#theyre soulmates in the most literal sense
asexualenjolras · 4 months
I need to talk about Charles Rowland and his love for Edwin Payne.
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Charles saying he can't say he's in love with Edwin back doesn't mean he isn't in love with Edwin, and it doesn't mean he doesn't love Edwin in the same way that Edwin loves him.
He is just saying he needs to work out what he does feel.
Charles died when he was 16. He's still a child. Nobody at 16 knows what it means to be in love.
And, on top of that, he grew up in an abusive household with a warped understanding of what love means. His dad was abusive to his mum, so he wouldn't understand what being "in love" is compared to someone that grew up within a stable household. He's never had the time to unpack what that means about his ability to love. He's worried that he might end up like his dad, and he absolutely would never want to hurt Edwin like his dad hurts his mum.
Charles has a lot of confusion about love. He loves his mum, he knows that, and he loves his dad, despite everything he put him and his mum through.
And, on top of all of this, he grew up during a difficult period in history. He was a teenager in Britain in the 80's. The 80's were a notoriously homophobic period of time, and I'm not saying that Charles is dealing with internalised homophobia but growing up during a period of time where the homophobic rhetoric was rife would have an impact on anyone. Especially a confused 16 year old boy who didn't know much kindness in life.
Charles knows he loves Edwin more than anything and anyone else in his life, and he knows the love he feels for him is different to the love he feels for his mum. He just doesn't know whether what he feels for Edwin constitutes as being "in love" with him.
And he needs time to figure that out. That's what he is telling Edwin: he's telling him that he is the most important person in the world to him and that he does love him but he needs to work out what that means. And Edwin completely understands that because Charles put it so eloquently and in a way that Edwin could understand. This isn't the usual unreciprocated love trope. They are each other's person, and they're trying to navigate what that means for each of them.
Overall, Charles loves Edwin and Edwin loves Charles. And they're going to figure out what that means together in time. Because that's what they always do: they figure things out.
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trohpi · 6 months
rating regulus black ships!!
jegulus | 11/10 - i love them so much. when i rejoined the fandom in 2022 and saw how the ship had blown up in the years id been gone i was really confused, but then i read just lovers and was immediately convinced lmao. they are the epitome of sunshine x grumpy and i adore them both
bartylus | 5/10 - theyre not very compelling to me, but theyre not bad by any means. i think they work better as friends but i understand why people ship them. i just prefer other ships personally, but ive read many great fics with them too!
jegulily | 20/10 - im obsessed with them. i love regulus, james, and lily separately, but together they balance each other out. plus it helps that its a combination of my two most favorite monoamorous ships (jegulus and regulily), like whats not to like? theyre definitely a top tier ship
moonwater | 10/10 - they are so cute and so overhated! theres so much potential here, like they could be friends to lovers or enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers, basically any trope you can think of lol. and think of the angst! the drama! i love them dearly
regulily | 1000/10 - yall already know how i feel about these two! they are literal soulmates and i love them to bits. their personalities mesh so well and, this might be a controversial take, but they make more canonical sense than jegulus does imo (not that canon really matters in this fandom lmao). i could wax literal poetry about this ship i love them so much
rosewater | 6/10 - i have other ships i prefer for both of them but theyre still cute and i can see why people ship them. honestly its a similar situation to bartylus, except they intrigue me just the slightest bit more lol
regumary | 4/10 - im sorry i just cant see this ship. i can see their relationship being platonic but not romantic. i also think mary is a lesbian, which doesnt really mean much considering i also love the trans girl regulus headcanon, but most of the time when i see this ship its very cishet and just not my thing. sorry yall!
regdora | 2/10 - i just cant see this ship either. its not bad necessarily, i just see the relationship between regulus and pandora as that of a sibling relationship. no hate to people who ship them, its just not for me lol
rosestarkillerchaser | 6/10 - i understand why people ship them, its combining three popular ships (jegulus, bartylus, and rosekiller), but im sorry i just cannot see james dating barty and evan. im not hating on people who ship them and its not bad by any means (i like them more than most other ships involving evan & barty) i just dont actively ship them. ive read some good fics tho!
rosestarkiller | 5/10 - similar situation to bartylus yet again, its just not compelling to me. i think regulus works better with evan & barty as his friends rather than lovers which you can probably tell given my other ratings lol
blackeclipse | 10/10 - ooooo i love them. all the best aspects of jegulus, moonchaser, and moonwater in one, its elite. james brings the buoyancy that regulus & remus need while regulus & remus help keep him tethered. they work so well together and i love them all dearly
xenoreg | 8/10 - a crackship ive come to enjoy recently! definitely a weird x weirder kind of ship which is the best. oh to be a fly on the wall of the slytherin common room when regulus told barty, evan, and dorcas that he was dating xenophilius lestrange, ravenclaws resident conspiracy theorist (pandora, of course, would have been overjoyed to have someone to trade ideas with)
regulene | 7/10 - they intrigue me tbh, like marlenes brashness and regulus’ coldness contrast in just the right ways. theyre like fire and water and i love that. plus the potential for a quidditch rivalry is phenomenal, especially considering that they could both be the seekers for their respective teams. theyre kinda similar to dorlene imo
regulilylene | 9/10 - im gonna be honest here i think i made this ship up, but i really like their dynamic. marlene and regulus are on the opposite extremes of hot and cold and lilys right there in the middle to keep them grounded, she evens them out
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
victoire weasley headcannons NOW pleaseee
looks almost the exact same as her mum and has her mum’s personality (with a little bit of bill fused into her)
she has the oldest daughter mentality where she always needs to be StressedTM over something. even when she has nothing going on in life she will create an issue to be worried over. when she was younger this was hard for her to emotionally handle but she has gotten better at pretending she is sane over the years
this also led her to do med school. idk healer vic is something so personal for me. idk what exactly she’d be doing but i know it would be in the big buck areas. a dermatologist or a optometrist or a surgeon or something. she’s smart as hell.
