#theyre probably gonna accidentally end up killing someone
echoesofadream · 11 months
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
I’m dreading the third game of Spiderman might kill off Harry :/ either he’s goblin (solo or probably along with daddy-o) and dies a la Hero Sacrifice. Or kept comatose and in the end with grim results the decision is to pull the plug on him. idk I feel Harry’s fate is doom and gloom. But they could have killed Harry at the end of this sequel giving a strong motivation for Norman to be the Goblin and hatred for Spider-Man…yet they didn’t. idk rambling thoughts. What do you think?
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Personally i can see both options. I saw someone in the tags of my last headcanon post say that it wouldnt make sense to save him from death in this game only to kill him in the next. On some level i get that, why wait when you could do it now?
I have two worst case scenarios in my head:
Harry wakes up from his coma w amnesia a la the third Tobey Maguire movie. Hes unaware of Pete being Spider-Man and Peter, thinking hes protecting Harry, wont tell him. This may cause a rift in their friendship when Harry finds out - or if Norman ends up going goblin and dies - Spider-Man is to blame in Harrys eyes and he'll go after him then. To me this is a tired trope of Harry getting an intense hatred for Spidey and wanting to kill him over his father. It always felt out of character for me and i truly TRULY hope they dont go this route.
Harry becomes the Kobold. In the comics, Kobold is essentially Harrys way of making the Green Goblin a good guy. If he still wants to fight by Peters side, he'll find a way to do it. Kobold would make a lot of sense to me personally, as it kind of continues their dynamic from this game. Then at the end theres a heros sacrifice to be made and Harry goes for it despite Peters protests. This would be lazy to me too though because he essential already did the heros sacrifice in this game. Seems like theyd just want us to have more time with him to love him even more, just to make losing him hurt worse. I wouldn't put it past an intrepid writer to think they could make it work, but it just seems lazy to me.
Actual best case scenario for me though? Harry wakes up as the g-serum is being injected. Hes against being his dads experiment all over again so he runs and finds Peter. Hes not aware of his pseudo-retirement, he just goes straight to the place thats always been his safe haven; Peters home. He asks Peter to hide him from his dad. Tries to explain everything but hes exhausted and frantic. Peter agrees and they take him into hiding.
Norman, ever the expert deflector, doesnt see this as a failing on his part. Hes convinced spider-man had something to do with his son escaping so he puts out a hit on him. Hes ready, willing, and able to capture and kill at least one of the two spider-men it doesnt matter. We see him pardon Wilson Fisk for this job, and when Fisk cant do it, he has to. Normans going to go Goblin. I know it, i can feel it in my bones.
Miles asks Peter to get back in action and he does. Fisk, plus potentially Otto again, plus this brand new villain in town is too much for any one person to handle. Heres where i see Harry becoming a "Guy In The Chair" for Peter like Ganke is for Miles. Two Guys in the Chair helping the spider-men is definitely better than one. I could also see Harrys goblin powers start to emerge but he keeps pushing them down. Last time he gave into power it didnt end well for anyone.
In an effort to not write out the entire plot of the game as i see fit (because itd be long and there are so many moving pieces and characters and IDEK WHERE THEYRE GONNA PUT SILK IN-), i think if Harry does take on the cowl he'll be doing so against his father. I think i see Harry becoming Goblin/Kobold to fight against Norman and ultimately try to help Peter/Miles. This is where i see Harry either accidentally killing Norman or Norman killing his son (and of course, blaming Spider-Man)
There is also room, in my mind, to bring back Venom a la Lethal Protector/Agent Venom. But tbh if they do, i would much rather Venom go to Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. But thats just the separate Venom Fangirl Entity within me.
Ultimately my hope of course is that Harry not die and they dont go down that all too tired and hackneyed trope of Harry growing to hate Peter dor whatever reason. I truly TRULY hope they dont go that route it is just SO tired and lazy. I want them to stay close and loving. Whatever route they go with will be SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL if Harry Osborn lives and doesnt make a full 180 on his best friend for no good reason.
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
See the thing is with streaming its going to die regardless, yes companies handing out less contracts is killing it further but its already dying at a fast rate? I'm not a stream hater either btw I really enjoy them but like. For example. 2020, 2021? When school was remote and I only ever worked mornings because of covid hours? I was clocked into that Philza 8hr stream DAILY. I was scheduling my classes around those streams so I could do homework while listening/watching. Went as far as to use my monthly speaking privilge to ask Phil what date British Daylight Savings began so I could keep my schedule clear. The second everything was no longer remote, and store hours went back to normal, I maybe caught 2, 3, maybe 4 streams in that year before I decided enough was enough about QSMP and I LOVE hardcore content.
From a company standpoint I can see why YT may not be interested in handing out streamer contracts anymore. Like Dreamie and a few others they're recognizing the Covid Number Boom is over- but unlike Dreamie, because theyre a corporation, they can't just "stick it out" and "recelebrate milestones". They have a "bottom line" to protect and they're not getting that same sweet sweet ad revenue from streams because of decreased viewer counts. Esp bc people don't just go back and watch vods unless there's a REAAAALLY good reason to. So no ad viewership there either. They're going to go back to relying on videos (and unfortunately probably shorts as well, I hate the tiktok-ification of every socmed site) to keep their ad revenue up, especially with the battle of ad blockers. I see more ad and monitization deals being handed out.
With streams (bc vod watching is lowkey practically nonexistant) not being in high demand bc of time constraints (happening while busy, timezones issues) the demands for videos will be higher as videos are ALWAYS readily available. Someone uploads at midnight your timezone? I mean it'll be there when you wake up, you won't have "missed" anything like you would have a livestream. Get a video schedule set out and you're GOLDEN- the first thing I do when I get home from work is check if a handful of youtubers have uploaded to put on to watch. If not, I rewatch some of my fav vids.
Also psychologically I actually think this is for the better of all CCs as a whole. Streaming, esp for some of the hourly requirements some of these ppl either HAVE to hit to get paid or WILLINGLY put themselves through (Tubbo) you have to wear your persona the ENTIRE time. You have to make sure you don't slip up that ENTIRE time. You have to be entertaining the ENTIRE time. You have to filter yourself because it's all live. To me this just sounds like what I do on a daily basis masking my audHD and that shit is so tiring and it's why I could NEVER be a streamer. If you're recording videos you can control what goes out. You don't have to wear whatever persona you decide to put on for 8hrs for a stream, you can record 3 hours of footage and then be done for the day, and that can either be one video or multiple depending on a lot of factors. Accidentally say your mom's name? Cut the clip. Bit isn't funny? Cut the clip. They will still have to actively filter themselves yes but for a much less amount of time. In the end CCs will have a lot more mind power that they're not using up to take care of themselves. I genuinely think it's psychologically better for them all.
