#they should swap outfits too while they're at it
lotus-pear · 10 months
consider...chuuya and navia hat swap!!
now THIS is a concept...
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who would slay harder
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literallyjusttoa · 1 month
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Finally got around to doing this, here are some rough sketches of my idea of how Lester looks each book! Some books are more different than others, like I don't think much changed between books 1 and 2, but I had fun doing this! Look under the cut for some notes about things I added for each design.
Book 1: Not much changes from how he's described in the books. All of the clothes he borrowed from Percy are a bit too big for him, but the flannel he borrowed from Will fits pretty well, only being slightly too long (I think Will has like, an inch over Lester)
Book 2: Basically the same as book 1 Lester. He keeps the flannel Will gave him, but it gets pretty beat up over the course of this book so he has to switch it out before book 3 :(. Hair is just a lil bit longer, and he gets clothes that fit a bit better. Headcanon time bc if Rick won't give me substantial Thalia and Apollo interaction I'll make it myself: Thalia gives Lester archer's gloves at the end of TDP, which he wears for the rest of the series. He didn't even think to wear gloves bc as a god he wouldn't need them, but Thalia noticed his beat up to shit hands at the Waystation and went "bestie... bestie no...." and gave him a pair.
Book 3: Will's flannel has been swapped for a big coat and Lester get his iconic pink camo pants. His hair is long enough to start getting weighed down a bit, and also way messier bc he's been in the labyrinth for like a month. The beat up sneakers he was wearing in books 1 & 2 get replaced with much more reasonable boots. Eyebrow scar shows up, a reminder from one of the many concussions this poor man has suffered. Also another HC time! Georgie gives Lester a little handkerchief that he wears for the rest of the series (I was gonna use Paolo's handkerchief, but Lester canonically gives that back so boo)
Book 4: The Lester looks like shit book /j. His hair is now long enough that he should really be doing something with it but he is not. He has a zip up hoodie now to cover up all his fun purple veins. Just more beat up in general honestly. Also I hc that Apollo actually lost some weight here (both bc he wasn't really eating well before getting to New Rome bc of stress/grief, and bc he got really sick and continued to not eat well while that was happening) But it obviously doesn't do anything to help his self-esteem or mood in this book. Kind've a visual way of being like "the superificial flaws Apollo clung to in the first book weren't the real issue, he was just hyperfixating on them to distract himself from what he was really upset about, so when the superficial issues get solved he doesn't even notice bc he's grown enough as a character to cut the bullshit and focus on what's really bothering him." or idk something like that. I like to contrast this with a hc I've mentioned before about the time between books 4 and 5, which is that the physical flaws Apollo whined about in book 1 (i.e. the acne and his weight) get "worse" throughout the road trip from California to New York, but Apollo truly just does not care that much about that shit anymore and that's why it doesn't come up in the narration.
Book 5: Final Lester! It's been over a month since the last book so I'm taking liberties and saying Lester's hair is long enough to pull up now bc I want him to be able to do that goddammit. Final outfit is borrowed from Percy again, so that's why it's so big. He also has a pendant that Lavinia gave to him bc they're besties. Also I forgot to mention it, but his shoulders are slightly broader here (and have been getting broader throughout the series) bc he's been working those muscles so much with the constant archery.
Also I didn't draw his quiver bc honestly I forgor, but I like to imagine he's been getting little pins and bobs from a lot of his friends that he's been sticking on his quiver strap. A few examples that come to mind are:
Kayla: A classic hot topic pin with a sun with sunglasses on it.
Leo: A pin made of scrap metal with the alchemical symbol for fire carved in.
Agave: Pinned a clover to Apollo's quiver for good luck. It didn't stay on there long, but it was the thought that counted.
Hazel: A piece of citrine decorated with metal cords.
Lavinia: Another classic hot topic pin, this one is heart shaped and has a picture of Hatsune Miku on it.
Jason: One of the monopoly houses he'd been using to mark the positions for the temples. A lot of the little houses had fallen off the diorama during the car crash at the beginning of TTT. The night after, Apollo asked Reyna if he could make sure the diorama was fixed. Reyna agreed, and he put it back together based on what he remembered. He spent an hour or so gluing on houses and hotels for Mars, Somnus, Fons, Salus, and on and on, until he got to the last one. A red hotel meant to show where the temple of Apollo would go. Apollo poked a little hole in it, and fastened it to his quiver with a bobby pin. It's nestled close to where the strap meets the quiver itself, so it's less likely to fly off.
Meg: Pinned a rose petal to his quiver right before he went to fight Python. It lasted for even less time than Agave's clover did, but again, it was the thought that counted.
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cuubism · 1 year
I complained that Morpheus's season 2 cemetery fit wasn't tits-out, @magnusbae said "tits in outfits are so devastating because you know there's tits to be seen but they're in," I decided that's something Hob would say while drunk and that he should say it to Dream's face. And here we are.
“Listen,” Hob says, with the slurred, utter conviction of the very intoxicated, “listen. This’s. Important.”
“I am sure,” Dream agrees, sipping his wine. He himself is not drunk, but he’s gaining a surprising amount of amusement from watching Hob.
“You listening?”
“Yeah,” Hob sighs, looking down into his glass. “You’re a good listener.”
Before Dream can respond to this, Hob shakes himself.
“But listen. S’such a tragedy you know?”
“What is?”
“Tits,” Hob says passionately, and Dream chokes on his wine.
“In,” he manages, once he’s swallowed and not asphyxiated, which felt dangerously possible despite his nonhuman form, “what way?”
“Always covered up,” Hob says mournfully, face crumbling. “Should be more societal—” he stumbles over the words, tongue heavy in his mouth, “socially acceptable to just. Be tits out. You know?”
Dream is not certain he himself has a strong opinion on the matter. He does not spend much time contemplating others’ breast tissue.
“Perhaps one day it will be,” he says, in an attempt to soothe Hob’s devastated expression.
“Can’t come soon enough,” Hob agrees, and raises his glass to Dream’s in a toast to the matter.
Dream obligingly clinks their glasses, and after Hob has drunk, swaps Hob’s glass of beer for a glass of water. Hob doesn’t seem to notice.
“Horrible to know that they’re there and you can’t even see them,” Hob continues.
“Torturous,” Dream agrees. “Unsurvivable.”
“Nah nah nah,” Hob counters, waving a hand. “Tits is a reason to survive.”
“I see,” Dream says, hiding a smile. He suspects Hob will be too hungover to even remember this in the morning. Probably it is for the best.
“Eleanor had great tits,” Hob sighs. “Among other things.”
For a moment Dream worries his cheerful drunkenness will tip over into melancholy, but then Hob adds, seemingly oblivious to how he’s blowing past his usual boundaries, “You know. I always thought—” he hiccups “—that you would have. Fuckin’. Bangin’ tits.”
Dream drops his wine glass.
It shatters against the table, but he pays it no mind as he stares at Hob, who’s looking off into the middle distance, lost in a memory.
“Dunno why,” he says. “You’re always so. Covered up. But I know there’s something there. You’re beautiful, you’re…” he trails off.
Dream does not know what to say to this, to the revelation that Hob is thinking of him in such a way. It strikes him more strongly than even hearing the word tits applied to his person, which is its own hard shock indeed.
Perhaps he is more drunk than he’d thought, for the first response that does come to his mind is would you like to see them?
This is undoubtedly a cue to end the evening.
“I think perhaps you should have some water and sleep now, Hob,” he says. “Your body will not thank you tomorrow.”
“Mmm,” Hob says, not really listening to him. “Yeah…”
Dream takes him by the arm and pulls him up from the table, manages to maneuver a stumbling Hob to the stairs at the back of the inn, to his bedroom, where he lays Hob down on the bed, pulling off his shoes. Hob reaches for him, and for a moment Dream is afraid Hob is going to grab at his chest, but he doesn’t, just lightly touches Dream’s cheek.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, the words all blurred together, and something in Dream’s chest tightens.
“Sleep now, Hob.” He brushes a hand over Hob’s forehead, and Hob falls asleep instantly, relaxing into the pillow.
Dream lays a blanket over him, leaves water and aspirin on the nightstand. Stands, observing Hob, for longer than is proper or necessary. And then takes his leave to the Dreaming, where Hob’s words, drunken ramblings though they were, circle him for hours afterwards.
The fact of the matter is. Dream wants Hob. And has for some time. He does not know when exactly it struck him, only that he has increasingly become fixated on Hob’s hands, on the breadth of his shoulders, the warmth of his eyes. He has not known how to broach the topic. He has never had a lover who was a friend before.
Nor had he known whether Hob would be receptive to such a thing.
He supposes he has that answer now.
Hob has also handed him, though he probably did not realize it, an easy way to convey his interest. It will also, Dream thinks with a little smile, be somewhat… amusing to surprise Hob with the reality of his desire. Likely he never thought that would be the outcome of ranting to Dream about his breasts, such as they are.
I will visit him tits out, he resolves. Tomorrow, when he wakes.
Dream is no stranger to more revealing attire, though he has not cared to wear it since his captivity. This, he thinks, is worthy of making the change. He garbs himself in normal slacks and boots, his usual long coat open and unbuttoned— but under it is a sheer, long sleeved shirt, ruffled collar, cut out over the chest precisely as Hob had requested, drunk though he was. Truly, Dream thinks, observing the look in the mirror he has manifested in his chambers, the fashion of this decade is interesting indeed.
Thus clothed to the requirements, Dream commands his sand to take him to Hob’s flat, now that he can feel Hob has woken. He stands in Hob’s living room, and he waits.
Hob comes into the living room at the sound of his arrival, rubbing his eyes, still sleepy and hungover. He’s still in pajamas, and clearly has not been awake long. “Listen, Dream, I’m so fucking sorry, I should not have said— oh holy fuck.”
“I thought this would appeal,” Dream says, and watches Hob reel, eyes wide.
“Appeal. Appeal? Appeal to what, my fucking dick? Oh Jesus Mary and God-fucking-dammit, I’m making it worse—”
Dream is feeling very validated in his choice now. He smirks, taking a step closer. “You were very passionate last night. I thought perhaps. You would like to test your theory.”
Hob’s eyes are still huge. He swallows, throat bobbing, gaze bouncing between Dream’s eyes and his lips and his bare chest.
“My theory,” Hob says faintly. “Are you coming onto me? Please tell me you’re coming onto me and not just trying to break me. Because you broke me, I’m broken.”
“Until you spoke last night I… did not know that you thought of me like that,” Dream admits.
“Didn’t know? And here I thought I was the most obvious—” he bites the sentence off. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not dreaming, am I? I guess it could still be you…”
“You are not dreaming,” Dream confirms.
