#these are just for fun and to raise money for Cinderella's castle
Uhmm maybe I'm just overreacting but i think that some of y'all need to calm down about the hatchetfield death match...like I feel like some of y'all are taking this just a bit too seriously.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 months
My Cinderella AU with Schlatt
Welp... Who would have thought that Schlatt would be the one out of all of the MCYTs to NOT be outed as an abuser....
Anywho, I watched the Cinderella movie with Camila Cabello and instantly wanted to write an AU of my own of Cinderella but I didn't want to put in the work to create my own new characters and establish them and all of that fun stuff. So I did what I do best, toss already established characters into a storyline. What a weird piece of work to post on my blog after several years...
But here you go, 16.3k words of a Cinderella AU with reader as Cinderella and Schlatt as Prince Charming. If you read, I appreciate you. Consider leaving a like, comment, and/or reblog and tell me whatcha liked about it. No pressure tho <3.
Summary: A Cinderella AU in which reader is a baker and Schlatt is a Prince. the two meet in a market square where the reader in turns insults Schlatt to his face without realizing who they're talking to and the story of the relationship that then ensues.
Pairing: JSchlatt x Gender Neutral!Reader (I tried to keep in gender neutral but I may have slipped here and there, if you notice any parts that happens let me know and I'll fix it!
Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Content Warnings: all warnings that typically come with cinderella: ie dead parents, shitty step family, reader being told she doesn't deserve good things, the word papi... like twice... you'll see. The use of "Jonathon" being Schlatt's "real" first name, Swearing, second person POV, when the text is in italics it's as if it's following Schlatt in third POV, i hope that makes sense, shitty writing at the end because I still haven't figured out how to end stories uwu.
Please let me know if I missed anything.
Once Upon a Time,
You lived with your stepmother and two stepsisters. Your mother died when you were young. She died after being thrown from a horse, hitting her head off the ground, and never waking up. 
Your father had remarried within a year, but had swore to never love again. He married simply because he knew he was sick and didn’t want to die and leave you alone if he were to die when you were a minor. Sure enough, he passed when you were 15. 
One thing your parents had gifted you before their passing is your love for baking. You could bake like nobody’s business. You had tried to get a job at the bakery when you had come of age but the baker didn’t appreciate your helpful tips on what to improve on and what would make his baked goods taste better. So you just bake and hang out in the square, selling to those that know you and know of your business. 
You did your best to spend most of your time out of your home as your stepfamily was not kind to you. They teased and taunted you and made your life hell. You would have left the moment you were of age, but you had nowhere else to go. This was your family’s home, you didn’t make enough money baking on the side to justify moving out. So you were just waiting to meet someone who would sweep you off your feet and carry you away from here. 
It’s not ideal, but that is the way that life is. 
Across the land, Prince Schlatt was born and raised in the castle. He was waited on hand foot, life served to him on a silver platter. But the boy grew to a man with a kind heart, even if it tended to hide behind sarcasm and taunts. His father, King Philza, had done his best to teach Schlatt how to be a great ruler while his mother, Queen Kristen, had done her best to teach him how to be a loving man. 
Schlatt loves his parents, but sometimes wanted to be his own man without his parent’s hovering over his shoulder telling him who to be. To be who he wanted to be, without the weight of the kingdom on his shoulders.
King Philza has been harping on him for rejecting so many marriage proposals, lecturing him on how important it was for him to find a suitable match before his coronation so that everything was in order before it was time for him to take over the throne. 
Schlatt has always given the same response, “I don’t to marry just anyone. I want to marry for love, father, just like you.” 
Philza would roll his eyes but say nothing more on the subject until the next day. Kristen was always proud of the way her son would respond, but never interrupted the two. The supportive smile she always sent Schlatt as he left was incredibly telling though.
One of the only good things about your stepfamily was that they stayed out of the kitchen. Your stepmother learned quickly about how well you could cook and bake from how you always made meals for your father that she never felt the need to cook herself. Instead, she found it easier to boss you around and force you to cook for her and her daughters. 
You found you didn’t mind it though, the kitchen was your happy place. It was one of the only spaces where you knew that you wouldn’t be bothered, that for a moment while you rolled out dough or poured some batter you could pretend like everything in your life was perfect.
You needed more ingredients. For baking and for dinners. You had left the house with the small amount of money that your stepmother had given you and made your way to the market square. In your basket, a number of sweet treats to sell for your pocket cash to your normal customers after you run your errands. 
The sun feels nice on your face. You’re used to heat pressing into the as you stand over a hot stove or an open oven, so the sunlight shining on you makes you feel slightly at home. Comfortable even. Maybe a bit too comfortable and unaware of your surroundings because it’s not too long while you’re lost in thought before you slam into someone. The basket flies out of your hand and tumbles to the ground, several of the treats falling to the ground. 
You let out a gasp as you fall onto your butt on the ground. The man you have bumped into lets out a quiet “oh shit,” before reaching down and picking up some of the treats that have fallen out. 
“Sorry about that,” he murmurs, reaching out a hand for you to take. You carefully take his hand, allowing your eyes to scan the stranger. The first thing that you notice is his eyes. They’re fucking beautiful. The pools of dark chestnut brown bore into yours so deeply it momentarily takes your breath away. You’re able to see the way they fill with concern all the while they flick down and examine you, if you were of more a mind, you would blush. 
The next thing you notice is the mask that covers the lower half of his face. You stop your brows from furrowing at the sight. You continue to observe him. You note the way that his brown hair is pulled back, which is what allowed you to see his eyes so strikingly before. His clothes are a bit on the fancier side of those that come to the market. He’s strong too, you can tell by the way he pulls you up from the ground with no real effort exerted. His hands are on the softer side. He feels familiar but you can’t place where you know him. 
Oh fuck. You’re the prettiest person Schaltt has ever seen. He’s been introduced to countless nobles, never ending royalty, long lines of commoners, but none of them could compare to how absolutely stunning you look right now. And he’s just made a huge ass full of himself by running into you and sending some of your baked goods AND you flying to the ground. At least he was smart enough to wear a mask to hide his face and therefore his identity. He knows his facial hair is incredibly recognizable. Even if he wasn’t presenting as the crowned prince, he better make this right. 
“It’s alright,” you respond once you’ve shaken yourself out of your stupor, reaching for your basket. He quickly hands it back to you. You do a quick inventory and note that about a third of your stock had fallen to the ground. “Great, just great,” you murmur quietly to yourself. 
“Again, I’m so sorry about that… let me replace what you’ve lost. Allow me to walk you to the bakery so you can buy more.” The stranger says, motioning toward the bakery, his eyes never leaving yours. 
The laugh you let out causes the man’s shoulders to deflate, causing you to clear your throat and instantly start explaining. “No, no, sorry. I’m not laughing at you. Rather laughing at the thought of me buying anything from that fucking guy.” 
His brows furrow as he looks at the pastries. “You didn’t get them from the baker? Where did you get them from then?” 
“I made them myself.” You answer simply, giving a small shrug. “The baker didn’t want to hire me and so I bake them at my house and sell them on the square to a few people.” 
His brows hit the top of his forehead. “Oh shit, really? I guess I just made you lose income then, huh? Let me pay for them then.”
“Oh, no really it’s okay. It was an accident. Don’t worry about it.” 
“No really. I insist. Please. It’s the least I can do.” He states before digging into his pockets and pulling out 5 gold pieces and pressing them into your hand. 
You stare at the gold in shock. “Sir, I can’t accept this. I only charge 2 copper for one cookie. This is far too much, please take it back.” 
Schaltt panics. It’s been forever since he’s had an economics class and he isn’t sure how much money is a lot of money to common folk. He realizes 5 gold is probably a bit too much, especially after you tell him of what you usually charge. It’s too late to back out now. 
“Nah,” he answers. “I guess it just means you have to give me the rest that’s in the basket.” 
Without hesitation, you hold the basket out for him to take. He’s surprised by your quick movement but carefully takes the basket from your hands. He grabs the cloth that covers the basket gently and carefully pulls it back, revealing a plethora of baked goods, the sight makes his mouth water. “Woah, these look professionally made.” 
You let out a huff and puff out your chest a bit more. “Well I am a professional. And they would look better, but someone caused the basket to hit the ground.” 
His laugh may be the most beautiful thing you have ever heard. It makes your heart flutter and you have to will the heat to not flood your cheeks. “I apologized for that already,” He teases. 
“Yeah well, it still happened didn’t it,” you shoot back. 
He laughs again, which surprises you. Most people would have called you rude by now and left you to stand here alone. But not this strange stranger. You don’t mind his presence though. “You’re funny…” He trails off
You realize he’s waiting for your name and you supply it to him. He echos it back, stating it slowly as if to savor every syllable, to test how it feels on his tongue and his teeth before he hums. “I’m charmed to meet your acquaintance,” He states, reaching out grabbing your hand, bending at the waist, and pressing the back of your hand to his masked lips. It takes everything in you to will the blood to NOT rush to your cheeks. 
He drops your hand before straightening up. “Now if you don’t mind, I will be trying one of these delectable looking desserts.” 
He reaches into the basket and pulls out a chocolate chocolate-chip cookie. “Oh fuck yes. These are my fucking favorite.” 
You can’t stop the grin and giggle that escapes you.
The stranger turns from you and for a moment your heart falls and your stomach turns as you think that he’s walking away from you. But you’re able to see his hand move up to the lower half of his face and you realize he’s pulling his mask down in order to eat. You quickly look away to give the man his privacy. You may be curious as to what he looks like, but you value respecting his choices above all else. 
Holy fuck it’s one of the tastiest things he’s ever eaten. His eyes close as he groans at the taste that fills his mouth. He’s glad he had the sense to turn around and his face and expression from you. He couldn’t imagine how embarrassing he looks right now. 
You hear him let out a groan of approval and you can only assume that something has hit his tongue. “This is delicious.” Your assumptions are confirmed as his voice comes out muffled from the food in his mouth. 
“Don’t speak with your mouth full,” you chide, looking at the bustling people of the market stalls.
Schlatt chuckles, pulling the mask back up and turning back to face you. He’s stunned for a moment to not meet your eyes. Realizing why you’re angled and looking the way that you are. His own heart skips a beat before he clears his throat. He takes a moment to chew and swallow before softly letting you know you’re good to look. 
You’re slightly disappointed to find the mask still in its place but you understand the want for privacy perhaps more than most. “So it was good then?” You ask. 
He nods enthusiastically. “It was fucking amazing. I can’t wait to get back to the castle and try the rest of them.” He says, realizing a moment too late his slip. 
Your brows hit the top of your forehead, “The castle? Do you live in the castle?” You can’t stop the question that falls from your lips.
“Yeah, I’m a guard. I live in the castle, and I’m a guard. Today’s my day off.” He explains. His words are rushed, but who are you to question a man you just met.
You give a couple nods, “I see,” you state simply, “That makes sense.” 
Internally Schlatt lets out a loud breath of relief that you bought the lie. The castle has been his home his entire life and he wasn’t thinking when he spoke so he’s glad you easily bought his excuse of being a guard.
“It makes sense considering you just handed me 5 gold like it’s not more than I will make in two months and King Philza makes sure that the guards get paid an excellent salary… not that he makes sure the rest of the citizens get paid the same. But that’s neither here nor there.” You huff. 
The stranger’s brows lift. “What do you mean by that?” 
Your face burns as you catch what you just admitted. “Oh nothing.” You rush. “Sorry you probably are more than happy with the decisions the king makes. Not to imply anything. Sorry.” 
“No, no it’s alright. I want to hear it.” 
And want to hear it, he does. No one has the guts to speak so plainly to him when they’re around him. So he wants to hear it. The good, the bad and the ugly. 
You clear your throat and square your shoulders. “Well if you insist. Often it feels like the king, the whole royal family really, doesn’t care about those that do not live in the castle. I can’t get a job because no one can afford to hire anyone because everyone is just barely scraping by. It’s like he can’t see past his own front lawn. Which sucks because everyone talks about what a great guy he is, but sometimes I don’t think he’s a very good king.”
Schlatt hums in acknowledgement. You bring up some really good points. He also sometimes feels like his father forgets he’s supposed to be ruling for the people and isn’t supposed to be ruling his son’s life… speaking of. “Well I’m sure you can’t wait for his son to take over the throne then? Schlatt?” He is instantly startled by the loud laughter that bubbles from your throat.
“Schlatt? That big, petty,  man-baby? Yeah. Sure. I’m excited to see how that big man-baby decides to rule the kingdom. You know, I heard that he grew those mutton chops to make himself more unattractive to potential suitors. I think he didn’t realize how fucking good he looks with them. At least from what I’ve seen from a distance. I think he makes them work, and I’m definitely not the only one in the kingdom that agrees. I think he just needs to bite the bullet and just… I don’t know. Do it.” 
Schlatt once again thanks his past self profusely for the idea of wearing a mask to hide his face because he can feel the way his cheeks heat up to what he is sure is a bright red. You’re not particularly wrong. That was the original thought. To make himself look unkempt and not put together in an attempt to drive away potential suitors but he grew to like how they looked and grew fond of the hair. 
“I don’t think he should just bite the bullet and marry the first person that asks for his hand” he defends, “I think he wants to marry for love. Not for some political alliance. I think that’s admirable.” 
“Oh I agree. My apologies. That’s not what I meant. I meant he needs to bite the bullet and be fucking honest with the kingdom. The news that we get from the castle is that he’s the one that’s been rejected. That he wants to find the perfect alliance. That he wants what’s best for the kingdom. And while I agree that maybe he does, he needs to be fucking honest with us and tell us the truth. That he’s looking for love. Not what would ‘be best for the kingdom.’ We don’t mind that’s what’s happening, it’s the fact we’re being lied to, ya know?”
“Huh, so that’s the news that is coming out of the castle… I’ll have to talk to someone about that.” 
Your breath catches slightly. “Shit. Sorry. I don’t want to get either of us in trouble. Forget me and my words. I know not of what I speak.” 
“No, sweets. You have valid points. They deserve to be heard. I won’t mention your name if you wish. But I will make them hear me. I’m actually rather close with the prince.” He can’t help but internally snicker to himself. Closer than you know. 
The blood drains from your face. “Of course you are. Of course I complain about the prince to someone that has direct connection with him… fuck. Okay. Cool. Good to know. Well… I have to go. I have to get my ingredients still and I must be home before stepmother gets there. It was a pleasure meeting you.” You state quickly before attempting to rush past him. 
You're stopped by his hand grasping your shoulder gently, causing you to turn around to face him. “Will I ever see you again?” 
The way he asks is so soft and gentle. It causes your heart to pound loudly and the breath to pause in your throat. “Maybe,” you breathe out. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment more before it hits you. “I have a carrier pigeon. I’ll send it with a letter to the castle and we can talk like that. Maybe sometime we can meet again. Maybe on one of your days off.” 
The man’s beautiful brown eyes light up with delight. “That would be amazing. I look forward to hearing from you.” He allows his hand to trail from your shoulder, down your arm, to your hand, and he lifts the hand to his lips before placing a kiss to it. He gives you a soft wink as he drops your hand. You turn away as you blush, willing yourself to calm down. 
“Oh!” You startle, “I forgot to ask your name-“ the words die on your lips to find the spot next to you vacated with the tall stranger nowhere in sight. “Great. Just great… well. I better get going. Those cookies won’t bake themselves.” 
Schlatt has never felt so giddy. He can’t wait to hear from you. He also realizes he never gave you a name, he’ll just have to keep his eye out for a new and unfamiliar carrier pigeon.
You debate with yourself when you get home what the proper waiting time is for sending a stranger a letter with the pigeon. Because you wrote one as soon as you got home and it was ready to send within two hours of meeting him. Sending one that quickly may spook him. It could cause him to think you’re weird. 
You decide you’ll wait a couple hours, bake cookies and make dinner and then when your stepmother allows you to retire to your room, that is when you’ll send it. And so that is what you do. You check over the letter a thousand times before you tuck it into the envelope and hand it to your carrier pigeon. “To the castle pigeon, look for a man with brown hair and brown eyes… well that’s specific huh?... I really should have gotten his name. Okay… well… I guess we will half to wing it.” You scribble down something on the envelope and hand it to the pigeon who takes it with its foot and flies off to the castle. 
Schlatt is taking a stroll in the gardens, kicking himself for not asking for a better way to contact you. He hadn’t heard anything from you and at this point he’s worrying he never will. He’s spent most of his time analyzing the conversation over and over again in his head and realized that he probably came off too strong and too weird and he will be lucky to ever see you again. 
He jumps as a pigeon lands on his shoulder,to his head snapping to the side to meet the wide, vacant eye of the bird. It gives a soft coo before shaking and moving its foot, drawing attention to the letter in its grasp. His heart leaps to his throat in hope before he swallows and carefully takes it. 
He grins at the writing on the front of the envelope. “Sir Charmed, lover of chocolate chip cookies.” Instantly all his worries melt away as he plucks the letter from its hiding and he reads the words. Once. Twice. A Hundred times. Schlatt rushes inside to carefully compose his response. 
You don’t go a day without hearing from each other for the next couple of weeks. You exchange letters. You tell him about your life and how you got your love of baking, and your want of leaving the house. He tells you the pressures of his job and how sometimes he just wants to run away from it all and explore the world. You make him promise that if he does, he’ll take you with him. He promises. 
You forget to get his name and at this point you’re too embarrassed to ask him for it, instead electing to call him a bunch of nicknames, mainly being Sir Charming, hoping he never catches on. He never seems to. 
The two of you agree to meet up once more, somewhere a little more quiet than the market square, but still public (because you have to be proper.) You’re sure to wear the cutest outfit you can manage to put together and bake the best batches of cookies you’ve ever baked. 
“Where are you going?” Ted asks with his brow raised, watching Schlatt with his arms crossed as Schlatt sneaks through the castle halls. 
Schlatt freezes and slowly turns. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Sureeeee,” Ted draws, not convinced at all. “You’re just creeping through the halls in one of your best outfits going… nowhere.” 
Schlatt sighs, not being able to hide from his best friend. “I’m going to meet them.” 
Ted raises an eyebrow. “Them? The one you’ve been writing all those letters to? Are you sure that’s a good idea” 
“I know that it is. Please. Cover for me?”
Ted sighs but can’t deny Schlatt has been happier in the past couple weeks than he has been for the past couple months. “Okay fine. But you’d better bring me back one of those sugar cookies.” 
Schlatt gives Ted a toothy grin. “We’ll see.” 
You give him a shy smile as he appears. “Hey, you,” you greet standing, wiping your hands on your pants. 
“Hey sweets,” he greets back, his voice muffled through the mask still adorned on his face. You didn’t mind too much. He explained that it made him more comfortable, especially because in his work he has to wear something to cover his face under the helmet, it’s just easier for him to wear it. As much as you want to see his entire face, you were willing to respect his choices. 
“How are you?” 
“Can’t complain, especially now that I get to see your beauty standing before me.” 
You can’t stop the blush that floods your cheeks. “Oh hush. Here. I’ve made you something special.” You tell him, turning and grabbing the special baked good that you made him. “It’s a chocolate chocolate-chip brookie. Or a double chocolate chip cookie baked inside a brownie. I remember you said that you loved brownies and cookies and sometimes can’t choose which to have so I made you both… well two in one.” 
You raise your hand with one of the treats toward him, facing the basket still, still trying to will down the blush on your cheeks.
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” you have to hold in the jump as you feel his soft breath against your hand. You will yourself to stay in place as his lips brush against your outstretched fingers as he gently takes a bite out of the treat in your hand. A loud groan escapes him, similar to the one you heard the day the two of you met. “Okay, I take back everything I’ve said… This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” 
All of your hard work is ruined as the blood rushes back to your cheeks into a blush. “What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?” You deflect 
The treat is removed from your hand, his fingers brushing against your palm. “My apologies, your highness.” His words are even more mumbled, telling you he shoved the brookie all the way into his mouth. 
You scoff. “Careful now, you’ll get me hung for treason with that nickname.”
His laugh garbled out around the baked good. “Surely the king isn’t that cruel.” His hand rests on your shoulder and turns you to face him, the mask sitting on his face once again. 
You laugh back and shrug, “I don’t know. I’ve never met the man.” 
“Well I have. So I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.” 
“Is that so?... I guess I’ll just have to trust you then.” 
You stare into his brilliant and beautiful eyes for a while longer before he moves, clearing his throat and gesturing forward, “Shall we then?” 
“I am getting sick of these games you’re playing, Jonathan.” King Philza booms loudly. 
Schlatt rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his chest. “I’m not playing games with you father, I’ve told you. I want to marry for-”
“For love. I understand. But how can you marry for love when you push away every single option I give you. You haven’t given yourself a chance to fall in love with anyone I have brought before you and I am growing tired of it. If you do not pick someone within the next month, I will be choosing someone for you. End of story. Am I understood?”
Schlatt internally panics. He knew this day was coming. He knew he was pushing his father too far. He had held out for too long. His stomach drops… There’s only one person he could see himself marrying at this point… 
Assuming he had been understood, Philza turns to walk out the door. “Let’s throw a ball,” the words tumble from Schlatt’s lips. 
Phil turns back around with an eyebrow raised. “A ball?”
“You want me to marry quickly. I want to marry for love. So what better way than to throw a ball, invite everyone in the kingdom, emphasizing the invitations for single people, and then I’ll be able to talk and dance with people all night. And I swear to you, if we throw this ball I will find a betrothed by the end of the month.”
Phil is silent for a while. Tossing the words over in his head for a moment before giving a single nod. “So be it.” He then turns and exits the room. 
Schlatt lets out a harsh breath. Well that was easier than expected. Now to convince you to come to a ball. 
It takes less convincing than one might think. 
You get a letter from your Sir Charming, who tells you there will be a ball and that he wants you to come as his guest. He tells you that you’d be able to bring some of your baked goods to give out to nobles to promote your baking, plus you’d be able to see him. You hate to admit how much the latter of the two sold you on the idea. You sent back your acceptance of the invitation. 
The money you’ve gotten from selling your baked goods is supposed to go to a moving out fund, but you can’t help but take out a couple of the gold pieces that he gave you in the first meeting, finding it only fitting that his money buys your outfit for the ball
It’s a really pretty outfit, it fits you well enough, you had to buy it a size larger because they didn’t have your size and you didn’t have enough money to get it tailored. But it didn’t matter that much to you. Your mystery man had seen you in grubbier garment, anything would be a step up from what you met him in. 
The news of the ball gets announced to the entire kingdom, and your stepmother is perhaps more excited than you are. She thinks at least one of her daughters will win the heart of the prince. When you voice your want to go, she forbids you. You tell her that you don’t even want to be in the presence of the prince, you just want to see the snack table, she sneers at you but says nothing further, making you believe that perhaps she will allow you to go. 
You find yourself in your kitchen, finishing up some of the baked goods you were to take to the ball tonight. The loud clacking of your stepmother’s heels echo on the tile, the door swings open, your stepmother enters in a rage. Your heart stops as you look up from your desserts and see your outfit clutched in her hands. 
“What is this?” She hisses, waving the fabric at you as she gets closer. 
“My outfit for the ball,” you answer as calmly as you can, speaking around the lump in your throat. 
“Oh!” She lets out in mock surprise, “Is it now? I thought you said you were not going to be trying to win the attention of the prince.” 
