#these look bad im sorry I am doing my best haha
sketchy-tour · 1 month
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Using whiteboard as a stress relief doodle place for a bit and now I have indeed drawn them...in the Grease Musical
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lyrakanefanatic · 8 months
Tig quotes bc I’m incredibly bored
Avery and Jameson after getting into an argument:
Jameson: Can you get me a cup of water?
Avery, slamming down a glass of ice: Wait.
Avery, narrating: Despite being lost for words, Oren yelled at me for the next 20 minutes.
Grayson, bursting into a room: This is bad. This is really bad.
Jameson: What?
Grayson: I kissed [insert phone girls name here]!
Xander: Wow. I owe Nash so much money.
Grayson: You’re acting extremely overdramatic!
Xander: I’m not acting.
Jameson: I won’t let something controversial or trivial stop me.
Grayson: You mean the law?
Jameson: Yes I hate that word.
Avery: I hate people who use their horoscope as their whole personality. Like, “haha, I’m such a Scorpio!” no Skye you’re just a bitch.
Max: I hate sudoku. It makes me feel stupid.
Avery: Then don’t do it.
Max: Yeah, but if you don’t do it you’re not only stupid, but you’re also a coward.
Max: Just won at chess against Grayson! 😜
Grayson: You threw the board at my face.
Max: Theres no such thing as fighting dirty if you win.
Libby: I love you guys, you’re the best thing thats ever happened to me. 💖
Jameson: We’re the best thing thats ever happened to you?
Libby: Yes!
Nash: ..
Nash: Im starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Gigi: What happens if you press the brakes and gas at the same time?
Jameson: The car takes a screenshot.
Grayson, who is just try to teach her how to drive properly: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Jameson: The risk I took was calculated.
Grayson: Was it really? Look where we are!
Jameson: I never said I was good at math.
Okay thats all but lmk if I should do more! 🫶
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cheri-2047 · 2 months
Could you maybe try high school Fem!Scaramouche hc with a huge crush on us but being super reluctant and shy about it?? :3
OKAY. I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN FOR SCARA OKAY PLEASE BEAR WITH ME 😭 also dude ure my first request thank u so much <3
so I didn’t know how to write this but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways basically I’m gonna write a bunch of headcanons then some scenarios under that
Please I’m so sorry if I mischaracterized him I really tried I SWEAE 😭😭😭
This is not proofread btw
WARNINGS: none, it’s all fluff :3
Fem!Scaramouche Headcanons:
Fem!Scara would seem like extremely pissed off to everyone, but she would do small tasks for you that she never does with anyone else
Fem!Scara would do her best to not make it obvious that she likes you. (Even if that means accidentally hurting you with her snarky remarks)
Fem!Scara would be more quiet around you. She doesn’t become as arrogant or stubborn around you, well she would be but just not as much since she cares for you
Fem!Scara ime personally, I don’t think she would be much on physical touch, but if you hugged her she would pay your back and put her chin on your shoulder
Fem!Scara enjoys seeing you be passionate about things. She would listen all day to you and keep eye contact.
Fem!Scara would be very well at hiding when she’s flustered. Like if you’re play flirting with her, she would just end it like “…? What do you expect me to say to that?” When in reality, she’s really giddy inside
Fem!Scara would choose to sit beside you during field trips, or if you go to school via school bus. She says it’s just a coincidence (for field trips) but in reality, she really made it so you Teo sat together
Confession time:
Fem!Scara would be really pleased if you confessed to her first. She wouldn’t say yes immediately, (like instead of going “yes yes!!” She would be in disbelief)
Fem!Scara if she were to confess, she would spend a lot of time thinking how she would do it. She would worry if you said no and I feel like she would spend a week bringing herself down saying you’d never say yes and it’s a waste of time (no it’s not)
Scara enters the school earlier than usual to look for your locker. She had decided to just send a letter. Scara finds it and rereads his letter (for the 100th time today…)
“Dear y/n,
Before I say anything, if you were to say no that’s completely fine. I understand I am not the best, but the truth is, these past few months, I’ve started to develop feelings for you. I just didn’t say or do anything about it well..since I didn’t really want you to know or anyone really. I really really like you, but understand if you would just want to stay friends. Thank you for hearing me out.
SHe hesitantly folds it up again, leaving a candy you really like taped to it as he slips it in the gap of your locker. SHe can barely calm himself down but he goes back to the classroom.
As she sees you, she stiffens up, but tries to remain the same.
“Did she read it?”
“Has she even seen it?”
“Maybe I didn’t write long enough?”
“Ah damn it I barely wrote anything!”
She stares at her lap, not daring to look up. As suddenly when you tap hee table, you mention the letter.
“I saw what you left..”
She immediately PANICS clutching her skirt getting ready for a no. She just laughs it off as if it were nothing to hide that she’s actually a mess inside.
“Haha, well what d’you think?”
She tries to act cocky and stuff. But as you come to terms and conditions (when u say yes) she looks at you in disbelief.
“….is this a joke? Are you lying?”
As you say no it’s not a joke, she then stands up and taps your hand.
“Thank you…”
WOWWOWOWOOWOWOW THIS WAS NOT PROOFREAD AT ALL AHHAHAHAH. Anyways uhhh if anyone else wants to request smth, go ahead. School just ended so I have nothing to do for the next few months. Once again, my bad if I accidentally mischaracterized her. I really tried ok. ANYWAYS THANK U, U DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM THAT SOMEONE ACTUALLY REQUESTES SMTH FROM ME LIKE I KID U NOT I GOT REALLT HAPPY AT LIKE 6 AM😭😭😭 anyways thank u again omg I hope this was ok 😭😭
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4ln-stay8 · 4 months
Behind closed doors - Part I
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>summary: Han isn’t too happy to find out what his sister is doing lately
>author’s note: I don’t know how I feel about it but I thought the idea was nice ig… I can also take requests if you want to haha THERE MIGHT BE A PART II
>warning: angst, Han is kind of a dick (Im sorry babygirl)
>pairing: lee minho x han jisung's sister
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There was something about the Han siblings that drew them to Minho. You had no clue when these feelings were born, was it when you all hung together and he shared his meal with you cause you didn’t like yours? Was it when he gave you his hoodie because you were cold? Or was it when he caught you from falling and looked into your eyes for a second too long?
You never wanted to fall for your brother’s best friend and he didn’t wanted to fall for his best friend’s sister either, but here you were, hiding behind closed doors.
You were in the middle of a battle, the both of you. A battle between the love you both have for each other and the love and respect you have for your brother and best friend.
You were feeling so bad for lying to him, for making Minho lie to him as well, but you couldn’t tell him, he wouldn’t understand, he doesn’t understand. He showed to you how much he hates even the idea of you liking his friend.
It was a normal evening. You were sitting on the couch talking to your friend through texts when you felt a presence near you. You look to your side to see your brother looking at you with a suspicious smile on his face.
- Mom said that you have a crush on someone. You’re always smiling at your phone. he told you teasingly
- Not that it’s any of your business, but would it be that bad if I did in fact like someone? you asked nonchalantly looking at the tv that was on as a background noise until right this moment
- You do like someone! You need to tell me! Who is it? Who is my baby sister liking? he asked, his teasing tone very noticeable
-It’s none of your business Jisung! And I’m only 2 years younger, stop babying me.
- I am not babying you! Now tell me who it is! I'm curious! said han, his teasing tone being more noticeable than before
- It's really none of your business Ji. What if I told you that I'm into Minho huh? He looks extra fine lately. you said teasingly, hintind subtly your crush
- Ew! NO! EW! My Minho? Not my best friend! NO! Why does it have to be my band member? NO! They are off limits! You can't like them! I'm not allowing you to like any of them! NO! he started to yell as if he was freaking out about it
- Relax you big baby, I was only joking! I don't like Minho! Now stop trying to be all in my business. you said getting off the couch and going straight to your room feeling a pressure in your chest
*End of Flashback*
In that particular moment you decided against letting your brother know about your actual feeling for his best friend. You hated the feeling he put in your heart that day, you never feel so unsupported in your entire life.
Minho also agreed on not telling Han about his feelings and about your relationship just yet, wanting to see if it would really work before draging him in the middle of this.
You didn't really told Minho about that day, about Han's reaction to you even hypothetically liking him, you just told him he was against it and that him and his members were off limits.
That didn't stopped you guys from dating each other. You tried, you tried to bottle up your feelings, and Minho did the same. You tried to make yourself believe that he didn't feel the same way you did, that he didn't liked you back. But you knew, you knew he did, it was so obvious you liked each other that you had no idea how Han didn't notice.
Everyone in your friend group knew. Everyone caught on your feelings and later on, on your relationship. You had to be blind, or in Han's case unbothered to observe his surroundings, to not be able to see the not so sublte interactions between you and Minho.
Everyone saw the way your eyes were lingering on each other, the way he winked at you from across the room making you blush, the way he always found a way to sit close to you.
It was common knowledge at this point. They knew, and they were okay with it as long as they are not involved in this entire situation. That's why, you spent most of your time in Minho's room, away from both your parents and your brother.
You were currently in Minho's room, cuddled up in his strong arms, your small little safe space. You started to tense a little, that memory of Jisung playing again in your head.
- Everything okay jagiya? minho asked you as he felt a change in you
- I just hate this whole thing with Ji. Why does he have to be this way? you whispered moving a little too look at him
- I don’t know jagi! But we will figure this out okay? I love you too much to give up on you! he whispered kissing your lips softly
You were forced to pull apart by the door bursting open and a loud gasp coming right after. You both turn around expecting to see Seungmin or Innie who would occasionally tease you, but in the doorway was none of the maknaes, instead a red faced Jisung was fuming.
