#they are the perfect example of high intelligence no wisdom
allthecastlesonclouds · 6 months
also!! y'all!! if you enjoyed caldwell and nathan on game changer and happened to go whoa i need them on d20, caldwell DMs a D&D adjacent game called Drawga with the drawfee cast– and various guests including ally beardsley, rekha shankar, and zac oyama– so if you want to see that, i would highly recommend!
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y2kbugs · 1 year
Why Rincewind deserves your love
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Tumblr loves characters like Rincewind right now. The sad, weary one who really doesn't want to be here but does it anyway cause no one else bothered, and is often vulnerable, cowardly, and a weakling compared to everyone else. In other words, the pathetic wet cat, the poor little meow meow.
Vimes is also a perfect example of this archetype, he's there and he's great, but Rincewind to me is a sort of hidden gem bogged down by the author's early writing and the struggle to live up to those later, more deep characters. It doesn't really help that Pratchett also got bored of writing him, and only felt obligated because he had fans (which in a way sounds like Rincewind himself), but...
The first two books aren't even bad. The only thing I'd say is that TCOM has some confusing writing going on and feels more like a collection of stories but it's good and could be better if rewritten. Rincewind is a wonderful character and Twoflower is a delight. TLF is a definite improvement writing and character wise and gives development to Rincewind.
He's not "a weak character who doesn't do anything but run". He is not badly written. He is a character who does not want to be the hero but does it anyway. He has deep empathy and believes that throwing your life away for a good cause is inherently selfish rather than selfless (and! he does this himself, kind of. He does make a sacrifice to help somebody, but he lives).
He isn't stupid. He might be the smartest character in his books, but that's more because the other characters are relatively kind of dumb. The only thing he's really bad at is being a wizard, that's it. He's not a good wizard, but he's a great strategist, he knows a lot about magic, knows almost every language on Discworld and this was how he got to know Twoflower in the first place. I would call him an average intelligence and very high wisdom character in DnD. He's intensely rational and will point out gaps in reasoning and logic. He might be a pessimist, but he has experience and he's going to use that.
That's not to say he doesn't make mistakes. He absolutely does, but making dumb mistakes is much different from willful and sheer ignorance which he does not display.
His hat says "Wizzard" because it's supposed to be a pun on "he can't spell", and it's highly unlikely that he actually misspelled it not knowing the actual spelling considering he reads a lot.
He is very, very defensive and adamant about his identity as a wizard. It's pretty much everything to him and he has a crisis whenever other characters mock and have general distrust of wizards.
He's done the following:
Beat the shit out of an eldritch horror until it ran away from him (TLF),
forced an extremely powerful spell out of his head with sheer will (TLF),
Defeated the most powerful deceased wizard possessing a magical staff with only a brick in a sock, and took both himself and the wizard's son into the Dungeon Dimensions, where he fought back creatures to allow the boy to escape. (Sourcery)
Gave the boy a speech about how it's important to not let anyone define who you are as a person and no one should have to tell you what to do (Sourcery)
Used a whole terracotta army to beat an entire army, and succesffully intimidated them via psychological tricks. (Interesting Times)
Brought rain back to Fantasy Australia and talked back against Death who convinced him to give up. (TLC)
Maybe he's not the most sympathetic character, because he's not chivalrous or manly. He has no bravery and freely admits to being a coward, he's kind of a jerk who cools down as time goes on, and he's selfish enough that he thinks being selfless is a total waste of time and is selfish in itself. He's a cynic and a pessimist with a worldview shaped by his terrible experiences on Discworld, but he's very well-traveled even against his own will, and from this experience he knows precisely how to get out of danger, how to outsmart an individual (or a whole army) and more.
He's shown empathy. Being tired at the world at large and not liking the other wizards very much but going out of his way to save the world from a wizard gone rogue anyway because nobody else bothered to and he's angry, saving a boy from his abusive father's power and diving headfirst into the Dungeon Dimensions, trying to convince an "army" of mostly children why trying to fight against a legitimate army of warriors is a horrible idea and will only get them killed, Helping some thirsty sheep out to get access to water despite not needing to, bringing rain back to Fantasy Australia even though he could have given up and gone home at any moment, being made a "test subject" for the wizard's project in creating Roundworld/Earth, learning aabout the life on there over millions of years and talking about how hard it is for life to grow on there in its earliest millions of years, teaching Roundworld inhabitats the importance of art and creativity not only to outsmart the elves but because he wanted to (while the other wizards considered him stupid for this idea).
And he doesn't want to be a hero, he has no obligation to and is perfectly happy just being alone in the library and reading old books. He wants a life of peace and quiet and nothing life-threatening, but unfortunately he's pushed into these situations. Often though instead of simply resigning himself and giving up altogether, he sucks it up and goes and does it anyway with the expectation that he can go home in the end. That, and by now he's already expected this is his role: to fix shit and go home, even though he'd love to have someone else do his job.
It rubs me the wrong way to see people call him one-dimensional or just "the guy that is scared and runs away"...That to me is like simply calling Vimes "the depressed cop who drinks a lot" or Granny Weatherwax "the old witch who kicks ass". Of course the character will seem one dimensional if you describe them that way. Vimes is better written overall and gets better development for sure, which is also what his character is built for, as well as a more serious story that doesn't lend itself as well to basically slapstick. Rincewind isn't built for overcoming his fears, but rather his selfish attitude and to finally find peace with himself, and he works as a comedic character while also balancing out the fact he can be anything other than a clown or coward.
He gets what he always wanted in the end too. Pratchett might not have wanted to write him anymore, but instead of simply putting him on a bus, he gave Rincewind a position at Unseen University, only dampened by the fact the other wizards clearly don't respect him, therefore he can't really be a professor as a job, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he loves that. He gets free food, a quiet place to stay, and has zero obligations. He's happy, and the last thing we know of him is that he's studying the effects of plants on the nervous system (Raising Steam), and he's very important in the Science Of Discworld series, initially being a test subject and later being the "to go" for information about Roundworld/Earth, even getting to keep the globe in his room.
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seriously-mike · 3 months
Who's surprised, because I am not?
When ChatGPT set the world on fire a year and a half ago, it sparked a feverish search for ways to catch people trying to pass off AI text as their own writing. A host of startups launched to fill the void through AI detection tools, with names including Copyleaks, GPTZero, Originality.AI, and Winston AI. It makes for a tidy business in a landscape full of AI boogeymen. These companies advertise peace of mind, a way to take back control through “proof” and “accountability.” Some advertise accuracy rates as high as 99.98%. But a growing body of experts, studies, and industry insiders argue these tools are far less reliable than their makers promise. There’s no question that AI detectors make frequent mistakes, and innocent bystanders get caught in the crossfire. Countless students have been accused of AI plagiarism, but a quieter epidemic is happening in the professional world. Some writing gigs are drying up thanks to chatbots. As people fight over the dwindling field of work, writers are losing jobs over false accusations from AI detectors.
