#they really said “just for extra measure.”
thebirdandthebee · 2 days
Morning Snack | Aemond Targaryen
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This is my first time writing in the House of the Dragon universe, so please be kind! Don't expect perfect historical accuracy - but I just love this character so much.
featuring | Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen x Reader
length | 1k words (a shorty!)
synopsis | You're worried about your shape, and your husband's lack of worry about his.
warnings | 18+ MDNI! Fluff + implied smut
One thing that drove you mad about your husband was just how often he could eat. That is, eat and maintain his lithe figure. Sure, he was in the training yard every day, keeping his shape inadvertently, as it was clear he never once had to think about the harsh pull of a corset, but you were certain he could eat more in one day than some homes ate in a week.
It wasn’t uncommon to see the Prince walking the halls of the Red Keep with an apple in his hand, or reaching for a sweet in his pocket.
Aside from snacks, he would quietly and cleanly go through two, three, sometimes four plates of food at supper - the cook prepping and preparing extra venison just for the second son.
When the two of you would take dinner in your bedchambers, there was often a small, second table brought in to hold plates as they normally would not fit on your given space.
Only once and a while, as you ran into your husband throughout the grounds, would you catch just a crumb or two on his black doublet - a sure sign he’d been ordering shortbread to his meeting room during the day.
Besides the fact that you hadn’t seen his measurements change in the 16 months you’d been betrothed and married, there were no obvious signs of his intake.
Today, as your ladies in waiting braced a foot up on the bedpost to pull your laces tighter and tighter, the sight of Aemond’s keen eye scanning a selection of cheeses from your tea table nearly sent you into a frenzy.
“Thank you,” you grimaced before dismissing your ladies maids for the morning - now that you’d been picked, prodded and parsed away into a cascade of deep emerald velvet.
“Thought I’d join you for tea, my love,” Aemond said quietly, just barely breaking eye contact with the spread of fruit, cured meat and treats alongside the soft cheeses on the hutch near your common area.
“Oh really? Because you missed my company?” You supplied, striding across the room, sure you could feel your ribs straining beneath the whelped whale bone stitched into your garments.
“I always enjoy your company, sweet wife,” Aemond assured, raising his look to meet yours, but hand still hovering over a particularly ripe looking apricot.
“Are you sure you aren’t just here for the tea? I can excuse myself so you can be alone with your meal,” you tossed him a look that he nearly missed because he was sure he saw his favorite jam preserves tucked into the display that he hadn’t seen available for a few weeks.
“Mm?” He asked, turning his head to look up at you one more time.
“You make me mad, do you know that?” You asked, coming to stand in front of him with a small furrow between your brows.
“Mad?” Aemond asked, tossing a small berry into his mouth.
“You are here for the food!” You all but snarled, causing his brow to lift just slightly in surprise. 
“Is something the matter?” He asked, turning his shoulders squarely to face you.
“You get to eat and eat and eat all day long,” you huffed, turning and crossing the room once again to pour a glass of incensed water into your empty cup. “How can you eat so much and yet your body never changes? Not even a bit?” You asked. 
Aemond was at a loss for words. He was certain he didn’t eat that much.
“If I have one more sweet than veg at dinner, I can feel on my thighs for the next six weeks!” You knew you were bordering on hysteria at this point. “I watched you eat six tarts last night.” You pointed an accusatory finger at your husband. “Six!”
“They were very good tarts, plums are finally back in season,” Aemond countered, not sure why his little wife was throwing a fit over his tea.
You crossed the rooms again, cradling his sharp jaw in your hands, arms accounting for the height difference between you two.
“I am deeply in love with you, and I deeply resent how you can maintain your figure and eat until your heart’s content,” you said sternly. Aemond noted the slight sweetness of honeysuckle on your breath. “I am… envious,” you admitted softly.
“I assure you,” Aemond began, “your body leaves me wanting for nothing,” he informed. “I’m quite attached to all parts of it and hope none of them disappear,” he said, unruffled by your outburst.
“Well they will,” you huffed, dropping your arms and placing your hands on your waist. “I need to shed these hips and thighs, so I’m telling cook no more sweets at dinner or tea,” you said pointedly, turning away from your husband and crossing the room again to grab your cloak.
“No sweets?” Aemond’s face reflected an expression of disgust. “That simply won’t work for me,” he replied. 
“No sweets,” you reiterated. Aemond set down the halved peach he’d absentmindedly picked up as you were speaking and strode across the room, placing his hands on your waist over your clock.
“My love, I need my sweets the same way I need you,” he murmured in your ear, causing you to puff out a sarcastic laugh.
“Oh really? You can’t live without them?” You asked, spinning in his hold.
Aemond took a deep breath, drawing his arms tightening around you as he spoke with clear authority.
“Your hips and thighs happen to be my favorite bits,” he began, “and if you take them from me the same way you plan to take my sweets, I will take it as a personal affront.”
“Aemond, the other ladies of court - ”
“Frankly, I don’t care about the other ladies of court and neither should you,” he interrupted. “You are a Princess and if anything, they should strive to be more like their rulers.” He held a finger to your lips. “Now that I’ve finished my snack, let me move on to my next favorite thing to eat."
Please let me know if you'd be interested in reading any more Aemond content :)
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redrose10 · 8 hours
#9 from the picture game!
Warnings: None
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You sat at your computer screen anxiously waiting for your husband to answer your call. He was touring on the other side of the world and you might’ve missed him just a tiny little bit.
Finally after what felt like forever he picked up.
He didn’t say anything. Just sat staring at the screen. This was the eighth time you had called in the last four hours. The thing about Yoongi is he will always answer your call as long as he’s not performing or in an interview or something similar. And you knew that and would occasionally use it to your advantage.
Like right now when you called to ask him a question that you already knew the answer to. “Y/N,”, he said softly.
Not babe, baby, jagiya, kitten. Just your name. You knew he was getting frustrated maybe even a little annoyed so this was going to have to be the last time you called him.
“Ummm do you know where our measuring cups are? I want to bake some cookies and can’t find them.”, you asked rather shyly because you knew exactly where they were. The cookies were already made and cooling on a rack in the kitchen.
Yoongi licked his lips, “They should be in the drawer next to the spoons. If they’re not there then just let me know and I’ll order a new set and have them rush delivered.”
That was just like Yoongi. Even though he was exhausted and frustrated with you he would still go out of his way to make sure you were taken care of no matter what.
“Thanks Yoongs. I’ll check there. Get some sleep. I love you.”
“I love you too.”, he said before quickly ending the call.
You closed the laptop and slid it under the bed not wanting to be tempted to call him again. You were already pushing your luck.
Instead you did some laundry, straightened up the apartment, made lunch. You felt like hours had gone by so you grabbed the laptop excited to call Yoongi again as he should be awake by now.
Much to your dismay though the clock showed that barely two hours had passed. You closed the laptop and walked over to the bed.
“I can’t call him again. He needs to sleep.”, you sighed.
Maybe laying in the bed was a bad choice because the sheets still smelled faintly of him, only making you miss him more.
You tried to hold out as long as you could which ended up only being at extra twenty minutes before excitingly running over to your desk.
You waited and waited and finally Yoongi’s face popped up on the screen. His eyes were barely open and his hair was a mess. You had clearly woken him out of a deep sleep and you felt awful.
This time he didn’t even speak. He just sat there and stared at the screen.
You could feel your emotions starting to bubble up. Your bottom lip began to shake.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay Y/N. What do you need this time? Find the measuring cups?”, he asked.
You nodded, “Yeah I made double chocolate chip cookies.”
He nodded but remained silent.
“Umm I just…I”, you said fidgeting with a loose thread in your tshirt.
Yoongi stayed silent as he waited for you to continue.
So you said, “I was just wondering…If there was a zombie apocalypse and I got bit would you still love me even though I was a zombie?”
You saw him swallow thickly. He used his elbow to prop up his head and leaned forward to get a closer look. His eyes squinted at you and his eyebrows furrowed. His mouth stayed slightly agape. He didn’t speak. He looked like he was in shock, maybe a tad disgusted.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I just miss you a lot. I won’t bother you again and I’ll try to change so I don’t do this again. Go get some sleep and call me when you wake up.”, you said feeling ridiculous before quickly ending the call.
You sat staring out the window for a few a moments trying to think of something to distract you. Your phone vibrated on the desk.
Your heart swelled and your cheeks hurt from how hard you smiled.
A text from Yoongi,
“I’d build you a really nice cage where I could keep you and still come visit you from afar because yes I would still love you even if you turned into a zombie. But I love you more just the way you are now so please don’t change, especially into a zombie because I like kissing you too much and I don’t want to give that up.”
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morphestic · 7 months
I really love how Soukokus only solution to waking up an unconscious Sigma is slamming him 10 hundred times on the ground. When he clearly has a stab wound.
Whatever happened to logical thinking.
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seiwas · 1 year
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₊˚⊹。take my time (i’ll spend it all on you) | gojo satoru
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wc: 1.6k
summary: gojo sees you in lingerie for the first time. 
contains: f!reader, suggestive almost nsfw (they make out… maybe a bit steamy), 18+ just in case, reader is in lingerie, shy feelings!! gojo down bad!!
a/n: i hc that the first time gojo sees you in lingerie, it’s like seeing you walk down the aisle—he’s a bit sappy like that! i also think that he’d love seeing his lover in pink! idk! it’s just the vibes! (col reader would look cute in pink too i think hehe complements the personality!); takes place later on, around col #4 (wip)
collection masterlist: conversations on love 3.5b. —will i ever bring you peace? <- you are here -> +04b (extra). if you're ready (let me) + 04. these traces of love, they outline you
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There are few things in life that have earned Gojo’s double take: 
A sign for a newly-opened gelato shop with ‘exclusive flavors for the first 30 customers!’ written in fine print; Megumi, back in middle school, being confessed to with a sweetly handcrafted box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day; a small cut, right at the tip of his nose from that time you sparred with him and he let you get too close (or so he says). 
And now you. 
In something pink—
—that if he backtracks just a bit, steps one foot behind the other to glance again at the space left open by the bedroom door, and squints—
He’s certain, 200% sure. 
It’s lingerie. 
He blinks once, twice, rubs at his eyes even as his mind attempts to catch up to whatever it is–you–he just saw. This must be what wires feel when they short circuit. 
You know he’s home, right? You have to, you just told him to rinse the dishes after snacking.
And he was in the middle of doing that—walking across your apartment from couch to kitchen, stopping only to do a double take at the sight of pink in his periphery, at you, once he looked again, clearly. 
Or were you doing this on purpose? Did you want him to see you? 
He gulps, warmth spreading from the tips of his ears down to his neck, lingering. 
There’s only one way to find out, really. 
He walks down the hallway leading to the bedroom, keeping his footsteps light so as to not startle you.
If he’s being honest right now, his mind is full to the point of feeling empty—too many thoughts swirling around the fact that behind this very door, he’s about to find you in pink lingerie. 
And when he takes a deep breath, fingertips pushing on wood very slightly as he calls out, “Bab—“
“S’toru!” you squeal from the other side, panicked as you instantly push it back closed.
So you didn’t do it on purpose. 
“Sorry, give me a minute!” you call out, and he can hear your footsteps from the other side, frantically walking around for what he can assume is you looking for something to cover yourself with. 
But he doesn’t want that. 
Not when he already has the visual of you, pretty in what he suspects is pink lace.
Not when the way you said ‘S’toru’ sounded so much like ‘‘Toru’, your ‘‘Toru’, the way you usually say it pressed against bed sheets, under him, expression blissed out from—
Do you have any idea what that does to him? 
“Are you wearing lingerie?” 
You freeze. Gojo can tell from the other side of the door, and you think, damn it, because he isn’t supposed to know you bought a set, much less see you in it. Not yet. 
You could try to lie, but Gojo always sees through you, through every change in inflection, the way your eyebrow twitches before speaking. 
“Can I come in?” he asks softly, almost hesitantly. 
How can you possibly resist him when he speaks to you like this? Asking permission as if this space you live in isn’t as much his?
You sigh, flustered at being caught this way, “Can you close your eyes first?” 
He follows, laying one hand over his eyes for good measure before knocking on the door. You open it slowly, wood creaking as he steps inside. 
You feel a little naked right now despite how he isn’t even looking your way, opting to face the side opposite from where you’re standing. It’s on purpose, you know, he can tell where you are—Six Eyes and all. 
There’s a smile that he’s hiding, biting his lower lip to stop it from showing. His toes are wiggling from the excitement coursing through him.
You know Gojo will like you in anything; in fact, he’s made it very clear that he prefers you in nothing—but still. Your stomach feels queasy and you can’t get rid of how nervous you’re feeling. 
And you guess, it’s really just because this was meant to be a surprise for him—the design you’ve chosen, how it looks on your body, how it looks to him, especially. You’d ordered the lingerie set months in advance to leave a lot of time for returns, whether it turned out ill-fitting or just unflattering.
You didn’t expect him to catch a glimpse of it now, months before his birthday, before you were even ready. 
“I’m waiting…” he teases, voice sing-song in that way he usually does to annoy you. It always makes you smile though, and it’s an odd form of comforting with how it dulls your jitters right now, just a little bit.
“Okay, you can look.” 
As soon as he turns, you squeeze your eyes shut, hands on your sides as you fiddle with your fingernails. Seeing, knowing his reaction in real time is still nervewracking, regardless of every reassurance you tell yourself—because, what if this is the off-chance that you’re wrong, and he doesn’t like it? 
Or worse: what if he has to pretend he likes it?
