#they stole all the good looks (and the hair) from the male cast
distinguished-slacker · 9 months
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The girlies look good💕💕
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Being a Son of Iris, headcanons…
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PJO x Male Reader
Reference to possible: Travis Stoll x Son of Iris!Reader
Warnings: References to violence…
Summary: Just some headcanons for being the son of Iris, Goddess of the rainbow…
(A/n: I think I cursed myself with that poll about my draft fics because the progress on those ⬇️… but I hope you’ll like this good enough for now)
In the far left corner of the Hermes cabin is where the three Iris children, you, Butch and Blanche, had set up their own little area of a bunkbed and a matress all with colorful sheets.
That was until after the war when the three of you FINALLY got a cabin of your own.
The exterior was very simple and made of stone like an ancient greek temple. With carvings of Iris on the walls.
As soon as the cabin was declared finished, it gained an iridescent glow. Which most people assumed was a sign that Iris had blessed it and was satisfied with their work.
Above the door of the cabin where it says Cabin 14 there is also a giant opal placed on the wall, that glistens in all the rainbows colours.
One time the Hermes cabin stole the Opal as a prank but when the Iris cabin found out you were pissed and you and your siblings cursed cabin 11 to turn hot pink as revenge.
You, Butch and Blanche only changed it back after Chiron forced the Hermes cabin to apologise.
Speaking of the Hermes cabin, The Iris and Hermes kids have a bit of a rivalry since Hermes took over Iris duty as the messanger of the gods against her wishes. So the two cabins engage in a mostly friendly rivalry on a lot of occasions.
You personally have a rivalry with Travis Stoll, the two of you always competing about something, who’s the fastest, who’s the strongest, who’s the better fighter, who looks better in their swimming suit…
Your siblings tease you saying you’re both crushing on each other. You deny it saying: ”Ew, why would I like Travis and his dumb cute face”.
Meanwhile in Cabin 11, Travis: ”Gross, why would I like Y/n and his sorta hot body”.
The powers you as a child of Iris have are that:
You’re really fast runners and can run for a long time, Iris was the messenger of the gods for a reason.
You can cast colour related curses and change the colour of different things and objects. If someone pisses you off, hope they like having the most obnoxious blue hair colour in existence and having their cool black car turned baby pink.
You get free Iris messages.
You can generate small rainbows that can be used for shorter Iris messages.
You can make your whole or just parts of your body glow with the rainbows colours. Helps when you’re somewhere really dark.
More a general trait but when a child of Iris skin gets wet it turn iridescent.
Congrats! You’re probably one of Hera’s favourite cabin as Iris acts as her personal messenger and confidant.
You even received a ancient vase as a cabin warming present from her.
Beacuse of your cabin’s association with colours and rainbows a lot of campers say watching you and your siblings in battle is like watching the Powerpuff Girls.
You are occaisionally referred to by the other campers as ”The Powerpuff Cabin”. Which you and the others don’t mind, who wouldn’t wanna be compared to the Powerpuff Girls.
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Flower Secret Prologue: Sudden Flowers
Venti popped his head into a house, a wide grin on his face as he tiptoed through, heading straight to the kitchen.
"Hehehehe!" He casted a quick glance around then opened the fridge.
A laugh of surprise came from him and he turned around, hands innocently behind his back. Dala gave him a look, tapping her foot with arms crossed over her chest.
"WOW, Dala! You've gotten so prettier in one day!"Venti comments doing his best to get himself out of trouble.
Silence followed, Dala raising a brow at him, uncrossing her arms and placing a hand on her hip. "Your thighs have gotten plushy"Venti compliments. Red spread across the girls cheeks, her eyes widening.
"VENTI, YOU SOUND LIKE A PERV!" Laughter erupted from him, ducking down as she swung a fist at him. Dala gave him a small grin, the sound of someone else coming downstairs getting their attention.
"What's going on?"Ganyu yawned a white haired male with gray bangs following behind her.
Dala and Venti stared at her then started laughing, startling their friend. Venti leaned against the girl next to him, pointing at the male behind Ganyu.
Ganyu turned and gasped in surprise, her face turning red as the laughter of her friends continued to fill the air. "Jinxo!" Jinxo smiled in amusement as she pushed him back upstairs.
"I see you got yourself a man, Ganyu! How'd you bag this one?"Venti teased grinning at her. Ganyu pointed a firm finger at him, pushing her boyfriend back up the stairs.
"You both better get dressed! Yoimiya's party is today!"
Dala gasped and quickly hurried to the stairs. Freezing on the fourth step, her attention went to Venti. "I poured out all your alcohol, specifically the ones that drunken you up."
Venti gasped and threw the fridge open, rummaging around as she went up stairs. "DALA YOU MONSTER!!" An evil cackle came upstairs, causing him to laugh.
Summer was nearly over and the group had been having a blast with each other. Well, with everyone's idea except Venti's who suggested they all try the alcohol he brought..stole...from Diluc.
Yun Jin and Yanfei both threw a Karaoke Swimming party at a pool they both convinced Osi and Lingya to lend to them.
Ganyu got them tickets to a concert through Jinxo, who seemed to be her boyfriend now. They all got to see Navia perform with Adiva that day and to say it was a blast since a proposal had occurred at the end of it.
Lumine, with the help of her siblings, threw a small get together where she tried to play matchmaker with a few of them that night.
It was Yoimiya's turn and she was throwing a party with her younger brother, Yulis, which is gonna end with a large firework show.
Then it was Dala's turn some time afterwards and Venti had a sneaking suspicion of what kind of party she was gonna be throwing when the time came.
Venti was snapped out of his thoughts when Dala's phone started to ring. An unknown number popped up onto the screen. "Unknown number? Who's this?"Venti mumbles.
His hand grabbed her phone, answering the call only for a familiar voice to ring through. "Dala? Is this Dala?"
Venti immediately hung up without thinking, his eyes widening when he realized what he did. "OH NOOOOO!"Venti yells his eyes wide.
He face palmed, sighing at his stupidity. He could have set them up together since Xiao and his buddies were coming to Yoimiya's party as well since Ganyu invited them due to being good friends and family with Xiao.
Xianyun, Ganyu's mother, was close with Zhongli with the two seeing each other as family. Their kids hung out, treating each other like cousins and referring to each other as such.
A knock came from the front door, Jinxo coming down the stairs to open it.
Venti peeked around the corner, noticing black hair with purple highlights. "Hey Murkus." "Is Big sis Ganyu here?"
Jinxo turned around, heading to the stairs. "GANYU!! Your little brother, Murkus, is here!"
Running feet immediately followed the call, Ganyu smiling as she hurried down the stairs, heading over to her little brother. Murkus grunted when she hugged him, looking unamused.
"Mother Xianyun is letting me come out of homeschooling." Venti perked up, having met Xianyun a few times but he could most certainly tell that she was the most protective of her only son for some reason.
"VENTI!! Come here!" That was Lumine, who must've just woken up due to some of the commotion.
Venti hurriedly came up the stairs, narrowly avoiding Murkus who was allowed to come in for a quick chat. The group lived in the house together but Yoimiya wasn't here due to her finishing preparation for the party and Venti who stayed in the dorms alongside a boy named Rexo, who is his roommate.
He walked through the hall, heading to Lumine's room. "RAH!" A girly scream came from him, Lumine clapping as she laughed and walked away. Dala cackled from her spot on the bed, putting her hair up in a bun with a braid around it. Yun Jin turned away as she giggled, trying to muffle it at the sight of Venti's expression.
“LUMINE!”Venti yells laughing. Lumine fell onto her bed, giggling as Venti stepped into the room. He tossed a pillow at her, hitting her right in the face. Yun Jin smacked him with one outside the head, laughter coming from her.
Yanfei opened her eyes, letting out a yawn and looked over curiously. Dala coughed, hitting her chest, smiling at Venti.
Venti had been the one who brought them all together, well, accidentally. He had gotten drunk one time and started singing silly songs in front of them which made them all laugh and they brought him back to his dorm room. The next day he approached them and thanked them for helping him out.
They didn’t see him after that day they became friends until they found him hanging by his cape in a tree. It took them an hour to get him down due to several plans failing. The final time they attempted to get him down, the branch broke and it sent them all falling to the ground, landing in a pile on top of each other.
It was something they laughed about to this day and teased Venti about whenever he tried to bring up something embarrassing about them. “Venti remember that time you were in the tree-“Yanfei asks as she started getting ready.
“Okay! Okay!”Venti laughed waving his hands, stopping them from exposing him further. Dala giggled in amusement then perked up when she noticed her phone in his hand.
“Venti why do you have my phone?”Dala asks curiously, lowering her hands from her hair and tilting her head to the side. A chuckle came from him, nervously passing her back her property. He watched her go through her phone then give him a deadpan look.
“Who called?”Dala demands placing a hand on her hip. “No idea, didn’t recognize the voice, sounded like a guy though”Venti lies, sticking his tongue out at her slightly chuckling. A sigh and an eye roll followed which made him breathe a mental sigh of relief.
Had she found out he hung up on someone she knew, even if she didn’t know them for a long time, she’d have wrungh his neck out and stuffed him in a box, shipping him off to Snezhnaya.
He would prefer to not be shipped off to Snezhnaya where he’d probably freeze to death due to how cold it could be. “Wait, where’s Ganyu?”Yanfei asks looking at them all.
Xiao stared at his phone, his friends staring at him since he had been watching it since Dala had hung up on him. “I don’t think she’s gonna call back”Aether comments scratching his cheek looking a bit worried.
A sigh came in response, Xiao leaning back, rubbing his head. He had wanted to talk to her to see if she was really coming, Ganyu had given him her number but he didn’t expect her to hang up as soon as she heard his voice.
He couldn’t lie and say that it didn’t hurt him a little bit. “So, Xiao, what are you gonna do now?”Childe asks. He threw Childe a glare, wondering how in the name of Morax did he become friends with the ginger haired idiot.
“Pantalone invited us to his son’s birthday party! Kuki Shinobu, his babysitter, is going for sure! She loves that kid”Childe chuckles smiling at them all. Scara rolled his eyes in response, already dealing with the upcoming birthday of his little brother, Durin with Nina’s birthday following not too long after that. His mother, Ei, had nearly the rest of the week full, aside from today in which Yoimiya was throwing a party.
Albedo stayed silent, working on an experiment with his twin sister, Goldina. Xiao didn’t know how he became friends with these too. All he remembered was that when he was picking up Xayda after picking up Mei and Gem at Teyvat Elementary, she had came running out of her class with a girl named Klee in which both claimed to be the others best friend.
Albedo had made his way over with his sisters, Goldina, Minata and Elizia alongside his brothers Duron and Dorian. Out of all the siblings, Elizia was the only one who was biologically related to Klee, having the same mom and dad as her.
Childe came next and Xiao nearly beat him to a pulp if it weren’t for two of the males siblings being with him. Teucer and Crystal. Crystal was adopted, having been found by Childe but Teucer was related to Childe by blood.
And due to their younger siblings, Childe thought they were suddenly friends. It was the same story with Scara because Childe had dragged him to join the group due to him being an elder brother with two sisters and two brothers. Nina, Chelsa, Durin and Zaggis.
The story with Aether being his friend was a little funny since the boy had fallen on top of him and he met Aether's two sisters and brother, Lumine, Atlas and Luna. Atlas seemed to despise him though with a passion. It was very different from Luna who would hide behind Aether whenever he visited them all.
And Lumine, he didn't see her around that much due to her hanging with her friends but she was nice from what he's told sometimes.
"I'm leaving, I'll meet you guys at the party."
Scara rose to his feet, making his way to the door of Albedo's place. Childe leapt up and over the couch, shielding the door with his body. "And where do you think you're going now?"Childe grinned.
"Why is that any of your business"Scars demands crossing his arms over his chest. "I saw your phone light up, who's name is Pol with a heart behind it?"Childe smirked.
Xiao perked up when Albedo suddenly decided to hide his phone. "If he's teasing about what we call our girlfriends, I'd rather not let him see what Rumi is nicknamed as on my phone"Albedo mumbles Goldina wheezing beside him as she laughed.
"Honestly are you really nitpicking what I call my girlfriend now, move out of the way"Scara huffed.
Childe grinned at him, looking amused. "Aww Kuni's got a girlfriend!"Childe laughed smiling at him.
"And I'm gonna text Lilla your location if you don't move"Scara threatens pulling his phone back out.
"HOW DO YOU HAVE THAT WITCHES NUMBER!!?" Scara dodged Childe's hands, smirking at him smugly.
They all knew he was terrified of two top things.
1. His girlfriend, Dove
2. Lilla, who seemed to have Childe on her hit list in red
Xiao looked up, trying to remember Lilla from what Childe had said about her. Yet, then again, Childe might have been exaggerating.
His phone lit up, his eyes wide at the sight of the alarm. "XAYDA! MEI, GEM!" He shot up having forgotten he had to be out the door BEFORE the alarm since the three had been going to this place for kids to play at and they got out early today.
Albedo suddenly shot up, his eyes wide. "Klee! Elizia!" Goldina leapt up as well, looking alert now.
Scara scoffed, looking unamused as he watched them quickly get ready. "I was already about to leave, Polaris grabbed my siblings for me, if this dunce hadn't blocked the door I'd be on my way!"Scara grumbled looking irritated.
"Well now we go together-" Childe grabbed Scara's arm and snagged him out after him, rushing down the street with the others "-CRYSTAL, TEUCER! I'M COMING!!"
Xiao hurried out only to bump into someone and perked up. "Ganyu?" Ganyu blinked twice in surprise, Murkus and another guy standing with her.
Yoimiya looked up and smiled wide when her friends came. "Guys!" Yoimiya waved to them all, her little brother crouched beside her. Yulis waved to them, holding a few unlit sparklers.
"Hi...Yoimiya...friends.."Yulis greets standing up and walking over. He held out sparklers, smiling up at them.
"Thank you, Yulis!"Venti chuckles patting his head. Yulis nodded then turned around as a few more people came over.
Baizhu waved in greeting, making his way over with his wife beside him, their two kids running around.
Ming ran around with Qiqi, holding her younger sisters hand. Both waved around sparklers. "Ah, that's Childe's little sister"Venti asks gesturing towards Ming.
"She is"Baizhu nods looking at Ming relieved to see her actually smiling and having fun.
"And you're....Gaming! Right?" Gaming nodded to Venti, then looked away, pointing over to a brown haired child.
"That's my little sister, Gilda!" Gilda ran after Ming and Qiqi, laughing as she held her sparkler.
"My Dad and I found her and we adopted her, she's the best little sister!"Gaming chuckles.
"Big brother Gaaaaming!" Gaming laughed and ran over to Gilda, heading to see what she needed from him. "Coming Gigi!"
Baizhu flashed a small smile toward the woman beside her, causing her to gently poke his cheek in a teasing way.
Yanfei turned to the smiling woman, giving her a quick wave, "Hi Ms Shuli! It's so nice to see you again!"
Shuli nodded in greeting, turning fully to face her. "You as well Yanfei, I hope those remedies I always give you for your friends have helped"Shuli chuckles.
"Oh they do! Sorry about them always refusing to come see you"Yanfei grinned.
"Wait, she's the nurse for the girls!"Venti demands looking stunned.
"Yeah she is but sometimes the smell of medicine gets to be too much"Lumine replies.