You furrow your brow and remain standing straight with your shoulders squared back, “I am not. I have no intention of wooing the prince, stepmother.” 
“Then why have you chosen to wear such an attention seeking outfit? Surely you were planning on going behind my and my daughter’s back. I should have known you were going to do something like this.”
“Please, stepmother. You must believe me. I have no--” 
“I do not believe you, you little wench. You’ve always have looked for ways out of this house, to one up me and my daughters. I will stand for this no more.” 
You want so badly to lash out, to rip the outfit from her hands, go running from the room, and get dressed. But you can’t move. You can barely breathe. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, your stomach turning, and your body locking up. You can only watch as your stepmother glides over to the stove. Her eyes glide over the stove top before smirking. She dunks the outfit into the melted chocolate you were going to use to cover some of the treats. 
To make matters worse, part of the cloth flops over the edge of the pan and lands directly on the open flame that was on to melt the chocolate. Your stepmother lets out a triumphant laugh as the outfit catches fire, turning around and leaving the kitchen.
The sound of the door closing behind her causes you to leap into action finally. You rip the outfit out of the pot and toss it in the sink, dousing it with water, extinguishing the flame. The chocolate clings to the fabric, refusing to let go easily as you put your entire being into scrubbing the outfit. 
Sobs begin falling from your lips as you realize, even if you get all of the chocolate out of this outfit, it will never dry in time for the ball. Plus. you don’t have fabric to sew up the part where the flame ate part of it. Your outfit is ruined. Your plans are ruined. The night is ruined. 
You barely register your stepmother calling for your stepsisters, telling them it was time to go, and the door opening and closing behind them. The world seems to spin around you, sinking you to your knees as you sob loudly, clutching the soaking web fabric to your chest. 
The cool tile welcomes you, the warmth of the oven soothes you, and the wetness of the outfit grounds you. The sobs turn into soft hiccups then to silent sniffles as you stare in front of you. Mentally you begin to write your apology letter to Sir Charming about your abscess from the ball. How you were going to go, you really were, you just didn’t have anything suitable to wear. 
He’ll probably ask you why you didn’t plan better. He’ll probably be angry. He may not want to speak to you again. You’ll just have to deal with it and beg for forgiveness. And if he decides not to forgive you…. You’ll just have to live with it. 
A soft knock echoes from the front door. You’re so in your own head, you’re not sure it’s a real sound, but then it comes again, a little louder this time. You muse it may be one of your steps who forgot something and didn’t think to bring a key. 
In a zombie-like fashion, you let the fabric drop from your hands before standing up slowly. It almost feels as if you’re floating as you move to the front door. Your hand somehow finds the doorknob, unlocking it, before turning it and opening it up. 
You startle slightly at the sight in front of you. A frail looking older man stands before you. He has grey hair, a hunchback, and a shawl that comes up and covers the top of his head and shoulders. “Oh… hello. Can I help you?” You ask softly, looking out past him wondering where he came from. Your house wasn’t necessarily in the middle of nowhere, but you definitely had your privacy from neighbors. You lived on the edge of the kingdom, no one ever really comes out here. 
“Hello there, deary.” His voice is kind and his lips turn upwards slightly. “I am sorry to bother you at this time of night, but I was just on my way home and my stomach let out an awful grumble and I was just wondering if you could spare a bite to eat? I won’t take much, I promise, just something to get me home.”
You don’t know what made you trust this stranger, maybe it was just your deep need to help those around you, maybe you were still in shock from what your stepmother had done minutes… an hour? You’re not sure. But you give him a smile. “Oh yes, of course. Please come in sir. Lucky for you, I was just making something sweet. So you can snack on that while I make you dinner.” 
You move out of the way and let the man enter your house. 
“Oh, please deary, no need to make me a whole meal.” 
“Nonsense,” you answer, guiding him into the kitchen, “I want to make sure you’re well fed for your journey home.” You hand him some of the cookies from the counter. “Here, make yourself at home.”
The man takes the cookie from your hands gently before sitting himself down at the counter. “You are far too kind… I wasn’t even sure anyone would be home. I heard the royal family is throwing a ball, and everyone is invited.” 
You can’t help the laugh that falls from your lips as you begin making dinner for this kind man. “Yes, well, my stepmother believed me unworthy to attend… went as far as to destroy my outfit…” you take a moment to look down at the outfit, still soaking at your feet. You snap yourself out of the stupor, “Sorry. Not to dump.” 
The man hums as he takes a bite of the cookie. “I see…. Oh this is delicious. You should run a bakery.” He exclaims. 
A shy smile plays on your lips as you plate his food. “That’s the goal…One day. Thank you… Anyway, dinner is served!” You place the plate in front of him, your smile growing. 
The man instantly digs in and hums in delight at the taste. The two of you converse as he eats, he talks about his life and you give him more insight into yours. Telling him of how you got your love of baking and your hopes of owning a bakery, but not working for the baker in the village. 
Soon, he’s down to his last bite of dinner. He pops it in his mouth before leaning back into his chair. “Wow, that hit the spot. Thank you again deary, for dinner and the delightful conversation…” 
You give him a smile, “Of course, it’s my pleasure… I just realized I never got your name.” 
“You can call me Quackity…AKA” 
Suddenly golden light surrounds the man in front of you, forcing a gasp out of your lips. “What’s going on?” You exclaim as the light draws closer to the man, glowing brighter. 
Through squinted eyes, you watch the wrinkles fall from the man’s face. It’s as if an ink pot spills from the shawl the rests on his head, his hair turning black. The fabric morphs into a dark grey beanie that remains covering the top part of his hair. His spine straightens, his outfit morphing into a sharp tuxedo with golden wings protruding from his back. His piercing eyes, suddenly getting covered by black sunglasses. 
The golden motes of light fade from existence, the old man no longer in front of you, a young man now sitting before you. 
“Your fairy godmother…father…papi? Ah who knows.” 
You stare wide-eyed, mouth agape at the man that now sits in front of you. “What the fuck?” You whisper. “Who are you?”
The young man tilts his head and gives a playful grin. “I just told you, silly. I’m your fairy god-Papi. You can also call me Quackity. But I’ve watched over you, and I had to make sure you were still a good person. We don’t have time for the full backstory, we have a ball to get you too, dulces.” 
You stare at him, your mouth moving like a fish out of water. “What are you talking about? I can’t go to the ball, my outfit is ruined, I don’t have a way to get there. I can’t… Don’t you have to get home?” 
Quackity laughs causing you to pout to play on your lips. Quackity notices, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh, you’re just too sweet. I know you think we just met, but you have to trust me. You’ve already let me in your home, you may as well trust me to do this as well.” 
You puff up your cheeks with air as you toss your thoughts back and forth, debating his words. Maybe you’re asleep. Maybe you crashed and fell asleep on the kitchen floor and this is all just a dream. At this point, that would make the most sense. You pinch the skin on your thigh, flinching but looking around. When nothing around you changes, you’re forced to take this situation as reality. Incredibly weird, fucked up reality. 
You meet Quackity’s bright eyes again, his kind smile never fading. “Okay.” You speak softly, letting your shoulders relax. “I trust you.” 
His grin grows bigger and he claps his hands once in delight, holding them in front of his chest for a brief moment, looking you over excitedly. “I knew I chose you for a reason. Let’s get this done then, shall we?” 
Quackity claps twice and the golden light fills your vision again, this time though, they’re surrounding you. Your clothes shift and change, the fabric changes and gets tighter to your body. Your hair moves around on its own, which feels weird at first, but then you realize that it feels like someone is doing your hair and you think back to your mother and father doing your hair when you were little. You feel the flour and the sugar fall from your face and your fingertips as the light cleans you up. 
Your gaze moves down to your feet and your breath catches at the shoes you now adorn. They’re breathtaking, literally apparently. They’re made of glass, the majority of the shoe being see through, but a gorgeous pattern of color, as if spun sugar swirled throughout. They’re insanely comfortable too. You’d think that shoes made of glass would be uncomfortable, but they’re not. They’re perhaps the most comfortable shoes you’ve ever worn. 
Soon, the light fades and you turn to find Quackity holding a mirror. The outfit is beautiful and truly made for a ball. It’s actually your size and fits you well in all of the right places. Your hair is beautiful as well, pulled back to show your face, but is done up in an intricate way. Your face, as you felt, is clear of the evidence of your baking. 
“I look good,” you whisper, turning slightly, examining yourself from different angles. 
“I know, I did well, didn’t I?” Quackity boasts, the feathers of his wings ruffling at the slight praise. 
You look from the mirror to catch his gaze. “You did. But I still don’t have a way there, I don’t want to walk.” 
Quackity shakes their head. “Oh yee of little faith. Grab those boxes of treats and follow me.” 
You whip around and find all of the baked goods you were working on packed neatly in your boxes. The magic must have moved them while you were getting dolled up. You blinked away the happy tears and scooped up the boxes and scurried out the door after Quackity. 
You stand back and watch as Quackity waves his hands around, the golden magic illuminating the dark night. It swirls around a pumpkin in your garden you were planning on using for a pie when it got ripe, making it grow larger and larger, changing from a thick orange pumpkin skin to a brilliant white carriage with golden details. 
The sheep that wanders your small farm gets surrounded by the light and is transformed into a beautiful woman who bends at the waist in front of you. “My lady,” she speaks. You curtsy back at her, giggling. You can’t believe this is real. 
Two field mice get transformed into a carriage driver and their assistant. Your carrier pigeon you’ve been using gets enlarged into a giant pigeon which the driver and assistant immediately move to get the pigeon hooked up to the carriage. Quackity moves over to stand by you, grinning as the golden light fades away as everything comes to order. “Ta da!” He says, holding his hands out and wiggling his fingers towards to new carriage and humans there to take you to the ball.
You can’t stop yourself from turning to him and throwing your arms around him, pulling him closely to you. He lets out a soft “oof” but wraps his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. “Thank you so much… fairy god….papi.” 
Quackity barks out a laugh but squeezes you tighter. “Of course, dulces. Now, this magic doesn’t come without a downside.” He says, pulling away and looking you in the eye. “Nothing too bad, but the magic will fade at midnight. The carriage will go back to a pumpkin, the footman back to mice and your sheep lady to a sheep. Your outfit will fade. It will all end at midnight. So, go, have fun at the ball, eat, drink, make friends, do it all. But when that clock strikes midnight, run like hell little lady.” 
You give him a short nod. “I understand… thank you. Will I ever see you again?” 
Quackity smiles softly, his hand moving to cup your cheek. “I’ll never be far away from you, dulces.” 
You know that means probably not, buy you decide to ignore it as you give him another hug. 
He hugs you back before  pulling away again. “Enough sap, you have a ball to go to. Go on! Get!” He pushes you toward the open door of the carriage. You giggle, gather the boxes of baked goods you had set down, and move to the carriage. 
Puffy, the lady in waiting, climbs in the carriage after you, closing the door behind her, before hitting the top of the carriage, causing the driver to give a shout and the carriage rocks forward. 
You glance out the window toward the house and find Quackity watching the carriage leave, his hands pressed to his chest. You bring your hand up and give a small wave. Quackity raises his hand and waves after you, until you cannot see him any longer. 
Schlatt was going a little crazy. It was as if the entire kingdom had shown up. Everyone was here. Everyone but you. You had promised that you would come in the letter that you sent a week ago, but maybe you had changed your mind. He hopes you hadn’t though. Afterall, he swore to his father he would be betrothed by the end of this night. 
He had met countless single village people, all trying to bat their eyes hard enough to make him take a second glance, but none of them were you. He found himself slumping down in his throne, brushing off the glare his father threw over his shoulder. Pretending not to hear the, “This is what you wanted. At least act like you want to be here.” He hissed over. Schlatt just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 
It becomes apparent he has met everyone here tonight and still no sign of you. Until there’s a large commotion by the snack table. His gaze shoots over and his heart picks up at the sight. It’s you. You look so different from the other times he’s seen you, but it is you. He’s on his feet in an instant and rushing over. 
You arrive later than everyone else at the ball, but honestly you’re totally okay with that. Less attention to yourself. You give a small bow to your servants for the evening, giving your carrier pigeon a few scritches before ducking into the castle. You hope you’ll be able to find your Sir Charming quickly so you can stick to him for the entire night. You decide you’ll first hit up the snack table to set up your baked goods and sign for the other nobles to taste just like Sir Charming said to do. 
You find the table is already packed with baked goods from the bakery. You take it upon yourself to begin moving some of the treats over to make room for your treats. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” A familiar voice booms from behind you. 
You roll your eyes at the voice but turn around and face the baker, Mr. Lou Hamani. “I was invited to display my baked goods at this ball. So I’m simply making room.” You answer before turning back around and putting more desserts out. 
Lou moves to stand beside you at the table and begins to grab at your treats. “I think not you disrespectful child. I am being paid by the king’s advisor himself for these desserts. I will not have you screwing over my chance to impress the nobles that are here today at this ball. You will pack up and leave at once.” 
“I will do no such thing, I was invited to set up shop here by a castle staff member and I intend to do so.” You huff. Lou pays your words no mind and continues to gather up the things you’ve baked in his arms. “Hey, put those down. Give those back.” If he hears you he pretends like he doesn’t and cotiunes what he’s doing. It’s then you begin to try and grab your treats out of his hands. 
The baker snaps at you, “get your hands off of me.” 
“Give me my things back!” 
You’re so invested in what is going on in front of you that you don’t realize that the entire ballroom’s eyes are on you. 
In the middle of your squabble, someone loudly clears their throat. You then realize you’re in public and everyone can see you. You decide to still not care and face it with confidence. The baker looks over his shoulder and seems to pale at the sight. Your brow slightly furrows and you turn around. 
Deep pools of chestnut brown lock with yours and they’re just as fucking beautiful as the day you first met them. They fill you with a sense of calm, but at the same time nerves as butterflies fill your stomach. You think you will never tire of looking him in the eyes. 
You find your eyes drifting down and you feel your stomach lurch and your heart stop. You’re seeing his face uncovered for the first time. He’s so fucking handsome… 
So fucking handsome with those god fucking damn mutton chops. 
“Your highness,” you hear the baker greet shakily from behind you. 
Your thoughts are confirmed. The man you met that day in the market, the one you’ve been sending letters to, the one you met once more, the one you’ve been slowly developing feelings for. Is Prince fucking Schlatt himself. Of fucking course he never told you his name. Of fucking course he never showed his face. It’s been him this whole time. 
Oh fuck. 
You’ve shit talked about him to his fucking face. 
You’re fucked. 
Gods. You look beautiful. He didn’t know anyone could ever look this good. He’s so fucking happy you came. 
His eyes meet yours and he can tell you’re in shock. He was a bit surprised you figured it out, that your Sir Charming was actually the prince. The other part of him feels fuzzy that you can recognize him just from his eyes. He can only hope that you forgive him for lying to you. 
“Mr. Hamani,” He greets easily, his eyes not leaving yours. He’s trying to decipher what it is you’re thinking, but your shocked expression masks any else you may be thinking. “Would you kindly unhand my favorite baked goods from my favorite baker? You’ll have to forgive me sir, while I find your treats delicious, I find theirs simply irresistible. I invited them and told them to set up shop here. I apologize that no one informed you in advance.” 
The baker stutters but gives a quick bow. “Of course, your highness. No need to apologize to me. I was simply surprised at their appearance is all. They have always been rather disruptive and I wanted to ensure it wasn’t something of that sort happening again… I apologize, your highness.” 
Schlatt gives a simple wave of his hand. “Forgiven.” He speaks. 
The baker dumps the treats from his hands back on \to the table and scurries away. Schlatt strides over and snatches up a double chocolate chip cookie and takes a bite, moaning at the taste, before turning to face you. He gives a shy smile. 
“Hello,” he states softly as if nerves have invaded his entire stomach. As if he has a right to be nervous after the shit he let you get away with. 
“Hello,” You answer tensely. 
The two of you stand there, staring at each other for a moment. You haven’t even noticed that the entire ballroom is still at a standstill, staring. 
You’re the first to move. You charge forward at him, your finger rising in the air, pointing directly at him. “You. I can’t believe that you-” 
Prince Schlatt grabs your hand out of the air, bows, and brings the back of your hand up to his lips. The feeling of his soft lips on your hand sets the flesh there ablaze. You feel your face flush with searing heat along with the heat that floods your entire body. He mutters your name softly, lips still pressed to your hand, sending butterflies soaring in your stomach. 
“Prince Schlatt.” You utter, curtsying slightly. 
He stands back up to his full height and gives you a soft, lopsided grin. “May I have this dance?” 
All of the heated words you wanted to sling his way die on your tongue. You can’t help but wonder if this is all a prank. Like if you accept, he is going to laugh in your face and you’re going to be tossed in the dungeon. 
But then you meet his eyes. 
Those damn fucking eyes. 
They tell you so much, you’re surprised they didn’t tell you who you had been speaking to this entire time. 
They tell you to trust him. That he truly means what he is saying. That he wants nothing more than for you to say yes, because he wants to dance with you. Truly, deeply, wants to dance with you.
His eyes fill with hope. 
And how can you say no to hope. 
“You may.” 
Schlatt is probably the happiest he’s ever been when you accept his offer to dance. His grin widens significantly before he leads you to the middle of the ballroom. He bows to you and you curtsy. The band strikes up a beautiful waltz song and the two of you begin to dance. 
He notices that you’re working hard to follow his moves. It dawns on him that you are indeed a commoner and so you don’t have the dance training drilled into you as he has. He slows his pace down and smiles brightly as your shoulders sag in relief as you catch up with him. 
“Sorry,” you mumble for a third time as you step on his toes once more. 
“Please stop apologizing. I do not mind. Truly…” 
He stares at you beaming, trying to make you see the truth. You seem to only slightly believe him. He clears his throat and pauses for a moment. “Here, step on my feet. I’ll move us around the ballroom.” 
He smiles through you raising your eyebrows as if to ask if he was serious. He nods encouragingly. 
You realize that he’s not going to move again until you comply. So you do. You carefully step both of your feet onto his, praying the glass shoes are as comfortable on top of his feet as they are on yours. If they’re not, he makes no show of it. His smirk grows impossibly wide and begins to move around once more. 
The rest of the room fades away. He can see no others in the ballroom. His gaze is focused on you and you alone. He whispers jokes to you and feels his heart warm when you toss your head back in laughter. 
With you, he’s not the prince. 
He’s just Schlatt. 
He couldn’t be more thankful for you.
You couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed as Prince Schlatt dances you across the room. Your father always told you not paying attention to your mother’s dance lessons would come back to bite you. You never thought you’d see the day that would come to fruition. 
But he moved you around with such ease that it made you feel as if you were floating. It didn’t matter you didn’t know how to dance, he was there. He was helping you through. He was there for you. 
Your mind takes that thought and runs with it. 
You think back to you waiting everyday eagerly for his letters to arrive. The way you blossomed under his praise, both of you and your baking. Ever since the moment you met him, he always was there to catch you. You can’t think of a single moment in the past couple months where your mind wasn’t filled with the thoughts of him. 
He has always been there. 
The music ends and the two of you bow to each other. A round of applause startles the two of you out of your bubble. You look around and find several other couples had joined you on the dance floor, but most people had stayed pressed on the sidelines, watching the dances. Those are the ones that were now applauding. Your face flushes once more and you duck your head down as you step off of Prince Schaltt’s feet and away from him. 
If the prince notices you trying to put distance between the two of you, he doesn’t make it known. He instead grabs your hand once more, pressing another kiss to the back of your hand. 
“Come on, I must introduce you.” He states simply before moving towards the front of the room where his family sat. 
Your heart leaps to your throat, eyes widening as the royal family draws nearer and nearer. Somewhere in your brain had registered that if your Sir Charming was the Prince Schlatt, then his father would then be King Philza. But that didn’t actually click until now. 
Until the King, Queen, and other Prince were rising to meet you. 
“Father, Mother… brother,” Schlatt greets with a wide smile giving them a bow. “It is my honor to introduce you to my guest of honor for the evening.” You can barely believe it’s your name that then falls from his lips. 
Through the fog in your head, you thank yourself for remembering to give a deep bow to the royal family of the land. “Your majesties. Thank you for allowing me… everyone into your home. Everything about this ball is beautiful and perfect.” You give yourself a pat on the back for sliding in that compliment. 
“Everything except the pastries from the local baker it seems.” King Philza’s tone is so deep and regal it’s incredibly hard to register the joking tone. 
You swallow hard. “Forgive me, your highness. Mr. Hamani and I have never gotten along. I should not have brought our feud inside your home.” 
King Philza gives a dismissive wave. 
“It’s quite alright, dear.” Queen Kristen speaks up, her tone soft and gentle. “Sometimes men allow their egos to get in the way.” 
You can’t help but giggle along with her and nod along. 
“Dear!” King Philza lets out in a slight aghast tone. 
“Oh do not tell me I am wrong, my love. You should know this better than anyone.” 
The King does not have a response back for that. He instead turns back around and catches your eye. His gaze is so piercing you cannot help but look down at your feet. “We will not keep you any longer. Please, enjoy the ball.” 
“But I haven’t had a chance to talk with them yet!” Prince Tommy whines, stepping forward to stand with his father. 
The King rests a hand on his back and opens his mouth to speak but Prince Schaltt cuts him off. “Nor will you ever. We are off to enjoy the ball now. Farewell.” 
Before anyone in his family can get a word in, Prince Schlatt pulls you away. He beelines to the snack table, the people around it parting to allow him access to the table. Almost all of your baked goods are gone, stuffed in the hands of the attendees, all wanting to see just what made Prince Schlatt deny the local baker. 
Schlatt snaggs two of the double chocolate chip cookies and one of the brookies from the table and continues on his way, still pulling you away. Instead of stopping somewhere in the grand ballroom, he pulls you completely out of the castle and into the royal gardens. 
He stops in front of a bench in front of a fountain. He takes a seat and pats the bench next to him, silently inviting you to sit down. 
You do not sit down.
Instead, you take a couple paces back and forth in front of him, before you turn on your heel to face him. “I cannot fucking believe you!” You finally let out all of your nerves and frustrations into the sentence. 
Prince Schlatt startles slightly, coughing as a crumb of his cookies go down the wrong pipe. He clears his throat and goes to speak up but you don’t give him the chance. 
“You fucking asshole. You let me talk shit about your father… about you to your face the first time we met. Let me talk about your mutton chops. Never stopping to correct me or let me know who you were. You let me call you Sir Charming, never once stopping to tell me your name. How did I let this go this far? You let me write you letters everyday and you wrote me back! You told me so much about you and your life, but didn’t tell me this? This seems pretty fucking big, your highness. Oh my fucking gods. Oh my gods. I can’t fucking believe you. Holy fucking shit. You’re such a fucking asshole.” 
You can’t stop your hand from coming up and slapping his shoulder, pushing him back, not hard enough to push him off but hard enough to prove a point. 
He says nothing for a few moments, letting you breathe through it and calm down, before a grin splits his face. “Yeah. But it was hot. I liked being put in my place during our first meeting. It was interesting to hear your perspective. Someone talking to a complete stranger, not trying to kiss my ass and make me feel good about myself… though with the way you were talking about my chops, maybe you did just a bit of the latter anyway.” 
You let out a frustrated groan as the heat floods your cheeks. “Fuck you.” 
He reaches out and cups your cheek, bringing you down a bit to press a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah, yeah.” 
