#they’re being SO mean to Tyler right now and he doesn’t deserve it it’s not his fault like he’s unstable maybe don’t make it worse baby girl
ziraconarose · 2 years
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I didn’t like Tyler at first, but after I heard someone call him bootleg musical JD I couldn’t unsee it and I’ve grown to really enjoy him. And I don’t know how to draw Thing yet but he’s my favorite character.
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 10 months
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Montgomery/Ralph (Fame 1980) Vs Nijocest (Argonavis) Vs Narrator/Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
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(No images provided for Fame 1980 and Fight Club. Vote for whichever one you like more. Only one will proceed.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Montgomery/Ralph propaganda
"Montgomery is rather in love with Ralph, but Ralph just wants to be a famous comedian, and is incredibly self-destructive along the way. He also uses Montgomery to give him pills from his psychoanalyst (who Montgomery is in love with) and at one point Ralph kicks Montgomery out of his own apartment to make out with their mutual friend after Ralph has a breakdown. Ralph and Montgomery do kiss at one point, after an incredibly homoerotic pep talk."
Nijocest propaganda
"Kanata and Haruka's parents basically always compared Haruka unfavorably to Kanata because of Kanata's musical talent, but Kanata thought his twin was The Hottest Shit Ever, which mutated into obsessive posessiveness. As of now in the canon (they've just soft rebooted it) Kanata has been driving every single one of Haruka's friends away from him and trying to take over his interests, all in the means of "protecting him" because other people will always abandon him, it's not his fault that being constantly emotionally abused by his twin brother is driving him kind of insane and making him come across as a crazy person, but that's okay, Kanata's always there for him, the only thing that Haruka ever needs in his life, he knows he's kind of inherently unlovable but that's what brothers are for, right? They should win because they're both a hot-ass incest ship while also being a viscerally realistic depiction of abuse. I love them so fucking much."
Tyler Durden/Narrator propaganda
"Where to begin? They’re literally the archetypal toxic yaoi. That burning kiss on the back of the hand, the starting a cult, the getting a whole load of guys to try to destroy the world. The Narrator has no identity, and Tyler Durden is everything, consuming the Narrator completely. They deserve to win. To finish this off, a few quotes from the Narrator about his relationship with Tyler: “I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve. Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world. Tyler is capable and free, and I am not.” “We have sort of a triangle thing going here. I want Tyler. Tyler wants Marla. Marla wants me. I don’t want Marla, and Tyler doesn’t want me around, not anymore. This isn’t about love as in caring. This is about property as in ownership.” “Tyler tilts the can of lye an inch above the shining wet kiss on the back of my hand. “This is a chemical burn,” Tyler says, “and it will hurt worse than you’ve ever been burned. Worse than a hundred cigarettes.”” And another quote from the author: “On a plane back to Portland, an airline flight attendant leaned close and asked me to tell him the truth. His theory was the book wasn’t really about fighting at all. He insisted it was really about gay men watching one another fuck in public steambaths. I told him, yeah, what the hell.”"
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only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
tyler rake and nik khan:
They’re very close, have lots of chemistry, but have never been acknowledged in canon. At this point they are just work friends who save each others’ lives on the regular.
lisa cuddy and gregory house:
The show spends 7 seasons hinting that House is going to end up with Cuddy, and then writes her out in season 7. In the finale, he has a flashback of people who impacted his life and she doesn’t even show If House and Wilson can’t be together, then House and Cuddy should
kipo oak and benson mekler:
It only lasts a few episodes, but this is a very clear INTENTIONAL straight bait from the writers, as it's a female main character with a male major supporting character, and Benson even takes Kipo to a carnival, which Kipo interprets as a date, until she confesses attraction to him, where he tells her he's gay and just wants to be friends.
ok so it's complicated? like he's the lead love interest in a show that was very explicitly marketed as queer but I'm calling him straightbait because he literally straightbaits like every character in the show? So there's this girl (Jane) and everyone jsut assumes that he's dating her? Like she gets (spoiler!) murdered in ep 1 and the police are like "the body was found by the victim's boyfriend" and they mean Tan. Bun the main character drunkingly kissed Tan in the first episode as well and then saw Tan and Jane at an event holding hands and he was like....... wow this is awkward and also is he cheating on her with me??? (he was best friends with Jane). Anyways like this continues with Tan being under suspicion for Jane's murder because he's was her lover apparently and Bun is like living with this guy now and Tan is like laying it on thick about his attraction towards Bun but Bun is still suspicious and then Bun's talking to one of the kids that Jane and Tan taught and the kid is like "yeah so Miss Jane's boyfriend...." and Bun is like "right, Tan." and the kid is like "what??? mr tan never dated miss jane she was with this other guy." and Bun is confused (rightly) until like a few episodes later or so they're staring at their red string board and Tan is like "yeah so I was literally never with Jane we were just good friends" and is then also implied to be like gay as well so he's not even bi. Which ok straightbait over right? Wrong! Jane's actual boyfriend gets murdered and Tan gets arrested for it and he's like "what motive do I have to kill him??" and the police are like "well you two were fighting over Jane's love clearly" and he just kinda scoffs and smirks with a whole "these idiots have no idea that i'm currently planning on how to propose to my boyfriend of like a week" but just doesn't say anything?!?!?!?! he actively makes himself more suspicious and a greater target by pretending to be straight instead of just being like hey guys you know I was just buddies with Jane right? and i'm currently hooking up with the doctor who keeps giving you guys problems?? Anyways he's not straightbait in the sense that it was any surprise to the audience that he ended up with a boyfriend. but he did pretend to be straight for no real reason and literally endangered himself by doing so (this universe didn't seem to have like any actual homophobia stuff)
bruce wayne and selina kyle:
So a while back there was a whole thing about their wedding with SO much buildup. Like a whole mini series, a couple arcs in the main batman run, Superman and Nightwing threw him a bachelor party. Then when it was time for them to get married Selina fuckin left him at the altar. She left him at the altar man
himmel and frieren:
https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-015.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-016.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-017.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-018.png https://64.media.tumblr.com/ccb9c16bab47d917d2e11dd22c9b88e7/828182d720d735af-ea/s500x750/210c55d7128139c2ce032383b34ad487df067514.jpg
hardwon surefoot and moonshine cybin:
They’re DnD characters so they’re bi disasters canonically. Just not for each other The best way to describe Hardshine is this: “They’re soulmates” “Platonically or romantically?” “Yes” Literally they care so much about each other. Moonshine cured Hardwon’s vampirism by reincarnating him into a half elf and he told her “I’ve been half elf ever since I met you”. Moonshine is a high level elf druid which means she’ll basically live forever and literally the most emotional scene where she asks her mom “How long do half-elves live?”. Hardwon was always a fish out of water who never really fit in until he found Moonshine and the Crick. Are they dating? Queerplatonic partners? Siblings? Idk man they’re just in love it doesn’t matter how.
willow park and hunter:
THEY ARE NOT STRAIGHT THEY R BI4PAN BUT IT IS AN M/F RELATIONSHIP They are an M/F relationship in The Gay Show and they are hinted and teased but never confirmed
tim drake and stephanie brown:
Tim and Steph are a thing for most of their history. Then stuff happens and they break up and soon after that Tim is confirmed to be bi and starts dating Bernard (former random side character who nobody thought would ever be relevant again)
rowena macleod and sam winchester:
Their relationship was clearly going in that direction before the writers killed Rowena.
good luck everybody! now go vote!
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therealvinelle · 3 years
in the “everyone is in love with Bella” scenario, what about the wolves? Wouldn’t it be really fucked up for Sam to fall in love with her? Would it make the wolves try to redefine imprinting? how would Leah react to the whole situation?
Anon is referring to this post. For the record, I didn't get into them in the post because the plot would veer so far off-course in Twilight that Edward never leaves and Victoria never becomes a threat to Bella, meaning Bella and Jake don't get close and she doesn't need their protection.
But, let's do this.
First encounter
Bella arrives in Forks, and Billy and Jacob are there to hand over the pickup.
They fall in love.
Jacob, having never had a real crush before nevermind something so powerful as falling in love, is overwhelmed by these new feelings. He blushes and flushes and stutters, and fails to say anything reasonable or even intelligble to Bella. Too mortified to function, he decides to hide in La Push until the embarrassment fades. Which very well could be never.
Billy, meanwhile, is unable to cope. He just fell in love with Charlie's daughter. Charlie's 17-year-old daughter who used to make mud cakes with Billy's daughters.
This is bad.
This, to a good man like Billy, is unforgivably bad.
He goes from being Charlie's best friend to suddenly being very distant, not wanting to ever cross paths with Bella again.
But, you asked about the wolves, not just Jake and Billy, so let's take this scenario further.
Bella's friends, all of whom are hopelessly in love with her, drag her to La Push
Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Angela, Tyler, Eric, Ben, the whole gang, they're all going to La Push for the weekend.
And it just won't be the same without Bella. She's just so great, you know?
Everyone looks at each other and nods. Yeah, it's just not fun without Bella. Bella's great, someone should invite her.
They all invite her, one by one, all of them with wide, adoring eyes. "It would be so amazing if you came, Bella," Jessica says dreamily, twirling a lock of Bella's hair around her fingers. "Your hair is really pretty," she giggles.
Angela and Ben are each blushing too hard to really say anything to Bella, so they end up running away from her. Bella is left feeling like some kind of freak. She later receives two notes in class, one from each, begging her in cramped writing to come to La Push. Yeah, not helping her feel like less of a freak.
Mike, Eric, Tyler, and Lauren all corner her, each worse than the last.
By the end of the schoolday Bella doesn't know what's going to happen at La Push but she does know that she doesn't want to go.
She complains about this to the Cullens (remember, her and Edward became an item much earlier in this timeline), and they all fawn and coo over her and act like she just went through a warzone. If she wants to go to the beach, she could try Isle Esme Bella. Would she like that, an island vacation? Or an island?
Bella is pulled out of school for a romantic two-week totally-not-a-honeymoon.
La Push never happens.
But surely Bella and the wolves must meet at some point
Billy catches wind that Bella Swan is dating Edward Cullen. As in, the girl he has fallen so deeply in love with is now being preyed upon by a blood-sucking demon.
Billy's own sense of propriety or honor be damned, he has to save this girl's life.
He tries to speak to her, just as in canon, but just as in canon this goes poorly. Bella is a savvy 17-year-old who doesn't need no warning, and besides, the Cullens are all so sweet. They're like hobbits, really, obviously she's not in any danger. She tells Billy as much. Vampires are lovely, does he know they gave her an island?
(Billy did not know this, and yes, that's weird. Doesn't mean they're not evil, though.)
Billy gets nowhere with his would-be intervention.
Time to bring in the big guns.
Sam phases around this time, and imprints on Emily. Break-ups with Leah, maulings, and tragic lovestories all around are had.
It is around this time that Billy brings Sam up to speed on the Bella situation, although leaving out the part where he's hopelessly in love with the girl because that would not be received well. Could Sam go speak with her about this, see if maybe she will take his warning seriously? The situation is dire.
Sure, Sam can do that. No one wants a human girl to get eaten or turned, after all.
Sam goes to see Bella.
And promptly falls in love just as he did Emily.
Emily, who is currently in the hospital from Sam mauling her, which happened specifically because Sam had imprinted.
It's official, Sam thinks, he's the greatest scumbag there ever was.
The Emily and Leah situation was awful enough as it was, breaking all three of their hearts and causing irreparable damage both physically and mentally. Sam wronged them both colossaly, and he can never amend that.
But he imprinted. He wasn't just being a douchebag, actual magic made him do it.
Now, though...
Either Sam imprinted on multiple people, in which case his happy ending is now polygamy. And how would that be a happy ending for Emily and Bella?
Or, possibly even more terrifying yet, he didn't imprint on either woman.
Breaking up with Leah, mauling Emily, making Emily fall in love with him after that and ruining her relationship with her cousin, in short putting these women through hell, all of it- it was for nothing. Sam's just a horndog who sees supernatural intervention where there's really just hormones.
Why couldn't he just have imprinted on Leah?
Sam can't go on a sabbatical to figure this out, his tribe needs him. So he takes to living in the woods alone, where he is alone, to try and figure this out.
But it gets more painful yet, because he can't just disappear on Emily.
So, he tells her. He owes her that much. And it's not goodbye forever, either, just- goodbye until he can figure out how to be the man she deserves. A man anybody deserves, really, because right now Sam's not it.
Emily has no idea what to make of any of this, but she knows her heart is broken.
She has to see this woman all of this is about.
Naturally, she falls in love as well.
The plot thickens
The next time Sam drops by, Emily gives him the news. They're both in love with Bella now.
Sam no longer knows what to make of anything.
Is the universe trying to tell them to form a polycule?
Nothing like that has ever happened before, but not much is known about imprinting. There's a first time for everything..?
At this point they're both giving themselves headaches trying to figure this out. It's a mess.
More, Bella hasn't even met either of them. Sam and Emily can't just walk up to her and say "Hi, be our wife".
Or can they?
If Emily fell in love at first sight, maybe it'll work in reverse. Maybe Bella just has to look upon them, and she'll fall in love.
Sam is dubious, but at this point let's just do this. Let's just do this, see what happens.
They walk up to Charlie's to deliver some of Harry's fish fry. Bella opens the door.
"HIIIII" Emily says, trying to act normal.
Sam's not saying anything.
"Hi," Bella says back, nonplussed, and looks at the bag Emily is clutching with white-knuckled fists.
All three of them are silent.
Bella is starting to wonder if there's something with the town water supply. She is also wondering if these people are planning to say anything, or if they just really enjoy knocking on doors and saying hi to people. Is there something Bella should be doing?
Eventually she clears er throat and asks if there's anything she can do for them.
Sam and Emily glance at each other. Bella's not looking starstruck with love, but she's not acting normal either. Who stands in a doorway and stares at people for almost a minute before talking?
It's inconclusive.
Emily hands over the fish fry. "From Harry," she says, and introduces herself.
Bella nods, remembering Charlie's friend who all but ran out of the door when he saw her and hasn't been fishing with Charlie since. None of Charlie's friends have. Charlie is going nuts. Maybe she should try hooking him up with Carlisle, vampires are lovely, they'd get along so well.
Bella, noting Emily and Sam aren't saying anything else, says bye and moves to close the door.
"Wait!" Sam yells, at the same time as Emily rips a piece of paper from her pocket, and sticks it into Bella's hand.
Bella looks down on it. It's two phone numbers.
She looks back up at Sam and Emily, who by now feel quite certain that this girl hasn't fallen in love with them and that this is the most humiliating moment of both their lives.
Just in case, though...
"Call us," Emily says flirtatiously, winks, and runs away.
Sam follows.
Bella never calls them back, and they never speak of this again.
A few months later, Leah who’d been shopping in Forks happily tells Sam and Emily that she's fallen in love with a girl, she lives in Forks, she's amazing, her name is Bella Swan.
"I took one look at her, and I knew," Leah says dreamily.
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parkersbliss · 4 years
Daisies | Newt
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pairing: newt x female reader
wc; 1.6K
warnings: swearing, angst
synopsis: newt knows it’s his fault wicked has you, which is why he has to be the one to save you, to tell you how sorry he is... for everything
a/n: no I’m not sorry for this :D
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
Newt knew you were strong.
If he were being honest, you were probably strongest out of all of them.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t scared for you.
He was so scared, he had no idea what they were doing to you but he knew what they were capable of.
That’s what he was scared of.
What happens if by the time he gets there it’s too late?
Then it’s his fault. He’d have to live every day of his life (not that there was much left) knowing that he wasn’t strong enough to save you.
He didn’t want to live like that, no one did. But he had to prepare himself for the worse, he had to be strong for you, but he was already weak. He could feel the virus itching at him, slowly making its way through his body.
But Newt was determined to see you again, he only needed one more time.
One last time to hold you in his arms, one last time to tell you how much he loved you.
