#these are the best things ever invented and you cant change my mind
you know what sends my little goblin brain into absolute overdrive? these. corset belts (or belt belts) with pouches attached. peak fashion. I need one immediately. preferably several.
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wimble-warcrime · 8 months
Ooh can I request how you think kid and killer would show their interest in you? Basically their way of courting you/beginning of a relationship. Together or separate, whatever you feel like 🖤🖤
hi anon, thanks for the ask! i'd be happy to do both :)
im a big fan of the concept of courting in general (to many period drama influences) so some of these may seem weird or ooc
different from killer, who would take a more traditional approach to courting/wooing a potential partner, kidd's approach is more... chaotic... we'll say
we all know that this tulip head has the emotional range of a teaspoon, and therefore struggles with expressing any emotion other than rage and pride, so be prepared for a whirlwind of whiplash
he doesn't know what he wants, you don't know what he wants
killer knows what he wants, but won't be at all helpful in this case
while he will staunchly deny this until the day he dies, kidd's love language is acts of service (beating the shit out of people for you), gift giving (making you things to beat the shit out of people) and quality time (discussing in depth on how to beat the shit out of people)
expect a lot of shiny things, handmade metal contraptions, and requests for you to just sit with him (he tells you he needs someone to hold something for him, or shine the light at a particular angle, but we all know he just wants to be around you)
he fails miserably at any attempts of flirtation
the first time you cackle at him for his terrible pick-up lines, he shuts himself away for a few days. the second time, (with killer's guidance) he realizes that making you laugh would be great way to warm up to each other.
it becomes a witty back-and-forth of banter and cheesy pick-up lines, and a solid friendship is formed. you talk about whatever, he gives his (sadistic) input, he rambles on about his latest invention (probably a weapon) and you give your feedback
you don't know that each of these conversations are pertaining to the same creation, he's (very secretly, and quite skillfully (to killer's surprise)) getting your input, because he's making it for you.
it's months in the making, he probably started right after your first lengthy discussion about preferred weapon types or something like that.
i'd like to think that for kidd, it's obsession at first insult with him, so you'd probably be relatively new to the crew. he wouldn't last long enough to have known (and liked you) for years, no patience with dis man
he gets talkative when he drinks, so i guarantee you the first time he gets like black out drunk around you, he spills his guts. its an unspoked rule amongst the crew, that any 'gushy' feelings that come from that captain while he is inebriated, are not to ever EVER be brought up afterwards.
so you kind of just. sit there. thinking abt the fact that this angry tulip man like you. and wont admit it to your face.
after the first emotional moment TM you guys share, things start to pick up. you are witness to a softer side of the one-dimensional captain, and quite like it.
start seeking those out more. he won't, but the best progress is one made in emotional vulnerability. (dr. wimble advice corner approved)
he cant take a hint, so dont bother dropping any. if you wanna go forward, say something. kidd cannot read (alegedly), let alone between the lines. your best bet is to whip out your tits (gn) in front of him.
i will die on this hill, kidd is firmly a boob guy, dont try to change my mind. he lov em
there is no "so, should we date now?" phase with this guy, he just skips right to the "fucking them with the lights on" phase. a hot and heavy encounter later, and he has firmly planted himself at your side, no takes-backsies~~
you wake up the morning after hovered in hickeys and bite marks, and EVERYONE know your his now. he wont say it, but you are.
killer on the other hand, is a traditionalist, an 'el hopaness romtic' if ya know what im sayin
he will woo the pants right off you, season two anthony bridgerton wet shirt scene style (iykyk)
you probably aren't new to the crew, kil strikes me as the kinda guy who doesn't know he likes someone until it's too late. like man's good at self reflection and all, but it takes TIME to get to him, so there is no 'love at first fisticuffs' with him.
it starts with friendship (demi killer till the day i die), you two are like each others bestfriends. no one tops kidd (ehehe) for this guy, but you can tie
it's the little things at first, and more one-sided at the beginning (on your end), like complimenting his cooking, offering to help with dishes
maybe you buy him some hair stuff, he did mention that he was running out, off handedly. or, you sharpen up his knives for him while he's away
Killer's love language is also acts of service, more so on the receiving end tho, but he likes to give gifts. he'll cook for you, personally
like one meal just for you type thing. he says he wants you to try out a new recipe of his, but really, he just made you a nice meal, and cant say it to your face.
you two act like a couple already, but both deny it, saying youre just 'really good friends'
he first really realises that he likes you, seriously likes (maybe love) you when you get injured. and not like, oh little scratch, but like, almost died injured.
a foe has never been downed faster, than when killer heard your scream of pain and terror from across the battle field, and fucking flew across to get to you.
it's obvious to anyone that mans got it badd. he doesnt leave your side until youre concious again and the promptly blows up you for being dumb and reckless and almost getting killed. its a nasty fight, one that shatters your friendship. no one expected anything like that from him. probably the most anyone has ever heard from him in one go
he is just worried, but cant tell you that he loves you, without fully knowing how you feel back. not a guy who readily takes risks like that.
it's a few weeks before he's talking to you again, afraid that he astronomically fudged it by his little outburst. the exchanges are clipped, (you, who had been pining hard for him for like ever) and you're positively sure he hates your guts (he doesnt he just scared)
he avoids you, trying to put as much distance between you two as physically possible, trying to get rid of his feelings for you. but the you go and get yourself hurt. again
it was an accident this time, he saw it happen. like slow motion, the knife you were holding was bumped out of your hand by someone backing into you, it fell, cutting your hand open, before notching itself into the flood
he blows up at the person responsible, before dragging you to the medbay to patch you up. all the while, muttering about how clumsy you are, how much of a danger magnet you seem to be.
its at that moment you know how he feels. it's not said outright, but the care he takes with you, treating you like you're glass
you lean down to kiss his mask. just a small pec, an utterance of a 'thank you' whispered after
his heart is beating like a wild mustang, and he freezes. he makes sure your affection wasn't just because you were grateful (after he starts working again)
your reassurance is like cupids arrow for his heart. you like him, have liked him for a while
nothing really changes between your dynamic after that, at least from the outside. really, you've started to be more physically affectionate behind closed doors.
it's a huge step when he takes his mask of around you. the lights are off, and you can't see his face, but he lets you touch it. huge step in your relationship
he's still a baddie, violent and unhinged, (to keep up appearances), but when no ones looking, he'll love on you
this feels kinda rushed ngl, but alas, when is it not? anywayz anon, hope you like it! iv'e already done poly! kidkiller here, i hope you enjoy :)
btw my requests are open, but im still in college, so be mindful if it takes me a hot minute to reply to them
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justalineinasong · 2 years
Not Everything Has Changed
Bernard x trans!reader - mlm
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ah- so this is my first Bernard x reader!! i hope you all enjoy. i wanted to say how this could take place in 90s-2000s but its definitely more of a modern kinda au as it has progress trans ideas (Character is on T)
summary - The reader hasn't visited the North Pole since the fateful Christmas his dad became Santa. Turns out coming home for the holidays is easy to do, even with unspoken feelings, if it means coming home to Bernard.
enjoy!! merry bernard season!! I hope this man never finds this.
Scott Calvin, the man you called your dad and the rest of world calls Santa, has been delivering presents to kids all over the world for about 3 years now. 3 years ago Charlie woke you up from your bed cause he heard clattering on the roof, 3 years ago you found yourself freaking out about how you killed Santa, and 3 years ago you found your tripping over your feet as your father fought with the north poles head elf about how he wasn't Santa. A lot has changed in 3 years. Scott moved to the north pole for good, still being allowed visitation rights. Neil and Scott had grown to respect each other, he comes for dinner on thanksgiving each year. Your dad and mom have to bribe your little brother Charlie to not fuss about how he cant just skip school all December to stay in the North Pole.
However the biggest change was how your once bittersweet family grew into a warm and loving one, though it certainly did help. 3 years ago, you were a scared 17 year old who had the wrong name. you had the wrong face and hair, you weren't yourself. Now, you were closer than before. 2 years ago you had come out to your family about being trans and they welcomed you with loving arms as their son. It was a new playing field for everyone and it was easy forever at first, it still isn't; However, everyone tries their best and that's all you could ever ask for. Neil helped with it a lot, you respected him a lot more after he helped explain to everyone what you felt. Neil works with a lot of trans youth and when you came out, he was a great comfort. Scott had a hard time with it, not cause he didn't believe in it or didn't like it but because you never hold him. You're dad and you had always been close, so it hurt him that you didn't tell him first thing when you found out. You were young though, didn't know who to say it.
 You were 19 now, Charlie had just turned 11. It was hard for him when you went away for college, you moved out of state and hadn't come back for Christmas the first year cause of a horrible blizzard. Charlie was better now, especially when he found out how you were coming home for a whole basically 2 months. College had eased up and you hadn't been home in awhile, so you decided that talking to your teachers getting about lecture notes ahead of time and taking your midterms early was the best idea.
You had come home the Friday before thanksgiving, tired and jet lagged from the long red eye you took home. Yet when you saw Charlie running down your mom's stairs hug you, ever ounce of energy came back. You spent that first few days before thanksgiving doing Charlie's favorite things and when thanksgiving rolled around, Charlie was still buzzing with energy. 
"Dad- Dad! We'll have to show Y/N the new invention's added to the sleigh! And the- the new ice skating rink!" Bouncing up and down in his sit, Charlie explained all the new things that had been added to the North Pole since the last time you had been there.
"Y/N! It's so cool! We have a new ice skating rink that circles like the whole village!" Charlie went on, leaving his turkey untouched as you listened intently. Even if none else was listening cause they were to busy talking about the ending football season, you were there to listen all of Charlie's new favorite places and things about the North Pole. Plus you really did love ice skating, so you didn't mind his excitement.
"Really? all around the North Pole?" You asked intently before going to grab your drink. 
"No- not the whole North Pole! The North Pole is huge! Just Christmas Town!" Charlie corrected you, still bouncing up and down with excitement. Laura, Neil, and Scott had previously decided that Charlie and you could leave thanksgiving night with your dad- as long as Charlie had good grades, which he did, and did his work at the North Pole. 
It felt weird going back to the North Pole, you had been a completely different person when you first touched down in the workshop. You weren't too worried though, you had Charlie. When you came out to Charlie he didn't really understand right away. Overtime though Charlie saw you as his brother who he loved with all his heart, and you loved him just as much. 
"Alright!" Scott barked from the living room before rolling into the kitchen where you and Charlie had been, his hand on his lower back as if he had just finished stretching. It had taken time getting used to seeing your dad with bright white locks and a matching bread, he cheeks rosier from the cold weather he had grown to love, but your dad was happier now than ever. Wouldn't be to good if Santa Claus was jolly. 
"Who is ready to head up North?" Scott asked with wide grin that only caused Charlie to jump out of his chair and run to grab his coat, happiness radiating off of him.
"He hasn't changed one bit." you hummed. It wasn't a bad thing. No, it wasn't a bad thing at all. You were glad Charlie never lost his love for the Holidays, the love for Santa. 
"No, no he hasn't!" Your dad smiled down at you before letting out a breath of contentment, "Y'know, you haven't changed at all either, Y/N." You looked to him with a knowing smile. Scott always got you and you always got him, like father like son. 
"You know who hasn't changed at all either?" You threw your dad a cocky grin. 
"Neil!" You exclaimed causing your father to crack up, "No! No! Literally, that is the same sweater he wore last Thanksgivings! I truly believe he hasn't taken it off since then!" Scott shook his head in laughter as you went on. Neil and hideously great sweater's was a family joke that just never got old, one that had grown from something so laced with venom into a warm hug- Much like your family itself.
eventually, with bags loaded in your dads sleigh and goodbyes all in order, you were all on your way. The cold night air blowing through your hair as you flew. The air ,which only got colder and colder, couldn't compete with the warm glass of Judy's famous hot cocoa. The nerves that once run off with the help of your father's loud, jolly laughter, came back as the sound of Christmas songs grew older and the smell of warm cookies filled the air. You didn't know why you were so scared. It wasn't like everyone had forgotten about you, Scott talked about Charlie and you every chance he got! You just didn't know how everyone would react to the new you. When the sleigh finally landed and slowly descended into the hidden world of Christmas, Charlie grabbed your hand to comfort you.
Turning to him, your weak smile was met by his genuine one. His knowing eyes told you that you were gonna be okay. Soon the cheers of elves flooded your ears and the warm scent of cookies and peppermint helped Charlie comfort you. A chorus of 'welcome home's greeted you as Charlie pulled you out of the sleigh. A smile greeted your face as Judy walked towards you, three hot chocolates in hand. 
"It was colder than usual tonight, I hope the weather wasn't too bad though!" Judy stated as you took 2 of the hot mugs off her hands, giving one to Charlie. 
