#they were a normal couple - the dialogue all felt so natural which added to the horror of whats going on. here's the summer garden and our
hungry-hobbits · 5 months
we watched zone of interest last night and i thought it was a beautiful, well done, and harrowing film.
you can tell a lot of the criticisms for the film are based around the fact that people misconstrue "romanticism" with showcasing how terrible people can continue living normal lives in the face of atrocities - which isn't anything different from your average citizen, it's just that the involvement levels are different.
the unfortunate thing is that terrible people are capable of living normal lives; they fight about their husbands jobs relocating them, they grow gardens, they tell their children bedtime stories - what people dislike about this is that it forces you to remember that every person is capable of the same under certain circumstances, and that kindness is a choice.
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leverage-commentary · 3 years
Leverage Season 2, Episode 10, The Runway Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
John: Marc?
Marc: Hi, I'm Marc Roskin, Producer and Director of this episode.
John: I'm John Rogers, Executive Producer, and the one with the Guinness, so you have no excuse for missing that cue.
Albert: And I'm Albert Kim, I'm the writer of the Runway Job.
John: Here we go. And this is a great opening sequence, what- is this a set Marc Roskin? How did you create this incredible look?
Marc: This is the largest girls school uniform factory on the west coast, and they-
John: So this is some sort of internet connection where you order school uniforms or-?
Marc: It was very hot. No, this was-
Albert: Strangely Marc knows a lot about girls’ school uniforms. I don’t know why, but-
Marc: Yes, this was an actual working factory. A lot of the background workers are some of the factory employees who knew how to operate the machines. It was right across the river, really close, and they opened their doors to us just like everybody did in Portland.
John: I love the fact that we wanted to do a fake sweatshop, so when we shot in there, when they saw the hours they shot the workers in the fake sweatshop, we're like, ‘These hours are horrible. How can you people work under these conditions?’ And Albert, since we’ve just seen someone collapse with these- this great shop, which, actually, I believe was the pitch. How did you come up with the idea for the episode?
Albert: Well as you know, I'm quite the fashion icon in the office, so it was quite natural for me.
John: Yes.
Albert: No, I knew that I wanted to set an episode in the fashion world because it seemed like a fun environment to get into, and lots of great visuals and scenes with models and fashion designers and runway shows. So I knew the area was there, and then so the trick was coming up with a sympathetic victim, and then, as always, a credible villain and threat. So I did a little research and finding the victim wasn't too tough, because the real- in the real world, the fashion industry has sort of been dogged by allegations of sweatshop abuse for a while, so having the sweatshop victim came fairly easy. Finding the threat required a little more research, but as I dug into it, I found that it was actually a real world connection between sweatshops and global clothing counterfeiting, which is controlled by the Chinese Triads.
John: It's interesting because a lot of people talk about intellectual rights and stuff in new international treaties and people immediately think of movies, television, digital rights. A lot of it also involved intellectual rights on clothing.
Albert: Yes. Clothing counterfeiting actually counts for more of the income of these Triads than illegal narcotics trade. So it’s a huge billion dollar business for them and right then, sort of, the pieces fell into place for the elements of the episode.
John: And now these actresses are, Marc?
Marc: That is- um-
Albert: Jen.
Marc: Cathy Vu.
Albert: Cathy Vu and Jen Hong.
Marc: On our left and Jen Hong, and they were great though local Portland actresses. And they knew how to speak some Mandariarin and it worked out great. This was actually, in the shooting order, Jeri Ryan's first episode working with us.
John: Yeah, it's really interesting because, you know, the crew- the cast was genuinely kind of freaked out by Gina not being on set, and so a lot of the weird vibe you get on this episode is from ‘there's a new person’ and of course Jeri became great friends with everyone and really fit in, but it was a really interesting vibe the first couple days on set. It really felt like, yes, Jeri’s a new person here; we don't quite know how to handle it.
Marc: But we had to play it like she was already part of the team because we shot these out of order.
John: It does help that really you don't make her part of the team until the end of the previous episode. 
Marc: Right.
John: This is almost a cold relaunch.
Albert: And we played that in the episode, too, so you sort of everyone's tentativeness around her worked well for the dynamics within- the character dynamics within the story as well.
John: And this is, again, this wass also a scene we added just to- It was interesting, we really wanted to make sure that everyone understood that Sophie- Because originally there was going to be a giant gap between episodes, we wanted to make sure everyone understood Sophie signs off on this. You know, audiences were very attached to Gina Bellman - rightfully so - and we did not want them to think we were shuffling her off and bringing in a new actor. We listen to you. Not a lot, not really.
John: But we do listen to the bigger screams. Also love the callback there that Hardison screwed up in the Ice Man and that's what motivated this entire- this entire replacement.
Marc: We always like to bring up Hardison's screw ups; blowing up offices and whatnot.
John: Blowing up offices. But it's interesting that this is one of those trios where you just kind of park the camera and, you know, they have the dialogue, just let them run; let them do 4 or 5 versions, get the hell out of their way.
Albert: And this scene is really our version of: the kids are wondering where mommy went. You know, so it's like they are a little uncomfortable, it's a new family dynamic, so they're on the phone with her.
John: Yeah.
Marc: Right. But of course, they don't want dad to know that they are speaking to mom.
Albert: Yeah.
John: Yeah, and that's a- that actually started in Ice Man, where they are calling and not telling Nate. And we continued it all the way through where they just don't feel comfortable letting Nate know. And that was a nice little moment with Beth, you know, just ‘I miss you’. It's not often we crack the shell on Parker, that's part of the advancement of the character, to show that she's comfortable in the family, even if she’s not comfortable with other humans. And these two actors the- not those actors, that's stock photography- but the two actors playing the bad guys are?
Marc: Grace and what's her last name?
Albert: Grace Hsu and Tom Choi.
Marc: Grace was a Portland local, she was fabulous; and Tom came from Los Angeles. They did a really great job. 
John: The con here is kind of convoluted. It's interesting, just watching this, is the idea that we really had to come into the fashion show from- the fashion industry is one of those industries where if you're inside it, you know everything. We had to constantly figure out, what does the audience need to know in order to understand what we're doing without overexplaining it?
Albert: Right. Again, this is a case where research helped. I mean, to actually looking into what happens during fashions shows. It's based on a real life event, Fashion Week, which normally takes place in New York though there are regional ones all around the country where there are big showcases for new designers as well as opportunities for the stylish designers to bring out their new lines and things like that. So we knew we had an event that was tied to a specific time which helped; it gave us a very limited time frame. And then, again, researching into how the Triads operate and what their connection is to the clothing industry. All of that just helped flesh out the con.
John: I love the Parker giving her instructions on how to be photographed, you know Sophie gave her instructions three weeks ago for some other con. And this was kind of fun, creating the idea for how do you create- in modern media, how do you create the illusion of an actual human existing for some period of time, object permanence to a great degree?
Albert: Right.
John: So you figured out how to- you know, my wife watches a lot of fashion TV and it was kind of backing up: how do I actually know who the hell any of these people are? And it was because of the fashion shows and magazines. Cover both of those and you're done. And DVRs have certainly been a boon. And also this, printing off one magazine it's actually easier than we made it look. 
Albert: Yeah.
Marc: Oh yeah.
John: There's actually a service that prints off short runs of magazines that you can use if you're say doing a trade show or running a con.
Albert: This was all done on location. Beautiful house. This beautiful house in- was it in Clackamas?
Marc: Yeah, just outside of Clackamas.
Albert: It was great. It was a huge mansion that worked perfectly, and we ended up recreating the mansion later when we blow it up.
John: Also that what they're doing there, where they are looping, that's exactly what it looks like at Electric Entertainment - it’s basically just a laptop and a mic in the kitchen and that's how we finish up these episodes. No, but it was fun to be able to say, ‘Oh well, put the words on her mouth when we’re on her back, just like we do with actors.’ 
Marc: Right.
John: Presently, Tim Hutton delivers no more than 50% of the dialogue you hear per episode. We put the rest in his mouth later with a cunning Tim Hutton imitator. Yeah, this is to close off the sale that she's locked in.
Marc: Yeah, just to continue the sale.
John: Now Marc, you directed a bunch of episodes by this point, coming into this, right?
Marc: Yes.
John: And what was it like having a new human on the staff?
Marc: It was interesting. We- it brought a new life to it, and was interesting to see how everybody worked together. And she was just trying to get a feel for everybody and, you know, she was really easy going and said, ‘Listen, if you want a different performance, please, I'm here to help you guys.’
John: ‘Who likes to do this style? Who likes to do that style? Is that head writer really drinking that much in the middle of the day?’ Basic questions.
Marc: What is that smell coming from his trailer?
John: It's shame. It's the smell of shame. This scene was actually not in the original shoot, right? We wound up- this is one of the scenes that was: how much do we explain to the audience? Do they explain what Fashion Week is or isn't? And when we kinda looked at the first cut, it was like, you know what? I know because I watch it on Saturday morning on fashion TV, but we gotta make sure we establish the rules.
Albert: Right. Just a little more explanation as to how the fashion world works and where the con is going; just another step in the process.
John: And an excuse to get Aldis in orange.
Marc: Exactly and have Aldis in orange and Eliot in mascara.
John: That's eye makeup, that's not mascara.
Marc: Sorry.
John: Don’t. Please. Please, I don't want that phone call again, don't make that mistake.
Albert: What's great about that factory, even this part of this set was also in that factory. 
Marc: This was just another portion of it.
John: Wait, so all the dresses and stuff, did we bring those in or those were-?
Marc: Yeah, we just put up the bolts of fabric and some employees.
Albert: We spent a lot of time in that sweatshop.
John: Yeah. As one does.
Marc: As one does. 
John: I love, by the way, in this episode, just watching what Kane is doing behind her during this scene. I'm- he's making a lot of interesting choices for Eliot there. Especially with the card snap coming up. And this was a lot of fun, too; this was a lot of the fun of the show is learning all the rules and idiosyncrasies of each industry.
Albert: Sure, that's part of the formula is figuring out what's the interesting world you can look into and then diving into and explaining to the audience how these worlds work.
Marc: Well it's funny, cause she needs to explain it to her teammates on the show.
John: And the card! I love the card delivery.
Marc: And the card the bam, yeah, you get to explain it to the teammates and explain it to the audience as well.
John: We’re really replicating what we’re doing in the room. Which is, one person knows the field pretty well and they explain- I remember when we did Iceman and we were talking about getting the serial numbers off the diamonds and Chris Downey was like, ‘I'm not following’ and I went, ‘It's like getting VIN numbers off a car’. ‘Oh, ok perfect!’ And that wound up in the script. Also this was fun having somebody who didn't know how the earbuds worked; it kinda reset the rules for the audience. And some beautiful- how did we get all this beautiful Boston stock footage?
Marc: Some we bought, some we shot. 
John: You actually went out and shot a lot.
Marc: I did. Myself and Dave Connell spent a couple days running around the great city of Boston.
John: Now this is your directing debut, isn’t it Albert?
Albert: It wasn’t my debut, but it was probably the longest sequence I've done.
John: And it's just naked backs.
Albert: It was just tedious, grueling labor to just have to order these models around to take off their clothes and take off their shoes. No, it was great, it was. We already had the set, we finished the big scenes in the set, so Marc let me take a few people out and just get as much fun behind the scenes stuff you can, so that’s kind of where we ended up.
Marc: You and Norbert, right?
Albert: Yeah, Norbert. That was one of his first days there.
John: I love the hair. Whose idea was the Swiss Miss hair?
Albert: Well the other thing about this episode was hair, makeup, wardrobe, obviously had a field day with it. They were really excited about being able to put their best foot forward on a lot of this stuff, so they were able to-
Marc: Yeah, they really had a good time.
John: I also love the fact that Hardison is basically using CIA technique of human intel signals  and analysis on the PA’s on a fashion show to figure out who’s in charge without actually figuring it out. It's a lot of fun, and our friend Apollo Robbins helped us out with the envelope slip, and it helps that Beth is very good-
Marc: This girl is great; she was a lot of fun, this girl, Caitlyn, Caitlyn Larimore. We- she read for us a few times on other things; we just knew there was gonna be something for her eventually.
John: So really, if you're looking to act, you should get out of whatever little LA or New York, whatever little hick town you're in and move to Portland because that's where you're gonna get some work.
Marc: Move to Portland; that's where it's gonna happen.
John: This actually hacking into the printer is something we've done before. A favorite trick of Apollo is to print stuff out in your office when you don't realize something is about to happen. And then the slide- 
Marc: That wonderful calligraphy on those envelopes was my mother in-law’s.
John: Really? That's great.
Marc: Yes, Louise.
John: We didn’t pay her did we?
Marc: Oh god no.
John: Alright, just making sure. We are a cable show.
Albert: But she ends up featured as a featured extra in the episode, too. She's in the fashion show; you'll see her later staring down Parker.
John: Mother-in-law? You got your mother-in-law on tv?
Marc: That's right.
John: Wow, you're the best son-in-law ever. This actress- actually nice shot. We wound up repeating that character later. I remember we were kinda restructuring; we were like, ‘Oh, we can just use her again, that’s fine.’
Albert: I remember watching her read, and she was great at it, so we decided to, rather than use a separate character for a scene later on, just, you know, bring her back. And she wound up doing that scene later when they approach the security people.
John: Just some love for the extra, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ A little something from Eliot just for you.
Marc: Just a little.
Albert: Well he had to know that if you're gonna do a fashion episode, one with lots of models, that Eliot was gonna be right in the thick of things there.
John: Yeah. And the overheard- How did you stage this? The overheard conversation is a staple of the show and the bane of all directors everywhere.
Marc: Yeah, we didn't have a lot of time on this day, but we figured out a way; just keep her in the background, eventually a couple close ups of her ears perk, and soon they'll drag her in deeper. 
John: Now each one of them is doing a specific person. I can't remember, he's doing-
Marc: Lagerfeld.
John: He's doing Lagerfeld. She’s doing Donatella Versace. I can't remember the British guy that Hardison is locked in on, cause I remember Aldis actually had pictures of him. I’m trying to remember...
Albert: André Leon Talley from Vogue, who is the legendary creative director of Vogue. And he's sort of channeling him. But yeah, again, during the course of research-
Marc: I got my ladder shot in there, by the way. I'm just two for two on-
John: On having ladders in your-
Marc: Yeah.
John: That's good; that's excellent.
Albert: This whole set was built; this was the whole fashion show.
John: We actually built this in the museum that we shot the finale for 207 in, right?
Marc: No, this was just an empty warehouse. 
John: Did we have permission?
Marc: Yes we did.
John: Good. Cause sometimes we don't; sometimes we just build stuff and then get the hell out before the cops show.
Marc: Yes, we used a lot of fabric to hide things.
Albert: But the beauty of it is, if you go to real fashion shows, it's kind of what it is. The highlight of fashions shows are supposed to be the clothes, so they keep the surroundings very minimal, and that's- that's always the idea of a fashion show. So luckily for us, it's fairly easy to recreate realistically as a set.
Marc: A lot of times it's just a wedding tent and a runway and chairs.
Albert: Well anyone who's watched Project Runway can see what it's like. It’s just a runway and some folding chairs.
John: I thought we built- that's interesting. Where did we go back to the museum for? I can't remember; it's gonna drive me crazy. Whose idea was the buckles?
Albert: Buckles was something I came up with in the script when I was trying to figure out how to explain what a poor designer Gloria is.
John: What's the one thing nobody likes a lot of?
Marc: Buckles.
Albert: So it became a little joke that someone that- someone, I think it was Chris actually pitched the joke about ‘pilgrim chic’ which we put in there, and found out later that that's actually kind of a real thing. If you make up any kind of joke in the fashion world you'll find out eventually that it's a real thing somewhere.
John: Yes.
Marc: This was actually the workers rec room, which was pretty much an open area room and- 
John: You're kind of ruining the whole sweatshop vibe with, like, ‘They had a rec room.’
Marc: Yeah, they had a rec room and basically we've pretty much four walled it. 
John: Yup.
Marc: And, you know, put in-
John: Which means?
Marc: To put up a wall to close it off. 
John: So this is a bigger space behind him.
Marc: Yeah, it's actually pretty much the same size, but it's just a platform where they had their lunch table set up. But we liked the ability to have shots like that where we can look down onto the floor, it was always-
John: And then shoot back up.
Marc: It was always something that I know that you guys mention, that we wanna have more connection with our victims. So we placed that shot-
John: It is tricky, particularly when we’re doing complicated ones, you can lose track of that vic that's in the opening, and we really tried this year to tie it back a little bit more.
Albert: Yeah, it was interesting. I had a conversation with another writer just the other day about - who works on a crime procedural - and they have the same issue about how to connect with their victims. It's much harder for them because usually their victims are dead. So they show up in the beginning dead, and they can wrap things up with the relative of the victim at the end. If you notice, what a lot of crime shows do is they have flashbacks, so then you get to learn the personality of the victims through the flashbacks.
John: Oh, interesting.
Albert: So we don't do that, but our victims are alive so there are opportunities, like in this scene, to reconnect with the people who we’re working for and establish what our emotional stakes are.
John: And this is also one of the places where we sort of set up- and if you watch what we did with Jeri’s character, and sort of the difference between Sophie and Tara Cole. Tara Cole is a short grifter. Sophie is never gonna push it, she's never gonna try to get the big payout. And Tara’s job is to get in and get out with as much money as possible, so this is one of the times where we really sort of set up how she needs to adjust. Though when you look at the back half, we don't really change it that much. The team doesn't really change, it's- she kind of adjusts herself to fit in the team a bit more. They wind up using her short term push just as a different sort of batter.
Albert: Whereas personality-wise, there's something you told me I remember which helped make everything click which was - Tara is really kind of a guy’s girl. You know, she's the kind of girl who sits around and watches football with the guys on Sundays. Sophie is very much a girl's girl; she's out there doing the shopping and fashion and all that stuff. So that kind of distinguishes the two characters. Although they fulfill the same role within the team, they're very distinctive in terms of their personality. 
John: But that's also from when we originally created the show. A lot of these characters have slightly different personalities, and the actors brought other personalities, and we realized as long as that job was fulfilled in the team, you can range pretty widely within there. How did you shoot- where the hell is she?
Albert: She's supposed to be-
Marc: Tashkent, right?
Albert: Tashkent. So- 
John: Uzbekistan?
Albert: Yes.
John: Oh right there you go. Of course. ‘Cause Tashkent is in Uzbekistan. Who doesn't know that?
Albert: Right.
Marc: And yes, so we shot Gina on a much later date, during a later episode, and just one green screen and some stock footage behind a little wind machine and there you are.
Albert: And camels.
Marc: And some camels, yes.
John: As one has in Tashkent. 
Marc: In Portland.
John: Oh no, we went to the Portland zoo see, I was hoping you'd give them the whole speech about sand, and yeah. That's a little bit of jealousy, a little bit of- and that was another thing, too, to make sure that Sophie wasn't just a character that you checked in with once a week. She had to have her own little arc that whenever you went to her she had a distinct attitude about the team. Yes and the reindeer gag, which I really foolishly insisted on keeping in the script because it was my favorite bit.
Albert: It was brilliant; it was great; it was all John.
John: That's mine. Whenever you see a joke that doesn't quite work and seems kind of doomed but we keep, that's usually me diggin in at the table, particularly if it's absurdist. Now did we put banners up or is that digital?
Marc: Digital. Those were digital banners on the building. Do our little whip pans to Eliot and whip back. 
John: Just to establish, yes, he's with a model. Where do you think he was gonna be? And he’s out.
Marc: And he's angry he has to leave the model.
John: The- and again, it was interesting to, sort of, know that we had to plot out these arcs on the back six, and figuring out exactly, like, how do we show trust and acceptance? And, you know, you can do it in dialogue, but you don't want people talking about their intentions. And the ear bud became kind of an interesting metaphor; it goes in and out of use over the back six and even with Eliot we wound up using it.
Marc: Yeah, it's like the chief asking for your gun and badge.
John: Yeah, exactly. And it also solved the problem later when you know it’s- she shouldn't have heard X. 
Albert: Right.
John: And that's a big problem on the show is in theory, if they can all hear each other’s conversations... Whereas a lot of cop shows, a big chunk of the time is, ‘What did you find out from witness x, Billy?’ What did you find out about witness y? Alright now let's put it together.’ They know. Now how did we do this blow?
Marc: Now that wass digital smoke, and that is a model.
Albert: Green screen model.
Marc: Yeah, we modeled the windows and actually shot it in our parking lot right here in Highland, in Santa Monica Boulevard.
John: Now we built- we do builds on the- building’s blowing up is better with models. The cars we've found we can do just digitally, but the buildings really look great with the model.
Marc: But we still use the model for the car as well. We just don't have the time or the money to do full explosions, you know, we do just a little aftermath with some debris and smoke.
Albert: Especially when it's someone's real house.
Marc: Yes.
Albert: Don't want to-
John: Generally they kind of frown on that, of just blow out the windows.
Albert: Because last year we did, Marc and I worked on another episode where we blow up a warehouse. And it was an abandoned warehouse, so you blow out the windows and break the glass, so it's not such a big deal.
Marc: Yeah, we did a little damage to the Prison Break set on that. What they shot was-
John: I remember, because I pulled up the day you were shooting that, I was like ‘I hope I haven't missed the blow.’ I was a quarter mile away and my windshield shook and I'm like OK, that was a little bigger than we anticipated’.
Albert: But this was a house with six kids was it?
Marc: Six kids, yeah.
Albert: So it was-
John: So blowing it up wouldn't have changed it all that much.
Albert: Probably not. Actually that family was incredibly neat.
John: And this is a lot of fun. And again, this is where, if you pay attention, we never tell you Tara’s backstory; if you pay attention all six episodes, you can figure out exactly what Tara used to do before she became a con woman. The information she knows, the way she puts stuff together, you’ll figure it out. Also the yelling. This was a lot of fun, because Eliot would be annoyed in this situation, and Chris Kane is never funnier than when Eliot is incredibly annoyed.
Marc: That’s right, and it's usually with Hardison.
John: Yeah. Thank you, I don't know how you make this show without phone cameras I really- we couldn't have made this show in 1978 this would've been a lot harder.
Albert: Or earbuds.
John: Or earbuds. Well earbuds we could've got around, but- no earbuds might have made our life easier, actually.
Albert: This was another thing that came up in research, actually, when I wrote a book about the Chinese Triads, and it is actually true that they're signature weapon is a meat cleaver. We looked at a few pictures of them, they're pretty impressive; they are really big and they have engravings on them, stuff like that. I've also looked at way too many pictures of victims of the Triads.
Marc: Yeah, missing fingers, and hands, and arms.
Albert: But that, again, it just added another fun element, knowing that there was, in reality there was a signature weapon that they use, and gave Eliot another fight scene.
John: Of course they'd be fancy meat cleavers, you're not gonna just pick a meat cleaver at Tesco or the kitchen section of Best Buy; you're gonna get one specially made. This was a lot of fun, too, something we haven't done in a while, which was watching Eliot figure out his fight space. You know, control access doing the math in this head. You know, it's always a little easier if no ones around him, just so he can tear people around a little easier. Fun stunt. Jerri did this, right?
Marc: Yeah, she was really nervous about doing her first fight with us, but she was a trooper; she did a great job.