It's unfortunate that the streaming industry is going to collapse this way. But also seeing how the communities heavily affected by streaming are more drama filled than communities w/o streaming, I'm lowkey hoping it's for the best. Pulling the plug like this imo is a mercy kill.
And now I'm gonna wash my mouth out for all that corporate speak I just used. Sorry for the manifesto. And if someone wants to put this manifesto on reddit idc just crop/block any usernames IG
I appreciate the essay-andy-ing these are interesting thoughts! I don't think the streaming scene will collapse entirely but I do think that it will become more advantageous to be a youtuber because people have found that to be the most consistent for many years as a CC rather than streams which require a lot of additional things (like you mentioned)
And I feel like we are seeing quite a few people say they're going to prioritize youtube more in the future which seems to be the beginning of that transition
I am curious if twitch will ever try to keep certain big-viewer streamers on the platform with 'kick-style' ($$$$) contracts.
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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axellis · 5 months
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otayyy so b4 i start making a whole bunch of peppermint fudge posts you guys probably have to see him so here he is guy for both d.ark c.acao and s.hadowmilk ........somehow . i make it work.
under the cut i got some more specifics ++ doodles im gonna post this and then go to bed i dont really care if ppl see you just gotta endure when you start seeing the lore posts
ok so peppermint fudge is a knight in the d.ark cacao kingdom and has been for like ever . he && cacao have like some kind of homoerotic thing going on but neither of them wanted to ever broach that line because they thought the other wasnt interested . and then peppermint fudge meets blueberry lemon popsicle (aka deidei <3) and they get married which basically in their eyes squanders any kind of relationship .
blueberry lemon popsicle is a court diplomat of sorts and as such was around a.ffogato a lot to the point that she accidentally uncovered his whole plot to usurp the throne -- he has to haphazardly kill her (via poison) so she doesnt tell cacao .
but bc it was so haphazard peppermint fudge is able to connect the dots && figure out the plot as well, and interrupts a whole meeting accusing a.ffogato for killing his wife . a.ffogato is able to spin it as the ravings of a man whos gone mad + going to harm the king and is able to convince cacao to banish him . devastated, peppermint fudge declares that hes going to beast-yeast to prove his loyalty. this is all b4 the events of crk .
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the whole time during their time apart theyre thinking of eachother awww
secondly during his time in b.east yeast over the years eventually it picks up the attention of s.hadowmilk who at first starts talking to him to mess with him but gets endeared . peppermint fudge definitely think hes actually going mad now but at least he can talk to someone .
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theyve been talkign to eachother for ever with s.hadowmilk trying to urge peppermint fudge to go to the tree (so the beasts can awaken but maybe also to see this guy he keeps talking to!?)
hes found in b.east-yeast by g.ingerbrave & co and joins along (to get to the tree) . but at the end of the day hes still a knight and he holds his virtues incredibly high so when s.hadowmilk is pulling his evil shenanigans peppermint fudge is resistant to assist
by the end of the story he still has feelings for s.hadowmilk and ends up somehow (by request or by force idk) getting stuck in the tree w/ him . in his heart he thinks that there has to be a way to get s.hadowmilk to be good . but also part of him is happy that hes actually with someone he loves instead of parting w/ them for another time . and s.hadowmilk is kind of the same (he thinks he could get peppermint fudge to turn to the dark side ++ hes happy to be with him physically)
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so current status theyre in a tree and if they break out (which i think will happen) who knows whats gonna happen next . will peppermint fudge go evil !?!?!?!?
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lights-at-night · 1 year
k so in light of the new ofmd trailer (:DDDD !!! <333) i must yeet my thoughts here
so at some point, stedes gonna be in china. idk how he would end up there, but its before his reunion with ed, which is probably where we pick up that new susan character
ed is absolutely not dealing with the breakup well. hes shown crying (again), states he had a bad night, and the whole “no more booze, no more drugs and no more stede” part implies he absolutely got high and blackout drunk. when did he do this tho? it could have been the night directly after the breakup, which is possible, but what i think is he did thing at 0:26 and went full blackbeard for a day, then had a super-mental-breakdown at night after he did a bunch of piracy. cmon he had it coming dude got abandoned by the first person to value him as he was and after coping well was promptly told by his like oldest friend to act like the media version of himself again and then killed a guy+ and probably more. 
where did the pearls ed is wearing come from? i think hes wearing them at the scene where they raid a wedding and also above picture, idk. he wasnt wearing them in the last appearance in s1 right? i wish for a timeline when did he get those 
anne bonny!! she and someone are here. (lesbians?)maybe stede and ed are reconnecting with the wider pirate community and they accidentally reunite. but thats unlikely considering the “ED!” *slap* part, but that could also be afterwards. Aaaaaaaaaa
why are people fighting at spanish jackies bar 
and someone is yote into the water. i have a feeling its ed bc of the silhouette, but im not sure. It would be fun if lucius like revenge-pushed him in tho 
what with all the british fancy army dudes and “to is the end of piracy” or something, and now “we have one shot to get out of here”, i think they got captured by the english. blackbeard escaped and broke the act of grace contract, which aint a good look for them. so itd make sense if they were to go after the revenge. now they get captured, as its implied in that part that the crew are breaking out of somewhere.
see they are fighting at 1:29
 ALSO KEY THING in 1718 
i think the endy bit of ofmd might follow what seems to have happened historically! which…might not be the best thing. 
because the historical stede bonnet dies dec 10, 1718. 
i hope that doesnt happen. 
at 1:12: doesnt the guy in white look like the guy ed (tries to?) shoot in the teaser?? something gives me hornigold vibes i think i saw a post about it idk
the only thing my brain came up with for why theyre all wearing garlic and doing the cross at 1:17 was vampires. 
a party definitely happens at some point, love it 
also pretty minor thing but someone does drag in there and i would like to proudly state that i called it a week ago (@queers-of-marybelltownship and @photogenic-strawberry can confirm this) 
someone is swinging between two ships. is this a new way to board ships? man i dont know well just have to see
izzy dealing with the english again is probably going to happen but with the whole “you dont know the first thing about piracy its not about glory its about belonging to something” line i doubt it will be with malicious intentions towards our intrepid protagonists again
i think - i hope - blackbeard dressing in plainer clothing at the end of the trailer as opposed to allllll the black leather is a sign that he and stede have made up and are chill. 
in this season there will be lesbians/sapphics
and may we just admire jims new look 
thats it thank you for reading all 6 hundred and something words of this byeeeeeee
(hope that made sense bc when i copy pasted this from docs all the pictures got removed :’))
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kk0hii · 4 months
What shenanigans do you believe would have happened if Kei Rei went to Hiiragi's school instead?