You hummed softly as the warmth engulfed from the Christmas colored mug you, "It was too cold, just cold enough! The perfect amount." You replied before taking a long sip from the mug. 
"Good, I was worried about you and weather!" Judy smiled brightly at you, "You haven't been here in so long, I was unsure how you'd take to the cold again!" "
Oh...yeah I hadn't even thought about that..." It was strange how it never accrued to you, "I guess living in Illinois and then moving to New York for school will set you up for worst of colds."
Judy and you had grown close your first Christmas here. Where Charlie was helping out Bernard with ways to keep your dad safe, you were baking and brewing with Judy. She told you all about the North Pole and the girl she was dating in wrapping. You answered all her questions about high school and told her about the things you and your friends do for fun. She scoffed at how fun you made summer break out to be, saying how ‘no one could have fun in 100 degree heat!’ and she wasn’t completely wrong, so you laughed it off and told her about the lake house Neil’s family owns. Even after that Christmas, you visited her and when you could visit her, you wrote to her. 
Judy went to speak, but was cut off my the sound of your little brother calling out the familiar name of a certain elf. The commotion cause Judy and you to turn to the direction your brother had run off too, and ,low n' behold, Bernard was walking towards him with a warm, welcoming smile.
Bernard hadn't changed much since the last time you saw him. He still wore warm, Christmas colored sweaters and the same beret as 3 years ago. His once braid hair was let down in tight, neat curls that framed his face rather nicely. Bernard looked as if he had grown am an inch and his face had sharpened up, much like yours. He looked liked a proper young adult, just around your age, and not like a grumpy teen. It made you think about how old he really was, especially in compression to the other elves. One thing that hadn't changed was how handsome he was. Looking at him now, even at a distance, you could tell he had only gotten more gorgeous. You must have let your thoughts show a little too much as Judy had let out a soft chuckle which drawn your attention away from Bernard and back to her. "You're a little red!" She smirked softly cause you to roll your eyes playfully. You knew she wasn't someone you could trick into think you didn't have a crush on the head elf, so you confined in her. You threw Judy a joking wink as you explained how you were just "cold" cause her to roll her eyes back at you.
"What! I am! It's cold here, even for a cold weather lover such as myself!" Jokingly, you scrunched your nose showing her how you were trying to warm your face back up. As Judy and you laughed at your silly gesture, the two of you were blissfully unaware by the growing presence of your brother and Bernard. It was only until Charlie called your name that made Judy and you snap back to reality. Your eyes meet Bernard's, and warmth definitely rushes back into your face. 
"Y/N, you remember Bernard right?" Charlie asked unaware to how much you thought about the elf in question. It was probably unhealthy how much you lay awake at night wondering if Bernard ever thought about you or even remembered you outside of just his boss's kid! You weren't like Charlie, who had visited the North pole as much as he could! However, you would also admit to yourself how the though of Bernard not remembering you hurt.
"Of course I do, Char..." You respond affectionately to your brother, not taking your eyes off of Bernard. Bernard smiles at you and you feel like you're about to melt. Cause when did it get so hot in here? And why were Bernard's so dreamy? It truly wasn't fair how handsome he was. 
“Hey, Y/N.." 
And god he knows your name, your real name, and it feels so good to hear him call you that and you definitely shouldn't be this whipped over an elf who works for dad. You know it would never work. Firstly, cause Bernard would never think about you the way you think of him. Then secondly, causes he works for your dad! Even if in your wildest dreams come true and Bernard liked you back, your dad would never allow that! So, you swallowed your sorrow and smiled. 
"Hey, Bernard....Uh long time, no see?" Your words felt heavy and unsure as the fell from your lips, but Bernard didn't stop smiling at you- that made you feel a lot better about yourself.
"Y-yeah, it has. Your dad told me how about everything, but I didn't know what to expect!" You watched his eyes glace up and down your frame, taking you in. His hands, which once were effortlessly placed on his waist, were now folded into his body as his arms crossed at his chest. He looked back at you, swaying back a bit before realizing that what he said. "No, wait! I didn't mean that in a negative way! You look good, really good!" 
You could tell he also didn't know realize what said right then till after the words left his lips, his cheeks hard grown dark and his eyes widened when he finally processed his own words. You didn't wanna get your hopes up, but you had never seen him this uncollected and unsure of himself and it definitely made you think. No- Bernard didn't like you. He couldn't. Bernard just was expecting you to have changed so much, and you got that! Within 2 years you had cut hair, changed your name, started testosterone, and changed up your style completely. You looked like a completely different person. 
"You're fine, Bernard! I knew what you meant! I've changed a lot!" You scoffed playfully, a smile spread across your face. 
"Bernard is right though!" Judy's excited words grabbed not just your attention, but your Brother's and Bernard's. "You look really good, a lot happy and more like yourself! Plus you've really grown into your looks..." Judy's gaze turned from you and to Bernard, the smile the once graced her face turned into a smirk. "...hasn't he, Bernard?"
And just like that, Bernard was bright red in the face. You're skin felt hot under the fluorescent lighting of the workshop. You're hands, which once awkwardly stood on either side of your body, eased into the pockets of your warm leathery jacket. Judy rolled her eyes at how obvious the two of you were. Charlie stood beside Bernard with a confused frown. Sure he was older now, but 11 was still so young and Charlie hadn't really talked about liking anyone yet. Bernard eyes, which unbeknownst to you, had wondered off to glare at Judy while you were focused on Charlie. He was only met with a playfully confused looked, as if she didn't know what she had just said! 
"Y'know what! Why don't we get you two to your rooms?" Bernard chirped, his normal flush returning back to him. You hadn't really realized how late it was and sleep had felt like a foreign thought to you. With all your papers, work, and friends, sleep often escaped your mind. There was only so much you could do in one day, and sleep was the last thing a college student could do. 
“How does that sound, Charlie? I’m gonna go ahead and take him-” Before Bernard could finished, Judy had grabbed your brother’s hand and pulled him towards her. 
“Actually, I have a few hot cocoa related questions I’d like to get his answers on! Why don’t you take Y/N to his room?” Judy was skating on thin, thin ice and she knew it. With pleading eyes, wordlessly begging for Judy to ask you any and all of her cocoa related questions. 
But before you, or Bernard, could speak out, Charlie and Judy were off to her bakery. In a rather petty way, you felt betrayed by your elven friend. You knew she had no ill intent behind her actions and you knew you could never truly be mad at her, but that didn’t stop you from feeling stranded in a snow storm of loud, awkward silence. Normally talking to people came easy to you, but Bernard was like everyone else and everything you tried to say got lost in your throat. You wanted to run. To just say ‘Hey, it’s okay I remember my way around here. You have things to do!’, even if it was a flat lie; You decided that sleeping in the sleigh would be easier than talking to Bernard. 
“So…I can show you to your room,” Thankfully Bernard spoke up first. You dragged your eyes away from the direction your brother had run off to and met Bernard’s. He, surprising, wore a warm smile and his eyes weren’t filled with pure anxiety. His body was relaxed or as relaxed as you could get with Bernard. His arms had fallen from his chest, his fingers now played with each other around waist. You softened at the sight. Something about the way he looked in this light- or maybe it was the way he seemed so small, it made every ounce of anxiety your body had vibrated with completely disappear. 
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
As Bernard guided you out of the workshop, the chatter filled the air as elves worked on toys and it made you remember the first time you walked through these halls. 
“I remember the first time I was here and my dad kept on calling anything but Bernard. I remember how nervous I was…like if I said or touched anything, the whole place would just disappear…” You tried to hide the anxiety laced within your voice, but it still peeked through. Your eyes scanned around the workshop. Bernard, who walked by your side, looked to you with something you couldn’t quite place. You could tell it was soft, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes to find out what it really was.
“You haven’t been back since…” Bernard’s soft voice caught you off guard. You weren’t expecting him sound so…almost hurt. It made you weak, your knees suddenly felt like jello and every step was like walking on eggshells as you left the 
“I’ve just been so busy with school.” It was the truth. Once you graduated Highschool and moved away, home felt so far away…and the North Pole even farther. You meant to tag along last Christmas, but time had a funny way of catching up to you. Just like the mound projects you had due by the end of fall semester. “I missed it up here.” 
“I missed you- We missed you.” Nothing anyone could never say would make you grin harder than Bernard saying how he missed you. 
“No, no, no.” You halted to a stop causing Bernard to follow in suit. You turned to him, it was quiet and the realization that the two of you were alone in the hall sunk in. “You missed me?” your voice was weak, not sure if you wanted to press any further. 
A red flush creeped onto Bernard’s face. He looked away in embarrassment, “I really wished you’d let that slide…” he wished to himself, barely loud enough for you to hear. 
“I don’t know…if I want…to let it slide…” The words, just as soft as his, hesitantly left your lips like sap seeping from a tree. The words hung in the air, stubborn and unmoving, as the Bernard’s warm eyes met yours. you both knew that if you chose not to press further into the meaning of your honey filled words, that you would be missing out on each other. 
“I…I was hoping you wouldn’t let it slide.” Bernard felt greedy for wanting to push further, you did too. He was the right to your father after all, it felt wrong…yet something about it fit. Something about it made sense. 
“Really?” You smirked softly, his words giving you a new found confidence. “Cause I was under the impression,” you swayed back, shoving your hands in the pockets of your jacket. “That you did? Or did you not mean what said? I think that moves you to naughty list!” Your smirked spread into a dopey grin. 
“Oh my…Y’know elves aren’t actually on the list, we’re above it.” Bernard jested back, wearing a grin almost as dopey as yours. 
“Above it? Now that definitely moved you to the naughty list!” You both laughed, content in the world the two of you had made. Bernard smiled lovingly at you, his tired eyes soft at the sight of you. 
“You haven’t changed.” His words hit bluntly as he moved closer to you. You watched as his hands reached up towards your face. His hands, calloused from work, felt strange on the soft of your cheeks, but it also felt like home. 
“You haven’t either…you're still grumpy and overworked, but still some how practically prefect in every way…” If Bernard’s smile could grow anymore at your words, it would. He was beaming, and his beaming because of you. It made you melt, you felt like putty in his hands- like if his hands left your face you’d just melt away like snow on a warm spring day. 
“You’re still stupid…” You knew Bernard’s words were nothing but affectionate. The gap between the two of you slowly disappeared, your lips met his. You’d like to believe that time had stopped in that very moment, but the racing of your heart told you otherwise. No matter how hard your heart pounded in your chest, you only found yourself truly focusing on how soft his lips felt against yours…and now perfectly you melted together. 
It’s safe to say that Bernard had followed you to your room, where the two of you melted into the safety of your bed. Neither one of you wanted to get up that following morning, both were to content in holding each other. 
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heyyy hey hai!!!! just a reminder little that ^_^
i love youuu!!!! sososososooo very incredibly much. more than words and numbers could ever think about describing. even if the right words/numbers did exist, it still wouldnt be enough to accurately describe just how much. the amount is just incomprehensible. you are the light of my life, my everything, the brightest star in the entire night sky. you make everything better when things are bad. everyday whenever i wake up, even if im unsure if the day will be good, i always have talking to you to look forward to. you make me the happiest every single fucking day just by existing. even if we dont talk on somedays, just the idea of you makes me so giddy. i will do legitimately anything and everything just to make you as happy as you make me. it doesnt matter what that entails. if i have to construct a new invention no one has ever seen before just to get a grin out of you? well you can consider me already working on it. youre in my mind 24/7 and i really cant go 5 minutes without thinking about you, how you are, what youre doing, etc. you are the most amazing, kindest, talented, and just. best person ive met. ever. i dont know what the future holds, and it kind of scares me, but all i know is that whatever itll throw at me as long as im with you, everything will be okay. i love everything about you. your perfections, imperfections (i say this in a way as if theres any imperfections in your eyes. youre absolutely perfect to me <3), your art, your humor, your jokes, your silly images you make, your bracelets, everything. i really mean that. you can always, and i mean ALWAYS, talk to me if there is ANYTHING bothering you. i will always he here for you, no matter what. time, day, place, doesnt matter. you NEVER bother me. never have and never will. i love hearing you ramble about things and i could listen to you all day. i care about you more than anything could describe. if it was possible, i would make all the bad and nasty things in your life go away. you dont deserve anything of what youve been put through. 
you are fucking amazing. dont you ever forget that.
i love you so much ez <33333333/gen/qp!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EAHGDH <3333333333333333!!!!!
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clairecrive · 3 years
hi i know your requests are closed but could you do headcanons about how it would be to work through almost getting a divorce with nikolai lantsov after kind of falling out of love then deciding not to and working on getting their relationship back to how it was before because that unbreakable love for each other is still there and its noticeable. ive always wanted to read abt this and im asking this request from a number of writers cos i find it so cool to read everyone write their take on it.
cant wait to see what you come up with! thank you<3
A/n: taking a lil break from studying to write this. btw, hc take me less time to write so if you have more you can always send them in and I'll do my best to answer.
