#theyre gay im gay yeet
yonpote · 2 months
this is my keep or yeet livepost w my onions on whether phil should keep or yeet
THE GHOST SHIRT yeet bc its haunted by... another youtuber who's worn it. BUT dan pointing out that its small on him just makes it hotter cuz like... tight fitting clothes on this man is,..... hoo boy
aladdin for me is a yeet but im not the biggest aladdin fan personally? so i think keep for phil is fine and BLACK SHIRTS ON PHIL UGHHHHHH LOVe
red nasa shirt 😭😭😭 i would keep it for sentiment tbh ;;
shoe shirt? its so random. yeet. WAIT IT HAS TEXTURES NVM KEEP
oh god wtf is that{?!? OH HE DYED THE ICONIC SHIRT LMAOO yeah this is a yeet but i relate so much to trying to dye something a cool color but just making it look kinda dirty 😭
oh brother not another opera spon... use firefox everyone, its got tab containers too and if you use ublock origin u can put in a specific list thing for youtube ads so you dont get the adblock block thing look it up on reddit its so good, if u need chrome for mandatory work thing sure but firefox doesnt harvest everything you type so
a millennial gay can never have too many flowery button ups imo, keep
corgi!!!! cute!!
crusty bottom and clean top..... dont make me say it.........
OOO keep the splatter print shirt its very lesbian!!!
gatorland shirt i like a good comfy tourist shirt
marvel shirt YEEEEET
uhhhh random gray rectangle shirt.. yeet unless he wants to do the short sleeve over long sleeve e boy look
ooo semi-varsity jacket... i think if it was baggier on him and it looked more like the embroidered ones ppl wear in japan it would be a keep but for me its yeet
nasa jacket keeeeep
stranger yeet.
beetle... i voted yeet on ig
friends t shirt i would say keep for phil cuz listen. millennials need their sitcom attachment and i love a big comfy shirt. also oops edit flub? they didnt say whether it was kept or yet o7
minesweeper shirt KEEP just bc charlie plays so much minesweeper like my fav part of her streams is just watching her play minesweeper very intensely
keeeeep the plaid windbreaker its sooooo hot on phil. "it smells like a man whos not me" "philip where have you been." jealous dan returns
pokemon hoodie ummmm im kinda 50/50 on this one i love pokemoncore shit but fsr this pattern looks a bit weird? but overall a keep
tokyo i think i voted keep cuz i thought it was newer than it is lol idk i dont think its the worst
furby shirt keep 100% THE OLD FURBY
i think phil shoudl keep all his shorts but him them like 3 inches shorter or just cut the length off. i think its so funny how cis men are like "omg im so slutty for wearing 7 inch inseam shorts" like girl get the daisy dukes out. i wanna see the thighs please.
oof skinny shorts?? yeet (but no hate on skinny jeans in general... i only have one pair of jeans and theyre mega ripped skiinny jeans they just dont look skinny on me cuz im short and chubby) "if emo comes back" girl emos been back
corduroy shorts mehhh oh but texture phil needs texture so keep
HELLO??? ummm godzilla shorts are.... if the print were on a shirt i would keep but on shorts?
brown shorts yeet, flower sweater keep, basically i agree w them
ooh another black graphic longsleeve lol. I THINK THIS ONES A KEEP AND THE BEETLES A YEET SORRY
oh funky hoodie. i like it i would wear it keep but idk if i like it on phil
if this fleece jacket thing didnt have such a stupid back design on it i would say keep
keep comfy buffalo checker sweater!!! i would keep
"manchester hoodie" oh.... everyone who voted yeet go die katamari hoodie is perfect
fuzzy denim keeeep hes so hot
spotty blue shirt i LOVE but. its so tatinof ykwim and phils in his new era
oooh stripey blue shirt keep!
i bought a sweater that was inspired by this blue and pink checker thing LOL i think it looked better when he had jet black hair lol
omg wait nooo not the red bomber!!! its cute!!!!!! im too attached to his clothes bro.... i like the red one more than the blue one tbh WHY DID HE BUY SO MANY VERSIONS
Nasa sweater!! keep
blue button up is too like. corporate lol. brother you dont have an office job you dont need boring tops
tiger jumper keep!!!! i like it!!!!! fuck u MEAN fast fashion
good vibes keeeep for the vibes
oh the brown flower pattern on this doesnt work on phil
great wave keep!
glittery zebra is so tied to 2017 in my brain but not in a good way tbh yeet but he is hot in it. "you bought this for me dan" omfg shut UP
i think i voted keep on chess but. on second look its a yeet tbh...
ok thats it yippee that was fun theyre gay im gonna die
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phantomfuchsia · 5 years
i said id type out a long post about gus, spectra and gus and spectra together headcanons and like, y'all really wanted me to, so ask and ye shall receive
-okay so firstly, keith totally accidentally walked into walls a bunch when he first started wearing his mask, eventually he stopped walking into walls as much, and gus would help him out too (helios would just leave him to walk into walls all the time the little shit), though eventually he got tired of it so once he changed his attribute to darkus and changed his outfit as well, he modified the mask’s design.
-most of the things spectra invented and the modifications done to helios couldn't have been done without gus’ help, i personally like to headcanon that gus was especially involved with the battle gear, which is why they could only make battle gear for drago that was based off of helios’ battle gear since gus held a lot of the knowledge on how to create battle gear until later.
-by the way, gus totally cut keith’s hair in mechtanium surge because like, duh??, gus’ hair looks wonderful, of course keith would trust him to fix his hair.