- What the actual fuck? Ew! Get away from him! No! I told you he is off limits? Why can’t you listen? Why do you have to ruin everything? he yelled at you trying to get you away from Minho
- Hey hey hey! Don’t talk to her like that! minho protested, trying to defend you
- Im not talking to you hyung, we will talk about this later! Now get up you little brat and gather your shit, I’m taking you home! he spitted the words with a hint of disgust in his tone
You look at your lover one more time before picking up your things not wanting to make the situation even worse. Minho blew a kiss to you the second Han didn’t pay attention, as you left the room and the dorms for a while.
He dragged you to out the dorms and to his car, pushing you in. The whole ride home was very uncomfortable and you somehow did this to yourself. It wasn’t all your fault but you still had a big part of it.
- You are not allowed to see him again! he spitted towards you in disgust
- You don’t understand Ji, I love him! you whispered to him trying to stand your case
- You don’t! You only want what I have, like you always do! You can’t have my friends, you can’t have my life! Stop trying to ruin every good thing about my life. He can’t give you what you want! He will only break your heart and I won’t be here to put you back together!
- You are so selfish! God Jisung! How do you even know what I want? How can you be so full of yourself to even think I want to steal your life from you? You are so self centred that you can’t even see how I feel. I don’t need you to put me back together! If you don’t want to be in my life than walk away, no one is making you stay! And you don’t have to worry about him breaking my heart, you already did! you yell at him as he parked his car in front of your house, getting out of the car and storming straight to your room.
If he didn’t want to be in your life that’s on him! He can be so selfish sometimes that he doesn’t even consider your feelings or even his friend’s feelings! One thing you knew, Han Jisung was a stranger to you from this day on.
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tunamayojazz · 4 months
all of your inuokko art is so lovely it’s hard to pick just one!! i loved the ex-idol concept that was so perfect for inumaki, and the baseball and college aus are adorable too! we love mutual pining in this house 🥰
i just looked a the date in which this was sent and shrieked out loud 😭 i am so sorry and also happy new year!
thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ i'm so happy to hear you liked the ex-idol toge and baseball player yuta au hehe that was so much fun to do. now that you mention college aus (which i also LIVEEE for), would it not be cute if they used to crush on each other when they were college students!! music major toge was part of the dance club and spent a lot of time on campus for practice, same for yuta who had been a prodigy baseball player his whole life. from his club's practice spot, toge had a convenient view of watching yuta practice (as did many other students haha, man always had an audience). from observation and also through word of mouth, he knew that yuta was a very sweet person, friend and teammate. he took care of his team well and everyone looked up to him. toge was inspired by his drive and it motivated him to try his best too.
for yuta it was a much more private experience. while toge would sometimes just join the crowd watching yuta or sit somewhere alone on a day with less people, yuta was intensely shy. he came across his school's dance club profile on social media one fine day and that's when he first saw toge. 30 minutes of doom scrolling later on their page and it was over for him...let's just say toge was a really good dancer with lots of charm and personality in his style (and also has a little fanclub of his own!).
despite them mutually pining for one another from afar, they unfortunately only ever interacted once. they happened to both be on their way out of school, and it was the day before yuta and his team went off to the all japan university baseball championship. toge's got a good luck charm for him but is way too nervous to actually approach him. luckily for toge, yuta accidentally drops his student ID. and the little opportunist within toge comes alive and dives to grab it before yuta can even do it himself (he still cringes about this moment years later). yuta's brain is also doing an internal system crash but somehow doesn't combust when toge very calmly hands him his ID back with the charm underneath. he then walks off in what seems to be the fastest speed yuta has ever witnessed. after the moment is over, yuta uncovers the good luck charm tucked under his ID and then, he combusts.
it doesn't get better yet, they don't meet again for a long time. yuta and his team go on to win the championship, but when he returns to campus with all the glory and confidence in the world (to finally speak to toge), he can't find him anywhere. tldr: toge got scouted by a really good music label and got whisked away to trainee life at 19 in the period of time yuta was away for championships; it all happened very quickly bc toge was quite naive and dropped out of school for a shot at his dream career) (why do i feel like im writing a such a cliche romance plot !! haha)
we'll get to the bad parts immediately. toge knew trainee life would be hard, but he was willing to give it his all to debut. except things didn't really improve after debut. before he could even notice all the red flags, it all came crashing down at 23 when toge had been overworked to the point of damaging his vocal cords. he left the group shortly after, and eventually left the label all together. as for yuta, he was scouted to play for a foreign team and left japan. his career was a success overseas and he'd attained the status as japan's pride. all the things he'd dreamt of as a kid playing baseball with his dad had come true. but in true yuta nature, he was like, yknow what, i think i've done it all and i really miss my friends and family. so i'm gonna move my life back to japan! bye bye! (not gonna give him the successful athlete sustains career damaging injury plot no yuta closed the curtains with his own hands simply bc he missed his friends) i think at this point (age 25) he's only thought of toge from time to time as this sweet boy from his college days that was out of his league, he hasn't heard or seen him in forever either. that is until he returns to japan, gets like a million brand deals, collaboration offers and of course, invites to events and parties for the elites and celebs of japan.
a few weeks after he returned to tokyo, he's invited to a private party to celebrate team japan's success at the winter olympics, with his best friend rika as his plus one. he meets a lot of big name athletes there and quickly becomes friends with maki zenin, one of japan's best speed skaters, and yuji itadori, one of players of the national ice hockey team. (geez i wonder who maki's plus one is)
when he feels himself go past tipsy and approaching drunk, he excuses himself to the balcony for a breather. he's known to be extremely talkative after too much alcohol and he doesn't really feel like pissing off his new friends. when he steps out, he sees a single person smoking by themselves outside and cringes internally (he hates the smell!). but he finds that he won't be stepping back inside so soon, because somehow, he's met with the very beautiful face of inumaki toge.
yuta covers his mouth with his hands at the same time toge drops his cigarette.
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sixosix · 2 years
midoriya izuku: im in love w u, dumbass
gn!reader, dorks attract each other, izuku gets jealous, confessions, fluff, holy shit this entire fic is stupid, wc 1.9k
for all the months of pining you had to go through, that was one anticlimactic confession. izuku loves it all the same.
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“y/n… are you okay?”
you startle out of your skin when uraraka nudges you with an elbow, nearly toppling you over as you trip over your own feet. uraraka panics as hard as you do, her fingers slapping your back before you hit the ground face-first.
“oh,” you blink up at her sheepishly, “hi there, ochako. haha. whoops!”
“i got deja vu for a second there,” uraraka murmurs and doesn’t explain, helping you stand up as she releases her quirk’s effect on you.
like a rush of air leaving your body, you feel heavy again, but fortunately, your best friend slings an arm around your waist to help keep you upright. uraraka stares at you, mild shock on her face. “y/n! did you even sleep?”
“sleep, right, that,” you nod robotically like you don’t even feel like you’re doing it; your brain feels as if it’s miles away. “you know, i think i beat shinsou’s record. crazy, right?”
“you didn’t sleep!?” her outburst made some of your classmates turn their heads.
you shush her, waving away shinsou’s curious stare. “it wasn’t my fault! a miscalculation.”
uraraka doesn’t look amused.
you pat her head. “such are the struggles of being in love with the most oblivious person on the planet.” oblivious to uraraka’s growing worried expression, you continue: “i am mourning. the closer we get, the more i see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
“is this about deku-kun again?” uraraka sounds like a tired mom. “y/n, i’m telling you--”
you whack a hand on her mouth, distressed eyes flitting all over the room. “don’t say his name out loud! it summons him like he lives in the damn walls or something--”
“um,” midoriya materializes behind the two of you, “were you guys calling me?”
“good morning, izuku-kun!” you fake an enthusiastic laugh, kicking uraraka’s shin when she snickers. midoriya looks even more worried. “what are you talking about? i don’t see anyone calling.”
midoriya is staring openly at your face in a way that makes you look like the spluttering fool instead of what he’s known for. and then he smiles. “sorry! must’ve heard wrong,” he laughs. “good morning, y/n-san. uraraka-san.”
uraraka waves. “morning, deku-kun! you’re late this morning.”
midoriya nods, eyes lingering on your face that is quickly heating up the more he stands there, before looking at uraraka. “yeah. i accidentally stayed up last night to work on my kicks!” he exclaims. he’s so cute.
not. stop thinking about his face. bad y/n.
“wow, kicking, huh! lots of kicking. you should show us sometime!” uraraka says, giggling at your pained expression. “i would love to see it.” the way she says it is implying it’s not her who wants to see it.
“right, right, ladies, you can make more plans about how to get aizawa-sensei to expel you faster later,” you say, patting uraraka’s back until you’re pushing her to her desk and midoriya is left confused. “i, for one, want to sleep during homeroom, without any part of this.”
“y/n-san…” midoriya starts, hesitantly, brows knit together.
“...yes, izuku-kun?” why does he have to stare at you like that? it’s almost offensive.
“did you get enough sleep last night? you look tired.” he sounds so sad, so worried, oh how you want to squish his cheeks and kiss the hell out of this boy. “it’s not healthy to stay up, you know. what if there’s an emergency? you might get tired quickly-- if you don’t sleep enough, it might affect your performance! please don’t follow shinsou-kun’s footsteps. he’s a different breed, not like your breed, which needs sleep-- haha, i’m rambling again. um, is something bothering you?”
“hah?” you’ve been staring at him too fondly the entire time. “uhm, yes. you can say that…?” what was his question again?
midoriya looks more alert now, sharp green eyes considering you, breath on your face. what? since when was he this close? “you can talk to me about it, you know… were you thinking of something? oh! was it about the mission last week--”
“--i hope you don’t beat yourself up over it! if you get nightmares, you can, uhm, call… aizawa-sensei…? and if he doesn’t want to, you can call me! i’ll be there, i promise!”
more and more people are starting to watch the interaction, amused at your flustered expression and midoriya’s non-stop rambling.