(tags are at the end)
okay so, the idea of letting Nikolai go is absurd to me. However, I can see how there could be some strains in a relationship with him.
if we remain in a canon situation, I'd say that the biggest thing that could come between you two up to the point of almost divorce is his ambition and dedication to Ravka
Nikolai is a strategist and the thing he wants more is seeing Ravka free and thriving and he'd do anything to make that a reality
so, he'd be plenty busy
busy to the point that you'd go months without seeing him
whether he's in Ravka working on his projects with David and Nadia or he's in another country on a diplomatic visit
of course, he has invented flying ships and all but those kinds of journeys still are long and tiring
however, since you are in the picture, I'd like to believe that Nikolai would try to find a balance between his country and his love
if not simply for the fact that he loves you and he loves being with you
if he's married you, there's a reason. right?
so, I feel like whenever he's back from a long trip away he'd take some time to spend it with you. First days in between the sheets and then doing some of your favourite things together.
just to spend some quality time with you
that's until he slips away more and more to take care of something
at first, it's a couple of hours before dinner
then he misses dinner entirely but spends the afternoon together
then only mornings together
until it comes the time you wake up and his side of the bed is cold
of course, you were aware of the life he led
his ambition and dedication were two of the things you loved most about him
but you missed him
he was gone so much that it didn't feel like a relationship anymore
it seemed like a free trial for widowhood
you had confronted him about this
many times
but he was still the King of Ravka and he had responsibilities he couldn't forfeit
and despite his best intentions, it seemed that they didn't match with his marriage
and you understood that. his role and the many things he had to take care of. really.
but you were tired of being alone a feeling unimportant
so, one day you decided to wait for him. Nikolai was the first to wake up and the last to fall asleep.
but that night, you waited for him. sat in your bed, hoping he'd come too late
when he did step into your room, he was surprised to see you awake. at first, he was delighted. he missed you too and the idea of being able to spend some time with you brought him endless joy
however, he soon noticed the expression on your face, your arms crossed on your chest and he understood that whatever reason had made you wait for him, wasn't anything good.
as much as it broke your heart to say the words, you told him what you had been thinking about for months now.
"this marriage is not working out for me anymore."
Nikolai's heart broke. truly shattered at your words.
he knew he'd be walking on a fine line and it was only a matter of time before you'd snapped again
but he never thought it'd come to this
what a wretched word
Nikolai hated it. he hated the fact that he had been such a shitty husband that you now wanted to have nothing to do with him
he tried to change your mind, promised that he'd do better, that he loved you and you were his whole heart even though he'd done a shitty job to show you.
but you knew that despite his words were genuine, his promises were empty.
and you were simply done. you couldn't take any more of this.
when he understood that he had pushed you too far, Nikolai relented. He accepted your decision and told you that he'd take care of it.
in the meantime, you went away.
there was no reason for you to stay. you were alone anyway so staying just to sleep in the same bed as he felt ridiculous
the time apart was agonizing for both of you. unironically, knowing that he was just a few feet away made it easier for you to bear the loneliness. And Nikolai?
Well, he had forgotten how to function. The absence of your presence affected him more than he would have thought. To the point where he could only think of you and how he couldn't lose you. The divorce wasn't official yet and he was already miserable.
So he took some time off and he joined you.
Again, he asked for forgiveness. pleaded for you to give him a second chance and if not, to at least allowed him to spend the days before signing the papers together.
and you agreed. you agreed because you had missed him so much. because you still loved him.
those remaining days were spent in utter denial. neither of you acknowledged the truth of your situation but unspokenly decided to make the most of it.
and saints, it did nothing but remember why you had fallen in love with each other and decided to spend the rest of your lives together in the first place.
when the time was almost up, neither of you wanted for it to end.
but the problem remained: you couldn't go back to the same routine
but letting Nikolai go wasn't possible neither
so you talked to him. explained your reasons and your motives and that above all you loved him
he felt so much relief in knowing that there was still a tiny chance of making this right
he renewed his promises of being a better husband, of changing his work schedule so that he could be more present.
he had even handed you a sheet where he had drafted his new schedule and well, it was completely different
of course, you knew that there would be times where he'd be inevitably busier but as long as he made an effort, you'd be fine with it
and so you agreed, you gave him a second chance and you were proud to say that Nikolai was living up to his words
and you were happier than ever
@jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofshield, @for-bebbanburg, @randomoutsiders, @pansysgirlfriend, @hannaxmaria, @vintagebitc, @story-scribbler, @hazelrose14, @crowssixof, @odetostep, @lizzie-he4rts (taglist form)
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wizkiddx · 3 years
was thinking for toms most recent ig story it sounds like hes working out early everyday, what if u did a blurb where the reader does it with his and its like best friend --> something else ? sounded like a you type of story, id love if you gave it a go ❤️💕
oohkay so sorry this lit just came through this evening and I suddenly got v stupidly into it (if u put in a req before that I promise I am working on it I just got way to invested cos this is stupidly cute) xxxx
summary: what starts off as tom taking you under his wing and some sunrise workouts together might just develop into something more
“It shouldn’t be legal…. to be doing anything… this fucking early!” Spoken, well yelled, in between the fake strokes of the exercise bike and your pants. All you got in response was the two men laughing at you, no sign of sympathy at all, as your gritted your teeth - fighting against every body instinct to stop the movements. Your heart was pumping like the clappers; breathing shallow and rushed and your arms… your arms felt like they were about to fall off. Combine that with the lack of sleep from waking up before the sun did at 5 am - meant you felt like your were in literal hell.  
Why ever you’d agreed to do these workouts with Tom and Duffy escaped you. Being the new and rising actress, with a new supporting role in the next Spiderman, meant you’d spent a lot of time with Tom over the past few weeks. Not to inflate his ego either, but Tom had been a real life hero to you. See, you were the complete opposite of his experienced and seasoned professionalism - this was your first acting gig. And what a gig it was, the second biggest part in a Marvel movie. You never really believed you’d get the part and even when you did, were pretty sure it was some elaborate joke, where Ant and Dec were going to jump out from some corner and go ‘ha its a prank!’ or something. 
Yet somehow it was all still happening, you had been flown halfway across the world to spend three months alone on a film set. Well obviously not alone, but you knew no one - you were a complete outsider. That, really, was the reason you’d agreed to do these sessions with Tom. He’d offered half heartedly while between takes as you were moaning about how out of breath you got in that scene. At that point, you’d only known each other for a matter of weeks, he really hadn’t expected you to commit to 5 am each and every morning. What he wasn’t aware of though, was how ocmplerly stranded and lonely you felt here, hence why you jumped at his offer. 
And yes you loved to moan and complain when you were there, however you were also so incredibly thankful he ever offered. Duffy, Tom’s PT, was a right laugh too and he took great joy in torturing you - and was also entertained by the new and inventive ways you’d insult him after he ordered you about. 
“Come on Y/n, 200m more and then we are done, even your little arms can survive that.”
“Really … not the encouragement… I was looking for.” Still panting, face bright red and blotchy as you pressed your legs straight again.
“Tom? You wanna help Y/n out?” 
“Nah you know… kind of enjoying seeing her in pain.” The British voice laughed from somewhere behind you, making you roll your eyes.
“Why the hell… are you not… torturing him?” He sounded way to comfortable and relaxed to be working hard. 
“He’s got a stunt heavy day today so wanted to go easy this morning.”
Now that was a bloody joke. You were BOTH filming the SAME scene today, doing the SAME stunts. 
“Did I forget to mention Y/n is on set too?” The joy in Tom’s voice made you want to do horrible things to him. Even though you felt like you wanted to collapse on the floor, you’d happily do a set or two on a punch bag right now - if that punch bag was Tom’s face. 
Before you could hurl some fresh abuse at your costar, Duffy called time on the rowing machine, turning the display off and passing your water bottle over as you slouched on the slidey seat. 
“Done good Y/n/n, I am actually super impressed with your progress” The stocky man patted you on the back genuinely, bringing a bit of smile to your otherwise grimacing face. He went over the chat to Tom about some boy shit that you couldn’t care less about, allowing you a couple minutes to get your breath back. As soon as you did and tried to dismount the machine of death, your ruined legs seemed to have other plans, shakily buckling so you ended up starfished on the floor, groaning at the dull ache that came with the sudden movement. 
And what show of concern did Duffy show you? A belly laugh that echoed round Toms indoor gym making you groan again, throwing your forearm over your eyes. It was in fact the curly haired brunette, who came and knelt by your side, wordlessly balling up the towel and placing it under your head as you shot your eyes open in shock. 
“You okay? Sorry… I might’ve taken our friendly competition a bit too far.”
“I just… just might have to gain the power of flight this afternoon cos my legs aren’t gonna bloody work.” Tom chuckled and shook his head at your dry humour. 
“Oh I’m sure we can talk to Jon and get that arranged… not like Marvel don’t spend years crafting the script and storyline for a newbie actor to change it all.”
“Might I remind you… they wouldn’t have to if your weren’t such a dickhead!” You exclaimed, sitting up and staring at him with an exasperated look than only made him burst out laughing again. 
“I’m sorry I’m sorry… I just cant take you seriously when you look like such a tomato!” His voice went an octave higher as he laughed at himself, the situation getting even worse for you when you heard Duffy join in too. 
The boy was bloody lucky you couldn’t lift your arms right now, otherwise they’s almost certainly be attempting to ruin his pretty boy face. 
After a long day of shooting you and Tom were in one of the set buggies, being taken back to your trailers to change for the evening. There was a peaceful silence until Tom ruined it yet again.
“ Got any fancy plans for this evening then?”
“Well you know me, back to my lonely little old place and  frozen pizza - so living the movie star life.” 
“It’s a Friday! You not going out with your team or anything?” He sounded so bemused at your quiet plans, and mention of a ‘team’ had you cocking your head to the side. 
“‘My team?’ Tom until I get my movie star pay check I can barely afford my pizzas, never mind a whole persons wage.” You were still only three weeks into filming and although you spent an hour every other morning sweating your ass off with Tom - apart from that you’d tried not to impose yourself on him too much. You didnt want to look clingy and naturally Tom always had a mountain of people vying for his attention - you would go to the back of a long line. So honestly, you were still a bit of a mystery to him, right now you’d both only scratched the surface on each other. 
“Really? I know this is your first big job but I thought you’d have someone here?” 
“Nah… I mean I’ve kinda clung to the Marty on the camera crew but he’s going to see family tonight sooo.”
“Come back to mine. I’ve swapped Harry for his twin Sam, which is a bit of an upgrade cos Sam’s a chef. He just arrived last night. I bet he can one up any pizza you were planning on.”
“Honestly I don’t want to impose, sorry I didnt mean for this to be a pity party or-“ The buggy slowed to a stop and Tom instantly vaulted out of it, standing right infront of you and blocking you exist off the back sofa. Both of you were still in costume, Tom in latex and you in your corset-esque two piece, but then both wrapped in matching long line black jackets supplied by set. 
“No come on I’m serious… Sam’s dying to meet you and it’d be good to spend more time together. You know, cos of chemistry and all.” The last bit was a switch from his cool and smooth, normally easy going tone - into something a bit more… anxious? Just like that, before your brain even knew what it was doing, you agreed, smiling broadly and nodding. 
So barely an hour later, you were knocking on the doors to Tom’s mansion-ish rented Atlanta home which was much much more grand than what the studio had arranged for you. Even though you were here most mornings, this time it felt different. Yeh it was stupid, but you can’t help the way you feel and you were stressed. For no real reason… just, just because. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t awkward at all  and you especially instantly hit it off with his younger brother Sam. Everything just felt easy and simple which meant so much more considering you’d felt so isolated an alone halfway across the world for your home comforts. Being British too, simply chatting to the two young men about your hometown and growing up was just so familiar, it really helped you feel less homesick.  Naturally too,  you’d fallen into a casual and friendly ribbing of Tom with Sam, making the three of you spend to majority of the evening cracking up (or in Tom’s case pouting at the abuse). It was a nice change from the two on one attack you got from Tom and Duffy that morning. You’d all cooked dinner together… well no, you and Tom had stood idly watching Sam cook an amazing chicken curry dish - which he promised to give you the recipe too. Honestly Sam felt like your long lost best friend, especially when it came to your shared ability to berate Tom for anything and everything. 