-keith has decided he hates earth birds because mira keeps sending him pictures of earth birds that look like him, helios, gus and vulcan all find it hilarious
-gus only calls him “master spectra” when they're on professional business, when they aren't, they are the sappiest, softest, grossest people e v e r (ace, baron and mira are so tired of this, though they're glad that they're happy at least)
-vulcan and helios also find them gross, but they have to put up with it 24/7 so it's even worse (they're grateful though, vulcan had to put up with gus’ pining for s o l o n g, and helios had to put up with keith being sad when gus was presumed dead, which was awful)
-gus and keith are looking after so many kids at this point, with gus being the only responsible adult around, keith is only slightly more responsible than the kids, mira might be more responsible than him, despite spectra being the leader of a bunch of adults for some time and mira being the leader of a bunch of kids.
-they both really like earth video games actually, keith really likes devil may cry, and yes he did buy it just because dante has a red coat. (i don't know much about devil may cry actually, but i think keith would enjoy it) gus likes pikmin actually, he finds it kinda funny that the plot to pikmin 3 is really similar to the vestals’ situation.
-something which i would have loved to see more of in canon would be vulcan and helios getting along well, just like their brawlers, so yes that's personally what i headcanon, i also headcanon that elico is still alive, he just can't battle very well anymore, still he sticks around and helps gus and keith out around the lab.
-despite keith being taller, gus can pick him up like he weighs nothing, it's very useful for when he overworks himself and falls asleep in the lab, gus can just lift him up and carry him to his bed.
-the first time this happened, the next morning when he woke up, spectra didn't actually believe that gus could just lift him up that easily, so gus lifted him up again to prove it and keith’s brain force shut down and had to restart, and gus was the physical personification of the >:3c emoji
-honestly any time gus manages to fluster spectra, he's just >:3c, he's so smug about it, like when he comes back to save spectra after he was presumed dead after the fight against zenoheld, spectra was so super flustered then and gus knew it.
-(also do any of y’all think about how if it weren't for hydron getting thrown into gay baby jail, gus probably would have died, spectra wouldn't have known he was in there bc he would have thought he was dead all along. and again gus would have died on the alternative if it weren't for hydron saving him. gus stop trying to get yourself killed please i beg of u)
-they are very cozy with each other, keith loves to sneak up on gus and hug him from behind. gus has stolen spectra’s old red coat because it's really fluffy and comfortable and also kinda big on him, it's really cute in keith’s opinion.
-keith also loves to lean down and give gus quick kisses on the cheek while he's working, just to announce he's there, which will make gus flustered without fail each and every time.
-vulcan, elico and helios have to drag them away from each other all the time or they'd never get any work done.
-this doesn't stop them from flirting with each other from across the room, much to their bakugan’s chagrin
-after new vestroia, gus doesn't battle as much anymore, he rarely battles at all. after his solo battle with zenoheld and how hexados died and elico and vulcan nearly died and the loyalty his bakugan shown towards him, he doesn't particularly want to put them in a situation where he could lose them again, unless he's brawling alongside spectra, though sometimes he does have friendly brawls with spectra just so he doesn't get too rusty
-gus and mira do get along very well actually, it was a bit awkward at first though. now they tell each other about embarrassing things keith has done, much to his annoyance. but mira embarrasses the both of them about how mushy they are, because that's what sisters (in-law) do
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just occurred to me that with the way thasmin is going we might be having another superhell situation on our hands
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chase2452 · 6 years
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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racebox-of-higgars · 3 years
Newsies As Things My Friends Have Said - Part Eight
Albert: ᶦ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵏᶦᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵃˢˢ ˢᵒ ʰᵃʳᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵛᵉʳᵗᵉᵇʳᵃᵉ ᵖᵒᵖ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵒᵘᵗʰ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵃ ᵖᵉᶻ ᵈᶦˢᵖᵉⁿˢᵉʳ
Jack: I just wanna put my brain in a jar. I'll proudly show it off to people like "look at my jar of electric meats!"
Crutchie: I wish I could not give a fuck
Crutchie: i give So Much Of A Fuck All The Time
Spot: godDAMMIT we can't iron fries
Spot: mnwo
Jack: qhere
Race: wow homophobic
Spot: fay
Jack: lonth
Les: hama me chees
Davey: literally what the fuck does this mean
Race: y'all ever just. gay disgust
Davey: alas,, suffer
Jack: anyway i'm stupid, moving on
Race: I W A N Y
Race: WABT
Race: FUCK
Spot: wany
Jack: wabt
Race: himjphobic
Spot: hiMjPhoBIc
Race: y'all every just be begging your brain to let you sleep like. in tears. pl,, plea se,,,, when sleep???? and your brain is just like. *sound of a potato rotating*
Jack: Capitalism is the bane of my existence
Race: ah yes, the good ol' scream n stral
Albert: This is a technique I like to call the good ol' Spin n Yeet
Race: swiggity swag taco bell in a bag
Katherine: There's os much representation in this pirate crew of milfs i'm crying
Elmer, sobbing: my soup exploded in the microwave
Race: I'm in spain without the w
Race: Wait
Crutchie: I just don't have,, legs
Jack: n O
Albert: I swear to god I will crush your nuts
Race: Jokes on you god nerfed me and I have no nuts to smash
Jack, having just been kicked in the balls: I wouldn't consider that a bad thing
Race: Homophobic
A Straight: How is that homophobic??
Race: You are inconveniencing me, A Gay
Katherine: Too much is happening there is Several Brain
Davey: Please don't rub my bones
Race: Jesus, he's cool, Jesus is my bitch
Jack, longingly: What is family?
Race: I got to show off my mad feet skills
Davey: Do I want to ask?
Race: No
Elmer: Time to get my blood good and frothy!
Race: The pussy wagon has left
Race: That felt wrong I formally apologise
Race, during a thunderstorm: Clapping them cloud bussies
Davey: Your speaking rights have been revoked
Race: You can't beat a Robin Hood furry costume!
Race: My list of disorders is longer than your dick!
