#they are very helpful babies and i would sew them a kingdom of their own if i could.
satans-knitwear · 11 months
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two fluffy fools assisting me 🐶 they are holding their new bed still while i attempt to finish sewing it up.
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big-nerd-boi · 5 months
Kill the crown: Heng the baboon intro post.
Beware, long infodump cuz I cannot help myself-
The very first celestial primate, Heng is old. No one knows how old the baboon is, not even himself.
He can remember the first human village he wandered to, the years he spent watching the humans farm and sew and pray and so many other things. He can remember the night the village was raided, burned to the ground. He can remember killing the raiders’ leader, turning him to dust with his bare hands by draining his qi— healing the gaping wound in his chest from the spear.
A fruitless effort trying to kill a stone monkey with mortal weapons.
The few survivors of that small village were terrified of him, rightfully so. He was cast out from the only home he knew, and left to wander.
He went all over, gaining knowledge of different cultures, human speech, clothes, all sorts of things as he enjoyed his explorations. Soon enough he could tell exactly how any human society would work; from India to Tibet he saw it all, and knew it all. But he was far from omniscient, and he wanted to know more about this world. The chaos and wonder all around him, how it constantly changed and how it could possibly be filled with suffering.
During his travels, he had found a demon only kingdom in the east of China dubbed “ The Eastern Kingdom of the Sun”. Ruled by the newly crowned emperor Huang Bojing and his wife… a gibbon.
During his stay, he asked about the two rulers and got the story of how they became betrothed.
How with only the palm of her hand, the gibbon Min-Yáng had beaten the former emperor in hand to hand combat— launching him out of the ring with one hit.
Heng knew the whispers of a third monkey had to be true! He had met the second monkey only once, when they crossed paths a continent over.
The strange macaque claimed to be “ the handsome monkey king”, wearing palm leaves with flowers woven into a shoddy crown, and barely modest clothing made of more woven plants.
He… just nodded along, saying he’d wish the king luck before walking away. He didn’t even know where to find immortality like the strange king asked… especially when he didn’t need such things with how he could reverse his own age.
But this, this could be different! He could cultivate a relationship with this stone ape, perhaps— even becoming her friend.
And that’s what he did.
Meeting her in person was breathtaking, both of them knowing deep down— they were the same.
They weren’t born of flesh and blood, instead of stone and spirit. They weren’t blood siblings or anything close, but that didn’t stop them from bonding like such.
Heng became a part of the royal family only months later, finally settling down within the demonic kingdom.
He had traded in days of walking for learning to read and write, slim meals after hard work for feasts every night with his new sworn-sister and her husband, and rags for silks and cotton soft to the touch.
He was home. He had a family.
He didn’t stay in the palace. Despite the luxury his sister and brother-in-law offered, he couldn’t stay in one place for long. So he went into the city, buying a home there. He didn’t stick with one job either, happy to pick up work from the butcher, or the textile shop, even the farmers.
When he became an uncle, Heng wept. Tears of joy flooded from his eyes the moment he held that little baby; looking down at a little face with a yellow face marking just like her mother’s.
Her eyes were red like Bojing’s, irises blue like her mother’s. Zhi, the first born.
Then four years later, a second child. A second girl, a copy of her mother. Ming-Yue.
Another four years later, Heng couldn’t stop his laughter when a third girl was born. Just like her father, Jiayi was brought into the world.
And finally, three years later- the last child was born. A boy, Li. Orange skin with black hair much like the patch his mother and two sisters had.
It was a wonderful life, even if the Veiled emperor threatened the kingdom from afar- like a storm brewing on the horizon. How could the celestial realm ever hurt his family? They weren’t normal demons or mortals.
Those clouds grew closer, darker, thunderous.
Kingdoms around fell to the tirade, but others stayed strong. Heng made sure the children knew to not disturb their parents when the war-room doors were closed, guiding them away to do other activities. The four children grew up with war always on the horizon, and yet it was a far from thought.
At least until Zhi reached the age to be brought into the war room to learn strategies, to learn how serious a celestial platoon could be against a demonic army.
It was up to Heng to keep the other three busy, occupied with other tasks such as learning to cook, reading, or exploring the capital city.
He kept calm, always keeping a good attitude so no one would worry.
But when the Great Sage’s weapon was discovered in a newly claimed territory… Heng took the task of retrieving it. It had been fifty years since the great journey of the Tang monk, and fifty years since any of them were heard from. The staff reappearing, it had to mean something.
They had to get to it before the Veiled Emperor did.
So a caravan was assembled; wagons loaded, horses saddled, and soldiers armed just in case. Heng bid his family a farewell, just for a few days. After all these were only retrieving a staff, it shouldn’t take long.
He didn’t think to double check the wagons for stowaways.
He didn’t think Yue would ever sneak into one, knowing she shouldn’t have ever been so far from the safety of home. He never thought he’d have to watch as she pulled the staff from the ground, as the clouds above them rumbled like a hurricane about to form.
Whew! A lot of text there huh? Now for pictures! The one down below will be his main outfit and hairstyle!
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thebakingqueen5 · 2 years
KW 2022: Sneaking Off
Day 3 of Kataang Week 2022 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Sneaking Off!
Links: AO3 || FF.net
Summary: Do I seriously have to come up with a new one of these each year? Kataang Week 2022 Day 3: Sneaking Off. Aang's been oddly secretive lately, so a pregnant Katara finally finds out what her dear husband has been up to.
Word Count: 4.0k
Katara had a dilemma.
It had been almost a decade since the Hundred Years’ War had ended, and it would be an understatement to say that a lot had happened in that time. The world had been ushered into a new era of peace by Katara and her friends. They had all grown up a lot from the teenagers they were when they ended the war- they were older, stronger, more mature, and, as of recently, starting families of their own.
Katara and Aang had gotten married about six years ago during a week of grand celebration at the Southern Air Temple and Southern Water Tribe. Before and since, they had traveled, seen the world, and were finally beginning to settle down. The political atmosphere of the former Fire Nation colonies on the west coast of the Earth Kingdom had led to most global-level meetings being held in the heart of the colonies in Cranefish Town. As a result, the couple had decided to create a permanent settlement near the city, both for their family to grow and for the Air Nation as a whole to have a representative at world council meetings.
Which left Katara, five months pregnant, with her current dilemma.
Ever since she had found out she was pregnant, the months had passed by like a whirlwind. There was always so much happening all at once; they had to worry about the colonies, doctor appointments for the baby, her grandmother’s recent health scare, working on construction on the island, making a nursery, helping with their friends’ weddings, and so on. However, at the same time, Katara felt like she couldn’t be happier.
She had never once wavered in her assertion that Aang would be an amazing father and husband, but even if she had had the slightest of doubts before, she certainly didn’t have them now.
Somehow, despite all the chaos, Aang always managed to make her feel like the only person in the world, like she was the only thing that mattered.
The airbender would spend hours blowing off council meetings he deemed unnecessary just to be with her and the unborn baby in her tummy, much to the council’s chagrin. He’d sing the baby songs before bedtime, lie next to Katara’s stomach to talk to them while Katara would read or sew, and would even regale the baby with adventurous stories, more often than not telling them how amazing their mom was in addition to various tales of the Gaang’s exploits before the war had ended.
Aang had done nothing but spend the last five months being attentive and caring and making Katara fall in love with him a little more each day, which is what made the events of recent so very odd.
For the last two weeks or so, Aang seemed… off. He’d get home from work, give her and her stomach a quick kiss, take Appa back to the stables for longer than Katara thought he normally did, and then say he had to help with some other area of the island that was still under construction before sneaking off for hours at a time.
Granted, it wasn’t like he was completely ignoring her- he’d usually come back for a late dinner and spend the rest of the night with her being the same sweet, loving, and affectionate husband he had always been, but something still felt wrong.
But what could Katara even say? On one hand, she didn’t want to come off as clingy. Of course Aang wasn’t obligated to spend every free moment of his time with her! She could’ve been making a big deal of nothing, being well aware of how her pregnancy hormones had been making her more paranoid and worried lately.
On the other hand, Katara and Aang had always been able to tell each other everything. They weren’t just husband and wife- they were each other’s best friends. Rarely was there a secret that one of them would be able to keep from the other for more than a day or two. Now? It seemed like they were distant, like they were drifting apart, and it worried Katara.
“Ugh,” she groaned and flopped down onto the bed.
At that moment, as if sensing her frustration, Momo flew in through the window, landing on the pillow next to her and making Katara sigh.
“What do you think I should do, Momo?” she asked the lemur while scratching the fur under his chin. “Am I overthinking it? Or am I not thinking about it enough?” The lemur chirped at her before jumping off the bed and flying away back out the window.
“Great,” she said dryly. “Now there’s two gravity-defying creatures on this island sneaking off away from me. How lovely.”
“Master Katara?” an air acolyte spoke from the doorway, breaking her out of her thoughts. “Your brother is on the island and wishes to see you.”
Katara frowned. She didn’t think she was expecting a visit from anyone today. Nevertheless, she nodded to the acolyte. “Send him in.”
The acolyte, Sholan she thought his name was, bowed and left to get Sokka, who poked his head through the doorway a few minutes later.
“Hey, Katara. Where’s Aang?” he asked as he walked in.
The waterbender got up off the bed, putting her hand on her hip, her eyebrow raised questioningly. “Nice to see you too, big brother,” she deadpanned. “And haha, very funny. Aang is in a meeting right now. A meeting that you’re supposed to be in too…”
Sokka frowned, squinting at her. “What are you talking about? There’s no meeti- ohhh.”
Katara cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean ‘ohhh’? If Aang isn’t in a meeting with you then where is he? What’s going on?”
“Nowhere! Nothing!” Sokka squeaked. “Just do me a favor? Tell Aang I stopped by and that uh… that Zuko’s gonna blow a gasket if he misses the next meeting.”
Katara stammered, “B-b-but why-”
“Thanks, Katara! You’re the best! I think I hear Suki calling me for lunch so I’m just gonna go now. Bye!” Sokka said quickly, practically running out the door and down the hall to catch the next ferry.
“It’s 4 o’candle and Suki’s visiting her parents on Kyoshi island!” she yelled after him, her brother already out of earshot.
Katara huffed. If she didn’t think something was up before, she definitely did now, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
Obviously, Aang had been doing something, and her brother appeared to be in on it, but what was she to do? She couldn’t very well go up to him and tell him everything she knew on the chance that maybe he did have a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this.
Once again, as if sensing her energy, Momo returned flying through the window, this time with a freshly picked moon peach in his hands.
“Maybe you’re right, Momo,” Katara told the winged primate. “I’ll just ask him if he can stay for dinner and ask him about the meeting then. He wouldn’t lie to my face, right?”
He paused his eating to chirp in agreement before going back to vigorously devouring the fruit, its juice staining the fur around his mouth.
“C’mon you pampered lemur,” she laughed as she grabbed him, much to Momo’s displeasure if his panicked chattering was any indication. “Let’s get you cleaned up and start cooking.”
With that, Katara got to work. Over the next few hours, she made a plethora of Aang’s favorite foods- sweet rice, steamed vegetables, and, of course, egg custard tarts, making sure everything was absolutely perfect for when Aang came home.
“He can’t say no to egg custard tarts, right Momo?” she asked him. The lemur did not comment, seeming to have other plans as his grubby little hands reached for a piece of fruit in the sweet rice.
“Momo, no!” Katara scolded, moving the pot away from him. “There are plenty of fresh fruits for you outside and in the greenhouse. You know you can’t eat rice!”
Momo chattered back at her angrily, hands still stretched in the direction of the vessel.
“I said no, Momo. You need to-”
“Oh come on,” a voice interrupted. “He picks off the rice anyways.”
Katara whipped around when she heard him, her legs unable to take her fast enough as she tackled her husband in a hug, one which he happily returned.
“You act like we haven’t seen each other in years,” he mumbled quietly. He sighed softly, smelling her familiar scent and relishing the feeling of her in his arms.
“Feels that way sometimes,” she whispered back, her voice muffled by his chest.
“I missed you too.” Aang peppered Katara’s face with kisses before kneeling down to kiss her stomach. “And of course, I missed you, little one.”
The waterbender chuckled, rubbing her stomach. “Baby missed you too.”
Aang stood back up, his arms wrapping around Katara as he pressed kisses all around the side of her face. She smiled, melting into his touch.
“Baby saw his uncle today, you know.”
“Sokka came by?” Aang replied, trying to hide his curiosity.
“Yeah. He was looking for you, actually.” Katara peeked a glance at her husband, trying to gauge his reaction. “He wanted me to tell you, and I quote, ‘that Zuko was going to blow a gasket if you missed the next meeting,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
Aang frowned. “Why would Zuk- ohhh.”
“Why would Zuko what?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all! Just me being forgetful, you know how I am.”
Katara squinted at the airbender, his arms still around her but his hands fidgety. Aang may have had a short attention span from time to time, but his memory was sharper than Sokka’s space sword; it was the only way he’d been able to survive remembering all his Avatar duties and council meetings.
“Okay… well, our baby would also like to know if you can maybe stay for dinner?” she started. “I know you’ve been working a lot lately, so I made egg custard tarts and sweet rice.” Katara looked up into his stormy gray eyes, desperately hoping that just this once he’d say ‘yes’ so that she could find out what was going on with her husband.
She only had to make eye contact for a second before she shrugged off his embrace and averted his gaze. She already knew what his answer was.
“Save it,” she muttered, her arms hugging her torso as she stepped away from him. “I don’t really want to talk to you right now.”
Aang looked on helplessly, walking up to her again and resting his arms on her belly from behind. “I know I’ve been preoccupied lately with the… with the construction and all, but I’m so close to being done. You have no idea.”
Katara remained silent, still rigid against his embrace.
“One hour,” the airbender whispered as pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder. “Probably less if I hurry. But I promise you, in one hour, I’ll be done and it’ll all make sense. Please.”
She sighed, turning around with a frown on her face. “Well, I guess I can’t stop you.”
Aang grinned and kissed her, a long and sweet kiss that almost made her forget she was ever mad at him. “I love you more than is humanly possible,” he said before kissing her again. “See you in an hour?”
Katara nodded, looking at him sternly. “One hour. No more.”
“Avatar promise,” he winked at her. He then got out his staff, hurried out the door, and flew towards the mainland, in the direction where the dormitories happened to be.
The waterbender watched him until the blue of his staff was indistinguishable against the cerulean sky before returning to the kitchen, covering the food she had made so that it would still be warm by the time he got back. She then walked over to the sofa and lay down on her side, grabbing the book on the side table.
“Might as well catch up on some reading.”
30 minutes later…
“Ugh, I don’t wanna catch up on my reading,” she groaned.
“What if I just brought him some snacks? A few sweet buns we have left over from the other night? I know he hasn’t wanted me to help with the construction in case something happened and I or the baby got hurt, but he said it would only take him an hour! Finishing touches like that shouldn’t be dangerous anyways,” Katara thought aloud.
A little-known fact about Katara: more often than not, she had an iron will and a very good sense of what she was going to do.
When she didn’t, however? The waterbender could justify practically anything to herself if she wasn’t already set on it, leading to ages of internal debate.
“Do I do it? Or do I not? Do I go? Or do I stay? Do I be nosy? Or do I let Aang show me his work himself when he gets back? Agh!” she yelled.
“Master Katara?” Sholan, the acolyte from earlier, though this time with a few others accompanying him, interrupted. “Is everything alright?”
“What? Oh! Yes, yes, nothing to worry about.” Katara paused. “Sholan, do you know if Avatar Aang has finished his work on the dormitories and is making his way back yet?”
Sholan gave her a look of confusion. “Master Katara, Avatar Aang finished the dormitories last week. No construction work at all has been done sin-”
“Shhh!” the acolytes next to Sholan hushed him.
“Would you excuse us for a moment?” one of them smiled, grabbing Sholan and talking quietly away from the doorway.
Katara wasn’t about to outrightly poke her head in the hall and listen in, but she was still able to catch a few snippets of their conversation.
“Master Katara… …not supposed to tell… …secret… …Avatar’s orders…”
And just like that, it was as if Katara’s heart had shattered like glass. Aang had been hiding something from her, apparently, something he saw fit to tell the acolytes and Sokka about but not her. She rubbed her eyes furiously, feeling the moisture well up inside.
“Stop that, Katara!” she thought to herself. “Enough of this! Wherever Aang is, chances are he’s probably still on the island. And even if he’s not, you’re going to find him and figure out what he’s up to!”
Taking a deep breath, she got up off the sofa, now more determined than ever. She poked her head out into the hallway, the acolytes now gone for some reason, and hurried down the steps of the tower to go outside and begin her search.
And boy, was she determined.
First, she checked the airbender training arena. Nothing.
Then she checked the meditation pavilion. Still nothing.
Next, she checked the dormitories. Nothing, though they did look recently completed like the acolyte had said.
The greenhouse? Nothing. The temple? Nothing. The plaza? Nothing. The stables? Nothing, not that she was even surprised at this point.
Katara huffed, feet aching from her trek as she finally sat down on a stone bench in the garden, stoically bending some water from the stream running beside her. It just felt like lie after lie at this point, and she was getting tired of it. Where could Aang have gone? Why was he going anywhere at all? What was he even doi-
Suddenly, she was broken out of her thoughts by an all-too-familiar flash of orange robes landing in a small clearing next to the garden. She waited for a moment- the only way to get to the main building from there would be to go through the garden as it was right in front of the entrance. Lo and behold, there was her husband, jogging towards her and carrying a small bundle in his hands.
“Katara?” he said, out-of-breath. “What are you doing outside?”
“Nothing much. Just thinking.”
“About?” he quirked an eyebrow up at her, his steps slower as he got closer.
“Let’s see,” she said dryly. “First, I was thinking about why my husband seemed to be disappearing so much. Then I got to wonder why he said he was in a meeting with Sokka and Zuko when it appeared that Sokka seemed to have no memory of any such meeting,” her voice began to rise.
“After that, I started questioning why he refused to have dinner with me after I spent hours making-” Her voice broke, tears threatening to escape her eyes.
“After I spent hours making his favorite foods and making sure everything would be perfect. To top it all off!” Katara knew there was no stopping the flooding of her eyes spilling onto her cheeks. “I found out that the dormitories he’s been building, the ones he’s been telling me so much about for how excited he was gonna be when they were done, were actually finished a week ago! And that there’s been no construction since! So yeah! You could say I’ve been doing a little bit of thinking!”
She sniffled, tears falling freely as she shook and curled up into a ball, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Oh, love,” Aang whispered, sitting down next to her on the bench with a thump and holding her in his arms. “I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” she choked out, accepting his embrace regardless. “I want you to tell me what’s going on, Aang. We always tell each other everything.”
“I know. I know I’ve been secretive and dodgy lately, I know. I’m an idiot. I should’ve been thinking about how it would affect you. I’m sorry.”
Keeping one hand around her shoulders, Aang reached down into his bag and grabbed a soft wrapped bundle.
“For you.”
Katara scoffed, pushing it and him away. “I don’t want any of your apology gifts. I want you to talk to me.”
“I know. Just, please open it? I am going to talk to you, right now in fact, but it’ll make a lot more sense if you open it.”
The waterbender squinted at him, trying to read his eyes.
With nimble fingers, she carefully undid the ribbons and wrapping to not harm whatever was inside. Slowly, she pulled the lump out of its thin, papery cage and sucked in a breath.
The airbender rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Do you like it? I tried my best to make it accurately.”
“You- you made this?” Katara marveled at the gift, running her hands slowly over the soft fabric and fur lining. She almost couldn’t believe it was real.
“How- why- what- huh?!” she stammered.
Aang chuckled, pulling her close to him as she stared dumbfoundedly at the coat.
“Remember when we went to the Southern Water Tribe to announce your pregnancy to your dad and Gran Gran?”
“Well, when we went there, I asked them, plus Sokka, if there were any Southern Water Tribe pregnancy or baby traditions that I should know about. They mentioned this, an amauti- I hope I said that right- that special coat that they use in the Water Tribe to carry babies inside a coat and protect them from the cold?”
“Anyways, your dad and Kanna, um,” Aang hesitated and continued shyly. “They mentioned that your mother used to carry you in one when you were a baby. Your Gran Gran even gave me the pattern for the one your mom wore.”
Katara pressed her hand to her mouth, heart melting for the airbender next to her. “This? This is what you’ve been working on?”
Aang nodded, blushing. “I’m not exactly the best seamstress, which you already know, so it took me a few tries to match the pattern correctly.”
“And Sokka knew? He was in on it the whole time?”
“All our friends were,” he grinned. “Sokka, Zuko, and Toph covered for me during a couple meetings so that I could work on it.”
Katara furrowed her eyebrows. “Why’d he come looking for you today then? A-a-and the extra time in Appa’s stables?”
“You know how Sokka came back from that trip down to the Southern Water Tribe a few days ago?”
The waterbender nodded, eyes wide and completely blank.
“He was mostly there to see Hakoda and Gran Gran, but he was also getting me some extra ones of these,” Aang gestured to the intricate beading on the front of the fur-lined coat bearing a close resemblance to the carving on Katara’s engagement necklace. “That thing he said about Zuko being mad? Zuko knew too; Sokka was just letting me know where to find him- at Zuko’s house in the city.”
“As for the extra time in Appa’s stable- I have to say, I didn’t think you’d pick up on it -but I didn’t feel right killing an animal to make the coat, nor did I know if I’d have enough time to make a trip down south in the first place. I used Appa’s shed fur instead to line the hood and stuff. I hope that’s okay?”
