#they r very rad
strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Lmk dudes :>
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sciencebees · 1 year
Post cancelled everybody check out my new bat flip
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sherbetlemonss · 1 year
Them bc they r so comfort ship they r very gorgeous to me
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Mammon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Mammon states that he sleeps in the nude
2. Mammon despises witches and was nearly chopped into pieces by them once but Lucifer rescued him (although Lucifer was also the one to recommend they cut him into pieces)
3. When Levi tried attacking Mammon in his sleep, before he could even bring his foot down on Mammon, Mammon had him in a headlock
4. Mammon has a habit of stripping while drunk
5. Mammon does not like it when bath’s smell like flowers
6. Mammon’s dream for the future is having a carefree and playful life
7. Mammon starts his baths by washing his head
8. Mammon’s fear of ghosts and monsters originates a little after a year of living in the Devildom when he is possessed by a ghost
9. Mammon hates a Devildom song called “Corpse Rock”
10. Karasu refers to Mammon as noodle-boy
11. In earlier chats and Devilgrams Mammon is said to be a cat person, in later stories he is said to be a dog person, but his birthday information card again states he is more of a cat person
12. Mammon’s motto is “Money will makes the Devil turn millstones.”
13. Mammon’s daily activity is procrastinating in MC’s room
14. Mammon is obsessed with his shades and when he accidentally breaks them he’s devastated
15. According to Beelzebub, Mammon is bad at cooking and doesn’t make good peanut butter sandwiches
16. When Belphie and Beel helped Mammon pick out his human world outfit, he was so touched he bought them their human world clothes
17. Mammon states if the Devildom disappeared tomorrow he’d borrow as much money as he wanted to spend and not have to pay any of it back
18. Mammon’s favorite food in hell is Soy Sauce flavored cup ramen
19. In a love survey in B’s log, Mammin is said to be the active one pursuing love
20. Mammon is said to attract the “sassy and outgoing” types
21. The first thing Mammon does in the morning is check his stocks
22. In the love survey in B’s log when asked if he’d want to be bound by or bind his lover his response was “what do you want me to do? What did you say? Idiot!”
23. Mammon’s car is a Demonio 666 Lexura. The specific type was very rare and (unbeknownst to him originally) only with Lucifer and Diavolo’s help was he able to get it
24. Mammon easily forgets anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
25. Mammon is unable to express himself frankly
26. Mammon likes R&B music
27. Mammon is not a morning demon
28. One of the first things in the game said about Mammon by his brothers is that he’s a masochist
29. The results of a demon brain scanning app showed that Mammon’s thoughts are 90% money
30. Mammon’s worst RAD subject is Hexes and Curses
31. Mammon became Lucifer’s attendant in the Celestial Realm before Leviathan had even been born
32. Mammon was once almost roasted alive by hellfire
33. Mammon is a very bad liar and often admits exactly what he did when explaining that’s not what he did
34. Mammon was almost the one to tame Cerberus but Lucifer rushed in as he was about to confront the dog
35. Mammon is extremely protective of his little brothers
36. When forced to be honest, Mammon admits how much he admires and respects Lucifer
37. When Lucifer has a bad day, Mammon will bring him a drink and sandwich without being asked
38. Mammon was almost kicked out of the celestial realm thousands of years before the fall until Lucifer got through to him
39. Besides the people who were told what Simeon was going through in season 4, Mammon was the first one to notice something was wrong with him
40. Once Mammon was punished by Lucifer by being tickled until he laughed so hard he was humiliated
41. Mammon was given a serum with unknown results that caused him to tell MC he wanted to do many explicit things with them
42. Even Michael was unable to handle Mammon as an angel
43. Mammon is so fast that not even Diavolo and Lucifer can catch up to him
44. It’s been mentioned multiple times that Mammon uses crows as familiars
45. When Lucifer cannot trust Diavolo, he turns to Mammon
46. Mammon once called up Simeon to ask about significant lines in the TSL series so he could successfully hack into Leviathan’s akuzon account
47. Levi and Mammon sometimes perform standup comedy
48. When Mammon tried making a cake for Lucifer on his birthday in the Celestial Realm, he accidentally destroyed the kitchen, infuriating Michael
49. Mammon works as a model occasionally
50. In lesson 11 of the game Mammon claims he is well over 5,000 years old
51. In the celestial realm Mammon would often watch over the younger angels
52. Mammon once tried selling bird feathers to the lesser angels, claiming they were seraph feathers
53. In the celestial realm, Mammon once used the lesser angels to play a game of life-size chess
54. Mammon is said to have been the one who rallied and encouraged the angels in the Celestial war
55. Unlike his brothers, Mammon doesn’t often lose control of his powers
56. Whenever Mammon comes up with solutions to a crisis, they usually make things worse
57. Mammon struggles with math unless he thinks about it as calculating money
58. Mammon loves pandas because they’re profitable
59. Mammon always lets his brothers know about sales and deals going on
60. Mammon is the one who told Lucifer to always have pride and not regret his decision about the war
61. Mammon was cursed to speak like a cat during season 4 and Satan was unable to leave his side even getting Mammon to play with cat toys.
62. The first time Mammon lost control of his powers and transformed into a demon in the game is when he misunderstood a conversation between Levi and MC and assumed they had “relations”
63. Mammon is one of the only people who will indulge Asmodeus and watch his one-man fashion shows
64. When Mammon put too many meals on Satan’s tab, Satan called up Solomon and told him Mammon wanted to try his new recipe
65. Mammon has kidnapped MC multiple times
66. Mammon sometimes goes clubbing with Asmo after part time jobs
67. After Mammon sold all of their silverware he was fired from Ristorante Six
68. Mammon is sometimes referred to as MC’s pet
69. Mammon continues to insist he’s MC’s master not the other way around
70. Mammon sees Luke as his little brother
71. Student council members used to oversee detention until Mammon kept getting detention himself
72. Mammon once accidentally cast a spell on himself that made him burst into song
73. Mammon once accidentally turned himself into a dog
74. Mammon accidentally cursed himself and became extremely small. He was scared of how Beel was looking at him
75. When Mammon made the Miss’em dolls he became extremely wealthy but later blew it all on gambling
76. Mammon is too scared to watch horror movies alone and asks Lucifer to watch them with him
77. Mammon once attacked Lucifer with a three-prong pitch fork when he embarrassed him
78. Mammon has cried from fear of Simeon multiple times
79. Mammon was unable to even pretend to break up with MC
80. Mammon is one of the reasons you need a permit to get to the human world rather than do so freely
81. Mammon got a Mohawk once but his brothers teased him so much he immediately got rid of it
82. Mammon loves the Devildom version of Harry Potter
83. Mammon often threatens lesser/younger demons to hand over all their money
84. Mammon once stopped a bank robbery and demanded the money as compensation
85. Mammon accidentally cut down a Christmas tree gifted to Lucifer from Diavolo
86. Mammon was tricked by Lucifer to gamble against everyone he’d ever screwed over all at once
87. Mammon calls going to the horse races “seeing the horsies” to try and convince MC to tag along
88. When he was Lucifer’s attendant, Mammon sought for a rare Crystal Lily flower to gift him but got lost and Lucifer had to come find him
89. Mammon used Serenity Manor as collateral in gambling as soon as he got to the human world, almost forcing everyone to go right back to the Devildom
90. When coming up with proposal’s Mammon forced Simeon, Solomon, and Luke to participate in a flash mob
91. Mammon has a blood oath with MC and Leviathan
92. Mammon accidentally won Henry 1.0 while trying his first Devildom ice cream. He was nearly eaten.
93. Mammon owns an AK-47 after winning it over in a game against Leviathan
94. Mammon fees guilty that he didn’t have a grand reason to follow Lucifer to hell rather than just feeling like it
95. Mammon once lost a bet to a bunch of rabbits
96. Mammon prefers spicy foods to sweets
97. Mammon extorted Satan for 50,000 Grimm in exchange for throwing him a baseball
98. Mammon’s highest known rank in the celestial realm within the game is a Throne
99. When Mammon was turned into a Test Name box he got used to it immediately, disappointing Beelzebub
100. Mammon died in season 4 for a few minutes but was brought back by Barbatos
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another-lost-mc · 2 years
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There's something wrong with Asmodeus.
ASMODEUS x afab!Reader 7.4k Words | NSFW | Smut with Feelings | Angst with a Happy Ending | First Time Summary: You were bullied by another student at RAD. Asmodeus hasn't been the same since. Content Warnings: Mentions of: anger, unhealthy coping mechanisms, possessive thoughts/behaviour, arguing and threats of violence, blood, brief bullying/harassment, bathing together, vaginal fingering, PIV sex. Reader uses gn!pronouns. ➤➤ Obey Me! Masterlist
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The tub in Asmodeus’s private bathroom is more like a pool than any bathtub you ever used prior to coming to the Devildom. It’s as enchanting and mysterious as the demon himself. You’re not even sure how he fills it - it must have some magical charm that keeps it full. The fresh petals he adds to the water never seem to wilt or lose their scent.
You’re sitting with Asmo near the edge of the pool. You skim your fingers along the surface of the crystal-clear water and it ripples gently at your touch. Asmo sits behind you on the marble step and supports your weight while you lean against him. He hums gently into your ear while he runs his fingertips through the ends of your hair. His chest is warm against your back. He’s naked from the waist up, but he left his boxer briefs on - for your comfort more than his. 
Normally you wouldn’t let Asmo see you like this - naked, vulnerable - in the bath or out of it. But earlier when he said he wanted to take care of you, his eyes burning with an intensity that left you speechless, he swept you away to his private bathroom. You were both still reeling from what happened earlier that afternoon, and you realized you wanted his comfort as badly as he wanted yours.
It was supposed to be an ordinary day at RAD: classes with the demon brothers, a student council meeting with Diavolo and Barbatos, perhaps breaking up a fight or two depending how well they got along today. You were sorting through paperwork near the front of the room while the demons bickered in their seats on the dais behind you. 
