call her anymore or you anymore, that even you don't him in your life anymore"
It feels like your whole past is falling apart, all the beautiful moments with your family, you even want the bad memories back.
Ellie's soft fingertips gently touch the back of your hand. Roughness was still there, she hasn`t stopped playing guitar.
"lets run away"
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a/n: omg, the chapters are gonna be shorter next time and we’re also on the road PLS STICK W IT
(and reblog😍)
anyways if you’ve come this far ur a real survivor thanks 🫶
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@yourelliewillms @bready101 @liasxeatt @darkerstarsstuff @elliezato @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @lovelyxbaby @yalaysbee @macaroni676
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andreaheartscats · 8 months
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Ellie Willams
->stressed out reader about school work. -> fluff i guess? no smut. ->roommate Ellie
a/n: helloo there beautiful people! i hope you like this little fic i came up with, please dont mind any bad grammer (if there is any..i hope theres not) english isnt my first laungage so yea. love u all!
Five hours. Youve been studying for five hours now, the tiredness and sleepeness was carching up to you at this point. But the stress was like no other.
It was the last semester and you had so many tests coming up from every possible direction. You were sure that your eyebags had eyebags now, if thats even possible.
The dask was filled with random papers, books from diffrent subjects and many of your mostly filled notebooks. While looking through the papers you had laid messily around your desk, a gentle knock was heard from your bedroom door.
"come in." as you said those words the door opend slowly and there stood Ellie, your roommate and your best friend....and the person you had feelings for.
For a momment Ellie just stood there leaning on the doorframe as she looked at you for some time and finally spoke up. "havent seen you much today." she seemd a bit upset as she said those words.
"sorry Els, im really busy with studying.." saying that, you let out little sigh as you take your reading glasses off to rub your temples in frustration. Ellie takes a notice of your messy desk. Your tired eyes and the empty cans of many diffrent energy drinks laying around your bedroom floor.
Her face frowns a bit as she sees you in this state, honestly feeling bad for you. She noticed how much work you put in school and how much you try.
She walks towards you and crouchs down infront of you while you sat comfortably in your chair. The sight of her this close to you set shivers up and down your spine.
"how 'bout you take a little break yea?"she said with a soft smile forming on her face. The idea didnt sound too bad.. i mean you were pretty tired and a little break couldnt hurt.
Without saying much you just nodded your head at her while giving her a tired smile. You both laugh a little and decide to go to your shared living room and watch some TV.
"alright, you just sit there and ill get you somethin' to snack on babe"
you plop yourself onto the comfortable couch you two bought. Babe. those words triggerd the butterflys in your stomach. Even if you two were just friends, you melted every time she used some kind of pet names.
After sometime, Ellie came back with a bowl of popcorns and some other snacks. She sat them on the table carefully and looked at you with a proud smile. As if a kid would look at their parents when they do something good.
You couldnt help but smile at her. She sat next to you and threw her hand over your shoulder which caught you off guard a bit but you didnt mind.
As Ellie scrolled through the list of series and movies, she looked at you from thr corner of her eye. "you know..i just wanna help you a bit to relax. Youve been working so hard lately."
Her words were so calming. You snuggle into her, your head falling on her shoulder as she traced a little circles on your upper arm. "thanks Els"
you mutter quietly but making sure she knew you were greatful for her and for the things she did. In response Ellie just hummed as she choose a movie.
For the first hour of the movie you enjoyed it. Ellies arm around you as she held you close to her while your head was comfortably laying on her shoulder.. But for the next hour of the movie Ellie heard little snors coming from below her.
She glanced down and noticed you fast asleep. Not daring to move even a inch, not wanting to wake you up from your peacful sleep, she just stayed there watching the rest of the movie untill she finally feel asleep too.
Honestly this might be the best sleep you ever had. Literally cuddling Ellie, "your best friend" , roommate and most importantly your fucking crush!
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I was just rewatching the episode (coz I like pain) and getting to this scene again I was really thrown off by Joels actions
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The first thing he notices is the look of fear on Ellies face. Not the pain in his abdomen, no, he's focused solely on Ellie and making sure she's okay
You can see the look of confusion on his face when he realises where Ellie is looking, and thats when it finally clicks
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You can see in his eyes that he starts panicking, his conversation with Tommy comes rushing back. He makes eye contact with Ellie and picks up on the abject horror displayed across her face. He's panicking, he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want to fail in proctecting another daughter.
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Is this fear of failure why he forgot basic first aid knowledge? Like I'm 100% sure even Ellie knows not to take something out that's stabbed you, and Joel has been surviving in the apocalypse for 20 years, so he should know this too. But his first reaction to the problem was to remove the thing that was making Ellie scared.