Of course. Just like I showed you a few weeks ago, an AI-generated image that is even marketed as such by the seller, was claimed to be "99.9% accurately" not AI-generated. A photo of the Mona Lisa uploaded to Wikipedia Commons thirteen years ago was claimed to be "99.9% accurately" AI-generated. We're having snake oil salesmen preying on moronic Butlerian Jihadi types with claims like this, with innocent people losing their jobs and chances for education.
In general, AI detectors work by spotting the hallmarks of AI penmanship, such as perfect grammar and punctuation. In fact, one of the easiest ways to get your work flagged is to use Grammarly, a tool that checks for spelling and grammatical errors. It even suggests ways to rewrite sentences for clarity using, you guessed it, artificial intelligence. Adding insult to injury, Gizmodo spoke to writers who said they were fired by platforms that required them to use Grammarly.
What. The. FUCK. If anything, computers are fairly good at scanning things and comparing them with rigid references, like style books and grammar manuals, often against the human writer's wishes (for example because a certain unorthodox turn of phrase is intended to shock the reader, or there's a play on words that cannot be expressed differently), but "perfect grammar and punctuation" is certainly not what I would expect from AI algorithms - for example, in the first minute or two of the Robert Makłowicz Gravel Bullshit I could hear ChatGPT stumbling over genders and grammatical cases, much like I sometimes do myself, particularly when typing quickly or in a runaway sentence.
Detectors look for more telling factors as well, such as “burstiness.” Human writers are more likely to reuse certain words in clusters or bursts, while AI is more likely to distribute words evenly across a document. AI detectors can also assess “perplexity,” which essentially asks an AI to measure the likelihood that it would have produced a piece of text given the model’s training data.
"Burstiness"? "Perplexity"? What kind of Stephen Colbert horseshit is this? I mean, seriously, those words sound like someone made them up for The Stephen Colbert Show "The Wørd" segment, in a "fuck me if I know what my software is doing" way. Like, you put the text in, pull the lever, the machine spits out the verdict and you're supposed to kowtow to its Grand, All-Encompassing Wisdom now. How it does what it does? You're not supposed to know and I'm not explaining it to you either, mostly because I have no idea myself. Magic everywhere in this bitch, man.
AI detection companies “are in the business of selling snake oil,” said Debora Weber-Wulff, a professor at the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics in Berlin, who co-authored a recent paper about the effectiveness of AI detection. According to Weber-Wulff, research shows that AI detectors are inaccurate, unreliable, and easy to fool. “People want to believe that there can be some magic software that solves their problems,” she said. But “computer software cannot solve social problems. We have to find other solutions.”
Of fucking course, why am I not surprised. Generative AI is snake oil as it fails to replace actual artists to any considerable degree (unless we're talking generic editorial cartoons you could left-hand in 15 minutes - DALL-E will left-hand something more specific in 30 seconds, particularly for the purposes of a dodgy third-rate website), and detecting AI is just as shit, much like I pointed out before. It's laughable, actually: we have companies run submitted writing through dodgy detectors in order to weasel out of paying, when in other circumstances they'd promptly have ChatGPT on the job of writing insipid clickbait listicles in order to weasel out of paying. It's like "I can fuck you over anytime, but god forbid you try to fuck me over".
“We hear these stories more than we wish we did, and we understand the pain that false positives cause writers when the work they poured their heart and soul into gets falsely accused,” said Jonathan Gillham, CEO of Originality.AI. “We feel like we feel like we’re building a tool to help writers, but we know that at times it does have some consequences.”
No, buddy, fuck you. Fuck you a thousand times with a fucking cactus. You're selling snake oil, you know it's not working and here you are playing dumb that your software just works, and when it inevitably fails, again and again, you're pretending it's not your fault, you coprolithically retarded cunt.
But Originality and other AI detectors send mixed messages about how their tools should be used. For example, Gillham said “we advise against the tool being used within academia, and strongly recommend against being used for disciplinary action.” He explained the risk of false positives is too high for students, because they submit a small number of essays throughout a school year, but the volume of work produced by a professional writer means the algorithm has more chances to get it right. However, on one of the company’s blog posts, Originality says AI detection is “essential” in the classroom.
Then there’s the way the company describes its algorithm. According to Originality, the latest version of its tool has a 98.8% accuracy rate, but Originality also says its false positive rate is 2.8%. If you’ve got your calculator handy, you’ll notice that adds up to more than 100%. Gillham said that’s because these numbers come from two different tests.
Now don't be surprised that they're going to lie in multiple ways and make shit up only to make a buck on selling the tech to the gullible and, more importantly, the maliciously prejudiced. In the end, the whole thing is about money, and money curiously causes people to stop thinking about everything else.
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seirclys · 1 year
OG! Penelope Eckhart Headcanons: The System
Part 5!
Now, Penelope's System is vastly different from Siyeon's. I feel like Siyeon's system is much more helpful in giving information.
—— Again, MAJOR SPOILERS! ——
Siyeon's System
The System seems to be able to be sensed by those of high magic sensitivity, seeing as Winter deduced that Siyeon had a high magic presence on the Eve of the Hunt.
Dialogue Choices On/Off: I guess this kind of acts as an OOC filter which Siyeon can toggle on and off.
Affection Scores: It appears as percentages above the heads of the MLs. Upon reaching 70%, the percentage becomes locked and only a discerning color is given.
Rewards: Usually percentage increases in affection, fame, and popularity with Eckhart servants. For tangible rewards, they are usually given through actual characters, not by the System itself(Crossbow, Camouflage Bracelet, Gold)
Money System: The System can keep track of the personal funds that Siyeon accumulates.
Magic: The System is able to prompt Siyeon into using magic by providing spell incantations or descriptions of what magical artifacts do.
Background Information: Siyeon can access basic information about MLs and Penelope Eckhart. Later on, the story of Laila and the original Penelope is told to her via the System.
Teleportation: Limited, as it can only teleport Siyeon to continue the story's progression. Siyeon can't prompt it to teleport her to a different location.
Story Progression: Relating to teleportation, the System can lead Siyeon to places such as the garden maze to further chapter progression through glittering light trails.
Story Chapters/Events: Helps Siyeon discern potential events by giving a prior warning. For example, the hunting competition hunting portion. In addition, it provides her selection choices such as in the Trial.
Corporeality: The System can be blocked by physical entities such as bodies, as in the case of Winter.
Marksman Help/Mini Games: The System displayed targets for Siyeon to take down the bear, and during the assassin chase, took control of Siyeon's body to give her perfect marksmanship.
Transmigration & Reincarnation: The System has offered these options for Siyeon and Ivonne respectively at the end of the story.
Penelope's System
Unlike Siyeon's system, Penelope's does not help her in terms of the story. Siyeon's is a romantic storyline System, Penelope's is an action-genre type(befitting their different paths).