One thing i know is that they would somehow become a group of 4 ( yokoe, kei, hiiragi,utsugi)
I feel like yokoe and kei one time were too loud to the point it disturbed hiiragi thinkin and she got pissed off and mad and yokoe+kei were scared and stuff
I feel like after hiiragi and utsugi sort of friends(?) utsugi is probably friends with yokoe and kei (especially yokoe cus they got the same energy) and utsugi drag yokoe and kei to hiiragi and its probably gonna be chaotic
Also yokoe gonna get scolded alot by sasaki cus i know she probably wont even wear the tie (cus she doesnt know how to tie it) and then she let it out out of her pocket skirt and its gonna be that scene again and kei and sasaki is disgusted by it lmfao
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But then again utsugi transfer later on so maybe when she hasnt transferred yet i feel like hiiragi might get some kind of badluck from yokoe and kei
Like maybe yokoe and kei being too loud or accidentally do something that distrub hiiragi
Like playing the throwing off the shoes and it end up hit hiiragi and hiiragi was so mad and scary looking and yokoe and kei saw it and got scared and before hiiragi was bout to look up yokoe and hiiragi bow down
So hiragii doesnt know who did it but the shoes as kei name in it and then she realized (if theyr the same class) its someone from the same class
So hiiragi idk i feel like she either kept it until the person came (cus hiiragi is mad asf) or gave it to the homeroom teacher (she'll probably keep it cus she wanna know who did it (and shes mad asf)
So yokoe and kei are trying to think how the hell are they gonna get kei's shoes back (this is getting rlly funny)
And idk maybe at p.e class or when hiiragi was gone yokoe amd kei tries to sneak and try to find kei's shoes around hiiragi desk
They look around and look inside her backpack too
And they havent found it and then hiiragi is already there at the door (shes mad asf) and yokoe and kei are scared and intimidate asf
They even thinkin telepathy with eyes saying
Yokoe: kei chan erm if this is how we die atleast we die together!
Kei: dont say that this is all ur fault if only u didnt told me to play that game
And they both scream internally together holding each other trembling scared stuff like that
And then hiiragi is already close enough to them and give kei's shoes back and say somethin like "here you go."
And they were confused cus they thought hiiragi is gon kill them
And then hiiragi was aboyt to go to her desk and threaten them sayin " Dont you ever do that ever again" "Got it???"
And yokoe and kei nod anxiously together
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season 2 episode 5 reactions as i watch
huge spoilers obviously
(this is mostly for myself to have somewhere to scream as i go, its LONG AF youve been warned)
(straight up cant watch the rest of the episode because i paused it and cant bring myself to unpause lmaooo. from ends here for me i guess)
ok its over thank god
JADE STOP DRINKING SOMEONE HELP THIS MAN. hes even sleeping with the fucking journal like please he needs 20 interventions
also dammit he actually moved to the bar i accidentally manifested it LMAO
can the show please stop torturing this man with the hallucinations please and thank you
boyd defending sara... knowing what happened to his wife and what she did... oh man. this hurts. knowing tabitha also lost a child before turns the intensity of all this to eleven millions
LMAO ok someone calling tabitha out for her basement hole and its consequences at long last. i love tabitha but like it has to be acknowledged
"That part i cant help you with" dang Good Line
honestly cant even imagine how sara is feeling i dont know what id be doing in her situation like just watching it stresses me so much.
ETHAN BABY :'(((( im sobbing
KRISTI IS SO PRETTY oh my god i am so bisexual right now. she cant just do this. the shirtttt. i think im seeing the sweetest and most beautiful woman in the world
dhsjfhsh marielle doing the same thing with the shirt that i had the reader do in my fic i cant even
"For a long time it smelled like you. Now it just smells" i laughed so hard
"Youre still you" 🥺
oh its her house ok god i thought she'd gone to the matthews'
cant belive an extra got one of the few houses this is so funny to me for no reason
this scene gosh. ouch. ouch. im taking 2 damage per second watching this episode
JADE. the bottles. jade my beloved this is point of no return level stuff. mrs Liu please come get him home
"You dont look good" im losing it
thank you victor
victor 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love him. the sweetest
"WAIT" i fucking cant i love this man
"This took me all fucking night" jade never stop being the funniest mf on the planet please
jim calling tabitha tabby is so sweet it got me
"Faith. In you" oh boy. Oh man. Oh boy oh man. This scene. How is this show hitting every singe fucking note.
donna brought up abby omgomg
(arghhhh this is so hard)
"only monsters live in the woods" ethan i love everything you say. go my boy
(sara voice) okay
"The trees theyre changing" i love how victor is 100% harmless but could NOT be any more ominous lmaooo
"When i was alone i moved the cars because i didnt want to see them. Theres a lot more behind the rocks but those were already here" GODDAMMIT
no but victor is literally the sweetest man on earth. you were rightfully angry victor !! jade now you apologise.
"okay" ill kill him
victor sitting on the car 🥺🥺🥺🥺 im going to cry
what a scene. my god.
"Do you live here in town" ELGIN i love you
poor julie if she knew her crush is out there flirting with the local murderer
"I like what i like and i like owls" based. thats me writing 300 jade posts per day
oh boy this scene (me about every scene)
"Did you do something that needs forgiving?" elgin my sweet boy
jim rightly proud of his badass kid
"you put hate inside me" :'(
is she gonna give her her stuff damn shes too nice
a part of me is feeling like shes gonna smash it tho lmao
i am starting to assume that everyone forgot about tobey so jade is never even gonna know that it was sara lmao
oh my god kenny
im hurt seeing him so hurt
oh elgin
elgin youre too sweet
everyones gonna hate you elgin 😭😭😭 i am suffering for you
now please do jade
i love her so much
"People liked him, then he changed" dont do this to me
"I am at the end of my rope" oh god
holy fucking shit im going to die of heart attack
this doesnt have captions i dont know what the creepy ghost children are saying
i knew jim would not vote box lets goo
Randall ????
OKAY that tabitha and marielle scene from last episode was bothering me so much i cant believe i didnt think of this
what an episode my god
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flora-bigs · 11 months
DAMN this is truly forbidden...
