mapplestrudel · 6 years
A/N: I wrote something,hurray! It’s for Ruth, inspired by this weeks Writing Challenge of the @thewritemoment for the theme “Various Forms of Love”.
Just some background up front to lessen possible confusion: This is set in a Mass Effect AU that has incorporated some characters and ideas from StarCraft.
Rating: Teen and up  Characters: Ruth van de Graaff, Jim Raynor, some cameos, Words: 498 Also available on the AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17719676
Maybe @spaceborn--vagabond and @john-cousland would be interested? o_O
Returning from her mental Cooking Zone, Ruth turned around from the small but functionable kitchen she had insisted on being installed aboard the Hyperion as soon as she had joined the Raiders. Since childhood she had always loved cooking and the peace it brought to her mind. She could zone out completely and revel in feeling, cutting, and smelling the ingredients - all for themselves and then together as the complete meal slowly took shape.
Wiping her hands on a cloth, she took a deep breath and returned her focus to the mess hall that was filled with some of the crew. Sunken into cleaning his handpistol, Ezra was there, her brother, whom she loved with all of a little sister’s might. He had always been her confidante, adviser and partner in crime. He had calmed her down when she was still afraid of monsters under the bed and he had helped her through the first heartbreak of her teenage years. She smiled when he threw a smile himself at Nova who sat down beside him with a bottle of weapon’s oil.
A bit in the back, Chuck the Pug was sunken into a game of tug-of-war with Tassadar. The little three-legged dog was a bundle of joy who loved everybody on board unconditionally. Of course not everybody loved him back, seeing him as a slobbering ugly little thing that shouldn’t even be allowed on a space ship. But he had his charm, and seeing the earnest, proud Tass open up to Mr. Squishyface, made Ruth’s smile a mile wider.
Suddenly Jim was beside her, and held a pot of steaming fresh chamomile tea under her nose. Just being close to him aroused her wildly and a hundred dirty little thoughts raced through her mind. Speaking from his smirk he knew exactly what was going on. Speaking from the bulge in his pants he had the exact same thoughts, too. She smirked back at him and took the mug with her left and only hand, and a thankful nod, and let the soothing smell of the tea quench her heat a bit. From the moment they met, their attraction to each other had been apparent to even the most oblivious people around. Yes, she loved his body, loved the strength of his big, tattooed arms, loved that he could flip her around as if she were a little paper doll. But lately she had noticed something else under all these, say, “carnal desires” - something small and quiet, like a little tug from one soul to another. Because there also was his strategic genius, his dry humour, his unrelenting will to do good even in the most rotten place, and maybe… maybe she loved all of that, too. Maybe she hadn’t acknowledged it yet because it would render her... vulnerable.
An unexpected gentle kiss on her hair brought her back, and with a sigh Ruth let herself lean on Jim’s front.
Maybe being vulnerable wasn’t that bad after all?
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What Makes Shit Real
Part of my life stress, or chaos, or surreal-existence mindfuckedness, for me, has been a diagnosed illness my oldest of three daughters lives with. After completing elementary school, and after mandatory HPV vaccines (went against my better judgement and allowed it-note: there is NO researched proof that it is a cause, however the CDC is now formally researching the link), my daughter entered high school....and began to get sick.
When Is a say "sick", I don't mean menstrual cramp sick, or flu sick. I mean she began to lose the ability to function. Stomach issues, brain fog, dizziness and blacking out, fainting, weight loss, headaches, fatigue to where she lost muscle mass, and so on. We became terrified and sought help. She worsened and after years of doc visits and hospital visits, months (combined) of missed school (still achieving the honour roll every year she was in school), we were given a diagnosis of POTS. What the fuck is POTS, you ask? Well it's not the thing you cook with in your kitchen that's for sure.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. POTS for short. An autoimmune illness that essentially is the brain no longer sending correct messages to the body to function. Google that shit ,or better yet visit HERE for proper info.
Suffice it to say, it's been a fucking nightmare. I cry to sleep more nights than I care to admit. She has lost everything, her entire teen years gone. Forced to leave high school midway through due to symptoms. Not able to drive. The list goes on and I'll cry if I type more so I will leave it here. It's something I wouldn't wish on an enemy..and I have a few.