"Ms, my heart is purple, my arms are inside out-"Venti started. Dala slapped him outside the head, giving him a firm look. Yun Jin giggled but gave Venti a warning poke to the arm.
Baizhu smiles at Venti, sending chills down the boys back. "HEY BOYS!!"Yoimiya calls. Everyone's attention diverted away, finding Aether making his way over.
Dala waved to the boy, knowing him pretty well due to Lumine and because she has a few classes with him. He would bring her a cup of coffee and accompany her when she went to eat at a cafe.
"Dala, you look great!"Aether greets nodding to her outfit.
A small laugh came from her having put this together last minute due to the pillow war Venti had started. She had a white dress and a blue bow along with some accessories and threw it all together.
"Dala! Hey!!"
Mika waved, walking over with his little sister and a girl with tawny red hair. "Mika, hello! Oh and you must be Arlene! The girl that stole his heart"Dala greets the two, beaming at them.
Arlene laughed, smiling, "I wouldn't say I stole his heart, he kinda stole mines at first with how cute he is." Mika rubbed the back of his head, looking embarrassed.
"Here, be careful." Dala looked past the two, noticing one of Aether's friends.
Xiao, right? Was that his name, she hadn't seen up around much due to her just sticking with her friends.
Xiao nodded, crouched down in front of a young boy, showing him how to hold the sparkler. Yoimiya lit the sparkler, smiling as the boy ran off to join the other kids.
"Hello everyone." Rosaria made her way over, Razor and Mayla with her. A young boy clung to Rosaria's outfit, walking close to her, his cheek squished against her side.
Razor grabbed Mayla's hand, running off with his partner to set off smaller fireworks.
"Is this safe?"Rosaria asks, gingerly placing a hand on the child's back, glancing down at him.
"Yep, the adults will handle the bigger fireworks, the middle and high school kids can set off the smaller ones with an adults supervision"Yoimiya nods gesturing to Baizhu who kept an eye on the kids.
"And the little babies get sparklers!"Yoimiya adds offering the shy boy a sparkler.
"It's okay, Calliux, go ahead"Rosaria reassures placing a hand on the boys head.
Calliux reached out, taking the sparkler, his eyes lighting up when Yoimiya lit the tip.
He smiled wide, walking away to join Vixo and the others as more people began to arrive.
Dala looked around then turned and walked away, heading down a small hill to the lake below. She sat by the edge, staring at the water.
Xiao stood there when she turned around, his eyes intently locked on her. He sat down, looking out towards the water. "Large crowds are too much for you, I'm guessing?"
She forced out a laugh, hugging her knees to her chest. The sound of child laughter came behind them, running feet echoing as the kids played.
"Did I startle you earlier?"
Her gaze landed on the male, looking surprised by his question. Was he talking about just now or something else that she wasn't aware of.
"....what do you mean?"Dala questions blinking twice.
The tip of Xiao's ears turned red, his index finger tapping against his knee. "Ah, you hung up on me when I called you earlier."
Dala gasped, her eyes widening, sitting up straight as the pieces clicked together finally. "VENTIIII!!"
Xiao looked at her, startled with how loud she suddenly got. "Venti?"Xiao mutters frowning now.
"He answered my phone and must've hung up on you when he heard your voice"Dala explains flopping backwards, not wanting to deal with it till she gets home.
Xiao chuckles, getting her attention. A small laugh came from her as she sat up and shook out her hair.
Xiao's hand suddenly reached up, gently plucking out a few leaves and small blades of grass that he came across. He leaned back to get a better view, dusting off the back of her dress.
Dala watched him silently, doing her best to hide how impressed she was with how well he was able to dust everything off and fix her hair. He must have a little sister or two if that was the case. She's seen this a lot with some people and ended up finding out later that they have little sisters.
Xiao looked at her, staring intently for a moment before quickly looking away.
"Xiao!?" Xiao looked back immediately, an alert look on his face at the tiny voice. "Ah, I gotta go, that's one of my sisters."
Bingo. She hit the bullseye, he has sisters.
She stood up, dusting off some of the grass. "I'll come with, I know Yun Jin is gonna start worrying if I'm missing for too long"Dala insists.
Xiao nodded then reached over, helping her dust the grass off her bottom. He froze and snatched his hand away. "Sorry"Xiao mutters heading up the hill.
She followed him, nearly falling over if it wasn't for him grabbing her hand and pulling her after him.
Xiao pulled her up the rest of the way, diverted his gaze and waved down two little girls who made a beeline for him.
"XIAO!!" Both leapt onto him, laughter coming from them.
"Hey Mei, Hey Xayda"Xiao greets letting them both hug him and mess with his hair. "There's ice cream, Mom and Dad said we can get some if you say yes!"Mei beamed.
"Oh and Murkus arrived!"Xayda adds looking up at him. "Oh, there's a flower stand too!"Mei adds that making Xiao look down at her.
Xiao nodded, letting the two girls climb off him before rising to his feet. "I'll see you later Dala"Xiao waved walking away.
She waved, chuckling with how patient he looked with his sisters. "That was absolutely adorable."
Her gaze diverted away from the leaving Xiao, looking around at some of the guests that were running about or relaxing.
Diluc kneeled down, helping a blue haired boy light his sparkler as Kaeya ran after a laughing boy calling out the name Vixo and for him to slow down.
Rosaria stood near Calliux, lighting a small firework for him then both quickly moving back.
Aether and Lumine sat nearby with Atlas and Luna, the four of them sharing some food between them.
Mika smiled as he and Arlene helped Lizzila light up a small firework, Jean and her husband, Kasuke, watching them all with smiles on their faces.
Lyney grinned, his girlfriend sitting beside him as he did magic tricks for the younger kids.
Freminet carried a boy on his shoulders, both looking around for some of the food, perking up when a stern looking woman and a smiling black haired man waved them down.
"Yoimiya really knows how to throw a party for everyone to enjoy"Dala chuckles enjoying the looks of joy that was going around. Her eyes darted to the sky, watching a large firework go off, getting everyone's attention.
Aether sat beside her, smiling as he offered her a candy apple. "I'm good"Dala says beckoning for him to eat it. A chuckle came in response and Aether turned away, giving it to Luna.
He turned back to her. "Luna loves candy apples"Aether smiled. "Well then, she has good taste"Dala comments nudging his arm with her elbow.
A yawn came from her, now wishing she took a nap before she came to this party. "The kids are more awake than you"Aether jokes.
"Ha, Ha! Very funny"Dala teased poking his cheek. Another yawn came from her, feeling her head drop.
Aether perked up, feeling a weight on his shoulder and looked down, finding Dala fast asleep. "I'll take you to Yun Jin"Aether grinned lifting her up, her head against his chest.
Xiao stares with wide eyes, stepping towards them but stopping when he remembered he had his sisters to watch while Zhongli and Yue got some rest.
His eyes narrowed as he looked down, a small sigh coming from him.
Yun Jin smiled at Aether giving him a quick thanks, holding Dala close with Ganyu's help.
"We got it from here"Yun Jin promised Ganyu carrying Dala to the car.
"Oh she fell asleep, that's a shame"Yoimiya says concerned. "But I'm glad we still got to have this party!"Yoimiya adds getting a bright smile from her friends.
"Agreed, I'm going to head back to my sister's and brother, have a goodnight you guys." Aether waved as he made his way back to his waiting siblings.
Xiao looked away then looked back when he heard Childe's terrified yells and the sound of Scara laughing deviously.
Childe ran from an auburn haired girl, the two dodging people. Lynette ran after them with two other girls, calling out the name Lilla.
Alhaitham pulled his wife out of the way, Childe bolting past with Lilla hot on his tail.
Xiao stared, now seeing why Childe's stories seemed so exaggerated now. His friend really was surviving a war with an enemy soldier intent on bringing him to his death.
"Xiao, are you gonna get flowers for your lady friend?"Mei asks looking up at him.
He looked at her, instinctively using a napkin to clean the ice cream off her mouth before answering, "Do you think she'd like flowers?"
Mei nodded, smiling wide. "Dad gets Mom flowers whenever he comes home!"Mei beamed.
"Calliux says his dad, Capitano, brings flowers when they visit his mother's stone"Xayda adds.
Xiao shushed Xayda, shaking his head as a silent reminder to not talk about that incident.
"Sorry"Xayda mumbles glancing around worriedly.
Xiao looked at the flower stand then stood up, making his way over to Lyney's girlfriend, Mila, who was arranging a few flowers.
"Hey Mila"Xiao greets, getting her attention. Mila turned and flashed him a bright smile, "Xiao, hello!"
"Where's Lyney?"Xiao asks since he's always seen Lyney with Mila a lot. Mila pointed to Lyney who was with Lilla and several others, having ice cream together.
"His parents got everyone ice cream, he brought me mine, I finished it and continued with my flowers"Mila explains to Xiao, looking back at her flowers. Xiao nodded, looking over each of the flowers.
"Uh..do you have any recommendations for one sided liking...?"Xiao sighs looking away so she doesn't see his face.
"You mean something like unrequited love?"Mila pries trying to get more info, a smirk on her face. "Do you have a crush?"
Xiao's ears turned pink at the tips, Mila slapping a hand on the stand counter and pointing at him, "AHA, YOU DO!!"
He shushed her, giving her a look. "You have a one sided crush on someone?" Ganyu stood there, Jinxo standing halfway behind her. Xiao glared at Jinxo, not finding him worthy enough of Ganyu and her love.
"Wait, is it Dala?"Ganyu gasped lifting a hand. She gasped and clapped twice, before pointing at him when a look of pure shock flashed across his face. "I knew it! I saw you sitting with her by the lake at the bottom of the hill!"
Xiao groaned, wondering how this went from a simple question to two girls knowing about what was going on.
Mila was gonna pry further until he dropped everything and Ganyu was gonna play matchmaker most definitely now that she knows. Had it been Venti, he wouldn't be surprised but this was his cousin, not Venti, so it was gonna be a surprise around every corner.
"Here!" Blue roses made him perk up. Mila gave him a quick wink, a wide grin on her face. "I can deliver them to her!"Ganyu offers.
"Me and Jinxo are gonna head home." Mila passed the flowers to Ganyu before Xiao could even protest, a sigh coming from him.
"Just...don't tell her they're from me..yet"Xiao grumbled. Ganyu gave him a thumbs up and walked away with Jinxo at her side. Xiao swatted Jinxo's hand with a stick when he noticed where the male was reaching, both glaring at each other.
Mila laughed, burying her face into her arms. "Milaaaa~" Lyney came over, placing his hat on the girl's head. Xiao quickly walked away, not wanting to interrupt their lovey-dovey time.
Freminet walked past, holding the hand of a white haired girl wearing an overly fancy outfit that one normally wouldn't wear at a fireworks party.
"Even he got a girlfriend"Xiao mutters having gotten to know Freminet due to Childe swiping the boy and bringing him over for hangouts.
.......now he sees why Lilla wants to kill Childe and now he is all for it too. He'd be pissed too if someone kept snatching his siblings.
A yawn from Mei caught his eye, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Albedo, Goldina!" The twins simultaneously looked at him, Xiao making his way over. "Me and my siblings are gonna head home"Xiao informs them, gesturing to a yawning Gem and Mei.
Albedo nodded, "See you later then, we're going to Scara's place tomorrow."
Xiao gave a swift nod of understanding, taking his leave from the conversation.
Shinobu stood with Pantalone who carried a sleeping Leif in his arms. "Thanks for taking him while I was busy"Pantalone said as Xiao made his way past the two.
"It was my pleasure!"Shinobu smiled gently touching Leif's hand.
Jean carried a sleeping boy to her and Kasuke's car, gently humming as she set him down in the middle seat.
Barbara stepped into the car from the other side, Kasuke closing the door for her.
"Xiao, can I have a piggyback ride?"Mei asks him, lifting her hands.
Murkus picked Mei up, carrying her in his arms. "I'm heading home too, parties aren't much of my thing." The boy glanced back and huffed.
Shenhe made her way over as well, having only came because she was encouraged to socialize a bit more.
"Let's go"Murkus insists, carrying Mei in one arm and Shuyu on his back.
Xiao walked with them, only stopping to give Xayda a piggyback ride on his back when she got tired.
"So....who were the flowers for?"Shenhe asks causing Xiao's ears to turn red. Murkus cackled, careful to not be too loud since Mei and Shuyu were asleep.
Dala opened her eyes and yawned as she sat up. Blue roses immediately caught her attention, Ganyu walking in with a vase that held the flowers. "I put them in water for you!"Ganyu says as she sets the vase down.
Silence followed as she stared at the vase, wondering who brought her flowers. Her friends would but they would've given them to her immediately.
The look on Ganyu's face also gave away that she knew exactly who got these flowers. She looked too happy for them to be a gift from a friend.
"Does someone you know like me or something?"Dala questions crossing her arms.
Ganyu only grinned in response to her question and made her way out of the room.
"Maybe...the guy you talked to last night seemed to really like you, he was a little embarrassing"Ganyu teased walking out of view.
Dala stared after her in shock, her eyes wide. She looked at the flowers, her eyes narrowed at them.
Were these from Aether?
@queen-of-twisted @albedomestic-airline
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mye-chi · 10 months
6 and 29 for the ask game!
oh i didn't expect to recieve any questions but i'm flattered regardless! ૮( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)ა
06. what are your favorite and least favorite skins?
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in no particular order these are my top seven favorite looks!
i think nekoette and dmitri are cute next gen designs without being a complete copy of their parents! i especially adore the white cat ears, light blue hair, and pink clothes that nekoette has, it's very pleasing to the eye.
likewise zoey got such a massive glow-up in s2 oh my goodness. i much prefer this color palette compared to the darker, saturated colors she used to have and the bright pink lips she had (only brendan and ginger laurance pulled off having lips imo). the clothes she wears are very cute too, really fits communicates that she's an elf.
rebirth aphmau my girl, my gal, my beloved!! i just think the markings are just such a great way of elevating her base design and immediately setting her apart from the other characters. equally i also really like the cocomau irene design, trading out the pale blues for a bright purple speaks to me.
i think lo's skin is a bit too pink and his new skin has his eyes way too blue, but as a general skin? prettier than the entire male cast. garroth who? laurance what? don't know them sorry.
i know the blue jacket laurance's skin is just an outfit template but oh my god does he pull it off well. my absolute favorite out of all of his clothes and you can pull that from my cold, dead hands.
AND I DON'T KNOW WHO THE PHEONIX DROP DAYS GIRL IS BUT OH MY GOD??? PRETTIEST DESIGN BY FAR??? when i stumbled across a photo of her my jaw dropped i was so shocked. girl, are you single i'm asking for a friend.
i also really like the kitty cat maid cafe butler uniforms for uhm. no reason. no reason at all!
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...i'm not doing a top seven least favorite looks. these two are such a horrific crimes against fashion that the other mid looks weep in comparison.
they just straight up yoinked brian's skin and gave him four belts in return. what is that horrid chain mail texturing. an entire team of people allowed this look to happen. shame on all of you.
and don't even get me started on laurance. look at this guy. look at what he's wearing. laurance sweetheart honey babe. there's no way cadenza let you leave the house looking like that there's no way.
29. any general unpopular opinions?
oh boy this is long.
too many people are weird about jessica having a self-insert. there's a huge difference between not liking how jess's personal feelings have been a detriment to the series and vehemently saying you hate her for daring to include herself and her interests on her own channel.