Katara let out a sharp puff of air, fully sobbing as she hastily tried to wipe the tears coming out of her eyes.
“Oh.” Aang’s face fell as he berated himself. “Love, I’m so sorry. I can try to make another one if you don’t like it? Gah, I knew I should’ve gone traditi-”
Aang never got the chance to finish his sentence when Katara tackled him in a hug, pressing kisses all over his face before resolving to bury her head in his chest.
“It’s, it’s so amazing, Aang,” she choked out, smiling brightly at him through her watery eyes. “Happy tears, I promise.”
Aang let out the breath he was holding. “That’s a relief. You like it then?”
The waterbender nodded vigorously, holding onto him for dear life. “I love it so much. And you.”
She tilted her head to look up at him, Aang gently wiping away some of her tears with his thumb as he cupped her cheek.
“Everything from m-my mom’s pattern to the beading pattern to how soft it is and Appa’s fur, oh, it’s all amazing.”
Katara paused for a moment, cupping the airbender’s cheek with her hand as she pressed their foreheads together.
“It’s amazing and beautiful and so sweet and amazing and you!!! You’re amazing and beautiful and so sweet and did I mention amazing?” she rambled, making them both laugh.
“Maybe once or twice.”
Katara sighed, pulling him in for a kiss. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Words can’t express how much this means to me, sweetie.”
Aang grinned and held her hand, pressing a kiss to it. “It was really nothing, sweetie. I’m just glad it all paid off and you liked it.”
“I did,” she murmured and leaned in again. “I really did.”
“And I am so sorry,” Katara whispered. “For getting so mad and worried and upset when I should’ve just talked to you and-”
“None of that, sweetie,” Aang said gently, frowning. “You did try, and I should’ve been better about how I went about all of this, okay? If you’re going to ask me to forgive you, the answer is no because there’s nothing to forgive. Can you ever forgive me?”
She nodded, still sniffling a little as she hugged him tightly.
Suddenly, Katara felt a tiny flutter come from her tummy, almost like a nudge, that made her gasp.
“What is it, sweetie?”
She grinned ear to ear and leaned up to kiss her husband again.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who appreciated your gift.”
Aang’s eyes widened, gaze dropping to her stomach. “Did the baby-”
Katara nodded vigorously, squeezing Aang’s hand in hers and guiding it to her belly. “Baby’s first kick.”
Aang smiled, tears now threatening to well up in his eyes too.
“I love you so much, Katara,” he whispered, scooting back to press a kiss to her stomach and feeling another small kick in response. “You too, baby. So, so, so much.”
The waterbender sighed contently, absentmindedly rubbing the fur on her new amauti as she pressed a kiss to the tip of the arrow on Aang’s hand.
“We love you too, sweetie. Thank you.”
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lovebecomeshim · 3 years
hello! your zutara posting today has finally motivated me to ask this question because I came to atla very late(last year, to be specific) and I Love It Very Much but am 1000% out of the loop as far as why what remains of fandom (at least that I've seen among my friends) is so very strongly zutara. I'm not opposed to it per se I just don't really know what has driven it to apparently be such a popular ship? can you help me understand and maybe convert me a little bit?
Hey!! Your ICON! :D I can try but I’m not sure how coherent I’ll be; however I AM sure someone a lot more competent will be willing to add to this. Either way, I’m glad you asked because my plan was to drag down as many people as possible with me.
*smacks the hood of zutara* this baby can fit so much mutual love and support!
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This got so long, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to put it under a cut on mobile and it already got deleted once so I’m scared to mess with it lol. Moving on.
I’m gonna start this with a disclaimer that im on mobile so formatting is tricky and I’m also really new to atla in that I only completed my first watch through in like 2019??? So some of my info is all just based on what I’ve picked up from Discourse 👀 so anyway the sparknotes version: zutara was wildly popular from the beginning. To the point where the atla crew internally disagreed on which ship should be endgame. (Ex. Bryke [showrunners] asked the writers to rewrite The Southern Raiders to make Zuko seem less ideal for Katara than Aang [which failed, depending on who you ask]; the animation team purposefully created a visual parrallel between Oma and Shu in the Cave of Two Lovers and Zuko and Katara in the catacombs under Ba Sing Se in the Crossroads of Destiny; etc.)
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The ship was popular enough that Bryke actually chose to display zk fanart at a con for the sole purpose of mocking the fans, but that’s neither here nor there. The entire episode Ember Island Players, while a love letter to/parody of the whole show, was an opportunity to address zutara’s viability as a canon pairing (while, again, mocking zutaras for romanticizing that catacombs scene). Point is! It’s always been popular but with it not being endgame, there’s got to be something that’s given it staying power.
And that’s honestly got to do with three things: their dynamic, thematic cohesion, and potential.
(You know what... you know what, it’s four things. The fourth is they’re so aesthetically pleasing together and individually. Like, they’re just good looking people [specifically when they’re grown but they’re also cute kids] and that absolutely doesn’t hurt) (but it’s not the Point, it’s just nice to point out sometimes)
The dynamic is hard to get into without also looking at the canon pairings, but I think I can do that without unnecessary bashing. It’s just that part of the magic of zutara is really highlighted by what they give to each other that their other relationships don’t.
First off, it’s classic enemies to (would be) lovers. The absolute truest form of it. It’s not too different from how CS started out: a rogue antagonist with a job to do—but no personal vendetta against the future love interest—who is deeply and emotionally invested in his personal storyline (revenge/redemption) with little regard for how it effects other people after his entire life and genuine good nature are marred by suffering, and a fierce warrior girl with a strong moral compass and her own personal investment in stopping him (protect her family and save the world doing it). Obviously frustration and animosity grew between them by the nature of them being on opposing sides, but that just lends itself to the sweetness of their later reconciliation.
The thing is that while they’re wildly different on the surface (he’s a hot-headed prince of a fascist regime who is trying to capture the Avatar to please his father; she’s a nurturing daughter of the chief who is trying to protect and train the Avatar in order to topple his father’s throne) they find out that they have so much more in common both in their experiences and their personalities.
(What follows is an excessive use of the word “both” and I’m sorry about that)(I can edit it. I can do that. That IS an option............)
They both have an innate sense of justice that they are determined to see done (zuko, at the war meeting, sticking up for the Earth Kingdom kid when the guards torment his family, choosing not to steal from the pregnant couple despite his circumstances, abiding by his word to leave the SWT should Aang come willingly, etc.; katara, literally.... at any point). They both have pretty one-track minds at accomplishing certain goals once they’ve put their mind to it, regardless of a lack of support in that endeavor (it goes without saying I guess, but zuko’s entire hunt; katara’s determination to get the earth benders to fight back, her determination to absolutely destroy Pakku until he agrees to teach her, etc.). They both lost their mothers at young ages. Their worlds are war-torn and traumatizing to them both, if in different ways, but that ultimately forces them to grow up too quickly to be wholly independent individuals. They both have issues with their fathers (for WILDLY different reasons, but). They both hold extreme prejudices that they need to learn to overcome (which ties into thematic cohesion)(bit like Lizzie and Darcy in that way but magnified by a million). They’re both extremely emotional and empathetic—which can and often does result in loud outbursts. Katara’s a bit better adjusted and can temper her anger for longer than S1 Zuko can, but they both feel that anger deeply and have no compunctions expressing it (Katara is, usually, more justified, particularly in S1. Again, S1 Zuko is severely maladjusted but at the point when they could’ve feasibly become a couple, he’s so much better off with the way he carries himself). They both struggle with feelings of inferiority in their bending abilities when confronted with prodigal benders like Aang and Azula, but have the work ethic required to double down and become two of the most powerful benders in the three remaining nations. This is a little more minor but it is a parrallel that appeals to some shippers that they both have these alter egos in the Painted Lady (notably fire nation coded) and the Blue Spirit (water tribe coded) that are pretty different from who they are day-to-day and are useful in accomplishing a purpose that they as themselves cannot.
(I’m.... I just realized that this could potentially get very long. Should I have made a slide show with bullet points??????)
Anyway, similar. I know there’s more but there’s literally so much to love about zutara that I’ll drive myself a little crazy trying to compile all the ways they’re similar. (Just gonna say that at this exact moment I went back to add more similarities.... so okay then)
Once they’ve reconciled, we see how all of these things only lend themselves to a deeper intimacy together than they share with literally anyone else. There’s a steady partnership that positions them as the mom/dad of the gaang, while also providing the support necessary to allow the other to not have to carry so much responsibility. A lot of zutaras will point out how zuko is actually depicted doing the more domestic chores that are normally relegated to Katara once he joins the gaang, since the others in the group are two 12-year-olds and sokka. The one that sticks out the most is how he makes tea for the group and then serves them, while Katara is able to just relax with her friends around the fire. Fanon expands upon this a lot to Zuko helping with the laundry or the cooking or whatever else needs doing since he, as a once-refugee, is used to doing his own domestic tasks. Before Zuko joined, Katara was the one mothering everyone, sewing for them, cooking for them, etc. She’s always tending to the needs of the group, and that includes emotionally. She does the emotional labor for the gaang 99% of the time, but when she’s the one falling apart, she’s usually doing it alone and without the comfort that she normally provides for others. Until Zuko. And that’s before they’re even friends.
Which is WHY people romanticize the catacombs of Ba Sing Se so much. Katara is verbally attacking Zuko out of her own righteous anger but also her own prejudice when Zuko, surprisingly, chooses to be vulnerable with her. He’s been on a journey that’s opened his eyes a bit, but he’s never actively chosen to expose the rawest parts of his past to anyone. But for some reason he chooses to do that with Katara of all people. While she’s yelling at him. He sees her humanity, and for once can look past his prejudice and empathize with her. And this time, when she breaks down, she gets to be comforted. Katara normally talks about her mother when she’s trying to explain to someone else that she sees and understands they’re pain, as a form of comfort to them. Here, Zuko uses the exact same tactic. He sees her and he understands. And for zuko? He’s not being shut down. He’s allowed to articulate his pain regarding his mother without being ignored and made to internalize it, and he’s allowed to process how he feels about his scar out loud without being told that he deserved it. And then he lets her touch his scar, something we’ve seen him actively avoid before. He’s completely open to her and she’s completely open to him and all it took was one five minute conversation. She was about to use the little bit of Spirit water that she had, that she was saving for something Important, to heal the scar that still daily causes him pain just because they had, somehow, connected.
Plus there’s the whole parallel to the star-crossed lovers forbidden from one another, a war divides their people—
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And then zuko messes up, he regresses, he gets what he wants and he HATES it. And the sense of justice he had as a child has been restored to him against his will and he can’t think of anything he wants to do more than the Right Thing, so he joins team avatar. Before he does that though, we get to see his relationship with Mai, which is where comparison really comes in. And what we see is Zuko, fresh off of his encounter with Katara in the catacombs, trying to be emotionally honest with Mai... and getting shut down and dismissed. Which is just how Mai is and it’s fine, but not for Zuko. Still, he keeps trying, and he keeps getting ignored or scoffed at or yelled at. Which is really a larger symbol for how he doesn’t fit in his old life anymore, but again that’s about thematic cohesion. He tries to articulate his anxieties about returning home, he tries to make romantic gestures, he tries to explain how morally conflicted he’s feeling—and Mai diverts to some kind of physical affection to shut him up and a parting comment that is pretty much always, in essence, “I don’t wanna talk about this.” So they don’t. On the other hand, once zuko and Katara are friends, we see him again emotionally distraught and caught up in his anxieties about facing Iroh, and it’s Katara who comes to him and listens to him and comforts and encourages him.
Similarly, we have Aang clamming up and getting uncomfortable whenever Katara shows any negative emotion, usually resulting in him making excuses or running away. Or, in the case of the Southern Raiders, lecturing her on how she needs to just let go of her anger about her mother’s murder. People have talked this episode to death and usually better than I ever could, so imma... keep it brief. There’s a serious disconnect between Aang and Katara in his ability to empathize with Katara and her needs that has her tamping down her vulnerability and amping up her anger. He tells her that he was able to forgive his people’s genocide and appa’s kidnapping (petnapping? Theft??), which is blatantly not true but also not an entirely equal parrallel to Katara’s situation, and continues making these little remarks throughout the episode. But it’s Zuko that Katara opens up to. It’s with him that she’s able to talk about the most traumatic day of her life, and it’s with him that she’s able to get the closure she needs, cementing their bond as friends and partners. This disagreement between Aang and Katara is then... never resolved. They just never bring it up and hear what the other is saying.
There’s a fic called The Portraits of Ember Island that has a line that so completely sums up the heart of the matter for why people love their dynamic. For context, zuko has woken up early to help Katara with the cooking and they spend the whole time just letting one another talk, and zuko stops to ask why she always just lets him talk. And so she stops to ask why he’s always helping, and it goes as follows:
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There’s just... so much mutual support! Trust! Intimacy!! And it just continues like that from the Southern Raiders on, listening to each other, advising each other, watching each other’s backs! And then! Literally saving each other’s lives!! I will never be over the last Agni kai. Not ever. Zuko may have been willing to jump in front of lightning for anyone, but he actually did it for Katara. And in a show, that’s the thing that really matters. It’s a fulfilled trope usually exclusively applied to romantic pairings, and it ended up applying to Zuko and Katara. And then she ran out into the middle of a fight with tunnel vision just to get to him.
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Also!! Also Zuko pushing Katara out of the way of the falling rocks at the Western Air Temple!! And Katara catching him as he fell from the war balloon that he fought Azula on!! Before they’re even getting along, they’re the ones reaching for each other. They come to this place of equal ground, as partners, who watch each other’s backs, call each other out but still listen attentively and understand, and provide the support that the other has been sorely lacking up until they knew each other (whether that be from lack of effort or lack of understanding from others, or an unwillingness to accept it for themselves).
Then, trailing along under the surface of this, we see the themes of the show totally embodied by Zuko and Katara as individuals and in their relationship to one another. There’s a YouTuber, sneezyreviews, who has a, like, 2-hour explanation on why she not only loves zutara but also believes that their endgame would’ve actually elevated the writing of atla to new levels particularly because of thematic cohesion and resolved character arcs. It’s the zutara dissertation I never knew I needed, and it’s funny and eloquent and effective, so I’m just going to sum up her section on thematic cohesion to the best of my abilities and then link it for whenever you have the time. And I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you want a full understanding of what makes zutara so great and gives it such longevity.
Guru pathik has a line that goes something like this: separation is an illusion; things that seem different are just two parts of the same whole. Iroh also tells Zuko something similar: balance and strength are achieved when the different nations come together and influence one another and celebrate what makes them each unique. And this lesson is a massive central arc that both Zuko and Katara go through, moving past a black-and-white, good guys-vs-bad guys, us-vs-them mentality and into a greyer, more nuanced view of the world. Zuko sees the fire nation from an entirely new perspective and while he still loves and hopes for his nations future, he surrenders his blind loyalty to them in exchange for an unflinching loyalty to peace and love. Katara too had to come to terms with the fact that cruel people exist in the earth kingdom and water tribes, while some fire nation citizens are just regular, kind people who also need and deserve to have someone speak on their behalf. And this is honed in directly on how they view each other. They grow in their individual journeys to be open to the humanity in the other and then, once they’ve found that, they’re able to grow more in compassion for others in a beautiful feedback loop. And this is all matched in the symbolism repeatedly and intentionally associated with them in canon: sun and moon, fire and water, yin and yang, Oma and Shu who found love despite their warring nations. Their individual arcs are completed in each other and complement the themes of atla beautifully.
The canon pairs... just don’t. Which, again, is fine. But the very things that give atla longevity and popularity are anchored in zutara. Kat@ang doesn’t accomplish this. They’re... nice. Sweet. Especially when you erase a good portion of their interactions in S3. It could’ve been just a sweet love story. (Personally, the dynamic between toph and aang accomplish the same thing that zutara does, with complementary personalities that fulfill the theme of opposites blending in harmony) M@iko, on the other hand, is less sweet but I think wasn’t even supposed to last. Zuko’s relationship with Mai seems to represent his relationship with his old life as a whole. He can’t be emotionally vulnerable, he’s goaded into abusing his privileges, his agency and opinions aren’t respected. They just don’t have common ground with which to discuss anything that matters, so they don’t. As far as themes, the relationship doesn’t fit with atla. It’s zuko returning to and sticking with what is (on the surface) like him, what’s expected. Fire nation with fire nation. Fluid water bender with the flexible air bender. Like with like, separated from what is different and challenging and complementary.
And all of these things combined of course lead to the potential for the ship. I don’t know how familiar you are with the post-atla canon but... well, miss “I will never turn my back on people who need me”, miss “I don’t want to heal! I want to fight!” ends up living quietly in the SWT as a designated healer who turns a blind eye to the water tribe civil war happening right outside her front door. Which can be fine! People change! Some people just wanna stay inside. I just wanna stay inside! But the potential future for zutara is so much more satisfying, with Katara becoming the most unconventional Fire Lady the uppity old cads who are stuck on the old ways have ever seen. Fanon has her serving as a voice for the other nations within a kingdom at the point of its biggest political upheaval, as a confidante to Zuko who can actually help him while he’s trying to figure out how to move forward and make reparations. They have the opportunity, together, to accomplish what they both have set on their hearts to fight for: positive change that lends itself to harmony and balance. And the steambabies! A popular headcanon is that their firstborn daughter, the crown princess, is actually a waterbender, which causes such an uproar among the people who are adamantly clinging to the old ways. It’s just a future full of potential to be forces for good together, full of trust, intimacy, joy. The exact era of peace and love and balance that zuko announces that he intends to ring in with the start of his reign as Fire Lord is, again, magnified by the very personal zutara relationship. And we love to see it.
tl;dr zutara isn’t for everyone. Some people just don’t vibe with it. Some are nostalgic. Some love the canon they grew up with. Some have been disappointed for years. Some just see themselves in other characters and want their happiness instead. Whatever the reason, that’s fine. But for me, I love the way these two, from the moment they give each other a fair chance, are able to lower their walls and prejudices to see the other for the kindred spirits they are. They see each other’s humanity, and their response is to pour out love and support and compassion. I love that they’re a power couple in battle. I love the symbolism and, honestly, soulmatism that colors their every interaction. I love that they embody the whole storyline of atla in their relationship and how it develops, which is notably why their seasonal arcs always culminate in each finale with how they relate to one another. I love that zuko adopting a waterbending move is what actually saves his life and then katara’s. I love the chemistry! And I love the future they could’ve had, instead of the ones they were given.
So, in conclusion: I just think they’re neat and I hope you do too, at least a little bit. Even if it’s just respectfully from a disinterested distance cause you do you. And now here is the video I mentioned. I’m sorry this post got so long and then I gave you an even longer homework assignment, but I can’t recommend it enough. She says it all better than I can.
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
How exactly did killer loose his arm? Was it cuz he got distracted or was it tactic to prevent something even worse?? ;-; how did nightmate take that sight? How did he get the idea to give killer some of his magic to make an artificial arm for him, did he knew it would work? Was it a hard or painful process for any of them?? (God i love the idea of killer getting a shadow arm from nm >w< makes him even cooler! Kyaaaaa~ still a sad thing tho uwu)
Was nightmare ever in the mood/need/curious to ask killer sing somehing (for him~)??
What ships will happen in kingdomverse??
Alsoo... Uhh dont know if thats an OK question but can they get pregnant? I wanna know if babybones are an possibility in the future? qwq
Ah yes... the Incident.
Allow me to explain the unfortunate event in which Killer almost failed at his job.
(This is gonna be heckin, and I mean HECKIN long. We got some worldbuilding ahead!)
How did Killer lose his arm?
This event happened several years after Killer began his duties as Royal Guard. Dream had already told Nightmare he no longer needed a Royal Guard, and Killer already expressed his wish to stay as one. Nightmare and Killer were frequently having their nightly visits, and things were going well.
One night, however, after Killer had returned to his room and the two had settled in for bed, something happened.
Now I haven't mentioned this before, mainly cause your questions have thankfully not uncovered it >w< During Nightmare's reign, there was much despair in the Kingdom. Negativity brings out the worst in people, as we're all aware I'm sure, and it's no wonder that some people would be driven mad by the results of Nightmare's actions.
Some people began to believe that if they worshipped Nightmare, they would be spared from his wrath and from the destruction his crafted creatures wrought. These people formed a cult dedicated to Nightmare, praising his actions and renouncing their loyalty to the Sun King. They called themselves The Corrupted.
Cults are a very hard thing to get rid of, especially if you weren't aware they existed. When Dream returned and cast Nightmare into the Void, the Corrupted hid themselves in the shadows, vowing to return only once their "True King" returns as well.
The issue arose when Nightmare did return from the Void. Nightmare, throughout his reign, was most often seen as his "transformed" self, and it was that self that The Corrupted worshipped, not Nightmare.
The Corrupted believed that they could bring back the "True King", and to do so they needed to remove the "Imposter King". The cult spent time learning the routines of the castle in order to break in to Nightmare's quarters when they were certain no one was around.
They had acquired a drug meant to incapacitate monsters and suppress their magic, and modified it to be several times as strong. Nightmare certainly wasn't at his strongest either, the Kingdom was a naturally positive place when Dream was around.
A few cult assassins threw a smoke bomb filled with the drug into Nightmare's room while he slept, and unfortunately it worked well enough. Nightmare wasn't unconscious, but he didn't have as fine of control over his magic or his own body.
The assassins came into the room, intending to kidnap Nightmare, but it's rather fortunate that Killer is a light sleeper, isn't it? Killer came into the room just as one of the assassins was about to grab Nightmare.
