#they’re in love ok
The relationship my Dragon Age character and Alistair has is basically
*One of them does anything*
The other:
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katemagic · 7 months
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stupidly emotional about the fact that achi keeps the cherry keychain by him while he works and also that he has the karan side of it turned up 😭🍒
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thesawbathr00m · 11 months
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plotting something …
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chinelacanta · 6 months
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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sarcastic-clapping · 3 months
claudia BEYOND justifiably hating lestat and louis and dying hating them because they didn’t see her as a person with her own agency and treated her like a child at best and a toy at worst and both are ultimately to blame for her suffering BUT louis and lestat both genuinely loving her (in their own fucked up and deeply inadequate ways) and seeing her as their daughter and being irreparably traumatized by her death and their culpability in her suffering and the knowledge that she died hating them and it’s their fault and they can never make it right ever
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stevebabey · 10 months
personally love the interaction in the start of s4 where steve goes “ugh, you know i don’t do double vhs.” when robin suggests doctor zhivago. like ugh robin!!!! we’ve talked about this before!!! steve has a limited attention span and if robin puts on something too long, he will start shooting her with rubber bands
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otaku553 · 1 year
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Thoughts on being aroace
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kitamars · 2 years
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swap! swap! swap!
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i-lavabean · 3 months
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Raj deserved a Hades art style
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royalelemental · 2 months
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First meeting 💙
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linkito · 4 months
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[hhau] and love’s the only thing worth being alive for 💕
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frownyalfred · 1 year
imagine early-friendship Bruce and Clark having a spicy lunch together and Clark goes “oh wow, you must have a great spice tolerance!” and Bruce just deadpan replies “spice tolerance is achieved through repeated long term deadening of pain receptors in the mouth,” and Clark is like “uh huh…cool.”
two seconds later Bruce cracks a smile and drops the deadpan expression.
“I’m just fucking with you.”
and that’s when Clark realizes he can never trust a single word that comes out of his soon-to-be best friend’s mouth.
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natalievoncatte · 19 days
She had it. She actually had it, in her hands.
Myriad. The ultimate weapon of a dying race, brought to Earth to subjugate its people and rebuild an empire from a shattered world, possibly the key to saving this one. The key Lena needed to unlock Non Nocere and
(take over)
heal the world. End all strife. Eradicate all conflict. No more pain. No more deceit. No more greed, or cruelty, a world without malice, a peace without end.
No more lies.
It was in her hands, such a small petty little thing, barely more than a trinket.
Lena dropped it too sharply on the stainless steel lab table, took three steps, and vomited, the contents of her stomach noisily splashing at her feet. It was the effects of portal travel, she told herself- like jumping from a great height and into cold water at the same time.
(oh god what did I do)
She just needed a few moments to steady herself, collect her bearings, clean up.
(oh god oh god I hurt her what have I done)
Then, she could begin her work immediately. She shrugged out of her coat and found a bottle of vodka, hardly her weapon of choice, and took a pull straight from it to wash the
(pain away)
sour taste of her own puke out of her mouth and dull the sour churning in her stomach, because she couldn’t get the image out of her head, the image of Kara lying broken on the fortress floor with green lines of agony carved in her flawless skin and the most heartbroken look of remorse and fear in her eyes.
(Lena don’t do this)
(please don’t do this I’m SORRY)
Snatching the Myriad core from the lab table, she went to shove it into place. The final work would take only a few hours and then…
Lena stopped. Her hand hovered inches above her work. All she had to do was make the connection, but something was stopping her, as if her own arm revelled against her. She tasted puke and alcohol in her mouth and she was crying, hot tears burning down her cheeks in razor lines.
(Lena please)
No more lies.
It was heavy in her hand, the alien device suspiciously heavy and cool to her touch. Why didn’t she just do it? She was here, key in hand, ready to open the door and she couldn’t do it. Why?
Gritting her teeth, Lena took it in both hands, staring at it.
This was good. This was right. Lena had given Kara everything. Everything! Her friendship, her support, her comfort, her secret council. She killed her own brother for her and what did she get in return? Lies! Deception!