"she's such a narcissist for including herself in everything" "why does she project herself so much on aphmau?" "i can't believe she stole her name after a final fantasy character—" personally i think it's based to get a shitton of money from role-playing your overpowered mary sue. cringe culture is dead and no this does not make me a jess supporter for not whining endlessly about the smallest shit. not all criticism is valid and i'm allowed to disagree with it.
also i find it tiresome when people endlessly complain about canon, prop up their rewrite, and said rewrite is just a bunch of bullet points on a google doc. which isn't to say that you aren't allowed to critique jess, i'd be a massive hypocrite if so, but atleast she actually made something. way easier to critique a piece of fiction when it actually exists (and on the same note, most rewrites aren't my cup of tea compared to just rewatching rebirth! which isn't to say that they're bad but i haven't found one that's of the same quality or pursues the same avenues that rebirth does. which, again, not a bad thing and absolutely understandable.)
and also i think it's fucking laughable whenever people rightfully complain about the problematic shit in canon but then keep/add problematic stuff to their rewrites. if i see another "🥺 omg laurance touching his s/o face" post i'm setting myself on fire.
...also i don't like younger dante hcs after someone tried arguing that he's canonically a child to defend putting him in a grooming subplot (no the fuck he isn't). i think the idea is nice and has a lot of potential but i'm probably never going to pursue the idea myself or interact with it from now on.
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rhotanored · 1 year
Character Summary: Arym pyr Ord
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alias/nicknames: Art, Rabbit, Grandpa
gender: more or less male
age: looks around 30
zodiac: ----
abilities  + talents:
a recklessly talented driver with a penchant for high speeds and stunts that definitely should have gotten him killed by now
a capable engineer focused in communication devices
machina technician/mechanic focused in vehicles (and bullshitting his way through juryrigging to Make Things Work(tm))
capable sniper, decent melee combatant (gunblades, H2H)
alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
languages: Fluent in common and Garlean, a hodgepodge of words, phrases and basic understanding of languages out of Landis, Dalmasca and Bozja
family: none by blood that he can presently remember
friends: Arym is difficult to befriend through all the jagged edges of his personality, but beneath that is a man desperate for camaraderie and understanding, both of which he accidentally stumbled into with Sergius. They share a penchant for dry, black humor and past experiences that leave them both with near-uncomfortable common ground. Arym is flighty and skittish, but Sergius has managed to be an anchor he can't (and doesn't want to) cast off. While he'd like to think he's taken III Squad (comprised of Max Sawyer, Victoria Castellus and Laelia Belisar) under his wing, it's more like the other way around. They gave him a reason to keep fighting, but now that he's pursuing a more reckless path, he's putting distance between them.
sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
relationship: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent / who knows
build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other (partial machina)
hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other (orange LEDs baybee)
skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other (gray)
height: 6'1"
scars: so many. a lot of burn scars leftover from the accident, surgical scars from where he's had various organs replaced and/or augmented, gunshot wounds, puncture wounds, lacerations, you name it he's nearly died from it
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword shield dagger or bow gun|| summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future present
A few songs that remind you of them:
Sintesis - Otrebor
The Mission - The Great Wight Dread, Computerbandit
Drive It Like You Stole It - The Glitch Mob
The Driver - Ollie Wride
Get no pleasure from the pressure, all that you feed To walk like every modern man I see you, filling up your lungs like ammunition to a gun You take a swing but you can't take me down
Keep Running - Geographer
first they tell you to learn then tell you you’re wrong then they tell you to live a lie if you wanna live at all they take away your reason then they take you for a fool they say there’s no point leaving now even if you could I know that you’ll carry I know that you’ll carry me home baby it’s scary but I don’t think that’s where we belong
Vignette - Koethe
Sometimes I lie awake and think of what I’ve done Am I asleep I can’t believe that I’m the only one Sometimes I lie awake and think of what I’ve said Am I asleep I can’t believe that its all in my head Ive begun to think I’m every thing but starting to forget I cant recall my footing it’s easier to pretend Somewhere in the vignette
This Ain't No Hymn - Saint Saviour
So let me be, so let me be, so let me be So let me be I'll follow someone that I can see I'll worship someone that I can be
'Cause it depends on you and you alone Whether you do, whether you don't Don't believe in more than flesh and bone Grab on and hold, grab on and hold
Tagged by: @sergiusreports
Tagging:​ @snowbird-down, @norhimorovine, @autochthonousone, @endangered-liaison, @high-and-away (I dunno who's been tagged already aAAAAA)
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Rating: G
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationship: Arthur Conan Doyle/Vincent van Gogh/OC
Prompt(s): Multiamory March Day 2 - Supernatural from @polyamships and Year of the OTP March - acceptance from @yearoftheotpevent
Summary: When strange things start to happen, Arthur is convinced the mansion is haunted. While he tries to capture the ghost, Vincent finds out the true nature of the playful "spirit".
I was going for all of my fics for this fandom to take place in the same alternative universe, but this one takes place in a different one, because I decided to go with an alternate ship. In fact, I decided to use my IkeVamp writings this month to try out new characters and some of the ships I was suggested (in the polyship format I am more comfortable with for now) and learn them by trial.
One more for my list of: this prompt was more fitting of a longer fic but i don't have time to write all of it right now so I wasted a lot of time trying to shorten it
AO3 Versions / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Vincent had been worried about his boyfriend’s sleeping habits for the last few days.
He understood when Arthur was writing. Vincent himself had nights when he would paint, no matter the time. Their works had to be done when they were inspired to do so.
In the past week, all the males in the mansion had been reporting strange events, from the others acting strange, to illusions. Vincent was the only one who had never seen anything.
Dazai had roped Arthur into hunting down what he was convinced to be a kitsune. And Arthur was both a good detective and very curious, so he had gone along, which meant long hours into the night hunting.
Vincent tried to help, although their girlfriend, Reina, insisted they were wasting their time.
In the end, she had been right. All of their efforts had been unfruitful. The closest they got to seeing the kitsune was that morning, when Arthur had convinced another of the mansion’s girls, Amy, to help him make some inari sushi as bait but, in the end, the spirit cast an illusion to distract them and stole the food.
That afternoon, they had allowed themselves a break, at least. Vincent was sitting in his bed, with Arthur laying beside him, head on his lap, while Vincent ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.
Arthur looked so relaxed and content, and Vincent was happy to at least support his partner like that. He just wished the peace would last longer.
“Do you want to continue searching?”
“Of course. A detective never gives up until the case is solved. But you don’t have to accompany me if you don’t want to, luv. Rei must be quite lonely by herself.”
Maybe Arthur was right. They had only briefly seen Reina at breakfast, but as soon as Arthur asked about the kitsune she wished them good luck and left them to their hunt. But what Vincent wanted at the moment was more time for the three of them, but Arthur was so determined to solve the mystery of the spirit haunting the mansion.
Vincent couldn’t deny he was curious too, though, so helping Arthur wasn’t just about to spend time with his boyfriend.
Sometimes it was complicated having two partners with different needs. But Vincent wouldn’t trade any of them for a simpler relationship.
“It’s okay. I promised to be your assistant in this case.”
“Thank you, Vincy.” Arthur tugged at his hand and kissed the back of it. “I’ve been thinking about something that happened this morning. Amy was laughing whenever she thought I wasn’t looking. When I asked, she said I was wasting my time, just like Rei. I thought she might be the kitsune.”
“But she wouldn’t have scared Jean that day.”
“True. You are the only one who hasn’t been tricked by her, except for this morning. So I was thinking of Mai, instead.”
Mai was Theo’s girlfriend and was a little too serious to go around pranking people, in Vincent’s opinion, but he could see where his boyfriend’s conclusion came from, except for one thing.
“She wouldn’t have tried to trick Theo, either.”
“Maybe after that argument they had the other day. It was the only time Theo complained about the kitsune. All the other girls know, and they must have some sort of promise not to tell anyone.”
Why? Vincent was about to ask when someone knocked on the door and they had to leave it for later.
A little after Arthur left, Vincent found himself approaching the window to observe the garden, still thinking about the interrupted conversation.
Arthur never said things he didn’t have a good base logic to support, and he was good at catching details most people would miss. Vincent had to agree that the kitsune being someone in the house made sense. Or the other theory Arthur had before, that it had followed the girls through the door. What didn’t make sense was for it to take so long to manifest.
Observing the garden, he saw Amy working there. As if noticing him, she spun around and looked up, waving with a smile as she saw him. He waved back, and she laughed before returning to watering the plants.
Then Vincent saw Jean entering the garden, but his attention didn’t fall on his girlfriend, and he looked surprised and confused. Vincent followed the man’s gaze, to see another Amy on the other side of the garden, who winked at Jean.
The first Amy, which Vincent was convinced was the real one, finished her job and looked at her boyfriend, then at her double. She only frowned and marched to where Jean was, practically dragging her boyfriend away.
The fake Amy pouted as she watched them leave, shaking her head, before transforming into Reina.
But she couldn’t be the real Reina, either. She might have noticed he was watching and was teasing him.
Then she looked surprised at whatever she was staring at and looked up to see him. She jumped in surprise and dashed away.
Arthur was right. The kitsune lived in the mansion, hiding in plain sight. But, unless he got an undeniable lead, Arthur would investigate every other girl in the house before ever suspecting his own girlfriend.
Vincent himself was stunned for a moment. Why would their girlfriend be hiding from them? And why would she take so long to even use her powers?
Maybe Arthur was also right and all the girls agreed to hide it for a reason. She wouldn’t hide it just to mess with Arthur and the other guys.
Both the possibility of Reina being afraid to trust them with her secret, or of her and probably Amy hiding it for their safety worried Vincent. He loved her and wanted her safe, but he couldn’t help when she hid from him.
Now that she knew he saw her, maybe they could talk about it. But when he went looking, he couldn’t find her anywhere.
Only when he returned to his room later was that he found Reina sitting on his bed.
Although he knew it was his girlfriend, she looked more like a female version of Arthur. The more he looked over, the more he could see traits of both of his lovers in her, blended together in a curious harmony.
“Rei? Why do you look like that?”
She laughed, voice sounding like her own, and stood up to approach him.
“Hi, prince. Just a little surprise. And kind of showing off my powers since you found out. Did I do a good job?”
Vincent blushed when she wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling quite seductively at him from very close, but he touched her cheek.
“You look perfect, but I would rather have my beautiful girlfriend back and my boyfriend actually here.” He chuckled, smiling at her.
He wanted to ask about the whole kitsune thing, but assumed she would only talk when Arthur found her out and she could explain things to both of them at once.
“Really? What about after Arthur comes back? Should we wait in his room?”
Vincent could practically hear the hidden suggestion in her words, and it was rare for Reina to be so forward with these things. He was tempted to just accept it.
“Like this?” It was the only thing that made him hesitate.
“Only if you’re comfortable with it, of course, but I did have something in mind while we wait. Or we could go meet Arthur, but I would rather not see Amy again today.”
“She got angry because of what I saw early?”
“She’s been more protective this week than usual, and I realized a little too late. It has been a hectic week. I missed spending quality time with you and Arthur.”
Vincent didn’t resist when his girlfriend kissed him, despite her not returning to her true form. He had missed Reina too and would totally indulge her if it made her happy.
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Arthur never imagined this ending for the great mystery that he’d been trying to solve the past week. He didn’t feel like sharing his findings with anyone but his boyfriend, either. It would be fun to see the others trying to figure it out themselves.
Although he might just tell Comte, who had ‘hired’ him for this, and Vincent would likely tell Theo. But it would be fun to just tell Dazai he had solved the case and not what he found out.
It had been quite the chase. A nice challenging game. Maybe because his personal interpretation of the clues got in the way of what could have been a simple solution otherwise? Arthur didn’t know, and it didn’t matter.
He had figured it out in the end. Of course he did. Now all that was left was the why it happened. Was it just a game? Because he hadn’t been able to find a cause.
But he had decided to simply ask that from Reina. He had figured her out, and she owed him an explanation. And maybe some other sort of prize, especially if it was really just a game on her part.
First he would talk to Vincent, then the two could talk to Reina together.
But Arthur couldn’t find Vincent anywhere in the mansion at first. He found him in the last place he expected, his own room, with a woman that looked like him.
He immediately knew what was happening, and it was such a cheap trick that no one would have fallen for it, but Reina had just come out and told Vincent everything?
“Having fun in my room without me?” He teased. “And they say I am the naughty one.”
Reina laughed and Vincent just smiled at him, gesturing for him to join them.
“We were waiting for you.” Vincent told Arthur.
“I was just showing Vincent something I can do. I don’t think you would have liked this one, anyway.”
With someone who looked like him, even if Arthur knew it was his girlfriend? Likely not.
“Why don’t you turn back and show me something different then, luv?”
As if she was just waiting for him to ask, Reina shifted to sit on the bed. The details of her transformation that Arthur got a glimpse of were surprising. Would be fun if she could do that without looking like him.
Vincent also sat up, and Arthur stood by the other side of the bed.
When she turned back to the form they were used to, it wasn’t without showing the traits of her true nature. The pairs of ears and tails had fur the same color as her hair, unlike the depictions of kitsunes in old tales they had been told. Reina stared down and bit her lip.
Arthur ruffled her hair and sat on her other side, while Vincent caressed her cheek and ran his thumb over her lips until she stopped biting it.
“Why were you hiding from us, luv?”
By the way she was acting, Reina wasn’t doing it just for fun.
“When the girls and I were younger, someone sealed our powers and memories because of an accident I barely remember. I only recovered them about a week ago and Amy wanted to figure out why, first. And…” Reina sighed, her ears dropping. “I wasn’t sure how you would react. When we met, you thought I was human, but now… I wasn’t sure how things would change.”
“Nothing will change, Rei.” Vincent hugged her closer. “Neither of us fell in love with you just because you were human. You are the one who taught us how to love again, after all.”
Maybe that would change their relationship, but they could only grow closer from facing these changes.
“You are perfect the way you are. Still our beautiful girl.” Arthur kissed her cheek. “Beautiful and naughty. You had me running in circles for a week and Vincy quite worried.”
“Sorry. It was an accident at first, but I thought it was fun. Although you were never a target, just happened to be in the wrong place. So I found it interesting to see if you could catch me.”
“And I did. What do I get for it?”
Reina laughed.
“Actually, Vincent found me first. It was carelessness on my part, but he is the one with rights to the prize.”
“I don’t mind letting Arthur choose.” Vincent told her. “I just want to spend more time with my partners.”
Smiling, Reina warped one arm around each of her boyfriends’ shoulders and a tail around their middle.
“Both worked hard, and you both accepted me, so I should reward both of you, then, right? I’ll make up for this last week.”
They still had many questions, but getting these answers could wait. The moment felt like a long waited reunion, like they hadn’t seen each other all week instead of just having separate schedules. For now, they only wanted a little of each other’s time.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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stevenbasic · 8 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 383: More Lawyers!
“That. Was. Awesome!” sang Josie Jensen, medical assistant at what was at the time still Far Horizons Medical Associates. 
“You made them look like little boys who, like, came in with the wrong homework," Shanette added, “they scampered away like little rats."
“They barely knew what to do with themselves,” said Stephanie.
Angie had slipped out, disappeared shortly after they did.
Smiling after a job well done, the lead of the female attorneys closed her smart leather briefcase which had been set on Melissa’s desk. Her team had just swooped in and sent the intruding male lawyers packing, demolished them with legalese..
