#they were probably one of my first ships in rwby back when i first watched it
randombook4idk · 1 year
gay people real (not clickbait)
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Tag meme
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
hey @carmarthenfan, @system-of-cells-interlinked, thanks for tagging me and sorry for being so slow in responding i'm making you guys share. i really do appreciate it 🥰🥰
three ships: probably Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker/Vestara Khai, and the mess that is Church/Tex from Red vs Blue
first ship: uhhh I’m gonna say Rumo/Rala from Rumo And His Miraculous Adventures
last song: They’re Taking The Hobbits To Isengard 😌
last movie: this made me realize I haven’t seen a movie this year yet… last one I saw was Glass Onion back when I was paying for netflix. last time I was in the cinema was the second avatar movie and the last time I had a good time in the cinema was a double feature showing of Nightmare Before Christmas and Tokyo Godfathers. that slapped
currently reading: hilariously I am also reading Roadside Picnic (it’s my dad’s favorite book and we were reminded of it while playing the boardgame Zona, which seems to be an (unauthorised) adaptation of its world). thing is, I started reading it on the train/public transport and now that I’ve been home for weeks the environment just isn’t right somehow. so it’s on hold till I go back to college lmao
currently watching: The Last of Us (fucking amazing), Poker Face (really fun so far), and RWBY (RWBY)
currently craving: literally any chewable food. being on a liquid diet makes me want to punch drywall pasta ❤
tagging @strangeeesnowman, @bluntblade, @kaleidoscope1967eyes, @bloodgulchbluess, @easterndreamer, @my-last-brain-cell-is-socrates, @gicolette, @bluemilkandchocolate. no pressure!
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chasedawg2 · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Tagged by no one, seen from a few, suggested by one
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The only reason I use this app is to see content on the two dorks above that I love so much and thank for the several hours of total brainrot. What literally started in like volume 2 as a "I envy my gf having ships in shows we watch and they work out, I need to find a ship to enjoy" to literally wanting to scream for joy when they're in the general vicinity of one another begging for any social interaction.
If that doesn't show well who I am idk what will.
2. RWBY Ice Queendom
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....except maybe basically putting RWBY twice. Showcases my obsessive tendencies (I used 2 of 8 spots on a list to talk about White Rose)? Check. Shows my petty side (I loved it mostly for having juicy White Rose content I haven't gotten much of in recent volumes)? Yup. Yeah that works. Don't let me fool you though, I loved the show for the show too. Good plot, loved the animation, all of it fine and dandy. But yeah.... I just needed a WR infusion and this show gave it to me.
3. Succession
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(for those of you who have not seen Succession, this is not Succession, this is one of the top GIF results for "business meeting")
Business people doing business things saying business words for an hour every week and yet it still stresses me out in a good way. Cinema.
4. Wizards of Waverly Place
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Don't let the fact that I literally fell in love with Selena Gomez because of this show fool you. I loved this show for the show..... as well. Were there shows I watched more? Yeah. Were there shows I liked more? Probably. But this list is about shows that help you learn about me, not my top 8 shows of all time (although this is a weird one to say that on because this in fact would be in my top 8 favorite shows all time probably) and this teaches you the type of thing I was into in my younger years and how I learned about my biggest celebrity crush ever. Plus the transitions are all timers.
5. Once Upon A Time
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^one of my favorite TV characters based on vibes
But that's not why it's here. It's here because it was one of, if not the first, major length show I ever binged with my girlfriend so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Plus everything besides the last season was very VERY good so it started things on a good note and has been good ever since 😁😂
6. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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God I fuckin miss this show. I miss this show so bad. That's what you're learning about me from this, that I miss these two dorky lesbians so fuckin bad. I regret hopping in the bandwagon the second they became canon. I should've latched on for the ride. GOD I miss them so bad. Are they still making a movie? I wish they made funkos but we are definitely past a point of no return there. UGHHHHHH COME BACK.
7. Game of Thrones
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Yes yes, I know. I know. Relax. I too think the last season completely ruined the vibes of the whole show and severely reduces interest in potential rewatches if I have nothing else to watch. HOWEVER it makes the learn about me list because this is how I discovered that I love Richard Madden as an actor. I thought it was just that I loved Robb Stark the character, because before this I was never one to be like "oh so and so is my favorite actor I love their work" besides Selena Gomez because I was shameless in my youth and Harrison Ford because I liked Han Solo in my Star Wars days. But no, I watched him for like 4 minutes in 1917 and was like hey I know him, then I saw him in Eternals and he was great in Eternals, and now I'm seeing him in Medici and I like him in that too! I need to see Bodyguard at some point. Everyone says his performance was amazing in that.
8. The Boys
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I was never a big comic/superhero guy growing up. I knew about various superheroes, I knew the MCU existed, hell I was Team Iron Man without watching a single MCU movie until 2019 (and I'm still that way). But, I've gotten into it. Up to date on MCU movies, seen most of the MCU shows (haven't seen only one of them yet, but I won't say which so it doesn't start anything because I just haven't felt like starting it yet and that's the only reason), and like I liked it. The Boys (followed soon by Eternals and then Moon Knight) showed me there was ways I could LOVE superhero stuff and now I make it my mission to see Marvel content because I've become interested in it so I guess it's a good thing I started late because I've yet to get burnout but that's only because I've been consuming content for like 4 years while some (if you count the Tobey Spiderman movies as the first mainstream superhero movies although I'm sure theres others that were also mainstream, probably batman but I'm getting into DC soon I swear I just dont know as much yet but I will get into it) have been consuming it for 20+ so I get why people complain about superhero burnout but I haven't reached it yet, and amazing content like The Boys is why.
Anyways that's it you can do it now @dragongirl180 and anyone else who happens to see this it's an open invitation to also do it so go ahead and share and stuff
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dustydustyrose · 1 year
To me BB and BS feels like, half of the Crwby wanted BB and half wanted BS, someone lost a bet and BB won pffffft (not saying this is actually what happened, ofc)
I'm personally not a huge fan of BB, and here's why:
- V1-3 BB reminds me of me and my best friend. In other words, I read 95% of their interactions as platonic. (TBF, growing up a lot of people thought my best friend and I were dating so LMAO take that as you will 😂)
- BB didn't become obvious to me until V5. I remember watching the scene where Yang and Blake were reunited, pausing the video, and saying "do they have feelings for each other?") it was that exact moment. But to have 3 whole seasons of (imo) 0 romantic interactions to suddenly having nothing but romantically coded interactions felt kind of jarring and forced to me
- When Blake and Sun are in Menagerie together, it felt like Crwby was using that as an opportunity to say BS was not going to happen in the most out of character way possible (Blake slapping Sun in the face. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I remember even Blake's VA saying that scene made her uncomfortable with how ooc it was). Imo that season would've been a great conclusion to BS even without that scene 😭 that scene just felt like someone was trying to prove a point
- I personally don't like how much BB depends on each other. One reason I liked both of them so much was because of how independent they were, and now it feels like they revolve around each other and can do nothing without each other (I'm of the opinion that even in romantic relationships partners should have their own stuff outside of each other, so those two being attached by the hip in everything they do just feels.... meh to me)
- The execution feels like it wasn't planned at all. Whether it was planned or not doesnt really matter as much as execution. To me, it didn't feel planned, and that's another reason why I'm not a fan of the ship
- I agree that whatever BS had going on in the past doesn't make BB less valid. It's just the way they ended BS to make BB more obvious that felt so... cringey to me 😭
I won't say that I outright dislike BB. It's just not my favorite. And yeah BB was a 4 season long slow burn, but that's still 4 out of 9 seasons to me. The way BB started is the main reason why I'm not a fan. The start (V5, imo) felt very abrupt. It wasn't there, then it was suddenly in my face 😂
Another thing I will say is that lgbtq req between when rwby first came out to now is VASTLY different. Taking that into consideration, even if BB was planned from the beginning, I understand why it would've been so subtle at the start. Imo, though, I think crwby was unsure of BB until the end of V3, but by then they'd already developed BS in a way, so V4 was them back tracking and V5 was them setting it in stone. And that is why BB feels so awkward up until V5
Also, that one comic about Yang wanting Blake to open up to her... felt weird to me PFFFFFT. Hear me out!!!!
It felt weird because the start of the comic we see Yang helping a bunch of people out and saying it's the "big sister" in her. Then she spends the rest of the comic with Blake and... yeah. To start a comic with a "big sister" mentality only to end with subtly implied romance felt WEIRD 😭
Anyway, that's all I'll say on the matter (probably). I just had thoughts i wanted to vomit into the universe. Really happy for all the BB shippers tho~ I know yall have been waiting for this for a long time ✨️💖
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prismarts · 9 months
Lemin 11 17 30
AAAHH THEM- I'm excited to talk about them when I can, the inability to watch Mutant Mayhem has made me turn back to my 2012 TMNT hyperfixation so-
Ask Game for Ships
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
So, I actually made a whole playlist for them....like Douxilly and Punkbird, I'll probably share those someday if people are interested BUT FOR NOW-
A song that I would say describes their relationship pretty well, I would say is Like Morning Follows Night from the RWBY Volume 4 soundtrack- Their relationship is one of Min being someone who runs away, she ran away from her and her brother's apartment when they had a big fight about him not being home and always working (which is how she ends up meeting Leo because she had begged Mikey, who she had befriended quite well before them, for a place to stay until things cooled off) and someone who really feels the guilt and burden when she thinks something is her fault or she did something to mess up, meanwhile Leo, while he has those insecurities, is the leader of his group, he's the eldest of all his brothers and is always burying those insecurities in favour of being there for his family and his friends. It's them being there for each other, but its also Leo reassuring her that whatever has happened, whatever mistake is made, she can't give up and run, he'll be there for her no matter what while Min is scared her mistakes will put them in danger sometime. I may have went deep there but yeah-
If you were to ask what song they would deem to be their song, Min would jokingly say Fearless by Taylor Swift, purely because it's a nickname that she had basically stolen from it initially being more of a nickname Raph uses to make fun of Leo to something she calls him endearingly (still teasingly) cause she does think he's the fearless leader sometimes (he's her dork most other times tho) and she does think that song is pretty fitting.
Leo would say the song 好きだから (Because I Love You) is rather fitting for them, especially in terms of the lyrics upon translation of them.
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
They do spend a lot of nights in after patrols of the city, most definitely cuddled on the couch BUT ALSO Space Heroes binge. Which Min doesn't mind all too much since she likes the show enough and used to watch it for a while but she really enjoys the binges with Leo cause he's so into it.
He quotes lines from the show and his favourite character Captain Ryan, he geeks out over almost every scene, especially his favourites. It was just nice to see him relax and be just a happy excitable dork instead of needing to have so much on his shoulders as leader.
Just cuddled up on the couch with pizza and Space Heroes and Leo sometimes going on a ramble about the show while Min just intently listens to him.
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
Leo and Min having that rivals/enemies to friends to lovers type of arc with them which starts because Min sasses Leo when he is kind of hard on Mikey for bringing a stranger into the lair and essentially just telling him to back off but its a slow transition of Leo learning to trust Min cause she's Mikey's best friend (he needs more besties) and Min learning that Leo is strict but its only because he needs to protect his brothers and is looking out for Mikey too.
Couple that with them learning of a shared interest of Space Heroes and just...talking, they grow pretty close as friends before Min starts crushing on Leo and it only being mutual a while after he met Karai and got beaten up/betrayed by her initially. With Min's brother being 'kidnapped' being a catalyst for them to really bond closer when Leo is just there for her and to protect her and be the one to promise that they'd find her brother as...well as promise that she gets a home at the lair for as long as she needs.
