#they’re a lil exasperated with my playing style
tantaliart · 4 years
im going to draw myself with all the big strong white man protagonists i play as in video games like we’re besties and no one can stop me >:)
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BP: Bets Placed
A lil Fire Force fic done as a little Monday Madness with my good friend GA!Babe. Prompt: “Whoever loses gets tickled by _______ for five minutes.”
“Rookies! Get in here!”
Shinra, Arthur, and Tamaki all look up from their paperwork at the sound of Captain Obi’s booming voice. Confused, the all share a quick glance before getting up to follow instructions. Of course, the second Shinra and Arthur meet eyes, they’re sprinting to try to be the first out of the room and in front of Obi. Their nonstop competition nothing new to the members of the company, no one pays it too much mind when they’re shoving each other in the door frame. With the whole company now present, Obi smirks. “It’s that time of year again! The Annual Fire Force Charity Softball Tournament! And for the first time, we have enough members to field a team.”
Shinra tilts his head as he asks, “The Special Fire Force does a softball tournament? I get doing a charity, but why softball?”
“Softball was selected due to its founding being credited to fire stations present before the Great Cataclysm,” Hinawa supplies from beside the captain. “The game originated with fire companies, so it seemed appropriate.”
“Anyway, we thought it might be a good idea to practice some during down time. Not everyone at once since we need to be prepared if a call comes in. But a little practice for a few of us every now and again should help prepare us so we can make a decent showing for our time in the tournament. Plus, it’s good team building!”
With the announcement of their company taking part in the upcoming tournament, excitement and competitive energy filled the station over the following days. Groups of three would head out to the nearby park to work on batting, throwing, catching, fielding, and perhaps a little bit of trash talking. It seemed to be a good pastime for the company, and everyone seemed to be having fun with each other… well. Almost everyone.
Obi sighed dramatically, completely ignored by the arguing Shinra and Arthur. He’d brought the boys along for a little bp at the park and they hadn’t even started and the two were already at each other’s throats.
“Stupid knight! There’s no way you’re a better ball player than me. Neither of us have even played before, so what would you know?”
“Well, devil, it’s not hard for a knight to best a beast.”
“Oh yeah?! Well just you watch! I’m going to hit more balls than you!”
“I’m sure I will hit far more than you!”
“No, I will!”
“I will!”
“No, you won’t!”
“Yes, I will!”
“Arthur! Shinra!”
The two boys stop bickering and whip their heads to their captain, but don’t move away from their aggressive stances, ready to continue attacking each other’s throats. Glad to finally have the two rookies’ attention, Obi continues, “How about instead of yelling at each other about how many balls you’re gonna hit, we actually hit some? And we’ll keep track. I’ll give you each ten pitches. Get the most out of ten and you win, but we’ll do best two out of three rounds. Sound good?”
Arthur and Shinra turn to each other, eyeing up their opponent before they each give an affirmative nod. Arthur adds, “I should make you kneel before me after you lose. And have you complete all my paperwork.”
Shinra growls, “How ‘bout when you lose you get demoted to… to peasant! While doing my paperwork!”
“Hey now. This is supposed to be a fun little competition you two. Also, no one will be doing anyone else’s paperwork, that’s not allowed.”
The pout on Shinra’s face should not be allowed to be that adorable as he whines, “But Captain, I want something to happen when he loses.”
“Hey! It’ll be you who loses and is punished.”
These kids are going to be the death of him, Obi thinks with an exasperated smile. “Alright, how about this? Whoever loses gets tickled by the winner and me for five minutes. That way the winner also gets a prize for their victory and I get to have a little fun for getting roped into your little rivalry.”
Arthur smirks. “That would be acceptable.”
Shinra’s face tenses into his so-called devilish (adorable) nervous smile. “But that’s- I mean-“
“What? Scared you’ll lose, devil?”
Spurred on by the provoking the knight, Shinra swallows and shouts, “No! I can beat you! Easy! You’re on!”
Obi laughs at the two rookies. They certainly liven up the company and make everyday interesting. “Alright then, boys. Let’s play ball!”
Shinra manages a solid three hits in his first appearance at the plate. He found himself far too impatient to wait for the ball and kept swinging ahead of it. The swing alone was something he wasn’t used to. The nerves he was feeling at what would come if he was to lose was certainly not helping. Just the thought had him shifting his weight foot to foot anxiously and he couldn’t get his nervous smile to leave his face. But it was going to be fine, because there’s no way Arthur would win.
Arthur won the round with the first four pitches.
And proceeding to hit the following six lobbed balls of his round.
Obi couldn’t keep himself from laughing at Shinra’s dropped jaw and clear realization that he wouldn’t win this. Truthfully, it was a little unfair. Sure, neither of the two had played before, but Arthur’s entire fighting style and training revolved around swinging a stick to hit a moving target. Shinra didn’t really have a shot.
Arthur rests the bat against his shoulder as he looks back at Shinra. “You won’t win the next round, much less the next two, devil. Though the Knight King will get the last laugh, you’ll be the one laughing soon.”
Red spreads across Shinra’s cheeks and up his ears as he gulps; nervous smiling growing wider and wider. He’s screwed.
“Come on, Shinra. I’ve got at least ten more pitches for you. Make them count!”
His second at-bat—while better than the first—was not enough. While he’d gotten a bit more comfortable with repetition, this was still new to him and his head wasn’t in the game. As he watched Arthur get another hit to the grass, surpassing his own number of hits, Shinra fiddled with the hem of his sleeves, knowing what he was about to face.
Arthur’s final pitch for the round was the first one he completely missed, too eager to cash in on his victory. With the round won, Arthur immediately dropped his bat and ran straight for Shinra, tackling him to the ground. Shinra yelped as he hit the dirt, already giggling in nervous anticipation. “Wahahait!”
“I’m not even touching you, yet! By the agreed upon terms, you lost, devil. Not gonna go back out of a deal, are you?”
Shinra looks from the stupid smug look on the stupid smug knight’s face from his perch atop his body to the amused smirk of his captain looming over him. He whines as he squeezes his eyes shut and covers his red face and large face with his hands. “I’m not backing out. A hero doesn’t go back on his word!”
The loud shout about what a hero’s supposed to do gains a laugh from the captain, who squats down and pulls Shinra’s hands away from his face and over his head. Arthur nods sagely, “Though the knight king has bested the hero, that is noble of you, devil.”
His words are lost on Shinra who is tugging at his arms to try to hide his face. The tickling hasn’t even begun and he’s already flailing about. “Best not to keep the kid waiting, Arthur. You’ve got five minutes!”
With that, Arthur scratches Shinra’s ribs through the fabric of his civies. Shinra’s nervous anticipatory giggles quicken as Shinra laughs, squirming to get away from the sensation. The tugging of his arms gets more frantic as Arthur’s fingers spider higher and higher before settling under his arms and drilling into the hollows. Shinra shrieks as he kicks his legs frantically, trying to dislodge his assailant. “Aahaharthur! Obi thahat’s not- ah! Fahair! I cahan’t-“
Obi laughs at his subordinate’s plight, “Can’t what? Can’t take a little tickling? Can’t move your arms? Can’t wait for us to tickle you more? You know what I can help with that.”
Obi then lets go of Shinra’s arms—which immediately flail wildly and accidentally smack him across the face—and adds his own fingers to the mix, gently spidering around Shinra’s neck and ears. Shinra tosses his head side to side as the highest, softest, most precious giggles slip passed his lips as he tries to whine, “Nohoho!”
Laughing more boisterously than the ticklee on the ground, Obi comments, “I’m sorry, kid, you’re just too adorable.”
Arthur pulls back from one of Shinra’s flailing arms, only to have a jerking knee hit his back, as he complains, “You’re moving too much. We’ll have to change that.”
Before Obi can ask what the kid is talking about, Arthur flips around, situates himself on Shinra’s shins and starts lazily drawing shapes into his soles. Almost immediately, Shinra stops his flailing, laying near ramrod straight as a loud shriek leaves his mouth. His previous violent squirming and flailing has been reduced to twitches, head shakes, and Shinra’s hands gripping and smacking the grass below him interchangeably. While his struggling has decreased, his laughter has only gotten louder and more frantic, with a few pleas thrown into the mix.
As the time winds down, so do the tickling fingers. Arthur stands and looks down at Shinra, who’s curling into a ball on his side, still riding out the residual feeling and laughter. Obi gently ruffles the kids hair as he asks, “You alright there, kiddo?”
Shinra just nods. Arthur decides to further reassure the captain with his own answer, “He’s fine. He thinks it’s fun.”
Burying his face into his arms, Shinra just whines. It wouldn’t be heroic to lie.
Looking between the two rivals, Obi just wishes these two would admit that they’re friends. They’ll have plenty of time to get there as long as their part of his company. His family. Sol, these kids are gonna be the death of him.
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pasteljeon · 5 years
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anonymous said: I know you’re on hiatus but I love your ot7 x reader scenarios and want give you an idea of one where y/n is at the dorm alone while the boys are in the studio or whatever and y/n goes though he boys clothes since there’s so many and has fun just seeing their different styles then the boys come home and see y/n in the clothes and it’s all fluffy and cute and funny too 💓💓
summary | while the boys are away, the babie will play.
pairing | OT7/Reader, poly!BTS
warnings | just really fucking soft, okay?
length | 1.3k
notes | hello, hello! i have returned for dis lil drabble cause i liked the idea sm. please lmk what you thought of it! hope y’all are doin well! school’s pretty hectic for me atm, but i’m happy to announce i’ll be returning as a writer starting december. :”)
It’s Sunday.
Sunlight filters in through the translucent curtain, dust particles swirling between empty spaces.
The silence is interrupted by the mellow beats of your lofi playlist, the ghost of warm bodies and sweet kisses lingering on your skin as you step into the shower.
It’s a lazy morning, woken intermittently by soft lips and gentle whispers of good morning, baby against your temple, fingers trailing down your bare arm.
Time has no significance on Sundays. Just you and the comfort of your home. A rare kind of serenity that’s usually lost to the chaos of something more. You like this, too.
You run a hand down the fabric, surveying the rows of clothing as you clutch the towel closer to your chest.
You could spend days in here, engrossed in the vast range of colours and styles. You know them well, enough to notice when new designs are added from their return. Adventure. A different story behind each thread. One that belongs uniquely to them.
“This one, because I thought of you,” he murmurs. You can feel his arms around you, easily pulling you close, chest warm and solid.
You drop your towel and reach for the first one.
Simplicity and elegance. Clean button-ups and black slacks. Wool jackets and Givenchy sweaters.
But of them all, your favourites have to be his assortment of pink hoodies.
“Jin.” Your breath tickles his collarbone, head resting against the broad expanse of his chest. He’s wrapped around you, making you feel so small. “Jin,” you say sleepily. He nuzzles your cheek. Whispers your name in a throaty exhale. Laces his fingers through yours and brushes a kiss over your knuckles.
“You smell so good,” he groans, burying his face in your shoulder.
You blink, reaching up to touch the marks on your neck.
His hoodie falls below your knees, the faint scent of his cologne lingering on the material making your head spin pleasantly. The sleeves fall much farther, and you press them against your mouth, hiding your shy smile and concealing the flush of your cheeks.
You make lunch dancing in Namjoon’s jacket. Belting out notes horribly offkey into the wooden spoon between stirs of your pasta.
He likes streetwear. Denim. You’ve never seen someone pull off denim like he does.
“Warm,” you whisper sleepily. His large palms cup your thighs, stroking your calf slowly. Safe. He always makes you feel safe.
“Can we stay like this,” he says quietly, smile lopsided, “Just the two of us, forever?”
“Some days I don’t want to share. Some days, I want you all to myself.” He doesn’t need to say it; when it’s just you, he wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s written between every subtle gesture, the shaky exhale, the wrinkle between his eyebrows, the weight of the resignation in the unspoken words.
You eat lunch wondering if he’s eaten, too.
Dramas are watched in Hoseok’s tees. The ones that are oversized for him, even more pronounced on you. They’re easily transformed into spring dresses, thin and light as you tie up the excess material so the shirt flares like a skirt.
Sometimes they’re extravagant, expressive of his energetic personality and bold fashion sense. Experimental clash of street colours. Sometimes none.
He’s silent when you appear, decked in his glow, and he genuinely thinks he’s dying because he definitely can’t breathe and his dick is way too hard for such an innocent act.