Hob steps closer to him, then, as if hypnotized. Strokes a thumb lightly over one of Dream’s bare nipples, and Dream shivers at the touch. Then Hob presses his hands flat to Dream’s chest, cups what little flesh is there in his palms. Dream does not have a particularly substantial chest but Hob seems compelled anyway.
“Are my ‘tits,’” Dream asks, quoting Hob from last night, “‘banging,’ Hob Gadling?”
Hob goes bright red, but doesn’t remove his hands. “Yeah, Dream,” he says, strangled, “you have the prettiest little titties I ever saw.”
This is not something Dream has ever cared about or even considered about himself, but he preens anyway.
“And if you’ve no objections I’d really like to get my mouth on them,” Hob continues. “You free now? Or did you come just to upend my world and run?”
“I am ‘free,’” Dream confirms. This is, in fact, his desired outcome. “Is that the only place you will put your mouth?”
“Fucking hell.” Hob kisses him then, rough and hot, hands going to Dream’s waist to pull him in so their bellies are touching. Dream hums in pleasure. And Hob pushes his coat off his shoulders. It falls to the floor, unheeded. “No, I want to fucking bite you. Kiss you everywhere. And I dunno what you have going on down there, but I’m going for that, too.”
Dream raises an eyebrow. “‘What I have going on down there?’”
Hob huffs. “Well I don’t know, you personification of insanity. What do you have going on down there?”
“What would you like me to have going on?”
“No,” Hob says, half a whine. “Don’t say shit like that, I’m not a strong man. Come on.”
He takes Dream by the hand, drags him towards his bedroom. And Dream smiles to himself. A desired outcome, indeed.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Playful Dress Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Bright and neon lights galore! Maybe being a superstar is my true calling?
Summon Line: It's awesome we get to go to an amusement park, and it's not even a holiday break. This is no time to be sittin' at a desk doing homework.
Groooovy!!: If I gotta be a part of a show, I'm gonna make sure to stand out. C'mon, hurry it up, you get up on the stage, too.
Home: Just gotta make this the time of my life!
Swap Looks: Man, what's going on?
Home Idle 1: Fellow-san is real friendly and easy to talk with. Totally thought he was a bit sus in the beginning, though.
Home Idle 2: Pretty sure snapping pics should be secondary to enjoying the park... But the pic that Cater-senpai took of me looks totally rad!
Home Idle 3: Found the arcade! Since we're all here, lets play a game together. Nooow, what should the penalty game for the losers be?
Home Idle - Login: Alllright, what should we start with? It's been a while since I've been to an amusement park, so I'm super excited.
Home Idle - Groovy: Oh hey, it's almost our turn. That line was crazy long, but I guess it moved pretty fast while we we were chatting away, huh?
Home Tap 1: What, didja find something cool? A street performance, huh... I mean, cool, but ridin' all the roller coasters should be our main priority!
Home Tap 2: There's salted, chocolate-covered, and cheese-flavored... They've got way too many kinds of popcorn here! But meh, as long as we got Grim, I'm sure that'll be no problem.
Home Tap 3: I'm getting sweaty from all this walkin' around. I'm definitely doing the water ride next! Gonna get soaked in water to cool off.
Home Tap 4: The embroidery on my outfit and the cape is super detailed. It's pretty cool, but... I'm a little worried I'm gonna snag it on something~
Home Tap 5: What, tired already? Oh hey, they're handing out drinks over there, so why don't you go get one? And then bring me one, too!
Home Tap - Groovy: Pfft, your hair is all over the place from all the wind. Sooo laaame… Eh, mine, too!?
Duo: [ACE]: I'm gonna trounce 'em all, Vil-senpai. [VIL]: Oh my, show me what you can do, Ace.
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Requested by @thelonepearl.
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themushroomgoesyeet · 8 months
For the first installment of this series, let's start with something easy!
Arcana characters as Disney princesses/princes
Julian - Flynn Rider/Eugene
These two are so similar istg
Dashing, dramatic, swashbuckling rogues with dry humor and a secret, insecure soft side?
The only difference between them is one is ginger with an eye patch and the other isn't
Honestly Eugene would probably be a good pick for a voice hc tbh
Oh hey they're both orphans with big brother vibes too look at that
Asra - Elsa
White hair? Check. Water-related magic? Check. orphans? Check. Unconditional fashion style that doesn't really match everyone else but still looks drop-dead gorgeous regardless? Check
Both of them also have familial abandonment issues and feel the need to isolate themselves from the people they love instead of confronting the problem smh
I will admit their romantic interests are a bit different, with Asra being bisexual and Elsa either being a lesbian or aro/ace at best
Both of them have also been described to have seductive singing voices 👀
Nadia - Princess Jasmine
We👏stan👏 headstrong 👏 independent 👏 middle eastern- inspired👏queens👏here👏
Ngl Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses & she & Nadia would definitely hit it off
Both feel stuck in their respective lives while also wanting to rule, and try to take action for themselves whenever they can
Also both of them would look absolutely stunning in an outfit swap
Muriel - Hercules
Honey you mean HUNK-ules
I know Hercules isn't technically a Disney prince but he fits Muriel too well
Big and strong but shy and genuine at heart? Hell yeah
Their reactions to fame are a little bit different but they are the same when it comes to falling in love; both are so gentle and genuinely caring, and can't stop gushing about their partner
Also amazing idols for how men are supposed to treat women - a.k.a with respect
Both have a heathy amount of respect for their partners modesty (even when said partner is trying to seduce them on purpose), as well as their partners autonomy to make their own decisions
Not to mention they both have estranged families that they didn't know about, and a supportive animal companion
Portia - Rapunzel
I know some of you might be thinking "why not Merida? They look so alike with their frizzy mop of ginger hair!" Well, dear chat, let me explain
While they may look similar, Portia and Merida do not act similar. Merida is rebellious, headstrong, and airheaded, fighting her loved ones on everything and doing what she wants regardless of the consequences until said consequences come back to bite her in the butt. Portia on the other hand, while also headstrong, is spunky, kind, and takes others feelings and opinions into account instead of doing the first daring thing that comes into her head
Which brings me to Rapunzel. Admittedly, Rapunzel is a lot more sheltered and inexperienced about the world than Portia was but they are still kindred spirits. Curious, spunky, headstrong, kind, compassionate, and unafraid to fight for themselves.
They're ready to take on the world even if they don't know enough about it
Both also have evil and manipulative family members (ik Mother Gothel isn't Rapunzel's family; she was still the one who raised Rapunzel & Rapunzel considered her family long enough for it to count in this situation)
Both also meet love interests who guide them through the part of the world that's unknown to them, be it magic for Portia or the world as a whole for Rapunzel
Lucio - Merida
remember all those traits I listed for Merida? Yeah Lucio fits those
Merida and Lucio may be hella good warriors, but boy are they stupid sometimes
Both also have mommy issues™
Both are also wildly inexperienced with magic and should really be more cautious about it
Both just go "oopsies" and expect everything to be fine because of their status when it's never fine
Can you tell yet that these two bother me lol
Both were brought up in a Scottish-sounding culture and you can't change my mind
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blazefirefox · 6 months
I was rewatching the Dream BBQ announcement trailer when I noticed one of the spinning ENAs had the exact same colors as ThEna, just swapped, so I got the idea of making ENA OCs based on the other ENAs seen.
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Here are my first three, the spooky siblings (based on color scheme), Enette, Enalise, and RegEna (left to right). I created GEna to complete the trifecta lol
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Individuals + their "serial numbers"
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Extra Info:
This group of sibs work with the ENA seen in Dream BBQ, under Froggy. They're pretty much the closest things she has to friends in her workplace, and they enjoy her company (GEna doesn't show it much tho)
Enatte (ENA-8532-01):
Orange - Efficient; the oldest ENA of any batch is expected to excel and be an example for their sibs, but this was driven into 01 more, as her batch was the first completely functional trio of ENAs that were created for a while. Unlike her sisters, 01 fully enjoys her job, even respecting Froggy a great amount. Her voice headcannon is Ben Balmaceda (specifically Kaveh from Genshin Impact, mostly just Ben himself).
Saffron - Mischievous; after years of conditioning to be a golden example for all Worker ENAs, her desires to be free and do what she enjoys culminated in her troublemaker side, which 01 does a good job repressing until she's off from work. The most important thing her siblings know about this side is that she usually goes along with what shenanigans they do. Her voice headcannon is Brianna Knickerbocker (specifically Hu Tao from Genshin Impact).
RegEna [GEna] (ENA-8532-02)
Purple - Haughty; she loves her older sister, she really does. But 02 hates how seriously she expects them to take this stupid job. Before they matured, 02 was known for her mean streak, often taking out her frustrations of the world on younger ENAs that were unfortunate to come her way. It wasn't until she accidentally hurt her younger sister that she started calming down. Now, she just a normal asshole. Her voice headcannon is Ryan Sean O’Donohue (specifically Demyx from Kingdom Hearts).
Orange - Guilty; when the sibs were assigned to work under Froggy, 02's siblings noticed that her other side became more downcast and self-deprecating, bursting into tears and continually apologizing for how she acts when her dominant side is in control, especially to 03. The youngest ENA in question does not know how to feel about this. Her voice headcannon is Erica Mendez (specifically White Lily Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom).
Enalise [Lisa] (ENA-8532-03)
Saffron - Thoughtful; unlike her older sisters, who either love or detest their job, 03 usually doesn't pay any mind to it, and does an average job. She actually is drawn to the oddness of the world around her, what secrets they hold, why things work like they do. She can't help but feel envious of Scholar ENAs since they have the access and knowledge 03 so desperately wants. Her voice headcannon is Khoi Dao (specifically Albedo from Genshin Impact).
Purple - Judgemental; experiencing 02's behavior before their full maturity shaped 03's annoyance into a need to reprimand everything she does and to communicate what 02's problem is in her own way, thus her snappy, but kind of well-meaning side. 03 is less shameful of this side than others think she should be, as the youngest ENA believes that "she was made the way she was, and she's going to let what emotions slip through happen." Her voice headcannon is Brittney Karbowski (specifically Mio from Ghost Stories Dub).
Next is Enaline, based on the ENA in the second picture on the right!
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Alt. Outfit + her old Worker look
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Extra Info:
Created as a Worker ENA, Enaline would become a Runaway after her other sibs went "missing under mysterious circumstances" and she "saw something she shouldn't have", as she puts it. Not much is known about her past other than this, as she soon becomes unresponsive after giving up too much information. She's mostly seen hanging out in the Karaoke Bar AthEna (ThEna) works at, and is very social, depending on which side is dominant.
Enaline (ENA-7450-03)
Sky Blue - Carefree; after experiencing The Horrors™, Enaline decides that she won't let her past and regrets tie her down, so she up and leaves the Sector she grew up in and ended up settling in the area overseen by The Clown. She is very jovial in this state, being more of an 'act first think about the consequences later' kind of ENA. Her voice headcannon is Kieran Regan (specifically Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact).
