#they've got such potential i'm telling y'all
vavialdavi · 1 month
Frozen fandom, I have a message for you!
Y'all really need to calm down on the asumptions cause it's possible that none of them turn on canon. I'm gonna adress the two big ones: Norse myth and Hans (by extension Helsa)
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Unless, we've heard completely different speeches, Jennifer Lee never mentionned Norse myth. The castle in the sky could be Asgard as much as it could not. Let's not forget the question castle ruins in Ahtohallan. Ahtohallan already being its own entity. Norse myth could play a role in F3 and F4 as well as it could not. Yes, Frozen has inspirations and references to Norse myth, but it's not the only one . One thing you tend to forget is the great inspiration of Saami culture the Frozen franchise have, especially in the second movie. It would be more logical if they keep that way for the new movies instead of going after Norse myth as their main base. Nothing's confirmed.
Y'all have the right to make every theory you want but, keep in mind that at the end of the day, they remain theories. Mrs Lee told us to not hold onto that concept art. Let's consider all possibilities. It could be completely wipped off and we wouldn't know before 2027. Don't forget they were still chanoine the script a few months before F2 premiere and that Elsa was villian before Mrs got involved in the project. We're never sure with Frozen.
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I'ma be fully honest, I don't want Hans to be a relevant character again and I'm quite fine with him being a joke along the franchise. The idea of a redemption arc with him having a positive role in the sisters' story, the possibility of Helsa even more make me sick. BUT all I'm about to say could also apply to my views on Honeymaren and elsamaren.
"Coming out of Frozen 2, we still have some questions. A lot of questions. That is just page one. Now you see why it will take two films to answer them. Just a tease, once again just a tease." These are Mrs Lee's words
This more looks like a list of the questions they've received. Rather than the ones F3 and F4 are gonna answer. Mrs Lee didn't say that. Considering the fact that the first two are already answered. Ahtohallan. The fifth spirit is the human spirit, Elsa and Anna are the bridge between spirits and humans (one side of each). Just watch Frozen 2 and the Myth short, please.
But let's say, all of these questions are gonna get answered. Some of them can just be mentionned a few seconds. And It's still not a confirmation of Hans's return and even less of a potential redemption arc. You can theorize what you want but Hans could also remain a blatant franchise joke. Or we could just see a memory of him in Ahtohallan showing what he became. Mrs Lee didn't confirm which characters are coming back for the sequels (even though it seems clear our five MCs and the Nokk are). We don't know anything about Hans's future.
1- Long story short, I'm not telling y'all what you should believe or not, I'm just asking to not act like what is NOT confirmed is. Don't hold too much on your asumptions cause you might end up not appreciating the actual movies if none of them happens. As an elsamaren shipper, I feel what I say.
2- I also fear y'all might start a new misinformation wave. Critical thinking and media literacy being concepts unknown in most of the fandoms, it can turn out really bad. I haven't forgotten how dirty some of you did Honeymaren just you didn't like the idea of lesbian Elsa. To this day, there are still being convinced she is her cousin. I remember really well how many people fall for that ai fake news made by a SATIRE disney account that Elsa was getting married to a woman in F3...
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nico-esoterica · 11 days
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I feel a psychic pull to make this so I'm doing it - If you have a celeb sp, esp a romantic one, and you're at home worrying if there's a 3p or if they have eyes for anyone else, know that'll be true if you keep entertaining that story :)
I struggled with that in the past. But, imo, that has to do with a combination of negative experiences w/ romantic partners, dating, and your own shitty perception of yourself. You should be actively creating the best self concept of yourself and how relationships go for you. You can revise previous situations so the trauma's gone, unfollow toxic accounts promoting negativity about relationships, and whatever you've got to do to maintain a GOOD story about love. Because what's in your tank (brain) is going to be where your mind rests when you're focused on other things.
There's no free will. So they're only going to show up how you WANT them to. If you assume they won't want you, that's also you choosing that. If you assume that social conditioning is gonna make them think you're ugly or unattractive then it's true, it will. Esp if your sp is a celeb or someone from a different culture. FUCK any limiting social 'rules.' You define them. Even if you've heard rumors, fan accounts, etc, you need to wipe the slate clean. If you WANT this person, then you need to tell yourself that they want you 1000x more. That they're obsessed and pining, looking up porn that reminds them of you, is the Gomez to your Morticia. This is your real life fairytale. All the real life groupie stories, minus the horror stories, all say the same thing. They describe how 'normal' it was to meet them and how they were just regular people behind the glamor.
You're manifesting people all the time. You think your boss is gonna be an asshole? They're an asshole. You expect your Mom to be a neglectful parent? You can change that but she's showing up that way. Your friends are always emotionally immature and disrespectful? Welp, might as well cancel those plans with em'. Your celeb sp is the same. They don't HAVE to be a repeat of your raggedy ex who couldn't even buy you McDonalds who lied and cheated all the time. They also don't have to be someone who 'always ignores you like all your old crushes always did.' Stop the narrative that all men, women, whoever, are universally difficult, disloyal, and they'll inevitably let you down. Stop parroting your miserable aunties and fave social media accounts who yap endlessly about how horrible the dating pool is. This is YOUR life. Stop giving your narrative to people who hate their lives and themselves!
There's no 3p. A third party doesn't exist. Keep telling yourself this and they'll evaporate. Your person will break up with them, things will fall a part, or they may never even have a 3p and it'll be confirmed that it was all just in your head. Your person just wants you even if they've never met you. They're going to FEEL intuitively that they need to stay single for you for some reason. Any potential partner is going to be incompatible until you're in the picture. I don't care how famous this person is. No ig model, super model, viral white girl with husky eyes, or anyone will be on their radar. Just keep that story straight and don't tell yourself anything else. But this is also why it helps TREMENDOUSLY to work on your self concept about yourself and relationships. It'll be less stressful and anxiety inducing.
Your celeb sp could be in your DMs rn stuttering and stammering complimenting you but you believe the miserable people, who are always cheated on, saying that they couldn't ever just want you.
We want you to stop getting that day 3 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Moon, 8/9 of Swords, Lovers/2 of Cups reversed, and other 'strife coded' cards in your tarot pulls! BECAUSE I KNOW Y'ALL. YOU'VE BEEN CALLED OUT!!!!
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stars-n-spice · 7 months
I have a lot of thoughts regarding the first three episodes that are bouncing around my brain and I'm going to try and wrangle them up here in this post-
They will probably not be coherent or in order of the episodes or what happened but they're thoughts-
Spoilers for TBB S3 under the cut!
Hemlock is such a dickwad, holy shit. What a great antagonist, kriffing hell. When he made threats to hurt Crosshair in response to Omega's disobedience?? FUCK.