That’s all he needed, that was the only thing that was keeping him going as he leaned against the wall and listened to Thomas try and shoot off the guards. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t think this might be the end.
“Shit,” Thomas said, shaking his gun, “I’m almost out.”
Newt purses his lips, trying to think of a way out or anything that would buy them some time.
Thomas pokes his head around the corner, continuing to fire his last few rounds at the guards. Newt can hear the gun begin to jam, signaling the loss of ammo.
Newt lunges forward and grabs something from the guard's pocket. It looks like a grenade of some sort, but there’s no time to really figure it out before he grabs Thomas by the shoulder, “Get back!” He orders, tossing the device and praying it does some kind of damage.
For a brief second, nothing happens and Newt begins to panic, but then it explodes, successfully electrocuting all the guards who fall to the ground in a heap.
Thomas turns toward Newt, patting him, “Nice.”
He nods his head, rounding the corner, they pause waiting for someone to pop out and start firing at any second, but it never comes.
“You go that way, I’ll go this way,” Thomas said, nodding over to the opposite end of the hallway.
Newt nods his head, quietly heading down the hallway. He doesn’t have a weapon anymore so he’s more cautious, heightening his hearing for footsteps.
Or maybe even you.
Or Thomas in case he does something stupid, which was likely knowing him.
But it’s quiet, he can’t hear anything besides his own footprints and his frantic breathing. Newt rounds another corner and now he can hear voices.
They’re distant and he can’t make out anything they’re saying, but knowing WICKED it wasn’t anything good.
Then there’s a loud crash and screaming.
“Let go of me!”
“It’s been six months, just give in.”
“I said let go of me!”
Newt freezes on the spot, he knows that voice.
It’s you.
He’s between being impressed and concerned, he knows you wouldn’t have ever given up fighting but in a place like this, he can only imagine what happens when you fight back. Newt peeks his head around the corner, trying to see a way in, a way to save you.
But there are too many people for just him and no weapons.
He has to go and get Thomas, which means leaving you alone.
That’s the last thing Newt wants to do, but he has to remind himself that you’ve been alone for the past six months, five more minutes won’t kill you.
He doesn’t take any longer thinking about it and takes off toward the other end of the corridor, his feet pound against the metal of the hallway and he’s grateful there isn’t anyone else around, otherwise, he’d surely be shot down.
“Thomas?” He shouts, hearing his voice echo around. “Thomas?”
The said boy comes running around the corner, hair disheveled as he pants, “are you trying to get us killed?” He hissed.
Newt looks him up and down, ignoring his question, “What happened to you?”
Thomas rolls his eyes, tossing Newt a gun, “I found us some weapons, that’s what happened. What about you?”
“I found (Y/N),” He said, tucking the gun into his belt.
Thomas’s eyes widen, “and did you get her?”
Newt rolls his eyes, “Don’t you think she’d be here if that was the case?”
Thomas mumbles something under his breath but Newt isn’t really listening to him, “I didn’t have anything to take the guards down with so I came to get you.”
Thomas nods, loading his gun, “well let’s go get her back.”
The determination in Thomas’s voice makes Newt feel a bit better, despite the feeling of his lungs closing in on him.
It was getting harder to breathe, and incredibly hot, but Thomas didn’t seem to be sweating.
Newt leads Thomas back down the hallway, taking a left to where he last saw you, but no one’s there.
He’s about to turn away when he hears it, screaming.
Both boys flinch at the sound, Newt so much as going to cover his ears. It breaks him from the inside out because he knows it's you and it’s his fault for not saving you that day.
He blames himself every day for what happened, he knows he deserves whatever this virus does to him.
He just needed to tell you how sorry he was, and then, he could finally rest in peace.
Thomas turns his head around the corner, counting the people in the room and trying to strategize.
He comes up empty-handed, pursuing his lips together as he weighs the risk of just barging in there and shooting everyone. He looks down the hallway to make sure no one else is coming and runs forward, crouching under the glass pane blocking him from you. Thomas gestures for Newt to do the same and the blonde follows, scurrying under the opposite window.
“They’re not looking at us so on the count of three we start firing.”
Newt nods, holding his gun to his chest as Thomas starts counting. He tries to block out your screams, hoping he can forget them and that he doesn't die with that ringing in his ears.
Newt spins around, pointing his gun at someone through the glass and firing. The glass shatters, pieces cutting at his skin but most of it bouncing off his suit as he continues aiming at the people in the room.
They seem to all be doctors as none of them are carrying any weapons of sorts and are all dead in a few minutes.
The two boys wait for thirty-seconds before jumping into action and sweeping off the broken glass and entering the room.
Thomas is quick to start messing with buttons on the computer as Newt grabs your shoulders.
“I really hope none of these are instant kill buttons,” Thomas mumbled as he pushes the big red one.
The machine goes dark and he begins slowly pulling off all the wires attached to you as Newt slowly wakes you up.
Thomas makes no comment to go faster, though he should.
“Newt?” You asked softly, adjusting to your surroundings.
“Oh thank god,” He exhales.
Your eyes are dark as they scan over the room, Newt gently takes you in his arms but you’re quick to push him away, scrambling out of his grasp.
This was WICKED, it had to be.
It was like all the others, where Newt would save you, only to turn into a crank and drag you away.
“Stay back!” You shout, putting as much distance between you and him as possible.
“(Y/N)?” Thomas said, grabbing your attention.
Was he real?
Thomas was never in any of your nightmares, but that didn’t mean WICKED didn’t add him for some extra effect.
“It’s us,” Newt said, “You remember us, right?”
“You’re lying,” You scoff, “I know it’s you WICKED.”
Newt’s heart sinks in his chest in realization, this is what they’d done to you?
“It’s us,” Thomas pleads, trying to think of some way to convince you. If WICKED had gotten in your head, how do they bring you back?
You wanted to believe them, you really did, but you’d grown so used to the games and tricks and it was never worth the pain.
“Prove it,” you said, looking to both of them.
Newt’s first to speak up, “Daisies!” He blurted, “you always said if we ever made it out of the maze you want to start a flower garden at that the first flower would be a daisy.”
He’s choking on his words as he sees denial still flash in your eyes, “You also said you wanted to name our future daughter Daisy.”
It’s hard to say those words knowing it would never happen, Newt knows he doesn’t have enough time left. He knows he’ll never give you that, and for that, he’s sorry. He’s more sorry than you’ll ever know.
“Daises,” You whisper under your breath. Your shoulders drop when you realize that it isn’t some trick anymore.
“You’re real,” You said, running forward and hugging Newt.
Relief washes over him as he grabs the back of your head and pulls you as close as possible. “I’m so sorry,” he said, the words falling from his lips faster than he can process them, “I’m so sorry for letting them take you that day, for everything, I should’ve been stronger.”
You don’t say anything just hug him tighter.
“I love you,” He said, pulling back to gently cup your face. "I love you so much."
You’re not sure why, but Newt looks paler, his eyes duller… almost sickly.
“I love you too,” You said, not questioning the sincerity and the pain in his voice.
Newt blinks, tears running down his pale cheeks, “I’m so so sorry.”
If only you knew the other half of what he was apologizing for.
— END —
🏷 Newt Taglist: @lozzypoz321 @emeliii1 @tylers-ankles-beebos-forehead @remusflirts @sonnydoesrandomshit
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Only in a Sitcom
Fandom: WandaVision Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Jimmy Woo Rating: T
Summary: Darcy has no idea what the hell’s going on with this WandaVision thing, but neither does Jimmy. It’s kinda fun to have somebody to binge-watch alternate reality TV with.
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen 15 fifteen / 16 sixteen / 17 seventeen / 18 eighteen
this fic is now complete!
Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica have been working their way across Westview in as straight a line as possible, knocking on every door in every cute little cul-de-sac in their path. It was Jimmy who asserted they should never put their backs to a dangerous situation, but Monica who overruled that statement, pointing out that they were more likely to stay focused if they didn’t keep staring at the fight in the sky.
Darcy thinks they were both right. There’s a tingle rippling up and down the back of her neck, like she gets when she’s up in the middle of the night, spooked by shadows her anxious, overtired mind is too eager to turn into monsters, but the heebie-jeebies give her the energy to work quickly. She takes on an entire crescent on her own, readying people for a departure she’s certain they’ve been longing for. As she’s coming out the crescent’s other end, she realizes the Hex is getting brighter; the red storm clouds are being sucked back into themselves to leave a thin daylight.
Standing at the corner, she watches Jimmy and Monica emerge from the street opposite. Darcy jogs over, wincing. Wanda could’ve put orthotics in these Escape Artist boots. They’re blistering her feet.
“This has to be a good sign, right?” she asks, motioning to the calm skies.
“Look,” Monica instructs. She jerks her chin and Darcy and Jimmy follow her line of sight to see Wanda, Vision, and the twins coming up the main road.
Darcy gasps.
Wanda’s gone from bumming-around-the-house sweats to battle-ready chic. With her armour-like bodice, gloves that leave those magic fingers free, and an usually-shaped tiara framing her forehead, she’s both intimidating and otherworldly. But she’s smiling. Darcy would call it a sad smile and it hurts her heart to see it, even though she doesn’t understand.
As Wanda passes them with her hand held fast in Vision’s, she turns her head to nod at Monica. It’s in her eyes too, the same thing that’s in her smile. Something tired but present. Gone are the comedically darting glances of her persona as the bumbling new girl in town and the frazzled energy of a mom trying to corral a couple of superkids. It looks like she’s finally letting go of the illusion/delusion.
“Can we do anything for her?” Jimmy asks as the family continues on down the middle of the street.
“No,” Monica says. “The rest is for Wanda to do on her own.”
“We might as well head back towards the center of town,” Darcy says. “We don’t need to waste time at the edges. They’ll be the first to wake up.”
She points to where the Hex is shimmering on the horizon. The seconds pass and the shimmer looks messier, a weave of overlapping wires fritzing with energy. The edge is coming closer, but unlike when Wanda pushed the boundary farther, closing it around Darcy and her S.W.O.R.D. nemeses, this isn’t menacing. Wanda’s powers are no longer looking to consume more territory, they’re contracting. Faster than the incoming wave of the walls, the Hex goes dark. The red glow is intensely magical in the sudden night.
The three of them fan out, hitting the houses in their new route, and make their way back to the town square. They’ve been telling everyone to remain in their homes until they receive further instructions to evacuate, but Darcy spots a figure on the sidewalk by the department story. It’s Agnes, except… not as they saw her lately. No wild hair or billowing, layered outfit. No levitation. Darcy’s wary in the face of the woman who appears so much like her former self, the one supposedly under Wanda’s control. This Agnes has a damn Peter Pan collar poking out of her sweater! She couldn’t look much less threatening.
“What do you think?” she asks Monica when she joins her.
“I don’t know.” Monica peers across the street at Agnes in the dark and when Agnes notices, she flashes a wide smile.
“Well, maybe we should— Hey, no, wait!”
But the Captain strides across to meet Agnes. Darcy almost follows in her idol’s wake, but she quickly remembers that Monica has powers to protect herself that far exceed the right hook Darcy used to drop Agent Handcuffs. Whatever Agnes’s deal is, Darcy knows she’s an entirely different kind of beast from an asshole S.W.O.R.D. agent.
“What’s going on there?” Jimmy wonders, coming up beside her.
Thanks to the stress of trying to speak to as many citizens as possible in a short amount of time, including looking dozens of people still under mind control in the eye and aching for their lack of agency, the fear of and for Wanda as she witnessed that clash in the sky, and, really, the car crash that’s still pretty recent, Darcy reacts to her boyfriend’s presence by wrapping her arms around him tightly. With his tie pressed to her cheek, she feels him hug her back.
“I don’t know,” she says, carrying on the conversation without pulling away an inch, “but Monica’s finding out.”
“Agnes looks like an average Westviewer again. It’s disconcerting.”
“She must’ve been faking right up until she went head-to-head with Wanda.”
“And now she’s one of them for real.”
“Seems like,” Darcy agrees.
When Monica returns to confirm Agnes’s newly mind-controlled status, Darcy peels herself most of the way away from Jimmy, leaving her arm around his back, beneath his FBI jacket. He rests his arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t know what we do with her,” Monica says, hands on her hips. “We can’t undo what Wanda did, but do we leave Agnes here in Westview, trusting that she isn’t able to hurt anyone? Do we bring her in?”
“If it’s beyond our power to help her, maybe we just leave her here,” Jimmy suggests. “Wanda knows where she is, so we let Agnes stay in a place she can be found when or if Wanda decides to release her.”
“It’s tricky,” Darcy says slowly. “Agnes is capable of doing so much damage, and I’m sure she’s going to get good and angry while Wanda has her trapped inside herself. You and I know how that feels,” she says to Monica. “But that Agnes is secure—as far as we know—inside Sitcom Agnes, like little Agnes nesting dolls. I don’t know if this is the kind of punishment she deserves for pushing Wanda to the brink, but I do know it’s not going to be pretty if that inner Agnes is unleashed with nobody around to mitigate the consequences.”
“Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division,” Monica says softly.
“S.W.O.R.D. That’s what we’re supposed to stand for. I think, without Tyler Hayward around, it’s high time S.W.O.R.D. went back to its roots of trying to understand exceptional people, circumstances, and technology instead of just attacking them.”
“Sounds as though you might have a plan, Captain,” Jimmy says. Darcy glances at his face and catches his small, knowing smile.
Monica beams back.
“The former Director may have kicked me off the base, but I’m still S.W.O.R.D. and I still believe in my mother’s original goals for the organization.”
“Hey, it’s your legacy,” Darcy says. “You have my vote for Director.”
“You want to put Agnes under S.W.O.R.D. observation?” Jimmy asks.
“Not just Agnes. Not if Wanda’s willing to listen.”
With the sky rapidly lightening, Monica roughs out a plan that involves a partnership between S.W.O.R.D. and Wanda Maximoff. A partnership because any other dynamic would surely fail. After what they all witnessed today, it’s obvious that someone as powerful as Wanda can’t be held against her will. In exchange for Wanda making reparations to the people and town of Westview (not the least of which will be repairing all physical damage, which Monica knows Wanda’s capable of, since there’s no longer a Monica-sized hole in her living room wall) and an agreement to be held in the custody of S.W.O.R.D., under the leadership of Director Monica Rambeau, Monica thinks she has plenty to offer Wanda.
“You think she’ll do that deal?” Jimmy asks.
“That’s my question too,” Darcy says. “I mean, without the deal, Wanda can go where she pleases, right?”
“But she’ll be alone,” Monica counters. “We know what her loved ones mean to her. That’s what all this has been about—Wanda doing whatever it takes in order to go through life less alone.”
“What can you give her?”
“Vision,” Jimmy says abruptly. “The other one, the one who left. You think he’ll be back.”
“I think he’ll want answers,” Monica agrees. “Whatever Hayward did to him, he did at S.W.O.R.D. and I’m betting that Wanda will see that’s her best chance to reunite with Vision.”
“Vision will come back,” Darcy says, putting it together, “and Wanda will be there waiting.”
“And in the meantime, we use her expertise as we continue our work in a… more transparent vein. Give her access, keep her busy.”
“Keep her happy,” Jimmy cuts in. Monica nods her acknowledgement.
“Yes. Show her what it’s like to help people again. What better way to remind her there’s more to the world than her artificial paradise than to have her consult on the work we’re doing in space?”
“If you need somebody to sell Wanda on the space angle, I’m your girl,” Darcy volunteers.
“I’ve already had some ideas about that,” Monica promises with a smile.
Her eyes focus beyond Darcy and Jimmy and they turn to see what she’s looking at. Black hood drawn up over her head, Wanda’s walking back into the downtown. Alone. Darcy hopes that the fact that she’s black-hatted doesn’t mean she’s already decided against working to redeem herself to rejoin the good guys.
“You better stay in touch too,” Monica tells Jimmy, shifting as she prepares to intercept Wanda.