What you didn’t expect was Solomon bursting through the doors, grinning when Thirteen followed him inside. He ducked behind you while he asked for her to be reasonable and you knew things were going to end badly. She screeched at him as she pulled some sort of black, metallic orb from her bag and tossed it with all her might. 
The trap missed Solomon but it hit your arm instead before it dropped to the floor. It beeped menacingly at your feet and you felt the twinge of pain shoot through your arm when you raised your hands to cover your face. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for whatever was about to happen. 
Thirteen ran over and disarmed the orb before it did whatever else it was supposed to do. She apologized to you but glared venomously at Solomon who was still hovering behind you. He rolled his eyes and tsked, completely unbothered by her fury when she continued threatening him for trying to break into her cave again.
Asmo came to your side before any of his brothers could and shouted at Thirteen and Solomon for involving you with their squabble and putting you in harm’s way. Lucifer followed him and reprimanded Thirteen for her irresponsible behaviour, and he blamed both her and Solomon for disrupting the meeting.
While Thirteen was being lectured by a very grumpy-looking Lucifer, Solomon turned to you with a sheepish smile and apologized for involving you in their little disagreement. You shrugged your shoulders to brush off his apology - it could’ve been worse, after all - but his eyes narrowed when you winced in pain.
“Are you alright? Here, let me take a look—“ he offered as he reached for the lapels of your blazer.
Asmo nudged you back, pushing Solomon’s hand away and effectively shielding you from him. “I think you’ve done enough,” he gritted out angrily. His expression would’ve scared anyone that didn’t know him better - he looked terrifying, and even Solomon must’ve thought so because he raised his hands placatingly and stepped back.
“Come on, let’s go home,” you suggested quietly, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket to get his attention. Your arm throbbed and the room felt uncomfortably tense as tempers flared; you didn’t want to be there anymore.
He looked at you over his shoulder and the fire in his gaze softened. He put his hand over yours and squeezed, turning from Solomon without another word and guided you towards the exit. He paused outside in the hallway long enough to murmur a quick healing spell to lessen the pain in your arm.
The walk home was quiet and uneventful, a blur of typical Devildom nighttime noise but the demon at your side had a scowl on his face that had others on the street giving you a wide berth. It wasn’t typical for the Asmo you know. He draped an arm over your shoulders to keep you tucked into his side but you could feel the tension in his body when you walked together.
When you arrived home, you started to walk towards your room for a shower and a nap, but he held onto your hand and seemed reluctant to let you go. No matter what you said, you couldn’t convince him you were fine; maybe he knew you were lying to yourself.
Let me take care of you.
When you agree to use his private bath, you don't expect that it’s going to be both of you bathing together. You’re too tired to argue -  and you’re genuinely worried about him too - so you finally relent and start to strip away the layers of your school uniform.
Asmo is visibly displeased when you ask him to dim the lights in a moment of self-consciousness. He reminds you that you have nothing to be ashamed of, but he does as you ask because he wants you to be comfortable.
While you undress, he gathers fluffy towels from a cabinet and sets them on the edge of the bathing pool. He grabs an empty basket and picks out bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. He even picks up a small bottle of fragrant oil and adds a couple drops to the water, satisfied when the steam from the warm water starts to diffuse the light floral scent. 
By the time you’re naked, he is standing in the tub, his underwear still on - you felt guilty that the silky material was probably being ruined by the water. He doesn’t seem to care about that or anything else except you. When you approach the pool hesitantly, a small smile graces his lips for the first time since the incident at school and he holds out his hand to you. When you place your hand in his, he keeps you steady while you step into the pool and wade through the water towards him. 
You want to sink below the surface of the water or shield your body from him with your hands, both desperate attempts to hide as much bare skin from him as you can. He senses your nervousness because he pulls you into a gentle hug that feels warm and soothing.
When you finally start to relax, he pulls away and reaches for the basket of toiletries floating nearby. You dunk your head into the water to wet your hair while he grabs the bottle of shampoo. He rubs his hands together and massages the suds onto your scalp. He hums quietly and your body sways gently in the water. Your eyes slip closed at the pleasant sensation of his fingertips working through your hair, rubbing at the back of your neck and melting away the tension between your shoulders. He does the same with the conditioner next; he seems to enjoy the sensation of your soft hair between his fingers while he pampers you.
You recognize the scent of the hair products and realize he’s using his own. His taste in cosmetics is luxurious and expensive, more than what you would ever dream to spend on yourself. You feel spoiled, like you’re someone precious. You’re distracted by how relaxed you feel, and you realize too late that he’s pouring body wash into his palm and sudsing it up between his hands.
He reaches for your left arm first, lacing your fingers together with one hand while he smooths the fragrant bubbles over your skin with the other. He does the same with your right arm, pausing before he accidentally touches the purple bruise forming where Thirteen’s trap struck you. He stares at the mark, barely brushing his fingers across it like he’s afraid of hurting you even more.
You squeeze his fingers to pull him out of the worried trance he’s fallen into. “It looks worse than it feels,” you say quietly. You try to reassure him but he doesn’t look like he believes you. He bends his head and brushes his lips over the mark before he continues with his task.
He washes your back, kneading the skin gently with his hands as he moves them across your body. He doesn’t stray below your waist, and he only washes the delicate column of your throat and shoulders before turning around to give you privacy. He gathers his basket and sets it on the edge of the pool while you quickly wash your chest.
You rinse the soapy layer off your skin by the time he turns around and pulls you into another hug. The water was a bit tepid now and it’s covered with a thin layer of film from the bath products he used.
“We should probably get out soon,” you murmur, resting against his bare chest. 
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he says and he holds you a bit tighter. “No one is going to bother you tonight.”
You run your fingertips across the water’s surface. “But the water’s getting cool and it’s soapy.” It’s one of the reasons why you normally don’t like taking baths and prefer to shower.
But Asmo holds his hand above the water and starts whispering an incantation you don’t recognize. His hand glows and the water around you ripples gently before it settles. You nearly gasp at the odd sensation of the water instantly warming up again. The bubbly residue from his bath products is gone too.
“Well, that’s a neat trick,” you say with a quiet laugh. He watches your delighted reaction with a smile.
Asmo walks back towards the edge of the pool and pulls you with him. He hops back onto the marble step and scoots backwards. He spreads his legs and pats the space between them where he makes room for you. After a moment of deliberation, you follow him and settle against his chest. His thighs are bracketing your hips and one of his arms is crossed over your front.
He smooths your hair back and brushes it out of the way, hooking his chin over your shoulder with a sigh. He nuzzles your shoulder with his cheek. When you glance at him from the corner of your eye, you realize his eyes are closed.
“How do you feel?” you ask him in a near-whisper.
He turns his head towards you, humming in contemplation. You can feel his warm breath on your neck. “I should be asking you that,” he replies. He’s dodging your question.
You turn to face him properly - or as much as he allows with his arm still wrapped around you. “You were very upset with Solomon earlier,” you remind him. “You didn’t seem like yourself.”
Asmo’s eyes are open and they flash at the mention of the sorcerer’s name. “Did I frighten you?” 
You shake your head because it wasn’t fear you felt in that moment. “No, I wasn’t scared of you. I was worried.”
Asmo rests his forehead against your shoulder and sighs. “I don’t think you understand how hard it is when–“ he starts to say, then he makes a frustrated noise in his throat. "I don't like it when someone else hurts you.”
Asmo is protective of you the way all the other demon brothers are, so his answer doesn’t surprise you. But you’ve known for a while now that something between you has changed, like there’s some gap neither of you are able to cross. Most of the time he seems like himself - carefree, happy, excited by all the wonderful things in the world that he loves. When he’s not himself, his eyes are cold and his tone is sharp.
Sometimes you forget that Asmo’s capable of rage or violence as much as his brothers are, even though he tries not to show you that side of him. The anger in his eyes earlier when he faced off against Solomon in your defense was very real. You’re surprised he didn’t shift into his demon form; perhaps he would have if you hadn’t gotten him out of there in time.
“Does this have to do with what happened a few months ago?” you ask hesitantly.
His body freezes for a split second but it’s enough for you to notice. His arm tightens around you ever so slightly.
“We never did talk about that, did we?” he sighs. He sounds nervous, uncertain - you know he’s trying to avoid having this conversation with you, but you don’t know why. 
“No, but maybe we should. I wasn’t lying earlier when I said I’m worried about you - and not just today. You’ve been…” you gesture vaguely with your hand, “…different lately. After what happened.”
The water is still warm but it feels like you’ve both overstayed your welcome. Asmo relaxes his hold on you and leans over to grab a towel for himself. He stands and quickly dries himself off. The boxer briefs he wears leave little to the imagination when the water-soaked fabric sticks to his skin. Your cheeks burn when you turn away quickly to give him privacy, and you hear him chuckle under his breath.
He sets the towel over his shoulder and grabs a second one for you. He holds it open in front of him and you stand quickly, stepping out of the pool and letting him wrap you in the towel like a blanket.
He tips your face up with a finger under your chin and looks into your eyes. He leans closer and his eyes dart to your lips for the briefest moment. Before you can even ask what he’s doing, he shakes his head and gestures for you to follow him to his room.
You dry yourself off quickly while he steps into the privacy of his walk-in closet. Your RAD uniform is in a crumpled pile somewhere and you wait for him to return, wrapping the towel tighter around yourself so you don’t get cold.
Asmo steps out of his closet wearing a bathrobe that’s tied loosely at his waist. You catch brief glimpses of his bare thighs when he walks towards you; it’s obvious he’s not wearing anything underneath. He hands you a spare bathrobe to put on as well, and he collects the discarded towels and tosses them in the laundry hamper while you shrug the robe onto your shoulders. 
Asmo lays on his bed above the covers, sinking into the pile of ornamental pillows against his headboard. He raises his arm invitingly and you settle on the bed beside him, tucking yourself under his arm and letting your head rest against his shoulder. One of your hands is on his chest and he covers it with his own.
He peppers the top of your head with a few brief, barely-there kisses then sighs warily. He’s delayed this conversation long enough.  “What would you like to ask first?”