You take a few more deep breaths before allowing yourself to plop down beside him. You rest your head against his shoulder, forgetting your properness for a moment, taking another deep breath. “I can’t fucking believe you.” You mutter one final time. 
Schlatt turns and presses a kid to the top of your head before resting his head on the top of your head. He lets the silence sit for a while before he clears his throat and speaks again. “I am sorry, by the way.” 
You don’t speak, which he’s partially grateful for, it allows him to process his thoughts further. But on the other hand, he can’t see your face so he can’t tell if the silence is back. 
“I am sorry for not telling you. For lying about who I am… I… You didn’t know me and yet I wanted to know you…but I knew I wouldn’t get that chance if I was honest about who I was. You had a preconceived notion about who I am and I wanted a chance to show you that’s not all of who I am… I didn’t mean for the lie to go on this long. And I do feel back for lying. And I really am sorry.” 
Your silence kills him. His heart hammers in his chest. But then he feels you turn and nervously press a quick kiss to his cheek. “I forgive you.” The three words are the sweetest he’s ever fall from the lips of another. “I get it. I appreciate your apology and I forgive you, Prince Schlatt.” 
The name escapes his lips before he can stop it. 
“Hmm?” You hum, pull your head from his shoulder to look him in the eye, your brows furrowed. 
His eyes meet your and his heart pounds quickly in his chest. His stomach turning over and over again, churning with nerves. “Jonathon. My name is Jonathon. Call me Jonathon.” 
“Jonathon.” You echo. 
Schlatt takes back his previous thoughts. Several people have called him his given name before. But this? Now? When it falls from your lips? It is certainly the sweetest it has ever sounded. 
He gives a small nod with a shy smile. 
“I forgive you, Jonathon.” 
He could pass away right then and there. 
“I’m sorry I had to step on your feet so you could dance me around the ballroom.” 
“I forgive you… would you like me to teach you how to dance?”
“Would you?” 
“I would. I wouldn’t offer if I wouldn’t.” 
“I don’t want to dance in front of everyone.”
“Who said anything about going back to the ballroom. We can dance right here.” 
Schlatt leads you through several steps very slowly, picking up the pace only after he was sure you were comfortable with the steps. 
Soon enough you were dancing like a pro. So much so that you could focus on the conversation between the two of you rather than the steps you were taking. 
The two of you talked and danced privately in the gardens all night. You offered several times to go back to the ballroom, the man throwing the ball should at least be in there for longer than a couple moments. He ignored that and said he would rather spend time with the one he threw it for. You can’t help but blush at that. 
You’re having such a fun time that you almost forget about the magic’s stipulation. Almost. 
 Jonathon spins you around once more, and pulls you in close to his chest. When you look up at him, you see he���s suddenly a lot closer than you realized. “Oh!” you let out softly. “Sorry,” you apologize, going to move away. 
Jonathon’s hold on you tightens, keeping you in place. “No need to be sorry… I like having you close,” he whispers. Your eyes stray down to his lips as he speaks. They look so soft… so plush… so kissable. 
“I like being close to you,” the confession uttered before you can stop it. 
The corners of his lips up turn in a small smile. The two of you stand there, frozen in time for a moment before he begins to lean in. You move to meet him. Your lips are about to meet when the grandfather clock that sits across the garden echoes out a loud chime. 
It causes you to jump and turn to look at it. 
It’s midnight. 
“Oh fuck.” You let out. “Is that clock accurate?” You ask, pulling yourself from Jonathan’s arms. 
He frowns, brows furrowing slightly, following your gaze. “Oh that old thing? Uhhh, just about. It’s 15 minutes fast. Why?” 
You ignore his question and begin to move back toward the inside of the castle. “Fuck. I have to go. I’m sorry. I’ll see you later. I have to go.” 
“Wait,” He calls after you, calling your name. “Slow down. Come back. Please. You don’t have to leave.” 
“You don’t understand,” You call back, picking up your pace. “I do.” 
Without paying attention, you burst back into the ballroom. Several eyes falling on you, eyebrows raised. You pay no mind still and run, trying to push your way past everyone in the room, but people keep coming up to you to talk to you. 
A hand on your wrist spins you around and you lock eyes with those beautiful chestnuts you’ve grown so fond of. His eyes scream worry and panic, silently begging you to stop running. 
You yourself must look panicked and frantic in a different way. Like a wild animal that has been caged and is about to start lashing out. 
“Please.” You whisper. “Help me.” 
The grip on your wrist loosens. Schlatt may not understand, but he will always do everything he can in order to be the person you need at any given moment. 
“Everyone!” He calls out loudly, moving towards the refreshment table. “Please come over here and join me in a toast to celebrate this evening.” 
The crowd instantly leaves you, allowing you a path to exit the room and then the castle. You’ve never been happier to see the grass as you are now. 
“Stop! Wait! Halt in the name of the Prince!” You turn slightly and look over your shoulder and find a knight with fluffy brown hair and square glasses chasing after you. In the moment, you recognize him as Charlie, one of Schlatt’s best friends/knights. 
“Oh fuck!” You shout. The magic was starting to fade already, you can tell, because all of the sudden it was hard to run in your glass shoes. You bend down and kick them both into your awaiting hands. You turn for a sharp moment, throwing one of your shoes at the knight. He lets out a loud startled scream, stopping for just long enough for you to run to your carriage. 
“Go! Go! Go!” You shout at your footmen and lady. They waste no time before kicking up and bolting out and away from the palace. You look out the window and find Charlie has stopped chasing you, one hand on his hip, the other holding your glass shoe up to the light in an inspection. 
You slump back in your seat, letting out a deep sigh. 
“That was way too close.” 
After getting all of his guests to make a toast, Schlatt books it out of the ballroom. He races to the front lawn. His head whips back and forth, peering down the road to try and see any sign of a moving carriage. 
Footsteps sound from either side of him. His head turns and he meets the eyes of Ted who gives a pitying look and a shake of his head. Schlatt looks to the other side and meets Charlie’s eyes who also shakes his head. His eyes drift down to Charlie’s hands, and there was the shoe. Your beautiful glass shoe. 
Schlatt slowly reaches out and carefully takes the shoe from his friend’s grasp and clutches it to his chest. He turns his eyes back down the main road, staring off letting out a soft sigh. Hands clasp on both of his shoulders in a silent comfort. 
The magic faded when you were nearly home. You had to herd a sheep, two mice, and your carrier pigeon back home all while carrying your big ass pumpkin in slightly damp clothes barefoot as you had thrown your one shoe and taken off the other. Your shoe though did not fade with the magic, you weren’t sure if that made you happy or sad. By the time you made it back, you were exhausted. You quickly put everything back where it was supposed to go, taking a quick shower, tucking the shoe under your bed, and collapsing in your room. 
You’re not sure how long you were asleep for before the door to your room slammed open. It startles you awake from your deep sleep. You look up and in a silhouette from the hallway light, is your stepmother. Your heart leaps to your throat, trying to take deep breaths in through your nose trying to calm down. 
“Stepmother,” you greet groggily. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“You insolent child.” She hisses. “I thought I made myself very clear. You were not to go to the ball. And what do you do, but steal the prince away for the whole evening?” 
“I do not know what you’re speaking about, stepmother.” 
She shoots a sharp glare at you. “You know exactly what I speak of… No matter. With the way you went running from the ball I’m sure the prince realized his mistake. Choosing you to dance and spend time with. With the way he let you go, I’m sure it’s that he realized you are not and will never be good enough for him. You? A low life orphan baker? Royalty? Never.” 
Her words sting like the venom they are. But you can’t help but realize she’s right. No matter what you do, you’ll always be an orphan that so happens to be good at baking. You would be an awful royal. 
Maybe that’s why he chose to help you escape rather than continue to chase after you. 
Maybe he realized it too. 
You will the tears to not fall as you stick your chin out a little further. “I do not know what you’re speaking about, stepmother. Now if you don’t mind I’d like to get some more sleep.” 
She is a touch surprised at your instance, certain that her words would break you. She gives you another glare, but grabs the doorknob and slams the door to your bedroom. 
You flop back on your bed and stare up at the ceiling for a long moment. You don’t realize you’re crying until the tears pool in your ear canal. You bring your hands up and wipe them away, rolling onto your side and clutching at one of your pillows. 
You had to end it… whatever it was. 
The clock on his wall warns him it’s 3 am, but Schlatt ignores it in favor of pacing back and forth in front of a table where the shoe was perched. Every so often he paused to look over the shoe before pacing again. 
“Why did you run?” He asks the shoe, staring at it as if it will give a response. “Where did you go… why did you throw this shoe at Charlie’s head?” A small smile breaks on his face as he pictures the scene Charlie described to him three hours ago. “I would have given anything to see it… to be there myself… to stop you myself.” 
He stands still for a moment longer before pacing again. 
“Maybe… maybe you found it all to be too much…” He speaks, slowing down his steps. “It all caught up to you… didn’t it. It all sank in. You realized truly who I was and you had to get out… You… you don’t want me.” 
He stops again, plopping down on the edge of his bed. “I suppose I can’t fault you… But I deeply wish you hadn’t run.” He flops backwards and stares up at the ceiling. 
It was going to end… whatever it was. 
Schlatt didn’t realize that he had fallen asleep until he wakes up. He spends a good amount of time staring up at the ceiling. Every knock on the door gets a “go away” as he lays in bed wallowing in his own self pity. The knocks stop for a couple hours. But then they’re back again. 
Schlatt startles out of his thought spiral and this knock on the door, this one louder than all the others. He groans at the sound, rolling over on his side and tugging a pillow over his head, blocking out most of the noise. “Go away,” He calls out, tucking himself into his bed further. 
The silence makes him believe whoever was outside listened to him. That is until the door opens and shuts behind him. He groans from the back of his throat, rolling himself over and sitting up. “I said, go away-- father-” He interrupts himself as his eyes meet his father’s green ones. 
Philza raises an eyebrow and the corners of his lips turn up slightly at his son’s behavior. “Good day to you too, Jonathan.” 
“Good day, dad.” Schlatt mumbles, sitting himself up properly. Schlatt moves his feet up slightly to make room for Philza as he moves and sits down on the end of Schlatt’s bed. 
Philza’s hand smooths over the blankets as he gives a glance around the room. His eyes catch on the shoe, still propped up on the table. “They gave you their shoe?” He asks, amusement lacing his tone. 
Schlatt huffs a laugh. “More like, threw it at Charlie’s head.” 
Philza doesn’t hold back and lets the laugh escape his lips. “Oh I knew I liked them. You picked well son. An excellent love match.” 
Schlatt sighs and turns to lay on his side, back facing his dad. “Apparently not. She ran away. I assume because she couldn’t handle me… who I really am. I don’t blame her after all the time I spent lying to her.” 
Phil furrows his brow and questions what Schlatt means by that. With nothing left to hide, Schlatt divulges the entire relationship. How they met and met again (which Phil was not happy about but decided now was not the time to bring it up) and how they sent letters to each other nearly everyday and how he knew they didn’t know his name but never told them his name or who he really is. How he had thrown the ball hoping they’d come and they did and how it has all been for them but it’s all been for nother. 
Phil nods along, listening carefully. He lets Schlatt take deep breaths after his rant. “I knew something was up.” Schlatt meets his eyes, curious but does not speak. “You’ve been so much happier in these past few weeks than I can remember… And you were so insistent on a love match. Deep down I knew… So my only question is why the hell are you moping around this room when you should be out there looking for them?”
“Didn’t you hear me, dad? They don’t want me. They ran away.” 
“Did they tell you they didn’t want you? Look you in the eyes and say ‘Prince Schlatt I do not want you?’”
“No but--”
“No buts, son. I haven’t seen you this happy in years. I know that you’re in love with them, whether you realize it or not. I know because you look at them the same way I look at your mother. And they wouldn’t have spent the whole night with you if they didn’t love you too. They wouldn’t have given you a clue telling you to come get them if they didn’t.” Philza motions to the shoe. “So again, I ask you. Why the hell are you moping around this room when you should be out there looking for them?”
The words resonate with Schlatt, filling him with hope, that maybe, just maybe you love him like he loves you… damn. Yeah. He loves you. 
“You’re right… I have to go dad, I have to…” Schlatt shoots up out of bed and digs through his closet and throws on a random outfit. “I have to get Ted and Charlie and a whole group and we have to go looking. Door to door. I have to find them. I am going to find them.” He runs a hand through his hair before whipping around to face his father with a grin. He rushes forward and presses a kiss on his father’s cheek. “Thanks, dad.” 
You sat staring at the blank piece of paper in front of you. What to say to the man that makes you feel everything. You twirl your pen in between your fingers a couple times. Letting out a sigh, you lean back for a moment, looking out the window. Your attention gets caught by the pigeon beside you who lets out a coo. You sigh again, reaching out and giving the bird scritches. “Hey there,” you murmur. The bird leans into your fingers, rubbing against you more. “Yeah… I know this letter won’t write itself.” The bird cocks its head and coos. “Yeah, just one more letter… a goodbye. I know you must be excited, you won’t have to carry my messages anymore.” Another coo. “Well, of course I’ll let you fly around outside. I’m not a monster.” It blinks at you. “Well I have to tell him something! I can’t just stop speaking to him. I need him to know… It’s quite literally not him. It’s me. I’ll never deserve him… no matter how much I care… for him.” The bird lets out a sharp and short coo. “Fucking hell. You’re right. I love him. Gods damn it I love him so much. Oh this is going to be a nightmare.” 
Schlatt sighs in frustration as he and his knights trudge to the castle. They’ve knocked on every single door in the kingdom and not a single one did you stand behind it. The sun was setting the knights stomachs were grumbling so Schlatt decided to call it a day and head back to the castle, determined to start again tomorrow. 
He picks at his dinner, tossing and turning it over with his fork, giving half hearted replies to questions that he’s really not paying attention to. He can’t help but replay every interaction he’s had with you over again, followed closely by several notable interactions he had throughout the day. One where the woman had caked her face in flour hoping to prove herself to be the baker. Another that when she answered the door said “I am not interested!” with a smug smile, as if she really did something, and then slammed the door in his face. As if he would be interested in her? He very clearly was looking for someone. 
His head is heavy with everyone he’s seen and spoken to today, he’s just ready to turn in for the night. 
And then he hears it. 
That beautiful coo he’s grown accustomed to listening for every day. The tell tale sign that you have sent him a letter. It’s Bob. Your carrier pigeon. 
And he has a letter attached to his leg. 
Schlatts posture instantly straightens and he holds out his finger, letting out a soft coo of his own. Everyone turned in confusion and watched Schlatt. Ted was about to speak before Bob landed on his fingers and stuck out his leg. Schlatt carefully took the rolled paper and fed the pigeon a couple nuts
Schlatt carefully unrolled the letter and began to read. 
My dearest, Prince Charming, 
I guess now that I know who you truly are it is only correct that I change the sir in your title to Prince. My prince… I had the most magical time last evening with you. Dancing around in your private garden is certainly something I will never forget and will always be grateful for. It was so incredibly sweet of you to give me your undivided attention. 
It unfortunately has come to my own attention that I am not good for you. I do not deserve you my sweet prince. I could never be someone that you deserve. I am a simple orphan that happens to be good at baking. No matter how hard I would try, you would always be way out of my league. 
I hope you find the love match that you seek. I hope you find someone good and kind, with a loving heart that will deserve you and be someone worthy of your love and care. Someone worthy of you throwing an entire ball for them. I don’t know how I ever thought I could be that person. I am so sorry…
I love you, Jonathon. 
But you deserve so much more than me. 
Your name is signed at the bottom of the letter as it always is. He reads the second to last line, once, twice, a thousand times, until he’s convinced himself that it’s real. That you really wrote that you love him. He didn’t care about the other stuff that you wrote. Well he kind of did. But he knew it was bullshit. If anything it’s him who doesn’t deserve you. 
If only he could find you to tell you this….
And then it hits him. 
He springs up from the table and rushes out, startling everyone in the dining room with him. The pigeon flaps its wings and lands on his shoulder, used to being carted around. Schlatt runs to his room where he grabs a pen and paper of his own. He scribbles “I love you,” before snatching the shoe off the table and rushing outside. Ted and Charlie rush out behind him, confused at the rush. 
“Schlatt, what are we doing?” They ask. 
Schlatt elects to ignore them as he hands Bob the messily rolled piece of paper. “Here, Bob. Show me the way to them.” Bob takes the paper, coos softly, and takes off. 
Schlatt instantly begins to race after the bird, Ted and Charlie following close behind. How relieved he was to finally find a way to find you. Bob would certainly lead him to you. He could only hope he could keep up with the bird. 
Schlatt was feeling winded by the time he reached the small house on the edge that borders the kingdom and the forest. He hadn’t thought to make his way all the way out here, thinking you lived closer to the village with the way you walked to the market. Obviously he had been wrong. 
Either way, he could only pray that Bob had led him to the right place. 
He couldn’t tell if the tightness in his chest and the shortness of breath was just from him running all this way or if it was his nerves. He decided to call it ‘a bit of column a and a little of column b’ and call it a night. 
The three approached the door, each taking deep breaths calming themselves from the journey taken to get here. Schlatt looks over his shoulder apprehensively at Ted and Charlie. He had knocked on over a hundred doors today, it didn’t make sense that this was the one he got nervous on. 
His best friends each gave him an easy smile and a kind and encouraging nod, eager for the prince to knock. Schlatt turned back to the door, letting out a breath, shaking his arms out, before reaching up and giving a sturdy knock. 
It’s silent on the other side of the door for a long moment. Schlatt’s heart pounds so hard in his chest he has to swallow hard to get it back down to his chest. The door know turns quickly and the door is pulled open and an older woman stands before him. He tries to not let his disappointment show, especially as surprise and utter delight paints her face. 
The woman drops to a quick curtsy. “Your highness,” she greets. Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard and it takes everything Schlatt has to not visibly recoil. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” 
A small bout of hope flutters down his spine causing Schlatt to stand straighter at the word “we.” “I am not sure if you have heard, but have been searching the entire kingdom for the one I danced with last night. Do you have any children, my lady?” 
The woman brightens up even more and squares her shoulders back. “As a matter of fact I do. I have two.” The woman turns and cups her mouth. “GIRLS,” She hollers, causing the boys to shutter at the loud call. 
Footsteps race across the wooden floor and two younger women appear. Schlatt feels a huge wave of disappointment was over his being as he looks at their faces and realizes they’re not you. He doesn’t hide his distaste as the girls push each other, trying to stand straighter and puff out their chest larger than the other.
“Neither of these young women are who I am looking forward… Does anyone else live here? A servant or a stable hand? Perhaps a cook?” Schlatt asks, taking a single step forward, looking around the room hoping for some kind of sign of you. 
The woman’s face sours at the question before her mask gets put back in it’s place. “No one else, your highness. Although I can assure you, my daughters are perfectly suitable--” 
“What’s that?” Schlatt interrupts as a noise sounds from one of the adjacent rooms. It sounded like metal being set down on a counter. “I thought you said no one else lived here.” 
The woman swallows harshly and moves to stand in front of the door. “That… that is just the cook your highness, they do not live here… or at least soon will not,” she mutters the latter part with venom before turning back to Schlatt, a perfect smile posing on her lips. “No one to concern yourself with, truly.” 
Any sense of trust for the woman is washed away when the scent hits his nose. He would be able to pick that scent out of a million different ones. It’s one of the best things he’s ever smelled. 
He would be able to recognize the scent of your double chocolate chip cookies. 
And he knows you’re in there. 
“By order of the king, I demand you step aside.” He barely recognizes his voice as it escapes his lips. It’s deep and authoritative… damn as each day passes he sounds more and more like his father… he’ll have to correct that. 
The woman opens his lips to protest. 
Deciding he wants to hear no more of his voice, he gently pushes the woman’s shoulder out of the way. His hand finds the door knob and he throws open the door without care. He breath is ripped from his lungs as he sees the person who stands in the kitchen… in front of those unmistakable chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
“It’s you.” 
The door slamming open scares the shit out of you. 
The entire day you had been lost in your own head. You finished the letter and gave it to your pigeon to take to Schlatt. As soon as it had left your sight, you made your way to the kitchen in a daze where you let yourself begin baking whatever your heart was feeling in the moment. 
It was only when you were beginning to clean up the batter dishes did you realize what you had made… and who you had made it for. You let yourself drift back into your head as you watched the cookies bake  through the oven window. You knew you would probably never see him again. Especially not after this letter. 
You took them out of the oven and let the pan clatter to the counter without much of a care. The soft cooing of your pigeon drew your attention away. You turned to greet it when you caught sight of the paper on it’s leg. Confusion fills you as you carefully take the paper. 
I love you.
It can’t be. 
The door bursts open, causing you to jump and whip around. Those damn fucking beautiful eyes. They always seem to follow you. To haunt you. Especially in your own house, those fucking chesnut brown eyes that say everything that you want to hear all without saying a word.
“It’s you.” 
Oh fuck he’s actually here. 
What the fuck? 
What is he doing here???
“What are you doing here?” 
His eyes don’t leave yours as he surges forward. One of his arms wraps around your waist, the other moving behind your neck, hand moving up to cradle the back of your head. “What are you doing here? Why did you run away?” 
You stare at him in disbelief, mouth opening and closing a few times. “Did you not get my letter? I’m no good for you, Jon--Prince Schlatt, I do not deserve you, your highness. You deserve someone much better than me. Surely you--” 
“Don’t you understand,” he whispers, cutting you off. “There is no one better.” 
“But your highness--” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“You know what. Don’t call me that. That’s not my name. Not to you.” 
You let out a sigh and rub your flour coated hands on your apron. “Jonathon.” 
The smile that spreads across his face nearly makes you melt into a puddle. “There it is.” He murmurs, drawing his face closer to yours. “That’s my name.”
“Jonathon,” You repeat, trying to pull your blushing face away from his to no avail. You clear your throat and continue. “As per my letter, you deserve so much better than me. I am sure you can find someone-” 
“Did you mean it?”
You look at him partly confused, partly annoyed at him continuing to interrupt you. “Mean what?” 
“Did you mean it when you signed that you love me?” 
Your heart stops in your chest. You forgot you said that part. You don’t think you would have said it had you known it would have caused him to come bursting into your kitchen. You look at him in disbelief, is he not hearing your words? He surely read the letter. Why is he being so insistent on this? 
You could never lie to him though. 
You clear your throat and move your shoulders back. You meet his eyes head on. “Yes. I did. But-” 
“I love you too.” 
The world stops again. “What?” 
“As per my letter,” he says, a shit eating grin playing on his lips. The shock flowing through your body stops you from rolling your eyes. “I love you.” 
You remember the small piece of paper that was surely on the floor now that you took from the pigeon just moments ago. Obviously that’s who the paper was from. You swallow hard. “Sure you can’t-” 
“But surely I can. I think I’ve been in love with you ever since you called me a big petty man-baby who looked hotter now than I did before.” 
“I… I…’”
“I love you,” He utters, moving impossibly closer to your face. “I always have. You are all I want. You deserve so much better than me… But I’m hoping you’ll lower your standards and settle for me anyway.” 
His eyes shine so brightly. Those damn, fucking, beautiful eyes. They stare at you, hopeful, waiting with bated breath for your answer. They stare so intensely at you… You never want them to look away. 