In her quest to carry on, she has continued her schooling at home, self teaching. This amazing kid (doesn't get this shit from me for sure) has maintained an above 90 average. Go figure. She's superwoman. She has struggled with being trapped at home, sometimes being locked in her room for days. Depression and suicidal thoughts have her in therapy to cope. Scares the life out of me when she spirals, and no one really gets what I am going through, and I hate reaching out much because the focus should be on her. But in my quiet moments, I just lash out at the universe and cry. Our family unit of five is forever altered.
She was approved for disability benefits this week. We had prepared ourselves to fight as we assumed she'd be forced to fight for it. The idea of financial independence isn't one most kids her age (I think) even consider, until it's unattainable. Most kids her age work at the mall or something, to pay for their clothes, phones, etc. She finally will have that. And it's sinking in. She is thrilled. She has hope.
Last night stepping out of the shower, it hit me hard. If the government agencies approved her, that makes it real. Yeah I know of course it's real, her illness. We've lived this shit for so many years. But there is something oddly frightening about it being made official. Beyond a specialists' diagnosis. But somehow last night, I became, officially, the mom of a child with disability.
And somehow, that just hits me hard. Makes it very real. Very sad. Very angering. Very scary. Fuck. Why us? Why her?
Meh, must snap out of my mom-victim bullshit-sadness and remain tough. Focus on the good coming. Her independence. Her hope.
And I will. After this last crying bit.
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forlornmelody · 3 years
Writing strategies! Thanks for reblogging, so excited to get to ask someone some of these! How about 2 and 15? :D
2. How do you name your characters?
Judging by my oc's, the name either fits their arc (Jane is by nature a generic name and fitting for someone who doesn't have a documented birth), Cass and Artemis are named for characters in Greek history/mythology, and Dreya's name just sounded cool. Chris Shepard, I believe was named by my discord server @thewritemoment
15. Summarize in 3 sentences or less what is important for you when it comes to climax scenes.
It MUST pay off the rising action, fit the characters' arcs, and have high stakes. (Looking at you Titans Season 2 finale. Tsk.)
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inquartata30 · 5 years
Ancient AU: Thessian Edition
For a prompt from @thewritemoment from this summer (because if I posted it before, my search skills are terrible and/or tumblr ate it and I need to reference it later):
Time swap AU! Write a short drabble (no more than 300 words) in which your OC or favorite character gets sent to a time opposite their own. (Historical AU if your fandom is modern; modern if your fandom is historical or fantasy).
This overshot 300 words by a good 400 words but that’s my MO at this point.
Musa and Jinan are OCs of @theivorytowercrumbles
Athalassos (the name of the ancient au fic if I ever expand it beyond this)
Armalian Peninsula, Ancient Thessia.
“Etalis are a lot bigger when they’re standing on the ground. Right in your face, specifically,” said Thaia, the wet nose of the fully grown etalis a handspan away from her own nose. If the giant animal hadn’t been the friendly sort, the fact that she had to look up to look her in the eye would’ve been unnerving.
“You change your mind, Kallistrate?” asked Musa, the second in command of T’Soni settlement’s huntresses, who happened to be sitting on the top rail of the wooden fence.
The etalis responded by gently bumping her nose against Thaia’s forehead.
Thaia bumped her gently back.
Then the etalis licked her cheek.
“It just means she likes you,” said Musa.
“I don’t even know her name.”
“That’s stopped you before? I mean, it’s never stopped me before.”
“Well, no, but it isn’t like we were eyeing each other across the campfire all night, either. And this isn’t anywhere near the same with the etalis being an etalis and not asari and therefore not anything I’d look at that way.”
“Her name’s Pebbles,” said Musa. “One of Jinan’s kids named her, so if you make fun of the name, Jinan will do something scary to you.”
Along with being the best archer in the settlement, Jinan happened to be the huntress in charge of the village’s pack of etalis, and wasn’t someone to mess with. Also, only a colossal jerk would make fun of any kids. Thaia was a lot of things, but she wasn’t a colossal jerk and kids were fun, besides.
“Got it.” Thaia reached up and scratched Pebbles’s muzzle. After Pebbles headbutted her another time, Thaia showed her the leather ball Jinan had given to her. “Jinan told me you like to play catch.”