“If you reach out to Darcy, I’m sure I won’t be far,” he says. Darcy’s heart performs quick, happy thumps.
With that, Monica walks purposely towards Wanda. Darcy watches her cautious body language and Wanda’s tension in response to being accosted, but there isn’t any visible escalation. When FBI vehicles and the team Darcy assumes belongs to Major Goodner roll up the street, Wanda doesn’t flee. Darcy looks to Jimmy.
“You better go take charge,” she suggests.
He gives her a bashful smile.
“I will in a minute. The evacuation should run like clockwork after all the prep we did. With the Hex removed, everyone’s free.”
“They’re free, I’m free…”
“Are you free Saturday?” The smile’s a little slyer now.
“After all this, I don’t even know what day of the week it is,” Darcy admits, “but yes.”
He laughs.
“What are you thinking?” she asks, twisting to face him as his hand moves from her shoulder to her waist. “Quiet night in watching TV?”
“You know, I think I need a break from TV for a while. How about a movie?”
Darcy grins.
“You buy the tickets, I’ll buy the snacks?”
“Deal,” Jimmy says, and smiles against her mouth when he ducks his head to kiss her.
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bumblebeerror · 3 years
Hey so
I’ve been really deep into poetry and songs (which are also poetry) lately, and I just. I want to tell you some things that a lot of especially young people don’t seem to grasp (entirely fairly, bc poetry in school is taught very surface level)
Poetry can be both emotionally impactful and funny at the same time. My therapist reccomended me a poem called “The Nutritionist” as homework because I basically dissected “This is Home” by Cavetown to try to explain how I felt, and here are a few lines from it to illustrate my point (warning: suicide mention) Keep in mind, this is a non-binary person who is not straight, and their name is Andrea Gibson.
“The first psychotherapist said I should spend 3 hours a day sitting in a dark closet with my eyes closed, with my ears plugged
I tried once but couldn’t stop thinking about how gay it was to be sitting in the closet”
Funny, yea?
And then there’s this line that hits me like a ton of bricks:
“My bones said “Tyler Clementi dove into the Hudson River convinced he was entirely alone.”
My bones said “write the poem.”
If you haven’t read it and you’ve got trauma and suicidal thoughts and you’ve seen a lot of doctors? You should read it if you can. It’ll hurt your feelings.
Secondly, Poems, like all art, are also made to be related to, a way to convey our thoughts and feelings, a way to desperately grasp for literally anyone who could possibly understand what we need and feel and hurt about. They’re about connection.
The Nutritionist and This is Home say a lot about how I’m doing mentally right now. That’s not by accident. Those things mean a lot to me because those artists have put words to how I feel, and the way their poems are worded and the implications of them are important and deserve to be taken apart.
In This Is Home, the refrain that starts each stanza is “I’ll figure out a way to get us out of here.” All except the first one.
The first one? “I’m a little sick right now, but I swear/When I’m ready, I will fly us outta here.”
The implication is that sometime between telling the person they’re talking to that and the next stanza, they’ve lost the ability to fly, or they’ve given up on getting better. The next refrain goes “I’ll cut my hair/to make you stare/I’ll hide my chest and/I’ll figure out a way to get us outta here.” The difference isn’t jarring, but there’s a feeling of loss or defeat, that they’ve been forced to retreat and try to find a new strategy. They can’t fly anymore. They don’t know how to get out.
That realization of powerlessness is a major beat in the song, and it sets the tone for your understanding that this person is someone who feels that they have no control, that their life and their situation feels unstable and scary. They talk about being seen as a monster, as a train wreck.
And then they find hope again. The last few lines go like this:
“Get a load of this train wreck/his hair’s a mess and he doesn’t know who he is yet/ but little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms
Time is/ slowly/ tracing his face/ but strangely he feels at home in this place”
They haven’t escaped, they’re not out. But they’ve found peace and acceptance where they were. It’s hope, it’s healing, it’s light, and they’ve finally found it. The stars welcome them with open arms.
I guess what I’m saying is if you really like a song, even a funny meme one, or a poem, don’t be afraid to get embarrassingly analytical about it. It’s my current therapy homework for a reason. You may learn something.
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
Match My Heart to Yours
Okay, since the Exchange reveals have been pushed back until Thursday (for very, very good reasons) I have decided to post a tiny thing to hopefully tide people over. I do sort of intend to write more on this, but I have been stalled for a few months which means I need to change things up. So here is the first bit, hopefully you all like it!
You can also read it here on A03.
Synopsis: Enzo has an plan. Caroline has some serious doubts, because first all, werewolf, hot or not. Alpha, even. A political marriage to a man with his dimples seems like a terrible idea.
Caroline paused, chopsticks hovering over her container of fried rice. Across from her, Enzo looked relaxed, no real tension visible as he reached for another eggroll. “Excuse me?”
She narrowed her eyes at his placating tone. “I should have known your offer to pick up dinner two towns over was a bribe. You don’t even like Chinese food. You cannot be serious.”
Her witchy best friend would walk through fire for her, but perfect egg rolls an hour after they’d been picked up should have dinged as an obvious bribe. Though this was not nearly big enough. 
“Would I have made the drive if I wasn’t serious?” Enzo asked, sighing when her expression didn’t budge. “You know what I do. What I really do.”
Her gaze dropped to his wrist were a tattoo wound along the bones and tendons, the ink black and red, starkly visible against the olive of his skin. Usually he used the modern advances in makeup to hide what no magic could, because sometimes people were less understanding about this particular quirk of his magic than others. She’d never had a problem with it, but she was human and had no desire for his services. 
Caroline speared a piece of shrimp and narrowed her eyes in warning. “I am very aware of what you do with your magic when you aren’t perfecting fireballs and lightning strikes, Enzo. No need to be rude.”
She chewed carefully, giving herself a moment so she didn’t do something stupid like throw the food at him. The wood floors were brand new. “I’m human. No witchy bloodlines for ten generations or more, and definitely not a werewolf. São Paulo proved that. In spades. So, seriously, there is zero reason for your magic to like me for this.”
A faint grimace. São Paulo had not been a good time. Not for anyone. 
“You know it doesn’t always work like that,” he said patiently, dunking his egg roll repeatedly into the sweet and sour sauce, his expression wry. “Sometimes my magic has a mind of its own.”
She rolled her eyes. “Enzo, tell me something I don’t know.”
A small laugh escaped him. “True.”
“Have I ever done anything, absolutely anything, that would make you think I’d want to have a matchmaker stick their nosy magic in my life?” Caroline set her chopsticks down and started closing containers, her appetite gone. 
A sigh. “No.”
“Damn straight. Isn’t there some kind of ritual involved? Blood magic? The romance novels I read on this subject insisted consent was a factor and blood had to be given willingly, much to the displeasure of several southern mamas.”
He deliberately finished his eggroll, sauce-soggy rice paper and all, chewing methodically. “Normally. This isn’t a… usual situation.”
“Normally?” Sitting back, Caroline waved her hand. “The food buys you an explanation. So start talking.”
Enzo leaned back, chair creaking, and ran a hand through his dark hair. “Look, you’ve been in Europe the last, what? Six months?” 
“Eight, and should I be hurt you weren’t counting?”
He snorted. “You spent the last eight months chasing diamonds. Busy enough you even stopped answering texts in a timely manner, so I imagine you haven’t kept up with what’s been going on.”
“Excuse you? What text did I not respond to?”
“Emoji’s are not words, Caroline.”
Caroline pressed her chin to her palm, gaze narrowed. “Stop being old, Enzo. And let’s be clear. It’s not like I was chasing just any diamonds. These were expensive. The kind of expensive we peons can never actually afford to legally own.”
Enzo rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen your rate sheet. You do just fine.”
She grinned at him. “Thank you, I do very good work. But what does my previous job have to do with the completely ridiculous proposal you brought me?”
“Mason died.”
Caroline arched a brow. “Yeah, I saw. That was impossible to miss. International news, all those TV Pundits talking about who would take over as the US Alpha, blah blah politics. Since he had the bad taste to die outside of a challenge fight, I didn’t have time to worry about it.”
Enzo put the plastic lid back on the sweet and sour sauce, his expression unhappy. “That’s the problem. He did die in a challenge fight.”
He sighed and pushed his chair back. “This is a bit of a complicated story. As nice as these chairs are, something a little more comfortable might not be adverse.”
“You’re not getting any of the beer in my fridge until I’m sure I’m not kicking you out.” She narrowed her eyes. “The odds are not in your favor.”
“Cruel, but I suppose well deserved.” His chin tipped towards his car, expression amused. “Is now a good time to mention the cheesecake in the trunk of my car?”
He laughed and sauntered into her living room, flopping his favorite squishy chair. Caroline picked the couch. She motioned for him to start talking, and he slouched a little further down.
“Look, a lot of this isn’t common knowledge, alright?” Enzo grimaced. “Though it should be and I’m not sure how much longer they are going to manage to keep a lid on how badly the Council screwed this up.”
“Cover up?”
“Among other problems.”
“Mason was their darling.” And, she knew, some factions had whispered, their pawn. She reached up and shoved her bangs back to hide her wince. “Losing a wolf so pro-witch would have been a blow. Losing the top Alpha who was also pro-witch is a political travesty.”
“Political travesty or not, Mason’s dead, and they’re going to have to deal with the new Alpha. He isn’t known for his tolerance.”
“Most werewolves are suspicious of magic,” Caroline pointed out, curling one leg underneath her. “Can’t really blame ‘em, with how they ended up as werewolves. Vengeance, magical curse. That sort of thing tends to sour peoples opinions, and then you know centuries later, they really improved things with their required silver legislation.”
“Yeah, you’re not wrong, but that’s not the kind of tolerance I am talking about.” He leaned back against the chair, and lifted his foot towards the coffee table, pausing, gaze darting towards her narrowed eyes. His foot thumped back against the floor. “The short version is that Mason was challenged, he lost, and the Witch’s Council, for lack of better words, bungled the announcement.”
“How do you bungle an announcement? Challengers have official channels they have to go through and everything.” She pointed at the TV. “They’ve even started wanting to televise the damn things, like it’s some kind of wrestling bout and not a fight to the death.”
Enzo rubbed a hand down his face. “From everything that I’ve been able to tell, Mason just… didn’t expect to lose.”
“That makes no sense. Mason wasn’t young, even by werewolf standards,” Caroline said slowly. “There have been rumors in Europe that he should have been disposed of as much as a century ago. They aren’t really sure why the packs here haven't risen up against him, particularly after the whole issue with his nephew abducting his bride after she’d been paired by the matchmakers to someone else.”
“Tyler Lockwood leads more with his dick than his brains,” Enzo agreed. “And that should have weakened Mason politically, spurring a few challenges. That it didn’t…”
“It’s only been ten years, and that isn’t that long for a werewolf,” Caroline pointed out. “It’s reasonable that the family of the disappointed groom would just now be in a position themselves to pick a fight. Hayley’s family is old blood but not particularly powerful.”
Enzo gave her a dry look. “When do werewolves ever wait to pick fights?”
“When they are going up against the top Alpha in the US and need public opinion behind them. The general public expects a dominance fight or a natural cause of death for all alphas,” she said dryly. 
He nodded in approval. “For someone so disparaging of politics earlier, you do have an excellent grasp of the situation.”
Caroline tossed a cushion at him, which he caught with a grin. “Please, my Mom was the Sheriff and Dad, well, you know Dad. Conspiracy theories and hatred of anything that so much whiffed of the unnatural. But none of that explains what actually happened?”
“We think Mason was using magic to win his challenge fights.”
Her lips parted. “But that’s… the packs would riot. Because something like that…”
“It’s something the Witch Council had to be involved in.”
She inhaled sharply. “That would be a disaster.”
“It is a disaster,” Enzo said bitterly. “There have already been two executions, and several investigations are still pending. We’ve managed to convince the new alpha to hold back the public announcement, but he’s losing patience. We need a solid infrastructure of a plan in place, because humans don’t do well with surprises of this kind, and right now we’re barely holding the alliances together.”
“And what?” Caroline asked exasperated. “The remaining Council has decided to hire a matchmaker? They think since the new Alpha is single, they must be in want of a partner? You’re going to announce the change of leadership, the challenge fight, and then announce he agreed to be matchmade?”
“Something like that.”
“Who is going to trust the Council after something like this?” She shoved her hair away from her face. “If I was the Alpha, I wouldn’t touch anything that they touch with a ten foot pole. That includes matchmaking.”
“I wasn’t hired by the Council, though a couple of my… co-workers have taken those contracts.” He seemed to consider his words and then shrugged. “I was hired by Bekah.”
“Rebekah Mikaelson?” She said, brows arching high. “Why is she involved in this? And I thought you two didn't get along. The last time you were in the same room, she lit your precious robes on fire.”
Enzo’s mouth curved into a slow smile full of male satisfaction. “She’s an odd one, but it’s not the worst way I’ve had someone flirt with me.”
“And the time she declared matchmaking the worst magical school in existence and she hoped you did the world a favor and never reproduced?”
“Charming, isn’t she? I don’t think she really likes children in general.” He looked unbothered. “The bit about my magic was just an attempt to be clever. Her insults have gotten better the more she gets to know me. I appreciate her dedication to getting my attention.”
“Yes, and that is what I am going to put on your gravestone. You finally got the attention you always wanted.” Caroline shook her head. “Insults and spells aside, why did she hire you?”
“Because the Witch Council is right, in a way. It’s going to come out that Mason lost a challenge fight and the witches tried to cover it up.” Enzo reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “A werewolf who is newly matched has more appeal than a single one, and it’s not a terrible way to divert the press.”
“Is he worried about appeal? Why are you worried about his appeal?” She threw up her hands. “He killed Mason. He is now unequivocally in charge. Why does appeal matter?”
“We need stability.” Enzo’s face went grave. “We can’t afford a year of dominance fights when we’re already struggling with sorting through Mason’s people for traitors. Announcing a match buys us time.”
Caroline froze. “You want the year truce.”
“We need that year, Gorgeous. I’m not sure we’ll survive without it. Pairing off the new alpha? It’s the only way we’re going to get it.”
“And you want me to marry him? Why?”
“Why not you? You’re smart, resourceful, and not bad on the eyes. That you're from a small town will add to your appeal. Small town girl meets werewolf Alpha, and it’s a match. People will love you.”
“I’m a Finder, Enzo. That’s not exactly the most politically correct of jobs.” Her gaze narrowed. “Am I even going to be able to keep working if I agree to this?”
“Once things stabilize, sure, why not?”
“You’re really selling this.”
Enzo shrugged. “You know that one of the true weaknesses of Mason’s was that he refused to find a mate or even attempt a match.”
There had seemingly been a good reason for that. Werewolves were blessed with supernatural strength, a lifespan that more than tripled a normal human’s, and were highly territorial. Most of the time, those instincts could be driven towards their pack and maintaining the careful balance that the world existed in. A werewolf in love was a dangerous creature. Werewolves fighting over their lovers more so.
It was why Enzo’s magic existed. 
“Uh huh,” Caroline drawled, unconvinced. “You're really going to tell an Alpha he can’t claim what’s his unless he agrees to a match, the very thing the last alpha decried as unnecessary. How’s that going? I bet not well.”
“The sooner you say yes, the better, then.”
She glowered at him, but he looked unrepentant.
“Seriously Enzo, matchmaking magic or not, this cannot be your best plan. I cannot be the absolute best idea you have for this.”
“Why not?” He leaned back. “From where I’m sitting, it’s a fantastic plan.”
Caroline’s jaw dropped and she stared at him. He was serious. She knew that set of his jaw, the glint behind his eyes. Matchmaking wasn’t a science, it was magic. A fail safe, a terrible and beautiful promise: that somewhere out there, somewhere, maybe, a soulmate existed. And if you were lucky enough, maybe magic would find them for you.