very particular about presenting a good image for her family. she was the oldest weasley in the new generation and so she knew she had to present herself in a certain way, and she never thought she minded until she was suddenly 18 and having an identity crisis
furthermore, the rita skeeter incident with her and teddy nearly killed her. shes been through some traumatic shit but that was crossing the line
gets into so many fights with dominique because both of them are polar opposites and are jealous of each other for completely different reasons. dominique wishes she can fit into the mould like victoire so easily does, victoire wishes she could be as free and uncaring as dominique is. both don’t understand each other
HOWEVER victoire and dominique are the ultimate soulmates. it doesn’t matter how much they fight, they’re very close. dominique rants to her and sends her memes victoire can’t understand and victoire will still pay for dom’s meals when theyre out bcuz it doesn’t matter how old dominique is, she is still her little sister. and victoire retains every last piece of dom’s friendship group drama, and stalks them all on social media silently judging the shit out of them
no seriously victoire and dominique are The Siblings like the most important relationship in each others lives i could write essays on my hcs for their dynamic. ask me about headcanons for them specifically and i will go into LOTS of detail
anyways. victoire loves journalling in sparkly ink from wizard smiggle. is the type to write “heart diseases” in glittery pink aesthetic cursive.
she absolutely rocked the 2010s. probably had a minecraft streaming channel with teddy.
i have also made a huge amount of tedoire headcanons here so i will keep this post relatively free of them hehe
every song MARINA ever sings is about victoire tbh
she’s a ravenclaw to me, which made her a little insecure because everyone sort of assumed weasley = gryffindor, so she had to change her brand a little bit and establish herself as a delacour so people would lay off her. it helps that shes as insanely pretty as her mother
sucks ass at quidditch but no one will ever know because she graciously avoided flying at all costs (she can do enough to pass the compulsory flying classes but that is IT)
loves legally blond the movie
cosplays as annabeth chase for every fucking halloween party because she literally only has one costume and refuses to buy more
bisexual but she didnt know until she started dating teddy and liked them just as much when they would metamorph into a girl. then she started connecting all the dots… that one traumatising breakup with that friend who ditched her for their bf…. how all her fav songs are wlw songs… why she likes gina gershon from bound so much…
dressed like gwen stacy in the amazing spiderman movies. long socks. polished black high heels with straps. brown woollen vests and cream coloured shirts with frills. pink lip gloss. ALWAYS in headband season. very fem academia.
very outwardly polite and nice to other people but always retains a sense of distance. she wants to be close to people but she doesn’t know how to build those connections— she’s very scared of being hurt or betrayed so she sticks with people she’s already known before her walls went up.
used to be a little dictator when her, dom, and louis played games around shell cottage. she would make all the rules and be very strict about following it all. dom and louis were useless at games without her, because they couldnt make rules where there were stakes and it wasn’t fun without them. yknow, older sibling shenanigans.
pretended to be supportive but cried for three hours silently in her dorm when both dom and louis and ALL OF HER COUSINS were sorted into NOT ravenclaw
always mained princess peach in mario bros games and would get genuinely pissed when someone took her instead
reads booktok books… sorry… shes a STEM girlie…
secretly has a big appetite towards meat.. definitely not inherited from her dad… definitely not haha (she went vegetarian for nine months to try and stop herself and it literally almost killed her she was hangry all the time)
can speak french fluently and better than her siblings can
has like five beauxbatons penpals excluding the maternal cousins
this isn’t even all of them but i will leave her here for now. i LOVE VICTOIRE so so so much dawg..
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cannoliparty · 7 months
quadrants explained!
quadrants are a fun and (compared to homestuck's other elements) simpler element in the comic. personally, i find them intriguing but i dont really make any pairings with them unfortunately :( atleast theyre fun to explain!! so here we are ^_^
the quadrants are the ways trolls experience romantic attraction to eachother, and what their relationships are based off of. these 4 quadrants are as follows:
matespriteship <3
moirallegiance <>
kismessitude <3<
auspiticism c3<
keep in mind ALL these quadrants are a form of dating, whether feelings are of love, hate, pacifism, etc.
(note: i looove the detail of these quadrants having little text symbols like earth's own romance (<3)!! its clever and makes troll romance seem even more realistic)
in a more literal sense, the quadrants obviously take a liking to the 4 suits in a deck of cards. this plays into the theme of "bar games", with the pool motif of the felt/lord english being another example.
quadrants can be sorted into 4 sections:
red romance: <3 and <>
black romance: <3< and c3<
concupiscent: <3 and <3<
conciliatory: <> and c3<
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matespriteship <3
this is (probably) the easiest to understand between the 4 - because matespriteship is the same to human romantic attraction. trolls will feel deep respect and adoration stemming from attributes of their matesprite, and this is a positive connection.
moirallegiance <>
moirallegience can be closely described as "platonic soulmates" - but keep in mind this is still regarded as a way of romance and dating!
moirails look out for eachother. they are the first person you confide in, as you are to your moirail. they help eachother in pacifying emotions, and keeping the other calm. theyre mostly necessary because of the violent practices in troll society, and moirails help tone down their partner's violent tendencies and general negative emotions.
an example is karkat & gamzee: at first gamzee carried out the duty of pacifying karkat's loud anger, but later the jobs flipped and karkat had to calm gamzee down from his own murder-spree.