You think back to nearly three months ago when a loud slam woke you up in the middle of the night. A yell echoed down the hall from your room and it prompted you to get out of bed quietly and tiptoe outside. What if someone was hurt? you worried at the time. The sound of hushed, frantic voices led you to the front hallway. 
“Asmo?” you whisper, staring at the demon you barely recognized. Blood was splattered across his arms and face, his clothes stained and torn. He was speaking to Lucifer, but his eyes met yours for a moment before he looked away again. You took a hesitant step towards him, but Mammon appeared out of nowhere, blocking Asmo from view and gently pushing you back towards your room.
“You can talk to him tomorrow,” he said quietly, glancing at his brothers over his shoulder. “He wouldn’t want you to see him like this.”
“What happened that night when I saw you in the foyer?” you ask.
“Diavolo finally agreed with Lucifer’s recommendation that the demon bothering you should be expelled from RAD.” Asmo hides his smirk in your hair. “Lucifer decided his punishment deserved a personal touch, so he sent me on behalf of the student council to make sure he went back to the corner of hell he came from. He might’ve been a little worse for wear, but in one piece.” Mostly one piece, anyway.
“Why did Lucifer ask you to do it?” you wonder, looking at him curiously. A thought suddenly occurs to you, and you push up so you can look at him properly. “Does that have to do with the fight you two had?” You weren’t sure what happened, but in the days leading up to that night, Lucifer and Asmo barely seemed to get along; they ignored each other at mealtimes and exchanged icy glares when they were forced to speak about official school business.
Asmo smiles and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Of course it does,” he says. “You tried to hide it from us, but I knew that demon was harassing you. I was worried about you but Lucifer insisted on following protocol. I found his lack of urgency frustrating.”
“I think we need to reconsider allowing the new student to study at RAD,” Asmo said from his seat in Lucifer’s office, his voice quiet and serious. 
Lucifer sighed warily. It wasn’t the first time Asmo spoke to him of his concerns regarding the new demon on campus but his accusations were vague and unsubstantiated. “I already told you that my hands are tied unless he does something actionable.” When Asmo opened his mouth to argue, Lucifer added quickly, “something actionable with proof.”
But something in Asmo’s tense expression made Lucifer hesitate. “What’s wrong?”
Asmo shook his head. “I don’t know how to explain it. That demon is dangerous.” He doesn’t say that he’s terrified something bad might happen, that he might not be there in time to save you if it does.
Lucifer leaned back and rubbed his tired eyes with the palms of his hands. “I believe you, but Diavolo needs some sort of evidence to justify expulsion if we want to to avoid any political repercussions. Your intuition simply isn't enough.”
Asmo stood from the chair with a frown and strode away. “If you don’t do something about him now, it could be too late.” He pulled the door open and glared at Lucifer over his shoulder. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he snarled before slamming the door closed behind him.
Asmo pulls you against him and rolls you both over. When you’re both laying on your sides, he wraps an arm around your waist. He smiles when you copy him. 
“I thought it was something I could handle on my own,” you finally admit outloud. “I hoped things would get better with time. I didn’t want to involve anyone else if I didn’t have to.”
But since you didn’t tell Asmo about anything that was going on, you still have to wonder, ”How did you know what was going on if I didn't tell anyone?”
Asmo cuddles a bit closer to you and his eyes slip closed when he tightens his hold on you. “Call it a hunch.”
Mammon tried to explain it to you during your early days as an exchange student. You were curious about Asmo’s fixation on beautiful things - including himself. “It’s not just about beauty or sex with him - it’s about passion. Anger, hatred - he can sense those feelings too but that sorta passion’s ugly to him. That's why he focuses on the feelings that make him feel good. That’s why when he sets his mind to something, he puts in everything he’s got, every time. It’s all or nothin’ with that guy. He doesn’t do half measures.”
It was fortunate that you were still at RAD the day things spiraled out of control. The demon that was bullying you had you cornered in an otherwise empty classroom. He pushed your shoulders against the stone wall and hissed with explicit details how he planned to decorate the room with your insides. Despite all your power and education, you froze in the face of real danger. You were naive to think that there weren’t demons left in the Devildom that would still want to harm you.
Whatever the demon was about to do next was interrupted when the classroom door opened suddenly. The passerby yelled for help and within moments the demon was pulled off you. You slumped to the ground, overwhelmed by the adrenaline and fear coursing through your veins. 
Afterwards, you would remember it was Asmo who picked you up and carried you to the infirmary, who sat at your side and held your hand while you were examined for injuries. It was Asmo who slept in your bed that night to help fend off bad dreams, who stayed home with you the next day while Diavolo and Lucifer finished their investigation.
You had all the pieces to explain what happened, the truth that you were too blind to see: it was Asmo that asked to carry out the demon's punishment because he threatened to kill you.
“What have you done?” Lucifer snapped angrily when he confronted Asmo in the front hallway. He expected his brother home hours ago.
“I did as you asked,” Asmo said in an eerily calm, detached voice. “He’s on his way back to the outer ring and we won’t have to see him ever again.” 
Lucifer grabbed Asmo’s arm when he tried to walk away. “When I gave you permission to do this, I stated very clearly the limitations of what you could and could not do. We all feel the way you do, but–”
“I warned you this would happen!” Asmo cried, aura burning as his rage flared. He quieted himself, remembering the late time and not wanting to wake the others, or you. “He’s still alive. If I ever see him again, he won’t be so lucky.”
You knew Asmo was a powerful demon - he was a demon prince of the Devildom, after all - but you never realized his potential for anger or violence could match the intensity of his love and admiration for the things he held most dear. It overwhelmed you to think that he considered you something worth protecting.
But the more you thought about it, the more you realized you underestimated the depth of his feelings for you. He tried to tell you so many times in so many ways that you were important to him. He brought his manicure kit to your room so he could do his nails while you did your homework. When you finished, he would reward you by doing your nails too. He invited you on spontaneous trips to Majolish or your favourite cafe, refusing your offers to pay for the gifts he bought for you. He was always trying to take your photo, or he’d pull you to his side for selfies together. When you asked him why none of the photos ended up on Devilgram like most of his other pictures, he just winked and said he wanted to keep those pictures for himself.
He teased you playfully if other demons tried to ask you out, and he even encouraged you to accept sometimes - not that you ever had interest in any of those other demons, and he knew it. That didn’t stop him from giving you his usual pep talk before all of the dances you were invited to attend at Diavolo’s castle or The Fall:
“If anyone tries anything with you that you don’t like, blast them with some of that magic of yours. Or better yet, summon me and I’ll take care of it. No matter where I am, I’ll come to you. I promise.”
The realization dawns upon you and you feel like you’re drowning, emotions choked by the truth you’ve always known about his feelings for you, and your feelings for him.
“How long have you felt this way about me?” you ask him, your whispered voice breaking. 
When he opens his eyes, they begin to glow as he gazes at you with so much love - it’s hard to breathe. His cheeks flush just the slightest bit pink when his lips slowly tick up in a small smile. “Oh, my precious darling, when have I not?”
You bury your head against his chest to hide the tears spilling down your cheeks. You’re sobbing and shaking your head, whispering apologies over and over again while your fingers clench the silky material of his robe.
“It’s alright,” Asmo says quietly, his hand rubbing your back in an effort to calm you. “I’m here. Everything is going to be fine from now on, I promise.”
You look at him through blurry, red-rimmed eyes when he pushes you back gently so he can see your face. “But y-you did all that for me and I didn’t know. Or I-I-I think I knew but I pretended I didn’t. Things have felt so off between us and it’s my fault. If I wasn’t so weak, maybe I could’ve—“
Asmo frowns slightly and puts a finger to your lips to quiet you. “Nothing that happened was your fault. I did what I needed to do to keep you safe. I’ll save you as many times as I have to.” He cradles the back of your head and leans forward to brush his lips against your brow.
“I love you,” he says when he lowers his head and kisses your cheek.
“And I’ll never let anything happen to you,” he whispers when his nose brushes against yours and he presses his lips to the corner of your mouth.
The kiss is soft enough that you can ignore it, giving you the chance to turn away, to pretend it didn’t happen. He’s giving you an out, you realize. But when you’re this close, all you can see is the faint glow of his clementine eyes.
The kiss you offer him in return is soft and sweet.
His eyes flutter closed as he moans quietly, and the way he tilts his head so he can slot his mouth against yours reminds you this isn’t a dream. 
“Please,” he murmurs repeatedly against your lips. The quiet, needy pleas are muffled but you understand him perfectly.
When you nod, he doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, groaning when his lips move against yours harder and with more urgency. When you part your lips, he licks into your mouth, moaning between swipes of his tongue like he’s devouring you, starved for everything you can give him. His hand slides down your body, squeezing your waist gently before he pulls you tighter against him like he’s trying to blur the lines where you end and he begins.
When you start to roll onto your back, Asmo follows without hesitation, sliding a knee between your thighs and pressing his chest against yours. His kisses become sloppy and the soft, wet sounds are punctuated by your breathy moans.
You’re able to touch him more easily in this position and you tentatively skim your hands along his arms and across his shoulders until your fingers find purchase in his hair. There’s a rumbling noise that vibrates in his chest, and when you tug on his hair with just a bit more force, he breaks the kiss with a groan that makes the dull throb between your legs ache with need.
His hands are everywhere when he drags his lips across your jaw and down your neck. He’s panting between fiery, open-mouthed kisses against your skin. When he latches into the junction between your neck and shoulder and sucks with just a hint of teeth, you gasp.
He hums when he pulls back slightly to admire the mark he’s left on your skin. He raises himself up on his hands so he can look at you properly. You take the opportunity to explore him too, hands sliding down his chest slowly until they settle at his waist. You feel him shudder at your touch. 
“I should be doing this properly,” he says suddenly. When you tilt your head in confusion, he explains, “getting dolled up for you, taking you out for a romantic dinner, seducing you afterwards.” He grins when you flush with embarrassment, but his smile falters after a moment when his gaze pierces yours. “You deserve that. I can give you that if you want. We don’t have to go any further tonight if you’re not ready.”