“Enzo, seriously this time. Why even ask me? You know I’ve never been interested in matchmaking with a werewolf or witch. I like my life.” She spread her arms to include the house. “What you're asking me to do, asking of me, it changes everything. Why?”
He was quiet for several moments, his gaze unfocused. When he spoke, his voice was strangely serious. “My magic likes the match.”
She considered that, shifting to hug her knees to her chest. She’d been friends with Enzo since she was seventeen years old and she’d dragged his half unconscious body out of a car wreck that should have killed him. In turn, he’d been there for her when her mom died and her dad disappeared. He’d helped her get established in her career of choice, even though he’d been disapproving of the reasons why she’d chosen to go into it. 
She trusted him. 
Enzo liked to hide what he could do because he was so good at what he did, and she’d seen him drunk more than once post-match. His magic was not… unkind, but it wasn’t easy, what it demanded of him. To put two people together, with the intention that they’d make a relationship work for possibly hundreds of years. The weight of success and the pain of failure were both so heavy. 
Enzo did not match lightly. 
His magic liked the match. 
Her stomach flipped as she really considered what that meant. No such thing as soul mates, Enzo always insisted, just the endless probabilities of human lives narrowed to a single red thread between two people. And here, he said, was her chance to see if this probability would work for her. 
She couldn’t decide what that made her feel.
“You swear this isn’t about Dad?”
A tip of his head. “While I have no compunction about putting a few hundred werewolves between you and whatever mess he left behind, it’s not about him. You were right. My magic should never have considered you for this. You’ve never wanted to find a match, and honestly, I’ve always liked that about you. And nothing about this is going to be easy. But when Rebekah brought me his blood, all my magic could see was you and the potential you two had together. I could no more deny you the chance to say yes than breathe.”
She groaned under her breath. “This could be a disaster. You know I hate politics, and I’m an only child. I’m terrible at sharing. He’s alpha. Nothing he does is his alone.”
“I know. The circumstances are unusual, so they’ve been willing to negotiate generous terms if things don’t work.” Enzo grinned. “No one wants to trap either of you, not when all parties know that magic isn’t infallible.”
She eyed him. “I don’t like it when you think you’ve got it all figured out.”
A laugh. “Come with me to New York. Give it two years. A year for the truce, a year to fortify whatever weaknesses his enemies attempt to manipulate. At the end, if you want out, no one will stop you. I’ll dissolve the marriage myself. No loopholes.”
Enzo never dissolved marriages. That, more than anything, told her how serious he was about giving her an out. How badly they needed to truce. 
“I guess you really do have this all figured out.” 
“I wish I did, but we both know that’s impossible with something like this. I can only read the magic, and tell you what I see. But I’ll do everything I can to help you.” He smiled ruefully. “We’ve gotten good at hiding bodies, what’s a few more?”
Caroline wasn’t sure she should have found that comforting, but she did. “And just who am I agreeing to consider marrying?”
Enzo suddenly coughed and stood, a familiar hint of devilment twisting his lips. “Klaus Mikaelson.”
She spluttered. “Klaus Mikaelson? You want me to marry Klaus? He killed Mason?”
His smile widened. “Yes.”
Caroline gawked at him. Before she’d gone to Europe, Klaus Mikaelson had been the third most powerful Alpha. Young, handsome, devastatingly charming, he made people forget just how terrifying he could be with a pair of dimples that raised the blood pressure of every woman past puberty. 
He was also Rebekah Mikaelson’s half brother. 
Enzo had been entertaining her for years about the Mikaelson sibling dynamic. Klaus had not been spared in those stories, and while she’d never met him, she knew two very important things: he was built on lines that had always, always snagged her attention, and the sharp temper of his wolf, the brutality of his temper, hid a clever, agile mind that made him dangerous to underestimate.
“Enzo!” She protested. “Klaus?”
Sliding his hands in his pockets, he spun towards her door. “Yup.”
“Just where do you think you are going?”
Enzo tossed her a grin over his shoulder. “To get your cheesecake. You didn’t think I lied about that, did you? And you might as well fetch me that beer. We both know I’m not going anywhere until tomorrow, at the earliest.”
Caroline stared at his back as the door clanged behind him, heart hammering in her throat for a hundred reasons she couldn’t explain.
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
“Why am I going to this thing?” Michael huffed, swatting Isobel’s hand away as she tried to fix his shirt.
“Because it’s the biggest event of the year, and it’s the first time I’ve ever gotten to work in a ballroom this size, and it’s one night, Michael,” Isobel said sharply. “So stop whining, and – for the love of – just button that last one! This is supposed to be an elegant affair, not a YA werewolf event! No one needs to see that much hair!”
Alex likes it, he almost retorted, and quickly caught himself. It was stupid to mention the airman now. He and Forrest had barely broken up three months ago, and Alex and Michael hadn’t really gotten to the point of discussing their relationship yet. They were both single, but what did that mean? And what would Alex think if Michael mentioned it?
That he was bored and wanted someone to mess around with? That since neither of them were in a relationship anymore, they may as well get together? How was Michael supposed to tell Alex that he wanted him more than anything, that he’d wanted him long before he’d dated anyone else, and make it sound as sincere as he felt?
None of that was anything he wanted to mention to his sister though, so he just shrugged and smirked and said, “I wore my good jacket for this. Look, no holes!”
Isobel looked mortified. “That’s as good as I’m going to get out of you, isn’t it?”
Before Michael could answer, a knock came at the door. “Don’t even think about showing that stupid belt buckle, Michael,” Isobel warned before she went to answer. “I’m serious!”
Michael turned to face himself in the mirror with a sigh. He ran a hand through his curls, and felt ridiculous. Here he was, in Isobel’s fancy changing room, a long, gilded mirror reflecting a greasy, rugged cowboy that did not fit in amongst the prestigious vanity table, the four-poster bed, the diamond vases and peach curtains and engraved birds in the wallpaper.
He heard voices in the hall, and imagined Rosa and Maria. Too late, he recognized the voices to be Liz and . . .
He turned to the door just as Alex walked in, laughing at some joke Isobel had probably made. Usually, his smile would’ve been enough to intoxicate. But oh, he wore more than a smile for tonight.
His hair was a mess of perfect strands, windblown and ruffled. His cheeks were red, his usually dark eyes bright and glimmering with specs of bright hazel, and his suit . . . Michael had never seen Alex in a suit, and now he understood why. Seeing Alex in his dark caramel suit, his white button-up – he was sure he would have trouble ever thinking of anything else. Alex looked like a prince from a fairytale, the youngest and most beautiful son.
Nobody deserved him, not in a fantasy, and definitely not Michael, now, as he stood opposite him with his flannel and suede jacket and dirty boots.
Michael was vaguely aware there were others in the room, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Alex. “Y-You look . . .”
“Oh,” Alex blushed as he tugged at a strand of his hair, his smile shy. “It was Jenna’s idea. She said I had to look perfect tonight.”
Michael huffed a chuckle, his eyes raking Alex from top to bottom and back again. The idea that Alex being told to look perfect when every inch of him was unspeakably beautiful already was laughable. He didn’t say that out loud, but Alex seemed to have read his thoughts anyway. Alex bit his lower lip as his grin widened, and Michael held his gaze, unable and unwilling to look anywhere else.
“Seen him?” Isobel suddenly turned Michael around. “Great. Now, hold still, let me put some cologne on you.”
“Is!” Michael broke out into coughs, waving away the stench.
“There!” Isobel sighed. “Now it’s as good as I’m going to get. Doesn’t he smell better, Alex?” she asked, trying and failing to hide her amusement when Michael’s eyes widened.
No sooner had Isobel stepped away and towards Liz who was trying out different shoes in the corner, that Michael turned and came face-to-face with Alex, mere inches away.
“You think this is a little much?” Michael asked, chuckling nervously. “It’s just a party.”
“It’s an event, Guerin,” Alex said, raising his chin in mockery. “It’s a gala. Besides . . .” he leaned in, nuzzling Michael’s ear. “You really do smell amazing.”
Michael’s eyes fluttered and he subtly moved closer to Alex, unable to help himself. He instinctively reached out and grasped Alex’s fingers, his touch hesitant, unsure. “Is – Isobel didn’t put any cologne there.”
Alex inhaled deeply and pressed a gentle kiss to Michael’s ear, then his cheek. “I know,” he whispered before he pulled away. He tugged back on Michael’s fingers, then raised to graze Michael’s exposed chest hair, his eyes dark, before he finally let go. Liz drifted over.
“Serious question right now,” she said, holding up two pairs of heels. “Black or beige?”
Alex laughed, and Michael found his legs moving until he was nearly pressed against Alex’s back, absorbing his warmth and inhaling his scent. Alex didn’t seem to notice Michael’s presence for a moment, then Michael felt him lean back subtly, leaning his weight against Michael.
It was probably just to take some weight off his leg, but Michael was happy to take it as something more. As Alex and Liz chatted, Michael closed his eyes and pressed his nose to the back of Alex’s head, his soft hair tickling his cheek and making his heart swoon. He slowly brought up an arm around Alex’s waist, his hand resting on Alex’s stomach.
Alex thoughtlessly covered Michael’s hand with his own without breaking conversation. Michael smiled.
“I thought you didn’t even want to go to this thing,” Isobel mocked in a whisper.
Michael held Alex tighter. I go anywhere Alex goes. What he said out loud, however, was, “I’m showing off the belt buckle.”
I fell asleep last night writing this, but finally finished! This is inspired by the gorgeous photos Tyler took at Novi’s wedding, may the gods help me 🤤😍
I really want to write something a lot longer, maybe when they’re at the event, and Alex shows up with Forrest, and Michael gets ✨ j e a l o u s ✨, but I also wanted to post something cute and small first.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
june fic round up!
genuinely thought i had more time to do this but that's life baby!! june saw a lot of tears on my part and hopefully lots of light on yours 💛 without further ado here are some fics that kept me sane this past month
smut is marked with *, minors dni
elias lindholm
loving you was a mistake* by @aereres
this shit hurted ngl. but in the best way possible. he just fits the rockstar stereotype so well and this is magical despite the pain it put me through
elias pettersson
for one night & one night only by @senditcolton
who doesn't love abba and mamma mia!?? a fun little fluff piece that i adore
erik johnson
fourth line grinder (6)* (7) by @horsesandhockeyplayers
love love love the development of this story!! can't wait to see where it goes and hopefully nell, erik, and grinder get the happy ending they deserve
jamie oleksiak
found you by @laurenairay
some sweet big rig content anyone? find it right here! i'm convinced nothing is better than this
joel farabee
like doves doves in the wind (3) (4) by @museinmind
two idiots in love. need i say more??! bee is whipped for mattie, which i respect because i too am in love with her. i never want this story to end
jonathan toews
plain jane (2) (3) (4)* (5)* by @princessphilly
i don't go here but i'm a whore for writers doing little universes so you know i had to hop on this train. there's a lot of tension so far which i adore!! it's going to make the end result taste so much sweeter
kevin hayes
hell of a view (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) by @danglesnipecelly
i am obsessed with this story. obsessed. the hard work and dedication that has been poured into it shows, and the result is a magical little world that i'd like to live in forever and ever
matthew tkachuk
paitence is a virtue (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)* (6)* by @spine-buster
i had been meaning to read this series for ages, so naturally i read it in the middle of writing an exam. but it's seriously so good, though has a bit of an unconventional pretence that is really intriguing. totally worth it, and i can't wait to make my way through the rest of the sbu!! (i don't why it won't let me link chap. 4 but you can find it on the masterlist!)
noah hanifin
loving you was worth it* by @aereres
i am LIVING for this little rock band au!! they all tie together so nicely and it's such a refreshing idea. love that we finally got a look into noah and aleena's relationship :))
sebastian aho
thunder only happens when it's raining (1) by @denis-scorianov
i will never hear dreams by fleetwood mac in the same way. this is a stunning start to something amazing and i find myself coming back to it over and over despite it only being an introduction to the world
sindey crobsy
all bets are off (12)* (13) (14) by @princessphilly
this series has been a rollercoaster in the best way possible. i love everything about sid and nina and will be so sad when this story ends
tyler seguin
and now i know it was always you by @shelbsatans
a fantastic finale to a little trilogy that stole my heart!!!! deadass i cried real tears and bawled my eyes out at so many parts. the details woven into this story are god tier
tyson jost
got this love thing going on by @antoineroussel
i! love! flick! and! tyson! and now she has a ring and they're gonna get married and i've already planned their wedding in my head
william nylander
take my hand, wreck my plans by @broadstbroskis
listen. fake dating to lovers might be my favourite trope in existence, and this fic does it so well!!! the mutual silent pining is 🤌 and i love that aubrey has a big crazy family
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justafandomfollower · 3 years
Thoughts on Stargirl S02E01
Season 2 is here! So, I watched the first episode last night and, while I don’t often do this for TV shows I watch, wanted to share/write up my thoughts about the episode. I mean, overall, I thought it was really good and I was grinning like a loon to see the familiar characters back onscreen. But, more than that, I had some thoughts on individual characters.
First, I really really liked the way they handled Courtney’s “overworking” as Stargirl. A lot of other shows would have the debate about how being Stargirl is dangerous and she’s just a teenager, etc., etc. But they hashed that out last season, and they’re not bringing it up again here, which should be the bare minimum but ends up just being refreshing. Pat never says she needs to put away the staff (except for that last bit where he grounds her, and even that’s temporary). Instead, he cautions her to find a balance between the superhero and non-superhero parts of her life, to pass her classes, get good grades, get some sleep, learn to take breaks every now and again, and think about her future.
I do think Courtney will ultimately be proven right about the threats that are out there (I mean, duh, we saw Cindy and Eclipso right there), but nothing Pat said was wrong, or telling her that there were no threats. So, yeah. Big fan of that part. As for Green Lantern’s daughter, while Courtney was her usual “act first, think later” self, I also kind of can’t blame her, because someone did sneak into their house and steal important JSA relics. There were faults on both sides here.
The rest of my thoughts I’ve thrown under a read-more because it’s long and rambling:
I’m pretty solid and happy with where the other three JSA kids are at the moment, but I figured I’d still break it down a little.
Yolanda: I like that she’s struggling with what she did, even months later. I like that she knows she can’t say anything at church, I like that she’s still able to talk about it with Courtney, and I like that Courtney was supportive without outright agreeing with or condemning her actions. It’s a tough thing for kids to talk about, and while an experienced adult like Pat might be able to understand it better, I like that Yolanda’s not completely bottling it up.
On that note, though, they said Cindy might have gotten crushed when the satellite came down, “like Brainwave”, so there’s a possibility here that nobody else knows what Yolanda did, which’ll be interesting to see play out, if that’s true.
Rick: Again, I like where he’s at. He’s more confident in who he is, a little more settled, but also still lost. He claims Tyler as his name again and knows he’s a hero, but he doesn’t know where he goes from here. I think that’s part of why he’s seeking out Grundy, because he’s still clinging to that part of his past because he doesn’t have any clue of what’s in his future.
He’s still very much an angry teenager new at being a superhero, ranting to that teacher about how he saved her, but knowing his character (and acknowledging how crappy that teacher was), I can’t entirely blame him for that. Was it a good move? No. Did it make sense? Absolutely.
Speaking of that teacher, she was not a good one. Can I understand her wariness about the bad boy of the school suddenly getting every answer right? Sure. But, 1) it’s been months, so surely there’s been some gradual improvement, 2) that’s not the way to do it; talk to him about it, sure, but don’t refuse to accept his explanations, and 3) refusing to accept his name change is a jerk move that a figure of authority shouldn’t be making. I could wave away the first one from TV-time-skipping-magic, but not the other two. I don’t really think we’ll see this character again (but maybe in summer school), but she’s more of a vessel to show us 1) how Rick’s changed and 2) how the way others see him hasn’t, so, I suppose, in that regard, she did her job.