It’s you that closes the distance and presses your lips to his. He instantly responds, tugging you closer to his chest and kissing you back. The kiss makes your body sing in delight. The spark starts at the base of your spine where his hand connects to your body and shoots out, encasing you completely. From the tippity top of your head to the bippity bottom of your toes. 
He consumes you. Completely. Totally. Entirely. 
You pull away breathless from the kiss, meeting his eyes. “I love you, Jonathon. I want to be yours. Please. I want to be yours, if you’ll have me?” 
Jonathon lets out a breathless laugh and shakes his head once. “Oh sweets, you’ve always been mine. I’ve always been yours. From the moment I met you. I’ve been hooked, sweets. You’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.” 
He leans forward again and presses his lips to yours. You eagerly respond, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. 
After you break apart again, Schlatt tells you to pack your things. You don’t have much here anyway so it doesn’t take you long. Your step family could only watch with crossed arms as you moved about, taking your things. You would miss the house you grew up in, but you were more than excited to begin your new journey. 
Schlatt made Ted and Charlie help carry your things. Ted cursed at Schlatt for not thinking to grab a carriage or at least a horse in the pursuit of you. That spun a whole argument between the two, leaving you to converse with Charlie. 
You gave the man a shy smile. “Sorry for throwing my shoe at you… I panicked about someone following me. 
Charlie gives a chuckle and a smile. “It’s no worries. I’m just glad you made it home safely.” 
“Yeah me too! The magic gave out and I was left carrying a huge ass pumpkin home… My back hurt like hell this morning.”
Charlie tilts his head and gives you a curious look. “Not what I meant… but I do want to hear more about this magic.”
“What did you mean then?”
Charlie doesn’t answer, his head simply moves to where Schlatt and Ted were now in a physical altercation, Schlatt attempting to put Ted in a chokehold. 
A fuzzy feeling floods your chest.
He is your home… isn’t he?
Small Epilogue 
The two of you marry quickly. The royal family welcome you with open arms. They help teach you the ways of the royals but never make you feel less than for being a commoner before the marriage. You never stop baking, you think Schlatt would throw a huge fit if you ever did. He constantly blamed you for his “twink death.” And although you’re not entire sure what that means, you’re sure that happened way before he met you. 
You two love each other openly and loudly. It brings smiles to everyone’s faces to see the prince this lovey dovey with someone. There will always be those that disapprove, but Schlatt is there to hold your hand and tell them to fuck off. 
He reminds you he loves you every single minute of every single day… you think maybe he lays it on a little thick in particular when he wants you to bake something in particular. You never mind though. It’s your baked goods that brought you together in the first place. 
Who are you to deny your love the thing that the two of you bonded over first? 
Especially when he loves you with every fiber of his being… 
…and maybe even more so when you make him chocolate chocolate chip cookies…
And they lived happily ever after.  The End
As per usual, I am shit at writing endings. Thank you for reading my 16.3k word self indulgent fic <3
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okay byeeeeeeee back to my several year hiatusssss
im still on tumblr even if i don't post my writing so you can always message meeeeeeee <3
byeeeeeeeeee <3
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lonli-lokli · 5 months
Ultimate Ongoing Rofan Favorites in No Particular Order
((ongoing as in unfinished. some of these are on hiatus etc))
These are titles I've enjoyed from start to finish with no inhibitions and the ones I without fail always find myself looking forward to. People who are into rofan manhwa probably already know all of these, but I still wanted to put them in one place (:
1. A Stepmother's Märchen
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What is there even to say anymore. Absolutely incredible story that does so much justice to all its themes and characters and that is drawn PHENOMENALLY. If you somehow still haven't read it PLEASE do. You won't regret it. Personally I think it doesn't get better than Stepmother's Märchen in this genre.
2. I Stan the Prince
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This story brings me the most joy. I would say out of all of these I Stan the Prince has the best romance, i.e. dynamic between the two leads. I can't get enough of them and watching their relationship grow so tenderly is wonderful. Catch me giggling and kicking my feet alongside Angela, the protagonist, who by the way is incredibly lovable, it's impossible not to be fond of her. The art is another thing entirely - it's so obvious how loved this story is by how alive and full of endearing little details every single panel is. It just makes me feel warm inside.
3. A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom
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Best mom award goes to Mildred, my favorite rofan protagonist. She's in her forties, she's a dignified and wise noble lady, she was fully and seriously prepared to kill a man for hurting one of her daughters. I like the male lead but I'm also bitterly jealous of him because that should've been me. This is a story about women being awesome, and not in a superficial way!
4. Catherine’s Key to a Happy Life
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I can't fully articulate why, but this series makes me think about Howl's Moving Castle. None of the characters are particularly similar, but something about the atmosphere makes me enchanted in the same way. I think Catherine could be a Ghibli protagonist.
Mysterious and lovely with an intriguing storyline. Chezare is one of the most charming male leads I've seen.
5. I Raised My Fiancé with Money
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This one is new, but I can already tell it's most likely going to continue being very good. I don't have too much to say. The art is lovely and so is the very endearing male lead whose journey of overcoming his insecurity and low self-esteem is the center of the story right now. This manhwa's fashion game is on another level - Ilya never fails to look immaculate, and her throwing her seemingly neverending money around never gets old.
6. The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine
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Rofan with action! It can be silly and funny at one moment and thrilling at the other. The next season is looking to be amazing, taking everything that the series' been building up and realising it, and the story is already very fun and engaging. The "tower-regressor-S-class hunter" genre of manhwa has been little by little meshing with rofan lately and I think this is the peak of how well that can be done.
7. Loveless Heroine
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Thai manga!!! Now THIS is what I call a historical romance. Loveless Heroine interacts with its setting constantly and is very thoughtful about the way it represents the time period it's set in. There are also some queer themes which I absolutely love! This story feels mature and grounded, and I can't get enough of it.
8. Surviving as a Maid
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This series has such a soft, melancholic feeling to it. At times it's empty, a little sordid, but it's also full of beautiful moments that you remember for a long time after reading. There's a lot of longing for many different things and I would say quite a bit of grief. Ash is a very unique and relatable protagonist with her own fears, flaws and dreams, and I like how both big and small her life is. Surviving as a Maid also feels very grounded, but in a different way from Loveless Heroine.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (14/24)
Klaine Advent : Day Fourteen : Dispose
December, 2035
“You guys are the worst.” 
Kurt grinned at his teenage daughter’s discomfort as he placed the Mickey Mouse ears on his head.  Blaine had on an identical pair, and he really did not care that they were in their forties - you were never too old for Mickey Mouse ears.  Katie, however, flushed a deep red because somehow a pair of plastic ears was somehow the most humiliating thing that could have ever happened to her -- here in Florida, where exactly zero people knew who she was.  
“You hear that, Kurt?” Blaine asked as he perused the overpriced Disney gift shop.  He found a pair of cheesy, hot pink and white polka-dotted Minnie Mouse sunglasses and put them on.  “Apparently, saving up our hard earned money to take our family to the most magical place on Earth makes us the worst parents ever.”
“Well, I’m having a nice time,” Tracy said in their defense.  She smiled grandly as she spun a rack of art work around.  
“Don’t let them fool you,” Katie said, leaning in to her.  “This trip was entirely for them.  We’re just not legal yet, and have to be subjected to all of their indulgent whims.”
“Oohh - someone’s been brushing up on their ACT words,” Kurt said, with some heavy sarcasm.  She had been complaining nearly the entire week they had been there.  Was he this bad at fifteen? Oh, how his dad will probably laugh when he calls after their vacation.   “And if you’re not happy - we can send you back to stay with Grandpa Burt in Ohio.  I hear it’s snowing.  I’m sure he’ll let you shovel the driveway.”  
“Do you hear how easily they’d dispose of us,” Katie continued.  “Their own daughters.”  
“No, only you,” Tracy shot back.  “They apparently still like me.” 
Kurt bit his lip, trying not to laugh at Tracy’s sting.  
“We like both of you,” Blaine said - always the diplomat.  “No one is getting sent back to Ohio to shovel snow.”
“Yet,” Kurt couldn’t help but mutter.   
Blaine shot him a look over the glasses.  “Look, it’s been a fun vacation.  Why don’t we just try to enjoy what we can while we’re here.”  
“That’s easy for you to say,” Katie shot at him.  “Because you seem to get off to amusement parks and crowds and embarrassing public serenades.” 
Blaine looked almost aghast that she’d speak to him that way.  Kurt wasn’t as surprised - she did take after him when it came to her weaponizing her words.  
“Hey - I think singing in public is romantic,” Tracy cut in.  Sweet, little Tracy - truly of Blaine’s spirit.  
“You know, your father does look rather attractive right now,” Kurt said.  Really, Blaine looked comically ridiculous with the ears and the sunglasses, but he was still rather fond of his husband. And maybe made him a bad parent, but he did get a slight kick out of getting under Katie’s skin.  “Maybe we’ll go out into the courtyard - right outside Cinderella’s castle and sing an impromptu duet.” 
“Oh god, no.” 
Kurt continued, “we could even grab a Disney Prince and make it a threesome.”
“Don’t you mean trio?” asked a confused Tracy.
“No, now they’re just being purposely and publicly gross for my utter humiliation,” Katie said, her entire face scrunched in revolution.    
Blaine grinned at him, shaking his head.  
“What do you think, Blaine?  Sleeping Beauty’s Prince Phillip maybe?” Kurt suggested, with an eyebrow raised.  
Blaine considered.  “Prince Eric.” 
“Eh, he’s a bit dense.” 
“Ooh, Aladdin.” 
“Or Hercules - he could be really fancy with the choreography and throw you over his shoulder.” 
“Or the Beast! There’s nothing wrong with a guy with a little extra hair.”
“Okay, stop,” a mortified Katie shouted. “Forever stop this conversation.  Why do you guys continue to say things I can never unhear?  Why can’t you guys be normal and boring like the rest of my friends’ parents? I just cannot believe I actually came from the two of you.” 
“Well, technically - only one of them,” Tracy cut in.  “Since neither of them have a uterus, it would have been rather hard for them to both contribute to your genetic make-up.” Katie’s mouth dropped, and for once she was shocked into complete silence.  “What? We talked about genetics in science this year.” 
“Well, she is right,” Blaine said, thinking about it.  “Though we did mix the sperm together so the genetics would be a surprise.” 
Katie let out a low groan as she buried her head in her hands.  Kurt, trying not to die of laughter, put a somewhat sympathetic arm around her shoulders.  “Don’t worry, kiddo,” he said, unintentionally channeling his dad.  “It’ll probably get a lot worse before it gets better.  But at some point, you’ll learn to appreciate us.”
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Disney Romance - Cinderella’s Bird - 200 followers special
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@littlesniggy​ said : Hey you! Now it's my turn to request something! Kida sad you don't write for Akainu but I can understand 😂 He's an asshole! If it hasn't been requested yet, would you do Mulan/Cinderella with Kid x female reader? I'm super excited which one you choose/ if you choose it at all! Thank you!
A/N : Omg thankyou so much for sending an ask @littlesniggy​ san!!! I am so excited to answer this for you! I loved writing for the grumpy boy. This was really a beautiful experience writing this for Eustass KIdd. Please don’t have high expectations for this.
Warning : A big fic written by me. But has a happy ending.
Word count : 2.7K
I hope you like it!
“Why the hell should I get married now?”, you complained to your Robin who always was beside you, she was a maid but you always admired her and always treated her like a friend not like a maid.
Robin sighed and patted your head as she took the place beside you on the bed. “I should have the choice when I want to get married. Not some jerk who is randomly selected by my parents”, you scoffed and plopped back on the soft burgundy-coloured bedsheets. Robin gave you a sad smile and said, “That’s true. I too believe that marriage should be for Love”
Being a princess isn’t easy. Every girl dream to be a princess but its not as beautiful like the fairy tales are. You are a live example for that. Not once you could decide for yourself. Even the big puffy yellow gown you were wearing was not of your choice. The corset was killing you inside. You wanted to rip it off and throw it out of your window. With language classes, you always had dance classes, tea sessions, music classes. Everything that was chosen by your parents, was practically forced upon you.
‘What kind of lunatic needs to learn how to drink tea?’, you cursed the tea sessions when ever you were being called to it. All you did was brew tea and drink during the whole time. The music classes were always a hectic. You wanted to learn an instrument but when you were given another. Your wishes were denied because who cares about your dreams? In the beginning even dance classes were troublesome, But you tried to put up with all those demands of your parents. In return they are now trying to get you married as soon as possible.
“I’m done with this Robin”, you spoke and got up. “I’ll do whatever I want”, your voice was stern and Robin was curious on what you were about to do.
“Cancel todays classes, I’ll be going to visit the town to relieve my stress”, you announced briskly walking towards the closet.
“Are you sure your highness? But how can you go alone? You must have someone wit-”
“Robin! Its fine. I can take care of myself”, you didn’t let her finish her sentence. Throwing your corset on the floor and dressing up like a maid didn’t take long enough. You made your way towards the secret passage in the palace and exited the palace. Even though Robin was worried, she had to stay back in the castle to make sure no one notices your leaving.
The town and the market were as lively as ever and you walked around the place. As you kept walking, you saw a couple who looked very much in love. You felt a bit envious of them. At least the commoners had the freedom to do what they like. As you were walking aimlessly in the market, you bumped into a tall buff guy.
“Oh I’m sorry”, after apologising you thought of leaving but it didn’t go well.
“Hey! How can you go away like that?” the man started to fight with you. As you felt the very heavy scent of alcohol hit your nostrils, you knew that this man was heavily drunk.
“What? I apologised so what’s your problem now?” you questioned as your dominant hand slowly reached for the sword hidden in your skirt.
“You bitch how dare you speak back to me?” he raised his hand to land a hit on you but just when you were about to take out the sword, his had was stopped mid-air. You then saw a man who had red hair. As soon as the jerk saw that man, it seemed like his senses came back to him again.
“Asshole! Didn’t I tell you this is my shop and never make a scene in front of it”, the man shouted at the rogue twisting his arm. He winced in pain as he apologised and ran away.
The red haired man went into a shop, what seemed like a shop of vegetables and fruits. ‘Was he a farmer?’, you thought and followed him. Looking inside, there were so many fresh vegetables and also fruits in the shop.
“What do you want?”, a sharp voice questioned making you turn towards the owner of the voice. It was the same red head from before.
“Uh, I… I’m here to buy”, you said and looked around again trying to seem convincing. He huffed and sat on a chair fiddling with something which seemed like a machine. Your interest perked up and you asked him, “What are you making?”, moving closer to take a peek at the machine.
“Why should I tell you?”, he spat but as he looked at your face, he noticed that your eyes were sparkling with curiosity and interest.
“Tsk”, he clicked his tongue and explained about the way he wanted to make a machine bird as you listened to him carefully. He kept telling you how helpful machines would be if used in the correct way.
“But, don’t you think, this material you are using to make this bird is kinda… cheap and looks like its gonna break soon?”, you questioned for which he frowned and replied, “Don’t you think I already know that? I… I just don’t have the money”, mumbling the last part.
“Oh! I got an idea. Listen to me, uhh..”
“Eustass Kidd”
“So, Kidd As this bird is still in the beginning process, I’ll bring you the material tomorrow. Till then don’t touch this. Okay now I need to leave. I’ll be taking this basket here”, you said and took a basket of strawberries and tossed a coin to him.
“HEY WAIT!! YOU DIDN’T EVE- and she’s gone”, still with that grumpy look Kidd took his screw driver to continue working on the bird. But he remembered you telling him to wait till tomorrow. So he sat back in his chair and exhaled.
“Its not because she told me to wait. I… I want to continue this tomorrow”, he huffed and folded his hands. Then he remembered about the coin you threw.
He opened his palm and his eyes widened as he looked at the coin. It was a gold coin. A freaking gold coin for a basket of strawberries.
“No way. What the heck is she thinking?”, he carefully placed it back in the locker and thought to give it back to you tomorrow.
At the castle you came back and continued with your remaining day. You should leave tomorrow. So you need to make plans.
“Robin I need you to do something for me”, you explained how you needed high quality metal and also the timings of classes to be shifted. So, it did happen and you had continuous morning classes without breaks but, you were a free after them and it made you to take material Kidd wanted to make the bird. Changing out from your attire of a princess you went to the same shop as yesterday. There you found the man coming towards you as if he was waiting for you all along.
“I got the material you need”, you said as you placed it beside his table where the bird was supposed to be made.
“Were you waiting for me? Sorry I was late”, you said and he instantly replied, “Wha- Who was waiting for you?”
“Ah ok”, you muttered as you saw him instantly looking and taking the material with a faint pink shade on his cheeks. He looked just like a child exited to play with his toys.
“Where the hell did you even get these? These are clearly expensive?”, his sudden questions made your thoughts to break.
“Ah… I got it from the Kings dumpster”, you made the blankest expression trying to hide your lie.
“Kings Dumpster?! The King threw away this metal when it’s like this?”, he asked as his brows raised when you just nodded.
“Tsk… and here I am, trying to get re-rid of rust from metal. Using them for the 100th time”, he huffed.
You both sat opposite to each other and he worked on the bird as you learned about the work he was doing. Helping him with giving the appropriate tool at times, you had more fun than you ever had in your life. He tried to return the gold coin but you didn’t take it and made a deal to take vegetables or fruits in return, for which he agreed. You both fist bumped as an agreement of the deal.
From that day, you made your way out of the castle to meet Kidd. Surprisingly, he always waited for you to come to work on the bird. Meanwhile he somewhere started to call you little lady and you actually liked it. It became a routine for you to take a basket of veggies or fruits every time you left the shop. Sometimes he’d you’d tag along with him to his small farm. He was totally proud of his farm. His eyes showed it. Where you knew you never felt that feeling that he was feeling. Never once in your life you felt you were proud of something you did. He was living a complete different life than yours. You found your heart skip a beat every time Kidd smiled. You liked him.
Kidd was unique. He was terrible in showing his emotions but he was a good person. Every time you left the castle for him, seemed right. You actually felt happy seeing him and working with him. But of course, this happiness didn’t last long. Your parents wanted you to get married soon and told you to pick a groom for yourself in the ball that is going to be hosted next week. Bloody next week.
Because of the ball, you had to take even more classes for walking like a princess and also more fashionistas coming to find the perfect gown for you. Due to those, you couldn’t meet Kidd for 4 days.
Meanwhile, Kidd waited for you staring at the front door of his shop. Whenever the door opened, he met with disappointment because it wasn’t you. He couldn’t even continue on his bird. He had doubts on his feelings for you but now, it was clear for him that he liked you. Your thoughts haunted him. His heart earned for you. Only for you to return.
After a long hard day of work, you sneaked out of the castle in the evening and went to Kidd’s shop. You opened the door and your eyes met with Kidds. You both stared at eachother for a few seconds before he spoke.
“Come in”, you obliged and walked into the shop towards the desk where you both made bird. It was just like it was 3 days ago. “You didn’t continue to make the bird?”, you inquired as he just turned away and shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.
“Kidd, its late and I have to leave soon so listen to me”, his vision shifted to you as he gulped.
“But you just came, why do you have to leave?” he asked as he approached you and placed his hands on your shoulder.
“Aww did you miss me?” you tried to tease him but this time, he neither denied nor looked away from you blushing. He stayed silent for a while before he said, “I did”
You didn’t even expect that from Kidd. His hands travelled down from your shoulders to your hands. “I did miss you. So much that I couldn’t even touch that bird”, He looked serious. He placed one hand on your chin and looked into your eyes.
“I didn’t… I didn’t think your thoughts would haunt me that much when you didn’t come. I… I didn’t know when, why or how. But I know that, I have feelings for you little lady”, his voice trembled as he spoke the last bit.
“Kidd are you serious?” you asked placing a hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and nodded. His eyes looked desperate for your answer. Pulling him towards you, you connected your lips with his. The kiss was gentle and with so much of emotion.
Both pulled away to look into each other’s eyes. “I have feelings for you too Kidd”, you smiled and Kidd’s face lit up making you smile in return. He leaned and touched your forehead with yours and exhaled with relief. “Can I request you something Kidd?”, you asked and he nodded.
“Can you come to the castle this coming Wednesday?”
“To the castle? Why?”
“There is a ball going to be held and I want you to come”, you said and stepped back, away from his touch. “Now it’s my turn to wait for you, I should tell you something. So please come”, the last part sounded more like a pleading and with that you left the shop.
Kidd didn’t knew why you had to leave so early. His heart was beating so fast. Confused whether whatever happened now was real or not. He sat on his chair unable to remove your pleading face from earlier. Kidd looked at the bird which was unfinished and took the screw driver to continue working on it. Its been a while since he alone worked on something. It wasn’t a new feeling for him but still, he preferred to talk and have you around while he made it.
The day of the ball arrived. You wore your outfit and looked out the window at the crowd of people came to the castle. Men and women from so many places arrived there. With the help of Robin you made sure that when Kidd comes, he wouldn’t be stopped by any of the guards. The time was almost running out. The first dance was supposed to be started soon but you couldn’t find Kidd anywhere.
Your parents were urging you to find a partner and start the first dance. ‘So Kidd isn’t coming’, you thought and tilted your head up to prevent the tears falling out from your eyes. You pinched your skin trying to distract the pain away. Stepping on the ball room in your burgundy coloured dress, you walked with a straight face. Then suddenly your eyes fell on a person, who was trying to not be visible in the crowd but, his hair was definitely saying otherwise. You swiftly made your way towards that person.
People cleared way for you and it didn’t take long for you to meet the person with the red hair. He was wearing golden coloured suit and his hair was combed back neatly. He looked different but it was him. His cheeks turned the same colour of his hair. You chuckled and took his hand, pulling him towards the middle of the ball room. You placed your hands on his shoulder and pulled him closer to you. His hand trembled before he placed it on your waist. With that the music played and you both danced, with other people also dancing.
“Why didn’t you come to me?”
“How could I? You are a princess and why didn’t you tell me you were a princess?”
“Would you even talk to me like you did if you knew I were a princess?”
“That’s… true but… now here I am, with the princess Y/N in my arms”, he said pulling you closer. You giggled and pushed back the strand of hair which was on his forehead. You both smiled at each other and continued dancing. After the first dance, he pulled you away from the ball room and you followed. He walked towards the garden where no one was and took out something from under the bench.
“What did you bring?”, you asked. He turned and showed it to you. Your eyes went wide looking at the bird that he brought.
“You made her at last!” you exclaimed as he looked down shyly. “Yeah kind of made it. I wanted to show it to you today”
“I love it so much”, you said as you took it in your hands. It was your memory. The time you spent making it with Kidd. It was precious to you two.
“Keep it. It’s yours now”, he said as he smiled.
“Really?! I will take care of it so well”, you replied and jumped on him making him catch you quickly. You looked at him and leaned in for kissing him again. Now, it was passionate. No one to intrude as you were alone. Smiling you pulled back and leaned your forehead with his.
You now found a grumpy man, who would understand you and would really be the reason for you to smile.