Salmon - Existential; despite her attempts, Enaline can never fully leave behind the cause of her upturned life, and when she thinks about that, she becomes unpleasant (at least that's what she thinks). The former Worker feels a constant dread tugging at her in this state, something she can't remedy no matter what she does. All Enaline can do is not think about all of that while she's Carefree, and everything will be fine! Her voice headcannon is Monica Rial (specifically Momoko Koigakubo from Ghost Stories Dub).
@anniewuubelike 👀👀👀
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imagionationstation · 2 months
I would LOVE to hear more about your gender swapped Donnie! (It’s one of my favorite tropes!) I can just imagine her with her mask tails tied back in a big bow so they don’t get in the way while she’s working.
Also, I know you write a lot of de-aged Donnie, have you considered her bros reaction if she was turned into a baby? Would it actually be any different than for normal Donnie?
Thank you! I would LOVE to rant about her!
She WOULD though! Thank you so much for that character inspiration because that is absolutely perfect canon now. Her reasoning is that she wants to keep her mask tails out of the way when she's working with delicate or difficult experiments, but she also just likes having them up in a bow. She often forgets when they're tied like that and Mikey uses it as an excuse to play with them.
Braids don't really work with the minuscule fabric, but neither turtle is particularly worried about it. I can see Donnie propped on the couch working on her laptop and Mikey sitting cross-legged behind her, single-handedly discovering every single way to tie a bow/knot as he watches whatever show is on the tv.
Literally, baby Dee has been on my mind way too often as this AU has been taking shape. GAH. Precious creature. 💜
Hmmm... I think it depends?
If we're talking a Lone Rat And Cubs baby...
Male turtles are very territorial over their females. We add that in with the human male instinct to protect small humans/females. Plus the fact that their sister has gone from a brash teen to a tiny, confused, vulnerable child with a shell that can fit in the palm of their hand-
The first reaction would obviously be panic.
If the change happens in public, big bro instincts are cranked all the way up. White eyes, small huddle, hissing, not letting any being outside the turtle social circle close (sorry Master Splinter). Mikey doesn't know what this new emotion is, but he's about to punch everyone in the near vicinity if they so much as look at her wrong. They'll come around eventually, but only once they find a moment to escape into solitude and actually process what happened to Donnie.
If it happens in private, they're going to be more concerned about the fact that, yk, she a baby. After a completely normal freak-out, there's a lot of nuzzles and cooing and debating if other people should be involved in the fact that she tiny. It's more likely that they'll come around quickly in this instance, but there will be lots of hovering.
There will probably be lots of hovering in any instance.
I like to be silly with the idea that Leo would be overprotective, but I deem each brother an unreasonable, defensive mess.
Other than that...
I think I wouldn't change very much about baby care.
They'd care for Dona in the same way that they'd care for Don. A lot of trying to keep her grabby hands away from explode-y things or large objects so she doesn't die before they can turn her into a teen again. They have to be careful when putting her down because she will take off when they blink and suddenly end up under a bed or splashing in one of the pools around the lair.
The most untrustworthy of bebe turtles.
She also has a bad habit of sticking things in her mouth. Anything. Everything. Doesn't matter if it's humanly possible to fit or not. She will experiment and she will find out for herself.
No one knows how she gets her hands on half the things that she does. She was born in the ways of the ninja snatch.
(I like to imagine that Donnie was downright awful at keeping anything that she ever wore clean. She was consistently staining every outfit that was ever put on her to the point that Splinter stopped trying. It's not like she would be any less modest than her brothers. They had their shells and he left it at that.)
None of them grew up with clothes, so the brothers don't quite understand why April deems it necessary to drag out her old stuff and try to match outfits for the lil' turtle, paired with an absurd number of headbands/bows. She claims that they're only to help keep her warm, but they can't help but notice that she's weirdly invested. And if Karai's around at the time, they're even more baffled that she's all in on the dress-up, with far more 'superior' clothing, usually black or grayed with gothic imagery.
And Donnie's so small that even with the shell, they manage to find adorable, comfortable things that can fit her.
The brothers are left scratching their heads at them being so insistent at using her like a doll. Yeah, sure, she's cute, but she's also cute without them so what's the big deal...?
The girls get snippy when the brothers question it, so they quickly back off. As a baby, Dona has no opinion, content to let it happen.
All of them end up getting pictures.
(Not entirely for blackmail purposes 💜)
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lady-arryn · 2 months
curious why you think hotd s2 was a downgrade costume vise?
I just find their costume design for season 2 very repetitive and unimaginative. Separately some of these costumes might be ok, but as a whole it's a complete miss! For me. Because, while I love costuming, I'm absolutely no expert and I have zero education/knowledge, so this is just my personal opinion based on personal preference! Just putting this out there, just in case! I'll rant a little bit more under the cut.
My biggest gripe with the female costumes this season is that there was no variation in color or silhouette for majority of them. If you'll look at Rhaenyra (and the rest of the team Black ladies) you can see that they all look incredibly similar. But not in a good way.
Broad, triangular shoulders, cinched waist. Overlap style neckline. Or just a triangle. Red, black. Material might look coarse. Cape. Dragon motif.
You could probably swap these dresses between them, because they don't have any personality (except maybe the last one with dragons on shoulders, but the cut is still so samey with everything this season, it just doesn't have the effect it should have).
Alicent's wardrobe is no better. Open-cut sleeves. Chain at the waist. Beading work. Dark green/blue.
Her silhouette also doesn't change and while she goes from green to blue throughout the season I just don't find the color variation to be enough of a change to make me appreciate it. Too little to late. Helaena's costumes are incredibility similar as well.
(I also think a lot of the materials looked cheap/modern. It was like I almost could smell the polyester. Even if they didn't use any, it looked like it for me.)
And as for the male characters... Jace simply had more masculine version of Rhaenyra's fit. I'll be honest, I can't recall any specific outfit worn by Aegon, Aemond or any of the Green counsel. Did they even had multiple? Or was it just a trousers and tunic with belt? I honestly I don't remember. Maybe it's on me for not paying attention and I'll admit I'm not good with male costuming, but to this day I still remember Joffrey's wardrobe from GoT - it had colors! patterns!
(To not be a complete hater, I actually liked a lot of the armour - Daemon's and Oscar's in particular, but also the Hightower troops with Gwayne and the various extras. Simon's purple robe was quite pretty, even if it seemed a bit generic overall. I liked they Freys a lot, the veil was gorgeous! Rhaenyra's last dress had gorgeous details and shined beautifully on screen. And I think they were trying with Jeyne Arryn, even if I personally find the results a little amiss.)
I know that I'm being very harsh and I don't want to sound mean. And I don't even expect this show to try and be as creative as for example The Borgias were with Lucrezia's dresses. Even when you look at costumes (that might be historically inaccurate and critically ridiculed, but alas) in shows like The Spanish Princess or The Serpent Queen, I think this is the direction they should be going for. Characters actually look royal. Materials seem rich and opulent.
And yes, maybe it makes sense to keep characters in similar colors and designs because it's easier for the viewer to immediately tell what's going on/who they're watching. But still, if that was their goal, I just think they went too far and lost the creative spark.
(If I'm using an incorrect term to describe something I'm sorry, I don't talk about costuming in English much, so I might confuse some of the technical words!)
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torrentialstardust · 5 months
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I have much to say, so sorry in advance for the length!
I was rewatching some of Drawtectives before attending one of the NezumiVA Umineko streams and I thought it would be fun to cross the two over! They're both mystery "games" but with vastly different tones and settings.
The first drawings I sketched aren't even the ones finished here but I'm sure I'll get to them soon enough. The one I started lining first was Ogalvy and Maria, or specifically Piss Boy and Sakutaro! They're cuddlie~ I even had my own Piss Boy plush next to me while drawing fo reference! I think Maria just deserves good things and she'd be such good friends with Ogalvy, I had them doing drawings together. The outfit swap was also fun, though a little tricky with how cartoony Ogalvy is. Maria's clothes were a bit tricky to put on him, but I like the way it turned out! Also proud of the facial expressions, hope I got the right kind of "enthusiastic to the point where you don't even smile, you're just totally focused and excited".
York and Battler got compared to each other a while back so I thought they'd be good to draw together, and I love the idea of Battler being a goofy bi disaster. Not only that but given how him being tall is mentioned repeatedly, I wanted to bring in the energy I feel whenever I see someone taller than me. I basically just hardcore projected onto Battler is what I'm saying.
The outfit swap part was a lil tricky but still fun, since York has two key design traits: he keeps on his armband with his outfits and he can't wear sleeves. "The technology just doesn't exist". I took off the sleeves of Battler's outfit, but I still decided to swap the armband around, mainly because the part of York's arm it would go on was geometrically confusing and I didn't want to draw attention to that. The hair was also fun to swap. Battler looks like that one rando from Overwatch and I'm not sorry, but I'm not proud either. It does still look nice to me.
OK! That's the process explained! And now: a call to action.
Hey, peeps on the YouTube stream and on the Umineko tag: you should watch Drawtectives! It's a fun and silly mystery series! There is murder in it but it's still lighthearted for the most part, it's got charming characters, and season 3 is on the horizon! You could catch up pretty easily in time for it to start and have a gay ol time!
Hey, peeps on the Drawtectives tag waiting for season 3: you should read Umineko! It's an incredibly engaging and emotional mystery series! It's got a massive cast with lots of character depth and many puzzles to solve! It's on Steam (but please don't use the new sprites they made they're so much worse than the OG sprites, switch to them), a few other places too, and I'm pretty sure there's even a Kindle Port, but I've been enjoying the readthrough by the delightful NezumiVA!
We've got a really nice community of people who've read it before and people like us who don't know what's going on there. It is a bit longer than Drawtectives I'm afraid but it may not take too long to get caught up on the playlist. Nezumi's also pretty good at warning for the more sensitive content in the Novel which is always a big help. Only thing I'd watch out for is some gorey stuff toward the end of episode 2, which isn't even visually depicted.
OK! I think that's everything I needed to say! Comms open as per usual and have a lovely day!
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merakiui · 2 years
I just read your Scaramouche thoughts and the mention of secret alliance and the memories came flooding back. I’m always a sucker for a yandere who cross dresses to get close to reader. It kinda gave me the idea of yan Aether in a modern Au where Aether pretends/dresses as Lumine to get close to u (acc this might be more on par w the plot of shes the man movie but I digress - but the man basically steals her whole identity)
(cw: yandere, stalking, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, cross-dressing, obsession)
When they were younger, Aether and Lumine would enjoy tricking others. Swapping clothes and acting like the other to see if their parents could differentiate the two. Putting on the other's voice in front of friends for the fun of it. Matching outfits and snickering when people would comment on how they're practically mirror images. Now that both of them are grown, it's a fond memory Aether looks back on. They really did fool lots of people back then, though he wonders if most of them played along with the joke as not to spoil good-natured fun.