Beth: It’s neat that the goggles still seem to be (mostly) working, but it’s the AI that’s not functioning. Not the route I’d thought they’d go, but it’s really interesting because it gives Beth a chance to expand her skill set, or at least expand it to the viewer, and give her a role as a coder/computer scientist. It also doesn’t cheapen the “death” of the AI that happened last season.
Also, like the others (Rick at school with the teachers, Courtney and Yolanda having a discussion in the middle of main street, even Pat with STRIPE), she’s not great at hiding her activities. They’re just goggles, maybe, and she could explain them away fairly easy, but I don’t like the way she just leaves them out around the house. I’m okay with it for now because 1) she’s a teenager, still learning, and they are pretty innocuous, 2) some of it’s probably just TV “requirements”, like not wanting to cut from scene to scene or whatever (idk, I’m not in the TV business), and 3) her parents seem pretty clueless.
And speaking of her parents, man did I not like them even more this season. Every time I saw them on screen my mind went straight to: “good people, terrible parents”. Did they ever even want a kid, or did they just like the idea of having a kid to fit into their “perfect lives” until even that wasn’t enough to keep them together? They’re barely aware of what Beth does on a day to day basis, she still seems to be the one doing all the cooking, and they forget to tell her they’re coming home late? Bad parenting, and selfish parenting at that.
Overall, my mood about Beth this episode can be summed up like this: Do I like Beth struggling? No. Does it open up possibilities for what could be a really intriguing character arc? Yeah.
My biggest complaint about our JSA is that there weren’t really any scenes of them together, but that’s more of the time constraints of having so many characters we needed to get concrete information on regarding where they stand. They had that nice patrol scene in the beginning to let us know they’re all still solid friends, so I’m happy enough with that for now.
Other thoughts:
Barbara wasn’t really in it much (no mention of her job, though the newspaper article did say something about The American Dream going through changes after the death of its leader or something like that), but I can sympathize with her wanting a vacation and not getting one. It’ll be interesting to see how okay she is with Courtney as Stargirl as things get more dangerous.
Mike, likewise, wasn’t much present, but it’s clear he’s still struggling to be a part of things. Pat wasn’t wrong, when he said that the discipline, etc. from having a job was important, but it still feels like he’s brushing Mike aside and not letting him be involved, so I can see some more resentment brewing this season. Better than last season, but c’mon Pat. Mike just wants to help. Still, hopefully we’ll get a better idea of where Mike stands in future episodes.
Artemis. Really interesting the way she brushed aside her parents being in jail as them being wrongly convicted. I’ve seen Young Justice, so I’m looking forward to seeing if they turn her into a villain or hero here.
Zeek. (Is that how he spelled it? It looked like that on his hat.) I’m, probably unnecessarily, wary of how interested he was in working with Pat at the show (does he know something?) but for now I’m mostly just mildly amused at his “I don’t care what you do on your time, but hey, do you think that robot could use a flamethrower?”. Also. Pat. C’mon man. You’ve been in this business for decades. Hide your robot better. (Though, I’ll admit, he was only resigned when he realized Zeek had found it, so... Did he have an excuse ready? Did he just not read Zeek as a threat? I’m probably reading too much into this, but it’ll again be interesting to see where it goes.)
Cameron’s back, seemingly unaware of everything, and it looks like his murderous grandparents are taking care of him. Not great, but, eh, we’ll see what happens.
Sylvester is still tracking down Pat. I’m a little bit glad the landlord either didn’t give him, or didn’t have, Pat’s information from that end scene last season. I’m also interested to see if Maggie (Mike’s Mom, if my understanding of comics I haven’t read is correct) sticks around. Sylvester seems supremely unworried and in a mostly good mood, despite his desire to track down Pat, so I really want to know what’s up with him. I’ve seen some fan theories of time travel and him being a displaced Starman, which could be interesting, but I have no idea if they’re accurate. He certainly seems to be the real deal, at least with all the right memories.
Cindy and Eclipso. That opening scene was creepy, and made me question if I’d turned on the right show, and the connection with the McNider family is really interesting. Did not like the way she had Mike’s picture, but from a writing POV I really liked it. I don’t want Mike to go villain, but I mostly trust the writers to see how this plays out.
Other thoughts: The town seems to have moved on from the mind control/satellite-dish-from-the-football-field thing, so I’m guessing there weren’t too many causalities. New principal makes sense, and I like that they didn’t need to shove it in our face to remind us what happened to the old one (plus that scene where Courtney bumps into her kid; nice and simple and shows a little of how he’s coping). I appreciate that Henry hasn’t been forgotten. No glimpse of Yolanda’s home life yet, or Rick’s uncle. No idea how Rick managed to change his name, but the threat he was hiding from is more or less gone, so it makes sense.
I may have forgotten something here or there, but anyone who’s made it this far deserves a cookie, so, thanks for reading! I’m always up for discussion if anyone wants to add on or debate any of my points.
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jxmieoleksiaks · 4 years
Tell me you love me. T. Seguin
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This is for @hockeynetwork​ ‘s winter gift exchange. 
Word count: 2.4K
I was given the amazing @danglesnipecelly​ and..let me tell you. Nothing I’m going to write is going to be like hers. She is an amazing talent, and her fics, are pretty freaking amazing. I re did this about 4 times, changing players in between, and trying to go with themes you liked. I really hope this is okay for you, and from one K to another, I hope this is something you’ll enjoy
💚 🐧
It was a warmer than normal December Saturday night. You had the windows open, and wanted to get out in the fresh air. Your boyfriend was still dealing with an injury, but he was moving better than he was, even if you guys drove around the neighborhood, and grabbed some ice cream it would have been a good date. That sounded nice, but Tyler was once again on his new PS5, playing Call Of Duty with the guys.
You didn’t mind that he was playing, he wasn’t that much of a gamer until an entertainment store in Canada sent him and other players the PS5. Now he was playing all the time. It took his mind off the injury, and everything surrounding it, but he didn’t pay that much attention to you anymore, and it wasn’t due to the game.
After the terrible loss of Tampa Bay, you stayed with him in bed for days. He wasn’t the type to mope about a big loss, but being so close, and wanting to win it for the city that he called home, the city that made him feel beloved, and the city where you resided, hurt more than you could have ever imagined. A month and a half later, he went to New York for his hip surgery, and with the help of you and his mom, you both were nursing him back to health.
Now, a couple weeks until the season was to start again, he was down that he couldn’t join the team just yet. Him and Ben were in the same boat about having a recovery until April, but the fact he wasn’t ever out this long, stung for him too.
You were more than understanding, you knew that was a lot for one person to go through in the last 5 months, but you felt more like a caregiver, or just a helper instead of his girlfriend.
“Are you gonna tell daddy I want some attention?” You asked Cash, who was laying on the couch next to you as you flipped through the channels, not in the mood to watch College Football. You sighed to yourself, feeling kind of dumb that you wanted attention, but even the cuddling at night felt different. Were you not doing it for him anymore?
You got off the couch, Cash not moving from his spot, and you headed upstairs, passing the entertainment room before heading to the bedroom.
“Need anything?” You asked, being too nice for your damn good.
There was no response, all you could hear was him trash talking Stephen.
You walked into the bedroom and slammed the door, before crawling into the king size bed, covers up to your face.You were running out of options, of getting him to listen to you. You had called your Mom asking for advice, and well, she didn’t know either, she told you to be patient, as he’s too good of a guy to do something like that. You had watched him grow mature in the last couple years, especially being shit on by the powers that be of the team, you knew he could prove everyone wrong, and just hoped that you would also be proved wrong.
The sound of hobbling footsteps were coming down the hall, closer to the bedroom. You wanted to act like you were asleep, but it was only 4:30 in the afternoon. Sure, you were tired, but it wasn’t the type of tired that sleep would fix.
“Baby? What’s up?” Tyler asked, adjusting the snapback on his head, his gaze focusing on you under the blankets in the bed.
“Like you would know.” You lashed out. It didn’t mean to come out that way, but there was no way you could hide how you were feeling.
“What the hell are you talking about?!” He asked, sounding confused.
“Shouldn’t you be going back to the game? I’m sure they’re doing more than I am for you.”
Tyler stood still, his head cocking to the side.
“Is it because I’m on the game?” He questioned, never thinking you were the type that would get annoyed with the game.
“I mean, that doesn’t help, but I get it, not much else to do, but…” You said, pulling the covers off of you and sitting up on the bed, him still in the same position.
“Then what is it? Talk to me.” He went to sit on the bed.
“I’ve been trying to! You won’t listen to me!” You sounded almost desperate, but things had to be said. “I know that since you came home, thing’s have sucked and have been tough, I’m understanding of that, but you don’t look at me the way you used to…” You felt defeated.
“What?” Tyler spoke, not sounding rude, but more confused than anything.
“I’ve taken care of you since coming home, mentally and physically, and now all I feel like is a caretaker, like..I’ve been hired to make sure you’re okay. When we’re cuddling it feels different, I know we haven’t had a date night since before you went, and it makes sense, but not even something to show that I still mean a lot to you.”
“Seriously…what’s going on…” He said, his tone was more annoyed.
“Do you not love me anymore? Do you think I’m just someone to help you whoever you need it, and when you don’t you just go talk to the guys? Have you even noticed I’ve stopped caring what I’ve looked like because I can’t remember the last time you told me I was amazing, and that you loved me. I can’t remember the last fucking time you told me you loved me. We’ve had sex once since you came home from the bubble, and yeah the surgery was the big reason, but you won’t even hold me like you used to.”
“So you don’t think I love you because I haven’t fucked you?” He spat out.
“Oh my Fucking God, you don’t even listen to me.” You huffed and got out of the bed.
“You make no sense!” He yelled back.
“I said, you haven’t told me you loved me since August. You haven’t asked anything about me, how I felt, made any notations towards me since you got home. You paid more attention to your mom the week she was here, than you have the two months you’ve been home! I…I don’t know what I’ve done…but if you don’t love me anymore..just tell me…and I’ll leave.” You could feel the tears pool behind your eyes.
You didn’t give him a chance to speak, as you stormed out of the bedroom and down the stairs, not able to look at him in the eyes. You ended up on the back patio, feet dangling in the water of the pool.
Tyler thought for a moment. He had been dealing with a lot, but he never did really say anything that wasn’t about him lately. Sure, the pain killers he was on for the hip didn’t help any, or the physical therapy, being in pain almost for the 4 months, slowly getting better. But you had done so much for him. You even took the week off he came home, as you already were going to in case of the win, to stay home with him. You went to the pharmacy for him, got him almost everything he wanted, and took you for granted.
He felt like a dumbass. He felt like the worst boyfriend in the world, hell, he was the worst. He didn’t think, and yeah, he wasn’t the smartest guy half the time, but he knew how amazing you were, and didn’t want to lose you, in any sense of the word.
He hobbled down the stairs, and looked around the downstairs area for you. Tyler walked outside and saw you looking down at the water in the pool. He could still hear your last sentence in his head. The way your voice cracked, tore his heart in half. He had to make this right, and he had to make sure that you knew you were the most amazing person in his life.
Tyler sat down slowly next to you, looking at you with a softened look.
“Can I talk?” He asked quietly, not wanting you to blow him off.
You didn’t say a word, you didn’t know if you wanted to hear the next words that were about to come out of his mouth.
“Well, I want to, so I’m gonna talk…” He said before taking a deep breath. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am. You’re right, I was oblivious on how much you did for me, how much you gave up for me…”
You looked up at the house, before looking back down at the water.
“I was so focused on what I was feeling, because everything was a lot, but I couldn’t think of anyone else. You were always there for me the last few months, and I just fucking blew you off. I know the pain meds don’t help, but I’ve never been more thankful for you, I’ve never been so in awe of someone before. You’ve done everything you can to take care of me. I’m finally on the mend, but you took care of me emotionally, and physically, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much that meant to me…” He said to you, hoping you would look up at him,
“The game helps, because I can bond with the guys, and it’s hard knowing I can’t go into training camp right now, playing’s all I’ve known for years, and it’s hard knowing I can’t do it. That’s no excuse, I know. But I love you…you may not believe it, but I do, more than you know.”
You finally looked up at Tyler, you could see the hurt and the sorry in his eyes.
“Really?” You said quietly, not wanting to say much, but still wanting to make sure his words were sure.
“Of course, I wouldn’t want anyone with me but you. I know I’ve been a dick in not taking you for granted, but everything you’ve done for me, meant everything to me. You’re someone I can’t imagine my life without. I’m sorry I made you feel unloved, and un-beautiful. You are the most beautiful person in the world, a face of makeup, or bare faced. “
You were about to cry again, but because of his words this time. You felt embarrassed for asking him to say things to you, but you were someone that needed validation. You needed words of love, admiration.
“I know our sex life kind of died, but don’t think I haven’t thought about it all the time. I..I haven’t treated you the way you deserve, and I don’t know how to make it up to you. I’m so, so sorry you felt like this.”
You leaned your face into his shoulder, and he pulled you in close. Your head was in his chest, and you couldn’t help but sob.
“I know you care, and lo…” He shushed you before you could go on.
“No, you had every right to bring this up. I’m not this kind of guy, and the situations haven’t been ideal, but I’m a man of words to you, and I haven’t been showing that. I know I have a lot to make up for, and I promise I will. You just tell me the word, and I’ll do whatever I can for you….within reason.” He said, which coughed you to chuckle lightly.
“I’ll make a list…there’s months to make up for Seguin, but…” You said, you didn’t want to ask for sex right now, could he? But you just missed his touch, you missed in the way he would hold you in those intimate moments.
“But what?” He asked, pushing some hair out of your face.
“I don’t know what the doctor said about sex but…nothing major?” You felt your face get red, as you removed your face from this chest and wiped the remaining tears off your cheeks.
“Ah..well..I don’t know how much I can do, but I’m not letting my lady down.” He smiled before kissing you softly, but with more passion than you had felt in months. “I’d carry you..but I don’t wanna wobble and shit…” He said, feeling bad.
“No I get it, let’s go.” You nodded before he grabbed your hand and held it tightly before walking back into the house, and back up the stairs.
You two re-entered the bedroom and he shut the door.
“I..think to be safe, you need to be on top. And it’s not me wanting to see those tits in my face, it’s…injury reason.” He said, knowing he probably asked the doctors way too much about getting back into sex.
“Mhm…” you playfully rolled your eyes as you removed your clothes, knowing there was a time and place for foreplay, and this wasn’t it.
“I asked, he probably things I’m a freak or something…” He laughed before he was able to slide off his clothes, slower than you did.
You hovered over him, and he pushed the stray piece of hair again back behind your ear. “You really are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He said before his lips landed on yours.
The way you too connected, felt like the first time. It was something that the both of you had forgotten what it felt like. You went slow, which wasn’t the speed for the two of you, but it was needed, needed more than anything. His hands rested on your hips as you thrusted, and rode him. The moans filled the air, and it felt passionate and raw.
You both came, after not lasting very long. Usually if it didn’t last long, one of you would feel embarrassed, but the face you didn't have sex for quite a long time, made it perfectly fine. You leaned down and rested on his chest, him still inside of you.
“I love you…” You said, placing a kiss on the bare space on his upper chest.
“I love you too, more than anything in this entire world baby girl. I promise.” He kissed the top of your head, finally feeling that the two of you, were slowly on the way up back to your relationship.
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grayintogreen · 3 years
In all my Lucien chatter, I feel like I have to answer a certain question:
Do I Find Lucien A Sympathetic Character?
Short Answer: No.
Mid-Length Answer: No, but he’s a compelling, tragic one, and those two things are VERY different. You can be a tragic character and a compelling one without being sympathetic.
Long answer: Hoo boy.
Here’s the thing. Everyone has a choice to not be a dick. If the world is a dick to you, you don’t have to be a dick back to it. If you get broken and pushed around and treated like shit and every attempt to reclaim agency just leads you into YET ANOTHER THING that makes people kick and spit at you, you can continue to yeet yourself at the world and overcome it. You do not have to suck the first eldritch monstrosity that offers you powers’ dick and become a massive toolbox to do it. Doing that makes you a bad person. It does not make you sympathetic. It makes you a person who makes bad choices when they could have definitely made other ones. It makes your circumstances deeply tragic. 