You frown a bit—it doesn’t help at all that Gojo isn’t saying anything.
How can he, when there are no words, no adjectives, no possible descriptions to articulate what he’s seeing—what he’s feeling?
If he didn’t die then, in every instance he’s brushed with death: by Toji’s hands, locked up inside that box, in that final moment with Sukuna, nearly halved—
He thinks he might have just died right now. 
Because this? You? In lingerie as pink as all he’s feeling—his cheeks, his nose, flushing down his neck, maybe even his chest if it were exposed. 
It’s heaven. 
You’re a sight. 
While Gojo has certainly seen you in much less, and done with you things much more than just stand with you like this, he’s never seen you in lingerie.
And you’re so pretty. Sexy. All his, he can’t believe it.   
He’s noticing all the little details on it–on you–its shade, almost salmon with a bit of baby pink; its material: sheer net as the base for everything—it’s practically see-through save for the delicate floral lace running across the bra cups and panty front.
The set itself is nice, sure, but he knows he only likes it this much because it’s on you. And he knows he’ll always like anything on you. 
The heat in his stomach is building, spreading, to the single part of him that—
“Is it that bad?” you scrunch your nose, eyes still closed. He looks at you confused, before he realizes: he hasn’t said anything.
He chuckles and you open your eyes, pouting. 
And God, he wishes you didn’t do that. That look on your face—what it does to him.
“I ordered it in advance for your birthday,” you start, pout deepening as you ramble on, “it was supposed to be a surprise, but if you don’t like it, I can still–” 
That’s enough. 
He can’t believe that you actually think he doesn’t like it. 
Gojo steps into your space, close enough to grab you by the waist as his other hand reaches up to slot itself in the area between your ear and your jawline, tilting your head up slightly as he leans in to kiss you. 
It’s rushed at first, almost desperate—hungry, the way he releases his breath only to take you in; your lips, soft in the way he knows them to be, his hand on your waist squeezing. Your fingertips trail to his cheek, almost cupping as his kisses turn deeper, more languid, lips moving against yours slowly, savoring. 
Gojo is a fast learner, and he shows it best in the way he kisses you, as if he’s memorized every way to build that familiar heat within you. You lay your other hand against his chest, gripping at the fabric of his t-shirt as he pulls you closer. 
You bite his lip and suck, just a little bit, the way he likes it, and he moans, lowly, vibrations rippling through your mouth as he holds you steady. He’s hard already; you can feel it pressing against your lower belly. 
And you realize, as a small laugh tears itself away from you, how ridiculous it was for you to even worry. 
You break the kiss, leaning your forehead against his as you keep your noses touching. It’s impossible to tell how Gojo looks, but you have a hunch with how he’s breathing so heavily; the skies in his eyes must be darker, almost gray, turned on by desire—the same one settling deep in your stomach, aching, needy. 
“It’s perfect,” he whispers, lips grazing yours. He traces hearts by your shoulder, something born out of the many times you’ve lain in bed together, playing with the strap of your bra before pulling, a short snap! as he lets go. 
“You like it?” you whisper back, a lilt in your tone, teasing. Your fingers come up to trace his lips and he holds them in place, nipping. 
“Mhm,” he grins, smoothing his hand over the lace details on your bra, his thumb rubbing, “so pretty.” 
He leans in again, a small peck, before asking, “Does this mean I can get my gift now?” 
You laugh, hitting his chest, “It’s not your birthday yet!” 
“Yeah, but what is time anyway?” 
And you know, with the way he’s trailing kisses down your neck, licking and sucking—you’re going to have to find another thing to surprise him with on his birthday. 
Later that evening, with your head lying right on his chest, you remember. 
“Oh yeah, the set also came with one of those belt things. Garter, I think? But I wasn’t sure if you’d be into–” 
You’ve never seen Gojo get up from bed faster.
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thank you notes: for that anon that asked about whether col reader wears lingerie! + @stellamancer @soumies @crysugu for validating me that pink is in fact col reader's colour ᰔ i also just luv u guys 🥺
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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Eddie blinks. Once. Twice. And a third time for good measure. The scene before him doesn't change. Steve Harrington stands off to the side of the lunch table, behind Jeff and Frankie who have both gone still as statues like they think if they don't move, King Steve won't see them.
"Uh, what?" Eddie finds himself saying, against his own will. He heard Harrington the first time, doesn't need or want him to repeat himself, but his disbelief seems to have won out against his grudge for all jocks and his indifference to Steve Harrington in particular.
Harrington's face pinches, like he's three seconds away from rolling his eyes. He doesn't do that, though, which Eddie will give him one brownie point for. "I asked if you had a minute to talk." Eddie's taking away his brownie point because Steve 'asks' in a way that sounds more like a demand.
Hearing the question and or demand a second time doesn't lower Eddie's hackles, but it does pique his curiosity. He drums his fingers atop his lunchbox, thinking it over. He wishes he could say he's pretending to think about it before he tells Harrington to fuck off, but the truth is he actually is thinking about it.
What could Harrington possibly have to say to him? They very much do not run in the same circles. Eddie only talks business at the picnic table past the edge of the woods out back and everyone who buys from him knows that. They share several classes, since they're both seniors, but everyone knows Eddie's on a track to not graduate (again) so he can't possibly be coming to discuss Mrs. Click's homework assignment.
"Sure. Should we go elsewhere or...?" Eddie trails off, lifting a hand to wave in a circle in Steve's direction, questioning.
Steve looks over his shoulder, back towards the side of the cafeteria taken up by the 'popular' crowd. When Steve turns his face back, he looks- well, kind of sad for a moment before it's smoothed over with indifference.
"No. It's probably good that the rest of your friends hear it anyway," Steve answers.
Jeff's eyebrows rise to his hairline, and Frankie frowns as his eyebrows raise at the same time, showing an expression of interest. Eddie's got no idea what Gareth's face is doing because Eddie can't see him unless he wants to turn his face away, but he's certain it's probably a glare of some sort.
Eddie leans back in his chair, wiggling like he's getting extra comfortable before he says, "Well, alright Harrington. Shoot."
"I'm graduating this year, so I just wanted to give you a heads up for next year. I tried to curb the bullying, but I know it still happened. So, since I'm not going to be here to watch out for that, you're gonna wanna up your," Steve gestures to all of Eddie, "everything."
He knew Steve curbed the bullying a bit, heard the confirmation of that last year from Jason Carver and Tommy Hagan, when he'd stepped in to save Gareth. Or rather, Gareth had come flying in to save him and then Eddie had to save Gareth- well, the details don't matter really.
"My everything?" Eddie asks, more confused than angry. He thinks he should be angry. Harrington has all but outright said he doesn't think Eddie's going to graduate with him, after all. But no. The main emotion now is confusion.
"Yeah. Your, y'know, freakinesss or whatever. Be more of it."
"Be more of a freak?" It's fascinating, that Harrington just keeps talking like he thinks anyone at this table care for his opinion.
"Yeah!" Harrington says, cheery like he thinks that Eddie's agreed with him somehow, complete with a stupid snap of his fingers that turns into a finger gun pointed at Eddie. "You've already got this like unapproachable mad dog kind of look about you, most of the JV team is already scared of you. Just like, up that a bit more and they'll probably steer clear of you and your friends." Then Harrington frowns deep, looking around the table of nerds and dorks before looking down at the top of Gareth's head to add, "well. Except probably curly here. No offense, but you seem an easy target."
"Fuck off," Gareth growls, because of everyone at the table, Gareth does have the most bite. (Most bark goes to Eddie himself). Eddie's more prone to run from a problem than engage in it, unlike Gareth, who he's had to pull off of a few people this year.
"Or not," Harrington retracts his previous statement and Eddie will grant the man another brownie point, which brings the total up to one.
"Good to know my reputation precedes me," Eddie grins, wild and a bit manic.
Harrington is unphased. "Yeah! Do that more. I think it really freaks Jason out and he's most likely to take the captain slot next year, so if you get him afraid of you, the rest of the team'll fall in line and leave you alone too. I think he's super religious, so like, lean into the satanic panic thing people are up in arms about and next year will be a breeze. And-"
Eddie lifts a hand, a motion for Harrington to stop talking. It surprised him a little that Harrington does. Even more interesting. "Stop me if I'm wrong here, Harrington, but are you suggesting that I become the bully?"
Harrington's mouth opens and closes a few times before his face pinches again. Instead of looking like he's going to roll his eyes and be bitchy, Harrington looks confused and then like he's deep in thought. An uncomfortable amount of awkward silence falls over there table, but it's just when Eddie's about to break that silence that Harrington finally speaks. "No. I'm saying just like, be you but bigger. Like, you don't even gotta look in the team's direction. If you're just more of a freak than you usually are, they'll steer clear without the bullying."
"You sure know how to compliment a guy," Eddie deadpans. He's not even upset that Steve's called him a freak. He's spent the majority of his high school career cultivating that outlook. He wasn't just a freak, he was The Freak.
Now a look crosses Harrington's face. One Eddie's not sure he's interpreting correctly. If he had to take a guess, he'd say the look was calculating, knowing, in a way that Eddie doesn't think Harrington could actually achieve. Then it's gone, replaced with the bitchy, eye-rolling look Eddie's used to seeing, and Harrington says, "I haven't said anything untrue."
Hmm. The most interesting thing yet. Eddie might not be graduating (again) but he's not dumb. He didn't survive this far in his life, with a father like his, without learning to read people. He wasn't as good as he wanted to be at reading people last year, but he's definitely good enough know to think that, maybe, just maybe, Harrington also knows a thing or two about cultivating a public perception. Making sure people only see a certain side of you.
"Alright," is what Eddie answers, "I'll take what you've said under advisement."
"Uh. Okay," Harrington says before he just walks away. Conversation over.
"Well," Jeff says, "that was strange."
"Very," Eddie agrees as he watches Harrington walk away, tracking him until the cafeteria door slams shut behind him when he exits.
Eddie has always wanted to up the ante, so to speak. Jump on a cafeteria table and rant about capitalism and organized sports. He never has before but next year seems like a great time to try.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
headcanon request: how would the jjk guys react if someone's trying to flirt with them but they're already in a relationship with their s/o?
YES i love some light jealousy teehee ___
has no chill if someone's flirting with him. or worse, he thinks someone's flirting with him, but they're just taking his order, or letting him know his shoe is untied.
he's literally "I'M MARRIED"
(for the untied shoe one, he definitely trips when he runs off)
he's so annoying abt it fr. always throwing "i have a wife" (even long before you're married) around even when unnecessary
and ppl do flirt with him, he's gojo, but sometimes... he's just a lot.
even if someone looks at him too long, he's wrapping his arm around you and loudly announcing "in front of my wife? you're lucky i'm holding her back!"
and you're just standing there bewildered with the box of cereal you were about to toss into the cart and wondering who the hell he's talking to- and when the hell did he propose??
for the most part he doesn't really notice when someone's flirting with him. i think it would take some very obvious hints.
so say someone is really trying to get him to catch on, pulling all the stops- fluttering eyelashes, unnecessary touching, one too many comments about his eyes, and finally, slipping a piece of paper into his hand with their phone number.
megumi can accidentally be a little cold.
he scowls at the phone number before crumpling the paper and dropping it.
"i don't want that," he's completely expressionless when he speaks, and honestly, the flirt-er is lucky he said anything at all rather than straight up walking away. "i have a girlfriend"
and then he walks away.
and when he meets up with you again he's a little more affectionate than usual, holding you a little longer, pulling you closer when you settle on the couch or bed or wherever, kissing you a few extra times for good measure.
don't get him wrong, it's not out of guilt or anything. he just wants you to know that he thinks of you when you're apart, and that he appreciates and loves you to death. nothing could ever change that.
i don't often add him to my brainrot posts but i SHOULD and i had the most brilliant thought for him specifically
if he's getting hit on, he'll shut it down casually enough, and just blatantly tell them they're not his type.
and then he'll just start listing everything about you. and lover boy is BABBLING ok, no one could shut him up
he's describing your hair your eyes your nose your hands your style- and once he gets thru the physical stuff, it gets random
he's talking about your hobbies, your weird interests or collections, how sometimes you're a bad driver but you try your best lmfao he gets on such a tangent i don't think he'd even realize his tactic for defusing the flirting is just confusing the other person to the point of no longer wanting to give him their number
and once he's done with his dreamy little speech, he just goes "like my partner!!" all excited and bubbly
he's always rushing off to meet up with you then, having got himself so eager to be around you some more
he's polite, but firm. he can also be a little quick to say he's taken, but it's only because he wants to let people down easy!
he's very kind when urning down phone numbers or flirty advances, always giving a gentle smile and saying no thank you, or actually i have a girlfriend. and he never apologizes when he says the second one, but that doesn't mean he's cruel! he's just thoughtful and respectful of you!
yuuta's a total gentleman.
but. god forbid. if he gets one of those nasty ppl that pull the "your girlfriend doesn't have to know" bullshit. oh boy. he does not handle that well.
toxic!yuuta jumps out a little!!
for as polite as he can be, he can get nasty when provoked just right, and someone disrespecting you? his beloved?
first it's a lecture- how dare you suggest such a thing? do you often try to break up people's perfect love lives?
then it's standing up for your honor- do you know how wonderful and lovely my partner is? you couldn't even understand the lengths that their radiance extends to. this part usually gets a little messy. he can get carried away when talking about you.
and lastly, he gets personal. deeply. personal. if they're having a not-so-great hair day, or if their attempts at slipping him their number were particularly weak, he's pouncing on that. he sniffs out weakness like a goddamn Chivalrous Boyfriend Bloodhound and sinking his claws in. i think yuuta could be really mean if he wanted to.
but that's kinda hot tho
definitely the funniest of all of them. bcuz if he's getting hit on, he kinda just... stands there.
sure, he could play it off like he doesn't understand what they're saying, or even type a little note in his phone saying he has a partner... but...
toge definitely prefers to stand there, completely blank faced, and stretch out the discomfort as long as possible.
sometimes people just scowl and walk away, finding it rude
one time tho someone actually started tearing up and completely ran away
(you came back just as it happened, an ice cream cone in each hand and a confused look on your face. but there's no way your sweet, mute boyfriend made a person cry, right?)