all this pacifying is done through "shoosh-papping" which i feel is just homestuck's funny way of communicating how trolls calm eachother down as moirails: through physical comfort. overall, moirails know how to keep eachother in check aswell as always support and be there for eachother, whether its over their rage, their sadness over a quadrant, or their all-out violent thoughts.
kismessitude <3<
kismessitude is a form of romance that perfectly resembles the violent society trolls are in. it is best described as a rivalry, with a deep hatred for your kismesis. but regardless, this hatred and the quadrant in general is rooted in a deep admiration for the qualities and/or feats of the kismesis, and its just that that makes the quadrant a form of romance and not animalistic violence.
but thats why its normal for a kismessitude to be pretty violent. you hate eachother, after all. and with this deep hatred combined with alternia's normalized violence, something's bound to happen, and fights will break out indefinitely.
although, often kismessitude can be too violent for its own good. an example being when the rivalry and hatred for eachother is too strong and you can end up culling eachother is when a 3rd person (and the 4th quadrant!) must step in.
auspisticism c3<
this quadrant is only present in kismessitudes, but not all kismessitudes have/need an austpistice. the auspistice is the mediator of a kismessitude for when it gets too violent, and someone else needs to step in and calm both/either of the parties down. its to make sure the rivalry remains healthy & balanced, aswell as keeping the pair away from culling eachother, because otherwise then its not dating, and just plain hatred.
of course, auspiticism comes in different forms. the most prominent example is kanaya in a (albeit strange) kismessitude between vriska & tavros. kanaya would mediate and talk to vriska, keeping her away from getting too heated/over the top and straight-up culling tavros. this is an example of when an auspistice is needed for only one overly-violent party member of the kismessitude, but austpisticism can be especially taxing when both parties are overheated in hatred & violence.
now that all quadrants have been established, we can go further in-depth with their categories.
red romance
matespriteship & moirallegiance are in this category! this is because of the non-violent elements in both of these quadrants, as one is positively romantic and the other is used to pacify negative thoughts.
black romance
this category contains kismessitude & auspisticism. this is due to the hateful nature in these romances, whether the parties are mutually hating or it's a 3rd party who must step in on the hate.
matespriteship & kismessitude are in this category. theyre here because they are the only 2 required for troll reproduction.
this category has moirallegiance & auspisticism. theyre here because theyre the other 2 that don't have any reproductive activities and are mostly used for pacifying/mediating. sometimes because of the lack of reproduction people dont view these quadrants as equally romantic as the concupiscent ones, but theyre still a form of dating and romantic bonds!
overall, quadrants are fun! whether you come up with your own pairings that arent the basic matespriteship or not, i personally find them fun to analyze/look over nonetheless. feel free to comment quadrant-related things such as more in-depth discoveries or your own troll romance pairings in homestuck!! ^3^
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catholicjinx · 1 month
im gonna go insane about chuuya + skk in general and this song under the cut…i apologize
Okay cirice is a song that was originally written to develop an inside image of abusive relationships and especially how cults lure people in and they dont realize it until the very end. This includes things like the cycle of luring someone in, becoming aggressive, and trying to undo the damage by pretending to sound remorseful. Sounds familiar??? (Port mafia)
skylia @kaiserkisser has a SHIT ton of good posts about this kind of thing especially regarding the port mafia so i highly recommend checking out some of their reblogs if youre interested in seeing more. In regards to one of their reblogs, i saw a post the other say that detailed how the port mafia “teachers” or mentors will always end up abusing their trainees the way they knew how to be trained. mori treated dazai the way he knew how to be treated, dazai treated akutagawa like less than human because thats all hes ever viewed himself as, and akutagawa gives kyouka insane amounts of praise because thats all he desired, but he doesnt know how to treat her like a normal kid because HE never got to be a normal kid.
this is where chuuya comes in. Chuuya didnt have any “mentors” besides kouyou and possibly mori. He was shoved directly into being the sheep’s leader when he was around 15 years old and hasn’t known anything besides that. dazai eventually treated him like his dog due to his ability being so easy to manipulate and when chuuya’s ability IS used, he essentially becomes animalistic and can only be controlled by dazai. cirice (the song) fits this dynamic so well as it talks about an abusive, almost cult-like relationship similar to the cult of the band ghost. at his core, dazai is a manipulative and cunning individual who cares about his partner but it took a while for him to actually do so. chuuya is trusting and loyal just like a dog, which is why this fits literally perfectly. (lyric analysis below :3)
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for the opener of the song, i interpret this as chuuya’s ability being the “rumble” and his poem that he recites being the “calling” but this is up to interpretation!! I dont have a lot to say about this verse
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the first two lines HEAVILY remind me of stormbringer and how chuuya dealt with his feelings of doubting the fact that he was even human. These particular lines almost feel like dazai is reminding him he’s human even though he has an entire demon inside of him that he cant control. “I can feel the thunder” to me, is dazai recognizing that chuuya values himself differently with stormbringer and his ability (and that he’s most likely going to take advantage of this later but whatevs). “I can see through the scars inside you” is almost like chuuya validating that dazai is also human too, that the abuse mori has put him through that he has reflected onto others doesnt entirely define him as a person