MOTHER FUCKER. i might literally just have to post it as a tumbly post. under the readmore i guess
flower: been having small daydreams abt heathers slash fic queen robyn: heather? flower: heathers flower: the hit 1989 movie starring winona ryder and christian slater queen robyn: never heard of it flower: mean girls if mean girls was good + included murder queen robyn: oh fuck
flower: i wanna watch it as a family before we do the monsterhearts thing flower: it's a REALLY dark comedy queen robyn: pffffft ok but "watch it as a family" is legit queen robyn: the CUTEST thing you ever said flower: not as cute as my unwritten heathers slash fic flower: where heather chandler doesn't die but instead has a gay crisis involving veronica queen robyn: kill her with love flower: and heather macnamara and heather duke hook up on the side queen robyn: and maybe some casual feeding queen robyn: theres multiple heathers? queen robyn: well, i guess its in the name
flower: yeah they're all named heather flower: heather chandler, heather duke, heather macnamara and veronica sawyer flower: veronica gets to hang out with them mostly because she's really good at forging handwriting queen robyn: and theyre popular girls so im sure theyre all brats flower: of course they are flower: Veronica's not but she hangs out with them and like flower: is complacent in brattiness
flower: ive never seen jawbreaker but it has the same plot as heathers im p sure (accidental murder) but there's a line in it where the popular girls are gonna find someone, tie her to the flagpole and 'stuff her pretty face with pancakes' flower: so what if the heathers @ veronica queen robyn: SWEATS
flower: at some point veronica wrongs the heathers somehow bc she's not cool enough flower: and they threaten to undo her on monday queen robyn: omg…theyre ALL feeders flower: so over the weekend she makes a big deal of it and has sex w/ a school shooter and heather c dies because of it but what if she just waited until Monday and got tied up and fed to bursting and then one of the heathers (im not picky) had a weird gay crisis looking at her all stripped down and stuffed up queen robyn: she should have sex with the gay heather instead while shes tied and stuffed ideally flower: a) all heathers are gay b) tru
flower: MORE fuel for the fire: flower: in the musical (ambiguous in the movie) veronica is rly good friends w/ a girl named martha and martha is FAT queen robyn: omg….. flower: and unpopular because of it flower: and flower: in the heathers' big song there's a line flower: "keep on testing me, and end up like her"
flower: veronica and martha's friendship surviving is the happy ending and thats rly good queen robyn: awwww i like that flower: but like queen robyn: we can go gayer flower: i love the heathers flower: and at least one of the heathers is really into veronica and has no idea how to act about it
queen robyn: veronica let tied up in the gym at night, probably blindfolded, and gayest heather swings in without saying anything, just so she can kiss and stuff veronica more flower: omg flower: im gonna go with yes flower: MAN queen robyn: :33 you liked that huh? flower: i like my high school gays fucked up lowkey flower: brats -> bad rude arrogant teens queen robyn: define fucked up in this instance flower: like leaving your weird animosity-crush tied up in the gym overnight flower: cruel ? idk queen robyn: nice queen robyn: pretty cruel
flower: i love weird fucked up complicated lesbians flower: jealousy-power-crush flower: when you said swing i pictured literally like spiderman queen robyn: omfg queen robyn: i mean, if you want fucked up teens flower: heather duke the cheerleader just like trapiseing in to where veronica is tied up queen robyn: probably snapping pics too honestly flower: she's taunting and bragging about how everyone in the school is gonna see her like this flower: but she keeps them queen robyn: ok, so i havent seen the movie but what if all the heathers have real similar voices, so veronica cant tell which heather is tormenting her the most queen robyn: and this heather does more than tie her up like flower: biting flower: WEIRD head game shit queen robyn: maybe she positions veronica so shes like, almost face down and forced to eat a cake or fucking biting that shits fun af too flower: face down in a cake, bite ass queen robyn: fucking squeeze her boobs, call her a fat pig flower: veronica: squirm flower: heather: SQUIRM queen robyn: spanking even queen robyn: or hair pulling flower: tbh i bet the school has like flower: a paddle flower: for special cases queen robyn: …im gonna call you out on that part later queen robyn: but lets say theres a paddle flower: WHAT queen robyn: but heathers already bit the ass flower: it was the 80s they still did that queen robyn: oh, true
flower: bite ass, leave bruise queen robyn: bruises for sure queen robyn: maybe bruises from grabbing those thighs real hard too~ flower: those thighs w/ a little softness on them but nothing compared to what heather has in mind for her
flower: one heather dumps her another adopts her queen robyn: omg until they get to the queen who likes them huge flower: gay high school mental torture queen robyn: fucking love mental torture ngl flower: veronica messed up the power dynamic among the heathers and now theyre trying to rebalance and taking it out on veronica's figure queen robyn: omg yesssss! flower: but veronica is getting laid like EVERY NIGHT so shes not struggling a ton flower: like some for sure flower: its fucked up but flower: maybe she likes the attention queen robyn: omg yes. maybe people find out how much shes sleeping around (but never with WHO) so she gets this reputation for being a slut but really shes with these three heathers flower: i mean theyre all doing all these horribly humiliating things to her people are bound to find SOMETHING out queen robyn: i think finding her in the gym, tied up, covered in cake with her panties down her still tied legs would say enough flower: dont forget her grossly bloated belly queen robyn: the school probably TRIED to do something but veronica is like "no i have uh…a boyfriend. were kinky." and deflects any kind of charges queen robyn: oh that too! even though its the following morning flower: who knows what time a heather came to visit her queen robyn: 4 am queen robyn: just when veronica fell asleep and thought she was safe-ish flower: yeah like flower: ok im tied up in my underwear in the gym flower: this is pretty bad flower: i'll be found in the morning tho flower: hopefully not by a student queen robyn: better try to sleep to at least get some rest queen robyn: but nope flower: before dawn, someone creeps in flower: and all veronica can guess is 'heather?' before she gets her mouth stuffed fulla cake queen robyn: omg yes flower: the heather in question is bound to be talking nonstop just stream of consciousness flower: going between 'you fat pig' and 'you deserve this' to 'why am i doing this' and 'what is it about you' and 'this is your fault probably' queen robyn: ….omfg i fucking love it??? flower: weird insecure heather trying to justify the fact that shes just gay + mean queen robyn: with like, rough making out. very forceful, very toothy flower: biting in weird and painful spots flower: like flower: right where the butt meets the thigh queen robyn: omg yes queen robyn: or around the boobs queen robyn: not even on the boob like flower: sideboob bite queen robyn: veronicas given in, she wants some nippleplay at LEAST queen robyn: and heathers biting the underside of the boob