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bunnys-kisses · 16 days
hi! i was wondering if i could order pull-apart bread, sweet pastry and hot cross buns, with a side of cider and chocolate milk, for sub!max verstappen? nobody really writes anything about the reader body worshiping him and his softer body, which would be nice to reassure him about. id love to hold his love handles 🥹
thank you so much in advance if you’re up for doing this! 💙
bakery menu
submissions to the bakery are open! i'm accepting them all the time, even if they take a little while to get uploaded, i am constantly working on 'em! so thank you! and for this anon! hello!!! this is amazing, what the hell! i feel the same way, folks don't really write about it in fan fics (i've seen posts wax poetically about it though). so yes, this was awesome to write! thank you <333
pull-apart bread ("i love you") + sweet pastry ("i'll make it all better.") + hot cross buns ("don't hide your face from me. i'd hate to have to tie you up.") + cider (body worship) + chocolate milk (tenderness) served by max verstappen (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, sub!max, body worship, tender sex, cowgirl position, bondage, praise kink, dom!reader, insecurities, love & intimacy
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it wasn't that you were going to fight people online over your boyfriend. it was a pointless endeavor to snap back at someone on twitter of all places! especially someone with a lando norris icon. but if you saw one more comment about your boyfriend's body online, you're going to kick something.
you loved max, that was why you were with him. but, you worried about him. underneath everything, there was soft center to him. and sometimes the wrong comment got through all the layers and right to the middle.
it just so happened the comments you hated the most were the ones about his body.
it was near the end of the off-season, you two had come back from a sunny trip to celebrate the time together. it left your poor boyfriend a little more pink than usual. especially around the shoulders, where he was shirtless most of the time.
you loved how he looked regardless. he was immensely strong in ways you couldn't fully grasp. you were always impressed by his ability to pick you up and kiss you. you believed that people had a skewed notion of what "hot" men should be built like. and you blamed it marvel movies and alpha male podcasts. max was not a dehydrated body builder. layered on top of the strength was a certain softness and made at the very least you drool at the sight of.
he was strong, but enjoyed food. he liked his sweets on weekends and a little extra at dinner. it didn't help with the constant weigh-ins and other measurements for formula one. so when you noticed his eyes on another cruel post online in response to a photo of him shirtless. you wanted to take that phone and toss it out the window.
you watched him turn off the screen and put the phone down on his chest. the room felt tense and your fingers went into his short hair. he tried to pull away, but with a tiny bit of force kept him close. you knew what he was thinking. just like everything else, max verstappen had crippling self-doubt.
"max. my love."
"yeah.." he said softly. the self-doubt that followed him like a shadow seemed to encrouch in his mind. you could tell even if you couldn't see his full expression.
you took the phone and placed it on the coffee table. you ran your fingers through his hair and looked down at him. fingers trailed down his jaw. "why don't we forget about that and go to the bedroom. "i'll make it all better."
you were in bed with him soon enough. he left his t-shirt and loose shorts on as your hands roamed his body. your lips on his neck, jaw and face. little unsaid promises of how handsome he was. "don't listen to them."
"what if they're right."
"when has a formula one fan ever been right about anything? you know some people online make ragebait. they're trying to get a rise out of other fans and cause in fighting."
"if i tried a little harder... i could look more like the others."
you made him look at you. his blue eyes seemed sad, like cloudy skies over a rocky shoreline. he couldn't meet your gaze, he was almost embarrassed. "max, look at me."
he made eye contact with you, "i could... if i tried."
you held his face a little tighter as he looked away. you said to him, "max, you are training all the time. you push yourself to limits that could kill many others. you work harder than a work horse with half the pay sometimes." you kissed the bridge of his nose, "i don't know who planted these ideas into your head." you had an idea, two names came to mind that made you frown. that was neither here nor there, "but, i love how you look."
his eyes shifted away from you. embarrassed. this entire thing felt embarrassing. he was insecure like a teenage girl at the moment because some random person online called him a stupid name.
"max. don't hide your face from me. i'd hate to have to tie you up." you said, trying to insert a joke to lighten the mood. you watched his demeanor shift and his eyes meet yours.
"would you.. tie me up? make me forget everything for a little bit?" he asked softly, his words almost tripped over one another. while most would've sought heavy therapy and an early retirement for their issues. max tried to cover them up, and sometimes that meant being your good boy.
"then tell me one thing, max."
"anything." he replied.
"say one nice thing about your appearance. anything. just one thing. and then i'll get what we need.' you promised, sealing it with a kiss on the cheek.
he swallowed, not knowing what to say. he shifted a little in his spot on the bed before he sighed. eventually he responded with, "my nose." he said, eyes on yours, "i like my nose. makes me stand out a little more."
you smiled a little bit and kissed him on the cheek, a gestured he melted into you. you replied, "and i love your nose too. i'm proud of you, max. good boy."
he said, "i love you."
and before you pulled away to get the roped needed for tonight, you said to him, "i love you too." then quickly ran your finger down his nose, "i love you, your nose, those eyes. every last inch of skin. your strength and your softness. it makes you perfect to me and those jealous bitches on twitter can't say anything about it." you broke into a further smile.
max chuckled slightly, he found you language amusing. the internet was troll heaven, but sometimes he needed his guiding light to not get himself sucked into the chaos of his doubts. he watched you pull away from him and get off the bed. he took off his shirt and shorts, he tried not too think too hard, but rather keep his eyes on you.
when you went to the dresser to find what you needed, he propped himself against the rod-iron headboard. usually he didn't like them, but when he discovered his affection for bondage early into your relationship, the headboard was perfect to keep him bound.
you returned to the bed, placing the two pieces of rope down onto the bed before you started to strip out of your clothes. once naked you got into bed with him. your hands roamed his chest and straddled his waist.
"you're so handsome, max. jesus christ. look at you." you smiled down at him. skin so soft, he was just perfect and you couldn't believe it. you rubbed up against him a little more and explored his torso with your hands, you watched him squirm a little under your touch. he shuddered a little. 
  “i'm not that-"
  “max verstappen. shush. i don't want to hear it.” you rubbed up against the bulge in his briefs. you held onto his shoulders a little as you moved. the dry humping felt good and left excitement racing through your lover, “that's it. that's my good boy.” 
he groaned a little, which only go louder when you stopped your movements to grab the ropes. he dropped his wrists to the bed and let you tie them to the bars of the headboard by the mattress. he melted a little against it while you took his cock out of his briefs.  the underwear was off him in no time and you got straddled on his waist with your hands on his shoulders once more.
you eyed him with heavy lust, “i know those idiots say that you're too fat or soft. well, i think they're blind. i think they're a whole bunch of idiots. you are perfect, turn me on every chance you get.” you took his face in your hands and kissed him as you continued to rub up against him. he panted against you when you broke the kiss soon after. 
  words of protest hung on max's tongue, but he never said anything further. this wasn't going to be a thing he could win. no matter what he said, you have a rebuttal. it was a losing battle, so he'd simply have to put his trust into you. if you found him hot beyond words, then you'd have to listen. but the fight was fully gone when you seated yourself onto his cock, then sank down on it to the base. he yanked against the ropes a little bit and found euphoria in the knowledge that you tied the ropes just as he liked them. tightly.
  “planning to fight against them, max?" you asked as you raked your fingers down his pale chest, "you wouldn't do that, would you? because you're my good boy! my handsome good boy. with those dazzling eyes and stunning laugh. when you smile i'm in heaven. especially when yo let me make both of us feel good. 
he shook his head, his cheeks grew hot from your gaze on him. if he was hot, then you were gorgeous. you were an inferno made human. the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. the kind of beauty that brought him to his knees. he breathed heavily as the pleasure started to build in the bottom of his gut. his cock twitched a little bit the more you rode him. 
he loved being at your mercy, under your thumb in a sexual manner. he bad so many choices all day, sometimes with only seconds to make them. so it was nice. to be in the comfort of your shared bed and letting you take what you needed from him. to give you total control. to love him, shower him in the praise he desired.  
  “i love you.” you said,
  “i love you too.” 
you started to move faster, really working your hips, making sure you could do as much as you could. you moaned a little bit and felt the stutter in your heart from the heat of everything. you pushed hair out of your face as you continued to ride him. the feeling between you two was electric. you said to him, “you're so handsome. fuck, you're perfect.” you started to move faster.
max bit back a moan but it spilled out when you crashed your lips against him. he almost whimpered from the fast speed. how good you took him. it made him clench his fists to try to compose himself. his chest rose and fell heavily he tensed up a little bit at the throb of lust in his body. you kissed him once more as you went as fast as you could go. you bounced on his cock and your nails dug into his jaw and shoulders. 
the noises between you two were erotic. it was desperate on max's end. he wanted to make you feel good while also chasing his own pleasure. he fought a little bit against constraints. he was a little jerky as he tensed up. he could feel it all crashing down on him. no longer the lingering feeling of self-doubt but rather he heat of pleasure. the need to climax. to get out of his own head with the erotic bliss. 
   “please, my love. please.” he swallowed as his back arched a little. he leaned up to give you more kisses and watched you melt against him while your hips still moved. you held his face with both hands and clenched your thighs. he made a sweet, high pitched, almost whine like noise when you pulled away.
you carded your fingers through his hair and admired those blue eyes clouded in lust. “you're perfect, max. every inch of you. every spot you hate, i love more. damn those fuckers on twitter, they don't get to see what i see. everything.” you went in for another kiss and clutched onto his shoulders tightly as you came around his cock. your back arched and max went in to kiss your collarbones with such tenderness. 
  “my good boy.” you said out of breath as you continued to move against him. your cunt clutched around him as you kept your pace steady despite the tremor in your thighs. you knew max wanted to hold onto you and work your hips up and down his cock. but, you were in control. so you examined his expressions as you continued to move. 
the kisses became sloppy once more as you brought max to his own climax. as he tensed up, he really yanked at the ropes for a good few moments before he felt all the fight leave his body. his eyes almost rolled back into his head from the head rush. he relaxed against the headboard and panted heavily. 
he looked erotic, but totally blissed out. so when you stopped your motions. you kissed him gently on the lips before you got off his cock and felt his cum run down your leg as you tried to find your panties. once they were on, you smothered him in kisses and praise as you got the ropes off of him.  you kissed his wrists and he slipped down onto the bed. the mattress felt nice against his body. he felt on cloud nine.
you rubbed his cheek for a moment with your thumb as you said, “i'm going to go get you some water. you just stay here, i'll be right back. now before i go i have to ask one thing. say one thing you like about yourself?"
he shakily exhaled while he leaned into your touch. his eyes were somewhat closed when he answered, sounding far away, “my eyes. they intimidate people. but not you. you love them.” then leaned further. 
you smiled and kissed the top of his head, “that's what i like to hear. next time i want two things before and after we have sex. got it? i'm going to make you love yourself.”
he chuckled softly, cheeks pink, “easier said than done.”
you tapped his cheek before you moved away to go get him some water. you said to him while you approached the bedroom door, “max verstappen, you know i'm as stubborn as you are. ” then left to go get him some water. you could only hope you could make a dent in healing some of his doubt issues. and while you couldn't fight people on twitter, you could kiss and love the man you called your boyfriend. <3
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
this is prolly the only fem! reader i’m ever writing with batfam in this blog. enjoy.
(implicit) yandere batfam x dommy mommy! reader
— in which these men realize you were far more than just an assistant
Galas were fun at times. But when forced to attend such repetitive events in addition to their vigilante work — well it was safe to say, it was not boding well for their sanity.
You worked as a general assistant for the BatFamily. As Alfred’s daughter, you endeavored to ease your father and his employers’s lives. You were a sweetheart. An absolute angel. The loveliest lady to ever exist.
Until you were pushed past the brink of your limits, stress wise, of course.
The whole Jason coming back from the dead and Bruce being dead took a massive blow to your sleep schedule. The boys took it as an opportunity to blur the lines between work and personal life. Slowly inserting themselves into your day to day outside of what you tirelessly scheduled for them.
So when a villain managed to break into the Batcave while you were there all on your lonesome (took a while for you to schedule every single one of them so that they’d be too busy to bother you), you didn’t take it all too kindly.
By the time the boys got back home, they were only privy to the following things
(1) You were a lot stronger than what you appeared to be. If the footage of you absolutely decimating the man wasn’t already a sure sign there was also the fact that you managed to somehow replicate a lot of the moves the boys would learn during training. Must have been something Alfred drilled into you as extra measure.
(2) You were a lot more menacing and sadistic when stressed.
The intruder looked at you with pleading eyes. His face black and blue. Could you blame yourself? You only had one night of peace and this man ruined it.
You sighed. He seemed to be incapacitated enough. Pulling out the chair to the iconic Batcomputer, you took a seat and pondered.
Bruce gave you access to all the alcohol you would need to ease the stresses of life. Might as well you shrugged.