“It’s awesome to watch men get totally emasculated, isn’t it?” agreed Randi. She cast an eye towards Dr. J, who was safe, being tended to by Melissa. He was stood next to where she sat, behind her huge desk. The giant woman was fawning over him, helping him remove his suit jacket and unbuttoning his collar. 
“Yeah but I was looking forward to doing it ourselves,” the raven haired Marisela offered, half-dejected as she tried her best to ignore the feeling of what currently wanted to burst from her shoulder blades and out of her back. She’d liked this blouse, actually, and figured it’d be a bummer to see it ruined. “You people stole all our fun.”
“Totally,” Amelia agreed, “these nails have to be good for something. How’d you all get here so quick?”
“Attorney St. Clair has had us watching them for a while, shadowing them in the courts, so we knew exactly what they were doing,” said one of the other well-appointed attorneys, adjusting her jacket and crisp white blouse over a healthy bosom. 
At his ex-wife Sheryl’s name, Dr. J’s ears pricked up. These new lawyer-women all apparently worked for her, and for all intents and purposes reminded him of her in her younger years. Jay knew Sheryl's corporate law practice had grown huge, but to command a hit-squad of lawyers like this, a team that could have been her younger sisters? That was weir-
Jay felt himself shiver as Melissa’s hand stroked the back of his head to settle him.
“We've been tracking them,” another blonde attorney continued, “After they managed to get the last of their warrants signed, we figured they were on their way here. We were following right behind them.”
Randi smiled, imagining the five of these blonde Sheryl clones with matching briefcases arriving at the parking lot, all popping out of a black Mercedes like clowns out of a clown car. Clowns in three-inch stilettos and armed with law degrees, d-cups and cease-and-desists. Those dweebs never knew what hit them.
“You seemed so prepared,” Lakshmi fawned, obviously impressed. It was almost a shame, how easily the female attorneys were able to get the men to leave. She and the others -  Randi, Amelia, Josie, etc - had just started changing into…something. But now they were all back to normal. Pity. 
“We were prepared, thank you,” another blonde attorney spoke up, “We saw the injunctions they’d put together, all under the authority of a minor judge from upstate. Judge Horace Smalls. We had our magistrates overrule all his warrants, throw out their motions, got new zoning laws signed.”
Marisela’s ears pricked up at the name. 
“So…you had like ten times more paperwork from more powerful judges, basically,” Josie marveled, smiling. 
“Esentiallly, yes,” answered the attorney, returning the smile, “our power and influence in the courts is growing every day. Soon mistakes like these won't be allowed to happen anymore”
That made Josie shiver. She almost groaned.
“So who were these douche bags anyway?” Randi asked with a curl to her lip, “And will they coming  back?”
“Not them,” another lawyer answered, tucking a stray strand of blonde back up into her bun, “We have connections and’ll get them disbarred as soon as possible. They won’t bother you again, they're finished…maybe the judge, too. But there might be others.”
“From where?” someone asked. 
“Well, it’s hard to really pin these cells down, they keep moving, but we’re starting to piece together the network that sent them and helped get them what they needed in  court.”
“Should we have, I dunno, followed them?” Stephanie asked. 
“Or kept them from leaving?” added Marisela, biting her plump lower lip. 
“No,” answered the attorney, “If there are no sheep missing, no one goes hunting for the wolves. The plan is to let them head back to their little holes, report back to their handlers, watch the chatter. “But here, take this, keep these here,” she said, producing a small sheath of paperwork from her briefcase, “it’s a copy of our own restraining orders, in case they do come back. In the meantime we'll bury them in red tape. They shouldn't be able to do anything.” She handed the papers to Randi, closed her briefcase. 
“I want them punished,” came Melissa's voice, soft and sudden and cutting through the room from behind the desk. She’d been petting Dr. J’s hair, holding him close and still looking at him. His eyes were on the floor; he was quietly listening. “They tried to take him. I want them all punished.” 
A buzz went through the room. Josie’s hair writhed, Marisela’s teeth tingled anew. Dr J just stood there speechless, still marveling - though not at the attorneys’ legal prowess, but at the unspoken she-elephant in the room. What had his girlfriend Melissa just done? What sort of power had she commanded? Just ten minutes ago she’d stood, risen above them all and took charge of the room in a voice that rattled the walls like thunder. And just now she did it again with little more than a whisper. What the hell was happening?
“Are these, like, guys from those people that think they’re some sort of ‘resistance’?” Melissa asked. She sounded normal again, just a little pissed-off. 
“We’re pretty certain, yes. There are a few of these anti-feminist cells in the state and we’re trying to identify some of the major players.”
“We’ll get to them all eventually,” another attorney assured her. 
“Who are they??” Melissa asked, embers of a smoldering anger heating her voice, “Like, their names. Where do they live?”
“We’re slowly starting to put names to some of them, the people that organized this little stunt today,” said one of the attorneys, “One of them we know has been communicating with someone in this room…”
She looked at Dr. J... 
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tjsnyder · 1 year
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☆ name information ☆
full name:  travis james snyder faceclaim: jake weary
☆ personal information ☆
sex: male age(and how old they look): 30 orientation/sexual preference: heterosexual best traits of their personality: charitable, laid back, protective worst traits of their personality: defensive, quiet, schemer TW: Teen Pregnancy
☆ appearance ☆ eye color(s): blue hair color(s): dark brown hair length: mid back complexion: tan
☆ current… ☆ marital status(single, married, dating, etc.): single where do they live: Settler's Valley occupation: Mechanic / Winner of Big Brother
☆ biography ☆
TW: Teen Pregnancy Travis was born to a inexperienced, single, teenager mother named Bea. Forced to keep him but also forced out of her family home she had to learn quick how to make ends meet, and so the struggle to survive for Travis kicked in from birth. He was always a gracious child, understanding when he didn't have the newest shoes or clothes or toys but to say it didn't bother him would be a lie. After all being born in Whiskey Flats everyone already knew his family. They knew they were successful but that their daughter was a "bad egg" who made bad choices. It would be a lie to say it didn't get under his skin sometimes to hear the kids talk about it. He learned quick he was a good fighter and it travelled on into high school and adulthood. Until he got into watching shitty TV with a girlfriend one night. The show was a game show, Big Brother, where they locked strangers into a house for a few weeks and they competed to win a huge amount of loot. He had teased the girl when she pulled out a laptop to figure out the rules for herself, but he scanned them with her. TJ quickly decided he could easily win this game show and set out to do so. So he did the necessary auditions getting on the show with ease, and maybe even putting the small town of Whiskey Flats on the map for a little bit of time. He was ruthless and deceptive, but overall came out with the win. He quickly returned back home to share his winnings with his mother. Making sure all their cares were taken care of while saving some for himself to spend. His main goal is to lay low until the new dies off but he knows it's not that easy.
☆ connections ☆ mother: Beatrice "Bea" Snyder
☆ wanted connections ☆ best friends: 1/3 Coltex- girlfriend: The girl that originally had the idea to join the cast of Big Brother. They probably broke it off when he got on the show. She may be mad about the fact he stole her idea. co-workers: 0/2
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jjkwhor3 · 3 years
Dorming with Yuji 🥴🥴
441 Words
18+ Minors Do Not Interact NSFW Warnings : male masturbation, somnophilia , oral sex (f receiving), mention of a threesome (with Megumi), dirty talk, Yuji being absolutely in love with you
Just a little taste of what I think being with Yuji would be like.
Yuji who sees you sleeping in his bed and wonders how he got so lucky
Yuji who moves the sheets to get comfortable and notices what you’re wearing
Yuji who starts to get a little turned on by the tiny little sleeping shorts you have on under his t-shirt (Which you probably stole from his closet but his clothes ALWAYS looked better on you)
Yuji who of course doesn’t want to bother you, so he deals with the issue himself. After all, Jujutsu Sorcerers don’t get too much time to really rest.
(Soft, slow strokes doing his best to mimic how your hand feels wrapped around him)
Yuji who remembers the way you pull his hair when he’s licking your pussy (tugging at a little piece that never fails to rile him up)
Yuji who gets even harder when he thinks of your pretty little moans when he’s balls deep in you (your soft sighs, the almost pornographic moans that Megumi can most definitely hear from the other side of the wall)
Yuji who never in a million years thought it would be so hot to watch his girlfriend be fucked by his best friend (the way you’re staring at him while Megumi is fucking you deep into the mattress having the most intimate eye contact when you finish which entices Yuji to join and you have a VERY long night)
Yuji who spends the entire time moaning your name and rambling about how nothing compares to your tight little pussy and how he can’t wait to spend the day with you tomorrow (he is just so pussy whipped it’s not even funny. He doesn’t know what kinda spell you casted but he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you spending eternity in between your legs doesn’t sound bad to him at all )
Yuji who cums right on your face with a loud groan (he always told you that you have the prettiest face and somehow seeing his cum drip down from your pouty lips only makes you more attractive )
Yuji who immediately after composing himself goes to very gently clean your face (You told him once that cum is actually really good for the skin but he figured you wouldn’t appreciate waking up with dried cum on your face)
Yuji who asks the next day how you feel about somnophilia (which he has to look up because he didn’t just want to ask “how do you feel about me fucking you while you’re asleep?” You obviously say yes and now Yuji can’t wait for the day to be over
Just Yuji 🥰🥰
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Like A Pornstar || C.S
Summary: Among all of the sex professionals, San takes a liking in you, the most unexperienced person in the room.
Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Words: Several I’d say
Genre: Smut
⚠ spanking, choking, sex worker!au, pornstar!au, dirty talking, teasing ⚠
A/N: Idc, San gives off pornstar vibes. Enjoy 💖
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ᴄʀ: ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱʙᴀʙᴇᴇ
Seonghwa ver. || Hongjoong ver. || Jongho ver.
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  You watched as the man laid on the bed and guided the woman on top of him. His fingers were buried in the woman's waist and his eyes watched her movements carefully, beads of sweat falling from his forehead and small moans escaping his agape mouth.
    You had been so immersed in the action that the yell almost startled you.
  The way his pleasured expression immediately fell off his face and was replaced with an almost bored one was astonishing to you. Once the cameras stopped rolling the actor's face and body stance immediately changed into a more relaxed stance, as if he hadn’t just been inside a woman, fucking her relentlessly. He wrapped his body in a rope after the woman had gotten off of him and headed towards the director.
  "San that was perfect, we're going to try some shots with her on all fours and then we wrap it up with a facial."
  San brushed his sweaty hair back with his right hand whilst the other held the robe's furry belt, and he nodded at the instructions. The director gave the actor a pat in the back.
 "Take a break, we'll keep rolling in 30."
  San left the set and headed to the little room reserved for him.
  It was truly entertaining to watch that man work. It was like he turned into a whole different person when the cameras turned on, and the way he shut out the world around him when the lights flashed upon his skin was admirable. He was so embedded in the act that the entire crew surrounding him seemed to disappear... Mesmerizing.
 "That would be me... " You whispered to yourself.
  You plopped off your chair and made your way over to the director who had called you. You didn't know men could be bitches until you met this old, horrendous man. You had to admit, you felt a little uncomfortable by the environment and people around you in the beginning, but then again, money doesn't grow on trees, and college doesn't pay for itself.
  "Y/N," The director started, once you'd made your way close to him "San requested some water and he just told me there is no water in his dressing room. Could you be any more useless!?"
 Had that been months ago, tears would've brimmed in your eyes and your voice would've become shaky, but at this point you were used to it.
 "My bad, I'll get that taken care of..."
 You walked away without another word and headed to the small warehouse under the building, which was the only place on earth where they stored dildos next to water bottles. You sighed and grabbed one of the packs which contained nine bottles of water, since you wanted to make sure you didn’t have to go through all of this trouble once more.
 You then made your way to the small room where the casted male pornstars would stay in, to rest and fix themselves. You knocked on the door softly, and when you heard a small ‘come in’ coming from the inside, you turned the handle and entered the room.
  “Here’s your water Mr. Choi.” You told him and put the waters down on the coffee table behind him.
 The male was sitting in his vanity, scrolling on his phone. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you. The smile on his face could trick anyone... He looked like a little kid that had just gotten a lollipop whenever he smiled. His eyes turned into two crescents and his dimples enticed anyone who laid eyes on them. Even you, who had seen every part of this man (literally) almost got fooled by those innocent eyes.
 “Miss Y/N I think anyone who has seen my dick up close can call me on a first-name basis.” He said and giggled.
 How did he do it? How could something like that just slip out of his lips while giggling? You chuckled at his silliness and shrugged.
 “I guess you’re right, but I haven’t seen it up close, I’ve seen it from afar.” You defended, victoriously crossing your arms in front of your chest.
 San licked his lips and stood up. He settled his phone on top of the vanity and stepped closer to you.
  “Well, would you like to?”
 You eyed him weirdly and pushed him away, with your index finger placed on his chest.
 “Don’t joke like that!” You whined, wearing a soft frown on your face.
 The smiley face that made anyone comfortable under its presence faded quickly, and was replaced with a serious look. The atmosphere in the room was suddenly much heavier, and you could hear his heavy breathing. His eyes, although almost fully hidden by his dark fringe, had a new feeling to them, and intimidating, almost scary one.
   He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close, so close that his hard-on began poking at you.
  “I’m not joking.”
  “But... Me? San, you have sex with professionals for a living surely they’re better than me...” 
 You weren’t insecure about your body nor about having sex, you were insecure, however, when the partner in question had a wide range of previous sex partners who were professionals in the matter.
  “But that’s exactly why... They’re professionals, they’re the same as me, we have fun but at the end of the day, there’s nothing new. But you...” His head dipped in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, and licking a long strip from the bottom of your neck to the spot below your earlobe “you’re so new. You look so innocent, so breakable. God, I wanna destroy you.” 
 He applied more pressure on the grip he had on your waist and you shivered at his dominant tone. The fact that you knew he was naked and hard under the robe didn’t help you calm down. You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, not knowing what to respond.
 San chuckled and held your chin.
  “Don’t look at me like that... I don’t have much self-control baby, I’ll fuck you against this wall.” 
  The director called everyone on set, obliging San to pull away from you and make his way toward the door. As he turned the knob he looked at you over his shoulder.
 “You better be watching what I do, cause the whole time I’ll be imagining it’s you under me.”
 He winked and left the room. You stood there, frozen, still processing what had happened. It was almost inconceivable that such a man wanted to fuck you, yet his actions proved his intentions. Remembering his words, you turned on your heels and headed over to the set. 
 You watched each of his moves with twice as much willingness and attentiveness now, and not long after, both you and San were imagining the girl being taken by the man was you. You bit your lip and squeezed your thighs together, his sentences and his deep, sensual voice replaying over and over in your head. San stole a little glance at you, and you could tell he noticed your stiff body stance by the smirk that appeared on his lips. San gripped a handful os the poor girl’s hair and picked up the pace, as if telling you ‘be ready for later’.
   A warm, fuzzy feeling spread through your body and you could feel wetness spreading between your folds. You couldn’t help but envision what he could do to you, if only a couple of words and glances had gotten you like that, your body begging for his. 
 When the woman finally sunk to her knees on the floor and San came all over her face with a loud moan, the cameras stopped rolling and the lights were turned off.
 The director told everyone it was a wrap and gave the staff and the actors the green light to go home. You walked over to the back of the room to grab your purse, when you felt a big pair of hands grab your hips and pull you back. Your back hit what you assumed to be San’s chest and you blushed.