Stats: Penelope is able to see her stats and level up on them as well. These include Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Mana, and Charisma.
Strength and Constitution are stats that are time-dependent, so they reset each loop back to her initial stats. Charisma is physical appearance and mental charisma, so it gets knocked down a little.
Mana doesn't change, but it may affect her body if her Constitution is too weak.
The System sometimes gives her stat points to allocate to certain stats or skills.
Soul Status: As alluded to in Part 4, Penelope can track her soul shards easier through the System. Right now, they're "orbiting" around the biggest piece, which is Penelope.
Inventory: Ah, the classic video game inventory. It can carry anything of any shape, size(to some extent), organic/inorganic, except living, sentient beings. A shame.
However, she found a cheat to hack the System and her inventory doesn't get wiped after each death. It's her money glitch. She's duplicated money, jewels, kept copies of her wardrobe, sentimental items unique to each loop, priceless artifacts, and other supplies. However, certain artifacts of great power cannot be duplicated.
Because of this, she often requests as many unique and commissioned gems and custom dresses as possible. What's the point of having six of the same dress?
Library: A subcategory of the Inventory. Throughout her travels, Penelope slowly accumulated tomes, scrolls, and written knowledge of the Ancient Wizards, usually found when treasure hunting or pulling an Indiana Jones and breaking through traps. Of course, being the last Ancient Wizard, she's able to easily figure them out. Other archaeological excavations have ended up in failure because the triggered traps destroy the vaults of knowledge entirely.
Background Information: It acts more like her notes compiled about locations or people. The System organizes them into the correct sections, but all of the information is what Penelope has been told, overheard, or otherwise gotten from her interactions, not from the System.
In some rare cases, the System will give her some information. It's not necessarily specific or important information. It may be, for example, information about a foreign culture.
Story Progression: This is actually linked to one of her skills, which is "precognition". It technically isn't, but Penelope is much more attuned to a world's "Story" and thus can predict some major events through gut feelings and her sharp mind. The System helpfully records these instances for her.
System Shop: From physical items to even skills, the System Shop has it all. A mix of real currency and System-specific currency can be used.
Intangibility: It cannot be interfered with by those other than Penelope.
Connection to Spirits: As mentioned, Penelope is followed by a group of spirits, some of them her ancestors. They are connected to her via the System as well, though they cannot access it like she can. Think of them as being on Guest Mode on a computer while Penelope's on Administrator.
These are the ones I can think of for now. As with the rest of the OG!Penelope posts, I'll be adding onto them if I think of new things, even if that section has already been posted. Not sure how.
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afreakingdork · 11 months
Miss Dork I've been a fan of your work since Crush Too Much & I'm reading Weak Spot religiously when it updates. Thanks so much for your hard work! Your love for the purple turtle is strong 💜🐢👍
I am now attempting to write my own Future Donnie x Reader. As you've inspired me a whole ton!
I know he's written differently in WS due to his backstory but you've written him closer to 'canon" in previous works.
Any tips on how to keep his character quirks from the show but write him a bit older/mature?
Thank you!
Ah thank you so much for sticking around!!! It warms my heart to know you enjoy both! I do love that purple turtle so very very much.
Ack! Thank you also for saying I've inspired you!! You get it writing your own! I'm so proud of you!
Tips, hm.... 🤔 I don't know how other people feel about it, but I consider Weak Spot to be more of a canon divergence fic that follows along canon with only minor tweaks affecting the overall outcome. Distilling it down to it's simplest points the changes are: Donnie was not found by Splinter after the lab explosion, Donnie arrives on the surface around the same time 'Mutant Mayhem' occurs for the other boys, the other boys don't meet him until 'Bug Busters,' then pretty much everything else happens in that timeline with the new set up.
That doesn't answer your question though!
Honestly, I just take experience from how me and my friends have grown. We're still the exact same people, we've only grown or as I like to think about it 'refined.' Taking me for example, I was a feral child. I was suspended in kindergarten for smashing a car window. I never saw a day of recess because I was in constant detention until 4-5th grade. Now that sounds terrible, but allow me to explain why. I smashed the car window attempting to entertain my friends. I came from a very poor elementary school where we had very little usable equipment, no funds for replacement, and bigger kids got first dibs. I would lead these created games for my friends as a way to make up for it because I hate for anyone to be bored.
Now you may not know me well because of the barrier of the internet and what I choose to show, but when you distill it down, that PERFECTLY sums me up as a person. I will bend over backwards to my own demise to be the cartoon character that entertains the ones I love. I still do that. I have never stopped because doing that makes me happy. I love making others happy.
So apply that to the boys, let's take Raph for example. Raph in the series is a teenager like the rest of them. He's not perfect; he's got low intelligence, but high wisdom and he's stressed himself out caring for his brothers. Now bad future changes the factors, so let's just say they continue along a good future for the sake of this discussion. How do those factors look as you grow? Eventually, and we see this at the end of the show/movie, he's beginning to learn to let go and trust that his brothers can take care of themselves. Where does that leave him? Logics sake says he's probably going to want to find himself outside of those parameters. What does he find? He could find that he misses being a caretaker and that is why you see many people in the fandom putting him in a caring role in the future (Casey's father figure, ect). He could also suffer as many oldest children do that were forced to take care of their siblings and become detached and seemingly uncaring. It's not that he doesn't care for others, but it will stunt him in future relationships because he's removed himself so far from having to care for others, to live for himself, that he'll be seen as selfish. On and on! We could keep coming up with scenarios.
I think what's most important when aging a character when you have no reference, is you get in your head why. If you're following canon, think about the story you're telling and how character would get from point A to point B. How do you see the characters in the future? Do you want Raph to run a flower shop? Then say he shifted and realized he liked caring for things, but it was too exhausting to deal with sentient beings. There's something calm and reassuring about how much hard work you can put into plants. They truly are a product of how much effort you put in! It's clean results with little worries other than things outside your control. He's also Raph though so I imagine he also stresses tf out when he sees signs of aphids or the like. Cue to him nearly destroying his own shop to eradicate some itty bitty bugs.
Whoops, but yeah.
tldr; You're always you. Even in the future. It just so happens that life shapes you. How did life shape who you want to write?
I hope any of that helped!
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alnoco-asks · 10 months
Cody carecter sheet
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Cannon things: love for sugar, not the best(kinda awful) parents, gamer
Head cannons:
Is basically a cat when sugar high
Loves Noah's cooking
Lived off of instamt Ramen for like 3 years
one of the main singers for the drama brothers and loves doing it
Goes to a therapist once or twice per month (noah made him at first but now he actually enjoys the ability to talk to someone)
Realized how much of a creep he was to Gwen amd apologized becoming friends with her even helping with some of her small the planet campaigns
Terrisied of dolphans(fell down the rabbit hole and realized their dicks)
Perfect example of high wisdom low intelligence
Loves the color blue
22 years old
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random OC ask: how does your OC express affection? how does it vary based on the relationship in question?