Now those types of tricks don't have the same effect, and Aether doesn't use them for innocent laughs anymore.
It's easy to borrow his sister's clothes and makeup when she's too busy with university obligations or work to notice a few missing articles. He's been doing this for a while now, so long that he's lost track of when this first began. Although despite that, he can clearly remember when he first met you. He'd gone to Lumine's work to pick her up when he'd encountered you. Maid and butler cafés are popular in this part of the city, so seeing your uniform wasn't a surprise. But it was the way you smiled at him that sparked his interest. The way that your eyes crinkled with mirth despite looking so red and blotchy. You had been sad; he could tell, but even though something was ailing you you still managed to smile and wish him a pleasant evening. Aether's so accustomed to helping those around him that he almost reached out to ask if there was anything he could do for you.
But then Lumine had come out, her work clothes stuffed in a backpack slung over her shoulder, and the minute she saw you she was pulling you towards the car, readying her fists should they need to meet the terrible soul who dared to make you cry. Aether remembers you'd said something about a break-up. He remembers how you clung to her, how you shook slightly in her arms. He remembers reaching out to console you as well and you'd gladly accepted the hand that traced soothing circles into your shoulder.
And now you're all he thinks about. He thinks you're the sun when you smile, so bright and uplifting that it washes all of his own worries and stresses away. When he's Aether, he's just your average university student. Lumine's brother who always offers you his own smile when you visit. You're always here for Lumine. Never him. That stings, but Aether knows it's because you've known Lumine longer. You're her best friend and Aether is just the brother. Not even an acquaintance. Just someone you're bound to see when you're with Lumine.
But when he's Lumine, you're his best friend. He's friends with your friends. He works shifts at the café with you. He gets to see you shirtless when the two of you go clothes shopping and you pull him into the dressing room to get his opinion on certain outfits. He gets to peer into your life in a way he'd never get to if he was Aether. And what's best of all is how affectionate you are with Lumine. Lots of hugs and cheek kisses. Lots of silly flirts. Just typical best friend stuff. And he gets to indulge in all of it, and you have no clue that he's invaded your privacy in this way!
Aether saves every photo the two of you take and he loves to look back on them. He wishes he wouldn't have to steal Lumine's identity just to get close to you, but this is the only way he be by your side. And when he's Lumine, he can tell you all about her brother. About how he's single and how he's such a sweetheart and how he loves animals and can cook delicious meals and how he's strong and can protect you... He asks you if there's anyone you like. If you're thinking about dating again. He has to be careful, though, because sometimes you'll give him a strange look and say, "Lumi, we just talked about that last week. How'd you forget?"
Right. Of course. He can't overstep his boundaries or else it'll look suspicious. He has to be casual and cool. He has to be Lumine. It's the only way he can stand by your side and continue to love you in secret. It's the only way he can get away with stalking you. When you happen to run into "Lumine" and you comment about how the two of you seem to be running into each other a lot these days, he'll laugh and joke about how it's fate bringing the two of you together.
Aether's too lovesick to truly wrap his head around the complications that this disguise births, for he's completely unprepared when you confess that you like "her." And when you kiss him, he's thrown off guard. Of course he kisses back, but the fact that you like his sister... The fact that he's spent all this time being her, impersonating her, learning just how compatible you and him are... It's not fair. For once he's jealous of Lumine and all that she has.
He's brought back to his senses when your hands tangle through "Lumine's" hair and the wig is tugged down, and when you jerk away in surprise and find that it's Aether who stares back at you and not Lumine like you'd originally thought cold, cruel horror trickles through you.
It's always been Aether, hasn't it?
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huffle-dork · 6 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 17: The Bad End
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs| You've reached a Bad End (Also on AO3!)
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
"You do look more like me wearing that," Chase comments, looking over Bro in his new clothes. "The hand-me-down look really seals it. Sorry if they don't fit. We have, uh, limited options while living in a cave. At least they're clean."
Bro laughs, "It's okay- we're pretty similar just… bigger… arms I guess."
"You can say bigger muscles- I think Chase's self esteem was already shot just by seeing them~!" Jackie grins.
"Hey! Don't be mean! It's not like… I'm showing off! It's just! What happens when you fight crime!" Bro protests.
Chase laughs. "Don't worry, I'm not too concerned about being built. I'm more of a long range guy."
Stacy pokes her head into the storage cavern where Chase, Bro, Jackie, and Sam are waiting. "Are you guys done in here?"
The two swaps look at Stacy and Bro tries to hide his blush at seeing her as he adjusts the outfit. "u-uh yeah! I think so!"
"Great." Stacy nods. "I found a group of people who are going to come along."
Someone else leans into view. They have short dark hair underneath a blue beanie and are wearing a black jacket and skirt with leggings. "Hey." They wave.
"Oh! This is Raven, they're one of those people," Stacy says. "They wanted to meet you."
"Not often you hear about people from another world." Raven grins. "Nice to meet you. I'm the magician."
"Oh! A magician! That's great!" Bro grins. "We could use any help we can get!"
'Nice to meet ya, Raven!" Jackie smiles.
"Heh." Raven smiles. "Happy to help. If you get paused in time I'm able to unfreeze you. That's why I'm coming."
"Oh awesome! That'll make this way easier!" Bro laughs.
"Stacy, are you gonna go, too?" Chase asks.
"Are you?" Stacy asks him.
"I, uh… I want to help. But I think it'll make the whole decoy thing hard."
Jackie looks at Chase and then shrugs, "If you stay with us and hidden- it should be fine! Once Bro starts using his powers it gonna be real obvious it aint you so-"
"That's true…" Chase muses. "Alright. I'll go. I'm an alright marksman, I can stay hidden from a distance."
Stacy nods. "In that case, I won't go. It's too dangerous for both of us to leave. Just in case something happens to one group."
Chase nods. "Alright. Where's Jack, by the way?"
Sam gets off the box They're sitting on and wraps Their nerve-tail around something inside. A small pen. They awkwardly write letters on the lid of the cardboard box. A-L-T.
"He's still with Alt?" Chase asks. "Huh."
Jackie frowns. "… I feel like that's been a long time."
Bro looks worried. "Do you think they're both okay?"
Chase bites his lip. "I don't think anything could've happened to Jack. You literally can't touch him, yknow? But… something could be…" He shakes his head, not wanting to say it in front of Bro and Jackie. "I-it'll probably be fine. If everyone's ready, we should start moving right away. Jackie, are you gonna come?"
"Yeah man! I can be moral support if anything. But, also like- whats the saying… better with numbers…?" Jackie frowns. "Why can't I remember how that goes-"
Bro laughs, "Please try to stay away from any place you can fall and break something, Jackie-"
"Nooo promises!" Jackie grins.
"You want a gun, then? Or a knife?" Stacy asks, pushing open the lid of a crate.
"Oh- a knife please. Imma a terrible shot." Jackie laughs.
"Alright, here you go." Stacy grabs a sheathed knife and hands it to him. "That looks the right size for you. Feel free to slash away, the corrupted don't feel pain and they don't go down easily."
"ooh- that's.. fun. Good to know." Jackie says, taking the knife.
Bro frowns, "huh… i gotta be careful then… I don't wanna like- accidentally… you know-"
"Accidentally kill them? You're that strong?" Chase asks with wide eyes.
Bro flushes, "…I dunno! mmmmaybe? I haven't tried to! I'm very against killing- but I usually try to hold back once I see someone in pain."
"Yknow, Trisha once shot Error point-blank with a shotgun and he got up again, I think you punching them really hard won't do that much," Stacy says. "Just don't aim for the heads. These are still people under all the corruption."
Bro nods to Stacy and wrings out his hands and wrists, "Okay… I can do that. I don't like aiming for the face much anyways. Broken noses aren't fun for anyone… Unless they deserve it. …Broken noses are meant for criminals not mind controlled people. There that's a new super law for me." He nods.
Jackie snorts and rolls his eyes.
Stacy laughs. "Great, good to hear."
"Let's head out, then," Chase says. "The sooner, the better. We need Bro to hang out somewhere with a lot of cameras for him to see, while the rest of us stay out of sight."
Raven nods. "I can keep up an invisibility spell for a while, but everyone will need to stick close to me, it only covers so much ground."
"Alright, good luck guys," Stacy says.
"Thanks Stacy- stay safe okay?" Bro says with a smile. Jackie gives her a two fingered salute.
“Let's go." Chase checks his gun, then leads the way out of the cave.
The door to the room appears, opening up. Jack looks away from Alt and towards it, stiffening. His form is overtaken by white static until he's just the staticky outline he was when Alt first saw him. He puts a finger to his lips.
Alt jumps slightly and then curls up as Jack becomes less solid. He shakily nods.
Error walks in. He looks at Alt and grins. "We're going to take a trip. Come on. Please don't make this difficult."
As Error walks in Alt growls and bares his teeth at him like a feral animal.
"Oh, don't be like that, this is your lucky day! Though you don't think of it that way right now." Error leans down, still grinning. He's not wearing the hoodie outfit from earlier. Instead, it's some red and blue jumpsuit, torn and bloodied. "Come on." His smile drops. "If I have to drag you down there, I will."
"Go ahead and try fucker-" Alt spits. He grins as his eyes spark with energy, "You already know I'm pretty slippery."
"Because of your glitching? Is that it? Hmmm." Error hums. "You know… the Place has a way of taking you where Anti wants you to be. So, sure, you can try. You'll probably just end up where I'm taking you anyway." He flashes a sharp smile. "But if you insist." He grabs Alt by the arm and starts pulling him towards the door.
Alt yelps and then quickly tries to glitch away and out of his grip.
And yet, somehow, Error manages to hold onto him. The static swarming around his body buzzes around Alt's glitches, causing some kind of rough barrier. "Come on," Error says, adjusting his hold so he's pinning Alt's arms to his side. He doesn't sound bothered at all by the struggles as he drags Alt out into the hallway. The static form of Jack follows.
Alt cries out and tries to fight as much as he can. "H-Hey! What the fuck!! Let me go!!"
"Nope!" Error says, almost cheerfully. He continues dragging Alt down the hallway, which slopes and twists downwards. Cables start to appear on the ground, ready to trip people up, but he nimbly dodges them. "Come on, we're almost there!"
Alt feels his stomach drop and dread starts to take over him as he tries even harder to get away. "N-No! C'mon J-Jackie! You're Jackie right?! J-Just let me go man!!"
