#they just (clenches fist) LOVE each other so much
sinnabum45 · 14 hours
Wright family 💕
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[Image description: gray tone digital comic of Ace Attorney characters, Phoenix Wright and Trucy Wright. Page one: Trucy is 8 years old and she peaks into the kitchen to see Phonix slumped over the table with alcohol around him. He is crying and she watches from behind the wall. She moves away and starts crying, too. Text: “Daddy… Daddy is sad again…” Page two: Trucy looks up and clenches her fist with a determined look on her face. Text: “ I have to help Daddy become happy again! I will help daddy, then he won’t leave me!” She silently cheers with her arms up. Time passes and Trucy is fourteen. She is holding a wine bottle that Phoenix had hidden. Page three: Trucy looks at the bottle with sadness while Phoenix looks away feeling guilty. There are double boxes for the texts: “I’m sorry… I’m not good enough.” Page four: the comic is now fully colored. Time passes and Phoenix is putting his attorney’s badge onto his suit. Trucy is looking at him smiling. Phoenix turns to her and smiles back. Page five: Trucy hugs Phoenix with tears in her eyes. Phoenix hugs her back and is now crying. He says,” I’m sorry, Trucy… Daddy’s put you through a lot.” Page six: Phoenix and Trucy and smiling at each other with tears in their eyes. There are double bubbles with texts: “I love you.” End description.]
Links to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
I have a lot of thoughts about the Wright family. Especially Trucy's experience being adopted suddenly after her father abandons her. I wanted to go into more detail about how the events in her life might have affect her, but that would've been very long-- I rarely see anyone bring it up (I could just not be seeing them of course). Her father abandoning her, then having to move in with a stranger (at first), then having to also live with and depend on Phoenix, who is struggling with his mental and physical health, and also being used by both of her dads in a way (making her turn in falsified evidence, help cheat for gambling, etc.). Also the fact that her mother disappeared and her bio dad literally getting murdered. There's so much more that happens to Trucy like-- BRUH give her a break 😭 I just feel like maybe these reasons are why she comes off like she has to shoulder a lot of responsibilities even though she is a child. She kind of takes on the parental role of scolding Phoenix when he drinks.
Of course, I don't blame Phoenix for struggling since he was also going through shit. I just also feel for Trucy as well 😢 Not every family is perfect, which is why I like how their family is portrayed! Even though they're struggling, they still know that they love each other and can depend on each other. It's still not fair to Trucy that she has to live/deal with the adults around her's mistakes and choices. I feel like she has a lot of trauma to unpack and heal from. I think that's also important to remember as well. Phoenix may not have been the best dad, but he tries and they love each other so much 😭🤲💕💕 I just love their dynamic. Especially how quick Phoenix just jumps into the father role 🥺
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dark-and-kawaii · 2 hours
*Tosses Commander Lightfeather at to you with a note attached to his leg*
Zevlor loses control while we're on our hands and knees. Is he grabbing the headboard or a fistful of our hair?
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ Scream His Name ˖⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
*gets absolutely destroyed in the face by a pigeon* Hmmmm *reads over the note with a feather in my hair* I see, okay… hmm yes, yes!!!! I see the picture here!!! I’m in love and yes!!! I totally lost control of this and made it long!!!
Summary: His hands left the headboard, his claws grazing your hair, his body lowering, pressing into your back, his tail curling around your waist, “I want to hear you scream my name, dear.”
♡ Content: NSFW - Rough - Hair Pulling - Bite Mark - Zevlor Empties Himself Inside You
♡ Notes: Both. Both is good.
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Your head was thrown back, your hair falling against your sweat drenched skin. The feeling of his hot breath tickled your neck as his hips collided with your ass.
Each time those pretty moans escaped you, Zevlor could feel his cock throb inside you, could feel how his tail would twitch each time your pussy clenched around him. His claws digging into the headboard as he slowly lost himself in your heat. It didn’t help you looked so beautiful on your hands and knees.
Doggystyle wasn't exactly Zevlor’s favorite, but he would take any way of being inside you he could get. The tielfing hellrider could never get enough, always craving you like an addict.
You could barely speak, a whimpering mess. Your body jolting forward each time his thrusts grew harder. His name being chanted like a prayer from your lips. He loved it, his own name falling from that mouth of yours.
His hands left the headboard, his claws grazing your hair, his body lowering, pressing into your back, his tail curling around your waist, “I want to hear you scream my name, dear.”
Before you could react, Zevlor tangled his fingers into your hair, pulling your head back and forcing a cry from you. His other hand wrapped around your throat, your hands wrapping around his wrist- mouth agape. His mind racing, he could barely think. Zevlor couldn’t remember a time he felt like this, so needy, so desperate for more of you. He couldn’t imagine not feeling like this again.
