#these r my thoughts after seeing especially the episode before last. i think it was
sleepyyghostt · 5 months
kabru dungeonmeshi would love death note and is BORN to doxx people on twitter.com. and i like him SO much
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themusicsweetly · 1 year
Thank you for posting videos, pictures, and the Tribeca panel commentary on twitter. It is much appreciated. 🙏🏻
[ Anonymous #2 asked ]: Sarah, would you mind writing a S701 review since you were at the premiere last night? Don't mind spoilers and you can warn others if they don't want to read. Loved it when you did it before. Thanks!
Hello Anons! Thanks so much for both your asks! I hope you don't mind me combining both your asks.
You're so welcome, Anon #1! I so glad so many people enjoyed my posts about it! I'm very grateful that I've been able to go to these events for several years now. I know that so many of you don't get that opportunity, so I try to do what I can to bring it to you all even if only virtually. Things are always so much more fun when they're shared, anyway. After all, that's what fandom should be about! 💜
For anyone who missed it, you can check out my Twitter page for my full coverage of 92Y and the Tribeca Festival. But here's some GIF spam from my favorite of the videos I was able to capture this week!
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Anon #2, yes of course I'll write up a summary of my thoughts. I know you said you don't mind them, but I will try my very best to not include any spoilers in it as I know it really does ruin it for some. But just in case:
Outlander 7x01, "A Life Well Lost"
As Caitriona + Sam have mentioned previously in interviews, 7x01 picks up right where 6x08 left off. No time jump or anything, which I was really glad for. The opening scene was SHOCKING and used something that I thought was really clever and really rude all at the same time lol. I can tell you that the audience gasped because of it. I feel this bit was extremely effectively done. Caitriona's micro-expressions really made it for me.
One thing that surprised me — and perhaps it shouldn't simply because Outlander has always been full of this — was that there were so many small moments of humor in this episode, despite the obvious dire situation Claire and Jamie are in (but really, when aren't they lol). There's a new small side character that both Claire and Jamie get to interact with that provides much needed comedic breaks. Even Jamie's menacing looks add to this. Claire especially, I feel, gets to use her biting wit (or just straight up cursing) to add some humor to the tenseness. There's one particularly funny scene that takes place on a boat and involves an interrupting officer that I so loved! The entire audience burst out laughing when we saw it.
While Caitriona + Sam were obviously amazing, I'll say the surprising standout actor in this episode wasn't them. I won't say who, but it's someone we're well acquainted with. There are moments straight out of the book that this actor just fully nails. We're so lucky to have such strong actors filling these side character roles and s/he is just fantastic. Their sincerity and conviction sold me completely.
As book readers can probably guess from the title and from where we are in the timeline, we know basically what will happen in this episode — and they to stick pretty well to it. Even so, it is still so satisfying to get to see it played out on screen. Claire's despair, hope, and heartbreak. Jamie's torment, anger, and determination. The relief of it all. It's all played so, so well across Caitriona + Sam's faces and in their line delivery. Sam said during the Tribeca panel that Jamie is perhaps "more frail" in this episode, and I think that can be said for both of them. Despite them being well versed in separation, I think every subsequent one after their 20 year split wears on them more and more. And they both play that so expertly, making the time that we do see them together just that much sweeter. I don't think it's too spoilery to say that yes, they do share several scenes together this episode so dinna fash!
As for Brianna and R*ger, their scenes are pretty well separate from the Jamie x Claire scenes. I don't really have much to say about them, except that they move certain other storylines that will become more important later on in the season forward. And only just so. While it was important to do so, honestly it felt a bit filler-like. That said, I am actually pretty excited for certain arcs for Brianna and Jemmy later on (while also hoping they don't include that storyline for R*ger... sorry, not sorry) and this brought them maybe half a step closer to it.
Other than the moment on the boat I had mentioned earlier, there are two scenes toward the end which I really loved. One was such a sweet moment straight out of the book with some really great book lines that I had very much wanted to hear. it is Classic™ Jamie x Claire, so you know Caitriona + Sam knocked it out of the park. The second is not a book scene (I believe?? I don't remember it anyway), but was a great one for Sam / Jamie. It's how the episode ends and I told a new friend I had met in the Tribeca line that the final moment of the episode reminded me of Batman's cape swooshing over the camera turning everything black. Lol take from that what you will!
Some other random thoughts:
Jamie x Claire are SO. SOFT. They say separation makes the heart grow fonder? Really, it makes those two grandparents softer AND I LOVE IT.
I LOVED seeing Caitriona + Sam's names appear as Executive Producers! The entire audience was singing along to The Skye Boat song and then burst out cheering when that came up.
I really hope Major MacDonald's wig gets snatched by Adso at some point because F him lol
Overall, I'd say I enjoyed the episode. Some might say it's a bit slow, which I wouldn't disagree with. But knowing that 1) they had to get this part over with the tie up the Season 6 cliffhanger; and 2) this is really going to be a jam packed season of action and emotion, I think I'm okay with that. I've heard it from more than one source that 7x02 is even better than 7x01 so I'm really excited! I'm also really excited to meet our newer cast members, as none of them featured in the premiere episode. The Hunters especially will be so much fun to watch!
Hearing Caitriona + Sam speak about not only this season, but their journey with Outlander overall makes me so grateful that the quality is still there after seven seasons. They're clearly still so passionate about these characters and are determined to do them justice in every way to the very end. And I think that most definitely shows up in their scenes. I'm super curious to see if there's anything noticeably different or better now that they've been promoted to Executive Producers. And of course, to see Caitriona's first foray into directing!! Until then, I'm looking forward to you all seeing the first episode for yourselves 💜
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heliza24 · 1 year
Reading your analysis on the nature of Marcus and Simon relationship made me think of the kiss scene at the rowing competition and Marcus’ text to Simon in episode 5.
I think Marcus kissed Simon in front of everyone but especially Wilhelm on purpose. At first, I thought he was being clueless but now I’m not too sure. He knew Simon was still hurting over Wilhelm, saw them interact during the competition and probably thought he should send the message that Simon is “taken”. And Marcus’ actions here are the opposite of taking things slow. There was no consent when he pulled Simon to kiss him. And the way he said that we’ll get them next year like he’s decided that they’ll be in a long term relationship was so off putting. Do you think Marcus intentionally kissed Simon in front of Wille?
Also, near the beginning of episode 5, Marcus texted Simon if he could stay over at his place since he couldn’t the night before. I was confused on why Marcus would still push for this since in the previous episode at the ball, he saw Simon and Wilhelm come out of hiding. He must’ve known that something happened between those two because he looked sad in the next scene. It couldn’t be more obvious to Marcus that Simon is not interested. So why keep pushing for him to stay over? Desperation? And hypothetically, if Simon did agree to sleep over, was Marcus not gonna bring up his suspicions about him and Wilhelm at all? Why act like nothing happened? He seems to be the type that pretends everything is fine and only bring up the issue when they are having a disagreement. Which is what basically happened during their final conversation. What did you think Marcus’ motive was when he texted Simon?
Hi anon! I do agree with you that there is a degree of willful ignorance and possession in Marcus kissing Simon like that and still inviting him to spend the night after seeing him with Wilhelm at the ball. I also think you're right that he has a pattern of pushing down frustration that results in him snapping at Simon when they finally do break up.
I don't necessarily think that Marcus was consciously sitting at home scheming about how to best ambush Simon or get back at Wilhelm; as @bluedalahorse said to me on the phone last night (to my great delight) "he is simply not that deep". But it all seems like part of a kind of unconscious pattern for him.
This is inspired by @bluedalahorse's excellent post on heterosexuality as a political label in Young Royals, but the way that Marcus approaches relationships feels... very heteronormative? Ok, hang with me here. I know he's dating another man. But the way he approaches the steps of a relationship feels very in line with heterotemporality and the relationship escalator. Marcus is very insistent that if he and Simon sleep together right away, it means the relationship isn't as real. This is different than saying "I'm personally not comfortable having sex right away"; he's framing it in a moral way. This reminds me of old straight dating maxims, like waiting to have sex until the third date, because otherwise the woman is a slut and the man is just using her for sex. All the other steps that Marcus rolls out in the relationship (kissing Simon in public, going on a date with Simon in public at the ball, asking Simon to spend the night finally) feel like they are on a pre-ordained timeline, with each step indicating a growing commitment to being Serious Boyfriends. It doesn't matter that Simon hasn't signed up for this timeline. Marcus isn't going to deviate from it.
Contrast that with Wilhelm and Simon, whose relationship is full of ebbs and flows. They never do things the traditional order, partially because they can't because of the royal family, but also partially because they don't need to. Their physical connection holds its own unspeakable magic, and it doesn't have anything to do with proving the state of their relationship.
(I think it will be interesting to see if Simon's official introduction into the royal family in season 3 puts some of this to the test. I wouldn't be surprised if the royal family pushes Wilhelm and Simon to make their relationship conform to a heteronormative timeline now that they are public. I can see that being very frustrating for both of them. But that's another meta for another time!)
I do have one last Marcus thought, which is not necessarily directly connected to your thoughts, anon, but I wanted to include here in case I don't end up writing about him again. In my last post about Marcus I talked about the subtle classism that Marcus exhibits in his breakup with Simon, but I should also probably have been talking about the impact that race has in that scene. I don't think we can discount that Marcus is white and Simon is the Latino son of immigrants when we look for explanations for the sudden venom in Marcus's voice. If there is a subtle class power imbalance in their relationship then there is also probably a subtle racial power imbalance at work as well. And I think that informs Marcus's words in that scene.
Ok, those are my thoughts for now! As always I appreciate the ask. I love talking character analysis with you all.
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wrenchenthusiast · 4 months
Hi! I saw that you were asking for asks about Strangers from Hell, so I wanted to ask you when you think Moonjo started getting obsessed with Jongwoo? Like we see him peeping at him before he even talks to him for the first time, do you think he started wanting to make him into a 'masterpiece' then or later?
Oh my god I love this THANK YOU
I could talk about for hours I STRUGGLED to pick one episode only to talk on, kept writing shit back and forth aargh it was a nightmare
There’s like soooo many episodes I could use but I don’t wanna make this overly long and confusing to read anyways
But episode 6 works so well like when Jongwoo’s going back to look at the CCTV footage from last night to check what he did/said while he was drunk, we see him have this like stand off I guess? That’s not the right word I’m looking for but I can’t think of another one that fits well enough right now anyways just seeing Jongwoo so open and unfiltered more especially with how he’s talking to Moonjo, who’s just all giddy about getting under his skin. I think what really made his obsession with Jongwoo start to grow more was him saying he’s the creepiest one at Eden
It’s the way he says it too, he’s not scared of Moonjo here like he previously was shown to be in past episodes he’s just angry and frustrated taking it out on anyone and anything he’s able to. Moonjo likes seeing him this way he even says it himself the day after on the rooftop, he tells Jongwoo he likes him this way more when he’s just more vulgar says/does what he wants freely, acting the way he wants not how others want him to be.
ALSO ALSO Just that entire scene with one of the twins (I think his name was Deuksoo) arguing with Jongwoo, I’m certain if Moonjo hadn’t showed up when he did Jongwoo would’ve gotten killed right there and then. Even when Moonjo was there to calm things down Deuksoo kept telling him they should just get rid of him, he doesn’t like how far this has gotten he wants Jongwoo GONE
Literally no one in Eden likes him😭 Only reason he’s lived so long is because Moonjo likes hin so much it’s so funny to me anyways
also that scene where the twins and nambok are up on the forth floor, Deuksoo’s just so fed up and tired of Jongwoo being here, once learning he’s up investigating the forth floor he tries to deal with him himself only to end up getting killed by Moonjo. And what gets me the most from this scene is just how he acts here, he’s panicking almost he acted on impulse he’s so drastically different here he’s normally calm and collected most of the time but here?
He’s in a frenzied state, his breathing is picking up, the way he talks like he’s rushing to say something to keep control, to keep HIMSELF in control. Going as far as to threaten Deukjong, (the other twin) if he tries to mess with Jongwoo, HIS project his artwork.
Anyways yeah this episode is just sooo I really like it, I’m sure there’s more I talk on about but these are my main thoughts on his entire obsession with Jongwoo starting to just change more, I definitely feel like this episode is a turning point on how he saw Jongwoo and how he acts with him in later episodes,
I also think it has to do with the fact they’re so similar, even the other Eden residents say it themselves, there’s a few moments in the show where they’re compared to the other (again by the residents)
Also just the sheer difference between Jongwoo and kihyuk speaks volumes, and I think that could also play into why Moonjo liked him so much.
kihyuk’s eager too please, he’s obedient too controlled, while Jongwoo isn’t he easily snaps at anything, he has no control in his life, he’s impulsive and unfiltered
yeah those r my thoughts I have wayy more free feel to send me more asks it’s so fun answering these I have like nothing else better to do I was STRUGGLING to type this all out very fun though also I’m like so sorry if this is hard to understand/read I’m like constantly changing stuff trying to make it easier to understand but end up making it 10x confusing and I don’t usually reread most things because I get anxious and just end up deleting it entirely
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
I think that was the first time I've seen you draw any of the Wammy boys, and it makes me want to know your headcanons for them, either inside our universe or just in general.
Henh, I draw them from time to time. Probably not in the last few months, but... every once in a while~. ^__^U Oh boy, for as long as I've been in this fandom, I don't think I've ever really put my thoughts/headcanons about them into solid words before. I'll try to make this not a disorganized mess:
I feel like his rivalry with Near gives him a sense of purpose. A goal to strive for. Whenever he has a set goal, he goes for it 120%. That try hard attitude is exactly what holds him back though. Being so laser focused may stress him out and cause him to overlook things and make more mistakes or ignore simpler solutions. He forgets to take breaks, and his fatigue creates more problems, particularly with schoolwork.
We only get one glimpse of him "off the clock" where he's playing soccer/football with his classmates (and laughs after clocking someone in the head with the ball, lol). That one instance tells me that he might have a slightly mean sense of humor (he's also seen pulling some kid's hair and Roger makes him let go of them), but of course the kid was okay and he knew it. If he had actually seriously hurt someone while joking around, I'm not sure if he'd just laugh it off. Probably try to say it wasn't a big deal, but still keep an ear out to make sure so-and-so was really okay. Very tsundere. I may be giving canon!Mello too much credit, lol. Although, he does express that he didn't want to kill Soichiro in the end. The kidnappings were horrible scare tactics, but he made sure that they would be returned alive if the demands were met (fuck his mafia crew though, *snort*).
He'd be more openly caring with people he, well, cares about. Matt as an obvious canon example. I think it's very telling that Matt isn't present during the Mafia arc. Mello leaves the orphanage alone, and he doesn't seek Matt out until after his base blows up. So, he strikes me as someone who wants to deal with his own problems by himself and not drag anyone he cares about into his personal drama. The mafia and kidnappees are just tools to him, but anyone close is out of the question unless the situation is dire. Matt was probably the only person he could reliably contact at that point (he does contact and crash at Lidner's place for a while, but surely he had to have recovered somewhere after the blast before he could get back into the action). How he expresses regret over Matt dying while being part of his plan emphasizes this sentiment.
A character I really associate him with is Amethyst from Steven Universe, especially if I want to think of how he'd be without the pressure of that rivalry, and even with it. Amethyst has the kind of humor that can come off as callous that I'd think Mello would have. What really shines for me is their shared inferiority complex and how they deal with them. I see a lot of Mello's view on his rivalry with Near during Amethyst's arc concerning her conflicts with Jasper. Neglecting personal time to have fun because the complex is weighing her down and making her try harder and become a more toxic person to be around ("Who has time for any of that when Jasper is out there?!"). Her anguish at doing so much to get better and it never being enough to get what she wants ("I can't win... No matter what I do, no matter how hard I work..."). The whole episode "Reformed" where Amethyst keeps trying to make a form that Garnet (whom I associate with L) would approve of by comparing herself to and emulating other gems. Telling people to "stay out of it" when they try to interfere or stop her from doing something drastic. The difference being that she gets positive results when she finally opens up and allows people to help her achieve her goals and not hyperfixate anymore. By the time Mello finally reaches out for help and realizes that he needs to put aside his animosity towards Near to ultimately stop Kira, it's essentially too late for a happy ending.