"I thought I told you before." Error's grip on Alt tightens to the point where it hurts a little. "That's not me anymore." He reaches a door made of metal and opens it up, dragging Alt inside. It's completely dark, impossible to see, but somehow Error navigates it perfectly until he manages to push Alt into a chair, forcing him to sit.
Alt cries out and squirms and kicks as much as he can. When he's forced into the chair he tries to see if he can glitch away-
"No!" Error sees him doing that and pushes him hard back, hard enough that Alt's head clunks against the back of the chair. "Don't you dare," he hisses, quickly grabbing Alt's arms and pushing them into the arms of the chair, where cuffs snap into place. He quickly does the same for his ankles, cuffing them to a bar connecting the chair legs, and then backs up. "Just wait here quietly, okay?"
Alt’s vision flashes white for a second as he head hits the seat. He then struggles and pulls at the restraints, really starting to freak out. Terrified tears gather in his eyes as he starts to heave in panic. “P-Please don’t do this! I-I don’t want to be a puppet again! Please!”
Error grins. "It's not so bad. Maybe you'll find it's different this time. Maybe you'll be happy." And then he turns and leaves the room.
Jack quickly walks into the room before Error closes the door. The room is completely dark now, but Alt can hear Jack's voice. "You're not alone, I promise," he says.
Alt is panicking hardcore, even Jack's voice doesn't calm him down. His eyes try to find any source of light in the room but there's nothing- its dark and he's scared. "J-Jack…! I.. I don't want to be corrupted…! I..! I-"
“I know, I’m sorry,” Jack murmurs. “I-I can’t stop him, a-and I’m sorry. But I can fix it. Just before you guys arrived here, I figured out how to uncorrupt people. But I-I don’t know how to stop the corruption while it’s happening. Only after the fact. And I’m so, so sorry. But I promise people are on the way to help. I promise.”
Alt feels his stomach sinking even more as he hangs his head and tries to hide his panicked tears. He… he has to try to look tough for whatever's coming… he can't show he's weak- but he's so fucking scared.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Jack says. “You’re not alone. It’s going to be—”
Then the door opens again. The lights flick on, revealing the corruption room, just like the one Surgeon showed Mag. Standing in the doorway are two familiar faces. Anti… and Magnificent himself.
“Hey, Alt,” Anti says, grinning as he closes the door.
"Hello cub~" Magnificent giggles.
Alt goes pale. "M-Magnificent…"
Magnificent laughs wildly and teleports to grab Alt's chin, tilting it back and forth. "Awww look at you, kitten! You look fucking terrible~ Scared out of your wits, are we?"
"S-Shut the fuck up!" Alt spits, trying to pull his wet face away from his grip.
Magnificent giggles and teleports back by Anti, grinning. "This is going to be so fucking easy. It's almost sad-"
"Easy would be good, this is never 'easy' in my experience," Anti says. One of the screens on the walls lights up, showing nothing but static, the speakers letting out the sound of white noise. Anti glitches over to a table and starts looking through the items there. "You should probably cover your ears, Magnificent. I don't think it'll be able to affect you so easily, but better safe than sorry. You get started while I decide how to approach this."
"Ah- Yes. I can do that." Mag snaps and puts basically magic earplugs in and then grins, slinking back over to Alt.
Alt tries to pull his head away but Mag grabs him by the hair and slams his head back, giggling. "Oh you poor beaten kitten… your mind has already been scrambled so nicely for me~! So broken and disjointed… It's like you knew to expect me!"
"Mag- f-fucking! Don't do this! You're really g-gonna let me be a puppet for someone else?" Alt tries to growl at him.
Magnificent just shakes head and laughs, "Why not? I want to see how it works~! And you're already such a good puppet for me, Alt… I think I can lend you away for a bit~" He flares up some corruption in his hands- not enough to completely block Alt's magic- but enough to make him weak. He digs his claws into his neck and spreads it there as Alt screams and tries to thrash against it. As he works a bright purple and green spiral looms behind Magnificent- soon drawing in Alt's eyes as Mag withdraws his hand.
Alt weakly lets his head fall back, panting and heaving in panic- but he's starting to do it less- the anger and fear fading from his eyes. Corrupted purple flickers in his eyes but- he tries to fight against it, weakly squirming in his restraints. "n-no… no I… i-"
Anti watches this happen, observing. It really does happen quite quickly. "I've been able to put people in trances before," he says quietly. "But they always shake it off eventually. That sort of reminds me of it." He nods at the spiral, at the way Alt's struggles are fading. "I can work with that."
The white noise in the air sounds less sharp than it did before. More… soothing, almost. Anti walks around behind Alt, carrying something. He snaps it around Alt's neck, revealing it to be a metal collar.
"Alright, Alt," he says quietly, but not kindly. "Here's how it's going to work. If you start to do something wrong, you're going to get hurt. Same thing if you say something bad. Simple enough, right? You can do that, right?"
Magnificent's eyes widen and then he giggles, "Oh… i like where this is going."
Alt snaps slightly out of trance as he feels the collar get snapped onto him. He weakly glares at Anti, eyes sparking. "L-Like i'm gonna just d-do what you say just cuz you ask me- f-fuck off!"
ZAP. Anti can't pulse with electricity the way Alt can, but he has other tools he can use. Namely, a taser, which he presses to the metal of the collar and switches on for a second. "That's a low setting, and I know you can handle electricity," Anti says. "But I promise it can get worse. And I'm not just limited to lightning." He tilts Alt's head back so he can look him in the eyes. "You don't have to fight it, though," he whispers. "You don't have to go through this." He glances back up at Magnificent and nods towards the spiral he has conjured, silently asking him to increase whatever he's doing.
Alt grits his teeth and stiffens in his chair, trying to hide his discomfort. He feels himself get tilted up and he opens his eyes enough to just glare more at Anti. "I-I'm not l-letting myself be corrupted by you…!"
Magnificent tilts his head and the magic gets brighter and hums with intensity. The pressure on the room increases. Mag grips his hand and the corruption on Alt's neck pulses and grows slightly, making purple flash in his eyes as he gasps.
Alt tries to shut his eyes, shaking his head. "No…! Nono-!"
"Why not?" Anti asks. "Remember, I've seen your memories. I know what you've thought. All these Antis out here, doing terrible things. You know that you're not any different. Didn't you try to kill your so-called friends a couple times?"
"T-Those weren't for you to see-" Alt whimpers. "I.. I'm not like that anymore- I don't want to be that anymore…! I'm not like them- I'm not-!" He squeezes his eyes shut tighter, trembling.
ZAP! Anti goes up a setting on the taser. "Don't close your eyes," he snaps.
Alt grits his teeth and bites back another scream. Alt instinctively follows Anti's order and his eyes find the spiral.
"Alright, maybe you're not like that anymore. But you remember what it was like, don't you? Didn't a part of you like being like that? Being able to do whatever the fuck you wanted?"
Alt’s shoulders almost instantly relax as the magic starts to spiral in his eyes. His head lolls back more as he breathes slowly. He leans a bit more against Anti's side, talking hollowly. "… i… i… d..did…"
"That's it kitten… relax… and listen to Anti," Magnificent sings sweetly, increasing the burning magic. "Just like that…"
"I know you did," Anti says, his voice laced with static. "But you feel so bad about it now. Guilt is a useless thing, Alt. All it does is make you feel bad. Life is so much better lived without regrets. Nothing is stopping you from casting these feelings aside and doing something that you like. Even if people say it's wrong, they don't know you. They can't know you. It's impossible to fully know someone, since you can't possibly have thought and felt and experienced everything someone else has. So, why do you care so much about what these people who can't know you think?"
"I… I don't… know…" Alt whispers, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "…it… it.. shouldn't… matter…" His eye twitches and he tries to shake out his head, squeezing his eyes shut again as his head pounds. "n-no it m-matters it… it has to- I… I need to- be something b-better…! I…"
ZAP! Up another setting. "Better is arbitrary," Anti hisses. "Good and bad are constructs. Right and wrong are fictional ideas." The static echoes his words. "You only want to be 'better' because others tell you that you should want that. When you strip away those voices, Alt, you know what you really want. And I can help you, like I've helped lots of people before you."
Alt lets out a short scream now, clenching his fists and arching his back. He pants, eyes rolling in his head for a second before they find the spiral again. He starts to relax even more, even through panted short breaths. The magic glows brighter in his eyes as he whispers, "…what… I want…?" He leans his head back and sighs in pain, "i… i wanna be free…"
"Then let me help you," Anti whispers. "Let me free you." He puts one hand on Alt's shoulder. For a moment, he flickers, becoming a figure of black static. Something is in his chest. Right where his heart would be. It looks a little like a heart too, in shape. But it's not. It's a knot of strings, and one of those strings slinks down his arm and into the spot where his hand is touching Alt. Then he returns to his normal look, and the string is gone from sight. But it's still there.
Alt twitches a bit and rolls his shoulder where he feels the string but very quickly relaxes. His eyes glaze over completely and his fighting stops. "…free me, Anti." He whispers, lips hardly moving.
Magnificent giggles with glee, hardly able to stop grinning.
"I will," Anti promises. "Close your eyes. When I tell you to open them again, you'll be free."
Alt's eyes easily slip shut now, his head lolling forward to hang limply over his chest.
"One…" Anti whispers. "Two…" He reaches for the collar. "Three." And he snaps it off. "Wake up, Byte."
Alt's head slowly rises and he opens his eyes. Immediately- they are different. His sclera is now green static. The purple spirals still burn in his irises but… now its like- his pupils are glitching. They don't seem to want to settle, glitching across his iris and sclera in broken bits and pieces.
Byte leans forward and looks confused before his lips curl up into an unsteady smile. He digs his nails into the arms of his chair and starts to giggle. He's dazed- still seeming kinda lost and entranced. He falls back in his chair, letting his head hit the back of it as he dazedly giggles at the ceiling.
"…fascinating…!" Magnificent breathes, his eyes sparkling.
"Everyone reacts to it differently," Anti says. "I've given up on trying to predict how they'll act after the process--but somehow this feels right." He leans back, considering for a moment. "It might not be as well-settled as corruption usually is, but that was really fast. Worth the tradeoff, if you ask me."
"I think it was only so fast because his mind is already very open to my hypnosis. And… whatever happened with you two scrambled his brain and made it very easy to manipulate." Magnificent comments, crossing his arms as he studies Byte. "Still… I haven't seen him like this…"
Anti leans forward again, undoing the cuffs on Byte's wrists and ankles. "Hello there." He smiles at him, somehow managing to look both genuine and crazed at the same time. "How do you feel, Byte?"