  “Wait for me outside, okay baby? We’ll have a good time today...” He whispered in your ear. 
 San teasingly bit your earlobe and left, presumably to get dressed.  Your legs trembled and your nubs hardened at the sudden neediness and craving for his touch.
 You did as he had told you, and once you had gathered all of your things you headed outside and waited for him by the door. Not long after you heard heavy footsteps behind you, and a cheeky hand slid into the back pocket of your jeans.
  “Hm, you waited for me like I told you? What a good girl...”
 The praise and the little squeeze he gave your ass almost forced a small whimper out of your mouth, but you contained yourself.
 San walked you to his car, and once you had settled in and he had started the car, you started feeling nervous.
  “Where are we going?”
  “My place, love. I don’t have a sex dungeon to fuck you in.” 
  Your cheeks flushed a little and you mentally slapped yourself for the idiotic question. San placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed reassuringly.
  “Don’t be nervous Y/N.”
 His loving smile was back, and you couldn’t help but ease a little at the sight of it.
 The ride was silent, with nothing but the faint background music playing, which was exactly what you needed to get your thoughts in place. When the car came to a halt, a new wave of nervousness and doubt hit you. 
 You stepped out of the car and followed him nonetheless.
 His house was not one bit less intimidating than him. It was a big, futuristic-looking house and as you paced your way inside it and looked around, you realized how much money a pornstar really must make.
 San caught a hold of your wrist and pulled you inside of one of the rooms, immediately shutting the door behind you.
  “Safeword is Purple, okay baby?” He told you, as he began unbuttoning his shirt.
 You nodded, as you stood in the middle of the room with your hands clasped behind your back. You were already scared, and the safe word ordeal did no good.
 His shirt fell to the floor and soon his jeans joined, and no matter how many times you had seen his naked body, every time you laid eyes on those broad shoulders, his protruding six-pack and his gorgeous thighs, your mouth would water.
 You allowed him to push you down onto the bed. His fingers played with the hem of your t-shirt as he looked at his own fingers playfully.
 His head lowered and he connected his lips to your neck. He left small kisses at first, but the innocence soon washed away and the soft pecks were replaced by rather harsh bites and some sucking. 
  San pulled your shirt off of your body, taking a second to appreciate the nice shape of your breasts. He cupped both of them in his hands and gave them a squeeze.
 His fingers experientially unhooked your bra and threw it somewhere. Before you could cover your breasts with your hands, San, who had seen that coming, grabbed your wrists and pinned each of them beside your head.
  “Don’t try that baby, your body is mine to take now.” He whispered in your ear.  Your body quivered under his touch and never before had you been so desperate. 
 San’s tongue danced along the curves of your right breast. He took his time teasing you, before taking your hardened nipple in his mouth, maintaining eye contact as he sucked on it. He left no piece of skin unattended, as he gave you a hickey in the skin between your breasts when his mouth made its way to your left nipple.
 He let go of your wrists, allowing you to tangle your fingers in his hair, while his own fingers traced a pattern down your body, making their way to your jean’s button.
   Every touch, every bite and every moan drove you crazy, and San slowly uncovered a new façade of yours.
 San undid said button along with the zipper. He pulled away from your breasts so he could hook his fingers on the waistband of the pants and pull them down your body, however, being the cheeky man he is, as San’s fingers caught your pants, he made sure they’d also get your panties, and so they disappeared somewhere in the room with the rest of your clothes.
 Suddenly you felt very exposed, and the feeling soon became bigger when San took the liberty to spread your legs for him.
 His fingers hovered over your womanhood for a second, before two of his fingers parted your folds. He hummed and bit his lower lip at the side.
  “You look so good baby...”
 You hissed at the contact, as his middle finger easily slipped inside of you.
  “I thought I was going to have to prepare you...” He pulled out his finger, glistening with your cum and held it in the air “But it seems you’re already wet enough.”
 Remembering how much your innocent, puppy eyes had affected him you decided to tease him. You looked him in the eye, with the exact same expression.
 “Does that mean you’re going to fuck me now?” You asked, purposely pulling the clueless card.
 San’s jawline tightened and he settled between your legs. He slapped your thigh and gripped it harshly, as his lips came down to meet yours in a rough kiss. It was a type of kiss you’d never experienced before, there was a mix of hunger, lust, and somehow desperation.
 His teeth took your bottom lip between them and bit it lightly. You moaned at the harshness, and he pulled away. San stripped from his boxers and let his tip hit your bare pussy, rubbing it between your folds teasingly.
  “San please... Don’t tease me...” You begged.
  His hand, that was placed on your hip, traveled up your body, and wrapped around your throat, squeezing it.
  “Oh, baby, whatever will I do to you. I’m going to wreck you...”
  He followed his sentence by entering you. His thrusts were strong and slow at first, but the pace soon picked up.
 You couldn’t help but wonder how he still had so much stamina after a shoot like that... But he sure spared no mercy. He pounded into you until your hands were gripping the sheets and the headboard hit the wall loudly.
  The sounds of your moans and his groans echoed in the room, however, your main focus was on the lewd sounds his dick made as it rammed inside your pussy.
  Suddenly he pulled out and stood up from the bed.
  “Turn around princess, ass up.”
  You did as you were told and quickly perked your ass up for him. San shuffled with something in the room for a second and then you felt the bed dip by your feet. His hand caressed one of your cheeks and squeezed it.
  “Good girl...” He praised you.
  You then felt a sharp pain in your ass and you yelped. By the sound of the buckle and shape of the item that had hit you, you assumed he had fetched the belt he previously wore.
  You felt another whip to your ass, this time on a different cheek and you yelped louder. You didn’t know this about yourself, but you enjoyed the way the pain turned into pleasure, and whip after whip, your yelps morphed into moans.
 San loved the pink tint on your ass, and he would’ve loved to spank you for as long as you could handle, but his cock was already twitching and he wanted to come either in you or on you.
 He knelt behind you and lined up his tip with your entrance, carelessly and violently pounding into you. He would often smack your ass, reminding you of how much you’d loved the belt.
  “Fuck San, you’re so good...” You moaned.
 San gripped some of your hair in his fist and tugged on it.
  “You like it, hm? You like being fucked like this?”
 You moaned a loud ‘yes’ in response, earning a groan from the male behind you.
  “Be a good girl for me and cum on my cock Y/N... Please.”
  A couple more spanks and thrusts and you happily obliged to his wishes. Your arms gave in and so would’ve your legs if San didn’t hold up your waist. Your head was buried in a pillow and your back was arched as you moaned San’s name.
  Your beautiful sounds and your tightness almost sent San over the edge. He pulled out of you and jacked himself off to the view of your ass, cumming all over it soon after accompanied by a loud moan.
 San collapsed behind you on the bed and chuckled at your fucked out state. The man sweetly played with your hair and kissed the top of your head, as if saying ‘you did well’.
  “So, did you enjoy being fucked like a pornstar?”
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow - Part 3
Okay first of all I’m sorry it took me so long but here is part three finally. Honestly I don’t know how to feel about this because at first I wanted it to be a filler chapter and then I thought I couldn't let you hang like this so I just poured it all out. I still have some more ideas about where this might go but you guys tell me if this feels already finished to you. AND AS ALWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for all the love and support you give, I see you all and couldn't be more thankful xxx
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: alcohol, swearing, nothing too smutty, a little angst and a lot of jealousy
Word count: 3,741 word (god this is so long I’m sorry)
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career.
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[GIF not mine credits to owner]
Days passed and filming never stopped, neither did the thought of Rudy in your mind. It was constant, the sun rose and so did your thoughts of him, the night came and so did he in your dreams. By now you were convinced that this feeling would not go away anytime soon.
Maybe some distraction would do you good. 
“How about we go out tonight?” You proposed to the girls as you were lounging in your living room, painting toe-nails, scrolling through instagram and what-not. 
“Like out out?” Madelyne’s face lit up as she looked up from her bright yellow nail polish and passed the same expression to Madison. You nodded with a smile.
“I’d be down,” Madison agreed and sprang up from the couch in a matter of seconds.
“Oh, this is exciting! Let me call the boys,” Madelyne exclaimed and got up, waddling weirdly with her still wet toe nails to her phone on the kitchen bar.
Your face fell for a second. That was not exactly what you had in mind. You wanted a distraction from Rudy and him dancing in a sweaty club with beautiful women wouldn’t really help your current state of emotions. But you couldn’t let the girls know that. After shooting the other day they wouldn’t shut up about how one could feel the sexual tension between the two of you and you were just happy they hadn’t seen the sex scene.
“You good?” Bailey inquired as she noticed your sour face. You were quick to plaster a fake smile on your lips.
“Yeah, I’m just tired of sitting around all the time. This will do us some good!” You headed towards the bathroom to get a shower before going out and also to have a moment to yourself to prepare for tonight.
“The boys are down as well!” You heard Maddie scream from the kitchen and then she passed by you as fast as she could to look through her wardrobe. 
“Somebody is excited,” Bailey muttered beside you but joined her friend with a grin and helped her pick out something to wear. 
A couple hours later you were dressed to kill and ready to go. Even though you loved the Outer Banks clothing style, it reminded you of your hometown, it was nice to doll-up every now and then. Madison was taking pictures of you three in the big mirror besides the entry when you heard a knock on the door.
Madelyn was quick to open it and you were met with five handsome men staring back at you.
Chase escaped a whistle when he took all three of you in but you noticed how his eyes stayed on Madelyn just a bit too long. You made sure to remember asking him about it later. 
“Well, hot damn,” Rudy exclaimed as he entered the apartment and his eyes landed on the short dresses you were wearing.
“Eyes up here,” Madison warned him with a smile and pointed to her own brown ones.
“Not fair,” Austin gasped, clearly thinking you were playing with their feelings. Maybe you were. When Bailey had proposed to impress some folks tonight you at least had a special someone in mind. Who was to say the others didn’t have too?
Your eyes wandered over the boys outfits, all dressed up and looking incredibly handsome. Rudy sported a cream sweater and a cute little beige hat. You didn’t know why he would wear a hat to go clubbing but you knew he loved them. 
“Are you ready to head out then?” Drew smiled at you in his bright yellow shirt and motioned towards the door.
You piled out the door and headed downstairs to get an uber to your favourite club.
“I’m not sure if I like you in heels, Y/N. You’re almost as tall as me,” Chase pointed out as he walked behind you and took in your much taller figure.
“You’ll just have to deal with it, I guess,” You laughed and did an immaculate pirouette on your heels, something you had practiced a thousand times in your room back home.
“Would you look at her,” Madison squealed with joy as she watched your boost of confidence and joined you by linking your hands together and strutting down the sidewalk like it was a runway. 
It felt good to really feel yourself again after your uncertain emotions. Even though you noticed how a certain male’s eyes kept looking at your and your friend’s long legs, you didn’t care at the moment. You were having fun and you deserved it. 
All of you split up into several cars and then you were on your way to La Push, a vibrating ambient establishment the cast had dug out last year while filming in Charleston. The girls swore that you would have the best night out ever at that particular club.
You were not disappointed as you took in the colourful lights shining on the rustic open brick walls and the retro bar in the corner. The ages of the people were mixed all through but you could clearly see that everybody was enjoying themselves.
“Drinks?” Deion asked and nodded towards an empty table next to the bar and you all headed in the direction through the crowded area of dancing bodies.
“Milady.” Rudy offered you his hand with a posh English accent as you were about to try mastering a step in your heels. 
“Thank you, kind sir,” You smiled at him and put your hand in his and let him help you down. You couldn’t keep yourself from curtsying as he laughed at you playing along. His hand held yours tight in his as he led you to some barstools. 
“Gin Tonic with a lemon slice for the lady?” He ordered with a questioning look in your direction once the bartender got your attention. You couldn’t believe he memorised your go-to drink, as you nodded thankfully. “And a Corona for me please,” He finished and watched the bartender tend to your order.
After he payed for both of your drinks you thanked him, almost having to scream as the music was too loud, and he grabbed your hand back in his to help you down from the stool.
“Sure thing, sugar.” He gave you that unmistakable Rudy smile and once again the butterflies in your stomach began soaring. 
You had to pull yourself together. You were here to distract yourself from him not fall deeper for his charm. Although you had to admit he was not making it easy for you. 
Your other friends had ordered at the table and were ready to clink glasses once you joined them. 
“To a great night,” JD proposed and raised his glass.
“And to great friends,” You joined in and held up your own Gin Tonic.
“Hear, hear,” Austin agreed and the whole group cheered in joyous laughter as you brought your drinks to the middle. You greeted the familiar taste of the alcohol with open arms and enjoyed the light burning you were quite used to by now. 
Once you set your glass back on the table, Bailey raised a brow at your already half empty glass and you simply shrugged your shoulders. You needed to let loose tonight. 
“Dance with me,” You screamed over the music and grabbed her hand and your drink and made your way towards the dance floor.
Madison was the best dancer you knew and she proved it to you once again after some R&B music started playing. Your hips were shaking, your arms wildly flailing around and your feet shuffling over the floor as you downed your glass quickly. You already felt slightly buzzed, maybe you should have eaten more before going out. 
Jonathan joined the two of you quickly, just as good a dancer as your dear curly friend, and together they stole the show. You watched in awe as they moved to the music so carelessly and were a bit jealous at their easy-going nature. 
“C’mon Y/N, show me what you got!” Drew encouraged you suddenly from beside you with an outstretched hand. You slipped closer to him and swayed your hips as he twirled you around in his arms and laughed as he dipped you back. Maybe the distraction would work after all. You didn’t know for how long the both of you danced but you felt absolutely weightless. 
“I’m impressed Starkey,” You admitted as he flew with you over the dance floor, not once missing the beat. 
“Could say the same about you Y/L/N but I had a feeling you would be a good dancer,” He smirked and turned you around so your back was pressed against his chest and let his hands wander to your hips. 
At this point you were on your third drink, a bit too intoxicated, and not quite sure if this scenario would play out well. Drew was the perfect gentleman and absolutely sweet and handsome. You liked him a lot but… But he wasn’t Rudy. His hands on your body didn’t feel like a wildfire and his scent didn’t drive you crazy and his smile did not make your head spin. You cursed yourself for these thoughts. 
You looked up, your eyes roaming the club for a certain blond head of hair. You noticed Chase and Maddy dancing intimately with each other in one corner but chose to ignore it, you had a different mission. 
“I’ll be right back,” You told Drew with an apologetic smile as you turned to look at him and he looked confused for a second. “I’m just going to the bathroom.”
“Be careful in here, it’s better if you don’t go by yourself,” He reminded you, always the protective type, and looked out over the club probably searching for Bailey.
“I’ll be fine,” You reassured him with a pad on the chest and slipped out of his embrace towards the restrooms.
On your way there you finally found your man of the hour. To your amusement Rudy was dancing with an elderly woman to some pop song and looked like he was having the time of his life. You felt the corners of your mouth lifting as you took in the scene. 
You slipped into the restroom to freshen up as your eyes met the mirror. The carefully applied makeup from Madison was smeared under your eyes, your lipstick long gone and your hair was basically a mess. But despite all you looked happy, you looked alive. You quickly touched up your appearance and rejoined the others. 
