#they could've been so much better
Top 10 best RotE covers
So my Top 10 worst RotE covers has been making the rounds again, and it reminded me that I had started a list of my 10 favourite covers. NGL it was much harder to find 10 covers I liked than it had been to find 10 really bad ones, but there are still some gems out there 💖
10. Assassin's Apprentice (Brazilian Portuguese)
This is where you can clearly see that I don't have much to work with in terms of good covers for this series. Do I love this? No. Is it generic-looking? Yes, but the stag and font look badass and the result is effective
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9. Assassin's Quest (Turkish)
Nice and graphic, I really like the tile effect and this red is very striking.
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8. Mad Ship (Romanian)
I'm not sure if the figurehead is supposed to be Paragon or Kendry, but they did take a risk and the result looks cool and very different from every other cover out there.
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7. Royal Assassin (Polish)
What I really like about this one is that instead of looking badass and in charge like in most covers, this Fitz looks sad and lost, so the artist got that right. And the cloak that morphs into a trail of blood is 👌👌
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6. Fool's Assassin (French)
Bee actually looks her age and there's a heartbreaking contrast between this small and lonely child and the pyre burning next to her. Very good one!
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5. Ship of Magic (French)
Althea reaching out to a gorgeous and very dramatic-looking Vivicia with a mysterious atmosphere around them, yessss! Really cool and memorable
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4. Fool's Errand (UK)
A classic, and this spot is for John Howe's covers in general. I don't love them all but there's a very unique and ethereal feel to his art, his use of colours is wonderful and there are always a lot of details to look at.
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3. Fool's Errand (Japanese)
The Japanese editions for Tawny Man look unreal and it was extremely difficult to pick just one so again, this spot is for the whole set. So, so beautiful and imaginative!
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2. City of Dragons (Czech)
I fell in love with this style as soon as I saw it. It looks absolutely fantastic, damn, look at this Alise and the stone statue behind her!! I love that all the covers from this edition of RWC focus on a different character instead of just showing random dragons. The artist has obviously read the books and it shows.
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1. Fool's Quest (UK)
I am not just saying that because this is the edition I own, but Jackie Morris is the queen of RotE covers for me. I have nothing bad to say about her covers, they look stunning and they work extremely well as a set.
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tactlesstuesdays · 1 year
also you'll probably can't see from the poor quality promos but scar has tattoos on his neck, they really tried to make him grungy
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castlecrumblings · 1 year
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Jonah Hauer-King as Prince Eric THE LITTLE MERMAID (2023) | Dir. Rob Marshall
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mikakuna · 3 months
tortured by the thoughts of what if bruce was just a slightly better person towards jason. he took in a homeless child and wasn't the adult for him he should've been. what if jason sometimes thinks about who he could've been if a different adult took him in? would he have been safer, happier? do you think, after he becomes red hood, he wonders why robin was too dangerous for 19 year old dick but fine for 12 year old jason?
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
i unironically block and avoid anyone who interacts with callout posts btw. unless the post contains information about genuine real harm to real people in unequivocal terms, with solid proof and context that cannot be chalked up to misrepresented friendship drama, i go scorched earth on the notes. the amount of potential harassment and harm they can and HAVE caused in the past, especially to minority groups, trans women in particular, is beyond anything that can ever justify their existence. they're a petty, childish—frequently wrong!—thoughtless and cruel way to "spread awareness". grow up.
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
controversial opinion maybe: i dont think mohg should have ever beaten the allegations
It's like... I dont know how to describe it... A character who was initially perceived as evil, kidnapping their half-brother from their sacred resting place, with overall strange incestous/pedophilic implications.......
Only for the two-year long awaited DLC to come out for it to be like, "Naw it's actually a reversal were the Eternally Cursed Child is the predator who bewitched the poor sad man who established a Blood Cult, and kidnaps Albinaurics and War Surgeons and uses Maidens blood in rituals in the name of a bloody Outer God" who is a victim actually 🤪
and im like
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butchshepherd · 7 months
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crufts 2024 best of breed belgian shepherds. groenendael, laekenois, malinois and tervuren.
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 11 months
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cuteness overload ♡ x
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fullmoonfireball · 4 months
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gave into the urge to redesign Madame Flurrie, oops.
design notes under the cut bc I like to ramble
I ultimately wanted to make her feel less... naked. and make her face look a bit less off, as aforementioned
the main way I tried to achieve the former is by making her breasts less. spherical. and making their form a bit more like they have some sort of clothing over them (even if there isn't actually any) as opposed to them just being Out. along with this, I made her bottom distinctly flare out a bit to make it look more like she's wearing a dress. I think dropping the neckline of her necklace also unintentionally contributed to this illusion.
I added a fluffy boa because it felt like it fit her both as a retired actress and a wind spirit since it can look kind of cloud-like! this choice was vaguely inspired by Misstar's ribbon-boa. most importantly, it also helps make her look less naked.
