#asexual stuff
I can’t stand forced romance in media. You’re telling me this man and woman who’ve barely spoken to each other, have not flirted at all and have barely been together for three scenes are in love??? Like am I just too aroace to see it?? I always feel so surprised
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asexuwales · 5 months
I remember from before i realised i was asexual and me and some lads were talking about relationships and people cheating and the horrors and i piped up:
"if i had a partner i really wouldnt care at all if they slept with someone else, i dont want to have sex but they might so its easier for them to just fuck someone"
EVERYONES faces dropped in horror,,, thats when i started feeling like there was something wrong with me.
Looking back at it i realise, most asexuals dont see sex as a form of dovotion or an act of love, so to me I interpreted it as the equivalent of "oh they can go tenpin bowling with their mates, i dont care i dont like bowling so it wouldnt be very fun with me but i hope they have fun"
I keep forgetting and seriously sex is taken and given in a allo relationship.
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scretladyspider · 2 years
An Ace Week reminder that:
•celibacy is a choice anyone can make
•asexuality is a sexual orientation
•asexuality is not celibacy
•celibate aces are still ace
•non celibate aces are also still ace
•you are not entitled to information on our sex lives
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 5 months
Can we normalize horny asexuals?
Like, I don’t want to have physical sex with anyone, but I will write some of the most gnarly smut ever read when I get a little itch.
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samijami · 9 months
Me: *accidentally finds something in Google I shouldn't be looking at*
Google: Condoms can be used on toys-
My thoughts: *a fucking condom on a transformer action figure*
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spilled-coffee-cup · 9 months
Asexuality is kinda like my superpower 'cause wym you'll forgive everything just because you want to fuck them?!?!?.. Nah Nah I'm taking that shit to my grave I ain't forgiving nothin
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everyone-is-emptyy · 11 months
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ashesbreadandbutter · 1 month
Asexual issues #1
Having to explain that asexuality is a spectrum and not just "yeah I like sex" or "no I f*cking hate it" all the time.
It's a spectrum for a reason, let's try not to accidentally invalidate others.
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crowpumpkin · 1 year
Ace kittens!!!
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Hi, we're Crow and Pumpkin!!! Find our Etsy shop here 💜
Trans and rainbow flag kittens coming soon!
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annnathegayblogger · 3 months
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1. Redone sunrise aroace flag
2. Amethyst crystal aroace: an aroace that feels closer to asexual than aromantic(ex. an asexual demiromantic)
3. Fern aroace: the opposite of amethyst crystal
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whywoulditho · 7 months
absolutely heartbreaking to go on Ao3 to search your favorite rarepair only to find that your ship is almost exclusively used as part of a threesome with a popular ship and all the fanfics are just hardcore smut
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thiawen · 1 month
My beloved asexuals,
I have a question in the name of science.
Do you have an exception? Someone you wouldn’t hesitate to have sex with?
Real or fictional. Dead or alive. At any point in time.
A celebrity, but specifically when they were thirty? A historical figure? From a movie or show? Anime? Cartoon? Game?
If you don’t have an exception, I would love to know that too.
Or if maybe it fluctuates depending on who your current favorite is.
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scretladyspider · 1 year
Let’s talk about what demisexuality
Very basically, demisexuality describes a sexual orientation in which a person does not experience sexual attraction to anyone of any gender unless a close bond is formed. This does not mean they are attracted to everyone they are bonded with, nor is it just abstaining from sex.
Abstinence is a choice anyone of any sexual orientation can make, and is a choice about sexual behavior. Celibacy is also a choice anyone of any sexual orientation can make, and is a choice about sexual behavior. Both are often confused for asexuality, but asexuality is a sexual orientation which describes a spectrum of little to no sexual attraction, and sexual behavior for aces can vary from ace to ace.
Demisexuality describes how attraction is formed, rather than who it is towards. For this reason many demisexuals choose to delineate their romantic orientation separately. For example if I’m romantically attracted to the same gender, I would be a homoromantic demisexual.
This is predicated on the idea of splitting romantic, sexual, and even tertiary attractions via the Split Attraction Model, or SAM. While many demisexuals us the SAM, not all do nor is it required.
Demisexuals can be any romantic orientation. This means a demisexual may or may not be aromantic or alloromantic. Demisexuals aren’t necessarily demiromantic; demiromantics aren’t necessarily demisexual.
Demisexuality exists under the spectrum of asexuality because it describes sexual attraction that is only experienced under a specific condition and context. The term originated on forums discussing the gray area of asexuality on @avenpt forums between 2003-2006. The rumor that it was started for a fictional character for a role play isn’t true; the link in this paragraph has citations and screenshots showing where it was originally coined.
Being demisexual doesn’t automatically mean that you’re sex favorable. This misconception stems from the idea that “all women are demisexual”, which misconstrues the spectrums of gender and asexuality, and also robs allosexual women and feminine people of their sexual autonomy. Choosing to not have sex until you trust the person isn’t the same as not experiencing sexual attraction to anyone at all until a specific bond forms, and not with every bond. The perception that only women would ever wait until there’s trust to have sex isn’t true either; anyone of any sexual orientation and gender can make that choice.
The more common misconceptions about demisexuality, and asexuality as a whole, are largely based in ideals around conservative Evangelical Christianity; that is to say the heteronormative notion that women and feminine people are inherently “more” asexual than our male counterparts. This is false. Not only is demisexuality’s existence (and asexuality’s existence) not predicated on gender, it is an experience of conditional sexual attraction, not sexual behavior or action. This view is dehumanizing and plays into seeing women and feminine people as objects whose sexuality only exists for the pleasure of others instead of complex people. In addition it boils men and masculine people down to only desiring sex for its carnal pleasure, rather than viewing them as whole people, and erases the experiences of ace men and masculine people.
Anyone can be ace; anyone can be demisexual. Aces can also have and enjoy sex for a variety of reasons. While many don’t have sex, it’s not true as a rule. Aces can have and enjoy sex, or not have sex at all.
I hope if you’re demisexual, you’re having a great day and you feel valid about yourself! Because you are.
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bewareofhumanssociety · 10 months
I want to fuck around and find out (asexually)
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samijami · 8 months
I hate the stigma that just because I'm asexual makes people believe I can't feel sexual attraction, or read smut, or do NSFW roleplays (with people my age).
I hate the stigma that just because I'm aromantic makes people believe I don't like any romantic situation nor do I want to find a significant other.
I've built this temple in my head from this societal expectation of me to abide strictly to abstinence and purity because of my orientations that I've been nervous to say 'actually no', in fear of 'betraying my identity'. Or in general fear of people not understanding or other aro/aces saying I'm making a bad impression on the label.
But, actually no. I'm still aro/ace despite this. I don't even know how to explain what flavour of aro/ace I am anymore, but I know I'm aro/ace. And I don't owe anyone an explanation of what I wish to identify as. I don't need to explain why I'm valid. I just am.
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asexuwales · 9 months
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my friend is going through a breakup at the moment and she keeps posting things like this. But this is the one that really hit me. People, even my best friend, always put relationships first.
Relationships will always mean more to someone than your friendship, being in second place for EVERYONE through my entire life until death is really terrifying.
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