Crosshair and Omega my beloveds,, they have my hearts, I love them so much
Crosshair's shaky hands. I can see the floodgates of all the angsty art and fics that are going to come out of that. IT AFFECTING HIS AIM??? Gods above- If we get a scene of someone holding his hands while they're shaking I'm going to lose it
I'm a fucking clown for thinking we'd get Crosshair's reaction to the news of Tech's death. Absolutely CLOWN. Like they didn't give us Echo's reaction to Fives, of course they wouldn't give us Crosshair's to Tech's
Speaking of Tech,,, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that special trooper in all black is totally him,, right?? The scrawny ass legs?? The goggles on the helmet?? Fuck,, I even think I saw the guy limp away.. It HAS to be him
THEY HAVE A DOG NOW!!! That's so sweet :(
You guys do not understand the immediate reaction I had to seeing Omega older with the new hairstyle (which I love). Fucking burst out into tears at the sight
Nala Se is so dead. So dead. I've never seen a more deader alive character than Nala Se.
Also my hopes for Emerie helping them or turning out good or something went down the drain :(
OMEGA IS FORCE SENSITIVE??? like,, that's what they're implying right??? They wanna have DNA or whatever to make Palp clones yeah??? Is that were this is going??? FUCK.
On that note, if she IS force sensitive I really really really wanna see Asajj helping her out with that because I think that would be fucking NEAT
Omega making a Lula doll out of straw took me out :( I was holding my own Lula plushie and crying
Crosshair is such a little shit. I love how he was trying to dissuade Omega from escaping with him by saying shit like, "If I got the chance, I'd leave you behind" and the moment that Omega's like, "I've got a plan" he's like "What do I do?"
Them hijacking a whole squad's ship was fucking hilarious though, get fucked
"Tech had me memorize all the plans." - "Of course he did." <- bawling my eyes out.
ECHO ALREADY FUCKING LEFT??? <- i knew we wouldn't get like,, a conversation or a reason,, it would just be he left off screen and we've got to deal with that
Echo my love come back :(
On another note,, Wrecker and Hunter's beat up armor is such a good look but also ouch because it shows all the shit they've been through since the last season
Y'all don't understand how great it is to see my man again (Wrecker ily so much)
SPEAKING OF MY MAN!! The little,, fucking touches of reassurance he kept giving Hunter?? How he was being a voice of reason?? making sure Hunter didn't do anything reckless?? :((
I know that man is tired and he's trying so hard to hold the last remaining bits of their squad together and it hurts so bad but I love him so much for it
Clone Cadets :(( they don't really look like clones though :/ but to be expected ig....
the lula and tech's goggle shots took me out
Hunter fumbling around with Tech's datapad :(((
Wrecker carrying Gonky upside down with the harness was fucking amazing, oh my god
"Defective AND effective" DAMN RIGHT YOU TELL HIM 여보!!!
'slither vines' fucking ass name
makes you wonder what else hemlock is cookin up
Wrecker laughing and talking with the clone cadets :(
Either next episode we're going to get Hunter & Wrecker back on Pabu or continuation of Omega and Crosshair crashing their ship somewhere and Omega potentially being captured again and Crosshair eventually being reunited with Hunter & Wrecker (pretty please)
Anyways,, thankfully the episodes weren't as devastating as I thought they would be but I know it's only going to get worse from here before it (hopefully) gets better.
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It was not Steve's fault at all that st*ncy ended. Him trying to get her not to tell barbs parents was literally him trying not to break an NDA that could've gotten her and other people killed. Him trying to get her to go to the party was an attempt to get her to loosen up and stop worrying about it, so that she would break the NDA and get people killed. Steve was not a shitty boyfriend.
Confession #70
Before I answer this, y'all don't have to like...censor ship names with the * on my blog LOL it's okay to type them out.
Okay so...personal opinion...neither Steve nor Nancy were solely responsible for the break up. I don't believe it's fair to place a break up on one person's shoulders. These are two teenagers, who tried to navigate a relationship, while also being exposed to supernatural forces, death, trauma, etc. The blame for their relationship ending is not placed on just one person's shoulders. They're just kids.
Diagnostically, Nancy has PTSD. She meets the criteria for it. This 16 year old was traumatized by her friend's death, and wanting to investigate, to find answers, is quite literally how she attempted to cope with Barb's death. We can make the argument that she had tunnel vision, and the only thing she was focused on was getting justice for Barb, even if that meant breaking the NDA. And sure...maybe she wasn't totally thinking about how breaking the NDA could potentially harm other people...but Nancy knew something was up with the government and Barb's death. Nancy Wheeler, in her own way, wants to make the world a better place, and that includes getting justice no matter the cost.
Steve was exposed to these things, too. Maybe not to the extent Nancy was, but still. The way he copes is by using distraction techniques. This isn't something that can work for Nancy because she is, by nature, a very investigative and answer driven person. She cannot afford to use distraction techniques, like a Halloween party, to cope with her friend's death. This is Steve's coping skill, and that's not a bad thing. They had been working on their costumes, so clearly they were both at one point excited to attend the party, so Steve talking about the party wasn't out of malice, and it wasn't him trying to be dismissive of Nancy even if it could have come across that way. It was him trying to get Nancy to use his coping skill, not knowing that she needed something different. She wanted him to take action with her.
Steve and Nancy, not purposely and not maliciously, hurt each other. There is no 'one is more wrong than the other'. Steve and Nancy got together at a time in their lives where they, unfortunately, could not give the other person what they needed. Nancy could not give Steve the reassurance he needed, and Steve could not give Nancy the action she needed. That is so heartbreaking to think about, given what they've gone through. Steve and Nancy deserve grace and compassion, not blame. If all of us were in their position, we wouldn't want people to blame us. We'd want compassion and understanding.
All in all, they both needed to understand each other more. They both needed to grow, respectively. The one thing I love about season 4 is how you can see their growth. The audience can see Steve becoming more emotionally vulnerable, wanting to take part in the action that Nancy needed in the first place (volunteering to go with Nancy to the library, being the first one to jump in the lake). I believe in season 5 we will see Nancy start to come to terms with her trauma, and realize that it wasn't Steve's fault, or her's, for Barb's death. And there's where the reassurance piece comes into play, with Nancy reassuring Steve that neither one of them were to blame.
I'm curious to see where the Duffers take them in season 5. I'm curious to see the...what did Robin call it? "The rekindling of two flames who never should have been snuffed out." Maybe Steve and Nancy's flames needed to be snuffed out in the beginning, only to be relit and burn brighter in the end.
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lassieposting · 2 years
Actually. Also. While I'm SABposting.
The whole "Dark & Dangerous Morally-Questionable Immortal vs Safe But Bland Childhood Friend love triangle? Is boring. It's been done to death in every single YA series ever written.
But. Y'all know what could've been super refreshing and highkey entertaining?
Kirigan and Mal getting along.