The only aspect where this character comparison falls apart a bit is with how lazy Amethyst can be (not bubbling the Desert Glass pillow despite living right next to a sandy beach, not being trusted to catch a monster hiding in her room). However, my counterargument is that we don't really see Mello in his downtime outside of that soccer game just chilling. Also, I'd like to reference L's "monster speech" about studying even though they don't really care about grades. It shows Near there, but I think it applies to all three of them, and Mello's only trying so hard specifically to beat Near first and foremost, not because he wants to study and get smarter for a future career ("All that practice stuff is no fun.").
Hmm... He's a malleable character to me, and that's pretty cool. He seems like a "go with the flow" kinda guy. Tell him to do something, and he'll be like, "Yeah, sure. Let me save my game first." I sort of accept whatever the fandom wants him to be in the moment, no matter what it is. The fact that he's the third smartest at Wammy's tells me that he's an effortlessly smart guy. Maybe he's good at memorization and can visually remember the answers to test questions without having to study that hard (like how I was at school, lol). Maybe not come up with the answer on the spot, but if you put something in front of him, he could go, "Oh, right," and correctly answer it. He has a little characterization in the manga, but I only just recently finished reading it, his scenes included. He really only seems to be part of the Kira case to help Mello and that's it. He doesn't seem too interested in the case itself, but Mello asked for his help, and he said, "Sure, dude. I'll try." Thus, it's why we see him gripe about how much work Mello's making him do, getting sidetracked by how cute Misa is, and speculating whether or not Mogi's her boyfriend, lol. Just a chill dude overall.
His chillness makes me think that ordinarily he'd keep to himself. Probably not to the extent that Near does, but if left alone, he is more than happy staying alone. He minds his own business, thus why he doesn't dissuade Mello from his rivalry or stop him from leaving Wammy's House (not that anyone could stop Mello from doing anything). But if someone extends an invitation, he'll accept it and try his best.
Also, "Mail" is pronounced "Mile." According to the Wiki, the katakana is written as "ma-i-ru." If it was "mail," it would be "me-i-ru" or "me--ru" I believe (henh, the his name would be close to Mel). Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's "mile" for me, and it ain't changin'.
The first phrase I think of whenever I think of Near is "little shit~." XD I say that in an entirely affectionate way of course. Although, that "little shit" attitude only comes out when he's actively engaged with someone else. Not necessarily hostile, but definitely a little condescending, and it's very easy for him to rub people the wrong way. Perhaps he knows he has this effect on people, either intentionally or not, and this is why he keeps to himself and declines invitations to hang out? He probably doesn't even like being around people (he judges people very harshly in the manga). Maybe even mildly misanthropic. He might resent that he's co-dependent and has to rely on people on the daily when he gets older and leaves Wammy's House.
The reason he has the best grades at Wammy's is because he can fully focus on the tests and assignments he takes and doesn't make many technical mistakes. Makes me wonder if he's a slow test taker or exactly a mid-speed test taker? Or maybe he's effortlessly fast? Then, Mello wants to be fast, too, and that causes Mello to make more mistakes due to rushing when he could probably get better grades if he took his time?
It's very hard for me to talk about Near without bringing Mello into the picture. Their rivalry is such a focal point with their characters in the story. The rivalry is almost completely one sided in my opinion, but Near probably encourages it because he thinks Mello needs that goal. So, every once in a while, he'll make remark or do something that will purposely annoy Mello, reigniting that fire under his ass to make Near eat his dust. In the harsh judgment vein, he believes Mello's identity has been shaped around the competition and that he'd be lost without it. Kind of like how Near canonically becomes a bit despondent after the Kira case ends: taking the L mantle, but just going through the motions. Detective work doesn't seem like his passion; he was just groomed for it and is good at it. He'd be more than content to just lie around, making card castles and play single-player games all day. Maybe an occasional visit from respected company, but they'd better leave in a timely manner or be relatively unobtrusive, lol.
EDIT: Also worth mentioning, I have a ridiculous headcanon where Near has psychic powers in the anime. Thank the anime’s short hand in how he singles out Mikami as X-Kira by making his eyes glow and the room spin. I stand by that he blew up a guy’s head with his mind in the Re:Light special. Hey, if Beyond Birthday being born with shinigami eyes is canon, why not humans with psychic powers? Wammy’s is good at finding these eccentricities~.
Mello and Near's Tactics
I really do love how the narrative intention seemed to be that after Light defeated L, L was essentially split into two people with those two extremes amplified to 11. It creates a pincer attack around Light: Mello aggressively hitting the Task Force from the outside, putting traumatic emotional stress on them, and Near poking and prodding away from the inside trying to gradually create a mutiny against Light while acting like he's working alongside them. Mello brings the fear and pressure (and suspense in that he's just floating around doing who knows what after the raid), and Near seeds the doubt and inner unrest. When mashed together, they wouldn't make L exactly, but a being/team more effective and terrifying than L (surpass him together, indeed). Lord help their Watari, lol.
I suppose those are my thoughts on the main three in a decently sized nutshell. Feel free to say I'm wrong or unfounded. I'm no expert with these characters, so hopefully my headcanons and interpretations don't piss anyone off too much. ^__^
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 22: Stronger, Faster
Please reblog or comment on this with your thoughts! I really want to know what your opinion of the episode was!
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:03 - Said no one to a transformers fan ever.
00:15 - I don’t know what happened to Ratchet’s lip-sync.
00:26 - *throws to the Ratchet fans* FEAST!
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00:33 - Raf’s a smart character, wouldn’t he know that Ratchet needs to test it a few times to make sure it’s stable? …Or does Raf want to put Bee’s life at risk?. O-Ó
00:58 - I get the other shots, but why the Cliffjumper one? His death didn’t have a negative effect on the energon supply.
01:41 - It’s like listening to your parents discussing the taxes.
01:59 - aww.. baby no! I wanna put him in a blanket.
02:08 - could you imagine being a parent in the early 2010s, thinking your child’s just watching an innocent show, then walking in and watching this scene? The episode is honest to goodness about drug addiction and there’s nothing anyone can say that would disprove it.
02:19 - Imagine if that had actually killed him? Like everyone returning after a mission to find Ratchet dead on the floor.
03:12 - an amusing sight
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03:24 - Ratchet’s first move to check if he was better than fine was to rotate his arm/check his shoulder. For anyone who theorises hidden, long-term injuries on the bots, there’s one for ya.
03:28 - I’m sad that his energon was so low… but which one belongs to the others? A possible consideration would be that Optimus is the bottom, then Bulkhead’s above Ratchet, then Arcee, then Bee, from their frame sizes and such. Where Bulkhead and Optimus use up more energon due to their larger sizes.
03:56 - that’s so strategically cruel.
04:49 - Oh Damn.. Optimus ain’t playing around (obviously) but he doesn’t use that tone at any other point. It’s so… uncharacteristically in character of that makes sense.
05:08 - way too high risk. Slim odds of reward. Arcee has a bad habit on taking on too much during fieldwork. It’s incredible how she hasn’t been held back more often.
05:53 - Mm.. there’s not enough appreciation for the way vehicon’s prepare to land.
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06:10 - why would he put the ground bridge up there?? HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO GET BACK? + could you just imagine Bee, Bulk and Optimus waiting behind the rocks, trying to make small talk.
06:18 - Slay Ratchet. Damn.
06:50 - so that idea from before… still imagine that. Just because it doesn’t work in canon, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be pictured.
07:16 - now I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t say that the fact that they included this shot could’ve meant something important, especially how the camera lingered on Bee for a second before the zoom (he’s the focus point in the shot. He’s the least blurry in the zoom). This will not be the last comment I make that’s probably me just thinking too hard.
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07:22 - the side eye.
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07:23 - That sounds familiar..
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07:32 - *cri* He looks so proud. Good.
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07:36 - Oh n o ✨ he’s now become aware of the size difference in a way that isn’t making him worried for the safety of the children (also Ratchet’s canonically called Raf ‘little fella’ I will now abuse this fact.)
07:46 - ‘no secret’ then proceeds to reveal that he’s on drugs.
07:48 - you can see the shift in the other bots features.
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07:57 - … what. Did. He. Say?. W H Y A R E T H E R E N O H I N T S ? !
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08:04 - this one’s a quick translation.. *concerned husband noises* + that slight glare though.
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08:09 - Now kids remember, don’t do drugs. And if Arcee suggests it’s a good idea. It isn’t.
08:20 - Optimus probably has some history with drug addiction/abuse (might not have been him, but a friend *cough cough* Megatron)
08:26 - Damn, Optimus really on edge this episode.
08:43 - expressive story telling.
08:46 - Under influence or not, Ratchet still called Bulkhead ‘Bulk’. He must’ve done so before, but still.
08:50 - Bulkhead’s more likely to respond with a nickname if he gets addressed with a nickname.
08:51 - Ratchet just bitch-slapped Bulk. Damn.
09:16 - oh hells no. Ratchet’s fist should never be that close to Bee’s face like that. + From experience, when someone air punches so close so your face, once you recognise that you’re not actually going to be punched, you relax, but if you still believe you're in danger you're going to remain on edge. Bee keeps himself tilted away, meaning he still sees Ratchet as a threat.
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09:22 - *cri*
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09:25 - Bee’s eyebrows raise higher after Ratchet insults him.
09:29 - pretend he was straight? Yeah. But seriously, what an uncomfortable situation for all of them.
09:42 - that’s a dependency. It’s never a good thing.
09:52 - Arcee’s tone indicates she’s still upset, otherwise she would’ve been a bit higher pitched.
09:57 - There’s something about the way Optimus reactions (physically) when Bulkhead stops him that’s really interesting. I cannot work out what though.
10:05 - that’s how Knockout stands.
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10:10 - I very seriously doubt that Ratchet chose Bumblebee to stay back as a randomised choice. If he had called him ‘Bee’, maybe, but he didn’t. He said ‘Bumblebee’. It was intentional. Considering that Ratchet’s still very strategic, despite being under influence, he would’ve been more likely to put Arcee on the sidelines (she goes against orders, makes unnecessary risks and is not as good at fighting compared to the others + the others are a bit more durable.). There are a few reasons why he might’ve chosen Bee. Although I want to say that it’s super unlikely, I cannot rule out the idea that a drugged up Ratchet could be a bit ableist, explaining why he’d first remove the disabled bot- but, as I said, highly unlikely. What’s more likely is that he’s putting Bee on the sidelines because he sees him as the weakest after he immediately backed down from a challenge. Then you also have the idea that there’s still apart of Ratchet that would put himself in the face of danger to protect Bee.
11:01 - He’s an ass, but he’s got a point.
11:47 - what was gonna be the plan?
12:03 - this is a serious part, why would they include something so comedic? + he do be having a really good aim tho.
12:29 - Torture for the location of something important… the irony. (IYKYK)
12:41 - Optimus’s reaction shot is like every animal reaction to a loud noise in the distance.
12:44 - Really reflects on how often Autobots torture someone from the way everyone reacts.
12:47 - the shot would’ve been more impactful had Ratchet been kneeling, rather than leaning over.
12:57 - Nothing can stop the indestructible force that is Optimus putting his hand on someone’s arm/shoulder to make them calm down.
13:02 - Bulkhead and Arcee standing in the back watching them.
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13:08 - Miner vs Minor. Both make a lot of sense before the rest of the dialogue.
13:11 - ‘servant class, not warrior class’, I need to do my research, damn. Are there classes between Servant and warrior? I imagine there’s probably ones below Servant and above warrior, so the lowest class the autobots would fight is warrior. Are the classes the same for the autobots? *
13:14 - his headlights weren’t coloured properly.
13:17 - with each shot the camera gets closer to them. + Optimus’s really fed up.
13:20 - he got the Lego mouth.
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13:33 - I refuse to believe that the nemesis isn’t moving every five minutes.
14:24 - OH. WOW. Low blow.
14:59 - That was quick. Especially considering that that was not the original coordinates.
15:18 - they established early on that Ratchet could do that.
15:23 - ..where is he going?
15:34 - they either removed a scene or there’s a giant error. Bee wasn’t with them.
16:11 - domineering: asserting one's will over another in an arrogant way.
16:34 - I stand corrected, Megatron isn’t on the ship… for some reason.
16:51 - Knockout hasn’t fought Ratchet before.
17:16 - underrated line + delivery.
17:20 - Megatron’s got a big hand.
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17:23 - that’s what it feels like to loose an arm wrestle.
17:31 - Knockout immediately suggesting drugs.
17:37 - WTFRaG.
17:49 - …Okay but like I know he doesn’t mean it this way, but I prefer to imagine that Megatron’s witness Ratchet sitting in Optimus’s lap.
17:53 - dude wants to drug a whole army.
17:56 - first move. Call out husband’s name.
17:58 - second move. Admit to wrong-doings.
18:05 - Optimus grabbing onto the handrails (I wasn't able to get a clear shot)
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18:08 - He’s so concerned.
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18:10 - FRAGGIN FINALLY I CAN GUESS. ‘Yeah? -on it.’
18:14 - Optimus didn’t even finish his sentence before running to the rescue.
18:23 - her legs are moving faster than she is.
18:32 - he won’t stop moving. It’s beautiful.
18:38 - Oh dear.. oh Ratchy no!
18:44 - Knockout’s had like a 0% success rate with that saw.
19:35 - his eyes are blue
20:07 - he k n e e l s
20:12 - that pool of energon wasn’t there before and he wasn’t actively bleeding.
20:14 - smexy scenery.
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20:21 - babes has been by his side the whole time.
20:24 - ‘you bled out’ >:)
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20:31 - Aww! But also.. he punched Bulkhead.
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12:32 - shut up. You’re crying.
20:35 - he finished his sentence.
20:52 - so energon is a blue crystal that needs to be mined, where it’s then turned into glowing light blue cubes where it becomes a dark blue liquid and is injected into the arm? But if it’s purple it’s dark energon. If it’s green it’s Synth-en. But dark energon stays in crystal form and doesn’t need to be replaced, while normal energon needs to be stocked up and can burn.
21:24 - this is just the plot of Hercules (the Disney movie)
And that was Stronger, Faster
A lot lighter and darker than I remembered it. A very good watch and even if it’s just known for being the drug addiction episode, I’m glad that it’s known.
It’s a very dark topic, but I think it was addressed well. 10/10 would watch in a binge and when being selective about episodes.
*so this touches on my question
44 notes · View notes
stereogeekspodcast · 2 months
[Transcript] Season 5, Episode 1. Deadpool & Wolverine - Spoiler Review
The Stereo Geeks are back with Season 5. And we've got a big review this time: Deadpool & Wolverine. Ron and Mon had mixed feelings about the film. There's a lot of fun to be had but this film isn't nearly as good as it could have been.
In this spoiler-filled episode, we discuss the moments we enjoyed, areas where the film could have been improved and what we think this film means for the future of the MCU.
Listen to the episode on Spotify.
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Ron: Hello and welcome to Season 5 of Stereo Geeks. We’re kicking off this season with one of the most highly-anticipated films of the year: Deadpool & Wolverine. I’m Ron.
Mon: And I’m Mon.
Mon: For our review of Deadpool & Wolverine, we’re going to start with a non-spoiler review and then move into spoilers. We’ll let you know when the spoilers are coming. 
Ron: Shall we open with our anticipation levels for this film? I was filled with trepidation.
Mon: I was stoked. I mean, I knew what I was getting into — R-rated, lowbrow humour, a lot of gore, generally silly stuff, but I guess I was really missing seeing a Marvel movie on the big screen for this long, so I was excited!
Ron: I’ve found that over the last few years, I just don’t have the stomach for certain kinds of humour. I will turn it off. I found the humour in Deadpool 2 so cringe and the jokes dragged on for so long, it was honestly frustrating. I was concerned that this film would do the same, hence the trepidation.