And Jinan might’ve understated it because Pebbles responded by jumping backward and spinning around in blurred circle, wind from the etalis’s wings buffeting the tall grass growing at the base the fence. Thaia raised the ball higher and Pebbles spun around so fast that Thaia twice had to duck to dodge both of its meter-long tails.
As Thaia cocked her arm back to let the ball fly, she caught sight of someone she hadn’t met before approaching from the opposite side of the fenced area. The new person waved in the direction of the field beyond the paddock, where the other etalis were, and then she broke into a smile that stole the very breath from Thaia’s body.
Thaia wanted to see that smile every day for the rest of her life.
She also completely forgot about the eager etalis who didn’t understand that the smile had lit up the new person’s whole face and—
Despite leaving her skin striped and burning where it’d slapped against her bare forearm, the first tail wasn’t what got Thaia. It was the second, slightly longer tail with beads braided into the tuft of hair at the end that did her in, whipping right across her forehead and sending her straight to the ground.
The ball rolled out of her hand and into the middle of the paddock, where Pebbles happily scooped it up with her mouth.
“Ow, fuck,” Thaia said as she clutched at her head, rolling on her back in the beaten-down grass.
A dropped ball thumped on the dirt, then tremors shuddered through the ground. Tensing her body to roll back to her feet in case of danger, Thaia cracked an eye open just in time to see the blurry shape of Pebbles running toward her. 
Like she was coming back to finish the job.
One hand still clutching at her forehead, Thaia leapt to her feet only for a huge mouth to—gently?—grab her shoulder and—even more gently?—push her back onto the grass.
Thaia was pretty sure the etalis was Pebbles, despite her vision being slow to clear. She blinked a few times and her sight went back to normal just in time to see Pebbles’s face directly in front of hers, studying her intently.
“What the fuck, Pebbles?“ Thaia moved her hand away from her forehead and discovered it was slick with violet blood. Fuck.
“Etalis don’t like it when their riders are hurt,” said Musa, far too gleefully. “Even dumbass riders who haven’t ridden yet and got hit by both fucking tails because they were distracted.”
“Well,” Thaia said to Pebbles, “that’s kind of you.”
Pebbles licked her forehead.
“Pebbles, no!” came a sharp voice from behind Thaia. “You’ll only dirty the wound more.”
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graceelicious · 6 years
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Present during #TheWriteMoment premiere night were @andreparas and @rurumadrid8 to support their friend @iamjnapoles and @valeentawak 🤩 #AndreParas #RuruMadrid (at Robinsons Galleria)
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keavord · 7 years
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Bumisita sa set ni Direk @domsdlim 😊 #TheWriteMoment
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You mentioned you were really proud of your Shoker series, so as part of @thewritemoment Secret Admirer week I went ahead and made you a book cover for the series @guileandgall This was the only faceclaim in your Leah Shepard tag so I hope this image is ok! Also today is the last day for the event so Happy Valentine’s Day! Fic series here for any shoker fans out there!
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bioticfox · 6 years
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Here is this week’s update of the Mass Effect Fan Calendar. I made the calendar as a way to keep track of all the events people in the fandom are creating for us all, and figured if I found it useful, other people might too <3
1. The @mebigbang mini reverse bang posting has started woooo!
2. The @masseffectholidaycheer event posting has also started!
3.  @spectre-requisitions-exchange sign ups start Tuesday 15th.
4. The @masseffectcreativecircle happens weekly on Saturday.
6. @thewritemoment has signups for their Secret Admirer event open until 30th January
Check the Mass Effect Fan Calendar for full details, and for all upcoming events over the next few months. If I have missed any events, please let me know. Have fun ~bioticfox
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Grown Up Secret
Being a grown up does not lie
in our truth.
When teenage dreams are
When twenties rush in and sweep us up into their
carrying us through wild hopes and fantasies of
what we think is ours.
When weddings overtake our reality
fooling us into
happily ever-something.
When babies and big luscious bellies
thrust us into thinking
the future is now ours.
Wisdom comes with many years of
many fears.
Changes and heartaches
Frightening times, broken dreams
Careless mistakes, unkempt plans
Marred motivation
Truth lies in age
when children become parents
and then revert back to children
fragile in need.
When we are sandwiched between life and
struggling to make a life
while coping with life.
The secret of life is that
there is no secret.