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“You and i see eye to eye” is a VERY impactful and heavy line as chuuya and dazai have always been one in the same. partners, soukoku, soulmates, whatever it is theyre paired together and are essentially inseparable. despite their abilities being different and circumstances being different their struggles with humanity are almost identical. “Now there is nothing between us” alludes to the power that dazai has over chuuya in battle, particularly when he lets his ability take control without restraint. Their “merge” is eternal because chuuya will forever only be able to use his ability with dazai’s help, and dazai will always find power over chuuya because of that. “Cant you see that you’re lost without me?” Is another power-based line where dazai is most likely viewing himself as better than chuuya because he typically uses him as a tool with his ability, but only when said ability is being used. He’s manipulative in the sense where he cares about him but not FOR him and will always use him as a ruse for the things he needs. (the rest of the song has repeating lyrics so i didnt include them so i hope this made sense :) )
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raisinchallah · 3 months
you know in some ways id say xena and gabrielle are the only time im like ok maybe soulmates as a concept is kind of fun because its done in such a campy and ridiculous manner and used for some very fun episodes and that its also like well the funny tension between the fact that theyre calling each other their soulmate but the relationship is still a bit of a wink and a nod to the audience so its like this fun little dance but i do think it does kind of smooth out some of the most fascinating edges to their relationship that well both xena and gabrielle kind of worry in their own ways that this relationship is turning gabrielle into a worse person that something is lost her morality her innocence that shes turned into a new person and all those changes might not be good and i think saying theyre soulmates is like ok well its unambiguously good whatever end of story but literally all the juiciest most interesting parts of their relationship so much tension is built on like xena subtly trying to push gabrielle away or her own self hatred leading to episodes where xena thinks maybe gabrielle would be better with someone else that maybe this life is killing her and that it can even cloud her judgment like in crusader and how gabrielle at various points in her life chooses to wrestle with the fact that being with xena means she will get blood on her hands and that she does try to fight it and goes thru various moral and ethical philosophies has all these very strong beliefs but you know realizes that she loves xena more than she cares about her own moral code sometimes like when she finally breaks her vow of nonviolence even tho xenas begging her not to and kills all these soldiers just so they can have a chance to die together and its just such a delicious tension that i think is sometimes too neatly resolved by the soulmates concept i dont think its show breaking but they do just keep getting confirmation over and over theyre meant for each other when idk i think its kinda fun like choosing each other against maybe better judgment and gabrielle making peace with the fact she might love xena more than she can possibly work into any of her own ethical philosophies to make sense of what their life is and that being this underlying feeling all their fights and near break ups pushing away from each other in many ways stems from this fear so i think sometimes the like season 6 soulmates in love forever thing is simply not as much my thing as their peak insanity in season 3 and 4..
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pebiejeebies · 8 months
(I’m gonna make it easier to access the older ones, I’ll make a master post, then I’ll make it so you can check the next part by a link so you don’t manually tire yourself, give me some time cause I need a mental break from my shutdown 😭‼️)
Literally one of the most precious moments I’ve screen recorded in my whole life, the way he’s sitting beside her, laughing just like her, writing in her files, both of them equally sharing the same annoyed stare at silver spoon (Which is something a lot more common than I thought it was)
This is just.. *wipes away tear*
Too perfect..
I wonder what happens to Mephone..? (Good lord I am still traumatized till this 
Now expect MANY MANY MANY random screenshots of my babies togethr 
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They’re autistics in love I tell you
LOOK AT HOW HE’S TOUCHING HER AHHH (please don’t thkae that out of context omfg—)
I have a feeling that she was slightly uncomfortable here (sTOP PROJECTING YOURSELF ONTO CABBY PEBIE!! STOP!!)
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Its canon guys he was trying to impress her here too
Why else would he give her that smug ass look?!/vpos
Then he sees uninterested cabby and gets sad :(
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stop guys it’s actually so sad
The way she got excited when she said that was SO SASAADDDDD 
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Unsure if she was looking at Mephone or Balloon, but I guess they’re beside each other here, so uh excuse me lol
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Erm actually… Cabby and Balloon are definitely engaging after this. Real. And uh she has AWESOME YINYANG, AAAAND BOT!! Balloom has an awkwardly clingy and.. well.. pathetic friend aswell, but hey! Even they have something to leave with! Look at silver spoon..
He doesn’t have candle on his side anymore
Btw.. look at this: You see how Balloon is holding his arm and looking at cabby?
Do you think he, well… wants to hold her hand?
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(Uh wow maybe me projecting myself up there could make sense— OH MY GOD IM GETTING SO MUCH HEADCANONS IM HAVING A HEADACHE YEEEOWWCH)
It’s either (Read this well cause it might confuse you the first time you read it)
He wants comfort from her
He wants to comfort her
This is all accidentally lining up too well
I’m just delusional and this isn’t even lining up at all
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(Just distract yourself Pebie, ignore how AE made an evil alter of silver spoon aswell.. calm DOWN)
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My babies are sticking together OMFG I’m actually exvaporting STICK TOGETHER BABIES!! YOULL GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE!!! HH.HOPEFYKLU
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But let’s be fr, As much as I love Mephone and his silly shenanigans, this literally affected me the same way it did for them, just.. look at their faces man :(
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Deep betreath… breeaathehees… I’m not ANGRY. nooo wayhhhy.  ,.,,uhm..—
HEY AE.. DO THEY MAKE IT SO THEY ALL LIKE MEPHONE IN THE END?? CAUSE LIKE.. It would be so awesome, it would be so cool—
Yeah WHOOOOH!! I took yesterday night, from 8/9pm to 11pm, STYAED UP ALL NIGHT CAUSE I COULDNT SLEEP FROM THESE TWO, stayed up until like.. 10am, fell asleep, woke up at 2:40pm and BAM! FINSIHED AFTER A DAY!! YIPPIEROONIES!!! (Edit: Two days, since I had to leave, came back at 9:50pm, finished at 11pm cause bedtime lockdown, then woke up at 10am today and started to do it again, so I technically finished at 2pm today)
I have a feeling that someone reading this started liking the ship, or felt curious about their rare pair interaction (if they had any/lh), but either way, I’ll tell you how THIS rare pair even EXSISTED.