Like. Mal is supposed to be a promising young soldier anyway, and when they meet, he's just succeeded in hunting down a folkloric magical creature that nobody has caught in hundreds of years. And then he has the sheer brass balls to withhold said creature's location to try and negotiate with someone who outranks him to an almost inconceivable degree.
This is. Probably not a smart career move, because noblemen are petty and prone to pissing contests, and Kirigan could make Mal's life very unpleasant. But it is brave, and Kirigan has been a soldier long enough to both a) spot untapped potential and b) respect bravery when he sees it.
(It's interesting to me that Mal often forgets to salute/call his superior officers 'sir' in the First Army scenes, but he absolutely remembers his manners with Kirigan. He needs this guy to like him, so he can see his bestie.)
And getting on each other's good side would actually benefit both of them - which Kirigan especially would know - being however many centuries old and with strategy as his fucking job.
On Mal's side - he's kind of languishing in mediocrity because he's an orphan with no contacts to give him a foot in the door to promotion. When he applies to transfer to better units where he'd learn new skills or have more opportunities to distinguish himself in the eyes of his superiors, he's shunted aside and overlooked in favour of someone whose father knows the king, because fatcats all look out for each other. But if he applied for the same transfer with a recommendation from the Black General, his potential new CO would take him far more seriously as an option. He certainly wouldn't suffer for having an affluent, influential man at the top of the military totem pole keeping an interested eye on his career.
On Kirigan's side - having Mal around, even infrequently, will settle Alina and make her feel more at home, and she'll know he pulled strings for Mal to boot. He's been intercepting their letters, because Alina writing all about the daily goings-on in the Little Palace is a fucking security risk, and she's understandably angry with him for it, but if Mal has a reason to come by the Little Palace now and then, to report to him on something or other, she can see him in person and won't need to write letters that could so easily fall into the wrong hands. And - well, at some point, Mal will owe him so much that he'll have to be loyal. Because betraying him would cost Mal everything. He's patient. He can wait.
Except. Mal turns out to be likeable, in the salt-of-the-earth sort of way Kirigan sometimes misses from when he was a serving soldier himself, all those centuries ago, and he is full of fun facts about Alina and amusing (for Kirigan, Alina would say embarrassing) anecdotes about shit she got up to as a child. He's gotten used to the intrigue and the backstabbing and the plotting that goes on at court, but there's none of that with Mal, because the boy is a shit liar and has no guile whatsoever. It's refreshing. And Mal has grown up being schooled about battles that Kirigan fought in or masterminded, and he has Questions that at some point he gets to actually ask, and for a minute while they're conversing Kirigan sort of stops being this terrifying Grisha freak of nature in his mind and is just. Another old soldier, like most of the COs he's ever had, telling war stories, and there's common ground, between them.
And like Alina is aware that they've formed a tentative truce for her sake and she is very pleased that they have, and then one day Aleksander makes a comment about how "the boy isn't a complete imbecile, I suppose" and she starts to think he might even like Mal, in his own prickly way,
And then she walks into a room during a fete and sees them talking, and that's lovely because they both look actually interested in the conversation! And she's smiling at them, right up until Mal starts flapping his elbows around and pulling comically horrified faces and she just knows he's telling Kirigan about the first time she ever rode a horse, when the damn thing spooked and took off with her at top speed and dumped her in the - yes, there he goes, pretending to pick pondweed out of the hair he doesn't have - lake. And Kirigan creases up and almost chokes on a mouthful of wine and saints, he's such a horse girl he'll be bringing this up forever and. Yeah she is going to have to murder the pair of them because she will never hear the end of this otherwise
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turtletaubwrites · 3 months
Hello there! Below the cut is a short, grumpy vent about my current health fiasco 😠🤕
Lol, please don't join my pain! I won't be offended if you don't read it. I just need to let it out before I waste all my spoons trying to yell at doctors.
(cw: hospital, medication, psychiatrist, financial struggles, potentially dangerous side effects, lack of sleep)
So hella nurses, my pharma doc, and myself have been waiting all day (actually since Friday when we sent the FIRST urgent message 🙄) for my psychiatrist to approve me tapering off my med that saved me 3 years ago, but has also apparently been making life awful and now dangerous.
I really should go to the ER. I'm packed and ready, but I'm waiting on this guy to tell me to or not, because I can't afford it. I booked an appointment with my primary care, but it's not until the 18th, and she's out of the office so I can't ask if she can squeeze me in.
Soo, here's hoping he stops ghosting half the psych department long enough to tell me if my reaction is the extra special kind it looks just like that could potentially blind me (or a few other fun things) 🤦🏼‍♀️
(Actually taking sick days too, but I found out my company is going bankrupt at the end of the month, so who knows if I'll actually get paid. They've been 2-3 weeks late on paying every other paycheck for months now 🤷‍♀️😩)
(Again y'all, ilysm, but please don't send me money for this! I'll be okay, I'd rather you donate it! 🙏🏼💜)
According to the fitbit, I got 2 hours and 58 minutes of sleep last night. It felt like less while I debated the costs of waiting another day to see a doctor when my body is doing bad things to itself.
I'm so tired. Just wanna write... but 😠😠😠😠😠
~ Lynna 💜
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sushicha · 2 years
I'm feeling very grateful for Shourtney right now! This has nothing to do with the ship, but everything to do with Shayne and Courtney and how they've helped me grow as a person!
So growing up, my parents weren't very strong influences in my personal development, so I always tell people I was practically raised by the internet and was obsessed with YouTube since I was 8 years old (I'm 24 now...). But I've spent so much of my life surfing through garbage trying to find positive influences. There were times I was almost sucked into the alt-right pipeline, and even though I was eventually guided to the left, I made it through so much shit that I'm still unpacking a lot of the bullshit I consumed...
Rediscovering Smosh and the cast was a GODSEND! Not only is Smosh non-problematic and left-leaning, it's a COMEDY GROUP? Y'all have no idea how rare that is... so many creators out there whose sense of humor is being as offensive and edgy as possible. I just like silly content, dude. And Smosh is IT, man. Their stuff was cool back when it was Ian and Anthony, but modern Smosh is just SOOOOO good 😭
I was in an extremely toxic work environment for the last 4 years (toxic masculinity, homophobia, racism, misogyny, you name it...), and I'm so glad I rediscovered Smosh around that time. I became obsessed and watched everything they put out because it was in such stark contrast to the environment I was in.