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forlornmelody · 5 years
2019 Writing Roundup
I was tagged by
@joufancyhuh. Thanks m’they’dy!
 Tagging @natsora and @ferociousqueak, if you’d like to share!
favorite fic you wrote this year: Okay, so looking up my works on Ao3 and holy shit 2019 felt like a LONG year writing-wise. I felt like I finished Double the Trouble years ago. Also, I’m having a hard time choosing between my babies but I’m most proud of Through the Night and Three Robins Rose Has Kissed and the One Who Kissed Back for finally writing down the headcanons I’ve had in my head for YEARS, but hands down Watch Your Back is the hottest thing I’ve written ever sooo.
least favorite fic you wrote this year: John and Jane Shepard’s First Day is okay at what it’s meant for: setting up the Kord Center crossover mallverse au. But it’s rather bland.
favorite line/scene you wrote this year: Dangit. The first one that comes to mind is from a JayRose fic that hasn’t been published yet. But oof. I just skimmed all the things and this passage definitely takes the prize:
His scaled hand cradles the back of her head as Thane looks into her eyes, or perhaps someone else's. “There are two things death cannot take away--memory, and belief.”
Shepard hasn’t been to church in a long time, not since she was living on the streets of Vancouver, but something about Thane’s breath on her skin feels like benediction--his hands on her body like prayer. She’s never considered herself very spiritual, but if there’s a heaven--Shepard imagines it feels like this.
“Like martyrs, you mean?”
Thane rolls over her, gazing down at her like midnight and noon caught in an intimate embrace. “Like saints,” he murmurs, before claiming her mouth with his.
total number of words you wrote this year: Okay, this gets a bit complicated as several chapters of the mallverse fic I wrote LAST year. But I’m gonna count them since I haven’t posted them yet. Roughly 84,315
most popular fic this year: Double The Trouble. Maybe cause it’s been out the longest? It’s a self-indulgent rare OT3, so I’m a little baffled that it has the most hits and kudos.
least popular fic this year: Triple Agent It’s the newest one, and it’s gen.
longest completed fic you wrote this year: Three Robins Rose Has Kissed and the One Who Kissed Back
shortest completed fic you wrote this year: Easily A Valentine to Esteban. Epistolary fic for the win!
longest wip of the year: Definitely the mallverse fic. I have like...five chapters that haven’t been posted yet and more incoming.
shortest wip of the year: Probably Traitor, Martyr, Spy? I just don’t imagine ever completing the mallverse fic.
favorite character to write about this year: ROSE FUCKING WILSON. She’s so much fun. She lies to everyone, even herself, so it gives me a lot to play with as a writer.
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year: Hm. It depends on who I’m writing. I use this instrumental metal playlist when writing about Jason Todd. When I’m at home and I need to drown out the sound of my roommate faking her orgasms, and I’m not writing Jason Todd, I listen to this contemporary piano playlist. 
a fic you didn’t expect to write: Probably a Valentine to Esteban? Mostly cause it’s way out of my normal wheelhouse. 
fic(s) you completed this year: 10, not including my Tumblr ficlets. 
fics you’ll continue next year: Traitor, Matyr, Spy, and more of my mallverse fics. The former has one more chapter and an epilogue and the latter has several finished drafts. I just need to figure out what order to publish them in. 
current number of wips: 9. Two are still in the drafting process. 
any new fics to start next year: I should probably write about the time Jason and Rose first hooked up in the mallverse fic. I should also write about all the neglected characters in that AU. Oops. 
most memorable comment/review: I’m not gonna post them here, as um...you’ll see. But the comments on Watch Your Back sound a lot like dirty confessions and it cracks me up. Guess my smut was effective? xD @joufancyhuh went out of their way to leave this comment on When Shepard Goes Commando. 
Ok now I need to make all my comments into Sports Announcer overtones.
"And he goes in for the kiss.... SCORE. That is one heavy kiss, Jerry."
"She's really pawing at him, Bob. No wonder she went commando."
"Just look at Alenko's stats. Definite advantage."
"She has the home field advantage though. And is making good use of it."