Let’s start from the beginning. In some of the episodes, before I knew I kin cabby, I always had a little fascination towards balloon, his issues living with him for so long and how he still struggles to make a good image of himself was just. Cute to me (stop I KNOW you simp for objects too.. DONT DENY IT!!)
And at episode 17, after I found out I kin cabby, I started to like their interactions more, and since this ship was a HEAVY SELF INSERT, It somehow made sense.
They both struggled to gain a good image, they both had a toxic friendship in the past that got resolved, they both have TOO MUCH ISSUES, and they both act like each other so much it’s actually wild
None of us EVER cared to really analyze hidden relationships in the show, and this is actually a good example, if I never simped for balloon like the ‘loon’atic I am
*knee slap*
I would’ve NEVER noticed their cute feelings for each other
As much as I wanna continue talking, I feel like this ramble will never end, so I give you a cabloon doodle!
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And I bid you farewell *bows dramatically*
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southfarthing · 1 year
sHUt UP not aegnor and andreth eoduhvoaivhnaqpnqa ive been waiting for you to read athrabeth for ages. I know this is controversial but theyre my favorite couple and finrod and andreth is my favorite platonic ship it kills me I cant think, finrod was so devoted to her and they were intellectual soulmates even if on the opposite side and aegnor DIED before her, and she thought she would trouble him rips hair out and eats it
and the nature ajkfnof elves and how they differ from men and how they think and how deeply Morgoth has corrupted the land that they believe they are cursed but andreth will be free one day and aegnor will be trapped in mandos alone till the second song comes and I my head hurts
it was SOOOOOOOOO literally I was sat reading in the park with my brain rising from my body like
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it was SUCH an interesting discussion??? I definitely need to read it again because there was so much going on but yes the way elves know their past while men seem to have come out of such darkness that they see morgoth as the most powerful force???? and always that sense of loss and bitterness 😩😩😩 and all the discussion of hopelessness and hope and pity and healing and 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
and then the breaks every once in a while where you see how close finrod and andreth are 😩🥺🥺 when he says in Arda remade the elves would sing to the men and andreth is like 'what would you say once you've done singing' and Finrod laughs 😩🥹😩🥹
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she doesn't want to be a burden but she never would have been because he never would have run on before her he would have waited but he didn't want her to feel ashamed . but none of that matters because he's going to die first anyway. im literally abt to start chomping on my mattress. the memory of her he will take with him but what will she take wherever it is that she goes ....... 😩🔫
why are elves abd men made different......so we can touch hands in the darkness ... ..
and at the end... "But you are not for Arda. Whither you go may you find light. Await us there, my brother – and me." HEEEEEEEEE Finrod has SO much love and respect for her i want to scream i am inconsolable I will never recover from this i cant believe you recommended this to me my brain chemistry has been changed forever
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 10 months
prerelationship 6, general 3, love 5 and 13? :3
dont not perceive me-
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
neuvi would simply deny it, not because he's embarrassed but in the moment he literally doesn't think it would be possible for him to have a soulmate. This leads to another internal debate about the meaning of his existence like: He is a dragon so if he did have a soulmate to would have to be another dragon right? but there are very few dragons left in teyvat so statistically he would not have a soulmate. but also he WAS born in human form so he's not quite a dragon but not quiet human either so would that mean if he were to have a soulmate it would be more likely for them to be human? he thinks about this for the next 3 days and comes to the conclusion that "i am the chief justice of fontaine and have to remain impartial, but would consider timekeeper silvanus to be 'small and cute'" silvanus simply says 'impossible. i dont have time for that' and immediately starts ranting about all the things that need to be done today
3. What was their first kiss like?
oh my god. oh my od you cant do this to me im gonna die ive had two ideas abt this that are both equally as embarrassing the first idea being one of the many times neuvi is there to look after silvanus after she gets sick and during these visits they both start getting hit by their subconscious feelings, trying so hard to shove those thoughts back down while acting Normal. but it makes them both so fucking nervously awkward but one too many fleeting touches breaks them both down and theyre staring at each other like panicked creatures unable to break eye contact until silvie goes 'fuck it' and goes for it without realizing she just grabbed her wet and pathetic looking boss by his face and kissed him LMAO the second idea one follows the first one but instead of silvie kissing him in that moment theyre both like 'oh i like you and you also like me' and they talk abt their confused thoughts and feelings and neuvi decides he needs some time to understand his own emotions now knowing that silvanus also thinking of him this way but also if pursuing any of this would hinder his duties or silvanus' job so for the last week or two of silvanus' recovery he doesnt show up but the day before she's supposed to return to work her, he sends a note saying to meet him outside of the city and shes like 'ah man he wants to meet me where no one can see and turn me down' but SIKE he spent most of the time away reading books on human courtship and its a fucking DATE. he brought her out to a secluded area with pretty flowers and woodland creatures because he knows she likes gardening and cute animals and nervously kisses her there i have the funniest mental image of him being like 'i spent time reading about proper courtship and was recommended literature insightful literature about physical intimacy since i have little experience on that matter' and silvanus is like 'oh my god did the hydro archon recommend smutty literature to him??'