Min asks him out first cause he's too much of a dork to do that and she wants to finally come clean and just go for it.
also yes Lemin is....basically just a pun for lemon if you say it right cause...i think its funny their ship name ends up sounding like a fruit-
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Three Teams Of [X] Has Two Hands
So we’ll start off the Team Posts with a group of teams I like to call ‘[X] has Two Hands’. Specifically, it’s the three teams where I paired them up specifically because they each had a specific character in both ships.
And funny enough, two out of three of them feature a Pines twin. Good for them, good for them.
Those teams are basically just ‘X character and their two significant others’ and I love the imagine them running back and forth to both sides of the bracket for each of their rounds on both sides. I also like to assume polyamory on their end, because cheating’s no good. So I feel like everyone’s in the know-how, everyone’s cool with it, and it’s all very sweet. 
Yes, I realize it will break some previously-established lore in the case of the first team, and yes, the phrase ‘[X] has two hands’ is pretty hit or miss for me personally (sometimes people like one ship and not the other, they’re allowed to do that). But it’s just for the sake of the tournament, nothing lore-breaking will be considered canon outside of it.
Is it a little unfair to have multiple ships with the same character, leaving less room for other ships with different characters to have made the cut? ...Maybe, but it’s my contest so I make the rules.
With all that being said, we have:
Team Dewey Has Two Hands:
Dewey Duck and Whitley Schnee Dewey Duck and Silver the Hedgehog
The first but certainly not last team to have a character from Ducktales 2017 (we love Ducktales 2017 here), both teams involve Dewey Duck and were automatic-ins, based on roleplays involving either myself or one of my buddies.
One of which involves him being still new to romance and also grey-aro, with a side of being caught in a ‘Protagonist Is Crushing On His Best Friend and Vice-Versa’ plot. Which would be so cool if it wasn’t happening to him specifically, but I’m sure things will work out.
If it’s not blatantly clear, this one’s one of mine and @crossovernonshipstournament‘s from our big Ducktales/RWBY crossover, which we’ve been working on for several years now. I’ll go more into that AU as I cover more teams but for now, we’ll just leave it there. Wait until Team Science gets here~!
I’m not entirely knowledged about the second one, but I’m sure with both Dewey and Silver having canon plots that involved time-travelling, there’s bound to be a lot of angst involved. Also knowing the submitter of the ship personally, I’m almost POSITIVE that there’s a lot of angst involved. ( @decanard Would you like to confirm~? 😉)
Team Dipper Has Two Hands:
Dipper Pines and Wirt Dipper Pines and Dib Membrane
Feels like the ships are pretty self-explanatory. Dipper deals with a lot of paranormal and supernatural things, so it’d make sense for him to be interested in other boys who are similar. Whether it’s dabbling in aliens and not being believed by anyone else outside of his sibling, or dealing with an ever-approaching threat that always seems to be watching from the darkness, it’s always nice to have someone there alongside you when dealing with the unknown.
Also I think if they all teamed up, they could so easily beat Zim, the Beast and Bill together. Or maybe they’d just avoid the last two, and go on to catch proof of Zim’s existence alongside Dib. Probably safer and less anxiety-inducing. And the last thing any of these boys need is to deal with more things that will spike their anxiety further.
Also just a special shout-out to @justadoll aka Doll, who asked me to include Wirt and Dipper. They have several ships they’re rooting for in the tournament (and I will absolutely give them a shoutout at that point too) but I know this is one of your super special ones and how much you love your boys 🥺
Team Mabel Has Two Hands:
Mabel Pines and Webby Vanderquack Mabel Pines and Gaz Membrane
Mabel Pines is full of love, whether it’s for boys or girls. But for this contest, it’s for girls~! Specifically one ducky girl and yet another Membrane kid. 
Honestly, I added Mabel and Gaz in because Dib and Dipper was one of the highest submitted ships, and I thought it’d be adorable to include the other side as well, but Gaz and Mabel really fall into the adorable ‘sunshine and gloom’ tropes pretty well (along with a few other pairings later on down the line, but we’ll get there when we get there). The person who submitted them said, and I quote, ‘it’s the dynamic of all time’ and I agree.
As for Mabel and Webby, it’s yet another ship that got in automatically, based on suggestions from my friends. Adorable autistic girls with grappling hooks, special interests, and just a love of their family? It’s just SO cute and fits both of them well.
Also another thanks to Lexi for suggesting the latter ship <3 We love the autistic girl rep over here!
That’ll be the three ships I cover for now; we’ll see which ships I cover next! Hopefully the other posts will not be this long, but who’s to say for sure because we all know I love to talk a lot.
Also if anyone has any other lore/propaganda for the ships mentioned in these posts, please feel free to add it in an ask/reblog/etc. Taking any and all if you got it, don’t be shy~!
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Turns Out You Can Vote On Your Own Poll (I Picked Adam from Hazbin Hotel To Marry Mammon from Helluva Boss)
[Note: Reading This Is Optional...but this post is still for Mature Audiences Only. ]
so yeah, anyway after checking a little bit of some Adammon (the characters Adam from Hazbin Hotel and Mammon from Helluva Boss, being too perfect together...) I started to check out some other stuff too, some being Deltarune and even a bit of Hazformers as well.
I think maybe later tomorrow or whenever I can, I can check out some more fan art of the different series I like,
and is it weird to have the idea of wanting to like ship Penny Polendina (from RWBY) with a Transformers character, cause I have thoughts of wanting to ship but like maybe the type that starts out as a platonic friendship, but as the Seasons/Volumes/Years go by, it could blossom into love.
but while some will be "I ship it" some can stay in the "I bud it" zone.
like if Penny formed a friendship with Nightshade (from Earthspark),
their friendship could stay in the "I bud it" zone, and form a type of sibling type of bond, like if Penny fell into the Earthspark Universe, while Team RWBY fell into that other place that is like a wonderland but it's not called that of course...
she could end up going back to her original form that she had before Pyrrha had you know...even if it was accident, and well Penny was a robot girl that was created by her father.
like in a Crossover Timeline, Penny could end up falling into the Earthspark world and become a Techno-Organic, like when her new human body with her soul touched that liquid that the Terrans are born from, and this could take place like after maybe Season 2 of Transformers Earthspark.
but the place where Penny was reborn as a Techno-Organic, could of been a different place than the cave the Malto-Bots were born.
and the one who ends up finding her, could be Tarantulas who could form a type of father & daughter type of bond with Penny.
like Penny could see him as a second father figure.
anyway since the idea with Penny & Nightshade being like best friends and siblings, and Penny would know to call Nightshade by "they/them" because I think they would of ended up telling her so she doesn't misgender them by mistake.
and well if Penny ended up falling into the TFA Universe, she could still end up as a Techno-Organic, but it could be when her new human body transforms into a half-cybertronian & half-human, she becomes a fusion of both her second original robot body and her third body that was organic and fully human.
Penny and Sari could end up becoming friends.
and well even if Penny did end up going back to looking how she did when Ruby first met her, if Sari's key had enough juice left, the key could be used to upgrade Penny into the second form she had when she met Ruby once again.
but yeah besides that whole crossover idea...
I did press one of the choices on that poll I made, and it does turn out you can vote on your own poll, but my guess is you can only do that once in that poll, but could probably do it in a new one you make.
but yeah, I picked Adam, and well I guess I was surprised how many ended up picking Adam from Hazbin Hotel, to be the one to marry Mammon from Helluva Boss...it was like a lot. XD
some people might even "go down with this ship" and can't blame them, they are just too perfect together even if they may only end up being together in the Fanon.
this what happens when you give us hybrid Earth Angels both free will and the freedom to be as weird as we can when we get in a really good mood...
which is basically me and anyone else, who is just being weird and having a good day, even if at times I might feel otherwise because of certain reasons.
if by chance Azazel is really a Nephilim, I hope he ain't a Ancestor...
I seriously do not want to deal with his sugar honey ice tea...
I don't think I watched the video, but there was something that had to do with him and Raphael...
well maybe when I find time, I can try to find it and maybe watch it...
also if some read what I had wrote about the whole thing about Abel, if he EVER tried that stuff with my second cat that is my precious fluffy-baby...I am serious on what I said, if I was allowed to, I would give him the cold hands to face punishment, which I still would want to do to Lucifer as well...
both Abel and Cain are still both at fault and are both victims, but we can't keep acting like Cain is the only one who took a life...
but yeah, I know it isn't possible some will accept the cold truth.
even if animals play a part in a circle of life, and yeah some can be either pets that love you and give you comfort when you feel a bit down at times...and some others being food and or clothes.
but no matter if its human or animal, there is just something wrong with certain stuff...I mean it's different when it isn't real and it's just fictional like in a book, show, movie or video game.
but if Adam from Hazbin Hotel ever came back as a Sinner, and he did have sons like Cain, Abel and Seth in that universe as well.
still gonna nickname Seth and Cain "Grunkle-Paws" cause for some they would technically be both "Grunkles" and "Great-Grandpas" but there would be many "Greats" in there...
like even if the history with those versions of Cain, Abel and Seth ended up being slightly different, but still slightly the same.
who knows what it would be like, only we can guess...but the likely hood of those three appearing in Hazbin Hotel, is perhaps very small.
and even if some might not agree with me on this, but I think the ones from our universe, Cain and Abel should be healed by the Divine Feminine energy, but it might take a long time for them be fully healed. I mean it took who knows how many centuries for the Feminine energy (not counting the toxic-feminine one...) to get a bit more better...
and yeah, I believe a little bit different now, but I'm not gonna force convert others into believing in the Earthly-Mother...
my believing in both Earthly-Mother and Heavenly-Father is my choice...still wish some Toxic-Religious jerk from a few years ago, wasn't such a insensitive jerk about it and kept misusing certain words at me and making me cry and feel terrible.
well I'm still gonna hope I don't run into them again, I can't really remember what name they went by but I guess I should just be happy I was able to keep them from doing that to me again, no one should have to go through that, no matter if they are religious or not.
and anyway, as for the whole votes on who would end up being married to Mammon from Helluva Boss (but the marriage would be fully Fanon and Non-canon.)
who knows how many will end up seeing it and voting on it, it did seem that Stella got some votes, but the votes for Adam were a bit higher than hers from the last time I looked before starting to write this post.
there are other characters from different series added into the poll, it couldn't just be Adam and Stella...
I think I will go make myself a snack, and well maybe I watch some episodes of one of my favorite series and maybe a movie afterwards.
oh yeah, and besides the whole wanting to give Abel the cold hands to face punishment, where if it were possible...I would take my hands and put it on each side of his face...but they will need to be cold first.
I think if I was allowed to, I would still want to sit on him, like on his back and make sure he stays there until he reflects on his own actions, I mean Cain shouldn't be the only one to reflect on his actions...
then again, if I was smaller in height than Abel and not as strong as him, he could easily overpower me and I could end up being slung like a doll over his shoulder.
gosh darn it, why didn't that come to mind, of course I wouldn't be heavy enough to make sure to keep him from doing anything that might be a not so good idea, even if it were to protect my fluffy-baby.
yeah I know it can't really happen, but it's like those what if type thoughts...
well can always go with Plan-A, and that is the cold hands to face punishment...I mean if it were still possible...but once again, it is like a type of What If type thing.
well maybe with all the centuries that past, maybe both Abel and Cain had gained a lot of wisdom, maybe...