As soon as you stepped out however you were met with quite the unpleasant sight. There was a beautiful woman next to Rudy, one arm on his biceps as she leaned forwards to say something to him. It shouldn’t bother you, you knew that he was an attractive man with many qualities. But as his hand rested on her waist your throat tightened and you felt embarrassment deep in your bones. Of course he didn’t want you the same way you did. It was just acting and you were friends, it didn’t mean anything. But it had meant something, to you anyways. And that’s what you got for giving into your feelings. You watched them laughing together, inching closer to each other each second and your heart burned in pain. 
You turned around stumbling to your table as you tried to suppress the tears welling in your eyes. How could you have been so stupid? It was a stupid crush nothing more. 
Drew’s eyes lit up as you made your way towards his sitting figure at the table next to some of your friends. You had two choices here: Going home now and giving in to your stupid irrational feelings and ruining your night. Or doing what you were here for and distract yourself with a fucking good time. The answer came to you immediately.
“I don’t know about you guys but I was thinking about some tequila!” You proposed with a big fake smile as you looked at your friends and the others cheered in chorus.
“A round of tequila shots for the table please,” Chase told the waiter and soon enough salt, limes and shot glasses filled to the brim with the transparent liquid were brought to you.
“Cheers bitches!” You clinked glasses, licked up the salt on your hand, downed the shot of the devil’s brew and bit in the sour lime and laughed at the faces the others made after finishing their own shots.
You were having a good time tonight, even if it took killing your mind to do so. Which seemed to be the only option after another round of shots and some more Gin Tonics and you still felt like shit every time your eyes met Rudy’s figure. The girl from before was long gone but you couldn’t help but feel betrayed. How did he not see that you were obviously hooked on him? 
He came back to your table were everybody was laughing and having a good time, everyone except you it seemed.
“Are you alright?” He asked and plopped down beside you, throwing his arm over the couch behind you.
“Just peachy,” You heard the slurring in your voice yourself not as clear as you wanted it to be and cringed a bit. But just because you were drunk that didn’t mean you had a problem. You were fine.
“How much did you have to drink?” He inquired concerned and you saw his forehead wrinkle. Your hand automatically reached out to brush his worry away.
“What’s it to you, sugar?” You deliberately used the nickname he had given you before and you actually saw a smirk on his face as you drew your hand away from his forehead, the sour expression gone.
“I think it’s better if I take you home,” He laughed when you fell back against the couch trying to look mad at him.
“I can take myself home, thank you very much,” You argued, your words still a bit slurred. He could take the fucking girl from before home for all you cared. He hadn’t spoken to you all night and suddenly he wanted to take care of you. That’s not how that shit worked.
“Besides,” You interrupted him as he was about to say something else, “You didn’t dance with me all night. I really wanted to dance with you,” You pouted and cursed yourself a second after you registered what slipped out your mouth. Your eyes widened and you sat back up. Maybe you had an alcohol problem after all.
“Then dance with me, sugar.” Your head whipped around as soon as you heard him. He leaned back against the couch, an easy smirk playing on his lips as he eyed your figure. He never looked sexier to you.
“Let’s go then!” You jumped from the table, a bit too fast and swaying a bit, but you had to prove something to yourself. You could easily be friends with Rudy without any sexual tension. You just had to separate him from your roles in your head.
His arm sneaked around your waist seconds after and he pulled you down towards the dance floor, making sure you didn’t miss any steps like before. The feeling of his hand around you drove you insane so you grabbed it and shove it away with a grin. You were perfectly capable of walking by yourself. He just laughed and shook his head at your swaying figure. You were not sure what exactly was so funny to him in this moment. 
His hands however found yours again quickly as he held them and twirled you around carefully, pushing and pulling you every which way. You absolutely adored him but you needed distance. God, why had you willingly agreed to dance with him? Well, it had been your idea but anyways. 
You were glad when a faster song by Lizzo started and you entangled yourself from him to sway your hips on your own. Not many knew it but you danced a lot better when you were drunk for some reason. You were a lot less uptight and celebrated every body part of yours with free flowing moves. Rudy obviously enjoyed your newfound confidence as he mirrored your carelessness to the beat and cheered for you. The both of you were singing along to the music, jumping up and down and shimmying back and forth, having the time of your life. At one point you stole his head and put it on yourself, convinced that you looked irresistible with it but Rudy just laughed and got it back before throwing to your table where Austin caught it with a grin.
“Have I told you how good you look tonight?” He screamed over the music as he pushed himself closer to your body. His scent invaded your space and you immediately forgot why you had wanted distance from him in the first place.
“Tell me again,” You giggled and got closer to him as well. The songs changed again, something more sultry and slower, maybe the Weeknd or Miguel you weren’t sure as your attention was directed at yet another man.
“You look absolutely radiant,” He breathed and his alcoholic breath mingled with yours that’s how close you were.
Rudy’s hands found your waist again and this time you didn’t push him away. The opposite, you rested your hands on his broad chest, feeling his fast beating heart under your right hand. He pulled you closer as you were obviously giving in to him and swayed his hips against yours, the movement making your head spin.
“Are you drunk?” You asked him. You needed him to be sober so at least one of you would remember this moment tomorrow after everything else faded away. You needed him to remember how your bodies felt pressed together in this moment. How your hearts were beating in synch to the bass rocking through you. 
“Absolutely intoxicated,” He answered with a straight, sexy voice. He didn’t sound drunk to you but his words proved you different. 
“Maybe we should-“ You stopped mid sentence as you pulled back and saw his hungry eyes directed at your lips. Whatever you wanted to say left your senses in that very second.
“…stop?” Rudy finished your sentence questioning but not making any moves to stop any of this, whatever this was. “I don’t ever want to stop. I just wanna spend forever getting high off what it feels like to be around you.”
Your breath caught at his words and your eyes slipped from his lips to his blue eyes, illuminated by the club lights occasionally. You saw the hunger in them, the unmistakable lust that was a hundred percent mirrored in your own y/e/c eyes.
He described perfectly what if felt like to be around him, like you were high, intoxicated by him. And that feeling, you never wanted it to end. 
“I’m drunk…” You told him but let out the ‘on you’ part that definitely was a part of this sentence.
“I know, me too. And I know we shouldn’t do anything that we might regret tomorrow,” He took a deep breath and one of his hands cupped your face. “But I can’t stay away from you any longer.”
“I feel the same,” You admitted and bit your lip to keep a smile from showing on your face. But it didn’t matter as Rudy’s lips moved into a grin.
“If two people can’t stay away from each other, maybe they aren’t supposed to.” You nearly groaned at his annoying habit of always being able to say the perfect thing at the right time. 
You moved closer to him, your arms slung around his neck and your hips still slowly moving to the music. Your eyelids dropped as your mouth longed for his, feeling his breath on your lips.
Unexpectedly soft his mouth landed on yours, so different from the kisses you shared on set. His lips slowly moved with yours, taking his time to get used to the feeling. And even though the heat from the other times lacked it was no less passionate. You poured every fibre of your being into kissing him and really feeling him. He tasted like tequila and forbidden dreams and if you weren’t drunk before, you definitely were now.
Rudy became more needy as the kiss went on, his lips moving faster and his hands pulling you closer against him. When his teeth caught your lower lip you were done for. Without any regard for reason you gave into him. His tongue slipped into your mouth battling with yours for dominance. Your mouths bumped clumsily against each other as you were smiling into the kiss, teeth biting here and there occasionally but you couldn’t care less. You had waited for this for too long to show any signs of hesitation. After what felt like an eternity you pulled apart, breathing heavily. Your eyes locked and it felt like ecstasy was coursing through your veins.
“There you are! We’ve been looking for you for at least an hour.” You were thrown into ice-cold water as JD’s voice pulled you back into reality. You looked at him, the rest of your friends heading towards the door. Rudy and you shuffled apart awkwardly and fixed yourself a little. Your short dress had ridden up and his hair was all over the place.
“C’mon guys, we’re leaving!” Chase shouted from afar.
Your eyes wandered to Rudy, a content smile lying on his swollen lips as he stared at the floor. His hand slipped around yours and he pulled you after him, walking backwards so he could look at you.
“Our little secret,” He said with a wink and cupped your cheek in his other hand, before pecking your lips once again secretly and then following the others outside and to the Ubers taking you back to your flats.
You were still not fully understanding what had just happened, if it was all a feverish dream caused by the alcohol. But every time you thought that this could only be in your imagination Rudy’s hand on your thigh or around your waist pulled you back into reality. This was no longer part of a role, this was real life. And you would enjoy every second of it.
Tags: @lovelymaybankk @sspidermanss @1d5sosddl @arthiriticcricket @teamnick @lieswithoutfairytales @styles-xoxo @normatural @k-k0129 @mileven-reddie @perfektionsmakel @1-800-imagines @http-cherries @golden-eroda @outofstyles13 @jj-maybank-stan @fandom-phaser @hopelesswritingxd @teenwaywardasgardian @poguecollins @jjswhore @xpastel-kawaiix @styles-edward-harry @rollinsstuff @obx-baby @masintahin @floretsoleil @ivebeenthinkingboutu @fandomxreaders @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @pookie-cleary @kiarascarreras @runway-to-my-aid @saturnspack @sunshinemadds @hucklebaefinn @baileythepenguin @spider6oy @whoreforouterbanks​ @diego-klaus-hargreeves​
(I hope I didn’t miss anyone! If you’re not on here but would like to be send me a quick message xx)
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tamlinsbedroom · 3 years
Chapter 11: A Never Ending War
Note: This is set after the war with Hybern, and the OC you will read about is a soldier of Hybern who survived, gathered other surviving soldiers, and wants revenge. The stance is set after ACOWAR and obviously Feyre never existed in this story and Amarantha and Hybern were defeated just by Amren, Tamlin, and everyone else. Hope that makes sense!
Rhysand carried me away to the porcelain tub filled with warm water. Tamlin, kneeling next to the bath checked the temperature before nodding to my other mate.
As soon as I was placed in, the warm water soothed my aching muscles and buffed away all of the sexual fluids from our activities.
“Look how cute you are. Like a wet puppy.” Rhysand teased, causing Tamlin himself to chuckle in response. Tamlin reached for a bar of lavender scented soap, dipping it in the water. He gently held my arm, washing me with it. I was truly being pampered by my mates, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.
Rhysand grabbed the other bar, starting on my feet and legs, massaging me. I moaned slightly in relief and pleasure, content at that very moment.
“Feel good?” Tamlin asked me. I nodded in response, smiling at him sweetly. He was such a good caretaker. That’s all he had been doing since he found me that day…Those unpleasant memories began to play through my mind. Both the males noticed my rapid change of emotion, and Tamlin had a knowing look on his face. Rhysand looked ever so confused, as if there was something he didn’t know. That was right. He didn’t know all of it. Only that Tamlin found me hurt in the woods.
“When I found Alanna, she had been running from a group of men. They burned her village and—and they hurt her.” Tamlin said sadly, the way he said the word hurt not needing to be explained based on the cringe that shuddered through Rhys.
“Oh Alanna…I’m so sorry.” Rhysand held my hand, Tamlin already caressing my other one. Tears silently slipped down my cheeks. The lord of spring kissed them away, while the lord of night licked them off of me.
“No one is going to hurt you ever again. Do you hear me? No one would dare try now that you have not one, but two high lords as your mates.” Rhysand stated, his words not faltering even once. I nodded in thanks, giving both of their hands a squeeze.
They continued to wash me until I was all clean, drying me off with a fluffy cotton towel and wrapping me up in it. This time Tamlin carried me to my room, Rhys following behind him.
As much as they wanted to just spend the day cuddling me, they explained, they had to tell me some very vital things.
After I was clothed, Tamlin led us to the study. I seated myself down in one of the chairs, a curious look on my face.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Alanna,” Tamlin started. “There are things you need to know. Things you need to heed.”
“We have enemies. Both of us. These enemies would like to use you against us in any way they can. You are our weakness now. Our enemies have leverage over you. Not only this, but there are high fae that take delight in torturing and killing humans.” Rhysand explained sternly, but in as nice of a tone as he could muster up.
“Once people become more aware of you, word will spread. That two of the most powerful high lords have a shared mate.”
“I understand…what do you need me to do?” I picked at my fingernails, trying to hide my anxiety.
“You need to stay with us, or with an escort at all times when you want to go anywhere but about a mile from the manor.” Tamlin said, his tone business like. “It’s too dangerous for you to be on your own, let alone as a fae, but especially as a human.”
“Okay…” I agreed, unable to hide the fear in my voice. I knew why they had to do this, but it still was unnerving. I couldn’t complain. I was a homebody at my core, not exactly the adventurous type.
“We’re so sorry that you had to be brought into this…” Rhys sighed, petting down my hair.
“I’m not.” I retorted. “Or else I’d never have met you both.”
Their eyes both pricked with tears, clearly never have been loved by another in this sort of intensity.
“Oh Alanna—“
The next thing I knew, shards of glass from the breaking of a window flung in our direction, making a long, shallow cut on my face.
The males both lunged toward me, putting me behind them. A glamor was cast over me so that I was virtually invisible to whatever had just broken the window.
I saw in front of us a high fae male. His long brown hair and blue eyes were nothing compared to the evil look plastered on his face.
“High Lord of the Spring Court and the Night Court, together after the war. How touching.” The male said, his voice rough.
“Who the hell are you?” Rhysand snarled, his talons out on display. Tamlin growled deeply, his own claws appearing from his knuckles.
“No one you know, although I trust we will get acquainted quite closely soon.” He replied smoothly, the heels on his boots hitting the floor which each slow step.
“You’re trespassing in my court. You broke in to my home. There is punishment for that.”
The faery only chuckled condescendingly in response.
“In the war, you stole many things from me. Many people from me. It’s only fair, that you pay up as well.” His grin turned into a wretched expression. “Every high lord will give me a sacrifice of someone you love by the. You have the time span of three full moons. If you do not, you will regret it and watch your courts burn. You may summon my soldiers with this.” He dug into his pocket, pulling out a blood red crystal and chucking it in front of my mates.
Just as Tamlin lunged for the faery, he vanished.
Not seconds later, there was a knock on the study door. A servant said through it:
“My lord? I have urgent messages from the Winter and Autumn Courts.”
Those messages were a tad bit late, it seemed.
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emilia3546 · 3 years
The First Step - Nessian
It's been a while since Feyre and Rhys have been able to have time to themselves, so it's just as well that Nesta's willing to steal Nyx from them for a evening. 
 Nesta had never been particularly good at singing, much to the chagrin of her mother, but she gently rocked baby Nyx in her arms as an orchestra sounded from her symphonia. He gurgled quietly, and she stood up, twirling around the room with him still in her arms, his eyelids starting to droop, until he was happily snoring. Cassian grinned at her, and changed the song to one of her favorites, an old love song, one she'd even heard in the human lands, the story of a queen cast out from her kingdom, forced to serve its conqueror.
Nesta laughed when the music lifted, announcing the arrival of a silver-haired, frozen-hearted prince who stole the young queen's heart. She kept dancing around the room with Nyx happily asleep in her arms all through the story of their fight to reclaim her kingdom. The music was as beautiful as the first time she'd heard it, and she didn't try to halt the tears as the final note sounded, ringing through the room, somehow capturing all the prince's icy rage, the queen's burning temper, and their combined hope for their kingdom.
She paused after setting Nyx in his crib, Rhysand's magic immediately rocking it gently to keep the child asleep. He was perfect, and her heart leapt at each little wriggle in his sleep, gods she wanted one, what had she been thinking? She could do this, she would do this. Nesta sighed as Cassian wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on top of her head,
"He's so cute when he's sleeping,"
"Yeah, and not crying." Nesta chuckled, leaning back into him as Cassian started to sway to the rhythm of the music flowing around them, she let him spin her around in his arms, and wrapped her arms around his neck, drinking in his happiness,
"It'll happen," he murmured, "Patience, sweetheart, it'll happen when it's meant to."