There was quite a few of them, as they'd been prepared for resistance, and though I hate to say it, they were skilled too. They weren't just some guy picked off the street and given a weapon, it was as if they'd been trained for years just for this moment.
It's likely they had been. Killer was having difficulties, but holding his own well enough. He would only really need to hold them off long enough for the guards to get to the room. Well, that's what he thought until he saw another assassin coming towards a practically immobile Nightmare, and he clearly wasn't intending to just kidnap the King.
Killer moved without thinking, and without his armor he was much more vulnerable to attacks... but getting injured wasn't an issue. He had to protect Nightmare at all costs, even if it meant he got hurt. That was the moment he lost his arm.
Killer didn't have time to register the pain, and slew the assassin who dared attempt to harm Nightmare. Killer was outnumbered still, and if he was having difficulties before, it was going to be impossible to hold out now.
He was lucky he didn't have to though, as several Guardsmen burst into the room. Seems they'd finally heard the commotion. The Guardsmen drove out the assassins, only managing to capture two. Killer was tended to, and he refused to leave Nightmare's side until the drug wore off.
How did Nightmare handle it?
Nightmare was half conscious in the moment, and so most of what he saw didn't register properly. It was only when the drug had worn off and he saw Killer by his side, sans one arm (Hehe), that it hit him.
Nightmare was angry first and foremost. He was angry it happened, angry Killer was dumb enough to get hurt, angry he wasn't able to resist the stupid drug, and angry that Killer seemed completely unbothered.
Nightmare didn't react well at all, and he ended up putting Killer on temporary leave. When Killer tried to refuse Nightmare said he was useless with only one arm, and Nightmare didn't need a useless Guard. Killer shut up pretty quickly.
Killer was still allowed to stay at the castle of course, but he was forbidden from coming near Nightmare's office, or taking part in any Guard duties. Nightmare believed that what happened was the stupidest thing Killer could have done, and refused to think otherwise.
It was during Killer's leave that Nightmare did research. He interrogated the cult members, and utilized glamours (Which we all know he's not fond of) in order to leave the castle without issue. Throughout his research, he spoke with the Court Apothecary regularly about Killer's injury. How was he fairing, is he at risk of dusting, is there anything to be done, stuff like that.
The Apothecary had made an offhanded comment that Killer is going to be without his arm for the rest of his life, since skeletons don't regenerate. Not unless he got enough magic to replace the missing arm at least.
He mentioned just getting a prosthetic for Killer, but that went in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Nightmare began to think about the suggestion (even though it was a joke). Nightmare had a large surplus of magic, and he thought about whether or not it was possible to somehow weave his magic with Killer's and form a new limb.
By the time Killer had returned to Nightmare, asking to return to his duties, the King had already figured out a way to properly do the procedure. He of course asked Killer if he would be allowed to do so, that he wasn't certain if it would work and that it certainly wouldn't be pretty.
Killer agreed without issue. The process was indeed a painful one... fusing Nightmare's magic with Killer's was difficult, and it was akin to taking a freezing cold needle and sewing a constantly shifting mass of energy directly to his soul. (Not actually how it worked, it's just how it felt).
The only reason Killer got through the procedure was because of Nightmare's intent. We all know that intent comes through to Monsters when involving magic, and Nightmare's intent made the process a lot less painful. Heal, fix, help, care, all those things came through to Killer.
It helped that Nightmare had a good relationship with Killer. His magic was much more willing to accept Killer's and vice versa. If this had been done between Nightmare and a stranger, it wouldn't have worked.
It took Killer a few days to work the arm properly. It was almost dead weight for a while. After that, it took even longer for him to properly fight with it, and longer still for him to be able to utilize the magic it was made with.
Has Nightmare ever asked Killer to sing for him?
Nope, Nightmare doesn't even know Killer can or that he has a good voice XD Killer has never sung in front of anyone, nor does he care to. It's just not something he does, but I imagine there could be a few scenarios where he gets coerced into it. Singing with friends, soothing a wounded animal (Yes Killer would do that, he likes small animals. They're cute.), that kind of stuff.
Nightmare's never had a reason to think Killer could sing. >w<
What Ships are going to be canon in Kingdomverse?
Well we've already got Cream, Killermare and Afterdeath as being confirmed.
Honestly I've kinda decided to leave the others more open for interpretation! If you want, you can say Errink is gonna happen, Lust could probably be someones s/o, it's all up to interpretation >w<
Theres quite the cast of characters in Kingdomverse?, and there might be more added later (if I can think of them), so honestly I'm sure there's no issue with some other ships coming to life!
Basically theres no other planned canon ships >w<
Can the skellies get preggers?
I don't see why not! Nightmare and Dream being immortals doesn't stop them from having kids, but I would say that if they did it would probably be through a different process than mortals.
I'd say that monsters need to make the conscious, or unconscious decision that they want a child or that they are ready for a child before they can have one.
Nightmare and Dream would probably be a bit difficult to have a child with purely because they have an immense amount of power and magic (even after a bond), so it might be a bit risky even for them to have kids.
(if any of you do make ship kids I want to see them though, I love baby bones >w<)
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The Royal House of Trastámara (Redux)
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So since the Trastámara family has become even more complete with the addition of Juan, I figured I'd make redo of this post! So here are the daughters and son of the Royal House of Trastámara.
Link to original post
Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Portugal
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The eldest child of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castille, Isabella was named after her mother and became the heir presumptive to the Crown of Castille after her mother took the throne from her uncle Henry IV of Castille. She was betrothed and married to Prince Afonso, heir and only son of John II of Portugal. Her marriage with the prince was a happy one but unfortunately, Afonso died due to a riding accident and Isabella vowed never to marry again. Until six years later, after the death of John II of Portugal, his brother, Manuel I of Portugal, usurped the throne and asked for Isabella's hand in marriage. Her parents offered Maria's hand instead out of respect to Isabella's wishes to never marry again but Manuel refused. Eventually, she married him and became queen consort of Portugal. She later gave birth to her only son, Miguel de Paz, Prince of Portugal, and due to her poor health and constant travelling during the later stages of her pregnancy, she died within an hour of her son's birth.
In her second life, Isabella owns and works in her own music shop located just below her flat. She sometimes fills in for Maria on the drums whenever she's sick and just generally enjoys the simple things in her second life. She's grown to be very passive due in this life and can be quite sarcastic at times which may come off as rude but she means well. However, bad mouth her younger sister she'll go after you.
Isabella Trastámara belongs to @lexartsstuff.
John, Prince of Asturias
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was the only son of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon who survived to adulthood. John was born in Seville in 1478 to the sovereigns of Castile, Isabella I and Ferdinand II. John's birth helped consolidate Isabella's position as sovereign as she had given birth to a legitimate male heir. At the time of his birth, he had one elder sister Isabella; his younger sisters were Joanna, Maria, and Catherine. During his early years, Isabella and Ferdinand came to plan a double alliance with Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, for the marriage of his children, Archduke Philip the Handsome and Archduchess Margaret of Austria. On 20 January 1495 in Antwerp, a preliminary alliance, which included a wedding of Prince John with Maximilian's daughter was agreed. Similarly, Maximilian's son Philip and John's sister Joanna were to be married. Joanna left Spain to marry Philip the Handsome in late 1496. Philip's sister, Margaret of Austria, aged 18, married John on April 3 the following year in Burgos Cathedral. It was a good marriage and John was devoted to Margaret. On 4 October 1497, a messenger came to John's parents and informed them that their son lay dangerously ill in Salamanca. He and his wife Margaret had arrived a week earlier, on the way to the wedding of his older sister in Portugal. Ferdinand was with his son as John died in the arms of his former tutor Fray Diego Deza. Two months later, on December 8, the Princess of Asturias gave birth to their only child, a stillborn girl.
When he was reincarnated, he found that he was blind in one eye but that didn’t stop him from having the time of his life. He’s very fun loving, happy, energetic and a bit oblivious at times. He’s married to Margaret of Austria, who he calls Maggie. He works as a costume designer for SIX the musical, mainly so he can see his baby sister more. He now goes by Juan rather than John as a ay to stay in touch with his spanish roots.
Juan Trastámara belongs to @weirdbutdecentart100.
Joanna of Castille, Queen of Castille and Aragon
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The second eldest daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castille. Known historically as 'Joanna the Mad' or 'Juana la Loca' in spanish, she was Queen of Castille and Queen of Aragon. Modern Spain evolved from the union of these two kingdoms. Joanna was married by arrangement to Philip the Handsome, Archduke of Austria of the House of Habsburg. Following the deaths of her brother, John, Prince of Asturia, her elder sister Isabella, and her nephew Miguel, Joanna became the heir presumtive to the crowns of Castile and Aragon. When her mother died, Joanna became Queen of Castile. Her father proclaimed himself Governor and Administrator of Castile. Despite being the ruling Queen of Castile, Joanna had little effect on national policy during her reign as she was declared insane and imprisoned in the Royal Convent of Santa Clars in Tordesillas under the orders of her father, who ruled as regent until his death, when she inherited his kingdom as well. When her son Charles I ruled as king, she was nominally co-monarch but remained imprisoned until her death.
In her second life, Joanna or Juana as she preferred to be called, came back a troubled teen. In her misfortune, she was taken in by a very religious and abusive family. The father, named Fernando, would often lock her up in a dark room whenever she had mental breakdowns which are usually bouts of painful laughter. She finally escaped the house and was homeless for years until she found her youngest sister, Catalina. Catalina helped her by housing her until she got back on her feet and got the help she needed for her mental wellbeing.
Juana 'la loca' Trastámara belongs to @ellielovesdrawing.
Maria of Aragon, Queen of Portugal
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The third eldest daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castille. After the untimely death of her older sister, she married her husband Manuel I of Portugal and replaced her as queen of Portugal. As a queen, she wasn't that involved in politics at all and her focus consists mainly of religious teachings, sewing and child rearing. Although, she is sometimes credited for convincing her husband into acts of 'mercy' whenever he flew into a fit of rage. During her marriage and reign as queen, she gave birth to ten children. Eight of whom reached to adulthood. She was constantly pregnant most of her adult life. Only having a few months in between pregnancies and giving birth to her tenth child caused her untimely demise.
Reincarnated into the modern world, Maria woke as a young woman in her early twenties. She's a laid back woman and loves the experience of a good party or a night at a club. She's not as religious as she was in her past life. Not atheistic per se. She'll go to church if she feels like it and even wears a rosary bracelet as some sort of connection to her religion was raised and taught in. She has a friend with benefits that she has fun with weekly. She is 100% childfree in her second life because ten pregnancies in her past life was way more than enough for her. Despite being childfree, she still adores children so she had applied for uni and took up an education course. Graduating after four years and landing her first teaching job at a private academy where Hal and his siblings and cousins go to. That was where she reunited with Catalina during a PTA meeting and the two sisters have never been happier to meet again in their second lives. They then set up a meeting where she reunites with their older sisters, Isabella and Juana.
Maria Trastámara belongs to yours truly.
Catherine of Aragon, Queen of England
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The youngest daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castille. Catherine was three years old when she was betrothed to Arthur, Prince of Wales, heir apparent to the English throne. They married but Arthur died five months later. She was the first known female ambassador in European history. Catherine subsequently married Arthur's younger brother, Henry VIII. For six months, she served as regent of England while Henry VIII was in France. In 1525, Henry VIII was infatuated with Anne Boleyn and dissatisfied that his marriage to her had produced no surviving sons, leaving their daughter, the future Mary I of England, as heir presumptive at a time when there was no established precedent for a woman on the throne. He sought to have their marriage annulled, setting in motion a chain of events that led to England's schism with the Catholic Church. When Pope Clement VII refused to annul the marriage, Henry defied him by assuming supremacy over religious matters. Their marriage was consequently declared invalid and Henry married Anne on the judgement of clergy in England, without reference to the pope. Catherine refused to accept Henry as supreme head of the Church in England and considered herself the king's rightful wife and queen, attracting much popular sympathy. Despite this, she was acknowledged only as dowager princess of Wales by Henry. After being banished from court by Henry, she lived out the remainder of her life at Kimbolton Castle, and died of cancer.
In her second life, Catherine or Catalina as she prefers to be called to avoid confusion with the other C/Katherines, found herself in a house with her ex husband's five other wives. Tensions were high on the first few months, especially between her and Anne Boleyn but the six soon got things settled and managed to create a family dynamic within their shared home. They created a musical about their stories and garnered quite the success. She mostly acts as the head matriarch of the house. Making sure that everyone was alright and knew not to cause any trouble that might get them hurt. The addition of their children being reincarnated made her even more attentive, caring and loving to her new found family.
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itsstrawberrymochi · 3 years
Hey mochi! Idk if you're still doing the matchup thingy but if you are can I please request one? :)
Personality type: INFP
Three words my family or friends describe me as: annoying, fun to be around and supportive.
Sexuality: pansexual
Birthday: February 5th!
Favorite colors: white and baby blue!
Description abt myself: I am a 5'8 trans male, I have fluffy black hair, brown skin and brown eyes. I like to read, draw, play cookie run kingdom and take naps. I don't get sleep that often so I usually sleep until the afternoon, i love helping my friends out. My favorite animals are bunnies, I love the rain and frogs. I don't like being around people or talking to them (people scare me sometimes).
Well that's all abt me! You don't have to do it today if you don't want to!!
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Helllooooo there! ( You may find your breathing style ironic being a Rengoku simp 🤣)
Congratulations you are a:
Demon hunter!
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Breathing style: ❄️ Breath of snow ❄️
Fun fact about the breathing style: Snow breathing is a branch of off water breathing. Unlike water breathing users of this breathing do not have to be flexible so beginning hunters who are not very flexible usually fall back to this breathing style. Users of this breathing style are usually fast and elegant, they are able to move quickly on their feet and  deliver devastating and sharp blows. To the opponent when the slashes from the breathing style feels as though they were freezing to death and no amount of heat can warm them. Users of this breathing style are known to be gentle and calm
Are you a hasira?: No
Who is your tsuguko or mentor: Your mentor is Giyuu
Lover: Muichiro Tokito ( Status: dating)
Family: Butterfly family ( Shinobu + the other butterfly girls)
Who you are most close with/bsf: Mitsuri Kanroji
What people think of you: You’re too pure for this world
Description for your nichirin sword: The blade of the sword is white, the hilt is in the shape of a snowflake and the handle is a light blue
Description of your haori: Your haori looks like Rengoku’s but instead of flames at the end it’s this
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Design done by: 123 RF
A good character trait: Quick learner
Modern hc
You and Muichiro were made for each other because like you he doesn’t really like talking to people and he much rather stay home. Most of your dates are either at his or your house and all you two do is wacth movie marathons, sleep or play cookie run kingdom all while cuddling. Whenever you’re taking your daily nap he lets you lay on his lap while he uses your device to play cookie run kingdom but he really sucks at the game so don’t expect him to get much done on it.
You, Muichiro and Mitsuri all own a bunny together, you three always take turns taking care of it. Mitsuri  sewed a cute little sweater with its name for it 🥺
Ok but if you want to take a nap it better not be in your room at the butterfly estate because your family would not let you get a wink of sleep, the three butterfly girls say they want to nap too but all they do is run up and down your room making so much noise, Shinbou would be poking at you and trying to wake you for no reason at all and Kanao would just stare at you… she’s making sure you’re still alive, Aoi is the only sane one and chases everyone out 😌
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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Ten Years On [1]
Fandom: Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins Characters: Escanor, Merlin  Warning: Major character death, Angst Rating: T  Part: 1 of 3
My first entry of three for @escalin-week Escalin Weekend 2020. Part 2 and 3 will be published this weekend.
Ten years on, Liones is healed from the Second Holy War. The kingdom is thriving as it welcomes its new king and queen, the losses mourned but not forgotten, the people finding new hope and life in the peace that has settled over all of Britannia. Even Camelot, to the south, is rebuilding and renewing itself, Edinburgh now open and cleaned of death, the Fairy King’s Forest thriving with magic.
Escanor lives a very ordinary life, and for that he is glad. His days had never been ordinary: rather extraordinary, in fact, but he is a simple man who wants simple things and this new life, his third or fourth depending on one’s count, suits him just fine. He has an ordinary wife and an ordinary job and their ordinary home sits in an ordinary town. They are booksellers now, with their own store and everything, paid for by the pensions Meliodas had insisted to give to them for being Holy Knights one or two lifetimes ago.
It had been Merlin’s idea to buy a printing press, and now they publish writings as well. It was a way for her to push him to publish his poems, but she claimed it as selfish so she could put her own work into books. Soon they were well-known publishers of fine fiction and nonfiction, giving them an ordinary but comfortable life in their not-too-big not-too-small town where they raise their daughter.
This life is the easiest so far, his favorite, more so than prince or monster or bartender or knight. It is fitting, he assumes, considering this life was the most painful to create. He had stood on the battlefield, dying, giving his last words to Merlin. She was his sun and his moon, his stars, and he had to tell her, she had to know before he was gone from the world that she was loved. It was all he ever wanted, to love her, to look at her and see that she knew she was loved.
But Merlin had other ideas. It had pained him for quite a while to know she had given up Infinity to save him; after all, what is Merlin without magic? But she waves him away when he opines on the loss she must suffer to this day, telling him that she too always wanted ordinary. They gave up extraordinary together, on that day when she took the power of the gods and used it to sew muscle and skin and bone and breathe into his organs, making him whole.
Whole, and human. Both of them, completely ordinary humans.
They did what humans do: they married. Perhaps the day was just like any other, the ceremony the same, the dress and the cake and the hugs from their friends. Perhaps that night was the same, when they joined the way humans had done since the dawn of time. Perhaps their life is the same, mending socks and buying bread and arguing over whose turn it is to shut the windows. It is an ordinary life, but in its simplicity is something more, more than Escanor could have ever dreamed.
Perhaps there is nothing more ordinary than finding a baby in your arms nine months later. Escanor had cringed a bit at the bright orange hair and brown eyes, having hoped beyond hope that their child would be the image of Merlin; but she had been so pleased, and the moment the baby was laid in his arms he was shocked at the way it stirred something so wonderfully ordinary inside him as love. He had written his best-selling book that very night, hours upon hours of poetry describing the joys of the ordinary.
They had named her Avalon, and the three lived their lives in happiness. Fatherhood was a surprising talent of Escanor’s; he had retained some of the height and strength of the day yet the gentleness of the night, thanks to Merlin’s cleverness with magic. He was the perfect combination of both, a blend of prince and knight and friend. And like any other ordinary human, he thought that it would never end.
Human lives are fragile. Human lives are finite. Unlike the goddesses and demons and fairies and giants who enjoy years unimagined on the earth, whose powers work constantly by soaking up the energy of Briannia and healing all wounds great and small, humans work differently. Their strength is in their mortality, Merlin had told him once; for knowing it all could be gone makes them work harder, care more, invest all. Humans have inherited the earth because they are the only ones who could lose it. Escanor had chuckled at that, only partly understanding, because humans are mortal yet they win over the gods? It was extraordinary.
Today is not ordinary at all. It starts out the same: Escanor rises from the bed, alone, as Merlin often is up with the sun to write or check on an experiment or fill any orders before opening the shop. He washes his face and teeth before checking the kitchen, finding the bread he had left to warm on a little shelf over the hearth and the tea things laid out, his ritual every night so Merlin will have them waiting and ready in the morning.
He stares for a long time at the bread that has grown a bit crusty and the spoon that sits perfectly untouched next to the cup. He does not know how many minutes go by until he shakes himself, deciding to let the little tableau stay for now.
Escanor moves back into the bedroom, his feet quiet on the floor, and begins to dress. Usually he wears a pair of brown breeches and a comfortable linen shirt and a vest over all. Merlin teases him for his plain sense of style, but he reminds her if she wanted to be married to a man who could wear the latest fashions then she ought to have made him a bit shorter and less broad when she rebuilt his body. Of course, Merlin would not change an inch on him, so they leave the bold fashion choices to her.
Today is not ordinary. Today he wears black. Today he does not put on a vest, but a coat, and he does not fumble for the reading glasses he needs now that he is human. Today he must wear a hat.
The shop will not open today, so Escanor sits on his chair, looking out the window. He had spent many days and nights just like this with Avalon in his arms, ignoring Merlin’s warnings he would spoil the child if he did not let the baby sleep. But Escanor didn’t mind, thinking he would carry her forever if needed. 
Where is Avalon now? He frowns for a moment, but remembers she is with Elaine. Yes, Ban and Elaine have the girl, staying with them at the Boar Hat. Ban is the proprietor there now, and even though he would not ordinarily approve of a girl of ten staying at a tavern, it is for the best, for now.
He watches the morning slowly unfold, wondering why the world is so quiet today. Do they know? Perhaps it’s his hearing, and he thinks he ought to see the doctor to check. He is getting on in years, after all.
A knock on the door breaks him from his thoughts. To his surprise, the Grand Master steps inside, but then Escanor remembers. It is a huge honor to be escorted by the Great Holy Knight, and as Howzer’s face turns to him with a sad kindness, Escanor remembers many things.
“Sir Escanor. I am so very sorry.” He strides forward, surety looking well on him. Escanor stands quickly as Howzer takes his hand. “This is a loss unbearable.”
“It’s fine,” he answers.
“Are you ready to go?”
Escanor nods. He lets the knight lead him out, thinking that Howzer will want to take care of him. They ride in the carriage in silence, until it becomes too heavy and Howzer begins to talk of things he remembers, the war they had shared. He is speaking of Istar when they arrive.