I mean the weird thing I found out about Charlie's name, is that it has the name "Cain" hidden in there but like I don't even think some even notice it, not even the ones who worked and help create Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss...
like you know how Sans from Undertale own name is hidden in Steven Quartz Universe...?
well Cain is hidden in the name Charlie Morningstar.
don't think it could hold any meaning, but it is like one of those interesting surprises, like finding Sari Sumdac's name in Seviathan's name.
like it being Sari hidden in Seviathan Von Eldritch.
and yeah, I'm weird for noticing that.
anyway this will be the last post for tonight, and when I'm able to I will post some fan theories on here.
anyway, once again it turns out you can vote on your own poll but it might be only a one time, and I only plan to only vote on that one poll just once, and I picked Adam from Hazbin Hotel.
when I get a idea for a new poll, if I decide to place a vote on it as well, I might or maybe I wont.
but it is still nice that some had liked that poll I made about Mammon from Helluva Boss, even if it has to do with him getting married in the fanon.
in canon Mammon and Adam from Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel haven't met, but I and the other fans don't care...we ship it! XD
they just seem too perfect of a bromance, either it is the platonic type of "I bud it" or the romantic type that is "I ship it"
I'm fine if my fave ships of Adammon and Mamtella don't end up Canon...
that is what Fanon is for...right...?
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hamliet · 3 years
Chemical Weddings in RWBY
So once upon a time Hamliet said she’d write a meta about ships in RWBY, and then arrived months later without Starbucks. 
The central tenet of alchemy is solve et coagula: dissolve, and then coagulate. The process (RWBY appears to be following Ripley’s 12 Gates) repeats, rinses, and repeats again and again throughout the steps, “each time at a more refined level.” The point of a chemical wedding is to reconcile opposites, which is something I touched on in my pseudo-quick meta here. Lyndy Abraham, the author of A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, describes the chemical wedding as: 
a crucial operation in the creation of the philosopher’s stone. The alchemists were ultimately concerned with the union of substances, the reconciliation of opposites.
Basically, it unites opposites (fire and water, air and earth, sun and moon, passive and active,  etc., etc., etc.) and then the opposites start to take on each other’s qualities, creating the “Rebis,” or a person both male and female. 
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The first chemical wedding is usually somewhat violent, primitive even, whereas the second one signifies the creation of the stone. However, characters can have more than two weddings, and chemical weddings do not inherently have to be romantic--Sam and Frodo aren’t, for example--but most often are, because it’s the most obvious way to show a union between separate people (the old adage “two become one” in marriage, for example). 
If we look at George Ripley’s 12 Gates, chemical weddings tend to be focused on in the fourth stage of conjunction (which I wrote about here) and in the ninth, fermentation (which is probably going to be in volume 10--maybe a little in volume 9, but traveling between worlds seems to be a hallmark of sublimation in fiction so I’m guessing we’re stuck there for the time being). But in a lengthy series spanning eight years and counting, there is going to be overlap. 
So let’s talk about chemical wedding imagery historically. It tends to involve dissolution (via water or fire--keep in mind metal was associated with fire in olden days, so stabbing with metal was considered liquid fire, or so it was believed to be by alchemists) and then coagulation (healing/coming together). 
Four of the five ships--two of whom are definitely happening, one of which I think is happening and one of which I think has a good chance--reference historical alchemical artwork and symbolism in key moments. (RWBY does reference alchemical artwork; see here and here.) So let’s dive in and examine potential chemical wedding allusions in RWBY:
Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie (Renora)
Let’s start with the most obvious couple: Ren and Nora. Their first chemical wedding occurs when they are children. In alchemical art, birds are often used to show the volatility/primitiveness of a first chemical wedding:
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The raven is replicated in the Nevermore which forms a similarly threatening pose over Ren and Nora when he unlocks his semblance to protect her, thus honoring his father and mother’s legacies. 
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You can even see earth (trees), water (river), fire, and air (the bird flying) in the scene as it pans out. After this, Ren and Nora become “Ren and Nora,” as Nora herself says in Volume 8. They’re inseparable, because they’re on their way to becoming one. However, unification doesn’t mean that they���re literally the same person; in stories like these, it’s more like they become better versions of themselves through growing towards each other and adopting each other’s traits (like Nora’s courage for Ren, and Ren’s caution for Nora). 
Their second, elevated chemical wedding is in the same place as their first, when in Volume 4 they return to the village and defeat the monster they were too young to defeat last time. This time, Nora is the one who protects Ren by telling him he could not sacrifice his life by pulling Ren back, in a reversal of his running to her in their first moment years ago. 
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Like the first, there’s water involved--Ren and Nora hide next to a river, watching as the Knuckelvee advances on them. I talked previously how I thought this looked like a possible allusion to this alchemical image (look at the moon symbol on the head of the aggressor): 
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The moon symbol actually shows up quite a bit in this scene, first when Nora and Ren discover the Nuckelvee is still alive in the cave: 
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And then in the moment when they defeat it: 
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While I am certain this is a chemical wedding, I’m not certain why the moon symbol is so prominent in this, though I do think it is possibly in reference to this image and how Nora and Ren are united now: 
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Yang Xiao Long/Blake Belladonna (Bumbleby)
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Firstly, the alchemy image is somewhat of a creepy image, right? In this, Mercurius has united the two principles by beheading them (amputation is a Thing in alchemy), leaving them to putrefy and then coagulate.
Like the Nuckelvee for Nora and Ren, Blake and Yang have a somewhat antagonistic Mercurius who unites them: Adam Taurus. He doesn’t cut off their heads, but he does seriously injure Blake and cuts off Yang’s arm in a scene that is romantically charged (you have Blake’s possessive ex telling her he’ll target someone she loves and specifically chooses Yang). 
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While I have my issues with how Bumbleby is written, it’s hard to interpret that as anything other than him seeing Yang as a rival for Blake’s affection.
Their second chemical wedding also involves Adam. There’s no one direct image that seems to have inspired it, but it does take place in a place full of waterfalls (fountains and flowing water in general, like the ones in Nora and Ren’s village, are common elements of chemical weddings’ settings) and by the ocean (the “mercurial sea” is where the elements dissolve to make the Philosopher’s Stone, so it’s also a common hallmark for chemical weddings).
(To briefly address this: this is where my complaints about the writing pile in, because you can also make a damn strong case that Blake and Sun fighting on the ship to Menagerie is a chemical wedding, which it is, but I think it’s clear at this point that Bumbleby is endgame. Either both were written for a reason, like if they weren’t sure if they could do Bumbleby, or a narrative reason, in which case Black Sun should have been dealt with rather than hand-waved away, or they were just teasing, but baiting fans is never, ever good writing; it’s cheap. All that to say that while I think there’s a compelling case they were interested in pursuing Bumbleby from the start, Black Sun shippers have a right to feel tricked and not all criticism thereof is based in homophobia or a lack of narrative understanding, or even in a dislike of the ship.)
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At the beginning of this scene, Adam makes it clear that this is a redo of their previous chemical wedding by reminding them of it: 
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Blake stabs Adam with a silver weapon; Yang with red. We have earth, air (clouds), water, and weapons as a stand-in for fire.
It’s still somewhat of a violent wedding, which makes me wonder if Bumbleby will have a third (and Renora as well). But it also parallels Renora in this: returning to a pivotal scene where they were traumatized, but this time being able to overcome it because they’ve become more like each other. Blake is in many ways Yang’s trauma stretching far beyond Beacon (Blake runs away, as does Raven, Yang’s mother who abandoned her), and likewise Yang for Blake (she’s hotheaded and holds grudges, like Adam). But Blake and Yang have been working on becoming better versions of themselves. 
At the end of this scene, they even exchange quasi-wedding vows (since Blake’s promise is to not abandon Yang): 
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And the artists drive home the point by drawing Blake’s hair far bushier than normal (more like Yang’s), and Yang’s far tamer than normal (like Blake’s). 
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Jaune Arc/Weiss Schnee (White Knight)
Weiss and Jaune have had one chemical wedding thus far (possibly two but not sure) and I didn’t ship them at all until I saw this scene. Like Bumbleby and Renora, they have an antagonistic Mercurius: Cinder.  
(This one I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think it’s set up for romance as well.)
In this scene, Cinder directly compares Weiss to Pyrrha in regards to how Jaune feels about them (and we know Jaune and Pyrrha were romantic--you can also argue Cinder was an antagonistic Mercurius uniting Pyrrha and Jaune). 
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When Weiss screams, Cinder gets an idea and slides her gaze from Weiss to Jaune. 
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And then reenacts this: 
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As I also mentioned previously, Jaune then plays the role of the Prince to Weiss’s Snow White (which is an alchemical fairy tale). Like when Ren unlocks his aura to protect Nora, Jaune unlocks his to save Weiss. Weiss looks as if she is in a glass coffin that gets more and more golden, symbolic of refinement. 
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It’s also probably an allusion to this image of a chemical wedding presided over by Saturn (Mercury in this scene, since he’s there) and Death (Ruby and Qrow, who are also present in the scene with Jaune and Weiss). (For more on this image, see here.)
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Weiss and Jaune also have some oppositional imagery and arcs: Weiss starts Beacon with a deep family legacy and an inherited semblance, she chooses to go to Beacon on her own and is the favored child (at first). Jaune too has a family legacy of warriors, but instead of feeling empowered because of this, he is insecure and  literally cheats his way into the school. He doesn’t have a semblance until season 5. After this incident, Weiss and Jaune spend some time recreationally together (seeing a movie in vol 7); Jaune becomes more confident as a leader, and Weiss continues her arc in becoming more sympathetic to those from less privileged backgrounds.
Arguably, what happened at the end of volume 8 could be seen as having some symbolism of a chemical wedding for Weiss and Jaune too, but I don’t think it actually is one since they weren’t focused on as characters enough (if this was intended to be the start of one, we’ll get something next season, I’d imagine). The only reason I’m mentioning it is because it does function as an inverse of the previous one, which is the case for Renora and Bumbleby’s first and second weddings too. Cinder again almost kills Weiss (she falls in the exact same position as in vol 5), but Jaune saves Weiss when he screams after killing Penny. Instead of saving Weiss by healing, he kills. There’s also some distinctive red and white imagery. 
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And then Winter arrives with a six-pointed star and birds before telling them to run together:
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But again, I wouldn’t really call this one; it just has some imagery of one and fits a pattern, so I’m including it as a potential lead-in to an actual one in the void or later. 
Ruby Rose/Oscar Pine (Rosegarden)
Like with Weiss/Jaune, I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think this one is likely to end up romantic, too (for example, Cinder most recently in volume 8 used Oscar to taunt Ruby in a callback to using Pyrrha and Weiss to taunt Jaune).
Also: oh look, finally a wedding that isn’t violent. They just... meet. Which is also normal for a chemical wedding but less dramatic.
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Behold, the bird uniting the solar king and lunar queen: 
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(Fun fact: unless CRWBY came up with ship names which I highly, highly doubt, this is pure coincidence, but it’s a funny one: the art series this image is taken from is called Rosarium Philosophorum--which literally means “rose garden philosophy.”)
Let’s look at the scene where Ruby and Oscar meet for the first time. What makes this a chemical wedding is in part how obvious their markings are and the overall imagery is in the scene.
They are united by Qrow (who in addition to being named after a bird can literally transform into a bird):
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Oscar asks about Ruby specifically (yes, I know because Qrow’s her uncle, but the writing is telling us to focus on his relationship with her): 
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And immediately notes/is in awe that she has silver eyes (i.e. the moon): 
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Qrow seems to realize he’s done something momentous in a way that almost doesn’t entirely work within the frame of the narrative (but he is drunk, so). 