You’ve always been beautiful, but fuck if you wearing his clothes isn’t the one of the most arousing sight he’s ever had the honour of setting his eyes on.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he groans, pressing you against the wall, one hand up the fabric, thumbing your nipples, the other hitching your leg over him as he ruts against you frantically. Like a fucking teenager in heat. He’s 25 for fuck’s sake!
Still, he can’t help himself. The urge to claim you. You’re not an object, something to be possessed, but shit –“You’re mine.”
You have to pause the episode halfway to splash water on your face.
You work in one of Jimin’s collection of loose-fitting v neck sweaters.
Frustration mounts as the cycle of typing, deleting and restructuring paragraphs of your thesis wears you down quickly.
“Don’t wanna be lonely, just wanna be yours,” he croons. Phantom strength braced against your stomach, tracing invisible love letters. He’s distracting, even when he’s not here.
You take a sip of your cold tea and push your laptop away.
You’ll try again tomorrow.
Yoongi’s turtleneck. You look ridiculous, you know, but it’s so comfortable and thick.
You’re lying on the ground of the living room, right under a sunbeam, the cool brush of the wood flooring muffled.
A nap sounds nice.
“No. Don’t move.” Voice hoarse, low. Stubborn. He’s so stubborn.
“Yoongi, I’m working,” you say, exasperated. He peeks up at you from under his fringe, eyes slitted. Arms tightening.
He refuses to sleep elsewhere.
Miss you. You roll over.
That’s a lot of chicken, you muse as you examine the organized clutter of the kitchen.
Their love for chicken is unrivaled. “By everything but you. We’d give it up in a heartbeat if it meant you’d stay.”
“Japchae,” you say aloud, spinning on your heel. Jungkook’s plain black shirt flutters with your movement.
“Smells good.” Cheeky grin, doe eyes bright. A shiver ripples down your spine. Almost like he’s here.
But when you whirl around, it’s empty save for yourself.
You sleep in Taehyung’s button-downs. Today it’s Gucci.
[00:01] him: wait for me.
The bed feels too big. Pillow too soft. Mattress too hard. Blankets too suffocating.
“I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.” Chanted with so much anguish it perplexes you. As if it physically pains him to experience what he does. Gaze burning, nails digging into soft flesh, the bed frame trembles.
You finger the hem of the shirt, mind wandering.
They all have expensive tastes, evident in the high-end brands adorning every label, scores of zeros streaking across every purchase. But they are so, so deserving, and every piece is made fitting of its price.
To them, it means more than just the financial success—it means stability. Means they’ve made it.
Taehyung no longer had to dream of Gucci.
To you, it’s pride. Watching them grow has been a privilege.
“Baby,” he half-moans, half-laughs as he swallows your giggle, kissing you deeply. Lifting you up and twirling you around. “The day dragged on without you. I thought I was going to die.”
“You’re so beautiful.” A confession, sighed dreamily against your skin, nose skimming the column of your neck.
“I used to hate sharing so much,” he rasps. “But I can’t help it with you. It drives me crazy when I’m working and all I can think about is you. Your scent. Swallows me whole. Want you like this all the time.”
It’s overwhelming, the sheer love they feel for you. Heart racing, a feverish haze settling over glassy eyes. Desire and affection thrumming through their veins, wound like a livewire.
“I won’t go through the ordeal of not having you again.”
“So you’ll be able to rest in my embrace.”
“Welcome home.”
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one-d-library · 4 years
July 2020 Fic Recs
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Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds 
{not rated, 88k, 3 chapters, 1970s AU, highschool AU, period-typical homophobia, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, OT5 friendship}
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
My opinion which no one asked for: I really really love this fic!! The character arcs and dynamics are just written so perfectly, so much so that I felt as if I personally knew the characters. I normally don’t drift toward fics set in another time period, but this has completely changed my mindset toward them. The Harry and Louis in this fic deserve absolutely everything in the world. Niall in this fic is also amazing!!! If you take one thing away from this whacko post, please let that be read this fanfiction!!
Can be found in: 
Different Time Period 
Friends to Lovers
High School Fics
Longer Fics
Iconic Fics
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Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose by dolce_piccante
{mature, 112k, 6 chapters, American Uni AU, pining, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, OT5 involvement + friendship, character development}
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
My opinion which no one asked for:
I really enjoyed this fic! I’ve come across it multiple times but the description kind of put me off as I’m not a huge fan of the frat boy Harry in fics sometimes, but someone rec’d this fic on twitter and I gave it a shot! I’m so glad I did!! I read this in a couple hours, like I purged through it big time! Really I urge you to give it a shot, the author also sounds absolutely lovely in the notes at the end of the book!! I’ve read this author a couple times before, I’m going to read more of their work. The character development is something i just live for!!
Can be found in: 
Iconic fics
Friends to lovers
Uni AU
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Walk That Mile by purpledaisy
{mature, 149k, 10 chapters, slow burn, angst, fluff, smut, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, road trip AU, nouis + narry friendship}
Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.”
“Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.”
“Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes. A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
My opinion which one one really asked for: 
This fic played with me. The slow burn was so emotionally written and charged that my heart was all over the place. Louis and Harry were written so carefully, each of them have their own character arcs and troubles. But ultimately, the author showcases how they’re better together. I really recommend this fic!! It’s a well known fic and I really see why, it’s amazing!! Go read it!! I read it overnight, literally that amazing!!
Also can be found in: 
Friends to lovers
Road trip fics
Iconic fics
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Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir
{explicit, 88k, 9 chapters, slow burn, angst, pining, fluff, smut, friends to lovers, uni AU, OT5 friendship, Little Mix friendship}
Harry has only had his room for thirty-two minutes when it stops being his.
Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
I really loved this fic!! I stayed up till 4am reading it all in one go. I really reccomend you go read it. It’s not one of my all time ‘sjfjkfghslkfghjsdg’ favourite fics but it’s up there!! A cute little room mate fic with angst and pining but with a happy endning! 
Can be found in: 
Uni AU 
Longer Fics 2
Friends to lovers
Iconic Fics
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Faking It by TheCellarDoor
{mature, M/M, 46k, slow burn, angst, smut, pining, fluff, OT4 friendship, fake relationship, uni AU, friends to lovers}
A uni AU in which Louis has been Harry’s best friend since he offered him cubed fruit on the playground, and they spend more time cuddling in their dorm beds than they do apart, but it’s not like that. Or is it?
Aka Harry pretends to date his best friend to escape unwanted attention from a too insistent classmate and hopes it won’t blow up in his face. Featuring embarrassing dildo accidents, awkward boners, longing, first times, late night conversations, emotional discoveries and Niall as the exasperated friend with bad advice.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
I enjoyed this fic, I wouldn’t say it was one of my all time faves but it was enjoyable. I would’ve liked a bit more fluff and to know what they did as their relationship blossomed, felt as if it was solely focused on the build up to that then cut it off. A cute lil room mate uni AU with a fake relationship and friends to lovers involvement :) 
Can be found in: 
Friends to Lovers (2)
Uni AU 
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Swallow My Words by YesIsAWorld
{teen and up, 32k, 6 chapters, hurt/comfort, homophobia, highschool AU, athlete!Louis, athlete!Harry, OT5 involvement, Narry friendship, established relationship, coming out, fluff, smut, angst}
Senior year is stressful. On top of balancing school work, family, and friends, Harry's lacrosse team is vying to win the state championship, he's not sure where he's going to college yet, and he has a secret boyfriend that no one can know about.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
I really enjoyed this! I wouldn’t say it didn’t have it’s fault but it was very well written and progressed at a good pace. Would read again and recommend. I know highschool AU’s aren’t for everyone, but I really love this one!
Can be found in:
Highschool Fics
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Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor
{mature, 77k, 15 chapters, highschool AU, brothers best friend AU, nerd!Harry, hurt/comfort, bullying, fluff, cuddling, smut, pining, kinks}
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
I loved loved loved this!! I’ve never read a brothers best friend AU fic before and had even seen this exact fic before but decided against it. I’m so glad I ended up giving it a shot because I was desperate for some highschool AU fics. This pining/nerd!Harry/comfort/soulmates tropes is something I’m gonna be reading more of!!
Can be found in: 
High School AU 
Iconic Fics
Fav Fics
more fic recs can be found here!
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rantheon · 4 years
hypmic: thoughts
as of 25/3/2020 (i have not updated this since then but my feelings are roughly still the same)
might as well get this out of the way since matenrou’s album is out. half to prepare for the 2nd drb, half to organize my thoughts from 1.5 years in the making
that said, i talk about everything that comes to mind so this is just gonna be a dump of random thoughts :>
no it’s really long
aight so
the main part of hypmic is the music, which is pretty good, all things considering. each division has their own style of music, and each character, their style of rapping. this makes for some really fun and sick combos during the rap battles
i’m really floored by the seiyuus, they’re really trying hard and doing a great job
it’s also really nice that they bring in different composers? and no two songs sound too much alike or similar? it’s just a lot of effort put into the music and i’m all for it
hoodstar is my fav all-stars song. it’s so funky and fun? i could listen to it forever
ngl survival of the illest is a close second. i was not expecting to like it so much
plot… exists. that’s really all i can say about it-
listen. i’ll give them A for effort. i appreciate what they’re trying to do, continuing a linear storyline through the drama tracks and revealing bits of backstory in the manga. TDD era was lit af and the whole chuuoku endgoal + all the character interactions and revelations is pretty interesting
it’s just… predictable? like, very predictable? so much that it gets boring and old really quick? at least throw us a curveball, kr
there’s also the issue about how canon stuff are in exclusive (limited) drama tracks that can be difficult to get but that’s just Marketing so whatever, let’s move on
maybe they’ll drop some extra lore in the arb game, we’ll see
oh right, alternate rap battle
pretty cool game i guess? i was really only interested to try out the rhythm game, which i did, and it kinda... sucks. or well, it’s not bad but it’s not a contender against games like cytus, lanota, voez, etc. the beatmap’s a bit off and weird? i’ll just SS each song before i quit ahaha
but if you’re interested in more hypmic boys.png & a more casual rhythm game then go for it
here’s a (kind of) hot take: there’s so much content released that it all feels. saturated
i do love and appreciate the new content! but it’s just... a lot
i mean, you got new albums, manga, hypmic radio, stage plays, the arb game, the anime that’s supposedly out this year- and all of this within the span of about a year? it kinda feels like they’re riding on the popularity to just. try everything
good for them though, more Marketing strategies
mad respect to anyone who managed to stay sane for the past 6 months
i mean it’s not necessary to keep up with everything but with how active the fandom is, it can feel pressuring. especially when everyone’s screaming or yelling about angst or whatever
on that note, hot take #2: the fandom is intense. but not so much in a bad bad? it really depends which circle you step into and most of the ones i’ve seen have people that are super kind and lovely!
but it’s mainly intense and loud, it’s a slight tinge of entitlement going around in some circles, most if not all are very vocal about crying and everyone’s just screaming
but hey, the amount (and quality) of fanart and translation content etc is amazing & i always give my appreciation and love to them
with that stuff out of the way, hmm i’ll just ramble about something
like divisions
buster bros!!! is cute. good bro vibes. it’s also really lovely to read about how jiro and saburo didn’t like ichiro in the beginning, and now they’re willing to do anything for him? good stuff. they also have really good songs and i have equal love for all of them, but ‘ore ga ichiro’ remains forever undefeated with ‘requiem’ right behind. saburo’s probably my fav bc i can’t say no to smartass lil shits :’D
i will give my everything to mad trigger crew. the angry yakuza sison, the megane cop in leather and the military dork who loves to cook can have my soul right now. they fit my ideal types so well :’D not a big fan of their songs except ‘dead pools’ but i love listening to them on the drama tracks
hard to describe into words how i feel about fling posse. i love them very much, their character tropes are up my alley (i have a soft spot for gremlins, liars and gamblers) and nothing can ever top stella. but it’s kinda difficult to root for them? kinda? they’re the mystery division, you know? tied together with secrets and hidden pasts. even when i first got into hypmic, i wondered how they even got together lol. they do have cute moments though! and i’m eagerly waiting for them to open up to each other.