You cup his cheek. “Do you want to stop?” you ask curiously.
He turns his head so he can kiss the inside of your wrist. “Fuck, no,” he breathes, shaking his head. His hair falls over his eyes, totally unkempt. He’s beautiful like this.
Earlier it was hard to ignore the weight of his cock hardening against your hip, the stilted movements when he kept himself from grinding against you while you kissed. It makes you feel less self-conscious of your own desire, the way his pleased sounds made you feel hot with need. The insides of your thighs are damp with slick and you’re desperate for some kind of friction against your clit. You’ve been clenching around nothing, secretly wanting him to fill you but not having the courage to ask for more. 
“I want you too,” you whisper, staring into his eyes and it feels like you’re finally being honest, trying not to let fear ruin the promise of what his love can offer you. You’re emboldened by the way his eyes are smoldering when he looks at you, the way you’re both trembling with need and the way your voices shake with so much emotion. You don’t want him to have any doubts about how you feel about him or about how desperately you want him too.
He only hesitates a moment before he pushes himself to his knees. One of his knees is still wedged between your thighs, not quite close enough to give you the friction to grind yourself against him. He undoes the knot holding his robe closed and slides it off his shoulders. The sight of his naked chest leaves you breathless.
Your eyes roam across his smooth, unblemished skin. Your fingers grasp the blanket when you feel the itch to grab him and pull him back down. You’re close to begging for him to touch you, and something must flicker across your expression because his gaze darkens. The sweet, somewhat bashful tilt to his lips sharpens into something a little more hungry. 
He leans down, one hand clenching the sheets for balance while he slips his other arm between your bodies. You feel his fingers pull at the thin fabric of your robe and pry it apart and the sudden chill causes goosebumps to spread across your exposed skin. You resist the urge to cover your breasts when you feel your nipples harden. 
“You’re lovely,” he whispers, kissing your cheek softly. “You’re so incredibly beautiful, I can barely stand it.” You tilt your head back when his nose grazes along your jaw and he scrapes his teeth against the sensitive skin below your ear. He pulls your earlobe between his teeth and tugs, licking the skin in a mock apology when you gasp and arch your back against his chest.
“I bet you say that to all your dates,” you whimper. His desire is intoxicating but you can feel the self-doubts bubbling over, your inhibitions threatening to spill from your lips and ruin everything. Before you can say anything else, Asmo sighs his head and tilts your head so you’re forced to look him in the eye.
“None of that matters anymore, not when I finally have you,” he says quietly, like it’s some sort of oath. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” He gives you a hard, quick kiss. “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long.”
He shuffles closer and his cock hangs heavy against you. The tip is dribbling precum and it feels warm and sticky on your thigh. His head tilts back with a moan and he slowly rubs against you, painting your skin with his desire and leaving no room for doubt that he wants you.
You can’t stop yourself from reaching for him and you pull him closer as you spread your legs invitingly. “Asmo, please–”
He growls quietly and in an instant his lips are around one of your nipples while his hand snakes back down between your bodies. His tongue swirls around the hardened bud, and he sucks it into his mouth at the same time his long fingers dip between your folds. Your hips jolt when he brushes against your clit, puffy and wet with your desire and it’s all for him.
Asmo moans around your nipple when he feels the wetness between your legs. He kisses across your breasts as he starts grinding against you a bit harder than before.
“You’re almost ready for me, aren’t you?” he asks, amazed by how utterly perfect you are, bare and needy under him. He licks his lips and you can see a hint of his fangs when he grins.
The way he looks at you makes you squirm underneath him. You move your hips and try to chase his fingers as he explores the soft skin of your folds. The delicious pressure of his fingertips rubbing against your clit is enough to make your thighs quake. You feel the beginnings of your release, but you whine when he suddenly moves his fingers away. Before you can ask him to touch you again, he slips a finger inside you and the sudden fullness makes you groan. 
He’s hypnotized by the way your body moves in tandem with his, arching your back and undulating your hips as he pumps his finger inside. He’s being slow and deliberate, studying your face for every reaction, and when he adds another finger he thrusts them both in deep. You take the intrusion so well, like your body was made to be his, and he knows you're close when your moans pitch higher and your hands scramble for purchase in the sheets.
“You feel so perfect around my fingers,” he murmurs, watching with half-lidded eyes as his fingers move faster in and out of you. He bites his lip when he feels you clench around him, and he’s nearly mad with the desire to have you finally wrapped around his cock. “You’re so responsive.” He strokes your clit with his thumb as his fingers stretch and tease your gummy walls, crooking his fingers inside you like he’s inviting you to sin.
The sensations drive you to the edge and you’re chasing your release, eyes closed and swallowing thickly after you choke on a moan that sounds suspiciously like his name. “I want you so badly,” you beg, and your voice sounds breathy and pathetic to your ears but you can feel the heat of his gaze on you when your body tightens around him. He keeps brushing over that spot inside that feels so good and you don’t want the feeling to stop, you want more. “I want you to come inside me, I want–” 
You cry out as the orgasm crashes through you out of nowhere, wave after unrelenting wave of pleasure setting your body ablaze as his greedy fingers coax every last breathy moan from your lips. He savors the way your body flutters around him, like you’re overwhelmed by the feeling of his fingers still pumping inside you but your pretty little hole’s too greedy to let him go.
Asmo finally pulls his hand away when you try to clench your thighs closed to stop him from teasing your oversensitive nerves. He sits back on his heels and waits patiently while you catch your breath. Your skin glistens lightly with sweat and he can’t stop staring at you.
When you finally open your eyes, he brings his slick-soaked fingers to his mouth, licking your essence from his fingertips before sucking them both into his mouth greedily. Once they’re clean, he releases them with a quiet pop.
“You taste delicious,” he coos appreciatively. He’s so tempted to dive between your legs, to lap up every last drop of slick that clings to your folds. He wants to breathe in your intoxicating scent until it’s seared into his memory forever, to plunder your hole with his tongue until you can’t possibly give him more. 
But as much as Asmo wants to make himself a new home between your legs buried tongue-deep inside you, or to pull you on top of him so you can grind against his face so he’s drenched in your slick, he knows that will have to wait until next time.
He’s been with hardly anyone else since what happened a few months ago. He was overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings for you - the fear of losing you, the need to claim you properly - and it sent him into a tailspin. He tried to pretend there was nothing wrong and he went to his usual haunts, but he didn’t want any of those other demons: none of them were you. 
Now that he has you, he’s not sure anything can possibly be better than this: the way you looked swept away by pleasure; your loud, high-pitched sounds like music to his ears; and the way you fucked yourself on his fingers and begged for his cock inside you - it’s too much temptation for even the Avatar of Lust to bear. 
When the sensitivity has ebbed and you’ve caught your breath, you let your thighs fall open again and Asmo doesn’t hesitate to shuffle between them properly. His cock bumps against you and when he lowers himself to his forearms above you, he teases you with the glide of his cock along your folds. He rolls his hips slightly so that the tip of his cock grazes your clit and then he pushes even lower, letting the head of his cock tease at your hole. He adds just enough pressure at your entrance that promises more, and that has you moaning in anticipation and spreading your legs even wider for him.
You lift your thighs so they rest against his hips to keep him in place, to encourage him to come even closer, to fill you so you never feel empty again.
His head tips back and soft sighs fall from his lips when he finally pushes inside. Neither of you seem to care about the way your body squelches obscenely with the slow drag of his cock along your walls. It’s a smooth glide until he finally bottoms out and he moans, but he blinks his eyes open rapidly, surprised at the sudden wetness clinging to his eyelashes. One of your hands is clutched to his back, the sharp grip of your fingernails a delightful mixture of pleasure and pain.
You cup his face with your other hand and wipe away the rogue tears that roll down his cheek. “I love you so much,” you say in a quiet, shaky voice, because there’s nothing more perfect you can say in this moment, not when his body cages yours and you feel so utterly wanted. When his cock twitches eagerly inside you, you wonder why it took so long to do this together; it feels like you were both fighting inevitability.
He nuzzles against your hand and kisses your palm before he rolls his hips with a few shallow, exploratory strokes. You both moan, and your other hand leaves his cheek so you can grasp onto his shoulder to brace yourself.
Asmo bites his lip when he rocks into you again. “You feel—“ he breaks off with a groan, wincing when your walls squeeze around him. “You feel so fucking good, I don’t think I’m going to last.” 
Despite the pleasure gripping his senses, he feels the faintest ripple of embarrassment too. He’s worried about disappointing you after finally getting to have you after all this time. The longing for you festered so deep within him that even touching someone that wasn’t you didn’t really satisfy him anymore. He’s overcome by his desire for you even though he tried to ignore it, because he didn’t know if you wanted him, if you were ready for what he wanted to give you so badly—
But you breathe out his name and the unabashed lust in your eyes is unmistakable. You’re panting lightly, wetting your lips with a quick swipe of your tongue and he tracks the movement greedily. “I just want you,” you say when you tighten your legs around his waist, urging him even deeper. 
That’s all the invitation Asmo needs. He braces himself on his hands and starts to move inside you with slow, controlled thrusts. The heat of your walls wrapped around his cock and your soft, needy moans and whimpers overwhelm his senses, and it’s hard to maintain the gentle rocking of his hips against yours when he feels the tethers of his self-control start to snap.
He puts more power into his movements, answering your whimpered pleas for him to fuck you, to give it to you harder and faster. You’re not commanding him, but you don’t have to; he obeys willingly with the rough snap of his hips as he fucks you into his mattress. He growls approvingly when you toss your head back in submission and pleasure, whining and choking on the moans he drags out of you with every push and pull of his cock claiming you from the inside-out.
The bed frame creaks from the force of his thrusts and the headboard bangs against the wall, but Asmo doesn't care, not when it feels like you’re both teetering on the edge of an abyss and he’s so close to falling. He’s determined to drag you down with him.