John: She actually killed that guy. I feel a little bad about that, that's the first time we've admitted that, but you know. This was one of my favorite fights, cause we don't do a lot of weapon fights.
Marc: Yeah.
John: And it really reads well; the cleavers read real. Also we do a nice fight style with Chris here.
Albert: We did use cleavers back in the first season with the Wedding Job.
John: Oh that's right, we had the kitchen thing.
Albert: A kitchen thing. But it was a different kind of fight; it was a one on one in an enclosed space. This was an open space with multiple attackers ,and again, different props to use. So like, you saw the mannequin dummy there, and the rolling carts, and things like that, and so it ended up being a really fun scene.
John: And again, thank god for the surveillance culture - the fact that there are so many traffic cameras. Although you may bitch about privacy, it really helps us.
Marc: It really, really helps us.
John: This was interesting. This- I forget how this came up, I think the fact he had two IDs, but they had only checked one. I had a friend who was a Mountie- and remember, we were talking about my buddy who had done undercover up in Canada, and gh said the problem was, the guys got the fake, ran up records on fake Canadian IDs and you never knew the original crimes. Yeah. ‘Hey, how does Tara Cole know how to handle a meat cleaver?’ You’ll find-
Marc: Yup.
John: There you go, and that's a nice hit. And the head butt. I love the head butt, I'm sorry, man, that's a great way to end a fight.
Marc: She gets to take part.
John: Also, there's a lot of really nice hair flipping around in that fight scene, I gotta say.
Marc: I love-
John: I don't know whose looks better.
Marc: It's like a [Unintelligible. Sounds like ‘Germat’?] commercial.
John: And that's, again, one of the problems with having a really uber competent team is, ‘OK they would have run this guy's background. What is the one loophole we could find that Hardison could screw up?’ You know, it's not screw up, it's nobody’s perfect.
Albert: It's just overlooked.
John: That's the trick, it has to always be some sort of fair play thing. Not a mistake, not just a ‘I didn't look in that drawer.’ This is a legitimate loophole.
Albert: Look how great this location is, though. It's everywhere; there's stuff everywhere. We really would not have been able to duplicate this on a set. 
Marc: No.
John: What? No?
Marc: Never. 
John: I love that he keeps the voice up here. That killed me here the first time I saw the dalies I was like, ‘Is he still doing Lagerfeld’?
Marc: Jack Bouvier. 
John: Yeah the fingerless gloves are really the pi��ce de résistance there. There's a lot of stuff there that could be on anybody, but the fingerless gloves really digs in.
Albert: Again, that's straight out of the Lagerfeld book.
Marc: Tim went for it.
John: Are those glasses actually rose tinted?
Albert: Yes.
John: Yes they are, that's magnificent. And the evil speech of evil: ‘Listen, I'm just a businessman. I have obligations.’ You know, in his head he's keeping many people employed back in China. You know, and he's a copy fighter, he's like those electronic freedom foundation guys who doesn't believe in copyright.
Albert: He's a hero, really.
John: He is a hero.
Albert: Of his own story, but- 
John: Exactly, he just happens to interact with our story. 
Albert: Exactly.
John: And this is actually a cue, this is a hint to where Nate’s- This winds up being the first episode of the second half of the season. This is kind of a hint of where Nate’s arc is going for the season, where he's getting so addicted to control and not losing and beating the bad guy, he's starting to make poor decisions. And he makes a series of remarkably poor decisions through the back six that really just the competence of the team protects him from.
Albert: He's kind of like those football teams that keep pulling it out in the 4th quarter and just decide that's just what they have to do. So they don’t mind coasting through the rest of the game or even, you know, getting down and behind before then.
John: Yeah it's- it's the mental discipline, and something that Parker says later on in the season which is, ‘Be the Nate Ford that we came back for.’ The mental discipline that made him legendary and which they count on is starting to slip. And it's not because of the booze, it's because of what he's substituting the booze with.
Marc: Right.
John: This is me drinking my Guinness, by the way.
Albert: It's not your Guinness, it's what you’re substituting for the Guinness.
John: No, no, this is my Guinness; I'm actually drinking.
Albert: Oh ok. It's actually another Guiness that is substituting for his Guinness.
John: It's, again, a Guinness that's somewhere else that I would like to be drinking. Some bargaining, trying to get them to take Eliot instead of Jeri.
Marc: That wasn't something he planned for. 
John: No, no, and it's interesting, and again, this is all trust issues. She kind of volunteered herself for this position, she’s, you know- 
Albert: The trick is, part of the whole episode was really the character dynamics. Because it was a new character, because it was a new team member, even though she'd been introduced in the episode beforehand, this is really the first full con they run together as a team. So it was a very tricky thing, and so I had the outlines of what the broad strokes would be, but this is the point when you go to the show runner and you say, ‘John how does this work, exactly?’ And then John takes over.
John: We stare at the ceiling and- that's what the writers room is for. And this is great, we actually wound up paralleling this shot. You created this shot for this episode, Marc; we wound up paralleling this argument in, like, two other episodes. There's actually a similar version of this shot in the first half in the season finale, where it's like, we are now sitting judgment of Nate Ford, and we’re a little distrubed that we’re not feeling very comfortable here. Yeah, and this cutting pattern replicates, and it’s interesting, and it's because we have editors working over certain episodes that make certain choices. And those are I think the names of-
Albert: They were real Electric Entertainment employees.
John: ‘Maybe I want to meet...’ Yes. Hardison is the most hard done by character; he never gets what he wants. And that, again, is one of those things where this episode was shot in 6 ½ days.
Marc: Yes, there's my mother-in-law.
John: There you go; she's a lovely woman.
Marc: A lovely woman.
John: Are you checking the list of actors to pick her name up? That's not good.
Marc: No, gosh no.
John: You know, we had four different ways this scam works. All depending on exactly how this shooting schedule worked out. And I remember I had to sit down with my wife and I was like, ‘Alright’, cause she's big into this, I was like, ‘Exactly what is the timing and choreography on a fashion show?’ And there, the thing with the dresses and they're all transported across town. So it was a good lesson for writers is, the great thing about TV is you're shooting every week; the really great thing about TV that will also drive you crazy is, you learn how to have a bunch of choices. Because sometimes the world decides not cooperate with you, and you can't shut down production for two days and just go- You've worked on big films, you've seen this. Like, ‘You know what? We're just gonna take a day off and find the right location.’
Marc: Yes.
John: No. Not so much.
Albert: The scene coming up with Parker in the gown. This is really, if you think about it and you say that you're gonna do an episode with the Leverage team involved in the fashion world, kind of the promise of the premise is you're gonna get Parker in a fashion show. In a gown, in a fashion show.
John: Right, because she's the one person who would despise it.
Albert: Right, and you kind of have to deliver this scene.
John: This was also shot later, and it was interesting because we don't usually get Parker and Eliot- you know, Parker and Eliot in a two-hander. And if you go back, you can see in the back half of the season when we- especially when we saw how it worked out in The Lost Heir Job, it became kind of a little more standard that we go to this partnership. You also see it pop up in the bottle show, the bar show, what the hell did we call it?
Marc: Bottle Job.
John: We called it The Bottle Job, that's right.
Marc: The problem with doing these two-handers is he can get her to laugh and break.
John: Yeah, Chris can crack Beth up. Him doing the dirty dresses on the floor line, Beth I think broke character maybe ten times because we are in the basement shooting that day. 
Marc: And this is the dress that Nadine our costume designer built.
Albert: Yeah.
John: It's a pretty amazing dress.
Marc: A beautiful dress.
John: The thumb drive of intent. Thank you thumb drive, for giving us a short hand so audiences know what we're doing. 
Marc: Yes, so she basically- you'll see that all of the Andre V, that's the Andre V character, has a touch of yellow in it.
John: That's right. Nadine created a unified theme for the fashion line - the fake fashion line that we were doing. 
Albert: She created an actual line.
Marc: Yeah, so she created a whole line and there's a touch of yellow in everything and as you’ll see when we get to the runway-
John: Where's this dress? We should auction this dress off.
Albert: Nadine probably has it.
Marc: It's actually in my car.
John: Oh no. I wish I didn't know that.
Marc: And then Dave Connell carried it with the lighting design as well.
John: Oh that's great, that is great. It's like we do this for a living.
Marc: Almost.
John: I love that Parker does the most- the little slide across the spot; that's a lot of fun. And now, did you shoot this at night? You had how many days on this set?
Marc: I think we did this-
John: You had the day, which was the warm up and then-
Marc: I think we had this location for two days.
John: That's not bad.
Marc: That's Jeffery Gilbert who played Andre V; he was just great. And I love Parker with the moves.
John: With the big head turn.
Marc: Just for a moment she thinks she got it under control, of course.
John: No, not so much. Walking is hard; walking in those heels is hard.
Albert: Walking in heels is hard.
John: I also love the little improv- it wasn’t in the script, but I remember seeing it in the dalies - she cracks her neck.
Marc: Yes that was definite Parker move. And I know this had to be- the scene coming up had to be a John Rogers line, where it's written that Andre V is banging his head repeatedly against the wall.
John: Well, yeah, because I do that in the writers room.
Marc: And they said, ‘We gotta move on.’ I said, ‘No, I need to get the guy banging his head.’
John: Trust me, have some sympathy. And this is where we pay off the idea that Tara has heard about this team, and now believes she's given Nate one clue as to what she’s gonna do and she's desperately hoping they're as good as they think they are, and she’s doing the set up to this, she's setting up this beat. It was tricky, because we did actually play- she does actually look like she's selling the team out here, and if you're watching the DVD, you are watching all the way through the seasons. aAnd we did go back and forth on how loyal would she be to the team. And it really is the fact that one of the reasons you watch the show, or at least I think one of the reasons you watch the show, is the family vibe.
Albert: Absolutely.
John: And just having somebody who wasn’t into the family vibe in the middle of it, it might've been interesting from a writing standpoint, and we’re all fans of the show who write the show, it wasn’t interesting from an audience standpoint; it felt a little overly clever, a little constructed. But we do it just enough that we can get she's part of the team, but she doesn't buy into Nate’s bullshit, and as a result her actions in the finale make some sort of organic sense. And the van, oh, the van.
Marc: Gotta have the van.
John: Not anymore.
Marc: Well-
John: No the- and this, again, we had like four variations how this particular con worked. Who did those designs? Who did-? We have a lot of actual fashion designs floating around in this.
Marc: I think Nadine.
Albert: Nadine and her team did pretty much everything.
John: They sketched them up and sent them off to Derek to do the computer graphics.
Albert: They did the sketches, they did the buckles sketches, they designed the clothes. Like I said, this was a real- this was a field day for the wardrobe and makeup and hair.
Marc: For the glam department.
John: That was nice, too. Cause the thing we originally missed, that having him hand him the badge, it’s a nice touch. Again, the trick when you’re doing- Some of the endings we stop and explain a lot, some just kind of unroll, and you have to make sure you set up all the pieces. And a lot of times when you're running and gunning and shooting, that stuff goes away.
Marc: It does. And so much of it is like, you get to a certain scene like, oh my god, in the flashback you're supposed to see that happens later.
John: Do you break those off separately when you shoot these or-? I mean, I know you, kind of, barely read the script.
Marc: A lot of times they are within the scenes and god bless Suzanne, our script supervisor, she just, she-
John: She's the best. She's actually the best I've  ever worked with.
Marc: She's the gatekeeper, yeah, she’s amazing. 
John: A Script Supervisor’s job, in case you don't know, if you're watching, is to sit next to the Director with a copy of the script, with special notations that they go to school to learn, to track what is in every shot, what the angles are, what the sizes are, who’s crossing, who’s walking in from what direction.
Marc: She's basically- she's keeping score and she’s the directors best friend, or worst enemy.
John: You will hear a lot of directors, even really experienced directors say-
Marc: As well as an editor, because, you know, an editor just gets a hard drive of footage, and if he can't decipher her notes, then he's gonna struggle as well.
John: I've seen really experienced directors, guys who are famous, they will finish and will turn to their script supervisor and go ‘What do I need?’ Cause they're watching the coverage while the directors watching the-
Marc: And we do a lot of different things and as a director, you're watching performances, and you're making sure you're hitting all the right emotional beats, and you know, when we do certain scenes where we have multiple characters, or you’re doing a 360-
John: We have a five-hander here.
Marc: Yeah, or doing a 360 and the camera’s going around and around, you need someone to be keeping score for you.
John: I like the physicality, by the way, watching this again, of watching Tim does with his face when he’s with the character and when he's just dropped it, and all of a sudden that kind of fake character, the wardrobe doesn't matter if he's just pissed, and you know he's dug in.
Marc: As soon as he's pulled off the glasses-
John: It's Nate.
Marc: It's Nate. 
John: Great job.
Marc: And we haven't even had him say that, when Tom, later on, you know, points that out, you're not even who you say you are, he, like, looks at him in a certain way.
John: Yeah. No, nice call. The- oh yes, this was, again, interesting, is one of the things that really depends on the speed with which these guys can rip this stuff off. You know, in one of the original versions we were talking about where the dresses are actually transported- right after the fashion show, the dresses actually are driven across town and are put in a private closed viewing for the buyers. They won’t let anybody else close to those dresses because even with photographs, they can be knocked off within a matter of 48-72 hours. Which is stunning, which is what you're trying to fight when you're trying to fight piracy. And hung by his own sin, which is one of the rules.
Albert: There's always a rule. Yup. Going back to the wardrobe and hair and makeup departments, the other thing you don't end up seeing is that they went through a lot of their own iterations of what- before what you see on the screen. They did a lot of tests, they did a lot of different looks. If we had time, we could probably show all these other test photos they took, and different hair configurations, and make up, and at one point they did this whole sort of Kabuki look, but we decided that might've been a little too fashion forward for this show. They really went all out.
Marc: They went all out.
John: Did you say fashion forward?
Albert: Sure.
Marc: And some of them were just based on the element of time, you know, we wouldn't have time to change actors over to a certain style, and-
John: Yeah, cause I mean, that's the thing, is when the difference between shooting Parker as Parker, and shooting Parker as Parker as fashion model, is two hours to change that character's look.
Albert: At least.
John: At least. And the walk of victory.
Marc: Dun dun dunnn.
John: This is nice, this is- I, you know, I always love the 60s, 70s call back; it's a nice style choice. Also, you've got that great street to shoot down. Where was that? Was that outside of-?
Marc: That was right outside of the actual warehouse location.
Albert: Across the river.
Marc: Just across the river from downtown Portland, so it was really close; you know, had a nice overpass.
John: Looked like that section of T that’s elevated.
Marc: This, again, is supposed to be in Asia, which was actually just another area of the warehouse again.
John: And then that's a kind of an iconic shot for this show now. That's nice, the Jeri Ryan era, as the fans call it. If you go on the boards and see the fans arguing over which six episodes are the best in the giant ouvre of Leverage ouvre. And she pays a horrible horrible price for her treachery.
Albert: Those are real working steam presses, and I can tell you from having been there, they were ridiculously hot. 
Albert: I didn't want to be anywhere near it. I was like, ‘Wow, Gloria is really a trooper going through this.’ She had to learn how to operate it; it had, like, foot petals and things.
John: This is why it's good to be a writer, is, we write horrible things and then the directors and actors go live there, while we occasionally- Sometimes we venture from the hotel room to go visit the set.
Marc: At times.
John: But it's for the best if the writer isn't there; just causes trouble.
Albert: We can go pose and take pictures with the models; that's when we show up on set.
John: Yes. And then this is actually based on, there's a bunch of factories now that are owned by the employees that were taken over. Some car factories, some- there was a big thing in South America for a while of the workers seizing foreclosed factories and opening them up as co-ops.
Marc: I did not know that.
John: Yes, there you go. Anything we can do to undermine the infrastructure of capitalism of America in Leverage we try to, we try to.
Marc: Now this is a happier factory, it's brighter.
John: Brighter colors.
Marc: Yeah, it's brighter colors, there's sound.
John: I love that. I love you sitting in the director’s chair like, ‘Alright, now make it the happy sweatshop.’
Marc: How else can we make them happy?
John: Lunch breaks.
Marc: Lunch breaks! Sandwiches. Sandwiches make everyone happy. Everybody’s happy with a sandwich.
John: There you go, and milk, that's delicious. Look, and we saw that particular extra was unhappy earlier.
Albert: That's right.
Marc: She was.
John: There you go; really sold it. And again, it's interesting because, you know, you shot two years of this now, and you understand the vics aren't a big part of actual screen time, they are on in the opening, they're on in the closing. Those actors are insanely important, because it means you have to like them really fast, and if you don't like them really fast, you know, it won’t pay off.
Marc: Yeah, and they have to keep up because, you know, it's not like we get a lot of time to do rehearsals, and so some of the crux of the episode can be in their hands.
Albert: Oh yeah, the emotional core of the story always hinges on the victims and their choices.
John: And sometimes those scenes with Tim Hutton in the bar, that's the entire reason you're gonna care about this episode. And this is a lot of fun with- this is when we- again, we really track, if you watch the back six episodes where Tara Cole feels in how she's getting the money. Happy about getting the money, ambivalent about getting the money, not caring so much, you know. She never doesn't care, cause that's just wrong. And now, it's interesting, Tim and I had a nice conversation about this particular phone call, cause he called me about this and he's like, ‘I'm not sure where we're going with this.’ I'm like, ‘You know that moment when you've had an argument with the wife and you've realized you've said the wrong thing and you can never take it back?’ And he's like, ‘Oh yeah.’ and I'm like, ‘That one right there.’ And it's one of my favorite little Nate/Sophie scenes and they're not even in the same room. Because it's, you know, it's- banter is fun, relationships are hard.
Marc: Right.
Albert: Oh I like that. Banter is fun, relationships are hard. 
John: And, you know, end of day, unless you show a couple of these scenes every now and then, you don't buy these relationships as real. And that's why I think one of the reasons the Eliot/Nate relationship feels very grounded is, we give opportunity for Chris Kane and Tim to kind of dig in on the fact that they don't always agree, those characters.
Albert: And you gotta give somewhere for the characters to go. That's the thing about a scene like this, at the end it gives them somewhere to go after here.
John: That was great. Thank you so much, guys, that was a lot of fun. The episode was fantastic.
Albert: That was The Runway Job.
Marc: Thank you.
John: Anything you wanna say to the nice folks before we move onto the next one?
Marc: Stay tuned.
John: It's a DVD, I don't think they’re gonna wander off-
Marc: For the season.
John: Oh for another season, that's right. Season 3. Albert anything you wanna say?
Albert: No this was great, this was, I think, my third episode working with Marc. Third, that I'd written. Kind of fourth.
John: Kind of codependent.
Marc: Yes, yes.
Albert: We are, but I've learned that one thing: banter is fun, but relationships are hard, so we gotta keep working on it.
Marc: That’s right.
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decretum565 · 4 years
Dear Madoka Magica,
I didn’t really know how to write this letter, as my feelings towards you are too passionate and complex to simply describe in words. You’ve been such an influence on me in so many different regards, and I guess I’m going to attempt to explain how. I first discovered you a couple years back, when you made a top ten list that popped up in my YouTube recommendations. Naturally, it was THE scene that everyone knows was on there, and I was speechless. My reaction was akin to “D-Did she just—Her head—Did she . . .” And you get the idea. That’s where it began, but it didn’t end there.
So I looked into the show a bit more, and there was something disturbingly fascinating about it. I’ve never cared very much about spoilers, but even so I barely understood all of the plot details. Something about you was so mysterious, and I was a bit nervous to discover more. Eventually, I stopped looking for information, as my interests shifted to other things. But I never actually forgot about you.
Fast forward about two years, and I sit down and think about what anime I should watch. I wasn’t very deep into the rabbit hole at the time, and all of a sudden you crossed my mind. I tried to consider other options but you stuck out to me, Madoka Magica.
And so I watched all twelve episodes. I cried six times.
I’m absolutely serious. I adored you from start to finish. As soon as I was able to, I watched Rebellion, and thoroughly enjoyed it as well (though not as much as I do now). I was obsessed, to put it likely. A year later, I rewatched you, and had an even greater appreciation and the spark rekindled. I tracked down fan-art, fan-fiction, analysis videos and internet posts . . . I loved you.
I loved your narrative. The way that everything pieced together, how you were able to be so complex and dark and yet still so hopeful. The way some scenes were directed and written blew my mind, and every episode felt like three minutes instead of twenty-three. I loved the twists and turns you would take me through, as if I was in an actual Labyrinth. I loved your pacing and symbolism and everything in between. I loved your dialogue, with philosophical conversations that felt believable and analytical and just so incredible.
I loved your characters, so, so much. Madoka and Sayaka were two characters that have many aspects I deeply identify with, and even so I still adore them. I was reminded of younger me with Madoka, how inadequate she felt and awkward she was. Sayaka is still one of my favorite characters in media. She had so many layers to her, with her depression and rambunctiousness, optimism and nihilism, just everything about her was incredible. I loved Kyoko to the same amount as Sayaka. Her introduction scene was fantastic, and she just kept getting more and more complex as time went on, leading to one of the most heartbreaking outcomes with her and Sayaka in episode nine. She had such a personality, and her dynamics with the other characters were a lot of fun to watch. I loved Mami, and her desire for companionship, which added so much background to how she responds to others, how she trusts others until they interfere, and one small mistake can cost her dearly. I loved Homura, how she never gave up, never stopped fighting. How she wasn’t all good or all bad, just traumatized and detached to a scary degree. I loved how you thought of her as strange, scary, mysterious, and then the truth is revealed and everything you thought you knew is recontextualized. And, yes, I loved to hate Kyubey. He’s one of my favorite antagonists for a reason.
I loved the art, the animation, the design and the style. How one moment you could be in a normal anime setting, and then use horrific imagery in the Labyrinth scenes. I loved how they differed from one another, based on themes and strategy and tragedy that you can theorize about infinitely.  I loved your music. Yuki Kajiura’s soundtrack gave such emotion and beauty to the series, and I can’t even list all of the tracks that I adore (Also sorry for misspelling, I tried). Serena Ira, Decretum, Conturbatio, Symposium Magarum, Absolute Configuration, Confessio, Sagitta Luminis, Innevitabilis, Puella in Somnio, Incertus, Encounter, Mada Dame Yo, Credens Justitiam, Venari Strigas, Nuquam Vincar, Surgam Identidem, Salva Terrae Magicae, Pugna Infintia, and so, so many more. And, of course, who can forget Sis Puella Magica! ClariS and Sho Watanabe, I loved Connect, Luminous, and Colorful. And Yuki Kajiura and Kalafina, I loved Magia, Mirai, Hikari Furu, Misterioso, and Kimi no Gin no Niwa. They were all so incredible and I will always love them to bits.
And, finally, I loved your ending. I loved the hope, the bittersweet nature, all of you. How you inspired me to keep going, keep fighting through my own struggles, just to make it to another day. To manage to keep moving forward, no matter the hardships that might come. It was absolutely beautiful.
To say that you have changed my life seems like an understatement. I wouldn’t have the same taste in anime without you, let alone characters and movies and novels. I wouldn’t have played Magia Record or immersed myself in the fandom before it shut down. I wouldn’t have found Yuki Kajiura, who is without a doubt my favorite musical artist and composer ever. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.