...ramuda ;;;;;
matenrou was my first. i got into hypmic bc of division battle anthem and the group with a gray wolf as their insignia. despite everything, they’re so… chill. jakurai has such a calming voice, doppo and hifumi yelling in the background of songs is so iconic, and they just want to have a good time. being giddy over assassin jakurai is just a perk, i swear-
dotsuitare hompo has nice songs. osaka dreamin’ night was catchy and tragic transistor was buckets of fun. but as a group, i don’t really… feel anything for them. they give me vibes of a plot device to progress the story along (sasara for samatoki, rei for BB/chuuoku) and there’s not much for me to get attached to. maybe in time! roshio having stage fright is really endearing, and sasara has the prettiest fanart ngl
i love bad ass temple!! if i wasn’t already into hypmic, this is the division that would make me dive in. i love love funky sounds, i’m really into their solos, and their dynamic? the “tired exasperated uncle taking care of two brats” vibes? kukou’s fangs? jyushi’s extra-ness? hitoya’s weird outfit? their entire drama track?? amanda?? i just love them
these next ones probably doesn’t count lol but i’ll say it anyway: i love the dirty dawg. ‘TDD legend’ remains to be one of my my go-to comfort songs. the drama between the four is both funny and sad, though it makes sense why they split up. at least they have their own groups now
not really into mad comic dialogue but i think they’re neat! they have nice fanart too
everyone hates chuuoku for ruining lives and that’s valid but. i want to know more about them? they’re obviously the Big Bad but seeing things from their perspective would be really interesting. and i’m genuinely curious about how chuuoku works: the inner workings of the district, how they handle giving out permits, the standard of living beyond the wall & for the women who chose not to, the clone factory
putting aside the music and plot, hypmic has the weirdest merch?? in what other fandom can you get a hypmic-themed bathtub, toothbrush, underwear, face masks and hotel rooms?
✧:・゚*~ only in hypmic ~*:・゚✧
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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This.....is the 1000th post on this blog, and I definitely waited until that could be true to post it, and that’s honestly? Very fitting. Seriously, you guys are a m a z i n g and I have literally never done a milestone before so I can’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like?? But we’ve somehow Miraculously (tm) managed to reach 100 followers and - anyway, this is going to be me very unprofessionally gushing about everyone because....I love you all and you’re all amazing aaaaaa. I’m??? Literally so blessed to have made friends and write with all of you. Y’all with multiple blogs, I’m only tagging once so I don’t spam your feed ok? And - as usual, this is going to get Long, because everything I do gets Long apparently. I tried to do it chronologically but IDK how well it worked oops.
@ccrrupticn  / D!!!! you are?? literally the reason I made this blog?? Without you, this thing would n o t mcfreaking exist omg!! You’re such an amazing writer (seriously, you manage so many muses and you give them all such distinct voices??? witchcraft???) and also so ???ridiculously kind! I love gushing to you about our Kids and you’re honestly A Saint (tm) for dealing with all of my blog construction/life related breakdowns, my crazy crossover headcanons and crashing into your inbox rambling about musicals <3 I miss talking to you so hmu whenever you come back if you want!!
@personnages /  Lynna!! You’re like an Actual Angel. I think you were the first person!! who talked to me??  And You were So Nice and Welcoming that you literally soothed half of my fears coming into rpc like immediately?? You basically helped me figure out how diminutives work and you’re responsible for me adding at least 3 of my muses and I cannot tell you how much I love you and every time you pop onto my dash/feed/discord/etc, it just makes me happy inside <3 Definitely 100000% will follow you to every blog (if you’ll have me lmao) regardless of fandom!! i’m super excited about all of our ship/friendship roulettes and you’re just an absolute joy to talk to.
@nikolacvnas / LYDIA goodness you are a W O N D E R. Probably the best? Historically based blog I’ve ever encountered, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the Anastasia rpc!! The care and research and attention to detail that goes into your portrayals are a s t o n i s h i n g? Your Tatya is divine, your Maria is So Lovely and I Cry For Joy that you write Dima honestly. I’d been eyeing your blog for a little bit before I made my own - and I was honestly a little scared of you when we started cause you are a GODDESS and I am a potato, but then we talked??? and you’re hilarious and a ridiculously kind person and I love you? And of course, I love your dog (the cutest in the universe).
@mythostold / LESLIE~  Different blog, same story~ Man, I’ve been following you since maybe day two of this blog being active? No matter which fandom you end up in and which muse you write, you have such!! good!!! takes!!! For one, I love reading your meta posts??? Like you’re just so incredibly passionate about your muses?? And your writing style is so good aaaaaaa it’s so atmospheric. And on top of all of that - you’re??? such a sweet and incredible??? person??? And I love talking to you boo <3 
@lifeawoke  /  NAT BBYSWEET <3 <3 <3  I have told the story of how I did a victory dance when you followed me to d e a t h probably but it’s t r u e your writing is amazing and your blog is amazing and y o u are amazing! You are the Natasha to my Sonya, and literally every time you send me a musing I’m like immediate-goofy-grin-heart-eyes???? It’s honestly a crime we don’t have more threads but like you’re an absolute joy to talk to and meme with and I adore you/your portrayal of beautiful bratty Natasha even if she drives my Sonya up the wall <3 You are Definitely the Funny Mutual lololol I crack up so much talking to you <3
@valianceearned / CARP you’re an amazing person/writer and holy h e c k am I impressed by your OCs!! They’re all so well thought out and developed? Your bios are so detailed and so much love and care is put into all of your characters. And your writing is so Lovely and it’s also very aesthetically lovely like holy heck the amount of work you put into both the content and the formatting? I am agog, I am aghast!! 
@gearsandlevers / Callie!!!!! YOU ROUND ALL THE CORNERS I STRAIGHTEN THE CURVES!! love your kids so much. Your Violet is a delightfully clever and likeable kid, your Evan might have literally walked off the stage two seconds ago, and you’ve put so much thought into your cinnabon stoner Henry. Your dialogue is amazing and I love our headcanon sessions lobbing ideas back and forth with you!! 
@spareisms / HEY MAGGIE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE WORTH MELTING FOR!!  You’re like the sweetest person alive??? How are you an Actual Real Life Disney Princess?? Your Anna is so well characterized and multi layered and I love how she an be so flawed but so brave and just how human she is. I’m very excited for your Anne Shirley too!! You’re a great writer (and a super sweet person aaaa) and I love you!! 
@gcneralvaganov /  Deanna, I have just one question: How? Have we only known each other for like 2 months???? It feels like my dash would literally be incomplete without you??  You play such deeply complex and incredibly flawed muses with such a great depth of respect and humanity. I love all of our AUs (we.....probably have a dozen by now), our long fix-canon tangents, and....look the inevitable conclusion to this whole thing is that we should....basically just write Anastasia tbh???  You’re incredibly funny and kind and talented and I’m so glad I yeeted myself into your IMs that first time 2 months ago! I love you, I love your muses, (Dima and Anya love their Dumb Boyfriend), and I love writing with you! 
@ncvaflows / ALEXA YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND YOU. You??? Unlocked Ultimate AU Mode Ro and it’s like I c a n ‘ t stop?? First off, I cannot believe we literally own the same books and like the same barbie movies. How are we not literally the same person??  (Maybe w e ’ r e Anneliese and Erika lmao). Honestly from day 1 you’ve been so welcoming and lovely and I’m so glad we crashed into each other’s IMs yelling at top volume about random ya lit/movies/aus!! I adore literally all of your OCs (is everyone a b s o l u t e l y sure they’re not canon??? hmmmmm a Mystery)???? In the words of Li Shang, “You WRITE GOOD????” Anyway you’re amazing and I love you <3
@curtainrisen / Rebekah, dude, you’re a wonder. Your muses??? So diverse, and your voices for them? Super on the nose and amazing. I love your Helene and how human she is, and I really gotta toss more of my kids at you (Super excited for Duke!!). You’re real chill to meme with and I love talking/writing with you!!
@heartlosttravelers / Tor!! I love that you stan Raoul de Chagny So Hard ( the pure cinnamon roll boy deserves it honestly) and you’re super cool and great to talk to! All your muses are a m a z i n g and I always love the read when you pop up on my dash! 
@damerusse / Marie!! You’re hella chill. Your memes???? 10000000% actually legendary. Meming with you cracks me The Heck Up. Lily is forever the puppy dealer, that is all, thank you, gnight. Ok for real though - your Lily is pretty Legendary too and you really got all that Spark and Fire right down. You’re amazing, and I love stalking your threads on my dash!  
@lionhvrted / Fortune, my buddy my pal, we really be Out Here making Jane Austen plots even m o r e rom-com. Like. How did we manage that??? We might be literally magical lmao. We don’t have a ton of stuff going on at the moment but I love our dumb pining kids and I love the justice and humanity you give to your Caroline, and Fitzy loves his (future) wife.
@guvernantka / P R U E I already love our Exasperated Big Sis / Annoying Lil Sis / LITERALLY WHO EVEN ARE YOU YOU SMELLY DUMBASS LIL BRO IN LAW dynamic. You have the Best Sense of Humor (tm) and I’m always catching you when it’s like 12 in the morning here so I’m always cracking up silently in bed trying not to wake my roommies up. 
@anastcsie / I LOVE OUR ANGRY SMOL AND DIRTY TOL YOUNG-BUT-OLD MARRIED COUPLE AND THEIR OLDEST DAUGHTER NAMED MARIA ALREADY.  I love your Anya and how feisty and fiery she is (Dima, needless to say, loves his wife) and I love how chill (and hilarious!!) you are as a person. We do have a tendency to turn into angst monsters 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun!! 
@asundrop / Polly!!!! ok so I know we haven’t really done anything w/ Raps (yet muahaha) BUT b o y was I hella excited when I found someone willing to yell about CDrama with me??? Thank you for being the Eternally Stoic/Always Annoyed Ancient God to my Tiny Dumb Fox Princess?? I love them and I love you (you’re hella cool) so there! 
@moretreasurewithin / KAAAATE goodness it’s only been a couple of days but I’m So Comfortable talking to you already? You’re just honestly really amazingly kind and I love screaming about Anastasia with you. We gotta get more going but I love your Dima and Maria Already (tm) and I love your sense of humor (here’s to torturing Dima with ties!!) and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
@annastrxng / AAAA somehow I managed to chat with you and then?? We never got anything going and it’s definitely mostly my fault cause of that High Anxiety (and also the fact that I got Immediately Busy) but you are literally So Nice and The Most Understanding and super great to talk to!! I hope we get something going in the future!! 
@soulcrossed / ROSE we have the same name I keep forgetting this lmao BUT ANYWAY. All your muses?? Amazing. You gotta throw more of them at me. Your Sophie?? Are you Actually Diana Wynn Jones in disguise?? I love our crazy au/headcanon sessions and I love/hate that you’re The Worst Enabler and I’m inevitably going to end up with the other two Hatter sisters on this blog lmao. 
@alonecour / @steeledstark / @professor-of-predators / @sclskinn / @dulcettc / @volaticoux / @frxncaise / @argelfrasterr / @i-wrote-myway / @zharptiitsa / @villainsfall / @anyaromanovarp / @agoodandloyalrussian / @aliquisinter 
AND EVERY ONE OF Y’ALL AMAZING PEOPLE OUT THERE I’M ADMIRING SILENTLY FROM AFAR EVEN NOW BECAUSE I CHICKENED OUT OF TAGGING YOU LAST MINUTE CAUSE WHAT IF YOU’RE LIKE “LMAO WHO IS THIS WEIRDO TAGGING ME??” (p.s. this is 100000% permission to slide into my IMs/like a plotting call/etc. I honestly think y’all are hella cool and probably love you already)
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otomeonfleek · 6 years
Request: Date Night w/ Eisuke Ichinomiya ft. Eito
Anonymous said:Request little eito is attached to mc and eisuke want to spend some time with mc alone cuddling but in the end the three of them end up cuddling
After a century of patience, I have procured this lil bit from the recesses of my scattered mind. Ta-da lol. This is not exactly what you requested, but I do hope you enjoy it ahhh. There are elements of cuddle in there. 
Requests are open and I slowly shall continue to answer them. To the general ppl, please feel free to send some in! I write for any of the Voltage Inc games (ie. IYAT, BMP). Lol not just KBTBB, they just happen to be poppin in my requests. 
Be on the lookout for my next fics. One is another KBTBB request w/ Soryu (angsty) and the other will be a sweeter one w/ Makoto from MLFK (My Last First Kiss). 