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And then he looks up at her again, sees how shes looking at him, and I think thats when he realised "oh shit, I fucked up", but theres no time to worry about that now because Ellie is yelling again and she needs him again and he can't fail her now after all this so he's just going to have to deal with it later, once Ellie is safe.
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ikealoki · 3 months
old order headshots + headcanons because hell yeah
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i dont really have a hc for soren but the idea od him being missing is so interesting. its confirmed that ivor (and harper?) were on a mission to find him but obviously havent. the easiest answer is he went back to the end, but thats obvious meaning he/they probably looked there and he clearly isnt since they havent found him. so where the hell is he? theres no chance that hes in the portal network because of jesse being in posession of the flint and steel and hed have to way to get around without it, but considering hes a master builder and knew where ivors lab and enchantments are maybe he made his own?? i dunno. but its interesting. i wish that if there ever is a season 3 (highly doubt) we’ll get some closure on him. the only reason he wasnt in s2 is because the team said they wanted new characters, but considering how sparse soren was i feel like it couldve worked. but like i said i really want to know where he actually went and how his books got everywhere, its a fun concept.
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gabriel!!! i dont know why he doesnt get more love hes amazing. but id like to think he lives near beacon town, not near enough to know about the admin shit but near enough to where jesse could get to him if hes needed without it being a whole ass journey. i think hed like to be more involved but feels too much guilt about the old order’s actions and feels like a fraud despite the fact that he is actually capable.
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ellie my beloved. i understand any and all soregaard shipping but i like to think of them as having a sibling dynamic, like ellegaard has the older sister role whos exhausted by his “quirks” but will defend him with her life if anyone was judgemental. nerd club!!! also i feel like theres like a really intricate baroque style painting of her somewhere, maybe soren made it and its tucked away somewhere in his base. i know thats oddly specific. but it just feels right.
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magnus!! (this is the one im most proud of)
i dont have many thoughts about him but i think hes bald on purpose. like his hair is too much of a fire hazard and his paranoia drives him to shave it off, even though he has his stupid ass fishbowl helmet its his way of staying on guard.
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ivor!! this one isnt actually done because the filed corrupted while i eas working on it :( so i just did final editing on a separate application after screenshotting what i could
but as for hcs id like to think if he ever did/does find soren that hed encourage his work with endermen after learning what he was really doing. maybe making enchantments or potions to help him work among the endermen more freely or things like that. id ljke to imagine thered be an instance where jesse would have to go to the end for something and among the end cities theres a little cottage style structure and ivor and soren are just in there sharing their recent adventures over tea or slow dancing to one of sorens records. theyre in love JUST TRUST ME PLEA
and thats it! if u want to use any for anything feel free jusg credit meeee @ ikealoki 🗿
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poisonedprose · 1 year
oooh ellie x established relationship gf celebrating ellie’s bday?? her gf would spoil tf out of her (and probs top her tbh)
₊˚✧ happy birthday!
modern!ellie williams x fem!reader headcanons
warnings: lower case intended, might be typos, incomplete sentences, nsfw, cursing
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sfw ! ⋆ ellie is probably one to hate her birthday and you are more than determind to change that
⋆ you started with breakfast in bed and she just knew she was gonna be in for a long day
⋆ she didn't hate the breakfast, it was one of her favorites that she had mentioned off handedly to you once and she didn't even think you rememberd
⋆ "i guess this isn't awful." she admits forefully. you 1, birthday 0.
⋆ after breakfast you dragged her ass to the arcade
⋆ you led her over to a specific machine and pulled out a bag of quarters
⋆ "where tf did you even get those? no, seriously, thats like a million quarters." safe to say you and ellie were at the arcade for HOURS
⋆ she's just about ready to head home and thank you forgiving her a birthday that didn't want to make her rip her ribcage out
⋆ but wait theres more!! of course theres more. theres always more.
⋆ a nice candle lit dinner with a beach side view
⋆ "okay, okay fine. you win, this is really nice- IS THAT JESSE????" it was infact jesse.
⋆ "what did you think i was going to hire an actual person to serve us? i love you but i'm not made of money."
⋆ "shouldve used those damn quarters." you and jesse laughed, she shot jesse and he was silent the rest of the night.
nsfw ! ⋆ she thinks you're finally done, the sun has set at dinner and shes driving the both of you back home
⋆ "that was really nice babe, thanks. i had a lot of fun." she sounded so genuine you almosted started crying.
⋆ but you were far from done with her and when you stayed quiet she knew she was in for a treat.
⋆ it was not even 10 seconds after you guys walked in the door that you pounced on her.
⋆ literally tonuge down her throat hands anywhere you could reach, you know that usual
⋆ she's not complaining tho 🫦
⋆ as the two of you reach the bedroom shes ready to fuck you until the sun comes up but you have something else in mind for tonight
⋆ "nuh huh, tonight's about you." she doesn't know what the entails but boy does she like the sound of that.