Shayne became my biggest influence because he's so outwardly not a toxic masculine man. Very respectful, very understanding, very uplifting, just trying to make everyone laugh and feel good about themselves. I know he's pretty traditionally masculine, but I'm also that way and I just can't stand how many men get sucked into this idea of never showing emotion, never being vulnerable, hating the powerless, hating anything remotely considered feminine... he's none of that. I've spent my entire adult life trying to purge all my internalized misogyny and toxic traits (it's not easy!) and he's been such a great influence in that way. And his influence over my sense of humor has been GALACTIC. His humor isn't at anyone's expense but (sometimes) himself, and that's the best way to be funny is to just be as silly and ironic of an entertainer as possible. It's everything I aspire to be. I just wish he dressed a little better sometimes, LMAO 💀
If Shayne is my yang, Courtney is my yin! Courtney represents everything I've come to love and appreciate about personal growth, self-expression, and femininity (even though I know they're NB). They're SO weird and SO not afraid to be themself, even at the risk of seeming "cringe". But I freaking love it, dude! It takes so much pressure off of trying to be perfect and fit into everyone's box, and I think that's what makes them so funny and entertaining! They're so... authentic. And Courtney's always the one to uplift the vibes, to bounce off people's energy, to bring out everyone's potential. They have this natural charisma that makes it insanely difficult not to want them to be in every video. And they've grown SO MUCH in the last 4 years! You would think 2018 Courtney vs. 2022 Courtney are completely different people! Getting to witness that change in real-time was soooo epic. And them understanding their own identity helped me reevaluate my own understanding of gender, masculinity, and femininity. I'm still cishet, but I think it's important that everyone have a thorough understanding of themselves and Courtney got me to explore those questions more than I ever would have.
Putting Shayne and Courtney in a room together makes actual magic, y'all. Everything I just said about them individually, put that TOGETHER. PLACE AN EXPONENT AT THE END OF THAT SHIT 👏 They bring out the best in each other, and it makes for some of the most entertaining shit. Like yes, I'm a Shourtney shipper, but dating or not, they are an unrivaled duo and I'm here for every minute of it.
Y'all, I was DEVASTATED when they cancelled Smoshcast. I listened to it every week at work because it was so refreshing listening to such intelligent and adorable humans talk about life vs. the sea of brainless testosterone I was drowning in 😓 AND COULD YOU IMAGINE SMOSHCAST NOW??? A BRAND NEW COURTNEY, ALL THESE NEW CAST AND CREW MEMBERS, ALL THE STORIES THEY WOULD HAVE TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME??? I get why they cancelled Smoshcast, they want to focus on other stuff, but man, it still hurts 🥺 I'M FINE
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gracefireheart · 2 years
Alright, spoiler time, so don't read if you haven't watch Critical Role's c3 ep53.
Got my eyes on y'all 👁👁
Alright, so, yes, what FCG did was reckless. But, I'm still happy that they chose to do what they did, and that they didn't rely on the coin this time. It's a reckless choice, but still a choice that they made themself and that they can learn from.
And it will take quite a lot of time for them to learn and make better choices without rellying on other people/objects. Especially considering it has just been, what, over a month, maybe two months since FCG learned they were an aeormaton after they had thought they were just a subservient automaton for around 3-5 years?
And they have learned at least a bit since then by choosing to learn how to bake and have an oven installed into them. And also with them wanting to try and follow the Changebringer, despite the only sign they got that the goddess truly sees them was when Pike pointed at the glowing coin when she checked whether they had a soul or not, and despite how most of BH- besides Orym- don't really follow any gods so they can't learn too much from them about how to follow a god. And also how they're telling the others now whether they're highly stressed or not instead of just saying "I'm fine".
So yeah, they've learned a bit, but still need to learn more. Just like everyone. And that's gonna take some time and patience to learn.
In the end of that situation though, team Uthodurn did come out of it a bit more confident. Maybe a bit more hopeful even.
It was a reckless choice that could've potentially been done in a different way, but it still helped. Especially when FCG got their friends by their side to help them through their choice.
Anyways, I hope this rambling was coherent in some way lbclhflgsslklhdts and I hope y'all have a nice rest of the day/night :]
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asksoldieron · 11 months
SO-12: The Spirit of Harpo Marx
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Alight at the Window (SO-12) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Awwwwww, ya know? Awwwwww ❤️!
Poor Erik is in ⚡🔋no shape🔋⚡ to communicate, but he's doing his best. Maggie has no idea whether he's messing with her on purpose, or what's wrong with him, but she won't let him go. They'll get to him eventually. (I've just finished that part, actually. They've got him! Uh. Sorta. At least he's... safe now? 😅Oh, I can't say that with a straight face.)
This is the last of my queued posts/instalments, and I have no idea where my reading and drawing ability will be when it goes live. If I can't update you on my condition (and the condition of the next six instalments) I'll hafta have the spouse type a note for me. I want to do six more right away, or I might take a two week break, or - if I'm really struggling - it'll be a break of indeterminate length. I hope I'll be okay to just keep going, my Patrons have been so patient this year. Thanks, y'all.
But, either way, there will be a break at some point, because I'll have a while where I can't write or draw and that's going to eat up my backlog. Also, recent updates have done more stupid things to my theme and I think the site needs a redesign - maybe including some radical simplification. I'm just not mobile friendly and I can't make the current format behave. People with better eyesight than me do a lot of reading on their phones.
I have no idea how to build a community and I'm flailing, really, but maybe if I can get the interface more convenient, more people will like me? (I have no idea. Probably they won't.)
Look, though! You've got some extra art to tide you over! And a song!
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I'm not in love with how Erik's design looks right now - he looks like a train wreck, but he should look like a train wreck. Nobody is going to fix his hair. I still feel self-conscious about it. He used to be cute. I've got to do a full-body rendering of how he'll clean up, but I don't have time for it now.
However, I did do a page of something trying to get comfortable with his ability to emote in train reck form. I don't have time to finish it, but I think it looks cool so I'm sharing.
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This is potentially a way for me to serve you the music without lyric backgrounds that you can't read! It's very labour-intensive, but I was figuring out how to do it and it might get a little easier with practice. Also, my current tablet is struggling with the resolution and I plan to update it by the end of the year - depending on sale prices.
After I saw Hedwig and the Angry Inch, I found out the original Off-Broadway incarnation had filked music with lyrics by John Cameron Mitchell. 🥹😊I'm calling it! This is something other people sharing my identity do to tell their stories! Filk musicals are an enby thing! We do not give a shit about the music industry's copyrights! I'm performing nonbinary correctly!
So here's the lyrics again, and maybe I'll give you the rest in comic form as my vision and my tools improve.