5. Who initiates kisses?
they had a strict 'no PDA' rule (that silvanus broke during the last part of the archon quest lmao) but silvanus probably, tho neuvi initiates physical affection more often. i imagine he can get very affectionate if given the chance to fumble awkwardly until it becomes more natural to him
13. Who remembers the little things?
i think both of them are intuitive in picking up seemingly small things about each other. after they get together, neuvillette is very aware of any possible trigger that could cause silvanus' illness to flare up (he will NOT have a repeat of the Last Incident). he is instinctively aware when sivlie hasn't eaten or more tired than usual and has like a 6th sense when silvanus tries to sneak in an extra cup of coffee or lie about not resting properly. while silvanus is able to read neuvillette's emotional state fairly well even though his behavior and body language stays relatively the same (to most people)
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abysseung · 2 years
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual you look up to?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
omg i always wanted to do this
Mutual you can always rely on
all of saf ( @hanniluvi @urszn @wonieleles ) and ofc my super bff @giantkeroppi
Mutual who never misses a post?
THERES LIKE A LOT 😭😭 @haknom @ox1-lovesick & @hanniluvi like what’s the point of adding them to a taglist if theyre always this fast
Mutual you share the most interests with?
@giantkeroppi bc we’re twins 🤞🤞 and @hanniluvi cos we’re soulmates 🤞🤞
Mutual you have the most in common with?
@giantkeroppi <33
Mutual you look up to?
LITERALLY ALL OF MY MOOTS 😭😭 but if i had to choose my top five it’d be @kynrki @tzyuki @haknom @soov and ofc my bae @hanniluvi (i love their works sm)
Mutual you’d run away and live in a cottage with?
@mokiverse it just makes sense in my head
Spouse material mutual?
none cause i’m always getting cheated on 💔💔 /j (jk it’s @hannikz )
Mutual with the best personality?
literally everyone.
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@wonieleles it’s understandable
Mutual you’d have a crush on if you knew them irl?
now if i answer this question, it’ll give predator vibes 🤨🤨 because now that i realise it, all my mutuals are minors.
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
I CANNOT LAST A DAY WITHOUT POPPING INTO @hanniluvi ‘s DMS. tbh if i didn’t meet her, i would’ve never started writing
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demonstars · 8 months
on a srs note talking about what literally caused us to divorce i unfortunately agree with you on most of your reasons for disliking soulmate aus AS MUCH AS I WANT TO DISAGREE.... i think theres so much lore writers can explore that most just choose not to but sometimes when they do it can come across heavy handed TO ME personally. so i usually like to fill in the gaps myself and it satisfies me for the most part even though it can be better to have textual information about the lore most of the time. i think the idea of having a Person that completely and wholeheartedly is made to accept you or at the very least has to acknowledge your existence in some way is really appealing to me because of my own Issues. and just the idea of finding something/someone thats perpetually "lost" is cool to me and if its a good fit thats great but if not i like the takes where you can make your own happiness more than oh not having a bond is tragic and you cant have a fulfilling life because youre not with your soulmate. i heavily disagree with that notion of true love in that specific sense and sometimes i think the existence of aro/ace/polyam even bi or questioning people really breaks the idea of a one true soulmate youre bound to for life a lot of fics seem to have. then it gets complicated with the ideas of predestination and fate but whatever. i really agree with you on the development over initial connection aspect too its why im more of a fan of writing on skin before meeting or shared dreams or thoughts more than having matching marks or timers or bumping hands and suddenly theyre the one because they literally brought color into your world its just not super realistic relationship wise. but they can be done really well which of course you know that and i should not have divorced you over it but to be fair if i did know your reasons i wouldnt have said that we shouldve divorced. but im sorry and can we please make out
oh wow so basically i was literally right just expressed it in an honest way. Vindication at last. we are so making out rn
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giddyfenix · 9 months
10, 12, 15 for the fic ask game :P
omg rock hiiiii :D
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
god i feel like i've written so much that i just Cant Choose. i managed to narrow it down to 4 fics though. i've just. had so much fun doing Whatever I Wanted this year
Amores pasajeros: the fic that Wrote Itself. it makes no sense whatsover and has basically no plot but like. i loved writing it so much. i just kept writing and it make me smile a lot and i love unconventional relationships so much. just. yes.
Joel goes to war (with a Rubik's cube): i decided that i wanted to grab my little guys and my rubiks cubes interest and smash them together like i was a 3yo playing with dolls. and u know what? it was Great. 10/10 would recommend. (aka the day i found out that the overlap between the mcyt fandom and the cubing community is nonexistent loool)
His favorite worst nightmare: i just had sooooo much fun making jimmy pine after a guy he claimed to hate. it was so so funny to play around with that dynamic. because he truly, genuinely hated joel, u see, and that's why he hated that he was so stupidly in love with him <3
Sir this is a McDonald's: crack fics. one of my favorite genres. theyre just so much fun in general, they make me so happy. i could literally Do Whatever. aaaaaaah :D
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
honestly? A tender curiosity, which i wrote for the driving after dark event. it was difficult because of irl stuff, but also because it was my first time writing a ranchers fic and i was having a hard time making the friends to lovers trope feel meaningful there lol. but i did finish it! it took me 3 months, but i did it and i like how it turned out i think :D
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
my favorite fic is Definitely A list of facts and problems, a smalletho fic that goes into the way it feels to have a soulmate for joel :D i wrote that one because i read a fic (dif fandom) that rewired my brain and i just Had to write a smalletho fic in a similar style. i just. learnt so much from that fic. it's good, i think. i like it a lot :]
that one's the one i recommend the most, but i also rly like these two: Heaven down the darkest paradise (another smalletho fic about bloodlust lool), and Mocktail recipes, smiles, and a tiny couch (a nanago fic! woah it isnt smalletho! goddamn! yeah it's just gojo and nanami being soft yippee :D)
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blood-injections · 1 year
speak some funsandkid thoughts to me my mind is plagued by them rn
Gladly. My mind is plagued as well.