You slowly took off the stockings Dick gifted you a while back. It was a prototype of his merch he said. You knew it was just because he really wanted to see you in fishnets. Then, you used the tip of your toe to raise the intruder’s head to face you.
You paused for a moment, remembering how Tim would often look through the cameras old footage on his free time. His overworking and stalking habits are really be something you work on.
The thought of him seeing the way you act momentarily froze you.
But the alcohol in your system begged to differ.
“Make it up to me, and I’ll let you go.”
Eh, you’ll deal with Tim and Damian scolding you for your unhealthy habits later. And your dad’s sermons on professional behavior.
And whatever mess Jason makes you clean up for the night too.
The boys watched the footage with bated breath and tighter pants at your actions. This was a side they’ve never expected from you.
You poured a drink of your choice down your thighs and legs. The liquid slowly dripped down the skin of your calves and ankles before it reached the tip of your toe.
“What kind of an assistant would I be if I didn’t give a guest a drink?”
And (3)
They would kill to be that man.
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appleblueberry-pie · 7 months
Yandere House"wife" Satoru x Reader
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Call it a happy accident, the way Satoru transitioned from being a full-time sorcerer to being the man you come home to after he does domestic chores all day. You two talked about it for a little while. There was a time when Satoru would come home late at night almost every day. And he would wind down, take a shower, crawl into the bed into your arms and just pour out his heart to you. He would say he hates his job. He hates how repetitive these days were becoming. Meetings upon meetings in the morning, and then having to exercise curses that never stood a chance for the next 6 hours. You soothed him, of course. Or at least as much as you could.
Then you proposed that maybe he starts taking days off. So you'll go to work and he'll stay home to heal his mind as much as he needs to. He would do anything for you, so of course he tries it out just to make you happy. And a few rest days turned into a few weeks. A few weeks turned into a couple of months. You don't remember the last time Satoru went to work by now, his phone blowing up every day from the people and job he kind of abandoned. He didn't care anymore.
He realized that he was happiest doing these mundane and very human tasks every day. And his motivation to keep going was just you. If he was bored, he would do the laundry that was full. I mean, the washer and dryer was just down the hall, why not? Washed the few dishes in the sink. Maybe he'll stop by the store to restock the fridge. You recognized how much of a....housewife he was being when he would retell his daily tasks to you before you two went to bed. "Oh, so I've got a little housewife now?" The neurons in his brain crackled when he heard that word escape your mouth.
You raised your eyebrow when you watched him whisper the word underneath his breath. "You alright?" No, he wasn't. Well, he felt fantastic at the thought of his only purpose being his favorite person's provider and nothing else. But other than that, not really. He shamelessly enjoys having that title over his head. So he decides to play the part.
In the morning, he'll wake up before you, stare at your beautiful face for around 10 minutes before getting up to prepare your lunch and make you breakfast. NO, he can't cook. But he does know how to follow instructions. You wrote him some recipes you loved and he takes extra care to follow every single step to the exact measurements that you want. And when you smile at the breakfast, or make that sigh of relief, his heart jumps. Want more coffee? Do you want tea instead? He could pour you a flask of hot coffee before you go. And don't forget your lunch, either. He had fun making the panda shaped molds of rice.
And when you give your kiss goodbye and he finishes begging you to stay for a mandatory 5 minutes, he begins cleaning up the kitchen. He washes the dishes and clears the laundry if there's any. Mops the bathroom and cleans the tub, toilet bowl, and sink until they're sparkly and clean. Vacuums carpets and turns on a humidifier with your favorite scent lightly wafting throughout the place. Though he usually does this 20 minutes before you come back home so the smell is fresh in your brain when you walk in the door. He checks off the grocery list, visits a few people from his hitlist that he knows either hooked up with you in the past, broke up with you, or just tried to fuck with you in general. Sold a few organs from said people from the hitlist's bodies and goes back home to clean himself up and relax.
Relax meaning checking your location every five minutes, doing a mandatory 10 minute phone call on your lunch break to either try and persuade you to skip the rest of the work day to come back home, have phone sex(you talk him through his orgasm), or just let you talk and he'll listen. After the phone call, he'll eat his first meal of the day. He knows you don't like when he doesn't take care of himself, so he eats as much as his big heart desires. Which usually consists of your scraps of breakfast and dinner that you don't finish, so it feels like you two are bonding over the same meal(even though you aren't there). He does like eating with you and next to you, but it just feels more intimate when you two eat from the same plate. By the end of his meal, he's usually rock hard and close to tears at the fact that you won't be here to help him get off again for the next few hours.
So, he takes a cold shower(or two, if it's serious(and when I say "two" I mean he hops in, finishes, and then has to go back because it rises again with a vengeance)). And after his cold shower, he goes to the gym and does his weight resistance training. He knows you love every part of his body and his beautifully sculpted muscles(your words), so he takes good care of them. Then if he has free time, he'll watch some tv, pop up at Jujutsu Tech to piss everyone off for a few minutes, buy some sweets and desserts you two can share and then go back home to take a nap.
He wakes up about 30 minutes before you come back home so he can cook dinner. You told him you wouldn't mind having something "simple" tonight. And if he thinks carefully, this could mean anything from a boiled stew to TV dinner. Based off of your tone and how you said this sentence, he'll assume you wouldn't want something crazy to eat, so he actually buys some deli sandwiches from a shop not too far away. And when you got home, had Satoru take your coat, shoes, and jacket, you told him you were actually excited to eat. "It's been a while since we went there, huh? Oh, it's still warm!" The bread was toasted the way you liked and everything in between.
You were so lucky to have this man take care of you. You told him you loved him and if there was anything he wanted in return for his hard efforts to keep you happy, you'd do it. He shyly shook his head, a small blush overcoming his soft cheeks. He finished eating his sandwich before you and you noticed how silent he went. You softly grabbed his hand and he immediately looked up at you in question. "You alright? You're being quiet." You raise your hand from his hand to wipe a bread crumb from the corner of his mouth. "Yeah......actually, no. I just miss being able to grab your ass every second of the day, because your job doesn't allow your boyfriend into the building."
"Satoru, you know I can't take work off, I have to take care of us." Satoru flails and grabs your hand. "But babe, you know I have enough money to buy us 16 houses! You don't need to work!" You roll your eyes. "Well, I don't want to be in the house all day rotting away."
"We can rot together." "No!" He's a romantic at heart. He stands to walk off at your rejection and you grab his hand to pull him back. "Baby, you know I didn't mean it like that." "But.....you said we can't rot together...." "I know, but we can just be here right now and enjoy each other. We have all night and even some time in the morning. Right?" He sighs at your words and nod. ".........why are you hard?"
"Because you noticed I was quiet." You roll your eyes. He was also an attention seeker. How could you forget. "Really?" He nods. This time, you sigh, and you walk over to the living room couch, patting your lap. Satoru happily bounces over and plops down his weight on you. "Oof!" Sitting sideways on your lap, you caress his back with one hand and palm his hard on through his jeans with the other. His body immediately relaxes underneath your touch, and you smile up at him. "My baby has been working so hard today, hm?" He nods and stares at your hand. "I'm glad you're being productive. What did you do today, Satoru?"
"Today, I cleaned up the kitchen and did the laundry.." You unbutton his pants when he starts talking. But before you pull them down, you pause. "And what else?" He realizes what you're trying to do and swallows stressfully. He just wants you to take care of him. "And I mopped in the kitchen and the bathroom. I vacuumed, too." You pull his pants down enough to pull out his rock hard cock. It was warm and heavy in your hand, the tip straining with the blood swollen up to it. It was red and glistening with pre, threatening to drip down.
You gently wrapped your hand around him, slowly jerking him up and down, and a whimper slips out his lips. "Come on, baby, keep talking." He grabs your arm that's holding his cock and grabs at the couch with his other. "Um...I also........that's it." He cuts himself off, and his eyelids flutter shut when you put a little more pressure onto your hold, your thumb swiping over his tip.
"Hm? Are you sure?" You know he cut himself off. Which only means he's hiding something from you. He nods his head in response, and you let go of him. He whines at the cold that surrounds him now and looks at you. "Whyy???" "I don't know, baby, I think you're lying to me." You give him a look of fake concern, and your hand instead travels south to very gently fondle his sack, which immediately gets him to squirm.
"I'm not!!" You scrunch your eyebrows. "Are you??" He goes silent, and you stare him deep into his eyes. He can't reciprocate the eye contact and stares at your hand. You stop touching him, and he looks back up at you with sad, glistening puppy eyes. "I went through the list." Your eyebrows shoot up before you start scolding him. "The list??? I thought I told you to get rid of that thing? Satoru." When you first moved in with one another, you found his hit list full of people you used to talk to. He planned to kill them off one by one to have you to himself. You never truly got mad at him for it, because most of those people on the list genuinely were big pieces of shits that you wanted to burn in hell.....but technically it still wasn't okay for him to just do that behind your back.
"No, please! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just-" you lightly push him off of your lap, which was basically his equivalent of being shoved off of a cliff and his heart drops when you stand up. "NO! No. Wait, baby, please. Let me make it up to you. Please don't leave me like this." He trips onto his knees but still makes record speed in crawling over to you. He grabs your closest leg and hugs it tightly. You could feel his cock(which was still out) rub against your pant leg. So dramatic, you think.
You look down at him, and he stares up at you with those stupid big blue eyes. "......" He takes your silence as his que to convince you. "I can make it better, look!" He shifts in front of you, still on his knees, and begins to unbutton and pull your pants down. You lose balance and stumble back into the dining table behind you, using it for balance as Satoru yanks down down your pants, his eyes staring at the goal.
"Satoru, what the hell are you doing?" Funny enough, your words contradict your actions, and you instinctually spread your legs farther apart for him to have more space in between. He grabs your legs and places them on top of his shoulders, and you scoot back onto the dining table for more comfort, cups and silverware clinking as you clumsily push them back.
"I can help like this." He pushes his tongue as far as he can past your lips, getting a strong first taste at your pussy. A firm and slow stripe from your hole up to your clit and you hiss, gripping onto the table. Satoru moans loudly and closes his eyes to enjoy himself as much as possible. He shifts impossibly closer to you, hugging your thighs to both sides of his face to be buried deep and makes out with your sensitive bud. You could feel him occasionally exhale his warm breath onto you before firmly flicking his tongue onto you again.
You begin whining at the waves of pleasure crashing down on you. Drool and your essence cover Satoru's chin. His cock twitches endlessly against the hardwood floor, more of his pre dripping onto it the more he gets you to moan. "Get up." His eyes snap open, and he pulls away to look up at you. Your fingers dig into his scalp, and you pull him up, earning a wince from him. He knows what you want and leans in to let you taste yourself on his tongue. In the middle of the kiss, he suddenly flinches at the feeling of your hand once again grabbing his cock. You separate the kiss and his gaze trails down to your pussy.
You took his cock head and pressed it in between your lips, rubbing it up and down against your entrance. Your eyes seemed to glisten in a way he hadn't seen in a long time and you maintained eye contact, whispering to him. "You gonna be a good boy and fuck me how I taught you?" Each word that slipped out of your lips was enough to make him insane, and he was ready to do whatever you commanded. He robotically nods and you laugh at his reaction.
You press a soft kiss to his chin, letting him spread your legs on top of the table. He softly spreads your lips and makes eye contact with your hole. Heat radiates from you and he soaks up every last bit of it. All he can see, think of, and hear is you. "Beautiful." He whispers underneath his breath. You caress his arm to snap him out of his mind and he leans down closer to you, his head now pressing to your entrance gently. "Please show me." And he takes it upon himself to shower you with the affection you deserve in hopes to satisfy you again.
Did I cook????? Cuz I feel like I wrote this way too fast.
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torialefay · 18 days
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"you've never had someone be this good to you before?"
perv!changbin x fem!reader
✨ synopsis: changbin couldn't help but to offer his services when he found out that the object of his obsessive thoughts had never been properly taken care of.
✨ word count: ~3.2k
✨ warnings: perv changbin, orgasm control, oral (fem receiving); minors DNI 🔞
✨ note: you can pop over to my masterlist & scroll toward the bottom to find the smut request info & prompts. i would love to receive some prompts that aren't strictly fem!reader (but ofc those are welcome too) <3
• you'd been friends for well over a year, yes. so how could you not have known that this entire time, changbin had been watching you?
• it had started as innocent, really. simply watching the way you walked and how your hips moved side to side with each step. he watched the way your shorts would ride up your thighs every time you sat down. he noticed the way your eyes got so big for him each time you raised your head to look up.
• and slowly, it started to drive him crazy.
• in his head, it was only natural- inevitable really. there was no harm in giving you a little bit of extra attention. nothing wrong with that.
• but before he knew it, he was going to lengths he'd never dreamed.
• friendly banter turned into more extreme measures, like him pulling you into his lap. "playfully" of course, and *not* because of the rush he got knowing that your pussy had just been resting so close to him... only thin fabric separating the two of you.
• although he would never admit it to anyone, he'd secretly taken photos of you. any time you were sitting in your chair, legs wrapped behind the chair legs, which made your ass stick out perfectly in his view. any time your top was low-cut enough to make out the lines between your breasts. any time you were innocently sucking up your drink, licking your lollipop, or licking your lips. he always had his camera at the ready, meticulous in making sure the flash had been turned off. he'd never blow his cover so carelessly.
• he'd "accidentally" drop things next to you just so he could bend down close to you and savor the sight as he came back up. your legs... they looked so soft. he wondered if a day would ever come that you would let him touch them... willingly.