It’s been ten wild years since you first aired, and a lot has changed. Politics, Anime, Literature, Music, just everything keeps going around and around without any end in sight. Some changes have been good, some have been bad, but you’ve survived and been remembered by quite a lot of people. Madoka Magica, you once told all of us that as long as we remember her, the one fighting for us, that we were not alone. That there was a light at the end of the tunnel. And with all of that said, I’ll end with this: Thank You, Madoka Magica. Thank you with all of my heart.
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lightwormlol · 4 years
4.5 stars.
Okay, so! This was the first book I was able to finish in 2021. I've kinda been in a reading slump, and struggling to get past the 30-50% of books. I think its because I took essentially 3 months off my normal (daily) reading schedule and have been prioritising other things (health, fitness, job applications etc) - I think it's a testament to how addicted I was to this that I finished and consumed this at the rate I did! I recently went back and added some things to my ACOWAR review. To briefly summarise, I feel that, at the time I read it, it kind of gave me what I needed, but it definitely isn't getting a re read - my love for feysand has definitely lessened over time, but honestly i'm not that mad at sarah for this, as I find that whenever I've passed the sexual tension part of relationships in books, I tend to get bored of the domestic bliss. Like, leave that shit for an epilogue and keep it at that? As someone generally averse to relationships, but there is definitely a grace period for how long I can actively be smitten with a couple... before it becomes sickly. Taking all this into account, I honestly was nervous for this book, its release date totally took me by surprise, and I read it on a whim. As a Nessian shipper (I mean we didn't really have a choice after acomaf but to delve into the world of fanfic to keep us going) - this book gave me most of what I wanted and needed from them! I think,(some) kudos to SJM, for not disappointing in their relationship. This was definitely a character > plot driven story. In terms of the plot, I wasn't really invested until around the 38% mark? I'm not sure if I was adjusting to the writing style (lots of dramatic. sentences. that. are. so. abrupt. Nesta Archeron. Death etc) - or if it was bc I hadn't read an SJM book since the novella, which I basically skimmed. I was obviously reading for Nessian, but I didn't really feel intrigued by the wider plot (death gods, the human queens? Given I had lost my previous obsession with the world/ have outgrown 'fandom' culture, that made me actively update my knowledge, I couldn't remember a lot!) I think its clear that SJM excels character driven stories, but I think her worldbuilding and execution is significantly better in the throne of glass franchise. Now, I did say this was a character driven story. This is mostly regarding Nesta, Cassian and Azriel. I loved pretty much any interaction they had! I love a good training montage. Ngl though, I think, unless you possess an ardent love for Nessian, you're not going to be particularly wowed by this, if you've read heir of fire, or even acomaf. I obviously am never going to be able to be objective, because I've loved nessian so much from 2017-now, but I loved the dynamic those two (and three - friendship wise between nes/cass/az). One of the highlights of ACOWAR for me was the snippets of Az, showing tenderness, and opening up to the newer members of the inner circle (and i'm excluding any hint of an Elriel ship because FUCK THAT LOL) For me, the tip with SJM books is: once you outgrow them/the particular mode of narrative style, is to not anticipate anything other than a character driven story, albeit one riddled with smut. I personally am a romance heavy reader, so I'm honestly deconditioned to it at this point, (like, when I see reviewers scandalised I'm like... wow, the amount of trash I have consumed in the last five years loool.) While I disagree with the fact SJM marketed this series as y/a (or maybe it wasn't her per se, but the key booksellers definitely did this for her) - I think its clear enough now she's descended into the adult/borderline erotica genre.(very mild imo). I personally like to adopt a policy of skimming sex scenes when I find the dialogue cringy (most the time it is lets be honest any talking is v second hand embarrassment). Cassian and Nesta were definitely better than Rhys and Feyre post chapter 55 though! I was so glad there weren't a million moments of Cass/Nesta betraying their arousal with their scents, in front of everyone (like feysand, the voyeuristic pda pricks they are). I found the slowburn ish nature of their relationship great, and I actually think if you're a virgo/emotionally stunted reader, you will be happy with their relationship dynamic. It contrasts with the daemati sexual snark of acomaf, but it felt right, and authentic. This book was a journey of personal growth, for Nesta. It is clear SJM loves books about strong women, and maybe thats what makes me love this book so much. I think, out of all the archeron sisters, I love Nesta the most. This is for my Rose Calloway fans, my misunderstood, somewhat cold/left out girls, who are less receptive to being vulnerable. If you're a slowburn fan, it's not Mariana Zapata levels of slowburn, imo it's the perfect combo. Addictive enough that I don't want to put it down, but not so fast moving that I couldn't believe it. I loved the sex without emotion relationship they had!! This is honestly never done in mainstream n/a fantasy, unless its a caricature of a 'slut' that normally rivals the main character, lmao. Even if their inner conflict was p transparent, this gave me everything I needed! I know this is vapid lol but I also love the physical dynamic between the two, they just look so good together, the amount of fanart I'm going to reacquaint myself with after this review!! I adored seeing Nesta grow, (even if towards the end I kind of resented her sudden acceptance into the inner circle, i get SJM loves her and just wanted a fluffy ending, but, as a Nesta like character, it's awkward and stilted on her end to adjust to the inner circle like this - i mean, hugging rhys, really??)
I think, if I had to compare this to any other SJM book, I would say Chaols book (though I obviously preferred this). That being said, I felt less attached to new characters in this book than I was in even Chaols book (and even then ngl I remember nothing?) Obviously I loved what it represented, as a trio of traumatised women. I just, didn't love this the way I loved other inner circle members! I get that they gave Nesta exactly what they needed, a family that doesn't hold the history of her sisters, who she doesn't have to worry about holding preconceived notions of disappointment. I loved this for her! Even then.. I just wasn't attached to either of them. I found their interactions cute - but boring. Towards the end, when their stories/pasts are revealed, I couldn't help but cringe slightly, I can't put my finger on why, but I just didn't buy it. Maybe it's the brit in me but I couldn't be moved by this slightly forced bonding moment.. which was so anticlimactic. My 'aww how cute' tolerance is defo deserved for characters whose tropes I love. Maybe they just didn't fit into this list. Maybe I'm just being a cow here?
Now, let's speak about the real star of the show.... A FUCKING MAGICAL HOUSE FRIEND??? YESSSSSSS. IF YOU ARE AN ILONA ANDREWS INNKEEPERS CHRONICLES FAN, U WILL LOVE! How was the animation of this somehow more touching than all of nesta's other friendships combined? Exactly what I ordered, thank you. This trope somehow touches more than any material bonding!! The cute witch x house dynamic (also maybe howls moving castle vibes?) I loved the trying to reach the target of 10,000 steps (a little Celaena HOF). I think this, heir of fire and acomaf are my favourite SJM books for this reason. Gripes: I definitely had some personal gripes with how other members of the inner circle treated Nesta (rhys i'm looking at you. Disappointed doesn't even cover it.) I inherently take offence to any elain scene, as i'm so over bland characters whose existence is reduced to wanting to fucking plant flowers?? like?? really? To go from moriel to that is such a downgrade, even if I fell out of love with Mor due to the way she snubbed Nesta (you're a 500 year old being and you can't see someone is clearly traumatised?). I adore Az so much, but if it aint polyamorous, I cannot see any pairing with Elain making me happy. (wouldn’t mind gwyn though) I think the whole mating bond that I do not want is a good dynamic, but I really hate that everyone has to be mates in this world. I don't think we were that surprised, but it would've been nice if the somehow, idk, developed a strong bond over time, without it being preordained? Like, even if they do not all actively stay with their mate, given how disproportionate mates are among the general population, what's the likelihood 6 members of the inner circle (including lucien) have mates?
My advice? Read this book if you love nessian and the acotar world in general, but don't expect the world building to be consistent with greater fantasy series'. This style of story is obviously what to expect. She writes what she likes, and if her fantasy is this - then who are we, as readers, to expect otherwise?
Final rating: 4.5 (no, i'm not objective, but objectivity does not exist if you are a real, human being, lol)
Original Characters: 5/5 (nessian/az/house wise) 1/5 (feysand - really over how they essentially take over the very end of the book - ugh, I wanted nesta's arc to be wholly separate from them) Writing style: 3.5 Cringe Scale: Low, with the exception of some dialogue. New Characters: 2 Plot: I went into it with a 2 and came out with a 4. Not in terms of complexity, but in terms of how addictive and enjoyable this reading experience was! (less)
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anika-ann · 5 years
Nothing but the Truth - Pt.8
The Resolution
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 4070
Summary: A fake dating AU.  You’ve been moping for two days now; despite some surprising visitors in your hospital room, there was one person who haven’t made it yet. It’s just your dumb luck it was the one person that mattered very much.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, brief mentions of violence, fluff, extra dialogue-heavy chapter
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Story Masterlist
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The first thing your foggy brain registered as you woke up was that you must have a flu. There was no other explanation for how you felt.
Every single muscle, every single joint in your body, simply everything hurt and was so, so heavy… confusing images flickered through your mind, images of a dark room and the burning blue of irises, the pain and the poor attempt at a smile, the ring and leather straps, the maniacal grin on the vendor’s face—it was all adding to the splitting headache that was keeping you from opening your eyes; because no, no sharp light, thank you very much-
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” a velvety voice caressed your ears, gentle fingers lightly squeezing your hand. “You had us worried.”
Mind still fuzzy, you groaned, attempting to squeeze the warm hand back, but with zero result.
God, why is it so, so hard to move--
“I’ll call a doctor, yeah?”
Grunting something incomprehensible in disagreement, because fuck it, I just want to sleep, you drifted back into blissful ignorance, not having a care for the world.
When you woke up again, it was to Sam’s concerned gaze and you did not like that expression on his face one bit.
To your utter shock, he was soon replaced by Tony Stark; though Sam still stayed in your corner while the billionaire gushed about how you had led them right to the bad guy.
“He was crazy, alright. His brain was a like bag of cats and that coming from me? Real deal. Anyway… we couldn’t save anyone else. He was… eh, systematic. Putting trackers into the rings, stalking the couples and then he moved onto his mission of testing the true love bullshit and everyone failed, so he had the shocks to-“
Sam cleared his throat meaningfully as you winced, the ghost of the very unpleasant sensation running through your nerve endings, biting chill curling at the base of your spine, flashes of Steve’s face, the mask, the vendor, the chairs and the electricity crackling-
“Sorry. Just wanted to say… you did really great. You saved a lot of lives by helping us to lock him away. You basically entered the hero kindergarten,” Stark announced almost brightly, earning another ahem from your friend.
You smiled at the genius tiredly. “I’m not planning on joining your superhero group, Mr-“ you faltered when he made a face, “-Tony. And… I’d feel better if we could have—if the people who were taken-“
“Hey. Not your fault,” Sam interrupted you swiftly, voice as serious as his face. “You did amazing and I hope you’re never getting into this kind of shit ever again.”
Now he looked like a father torn between being proud of his kid punching a bully to their face and being exasperated because the said kid had earned an exclusion from school for it. To be fair, he possibly felt exactly like that.
“Yeaaaah, I guess that’s my cue,” Tony backed out with an awkward grin, stopping in the doorway to toss few more words over his shoulder. “Oh, I’m sorry for the delay. The deactivated trackers took us a while. Get better, hon!”
You couldn’t but grin at his demeanor, but your mood instantly shifted back to grim when you saw the look on Sam’s face. The air of an overexcited genius which Stark was carrying around was sucked out of the room, suddenly making it hard for you to breathe as the horror images filled your mind once more.
You shook your head and gulped, trying to push them back to the corner, focusing on something else entirely; namely on the black eye which Tony was nursing, one of which had a good idea how happened.
“You gave him the black eye, didn’t you?”
Sam’s furrowed brows rose at the probably unexpected remark, but he didn’t bother lying. “Damn right, I did.”
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Who would have guessed that two days, only 48 hours, could last an eternity?
You would.
You knew; you had your fair share of experiencing that. Still, every hour crushed your chest as Tony Stark visited once more, Sam was at your bedside at nearly all times, Irma came to see you, hell, even Natasha freaking Romanoff stopped by and yet, yet, no Steve in sight.
Sam had told you he was busy; you could imagine. He must have probably been filling out mission reports, recovering himself, had to answer to authorities, to reporters-- and your eyes filled with stupid and pathetic tears when you thought of the reporters every single time.
Recalling your own encounter with the sensation-hungry sharks, the intrusive memory of the interview wormed its way to your brain and more importantly, to your heart; a memory of the time when everything had seemed alright, better even, almost as if there could be something more —and then Steve had said yes--- and then-
Then all you had was a hazy memory of his voice at your ear when you had been pulled out of unconsciousness, a wistful dream, a fata-morgana which you made up to console your mind when your body couldn’t quite comprehend the exhaustion and pain tearing you from your sleep only to slip back again.
He hadn’t come.
For two full days, he wouldn’t as much as shoot you a text, send flowers or something awfully sweet and Steve-like and you were starting to question just how much of what had happened down there you only imagined.
You were almost certain he had said he loved you, you would swear on it even; but if it truly happened and Steve was still not showing up, well… then it opened a whole new number of possibilities of what his motivation could be.
You refused to believe he didn’t care at all. However, you had met Steve a while ago and if you understood something about him, it was that his sense of duty was just a tiny bit inferior to his sense of loyalty. In other words, he would look out for his friends, as much as they would look out for him – more even.
So, even when Steve was supposedly busy – unless he was out of the country, naturally – he would let himself to be dragged out of the gym, out of his office, dragged away from anything that seemed urgent, yet not urgent enough for him to refuse Sam or anyone else who was concerned and insistent enough.
Hence you coming to the conclusion that he simply didn’t want to spent a single second in your presence, because he had in fact figured out that you had been about to confess your feelings to him and now he was doing everything to avoid you, because he had somehow tricked the machine when saying that stupid ‘yes’ and he had no clue how to turn you down gently now-- because Steve was nothing short of gentle.
Yep, that was your elaborate theory.
Say yay for your super-inventive brain, you thought darkly. And try not to choke at the thought of Steve ghosting you for the rest of your life.
Burying your face in the pillow and letting it soak up with your tears, you lulled yourself to sleep, grateful there was no one in your room at the moment to witness your break-down.
You were woken up from your slumber by three swift knocks on your door. It snapped you to full consciousness at instant, mostly because there weren’t many people who bothered to knock; it was quite common for them – and that included the doctors – to simply enter.
That difference in approach was essential, because your mind traitorously drifted towards the idea of Steve finally paying you a visit and it was both exciting and mortifying.
Also, it gave you hope of which you were certain would be crashed the moment the door open, so there was that.
The knocks echoed in the room once more, this time softer, as if the person behind the door worried about intruding your sleep.
Huh. Cute and considerate. How could you not get your hopes up at that?
“Uhm… come in,” you encouraged the mystery person cautiously, your heart nearly giving out when a blond head hesitantly poked in.
Yep, it’s Steve.
Or maybe I’m just high and I’m imagining him.
Hard to tell.
He offered you the weakest of smiles as if he could hear your thoughts and whispered a very shy ‘hi’.
You felt your heartbeat pounding in your temples in panic and excitement.
“Steve… uhm. H-hey. What-eh- what are you doing here?”
You would have been ashamed for stuttering like an idiot, except you were too busy freaking out over looking like a hobo, having red-rimmed eyes and chest filled with dread at this encounter, feelings spoken and unspoken sitting heavily in your ribcage—and well, generally just losing your mind.
Also, Steve was unable to speak like a normal person as well, so that helped. “I-uhm… came to check up on you.”
He stepped fully into the doorway and you expected him to come all the way in. Instead, he wavered there, not quite entering and it only caused your chest to tighten. You swallowed against the lump in your throat, trying your best to seem collected and not like desperately looking for a clue, anything to give away a single of his thoughts.
Was he hesitating because he wasn’t sure if he was welcomed after ghosting you or was it because he wanted to have an escape route open? He was a strategist, after all; it would be wise to have a chance at escaping the moment he sensed the situation going off rails.
A somewhat torn expression crossed over his face, followed by an expectant one, and you realized he must have been waiting for you to lead.
Ever the gentleman.
You would have appreciated it and possibly melt into a puddle of sappy goo, because Steve was a sweetheart always… except you hadn’t a clue what you wanted and where you wanted this to lead—well, you did know, but you doubted that would happen.
Your heart ached, a reminder of his confession possibly not being sincere and you being left on your own in your pining.
Shaking your head to free yourself from the cage of your own mind, you attempted a small smile, one that probably came off as super-awkward.
But he needed to cut you some slack, alright.
“Oh. I’m fine,” you finally said, answering the question not quite asked. “I mean… my head spins a little-“ And you’re not helping. “-but mostly I’m here because Tony Stark is being an overbearing ass. I don’t think he would admit that, but he probably feels guilty.”
It was another conclusion your brilliant mind had come to. You know, apart from the fact Steve was ghosting you because he was waking up in cold sweat dreaming about you being interested in him and all that.
But why were you telling him about Tony? Were you really that desperate to see him for a bit longer that you babbled? So desperately trying to postpone the inevitable conversation for later, because once it happened… God only knew what the outcome would be?
Your ears might have been playing tricks on you, but you would swear you heard him murmur ‘I know how that feels’ under his breath.
“Good,” he stated, nodding his head as if he needed to assure himself that it was indeed good. “Uhm… it’s good that you’re almost fine.”
He was still standing in the doorway and your eyes started burning with unshed tears.
Small talk. Awkwardness. Things unsaid, hanging in the air, heavy and suffocating.
Was this how it was going to be between the two of you now?
And what else did you expect it would be like after you pretended to be a couple? After you kissed? And got tortured together, just in the case you forgot about that?
“What about you?” you forced yourself to ask, willing your voice not to crack. “How you’ve been?”
“Huh? Oh, uhm. Good. Yeah, good. Busy.”
“Right. I-- uhm… I bet-“
“No, actually… that’s a lie.”
You blinked, utterly taken aback at the blatant admission. It was so unlike Steve to be this cruelly honest that you barely registered that his words felt like a punch to your face.
Not that you had ever been punched to your face. Only nearly electrocuted. Which you guessed wasn’t any better.
Steve shook his head, chuckling bitterly, still not moving from the fucking doorway and you wished you were in his place, so you could just flee.
“I spent half of the time staring at a wall in my office.”
“Oh… uhm.” And like an idiot, because you were one and you had no clue how to react besides bursting into tears, because he hadn’t come to see you and had been staring at a wall instead, you said: “I mean… I guess Stark Tower has some pretty interesting walls.”
This time when he chuckled, the sound was just as breathless, but lighter. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and gestured towards the chair by your bed.
“May I?”
No. Nope. You let him in here and the more you look at him and do small talk, the more you’ll want to cry. Tell him no-
Closing the door and finding his seat, he spoke again.
“Thank you. I… I should have visited. But… I spent hours and hours wondering how to apologize, and I know that it isn’t the best excuse, but I- you--“
You tried to blink away your tears, grateful for Steve staring at the bedsheets and not watching your face when talking. That would be pretty humiliating if he saw your awe-struck, humiliated and entirely confused face; this already was enough.
Apologize? For what? For lying and getting away with it? For telling the truth and then ignoring you? For pretending to care? For caring and suddenly not caring enough? Or for what?
What, what, what-  
“-what happened in that basement-“ he continued and the tone he spoke with was already too much to bear— you knew at instant that you didn’t want the answers to your questions.
Not if it meant that you‘d have your heart broken, a wedge driven into the already wide enough raw crack in it.
“I got you hurt. And I’m sorry,” he whispered hoarsely, leaning his elbows onto his thighs, fingers interlacing as his hands hang loosely between his knees. Wait, what? “I am so, so sorry. That never should have happened-“
Your heart skipped a pleased and relieved beat.
You shouldn’t be getting your hopes up just yet – this wasn’t about what you thought it was, he wasn’t telling you he hadn’t been lying down there, but this possibility hadn’t even crossed your mind. It should have, it made perfect sense that he was feeling guilty, because he was the captain of the team, responsible for them—
You were so wrapped up in your own head, clinging to the fact he admitted he loved you (or not, who the fuck knew), that you hadn’t even considered this.
The revelation explained so much and sounded much more like him than you could imagine and your mind started racing with new possibilities. Maybe… maybe he didn’t—or did he- this was far from him denying that he never wanted to talk to you again and had literally nothing to do with your little truth-or-lie issue, yet you felt an enormous weight fell from your shoulders, a blanket of lead that had been lying on your chest for a while now lift.
You wiggled up so you could sit straighter in the bed.
“Steve, that guy was insane. He drugged you with god knows what, he had you-- wired to something-“
“We shouldn’t have been there in the first place.“
Oh. Oh.
You gulped, your head pounding all over again, ribcage constricting.
Yeah. You supposed that was true. It didn’t mean that it hurt less; no, hearing him to say it out loud hurt more, actually, however, you tried your best to focus on the problem at hand, which was giving Steve whatever forgiveness he craved, no matter it wasn’t his fault in the first place.
“Well. I was the first to agree, if I remember correctly and you were radically against. So if anything, I kinda got us into that mess, so-…”
His cerulean eyes bored into yours, sorrow, self-torment and stubbornness incarnated, as he interrupted you.
“Maybe, but I agreed then and I promised to protect you. You trusted me and I failed you,” he accented, anger lacing his voice. He sighed then when he took a note of that and slowly breathed in and out, sounding much softer when he spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
It was as if you hadn’t said a word in the past minute.
“Steve, you’re… you’re just human. Serum or not, you’re- hell, even superman had his kryptonite and he’s fictional. You’re just— what--what he did to me--- after which I’ll be alright, by the way – that happening doesn’t make you any less of a hero,” you explained sincerely, minutely forgetting your weeping uncertain heart. “I know that you did everything you could. You don’t need to apologize for that.”
The implication that there was something else he should apologize for hang heavy in the air.
“I… about what I said down there-“
“Steve, don’t. You don’t need to explain anything. Whatever happened, however you managed to do that-“
“You think I lied,” he stated dully and you avoided his gaze at that.
You didn’t respond.
If you were being honest, you weren’t sure what to think anymore. Everything was just so damn confusing; his yes, his apology, his sorrow, him avoiding you… it was making you dizzy and it all the wondering had you honestly exhausted.
“I’m a coward.”
That got you snap your head back to him, hundreds of question marks in your eyes. “What?”
A humorless chuckle was the answer.
“I didn’t lie. I mean, I did lie down there once, and the machine caught that. And I got you hurt-“
You wanted to protest, because you’d been over this, but his previous words rang in your ears, confusing and disgustingly hopeful.
He hesitantly reached for your hand, gingerly taking it between both of his own, thumbs tenderly caressing its back. You swallowed the choked noise threatening to escape your throat at the soft touch; deliberate, yet seemingly not uncomfortable to him.
“I was forced to admit how I felt right after I got you hurt and I had no single clue what to do with that. Still don’t. I-I spend hours just sitting here and staring, trying to figure out-“
You successfully – ha, you wished – tuned out the first part, focusing on the latter one, not any less surprising.
“You’ve been here?”
He seemed distracted by that question. “Yeah, uhm-“
“Were… were you here when I woke up?” you asked, another foggy memory flickering in front of your eyes, a memory of him in the chair, the concerned frown on his face, dark circles under his dry eyes, raspy voice-
“You… you remember that? You weren’t even conscious for a full minute. You were out again before the doctor arrived, both times.”