About an hour ago Tom had stuck on the film, effectively shutting up you and Sam - thankfully for him since Sam was just about to get to some rather embarrassing stories of Tom as a kid. You and Tom were on the longer grey sofa; with Sam sat  the other side of the coffee table in an impressively soft armchair - looking as though it was swallowing the lanky boy. The calm, the silence and the comfort was only going to go one way for you though. After your workout this morning, plus all the running and jumping during the shoot,  after what had already been a pretty intense week, it was hardly surprising that you didn’t even notice yourself drifting off the sleep. 
Who did notice though? Perhaps your brown haired costar who’d been stealing glances across to you ever since the movie had been put on? Because as much as he hated to admit it to himself, this didnt seem to be panning out as a normal job. A normal job is something you put your all into, for a couple weeks, and then leave with good memories and a good pay check. Yes, he had only known your for a matter of weeks or so but it already seemed to be unfathomable to cut ties with you. How would he go without your kind mannered abuse everyday? You were just refreshing, new and mysterious. And Tom was more than intrigued, his interest was peaked. 
And it was stupid to feel like that…. Of course it was. You can’t fancy a colleague because things get complicated and awkward. Tom knew that. 
Then why was he now delicately draping a blanket over your frame and smiling smally when you hummed in your sleep, in what seemed to be a show of appreciation for the layer of warmth? 
Because you were his excited puppy of a costar who is giving everything she has for the job? Because he is worried and wants to look after you? Because he cares? 
No matter why, in that moment you were contented and as was Tom. Oh and Sam? 
Sam saw the tell tale signs in his brother. He saw the way Tom had been touching your arm or the small of your back just a little more than what would be considered normal while he’d been cooking. He’d seen the way Tom had been laughing purely because you had. His eldest brother never did anything rash, it was always a painfully slow process for everyone involved. But Sam thought this just might be the start of something. The start of a slow burn.
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helpfulbug · 3 years
for the blorbo meme, could I ask yyh? :3c 😄
YES i will always use any excuse to talk about yyh thank you sarah<3
i really like how u explained your answers a bit w dmc so ill also hide mine under a readmore: (also no emojis bc im on desktop i prommy well get through it no matter what tho)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
anyone who follows my yyh posting knows im working on in theory a yukina specific au so obviously shes my fav:) shes the twin sister of hiei one of the main characters (the short troll doll shaped fellow) their mother was part of an ice demon culture where women bore only girls on their own but their mum went off and had a little fun and came back pregant w a girl (yukina) and a boy (hiei) she gave birth to both of them and while she was still down from giving birth they made her best friend throw hiei off a cliff and assumed he died.... so he had his whole shonen character orgin story but never forgot where he came from and returned there as a teen. their mother had died and his sister had set out to find him. the only thing she had to go on was the "tear" of her mother bc ice demons shet tears that turn into extremely valueable pearls so shes looking for her brother who will ofc recognize his pearl. she enters the story when the gang learns a demon has been kidnapped and is being abused bc of her valuable tears and they learn its hieis sister when he kamikazes the guys holding her....she immediatly recognizes smth in him and he asks him who he is but he just responds w "no one" and after that they have this weird relationship of recognition but hiei can never tell her hes her brother for reasons i cant explain bc this is already like a page of text so tldr: scorpio legend back story and relation to the main charas that make me cry and throw up every single day of my life killer design i need to stop now i could go on forever one of my ALL TIME FAV CHARACTERS EVER (im so mad she gets sidelined that im actively working on an au)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
im gonna go the creature route here once more and say puu!! bc hes literally shaped^^ hes connected to the main character and supposed to show yusukes innermost self so he feels everything he feels and changes w yusuke over the course of the story i wont say too much but know theres some instances of puu that slay me on impact everytime i experience them.......CREATURE
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
not really underappreciated in the tumblr scene but GENKAI you might know her from my old url shes the legendary gamer grandma!!! shes just an old as shit tiny women who can shoot lasers and has an arcade in her home w games that she herself has to put quarters in i love her sm if u say anything mean about her she will kill you on the spot or beat u in street fighters at her house whatever works for her
again slightly spoilers but the way she and the first big antagonist are connected and play off eachother......togashi literally invented femism here (and uninvented it w biski in hxh)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
koto!!!! togashis mind when he wrote the quintessential tournament arc and had the whole thing commentated and refereed by women. koto is just in the ring to see violence and blood and will complain if someone is having a shonen character monologue instead of fighting her design is also really cool shes a fox girl w a microphone doing backflips!! she sadly only really appears in the tournaments but when she does.....you know i go insane!!!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i can say this in good faith bc im part of the elite tumblr users who can experience the chapter black arc w a gay gaze like it was meant to be consumed bc hes very fucked up but also he was brainwashed as a child so whatever maybe hes right also i will be sending him to super hell very shortly
if were going less villian and more main character i have to say kuwabara bc i think a lot of ppl think hes super annoying and loud but hes actual the blueprint for all gay shonen boys out there....if your reaction to getting punched in the face is "omg he remembered my name" bestie.....i have news for you. also actually fits the description of poor little meow meow
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
koenma im 100% sure he inspired boss baby also hes collecting child soldiers and manipulating them bc hes too lazy to do his job when this doesnt work out he just looks for someone new who cares what happens to the last guy if i say acab im including koenma in this
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
as promised sensui and itsuki go to superhell i mean is it any different than spending eternity in the void at least there will be other gay ppl so youre welcome:)
also kurama bc hes commited crimes (in a funny way) and is fruity (im banking on him escaping i just think it would be funny if he was in there for a bit)
but also dont pretty much all of our main cast take vacation jobs in demon world in one part of the story.......so theyve all at least BEEN to superhell i guess
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aliaslua · 4 years
✦  Promp list ✦
Just finished my first Prompt list! Hope you enjoy. The list is organized in three categories: Fluff, angst and SMUT. When you send your request, don’t forget to specify reader's gender and what pairing you would like (if gender is not specified, the reader will be written as a female). If you are a writer, feel free to share and use it. You can check the 150 prompts after the cut! Thank you!
1. "I'll catch you. Everytime."
2. "Next man that makes you cry is a dead man."
3. "I wish we could be more than friends."
4. " I can't believe to this day you chose me... It feels like a dream."
5. "I spend all my awaken moments waiting for the day you're coming back to me."
6. "I don't care if you don't want me here. You need me and I need you and I won't deny it anymore."
7. "Stop pretending like you don't know what I am talking about. Stop acting like you don't love me back!"
8. "I'll be here... Waiting for the moment you realize how much I care for you."
9. "I won't leave your side."
10. "I've been in love with you since the first time I heard you laugh."
11. "God, I love your laugh."
12. "You make me happy."
13. "Being around you feels like home."
14. "Promise me you won't leave my side."
15. "I wish we could be together all the time."
16. "Sometimes it feels like you always were a part of me... I just needed to find it."
17. "I love you so much it makes me question my sanity."
18. "Honestly I will do anything you ask me if you smile like that everytime."
19. "How are you single?"
20. "Please don't smile at me like that I have a weak heart."
21. "Do you mind repeating that? I wanna hear you say my name again."
22. "Could you stay the night?"
23. "Please hold me."
24. "I cant get you out of my mind."
25. "My only goal in life is to make you smile."
26. "I hope our children have your eyes."
27. "I cant believe it took me so long to find you."
28. "If you let me I'll keep you in this bed for the rest of our lives."
29. "I feel protected when I am with you."
30. "Can you please just kiss me now?"
31. "If you don't shut up and kiss me right now I swear to god..."
32. "It's ok... Close your eyes. It's just you and me now."
33. "You and me against the world, remember?"
34. "I'll never let anyone harm you."
35. "I've never loved anyone as much as I love you."
36. "I'll give you a kiss if you stay a little longer."
37. "You make me feel calm."
38. "You bring out the best of me."
39. "I wanna be the best I can... So you can be proud of me."
40. "I wish I was the reason you keep coming back"
41. "Do you mind if we just cuddle for a while?"
42. "I love the feeling of your hand on mine."
43. "If you keep looking at me like that I swear I am going to kiss you."
44. "You the kind of person I would brag about dating to my friends."
45. "I am proud of you."
46. "I am so lucky to have you."
47. "Let's run away together."
48. "You make me feel like I belong."
49. "It feels like everything good in my life leads back to you."
50. "When you're around I feel like I am unbeatable."
51. "Please stop saying that."
52. "Don't you dare say you never loved me! I know you did!"
53. "Did you ever truly loved me?"
54. "I cant accept the fact that you will never love me back."
55. "Was it all a lie?"
56. "How do you sleep at night!?"
57. "I am not what you deserve."
58. "I can't give you what you want. Not now... Not ever."
59. "Is that all I am to you... A distraction?"
60. "I am so tired of being used... But I can break away from you."
61. "I feel so trapped, I can't live with you and I cant live without you!"
62. "I can't believe you looked straight into my face and said you loved me."
63. "Just lie to me. Lie about everything, I don't mind... Please, I just can't lose you."
64. "I can't live without you by my side."
65. "Life is meaningless without you."
66. "Just say it! Call me a monster to my face!"
67. "I will never forget you... As long as I live all I will do is miss you!"
68. "What? Did you actually thought I loved you?"
69. "I've never felt so lonely."
70. "I am a wreck when I am without you."
71. "It's over for us."
72. "I am going to ruin you."
73. "Please, don't give up a perfect chance of a normal life for me."
74. "I can't live with the guit of knowing I ruined your life."
75. "Can't you see? We weren't meant to be!"
76. "I feel like everything is falling apart."
77. "You promised me you would never let go."
78. "What about us!? What about the promises we made to each other?!"
79. "I wish you just told me straight to my face that you don't love me anymore."
80. "You think you love me but you don't! You love the image of me that you invented!"
81. "I cant save this relanshionship."
82. "We won't survive this."
83. "This is it. This is how it ends."
84. "I am saying that I am tired... Tired of this. Of us."
85. "We can't go on like this."
86. "I can't be what you want me to be."
87. "You betrayed me."
88. "I know I've became a burden to you..."
89. "Why do you keep lying to yourself?"
90. "Why are we doing this to each other?"
91. "I am tired of pretending the things you do don't hurt me."
92. "I am not strong enough to survive you."
93. "I should have know that you would break my heart."
94. "You were always like this... Gues that was a masochistic part of me that loved that."
95. "I won't stay any longer."
96. "I never meant to be a uncomfortable part of your life. "
97. "I am leaving... Forever.'
98. "I though we where a team... That we were forever."
99. "You broke my heart when you broke our promise."
100. "Nothing can change the fact that I don't love you anymore."
101. "Look at me while you do it."
102. "Oh I would die to hear you muffle like that against me."
103. "Good luck containing your moans."
104. "Stick your tongue out."
105. "Oh I will shut that sassy mouth of yours."
106. "Don't worry about the neighbors."
107. "Let's make it louder, shall we?"
108. "Behave."
109. "You will cum when I say you will."
110. "You're a mess already."
111. "You like it like that, don't you?"
112. "Don't make loud noises... They can hear you."
113. "I'll make you scream my name."
114. "I am getting tired of your teasing."
115. "I will give you rough this time... So you can learn your lesson."
116. "What? Can't handle a little teasing?"
117. "I can feel the mess your making between your legs."
118. "Come sit."
119. "On your knees."
120. "Oh this is going to leave a mark."
121. "Tell me how much you want me."
122. "You will be good for me?"
123. "Say what I tell you and I'll give you a reward."
124. "Spred your legs."
125. "Do you like how you taste?"
126. "Don't make any noise."
127. "Keep your hands still for me, won't you?"
128. "Say that again... I dare you."
129. "I love to see you beg."
130. "Just fuck me into oblivion."
131. "Oh you look really good from this angle."
132. "Turn around, now."
133. "Do that again and I swear I'll fuck you right now against this wall."
134. "I can go all night long."
135. "Rough? I will show you rough!"
136. "Do you think it will fit?"
137. "I wanna ride your face."
138. "Show me how much you appreciate me with your mouth between my thighs."
139. "I'll give you nice and slow until you beg for me to realese you."
140. "You look so sexy when you're bothered."
141. "I will make you feel so good you will forget all your troubles."
142. "Oh you're moaning already?"
143. "Let's get you ready for me first."
144. "Show me how good you can take it."
145. "Let's sneak out. I'll make you cum in five minutes."
146. "Shhhh... Do you want the whole city to hear you?"
147. "I know a great way of getting distracted."
148. "Open wide. Let's test your endurance."
149. "Not so shy now, huh?"
150. "Don’t be shy. I know you can take it like  champ."