flower: veronica's diary mostly looks like "?????!!!!!!!??!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!??!!!?!" for a couple pages flower: so does heathers queen robyn: maybe thats why veronica keeps hanging out with the heathers like queen robyn: she doesnt know which one it is, so shes hanging out with all of them and get back with the mystery heather flower: and all the heathers lowkey can't get enough of her flower: heather duke has terrible gay urges but she cant make it REALLY bad for veronica because the other two heathers will come to veronica's defense queen robyn: her defense or to the defense to their claims on her? like they all want the right to say that veronica is THEIR bitch flower: what if veronica (she's savvy) starts picking up on some of this weird dynamic flower: and starts kinda stirring shit up passively flower: like queen robyn: like playing favorites whenever she helps them cheat flower: what if she wears like flower: a collar to school one day flower: and heather chandler just can't make eye contact w/ her queen robyn: I DIDNT WANT TO GO THERE BUT YOURE MAKING ME GO THERE HUH??? flower: hee hee flower: ok heather c is a hard domme you wanna hear her song flower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQOoTX1Nxx8 its a rly good song + its sung at veronica + i think the dance includes lots of hip thrusting
queen robyn: she sounds like the type to use her daddys (or even worse, her bf's) money on a dominatrix outfit just for veronica, who of course, cant see queen robyn: what if the candy store is also partly literal and they stuff veronica with so much candy flower: ice cream and chocolate syrup and cake and gummies until she can barely stand, even though shes tied to the flagpole queen robyn: theres a sign that says "FAT PIG" around her neck flower: previously-flat stomach swollen and tight and bulging against the ropes flower: maybe they just write it on her chest w/ lipstick flower: and they leave her there to get found basically but one heather sneaks back and gives her a rough kiss and then runs away w/o a word flower: and then shes just left tied to the flagpole on a saturday morning, cold, nauseous, bloated and kinda turned on queen robyn: stuff her all weekend long
flower: if you make heather c have gay thoughts she'll tie you up somewhere public and force-feed you carbs until you're about to puke/burst flower: but then she gets more gay thoughts flower: so who is the real loser here queen robyn: you are for wanting it even more
flower: hair pulling, force feeding, bondage, humiliation, flower: veronica that's a free gf
flower: honestly by punishing veronica like that heather's just exposing her weakness queen robyn: willing victims of fucked up sexy shenanigans? flower: which can only prompt veronica to dress gayer flower: and Veronica's not admitting she's into it (she is) shes trying to pull a power play by continuously turning heather on in front of her clique flower: not so bulletproof queen robyn: what if it blows up in veronicas face though and her gay dressing turns on ALL the heathers? flower: of course it does flower: in different ways flower: u KNOW that heather wants heather to step on her flower: so if Veronica's showing up in ripped jeans and belly shirts and collars all the heathers are gonna start getting ideas flower: heather c is too rattled to be the full icy bitch she usually is, heather d is jealous/attracted and heather m is trying not to accidentally call veronica 'mommy' flower: and that's how you power bottom queen robyn: …omfg flower: every time a heather loses control and does something fucked up to her she becomes more powerful flower: it's way worse if she can get a heather alone in public flower: cause then there's no heathers to back them up/reinforce the cruelty flower: Veronica's rep is already ruined she's ready to go full gay flower: and ruin the heathers with her
queen robyn: flower im too weak… queen robyn: this is too good flower: Ripped Clothes queen robyn: too weak D: flower: futch sawyer really gaying it up around the heathers and making them all quietly lose it
flower: veronica in a letterman jacket and a rly tight blouse underneath flower: pushing the heathers insecure, gay little buttons even tho when one of them snaps it's another ambush and force-feeding for her to look forward to queen robyn: its like a reward for unleashing their gay flower: the more she teases them, slowly, the softer and curvier she gets flower: and idk if you've ever seen a curvy girl who dresses boyishly but it's extremely hot flower: even though it's heather holding the stack of pancakes and shoveling them into Veronica's mouth and making her eat three days worth of calories in under an hour, flower: it's veronica who's really in control
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tendous-socks · 3 years
tw: ⚠️⚠️kisaki⚠️⚠️ and manga spoilers, mentions of death, transphobia,
would misgender and dead-name me
must i need an explanation?😐
2. shion
“ what’re you gonna do about it?? HUH?? WHAT’RE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT ???”
actively looks for a fight
… if y’all are in a relationship he’d still call you his “girl” but beats people up for doing so….
3. mucho
i get the vibes that he’s traditional
would silently stare in judgment
4. mochi
he just doesn’t care clslfkxkslk
thinks it’s weird
“ nor/mal”
7. rindou..
“you either have a pen or a vag. “
*continues dead naming me*
he would be nicer about it when he’s in toman due to inui… but once they’re separated- an ABSOLUTE MEANCE
… reluctantly apart of the protection squad with inui ( enjoys beating people up tho)
10. bontent mikey
… he’s just so tired and doesn’t really care ) that is if you’re not close with him… but then again how close can you really get?)
11. ) PAH CHIN
but if y’all ain’t close he would slowly get the hint… this is canon.
because i said so-
11. sanzu…
he’s quietly judging you
12. akashi
traditional- plus it was a different era for him growing up so…
(would glare at someone if he really did see you getting emotionally distressed)
13. smiley
“ that’s one of the most stupidest shit ive ever fucking heard 😁”
“ you either have tits or a dick “
but would beat people up if you get SUPER upset ( call it his protect instincts with angry, but would send people to the hospital)
14. taiju
“ i wanna church girl who goes to church and reads her bible “
would spit at me
head canon : during tenjiku you were there and had to adjust your transtape cause it was coming lose 🙄
which is literally the most annoying thing in the world-
and shion saw you.
he came up and was like “ HUH WHAT’VE WE GOT HERE?? A GIRL PRETENDING TO BE A G-“
couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast peh chin clocked his ass 🤭
( peh yan supremacy)
2. my main man takemichy
no explanation needed ( maybe deadnamed you only once cause he didn’t know)
3. inui cause i said so
i KNOW mama baji raised him right ✋🙄
almost clocked chifuyu when you told him about your first encounter kcksldofospdoco
almost clocked your mom when she said “you got it girlfriend”
she was confused when she saw you desperately trying to prevent the next criminal minds episode
best listener for body dystrophia fight me 🙉❤️
6. senju
*comes out*
“..oh okay! anyways as i was saying [preferred name] “
would need some gentle reminders only once or twice cause i will say it does take a bit of time for people to get used to it and there are always a few slip ups
tells akashi about your pronouns ( ONLY WITH YOUR CONSENT OFC)
( promises to try and be more girly if he calls you by them and your preferred name)
she wants you to go into more details about what you’re feeling cause she’s genuinely very interested about everything and she wants to know more about you.
7. emma 😻 vv supportive 🙌🙌
*sicks mikey and draken out on anyone who hurts your feelings
“you know [blah blah blah] from history?”
“of course yeah “
“yeah he ended up calling me slur during class- what’re you doing?”
*emma pulling out her phone
“hm? oh nothing don’t worry about it”
gave more insight about it to draken and mikey
the one of correct takemichy
9. yuzuha
hina but 10x worse
trips transphobes for shit and giggles 🤪🤞
i like to think that the girls (all 4) would just all stare down a girl who was shit talking you and just pick her apart mercilessly ( a little ooc but this is my head canons so they can be whatever i say they are)
ones idk about
1. mikey
he knows that you can handle yourself so he lets you correct people.
sometimes he’ll jump in and correct them instead for one of two reasons.