"I know, I just, I don't know, I'm just worrying that maybe it won't, that maybe we're not meant to have children,"
"Are you kidding?" Cassian slipped a hand into Nesta's hair, and she leaned back into the touch, automatically meeting his gaze, "You're meant to be a mother, when it's meant to happen, it will."
"Only if you do your job." Nesta teased,
"You know I've been busy, I wasn't supposed to be gone that long, you know that."
"I know, I'm kidding, but maybe I can come with you next time." She suggested,
"I dunno, Nes, the Camp Lords are shitty enough normally let alone with a female, and an evil witch on top of it." He furrowed his brows, considering her suggestion, and Nesta pushed on,
"All the more reason to bring me, I scare them, they'll be more agreeable."
"Or they might dig in." Cassian countered, "I don't want you in danger, if one of them decides to act on his hatred of you, I don't know what I would do."
"I'm not an easy person to kill, Cass, let me help, I can help, our work here can be done whenever, but Illyria, that's where it's happening, I don't want to run straight into a battlefield, but I do want to help where I can, I get bored when you're all gone."
"Okay, so long as you promise not to pick any fights while you're there."
"Pick fights? Me?" Nesta relented at Cassian's worry, "I promise, I'll stick right by your side if it'll make you feel better, but you don't have to worry about me, you saw to that." He nodded,
"I'll always worry about you."
"I'm not the one who's a reckless idiot, if anyone should be worrying, it's me, but I trust you to look after yourself, can you do the same?" Cassian froze, his face falling, and Nesta wrapped her arms around him, she knew he did, but he could just be so stubborn sometimes,
"I do trust you. I just worry, that's all, I know you'll be fine really." He tipped her chin up to meet her eyes, and drew in a deep breath, "Okay, next time I go to inspect a camp you can come as well, it might be a good opportunity to scout for Valkyries as well." Nesta grinned, and lifted herself onto her tiptoes to kiss him, it was only a soft brush of her lips, but Cassian gasped, "Not in front of the baby, Nesta! Honestly," he chuckled, and spun her around when the music picked up, keeping a hold of one of her hands as he tugged her against him, leading her around the nursery. It was by no means a proper dance, and Cassian had next to no sense of rhythm, but Nesta managed to follow him easily, laughing as he fumbled with the steps.
"C'mon,"  she quietly counted out the beats, showing him where to put his feet, and laughed again when he stumbled,
"This is hard, don't laugh at me."
"I thought Nyx was the baby, do I need to buy a crib for you as well?" She teased, and Cassian narrowed his eyes,
"Show me that again." Absolutely foolproof, and typical, threatening egos was so easy with these Illyrian males, but then again, it was one of the reasons she had wanted to find out about him to start off with, to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face, the same smirk that was now plastered across his face as he successfully made it through the series of steps Nesta had been trying to get him to do. "See? I can do it,"
"Oh I know, but you're so easy to mess with."
"Oh really?" Cassian tightened his arm around her waist, and lifted her off the ground, in no way was he capable of executing a proper lift, but he spun around with Nesta in his arms, and raised an eyebrow, a gesture that Nesta was all too familiar with, and she flushed,
"What, now? What about-" she fell silent when Cassian flashed her that smirk again,
"You're so easy to mess with," he parroted, grinning at her annoyance, "You're so cute when you're angry," he crooned, and Nesta scowled again, rolling her eyes at Cassian's chuckle,
"Shut up," she glanced back across at the crib, sighing in relief as the front door opened, and Feyre's laughter lilted up the stairs. "Let's go, Illyrian baby," she murmured, dodging Cassian's attempt to grab a hold of her, "Too slow," she made her way back down the stairs,
"Nesta, we were wondering if you'd heard us getting back," Feyre grinned as she noticed Nesta coming down the stairs,
"He's all yours, sleeping now," she said, "How was dinner?"
"Wonderful, it's been so long since we've been able to go out properly, thank you for watching Nyx."
"You only have to ask, I'd steal him from you if I could, before long I'm sure we'll be swapping places,"
"Not too soon, I hope, two babies at the same time, now that would be a nightmare,"
"Well, it'll be two babies at the same time anyway, with Cassian included," Feyre chuckled again, and snorted at Cassian's indignant huff as he complained to Rhysand,
"You know, Nesta, I think you may be right, I'll be sure to think of all the tips for both babies, young and, very, very old." Rhysand glared back at her, complaining that he wasn't that old, but waited to wish Nesta and Cassian goodnight before following Feyre up the stairs.
Cassian laughed at his brother's retreating back,
"I don't know what you're laughing at, old man, you're just as ancient."
"Ah, but I'm young at heart, Nesta,"
"Yeah, five years old at heart." Nesta yelped when Cassian picked her up, and shot into the sky without any warning, leaving her squealing and clinging on to him as he flew back home.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Broken Arm Bath Time
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Hatter
Genre: Fluff. Aguni washing Takeru's hair and it's so soft.
2.1k words
Jokes on you slimy meatball I fucking did it! Of course, I can't say shit without getting a teensy tiny bit inspired by @hatterstan-shameblog 's latest fic (Please go take a gander it is neat), but otherwise this is wholesome and neat, perhaps 50% gay energy-
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Aguni doesn’t get the chance to step into his apartment before he got a call, his phone vibrating rather exuberantly for 5 in the afternoon within his pocket. He sets down his groceries and pulls out the phone, a simple black flip phone as he didn’t really need to use it for much else. The number was all too familiar, Aguni pressing the answer button and holding it up to his ear.
“ Hello.”
“ Mori, hi! My good pal, best barbecue corn chip in my life, my beautiful-“
“ Get to the point Takeru.” Aguni takes his keys out of his pocket to unlock his door, Takeru humming nonchalantly.
“ Well, you know how I broke my arm last week?” Takeru chirps. Aguni answers with a simple short noise of acknowledgement, mentally imagining Takeru’s calm yet dopey smile on the other end.
Aguni remembered it quite well actually, briefly reminiscing as he opens his door and hauls his groceries inside. The two were actually out on a fishing trip together, although it was less for the fish and more for Takeru to hang out on a boat they rented all day wearing fishing hats that Takeru found in storage in the back of his shop. It was supposed to be a simple trip, catch some fish, drive around the lake, nothing tiring.
That is, until Takeru managed to hook in a monster one. The force of it yanking, coupled by him leaning a little too far (Aguni did try to warn him), led to him falling off and slamming his arm against some rocks that they were parked near.
The force managed to break it upon impact. It was a freak accident, but Aguni did have to get their driver to drive them back to the docks and call an ambulance for his friend. He had to hand it to Takeru though for keeping a brave face and not cry too loud as they used some ice from the fish cooler to keep it somewhat numb from pain until the paramedics arrived. Takeru did whine a little about the fish that stole his rod and how the day didn’t go as he hoped, but Aguni wasn’t focused on the results of the fishing trip. He somewhat knew Takeru was worried as well, but Takeru probably didn’t want to dwell on it and feel the effects more than if he focused on anything else.
The doctors said that it was a clean break, but he’s still need a cast to keep it in place, Takeru receiving all the instructions about how to care for it.
“ Well, you see….. I need to take a bath.” Takeru explains, Aguni saying nothing as he stocks his fridge and pantry, letting Takeru continue. “ And as you know full well, I can’t get my cast wet. Adding on to the fact that a I can only do so much with one arm…..”
Aguni swears he can hear Takeru pouting on the other end. He sighs, shutting his pantry and leans against the door. “ Do you need me to come over.”
“ Oh that would be wonderful. Yes, please do. I’ll be waiting!” Takeru hangs up, Aguni slipping his phone back in his pocket and walking right back to the front door. He leaves his apartment not even ten minutes of finally getting inside, and after locking the door Aguni makes the rather short distance to Takeru’s apartment. It was easier for them to live close to each other, even if it meant Aguni got minimal heads up before Takeru let himself in to his apartment.
Aguni enters with the spare key Takeru gave him when they first got the places, shutting the door behind him and switching to the fuzzy slippers that Takeru leaves for him and him only.
“ Mori!” Takeru peeks out from the hallway once Aguni comes in, waving with his free hand that was attached to his only good arm, Aguni not bothering to wave back as he closes the distance, Takeru smiling and dragging him to the bathroom.
The cast that rested in the sling was a soft red colour, which he insisted wasn’t just pink — not that Aguni cared, it was just a cast — and already covered in small doodles made by Takeru himself among other people that likely pitied Takeru’s poorly arm and wanted to decorate it. Even Aguni had something on there, on insistence of Takeru the day he got the cast done. It was a simple and poorly drawn flower done in black marker, but Takeru was happy with it. Compared to all the other, much more colourful and creative things that surrounded it, it almost looked like such a sad excuse for a doodle.
Still, Takeru assured him that he loved it. Aguni watches as Takeru pulls out a plastic bag and some rubber bands that he was going to use to cover the cast, sliding the bag over his right arm. Aguni didn’t have to be told anything as he grabs the bands and pulls them over the bag and cast, holding it firm so no moisture would accidentally get inside. It wasn’t too tight to cause his friend discomfort, and the two head together to the bathroom.
The bath, unsurprisingly, has already been run, Aguni dipping his finger in the still warm water. Takeru strips into nothing from him, and Aguni steps back to let him sink into the water, Takeru letting out a satisfied breath. “ Ah, this is nice~”
Aguni kneels down next to the tub and positions Takeru’s arm so it rested outside, Takeru grabbing a bottle from a metal rack that was within his arms reach. Takeru holds it out to Aguni with a smile, Aguni wordlessly uncapping it before pouring a little into the water and turning the faucet on again, bubbles soon emerging along with the scent of lavender and apples.
“ You are such a saint, Mori. Who knows how I would’ve survived without you in here!”
“ You would have done okay, you know.”
Takeru chuckles, leaning his head back and sinking further into the water, Aguni laying a hand on the arm that had to stay outside. “ Yes, but I would have felt oh so uncomfortable! Curse past me for getting bottles that don’t work with one hand.” He lays his other hand over his forehead as he lets his head loll to the side in anguish.
Aguni lets him be to soak for a bit, getting up and going through his friend’s rather extensive soap options. Unlike him, Takeru preferred to smell nice everyday instead of going about in a natural scent or, as Takeru calls it, ‘The artificial man scent of trying too hard sometimes’. He did own said artificial man in a bottle, but they were only for very specific uses.
“ Which one do you want today.” Aguni brushes his fingers through the bottle, Takeru humming as he thought.
“ Obviously something to pair with this!” Takeru splash taps the surface.
Aguni grabs a random bottle and holds it down to hover in front of Takeru’s face, not bothering to read the label or check if it paired. He didn’t even know what would pair with the bubble bath, Takeru was always the one that knew the answer and differences. All Aguni ever did in his own shower was a simple shampoo and body wash before leaving. Takeru had a ritual in his own bathroom, and Aguni barely could comprehend it outside of a lengthy process that Takeru religiously followed.
“ This is a body wash, Mori. Try again.” Takeru pushes the bottom of the bottle up, Aguni putting it back and choosing one that he actually read to be a shampoo.
“ Hmm….. not today, Mori. We’re going for a nice floral today, not woody.”
“ It’s both nature based. Smell like an apple tree today.”
Takeru snorts, Aguni putting the bottle back and choosing the next one that almost was promising. Takeru inspects it for a bit, before letting a pleased note out from his throat, Aguni kneeling back down and setting it on the bath mat. He grabs the shower head and guides it down to Takeru, reaching over and turning it on. Takeru lets out a sigh through his nose as Aguni starts washing his hair, Aguni staying steady and firm as he wetted Takeru’s locks. Setting the head down after turning it off, he opens the bottle and dispenses a fair amount before rubbing it in his hands, getting a good lather before massaging it into Takeru’s hair.
“ See Mori? How would I get such sublime treatment for my hair care by myself. You do it so well.”
“ Thank you. You could have at least tried by yourself.”
“ Mori I can’t simply get a good lather with one working hand.You, maybe, because you have less hair and the bathroom routine of the average male. I would not be surprised if you used your own hair as a method to work one up. Me? I could never. It would be like rubbing dish soap on a plate raw.”
Aguni nods, making sure to be thorough as Takeru liked it to be. He’s gotten enough lectures about his friend that he had a decent idea of what Takeru liked during bath time, or even a shower. To be honest, this wasn’t even his first rodeo of washing his friend’s hair, for many different reasons that always ended with a platonic bath or hair care.
“ Alright Mori, that’s enough. You’re gonna rub out too much oils at that rate.” Takeru tells him after a few more seconds, Aguni turning on the shower head once more and rinsing out the shampoo. Takeru quietly hums as he did so, and once Aguni was satisfied that he got it all, gets up and tries to find some conditioner for him. He finds it after a short look, kneeling down again as Takeru confirms that he took the correct bottle. Aguni squirts a fair amount into his palm and lathers it just like the shampoo, although it didn’t made suds as it simply spread it across his palm to apply to Takeru’s hair. He picks up the hair in sections and rubs conditioner into it, Takeru idly humming some tune that Aguni vaguely remembers.
He doesn’t register his own quiet singing along until Takeru joined in at the chorus. “ Stay with me~ 真夜中のドアをたたき~”
“ 帰らないでと泣いた…. あの季節が 今 目の前….. Stay with me…”
“ 口ぐせを言いながら 二人の瞬間を抱いて~”
“ まだ忘れず 大事にしていた….”
Takeru peeks at Aguni with a small smile, Aguni offering the slightest one of his own. He rinses off Takeru’s hair of the conditioner thoroughly as they both end up going through the rest of the song in a gentle duet, making sure not to leave a single strand unwashed of the product.
“ Now the body wash. Can you do it yourself since I did your hair?” Aguni asks, Takeru nodding and sitting up to reach for the loofah and grab some body wash in reach, using the edge of the tub to click the bottle open. Aguni still had to help him get the soap onto the mesh mass, but he at least could sit back and let Takeru finish by himself.
“ You can help yourself to a snack in the fridge, Mori. As thanks.” Takeru tells him as he scrubs himself, Aguni briskly nodding and leaving the bathroom. He washes his hands in case of any spare suds left on his hand before raiding Takeru’s fridge. He procures a single pear and stands in Takeru’s kitchen eating it — after he quickly rinsed it, like he should — until Takeru finally emerged, towel still on head as Takeru dried it one-handed and fluffy white robe around his frame and bagged cast.
“ That was a good bath~ Thank you ever so much~”
Aguni lets out a soft grunt noise in response, pear still in the stage of being dissected between Aguni’s teeth.
“ Oh, and while I heal, would you mind coming over ever so often to do it again? A man’s gotta keep his routine after all.”
Aguni breaks a piece the pear from its body and silently chews, staring at his friend idly smiling from where he stood, towel now draped over his shoulders.
Aguni swallows his pear, and after careful deliberation, offers a short nod.