His nails dug into your scalp, his fangs grazing against the side of your throat. All the while he kept thrusting inside you. Each one faster, harder than the last. The grip he had on your hair tightened as he felt your walls tighten around his cock, his teeth sinking into your skin, his name ripping from your lungs.
It was a symphony. Your cries, the sound of his skin colliding with yours, the feeling of your juices dripping onto his cock, it was too much for him.
His eyes closed, his body stilling as he came inside you, his hips twitching as he emptied himself. His tail wrapped around you tighter, as if he were afraid you'd disappear. He couldn’t imagine you leaving him. Didn’t want to imagine you leaving him.
He didn't realize how long it was until he was done, how long he was holding his breath, his teeth buried into the flesh of your neck.
His eyes fluttered open, the fogginess slowly disappearing. He released his grip on your hair, his hand leaving your throat. His tongue flicked over the bite mark he left on your neck, his tail finally unwrapping from your waist.
A part of him was afraid you wouldn't move, afraid he had scared you off… “by the nine hells- I- i'm sorry. I got carried away...are you- alright?” Zevlor swiped his thumb over your bite, his eyes darting over to you, worried, “I- I didn't mean to. You just.. you felt-“
The only response he got was you rolling onto your back, his cock slipping from your depths, his cum seeping out as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him close, kissing him softly.
“Im perfectly fine~ My love~” Your leg caressed his thigh, his infernal marks rubbing against your skin, “Do it again~? Won’t you please~?”
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ahhh hi again!! if you don’t mind i’d like to place another order!!
may i get a strawberry tart with black coffee? :0
Hello Ian! ☆
Thank you so much for placing another order! ♡ Please note that this story is angst, with no happy ending! ♡ I hope you enjoy! ♡
This is part of an event I'm doing where people can request stories by placing orders! For more information, please refer to this post! ♡
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⋆ 𝓡𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼: 𝓤𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 ⋆
One strawberry tart and a black coffee, coming right up! ♡
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⋆ There's a table in the rose gardens of Heartslabyul, in a spot away from prying eyes. A tray filled with pastries lay untouched, with two empty tea cups on either side. A teapot sits in the middle of the table forgotten, just like the table's only occupant. His head hangs down as he stares at the plate in front of him, his fists clenched as he tries to make sense of his emotions.
⋆ There was just something about you, something that he couldn't seem to define. Feelings that were foreign to him, pushed to the back of his mind. He had other priorities after all, more important things to focus on. His schoolwork, his future, his role as housewarden. Yet, as you spent more time together, he found that these feelings wouldn't go away, growing and changing over time.
⋆ When did he start focusing on your appearance, paying attention to the smallest of details? Noticing when you styled your hair different, or added an accessory, or when your clothes needed to be straightened. He's fixed your clothes more than once, not thinking anything of the proximity until he was finished, realizing how close you were to each other. He would turn away, feeling warm as you thanked him.
⋆ When did he start looking forward to your conversations, seeking out your company? Inviting you to unbirthday parties, offering to tutor you, asking if you'd like to study together. Using academics to spend time with you, wanting to ensure your success. While he could be a bit strict at times, you didn't seem to mind, time flying by as you worked together in the library.
⋆ When did he become more lenient when enforcing the rules, finding himself unable to stay mad at you? Trey would give him a knowing look each time, with Ace accusing him of favoritism. He does his best to stay impartial, knowing the rules must be followed. Yet, he can't help how his face softens in your presence, tension leaving his body as his anger subsides. You still need to be punished, but he's willing to give you a warning...just this once.
⋆ His feelings for you grew until it got to be too much, causing him to finally acknowledge what he felt. After doing some research, asking others for advice, and doing some contemplation, he realized that the feelings he held for you weren't just platonic. A crush, maybe? No, that wasn't right either. His feelings for you were much deeper than that. As foreign as it was to him, he had fallen in love with you, putting him in an unfamiliar territory. He could only hope you would feel the same, asking you to join him for tea.
⋆ He had planned for this to be perfect, working with Trey and Cater to make his confession a success. He asked Trey to make your favorite desserts, while Cater made sure no one would interfere, keeping everyone occupied and out of the gardens. He was nervous as he waited for you to show, checking the time every few minutes. At first he would use the time to go over what he wanted to say, thinking back to the confession he wrote and memorized. Soon you were late, leaving him looking around as he wondered where you were. He didn't want to miss you though, so he decided to keep waiting, a few minutes turning into hours.