Davey: I don't know whether I should be concerned for you or impressed by how good that insult was
Race: Both
Race: Who says fist fights and running from the cops can't be romantic? Spot: That's true love right there, war crimes
Race: Correct
Race: So,,, wanna go commit war crimes with me?
Race: Bussy full of beans???
Race: He put,,, he put beans in his bussy????
Elmer: What's a bussy?
Jack: I'm a fruit, put me in some granola
Jack: You can't have abs and support Trump, that's just homophobic
Katherine: Y'all ever just,,, cavetown but make it lesbian??
Jack: It's pride month I'm legally required to love myself for this month only
Katherine: Man, sometimes I get sad and just milf
Sarah: how talk to girl girl pretty
Albert: Just do better??? learn to lesbian???
Katherine: I got my milf chocolates!
Jack: How are your milf chocolates?
Katherine: creamy
Spot: Oh, it's a strap
Albert: Famous last words
Jack: self reflection is OUT, being your friends personal fun house mirror is IN
uh yeah i'm sorry
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mcd-ms-rants · 3 years
I can’t believe I started this blog asking for one note and you guys went way above and beyond that <3 <3
let’s do this shit *cracks knuckles*
also some of the points here might be in jumbled order cuz I just wrote them as soon as they came into my head
• ayyy home alone reference
• ok that’s not a bad thing
• WHERE IS LAURANCE. He had no reason to just disappear like that where did he go :(
(side note: I’m pretty sure that Jess was hospitalized during this time, so a lot of characters were cut out and the script was made shorter. so I think that’s why a few characters were scrapped.)
• isn’t llp supposed to be ‘sold out since forever’?? how do Aaron and Dante somehow win tickets FOR EVERYONE just by kissing?? ok sometimes shows or contests give free tickets...but only like one or two. Aphmau literally drags the whole street there
• in my opinion it is IMPOSSIBLE for a whole street’s worth of people to pack their stuff, grab essentials, drive to the airport, check in and get on the plane IN AN HOUR. especially considering that mystreet is the most chaotic street in existence
• why do all the boys swim shorts have the same damn pattern hello originality??
• DAMN TRAVIS GETS UP TO SOME FREAKY SHIT WHEN THE OTHERS ARENT HOME. he literally hires people to impersonate his friends and monologues as katelyn and I’m not even going to repeat those lines here they are CURSED😳😳 where did he even get Katelyn’s clothes from??
• how does the mys gang take Zane, who (im pretty sure) wasn’t even in the house where Garroth and Dante were when Dante broke down the door, but forget to take Travis, who literally lives IN THEIR BASEMENT IN THE SAME HOUSE. for the record HOW DO THEY FORGET LAURANCE. this makes no sense (I don’t really remember this part well so if zane is actually there then ignore me :) thanks)
• garroth saying ahoy matey kills me every time
• I feel like lucinda really got shoved to the side in this season. she barely has any relevant lines that aren’t just filler
• ok there’s a gay couple here it’s Guy and Nate. but isn’t this way of representing them heavily stereotyped?? a twink and a buff guy. Seems like a stereotype to me and I don’t like it because of that
• also arent ivy and teony supposed to be lesbian?? this would have been nice...IF WE ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE THEM ASIDE FROM LIKE TWO EPISODES. Stop making characters disappear :( I get that not every character can be major but they were like the only decently written lgbtq+ representation this show has plus teony is a dark-skinned beauty and you cannot convince me otherwise. she’s underrated
• I bring to you better lgbtq+ representation: Garrance
• admit it it would’ve been SO MUCH BETTER even tho Laurance wasn’t actually in s2 at least do it in s1
• we need more nb and lgbtq+ representation I’ll say this again and again
• when Aph sees Ivy there’s no mention of her being in a jury of any kind in pdh. Same with Katelyn and Jeffory actually, even Ivan in s3. If these people weren’t in the jury then who was??
• i love mcd Dante but WTF HAPPENED HERE. His character is a mess and not the good kind. he is dumb, flirty and a cheater since highschool and instead of learning from his mistake of cheating in pdh he decides to DO IT AGAIN. And I don’t see anyone else in the cast point this out or tell him not to?? Why??
• HOW TF DO ZANE’S PANTS EVEN FALL DOWN?? he legit goes down a baby water slide and boom theyre gone. Aphmau doesn’t lose her clothes while going down a roller caster water slide that GOES INTO THE SEA so HOW DOES HE?? If they were that loose they would’ve fallen off while he was walking. which they didn’t. Also doesn’t water make your clothes stick to your skin and not the other way around? Ya hello can someone please explain
The next four points are not actually bad things i found them funny in a stupid way but also how tf did they even happen:
• I’m not even going to BOTHER deciphering the physics behind Travis setting the house on fire, having said fire coming into contact with explosive feathers, and yeeting him thousands of miles away into llp
• no seriously how is he still alive
• and why is he allowed to stay?? isn’t this place sold out since forever??
• wow celeste has the power to swim thousands of miles away to llp as well seriously what does she eat??
ok let’s get back to it
• doesnt Katelyn throw Travis off a roof some time in this season, or was it s1? Either way that’s not cool
• the talk between Travis and katelyn was very much needed. I’m very glad it was written in but feel as though it could have been written a bit better. also Katelyn doesn’t even realize what shes doing isn’t ok till here in canon which I don’t like because it makes her seem ignorant or airheaded and I know she isn’t like that. she’s better than that. she should have been at least a bit aware of it since s1
• AND THIS WHOLE TALK WAS SHOVED ASIDE BCUZ AARON HAD TO ASK APH TO LIVE WITH HIM. am I the only one that feels this way? which is more important in your opinion?? there was nothing inherently wrong with this scene but the fact that THIS had more importance than the travlyn talk really upset me
• hello Gene :) the ONLY character with some decent development here. Give him a hand👏👏
let me make it known that I’m aware that this is supposed to be an anime style show so not everything will make logical sense but I’ve still put those points in cuz why not
and that’s all I can think of thanks for coming to my ted talk <3 <3
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dykesprentiss · 4 years
ok so. i know a lot of this has probably been said before, but i wanted to put my two cents in. very rambly and disorganized because i am just like that.