“oh, i appreciate it, but it’s--”
“it’s not fine if you can’t give it your all today because of it!” midoriya argues. what are you two even arguing about? his face is getting purple; he hasn’t taken a breath yet. “so i want to help! as a friend, of course! unless it’s weird for you, then i understand. i don’t even know why i’m offering because i wouldn’tknowhowtocomfortyoubuti’msoworr--”
you grab his shoulders. “i was thinking about you, dumbass, breathe!”
midoriya finally cuts himself off, jaw slack. but at least breathing. “y-you-- you were think-- why were you thinking about-- you were thinking about ME!?”
it's even worse now. he looks like he's about to faint.
oh, maybe you can ask yaoyorozu for a shovel so you can dig yourself a grave.
bakugou snorts from behind the both of you. “fucking idiots.” where did he even come from!? he's commentating bullshit like he's reading a shoujo manga!
you glare at him, somewhat grateful to pull your attention away from midoriya’s red cheeks. “shut up, bakugou! ass!” bakugou snarls in response.
you whirl around and stomp at your seat. todoroki pats your shoulder comfortingly.
“sorry, kacchan.” though, midoriya almost looks like he’s glaring at him.
bakugou looks elated at his expression for some reason.
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“my face? burning? no, it's fine.”
todoroki blinks once. “it doesn’t look like it is.”
“huh? what makes you say that?”
todoroki’s eyes flit between you and midoriya, who's kicking mineta’s ass at the moment for the exercise -- what a man, you keep mumbling. then back at you, the one with the round eyes and a lovesick smile. then back at midoriya again, because now he's waving at you with a grin so bright todoroki has to squint.
“i just feels like it is,” says todoroki. “you've been watching him since we entered. he and mineta are the last pair to fight each other.”
now, todoroki is no expert when it comes to these things, however, he’s become an expert thanks to his much more qualified friends. they've all said the same thing as a conclusion.
what was it again? something about…
“do you have a silly highschool crush on midoriya?” asks todoroki, making sure to perfectly recite all the words that uraraka and mina used to describe it.
“just a silly highschool crush? oh, don’t be silly. this is a forever thing now. i’m doomed for life! look at those muscles!” you swoon.
“that’s called being in love, isn't it?” not the swooning over his muscles thing, but maybe that's also part of it. “also, stop ogling him, he’s staring at you.”
“y/n!” midoriya exclaims, waving excitedly as he jogs over the both of you.
you stiffen beside todoroki, somehow losing balance. todoroki catches you by the waist, keeping you upright.
“ah! izuku-kun!” you beam back.
“todoroki-kun,” he acknowledges. midoriya’s eyes slice swiftly to todoroki’s arm. todoroki has the sudden urge to let go of your body as if it's burnt him -- he doesn't, but he still makes a pointed show of removing his arm from your waist.
midoriya’s smile is sharp, somehow changing back to its cute softness when he looks back at you. “y/n-san! you did great today! i couldn't tell you earlier because aizawa-sensei dragged us away but i wanted to talk about your new move--...”
todoroki shudders. jealous midoriya is someone he does not want to cross paths with.
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it happens when the girls of 1-A -- mostly mina, uraraka, and hagakure -- crowd around you before homeroom.
midoriya had entered just a second ago, and is deeply worried that something has happened to you.
“eh? but l/n-chan! we're almost third years now!” what an exaggeration… first year is barely ending. “think about all those days you don't get to experience a high school relationship with your beloved!” not so much of an exaggeration; uraraka has a point.
you pout. “aizawa-sensei would kick my ass before i even think about holding hands with anyone.”
“ah, hi, deku-kun!” uraraka chirps, a mischievous smile on her face. “how long have you been there?”
“y/n-san likes someone?” midoriya’s face is carefully blank, as if he hasn't realized he said it out loud. you yelp with embarrassment, arms flailing to cover your face. midoriya smiles softly, but it doesn’t meet his eyes.
mina squeals, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “isn’t it so cute, midoriya!? budding romance! you wouldn't see that every day!”
midoriya schools his expression into something more -- hopefully -- friendly. “that’s so nice, y/n-san!” you sound like your dog just died. “who is it? todoroki-kun, probably, right?”
todoroki blinks.
“i- i… i-- um.”
midoriya’s eyes widen, softening at the way you can’t even look at him. “ah! sorry!!! i didn’t mean to pry! it’s probably someone in the class, huh? sorry again.”
everyone inwardly groans. idiots.
“why the sad face, midoriya?” mina waggles her eyebrows. you pinch her side.
midoriya grimaces, though it just looks more like a pout. “sorry, i’m just--” he fumbles for the right word. “--confused? i didn’t know you like someone, y/n-san! guess we weren’t as close as i thought?”
oh no. nonono.
“ah, please don’t feel guilty!” but it’s true. you’re closer to him compared to anyone else.
he looks more stumped than anything, but the way your heart lurches over his words has you stumbling. a hurt midoriya is a midoriya no one -- not even bakugou -- wants to see.
it pains you more than anything; and it slips out before you could stop it, “i like you, dumbass!”
“i-- w-whuuuuuh?” says midoriya.
and then multiple things happen at once.
midoriya’s face explodes into a dark shade of red, so intense that it flushes all the way from his ears to his neck. your classmates, who now had their attention on you at your outburst are dead silent.
aizawa-sensei enters the room -- or, well, crawls? worms??? -- staring deadpan at his class. he takes one glance at your horrified face, midoriya’s beet red head, and the girls guffawing, then decides that this isn’t something he wants to deal with this. he worms his way out.
you realize your mistake, and move away to leave, but midoriya catches your wrist.
“really?” izuku breathes. “me?”
he says, like you haven't spent all these months pining after him like some fool who drunk too much love potion. like some fool who's willing to drink more.
“yes. you.” you fidget, acutely aware of the eyes around you. “d-do we have to do this here? i don’t think i want to continue this embarrassing confession with all these people.”
said people are still watching you two intently. seriously. how many of them knew about your feelings?
izuku doesn’t even look like he cares, grinning and blushing, looking all cute and hopeful. well, the way he’s looking at you like you’re the cute one. “later, then? i still need to give you my answer.”
“later,” you promise.
no one comments about his arm around your waist the moment the bell rings.
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lipglossanon · 1 year
OMG MY TUMBLR KEEPS CRASHING WHILE IM TRYING TO TYPE THIS OUT RAAHHHH anyways, i saw this edit earlier of a re4r mod that like, adjusts the camera and so there’s this one clip where u can see leon just straight up manspreading and it was so hot HES SO HOT i just wna sit on his lap and cockwarm the shit outta him, you feel me?
and ofc this is gna turn into another thirst for stepbro leon bc why else wld i be here 🤭 i just imagine like, leon trying to study for college exams or smth and reader is laying on his bed, scrolling on her phone, bored out of her mind before suddenly feeling that familiar neediness springing up when she looks over at leon, sat at his desk, studying his books and notes, man spreading a lil in his chair and looking so studious, and asks, “leon..can you take a break? i need you” she says while pouting but only gets a, “no, sweetheart, i’m sorry, but finals are coming up” (this just reminded me that i have finals coming up too NOOOO💔💔💔) and ofc she’s whining and making somewhat of a fuss abt it but is just getting ignored by him which slightly annoys her before she tosses her phone aside and gets him, crawling under his arms and sitting in his lap. at this point, leon just lets her do it since she isn’t really doing much. right? WRONG. she starts to quietly whine in his ear, talking abt how much she needs him and it gets to the point that it’s annoying him that he eventually grabs her by her throat with a mean glare and a slight squeeze
“you wanna be a needy slut, huh? want my cock so bad?”
and she just nods eagerly, thinking she finally got her way as he pulls his pants down, pulls her shorts and panties down to just hang off her ankle before sliding his cock into her already soaking wet hole before cooing at her with mock sympathy, “there, happy?” but she’s just too cockdrunk to pick up on it as she nods and tries to move against him, but before she can even move so much as an inch, he’s holding her hips harshly and bruises are probably going to show up later
“you have my cock, now be a good girl and sit still, or you won’t get anything”
and she’s on the verge of crying out about how unfair he’s being before she sees the look in his eyes, as if daring her to disobey him before she meekly nods and tries her best to not move around as leon goes back to studying, thrusting up occasionally just to get a little reaction out of her before going completely still again
😵‍💫😵‍💫 brainrot, SORRY IF ITS NOT GOOD I AM NOT A WRITER😓😓 i was also having thoughts abt exec!leon fucking virgin!reader bc i can not get that one part of the fic outta my head..but that’s gna hv to wait for another time bc i hv a 5 page rough draft to write for my writing class tomorrow😀😀👍
🪷 anon, never apologize for writing because you’re brain has beautiful thoughts 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 (and like a link to that mod vid—for scientific purposes of course 😌 😜 )
And you wanna know what’s insane?? I’m literally in the middle of writing a cockwarming fic for stepdad Leon 😱 so surprise I guess *jazz hands* 😜
But oof Stepbro Leon making her sit there while he studies for finals 🥴 🥴 I’m gonna have to take this and add it to my list (which is predominantly Stepbro Leon; he got everyone in a chokehold 🤤)
Haha no worries!! Thank you for sharing cause that’s so hot like it’s not even funny 🥵 🥵 and exec Leon is way more popular than I thought he’d be (very pleasantly surprised! 💜) and good luck with your rough draft!!! 💕
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spacehostilityy · 11 months
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
Best Worst Mistake
Tang comes back from a college trip to discover his partner adopted a kid in his absence and also needs him to care for the kid the next day.
Only problem is that Tang has no idea what to do with him.
Psst-- this fic was inspired by @ChopshopT 's fan art on Twitter, so go give that some love <3
If you like this you may enjoy my Dadsy of Two au!
Ao3 Link
“Oh my great sage– you did not–”
“I-i didn’t mean to-! H-he just kinda– you know– showed up!”
“You don’t accidentally adopt a kid Pigsy!”
“It was late at night! Practically closing hours! I had to make sure no creep ran off with ‘im.”
“Okay, but keeping him?! This is– this is crazy! You said you never wanted kids!”
“I know, I know– not exactly like it was an option before– but–” Pigsy sighed.