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Intense Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is 16-17, also ive really never written anything about team iron man so this was weird, someone needs to tell me i dont need every single movie detail in here
prompt: takes place from cacw and smhc
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
Tumblr media
after the events in sokovia, you set up the relief fund for displaced sokovians and dealt with physical clean up while the avengers...
well, they had to deal with the press—and the governments of the world
getting to know your new suit AI, JOSHUA
briefly looking for bruce; no luck there
you ended up doing the MIT september foundation presentation with tony
and ending the presentation after pepper’s name popped up on the screen
“it’s probably best we get out of here”
you were his entire support system while he was going through his break with pepper
meeting charles spencer’s mother, who really gave your dad a piece of her mind
“my son died, but your daughter gets to live on. if you lost her, maybe you’d show some sympathy for murdering my child”
*awkward silence from you*
*awkward silence from tony otw to the compound*
HATING the sound of the sokovia accords, yet understanding why they’re being ratified
being torn between signing them or not and having a huge argument with the other avengers
“y/n, why dont you listen to your dad for once and sign the damn thing”
“uncle rhodey, you know why i dont want to sign. if they have us, they have access to our suits. you really think the UN should be telling us how to use them?”
“your defense doesn’t even make sense. i had the war machine or iron patriot or whatever the hell you want to call it, but the military was calling the shots”
“and look where you are now”
“right, well i wouldn’t expect a kid to understand”
“are you kidding me, rhodes? you’re gonna play the ‘im older than you’ card?”
comforting wanda while she feared being taken
and as soon as you heard about what happened in lagos
“think about it, maximoff. if you didnt do what you did, do you know how many more casualties there may have been?”
“but i killed innocents”
“no, rumlow killed innocents. you contained that blast better than anyone else could have and you prevented a whole bunch of deaths, give yourself some credit”
okay, so you weren’t the best at talking someone down while they were upset
staying in berlin with your father while the whole bucky thing began to get sorted out
but he sent you out to stay with nat while he had some “private time” with steve
tony keeping you close to him during the power outage at the base
until it turned out you brought your suit and tony did not!
everyone was looking at you to take down bucky, but it just seemed like a bad idea, you didn’t want to hurt him because you didn’t want to hurt steve
stalling to try and buy steve time to subdue his friend
“y/n, come on, for christ sake!”
“got it, dad! i know what im doing!”
“i dont think you do!”
feeling your stomach drop when bucky shot into your dad’s hand, if it wasn’t for his latest invention, he may have gotten seriously hurt
you had a slight change of heart after that, you couldn’t bare to lose your dad. not after all those close calls...
getting yelled at by secretary ross and the wonderful 36 hour ultimatum you, nat, and tony received
“i have a plan”
“don’t say the spider boy”
“fine, i wont say it”
a nice trip to queens :)
when this parker kid finally got home, tony left you to socialize with his aunt
small talk is sometimes unbearable
“so, what’s it like being tony stark’s daughter?”
“honestly? im always tired”
peter becoming a tagalong on your mission, which you didn’t really think was appropriate
“dad, i dont really think we should’ve brought the kid...”
“why? you’re about the same age as him, its not much different”
“um...no, i meant this isnt his battle. i don’t care how old he is”
face off between tony and cap where you literally just swallowed all your pride and apologized because you couldn’t handle the fact that the team was being ripped apart like this
team ups with Spider-Man
“so, uh, do you hate me or something?”
“hey, kid? we’re kind of in the middle of something, i’ll get back to you on that”
“it’s a yes or no question, y/n”
so, things didn’t exactly go as planned...
your (former) teammates were taken to the RAFT and you couldn’t pull it together in front of them
they were pretty pissed at you
“im sorry, im so sorry, i should’ve done better”
they ignored you (up until scott lang)
“all you stark’s are the same”
“stay out of this, bugboy”
taking to the remote hydra base in another famous father/daughter teamup
“just like the old days, right kiddo?”
“i guess so”
“hey, cheer up, it’s not all that bad”
waltzing right in there to meet your friend and foe
seeing the video of your grandparents dying
*being killed
absolutely stunned by seeing such a gruesome thing
even after all you’ve seen, this really got to you
you were robbed of ever meeting them, which made you angry, but you couldn’t stay angry because there were so many things out of everyones control
realizing that this was a good time to hold tony back
“JOSHUA, lock down y/n’s suit. protocol: baby gate”
apparently your dad still had some old protocols in your suit that you hadn’t found yet
“JOSHUA? reboot! override protocol: baby gate”
“i’m sorry, miss y/n, but i cannot do that”
watching your father attempt to get revenge
and get critically injured
simultaneously working on opening the suit back up for a bad plan
finally getting the emergency release and stumbling out of your suit, rushing towards the conflict and throwing yourself in the middle of it
“please, dad. enough damage has been done.”
“y/n, get out of the way”
he saw you shaking and crying and he realized what he was doing
attacking the only family you guys really had
getting shoved out of the way so that they could end this fight once and for all
JOSHUA finally rebooting and bringing the suit over to shield you while you helplessly watched the end of this fight
when bucky and steve left, your suit disarmed and you crouched down beside your father
“come on, let’s just go home”
“im sorry”
“i know, it’s okay”
trying to comfort your dad after his defeat
you picked up cap’s shield and returned to your suit, it was time to go home
after a brief time of recovery (while you helped work on uncle rhodey’s prototype prosthetics), there was a slight change of plans for you
“okay, so for your punishment after what you pulled during my...divorce with cap, you’re going to babysit the spiderling so you gain some perspective”
“hold on, what?! what do you mean ‘perspective?’”
“i mean you dont know what it’s like to be in charge of the life of a teenager, so now you get to find out! congratulations on your promotion!”
it was not fun at all because peter kept blowing up your phone and you kept having to tell him there was nothing for him to do
Y/N: I’ll let you know when there’s a spider-level threat, kapeesh?
P. Parker: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
peter going behind your back to do some “superhero work”
and you having to swoop in to fix everything last second
“come on, you stole my thunder, y/n!”
“no, peter, i saved your life. next time you have a lead, call me first”
and then he didn’t 😌✨💕
“Y/N, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“put him through, JOSHIE...hey dad, how’s dubai?”
“taking care of a kid is harder than it looks, isn’t it?”
“don’t start with me”
damage control ahahah 🤡
“peter, why cant you just call me in? you don’t stop texting me for months but for this you go radio silent? you almost died. and you put a bunch of lives in danger! do you want me to have to go to your aunt and tell her you died?”
“im sorry! i just...i dont want to be a sidekick”
“kid, you’re gonna have a long time to make a name for yourself...but not if you’re dead!”
he started crying and you were very uncomfortable so you tried to hug him? it helped.
letting him off easy (just like your dad did to you growing up)
but apparently tony came back and took the suit anyways and you were pretty pissed about it
avengers moving day :) yes, part of your punishment was helping happy with moving day and hearing him gush about how you were “growing into such a responsible adult”
“happy i dont know if you noticed but ive basically been an adult since i was 12”
“keep telling yourself that, kiddo”
seeing an explosion and immediately knowing it was peter
“i’ll see you later, happy, love you!”
investigating the crash site and whaddaya know, there’s peter and his first bad guy, you were kind of proud
“peter, you okay?”
“okay, cool”
more damage control lmao (a/n: yall sick of damage control yet?)
a congratulatory call from your dad
“hey! you did pretty good, all things considered. why don’t you take the kid to the avengers compound for his special surprise?”
“aye aye, see you soon.”
“love you, kiddo”
“you too, dad”
quick fast forward to peter rejecting the position as an avenger while the press was outside, yes, you were surprised
but then your dad finally proposed to pepper, it was a pretty cool engagement announcement
“y/n, will you be my maid of honor?”
happily ever after (a/n: until the next part is up)
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worstloki · 4 years
Part 3
Fury: I cannot believe the Avengers No. 1 unattainable criminal right now is a seventeen-year-old twink Clint: I can’t believe you’re calling Loki a twink Tony: I can’t believe he's been the legal godparent of kids his own age for months and I didn't realise Steve: You didn’t get him removed? I thought you made Rhodey their legal godparents instead?? Tony: nah I removed Thor Natasha: ?? why would anyone do that ?? Fury, having a breakdown: we nearly lost New York and the entire world to a 16-year-old twink with daddy issues Clint: yoU just did it aGAIN- Tony, the only actual Avenger who knows Loki isn’t actually evil™: heY! Daddy issues are a serious thing! Don’t make fun of the guy for having a crisis and finding out his life was a lie and he’d faced over a millennium of abusive environment for nothing!  Avengers: are you… defending Loki… the megalomaniac WAR CRIMINAL who turned every SHIELD facility into ice cream earlier today…? Tony, hands up in surrender: I’m saying maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge the guy. I wouldn't be able to guess what but maybe he had an ulterior reason for the New York fiasco? His normal stuff is usually harmless.  Avengers: ... Tony: What? It could’ve been much worse. Strange, rolling his eyes: Yes, at least it wasn’t Stark Raving Hazelnuts Loki, who has been standing at the back listening to the entire conversation: That flavour is way too chalky to suit SHIELD anyways [everyone turns to Loki with their weapons ready, except Tony of course] Loki, raising his hands in surrender: what? A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge is way better, and its green, and for some reason they didn’t have a Loki flavour so that was the next best option-
Loki: hey Morgan what would you say if i offered you an officially evil part-time job with decent pay and extremely good evil workplace benefits? Morgan: do you offer evil dental? Loki: of course?? we also have A-Grade coffee 24/7 because top class extremely good evil deserves only the best Morgan: Excellent! I look forward to working with your evil team and being a part of your nefarious schemes and plots in future Loki: Thank you. Tomorrow we replace all Tony's vehicles with incredibly realistic wax models. Morgan: ...including the jets? Loki, scoffing: what kind of amateur villains would we be if we left his jets, boats, bikes and single vintage helicopter untouched Tony: its 4am can you maybe not have this conversation right next to me in my own workshop?!
Tony: I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WOULD REPLACE THEM WITH WAX MODELS Morgan: What kind of low-grade predictable villainous evil doers would we be if we did what we said we would Tony: oh $#!^ now you're speaking like him too Loki, cutting his shoulder to reveal cake: Just so you know, it wasn’t JUST the vehicles ;)
Peter: *following loki around with a notepad* Loki: Terribly sorry if you mind but he's MY intern now. Tony: You don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re doing, do you? Loki: I don’t think anything I’ve ever done is wrong Peter:  *avidly taking notes and nodding along*
T’challa: I cant believe you filed an application for ‘time off’ Shuri: I NEED at least 3 hours a week reserved specifically for training if I want to keep my part-time job T’challa: you don’t NEED a job! You make up 90% of Wakanda’s research and development departments! Your technology work IS a job! Shuri: yeah well my ACTUAL job is fun and has proper work benefits and I simply must empty the time blocks I specified for it! You wouldn’t stop me from meeting with Peter and Morgan would you? They ARE, legally and spiritually speaking, my siblings, brother :) T’challa: what job could you have that would need you reminding me that a mischief deity adopted you before telling me what the job actually is Shuri: The official position is called Secretary of Evil but that’s only for the probationary 2 week period and I’m allowed to request a name change if I think of anything better T’challa: T’challa: you are working as a SECRETARY?! Shuri: The job pays well, Brother, T'challa:  T'challa: mother will be so disappointed
Scott: I can’t believe you did that Maggie: I didn’t know he was a supervillain! OBVIOUSLY! Scott: how would you noT KNOW! He wears nothing buT LEATHER and BELTS and GREEN BOOTS AND- Maggie: I needed someone to watch her and she showed up in pink sweatpants and a black tank top and was charging a decent rate Scott: Scott: are you sure their name was loki
Clint: you told me it was a ‘family gathering’! Tony: yeah, it is, and the avengers are family Clint, pointing at Loki: so what’s the twink doing here and why are MY kids along with every other person here who is under drinking age clinging to him like a frickin’ koala bear Tony: morgan wanted to get her ‘the floor is lava’ badge and loki was the only one immune to the lava so they jumped him - and he enjoyed walking around covered in them way more than he should have -  and also loki is legally peter and morgan and harley and shuri’s godparent so he’s allowed to be here on more of a basis than anyone else here at this point Clint: There was LAVA near MY KIDS?! Tony: no of course not – it was FAKE lava that just looked and functioned like real lava Clint: im taking them all home Tony: good luck convincing them not to want another playdate Clint: this isn’t a joke Tony Tony: I’m serious. Good luck. The kids love him, and you’ll need all the luck you can get if you want them to ever root for the side of good instead of wherever-loki-is-at instead. 