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minghaocouture · 4 years
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Request: @svtxsoju:  “OH you’re jealous!” + mingyu
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Reader Genre: Actor AU (i mean Mingyu is the camera guy but you get what i mean) fluff, comedy WC: 537 Warning: N/A
Tag List: @woozisnoots @kpop-in-new-albion​ @uglychildd @samemagicpoint @rjsmochii @karmacqre @dwcljh @taeyeon-got-shmoney @seungsanhun @haotheheckk @skylions-den @sehunnies-hunnie96 
A/N: BINUUUUU, I hope you enjoy the baby Mingoo content that came from this. It made me giggle to write it cause i just imagine Mingyu as this super clingy boyfriend who just wants ALL of your attention. 
It was supposed to be just a simple night, just a small get together with members of the cast and crew so that you all could celebrate the end of filming. It was also the first time that you and your new boyfriend, Kim Mingyu, would be able to go out in public after it was officially announced that the two of you were an item. You were excited that you wouldn’t have to sneak kisses or avoid long lingering eye contact with your beautifully sweet boyfriend, who had just so happened to be the main camera man for the show that you just finished.
It was supposed to be simple and relaxing.
So why was it that you were currently being clung to by your giant of a boyfriend as he glared daggers at your co-star, Joo-Hyuk, while your rather large and rowdy group took shots of soju and chatted amicably. You were grateful that your friend didn’t seem to take it to heart and almost seemed to be ignoring Mingyu’s sour mood. Now if only you could as well.
Being the good significant other that you were, you excused yourself for some air and dragged Mingyu outside with you, if only so you could question him on his strange behavior.
“Are you okay, Puppy? You seem a bit upset, i mean if your glares were anything to go by.” you questioned, reaching up to stroke his soft hair as a way of comforting him. You knew how much he liked when you played with his hair, so you made sure to do it quite often. Just like usual, the male leaned into your touch his eyes slowly closing as he focused on your hand gently messing with his hair.
“I’m not, I mean I’m fine. I just...didn’t like the way that Joo-Hyuk was looking at you…” The end of his sentence almost seemed to come out like he felt guilty about his actions, yet as he opened his eyes you watched the rather irritated twinkle that lit up the brown iris’. A light bulb seemed to flicker in your brain as you realized just exactly what he was admitting.
“Oh! You’re jealous!” The thought had you pulling your hand back as you laughed, causing Mingyu to let out a rather adorable whine as he pouted. “Mingyu, baby. You know I love you right?”
You took a step closer to the male and wrapped your arms around his waist, your eyes meeting his as you flashed him a soft smile. He instinctively leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours. “I’m not jealous.” he muttered, “but you should definitely tell me how much you love me in front of everyone so that Joo-Hyuk knows you’re mine.” 
Pushing up on your toes, you pressed your lips gently against his. It wasn’t some spectacular moment like it would have been played out to be in some drama, but it was your moment. Just a simple moment and a simple kiss between you and the man you loved. Slowly you pulled away, laughing as Mingyu quickly stole one more swift peck before he let you separate.
“Only if you stay over tonight and cuddle with me.”
“It’s a deal.”
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Yandere Vil, Malleus and Leona there S/o is really good at using all kinds of posions from flowers she grows herself and comes super close to using deadly posion on them mixing it into there tea or Food giving her the chance of getting away
Oh my god this was hard cause Vil and Malleus are Characters I still need to grasp on,but I hope this isn't so bad! (╥﹏╥) I really liked the concept given, although with these three Characters,I don't think it would be very easy to poison them since all three of them are the kinds who seem to overseer a lot of things in situations •́ ‿ ,•̀ what scary men but here you go! I hope you like it (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Warning: Mentions of abuse and non-con/toxic relationship.
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Vil Schoenheit
- "Tell me, my dear, what kind of rotten heart would scheme up a plan to poison the one that loves them above all else?"
- You've never seen Vil as crossed as he was now, standing right before you in his room. The way the light of the chandelier brought to life the wrath in his gaze frightened you and you regretted what you did. Or at least attempted to do
- "To think my little pearl would do such a vile thing..." His eyes glistened like wildfire, and before words could even reach you, Vil hurled the fine porcelain cup against the wall near you. It shattered,much like your composure, and once tears escaped you, Vil is already on his knees, his hands cupping your face.
- "Mein Liebling, forgive me. Are you hurt?"
- Vil's soft, soothing words bellied the way he gripped your face to look up at him. The tender hands that you were so used to now a force that overwhelmed you completely.
- You thought he wouldn't notice the small red berries you'd crushed and mixed in with his tea. You made sure he wasn't even there to see it, but when he didn't attempt to even taste the tea you made for him, you already felt dread knotting around your conscience.
- He wasn't an idiot, you took that well into account, but you overlooked the fact that he was a person who valued beauty above all else, someone who was always particular of their own surrounding.
- "My small,idiotic, pearl, of course I noticed your pathetic excuse for poison in my tea. The fragrance alone gave it away"
- "You thought there wasn't a smell, did you? You thought that just because you Excell in that mediocre talent of herbs of yours you could use it against me?"
- Vil didn't hesitate to grab hold a fist of your hair,yanking you up until you stood on your tiptoes just to look up at him with those teary eyed expression on your face.
- "My sweet, daffodil. Who do you think I am?"
- He was Vil Schoenheit. Dorm Leader of Pomefiore, and the embodiment of beauty and grace.
- He was Vil Schoenheit, the senior who took interest in you and entangled you in his hold and the suffocating toxin draining you from life.
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Leona Kingscholar
- "Ha? What's this?" Leona's lazy gaze drifts from the bowl of meat stew in front of him to your awkward as ever figure sitting opposite of him on the bed.
- You stare at him, for a brief second forgetting what to say, until Leona lets out a sigh and picks up the wooden spoon.
- You'd worked hard for this moment, collecting the leaves of the dumbcane plant you'd stumbled upon when Leona allowed you to accompany him during a short stroll wasn't a small feat to be achieved. Not with a male like Leona watching your every move.
- "I made it because the other day I overheard Ruggies saying you used to eat meat stew when you were younger" Your attempt at sounding as timid as you always do around him succeeded though you were sure it was simply out of instincts to put your head down before the beastly prince
- On his lips, a ghost of a smirk appeared before he looked up at you, teeth bared just slightly.
- "That so? Then, why don't you share it with me?" He held the bowl towards you, and something like dread wrapped itself around your nerves.
- "I...I'm not that hungry" You didn't know how you could still look him in the eyes, but would looking away really save you? Leona was never the forgiving type just as much as he wasn't the type to be bothered with the fact he'd imprisoned you as his mate.
- "Dumbass. It was a rhetorical question" He said grinning before his expression darkened, and his voice lowered into a growl. "Eat it."
- You were fighting back tears just as much as you were fighting the urge to run away. To push yourself up from the bed and jolt out of the room that held so many of your tortured memories. You never wanted this, you thought. Why couldn't he just let you go when you said you weren't interested in being with him?
- You bit your lip, gaze casted down. "I don't want to"
- Leona laughed and with one swift movement, he had pushed you off the bed and pinned you to the floor. Your breathing hitched and the back of your head throbbed from the fall.
- "I didn't fucking ask", he growled so close to your face then, you felt the raw aggression seep through your skin and your senses blurred.
- "Get off me! Get off me!" You struggled against him but as Leona held you down firmly, your resistance was useless.
- "What? You thought I wouldn't catch onto your stupid plan? Hah! Who do you think I am,huh?"
- You opened your mouth to scream but Leona grabbed your throat and poured down the stew straight into your mouth. The extra excess of it dripping onto your clothes. You gagged,throat burning from the heat and tears brimmed with tears.
- "Dumbcane, am I right? The ones you stole glances at whenever we passed that den of bushes outside. I didn't think you'd be so dumb to think you could trick me into eating poison."
- You coughed up the remaining stew lodged in your throat but Leona clamped his hand on your mouth, pressing onto it with every inch of anger he could manage
- "You're swallowing it whole, mouse." He snarled,watching as your vision blurred and tears slid down your cheeks, glistening as if they were symbols of your regret. He wanted to laugh at you for realising only now that you could never outwit him, nor leave his side at all, but betrayal tasted bitter and he seemed lost for words to describe it.
- "Huh, tell me, little mouse, you know why this plant you schemed to have me digest is called Dumbcane?"
- Of course you knew.
- "So let me get this straight, you planned on poisoning me but not kill me? Is that why you went for a plant that could only cause extreme nausea and vomitting? You worked something in that small head of yours and thought you could get away from me if you made me sick?" The laugh that came afterwards seemed to screech in your ears and before you realized it yourself, you were sobbing, the insides of your mouth burning and swelling. Leona's gaze raked your trembling body beneath his and a sense of dominance washed over him.
- It was nice, seeing you all helpless like this, since all you ever did was fight back.
- "I swear this is why you herbivores don't last long in the wild", Leona released his grip on you, his gaze mellowed down as a smirk curled on his lips. "If you wanted to get away from me that bad, you should've went for my hide, cause as long as I'm alive, you're never getting away"
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Malleus Draconia
- Malleus's lips against yours was tantalising,his tongue caressing your inner cavern with the utmost attentiveness that had you arching your back and limply grabbing at him.
- The dark Fae had a habit of marking his possessions and you were no exception. From bite marks to slight burn scars.
- Today,you noticed,he was acting a bit more needier than usual. His touch held less aggression and was more like he wanted a sense of reassurance.
- By now you'd learned that if and when you disobeyed him, nothing good ever came from it. Especially when you'd throw words at him in attempt to hurt him.
- So, when he sought after you as usual, you opted to be as submissive as you could. If today was a day he'd let his guard down even for a moment, you would take it to ensure your plan succeeded.
- "You're well-behaved today,my little raven" Malleus said right after pulling away, his lips finding the crook of your neck almost immediately. When he blew briefly against it,a shiver ran up your spine.
- "Are you trying to hide something from me?" Latching onto your skin, Malleus began suckling on your sweet spot,his hands gripping your waist.
- You tried speaking but Malleus lifted his gaze and for a brief second,it was as if you were trapped in a trance.
- "Tell me,young one, do you know the story of Leander and his hasty affection towards a young Lady?"
- "No." The words came in a gasp, as if you were compelled to say it, and Malleus smiled. A slow, deliberate smile before he shifted and had you sitting on his lap,his cold arms wrapping around your waist once again.
- "It is an ancient story, one from the Greeks, and it tells the story of how a young man dies in an attempt to woo the ever so beautiful maiden that had captured his heart." His voice seemed distant then,as if he was recalling thoughts from a life he lived too long ago to remember clearly, you watched as his still expression slightly shifted and his brooding gaze of emeralds, glistening deeply in thought. Malleus then, resembled an old God, and you realized why Lilia and the others seemed to worship him. Why you could never find a way to truly be free from him.
- "Are you listening,little raven?" The depth in his voice then,nudged you from your thoughts,your widened gaze locking instantly with his. You found yourself nodding in sync with the smile growing ever more evidently on his lips.
- "You see,the story starts with Leander swimming across a great lake, vast and wide, every night to be able to be with his lover who lived atop of a tower. In turn his lover lit up a lantern to help guide him through the nights."
- "One night,however, he had stumbled upon a flower, captured by its beauty, he decided to take it to his love and as he swam, a storm passed by, blowing out the lantern left out as his guidance. Thus, Lenader was lost and eventually drowned."
- Malleus then shifted his attention back to you, sitting still on his lap. Your breathing had turned shallow, somehow fearful of the story's ending. He let out a small laugh then, leaning in to steal another kiss. It tasted somewhat like driftwood and pine.
- "Do you what happened in the end?" He asked, a rhetoric question you were smart enough to detect. Your eyes almost averted itself from his but when Malleus's gaze darkened,you knew better to hold your wits together.
- "When his lady love came out onto her tower and saw he was not there as promised, she cried out to him; 'Leander, O Leander' , and when she came down from her tower to the lake and there found his dead body washed out onto land, she caught the glimpse of the beautiful flower clutched in his hands."
- The dark hues of green spiralling in his eyes then struck fear to your heart, the way he lowered his lid and momentarily strayed from you told you something was off, and you struggled to breath.
- "The symbol of charm and passion for the people of the Greeks, the infamous Desert flower. Named after the tragic story of a love sparked a bit too wildly by the embers of youth; Oleander."
- Malleus lifted his gaze and without a coherent thought in your head, you stumbled off his lap, falling to the hard cold floor with a hollow thud. Your eyes seemed glued to the mystic male as he arched his brows and stared down at you.
- "My,my,did my grip loosen?" He let out a dark chuckle, a rumble of shadows blanketing over an overcast of mountains. "Forgive me,my pet. I hope you're not injured"
- "Never" You managed despite being so shaken up, "I..I know you would never hurt me.."
- It was a lie. You had physical proof of it, but what good did it come with you trying to make him feel bad of what he's done to you? If he had any shred of humanity in him,you wouldn't have been stuck here in the first place. Placed up in a tower of thorns where no one but him could ever find you. Trapped in a world where you meant to pleasure him as he liked. So you lied and you lied until you couldn't anymore. Until only one thought rang clear in your head.
- "Oleander holds more than just beauty, did you know?" Came the question from Malleus who still sat on the chaise earlier,he had a simple smile curled on his lips, but the wrath in his gaze faltered not.
- However, he didn't wait for you to respond.
- "Like how it played a part in the death of young Leander, it also holds a toxin harmful enough to cause death." Another laugh, another shred of fear clawing up your skin.
- "Isn't that interesting?".
- When you kept quiet, Malleus tilted his head and the air in the room seemed too thin to grasp with your lungs and you were no longer looking him in the eyes.
- "He knows" the thought screamed in your head. But you were so sure. You held back so many things that could've made him notice. How?
- "_____." The sound of your name being called out so coldly,had you bowing your head. Malleus only ever called your name once, and that was when he asked you to be his companion. The day you rejected him.
- "Malleus, I—"
- "Quiet. If you try to talk your way out this I'll make that pretty mouth of yours disappear." The growl was evident in his voice and you couldn't deny the truth behind his accusation.
- "So,when were you planning to do it,my small lovebird? This afternoon? Tonight? I'm sure you've planned this out quite well. You've always been such a thinker, always wondering."
- Malleus loomed over you now, you hadn't moved from where you fell. Couldn't really. Your legs felt frozen to the floor. Helpless.
- "But to think you'd used such a thing as Oleander. Were you going to use some kind of magic to heighten it's effects? Surely you should know by now that I've lived long enough to not be so easily killed, even if by a lover's hands." The last words were hissed, seething with a rage you didn't want to face.
- "Slip it into my tea before I sleep and running away right after..."
- Malleus rose his hand ever so slightly and an invisible force flung you right across the room, your back colliding with the stoned walls. Your mouth opened but no sound came from it as your lungs painfully constricted.
- "I'm disappointed,really" Malleus's dark drawl brought you out of your haze, although your vision seemed to blur,you could still make out his prominent figure striding towards you. "Here I thought my raven was smarter than most. Were you turning a blind eye to the fact I have more than just my gaze following you, or are you simply as naive as to think you'd get away with such a petty plan?"
- When you lifted your head, Malleus rose one finger and pointed it towards you. Instantly,your throat felt wrung up tightly and a scorching ring of fire encircled it.
- You screamed,eyes wide and body hunching over. Your hands tried clawing at the ring but ended up getting burned instead as the fire slowly ate away at your skin.
- Malleus sighed,heavy and shaky. You swore you could've heard his voice tremble if it weren't for your own screams overlapping them.
- "You've brought me great sorrow,_____. If poisoning me gave you hope of leaving behind all that we've built together, then perhaps, for our future happiness, I will burn all sense of hope you have left."
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