“Look… I know it’s sudden– I know we’ve talked about it– but… you know I can’t turn him into the police– it’ll ruin us both,” Pigsy looked his shaggy haired partner in the eyes.
Tang sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses as he did.
“How old is he?” He asked.
Pigsy sighed. “I don’t know– I just know that he was practically starving when I found him– not to mention naked and caked in dirt.”
If it weren’t for the sleeping child in the booth, Tang would’ve exclaimed, “he was naked???? Why didn’t you call the authorities???? What about his parents??? Did you even look around???” but he refrained.
“Does he have a name? Parents? Anything???” Tang asked instead.
Pigsy shook his head. “I stayed open a whole two hours more seeing if any’d walk by, but it’s been a week now, and I’ve had to basically close the restaurant to make sure he doesn’t get into anything– which you already know we can’t really afford– but I did– and nobody walked by.”
“A guy leaves for one week for a campus excursion to Shaolin Temple, and everything changes,” Tang laughed in an attempt to release his nerves.
“Y-yeah, I know this ain’t exactly ideal– I just–” Pigsy looked at the kid. “I didn’t know what to do without you here,” The chef confessed, and Tang kissed his cheek, but Pigsy turned and held his hands.
“So… whatever you thinks right– we’ll do it. Anything– leaving him on a doorstep, turning him into the police– anything. It’s your call,” Pigsy looked the scholar straight in the eyes.
“Woah– I-i don’t know– I-i just– I mean I know what’s legal and this– uh– isn’t– but–” Tang looked again at the kid snoozing away, and for the first time Tang noticed he was using Pigsy’s chef’s shirt as a blanket and stars above if it wasn’t the cutest fucking thing Tang had ever seen ever–
“Does he… like you?” Tang asked.
“Well– I uh– I think so..? I dunno, he doesn’t talk much, though he draws things sometimes– and he’s actually kinda good for a kid his age– and he listens to me when I explain things and he seems to really like living in our place– though I guess he’ll need a bed of his own with you back– I just– I don’t know,” Pigsy blushed and looked away. “I’m asking you though because I know you said you didn’t want kids ever either, so…”
“I…” Tang pulled on his scarf. “I kinda lied– I’m sorry– I know I shouldn’t have, but when you were talking about your dad and stuff and how you thought you’d make a bad father I was just like ‘oh yeah totally I get that, no kids, I’d never want any either, haha’ and you know– being gay doesn’t help, and if that wasn’t enough, being a human/demon couple means adoption would be off the table even if we weren’t gay and so i just kinda accepted it because I knew it just wouldn’t be possible– but as a kid I thought it’d be nice to have kids because I do like them– but also as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten like– really bad with them, and I like– don’t know how to interact with them or do with them but i mean–” Tang took a deep breath.
“I’m okay if you’re okay.”
“Wow– that’s… a lot to process, but… if you’re sure..?” Pigsy still looked at him for confirmation.
Tang nodded. “I am.”
A smile slowly grew on the chef’s face. “O-okay then! W-we– we have a kid then!”
“We have a kid then,” Tang laughed. Upon realizing how crazy he sounded, he started to ramble.
“We have a kid, Pigsy-! Oh stars above, what do you even do with those little things??? you feed them, teach them– Maybe I can pick up some books from the library– what about vaccines? We have no way of knowing his records– we don’t even know his birthday!” He shook Pigsy’s shoulders.
“Hm…” Pigsy tapped his chin, then shrugged. “Maybe we can just say it was a week ago when I found him– and he looks about two, don’t he?”
“I know nothing about kids, Pigsy– and neither do you but–” Tang sighed. “If we don’t want him nabbed overseas, this is probably what's best– and who knows, maybe he can find his real parents one day.”
“Yeah, that– uh– makes sense,” Pigsy nodded with slight hesitation.
“So… where’s he gonna sleep?” Tang then asked.
Pigsy thought for a moment. “Well I don’t think we can afford a bed for him yet– or even a mattress- and he is kind of accustomed to our bed so..?”
“...You like cuddling with him, don’t you?”
“Our heating sucks! I couldn’t leave ‘im on the couch– that’s not safe– and yeah, maybe missed cuddlin’ with you– it was a whole week Tang! A week!” Pigsy defended his honor.
Tang burst into laughter. “You looooove me.”
“Shut up,” Pigsy’s face was a deep shade of red as he playfully pushed his partner away.
“Aw, it’s okay Piggy, I missed you too,” Tang kissed his forehead.
“Yeah, yeah,” Pigsy waved him off, his face still red as he went and scooped up the kid, who wasn’t disturbed the slightest by the transfer.
He looked so little and scrawny in Pigsy’s arms– fragile too.
How on earth a kid that small could just wander around Megapolis all covered in dirt and mud– it didn’t make even the slightest bit of sense to Tang. He especially wondered how anyone would let him– whoever this kid’s parents were, he wasn’t sure the kid should ever meet them, even if the opportunity arises.
As he looked at him more, the more Tang realized Pigsy was a total natural– swaying ever so slightly and supporting all the right things to keep him comfortable and upright. Tang watched for a moment, just kind of smiling like an idiot before Pigsy realized he was staring and his face flushed.
“W-what?” He asked, shifting the kid.
“Oh, nothing,” Tang waved him off, grabbing his suitcase while being unable to stop smiling. “Does the kid have a name?”
Pigsy shrugged. “When I gave him crayons, he wrote ‘MK’ so–? I dunno, we’ll have to figure that out later.”
“I don’t know– I kinda like MK– I think it suits him,” Tang looked at the kid.
“I kinda think so too– it’s just that that’s not long enough to legally count, so… I’ll work something out– I know a guy in fake IDs, we’ll see,” Pigsy shrugged. “Could you get the alarm?”
Tang obliged, doing the closing duties for Pigsy when MK suddenly started to stir in Pigsy’s arms.
“Hey there sleepyhead,” Pigsy chuckled softly. “How’re you?”
The kid blinked and rubbed his eyes, before noticing Tang and gasping, quickly burying his head into Pigsy’s chest.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. That’s just Tang, remember? I talked about him a lot. He’s my partner, he’s gonna be living with us,” Pigsy rubbed the kids back.
Slowly but surely the kid turned his head back towards Tang, looking at him with big, dark brown eyes.
“Um… Hi, MK,” Tang waved awkwardly.
After a moment of intense study, the kid let one of his hands release Pigsy’s shirt and he waved to Tang with a smile.
Tang let out a surprised laugh and waved right back again.
“Looks like he likes you already,” Pigsy chuckled. “Usually he doesn’t even look at strangers.”
“Well that’s a relief,” Tang said. “Let’s get going to bed though– I’m exhausted from all the train rides.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Pigsy agreed, and after Tang turned off all the lights, the three of them headed up the stairs and into their apartment above the restaurant in all its one-bedroom glory.
Once upstairs, Tang got changed into his usual robe and silk pajamas, and Pigsy into his usual tank top and pajama bottoms– though Tang nearly lost it when he saw how Pigsy dressed MK for bed– literally just one of his old tank tops and wearing his socks– which were easily about three times too big.
“One of these days we’re gonna need actual money,” Tang joked as Pigsy put MK down on the bed. “He probably should have some real pajamas.”
“What? You don’t think it’s cute?” Pigsy half-joked.
“I never said that,” Tang rolled his eyes, taking off his glasses and setting them on his nightstand.
Just as he was going to turn his lamp off, MK started making noises, and pulling on Tang’s sleeve urgently.
“Yes, MK?” Tang asked.
“Oh– he– umm– is thinking you’ll sing to him,” Pigsy explained.
Tang gasped. “You sing to him?”
Pigsy blushed even deeper than before. “I– um– just a little– lullabies and all that when he wakes.”
“That’s the cutest thing I have ever heard,” Tang fawned at the blurry blob that was Pigsy. He then looked at MK– who was a little bit clearer. “I’m– uh– sorry, I can’t sing like Pigsy can. Go ask him.” He didn’t know if that was enough and so patted the kids head lightly twice before wanting to die of embarrassment.
The kid didn’t seem to care, as he just turned to look at Pigsy, who looked at Tang, his face still red as ever.
“You can’t laugh at me Tang.”
Tang let out an offended gasp. “Why would I ever laugh at you?”
“Because it feels stupid– I–” Pigsy sighed. “Just– pretend to sleep.”
“Alright, if it helps,” Tang teased him a little before turning the light off and laying down to ‘sleep’.
He was turned away on his side when Pigsy began humming a little tune for MK– the Eastern Cradle Song, if Tang remembered. It was incredibly soothing, and the kid was knocked out like a light in a matter of moments.
It reminded him how much he missed Pigsy’s singing– he hadn’t sang since– forever.
When it was finished, Pigsy layed down, cuddling with MK on the outside, so Tang rolled over and wrapped his arms around Pigsy.
“You sing like an angel,” He mumbled, pressing a tired kiss against his shoulders.
Pigsy laughed a little and cozied to his partner’s embrace, and the new family of three fell asleep.
Pigsy’s alarm had a terrible, terrible habit of going off when Tang didn’t want it to. Every morning, Pigsy blindly fumbled for the button, disturbing his most peaceful of slumber, until his precious, precious warmth was stolen from Tang.
“Pigggyyyyyy,” Tang pleaded with his lover when he could already shift to get up, even though he only hit the alarm five seconds ago.
“Tang, I gotta open shop– you know this. I know this,” Pigsy kissed his head.
“But it's so coooold without youuuuu,” Tang begged some more. If Tang was bothering to open his eyes (and also wasn’t blind as a bat without his glasses), he bet he’d be seeing Pigsy rolling his eyes.
“Pigsy sighed and hugged Tang, which the scholar mistook as a sign he had won and snuggled right back to him.
However this was not the case, as Pigsy kissed his head again and said, “Look, it’s gonna be my first time opening in a week– we need the money and you gotta study for finals so– can you watch the kid for me?”