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babiemingoo · 4 years
fantasy faire || yoon jeonghan
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summary: [apart of the seventeen stars to the right series] jeonghan figures babysitting his niece at disneyland can’t be that bad, but it definitely gets better when he finds out you’re the cast member assisting his niece’s favorite princess, cinderella.
genre: fluff, cutie uncle!jeonghan || wc: 2.3k
a/n: yes I did take too long to post this and yes I did go overboard... i’m sorry
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I’m definitely the only college kid that has to spend their Saturdays like this, Jeonghan thinks to himself for the second time that month. When he had spent all those nights in high school imagining the crazy parties and wild events he’d attend on his Saturdays in college, there was never any 4 year old niece involved, and definitely no Disneyland either. Yet here he was, his right pointer and middle fingers wrapped tightly around his niece’s hand as she tugs him towards the opening gates of the amusement park. Despite the fact that he did want to go out day drinking with his friends like normal college students did, he also couldn’t complain too much. A free year pass to Disneyland and getting paid just to spend the day with his niece every week? There’s worse things to do on a Saturday.
Still, Jeonghan curses his need for money in the back of his head when a mere 15 seconds after stepping into the park his niece won’t stop begging him to go to the Royal Hall, of all places. “Uncle Hannie pleaseee you told me last time that you’d let me meet Cinderella!” He tries not to groan at the way his niece looks up at him, eyes pleading and much too big for his dwindling resolve.
“Why do you want to go there?! Don’t you want to, like, ride Space Mountain or something?” Jeonghan complains to her as they walk down Main Street, wearing matching Mickey and Minnie Disney ears while weaving through the overwhelming crowds of families and couples.
His niece lets out a whine just as they pass some teenager asking her parents for pictures in front of the castle, “I want to meet Cinderella! She’s my favorite! Uncle Hannie pleaseee!” Her walking halts and she begins to stomp her feet in protest. “You’re such a meanie, you told me last time we came that we would see Cinderella and the time before that and the first time and-”
“Fine!” Jeonghan thought he was first at a lot of things in life, but his niece definitely has him beat in the whining and persistence departments, “We can go see Cinderella at the Royal Hall, but only once today okay? We’re not going over and over again.”
His niece pouts, but doesn’t complain further as she makes her way to the left where the hall was located. Disneyland was always fun - it was Disneyland - but Jeonghan wishes he could enjoy it to it’s full potential rather than being dragged around to visit people in costumes and watching the same shows over and over again.
The boy watches as his niece makes small conversation with the cast member dressed as Ariel. They had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get into the meet and greet and his niece only looks half amused when the princess asks her if she’s met any new fish friends lately. Jeonghan doesn’t say much during their interaction aside from taking a few pictures to show his aunt later and thanking the cast members for their time. 
Almost immediately after Ariel bids her goodbyes, the little girl goes taking off around the corner, calling out a, “Cinderelly Cinderelly!” in excitement. Jeonghan rushes to keep up, and right as he rounds the corner himself he sees his niece happily jumping into the arms of the woman dressed in blue. 
He already knows this is going to take twice as long as Ariel’s meet and greet did; his niece is already spewing off about how she wants her own castle with a mouse named Gus Gus and a carriage shaped like a pumpkin. With a slight puff Jeonghan makes his way to stand next to the cast attendant with Cinderella and for the first time today it’s his heart that goes pumping with excitement.
You stand next to the pillar with a smile watching the interaction between the princess and Jeonghan’s niece. You loved your job of attending to the princesses at the Royal Hall - the way a few magical minutes in someone’s day always makes the tiring hours more than worth it. You beam as Jeonghan’s niece claps her hands while speaking to Cinderella, questioning her on whether or not the King and Queen of the kingdom forced her to eat broccoli, too.
Since starting your job at Disneyland, there were many days where you and your favorite coworker would talk after a shift to discuss the cute guys that would funnel in and out of the parks. Turning to look at the man who came into your area with the little girl, you knew today would be one of those days. “Is she your sister?” You decide to ask, you know, for good measure. He technically looked old enough to have a child around the girl’s age, but you learned the hard way it’s better not to assume.
“Niece,” He answers with a small smile once he settles next to you. Jeonghan lets a few moments pass as he watches his niece happily bounce next to the princess, but in the corner of his eye he’s watching you. You were probably one of the cutest people he’s ever seen - if not the cutest. Knowing he only has a limited amount of time before the family on the other side of the wall moves on to get their meeting with Cinderella, the man attempts to strike up a conversation, “My sister makes me bring her to Disneyland every Saturday.”
“Every Saturday?!” Your eyes get wide, turning to fully face the man, “Did you have to buy an annual pass for that?”
“Nah, they pay for it.” The boy decides to face you completely in response while rubbing his fingers together, “My sister married well.” For a split second he wonders if he should’ve lied and said he did pay for it all himself - to impress you or something.
Your mouth opens to reply, but you’re quickly distracted when you catch the two girls posing for a picture. Despite your desire to talk to the cute guy, you know you’re technically still on the clock, so you cut the conversation in favor of taking pictures of his niece with her favorite princess. Jeonghan decides to do the same and pulls out his phone for pictures, but really, his attention is on you the entire time.
When his niece first begged to meet Cinderella, Jeonghan fully prepared to tell her every week following that they can’t go the Royal Hall for whatever made up reason and somehow convince her to go on a ride instead.
However, with the thought of you, the cute cast member replaying on his mind like a loop, he doesn’t complain for a second when his niece asks to see the princess in blue. In fact, it’s become a habit to head straight to the left whenever they enter the parks. Sometimes Jeonghan even takes his niece through the meet and greet twice if she behaves well (but she doesn’t really have to do anything. He just wants an excuse to see you again).
With their new routine in play, you and Jeonghan become more and more familiar with each other. You learn each other’s names, where the two of you go to school, and even things as in depth as Jeonghan’s love for basketball and the story of how you came to work for Disney. He figures out that your shift ends at 3pm every Saturday and he always seems to make it at least once before you’re off. Coming to Disneyland goes from babysitting his niece to borderline using the little girl as an excuse to talk to you. The bond you two create is simple, and definitely unexpected from your job of working with families and couples more often than not, but it’s special; even magical in a way.
So when Jeonghan’s niece makes a move to go right instead of left one Spring Saturday, Jeonghan nearly gets whiplash, “What are you doing? Don’t you want to go to the Royal Hall?”
To his surprise, the little girl shakes her head and points towards Tomorrowland, “Can we try Space Mountain instead?”
For once in his life, Jeonghan is rendered speechless. His niece never turned down an opportunity to go see her favorite princess. He does nothing but blink at her for a bit, trying to understand her sudden fixation with the opposite end of the park, until he’s pulled back to reality by her tugging on his hand again, “Do you want to see Cinderella later, then?”
Jeonghan’s okay with going on the ride first - as long as they get into the Royal Hall by 3pm. “No,” His niece suddenly answers and the boy can only imagine how high his eyebrows raise, “I don’t really like Cinderella anymore.”
“You what?!” Jeonghan drops down to the girl’s eye level to shake her shoulders dramatically, “What do you mean you don’t like Cinderella?! She’s your favorite!”
“Not anymore, I watched Frozen yesterday and Elsa’s dress is prettier. She’s my favorite now!” He’s sure this could go in a Youtube compilation of Top 10 Anime Betrayals, “I wanna go see Elsa today instead!”
“Screw Elsa!” Jeonghan forgets for a second just where he is, catching a middle aged mom in the corner of his eye covering her daughter’s ears. Clearing his throat and bringing his tone down, he continues, “You like Cinderella, okay? When we get back to your house later tonight we can watch all the Cinderella movies and I’ll even buy you a doll today! But we're not going to see Elsa! We’re seeing Cinderella!”
The small girl, as expected, isn’t very happy with his demands. She begins to stomp and whine like that first day he took her to meet the princess, and although she got the best of him that time, it’s not happening today. “Why can’t we see Elsa?!”
“Because-” Jeonghan pauses to bring his voice down once again, “Cinderella’s friend is really, really cute, okay? And Uncle Hannie really wants to get their phone number. So, we’re going to see Cinderella and later on when Cinderella’s cute friend doesn’t have to work anymore we can go see Elsa, I promise.” With his pinky stretched out, he’s hoping his explanation suffices. His niece was young and maybe she won’t understand just how desperately he wants those two or three minutes with you every week; but it’s worth a shot. 
For a second, she does nothing but stare at his outstretched hand, almost as if she’s weighing her options. Then, with a small smile, she lifts her small hand to meet his and hooks their pinkies together, “Okay.”
Today, Cinderella is placed at the end of the Royal Hall, and Jeonghan’s sure that his niece knows exactly what she’s doing when she nearly flies through the first two princesses with little to no conversation. He decides not to point it out though, and just goes through the routine of taking a picture and thanking the workers.
Jeonghan wonders how the interaction between his niece and Cinderella will go; will she pretend to be interested? Will she tell Cinderella that she’s found a new favorite? Or, worst of all: will she take nearly no time with the princess, and Jeonghan will be forced to talk to you for less than a second before having to leave?
Surprisingly, his niece does none of the three. Without even sparing Cinderella a glance, she immediately marches over to you standing in your usual spot against the pillar and says, “My Uncle thinks you’re cute.”
Silence. Jeonghan, despite being a naturally confident guy, doesn’t know what to do when you look up from his niece with an amused smile. Even Cinderella seems to lose character for a few moments when she slaps her hand over her mouth to conceal her laugh. Before Jeonghan can open his mouth to redeem himself, you look back down at his niece, “Oh? Does he?”
“Yes! I told Uncle Hannie I wanted to meet Elsa today but he made me come here because he said you’re really cute and he wants your phone number,” The girl replies and Jeonghan wonders where kids learn this stuff. “Can you give him your phone number so I can see Elsa now?”
 Jeonghan sighs. This would happen to him. It’s probably karma for using his innocent niece as a way to talk to you. What is he even supposed to say now? Breaking into an awkward smile, he grabs his niece by the shoulder and shrugs, “Uh, kids, right?” Damn kids.
You laugh for a few seconds before lowering down to his niece’s level and grinning at the girl, “Tell your Uncle, that I think he’s really, really cute,” You spare a glance at the man briefly, “And that I’m flattered he’d like to get my phone number. But it’s against the Disneyland rules for me to give it to him.”
Of course it is, he thinks to himself. Leave it to the happiest place on Earth to ruin his chances with you. Jeonghan’s about to nod in understanding and motion for his niece to (very quickly) finish her meet and greet and he can stuff his face with churros for the rest of the day. But before he can make any sort of moves you continue, “However… If you and your Uncle were to see me at the castle around 3:30 after my shift today… I’m sure Mickey wouldn’t mind, right?”
“He wouldn’t!” His niece answers happily before jumping up and down, facing Jeonghan to say, “Can we see Elsa before then?!”
Chuckling (mostly to mask his sigh of relief and excitement), Jeonghan nods and points to Cinderella across the room, “Finish saying hi to Cinderella and I’ll take you to meet Elsa right after this.”
The little girl squeals in happiness before running over to the woman in blue, who he knows is giving him a knowing look. Jeonghan fits into his spot next to you, whispering through a smile, “So… churros at 3:30 then?”
You beam at him, nodding, “It’s a date.”
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In a shameless Cinderella AU, Prince Adrien goes incognito as Chat Noir to find himself a spouse at the most elaborate masquerade the kingdom has ever seen.   
Chapter One: In Which Our Protagonists Are Introduced
“You need to relax.”
“You’re not the one who has to find themselves a spouse at a masquerade ball.” It was precisely six-fifteen in the evening, and Prince Adrien was already looking forward to seeing the guests leave. Under normal circumstances, he would have been in his element modelling for his father – King Gabriel’s elaborate balls, though the guests politely pretended otherwise, were usually an excuse to show off his latest designs. Besides, seeing the ballroom full of people made a pleasant change from the echoing loneliness of the castle in his day-to-day life.
Today’s ball, however, was not “normal circumstances”.
“I thought you were ready to start searching?” Nino, his valet, asked as he unfolded a pair of trousers for later and laid them on the bed.
“I am! I just,” Adrien groaned and dropped down next to the trousers, “I’d just rather do it in my own time. This masquerade feels so…unnecessary.”
Nino hummed a sound that was somewhere between you-have-a-point and masquerade-balls-are-fun-so-quit-complaining, as he pulled a shirt from the wardrobe and squinted at it. “It’s not your style, huh?”
“I’m a model, Nino. Everything’s my style.”
His valet heaved a sigh reserved specifically for the terrible puns that, unfortunately, were not uncommon.
Adrien pouted. “Will you ever appreciate my comedic genius?”
“I will, when your jokes are worth laughing at.”
“Ouch.” The Prince feigned hurt, and Nino chuckled.
“Save the wit for your future spouse.”
“Well that’s an inappropriate thing to say about my-”
They were saved from another terrible, tenuously-linked pun, by a knock at the door. It swung open to admit Kagami, head of the Prince’s security force.
“Good evening, your highness.”
“Kagami! Is everything okay?” Despite her brusque nature, Adrien held a soft spot for his bodyguard. Over the years, she’d proven to be a good friend – willing to listen and sympathise, but more than capable of telling him when to pull himself together in a castle of people intimidated by his title.
“All guards are in place for tonight, but it would help if we knew what you’ll be wearing.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I assume you will be changing into something a little more formal?”
“You would be correct.” Nino picked up Adrien’s mask from where it lay on the windowsill and showed it to her. “Though considering the rate at which he’s been procrastinating, I’ll be surprised if he actually makes it to the ball.”
“Okay fine! I’m changing, I’m changing.” Adrien ducked behind a screen to pull on his formal attire, ignoring the amused look exchanged between the others. “By the way, Kagami, Felix agreed to pose as me so that I can talk to people without panicking them – he’ll be the one in the white swan costume.”
“Thank you for the heads up, I’ll make the guards aware.” Kagami glanced up at the clock. “You have forty minutes. I’ll be at the end of the corridor if you need help wrangling his highness into something resembling a prince, Nino.”
“Thanks, Kagami.”
“I heard that.” Adrien’s hand appeared round the side of the screen to gesture vaguely at her. “I’ll be punctual, I promise.”
“You always are.” With a final nod at Nino, Kagami left the room. Behind the screen, Adrien mumbled as he fiddled with the buttons on his sleeves.
“Need a hand?”
“Please.” Adrien emerged from the screen to hold out his wrists. “I just can’t believe that tonight I’m supposed to meet the person I’ll spend the rest of my life with.”
“And if you don’t?”
“Father says that Princess Lila has…expressed her interest.”
“I see.” Nino pulled a face as he finished buttoning the cuffs. “Well, I’ll be around to point you in the direction of suitable looking guests. And if you’re desperate for a friendly face.”
“Last time you said that, I seem to recall that you vanished off with a certain Lady Alya all night.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You need to relax.”
“But tonight’s the night I might meet Prince Adrien.” Sighing happily, Marinette Dupain-Cheng twirled in front of a mirror, admiring her reflection. On the nearby chaise lounge sat her best friend, Lady Alya Cesaire, who just shook her head.
“Girl, he’s only human.”
“A human who happens to be a Prince!” Marinette clasped her hands. “Not to mention that his father is the best designer of all time, and that Adrien happens to be the most handsome model in the whole kingdom.”
“Well I think his valet gives him a run for his money, but that’s just a matter of opinion.” Alya smoothed down the skirt of her own russet dress. “Just try to keep your cool if you do get the chance to dance with him, yeah?”
“Of course I will!”
“And remember that every eligible person in the Kingdom is attending. So even if you don’t get to dance with the Prince himself, you might still snag yourself a cute lady or lord.”
“I’ll remember.” Marinette touched her hair to check it was still in the two buns that she’d wrestled with earlier. Silver ribbons were twined round each of them to keep them in place, but she wasn’t taking any chances. Not tonight.
Her dress was composed of panels of grey and silver – inspired by the mice that helped with her chores around the bakery each morning. Not the fanciest animal, sure, but Alya had assured her that the Prince prized sweet personalities over preening peacocks.
"Thank you for letting me get ready here, by the way." said Marinette, smoothing out her gloves. "My parents are really busy with the orders for tonight."
"No worries girl. My place is your place, you know that."
They smiled at one another, before Marinette turned back to the mirror and worried at her lip. Alya put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re fine, Mari. You look beautiful.”
“So do you.” she replied. And it was true. Alya’s fox outfit became her, sleek and ruthless and, well…stunning. No wonder the Prince’s valet was head-over-heels for her. “Will Nino be around?”
Alya’s face lit up at the name of her lover. “He said he’ll be there. Though, he might end up having to keep an eye on the Prince, to make sure he doesn’t scare people away with his puns.”
Marinette giggled. Alya (and by extension, Nino) had told her enough stories of the Prince that he felt like a friend. A friend that she hadn’t met yet, but maybe, just maybe, that would change tonight. She’d meet him and he’d flash her that irresistible smile and oh, dancing with him would be wonderful. He’d twirl her under his arm, they’d waltz like they were on clouds and his eyes would just bore into hers and he’d pull her close and –
“Hey Mari, are you even listening?”
“I – ah – of course I’m listening, what do you mean am I listening? I was totally paying attention!”
Alya rolled her eyes affectionately. “I was asking if you were ready to see the masks? Masker Fu dropped them off this morning.”
“Our masks are from Fu?!” This was news. Only the Royal family and nobility could afford masks designed by Fu. His work was the stuff of legends – they said he used magic to get the colours exactly the same shade as the animal they were based on.
“Of course they are. You didn’t think we’d be going in masks from the High Street now, did you?” Alya smirked, holding out an intricately carved box. “Go on.”
Hands trembling, Marinette unclasped the box and lifted the lid, only to gasp and nearly let it fall.
Inside, nestled amongst crimson tissue paper, was the mask. It glimmered faintly under the lamps, silver mixed in with the grey fur. Whiskers protruded from it, softer than they should have been when Marinette stroked a finger along them, tapping the tiny black nose as she picked it up.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Try it on.” Alya urged, placing the box on the windowsill. “I’ll tie it.”
Holding the mask to her face, Marinette felt it mould to her features. It fit like a glove. Deft hands tied the ribbon to secure it, then Alya was tugging her back towards the mirror.
“Take a look.”
Marinette looked.
[check out ao3 to follow 😊]
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imagine-loki · 5 years
AUTHOR: breemaggs
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Odin throwing a ball, inviting all the young ladies of the realm to come to be chosen by Loki to be his future wife. (a bit like in Cinderella I guess?) Loki despises the idea, knowing all the women won't be interested in him, but just in the related power and wealth ... And to prove it, he tricks Odin by projecting an image of himself during the ball ( ...refusing every dance and every contact for obvious reasons...) while he disguises his true self in an ordinary ( but still handsome) young man. He tries to see if any of the girls would be interested in him for his personality instead of the possible power of match with the prince of Asgard. (Click to read the full imagine!)
NOTES/WARNINGS: Rated for language. This is very much AU. I tweaked the imagine a bit to fit the muse’s demands. Enjoy!
“...a ball the likes of which the Kingdom of Asgard has never seen!”
Loki rolled his eyes, not even bothering to hide his annoyance at this point. Such grandeur was right up Odin’s alley, but he found it in poor taste. And the reason for the ball? Simply archaic; Odin wanted to marry off his last prince and he figured that packing the castle chuck full of Asgardian noblewomen ought to be the perfect way to do it.
But Loki knew better than to kick up a fuss. It would only make Odin enjoy the entire process more. So he stayed silent, limiting his protestations to body language only. But it was difficult; he had to bite down on his tongue more than once to stay quiet and just let him carry on.
All he could think of was how dreadful it was going to be. Daughters of important dignitaries and nobles... He suppressed a shudder. The daughters were bad enough on their own, but the prize at stake was going to make them absolutely crazy. He could almost hear them simpering about how much they adored him and wanted to forever be in his favor. And the mothers... Fuck, best not to think about the desperate mamas seeking a match for their babies.
His only saving grace was his mother. Frigga kept casting concerned glances at her youngest son when the King wasn’t looking. He took comfort in the fact that his mother was on his side. She had always been on his side, even if it was often only in secret. And while she couldn’t completely keep the atrocity from actually occurring, she could keep it relatively under control.
It would have to be enough.
xoxoxo xoxoxo
Well, it wasn’t a complete atrocity, Loki thought as he looked across the ballroom from his hiding place. It was going well. Or at least, that’s what Odin must have thought as he watched Loki’s illusion interact with the silly debutantes. He was careful to keep his projection from touching anyone. It wasn’t difficult; he’d been playing with illusions since he was a child and he’d damn near perfected them. He didn’t even have to babysit them anymore.
It helped that his mother was running interference. He was sure that she knew it wasn’t really him on the floor. She was waving off the formal greetings for all the women who were trying so hard to even graze against him. He loved her all the more for it.
And he was having his own fun, proving his personal theory correct. He knew none of these women wanted him for who he was. He wasn’t stupid and neither were they. Love matches were exceedingly rare. These women were out for blood; they wanted to align their families with royalty. They wanted the endless pampering and wealth that came from a marriage to a prince.
So he’d cast a glamor over himself, creating a new identity. No one paid him any mind, just as he had expected. It was fun to experiment, though. No one was interested in anyone but the prince. Woman after woman had turned down his deep bows and offers of a dance. He’d taken it well enough, but a hint of annoyance was beginning to creep in.
Fucking nobles. They were all the same. Money hungry and utterly ruthless in their attempts to better themselves.
Deciding he’d seen enough for the moment, he headed towards the library, shedding his glamor as he did so. There would be no need for a disguise in his favorite hiding place. It was his sanctuary. It was where he went when he needed space to breathe.
And he definitely needed some space to breathe tonight. He loosened his collar and let out a long sigh as he approached the closed doors. He threw them open and was well on his way to his favorite nook when he realized that he wasn’t the only person in the room.
He stared in shock as the loveliest woman he’d ever seen, scrambled to pick herself up off the floor from where she’d been sprawled out reading. She had auburn curls that were escaping their pins, sending her hair into disarray around her heart shaped face. Her green eyes were a bright contrast to her perfectly tanned skin and they were pleading with him as she looked up at him.
“Shit! No, um.” She fumbled for words. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I’ll go, okay? Please, please don’t tell His Highness that I was trespassing!”
At that, he laughed, charmed by her mouth and the way her lips shaped her filthy words. “I promise you that I will not tell on you, my little trespasser. Your secret is safe with me.”
She gave an audible sigh of relief and her shoulders sagged with it.
“I am curious, though. Why is it you are in here and not out there-“
“Oh, please. Those blathering idiots.” She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t be caught dead vying for the hand of a prince. The only reason I accepted the invitation was to see the library.”
He cocked a brow, but let her continue as he watched her eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.
“This library is the stuff of legends. Noble women aren’t encouraged to read or, in all honesty, have much of a brain. My father thought that was stupid and made sure that I had the best private tutors and teachers.” She trailed a hand down the spines of the books on the shelf closest to her, her eyes faraway and a small frown forming on those damnable lips. “But that all changed when he passed away. My stepmother didn’t agree with him. She thought he was indulging me and filling my head with nonsense.”
He opened his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say. She turned towards him and gave him a grin.
“She’d shit her pants if she knew I was wasting this opportunity in the Royal Library.”
He laughed again and was rewarded with a true smile from her. She stepped away from the shelves and put her hands on the desk in between them, leaning forward just enough that he could see the barest hint of cleavage. But he was raised a gentleman and yanked his eyes away from temptation and met her amused ones. She graced him with a smirk as if to say that she knew exactly where his thoughts had gone.
“So, what about you? Why are you hiding in the library when there’s such a wonderful party going on? Too much competition from the prince, huh?”