“Thank you,” Escanor says.
Howzer nods. “The others are waiting.”
Afterwards, it’s not so bad. Escanor sits at a table in the Great Hall and looks at his teacup. It is not unlike the one back at the house, the one untouched. Only this one has a fine mist rising from inside, and he watches it swirl with some curiosity.
The chair next to him moves and he looks over to see Ban folding himself into it. “You all right?” he asks.
There is a bit of whisky on his breath. Escanor nods. “I suppose I ought to—”
“You ought to do nothing but sit right there,” Ban interrupts. “You don’t do a thing until you’re ready, you hear?”
Escanor nods. “Good,” Ban continues. “I was sent over here to see if you’re hungry, but of course that’s nonsense. So let’s just pretend we are talking to keep the others off our backs, all right? Otherwise you’ll have Elaine and Elizabeth and Diane on top of you, and that’s a punishment you don’t need right now.”
“Of course,” Escanor replies.
Ban nods. He pours himself some tea, and Escanor spies the flask he pulls from his coat. A generous portion goes into the cup before he tops off Escanor’s as well. “There we are. That will help the bite.”
“Thank you.”
Ban drains his cup, but Escanor’s remains untouched. “It’s difficult, isn’t it?” he asks. Escanor glances over as Ban stares downwards. “Being human again, I mean. You and I, we were supposed to live forever. Merlin too, even though whether she was human or not to begin with I never really understood, if I’m being honest.”
It is startling to hear her name, but even more startling is Ban’s honesty. “Yes, it’s strange,” he agrees, not sure what to say.
“Our choices have been made long ago, and I would not take my power back for an instant, because it saved Elaine.” He watches as Ban pours another cup of tea, spiking it again generously before taking a sip. “You must remember that, Escanor. I would never, ever take that power back, even though it made me human. I would give up that immortality a hundred times a hundred to save Elaine.”
The words are registering, but they feel too distant to understand. “I’ll remember,” he says.
“Good.” Ban looks at him now. “We’ll keep Avalon for a while. She and Lancelot get along well, and it’s good for her to be around people. Elaine needs something to do anyway, seeing how the boy can’t stand to be mothered anymore.” He tilts his head a bit. “That all right with you?”
“Yes, yes it’s fine. Good. Avalon… she needs to be around people.”
Ban nods. He pushes to his feet and pats him on the shoulder. “That should keep the vultures at bay a while longer. Sit and stare at your tea, and let Howzer take you home. I’ll send him in a half hour.”
Escanor nods again, thinking in thirty minutes’ time, he’ll need to go home. He’ll go home and retrieve the bread and wash the cup and sweep the kitchen floor in case there are crumbs. He’ll remove his coat and store it away again, and then review the manuscripts waiting on the desk that he has neglected the past week. He will have an ordinary evening at home. 
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anna-justice · 4 years
Royal Blood - Prologue
Summary: When Sylvie learns that she is the only heir to the throne of Maldova, she is plucked from her small farm life and placed in a world full of fancy dresses and arranged marriages. With the entire nation at her feet and line of royals competing for her hand, who will win the heart of the young Queen?
0 - Queen of Anything ...
Sylvie sat at the tiny table, her hands busy with a needle and thread. She cursed herself for the hundredth time as she stuck her finger with the sharp end of the needle. She had torn the skirt of her dress the night before, and her mother insisted that this time she fix it herself. 
This was the last thing she wanted to be doing, the last thing she needed to be doing. Winter was around the corner, the fields weren’t going to tend to themselves. Which is how she ended up with the gaping hole in the first place, she was helping her brother and father.
Her mother hated it, but she would admit that money was tight and they needed the extra help. Sylvie was being groomed to marry up, to help raise her family's station and she couldn’t do that when one of her three dresses were unfit to wear. 
Sylvie sighed, setting the needle down. Her fingers were swollen and she was quite sure that she had only worsened the tear. She had never been one for sewing. 
“Mother!” Her younger brother James said as he came running into the small cottage.
Sylvie’s mother lifted her head from where she sat in a rocking chair sewing her own skirt. “What is it James?”
“There is a carriage and guards! I think they are coming this way! What if it is the King?” He tugged on Sylvie’s hand, pulling her towards the door. She didn’t share the same excitement that her brother did, the unconditional love and affection for the royal family had faded over the years. She no longer wished to be a princess. 
She caught her mother’s eyes as they stood next to her father, who was already waiting for them to pass. She looked nervous, scared even. Not that she blamed her, they had never seen a royal carriage before. Much less the King or Queen themselves. 
They stood in a line, Sylvie in between her father and brother. She stood tall, brushing a fallen piece of blonde hair behind her ear. She had planned to quickly pay her respect as they passed by and then go back inside to her sewing, but that all changed when the carriage came to a stop in front of them. 
The guards on horseback turned to face them, and not too long after the footman opened the door. Sylvie watched in disbelief as a beautiful, platinum blonde woman stepped out. Her dress a deep purple that reached the dirt road. They bowed, naturally. 
“Your majesty.” Sylvie’s father said as they all stood straight again. He and her mother were the only ones who had ever seen the Queen in person. 
The Queen smiled kindly, “Hello.” She said. “I am terribly sorry for the intrusion, but there is a matter of utmost importance that we need to discuss. May I come in?”
Sylvie watched her parents exchange a worried look before retreating to their house. Once inside, her mother went straight to the kitchen. “Would you like a drink, your grace?” Her mother asked.
“I’m fine, thank you.” She said. “I’m sure you all know, but I’m Julia.” She spoke directly to Sylvie this time. 
“It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, your majesty.” Sylvie said, giving a small curtsey. 
Queen Julia nodded, “Please, sit down.” They obliged, sitting down at their small kitchen table. James and her father standing behind Sylvie and her mother. 
“Have we done something wrong, your majesty?” Her mother asked anxiously. 
“Quite the contrary.” Queen Julia sighed. She looked to Sylvie. “What is your name, dear?” She asked her.
“Sylvie.” She said, but gasped when her mother kicked her under the table. “Sylvia. Your grace.”
The Queen smiled at that, “That, that is a very pretty name.” She stared at her for a moment, almost like she was taking her in. “Anyway, I’m sure you are wondering why I am here.” They all nodded and the Queen sighed. “It pains me very much to say this, but the King is very ill. A fact that we are trying to keep confined to court.” They all nodded once again. “As you all know, the King and I never were able to produce an heir. And with my lack of siblings, there is no line of succession. When I die, the crown will fall to my cousin.” She frowned at this. 
Sylvie watched her Queen’s face fall and she felt her heart drop, she felt for this woman and she barely knew her. 
“By law, when the King dies, I must step down.” She turned to Sylvie. “Sylvia, are you aware that you are adopted?” Sylvie nodded. She had no earthly idea where this conversation was leading. “When I was barely of age, I became pregnant. My parents hid it from the kingdom and kept me in isolation until the baby was delivered. I couldn’t risk being found out, there can be no doubt that an heir is legitimate and my family refused to risk their crown. That was twenty-three years ago, the child was given to a family and was never spoken of. My own husband, the King, is unaware.”
Sylvie stared at her wide eyes, she was twenty-three. 
“Sylvia, I am your birth mother.” She said, “And you are going to be the next Queen of Maldova.”
A/N: AHHH, welcome to the royal au that no one asked for! Reblog/Comment, to be on the tag list!
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//please punch me cause I accidentally clicked to answer the ask but didn’t write anything  jkervdbnskejk anyway
//Warning: Long post ahead
Lottie: “Ohh, I’ve waited so long to introduce them! I might add, again, that we’re not blood-related, I was technically just adopted into the family. Heh, it would be funny if I had any blood-related sibling out there...”
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“Here we have Brie, the oldest in the house! It was her and Nick who found me back in the day and it was their idea - and mercy - to take me in.
Brie is like the mom of the house. Not only because she’s the oldest, but because she is able to keep everything under control. She’s gentle, patient and she loves to take care of everyone. On the other hand, she’s the one to get more stressed out over time, so the others and I try our best not to overwhelm her, it’s the least we can do. There are some troublemakers, of course, but nothing she can’t handle. She is one of the best people I’ve ever met and I surely look up to her. By the way, she works as a nurse at the local hospital!
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Nicholas, or Nick for short, is the second in command! Well, not that he actually likes that title, after all it’s a lot of responsability, but I’m only saying so because he helps around a lot when Brie is working or busy. And he’s the second oldest, so there’s that too. Anyway, he’s a sweetheart! He is always excited or happy about something and he adores to make everybody feel happy too. It’s contagious, to say the least! He loves to play around and make jokes to get a laugh from everyone. He’s calls himself the clown bro. However, he can be serious too, after all he’s a psychologist. His quirk helps a lot to get people to talk about their problems, and he’s a great listener due to it, but, of course, he never forces a person to open up, he always leaves it up to them to choose.”
//She has 8 more siblings so, to not make this post huge to skip if someone doesn’t want to see, I’ll keep the rest under the read more :)
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“Here we have the twins, Louis and Lanna!
Lanna is the oldest of them, so I’m starting from her. She tries to act tough and mean towards people she just met - gosh, I don’t even want to recall the way she treated me when I arrived -, but that’s just the cover up for her actually caring personality. She is quite arrogant, which kinda of get her in a bunch of arguments, but she’s getting better at easing her ego and relaxing in order to be more empathetic. Oh, also, she’s a musician and even has her very own album on Spotfy! I listen to it every once in a while. In the meantime, she works as a music teacher for kids.
Louis is..shy, to put it simply. He prefers to avoid conflict - or any contact at all - and stays in his room most of the day. He doesn’t feel confident enough to speak up his mind or show his creations, but I think he’s workind on it, since we’re all very supportive of him. He loves literature and poetry, writing stuff from time to time, but he only allows few people in the house to read, since he’s quite embarrassed about it. I always tell him he has a talent for it, but I know it’ll take long until he fully embraces it.
Both of them, however, are great at telling stories and playing with the children. While Lanna reads the books or makes something up, making us hear every sound she can play, Louis makes the full picture of it - also listening if the chidren want to change or add something. Combining their quirks, they’re able to practically make a movie in our minds while they tell the most epic story ever!”
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“This is Coralin! She’s the most calm person in our family. I have never seen her upset, not even once, and I doubt it’s ever going to happen. She radiates good vibes wherever she’s standing, and she tries to get us to relax with her when she sees any of us is feeling down. Her improvised yoga classes were a must when I first arrived. She also taught me everything I know about cooking and sewing! On the other hand, her attention spam is kinda...short. If you don’t remind her of what she was doing, her mind would probably wonder somewhere else in less than ten minutes. She records online yoga classes though, so at least she can edit whenever she gets distracted. And also, last but not least, she is studying to be an ocean biologist!”
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“Here is Anneliese! She’s a confident, friendly and gentle young lady. She dreams of becoming an acress when she grows up, so she’s studying a lot for it. Every now and then, she organizes a play at school or even among our siblings so she can practice her acting skills, and also because she loves changing her hair for each role. She’s also great at doing make up and designing costumes - that’s one reason why I got better at sewing too, I wanted to make her ideas come to life -, it’s like she was born for the stage! To help out, we always test makeup on one another. She’s better at it than me, but we have a lot of fun anyway. Now that I’m at school, we videochat and just try clothes and makeup on together when I have time.”
“Remember ‘the troublemakers’ I mentioned earlier? They’re Sam and Richie. And, oh gosh, how they love to get into a mess.
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Sam is the mastermind. They plan all of the pranks, detail by detail, and make sure everything works just as scheduled. The person is going to walk through a certain door? That was planned. The amount of flour that will be used in the prank? All planned. Nothing can go wrong. If it does, their quirk can make the person forget of the prank and not even notice the flaw, and also not scold them for the prank at all! It’s pure evil! One time, they had the courage to swap sugar for salt and I was so sad to see my cupcakes going wrong.... Okay, I’m joking, they’re not evil, just a little too naughty. We all love them, we just have to scold them a lot.
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They have a sidekick, and that’s Richard - or Richie for short! He’s the one responsible to make the plans come true - after all, he’s stronger, taller and faster than Sam - and is also the first to run off when things go wrong. Though, he’s the first to apologize too. Although he likes playing pranks on everyone,he has his heart on the right place. Every now and then, he goes to help at the animal shelter nearby and, since he can communicate with dogs, he spends a lot of time in there. He loves being around us though! I love playing with him.
Sam and Riche are inseparable though. They’re the two halves of the same apple.”
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“Here we have Eric! He likes to think he’s a prince whose parents, King and Queen of a distant kingdom, passed away and had to leave him at a humble home to learn about kindess, humbleness and courage. Though, that’s not really what he practices around here... He gives orders to everyone and starts a tantrum whenever we refuse something. We’re not even trying to be mean to him, but sometimes he’s too selfish and doesn’t realise his ‘wishes’ can’t be granted every time he asks. It’s something Brie and Nick have been trying to work out with him.”
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“Aaaand, last but not least, and just as important, Liz! She’s the baby of the household. I mean, not literally a baby, but she’s too precious for this world. She has so much hope in those big eyes and smile that is impossible to feel anything other than joy when she’s around. She loves to play with all kinds of toys, climb around the trees in our backyard, and she’s always thrilled to discover new bugs every now and then. She..ate dirt once though, so that’s not very safe, but she’s just figuring the world out yet. She’s also very clingy. If possible, she’d want to be picked up for the whole day, but since that’s kinda difficult when everyone has their stuff to do, she’s content with being hugged every now and then. I know that she looks up to me, so I try to be the best I can to see her happy."
Lottie: “I love them all very much and I wouldn’t be the same, actually wouldn’t have ever recovered from my wounds, if it wasn’t for their care, love and support. I’d do anything for them in order to thank them for everything.”
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bloxdstained · 4 years
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&.  caitlin stasey : female : she/her : no one is alone by into the woods cast –  It seems anastasia thorne has been lured to Volterra. the twenty-one / 5000+ # -year-old vampire has been in the city for a few days. Whispers in volterra says they’re nomadic.  doesn’t playful warm smiles, fancy gowns and an array of tiaras, sharp knives emerging from hidden places, laughter and dancing, a fiercely compassionate and passionate soul, and a touch of mercy remind you of them?   ⸢  penned by alias : sirius age : 29 tz :  gmt+1 pronouns: she/her. ⸥
anastasia grew up as the youngest child and only daughter to a wealthy family
from before her birth she was engaged to the next king to be, Elias Thorne. and while she didn’t entirely understand this until she was about seven-eight years old, much less the whole meaning of it before her early teens, it in many ways influenced her childhood growing up. 
her mother was warm and loving, but very strict. and her father was proud and protective, but had high expectations. the moment she fell short of those expectations, his wrath was terrifying within the walls of their family home. 
for the most part, her childhood was a happy one. filled with silly games, flower picking, sewing, enjoying the nature all around them. ana loved to get lost in the woods and was a dreamer at heart, picturing her future, the travels she’d make, the people she would meet. 
when her marriage finally did happen, she was ecstatic. most of all to get to be alone with Elias after the ton of family gatherings and parties they’d been too as each others dates, but never had much time just the two of them. 
as she had been counseled and trained to, ana threw everything she had into her marriage and her role as queen. at first she found it all very exciting, though she also held herself back in certain areas. like not speaking up when she disagreed on the policies and politics her husband and king chose. or telling him if there was something she wanted from him. 
with a little time though, she dared to drop those walls and simply be herself. honest and kind, concerned with justice but also mercy, passionate and loving, but also liking to play devils advocate. 
sometimes, to her great frustration, she struggled to get trough to Elias. his advisor and mother were the only two he took advice from, and it irked her that as his wife he would not listen to her as closely or heed her advice just every now and then. 
when his mother died, ana got her wish. he started to listen to her, value her advice. which meant she no longer had to go the long route to get him to see her points or understand what was best for their people. though the years of doing so had made her a skilled politician of her time.
a people that very much loved and adored her. for her kindness, her attentiveness to them, but most of all her merciful nature. 
she asked Elias to turn her not many days after he’d told her what he was. a bit hasty perhaps as she just wanted to be assured that she could be with him for what she thought would be forever. 
they lived quite harmoniously together, never involving anyone else in their relationship, often staying together rather than apart. like going on hunting trips with the soldiers when it was time to feed. though ana would sometimes stay behind with her ladies and throw them a bloody feast, which meant death for any human serving in the castle. 
since a hybrid baby would kill her as a human, and she as a vampire couldn’t have children, Anastasia asked Elias to help her make them a son. an immortal child. 
to this day she thinks of her son as one of the main contributors to the war that would soon follow and the destruction of their kingdom. the death of their people.. 
she stayed behind only to protect their child, being quite the skilled fighter and no stranger to bloodshed. after all, as a queen she would defend her people however she could, first with words, but when they did not suffice, with knives and blades. 
but the sound and smells of the battlefield caused her son, who had no control to begin with, to loose himself. killing their guards and her ladies, Ana was all that stood between him and the open war. knowing that he would kill everything in his path, not caring who was foe and who was ally, she tried to hold him back for hours. eventually, she was forced to take his life. 
taking the life of someone she loved with all her heart shattered ana. and the thought of telling Elias what she had done.. she could not. so she fled, running as far and wide as she could. facing her husband would mean facing her sins, their loss, twice the pain she was already feeling and she could not handle that. 
hearing that their kingdom had been lost, she felt even more guilty. she shouldn’t have left him to deal with it all alone.. but it was done, and she could not move backwards. 
in the years since she has traveled far and wide, exploring the world in ways she wasn’t quite able to as a queen to a great kingdom. 
admittedly, being free to roam, to think only of herself, to dream on her own behalf only has been good for her, but the guilt and grief has never quite left her. 
personality ;
ana has always believed in second chances, and she still does. even if her own seems to be taking it sweet time. 
while she doesn’t mind the modern times, she has taken a lot of her old court ways with her from her time as queen. she loves to dance, to throw lavish parties, to go out for picnics and drink wine long into the night. all in all having a good time and see others have that as well.
she’s a charming and witty type of girl who would rather joke and laugh than dig too deep emotionally. this is because she’s hiding from her own negative emotions. 
she is carefree and pretty much thinks there is no limit to what she can do or where she can go. 
as a friend, a lover or ally she is loyal, compassionate and warm. she loves with all her being, and throws not just her head but her heart into everything she does. 
she’s in the process of setting up a little flower shop in Volterra, coming there because she is curious about the gathering of vampires and because she has a great love of Italy. 
she speaks a number of languages, but her favorite is french. a lot of her nicknames for those close to her are french words. 
there’s not really a middle ground for her emotionally as she feels everything very deeply. this can at times make her volatile, though rarely does she lash out at others unless she totally looses control.
she is one of the oldest vampires alive and thus expects a certain amount of respect when people approach her or comes to understand who she is, though she is not overly prideful or entitled. 
she still uses her last name from Elias, ‘Thorne’ because she likes to still feel connected to him, despite knowing that they could never be what they were and having expected him to have moved on, and might not be all that thrilled to see her.
Connections ;
her ladies ! (I would LOVE for some of her court ladies to have either stayed with her or still be active vampires)
lovers – ana has had many over the years, both male and female 
friends, recent and old ones 
guards – ana made her own personal guard, vampires only loyal to her that she’s probably sired or befriended trough the centuries 
best friend – her closest friend and the only one she’ll fully open up to 
any and all connections one can think of! she’s wide open :D 
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The King’s Dumu Lugal Pt 10 (CasGil, Hakuno, Siduri, CasCu)
Previously: One, Two, Three, Four, Five , Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
Ur liked watching him work.
Each time the sharpened scalpel like writing instrument chiseled away another bit of Cuneiform, Gilgamesh found that his son would reach out. Perhaps he wanted to write his own letters to the people. Maybe he simply wanted to stick the writing instrument into his mouth and chew on it. Whatever the case was, Gilgamesh found himself signing the documents for two.
King Gilgamesh and First Prince Ur-Nungal.
The first time the words had been inscribed upon one of the tablets, he had needed to take a moment. He needed to admire the look of it.
First prince.
It offered so many meanings. Perhaps there would be a first princess, a second prince, a whole collection of children. If there were children, then that meant that there was a blushing and prideful bride, one of whom he had bore so many children with.
There would be a great deal of celebrating going on in Uruk as these tablets were read aloud.
The great king had a son. The first prince was alive and he was with his father, writing to them of all the universe.
Siduri would weep.
His mother would be beside herself in need of seeing her grandson.
“Is there something wrong?” Gilgamesh glanced down once more, finding his son pouting.
“Ah~! Ah!”
“This has a sharp end. Your mother would have my head if she saw me allow you to use this.” The woman gave him cloth made toys mostly. He had no doubt in his mind that even a slightly blunt object would be met with outrage from his precious wife.
Wife… That word gave him pause.
Hakuno had never agreed to be his wife, not fully. There were no vows, no confession and pledges of eternal loyalty. Their son was their bond, but she still shied away from him. The fact that there were so few things tying his woman to his side left a great deal to be concerned with. Perhaps that had been what had bothered her this morning.
He and his son moved to the living room area as Ur needed to have himself changed and cleaned up. His son settled amongst his toys and blankets, happily beginning to wave the toys around as Gilgamesh sent off his tablets into the Gates of Babylon and off to Uruk. A collection of new tablets came in their place, leaving him to begin reading.
There was no such thing as a domestic life for Hakuno. She had no simple time where she could lounge with their son properly and lose track of time. Each second that she was here, she was on a clock with the Chaldeans. She would be running errands or bringing him food or tending to those who had been injured. There was always something around the corner that the woman needed to worry about and the fact that she had to spend so much time fretting about the next task that she had coming left there little time for his son to get proper attention.