1. he felt like it
2. they kept calling you your dead name and misgendering you EVEN THOUGH you already corrected them
but if the person ACTIVELY does that and says some… not so fruity things. he’ll send em to the hospital and end up on life support 😌☝️
like dom tertto, he cares about his family. and toman is his family, and you’re in toman ( not THAT kind of y/n way 🙄 )
“ BE WHO YOU AREE🌈🌈🌈🌈🤪🤞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈”
1. draken
… listen… idk why, but i just don’t SEE him beating people up for misgendering me… well okay i kinda see it,
but he’d be like, “ i don’t understand what you’re going through, but i support you and if you want to talk about it i’m here”
wants to try and understand so like i said before, he lets you rant about what you’re feeling
would let you handle your own battles cause your strong enough to
a true king 😎🙌
does in fact throw punches when it gets REALLY BAD
2. angry
… idk h o w empathic he is and how mad he’d have to be on your behalf when people actively kept misgendering you to become the blue ogre.
but he’d just start crying at the confrontation.. 😐
my hero ig 🤥
3. izana
“ that’s fucking stupid”
*beats up middle aged woman who said for you to “ have a good day ma’am”
but if y’all close he’ll only say it’s stupid once when he sees you genuinely upset and ignoring him
“ be who you are.. 🌈”
4. kaku
same boat as izana, A LOT less judgmental
5. mitsuya
won’t hesitate to send a bitch flying
actively corrects people
( teaches luna and mana about your pronouns for the next time you come over 🕺🏻)
6. haitani brothers
*actively bullies you
*bullies kid into the grave for looking at your chest area
7. …hakkai
he accidentally slipped up once🤒
( has nightmares about it)
8. chifuyu would only do it in his mohawk era cause he wanted to seem metal and impress da boys 🥶🥶☝️☝️
pulled you aside at the end of the day to apologize
( like i said before, baji almost clocked him when you told him about your first encounter )
who am i kidding they’re all in gangs, they’d probably kill someone if they hurt you cospwpfoslief
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clownkillsyou · 3 years
PLEAAASE tlak abt specter more theyre something i LOVE on this blog that doesnt get enough love (including boring AU) hes just a guy... i want to kiss him on forehead...<3
OK I WILL DUMP A LITTLE BIT HERE.... no specific order or anything i am just typin whats coming into my head (also they would gladly accept a little kisskiss on da head i should doodle that sdhfjksdgfs)
its like. hard 2 tell cuz all grunts Look Like That but spectre in their grunt form is sort of more like the vague shape of a person? like in grunts eyes it would be like seeing a glowing figure whose features are difficult to comprehend and such
when they were living they didnt have much experience with fighting (honestly probably a little clueless in general), but they learned a lot just from trial and error with their new form
im still not sure in canon what determines if a grunt just goes to hell / the other place or becomes a ghost in canon, but in the spectre cases this was probably the result of some sort of experiment
speaking of, he has no memory of when he was alive Before this happened- he just knows his original body is gone and hes just Like This Now
also conveniently forgot their name too i totally am not using that as an advantage to not having to come up with one <3 ppl just refer to them as "the spectre" and it sticks for them they go "oh ok im spectre now i guess" (but they would probably be ok with any kinda nickname given to them)
as the spectre he feels "numb" and cant really feel anything, and forgets what things feel like, so when he gets a chance to actually touch things and stuff he gets kind of thrown off- especially with passive physical contact (his favorites texture is soft/fuzzy things whenever he gets to touch stuff again)
if the pain is ever too much when hes possessing a body hes just straight up like Yeah No Thanks and just gets out of there. let that guy deal with it
i like to think of this as a sort of "littlest hobo" situation just cuz of the spectres thing being possessing new bodies and getting caught up in madness/improbability A Lot- so theyre tossed from situation to situation quite often (they manage to get used to it and work against it but since you can never predict what the hells gonna happen in nevada...)
other than just accidentally wandering everywhere their main goal is to just find someone to help them and fix this, at least give them a permanent body
they dont really get the help theyre expecting, theyre hired to do a few missions for someone instead and in exchange they might get their best attempts at help (no <3)
despite all the shit they go through, theyre actually very chill and well-meaning outside of fighting and pretty polite. and very lost. and they probably have a few identity issues (they do sometimes snap / get annoyed / overwhelmed but they snap out of it pretty quick)
they just. really want to be on peoples good sides even if theyre clearly an enemy or just really want to kill them
OUT OF PLACE AND NOT TOO IMPORTANT BUT I JST REALIZED I NEVER BROUGHT IT UP.. they are demiboy + panromantic and use they/he pronouns +] (all of the body-hopping prompts them to explore their gender a bit more and they decide on the label as the spectre)
they usually dont have a body of their own, obviously they more often posses one and use it to their advantage in the current situation, but sometimes they do posses a body and stay in it for a little longer (and in a happy ending, they keep one but are still separate from it and can leave it whenever they want)
those bodies dont have a 'host' though- they arent dead, its difficult for them to posses a dead body, but in a hc of mine Very New clones are not really living when they are first created, so theyre basically just like a free body for them (though of course pre-happy-ending they dont stay for long anyways)
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sir-sunny · 3 years
Can you tell me more about your danganronpa oc?
yes yes!! oh my goodness im so happy u asked!!! im probably gonna ramble, i apologize in advance
so! i actually have a whole cast worth of dr ocs aksjhskdjd and this is the first one i came up with, so naturally they're my favorite
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im honestly really bad at naming my ocs,, i take forever to definitively pick a name. sooo they dont have a name (if any of u have ideas for a name, by all means lmk)
but here's what i can say about them! they are the ultimate comedian. but the thing about them is that they are extremely anxious and awkward aksjhsksksh. so they have the potential to be very funny, but theyre terrible under pressure and freeze like a deer in headlights. i think theyre kinda like shuichi in that they dont think they really deserve their title as an ultimate because they only actually displayed their talent like one time.
but the bottom line is that they really do love to make people laugh and be happy, but theyre just... very bad at it. when they let their gaurd down, then they really live up to the shsl comedian title, it just has to happen naturally ykno
(also, silly little character design, they are always sweating aksjhs)
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--((i talk about the killing game and murder below))
in my little personal story (aksbsgskh), they actually end up as one of the blackened in the killing game.
so, during the game, they end up becoming really good friends with another student (theyre a reserve course student), but long story short, they are both manipulated into being suspicious of one another. to the point where reserve course plots shsl comedian's murder.
this doesnt go according to plan. s.c. defends themself and they end up in a viscous fight. this results in s.c. accidentally killing r.c.
in the trial, they desperately try to pin the crime on someone else and theyre almost successful. but as time goes on, they feel more and more guily and eventually, s.c. breaks under the pressure. and they admit what they did while profusely apologizing
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as their execution nears, they regret causing such pain and despair and they regret that they didnt try harder to live up to their ultimate
(i even made a special execution for them aksjsjdk)
i didnt expect to talk that much, im sorry aksjsjhssjg,, dr ocs are just so fun to design and think about and aaaaaa
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izzyfandoms · 5 years
Three edgy bois,,,,, and their perfect soft son,,, who they love more than anything else in the WORLD. They would kill for him. They might have already.