‘Both times.’ He had witnessed you conscious twice.
Just how long had he spent here by your sleeping form?
“I thought-“ I though that I dreamed that up. Apparently, you hadn’t. He… he had been there with you. Oh. “I—so you- oh.”
He waited patiently before all of his words registered in your brain; including the ones about-
“You… weren’t lying?” you asked breathlessly, astonished and warmed from inside out for the second time in the past few days as the realization took roots in your brain, finding the remnants of your previous belief and euphoria.
“No. Not when I- when I said-”
“-yes,” you finished for him, your lips parting in amazement, your heart fluttering in joy.
There was no need to specify which question you were talking about – it was clear as day; about the only one that truly mattered.
“And I’m an idiot. I hurt you again, letting you think that I didn’t care at all and I should have come here, but I had no idea what to do next and if you-- what did you think about it- and I got you hurt-“
“We’ve been over this. Not your fault,” you chastised his distractedly, staring at his face because he was breathtaking and he… he-
His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously and you couldn’t but give him the reassurance he was no doubt seeking; you knew you would in his place.
“I… I was about to say yes. And it wouldn’t have been a lie either,” you offered quietly, a slow smile spreading on your lips.
He gave you a watery smile, tears still crinkling in the corners of his eyes as he carefully raised your hand, watching every micro-expression on your face, searching for the tinniest trace of disapproval; finding none, his lips brushed your knuckles with the gentlest kiss.
You melted into the pillow, feeling warm all over, your smile turning goofy as you finally, finally got your answer and wanted to scream it at the top of your lungs, because it was delightful.
Steve loved you.
Steve loves me.
And you loved him.
There was a mess for you to deal with for sure, a lot of explaining ahead, but… what else than the fact that you loved each other was important here?
Nothing. Not really, not at the moment at least.
Something told you this might be the true start of a beautiful relationship.
The non-faked kind.
--and you hunch turned out to be true.
The next day, the very hour of your discharge from the med-wing, Steve was waiting for you; all ready with a car to drive you home, a bouquet of cream-colored tulips in his hand to make your day downright wonderful and for some reason, also with daggers in his glare whenever he sized up the nice doctor who had been keeping you company until Steve arrived.
It earned Steve a kiss on his cheek as he led you to the car with his palm lightly resting on your lower back and if your lips brushed his before you got in, well, no one needed to know.
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“Mr. Wilson, you wished me to tell you when the confessions would be made. They were just now.”
Sam glanced up from the screen and stopped scrolling mindlessly through his phone, letting out a long exhale.
Judging by the not-so-ominous tone of the AI – nope, he would never get over the fact that an artificial intelligence could speak in different ways and be sassy on top of everything – the talk didn’t end up tragically. At least Sam hoped; he didn’t think there had been much space for messing it up worse, to be honest.
“Thanks, Friday. It was about damn time. How did it go?”
A record of the infamous interview, showing his two friends making out on live TV lighted up his phone—fucking rude to hack his phone like this, especially showing him that.
“About like this, Mr. Wilson,” Friday explained nonchalantly as if that fucking thing wasn’t in control of his phone.
Sam breathed through the shock caused by the intrusive AI, focusing on the good news before planning on giving Stark another black eye because what the hell, SOME privacy left would be nice and very much appreciated-
“Didn’t exactly need the visual,” he muttered, adding a louder ’but thanks.’
His screen returned to normal and he found himself too tired to get up and find Stark right now; he could always throw it to his face later.
Speaking of planning on throwing words and things at someone’s faces…
Sam realized he had to stand up anyway, because he had a different job to do, now that the two idiot friends of his finally made it past the mutual pining phase and actually got together.
Shoving his phone to the pocket of his jeans, he went to polish his guns; just in case that the big blond dumbass planned on making Sam’s favorite almost-sister cry again.
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Note: White Tulips – representing purity, innocence, forgiveness and respect, they would be a great flower for a wedding or to give with an apology. (Cream-colored tulips are closely related and have also a meaning of commitment.)
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@mermaidxatxheart​ @bobertswagert​ @kakakatey​ @ccolz88-blog​ @joeyrumlow​ @lovemeterwrites​ @jessyballet​ @bellaireland1981​
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Thank you for reading and leaving likes! You’ve all been amazing :-* Special thanks for commenting and/or spreading my work, it is greatly appreciated ❤️
If you enjoyed, check out my other works and if you by any change wanted to be added to my S.R. fanfic taglist, let me know and I happily will :-*  
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: reya
Writing Blog URL(s): @chu-ni
Age: 19
Nationality: african-british
Languages: english, swahili, korean
Star Sign: libra
MBTI: enfp/entp (it always changes lol)
Favorite color: purple!
Favorite food: i really love chicken burgers
Favorite movie: princess and the frog
Favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla!!
Favorite animal: elephants
Go-to karaoke song: fancy - twice
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? caramel frappe with whipped cream, in general i prefer tea though
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? secretary general at the UN….or an author
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? making anyone agree with me and do what i want them to do
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? ancient egypt!!
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?.....no.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? neither if i could lmfao but i’d go for 100 chicken sized horses
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? the nerd who’s actually really pretty after she gets a cool makeover 
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? im not sure about aliens, but i definitely believe in ghosts and spirits.
What are some small things that make your day better? when i can have moments to myself to enjoy my own company. or when someone asks me what i want to eat and they bring it for me 🥺
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? uhm…...probably the fact that i write fanfiction lol..but outside of that! i sing in the shower. and i talk to myself a lot.
What fandom(s) do you write for? nct dream currently, but in the future i want to expand to other groups!
When did you post your first piece? 17th of June 2018.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i can never write just one genre. predominantly i write fluff with a dash of angst for spice simply because i love a story that has an issue and then having that issue be resolved for a happy ending. when i started my blog i was 17, and so i said i wouldn't write smut. now that i'm older im feeling more and more comfortable writing suggestive content at the very LEAST.. so maybe in the future i might write smut, who knows? i like writing fluff because i like making people feel good, but i like adding angst to it because i feel like the contrast between the two is very *chefs kiss* to me.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? i only write x readers!
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? i first got tumblr when i was 13 years old and i was a fresh kpop fan lmfao. i wanted somewhere that shared my interests. of course i discovered x reader fics on here and i was in awe, i guess of how much power writers had in contributing to fandom content and keeping readers satiated. i’d always loved to write and so i’d always wanted to start my own writing blog, and for 2 years i did write for other blogs! it wasnt until 2018 that i finally took the leap and decided to start my own, because i wanted to impact people's emotions and take them on a journey through my writing.
What inspires you to write? what inspires me….teen movies, music!! music is a big one for me, and also the books that i read. i also grew up playing otome games so the plots and writing from those influence my writing a lot.
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? i really enjoy writing royalty!aus as well as exes!aus. i love to do them cause they require me to build a world and with royalty aus specifically i love weaving together bits of political intrigue, or arranged marriages, etc. its so much fun!!
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? that if this world is too rough or too much, you can always escape from it. it might not be physical, but immersing yourself in a universe that's entirely different for a little while can help soothe you.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? usually i try and take breaks. the problem with that is that my breaks can go on for longer than i’d like and im trying to fix that. so my other solution is to read read read!! read as much as i can, or go back to books that i loved. ask myself what i liked about the writing, what are some parts that i thought were amazing examples of good writing - i note them down then see if i can apply that to my own work. another thing i do is take a break from writing my longer, fleshed out works and write blurbs! blurbs are a great way for me to write but not feel like its tedious because i don't have to spend as much time on them and it gets me into the groove of writing without feeling stressed out.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? my favourite piece of work is miscommunication. it took me months to write that, even after i lost all the work halfway through, and its the longest piece of work i have written so far, so its kinda like my baby. my most successful is candy jar. its also the work i owe my blog exposure to - it was the first piece i published, and it was also the first piece of writing i did in around 4 years.
Who is your favorite person to write about? i don't have much out for them, but i really enjoy exploring mark’s and jeno’s characters. they're people, but in my work i enjoy analysing them and judging how they’d act in different contexts.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? the only difference for me is that fanfiction (depending on the fandom) has some of the stuff fleshed out for you already, such as the world its in. if youre the type to write AUs then the only thing you already have is the characters - the planning, the writing, the drafting, and everything else is still the writer's responsibility. therefore there isn't much of a difference between the two for me.
What do you think makes a good story?  a good story, to me, is one that takes me on a journey. it could be any genre, but i like to feel immersed and connected to the characters and the world in it. also aside from the obvious, like good grammar, a good story feels natural to read. i don't feel like skim reading half of it.
What is your writing process like? my writing process consists of me getting inspiration - usually from a song, or a film or a book ive read or a game ive played - i note down my idea and who i want the story to be about, and then bullet point the whole story, with some snippets of particular dialogue i want the reader or the other person to say at certain scenes. i then open another document ( i have a writing app on my phone, called werdsmith, so i use that!) and set a word count goal i want to hit so i can track my progress and start writing the fic, with fleshed out language and exposition. when im done (usually after a couple weeks up to a few months, depends on the length of the plan) i read through it to fix any mistakes, then i transfer it to docs so i can read it again and italicise any areas i feel need it.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? i...don't think so. mainly because the original fiction i read and would like to write for myself is predominantly fantasy, whereas the fanfic i write on my blog is usually non-idol, normal fics. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? im a SUCKER for enemies to lovers, royalty ofc, “and they were roommates”, and i think superhero aus are really cool but there isnt enough of them :( idol/you as member aus....not feeling her… also abo/werewolf/vampire aus….not feelin em
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? a LOT. a HUGE amount!! i said before how i like giving my readers somewhere where they can immerse themselves as an escape, even for a short while. hearing about how my work affected them, made them feel, makes me feel less insecure about what im writing and thus more confident to publish it.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i’d say reblogs. and also putting out more content. when i first uploaded candy jar i went to my one of my favourite writers (jaeminlore) and asked her if she'd be okay with reading it and giving feedback. to my surprise she loved it and her reblogging it to all her followers is literally what gave me a bunch of followers all of a sudden who loved what i’d written. to keep that momentum i created more and more content, and while i haven't uploaded as often as i've wanted to or written as much as i’d wanted to, i can say i have a good amount of work on my masterlist for people who are looking for more to read.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? 100%. fanfic has an unfair reputation for just having bad writing and cringey fics (and i feel like this is because of the way society views the demographics who predominantly consume and create it), when in reality i feel like those who write fanfiction are extremely talented and selfless people. they're on the internet creating content for free for people to enjoy and like any other work of art they're putting time and effort into it. i think it should be respected. any form of art is going to have its good and bad sides.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? hmmm….yes. i feel it can be a way to reflect the thoughts of people and also be a way to inspire people to do more.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? sometimes. sometimes i feel like i'm forcing myself to write because i feel like if i don't then people will forget about me or they’ll forget about my blog. while what i choose to write about is for me, i feel like the speed of my writing and what im writing isn't to the quality i want it to be cause i feel like i gotta get it out for people to read.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? i've never felt that way!
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? only 2 of my friends know, and i only told them like. a week ago!
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? i wish you guys would message me more! i'm quite a sociable person, and i’d love to have regular anons who talk to me 👉🏽👈🏽
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? i think one common thing amongst all writers is that we write what we want to read. so don't feel like nobody's gonna read your work, cause somebody will. you gotta act like your work is top tier even if someone says it isn't - always write the best you can, and just do it! like don't even give yourself time to overthink it, write that fic, make it look pretty, upload it onto tumblr and do not be afraid to ask your favourite fic writers to read your work once its up!! i’d be happy to read and give feedback for any fic writers as well so don't feel afraid! 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? ive been on here for 7 years….i grew up on this site lmfao. but i don't think i regret joining tumblr once.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? shes not very active anymore and i miss her very much but user hyuck-s was so supportive and i love her!!
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
she believed she could, so she did.
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
We found love in a hopeless place part 2
Chapter 2: Group therapy
After his meeting with the Deputy director of the FBI, Spencer decided to not stress out and enjoy this free time.
He had not taken any vacations since... Well never and he discovered that he needed them.
He spent some days with his mother until they both decided to move her to house where they can take good care of her.
She had some good days so he was able to talk about it with her.
They took some days searching for places. She could go, check it out and said if she likes it or not.
Diane rejected every place until they walked in Brookfield. While they explained to Spencer their plans and their activities, some nurses took Diane on a tour checking everywhere.
After an hour, son and mother made a decision, that place will be her home. He went to his apartment to get her clothes and other things she would need and went back to Brookfield where he handed the box to a nurse.
"Don't worry doctor Reid. We will take good care of your mother" she smiled at him with a warm smile.
"Oh before I go, I need to ask you to do something for me... I'm an FBI agent and I had a really bad experience last week so. I want to make sure that only three people can come to pick my mom up. They are Penelope Garcia, Jennifer Jareau and of course myself" he handed her the pictures of them and the woman added to the file.
"Ok doctor Reid now your mother is safer" he smiled and waved at his mother and she waved back then he left with a smile.
He could not take care of her when he started his job again. So he was relieved that they found a good place for her and that she liked it.
Some days passed and he had to go to the first day of therapy. He was nervous because he knew that those therapy were his only way to return with his friends, his family.
He walked in the consulting room and there was a woman with brown skin and black curly hair. She smiled at him "can I help you sir?"
"Yes I'm here to see doctor Smith, I'm Spencer Reid"
She checked her agenda and nodded "yeah you are here. She will see you in the auditorium" he raised his eyebrows "she will explain you later. Go there" he nodded and leave in the direction she told him to.
He was confused but it must be a new technique he never heard of. He walked in and saw some other people in there. He approached to a group and asked them "excuse me, are you here for Dr. Smith?"
They nodded "yeah. She did this kind of group reunion when she had five new patients. So you must be a new one" he nodded "welcome man. I'm Steve and it's my last session with the doctor. I'm a SWAT"
"Nice to meet you. I'm Spencer, I'm an FBI agent"
"Awesome" he smiled "I started a year ago. I had a deep depression due to a mayor explosion I was leading my team at the moment and they all died that day. I was the only survivor"
"Oh that's terrible"
"Oh yeah but I came here and was able to get back to be myself" he smiled "I'm sure whatever happened to you, you will get through it"
"Thank you" he smiled at the man in front of him. Their eyes went to the door when they heard footsteps. There was a pretty woman with dirty blonde hair, big brown eyes wearing black jeans, white shirt and converse.
She walked in with two more people. A woman and a man. They asked to them what was this about, Steve explained the same and told them the same story he told to Spencer, then after some more minutes the doctor walked in.
She was tall, even without high heels, her olive skin and brown eyes matched perfectly with her dress.
"Welcome everyone. I would like to thank you all for your patience. I was stock in the traffic. Thank you for coming. As Steve or other of my older patients must explained to you. I like to do group therapy once in a while. I used to work for support groups and I think the experience of talk about your problems with a group of people helps you relax and to socialize with others without talking about your problems" she said looking around at each one of them.
There were ten people. Five women and five men "first I want you to say your name and something you like and other that you dislike" she continued "for example I'm Elizabeth and I like to read and I don't like lies" she smiled at them "who's next?"
They all look at each other still uncomfortable so the more social, Steve, decided to break the ice "ok I'm Steve and I like videogames and I don't like rainy days" he smiled which made the others to laugh.
Then others started to talk. The doctor wrote each name and the information they said. Spencer noticed that and known she was analysing each of them.
He felt naked just by the thought of someone profiled him just like he did with others like a second nature. But of course it was her job to understand her patients.
Then it was his turn "I'm Spencer and I like to do magic tricks and I don't like injustices" they all nodded and even a few of them clapped.
Then it was turn of the woman he saw arriving some minutes after him "I'm Maxine but please call me Max" he could see how the doctor took notes, he knew what she saw. When someone hated their own name it's because they did not accept it "I like art like painting or the photography and I don't like when people are mean to others" the doctor took notes ones again.
After Max, there heard one more person and it was the end of the activity. The doctor stood up with a smile "ok perfect. Thank you all for sharing a little part of you. I like to call this the ice breaker. I have more activities like this and it's a good way to know you more" she said "I took notes about everything you just said. And believe it or not, this tell me a lot about you" she smiled at them "now I want you to sit with someone of the opposite sex. And have a conversation. You pick the topic. I will pass by and listen to you. I won't interrupt you just will listen"
They all look at each others but started to make couples after a few seconds. Spencer and Max ended up together.
"Ok now start a normal conversation with the other. You can start with what they said before" she moved her hands like saying go on "begins*
Then the room filled with whispers of the people talking. Spencer and Max looked at each other.
Neither of them know how to begin, until Spencer took the lead "so umm... Art?"
"Yeah I started with art classes after school when I broke my leg playing soccer" he made a face of pain "it's ok. It wasn't that bad and I loved that my teammates signed the cast"
"I once had to use a cast but was because of my work"
"Yeah, thought so, you don't look like an athletic guy" she smirked and he laughed softly.
"True I'm not, in fact I almost died training for a physical test" they both laughed and the doctor smiles taking notes.
"So back to the art. I started to feel great drawing so I asked my parents to let me take courses of art on the weekends when I didn't have games. I loved so much that I ended studying Art history"
"That's amazing. And do you work in a museum?"
She frowned and looked down "no. I'm teaching art to kids from first to third graders"
"Oh but still it's amazing to share your knowledge to small kids"
"Really? Because I don't see pretty amazing teaching kids learning how to do a turkey with their hands"
"Well I actually think it's amazing because the world needs good teachers" she laughed and for some reason he just wanted to hear it more.
"Ok enough about me... Now it's your turn mister" she said teasing him "tell me about the magic"
He laughed "well I'm from Vegas. The Disneyland for grown-ups. But I used to walk around The Strip and watched street magic. I was bullied at school so I decided to learn magic tricks to see if I can, at least, distract them and have time to run" she laughed gently.
"So you learned magic to run away from the bullied boys" he nodded "that's actually very clever" she smiled, he looked just like a boy who was bullied in school. He looked nerdy but a handsome one.
She was surprised by that thought. She just ended a bad relationship and now she was checking out a man she just met.
But the thing is, she did not feel guilty about it. She liked it and she was crossing her finger they could keep talking after this.
Suddenly the doctor took her out of her thoughts "how did you feel?" Some of them said 'great', 'it was fun' and more. She just nodded and smiled "good. I hope you ended having a new friend here. This just teach you that you are capable of having conversations with someone else about anything and you didn't have panic attacks or your mind went to horrible thoughts. You just enjoyed the moment" she could see the surprise in their eyes "but if you still need more sessions with me, you can make an appointment but if this was enough then congratulations. You didn't need me" she smiled and clapped her hands.
They all followed her clapping their hands "this session ends now, congratulations" they started to stand up.
"Spencer..." Said Max a little nervous "I really enjoyed this conversation" she said as they walked in the elevator and pressed the button to the parking lot.
"Me too. And I don't know if you... Umm I don't know... Want to... Um" she laughed gently.
"Yes I want to" she said "I think I need to see a magic trick" she smirked and held his hand to write her phone number on it "call me, ok?" He nodded and then the door opened and she walked to her car leaving Spencer smiling like an idiot.
He never imagined that he could meet someone so beautiful and funny in a group therapy.
I have to confess that I had no idea how to write their first meeting. I thought about trapping them in an elevator and force them to talk in there.
But this Tuesday I was taking a shower, and I started to act some dialogues and I was like 'OMG!!! A group therapy!!!' and I just needed to write it.
Maybe this doesn't exist, maybe it does, I don't know but it's a good way to cross their paths.
Opinions? Suggestions? Write them below.
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~Come Away to The Water~
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|| Chapter One - Dead of Winter ||  
Inspiration: Come Away to the Water by Maroon 5 ft. Rozzi Crane
Storyboard Credit: Myself. Pictures not mine, but editing and collage is.
Pairings: Harald Finehair x OFC ((face claim - Sophie Turner))
Rating: Mature/18+
General warnings: Death, Violence, Gore, Graphic content, Abuse, Kidnapping, Sexual content.
Chapter warnings: Depictions of death, gory-ish details? Angst.
A/N: EDIT: SO, it’s been forever since I touched this story...Or well, posted anything for that fact lol but I finally found some inspo on where I wanna go with this story, so I’ve edited/added to the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! SHOUTOUT to @jacksonroseroth​ for your help, darlin’! New fic idea say waaaaa?! Anywho, thank you for taking a moment of your time to stop and read; it means a lot ^-^ Obviously this is a work of fiction, so I apologize if things aren’t 100% HISTORICALLY accurate. I’ve spent a lot of time researching the past few days trying to certain aspects as close as possible. So bare with me! 
Feedback is always welcomed and much appreciated! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I want to add that the beginning italic is a flashback scene...Dialogue, bold and italic is to distinguish the language barrier between Rowan and Harald.
Word Count:  5099
“Come away little lamb come away to the water Give yourself so we might live anew Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter”
~ “Do try nah to stray so far from the path this time, Rowan…” Her mother sighed deeply as she fastened the heavy black fur cloak around her daughters shoulders; settling a small sack of provisions in her hands. “It worries me’h.”
“Dinna worry yer’self, Ma.” Rowan smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek gently as she drew up the hood to cover her flame kissed hair. “I’ll be fine.”
The older woman cracked a small grin as she cupped her daughters cheek, patting it affectionately. “Y’er to much like y’er Da.” She shook her head lightly as she watched her daughter slip the bow over her head, settling it with the string across her chest before snatching up the quiver of arrows. “Jus’ be back ‘fore dark...There’s a storm comin’!”
“Aye, Ma.” Rowan chuckled softly with a roll over her Emerald eyes before placing a kiss atop each of her three younger siblings heads. “Behave yourselves, ya wee savages.” She teased lightly, earning a pair of giggles out of the two youngest. A set of identical twins of just barely five years.
“Are ye goin’ to bring us back a Stag, Rowey?!” Alana questioned excitedly.
“Aye, are ye, are ye?” Ainslie echoed as she bounced in her seat, equally as excited as her sister.
“I’ll most certainly try.” Rowan winked as she reached for the front door, pausing when she felt a slight tug on her cloak. Turning to find her youngest brother peering up at her sheepishly.
“C-Can I? P-Please?” He stuttered nervously, looking down at his feet as Rowan shook her head no.
“Nay. Not today, Findley.” She gave her youngest brothers shoulder a reassuring squeeze and ruffled his dark auburn hair, before leaning back to snatch a couple of bannocks off the table. “Perhaps after the storm passes...I’ll teach ye how to catch rabbits.”
“Aye.” She grinned softly, earning a shy smile out of the young boy in return. “I promise.”
With a final goodbye to her mother and siblings, Rowan pushed open the creaky wooden door of the small stone and wood built bothy, that their large family of Six shared; stepping out into the frigid early morning air. Her leather and fur clad foot catching the back of her own twins leg, as she passed by. Tossing him the second bannock she held, causing him to pause mid-swing on the chunk of wood he had been about to split as he caught it. Beaming a smile as he thanked her around a mouthful of food.
“Spend some time with Finn today, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she started towards the path that lead out of the Village and down towards the river. Turning back to shoot her brother a glare at the annoyed groan he gave her in return.