“Touch yourself,” he whispers in a rough voice when he feels his orgasm approaching.  “I want you to come with me.” He doesn’t remember the last time he felt so desperate, but you reach between your bodies and start stroking your clit in time with his powerful thrusts. Your body clenches around him almost immediately and your back arches, and his cock is suddenly enveloped with even more slickness when you come for him a second time, his name falling from your lips in a broken cry.
He can’t possibly last after that and he doesn’t want to, and your pleasure rips the orgasm from him and he cries out when he spills inside you, marking you as his in a way no one else possibly can. His hips stutter as his thrusts become sloppy and shallow, and the desperate haze clears from his mind when satisfied exhaustion takes its place.
You both groan when his softening cock finally slips from your body. He collapses at your side to avoid crushing you with his weight, and he pulls you against him. You’re both hot and sticky and the air smells like musk from sweat and sex. Asmo knows there’s a wet spot drying on his sheets where your slick and his come pooled between your thighs.
He knows you’re both exhausted, but he hasn’t felt this content in weeks.
You nuzzle into his shoulder and sigh, trying and failing to stifle a yawn. You’re still trembling slightly, but you melt into his embrace and it makes his throat thicken with emotion. 
“I think we need another bath,” you murmur sleepily. Your lips tickle where they graze his skin and he smiles.
“Later,” he promises and he wraps his arms around you. “Stay with me tonight,” he whispers.
Stay with me forever, he thinks and doesn’t say out loud. But when you nod and cuddle even closer to him before sleep claims you, Asmo believes he didn’t have to.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Funny Moments In the HoL
Just little things that MC would totally share with their friends in the Human Realm.
- You all decided to play Hide & Seek (with a few rules about locations). The winner was Leviathan. He hid in a cooking pot and the only reason anyone found him is after everyone else was found, Beel got hungry and turned the pot on. Poor Levi’s tail had a burn for days.
- Mammon stole your D.D.D. once. He returned it with more selfies than Asmo takes of himself loaded in there. You saved the naughty ones for later.
- Beel accidentally ate a burger squeaky toy you got for Cerberus. The squeaker and all. He got the hiccups later that day and everyone laughed at the squeaking going off.
- Solomon spent the night with you and Asmo. Asmo kissed his head at one point and left a kiss mark in his hair with his lipstick. It took DAYS to wash out. You then borrowed Asmo’s lipstick and put the mark right back on your favorite sorcerer.
- You got a cute rat plush for yourself. Barbatos saw it and your room was unusable for a few days.
- The entire household caught a cold and everyone was miserable. So you all just watched a bunch of movies all cuddled together. Belphie promised Mammon that the movie ‘Cabin In The Woods’ wasn’t a horror movie. It was a romantic one, showing him the reviews for a movie called ‘The Lake House’. Poor Mammon hid under your blanket almost the whole movie.
- You introduced Asmo to Elton John. Asmo loved his fashion and you’ve seen some of the most ridiculous outfits known to man, angels, and demons alike. You saved the pictures.
- You lost a bet to Levi and had to wear a Ruri-chan cosplay to RAD. This backfired because Levi couldn’t focus all day and took way too many pictures.
- You proposed a talent show to Diavolo. You regretted it almost immediately. The Little D’s, while great dancers, are HORRIBLE singers! They looked adorable though.
- You have discovered that Satan headbutts you when he wants attention. He accidentally did it with his horns once. Thank Diavolo they only slightly tore your clothes. But your arm was sore for weeks. Luke and Lucifer chastized him over the bruise.
- Lucifer bought a second motorized wheelchair. It’s not needed. No. He bought it so that you guys could all have wheelchair races.
- You sang the song ‘My R’ and the house was MASS PANIC! Everyone was so worried about you and you had to explain that no, you’re not depressed, you just like the song. No. Liking the song doesn’t mean I’m depressed. Really guys. I promise I’m OK. It took a LOT of convincing, but they eventually realized you were actually OK. They still made you go talk to Simeon just as a precaution. Simeon was just... very confused, but was glad you were OK.
- You mentioned to Asmo that pole dancing is a form of working out. Asmo INSTANTLY bought two dance poles. They lasted less than a day because the moment you tried to use it with Asmodeus, the house lost their shit. Lucifer had to get rid of them for your (hips) well being.
- Belphie one time fell asleep in the bathroom. You walked in and found him standing near the sink, head under the faucet as it ran. You took a picture and then helped him.
- Luke went sniffing around your room and found a vibrator. You told him it was a personal massager and he asked if he could use it to massage his back. You told him no and to not poke around your room like that again. You explained this to Simeon who turned beet red... and then asked to see the vibrator himself... Just so that he can make to avoid Luke seeing such things again. Obviously.
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fletchingbrilliant · 4 months
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"I have destroyed my own hope with my selfish heart. But for the ones I hurt by these deeds... I do not deserve to get it back."
So I animated something for the first time in Y E A R S ~
Why. Why did I do this. Well I like how it turned out ultimately so I guess it's okay. And it's for my second kindred spirit (next to Alastor) so it was very worth it.
And I REEEEEALLY wanted to push out something before the Full Moon, and commit to my theory that it's coming out ON the 23rd which is the real world full moon so that's rad. So looking forward to all the angst - and hopefully some satisfying forward movement for our boys😭
I'm gonna do an animatic soon which will lead to more animatics which will lead to despair because I CANNOT UNDERDO ANYTHING APPARENTLY
shout out to my husband @zaebeecee for his eternal patience because I was supposed to do WAY MORE fic cowriting today than I did...
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rottentricks · 9 months
Request mayhaps: Jax and Pomni showing off their fangs! If you need an outfit idea I think you could do them in suits, but their reg outfits r cool as well. Thanks sm if you do my request, even if ya don’t just wanted to say ur art style is very rad ✨
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Say cheeseeee ✨️
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Random Obey Me! Headcanons Part 3
Asmo collects plushies, he finds the little things absolutely adorable and has tons of them in his room. And yes, you'll see Asmo's eyes lit up like a kid if you ask him about them and their individual names. He will also be glad to explain each one's little story and how he got them, and you would be endeared to find that a good portion of the plushies were given by the other brothers themselves, who have known about his love for collecting for a long time now.
Belphie is one of those people who when you ask them for something will ALWAYS blatantly say no at first but then proceed to nonchalantly do the exact thing you asked with no ounce of shame whatsoever, maybe even smirk a little as they finish doing whatever it is you asked. It's a little annoying at first, but you eventually get used to it. He's just likes being a brat, really.
Satan had an emo phase as a teenager, he would dye his hair black, only wear dark clothes, paint his nails regularly ( with the help of Asmo ), listen to typical emo music, the whole nine yards. And of course, he was more rebellious than ever, refusing to listen to his brothers and just any authority figures in general. He's ashamed of it now and cringes hard seeing pictures of himself back then. As any good father older brother would though, Lucifer always manages to embarrass him by bringing up that phase and even showing the "cursed pictures" to friends/potencial partners Satan brings home.
Levi likes to hide in small spaces when he's anxious, overwhelmed, or just doesn't wanna deal with something ( social interactions more often than not ). Oh, you're at a party and you can't find Levi anywhere? Check the less crowded room, more specifically under the tables, he's probably there playing games on his phone. Hm, it's lunch break at RAD and the third born is nowhere to be seen? Inside his locker, or maybe the janitor's closet. He doesn't know exactly why he does it, but it's a habit that's been with him ever since he was a small angel. Those places just comfort him, somehow. And don't worry, he's pretty flexible so it works out just fine. I mean, why else would he be okay sleeping in a bathtub?
MC and Mephisto didn't meet for the first during S4. In fact, these two first met only a week into the exchange program, with Mephisto interviewing MC for the RAD Newspaper. Because of course, the public was dying to know more about the newest exchange student who had just entered the academy, and multiple news outlets were covering MC's arrival and curious situation, given that they had been placed with the seven brothers at HoL, and had gotten into a pact with Mammon so quickly. Being aware of all of this, Mephisto knew that an exclusive interview with MC would give everyone in the kingdom something to talk about, and so he sought to be the first one to get his hands on one. ( Also he was very intrigued and eager to known more about MC, but of course he'd never admit that. )
Belphie and Mammon both have piercings around their bodies. Mammon especially likes the golden and grey ones that match his rings, while Belphie prefers them black ( because of course he would ).
For the first 2-3 months of the exchange program, MC genuinely thought Diavolo and Lucifer were a couple. This happened because ever since day 1 they were hearing "funny comments" about the two of them and just assumed they were in an actual relationship. And no one ever bothered to correct them because they found it hilarious, and wanted to see how long it'd take for them to find out the truth. Some of the brothers even went as far as purposely making up stories to lead MC to believe that Lucifer was out on dates with Diavolo when he wasn't at home and they came looking for him ( and the bastards would immediately start laughing the moment MC left the room ). MC only found out the truth when they were talking to Lucifer about Diavolo one day and casually replied to something he said with "But that's not really surprising since he's your boyfriend" and Lucifer just went ???? "Excuse me?? What did you just say?" and proceeded to explain that he and Diavolo were in fact not in a relationship. ( the punishment he gave his brothers after finding out about this "little prank" of theirs was no joke, but none of them regretted it, it was "just too funny", in their own words )
Lucifer's voice changes DRASTICALLY depending on his mood. Like, the more serious/stressed he is, the deeper it goes, and the more relaxed/content he is, the softer it becomes. You can hear it cleary when you compare the way he sounds on a regular basis when lecturing the others, speaking about work, giving speeches as RAD's vice president, etc, to rare occasions when he's talking about music and art, playfully teasing the others, or recalling a nice moment from the past. It's like there are 3 stages to his voice: usual deep, furiously deep ( that iconic "Mammooon" ), and ACTUALLY SOFT. The ones who get to hear his "nice voice" the most are MC, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, and Beel.