Kid? What kid?
Tang opened his eyes, blinking at the sunlight before recognizing the blob on the other side of Pigsy and instantly recalling the previous day’s ventures.
“I-i– yeah, I guess that can be done,” Tang forced himself to sit up and stretch before he put on his glasses so he could finally see how relieved and thankful Pigsy looked.
“Great– so I’ll make a quick breakfast for you two, and then I’ll head on down to open,” Pigsy ruffled MK’s hair before getting up and getting dressed.
“Wait– you’re gonna head down? You’re–” Tang gasped dramatically– “You’re banishing me to this apartment?!”
“Tang– he’s just– This is a contained space. The public ain’t. And we need money, and besides, whenever you ‘study’ down there, all you do is give me googly eyes,” Pigsy pointed out, buttoning his chef’s shirt.
“Bah, you love my googly eyes,” Tang stated.
“Kid needs to be watched either way, Tang,” Pigsy snarked.
Tang looked at the kid, who to his surprise was looking right at him.
Tang gave a small wave and the kid waved back.
“Does he even talk?” Tang asked.
“Not much– yet,” Pigsy said, locating his socks and shoes and getting on the bed to put them on, to which MK got up and wrapped his arms around Pigsy’s neck, which made the demon laugh.
“He is a clinger though– hence why I don’t think it’s best to have him downstairs,” Pigsy patted MK’s arm with an affectionate smile.
“‘I don’t want kids’ my ass,” Tang thought with a tsk.
“Alright, alright, I hear you,” Tang said aloud before he cracked his back and started getting dressed while Pigsy went to make the three of them breakfast, MK still attached.
Once dressed and his hair thoroughly brushed and combed, Tang emerged from the bedroom to the wondrous sight of Pigsy’s rice noodles. If there was one thing Tang missed on his little excursion, it was his beloved Piggy’s cooking– not to mention free food.
Of course, Tang wasn’t “allowed” free food during business hours, but Tang “somehow” managed most days– and maybe he’d stop by for lunch or dinner because if there was one other thing Tang missed, it was his teasing.
Tang picked up his chopsticks and the moment noodles hit his tongue, he practically melted into goo.
“Pigsy, your food is soooooooo good,” He exalted.
“Wow, you really think so? Maybe I should be a chef,” Pigsy grinned, but Tang was too in heaven to give any kind of retort.
“Alright, well it’s roughly–” Pigsy looked at the clock and jumped, “ – 8:15, so I gotta get going.”
The chef then tried to get MK off of him, but once the small child realized what he was doing, he seemed to gain a death grip that Pigsy attempted and failed to loosen until Tang got involved and practically peeled him off of Pigsy’s back.
Naturally, this made MK start crying.
“Hey, hey, hey– I’ll be back I promise, I just gotta work and make money so we can get you real clothes more than the two outfits I found in a donation bin, alright?” Pigsy tried to assure MK in Tang’s arms, but from a distance so the kid didn’t try to latch on again. It didn’t really work, and Pigsy chewed his lip frantically as he tried to think.
Eventually he came up with an idea and hung his head a little.
“What? What’s the matter?” Tang asked, attempting to bounce MK but failing pretty miserably.
“Pretend you’re not listening,” Pigsy ordered, and Tang realized he was going to sing again.
“Do my sleepy words mean nothing to you?” Tang sighed dramatically before Pigsy gave him a look and so Tang obeyed, looking away (because his hands were full– what exactly Pigsy expected, Tang didn’t know but he was fine with it so whatever).
He then started singing the Song of the Sunshine, which he’d clearly sung with MK before because of just how strong and positive his reaction was. Most importantly, it got him to stop crying, and after a brief hug and a passing of tissue, the tears stopped entirely.
Pigsy was about to head out, though right as he touched the doorknob, he snapped and turned back to Tang.
“I have a library book on the coffee table about kids his age you can read when he’s napping and/or you finish studying– oh by the way, he naps around one and usually sleeps for an hour but after that he’s hungry but lunch is before nap time at noon, so just give him some of the peach snacks I have in the cupboard– he really likes those– and if there’s an emergency you can just call– oh and also I’ll make lunch and dinner downstairs too, so don’t forget,” Pigsy listed off.
“Wow, you’re really treating us,” Tang smiled smugly.
“Consider it wages for babysitting or whatever,” Pigsy pushed him jokingly, before looking at MK who was looking at him with big puppy dog eyes.
With a sigh, Pigsy hugged both Tang and MK, giving the former a kiss on the cheek, and MK a ruffling of his hair.
“I’ll see you soon, alright?” He looked at MK. MK looked up at Tang, then at Pigsy, then at Tang again before nodding.
“Alright. See you soon,” Pigsy patted the kids back before he really had to go, and so scrambled down the stairs.
And then it was just the two of them.
Tang’s first move was setting the kid down– since his pathetic nerdy noodle arms were not meant for carrying a (maybe???) two-year-old for long lengths. When he did the kid looked up at him vacantly, making Tang wonder if there was even a thought behind those eyes.
“So…” Tang looked around the apartment, bouncing on his heels and snapping while he tried to think of something to do. The kid certainly wasn’t any help, as he just continued to stare.
“Guess we should get you dressed then, no?” Tang decided, going into their bedroom and finding the two outfits Pigsy mentioned. MK was the one clearly calling the shots there though, selecting the blue shirt and overalls with a monkey on the pocket. Tang was glad it didn’t turn into a whole thing like he knew kids could do. Though there was a bit where it seemed like MK was going to bite his hand off when Tang tried to take his bandana, so he steered very clear of that.
After that though another big question mark hung in the air. Objectively, Tang knew he had to study, but also it didn’t seem like there was much to do with the kid in the meantime.
“Well… um… soooo… do you… like..?” Tang looked around for something– anything a kid would like, but their TV was basically useless, the books were a billion years more advanced than MK could possibly hope to understand, the boxes were too small, and they didn’t have toys– not by a long shot.
MK did seem to have a thought though, as he walked out of the bedroom and towards a countertop where a stack of legal papers were and–
Oh! Pigsy had a box of crayons.
“You want to color?” Tang asked. MK nodded and reached up enthusiastically. Tang grabbed a solid stack of the legal documents, grabbed the crayons and set them on the coffee table so the kid could actually draw on a hard surface.
To his surprise, the kid got to work straight away, and while Tang had literally no point of comparison, he seemed to be pretty good for a kid his age– whatever that was.
Tang left briefly to grab his laptop and books he needed, and when he returned the kid ran up and showed him his work. From what Tang could tell it looked like some trees, though they could’ve been giraffes, the sun in the corner, and right in the middle was a big brown swirl and a waterfall? Unless that was supposed to be the sky, and that swirl was a snake?
“Nice, MK,” Tang would’ve given a thumbs up but his arms were full. He carried his things past the toddler, who kept trying to show him the art.
“Yes, yes, MK it’s very nice, I love the trees– er– sky? –er– the sun especially,” Tang wasn’t sure what the right answer was, especially as MK had a little frown with each attempt, though seemed satisfied at the “sun” compliment and went back to his crayons.
…Tang didn’t understand kids.
But it was fine, this was fine. He had… time. Forced time, but this was just day one– he was crazy– was he seriously thinking a toddler was judging him??? Maybe Tang ought to see a therapist.
Tang took a deep breath to force himself to relax before he cracked open his book and laptop and started “studying” for his economics final.
Pigsy had always believed in Tang and his ability to be smart and know things, but really, Tang was a fraud who was just trying to delay the inevitable that when he finally got his PHD he wouldn’t find a job and would remain a financial burden to Pigsy– and now MK– till the end of his days, and he’d just be a burden like his parents always believed.
With a grumble, he started reading.
“The price, or market, system is the predominant allocation mechanism in most industrial societies today because–”
A piece of paper was slapped atop Tang’s book, making him jump.
“You– um– draw fast, don’t you MK?” Tang immediately set the paper aside, but MK huffed and put it back over his book.
“Look, how’s about you draw five drawings while I study and then you can show me then, hm?” Tang proposed, but the boy just stared vacantly.
“Right. You don’t know numbers,” Tang rubbed his forehead, before looking at the drawing.
This one was slightly more decipherable than the previous, as there was a bunch of pink scribbles roughly in the shape of Pigsy, and— what appeared to be a monkey on his shoulders? It was hard to tell, since it was red and also very crude. There was also another figure, bright yellow but it was hard to tell if that was supposed to be a sunbeam or tree or heck– even Tang. Again there was a waterfall (?) and some maybe-rocks maybe-hedgehogs???
“Is this supposed to be Pigsy?” Tang asked, pointing to the pink scribes. MK nodded.
“Aw, that’s sweet; I’m sure he’ll love it,” Tang smiled and set it down, though that made MK upset, as he picked it up and put it over his book again.
Tang groaned. “Kid, you’re really cute and all, but I need to study otherwise I will be failing everyone I know. Please just– go back to drawing?” Tang pleaded but the kid didn’t budge.
“Look– I–” Tang rolled his head back. “I don’t know what this drawing’s of. I’m sorry.”
MK took his paper back before going to the table and drawing more.
Tang sighed a breath of relief before going back to his textbook.
“–it is generally the most efficient. Yet not all exchanges take place in a market system. Many medical services–”
Tang was going to gouge his eyes out if he had to read any more of that money mumbo jumbo and so put it back in his back and swapped it out for his Taosim and Buddhism: Face to Face textbook and tried reading that for all of five seconds, before MK slapped the paper down.
The only thing that changed really was that the yellow figure was very clearly not Tang anymore and seemed to have some kind of flowers around him? Her? Them? and also adding a mountain in the background. The creature on Pigsy’s shoulder also had added detail– most importantly what looked like a bandana.
“And is that supposed to be you?” Tang pointed to the red– um… monkey? Spider? Cat?
MK nodded and smiled, jumping on the couch and pointing to the mountains and the yellow figure.