Deceit's the only one of the trio who knows how to cook, so he teaches Patton!!!! Patton is immediately better than him, and most nights they make dinner (and sometimes cookies too) together! It's one of their favourite parts of the day. They probably have music playing while they do it and they sing along together and sometimes while theyre waiting for stuff to cook Deceit will try to teach Patton how to dance (Patton stands on his feet and mostly they just twirl around but it's nice
Remus takes Patton to and from school!! He can and will just death glare (and probably mildly threaten) ANYONE who is mean to his son. Sometimes, Remus will just PICK Patton up and run as fast as he can and Patton always squeals and laughs so much, but they only do this when Virgil isn't around cos Virgil gets stressed about what if they fall over!! They both make tons of jokes and puns together that are just super immature and ridiculous but they CANNOT stop laughing and Virgil and Deceit just smile and watch them fondly
Virgil is probably (definitely) the most protective of the trio - constantly worried that Patton's gonna get hurt - he usually checks on him multiple times in the night to make sure he's safe and gets stressed whenever Patton goes to friends' houses (always makes sure he knows the parents and has their numbers). He and Patton have matching hoodies!!! He makes Patton a hoodie that's like his but blue and grey and with cat ears and gives it to him one year for his birthday and Patton (a very emotional child) just starts crying he's so excited and happy!!!
And also,,,,, just imagine,,,,, Remus, Roman and Remy are triplets in this au, so Patton has two (three if you count Remy's husband, Emile) fun uncles to spend time with!
Roman absolutely ADORES Patton and thinks it's hilarious that Remus, Deceit and Virgil have a son like Patton. He is also the Only Person that Patton will talk to about boys (his dads get protective) and he gets very smug about it (he also gives him the best advice). He tells the best bedtime stories whenever he comes over and when Patton was little he was CONSTANTLY falling asleep on him (there are so many pictures of baby Patton falling asleep on people)
Remy's that one uncle who is like "Do you want a fake id? I can get you alcohol if you want. I will lie to your dads and tell them you're with me if you wanna sneak out and visit your boyfriend" to literally everyone else's disapproval. Patton also thinks he is the COOLEST person in the whole world and the only reason he doesn't also talk to him about boys is that Remy lowkey gives the worst advice and he tried it ONCE and it went terribly. Also the amount of times that Remy's taken him out shopping and then they both end up lost is probably ridiculous
And Patton also gets along so so so well with his Uncle Emile!!!! They bond over cartoons and are very similar (and Emile helps him with the icky emotion stuff he sometimes has trouble with). They keep accidentally switching glasses tho which is inconvenient
NOW, you're probably wondering - where's Logan?
Well! He's teen Patton's crush (and later boyfriend)!!! When the dads find out Patton has a crush on one of his friends they make him invite him over and they're ready to be Intimidating but instead of someone who's trying to idk "steal Patton's innocence" it's this tiny NERD with glasses and a tie who keeps rambling about stars and getting flustered at the way Patton smiles at him when he talks and they all IMMEDIATELY like him
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
How do you think Shiggy, Overhaul, Dabi , Shinso, Bakugo, Tamaki and Mirio would react to being forced to fight against a mind controlled S/O? P.S I really love your writing, it’s so amazing! Thank you for all the great head cannons!!!!
Thank you so much - and you’re so welcome!
He’d be upset at you for letting yourself fall under their control
But in the end its not your fault, so he’s gonna probably try to avoid you rather than fight you because fighting him generally means dying
He’d rather go find the person who put you under their control and fight them instead, once theyre dead you should fall out of their quirk, right?
But at that person he’s fuming - how dare they control his s/o, the only person that should be allowed any sort of control in your life is him and someone else forcing their way into your brain is unacceptable to Tomura
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Very similar to Shiggy - hes gonna be very pissed off but he’s gonna try and fight the person who caused it rather than you
He would be able to actually fight you off tho, basically just messing with the ground to make it more inconvenient for you to reach him more than anything
He doesn’t want to actually hurt you, so he’s just trying to hold you back until he can figure out how to get you out of this 
Luckily he’s able to stay fairly calm about it, even tho he’s very mad and very ready to kill whoever caused this
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Will probably just try to knock you out so that it either stops or so that he can stop worrying about you and go find who did it
But that’s hard cause all he has is his fire and he doesn’t want to hurt you badly, so hes stressed about how to go about this
He’ll fight you though, and do anything just to get you to pass out without seriously hurting you
Even if its just hitting you over the head with a rock or choking you
He’d rather spend this time messing up whoever put you under this control than fighting you so he’d do this pretty quickly
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Pissed off at the irony - honestly would take it extra personally like whoever did this brainwashed you just so that you could fight him
Might try and balance it out though
Maybe if he can brainwash you you’ll go back to normal - or at least stop attacking him
Even though that will probably mess with your brain for a while, it’s better than nothing
He’ll tie you up with his binding cloth and try to get you to answer a question, and if that doesn’t work he’ll leave you somewhere and find another way to stop it, being going to find who did this
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You know he’s raging
Doesn’t want to hurt you but he’ll fight you, might accidentally hurt you a bit badly in his anger but hes trying to be careful
To him - its the easiest to just beat you up and either force your conscious back in or have you knock out so he can find another way to help you
Will beat the ever living hell out of whoever did this
Hes offended that they would use you against him and that they used you like that in the first place
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Poor thing is so upset when you start fighting him, he knows its not actually you but it really feels like it is
He’ll have to push those feelings aside and remember that in order to help you he might have to hurt you, so he’ll fight back
Will want to end the fight as soon as possible, knocking you out and tying you up with something so but he won’t leave you alone
Even tho he’s pissed at whoever did this, youre more important and he’ll send someone else to take care of them, hes staying with you until youre back to normal
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He hates having to fight you, its gonna take a while of you fighting him for him to actually fight back
Cause he gets that its not you and that he needs to help, but he doesn’t want to look at those injuries later when youre you again and know that he caused them
Wants to get it over with as quickly as possible, and once youre in a state of not being able to fight anymore he’ll leave you with someone he trusts before going and finding the person who brainwashed you
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rowdeyclown · 3 years
i want to hear about your pokemon ideas!