⋆ she likes your fiesty attitude as you push her on the bed and climb on top of her, almost like she would do to you
⋆ you're teasing her ever so slowly just to hear her little whines and whimpers with how turned on shes becoming
⋆ you decided not to tease her any further, finally giving her the pleasure she craved with your tongue
⋆ oh fuck how she loved your tongue. if she were to die rn she'd be so fine with that
⋆ her moans only get louder the closer she gets and it's just music to your ears.
⋆ and after ellie's first orgasm shes eying the strap that's laying on one of the shelves and you know just what to do
⋆ yeah maybe ellie doesn't hate birthdays that much
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fartquen12 · 2 months
?The Walking Dead x The Last Of Us?
Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
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'ellie and you decide to head to a camp called "alexandria". ellie thinks its a terrible idea but you believe it might be your best idea yet.'
///A/N: I have had this idea for WEEEEKS guys. I haven't seen anyone do it?? anyway I hope you like it and its not another one of my ideas that needs to stay in my headdd... theres not really a defined who you are dating but you can kind of make that up yourself hehe.////
TW: mentions of death, violence, gore, weapons, zombie apocolypse things guys. </3
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you've known ellie williams since you can remember life itself.
you and ellie have been seperated countless times in the apocolypse, yet she always finds you. you weren't one to question things but it sorta creeped you out.. I mean how did this girl always know. currently you were with ellie taking out a group of walkers..
"Y/N!!" ellie exclaimed pushing the walking, flesh-eating, corpse out of your way before whipping out her pocket knife and stabbing it straight through the eye. ellie was your best friend, but the countless times she saved your ass made you feel kinda guilty.
"jesus, you really need to pay more attention." she says in a pissed off tone while scanning you up and down for any scratches or bites and once she realises your fine she grabs your wrist firmly and practically drags you back to the car you got here in. she pretty much throws you in the car and slams the door shut before going to the drivers side and getting in herself.
she cuts you off as she angrily speeds off. you and her were trying to get to a town called "alexandria" where you were promised a safe place to stay. ellie was pissed at you for several reasons. you had seen signs for this place that you and ellie had seen. she thought it was a total joke and pushed the idea out of her mind. but you. you kept insisting, kept pushing her to go. she really didn't want to but its all you talked about. so in her words "if we die its all your fault" but you were more than willing to take that chance if it meant getting away from this fucking apocolypse.
you sat silently looking out the window. not daring to say a word, only movement being your chest rising and falling in rhythm to your lungs. the air was thick. awkward for you, angry for her. you slowly turned your head to glance at her, and when she glanced back at you your head immediately fell to take interest in your shoes. ellie let out a deep sigh before opening her lips. "you know what y/n.. you might be right. maybe this will be amazing for us. i- i just- i can't have anything happening to you. you understand?" she says. but you are not paying any attention... your staring at your blood drenched fingers.
when ellie eventually notices what your fixating on she becomes furious, how could you be so upset about something so little so she speeds even more (if thats even possible) your hands were drenched in the blood of the men she had just brutally murdered right infront of you, then guilting you into helping her move the bodies. you didn't trust anyone either. but you wouldn't go to such extremes like she always does. ellie stares at you pissed for a minute before swerving the car right almost missing a turn. your heart rate goes way up and it feels like your heart is gonna fly out of your chest.
ellie knows you hate when anyone drives fast and shes doing this to scare you. to try and get you to submit. but you won't. you just won't. being with ellie was fun, in the beginning. but she changed. a lot. honestly. you used to really crush on her, but when you look at her you see nothing. you don't like it. but shes your only hope and she protects you.. so you pull through.
when you two arrived, you were given everything you needed for now by a woman named deanna or something... she said she wanted you guys for interviews... a man named rick was gonna interview you two.. which kinda threw you off, and threw ellie way off but you tried to protest to her that it made sense.. kinda. ellie was giving you a cold shoulder the whole day. not looking at you. not speaking to you. not even acknowledging you. your brain started to turn on you and you had totally forgotten what ellie did you just wanted her to like you again. when they tried to seperate you for interviews much to their dismay you put up a huge fight, making ellie grin at your defiance. finally they just put up with your shit and interviewed you together.
they sat you two down in a room. a library sort of room with three chairs for the each of you. florals ingraved in the cushions and dark two toned wooden bookshelves, the windows had white lacy curtains and you could see the dark streets with golden lights reflecting off the streetlamps. they also had set up a camera... uncomfortably staring at you and ellie totally ruining any chance you would feel comfortable with the truths you were gonna tell. I mean this place was legit. you could see it. it was standing and the people seemed kind and genuine. you just needed ellie to settle in and except this as her home... which would be hard. but you fully planned to admit to anything they asked.