After giving birth, it took ages for you to reach a point in which you felt nearly comfortable in your newest position as a mother. It had been impossible to detach yourself from your precious son’s side. 
You felt pride in how the following years led to a progression of confidence in your mothering abilities and the knowledge that Eito was not made of glass. Even greater was your husband’s relief that you were gradually learning to ease up on the immense pressure you forced on yourself. 
“What if something happens?” 
“I swear I can hear him crying!” 
“That fabric is too rough for him.” 
“This isn’t the brand he likes.” 
“I think I’ll just stay home with him. He’s not ready yet.” 
These days, you were making it a point to implement changes to better balance your life. As a treat, you and Eisuke were due for a date night. 
Standing at the doorway, the billionaire hotel magnate tucked his cuff back to glance at his silver Rolex with an exasperated frown. “Babe, we’re going to be late.” He clicks his tongue with a soft sigh when he notes how cemented to your place you are. 
On the other side of the room is you crouched onto your haunches and clutching your toddler’s tiny arms. Despite donning an elegant white designer dress and having your flowing locks styled into curls, you ignore it all in favor of tending to your son’s pout. 
“...B-But, I don’t want you to go.” The mini-version of your glaring partner has a lost expression, his (e/c) orbs bubbling with unshed tears. It is the thought of being without you that makes his heart hurt and especially confuses him. 
You sniffle, trying to bite back the sobs threatening to escape you. Him garbed in a dainty and gray polo shirt and khakis is too precious. This rather preppy and adultish outfit is such a contrast with his child-like expression. You are nearly tempted to abandon date night in favor of cooing over your son. However, you can practically feel his father cursing you. 
This evening has been marked on your calendar for weeks and there would undeniably be hell to pay if you cancelled now. Regardless of whether the older male would admit, you knew that he had been looking forward to some proper alone time. 
It was undeniable that Eisuke treasured Eito and throughout your pregnancy could be found simply sitting in the nursery. There had been a handful of times when he would gently hold your hand or press a slow kiss to the crown of your head and thank you for making him a father. 
However, time to yourselves still was necessary and had been rare for months. 
Sighing, you squeeze Eito’s pudgy arms and smile. “Aww, I’m sorry sweetie. Mommy and Daddy are just going to be gone for a little bit. For now, you get to play with your uncles!” You tilt your head and point at his odd assortment of playmates in the form of overgrown men that are scattered around the penthouse. When the child turns to stare, the bidders mostly fidget while Baba shoots a grin. 
“Yeah, little man! We can stay up to watch a bunch of Disney movies like Cars and eat candy! Doesn’t that sound fun, Soryu?” The fedora-donning male turns his mischievous eyes to the mobster sitting at the edge of one of the leather couches. 
Feeling awkward, Soryu scratches the back of his head nervously and fights back a glare for the sake of not frightening his godson. “Right...” 
In an opposite corner, both the slacker and Angelic prince snicker at the sad display.
Instead of jumping on board, the youngest turns red and cries “Don’t leave, Mommy!!” When you try to stand up, his tiny fingers instantly grip at and wrinkle the lower hem of your skirt.
Before you say a word, Eisuke bounds across the room and carefully yet firmly separates your child’s hands from your dress. He deftly scoops Eito into his arms and lowers his head to meet his gaze, “Now we have to go or Mommy and Daddy will be late. We don’t want that, do we?” 
After a small pause, your son shakes his head in agreement. 
“Good. I need you to make sure your uncles don’t get in trouble. Especially your Uncle Luke.” At that, everyone’s sight trails to the unconscious form of the lengthy blonde curled up into a ball on a love seat. Mumbling phrases like “(Y/N)...tasty clavicles...Oh no, Eisuke...” the doctor never fails to worry everyone. 
With his father’s gentle maneuvering, Eito nods eagerly. “I’ll take care of everyone!!” He cheers, a look of determination and glee taking over. In that moment, your son is the spitting image of you. Eager to take on a challenge and happy to help. 
Smiling crookedly, the brunette ruffles his son’s locks with an affectionate look and places him down, “I know you will.” 
After pressing a kiss on your son’s cherub-like cheek and thanking the bidders again for their help, you take your husband’s arm and are on the way out. 
You however pause when Eito calls out, “Don’t forget to come back!” 
Noting your trembling heart again, Eisuke sighs and practically drags you away. 
“He needs me!!” 
“(Y/N), the guys are with him.” 
“They don’t know how he likes to be cuddled!” 
“...We made these reservations months ago.” 
“Eisuke, they’re watching Cars.” 
“Goddamn it, we can watch Cars and cuddle with him anytime!!” 
“Then, how about now?” 
“Fine, but we better be home by 9:00pm.” 
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venus-viz · 6 years
Night We’ll Never Forget
Sirius x Reader
Prompt: Your friends try to get you to go to a party, despite your reluctancy. You end up agreeing, and don’t regret it at all.
Word Count: 2,193
Warning(s): Mention of drinking, like one cuss word
Note: This is a modern AU because those are just easier for me to write, haha, hope you don’t mind.
Gif not mine.
(No reposting, please!)
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“I already said no.”
An exasperated groan was earned from one of her flat mates. Lily stood watching in amusement, biting into her toast. “Lils, can you please back me up here?” Marlene begged, (Y/N) shaking her head vigorously behind her. Lily seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, but she already had her answer before being asked.
“I think I have to agree with Mar, (Y/N)-” The said female fell back onto her bed dramatically, interrupting the red-head's sentence with a loud sigh of annoyance. “-you’ve been cooped up in here for too long.”
Marlene added on to Lily’s statement, “Yeah and frankly, hon, it’s been affecting you. I swear I heard you reciting Color Theory facts in your sleep when I was going to the bathroom.” (Y/N) let out a breathy laugh, immediately catching herself and trying to keep a poker face. She bit her lip, putting her thoughts together.
“I don’t know, guys...I’m not the best at social events.”
“Then this can be some well-needed practice! If you ever feel uncomfortable, just try to find us.” Marlene reassured.
(Y/N) was about to protest when Lily went before her, throwing a sweet smile over at her. “We care about you, which is why you should take our advice for once in your life. If we turn out to be wrong, you can scold us all you want.” Marlene copied Lily’s expression, throwing her arm around the still unconvinced female. “In addition to what our lovely red-head has stated, if you don’t have a good time, we can't let you tutor us on a hard subject throughout the next two weeks.”
(Y/N) smirked, already liking the benefit she would get from this bargain. “Alright, you guys got me, I’ll go.” Her friends cheered, doing cute victory dances. “However, can you help me pick out an outfit? As smart as I am, I know nothing about these things.” Marlene and Lily shared a knowing look, nodding at each other.
Her room was in a mess of clothing, shoes and makeup within what was probably five minutes. All three girls were sat on the floor, backs against the foot of the bed. (Y/N) glanced across the room while her friends high fived. Judging by the state of her once-neat living quarters, she was scared to think about how crazy things got for them if it was a larger event.
Marlene was the first to speak up after long seconds of silence, “You know, I feel like this is going to be a night we’ll never forget.”
What have I gotten myself into?
- - - -
“You look stunning, love!”
(Y/N) twirled in front of the full-body mirror. Her friends’ compliments made her feel better, but she still felt uncomfortable by the length of the dress. Marlene must’ve noticed. “Girl, can you stop pulling the end of the dress down, you’re goin’ to end up ripping it.” (Y/N) laughed nervously, now conscious of what her hands had been doing. “Right, I just-...I’ve never worn something so short.”
Marlene snorted, checking if her lipstick was alright next to her. “Well, you look mighty fine in it. Don’t steal all the good ones from us tonight.”
Mar’s jokes distracted (Y/N) from her worrisome thoughts.
“Guys, do I look okay?”
The girls turned to the doorway where Lily stood in her flattering lavender dress, her hair in a half-up half-down style.  
“Okay? You look better than okay! If James wasn’t head over heels for you already, he definitely will be tonight.”  
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows. Lily turned a light shade of red while Marlene answered the unspoken question. “James is this guy she met at a café down the block. They hit it off and she gave him his number. He won’t stop sending little flirts and compliments now, it’s honestly so cute.” She giggled with (Y/N) joining in. Lily was really red now, her face unamused. “Can we just go already?”
They shared a few laughs before nodding. The three of them grabbed their phones and purses before heading out.
(Y/N) fumbled as she got her car keys out while putting in the address to her GPS.  
Marlene was already giddy and she hadn’t even touched any alcohol yet. “Thanks again for being our ride, (Y/N).” The mentioned female did a toothless smile as she concentrated on putting in the words and numbers correctly.
“It’s no problem, really. Plus, I’m convinced you’ll both be wasted by the end of the night so you need someone to look out for you.”  
Both girls gasped, clutching their chests dramatically. Lily did a small ‘humph’ while Marlene protested, saying she knew how to handle herself. “If you think calling me at 3 AM asking where I keep the escaped llamas is handling yourself then yes, you’re totally right Mar.”
They all broke out into laughter, arriving at the car.  
After getting comfortable in their seats-with seatbelts, of course-starting the engine and playing some music from (Y/N)’s playlist, they were on their way.
With the melodies of her favorite artists and Marlene’s rambling about how many cute pictures she’s going to take, the amount of time it took to arrive didn’t even cross (Y/N)’s mind.
“Come on, open the door, I’m ready to party!” Lily giggled at Marlene’s remark. Upon unlocking the car doors, Marlene immediately got off, followed by Lily. (Y/N) stayed in her seat, having second thoughts on her decision.
Lily gave her a look, which said she was not going inside unless she was sure (Y/N) was right behind her. She immediately knew all the ‘what if’s that were going through the girl’s mind. “Can you just let your worries go for one night?” It sounded less like a question and more like a command.  
(Y/N) sighed, putting her phone away and clutching onto her purse before stepping out. After making sure that the car doors were locked, she walked right next to Lily with Marlene a little ahead.  
Upon entering, about a million conversations and music were blasted into her ears. Marlene had already wandered off somewhere, which (Y/N) assumed was the place the drinks were being served. She started chatting with Lily when a messy-haired boy with circular glasses asked if he could borrow her. Judging by the way Lily blushed, (Y/N) automatically guessed it was James. She secretly didn’t want to be left alone but she also wanted her friend to spend time with her crush, even if she denied liking him the whole car ride when it was mentioned.
Guiding herself through a sea of dancing people, (Y/N) found a more secluded spot where she could seat herself down. It’s not that the heels were tiring, but she didn’t want her feet to hurt when she wasn’t even doing anything.
“What’re you doing all alone, love?”
She looked up to see the most beautiful pair of grey eyes she’d ever seen. His long hair framed his face perfectly, and-wait, what was happening again?  
“It’s rude to stare, sweetheart.” A smirk tugged at his lips. (Y/N) grew flustered, now realizing she was probably analyzing him for too long. She thanked whatever being may be out there that the multicolored lights made her blush less noticeable. “Sorry-I...can we start over?”
He let out a deep laugh, something (Y/N) would definitely pay to hear again. “Of course.” He held out the hand that wasn’t holding a drink. “The name’s Black, Sirius Black.” She smiled, shaking his hand, which sent sparks through her. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N).”  
“(Y/N)…" She relished in him saying her name, but quickly interrupted whatever he was going to follow that up with. “If you say ‘beautiful name for a beautiful girl,’ I am leaving this party.”  
He immediately closed his mouth, causing her to laugh. Sirius took a seat next to her on the couch. “Did you come here all by yourself?” (Y/N) shook her head, gaining a momentarily disappointed Sirius. “My friends talked me into coming,” His original expression returned. “I don’t usually come to these things.”  
“I can tell.”
“Is it that obvious?” (Y/N) bit her lip nervously.
“If you keep doing that, I’ll have no choice but to kiss you on the spot, love.”  
She gently shoved him, her face reddening even more. “If you came here with friends, why do I see no evidence of them.”  
(Y/N) fidgeted with her hands. “One is probably drunk and dancing her heart out. The other is who-knows-where with this boy. James, I think it was.” Sirius’s eyes evidently lit up. “James is my best mate, guess we were destined to meet anyway.” He sent a wink at her before taking a sip of his drink.
“Is this a hobby of yours, picking up girls with your charming ways.”  