Mon: I feel you. Deadpool 2 was bad. It was dull and boring, and the humour didn’t work. So, that was a concern going into Deadpool & Wolverine. Also, Ryan Reynolds now has so much clout that I had a feeling it would impact the quality of the end product. 
Ron: True. Reynolds does get in his own way. Having said that! I really, really, really, really wanted to see Wolverine. Especially in that gorgeous yellow suit. I rewatched all the X-Men films last year, except the Deadpool films, and I finally saw the appeal of Wolverine. Wolvie starts off as this gruff man with no interest in connections, and he slowly transforms into a man who cares too much—about Jean, Storm, Charles, Rogue, even Scott in some way. I don’t think I appreciated that before because I was more interested in everyone else but Wolverine. But yes, by the time I finished Logan, I was a certified fan and completely in my feels. The thought of seeing Wolverine again after so many years, I honestly couldn’t wait.
Mon: I really should have re-watched the X-Men films, because I think the moment’s gone now, especially with X-Men ‘97 Season 1 stealing my heart. I was interested in seeing Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine, for sure — maybe not as excited as you though.
Ron: Right. I don’t think anything X-Men-related has captivated us like X-Men ‘97 has. But did Deadpool & Wolverine meet your expectations, if not your hopes?
Mon: Yes and no. As I said, I knew I was going into an irreverent film with lots of bawdy humour and violent action. That’s what we got. But I expected to bawl my eyes out at the sight of any X-Men, and that didn’t happen. That’s on me, why did I think a Deadpool film would make me cry?
Ron: Ohhhh. I didn’t expect that at all so I saved myself that disappointment. It wasn’t like watching Days of Future Past where I was losing my mind every other second. It didn’t help that I found the first half of this film so very slow. It dragged, honestly. There were so many scenes that felt overlong—the same problem that I had with the second film! The whole focus of this film was to get to Wolverine but it took so long to get there. The moment Wolverine appeared, the dynamic of the film changed. There was an energy to it and Deadpool finally had someone to riff off of who wasn’t going to take his nonsense.
Mon: I’m sure there was more improv in this film than they’re letting on, because my word, every joke started off ok and then was dragged to death, which not only kills the humour, but brought the pace to a stuttering halt.
Ron: Agreed. At numerous points, I was like, please just get on with it. Or, we get it, you’re trying to make this joke. There’s repetition for humour, and there’s repetition because you’ve run out of ideas. This film thought it was doing the first, but kept doing the latter.
Mon: Any momentum the action scenes gave us just disappeared because of the extended stand-up routines interrupting them. And like, the action here is brilliant! It’s some of the best we’ve seen in the MCU in a long time. Slick and sexy — great camera angles, perfectly edited, and they conveyed a lot about the characters’ personalities despite essentially being a gore fest. 
Ron: The action was amazing in this film. It starts off with a huge action scene. I know Deadpool 1 did that, and really set the tone for that film. I can’t, for the life of me, remember if the second film did the same. Also, Deadpool dancing during the opening fight scene made me very happy. I love dancing and somehow seeing a superhero dance warmed my heart.
Mon: I love the opening credits fight scene. It’s definitely a thing in the trilogy, but this one looked particularly fantastic. And Deadpool’s suit — chef’s kiss to the design team!
Ron: Good point. I’m so in love with Wolvie’s suit, I didn’t even think to mention that Deadpool’s suit looks stunning.
Ron: One more thing to add about the opening sequence. Do we all remember the vitriol about She-Hulk dancing? Do you recall people responding, saying if Deadpool was doing this, people would be claiming it as the best thing since sliced bread? That’s exactly what’s happening! People are loving Deadpool dancing. I want to give Marvel credit and believe that they added it in just to highlight this dichotomy in reactions but I don’t think that’s what’s happened. But the sexism amongst fans is just infuriating.
Mon: She-Hulk does everything that Deadpool does but without the gore. But because she’s a female character who was introduced later in the franchise, she is criticized instead of lauded. It’s sexism and misogyny plain and simple. Fact is, She-Hulk broke the fourth wall in comics before Deadpool was even a thing. It doesn’t help that she was highly sexualized — because dudes created her — so she didn’t find her audience properly till later on.  
Ron: True. True. We’ve probably got to mention that Deadpool & Wolverine is extremely gory. Like, whoa, from the opening scene, it’s just blood and guts everywhere. 
Mon: Too much gore. 
Ron: Did the gore bother you?
Mon: Uh… not to the extent that I had to look away. Because I was expecting it. I get gratuitous violence is the thing that Deadpool fans are looking for, but I wouldn’t have minded them toning it down a tad bit. 
Ron: Right. I expected it to be much worse than it turned out to be. I tell ya, some of the preview trailers before the movie started grossing me out, which is probably why Deadpool & Wolverine didn’t bother me. 
Mon: Ah! You were inured to the actual film by then, huh?
Ron: You could say that! Also, I’ve spent this year watching stuff like Shogun; I should be used to gory scenes by now.
Mon: You know what actually annoyed me? The dick jokes. Ufff… that was really too much. Like, get over it, man! Enough with the butt shots and the butt slapping, etc. Who in this film wasn’t making some weird joke? At least, they could have varied the types of jokes. You can tell that 5 dudes wrote this film. There are a lot of in-jokes and references, but other than that, it’s a 12-year-old boy’s idea of being edgy. 
Ron: I know we’re expecting Deadpool to be foul-mouthed, but this movie pushed the limits for me.
Ron: But speaking of dick jokes, this film leans into homoeroticism. Lots of scenes with Deadpool and Wolverine physically close together. Male and female characters show romantic interest in both Deadpool and Wolverine. What did you think about that?
Mon: I clean forgot about the homoeroticism. It’s again, very much in the vein of hint-hint-wink-wink, we’re being naughty because we can, and very little to do with actually appealing to queer audiences. 
Ron: Yes. Despite Deadpool being hailed as a pansexual character, he’s really not been great representation for the queer community.
Mon: Exactly. So, what did you really like about this film? 
Ron: Wolverine. I’m very distracted by his presence. But if I look past Wolverine I think I liked that this movie reiterates that people can be better than their worst day. It’s the one bad day idea from Batman, isn’t it? Joker has one really bad day and becomes a villain. Bruce Wayne has one bad day and he becomes Gotham’s hero. It’s similar here. Wolvie had a bad day and made a terrible decision but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a hero. It’s about the choice to do good.
Mon: Yeah. I really liked the theme of the story — it’s not about what a hero is or wants, but why a hero is. I loved that. It gave Deadpool a roundedness that I didn’t know I wanted to see. I also loved how the film uses the ending of Logan as a foundation for telling the story, as well as saying goodbye to pre-/non-Disney Marvel films.
Ron: I realise I wasn’t concentrating on Deadpool at all. I’m going to have to go with your summation. 
Mon: I really loved Hugh Jackman stepping into the role of Wolverine like he’d never left. He loves this character and we love him playing Logan. I did feel he wasn’t moving as well as before, which is expected since he’s a lot older, but man, the pathos, the burden, the complicated tragedy of being Wolverine in any world, but especially his world, it all came across with little to no context. The writing and acting shine when it’s centred on Wolvie. 
Ron: Not moving as well? What? He was great. He looked great. He fought well. I know he’s been working out like a mad man. And he’s going through a divorce. None of that came across. He was great! The lovable grumpus to Deadpool’s sometimes annoying goofiness. Standard roadtrip fare except with spandex. 
Mon: There were definitely one or two scenes where Jackman wasn’t moving that well so we can agree to disagree. My last thought on this is — it takes a lot to keep a straight face and look grumpy when you’re in a goofy movie with a goofy co-star, and Hugh is so dang good at doing that in this film. 
Mon: Before we start on spoilers, do you have a one-line review that audiences should consider before heading into this film? 
Ron: Go for Wolverine, patiently wait for Wolverine, enjoy watching Wolverine.
Mon: For me, I felt like there was a perfect film about what makes a hero hiding beneath the surface of Deadpool & Wolverine, one that got drowned out by the terrible quip-fest created by the egos involved. 
Ron: Wow, we went for completely different vibes with our one-line reviews.
Ron: Anyway. Let’s move into the spoiler section of this review! If you haven’t seen the film yet, please watch it now because we will spoil everything!
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Mon: Deadpool & Wolverine is about Deadpool trying to save his world from temporal annihilation and he needs to find Wolverine, any Wolverine, to ensure his world’s survival.
Ron: Please explain to me why we’re following Deadpool from Earth 10005? There’s no Deadpool on Earth 616? And who is his Wolverine? Not the one from Logan, right? I got confused because I thought the TVA was after Deadpool because he went back in time to change his past and save Vanessa, played by Morena Baccarin in a tiny, thankless role again. But that’s not why the TVA wants Deadpool; it’s so that he can save the anchor person, a new concept introduced in this film.
Mon: Ok, so it seems that the Fox X-Men franchise (and the rest of the 20th Century Fox superhero movies) are set in Earth-10005. Hence, Deadpool is from that universe. Logan is also set in that universe, so Deadpool’s universe is disappearing because of Wolvie’s sacrifice. But, Mr. Paradox, played by Matthew Macfadyen, wants to speed up the destruction of Earth-10005 and hence he brings in Deadpool. 
Mon: There’s understandable confusion about where Deadpool is from because early on in the movie he’s on Earth-616, talking to Happy Hogan about joining the Avengers. It seems like he used Cable’s time-traveling device to get to the Sacred Timeline. Time travel and dimension-hopping aren’t one and the same, and I don’t remember exactly what rules the previous film established about the device, but we do know that Deadpool came to our Earth, in the past, and shot Ryan Reynolds in the head so he wouldn’t make Green Lantern — so we know he can dimension hop. Now, how he knew about 616 and the Avengers, I don’t know. This is more a nod to Deadpool idolizing Steve Rogers in the comics than a fleshed out story idea. 
Ron: Thanks for the explanation! But I am confused about one other thing. Deadpool and Wolverine get sent to the Void by Mr Paradox, who uses a time stick to disintegrate them. We’d been to the Void before, in Loki Season 1.
Mon: Yeah, that’s odd for me too. Because, wouldn’t that mean a lot of dead people in the Loki show are actually alive and wandering the Void aimlessly? 
Ron: Exactly. And why are so many mutants there? Cassandra Nova apparently was kept there since childhood, but Psylocke, Toad, Deathstryke, Sabretooth? What did mutants do to deserve this?
Mon: Variants, mate. Notice how most of these mutants/Morlocks don’t look like the ones we’ve met in the films before. 
Mon: There are some aberrations in the mutants, obviously, like Dafne Keen’s Laura, Aaron Stanford’s Pyro and Tyler Mane’s Sabretooth. 
Ron: Yes, exactly! That’s what confused me. I was also wondering about Johnny Storm. He mentions that Reed had a theory about the Void, so did the 2005 cast get yeeted to the void when Fan4stic came out?
Mon: I didn’t think of that, but that makes so much sense. 
Mon: Essentially, the creative team are telling us that these people, especially the ones we recognize, are part of worlds that no longer exist — because the Fox era has now ended. That’s also the same for the unproduced and finally cancelled Gambit film, so we see Channing Tatum here, and the wish fulfillment one like the Cavrilline with Henry Cavill. It’s all symbolic, mate. 
Ron: Okay, that makes so much more sense now. I couldn’t figure out why these characters had been banished to the Void. Please explain the Cavillrine to me. What the hell is this?
Mon: So, the Cavillrine — you know how the internet latches on to good-looking white guys who they feel have been hard done by? Well, Henry Cavill is one such guy. Look, he’s been through the wringer with Warner Bros. He was Superman in some of the worst Superman films out there. Then the whole Snyderverse nonsense that heralded the end of the DCU. But then he showed up in Black Adam and it seemed like he was back. Except, he wasn’t. It must have been pretty humiliating for him to announce his return as Superman, only for the rug to be pulled from beneath him. Sure enough, the moment the DC door closed on him, the internet fancast Cavill as every single superhero you could think of — one that caught some steam was Henry as Wolverine. Till this movie, I couldn’t see it, but you know what, Henry looked kinda cool as Wolverine here. But it only works as a two-second gimmick, I don’t think he could carry a franchise as Wolvie. 
Mon: Did you figure out who it was before he turned? I knew it wasn’t Hugh Jackman, because we initially only saw him from the back, but I really couldn’t have guessed who it was till I saw Henry. 
Ron: No, absolutely not. It looked like Wolverine from Origins, especially with the bike. So I was wondering what Deadpool was making such a fuss about. And then he said ‘Henry’, and when Cavillrine turned around, I realised who it was. But I had no idea that Cavill as Wolvie had been on anybody’s wishlist so it was just an odd moment for me. Also, the editing was weird because they were trying to drag out the moment.
Mon: Yo, let’s not skip over Channing Tatum as Gambit. Can we talk about it? I was so disappointed to see Tatum, I thought it was Taylor Kitsch reprising his role from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but it turned out to be Tatum. Booo. I don’t think he did a bad job — he works as a joke. But this isn’t our Gambit, is it?
Ron: I don’t really know what to say about Tatum as Gambit. It was a joke. It was meant to be a joke but I don’t understand how a film can have a Gambit, any Gambit, and not give him some level of pathos. Such a strange choice. Moving on!
Mon: Let’s also talk about the anchor being concept. Was it even needed? Some people are getting upset about this concept because it means that some lives are more important than others. This is a completely new thing introduced in this film — while I don’t know if we can take it seriously because this is a Deadpool film, some people are saying it’s already been hinted at being used in the next phase of the MCU. 
Mon: Either way, here’s my thought. Don’t take things so literally, people. The concept is introduced as symbolism for how Fox pinned their hopes on Wolverine launching a franchise, and for a bit it worked. Bad writing, bad studio decisions, then took it all down. 
Even beyond that, the idea that the universe is rigged so that the majority are doomed because of one white guy is… hilariously on point and a reflection of the real world. In truth, some lives are treated as more important than others and it’s horribly unfair. I don’t think the film is trying to be that deep, but it sure feels that way. 
And finally, the main reason for Earth-10005 dying is that Logan was never supposed to die. He acted against type, against nature, and that’s why things changed. We explore a similar theme in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, but there it’s the canon events, and it’s more personal. This isn’t a hugely original idea, but it certainly works for the symbolism of this film. 
And it’s very clever to bring in the TVA and have B-15 from the Loki show connect to the events of the Loki finale. It’s utterly poetic — Loki, a villain, makes a heroic sacrifice which saves the multiverse, here we learn that a hero, Wolverine, makes a heroic sacrifice that leads to the destruction of his universe. And a hero and villain combined then save it. It’s wonderful! 
Ron: Thank you for tackling the anchor being idea. I was not bothered by it but I guess others were.
Mon: I know we’ve critiqued the pacing already, but I need to emphasise just how disappointing the pacing in this film makes the viewing experience. 
Ron: But somehow The Marvels was the end for all women in superhero films? I can’t help but compare this film with the ones that we loved and were vilified. People complained about Eternals being slow and full of exposition, to the point where we will never see those characters again, apparently. But this film is packed with exposition and nobody’s complaining about that!
Mon: Oh, I agree with you. Seems like the MCU dies every time a non-white non-male person comes near it, but it’s saved when the white dudes are involved. Quality be damned.
Third act
Mon: Let’s chat about the third act of the film because I think this is the best part of the film — good execution, pacing, and some surprising heartfelt moments. It’s not all perfect, there’s still way too much unnecessary silliness, and yes, it’s super gory, but it was also riveting. 
Mon: That denouement, especially, really got me. They really play with your emotions because we think Wolvie is going to make the big sacrifice play, which makes sense for him having lost everyone, but then Deadpool decided to be the better man and swaps places with Wolvie so he can finally matter. And then, Wolvie joins Deadpool, because Deadpool didn’t think things through and couldn’t reach the other MacGuffin. I mean, I loved it.