Pepper: *watching the news* Pepper: oh hey the Avengers are on Peter, running into the room: woW NICE Pepper: wtf why is Hulk wearing giant boxing gloves Peter: Language! Pepper: is Steve's shield padded?! Peter: i don’t remember that being normal Pepper: did most of the Avengers just ditch Steve? Why’re they leaving Peter: I guess the danger must be over? Pepper: WHAT is going ON out there today Peter: I think Loki had planned an attack today so maybe he did it as a joke Pepper: oh they're facing Loki yeah okay that explains it Peter: Loki always does the funniest things of course he baby-proofed all the Avenger's gear! Classic Loki! :D
Captain America, tears streaming down his face: pl,,ease, loki,, stop,t his, I cant hit ,,a child Loki: Look at you, the American icon, unable to save all these innocent people from having their skin turn into primary colours, all because you are TOO AFRAID to fight me! Captain America: I’m a national icon, not a good soldier but a good man, I will do whatever it takes to keep innocents safe, but I can NOT beat up someone who isn’t even legal enough to vote Loki: I was around causing chaos before this ‘voting’ was even invented! And I’ll NEVER legally vote even if I could!! mwahahAHAHA- Falcon, to Bucky in the background: How did we not realise he was a teen, all his comebacks are ‘no u’ and ‘uno reverse card’ and ‘look over there!’ Bucky, to Falcon: I don’t know but I really really want to know where he gets his outfits from Falcon: if it means I’ll be seeing you geared up in leather again then I want to know where he gets his outfits from too ;‘) Thor: I think my brother makes his own outfits Loki, still tormenting Captain America: *SISTER Thor: ah, my bad Captain America, crying x2: wait does this mean I’ve been lobbing my shield at not just a child, but I’ve been misgendering them while doing it?! Loki: only occasionally and I don’t blame you that was on me for monologuing too long, really— Captain America, taking off the helmet: nope I’m done Loki: what are you doing Steve, handing Sam the shield: It’s yours. Enjoy. Sam: woah woah woah what’re you doing you cant retire just like that  Steve, unzipping his suit to reveal American flag boxers: watch me Bucky to Sam: hello new best friend Sam, realising that Cap and Bucky are a duo: oh no no no STEVE is your best friend Bucky: he hasn’t been my ‘best friend’ since I saw him with the American flag splayed over his butt Loki, holding his hand out for Sam to shake: Hello there new Captain America its nice to meet you formally, my name is Loki and yes I’m a child but I’m actually 1075 but that is irrelevant if I’m causing trouble and looking for a fight, I’m also genderfluid so yes sometimes my pronouns will be different but I’ll be sure to inform you if it happens Sam: what are you doing Loki: I’m… formally introducing myself Sam: Sam: why?? Loki, blinking to hide that he’s getting teary eyed: well, the last national icon I didn’t do this with ditched me because I didn’t Bucky, a trained assassin, who isn’t a fool: *hugs loki* that wasn’t your fault steve just likes to carry the stupid with him Loki: thanks Bucky: is this a bad time to ask where you get your clothes from…? Loki: I make them Bucky: oh. Well $#!^. Loki, sniffing: if you join the dark side I’ll make you some too Bucky, immediately: done. Sam: JAmES Bucky deadpan: Yes, Samuel, what is it that troubles you, my new arch nemesis? 
Sam: HE TOOK BUCKY Natasha: What do you mean ‘he took bucky’ he’s standing right next to you Sam: He’s “infiltrating the enemy” Natasha: *lifts an eyebrow and looks to Bucky* Bucky: It’s true. My loyalties lie elsewhere now. Natasha: ??? Bucky: note to self – unexpected outcomes confuse the black widow. Natasha: how did this happen?? Sam: he SOLD himself out to the ENEMY Natasha: well when you say it like THAT ;) — Bucky: I think friendship is a decent price to pay for decent clothing Natasha: ??? Sam: oh also I’m Captain America now because Steve broke down and quit Natasha: ?!?!?!
Peter, entering the room and high-fiving Loki: I heard you got Mr. Bucky to switch teams! Loki: well, my fashion skills ARE legendary Tony, under his breath: he’s not even trying and he’s gotten every kid and the freaking winter soldier on his side and I am so so grateful he isn’t actually TRYING to make everyone go bad
Bucky: we’ve been over this Steve, Loki is young but he’s also over a thousand years old Steve: I was beating up a KID, Bucky, a kid who was SMALLER and WEAKER than everyone else where he lived but wouldn’t EVER turn down a FIGHT for what he BELIEVES IN and he was probably BULLIED and I wanted the guy DEAD, Bucky– Bucky: don’t forget the genderfluidity thing Steve: he said it wasn’t my fault but I should’ve asked Thor after he referred to Loki as ‘she’ instead of thinking he’d made a mistake and I just can’t – he isn’t even old enough to DRIVE or VOTE or DRINK or BUY A KNIFE or -- Bucky, holding Steve and patting his back: hey now, there, there, it’ll be okay, Bucky: *gives Loki a thumbs up as he sits on the couch with popcorn and watches Steve be miserable*
Loki: We need to get through this locked door. Tony, quick, give me your card! Tony, handing the card over: Take it! Loki, pocketing it: Thanks! Morgan, fire at the door Morgan: *pulls out an iron man gauntlet painted green and gold* Tony: hOW COULD you deface YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT with GREEN Morgan: MINE is still being used as a paperweight. This is one of YOUR gauntlets.   Tony, under his breath: maybe it’s not too late to burn the physical evidence and hack Loki’s name off the digital copies of the adoption forms Loki, whispering back: oh its definitely too late. I’m already on your christmas card and everything.
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Hi! I saw that you do headcanons, and you did both Ban and Hendrickson as fathers! Do you think you might be able to do one like that for uhhhh Gowther? If not no worries! Have an amazing day!!!
Hey! I'm sorry this took so long! Thank for for requesting Gowther as part of as a parent series! (If I can even call it a series XD)
Personally I really ship Gowther with Slader. But I was it to make it generalized so it can be with anyone.
*I'm not sure whether or not Gowther can have biological children. But, with the amount of magic in the world and great power of adoption. I dont think that matters!
*I think if he has a little girl. I think his lover would want to give her the middle name Nadja after his first love. Gowther might not understand the sentiment but he would appreciate it none the less. Like with the charm King made him.
*Same thing with a boy. Perhaps middle name could be Escanor after his treasured comrade.
*Maybe he would name would Gowther jr. But after Daddy Gowther, not himself.
*Everynight he would read his kids a bed time story. This would continue until his children move out of the house of they let it.
*He would also give them a Shoulder Boot. I'm just kidding. Please watch the Seven Deadly Schmucks parody in YouTube if you haven't.
*Storytime with Gowther is the best! He does all the voices! He'd sometimes change his appearance and act out all the scenes!
*I think theater is something that he would eventually get into. As a result his children might as well.
*Since Gowther doesnt need food. I'm not sure how much of a cook he is. But, I'm sure he cant be worse than Meliodas so... I guess his kids are safe in that department.
*Gender specific clothes are not a thing with this man. His sons and daughters will probally get dressed up in make up, bows and dresses. And suits, armour, suspenders. The like.
*His kids will be very well read. I'm sure hed introduce them to all kinds of literature. But with a preference for fantasy. (Does fantasy even exist in this world? Would it just be fiction?)
*If he marries I can see him wearing both a wedding dress and a suit. I could not make up my mind which one.
*if his child marries. He will have the best mother of the bride dress, that will leave anyone jealous.
*I think if he ever gets concept of sentimanity he will have so many scrap books of his family and friends. If he doesnt he will appreciate it if his partner or friends do it for him.
*Will probally read every parenting book he can find.
*Given how upset he was at losing Daddy Gowther... Also losing Naja. (He may have a few abandonment issues) I think Gowther will be hesitent to leave his children for long periods of time.
*This may be annoying to his kids when their younger. But I think they'll appreciate it when their older. Always being able to rely on quality time with their dad.
*Gowther will be the best at tea parties. Going way out with dressing up.
*I can't see him having a lot of kids. Maybe just 1 or 2.
*He would be so factual when "giving the talk". This could either be more embarrassing for his children or a relief for them.
*I dont think ever actually learned how to "read the room" so he might accidentally embarrass his kids and partner from time to time without meaning too.
*Because of that, he might be really nonchalant about asking them personal questions that they may not want to discuss.
*Since he really started valuing his friends and teammates. I think Gowther would like it if his kids, grew up being friends with the others kids.
*I think Bartra, given Gowther's previous relationship with his sister would accept any children of Gowther's as more grandchildren and attempt to spoil them.
*Gowther would be very fair when deciding if his kids can have a pet or not. And would mainly base his decision on how responsible they and how likely they are to take care of it.
*When it comes to birthdays and things I think he would aim for more sensible things for gifts for his lover and kids. Like clothes, shoes, armour, equipment for any jobs or hobbies.
*sometime He may have to talked out of it. Because it could be considered offense. Off the top of my head. Maybe like giving his spouse a new broom for their anniversary because the old one broke
*Once in a while he'll surprise them with something truly sentimental. Like stitching old baby clothes into a quilt or something.
*Oh and books would be a common gift from him and a good one to give him.
*I think of he marries someone with a short lifespan or adopts kids with short lifespans. (I.E. Humans) it would cause him.a great deal of distress given how quickly they age and die.
*Although since he's a doll... it may not matter how long their lifespan is because he will still out last them.
*May actually seek something from.Merlin to allow him to age with his family.
*Given that he has friends from all races. Several of whom are in interspecies relationships. And presumably his partner isnt a doll he himself would be in one. So I don't think he would rarely care who his children decided to pursue romantically. All that would really matter if they treat them well.
*Growing up with a sin as your parent would probally be some serious street cred. Especially for them dad could beat your dad argument.
*People will probally assume the child of great knights, like that of the legendary order of the Seven Deadly Sins will be knights themselves.
*Gowther wouldnt push them to be a knight if they didn't want to.
*Sometimes he will be too blunt. Like if their outfit is ugly. He may come out and say it. He's not trying to be mean. Probally didnt consider it before saying it.
*Since he's a doll. I don't know if he actually needs to sleep or not. So Getting up with a baby would be no problem for him
*Wouldn't be phased by changing diapers. Would do it without ever being asked.
*if his kids are being bullied. I think he'd take care of it himself.
*Might try to entertain his children's friends by taking of his own head and scaring the crap out of them accidentally
*I think he would be great if his kids ever need help with homework.
*Since Daddy/Demon Gowther was Merlin's teacher/Mentor. I think it would be really cute and full circle if Merlin was at least one of Gowther's children's mentors.
*Diane will probally teach his children how to dance
*King will give him so many parenting tips assuming King becomes a dad first.
*Both King and Diane are really proud of the progress Gowther as made.
*Gowther's family will be invited to visit the Fairy King's forest any time.
*Meliodas will offer to arrange to have baby shower or any invents in Boar's Hat Tavern (If Gowther's partner wanted something nicer. I think Elizabeth would offer up the Castle)
*Elizabeth would probally offer to babysit so that Gowther and his partner could go out on dates.
*Ban would probally slap Gowther hard enough on the back to make him jerk and almost drop his glasses. Once Ban learned Gowther was going to be a dad.
*Ban would probally gift him very fine alchohal that Gowther would probally give to his partner.
*King and Elaine would probally work together and make the kids the cutest clothes ever.
*I can see Gowther taking his family to vacations where he went with the sins. Like to the beach or the mountain.
*Gowther will over all be a pretty good partner and parent to have. A few bumps in the road here and there. But, over all pretty great.
As always. Feel free to add on to these.
Also if you want to use these if a fanfiction or fanart go ahead. Credit would be nice. But it's not needed.