Special thanks to @raven-201, @dr-ladybird, and @rpgwarrior4824 for commenting chapter by chapter on at least one of my longfics. Those emails always made my day!
events you participated in this year: I did a record number of events this year. My one mistake was participating in three that overlapped. XD @consentevent, @thewritemoment‘s Secret Admirer Exchange and @spectre-requisitions-exchange. 
fics you wanted to write but didn’t: I dunno, man. Burn out is real. New hyperfixations are real. For once I actually feel like I don’t have enough ideas. I’m hoping that changes with time. 
favorite fic you read this year: I lost track of what was posted when, but I’ve really enjoyed @n0rmandysr1‘s Sea of Stars series. 
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: Can I cheat and post my fic rec list here? Some of them were posted this year, I think. But also! I’ve really been enjoying  Friends In Low Places by Cavanna Rose (Tim Drake/Rose Wilson), No Vacancy by @xaphrin
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year: 20.
favorite fanfic author of the year: ApocalypseThen has been a favorite for a while, but they wrote Shep/CloneShep for me for Spec Recs and it was amazing. 
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inquartata30 · 5 years
An Improbable Role Reversal
A prompt fill for @thewritemoment: “Imagine your OTP in reverse roles and write a scene about it.” Wherein we stretch the limits of our imagination. Not of Lexi T’Perro being a commando instead of a doctor, but somehow Thaia Kallistrate managing to graduate from medical school and proceed to practice medicine. Successfully.
An Improbable Role Reversal
“Oh, that is so gross. The laceration ripped your arm open down to the bone.”
Lexi narrowed her eyes at the doctor assigned to her—Dr. Kallistrate, she’d said during their brief introductions. “Are you sure you’re a doctor?”
Thaia flashed a smile that was far too compelling. “The whole having a medical degree and having a license to practice medicine points to yes, I am. However, I better hurry up and fix your arm so I don’t throw up on it.” Dr. Kallistrate’s grin transformed into a grimace. “Or, even worse, in it.”
Lexi stared and not because certain assets of the doctor’s had caught her attention when she’d turned to rummage in a drawer for what Lexi assumed would be medical instruments. “Why would—are you telling me you’re squeamish?”
“Little bit.” Dr. Kallistrate reached up to fetch something from a cabinet didn’t help Lexi’s tertiary—the one after her laceration and being unsure about legitimacy of this doctor’s credentials—predicament because no doctor should possess shoulders like that and that lab coat did nothing to hide how muscled the body underneath must be.
If Lexi was this distracted despite her injury, maybe the medic down on Chalkhos had administered too high a dose of painkillers along with the anesthetic.
Lexi concentrated on her potentially shoddy medical care and not on how Dr. Kallistrate’s lab coat also wonderfully highlighted certain curvy aspects of her matronhood, and that she was on the younger side of matronhood, which meant she was likely very good at melding and… she’d better stop right there. “How did you get through medical school?”
Gauze and antiseptic wash in hand, Dr. Kallistrate walked back toward the exam table. “You know what they call the person who graduates last in their med class?”
Goddess, she shouldn’t engage in this. And yet. “What?”
The grin returned in full. “Doctor!”
“If you graduated last in your class, I’m requesting another physician.”
“It was a joke. I was right smack in the middle. Would’ve been higher if I wasn’t so squeamish.”
“How can anyone be squeamish and a doctor?”
“When you’re squeamish,” Dr. Kallistrate said as she set her supplies down next to where Lexi sat, “you’re highly motivated to keep insides in or put things back where they belong and heal them up so they stay there.” She considered the arrayed instruments and then looked at Lexi. “That said, you want a gnarly scar when I patch this up or no?”
“There is,” Lexi said, slow and deliberate, “something wrong with you.”
That dazzling smile of Dr. Kallistrate’s emerged once again. “Not first time someone’s told me that.”
After seeing that smile again, it took Lexi longer than she liked to regain her ability to speak. “I doubt it’ll be the last, either.”
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graceelicious · 6 years
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Super early bird here at #TheWriteMoment Premiere Night ✨ I’m excited to watch this film ❤️ @iamjnapoles @valeentawak @viva_films #JeraldNapoles #ValeenMontenegro (at Robinsons Galleria)
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nilesdaughter · 6 years
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Monster Match-Up 2018
I’m posting here so that I can properly link the image on AO3.
My gift to @alyssalenko for the Halloween exchange with @thewritemoment!
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goddesstiera · 6 years
Forever Love
Shrex Fluffy goodness written for @thewritemoment mini writing challenge
Prompt: Love in various forms
“Raye Shepard’s room.”