Siobhan expresses affection both in a tactile manner and by using her listening ears.
Details below
Both of these methods operate on a sliding scale of the more she does the thing, the more she likes you. Given that she hasn’t spent a ton of time around people recently (forest hermit) feeling comfortable enough to touch is a big step for her and directly correlates to how much she likes a person.
For example:
she’ll give shadowheart big hugs because she likes her and they’re best friends and if Jaheira or minsc were to grant her one she would cry because she loves and respects them So Much.
She would give Lae’zel one of those pat on the shoulder/nod combinations as a sign of respect.
Gale gets a pat on the back for doing his best and wyll gets a halfhearted limp wristed handshake at best (she doesn’t like him a ton).
Halsin gets a high five and a “good job buddy”
She and astarion will be fully making out in camp (or in public who knows they’re sickos).
The listening part is more specifically how attentive she is when you’re talking and how much she takes your opinion into consideration when making decisions. She weighs an opinion more if it comes from someone she loves and respects. And less if it comes from someone who she doesn’t care for. (Yes this means that if some she hates has an objectively good/better plan she will not be following it) (we can’t all be perfect). The more she likes a person the more of an effort she put in to listening to them and being present in conversation (it’s hard for her since before the tadventure nobody was ever really talking to her, forest hermit and all).
More examples:
she pays very close attention to astarion, Jaheira, and laezel because she likes them and respects their ideas about “fundraising and supplies acquisition”, life in general, and battle respectively.
She respects Boo’s intelligence and respects that minsc also respects it so they have the privilege of her ears.
She will listen to shadowheart but the amnesia thing makes it so most of what she knows and can offer are enhanced interrogation techniques.
She used to listen to gale more but decided better of it when she found out how readily he agreed to kill himself and not try literally ANYTHING else.
She doesn’t listen to wyll anymore, once was enough.
She also doesn’t listen to Halsin a ton, she knows exactly what pearl of the oak fathers wisdom he’s going to drop before he drops it so she doesn’t have to (the only time she ever did was to break the shadow curse because ONLY he knew how)
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chaseyesterdays · 10 months
For the commentary ask game:
So he led the charge in this, assuming a leadership role Keyleth knows he would have rather avoided. Convinced the others this was a worthwhile endeavor. Appealed to Vax and Scanlan and Grog’s (and Pike’s) love of pranks and mischief, nudged them towards roles in the heist they would all enjoy the most. He gave Keyleth the position of lookout so she wouldn’t have to get her hands dirty if this whole debacle went tits up. Didn’t ask Vex to shield him, just to watch the machine and report back to him on what it was doing. He’d taken on the bulk of the responsibility himself, the bulk of the work, but he’d done it willingly for the happiness of a friend.
Percy’s not as bad a man as he believes he is, Keyleth thinks. Meanders another loop around the arcade. Given to anger, yes; haunted by things he refuses to speak of, sure. But bad men don’t lie awake at night worrying if they’re bad. Bad men don’t fix their best friend’s car free of charge and teach her how to handle the issue herself if she needs to.
Bad men don’t pop out of the guts of a claw machine with glasses knocked askew, glancing up at the girl they admire and handing her a token with a half-grunted “Try it now” as they hold together some monstrous amalgamation of wiring and circuitry only they can understand.
(Placing under a cut because when I said "DVD commentary" I, uh. Wasn't fuckin' kidding)
So when I started writing Secret I knew that I wanted to focus on aspects of Percy and Vex's characters that wouldn't come up in idle conversation. Since neither of them are prone to introspection while actively focusing on a task, it evolved to Keyleth being the one to observe their interactions from afar, and given her high wisdom stats mechanically, it gave me a way to delve into character intricacies that sometimes aren't explicitly laid out in fic.
I knew going in that I wanted to focus on two things in Percy's character. One: the idea that he defends and protects those he loves by arming them rather than interposing himself; and two, which I believe is the crux of Percy's character: "bad men don't lie awake at night wondering if they're bad." For Vex, I wanted to juxtapose her outward confidence and capability with the small part of her that was a child in an emotionally neglectful, if not outright abusive, parental relationship, because that explains a lot of her behavior in most aspects of her life.
For Percy, the part with fixing Keyleth's car was important to include in my mind, because it's both a real world example of something he would do and a perfect prelude to the claw machine heist shenanigans he winds up inciting in the fic (also, breaking into a machine to fix it and make it fair rather than just... steal the toy is such a Percy thing to me -- he wants to win, but only if it's enough of a victory to rub it in somebody's smug face). In both instances, two people he cares about very deeply are in a bind. In both instances, he has more of the know-how to address the issue than they do. However, it's clear that Percy has issues with autonomy and is very, very concerned with chivalry and respect and other customs of court that I'm sure he was steeped in growing up, so his default is to address the immediate issue but arm his loved ones with the knowledge they need to get themselves out of said issue. For Keyleth, that's fixing her car and showing her exactly how he did it so she can do it herself. For Vex, it's fixing the machine so she can win the toy through her own skill, because he knows she's capable and intelligent but also knows her father's disapproval means she questions her own worth and capability at times.
And, going along with that, Percy is an excellent leader -- his plans are sometimes... well (lookin' at you, murdering Draconians to piss off Vorugal), but despite his distaste for it, he's good at knowing where people are best used and placing them in those positions. He might not like leadership, and he might defer to the group more often than not, but he is good at it, and I think he'd be more than willing to step into the role if it benefited Vex or Keyleth (but especially Vex).
As far as the second bit of focus on Percy's character goes, I think the quote is pretty self explanatory. "Bad men don't lie awake at night wondering if they're bad." This is the line I constantly go back to when trying to describe Percy's character -- he's done some awful things, he has great capability for cruelty and violence, but he acknowledges those things about himself and shoulders his flaws, though he obviously wants to be redeemed in some way (Osysa's speech in TLOVM and his own admission of "I don't want to die who I am. I would like to live long enough to be someone else" prove this point). Percy has a conscience, and for that reason he wrestles with the darkness in himself and hates it as much as he owns his own failings and commits to his mistakes. I wanted that to come up in this fic, and it really felt organic for it to occur in this moment where Keyleth's watching him and recalling the things he does for the people he cares about -- he has issues, yes, but it's the little things like this that prove he isn't a bad man. Just a damaged one.
For Vex, I knew I needed an inciting incident to kick off the claw machine heist, and the image of a little Trinket plush in a skill game would not leave me. Vex likes material things in canon but they feed in to her years of starvation and barely scraping by as a child/young adult; the only way she would be this drawn to a cheap toy is if she either wanted one badly as a child and never got it or she had one and was forced to leave it behind. My personal headcanon is that it was her favorite toy as a child, one of the very few things Elaina was ever able to buy her children to play with, and Vex was forced by Syldor to leave it behind when he took her and Vax to live with him (stuffed toys don't tend to survive house fires very well, so she never saw it again). And I think that sudden spike of grief and longing and nostalgia coupled with the childish instinct to just... grab something you love dearly and run would leave her off balance enough to admit her past association with the toy to her friends, because we all know Vex plays things close to the vest when it comes to vulnerability.