It was at that moment that he realized she had no idea who he was. She didn’t know he was the prince. She thought he was just another guest in attendance. And that filled him with relief. Finally. Someone who wasn’t after him just for his title. Someone who could hold an intelligent conversation.
“Something like that,” he affirmed with a shrug, pulling out the seat in front of him and sitting down at the desk.
She took the hint and pulled the chair on the other side so that they were sitting across from each other. “I can’t imagine you having trouble finding a date,” she admitted, propping her elbows on the desk and cradling her face in her hands.
He smirked. “I find that their company is extremely lacking,” he confessed.
It was her turn to laugh and he immediately loved the sound. It didn’t grate on his ears the way most women’s laughter did; he supposed the fact that her laughter wasn’t forced or faked had something to do with it.
“I can’t say I blame you,” she agreed with a soft sigh. “They’re all bitches, if you ask me.”
That. That right there. He loved that. What would she say next? He had no clue. It was a constant surprise. He had known her all of twenty minutes and he was already enchanted. She was so different from any woman he had ever known and that was so very appealing to him.
He lost track of time as they swapped stories about their childhoods and shared interests. And there were a lot of shared interests, they found as they continued talking. It wasn’t until she was yawning in front of him that he realized that it had grown late.
The clock chimed midnight and she started in front of him.
“Fuck! Is that clock right?” Before he could answer, she was up and out of her seat. “I have to go. If I don’t beat my stepmother home, my life is over. This was fun! We should do it again!”
Her last words were toss over her shoulder as she raced out of the room. He took chase, calling after her. He couldn’t lose her now. He’d only just found her.
“Wait!” How did she run so fast in those fucking heels? “I don’t even know your name!” And I never told you mine.
She looked over her shoulder, surprise written all over her face. “It’s Ella!” And mine is Loki. Prince of Asgard.
And then she was gone, tearing through the gates as if the very hounds of Hel were on her tail. At least he had a name. Ella.
Now he just had to find her. And then tell her that he was the prince.
He’d have to figure it out.
xoxoxo xoxoxo
It had been a week. A very, very long week.
He was frustrated. He was smart. He was resourceful. He was multitalented. And he had still been bested by a woman. A woman who had seemingly vanished into thin air. Ella. She’d said she’d gotten an invitation to the palace for the ball, but he couldn’t find her name on the guest list. And he’d checked it more than once.
To make matters worse, his father was insisting that he should abandon his search and marry one of the many other girls that had attended. His mother had stepped in at that point; she knew the entire story as she was the only person Loki had trusted enough to confide in. She’d urged Odin to let him find his mystery woman. Odin had reluctantly given in to his wife’s request.
Loki knew that wouldn’t be the last conversation on the matter, but for now, the subject was closed and he was free to try and find her. He poured all of his time and energy into finding her. He pulled the previous year’s census report, but because he had no surname, it wasn’t any help.
He was exhausted and beginning to lose hope. So he decided to go back to where it all started; his safe haven, his favorite place. The library. He did his best thinking in there anyway, surrounded by books that held years of knowledge.
With a heavy heart, he yanked the doors open and was, once again, shocked to find someone already using his space. His heart leapt into his throat as he took in the form of a woman patiently restocking the shelves. She slowly turned around at the sound of the door and his heart began a wild rhythm in his chest.
She shot him one of those smirks he had so enjoyed the night they had met. “Took you long enough,” she told him, setting the rest of the books down on the desk they’d shared only a week ago.
He frowned and crossed his arms. “If I knew all I had to do was return to the library, I would have done it a week ago,” he replied crossly, trying to ignore his leaping pulse.
She laughed. “Calm down, I wasn’t trying to insult your intelligence. Your mother said you spend a lot of time in here. I thought we’d have crossed paths before now, that’s all.”
His heart dropped into his stomach and his jaw dropped ever so slightly. He swallowed. He didn’t know what to say. This was uncharted territory. He’d prepared a speech to explain to her that he was, in fact, the very prince she’d been avoiding at the ball, but apparently she already knew. And his mother was in on it.
She laughed again at the expression on his face. “It’s okay,” she said with a soft smile.
She came around the desk to stand in front of him. She used her hands to uncross his arms and tangle their fingers together. She tilted her head and studied his eyes. What she saw in them, he wasn’t sure, but he found that he couldn’t look away.
“Loki,” she breathed and he bristled.
Assuming she knew who he was and having it confirmed were two very different things. And suddenly, he was very worried that she’d just played a very elaborate game to trap him. He didn’t like that notion. He finally dropped his eyes away from hers and fought the growing hurt.
But she wasn’t going to let him off so easy. She lifted his head with gentle fingers until their eyes were locked again.
“Let me explain. A week ago, I truly didn’t know who you were,” she told them and he could see the truth in her eyes. They were shining bright with determination. She wanted him to believe her. She wanted him to know that she wasn’t lying to him. She took a deep breath and the rest of her words came tumbling out of her mouth.
“But the day after the ball... The prince was all my stepsisters could talk about. They regaled me with tales about the prince’s soft raven locks and cool eyes. They told me about how polite and wonderfully handsome he was. With every description, I found myself thinking about how very similar you and the prince sounded. And then there were the posters...” She paused to frown, drawing a finger down his smooth cheek. “Stasja got her greedy hands on one of the promotional pieces for the ball... And there you were staring at me from my dining room table.”
She visibly swallowed and closed her eyes for a moment. He reached up and swept her unruly hair out of her face. He let his hand tangle in her hair. She leaned into his touch and he felt the knot that had formed in his stomach loosen a little. Her words rang true to his ears.
“I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to see you again, but I didn’t know how. The fact that you are a prince...” She winced.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, feathering his thumb across her cheek.
She didn’t seem to believe him and continued with her explanations. “You have to understand. My father came from a very noble and old bloodline. But my stepmother is nothing more than a leech. After my father died, she began treating me like dirt beneath her feet. I had to sneak out of the house to get to the ball. That’s why I ran out of here so fast.”
If I don’t beat my stepmother home, my life is over.
“Your mother caught me trying to sneak into the palace two days ago.” She smiled. “I thought was dead. Caught by the Queen. Fuck, I thought she was going to send me straight to the dungeon. But she seemed to know who I was.”
“That sounds like mother,” he agreed.
She sighed and finally lifted her eyes to his. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions.”
She shrugged. “I get it. You’re used to the bitches at court.”
He laughed and tugged her against him. She wrapped her arms around him and returned his embrace. She felt so good against him. Better than he had ever dreamed. He pulled away ever so slightly and used the hand in her hair to angle her head back. And then he took the plunge and kissed the woman who had literally run away with his heart.
She kissed him back with a ferocity that surprised him, but shouldn’t have. She knew what she wanted and she went after it. It was in her nature. And she, apparently, wanted him. She wanted him for him. Not for his title. The thought lit a fire in him and he deepened the kiss, wanting her to feel the depth of his emotions in that kiss.
She whimpered against his lips and opened her mouth, giving in to his demand. Her hands were pressed flat against his back and she used them to pull him impossibly closer. His hand in her hair tightened and tugged while his other hand squeezed her hip.
When it became clear that the kiss was getting out of control, he broke away from her. It took everything in him to keep from kissing her again when he saw her lips that were swollen and wet from his kiss.
“Why did you stop?” she asked.
“Because I would hate for someone to catch me fucking you against the bookshelves,” he murmured wickedly in her ear.
He stepped back with a grin and watched as a blush spread up her neck and to her cheeks.
“But what if that’s what I want?” she shot back at him, her eyes flashing.
He smothered her devious laughter with another kiss. She would be the death of him.
He was looking forward to it.
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fandomwarriorqueen · 5 years
Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Disney movies all the time but I don’t like the Disney movies for their romance. Yes the romance parts are great especially in some of the later movies but there’s so much to learn from each and every princess. Ps, this is really fucking long but I think it’s important and carries a lot of good life lessons. Sorry for bad grammar and weird language. My only language is English but I don’t speak it that well when I’m tired.
Snow White: She didn’t let her fear get in the way of her caring heart, and the only reason why the old crone was her stepmother was because her stepmother actively looked for her knowing that Snow would help her because of how kind she was, which is how she convinced her to take her into the house. The only person who did something wrong was the Evil Queen in taking advantage of a girl of 14 who doesn’t understand what she did wrong.
Cinderella: Being brave enough to follow your heart and work to make your dreams come true is something I especially think that we could learn form today. She worked to get all her chores done and because of everything she did for them the mice helped her finish the dress. The fairy godmother saw how hard she tried to go to the ball, and so she helped Cinderella get there and make sure she wasn’t recognized by Lady Tremaine so that way she couldn’t be abused further for leaving the house. Also while Cinderella was excited by the idea of meeting the Prince, she was excited because she wanted to meet to him and talk to him and that’s what ultimately drew him to her. She wasn’t throwing herself at someone because of his money or titles like Drisella or Anastasia or the other women, in fact she fell in love with him and married him for the way he loved her.
Jasmine: A lot of people don’t recognize the strength it takes for Jasmine to make the decisions she made. Instead of quietly submitting to a marriage she instead used her position as princess to make a point and refused to sit idly by as a glorified prisoner within the palace walls, and a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of women/girls in middle eastern countries aren’t allowed to leave their homes or are forced to married the men that their fathers chose for them either because they don’t know better, or fear of retribution. It also makes a point that just because women may be the money makers doesn’t mean that the man is any less important in the relationship. Jasmine chose Aladdin because he supported her as who she was as a person and recognized that she wouldn’t want to marry a prince who thought he was worthy because he was a man/Prince so rather he proved that he wanted to marry Jasmine because he loved her for all of her.
Mulan: This is another one because Mulan broke the gender roles that are present even with modern Western societies. Men go off to fight in wars and women stay home get married and maybe get a job and raise the kids, but there are so many women who fight for our country and rights and our freedoms, and continue to fight to make sure we can keep them, but also create more and help others. Also Mulan shows that sometimes it goes beyond raw power and the ability to follow orders that makes a person successful. You have to be driven, hard-working, creative, and cunning in order to achieve your goals. Also not to mention it teaches girls to be proud of who they are as fighters, and not to hide behind any type of mask because they aren’t worthless. Also there are so many unspoken women in history that did a lot for their countries during war times, and Mulan barely begins to cover it.
Belle: This is one of my personal favorites for multiple reasons. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie and Belle is my favorite princess and theirs a reason. There are so many types of people out there and being book loving introvert that didn’t have a lot of friends growing up Belle was a huge role model for me. For one she didn’t take shit Gaston and refused to let him and the villagers influence her values and get in the way of her passion for reading and refused to let people make fun of her father, because her parentage was something she was proud of, and rightfully so, as her father was a ingenious inventor. Also not to mention she didn’t take shit from the Beast as well, being the first person to let him know throw a healthy way *cough* unlike the Enchantress *cough* that he wasn’t treating people with the respect they deserved, but she still helped him when he saved her life showing that she has a good heart, as she just returned to the very castle she had been escaping. Of course another thing she does is instead of immediately leaving, as soon as she sees hope of progress and change within the Beast she teaches him what it means to be a good person, acting as a teacher and good influencer. The reason she doesn’t do this with Gaston is because he not only refuses to change, and instead tries to change her, he also threatens her, and as soon as she’s not submissive to him, he labels her as crazy and casts her to the side and goes on a jealous rampage against the man she does have feelings for, as I do often see within my own school. Belle also sees past the views of the villagers, who see Gaston as more then a strong handsome guy and instead for the asshat he is, which is something that girls should keep in mind when approaching anyone of the preferred gender. Look at personality and not physical features. Most of the time you can see the warning signs of an abusive relationship before it actually starts, if you look for them.
Ariel: This is one that I find really intersting and I’m at odds with. On one hand I think that Ariel had a right to be curious and she was right to look past her family views and try to see humans for what they were rather then what her family labeled them to be. This applys great to people who have bigot parents and absolutely encourage curious people to ask me questions about my heritage and my sexuality and a lot of my guy friends ask a lot of what it’s like being a girl. Education isn’t always what you read in books. Also I like how even though Ariel was putting herself at risk, she recognized the need that Eric was in, and set her own self aside to save Eric, as you should always value life and try to help others in need when possible. On the other hand, Ariel gave up a lot for Eric. While I understand her need to leave her family behind she knew nothing about Eric or if he was in fact a mermaid killer as she had never had a true conversation with him, and you should never jump headlong into relationships like that because it’s not always healthy and can lead to a lot of miscommunication. Also another thing I don’t like is the Flotsum and Jetsum reminded me so much of creepy old men luring kids into cars. Stay safe and aware. Your life isn’t worth a guy or whatever your willing to get yourself killed for. There was a reason Sebastian tried to warn her and a reason Flounder took his side. Your friends often times have your best interests at heart, and are looking out for you. Listen to them. Sometimes they can see stuff you can’t. Also the fact she gave up her voice for Eric is something I’m at odds with. Yes relationships do take sacrifice and work, but you should never ever feel the need to give up such a huge part of yourself for someone else, and a person who cares about you would never ask that if you. If Eric truly cared about Ariel he would have saw past the tail and they could have tried to find another way to be together without putting Ariel in danger. Also irrational choices. Times of emtions and clouded judgment are not the time and place to make life changing decisions. Also people may claim to be helping but often times if they want something out of it, especially something big and personal, they are you using and should not being trusted.
Aurora: Not gonna lie I don’t have much to say because she wasn’t in much of the movie. But yeah talking to people isn’t a bad thing, you can’t let your guardian determine your social life that’s for you to figure out. For me it’s social media and a lot of theater nerds, for others they’re sportsy and they like taking to people and making friends face to face. But also talk to people a bit before asking them in a date, and if they name a sketchy place or seem to have a sketchy background don’t meet them. They could be fishers or rapists or just weird. Not really Aurora’s fault and for the time picking her up at a woodsman cottage in the middle of the woods isn’t that weird, but Phillip hun if the lights aren’t on and the voice sounds like the wicked fairy from your fiancées baptism then don’t go in. Also don’t date people if your engaged it’s rude.
Pocahontas: While I understand a lot of the movie isn’t historically accurate for a kids movie about looking past race and understanding someone before you judge them, and misplacing your anger, 100% done right Disney. Amazing. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Also find those key supporting figures in your life like Grandmother Willow, because those are the people that in the long run, will be there for you and love you forever. Also, again, be true to yourself. Pocahontas wasn’t happy with being the conplacent wife, don’t be the conplacent girl. If you have dreams, go fucking get them. They are so within your grasp all you have to do is leave the haters behind, jump in your canoe, and look at what’s around the river bend. Also thank you for discussing how precious every single bit of life on our Earth is and how much we should preserve it, but also for calling out white imperialism. You didn’t come form this land, just because you say mine like a spoiled child, doesn’t give you the right to commit genocide and kill multiple cultures and thousands of people, and destroy the land they worked so hard to preserve, and then deny them rights in their own country. My ancestors are guilty of this, and my ancestors have also been the victims. While it’s horrible and needs to be taught better in schools and bigotry needs to be erased, we also need to move past it a preserve the dying cultures by teaching people about them, even if they don’t necessarily belong to the culture by blood. I’m more Irish then Aztec, but I want to know more about my heritage on both sides. And I live for teaching people my history if they’re willing to listen.
Tiana: Girl you are a strong black women and you have a dream and you work hard and you make your daddy proud every goddamn day. But you also have to remember that you need to give yourself the space to grow and be a person outside of work. You need to remeber to have fun, and you can only give 100 if you treat yourself like you’re 100. But also you can’t dilly dally along all day, and you’ll never get anywhere if life if you don’t work for it. Even the smallest of dreams is something more then nothing (looking at you Naveen) also hey maybe that person worked for that shit you don’t know, but don’t go about the wrong way of doing something through anger because it never ends well. Also hey thanks for showing off the racial devide of the historyocal time period. Just letting you know it was extremely rare for white anf black girls to be friends because most of the time they wouldn’t see each other. Also allowing Tiana into the costume party was truly revolutionary on Charlotte’s part as black people weren’t supposed to be treated as equals. That obviously had changed a lot but it also needs to change still. Not to mention Naveen would have never been allowed to marry Charlotte due to his skin tone even with her daddy’s blessing unless he was a prince, because he would’ve been lynched otherwise. Also that image of family and neighbors being one. That’s was something amazing. Share what you can with those around you cause they other have less. Also let’s make sure that the divide between white and black folks keep getting smaller ok.
Rapunzel: Boy could I go on a tangent about this movie because recognizing who you are as a person and who you want to be is just the start. Mother Gothel was horrible, terrible, awful, and no-good in so many ways I’m surprised the movie is rated G with the level of abuse portrayed in the film. First off you shouldn’t steal, and you cannot claim something made for those in need for yourself when there are others out there suffering so much worse. (Definitely talking about the Medicare system here get your act straight) Also you shouldn’t find the need to control everything about your child’s life. You have to let them be there own person and figure things out on there own otherwise the message will never get through. Also treat your child like a goddamn person they aren’t a slave or your own personal slave they are a human being. Don’t get me started on stealing a child because holy fuck how bad of a person do you have to be.
Merida: I love this movie for a variety of reasons. First a female character does not need a romance to be a successful lead role. Also sane thing, your child isn’t a mini you, or a mold to make as you want. They are a human being. They must grow and learn on their own, or they’ll never truly understand the lesson. The best you can do is support them. Also like with Merida and the princes, a girl doesn’t need a man to be a Queen, a man or another person of preferred gender should just make her stronger. Also one of the things I have learned is that this movie wasn’t Queen Elenore finding the courage to let her daughter be herself, or Merida finding the courage to admit her mistakes, but more then that, it was finding the courage to live in a way Disney had never shown before. Brave was about family love, and how there are so many bonds and relationships that are so much more important and valuable to use then our selfish parts of us like pride, being a family with people who hold different values then yourself is one of eh hardest thing, take it from a person who knows. But you have to find the courage and the strength to move past the fear, anger, and sadness to work together as people who where originally designed to love each other unconditionally, and make a family work, and as shown it only works if every person who’s part of it, puts in the effort and emotion in order to truly create the bond needed to love each other above all else.
This was my long ass rant as to why I think Disney princesses are important and don’t necessarily hold a bad message I didn’t talk about lesser know princesses or Frozen because that is a whole rant in itself that I’m not going to get into because it’s nearily one in the morning here.
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Ghost Adventures!
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I had a fun thought experiment while trying to fall asleep.
What if I had “Ghost Powers”?
And not necessarily like Danny Phantom - he could shoot laser beams and stuff, and that’s not what I’m really going for
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So what would these Ghost Powers entail?
When I so choose, the ability to:
be invisible
be inaudible
pass through solid objects
fly / float
turn objects & living beings invisible if I touch them; or leave them visible and make them look like they’re floating around on their own
said objects & beings I’ve turned invisible, as long as I’m touching them, retain my power of also remaining inaudible and can pass through solid objects. Once I release them, they return back to normal
*Note on invisibility: What I mean is that photons, instead of bouncing off me, would pass right through me, leaving no shadow. This does bring up the problem of, “But if light doesn’t hit your retina, you won’t be able to see!” Well let’s pretend that’s part of my powers - I can see even though others can’t see me. Also I can hear myself and any object I’ve touched.
What are the limitations?:
If I fall asleep or fall unconscious, I can’t use my powers. Ex.: If I’m invisible and then fall asleep, I will become visible again
If I am startled, I’ll revert back to normal (become visible/audible). (Hopefully I’m not flying in midair when that happens)
My powers are dependent on my energy level. If I haven’t eaten or am not well-rested, my power is diminished, especially my flight, because that takes a LOT of energy
If I touch a person and turn them invisible, they can now see me / hear me, but only as long as I’m touching them
Cats (Felis catus) can always see me no matter what
I didn’t think about this until now, but smell - I don’t think I can cover up my smell, meaning any animals, particularly dogs, would know I’m around
If any part of my body (hair, blood, spit, etc) is no longer connected / contained within the rest of my body, the fallen part immediately becomes visible
I cannot permanently make something invisible/inaudible
I cannot make objects float on their own. I have to physically pick them up, therefore I can only take what I can carry. On that same note - weight does not diminish. Just because something is “ghostly” now, doesn’t mean it no longer is heavy. I can’t pick up airplanes
I can still leave prints on anything I make contact with - footprints, fingerprints, even DNA
I’m still mortal, and still must eat and sleep, and am still susceptible to illness and injury and the range of human emotions
I think that’s about everything I thought of.
So with these newfound powers, what’s the very first thing I decide to do?
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I myself could fly to California, but that would take a lot of energy. Easier to ghostly enter an airport and get aboard an airplane and let it take me to CA, and then from there fly to the park.
Then I thought about, “What do I do about sleep? I’d have to be somewhere safe because I’m vulnerable when asleep.” So then I came up with: a hotel. For free. All I’d have to do is use my ghost powers to go from room to room until I find one that’s unoccupied and make camp.
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But what if someone checks-in to the room while I’m in it? Easy - bolt and latch the door. When they try to get in, it will undoubtedly make noise. And if they’re really frustrated, they’ll probably knock, at which point I’m awake and can turn ghost, grab my backpack, and get the hell outta there.
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Now what about the backpack? I was pretty sure (and I just checked and am right) that backpacks aren’t allowed. My solution? Fly up to the hotel’s roof and leave it up there - and then hope like hell no employee is doing work on the roof that day. For added security - putting the backpack in a large garbage bag in case the weather turns foul
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Getting into the park is easy: Go Ghost. I could fly in, but that’s not as fun. I want the experience of walking through those front gates.
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And as soon as I get in, find an inconspicuous place hidden from view and then turn non-ghost again. Then I can wander the park to my heart’s content. (Def first stop is the Disneyland Railroad. You just gotta).
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What about food though? While doing this thought experiment, I concluded that if I can turn things invisible, then easily I can acquire food. If I’m in a gas station and grab a muffin and a bottle of milk, they’re going to vanish and I can just walk through the walls with them and eat them later, disposing of the trash away from prying eyes
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That’s a little harder at a theme park. What if I want soft serve ice cream? I could make the bowl disappear, but the ice cream that’s pouring out of the machine would still be visible - and that’s bound to freak some people out. So I’m still going to need money to pay for some things.
So wait, where does the money come from, I wonder? Because if I’m a ghost and can fly, do you really think I’m gonna stick around my job? Fuck no! I CAN FLY! I’m going wherever the hell I want to!
So if I’m not working a job, where do the munnies come from? I guess I could always steal it...
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My first thought was just nick it from the nearest cash register, but then I immediately realized, no, that would get the cashier in trouble and their lives are hard enough as it is. So where to get money?
The bank’s always a good place. Just ghost in, grab a stack of 20s out of the vault, and fly away. No more than a stack at a time. Too much gone missing will cause alarm. Also, I could hit every bank in town, grabbing one stack from each. Just make a day out of it.
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But then that posed the problem of where to keep the money. If I’m going to my bank and depositing all this cash (while cash has mysteriously gone missing from local banks), I think it’s going to raise a few flags. So maybe only deposit a few handfuls of it at a time, and bury the rest of it in a big mayonnaise jar out back or whatever
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But here’s where limitations on my powers could pose a problem. What if I leave fingerprints in the bank vault? What if a strand of hair gets left behind and now they’ve got my DNA? But that’s a long and complicated line of thought, and I don’t wanna ruin my fun, so we’ll act like that doesn’t happen
So back to Disneyland: Money’s not an issue. I can buy food. And I thought, “Ah, you know what? I’ll stop by the Rainforest Cafe!”