"to start off please state your names." the man said staring at you two. you did just that- "I am y/n and this is ellie." you said smiling at him, ellie squinting her eyes at the man. "alright," he said looking down at his list of questions. "today we are gonna be interviewing you two to see if we think you fit into-"
"more like interrogating." ellie said rolling her eyes.
"fine. we will get straight to the chase then." the man said giving ellie an angry glare. starting with you. he said looking at ellie. "how many walkers have you killed." ellie scoffs "are you serious. that is the dumbest fuckin-"
"I said how many."
"too many to count." she says staring into his soul.
"right." he scribbles something down in his notebook before speaking again. "now. ellie" he says in a mocking tone. "how many people have you killed."
he says staring up at her. "none. i'm a clean woman rick." she says staring at him through fuming eyes. and in this exact moment your whole body shifts towards ellie and you give her the biggest, greatest, huggest, fatest, bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye in history. knowing about every single person she had "put out of their misery" aka popped their bootycheeks blue.
rick laughs before writing something down turning his full attention to you. "how many- "FART .what.the.fuck. you thought. ellie had just let it rip so loud and so stinky the whole room became intoxicated with her stinky fart. "taco bell..?" rick says looking ellie up and down extremely disturbed before looking at you for a response. "deviled eggs." you say staring at him almost crying. and he lets out a silent "oh" with his mouth before throwing his head back in disgust. "EGG FARTED YOU!" ellie yells out giggling, very very pleased with herself. "oh my god. ellie that reeks!" you cry out.
I guess you didnt specify earlier that ellie kills people by FARTING ON THEM LIKE CRAZY
ellie jumps up excitedly and accidentally knocks over a table in the process, dropping a glass lamp on the floor.
"oh shit.." ellie says reaching for the poop that just fell out her pants. you scramble to pick up the lamp as rick jumps up pissed and rolling up his sleeves to "square up ellie" as you try and pick it up, tiny shards of glass stick to your delicate fingers like poop on toilet paper. and you yelp in pain. "BRO OH MY GODDAAA DONT TOUCH ITA AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" ELLIE YELLS AT YOU GRABBING YOUR HAND AND BITING IT "WTF ELLIE WHY WOULD YOU BITE ME!" YOU SCREAM OUT YANKING YOUR HAND AWAY. "I HAVE RABIES!" SHE YELLS BEFORE GETTING ABSOLUTLEY JUMPED BY RICK AND GETTING HER BOOTYCHEEKS THROWN TO THE FLOOR. "UHH WTF!" YOU YELL JUMPING ON RICKS BACK "GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND OR I BEAT UR GYATT!" YOU YELL WHEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN SOME SUPER HOT GUY NAMED DARYL BUSTS IN AND YOU ALMOST BUST A NUT LOOKING AT HIM AND YOU SPRING OFF RICK AND ONTO HIS DICK "DARYl DADDY OH MY LORDY LORD IM BOUTA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!" YOU YELL OUT JUMPING ON THIS DUDE AND START HUMPING HIM LIKE AN ABSOLUTE HOBO!! I MEAN YOU ARE HUMPING AND A- GUNSHOT "oh my god." you say looking over to see some random little boy with a brown hat on with a gun pointed to ellie. and he just shot her in the boobs.... "bro how could you... you just shot my gay bestie in the boobs... you are the worst little-"
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why are you looking here. the fanfic is over. its over. bro. get the fuck out.
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whoucallingalesbian · 2 months
ok yall remember the wattpad ellie x reader story i was talkin ab the other day, so this is the vibe i was imagining while reading it
idk how to explain it but something about those small american towns near the woods is soooooo 🤌🏻
like i NEED to live there and meet the love of my life its literally a dream (and if that person is ellie williams bonus points)
idk how to explain it but this is so 2016 tumblr converse green jackets car trip wattpad typa vibe
do yall get me😩
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no but imagine this scenario
you are in a small town somewhere in oregon, going back from a class to your dorm room, as soon as you arrive you lay on the bed and start listening to your playlist. after a while you decide to take a nap and all of a sudden you hear the door creaking and it wakes you up so you look up and see ellie standing at the door looking at you in the eyes. noticing that she woke you up, she apologises, puts her backpack on the floor and decides to lay on the bed. you two start talking to each other about how you spent the day and some other random stuff and she decides to ask you to come home w her for a break. couple of days pass by and you two are on your way to ellie’s house, ellie is driving and you are the passenger princess, the road is wet from the rain from the last night and you are surrounded by the pine trees, the air is crisp and its cold outside. you are wearing grey off shoulder sweater with something written on it, navy blue shorts and ugg slippers w a ponytail. ellie is wearing black tshirt w skinny jeans and converse w her usual low bun hairstyle. you notice her sparing glances occasionally at your direction, which gets you flustered. after half an hour of travelling you two take a turn to the left on a muddy road and thats when you see the big wooden house, ellie stops the car and you get out, she helps you w the luggage and you two get in the house. she shows you your room where you unpack and immediately lay on the soft bed, cold, white mattress under your skin. on the left side there’s a window with the most beautiful view. you decide to stare at it for a little bit and appreciate its beauty. then you decide to go to her room, you open the door, band posters everywhere, a guitar, bed with dark mattress and some other stuff thrown around the room. you sit on her bed and tell her how beautiful her home is, after some talking she takes her guitar and starts playing a song. you stare at her for a while admiring her talent and then go back to your room to relax. two hours pass by and ellie knocks on the door and comes in, she takes a seat on your bed and starts caressing your arm with her fingers, you get chills and blush at the sudden show of affection and your eyes meet her green ones. you get up and she does the same and you lean in for a kiss, it was a passionate one. her hands exploring your body, asking you for a permission to take off your shirt..you nod and she slowly starts stripping u naked. feeling her skin on yours made you feel like theres not one thing in the world to worry about, she pushes you on the bed where you two continue..