So. All of those things together culminated in Keyleth (me. read: me) rambling for like six thousand words about my blorbos, and I'm so glad Tumblr doesn't give an ask response word count because dear fucking Jesus I don't even wanna know how long I've been droning on
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onetruefool · 10 months
Spider-Men (all of them) are the perfect example of high intelligence low wisdom
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AITA - when accepting Pokémon into performances, I don’t accept legendary Pokémon (Too dangerous, too big and often expensive repairs take place after. Also why would you force God to do a silly dance. That’s mean.).
I thought Volcarona was part of this. I recently found out that they are intact NOT legendary and are ether mythical or just…Pokemon. What are they!!? AM I AN ASSHOLE?!
(I uh, may have misread what you said and went on a whole tangent. Just skip to the last paragraph if you wanna ignore an infodump about Volcarona and get to the point. Tl;dr, Volcarona are just Pokémon, not legendary or mythical, and for Pokémon they are actually rather average sized. YTA, allow them into contests)
NTA. As a Volcarona owner, they’re like Arcanine: Rare, important in some cultures, and in the wrong circumstances, high maintenance.
If you have any experience with Dungeons and Dragonites, Volcarona are the perfect examples of Pokémon with high wisdom but low intelligence, at least mine is. Nova is very emotionally and situationally aware, but doesn’t know what most human things are and is perfectly willing to nibble on curtains.
Their legendary status comes from old desert cultures in Unova, but despite being discovered more commonly in regions such as Alola, Galarian settlers in Unova first found Volcarona in Unova and gave them a legendary status, before later discovering they not only had pre-evolutions (adorable Larvesta), but are also more common in other regions. However due to colonization and disregard to the knowledge of locals, the precedent stuck. Volcarona and Larvesta can be found in the wild in Unova, but they are far rarer here than any other region. I personally never found a wild one, Nova was instead gifted as an egg from some random guy passing by me on Castelia streets.
In any case, despite having very minimal personality issues if raised from hatching (they’re very emotionally intelligent and respectful as far as I can tell), they do have a lot of maintenance issues. For one, they have a bad habit of overheating spaces they’re in. Good in the winter, bad in the summer when your AC is already working at full blast. As a Larvesta this issue is less pronounced, but Larvesta also cuddle a lot more for heat, and the little tendrils sticking out of them could accidentally contact you and cause some bad burns. With Volcarona those habits become subdued but are still there and are much more dangerous, as now their massive wings are the parts you wanna avoid. But if they’re willing to listen, they should stick outside most of the time and not mind as long as it isn’t raining or hailing or something.
Apart from being a living space heater, the second issue is their shedding. Once a month, Volcarona shed scales from their wings that burn anything they touch, like cinders from a firework. These are normally willingly released for self defense, or once in my case for contest shows, but when shed unwillingly it can be a REAL bad Fire Hazard. Thankfully I have a Cinccino and Dewott (love ya Queen and Torrent) helping me out with cleaning up so that balances out. However sometimes Nova will run into something or be jostled real bad and shed some burning scales, and that’s always an issue. This is probably where the high maintenance for Volcarona comes in.
Then their personality. This isn’t an issue for me, but it might be to you. Basically, their wisdom means they’ll rarely be troublesome for you, but it also means that whenever you’re not directly asking them to do something, they’re probably gonna go off and do something else to not be bored. Like a cat Pokémon. And I can’t imagine how bad it would be if your Volcarona didn’t like or respect you. In that case they probably would not listen to your commands without some serious persuading every time, or you doing something big to earn their trust.
On the plus side, despite having considerable fluff, they rarely need grooming in that respect, as they’re good enough at doing it themself and it’s sorta made from different fibers.
As for diet, Larvesta eat a lot of fruits and berries, and eat a lot in order to prepare for evolution. They tend to prefer well cooked (read, burnt) food, so they’ll tend to burn anything they want to eat before eating it. They can eat meat, but it needs to be extra juicy but also extra burnt in order to appeal to the Larvesta, so they rarely do. They also lick stones in order to gain nutrient from them, like they would in their volcanic habitats. This habit carries over into being a Volcarona, as their diet changes to an almost entirely liquid one. The only real exemptions are charred dust from foods they can’t eat, which should be treated as a treat more than anything, as too much can dehydrate them and cause them to start coughing (and therefore shedding).
As for size, Larvesta tend to be around 3’ 7” long, and are plump adorable little guys that just kinda eat and laze around. They occasionally get into fights for self defense or out of boredom but rarely actively do anything. Volcarona are around 5’ 3” on average, but their wingspan and habit of constantly flying increase their stature by about 2 extra feet. They are also a lot more active, tending to fly around to exert and entertain themselves, but they also spend a lot of time sunbathing as well. In battle they are forces of nature, utilizing their dances to empower themselves and unleash firey wrath that is both beautiful and detesting…
I think after a point I stopped addressing your question and started infodumping about Volcarona. Anyway, you’re not the asshole. While Volcarona are definitely not as bad to care for as other high maintenance Pokémon, they are still high maintenance. But I would in the future recommend you take one in next time you get the opportunity to see if you were missing out on anything…
Also I reread your ask again, and I thought you were a nurse cause I followed your blog but I think you’re talking about Pokémon contests here… in which case you’re the asshole, YTA, Volcarona are beautiful Pokémon with great self control and the ability to make amazing displays woven into fearsome fights. I used Nova in a context once and put on one hell of a show. Sorry my poor reading comprehension forced you to go through a tangent, but also kind of not sorry because you have been prohibiting perfectly good Volcarona to participate in contests. Also I reread your ask again and you said performances and now I must ask what exactly do you do????? Because I am confused.
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astrologyindia · 2 years
What is special about Vishakha Nakshatra? 
Vishakha Nakshatra is the 16th nakshatra of all 27 nakshatras of Vedic Astrology. It falls in the zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio. Its range is 20°00 in Libra to ′03°20′ in Scorpio. The ruling planet of Vishakha nakshatra is Jupiter. The nakshatra is represented as 'the forked' or 'two-branched', specifying the dual nature of the natives. In Astrology, it is also called the Star of Purpose. Agni, the God of Fire, is the ruling deity of Vishakha Nakshatra. 