“Don’ make me tell Ma what ye’ve been gettin’ up to with Flora now, Kai! She threatened.
“Ye wouldn’t?!”
Rowan simply shrugged, throwing her brother a mischievous grin before trotting off down the path towards the water. Ignoring her brothers voice as he called after her. Begrudgingly agreeing that he would spend some time with Finn later.
The day continued on as normal as any other. Rowan took her time trekking through the woods, setting and checking snares along her usual path. A smile creeping onto her lips as she spied a set of tracks -- those of a stag -- just off the main trailhead.
It had been well over a month since she had brought home a Stag, or any other large game for that matter, and the thought of having fresh meat on the table again, made her mouth water. But more importantly the thought of seeing the smiles it would bring to her family’s faces made the aspect of the hunt seem all the more worthwhile as she reset her final snare. Taking a final glance around to get her bearings, before venturing off the beaten path and deeper into the forest.
Rowan tracked the animal well into the late afternoon before it was finally snowing too hard for her to safely venture any farther. The Stag having remained, teasingly, just out of her reach the entire time. Taunting her almost, as they trailed deeper and deeper into the woods until it was too late to turn back. Forcing her to seek shelter for the night in an abandoned den she stumbled across on the hunt.
The wind blew too fiercely for her to start a fire, which forced her to settle for pulling the thick fur cloak she wore around herself tightly, in an attempt to stay warm. Burrowing down into the fallen leaves and debris that surrounded her as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach...But she wasn’t quite able to place a finger on it.
This hadn’t been the first time she was caught out in a storm over night like this and never before had it been -- nor would it likely ever be -- an issue. Her father having taken extra care to teach her, as well as her twin brother, everything they needed to know about surviving in the wild, from a young age; Until his untimely death just a few short years ago. She knew how to take care of herself regardless of the situation...She would be fine.
But that still did little to quell the worry that settled in the back of her mind as Rowan sighed, clutching her cloak tighter around herself as she closed her eyes. Attempting to push the worry from her thoughts the best she could as she tried to make herself comfortable. She knew for certain that her mother and the wee ones would be worried sick that she had not returned yet, but that come first light, Kai would be out to meet her halfway on the trail just like he always did.
But for the time being, she was at the mercy of the Gods.
The weather had cleared come dawn, allowing Rowan to venture out from the safety of the den she called home for the night. Brushing away the moss and dries leaves from her clothes as she emerged with a stretch, pausing to grab a bannock and a piece of dried fish from the small sack of provisions she carried. Thankful that her mother had insisted upon her taking it with her as she nibbled away at it; beginning the trekk back towards her Village.  
The ground was covered in a fresh layer of ankle deep snow, making the journey twice as long and twice as treacherous as it concealed many things beneath its shimmering surface -- like ice and root snarls -- that could pose a threat to a serious injury, if one was not sure of their footing. It made her that much more thankful she had spent so much of her youth exploring these woods with Kai and their father...It was her home away from home, and she knew it like the back of her hand. Which in turn helped her to make decent time on her return to the main path. It also made her more aware of things that most anyone else would often overlook naturally. Like how nature had suddenly fallen into an eerie silence as she stepped back onto the main path, noting how the snow was still fresh; untouched.  
The uneasy feeling from the night before suddenly returned to settle in the pit of her stomach, tying it up in knots as she looked up at the sky. It was well past mid-morning and there were no signs that Kai had yet been there, which struck her as unusual. He was always waiting, no matter the hour.  
A jolt of anxiety shot through her like lightning as she took off down the path, willing her feet to carry her faster as she broke through the treeline and out into the open. The silence around her deafening, aside from the sound of the River as she raced along its edge, wading the crossing swiftly, trying her best to ignore the icy sting of the water as it soaked her boots, only adding to her struggle as she stumbled up the snow slick hill that lead to her home...That surge of anxiety quickly morphing into fear as she watched thick plumes of black smoke billowing into the grey Winter sky.
Rowan’s heart nearly stopped as she crested over the top of the hill, a scream ripping from her lungs at the sight of the damage that lay before her. What was left of her people stood gathered round in a wash of tears, disbelief and despair. Their homes and outbuildings still blazed, while others only smoldered now; Reduced to rubble, or turned to ash. Their Livestock hung from trees and fences, slaughtered. All their stores of produce and provisions set aside for winter, gone.
Bodies lie butchered, scattered along the ground, tainting the once pure white snow a sickening shade of dark crimson. Her boots imprinting a trail of red in the snow behind her, as she ran towards her family’s home that still smoldered. Rowan ignoring the sting of burning flesh as she dug frantically at what remained of the building. Tears streaming down her face as she cried out for Mother and siblings.
“They’re gone, Rowan.” A neighbor approached quickly, grabbing her by the shoulders gently as he urged her away from the still crumbling building to safety. Rowan pulling away, stumbling a few feet where she fell to her knees at the sight of Kai’s body; lifeless on the ground. His dark hair and fair skin matted with drying blood...An axe protruding from the center of his chest.
“I-I’m s-s-or-ry…” A broken sob left her lips as she covered his blue eyes -- still widened with fear -- with her hand and slipped them closed.
“Ma--…The twins?”
The woman who approached her before, now shook her head. The look on her face a solemn one as she knelt beside the broken young woman before her, taking her forearms gently and pulling her up to her feet as she embraced her.
“The Danes took ‘em...Ye and Findley are all that’s left.”
“Findley?” The name fell as a hoarse whisper from her lips, as green eyes tried desperately to blink back tears as she pulled away to look up.
“Aye, he lives...But jus’ barely.” The woman grinned softly as she replied, though the gesture was less than hopeful. The woman raising a finger to silence Rowan as she knew what was about to come next.
“Ye can not see him jus’ yet, Lass.” She stated gently, with a soft pat against Rowan’s arms. “Let us go an’ take care of those burns first...”  
Turning as the woman lead her away to one of the healers, Rowan gave a final glance at the carnage that lay all around her. Wondering what they had done to deserve such a senseless act of violence...Innocent families, women, children?
They had heard Tales of the vicious Northmen -- Danes as many called them -- that ruled over the Seas. Pillaging and plundering places of riches and nobility…But Rowan’s people were no more than simple farmers; hunters and fishermen. What would the Norsemen want with them?
Never once had her own people consider, that one day, they might set foot in the Highlands...Something that left them unprepared, and defenseless to the ruthless attack.
Leaving the place she called her homeland...Broken and in ruin.
Rowan’s chest heaved erratically as she sat bolt upright in her bed, clutching the furs to her chest as she swiped a hand across her forehead, finding it slick with sweat as she pushed back the fiery red locks that were matted to her skin. A sigh escaping her lips quietly. It had been quite some time since she’d had a nightmare about that fateful day...The day her family was so cruelly taken from her. It had been nearly five years now, but the wounds were still fresh in her mind like it had happened only yesterday.
Frowning to herself, Rowan pushed the furs from her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, shivering as her bare feet touched the cold dirt covered floor as she wrapped herself in one of the furs tightly as she walked to the window; pushing the shutter open. The sun had barely even begun to rise over the mountains, showering the glen in a twilight glow as it cast  shadows through the trees. Everything around them lay quiet and completely still, as if basking in the arrival of a new day.
Pulling her gaze away from the rapid approach of dawn just outside their small home, Rowan turned and walked towards the fire on the opposite side of the room. Adjusting the fur into one hand as she added more kindling and wood to the glowing embers that resided in the hearth; kneeling and blowing gently until the fire blazed back to life.
Once she was satisfied with the heat emitted from the fire, Rowan stood and returned to the foot of her bed, opening the small wooden trunk that lie there as she began piecing together an outfit for the day. Dressing in her warmest pair of trousers and a light blue tunic made from a heavier wool material for added warmth. Securing it with a thin leather belt before tugging on her boots.
She discarded her night shirt into the wash pile before returning the fur to its place on her bed as she made it for the day. A small smile tugging at her lips as a pitiful low pitched whine caught her attention, turning to find the large gray wolf she called her companion, now sitting beside the fire. Having climbed down from her little brother’s bed;  head tipped curiously as it watched her.
“Don’t be impatient, ya greedy breast. I dinna forget abou’ ye.” She quipped as she rummaged around for some bits of dried meat and bannocks to take out with her. Tossing the wolf a small chunk of meat she kept aside specifically for him, before throwing together a small pot of wheat porridge for Findley and setting it up over the fire to cook.
“Go on now.” She waved her hand to where her young brother still slept soundly. “Go an’ wake the boy.” The wolf gave a snort as it rose to all fours, giving a long stretch before the beast trotted across the room and leapt gracefully onto the bed. The large animal laying directly on top of Findlay as he commenced to licking the boys face repeatedly with it’s large tongue.
“Ugh, get off me ya brute!” Findley yelped out as he squirmed beneath the large animal, trying to push him off to no avail. Rowan chuckled softly, watching her brother struggle for a moment longer before she gave a sharp whistle to call him off. The wolf jumping down from the bed and coming over to sit beside her, accepting a small piece of bannock she offered before popping the last bite into her mouth with a grin. Her little brother glowered at her from the edge of his bed where he now sat upright.
“Good mornin’ to ye too, Fin.” She snickered with an amused grin.
“Mornin’...” Findley grumbled back crankily as he climbed out of bed and moved to warm himself beside the fire. Lifting the lid on the small pot briefly to inspect what was inside of it.
“Should be done soon.” Rowan stated as she moved to grab her heavy black fur cloak and pull it on, before gathering her game bag, bow and quiver. “I need to check the traps, so it’s up to ye to get the animals fed an’ taken care of. Can ye handle that?”
Findley gave a curt nod as he grabbed a bannock off the table and began devouring it. “Aye, I can handle it.” He spoke around a mouth full of food, Rowan rolling her eyes in response as she shook her head.
“Don’t talk with ye’r mouthful, ya heathen.” She chided with a playful grin before continuing. “If ye need help with anythin’, go an’ fetch young Turick to help ye. Got it?”
“Aye…” Findley sighed in annoyance with an eye roll, which in turn earned him a glare from his older sister. “I’m a cripple, Row, tha’ does not mean I’m useless.” He muttered self consciously as his right hand ventured absentmindedly to the stump of his left shoulder. A deep frown creasing his features.
“I never called ye useless, Fin.” Rowan stepped forward, reaching out to grasp his chin lightly and turn his attention back towards her. “I jus’ don’t want ye hurtin’ yer’self more than necessary...Besides, if ye hurt y’er good arm, who’s going to milk the cows?”
Findley swatted her hand away with a playful glare as he cracked half a smile. “I got it handled.” He reassured in a sarcastic tone, shooting her a real glare as she reached out and ruffled his red hair affectionately.
“I’ll be back this afternoon. Do try an’ stay out of trouble, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she pushed the front door open and stepped out into the brisk morning air; wolf in tow as he trotted along beside her happily, as they mosied down the path.
The day came to pass quite quickly for Rowan and her furry companion, Faolan. The pair making quick work of checking and resetting snares, before venturing a little deeper into the woods in search of some smaller game, before returning to the village to go about finishing up evening chores; the workload increasing as signs of Spring steadily approached. Soon they would be tilling fields to plant their crops, tending to the animals that would soon produce offspring, making repairs to homes, building new boats for trading travels...The list was truly endless, and Rowan looked forward to the distractions that the work promised.
Winters had become exceptionally difficult since suffering the loss of nearly her entire family. Everyday a struggle against the guilt that she kept bottled up inside. Rowan somehow feeling responsible for what had happened to her family; to Fin. Constantly replaying that day over and over in her head. Always wondering if things could have turned out differently, had she stayed home that day with her family. Maybe she could have protected them...Or maybe she would’ve shared in their fate. But then what would have become of poor Findley?
Rowan sighed as they paused to rest beside a small stream. Faolan letting out a soft whine as he rested his head against her thigh; sensing her distress. A small smile tugging at her lips as she gave him an affectionate scratch behind the ears, his warm, intelligent brown eyes drifting shut for a moment as gave a contented sigh. Rowan silently thankful that the gods had granted such a wonderful guardian to watch over her and Findley. The wolf coming into their lives not long after the deaths of their kin. Just a pup himself when Rowan had stumbled upon him in the forest...Still clinging to his own mother and siblings who had long since perished from starvation and cold.
The village had been less than thrilled to say the least, when Rowan brought the small bundle of fur home. Several of the elder woman trying to advise her that the beast could would never be tamed nor broken; But they couldn’t have been more wrong. For Faolan had been the key that aided them in their journey to healing...And they his. The wolf having more than earned his keep around the village since becoming part of their broken pack. 
“Suppose we should be gettin’ back, eh?” Rowan sighed softly as she gave the wolf a final pat on the head before standing. Gathering her game bag and slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her back to the steam. “Come, mo charaid…’Fore Fin starts worryin’.” Faolan let out a sharp series of yips in answer as he bounded from his spot, darting between the trees playfully for a moment before laying down a ways up the trail as he waited. Rowan letting out a small laugh at the wolfs antics as she quickened her pace, taking the hint as they hurried off. Head for their usual detour as they made the trek for home. ~
Dusk was approaching by the time the group finally reached the shores of a seeming desolate beach. The ships, as well as their men, battered from an unexpected storm that had caught them off guard a day prior. “We’ll camp here for now...Start salvaging what we can to make repairs come dawn, before continuing on to York.” Harald instructed once the boats had been pulled safely to shore; A fire started for the men to get warm as they assembled camp. Harald quick to assemble a plan for his men, in order to get moving again as soon as possible. Not pleased with the unexpected detour they had been forced to make on their journey to York.
“You three.” Harald turned to address a group of younger Viking men, who stood opposite him beside the fire. “Gather what wood you can; And you two,” He gestured towards a pair of more experienced men, usually assigned to watch. “Survey the area...I do not want any more unexpected surprises.” The men nodded, accepting their assigned duties before dismissing themselves. Harald letting out a sigh as he turned for one of the tents that had already been assembled...Taking a seat and grabbing a cup of mead, trying to quell his frustrations as he watched his men continue to set up camp. While Harald drank his frustrations away, the two experienced men set off up the beach, climbing the dunes on the beach and venturing into the forest beyond.
“Fine time to set up camp…” The first man grumbled as they trudged the Scottish land. The second man grunted in response as they settled on a spot and began building a small fire. The warmth from the flames doing little to warm the chill that had settled in their bones. “The cold here is different...I don’t like it.”
“They say we’re the heathens.” The first man chuckled. “Pass us the ale…” The second man obliged his friends request. Reaching over to grab the ale horn from beside his axe, taking a swig himself before passing it over and returning his hands to warm by the fire. As the men chatted away, Rowan made her way to the beach, stopping and dropping to the ground when she spotted the men encamped on the beach. Swearing in Gaelic, she gripped the scruff at Faolan’s neck to make sure he didn’t growl and give their position away. She took her bag off and strapped it around the beast’s.
“Go home, Faolan. I’ll be right behind ye.” Rowan whispered. The wolf let out a small whine before he turned away, making his way back to the village while Rowan stayed, counting the men so she could give an accurate report to the village elders. When her eyes met Harald’s, Rowan ducked and crawled along the brush until she was far enough into the foliage before she stood and hurried along behind Faolan.
“What was that?” The first man asked, looking up at the sound of twigs snapping. He reached down, fingers wrapping around the axe at his side as he scanned the surrounding area, looking for movement. Both men saw the flash of gray fur pass quickly by, followed by a flame of red hair; Visible even in the darkness. The second man motioned for the first to split off towards the left, while he tracked the intruders on the right. Trailing silently after them into the darkness of the woods, but eventually losing sight as the darkness became too much; Slowing their progress significantly.
“Go.” The second man ordered quietly, gesturing back towards the beach. “Tell King Harald what we’ve found, and assemble more men for a search. I will try and the trail.” The first man nodded and turned back towards camp. Leaving his companion to assemble a torch and continue the search.  
Meanwhile, Rowan continued to move swiftly through the darkness. Picking her way carefully over fallen debris and tangled tree roots as she strayed away from the main trail; attempting to lose the enemies who likely now pursued her, as she fled towards her village. Hoping she would have enough time to warn her people of a potential attack before it was too late. Anger and fear building inside of her chest as she pushed herself harder, bound and determined to not let her people suffer through another attack like they had all those years ago.
The sound of twigs snapping several feet away from behind her, made Rowan turn, a knot forming in her stomach as she spotted the faint glow of a torch coming over the small rise she had just climbed. Ducking behind a tree, she shielded herself from sight momentarily as she closed her eyes...Rowan’s heart sinking as she came to the realization that she would be unable to return to her village safely, without risking the exposure of their location to a potential attack. She knew what she had to do, but that didn’t make the choice any easier as she let out a soft, shaky sigh. Opening her green eyes as slipped the bow over her head carefully, and nocked an arrow. Sending up a silent prayer for the gods to protect her family — her people — before drawing back the sting of her bow, and stepping into the open. A steady breath leaving her lips as she released the arrow towards its target, the startled yelp that followed signaling that she had struck her target.
Rowan using the distraction as her opportunity to change directions, doubling back, as she began leading her enemy away from her village, and deeper into the woods. Another arrow nocked and ready to fire as she neared the next ridge; ducking behind another tree as she waited for the torch to appear again...Her heart rate quickening when she turned to find that the light had been extinguished. A wave of panic washed over her as she struggled to pick up on the faint footsteps that rustled from somewhere in the darkness. Unable to determine what direction they were coming from, Rowan was left to make a split decision, as she darted from behind the tree, hoping she could make a break for the treeline. 
The flash of red hair was all they needed, as Harald gave the signal for their own archer to take a shot; the man loosing the arrow as the rest of the men relit their torches. Harald watching as the form stumbled in the darkness, but only for a moment before darting off once more.  A smirk creeping onto his lips as they took up their pursuit once more, driving their prey back towards the edge of the forest, where more of his men lie in wait to capture whoever it was that they had been chasing all over the woods...But the small victory soon faded from his thoughts as bone chilling howl pierced the silence, followed by a series of snarls and growls that brought the group to a stand still.
Rowan stumbled as she ran through the treeline and out into the open, coming to stop as she was greeted by a rather unwelcoming sight, as a group of men closed in on her. Rowan quick to draw back the string of her bow in defense, ignoring the searing pain in her shoulder the action caused, from having been struck by an arrow herself. The edges of her lips quirking into a faint smirk as she heard the howl that broke the silence and caused several of the men to glance towards the treeline; Searching. Rowan seizing the opportunity to loose her arrow into the man nearest to her, watching as he crumpled to the ground as the arrow struck him between the eyes, her next arrow nocked before the man had even full collided with the earth. Another man lunged towards her, catching the second arrow as a series of shouts broke out amongst the group of men in front of her...Their words foreign to her as they spoke.
“Come on. Come get me, ye heathens…” She said with a smirk, fingering the feather fletching of her arrow. Rowan readied her bow again, waiting for the next victim to step forward and make their move. She knew that she stood very little chance against these men, but that didn’t mean that she would go down without a fight. Another series of shouts erupted from the woods, causing Rowan to turn and glance over her shoulder as the shouts quickly dissolved into one horrified scream that was followed by vicious snarling and the sounds of teeth ripping into flesh. Another man used her distraction to strike her with the hilt of his sword; sending Rowan to the ground as her vision blurred around the edges. A foot kicking her bow out of her reach as it approached from behind. Rowan struggling to focus on the man’s face as she glanced up, recognizing him as the man from the beach.
“Bind her and take her back to the beach.” Harald ordered as surveyed the two dead men that lie on the ground in front of him, before turning his attention to look down at the fiery haired woman who struggled against the two vikings who hauled her to her feet before their King. Allowing him a brief moment to examine her more closely as he grasped her jaw tightly, forcing her to look at him; Rowan’s eyes struggling to maintain focus as the edges over her vision started to turn black...The last thing she saw being a flash of gray fur, followed by nothing.
So that’s the first chapter! I hope ya’ll liked it...I also wanna add ((don’t quote me on it as I used google traslate)) that Mo charaid means ‘My friend’ Gaelic. And Faolan means Little Wolf.
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snarkysims · 5 years
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Narrated by Shonice Armstrong
I was still fuming over my earlier conversation with Scarlett as Jin-Sang and I got ready for bed. I hadn’t shared with him what Scarlett had said, because I knew my man would catch a cab over to their apartment and have words with Andreas. Scarlett and I were close, so our boyfriends tolerated each other for our sakes...barely. Andreas said if Jin-Sang were any more animated, he’d be a cartoon character. I can’t even repeat what Jin-Sang said he’d rather do than hold a conversation with Andreas. I’ll just say it involves tweezers and hair, and he wasn’t talking about the hair on his face or head! I knew there would be no love lost between them if Jin-Sang blew up at Andreas, but I didn’t want to put a strain on my friendship with Scarlett.
Jin-Sang had been quiet the past couple of days which wasn’t like him. I love my man with all my heart, but even I feel like he needs an Off switch at times. However, this serious, focused version of him was new territory, and I missed his jovial personality. He was working on his first cases at Social Services, and he was throwing himself into them completely. He was taking calls from his clients at all hours of the day and poring over documents on standards and guidelines at night. On top of all that, he had his coursework to complete as well. He was definitely in save-the-world mode as many people are on their first job, but I was worried he was going to burn himself out. I desperately wished I could talk to him about his work in order to relieve his stress.
He, Jonathan, and I had grown accustomed to eating our meals together, and we rather enjoyed it. None of us had grown up with the traditional sit-down family meal. My parents and Jonathan’s dad had always been too busy, and of course Jin-Sang grew up without his parents at all. During our meals, we’d often discuss our days and bounce problems off each other, so it was ironic that all three of us were now in fields where confidentiality was paramount. We had agreed it was best not to discuss work at all so that we wouldn’t risk committing an ethical violation. Still, I sensed something about work had to be eating at Jin-Sang, and it was frustrating not being able to ask him about it. 
My mind was conjuring up different scenarios, so I was startled when he looked over at me and said, “Baby, I need to talk to you about our marriage. It’s important."
His voice was low and flat. It completely lacked his normal boisterous inflection. I could feel my pulse quicken as my mind raced with thoughts. We had only begun seriously talking about marriage a few days ago when we went out to celebrate our third anniversary. Was he already getting cold feet? Did I do something? Was Andreas right? Was Jin-Sang having second thoughts about Ashanti? Did he want to break up with me?
I didn’t answer him, so he continued. “These cases I’m working on are effing with my mind. They’re stirring up feelings that I thought I had buried a long time ago.”
“Feelings about?”
“My parents.”
I looked over at him sharply. I had been concerned his line of work would lead him to think about his parents, but I wasn’t seeing the connection between his parents and our getting married. Jin-Sang didn’t talk about his parents much. He’d told me all about them freshman year. We were both night owls, and we would often stay up late watching TV in the common room while our dorm mates slept...or engaged in other bedroom activities, as in Jonathan and Jerilene’s case. Soon, our late night TV watching led to long conversations about ourselves. Through these conversations, I formed a connection with Jin-Sang that I didn’t have with Mark whom I was sort of seeing at the time. Jin-Sang became my best friend and eventually my soulmate. 
Jin-Sang kissed my forehead and gave me a reassuring smile. “Don’t freak out, baby. I can see your wheels spinning a mile a minute. It’s all good. We’re good. There’s something I’ve been considering for a while now, and working on these cases has made it clear to me. When we get married, I want to take your last name.”