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But then I realized something that I didn’t even think about - loneliness. I’d be by myself. And wandering around by oneself is relaxing and all, but when it comes to having meals, especially in a place where the atmosphere is the real selling point, I dunno. Eating by myself is just really lonely and makes me sad.
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In theory, if I can turn anyone invisible, I could ostensibly bring someone to California with me. Major problem with that: TRUST NO ONE. As soon as my powers are revealed to ANYONE, they risk being exposed to EVERYONE. You ever seen Death Note? That in my opinion was Light Yagami’s biggest fuck up was revealing how people were being killed. Also (oddly enough a statistic from Death Note), the more people involved in an operation, the more likely it is to fail. More moving parts means the easier it is to break. If I just keep it to me, my chances of safety are increased / risk of exposure decreased
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So unfortunately I’m going to have to deal with a lot of loneliness. I don’t even think I’d be able to post things on social media, because then I’m leaving a trail. If all the banks in my hometown get robbed, and then I’m at Disneyland and suddenly the experience a rash of shoplifting (because yes, I’m contemplating jacking that giant expensive snowglobe), a clever detective could put two-and-two together. Still, they’d have a hard time figuring out how I dunnit, but why even take the risk?
But again, we’re getting too serious when I wanted this to be a fun exercise
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So I wander the park, I ride the rides, I get my Dole© Pineapple soft serve ice cream at the Tiki Room - and the best part is, I can take all the time in the world. There’s no time limit. I can mosey about as long as I want. As long as I can always find an unoccupied hotel room to sleep in, I’m good.
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(Of course then again, I get the feeling they don’t have electricity running to the room at all times, only when guests stay there; which fun fact, that room can’t be booked, no matter how much you’re willing to pay. It’s by invitation only. So if it’s dark in there, it’ll certainly be spooky)
I guess that’s all that can be said about this trip. I’m not gonna do a play-by-play of my fantasy Disney trip. It’s just a starting point for a very liberating daydream. Food’s not a problem, money’s not a problem, housing’s not a problem.
Really the only problem is if I get sick or injured. But if money’s not a problem, I can afford healthcare now. So yeah.
And who says I have to stop at Disneyland? I could travel the whole world and see everything!
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And it’s not all selfish. Who says I can’t drop a stack of twenties in front of a person who’s homeless? Or a crate of food?
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Oh what’s that? There’s a person abusing / beating their partner and/or child? Lemme just phase my hand right into your chest and clench you heart artery and give you a heart attack :) I could go full-on Kira given the chance
A child’s been kidnapped? Welp, yoink! SURPRISE! THEY’RE INVISIBLE NOW! And I fly them back home and drop ‘em off
You get the idea.
There’s a lot I could do with Ghost Powers
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“The Heroines’ Untold Stories” - Disney Princess FanFic | Introduction
Aurora - In her post-slumber desperation, Sleeping Beauty had fallen in love with and wedded the very man who violated her while she was in a vulnerable state - cursed, in fact. She eventually forgave him, and managed to work through her lingering resentment and regret. After 13 years, however, they both grew restless in their marriage. Although Aurora and her husband enjoyed spending time together, they decided it was in their best interests to get a divorce and go their separate ways. Fortunately, there were no children involved to complicate things (Aurora was infertile - one of the lasting effects of Maleficent’s spell). They said goodbye peacefully and parted on friendly terms. Aurora, now 37, works with an organization that supports victims of sexual violence and is going to college (NYU) to get a degree in psychology and become a Marriage and Family Therapist.
Belle - A bibliophile at heart, Belle was first attracted to Beast because of his beautiful library, despite her imprisonment. Beast was attracted to Belle because she was intelligent and caring hot (but those other things, too). This kind of relationship wasn’t sustainable. Well, not for Belle. She yearned for intellectual stimulation - something that Beast couldn’t provide - and ended up having an affair with a young librarian from town, Clara. When he found out about his wife’s new lover, his feral jealousy got the best of him and he got ... well, aggressive. He scared bisexual Belle’s bookish lover away. And Belle escaped to New York City, away from the man she had betrayed, to the city, where she works as a librarian. She’s had many flings over the years, with both men and women, but decided that commitment wasn’t for her - except for to books. That was a commitment she was always ready to make.
Cinderella - The new bride’s honeymoon was a disaster. She and her Prince Charming were totally in love, and planned to spend the rest of their lives together; but fate would have it a different way. On the gorgeous couples’ romantic getaway, Charming was fatally wounded by an arrow from a hired assassin. He died in the hospital 2 hours later. Cinderella was absolutely devastated. She couldn’t deal with the grief, couldn’t accept the tragic ending to her short-lived marriage and the death of her beloved Prince. Furthermore, various nobles of the kingdom accused her of being responsible for his murder. They claimed that she was only in it for the insurance money. “Gold digger!” “Whore!” “Murderous Bitch!” These words haunted poor Ella, right until the final moments of her life.... almost. As the knife’s blade cut into the young girl’s fair skin and blood began to pool from her thigh, Cinderella fainted from the sight of it, hitting her head hard on the floor and becoming unconscious before she pierced all the way through her flesh to sever her femoral artery. As the knife fell from the tortured woman’s limp fingers, it froze suddenly in mid-air, tingling with magical charge. Cinderella’s fairy godmother swept her into the air with a singular graceful motion and took her away, far from the castle and her miseries, where she nursed her back to health. After months of isolation, Cinderella finally began to see the sunshine at the end of the darkness. She no longer attempted self harm when she though her godmother wasn’t looking. She no longer wept through the nights. She longer fantasized about suicide. Gradually, she was able to reintegrate into society, far away from where she was known, several kingdoms over. It is now over 4 years since the incident. Cinderella is in a less fragile state of mind. She writes an anonymous column for a local magazine, and is part of a community theater group, where she’s rehearsing for the lead role in a play - and in the mean time, has sworn off of love, for the memories are still too painful.
Elsa - In contrast to her energetic, excitable younger sister, the Ice Queen was never interested in intimacy. As a shy homoromantic asexual, it isn’t easy to find a partner, even in the densely populated NYC. Elsa is a barista, while Anna works from home while raising hers and Kristoff’s twin babies (she’s a young mother - barely 22). 
Moana - Graduating high school at 15, Moana was already a successful businesswoman before she was legally allowed to drink.Young, respected, brilliant, powerful, sexy, and armed with the hunky Maui as her best friend and sometimes-over-protective-brother-type, Moana is ready to have fun, find the one and eventually settle down into a relaxed, modern life in the thriving metropolis of New York City. While she was busy building her business empire, all she had time for was endless one-night-stands ... fun, sure, but at 23, she’s ready for something more meaningful.
Mulan - Genderfluid, queer, kickass warrior, dragon-owning Chinese royalty that she is, Mulan is a *surprise, surprise* complex, interesting person. She and her captain lover were never really meant for each other, and traditional marriage wasn’t really her thing; she was tired of living in an oppressive patriarchal society, so as Queen she cleaned things up... but soon after adopted a son and made him ruler. Instead of staying in China, she moved to London (several centuries time difference, I know, just roll with it), graduated from Oxford University with a double-major in Journalism and Physics and is working on her PhD in electrochemical engineering in the States while interning as a reporter for the New York Times.
Rapunzel - Engaged to Flynn Rider, the happy bride-to-be and her handsome fiancee were living a dream, right up to the day of her marriage. And afterwards, too! No tragedy in her life with Flynn - she suffered enough abuse and emotional trauma in her childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Rider are an adventurous duo, both in life - travelling the world - and in the bedroom. Now living in New York City, they’ve begun to experiment with and explore a new kind of love - more of it! Flynn is pansexual, polyamorous, and proud, and Rapunzel’s always been willing to try new things. Will they find the third they’ve been searching for?
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americaswritings · 7 years
Cinderella | Part 11
Prompt: Fairy tale AU
Summary: When your father marries another woman, she brings not only two evil stepsisters into the house, but turns you into a maid. Working hard day for day your only hope is the princes ball, where he will pick is future wife. But will you be able to flee from the claws of your family?
Words: 2k (this is the longest chapter so far)
Warnings: none
Pairing: Steve x reader
A/N: This is for @ruckystarnes writing challenge.
I wanted to upload this yesterday, but my wifi was like: nope, you’re not gonna post anything..so yeah, I hope it works now.
I hope the ending kills you as much as it killed me writing it :D 
Tags are open! Only through asks! Please consider leaving feedback :)
Series Masterlist
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You headed to the dance floor and Steve laid his hand on your hip. Both of you started to move at the same time and you fell into a rhythm to the music.
“Tell me something about you.” Steves voice interrupted your thoughts. “There is nothing to tell about me”, you answered him with a small smile on your lips.
“Of course there is”, he smirked and you melted under his intense gaze. You tried to come up with anything interesting, but your mind was blank.
“Everyone’s got a story. Tell me yours.”
The musicians had started to play a slower song, which made it easier for you to focus on the prince instead of your dancing. “There is no story. I’m just an ordinary girl sneaking off to attend the princes ball”, you shrugged.
“I think there is nothing ordinary about you”, he spoke and you heart fluttered. 
Steve had the ability to make you feel like you were special and you loved the feeling. The insecure part of you told you that he was only trying to be nice and talked to every woman like this, but you pushed it aside and concentrated on enjoying the feeling.
“Besides, you sneaked out to attend the ball? That’s story itsself.” You laughed, but considered your next words carefully. “My family isn’t really keen on the idea of me going here”, you explained, hoping he wouldn’t question it further,
“Why?”, Steve wondered and you sighed. “I guess they are afraid of the idea somebody could steal their prince.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but you didn’t lie either.
Steve grimaced at your words. “What?”, you giggled when he still seemed to be confused. “I don’t like if people think of me like that”, he addressed and you stilled. 
“I am sorry if I have to hurt your feelings, but I think half of the people are here because of the handsome prince, who looks for a bride”, you confessed with a playful grin, but it faded when you realized what you had said.
Steve didn’t seem to notice since he didn’t react to your words, but looked around instead. “Really?”, he asked and you nodded. Although he was smart, Steve didn’t seem to be aware of the fact, that he was extremely handsome and polite as well. Every girls dream. 
He could be so oblivious.
“Why are you here?” His face didn’t give away what he was thinking, but he seemed to be serious. 
“I just wanted to dance and have fun”, you admitted and were afraid he would reject you, but instead he laughed. “Thank you”, he beamed and although you didn’t really know what he meant, you smiled along with him and nodded.
The rest of the dancing had been silent. You were too focused on him than to say anything. 
You were relieved that you hadn’t stepped onto Steves foot, but after a few songs you didn’t want to push your luck and excused yourself. 
Steve actually seemed to be disappointed, but you told him you needed to get fresh air and he understood the hint. “I will come as soon as I can leave”, he had whispered to you and it made you more than excited.
When you and Steve had been in the gardens the last time, he had been so much more relaxed. He wouldn’t stand straight like he used to do in the palace, but let himself go a little. Without the presence of the people and the royal family, the pressure on him seemed to decrease.
While you breathed in the fresh night air, you couldn’t quit thinking about it. Perhaps Steves life wasn’t easy either. Everyone assumed that the royal family had a a great life; a castle, lots of dresses, money and power seemed tempting at first, but you could only imagine the strain it was as well.
Steve was the perfect example for that. In the palace he was the well behaved, good looking, perfect prince. But once he got out of the constraints of it, he seemed like a different person. He was still polite and handsome, but you had learned he was funny as well and he didn’t like money or jewelery but books.
While the castle was filled with wealths, he desired the only things he had either time nor permission for: books. 
All of this you had learned from him in one evening and it made you wonder, if he wasn’t angry that he didn’t know anything about you. He had shared his most private feelings with you, but you had buried your emotions.
You wanted to tell him everything about your life, share with him every little detail and every emotion you had felt when your mother had died or your father had started to treat you as a maid as well, but it wasn’t possible.
He was a prince and maybe you knew deep inside that you weren’t a maid, but nobody else did. You were a cook, a gardener and a scrubwoman, not a future princess.
Also you couldn’t bear the thought of him, pushing you away when he found out about it. 
You had to keep it a secret.
“I’m sorry I’m late”, Steve announced when he walked up to you. “There was this gwoman, who wouldn’t leave me alone. I kept saying that I had to go, but she kept talking and following me. It was horrible.”
You laughed when he told you this and wondered if it had been one of your stepsisters. Probably not, since there were many others girls in there, but the behaviour Steve had described fit to them.
“I am glad you came at all”, you smiled. He frowned at your response. “Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Maybe because you should be inside, dancing and picking your future bride?”, you suggested with a raised brow while Steve sat down on the brench next to you.
“I don’t really like the attention everyone gives me”, he shrugged. “But let’s not talk about me for this time.”
“Then what do you want to talk about?”, you asked him curious. “You”, he answered and you blushed. 
“Why me?”, you asked, trying to hide the excitement that rushed through you. 
“Because you are different from all the people I have met”, he confessed and you blushed even deeper.
You were glad that the darkness not only hid your bruise but your redness as well.
“What do you want to know then?”
Steve thought about it for a second, then gave you a bright smile. “Tell me about your day. What do you do? Who do you spend your time with? And what are your favorite things to do?”
Without knowing it, he had asked the worst question possible. You bit your lip and searched for an answer in panic. Maybe you could answer him without having to go much into detail.
“I love to read”, you started, your mind wandering off to the times before your whole life had been flipped upside down. “And I also love to ride.. feel the wind in my hair and just feel free.” 
You looked to the sky while speaking. You had realized that you did it any time you spoke or thought about your mother. As if you imagined to see her looking down at you from above the clouds.
“I love to lay in the grass and feel the sun on my face. And I love to watch the night sky. It makes me feel so small, like I am a part of something bigger.” 
You smiled at the memory of countless summers, where you ran through the fields, your mother close behind you.
The realization that you were still in the gardens with Steve hit you and you cleared your throat in embarassment. He would probably make fun of you now, but you needed to see his reaction.
So you turned your face to his. At first it was hard to make out, due to the darkness surrounding both of you, but then you saw that his face was blank. He was only looking at you while his face gave away nothing of what he felt.
Steve blinked a few times and then coughed as well. It nearly made you chuckle. Was he embarassed too or was it just a coincidence?
“That sounds really good”, he smiled. “What about the other things?” 
Oh no, he hadn’t forgotten. 
“There is not much to say”, you explained shrugging. “I usually spend time alone. I met a girl a few days ago and we started to spend time together. That’s all.”
But Steve didn’t look satisfied. “I am always in the palace and I would love to learn how other peoples lifes look like. Please, you have to tell me more.”
You laughed at his desperation, but on the inside you freaked out. You didn’t want to lie to him, but you couldn’t tell him the thruth either. 
With a sigh you started to tell him what he wanted to know:
“So I wake up early to prepare the breakfast. Then it depends what I am doing. Sometimes I clean the house and other times I visit the market. In the evening I make dinner and stay up late, so I can watch the stars. Just a really simple life, I guess.”
“You are cleaning and making the food?”, Steve wondered and you nodded helplessly. “We have maids for that.” 
Your heartbeat increased, but you tried to appear calm. “Well not everyone has the money for that”, you commented, sounding a little rougher than you had meant to. 
“I am sorry”, Steve immediately apologized. “I didn’t want to offend you. I told you I am bad at this.” He gazed to the ground and you felt terrible. “I don’t think you are bad at this”, you confessed and Steve looked up in surprise.
“Really?”, he asked with a hopeful grin and you nodded.
For a moment it was silent, but then Steves face lit up again. “I have to show you something”, he announced and got up. 
You followed him through the gardens until you came to a big fountain, candles lighting it up. “Oh my god this is wonderful”, you gasped and Steve grinned proudly. “Not everything is bad here”, he smiled and grabbed your hand to guide you closer to it.
You were too mesmerized by the beauty of the scene to react to the touch.
Steve brought you to the edge of the fountain and only then you realized how close you were. You gazed up at him and saw that his face was illuminated by the lights.
It casted an interesting pattern of shadows onto his face and you had the urge to touch them, but were too afraid to destroy the beautiful moment.
But suddenly you saw that his face was full of horror. Intuitively you backed away a little, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach. What made him look so startled and hurt? Had you done something wrong?
But the moment he spoke the words that revealed what had caused his reaction, you were even more shocked. “Your face”, he whispered and only then the realization hit you. If his face was lightened up due to the lights, yours must be too. 
Steve raised his hand to touch the skin where the bruise was, but you flinched away before he could do it. Panic filled your body. What should you do? You couldn’t explain this to him, could you?
“Where did you get that from?”, Steve whispered, the hurt laying deep in his voice. It made you wonder why he sounded so affected. 
“I- I”, you stuttered, but you couldn’t form a proper sentence. 
In the distance you heared the clock start to count and you turned to it in desperation. 
1, 2, 3
“Please”, Steve breathed and you turned to him again. His expression mirrored his confusion and all you wanted to do was to hug him and promise, that everything would be just fine.
Again you turned to the castle, but his voice interrupted you. “Don’t leave”, he begged and you gazed up at him with tears in your eyes. Conflicted you considered your options, but there was no other way out of this.
7, 8, 9
“I’m sorry”, you murmured. You could see Steves face fill with hurt again and it caused you physical pain to be the cause of it.
10, 11, 12. 
When the clock hit twelve, you turned and started to run.
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auradonuniversity · 7 years
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Meet The Activist. They’re the child of Ariel and Eric, a junior at Auradon University and hails from Auradon. Some say they look like Madelaine Petsch and they’re TAKEN.
Name: Aria Triton
Age: 20 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: N/A
Clubs and Sports: Cheerleading, Drama, Archery, Fencing, Swimming, Students keeping the world clean, member of Delta Delta Delta
Major: Environmental Science
The ocean has always been important to Aria Triton. Not just because of the whole mermaid mom and mom’s side of the family thing, but because it’s always been her safe place to go when she was feeling overwhelmed. So, of course, the girl has been up in arms for QUITE some time over the fact that less than ideal things have been happening to her safe space. Aria was just seven years old when she realized that pollution was a preventable thing, and she immediately organized her first fundraiser – to raise money to a charity that was fighting it.
Something about actually making a difference must have stuck with the girl, because she’s been an activist ever since. If only people had listened to her back when she was still trying to figure out who she was. It didn’t take much time for her to get tired of being ignored for being nice about her pleas to help the environment or the less fortunate, and by her senior year she’d thrown out even the possibility of being nice altogether. She’d found moderate success in being direct (and maybe even mean?), and so that became a fundamental part of her personality. Aria was the HBIC trying to make the world a better place, and by the time she reached AU she was finally succeeding.
It was like Students Keeping the World Clean was made for her. Upon her arrival on campus she immediately joined, and she’s absolutely led the charge for a greener campus. However, that’s not her only cause these days. From solar and wind power to unionizing the dining hall workers to bringing over the kids from the Isle, when she has a cause, she fights for it… no matter how impractical it may be. Aria thought she’d have a little more influence by joining a sorority, but that hasn’t quite worked out the way she anticipated it would and she’s nowhere near as influential there as she ideally would be, but her cheer status (and eventual captaincy, she’s sure) seems to have given her a little more spotlight, and she’s fully prepared to use that to her advantage. Aria Triton is truly ready to take on the world. And now that she has its attention, it seems like the world is actually listening.
Character Traits
positive: determined, outgoing, dynamic negative: blunt, bossy, unrelenting
Having been raised with the knowledge that animals are people too, Aria isn’t just vegetarian but vegan.
Aria plans all of the events that take place at her family’s castle. She has a few issues with control and has taken on all event planning since she first realized that there WAS a wrong way to fold napkins. She doesn’t want that to be her career, though. Aria is not exactly great at school, but she has a tutor and she’s trying. Even though she’s bad at math and science, she’s super dedicated to her Environmental Science degree.
Aria doesn’t really do romance or relationships. She isn’t sure what it is about them that she’s been avoiding, but it may have something to do with the fact that she cares a lot about her causes and doesn’t want anything (besides her extracurriculars, because everyone needs some fun right?) to distract her from that.
Unsurprisingly, Aria takes comfort from being around water. Large bodies of water (or at least a pool) remind her of home so when she’s stressed, look for her near the water.
The Dreamer: While The Activist and the Dreamer are only a year apart in age, it’s like they’re on different planets. With different interests and personalities, most students wonder if the two are even siblings at all. They two don’t necessarily get along, what with The Activist campaigning hard for their causes and the Dreamer’s head in the clouds, it’s easy to see why the might fight. But one thing is certain, they’d go to war for one another.
The Maverick: The Maverick and The Activist have always been known as the weird kids in Auradon, probably because they care more about changing society for the better then what outfit to wear to Cinderella’s next ball. Regardless of the reason though, they decided early on not to fight the stereotypes they were given and to just embrace the friendship that was being forced on them by the universe. Now the two are almost always seen with each other.
The Mystic: The Activist thinks allowing the kids from the Isle to come to Auradon was one of the best decisions, and they’re actively trying to welcome the villain kids with open arms. Staring with The Mystic. The Mystic has this weird, mysterious vibe about them that The Activist automatically gravitated to, and has caused them to even attempt to strike up a friendship. Too bad the Mystic rolled their eyes and walked away when The Activist asked for a palm reading.
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Handless Princess Too Pure™
So, a while ago I had to research a fairy tale for class and came across “The Girl Without Hands” by The Brothers Grimm. Naturally, it caught my attention and in the process of thinking about how to describe said tale to my classmates, I re-wrote it with more modern language and internet vernacular. Below is the result of my having fun with a tale that has been lost among translators of Grimm tales (most likely because of the whole not having hands thing, even if I think that’s a bit ablest). Read it and pass it on--after all, that is what one is supposed to do with fairy tales!
 The Girl Without Hands, or “Handless Princess Too Pure™” Adapted from the original tale by The Brothers Grimm, 1857
Once Upon a Time, a miller and his daughter were living happily together doing what millers and their daughters do. One day he decided to trade his daughter for riches to the devil. But, the devil couldn’t take his daughter because she’s Too Pure.™ So, the devil told the miller to cut off his daughter’s hands to make her Not Pure.™ If he does not do this, the miller will die. The miller then tells his daughter about the trade because he doesn’t want to die and his daughter says, “it’s okay Dad, cut off my hands, I am Too Pure™ to care.” But, even after this deed is done, she still is Too Pure™ and the devil can’t take her. She, becoming bored because the devil left, realized that she doesn’t want to stay at home anymore. So, she wanders off and lands in a King’s peach tree garden, where she eats peaches so gracefully the guards think she’s an angel. Instead of telling the angel to stop, however, they decide “ehhh better not” and leave her be. That is, until the King showed up like, “wtf, you lazy guards, where are all my peaches?” and decides to have a stake out to [eventually] watch the handless Too Pure™ maiden eat all his peaches without hands. He immediately fell in love with her, because her Too Pure™ power is just Too Pure™ to resist, and tells her that she will become his bride. She agrees because she will get all the peaches and money she wants (“Thanks, Too Pure™ power!”) and also because she doesn’t have a lot of choice, this story was written down in the 19th century in Germany by the patriarchy. Anyway, he loves her so much he decides the only way to show her is to make her silver hands. Because reasons.