(soft hugs and kind words and powerful arms shielding her from harm and strong hands… holding her)
It had all meant nothing. It was all a lie.
It was, wasn’t it? It was! It had to be, she needed it to be! If it wasn’t, if she was wrong, then she betrayed and tortured the only person who cared about her for what? For this fucking thing?
Lena held Myriad over her head. She hadn’t even been aware she’d raised it high, ready to smash it to the ground. Bringing it down, she stared at the device and saw a stranger’s face, a distorted visage of a pale, stress-thinned woman with red-rimmed eyes.
Oh God.
The watch! There was still time. It still had the coordinates.
Lena’s hand hovered over the watch. She could push the button and erase the only way she’d ever reach the fortress again, and it would be decided. She’d make it permanent, make it real. She could finalize the destruction of the most important relationship she’d ever had. Deny Kara. Give her up.
(leave her locked in a cage of agony)
Lena pressed the button.
The portal opened behind her with a gust of wind.
She stepped through.
The first thing that hit her was the cold. She didn’t think to put her coat back on.
The second thing was a right hook from Alex Danvers that sent Lena sprawling across the floor and Myriad spinning out of her grip.
“You bitch,” Alex snarled. “I knew it. I fucking knew it. I should have put a bullet in the back of your head the first time you set foot in my town.”
Alex stood over her, boiling with fury.
“I knew it was all a lie. I knew! I know what you did. You and your little lip bites and your flirty looks and your coffee dates. Was breaking my little sister’s heart part of the plan or just a sadistic bonus?”
For once in her life, Lena was truly speechless. She stared up at her attacker, absently touching the trickle of blood from her split lip.
“I didn’t, I wouldn’t,”
“You fucking did,” Alex hissed. “How dare you come back here? Didn’t you steal enough? Was the rest of the armory too much temptation for you?”
“I couldn’t leave her,” Lena choked out.
“Alex,” a harsh voice rasped, “that’s enough.”
Kara was on her feet, clutching her side. The Kryptonite had left her pale and pallid and hunched over a little, her normally bright eyes dull.
Lena pushed herself to her feet, wobbled, and started for Kara.
“Don’t you dare,” Alex stepped between them.
“I said that’s enough,” said Kara, pushing past her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena blurted. “Oh God, I’m sorry, Kara I…”
“Shhh,” Kara whispered. “It’s okay.”
Lena’s hands seemed to move on their own, palms cupping Kara’s cheeks. God, she was cold. She was shivering. Kara was shivering. She leaned into Lena’s grasp, falling against her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena whimpered.
“It’s okay,” Kara said, gathering Lena in her arms.
“The hell it is,” Alex cut in. “Jesus Christ, she robbed the Fortress of Solitude! She hurt you, Kara!”
“I hurt her first.”
“Kara, she’s right.”
Kara shook her head.
“You can’t just forgive her!” Alex almost screamed.
Kara looked at Alex, then at Lena.
“You’re forgetting. I’m Supergirl. I can do anything.”
The tears began to flow and Lena couldn’t stop them. She collapsed into Kara’s arms and sobbed, her body shaking with exertion.
Alex bent down and picked up Myriad.
“Give me that,” said Kara.
Alex looked at her quizzically, and placed the device in Kara’s hand.
She looked at it for a moment, then looked down at Lena.
“Do it,” Lena whispered.
Without the slightest appearance of effort, Kara closed her hand and the device exploded between her fingers, circuits and alien technology clattering to the floor.
“Let’s go home,” said Kara. “I think we need to talk.”
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foolishlovers · 9 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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kasieli · 1 year
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Poppy and Ominis deserve the world thank you and goodnight
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wafflesex · 1 year
So while Riddle fawns over seashells he says are as bright as cherries, Floyd says that he’s used to the sight of them, and also says that colors appear duller the deeper underwater you go. So such vibrant colors on land don’t appear the same back home.
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So I just realized:
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Red appears dull and black at around 150 feet underwater…
… so when Floyd first met Riddle on land, Riddle could have been the most brilliant shock of red he’s ever seen in his entire life.
To Floyd, Riddle must have looked–and might still look–Absolutely Stunning.
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