Byte dazedly watches as he's freed, smile only getting wider. His eyes get a bit more of that unhinged look in them. He tries to glitch up out of the chair and then falls over himself slightly, giggling madly. He finds Anti's arm and grabs onto it, digging his nails in. "F-Fantastic-" He grins. "Fucking f̵a̴n̴t̴a̵s̷t̸i̵c̷~! And… and stabby- I feel stabby." Byte laughs more and looks at Anti with those wide glitching eyes, grinning like a maniac. "Can I stab you? I w-w-wanna see you b̷͚̂l̴̢̇é̷̠e̶̓͜é̸̯d̸͕͘d̴̞̑."
"Ha! Unfortunately, I don't bleed at all, despite this whole thing." Anti indicates the neck wound. "But we can go out into the city and find someone who will." His smile widens into an excited grin. He seems unfazed by Byte grabbing his arm, even as the nails dig in. He glances at Magnificent. "Guessing that sort of comment isn't normal, then?"
"Not at all." Magnificent replies, impressed.
"Can I bite them?!" Byte says excitedly, baring his teeth in a sharp grin. "That's what my name is now, right? B̵I̷t̶e̸!̸ ̵!" He snaps his teeth together like a playful predator, giggling.
"You can," Anti assured him. "Let me just find someone suitable. This will only take one second." He turned into black static and zipped away--and then, exactly one second later, he returned. "Well… I just saw something very interesting." He looked over at Magnificent. "A puppet who snapped his strings. My Chase is out wandering around. It must be some sort of trap, I caught a couple glimpses of people nearby. They must've thought they were hiding with that magician's invisibility spell, not knowing that some cameras can see through that." And back to Byte, grinning. "We can head out right now."
"C̸h̵a̴s̵e̷!̷ I know a Chase!" Byte says excitedly. "If there's twooo Chases- can I kill one, Anti?" He giggles. As he does, he's still glitching a bit in place- his normally bright green and blue glitches now darker and corrupted. Even his magic seems corrupted as he opens his hand up and summons one of his magic knives. It buzzes and fizzles with loud static and flickers between dark green, blue, red and black.
Magnificent chuckles, "That's true… that could mean our Chase is somewhere in there too. No doubt hoping to catch us off guard."
"Or! He can come back too! Two Chases! Two puppets~!" Byte laughs, bouncing on his toes.
"Two would be nice," Anti says thoughtfully. "But if it really comes down to it, you can kill the spare--the one not from this world. As well as anyone else with him."
The spirals in Byte's eyes pulse a bit at this, as if sealing in a command and he grins. "I can kill him. It will be fun to kill him~! And the others! Anyone I can!!"
"Oh this will be quite the show~!" Magnificent laughs, "My puppets wont know what's hitting them."
Anti flashes a smile. "Lovely knives."
"Thank you Anti!" Byte beams. He throws one knife out of his hand and lets its sink into the wall- then opens back up his hand and it flies back in a similar arc. He giggles. "They're m̸a̵g̶i̷c̵~̷" He then poofs them away and glitches around the room like he just can't keep still. "Can we go?!"
"We can go right now," Anti says. "I need Voice, but we can meet him at the exit. Hmm, I should probably take Error, too, just in case." He looks at Magnificent. "Want to join? The four of us together can probably defeat them all."
"Oh, my friend, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Magnificent chuckles.
Byte glitches to a stop, his hair spiking and curling slightly as electricity courses across it and his clothes. He grins wide. "I'll follow you! I still don't know how the Place works-" He says plainly but even that sounds a bit crazy and unhinged. Maybe its that wild look in his glitching eyes. He then blinks and looks to a certain corner and then points. "And what are we gonna do with Jack? He's watching."
Magnificent looks confused, frowning at the space and not seeing anything. "…what are you talking about…?"
Anti stiffens. "He's what?" he whispers, absolute venom dripping in his voice, thick enough to burn ears.
Jack has been watching everything. He'd wanted to reach out to Alt, to support him during Anti's attempts to corrupt him, to remind him that he's not alone. But then Magnificent had walked in and thrown him for a loop, and before he could recover, that spiral the magician conjured was blocking Alt's vision. He wanted to shout, to scream, but the moment the process started he froze up. It wasn't just Alt in that chair, it was Jackie, Jameson, Henrik, Marvin, Chase--all of them. All of his friends he couldn't help. All of his friends that he had watched get hurt and tortured and twisted beyond recognition and never been able to do a single thing about. The memory of helplessness locked him up, shoving him back into that mentality until it was too late.
Anti turns in the direction Alt was pointing and lunges forward.
Jack yelps, briefly flickering into view, and dives out of the way.
"Get b̵̨a̛ç̛k̕ ̸͠h͡e͟͠r̢͟ę̴̕!" Anti shouts, picking up a blade from the nearest table and throwing it.
Jack dodges it and jumps through the wall, disappearing.
Anti screeches animalistically--then glances at Magnificent and gets himself under control. "I'll… deal with him… some other time," he says through gritted teeth. "He can't be touched. He's just like a fucking ghost. Not important right now. Let's go. He's probably going to tell the group we're on the way."
Byte staggers back, fear flickering in his eyes. As Anti shouts and screeches, he curls up slightly- afraid of his rage.
Magnificent raises an eyebrow and then laughs, "Sore spot, I'm assuming?" He sees Byte cowering and grabs him by the arm and throws him forward. "No time to waste, Byte. You want your blood, don't you?"
"y…yes. Yeah I- let's go." Byte says a bit dazedly. He glances at Anti warily.
Anti takes a deep breath. He notices Byte's fear, and for a moment, regret flickers in his eyes. But it's only for a second. There are more important things to focus on. "Sore spot indeed," Anti says as he walks to the door. He opens it up and heads out. "Come on. We'd best hurry."
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
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Kanade was probably looking for her outfit (since she has a very small wardrobe-) so when she sees you wearing it, she is just. Shocked
She spends most of her time in her room, so she never really considered that you would do something like this. She finds that it gives her a really nice feeling!
"Oh." She looks you up and down, and a soft smile spread across her face. "I was looking for that...But it looks nicer on you."
She would then proceed to show you her closet full of the signature blue jacket, and tells you that you can take as many as you want. If you give her any looks or questions, she will not understand your reaction-
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In all honesty, Mafuyu's reaction will depend on how far you two are in your relationship-
If it's earlier on, she will probably give you one of her acts, a bit too cheerful. It's not against you, but its an immediate reaction to her by that point- If it's later on and you've seen how she actually is, her reaction will be muted. Either way, she'll be smiling at you!
"Ah, so that's where that went." She laughs slightly, and you can see a small glimmer in her eyes. She was happy though, you could tell. "You look nice."
Whether she notices it or not, she starts bringing in an extra sweater just for you, wrapping it around your shoulders if she feels like you need it. It's a small gesture, but it's her version of a hug in those moments
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Ena will just stare at you with wide eyes because she has so many things going through her brain-
You look really cute, but she's also praying that you didn't wrinkle that outfit too much, but she would also love to take a picture of you both and post it-
"...Oh my god." You almost think that she's mad before she grabs you by the shoulders, grinning at you. "You look so pretty in that! Hey, where are your clothes? I should put it on and we could take a picture together!"
Sure enough, she puts your clothes on and you take a picture together. It gets a lot of likes, and she makes these clothing swaps a normal occurrence between the two of you! And while she's happy with the likes, she's always happy to dress you up <3
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Mizuki is the fashion person, so of course they're blown away with you wearing their clothes!!
A lot of their clothes are on the more complicated side, so they'll be impressed that you managed to put it on without them noticing- They love the look on you though, and the knowledge that it's one of their own overjoys them!!
"Aww, look at you!" They practically squeal, beaming at you before fixing random bits and pieces of the outfit, "You look so cute in that! Say, there's an outfit just that in your favorite color! Do you want to see??"
Yes, you are immediately locked into a long dress-up session with them, but they pour their adoration of you into each outfit they hand you. Safe to say, you're allowed to take their clothes whenever, and they love seeing you in them!
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hopeymchope · 3 months
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I'm finally playing Another Code Recollection!
I started it a week ago, and I just finished the "Two Memories" section. As a longtime fan of Ashley/CING/Another Code, I have THOUGHTS.
It honestly bothers me more than it should that there's no separation, really, between the first and second game. You don't go back to the title screen. You don't get some credits or anything. You complete the first game's story, and then it just says "Two Memories" "The End" and then the second game's story IMMEDIATELY BEGINS. You go straight from the big climax of one story into the lazy-days opening of another adventure, and it's JARRING. It's not a good idea. They should've had a pause, had you maybe be able to select the second game from a title screen option? Instead it's just all... one game now. And that feels WRONG to me.
It's cool we're all united under calling the device "Another" and calling her Ashley Mizuki Robins now. In the old days, her name was "Robbins" in North America and "Robins" in Europe. The device was "Trace" in America and "Another" in Europe. The original DS game even had two different translations for basically ALL the same dialogue. It was weird how you could play two English translations that conveyed the same info in distinct ways. But now, at last, UNITY! Every region will know her as Ashley Mizuki Robins, and everyone will call the machine her dad worked on the "Another." YAY.
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I feel like this puzzle has stuck in the minds of those who played the original FOREVER.
3. Let's face it: None of the puzzles in this remake are remotely as clever as the ones in the original games. The way "Two Memories" made use of the DS' distinct form and "A Journey into Lost Memories" made use of the Wii Remote were SO damn creative, and that was a big part of what made the games have such an impact on the relative few who played them. With "Recollection," we still get the characters and stories we love, but losing that kind of outside-the-box puzzle design kinda DOES suck. These aren't making any particular special use of the Switch's design or innate gimmicks. They're just... regular ol' adventure game puzzles. (Though I'm at least grateful I didn't have to do that damned slide puzzle again... fuck do I hate slide puzzles.)
4. Ashley's outfits are redesigned in both games. And while I think she looks great across the board, I also think they did a much better job of retaining the basic visual design of her "Two Memories" look as compared to how they reminaged her "Journey into Lost Memories" look.
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Above: The original Ashley designs from the DS and Wii games. Below: The new ones from the Switch collection.
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In both cases, Ashley loses the midriff and the dangling strap/chain thing. No big losses imo; in fact, I think the use of a plaid flannel in her new "R" design invokes '90s grunge fashion in the same way that chain/strap did, so it's a pretty functional swap. Also, her old wrist cuff/band things only appear (recolored) on her new "R" outfit, but I don't think anyone felt emotionally attached to those. Overall, the "Two Memories" outfit keeps the same color scheme/placement while changing over to a hoodie that feels/looks really good. But even with the flannel doing some thematic work for the "R" redesign, they largely went in a totally different direction from the original. Ashley's new outfit looks very... uh, confused? Like, she's wearing some fairly short shorts plus a plaid flannel long-sleeve over another shirt; Is it hot or is it cold, girl? Make up your damn MIND.