“Not always, but I’m glad to see you find me charming, love.” She immediately cursed herself mentally for the words that had come out of her mouth.
Sirius coughed awkwardly, sinking down in the couch as if trying not to be seen. This caused her to imitate his smirk. “Odd way to react to such a random statement. Could they possibly be referring to you, Snuffles?” His eyes glared over at her. “Of course not.”
Sirius groaned, running one hand through his hair and covering his face with the other. (Y/N) broke into laughter. After a few seconds, the laughter died down and Sirius moved one finger to see. He expected to find the girl had disappeared only to find she had stood up in front of him and had her hand held out. “They’re trying to find you, yes? We could move out onto the balcony if you like. Unless you want to be found faster.” He shook his head, smiling as he took her hand.
(Y/N) threw open the doors dramatically, “Ah, fresh air. Well, as fresh as it can be from all the cars that have driven past here tonight.” She glanced over at him, the moonlight perfectly highlighting his beautiful features.
“You’re starin’ again, love.” The familiar smirk appeared on his face.
“In the good way or the bad way?”
The female’s confused expression at his statement made him laugh. “You were thinking out loud.”
(Y/N) groaned in exasperation. “Can I embarrass myself anymore tonight?”
“I find it kind of cute.”
She blinked, thinking she must have heard it wrong. “I’m-what?”
Sirius expertly switched the topic, although the thought lingered in her mind. They talked for the rest of the night, which was filled with friendly and not-so-friendly banter. They found they really enjoyed talking to each other, having the same humor. Of course, just listening to the other person seemed to entertain them enough.
Sirius got nervous in the middle of the conversation, which didn’t go unnoticed by (Y/N). “Hey, are you alright? You’ve gone really quiet.” He cleared his throat, his eyebrows knitting together, like he was thinking deeply about something. “Yeah, I was just-...you know what, fuck it.” (Y/N) laughed a little from his sudden outburst.  
“(Y/N), I don’t want you to be some random person I met at a party. You seem like such a smart, cool, and funny person. Not to mention you’re bloody gorgeous-” A familiar blush spread across her face. “-so, before I chicken out, I need to ask you something. Will you go on a date with me?” (Y/N) froze where she stood. Had she heard him correctly?
Her mouth opened to say something but it instantly closed.
“I’ll take that as a no-”
“NO! God, no-I mean-” Words seemed to be failing her, so she decided to try a different method.
Leaning up, she quickly pressed her lips against his. Sirius’s eyes widened but the shock instantly wore off as he wrapped his hands around her waist. They both smiled into the kiss, (Y/N)’s hands slowly reaching up to touch his hair.  
They seemed to forget where they actually were, because they both jumped abruptly when someone opened the doors to the balcony.  
Lily stood there, a smirk forming on her lips. “Am I interrupting something?” Both of their faces were reddening by the second. Sirius seemed to get over the situation faster than (Y/N), now smirking back at Lily. “How did your snog sesh with James go, Evans?” Now it was Lily’s turn to blush.
Sirius broke into laughter, shouting back in response, “GET SOME, PRONGS!”
The girls looked at each other, confused, but laughed along anyway.
Sirius and (Y/N) quickly exchanged phone numbers before they forgot and went back inside with Lily. After a couple more rounds of shots that (Y/N) had no intention in participating in, the party died down and people started leaving. Checking the time, she realized why. Finding Marlene and helping her walk sturdier, she gestured to Lily that they should be leaving too. She smirked when she saw her go up to James and give him a peck on the cheek. Lily mouthed, “Not a word.” over to her.
“I look forward to our date, doll.”  
(Y/N) waved with her hand that wasn’t supporting Marlene, smiling to herself on the way out.  
Hnnng, it’s posted. Okay. I wanna do better next time, haha. Hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless, although it’s not that great lmao. 
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Played that lil game fairness simulator i just reblogged, and it rly makes me think about stuff I’ve noticed playing online games
Warframe is a game that has a high concentration of kinder players. The community prides itself on helping new players, and it isn’t uncommon for older more experienced players to go out of their way to help newer ones. I’ve seen older ones offering up mods, showing newbies secrets, the best ways to run spy missions, or just helping them figure out how to get the biggest bang for their buck. Miscommunications tend to be quickly addressed- “Hey you’re killing stuff too quick for event to happen” “Why are you playing a mini-game right now? ‘oh shit I was in the map by myself didn’t realize you all joined sorry’‘
This isn’t random- the game itself incentivizes playing kindly. Playing in a group get more rewards due to higher enemy spawns, but if you all run as a lone ranger, the spawns get screwed up due to distance. Reviving a player is beneficial in the long run, since you have another person around in case you go down. And receiving a revive instead of self-reviving (of which you have 4 normally) preserves your exp. There’s not really kill-stealing, since you share experience and rewards (in some cases, playing beside a nuker frame is more helpful for you! Experience in WF levels your frame and your weapons, divided up based on what you’re using. However, shared player exp is evenly divided on whatever you have equipped- meaning if you run a crappy pistol in a high level area with a nuker frame friend, even if you never use the pistol, it will still get some respectable exp.) The dev team is active with the player base and works to screw up any ‘meta’ that becomes too hegemonic and overbearing- they want all players to have fun, not just the ones playing ‘correctly’.
Cheating the system and other players certainly happens, but there aren’t as many systems in place to let it happen, and most of them do not unduly reward cheaters over fair players. The biggest complaints are about leechers in open world areas, who let others run the missions while they goof off, and often that’s just annoying, not mission threatening. They might even miss out on some good rewards due to being too far from random drops.
MMORPG’s are trickier. Recently(ish) I’ve done Guild Wars 2 and FF XIV. Since I never got into endgame raid content in either (not rly), I don’t have tons of experience with the areas that are easily the most toxic, but. The biggest problems tend to come from older players getting exasperated that new ones don’t know what they’re doing (miscommunication). Most MMO’s have worked to make kill stealing or loot stealing much harder, since that’s one of the most common causes of toxicity.
That leaves player interaction, most notably in markets. But that’s capitalism babey and I ain’t about to touch that shit. Otherwise, things can be pretty neutral- you might run into some rude folks, some nice ones, but you can just keep on keeping on. Speaking as someone who picked up healing in FFXIV, I am occasionally ready to murder folks in dungeons (tanks who draw too much aggro, dps playing like a tank, both of them ignoring that I’ve got aggro from adds...) but I also have met some wonderfully nice people that keeps me less cynical.
Monster Hunter World is unique in that while you can solo like, the entire game, online play isn’t too bad. Part of this is because there’s limited mechanisms for players to help OR harm each other. Communication is pretty limited, unless you want to take the time to write out a message. You can have preset messages, but most of those are pretty positive and are used for ‘good job!’ or ‘oh that was hella rad’. Someone might kill a monster where you won’t have time to carve it for parts, or be rude/playful and keep smacking you so that you can’t, but at least there’s the rewards at the end. Any weapon can be effective, tho some are better on different monsters.
MHW is just. Incredibly neutral, because unless you run voice chat w/ friends, a multi-player hunt is basically just. Oh hey extra pple for the dps, cool. Minus the times when they chew through your 3 team deaths before failure. Upgrade your armor you fool!
And then there’s Overwatch. I don’t really have an incentive to be nice to my teammates or my enemies. Sure, the commendations can be nice, but they don’t do anything meaningful. If someone hurls slurs at me in the chat, I guess I can report and block them, but lord knows if that will do anything. Working with my team does give me a slightly higher chance at victory, but not if my team in general isn’t willing to work with me. If a teammate or enemy is actively griefing me? Jesus. Christ.
The community itself is very telling, considering that they call toxicity ‘normal’. It happens, they say with a shrug, block report and move on. And when I witness a few teammates who are willing to get  involved, and firmly shut down the offending party? That’s an outlier. That’s likely to make the offending party straight up leave the game, and in competitive, that punishes your team. Even in non-competitive play, if you choose to leave a game due to toxicity, doing so too many times prevents you from playing for a while.
Pro advice for climbing the competitive ladder at low ranks? Pick a hero you like, carry, and ignore your team. Since low ranks gain more experience if they gain more medals (of which you can gain gold, silver, or bronze for: kills, kills on the objective, objective time, healing, and enemy damage), that means certain heroes will be given less punishment and higher rewards even if their play-style didn’t benefit the team, only themselves. I like playing Mercy! She’s a fun, highly mobile healer with a resurrection ability. She’s meant to be dangerous only because of her strong healing ability and rez, which can win a team fight. The only medal she is likely to get is for healing, because to do damage you must actively stop healing and switch to a weapon. I am a very good Mercy, but I will unlikely be able to rank up with her because the system is actively stacked against her. (The devs, in fact, have given her less points for winning a match because of ‘too many Mercy mains at unfair ranks’. And then they nerfed her into the ground. Mhm.)
Overwatch is somehow a team-based shooter that gives very little incentive in-game to play as a team, and gives no in-game tutorials or lessons on how a team should play as opposed to a single person. There is barely any HUD to let you know how your team is doing health-wise or with cool-downs (annoying for dps, bad for tanks, catastrophic for healers). They don’t let us see how our fellow teammates are doing for fear of toxicity. I have no way of trying to encourage people to stand in a specific area other than chat or spamming ‘group up’ while standing there.
I still love what Overwatch is trying to be, with its diversity and cool heroes, but I would really like them to reexamine how they have the game set up to reward cooperation and kindness.
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listen I know posts like this are painfully cliché, but for your consideration: the Magnus Chase series filmed in a Parks and Rec/The Office style
- Every time someone doesn't understand/refuses to use ASL, Hearth sends a long, withering stare into the camera
- That scene from the Office where Dwight sets the place on fire bc he was mad no one paid attention to his fire safety power point presentation??? Odin when he was still disguised as an einherjar
- Any time Anyone is being hard on themselves Magnus starts complimenting them like Leslie Knope compliments Ann
- Every time Magnus sends a sarcastic prayer to his father we cut to Frey just frowning in mild confusion
- Amir: "Samirah why did I get a letter from a norse god inviting me to your wedding???"
Tumblr media
- Any time Magnus says or does Anything, Alex either looks into the camera in exasperation or they cut to an aside of her ranting about how stupid he is
- The whole episode where Lil' Sebastian escaped the petting zoo and got lost in the maze, but like, when Fenris Wolf escaped his chains
- Jack the sword is literally just Jean-Ralphio
- Magnus, wearily throwing himself down in a seat outside of Fadlan's: "Give me all the falafel you have. Wait, wait- I'm worried what you just heard was 'give me a lot of falafel'. What I said was 'give me all the falafel you have'. Do you understand?"
- Loki is essentially just both the Tammy's and Jamm rolled into one
- Shots of Sam flying into danger and wielding an axe and just doing generic Valkyrie stuff and then they just pan over to Amir with wide eyes looking like he's about to faint
- Every time someone curses, Jack lets out a "beeeeep" to censor it; Jack curses freely
-  *one of those weird and uncomfortable Inge and Hearth scenes happen*
    Blitzen: "The thing about Alfheim culture is...I don't understand it."
- Every time there's a battle happening a weirdly non-battle song plays but the scene will occasionally splice to an aside of Jack just singing that song off-tune
- Every time Magnus forgets he's supposed to be the healer of the group, the person who's dying stares into the camera until it hits him
- Cut to scenes of Blitz and Hearth on one of their aside secret missions- "DONT be SUSPICIOUS, DONT BE S U S P I C I O U S~~~~" asl is worked into the dance moves
- Fredrick and Annabeth: 'Hey where the fuck is Magnus?'
  Randolph: "~~Technically he's HOMELESSSSS~~~~"
- We still get all the ridiculous death scenes in Valhalla but all the warriors act like the Citizens of Pawnee even when they're dying like they're Awful.
  ex) Alex, holding a vase to one of the managers: "Yeah I made this in one of  your pottery classes??? It's TERRIBLE!" *throws it so hard at them they loose an eye*
  ex) TJ, dying in his bed: "Yeah you know that water fountain with the 'do not drink the water' sign? Halfborn dared me to drink from it and now I'm dying of a fatal infection. Sir, sir are you listening??? Sir I'm TALKING TO YOU! Are you aware that there's waste in your water system???"
  ex) Mallory, twelve arrows sticking out of her and slowly bleeding to death: "I don't know what I did to deserve this." - Magnus: "You were yelling at a bunch of little kids on the battlefield." - "Well they SUCKED!"