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jello-fello · 3 years
For the ask meme- yes. The whole fucking alphabet. Any fandom of your choice for any of them -kipp
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Honestly besides the Constant love for Mell and Kai, Ash and Eiji from banana fish, and Reki and Langa and Joe and Cherry from sk8 right now. Also i like Lawlight from specifically the 2015 death note tv drama. OH. AND ALSO. SEKI AND SHIMIZU FROM OYASUMI PUNPUN I LOVE THEM
(Side note ngl Detective Roberts and His Ex-Wife are v nice together i like them)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh idk I never thought about it. Ig i’m not really a fan of Aizawa/All Might? that’s the first ship to come to mind. oh and also Hawks/Endeavor. not my cup o tea, never will be
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Any ship with Tanaka from haikyuu that Isnt him and kiyoko. like art of him and enoshita or him and noya are Cute, but i just dont ship it
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Does writing “Regenerate, Fate” count
I also have Goose Yagami meme and the yelling cat meme but it’s death note
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
BNHA fandom has been since... november 2017ish
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
(ngl i dunno what this Means so sorry if my answer doesn’t make sense but-) I really like anime and animation, but also i really like comics and manga, more so now that im Making a comic
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think tumblr’s ever stopped making me like a fandom, but just like. stop going in tumblr’s tag for it. for example 15ish year old me was NOT ready to see the things in the undertale tag that i did. oh god the horrors.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
i dont think tumblrs ever led me to starting a show/getting into a fandom, but pinterest has. most of my fandoms have been through seeing random things on pinterest ngl
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Vigilantedekus is The Best and I Love Them
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Matsuda from death note might’ve been played as the “Funny because he keeps fuckin up” kinda chara, but i do like that he was the one to shoot light and that he had that kind of outburst about light’s dad. BUT ALSO MATSUDA’S THEORY IN THE END OF THE MANGA? RIGHTS.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
i dont have anything specific in mind, but all fandoms have DOPE artists
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
head empty no thoughts
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Right now “The mind electric” reminds me of Jamie from SA, “Butterfly’s Repose” reminds me of Mell And Kai
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
uh uh uh uh Self Aware but without Aviancorp. That’s the only difference. The au is just what kind of ripple effect it would have on everyone and their lives
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
nothing’s coming to mind
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Sobs. Seki and Shimizu from Goodnight Punpun. I only say them for this because theres So Little People who know them
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Athen (my oc, Choosing(02)) wants to see hatsune miku because he uses a voicebank to speak and “! she sounds like me!” 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
I’m going to do these with my OCs instead. because while im the author, they’re headcanons because most of them i cant Really make canon: 
Athen has a mothman pajama set. He and adam have matching “Humanfucker”/”Robofucker” shirts
athen Has seriously wondered if adam would leave him for mothman
athen gets a pet roomba named Hal
Jamie would be a good parent
Sam (one of the dead kids from Subject 402/SA-) would’ve been a soccer player if she lived
Letho (the Other dead kid) would’ve been an art student
if jordan(Kai) had a Normal Life and WASNT a human experiment, he wouldnt be very accomplished in school despite being a genius, he’d be kinda a delinquent and getting in trouble a lot
If mell had a younger sibling, people would probably think HE’S the youngest one. they would not believe he were older if they were close in age
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mob from Mob psycho
L and Light are tied
Aizawa and Shinsou and Deku are top faves ig
ash and eiji from banana fish. love them. AND SHORTER> LOVE HIM
i like punpun as a character but if i had the chance i would prolly throw hands
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Mell and Kai - Self Aware
Shindeku OR tododeku - bnha
(Letho and (Redacted)) - Self Aware (but like. the au if letho Lived)
Ash and Eiji - Banana Fish
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
I think we all know my fave ships from this post so far. no need to do this question lmao
ngl there aren’t many Precious Babies. like I’d say Hinata is a precious baby but haikyuu ends when he’s like fuckin 30 so what counts as a precious baby hmmm
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
my dash gets so much TMA
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
this post is long enough,,,
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
it's pretty fucking rich of curufin to call the servants perverts for doing what he/his family forced them to do! omg! also i love the detail that sometimes fingon is just like 'suffer bitch' and doesn't stop curufin from getting his own self in trouble. i wonder what celebrimbor thinks about all the tension between the three of them--he must be terrified, poor bby. also i love the detail that maedhros believes in thematic/ironic punishment. i imagine he does it a lot to curufin esp when hes str
*stressed abt ruling the noldor and whatnot. i wonder if he ever directly tells curufin that if he actually put any effort into it that he *might* be the best sex slave/concubine? just to have more 'competition' btwn him and fingon? (and maybe its just a ploy, hes much fonder of fingon just for actually just getting on with it and not being so annoying). also maglor and his elaborate shows. maglor sounds insufferable. is he rlly perfectionistic and dramatic with his directions/ideas/visions? ver
*very particular and demanding? i can also see some really dark domestic humor with like, maedhros being like 'tf are my sex slaves' and it turns out they're all tied up in rlly weird ways running through 'rehearsal' for the 50th time that night or sthg and maglor is like 'oh damn its morning? i hadnt noticed' and ends up having a very very weird party a few weeks later full of avant-garde noncon horror that his pretentious artsy friends who all applaud his 'vision'. also i had wondered, if maed
*maedhros ever feels like he needs to punish nolo or fingon but in a more 'ironic' way, does he do it by forcing them to punish or touch eac other? like if fingon winces or flinches at jsut the wrong moment or something 'oh if i'm so disgusting then i'm sure you'd prefer him to rim you' and nolo is ofc desperate to fix the situation with his son hurt as little as possible. cant imagine curufin wouldnt be very upset too if celebrimbor is brought into his own punishments. cant see that ending well
Celebrimbor is rather terrified by the whole situation, but luckily, all of the other Servants are interested in keeping him safe. Curufin of course wants to protect his son. Nolo doesn't want this to be happening to anyone, and Celebrimbor is the only one he's currently able to make things less terrible for. Fingon thinks that Curufin deserves everything he gets, but Celebrimbor is innocent; and also that Curufin is probably bad at caring for people in general and a bad father. Curufin's defiance, coming at the same time when Fingon learns just how much his own father sacrificed for him and his siblings, just cements that belief.
In practice, this works out to Fingon teaching Celebrimbor a lot about both how to navigate life as a servant and just general socialization. Celebrimbor is torn between trusting Fingon's advice, because Fingon is acting like an older sibling/uncle and Celebrimbor misses that type of connection; and doing his best to stay far far away from Fingon, because Fingon hates his dad and might use him as a proxy, and also look what just happened with Celebrimbor's uncles.
(Also, I think just before he comes of age, Celebrimbor is going to decide he wants his first kiss to be with someone who is NOT Maedhros or Maglor. He might find one of the normal servants' teenage kids, or he might kiss Nolo, as the least scary option. Maedhros is unlikely to notice, and wouldn't be too upset as long is it didn't go any farther - there'd be a punishment along the lines of wearing a stimulating plug and a cage for a day.)
I like the idea of Maedhros encouraging competition, but I think he'd go for it sightly differently. "You always thought you were so special. So smart, could've been a genius at anything you chose, the only reason you didn't make a marvelous invention was because all the easy breakthroughs had just been discovered. But now I see you're mostly an idiot. You perhaps have a little natural talent at forgework, but with different birth could have spent your whole life making nails and horse shoes and never thought of anything greater. You can imitate if someone has already shown you the steps, but you have no creativity of your own. Nor can you figure out how to apply your skills to a new area, instead guessing blindly and patternlessly. Poor Inke, can't even suck a cock without someone smarter telling him how to do so."
Maedhros purposely avoided directly mentioning Feanor. That tends to just make Curufin more defiant, reminded of his pride and that he ought to be a prince. Also, Maedhros is not sure Feanor would actually approve of his actions, and Feanor's potential anger on his return is a bit of a mood killer. Being immortal, Feanor never felt a need to discuss in detail what would happen if he died and Maedhros took the throne. Maedhros is confident he's following Feanor's example, but some instructions might have been nice.
Curufin is now going to try and be the best lover Maedhros has ever had, purely out of spite.
Yes, dark comedy where Maedhros wants Fingon to ride him, but he's too exhausted from practicing double pirouettes where he jumps and lands with his cock an inch away from a spiked post. Maglor says it symbolizes the short distance between despair and desire. Curufin then fucks him using a strap on that he's wearing backwards (symbolizing fear of intimacy) while Nolo does the splits and fingers himself (symbolizing the loss of community in modern society).
Maedhros just thinks that, as king, there ought to be someone with enough energy to get him off the way he likes. Maglor says he's an artist, you can't expect him to make a masterpiece without using all the instruments. Maedhros is privately thinking maybe he should have made Caranthir crown prince, then he'd only be down two at once as Caranthir pretended to be a sadist rather than a masochist, or maybe one of the Ambarussa.
I think Maedhros ends making Nolo officially allowed to refuse sexual orders from Maglor it's been going on for longer than five hours. Also, despite Maglor's protest of artistry, if it involves nudity or genitalia it counts as sex. Nolo isn't Maedhros's favorite, but he's pretty enough, and both Curufin and Fingon would totally take advantage of the out.
Maedhros makes Nolo and Fingon punish each other sometimes, by making them be the one to inflict pain. But he doesn't use sex with each other as a punishment. They''re just so hot, he wants to watch them touch each other multiple nights a week, and he's not the type to make up new rules as an excuse for punishments. And the point of a punishment is that it's something the person involved dislikes, true, but it's also supposed to be something that they can avoid, so that you actually change their behavior. Maedhros likes ordering Nolo to kiss Fingon, and kiss a line down his body, stopping to caress every inch of him as if he's the most beautiful thing in the world. No one believes that Maedhros would stop ordering it if Fingon didn't disobey, so it doesn't work well as a deterrent.
Re: Celebrimbor being brought into Curufin's punishments, I had an idea for "power play" which I didn't end up using. Maedhros is trying to get Curufin to behave, and Curufin is being stubborn, and also insulting Maedhros. So Maedhros beats Curufin with a crop, then ties him to Maedhros's bed.
Maedhros sets oil and a very large set of anal beads on the bed. Then he draws the bed curtains.
"I'm going to have my dinner here by the fire tonight. Celebrimbor is going to bring it to me, and wait on me throughout. When I've finished eating, I'll check on you. If you have all the beads inside you and your cock hard, I'll send Celebrimbor away for the evening while I play with you. If not, I pull back the curtains, and he gets to sit by and watch you. Do you understand?"
Curufin nodded. "Are you going to gag me?"
"Why would I do that? I don't mind if your son overhears you moaning."
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yntcdtyler · 5 years
so here’s my lover secret session’s story... 02/08/2019 london 🏹🇬🇧
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i got my dm on twitter on july 16th at 5:15pm and i looked at it thinking someone was trying to boo boo the fool me and it was really gonna say something like “stream ME!” so i opened it not thinking much of it and my heart literally SANK when i saw it was actually REAL. i got the phone call 4 days after from a girl called sara who was from Taylor Nation, she told me everything and i was literally in the storage room in work crying.
so it’s finally august 2nd.. i got up at 5am cause i literally had 4 different trains and 2 ubers to catch, when i finally got to my hotel it was around 11am, i checked in and got ready and went to the meeting point. i was literally the first one there so i panicked thinking i was at the wrong place but more people started to show up and immediately everyone formed little friendship groups who they seemed to have stayed with the whole day which was insane. i met lisa and emma which i’d recognised from twitter because we’d been following each other for so long and then georgia, evie & shiv all came over and we all just bonded and instantly became friends and realised we we’re the brits of the group, there were SO many international fans and it was amazing seeing people come from all over the world! our group was first on the bus and i’m not sure why but we were literally all crying like wtf was going on?? we drove past a few ambulances thinking ‘that’s gonna be our ride home after tonight’ cause at this point i’m like dying and then we finally got to THE HOUSE.
we all go inside, the ME! playlist was on, there was a huge moose head on the wall which we all became really intrigued by, a huge mirror to see ourselves ugly crying, there was food & drinks and little m&m’s with ‘lover’ and hearts on them and i have no idea what was going on in my mind at this point, like i didn’t know what to expect.
so then we all go to the living room we’re there was a bunch of cushions on the floor and a chair and speakers in front of us and i KNEW what was about to go down lads, it’s about to happen, we’re about to hear lover and i just wasn’t ready and i was sat THERE in front of the chair and a few minutes later... SHE COMES OUT FROM BEHIND THIS DOOR LOOKING LIKE LIKE AN ACTUAL GODDESS THAT JUST STEPPED OUT OF HEAVEN AND I DEAD ASS DIED RIGHT THERE THINKING ABOUT THAT AMBULANCE I SAW EARLIER ON CAUSE SHE JUST WASNT REAL. so she’s like “welcome to the lover secret sessions” and the noise that came out me was actually not human at all. she played half the album the first and kept apologising for ranting and going off topic which was so funny, she’s so adorable i was literally in awe. then was like “we’re gonna take a break so you can all go the bathroom, have a drink and stretch your legs” and then mentions she’s made us treats and everyone’s like OMG and she’s literally like “it’s just rice crispy treats i dyed in heart shapes” and it was just the funniest thing bc she’s just so sarcastic but they were the cutest things and just knowing she spent time making them was honestly insane. like i ate a rice crispy heart treat..made by taylor swift? sounds fake. so then as she’s passing them around, she’s goes into the garden and starts talking to everyone and thanking people’s parents and let everyone on her trampoline and just shouts “THESE ARE MY KIDS” with a glass of wine in her hand and it was such a taylor swift moment. it was just surreal like wtf? imagine bouncing on taylor swifts trampoline? i would’ve went on it but i wasn’t about to break my neck before listening to the rest of the album x
okay so we go back in to listen to the rest of the album and throughout the whole album listening part, i just kept crying and she kept looking at me and smiling and singing and i was just bloody in shock. there was one point during a song we’re me and georgia we’re holding onto each other crying and she just looks at us and tilts her head and gives us the most warming smile. right there we both died together it was unreal. but the album HOLY SHIT every song was INSANE. i found it so hard to pick a favourite so i have 3, this album is literally her BEST, and this coming from a speak now stan🤝 i was just the happiest i’ve ever been, it just seemed like a dream. seeing her sat there in front of me so happy and in such a good place, feeling so proud of this album and these songs just made my heart feel so full. what i was feeling in that moment is unexplainable. just pure happiness like i knew life doesn’t get any better than this... right it’s time for the meet and greets and everyone goes back in to the other room whilst they got ready and people started queuing then to go in and meet her, she spent so much time with every single person and seeing everyone’s faces coming out that room was so magical. the event was supposed to be over at 11pm and it’s literally 1:30am when it was my time to meet her. she’d literally been meeting people for HOURS and is 2 and half hours past the end time and she didn’t even mind. everyone was so eager to go inside that me and the girls decided to wait till the end.