“Yes, yes, you’ve certainly improved your background work here,” Tang remarked. “But who is this person? Is that your mother or father?”
MK shook his head.
Somehow the figure not being one of his parents made it stranger– especially because MK deemed them so important he added more detail.
“Well they’re very lovely either way,” Tang patted his head and MK gave him a big toothy grin– which surprised the scholar.
“Yes, yes– well then, I’ll give this back to you so you can give it to Pigsy at lunch–” He said, handing him back the drawing– “and then I will get back to studying.”
MK was about to get off the couch when he suddenly gasped and pointed urgently to a picture in his textbook.
Tang stared at it and blinked. “That’s the Queen Mother of the West– she’s the wife to the jade emperor.”
At that MK nodded and started trying to turn pages in the book, which Tang tried to stop, but soon realized all that would do was rip the 5541.52 yuan book and so let him have his way. The kid flipped through page after page, until another picture showed up and he pointed to it eagerly.
“Oh, that’s the Bodhisattva Guanyin– she’s a figure of mercy and forgiveness and second beginnings,” Tang explained. Again MK flipped until another photo showed up and Tang realized he was curious about who all the people were.
“That’s Prince Nezha– he killed a dragon when he was young, and because of that his own father disowned him and he died–” Tang told and MK gasped.
“I-it’s okay though! He came back and got his revenge, though remains permanently twelve– I think,” Tang tried to recall before MK flipped pages again, and this time tapped it repeatedly to show his overwhelming excitement.
“Ahhh, I see you’ve taken an interest in Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, hm?” Tang chuckled and MK nodded excitedly.
“I see you have good taste, because he’s probably the most interesting figure in this whole book,” Tang joked. “He’s from a story called Journey to the West where he helps guide a monk to deliver scriptures to the Buddha and goes through personal trials until he reaches enlightenment– though not before causing some serious havoc in heaven.”
MK laughed– he laughed– and Tang felt his heart melt a little before MK started trying to get his head under his arm. Tang was confused, until he realized he wanted to sit in his lap to see the pictures better, and so Tang let him.
“See this one?” Tang pointed to a picture on the top left. “That depicts when he fought off the entire heavenly army after he was kicked out for stealing their wine, pills, and peaches.”
“And this one here–” he pointed below– “that’s when he got trapped under the Mountain of Phases after Buddha successfully tricked him.”
MK tilted his head curiously, tracing it with his finger before looking back up at Tang.
“Yes, yes, a little harsh, but he goes through worse punishments later, as before he was ready to go on the journey with the monk Tang Sanzang, he was given a circlet that would hurt him if he disobeyed,” Tang expanded, turning the page to reveal such an image, which made MK gasp and whimper.
“Yeah, it looks like it hurts a lot, doesn't it?” Tang said, examining the picture closer. It was weird– he hadn’t ever thought about the thing that closely before, but looking back, it was pretty torturous.
“It’s okay though– Monkey King always got back on his feet and got enlightenment like he always wanted, isn’t that nice?” Tang asked, and MK slowly nodded, though his lower lip trembled a bit.
“Aww, it’s okay MK,” Tang patted his shoulder, which MK took as an invitation to hug the scholar, which while it surprised him, he wasn’t against it.
“Here– how’s about I teach you about some of the happier parts of Sun Wukong’s life, hm? Like when he fought the permanent twelve-year-old Prince Nezha? Or when he had a cool shapeshifter duel with Er Lang Shen and his dog? Or– oh! What about when he fought off the Monstrous King of Havoc and freed all of the other monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain from being eaten or enslaved?” Tang proposed, which instantly put MK in better spirits.
And so Tang started telling him tales, and MK slowly got off and started drawing the scenes Tang described, which was pretty impressive since sometimes Tang could actually see what was going on, which was nice. Plus, it was fun to see him so engaged in his stories.
It was… strange, watching this boy who had been nothing but a confusing vessel become so passionate and alive and giggly as Tang talked. Sometimes Tang actually thought he’d respond with words, but his laughs and nods were good enough for him.
Tang talked and MK colored for hours and hours and hours on end, until the landline rang to life, and Tang left MK to draw Er Lang Shen and his dog while he answered.
“Zhu residence, this is Tang.”
“TANG! Have you looked at the time??? The kid’s s’posed to be havin’ lunch by now!” Pigsy scolded on the other side.
“Oh wow– has it really been that long?” Tang laughed, seeing the clock said 12:15.
“Uh– yeah! Geez– does the kid’s schedule not even matter to you?” Pigsy griped.
“O-of course! It’s just– we were getting so caught up in drawing and The Monkey King– it really is something–”
“I thought you were supposed to be studying,” Pigsy pointed out.
“Yeaaahhh, well a little break never hurt anyone,” Tang totally glossed over the fact he never really started in the first place. There was a bit of pause before Pigsy spoke again.
“So uh– you and the kid been bonding?” Pigsy asked, his tone far less harsh now.
“I– um–” Tang looked over his shoulder at MK, who gave him a big flashy grin. “We have.”
“That’s– That’s really good, Tang, I’m glad,” His partner praised. “I thought’d take the kid weeks to warm up to you based on how he is with other strangers– this is good though.”
“And you left me up here with him alone anyways?” Tang pointed out jovially.
“I am literally just two stories down, Tang.”
“Yeah, yeah– let me do the teasing sometimes.”
Pigsy laughed on the other side. “Alright, alright– just get you and MK down here or else I’ll still charge you for your lo mein,”
“Alright, alright, I’ll get him there,” Tang rolled his eyes. “Love you, Piggy.”
“Love you too, Tangy. But seriously– get your ass down here.”
“I will. Bye.”
And with that, Pigsy hung up.
“Alright MK, are you ready to see Pigsy again?” Tang hung up the phone too.
“Dadsy!” MK cheered, drawing in hand that he quickly showed Tang.
“Woah– Dad-sy?” Tang fawned over that so much did didn’t notice MK holding out the picture for him to take.
“Mhm!” MK nodded, shoving the picture in Tang’s face since he clearly wasn’t looking down enough.
The drawing wasn’t the one from earlier– no, this one was probably the clearest of any. On the right was clearly Pigsy, looking much better than his scribbled counterpart, and also very clearly holding MK, who was drawn with proper yellow and brown, with red saved for the bandana. And to the left was–
He could tell too, because the stick figure was wearing his robe and had huge messy circles around the eyes to be glasses, plus he was wearing a biiiiiiiiig old scarf. He was smiling, Pigsy was smiling, and MK was smiling too. There was also a rainbow, and a bowl of what Tang hoped were noodles and not worms, as well as MK written in the corner in big shaky letters.
“Oh MK– is this us?” Tang took it from his hands and felt himself start to tear up a little.
MK nodded excitedly.
“Dadsy an’ Tang!” He bounced on heels and flapped his hands.
Okay now Tang was definitely crying, and he quickly knelt and gave MK a hug.
“You know, I don’t meet a lot of kids, but you’re easily the coolest one out there, MK,” Tang complimented, giving him a good squeeze.
MK laughed and hugged him too.
“Now c’mon– I bet you’re starving, and I know I could certainly go for some noodles right about now,” Tang booped his nose before standing, at which MK did grabby hands upward. Tang chuckled and handed him back his drawing before picking him up.
“Alright, let’s go give your Dadsy a visit,” Tang was loving the nickname already and was more than certain Pigsy would just about die of cuteness when he heard it too– especially with how happy it made MK to hear it repeated back.
It was strange how much Tang felt he’d changed in a day, but hey, maybe that was just how parenting was–
God– it felt weird, to say it, but Tang was a parent now– Pigsy too. Of course, Tang still had a PhD to obtain, and Pigsy a restaurant to run, but together they were a team and with MK, they might even be a family.
Wow that was a lot to think.
But still, it brought as much of a smile to his face as it did anxiety, and if that wasn’t parenting, Tang didn’t know what was.
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thewingedwolf · 11 days
wait i’m gonna be so annoying and have a final thoughts here
the aesthetic & main romance has just really fallen off. they are incapable of sticking the landing in the third act & while they still have some good looks, i think there’s a certain level of playing it too safe (see Kate’s wardrobe!!!!!) and also just, bizarre makeup choices that were a bit distracting.
they also just don’t know how to keep a character waiting for their romance while building that character up over several arcs. kind of a bad trait to have for a tv show?? 😭😭 like, i love them with all my heart, but everyone has said that eloise, benedict, & colin have felt so confused at points as characters, like the writers didn’t know where to go with them. they’re just waiting for their romance instead of like, growing.