Relief washed over me. He did still want to get married! “Are you sure? Your name is your last connection to your family.”
He shook his head vehemently. “No, it’s my last connection to the people who donated their DNA to me. They threw me away, so why should I hang on to their name? You are my family, and wherever you are is my home, so I want your name.”
Jin-Sang’s voice broke near the end of his statement. He didn’t get vulnerable often. In all of the time that he’d been my friend and lover, I’d never seen him cry. Even when he had talked about his parents in the past, he’d managed to maintain a level of cold indifference towards them. Seeing this little bit of emotion from him made my heart melt. And it did things to other parts of me as well. I ran my fingers through his spiky, black hair. “Oh, baby, I can tell this is important to you.”
“It is.” He reached for the hand that had been caressing his hair and brought it to his lips. He kissed the palm and then held it to his heart.  “Are you okay with this?” My heart was still melting at his tender gesture. Jin-Sang would deny it, but I could tell Jonathan’s romantic nature was rubbing off on him. I liked it. A lot.
“Well, I have to confess. I did like the sound of ‘Shonice Armstrong-Lee, Attorney at Law.’”
Jin-Sang chuckled. “It does have a nice ring to it. I’ll give you that.”
My eyes lit up. “Hey, why don’t you become Armstrong-Lee too? And our kids could have that name as well.”
I caught a hopeful glimmer in his eyes at my mention of kids, but then he looked at me with a wry smile. “Baby, think that one through for a minute.”
Realization quickly dawned on me, and I felt silly. “Sorry. I suppose having both of your names hyphenated is asking too much, isn’t it?”
“Way too much. I love you, woman, and I’d do just about anything for you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Except that.”
“Okay, point taken. I’d be honored for you to have my last name then. Jin-Sang Armstrong it is. Wow, that’s really going to take some getting used to.”
“You’ve got a lifetime.” He pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the temple. He held me for a few minutes, and we didn’t say anything. We just enjoyed each other’s company. 
After another moment, Jin-Sang squeezed me again. “So, that was pretty romantic what I said a few minutes ago, huh?”
I gave him the side eye, so he quickly added, “I meant it, of course!” 
“I know you did. And, you’re right. It was romantic.”
He waggled his eyebrows. “Romantic enough to get me laid tonight?”
I laughed in spite of myself. Only Jin-Sang could make such a crass come-on sound endearing. But that was his gift. Even when I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, he had a knack for teasing a smile or laugh out of me. I gave him a sultry look and said, “I got you.”
Jin-Sang gasped and let out a few choice words. He gazed at me reverently as he eased me down on the bed. “Damn, woman! I don’t think anything has ever gotten me as hard as hearing you say those words.” There he was. That was the Jin-Sang I knew, the man with a heart absolutely in the right place and a mouth with absolutely no filter. 
My man was back.
I’ve been wanting to write a scene with Jin-Sang and Shonice for a while, but I’ve always struggled with writing these two together. I find it much easier to write Jin-Sang and Jonathan. They bounce off each other so well that their dialogue practically writes itself. But I’m happy with how this turned out. 
I had always intended for Shonice to hyphenate her last name when she got married, so I’m gutted about losing the Lee name. However, this is a case where I need to listen to the character. The more I got into Jin-Sang’s background, the clearer he became about wanting to cut all ties to his birth family, including giving up his last name. 
And while I’m on the subject of Jin-Sang’s name, I want to address the elephant in the room. Technically, the S should probably be lowercase. The name generator that I got his name from capitalized the S, so I followed suit. Also, I have a friend originally from Seoul named Hye-Yun.  I’ve known Hye-Yun for over fifteen years, and she’s always capitalized the Y.  I should ask her if she started doing that because we Americans were always capitalizing it. Anyway, I’ve done some reading up on Korean names, and it’s essentially at the discretion of the individual as to whether the name should be capitalized and/or hyphenated, so I will keep capitalizing Jin-Sang’s and Hye-Sook’s names the way I have been doing it.
By the way, Hye-Sook is named in honor of my friend, and Jin-Sang is named in honor of Daniel Dae Kim’s character (Jin-Soo Kwon) on LOST.
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meteorit3737 · 5 years
Noise and dim light reigned in the bar, full of Symphonic's employees and several partner companies, there were small lanterns in the form of candles on the tables, casting the shadows of visitors on the halloween surroundings. Bartenders with scars painted offered Bloody Mary, and in the hellish flickering around zombies and vampires it was sometimes difficult to get to know work acquaintances whom you see every day in formal suits. Donna greeted fifty people in 15 minutes, made her way to the bar and ordered a glass of wine, feeling that the evening had barely begun already bored her. Cam, as usual, was late. No, to be honest, since the beginning of their new collaboration, Cameron was almost don't late and Donna had nothing to reproach her with, but now she suddenly felt very lonely and was seized with a burning desire for her business partner to be here this very second.
- Donna Emerson? - Donna heard from the neighbor on the right and turned in that direction. Two girls in skeleton costumes and Harley Queen looked at her and smiled uncertainly.
- Yes?
- Oh, it's really you! - exclaimed Harley Queen, - I am Laura, and this is Casey. We work in Symphonic.
- Nice to meet you! - Donna shook the girls' hands, painfully trying to remember if she saw them in the office building.
- It's all right, you hardly remember us, -  Casey-skeleton shrugged. “There are so many people. I don’t even know the one tenth here."
- To be honest, I don’t know everyone, either, - Donna admitted.
- We thought we would meet someone interesting here, but under all this make-up zombies it’s hard to see if the guy is cute in front of you, and all the vampires are lisping, - complained Laura.
- Girl's costumes are much more beautiful! You look great in a witch costume! Well, I didn’t mean that you look bad in an ordinary suit or ...  - Casey was embarrassed, and Donna hastened to reassure her that everything was all right.
They ordered another glass of wine and took a sip when the girls looked somewhere behind Donna's back. She turned around. There stood a tall slender vampire in a typical vampire costume with a cloak, lined with a scarlet cloth, with a pale face and thin dark mustache, brown hair smoothly combed back. The vampire smiled at Donna, showing sharp fangs. And there was something so familiar about him ... As Donna tried to gather her thoughts, the vampire said in Cameron's voice:
- Hello, Donna! Sorry for being late, but you can’t imagine how difficult it is to fit a false jaw! Although it’s even more difficult to talk to her, mouth is dry.
Cam neatly took a glass of wine from the hand of a dumbfounded Donna, took a couple of sips and returned the glass back. During this time, Donna managed to recover and once again look at Cameron. She obviously used hair styling products, her dark hair combed back lay in even strands. The natural light color of the skin was emphasized by a dark mustache, glued so neatly and so well matched to the tone of the hair, that if you did not know, it was easy to take them for real. Although the smooth skin on her cheeks suggested some thoughts, the jaw line and large blue eyes drove all thoughts away. Donna recognized the obvious truth - her friend looked like a handsome young man.
- Cam, your suit really suits you!
- Thanks! - Cam flashed a smile again.
Laura and Casey introduced themselves and extended their hands in greeting, Cam shook them, saying: "Cameron Howe." The girls, who were just chatting normally, began to smile wider and shoot at Cam with glances. Donna pondered how to tactfully hint to them that they were mistaken and Cameron is not a guy (although, to be honest, the guy from her turned out to be just a sight for sore eyes), but then one of the employees of Symphonic approached her and asked to take a couple of minutes to talk to him. The man was already drunk, confused in words and interrupted himself, Donna glanced over his shoulder at Cam and the chirping girls who remained at the counter and tried to understand why their conversation occupied her much more than the dialogue with Peters.
Casey fidgeted in a chair and asked Cameron:
- So who do you work? I have not seen you before in Symphonic.
- I am a programmer, but I don’t work in Symphonic, I’m a partner of Donna ... - Cam wanted to finish “in Phoenix”, but Laura interrupted her.
- Oh, I knew that, Donna will have all the best! - Laura exclaimed with only half ostentatious despair.
- A high position, a great figure, a beauty ... - Casey listed, bending her fingers.
- ... A lisping vampire! - added with a laugh Cam.
Laura and Casey burst out laughing.
- Cameron, are you younger? How do you deal with this? - asked Casey.
- What does it matter? - did not understand Cam.
- Well, no, it’s just, uh, it usually happens that the older partner in the pair is a man, and when it’s a woman, then everyone thinks that guy ...
- Hey, wait! - Cam's eyebrows soared up and she just realized that all this time her words were misinterpreted. - Donna and I ...
When mentioning the name of Donna, Cam automatically looked in her direction and saw that the man with whom she was talking now drags her towards the dance floor, and Donna was resisting.
- Damn it! - Cam forgot what she wanted to say, jumped up and began to advance towards the bickering pair. Casey and Laura also got up and watched what would happen next.
Donna despaired to quietly pull her hand out of the grip of a more physically strong man who, after a rambling story, decided to invite her to a dance and did not accept refusal, and was about to scream to embarrass Peters and force him to let her go, when an angry voice sounded near her ear:
- She doesn't want to go with you!
Peters cast a glance at Cam, considered her a weak adversary and, without releasing Donna’s hands, lazily replied: "In turn, fellow, first the lady will dance with me."
Cameron's long arms went around Donna, reached Peters’s arm, her left hand grabbed him just below the wrist, and her right hand lay on the wrist, Cam took a small step forward, clinging to Donna’s back, her hands got a little more space and she made a slight elusive movement with his hand, turning the wrist of the man from whom Peters cried out choked, his grip loosened, Donna's hand was released, and Peters fell to one knee, as if preparing to be knighted. He looked up at Donna and Cam and his face showed that he sobered up quickly and realized his actions and their possible consequences. His eyes widened with horror and pain, he looked from second to second from Donna to Cam and back, muttering apologies.
- Let him go? - Cameron asked so close to Donna's ear that she felt her breath with her skin.
- Uh, yes, perhaps. He seemed to understand, - replied Donna, acutely sensing Cameron’s closeness and wondering if it was normal to want to extend this sensation. Her mark of the soul itched, but now Donna was not up to her.
- Sorry, yes, I get it, - Peters said, barely audible.
Cameron let go of his hand, he immediately clasped it his second hand (the existence of which, it seems, had temporarily forgotten while Cam held it), carefully standed on his feet. Throwing a guilty look at them and again apologizing, he disappeared into the crowd.
Donna turned to Cam and smiled at her:
- Thank you for saving from the dragon, oh beautiful knight!
- Um, well, it's nothing, nothing like that, - Cameron shrugged embarrassedly and put her hands in her pockets.
The movement near the bar counter attracted Donna's attention and she pointed with her eyes at Cam - Casey and Laura joyfully waved their hands, holding their thumbs up.
- It seems you have your own fan club. - Donna playfully nudged Cam with a shoulder. She did not want to return to the girls and tell what happened. - Hey, vampire knight, will you dance with me?
- What? You mean, I saved you from the a thirsty dance dragon, so you took me prisoner and made me dance? - Cam spoke in a mock indignant voice, but took her hands out of her pockets and allowed Donna to take herself to the dance floor. She, too, did not want to return to Laura and Casey. Moreover, they are now finally convinced that Cam and Donna are partners in a more common sense. By the way, had to tell Donna ... They were dancing for about a minute, when Cameron gathered her courage and said:
- Listen, Donna, here, umm ... There was a misunderstanding with Casey and Laura. The fact is that they misunderstood me and now think that you have a boyfriend.
- Indeed? And who is it? - surprised Donna.
- A certain Cameron Howe, - Cam looked at Donna and they both burst out laughing. They stopped dancing, moved to the edge of the dance floor and grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter who was passing by. Before drinking, Cameron removed the vampire teeth, which annoyed her more and more every minute, and put it in her pocket.
- The evening started badly, - Donna said thoughtfully.
- This is all a bad company! I mean, not you, but everyone else.
- Do you propose a change of scenery?
- Why not? On this street, a whole bunch of bars and in each of them today celebrate Halloween, so we will fit.
Cam looked at Donna expectantly, she thought for half a minute and decided that no one would notice her leaving, after all, she was here, Peters would definitely not forget that. Halloween with the co-worker's no longer seemed to her a good idea.
- Let's go! - She grabbed the Cam's hand and went to the door.
A few hours later, a taxi stopped near Donna's house and a vampire and a witch clumsily got out of it. Having paid the taxi driver, they staggered into the house and, supporting each other (the vampire was more stable), began to climb the stairs. Hayley met them there.
- Mom? - the girl asked in alarm, looking around their rumpled suits and a red spot on Donna’s companion’s shirt and trying to figure out what to do. - Mom, who is it?
The question triggered an explosion of giggles from both (Giggles? From a vampire? Haley's eyebrows crawled up) and a slurred waving of hands. She took a closer look.
- Cam? Wow! Cool costume! - Haley was thrilled. She went to her mother from the other side and took her hand. Donna and Cam were both staggering, but Donna was clearly more drunk. - Why are you so drunk as a skunk?
- We corract ... corrected the evening! Inspricti ... Inspected the bars! - answered Cameron. He and Haley maneuvered and the three of them went into the doorway of Donna’s room, reached the bed and carefully put Donna on it. Donna immediately fell on her back across the bed and blissfully closed her eyes. Haley threw "I am now!" and ran away. Cam looked at Donna with a hazy look, trying to understand what was wrong with her position, then tried to persuade her to stand up, did not succeed in this, somehow turned her 90 degrees and took off her shoes. For some reason, this terribly tired Cam and caused her an overwhelming desire to sit down and also throw off her shoes.
Then Haley entered the room with two glasses of bubbling liquid in her hands. "Alkazeltser!" she announced, holding out one glass to Cam and trying to wake Donna. Cameron drank and put an empty glass on the nightstand, helped Hayley to set Donna and they even managed to pour half a glass into her before she stopped responding to the outside world and fell into a deep sleep. Haley took the glasses to the kitchen, and when she returned, she found that Cam was sleeping peacefully next to Donna. It looked very ridiculous - Cam in the guise of a vampire, with this stain on his shirt (Haley bent to sniff and made sure that she was right - this is wine), an unbuttoned jacket, and next to Donna in a witch costume. Haley giggled, ran into her room behind the Polaroid and snapped a couple of frames, then she turned off the light and left, carefully slamming the door.
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dndgamergirl · 5 years
Dungeon Master Xmas Rant
Just when I thought the holidays could not get any worse they did today. as many of you guys know I run a Dungeons & Dragons Discord with my friends. We've rarely take new people into the group because of the fact that we would like to get to know the person before we allow them to play a game. We also have what we call the trial period.  This is when a player who is new and it's not certain they want to join our group comes in and sits in on game for a couple of weeks. This allows the player to do a lot of things that most would never think to give a player who is new to D&D a chance to do. One of the things that we use it is to be able to allow a player who is new to our group an insight into the world they get to learn the characters and the world itself as well as the rules that the world abides by. Being the fact of most of my worlds are Homebrew this means that the players also get the idea of which rules from the books we use as well as some of the house rules. Now this is to say that we do have some major standards this means that a lot of our games that are adult oriented do have an age limit. At which you are allowed to participate in. This means that some games are strictly for those who are 21 years of age and up or even to the point of, ‘all right will allow the eight-year-old to come in and play but after this point know that the next game they might not be able to because that's when we have to go to the section that is way above their age level.’ So why am I telling you this? I'm telling you guys this because we just had another issue with a player. On second thought no we didn't have a issue we had a lot of issues. For me as a dungeon master I have to control the world that the players are running around in. This means I have to go over everyone's character sheet and background I also have to go over there backstory. When a player is having trouble with their back story I usually go ahead and help him figure out exactly where they need to fill in the places. I also help them figure out what they don't need their back story because it could cause trouble with the world schematics or even break the campaign because you're basically making a character that is too overpowered. Example of this can be found in a different rant that may or may not have already been published already. But on to the issues that we had with this player. Issue number one was the fact that whenever we got into the game the player was always very standoffish with their character. As a dungeon master I enjoy a little bit of angst and it's always fun to see kind of the bad boy character or the Emo character but then there's a point of taking it to the degree of your really just making it hard for anyone to interact with your character and move the story along. An example of this can be found in one game that a lot of my players are having a lot of fun with. The world that I have them running in is a mix of Supernatural meets American Pie meets Animal House mixed in with a little bit of Scooby-Doo. It's all based in the 1970s world that is just coming off of the hippie era and slowly going into the disco scene. The players all play college kids that are in a fraternity and are basically trying to stop one of the greatest on speakable evils known to mankind. They do have a little bit of leeway with the fact of the person who is basically the head guy to talk to you with campus security is their sponsor for their frat house and at the same time they also have the added advantage of certain characters are still running around that can help them. One of which is an NPC that I placed in that is kind of the Minotaur version of Tommy Chong from Cheech and Chong. And at the same time just for the heck of it I threw in a version of Jay and Silent Bob where Jay is a satyr Warlock and Silent Bob is a dwarf Paladin. I usually try to put in a lot of Pop Culture references and it makes everybody laugh a lot. Well this player decided that they wanted to go ahead and mess things up. And when I mean mess things up I mean unfortunately this player did some very ridiculous things. He wanted to be a werecat but they also wanted to be a Druid now whenever were talking about certain things I usually go ahead and I'm pretty lenient with my players. I gave them the ability to understandably turn into a half-and-half form of an animal as well as the ability to turn into the Natural Animal itself but they would not be able to talk much like wild shape for a druid. Only it would work longer and it would only work on the type of where creature they were. Being a generous DM I gave them this thinking that they wouldn't abused it as much as they did. And when I mean abused I mean they abused it. The character was constantly in the form of a cat not even a big cat a house cat. It got very annoying and unfortunately it got to the point where the player itself didn't want to go ahead and interact with anybody other than the fact of well this conversation.
Dm: “Okay wait they were here?”
Player:  “Yeah you didn't notice.”
Dm: “No you didnt say you followed.”
Player: “Um yeah i did i was there the whole time.”
Dm: “Where then where in the room?”
They made it to where I unfortunately as a dungeon master I could never tell when the cat was in the room and it started to get very annoying to where I told them they had to make it known that they were there. At the same time they were also not happy unless all the spotlight was on them for certain s***. Whenever characters started to do any form of romance with a different character a NPC or even another player character they would kind of get uppity and  try to get the attention all on them again. This was getting annoying and unfortunately I was unable to have a lot of contact with them because they were constantly working. The last game we had was the day before Christmas Eve and I asked him if they were coming to game and they said no I'm not feeling well. Being the kind of person that I am I left it at that and I decided that I would be talking to them about the issues that we were having another day. Not just for my end but from the players and as well because the players were getting upset that the character did not really try to help the group whenever things would happen. The character was always centered on themselves they didn't do anything to help any of the other players whenever a battle came they only protected who themselves. And in this game unfortunately the one that I'm running you have to protect not only yourself but you also have to watch out for your friend who's standing right next to you a lot more than yourself. Because once that line is broken that's it game over the party will be at a major risk of a total party kill. So what do I do Christmas Eve was the next day and I decided that I would go ahead and wait until Friday. Since Christmas this year falls on Wednesday, I figured that it would be all right to go ahead and give him 3 days before I called them since I would be working with my service dog on Thursday. On Friday I had planned to call them and  that was that or so I thought. Christmas comes and I go to my family's house I'm normally not one to deal with one side of my family and they usually make me pretty uncomfortable. So I was already in a kind of mood and all I was thinking was present time is almost here and after we have presents we pick up the food and then we all go home. This means I only have 1 hour and 45 minutes left of Christmas. That is when I get a contact on my Discord server. Only it's not the main server its individual message. I had time so I decided to go ahead and take a look I figured it was one of my friends on Discord sending me a Merry Christmas card or picture. However it wasn't it was the problem player who told me that they were going to leave the game. They told me that the reason they were going to be leaving the game was because they weren't having as much fun as they had in the beginning. A lot of my games do have a good bit of combat but I also balance at all with a good bit of dialogue and at the same time I also tried to balance it off with a bit of puzzle work that the players have to do. This player was more of a combat player and at the same time was also the kind of person that if there wasn't any combat going on every 10 seconds they would basically get bored. For a D&D game to work you have to have a complete balanced and at the same time you have to rotate the importance of each player in an entire rotation. One session segment might be about one player and then the next one another player so you have to take it all in turn it's a complete Carousel Ride. As soon as one player has had the spotlight on them for long enough you then have to move to the other players in the queue. The bad part is that this hit at a point where I was not in a good mood and at the same time it only made it worse. For me Christmas has always been a time where I have really bad seasonal depression and at the same time where I don't feel like I belong. So upon me getting this notification and i was at christmas you know i wa not happy. And the bad part is that broke the goliths back. For the week before this i found out the player had also during the week expressed his issues to the players stating that he didn't want to talk to me about it because he felt like I wouldn't listen to him. When all the players know that I do listen to them and that I encouraged them constantly to come to me if they ever have any questions or any concerns. So I did the only thing I could which was go ahead and allow him to know that okay fine you can leave thanks for letting me know. But also a tip for other Gamers out there as well as this one if you're going to go ahead and say you're leaving a game or leaving a table. Maybe you shouldn't do that on a holiday because you don't know what that person is going through Master might have a bad connection with a certain holiday not just Christmas but possibly Easter or some other holiday. Maybe it holds bad memories for them and they're trying to not have bad memories happen on that day. Today I was trying to make a few good memories with my family but unfortunately this message made it to where I couldn't have that it completely ruined my day. And unfortunately I had a really bad time a Christmas this year. When I expected to get a merry Christmas I got a sorry but your game is too boring and I'm going to disrupt what little bit of happiness you're trying to have just to make you feel like dirt. As such the gamer has now been removed from our server and now we're looking for somebody to replace him. It's also gotten me to the point where I'm now debating going ahead and making an entire panel for an up-and-coming convention that I'm going to about dungeon master rants things that make the dungeon master story keeper and Storyteller angry. Maybe this will be a good platform for other dungeon Master's to come forward about their own issues that they've had with their groups or players and possibly allow other dungeon Master's to give them an idea as to how to handle this. Problem players are always an issue and unfortunately it can be even more of an issue when they decide to go ahead and ruin your holidays.
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otomeverything · 6 years
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Release Date:  February 14, 2019 (North America) Developers:  Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers:  Aksys Games Platforms:  PS Vita, PS4
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  I literally took my time playing this FD, knowing it’s the last (physical) otome game that will ever grace localization in the PS Vita.
Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles (Shirogane no Kiseki) is the second fandisc of the series, Code Realize. This game contains varieties of alternate and after stories that happened after the events of the last fandisc, Future Blessings.
  This fandisc contains the following stories:
Cantarella (Side Story) – Walkthrough available here.
Finis’s Epilogue
Sholme’s Epilogue
Love Triangle Stories (Short Stories)
Wintertide Miracles “First Christmas” (Alternate Stories)
Special Epilogues (Epilogues for White Rose’s stories in Future Blessings)
  ART AND MUSIC I know this is probably redundant as I’ve gushed about it a few times in my reviews for Guardian of Rebirth and Future Blessings. But, the artist Miko has done it again! I could not for the life of me, describe how incredibly beautiful the CGs are for this fandisc. There were also new sprites available for all the main and side characters, wearing their cozy winter outfits. Even Queen Victoria gets a new sprite wearing her expensive royal fur faux garb!