One that's already been discussed by other players but that I'd like to add on: demons ( and angels as well ) give humans "uncanny valley feeling" and MC could tell there was something ""wrong"" with brothers ( they aren't humans ) the moment they first laid their eyes on them in the council room. And my addition to this is: although the brothers all give off this feeling, it's to varying degrees that depend on how much they can blend in as a human. And Satan is the only who can bypass this "filter" almost completely, because remember when Lucifer first introduced him by saying something along the lines of "He might look nice but don't fall for it because it's an act"? Well, I like to think that Satan also looks the most "normal" out of his brothers when it comes to the "uncanny valley feeling" because of this too, since he has pretty much mastered the art of appearing trusting to deceive humans back in the day and is still the best at disguising himself as human to not to scare people away when visiting the human world and such.
Solomon has a hobby of solving jigsaw puzzles, like, you know those huge ones that take over the entire table or floor? He absolutely loves them and will gladly spend a whole day focused on completing them if needed. And if you offer to solve one with him? Oh, he'll get so excited it's actually kind of adorable. So do it, it's the road to his heart, even if you find it boring.
Lucifer leaves Beel on charge whenever he has a work-related trip, or simply intends on spending more time out of the house than usual. It's easy, as long as the second youngest keeps everything in order, Lucifer promises to take him to any restaurant he wants ( no matter how expensive ), and to let him eat to his heart's content when he comes back. Oh, Mammon is trying to sneak out of the house to gamble all their money away? Nuh-uh, Beel's not letting him leave through that door! Asmo's planning to take advantage of the fact that Lucifer is out to throw a party? Nope, Beel's stopping him. Satan & Belphie are trying to get into Lucifer's room to prank him? Yeah nah, Beel's dragging them back to their own rooms. Really, it works wonders, not only because Beel has the most physical strength out of everyone and can overpower them, but also because none of them have the heart to actually argue with him.
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Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
Apologies, but you either sent this to the wrong person or are incredibly incorrect in your assessment of me on pretty much every claim.
I don't see how you could say that you are doing your best to see things from my perspective without ever asking me about my perspective.
My state is not a "deep-red flyover state".
My fiancé is a BIPOC, so I would say that is a pretty strong motivation.
I haven't helped anyone that is actively killing others, but if you disagree, then feel free to let me know who these people are and I will be more than happy to reconsider my support of them.
I'm not a "hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative", which further evidences that you have no clue on my perspective.
Which R-slur filled posts are you referring to?
Which posts did I reblog from r4cs0 and takashi0? I rarely reblog others' posts, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to find.
Perhaps you're new to Tumblr or the internet, but very rarely are posts reblogged for the author and instead they are reblogged for the content of the posts.
That is not all that you are asking because you haven't asked it at all. Not once have I received an ask to block a group of people for any reason. If you are making that ask, then at least provide a common courtesy of giving me the names of the accused instead of attempting to create a blind witch hunt.
When did I ever start bragging about voting for Trump in November? I think the last time I even talked about my voting decision was almost a decade ago.
Appreciate the feedback and you being opinionated, but with an opinion so fueled with fallacies it is quite challenging to substantiate it in having any value.
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@steddie-week Day 3 - mutual pining
i'm challenging myself to keep each of these at 660 words; see day one for more of an explanation!
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Eddie's campaign notes:
Broad-chested paladin named steve stephano stevas with immaculate golden skin and chestnut hair, oath of the crown watchers, who decides to come along when he finds out the party is heading to
young rogue meets the party and wants to tag along but their overprotective older brother stolas (stop with the st names!!) insists on coming along in order for the rogue to join
jeeves carrington, eventual big bad who butles for the party while they're at the
Asshole King prince stefan havisham (great job getting away from an st name, idiot) who wants to join the party on their quest and get out of the palace for a while
He’s part of the kingdom of the sun so he takes his family’s heirloom, the Sun Blade along with him (he's trained as a knight and is already proficient in long swords) ((1d8 +2 bonus to attack and damage, radiant not slashing undead = + extra 1d8 rad. damage.))
He butts heads with all of them at first but learned a lot from the party and becomes actually a good dude)
The prince ends up falling for a tiefling bard they meet in passing on the road
Prince would’ve been an asshole to the tiefling at first, but when the bard saves him from a very obvious trap, he starts to back off “Watch where you’re stepping, sunshine.”, “Why do you call me that?”, Edmund (needs to be something different or they'll catch on!!!), who’s fallen head over tail for the prince already: “Because i’m a creature of the night and hate the sun, obviously”
him and Stefan butt heads the whole time he's along for the journey but when the bard is gravely injured it’s revealed how much he cares for the prince. The prince too has fallen for the bard and rides off with him to the nearest village to a healer
The prince and bard get married and live happily ever after
ugh, gross. too much, eddie
Steve's (L to R, top to bottom):
May 25th
It’s been a couple months since spring break and Eddie and Max are finally out of the hospital. We got lucky, I think, our plan working out and all, but seeing them both there really sucked.
Max’ll get her cast off eventually, and Eddie's “heroics” cost him a pound of flesh but they’re alive and so is Hopper.
Now we just gotta get Eddie's name cleared.
July 18th
I think there’s something wrong with me.
The assholes were over again today and that meant Eddie was too. Shirtless... In the pool.. Wet.. tattooed…
You’d think that seeing his scars would make me sick, make me think of the blood, the crying, that goddamn place.. But there was a whole different kind of swirling in my gut about it
Ew! Gross!
Robin, stay out of my journal
Oct 11th
Ok. yep. I definitely want to kiss him.
I want to kiss Eddie Munson on that stupid pretty face of his.
Robs and I went to indy and found this bookstore heading back to the car from that cafe we like and it was a gay store. it had books and pamflit pampflet brosures booklet things about gay stuff and the cashier was super nice.. we spent hours there. 
I’m bisexual.
Nov 5th
Ok, this isn’t fair.
Every single thought in my brain recently is about him. How would he kiss me? Would I make the first move or would he? What would it feel like if it was his hand instead of mine? Would his rings hurt? Nope. they’d feel amazing.
I want to hug him, i want to hold his hand, i want to fuckin marry him..
Steve Munson Theodore Harrington? ❤ (<- can you believe that’s actually his first name?? I couldn't believe it when Wayne told me).
Wait. You can combine names when you get married (no, I haven’t been researching anything, shut up) So Harringson? Munington?
We’ll have a fall wedding.
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it was still 660 words on wordcounter.net too 😌
on AO3 here!
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sirenlulls · 1 year
sweet → r. keating (b. skeetz)
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pairing —robert keating x fem!reader social media au
summary —where your boyfriend loves annoying you online and people lose their minds
it's so sweet, knowing that you love me. though, we don't need to say it to each other
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liked by evehewson, ryanmcmahon_15, and 20,917 others
bobbyskeetz some bassist twat. lake. an ispíní mor. a homeless woman and a cat. bláthana. and some very beautiful lads
yourusername the cat was cuter than you
bobbyskeetz who are you again?
yourusername your ex 🫶🫶
username my parents
yourusername guys don't be fooled by the hard guy act, he bought me the flowers 😁😁
bobbyskeetz i'm sorry but i can't support parasocial relationships. this has to stop.
username i need a relationship like theirs
username sorry mr skeetz but i want to marry that homeless woman
bobbyskeetz oh don't worry about it lad i'm gonna take one for the team. saving the general population and all that
ryanmcmahon_15 you're a very beautiful lad yourself
evehewson a very pretty homeless woman*
yourusername marry me.
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liked by gracieabrams, lilamoss, and 1,106,723 others
yourusername dolce and gabbana. food. a smelly burglar. a tipsy gal. a bathtub of drunk gals. vogue. banger. bassist twat. delicious strawberry.
bobbyskeetz thanks for the breakdown, didn't know what i was looking at before
yourusername you are very slow 🫶
bobbyskeetz that bassist twat looks rather dashing
yourusername whatever you need to tell yourself girlie!
bobbyskeetz whoa who's that in the last slide
yourusername pretty sure you said she's a homeless woman?
bobbyskeetz .....a pretty one?
yourusername eve said it first 🥱
evehewson get in line xx
evehewson ur so cool and hip
yourusername ur so rad
maisiehpeters mother!!
username cornelia street supremacy
yourusername lover is such an overhated album
username REAL OMG
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liked by lizzymcalpine, bellahadid, and 2,102,611 others
yourusername happy anniversary to the biggest bassist twat in the world, the bane of my existence, and the real reason that taylor swift wrote lover (she told me herself) glad it's you who kicks me off the bed every other night ❤️
username wait how long have they been together?
username 7 years
username WHAT.
devonleecarlson ur so perfect..... and he's there! jk, lots of love to u both ❤️❤️🫶🫶
bobbyskeetz jeez, props to me for hanging on this long
yourusername .......
bobbyskeetz love you ❤️
yourusername love you too 💞💞
yourusername omg he can be nice in public?! 😱😱😱
sirenlulls mother and father fr
whoetoshaw will never forget seeing them out of the gig last year
whoetoshaw literally made me believe in love.
username she's a 10 but she calls you a bassist twat
bobbyskeetz still a 10 tbh
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liked by graciebrns, shayrudolph, and 20,981 others
bobbyskeetz can't believe it's been 7 years and you're still too cool for me. 💔 happy anniversary to the most beautiful person i know. you're my favourite person to play bird bingo with, my forever hiking partner (no matter how much you might complain), the only person i ever want to boot off the bed in my sleep, my homeless woman. please never realise you could probably bag a model and just stick with your bassist twat instead ❤️
yourusername WHAT TJE FUCK
yourusername my post just seems like shit now
yourusername i actually hate you wtf
yourusername no i don't
yourusername you might be a bassist twat but trust you'll always be my favourite
bobbyskeetz nicest thing you've ever said to me
whoetoshaw babes im crying and it's not even for me what is going on 🥹🥹🥹🥹
username "MY homeless woman" "YOUR bassist twat" im actually going to jump in front of a train
username shutting up the bitches who says they're together for coult real fast
username no you don't understand you guys are so special to me
username they're my babies (they're 23 and im 16)
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sprintingowl · 6 months
Dead Beats
I release an rpg every week, and a lot of them are one or two pagers with a goofy concept and some simple mechanics. This is because of the large, ominous pot bubbling loudly at the back of the stove.