5. It's really interesting to see how the story's been rewritten so far. Richard and Bill's first appearances are both handled BETTER in the remake, I think; I think that in the original "Two Memories," Bill was overly standoffish for what he was trying to do, and Ashley was just WAY too skeptical when first meeting Richard. Both these issues are corrected now. There's also a much clearer link between the original and the sequel, and I'm less sure about that decision. The original game was an open-and-shut case to the point that "R" had to work backwards to be like "Oh, but there's ANOTHER layer to the mystery." Now the other layer is plainly present from the jump, but it also kinda makes Ashley look... dumber? Like, she literally sees the name "J.C. Valley" doing MAJOR SKETCHY SHIT at the end of "Two Memories" during one of the most eventful/memorable days of her life, and then her dad goes to work at "J.C. Valley" in the sequel, and somehow she NEVER MAKES THE CONNECTION. (At least she hasn't yet in my game.) I guess that was a pretty overwhelming day? But still...
6. The combination of Ashley's old and new outfits would make excellent alternate appearances for Ashley in Smash Bros. I've been championing getting her in Smash for YEARS. Is she an unlikely candidate? Of course, but many candidates who are just as unlikely (if not MORE) are already in the thing! Being a trophy in Smash Bros. Brawl is NOT ENOUGh. So right now, I'm in the process of altering my mental moveset for her to account for the new things she does in this game. I think we can definitely make her viable. Maybe I'll make a post about how I imagine her moves in the future. :P
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bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
I got the Who Made Me a Princess paper doll book from the Volume 3 limited edition and i said i would make a review on it, so here it is!
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This was specifically the WMMAP i really really wanted to have ever since i laid my eyes on it, and after seeing @ultramarine-spirit's review on it i decided that i should try finding it so i don't have to long for it anymore. I got unbelievably lucky with this because it was the last one on sale and it was at a decent price, so thankfully it easy to convince my dad to lend me the money to buy it and he is a real MVP in this. Without further ado, i'll jump right into my review!
First off, the book is gorgeous. Not only was it in super good condition but the cover is just, so precious and i love it so much. I love Athy and Jetty so this book was already a priority in what WMMAP merch i wanted to buy, and since it's my first time doing so i have to say it went better than i expected. A few things i noticed is how kid Jennette got a lot of original outfits in this book since she barely appeared in the first arc, so i didn't think she would get a lot in this book. They're cute though so i don't really mind.
Ultramarine said in her review that she didn't want to cut out the dolls because it was too precious and after holding the book in my own hands, i think i too don't want to take them out. Like on one hand i think it would be fun to play dress up with them and have Athy and Jetty swap clothes for fun, but on the other hand this book is so rare that i think you'd have better luck finding the Volume 7 character illustrations than this gold mine anywhere else. I wish i could just photo copy this so i could still made the dolls without sacrificing the book :<
Something interesting about this is that for the backgrounds you might need to have the box this book came with for it to stick, which you can obviously improvise with but it kinda makes sense considering it has a platform for the dolls to stand on and all that. Also, we got more of Athanasia's room in this! Idk why i was excited but i love seeing her room for some reason because it just feels like it would be her room with the pink accents and blues complimenting it, sorta like Athy's two debutante dresses. I'm a bit disappointed we never got one for Jetty's room since i would love to see it here too, but i digress since maybe i could search up references of both their rooms and try to make it. (not that i'd ever will, just thought it would be fun to do)
So now let’s get onto the dresses. Ultramarine had already elaborated more on Athy’s dresses in her review so i’ll try to keep this short: they’re so cute, from her little girl dresses to when she’s a teenager i think she had so many great dresses and the ones Spoon picked for her could not be more great for this! Obviously she has to have her debutante dress with her but her other outfits are also super pretty in this (while obviously simplified). As for Jennette, because she hasn’t appeared much in the manhwa at this point her dresses are more on compiling all that she’s worn at that point, so while she didn’t get as much variety as Athy her dresses are still super cute and i especially love her green dress. As i said kid Jetty didn’t have a lot of outfits hence why she has a lot of original ones unique to this book, but i do wish we got the one outfit where she was cuddling the stuffed rabbit while looking sad. I have a whole crack theory on how it might be a representation of her relationship with the Alpheus family but this about the paper dolls so i’ll explain it in a later post.
A little tidbit about the instructions: from what was visualized there are two ways you can cut out Jetty's bonnets, and i think one of them involves using scraps to make a back slip so you can remove it anytime you want. Meaning, you can technically give small Athy a bonnet too if you could! This just means that you have to make their outfits removable though if you want them to match.
That's it for my review! I'm still too apprehensive of actually cutting out the paper dolls as i really don't want to risk ruining them, but maybe in the future i'll have the confidence to do so. I have this vague idea of posting memes of them doing cult activities since there's a lot of dolls and i do think that i might, just not now.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Aoko x Alice but neither of them know what they're doing and it's really messy and awkward but still sweet
Kara no Kyoukai
something with Kirie Fujou, either with her using her powers on someone, or something about her disabilities
Smut, Shiki pegging her loving malewife Mikiya. It's so good that mikiya cries
Incest tw, I need some respectful, reciprocated Kohaku/Hisui. I generally see it as Hisui being more forceful when it comes to engaging/starting, but leaving it to Kohaku to take the lead once they actually get intimate - of course, if the filler has a different take on the dynamic, I'd love to see that too! The main requirement here is fluff.
Fate/Stay Night
Smut, dubcon, Rin decides to end her rivalry with Luvia by having sex with her. Dubcon that quickly becomes consensual due to Rin's tongue game
Rin/Luvia, body swap
Smut, Artoria watching Lancelot and Guinevere have sex.
Kirei giving a present to Gilgamesh, trying to justify doing something that is good for another person.
I'd like to see Medea on a date, can be with Kuzuki, or Jason, or Master, or anyone really, i just kinda want to see her having fun and experiencing some of the youth she lost
medea and kuzuki crossdressing. not forcefem just a man wearing a pretty outfit his wife picked out for him because he loves her
Smut, Artoria Bimbofication followed by her getting gangbanged
I come humbly asking for Saber to be hairy as FUCK.
Smut, ok but the idea of having Gilgamesh having the random dream of the Artorias loving him so much that it becomes a artoriasome.
This world needs more trans Shirou being doted on ny the other members of the Emiya house, be that in a fluffy or smutty way. Bonus points for including Saber!
Smut, Shirou/Issei public sex, I wanna see Issei try and stay quiet
Shirou has a wet dream and accidentally projects Kanshou and Bakuya as very cute girls
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
I know that Bazett had Cu for maybe a week or more, but I want just them get together for one night outing and have them act like a normal couple just before the holy grail war. I want it to be very sweet and hopeful. It doesn't have to end in sex. I wish there was more stuff cubaz stuff out there. ;3;
Fed up of "Jeanne" refusing to remember who she really is on her own, Gilles Prelati's Spellbook to see if he can find a spell that will make her "remember". Aka - Gilles de Rais brainwashes Artoria into thinking she's his heavily idealised perception of Jeanne de Arc
Hakuno is summoned in chaldea and they have a tea party with Alice.
Force masc Semiramis, either with Amakusa or another Apocrypha character.
Fate/Grand Order
Smut, Tiamat wants more children, and thus is the duty of the master of Chaldea to fulfill her wishes by doing marathon mana transfer until they pass out
NTR, Yu paisen and Gudako have a (accidental) romantic date after all the crypters flake at their reunion post lostbelts
Smut, Tiamat/Raikou competing to see whos the better momther, only to end up screwing each others brains out and ending up dating.
Smut, Gilles de Ray, having sex with this man until he passes out
i want to see gudao/ko rayshift to emiyas gohan and make friends maybe they deserve to go on a 1 week vacation (real not clickbait)
tiamat turns BB into a lahmu after finding out what she tried to pull during summer 3.
Since we know that Baobhan Sith and Ritsuka have movie nights every once in a while i would like some fluff between them in one of those nights
Gudao walks onto Medea and Jason having sex, a multitude of excuses coming from the both of them soon after.
Smut, Siegfried fucking Kriemhild until she passes out
Tiamat interactions with Morgan & her knights . first off , Morgan should get the shovel talk from tiamat.
Smut, Itty Bitty Titty Committee hot springs meeting! Complete with hands on testing to make sure the current members can stay. (To clarify I do mean the adult women who are flat chested, like Shuten, Helena, Altera, and so on)
Chen Gong meeting Castoria, and she seems to really like him, and everyone is worried how she’ll react when he has to sacrifice her for the first time. Only for it to turn out that Castoria is massive masochist and she begged Chen for the opportunity.
Smut, Nightingale giving Gudao a very extensive and sensual prostate exam in her Trick or Treatment outfit.
Avicebron/Medea. I think of them either exploring their shared passion for creating or their tragic lives. Maybe both. Maybe these should also kiss.
Smut, Anyone willing to shove a cock up Gudako's ass? Consentual, dubcon & noncon are ok, but I insist she gets pleasure out of it.
Gudao telling dad jokes to Fuuma after he starts dating Danzo.
Grunhilde, pissed that Bloodaxe still hasn't convinced Guda to summon her, kindly through force makes Eric ask Medea(or Circe but I find it funnier Medea) to use her body for a short while. Medea agrees and they go on a date where Jason sees them and then shenanigans ensue. I would also like to add this is not a Jason/Medea fic but if whoever decides to do it goes in that way I have no reason to object.
Smut, Chiron getting fucked by redhare and/or Xiang Yu
Smut, Futa Tiamat fucking Gudao with spoiling and aftercare.
I am mad to say nobody has suggested this, but I wanna see Hijikata finding out about Okita’s tuberculosis one day when he repeatedly hears her cough daily and she’s all like, “WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN-“ cue Angry Pickle Man trying to help Okita despite the fact she is insisting she is fine.
I guess something where castoria realizes she’s in love (can be with gudao, oberon, or somebody else). the only problem? It seems that there’s a time loop. So now she has to find a way to break out of it and confess.
nobu decides to prank gudao with a trap, and she fails miserably because her girlfriend okita got in the way and accidentally activated the trap. so now she finds a way to fix her bullshittery
(rarepair hell) Something with Salieri and Kijyo Koyo, either fluff (him listening her play the Koto) or Smut (third asc on third asc)
Maybe something with ritsuka actually being selfish for once and taking up hajime saitous offer to run away with him? Or any servant really, he was just the first to pop to mind.
I’ve recently gotten into Mash/Tonelico (thanks to a certain unnamed writer) but I’m also into Guda/Morgan because of the whole “I’m your wife” thing. So in essence what I’m saying is: Mash: This is my girlfriend Tonelico and her spouse Guda.
Kinda of a Crackship, but i think King Hassan and Tiamat would make a cute pair
Tiamat's having a 24 hour session of her spoiling her children.