That being said, I have made this joke once before and I will make it again- Molly is kind of like Lucien’s Tyler Durden. He is free in all of the ways that Lucien is not. Free of the Somnovem, free of his past, free of the anger that’s colored his attitude for years, free of literally EVERYTHING but the thrill of just doing what you please. Molly once said “joy can fill an awful lot of a person’s life.” Well, so can hate. That’s what makes Lucien genuinely tragic (and viscerally human)- he doesn’t have to be sympathetic. I do not feel the least bit bad for his schmuck ass, but I do feel like he’s a tragic villain, who clearly can only be truly happy and at peace with himself and the world when he has nothing else in his head. Molly and Lucien are the same person and I stand by this, but Molly is a fresh start and a clean slate that Lucien is too much of a hopped up arrogant pissy bitch with a god complex to ever consider on his own. He doesn’t think he should give the world a pass on what it did to him by taking a different path, and he won’t. Not unless he has some kind of epiphany about what it was like to be Molly and how liberating and freeing that is, but since the Nonagon is more present within Lucien than Molly, that won’t happen.
That’s the thing. Lucien is the middle ground between “Molly” and “Nonagon.” Molly is the potential to make better choices and the Nonagon is the guy going BURN THE ENTIRE HOUSE DOWN WHOO LET’S GET WEIRD (like a shoulder angel/devil combo except the angel is doing heroin and planning bacchanals), and guess who is making all the calls right now? Hint: it’s the crazy one. Part of me is still holding out for the parts of him that are Molly to wrest back control, but I’m also pretty sure Lucien is gonna eat the Star Razer before that becomes even remotely likely, and you know what? That’s fair. I respect that.
But on the off chance that Lucien is allowed the opportunity to dial it back and we get to see what he’s like without the Nonagon bullshit (probably still a dick, but so was Molly more than half the time, if not a mostly harmless one), he’s still not going to be a sympathetic character to me. I don’t find Essek to be a sympathetic character either (an adorable, affection-starved idiot, yes, but he’s got his poor little rich boy schtick going on and that’s a whole other thing), but I love him!! You don’t have to be sympathetic to be a good, compelling character and worth a redemption arc. You just have to have the capacity to change and the desire to do it. 
But as of right now, Lucien/Nonagon just wants to see the world get rekt, so he’s a bastard man and I am only sad that he’s too much of an idiot to realize that he definitely had options and that’s one of the myriad reasons I love him. He’s garbage. It’s delightful. Compelling characters that are just awful and have reasons to be awful (even if it doesn’t justify being awful, because NOTHING justifies being awful) are fun to me, because even if you think they’re actual children, you can still see how they got there. In many ways, that makes the monsters scarier- you can see how easily you can become them.
And on the converse, it makes the monsters less scary because you can see how easy it is to turn them to your side with the right attitude (see: Essek). The Mighty Nein (or at least Jester) kinda tried to do that for Lucien? But he rejected it and doubled down on his bullshit, which... I mean fair. I don’t think they gave him the fair shake they gave Essek, but Lucien sure as FUCK didn’t deserve it, and I don’t feel bad for him about that either.
Anyway. Tl;dr I love Lucien to itty bitty pieces. He’s my favorite NPC (followed closely by Essek and Artagan, who are also flash bastards). But he is a shitheel bastard and deserves whatever is coming to him, and if he does get a redemption arc, it’ll only be because the Molly side of him got admin control, which, again, PROBABLY NOT GONNA HAPPEN. I’ve made my peace with that. 
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beauvibaby · 4 years
go swimming? - j.benn
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requested [] yes [x] no
a/n: idek what this is, but I love it bc it’s Jamie, enjoy (not proofread)
You pushed open the back door, eyebrows instantly shooting up when your co-worker gasped in relief at your presence. “Y/N, thank god, there’s a line out the front door.” Mark gasped, and you hoped out of sight line from your boss, knowing you were early and he would have you clock in right away, the downfall of being slightly above the regular hourly employees, a shift leader, really but the only difference is you wore a different shirt. “Y/N, clock in!” Your boss, Tom, called from the front line, already beginning to put an apron on and get in the kitchen, “good luck!” Mark called from his prep station, shooting you a smirk when you glanced back with a glare. You shoved your things into the office, silencing your phone and shoving it into your pocket, you clocked in, in record time before turning to the expo counter and gasping at the nearly twenty minute tickets that hadn’t even begun to be prepared. “Read it off, Y/N, come on!” Your boss snapped, you pushed the annoyance aside, knowing despite him being a manager of his own store for years, he didn’t handle stress well. You began rattling off orders, food being slide over to you left and right, you continued to quickly tray it up, turning around and placing it on the counter, shouting out the name on the order into the full dining room.
This went on for over an hour, the lunch rush continuing, but finally once it slowed down enough you went out into the dining room to help the other girls clean up. Garbage was overflowing, the soda machine was out of more than a few things, napkins were empty, ketchup spilt on the counters by children. You held in a sigh as you made your way around the dining room, plastering that work smile on your face, taking empty bins and trays from people’s tables, the only thing that made today even a little better was seeing some of the regular guests in there. You chatted with them for a while, laughing at something the older gentleman said to you, his wife chastising him for keeping you up. “It’s alright, we all need a good distraction sometimes.” You shot him a wink as you walked off, silently telling him thank you. He chuckled, going back to playfully bickering with his wife, you shook your head with a smile, hoping one day that you and Jamie would be that lucky. You made your way to the back, gasping as you and Mark rounded the corner at the same time, sending his freshly cut food flying to the floor and the dirty dishes you had in your hands smushed to the front of your shirt. “Oh, I’m sorry!” Mark rushed, scrambling to help you pick up the food and plates, “it’s fine, I’ll get it, go cut more food before-“ “Mark, I need those tomatoes!” Tom shouted, rushing to the back and freezing when he saw them on the floor. “Jesus Christ.” He snapped storming back to the front, “waiting on tomatoes.” Tom muttered to the assistant manager who was looking at him expectantly.
“Go, Mark, I’ll clean this up.” You assured him, carefully squatting to scoop up the mess. You walked over to the sink, putting the dishes into the water, gasping at how frigid it was, you scrambled to drain it and replace it with the hot soapy water. “Y/N!” Lola gasped running over to you, “code brown.” She snapped, watching as your face fell, code red meant corporate was here, code yellow meant the healthy inspector was here, but code brown, that meant they were both here. “Go, go, go!” You demanded, jumping into defensive mode, “change the Sanitizer buckets.” You demanded, knowing that would be the first thing they checked. You ran over to the prep kitchen, “code brown!” You snapped, everyone went into a panic, scrambling to make sure everything was purposefully to code. “Nose goes!” Mark shouted, his finger shooting to the tip of his nose, everyone followed suit before you could even process it. “Fuck.” You muttered, going to find Tom. “Health inspector, and corporate just pulled up.” You mumbled, and he froze, muttering under his breath, he turned to give you a list of things to check. “You need to change your shirt.” He snapped, only then did you realize it was covered in smeared sauce from the dishes, “and then the normal routine!” He called into the kitchen as you ran towards the back door, you nodded, thankful for your decision to keep an extra shirt in your car for work.
Once you scrambled to change in the bathroom. You came out and were greeted by even more of a disaster, the health inspector shaking his head at Tom, along with Tom’s boss from corporate, Adam. Tom shot you a look and instantly you knew you’d be getting an earful from him once they left. The labels in the walk in freezer had timed out, and that was one of the things on your list. You shot them a smile, playing coy as you rushed towards the dining room, at least going to make sure everything up there was maintained properly.
“Y/N, office now.” Tom snapped, storming into the office, paperwork from the health inspector in hand, everyone shot you a look as they knew you were going to get ripped to shreds, as if it’s your fault that his employees don’t follow the rules. “I did my best, ok? Keep that in mind.” You grumbled daringly when the door shut, “I know.” He snapped, “we barely passed!” He slapped the paper down in front of you. You picked it up, and looked at the inspection, you scoffed, “these are all your problems, these are all kitchen markings, the dining room and cash registers were good!” You exclaimed, placing the paper back down. He looked at you, eyes ablaze, “don’t talk to me like that, Y/N, you’re pushing your luck.” He demanded and it pushed you over the edge, “no, I don’t think I am, I’m overworked and underpaid, you treat me more like a manager than your actual managers! So unless you want to pay me what I deserve, I think I might have to start looking for another job.” You crossed your arms, staring him down. “So are you saying you want me to put an ad out for a shift leader?” He retorted, sitting on his chair, making you feel belittled even though you were still standing. “If you don’t want to give me a raise like you should’ve done when I started wearing this special shirt, then yes, you should put an ad out.” You demanded, grabbing your purse, “would you look at that, my shift is over.” You scoffed, opening the door, “Y/N!” Tom stuck his head out of the doorway. You froze as your time card printed out, glancing over your shoulder at him as he spoke, everyone’s eyes ongoing between the two of you. “Be prepared to train your replacement.” His voice had venom dripping from it, and Lola gasped, nearly dropping the food she had in her hands, Mark shot daggers into the back of Tom’s skull. Everyone was shocked, to say the least, you’d been through so much here, you’d been here since the restaurant opened, people in corporate knew you by your first name alone, they wanted to use you in nationwide training videos. “Fine.” You hissed, pulling your composure together long enough to calmly walk to your car, but the second you shut your car door, you lost it, the weight of what has just happened hitting you. You pulled your phone out, dialing Jamie’s number before pulling out of your parking spot. “Hi, baby, heading home now?” He answered cheerfully, oblivious to how your voice was about to come out as a cry. “Jamie?” You whispered, “I think I just quit.” Your voice broke, you heard him sigh softly, “it’s alright, Y/N, don’t cry, please.” He mumbled, “drive safe, please, I’ll be here waiting for you.” He added, knowing you couldn’t speak about it while driving, he knew you, and he knew that you’d be too emotional. “Ok.” You whimpered.
The front door opened the second you parked your car in the driveway, Jamie had a soft, comforting smile on his face, arms opening when you climbed out of the car. “Hey.” Jamie spoke, frowning when you pouted up at him, “I hated that job, why am I so emotional?” You questioned, suddenly feeling stupid for the way you were reacting, and feeling like this only showed Jamie more of your age gap. “Because, that’s been your only job, baby, you’ve been there for years.” He brushed your stray hair back, “just because your boss was a prick, doesn’t make it any easier to leave, you made friends there, they’re family to you.” He explained, making sure you absorbed his words, you looked up at him, eyes wide, slightly teary, but mostly just nodding along with him. “Yeah.” You mumbled, “Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked, pulling you in for a quick kiss, before guiding you inside, you went on to explain everything to him, watching the way he clenched his jaw a little tighter when he listened to you tell him about the way Tom treated you. He never liked him, the first time Jamie met you, not shockingly at your job, he walked in with Tyler and a freshly drafted Miro, they all gave an odd glance as you walked back to the cash register, your boss angrily going to work on the expo counter.
“Hi, my name is Y/N, I’ll be taking your order, what can I get started for you today?” You spoke the rehearsed line, looking up you met Jamie’s eyes first, and that’s all it took, you were a grinning fool the rest of the day, your co workers teasing you all day, making fun of the blush that had stayed on your cheeks. When you went over to grab the stuff from their table, you were more than shocked to have the cute guy, who’s name you had finally learned was Jamie, had left his number on a napkin, his hand writing sloppily saying “please make sure Y/N gets this”
“I’m sorry, but you know what this means?” He questioned, voice raising a bit in excitement, you looked up from your spot on the couch, your head lazily resting in his lap while you spoke, “what?” You questioned, confusion covering your face. “You get to stay home with me while you look for a job, a job that you’ll love.” He spoke happily, fingers tracing your jaw. “That’s true.” You pondered, you would have the ability to find a job you really loved, you had money saved, you and Jamie lived together, it would be nice. “There’s that smile.” He hummed happily, you hadn’t even realized you’d begun beaming until he spoke up. “Thank you.” You whispered, sitting up to kiss him, laughing against his lips when he held you there. He finally released you, helping you sit up properly. “You are the best thing that came out of that job.” You spoke with one hundred percent certainty, moving to straddle his lap, he grinned childishly at your words, brown eyes showing his happiness. “Really?” He questioned, “Jamie, of course.” You giggled, cupping his bearded jaw, “that hell hole gave me my forever.” You told him cheesily, watching as he processed your words, his head falling back in laughter.
“Way to ruin the moment.” You scoffed teasingly, climbing off of his lap, “no, baby!” He whined, reaching for you, “it was sweet.” He added, gasping in fake shock when you stepped out of his reach again, you loved the moments like this, when you both just forgot about life and just had these fun childlike moments. “You know you can’t outrun me, right?” Jamie raised his brows, seeing the way you kept glancing at the hallway out of the living room. “Doesn’t mean I won’t try.” You teased, setting your phone on the coffee table, as well as taking your belt off from work that was suffocating you. “Five second head start, because I’ve had a bad day.” You pouted down at him, tilting your head just the right way to make your hair fall over your shoulder, you knew it always killed him when you did that, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that his mind was already wandering elsewhere. “Five seconds, that’s it.” He mumbled, arms grabbing the back of your thighs, you leaned down and gave him a quick teasing kiss, “that’s not fair.” He groaned, chasing your lips when you pulled away. “Sorry, bub, I never said I played fair, and I happen to think you like it a bit more this way.” You smirked, stepping out of his hold. He pouted at you, looking absolutely ridiculous with a pout surrounded by his bushy beard. “Love you!” You shouted, laughing as you took off down the hall, hearing him counting down, you grinned as you heard his feet rushing up behind you. “No!” You shrieked, laughing hysterically when he grabbed you from behind, easily swinging you around as he swayed over to the bed.
“Told you.” He mumbled against your neck, chastely kissing you there, dropping you onto the bed, laughing when you gasped face falling into the mattress. He flipped you over, hovering over you, admiring the way your eyes shined as you looked up at him. “What?” You whispered, blushing under his gaze, “nothing, you’re just so cute.” He complimented, “and pretty, and smart, and funny.” He added, watching the way you sheepishly looked away. “Don’t hide from me.” He chastised, tilting you back by your chin. “Stop making me blush.” You whined, wrapping your arms around his neck, “never.” He grinned, allowing you to pull him down for a kiss. Before it could get too heated you pushed him off softly, “want to go swimming?” You asked, smiling softly, it was a scorcher out today, and the thought of getting into the pool and floating around with Jamie sounded relaxing. “Mhm, but doesn’t it sound better to stay up here, in bed.” He tried to persuade you, but you didn’t budge, “please, baby.” You mumbled, knowing he would give in from the way you were looking up at him. “Fine.” He grumbled, rolling off of you, watching as you stood up, tossing your shirt off over your head, “well that’s just rude.” He sat up in record time, smiling as you winked at him over your shoulder, mischief dancing in your eyes. You giggled to yourself, as you changed in the closet, not that it mattered, Jamie peeked his head in, smirking when you looked over as you slipped the straps of your bathing suit onto your shoulders. “You’re a perv.” You teased, approaching him, seeing he’d already slipped into his swim trunks, tattoos on full display.