psa this is not supposed to be a smut or anything of that sort, cuz sis is struggling w english so i can’t really be writing any wattpad typa stories, BUT this was a scenario i imagined in my head while i would look at those pictures so i had a feeling like i have to share it w you
ik that there is plenty of grammar mistakes but oh well, girl is not a writer this was just for funsies
anyways hope you liked it
xoxo tea
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tlouconfidential · 4 months
people have got to stop crying about "not treating ellie/abby like the WOMEN they are!!"- do you all realize that butches/stone butches do exist?? that stone tops exist??? that lesbians who use he/him pronouns and masculine terms like "husband" or "boyfriend" exist??? and thats perfectly okay??? and also that doesnt mean they are men??? yes its an issue when those things are projected onto people without their consent and say-so, but the keyword there is people. abby and ellie are fictional characters, therefore just about everything about them that isnt canon is up to interpretation. i literally saw a post headcanoning abby as nonbinary (i believe thats what the post said, i forgot) because of the whole "you said ladies first" interaction with manny is seattle day 1. COOL
i think we as sapphics are kindve losing the plot when it comes to gender expression and identity- letting masc sapphics not be boxed into the whole masculine image is great, because no gender expression should feel like a box- but in doing so, some of yall are inadvertently boxing presentation back in lmao. saying things like "shes a woman, so she should be called pretty! if youre calling a woman handsome, youre treating her like a man!" is not all that productive as you may think it is (not only that but it sounds a little terfy, just saying)
why? because psa: no sapphic identifying person can ever have proximity to a cis man (bc thats who you all are referring to when you say that) sapphic masculinity ≠ masculinity performed by cishet men- and that is the reason. our masculinity is not a performance we are pressured to keep up- its a sense of self, it makes us feel comfortable; if anything we are socially pressured outve it
(sidenote where is this sentiment with abby and ellie even coming from???💀 no one ever claimed them to be stone tops, theres just a lot of fics with them topping the reader cs a lotve ppl want to be topped and or dommed by them??? (hashtag relatable??) and sometimes those fics arent all that well written so the character feels flat?? that doesnt mean theyre being “treated like a man”- there are many fics where either of them are subbing or bottoming (tbh i cant rlly speak for ellie fics cs i dont dabble in them much, im an abby girl🤞) on top of that, there are many posts delving into their characters!! into their EMOTIONS (gasp ! i thought people who "treat masc women like men" didnt do that)
sorry for the yapathon but um moral of the story guys!! masculinity isnt owned by cis men, let abby and ellie be headcanoned as handsome boyfriend husbands or something cs its not like they came outve your screen and told you "save me from these FREAKS who keep calling me HANDSOME on tumblr dot com!! i want to be treated like a pretty princess"
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badxsshottiexllie · 10 months
Plotted starter for @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
Ellie, riding her hover bike, was on her way to her rebellion groups hideout which was located outside of Eden. She needed to discuss what had happened to her the night before at the United of Eden. Originally, the woman had gone there to relax. However, there would be a series of events that would occur that said otherwise. The woman not only got to rescue Eden's biggest celebrity, but also got herself involved in trying to help his friend who was in a situation that was beyond her control.
"Whats the password?" A male voice said behind the door.
"Cabbage is perfect to eat in the dry heat." Ellie responded.
"Hey! Hows my favorite isekai protagonist doing?" The door opened to reveal a panda hybrid named Steven. Since he was a big fan of anime, he often referred to her as an isekai protagonist, someone who is randomly sent from one world to another.
"Oh hey Steven, pretty crazy shit happened last night. I wanted to see if mostly everyone was here to talk." The woman replied.