You Are Found! (based on "We Are Young" by fun.) I need a minute, I… I don’t know if I’m ready yet I’m tryin’ to get my shit together, Maggie, please don’t be upset My family must be looking for me somewhere very near Guess I knew you must be coming but I can’t believe you’re here, and… It’s been forever since I’ve seen your face I know you want to take me home But although it hurts to do this work they need my help for what it’s worth —  Oh, gods I’m not sure if I wanna go So maybe if, next time you see me, You can take me by the hand, You’ll steal me away At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down No, I wanna go home I’m just not done I guess that I, I just hoped We could visit and I’d get right back to work But I can’t go yet So I must forget 'Cause I think you’ll hafta steal me away At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down Steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Come steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Steal me away at last (na na na na na na) Come steal me away at last (na na na na na na) The gods have their own plan (na na na na na na) But I’m just one weary man (na na na na na na) So you're gonna hafta steal me away at last (na na na na na na) I have so much to do (na na na na na na) How can I go with you? (na na na na na na) So you're gonna hafta steal me away (na na na na na na) At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down At last I am found So I guess the party’s over Time to get sober, and come down So maybe if, next time you see me, You can take me by the hand You’ll steal me away at last
See you soon! Ha, I hope!
Late edit: Two week break, folks. No drawing ability yet, so we're stuck with it. I still hope to get you the next six by the end of the year. I'll keep you posted!
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
ALRIGHT I know part 2 just released, but any theories for part 3?
OHOHO HELL YEAH >:) these may be a bit sporadic and out of order, a catastrophic amount of sillies, perhaps some hooliganism, etc, etc, y'all know the drill by now <3
[IJ part 2 spoilers, ofc]
Same cold open as always (in front of the whitehouse, etc) except this time its RON >:)
he MENTIONED being a huge conspiracy nut in college - considering he's most likely gonna remember elements of Reagan's script, I 100% believe he's gonna slip back into that.
WE GET A GIGI BACKSTORY EPISODE!!! Otherwise I will just start biting people
ok this is just a plea to the IJ writers BUT STILL
JUST,,, PLEASE </3 I want Gigi lore. Her character is delightful, and there's so much potential for interesting backstory. They've set up all these little threads [her working her whole life to get where she is but still being unsatisfied, 'I could get used to being unremarkable', feeling ignored] now I just want them to elaborate on them.
I might be biased bc I love Gigi to death but COME ON, IT FEELS LIKE SHE'S GETTING SHELVED SO MUCH!! I'm so glad she got to do more this season, esp w/ Reagan, but I'm yearning for lore
tldr. Give me a Gigi episode or give me death.
Air Bud (AB) and Alpha-Beta (AB). Can you see where I'm going with this can you see the wires crossing
I'm sorry but I need the silly robot man to get jealous of the team paying more attention to Air Bud than him.
I can picture it so vividly like a vision from an angry god just
'Of course we're a team! we've even got loveable non-human sidekick who grew beyond his original purpose, gained human traits, and became all the better for it!'
-haha, well, I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a side-'
'Air Bud :D'
'I beg your fucking pardon, Mister Hand?'
in short I need smb to offhandedly refer to Air Bud as AB, and watch this man have a cyberstroke from pure jealousy.
speaking of my favorite man,
I don't really ship them but the potential here is too powerful. I need to experience more of Whatever The Fuck Happens To AB's Mind When He Sees A MILF
Tell me it wouldn't be delightful to see this clown try and ask Tamiko on a proper date. Tell me that wouldn't be magical to witness. It'll be an absolute car crash and I pray the writers give it to us.
also because if (lets be honest, when) he gets rejected, his dramatic, self-pitying crywank moment is going to be. so good. Teenager sulking in their bedroom watching rom-coms and crying about how 'that was just like me and Tamiko 🥺🥺🥺' levels of pathetic. I know it in my heart of hearts. I physically can't wait.
I think overall I just want this man in situations. bad situations. bad not good situations where he will act both bad and not good <3
They could be anything from aliens, to time travelers, to 4th dimensional beings, robots, clones, ghosts, Just Some Guys (tm), to all of the above in some hodgepodge fruitcake situation.
I will however say that,, at least half of what the Robes told Reagan was probably bullshit. The stuff about all catastrophes having meaning? Not buying it, there's smth up here.
[ALSO,, I'm 90% sure that season 2/part 3 is gonna be the start to an actual Longterm Overarching Plot, which the Robes will no doubt be involved in. Please Please Please, this show is already delightful, and a broader plot would just. *italian hand kiss*]
JRand prison moments. homoerotic prison escape. two bisexual men pressed into a dirt tunnel, who knows what might occur in the heat of passion etc, etc
GLENN CHARACTER ARC!!! We're getting little hints at it,,,, he's tried shrooms,, he's growing closer to the team,,, the bisexual arc is right around the corner for this man I can FEEL IT.
I think we might see Atlantis? We've been getting more stuff about them, and since we've covered pretty much all other Already Mentioned Funky Locations, I think that's gonna be the Big Travel Episode next season!!
BEACH EPISODE!! PLEASE GOD!!! Either combined w/ the above, or separate
[Also, shamefully, I'll admit,,,, I kinda want a musical episode. I have no excuse I just think it'd be so delightful. Please Once-More-With-Feeling, Guy-Who-Didnt-Like-Musicals these bitches Shion, I know you have the power.]
A deep-dive into Andre's psyche. SO many things have been brought up, and I hope they really go in on them. He's coping in 1000 different ways and I don't think a single one of them is good for him.
HM. okie this is getting rambly - I'll probably add more within the next few months as these episodes congeal in my brain, but for now, tysm for the ask!!!
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astromechs · 1 year
pick one or both, but your two lesbians: gamora, jyn erso, 13, 19, 26?
both, i'm totally gonna do both
13. your favorite friendship they have
the really underrated one, i think, is her friendship with drax. they've known each other since the infinity watch days! they have a lot in common that they bonded with each other about! i would really like... to see a writer eventually remember this.
19. the most random ship you've seen people have with them
i did see gamora/groot once and everyday i wish i hadn't </3
26. when do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
i think gamora is most herself when she has this purpose that's clear in front of her to protect others. whether that's being part of the infinity watch, whether that's watching over atleza, whether that's making the sacrifice play and getting herself burned up to protect the rest of the team.... she doesn't handle directionlessness well, and that's when she can fall back on a lot of her worst tendencies, but when that direction is in front of her? that's her peak potential. that's who she really is.
jyn erso
13. your favorite friendship they have
super underrated and very short-lived, but i will always love her connection with chirrut 🥺 because there's this sense of faith that jyn has that she hasn't entirely lost even if it's been massively tested, even through everything that's happened to her, instilled in her through her mother and has a physical manifestation of it through her always wearing the kyber crystal that her mother gave her right before she died... so it's so interesting to see her connect and bond with someone who has that similar sense of faith. i really wish that had gotten more screentime, and i wish fandom did more with it
19. the most random ship you've seen people have with them
i have seen people ship jyn/krennic and i fucking hate it lmfao. y'all, he killed her mother. he conscripted her father into the death star project and is the reason she got left behind. why in fuck's name would you ship this
26. when do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
there's a complaint that occasionally goes around about rogue one surrounding how people think jyn's character development was "sudden", and i'm like... mmm. the person you meet at the beginning of the movie is so absurdly clearly a protective front just to help her get through the day, and as the story unfolds you see more pieces of the real her be allowed to surface again. she's the woman who'd jump out into the middle of a firefight to save a child. she's the woman who'd argue passionately in front of the entire rebel alliance to get them to see the truth. she's the one who'd lead with her heart to do what she thinks is the right thing. she cares so fucking much that her heart is bleeding with it, and even if everything in her life tells her not to have it, she still has that hope. that's her and that's the strength of her character!
character ask game
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useramor · 2 years
my love!!! thanks for sending these darling <33 i apologize for the way i RAMBLED lmao
also, meant to post this like. an hour ago. but had no wifi BUT NOW I DO
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
i'll be honest i am TERRIBLE at remembering author names! so maybe not on ao3, but i've had some people rb my fics on here and say the loveliest things in the tags!!! but tbh, so many writers in this fandom are so talented i'm always excited when i see them in my notifs!!