- Every time someone predicts Blitz or Hearth is gonna die the camera pans in on Magnus who groans into the camera
- "Thor has never had a real job...in his LIFE,"
- "Mallory, you're like a Valkyrie without flight magic!" - "...So like a person?"
- Every time Loki invades Magnus' dreams he talks as if he's expecting a laugh track and Magnus just gets more and more confused
- Magnus: "I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my entire life."
   Blitz and Hearth: "We know this, and we love you."
- During the brief percabeth cameo in Ship of the Dead, every time Magnus or Alex stares into the camera or does an aside or something, Percy and Annabeth are like...what the fuck are you doing. What are you looking at. Who are you talking to. Why are the Norse like this???
- Hearth: *belittles or doubts himself*
  Magnus and Blitz: *signing aggressively* YOU HAVE A L L THE STRENGTHS
- Alex: "Someone will DIE..."
  Magnus: ".....of fun?"
- When Leslie lowkey kidnapped the gay penguins and took them to Iowa where it was legal??? Magnus with Thor's goats
- Basically everyone who isn't human is an Eagletonnian like that's why they're so fake nice about guest rights lol
- The cameras are really just Odin's ravens
- Any time Magnus and Alex have a moment(tm) you can see Sam lurking in the background making excited eyebrows into the camera
- Any time they gotta talk about crafting or fashion Blitz is basically Tom Haverford you know I'm right
- When gods make ridiculous requests or give dumb orders and you get a shaky zoom in on the mains looking ready for the end
- Remember when Jerry lied about getting mugged bc he didn't want to admit he got messed up trying to get a burrito?? Magnus after he tried and failed to fight that eagle that stole his falafel
- Blitz has absolutely said 'treat yo self' at least once
- Loki, complaining about his eternal punishment: "I am the victim of a hate crime!"
  Magnus: "That's...not what a hate crime is."
  Loki: "WELL I HATED IT."
- Mimir is basically Orin
- Alex: *exists*
  Magnus: "Whats a not gay way to ask him to go camping with me?"
- my laptop's dying but I will not drop this I'll be back later
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dev-hub4fixfict-ut · 7 years
Know & Determinate: II- the surface and a lame witch; chap 1
/racism, /hate crime, /physical assault, /alcohol, /c slur, /unsanitary, /witchcraft, /panic attack, bad writing. like, really bad. i wrote this when i was in a bs brainspace in highschool to cope.
a self-insert fanfiction where i write what happens after my runs of undertale. written in google docs and idk what im doing. Frisk is 12, use they/them, has a bullshit life, Chara also uses they/them, and is still here, and never meant for all this to happen, they hate each other, and Sans is still, and forever will be, a mess.
here we go with that stuff !! im pumped enough to not collapse of stage anxiety ah ah.
please do not confuse my complicated style for pretentiousness. im but a wordy insecure fool. with a super touchy soft spot for a small fat skeleton. and lots of imagination.
this isn’t something for fontcest and frans shippers and gross ppl who villainize and misgender kids and call gay couples “hawt sin” tho. u guys are uglies and i hate you, go away. ;U
“Sans” i deadpanned.
He perked up a little, his forever-fucking-smiling expression mirroring my tone -with his eyes. Eyes’ sockets. Those were the only hints of what he was actually thinking. Because his fake smile -fake, i’m so sure of it, so fake smile, it only ever dropped when Frisk’s puppeted body struck him down, the very only moment he stopped- wow getting sidetracked. Anyway.
“Sans.” i repeated. i need to repeat myself a lot. Verbal dyspraxia i think. He didn’t seem to know that and squinted a bit more, indication of his annoyance/suspicion/mistrust/wariness. ‘s what his squinting usually means, directed at me. Can’t blame him. “i…” Truth is, i don’t actually know what to tell him. ‘s just. i love him, and i know it sounds crass and misplaced blurted out like this, but as a consequence, i’m worried about him. A lot. Constantly. i hope bpd isn’t blurring my judgement too much. ‘m not sure he does take care of himself as well as he deserve. And look who’s talking, right ? But he is surrounded by loving friends and family. And has his brother. He could get help. Good help.
Damn my hesitance was making him unnerved. I could see it in how he turned to me, bone hands switching in and out of his pockets. I only hugged myself tighter, hands vaguely gesturing.
“i… Could i offer you to crash on my couch sometimes ? Or bed even, i don’t use mine a lot, actually. Since it’s, y’know, closer to a good part of your odd jobs than your house and Papyrus isn’t home then ?” Dang that was weirder out loud. i kept a blank face to show i was serious. i was- the guy looked even more tired than me. Tells something.
“uh. kid, you got something going in the back of your mind ?” Damn he took me too seriously. Squinting hard at me now, he was the perfect studied statue of calm judgement. Damn he was good at those.
“Well, safe from letting you get a good deserved rest more easily, not much !!” i made sure to answer jovially, doing the whole ‘punching the air round and low in excitement’ thing. We could be two playing the happy clown game.
i had found him at Grillby’s, like usual. his food was getting cold. like usual too. what was less usual was the tense manner he held himself when i came in, and how he “straightened” up, like he had forgotten himself, when i greeted him, pat on the shoulder. he would have flinched but he wouldn’t have wanted me onto him about it. so his eye socket had violently twitched -violently as in, noticeably, by his standards, and...uh lost myself again, fuck.
What i mean is that he was having a harsh day, probably after a harsher even night, his ptsd acting up (‘m not supposed to know ‘bout that. He himself doesn’t even know it. i just read. and relate), and i wanted to help him. now, maybe i had been presumptuous thinking i could…
So that’s why i insisted, vigorously,
“And uh-we can watch some trash movies and stuff, anytime, and like you can just stop by during your in-between shifts, even if i’m not home, i’ll give you a spare key and-” sudden stop. oh no. He gave me The Hand.
He indeed did, holding it up, like he wanted me to slow down. i did, obviously, but uh. did that mean i was overwhelming him, or annoying ? Was there a difference ?? Did it matter ???
Not now, because he was talking, and internal anxiety mini attack made me split focus, and i wanted full focus on what he said, on him.
“look kid,” i hate he calls me that “i appreciate whatchu tryin to do here” meh.liar. spill it. “but i can’t accept. paps would be upset if he knew i was squatting-”
“No he wouldn’t !! He would call it ‘GREAT FRIENDLY HANGOUTS OF REST’ and be very happy we uuh spend time together and stuff-”
“ok” glaring at me now, probably pissed i used his bro’s good nature to shot down his excuse. Heh. Two play at that game. “but here’s the thing.” he advanced himself up to me, nearly out of his seat. i held my ground. uh oh. “we a r e n’t f r i e n d s.”
Ouch. i mean i knew this but. Ouch. His eyes hadn’t blacked out on that last part, but nearly, too. Could be that his already hazy eyelights had just dimmed in exasperation but um. That didn’t feel any better. i gulped. Just a little. Just to keep down the new forming clog in my throat. Just a little one. i knew this.
“i know this !! but look, we could be, if we hanged out !” i didn’t dare say more. My eyes stung a lil bit too much for my liking and while never embarrassed by my tears, didn’t want to embarrass him.
‘s not like i was seriously hurt. i knew where we stood, and that my crush was going to stay that, a crush. what really stung was the utter lack of trust and the hatred-like suspicion he had of me. that and also feeling like i’m watching someone drown, but can’t help, because when i reach out they swat me away in fear i would be the one pushing them further. That’s probably more of my saviour complex dramatizing everything, but it’s bad to be helpless when you know someone, and you’re the only one to notice where they’re headed, because they’re great at pretending, but it’s like looking at yourself in a mirror for you. Get me ?
But. That’s fair. We hadn’t started well off. At all. Oh boy we hadn’t…
Seems like now would be a good time to make a small recap, uh ? ‘bout how i ended up knowing that dude, falling in love, analysing his mental shit and all that jazz. Yeah.
me, some lame girl who won’t eat for days and forgo sleep just because, who doesn’t shave but my actual hair, doesn’t do makeup, who doesn’t smile when I’m told to and who grins for no apparent reason whenever a new daydream pops up, because i’m kind of stuck in my own head because it’s better in here. because of… trauma crap. i get by by drawing and playing games where i can just save everyone.
i don’t know if you get what i mean. i sorta hope you don’t. Because it hurts. But at the same time it’d be awesome if you did, because y a y let’s relate about crap !
Don’t know if it matters, too.
Could help to get a few friends. But being  an asocial, asexual, kinda aromantic mess kinda throws that out of the window. You’d think so many A would get me higher in life eh heh heh heh heeeeeh… not funny. i’m not funny. My life is not funny. The way i react to it can be, though.
Like, that one time i was hanging out on my own, outside the bar i had first entered with classmates, as i tried to be less of a hermit, in a bar street and fled because i can't stand alcoholic jerks, and then saw this crowd of tough guys ejecting a small and stout person in a blue hoodie from said bar by fucking throwing a chair at them through the fucking window, and seeing that this little dude is a monster, and knowing they’re gonna get busted down to a puddle of dust by the mastodont looming over them if nobody intervenes ?
i reacted funny.
“Yoo-ou ffffffuking cunt, I-I’m gon’ mash you to the dirt yo motha shitted after getting fucked by yooour d-d-dog of a oold man-”
As he spits the words, an obviously very drunk dude stumbles closer and closer to the monster, his hands shaking like he wants to grip their head and smash it.
Freak it. This son of a bitch may be slurring like he drank the whole city, but he’s for sure all out to kill him ! Get up and run, little dude !
“c’mon man, “fucking cunt” , fun king or earl, it’s still a bit early to speak ‘bout mothers isn’t it?”
[i recognize him]
Pfft- what ? i snort loudly from my spot.
Okay, this is a gloriously  bad, stretched pun -but now is not the time for goodness’ sake ! Run, dude, run -wait, is that a skeleton ?!
[i recognize him]
Oh my fuck, how dumb is that dude, going out in a popular bar at what-the-heck-hours in this stupid city ! There were shootings and assassination attempts on the monster gym leader not even two blocks away yesterday ! And you just go in there with a face that screams “LOOK AT ME” ?! Are you stupid or do you just lack of basic preservation instincts ?!
The brute keeps advancing, spouting shit, a sort of gang backing him up, toward mc comicbonedude, a guy i assume, given the voice, but with monsters you never know, gender’s a myth but not them- who’s still on the ground, backtracking, crawling with a grin it didn’t drop the whole time, is it stuck or something and doesn’t look like getting up holy crap he can’t get up, the more hatred a monster is confronted with the hardest it hits he must be low on hp or something he’s gonna get killed
[i recognize him]
mc comicbonedude cracks another joke or is it his ribs cracking under the viscious kick he just got he’s thrown nearer the spot i’m chilling in. Another kick. Nearer. They can't see me, i’m well hidden in the shadows. Another kick.
This time, mc comicbonedude gags out a pun about sole-ution to the problem being-
FUCK OFF!! a gun is being drawn out.
Screw this i’m not witnessing a murder, fucking racists fucking xenophobics fucking city full of fucking shitheads there are other people around here why isn’t anyone but i don’t want to die either that's how it is, eli, always strive for yourself.
i get up fast and sprint to the monster, screaming about cops and a monster attack and insults, anything to spark a bit of panic, deck a scrawny fucker the one who.was.going.to.shoot.him. and aim for the skeleton, who yells.
[i recognize him]
i grab him by the hood and run in some narrower streets, hearing yells after me, and the anxiety is building up a little too much for my usual adrenaline numbing spell to work-
i trip on some trash and my own feet -same difference, fall over, roll, get up that’s how you do it eli, hit and roll, but back on your feet. And keep running, holding the monster close to my chest he’s warm that means he’s still alive and ok, right, left, dodge the you whore you bitch get back here you bitch and the bullets yup i’m good at thiiiiiiis- a bullet still grazes my ankle, I stumble, nearly faceplant, and it hurts but like a sting and I’m still alive. The adrenaline keeps pumping and i feel so light, i sprint into a shabby alley, panting like a dog, i think i’m crying, and drool is mixing with it. i can feel the headache coming, and mc comicbonedude is heavy enough to slip in my arms why won’t he move ? Is he dead ? Is he in shock ?