"Yeah, unfortunately, most of us are just doing are own thing today. So its just Cody, the boss, you and I here today." After Steven said who was here, you could see a teenage human named Cody playing a gaming PC. You could also see the boss, a human woman around Ellie's age named Natalie, reading a book.
"Sup Ellie, how did last night go?" Natalie asked, putting her book down.
"Hey boss, uh...well...thats what I wanted to talk to everyone about..." The redhead scratched behind her head.
Natalie got up and gently nudged Codys shoulder so that he could listen too since he was wearing headphones. "Ellie's got something to tell us."
The teenager took off his headphones and looked into Ellie's direction and gave a brief yo in greeting.
"So last night, I went to the United of Eden to relax. Well...I thought that was going to happen. I stopped a fight from happening there. You'll never guess who I saved..." There was a bit of a pause before she revealed who it was due to awkwardness. "It was none other than everyones favorite poster boy himself....Rayman..."
"WHAAAAAAT?!?!" Steven, Natalie, and Cody said in unison. They couldn't believe what they just heard.
"But why? You do know the risks involved in associating with him right?" Natalie told her.
"Like that hasn't been drilled a million times in my brain before. But I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He needed help. Anyway, theres this other part of it where he asked me to help his friend Mona Lisa, whose in a situation thats beyond her control."
"Mona Lisa as in...the famous painting? That Mona Lisa?" Steven asked confusingly.
"Not to be confused with the painting of the same name." The redhead corrected. "Its her stage name and believe it or not shes a limbless like Rayman. But thats not the important thing right now. Shes in a situation involving Hoyt Volker. Do you guys know who he is?"
The trio had a mixture of pale expressions and disgust. Natalie, however, was the one to speak up between the three.
"Human trafficking." Natalie spoke softly. "Murphy told me about it. Its really gross."
"Murphy? Whose that?"
"Hes someone who works with us but hes from another resistance group like ours. Hoyt Volker offers good paying jobs but its disguised as selling them to Eden for work or other crime bosses."
"No way..." The gingers eyes widened at this new discovery. She needs to tell Rayman this asap! This was huge! "Boss! You are a live saver, thank you!" Ellie gave her boss a big hug and stormed out the door.
The rebel hopped on her hover bike making her way back to Eden. Once she got back safely and into her apartment, she made sure to give Rayman a call. "I wonder if he'll pick up..."
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celestie0 · 3 months
helllo helllooo ellie!!! hru doing?!
IHM gojo is the song looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6’5 blue eyes personified lolllll….I discourage the use of words like these when referring to ppl but he’s sooooooo fuckable😣 love LOVE kickoff!gojo but theres just something about ihm!gojo thats making me lose my mind a tad bit more ughhhh
n it is completely alright if u dont write top reader😌 I will have my gojo in any way n anyhow possible 😌😌😌😌
i’m so excited for upcoming chapters of both kickoff n IHM🥹🫶 im looking forward to more soft boi gojo in kickoff hes TOO CUTE he NEEDS to be EATENNNNN
zuro anon
hiii zuro babyyy <33 omg hope you’re doing well!!
PLS yknow when i first heard that tiktok audio my first initial thought was gojo ✋🏼😭 you’re so right tho when my brother was tryna buy a house i had to listen to his real estate agent drone on ab finance n stocks n investment property so imma channel all that annoyingness into ihm gojo🤞🏼😍
IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IN ALL HONESTY I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO STOP THINKING AB IHM GOJO TOO 😅 WHICH FEELS SO VAIN BC HE’s MY OWN CHARACTER BUT LIKE… 🫣🤭😔 sumn ab my annoying real estate fake husband… (i mean i guess in fairness i know what happens in the story so that’s probably why 🤣 but i’m so glad that you who doesnt know what happens in the story also finds him fuckable!!!!!!! goal accomplished!!!!!!!!!! <333)
same bae i’d have gojo upside down right side up to the left to the right and its takin all my energy not to break into cha cha dance song rn
so happy you’re looking forward to more updates from me bb!! :”) you’re so cute i swear i just want to kidnap u n keep u in my pocket. LOVE YOUU 💕💕💕
- ellie 🔥
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whumpinthepot · 1 year
@whumpmasinjuly 2023
19. List your fave whump blogs
OK, I wrote as many people as I could find and if I missed anyone I’ll add them in as i come across them ^_^
@gritpyre - long time mutual/friend who does amazing amazing artwork. Its so nice seeing her oc’s change and grow over the years. We stan buff ladies <3
@for-the-love-of-angst - Longtime good friend of mine who I love so much. Their writing is so full of flavour I just want to eat it, its so descriptive and the characters feel so raw with emotion.
@whither-wander-whump - Pucks historical whump is so impressive, I don’t know how she does it. The dialogue and everything is on point. I also just love hearing about her day and what she’s been up to because its always something really cool.