i think everyone in this fandom needs to examine the way they interract with male vs female characters. why is it easier for you to focus on and create content for male characters that have appeared in 2 episodes maximum, then it is for the women that are in the main cast? why do you gravitate towards ships between two male characters who have never met (specifically jonah and like. his harem of old british men. usually based on one single line of dialogue) then the actual, canon wlw relationships?
like dont get me wrong, when lonely eyes first started cropping up it was funny! i enjoyed it, i enjoyed the multiple divorce jokes, because it was a small fandom in joke that made fun of some old bastards. and now its the second most popular ship in the fandom. now its so popular, people think its canon before they start listening. why are you unable to muster that same kind of enthusiasm for any of the female characters? gertrude and mary have very similar appeal to lonely eyes, and yet its a fringe ship that nobody ever talks about. gertrude and agnes have very significant moments and mentions in the podcast, and yet the only people i see talking about them are wlw.
or we could talk about michael and helen! helen who, as of this moment, has become a key player in the storyline. helen who yeeted michael out of existence, who took over the power of the distortion by her own choice, and with her own strength. and so often i see her relegated to "vodka aunt that coos over jonmartin" is that a bad take on her? of course not! but having her only purpose be to comment on the male characters rubs me the wrong way.
lets talk about elias and mary. elias gets praise, and love, and devotion, regardless of the horrible things he does. the entire fandom has the reputation of eliasfuckers now because everyone goes so crazy for him. mary is just as evil, has just as sexy a voice (i assume lol cause tbh? eel eyes does not do it for me and never will), and people just. hate her. full stop. why is that?
it seems like manuela has been. completely forgotten. i Never see anyone talk about her. she has just as much appeal as the male avatars, so why are you so uninterested in her? sasha and tim have the same amount of importance, and both have died, but there is So much more focus on tim. why.
daisy/basira and melanie/georgie are incredibly well developed relationships, their stories are as beautiful and tragic and intimate as jonmartin, but the f/f and m/m fic ratio on ao3 is abysmal. because it seems to me that the only people writing about them are wlw.
which happens.....a lot. het relationships and gay relationships are for everyone, but lesbian ships? thats just for gay women. everyone goes head over heels for mlm movies, regardless of sexuality, but wlw movies never receive the same kind of treatment. why.
this isn't even touching on the. blatant and disgusting fetishising of mlm. elias is evil because hes gay and skanky. tim is bi so he must sleep around. tim and martin are both mlm in the same vicinity of each other so they must have had a friends with benefits relationship. jon/elias and peter/martin have significant age differences and power disparities, so they must have an incredibly fucked up sexual relationship. jon is ace, but yall just fully ignore that so you can write horny fic of him. (and im going to be completely honest, if you get legitimate joy from writing manipulative r*pe fic involving these characters, Especially involving an ace character, ( edit: i apologize for my wording here, i didnt intend to compare trauma between ace and non ace ppl. my point is that jon seems to be the main target in these fics, and that they seem to be a direct response to his asexuality. fic like this is bad regardless of who is targetted). than that is a big problem. you arent "exploring dark topics in a meaningful way" youre writing fucked up porn for your own sick enjoyment. get angry at me all u want lmao but i stand by that)
i could go on about this forever, but what im really asking is for people to look inward and ask yourselves why you are so against connecting and interracting with female characters? no one is saying you cant like the men, but if theyre the only ones you care about? thats a problem. there are more women in tma then there are men, but they still feel like the minority because of the way the fandom acts. this isnt just a tma problem either! you can put as many rounded out female characters as you want into your content, and every time without fail they will be pushed to the side in favor of the men.
and dont come at me with "oh if you want content of the women you should make it" like we fucking are. the issue is that wlw are the only ones doing it. just take a second and think. are you ignoring the female characters in favor of the men? why? why is that your first instinct? why do you not feel the need to go against that instinct?
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saintacheron · 4 years
What i wish to see in tesvi: long post
Bretons aren't just french-inspired people who like to cook! They're half elves and should have slightly pointy ears! You should be able to modify their magic ancestry and maybe give a little variation to their pointy ears. Also: it could work as a subrace but REACHMEN! Give us different tattoos and facemarkings! Make everyone react differently if your character is a Reachperson or looks like your typical medieval breton! Make nord npcs react to a breton differently if they have rechamen face tattoos! Allow us to learn different spells depending on the cultural background.
Argonians should be able to have those fin-like things give us the full dinosaur experience of argonians! I don't know much about their lore but they come in all shapes. Also there should be different options/quests/reactions/dialogue in-game regarding the Hist, sithis, etc.
Altmer. They should look like in Skyrim, not just like a typical Caucasian Imperialist, leave that look for imperials. They are Golden! Maybe let them shine! Let us adorn our altmers with beautiful makeup and jewelry, let other altmer npcs react calmly to our altmer but make almost all human races act a bit nervous around the altmer.
Dunmer. Ok so i dont really know much about dunmer but they should have more depth to their magic talents! Give us dunmer-based and exclusive spells! Make argonians judgemental towards us and give us mORE FIRE. Also about how they look: theire not just grey, in oblivion they also look blue-ish and purple! Give us more colors! Also also: why do they have to look all wrinkly? ESO dunmers look better i guess.