[i recognize him]
i run to a staircase, you know, the rusty and slippery metal kind outside buildings for fire escape ? Exactly what i need, as the assholes keep firing at me, huh. I climb, to the top, jump to the next building am i really doing this as me for real and run. i don’t know if they’re still after us, my ears won’t stop ringing, and i can’t tell it apart from sirens. I’m on a four stories building running to save a skeleton who
who starts emitting blue and yellow light and what the hell is happening why am i floating holy fuck i’m two inches away to be totally out of not-looking-near-enough-at-all- concrete to fall on.
[i recognize him]
[*focus insufficient]
[*procedure fails]
He’s silent. Sprawled two meters away from where I’m hanging
h-how did i
Looking exhausted and furious, like a cornered dog who has already taken on a tiger in the past, and from his left pupil there’s a cyan blue and yellow flame ? crackling, or bubbling ? or is it just flashing. can’t tell eyes too blurry. and dark blue is surrounding me at my sternum is that monster magic it’s beautiful, did i get headshot i can’t thing straight no. i can’t breath. It’s holding me in place. i can’t breath properly. i try to call out for him, he’s just overreacting in an understandable alarm but
please don’t crunchy crush the goofy girl on the cracking hard ground but when I try, I look at his eyes. One is glowing a fiery but disturbed cyan and yellow, with shards of red here and there, and the other is blank dead. Black. i’m terrified. He pants and that’s the only sound for a while. He’s alive. Good. Am i going to still be alive after this ?
“wha- ghh- !” He flinches like waking up. He lets go- lets go of meeee-
“AAAAAAAAAH NO !” He gasps and grasps again. i only slipped a meter into nothingness “Oh please please please i really don’t wanna die, and not falling, it looks like suicide i don’t do that i managed not to so don’t spoil it all ok i-”
“what- kid no stop r-”
“ kiiiid please” he’s clutching at his skull now.
“shut. up”
Ok. Not talking.
Whimpering and sobbing a bit, but he better take this because i’m having an anxiety attack and it will escalate into a hyperventilation fit if he doesn't lower me on the ground and I can't calm down.
“Please don’t kill me.” blurts out anyway of my gritted teeth.
A white light bulb alights in his empty eyes socket, and the glow in the other dims. Could he not see me before ? Hey, is that a crack across his skull ? Augh that looks like it s t i n g s.
“ H-hey, there. You- ah, fffuck this hurts. You okay ?” i try.
Nothing. He stares at me, as if watching out for something. I can feel the power around me wavering. He needs to come to his senses before I go kiss the dirt.
“P-please don’t leave me hanging.” He snorts, but keeps scrutinizing me, shaking. ‘s like he’s half understanding the pun, half not there. Silent.
“Woah, that was bad, even for me; guess i’m just that high.” i attempt a feeble finger gun.
He holds back a laugh “pffft- what the hell, kid- oh fuck.” He starts, realizing what i’m hinting at. He drags me back to the ground. i still can't move, but breathing is easier. i whimper again -heck i’m surprised i didn't piss myself- and draw out a looong sigh.
Now we stare at each other awkwardly is not strong enough to cut it. And i observe, that i m may be sweaty, tired and teary, but he looks bad.
His skull is definitely cracked across his left eye, he won’t stop shaking, sweats profusely and seems to have troubles breathing so monsters skeletons breathe and pant. Ok. Do they cry too ? Cuz that weird red stuff oozing from his damaged eye doesn’t look like tears but that can’t be blood… right ?
He looks horrible, if only physically. But the way his eyes sway, with this grin I can’t find the reason for, it worries me more. Is he ... having an episode, or something ? i mean he could be and be totally inoffensive, but ? Was he the one attacking first back at the bar ? is he really having an episode of some sort ? i’m not too nice when i’m having an episode either.
Should i cry for help ? i can't budge from his grasp.
And i know i shouldn’t but i’m feeling an attack coming up- the restraint is triggering my ptsd ridden ass…..
Let me go y-you there c’mon i can’t take this not my shit nuh uh lemme go lemme go lemme go
“ lemme go…” woah not pathetic at all. “Let me go.” no reaction, try again “LET M-” i can’t move my mouth.
The pressure fucktupled, and it’s like my lungs and my muscles are being crushed.
“ok buddy, pal, chum, whoever you are, what the fuck ?”
i can’t answer you, you dumbfuck you just muted me
“i mean, nice save and all. thanks i guess. but who the heck and what on earth are you up to ?” both of his eyes went black oh my god what did i do to your highness Hecate like seriously now how did i end in such a mess.
“H-how about we both calm down first, and talk next ?” i seem to break through the mute. ok good, deep breaths, count backward from ninety to zero, relax, we’re both freaking out, he’s as spooked as you-which is funny cuz he’s the skeleton- focus on breathing.
Still no answer. “Look, i, i get it, bad freak out, i interrupted you back there, i get you’re fucked up-” nothing but his eyes narrowing “ but i’m cool. Swear i am. i’m cold and m’name is uidelsib. you can call me sib ! Cool enough ?”
i extend my hand, ready to give him a strong good ole handshake, but he doesn’t take up on it.
Instead he stays frozen, “Not cool, dude,” hand still extended, but lowered, as if he could grab me again “ r e a l l y not cool,” i insist, and his bones are, he’s. shaking ? Yeah. Shivering violently, like he’s super cold too, which is pretty normal given he’s what. Up with me on a high building, one, two hundred meters in the sky, exposed to the icy wind ? Figures.
His bones are making this clattering clickety sound, stresses me out damn. He’s studying me. But it’s also like he can’t focus. Shivering too much. Shock, probably. His eye socket’s still oozing that red shit. Not thick enough to be blood, and too scarletish, but what do i know ‘bout monsters.
[oh, what do i don’t]
He takes a step toward me.
“ not fucking cool, not in the least-” i let out, jaw still clenched.
His bones rattles one last time, on the cement ground. His knees buckled under him the next moment he moved. His arms couldn’t support him.
i approach him, concerned. Once the pursuit’s adrenaline and the near death experience done with, my mind is settling, and i can think more clearly. He, on the other hand…
He stirs as i come closer. Tries to growl something i can’t decipher, but it comes out as a whimper, pained. My heart constricts in my ribs. Fuck, i hadn’t meant shit to go down like that. i seem to have a talent to fuck up, but i only wanted to help.
i tell him that. He grunts, doesn’t acknowledges me further, and quivers as he tries to stand up. He can’t though. I see it from where i am, he shakes enough to make a dr.pepper bursts.
i snort at the image, a skeleton shaking a bottle fixed on his spine, then flies away with the pressure- w o w i’m gone far. Need a bed. Asap. Concentrate on the situation at hand.
He, though, doesn’t react well to my laughter. He immediately stiffens, and
goes slack. Unmoving on the ground. He fainted ? i go on a hunch and inch closer, on the tip of my toes, hunched over myself, because i can’t tell if he’s dead or if i’m going to be.
[i recogni-- --- [REDACTED]]
i shake my head furiously. i can’t let those thoughts take my attention away from what’s taking place here and now.
i’m close enough now. something like a meter away, i can see him still shivering, and hear him rasp some breaths out. So he can breathe-
[i knew tha- [REDACTED]]
Not Now. i need to focus, i got a seemingly dying monster mere steps away from me.
i crouch down, slowly. My leg muscles burn enough i’m trembling too and i’m pretty sure my teeth are chattering, the noise mingling with his bones against the asphalt.
He’s still face down, arms limp on his sides, and i spy his eyelights peeking at me, way less sharp than when he had me pinned in the air just. one minute ago ?
i creep closer, he tenses, i stop.
“You’re ok.” i whisper. “We’re ok and we’re leaving.” i try to keep my voice from wavering but meh. ‘s not like there’s much face to save, for both of us.
i reach my hand toward him. He doesn’t move. i put it on his back, barely pressing, he tenses. And then disappears with a ping.
[ (*did you think i was going to stay here and t--- -- -) [REDACTED]]
He’s back right where he was. He basically just blinked in and out of existence. And he’s looking even more exhausted, if that’s possible, sweating bullets and heaving noisily, before he quiets himself. He’s also glaring at me, but meekly, and i’m not too scared anymore to be honest. He looks more frustrated than anything, although i can guess he’s actually scared to death. HAH.
“Hey you’re ok, i said, i just. Need to get us somewhere safe. Yeah. Not here.” i croak out. i’m starting to feel the freezing wind more, too. i can’t afford to stall and give him time to think. i can still hear the sirens. They’re looking for someone. And i don’t want the police on my back, even if i didn’t do anything reprehensible in the end.
So i slide my hands under him, still making sure i don’t touch any possible sensitive areas, and decide to go for the armpits, and hey i might get a tickle out of him ! ...ahah no. As i try to heave him up on his… surprisingly tiny feet ? did he lose his shoes or. Whatever. He just stays as silent as he is limp. And boy is he limp as a rock. Not quite as heavy though, good.
“You’re lighter than you look-” might as well try to make some conversation “and uh, can you walk ?” Or at least i can try to fill the heavy silence. Let’s just forget the “tried to kill you” thing. We’re both in deep crap anyway, and i can understand having baggage.
He really won’t walk though. He barely makes a sound too. If i hadn’t heard him sooner i’d think he can’t talk or something. i barely get a grunt out of him as i put him on my hip, which isn’t hard given he’s like. Half my size. Fun sized boney menace.
And i begin to trudge down the stairs- not the ones i came from, i don’t want to get caught if the cops are back there and it’s too far anyways. i want a bed. Now. A lone pillow would do.
He doesn’t seem much different, dangling on my side barely sparing me a glare as i look down at him, checking if he’s not dusting yet. He stopped “bleeding” at least. He still got that nasty huge scar.
i can feel him staring when i’m not looking. He’s still wary. Probably only lets me pull this only because he can’t not. Heh, at least he doesn’t seem to mind that i’m carrying him like you’d do a toddler. i just, need my other arm to grip and grab at the staircase bars when i slip.
Nah he looks more disgusted to be touching me than anything. Everytimes we get into more contact, because i’m bumping a wall or stumbling on my own feet again, i can distinctly feel him shudder, and try to get away. It’s just a little distracting, and unbalancing, and a lil tidbit hurtful. But i can’t blame him. i’d be throwing a fucking fuss and dishing fists if our places switched.
At least it’s relatively calm. We didn’t meet anyone, maybe a few rats rummaging garbage, and some monsters hurrying home, Whimsuns i think ? No one that paid us any mind at least.
So we’re still walking slowly when rain hits us hard, and nearly sends me on my ass. Doesn’t help the shivering, but now it’ll clean the streets out for sure. It’s something past midnight, i don’t wanna find anyone out at this hour.
But i’d kinda appreciate finding my way to somewhere because
“Aaaaaaaaaaa a h ahhh i got no idea the fuck i’m g-going…” Ah fuck. i said that out loud. And now my passenger's giving me his best ‘are u fuckin kiddin me’ stare. He’s. Very unamused.
“L-look, this isn’t, this isn’t my part of the city, okay?? i’m- i’m tryin’ to g-get us to the monster neighbourhoods, but i don’t know the fuck where it is, alright ?!” My tone escalates with my pitch, and i nearly slip again as he flinches away from me. Damn it, not helping eli, still in an episode or something. Don’t yell.
“Y-y-yeeah okay, look. ‘m sorry i cried but i’m in shock and still lost, kay? S-so maybe help or som’thin’ ?” Indications would help yeah. And now he’s listening, he’s also less shaky and putting his weight on me in a way that hinders our progression less. Good.
He nods. Good.
“Good. Gooood good good good.” i’m on autopilot now, following the skeleton’s grunted directions. i take a few wrong turns every now and then, but what can you do with nonverbal advice, and we end up in a part of the city i recognize, because i’ve seen it on tv and wanted to come look around anyway.
The gym stadium. A big building, at least big for a monster building, given the prices get surprisingly higher when they’re buying, stylized like a Japanese dojo, with anime advertisement posters (whether for the dojo or the animes i got no ideas) on the walls and- oh my gosh are those- fish, dolphin, shark and starfish stickers on the windows.