@whumpshaped - Excellent writing and concepts, its always so different and just seem to hit right. Especially the gore and how unapologetically brutal it gets! I always have fun reading its work.
@figuwhump - This is just a really fun art blog that popped up in the last month or so, ive been having a lot of fun with the event and seeing what other people create. Its run by two of my fave people as well so thats just a bonus.
@whump-in-the-closet - Troy has a really fun blog and he does a CYOA story that I really enjoy reading a LOT. Very good descriptions that have a lasting effect on me, theres always something noteworthy when ever I read a chapter. Also, we have similar usernames so his blog always stands out to me haha.
@just-horrible-things - long time friend/mutual with amazing writing and characters. Everything I’ve read from him has been engraved into my brain, and stuck there.
@burntcoffeewhump - Amazing artist and friend!! Seriously, go commission him when they’re open again he’s selling them for very affordable prices and they are professional level work. Its just gorgeous they way he paints.
@demondamage - Good friend/mutual who has such amazing talent for art and writing I am always in awe, and love seeing it every time he posts. The lab whump has me swooning. Period.
@whumpsday - Mill is such a nice mutual to have, and a really great member of the community. I think about his characters all the time, and he somehow manages to organize all of his writing which is something I really admire. He wrote whumper to whumpee trope is such a way that it makes you feel BAD for the poor guy…
@i-can-even-burn-salad - Elli is really funny and writes like a BEAST. I don’t know how she does it but I am so envious!! She has some books finished, and available as Ebooks! Go check them out its seriously impressive, and something to look up to.
@sunshiline-writes - We have a lot in common which is like finding a chest during a treasure hunt. Very good characters, poc whump, lady whumper, and writing that I really enjoy a LOT. I really like her characters they vibe perfectly with me.
@verkja - I love Verkja so much, he’s always a pleasure to talk to and a very good friend. He does adventure fantasy -esque writing with a lot of detail to the world the characters are in. He’s talented in so many artistic ways, I love seeing anything he’s working on any given day.
@ilasknives - LAB WHUMP MOOT, Ila does amazing lab whump with a load of psychological torment stuffed into it. As well as a lot of pet whump concepts that are really fun and different. I love hearing about their oc’s, they feel so real to me.
@redd956 - Redd has the biggest galaxy brain when it comes to world building, prompts, and writing. Its so fun to see all of her posts on my dash, I don’t know how she does it but its a TALENT.
@leyswhumpdump - Leys is really good at plot building with a sprinkle of whump twined into it, which makes those scenes all the more exciting. Leys understands writing structure very well and it makes their writing flow verrrryyyyy nicely.
@blackrosesandwhump - Amazing writer, does circus whump which I LOVE and don’t see enough of, as well as a handful of other stories with different tropes! Lovely mutual and very helpful with writing advice which I am so so so thankful for all the time.
@hollowgast1 - Very good moot to have, we trade drabbles to edit often and its really fun. She writes a lot of supervillain, pet, and lab whump its really heavy on the psychological end of it, which I enjoy immensely. Its always a pleasure to read her works!
@distinctlywhumpthing - Excellent writer, with some completed stories. Their writing is often tragic, and really pull the reader in emotionally. Highly recommend reading, they’re some of my favourite works!
@whump-blog - Red is such a sweet friend, and so good with ideas, I always get so excited hearing about them! He has wonderful artwork and its all linked on his page for easy access. Im so intrigued by his writing I can’t wait for more to be posted!
@alittlewhump - Shy is incredibly helpful I can’t express my gratitude enough she’s so amazing at strengthening writing and I would have never posted my works if it wasn’t for her. She knows how to bring a story to life through words which is such a huge talent that so many people strive to have.
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nyoomfruits · 7 months
Ohohh Ellie, for the ship ask: Alex and Logan (no clue what their shipname is)
whahaha we had a whole entire discussion about the ship name in tsgc the other day (which i think you missed??) but if i remember correctly we settled on sargebon (although there are apparently many itterations)
doesn’t make sense, compels me
like. this one keeps tugging at me because theres SOMETHING there but i just cant yet see what. thats how i was about landoscar at first tho so beware i might fall off the deep end in the next few weeks and write a 32k long fic where they pretend to be married
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lawtistic · 2 years
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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rosewoodconch · 16 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 12
Undercover Princess - Chapter 34/35
Okay so disclaimer: I might be a lil off in the next few chapters because the way jamie acts when he's had the 'lemonade' is a lil scarily similar to something traumatic that happened to me and long story shprt i might be brushing over parts of it.
But anyway! CHAPTER 34
New years eve!!!