so evie had just come out and now it’s my turn. i almost fainted, i was so dizzy and nervous and WHEN I TELL U I WAS PETRIFIED TO GO INSIDE, I ACTUALLY MEAN IT BECAUSE I WAS STOOD OUTSIDE THE DOOR REFUSING TO GO IN FOR ABOUT A MINUTE CAUSE I COULD JUST SEE HER STOOD THERE AND I WASN’T READY BECAUSE LIKE I’VE DREAMT ABOUT THIS MOMENT SINCE FOREVER. emma and lisa we’re stood there laughing trying to force me inside as well as a girl from TN. took me a good minute but i finally walked in, i walk over to her trying not to cry AGAIN and she’s stood there smiling at me and she says to me “it’s tyler isn’t it?” and i was like JDJSKDJD “yeah 😭😭😭😭” cause i didn’t think she knew who i was and i was just randomly picked by TN??? she then pulled me in for the biggest hug and i just felt like this is it, i’m gonna bloody pass out. I TOLD HER THAT WAITING IN THAT QUEUE TO MEET HER WAS LIKE WAITING FOR THE ELECTRIC CHAIR and i was like why tf did i just say that omg but she laughed and was like “omg hahaha it’s like waiting for the electric chair that’s so funny” then i gave her the lover necklace i’d gotten made for her so we had matching and she kept saying how much she loved and how beautiful it was. then said “i love your necklace” with a little smirk because i was wearing her ‘TS’ initial necklace and my heart just went HDAJHDJDDH. then she asked did i enjoy the day and i was like of course??? it was so amazing i couldn’t stop crying and she was like “aw i had so much fun, i love doing these” and then she asked how i’d gotten here and i told her that i had to take 4 trains and she looked so shocked and thanked me for doing that and asked if i was travelling afterwards and i told her i had a hotel and she goes “omg good, PLEASE don’t talk to any strangers” and i’m just like YEAH OF COURSE ANYTHING FOR U MISS SWIFT :’)))) i hugged her about 3 more times and i asked her about tour, and how she found me and she said she’d found me on tumblr and literally said “its tylovestaylor right?” and i was just like WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. IM SCARED. cause i barely use tumblr because i’m the only one who reblogs myself??? and i’d gotten my dm on twitter so my mind was like wtf is going on right now?? i told her i changed my url and she said she’d follow me 🥺 then says “so do you wanna like... take a picture together or something?” YEAH OF COURSE, IM A BIT OF A MESS RN BUT ABSOLUTELY. she asks what i wanted to do for the photo like stand, sit, go near the piano? and i told her to choose because my mind was just all over the place and she says to me “i think one sitting down with our legs crossed over acting all (then does some pose) and stuff” i just couldn’t believe what was actually happening. we sit down next to each other and she grabs my hand and i’m just holding her and the photographer takes the photo and she tells me to have a look to see if i like it and i said i looked so bad and she goes “ITS SO CUTE, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL AND PHOTOGENIC” then the photographer told me i was really photogenic and tay goes “SEE SHE EVEN SAID IT” did taylor swift..who invented photos and beauty... just call me beautiful and photogenic? surely not. so we took one more pic and she said she loved it so i loved it😭😭😭 we got up and hugged again and i just kept saying i love you and she told me i was beautiful and i was like SO ARE U???? and then i told her that i still don’t believe she’s real and she laughed. we hugged again i told her i loved her as i was walking out she shouts “please get home safely” and i said “have a safe flight wherever you’re going next” at the same time and she laughed and was like “OMG THANKYOU?” and i walked out and the emotions i was going through oh my god. i’d just met my favourite person in the entire world? like never in a million years did i think i’d ever meet her let alone get handpicked for secret sessions. i was in so much shock like it wasn’t real. that never happened? i’m still in shock now and literally crying writing this. she was so lovely and welcoming and spoke to me like she’d known me forever.
i couldn’t get over how beautiful she is, inside and out like i already knew that but seeing her in real life is so different, she’s literally flawless and so cute and delicate and i’ll literally die for this woman. thankyou so much, from the bottom of my heart @taylorswift for choosing me out of 100m+ fans, i’ll never understand why i was chosen but i can’t explain how grateful i am. it was by far the best day i’ve ever had in my 18 years of being alive, nothing will ever come close to that moment. i cant wait for everyone else to hear this album, i miss you and your hugs already and i forgot to tell you because my mind was blank but i’m insanely proud of you and will support you forever. promise.
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hobimysun-shine · 5 years
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(For anon) 💞
aka. Honey, you got a big storm comin'
So there are a few ways in which we can view this combo. So I'm gonna start separately.
Aquarians are resourceful, quick, in need of change, CREATIVE, sometimes childish, some have a very negligent charm to their aura. In one word they are unique, you can almost always spot an aqua in a room, because they just have something to their energy that screams I am not like the others. Virgos on the other hand are much more stable. I'm not gonna talk about the common stereotype that virgos have ocd because I'm basically sick of that being the main focus on this amazing sign. They are however perfectionists, they are an earth sign, that means they seek stability and are almost never completely satisfied with their work.
So. How do they mix. Two sides to that story too.
On the outside - perfect! These people are almost always extroverts, story-tellers, group leaders and so on (not saying you cant be shy, but when you are with a company you feel comfortable with you definitely love people and take a lead). So these two signs are most probably very much attracted to one another because of that initial aura. However what happens on the inside? An undeveloped aqua and virgo can actually be a bad combo because one needs change, movement, aquas are an air sign, they are a storm basically (and I mean that in the best way). Virgos who have still not grown with their sign are careful, sometimes slower to get used to new people, and might not feel the aura of the aqua. However in a relationship where those people are comfortable in their own skin, Aquarius can really help a Virgo grow. Virgos are after all people's persons if that makes sense, because they always seek a way to better themselves and like to find that in more dynamic partners. Basically an Aqua can heal a Virgo in a way. So in a sense it can be a very resourceful and complete combination on good days. However fights may not be pretty, taking in mind that when these signs are angry they take a completely different approach to dealing with that. Aquas need to get out, to forget what happened for a while, which may sometimes come of as cold or like they dont care, and Virgos just close themselves up and swim in a bowl of self-pity. So basically in such situations, Aquas need to know how to get Virgos out of their heads and Virgos need to know that their aqua will almost never show exactly how much they are hurting on the inside. If these two find a way to communicate their deepest emotions in the bad moments, then this connection can be a very inventive, innocent and prosper for a long time, since these two are capable of bringing the other one to the edge (in a good sense).
My advice is: if you want pure and easy love this combo may not give you that right away. However if you really love this person and you wanna grow with them, the work is worth it.
In my experience it is kind of rare to have both strong aqua and virgo placements in a single chart, because the two are sooo far apart when it comes to self-reflection. However if that's the case, I see a lot of inside conflict between these two, which might confuse others as well. It may bring up questions like "does this person hate me or love me, I can never tell". It can also bring a lot of dissatisfaction within ones self, because Virgos tend to experience things internally and so do aquas when it comes to emotions and that really is one very gentle and very emotional, but closed of soul, that needs a really special person or a soulmate, I would even say to bring them out of their shell. And I'm not talking about being shy, like this person is probably the biggest extrovert you've ever seen, but all of their emotions are hidden somewhere in there and if such a person opens up to you, just know you are special to them.
I hope whoever requested this liked it !
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lunaxmadel · 4 years
My thoughts on LOK characters after watching season 1 (spoilers (obv))
Thoughts on characters before watching | after season 1 | after season 2 | after season 3
Korra: I do not understand how people dont like her. Shes spunky and doesnt take shit and she has her own opinions... definitely a Taurus with ADHD you cannot change my mind. I feel like the reason ppl dont like her is purely based on the fact that shes a poc and a woman with a strong opinion and mindset and we're all taught that that's not acceptable. Ppl just can't stand that shes not like Aang. ANYWAY I LOOOOVVVEEEEE HER AND I RELATE TO HER SO MUCH I know shes not canonically ADHD but I still feel very represented
Jinora: sooo different from what I imagined! I thought she'd be more of an extrovert!! Shes so cute tho and I love how shes clearly a daughter of Tenzin!!
Amon: WHAT. HOLY CRAP. I did not expect him to be like....this.... this man is so OP!! How does he???? What is he???? This just creeped me OUT! What an amazing villain. And yk big thanks to him for getting Korra in touch with her air bending and the spirit world. Helpful man
Tenzin: I dont think I was wrong about him in my first post. I love him so so much i want him to adopt me lowkey???
Mako: still very attractive to the point that I just hate it. Idk I really like him but there's something off... and I know hes not gonna stay with Korra(?) But i dont think they're right for each other. He wasnt being honest with Asami and Korra and idk I like a man who's honest my dudes. Love the fact that he loves his brother so much!! So so cute!!! I love Mako, I just dont think either Asami nor Korra are right with him. But maybe I'll change my mind on that throughout the next seasons???
Kuvira: I dont think I've met her yet??? So I dont know
Asami: still haunts my dreams this queen is the most beautiful person in any room shes in. In the beginning I felt like there was smth off... like she was so kind so quickly and that was just super sus but maybe shes just very social and just wanted friends!! I love when she stood up for herself when Mako wasnt being honest. You go queen!
Zaheer: I dont think we've been introduced yet so idk
Eska: same as Zaheer
Kya: I have no idea but now that I'm thinking about it maybe shes Katara daughter? Her mom's name was Kya right?
Lin: definitely bisexual. Fierce. I love her oh my god we stan a strong woman
Opal: we've not met her yet?
Wan: also haven't met
Suyin: I'm pretty sure now that she is Tophs daughter
Unalaq: I'd like to retract the statement that he has daddy vibes. He does not thank you. Well he does, when we meet him and at the end, in the middle hes lowkey an asshole though. Still hot though cant help it. When it was revealed he was Amons brother my mind was blown and the backstory is so tragic (so it turns out I switched the brothers but I'd figure I'd leave it in bc I was so confused and it was hilarious anyway read Tarrlok for that)
Meelo: HOW DARE THEY WRITE ME INTO THIS SHOW WITHOUT MY PERMISSION HAHAHAHAH MY MAN INVENTED FART BENDING??? ME BITCH I want to adopt this lil dude and mother him and that says something considering I dont want children so, yk, Meelo best boy
Varrick:have we met? Is he the referee at the fight club? I dont know. He looks fab tho
Pema: best mom. Looks like a cinnamon roll but could very much kill you. This queen gave birth to 4 whole ass kids and still just does her thing strong queen
Hiroshi: he is rich. Great mustache. Absolute douch tho
Tonraq: I honestly dont know OH WAIT IS HE KORRAS DAD?
Desna: still dont know
Saikhan: chief of police...? Still mean grandpa vibes
Shiro: is this the hobo man? I'm so lost in all the characters man
Ikki: so okay I thought she was a princess but shes Tenzins daughter. Very cute, probably has ADHD. Just a a generally sweet bub. I still think shes a princess so I wasnt wrong
Tarrlok: ....wait? Hes Amons brotjer?? Then who the fuck is Unalaq? I think I'm confused
Iroh: I was confused bc the picture it shows is old boy Iroh but this is Zukos grandson so. Anyway when he came on screen and i heard zukos voice i SCREAMED and then someone was like "general Iroh" AND I STARTED SOBBING I MISS MY BUB IROH anyway this is a dream boat hes gonna accidentally steal as much hearts and Zuko did
Overall thoughts so far:
OKAY SO I've waited with watching this for such a long time bc I just figured it would disappoint me bc I love Atla so so much!! So I never got to watching it always coming up with excuses for myself. Now that it came to NETFLIX though, I had no excuses left and boy am I happy I didn't. This show has already been amazing so far. There are certain things I still dont really understand but I'm sure we'll get clarification on that (why couldn't Korra airbend and spirit thing yk why and how can Amon take away powers? Etc) I'm so excited to watch more! It hold my attention so so well, I love the characters (I LOVE KORRA!!!) Anyway I was not disappointed and that was a great surprise!! I'm gonna start on season 2 and write another on of these when I finish that!
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