His tablets were abandoned, his attention returning to the boy entirely. His mouth pressed to his son’s belly, blowing raspberries- or rather, loud lip wagging noises into his son’s belly- resulting in an eruption of giggles and squeals.
The priceless first prince, Ur-Nungal was going to be spoiled to the very tips of his toes when he was able to go to Uruk. If not by the people, then by Siduri alone.
He could hardly forget when Siduri’s husband had passed, leaving her all alone in the world. She had wanted kids, opting for hounding him to give her princes and princesses to spoil instead.
“Oh oh.”
Gil glanced down, noting his son’s pause.
Following that attention, he laughed.
The toy that had been nearby had ripped. It seemed his son’s strength was far greater than the typical child’s. Not only had the toy ripped, cotton had come flying out, decorating the floor.
“…It would seem that you killed it.”
Ur’s face scrunched. He could see those eyes turn to him, the wobbling lower lip and the scrunched eyes giving warning just before he found his son’s piercing wail echoing in the living room.
“Shhhhh,” Gilgamesh lifted the boy, attempting to hand him any other toy in the room. There had to be another to his liking. The sheer number alone made it evident that there were other favorites. He tried the ones that were clearly made by Hakuno. He tried some of the ones from his youth. He tried the blanket. He tried the strange stopper for his son’s mouth. Any and everything he had available was attempted.
The wails continued.
While he could repair a small seam, he could not fix this toy.
Did they have someone here at Chaldea that could fix this thing? Perhaps that vampire fellow, but didn’t he drink blood or some such nonsense? That wouldn’t do. He needed to watch Ur but the toy…
Siduri could fix it.
If he sent the toy through the gates, it would come back tomorrow with new tablets, but… that would not help with the interim. His son was still wailing his lungs out and his voice would soon grow hoarse. Perhaps…
Well, perhaps a small visit.
He could go to the rayshift, shift over with his son and the toy, present the toy for repairs, and then come back. Hakuno was clearly occupied with her own work-
Hakuno had made the toy.
It would stand to reason that-
Ur was still wailing.
While Hakuno could fix it, he could use the opportunity in Uruk as a chance to get a crib for their son and to check in on Uruk. His son was meant to be in Uruk anyway. An hour in Uruk would not hurt anything. If anything, his son would appreciate being home.
He changed Ur into robes more fitting for this trip, wiping at tears and attempting here and there to get his son to cease his tears.
They hurried to the command room, grabbing that foolish Caster, Cu Chulainn, on their way.
The man was only too happy to remove the loudest, most abhorring sound in all of Chaldea from the premises. He promised to remain until called upon to bring them back as well.
Uruk formed around him and his son a moment later.
He stood just at the foot of the stairs to his palace, looking up at the glory that was his kingdom. Frozen in the midst of a singularity and moment in time, the kingdom was no longer fully functioning in the span of time, but the people and the problems and benefits of this world were still going. Like gears still turning in a clock with no hands, Uruk worked evermore.
The wailing of his son was garnering the attention of those around him. Giving a proud smile, Gilgamesh held up his son.
“My son has a broken toy.”
The response was immediate. The cheers and the excitement of those around the palace plaza had others escaping their homes and leaving their vending. All were coming forth to see the crying child, cooing and cheering the young boy so much that the tears were paused.
This was new, after all.
A child who had seen no more than two, perhaps three adults at one time was now seeing a mob. The boy’s red eyes blinked up at them all, his hands being lightly touched only for him to burst into a smile. He had his mother’s smile.
“King Gilgamesh!”
Gilgamesh glanced back, seeing the rush of green fabrics coming down the stairs. The veil and the hood were falling from her person, fluttering away in the wind as her brown hair came loose. She didn’t pay it a single mind. He could see it already, the desperation, the need to see her closest acquaintance’s son. Siduri didn’t pause a bit as she pushed her way around the people and came to his side.
Her hands pressed to her mouth, her eyes growing to the size of moons.
“M-m-my k-k-k-king!”
“Would you like to hold him?”
Siduri fell to her knees. The sight of tears brimming those eyes was worth a thousand wails from his son. He couldn’t help the chuckle that came, moving to his own knees as well so he could safely place his son in his attendant’s arms.
Her dark eyes met Ur’s gentle gaze, the tears were falling heavily.
“…My king…. My king, he’s the most beautiful baby boy that I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Ur reached up, his hand pressing to her cheek. He was wiping at her tears, Gil found, that patient gaze bringing forth only more rivers down his poor attendant’s cheeks.
“Continue about your day,” Gilgamesh bid his people. “My queen will come soon enough. She is away still, but I felt I needed to bring my son out. He should know his people.”
A few more pats came to his back, but the people were smiling as well to Siduri.
“You are beautiful,” Siduri murmured. “You are the most beautiful little man. You will end up making your father green with envy over you.”
“Don’t spoil him too much.”
The woman waved him off with a warning look, as though she were a rank higher than she was.
“Siduri, we did not come to be indulged today. We came because of this.” He held out the toy from his gates, showing it to the woman.
“What is it?”
“A toy. Apparently, my son’s only favorite amongst his collection.”
Ur was already looking at it, his eyes beginning to brim with tears again as he caught sight of the tear. When Siduri held it, his son emitted another sob, beginning to shake.
“I have some sewing supplies in my chambers,” Siduri told him. “I would be honored to repair it.”
“I also have need of a small cradle for my son. He’s too young to do much meandering, but my bed is feeling rather full with both him and my Hakuno.”
“My queen.”
Siduri nodded, once more alight with excitement. “I cannot wait to see her, my king. She must be ill if she is not with you today.”
“Let’s not take long.”
Ur was returned, although he did note that Siduri seemed reluctant to let him go from her arms. Her gaze drifted over that face, a small and adoring smile fixed into place upon her lips.
Then they were hurrying. Up the stairs, pausing at the doors so that the guards could enjoy the sight that was his son, then into the palace. His son looked around in fascination, his hands reaching for everything. He squirmed and twisted, making sounds and saying abum more times than was needed.
“We’ll be in the audience chamber,” Gilgamesh told her simply.
He had to let Ur down.
His son caught sight of the lions and a squeal erupted from him. The moment that Gilgamesh had him on his feet, he was waddling, his arms grabbing the nearest beast and hugging it.
Another one of the lions nipped the back of his robes, pulling him onto their front paws and beginning to lick his hair.
Ah, but he did have kitties, didn’t he?
Gilgamesh found himself smirking, settling upon his throne and watching his son pet the various lions around him and be licked into a tussled state. His mother would no doubt have been panicking, worried over such beasts…
But then again the sphinxes were far larger. He had his doubts.
The servants came to see, as did his advisors. More of the guards who were switching rotations much faster today were rushing into the audience chamber. They would near the boy, but, with him around his lions, they could do no more than admire and coo to him. His son merely glanced their way, motioning and telling them ‘kischies’.
A boy so much like himself, they drawled, admiring him to their fullest.
It was a good thing that Hakuno cared and devoted so much time to their son, introducing him to the Chaldeans.
Sitting in his audience chamber and watching his son being admired like a new statue was a good reminder that there were few that would not be intimidated by his son’s stature. Many would hear prince and become fearful, deciding against playing with him or, even worse, opting to try to leave a bad impression of him in other’s minds. There were the dangers of manipulation of the boy’s developing mind. There were dangers of him becoming overly indulgent upon the servants.
Later on, once their time here was completed, he would have to inquire with Hakuno about her child-rearing strategy.
“My king!”
Siduri waved the toy in her hands, drawing the immediate attention of Ur.
One of the lions was going for his arm as Ur climbed hurriedly to his feet. The boy was starting to waddle towards Siduri. He wouldn’t-
The boy turned, raising a hand and blasting the lion back with a burst of unfocused mana. The lion rolled back, hitting one of the potted plants before Ur was turning to Siduri and trying to rush over to her.
He stumbled, just short, being caught only by the fearful and awed attendant.
“Ah!” Ur grabbed his toy from the woman’s hand, letting himself lean against Siduri’s embrace. The boy’s mouth pressed to the cloth, echoing a series of kisses he’d seen Hakuno give her son.
His son did magecraft.
Effectively, he noted, seeing the lion slowly sit up and try to gather its bearings. The other lions were settling in, their eyes watching Ur more warily now.
He would not be stopped, they knew. What they had received had been an effective warning not to keep him tempered.
“King Gilgamesh,” Siduri looked over at him, her eyes still wide from what had transpired.
A small chuckle escaped him.
The small chuckle grew into a quiet laugh.
The quiet laugh grew louder, his head falling back a little as he flew to his feet.
“Siduri! My son is immaculate!”
The woman nodded, agreeing no doubt because the boy had proven himself at under a year to be more effective at magecraft than the apsu were upon entrance into their studies into the practices of healing. None of them would have been able to create such a blast against his lions. None, but his son could.
The child of a mage and a mage king.
Ur-Nungal would be a grand caster. He would be a grand mage, far surpassing Gudako herself when he was to his adulthood.
He scooped his son up, proud to see those red eyes turn to him and the title of abum come forth as his son proudly called him father once more. The sense of excitement and adrenaline, of the need to show his son to every single man, woman, and child in this kingdom ran thick through his veins. There would be time for such things. In time, he would have everything he wanted.
“The cradle is in the process of being built,” Siduri told him.
“Leave it in my chambers. I will retrieve it for my other chambers in due time.” He pulled the communication device from his pocket. “Ur and I must return before my woman worries.”
“She doesn’t know?”
“Is that a problem?”
Siduri laughed, the sound music to his ears. “My king, if she is like any mother, she will no doubt be livid that you did not give her the opportunity to let her see everyone admire her baby boy just as you were given the opportunity to do today. I’ll have some butter cake left in the cradle for her. I’m sure she must wish to indulge in some sweets.”
“Thank you, Siduri.”
“It is my job and my honor to do so.” Her smile was only brighter as she looked to his son. “…I knew you would have a beautiful baby, my king. I really hope you bring your Hakuno and him back quickly. I want to be able to help teach him words.”
He pat her head gently before connecting with Cu Caster.
The palace vanished, leaving his son and him standing once more in the rayshift.
“She’s right you know,” Cu spoke up form the control room. “Hakuno’s going to be pissed when she finds out you were toting that little guy into a singularity.”
“It is an old singularity and there were no threats.”
The celt snorted. “Right. So you weren’t panicking there when the lion was going after him?”
“Don’t tell Hakuno about that.”
“King, I didn’t even know Hakuno had a brat until you came yanking me from my afternoon of runes to sit around and watch your dumb ass go presenting your son like a trophy through your kingdom. Beats hearin’ him cry though.” The man leaned in, smiling away at Ur. “You’re damned cute though. Must get it from your mom-AH!”
Ur pinched his nose.
“That’s my boy,” Gil praised, watching the Celt shift back and rub at the spot.
“His fingers are like pinchers.”
“He’s quite a strong mage.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
That earned him a smack.
Ur giggled at the sight, his arms waving in the air a moment before he almost dropped the toy he had.
They returned to Hakuno’s chambers a few minutes before the woman came in herself. From head to foot, there was dirt, splotched and coating her hair and clothes. He held himself back from any kind of embrace, opting instead to hold Ur. 
“There was a problem with some piping downstairs. There was a lot of dirt from the mountainside that got in.” She shivered as she motioned towards the bathroom. ”I’m going to clean up and then we can start thinking about dinner. Was Ur good?”
“Ur was fine,” Gil replied, watching the woman slowly undressing. “We enjoyed the many tasks of being a king today.”
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The Chronicles of Iniamar - Chapter One
Demetria was a normal village girl, except that no one is really normal. Not anywhere and certainly not in the Buruma village. Nevertheless she did not astound more than anyone would astound just for being. She was happy, funny, full of friends, intelligent and hardworking and of course, full of opinions. The problem with opinionated people is that they almost always are convinced that they are right and forget that other people may have opinions of their own and that they too believe to be right. Haryn was another one full of opinions and Demi never liked Haryn. She found him muzzy, dull, rude, and obviously too cocky, thinking that his opinions were always the truth. But he almost never spoke and when he did it was to swear and give orders and although he was not her boss, she had to comply because she worked in Josh’s tavern and if anyone asked her for a black lapo it was her job to serve. And Haryn was always asking for a pint of something. Once she saw him chug a hornmud of pure alcolino. Maybe if he was sober for long enough he would be aware of how repugnant he was, so he prefered to be always drunk, she thought. Either way Josh liked him – even though none could understanding why – and said that he was an excellent warrior and a very wise man. Demi thought that Josh was beginning to lost his wit because of old age.
Josh was her adoptive father. Due to an accident, that each time that was told had a different nature, she had lost her parents as a baby and Josh welcomed and nourished her. She helped in the tavern since her 14th birthday, before that he never allowed her to work. He said she had to nurture her mind. So he taught her how to read, write and think, although he always said that one can not teach another to think, but could offer him the tools to do so. Some days he would tell Demi that she thought too much but she always could see behind the angry words the satisfaction in his eyes.
The love that Josh devoted to reading was only surpassed by his pupil and even though scrolls were quite rare in the village – regarded as a relic found only with merchants that passed through or in the houses of the most wealthy individuals – Josh always managed to get their hands in some new manuscript with wonderful stories about fey beings and men of the blood of dragons. These were her favourite stories but she read them all including the most boring ones, like those that explained the position of the main villages and castles. Josh said it was always good to know where things are, both to look for it or to avoid it. “No one wants to be face to face with a dragon by chance, eh?” Well, she would not mind. She always wanted to be friends with a dragon.
Her friends in the village always complained of their parents at some point and sometimes even though it could sound indifferent and wicked, Demi felt lucky that her parents died, because that led her to be raised by Josh. He was amazing, intelligent and has always been good to her. He never even mentioned the subject of marriage, for which she was very grateful, and whenever she saw those dark eyes in that kind and thick bearded face she could not help but smile and feel a sense of security. Haryn used to say that it was because she was stupid, since no one is never safe, but she do not pay attention to his pessimism and bad humor. He annoyed her in all possible ways, and yet, she knew that she could always rely on him and that he would never hurt her. Not because he liked her, no! But because of his friendship with Josh that probably compelled him to protect what he called “fire-haired brat”. Once Moren spilled a black lapo mug on Demi dress, smearing it all, and before she could recover from the surprise and accept the apology from the baker, Haryn was already going up against him. Poor Moren did not show up at the tavern for one week and only came back after she reassured him that she was not in any way angry and that Haryn would not bother him anymore.
I do not know if it was because of his angry “friend” or because of the sympathy for Josh, but everyone always treated Demi with great kindness and respect. She always thought they were luck to live in a quiet village like Buruma as she had heard uncanny stories from others neighboring villages. She had many friends there, but her two inseparable companions were Artur and Bernardo. Artur rarely entered the tavern because he was too big and as the establishment was always packed he could not fit in there if he wanted. Artie worked with the blacksmith, pulling his big gear, but at the end of his shift he always passed by the back door of the tavern and Demi always took a little break  to talk to him. In their day offs they often get together, the three of them.
Bernardo, as Demi, worked in the tavern and managed to serve customers quite well now, even though he was very clumsy in his first days of work, because he was unable to hold the trays with his big paws. However now he was the most skilled bear to serve tables in the area. Artur wanted a job in the tavern too, but the experience did not go well. At the end of the day he had broken two tables and had kicked a merchant who had hit his hips to request another lapo pint.  When Josh told him that unfortunately he could not work there, he said: “Good! You could break a leg in this tiny place”. The tavern was not so small, but Artur was the biggest horse that anyone there had ever seen. To climb the stairs to go to the house on the top floor was not an option to him either.
Bernardo was also as big as a brown bear could be, but he was skillful enough to not let his size get in the way and everybody adored him because he was an inexhaustible source of stories and anecdotes.
When the merchants come to the village, Josh closes the tavern for a whole week, since there is always all kinds of drinks in the fair’s pavilion and then Artur, Bernardo and Demi have all the freedom and money they could want.
In the second week Josh’s tavern would reopen, since the merchants loved its lapo, both black and gold, and usually in that week they profited enough for a whole year. The merchants use to be generous with their money when it came to a good drink.
The merchants passed by once every six months and stayed for two weeks in the village. There were two parties to celebrate what they called Fiftday. The opening ceremony, which took place on the day they arrived, and the closing ceremony, held on the day before they left. Anyway to Demi and her friends every day were party day and they enjoyed every day of the Fiftday. The next one would be in five weeks and they were all excited. Artur wanted a golden cloak to wear at the opening party and Demi was trying to convince him that a golden cloak would not suit his reddish and bright fur but he did not want to hear any of  that and she certainly would not give up.
Bernardo was thinking to wear a black leather vest with white fringes and Demi thought it would suit him very well. Demi would wear her white dress with red branches on the hem and on the tip off the long sleeves, with a thin red dragon leather belt as she would not want to be too much. Her hair would be braided with white leather straps because she always thought the white fall right in the middle of all the redness of her hair. She would be pretty for sure.
Demi heard that there would be more than two minstrels this time, which made her even more anxious. The minstrels were her favourite attraction, along with the storytellers. In her secret dreams she always imagined herself married to one of the kingdom’s poetic singers but she never told this to anyone. That is because they would laugh at her and she hated that. However her more urgent concern until the Fiftnight was to change Artie’s mind about the color of his cloak as she needed to sew it soon. She actually thought that she had found a way to convince him.
The day when she would put her plan into action had come. Josh was staring at her with droll and inquisitive eyes. He knew that she hated golden because the contrast with her bright red hair made her look like some kind of what she called tainted flame. And when he asked her what was a tainted flame she simply answered “It doesn’t matter what it is, what is important is that it is what I see in the brass when I wear golden outfits”. In that day she hoped the sunshine outside would accentuate the absurdity of that combination.
– Demi!          
It was Artie’s voice at the window.
– Artie! You came earlier today?
– No. What dress is that?
– It is a gift from last year’s birthday.
– I have never seen it. You are marvelous wearing it ant that is precisely the golden that I want for my cloak.
– What? Are you blind? This dress is not anything good on me because red does not suit golden!
– That is what you say. To me that is perfect, like hay and water. It is a matter of taste.
– Taste! No! Unless you want to seem ridiculous.
– I do not care about your opinion on this.
– Please, Artie. I am saying this for your sake.
– But I want a golden cloak. I have already bought the fabric. There is no turning back.
– Ok. I will make you a golden cloak, but not for the party, alright?
– Why not for the party?
– Because I want all of us wearing white.
– Bernie will not wear white.
– His vest has white fringes.
Artie was pensive.
– But I do not have white fabric and I do not want to spend more money with that.
– I’ll buy it for you.
– And you swear that I will have my golden cloak too?
– Yes, I promise.
– Can I wear it in the closure party?
– We will see.
– Alright, then. White it is.
– Thank you, Artie. You are the best. I have to go back now. See you tomorrow.
– Go, ungrateful brat. Preventing me from wearing what I want just because you do not like gold. I like, gee.
She could still hear Artie muttering as she walked away, but it didn’t matter anymore. He would not wear the golden cloak and she would not be in that hideous dress another second.
Demi’s time in the coming weeks was divided between bartending in the tavern, sewing outfits for her friends and reading a particularly annoying parchment about all the mountains north of the Great Fountain. However always she noticed that Josh was not watching she would change her lecture to a scroll about the story of the first men of the dragon blood. The fact that she never really knew if it had truly happened or were just stories made her even more fascinated. But how could it have happened? Is it possible that the dragons would submit to an agreement with men? And why should they? The scroll said to be by necessity, although it did not explain of what kind, but she read others parchments that affirmed that a man threatened the dragons. However, Demi could not believe that any threat could frighten all the dragons, especially the Great Ulmur.
With her mind busy with all these questions, Demi did not realize that she was murmuring and that Josh had come near her so she almost fell off her chair when he said:
– Ulmur could be tall and strong, but I doubt he was a mountain.
– Josh! Are you trying to scare me to death?
– No, but it will hurt you to finish the parchment about the mountains first? It is not so bad.
– But it’s so boring and useless.
– I do not doubt that learning about Ulmur’s secret thoughts is useful, but it is much more likely, lets say, that you have to face the northern mountains than Ulmur and his kin.
– Not necessarily. If anything steer me north, who could guarantee I would not find Ulmur?
– I do.
– And how could you be so sure?
– Because Ulmur is dead!
– Is he though?
– What do you mean? Of course he is!
From the tavern they could hear the sound of a mug breaking and Bernie’s growl.
– Go, leave this and go to work. You have read too much for today. Poor Bernie must be overwrought.
Without wasting any more seconds she went downstairs. She liked her work and enjoyed herself in the tavern and, as she could not read about the men of the dragon blood, she preferred Haryn’s ugly face to the northern mountains’ parchment.
When she arrived downstairs Bernie had already removed the pieces of the broken mug, but he still had an angry face.
– What happened, Bernie?
– How would I know? I was serving a table and suddenly a mug broke on the counter for no reason whatsoever.
– It was the wind – said Haryn.
– It was no fucking wind, because there is no wind! - Said Bernie angry.
– Maybe it was you, Harryn.
– Maybe, but you will never know, will you, brat?
Turning her back to Haryn, Demi tried to calm down her friend:
– There is no problem, Bernie, it was just a mug. Let it be.
– I just do not like this kind of thing. It has to have an explanation, things do not break without a reason. I do not like this, not at all.
– Me too, Bernie, but to get upset will not help it.