What I also loved about this fandisc were the new BGMs added for the series, they were all unforgettable and were specially made for the game’s Yuletide theme. One song that really stood out to me was the second Ending theme (Finis’ and Sholmes’ ED) “Beside You” by the artist SHOJI. Listen to the full track below:
***I purchased the whole soundtrack for Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles in iTunes. Link here.
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Cantarella (CV: Mamiko Noto) – Fuuka (Persona 4), Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad), Inia Sestina (MuV Luv), Felicita (Arcana Famiglia), Marvis Vermilion  (Fairy Tale)
Miles Strand (CV: Keiji Fujiwara) – Kagura Mutsuki (Blazblue), Jiro Hyuuga (Binary Star), Reno (Final Fantasy), Kiriya (Senran Kagura), Sakuya Tougane (Psycho Pass)
Baron of Aiguille (CV: Sugiyama Noriaki) – Akito (Norn9), Thor (Kamigami no Asobi), Suou Hana (Ayakashi Gohan), Katsuragi Naomasa (Yunohana Spring), Kashika Galle (Cendrillon Palika)
  SIDE STORIES AND AFTER STORIES I did Cantarella’s route first, followed by Finis and Sholme’s epilogues, then knocked out the love triangle dates before I played the main course, that is the “First Christmas” alternate stories for Wintertide Miracles. I myself, enjoyed this play order, though I would suggest playing whatever story you feel like playing first because that’s the whole point of a fandisc! lol
  CANTARELLA (Another Story) This story happened somewhere in the middle of Guardian of Rebirth’s common route. On their way home, after watching a performance at the Royal Opera House, Cardia and the rest of Lupin’s gang witnessed an attempted kidnapping of the Opera House’s beloved songstress, Cantarella. They’ve managed to save her as well as send her perpetrator running for the hills. They then took Cantarella to her home for safety measures, which lead the gang to meet her so-called “father” Miles. In this story, Cardia finds a friend in Cantarella and later on, discovers her true identity as both their existence managed to connect each other’s fates.
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Just like “Lupin’s Gang’s” (side) story in Future Blessings, Cantarella’s route offers new likable characters and an interesting new plot for us to follow. Although I’ve very much enjoyed this story (for what it is), I didn’t like how the writers threw in these important characters on the third game, since canonically they don’t matter anymore as the main plot officially ended in Future Blessings. I would rather have this as an alternate story than a side story because It felt kind of unfair for Cantarella, Miles, and Auguille to get dissed like that after this little episode. lol Unless they’re planning on a third fandisc! (laughs)
Although the choices you make in Cantarella’s route, will not change the whole outcome of her story. It will, however, change a few scenes and dialogues in the game depending on the guy (main characters) your choices are inclined to. You can view my walkthrough for this route here.
  FINIS’ EPILOGUE (After Story) This after story took place right after the end of Finis’s route in Future Blessings. 
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Six months have passed since Cardia managed to save his little brother, Finis from the unfortunate Nautilus incident in London. During this time, both twins return to their home in Wales and spend each day cleaning and repairing their old abandoned house while enhancing their bond as siblings. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose when one of Isaac Beckford’s invention called the “Knockers” have been spotted destroying a couple of buildings in London. It was made clear in the story, that these supposed-to-be-quarantined inventions of Isaac were “wrongly” activated by accident and it is now, up to the  Beckford twins (Finis’ most especially, since he’s fully knowledgeable when it comes to their father’s inventions) to stop this heaving uproar that threatened London its peaceful days.
This was probably one of my favorite After Stories in the series. Not only we get to see Finis in his true nature, as Cardia’s adorable cinnamon roll lil’ brother. We also get to see Lupin’s Gang and the Gordon Family in action as they help out clear the disruption in the streets of London during the main incident. ***This epilogue was very heartwarming and I absolutely enjoyed seeing Finis’ soft side while he deliberately declares threats whenever one of the main bois flirts with his sister! *chuckles* (´ ω `♡)
  HERLOCK SHOLME’S EPILOGUE (After Story) This after story took place right after the end of Sholme’s route in Future Blessings. 
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It’s been half a year since Sholmes defeated his arch nemesis, James Moriaty (in Code realize Future Blessings). During this story, Cardia becomes part of Sholmes’ Detective agency together with his partner John Watson. The three of them fight crimes for the cause of good, even to the extent of ‘trying‘ to stop Lupin, the gentleman thief’s planned diamond heist of the prized jewel called “Mermaid’s Tear”.  Though try as they might, Lupin, as cunning as he is, still gets the upper hand and was able to escape with ease together with his genius engineer assistant, Impey. I know this was just a filler episode but it was kind of weird seeing Cardia as their enemy for once, but oh well…
Anyway, Sholmes actual main story revolved around finding a cure to Cardia’s poison.  As the Horologium still present in Cardia’s body, this fact still poses a threat that one day it will activate again, killing her along with the demise of London and its people. With this complication at hand, Sholmes gathered his A-team geniuses in the field of science and medicine; Victor Frankenstein, Dr. John Watson, Impey Barbicane and even the deviant genius scientist Nemo, who apparently now lives in a tiny cardboard box located in sewers (laughs) 😂 Poor guy! As all of them try their hardest to conduct research on a formula that will counteract the horologium’s poison, more problems seep into the picture that eventually causes Sholmes and Cardia make one life-threatening decision.
I like how Sholmes’ epilogue was narrated in a fairytale-esque kind of way. I enjoyed the story’s fluff content though, to be honest, this is probably the weakest story in the game (imo) as there really wasn’t anything “new” going on. Nonetheless, if you’re a fan of Sholmes, I’m sure you’ll have an awesome time discovering a few surprising sides of our favorite hot daddy detective. 
  FIRST CHRISTMAS “Wintertide Miracles” (Alternate Stories) These are “after stories” that happened right after Finis’ route in Future Blessings. It’s merely an alternate story where our heroine Cardia finds love during the Yuletide season. We get one story for every five main characters. What’s really special about these stories is that Cardia falls in love with one of the guys while his brother is alive! …THIS couldn’t be any more perfect, ❤️ I almost wished this was headcanon!
  Spoiler Warning: I will only be posting each story’s premise but I’m putting up my spoiler banner just in case.
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  Victor Frankenstein After Isaac Beckford’s Nautilus incident that wreaked havoc in the city of London six months ago. Victor ended up opening a clinic located in the downtown part of London in order to help as many people as possible at a cheaper cost.
Victor’s main story started when one day he receives a mail from his parents in Switzerland telling him to settle down. He, in reply, told them he has no plans in getting married anytime soon but then started talking about how he’s currently interested with this ‘one girl’ and went all out writing two whole pages regarding his feelings for Cardia. (´ ε ` )♡ Without thinking of any repercussions, he sends the letter back to his parents judging its only the right thing to do as he’s speaking honestly from his heart. uwu. The next few days, he receives a reply letter from his mom saying they’re coming to London for Christmas so they can meet their son, Vic’s girlfriend. 🤣
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In result, a panicked Victor travels to Wales to ask Cardia to be his “pretend” girlfriend just for Christmas while his parents are in town. 😂
***This was by far the cutest, most endearing “First Christmas” story I’ve read among the selections and I absolutely enjoyed it to bits! Besides its overwhelming fluffy contents, we also get to see Victor introducing Cardia to his parents (in CG!).
  Saint Germain Six months after the Nautilus Incident, Saint Germain, visits Idea’s leader Omnibus and reports that both Finis and Cardia, Isaac Beckford’s “problematic twins” are now living peacefully in Wales as normal human beings and are no longer a threat to humanity. As one of Idea’s faithful apostle, he awaits for Omnibus next order but was surprised to hear her tell him to take a long sweet vacation instead.
Still dumbfounded by their leader’s words, Saint Germain goes back to the mansion to find something to do with his newly acquired free time but since everyone in Lupin’s gang went about their own lives after London’s incident, he was left as the only resident in his house. This made him feel lonely and he admits to himself how much he misses the rowdy group clamoring inside the premise of his mansion. What’s more, is that he longs to see the face of his beloved, who he has not seen since his last visit in Wales.
This made him decide to write invitation letters to the group for a Christmas “Get-together” party. Though unsure if his anticipated guests would actually make it to the planned event. Saint Germain waits with hopeful eyes to see the faces of his precious friends again.
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***The part where he waits for his friends actually made me tear 😭. Why are Saint Germain’s stories always melancholic? Why?! Thank goodness, this ended really REALLY happy. I would also like to gush on the fact that this is the only episode in the whole series where we get to see Guinevere outside her armor! Seriously, you absolutely can’t miss this!
  Abraham Van Helsing After London’s Nautilus incident, Van decides to travel with Delly all over United Kingdom in search for survivors of the Vampire War.
During their travels, the duo hears about the upcoming Christmas festival in London and decides to come home for the occasion as well as attend the gang’s Christmas party at Saint Germain’s mansion. They haven’t seen everyone in a while, so this decision made Van and Delly both excited. While at it, Delly proposes to take a side trip to Wales before coming to London and see the Beckford twins. Van agrees with him with Cardia in mind. ( ´ ▽ ` )
A few days have passed and they both arrived at Cardia and Finis’ home in Wales only to be disheartened to see the twins not being around. But with optimism as their friend, Van and Delly decided to wait. Night falls, and finally, Cardia and Finis arrived in the most unfashionable way ever (their automobile almost came crashing towards the duo) 😂 Everyone says their greetings when Cardia noticed that Van and Delly have been waiting out in the cold for too long, so she insisted they stay for the night.
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The supposed-to-be one night stay turned into days and the group eventually decided to go to London together. While still in Wales, Cardia wanted to make everyone Christmas presents in the form of knitting and Van insisted on helping her with it.
***I love this! (/▽\*) This surprising side of Van Helsing is all I ever wanted. I’m so glad to see him happy, always smiling and in his positive beaming self. It’s so refreshing! I need more happy-ray-of-sunshine Van Helsing in my life!
  Impey Barbicane Half a year has passed since the Nautilus incident in London and Impey visits the deviant scientist Nemo in prison from time to time as he plans to re-invent the gravity alleviator and is currently taking notes on Nemo’s advise while at it.
One day, In Saint Germain’s mansion, Saint tells Impey they received word from Van and Delly saying they’ll be back in London for Christmas. Since Lupin and Victor are already residing in the city, they decided to might as well invite Cardia and Finis in order for the gang to reunite once more this Yuletide season.
Meanwhile, in Wales, Cardia, (while fixing their automobile) thinks of how Impey’s constant declaration of love for her makes her heart feel woozy. She gets confused because she’s sure she loves Impey back but also “loves” the other members of Lupin’ s gang as well as her brother Finis. With this train of thought, she pesters her little bro and forced him to say the phrase “I love you” (to her), to which a blushing Finis, with all the effort, reluctantly did. 😂 But then yo girl was like “Oh but why does it feel different when Impey says it?” 😂 😂 😂 ROFL. This was adorably hilarious! I just can’t! 😂 
Later that day, they received a package from London in the form of a miniature Impey doll with a recording of Impey, Saint Germain and Lupin’s voice telling the siblings to come home for Christmas.
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***I really enjoyed reading this one! I love how Cardia was strongly forward of wanting to explore her own feelings as she tries to discover the different meanings of “love”.  …and seeing Impey immensely blush time and again was such an awesome treat, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear! Another plus point was that we get to see Nemo give love advises to yo boi and that, to me was the icing on the cake in this story! (laughs)
  Arsene Lupin After the Nautilus incident in London six months ago, Lupin is back doing his thievery schemes like the proud gentleman thief he is.
One day while on a mission to steal a prized necklace from a corrupt Duke’s estate, he ends up being chased by Leonhartd as usual and just when he was about to execute his dashing escape, he gets distracted (by thoughts of Cardia) and gets shot by a rubber bullet instead. This, not only surprised Lupin himself but his perpetrators, Leonhardt, and his men were also perplexed at how they were able to take out the famed gentleman thief in one easy shot. In the end, an injured Lupin still managed to get away as he limped his way back to safety.
Back at the mansion, Victor along with Impey confronts Lupin saying he’s not being his usual self lately and asks him to perhaps, take a rain check from work (theft missions). A week later, Saint Germain chimes in, telling him the same and suggests that perhaps he’s longing for “someone”.  Taking in the Count’s advise to heart, Lupin begins to think of Cardia and how her absence is taking a toll on him. He then concedes with his true feelings and finally admits he misses her badly and the only way to cure this yearning is to see her face to face. So he starts writing the ‘perfect’ love letter for his beloved lady. 😂
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***I must say, this after-story has the best CGs, as expected from the game’s headcanon boi. Just like Lupin’s uwu story in Future Blessings, it had its glorious romantic moments between the couple. As far as I see it, the game is clearly biased on Lupin’s story… the kabedon scene and that loooong kiss at the end, come on!  I couldn’t ask for more!
  TRIANGLE DATES (More CGs!) These are short stories which involve scenarios of Cardia spending her day with two main characters in the series. Although these are rather shorter stories compared to the ‘Wintertide Miracles’ selection, I was really impressed by how exceptionally good these little episodes were. You think you’ve had enough doki-dokis? Try this one on for size!
Here’s a list of all the Love Triangle episodes (you can play it in any order):
Lupin and Victor
Lupin and Impey 
Lupin and Van 
Lupin and Saint Germain 
Van and Impey 
Van and Victor 
Van and Saint Germain 
Impey and Victor 
Impey and Saint Germain 
Victor and Saint Germain 
Secret Episodes:
Delly and Sisi 
Aliester and Nemo 
Hansel and John Watson
  SPECIAL EPILOGUES These are short epilogue stories continuing the last events of Future Blessings (White Rose). These will unlock last, after finishing all of the above’s selections.
  IMPEY It’s been a few days and Impey hasn’t returned home after going on a work-related project (fixing airships and submarine engines in London).  Cardia was left alone in the mansion and although she knows Impey will come back soon, she thought of surprising him by gathering a lot of research documents related to their ‘moon-project’. She leaves for Wales to collect any information her father might have written in the past that can possibly help with the project. Not to ruin the surprise for her hardworking husband, she leaves a note that says “I’m going”.
Impey arrives at home, finds the note then begins to panic thinking Cardia has left him.😂 So he hurries and follows her to Wales to clear out this whole silly misunderstanding.
  LUPIN Cardia and Lupin go on a picnic at their secret place which has a great view of the industrial city of London and Lupin suggest that it’s about time to go on a honeymoon. Next few days, he takes Cardia to his birth city, Paris. There, they visit and the grave of his master, Theophraste and both of them said their prayers. They also ran into the head of the French police whom Lupin coined as someone equivalent to ossan Leonhartd. They had everyone (French police) chase them for fun and the couple gallantly escaped in style.
  VAN Cardia and Van are finally getting married and Shirley helps Cardia put on her wedding dress. Cardia decided to step outside the church so she could practice walking in her high-heel shoes when a bunch of men in black suits kidnaps her and takes her to another wedding location. There she finds an impatient man wearing a groom’s outfit who urges her to walk down the aisle with him. Cardia remembers the combat techniques her husband taught her and throws the man to the floor. Meanwhile, a worried and upset Van bursts out through the church door and started taking down the men in suits Liam Neeson style! 😂 😂 😂 Before things get worse, the gang stops Van and explains this was all a misunderstanding as the kidnappers and groom were actually actors and the bride actress never showed up for rehearsals so they thought Cardia was her by mistake.
The Moral of the Story: Don’t mess with this couple… ever! 😂
  VICTOR Cardia is now working as Victor’s assistant in the Royal Society and they spend their days doing research in Victor’s lab. Though they call themselves husband and wife, they realize that they never really had an actual wedding ceremony. So Victor asks Cardia if she wants to have a proper wedding and she says yes. A few days later, they began their search for a church in London but couldn’t find any since it’s peak season. Queen Victoria, along with Leonhardt notices Victor’s sullen expression and asks him what’s wrong, Victor tells them their circumstance and a snarky Victoria promises to help him only if he can prove to her how much he really wanted the wedding. After their deal, Victor comes home later than usual as he’s working extra hard to get her beloved wife that perfect wedding she deserves. Finally, the day has come for Victor to propose to Cardia and Victoria granted them permission to use the newly renovated St. Paul’s Cathedral. They got married in front of their friends and the Queen, and Cardia couldn’t be any happier.
  SAINT GERMAIN Cardia is now free of her poison and she and Saint Germain return to London so they can hold their wedding ceremony. The Count buys the ship “Gloria” from their mafia adventures in Lupin’s Gang (Future Blessings) episode and tells her this will be their venue. A day before their promised wedding, Hansel takes Cardia to Omnibus cottage and there they meet with Saint Germain and the leader of Idea herself, Omnibus. The old lady gives them her blessing, saying they will no longer be in the watchful eye of Idea and Saint Germain is now finally, freeee!  Both couples said their thanks to Omnibus. They got married in their luxurious ship the next day and all of their friends are with them happily celebrating the couple’s most special commemoration.
  Will I be able to enjoy this game even if I haven’t played Future Blessings? There were a lot of characters and events in Future Blessings that were present and added to this game, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to skip Future Blessings in the series. In addition, the main “Wintertide Miracles” stories continue from the last events of Finis’s route in Future Blessings, so, all the more reason not to skip the first fandisc.
Localization There were a couple of typo mistakes that I couldn’t really overlook which makes me think that perhaps because of it’s promised released date on Valentines Day, the game was rather rushed and there wasn’t a lot of time spent dedicated solely on proofreading it. ┐(︶▽︶)┌
  FINAL THOUGHTS? \(^▽^)/ My overall play length for Code Realize Wintertide Miracles was a good 10-15 hours. Despite me trying to make the game last forever for about at least, two weeks, I finished it pretty quickly because I just couldn’t get enough of it.
Cantarella’s side story was way better than the gang’s Mafia adventures in Future Blessings and I sure did wish the ‘Cantarella-characters’ would’ve made a cameo in the special epilogues, because seriously, what a waste of good characters to be squeezed in, on the third game. ┐(‘~` )┌
Finis wins best boi in my book. This was one of the things I really appreciated most in this FD, and I’m sure most Code Realize hardcore fans would agree. Finis’ character finally gets justice! We get to see more of his adorable side as Cardia’s little brother while maintaining his hostile and dubious personality 😂. Who would’ve thought this boy is such a tsun-tsun! ❤
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Do I recommend this game? YES (esp. to all Code Realize fans) Take note, this game is the series’ second fandisc. So literally, one cannot play it all willy-nilly without fully playing it’s first two predecessors. Personally, I’ve enjoyed this game a lot but that’s because I’m such a huge fan of the series. Perhaps to those who aren’t into Code Realize, you probably won’t enjoy this as much.
With the production of PS Vita consoles and games, completely shutting down worldwide this year, Code Realize Wintertide Miracles was such a special treat for us otome fans ~ esp. now, where there is scarcity of otoge releases in the West.
The game’s romantic Christmas theme really took this one up a notch and the newly added side stories are really something to look forward to. If you already like this series, loved the game’s main casts and wished for more adventures with them, this game is definitely worth the purchase.
Code Realize: Wintertide Miracles Review CODE REALIZE: WINTERTIDE MIRACLES Release Date:  February 14, 2019 (North America) Developers:  Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers: 4,080 more words
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marvelstheavengers · 6 years
The First Time Peter Realized He Was Not Ok
Alright guys! So this is the first original ficlet I’m posting! I’m not going to lie, it’s a little rough, but I’ve decided to realease it after a recent inspirational event (long story and I don’t want to take up too much of your time!). Anyhow, this is just the first part. It contains no dialogue, and very little irondad interactions. However, this is intentional, as I wanted to really introduce Peter’s headspace. I’ll be releasing the next part within the next couple of days (it’s already written I just have to proofread). The next part is when the actual live, dialogue-filled, character to character interactions begin. Sorry this first part is so introductory, and I have a fluff piece listing later tomorrow (one I’m a little more proud of) to make up for all this sad Peter! Again, this is a piece I wrote a while back so I’m not quite happy with it, but in honor of raising awareness for mental health, I’d like to share it. Thanks for reading and don’t worry, there won’t be as long of an intro next time!
It was a Monday when Peter came back to life. He would never forget the weekday because he saw it as the universe’s own cruel irony. Monday’s usually sucked in and of themselves, but being resurrected and having to cope with the events of The Snap all at once was a whole other level of unfairness.
It was also a Monday when Peter returned to school. Everyone had been given a full week of break after returning to cope with the events which had occurred courtesy of Thanos. Sure, 50% of the entire population had been wiped out just a couple months prior, but surely a week would be enough to get everyone back into their routines. Tony, however, disagreed and took each hour of the seven day break to have Peter inspected mentally and physically by experts from around the world. When he passed each test with flying colors, Tony reluctantly agreed to allow him to return to school with the rest of the student body. Of course, the agreement was contingent upon Peter continuing to attend psychotherapy.
It was every Monday after that when Peter was scheduled to see a therapist. Each session passed in the blink of an eye with smiles and good natured conversation. In fact, they seemed to mirror the way most of his days went. Pleasantries, smiles, attempts at normalcy all adding up to nothing. Overall, daytime was all right. However, when the sun set and Peter went to bed, that was when the real issues began. Nightmares, horrible nightmares plagued Peter each evening. He’d wake up in cold sweats, screaming, crying, and just wishing for it all to be over. He’d do anything for it to be over.
Immediately after these nightmares, Peter would feel guilt gnawing inside of him. He didn’t have any right to feel this way. All the other Avengers had played a much bigger role in the defeat of Thanos and they were fine. Once again, Peter Parker was the weak one. Even as an Avenger.
The dreams became his secret. He denied having any sleep issues to his therapist, and even went so far as to start sleeping outside to prevent May from waking. He knew if he could just keep it under wraps for a few months it would go away, it had to. So there was really no reason to concern anyone or show just how weak Spiderman really was.
It was yet another Monday when his therapist declared that Peter seemed as if he was benefiting from getting back into his normal routine with minimal interference. She suggested cutting back therapy sessions to once every couple months or so, depending on how he felt. After nearly six months of sessions, Peter immediately agreed. He saw it as an opportunity to earn back the trust of the other Avengers, who had yet to call him in for another mission. Surely if they heard how well he was doing they’d dial him in. A month passed without a single mission offer.
Of course it was a Monday when all of Peter’s world came crashing down around him. That Monday was another day Peter would never forget. It was the day he realized he was not ok. There was just something about Monday’s. Something that made them absolutely horrible, and yet, unforgettable.
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therewasatale · 6 years
dream of an old man
based on this dialogue prompt from im-here-to-help-you-all-write
The rays of the Sun painted the whole sky orange, and everything in the forest gained an orange tint from them. The bark of trees looked as if they were made from bronze. The light painted the grass in a colour not too dissimilar from pumpkins and even the wind carried the feeling of a lazy afternoon. For once, there was peace on the whole island.
The marine and the three children were sitting around a softly crackling campfire, small sparks sprinkled from the edges. One of the kids reached into the fire from time to time to play with it, and drew his hand back without any harm. The others were all silently watching him, it seemed perfectly natural for them that he was able to do that.
At the moment, two of the three little rascals were trying to tell a story, while they waited for their meal to finish cooking on the fire.