Ron: I don’t mean to be a spoilsport but the denouement felt silly to me. 
Mon: This is an outrage. How are we not aligned on this film?
Ron: I agree with everything you’ve said, I just don’t think the film had to go there. Obviously there was only going to be one way to save Deadpool’s universe and he had to be the one to do it because this movie is called Deadpool & Wolverine, not the other way around. So why not make the sacrifice play together in the beginning? Cement the relationship that we’ve spent two hours watching unfold.
Mon: You make a really good point. They were trying to up the drama. 
Ron: Indeed. But again, my struggle with this film and the second film was that it kept adding in extra beats that weren’t necessary. Destroys the emotional heft and slows the pace.
Ron: Now, you and I have always had our ears out for film scores. The last few years, the scores have left us wanting. There might be a theme or two that stands out but the entire album? Not so much. I did like some of the score for Deadpool & Wolverine, though. Deadpool has a new theme which sounds epic, though I’m confused about the cat screech in between. There are no cats in this film.
Mon: I didn’t clock much of the score while watching the film, except the end credits music which sounded cool. I’ve heard the score album now, and I kinda dig it. Though the cat screech still gives me pause.
Ron: What about the soundtrack? I know you have thoughts!
Mon: Most of the song choices seemed totally incongruous to me. Some of them are such meta jokes, that it’s lost on the average viewer. For example, there’s apparently a song from The Greatest Showman in here, which is an obvious nod to Hugh’s role in the film, but  I don’t know how many people would even recognize it. The first fight scene between Deadpool and Logan in the Void is set against AC/DC, and I’m like AC/DC, again? Give me a ruddy break. They’ve been done to death in the MCU, look for someone new. I mean, look at the number of awesome songs and artists we’ve learnt about and listen to because the music supervisors on Black Panther and Birds of Prey looked beyond the usual.
Ron: Lets not forget the soundtracks of the Spider-Verse films. Those are incredible.
Mon: How could I forget the Spider-Verse films. I play those albums on loop. 
It wasn’t all bad with Deadpool & Wolverine, but I didn’t find the soundtrack all that memorable. The one song choice I did like was Bye Bye Bye by *NSYNC. I do enjoy the song, but this is another meta joke. In X2: X-Men United, when Wolverine is rescuing Rogue, Iceman and Pyro, Pyro puts the car radio on and it blasts Bye Bye Bye. It’s a hilarious moment that cuts the tension and solidified my love for the song. So, of course a film re-introducing Pyro should have that song. Except, they don’t play the song in relation to Pyro. Like, why? Imagine if Pyro had driven in with this ruddy song playing? Oh my word, we would be on fire! This film, I swear, is so frustrating. 
Ron: Madonna’s Like A Prayer playing over Logan’s abs though. That was perfection. 
Mon: Music aside, you can feel the too-many-cooks-in-the-kitchen feeling whenever Dogpool shows up, or the fact that Dogpool showed up at all. What is Dogpool trying to show us here? It’s just a funny bit. That time could have been spent with Wolverine and Laura, because if you want us to see that Logan’s walls are coming down, him opening up to Laura and coming to fight by her side would have done a much better job of that than a dang dog. 
Ron: I could have done without the dog. 
Favourite Cameos
Ron: We’ve got to talk about all those cameos because Deadpool & Wolverine was packed with them. For me, the numerous Logans were great to see. The brown and yellow suit Wolverine, I would’ve loved to see more of him.
Mon: I did not know that Deadpool & Wolverine was Fanservice: The Movie, but I loved seeing the different versions of Wolverine. Honestly, could have done with a few more of those variants — I don’t think that would have been overlong. I loved that they included Age of Apocalypse Wolverine, but I wish he’d been a tad more sinister. 
Ron: You know who wasn’t a cameo in this film? Taylor Swift as Dazzler. That is the only thing I’ve heard about for months and it didn’t even happen.
Mon: Thank Uatu! I don’t think I could have dealt with that. 
Ron: The survivors of the Void were probably the biggest cameos for me. Seeing Jennifer Garner as Elektra and Wesley Snipes as Blade, unbelievable that they came back for this movie. Which is essentially a farewell to these versions of the characters. I’m assuming we’ll get to see Elodie Yung’s Elektra in the MCU. No idea about Mahershala Ali as Blade because Marvel would rather give 80 million bucks to RDJ than make a Blade movie apparently.
Mon: Yeah, and Wesley Snipes says in this film that there will only ever be one Blade, so I’m guessing Mahershala Ali’s chance is gone. Why don’t they just announce it and leave him be. Marvel’s pulling a DC on Mahershalla. 
Mon: Ok, please explain why we didn’t get any other X-Men characters from the Fox films? Someone, anyone would have done. Worst Wolverine has this heartbreaking flashback, and he’s next to memorials with no names, he’s talking about incidents we can’t see. Listen, Hugh sells it, I’m not saying he doesn’t, but given that the film was packed with cameos, some utterly useless ones, Wolvie interacting with the people he loved would have taken the emotions to the next level! 
Ron: I know! Halle Berry is right there. Especially during those emotional scenes from Worst Wolverine. We should have got a flashback to him seeing the X-Men.
Ron: I guess we should mention Johnny Storm. Or rather Chris Evans. Because that was not Johnny in the film. It was Chris Evans with flame powers. Ever since Endgame, I’ve felt that Evans has struggled with his acting. Ghosted was funny but terrible. You watched that film at TIFF last year where you couldn’t tell if it was the character or Chris Evans you were watching.
Mon: Yeah, Chris Evans is forgetting how not to be Chris Evans, which is not great. The TIFF film, for our listeners, is Pain Hustlers, and it’s not a good film. Chris Evans’ acting is the least of its problems.
But, on to Johnny Storm. I 100% knew Evans was going to show up. I didn’t know before the film, of course, I wasn’t expecting any cameos in the film. But, when Deadpool is shown the Avengers highlights reels by Mr. Paradox, there was a lot of Steve Rogers in there. Now, this is a nod to comic book Deadpool’s love for Steve, but as soon as I saw them playing that much Evans footage, I was like, he’s going to show up.
Ron: When the hooded figure showed up and Deadpool was talking about he was the hero of all heroes, I was so lost. Who is this? Definitely not Captain America. And then Evans shows up. But as Johnny. The bait and switch wasn’t bad but Evans acting didn’t work for me.
Mon: It didn’t? But he was so fun! You can tell Evans is having the time of his life with this take on Johnny Storm. I genuinely did not realise the Human Torch, of all characters, would be resurrected. He was incredibly fun to watch. I loved seeing Evans back in the MCU, even if it was for a brief minute.
Ron: Not resurrected for long, sadly. While we’re talking cameos, which characters deserved better in Deadpool & Wolverine? Shatterstar, surely? Why can’t Hollywood give Lewis Tan better roles. He has no lines in this film! And Shatterstar is such a fan-favourite character.
Mon: Shatterstar! I love him. I can’t believe Lewis Tan was dragged back to sit in the background. He deserves so much better than Hollywood will ever give him. But, you know what, after the dumb dig about how the X-Force team not testing well (apparently), I was glad to see Shatterstar, even for a little bit.
Ron: And why did Cable get the blame for Deadpool 2 not working out? He wasn’t the problem! Deadpool was the problem. Sheesh. 
Mon: Please, I’m glad we didn’t have Cable in this film, but why did Domino get short shrift? 
Ron: What’s worse, though? Domino sitting in the background somewhere with no lines, like Shatterstar, or us imagining she’s living her best life without Deadpool in it?
Mon: You have a point. I also wish the main franchise cast had been involved in the main story more. Negasonic, Yukio, Vanessa, Dopinder, CGI Collussus, Blind Al, why were they forgotten? This was Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania all over again. Like literally - Deadpool is even stuck in a different world like in that film and forms different teams. The MCU is running in place, mate!
Ron: Yes. Agreed. You can’t just drop the core cast you’ve been building up for a trilogy. I’d also say I was expecting more Pyro in this film. Aaron Stanford was clearly excited to be back and he’s been posting about it. He’s in the opening credits as well. But Pyro’s role was so small! And I’m not entirely convinced this wasn’t James Cole with the ability to control fire. 
Mon: Pyro! I thought I’d cry when I saw Pyro, but I didn’t. And then it turned out he was again a double-crossing baddie? Again, everything about the writing in the MCU, especially by majority white creatives, is running in place. Imagine Pyro getting a heroic sacrifice here? Considering we see no one else from the Fox films, I feel like the treatment of Pyro is a testament to Marvel Studios basically dunking on the original franchise.
Ron: Pyro being a turncoat isn’t a big surprise. Stanford sold it well. He was quite amusing in his final scene.
Ron: But what about Cassandra Nova, the actual villain of this story? First of all, where were the women in this film? We got a bit of Elektra and Laura but wow, this movie is just screaming that it’s only for dudes. Wolverine is probably as popular as he is because of female viewers, but this movie clearly doesn’t want to acknowledge that. 
Mon: But this lack of regard for the female characters and heroes from the Marvel films is signposted from the start. Happy Hogan’s office is filled with Avengers memorabilia, as long as the memorabilia belongs to Iron Man and Captain America. Is there more? Can’t see it because the camera doesn’t focus on them. Let’s be honest, Marvel doesn’t care about the ladies, they never have, and it’s little more than lip-service nowadays, irrespective of how wonderful the stories about the ladies are, they’ll be forgotten by the powers-that-be.
Ron: Yes. The only meaty non-dude role was Cassandra Nova. I thought Emma Corrin turned out to be a great choice. I felt like I could almost see Charles Xavier in Cassandra.
Mon: I know nothing about Cassandra Nova, and I was concerned about them casting such a young actor to play the character. Isn’t Nova elderly? 
Ron: Nova is Charles’ twin but she’s… there’s some weird stuff about her birth, or lack thereof. So she’s quite wrinkled but not elderly. She’s definitely not as beautiful as Emma Corrin. 
Mon: Ah. Kinda weird how all these films keep turning wrinkled ladies into gorgeous women – Madame Web, Cassandra Nova. 
Ron: How can dudes have an ugly woman in their film? The more we’re talking about this film, the more annoyed I’m getting.
Mon: Anyway, Corrin did great. They channeled both Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy to make us believe that Nova is indeed Xavier’s twin. I loved that they had a binder on and got to proudly show it off. And the binder also gives their outfit an X shape, which is a nice nod to Nova’s X-Men connection.
Ron: Yes. I did like the nod to Corrin’s non-binary identity in Cassandra’s uniform. Underneath her signature long coat, Cassandra wears a binder. And it’s not hidden. Emma Corrin has spoken about the importance of visible identity and has taken intimate portraits of themself in a binder. So that was a great nod.
Mon: We’ve talked about a lot but was Deadpool & Wolverine a good farewell to the franchise that introduced us to the Marvel world of superheroes? 
Ron: Good question! It’s making me remember something. When we first got into the X-Men comics, we absolutely despised the Avengers. They were always awful to the X-Men. The fact that we enjoyed the Avengers films at all is a miracle. But here’s the problem. The MCU is driven by the Avengers. Are they going to have the understanding, the compassion that comes from loving the X-Men? We’ve got X-Men ‘97 that’s such a love letter to mutantkind. It isn’t afraid to lean into the fears of life as a mutant and the intense bigotry that mutants face. Is the MCU going to understand that? Or are mutants going to be the punching bag of the MCU?
Mon: So, where are we going with the mutants? Let’s look at the future of the MCU now. Will the over-reliance on multiverse plots and meta-stories end? Will we ever escape the need for cameos? Will we get creators who aren’t white men behind-the-scenes to build our future?
None of this will happen soon. They need to get these gimmicks and novelties out of their system — it’s fun, I do like it, but I’m missing meaningful stories and storytelling. We see what shows like X-Men ‘97 and The Acolyte can do because they ground their stories in real-world issues and dynamics. The MCU has become very much about pandering and fan-service. Again, that’s not to say I don’t revel in that charm, but we need more!
Apparently Ryan Reynolds first approached Jordan Peele to work on the film but he couldn’t fit it isn’t his schedule. I wonder what that would have been like — what layers Peele would have brought to something that’s so much in his wheelhouse. In another universe, perhaps. 
Ron: A Jordan Peele-MCU film? I would like to see that. You know, we’ve had quite a few hints now that the mutants are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kamala Khan, aka Ms Marvel, has been deemed a mutant. Monica Rambeau is in a universe with Beast and Binary. Wolverine is in this film. So, when are we getting an X-Men film? And are we going to see any of the incredible female mutants who are honestly carrying the comics franchise?
Mon: The best X-Men are women, yeah? But, that’s the problem isn’t it? Marvel is going backwards in its thinking. Are we going to see the Marvels again and the universe Binary is in? Are we going to see any ladies leading? Any people of colour writing and directing? I don’t know, man. The best we’re going to get with the Avengers films is to bring back the Russos and McFeely? Deadpool & Wolverine could hardly contain its fat-shaming but it kept it to the minimum. Are we going to now double down on it with the Infinity War and Endgame people back in the saddle? Are we going to sideline the characters of colour because the white directors don’t understand how meaningful these heroes are to an underrepresented demographic? 
Ron: You’re talking about Black Panther and Captain Marvel being underused in the latter part of the MCU Phase 3. The Russo brothers et al apparently didn’t expect these two characters to be popular. Because I guess they forgot people of colour and women exist, let alone watch movies?
Mon: Yes. It’s infuriating. Because what happens now? Are we going to kill off the last few female heroes because otherwise the plot won’t move? I can’t deal with that — and yet we’re stuck. Feige and team have only heard the loudest and worst of the criticism and taken it to mean the white guys must be our saviours, no one else will do. 
Ron: I don’t think watching this film following the SDCC announcements has endeared me to Deadpool & Wolverine or the next phases of the MCU much. Because Marvel seems to be saying this is what we’re going to get more of. We tried ladies in the lead and people of colour in the lead. But that didn’t work (because a small group of loud sexists and racists said so) after generations of not trying it anyway. So let’s just go back to the status quo. They’re pandering to the lowest common denominators, again, and giving us the white dude superheroes who make dick jokes. This is a really dour note to end the review on but I’m not feeling hopeful for the MCU. It doesn’t look like it’s interested in us as audiences anymore. 
Mon: I agree. As much as we enjoyed parts of Deadpool & Wolverine, it gives us little hope for the future of the MCU. It’s not saved, it just refuses to move forward.
Ron: You’re right. You know what, let’s go rewatch The Marvels.
[Continuum by Audionautix plays]
Mon: You can find us on social media @Stereo_Geeks. Or send us an email [email protected]
Mon: The Stereo Geeks logo was created using Canva. The music for our podcast comes courtesy Audionautix.
Ron: Don’t forget to rate and review us wherever you listen to podcasts. See you next time. 
[Continuum by Audionautix plays]
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content-d3leted · 2 months
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Here's some random terrible sketches I've done throughout the past 3 months that each took me less than 2 minutes to create because I'm lazy!! It's more about the...essence of what the image conveys rather than the art itself lol
I love how yellow the show is. Maybe it's just because my phone screen is made to see everything through a warm-ish filter, but certain series (especially s4) just have such a yellowy vibe to it...I have no idea why, but I love it so much
Also I love how in series 1 whenever Justin sat on the sofa, Robert always wanted to sit squished between him and the armrest so they were directly next to eachother, it's so CUTE!
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(ignore the poor quality of the screenshot) LOOK AT ROBERTS FACE. HE IS ENJOYING IT. HE IS CONTENT. HE JUST WANTS TO BE CLOSE TO HIS BESTIE!! It's so sad that they got rid of this little thing he always did, I wonder what happened that made Robert stop?!?! Maybe he eventually realised that Justin found it annoying (except I'm pretty sure J secretly thought it was sweet) lol
Ngl series 1 had some of the most hilarious moments of the entire show in there. One of my favourites is in 'Suits you' (I think that's its name, it's episode 7 I think) when Robert has the conversation with Dee that goes something like-
R:" Sir is having a bath."