Another meaning of Vishakha is 'Radha ji,' Thus, the nakshatra shows an association with Lord Krishna. With Lord Agni as its deity, the natives of Vishakha Nakshatra are always full of energy and vitality. The natives showcase dual traits of being orthodox and modern at the same time. They conveniently swift between the old and progressive methods. They always keep their word and follow high morals. These natives are charming, honest, and noble. With Jupiter being their ruling planet, they show more prominent traits of the planet. They are intelligent and wise and share religious beliefs. Vishakha nakshatra's secrets on the downside include their proneness to addictions like drugs and alcohol. They are also highly self-conscious. Instead of gaining satisfaction in what they have, they will always crib for what they lack! 
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Vishakha Nakshatra Characteristics
The Moola nakshatra natives showcase enthusiasm and wisdom. Jupiter is their lord, and thus they showcase most of the good qualities. They are high on values, god fearing, and follow the righteous path in life. As discussed above, their flaws include remaining dissatisfied and jealous. They may be more on the conservative side while they follow existing ideas. They may prefer to live away from their families. They hate to follow others' opinions, even at their jobs. However, they are religious people but detest being superstitious. Vishakha nakshatra love life and married life depend greatly on their personal and mental attributes. 
Vishakha Nakshatra Marriage and Family Life
The Vishakha nakshatra natives showcase all traits of an ideal life partner. Like other nakshatras, they can live a happy married life only after they get a compatible life partner. The kundli matching helps to get a compatible partner for an individual. Vishakha nakshatra natives don't get happiness from their parents for one reason or another. But Vishakha nakshatra's marriage life remains good. The male natives of Vishakha nakshatra can be too argumentative and rigid to prove their point leading to bitterness in relations. Jupiter is the planet that takes pride in its wisdom, and the same goes for the male natives. They may be ready to follow every possible way to provide their family with modern facilities and a good lifestyle. But their orthodox behavior and rigidness of thoughts can cause friction in their marital relations.
For this reason, they should marry a compatible partner only. The male natives are usually self-made persons without help from their fathers or grandfathers. This sense of superiority and accomplishment sometimes makes them difficult partners to handle.  
The female natives of the Vishakha Nakshatra are perfect examples of brilliant wives. They literally worship their husbands and follow all values taught by their in-laws. They get along well with their in-laws. Since she showcases the qualities of wisdom, respect, loyalty, duty, and noble behavior, it takes her no longer to rule the in-laws. She quickly gets the administrative power in the household. The affection and caring attitude sometimes become overpowering if Jupiter is very strong in the birth chart. In that case, it becomes difficult to follow her norms which seem dominating to the family members. 
The natives must understand what it takes to maintain a cordial relationship with all family members. Knowledge and care are good, but excess of everything is bad. Sometimes, the natives pay so much attention to the details that the spouse has to match their standards. There is a sense of competition between the natives, which often ruins their marital and love relations. They tend to find flaws with their partners to prove their supremacy. They need to appreciate the achievements of their partners. The dual nature of the natives makes it difficult for the partners to understand them fully. The spouse always remains in a fix as to what is right or wrong as their Moola nakshatra counterpart seldom gets happy and satisfied. It is essential to know the compatible and incompatible signs for the Moola natives to harbor an excellent married life. 
Vishakha nakshatra compatibility
A male tiger represents the sexuality of the Vishakha nakshatra. Regarding physical compatibility, the nakshatra makes an ideal match for the natives born under the Chitra nakshatra. Based on other traits of kundli matching, Vishakha nakshatra natives find happiness in marriage with:
For Vishakha nakshatra natives in Libra (1st-3rd Quarters):
Ashwini, Bharani, Mrighashira, Rohini, Ardra, Chitra, Magha, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishta, and Shatabhisha
For Vishakha nakshatra natives in Scorpio (4th Quarter):
Bharani, Rohini, Magha, Pushya, Ashlesha, Chitra, Jyeshta, Uttara-bhadrapada, Anuradha, and Revati.
Finding compatibility for marriage is a matter of astrological expertise. It involves a deep study of several factors. One should consult an astrologer to know compatibility in marriage. If there is any affliction to the Vishakha nakshatra or the natal Moon, one should perform Vishakha Nakshatra puja. This puja helps eradicate the bad effects of the nakshatra in the individual's life. 
What is a Venus personality?
The planet Venus rules over love, romance, luxury, aesthetics, and relationships - not just love but all relationships; family, friends, family business, and other emotional connections. Venus is a feminine planet and influences pleasures in life. Venus gives a sense of fashion and aesthetics. She also has a say in one's creativity and bestows divine feminine energy. Venus imparts wisdom and knowledge on how to love and appreciate the worldly things we have. As such, Venus rules beauty, grace, and charm. So, a personality showcasing these traits is one with strong Venus in the birth chart. 
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astronumerology · 2 years
Scorpio Sun with Libra Moon
If you're the Scorpio Sun Libra Moon, you're attractive and attractive People are drawn to your charming and easygoing personality. This Scorpio Moon Libra Moon combination is a perfect blend of the forceful and aggressive Scorpio with the calm as well as refined Libra. You are able to tell when it is advisable to be assertive , and when to employ diplomatic tact and tact. Your ability to manage others can benefit you in your daily life.
If you're an Scorpio Sun Libra Moon, you're less decisiv than colleagues Scorpios. Whatever confident and self-confident you appear to others, in the heart you are likely to feel a great deal of doubt. The process of setting goals and defining your goal in life could be almost impossible. You want to hear all opinions, however, excessive dependence on people close to you can be an weakness.
Like all natives who live with Moon in Libra Like all Librans, you are heavily influenced by people around you- whether it's your loved ones, friends or family. Also, you evaluate yourself based on how others perceive you rather than the way you perceive yourself. It's crucial to be able to live in accordance with your personal goals. Don't worry too much about what other people might be thinking about your actions. Focus on doing what you believe is right for you and keep your individuality.
As a person who has the Scorpio Sun and Libra Moon, you are an idealist and romantic You are not content with the superficial and you are drawn to deep dives into the world. You are a believer in individuals and in the wisdom they possess. For certain Scorpio Sun Libra Moon people searching for the truth could lead to fanaticism. You are a creative thinker and you must be aware of being swayed by swindlers who claim to have the key into the world.
With your firm conviction in fairness You will jump in when you spot wrongdoing or unprofessional behavior. Your code of ethics could be a bit missionary and you should beware of the urge to teach and preach.
Both zodiac signs associated with this Scorpio Moon Libra Sun pair are lovers of leisure and pleasure. However high-minded and idealistic you may appear to be in your heart, you're really a free spirit. Insanity and self-indulgence are the biggest obstacles to your happiness. Even if you have the charm as well as the intelligence and magnetic force to do a lot in life, often you're only focused on immediate gratification. Beware of becoming complacent and giving up on what you're capable of.
If you're born with the Scorpio Sun Libra Moon, your talents are highly suited to politics, law as well as social work. The Libra Moon also enhances the imagination of the Scorpio who has good tastes and strong art tendencies. You are extremely sensitive to the impact of visual stimulation and may be off balance when the colors of the scheme irritate you. You may be employed in visually-oriented fields like film, photography as well as interior designing.