The nurse looked up at him from behind the counter. “Name?”
“Jason Shepard,” he answered, trying not to get annoyed as she checked the list of permitted visitors. He had gotten a message that his twin was finally awake and he was anxious to see them.
“Last room on the right.”
The moment the door to the ward was unlocked he bolted down the hallway. As he approached he could hear a raised voice booming from inside Raye’s room and another nurse came running out of the room. “That’s my twin’s room. What’s going on?” he asked the frazzled man.
“It’s that damn krogan again. We’d ban him from the hospital but the last time we tried Commander Shepard raised such a stink about it that we were forced to allow him in again,” he explained before stomping off.
He approached the door slowly. It had been left slightly ajar and he could just barely see Raye’s bed. The krogan, Wrex, was pacing next to it.
“Wrex it’s fine.”
“No it’s not. Every pyjack in this place owes you their life. It’s time they started acting like it. You shouldn’t have to wait on pain meds. They should be tripping over themselves to take care of you.”
“There are a lot of wounded Wrex. They are doing their best and supply is low on everything on top of that.”
“You were in pain and it took them almost an hour to do something about it!”
He watched as Raye reached their hand out and Wrex took it in his larger one, bending down as he did. Their other hand they placed on the side of his face and he leaned into the touch. Jason was taken aback at the tenderness in the scene. He hadn’t thought much when Raye had told him they were in love with a Krogan, Raye had been “in love” many times over the years but those were always as Raye put it, “My love of the moment, not my forever love,” but he had never seen them look at anyone the way they were looking at Wrex, the same way he was looking at them.
He knew that look. He himself had worn a similar one when he had looked at his now ex-boyfriend, before the ass had broken his heart. One he could only hope he would get to wear again.
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consentevent · 6 years
The Discord Is Open!
Excited? So Are We!
Meet Your Mods:
@joufancyhuh: My fandoms include Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Pokemon, and Mad Max. I also help run @thewritemoment and @loyalty-missions. 
@rarepairqueen:  My main fandoms include The 100, Star Wars, Law and Order: SVU, Incredibles 2, Ocean's 8, and Marvel, speaking of, I am organizing a Marvel Femslash Exchange in Spring 2019.
@kimpossibility: I mainly write in the Dragon Age fandom, and that's what you'll find on my blog. I also spy on the Mass Effect, Star Wars, Horizon Zero Dawn, Sherlock and Doctor Who fandoms. This is my first time modding an event.
@katerinehathshblack:  I write mainly in the Harry Potter fandom as well as Criminal Minds and Marvel. I also read Sherlock, Doctor Who and Buffy fanfic. My Tumblr is a mix of all of these as well as nonfandom things. This is my first time modding an event.
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As part of the @thewritemoment Secret Admirer event, I would like to make a rec list for my giftee, with some fics by @guileandgall that I really enjoyed (though it was super hard to pic just a few and I encourage everyone to go and check out the rest!). I will stick with ME as that is what I know best, but if you are a DA or Saints Row fan, then please do check those out too!
— Superstition (1021 words) by GuileandGall Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect: Andromeda, Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bain Massani/Reyes Vidal Characters: Bain Massani, Reyes Vidal Additional Tags: Inspired by Music, Spectre Requisitions Rare Pair Exchange 2018 Series: Part 5 of BaeYes Summary:
Reyes Vidal thought he knew Bain Massani, but it turns out Andromeda’s big game kett hunter has some secrets even the Charlatan doesn’t know about.
— Irritability (740 words) by GuileandGall Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect: Andromeda Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaetus/Sloane Kelly Characters: Sloane Kelly, Kaetus (Mass Effect) Additional Tags: Comfort, Romance Summary:
Ryder overstays their welcome, ruffling Sloane’s feathers. Kaetus is skilled at unruffling them.
— Of Heroes & Icons (2929 words) by GuileandGall Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), James Vega, David Anderson, Jeff “Joker” Moreau Additional Tags: introductions, Angst, Fighting, Violence, Scars Summary:
Summary: Lt. James Vega finds himself more than tongue tied the first time he meets Cmdr. Shepard. This was written for Queendread as part of the Holiday Harbinger’s Mass Effect Holiday Cheer on tumblr.
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