D:"Oh, well I can't give him the paper in the bath!"
D:"The paper will get all soggy!"
And also there was such a sweet moment in the blocked pipe episode, when Robert was going into the basement to check for the pipe, and after doing his (unbearably cringe) 'Robert the brave' lines, he said "and Sir.........I'll miss you!" THE WAY HE SAID AND ACTED WHEN DOING THAT WAS SO CUTE. HE MUST REALLY LIKE JUSTIN TO MISS BEING AWAY FROM HIM FOR 30 SECONDS MAX. And Justin's fake annoyance afterwards was so funny too because I know that deep inside he thought that was adorable
Its kinda sad at how little Robert thinks of himself when it comes to his relationship with Justin. For example in the Roberta episode, he is literally on the brink of leaving the house forever?!?! Just because Justin bought a new robot to HELP him! He really believes that their friendship is just gone like that because of his..jealousy I suppose? Same in the Justi Moment episode (literal copy and paste episode), where he is on the verge of tears because Justin, yet again, bought a robot to help him out! I suppose Robert truly does believe sometimes that he is only fantasising of having a good relationship with J, and that Justin doesn't reciprocate those feelings (which is obviously not true).
Mac's first episode is so heartbreaking though. The fact that Justin did not stop a single time to consider the consequences of leaving his literal family for a couple of years is so sad. And Robert's little monologue bit was so tragic :( , but imagine what it would of been like if Justin actually didn't return for a couple of years, and how devastated Robert would of been. I wonder how he'd react to Justin coming back after so long?? He'd probably never want to see him again after that tbf. Also I do wonder why Robert was so nervous and awkward about meeting Mac for the first time, since he's never been known to do it before when meeting other newcomers. The poor guy was clinging on to Meradith for dear life in some scenes!
It's quite interesting that Robert canoniclly has a physical disability with his right foot coordinator (I think that's what it is, cant remember the exact thing) being faulty so sometimes he'll mess up with walking. Also quite interesting that robots can HAVE physical disabilities. Surely their parts can be replaced or fixed? I wonder why Robert never decided to fix it, perhaps because he didn't think it was important enough? Although I'm pretty sure it does affect him, since multiple times throughout the show he's shown to have a travelling cane of some sorts, meaning he literally needs a walking stick to get around sometimes- so it must be an annoying thing to have. Maybe he's worried about having an operation on his leg? Actually now that I think about it, coordination takes place in the brain, so maybe he's unable to fix it because of that (because I'm pretty sure messing with someone's brain is....not the greatest thing lol)
I'm so tired abdiejdeodnkdslsnjwls
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bronyinabottle · 4 months
Hello! I admit this is very, very, late as it’s been just about exactly half a year since the final chapter of Make Your Mark came out. But let me just say a new commenter got me to think about it again. Although there is a reason why I didn’t write up my thoughts immediately. The short of it being: What Chapter 6 brought to the G4-G5 connection had finally broken what little suspension of disbelief I had.
Granted, it was teetering on that edge ever since the Opaline origin story thing as well. But the one excuse there is G4 itself barely told us anything about Alicorns either. So there was technically nothing substantial to really contradict. …As much as it still makes no sense that Opaline is still around yet Twilight, Celestia, Luna, etc. are all missing for whatever reason. (As even if you don’t see the Alicorns as immortal, Opaline being a filly at the same time as the royal sisters punches a hole in the argument that Celestia and Luna are no longer with them. Which just begs the question then how did the sisters and Twilight let the world just fall like it has)
But before I get to the meat of what caused a… delay in talking about the last chapter of Make Your Mark. Let me at least say some of the good that came from the chapter.
It should be no surprise that the best part of Chapter 6 was easily anything Misty-centric. The 2-3 parter where Misty finds Alphabittle, who turns out to be her long-lost father was especially heartwarming and the episode all about Alphabittle learning how different Misty has become from the girl he knew was an excellent moral lesson for parents and kids alike. It’s also kinda funny how the first four episodes of Chapter 6 were just about entirely Misty centric in some way. If we didn’t know any better, it’s almost like Misty usurped the main character role from Sunny. Maybe it’s more so that Sunny just does not have much character development in this chapter. But in a way it did seem like the show’s more about Misty then Sunny Starscout at the moment.
After the Misty-arc of the Chapter was… a rather gross episode that I’d rather never see again in Mane Smelody and a bit of a fun halloween episode.
However, most of what I have to say in this post relates to the final 3 episodes in a chapter. And let me tell you… it is a doozy
Maybe I should forward this by telling what subject exactly bothered me to the point of going quiet about G5 for a while. While yes, Alicorn lore in G4 is missing a lot of information and/or inconsistent even after 9 seasons of episodes. Do you know what DOES have substantial amount of lore throughout all of G4?
I’ll put the rest of this after the break. So I can get into full detail without bogging up a dashboard. But just like the last one. I’m going to define one of the single biggest issue with Chapter 6 in regards to the connection with G4 with one picture
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…Take it away, one more time R Lee. Ermy
Seriously, look at… Spike. Seriously just look at it
Even just under a DESIGN perspective something is very wrong here. Even if you weren’t a fan of the muscular Spike we got in The Last Problem and prefer the much skinner look. That isn’t the only issue we have here. I think a much larger contradiction with G4 is that all dragons in G5 (Including Spike!) are more quadrupedal than bipedal. 
But the REAL issue with G5 dragons is SIZE! I think we can assume the dragons in G5 are all full grown. Or at they least Spike should certainly be full grown (But the new dragons aren’t that much smaller than Spike) at this point. But do I have to remind anyone how large Dragons could get in G4? Screenshot from both for scale. 
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A full grown dragon’s head alone in G4 was much larger than a pony body. While even with Spike’s “ancient” age and centuries (plural! Spike mentions it in the episode) old Spike is at this point. He’s big but he still pales in comparison to the size of the big red dragon/Basil from Dragonshy. The excuse is probably that the same spell that put them to sleep also prevented the dragons from growing any larger.
But then that begs another question. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DRAGONS THAT WERE ALREADY THAT HUGE?! Did Opaline mass murder most of the dragons? Is this more of how Opaline was so conveniently competently evil offscreen despite how stupid she is shown to be in the actual show. It’d explain why there also seems to be not many dragons left. But if Opaline wasn’t above a genocide of dragons. Why would she stop at perhaps the most significant dragon in Spike to.. you know… get back at Twilight and make her emotionally suffer? If you’re going to make her competently evil entirely off screen at least think of what she probably would do if she had the chance.
And that’s what we get just from the pure design standpoint of G5 dragons. But… it certainly doesn’t stop there. I am going to quote the most relevant parts of Chapter 6 that relates to dragons and point out what that means and how much it lines up with what we know of G4 dragons (Spoiler alert: Probably not much!)
Tumble: Fry my tail. There hasn't been a baby dragon around here in a volcano's age! What?! Leaf: It's like a miracle! A hatchling could restore shimmer to all of Scaly!
Congratulations G5! You found another way to describe a long time without having to say moons again! …Too bad it’s not anymore specific. What is a volcano’s age? The youngest volcano that formed on Earth was as far back as the 1940’s. But the oldest volcano could be over a million. 80 years-Over 1,000,000 is a pretty large gap. Still, it’s very concerning for the dragons that there hasn’t been many baby dragons regardless. This seems to imply the Dragons are an endangered species in G5. If they’re still living they at least live long lives that could potentially replenish the species eventually but endangered nonetheless. Which goes back to what I said earlier. What happened? Did Opaline directly or indirectly cause the decline in Dragon population? How did the big dragons die out. G4 had full on MIGRATIONS of Dragons where hundreds of dragons would fly over Equestrian skies. It just illustrates more of the problems of G5 not acknowledging non-pony species. It was fine to stick to the ponies only first, but overtime you still have to ask what happened to everyone else. And given what we see what’s left of the dragons. It looks quite grim.
Blaize: We must first request approval from our leader, the Dragon Lord, to form a partnership with ponykind. Zipp Storm: Well, where can we find him? We don't have all day!
…Kidding, although that does get into how the dragon lord SHOULD actually be Ember, a female dragon. Although, hey… maybe G5 can get away with it being an Alternate Universe where Spike DID choose to become dragon lord during Gauntlet of Fire instead of giving it to Ember. But it’d be helpful to have that clear if that’s the case
Spike: [yawns] Sunny Starscout: Spike?! Spike: [yawns] Whoa! Heh. Excuse my breath. Just woke up. Sunny Starscout: We are honored to meet such a legend as THE Spike! I-Is it okay if I call you Spike? Spike: It would be weird if you called me Fred or something! Because that's not my name! [guffaws] Sunny Starscout: I just want you to know that I am a big fan! When I was a foal, my father told me stories of you! Of the legends of Equestria's past! Spike: Legend, huh? I don't know about that. Seriously, I don't know about that. My memory is a little foggy after all these centuries of magical hibernation. What moon is this?
I’ll say it now, what they do with Spike is the one thing that probably broke me the most out of anything that has come out officially about the G4-G5 connection. The writers can excuse it that Spike has a fuzzy memory after centuries of sleep all they want but it doesn’t hide many of the problems with this.
How sad is it that the only thing Spike can remember about the past is Twilight and how vaguely he was friends with ponies (Although this seems to be somewhat contradicted later). To be honest in the promotional material for the chapter I hoped that the “Spike” we saw wasn’t actually him. Just a dragon that happened to look like him or be descended from him. In some ways I almost just want to call him Fred instead as he joked in this quotation.
Cause Spike’s inclusion almost basically is now THE example of what G5 does to connections to G4. They bring them back, acknowledge them, but then hollow out or obscure anything that could answer questions surely by contrived writing
Sunny Starscout: We know that she's been trying to take over Equestria since the days of— Zipp Storm: Twilight Sparkle! She protected our lands somehow, keeping her out all this time! Spike: [gasps] Twi?!
Zipp you fool! You just added another name tax for Hasbro! (I don’t even know of that’s entirely accurate but I have heard that G5 has been restrained by Discovery Family about referencing Friendship is Magic characters in the show. Which is just frustrating because then why go through all this effort to connect the generations to begin with)
But it is at least great that Spike still remembers his fondness for Twilight. If you’ve known me a while you know I value that. Although I would have like Spike to have something about others too. Twilight’s special to Spike, but he should have at least had an offhand reference to each and every one of the Mane 6. At the very least Rarity if no one else.
Spike: [sighs] Meeting you takes me back. My best friends were ponies. Sunny Starscout: That's what I've heard. Spike: I haven't thought about it in so long. Mostly because I was sleeping. But I do remember my adventures with them. Ugh, but my mind feels so fuzzy since I went into that magic hibernation. Hitch Trailblazer: When was that? Spike: Hard to say. The spell was so strong.
Or in Writer’s terms. Excuses for never explaining anything…
Sunny Starscout: Hitch, can you believe this?! This is the baby dragon from the stories my dad used to tell me! Spike was there with Twilight when Opaline got banished! Spike: It all feels so foggy. Like a dream. But Twilight knew she had to protect magic from her somehow. Tumble: That's why us dragons have been on the Isle of Scaly magically hibernating for all this time. It was part of the plan.
So Opaline was banished, inside her castle I presume. I’ll at least give G5 this that it did sort of answer why the dragon’s home isn’t the volcanic place it was in G4
Spike: Her plan saved us all. She helped us work together against darkness. See, there were these crystals... Sunny Starscout: The Unity Crystals?! Spike: You know them? Sunny Starscout: Know them?! We are the keepers of the crystals! [phone beeps] Zipp Storm: Sorry to interrupt this, uh, moment, but what is the real story of the crystals and Opaline? Who is she really?
But Zipp, didn’t Spike say he doesn’t remember anythi-
Spike: She's dangerous. She's the reason I had to part ways with my friends. Zipp Storm: Because she wanted the Unity Crystals? Spike: No. She wanted magic. All of it.
…Wait, then why did Spike sound confused by the idea of an evil alicorn earlier?
Spike: [narrating] Twilight's reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros. Sunny Starscout: The Alicorn land? Spike: She wanted to rule all ponies. She thought that Alicorns were superior.
Ah, more superiority… but it’s not much different then Cozy Glow’s (And Neighsay even if he turned around eventually). Just more specific to alicorns. If the School of Friendship could punch through the superiority of ponies over non-ponies. It should definitely be able to do the same for alicorns
And why should I even care about Skyros at this point if we’re likely not going to even see that place. The only bad thing about Opaline being defeated is she may have been the only link to at least give us a look at Skyros. As I’m not sure I’m confident in Tell Your Tale providing a satisfactory enough look at Skyros.
And I still have some of the same questions as last time. I think if Skyros had existed in G4 (Especially for how long it’s implied to be with Opaline’s story) Twilight would have been VERY knowledgeable and even mentioned it in Friendship is Magic. I know that’s not fair as obviously Skyros was never a concept during G4 but did for G5. But the more they mention it especially as they tie it to what happened between the two gens the more important it is to actually give us more information about this alicorn land. And… I am completely pessimistic of that ever coming to pass. Skyros clearly holds some of the keys that tie the two gens together as flimsy as it may be at this point… and that may be exactly why we never see it
Spike: [narrating] But my friends were strong. Our friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a Fire Alicorn! Opaline: [echoing laughter] Sunny Starscout: That's what she's done again! Blaize: That's why she came for Jade and Lava! Tumble: For their fire! Spike: [narrating] The crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria in them. All of pony magic. And all of dragon magic inside the Dragon Stone. Twilight sent us here to protect us and put a spell around Equestria to hide it from Opaline.
Wait, there’s a dragon stone now? Did Twilight seal magic for other species too then? A griffon… stone? (…Pun not intended), a kirin stone? changeling stone? etc. That just sounds like it made the crystals more complicated then they were already were.
And to be frank I think I may be on the side that sealing the magic in crystals is a terrible idea on Twilight’s part. I don’t understand what was so threatening about Opaline that all of Equestria couldn’t just overwhelm her the same they did to the trio in Season 9. Especially when the population should be bigger and friendship magic still more powerful then anything. Why couldn’t they just zap Opaline with the Elements? What did Opaline have that the terrible trio didn't? (Or what could she even do to weaken it when everyone does have their magic). From my view it sounds like a huge overreaction to seal all that magic away for the sake of one villain. They didn't seal everyone's magic up in Crystals for the one villain in G4 that made sense (Since he absorbs magic) in Tirek. All the Alicorn magic went to Twilight which she used to fight in a stalemate, before having to give it up before Rainbow Power gave her and her friends the power to defeat Tirek.
Maybe if Opaline had an army of evil alicorns also from Skyros with her I could understand. But as is, I think we can presume it was just her. As I don’t think she’s ever mentioned any minions other than Misty. 
Sunny Starscout: The spell was damaged when we brought magic back, when the three pony kinds reunited again after centuries. Spike: You lost magic? All by yourselves? Aww, I'm going back to sleep!
To be frank Spike, I think I’m right there with you!
Sparky Sparkeroni: Woo-hoo! [breathes fire, chomps] Blaize: [gasps] Transformation fire?! Hitch Trailblazer: Sparky! Now is not the time for snacks, buddy! Sparky Sparkeroni: [burps] Fountain: I thought it was just a myth! Blaize: Me, too. Spike: This little one is special. Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgles]
Another thing I’m admittedly not a fan of in the Chapter 6 finale is how they sort of make Sparky like the Dragon chosen one. It almost reminds me of my fears back in Season 6 that Flurry Heart would be the catalyst for the redemption of Chrysalis in the finale (At least when it became obvious the finale was going to feature her return). We were getting redemptions for a dime a dozen back at that time. So I felt quite grounded in that fear.
Obviously they have to give Sparky some sort of importance. It was fine when he was basically the Pikachu earlier in G5 of Misty (…Not Pokemon Misty though lol) trying to capture him for Opaline ala Team Rocket. But I don’t know how to feel about him being the deus ex machina.