Kintoki gets trapped between Ibuki's and Shuten's fight for who gets to "play" with him
an epilogue were all the crypters and Olga are alive and they just hang out with Guda like normal friends
Xiang Yu breaks down in a way that he can't fix on his own. With no way out, he asks his wife to please help him out. As smutty or not as smutty as you would like
Smut, futa Koyanskaya forcefems Gudao, fucks him, rims him, edges him, and fucks his weak human cockhole with her superior knotted cock
Sieg and Castoria ending up dating because they spend so much time farming together, and everyone else being shocked/surprised
Smut, I would love a fight to death turns into breaking the bedroom sex (battlefield?) between Alter Ego Bazett and Alter Cu Chulainn. I want them both to wake up the next morning limping away while swearing that they will fight again, but then they just have sex again.
Ritsuka has a Big Massive Trauma moment and it's going badly. Morgan, a noted veteran of having Big Massive Trauma sees this, doesn't feel anything, doesn't like that she doesn't feel anything, and then goes to help Ritsuka intimately. And when I saw intimately I don't necessarily mean they fuck (Though they could), but I want the raw emotion shit. I want Ritsuka to cry and scream into Morgan, I want them to aggressively cuddle, I want Morgan to give the bone-crushing hug she never had.
Back during the FGO universe's holy grail war, Marisbury needs to give Solomon a good old mana transfer
BB gets bimbofied & made to dress like gudao by the koyan twins.
Ereshkigal/Guda (either gender,) aftermath of sex pollen. So your buddy got hit by the curse of Fuck Or Die, and you fucked it out of their system. Great! How do you handle the aftermath? You just fucked your bff (and/or crush) how do you deal with the awkwardness? do you talk about it? do you just kinda ignore it? i wanna know!! (you can write the sex pollen too if you want but i mostly want the aftermath)
There was a wacky theory Miss Crane is Demon Pillar Naberius. Would think it would be neat if there was a fic that explored that idea.
Smut, Nymphomaniac Ibuki, Barghest and Kukulkan plowing Gudako into a mindless puddle? Dicks and excessive amounts of cum are optional.
Smut, Gudako and Yu Paisen worshiping Xiang Yu's horse cock because there is no way a single person can satisfy him
Bradamante being bimboified by Merlin
Kadoc witnessing an event. can be a real event thats happened since or make one up tbh. (bonus content: kirschtaria gets to be there for the event too. how is he alive/in chaldea? u decide! i just think he'd get way too into it and have fun.)
nobu makes a bomb that self-destructs when she flexes how AWESOME it is. now she’s on the run because everybody is gonna get her. Even her master, but Gudao is… well, at the least to say, ‘loving’ to help her… mana transfer seduction.
lb5.5 kintoki/guda... platonic or romantic and even nsfw is fine!! id like for them to get along tho!
i feel the need to karmically balance out some of this guts rearranging. crackfic of shuten opening the world's most ethically dubious surgical clinic in chaldea
Smut, Caeneus x Gudako/Reader, Caeneus fucks me senseless with his horse cock
Smut, Ibuki/Raikou fucking
master of chaldea becomes a beast
FGO Bee Movie parody, starring Oberon as the titular bee.
Local funny vamp Arcueid Brunestud and World's Most Annoying Man Gojo Satoru team up to affectionately annoy the hell out of both Tohno Shiki and Ryougi Shiki
Through a comedy of errors shiki ryougi and shiki tohno meet and come to believe the other shiki is the split personality they had kicking around their skull escaped and somehow having obtained a body
crossover in which fate/stay night illya adopts(kidnaps? stalks?) john wick as father figure pre-fsn because he kind of reminds her of kiritsugu
Any fandom
Smut, Hoi, Could I request some Grand Order Futa Somnophelia? Dont mind whos involved!
Suicide tw, Kinda fucked up, but i want to see a character having a mental breakdown and killing themselves
Smut, Anything where someone has a non-human cock. Artoria with a dragon cock, Tamamo fox knot, Shuten with a big blunt demon cock, anyone you can find an excuse to give a horse cock with a horse cock. Something like that
Can I have some furries? Can I PLEASE get some furries? Werewolf aus or dragon saber or anything you want just furry these bitches up pls thks
hnnngggrr Force-feminization is cool and all, but force-masculinization is comparatively rare. I'd love to see a fic involving some. Levels of explicitness, actual forcefulness, and characters all up to writer's discretion, but bonus points if involving characters who already have an unconventional relationship with their genders in any way.
creative uses for mystic eyes
I just want some fluff with rare pairs and crackships
Kohaku or someone else messing around with the carnival phantasm "true self" tea to different results than happened in the show
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neverchecking · 1 year
(omg do it ~ but only if you have time)
The whole family just being overjoyed by the news is so wholesome to me. (Ignoring the fact that when it finally sinks in Sage will be taking the term 'Baby Proofing' to a whole new extreme. The lynel population will never recover.) Tia and Aaliyah are already plotting out the nursery, what kind of clothes they should get, babysitting rotations. The whole shebang.
Champ was vibrating the whole way to Zora's domain where he promptly announces to Sidon and Yona he's an uncle. And has to be sat down long enough for them to know which side of the family the baby is coming from. And what kind of gift they should get the new parents. (Sidon, somehow, swindles a hug out of the expecting parents. Neither is sure HOW but they blame the baby fever. Yona is the one who wrangles her boys into getting nice practical gifts.)
But the Three using children to distract the trio from them properly asking Tia's permission to court her? Genius. They deserve it after surviving by the skin of their teeth. I feel Twilight and First ask her in private while they're distracted and they only realise they've been swindled when Tia comes back with flowers, beaming and blushing.
Warriors, on the other hand, deserves to give Champ some shit after he was nearly neutered. So he asks in public. WIth flowers. And poetry. On one knee. (Tia is well aware of the plan, but didn't know the details.) Champ is F U M I N G. But he can't say shit because the little girl in his arms is busy cooing. And neither can Aaliyah and Sage because they're distracted by how happy the kids are that Queen Tia is getting courted! Yay! Queen Tia deserves all the flowers!
(Tia holds her shit together just long enough for her and Warrrios to find some privacy before blushing furiously. Warriors gets the flowers in his face after he coos at her to try and distract him from how red she's turning.)
Wild and Cal are too busy staring at Aaliyah and daydreaming about the day they might be starting a family with Aaliyah to be of any real help with distracting the kids so she can bite this damn knight. Every time there's a baby in Aaliyah's vicinity, they're immediately watching her and they are dead every time. Especially the times they suddenly get handed a baby and thus are subject to the full force of Aaliyah cooing.
(Aaliyah has the sneaking suspicion that Tia explictly told the three about their weakness. She can't prove it, but she knows it was Tia who told them.)
(It wasn't. It was Revali who wanted to stir up some shit with Champ and wanted Tia to stop mooning over the three during their Champion Catch-Up nights.)
I feel like, despite going full asshole on each other, Aaliyah and First have a weird respect? for each other. Like they will do incredibly petty things to each other (tell First the wrong location of the meeting, swap all of Aaliyah's clothes with the Tingle Outfit, etc) but they won't do anything that'll 1) actively hurt the other and 2) will result in seriously upsetting Tia. They'll bitch each other out but he respects Aaliyah's place in Tia's life and Aaliyah respects that Tia wants First.
Fox!Tia is available for cuddles any time someone wants one. And she was visibly restraining herself when she got introduced to Wolfie and had to explain she knew that Wolfie was Twilight but please can she pat him? He looks so fluffy and she desperately wants to pat him. (That's probably the point where Twilight starts falling for her.)
She's very flustered by any of the flirting at first which gets her guard dogs' hackles up, but the minute she gains enough confidence to flirt back, the trio knows it's over. They can't do shit. And the three make it their life mission to get her to flirt back ASAP so they can keep flirting with her.
(The idea of the Trio staging an intervention is hysterical to me while Tia starts coming up with increasingly absurd alibis after having a date with one of her suitors. "Tea with Satori. Making a truce with the Bokoblins. Riding a gleeok. Having a candlelight dinner with Ganon.")
(Added to my ever growing list of things I need to write the second I beat my Writer's block into the ground.)
THEY ARE ALL A BIG FOUND FAMILY I DON'T MAKE THE RULES bfifbf Them and the Sages and fofbfhn I LOVE THEM. (Sage is a beast when it comes to protecting Hyrule in prep for his baby. His kid would never know danger. The Lynels tell their own kids about the horrors-- the ones that survive that is.) Tia and Aaliyah have it all planned out by the end of her second trimester. They are prepare for everything.
(Until the kid inevitably comes and its all thrown out the window)
Champ is shaking by the time he gets to the Zora's domain. And them just holding him down to explain which side of the family it is fnofb Because if it's Tia there's a whole lot of explaining that needs to happen. Sidon has special privileges LMAOO (they don't talk about it, but they for sure let a lot more people get cuddly. Teba and his wife get to hug them, Tulin always gets to hug them so there's no difference, Riju and Urbosa is hugging em, even Daruk and Yunobo are hugging them -- even if Sage is stopping him in his tracks and reminding them that Aaliyah is so much smaller than a goron and her passenger is much more fragile and they need to account for such.)
They are constantly on survival mood lmaooo- The moment of >:O When they see Tia with flowers is SO FUNNY TO ME. Like They're holding little Johnny and nearly drop him with the whiplash they give themselves fnofnf
Warriors and Champ is another TOP TIER rivalry. Like he makes direct eye contact with Champ before going on the move, knowing DAMN WELL that the other is freaking seething. The kids don't notice, too busy playing in his hair, Aaliyah and Sage are prolly cooing over a fresh baby, and they're little scrunch too busy to notice until it's far too late.
(THEY ARE SO CUTE FIFBF Wars being a huge flirt and cooing at her only to get the flowers back in his face so he doesn't see her grin <33)
Wild and Cal too distracted IS SO BASED FIFBF And them taking the kids so she can just surprise attack first? FBKIFBNF LOVE IT
Wild for sure takes pictures and Cal has to reset his entire damn being. And goddess forbid they're holding the babies then have Aaliyah on their shoulder talking about how their eyes look just like Cal's!
( Aaliyah is like 98.4839% certain it was her but just can't confirm it)
(Revali being the mastermind behind it all is SO FUNNY. Champion catch-up nights were not in fact remedied because not it's all just talk about babies and what the three did to woo Tia)
There is that weird respect between them. Like they're loosening the tops on salt shakers and things but the minute someone is talking shit about the other, they're also defending each other to the DEATH.
(That being the falling point is SO CUTE FHIFBF)
The trio just have to accept their defeat as is. and the other three are RUBBING THEIR NOSES IN THEIR DEFEAT. FOFF THE INTERVENTION IS SO FUNNY TO ME because it's the wildest things. Especially the candlelight dinner with Ganon one ofhnf
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