Nords. Make them real barbaric, i think theyre really well done, specially in Skyrim. It would be nice if we had giantborns / titanborns or something like that. BUT GIVE US A REAL NORDIC PANTHEON!!!! Make them mention shor, talos, alduin not just in battle!!! And even if they're not talented in magic, give us storm/weather/snowy spells or just nature based spells specially for hunting, make them less affected by animal attacks like bears idk. Also let other npcs react to them depending if they're human or elf you know
Redguards. I DEMAND A LOT FOR REDGUARD CULTURE. we need a really different pantheon, we already know there's differences so please if tesvi is based in part in hammerfell dont do like skyrim and just throw the imperial pantheon. Also maybe they have desert based spells to help them survive in long journeys, maybe related to ancient left-handed elves' sand magic??? We need a lot of lore and i hope they deliver. We also need a lot of magic/weapons/culture/quests related to them being the best sailors. Give us war with the maormer! Give us war with the elves! Give us war with the sload and lots of piracy and tales!
I'm pretending left-handed elves are extinct or supposed to be extinct like falmers or snow elfs. I doubt they'll appear as playable races but i want to know what happened to the rest of the snow elfs! Maybe we can get close to a community of survivors of both races? Have access to their technology, weapons, armor, spells like sand-"bending" of the sinister elves, or snow/sun magic from the snow elves
I also doubt we'll be able to play as dwemer BUT since there's a theory about them disappearing because they got yeeted to the future maybe we can see them in tes VI. A lot of them. All of them. Maybe the main quest goes around them re-claiming their abandoned cities. Give us lore about their telepathy, tuning, give us followers and machines please. Even if they dont appear, give us dwemer technology
Khajiit. Ok so if tesvi is partly located in hammerfell, khajiits surely make a huge population since its also a desert. So dont give us just khajiiti caravans. Give us full khajiit marketplaces, guilds, factions, martial arts, etc. It'd be nice to allow us more customization, maybe even allow us to select from two or three humanoid khajiit forms, give us manes, and a lot of adornments. Make them excellent merchants and the most agile race please.
BOSMER! One of my favorite races. GIVE US THE HORNS, give us the chance to make our skin green, have tree-markings, AND IF I WANT TO, GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO FOLLOW THE GREEN PACT! Give us pointy teeth and exclusive marksman talents. I doubt we well be given the wild hunt but maybe we can witness it, or maybe they can extend the "command animal" power into a more powerfull version, let me ride a bear, let me pet any wolf, let me carry snakes idk
Imperials. Ok i know they're the almost the most boring race but it would be nice if they could be based not just off the Roman Empire, but all their colonies as well. Make them excellent at adapting to new cultures. Maybe as an imperial character we suffer the less prejudice except for altmers or something, make them versatile and not just roman, make them not exclusively caucasian, give us Mediterranean vibes, phoenicians, northern african-inspired clothing and weapons depending if theyre imperials from cyrodiil, or born in hammerfell. It would be nice if nocs had some sort of ayleid possessions.
Orcs. I WANT TO SEE THE DRAGONTAIL MOUNTAINS. i want the drama of every clan. But i need to see more than just their brute type. I need to know more about their magic, rites, etc. I want to see their soft side. I want to see that theres more to their fixation with battle, war and lineage, let us see honor, sacrifice and love in the most alien way but show us that theyre not just green tanks. Also their architecture: *chef (chief) kiss*
MAORMER. So its not exactly a playable race, if the game is going to be set in the illiac bay, hammerfell etc. I NEED TO SEE THE FISHY PIRATES AND THEIR HUGE SNAKES. IM A THIRSTY BOY FOR THE SEA ELVES. Give us the chance to play as them, maybe they only have small properties in big ports (i see it as the Nauts in Greedfall) , give us white and slightly iridescent scaly skin. Storm and snake magic all the way! Weather magic! Fog magic! Tridents, harpoons instead of bows, pirates pirates pirates. ALSO MAKE EVERY ALTMER HATE THEM.
Give us a quest involving a forbidden romance between a noble high elf in a breton embassy, soon to be wed unwillingly to a breton noble for family interest, BUT its our job to help them escape with a sea elf pirate or sailor because they're in love!!!!!!!! Make it gay if possible. Give us the gay pirates Todd! Please im begging you!
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supernatural-reacts · 3 years
Season 8 episode 13
- this episode is called “everybody hates H*tler” and I think I know some of what happens in it? We’ll see
- we’re starting off with murdering nazis that’s good
- Dean cutting himself on a sword by accident lmao
- what’s up with this old guy?
- did he just spontaneously combust??
- “no he’s uh.. he’s not answering.” WHERE IS CAS AND WHY DOES DEAN SOUND SO WORRIED
- “I thought we had a thing back at the quad, a little eye magic moment” IVE SEEN THIS SCENE
- “you you have a- okay” I LOVE DEAN SO MUCH OMG
- wow this guy straight up yeeted him
- “he was my gay thing” I think if Dean listened to some of the things he says he would be surprised
- I love Aaron
- oh no someone poisoned Sam
- I like this golem dude
- “oh my god these guys are psychopaths” WE STAN A SMART CHARACTER AGAHGSJAJAN
- he smoked the pages omg
- “Nazi bastards” yup
- I like that they call Garth
- “how about you screw yourself nazi bastard” as you should!