Of course part of that is I’ve never really cared enough about Sparky to begin with. The fatherly relation with Hitch is cute. But Sparky himself never brought anything for me other than the gags his transformation magic causes. (And the less that Tell Your Tale Sparky is mentioned, the better)
All in all, take it away Izzy (From the very same episode no less)
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(Obviously she didn’t say this in this context. But it’s amusing all the same)
Skipping ahead a bit. the finale was fine and all and it was great to see Opaline get her comeuppance (I assume for good. They only have her sealed up which could lead to a potential return, but I’m not sure G5 will go on long enough to set that up. Or at least I’ll never see it for as long as Tell Your Tale is all there is.)
I should go into a bit of Secrets of Starlight. Which I was mostly lukewarm to. It sets up… something I guess. I guess the characters from the special appear in recent Tell your Tale episodes. But the special didn’t leave me intrigued enough to know where they take Comet or the new big cat villain. I actually have more to say about the special’s title then anything else.
…And I’ll begin that the special was total clickbait, wasn’t it? I totally came in expecting that something about the special would relate to a certain other Starlight we know. But it was just the name of location, although it could be argued it’s named after Starlight. 
I thought of maybe two possibilities with the title Secrets of Starlight that they could have went with for the final 3D special of Make Your Mark.
First, the actual finale where Opaline is defeated for good but not before getting into detail how Opaline learned stealing cutie marks was possible. Even if they might have naturally had to do it very vaguely. We could have had a line of Opaline be like:
“I learned of this spell long ago when I overheard some ponies talking about a powerful unicorn that gave Twilight a run for her money in the past. I initially hoped that I could gain a true ally, only to find that Twilight had already corrupted her with friendship. But her spell book still proved fruitful to my plans!”
Then the other possibility I have in mind? Well, what is Starlight Glimmer’s most infamous act outside of taking cutie marks? Time travel. A special where, even if only for a brief time. The G5 Mane 6 talk with the G4 Mane 6 felt like the kind of thing they’d end Make Your Mark with a bang.
Obviously, that was dashed (And not rainbow dashed) since we know of the report that apparently using G4 characters became too expensive. But when you title something Secrets of Starlight and make it the finale of a series. You would expect either/and/or, A. Something in the episode that invokes or honors Starlight, B, Cutie mark stealing, and/or C. Time travel to be involved.
…And G5 chose D. Totally unrelated whatsoever to Starlight Glimmer. Hard to tell if it was intentional bait but it’s disappointing all the same.
And I think that's all I have to say for now. I assume G5 will only be done in Tell Your Tale and the comics (Hell even the comics have switched styles to emulate TYT more too) from now on. And I'll just say: You can count me out of that. Even if TYT might have improved. It's going to take a lot to convince me to keep going. In a way, I might be already saying I'm done with G5. It had promise in areas but I think it's clear it fell short in way too many areas. It's a shame... a part of me does like the new Mane 6, especially Misty.
G4-G5 connection wise though? I'm kinda happy about splitting from that as far as possible. I cannot take references to G4 in G5 seriously after the dragon episode in Chapter 6. Whatever the past was like in G5's events, it just wasn't the G4 we watched for a decade. It can't be. I'm saying this with a risk of being called a G4 purist But I feel strongly more than ever that the G4 references was all an afterthought. It just took until the final chapter of Make Your Mark before something broke it beyond repair. It was slowly leaning that way ever since the Opaline story, but now the dam has completely burst.
For me, the ancient equestrian elephant in the room is no longer there.
Or perhaps I should say, was never truly there to begin with
It's probably at this moment where G5 may actually start delving into the important stuff just as many give up. But even if a batch of Tell Your Tale episode promises to answer anything. It's too little, too late.
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windslar · 1 year
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
i was tagged by @druidberries. Thank you!!
Tag under the cut because I went on a whole spiel about a popular novel that catches a lot of flak online and I don't know how to shut up (spoiler: it features 20-something-year-olds who open up brick-and-mortar businesses in downtown Boston like it's nothing, and trash in the form of a man named Kyle with an R).
Last Song: From the Start - Laufey
Favorite Color: Sage Tint by Benjamin Moore
Currently Watching: Only Murders in the Building and Modern Family (I watched the first couple seasons but never finished it. It's such a good background show).
Last Movie: Last one I watched in the theatres was Oppenheimer, but the last one I watched on streaming was Disenchanted (lol). I need more James Marsden in my life, especially after his performance in Jury Duty.
Currently Reading: It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. Before you get the pitchforks, I'm only reading it because of the ~discourse~. Besides, I had it downloaded in my Kobo long before it really blew up on tiktok and my curiosity was reignited after I saw the uproar about the casting. I have a lot of problems with this book: (1) it's not well-written and I should've put the book down the moment she started writing letters to Ellen Degeneres and thought she was a good celebrity for being charitable, (2) it doesn't delve into the systemic issues that play a role in why women stay with their ab*ser, (3) the marketing for this book ain't shit for categorizing it a romance novel. BUT, all my problems aside, I don't think the story itself romanticizes domestic ab*se and I think most readers recognize this (see this Slate article that talks about it better than I could). Here's an excerpt:
It seems like this part of the novel’s plot could be read in two very different ways: one, which the Mary Sue seems to pursue, is that Lily doesn’t react to ab*se in the appropriate way, and the book endorses all of her choices, and therefore both deserve condemnation. The other is an exercise in empathy: Hoover wrote an imperfect book on domestic violence, but if we require all of these narratives to be morally unimpeachable, there’s no room to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a perfect victim.
I haven't finished the book, but I read Kyle with an R doesn't get a satisfying comeuppance proportional to his actions. And while it would be nice to see the trash taken out, isn't this ending plausible and representative of a common experience among families with a history of ab*se?
I think my big criticism with the backlash surrounding this book and others like it is the assumption that their readers are "impressionable young girls". Not every work of fiction needs to portray the protagonist as a hero in every sense of the word. Not every positive quality assigned to a villain is "making the character redeemable". Not every work of fiction is meant to be didactic and scrutinized as if it were instructions on how to live a perfect life. Maybe I'm giving more credit where it's due, but I really think most readers are able to think critically. People love reading about complicated characters in messy situations. And while I think the characters in Hoover's book could be written better and fleshed out a lot more, that is neither here nor there. My point is: stop assuming women are stupid and incapable of forming their own opinion. Enjoyment of fiction is not endorsement of the actions exhibited by deeply flawed characters.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. But after writing all that and posting it here on tumblr, maybe SPICY.
Last Thing I Googled: That Slate article so I could link it and before that I googled Blake Lively and learned that she has 4! children.
Current Obsession: Rowing! But only if I have an episode of Modern Family playing.
Currently Working On: TJOLC posts, Lightflower is kind of on the back burner right now on account of I-hate-posing-sims and the next few scenes require a lot of it. I just wish there was AI that would pose my sims for me based on dialogue I've written. I would betray my principles, climb up the paywall if I have to.
I'm tagging anyone who sees this and
(ETA: look at me getting cut off by my own self. Sorry I was distracted and heating up some food while typing this, but yeah, I tag anyone who sees this.)
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hyunesais · 2 years
juvenile justice review
after such long and tiresome quarter from college, now i am FINALLY able to take a break. 
because for me, taking a break is literally just watching tv shows and movies. so i decided to catch up on juvenile justice i started few months ago that i forgot to finish. 
tldr; contains right amount of suspense, melodrama, crime, and significance. definitely a huge tw for the mention of r*pe, child tr*ffi*king, and blood. just a lot of crimes that are very explicit. i do think there were some element of notable unrealisticness, but because it’s a fictional show, i didn’t really mind it. overall a great show. 9.5/10
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juvenile justice made me cry like 5 times, especially during the last few episodes when everything started to become a bit more realistic, when things weren’t ending the way i thought it would, it made me much sadder knowing that this is what actually happens in court. regardless of what the truth is, the court decide upon evidence...
one way for me to describe juvenile justice is this: a must-see drama for everyone to watch. 
with the rise of true-crime content everywhere, there has been a rise of concerns towards the victims and the family of victims as they are often belittled by those who rather victim-blame or support the same perpetrators who essentially took away their life from the victims. 
this show shows from the perspective of the victims, perpetrators, the families, the court, the police, and the public to see how everything interacts together to make a case. while it doesn’t shy away from giving the fresh perspective of the perpetrator by trying to find the motive behind their crimes (as the *main* criminals are all teens in this movie), it still holds them responsible for their actions, as the court understands that being young is not an excuse for the crimes they committed. i liked how the narrative of this film is to hold the perpetrators responsible for the victims, while also trying to find a way to prevent the perpetrators from committing crimes ever again and go back to society with knowledge and empathy. 
before i watched this drama, i had some concerns after seeing the overall plot. i was worried that people were going to cry for another ban of juvie law, and advocate for making teens trial as adults. that was, and still is one of the most popular narrative these days, and i didn’t want to watch a drama that just repeated what everyone says without digging dipper to the actual problem: the society and structure that FAILS the children- both victims and the perpetrators. because many crimes can be prevented through active search and prevention nation-wide! 
so props to this show for bringing this new perspective. 
i don’t really have much to comment on the characters, they all had their flaws but all also had their strengths to their character. but most importantly, i loved how every adult in this show was able to take some responsibility and character growth- because for the teens to get better, the adults need to as well. 
my favorite characters definitely were shim eun-seok and cha tae-joo. their dynamics were very unique and polar-opposites in some ways, but i love how they were able to become partners in crime as the story developed. 
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overall, i give this drama 9.5/10- the 0.5 points are knocked off due to the unnecessary violence in the last few episodes. but overall, i don’t really have anything i particularly disliked about this show. the flaws of this show were realistic, and that’s what made me love this show even more! 
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Q:Will the crowns certain witches have be addressed in Agatha's show?
A: No crown lore in AGATHA I'm afraid! IIRC someone official said that Wanda gets a crown bc of her Creation magic or something.
Q: Can you share any information about the Wonder Man series?
A: Sorry, sources have been eerily quiet on Wonderman.
I'll share whenever I hear anything though.🙃
Q: any update on spiderman 4? (tom) Marvel v. Sony is still the last I heard on it. It'll take some time before they hash this out
Got some interesting info coming soon for that R-rated animated project Sony is cooking though 👀
Q: Any other F4 villains/ antagonists besides Galactus and Silver Surfer?
A: Too early to tell currently. (Is Galactus and SS even confirmed??) Last I heard is that the script was still being touched up.
Q: How big is Bullseye's role in Born Again?
A: It's substantial but not a HUGE role.
Q: Can you tell us if anything has been cancelled? (Disney+ shows, future movies)
A: I haven't heard of anything getting canned from any of my sources 🤷🏽‍♀️
Q: What do you think will be the best upcoming what if season 3 episode
A: Nice try Imao. The mech episode will be a lot of fun though
Q: Any more exciting Agatha news soon? 👀
A: Actually got quite a bit of Agatha news coming VERY soon 👀🤔
Q: Will the darkhold make an appearance in Agatha?
A: It can't make an "appearance" since Wanda destroyed them all, but it's certainly mentioned.
Q: Any update on when Eternals characters will return?
A: Check recent posts.
Q: Any details on what if…? Season 3 release? Spring? Summer?
A: it's been reported that it was planned for release this year, but it's unclear if that's still the case.
The lot of you will be the first to hear if I get any word on it
Q: What was your favorite movie from 2023?
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2023 was killer. Besides the obvious answers like Barbie and Oppenheimer, I thought these two films were amazing.
Q: Is Mysterios what if return as a cameo or a main focus?
A: More than a cameo forsure.
Q: Will we see more of Joe Locke in mcu after Agatha 👀👀
A: 100%. Billy has a lot to do
Q: niche question lol but do you know anything about John Walker's arc in Thunderbolts?
A: My sources have said that he's been doing his best to redeem himself.
If his best is the "right" way is to be determined…
Q: Will we ever get a strange academy? I just got done reading the comics!
A: I've heard whispers of something inspired by Strange Academy, AND Zelma Stanton is appearing in Ironheart
Q: X-Men
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Q: Is there any updates with Ironheart dates?? I swear I read they finished filming a while bak
A: They finished filming ages ago but I heard they're reworking things and will reshoot soon if they haven't started already.
Q: Is there any validity to the Plastic Man movie rumours?
A: I've been told no, but I want them to be true 😭
Q: Do you think part 2 of Born Again will happen?
A: Yes I do.
Q: What marvel character would your ideal film, series, or special presentation be about?
A: Specifically Joe Fixit 👀👀👀👀
Q: Should we worry about Captain America 4?!
A: I wouldn't be worried. Marvel is doing to Cap 4 what they did to DDBA:
They saw what they had, and are putting in the time and money to make it better.
Q: Will Thunderbolts be Rated R?
A: Nah I would highly doubt that.
Q: will we ever see daredevil in a comic accurate costume
A: Yes. He was supposed to get a new suit in the old finale (classic Marvel TV fashion, I know). Not sure about the new finale tho. Might be saved for part 2.
Q: Will DD:BA have a mature tone, and show the religious side of Matt like the Netflix show?
A: Yes. It was reworked to bring more of that mature tone back, especially in the action.
Q: Any future plans for Zemo in Thunderbolts or the MCU moving forward?
A: In Thunderbolts? No. In the MCU moving forward? Yes.
Q: Do we know who is on the table with the tag on the toe in Agatha?
A: The toe tag says W. MAXIMOFF 👀
Q: Do you know if we will see Mephisto in the MCU soon?
A: Mephisto will appear in Ironheart
Q: Is Wonder Man among the cancelled projects Bob Iger is referring to?
A: No. Don't expect anything that is already filming to get cancelled.
Q: will the survivors from the what if zombie episode be in marvel zombies?
A: Yes.
Q: Is Vision Quest still in the works?
A: The last i heard it was still in the works.
Q: Will we see blade in live action before his movie?
A: Unlikely. But we'll see him in animation at least 😭
Q: DDBA is releasing this year so what time of this year should we be expecting it to release
A: DDBA is NOT releasing this year
Q: Will Agatha and Rio have an stable romantic relationship in the series?
A: More like the opposite of stable 👀 💜
Q: Why did you lie about the Agatha series being titled Agatha All Along? D+ reveals its just Agatha
A: That's like asking Disney why they lied when they originally announced the series to be Agatha: House of Harkness 😭😭
My source was certain so I reported it Imao
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Oops and The Real Fizzarolli
O-OK.....I've watched the episode five times now.....I've paid attention to every detail, and have taken time to let every emotion sink in. I-I think I'm ready to share my thoughts on this incredible episode.
So......like I said before, I think this is probably the most well-written episode of the show so far. It has some INCREDIBLY high highs, and very little lows. This is good news for me, cuz it felt like with every episode of season 2 (with the exception of Exes And Ohs), there was always something I didn't like that dragged down the experience. Seeing Stars and to a much lesser extent Western Energy had major tonal whiplash problems, Unhappy Campers had the cringe comedy, and while The Circus didn't have any major flaws, but it also didn't have anything amazing either until the last scene. I still adored the show, but actually thinking too hard about season 2 made me feel like.....th-things were getting too....messy, I guess? At least it proves that I can analyze things I love instead of just blindly praising them, but....s-still, I felt like the fun police. Especially after talking about Unhappy Campers. That was meant to be a fun, comedy episode for the most part, and I complained about the jokes. I gave my reasons, but still.....I-I didn't like doing that....
Then this episode came along. And HOOOOOOO BOOOOOOOYYYYY did it catch me completely off-guard.....I-I wasn't expecting THIS to be the episode that explained so much.....I-I was just expecting a skirmish between Blitzo and Fizz, maybe some hints about their backstory, and then end leaving us wanting more. But no.....we got....th-this......
Now, yeah, there was another thing I didn't see coming, but.....i-it's nothing against the episode. It's about my personal feelings, and expectations I had regarding Fizz's character.
Getting it outta the way now.....OK......here I go.....
So.....a-after Ozzie's, Fizz became my favorite character.....or....did he...? It FELT like he was.....after just that one episode.....