⋆ His body shook in anger, hot tears coming to his eyes. How dare you leave him waiting, not even responding to the messages he sent! He was angry, he was furious, he was...he was...
⋆ He pressed his hands over his eyes, unable to face his reflection as tears fell onto his plate. It hurt, it hurt so much, his chest aching at the realization that you had no plans on showing.
Why would you agree, then?
Why would you tell him yes?
Why would you give him hope, if he never had a chance to begin with?
⋆ He hears someone approaching, feeling a glimmer of hope before realizing it was only Trey and Cater, quickly looking away. Though it was brief, he saw the sadness in their eyes, refusing to accept their pity. The tea has grown cold now, bitter and unable to drink. A bitterness that will never leave him, whenever you look his way.
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I hope you enjoyed your meal, and thank you for visiting the Cathie Cafe! ♡
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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violetarks · 1 day
“i hate you.”
“fuck off.”
“get out of my house.”
you look over your shoulder, apron on as you cut vegetables on his chopping board. your glare makes reiner weak — weak enough to finally draw his attention to the floorboards and clench his fists.
“shut up and sit down, dinner will be ready soon, you idiot.” you scoff, furrowed brows are you loudly chop up some carrots.
he knows you don’t mean anything you say, and neither does he. when you don’t hear him sit down, you eventually sigh and shake your head, placing the knife on the bench.
“look, reiner, you need to just… just trust me, okay?” you huff out, obviously tired from your ongoing argument with him. it had been hours, and all reiner can muster up is some sad excuse to try and make you leave. “what is going on with you, huh? why are you all of a sudden acting so hostile?”
“you were being rude to me first.” he scoffs, crossed arms as he leans against the back of the couch. his eyes are still trained on the floor, “yelled at me as soon as i walked into the house.”
“because you fuckin’—” you stop yourself short before wiping your face and continuing your work, “you came home after hours of silence. didn’t even tell me where you were going… how am i supposed to act?”
sometimes, you didn’t understand your boyfriend.
you were one of the only other people that marley had sent to do recon on paradis. zeke gave you all the information you needed to know before sending you off. at the time, you were both 17-years-old and just happy to see each other. you were dear friends, until zeke sent you a letter to come back and reiner made the move to kiss you ’goodbye’. he promised he would come back to you.
maybe he was lying, because he had been out in the town for hours without any notice. you resorted to even asking porco what was going on, and he just shrugged it off. you thought, he had to come home at some point, right?
right you were. he walked into his house 30 minutes after you started prepping dinner.
“i don’t want you here anymore.” he says, knitted brows. this place has been his for a while, you only moved in upon his request. “i… i don’t know how to explain it to you, y/n, i just… i would feel so much better if i was alone.”
“so what, you can wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life?” you retort, now washing the chopping board, “i don’t want you here alone, reiner.”
“it’s my house.”
“you’re my boyfriend.”
“so what?”
“are you serious?” you scoff, dropping the board into the sink and turning to him. your wet hands press against your biceps as you cross your arms over your chest. “reiner, what has gotten into you?”
when you land your gaze on him, reiner is holding his head in both his hands, covering his eyes and tears stream down his face silently. you are quiet as well as you drop your hands, quietly sighing through your nose. your footsteps towards him don’t make him flinch, and he stays still.
you try not to take anything he says to heart because you know how little he means it. he’s just scared. but he can’t say it out loud. instead, he throws out excuses and stuff to make you upset and leave. it hurt that he would do such a thing, but you loved him. reiner was yours.
your bring your arms closely around his waist, resting your hand between his shoulders. “it’s okay.” you whisper, allowing him to finally crumble in your arms and cry out loud, “you’re okay.”
how many years does he have left? how could you continue to love him after he told you what happened on paradis? why would you stay? to torment him? to punish him for his sins?
he sits down on the back of the couch and you slip passed his knees to hug him tighter. your fingers brush through his blonde hair, and you kiss his jaw softly. reiner can’t help but let you hold him, you were the kindest touch he has ever known. and what could he do without you?
“please leave me.” he whimpers out, still covering his face.
your heart aches at his request, but you only hug him closer to you. “don’t be silly, reiner.” you mumble, lips against his cheekbone.
he’s pleading you at this point. but you don’t let go.
“i’m with you ‘til the end.”
that’s what he’s afraid of.