“Perfect !” i half yell, significantly lighting up. Mc comicbonedude looks at me like i’ve grown a second head, and i give him a big manic smile, obviously stressed out. My right eye might be twitching a little too. Does that when i’m under pressure. He decides to go back to slumping against me and questioning his life choices, and i take that as an ‘okay GO’ to proceed with my genius only just made up plan.
i march up quickly, -i want this DONE WITH. NEXT TIME i GO ON AN IMPROMPTU RESCUE MISSION I’M TAKING MY LEAD UMBRELLA AND A CHANGE OF CLOTHING- to the tall doors, who thanks fucking gods are under a porch, that saves us from being drenched anymore, and pound it with all i got.
Skeleton is googly eyeing me like the second head i’ve definitely grown started reciting the ten commandments to belzebuth themselves,
[and he’s not too far off]
but i don’t care my dude i am d o n e. If i get welcomed with a fist to the face i don’t give a diggly doogly dang fuck so long i can get inside and lay down. Even on the cold ass tile floor. i’m don-
Ah, right, i’m still hitting that door. Ouch, that’s gonna swell. Oh welp.
But the voice came from...up?
i step backward some, under the rain, ugh, and look up to see, yup, a noodly armed blue fish person with bright scarlet red hair pulled up in a bun, all sweaty, a poor guy in a chokehold, peeking out of the second floor window, taking in the pouring rain with gusto. A gigantic lightning bolt, quickly followed by loud ass thunder, comes to compliment her boisterous apparition, and she grins- smirks? wide locking her single eye on me, the lighting making her golden teeth flash.
She comes down to greet my miserable form fast, not taking the stairs, but jumping out of the window (much more graciously than mc comicbonedude previously), having let go of her victim- sparring partner previously, good gods, and lands at my feet like nobody’s business, to then bolt up, eager to see the intruder to her night sessions.
And Undyne, former Captain of the Royal Guard of Monsterkind Underground, all steel like blue scales, glinting golden slitted eye and sharp mouth, now renowned Master of Fights in her stadium, among monsters and humans even more, already black belt of more martial arts than i know of, and fresh survivor of one of the biggest terrorist hits on monsters yet, is staring me down, from her easy two meters height, like i’m her next meal.
i gulp. i’m so fucked.
i’m so fucked and not just for the fact that i am royally gay and all, but also cuz…
[i recognize her]
[she was so hard to f---- [REDACTED]]
[couldn’t figure out that all we had to do was to run and then ---- -- ------- [REDACTED]]
“Uh ?” Her gaze has finally caught on my now bundled up passenger, who’s shivering in cold rather than fear, on my hip, who only lazily grins a
[i know him]
i follow hollowly the orders and get inside, feel a weight leave my side-kinda miss that already, to then feel a big fluffy towel drape over me. Then i sit down. In the hall on the ground, probably. Wooden floor is in my direct line vision. Uh. Thing is well taken care of, all waxed and clear, who would have guessed.
[i know them both. very well actually]
[Chara would be nervously giggling if they were here]
[wonder what they’re up to]
[and Frisk too, obviously]
[what about Flowey though. no idea what the lil shit is up to in pacifist endings]
i’m so f UCK E D.
Aaaand that’s how i ended up rocking back and forth in Undyne’s dojo’s main hall for half of the night, muttering about video games and fucking witchcraft gone wrong again and shit fuck damnit, i guess it was denial all along those last two, six months ? And oOH WELP, guess i did cradle like a toddler my fictional crush for the last, what, half hour ? Whoopsies.
fuck that ink witch status, that was not planned.
When i finish my flashback, and it’s been something like six months again since, got to “meet” his super cool great bro, not on his account though, Undyne just had to introduce Papsy to the dweeb that “saved his big brother” and also Asgore, Toriel, for a quick ‘thanks you’, even a small interview with Mettaton, that made a hit on the Undernet, and mingled a bit with monsters- i’m friend with Chesty Brun now (Burgerpants), and Alphys, because we’re following the same mangas-
he’s already gone, burger nearly untouched, ketchup covered fries half eaten and drink finished, and i’m tempted to ask Grillby, who is hovering close behind his bar, fretting a little, in front of my frozen form, if “you’re gon throw that out ? sure i can’t finish ?”  Because it’d be a real shame to let all that delicious grub go to waste. But that’d be creepy as fuck, even moreso taking my feelings for the small dude, and his against me, so i don’t, and he’ll probably feed it to his pet lava rock anyway, so i stop hugging myself and rocking back and forth and go back to my seat, waving him off with a sorry smile, and go back to sullenly sipping my vanilla milkshake.
Can’t blame Sans.
He’s cautious. Understandable.
i know what he’s had to put up with.
[and so do all of you]
[dirty brother killers ?]
[i hope not]
[i really wonder how’s Chara doing…]
AAAAAAAaaaaaaah how do i turn this shit off ?? Let me pretend i’m normal in a normal situation stupid brain thing !!
...ah. screw it. this magic milkshake is fabulous. That’s totally what i’m crying about.
“Don’t worry Grillby.”
ye don’t worry my dudes. can i call y’all that ? ‘s gender neutral. ‘m a demi girl, and you can call me “my dude”, my dudes. wow what a bull of crap i pulled here, sorry trans girls and enbies
this isn’t beta read cuz i’m on my own and english isn’t my native language, i’m french, so plz forgive mistakes.
i had some drafts lying around my google docs for a year now, mostly about bugging and kissing snas, put them together and thought i’d do an actual Thing with it all. this isn’t good, i know it.
lest to say i have no idea what i’m doing !
and don’t know when this’ll update, it it does. i had the motivation to finish this cuz there was no clients at the restaurant i worked at back in july. blah blah blebs blah. 
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reilovely-blog · 8 years
The One That Starts With A ‘C’
"“Zayn, Zayn, please come home, I need you to come home.”
“Why, what’s up, Lou?”
“The- OH MY GOD! It’s coming for me- Nononono go away you spawn of the devil! No- HELP!”
“Lou?? LOU, what’s happening?! Babes, answer me!” Zayn rushed out, clutching his phone tightly as he hears little panicked whines and screams from the other side.
“Z, Z, please, please just come home, it’s just watching me with its beady little eyes, help!”
“What’s wrong?” He sighed, taking a deep breath and pressing a hand to his chest to calm his heart. He should have known better by now, he mused, that Louis screaming bloody murder did not equate to Louis getting murdered."
“Zayn, Zayn, please come home, I need you to come home.”
“Why, what’s up, Lou?”
“The- OH MY GOD! It’s coming for me- Nononono go away you spawn of the devil! No- HELP!”
“Lou?? LOU, what’s happening?! Babes, answer me!” Zayn rushed out, clutching his phone tightly as he hears little panicked whines and screams from the other side.
“Z, Z, please, please just come home, it’s just watching me with its beady little eyes, help!”
“What’s wrong?” He sighed, taking a deep breath and pressing a hand to his chest to calm his heart. He should have known better by now, he mused, that Louis screaming bloody murder did not equate to Louis getting murdered.
“I was in the shower and there it was suddenly in with me, the perverted little shit, and I need you to come and get rid of it!”
“… Lou, what exactly is ‘it’?”
“THE SPIDER, Zayn, keep up!”
“… Look, Lou, I feel sorry for you, babe, I really do, but I’m out on a date at the moment. I’m not running back to help you kill a little spider.” Zayn drawled, smiling apologetically across the table where his partner was flashing him curious but worried puppy eyes.
“Yes, yes, it’s huge and terrifying, I got it- I’m still not coming home.” He interrupted abruptly, rolling his eyes at his drama queen of a best mate.
“I can’t believe this- Your best friend rights are invoked! I’m never talking to you again!”
“Look, just go over and ask Harry to get it for you; it’s the perfect opportunity for you to talk to him. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to play your knight in shining armour and rescue you, damsel in distress.” Zayn sighed heavily, running a weary hand through his hair lightly, a smirk breaking across his lips at the flustered spluttering he could hear from the other male.
“Shut up, I hate you. I’m going to change the locks so you can’t get in.”
“Love you too, idiot. I’m hanging up now; I’ll see you later.”
Louis stared at his phone in disbelief. Zayn did not just hang up on him.
He raised the phone to his ear again, growling furiously at that obnoxious beeping that greeted him- he DID, that lil-
The caramel haired male froze at the slight movement he spotted at the corner of his eye, wide frightened orbs darting to the door to see the black hairy creature skittering towards him.
Louis did the only logical thing he could think of in the moment- He screamed at ran for the main door, flying across and thumping desperately at the door beside his.
“Curly, Haz, I need your help!” The door flew open to reveal Harry, topless and clad in (frankly very scandalous, in Louis’ opinion (and also very drool worthy)) yoga pants, curly hair pulled in a bun- Louis almost choked on his tongue, mind going blissfully blank as his eyes followed a few stray droplets of sweat lolling leisurely down the taller male’s abs.
Louis sighed internally, wishing he could be that drop of sweat.
“Louis? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” He was snapped out of his thoughts by Harry’s deep voice, humming distractedly as his eyes flicked back up to meet worry darkened forest green ones.
“Are you alright, Lou?”
Oh right. He was here for a reason, wasn’t he, for the spider- THE SPIDER.
“No, no, look, I know we’ve only just met a couple of times, and even though I like to think of us as friends, but this must be so weird for you, and I assure you that I’m not one in the habit of showing up at stranger’s houses practically naked- even though I do fancy the pants off you, and while we are on the topic of pants, can I just tell you how sinful you’re looking right now in those- anyway, I feel like you might like me too, but that’s not the point! Thing is, I was in the shower and there was this thing and I rang Zayn, but that dick wouldn’t come home, and then it came for me, and I swear to God it’s trying to eat my head, and now I can’t go back in, and I just need you to get rid of it. Please.” Louis gulped, words spewing uncontrollably with the emotional stress of having to face that spider and now having to face his very hot and also wonderfully perfect neighbor, big blue eyes staring at Harry pleadingly as the other male stood shocked in his doorway.
“Uh- I- I’m not even sure what to say, but yeah, okay.”
“Okay?” Louis blinked up at Harry, lungs stuttering with relief. Harry shrugged nonchalantly, flashing a deep dimpled grin as he reached behind him to shut his door.
“Yeah, even though I’m not sure what exactly I’m supposed to do, but I’ll help you, Lou.”
“Oh, you’re a lifesaver, Harry Styles!”
“Thanks for that, Haz. Seriously, you don’t know how grateful I am.” Louis breathed out happily, flopping over on the couch and smiling up at Harry, drained from screaming the locations of the spider at the latter as he scurried around to catch it.
They finally did after what felt like an eternity but was probably really only ten minutes, Harry running downstairs to release the little critter back into the wild.                                                                                
“It’s not a problem at all, Lou. ‘M happy to help.”
“Yeah, well, would you… Would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime? My treat, of course, as thanks for today?” Louis offered tentatively, smiling bashfully at the delighted smile blooming across Harry’s lips.
“Oh- I- yeah, of course, I’d love that.”
“Say… tomorrow night at 7?”
“It’s a date, Lou.”
“It’s a date.”
“Haz! Haz, thank God.”
“Lou? Wha- Why are you whispering?” Harry paused, eyebrows furrowing with worry at the genuine fear he could hear in his boyfriend’s voice.
“Never mind that, it’s not important. Listen, you need to get home right now.” Louis hissed down the line, words fumbling together hastily as he peeked out into the hallway of their home.
“What? What happened, Lou? Are you alright?” The curly haired male questioned, mind racing with thoughts of what could have possibly gone wrong in the hour he’d left Louis to his own devices. He’d fed him before he left too, so it wasn’t likely that Louis’d burnt the place down trying to cook, and last he’d seen his boy, he’d been giggling at something on TV.
“No, I’m not alright, Harold! It’s an emergency- They’re here!” The smaller male spat out, heart pounding frantically as he darted nimbly across said hallway, movements swift and silent to prevent them from finding him.
“They’re-? What are you talking about, babe? Who’s there?”
“You know what I’m talking about!! The one that starts with ‘C’!”
“The one that starts with ‘C’? Lou, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Harry pressed in exasperated confusion, rolling his eyes at Louis’ rather dramatic reply.                                                                                    
“The one we do not speak of!”
“Oh. Oh. Lou, I need you to pack our bags, we’ll be staying in a hotel until the exterminator gives us the all clear.” Harry gasped with realization, lips pinched tight as he quickened his pace to the car.
“One step ahead of you there, Haz. All bags packed- yours too- and hotel booked.”
“You are a god send, Louis Tomlinson. I’ll meet you out front in 15.”
“I’m already here waiting, H.”
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