That pot is the thing I've been cooking in the meantime, which in this case is Dead Beats.
Which launches on Wednesday 4/3/24 at noon.
Dead Beats is a grimy 1990s stylish action horror ttrpg. You play as a down-on-your-luck loser who fights demons because no one else will.
Tonal influences include Devil May Cry, Jujutsu Kaisen, Evil Dead, and Chainsaw Man. Also the writings of Joe R Lansdale and the Constantine Hellblazer comics by Jamie Delano.
Mechanically, Dead Beats pulls from a standard poker deck instead of rolling the dice, and this is so you can mark your cards, add new cards to your deck, know when all the face cards are depleted, etc.
It's also very much played in two phases---everything else, and combat.
Dead Beats' combat is inspired by fighting games and beat-em-ups. Weapons are locked to your character, and have deep upgrade trees. You can chain multiple actions together, but the more you chain, the more your fatigue builds up, and the more likely you are to drop your combo.
Fights are fast. Turns are meaty but quick. And you end up with a lot of options outside of the game's core moveset depending on how you customize your outfit.
Again, this game has been cooking for a while, so it's going to end up as a slightly beefy book.
If anything I've said here sounds good to you, feel free to pop over to the kickstarter page and hit Notify Me (if it's before Wednesday,) back the kickstarter (if it's after Wednesday,) or put down your device and squint your eyes at the rad-soaked horizon hoping the cybercrows don't come back (if you found this on a battered tablet in the distant future's desert ruins.)
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ca-8 · 5 months
How the Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters Died (head canons)
Alright so I R E A L L Y wanna talk about how I think the Smiling Critters perished in Poppy Playtime
Cw: mentions of (sorta) cannibalism, torture, accidental suicide, self-harm, addiction in terms of The Red Smoke
this is gonna be r e a l l y long, so strap in y'all
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
Bubba Bubbaphant
"I'm Bubba Bubbaphant! ...Hey! I remember you!" "An elephant always remembers!" "Want to know what I remember about you...?" This character is pretty much the nerd emoji of the Smiling Critters. He's really smart, and, as he stated in his cardboard cut-out dialogue, has a really good memory. Although I can't really see that being put into play of his actual death, I can see that this last bit of information he stated (before just spiraling out of control) can be connected to our character. (Our character is an ex-worker and is always greeted with distain by the major antagonists, which leads me to believe that we have actively, or at least indirectly, participated in the child/worker experimentation/conversion based on what Bubba says. Although in his last bit of "dialogue", he's screaming quite loudly as if he was in major agony, but also laughing, as if he was ingesting something that caused great harm to his mentality and body, but since he's had it so many times before to the point where he actively begs to have more, it's agonizing, but also "heavenly." Therefore I think his cause of death would be due to him trying to escape during The Hour of Joy, but was eventually caught by CatNap and his use of The Red Smoke. In the Smiling Critters cartoon, all the critters are struggling to go to sleep because of how scared they were of the storm outside. However, once CatNap enters, they all practically light up with such disturbing happiness. Bubba is the first one to beg him to "help them go to sleep". Fast forward to The Hour of Joy, CatNap must've used his addiction against him to keep him sorta in place so he could kill him.
"Hey! I'm KickenChicken! Wanna go outside and hang out?" "It's lookin' pretty rad outside!" "I've...never been outside before..." "Will you come with me? I'm scared..." "Here, follow me. I-I'll step out first..." Here, I used to think that he had barricaded himself along with some of the other critters somewhere safe inside the Playcare during The Hour of Joy, and he decided to step outside once all the humans were finally killed. Once he did, CatNap found him and killed him for his disobedience towards his god. But a recent theory sorta convinced me otherwise. I still believe in my own theory, but I also support the fact that KickenChicken could've also been one of the first toys to reach an exit to the outside world. But, once he and the other critter tried to step outside, he got killed by the Prototype.
Picky Piggy
"Hi there! I'm Picky Piggy! Let's eat!" "Roast beef? Delicious!" "Grilled chicken? Down the hatch!" "Seared elephant? Yum!" "Flayed unicorn? Mmm!" "Still hungry... Hey, what do you say you and I be friends?" (This one actually scares the hell out of me, i love it) And it's pretty obvious too, for the most part. I believe that Picky was separated by the other critters during The Hour of Joy, and ended up with nothing to eat for a long time. She ended up wandering aimlessly throughout the factory and eventually came across the corpses of her dead friends. Saddened, but desperate for food, she ate her friends' corpses as soon as she came along them, but all that effort soon went to waste as she eventually died of starvation, a constant theme throughout Poppy Playtime.
Hoppy Hopscotch
"I'm Hoppy Hopscotch! Wanna try hopping to the moon with me?" "On three with me! One... two... three! ...Heh, didn't get very far, did we?" "Again! One, two, three! Nope... still didn't make it." "Listen! This won't stop until we make it to the moon!" "One, two- No, no! Don't look at your feet! None of that matters! Again! Again!" "JUMP! JUUUU-" Yeah this one just makes me really sad, seeing how I think her death most likely would be accidental suicide. In an attempt to escape CatNap or The Prototype or another toy that was hunting them down for food, or maybe just trying to reach somewhere that lead to an exit, she encouraged her friend(s) to jump towards freedom, but due to her impulsive/impatient tendencies, she didn't think it through and ended up falling to her death.
Bobby Bearhug
"Hi! I'm Bobby Bearhug! Wanna know how much I love you?" "I love you to the moooon and back!" "I'm crazy about you." "I'm lost without you." "I've been lost a long time..." "Please, take me with you this time...!" "You won't leave me, will you??" Bobby loves everyone and everything, unconditionally. So, when The Hour of Joy occurred, she naturally felt terrified and wanted to stick close by with her friends as they tried to find a way out of the factory after that day. This might also be in relation to DogDay and Picky as well. DogDay probably shooed them away in attempt to save them from CatNap, and while the massacre occurred, Picky got lost during all the chaos. Them being her friends, she was greatly distraught by this, but soon forced herself to go along with who was left. That was when she probably witness some of their deaths: Bobby being lured by the Red Smoke and eventually killed, Kicken getting killed by either CatNap or The Protoype, Hoppy falling to her death, being scared away by CraftyCorn (I'll get to her later).
"Take me with you this time!" I believe this line was spawned from DogDay's actions. Since he was the leader of their group, she, along with the other critters, looked up to him. Perhaps Bobby believed if he has taken all of them with him, she wouldn't have ended up all alone. She eventually ended up all alone, turned to madness by loneliness as she always thought about the events that made her friends leave her. After a long time of wandering and losing hope, bit by bit as each day passed, she died of starvation.
"H-Hi, I'm CraftyCorn. Will you help me with my painting? Pass me the blue, please!" "Thanks! Now, will you give me some red?" "More red, please!" "Out...? But, w-we can't be out." "You're hiding more red from me... I know you are..." "GIVE IT HERE!" "There, now that's much better!" Despite CraftyCorn's established gentle and caring personality, both would be thrown away for the sake of keeping her creative juices flowing. She always loves everything artistic, so she also most likely uses it as a coping mechanism (and that's also seen in the Smiling Critter's cartoon, where CraftyCorn is drawing on multiple pages while still being scared of the storm outside). I believe she also witnessed some of her friends' deaths along with Bobby Bearhug, and, as her way of coping, she just tries drawing and drawing and painting and painting her worries away. But while her urges to cope may last, drawing materials do not for long, and she eventually runs out. This causes her to turn to panic, as she thinks she'll have to finally face reality that her friends are gone, but she's not ready, so she desperately tires to find more art materials, mostly the color red (because that's the most of what she's been seeing since The Hour of Joy). So, in a blind, maddened dismay, she attacks her friends and uses their blood for painting, piling on unimaginable guilt for hurting her friends, the very thing she was trying not to make herself realize.
Now as for her death. Her remaining friend(s) probably ended up leaving her for the sake of their own safety. She doesn't realize this, because again, she's so deep in her own distractions that she's lost touch with reality, until she finally runs out of red again. She desperately tries to find more, but can't extract any from an outside source. So she uses her own blood as paint. She extracts her blood, runs out, extracts again, runs out again, extracts again, runs out again, over and over until she finally harms herself to the point of dying from blood loss.
"DogDay says... fetch!" "Go, go! As far as you can!" "Why are you...just standing there?" "You can't be here. You can't stay..." As I said earlier, DogDay must have helped his friends escape from CatNap's hunting ground and the main killing areas during The Hour of Joy. He realizes that CatNap holds a burning rage for him and his friends for not going along with The Prototypes control, and drives them out somewhere where he thinks they'll be safe. But he then told them that he couldn't go with them, because as the leader of the Smiling Critters, and holding a deep love for his friends, he felt the need to sacrifice himself so they can be safe.
Once they were away, he goes and finds CatNap. Since I believe that DogDay was once a worker for Playtime Co., I don't think he remembers his past. Therefore, he truly believes that he is DogDay, and that the Smiling Critters, including CatNap, have been friends for a lifetime. He believes that his friend is still in there, not seeing the fact that CatNap remembers exactly who he is and how he became this way, including why he worships The Prototype. DogDay tries to convince CatNap to remember all the good times they had (even though, with the Big Bodies version of the cast, CatNap was particularly distant from the rest of the Smiling Critters, since I assume they're also workers). Of course, this doesn't work, and CatNap attempts to kill him.
However, I believe that DogDay had escaped and went to look for his friends once he was at a safe distance. But this is FAR after the events of his friends' deaths, so one by one he comes across his friends' corpses, personally seeing the horrors of after The Hour of Joy "I'm...the last of the Smiling Critters...." (what he says before his own death)
After years of losing so much hope, seeing that none of his friends survived the horrors of the factory, DogDay doesn't see the point in trying to escape. If his friends didn't make it, what was the point? And, during his most vulnerable, this is how CatNap eventually ends up finding him. He gained some sick pleasure into see this heretic suffer, but he felt that he needed more misery, by kidnapping him and torturing him by cutting off his legs and feeding them to the mini critters, and stringing him up in the prison where he's slowly eaten by The Prototype's worshippers.