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sweet-potatoq · 4 years
ok i really wanna dive into this xicheng gymnast au ive got going on because its self-idulgent a really cool idea and ive been really interested in gymnastics recently (little angst bc im a weak bitch)
here are jiang cheng, nie huaisang, wei wuxian designs; ill add more as i draw
so jc, nhs, and wwx are popular rhythmic gymnasts and are a fan favourite in the fandom (?)
jc loves the ribbon but can also do club and rope; nhs does ball, ribbon and club; wwx can do all five (ribbon, ball, hoop, club, and rope) but he likes doing hoops the most
the three of them are pretty close since they have time to chitchat at the small louge area for resting; theyre also often called the powerpuff girls (ppg) since they wear red, green and purple (ik bubbles is blue but just roll w it)
jc has a no. 1 fan, like the biggest jc fan ever, and its a famous musician, lan xichen; literally his social media is filled with jc photos, fancams, and videos (sometimes he posts selfies with his jc merch that me probably made on his own)
ppg knows about lxc and teases jc about him so much
"did you see his face lighting up once it was jc's turn? he even brought a handmade light up banner for him omg"
jc is both flattered and annoyed (mostly because he gets teased a lot for it) but every gift lxc gives him (read: yeets on the floor) is treasured
its mostly bouquets of lotus flowers and teddy bears (there are times when he throws heavily a box safely wrapped in thick bubble wrap and tons and tons of tape and inside is just cute bracelets, necklaces and rings)
secret: jc wears it under his clothes and costume
secret secret: it sometimes comes out and lxc screams about it on twt
anyways, one day at a competition, ppg makes a bet that if jc gets a score higher than 18 in ribbons, then he has to go to lxc and ask him out
jc is torn bc he really wants a high score but is too shy to ask lxc out
spoiler: jc gets a 18.5 and now he has to approach lxc
jc's too shy to do it in person so he reaches out thru twt and dms him a
"hey uh i know ur like a big fan and i appreciate ur gifts but sometimes they look expensive anyways can i treat u to dinner to compensate"
lwj: do it, nmj: coward accept it, jgy: once in a lifetime opportunity, fucking do it pussy
spoiler #2: lxc accepts and jc takes him to a nice restaurant on a nice night out
its super awkward at first but once lxc takes over the conversation (mostly gushing about jc's techniques and routines) they find a nice flowing convo
"i had a great time" "me too!! im honoured to have had a dinner with my idol" "gay panic"
jc and lxc keep talking thru twt dms until they finally exchange numbers
"huan-ge" "CHENG CHENG 😭🥺💖"
they eventually go out again, and again, and again, until finally lxc gets brave and asks him out ON A DATE!!! as if the other hangouts arent dates 🙄
now theyre B O Y F R I E N D S ~ ✨
but secret bc jc is still new to everything and is lowkey overwhelmed by it, lxc agrees and does his best to make jc more comfortable and make him feel loved
they do fight over how jc's still being cold after months of dating and the fact that their relationship is still a secret doesnt help AT ALL
after numerous fights about it, lxc breaks and unloads all of HIS insecurity
"ive been feeling like ive forced you into this relationship, that my love and adoration for you made you feel as if you needed to compensate for that like how you did when we first went out. you've been cold and reject my affection and it hurts me even though i know you've said that you're just not used to it, but jiang cheng, we've been dating for 8 months now and i was so sure that by this point you'd be more comfortable. i love you a-cheng but i feel like you dont love me back."
something in the lines of that but you get me right?
ANYWAYS lxc keeps his distance from jc and jc does the same bc shit he feels bad that he made lxc think and feel that way
ppg notice that jc has been acting weird and asks him abt it and jc opens up to them about his relationship with lxc and ppg just go from 👁️👄👁️ to 😬☹️😞 because yikes
nhs and wwx obvi helps him brainstorm ideas as to how to apologize and show lxc that jc truly loves him the same way but theyre so busy with training and practicing for finals wHEN SUDDENLY NHS GOES
"what if... you dressed... in a blue and white costume... and wore the gifts he gave..."
BOOM jc gets the same costume from his routine tailored in white and blue and gets a pearlescent ribbon, shining blue to purple and wears pretty cloud earrings and replaces his zidian ring with a matching cloud ring
he goes to his finals in that costume AND ALL HIS FANS RIOT
"holy SHIT jc is wearing blue???" "what happened to the old costume??" "its the same one but in blue??" "hes so handsome tho"
lxc is obvi there at the finals because he is first and foremost, jc's no. 1 fan
nmj and lwj are with lxc bc lxc needs emotional support, and with the added bonus of jc's beautiful costume and accessories, he just LOSES it and cries on the spot bc hes a softie
jc performs his routine, gets an unbelievable high score and wins a gold medal (deserve) and on the podium, he asks for a mic and tells the whole fucking world his feelings for lxc
"ive been dating lan xichen, my no. 1 fan, for 8 months and its been the best 8 months of my entire life. its been a secret to everybody we both know because i was too scared to say something, too scared that everybody would reject it and judge us. but now that i realized it has put a strain on our relationship, it made me think. why should i worry about this? why should i be scared? why, when i have him by my side to support me and love me? im so sorry huan-ge that ive made you feel unloved and unwanted because i do love you. i love you so fucking much and it hurts me that you feel this way because of me. i hope that you're here somewhere in the audience to hear this, maybe not since we're not okay, but know that ill do better. ill let myself love you wholy and freely from now on if you'll let me."
cue jc crying and lxc also crying (harder) and probably the whole world crying with them even lwj lets out a tear or two
cue cue lxc fucking jumping out the barracade, fall on his ass, running towards the podium, tripping and landing on his face, standing up and limping, then tackling jc and almost making them fall over bc lxc is chaotic like that
cue cue cue lots of crying and hugging and screaming from the audience and probably the medical team rushing in because holy shit lxc did that and jc is still hitting him for almost dying??
social media fucking blows up with numerous photos of jc, videos of jc's speech, photos and videos of lxc and jc and loads of support messages for the two of them
it ends with lxc posting numerous selfies of him and jiang cheng being lovey dovey with a really cheesy caption that probably goes like
"HE HAS NO RIGHT TO MAKE MY KOKORO GO DOKI DOKI" or "i love one (1) man and its my boyfriend- oops i meant fiance"
the end sksks theres other couples in this like wangxian and nieyao but really minor so i didnt put them in BUT how is this story? is it worth writing out? or is it ok as is?