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theodddaysout · 1 month
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i just want them to be able to have fun and relax after all the horrors
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
mizutaigen is literally like. the first "toxic" m/f ship i've ever cared for. cuz like usually my taste in m/f ships is basically "unhinged baddie" x "badass wifeguy" *
* (see:yen/geralt. trevor/sypha. adolin/shallan. kataang but katara is sane and they're literally so wholesome like theyre traumatised kids in love who are each other's emblem of hope in a war-torn world! so basically they don't count. anyway. i'm rambling.)
and to that end my friend called mizutaigen yaoi-adjacent and im like. yeah you're right actually cuz like hell yeah non-binary mizu and bisexual taigen rights and all the gender fuckery in the show in general
but also like.
theres just SOMETHING else about mizutaigen that just GETS me. like there's a special secret sauce like the pheromones in that one sephora lotion attracting spiders and i am the silly spider!!! there's just something about it!!! it's not even the enemies to lovers trope cuz i personally am not even usually into that (obv it's fine if you are. but yk.)
so as i keep rotating these thoughts around i thiiink it's the fact that, yknow, theyre so similar. like i honestly truly think they could be besties in another universe: a kinder universe where taigen was not taught to hate. a universe where mizu was not born a girl in a deeply misogynistic society or half-white in a xenophobic homogeneous society.
yeah now that i think about it that really just might be THE secret sauce!!! like the fact that they COULD be perfect and happy together, if only things were different, if only they werent themselves.
smth v bittersweet about that's just driving me insane and makes me want to root for them to overcome all those obstacles, to say "fuck all that" (re:the world and all its fucked up shit) and find each other in the end. to eventually become each other's fav person and confidant. who obv still bicker and tease and insult each other all the time but they dont really mean any of it and over time it just becomes a running gag between them and no one else has to get it because it's just between the two of them.
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lanternlightss · 8 months
genuinely believe nameless bard would still try to pick up venti. just because he’s no longer wisp size does not mean he loses wisp privileges!!!
anyways, please imagine venti talking to someone, and bard comes up behind him to pick him up bridal style—even swinging them around a little! imagine bard carrying venti fireman style as they run away from a diluc chasing them. imagine bard grabbing venti and holding him up simba style, and venti does that cat thing where they just. go long. the possibilities…...
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foryourownbosom · 2 years
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doodles of the chaos duo ft. big brother john
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jamieedlund · 2 years
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Sanity to my insanity Guide my heart Protect my soul Help me find my way in this world so full of horrible misfortunes
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barrenceallence · 1 year
fletcher renn deserved so so so much better
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faebriel · 1 year
calling out sick bc i thought about niki finding the tnt underneath the podium on nov 16 and quietly replacing the dirt that covered it again
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kelev9 · 4 months
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danketsuround · 7 months
tumblr doesn't care about my kuwareiko cringe compilation but i want to post these and not expand on them at all because i feel like they speak for themselves.
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i regretfully did not screenshot the "i've been keeping up with your accomplishments" line (*camera cuts to me being dead on the floor*) (keeping up with her!??!?? even though she shut him out???? ohhhhh myg) and also the part in the finale oh my gah (*camera moves and shows me being dead on the floor in a different spot*) (you know what i mean) (HOLDING HANDS?)
but aside from these i also like the implication that kuwana doesn't even care if he dies as long as reiko isn't compromised. then kuwana practically groveling simply because he wanted to speak with her again, making small talk even under the time constraint. reiko's coldness towards him when he calls her for the first time in years, but balancing herself on him when things start to fall apart. they leech on each other so much. just very sad pathetic and desperate normal people.
i don't even know what to say other than ASKHDSKDHSJDHDJDHSJDGWJS because i get it so much but it's hard to put into words, how they are very sad people who are unfortunately very attached to each other. not a "we would find each other in any universe" pairing, but a "we found each other in this one terrible and preventable instance, coincidentally, but feel bonded because of our involvement in all of it"--or something.
and kuwana feels so indebted to her, she could do anything to hurt him but chooses to hold him instead. (*CUT TO ME DEAD IN YET ANOTHER CORNER ROTTING AWAY*)
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
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It’s the way Mona’s constellation embraces Wanderer’s constellation that has me tender.
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fan-kingdoms · 1 year
i watched pride and prejudice (2005) again and now i am steeped in the yearning. steeping like a tea bag in it.
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akkivee · 1 year
what was really funny about that hayama-san sakakihara-san in cat ears moment, besides that skit’s premise being two brothers fighting over the last pudding lmao, was that afterwards komada-san was a little surprised their skit was so clean despite not even discussing it at all like how????
and sakakihara-san answered, as best as he could when his character setting for the event was a very wary and skittish towards everyone young man, ‘thru eye contact 🙂’ lmao like they knew what they wanted to do just by looking at each other their bond just genuinely shone thru 😭😭😭😭
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