• he'd even go as far as to say something spilled in the seat you were about to go to, so he could lay his jacket down for you to sit on and collect your scent for later.
• when he could finally be alone at the end of the day, he'd make sure he had all of his prized possessions out before he got to work on himself. the photos of you pulled up on his phone. his jacket held up to his face so he could take it in as he began to furiously pump his cock. and before he knew it, he was busting everywhere- his body overwhelmed, begging, and wholly giving in to the thought of you.
• but he didn't think that he'd ever be able to *actually* act on his urges... that is, until you'd messaged him one night that you needed help with something. moving some furniture or something like that- he didn't take the time to read much of the text past "hey, is there any chance you'd be able to come over-." that's all he needed to spring up and out the door.
• after taking care of what you needed, he'd hung around on the couch for a chat. he listened to all of your stories. he admired the amount of information that you entrusted to him. and for you, all of this felt like de-stressing in the most natural way.
• after talking vulnerably about past relationships (at this point, you weren't even aware how you'd gotten to this level of comfort), changbin had managed to squeeze out of you a more intimate conversation- one in which you told him you'd never actually been properly eaten out before.
• his brain couldn't comprehend it. someone as... perfect as you? with those few words, he lost it. all inhibition had left his body now that he'd gotten you to this point.
• "i could, ya know? if you want to of course," he said, his heart leaping inside his chest. he was high off of the adrenaline.
• "what?" you almost laughed in both embarrassment and disbelief. changbin was your friend, nothing more. why would he even joke about something like that?... well, unless he wasn't.
• "i said i could eat you out. show you it can feel good... if you want." his voice remain firm and steady.
• "where is this coming from?" you asked, your mind full of confusion.
• "nowhere, i-" he cleared his throat, now the wobbliness beginning to catch up with him. "nowhere. i just never would have thought that you hadn't, uhh.. had that before. i'm sorry if i made you feel weird," he mumbled in a rush, beginning to stand up.
• "no changbin, it's okay!" you held your hand out, motioning for him to stay. "i just... wasn't expecting that i guess? you've been such a good friend to me, i never thought..." your train of thought ran off. "i mean i'm just surprised is all. i don't want this to come between us. a spur-of-the-moment thing," you voiced nervously. you still weren't sure of the situation, so why were you saying this?
• "spur of the moment?" he chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. "you don't know how badly i've wanted you? you've had no clue this whole time?"
• "no..." your voice went shaky. "you never said anything." you looked down, not sure what to do.
• "what should i have said? that i've thought about fucking you every day for months on end? that i've spent my days doing everything i can to get closer to you... to want you so badly to the point that i cannot physically stand it? and to get anything possible from you because it turns me on? is that what i should have said?"
• you were taken aback. "get anything possible? what do you mean?"
• "nothing," he huffed defensively. you could tell that he was trying to calm himself down. you didn't think he meant to scare you. "just drop it. please. i shouldn't have said anything in the first place... but now here we are."
• "but..." you started, taking a moment to collect the words in your head. "but what if i do want it?" you looked up at him with nervous but hopeful eyes.
• changbin could feel his pulse begin to heighten. "say the word then, and i'll show you." he tried his best to contain the smile that so badly wanted to spread across his face.
• turns out, you didn't need to say anything. you put on a shy grin as you nodded your head, signaling your readiness. within a second, changbin was springing up, eager to finally turn his fantasies into reality.
• "okay, we can go slow if you want?" he half-smirked, looking down at you now. he'd never seen a more perfect sight.
• "yeah, i think that'd be good," you said, still a bit shy. you weren't quite sure where to go from here, so you gladly let him take the lead.
• "turn this way for me," he instructed, holding his hand out for you to grab onto. you took it, and he pulled slightly towards himself, helping you to rotate so that your body was now turned toward the front of the couch.
• changbin followed up with a satisfied smile at how well you were listening to him. just like his fantasies.
• "can i?" he asked, running his hand down gently to rest at the waist band of your shorts.
• you nodded, nibbling at your lips in anticipation.
• gently, changbin lowered himself to begin removing your shorts. slowly but with smooth hands, he removed your legs, one by one. he was careful with watching you- he'd studied your face far too well to miss out on any changing expressions he could coax out.
• throwing your shorts to the side, he sank to his knees so that he was now almost eye level with your pussy. suddenly, you felt exposed. intimidated. suddenly not quite sure how you'd gotten here.
• you closed your thighs together tightly, the red embarrassment evident on your face.
• "here, don't be shy," changbin said, sensing your hesitancy. he softly placed each hand on the inside of either thigh, applying slight pressure to move them apart. although you were fighting through the nerves, his gentleness washed over you with a much needed calming sensation.
• you let out a deep breath, not sure how long you'd been holding it in. you wiggled yourself a bit, trying to adjust to the newness of the situation as you settled into your position.
• changbin smiled up at you in return, his eyes endearing yet full of excitement. a sense of fulfillment had his brain clouded over.
• he wasted no time in running one hand up until it found the heat of your clothed core. you could tell that his hand was slightly shaking in his bout of disbelief, no matter how hard he was trying to cover it up.
• you shuddered a bit at the feeling of his thumb lightly grazing you, making momentary contact with your clit. it sent a bolt down your spine from a feeling that you'd been missing for far too long.
• changbin started slowly, rubbing up and down, then left and right, then in small, dredgingly slow circles trying to figure out what you liked.
• and if you were being honest, at this point, even you didn't know what you liked. no one had ever touched you like this before- so softly, so tenderly. every movement felt like it was the best sensation you'd ever experienced.
• changbin tried unsuccessfully to jerk his smile down while looking at the sight of you beginning to grind your hips down onto his fingers. you were silently begging him for even more contact. seeing you like this... it was better than he could have ever imagined.
• "let's take these off?" changbin whispered, pulling slightly at the hem of your underwear.
• you nodded, your mind coming out of its haze. you tilted your head just enough to watch as changbin slid them down with ease. almost as if he'd trained to do this all so perfectly... for you.
• the look on his face when he finally came in contact with your core, now entirely unclothed, was something you would never forget. his jaw dropped a bit, as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him. but following, barely a moment after, was a face full of determination. determination for what?... well you hoped you knew the answer.
• changbin again decided to rest his hands on the insides of your thighs so that he could spread you open as wide as possible. he wanted to see all of you. have access to every last inch. he was going to do this right.
• "you have to tell me what feels good, okay?" he cooed, looking up from in between your legs.
• you gave a bashful nod in response, signaling that you understood.
• carefully, changbin brought his fingers back to you, letting you get used to the feeling of his contact without moving. once he could tell that your tension was gone, he slowly started to rub up and down, one inch at a time. the fact that you were so wet for him almost made a gasp fall from his mouth. but it didn't. he wouldn't let it. he was going to have to fight the urge for now, not wanting you to feel overwhelmed by him so quickly. he wanted to savor every second he'd get with you.
• almost painfully slow, he continued to let his fingers slide along, getting you more and more worked up with each movement.
• it wasn't until he was completely sure that you were ready when he moved to land over your clit, which had been throbbing by this point. he remained calm, drawing gentle and slow circles around you to gage your reaction. as you strain out an inhaled breath, he knew he was right where he needed to be.
• he brought his face down to your core, mentally preparing to hold himself back. he didn't know how you'd respond, but he knew this was his only chance. he placed a few soft kisses on your inner thigh, acclimating you to his mouth. the kisses grew lighter and lower as he picked your leg up, kissing down to your knees as he went. he settled with resting your leg over his shoulder, granting him better access to you.
• just like the first time, he positioned his face at the opposite thigh, taking his time with soft pecks and temptingly letting his teeth graze your skin. he calmly lifted your leg to position it in parallel to the other, effectively caging himself in.
• you took a deep breath as you felt his tongue on your core, licking its way up. he didn't take much time before finding your clit and proceeding to roll his tongue up and down, trying to gage your reaction.
• as you gradually let yourself relax, you leaned into the feeling that he was providing you. you focused solely on his movements and how each of them made you tingle in a different way.
• you almost lost your breath entirely as he began sucking in, making the wildest noises and moaning on the spot once he heard you let out a tiny whine yourself. the tingles that were being sent into your thighs was proof enough that you'd never experienced something that felt like... well, this before.
• your heart skipped a beat each time he nipped at you in your most sensitive spot. slowly, you were burning for him. you wanted to scream out- to beg to him to do it again. over and over. but at the same time, you didn't know how you'd be able to bear it.
• but changbin knew you well. a small smirk crept across his face as he realized what he'd done to you. it only made him want to work harder to please you. to make you understand exactly what he's been working for for all of these months.
• "mmm, feels good?" he hummed into you, sending shock waves that only added to the feeling.
• "ye- yes," you strained out, trying to hold back.
• "you like it when i eat you out, huh?" he pulled off just long enough to give you a short smirk. something about his tone almost caused you to convulse on the spot. you were fighting back the urge to throw your knees together entirely.
• "yes," you whined now, grinding down onto his tongue as you went. you wanted so badly to let go.
• "mmm, are you gonna cum for me?" his voice rang out, darker now.
• you reflexively bucked your hips. this was exactly what you needed to spiral. you felt your toes begin to tingle, preparing to lose yourself.
• "yes, -fuck!" you arched a bit, feeling a particularly sharp jolt. "fuck, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum-"
• "no you're not," he stated, fixated on your pussy with his lips still attached. "need you to keep going. cum when i tell you to."
• your eyes shot open. no? what did he mean no? you knew you weren't going to be able to hold it back. this was a side of changbin you'd never seen before.
• as the sensation built, a tear started to build up in the corner of your eye. this was too good. too too good. your legs were beginning to shake already. this was getting to be too much.
• as changbin's eyes came up to connect with yours, you were sure you were gone. you quickly threw one hand down to his hair, pushing his face further into you, while the other hand gripped tightly to the blanket next to you. you watched the tiny smirk in his gaze as you threw yourself down onto him.
• "please, please," you moaned, louder than you'd intended. "please, i'm gonna cum. i have- have to."
• "mmm? you've never had someone be this good to you before?" was all that he responded with, sending the vibrations along with it.
• "please," you cried. "please, i-- OH FUCK," you yelled one last time.
• the joints in your hand began to ache, giving in to the pressure put on it from bunching into the cushions around you.
• this was it. whatever he said, you weren't going to be able to hold it off any more. this was all you could take.
• noticing your shift, changbin smiled. "you can cum now, princess." his tongue returned once more to your clit, holding his lips taut to you. "cum on me right now," he ordered.
• finally, you were able to relish in the quick bolts that were shooting up from the bottoms of your feet and into your core.
• you couldn't stop yourself from yelling out, sending changbin into doing the same
• moans sang out in choirs, each hitting its note precisely as instructed. your hips moved accordingly, trying to ride out your full high, but trembling in the process.
• this was bliss. pure and utter euphoria like you'd never experienced before. in a jolt of a moment, your neck shivered, feeling a tingle working it's way up your spine. and before you knew it, your brain caught up to the feeling, blanking out and turning to static.
• your body reflexively arched, losing control of itself entirely. it was now a slave to the feeling that changbin was giving you. your body reacted to him like he was the only man in the world. and maybe now, to you, he was.
• fighting to finally throw yourself off of him, you wanted to cry. you never knew it could feel this good- so all consuming, so deep. to feel totally and completely taken care of.
• it was then, in your shaking, quivering state that you realized that a few tears had actually been spilled out. you took deep breaths, wiping your eyes as quickly as you could.
• as your mind slowly started to return, you couldn't believe what you'd just experienced. your body was spent. your brain was spent. you didn't know what you could possibly say or do at this point. it's as if you weren't even in the world.
• changbin snaked himself up slowly, wrapping his arms around yours in an attempt to sooth you. "was it okay?" he asked, the tiniest bit of pride in his voice.
• you couldn't help but to laugh in response. "yeah," you blinked as you sniffled. "yeah, i think it was okay."
✨ if you enjoyed, please consider liking, commenting, and/or re-blogging <3
✨ i promise y'all, one day i will figure out which formatting i like the best & then i will stick to it. i have problems 😭
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misspygmypie · 2 months
Gourmet Disaster Cookies - LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Warning: None Summary: Lando and you bake cookies. What could go wrong?
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Lando’s eyes narrowed at the mess sprawled across the kitchen table. Flour dusted the counter like snow, sugar was scattered like confetti, and an oversized mixing bowl sat in the middle, its contents a questionable shade of brown. Despite the chaos, the smell of fresh-baked cookies wafted through the air, combined with the scent of his frustration.
“Stupid. So stupid. My God. I’m so done with your shit,” he mumbled, shaking his head in exasperation. His dark curls were a mess from running his hands through them repeatedly, flour sprinkled in.
You leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching Lando with a barely contained smile. “I don’t think you’re actually done with this,” you said, voice dripping with amusement.
Lando shot you a look that could’ve murdered you. “I’m not doing this again,” he said firmly, though you both knew his words were empty threats.
It had started as a simple suggestion: baking cookies together on a lazy Saturday. You had hoped it would be a relaxing activity, a way to spend time together. What you hadn’t anticipated was Lando’s complete lack of ability to produce anything edible in the kitchen.
He had, with great enthusiasm, insisted on making cookies from scratch. You had watched, bemused, as he struggled to measure ingredients, with flour explosions and sugar spills becoming a regular occurrence. The recipe seemed to mock him with each step. When it called for “a pinch of salt,” Lando had interpreted it as “a handful,” resulting in cookies that were both salty and sweet in the most bewildering way.