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magstorrn · 3 years
rating the artilleryman actors from jeff wayne’s musical version of the war of the worlds*
*from the perspective of someone who’s never seen the show live but, in my defence, has sought out just about every illegally filmed snippet on youtube and I've seen both official recordings many times. some of these are based on a single recording tho so take my words w/ a grain of salt. im also not going to get everyone because for a number of the actors there’s not enough evidence to go off
david essex
summary: the man the myth the legend. there are only a couple photos of him during recording sessions but he was clearly having the time of his life, and his hoarse voice and cockney accent bring an edge to the character that’s often absent (also means his own background is closest to that of the character). obviously they didn’t kick start the stage show until about 30 years after he recorded for the role but sometimes i daydream about an actual theatre production of twotw in the 70s bc holy shit, he was already doing evita when he recorded for twotw and had starred in godspell by this time and he wouldve been absolutely magnificent. 
he’s also like the only actor im aware of that properly belts the ‘it’s going to have to start’ line and it just. sounds so good. he’s also the only artilleryman actor that imo sounds good in act 1 and like someone who’s genuinely witnessed a traumatic event and is still reeling in shock. he brings this kind of manic earnest with him in brave new world and it enhances the song 100% bc he’s so completely convinced things will work out
iconic moment: the way he yells ‘just’ after the whispered section in the middle of brave new world. chef’s kiss
rating: 10/10 im biased as all hell
alexis james
summary: the true mystery of this man is that he looks so old and so young at the same time (put it down to the incredibly fake weird sideburns and the receding hairline) and that he didn’t seem to do any more work in this vein post-2006. deserves credit for being the first stage show actor in the role, running around for 12 minutes straight pretending to use a massive pencil compass and digging at the stage, and for pulling things off pretty damn well. the almost surgical slit at the knee of his pants irritates me and im glad they didnt do it again
iconic moment: singing the entirety of brave new world with a pseudo american accent for no reason at all. im 99% sure he’s english
rating: 7/10
jason donovan
summary: the day that jason moved from the artilleryman role to the parson role was the finest day of his life as well as mine. he’s absolutely outstanding as nathaniel but tbh i think in the artilleryman role he’s just... bad (and doesnt have NEARLY enough fake blood everywhere). a lot of the lines sound like theyre cut short or like he can’t quite hit the note he’s aiming for, and there’s times when he just sounds completely off, or barks his lines for no reason. like alexis james he was part of the pre-new gen era so he has like two props and he has to pretend to use these for over ten minutes and i salute him for that. speaking of salutes i love how he randomly embellishes some of his lines with a salute
iconic moment: *high pitched australian accent* iT’S You. the MAn from mayBury HILL
rating: 4/10
ricky wilson
summary: ricky wilson was the first artilleryman for the new gen era which was iconic enough in itself, but then he also gave us the black eye, goggles, waxed moustache, the glass of water trick, rolled up sleeves, and so much more. also the tragic victim of the bottle of whiskey line, but he salvages it by just swigging from the bottle right then and there. act 1 RW kinda has the vibe of a man who’s just unexpectedly watched his football team of preference lose badly rather than witnessed a massacre, but by act 2 he sounds like he just came up with a plan to save civilisation at 3am while blind drunk and he’s going to tell you about it whether you like it or not. also pioneered the trend of stripping his coat at the start of the song. he definitely sounds better in the visual recording than on the album as he barely sounds like himself on the latter (why is he like the only actor from the stage show that’s also on the album?? ill always wonder). even then though he seems very jittery and nervous and like he’s trying to overcompensate by being super energetic and the way he basically screams all his lines gets annoying after long enough
that said his swagger and confidence are completely unbeatable and while i wouldnt trust him as far as i can throw him, he deserves a spot in the artilleryman hall of fame, although im still unsure to this day whether he’s using the spade correctly
iconic moment: *hip thrust* WALLOP
rating: 9/10
shayne ward
summary: again this is based on like a single recording but he can SING and i wish he showed off more than he does. he also sounds properly panicky/shaky in the first act which i always appreciate since he’s been Through It and a lot of performances don’t get that across. he’s giving it his all/aiming to give the best performance he can and it shows! he also has a ton of bruises/so much fake blood everywhere and his shirt’s in tatters and it’s great. the high notes sound fantastic also
iconic moment: stripping off the coat about ten minutes before any other artilleryman actor im aware of, and yeeting it off the stage
rating: 8/10
adam garcia
summary: i would say that bc he’s australian i have no choice but to stan but ive already been rly mean to jason donovan so that doesnt stand up anymore. anyway i basically regard adam garcia as the spiritual successor to david essex - similar sound, similar vibes, similar musical theatre background, similar genuine earnest with that edge of manic desperation and oncoming insanity. his facial expressions and gestures and pure enthusiasm throughout BNW are my favourite thing, and he maintains more of a long-sleeved pirate vibe as opposed to the ricky wilson rolled up sleeve vibe. unlike ricky wilson i also think he might’ve actually used a spade before
he also does so so much running around, and has more props than ever - the chair, the blackboard, the goggles, the gun, the spade, but at least he’s kept busy for the long instrumental sections, although i think it’s awful he gets cut off at the end of his song by life begins again while he just like, keeps digging? his singing is rly consistent and really quality, although i think he unfortunately sounds pretty bad in act 1. the whole losing his mind thing in act 2 salvages it tho
iconic moment: *obvious david essex impression* holidees 
rating: 9/10
honourable mentions to daniel bedingfield (can’t find a recording anywhere), michael falzon (i can’t find a full recording of him), and taron egerton (doesnt get to sing in the audio drama but his character is clearly gay)
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mag200 · 4 years
as a white gay i wanna say to other white gays i do not wanna hear any fucking whining from u about how the half of it wasnt queer enough.