“Only for you.” He winked, following you down the stairs, and out towards the pool. He immediately got into the water, splashing you teasingly as you walked in slowly, hair tied in a messy bun on the top of your head. “Sometime today, baby, you’re really testing my patience.” He groaned, floating around in the water as he watched you slowly sink into the water, your body covered by the black one piece, cut outs adorning your sides. “Aw, poor boy.” You quipped, swimming over to him, arms circling around his shoulders, his resting in your hips, “yeah, you should really take pity on me, my girlfriend is being a huge tease today.” He mumbled, hiding his face in your neck, leaving some sloppy kisses, “oh is she?” You mumbled, smirking against his shoulder as you rested your head against him, soaking up this one on one time, he squeezed your sides. “Doesn’t take much to get you going.” You commented, smiling when he laughed softly, floating around in the water, your legs wrapped around his waist. “How could it when I’ve got this beautiful girl hanging off of me?” He retorted, holding under your thighs, letting you lean back in his hold, “such a sweet talker.” You giggled, smiling wholeheartedly at him, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Not really.” He tilted his head, smiling at you, splashing some water onto your shoulders as they already started turning pink under the sun. “I like it.” You shrugged, knowing sometimes he wondered if he treated you the way you wanted to be treated. “Hey, don’t get all shy on me now.” You mumbled, catching his lips, “you’re my flirty man, but you know when I’m not in the mood, and you drop it, and you let me cry on you, and you go swimming with me even though I was just teasing you. You take me to your games, you give the best hugs, and you love my family as much as your own.” You rambled, stopping when a grin etched onto his face. “Alright, alright, I get it, I love you.” He murmured, kissing you softly again, but this time you let it progress. “I love you too, now let’s get out of this pool, you’ve been patient enough.” “Thank god.”
Taglist: @softstarkey​ @kempe​ @wtfkie​ @mtkachuk​ @literarycharleton​
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stilesxeveryone · 3 years
The Rewatch
Okay, so my opinions are a little unnecessary and all over the place and silly, but I thought it’d be fun to just write down my thoughts as I go through the episodes of Teen Wolf. I figured that I’d do about half a season in each post rather than a post for each episode, just to keep it all a little more short and put together. And I’ll put a cut before episode 2 to make it look a little nicer as well.
Season 1, episode 1
Oh god, here we go again
Why in the world was Stiles on Scott’s roof, how the fuck did he hang facing Scott (like what are his legs doing??), and how did he jump down so smoothly
AU where Scott also gets caught in the woods while searching for the body, so he doesn’t get bitten? What if Sheriff Stilinski got bit instead, imagine how different the story would be
Apparently wolves were in fact removed from California in the early 1900s, and packs have only very recently been spotted moving into the area in the last few years, so Stiles is right
Scott being a werewolf for all of one minute (and not even knowing it yet) but immediately being able to zero in on every conversation Allison has 
Lydia’s outfits are so cute 🥺🥺🥺
Derek looks so scruffy first episode! Compared to how I remember him, he looks so much younger here, especially with his oversized jacket
Again, Scott is weirdly good with his powers in the first episode, like he doesn’t even know he’s a werewolf or anything but somehow he knows how to calm down the scared dog?
Derek is literally so horrible at reassuring a new werewolf oh my god. “The bite is a gift.” “We’re brothers now.” Yes thank you for this information, but what about the important stuff? And Scott clearly says that he thinks Derek bit him, and Derek says nothing of it
Season 1, episode 2
Derek being terrible continues. Listen, I understand that he’s never done this before, but please, threatening to kill someone is not the way you teach them to control their anger
I need so much more Allison and Stiles being best friends/siblings content tbh
I feel like it’s pretty unlikely that Stiles “listens to every police call, follows every case” Stilinski would go out and dig up the body, because that’s definitely the kind of tampering with evidence that wouldn’t be helpful in court
Please the green screen is so bad
Oh god no it’s Scott stalking Allison time
Scott’s priorities are just a little messed up,, like it’s very concerning that he decided being good at lacrosse and impressing Allison was more important than not killing someone or getting himself killed, and like it’s clearly not arrogance that he’ll be fine since he was anxious about something going wrong
Season 1, episode 3
Stiles wanting to know if Danny and gay guys in general could be attracted to him is indeed my favourite thing
Oh jeez, I forgot about Lydia’s whole ‘pretending to be dumb’ thing, I’m so proud of her for developing past that, I really need to write her more often
I genuinely missed being able to see Chris Argent every episode, but also oh boy I can’t wait to see him in later seasons just bc he looks so much better later on tbh
I will never get over how much I hate the werewolf designs, like how they look when they shift,, they’re just- there’s nothing good about them at all
Season 1, episode 4
So Scott is aware of two werewolves in town, Derek and the alpha, but when he hears Kate say that she shot one of two werewolves and that he has 48 hours, he isn’t at all worried that “oh shit Derek might be dying?”
They talk so loudly in public areas about everything that happens and it is so incredibly concerning. There’s no way other kids in school aren’t hearing them 
“Why should I help you?” maybe because he’ll die if you don’t, Scott? What kind of question is that?? I know we’re all irked by that moment a lot but god we deserve to be irked by it
Fun little detail, the Argent gun business is called “Argent Arms International”
Kate constantly mentioning Scott being “adorable” or his “adorable brown eyes” any chance she can get is literally so gross and concerning (spoilers, but especially considering her history with Derek)
And of course we all know how we feel about Scott suggesting that the Argents could have had a reason for mass murdering Derek’s family
Season 1, episode 5
Does Jackson only watch sports videos? Like first he watches lacrosse games and now he wants to watch a basketball movie (also I just wanna mention that Jackson’s actor, Colton Haynes, is literally so pretty, his freckles 🥺)
I love the dynamic of Stiles and his dad’s relationship so muchhh, I’m really glad we do get to explore their relationship and what happened with Stiles’ mum in later episodes
Whole lotta trauma gets brought up in this episode, from Jackson, Lydia and Derek and I feel so bad for them tbh
I really like how the parent teacher conference goes, like it’s very much exposition about how Jackson is adopted, Lydia’s parents are divorced, Stiles’ mum is no longer in the picture, Scott’s parents are divorced and his dad isn’t around anymore either. But I think it’s a good way to use exposition and make it in character and show what the kids are dealing with
I know the CGI isn’t always that great in this show but that dying mountain lion literally looks like an old, stuffed, toy cat that someone animated with photoshop warp tools and it’s a tragedy
Season 1, episode 6
I honestly wish they had more of Scott struggling with being a werewolf? Obviously they show his troubles with aggression and handling full moons, but not much about anything else
Like it would have been really cool to see him struggle more with sensory overload since everything would be heightened, or seeing him struggle more with new instincts? 
Also very much could use less of Scott/Allison make out sessions, I don’t need fifty shots of Scott’s abs okay
I love that Stiles just goes “I’m gonna teach you how to be a werewolf before Derek fails to”
“She makes me weak” shut the fuck up, in what universe does loving someone (or at least in this case crushing) make you weak??? The person I love has only ever made me better, and I think I make him better too
Scott’s (Tyler Posey’s) acting… there’s a lot to work on and that gets more obvious the longer I watch this 
Doesn’t it later turn out that Deaton was literally the emissary of the Hale pack? So like really close to them (at least the alpha) and meant to help them out? But in this episode he straight up gives Derek nothing and Derek suspects him to be the big bad alpha? I mean obviously it’s just writing inconsistency, although I know fanon often translates it as Deaton being the most secretive and unhelpful bitch in the west. But also what if Deaton just straight up lied about being their emissary? I think that would be an interesting take
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holidaywishes · 4 years
I Get It Now
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  Requested: 🙅‍♀️
  Summary: "I never understood why all those people in movies and T.V. shows would get so bent out of shape when they found out their dead beat parent had a new life. After years of never seeing them. Like, I guess I thought they should just be happy that they’re better... But, seeing him, like that? I get it...”
  Warning: angst, drama, jealously, implied sex but no actual smut
  Author’s Note: So... I was re-watching the Good Place a little while back and wept when Eleanor found her mom finally being the mom that she always wanted -- to someone else. Cut to: last week and, for some reason, I had the idea to write something about Tyler with this idea in mind. That he was always capable of change but that (Y/N) just wasn’t worth changing for... So much angst! I’M SO READY TO WEEP Y’ALL! Hope you are too! It’s a little long but oh well! It also didn’t quite turn out like I imagined it would but I hope you get at least a little bit weepy! That’s the goal anyway, lol. ENJOY!
  the other masterlist
  “It’s over” you texted knowing full well that you’d be back in his bed before too long but you needed to at least say you sent the words to Tyler so you could lie to your friends about how you ‘tried to get over him’
  “Good.” He sent back and you threw your phone onto your mattress, watching as it landed on the corner and flew somewhere in your room before the sound of the fragile screen breaking was all you could hear. “Shit” you thought to yourself, hoping that the phone still worked, coming face to face with Tyler’s last message when you unlocked your phone and let out a sigh of relief. You started a few texts that night but never sent any to the Stars’ Centre, choosing to ultimately silence your phone and try to fall asleep.
  “Oh my god, you’re still here!” Daniel joked as he let himself into your apartment the next morning
  “I don’t work today...” you replied, groggily, sitting up as your friend rummaged through your closet
  “Oh, that’s not what I was referring to...” he laughed, “Olivia and I had a bet going of whether or not you would’ve slunk back over to Seguin’s place last night. I lost. I owe her $20.”
  “You guys don’t get it...” you argued, throwing a small pillow at his back, “this has been going on for years. The will they won’t they thing? It’s all foreplay”
  “You’re delusional” he turned his back just to scowl at you before Olivia busted through the front door herself
  “She’s still here! You owe be $20, D!” she yelled and you groaned at the two of them before throwing your blanket over your head
  “I’m not delusional!” you called out but the words were muffled by the fabric in front of your mouth, causing your friends to ask you to repeat yourself, “I’m not delusional!” you huffed as you flung the blanket off of you and made your way to your kitchen
  “Is this about Tyler?” Olivia asked Daniel
  “Who else? What else?”
  “Of course you’re delusional” she snarled
  “Do you really think he’s going to stop being the party boy that you’ve known for years just because you love him?” She asked snidely
  “Whoa whoa whoa, no one said anything about love.”
  “So you’re not hopelessly in love with the guy?” Daniel chimed in from your bedroom, where he was still going through your closet for some reason
  “Of course not!”
  “So... you don’t have a separate ringtone and text tone for him that wakes you up in the middle of the night more than anyone else’s?” Olivia added
  “I have separate sounds for everyone. It’s how I know to completely ignore the two of you when I’m hungover”
  “Har har” Daniel said snidely
  “That doesn’t prove anything” you replied
  “Fine. If you’re not in love with him, why are you wasting so much breath on him?” Olivia asked
  “The sex is good”
  “That’s it?!” Daniel screeched, finally coming into the room to complain to you, “the sex isn’t even great? it’s just good? It should be AMAZING for you to talk about this guy as much as you do.”
  “Unless you’re in love with him..”
  “Why would I be in love with him? He’s not capable of love. I don’t want love right now. I want to have fun. He wants to have fun”
  “Oh bullshit” Olivia yelled and you rolled your eyes
  “Come on, guys. I don’t need all this shit right now... I--”
  “You say he’s not capable of love?” Daniel interrupted, “do you think that you’re not capable of love?”
  “I don’t need love from anyone other than me right now. I’m in my twenties, a time for me to be inexplicably selfish, okay?”
  “(Y/N)! COME ON!” Olivia scoffed, falling against the back of the chair where she sat, “everyone needs love. Especially in their twenties. This guy is a fuckboy and you need more than a stupid, fucking fuckboy. I mean, for one night they’re fine. But any more than that? It’s just...”
  “Sad” Daniel finished her thought, leading Olivia to snap her fingers and point at him and you scoffed at the two of them
  “Whatever” you said
  “Look, babe, all we’re trying to say is that you deserve better. Because, deny it as much as you want, you want to love. You want to be loved. And I don’t think Tyler’s gonna be the one to give it to you.” Daniel said
  “He could be...” you tried and they both gave you a look that you knew meant they thought you were wrong, “listen, how ‘bout this? I’ll present him the idea of us being... a couple, and if he doesn’t go for it then I’ll end things.”
  “Oh you will, will you?” Olivia laughed, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
  You were as shocked as anyone that Tyler had heard you out and agreed to give the whole dating thing a shot. Yet, there you were, on your one year anniversary with him and you felt like you had finally found what you were looking for.
  “What’s wrong?” Tyler asked you when he noticed you seemed to be in your own world
  “What?” you said before snapping back to him, “sorry. Yeah, I’m fine...”
  “Not what I asked”
  “What did you ask then?”
  “What’s wrong?”
  “Nothing. I’m fine, I guess I’m just a little distracted...”
  “I don’t know, I just am...”
  “Can I do something?”
  “No,” you smiled before grabbing his hand from across the table, “I’m sorry. I’m here with you.” He returned your smile and rubbed his thumb across your hand as the two of you continued your date night. As the night drew on, Tyler suggested that the two of you go dancing, an activity you reluctantly agreed to since you could only imagine where the night might go if either of you had too much to drink.
  “You’re beautiful” he whispered in your ear as the two of you danced close to each other
  “You’re not so bad yourself” you smiled as your hand crept up to the back of his neck so your fingers could tangle in his hair
  “Can you believe we’ve lasted an entire year?” He asked, earning a scoff from you and you shook your head
  “Only a little bit” you chirped and he squeezed your sides, forcing a squeal to escape your lips. The song ended and you took Tyler to the bar for a few shots before you noticed the stares of nearly every girl at the bar following him around, leading you to look him up and down before eventually turning your body toward him, “I really, really, really, really, really, really like you” you sung at him and he leaned in to kiss you
  “Wanna go somewhere?” he asked and you nodded as seductively as you could manage. The two of you began walking to the cabs outside but when you nibbled at his neck playfully, he changed course and took you into the bathroom; locking the door as soon as both of you were in. He kissed your neck feverishly as he directed you to the cold bathroom counter where you were met by damp paper towels and a small puddle of water
  “Ugh!” you let out a grunt as you tried to wipe away the water from the thin fabric of your sleeve
  “Just leave it,” Tyler whispered as he lifted you onto the counter to continue kissing your neck, “it won’t be on you for long.” You laughed at his suggestion, continuing to kiss his lips and feel his fingers caress your skin, slowly, gently, until he couldn’t take it anymore. When the two of you exited the room, rather indiscreetly, you felt... cheap, and the feeling didn’t go away when he tried to continue his actions in the cab ride home.
  “I need to get out of this dress” you complained the second you stepped foot through Tyler’s front door
  “Yes. Yes. I like that idea very much” he smiled, inching his hands closer to you in an attempt to help you
  “Not what I meant. I feel gross in it after that bathroom...”
  “Let me help you” he laughed
  “I’ve got it thanks.” You snapped and he stepped back
  “Hang on, did I do something?”
  “Aside from fucking me in a dirty club bathroom?”
  “I’m sorry.. I didn’t really see you rejecting me?”
  “I’m not saying I didn’t want to have sex with you, I guess I just thought you would have the diligence to wait until we got back here...” you argued before the dogs started circling the two of you, barking when each of you raised your voices
  “Usually, it would be considered a compliment for a guy not to be able to keep his hands off his girl”
  “Tyler...” you rolled your eyes, letting out a deep sigh, “why can’t we just be respectful in public?”
  “Respectful? How are we not being respectful?”
  “I guess I just mean classy...”
  “Oh classy..” he scoffed, “I get it. So, you want to go hang out a country club event and be bored out of our fucking minds just so you can rub elbows with, what? the Ultra-Elite?”
  “That’s not what I’m saying,” you rolled your eyes once more, “I don’t care where we go. We could go to a dive bar in every fucking city we go to. I’m not talking about a classy event or place. I’m just saying, you know, maybe we don’t have to fuck in the bathroom at whatever place we end up at”
  “Alright,” he scoffed, turning his back to you to grab a glass of water, “maybe we should just call it a night, huh?” You grabbed your phone and ordered an Uber, convinced that’s what he wanted for the night, before storming away from him. All you could think to yourself was how much you hated that the night was ending this way.