"And then Luffy did this with his arm, and he reached out to the tree branch, and his hand stayed just like that!" Ace smiled widely and gave his brother a mocking grin. His face was full of tiny pimples, just as his brothers.
"It's not true, I managed to pull my arm back it was just very slow! My powers won't always do what I want them yet..." Luffy puffed up his cheeks, which expanded to twice the size a normal mans would.
"We could have used it as a rope!" Added his brother still grinning.
"What if you eat instead of jibber jabbering?" Garp sighed and took the great cuts of meat from above the fire and handed one to Ace and pushed another one into the mouth of the smaller one, who accepted this with a big grin and began to cheerfully munch.
The man glanced down beside him while he put the third slice of meat on a plate far enough away from Luffy. Leaning on his side, the third, blonde child snorted softly, hugging a tree bunch in his sleep.
Garp rolled his eyes but could not suppress the smile on his face.
"Sabo has tried to use it as one." Ace grinned and giggled a little, looking at their little brother who sniffed. Luffy gulped back his aforementioned sniffing and took the whole slice of meath into his mouth and started munching even more defiantly.
The marine gave a tired look to the young ones and shook his head. "You really are real brothers, you got the bickering figured out all right." He stroked the heads of the children one by one, who quieted down slightly.
Luffy sniffed back the big bubble of snot that developed on his nose and gulped. Ace mumbled slightly but his face was obviously blushed from embarrassment. Sabo just snorted in his dream and hugged the tree branch closer.
Garp smiled faintly, looking at the fire. He didn't even remember how long he'd been here.
The breeze rose and something changed in the forest.
He didn't even remember...
Suddenly Ace spoke with childlike seriousness in his voice.
"We have decided what we going to be."
Luffy immediately wanted to join the conversation and nodded enthusiastically.
"Really? Let me guess." The marine snorted and stared at the three kids. "You decided..." he silently looked down at his hands resting in his lap, he followed the line of his arm up to his shoulder. There was something missing from his black suit.
Something was off, he could clearly feel it. He glanced towards the three kid again. For once he decided not to follow up on his instincts.
"I suppose you want to be pirates." After one blink the three children was already standing before him, exchanging some nervous glances. Their nod wasn’t even half as confident as they intended. nodded but it was half of as confident as they intended.
"And you all want to be the Pirate King too."
The nod has become more determined.
Garp sighed into his hand, and rubbed his face. After a while he said something he'd always wanted, but never had the bravery to do so. He started by giving a small slap on the top of the head to each of them.
"Fine. Be whatever you want." Garp shook his head and snorted when he heard the children giggling.
"But do NOT make me save your life from the marines. I don't want to lose my job for three cheeky brats!"
He murmured softly and watching the broadly grinning kids tried and failed to suppress the pride welling up inside his heart.
However, the peaceful moment did not last long. He winced and looked around as the dancing leaves in the wind brought laughter with them and swayed the trees. It was a deep full laughter, a laughter that most of the world feared. He however heard it lot of times after various fights. He hated the fact that it was enough to hear the laughter to immediately recognize the pirate it belonged to.
He looked towards where the trees became thicker. There was a silhouette there. His face was covered by a shadow, but hearing the joyful edge of his words was enough to know that he was grinning.
"I knew I could trust you!" The notion of a grin became broader and more confident. "They're going to turn the world upside down, Garp!"
There was another breeze that run through the gray hair of Monkey D. Garp. Turning back, instead of the fire he found only half smoldering cinders.
He opened his eyes and had to blink a couple of time. The room was filled with the warmth of the afternoon sunshine and the soft squeak of one of the breezing windows. He could hear the muffled sounds of the island, noises, conversations. Everybody was doing their own daily routine.
He sighed deeply and sat up on the battered couch glancing at the scattered pages on the ground, then he looked toward his desk. The paperwork, he worked on it, but he got bored and decide to sit on the couch to think a little bit. It took him a few moments to realize that his office door wasn't closed and he was in fact, not alone.
Sengoku watched him silently, folding his arms in front of himself. When he spoke, there was no trace in his voice of the serious somber tone he often used with his subordinates. "What were you dreaming of?"
Garp shrugged a few moments later and stood up. He put on his vice-admiral cloak, however, it felt awfully heavy now. "Nothing I want to talk about."
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riviae · 6 years
⭐fave lines per chapter MoF? Also your personal fave chapter and why?⭐
[cracks knuckles] k, let’s get to it! (bolded sentences are like my most favorite line) 
under a read more bc this is,,, a lot: 
chapter 1: “Oh, we’re plenty talkative. A side effect of immortality, I imagine. When one can live forever what is the point in conserving words? I have all the time in the world, unlike you, nameless witcher, who will die a bloody, forgetful death. No one to mourn you. No one to even bury your body. You could die here in this abandoned hut and no one would come looking for you. That is the pitiful fate of a witcher, abandoned by humans and gods.” Regis grabbed the witcher by the collar of his armor and threw him, slamming the man into the wall. -regis hitting the witcher nail on the head–witchers in-universe are relics of a bygone era. they are a testimony to how low humanity would go to preserve its progeny, taking abandoned or stolen children & turning them into killing machines… :/// 
chapter 2: Regis nodded, pouring Geralt another glass. “We are quite alike, you and I. Family sounds like something made for other people. I am not easily tied down. The fiercely independent sort, which I’m sure you’ve guessed. This world we younger vampires have been born into, the one we are merely sojourners in, is not kind. It breeds fierceness and mistrust. Even among my own people, though I am popular, I cannot say I have any close friends. Vampires know of me, but that is all. I guess that is why you’re still alive. Perhaps I’ll find more in common with a witcher.”-another regis monologue; oh man, if he only knew what was coming. the irony is still hilarious. 
chapter 3: “Thanks. You’d make a good healer, you know. If you ever wanted to give up terrorizing villages.”
Regis laughed, exposing the tips of his fangs. “Perhaps in another life, Geralt. I enjoy being a fiend, to some degree. Healing sounds like a lot of boring, thankless work.”
“So is being a witcher. But someone has to do it.”-another nod to canon bc i love doing that lmao. good thing vampires can basically have multiple lives due to their longevity!! ‘cause joke’s on young regis lol 
chapter 4: A sense of déjà vu seized Geralt when he awoke a few hours later. He was perched carefully on the back of Roach, a certain vampire taking up the majority of the saddle. 
At his shifting, Regis turned to look at the witcher, giving a grin.“I do say, I’m starting to feel like your caretaker. Have you always been such a handful?”
“I…I’m alive?” Geralt said, tone laced with surprise.Regis rolled his eyes. 
“Yes. Thanks to my quick wit, I was able to drain most of the poison out of your system. Which tasted horribly, might I add.” -i apparently have the most fun w/ young!regis’ dialogue lmao. but tbh 99% of the witcher series is geralt’s friends taking care of him bc he’s a disaster and prone to bouts of, well, near death ^^; 
chapter 5: “Comfortable?” Regis asked, a teasing lilt taking over his voice.
“As comfortable as I’d be sharing a coffin with a corpse,” Geralt retorted.-ch.5 aka the start of the bed-sharing™ trope and also the beginning of genuine banter between geralt and regis!
chapter 6: “Thank you, Geralt.”
The witcher gave a small smile. “No problem.” Reaching into his pouch, Geralt retrieved the white vial and downed it in one go, closing his eyes. The White Raffard had the added side effect of being a mild sedative and tiredness—from the blood loss and the day’s events—robbed him of coherent thought as he felt himself drift off beside Regis. His head lolled against Regis’ good shoulder and he soon fell into a light slumber.
“Geralt,” Regis muttered with endearment, looking at the sleeping man, “you are truly an awful witcher.”-this is probably my favorite chapter tbh! we get a lot of bonding between geralt & regis, and this was also where i caved and made it a geralt/regis fic lol. i just think, in a technical writing manner, this was one of my better chapters. the scenes flowed well and i got some good banter in. my favorite things to write are generally dialogue and action–so i really enjoyed doing this one. 
chapter 7: The innkeep’s mouth formed an O, worry knitting between her brows. “Thank you for the warning. I’ll write a letter to put on the notice board. In the mean time, did you find your lodgings to your liking?”
“It’s fine.”
Regis grinned. “As Geralt said, the room is good. No mites, fleas, or termites. Quite the sturdy bed, too…”
Geralt choked on his ale, sloshing some of its contents onto the tabletop in his surprise.If anything about the comment and the witcher’s subsequent panic startled the innkeep, she did not show it. She busied herself by checking the wine glasses for dust with a cloth, a soft smile upon her features.“Have you two known each other long? It’s quite rare to see a witcher traveling with another person.”
Geralt shook his head. “No, we’ve only been acquainted a short while.”
“I think you’re selling our relationship short, Geralt. We both know a great deal about each other.”
“That may be true, but—“
“Time doesn’t dictate closeness. I think we’ve experienced much together. Enough to make us close acquaintances, at the very least.”
The innkeep laughed. “I must agree with you, sir. Many travelers pass through my inn, but none as chatty and argumentative as you two. You remind me of an old married couple.”
“Well, one of us is ancient,” Geralt muttered under his breath to where only Regis could hear him.
The vampire, to his credit, merely snorted into his mug, giving a tight-lipped smile.-lol more geralt/regis banter.™ the innkeeper is truly the mvp here. -also, regis’ thoughts here make me sad™: The vampire pulled the hood up as he waited by the noticeboard for Geralt, the warm Toussaint sun fixed high in the cloudless sky. Regis closed his eyes and listened to the chatter of passing townsfolk, the sound of children splashing at the bank of the lake, the creaking of wicker chairs and the clacking of knitting needles, and felt something akin to peace. Quaint village life… perhaps in another life, in a time where he deserved such a respite, he would have settled down in a village like Francollarts and spent his time as a healer. He could imagine himself living on the outskirts in a yellow-roofed home, spending his free time reading on the porch and giving coin to the village children so they could buy sweets from the traveling merchants. He could see himself living a full life and then growing old, giving in to the gentle lull of time, and dying in a room full of people who loved and cared about him—people that he too loved and cared about.
But that wasn’t—and never could be—his life.
chapter 8:There was a sort of natural aristocratic shape to Regis’ profile that the fire highlighted, his high cheekbones, strong features, and onyx eyes begetting otherness in the same manner that Geralt’s cat eyes did. He looked out of place in a village, as if he were instead a traveling noble who had taken refuge at the inn, content to spend the day pretending he was just like the common folk.
And Regis was pretending, to some effect, that he was normal. Human. But the witcher had spent enough time with the man to see the nonhuman traits he tried to hide: his pointed nails that clutched the stem of the wine glass, the barest glimpse of his teeth which gleamed white and dangerous from behind his thin lips, the reflective layer of tissue in his eyes that Geralt had seen glow in the pitch-black darkness of their room, and the man’s lack of shadow, as if Regis wasn’t really there at all.-geralt checking out observing regis in this chapter was fun to write. i like that witchers are canonly observant and whatnot for their job. 
also, this scene which i shamelessly borrowed from the book: “I apologize for leading you astray. But truly, you are much too easy to manipulate. It must be due to your youth. This world is cruel. It hasn’t broken you yet, Geralt, but it will and I’ll be there to see it.”
“No, you definitely won’t be,” Geralt said, pointing his sword forward.
To his surprise, the vampire moved so that the tip of the blade pressed against the center of his throat, scraping against his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.
“Go on, then,” Regis leered. “Thrust it in.
chapter 9: “Hmm, how lovely. Truly, you are everything I’ve ever wanted—and more.”
Regis cupped the nape of Geralt’s neck, clawed hand digging into his mess of white locks to tilt his head up, capturing the witcher’s lips in another searing kiss. 
Geralt melted into the touch, a warmth settling in his chest. He felt whole. Complete. It was beyond anything he’d felt before.-that dream sequence tho ;3c in all seriousness, i had fun writing this scene bc it was just.... end game geralt x regis. like how sweet they’ll be by the end of the fic. 
chapter 10: “Thank you, Geralt."
“For what?”
“For giving me something to cherish.”-dream sequences, am i right? they’re always fun!! and give me the chance to show what characters would say if they weren’t inhibited by their pride. soft & sweet and to the point--regis is slowly falling for geralt and he’s gonna just... meet it head-on. bc what else can he do? he’s not gonna leave geralt unless the witcher asks him to. 
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kihocrystal · 6 years
Winter 2018 Final Impressions
I’m a month late, as usual (whoops!), but here’s my final thoughts on the animes I watched this past season! 
The “reviews” will be in alphabetical order!
3-gatsu no Lion S2 - 9.0 / 10 (A)
This second season of 3-gatsu was great! It’s just… a really great drama show about fighting depression (& a bunch of other character storylines)!
extremely complicated, emotionally complex… this arc brings all sorts of emotions & angles into the forefront
multiple perspectives too: Hina’s, Rei’s, the bullied girl’s, the bully’s, the teachers’, and Akari too!
The art style can pull off both thick-outlined / bright colored style and watercolor-esque style incredibly well
it really is beautiful how it can visually portray both light-hearted and emotionally intense scenes
This season continues to show how good it is at character development for characters both main & supporting!
We get to see Rei moving through the ranks as a shogi player
and also moving through the ranks of conquering his depression! He’s improved more than ever before!
We get to learn about the white-haired master player (Souya); I liked how he has his own quicks and challenges he has in his daily life
Along with the other head shogi guy (Yanagihara)! (& how he shoulders his legacy for his friends)
Even the last episode offered some perspective from the foster mom about Rei & her kids
this show is just… really good at making normally-hated characters sympathetic, hot damn
Aside from bullying arc, this season also showed Hina preparing for the transition to high school
The finale episode was nice and sweet, with Hina saying goodbye to Takahashi and even getting a haircut!
This continues to be one of the best drama anime in recent years! Not to mention SHAFT’s best show since Madoka Magica :3
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z - 7.5 - 8.0 / 10 (C+)
And so ends the G series of Cardfight Vanguard… this final season I’ll say though is kind of a mixed bag
The plot had interesting ideas and moments at times, but the execution and pacing left a bit to be desired
though I will say it was definitely better than last season (CFV G NEXT)
This season didn’t waste any time getting to the main plot, as Chrono has to face off against a Diffrider right away
the diffrider stuff is continued from last season, but for the most part, it’s a new plot kicking off!
The rollout of all the new Diffrider Apostles (& them showing their strength) definitely made them look like powerful foes
not to mention the Zeroth Dragons, which were also shown to be powerful and very risky to use
Also knowing that anyone in the main cast could end up being The Vessel added some intrigue as well
the reveal that Kazuma would be the vessel definitely was a well executed twist imo~
However the pacing in places felt a bit too fast for me… the Relics subplot felt like it wrapped up too quickly, for example
the final fight against Gyze also kinda felt rushed… Gyze didn’t even have any dying words after his defeat :/
As a final season specifically, I feel like it kinda pales in comparison to Stride Gate, unfortunately
The cast was also kinda hit and miss in terms of how well they were utilized in the plot
some of the apostles definitely had more screen time than others (gredora only got like… two episodes)
plus gastille (the supposed apostle leader) got beaten sooner than like 3 other ones???
some villains carry over from last season too, such as Noa (Chaos Breaker) and the red-head punk kid
I liked all the new villains this season, personality-wise! (Also Yukari Tamura in there is a plus)
also no Am and Luna this season, really…
the previously established OG cast were integrated fine, for the most part
including Aichi and Kai getting the kill against Chaos Breaker Dragon
but the final episodes kinda just shoe-horn in a bunch of cameos that just didn’t feel natural :/
it just felt like “OH SHIT, this is the last season actually! Quick, throw in a bunch of cameos!”
this also applies to G characters, which makes less utilized characters (like Am & Luna, as mentioned before) look out of place :(
Sure, I’m saying a bunch of negative stuff right now, but I REALLY LOVE THIS CAST… I JUST WANT THE BEST FOR THEM
It’s the main reason I love CFV G, after all~
This season was definitely an improvement over NEXT for sure! The plot was interesting, I just wish the conclusion was better
The final episode basically just felt like an OVA, really… aside from the last scene, it didn’t really feel like an epilogue at all
I guess it just bums me out bc the original series got a good epilogue episode, so I know they could do it here, too…
In any case, this was a decent season to end the G series with! Not the strongest, but not the weakest either.
I’m gonna look back on my time with CFV G fondly for sure, if for nothing else than the great ensemble cast :’)
It’s gonna be weird going back to the OG cast for sure… I arguably liked the G cast better than the OG one :’D
Osomatsu-san S2 - 8.0  / 10 (B)
The consensus among fans seems to be that this season wasn’t as good as the first season
As for me, I… probably agree with that (though I still enjoyed this season!)
As with most comedy anime, whether the jokes land is pretty subjective. I feel like I didn’t laugh as hard this season? IDK
There were more “seasonal/holiday”-based episodes this time around (i.e. summer, new year’s, etc.)
What stays the same though is that this show is at its best when featuring the main brothers themselves
Skits involving the side characters (like Iyami, Dayon, etc.) didn’t make me laugh much…
I will say though that I enjoyed the second half of the season more than the first half~
Enough about the negatives, let’s talk about this season’s memorable skits / episodes!
The premiere was really good, as it poked fun at the huge popularity the show unexpectedly got xD
plus a bunch of references that *aren’t* gonna get them removed from streaming sites this time!
Jyushimatsu getting an “apprentice” with a little kid was also pretty funny~
The Karamatsu taxi skit, the spooky inn, & all the characters being stuck on an island were also good skits!
Ep. 18 (Iyami, Alone in the Wind) was also a crowd favorite, since it brought the feels for a change :’)
The finale 2-parter pulled a bait-and-switch yet again!
Part 1 was actually pretty serious, but the actual finale just has them trying to break out of hell xD
OH YEAH, I still really like the live-action stuff they do during the ending sequences
the first half’s ED was my favorite (the stop-motion of the brothers riding in the car)
I don’t have much to say about comedies generally, but Osomatsu-san is still my favorite in recent years ^^
Even though this season didn’t hit as hard as S1, it still provided some fun laughs~
Pop Team Epic - 7.5 / 10 (C+)
What can I really say about this show? It kind of defies description ^^;
Ok, yeah, it’s a sketch comedy, but it’s a really… crazy and random sketch comedy
The jokes are hit and miss (and in my experience was a bit more… miss than hit)
I never really laughed out loud at this show either
but then again, the humor here is more “being confused at what’s going on, but going along with it anyway”
There’s also a lot of modern anime references, so you might not get those jokes if you don’t follow most recent anime
Each episode has a long skit in it, plus a bunch of bite-size skits
I personally preferred the short skits over the long ones
There were a couple song parodies which I enjoyed (including the Earth Wind & Fire parody)
Also, this series definitely benefits from having an English simuldub! Some skits I found funnier in English!
OH YEAH, the voice actors (in both languages) change every episode, with female and male VAs in each episode
that enhanced the enjoyability of the sketches too, since I liked hearing favorite VAs do silly dialogue and performances!
I wouldn’t say this ranks among my favorite anime comedies, but it’s definitely unlike any other I’ve seen! ^^;
Your mileage will *definitely* vary with this one, so give it a try and see if it’s for you!
The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahoutsukai no Yome) - 8.5 - 9 / 10 (A-)
This was a very enjoyable fantasy drama show! Some people feel this show was overhyped, but I still thought it was really good!
I really liked the cast overall, especially Chise
She has really good character development throughout the show! She really becomes more strong and confident!
Seeing the fantastical world through her eyes was interesting as well!
Especially since those mystical elements were also responsible for her terrible childhood…
Elias was also an interesting guy… he and Chise have an interesting relationship together
Their relationship definitely has aspects that are unhealthy, but they do grow closer to each other by the end
If people can’t get past the whole premise of “him buying Chise to be his bride” though, I totally understand ^^;
They help each other learn too, which I liked to see
The supporting cast was also enjoyable! Not much to say about them individually though
The dragon keeper was nice and we got to learn about Elias’ origins through him
The dragons in general were great! Especially the old one that turned into a tree :’)
He gives Chise some good sage advice, even after death :’)
Angelica, Silky, and Stella (among others, like the other anti-hero duo) were good support characters too~
I liked Stella’s role of “normal girl who learns of the supernatural’s existence”
Cartaphilus was an… okay villain, I guess (though his methods were quite creepy indeed, which added some intrigue)
Some character designs are a bit questionable though… like who approved the vampire’s design? ^^;
Another large appeal of this was the world building of the fantastical elements!
I liked seeing all the different types of locales & supernatural creatures, both good and bad
As a low-fantasy show, this show does a Dang Good Job with the fantasy!
Chise learning more about herself and gaining confidence through these experiences were a highlight as well
I enjoyed each story arc as well, even though most of them were more explorative and introspective
This show can be dang beautiful sometimes, through both its art/animation and its stories (Thanks, Studio WIT!)
Some were better than others, but they all deliver either a heartwarming (or a dark) story
Some favorites of mine were the dragon-based ones, and the vampire loving the old man
The finale was good too! It’s unknown whether this conclusion is anime-original or not, but it was definitely a good S1 ending~
If you love low-fantasy shows, this is definitely one to check out!
Violet Evergarden - 8.5 - 9.0 / 10 (A-)
Best *new* anime (that I watched) of this past season, hands down~
Though to be fair, I still need to watch A Place Farther than the Universe… and Yuru Camp… and After the Rain…
Going into this season, this show was hyped and back and somehow… a lot of people were *disappointed* with this show?
I think it had to do with expecting a different show than what we got; as for me, I knew it’d be an episodic drama the whole time :P
But yes, this show has a (mostly) episodic plot with an overarching character arc. If that’s too slow for you, then you probably won’t like this show.
In any case, back to the positives! The first one being how good this show looks visually… as expected from KyoAni~
there’s so much detail in the backgrounds and the character elements (especially the lighting on objects like Violet’s metal hands)
this aspect is one thing *everyone* agrees on regardless, so… yeah, this show’s really pretty!
The main star (and focus) of this show was Violet herself… you can really see how she changes for the better from beginning to end
You get to see how “robot-like” she was at the start of the show, but she slowly learns about dealing with emotions of others… and herself
This character arc is definitely the “main” plot of the show, along with her coming to terms with Gilbert’s death and her war killings
The episodic plots were good in their own right, too!
Ranging from Violet’s start as a Memoir Doll to the different clients she works with, they all teach her something along the way
These sometimes focus on the side characters working at the Doll Agency too, so we get to learn more about them as well
The one that comes to mind first is Iris’ episode, where she (messily) reconnects with a former lover
Not all of them get a full episode in the spotlight, but they do get some focus scenes from time to time
Violet’s clientele episodes were the most memorable out of this lot IMO
ESPECIALLY EPISODE 10… that was the BIGGEST feels trip
I knew exactly how the episode was going to end, but I still teared up at that ending!
The finale was action packed, but also was a beautiful way to show how far Violet has come
I know some people’s issue with this show is that “it doesn’t know what show it wants to be” re: the action stuff, but I was fine with it personally
in any case, it was a pretty good book-end for Violet’s development, since she finally understands (a least a little) what “I love you” means :’)
I understand certain people’s gripes with this show, but this really is a great little drama show that *will* deliver the feels~
P.S. I also watched Fate/Extra: Last Encore this season. It hasn’t technically ended yet, so I can’t give final impressions on it right now. However, my current score for it is a 7.5/10 (C+).
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