I-I'd been fascinated by Fizz since Loo Loo Land. I....r-really really really liked Robo Fizz.....like, everything about him....to the point where....I was so fascinated by what the real thing would be like.....I-I was so so incredibly hyped to meet him.....When I learned he would appear, I got excited.....and with every episode that passed, impatient. Then.....we got Ozzie's.
And he lived up to the hype.
He was just as I imagined he'd be.....this extremely showy, hammy villain, basking in the spotlight......Switching on a dime between goofy and cruel......Taking sadistic pleasure in taunting Blitzo, due to the shared past between them. Grinning widely at Stolas as Ozzie turns the spotlight on him, glowing in the dark, looking so s-so c-cool.......All the while, cracking jokes like "Be sure to rhyme 'song' with 'schlong'!" and making trumpet noises.....
"House Of Asmodeus" is my favorite song and scene in the entire show, and he was one of the reasons why.
Safe to say.......I-I was so blown away....I watched that episode repeatedly for the next few days. It was just.....WOW....He was amazing......I-I was sure that I definitely....u-uh....was beginning to gravitate towards villainous, sadistic jesters.....
Needless to say, when I heard he'd be a recurring character, I was PUMPED. What would he have in store? What was the past betwen him and Blitzo? How would Blitzo have to deal with him, his former friend, who is now turning their history and his mistakes against him, using it as ammo to hurt him and tear him down? As if Blitzo didn't have enough issues....how much worse would those issues become from Fizz tormenting him? The Circus showed that Fizz wasn't always like this, so....what happened that led him to become what he is now? What's his villain origin story?
Question, after question, after question.....
Fizz, being a recurring villain.....Goofy, yet threatening, with a thirst for revenge......A more personal kind of villain to Blitzo, a shadow of his past that he can't escape......The very opposite of him......
And then, after over a year, he's finally back.....He's back....and.....
........he's not like that at all. He's......actually a pretty cool guy who.....Who is genuinely in love with Ozzie? Sure, that was kinda foreshadowed in Ozzie's but....I-I didn't wanna believe he was taken.....I-I guess that's fine, tho? But not only that......he's.......wrapped around Ozzie's finger. He's not fully in control of himself. Ozzie is protective of him, worrying about him so much as going outside on his own, and he calls Ozzie "Big Daddy" and acts very much submissive to the Sin. He blushes and gets all flustered when he thinks of Ozzie, trying to deny how he feels.
The smug, sadistic jester.....is a simp. A lovesick, obedient, submissive simp.
Oh, and while he does taunt Blitzo, it's not to the same level as back at Ozzie's. It's more of a bitter back-and-forth between ex-friends, which is.....still entertaining, and I can't complain, so maybe-
Oh, and he can't fight. He's helpless for most of the episode. Cuz he's a performer. That cool Sonic spindash attack? That was just a Robo Fizz thing. Scrub that from your mind.
Oh, and.....at the end of the episode......he forgives Blitzo. He's the first character to forgive Blitzo in the show. Him. Of all characters. Him....the one that I was looking forward to seeing being a recurring threat to Blitzo.....He just....f-forgives him......in a very emotional scene......that I can't complain about, cuz it was what Blitzo needed....but....
My favorite villain in the series.....isn't a villain. He's actually one of the nicest characters in the show. And what we saw in Ozzie's....was an act for the club.
And now.....he and Blitzo are on good terms.
I....I didn't know what to think......
Where did my Fizz go? The cool Fizz? Who was this guy....? Was this Fizz all along? Was I misreading his character THAT BADLY? Did I.....overhype him....?
H-how....do I feel about this....?
This was such a good episode, but.....the reason it took me so long to analyze it, was that....I had to sort THIS out first.....
I had this image in my head of who Fizzarolli was. I thought he'd be a character like Spinel. I'd compared the two for years.....I loved Ozzie's so much, and had all this time to prepare myself to see him again, yet....I only prepared myself to see that Fizz again. Who I thought he was, and directions I thought his character would go in.....and I ended up being so incredibly wrong.....
I thought I'd seen the real Fizz.....but now, I see the REAL real Fizz.
I don't think I was intentionally mislead......I think this was just a me thing. Having all this time to speculate caused me to mold this guy into the type of the character that appeals to my specific tastes. I-I don't wanna say I felt betrayed....No, that'd be too dramatic....but, expecting to have that feeling of fluttering in my chest again, only to get this instead.....?
It felt like.....kinda like false advertising, y'know....?
After my first viewing, I was SO conflicted.....I loved the story of the episode, and the emotion.......but this one thing kept hanging over my head. It was just a me problem. I could NOT hold it against the episode. But.....but.....there was still.....disappointment there. I hated it. I loved the episode, but I KNEW I should be loving it more, yet my own feelings roadblocked me.....The feeling of crushed expectations.
Of......falling out of love.
Thus, why I needed a few days.
So......here we are now.
And now, I can say......once I got over myself.....
Fizz is still my favorite character. Just....in a different way now.
My feelings for him may be different now, but I still adore him. I love his sassy quips, especially his back-and-forths with Blitzo. That scene with them in the cage was just pure gold. The way they bounce off each other is pitch perfect. Sure, I didn't get the grudge match I expected, but it's still VERY clear that these are two guys who've known each other for a long time. It's hard to describe, but....they talk comfortably to each other, even when throwing shade. There's no sadistic glee, just ex-friends who haven't gotten over things venting to each other. And the way Fizz reacts to Blitzo talking about Stolas? His snarky "Oh, that's definitely your clue that it's all BS"? His expressions screaming 'how do you NOT get it'? XD And then...."SOME have taste, and some want to screw you"? Perfect comeback! Don't need to be evil to have lines like that! XD
And finally....."You're still on the horse thing!?" Probably my favorite line in the episode.....from him.
Fizz is just SUCH an entertaining character. Even if he isn't who I thought he was, there's still so much to love about him.
I love how he does his best to protect his boyfriend's reputation, but fails miserably at hiding it. That scene where he gets flustered and just starts going on and on about Ozzie's junk? "It's like a KAIJU-" Second best line from him, pffffff......XD Seriously, I know that the drama is the most memorable part of this episode, but there's a lotta funny stuff too!
I love his ability to accept what happened to him and learning to live with his disabilities. I love the way he actually listened to Blitzo as Blitzo was pouring his heart out to him. I love how he had the GUTS to say that imps who think they're superior to everyone are no better than any royal straight to Striker's face!!
And I especially love......how he let go of his grudge, and rewarded Blitzo with a wholesome hug. Officially burying the hatchet, putting this story ahead of other misunderstanding plots that drag on too long.
So....yeah.....Fizz is great. I won't let any feelings get in the way of enjoying him. This is the real him, and that's just how it is. I can't wait to see him again, and this time, now that I know more about him? I'll be happy with anything!
Now, although seeing Fizz again was the highlight of the episode, there's still more to talk about....but....I-I'll try to keep the rest brief.....Ahem.....
I-I know I said it before, but....I-I was NOT expecting this!! This was something I thought wouldn't happen until a season finale cuz it's so huge!
Normally, I-I HATE misunderstandings, but.....w-with the circumstances, and how Blitzo is, I-I.....Th-this is one of the THE best examples of how to do that kinda trope RIGHT-
How this all started cuz Blitzo thought Fizz was too good for him, while Fizz looked up to him and felt betrayed-
Fizz thought Blitzo abandoned him, when Blitzo was actually trying to get help- Only to stop when he notices another tent catch fire nearby.....
And we see him mouth.....
One small scene. That was literally ALL we needed to explain EVERYTHING. What happened to Fizz. Why Barbie hates Blitzo now. And.....why Blitzo doesn't trust himself anymore.
Why he think of himself as scum, and pushes people away....
Because he hurt practically everyone he cared for.....by ACCIDENT.
.....I've been there.
I've been Blitzo. I've hurt those I care about due to misunderstanding. I've healed, but still I look back and think of what I could've done to stop it. How I tried and tried to explain, but nothing worked....b-being left alone to hate myself.....
Not gonna lie, the way Blitzo shouted "I DID CARE! It WAS an accident!" almost made me tear up. The sheer agony in his voice got to me. If there was ever any proof that Brandon Rogers can do emotional, this is it. Just...letting everything out, right there. All those years of living with guilt, not being believed, just....being let loose. Hoping in vain that they'll listen to you....A cry of misery......
And then....he apologizes. He doesn't make himself the victim. He finally gets the chance to apologize, and admit that no matter what....it was still his fault. And he can never undo what he did, and get back what he and Fizz lost. It was his fault.....
This kinda scene has a tendency to break me, mainly cuz, again, I've been there. I've broken down crying over my mistakes, being worn down over time of no one wanting to listen to me....Not expecting forgiveness, just....wanting to be heard.......There's a similar scene in the anime Rising Of The Shield Hero, and that one made me cry too. (That story isn't QUITE the same, cuz in that case, the character breaking down was accused of a crime he actually didn't commit, but the "no one will listen to him" part is the same) It's just....a lot for me.
Sometimes, you can make terrible, awful mistakes that you can't undo. Sometimes the guilt can be too much to bear, and you can't let yourself live it down. But it's never your choice to decide if you're worth forgiveness. That choice lies in those you hurt.
And Fizz chose to forgive Blitzo.
I also love Blitzo admitting that Fizz was "all he had left", that was very bittersweet.
So....yeah.....the backstory scene, and practically everything afterwards, was probably the best part of the whole series up to this point, and I bet it was extremely cathartic to fans, cuz it explained sooooo many things at once. NEVER call Viv a bad writer again. THIS is how you do a reveal.
Soooo.....th-that was a lotta rambling.....a-and geez, there's still MORE to talk about so....u-uh.....I-I'll just do the rest in list style.....
Other things I liked:
Learning more about Ozzie. Just like Fizz, he's actually a cool guy (if you're on his good side) who puts on an act. I didn't care enough about him to be blindsided by this, but I will admit that this is quite the change from harassing Moxxie, especially since he went from humiliating Stolas to chatting cheerfully with him, but eh, it's no big deal, and he definitely just did that for the show. Also, we learn that he's the weakest of the Sins, to the point where imps like Crimson aren't afraid to piss him off. And he's also against love potions, which is.....interesting for the guy who rules the ring full of succubi and incubi, who basically have built-in love potions when they go to the living world, but.....still, pretty neat of the king of lust to value consent!
Stolas selflessly trying to get Blitzo a way to go to the living world without his grimoire, proving that he now loves him enough to let him go.....Or, at least, he doesn't wanna force Blitzo to see him anymore. Maybe this is cuz of what happened at Ozzie's and Western Energy being the wakeup call he needed that maybe his feelings aren't reciprocated.......Sure, this is 100% setting up for another misunderstanding, but it IS a nice way for Stolitz to head in, now that the "deal for the grimoire" thing will be a thing of the past. The ball will 100% be in Blitzo's court now.
I love how, instead of introducing yet another new character to be the villain, they just.....use Crimson and Striker? I know it's simple, but I really like that. A new character would've taken the spotlight offa the important parts of this story. Instead, they bring back two familiar villains and have them team up in a natural way. I didn't expect to see them both again so soon, but I like it, since Helluva's been introducing new villains a lot (and Barbie who's more of an anti-hero). Also, we get to continue the "Striker being weirded out by sex references" running gag! Woo!
And, again, I have VERY few complaints! At first, I didn't like the song, but that's actually grown on me a bit. It's still FAR from one of my favorite songs in Helluva. It's disjointed, and goes on too long, but it's catchy, and I actually like that part when it gets more intense (the "I don't know how long I can do this..." part), and I cracked up once I noticed the goons crying at the Italian part. There's a lotta details to notice, but....y-yeah, I still think the song is too long. Like....I'm sorry, but the pacing of this episode is so perfect everywhere but this. This song has no reason to be so long. It's padding. The lyrics are nonsense. Nothing happens except Fizz getting more desperate. My favorite musical scenes in Helluva are the ones that move the story along.
Also, again, Stolas never bringing up that he was in the hospital was kinda weird, but at least Striker mentions that Western Energy happened so.....blegh, it doesn't matter much
But....yeah, that's all I have to say! This episode is nearly flawless! Season 2 has redeemed itself, and I hope it keeps up this momentum....even if I don't think this episode'll be topped in a looooong time.....WHAT a rush this was! The emotion was the star here, but the comedy was great too, especially from Blizo and Fizz's dynamic, and the action was beautifully animated like always, and my only REAL complaint (the song being too long) doesn't really detract from anything!
Is this my new favorite episode? I....don't think so. Even with the revelations about Fizz, I still love Ozzie's and I think I always will. That episode is way too special to me, and it still contains my favorite song of the show. I also think Exes And Ohs is my second-favorite, making this my close third. However, those are just my PERSONAL rankings. I think this might be the new best-written episode of the show objectively now. I just have my tastes that leads me to like those other two more.
(The flashback is my new favorite single dramatic scene in the show, tho, so that's something)
If this is your new favorite episode, I completely understand. For me.....this is a very special episode, and I love it now that I've gotten over that....self-inflicted hurdle. I'm over it now, embrace my new platonic attachment to Fizz, and I can't wait to see more from him!
As well as seeing......maybe soon......the guy who seems to be behind a lotta things....Mammon.
But first......let's see how Blitzo handles the crystal thing....oof....
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hurtmeicantakeit · 1 year
trigger warning [suicide, drugs, addiction, emotional, physical and s*xu*l ab*se/r*pe, m*rder]
i haven’t been active on here since forever and since i’m in a pretty bad place right now, i finally downloaded tumblr again. crazy to think i had this blog for about nine years (i started it in 2014 i think), back then i was doing pretty bad, struggled with severe depression, daily self-harming and suicidal tendencies but still had the hope that in two, three years things would be better - turns out i was wrong. a lot has changed ever since, i don’t know if it’s for the better or worse. what i can say - i never imagined my life would be like this. in the last three and a half years, things went downhill. it started in march 2020 when my best friend committed suicide. i’ve always been prone to trying out drugs but so far never struggled with addiction. well, when she died, i couldn’t take it anymore. i began taking opioids and benzos every day, luckily i was able to stop after a couple of months, but started smoking daily and haven’t been able to quit ever since. the longest period of time i managed without was three weeks and that was almost two years ago. at least i’m clean a couple of substances i’ve been ab*sing a lot, nowadays i only smoke weed, drink alcohol and do benzos (if i need them), even though my psychiatrist prescribes me those and once in a while i do take other substances, mainly just for fun though.
during that time i was diagnosed with bpd and ptsd since i could only remember one short term traumatic event from 2016. eventually i started to remember that my parents were ab*sing me emotionally and physically back when i was a child. the bpd diagnosis turned out to be completely inaccurate, instead i got diagnosed with complex ptsd (october 2021). every now and then new memories/flashbacks of being s*xu*lly ab*sed occurred but couldn’t pin down when, where or who the abuser was. a bit later flashbacks and dissociative episodes started to have more effects on the body. i didn’t know what that was and it did scare me, especially since i hate not being in control. mid 2022 i finally managed to go see a doctor for these episodes and they diagnosed me with psychogenic non epileptic seizures.
a bit later, a new memory occurred, but something about it was different, this time, i knew the location. it was my parents’ basement. i spoke to both my therapist and my psychiatrist about the flashbacks and they said it’s likely that it actually did happen. since then new memories have been occurring at least once a week or so. then, my therapist left and i had to adjust to someone unknown. in the beginning, it was okayish but after a short time it felt like she wasn’t the right therapist for me. it didn’t seem like she was listening to me or trying to understand me. after thinking about it for some time, i decided to quit therapy and start looking for someone new, better versed.
march this year i had the first appointment with my current therapist, someone who actually knows what they are doing. i started opening up about a couple of symptoms (which i did before, they were not listening though) and it really seemed like she’s trying to learn and understand. a month ago or so she told me that apparently i do have dissociative identity disorder. even though some symptoms were somehow pointing in that direction, i couldn’t believe it. if i’m being honest, i still can’t. on some days i’m scared i’m lying and simulating, on other days i want nothing more than that it all turns out to be a lie.