Colin was the male lead what do we even know about him beyond his inability to interact with a woman without projecting onto her.
once again the milfs outsold, agatha and violet are the best thing about this series and i don’t care how much i like violet’s lil thing with agatha’s brother, i want those two gossipy old milfs to kiss sloppy style.
it’s too goddamn short, i think this wasn’t a problem in s1 or qc bc it’s the First season so there’s not as many characters to follow but they keep introducing all these other characters that take space away from a) The Main Couple and b) The Bridgertons As A Family, and those are the draws of the series!! it’s too much for only 8 episodes, what happened to 12-18 episodes for high budget or cable shows, if they had these people on like Normal tv contracts they wouldn’t have such a hard time scheduling and have these long ass waits between seasons Either, im tired of this and i blame the duffer brothers and i want those two nerds hunted for sport.
also hyacinth and gregory are getting SO OLD OMG HURRY UP 😭😭😭
i think they did a better job this season with folding the siblings in together but it feels disjointed from s2. anthony & kate specifically feel very oddly thrown in there and idgi. i loved seeing the bridgertons using calling times as an excuse for Group Hangs, and i loved the way John pointed this out to Francesca. i liked that the ending with benedict where he’s realizing he’s the oldest still left at home with two like, toddler siblings and feeling unhappy with it, but bc they struggle with incorporating all the siblings together, we really lose that thread from last season between him & anthony that could have given benedict a way to explore his sexuality in a slutty way while also giving anthony something to do & not drop the art school thing. however, this is all detailed and would take a lot of time and they only have eight episodes. why. do 13-18 or im gonna start sending death threats to ceos. for legal reasons that’s a joke haha.
i do think in the few kathony scenes we got, they nailed the dynamic that she is the world’s most put upon eldest daughterson and he needs to be institutionalized. pls put jonathan bailey and simone ashley in another thing together so i can see them together again. this can’t be the end. be the next tom hanks and meg ryan please. he george clooney and julia roberts. i’m on my knees here.
am i allowed to say i’m glad we got a long devirginizing scene like in s1 & qc but also we did not see Nearly enough of those two fucking. more than kathony but imo still not on the level of the other two. also you could write an essay here about the sex politics of this show. i will refrain and say Is This Not The Pervert’s Show?? Can we Please get better pandering????
i think no one can handle a big cast like shonda not even her hand picked teams. qc handled having a host of characters so much better. early grey’s is really great at this. htgawm is good at this. u can tell what season she was really In That Writer’s Room. shonda pls get back in the writer’s room i need something as emotionally devastating as “meredith i’m so sorry” “you must be the woman whose screwing my husband” i need sexy like the “teach me” scene but with the freedom of streaming to get freaky with it, this cast WANTS to deliver but netflix & these writers are NOT up to the challenge!!!
i love bi benedict. even if nothing else comes of this i didn’t think they’d genuinely have benedict get intimate with and acknowledge being attracted to a man. genuinely really jazzed about that. but they Have said they want to explore his ~fluidity more and there’s so many scenarios that could be, i have no idea what the hell they mean by that askksjd. crossdressing sophie, genderbent to solomon, a trans sophie/solomon of some persuasion, im excited to see where they go!
BI FRANCESCA. MICHAELA STIRLING. PEOPLE ARE HATING BUT YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION. esp bc you could do a michaela that has like, resigned herself to a life of never feeling love only to fall in love At Her Cousin’s Wedding so well with this. these three, michaela francesca john, are gonna break my HEART i’m READY for it!
i want the resolution to one of the gay couples to include brimsley & reynolds encouraging charlotte to cure society of homophobia somehow. if we can do this with racism we can do it with homophobia. why the hell not.
listen to me. listen closely. are you listening. if we don’t get lesbian eloise what are we even fucking doing here. enough fucking around. give me a real sign this is all going somewhere. i am no longer asking.
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Sorry this is such an awkward time to be asking this but it's on my mind
I'm converting to Judaism but I'm Italian and I look very very southern Mediterranean to the point that a lot of the Jews at my shul have told me that they assumed I was ethnically Jewish by birth because I look it. (People have jokes to me that Italians and Jews look similar, not my place to comment but I laughed along to the joke lol)
Like I feel awkward bc I'm not Jewish yet but people assume I am, and I don't want to be like "no! im not Jewish yet! make no mistake!" as if I think it's a bad thing, bc I don't think it's a bad thing to look Jewish obviously, but I do want to be honest about my ethnicity and not trick others into thinking I'm not still a gentile.
But I've also had gentiles be antisemitic towards me based on my appearance because a lot of people assume I'm Jewish just from sight. And I explain to them, I'm not Jewish but I'm converting, I'm Mediterranean. Obviously this doesn't make the antisemitism better and I don't feel any more comfortable. But again I don't want to make a claim to a heritage I have no right to, so I feel the need to correct people so that I'm not being appropriative.
But in situations when people are just being straight up antisemitic I tend to go with the flow and call them out on their bs and not disclose that I'm a gentile. It doesn't make a difference and a Jewish person wouldn't get the chance to just take off their ethnicity like an item of clothing so why should I, especially if the Jewish people will be my family one day, I should stand with them as though they are my own, and not separate myself from them to save myself from discrimination.
Is that ok? Am I doing the right thing? It never occurred to me until this whole race/ethnicity conversation that I should probably check with an actual Jewish person that I'm not being a weirdo
(also thank you for your commentary on the whole thing..I'm not going to add anything ofc because it's not my conversation to touch but thanks you've helped me to make sense of a lot of it)
Just calling them out on their antisemitism, what you've been doing, is fine. Misdirected antisemitism is still antisemitism, and especially since you're converting to Judaism, it's something you do and unfortunately will continue to experience. You're (hopefully) not going to spend a whole lot of close time with antisemites, so there's really no need to clarify to them your identity.
It's like.... I'm a trans guy, but I have breasts and haven't started T yet, and a lot of people perceive me as a masculine woman, especially as a butch lesbian. If someone says something lesbophobic to me based on my appearance, I'm not going to take the time to explain that I'm not actually a lesbian, just call them out on their bigotry if I feel safe enough to do so.
You're not being a weirdo, and even if you weren't converting, honestly I feel it'd be worse for a gentile to be like "no haha you see I'm actually not Jewish" when faced with racialized antisemitism, because it feels like centering oneself. Just continue doing what you've been doing and make sure you're safe. Best of luck on your conversion journey and I hope your antisemitic encounters stop happening.
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garfieldbussys · 3 months
clo this isnt funny anymore.
arthur is deteriorating in front of my eyes and i dont like it what is happening right now i dont know if i can handle this its so sad
what does campbell have against this poor policeman hes always having a go at him its unreal
ALSO wait hang on whats poll doing also tommys found her kids OH NO HER DAUGHTERS DEAD POLL IM SO SORRY ☹️
ANYWAYS i cannot WAIT to finish this cause that means i can go on a rampage of reading fics SO excited
poll ily but put the gun down babe ik youre hurting but babes anyways they’re opening the garrison again since it was blown up last ep ALSO finn is SO grown up its crazy
finns talking to arthur i have a feeling this isnt gonna go well NO NO NO FINN NOT DRUGS PLEASE FINN DO NOT I SWEAR YOURE KIDDING ARTHUR NO
oh no hes fucking high off his tits isnt he 😐 ffs
why do i have a feeling another bomb is gonna go off idk i just feel like smth really bad is about to happen- hes got graces letter out hes burning it good to know i wont be seeing her again then
i think shes come to speak to poll shes so drunk i LOVE drunk poll shes so funny shes dancing with some guy
could you imagine if this guy ended up being her son that would be HORRIFIC cause it looks like they just had like 4 rounds tbh
why are blackcurrent soothers so good like???
anyways thats it for ep 2 onto ep 3
i love ada so much and i love in fics where she’s like the best big sister ever i just can’t
and you finally watching arthur like crumble in front of your eyes is so upsetting i actually hate season 2 for him it’s so upsetting
no because finn is like 14 why is 6foot ?!?! what have the shelbys been feeding him??
LMAO THE UNIVERSAL experience of watching eric birling appear on your screen as the iconic polly gray’s son 😭😭
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luveline · 6 months
how do you like your “adult” years ?? i put it in quotations because i never realized how young 20 was until it actually caught up to me and adult was all i was referred to while still feeling like a child. love u a bunches jadey wadey <3
I’m curious as to how old you are now asking me!!! Not that one particular age would be a bad thing I’m just wondering haha. I like them much more.don’t get me wrong like maybe this is too much honesty but Im a thousand times less socially anxious, I was sooo afraid of being me as a teen, and being looked at, and it’s not like I feel prettier or better now but I just realised that it’s not a crime to be me and take up space even if I don’t feel my best!! And also realising people aren’t really looking at me haha. I genuinely felt like I was being tortured I was so anxious about those things. As an adult I’ve not escaped how I was back then but it definitely is different, I feel more sure that I’m different to other people too. But!!! Sorry I sound so doom and gloomy, I am actually and genuinely a thousand times happier now at 22 than I ever was as a teen or even at 19/20. I also love that there’s been more to experience in things like
love and friends, sex/sexuality, even identity, cos as a kid you feel like everybody’s judging you for trying new things but so far my twenties has been like affirming how I want to look? Sorry I feel like this answer is all over the shop and so wannabe deep but yes I think that about sums it up I hope this is the sort of answer you wanted
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goldenlevi · 2 years
Thank you! Here it is. You and Eddie fought over jealousy, and Eddie is very sad about the situation. You head to his house to talk, but all you find is his uncle. Mr Munson then decides to have a long and sincere chat with you and asks you not to hurt his nephew because, contrary to what people in Hawkings think, he is a good, sensitive boy who wants to be loved. He also says he has never seen his nephew so sad and is completely in love with you. When you meet Eddie at school, you hug him tight, give him lots of kisses and tell him you love him dearly in front of everyone. Hope it's ok for you and sorry if it's too long.
here darling! I didn't want to keep you waiting, I hope this is more or less what you had in mind at least! thank you and feel free to drop by my ask anytime if u just wanna chat! <3
ps: im sorry if theres any mistakes, i am a bit tired haha
You can check my other works here if you'd like :)
Your hands felt damp as you knocked on the door, heart pounding in your chest as nerves settled while you waited for an answer. You weren’t even sure if he would open the door. Not after your argument, it was just so stupid the way it began, you thought it made no sense. Perhaps at the time, you weren’t thinking about him, about how to him it made perfect sense. 
The door opened and you stepped back, taking a deep breath already preparing your speech. Your stomach dropped when you saw it wasn’t Eddie who was on the other side but Mr. Munson himself, his uncle. 
The older man’s face signaled confusion at first, but then he quickly recognised you. “Y/N? Eddie ain’t here” He said.
You looked down, almost embarrassed. If he wasn’t here, then... where could he be? It was getting late and the last thing you needed was to worry about where he was on top of everything else. You were about to open your mouth to respond when he interrupted. “Come in. I think we should talk” 
You barely gave him a nod, watching him take a few steps back,  allowing you to enter his home. Your throat felt dry, and you gulped instinctively although it didn’t seem to help easing the nerves.
