#they’re ace/aro
gaynaturalistghost · 2 years
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Some of Cairn’s last moments from our campaign and a Bess Atwell song that’s been running in my mind for months. She ate the forbidden fruit and got turned evil. By her logic, she’d only be “1/2” evil since her quori had got separated. She’s a dumbass.
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Being aroace with a squish is really like. You look so nice and cute and pretty (not like that), I’d like to snuggle up in bed with you (not like that) and play with your hair (not like that) and lay there for a while (not like that) and hold your hand all the time (not like that) and hang out with you one-on-one (not like that) and get to you know you on a deep and personal level (not like that)
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I can’t stand forced romance in media. You’re telling me this man and woman who’ve barely spoken to each other, have not flirted at all and have barely been together for three scenes are in love??? Like am I just too aroace to see it?? I always feel so surprised
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starshine-cal · 3 months
My brain off adderall: ugh work sucks when can I leave
My brain when properly medicated at work:
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(I pinky promise this is my own tweet that’s why I blocked the username LOL)(also this post brought to you by every Jedi we know post-order falling getting into romantic relationships with seemingly very little conflicting feelings after living their whole lives with the orders teachings haha)(guy who was young padawan when the order fell: “but I can’t date people! Only the sith date people!” Skdkdkdl)
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rainbowpufflez · 6 months
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Giovanni homophobia arc™️
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mr-president · 1 year
I think one of my favorite Funtermina things is how it uses characters as narrative foils, specifically in how those characters interact with each other and everyone else.
Karin and Daan’s is the most discussed as it’s probably the most apparent within the text: their volatile opposing viewpoints on life via their upbringings (despite being extremely similar otherwise). When Karin and Daan interact, it’s like a person arguing with themself. They clash like ammonia and bleach, unable to reconcile how similar they are (haha cleaning chemical analogy) yet toxic in their association.
Marina and Levi represent the different realities of Prehevil, what with Marina’s privileged upbringing versus Levi’s absolute shitshow of an existence. And yet, they get along incredibly well and form a cadence with one another because through each other, they can reconcile their upbringings in Prehevil. Levi is the Prehevil Marina tried to escape—Marina is the Prehevil Levi hoped to return to.
Marcoh and Olivia are interesting because—and I will argue this to the death—their relationship is wholly as siblings. And they’re also deeply connected by their relationships with their sisters, specifically how those sisters formulated and defined how they see themselves. Marcoh has done nothing but live to protect his sister, while Olivia has forever lived in her sister’s shadow. Their identities revolve completely around their sisters, and this also colors their relationship with each other as siblings.
I wish it was explored more, but I think there’s a level of disenfranchisement when Marcoh fervently tries to protect Olivia the same way he protected his younger sister (edit: rb for amendment). He clearly sees her in that role, and Olivia’s already got guilt written into her about her disability making her a “charity case.” I say this also because of their different opinions on guns, power, and death: Marcoh has no bloodlust and seems exhausted when he has to hurt others, while Olivia becomes almost jubilant when she receives a gun. And those reactions to enacting violence are directly informed by their relationships with their sisters: a begrudging responsibility vs empowerment.
My favorite is probably Abella and O’saa as foils. As characters they’re probably my favorites, and their foil makes it even better.
Abella easily connects with everyone around her, ensuring that they’re all getting along (or not killing each other) and she tries desperately to help everyone, even at her own detriment. She cares, so much, even too much.
O’saa on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He actively chooses to connect with everyone as little as possible, to the point where you can kill someone in front of him and he won’t give a shit. This is, obviously, to his detriment in terms of his goal towards enlightenment. He cares too little, even if at all.
They perfectly represent the dichotomy between altruism vs selfishness, the mundane vs the macro, democracy vs individualism. Fundamentally, both Abella and O’saa get shit done, and what makes them so compelling as foils is how similar the results of their different processes are.
Both of them are the only two that are capable of saving everyone. Abella does so by interacting with many of the other contestants, while O’saa does this by ignoring everyone and just occam’s razoring that shit. They both get shit done and to the greatest net success, but in both cases, because they operate on extremes, it’s to the detriment of themselves. The game shows this literally because, well, they sacrifice themselves to Logic for the greater good, but the game also implies this detriment via their moonscorches.
Chaugnaur represents how others have reduced Abella to a sexual object for their pleasure or a mindless brute for labor. It is a physical manifestation of how interacting and connecting with others can be to one’s detriment because Abella often cannot control how people see and define her. Mastermind, on the other hand, is O’saa’s brain swelling and overtaking everything else on his head to the point where he is blind (save for the eye) and mute, only able to speak in mumbles. Mastermind is how O’saa values logic, knowledge, comprehension over anything else, becoming blind to other viewpoints save for his own. Additionally, it’s unable to communicate or connect with anyone else, only able to ruminate get never share its thoughts.
Abella is one of the first to Moonscorch; O’saa is one of the last. I love them as foils because even though they’re the most different in terms of anything, they don’t hinder one another at much all. They’re just kinda chill. And this makes sense because their dichotomies aren’t volatile like Karin and Daan’s, nor complementary like the others. Rather, they operate in balance—you cannot be too altruistic without some selfishness. To help everyone and to achieve enlightenment, you must consider both the mundane and the greater picture. Society operates on a shared democracy and on empowering individuals.
Still, the fact that even operating on the extremes has the greatest positive effect (in terms of utilitarianism) really says smth abt whether these values even matter. But I’d argue that they do matter, cause it’s that question of whether it’s worth it to suffer or even sacrifice for the greater good.
As a whole, each foil represents a central theme/motif of Fear & Hunger: internal vs external locus of control (Karin and Daan), environment dictating identity (Marina and Levi), relationships and their impact (Marcoh and Olivia), and the thematic shitshow that is Abella and O’saa.
Tldr; the game is about some girls and their boy best friends.
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vash-in-the-void · 8 months
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Inspired by a post I can’t find rn but if you made a similiar post calling Meryl and Vash girlfriends just know you inspired this travesty
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aspecdestiel · 3 months
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destielpride day 28: family & friends
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nonmahogany · 8 months
really sick of all asexual (not aroace) content being tagged as aromantic as well by default
they’re not the same pls i beg
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voidartisan · 4 months
clone sergeant in training who ends up getting named joker by a fondly exasperated instructor and his squadmates who name themselves clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades in solidarity
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specialagentartemis · 27 days
there are enough queer books in the world that some are even Good! you don’t have to read something just because it’s queer. Sturgeon’s Law still applies. Many queer books are bad.
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I just spent like 20 minutes joining every aroace discord I could 😭
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mushrooms-and-dragons · 3 months
Did I make an oc aroace just because I like the aesthetic of him wearing ace and aro rings? Yes.
Her relationship feels more like a qpr than a romantic one anyway
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canadian-pug-cartel · 3 months
My homosexual tendencies go 10 fold when a man with salt and pepper hair robs a bank
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toothpastewolf · 3 months
“oh but aros can still date and aces can still have sex !! there are always exceptions !!”
while i agree with this, why is most if not all aro and/or ace rep i come across an “exception”. why are they all exceptions can’t we just have one character that’s not please
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eye-of-yelough · 6 months
wait hang on i’m noticing a pattern
no “i don’t like gortash” options, if it doesn’t apply, just don’t vote innit.
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