Still, he holds onto what sanity he has left from his interactions with Poppy (who I believe he ran into while he was wandering the Factory), and believed that an angel will bring them salvation.
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
That's about it! Hope you guys enjoyed!!
~ 💜🌙 ~
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melissa-titanium · 2 days
for character headcanons tome ^_^
i like to imagine tome as a relatively tall person. like maybe a few inches shorter than me... 5'7 ? shes very lanky. i think she had a little bit of a growth spurt once she hit like. lets say 12 or 13 and just shot the fuck up. then stopped. shes still tall just not crazy tall.
i LOVE masc presenting nonbinary tome but i feel like. idont know i feel like shes more. androgynous leaning does that make sense. her gender is weird girl but not a "girl" do you get me. she likes 2 wear skirts & jewelry & goes by ms over mx or mr . her pronouns r weird as hell too shes got the motherfucking zleep/zlorp it/its zhe/her all the neos all the xenogenders you get me ?
also. lesbian. duh. but also . i want to talk about it because it very much interests me. i def think shes ace because i hit every character i like with the ace beam but iiii. dont see her as aro? as much as i love aroace hcs i feel like it doesn't fit tome . at most i could see her on the aro spectrum..... i could totally see greyromantic tho maybe. but also specifically i dont think i could see her using orientation-specific labels, only gender labels. like she would call herself gnc/andro & specify her pronouns & list her most prominent xenogenders but when you ask about her orientation shes like. Girls 👍
ok now that gender is out of the way. smiles
i lik 2 explore her dynamic with takenaka & i think alot of people do honestly LOL. initially of course takenaka feels like a little bit of bitterness towards her because he understands she'd probably see him as nothing more than a guinea pig for her obsessions. but post telepathy arc i think they get along more cause he understands her way of thinking and fears & she understands that he (and others) actually DO care. i like to think they hang out & he manages to read her really well after a while without even needing telepathy.
i think she plays mhfu. i think this because i'm autistic leave me alone. tri ultimate makes more sense considering it was the most recent game to come out at that time but also it's got the smallest monster roster of any of the games, so mhfu it is. i think she'd main insect glaive (having essentially a telepathic communication with a little insect friend is such a cool idea to her) and her favorite monster would be yama tsukami. yama is literally perfect. it's outlandish, has a completely unique skeleton from any other monster in the games (save for yama kurai who was technically not a canon monster because it only existed in frontier) and it is quite literally an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. she would think that's rad as hell, and be very sad that it's not a popular monster (only solidifying her concept of isolation/alienation from her peers, liking things that are unusual to enjoy)
a weird hc i always had for her. i think she plucks out her eyebrow hairs so they r a little patchy almost? i knew someone who used 2 do that when i was younger and i think its something she would have done . speaking of hair she definitely cuts her own hair. SOMETHING TELLS ME SHE HAS PROBABLY TRIED TO DYE IT BEFORE. it didnt go well. her hair has never been the same
i think she's a big fan of new sensory experiences. that is a stim toy bitch if i ever saw one. i think she likes the textures most people find uncomfortable, like sandpaper or scratchy textures . not a picky eater but has a general preference for crunchy/hard stuff over things that melt in her mouth does that make sense ... i think her least favorite food is cotton candy. idk what her fave food is because my food knowledge is limited to bangladeshi cuisine and white people food (save me) but if i think of anything ill edit this. i actually implemented this into my design for her but she has alien earrings and they r kinda squishy. i think she messes with them when shes bored
shes dexterous as fuck with her hands. she could totally learn to shuffle a deck of cards fast as hell or play the shell game (cup shuffle) if she had interest in physical games. i think once she started working at s&s and really getting along with the rest of the Gang she would start playing card games & they always ask her to shuffle. not even reigen does it as well. years of gaming has trained tomes hands to levels not even reigen could dream of reaching
i think she'd be some kind of translator/ambassador... a high standing position based on middle-man communication. a linguist maybe? i think her obsession with the supernatural would eventually leave her down the path of like, culture study, to learn more about different regions mythical creatures. i also really like the post-canon ideas where she works with mezato as an investigator, WHICH ACTUALLY ACTS AS A SEGUE INTO MY NEXT HC
i think her and mezato would get along so well. its such a shame we never get a proper interaction between them. obviously their only canon interactions are accompanied by shigeo in which both of them r trying to grab his attention in some way and theres a little bit of conflict in that (tome realizing shige is a little uncomfortable with mezato pestering him about the cult & swooping in to give him an out) but i think if they genuinely decided 2 meet up and hang out they'd be a force to behold . girls who are wildly enthusiastic about their particular craft who seem to be somewhat outcasted even from their peers who hold similar interests. mezato being the most interested member of the journaling club & tome being the only person in the telepathy club who actually gives a fuck about telepathy!!!!! the thing about mezato though is that i dont think she is self conscious in the way that tome is. tome's like. worried about taking up others' time with her own interests that she clearly is the only one interested in. she thinks she should be grateful that they're even listening to her (atleast thats what i gathered from takenaka's reading of her thoughts during telepathy arc) and that no one but her truly gives a shit about the things she's into. and i dont have a firm grasp on mezato's character, but i think shes something of an inverse of tome in that sense. mezato's more confident about her interests, as well as being more confident in parading it around maybe. so i think they'd get along by being inverses of eachother. im not confident in describing mezato so i hope you kind of get what im saying
ok wow i got off track. i think she's one of those kids who had like a crazy amount of allergies when they were younger but eventually they faded as they got older. shes totally allergic to cats.
she . in the best way that i could possibly muster. feels like a middle child. she feels like someone who has a shit ton of siblings/lives with a big family does this make sense. i think she'd have like two older brothers and a little brother. am i insane can anyone else sense this.
okay i ran out of shit to say theres probably more but . coughs and dies. tome i love you
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tom-is-online · 7 months
I got very bored soooooooooo I gave each character a sonic song to rep them cuz bus rides home are boring and i need mental stimulation
GROUP THEME : Reach for The Stars - Sonic Colors
ICHIKA HOSHINO : With Me - Sonic and the Black Knight
She would fuck up the guitar so fuckin hard with his shit shed go so hard its unreal Ichika With me cover when
SAKI TENMA : End of Summer - Sonic Runners
Criminally underated sonic ost and the PIANO its just her. If you put this in the bg of one of her events NOBODY would question it.
HONAMI MOCHIZUKI : Windy Hill Zone 1 - Sonic Lost World
She'd have a blasty playing the drums to this I think, she can include the whole band on there theyd love it
SHIHO HINOMORI : Ocean View: Lap Music - Team Sonic Racing
Tell me Shiho wouldnt love this, Shiho has TSR on her switch and plays it with everyone else after practice. Also its a remix of you can do anything and i think Shiho would know this info and sing along. also the bass in some of the areas goes v hard
GROUP THEME : Follow me - Theme of Team Rose - Sonic Heroes
MINORI HANASATO : Believe in Myself - Sonic Adventure 2
Minori Hanasato would love Tails the Fox they would be best friends and they would fly so far and so high and they would talk about their fav blue ppl and be best friends.
HARUKA KIRITANI : Quartz Quadrant - "G" MIX - Sonic CD
It's just a very nice song i think she'd like it a lot :) and sometimes thats reason enough
AIRI MOMOI : Tropical Resort Act 2 - Sonic Colors
You could also convince me this is BGM music for the actual game if i didnt know better lmaoo
SHIZUKU HINOMORI : Apotos - Night - Sonic Unleashed
One of the chillest sonic songs and the best chill sonic song and i am going to learn it on my guitar if it kills me. Oh yea also Shizuku would like it i think :p
GROUP THEME : Escape from the City - Sonic Adventure 2
KOHANE AZASAWA : Look-a-Like - Sonic the Hedgehog OVA
This might not be from the games but I think she'd love this shit, esp this cover of it cuz I say so also the cover just fucks lmao ALT : A New Day - Sonic Rush (she'd like it :]. and VBS would also just love sonic rush in general I think A new day would replace escape from the city if that just wasnt a funny thing for it to be for their theme.)
AN SHIRAISHI : Radical City : Living in The City - Sonic R
I should not have to explain this to you, its radical city what more do you want from me? money? well you cant have it.
AKITO SHINONOME : Find Your Flame - Sonic Fronteirs
Ok so. IDK if this is a hear me out or not but like, read the lyrics and look me in the eyes thats not just him. You can't I will not accept that. ALT - SPEED HIGHWAY CASH CASH REMIX - Sonic Generations
It's got Piano, its got electronic. It's like Rad Dogs with extra steps
GROUP THEME : Friends - Sonic Mania
TSUKASA TENMA : Lights, Camera, Action! - Studiopolis Zone Act 1 - Sonic Mania
Do i need to explain?
EMU OTORI : Palmtree Panic - Sonic CD
"dodododododo! WOOO! YEAHHHH!!!!!" - Emu Otori
NENE KUSANAGI : Join us 4 Happy Time... For Chao Garden - Sonic Adventure
Nene has an ungodly ammount of hours in the chao garden, you cannot convince me otherwise
RUI KAMISHIRO : Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania
Do i need to explain?
GROUP THEME : Dreams of An Absolution - Sonic 06
KANADE YOISAKI : Area Planet Wisp - Sonic Colors
You will now come to find that Sonic X Niigo is. REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DO. LIKE seriously. I just picked some pretty songs so if anyone wants to rb and pick some better ones be my guest lmaoo
MAFUYU ASAHINA : Aquatic Base (Level 1) - Sonic the Hedgehog
Oooooo mystery oooooooo scaryyyy, idk why i picked it it just feels right to me
ENA SHINONOME : Sea Bottom Segue - Sonic Lost World
The vibes are there? do you get the vision?
MIZUKI AKIYAMA : Fly in the Freedom - Sonic Adventure 2
I have no fucking reason for this I just think they would like it a lot and I have no better ideas besides like. Twinkle park??
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