i just watched it for the first time and havent stopped sobbing yet so bear with me im not articulate rn but i just went thru the tag and apparently some of yall are pulling this shit.
this is gonna be full of spoilers yeet
the half of it was genuinely so fucking well written and balanced so many kinds of Otherness beyond ellie figuring out shes gay. throughout watching the whole thing i was super anxious bc it didnt feel like there was going to be any happy and fulfilling ending where ellie and aster ended up together, and what did end up happening was much more open, and made sense.
all three characters had a path they were locked onto by external forces and were afraid to break out. aster “i should probably just marry trig right” and paul “i’d rather break my own heart than my moms” and ellie, ellie who wouldve stayed forever to help her dad bc he was all she had to cling to of her heritage in this super conservative town.
like theres so much to say and i am way too ineloquent to put it together rn but what im saying is ellie and aster being together at the end wouldve just been locking into another path and wouldnt have been satisfactory, because they needed to leave that town and have the freedom to figure themselves out. like theyre 17/18. theyre kids still. the “see you in a few years” line was good. they all had this rlly genuine and wonderful connection that should be celebrated but that doesnt mean forcing it to stay the same forever? they literally said that. ellies dad said “have you ever loved someone so much you never want them to change?” and then he was able to let his daughter go so she could grow into herself.
anyway. the kiss was good. my head is fucking spinning rn. the openness at the end, full of pain and delight, is what made it a great movie. as a white gay, speaking to other white gays, lets stay in our fucking lane alright.
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fleshblueberry · 3 years
AIGHT YOU ASKED FOR MY TMA OC THIS IS HIM his names jason he used to get bullied in school and hes always had anger issues because he got punched around by everyone. He started out working as a researcher in the magnus institute because he needed money but then he stumbled across the archives and gertrude did that thing she did where she sacrifices someone in cold blood to stop a ritual. She took him with her to go stop the slaughter ritual n he got shot by a ghost bullet (melanie style lol. Im not original and i just take things that happened in tma and make my oc go through it) and then he became an avatar of the slaughter (because of the anger issues he was very vulnerable to the slaughters influence)
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N also hes trans and gay because hes normal
(Heres human vs avatar jason <3 but the tma fear avatar picrew didnt have an eyepatch option lol. He got really hurt trying to stop the slaughter ritual with gertrude)
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Also if you cant tell yes im yeeting all my anger issues into one (1) oc instead of coping with it like a normal person. Also he has fangs because theyre hot . Still cant decide if he wears normal clothes, formal or goth soooo its kinda all over the place
alsi ye I understand that lmao
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nyaruhodou · 4 years
fairytopia for the series ask 🌻
im gonna do this as both fairytopia and mermaidia
favorite character: elina. shes gay
2nd favorite character: nori. shes bi
least fave: i would say bibble but actually i love him so. idk, laverna i guess
character im most like: dandelion
fave ship: elina and dandelion said lesbian rights
least fave: idk any other ships
favorite moment: when elina almost gives in to the temptation of laverna's promises but then snaps out of it and yeets the necklace, also in mermaidia the carousel of confusion scene
rating out of 10: 7 theyre not my favorite of the barbie movies but theyre pretty good
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Gaya Sa Pelikula” with Me!
Episode 2
so we are back real quick
i have water, laptop’s plugged in, brian is empty
as the man outside the tiger inside mark lee would say, lezgeddit!
a check
by ate?
i genuinely hate the british accent shes tryign to put on
im an ally AND a socialist :)
jadlfjasadkjfa REMEMBER NO H
alsdkfjadlkf my brother *handshake emoij* vlad
“ate not my hair”
i want to write the entire cast and production team a thank you for this show bc its so beautifully shot
unpacking isnt part of the deal
oh semantics woooowwwww
aldkfjalsdkfja;lsdkj the cut im sicccck
ok haruhi we get it
god i want rice
like i understand the point of that whole thing was to show how new he is to living alone
but like all he had to do was turn off the heat
oh sweetie
tito sants is great
ald;fkad;ksljf he’ll have them cursed im sickened
awww tito is so nice
oh dear
is he gonna invite vlad back up?
be a good person
do it coward
ad;jflsk hes socute with his pouting
w o w
dick move bud
dick. move.
is like no one else on that side of the buildign?
is this for realisies or just his guilty consciience?
yeah ok consienceOH MY GOD ATE
happy hallowe’en i guess
aldfkjal;ksdjfasd thats so fucking
cajfa;lskd can he im
i keep wanting to call karl “louis” and idk why
he just gives me louis vibes i guess
bitch did he even wash his hands?
what makes snese
i guess thats as closwe as we’re getting to
bro youre like...
have you not been eating?  youre like scarfing that down babe
aldfjajdf b
the hand thing im so sick
i love vladimir so much oh my god
adlkfjalskdsj who doesnt have a gay uncle
that wasnt the question babe
~its the internalized home of phobia~
bruv you were just scarfinTHERE IS STILL RICE ON THE PLATE TF
idk what theyre eating but i really really want tortang talong now
akldjf;alkjdf;alkjsfd im sickkkk
that is an armpit
the whole thing im
on the couch
tbh i wouldaldkfja;ldksjf *mocking tone* so-fa
is this another dream
alfja;klsdjf bitch me too the fuck
ok i know this is from a movie bc i saw the gifset for it
i am
and he is YEETED INTO THE LAND OF THE LIVING (wakefulness)
(gising gising a;kdfjald;kj)
oh i love the generic posters above the bed
his ex.
sldfkjaldf h
hes a film student
my god
oh my god
thats so dramatic for no reason
theyre house buddies now
oh hes moved away from the kitchen table in the end credits scene
i want to watch or read interviews about this i need to rmember to look them up
wait hey arent those guys the ones from like 2gether or something?  i know i recognize the names
oh that closing quote i :’(
anyways that’s it for this episode!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <333
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