Funsandkid is taking the three most annoying little brother type of shitheads in the world and making them an insufferable polycule. Its taking already unparalleled snark and bitchiness and the limpetlike affection of a guy that aims to squeeze you to death when he hugs you and multiplying it by three. They actively make eachother worse. They're always hanging off of eachother even at the most inoppertune times. They're dogs that cant be separated because of separation anxiety but its more because they're soulmates and theres a chunk of them missing than anxiety but like dogs they will fucking whine about everything until theyre back together and when they are. They just fucking gravitate to each other. You could try to separate them and theyd walk away across the desert to find eachother and just happen to meet in the middle like wow what a coincidence as if the Witch cant hear their bitching from the other side and pushed them back together just for a little peace and quiet.
They're so stupid also. I truly cannot express how fucking stupid they are. That post i made that said its called funsandkid because they have fun eating sand together. Yeah. None of them have any sense of self-preservation unless it comes to a firefight. Thats the only time they're serious. They're the three most impulsive fuckers in the desert. Theyll see something shiny on the ground and go ooh shiny while theres like. A fucking tornado or something. They dare eachother to do the randomest stupid things and they do. I have no idea how one of them hasn't nearly died yet. "Hey Kobra i dare you to punch that cactus." "Okay." "Hey Ghoul i dare you to kiss that rattlesnake." "Bet." "Hey guys do you think I'd die if I chewed on this exposed wire?" "Idk try it."
Sandman getting his facepaint/makeup all. Fucking. Over. Kobra and Ghoul. Because i doubt its waterproof. I figure its only really needed if theyre in the city to disrupt facial recognition but he probably does it in the desert too bc it acts the same as like wearing a mask but its the fukin desert so it doesn't last long it sweats and smears and hes like a fucking cat always headbutting and like rubbing his cheek on the others or kissing them all over their faces and shit and he just. There's makeup smears all over the three of them bc of him. They've long accepted it they don’t complain. He walks into a place like black makeup running bc of sweat and looking horrifying and dead and shit going you should see the other guys and kobra and ghoul walk in right behind him covered in black lipstick kisses and black smears that if you just glanced at them youd think they were working on a car or something and wiped the motor oil on their shirts and shit but no. Its just sandman's makeup.
And he totally makes them goth. Like i proposed my goth kobra(foaming at the mouth) agenda forever ago but literally like. Kobra and Ghoul are used to listening to whatever Dr D puts on and obsessing over Mad Gear and dressing like. In their own litte styles but nothing specific just whatever they fancy out of the communal fab four closet. Not that Sandman wouldn't obsess over mad gear and shit too but i just think the scene in the zones is more like mainly punk or just general like. Fucking zonescore idk its its own thing out there. Versus the scene in the city underground where Sandmans from, i think itd have more like visible subcultures. I'm gonna go into it in haunted and holy and in my show pony au thats still gonna be in the drafts for a while but. The city would have like distinct scenes the zones are like a melting pot with only a few crews/cliques really like. Claiming to be/looking like anything specific. But like in the Pony au you'll see them with like the hip hop kinda rebels fucking around on the streets with a boombox and in haunted and holy you'll see the general funsandkid thing of sandman dragging them to goth clubs and raves and shit and doing their makeup and getting them more into that specific genre of music. And they all cry together to the cure and fuck to depeche mode. Or something like that.
Also. Polycule of genderfucks. As if any polycules in danger days arent but. None of them have a single set of pronouns except for Kobra. Trans guy Kobra, the guygirl ever Ghoul, and genderfluid Sandman.
Oh oh oh also Sandman thing that I've been Thinking abt and doodling. Sandman with natural hair. Specifically dreads or the bleached tips like those few photos of Pete we have because he would look so fucking cool
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
I thought I was the only one who thinks Loustat's romance is as dry as a desert. I don't know whether is the direction or the cinematography or writing or whatever the fuck. I see all this sex but none of the desire which is funny because it's all the way around in the books, no dicks touch butts in the novel but it is still a very sensual read. I don't think is a lack of chemistry between the actors neither because they're both clearly committed to their roles and enjoy their parts. I don't know. It's all very weird. Maybe Bryan just hit the jackpot with Hugh and Mads.
It's largely about the writing though and like all my complaints about the show have to do with writing. They're both doing awesome work with what they're given lmao.
I've complained about this a few times already LMAO but all of the sort of self aggrandizing that the show is doing about ~ReMoVing the SuBTExT~ is so hollow to me when you sit down and watch the show and realize the "subtext" they meant was to say THEY FUCK and not THEY ARE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. It reduces love to being about sex in a way that's so just, honestly tacky and disappointing and so out of sync with what I see in the novels.
Like where's the sensuality and heat and fuck-me-eyes and steamy blood sharing and casual intimacy? Don't just show me Sam's ass in the pilot in a scene that's arguably dubcon. Don't sell your show as a romance when the most genuine interaction between them was 2 seconds from Claudia's POV.
I think there's a lot of telling and not showing going on; I spent the entire first episode not sure what Louis sees in him aside from the mind gifting & coercion, because they made the choice to montage their courtship and not show us the romance. The second episode Louis had to literally say like 5 times "He was enthralling" voiced over scenes of abuse and coercion. Third episode is infidelity drama with Louis's puppydog eyes going "Aren't I enough?" and like ?? Where does this even come from? Do they even like each other lol.