oh man this is a dangerous question bc i am about to go OFF so i'll just leave this in a read more. also keep in mind i have only played platinum, moon/ultra moon, sword, and a little bit of red and lets go eevee, so if i accidentally steal something from another game whoops. also i do have a lot of inspiration from the games i played here anyway since i am less knowledgeable abt pokemon than most people but anyway here we go
setting: several years prior to the start of the game, as low as 18 or high as 100 years (i have specific reasons for that) this region was very prosperous with many young people moving in all the time to get a headstart on a successful life. the region is known for being nearly a perfect circle and there are 18 areas of the region, each corresponding to a different type. dead center is normal type, maybe i'll make a map later if i get more interested. by the time the story takes place however, the region has become uninhabitable and anyone who didn't evacuate died. for now im calling it Ebril
legendary: part of what once made ebril so prosperous was the presence of their legendary. idk the exact type of creature it is but it was worshipped as a god and protected the land. however an unknown sickness fell over it and it let out an explosion of energy across the whole region that turned each area into a hellscape. for example, the water region completely flooded over; the grass region sprouted dangerous plants everywhere that so much as touching them could kill a person; the fire region literally just lit up on fire and hasn't burned out, and so on. not only this but the air of the whole place is toxic, though the poison air is like 5 times worse. after this explosion the legendary disappeared, and ebril was completely abandoned. it's later revealed that the legendary has died.
characters: at the start of the game there are few people in the region. in fact there are exactly 4, and they all flew in from different regions.
the leader is one Professor Pine, a young professor from wherever the fuck probably new york with ancestors from ebril. she's always been fascinated with the region and decided to start figuring out a way to fix the place and make it habitable again. with her studies she figures out there's a chance to save it and so she contacts the professors of all regions with the request to help, though only 3 other people were sent in to help due to the dangers of this journey.
the player character(s) are both present in the game, a pair of twins named Jade and Grey. their names are puns on the word jaded and the phrase old and gray. the twins hail from kanto, the region the first games took place in iirc, and the player character u choose went on a pokemon journey at age 10. at present time they are anywhere around 18-20 bc theres no way any reasonable person is gonna let a minor into this apocalyptic region. the twin you don't choose at age 10 rather than taking a pokemon journey started working as an assistant to Professor Oak, and as an adult starts studying to become the next professor. the twin you choose had their journey and got all the way through until the elite 4 which they never beat, and for several years in frustration swore off battling. eventually they couldn't resist the call to the world of pokemon they used to love and they start working as an assistant alongside their twin. when Oak is contacted by Pine he initially refuses to help, but the twins find out and volunteer to go. Oak doesn't want them to but in the end he doesn't stop them.
the fourth member of the expedition is the former champion of some region who just got knocked off their throne by some 10 year old. they serve as the rival of this game. like the twins they found out about this expedition and with nothing better to do they decided to join in just to Feel Something. unlike the twins they never told anyone they were going.
starters: at the beginning the starter is actually either charizard, venusaur, or wartortle. after all this is kanto and the player did go on the journey. the twin has the pokemon that is weak to the player and the rival has the type that is strong against it. however Pine advises against bringing the actual starters bc the environment might be dangerous. however, as someone with ancestors from ebril, she does happen to have some baby pokemon native to the region, of course of the classic typings. seeing as how none of the pokemon in the region were much affected by the changes in atmosphere so she knows it's safe to bring them.
story: the expedition starts when Pine through remote studies discovers an energy wave coming from the center of ebril, one she hypothesizes is similar to the energy that destroyed the region in the first place. at this point in time no one knows the original legendary has died, but this leads Pine to wonder if the legendary is gathering the energy after their sickness and thinks maybe it has the power to reverse the damage. she develops hazmat suits that should be able to endure most of the terrain of the land but isn't 100% sure on their durability. with all the preparations she can do, Pine and co set out to land in the dead center of ebril
once there they discover a giant crater right at the center, and at the bottom is an egg. the egg is the source of the energy wave, and they think maybe it houses a baby legendary. the player character is the first to approach the egg and the moment they get near it, the egg hatches, revealing a baby pokemon. it bears a resemblance to the legendary so they assume it is indeed the child of the former legendary, and also it's fucking adorable. whenever i picture it i think of kubfu or toxel bc theyre both Baby so it definitely is shaped similarly. after study its found that surprisingly, this baby is normal type. they're confused because while there are conflicting accounts on what the legendary's typing was, there's an agreement that it's something like psychic or fairy or dragon. however, once the baby is right next to the starter of the player, it suddenly changes to the same type. they experiment with the other starters and find that the baby pokemon does change type depending on its environment, but cannot be more than one type at a time. it defaults to normal if its kept in a neutral environment away from other pokemon. basically it's kinda like silvally
and so they're all in the direct center of ebril which represents normal type and thus the only thing wrong with it is the toxic atmosphere, however Pine theorizes that the baby has the ability to fix areas due to the type changing. she comes up with two hypotheses: either bringing the baby into say the water area will turn it into a water type and it will be able to fix the place with the typing, or if you enter the water area while the baby is a type that is strong against water like grass or electric that can help overpower it and thus reverse the damage of the area. they don't have a fighting type with them so they can't test this theory about weaknesses right in the area they're in so they can only test the first theory, and of course it doesn't work out. and so the first part of the journey starts
each member of the expedition is given a role. Pine remains at base camp and does research there, the twin ventures out to observe the pokemon and how they've changed since the apocalypse, the rival does something or other idk i havent thought abt that, and the player takes the baby to try to heal each area. the first area visited is of course the area that is weak to their starter, so grass if it was fire, fire if it was water, and water if it was grass. these three areas surround the center of course so it works out. and just like Pine hypothesized, when the baby is the strong type in this area the surrounding radius of it and thus the player is completely safe.
in the journey the player discovers healing spots that work as a pokemon center, these spots are named an oasis. the player also encounters some of the wild pokemon which have grown feral and dangerous over time, so they're unable to catch them at the moment. some point in their journey they discover some other spot similar to an oasis, however it emits a strong energy similar to what the baby emits but on a higher scale, and when the baby is placed in the spot the whole area returns to the way it used to be. and so that becomes the goal: to travel to each area with the baby and fix them with this power spot. also every time the baby sits in a power spot it gains the ability to change to the typing of the area at will. also i should mention the baby is carried around in one of those baby backpacks bc i think that would be adorable.
the world is more or less completely open, the player can travel to any area as long as long as they're wearing a hazmat suit, but the area can only be fixed if the baby has been in an area that is strong to another area and so on.
and yeah thats abt what ive got, i havent thought too hard abt stuff like an evil team or whatever but maybe i will one day who knows. thanks for asking and if u read all the way to the end thank u!
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