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
i just really, really love it. like genuinely. i'm a fangirl before i am anything else in this life, and i say that with potentially too much pride. fanfiction has been the thing that carried me through a lot of bad days. i'm sure everyone knows how much brighter your day can get if you just get a notif saying your favorite fic just got a new chapter. and i've always wanted to be a writer. it's kinda the only thing i'm good at y'know. and everyone's so nice and i get such lovely comments and it makes my day better being able to 1) share these fics and 2) get so much kindness and love in return!!!!!
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
at the end of a chapter? love it. makes me antsy n excited for the next one and i'm a big fan of that. at the End End? at the end of fic? with nothing else?? no thank u sfkldjgh
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
it used to be the word "delicious" but tbh that's grown on me. for buddie specifically i don't like when people make eddie too aggressively dominant and buck too submissive because it just feels out of character
64. Something you love to see in smut.
KNOTS and cockwarming!!!! begging, praise, and cnc are all good too and i LOVE monsterfucking
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
my current wip (straight!fwb wip) i'm very very much looking forward to getting to blowjobs and the unbelievable amount of pining we're gonna get to (eventually.....this is a slowburn y'all we're at 15k, they've jerked each other off like 5 times but nothing else quite yet but!!! WE WILL GET THERE!)
send me fanfic writing asks
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90363462 · 2 years
How To Make Him Better At Oral (Without Putting Him On The Spot)
Sometimes, he just needs a little well-placed encouragement...
Shellie R. WarrenSep. 27, 2021 06:03PM EST
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When it comes to the topic of oral sex, I can tell you, off the rip, that if there's one thing that both men and women can agree on, it's the fact that far too many people think that so long as they've got their mouth somewhere in the vicinity of their partner's genitalia, they are actually doing something. Absolutely not. Not even close.
At this point, I'm not sure I can be too "TMI" when it comes to the things that I share about my own life, including my sex life (check out "14 Lessons I've Learned From 14 Sex Partners"). So, when it comes to oral sex, specifically, I'll just put on out there that I actually asked my second sex partner to give me some lessons on how to do it in a way where he would be more than happy that I was "down". Personally, I was on a mission to take him to heights that were pleasurable beyond measure. He was a great teacher. I'll just leave it at that. #wink
It's because of him and all that I learned that I am a huge fan of folks not settling for less, yes, even when it comes to oral sex. So, if you happen to have a partner who is ready and willing to please, yet he's not really "hittin' on all cylinders" (if you know what I mean), I've got a few tips on how you can get him to perform cunnilingus, just the way you like it, without making him feel embarrassed, self-conscious or uncomfortable in the process.
Know What You Like
How in the world can someone please you if you don't even know what you like? And if the first thing that you want to say to me is, "I mean, so-and-so did it right", my first reply is, "Your current partner is not so-and-so" and my second is, "OK…and what does 'right' mean?". While there is so much to be said for sexual chemistry and the fact that some people just automatically gel, when that doesn't happen with the next person, that doesn't (automatically) mean they are a bad sex partner (check out "Is There REALLY Such A Thing As 'Bad Sex'?"). Sex is an ultimate form of communication, so it's important that you know what really turns you on and gets you off so that you can articulate all of that to him. Otherwise, expecting him to read your mind makes you a part of the reason why you're not getting what you want — and need. Straight up.
Play Some Music
I remember once reading that, from a scientific standpoint, R&B music has a way of putting us in a romantic mood while calming our senses at the same time. I definitely have no objections there and that's why I recommend putting on some R&B music during the act. For one thing, dead silence could potentially make you nervous while leaving your partner feeling self-conscious. Plus, when you're both listening to some of your favorite jams, that can put everyone involved at ease, making it easier to let loose and go with the flow.
Bring in Some Condiments
A couple of months ago, I wrote, "12 'Sex Condiments' That Can Make Coitus Even More...Delicious" for the platform. Hmm, that reminds me. Do any of y'all remember the restaurant The Cooker from back in the day? They used to sell a pie that was beyond wonderful. Anyway, if you got it to-go, all of the condiments would come on the side — stuff like chocolate syrup, whipped cream and caramel sauce. One of my favorite past sex partners, we took that back to the hotel room I was staying in and as I put some down around "her" (again, #wink), I remember he exclaimed, "Thank you. THANK YOU!" followed by, "my favorite two things in one!".
Yeah, sex condiments are dope on a few levels. They can make sex more fun and delicious (literally). If it's your partner's first time with you (or maybe first time, period), it can make them less "anxious" about entering into that space. And because — let's be honest — if things are going well, there is quite a bit of bodily fluid going on, it can make it easier for him to take it all in. For instance, you can put the condiment where you especially like to be licked and, believe you me chile, he will eat it right on up (pun intended and not intended at the same time) without hesitation.
Kiss His Lips…the Way You Want Yours Kissed
Ever been with someone who acts like they're trying to literally lick the Black off of you during oral sex? Like sir, relax. Sometimes men think that just because they want fellatio with a certain level of intensity that we are the same way when that oftentimes isn't the case at all. A way to get him to be a little more gentle is to take his face into your hands and let him know that the way you are about to kiss him up top is the way that you desire to be kissed down below. I know this is pretty effective because I've recommended it to some of my married clients and it improved things tremendously. One husband told me that it was because men like to be shown more than told what to do (sexually) a lot of the time. Makes sense. This actually brings me to my next point.
Avoid Being an “Oral Nazi”
Not too long ago, I did an interview where I was asked if I ever get triggered in counseling sessions. Chile…CHILE. You don't have the time and I don't have the writing space to get into all of that. What I will say is what tops the list is listening to someone who can dish criticisms — if not all-out berating — all day long and yet can't take it from their partner one bit. Where I am going when it comes to this particular topic is, how would you feel if "he" thought you sucked at giving head…and not in a good way? As a direct result, the entire time you were doing it, he barked directives at you? Well, you know what the Golden Rule says — a variation of it is don't dish what you can't take. Spending the entire time saying "do this" or "don't do that" is not only a little demeaning, it also doesn't make him want to continue…or return. There are other ways to get your points(s) across. One way is right below this.