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  What a way to end your one year anniversary with (Y/N). You knew she was expecting you to follow her out after she stormed out of your house but you just weren’t having it for the night; so you let her leave without saying anything more. It wasn’t like you intended to have sex in the club bathroom but she was whispering in your ear and the many, many, tequila shots you’d both done that night were playing keep away with your better judgement but this was not how you saw the night ending. With your girlfriend storming out and you diving face first into your pillows. Alone.
  “I’m sorry” you texted the next morning, sending a follow up when she didn’t answer, “I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking straight...” Still no answer so you rolled your eyes before falling back into the couch, shooting up when you heard your phone ding
  “Whatcha up to tonight?” Brett texted, forcing you to sigh
  “Wanna get drunk and flirt with some chicks?”
  “Dude... I can’t” you replied
  “Why not? Mike’s got the whole thing set up. He’s got VIP passes for Posty and there will be a buffet of girls for us to choose from. Come on, Ty.”
  “Come on, Brett, you know I’m with (Y/N)”
  “That’s not serious”
  “Uhh.. yeah. Yes, it is.”
  “Oh really?”
  “Yes really. We just had our one year anniversary last night. Thanks for caring”
  “If it’s so serious, where is she? Why do you have no plans tonight?”
  “We’re both hungover. Plus, I gotta train still. For, you know, my job...”
  “You got drunk last night? On your anniversary?”
  “We had some celebratory shots”
  “Have some more.”
  “I’m serious”
  “Not about her you’re not”
  “Very funny”
  “I’ll be over at your place at 6 to pick you up”
  “I’m not going”
  “Sure. See you then.” You rolled your eyes at Brett’s disregard for your refusal of his invitation, huffing at the fact that (Y/N) still hadn’t responded to you. You checked your phone more than you thought than you ever thought you would and it was starting to drive you insane, so much so that you told Brett that you’d changed your mind, “Yup. Pick you up at 6.”
  Your friends told you that they saw something on Instagram about Tyler hooking up with some girl at an after party with Mike. You wanted it to shock you but it really didn’t. That didn’t stop you from yelling at Tyler about it though
  “YOU WOULDN’T TALK TO ME!” he yelled back
  “OH MY GOD!!” you rubbed your temples in frustration, “Why wouldn’t you try to warn me?”
  “There was nothing to warn you about” he said, calming his voice so he could actually speak to you
  “Except the fact that there were pictures everywhere of you with this chick. And you looking exceptionally drunk as she led you around”
  “Nothing happened”
  “How do I know that?”
  “You’ll just have to trust me”
  “Given the way we started,” you scoffed, crossing your arms across your chest, “do you blame me for having a hard time believing you?”
  “That’s not fair...”
  “Fair or not, Ty, you went out with these people and didn’t tell me. You followed around a girl all night, got photographed with her and didn’t tell me. So I couldn’t prepare myself for the inevitable questions I was going to get from my friends”
  “It’s not my fault your friends are so consumed with gossip sites!” his voice was beginning to rise once more but you just stood in front of him with your arms crossed, trying to keep your voice steady
  “What are we even doing, Tyler?” you asked abruptly and he stepped back
  “What do you mean?”
  “Do you actually want to be in a relationship? Or are you just wasting my time?”
  “Me? Wasting your time?” he questioned, and you nodded as your eyes grew wide, “Oh please. You’re getting exactly what you want from me. You didn’t want to be a booty call anymore, you’re not. You wanted to be a couple, we are. I’m being forced to drop everything for you, at every turn, and chase after you whenever you get pissed and run off; like you did the other night”
  “All you want is a booty call, Tyler!” you shouted, dropping your arms finally and stepping toward him as he turned to walk away, “I asked you if you wanted to try dating but I guess I should’ve made it clear that I also meant ‘no booty calls from other girls,’ I thought it was obvious but maybe not!”
  “YOU DON’T WANT ME EITHER!” he finally admitted and you felt your eyes start to water
  “Of course I want you” you whispered
  “YOU SURE AS HELL DON’T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH ME!” he continued to yell while you stood silently in front of him, your arms wrapping around yourself in an attempt to comfort yourself, “IF YOU DID, YOU’D TRY HARDER TO MEET ME HALF WAY!” You were at a loss for words because you didn’t see a way that this argument would end and leave your relationship with Tyler in tact, so you stood in front of him with tears falling down your cheeks before you could wipe them away so Tyler didn’t see. You tried to think of something to say but everything that came to mind just felt like something to fill the air, when Tyler spoke up again, “I’m sorry,” he said softly but he didn’t move from where he stood, “I shouldn’t have yelled like that...”
  “It’s my fault...” you replied, “I.. I guess I didn’t think you felt that way. I shouldn’t have yelled at you”
  “I guess I should’ve handled the situation differently”
  “Maybe we should’ve talked about all of this sooner...”
  “Maybe...” he slid his hands in his pockets sheepishly as your eyes dropped to the floor
  “This is it, isn’t it?” you said, biting your lip before he answered, “we’re done?”
  “I think so...” he replied, catching your eyes when you finally lifted your head and you nodded to yourself to stop the tears from falling.
  “Alright..” you smiled before inhaling sharply and turning on your heels, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to go this way...”
  “Me either,” Tyler responded, following you to the door, “but I think it’s best we end it now...” You smiled sadly at his admission before pushing yourself up to lay a soft kiss to his cheek
  “For what it’s worth,” you said as you lowered your feet back on the ground, “I think I really did love you...” He smiled at you and kissed your forehead but didn’t say anything more; leaving you to walk to your car and ride back to your apartment with no sense of closure.
Six Years Later
Tyler’s P.O.V
  She came out of nowhere. Honestly. One second, you were swiping on every girl in a 5 mile radius on Bumble, the next you had found yourself quarantining in Dallas with this girl that you were only casually seeing six months earlier. After (Y/N), you told yourself you were just going to focus on your game and that dating wasn’t an option but that didn’t mean that finding someone wasn’t something you wanted. You really were tired of being lonely.
  “I’m so proud of you, babe,” she texted when Dallas became the Western Conference Champions, “you’re gonna win. I can feel it.” You smiled at her words and felt an incredible sense of calm rush over you; a feeling you’d never quite experienced before.
  “Don’t jinx it!” you wrote back, followed closely by a crying laughing emoji
  “I would never!”
  “I love you” you smiled as you sent your confession to her, not registering that it was the first time you had ever said it, to anyone, and really meant it
  “I love you, too.” You were called to practice after that and had to end the conversation there but, for some reason, it made you think about your relationship with (Y/N) and you wondered where she might in her life now
  “Ty!” Jamie called to grab your attention while you finally made your way to the ice. You continued to think about your past relationships, and how they changed you for the relationship you’re in now, but one face kept popping into your mind that left a sinking feeling in your gut. You missed (Y/N) but the two of you weren’t right for each other. Not for the time that you were with her. Not for the time that you met. Not since she practically followed you from Boston to Dallas and knew your reputation more than she knew you. But the feeling that you got left you concerned about what she might think about you now if you were ever to run into her when you went back home.
  You had been watching the insanity of the 2020 Stanley Cup Playoffs even though your friends tried to convince you that watching Tyler play was too painful
  “It’s been six years” you argued
  “Yeah it has,” Daniel started, “so tell me why you still follow him on Instagram?”
  “Or Snapchat” Olivia added
  “Or why you decided to follow his girlfriend’s Tiktok?”
  “YEAH!” Olivia’s girlfriend, Penny, shouted from the kitchen and you laughed
  “You’re just making yourself miserable” Amanda said from the table as you sat down across from her
  “I’m not!” you scoffed before rolling your eyes at the people in front of you, “I’m not making myself miserable. I’m allowed to keep track of..”
  “Are you though? I would never NEVER keep track of an ex” Daniel asked
  “And let’s be real,” Amanda added, “you were always more of a hook up to him than a girlfriend”
  “Whoa, that’s harsh. We dated for a year...”
  “Yeah, but, he was still in his ‘party boy’ phase” she said
  “So...?” you furrowed your brow
  “So...” Daniel continued Amanda’s thought, “he’s different now. The ‘relationship’ you had with him was more fun than serious. The one he’s in now? that’s the serious one.”
  “Whatever...” you huffed, dismissing them and changing the topic, “I’m happy they’re doing well in the playoffs”
  “What?” Daniel and Olivia said, catching glimpses of each other as the words left their mouths
  “They had a rough start but they’re still playing well... Even still, Tampa will probably win,” they all looked at you with confusion, “what? Overall, they’re the better team!”
  “(Y/N)...” Penny said gently, “you don’t even like Tampa”
  “I mean they’re not my team, but they do have talent on their team...”
  “You just don’t want Tyler to win...” Amanda replied, trailing off as she finished her sentence
  “What?” you exclaimed, feigning shock, “that’s not true”
  “No, it’s not about Tyler,” Olivia added, “it’s about his girlfriend.” You looked up to see your friends’ expressions and you tried to argue it but Daniel stopped you before you could, explaining Olivia’s point further
  “She doesn’t want Dallas to win because that means Tyler’s new girlfriend gets to date a ‘Stanley Cup Champion,’” he almost teased, “somehow you think she’s not worthy of it”
  “That’s not true!” you raised your voice at him, “besides, he’s already won the cup. She’s already been dating a Stanley Cup Champion. So was I”
  “Yeah but not freshly. You never got to see the Cup, hold it, or touch it or whatever...” Olivia said
  “Does it matter? It wouldn’t mean anything to me, I didn’t win it. He did. The same goes for this new girl, it’s not her trophy, not her win. It’ll be his”
  “So.. you do think they’ll win?” Daniel asked, leading you to finally stand up
  “Sure. They’ve got as good a chance as ever, I guess,” you admitted before making your way toward your bedroom, “but Tampa is Tampa... they always manage to win.” Before anyone could argue with you about your bouncing back and forth, or about what your words meant, you escaped into your bedroom and closed the door behind you. It didn’t take long for someone to open your door but you were surprised to see Penny standing at the foot of your bed instead of Olivia or Daniel, “Penny? what are you doing here?”
  “I came to check on you,” she smiled at you, noticing you wipe away a stray tear, “I could tell there was something more going on. Something that wasn’t being said...”
  “Yeah what’s that?”
  “That you still love him”
  “Yeah that’s pretty obvious, Penny. I never stopped loving him, but thanks for your insight”
  “All I meant was that there’s something you don’t want Livy or Danny to know. Even if they can see it from a mile away”
  “That something being that I’m still in love with the guy who broke up with me a couple days after our one year anniversary?”
  “That... or the fact that you miss him...” she said and you sighed before bringing your hands to cover your face
  “I just... ugh, I don’t know” you groaned
  “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to but I’m here... if you need a completely impartial third-party to talk to.” You looked up at Penny, her soft smile comforting you more than you realized you’d needed
  “You know those movies or shows when someone’s parent leaves because they’re like an addict or something and then they have to go to rehab or something? Then the kid finds them again years later and they’re a totally different person?”
  “Yeah?” she replied, furrowing her brow at your question
  "I never understood why all those people in movies and T.V. shows would get so bent out of shape when they found out their dead beat parent had a new life. After years of never seeing them. Like, I guess I thought they should just be happy that they’re better... But, seeing him, like that? with her? I get it...”
  “You do?”
  “I’m so happy for Tyler. And for his new relationship. I am. I mean, sure, maybe I’m a little jealous but it’s not because of the Stanley Cup stuff...”
  “You’re jealous of their relationship?”
  “I’m angry at their relationship. I’m angry at him! I’m mad that he picked a girl so much younger than him when he’s not in his party phase anymore. I mean, I’m a nice person right?” you asked and she nodded in agreement, “right, so why didn’t I get this version of Tyler that he is now? Why did I get the guy who partied every night and treated women like they were just pieces of flesh for him to screw whenever he had the chance? Why did I fall for it every time he called or texted me and said that he missed me? Why did he leave Boston claiming to want to start fresh but still end up being the same guy that he was there? Why, after finally getting him to try being in a relationship, did he just give up? Why wouldn’t he try? Why wasn’t I enough for him?”
  “I don’t k--”
  “Why couldn’t he love me?” you interrupted her as tears began to stream down your face, “I wanted him so badly that I was willing to degrade myself for him. And I know that should’ve been a red flag but I loved him. At least I think I did. I wanted him to be this guy. The guy who was sweet and soft and gentle and who let me make stupid little videos for Instagram or whatever. The guy who wasn’t afraid to post pictures with me and say ‘that’s my girlfriend!’ I wanted what he’s so willing to give to her. And I don’t understand why I wasn’t the girl he wanted to be that person for...”
  “It’s just about timing...” she said as she sat down gently beside you, “he didn’t know who he was yet when he was with you and it sucks that you had to be the one he was figuring out things with but”
  “Someone’s gotta do it?” you interjected but Penny just tilted her head at your words
  “But...” she continued, “maybe it’s for the best. You were both young and quick to rush into things when you weren’t ready. A year long relationship at 21, 22 when you guys ended things, is a long time. You’re both different people now.”
  “What if I’m not?” you asked, tears still falling from your eyes but your voice more steady than before, “what if I’m still that girl because I never got over him?”
  “You’re not” she tried, rubbing your shoulder to reassure you
  “How do you know? You didn’t know me then...”
  “I’ve heard stories,” she laughed, “besides, you said it yourself. You were willing to degrade yourself for Tyler back then. The (Y/N) I know would never let someone treat her like anything less than a god damn queen because she knows she deserves it.”
  “I just wanted to be wanted...” you sighed, “to be loved... Because all this means is that Daniel and Olivia were right. That all this time, Tyler was capable of love. Capable of being the boyfriend I wanted him to be, the boyfriend I knew he could be but that he was only just a fuckboy when he was with me which meant that he didn’t want to love me”
  “It doesn’t mean that...” she said softly before Olivia and Daniel finally came through the door, clearly having been listening to the entire conversation
  “He wasn’t ready to love you” Olivia added, kneeling down in front of you
  “He wanted to,” Daniel said, sitting down on the bed next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder to comfort you, “he just didn’t know how”
  “Bullshit” you moped
  “It’s true!” Olivia argued, “anytime we saw you two together, we could tell he was crazy about you. He was just in a weird place after Boston. So going from there to here, it was obvious to us he wasn’t expecting a relationship.”
  “All he was expecting were hook ups but you came along, and he liked you”
  “So when you asked for a relationship, he didn’t want to lose you, so he agreed”
  “Even though he didn’t really know how to be in a relationship yet”
  “Why me then?” you shouted, “you say he just wanted hook ups and not a relationship because he didn’t know how but why was it me that he didn’t know how to be in a relationship with? Because he sure as hell managed with Ali”
  “Don’t compare your relationship to Ali’s”
  “They were a mess together”
  “And we weren’t?” you exclaimed
  “You’re looking for problems, trying to poke holes in our logic”
  “No, I’m not. I just wish I had the answers.”
  “Don’t we all, babe,” Olivia smiled, rubbing your knee, “but sometimes we just have to live with the fact that the only answers we have are the answers that lead to more questions...”
  “You were a very important part of his life, of his growth,” Daniel added, “don’t forget that, don’t devalue yourself because you weren’t the one he ended up with.”
  “I just wish...”
  “Don’t,” he interrupted, “don’t wish you could do it again. Don’t wish you could change his mind. Don’t wish you could be her...”
  “Because you can’t” Olivia added
  “And you don’t want to be” Amanda said
  “You want to be able to be you. Not someone else,” Penny started, “you deserve to be happy.”
  “How do I do that when I’ve never really gotten over him?”
  “One step at a time” Daniel said
  “Don’t Jordin Sparks me” you laughed
  “It’s true, though,” Amanda continued, “you’ll learn to get over him. Even if it takes another six years. And then you’ll find the person that makes you the happiest version of yourself”
  “And we’ll be here to help you through it” Olivia added, gesturing to the group around you
  “Whether you want us or not” Daniel teased, earning a laugh from you
  “Thanks guys...” you sighed, wiping away the wetness that the tears left on your face as your friends encapsulated you in a hug that left you feeling warm and, for the first time in years, at ease.
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