Being the sign of a Scorpio Sun Libra Moon, commitment is one of your most beloved words. you could travel the world in search of an individual worthy of your love and loyalty. If you don't find the perfect partner, you might rather be miserable between relationships from one to another. When you are able to be affixed to someone, you'll become an example of loyalty.
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groverspeak · 11 days
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enneagram type ones - a yap-session on the reformer from a reformer
୨୧:🫀 🎧 - as an enneagram type one, I think we're probably one of the rarest, and (often) most misunderstood types. we're seen as hard-asses or too "uptight" and, on paper, that looks about right. but, our motivation and inner thoughts are forgotten. how can you judge us if you don't know us? or know our morals? people fail to see us as humans with true, full emotions- when we are some of the most sensitive types. I think this a crime often done against most "logical" (though I hate using that term) types. shoutout to all my other enneagram type ones, here's a playlist (not by me)!
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type title: the Reformer
good qualities: a defined moral code, strong sense of right and wrong. purpose-driven. loyal. dedicated, passionate. honest. direct. idealistic. helpful. conscientious. reliable. discerning. noble. wise. caring. intelligent (but not in a type 5 way). perfectionism to a healthy, moving degree.
fatal flaw: anger. this sounds evil, right? how can a noble, moral individual also struggle with anger? that’s because no fatal flaw is just that word alone, a ones anger isn’t explosive, irrational rage all the time. enneagram ones place all they have into virtue— because of their need to be perfect, morally correct. a ones anger is derived from their other flaws, spurred on by resentment and self-righteousness. “buried anger at self denial”, as the EnneaApp calls it.
negative qualities: critical (to others and self). emotional rigidity. holds themselves and others to very high standards. perfectionism to a toxic degree.
“vice to virtue”: anger to serenity. this can sound confusing, or unrelated— but, the phrase “resentment to serenity” might make a bit more sense. anger to serenity is the process of going from having a preoccupied mind, beating a million miles an hour and full of self-judgement and melancholy to having a mind that understands you can’t be perfect all the time, and entertaining a space of inner peace and self-acceptance.
fictional characters: optimus prime. steve rogers. mary poppins. hermione granger, percy weasley. bruce wayne. spock. mycroft holmes. atticus finch. javert. kate laswell, vladmir makarov.
real-life examples: emma watson. c.s lewis. julie andrews. plato. venus williams. immanual kant. confucius.
motivation: enneagram ones are the crusaders. their goal is to live righteously, be right, and improve the world. this is heavily supported by a one’s strong sense of justice, and strong moral code. they are motivated by a want for a just and morally correct world and environment.
fear: being wrong, evil, or morally corrupt. as well as being incorrect. this is often why one’s are referred to as the “perfectionists.”
how they behave at their worst: because of a one’s strong moral code— if this code becomes impure or corrupt, everything else they do will also be that. like a super villain, almost. overly critical, judgmental. if something goes wrong, they internalize that and it’s immediately imperfect or flawed. they can often become obsessively self-righteous. tend to be incredibly rigid, almost seething and will hyper-fixate on small issues. they become merciless. enneagram ones, when they believe something heavily, know that they are right, they are loyal to their beliefs— if an unhealthy ones beliefs and code are challenged, they become ruthless, almost animalistic.
how they behave at their best: enneagram ones, at their best, can be incredibly compassionate and kind. their wisdom, rationality, and nobility often allows them to reach people further than most types in an honest way, because it aligns with their morality— because they want and long to do and be right and just. they are often consistent. good work-ethic. perfectionism leading into excellence (they excel in what they love). logical, while still remaining human. honest, won’t bullshit you.
what their anger is like: punitive. physical tension in the body. intolerant. wrathful. arrogant.
what their sadness is like: sadness that manifests in the form of frustration. they have a secret level of melancholy and shame. when unhealthy, they disintegrate into an enneagram type 4– being melodramatic, melancholic, self-loathing. though, this isn’t often through an internal-perspective, it can be twisted into looking inward. the inner-critic within them becomes louder, relentless and self-hating. type ones actually have a tendency to be depressed, and will also typically struggle with alcoholism, eating disorders, etc… any disorder or habit that gives them control. this is why OCD is also seen within them. they are often reduced into being cynical.
what sets them apart from other types: their need to be good. most enneagram types don’t fully care about being morally correct, but ones do. a ones natural nature is to strive and reach for the stars. and though it can be depressing to think about, the life of a one can actually be incredibly beautiful. ones are rare because most people aren’t natural-born leaders with the level of self-reflection (when healthy) to see who they are, and what their morals are. ones change and define the world, and everyone around them to be better. ones often see something nobody else does: good in people, how to improve, etc… despite being rather emotionally rigid, ones can have some of the highest emotional intelligence levels, because of who they are. if a one can work past that fear of not being perfect, allow the icy surface of their heart to melt, a one can love like sanctification and revival. a one sparks life in everything they touch, because when they commit— it’s out of nothing but a want to be good.
info dump: enneagram type ones are second most likely to experience melancholy, second to type fours.
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⋆ ☄︎.·˚ * 🔭 - I love ones, and I love being a one, if you couldn’t tell. reach for the stars, ones! we’re some of the only people who’ll try. I know the inner-critic drives us all mad, that the need to be good enough— and never seeming to reach that— is over-arching and doesn’t ever leave. but, someday you’ll be seen. and even if you don’t fully grasp that now, know that your fellow ones will always understand: because we see deeper than most.
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
Kalashtar Rankings and Features (5e)
1=do not play this class as this race
2=can play but not recommended
3=decent choice
The kalashtar are a compound race created from the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane of dreams – spirits called quori. Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others. But there is an unmistakable alien quality to the kalashtar, as they are haunted by the conflicts of their otherworldly spirits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Kalashtar develop physically at the same rate as humans do and have similar lifespans.
Alignment. The noble spirit tied to a kalashtar drives it toward lawful and good behavior. Most kalashtar combine strong self-discipline with compassion for all sentient beings, but some kalashtar resist the virtuous influence of their spirit.
Size. Kalashtar are similar in build to humans, though they are typically a few inches taller. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Dual Mind. You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
Mental Discipline. You have resistance to psychic damage.
Mind Link. You can speak telepathically to any creature you can see, provided the creature is within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.
When you're using this trait to speak telepathically to a creature, you can use your action to give that creature the ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you end this effect as an action. To use this ability, the creature must be able to see you and must be within this trait's range. You can give this ability to only one creature at a time; giving it to a creature takes it away from another creature who has it.
Severed from Dreams. Kalashtar sleep, but they don’t connect to the plane of dreams as other creatures do. Instead, their minds draw from the memories of their otherworldly spirit while they sleep. As such, you are immune to magical spells and effects that require you to dream, like the Dream spell, but not to spells and effects that put you to sleep, like the Sleep spell.