“Well, you see,” you said, strolling over and peeking into the mixing bowl, “the recipe called for way less salt for starters.”
Lando sighed dramatically, slumping onto one of the barstools that wasn’t covered with some kind of ingredient. “I swear, I followed the instructions. But you were too busy talking about how we should add extra chocolate chips…”
“Hey, extra chocolate chips were a great idea!” you interrupted, though you knew his complaint was valid.
He shot you an incredulous look. “Yes, extra chocolate chips in cookies that taste like cardboard was definitely a great idea.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his defeated expression. “Well, you did say you wanted to make them ‘extra special.’”
Lando rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I wanted them special, not… whatever this is.”
You crossed the kitchen and gently nudged him with your elbow. “Well, how about we try to salvage the situation? Maybe turn this into a fun, new recipe? Like ‘Gourmet Disaster Cookies’?”
Lando’s expression softened, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Gourmet Disaster Cookies? Really?”
“Why not?” you said, reaching for the jar of sprinkles and shaking it over the remaining dough. “It’ll be a new culinary adventure.”
He watched, still skeptical but intrigued, as you turned the doughy catastrophe into a playful mess of sprinkles and smiles. “Alright, alright,” he said, shaking his head with a smile. “But if we’re doing this, we’re doing it right. Next time, we’re sticking to pre-made cookie dough.”
You laughed and gave him a playful nudge. “Deal. But for now, let’s just enjoy our ‘Gourmet Disaster Cookies.’”
The two of you sat down with the cookies, which were now covered in a generous layer of colorful sprinkles. The cookies were oddly shaped and unevenly baked, some corners almost charcoal black, some spots suspiciously raw looking - BUT the presentation was kind of festive. You took a bite, exaggeratedly savoring the taste.
“Not bad!” you said through a mouthful, trying to sell them to the curly-haired Brit watching you.
Lando took a cautious bite, and his face lit up in surprise. “You know what? These actually aren’t terrible. They’re weird, but… not terrible.”
As you both laughed and enjoyed the cookies, the kitchen mess seemed to fade into the background. The burnt edges and odd flavors were nothing compared to the joy of the shared experience.
After finishing off the batch, Lando stood up and stretched. “I can’t believe we actually ate those.”
You chuckled, tossing a stray piece of dough into the trash. “We did. And I think we might have created a new tradition.”
Lando grinned, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “Next time, we’re definitely using pre-made dough. But until then, I guess we’ve got our own ‘Gourmet Disaster Cookies’ to remember.”
The day ended with the kitchen still looking like a war zone, but you didn’t mind. As you and Lando cleaned up together, your laughter echoed through the room, making the mess seem less like a disaster and more like a cherished memory.
In the end, it wasn’t about the cookies. It was about the moments you shared, the laughter, and the way even a cooking disaster could turn into a delightful adventure when you had the right partner.
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thefrogman · 19 days
Froggie's Mailbox Adventures
I have been wanting to tell this story for a while now. This all happened right before my birthday and then I got sick for 4 weeks and didn't have the energy to talk about it.
So let us take a trip into the recent past to hear a tale of woe and triumph with a bunch of extra woe interspersed throughout.
It all began on the 4th of July.
Some neighborhood rascals ruined my old mailbox with a baseball bat.
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They also destroyed my brand new mailbox sensor that lets me know when there is mail so I don't have to make multiple trips to check.
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(Ring replaced it for free, so that was nice.)
Originally, I was going to hire someone to replace the mailbox. But I was not having much luck finding someone who could do that specific task. (I've been having trouble finding help in general due to living in a supposedly "dangerous" area.)
So I decided to try and install the mailbox myself. And I had no idea how much of an adventure that was going to be...
My first step was tearing off the old one to see how it was mounted.
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I got some paper and a sharpie and noted where the holes were. And, of course, they didn't line up with the new mailbox.
Which is a really nice mailbox. I mean, it is solid. Check this bad boy out and please don't notice the dirty clothes lying on the floor in the background.
It is always so tempting to save a few bucks and get the cheaper thing, but I am so glad I splurged on this. It looks nice. It functions well. It has magnets. And I don't think it can be baseball-batted without some instant karmic retribution from Newton's third law.
My next step was to get a new mounting plate. And even though I try not to go to Home Depot because it is run by a bunch of conservative religious bigots... I went to Home Depot.
I was a little nervous about leaving the house at the time because I was still struggling with my heart issue (which I think is mostly resolved now). I was trying to be very careful about how much I exerted myself. I really didn't want to have an episode while I was out and about.
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After searching for a while I discovered they had a mounting plate and a pressure-treated mounting board. I could do wood or metal. And they were located on completely opposite ends of the store because of course they were.
I had both items in my hand and I did that thing where you just keep staring at something hoping a useful thought will pop into your brain. I had no clue which one was better for my needs. There is surprisingly little information regarding mailbox installation on the internet. YouTube really let me down on this one. I was just kinda winging it and solving problems as I went along.
I stared for for a little while longer and no useful thoughts happened.
I was tired of staring so I just said, "Fuck it" and made an executive decision.
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Then I almost passed out in Home Depot.
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I spent too much time walking around that gigantic monstrosity of a store and my heart started beating super fast and my legs felt like jello and I started getting quite dizzy.
I was in rough shape.
So... I had a little lie-down next to a wall of tape measures.
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I just stared up at them thinking about all of the things I could measure.
I could measure a dog.
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Or a horsie.
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Or a horsie the size of a dog.
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Then I thought, "Ooh, that one has lasers! I NEED IT."
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My brain was not functioning at 100% in that moment.
After about 10 minutes of thinking about lasers and things I could measure with lasers, my body seemed to reboot and I was able to get up. Thankfully no one saw me and thought there was a dead body in the aisle or something. But that was still embarrassing all the same.
Once my heart slowed down I was able to pay and make it out to the car. I headed home and saw one of the most unusual sunsets of my life. The sun was dim and a shade of orange I have never seen in nature. It was like, cheeto orange. Not only that, it was a perfect circle with a super crisp outline. It didn't look real.
I tried to get a picture of it but when I looked at the picture later, the camera didn't capture anything like what I saw.
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This is the best approximation I can manage. But it still doesn't do it justice.
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I was hoping I could get home in time to grab my real camera and capture this strange setting sun, but it dipped below the horizon just as I pulled into my driveway.
I then started problem solving how to get the new mailbox in place with the items I purchased. And I was on a deadline because I have no clue what happens when the mailperson arrives and they don't have a mailbox to put the mail in. Do they just throw it on the ground? Do they get to keep the mail? Are they going to use all of my grocery coupons?
And for some reason, my post office does not keep a consistent delivery schedule. I've been trying to figure out a pattern for weeks and they just seem to come "whenever" and that is about as close as I can pin it down. Which is why I got the mailbox sensor.
Due to my near fainting episode in Home Depot, I was in no shape to be handy, so I was trying to think of a temporary solution to put the new mailbox on without properly mounting it. At first I was going to just wrap it in packing tape a bunch of times. But then I noticed I had a bunch of string. And I decided that was a more interesting solution... for reasons? My brain was still not doing well. But when I tried to tie the new mailbox to the post with the string it failed miserably. And I realized the packing tape wouldn't work either. The mailbox did not sit flat on the post and it wiggled. However, because I tried the dumb string method, I discovered this wiggle issue and it actually helped me figure out how to mount it.
I gave up for the night and decided to hope I could install the box in the morning before "whenever" happened. The next morning I started drawing dots on boards and comparing my old holes to my new holes and measuring clearances. (Measuring without lasers like a chump.) I needed to elevate the mailbox in order to mount it and that's when I thought to combine the board and the plate. I could screw the board into the old holes and then create new holes in the board for the plate to attach. And the plate lined up with the holes in the bottom of the new mailbox.
It was a pretty big brain moment for me and I felt like I just solved quantum physics or something.
You're probably pretty confused because you are not as smart as I am.
Here is a diagram to help.
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The board mounts to the post arm. The plate screws into the board. The mailbox screws into the plate.
Or just use string.
Also, how fortunate was it that I stared for all that time and got frustrated and just bought both things?
My next problem was that my drill wouldn't fit inside the mailbox and I couldn't screw the screws in place. So I drilled pilot holes in the board so I could manually screw in the screws with a ratcheting right angle screwdriver.
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And the only reason I had one of those is because I use it as a fidget toy. (I like the clicky sounds.)
Another lucky happenstance!
I tried to prepare as much as I could in my garage before dragging all of my tools to the end of my lengthy driveway. I brought along my dad's old rolling walker so I'd have something to transport everything.
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But also so I'd have something to sit on while I was installing the new box. Then I wouldn't have another heart episode and need another lie-down.
Seriously, how big is my brain?
I am like the smartest person alive.
So I got to the end of the driveway with all of my tools and my board and my plate and my templates and I realized something was missing.
The new mailbox.
I am like the dumbest person alive.
After a quick back-and-forth to retrieve the mailbox, I got started on my master mounting plan.
I screwed the board onto the post arm.
Then I screwed the plate into the board.
Then I lined up the new mailbox onto the plate.
But as I was doing this, I was kinda sticking out into the street a little bit. And usually that isn't a big deal. Cars can see me from very far away and they were just steering around me. But then two cars came from opposite directions at the same time and I was in a precarious position where I could not move. One car steered wide to avoid me, and for some reason, the other car decided not to slow down but to drive off the edge of the street.
And as they pulled this maneuver I heard a loud thump, followed by a loud pop, and then the sound of hissing getting farther and farther away.
Like a snake version of the Doppler effect.
They drove directly into this and popped their tire.
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On the one hand, I felt a little responsible and guilty. On the other, it is not my responsibility to fix the street. And on a third hand, that was silly driving behavior and perhaps they will see this as a learning moment.
After processing what just happened I got back to the task at hand. To my delight and surprise, all of my planning and problem-solving was working. Everything fit together perfectly. The right angle ratcheting screwdriver was screwing in the screws. And after I tightened the final one...
I had successfully installed a new mailbox, on my own, without any jankiness or tape or string.
Like, I did this legit proper.
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Tons of pure endorphins rushed into wherever endorphins go. (Again, I am very smart.) That feeling of accomplishment was pure ecstasy. I had no idea how to do this and in less than 24 hours I was basically an expert mailbox installer. I took some shots of my work on my phone so I could brag to Katrina, packed up all of my tools, and began to walk back to the house.
And... my heart started beating fast again.
And... I needed to have another little lie-down in the grass next to my driveway.
I stared up at the sky and was frustrated and proud simultaneously. A weird mixture of emotions. At the time I didn't know if my heart could be fixed. But thankfully I had my sense of accomplishment to temper my heart sadness.
And then I thought, "I should get a new address sign."
Epilogue time!
I got on Amazon and started looking up new signs. And I found one that was solar powered and lit up at night. So clearly I needed to have that one. My midnight food delivery people will never struggle to find my house again!
And it actually looked pretty neat.
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(My address is not actually four 0s, but you are free to try sending me something.)
The sign was very easy to read... if you were super duper close.
But if you were farther away...
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You couldn't actually distinguish the numbers. And it kinda looked weird next to the mailbox. And headlights made the numbers even harder to see. Which was the opposite of what I was going for.
So I opted to get a more traditional sign.
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(Please send items to the realm of nothingness. I am in the void.)
But this bugged me because the sign was a different size than the old sign and the connection points didn't line up perfectly.
It was at this point that Katrina started making fun of my perfectionism.
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But this wasn't perfectionism for perfection's sake.
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My Dad was having trouble fixing things around the house. And some other kids knocked over the previous, previous mailbox. And he found the strength to go to the store, get a new one, and install it all by himself. He was at the end of the driveway, attached to his portable oxygen canisters, and fixing one last thing for this house.
And I guess I just wanted to get it back to perfect. Because he never did any handyman task half-assed. He was a full-ass handyman. Always.
So... I fixed the sign.
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Perfectly balanced.
Again, feel free to send me stuff to 0000 Road.
I'm sure it will get here... "whenever."
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teamatsumu · 1 year
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kinktober 2023 -> day 3
phone sex - oikawa tooru x reader
word count: 1,061
kinktober masterlist
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The hallway was alive with chatter, and you were sure you would have missed your phone ringing in the noise if it wasn’t already in your hand. You frowned at the contact name, confused why your boyfriend was calling you. According to your calculations, it was almost midnight in Argentina right now, so why was he awake?
“Tooru?” You answered, using a finger to plug your other ear so you could hear him better over the noise of the students crowding your university hallways. You could barely make out shuffling on the other end of the line, before Oikawa’s familiar voice broke through.
“Heyyyy.” He whined, immediately following it with a giggle. You rolled your eyes and felt your lip twitch with amusement.
“Tooru, why are you still up?” You hiked your bag higher on your shoulder as you made your way through the halls. “You have practice tomorrow.”
You heard a thud on the line, followed by a curse. “I missed you, Y/N-chan~”
Oh. You sighed when the realization hit you. “Are you drunk?”
“No!” Came the instant reply. “Only a little tipsy.”
You bit back a laugh at how indignant he sounded. There was another thud and another curse, this time in Spanish, and your lips twitched in amusement.
“You okay there, champ?” You teased, almost imagining Oikawa stumbling around his home.
“‘M just tryna get out of these damn clothes.” He mumbled, before you heard another soft thump and a relieved sigh.
“Finally in bed?” You asked. “Get some rest now.”
“Nooo..” Oikawa trailed off. “Talk to me. I miss you.”