I decided to make her hair and face look less like certain koopalings while keeping the overall shapes intact. i have to imagine those resemblances were entirely accidental because they don't really make any sense with who Madame Flurrie is.
more jewelry, more gems! it helps make her lucky necklace stand out a bit, all while adding to the "glamour" factor.
also, I added the nozzle into her main design as some kind of jewelry because I think it's really funny. girl why do you have that
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fridgrave2-0 · 2 months
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young iroh portrait made by piandao, around c. 70 AG
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misty-wisp · 1 year
sumire could've been so much more interesting, like. okay. i get it. kasumi was really nice but at the same time she was insensitive as fuck to her sister and that made her feel like shit 24/7 and you'd think that'd piss sumire off, no? or at least you'd think it'd be made clear that she's not pissed purely because she thinks so lowly of herself. no. she just sings kasumi's praises even with everything in mind.
like. you'd think "hm maybe kasumi wasn't the best sister even though she meant well" no. no she's the perfect person and sumire still loves her and looks up to her well enough to wear her likeness even after accepting herself as sumire post-3rd semester. sumire didn't even like gymnastics as much as her and she obviously had more of an interest in cooking but she's gotta go on to fulfill her sister's dream even though hey maybe that's not what she wants--no that's exactly what she wants it's what the game says can't you read.
idk man sumire continuing to think her sister was perfect and following on with that "dream" of theirs even though it was holding down her mental health doesn't sound much like her rebelling to me. ik her real awakening was meant to be rebelling against maruki's reality but in that case her whole personal deal regarding how she sees herself and kasumi doesn't mean that much. she doesn't get to do her own thing. she has to go and achieve what her sister wanted for her, because god forbid sumire be her own person with her own interests and wants that have nothing to do with her dead sister.
fuck, kasumi could've been more interesting too. she doesn't have to be this perfect, well-meaning sister who did nothing wrong except make an oopsies that got her sister to have a mental breakdown and accidentally get her fucking killed. like, c'mon, you could infer that kasumi may have had her own ego over getting constantly praised for her efforts and skills and maybe that was what got her to be so insensitive to sumire's mental health. maybe she was so far up her own ass she couldn't see how she hurt her sister over the course of them doing gymnastics together because literally all she knew was that praise. maybe the way she was being treated got her to emotionally abuse her own sister without her even realizing it. maybe we could've seen more of how that affected sumire's mental health after her death--oh what's that? she still has to be a perfectly marketable waifu with next to no personality aside from being nice and cute and romantically interested in the protagonist? okay, ATLUS!!
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One of the things I'm particularly bitter about when it comes to this ending is how it flattened Ed and Izzy's relationship.
You can't, in the same season give me
"I have... love for you, Edward." "I loved you, best I could." "Artsy outsider was always your thing." "A shark did this."
"Hello Mr. Latch! it's not your fault you're broken, no. Were just trying to do your job, weren't ya?"
and expect me to just... move on from that, accepting that we will never get anything more from them, that their relationship won't get explored, that they won't have a the chance, time and space to finally talk it through as a crew, to air out their grievances, to reach a boiling point, and to decide where to move on from there. Within just a few episodes they became the most fascinating part of the show for me, and the fact that, as far as we know, this is it for them... yeah, I don't like that at all.
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antispopausandstuff · 2 months
here's an idea i only just considered.
Crimson Waste could've been a lesson of empathy for Catra.
she could've realized that so many people were suffering, were going terrible, terrible things, and that some or many were from the Horde, running away from the abuse, enslavement, and torment.
instead of being given what she wanted, she could've had the chance to earn her place in the Crimson Waste, to earn friendship, to earn respect and the affections of those she could consider her peers.
through hard work and understanding, Catra could've learned what it meant to give and receive love. to heal others and herself.
if the writers wanted to give her a redemption arc...
why not start in a place like that?
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I can fix him you guys i can-
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katetcake · 1 year
I don't really like that Tulin turns out to be a descendant of a Sage and that's why he's able to control wind.
Like in BotW (and AoC), Revali was special because he developed his ability through hard work. He was the strongest/most skilled warrior the Rito had. That was the emphasis of his character. There was no talk of his history (like Zelda), his lineage (like Zelda/Sidon/Riju), or any devine rites (like Link/Zelda) or devine powers (like Urbosa/Daruk/Riju/Yunobo/Mipha).
Revali was just a guy. A guy who was good/strong enough to stand amongst essentially demi-gods in spite of his totally ordinary background.
Same with Teba. He was just a guy who heard the story of Revali and wanted to be strong like him. He looked up to Revali and his achievements so much, he became the hero his people needed.
We could've had that w/ Tulin. Make him have natural skill which he hones into the mastery he shows in the game. Someone who grew up w/ stories of the Great Master Revali. Someone who saw his own father, just a normal guy, rise up to help the chosen of the Goddess defeat the darkness around Vah Medoh. Tulin could have been someone so inspired by his community and family he became great. Someone the Sage could acknowledge and pass on his gift and title to despite not being related.
This also allows for the impulsive/prideful loner to humble teammate storyline to work too.
Idk, it just bothered me a little too much. The Rito of BotW (and AoC) never had any mention of lineage or devine intervention. It made them feel like they could achieve greatness instead of them being destined for it, regardless of who they are.
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