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The scenery of this room is also telling. The table is literally an Emerald Table, the legendary foundation of alchemy itself. 
Once they sit and talk, behind Oscar are the elements of earth and water, which he represents, and also the moon, which while traditionally associated with earth and water, he does not (at least not as strongly as he’s associated with the sun/gold):
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Similarly, behind Ruby we have the elements of fire and air (like, if you zoom in, they actually drew air), which she is marked as, and the sun, which again, she’s not as strongly associated with as she is with the moon:
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In Splendor Solis, which CRWBY has referenced before, the Solar King does eventually end up grounded in the moon, and likewise the Lunar Queen in the sun:
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Oscar and Ruby also do have oppositional arcs and roles: Ruby starts the series in the very first episode by being invited to Beacon two years early because of her leaping into action to stop Torchwick. She’s scolded for her recklessness, but immediately picked out as special because of her silver eyes. In contrast, Oscar is reluctant to leave his farm once Ozpin inhabits him; he refuses at first, and then once he does leave, is nervous and timid.
Anyways I wouldn’t be surprised if Qrow arrives in Vacuo with RWBYJ in tow and this time reunites Ruby with Oscar in an inverse. We’ll see. 
I do want to say that I also see potential for Emerald Sustrai/Mercury Black, in that they often act as one and share a theme song, but I haven’t seen any actual visual references to a chemical wedding for them... yet. 
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illusory-torrent · 3 years
Why I prefer the Genshin Impact fandom to the RWBY fandom.
I'll start off by saying what many of us are thinking. It's sad that the ships are nearly the only thing the RWBY fandom talks about because the plot leaves so many in a state of dissatisfaction. I've seen so many RWBY fans and non-fans alike say, "Oh, I don't care about the plot, I'm only watching for [insert ship here]" or "I'm going to drop the show if [insert ship here] doesn't happen". For those who doubt me, please believe me, it's a thing. 
Now, when I say that the RWBY fandom only really cares for shipping, you might ask, "Is that not what every fandom does though?"
Well... yes! You're right. However, I think the RWBY fandom takes it to the next level. 
First off, the theory-making side of the RWBY fandom has completely died. I remember there being videos theorizing if Yang was part-dragon Faunus or Ruby being a fox Faunus. These days, the fandom's theories boil down to, "What's up with the void that Team RWBY fell into?" due to V8's ending, but back during V5-V7, there were hardly any theories being posted. Most people just don't care anymore. 
Second off, Miles and Kerry struggle with writing characters outside of pairs. Not just romantic pairs, but pairs in general. Most characters only have interacts with their team partners, their love interests, their familial relationships, and... that's it. Blake is a prime example of this. Her best interactions are with Yang (her team partner), Sun (her former love interest), Ilia (another former love interest), and Adam (her ex-boyfriend). Her worst interactions are with Ruby (her team's leader, whom she hardly interacts with) and pretty much everyone else. Even her interactions with Weiss are few and far between. Another example would be Penny. Prior to Volume 3, Penny's best interactions were with Ruby. Penny hardly interacted with anyone else in a meaningful way. She dies and Ruby's tearful reaction is focused on. Why? Because she's one of the few characters Penny actually had a relationship with! Penny comes back in Volume 7, and she still only really interacts with Ruby. Her only new relationship that's developed is with Winter... and we find out why. It's because when Penny is killed by Jaune, her maiden powers are transferred to Winter, the rightful owner.
Miles and Kerry being unable to write outside of pairs is why we only have each of our characters only interact with certain other characters. Before Jaune helped kill Penny, did he ever even have a real conversation with her? We'll never know! Has Blake even talked to Jaune before? No idea! Did Yang even care that Pyrrha died? Probably, but we viewers literally never see the two interact prior to Pyrrha's untimely demise.
This type of writing (whether intentionally or unintentionally done) promotes shipping culture. Characters interact primarily with their love interests (who may or may not also be their team partners). This is why RWBY's fandom is so focused on shipping. Hell, even Blake's VA tweeted at Clover's VA with a joke regarding this.
Clover's VA: Has anybody heard of this thing, “shipping?”
Blake's VA: Welcome to RWBY.
[Photo for anyone who needs proof, in case these Tweets are deleted in the future.]
Blake's VA even once had to make a post saying, "Y’all, you know I love my Bees, but not everything is Bee related. Some is just RWBY hype in general. Calm yo’self.". The fact she even had to clarify that not everything she posts about RWBY is related to a ship is astounding. Imagine having to tell your audience that not everything you post is related to a fictional pairing. 
The RWBY cast even had an segment on The Ship-It Show where, you guessed it, they talked about their favorite and least favorite ships. Their tagline even was that "Shipping is a creative expression, so don't limit your creativity!", which went over with the fandom about as well as one would expect. 
Finally, Miles Luna recently posted a Cameo video where he stated, "Just remember: shipping is fun and pretend, and it’s just supposed to be a good time. Don’t be one of those people that attack other shippers and get real mean and toxic. We’re all just here having fun with wonderful make believe characters and make believe worlds, and I think that is a beautiful activity, as long as you’re doing it responsibly and kindly." 
So as you can see, shipping is a big part of the RWBY community. I'd venture to say that shipping is the most important part of the RWBY community. And that's fine! Shipping in itself isn't a bad thing. It's only when it gets completely out of hand where it becomes a problem. And I feel it is becoming a problem in the RWBY community. Rooster Teeth, if you need your show-writers to remind the fandom that shipping is supposed to be fun, you have a problem. 
Well, how does Genshin Impact avoid that problem? The fandom itself is large and the game is quite popular, so how does it handle not becoming a complete shitfest shipfest? 
For starters, Mihoyo doesn't confirm any ships at all. This is for profit reasons, the game is a gacha game designed for players to spend money on their "waifus" and "husbandos". Characters have outfit customization for this exact purpose. Mihoyo benefits from keeping characters canonically single. This is why, while people think soon-to-be-released characters like Ayaka and Tohma are dating, many people also believe these same characters to be single. 
Second off, VAs are unable to give their opinions on certain ships and on lore. For example, the VA for Lumine, the main female protagonist, confirmed that Lumine was 15, before apologizing and deleting her comments. The VA for Childe signed some Childe x Lumine artwork to sell, but blatantly stated that he only really shipped Childe with Childe. The VAs avoid discussing unconfirmed ships/lore and, in this way, Mihoyo avoids controversy. 
Finally, Genshin Impact only recently came out. This means that the theorizing part of the fandom is still alive and well. There's plenty to theorize about since there's so much us players don't know about the story. Lore tidbits are celebrated by lore junkies, folks who want to theorize on the characters' backstories or on the protagonist's journey to find their twin sibling are more than welcome to do so. 
So while the Genshin Impact community engages in tons of shipping, none of the ships are more canon than any other. A Zhongli x Childe shipper might argue that their ship is canon because Zhongli gifted Childe some chopsticks, but a Zhongli x Ningguang shipper could easily argue back that Ninguang is a reincarnation of Zhongli's former friend/partner Guizhong. And of course, a non-shipper could look at both of these arguments and believe them both to be false.
I think this allows shipping to remain a fun and lighthearted activity in the Genshin Impact fandom. You can ship what you'd like, or you can just enjoy the plot and lore like a normal gamer. 
So where am I going with this? Well, my thoughts are that no matter what the fandom, there will always be shipping. There's always gonna be some degenerates (like myself) who see two cute characters and want them to get together. However, it's up to the creators themselves to decide where to go with ships or to even entertain them at all. Mihoyo, in my opinion, handles the Genshin Impact fandom's shipping craze much more successfully than Rooster Teeth handles the RWBY fandom. 
So what are your thoughts? If you're in both fandoms, which fandom do you prefer and why? Let me know!
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dragynkeep · 3 years
Hi there, ironpines! (Love the name btw, I read a really good fic about ironwood being a father-figure to Oscar when RWBY and co. get to Atlas).
So this is probably going to be very long but I’ve really gotta vent about some stuff.
(Also, first ask. I honestly didn’t know how to do this for the longest time. Just got back into tumblr a bit ago).
1. I hate Jaune Arc (a lot of people do), but I want to know why. Do you think/believe he’s an author’s pet? Also, why the HELL did he kill Penny in the first place?!? Why not Winter, Nora, or Ruby? Why did he have to go to the island? Just- WHY?
2. In the first three volumes I really liked Team RWBY, but now….how did they get so skewed? What went wrong? How can Ruby be THAT arrogant that she point-blank says to Qrow: “we never needed an adult’s help.” Like- yes you did! If not for Qrow killing the Grimm in v4 they would have been continuously fighting Grimm. I’m the fight against Tyrian (one of my favorite characters and favorite fights) if not for Ruby getting in the way Qrow wouldn’t have been POISONED!
3. (This is the one I’m going to get cyber-ly killed for). (I also had just started RWBY when volume 5 was airing weekly.) The beginning of Volume 5, in my opinion was good. I liked the first five-six chapters, but when AU watched ‘Rest and Resolutions’ V5C7, I was so angry! Everything about the conversation between Ruby, Weiss, and Yang felt so out of character and out of place. It was so bad and the next episodes following that were not good either (only the raven v cinder fight was any good). The battle of Haven was a train wreck that I honestly have no idea how I even retained braincells after that. Like- why KEEP teasing Weiss v emerald if you aren’t going to do anything with it. Why tease Mercury v Yang if you’re not going to do anything new and interesting with the two (Mercury isn’t even a character anymore!)
4. I wish we got good rep. I really wish we didn’t get confirmation on LGBTQ+ characters from supplemental material (that’s not even canon). And I’ve gotta ask, why do you consider cannon? Cuz for me, the only things I consider actually CANNON to the storyline are the Red, White, Black, Yellow Trailers and the show itself (Grimm Eclipse just for the sake of more cool lore about Mountain Glenn and the fact of mutant Grimm). That’s it. I don’t consider the World of Remnants, manga (DC or otherwise, those were HORRIBLE!), anthologies, and the DISGUSTING novels.
(This is the last thing, I promise!)
5. I’m working on a quasi-rewrite RWBY fic and I didn’t know whether or not I should post the first chapter on my page or not. I just really don’t want the simps to come for my head (though it might happen anyway). But I’ve been writing this for about a year and a half now and I really want to post it but I’m so nervous about the reception and backlash. What do you think?
Thanks for answering me and indulging the fact that it’s okay to like something and still want it to be better (critics/the Rwde tag is my favorite because I can read opinions that I mused share but are too scared to put as a post).
Thanks, we picked Ironpines because we loved Ironwood and Oscar, and then our friends, being the good friends they are, immediately told us it was the ship name for them so now we can't have anything nice.
1) First off, yes, we absolutely think Jaune is an author's pet. We don't really go for self-insert anymore since everyone in RWBY was a self-insert, Monty clearly based them off his friends. But now, Jaune is absolutely an author's pet and has been since the start of the show.
Just look at Volume 1. Jaune literally had more of a storyline than Yang, one of the girls in the title. He then went on to have a dumb love triangle in V2, only to resolve it with Neptune without any input from Weiss, because why not, and then V3 was Jaune finally taking more of a step back for Pyrrha, who was long over due some character.