You sighed. “You need to get up super early tomorrow, baby. And I know you’re tired. You need to sleep.”
“I miss your face.” Oikawa continued talking, as if he hadn’t even heard you. You weren’t surprised. Sober Oikawa was hard enough to deal with, drunk Oikawa was insufferable.
“If you were here, I would cuddle you.” He rambled on. “You’d feel so good against me right now. Y’know I’m completely naked? Bet you’d be naked too if you were here. God, I’d just dip my fingers into your pussy to see how we-”
“Tooru!” You yelled, eyes nearly popping out of your head at how the conversation (one-sided as it was) took a turn. You cursed internally when a few people turned around to look at you at the noise, frantically looking around for a more private place. You ducked into the door which said ‘restroom’ on it, mere feet away from where you were standing. The noise from the hall faded away.
“What the hell?” You continued, walking closer to the sinks, relieved that the bathroom was empty.
“I’m horny!” Your boyfriend whined on the other end.
“Well, I can’t do anything about that right now!” You snapped, checking the stalls to see that they were also thankfully empty.
“Yes you can!” He shot back. “C’mon, tell me what you’re wearing.”
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. This fucker. “I’m at uni, Tooru. Be serious.”
“Please, baby.” He whined again, though this time it was more breathy. Your eyes widened when you realized he was probably touching himself. “‘M so hard. And it’s been so long. God, I miss your body. I miss your voice.”
You felt yourself clench at the thought of Tooru running his hand over himself right now. You looked around at the completely empty bathroom, biting your lip in contemplation. Were you really going to do this?
One more image of Oikawa laid out naked and turned on, of his glorious body and roughed up chestnut hair, was enough for you to make your decision.
“Okay.” You breathed out. “Hold on.”
You rushed to lock the bathroom door, moving into a stall and locking that too for extra measure. “Fuck, okay.”
“Talk to me.” You heard him on the other end, almost begging. You sighed and pushed your hand into your pants, biting your lip when your fingers brushed your clit. This was going to be quick and messy, you could already tell.
“I’m,” you gulped. “I’m touching myself.”
A groan. “Yeah?” He sounded so wrecked already. God. You realized in that moment how badly you had missed him too.
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. “Touching my clit. Feels good.”
Oikawa cursed. “Keep going, baby. Push down harder. Then put a finger inside.”
You followed his instructions, allowing yourself to let out a little moan at the feeling of being filled, albeit only slightly.
“God, I can imagine you right now.” Oikawa rambled on, and you could almost hear the sound of his hand moving, slightly wet, probably from the precum. “Bet you’re already soaking for me, aren’t you? Bet you miss my cock.”
“I do!” You whined, now fully immersed and overcome with pleasure, sliding another finger inside your hole. “‘S not the same, Tooru. Miss your big cock. Miss being filled to the brim.”
“S-shit, baby.” His voice sounded so broken, and it pushed you even closer to the edge. “I miss your pussy all the time. Can’t wait to get back and fuck you until you can’t walk. God, I’m gonna ruin you. Just let me come back. Let me come back.”
His ramblings were getting nonsensical, but his voice was wrecked and you moaned at the sound, your orgasm building far quicker than you anticipated, your movement growing frantic.
“Tooru, I’m so close.”
“M-me too. Fuck. C’mon baby, come all over your fingers like a good girl. You do that and I’ll give you my cock when I get back. I’ll fuck you five different ways. Just come for me right now, Y/N. Come.”
You moaned as your orgasm finally hit, letting Oikawa talk you through it with his silver tongue. You listened as he announced his own release, getting off on the sound of his curses and broken groans and using them to prolong your own orgasm. By the time you were done, you were sweaty and out of breath.
All was silent for a few minutes as you readjusted your clothes, putting your phone to your ear once again and not hearing anything except Oikawa’s steady breathing. You nearly snorted.
Bastard fell asleep immediately after cumming. Figures.
You dropped him a goodnight text before ending the call, unlocking the door and going about your way as if nothing had happened in the bathroom stall.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartzz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi i @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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hannieehaee · 10 months
what they'd be like if they had a crush on you
wc: 1075
a/n: no one requested thishsjss but i thought it was a cute concept so T-T
seungcheol -
he'd constantly try to impress you by acting manly and dependable around you. he'd wanna show you what you were getting if you ever looked his way. if you ever needed anything he'd drop whatever he was doing to help you. he'd also be super possessive over you, fighting any of the guys if they ever tried to get closer to you than him. would want your attention on him at all times, not realizing he was making his intentions very obvious.
jeonghan -
he'd be confident about it. he'd probably treat you like any other friend but with a hint of something more. he'd always give you extra attention and make sure you were at least somewhat aware of his intentions. eventually he'd be more direct about it, maybe even teasing you about his own crush on you. would not actually confess to you but make it super clear he liked you, inciting you to do something about it.
joshua -
i think he'd literally just tell you. he's a confident guy, so he'd be able to measure as to whether or not you like him after a few times hanging out. he'd be flirty with you but remain a true gentleman at all times. he'd open doors for you, maybe give you little gifts every so often, get you food, etc. he'd do tiny little things to show how much he liked and thought about you, probably easily getting you to fall for him.
jun -
cutie would get so bashful around you. he'd giggle at anything you said, always avoiding your eyes as he did it. he'd try to impress you whenever you were around, but he'd be really subtle about it. he'd also try to stick close to you during group hangouts so that he could get some one-on-one time with you. would probably do his best to get close to you before very shyly telling you about his feelings.
soonyoung -
he'd think he was being subtle but he'd be so fucking obvious about it. whenever you were around, he'd do things to try and impress you like carry something heavy to show off his muscles or show off his dancing skills or some shit like that. he'd also literally just follow you around. he'd wanna be in your presence as much as possible so he could finally win you over.
wonwoo -
he'd be the sweetest guy to ever have a crush on you. he'd communicate his crush through his actions. would seek you out so you could hang out one-on-one very often. would listen to your problems and always be in the know about anything going on in your life. you'd probably end up developing a super strong emotional attachment to each other before he even confessed. would probably have you in the limbo between friends for lovers for a while (give him to me pls).
jihoon -
he'd be so shy about it lmao. he'd be so reserved and overly polite around you, avoiding eye contact and even avoiding you in general. you'd probably think he disliked you from how little he'd interact with you. 100% the type to somehow make you feel rejected by him and have to go apologize to you over the misunderstanding. also 100% the type to accidentally confess his crush while apologizing.
seokmin -
he'd be his super friendly self with you and even seek you out as much as he could. he'd be obvious about it but without actually being direct. he'd basically treat you like his s/o already without even confessing lmao. he'd give you his jacket when it was cold, buy you a warm drink every morning, walk you home, hold your hand, etc. he'd do all this without ever even confessing his crush, thinking he's treating you like any other friend. you'd have to snap him out of it and ask him to make things official yourself.
mingyu -
he'd either just straight up flirt with you or be a shy blushing mess around you. it'd depend on the nature of your relationship. for the most part, i think he'd be rlly bashful around you at first, until he realized maybeee the feelings might be mutual. in that case he'd be such a little shit and do stuff like flex around you or show off his height or literally just say suggestive shit to your face in order to get you to react.
minghao -
would probably try and court you. he seems like a traditional person when it comes to relationships, so he would probably make his intentions clear right off the bat, but not actually ask you out until you grew closer. another member who would have you in the limbo between friends and lovers until formally asking you to be his. would never feel nervous or anxious about his crush on you. he'd relish on it, actually.
seungkwan -
despite being super outgoing and making it seem like embarrassment is scared of him, he'd be a bit shy and bashful about his crush. he'd probably become your bestie in the process of trying to get closer to you. he'd accidentally put himself in the friendzone because of f how friendly he is. lucky for him he's cute and the odds that you liked him back were very high. would have to be talked by jeonghan or vernon into confessing.
vernon -
he seems like he'd be chill about it on the outside but a mess on the inside. no one would even know he liked you unless he straight up told them. he'd be that subtle. but any time you two interacted or you dared make some type of physical contact with him his heartbeat would go crazy. he'd have to give himself pep talks every night to learn to control his breathing when he was around you.
chan -
everyone would know and everyone would make fun of him because of it. he'd probably make the mistake of telling one member about it and the next day they'd all know. even you'd know. but not because of him being obvious but more like because the members would tease him while you were around. he'd just give it up and play into it at that point. i mean, you already knew so he might as well just be direct about it at this point, right? he'd try to get to you with his humor (and im ngl it'd work) and maybe even flirt with you too.
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fandomxo00 · 23 days
In Bloom - Logan Howlett one shot
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character: grumpy!Logan Howlett x plus size!mutant!reader
warnings: violence, blood, fighting, kinda pain kink, making out --them fighting like they are fucking
page divider is not mine! I found it from this tumblr @moosgraphics
Logan always seemed to glare at you, at first it was unsettling but then it became a new normal. He didn't talk to you much and when he did it was usually just a word or two, or him telling you to fuck off. Charles had assured you that he didn't hate you. But the reality played out differently as he avoided your presence.
You didn't mean to always show up where he was at but the school wasn't endless. You were both teachers who taught familiar similar classes, he liked going to the gym to box and you'd been boxing since you were 17. Aside from morning walks, it was your favorite physical activity. You thought maybe just maybe he didn't like you because you were on the bigger side. You were a bigger kid and could never find work outs that you liked. When you did, you dropped some of the extra weight but your goal was to feel healthier not get skinny. You also put on muscle, helping you in combat and always giving Logan a run for his money. Logan never expected your nasty right hook, but you knew what you were doing and he said to go hard on him.
It wasn't like you thought he was fatphobic but you also thought he wouldn't see you romantically because you just weren't exactly his type. You weren't dainty and small, you didn't look flawless every second of the day like Jean, you didn't need extra protection or strength. You're strong willed and don't take shit from anyone, especially Logan. But there was still the deep need to feel his acceptance, because you were wildly attracted to him and you'd always wanted a man like him to want you.
But because his abilities were inherently animalistic, you understood him, in that way. You were able to run faster, jump higher, enhanced smell and sight, your eyes flashing like a cat's when your eyes have to adjust to different light. You can also die over and over again, and you'll always come back. You might seem like your dead for a moment, sometimes getting stuck in the astral plain but you always came back. No matter the injury or pain, you'd come back alive but not completely heal. Your body was able to heal itself but slower than Logan's regenerative powers, but you always healed, you just also bled a lot more than him. Though your favorite thing about your mutation was your claws.
Though the difference between Logan and you is that he didn't become a literal creature, alike with Hank as you completely transform in order to use your powers. Though you were glad you didn't completely turn into a cat, you did transform. When you turned around Logan the first time, he laughed, but then you went after him. He was good at the fighting, but you were faster, your weight not holding you back any measure. He didn't laugh at you anymore, but he still made jokes about your nine lives and your tiny claws. Though he knew how much they hurt when they slashed across your skin, but what will really hurt is when you sunk them into someone, curling them in wards.
It wasn't a move you did often because for some it could be lethal but with Logan? You hadn't gone full gotten your claws before this time but when he really pissed you off, taunting you into getting into the ring with him. Then you would go at each other, his hands coming up to taunt you forward. You ran towards him, your claws coming out, slashing him quickly before hugging your arms around him and sinking your claws into his chest before dragging towards, curling them into his skin and feeling the flesh slice between your fingers. Logan was surprised, this wasn't like a stabbing, it hurt that much more. He groaned aloud before flipping you over his shoulder, but you didn't land on your back, your skidded to your feet.
"Get out your claws" You taunted.
"What are you talking about?"
"I want you to hurt me, c'mon, don't be a pussy, Lo."
"Shut the fuck up." As you grinned before walking up to him and shoving him, he barely budged so you decided to greet him with a mean right hook.
He shook off the punch, gritting his teeth as he shook his head before unsheathing his claws. Logan didn't know the extent of your powers, but he assumed that you wouldn't ask him to stab you if it was going to kill you. You laughed darkly as he stabbed his claws into you, you felt the pain, but you'd been used to pain your whole life. Having these powers can with an extraordinary amount of pain but eventually it almost felt good in a bitter way. You liked feeling the burn in your gut, you loved feeling the rage run up your spine as your claws clung to his face, sinking in.
"Harder baby." Logan gritted, his eyes were dark as he dared you. You pulled his claws out of you and kicked him in the stomach, before doing a flip and slashing him in the face with one hand before sliding it down his right leg. Logan kicked at you, shoving you away, scrambling to your feet just as Logan ran forward to stab you again.
If the two of you were angry enough you would go for hours, before laying on the matts, sweaty and exhausted. You'd try to civil, grabbing him a water and throwing it towards him. Logan caught it with his right hand, his eyes glancing over at you for darting back to the ceiling. You were both drenched in blood, holes in your suits, you knew poor Scott was going to have to make you new ones. But as you sat down on the floor, seeking some kind of interaction after the fighting like you were fucking. He would just get up and leave, water in hand, not even saying anything as he exited.
There were other moments where he would blantliy ignore you, say something nice as he sunk his claws into you. Logan continued to treat you like shit as you watched him with others. He wasn't a mean guy, not at heart but it was with the people who irritated him, or he just didn't like them, Aka Scott and you. You were beyond confused because you were sure that you hadn't done anything to him. Not before he started treated you like he couldn't stand your presence. So now you pushed him back, you taunted him when he wanted to ignore you and when he took his anger or frustrations on you, you did the same.