Still grumbling Bernie went to serve some tables while Demi was in the counter. She hated to be responsible for the counter because it was were Haryn always was. But she had no choice since Josh was upstairs and only would be back later.
Even if he annoyed her, Demi never ceased to be curious about Haryn. What would he have done to win Josh’s trust? How could he be a wise and a warrior if the only thing he does is drink in the tavern? Although, he usually disappears for a few days from time to time, even though there was no war going on, nothing to fight, nowhere to be a warrior. How old was he? Demi had no idea about any of this and despite hating the way he despised her and the rude way he answered her questions, she never gave up trying to figure out whatever she could about him. She would not ask him any direct question about that though. Demi thought she would have more chance of success if she disguised her interests, so she decided to ask him about the men of dragon blood, so perhaps she could get some information about it too.
– Hey, Haryn! What do you know about the men of dragon blood?
He always looked at her like someone who wanted to kill her just for daring to open her mouth before answering.
– That they do not exist anymore.
He always answered though, even if it was a stupid answer.
– Everybody knows that. But you should know something about when they were alive. Josh says you are so wise.
It seemed that this time he would not answer, but after spending a good few minutes contemplating Demi he started to talk:
“The men of dragon blood were a very powerful kin, which does not exist anymore for over 300 years, more or less. Millenia ago, they mingled their blood with dragons blood through an agreement never revealed and a secret ritual. Shaian and Ulmur were representatives of the two races that started the union, which had to be renewed every thousand years, because the power of the dragon’s blood weakened with time in the dirty blood of men. Something went wrong in the Last Renovation and the human representative of the ritual was murdered. No one knows the name of that human, as though it was the reign of King Tomus, he was found dead in his castle and lore said that the body found was a woman. It is supposed to be his queen, but no one was ever really interested in this matter.
Haryn paused to take a sip of his hornmug and Demi asked more questions.
– But who would want to murder the men of dragon blood? And why? Who could want that? And the dragons, what they did?
– They did nothing, what would they do? There was nothing to be done. The dragons hid in fear of being murdered and waited to see what this creature would do. However nothing has been done and nothing happened. Then the reign needed a new king and a scribe loyal to Tomus took over as king. He was the only survivor with acceptable knowledge to rule. With the shock of seeing the entire royal family assassinated there were no objections to that. Thus began a new royal line. Not nearly as noble as the previous one and with only one-tenth of the longevity of those dragon’s blood, but it is what we have got.
– But who? Who would be willing and able to kill all the line? And why?
– Pshaw! No one knows that, brat! When Auri, the Scribe, took the kingdom he said he would be watching, but luckily for him nothing happened until his death. I would like to see what Auri feather hand would do against Tomus’ killer. Ha! I really wanted to see! Many people has gone missing since all this happened, although nothing that deserved much attention. Some people argue that that evil creature is still amongst us and up to something, but if that is true or not I do not know and frankly do not care.
– Do not care or is afraid? – Demi said mischievously.
His eyes flashed dangerously towards her and this time he did not answer. None of what he had told was big news for Demi, however she needed to beat around the bush to ask what she really wanted to know.
– Wow, how do you know all this? Did you read?
– I have read.
– When you were young?
– When I could.
– How old are you?
– Older than you – said Haryn getting up and leaving. At the door he shouted: – Tell Josh to meet me at the village’s entrance in an hour, would you?
– He is busy, I do not know if he can make it.
– Just give him the message!
– Hey, wait! Just one more question!
He stopped impatiently.
– Yes?
– Why the dragons did not make a new agreement with Auri?
Haryn stared at her for a good while before he said:
– Because they did not like his hair colour – and left slamming the door.
This is chapter 1 of one of my books (continue under read more) and I’m putting it on here in the hopes that someone will read and give me some feedback.
Also you all know about my financial problems so if you can share this with my Patreon link I would really appreciate. There are some public stuff on there so if you have the time please have a look and consider helping.
CHAPTER 4 (Patrons only)
The weeks before Fitftday passed quickly to Demi with all the sewing she needed to do, all the trouble convincing Artie to not wear the golden cloak in the closure party and her working in the tavern. She did not see the time passing. The fact Haryn was absent also helped that because without his scowl around the environment became much more pleasant in Demi’s opinion. Two days before the Fiftday at the end of her shift Moren told that at least two storytellers would narrate the story of the Last Renewal and finally reveal the secret ritual of the dragons. Every Fiftday at least five storytellers and even some minstrels show up clamming to reveal the dragon’s secret ritual and everyone goes to hear, including Josh and Haryn. Every year Demi always choose her favourite version and then hit the scrolls trying to confirm its veracity, but this never resulted in any discovery and so Haryn would always call here a moron for even thinking about believing all that bullshit. Her favourite version was the one told last year: the dragon swallowed the representative of men and then spit him in a burst of fire. Demi was anxious to see what crazy story they would invent this time.
In the next day Josh dismissed her from work to finish Bernie’s and Artie’s outfits in time. Bernie’s had to climb the stair at least two times to prove his vest, until he was completely satisfied. As always, he thanked Demi with a big hug and a touch on her nose with his snout. She loved it. Now Artie was not so easy. As he could not go up and Lot, the blacksmith, did not allow him to go to the tavern during working hours, Demi had to take his cloak to him. Fortunately the cloak was perfect and she did not have to go all the way again.  Like her dress, Artie’s cloak was white with red and black branches on the fringes.
– How did you like it, Artie?
– Wow! Oh mine! Wow! – Was all that Artie could say as he turned to all sides and tried a quick trot to see how the cover would be at the wind.
– I’m happy you liked it. See, now you have this lovely cloak, the cream-colored one to the closure and the golden outfit to wear whenever you want.
– My golden cloak is already done?
– No, not yet. I prioritized tomorrow’s outfits, but it is almost done.
– Can I stop by to see it latter?
– Sure, Artie. Now let me take the cloak back home. I still have to make some adjustments at the clothes to the closure party and Lot is already trowing a sulk, look.
– Sure… see you later. – said Artie as he approached Demi, who took his cloak and went back home prancing. In the distance you could already see the large pavilion, almost ready for the merchants. Demi could not imagine greater happiness than the one she was feeling at the moment.
On the night that preceded the start of Fiftday the tavern had always a smaller movement and at eight o’clock Josh had already closed the doors and left to help in the final preparations of the pavilion. Demi, Artie e Bernie gathered in the shed at the bottom of the tavern which, for the next two weeks would be Artie’s and Bernie’s house. All Fiftday they did that, it was easier that way. Demi, after making sure that the outfits were impeccable, went down to arrange the last details with her friends. As she was leaving for the side door she collided with a large and strong figure. Before she could scream he clapped her mouth and said:
– No screaming.
It was Haryn. Stupid and muffler Haryn. Demi’s heart was racing and beyond scared she was very, very angry.
– Are you crazy? How could you think you could do this, you moron?
– Do what, exactly? Open and close doors and pass by it? I think so.
– You damn-ass! You almost scared me to death!
– Seriously? I thought you were brave and were not afraid of anything. – He said in a mocking voice.
– You are a jerk, a fucking jerk! And I will tell Josh about this.
– Uh! Now I am scared. Where is he? I need to talk to him.
Demi thought about not answering, to turn her back and pretend he did not exist, but she knew that if she did that Josh would be disappointed. So she took a deep breath and reply:
– He is in the pavilion.
Haryn turned around and left, without a word, and she still shaken by the scare yelled:
– Why did you come back, huh? Nobody misses you. You should never return.
He stopped, gave that hideous grin, and replied:
– Missed you, brat. – And he kept walking.
Demi could not believe the audacity of that hateful man. She would talk to Josh. At least he would have to tell her why she had to tolerate Haryn. He owe me at least that. Her blood was yet boiling with fury, so it took some while before she left and went to the shed to meet her friends.
The Fiftday finally arrived. Demi woke up anxious and happy and chose a light dress for the day, it was hot. Josh had already left, so she ran to wake up Artie and Bernie, but both were already up and cheerful.
– It is so damn hot! I will not wear clothes during the day so my party outfit will stand out even more at night. – said Bernie.
– So cocky, Bernie.
– Gee! I can use my golden cloak, can I, Demi?
– No, Artie. It is warm and in this sun you will blind people with that thing.
– I do not understand all this nagging about my cape.
– I am not nagging, I only think that it does not suit you.
– After the Fiftday I will wear it every day just to taunt you.
– I know.
– If you have already finished to pick on each other, can we go?
– Sure!
When the three friends arrived at the pavilion the stone clock on the center had not marked ten am yet, but there were many people and more coming. Many merchants have had their tents set up and many more would come.
Bernie was already standing on the front of a honey tent and Demi and Artie knew he would spend quite some time there.
Come on, Artie, let’s take a look in those fabrics, if Bernie need some money he will find us.
And so they spent the morning. They lunched in the food tents because it was the only chance they had to eat typical food from distant places. There were fruits only found in the north and there were strange meats. But all of it was delicious.
In the afternoon they continued their reckoning of the tents and its spices and other goods. One of those had a collection of stones of different colors and sizes. Sure there were sapphires and emeralds, but also stones that were not jewels, which were used only to decorate the house and Demi loved those.
One was a lot like Demi’s red hair and Bernie was blown away with the resemblance.
– Demi, you must buy this one – it is so you. If you do not buy it, I will buy it for you.
Demi was staring at the stone and seemed not to hear Bernie. It didn’t even look like a stone, it was like a very thick piece of red glass, very red.
– Where does this stone come from? – Asked Demi.
– It comes from one of the high mountains of the dragons, girl. My husband found it in one of his trips and when asked by a traveler he swore it was from the dragon’s mountains. He swore, girl.
– All right, never mind, it was just curiosity. I will take it.
– Very good, very good. Anything else?
– Yes, I will take these black and blue stones that are similar too.
– Very good, very very good, child. It is three coins.
When they moved away from the tent, the woman was looking at the three friends with eyes full of curiosity, but none of them noticed that, because they were jabbering about what they shopped in their day of festivity.
– Well, looks like it is time to take our acquisitions home and prepare for the opening party. – Demi said.
– Already?
Demi laughed. – Artie, we still have fourteen days of Fiftday, you will have time enough.
– I know, but the first day is the best it is so cool.
– Yet the party is coolest. Lets go, I have to wash my hair.
It was past four o’clock when they reached the tavern and found Josh and Haryn talking quietly. Demi hugged Josh and pretended not to see Haryn, who was with his mocking smile as usual.
– How was the first day? Did you bought anything? – Josh asked.
– Just some little things. Everyone knows the merchants keep the best for the end.
– True.
– Well, I will help Artie to take a shower and then I have to wash my hair.
– Sure have, it does not even look like red anymore, but brown because it is so dirty. – Haryn said, with a smile.
Demi did not reply, just gave him a stare that would have paralyzed a dragon and for a moment she thought she saw his smile break and a glimpse of fear in his eyes, but that was only an impression. Josh was quiet, he only nodded his head to the stubbornness of those two.
After helping Artie – and even Bernie – to get clean and fragrant, Demi went upstairs to take her bath. She was supposed to meet them at seven. Aisni, a village girl that was friends with Demi, would help her with her hair. For the first time she decided to do something with it for the party. Her original plan was to braid it with ribbons, but Aisni suggest something different and Demi loved it.
When the girls went down, Artie and Bernie were already waiting. Artie wearing his white cloak and his shining fur and Bernie with his black and white vest over his clean and brushed brown reddish fur. Haryn and Josh also were ready to go. Josh as usual was pretty well dressed, but with simplicity and Haryn did not seemed to have taken a bath or changed his clothes. Everyone looked when Demi came because she was stunning. Her white dress was made from a drawing she had seen in a history book about the lineage of the men of dragon blood. It was white with red branches on the hem and on the tip of the sleeves, a modest cleavage and long and wide sleeves from the elbow. Her hair looked like waves of red with thin white ribbons.
Demi was elate with the way Artie e Bernie looked at her and Josh was delighted with his child. So much that you could see a tear wanting to jump out of his eyes, but what dazed her the most was the look she saw in Haryn’s eyes. She did not know what that was, but for the first time she felt he was not mocking her. This lasted only a few seconds, because Haryn turned on and walked out.
– My daughter, you are beautiful!
– Really, Demi, you look like a princess. – Bernie said. – And you too, Aisni, are very pretty.
The girls laughed. Aisni have a golden hair that fell in well-defined curls until up half of her back and wore a blue dress that look like the sky. She tied her hair half-up half-down with a ribbon that matched her dress.
– Thank you! But you are only saying that because you are my friends. Aisni is really lovely.
– Well, Demi, right back at you! There is no problem. We are all very beautiful and we are going to the party!
Everyone nodded excited and left. Haryn was not at sight, but when they approached the central tent, where the party would take place, Josh pulled back and found him near one of the large trunks that supported the tent. Demi looked at Haryn, still not understanding what had happened just before, and yet she felt even more uncomfortable, even though he had not even cast a glance in her direction since. Anyway it was a party day and she did not want to spoil things thinking in that unpleasant man.
Many people were already coming to the celebration, all well dressed. The opening and closing parties of Fiftday were the only ones that took place in the village, so almost everyone were there, even the sick made an effort to be there.
The group of friends hang out near a tent that sell mead and everyone bought a cup. While they were drinking, laughing and chatting the band began to play; soon after Ethan invited Demi to dance and so she went. Then Bunn appeared and asked Aisni to dance while Artie and Bernie were squirming in their seats and calling that dance.
– Wow, Demi, you are so beautiful! – said Ethan.
– Thank you, Ethan. –  she replied, blushing. She liked Ethan and knew he liked her, but she was too shy to admit it to him or to anyone else, including herself. Either way she was glad to know that he liked the way she was.
Demi danced three songs with Ethan and then got back to her friends. Aisni was there too and the girls were all secrets and giggles.
– What the hell do you whisper so much? It sure must be very very funny.
– Actually, Artie, we are talking about very serious stuff.
– Sure, like we do not know you are talking about boys.
– We are not! No way! – said Demi, blushing. She did not want that her friends thought she was a silly girl who wanted a boyfriend.
– It is alright, Demi. – Bernie said. – It is normal that you will want to talk about boys.
– But I am not! – She said even more embarrassed.
– Then lets not talk about that anymore! – Bernie said. But he and Artie were still having a blast with it, because they knew how Demi was angry about these subjects.
– Artie and I will take a walk, be back soon.
After they left, Aisni asked her:
– Why didn’t you tell them?
– I do not like to talk with them about that. They would not understand.
– Of course they would, Demi. Admit it, you are ashamed.
– No way! It’s just it’s not their business.
Aisni knew Demi very well so she knew that she would never admit it, but it was funny to see how blushed she was because people knew exactly what she wanted to hide.
– Come on, Aisni, let’s take a walk too.
They started to circulate among people. However they did not saw any signal of Artie and Bernie or even Josh, but Haryn was yet in the same spot, talking with an outsider, probably a merchant. He seemed unconcerned and almost happy. Demi had never seen him like that. She kept watching him for a while until Haryn turned around and looked at her and the contempt was again in those eyes. Demi pretended not to care and kept walking, looking at the other side.
Short after that Ethan showed up asking to speak to Demi. Aisni encouraged her to go and left. Ethan gave Demi a red flower that made her turn the same color.
– That is lovely.
– That is for you to remember me when you are at home.
– I do. – she said hastily and immediately regretted. – I remember all my friends. – she complemented awkwardly
– I know – he said and he was smiling – Demi, you know I like you, right?
She did, but she would not tell him that. In fact she did not know what to say. She opened her mouth and closed it again, she looked away and saw that Bunn was also talking to Aisni, who was smiling. Did all Buruma kids decided to profess their love today? When Demi looked again to Ethan he was much more closer and before she realized it he was kissing her.
It was a quick kiss, but it felt like an eternity to Demi. It was her first kiss; she had been kissed for the first time and she liked it. She summoned up the courage to look at him. He was smiling and was holding her hands – although she could not remember when it had happened. She smiled back.
Demi had never thought about having a boyfriend, at least not one that was not a great minstrel or storyteller who had traveled the world. Yet now she was there with someone that made her feel different, someone she would not mind to call boyfriend. While all of this was crossing her mind she saw, over Ethan’s shoulder, Haryn looking directly at her. Once more he had that smile that mocked her and Demi instantaneously knew that he had seen it all. She was upset and let Ethan’s hand go.
– Is everything okay?
– Yes, it is nothing. Let’s take a walk?
– Sure.
Demi could see that Ethan was confused, but she needed to walk away from Haryn’s side, so she walked fast and Ethan had to hurry to catch up.
– Did I did something wrong, Demi? If I did, I am sorry.
– No, you did not do anything wrong. – She said still walking fast. When they were far enough from Haryn she stopped. She was very annoyed. Why should Haryn ruin everything? That moment only concerned her, her and Ethan, why he had to be there and spoil everything?
– Demi, what is it?
– Nothing. I was just surprised, that is all. Sorry, Ethan. – She sat on a nearby trunk.
– You do not need to apologize. It is alright if you do not feel the same about me. – He said with a sorrowful voice.
– No. No, it’s not that. Like I told you, I was just surprised. I… I like you too, Ethan. – she murmured and blushed.
– Do you?
– Yes.
He was smiling again. – Can I sit with you then?
– Of course you can.
After a while she had forgotten about Haryn and all. They were there talking for a long time until they realized that the music had stopped, which meant that it was time for the stories. Then they came nearby the stage and Demi said goodbye to Ethan. Just ahead were Aisni, Artie and Bernie.
– Where were you? – questioned Bernie.
– Out there. – Aisni knew she was with Ethan and they looked at each other with a smile. However there was no time for questions because the minstrel was on stage and had strummed his harp.
There were always a musician and a storyteller for which night of the Fifday and, as expected, the minstrel of the opening night would recite a story about the Last Renewal ritual. He said that it was the true story of the ritual which had been told to him by one of the Dragons of the north. All was silent and so he began.
He sang about the threats and wars between men of old and dragons and also about how they had reached an agreement to unite their blood, although he did not explain what the dragons gained with this union. Then he told about the ritual: a macabre dance in which the man would have to mutilate his own body and throw himself in a bonfire burning with dragon’s flames. And when the spirit of the man left his body it would be trapped in a bottle full of dragon’s blood. To renew the covenant, the kingdom’s heir should drink from that bottle. At the Last Renewal, the messenger who brought the bottle was ambushed and killed by an errant group, he said, and that was what went wrong then. This terrible song also said that such misfortune occurred because the one who would participate of the ritual was a woman, not a man.
Demetria looked at Josh and Haryn and both of them were having fun with that rubbish presentation. People applauded, most likely out of pity and not for any other reason. It was the worst version that Demi had ever heard.
– What the hell was that? He completely ignored the fact that Tomus was murdered on the same day, but invented this bullshit about the messenger’s accident. Seriously? A spirit trapped in a bottle of blood? Even the dragon barbecue version is more acceptable.
– I agree. That was the most idiotic version I had ever heard. – said Artie.
– My father tells that when he was a boy he heard of a version that said that a man and a dragon held hands and gave one hundred little hops together. – Aisni said and the four friends roared with laughter and only managed to stop when the storyteller was beginning his tale.
He told about a damsel that had fell in love with an enemy warrior. Demi had listened that story a million times, because everyone liked to tell it. However, for the first time she did not mind listening a love tale. Her heart was touched by the fate of the lovers and she wondered what the hell did Ethan do to her. Either way she was happy.
They said goodbye to Aisni, who went home with her family, and the three friends returned to the tavern. Demi was hoping that Haryn was not there, because she did not want to see him. It was eleven o’clock by the time they got home. Josh was there but not Haryn to Demi’s relief.
– So, how about tonight? Did you like it?
Everyone started talking at the same time. Josh smiled knowing that, as always, they had loved everything. Well almost everything.
– My goodness, what was that version of the ritual?
Josh smiled. – One of the worst I heard, I think. It wasn’t even well plotted.
They remembered the version of the little jumps and everyone started laughing again.
– Sure, I heard that, said Josh. – I remember that the poor minstrel could not finish his song because of the public’s laughter.
– Which was the best version you have ever heard, Josh? – Bernie asked.
He thought for a few minutes before answering:
– I think it was one I heard when I was still very young, and was not living here yet. It was a version that spoke of the invocation of a powerful spirit, but I do not remember it correctly, I should have written it down.
– Sounds a good one – Artie replied and after a moment when they were all pensive, Bernie said:
– Well, I think we should sleep because tomorrow will be a busy day and we still have fourteen versions to listen to.
– Yep, it is true. Goodnight to all and see you tomorrow. We can go a little later tomorrow, right, Demi?
– Sure.
After they left, Demetria remained there and Josh asked her if there was something wrong.
– No, nothing. – answered Demi. She did not like to hide anything from Josh, but she did not want to tell him about Ethan. Not now, maybe another day. Anyway as she was talking with Josh she decided to ask about Haryn.
– Dad, why are you even friends with Haryn?
– This again.
– You never gave me an answer.
– I like him.
– But why? He is ignorant, insensitive and irritating.
– Daughter, Haryn is nothing like that, you just do not know him very well.
–  Of course I do! I have known him since I can remember.
– Not the same Haryn that I know. And that is enough of that! I know my words will not convince you of anything but I guarantee that one day you will change your mind about him.
– That won’t happen.
– I know that you think that. Good night, Demetria.
– Goodnight.
Demi was pissed again. Her father would never tell her nothing about Haryn and that was annoying. She could not understand that. Haryn was probably fooling her poor dad. Either way, as she was climbing to her room, her mind flew to Ethan and more pleasant thoughts and she remembered how good it was to have someone who liked her. It was a good feeling that drove her to sleep, despite Haryn.