Languages. You can read and write Common, Quori, and one other language of your choice.
Artificer 1 no Intelligence increase
Barbarian 1 resistance to Psychic damage seems really exciting for Path of the Berserker because you can have resistance to all damage. Unfortunately that’s not enough to make you a good Barbarian
Bard 4 while Kalashtar’s Charisma increase isn’t as good as their Wisdom increase +1 is still plenty for any full spellcaster. Kalashtar’s telepathy offers a unique tool especially for a Bard that does a lot of sneaking infiltration or other subterfuge
Cleric 4 Kalashtar’s Wisdom increase and their defensive traits work great for the Cleric. Between high Wisdom proficiency and Advantage on Wisdom saving throws you’re all but guaranteed to pass Wisdom saves
Druid 4 Kalashtar makes a great Druid for the same reasons that they make a great Cleric. Additionally, since their racial traits are all mental rather than physical they persist while using Wild Shape. For example: you can use Mind Link while using Wild Shape allowing you to communicate effectively without reverting to your normal form
Fighter 1 no increases to physical ability scores
Monk 2 Wisdom increase helps but it’s not enough to make you a good Monk and none of Kalashtar’s other traits meaningfully support Monk. This is probably Kalashtar’s best non-spellcaster class option but it’s still a very hard choice which is unfortunate because thematicall a Kalashtar Monk would be very interesting
Paladin 1 the Charisma bonus is not enough on its own. Paladin is likely Kalashtar’s best martial class option but it’s still a bad option
Ranger 1 without a Strength or Dexterity increase Ranger is a really difficult option. Wisdom adds to your spellcasting but without an ability increase to support your damage output and Stealth you’ll fall behind on some of the class’s biggest functions
Rogue 2 without a Dexterity increase Rogue is a difficult option. Still Telepathy and a Wisdom increase are an interesting option for Rogue subclasses like Inquisitive which emphasize Dexterity-based options less
Sorcerer 3 while Kalasthar’s Charisma increase isn’t as good as their Wisdom increase +1 is still plenty for any full spellcaster. Sorcerers don’t tend to be stealthy but you can rely on magical invisibility and telepathy to remain undetected in combat and still support your allies. If you use Subtle Spells and spells which don’t make attacks or require saves you can remain invisible for long periods and still be effective by supporting your allies or acting indirectly
Warlock 3 Telepathy is a neat option but Warlocks aren’t skill-heavy like the bar so stealth is less of an option and with limited spell slots you can’t make invisibility a go-to tactic like Bard or Sorcerer could. Warlock is still a good option but it lacks the synergies between racial traits and class features which make Bard a great option
Wizard 1 same as Artificer
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too-many-blorbos · 11 months
There's many examples in media of High-Intelligence Low-Wisdom characters, but I've never known an example of the inverse.
Until now.
Jorts the Cat is the perfect example of what Low-Int High-Wis looks like
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Significance of a ganesha idol and a perfect place to buy one
Lord Ganesha is known to remove all the obstacles when starting something new; therefore, a new beginning is incomplete without the blessings of Lord Ganesha. It can be as simple as starting your day by praying to Lord Ganesha or gifting a beautiful Ganesha idol to your loved ones who had a new beginning in life, like buying a new house or starting a new business.
Keeping a Ganesha idol at home is a common tradition in Indian households, as it is said to bring blessings and prosperity to the house. Lord Ganesha is also a symbol of wisdom, understanding, and intelligence, so having him around the house can provide inspiration and advice. The Ganesha idol is a significant and valued symbol in many households around the world, whether for religious or cultural reasons.
Perfect occasions to gift a Ganesha idol
Housewarming parties: It's good luck to give a Ganesha idol to someone who just moved into a new home because it's thought to bring them wealth and luck.
Weddings: Giving a Ganesha statue to newlyweds is a significant gesture to wish them happiness, prosperity, and a pleasant marriage path.
Birthdays: If you have a spiritually minded family member who has a special devotion to Lord Ganesha, sending them a Ganesha idol on their birthday might be a thoughtful and meaningful present.
Festivals: Giving a Ganesha idol during holidays like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, or Navaratri is a terrific way to demonstrate your love and respect for your loved ones' traditions and customs.
Corporate Gifts: Giving a Ganesha statue to coworkers, clients, or business partners can be an excellent way to foster long-term partnerships built on mutual respect and goodwill.
It can also be a good idea to give the idol to someone who is preparing for important exams.
In conclusion, Ganesha idols are an ideal gift for situations including new beginnings, blessings, and good wishes.
If you are looking to buy Ganesha idols for any occasion, you must visit Satguru’s. They have both a physical and online store with one of the best Ganesha idol collections that can be a perfect gift for your loved ones. Aside from idols, you can also find Ganesh ji paintings there that can be perfect for your home.
Which Ganesha idol can you buy for your home?
Here are some general tips to keep in mind when choosing Ganesha idols for your home:
Size: Choose an idol that is appropriate to the given area. In a vast room, a small idol may be lost, whereas a giant idol may overpower a small space.
Material: Ganesha idols can be built from a variety of materials, including clay, marble, metal, or wood. Evaluate the material's attractiveness as well as its durability. For example,
Impact in household or work place.
Wooden Ganesha idol
Promotes health and a long life.
Brass Ganesha idol
Brings good luck and prosperity.
Silver Ganesha idol
Brings fame and glory.
Copper Ganesha idol
Brings good fortune to couples who intend to start a family.
Crystal Ganesha idols
Eliminates any kind of vastu doshas.
Style: Ganesha idols are available in a variety of styles, including traditional, modern, and abstract. Pick a style that speaks to you and complements your home decor.
Symbolism: Ganesha is linked with many different things, including wisdom, understanding, and prosperity. Choose an idol that embodies the traits you want to bring into your home.
Authenticity: If you want a classic style idol, buy from a reliable seller to assure its authenticity and cultural relevance.
Finally, the most important thing is to select an idol with whom you have a relationship and who provides you joy and positive energy.
At Satguru’s you can buy high-quality Ganesha and other god idols for pooja room online at affordable prices. They have a quick delivery system and deliver their products throughout India They have a section completely dedicated to Ganesha idols, painting and wall arts.
3 beautiful Ganesha idols you can buy from Satguru’s
Baby Ganesha reading book: This can be a good gift for someone preparing for important entrance exams.
Small Mukut Ganesha: This has a classical Ganesha design, that is, Ganesha in a sitting posture with four arms and a golden mukut (crown).
Om Ganesha: This black-colored Ganesha idol has a unique design and can be perfect for your office desk or car dashboard.
Whether it is for religious reasons or just to add aesthetic appeal, Ganesha idols can be an ideal piece of art. Visit Satguru’s or check out their online store to learn more about their Ganesha idol collection, other god idols for home mandir and other home decor items.
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