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Logan couldn't stand your presence and Jean never let him forget it. Because as it was clear to everyone that he hated you, to telepaths like Jean and Charles, well they knew the truth. Charles trying to get Logan to ease up on you and Jean wanting him to confess his feelings. It wasn't the easiest to read his mind, his adamantium skull giving him an advantage, but his thoughts about you thrummed through his head, it was nearly impossible to not hear them. Jean had a good reason for this pushing him, it wasn't just because she wanted to play match maker. Rather that Logan is deliberate about flirting with Jean around you. He knows how it gets your heart to race, the glare in your eyes, the unbridled anger. But he liked seeing you fuming, he liked the way your claws would sink into him. Logan liked the way you practically moaned when he would stab you with his adamantium claws.
Logan was actually near obsessed with you, but he would never let you know that. He would never allow you to know the amount of control you have over him. You walk into a room and your all he can think about. Half the time he couldn't move his eyes away from you, trying to commit your body, your face, your smile into his memory. Jean was the one to confront him and not very nicely.
"You need to knock it off." Jean started.
"Stop pushing Y/n away and stop trying to make her jealous by flirting with me. We've had this conversation; I love Scott and we both know how you feel about her."
"I don't feel anything for her." He spat, crossing his arms over his chest.
You were searching the mansion for Ororo, wanting to come together to make some joint lesson plans. You were walking down the hall as you overheard Jean and Logan speaking loudly from inside Logan's classroom.
"She means nothing to me, we both know if I had feelings for her, I would be hiding away. She's a joke of a Xmen and I don't even know how she got onto this team. She doesn't ever shut up, always complaining or going on about something. The day she decides to leave I'll finally have some semblance of peace." Logan ranted, as you stepped into the room, shooting daggers into Logan.
"Wanna say that to my face, tough guy?"
"Y/n-." Jean tried.
"No, if I'm such a fucking joke than you can say it to my face. Tell me how you don't want me here, how you can't stand the sight of me." You growled, moving forward to push at his chest. "You know, you're a fucking coward."
"I'm not the one who can't go on missions anymore because I'm scared of every little thing."
"Yeah, at least I don't shove all my feeling down like there gonna infect me. All you are is an entitled fucking asshole."
Logan laughed darkly, that familiar flare in his eyes as he stared over at you, "You don't know anything about me, kid."
"But I see right through you." You stepped towards Logan again, your eyes focused on one another as you both breathed heavily.
"I'll just-." Jean muttered, before exiting the room. The two of you didn't even look in her direction. His were intense and you couldn't stop thinking about kissing him. You hated that he had this power over you that even when he was talking shit about you, you hopelessly wanted him.
Logan couldn't stop looking at you, his eyes taking in the frustration written all over your face. The wild look in your eyes as you flicked your hands and your claws came out. But you didn't reach forward to sink them into his chest or claw at his face as you usually did. Your eyes focused but hazy as you practically shook in anger, the side of your nose twitching, and your breath intense. The urge to touch you started eating him alive, it's why he always wound up fighting you. As his eyes finally moved to your own, all of the walls he was building up started to shake at their foundation. He didn't know how long he could continue to treat you like the enemy.
Logan's hands came up to your chest, laying the flat of his hand against your collarbones and his fingers gripping your shoulder. That's when he saw your eyes focused on his lips, there was barely a movement as you lightly bit the inside of your lip. A small sound came out of Logan's mouth as he thought about biting your lip, connecting your lips, tasting your tongue on his. All of his dirtiest fantasies blooming into his mind and darkening his eyes as you reconnected your own with his. You didn't say anything as his large, warm hands started moving up your neck, the pressure of his hands soothing. The way his fingers delicately traced against your skin made goosebumps rise on your neck.
As Logan's favorite activity was to stare at you, you'd gotten to know the color of his eyes pretty well. Though they never looked this green before, usually his eyes so light that they were a light brown, the sunlight always catching them just right. But this room didn't have any natural lighting, the way he huffed out a breath as one of his hands went to the nape of your neck. The other moving from your shoulder to your face, as he tugged you in closer by the back of your neck.
You didn't know what was happening right now, but all you knew that it felt good. All of the resentment you had towards Logan falling away as he stopped pushing you away and literally pulled you in. But he didn't kiss you, not yet, his lips inches away from yours. Logan's eyes half-lidded as he darted his eyes from yours to your lips. "You gonna kiss me?" You breathed out, your voice shaky.
"Do you want me to?"
"What do you think?" You retorted, before leaning forward to softly connect your lips. Logan groaned against your lips, his own falling over yours as the hand on your face went to your waist. Your claws sunk into his chest, as he hissed.
"I think you're a pain in my ass." Logan said, as he took a breath before sealing his lips back over yours.
"Yeah, I'm so terrible." You grumbled as teeth nipped at your bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue. You groaned at the sensation, your claws lightly dragging against his skin to clutch at his neck and hair. Threading through his thick brown hair and if it was possible, pull his face closer to yours.
"Fucking awful." He mumbled, as he leant down, his lips not detaching as his hands went around your thighs and your legs wrapping around his waist before he slammed you on to the table. You landed with a 'humpf' as your lips went to pepper at his jaw. "Never know if I want to fight you or fuck you."
"I'd go with the latter." You shakliy breathed, looking up into his eyes as a grin spread over his face. There was smeared blood against his shirt and neck, though the wounds had already healed. When a smile cracked at your mouth as Logan's face dropped. His face going stone cold as his hands moved to his sides and he backed away.
"I can't do this. Not with you." Your jaw ticked as he refused to look at you, you scoffed as you pulled yourself off the table.
"You really are a coward." You snapped, shoving past him as you exited the room, your hands shaking in anger, stomping back to your room before shoving the door wide open, the hinges creaking and snapping as you slammed it shut.
Logan stared down at the ground, trying to process what had just happened. How much of fucking idiot he was. That's when he shook his head before heading towards your room. Much to his surprise, Charles was coming down the hall and stopped right in front of Logan. "'Excuse-."
"You should leave her alone."
"What's with you and Jean shoving your nose where it doesn't belong." Logan gruffed, his arms crossing over his chest as Charles looked up at him.
"Because as much as you want to protect her from yourself, you are hurting her."
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"You know, you're a fucking coward."
"Because as much as you want to protect her from yourself, you are hurting her."
"...We've had this conversation; I love Scott and we both know how you feel about her."
"You really are a coward."
Logan doesn't remember the last time he felt like he wasn't strong enough. He doesn't remember cowering away and hurting the women he was so clearly in love with. Just because you didn't know how he felt though, didn't mean everyone else didn't. Especially what happened in following weeks after you kissed.
It was no longer playful banter or picking a fight, you were completely slient. It wasn't him coming after you anymore, he wasn't angry or mad at you, he was just pissed off at himself. He didn't know how much time he should give you. It was clear as day that you were beyond aggravated, but you didn't talk to him at all.
Then he realized had he really been the one talking to you first?
Did you ever want to talk to him or did he just bother you?
He hated the look on your face when you called him a coward. The first time it was loud, abrupt and it just fueled his anger towards you. But the second time it wasn't all anger, he saw another emotion in your eyes that he couldn't quite place.
That look though? It haunted him.
But it was almost summer, and you always had a celebration where the kids could just be kids. They did fun activities like tug of war, potato sack races, three legged races, and so much more. Things that the teachers have been, well you've been working on for weeks. Today was finally the day and the few things you gave to Storm to be charge of she was supposed to assign everyone, including teachers, their groups. Two teachers for each one, and of course you wound up with Logan.
It wasn't that you couldn't stand his presence, that was more his style. But he hurt your feelings, as much as you resented him you had a huge crush on him, and him pushing you away confirmed all your doubts. You knew that with love and hate there was a fine line, and maybe this time he'd mistaken his hatred for you as lust. You knew there was a lot of tension between the two of you and you usually fought physically. You just don't why he touched you so softly, putting his hands on your shoulders, making you feel secure in his arms. Feeling your skin like he was soaking it up, looking at you with those eyes that made you want to jump him. But you practically asked him to kiss you, and you just assumed he might've done this with others before. He was wildly attractive, and he reeked sex appeal, it wasn't like he wasn't going to have a sex life.
You just wish you didn't care so much; you wish that it could've been a one off. What you even talking about? It wasn't like you've kissed before, but you knew a part of wanted more. You knew that you felt rejected and that the harsh reality crashing down on you wasn't fun. Now you had to see Logan for an almost 7-hour day. Let's just say at this moment, it was the first and last thing you wanted to do.
"Hey-." Logan started as you walked down the hall towards the backyard, you ignored his presence, looking down at the ground as your feet sped up. Then you felt a hand on your arm that lightly pulled you back, and you turned to face him.
"I don't wanna hear it, I understand you want nothing to do with me."
"That's not what I said, Y/n."
"Then what! What do you want?"
"I want you." Logan breathed, his eyes scanning yours, panic in them as his hand finally fell from your arm.
"Fuck off." You grunted, starting to walk away but Logan cut you off standing in front of you but taking a step back.
"I don't want to fuck you, that's what I meant."
"Oh wow thanks Logan, because that's any fucking better?" You gruffed, trying to past him. But then his hand comes up to your face, directing you to look into his eyes. Logan's head dipped to the side as his eyes went to your lips.
"Just stop talking for a second and hear me out."
"I don't want you to reject me again, I get it alright." You murmured.
"I don't want to just have sex with you. I wanna take you out and-I want to be with you. And as much as I want you I don't wanna mess things up by having sex too soon."
"Since when? I thought you hated me." You replied, your eyes trapped on his as the two of you spoke softly to one another, you finally relax in his hands. You've never heard Logan speak this quietly before.
"I've never hated you, hon. You just drive me crazy."
"Really now?" You cracked a smile as he chuckled softly, looking from your eyes to your lips.
"Yes, and I'm sorry for hurting you."
"Are you sure you aren't messing with me?" You pressed.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I mean what do you think Jean and I were talking about? She could see my feelings from a mile away and called me out."
"I love her." You grinned
"She's kinda nosey."
"Yeah, can you kiss me now?"
Logan smiled as he connected your lips with his in a soft kiss.
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chkn-soup · 6 months
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Warnings: Self harm, infliction of pain, hurt comfort
Syno: Hazbin characters finding out you SH.
Req by: @valentin0000
how they find out — Lucifer suspected you were going through something because he knows how it’s like to be depressed and he senses those signs from you, he catches you in the act one day while you are harming yourself.
What they do- he doesn’t really know what to do at the beginning, when he first catches you, he gets a little angry at himself that he couldn’t help you before you got to the point of inflicting pain onto yourself, he kinda just would cradle you and tell you all the reasons he likes you for you. Later that evening he’d go deep diving into mental health, he learns a lot a he learns some things that help him with his mental health as well. He tries things that he’s learned online to help you and tests multiple distractions to maybe see if any of them work for you. He’s uneducated on the topic but he will go out of his way to learn more and keep you safe.
Angel dust:
how they find out — He didnt suspect you’d be doing those types of things because you were always so calm and relaxed around him, not an ounce of stress or anxiety on your features at all. Until one day Husk was talking to him about how everybody acts when they’re drunk and when husk got to you his demeanor changed and he said that the way you acted when you were drunk was tad concerning. Later that day he questions you and you fess up.
What they do- He nods when you fess up but doesn’t bug you on the topic anymore instead he just quietly walks away in understanding and goes to cry in his room, he felt really messed up about it and couldn’t drop it after that because he knows how it feels to feel so helpless that you turn to negative things to keep you “happy”, the next day he decides to help you with the way he helps himself when he gets like this, so he goes into your room and offers to get your mind off some things and go shopping with him instead. That becomes a routine for you two, whenever you get the temptation to take the pain out onto yourself or when you have anxiety or breakdowns, you can always go to him and he’ll distract you with another hangout session, most of the time he’s getting you out of the hotel for some fresh air whether that be for more shopping, watching a movie, or eating some food he’ll do it just to make sure you don’t hurt yourself anymore..and you best believe the check is always on him!!
how they find out — He wasn’t trying to intrude or be creepy, he really wasn’t but, he watches everybody in the Vee tower with cameras, and when his camera happened to stop on you and show what you were doing in what you thought was a private area, he kinda glitched out for a second.
What they do- He immediately zaps around the tower to go find you, once he sees you in the living room of the Vee tower, he confronts you head on about the subject, it almost throws you off and if you were a tv head like him you’d be glitching too. You question how he figured it out but he says to nevermind that. He gets a little angry not at you but mostly at himself, he really does appreciate you he just doesn’t know how to show it, so instead he strictly tells you to never hurt yourself again, or he’ll have to hypnotize you not to. He knows that just firmly telling you won’t help, so instead he has more cameras set up around the tower for extra measures..and whenever he sense you’re feeling slightly off, he keeps an extra eye on you.
how they find out — you kinda told him yourself, he didn’t really think that you were feeling sad or depressed in any way, until he asked to shower with you and you kept denying, which was odd of you since you guys have bathed and showered together many times, Valentino is about to throw a pissy fit and ask you why in his usual whines until you come out and just say it.
What they do- he’s stunned, he instantly feels like and asshole for bugging you and, he pulls you into him to cuddle, that’s how you both stay that night, cuddled up and crying into eachother with kisses and everything. Val doesn’t really know how to make you feel better per say, so he does what he’s good at, which is gift giving, he puts his money to good use on you, hoping it will make you feel better, he may even buy you a hellhound or another hellish support animal to keep you happy while he’s gone at shoots, he’ll also ask Vox to install cameras on you as well behind your back. And he’ll treat and spoil you like royalty!!!
Hope you guys like, also I hope I did you justice @valentin0000 !!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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