Guide Him via Your Body Language
I'm pretty sure that you've heard somewhere that around 90 percent of communication is non-verbal. What a lot of experts are now saying is it's more like 55 percent of communication is body language, 38 percent is tone of voice (a lot of people underestimate that part) and seven percent are actual words. 
Either way, the greatest takeaway is that body language is huge when you're trying to convey something to someone else. Pulling his head into you. Guiding his fingers. Moving your pelvis either towards him (signaling "good") or away (signaling "not so good"). Slowly gyrating when you like something and slowing significantly down when you don't. Opening yourself up with your fingers so that he can get right where you want him to be. All of these are ways to get him to do — and not do — the things that you like…each without saying a single word.
Be His “Motivation”
To this day, I don't think there's a song (or visual) by Kelly Rowland that I like more than "Motivation". And listen, if there is ever a time and place when a man doesn't mind hearing "go, go, go…GO", it's during the act of sex. While I'm not the biggest fan, overall, of egos being in the bedroom, being your partner's ultimate cheerleader while he is doing all that he can to make you happy? I am definitely all about that. If dirty talkinspires him, do it. If he's hitting the right places, let him know. If you're on the brink of climaxing, find a way, verbally, to make that abundantly clear in order to boost his confidence to bring you to completion. Far too many fellas have told me that even if cunnilingus isn't their favorite thing in the world to do, hearing their partner get super hype makes it something that they look forward to…just on sheer hype-ness alone.
Stay in the Moment
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to sex — any kind of sex — is being so caught up in the end result that they don't take out the time to just…be in the moment. While there are very few things in this life that will ever top an earth-shattering orgasm, if you are overly preoccupied with getting to one, that can tense you up which could stress the both of you out, because the less relaxed you are, the harder it is for even the best lover to please you. So, instead of taking on the mindset that you want your partner to improve in order to make you climax, think more in the lane of you wanting your partner to learn how to please you so that you can enjoy just…being with him. That way, the pressure will remove itself and pleasure unspeakable can surely have its will and its way. Wheeeeew.
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raggydraws · 8 months
Alright y'all, I'm on a Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba hyperfixation rn and you're gonna hear about it!
Demon Slayer Anime & Manga Spoilers beyond this point 👇
Ok so take this with a grain of salt, as I am a HUGE fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and Demon Slayer, but I can't help but compare the two a little bit.
KNY is very good, it tells a nice story and I love the characters a lot! But there's a lot of characters...and they don't really get a lot of time put into them because of Tanjiro. He's the main character of course but it felt like he had to be shoehorned into some arcs for anything to happen to anyone else. (Mainly the Entertainment District Arc) The pacing in KNY isn't great, a lot of the ending felt rushed and a lot of plotlines came up out of nowhere only to get dropped just as quickly too. A lot of this could've been sprinkled into the anime as foreshadowing or foundation for later full reveals. (Like that random prophecy or Shinobu and the Wisteria Poison! Like, literally give me crumbs I am BEGGING.)
Now take a look at Fullmetal Alchemist, it has a similar plotline (older sibling has something terrible happen to younger sibling and goes on a journey to fix it. Etc. Etc.) and FMA has a big cast of characters too. However, these characters are allowed to exist without Edward Elric having to hover around them all the time. They've got their own shit going on in the background and it makes them compelling and well rounded. Even the characters who only show up for two episodes (I'm looking at you Devil's Nest) are given time and care so we get invested into them! But there's also a lot of stuff we don't know about these characters as well, because they aren't the main character but it doesn't hurt their existence in the story. Imagine if we only saw things from Tanjiro's perspective, no other backstories, no one else's inner thoughts, nothing. You wouldn't care about those characters at all!
I feel like the Demon Slayer anime could've helped with this by adding more episodes and straying slightly from the Manga. The anime is incredibly faithful to its source material, but the source material also had a lot of stuff that couldn't get added that would've made good 'filler' episodes or scenes to help flesh out the characters more!
Tanjiro was in a coma for 4 months. You're telling me we couldn't get a Zenitsu centric episode while he was knocked out?? We can't get a more somber look at Inosuke waiting for his best friend to wake up? I CANT HAVE AOI AND KANAO ANGST?? (<- Aoi and Kanao have so much untapped potential that we don't get to see CAUSE THEY DONT INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER! AOI WANTED KANAO TO BE HER SISTER!!) The anime also already did this with that exclusive Kyojuro focused episode! We got a little sprinkled backstory for him AND his dad, plus what he was doing before he got on the train! (I didn't know I needed to know where all those bentos came from lmao but it was good! It made the world feel more alive.)
It would've also helped if characters, outside of Tanjiro, were allowed to interact with each other on screen! We're left to fill in gaps between characters who supposedly interact a lot with 0 examples of their relationship. Kanao is Shinobu's tsuguko but I can't think of a single time they spoke to each other that wasn't a flashback.
So, yeah. I love Demon Slayer, it's really good on its own but I feel like it needed to be refined and polished a little more, ya know?
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demonsfate · 2 years
Very thankful for your posts about Tekken lore and such. I became a fan since T4/5 and I didn’t remember some things. Watching Bloodline certainly made me a bit confused due to some plot decisions but I'm glad you explained a few points. Do you think Jun will show up in T8? I think (or at least, HOPE lmao) that we see the Kazama side just like we saw the Mishimas storyline in T7. I also want more Xiaoyu, Asuka and Hwoarang but knowing Harada.. who knows. I remember the endings some characters got in T7 and I physically cringe 💀 like a few were so silly and.. unimportant. I just hope we have less of that in the next game.
And I am very thankful that you read 'em! 'cos sometimes I feel I just ramble like a madperson xD I dunno, I wanna say Bloodline would be good had it not made so many decisions that go against the series. Buuuut... honestly - as I've explained in posts before - even if it wasn't Tekken, it'd still be bad. It was still full of too many exposition scenes that just tells, not shows. Leaves no room for surprises. And it also has an issue with dragging some scenes out, whilst other, would've been interesting, scenes are rushed. (like most of the tournament.) Whilst I would never critique ppl for what they like - ppl can enjoy whatever as long as it's not harmful lol. But I still can't quite comprehend why ppl would enjoy Bloodline that much. It's not the best adaptation of the story, and even ignoring that it IS an adaptation and just viewing it as its own thing, it still does so many sins against story telling.