Until V4 where, rather than everyone mourning Pyrrha, we focused on Jaune mourning her instead. Nevermind that Pyrrha was Ren and Nora's teammate too, probably their only family since they're orphans, or how Ruby literally watched Pyrrha die in front of her. Nope, gotta focus on Jaune. Add that it stretches into V5 also, adding another storyline about his Semblance while Ren, Nora, and Ruby have to stand in the background and wait their turn, while Weiss literally loses all her braincells so she's injured for Jaune's development, how the confrontation with Cinder doesn't go to Ruby, the main protagonist, but Jaune.
Then we get that stupid statue scene in V6 that took over Oscar finally getting some development of his own. It's not even the whole team, because it's only Jaune that gets to meet the lady who totally isn't Pyrrha's mother, it's Jaune that gets the big teary moment, and how Ren and Nora have to stop and comfort Jaune because of course they have to.
I was glad that Jaune finally took a backseat in V7. I actually started to like him again, because he wasn't sucking screentime away from those who need it. But then V8 happened and now I want him dead.
I've said it countless times before so I don't wanna repeat myself, but Jaune is one of the last people that should've killed Penny. He shouldn't have killed her, he shouldn't have had the big tearful scene because another redhead died, he shouldn't have fallen into the void to join Team RWBY, but he did. Now there's no doubt in my mind that Jaune is a fucking author's pet, because the writers won't let him go into the background where he belongs.
2) There's not much to say about Team RWBY. They just suck now.
3) After watching V8, V5 is no longer my least favourite volume. That's how bad it was.
4) Yeah, RWBY's rep is absolute trash and it's because they keep putting it in supplemental material, and also because they look at the LGBT and only see L. The only MLM we have is Scarlet, and he's a catty fae gay stereotype that is so unlikeable and voiced by a creep. Nevermind the whole Fairgame queerbait controversy because this company can't stop themselves for five minutes.
5) I always say that, when you post work on the internet, whether its art of writing, you have to understand that you will get criticism back. It'll suck, especially when you've put so much time and effort into something, but that's the risk you have to take as a content creator.
The good thing is that AO3 has features that let you manage what you see properly. If people just want to hate without giving proper criticism, you can always remove it and ignore it, but I personally believe that people aren't entitled to criticism when it's only said nicely. Sometimes, people will get annoyed and say it in a meaner way, but that doesn't make the criticism any less valid.
Either way, decide based on how you think you'll react to it. If you don't want the stress of criticism, be careful, but if you think you can handle it? Then go for it, the world's your oyster.
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Something I need to rant about…
I know this is like my third RWBY post for the evening already but this is something that’s been bothering me  since I watched today’s episode and I just want to get this off of my chest.
So…Penny Polendina gets to have four hugs from Ruby right? But poor Oscar who was kidnapped by Salem and tortured for hours can’t get one hug from Ruby. His hug with Ruby is one to get interrupted…
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This SHOULDN’T bother me…but it does. It really, really does and I’ll tell you why it bothers me because this has honestly been eating at me for the WHOLE of Volume 8 thus far.
 Up until this volume, the showrunners have been consistently pushing the Rosegarden friendship or rather they’ve been pushing Ruby to be a person of importance to Oscar. Now all of a sudden, as of V8, I can’t help but feel as if the show is starting to dial back on these two and that honestly irks me.
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Now before anyone says it’s because “Boohoo, you’re just mad because your precious ship isn’t going to be canon”---that’s not it all.
I’m not mad at this development from a shipping perspective. This has nothing to do with me wanting Ruby and Oscar to end up as a couple. While I’ve been a firm advocate for the possibility of a romance between our two smaller, more honest souls, it’s not my only reason for adoring this pair as much as I do.
You guys realized that I love Rosegarden outside of the ship, right? As a matter of fact, part of the reason why I love Rosegarden so much stems from the fact that I love Ruby and Oscar both individually as characters.
Ruby and Oscar are two characters in RWBY that I like a lot. As a matter of fact, they are my two favourite characters in the entire show.
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So as I said, my frustration from the way the showrunners are handling the treatment of this pair for this season is NOT from a shipping perspective but more from an audience member outwardly starting to question now, if the showrunners are toning down the Rosegarden then what was even the point of pushing them in the first place in previous seasons if there was never going to be any meaningful payoff  at all?
Why push them together before to suddenly start toning it down now?
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 I’m not going to lie to you guys. If the Rosegarden bond ends up being yet another inconsistency in the writing of RWBY that the showrunners just suddenly decide to drop at the last minute in place of something else they want to suddenly push for this season then I’m going to be very VERY upset by that. Probably more upset than anything else because Oscar and Ruby are my two favourite characters.
And after watching the showrunners dick around with either’s respective individual stories for the past couple of seasons, the one good thing they had going between these two kids was their growing friendship---how much they seem to care about each other and how much the show liked to highlight that element to us in the audience. BECAUSE IT WAS CONSISTANT.
At first I pegged that the reason the showrunners were pushing Rosegarden so much was because Ruby would’ve played some important role in saving Oscar when he reunites with Salem but...as we saw of this season---that’s a big fat no no since Ruby was completely omitted from that storyline with Oscar.
Now I’m just sitting here confused. Now I really don’t know what the showrunners are doing with this pair at all. I don’t understand why all of a sudden the showrunners seem to be toning down the Ruby and Oscar interactions.
I don’t understand why Ruby was omitted from Oscar’s storyline with being Salem’s prisoner on Monstra despite the fact that she was the one who was pushed to be his closest companion for the past few seasons and the one to protect and look out for him the most, more so than Jaune.
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 I don’t understand why Jaune Arc got to be the one to lead the charge to rescue Oscar from Salem when it was Ruby who was always protecting Oscar before Jaune started to in V7.
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I don’t understand why we get to see Ruby hug other characters, mostly Penny but when it comes to Oscar, her reunion hug with him gets interrupted. Why frame it like that?
In a season teased to have many hugs. In a season where Oscar got tortured. And despite being pushed as his closest confidant for FOUR SEASONS, we can’t get to see these two hug. IT HAS TO BE INTERRUPTED??? OUT OF ALL THE HUGS TO BE INTERRUPTED FOR V8, WHY IS THE ONE BETWEEN ROSEGARDEN THE ONE THAT GET’S INTERRUPTED.
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You guys do realize that the Rosegarden hug is the ONLY HUG that’s gotten interrupted for this season, right? 
Every other hug was allowed. Ruby got to hug Penny and her sister without interruption. 
Oscar got to be hugged by Jaune and Nora without interruption. 
Yet…Ruby and Oscar---two characters that the show has pushed for THREE TO FOUR seasons…don’t get to hug. 
Ruby didn’t get to hug Oscar in the last episode. But for the fourth time, she gets to hug Penny uninterrupted in today’s episode...
I repeat, last episode Ruby’s hug with Oscar got interrupted but...her hug with Penny is today’s episode, we got to see.......
Let that sink in.
I don’t understand why the showrunners are doing this. I don’t understand why they are suddenly handling the treatment of the Rosegarden bond this way for this season. 
At this point, I feel like they are toying with this pair and I don’t like it at all.
I don’t like it when showrunners toy with their audiences by pushing relationships that they have no intention of fulfilling because the time that you wasted making your audience care about this bond, you could’ve used it to flesh out the one you did want to do.
This is the issue I had with the treatment of BlackSun and Bumblebee. The time that the showrunners practically wasted on making me care about the dynamic between Sun and Blake is what they should’ve used to strengthen the Bees which would’ve definitely helped to sell their current romance because as it stands, my biggest complaint about the Bees is that their relationship feels forced and bareboned especially when you hold it up to how BlackSun was development.
And as Rosegardener, my biggest concern was that the showrunners might pull another BlackSun/Bumblebee with this pair----push it for several seasons only to suddenly tone it down before dropping it all entirely. And as of this episode, I can’t help but feel like this is what the showrunners are doing with these two. 
While I don’t want to jump the gun and say something like “Rosegarden is doomed or dead” or anything like that---however, I do think the showrunners have toned down the interactions between them for this season---
We still get to see them interact but....nah the fact that their reunion hug is the ONLY one to get interrupted out of all the hugs for this season REALLY bugs me.
I feel like they are actively going out of their way to tone back on RG and that interrupted hug kind of confirmed it for me. The fact that we got to see Ruby go into hug Oscar but not hug him only to follow this up with ANOTHER Penny hug that we did get to see in the following episode…
I’m not saying that this means that the showrunners are going to do Nuts and Dolts instead of RG or anything like that. I’m more saying  that I feel like the showrunners are starting to play games with my favourite ship and I’m not liking it at all. In fact---I hate it. 
What are you doing CRWBY Writers? 
I know we still have three episodes left of RWBY V8 but...now I’m very suspicious of the showrunners in respect to the direction of Rosegarden. 
They already omitted Ruby from saving Oscar from Salem and stopped her from hugging him---if this all doesn’t magically shift into Oscar being the one to save Ruby [especially after Cinder comes for her ass] and hug her in the end then I don’t know what else to expect.
All in all, this is how I’m feeling on this development. I’m suspicious of these writers. What are you doing with my favourite beans? Where is all that development from V5 to V8 gonna lead into now?
Either way, I really hope they’re not playing games with RG. Please no.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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yamaoni · 3 years
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The Second Great War of Remnant has begun. Once more, Vale and Mantle are embroiled in a massive conflict, only this time, they are on the same side against Atlas.
I don't think it was a coincidence that so many people drew parallels with the last episode and WWI. We've never seen people fight that way in RWBY. Grimm don't use projectile weapons the way humans do, so the benefits of the trench are diminished; especially if you compare it to the drawbacks.
Now, I understand not everyone in the Atlas military has their aura unlocked and the squishy soldiers need some cover, but if The Long Memory didn't nuke every grimm on Atlas, the lines would have been overrun and then there would have been nowhere for them to retreat to.
You think the very real hand to hand struggles in the trenches of WWI were bad, imagine being trapped in a narrow trench with a bear. Or having this thing explode out of the ground under you.
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I refuse to believe no-one in Atlas ever thought, "if we put the dirt from the trench in a box, no only can we give our soldiers cover, we can also give them an elevated position to fire from."
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The top of a wall has been the primary defensive position for the people of Remnant for a long time. You can see them in the establishing shots of most settled places the team has visited. So why are we seeing a trench now?
Show, don't tell.
RWBY has done a pretty great job, especially in the last few seasons, of showing the audience what it is trying to convey without explicitly telling them. They especially like drawing from well known folk lore to give insight into the future of the show.
Only difference here, instead of drawing the parallel between characters, they're drawing parallels between worlds.
Remnant's first Great War started with Mantle suppressing freedom of expression, the destruction of Art and Color. Ironwood always has little in the way of color, but in his first broadcast since everything started hitting the fan, he has none.
That broadcast also included evacuation ships being blown up by fighter-bombers, Dunkirk. It threatend to level a city if they didn't surrender, Battle of Brittan. All delivered by a dictator trying to scare his opponents into submission through careful use of film.
If the rest of the season is WWII, I have several theories on plot direction. Considering how well they did keeping up with both ends of the battlefield it wouldn't surprise me if they followed all of them at the same time.
Operation Dunkirk
Or, the evacuation of Mantle.
Players: Penny, Nora, Ren, Happy Huntresses
The Happy Huntresses involvement is a given. Not only has saving Mantle been their goal the whole time, they're also stuck in the middle of it right now.
Penny is the Protector of Mantle. It would be a shining moment for her character to fully throw off the virus Watts implanted and overcome Ironwood's threats to do so. Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't end like the Iron Giant.
Nora is currently Penny's tether to sanity, so she has to go with, and I doubt they would separate Ren from her for the next arc so he's going too.