When Demetria woke up she was startled. She had dreamed about the story told the night before: but in her dream she was the damsel and Haryn was the warrior. She was mad at herself for dreaming such a silly thing and was convinced that this nonsense was motivated by Josh’s words. She tried to forget that stupid dream but she could not, especially when she went dawn for coffee and found Haryn talking to Josh.
– Good morning, little brat! Are you alright?
The mocking tone of his voice was even bigger today. Demi did not answer. She walked through the tavern giving up her coffee and going to meet her friends. But they were not there.
– Where are Artie and Bernie?
– They have already gone. I was going to tell you but you passed like a rain. They asked to warn you that since you were taking too long to wake up they were going to wait for you in the pavilion.
– In the pavilion? But it was their idea to sleep until later!
– Demetria, it is almost two o’clock in the afternoon.
Demetria froze. She could not believe that she slept so much, particularly because it was such a poor quality of sleep as it produced such an unpleasant dream.
– It seems like so many kisses last night stunned you, eh, brat. – Haryn said clearly amusing himself.
Demetria was about to kill him. What right he think he had to discuss her life like that?
– Fuck off, Haryn! – She said slamming the door.
– Why did you tease her so much?
– It is fun.
– She hates you.
– I know. And she must be hating me even more right now. – Haryn said with a sorrowful look.
– Probably. And if I did not know you I would say that is exactly what you want.
Haryn looked at him but did not reply.
Demi left the tavern and began to cry. How such horrible man could exist? How could he ruin everything? She sat on a log and cried out all her anger. When she raised her eyes Artie and Bernie were there.
– How long have you been there?
– Since you left the tavern. What happened, Demi? – Bernie asked sitting down next to her. Artie was just in front of her.
Demi realized that if she was going to tell they about what had just happened she would have to tell about the previous night and she did not know if she wanted that. However as Aisni had said they were her friends and they had the right to know.
– Ethan kissed me yesterday.
– We know.
– How?
– We saw it.
– Did you? But… oh, okay. So, Haryn saw it too. And you know how horrible he is. He just told Josh about it.
– But… you think Josh would not be fine with that?
– It is not that! He has no right to talk about my life. He is a detestable and disgusting man and I hate him, hate!
– Calm down, Demi. He likes to tease you. If you did not pay attention to him he will stop, you will see.
– But I can’t!
– Well, you have to try, right? After all Josh likes him and Haryn will still be around for some time.
– And how could you know that? Demi asked, annoyed. – He could die tomorrow or today!
– If that is what you want to believe, fine.
Demi was pissed off with her friends now. They should take her side and agree with her and insult Haryn with her, but no. They preferred to try do get her to forget and let it go. She stood up wiping her eyes and left without saying a word. Both of them followed her and they knew that she would be in a bad mood all day long.
After they have silently walked for a while, Aisni showed up and Artie and Bernie decided to take a walk to leave the girls alone. Demi told Aisni what had happened and she emphatically agreed with Demi who felt a little better. After that the conversation returned to the adventures of the previous night. Aisni told Demi that Bunn had asked her to be his girlfriend and that she had accepted. Demi was very happy about that and then she told Aisni about Ethan. Aisni was sure that he would ask Demi too.
– Will you accept?
Demi thought about how well she felt about him and the change that she had felt last night before answering.
– Yes, I think so.
The two friends walked until they found an agglomerate of people gathered around Bernie. He was telling one of his stories: the one of a great magician that had grown tired of his spells and decided to live in the mountains with giant birds. Demi knew the story, even so she stopped to listen, because Bernardo’s voice was somehow magical and could charm anyone, even those who already have listened to him before. All those people around Bernie were looking at him with great admiration and no one could hear a single sound but his voice.
When he finished everyone applauded and asked for more stories, but he said that that was enough for a day. Demi approached him to apologize for her previous behavior but before she could say anything he said:
– No need to apologize.
She stopped and looked at him curiously. He started to laugh and opened his arms.
– You stubborn girl!
She ran to hug him. – You silly bear!
Aisni and Artie were talking excitetedly as they got close to Demi and Bernie. Demi turned to try to apologize to Artie but he also rapidly said that there was no need.
– What is the matter with you two?
– Simple! We just know you too well.
– Apparently more that you should have.
– Oh you have no idea!
Everyone laughed.
The afternoon casted its last lights but tonight no one would go home. The night fell and the lamps began to be lit and the stars were already shining in the sky. It was however a moonless night. Ethan and Bunn arrived and Artie e Bernie gave then some alone time with the girls.
That night Demi did not care if anyone would see her holding hands with Ethan. Josh already knew, her friends knew too and that was what mattered. As Aisni had foreseen, Ethan asked Demi to be his girlfriend that night and she said yes. That night they did not hear the ritual version or some story. Not that night or any other of that week.
In the next week, Josh would open the tavern but as always he dismissed Demi and Bernie of any work. Yet when was time for the stories he was always there. It was his greatest pleasure to hear the absurd versions of the last ritual. Demi suspected that he kept a record of all the versions he heard after having forgotten his favourite.
On the first night of the second week, even Demi and Ethan went to hear the stories, as it was in the last week that the best singers performed. On the second night, the minstrel chanted a song about an ancient war and everyone was keen to hear the story as they knew it would be about the Last Renovation. Until that moment of the Fiftday there had not been stories about that, only songs so the expectations were great. Even Josh and Haryn looked anxious and exchanged some meaningful looks.
When the narrator took the stage there was absolute silence and Bernardo let out a low roar.
– What is the matter, Bernie?
– I do not know, but there is something about this guy.
The minstrel had black hair and black eyes but was pale as the moon. He was wearing plain blue clothes and Demi could not see anything that stood up in him but she believed in her friend and immediately disliked him because bear’s eyes were more argute than human’s.
When he started to talk his voice was like a mesmerizing song and no one could look away or stop listening:
A long time ago there was a very wise and powerful being and he walked freely through the mountains and forests of our world. He served no one and was a friend to all and for that reason his soul was ashed to see two of his favorite peoples at war: men and dragons. Being so wise he decided to propose an agreement between both, an alliance. They would bound themselves through blood and thus they would never make war against each other again. With this blood alliance men’s life would be longer, they would be more beautiful and powerful and would also have access to the knowledge of the nature and the world that only the dragons possessed. On the other hand, the dragons would gain all the knowledge acquired by men through the reading of scrolls for years and years and the wisdom that came from such knowledge, they would also gain the potential to have sentiments, to love, and the capacity to think rationally. The dragons were not entirely convinced that the alliance was worth it but Ulmur, the Great, persuaded them that above all they would have peace. The price of the alliance however was high. Both Ulmur and Shaian, the high king of man, would have to sacrifice themselves to make the union possible. No one ever knew how this wiseman convinced them to agree to it but the sacrifice was made and the union between races was done. About this initial ritual I can tell you nothing but it must be symbolically renewed every thousand years when the moon appears into the sky crowned by the five stars of life. So, every thousand years, a human and a dragon representative both females will meet each other on the Union Glade where the wiseman would evoke Ulmur’s and Shaian’s spirit with a drop of blood of each of the representatives and some litany in a strange language only known by the wiseman himself. When the spirits show up the human should make a decision: to gestate the child in her womb or put her in a dragon’s egg. If she chose the first option all she had to do was receive the breath of Ulmur and Shaian. But if she pick the second option she would have to sacrifice herself – like Ulmur and Shaian did – to guarantee a secure gestation in a safe dragon egg which would hatch when it was time. Not before nor after. For this reason the chosen female dragon was picked among those who have recently hatched an egg, for she had to bring her last hatched egg to the ritual and was fundamental that it was no part missing in it. When this was the path chosen by the human she would have to kill herself with a specific dagger brought by the wiseman and her blood would have to be collected in the dragon’s egg. Only then Ulmur and Shayan would blow the egg. This option had never been chosen until the Last Renovation. Tomus already knew the danger that was upon his lineage although the source of his knowledge had never been discovered. Some think that the bound with the dragon’s blood was behind this, but we will never know. The fact is that when he had to send his queen to the ritual he already had a plan to save at least one of his lineage. He sent with her a maid that was very much alike his wife and this woman should return as his pregnant queen after choosing the first option. Tomus knew that the ones who wanted to exterminate his line had knowledge about the ritual and he also knew that they would be waiting for his wife to murder her and his heir shortly after having killed him in his castle. But the queen decided to sacrifice herself choosing the second option and placing her child safely in a dragon’s egg. And so was her maid who was sent to death as if she were the queen. That was how at least one descendent of the lineage of dragon’s blood was saved. If the egg has already hatched I can not tell you but I can assure you that you have heard for the first time the true story about the ritual between dragons and men.
 No one applauded. People did not even seem to breath. The minstrel bowed and left the stage. Bernie and Artie were silent and exchanged a look, and Demi realized that they were astonished.
– What is it?
– Demi, we need to go home now! – Artie said.
– Why? What is it?
– Nothing, Demi. – Said Bernie calmly. – But like I said there is something off with this guy and this story pissed me off. Can we go home, please?
– But that was the best version I have ever heard. It also looks like that one that Josh forgot. – Demi said looking around for Josh but he was not there. – Where is Josh?
– He had already gone home, can we go?
– Yes, but I need to find Aisni, she will stay at my place tonight.
– You must go with Artie and I will find her and take her home. – Bernie said.
Demi was completely lost but she did not argue because she noted that her friends were on edge and even she, without knowing why, was feeling restless. She was still holding hands with Ethan who did not understand a thing.
– Can I walk you home?
– I think so.
Demi, Artie and Ethan went to the tavern and as they approached they heard voices inside. Artie came inside to let Demi say goodbye to Ethan.
– Well, I guess I have to go. See you tomorrow then.
– See you. – But Ethan did not seem to want to leave.
Demi kissed him on his right cheek then his left and then his lips.
– Until then. Goodnight!
Demi was feeling sad but she did not know why. Maybe it was just her friend’s commotion but she wanted to cry. Before she reached the tavern’s door Bernie showed up with Aisni and they all went in together. Josh and Haryn were murmuring fast and Artie was attentive to their conversation when Demi and the others entered the room. They immediately stopped.
– Demi, I am glad you are here. You must be tired.
– No, I want to know what is going on.
– Not today. It is late and it is no big deal. – Haryn said and gave her a meaningfully look, without mockery and without calling her a brat. Demi knew that she would not hear anything from them that night.
– Okay then. Let’s go to sleep, Aisni.
Aisni was a little bit confused but she had no idea of what was happening so she accompanied her friend up the stairs wishing a goodnight to everyone.
– What are they arguing about?
– Nothing much, it must be to decide if they will open the tavern tomorrow.
– Ah. Today’s version was any good? I did not hear it.
– It was okay. – Demi did not know what to say. She thought that all the fuzz and apprehension were about the story and she did not want to talk about it with Aisni.
– Wow, I am really tired, are you? – said Demi.
– Oh goodness! I am whacked. – Answered Aisni.
Demi gave Aisni the bed and laid down on the straw mattress beside the wall. She was thinking that she would not be able to sleep but she did not remain awake for long. She must have been very tired after all.
In the middle of the night she woke up with Haryn shaking her:
– Demi, wake up! Wake up damn it!
– What is it?
– You have five minutes to get some things. We are going on a trip.
– What do you mean? Who? Where are we going?
– No time for questions right now, hurry up or you will regret it.
– I cannot just leave Aisni here.
Haryn looked at her for a moment and after a curse agreed:
– Alright, wake her up and bring some clothes for her too. Do not forget to get some winter clothes and some food.
Demi did not have time to ask anything else and by Haryn’s tone and the fact that he called her Demi she knew there was no time for stubbornness.
She woke Aisni up and with as few explanations as possible convinced her that they were going to do something unusual and fun and that it was a surprise. She took what she could, according to Haryn’s instructions, and then she went downstairs to warn her friends about it but they were already waiting for her.
– Are you going too?
– Sure. Are you ready?
– I am. I think so...
At that moment, Haryn hurried out and said:
– Let’s go. Josh will meet us later. Come on.
It was still dark and there were many stairs in the sky and there were much time before dawn. Everyone seemed in a hurry, so Demi also hurried, making Aisni keep up.
After walking about twenty minutes they were almost leaving the village. It was then that Demi looked back and saw a very bright light.
– What is that?
No one answered.
– Haryn, what is that? – she yelled.
– Fire.
– We need to go back and warn them, it is spreading and it will get into the houses! – Demi was desperate but no one else seemed to care, other than Aisni, who was terrified now.
– We need to go back now! – Demi yelled, and stood still. Haryn turned around looked into her eyes and said:
– They are all already dead, Demi. There is nothing we can do about it.
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catie-does-things · 5 years
It Must Follow, As Night the Day
Why settle for three WIPs when you could have four?
Zutara, PG, AU from the end of book two, picks up six years post-war. Inspired by this premise, though not following it exactly.
This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. - Hamlet, act I, scene iii
Kara was dreaming, and it was a very strange dream. Something with lights, slowly spinning around her, and gentle voices that sounded ominous nonetheless. She only caught snatches of what they said.
“...more than we’ve ever tried before…”
“...an anchor, someone she knows…”
“...he keeps asking about her…”
She wanted to cry out, to ask about him as well. But the lights kept spinning, making her dizzy and confused. She knew something was wrong, but couldn’t remember what it was. If only the lights would stop…
A loud noise woke her suddenly, the sound of something being smashed, accompanied by shouting voices from the street below. Kara started out of bed, one hand flying instinctively to cover the bulge of her stomach, eyes searching the dark room in vain for the person who should have been lying next to her in the bed. 
“Here,” came her husband’s voice from the doorway, low and urgent, just audible over the noise in the street. It sounded like the riots that had ravaged the lower ring last summer all over again. Kara groped through the darkness, grateful the shutters of their little second-floor apartment were closed tight. 
Her hand finally found his. “Mama,” came another voice, small and frightened.
“Hush, now, Hiro, Mama’s here,” Kara replied, taking the child from his father’s arms. Hiro immediately hid his face against her shoulder, and her husband drew her close to his chest. Their whole family held in one embrace, Kara felt safer. The chaos outside would, spirits willing, stay outside.
Soon Hiro settled and fell asleep, and the noise of the rioters passed on. Her eyes adjusted to the dark by now, Kara drew back from her husband slightly to look up at him. She could just make out the shape of his eyes, one fixed in a permanent squint by the scar that covered that side of his face. “Lee,” she whispered. “What’s happening?”
“They said Long Feng is dead,” Lee whispered back. “The Avatar has overthrown the Dai Li.”
In the immediate aftermath of that harrowing night, life went on more or less as usual in the lower ring. Shopkeepers sighed as they assessed damage and repaired broken windows, those who had been injured nursed their wounds, and no one came to help them - but that was as it had ever been. Lee returned to work at the foundry the very next day. It was harder work than his old job at the tea shop. He had longer hours and came home filthy with soot and sweat, and tired enough to drop. But the foundry paid better for firebenders, and with their growing family, they needed that money.
That day was laundry day in their building, and Kara joined the usual gathering in the courtyard with her neighbors - Su Li and her daughters who lived across the hall, the widow Peng who occupied the ground floor apartment with her son’s family, and Kai and Jai, the twin sisters who each lived in one of the third floor apartments with their husbands, who were also twins.
It was an ordinary domestic scene, the women bustling around the large tubs of water, scrubbing clothes and bedsheets clean, and Kara speeding the drying process along with her bending. Hiro and the other children ran about in the bright spring sunshine, laughing and playing without a care. Even the women were largely care-free, discussing the downfall of the Dai Li with no more particular excitement than any other bit of neighborhood gossip. Why should they be concerned, after all, when the fall of the Earth King at the hands of the Fire Nation six years ago, and the subsequent expulsion of the Fire Nation by Long Feng three years after that, and the proclamation of the Dai Li protectorate of the city, had all brought little change to their lives?
Lee came home from work that night a little later than usual, for there were still streets blocked by overturned carts and other wreckage, but aside from that it was an ordinary evening. They ate dinner, put Hiro to bed, and Kara worked on the clothes she was sewing for the new baby while Lee washed up. It was only once he finished and sat across the plain wooden kitchen table from her that the subject of politics came up at all.
“Did you even know the Avatar was in the city?” Kara asked, not looking up from her sewing.
“No,” Lee replied. “No one did.”
By “no one”, Kara knew he meant none of the other men at the foundry. She came to the end of the hem she was stitching, and tied off her thread. “Well, has he made any kind of announcement yet?”
“Not that I’ve heard.” Lee leaned back, draping one arm over the back of his chair and letting his face tilt towards the ceiling. “And who cares anyway?”
Kara gave a noncommittal hum as she cut the thread and turned the little baby gown so the right side was out. It was a dull version of the yellow shade that Earth Kingdom mothers put on their babies for good luck. She would have liked to dress her children in blue, of course, but that color was far too expensive in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se. The dark blue ribbon of her mother’s necklace was the only such luxury she had.
“I guess I’m just wondering why he did it,” she said with a shrug, folding the baby garment in her lap. “I’d think the Avatar would have bigger problems to worry about…”
“Or other people’s business to interfere in,” Lee interrupted.
Kara shot him a look of annoyance, but didn’t argue. The Avatar was a subject on which their opinions differed, and she probably shouldn’t have brought it up. “It doesn’t make sense to me,” she concluded, collecting her sewing supplies and returning them to their basket.
Lee sighed and got to his feet, taking the basket from her and putting it away on the shelf where it was kept, safely out of Hiro’s reach. “It doesn’t make sense to me either,” he admitted, taking her hand and lacing their fingers together. “But it’s not our concern, is it?”
“I guess not,” Kara agreed as he led her towards the bedroom. Who were they to the Avatar, after all?
Aang couldn’t help but feel that the former Earth King’s palace had not been improved by its open occupation by the Dai Li. Tapestries and vases had been stripped from the halls, walls whitewashed, gold ornaments sold off or melted down - and yet rather than achieving an asceticism that he could have admired, the effect was rather alienating. Long Feng, unlike the monks of the air temples, had cared nothing for beauty, proportion, or harmony.
But it was not aesthetic concerns that had brought the Avatar to Ba Sing Se, nor that primarily interested him now. He’d come on behalf of the minor kings to deliver an ultimatum, and enforced the consequences when that ultimatum was refused. Now, his job was research.
No one knew what had become of the Earth King Kuei. If he had been a prisoner during the Fire Nation occupation of his city, surely Azula would have paraded him through the streets in chains, or staged a public execution, but no such event had ever taken place. And when the new Fire Lord withdrew his support from Azula, and the Dai Li drove her out, there had been no mention of the Earth King then, either. Long Feng had simply declared himself Lord Protector of the city.
Of course, Aang reflected bitterly, the Earth King was hardly the only person to have disappeared without a trace in Ba Sing Se.
If Kuei was still alive, the minor kings wanted him back on the throne. If he was dead, his successor would have to be chosen. But first, the truth had to be uncovered, and the secret archives of the Dai Li were as good a place for the Avatar to begin his search as any.
And maybe, while he was there, he might find some clue as to what had happened to Katara.
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
It Takes A Village :: Part l
Villager!Doyoung x Royalty!Reader
ft NCT, EXO, and BTS
It’s the dead of the night when you find a place indicating shelter.
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“It’s a big day. do you have butterflies tonight, princess?” Maribelle, one of your family servants questioned as she tightened your dress.
“A big night for my father you mean?” You observed yourself in the mirror. The dress you were wearing tonight was a gift, sewn to perfection from the Byun’s. They were great friends with your family and had often sent you and your siblings presents for “good behavior” as they’d say.
“Well yes,” She smiled, moving to observe you with her own eyes as she pulled the last string. “But for you too. It’s the one night a year where everyone comes to simply awe at you and your family as well as the kingdom. That seems pretty exciting.”
“Well, if by exciting you mean mentally draining, I’d definitely have to agree.”
“Mentally draining?” An appalled voice said. It was your father, Suho, who had clearly been eavesdropping on your conversation. When he walked into your place of slumber, he couldn’t help but freeze from your current state. “You look absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart. Why the long face?”
“Good evening, your Highness.” Maribelle quickly bowed, excusing herself out of the room.
You sighed as you accepted his kiss on your forehead, “Nothing...I just...I just get nervous when all eyes are on me.” You began to fiddle with your dress, a clear indication that you were lying.
“You've always been an awful liar.” He said with a bright smile on his face.
“Fine,” You sighed again before making a move to sit on you bed, your father following you.
“This all feels weird, daddy.” you whispered. You felt the burning sensation building up in your throat and the tears threatening to fall out of your eyes.
He breathed out sympathetically before rubbing your shoulder to comfort you. It was something that immediately calmed you down no matter the situation. “I know, baby. It’s a foreign feeling, but your mother would be proud. It’s only been a year but you’ve already grown up so much.”
You chuckled sadly. “I didn’t really have a choice.”
“Well that’s the fun part of life, isn't it?” He questioned into thin air. “In one moment, everything can be perfect, and the next, your world is in a spiral. One can either stand up to the Goliath that is fate, or let it terrorize you forever.” Your father pressed one last kiss to your forehead. You didn’t need to respond to his wise words for him to know that you processed them.
“We hate to ruin such a dazzling moment.” Another voice spoke. There were currently two heads peeking from behind the door, and they both belonged to your brothers; the voice being Jungkook, and his mini me being Jisung.
“Please do come in.” You spoke sarcastically.