Raphael is an icon and i love him but jesus christ hes stupid holy shit
sneaking up on amknown partizan? my dude youre smarter than that
and yes... the pool that is off limits
really though where are the teachers
surely theres so much security that theres no way that would happen
Why are conchs always the bad influences connie thats unfair
I really hate ellie in this scene. because yes on one hand, she wants to go have fun and be rebellious. but on the other hand shes not giving lottie and jamie a choice.
Jamie has to protect ellie above all else, but he cant leave lottie or that look suspicious, so they both have to follow ellie. shes being so selfish in this scene i cant stand it.
'Anastacia's lemonade'
I wanna know if it was her or saskia, surely ani wouldnt have gone so far as to actually drug the princess right?
I'm pretty sure we find out that was saskia? can someone with a better sleep schedule lmk?
I dont like that its warm i dont trust that.
I like that this scene lets jamie open up a little bit
hes more confident and jokey and sarcastic
"£20 says i push one of them" is iconic and i wont be hearing anything against him
I cannot believe I hadn't picked up on it before but @/pumpkin.pie.of.rosewood on instagram pointed out that it refers to jamie as a deer. A DEER
i hate connie
the foreshadowing never ends
but really, his response of blatant denial because he believes he has no control and nothing will change is one of the simplest and most devastating lines in a lot of this series.
Hes so not like other boys (insert the hair flcik emoji i cant cause im on desktop rip)
'When you live your life for someone else, you find strength you didn't know you were capable of.' is such an eloquent way to say so many things. He's talking about himself obviously, but s=hes also talking about lottie, and how shes going to need to become stronger than ever, not just to protect ellie, but t protect herself and preserve who she is underneath it all.
Jamie is really genuinely switching from charming to predatory and scary in such a subtle way, his mannerisms becoming more impulsive and his words becoming sharper.
but even in this horrible state, his words ring truer than ever. 'I think you shouldnt have to be capable' 'Youre just a kid Lottie' etc
Then lottie pointing out to him that something is wrong, her desparate plea to him to stop and to find help kicks him back into his mind for only a moment. he realises whats about to happen and then...
And thats all for tonight because its almost 1am and im caught up more than i expected! see yall tomorrow for another 6 chapters to be finally caught back up again!!!!
I'll jump right back into it tomorrow when i wake up (or at least i'll try if my adhd meds kick in early enough
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spiderdoesthings · 3 months
Hear me out
Infected animals in last of us is a talked about idea (within the fandom, atleast) but, i feel like talking about in in a little more logic based way. First off, we have to point out that there currently is a fungus (cordyceps) also known as Zombie-ant fungus that does just that, takes over an ants body. heres the thing. breakout day was september 26th 2013, meaning that somehow, this fungus evolved so quickly that it went from ants to humans, before it went from ants to smaller animals.
Now, because of this, theres another point. Humans are mammals. Meaning that the fungus also had to find a way to adapt to a whole new group of creatures.
the last timeline area is about 2040 (thank you to https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/158xmvx/the_last_of_us_timeline/?rdt=40385 this person for providing the timeline im using) meaning roughly 27 years, and still no animal mutations. so, whatever mutated the fungus was either extremely slow and started back way before we knew (talking likely more then 100 years) OR was very very rapidly evolved.
there is the option of this being a bio-weapon, however, seeing as it was never mentioned once, i am going to assume that this means it is a freak accident (however i do wanna revisit the bio-weapon idea later)
All of this to say that within our timeline, or atleast within ellies life, we may at most see small things (im talking maybe rabbit or smaller) or things more-so related to people (primeapes, really) be infected. i think that if we ever are to get infected things like giraffes, bears, wolfs, deer, etc that people are talking about, the chances are a cure or atleast something that starts to kill it off (or, honestly, it dying off on its own) is going to happen first.
yes, evolution doesnt always take forever, but, the evolution that takes less time is typically a much smaller change, not a whole new group of animals, seeing as we are likely speaking about fish, reptiles and birds, and mammals such as possums that are built to fend of things like this.
Also, we saw that the rat king was the furthest this thing has gotten, meaning that humans are somehow putting a dent into the issue (seeing as the most things you fight end up being stalkers, runners and clickers, all things roughly within a year of infection) and even bloaters and shamblers take several years to form, so clearly, this thing isnt exactly fast moving past the original stage of infection. (by that i mean, past the stage of clicker, it could take an additional five years to change, so while its fast acting to take control, it still takes ages to be deadly/have a good defense)
my theory is that with animals, the fungus just wont both. animals are not a threat to it, humans are. and clearly it has some sort of intelligence because, well, its taking over a human body, something that we still don't know 100% about to this date. likely the only animals that we would see infected anyways are dogs, farm animals, and rats, seeing as dogs and farm animals are around humans the most, and rats are typically in the sewer areas, where we find the more thick spore areas.
is this scientific? no, no it is not. this is just a personal theory. if you disagree, thats fine, feel free to comment, but also remember this is a fictional game
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