Surprise twist for this plot I'm betting will be the Starwars "they aren't warships, just people" scene everyone loves to rag on. After all, the broadcast went out that they needed help and, at least at Dunkirk, it was fishing boats and pleasure crafts that retrieved the 338,000 surrounded on all sides.
Why We Fight
Or, countering Ironwoods propaganda.
Players: Robyn and Qrow
For one, these two are unaccounted for and in the heart of Atlas' military machine. If anyone has means to do so, it's them.
The film, Why We Fight, also countered the dramatic cinematography of Goebbels propaganda by painting it as ridiculous and making a folksy call to action much like Robyn has done in the past.
Operation Fortitude
Or, the deception of Ironwood.
Players: Emerald, Jaune, Oscar
This is the mission to make Ironwood think the team is going after the relic. This theory is why I actually thought of and wrote out this whole thing. Thanks @maxiemumdamage, I had things I was supposed to do tonight.
Only difference in my theory and their's, is Jaune is going to be playing the part of Penny.
I say this for two reasons. One, Joan of Arc pretended to be a man. While we've gotten both Jaune pretending to be something he's not and him in a dress, this would pose the first time in the story he could do both. Two, it would put him on a direct collision path with Cinder. It needs to happen at some point to bring his arc to a conclusion, but man I hope we're not about to watch him burn.
With Ozpin active again, Oscar has to go along to direct them to the vault. He's also one of two backing the idea of Emerald joining the team and Jaune wouldn't be willing to work with her without him.
Operation Overlord
Or, busting down the doors of Atlas Acadamy.
Players: Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang
Where Operation Fortitude was the faint, Operation Overlord was the real deal. For those that aren't history buffs, this is D-Day.
I think this is the reason we've only seen the main team fighting together once since their split from Beacon. And even then, that fight was at most pairs of fighters and not all four of them supporting one another.
RWBY tricked us into thinking season 4 was the post-timeskip level up we come to expect from anime when really we ended up watching the training flashbacks as they happened instead.
We've seen hints of it with the various team ups and combinations, but are we really ready for how much ass kicking they are about to do?
I'm hoping for a One Piece level of badass entrance that can give me shivers whenever I go to watch it again like the walk to Arlong Park still does to this day.
(Aside: if you try telling me RWBY isn't anime, I'm just going to ignore you. Anime is an art movement. If you don't understand what that means, watch this video. https://youtu.be/uFtfDK39ZhI)
Now last and certainly not least
Operation Valkyrie
Or, the death of Ironwood.
Players: Winter and Marrow
The long awaited defection. Plenty of speculation has already floated around about if and when these two where going to cave to their morals and jump ship. I don't know how many of us were expecting the straw to break the camel's back to be a nuke held over Mantle, but I certainly wasn't.
What worries me, is Operation Valkyrie failed and all its conspirators were executed. As if there weren't enough death flags for Winter before.
Even if it's not Winter that kills him. I don't see Ironwood surviving this season. Even if it means he goes out like another hated dictator. It's not like it would be the first time RT had a fallen hero chose to use his own sword.
Or, Murphy will have his due.
Players: Cinder, Watts, Neo, Tyrian, Mercury, Clover
These players can go any which way. Three we know for sure are going to be active in the coming episodes and I wouldn't be surprised if the other three play a part as well.
Oscar made a hell of a light show for Tyrian and Mercury to see behind them. Not to mention, Salem will still need a ride home when she pulls herself back together.
Clover keeps getting mentioned even though he's hospitalized. If he was truly out of commission for the rest of the season, they would have made us think he's dead before bringing him back like they did with Penny.
Up to now, what we've seen is a three way conflict. But one of the hallmarks of Remnant's First Great War, was making temporary alliances to fight off grimm.
The grimm might be gone, but the wild cards can't complete their own objectives if they are dead. The question is who's goals better align with their own.
Two surprise twists I can see here. One, Mercury stabbing Tyrian on his way to defection. He was raised by an assassin and has not going to get a better chance than that. Two, Clover joining Operation Valkyrie. He might have accepted that sacrifice is a necessary evil to ensure Atlas' survival, but might go Schindler's List on us and find horror in what Ironwood plans to do.
I spent way too long writing this out. All the WWI imagery means we're getting a WWII movie with RWBY characters. Major death flags for Penny, Jaune, and Winter.
Also I finally figured out how to do a readmore. Apparently it's just been a long time since I updated.
Note: kept seeing things talking about clovers death and I kind of went ???? Isn't he barely alive in medical? Went back and watched that scene and though I am 90% sure he is dead still kind of weird that they have him in his own room instead of a morgue and the initial framing made my mind instantly think he was propped up on a hospital bed. I mean, I guess we needed to have all the ACEOPs there for their reaction to Ironwood... but it definitely made me think he was alive. That and they have a bandage on his chest wound... when he's supposedly dead. Also have a phantom memory of Harriet saying something about him being in critical but I think that's my memory playing tricks on me.
Having his face exposed instead of covered by the sheet and seeing him in the same frame as Winter being treated also didn't help my gut reaction of "Oh Shit! He's alive? How?!" If I'd followed up more on the "how" might not have made the blunder of writing his return as the final twist in my theory. Oops
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rwby-sk · 3 years
My ship thoughts
This will be a long post, so I’m putting it under a ‘keep reading”
Bumbleby  - Until Vol.4 I wasn’t sure if the Bees liked each other. Like yeah, we’ve had solid evidence since, like, their Vol.1 trailers. But still. I wasn’t sure CRWBY would do it. But wow was I impressed.  - Probably my favorite well-known ship - Their EYES are the colors of each others SOULS what more do you want??? - I wish my gf would throw a motorcycle at my abusive ex...
Nuts and Dolts  - I tried pushing this ship out of my mind for so long. I did. I wasn’t ready for it  - I appreciated the things people made for the ship. I knew it had potential  - But wow. Vol.8 really said “Nuts and Dolts rights” and I respect that - They’re so cute together. It’s like if Pyrrha came back to life and could be with Jaune again.  - But healthier this way (see Arkos)
Renora  - Wholesome - Cute - ‘Boop’ is one of my favorite songs - We all saw it coming. But how we got there was the fun part  - That Vol. 4 finale though...
Arkos  - First off, Arkos is my favorite ship from Vol.1-3 - Himbo is taught how to drink his respect women juice by an Amazon? Sign me up  - The character development, the mutual respect, the CARE - ForeverFall still fucks me up. I cry when I listen to it - I love Pyrrha, she’s my girl, but... She really betrayed Jaune’s trust at the very end. He told her specifically he never wanted to be helpless and watch his friends fight for their lives again. And she did exactly that to him. Making him wonder if he could have made a difference had he been able to fight by her side with her in the end.  - But it’s not really even Pyrrha’s fault. Ozpin’s expectations and Cinder’s plan are more to blame - Still high tier - It’s just so tragic
WhiteKnight  - Cute in theory  - But it’d have to be done so carefully to be a good romantic pairing  - As friends? I LOVE IT. Make these two best friends right now! - But Jaune moved past his feelings for Weiss in Vol.2 when he finally realized she meant it when she told him she didn’t like him  - I’m shocked though that so few people pick up on Ep.3 Vol.1 when Weiss is making fun of Jaune and mockingly calls him a “cute boy”. I think Jaune just thought Weiss liked him already, and went from there. He hits on Pyrrha pretty quick in Ep.4 too - I think it could work with who they are now, but I think they’re better as friends 
WhiteRose  - The sole reason I didn’t ship Nuts and Dolts sooner  - Vol. 6 messed me up okay? That red scarf really threw me for a loop - Chasing each other in the Argus Limited?  - Weiss sassing Ruby non-stop Vol.1-3?  - It also completes the RW BY JP NR pairings. I like to joke that the Emerald forest is actually “true love” forest. And whoever you lock eyes with first you fall in love with them. But that only works sometimes  - Also that part where they call out each others names when Jinn shows them Ozpin’s past 
Ladybug  - Cute and interesting  - I’m not against it. I would just need more of it to ship it myself - They just have such solid connections with other characters  - I do love Blake’s introduction to the main cast though, and how much Blake looks up to Ruby 
Freezerburn  - Similar to LadyBug  - Cute, but I just ship them more with other people  - That hug in Vol.5 was a bit sus though - Yang does seem to open up the most with Weiss - And Weiss defended Yang so quickly after the Mercury fight  - It’s not unfounded, I’ll say that  - Analyzing it has opened my eyes 
Crosshares  - Yes  - Just  - Yes  - High femme fashion ICON Coco Adel  - With fan-fave Velvet Scarlatina - WLW powercouple  - I wish I was Coco and Velvet is cute, not much to understand here, keep scrolling 
RoseGarden  - I have my concerns  - Oscar is a wonderful kid  - He probably has a crush on Ruby  - And he is a wholesome boy who deserves all the happiness  - But he also has a manipulative immortal Wizard in his head  - So - You know
Lancaster  - I never saw Lancaster. Jaune is the first boy Ruby meets. And Jaune calls her cute and quirky once, but... - I love Ruby’s talk with Jaune about failure in Vol. 1, then his return to that speech in Vol. 4 in return.  - I think they lean on each other as leaders - But I don’t see it going further - Cute though. I’ve seen nice fanart 
BlackSun  - I read an analysis a long time ago that really sat with me  - Blake asked for space (not out loud, but in action) when she ran away - Yang gave her what she wanted. She didn’t like it. But she gave Blake what she asked for.  - Sun on the other hand, didn’t. He followed and helped her anyway. (Believe me, Blake could have used all the help she could get in Vol. 4-5) But in doing so, he kinda took himself out of the running as love interest.  - He’s and excellent Foil for Blake though, so I love him
SeaMonkies  - Two bros, chilling in a hot tub... - Is it gay to become junior detectives with your best friend and only hang out with him for like 3 seasons?  - These two are just  - So fucking stupid  - Apart, they are fine. Very competent.  - Together though - They are just so dumb I think its cute as hell 
JNR  - Wholesome  - I could see it in Argus. In front of Pyrrha’s statue - They love each other  - Maybe its not 100% romantic  - But they love each other  - I could be happy here
JNR+Neo  - CRIME + Ren  - The pure chaos of Nora and Neo  - The exhausted mom-friend energy from Ren and Jaune - The power polycule that could take on Salem alone and maybe win? - I think it’d be cute, but I personally ship them in the two pairs a bit more. 
Bees Schnees  - We add Blake and Yang’s angst, Yang and Weiss’ trust, and Weiss and Blake’s mutual understanding and growth  - Wow okay  - I have to give it to you, I kinda like it
Neo x Jaune x Ruby  - Based on my response to Lancaster, you might be able to guess my answer here - I think a lot of the ship’s points lie in “What’s better than one short girl dating the tallest guy in the cast? Two short girls dating the tallest guy in the cast!” - Cute though, I think it’d be chaotic and wholesome  - But poor Jaune would be exhausted trying to make sure the house doesn;t burn down every five minutes 
May x Winter  - Look - If I hadn’t made a Neo x Jaune side blog  - I would have made a May x Winter side blog  - The comparisons  - The family legacies  - The pure amount of how attracted I am to both characters  - What happens when two tops date each other?  - What if they were partners in Atlas?  - What if May was Winter’s first crush. And after May came out, Winter was like “Oh thank the gods, I was worried I liked all women and only one guy for some reason. Cool, crisis adverted. So anyway, Marigold, here’s how you do your makeup” - I could go on - Haha don’t tempt me - I’m serious  - Please let them sass each other at some point
GuardDogs  - Marrow = Just doing his best  - Jaune = Just doing his best  - Marrow and Jaune = two himbos just vibing in this world  - If we don’t get Silentknight, I’d be proud to get GuardDogs - Marrow sure has been worried about “Juan” this whole time, huh?