it’s weird, for such a long time i thought that i had a great childhood (even though i have amnesia for the years up until i was eleven years old) and loving parents. as i got older, i found out that that’s far from being true. my parents have been abusing me emotionally, physically and s*xu*lly ever since i was a young child. sometimes i wonder if there’s even more they hide. there are so many memories/flashbacks of places i’ve never been to, people i’ve never seen in my entire life. someone from the system implied that our body has been sold and still is. quite often i wake up in the morning just to see the body’s got new bruises, some times c*ts as well. my therapist is assuming that certain things still might be happening during the nights and on the weekends. she started talking about escaping these structures, possible punishments from my families side and protected apartments. so many questions are surfacing along with the flashbacks. what confuses me a lot is the fact that a few of my therapists plus my former psychiatrist suspected that all the kinds of ab*se have been happening in my family for many generations. i’m not sure if i ever mentioned it on here - my aunt (my fathers’ sister) was m*rdered a long time ago, beforehand someone r*ped her. my parents told me when i was around ten/eleven years old and i never questioned it or associated it with my family, but now i wonder if they actually told me the truth or if someone of them had something to do with her death. sometimes i wish i never started digging in my past but the point of no return has been crossed, i cannot go back. it’s hard for me to understand what happened, also because most of the trauma just happened to the body, not to me. most of the time i’m complete denial of both the trauma and the did-diagnosis. it can’t be real and i most certainly don’t want it to be real.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (28/05/23)
no imas or jigokuraku anime this week cause they were both on break nothing else of note I don't think, p chill week
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Megumin Ep8
honestly there's not much I have to say about the episode itself BUT last episode, I thought the cook guy sounded super familiar but I didn't look it up but at the start of this ep he was talking and I was like "man no way they got majima for this random guy" but they actually did and also, there was an animation error, right before this screen there's a far shot of the scene and she has her hood on in it, despite not having it on before AND after it so that was funny to spot
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Mashle Ep7
we're finally really in the first battle arc, tho the animation continues to be nothing impressive as expected. hoping that at least the big fight with the boss looks good but we'll see. I also forgot that razor showed up here too so that was nice, hope that his fight gets some love too cause he deserves it. tho I did like how the text at the bottom there sunk in sync with mash that was a cute touch, it was also all wobbly while he was talking underwater
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Pokemon Horizons Ep8
what the hell bocchi the tuber has a face good ep tho, the livestream with her reading the baddies' goon's comment was funny and riko's reaction to having her comment read was great too, average chatter moment lmao also in 2 more weeks we're getting anime nemona so very excited for that, hopefully she has a good voice
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Blooming Love Ch5
she just keeps getting better and better really cute chap, it's a shame that this series is gonna switch to be every other week instead of weekly but with how fast it's moving (for a romance) it prob won't be that bad
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Dandadan Ch107
we finally out of the vamola backstory and back into the action very cool chap, especially seeing the pay off of momo seeing all that and regretting how she treated vamola my favourite part were these 2 panels, in opposites pages, after the exact same amount and layout of panels above it. the parallel of how soft momo's eyes are when she's reassuring vamola and then how sharp and serious they are when glaring at the aliens is extremely good
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Kindergarten WARS Ch7 - 9
it's p funny how much of a lover boy dough is anyway good chaps, mostly action but it was good
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Saihate Quarter Ch13
you know, for a series that has the risk of getting axed it sure doesn't feel like it's building towards a conclusion so maybe it won't happen that soon
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Kaiju 8 Ch86
you know, since #9 took over the old man, this makes a lot of sense but since they didn't mention it in the shinomiya fight I hope it isn't just a thing for this one kaijiu cause of narumi's relationship with isao. it's still cool anyway, but it would be kinda lame for the baddies to have access to something like this, giving the number kaijus isao's knowledge and not doing it but we'll see
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Pension Life Vampire Ch7
what the hell?? a serious chap? I know it had some goofs but it was still surprising to see something serious happen. tho it most likely won't be as bad as it sounds next time
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Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Ch78
nothing much going in this chapter other than setting up the fighters for the next round leonidas and apollo, totally expecting apollo to win but we'll see how it goes
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ST☆R: Strike it Rich Ch3
it was good timing to check yesterday when the new chap was gonna come out cause I didn't realize it'd be today. anyway, this was the end of the lil introductory arc so should be getting a lot more fights from now on
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch26
SEE I CALLED IT however many weeks ago I did, I said that him waking up from the dream wasn't real and he was still in the coma and looks like I was right. god this shit just keeps running around in circles while I'm begging it to end.
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Fabricant 100 Ch23
very convinient for her to suddenly get a new hidden power she had all along and was never hinted at when they're fighting the final boss
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Nue's Exorcist Ch3
introducing some more eye candy to the series isn't a bad idea, tho that one panel of fanservice was pretty unnecessary. still nothing great so far, but he's finally met one of the exorcists nue mentioned before and they're setting up a club to deal with spirits and stuff, which will help give some structure to the series in the coming chaps. we'll see how it goes from here but I'm still not very hopeful about it's chances with how bad ch1 and 2 were.
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Kill Blue Ch6
interesting choice to have the first 5 pages of the chapter have no dialogue but it worked well enough I think. this was basically all about the cliffhanger from the previous chap but I didn't expect things to progress this fast
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Do Retry Ch4
this guy jacking it WAY too much but anyway, they're using the money each fight is worth as a sort of power level so that's neat, tho it doesn't mean much at the moment that this guy's worth 10k when there's nothing else as a point of reference
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Witch Watch Ch110
you know fran only got introduced semi recently but her chaps are some of the most fun ones, tho this one felt like it repeated the same joke a bit too much for me
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Cipher Academy Ch25
nice chap finishing setting up the next arc which will be 1v1 tournament style battles between the different classes, tho we'll most likely only see the class A ones for obvious reasons. I also liked to see iroha using others' mannerisms like they talk about here and later in the chap too, it's cute and it also reminds me of medaka
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Blue Box Ch102
good chap, especially that big scenery shot very pretty. the ending is very exciting too the confession may be happening sooner than expected
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Spy x Family Ch81
very weird to have a whole chapter with not yor or anya and with no jokes either, tho it's a good change of pace I think
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch7
nice chap, like I said last time it's good that's already doing filming and not wasting much time
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Undead Unluck Ch160
phil's arc is over, it wasn't as good as the other ones of fuuko putting back the team together but I liked that for once fuuko's plans didn't go like expected from her previous knowledge
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Mashle Ch157
cool chap, it was nice seeing the baddies mash has beaten helping out. also not related to the chap but me and mega were talking about it yesterday and we're p sure mashle won't end while the anime is airing which would explain all the stalling not that long ago
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The Elusive Samurai Ch111
weird to see a chapter without the main cast, but not a bad chap, just setting up the current situation of the country and the various faction after tokiyuki's failed war, just some more chaps and we'll go back to them. tho I'm curious to see if matsui is gonna follow historical fact or do something original when that happens, but I'm leaning more towards the latter
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Sakamoto Days Ch120
extremely good chapter to end the flashback sequence, more than half the chap had no text boxes and was all great action. just makes me hope and pray even harder than when it does get an anime adaptation it gets the treatment it deserves unlike what mashle has been getting
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Akane-banashi Ch63
nice chap, I knew the salesman wouldn't lose to this guy that didn't get any screentime before this competition, tho I didn't expect to see his backstory, hopefully it'll only be a bit of next chapter instead of dragging on for too long
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch131
suzu............. not much to say tho, it was mostly set up for this next lil arc tho that ending was p funny. yabuki reading doujins for these ideas
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O P E WHAT??!!?!??!
OH N O 😳😳😳😳😳😬😬😭
Yk like crashing and getting hunted down by a madman XDD
Wait who is that girl??
:OO Is that like a young Marjan??
That would be crazy :DD
OOPE nice they know :DDD 😬😬
Ohhhh nooOOOO thiiissss does not look good 😬😬😬😬😳😳😭
Okay well she's leaning on that girl so I do think she's real xD
I saw a couple cars I think, maybe her family died?? Idk
U H O H O.O 😬😬😬😬😳😳😳
Ohhhhh nooooooooo 😳😳😳😳
I am s t r e s s e d :')))
That's it for the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode :DD!! I thought it was amazing :)). I'm really glad we got a call, too! We don't always get calls, at least not ones the 126 responds to, in episodes like this. I mean, they're all about to characters, but these ones are like. Especially character episodes lol. Anyway XD, the call was really cool :D!! And! Marjan's storyline!!! We got to see her and she was AWESOME 🥰🥰🥰!!! And don't even get me started on the Tarlos wedding planning storyline :D. But, you will have to lol, because:
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Quick note, everything is after "loved this episode :DD!!" is from Monday, the day before the next episode. I didn't mean to put it off so much but I had a fundraiser and a concert and then planning a play rehearsal for spring break because we perform in 9 days :). Anyway! I didn't liveblog quite as much as I sometimes do, because I was REALLY invested in the episode lol 🥰. And then I'd get behind trying to do it and couldn't always remember specifics. But rest assured I did love the whole thing, and I'll try to put as much here as I can (but it has been a week and also my motivation is still not great lol)
Sorry that's a bit long xD. Anyway!
Nancy, Mateo, Paul, and Judd! I'm including them all together to make this easier lol. I love them 🥰🥰🥰. Their conversation with TK and Carlos XD amazing lol. Oh, and they were all great at their jobs :))). I'm gonna especially point out Paul, not that he was better than the rest of them, but just bc he was the one we saw more of. He slayed :D. Anyway, them all eating together was just 🥰🥰. And Nancy (all of them really) being like "you better have gotten enough to share >://" XDD. Amazing lol. Also Mateo with the fruit xD. Like my man not the time lol. And of course I have to mention Judd talking about his father in law xD, and then ". . . we didn't speak for two years" XDDD. They're all crazy lol, but/and I love them so much <333.
Tommy! We didn't see her much this episode but she slayed :)). I'm just putting her separate from the others because they were grouped up a bit lol. But! Yeah, she was amazing at her job, as always :)). And ayy, she said the thing xD. "Control freak", I mean, lol. I think she was the only one who did, even though it was the whole theme xD. Anyway, I love her 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Grace! Another person we didn't see much - I don't even think we physically saw her xD. Just the call lol. But, nonetheless, she slayed :)). She was great at her job 🥰. Even if we only saw it for that second xDD. It's unfortunate, but alas, it happens. I miss her, even if she was technically here, though lol. Hopefully we see her more soon <33! I love her :)) ❤️❤️🥰.
Owen! And Andrea xD. He was GREAT this episode lol. As was Andrea. I mean, definitely flawed, but they were hilarious XD. And they learned :'))). Eventually XDD. But seeing the way they (especially Owen since he was doing it for longer) were acting before they talked was just OUUGHH. It was rough my man xD. And some things he said were more bearable than others lol. But the conversation he had with Andrea was beautiful :'). And SO so angsty xdd. Mostly from Andrea/Carlos. So good though <33. And of course, the ending scene :')). Y'all stoppp 😭😭😭❤️. It was so sweet and beautiful :'D. I'm really glad they got it sorted out, because I do think Owen and Andrea are capable of helping without taking over lol. And also just bc I wanted them to sort it out xD. But it was really great :'). With Owen's personality still in there, like with the magazine and the tea xD. Honestly though I didn't really think of it being the last thing he would give TK/TK would need from him as being the reason, but it makes sense and it worked well! All in all I just think it all worked out really well :). Also the Andrea Godfather scene was SO AMAZING AND ICONIC LOL. I was losing my m i n d during that scene xD. And many others but I was straight up dying lol. Oh, also, Owen was great at his job :)). As was Andrea if we're assuming it's mother lol. But also Owen in that same way too :). Eventually, like I said xD, for both of them though lol. Anyway, yeah, I love them ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Marjan! AAAHHHHH MY GIRLLLL!! SHE SLAYED S O HARD :DDDDD!!! I'm so glad we got to see her again, and she was awesome too :D. I'm so glad she listened to her instincts (and Patty, who's an icon by the way) to help Kylie, and even after the failed plan she still did :'). Also somehow I missed her ditch it so I didn't think about this till someone mentioned it, and obviously it makes sense she did, BUT SHE BETTER GET THAT BIKE BACK xdd. She's driving a car in the promo but still like long term she better get it back lol. Anyway, I'm so glad both Marjan and Kylie are okay :D. That fight at the end was INTENSE, but it was a slay :D. And Marjan did find what she was looking for :')). Turns out she was right the whole time lol xD. But really, I think rescuing and saving people is her calling. And based on the promo and episode description, I think she realized that too :') 🥰. Speaking of, AAAAHHHHHHHH!!?!???! NOT OKAY xdd!!!! I'm sure it'll all work out, but it looks CRAZY. I'm still wondering who that little girl is, but I'm sure we'll find out! And I'm sure that, and the entire episode, will be interesting. Anyway you can just post bail for abuse xd? What the heck. I don't know if I want Marjan to have to go through the emotional stuff of killing him, but he better be done for good by the end of this xD. Even if thats just back in prison lol. Anyway, Marjan was amazing at her job - calling - today :')). I love her <3333 ❤️❤️.
TK and Carlos! AAAHHHHHH MY BOYYYYS 🥰🥰🥰. Their storyline was so hilarious this episode XD. And it also gave us SO MANY GOOD MOMENTS FOR THEM :DDDD!! The little communication they kept having, like their looks to each other in the scene when the first brought Andrea over; standing by each other when standing up to their parents (parent technically but yk); THE LUNCH SCENE!!! Iconic all around :'D. Also I think that lunch scene was better than we ever could have hoped for XD. It was so good lol. Not just funny with their conversation, but cute too :'DD, especially the beginning. Like y'all they switched 🥰🥰. It's totally fine to be together and not share food but like :DD. It's also so cute xD. Anyway, they're adorable 🥰🥰❤️. But yeah, I'm so glad they worked everything out with their parents :'D. It was lowkey torture watching them make decisions for their sons xD. As was intending, and it was hilarious, but still lol. Also painful xd. Anyway, yeah, seeing Tarlos just become more and more stressed about the decisions were making was funny, but also kind of 😭. These poor boys are going through it xd. Also CARLOS IS CAPABLE AND DECENT AND WILL TAKE CARE OF TK 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️!!! STOP I CAN'T DO THIS OWEN AAAHHHHHHH :'DDDDDD 😭🥰🥰!! Killed me lol. Like yk will take care of each other in a modern relationship kinda way not like a weird power dynamic lol :)). But, yeah <333. I loved all their little moments :')). And I just have to mention again the fact that Carlos didn't want to say anything but as soon as TK "snapped" he was right by his side - he loves his man <333. I just love them so much :'DDD 🥰🥰❤️.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! The call was cool, we got to see the 126 being amazing and adorable, and the two main storylines were AMAZING!! Also the way the Control Freaks theme translated over the plots was really cool :). Also I just love the parallel of an episode about Tarlos wedding planning being called Control Freaks, with TK calling Carlos a control freak and 3x04 and Carlos saying it in 3x05 :')). It was just sweet <33. And a bit funny xD. Anyway, I'm so glad Marjan managed to get Kylie out and Grant (that's his face right I just re-watched a bit to make sure I got Kylie's right lol) arrested :)). But I am definitely stressed for next episode 😬😬😬😳. I'm sure she'll be okay, but still xd. I mean. Probably. To be honest you never know with 9-1-1 or Lone Star XD. But I'm almost completely sure she will be lol - they wouldn't do that to us xd. I hope. Still, it looks intense o.o. It even looks like at some point he's pointing a gun at her in like a drain/sewer??? Wild o.o. And again, I'm excited and very interesting to see who the little girl is!! All in all it definitely looks great and I'm super excited for it :D. But with this episode, I'm glad everything worked out 🥰🥰🥰. I loved it so much :DDD!!
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was absolutely amazing. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 8: Control Freaks
It was great! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, but scared too. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 9: Road Kill
See you then!
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