Fast-forward some time to where the King must travel for Kingly Duties,™ leaving his Too Pure™ Queen with his mother (who is like, the opposite of stereotypical mothers-in-law), the Dowager Queen. Of course during this time the Too Pure™ Queen has a child and the Dowager Queen writes to inform the King. But, along the way the devil comes back, still butt-hurt about Queen Too Pure,™ and is all, “time to ruin lives, yo!” So, he steals the original letter and replaces it with one that basically tells the King, “your bride had A MONSTER for a child, IT’S THE WoOoOrRsSsT,” thinking it would cause the King to want his only child killed, thus ruining lives. But the King doesn’t care, because he’s so in Love™ and sends back a letter saying how he doesn’t care that the child is a monster, take care of it and his wife anyway. This is unsatisfactory for the devil, who is in the business of ruining lives, so he steals that letter and sends another replacement letter back to the Dowager Queen saying, “Yo, that’s terrible, kill them both! But save their eyes and tongue. Because apparently that is the equivalent of a death certificate in these stories. Also, reasons.” The Dowager Queen is shocked and appalled at this, and is like, “my son is such a douche, I can’t believe I raised him like this” and instead sends Queen Too Pure™ and her son out into the woods, taking the eyes and tongue of some random deer as the proof of death (because that is also A Thing™ I guess. I don’t know, I’m just the translator).
Well, Queen Too Pure™ and her son wander around for a bit until they stumble upon a cottage, ran by Snow White (note: not actually Snow White, but someone who looks like Snow White. So, Snow Off-White. Also, she’s an Angel of The Lord™ but only we know about that), who takes them in. While they stay there, Angel Snow Off-White realizes just how pure Queen Too Pure™ is and, through her powers invested to her by God by The Brothers Grimm, gives her back her hands. Meanwhile, the King returns and says to his mom, “yo mom, I’m home, where’s the wifey, where’s my monster child?” and his mom promptly slaps him and says, “boy! You are an asshat and made me kill your wife and son!” and the King is like, “what! NooOooOooOooO! *scoff* I would never! I love them Too Much™!” and began to weep. The Dowager Queen then sees that her son truly does love his wife and tells them that they are alive, but living somewhere outside the castle. The King then says he will find her, no matter what, and will not eat and drink until he is reunited with his love.
Seven years go by, and the King is still searching. He’s only kept alive because God pities him (or because, you know, the patriarchy and the idea that he’s also pure—but not Too Pure™--because he’s part of the upper crowd and therefore next to godliness. Because that was the whole point of like, 90% of the Grimm’s tales. They catered to a very bourgeois crowd even though they claimed otherwise. In fact, they stole tales from the lower class and a bunch of women. But I digress). One day he comes across Angel Snow Off-White’s Cottage and discovers that his wife and child are there. He and Queen Too Pure™ are so happy to finally be together again (though he doesn’t believe it at first, because she has hands now, but she shows him her old silver hands and he’s like, “Cinderella! Err, I mean, My Wife, Queen Too Pure!™”). Meanwhile his son, who is seven and somewhat of a Christian Emo Philosopher™ (think Holden Caulfield-esque), is all like, “mom, wtf, he’s not my dad, you told me my dad was God because of that prayer, ‘Our Father, which art in heaven” so obviously God is my dad and not this creeper-phony, duh.” But Queen Too Pure™ is just like, “shut up and hug ur dad” (but in a Too Pure™ voice) and they hug and return to the castle and have a party and live happily ever after. The End.
P.S. The devil, presumably, rips himself in half because True Love Always Prevails and businesses that pride themselves on ruining lives will always fail in that economy.
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scarletolsens-blog · 7 years
Five hours with him (First hour)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 
- Okay, so. - I said. - We have five hours ahead for me to guess who you are.
- Exactly.
- I have an idea. We could play 20 questions, and that could give me some clues.
He thought about it for a moment.
- Okay, I agree. But, you can’t ask me anything about my job, house, partners, projects, full name, or anything that would tell you anything directly about who am I.
- Alright. Shall I start?
- You’re the one who has to guess, so I think it’s fair.
- Great. Okay, let me think… Oh, I know. If you could have any superpower, which one would you like to have and why?
- Wow, you’re going strong. I’d like to be super handsome so that I could have any girl I want. - he answered, smiling.
- I don’t think that’s a superpower, dude… - I said, laughing.
- Well, then… I’d like to be super strong, to knock out the bad guys. Ad it’d be cool to have a metal arm too.
- A metal arm? Why? - I asked, frowning.
- Why not?
- Well, it doesn’t sound comfortable, but okay… You ask now, come on.
- Uhm… if you could have just one hobby, which one would it be?
- Travel.
- I thought you didn’t like to fly.
- I don’t. But as I told you, I can go anywhere I want by car. - I answered, shrugging my shoulders.
- What about Europe? Or Asia? Australia? New Zealand?
- Well, I can take a cruise!
- Right… Now, you ask.
- Okay. Typical question. If you could have dinner with a famous person, dead or alive, who would that be?
- Chris Evans.
- Chris Evans? The captain America guy? Why?
- I think he’s handsome. - he said, shrugging  his shoulders.
- Well, you’ve got your point… Your turn.
- This one is a little bit personal.
- Say it, cowboy. I can handle anything.
- Alright. Would you be able to forgive an ind¡fidelity if you know that person really loves you?
- What? - I said, surprised. - Do you know anything about ym boyfriend I don’t?
- No… I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend.
- I don’t – I said, laughing. - And, my answer is no. A relationship is not just about love, it’s also about trust, and commitment. If you cheat on your boyfriend, wife, whatever, you may love them, but you don’t have any commitment. And I can’t be with someone who doesn’t comit. At least, that’s how I see it.
- Deep. You have really clear ideas. How old are you?
- It’s not your turn, so I won’t answer. I’m sorry, babe. Now it’s my turn. Between being ugly but rich and handsome and poor, what would you choose?
- I’m already handsome and rich, so I don’t have to choose.
I rolled my eyes – Answer.
- I’d like to be rich and ugly.
- Why?
- With money you can buy things. And you can pay for an esthetic surgery.
- That’s right. Your turn.
- Okay. I won’t ask anything deep for a while, so, what’s the most crazy thing you’ve done in your life?
- Oh, my. Okay, in one of my spring breaks, I went to Florida with my friends. And we went to Orlando. And we saw Cinderella’s castle. And one of the guys who came with me was really hot, and he fancied me too. And there were these bathrooms where we… well. We had sex.
- You had sex with a guy at Cinderellas’s castle?
- Yes – I said, covering my face with my hands – I was drunk, oh my god.
He laughed his ass off for a few minutes. When he had finished, he looked at me.
- Poor kids who were there… I hope any of them listened to you fucking your Prince Charming.
- Oh, my god, shut up – I told him, slapping his arm.
- Okay, okay, sorry… It’s your turn, come on.- Alright, uhm… What’s your favourite word?
- Well, that one’s easy. See, I’m actually romanian, so, my mother and I always speak in romanian. And he always call me “dragostea”, which means “love”. Like, she’s always like “dragostea mea”. And that’s my favourite word because it reminds me of her.
- That’s so cute…
- Thanks. Now, mine. If you knew you’re going to die in a year, how would you change your life style?
- That one is cruel!
- Sorry, I won’t change.
- Well, I’d take all my money, leave my job, and travel through the world. I’d like to see every culture, every type of lifestyle there’s in each corner of the world. And when I had just one month left, I’d come back to my parents’ house, to spend with them all I had left.
- That’s quite cute. I think I’d do the same…
- Copycat… - I whispered.
- That’s not true!
- Yeah, whatever. It’s my turn now. If you were a pizza topping, which one would you be?
- Pineapple.
- You didn’t say that. How can someone want to be  pineapple in a pizza? That’s disgusting, boy.
- That’s why. To annoy people like you.
- You’re already annoying me. Just shut up and ask me the fucking question.
- Would you like to travel to the past or to the future?
- Future.
- Why?
- To see if I’ll achieve all my goals. I bet I will, but it’s just to make sure.
- You’re pretty sure of yourself. That’s good. Your turn.
- What kind of famous person would you like to be?
- What do you mean?
- Yes. Like, actor, singer…
- Oh, I’d like to be an actor.
- So, you’re an actor. Great info. Thank you.
- You cheated!
- Actually not. You told me not to ask you about your job, name, or projects. Which I didn’t.
- You’re clever
- More than you think. It’s your turn now.
- Okay. Describe yourself in three words.
- Fighter, emotional, and funny.
- Good way to describe someone.
- Yeah?
- Yes. I’d totally date someone with those characteristics.
- You’re stupid…
- I’m saying the truth. Now ask me.
- Fine. Now, what’s something that you don’t like about the other people?
- I’m not sure… There’s nothing that really annoys me… I mean, it’s hard to really annoy me. I’m not sure. Maybe when they eat with their mouth open?
I laughed.
- You’re cute. Let’s go, ask me.
- Uhm… Typical question. If your life was a book, do you think people would read it?
- Not really. I mean, I have an average life. This journey is probably the most exciting thing that has happened to me in the whole month, so…
- Well, maybe it’s time to change something.
- I’m not sure. I’m great in my comfort zone.
- Yeah, but… Maybe you should start with a simple change. Like, starting  new hobby.
- Maybe… I don’t know – I said, shrugging my shoulders.
- You should try. Just try.
- Maybe I will… My question. How do you have your car’s boot?
- Full of clothes. Just in case I need to change something. I’m really likely to get dirty… I’m just like a 5 years old.
- I laughed.
- I’m not sure if that’s cute or weird.
- Let’s leave it in “cute”. My turn. What’s your favourite saying?
- Well, I’m not sure, but… maybe “Slicker than snot in a doorknob”.
- Oh Jeez. That’s disgusting, [Y/N].
- I know! But my mother always said that whenever she had the chance, and it was just so funny!
- Your mother is weird.
- Well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
He shaked his head.
- Please ask me the question before this gets more uncomfortable.
- Okay – I said, laughing. - In which wrong way do people judge you before they get to meet you?
- Well, people usually think I’m too snob because I’m famous, but when they get to know me, they see I’m just as normal as they are…
- Yeah, it happens to me constantly – I said, sarcatically. He laughed. Now your turn.
- Where would your dreamed holidays be?
- Australia. The problem is the plane I have to catch.
- Well, you can always get on a cruise! - he said, impersonating me. - You’re a pain in the ass, Sebastian…
- Yeah, people tells me that constantly. Now ask me, come on.
- Okay… Let´s see. If you… had to become one of your friends, who would he or she be and why?
- I think… I’d like to be Chris. You know, he’s a great guy, he’s got a cute dog, and he’s really hot. You’d totally fall in love with him.
- I don’t think so.
- I do.
- I don’t.
- Hear me out, it’s true.
- Okay, as you say. Now, ask me.
- Uhm… What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
- Uhm, there was this one which… was about the X-men? I think. I really liked all the super heroes stuff as a child. I’d spent hours in front of a TV if that show was on it.
- Really? And you don’t like super heroes anymore?
- It’s not that I don’t like it… It’s just that I don’t have time for going to the cinema or watch any TV show. Well, other than Game of Thrones.
- Why are you so mainstream?
I shrugged. - It’s a great show. My turn. What would you like to change about the way you were raised?
- Nothing. All I have now is thanks to my mother. Because of how she raised and because of how she took care of me. I have a lot to thank her and I wouldn’t change anything.
- That’s sweet. I bet your mother is a great person.
- She’s the best. - he smiled. - I love her so freaking much.
I smiled too.- It’s your turn.
- Oh, right. If you could buy just one thing more, anything, what would you buy?
- A ticket for the San Diego Comic Con.
- I thought you didn’t have time to see anything related to super heroes.
- Yeah… but the Game of Thrones cast usually goes there and well, you know… Kit Harington is high key hot.
- Oh, Jeez… - he said, puting two fingers in the top of her nose. - Okay, you ask.
- Which 3 characteristics do you appreciate the most in a person?
- Uh, that one is hard… Well, first of all, I like people who aren’t seekers. You know, who aren’t with you for convinience. - I nodded. - Also, I like people who say it in your face, not in your back. Even if it’s the worst thing. I like to know what people think about me, doesn’t matter what it is. And the third one, I like people who can make me laiugh even in the worst days.
- You have very clear ideas. Did anyone hurt you in the past?
- I think everybody has been hurt in a point of their past, huh?
- That’s true…
- Okay, a fun one now. Anything new you want to learn?
- I’d lobe to learn how to sing properly. I don’t have a very sweet voice, but I think with the accurate help I could be a good singer. - I laughed. - But that’s just a dream.
- Sing.
- What?
- Yeah, sing something.
- I don’t know…
- Come on, it’s just us. Sing. Just a little bit.
- Uhm, well. Have you seen Beauty and the Beast?
- I’m not that old…
- The new one! I took my friend’s son and… Now I can’t take those songs out of my head so I’ll just sing one.
He laughed. - It’s okay. Just sing.
I blushed, and cleared my throat.
- Madame Gaston, can’t you just see it? Madame Gaston, his little wife. No sir, not me, I guarantee it. I want much more than this provincial life! I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell. And for once it might be grant to have someone understand. I want so much more than they’ve got planned…
- Hey! That was great… You look like a little Belle yourself.
- Well, I used to want more than that provincial life…
- And now?
- Now I have it. Great, it’s my turn! Uhm… Who do you think would win in a fight? You or your best friend.
- Obviously me. Haven’t you see these arms? God, I’m the one and only Hercules!
I laughed. - Yeah, or Gaston, since I’m Belle.
- If you were Belle I’d make myself a beast just to be with you. - I turned red, and hid my face between my hands, meanwhile he was laughing. - I think it’s my turn now. What is the last book you read?
- I can’t remember. I haven’t had many time to read recently, so…
- Oh, that’s so sad!
- Yeah, I know. Your turn now.
- If you could be an animal, which one would you be?
- I told you. A beast. Well, I already am. If you know what I me-
- Enough! I don’t want to hear anything else!
- Sorry, sorry – he laughed. I’m sorry… My question. Are you that person who would sacrifice on person to save one hundred?
- If that person is not a beloved one, probably. If it’s me, I don’t think so.
- Let’s say it’s me.
- Then I’d kill you, bury you, and resurrect you to kill you again and save two hundred people.
- You’re mean. You’re talking me about your sex! I don’t care about your fucking sex!
- I said I was sorry!
- But you didn’t mean it, you fake asshole!
- Oh, come on!
- You know what? I’m done with this game. We’ve been playing for an hour now and I still have any clue who the fuck you are.
- So, you give up?
- Of course not! But I’m hungry. Let’s have something for lunch and then I’ll try to guess something in another way.
- As you say, milady…
I rolled my eyes and got up. I tried to get out of my sit passing above him, but I fell and end up sitting in his legs.
- So you don’t want me to talk about sex but you literlly drop yourself on top of my little big friend.
- Oh, shut up, it was an accident! - I said, getting up again and leaving the carriage, with him follwoing me while laughing.
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Voltron Fluff Week Day 6: Shopping at a Space Mall
Prompt April 15th: Shopping trip Read it on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10657080 Damn, this is two days late. And not my best work. Oh well. Sorry about that. @voltronprompts Pidge and Lance were ecstatic when Allura had told the team they would be going back to a space mall. Lance had told Pidge that he just hoped this mall cop wouldn't be so determined to catch them as that Varkon guy was. Allura thought that it was only fair to let the paladins have a break after fighting so many Galra ships. She had given each paladin some money to purchase some new clothes. Everyone was excited to leave the ship and rushed in the mall. The castle was nice, but being in one place for months on end with the same group of people could get a little boring. Allura and Coran looked around in a few stores before finding one that sold fashions similar to what Alteans use to wear. The paladins looked around but quickly agreed that they would have to buy clothes elsewhere. The store seemed to have mostly formal wear, but the clothing items were all so brightly coloured with odd paterns. Lance had pointed out that many of them looked too ridiculous to wear, at least, for humans from earth. Coran had found a burgundy and gold suit jacket and a bright red bowtie. He thought they made him look fancy and dashing. No one had the heart to tell him otherwise. If Coran was happy with his clothes, that was all that mattered. Meanwhile, Allura had managed to find a floor length gown. It was pink with white detailing and fit her nicely. The paladins thought she looked good, but her usual blue dress definitely suited her more. Pidge had to tap Shiro's arm so that he would lean down to her height. She whispered that maybe they should also go explore the shops. Shiro nodded and politely told Allura and Coran that they would go shopping for themselves, and meet at the mall entrance later. The paladins wasted no time in wandering around the mall, looking for shops that might sell clothes that were similar to things they had on earth. "Most of these stores look like they are very...interesting. But uh, maybe not our styles, right?" Pidge said, looking past the boys on either side of her to glance at the shops. She heard her teammates snort and laugh around her. She figured, that since they had found her comment funny, that she could voice her thoughts on the outfit Allura had chosen. "I mean like, that store Allura was in didn't seem too bad, and her dress was nice, even if it does remind me a bit of the dress that Princess Peach wears." Lance and Hunk chuckled, agreeing with her. "Pidge, the fashion critic." Keith joked. "Well, I would just be honest and say the first thing that came to mind. Like if I had to review outfits that you guys chose, then I would tell you if it makes you look like a clown." When the group had finally found at store that sold clothes that were more to their liking, they challenged the smallest paladin to be as brutally honest as she could as they showed off outfits they chose. Lance was more excited to have a "fashion show", but he assured Pidge, that he wanted to hear what she thought. Pidge awkwardly looked around as the boys grabbed items to try on. She held what looked like black, white, and green polka dot leggings when she heard Hunk calling her.  "Pidge! Come on!" Pidge started walking over to wait outside the changing rooms with the rest of the group but Lance had decided that walking would take too long, and proceeded to meet her halfway. "Ok. So Shiro is just getting changed now. I can't wait to see what outfits everyone picked. Pidge barely had time to process what was going on as Lance started to pull her along by the arm and sit her down on a couch with Keith and Hunk. Shiro stepped out of the changing room wearing what appeared to be a white top that was similar to a dress shirt and wore a purple suit jacket with it. "Hey. So what do you think Pidge? Can I pull off this look?" Shiro asked as she put his hands in his pockets. "Oh, that is interesting. This is is Willy Wonka meets math teacher on parent-teacher interview night." Pidge could already hear Lance giggling beside her. "The suit jacket is nice but the lapels confuse me though. Like, they aren't straight going down like on normal jackets, they've got this wavy pattern going on that makes them look drunk. And on your drunk lapels, there is that gold trim, which is an interesting choice. This could almost be an haute couture look. And I think you are the only person who could pull that look off." Pidge finished and looked to her friends to see Keith and Hunk desprately trying not to laugh. Lance seemed to have trouble catching his breath, and kept wheezing 'drunk teacher Willy Wonka' with tears in his eyes. Shiro blushed, not expecting such a description from the youngest member of the team. He seemed slightly embarassed standing before his friends who giggled at him. He nodded and turned to change back into his regular clothes when Pidge spoke up again. "Hey Shiro? Can I give you a bit of advice?" Shiro raised an eyebrow, but nodded again. Pidge smirked, and Shiro feared what she would say. "If you want to impress my brother, wear the white shirt to dinner with the sleeves rolled up and the top button undone." Shiro's entire face burned in embarassment. Pidge laughed at his panicked expression. "Oh come on. Don't deny that you like Matt. When you remember your mission, you talk about him with a little too much fondness in your voice to be 'just friends'." A chorus of 'Oohs' sounded from the boys on the couch. They couldn't pass up a chance to tease their leader about a crush when Shiro was usually the one to do it to them. Hunk had been so awkward talking to Shiro about Shay. "Keith! You next!" Hunk decided and Keith stopped giggling when he realized just what Pidge could say about him. Suddenly, this seemed like a bad idea. Still, he went into the change room after Shiro and changed into his outfit. When he stood in front of Pidge, she was leaning back in the couch and stroking an imaginary beard.  He looked down at his chosen items. He had put on a red t-shirt and layered a black leather jacket type thing over top of it. He thought it looked ok. "I can't tell if that is faux leather or rain coat material." Pidge commented and Keith blushed. He didn't know what it was either. "All I know is that your wannabe leather jacket has some sort of quilted pattern." Shiro laughed at that along with Hunk and Lance. He couldn't blame them though, Pidge had correctly pointed out the square shapes on the jacket. Luckily, the comments he received seemed tame, compared to what was said to make Shiro so embarassed. "It actually doesn't look bad. As for your red t-shirt...basic." Keith could have let out a breath of relief about not being torn apart. However, it seemed like Lance hadn't laughed enough. "Hey Pidgey, what would you call Keith's new look?" He questioned, prompting Pidge to respond. Pidge thought for a moment before grinning. "Emo sponge towel rain jacket." Keith shut his eyes tightly so he wouldn't see lance practically rolling on the floor and dying of laughter. "That's enough." Ketih said, turning back to the dressing room to change. "Me next!" Lance shouted after recovering from laughing at the red paladin. Lance was quick to change into his outfit and confidantly strut out to the rest of the group. Pidge giggled. She had never seen anything quite like what Lance was wearing. Shiro and Keith were quiet beside her, staring at Lance as if he was insane. "Ok." Pidge was trying to find where to focus her eyes as Hunk was searching for words. "This is like a fun mix between male figure skating costume and a dress shirt. The pattern running up the right shoulder looks like a wave crashing on rocks but the other arm looks like it isn't about to show up to the party to be outshined. All my eyes see are sparkles. But it isn't tacky. Somehow this looks like water in space. Appropriate. It's definitely attention seeking, but could look fantastic for the right occasion. I like it." "Totally, bro. I don't know of any upcoming space ball, but if one existed, you would be the the Cinderella of the night." Hunk joined in. "Sweet! Hunk, your turn!" Hunk slowly stood up, but soon took Lance's place. "Woah, Hunk, you look awesome." The yellow paladin stood straighter than he did before when he heard Pidge's opinion. Any worries of blunt comments were gone. He stood proudly and put his hands in the pokets of the black bottoms he had found. A cream coloured turtleneck sweater complimented him nicely. "Your sweater looks so soft and warm and makes me want to hug you. I have a question, would hugging you feel like hugging a cloud? Like, I didn't know you could get more wholesome." Hunk smiled and ducked his head. "Those are calm and relaxed clothes but they are kinda fancy like you could wear that to meet your girlfriend's parents for the first time at their ski chalet in the mountains. It's classy and sophisticated." Pidge turned to teammates. "Those outfits actually weren't all that bad considering they aren't what we would usually find on earth. You guys should definitely buy them. And I think it's time to join Allura and Coran." "Wait!" Keith shouted when the team was leaving the store with their new purchases. "Why were Hunk and Lance told their look good, while Shiro and I were described like a drunk teacher and an emo umbrella? What the hell, Pidge!" Pidge laughed and held her hands up. "Sorry, Keith, I never said I would give nice critiques. It just so happened that you and Shiro chose items that were a little easier to comment on." "What? Lance looked ridiculous!" "Hey, you heard the lady, mullet. I looked great." The bickering continued and Pidge was grateful for the distraction. She didn't want anyone quesioning her on what she shopped for. Nobody had to know that the store they entered didn't sell many clothes in her size. Unless, she wanted to look like a clown, then shopping would have to wait until the next trip to a mall. Pidge didn't mind so much that she didn't buy anything. The trip to the local space mall had been fun none the less.
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