Emercury  - The sass - The pure sass  - Mercury’s unearned confidence paired with Emerald’s quick temper  - Wow, I hope Em can turn him away from murdering people.  - If Em gets 1 friend, I hope its Mercury and not Cinder  - At least Mercury cares about her (But he’s too cool to admit that outright) - Mercury is going to see Em on RWBY’s team and just immediately walk over and join up. No questions asked. “I guess we’re good now. Sorry Tyrian, its been cool, not really”
Happy Huntresses - Yes - Look at that HUG - Ladies, is it gay to go off into the tundra and form a rebellion against the fascist government with three of your hottest gal pals? 
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misstrashchan · 3 years
RWBY V8 CH12 Initial Thoughts:
Yes yes I'm late watching the new episode don't look at me. Also @tumblezwei thank you thank you for showing me how to put the read more bit on posts, I can finally put it to good use.
Figured I might as well do a reaction/initial thoughts to this episode since I haven't done that in a while, so here goes:
- Man Ironwood is just. Super overcompensating with his Gun-gun.
"You've done the right thing."
"I have. Feels weird"
-I'M SORRY THAT WAS THE BEST LINE OF THE EPISODE HANDS DOWN. Just. The sass. The growth. Kicking Ironwood in the face while cuffed (does she have experience doing that? Fighting while arrested? It kinda looked similar to Mercury's fighting style too.) EMERALD I LOVE YOU.
- Ngl I feel extremely satisfied that we can finally FINALLY put the "Winter is Totally Going To Be A Villain" theory to bed after this episode. Not that I didn't used to see the appeal of it myself, but v8 made it increasingly clear that wasn't where her arc was headed. Also Schneebling reunion on the horizon? Pretty please???
- *Sees Oscar riding on the Chimera summon with Winter*
*Remembers Oscar riding with Yang on the hoverbike in episode 2*
My Snowpines/Rosegarden shipping ass: Gee Oscar, how come you get TWO big sister-in-laws?
- Small thing but it's always nice to see team ALPN fighting together. I know a few Oscar fans were freaking out about Penny potentially replacing Oscar as their teammate, but like I thought that wasn't really something to worry about. *gently bonks Oscar fanbase* Sillies.
- I'm a little suprised given how Ironwood is the Big Bad of the Atlas arc how quickly he went down, without much dramatic flair or further esculation, but I am so glad Winter got that last awesome shot on him. (and that Oscar managed to get a few jabs in too) And like. He's still alive in jail. So who the hell knows what we're gonna do with him now. Take him to Vacuo along with Jaques apparently. I'm sure that'll go greeeeaaat.
- Ambrosius... after a quick google search the name apparently means "Divine" or "Immortal" in Greek. Hm. Unlike Jinn, not a specific reference to a mythical being, at least not in name, but I'm sure people are already theorizing on that front better than I could. Similar blue/gold design too. So maybe they're all Djinns in a sense, since they grant your desires, but split into four focusing on a specific kind of desire? That works. Anyways, super fun character and I hope they make more use of him. Like, because I wanna see more of his personality and also Oh my Gosh the Things You Can Do With His Powers are Basically Limitless as long as you're smart about it (hint hint get the CCT active around Remnant but Better)
- And gosh were our girls smart. Weiss working with Whitley to get the schematics and coordinates for the exact points of evacuation that they had originally planned out for their ships to create portals to the Vault/Central Zone (?) to Vacuo, Ruby puting in careful thought and wording about creating a copy of Penny with the existing robot parts from her to let the girl who was always there underneath remain and leaving the copy with the virus to self destruct, with Penny's designs for reference, they absolutely did their homework. Of course there was the risk of if Penny could exist without that physical form, but of course they all believed in her.
- Self destructing Not!Penny crawling towards the real Penny is super creepy and hopefully something she doesn't have nightmares about
- Of course the first thing Penny does when she realises she's a Real Girl is hug everyone so she can experience the joy of Real Normal Warm Hugs.
"Are hugs always this warm?"
"Yes, Penny"
-MY HEART. No actually back up, back up, the Nuts and Dolts shipper in me is singing rn, because all the times Penny has been hugged by Ruby this volume and only now is she actually able to actually feel that hug. Like, the sentiment and emotional support of it was always there and obviously appreciated by her before, but like. Now she can FEEL it.
- I'm super happy for Penny and seeing her back to her cheerful adorable self is Delightful, but at the same time I'm now really worried for her too. She doesn't have to worry about the virus anymore, now she's a regular meat person, but here's the thing. She's a regular meat person. No more rocket boots. No more lasers. No more in built swords attached to her body with strings. No more resistance to harsher elements. No more night vision. Obviously she's still the Winter Maiden, so she's still a force to be reckoned with, and she has RWBY with her, but she's still a rookie maiden that is massively vulnerable right now. She's vulnerable in her new human form to anyone coming after her. And like. Things just feel like they're going too smoothly...
- Speaking of, hello hello my ominous darling Cinder. Just like last volume, when things seem to be going too smoothly, there you are. So Watts cut off Jaune's broadcast and all other communications in the kingdom, and I'm guessing Cinder's jumping in those portal spaces with Neo to come after Ruby and Penny? That along with the "Do Not Fall" warning seems... yeah something's gonna go terribly wrong by the end of this volume. Salem, Ironwood, Mantle, Penny... All these loose ends are just being dealt with so quickly and neatly for me to be fully comfortable.
- tfw you've read Before the Dawn and know that Vacuo was already struggling with refugees coming in since Atlas had closed its borders, Vale was overrun with Grimm, and Mistral had its defences spread thin already being the widest reaching kingdom, along with Leo, Hazel and Tyrian denting it even further in offing all the huntsman and huntresses, and Vacuo's people are already pretty stingy with outsiders, and if there are thousands coming from the kingdom that closed it's borders and ordered an dust embargo... oh boi the Vacuo arc is gonna be a doozy.
- I know it's probably too close to Atlas and therefore Salem, and we need a convenient way to segue into the Vacuo arc, but couldn't Argus have been an option for the portal evacuation? At least, as well as Vacuo?
- OH FUCK YEAH I FORGOT THEY MENTIONED THE WRITERS SAID V9 WAS GONNA BE A DETOUR AND WASN'T JUST GOING TO BE JUMPING STRAIGHT TO VACUO. So like. Are they gonna get lost in a void of time and space? Are they going to jump through time by accident? Or just in space? Both? If you fall do you just end up randomly in the middle of the desert, far from Vacuo? And v9 is just going to be RWBY trekking through the desert? Similar to v6 after the train crash? So many questions.
-Hmm. Torn between Cinder going after Penny/Ruby with Neo in the vault space, or potentially being confronted by ALPN+Emerald... JNR+Emerald seems more narratively fitting, but Neo seems deadset on her and Cinder killing to Ruby...
- I wonder if Qrow is gonna confront Ironwood while he's in jail... Role reversal of the start of the volume. Or maybe he's just going to consider it worth his time.
-Taking all the established Atlas characters right with us into the Vacuo arc seems like it's going to be... A Lot. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if team RWBY really did end up jumping in time in V9 to fast forward on the two city populations integrating with one another, like maybe by a few months? Idk I'm just spitballing. Initial thoughts and all.
- Last point but the hooded cowl is such a great look on Cinder. Love it.
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hadesisqueer · 4 years
I'm bored so now I'm going to talk about Weiss and the Bees (mostly Yang). And there's nothing you can do about it.
When it comes to Freezerburn, I mostly like them as best friends (I'm more of a Whiterose/Bumbleby girl) but I would also really like them as a couple if that were the case, and totally understand why people ship them. Same thing happens with Monochrome, and Ladybug (INTERACT FOR FUCK'S SAKE). I'm gonna be talking about this as friendship.
Okay, but really, do you guys ever think about how Weiss had no fucking idea about what was happening at the camp when Yang found her?
(Honestly the only RWBY thing I haven't gotten my hands on is the manga and the anthologies -I've read the comics, the books, etc- because I couldn't find them, so correct me if I'm wrong lmao).
The thing is, back at Beacon, Yang and Weiss weren't really close. They were both closer to Ruby and Blake (though Weiss spent half of her time in the first volume butting heads with those two). They were teammates, yes, they got along (and sometimes argued too lol) and they cared for each other, but they still didn't have the same relationship. Like, Blake and Yang were partners and Beauty and the Beast and all that so of course they were going to be close. Same with Ruby and Weiss -partners, and you've read Snow White and Rose Red, they're probably supposed to be a representation from that tale as well-. Ruby and Yang are sisters so it's pretty obvious that they're close. I don't even have to talk about these two. And during the first volumes, Blake and Weiss were both, let's say, foils of each other, coming from very different places and yet having so much in common. One privileged, ignorant human, the other a misguided faunus. Both alienated by their abusers into thinking like them. Both from important families in their societies; one of the families is loving and caring, the other one is fucked up. Both came to Beacon basically running away from their abusers. Both had a complicated past with the White Fang. And of course, both of them had to deal with a broken legacy; Weiss is still dealing with it. They were both, literally, Black and White, and really understood each other. So yeah, their interactions during the series were always really nice to watch, because they really understand each other in those terms (that's why I loved that scene with Blake holding her hand showing support in volume 7).
Now, before volume five, Yang and Weiss never really had an important scene together. Yes, there was that cute scene after that fight against FNKI, the jokes and arguing and of course the legendary “what's that supposed to mean” in vol 3 (she shipped Bumbleby since Beacon fight me lol). But never really meaningful, not like the Bumbleby talk in Burning the Candle, or Weiss being kinder to Ruby and becoming friends, or- you know what I mean. They cared for each other, but the thing is, they didn't see each other as more than the rich girl and the funny girl/great older sister. I don't think Weiss even knew about Raven (again, correct me if I'm wrong, no mangas) before all that stuff. I assume Ruby talked to her about Summer and her loss, but did she know that Summer wasn't Yang's biological mother?
Because of that, I'm still finding this incredibly funny and yet so sad at the same time. Because, imagine being Weiss. You've just been kidnapped, and you're trying to escape. And then you see one of your teammates, your friend that you haven't seen in a year and you never thought you'd ever see again, right there, and she tells you that you're both going to Ruby (she immediately includes you). Not only that, she also tells you that the woman who kidnapped you is her freaking mother. Like. What the fuck. Again, maybe Ruby told her (if she did, I doubt she included the bandit part lmao), but if she didn't, Weiss probably was like “wait what do you mean isn't your mom dead? What the hell is going on?”
But well, she hugs Yang. Because (and I think people tend to forget it) the last time she saw Yang, she was incredibly injured. She had lost her fucking arm, and was probably still unconscious by the time Weiss was taken by her father (no one can tell me that if that bitch hadn't taken her, she wouldn't have stayed in Patch with them and Tai wouldn't have adopted her), meaning that she probably didn't even get to say goodbye to her, just like she couldn't say goodbye to Ruby. And now she's reunited with Yang, and apparently Raven is taking them to Ruby (who is also with JNR, some of her best old friends at Beacon) and she's just so happy because she didn't think that would happen. She really considers RBY her family. And also, again, the last time she'd seen Yang she was really hurt, so seeing her being okay was really a relief to her.