“I thought we agreed no tears tonight, sister.” Jisung said in a fake tone.
“She even carved it into the wall down in the punishment room did she not?” Jungkook added with a smirk, both him and Jisung sandwiching themselves between you and their father.
“Yes yes, such a scary sight watching her claw at the wall with stones for hours.” Jisung snarled playfully, clearly mocking your uncle Sehun and his high class demeanor.
“It’s perfectly okay for your sister to shed a few tears.” Your father interrupted, grabbing both of their cheeks. “You guys too.”
“Men don’t cry, father.” Jisung said with a roll of his eyes.
“Says who?” Suho gasped dramatically.
“Says me.” He answered confidently, his chest up in pride. “Hyung is not on the same page, but we’re working on it.” He cackled as his brother smacked him on his neck.
“Whatever.” Jungkook said.
Suddenly there was silence. A peaceful silence. Sure, you could hear the sound of guests coming in, plates being set even through the distance that you guys were from the gathering downstairs, but you all tuned it out in sync and just breathed together.
“I want you guys to know,” Suho suddenly spoke up, trying his best to wrap his arms around the three of you, “I love you.”
“We love you too, father.” You all said together.
“And that I'm proud of you.”
“We know.”
“And that your mother is proud of you. Proud of us.”
Your voices all suddenly became hushed, but still in sync. “We know.”
He pressed a kiss to all of your foreheads. “My greatest seeds. How about after all of this chaos full of announcements and fake chatter, we go ride the horses, eh?”
“Really!” you all said in unison.
“Really.” Your father said simply before getting up and taking one last look at his children. It was time to get ready for the big entrance.
“Finally. I was much younger when we went the first time, but I’ll show you all I’m the best!” Jisung said.
“They don’t call me the golden son for nothing, Ji.” Jungkook yawned in an over exaggerated manner.
“Yeah right. I actually ride horses.” You added.
“And who taught you how to do that?” your father spoke up with that dashing smile of his.
“Touché.” you all said with suspicious eyes before breaking into a fit of laughter.
“Plenty of time for fun in the morning my children, lets go.” He instructed all of you, even though he was still smiling. The three of you got up, your brothers checking your dress followed by you fixing their own outfits, and you were out of your room.
Entrances were made, you and your family as well as the rest of the royals in the kingdom making their presence known in your sangria red and medallion yellow clothing.
“I know I’ve said this about a thousand times,” Joy said, “but you look absolutely stunning, princess.”
You smiled. “All thanks to you and your family. Youre the only reason me and my family can be so stylish all the time.”
“Well that’s what best friends are for right? Plus, sewing runs in the Byun’s blood. It would be a dishonor to allow your father to dress you.” She burst into a fit of laughter.
Ah, Joy. The two of you had the typical story when it came to how your friendship came about. Her father, Byun Baekhyun, grew up with your father. They lived in the kingdom together with your grandfathers, easily becoming best friends as they found comfort knowing the two of them shared a similar burden when it came to impressing their male figures. Your family always had the authority as you did rule, but as the Duke of the kingdom, the Byun’s were always close by, even though it was Baekyun who decided to leave the kingdom and start a life for himself. Of course he kept up with his duties, but he had found quite the life living with his family and using their sewing skills to equip the people in need such as yourself with high end clothing.
“It’s the effort that counts.” You laughed, ”It hasn’t been easy with...you know…” You trailed off, playing with the food infront of you.
“Sorry.” She apologized quickly.
“Don’t be. We can’t just pretend she doesn’t exist right?” You smiled sadly.
“Who allowed him in here.” Joy changed the subject, eyes pointed to the man walking into the castle.
You eyed them suspiciously, trying your best to recognize a face. In reality, you didn’t get out much. Actually, you didn’t get out at all. The farthest you’d gone was to the edge of the line that separated your home, the infamous castle of the Kim’s, from what your father recalled as the real world. Where the homeless, villagers, and just all around unwealthy laid their heads at night. Your mother knew of this life, as she lived it before she met Suho at the market one day and had her happily ever after. You don’t remember it as you were a mere child.
All your memories belonged to this large space. Getting lost, being served...that was your life.
“Who is he?”
“Park Jimin. Didn’t start off wealthy, but is slowly climbing himself up the food chain and my father has no idea why.” Joy commented, leaning back in her seat. “He was so bold as to knock on our door, and help himself to a chair. He attempted to make business propositions with my father, but of course he said no. He laughed right in his face.
You observed him, noticing the short man. He had a slim figure, but you could also tell he was fit. His muscles were very clear even through his dashing clothing. Instead of the red and yellow you and your family were wearing as well as the majority of guests invited to the annual get together, he and his guest sported zaffre blue coats complemented with silver accessories. You had never seen anything like it. You also hadn’t noticed him, as well as other man he was with, making their way towards you.
“Greetings, princess.” He got on one knee, pressing a kiss to your hand before rising. “Park Jimin.”
“Good evening.” were the only words you could form. you didn’t know where to begin.
“Oh, no need to be shy. I'm a family friend.”
“Family friend, huh?” A cocky Jungkook appeared suddenly, followed by Jisung. “We’ve never heard of you.”
Of course this was the time to yell at your brother for his rudeness, but you didn’t have it in you. Especially when this “family friend” clearly didn’t know the code of honor in your kingdom. You never address the princess first.
“Let’s not get feisty, shall we?” A taller man said. His features were sharp, and he was very intimidating. Clearly not too intimidating for your brother as he had no intention of backing down.
“You haven’t seen feisty.” Jisung said, stepping in front of you, Jungkook following.
“Oh boys,” Joy said boredly, standing in the middle of all of you, “Let’s not play these masculine games. Jungkook, I want to dance.” She demanded, taking your brothers hand and pulling him out onto the center of the large space.
“I do have to say, i’m not too shabby myself.” jimin smirked, bringing his hand out to follow suit.
“I’ll pass.” You said cockily, before grabbing your brothers hand and escorting him to dance beside Jungkook and Joy.
“What the hell was that.” Jungkook whispered aggressively as he spun Joy around.
“Just a jackass.” You said. “Probably some know-it-all who wants to show off.”
“Yeah. I was telling Y/N how my father has his eyes on him. He hasn’t figured out why, but there’s something off putting.”
“Cleary.” Jisung said. “Maybe we should tell father? One of our uncles? The knights?”
“I’ll tell father.” You said, ruffling his hair and stepping away.
Just as you were about to do so, the familiar sound of a bell ringing throughout the castle stopped you.
Thus annual function was not only to commemorate your family and their stylish ways, but it was also a way for everyone to hear your fathers plans for his people. After, everyone would spread the news in anyway they could.
“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please!” your father’s voice echoed throughout the castle, causing everyone to shush and hush the people who weren’t following orders. If only there was some kind of device that could be used to make his voice louder? Eh, you knew it would be invented one day.
“Last year was a very tough time for the kingdom.” He began, the room officially silent, “You lost your queen, I lost my wife, and my kids lost their mother. But no need to dwell on what we have lost. Instead rejoice on what we can bring to this kingdom and to everyone!”
There were cheers all around.
“So that is why the announcement that I have to bring to you is that we will be expanding the kingdom, most importantly introducing the Byun’s warehouses.”
“What?” Joy whispered, looking to her father who was currently standing beside your father proudly, a smile radiating across his face.
“We realize that a lot of people are out of work, or don’t have secure jobs. Sir Byun and I are expanding his sewing business, and would like to offer more people jobs. Secure jobs.”
“We plan to stretch this across land you didn’t even think about. There is so much more to come, but all you need to know as of right now is that if you need work, there’s no excuse as to why you can’t work for me. We will be everywhere.” Baekhyun finished.
“Well, I don't think anybody that needs to work for you is here.” A man said, causing laughter to erupt across the room.
You happened to lock Park Jimin in your sights, yet he found no amusement in these jokes. All he did was stare at your father with a straight face.
“Look of jealousy.” Jungkook whispered in your ear before clapping for his father with a bright smile on his face.
You wanted to brush it off as that. You truly did. but it was something off about his posture. It was almost as if...he was waiting for something.
All of sudden there were gasps of horror, and your mouth as well as the rest of your brothers and Joy were agape to the fullest.
Your father and Baekyun had crimson pooling from their stomachs, and you couldn’t breathe.
No. This can't be.
There were 4 men behind them, clearly shooting their arrows to kill as your father had 4 in him, as well as Baekhyun.
“Father!” Jisung yelled, tears already pouring down his cheeks as he made an attempt to run to his father, even through the crowd of people making an attempt to leave the castle.
“Jisung, no!” You screamed, grabbing his hand to keep him put.
Jungkook was frozen. So was Joy.
Knights ran as fast as they could up the long flight of stairs that held your fathers, but it was too late. there was a loud boom, followed by the feeling of heat on the lower levels of the castle.
They were burning the castle down.
The men had taken them. They were gone. He was gone.
“We have to run.” Jungkook said suddenly, ignoring all the chaos around him.
“What! Run where, Jungkook? We don’t know where to go!” You yelled.
“We’re next Y/N..” He whispered, his eyes pointing clear to the direction of the man who should’ve never been allowed to step foot into this place. He was at the very top, just as your father had been seconds ago. As if it was his kingdom.
His gaze was sharp, but even through the smoke that started to build, he held a smile on his face. Suddenly he took a shiv out of his pocket and pointed it in your direction. In a flash he was gone, in what you assumed was the direction of the emergency exit you had upstairs.
“Go go go!” Joy cried in agony, directing all of you to follow the people in running.
“We need horses!” You yelled, even though you were running as fast as you could.
“We don’t have time for horses, Y/N! They are here to kill us.” Jungkook yelled back.
Another blast echoed through the kingdom, causing you to temporarily go deaf.
“Y/N, I'm scared!” Jisung cried, holding your hand just like he did when he was a baby. You wanted to look back and see what you already knew. The sight of your house radiating a bright orange color.
It felt like it took forever to reach what you referred to as the line. The only person who had been over was Joy. You had no idea what lived beyond it, but as you looked at your home in flames, you didn’t have a choice but to run across it. Fuck.
A/N: Please give me feedback on this. I have had this in the drafts since before I even made this account, but I never knew if it would be good enough. Tell me if you want more and I love you all so much.
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Serendipity, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 5
ser·en·dip·i·ty | n -- the occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery.
It's all fun and games until someone gets pregnant.
Modern AU, Zemyx, Ienzo is trans and AFAB.
Chapter summary:  Ienzo moves into the third trimester. Life changes forever.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
The third trimester was not nearly as pleasant as the second. Ienzo felt heavy, unwieldy, his thought processes muddy and murky. At least the weather was no longer so unbearably hot. He was again exhausted, and it was very difficult to find pregnancy clothing that wasn’t feminine. Naminé thankfully came to the rescue and sewed some things for him.
How odd, to think they had family. Not just the blood or adopted relatives, but the friends, too. Riku was continually surprised to see him. “I keep forgetting,” he said honestly. His partners, Sora and Kairi, were almost more excited about the baby than he was. “Here you are. Going domestic.”
“I’ll certainly have no shortage of babysitters,” Ienzo said drolly. “Sora, if you post that selfie you won’t have a phone anymore. Thank you.”
He was finding it difficult to work normally. Getting up and down off of his high stool at the research desk was something of a chore. Considering how frequently he needed to move around, it was an issue. While he still did love feeling the baby move, especially as the further the pregnancy went the more he could distinctly feel each little limb, he no longer was quite so enamored with this state of being.
One afternoon he was feeling more tired and sluggish than normal. He was trying to fix some kind of issue with his personal computer, one that, were he not pregnant, he could solve within five minutes, but he couldn’t think straight. The frustration actually brought tears to his eyes, and he wasn’t able to blink them back this time. And once the tears started… they didn’t stop.
Demyx found him with his head in his hands on the couch. “Babe?” he asked. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I feel so slow. So stupid.”
“It’s just the hormones,” he said. “You’re--”
“I know. I know it’s the fucking hormones.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’m exhausted.”
“I know.” Demyx handed him a tissue. “Why don’t you lay down? I’ll make some dinner.”
He did… and he drifted. When he woke up he felt nauseous and feverish and there was an awful ache in his back that wouldn’t rub away. He sat up slowly, with the intent of searching these symptoms, only for the nausea to immediately escalate. He barely was able to grab the living room wastebasket in time. It couldn’t be morning sickness--it was far too late for that.
Something was wrong.
Demyx poked his head out of the bathroom. “Ienzo? What’s--oh. Oh, baby.”
The tears were back. Demyx rested a hand on his forehead. “You’re really warm.”
“I don’t feel right.”
“I know.”
Dizzily, he flicked his eyes back to the clock. It was late, too late to see a doctor.
“Could it be a stomach bug?”
“Maybe--” He sniffled. Demyx took the sick from him and handed him a wet paper towel.
“Why don’t you lay back down? We can get you to the doctor in the morning.”
Maybe it was because he was so weak, but he didn’t resist, and dipped in and out of consciousness.
“...thanks for coming. I wasn’t sure who else to call.”
“Of course. It’s been a long time since I practiced medicine, but I think I can manage.”
“He was crying. Ienzo never cries. I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“We’ll figure it out.” A cold hand on his face. “Ienzo? Love?”
He blinked. “Dad? What are you--”
“Demyx was worried about you. I am too.”
He tried to sit up, but Even eased him down. He was cold now, trembling. A thermometer was eased into his mouth.
“You’ve got quite a fever,” he said. “What else do you feel? Other than the nausea and vomiting?”
“Something just doesn’t feel right,” he said thickly. “My back… hurts pretty badly.”
Even felt at his back, probing gently near the ribs. Ienzo winced. “Is that where it hurts?”
“Hm. Well.” It was still pretty dark in here; all Ienzo could see was the curtain of his father’s hair. “Those are your kidneys. Seems a pretty straightforward infection to me.”
“...Kidney infection?” He blinked wearily. “How--”
“Perhaps you confused the frequent urination for mere pregnancy pressure. A normal mistake. Not to mention your immune system currently has a lot to keep up with.”
“But the baby--”
“I’m sure the baby will be fine. I would like to get you to a hospital, though, to be safe.”
In a haze, Ienzo went with them. He was sweating like crazy, foggy and miserable. Even’s diagnosis was correct. They started him on IV antibiotics just to be cautious, and decided to observe him overnight due to the pregnancy. He had trouble getting into a comfortable position to sleep on the small hard bed. The baby seemed to sense his distress, kicking gently. Their heart rate seemed to be normal, judging by the monitors. The on-call OB had told him as much, and they would likely be fine.
He felt guilty. The thing he had the most control over--his body--had failed him. How could he possibly expect to be a good parent if he couldn’t even tell when he was sick ? Again, he felt the tears and covered his mouth.
Demyx, half asleep in the uncomfortable plastic chair, stirred. “Ienzo? Are you in pain?”
“No,” he said. “I just--I didn’t know. How didn’t I know?”
“It’s not your fault.” He came over to the bed.
“How can I possibly protect them when I can’t even protect them from my own body?”
“Babe, you’re spiraling,” he said. “You couldn’t have done anything differently. And you know what? You’re going to be a good dad.”
“How can you know that?”
His gaze was fervent. “Because of how much you care,” he said. “This whole time--even before you thought you were going to stay pregnant, you’ve been on top of it. The way you eat. The way you talk about them. And if it helps? I’m scared too.”
He wiped at his eyes. “You raised your sister.”
“That’s not starting from scratch, though. You and me? I think we can do it.” He kissed Ienzo’s sweaty forehead. “We can’t save them from everything. We just have to do our best.”
He hiccupped. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll try.”
The more time passed, the harder it was to go about his daily life. Simple chores like laundry or cleaning took much longer, and he was often short of breath from the baby compressing his lungs. As much as Demyx tried to help, he also knew that Ienzo saw help as patronizing. September and October passed dizzily. Ienzo found himself often unable to sleep; if he were not getting up for the bathroom, he couldn’t get comfortable, or the baby would be moving too much to let him sleep. His nipples, despite there being very little breast tissue after the top surgery, ached, and he learned in his research he could still produce small amounts of milk.
He spent a lot of these hours organizing and reorganizing things in the nursery. Logically, he knew it was nesting, an instinctive process, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He would sit in an old rocking chair--a relic from his childhood--with a pair of earphones around his stomach. As soon as Demyx learned the baby was starting to hear, he created dozens of playlists for them in utero. Truthfully, Ienzo did not mind. Some of these nights Demyx would come get him, coax him back into bed, and rub his back until he finally fell into a hesitant sleep.
Dr. Gainsborough told him he would likely need a C-section; the baby was getting too large to pass through his hips. Privately, Ienzo was relieved. He could deal with surgery. The ordeal of natural birth seemed humiliating. They scheduled this birth for November ninth.
“That’s my lucky number,” Demyx said. “A good sign.”
He had to stop working earlier than he would have liked. Getting through the days was just too exhausting. He settled for doing what he could from home.
A few days before Halloween, he felt it, a thick, heady cramp that made him gasp out loud. But it passed quickly, just being a Braxton-Hicks. It happened a few more times, sporadically. “It’s not as if my body knows the baby is being born surgically,” Ienzo assured a frantic Demyx. “It’s just practice. Lucky me.”
On the holiday itself, however, he woke up with one of those cramps, deeper than before. They must be getting stronger the farther I get, he thought, wincing. Demyx was in class, and was due to work a Halloween concert in the evening. Ienzo had planned on spending the day with a few of his favorite gothic novels, and sleeping when he could.
This all changed when he stood up. He felt it happen, a slight pinch between his legs before the wetness ran down them, releasing a pressure he hadn’t been fully conscious was there. Janice the cat padded over and sniffed at it curiously.
“Oh, no,” Ienzo said. “No, no. You’re early.” It didn’t surprise him; Demyx was notoriously an early riser. “No, kitty, you don’t want to drink that.” As he struggled to clean up both himself and the mess, he was weirdly calm--almost numb.
I’m in labor, he thought, as if thinking it would make him internalize the truth. I’m in labor and I can’t give birth.
He called his doctor first.
“This happens all the time,” she said. “Just get to the hospital when you can. Have someone drive you. You’re in no shape. It’s going to be okay, Ienzo.”
The contractions remained sporadic. The pain was… bracing, but he’d always had a high tolerance and dealt accordingly. As soon as he knew Demyx’s class was out, he called.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes and no,” Ienzo said. “I’m afraid I’m in labor. They’re going to move the c-section up to today. Can you come get me?”
“Can I come--” Ienzo heard him take a shaky breath. “Of course. Of course. Just relax. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He sat on the couch with the small bag he’d packed a few weeks ago. Janice kneaded his stomach gently, purring. “I suppose you know,” he said to the cat. He called his parents and told them as well.
“You were early too,” Even told him. “Your mother--bless her--tried to keep working. She said you liked being kept busy. I thought she was going to give birth right on that lab floor.”
“I’d hoped to--not have to feel this nonsense,” he said, through his teeth.
“Are you sure you want to wait for Demyx? I can take you now.”
“The contractions are still pretty far apart. I want him to be there. He needs to be there.”
He waited.
How odd, it was to be in this state. In several hours this person would be out of him. It would be through with--save the next eighteen years. He contracted. He breathed. He felt the baby’s feet acutely as they moved, steadily, down.
Demyx all but threw the door open. “How are you doing?”
“Believe it or not, I’ve had worse pain,” he said.
Demyx helped him up gently. “When? How?”
“When I was in the fourth grade--” A contraction gripped him, and he needed to wait until it was over to finish the sentence. “I was riding bikes with friends. We were heading down a big hill. I lost control. Cracked my femur. That was far more awful.”
“We should go,” Demyx said. “Careful. Take your time.”
Ienzo was acutely aware that this was the last time it would only be the two of them in the apartment, and he felt an almost thick fear.
It all seemed to be going slowly and quickly at the same time. He was admitted, Even came and worried over him anxiously, the hospital staff prepared the OR in maternity. Before he’d even fully accepted that he was about to give birth, he was being given the spinal block for the procedure and eased down onto the table. “Where are you?” Ienzo asked.
“I’m right here.” He felt Demyx take his hand. The light in here was blinding. A nurse set up the draping that would hide the reality of the surgery from him. “I’ve never been in an operating room before.”
“A good thing,” Dr. Gainsborough said. “Ienzo? You doing okay?”
“Quite--it’s just very bright.”
“Ah--sorry.” She moved a lamp. “Do you want me to tell you what I’m doing?”
“Demyx is squeamish,” he said wearily.
“But you’re the one giving birth,” Demyx said. “Birth. Holy fuck.”
“No,” he said. “No, it’s alright.”
They prepped him gently, chatting happily around him, about the fact that it was a Halloween baby. He felt oddly meditative, very calm. He wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with the anesthetic.
“You might feel some pressure,” Dr. Gainsborough said. “But that’s all you should feel.”
Surely enough, he could feel some tugging. She’s taking them out of me , he thought dazedly.
“There we go,” she said, a smile in her voice. “You’ve got a little girl.”
And then Ienzo heard her cry. It was this that startled him back fully into the present, a surge of endorphins forcing tears to his eyes.
“Everything looks great,” she said.
After a moment--far too short and far too long in the same breath--a wrapped bundle was being brought to his face. Ienzo had to fight the urge to grab her, conscious of the fact that he was quite literally still being operated on. He placed a hand on her, straining to get a good look.
Demyx brought her a little closer. He was crying freely. “Look at her,” she said.
“I see. I see.” His voice was unsteady. “Hi, love. Oh.”
He planted a kiss onto his forehead. “You did it. Thank you.”
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