I do think Jun will show up in T8. There's a few reasons why I think this. Mainly because as I've been explaining in recent posts - the writers SPECIFICALLY mentioned she's not dead, but just "missing." I don't think they'd bother bringing this up if it's not gonna be used later on in the lore. Plus, many fans recently have been wanting her return. I also think she can really help with the Kazuya vs Jin issue - given that she's an important part of both lives.
I also made a post about the Kazamas playing a more important role in the story. (Here's the post if you're curious!) In Asuka's ending in T7, Lili SPECIFICALLY mentions that Asuka could be dragged into the Mishima mess due to her Kazama connections. This feels like it's hinting at Asuka, FINALLY, playing a bigger role. But I'd also take this with a gran of salt - because Eddy's T6 ending hinted at him being furious with Jin, and wanting revenge for his master dying after all. But then fast forward to T7 - that is completely forgotten, and instead Eddy becomes Lucky Chloe's bitch. It makes me soooo sad. Because while, yes, I'm relieved they dropped him being mad at Jin as T7 mentions he's just mad at Kazuya again. And I, too, want to forget T6 happened unless it's completely rewritten so it doesn't ruin Jin's character. But like... why do THAT to him? So I wouldn't be surprised if Asuka's potential is, again, forgotten.
Honestly, imo, Hwoarang, Xiao, and Asuka should've all played a bigger role. With Hwoarang and Xiao consistently being Jin's best friends - therefore, getting themselves involve in this mess. And Asuka having the power to repel the devil gene, finds herself useful as a weapon against DJ, and even Kaz. I had considered doing my own adaptations for the series - and which, I'd write Asuka usefulness being build up in T5, and then being extremely useful in T6. (since y'all know my blog - I state that it IS DJ who started the war, and went on with it - not Jin.)
But I believe I also critiqued that's one of the biggest issues with Tek so far. Is their humor. Whilst yes, I've always loved the Tek humor brand. I don't like it when my media is completely serious - I do like some jokes to lighten the mood. But back then, most of the jokes just came from obvious joke characters - such as the literal animals, or an old man who can barely move being a fighting character. But now they've gotten to the point where they'll turn ANY character who isn't directly a Mishima into a joke. It just gets old, and then in turn, gets unfunny. I really hope T8 has a more serious tone like T4 (which I'd say T4 was the most serious Tek game) and keep the jokes only to the more obvious characters - that being the animals, ofc. Let Eddy be serious again, let Paul be serious again, let Asuka be serious. Come on!
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A smite concept for an adventure or spinoff: a fighting game like tekken or street fighter but with the smite gods and goddesses as the characters
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okay but like… this is my shit!! i dunno if i’ve mentioned it before on this blog but i love me a good fighting game (i’m terrible w/ fancy inputs but i’ll kick your ass in virtua fighter) so this idea is so up my alley omg. see the read more for my word vomit on this (it’s 854 words long haha oops)
izanami (basically kitana/mileena lol), daji and bakasura (even baraka sounds similar to his name lmao) totally belong in mortal kombat.
mk would totally do justice to daji’s more grizzly creations and there’s the perfect inspo to take for a game that is basically participatory torture porn lmao.
one of izanami’s fatalities should totally be her dragging someone down to the underworld as well :^)
and perhaps arachne and medusa should join? they’d have more interesting finishers,it’s p easy to imagine medusa stabbing people with some daggers and squeezing someone to death with her tail
all the gods w/ melee weapons can fit into soulcalibur p easily, esp. sun wukong (my boy kilik!), king arthur (siegfried) and susano (sexy samurai mitsurugi, they’ve got p similar personalities as well lol).
i also think jing wei and talim share a lot of characteristics and talim’s move set would fit jing wei like a glove.
nu wa would look amazing w/ xianghua’s move set although she’d probs be more controlled and mature with some of her moves lmao (no hissy fits on the floor i would hope). chang’e would also fit and i’m p sure i actually made a post a while ago how i’d like see her in xianghua’s super pretty outfits
aphro basically fits any sexy woman from literally any fighting game so take your pick there lmao. personally i’d love to see her as lili from tekken bc lili’s moves are so graceful but super powerful and their personalities are both p similar in that “i’m richer and prettier than you” way
hera would defs be in a tag team w/ argus as well, i keep thinking of poison and hugo but hera would be a whole lot less hoe lmao
the morrigan’s also got a lot of cool moves as well
using her clones to block attacks for her insteadnormal blocking and having them fade away when hit into a crow
if she gets a reversal then she copies the reversal of her opponent
her projectile is her 3rd chain basic w/ the dmg over time or it’s her 2 that marks an enemy and addes extra dmg to the end of a combo
the combo opportunities are also really sexci... all three sisters coming out and then coming together of a final blow in a combo chain UGH.....
and her special can be her summoning her sisters or turning into her enemy and using their special omg
and just in general smite’s mechanics are really easily transferable to a fighting game. chronos’ final freezing time or sending him back in time, ama’s mirror turning into a reflective charge move, ne zha’s sash as a ranged grab and his special being his ult (but instead of timing clicks you have to do certain inputs before time runs out)... it’s so easy to see smite as a fighting game lmao
if i was to narrow down a roster for smite: the fighting game i know i’d defs choose
king arthur - big sword, perfect for the heavy hitter weapon class. w/out the sword perhaps he’d be a boxer?
chang’e - dancing is always an interesting concept in a fighting game and i know chang’e would be one of the more interesting characters to watch and w/ a weapon she’d ideally be xianghua lol
daji - every fighting game needs a femme fatale and daji w/ ivy’s sword/whip thingo would be perfect or she’d strap on her claws and tear people apart. if she was going purely hand to hand then she’d fight like jun from street fighter w/ the leg raised all the way up
jing wei - talim is right there y’all! otherwise i’d go w/ sakura (from sf) for her melee
aphrodite - i’m telling y’all if she had lili’s moveset from tekken we would all be doomed
nemesis - big sword! reversals for days (as many as aoi umenokoji from virtua fighter)!
hera - tag team tag team tag team
ravana - duh
the morrigan - so much potential.........
amaterasu - she’s got a cool sword and melee wise she’d do some martial arts of some sort - she’s a leading lady so i think chun li’s style would fit her
susano - hot samurai dude, i get the feeling he’d be one of the more strong characters so perhaps a fighting style like ryu’s would work (or someone more mobile? can’t think of anyone rn but maybe he’s do some kick-boxing as well hmm)
awilix - lots of flexible stuff she can do with her staff
pele - w/out daggers i kinda wanna see her w/ a fighting style similar to laura’s but more fire-y lol
bellona - all the weapon switches would make her super interesting and if she had to stick with one then i think she’d work w/ the spear/sword combo of hilde from soulcalibur. she’d have moves like vanessa from virtua fighter if she was without weapons tho
mercury - nunchucks!! and y’all know he’d be boxing if he didn’t have them
all the other gods can duke it out for the other spots lmao
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