Except she wasn't okay, and she notices as soon as they start talking to Raven. Because, if Weiss really didn't know about Raven, she's just found out that Yang had been abandoned by her own mother. She literally sees how Yang loses control of herself (she flinches, which is another sign of Jackass' abuse) and how the poor girl even asks why Raven left her. She really notices how Yang is not okay at all. Yang isn't behaving the same way she did at Beacon; she's seen her down or furious, but never like that. It's been a year since she last saw her. A lot happened to her. And maybe, she also realizes that she'd never known Yang as well as she thought. Because, again, Yang was the cool older sister, the hot party girl that punches stuff and makes jokes. What else was there to know? Well, there it is. Not only has she been through hell since the Fall of Beacon, with the whole losing an arm and PTSD thing; Weiss also finds out that Yang had some serious abandonment issues and a fear of loneliness she'd never known about. The whole time at Beacon, she'd just been assuming about Yang. Just as Yang had clearly been assuming about Weiss as well.
Then there's a little calm in chapter 7 and for a while, it all seems fine; RWY and JNR are all messing with each other, remembering good times as they eat and laugh, catching up. For a while it felt like they never left Beacon and it just probably felt great, all of them being together. Yang seems fine. And next chapter, when the two of them and Ruby are just sitting and enjoying coffee and talking about how great it is being together again, it all seems fine too. And then Weiss and Ruby mention Blake and that's when Yang snaps.
Weiss loves RBY with all her heart, and it's clear that Ruby and her would accept Blake back without blinking if she came back. Which is why they're both surprised for a second when they see Yang react like that -Blake was her partner, after all, they were the closest, so why doesn't she want her back? Again “What's that supposed to mean?”
But after the whole Raven thing, Weiss clearly understood one thing: that Yang hated being abandoned, and in Yang's eyes, Blake had left her just like Raven did. Weiss knows what it feels like to be alone, so she gets that. But Weiss also understood that Blake hadn't left her just like Raven, because she saw Blake reaching for Yang's hand, apologizing as she cried. She knows Blake didn't leave them because she wanted to be alone; in her eyes, she was the one to blame for what happened to Yang. So she left, because Blake would rather have Yang and the rest being safe and hating her for leaving than anything like that happening again because she stayed. She was wrong, of course, but Weiss understood. And a part of Weiss herself knows what being abused and running away feels like as well.
Which is why the conversation in V5C8 is just so perfect. Because of the fact that she understands both of them, she's able to get through Yang, make her finally open up, and help her understand Blake's perspective too. Weiss was just the perfect person to do that.
I know we make a lot of jokes about Weiss being the Bumbleby wingwoman, but it exactly isn't a joke; Weiss really is the “wingwoman”. Whether you see it in a romantic way or not, that conversation was crucial in Blake and Yang's relationship, and Yang accepting Blake back too. And in romantic terms, I'm pretty sure that Weiss realized that Yang really had serious feelings for Blake because, well, Weiss isn't dumb. I think that conversation and All That Matters made it pretty obvious for anyone who wasn't in denial. I still laugh at people who are still in denial. I mean, c'mon, you don't have to ship it but at this point, thinking they're just friends is kinda dumb.
I love Weiss.
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oddlyhale · 3 years
IronQrow Villains AU
Ironwood and Qrow as villains in the RWBY show AU.
Ironwood is based off of the Three Snake Leaves fairytale, a story about a man who revived his dead wife with Three Snake Leaves. However, reviving her only brought him betrayal, as she lost love for him and tried to kill him with her lover. Able to survive, the man went to the King and told everything the Princess had done. She was then punished with her lover to be drown in sea on a sinking ship.
Qrow is now based on The Juniper Tree fairytale, a story about a young boy who was killed by his greedy step-mother that wanted the inheritance he would get from his father. She killed him, cut him up and served him as dinner to his unknowingly father, and forced her daughter to bury his bones under a juniper tree next to his real mother. The boy became a bird, singing about his story and received three gifts from strangers that listened. He gave the gifts to his family: his father got a gold necklace. His sister got lovely red shoes. And his evil step-mother got crushed under a millstone.
In this AU, for Ironwood:
He fakes being a good headmaster, only to reveal his true identity once the fall begins.
He is a man masked under oxygen, for his first death caused him breathing problems.
His semblance is to revive the dead, however he tries not to use it often, as it causes him immense pain and can run his aura dry.
HIs goal is to find his wretched ex-wife and murder her for what she did to him (she’s not dead in this one.)
In this AU, for Qrow:
Qrow is a bit psychotic. Not theatrically insane, like Tyrian, but he’s on a level of kalopsia (delusions of seeing things more beautiful than what they are.) He is quietly energized by mayhem and distress.
His semblance is shapeshifter, accommodating by being handsy with building his own crazy weapons. HIs favourite weapon is a giant hammer made of millstone.
He plays the ‘nice uncle, playful drunk’ for a while, under the Fall hits. Turns out his ‘drunkard antics’ were just him covering up his manic laughters and bursts of rage.
He doesn’t try to kill Ruby or her friends, but he warns her to not come for him, or he will kill them without hesitation.
His goal is to live ‘beautifully’ and die in the deepest pit of bliss. By that, he wants to live to cause harm and art, and die a masterpiece himself.
About the relationship:
Ironwood and Qrow are married (James proposed.)
Qrow is utterly in love with Ironwood, as is James for Qrow.
James finds Qrow to be the most endearing psycho he’s ever met, figuring out how Qrow has a hidden humanity about himself, as he cares deeply for music and art.
Qrow was smitten the first time he met James, immediately wanting to be his.
The two men met each other years ago, back when James was to be happily wed to his queen. He was thrown off the ship by the crazy woman and her secret lover, nearly drowning, had it not been for the single loyal servant that saved him. James’ semblance unlocked that day out of panic, thoughts of dying only fueling his semblance to be released. His body revived itself, waking James on the raft that the servant was on, but the act left James badly injured.
The servant was weeping, both in joy to see their master was alive, but in horror as to what had happened to James’ body. His right arm, his right leg, gnawed off by the active sea beasts in the water. His hip was chewed at, nearly severing him in two. Despite being alive, the only thing his semblance couldn’t do was regenerate some new body parts. And yet James was conscious, despite the bleeding and pain. Alive and pissed.
His lungs were filled with water, only a dead person could carry so much. Once they arrived at shore, finding no persons in sight to help, the servant ran out to the land to see if there was any civilization nearby. James laid in the raft in pain, waiting for the servant to return.
Somebody finally came, but it was not the servant. It was a lithe and tall man with dark hair and pale skin, eyes bright red like rubies. He stumbled onto the beach after seeing the frantic servant run into the village nearby, curiously wanting to see what the fuss was about.
“My,” Qrow smirked down at James. “You look like you need a hand.”
James stared blankly at the man, as if he were incredibly unamused. Until he replied, “are you pulling my leg?”
Qrow couldn’t help but burst into a short fit of laughter. James did too, but not for long as he was cut short. His back was killing him.
“I can get you a new body. And some.” Qrow assured. “Come with me. I know somebody.”
“At this point? Fine.” James huffed. After being betrayed by his queen and almost eaten alive by sea beasts, he could hardly imagine this stranger could make anything worse.
Qrow took James to the Whale, to Salem. After some convincing, Salem allowed Qrow to let James stay, so long as he was the one watching their new guest. Qrow agreed happily.
Qrow’s story was only filled with pain. He learnt from a young age that he was never loved by his step-mother, and being left behind by his sister. His step-mother murdered him in his sleep, cutting him up and serving his flesh like he was grade-A beef. His soul took the form of a crow, fueled by the rage he had for his step-mother. He wanted her dead, and by luck, he met Salem. She granted him the wish to have his vengeance, helping him turn back into a human. He was only a little boy still when he met Salem, growing up to look to her as his new mother.
After killing his step-mother, Salem took him in and had been at her side since.
James was soon recovering, but his rage was building deep within. All he could think of was his wretched wife, who was almost successful in killing him. She knew he couldn’t swim. How the sharp teeth of the massive sea monsters would eat at his body. He was ready to kill her, avenge himself.
James’ internal injuries couldn’t be fixed. He had to constantly wear a breathing-mask to help inhale more oxygen that his fragile lungs couldn’t take in normally. It was pain, feeling like he aged 50 years, even though he was only 20 at the time. From what he learned, Qrow was also the same age, at least feeling comfort in knowing somebody his age was around.
During James’ recovery - while Salem was mildly interested in this loner - it was Qrow who was the most intrigued. He loved coming to see James, see his progress so far. A new robotic arm, a new robotic leg, and some new parts had to be added in. Unfortunately, it meant much of James’ lower-half had to be remade, Half of his waist was not salvageable, meaning he’d have to lose a hip and his genital area. James didn’t care, wanting to be fixed already, and out of the stupid medical bed. Wanting to be strong again.
Though, he made a joke about giving him a massive metal cock, barking out laughter when he saw Qrow’s reaction of giggling like an embarrassed old woman. But, his wish was curiously granted.
As James was back up on his feet and trying to adjust to this new body, it was still Qrow who helped him. To the others that were residents of the Whale, they were surprised at how much time Qrow spent with James. Knowing the guy, Qrow could hardly process empathy. He would laugh at burning houses full of orphans, and dance on a dying man while he’s down.
But now, he was the most gentle, tender and kind to this perfect stranger.
Would you believe it when this story ends with the two marrying? After knowing each other for 5 years? Well, that’s how the story went. The two men fell in love, not caring for how crazy their lives would become. James loved this psychopath. And Qrow loved this vengeful man.
James was quick to become compliant in Salem’s plans, to start a new world and have their wishes granted. What he wanted was that bitch of a wife dead, and anybody else that associated with her existence. He didn’t care anymore if they were innocents, they had to be taken out. Feeling the same pain he felt.
Qrow had no goals, other than to live and serve Salem. To be the perfect little dog and grant her every wish. But now, his devotion turned to James. He loved him to bits, and would kill anybody for him. Already, James had killed quite a few people for Qrow, and that was probably one of the most romantic things he’s ever received. The only painful thing he could think is to live a life without James. Even his devotion for Salem couldn’t keep him alive.
Despite their chaotic life, the two surprisingly had a well-adjusted marriage and relationship. It was contentment, understanding and fun. They adored each other the same way they first met, and it seems that their honeymoon phase never ended, after 15 years together. They’d have a wedding dance next to a pile of dead bodies if they could, and they’d still be completely enamored by one another.
During the years together, the two had begun building their false identities among the people. Qrow had contact with his family, still there as Ruby and Yang were young and had grown to attend Beacon Academy. Ironwood had stolen the identity of a previous soldier of Atlas, taking their place and soon becoming the headmaster and general of Atlas. Their appearance was nothing to be judged, coming off as noble and normal.
When the time came for Beacon’s Fall, Qrow was the first to act. After the death of Penny 1.0, he had gone to murder the others in the Beacon Vault. He was successful in killing Glynda, Ozpin and the Maiden (transferring her powers to Cinder who is still in the gang), but he pretends to have no success in killing Ironwood, giving false hope to the heroes that at least one of their own is OK.
After that, he went out to go kill some more civilians of the Academy. Ruby and Yang realized their uncle was part of the evil team, and are broken by the betrayal. Qrow was quick to dismiss them as his family, skipping off merrily back to Salem.
When time passed and it was time to arrive at Atlas, it would be Ironwood’s turn to betray the teams. While cooperative and kind, Ironwood legitimately had no remorse for any of the kids. Quite frankly he wanted them dead, as well as the Ace Ops.
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