“You know Eddie’s grown now but he’s still my boy,” The older man began, as he made a move to sit on his couch. He opened a can of beer, and motioned you to sit beside him. “Everyone in town has a fixed idea on what he does, who he is…but it’s all bullshit. He’s a sensitive one you see,” He paused to drink. You listened respectfully, not knowing exactly where the conversation was going. “Like everyone else he just wants to be loved. And I know for a fact, that he loves you. You understand what I’m saying here?” 
It seemed like all you could do was nod. Words were stuck in your throat, and you didn’t know how to break them free. You feared that it would result in you burst out into tears next to a man you barely knew. 
“All I’m asking here is for you not to hurt him. Because, I swear I have never seen him like this. He looked like a goddamn beaten up puppy” Your eyes now filled with unshed tears that you struggled to keep within. 
Taking a deep breath, you decided to open up, to the only family Eddie had left. “I love him too, Mr. Munson. I swear I don’t want to cause him any pain” The words left your lips, timidly but honestly. The older man sighed, and his tone changed now to a lighter and more happy one. 
“That’s good. Now, just talk to him, yeah? I’ll tell him to listen to you or else he’ll have to deal with me" The tip of his mouth turned slightly up, offering you what resembled a smile.
“I honestly don’t understand what the big deal is!” You didn't mean to yell, but honestly frustration was getting the best of you. When you had met Eddie earlier that day, you thought everything was ok. Evidently, you were mistaken. As you opened your arms reaching for a hug, he responded with a simple grunt. You frowned, but shrugged it off, thinking that perhaps he was just in a bad mood. Your own, however, began to sour as he kept giving you half-hearted replies, until finally you confronted him and asked him what was wrong.
Eddie always knew something like this would happen. He was never good at containing his emotions, he would often burst or act out when he cared, was passionate about something. In this case, someone. The long-haired man was also scared that you would find someone else, someone better. He got jealous when he saw you talking to a guy he was sure he never seen before, and words he didn’t fully mean poured out of him without any signs of slowing down.
The following day, you woke up feeling like a weight was off your shoulders. When you arrived at school, the conversation between yourself and Eddie’s uncle still lingered in the back of your mind. You searched for him, not stopping to greet anyone that tried to speak to you. You finally spotted him near a classroom, you forgot all about the heated argument and focused on who was in front of you. This time, your arms fully locked around his neck, giving him no time to stop you, even if he desired to do so. You kissed his cheek, once, twice greeting him like it was a normal occurrence. The normal loud noise of the hallway quieted down, as the scene unfolded, but you couldn’t care less. The only thing that mattered to you, was making Eddie realize that you had no problem in letting everyone know how you felt about him. 
You felt his arms surround you as he whispered an apology solely for your ears. A mix of shock and happiness invaded his body, questions filled his lips, but it wasn’t enough to prevent him from holding you as tight as he could in that crowded hallway. “I love you Eddie” You practically announced just before planting a kiss on his lips.
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doomed-era · 4 months
hey so this may be. A Question. but how would gaffen + widget + maybe the champions react to undertale/deltarunes characters. sorry for undertaling you </3 . also anything on the champions descendants?
OKAY here i go. finally. im gonna limit it to gaffen/widget unless I can think of a funny interaction between undertale characters and the champions I think solely bc there are a lot of them...these are gonna be fairly superficial and based on first impressions don't think too hard about them </3 cause theyre kinda bad
honestly they'd collectively be very weirded out by monsters that can actually speak to them. widget and daruk would definitely try to work things out and yknow. not try to kill anyone while given the first sign of violence gaffen might start attacking everyone. so my first thought is. they are probably better off sticking together in this scenario because of gaffen. and tbf it's not like widget wouldn't be suspicious either, she would be less than friendly at first, especially if she learned how monsters got into the underground. she'd immediately start wondering why and paint humans as the victims who must have had a good reason to do such a thing. idk i'll go in the order of a neutral route
flowey: i'll be honest they would not like flowey...which is HORRIBLE ik. I imagined them trying to beat him up and them him resetting which!!! I do not blame him. if they knew more about him I don't think gaffen would be sympathetic and urbosa would just be pissed. however. mipha probably would reconsider. widget would be all like DONT LOSE HOPE THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY!!! revali going "tch I would do cooler things if I could reset everyone" would be funny i admit but smhhh
toriel: ok I admit I think urbosa would be like "shes such a soft mom geez." (baka.) if gaffen wasnt in work mode he'd want to make puns with her and eat her pies....in the meantime he will stare soulfully at her. if toriel read widget facts about snails then widget would be fascinated im ngl she would stay in the ruins with toriel if this was an actual undertale route. however I think they are just taking a tour so whagever
sans: widget would be a bit startled by his jokes! also I think sans would realize that shes like, a PRIME target for them. gaffen and sans would get into a staring contest and gaffen would lose because sans has no eyelids. or does he
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explain this toby fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
papyrus: oh you bet widget and papyrus would get along. immediate best buds. gaffen would look at papyrus like he was insane (his eyes are bloodshot from skeleton staring contest) revali being all are you AWARE of how GULLIBLE you both ARE would be funny and mipha immediately jumping to widget and papyrus's defenses would be super funny
undyne: urbosa being like UM. I am FAR less of a show off than you are. you must serve your kingdom with grace. and then they get into a suplexing contest. daruk also joins but he's like oh haha i'm doing this for fun :) while undyne and urbosa are giving it their all. widget is cheering for urbosa obviously and gaffen is a last-minute contestant. widget cheers even harder for urbosa. im not sure who would win but it's not gaffen. also urbosa thinks it was super funny. also mipha would be fascinated by the echo flowers + have a lot of fun swimming around in waterfall. heartbroken by onion-san and tells her all about zora's domain </3
alphys: im going off my immediate first thought so honestly widget asking what anime is and alphys freaking out about it at first and widget being like OH NO WHAT DO I DO. mipha being like...tell me about this...anime...also widget would think mettaton is really cool. revali might like it but he would not express interest at first. and then he would criticize the sequel to mew mew kissy cutie along with alphys really passionately (iirc??? I forgot which one she didnt like) gaffen is eating instant ramen noodles straight out of the package when no one is looking. also if widget knew about the true lab she'd be like well um its fine ??? you did what you could ig wouldnt think of it as bad at all. which. erm. widget. urbosa would complain that her and daruk cant fit in the elevators and criticize asgore's city planning
asgore: yeah speaking of him. idk I think theyd like him. especially if they've heard a lot of good things on their way over. im imagining them all sitting down for tea...widget might be a little skeptical. and would also definitely figure out that him and toriel are divorced and ask intrusive questions about it. if this was deltarun id say asgore might be a little more interested in talking to gaffen I think he would see a bit of resemblance between gaffen and kris, mostly just quiet + weird + :| face I think. gaffen would just be quietly intimidated I think
OKAY. i'll do deltarune ones cos im kinda enjoying this
kris: ok honestly I cant even imagine kris would want to interact with them. widget would track them down and kris would just leeeeaaave
susie: widget immediately thinking susie is horrible and awful and susie responding in kind by being susie-er is funny to me. she would think widgets relationship with the champions and gaffen is super weird I think, but would she say this? idk.
berdly: ...yeah this is one of the reasons I wanted to answer this ask. I just. revali and berdly...I dont think theyd get along at all I think they'd see the worst aspects of themselves in each other and hate each other </3
uhh I think that is enough for me. for Now. but. yea
champions descendants is fairly complicated so uh if you wanted to send me another ask abt it so I could answer it separately...pleas...
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spacexseven · 1 year
Ooh that was fantastic! SK Reader my new beloved. Also the idea of a spinoff with yu-yu? 👀. However I’m still absolutely foaming after obsession Nikolai. He’s something else, so disturbing and entertaining. Also, rip aku, ango, hirotsu, and mushitaro. I’m wondering so much of this universe: who was Sk Reader’s First kill? Is it Japan wide or does SK Reader’s kills only cover Yokohoma? We already know SK Reader main reason, but did someone or something else help develop the urge to kill ability user for SK reader? Has the public noticed the trend of killings or is it considered non connected murders? Has the reader been given a name by the public? Any vague information on the ADA and SK Reader? Or the Port Mafia considering they lost a resource with Akutagawa’s Death? (higuchi rip) . Sorry for the questions and thank you for the amazing fic. Your writing is wonderful. It gives so much inspiration for many. Thank you again for sharing your work with us. - 🦄 anon.
hehe to answer some of your questions
their first kill was some small time ability user; they didn't know about how their ability worked until this point
i like to think they're working their way into the heart of yokohama, where the ada and pm reside. yokohama is known for having multille active ability groups so it's where their later kills will be focused. ango, oda, hirotsu and akutagawa were tasked to find sk reader first, which is how they ended up being killed by sk reader. initially these names were near the bottom of their list, since they were planning on slowly infiltrating yokohama, and killing off prominent users would hardly let them work unnoticed
i'm still working on sk reader's ability, but their ability allows them to take the ability of users they kill, so that's another main motivator. they kill for the ability they want to have. it probably started out as a survival thing, but now they just do it for the ability
it just looks like random murders to the public, though it appears to be done by the same person. a lot of ability users don't let others know about their abilities, so it's the special division and other ability user groups that figure out the murderer is only targeting ability users first
uh no name yet bc im not creative enough for that haha
i think it'll be hard to write anything between ada and sk reader except for them wanting to throw them in jail bc dazai is obvs going to be very upset about oda's death, and fukuzawa wants to restore order to ability users in yokohama. sk reader is like. an irredeemable bad guy ㅠㅠ
pm, since mori sent his people after sk reader i don't think he'll be as upset as surprised. he might actually try to recruit sk reader or at least see what they're up to bc they killed many of his strong members already. i don't think the other mafioso will be too thrilled about meeting sk reader though...
i think for this au, the hunting dogs and doa make for the best in terms of characters to explore sk readers dynamics with so i can talk more about that later if you want ^-^
man...im such a sucker for the villain x detective trope like yukito is literally haunting my dreams i am obsessed w the idea of him going after sk reade
thank you for all the questions! i had fun discussing this au with you ^-^
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