Plus with all the confusing exposition about why are we doing a second interview that scene when Daniel plays the tape at him is so ??? THEYRE THE SAME PICTURE LOL. It ruins the argument that they look worse/more frigid because of Louis's POV. They're telling us out loud that Louis is portraying Lestat as his soulmate, that's the story we're supposed to be getting? But he's still coming off like a complete asshole? This confused me so much.
Enjoy the toxic ship as much as you want but I just, don't see the horniness personally. Louis has been abused to an honestly unreasonable degree, and they used such real-world tropes to show us that it doesn't feel like fantastical vampire drama, especially when they've made such a point in anchoring his character into his race. Everyone had a problem with the violence in episode 5 but doesn't seem to care about the insincere gift-giving in episode 6, when that's JUST as realistic to real life abuse. But what I've learned from this fandom is that abuse isn't real unless someone hits you lol but that's not my business.
(Let's also not get into how the abuse in Episode 6 was also largely directed at Claudia but that's another story.)
I just don't get it like, we know from Hannibal, from Tony Soprano, from Walter White, from Dexter, that you can have fun with a bad guy, you can still enjoy when he gets what's coming to him, you can cheer for him through the badness. They had Lestat there already and oversold it, imo. He was already so petty and abusive and poorly behaved and it would've made sense that they rise up against him. They just oversold it so hard in a way that's just so uncomfortable (real world uncomfortable) outside of genre convention and just isn't all that fun to watch tbh. And they've made Louis such a sad sack it's just, so hard to watch him go through this. I think if he had a shred of agency it would feel more like it was in his own power and I'm just not really getting that from the story they're telling us and it's honestly just so fucking depressing.
And all that and it's like, not even sexy idk. Like if you're having fun and it gets you off, please enjoy! I just think it's being beaten over the head, like it was already so abusive via the gaslighting and whatnot and that type of CHEMISTRY is something I really enjoy in toxic ships hahaha but it's just like, so unrelenting and it's hard to enjoy when we never get to see them just loving each other.
Like, when Lestat is inevitably murdered and Louis has to deal with the guilt and grief of it, what is he even going to be grieving? With Paul they made the point to let us see their relationship so we understand what he lost, and with Lestat? idk. It'll be more of the voiceover going "He was all I knew" without like, letting us enjoy that on screen while it's still here.
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Hi, it's me again! Just dropping by to say "hello" and see how you're doing. Also, asks! Orchid, Daffodil and Mahonia please?
zeeee!!! Hey sweetie!! I love youuu
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
OH this is **TOUGH** theres so many songs that I love that could be perfect but yknow. The one that I have to go with at least this time is the live version of 100 letters by halsey. The song fucks and its my entire blog is kinda based on cuz its such a kenny omega hangman song that it makes me feel sick to think about it
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
Kinda a tough one to answer cuz trauma. I have two half-sisters who I dont see cuz my mother adadoned them. I have two brothers in a friends did system who have adoped me [mangooooo tell matt and nick I love them!] and I literally would never swap them for the world. and I have my big sibling @itsnoosetome who is very much not only my favourite person in the entire world but someone I would quite literally die for. Theyre the reason im still here and writing. Theyre the first person I came out as trans too, told about my system and explained literally all my emotions to in a way that makes sense to me and have someone get it. I dont know how to explain my emotions towards them but I think they really are my soulmate because who says soulmates are romantic? the two of us are the same tune in the same song. I dunno, theyre super important to me and im glad that theyre around everyday, i dont ever really think or talk about how lucky I am to have them not only by my side but as a sibling. I like that we're parts of the same star...
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I guess place would be trainrides, I always love writing on the train. I dunno what things motivate me and writing and reading inspire me the most and I dunno...just writing I guess
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charismaofobedience · 2 years
cherencherencheren can you infodump to me about hyjn on tumblr dot com <3 both hiyojun and junhiyo btw
raises off the ground. oh dear lord
ive been more insane about them than normal recently and ive got no clue why but theyre. theyre so. theyre sooooooo. theyre my everything. my little t4t icons.
it's something very specifically about the way canon portrays them. like yes hiyori is canonically a little bitch and i love her for that, and then at the same time there's jun who's an even bigger bitch but he's able to at least put on a facade in front of others that don't know he's an asshole and they're so ridiculous about it. and then, at the same time, the only people they're unable to fully be assholes with is each other. yes they'll be some teasing little motherfuckers but 6 minutes later jun will be bridal carrying hiyori and hiyori will be all cooing over jun-kun and how she trained her puppy so well. and nagisa and ibara are looking over there "what. :)" "are you two sure you didn't get the wrong soulmates." (they're all in a poly relationship.)
They're so ridiculous to me. They're a power couple in the most pathetic way possible. If you insult either of them the other is gonna almost die fighting you (or until Hiyori breaks one of her nails, but then Jun would come to fight you instead so it still counts). The fact they literally adopted a whole ass DOG together?????? And just kept hiding it away in reimei like it wasn't any problem at all???? I'm sorry but you just KNOW hiyori spoiled that dog like she was her child.
"Oooh Jun-kun look at the new clothes I bought our cute daughter bloody mary!!! 🥺 they match the ones I bought for myself!!! ♡" "ohii-san was it necessary to spend half a million of eve's monthly budget on clothes for bloody mar—" "JUN-KUN!!!! Are you out of your mind?! Of course it was!!! Our cute and perfect bloody mary deserves to be as stunning and wonderful as both of her parents, this, indeed, is a ii hiyori! ★" and jun just sighs in defeat.
They're untamable. They're also the only people capable of taming each other. And at the same time, they're one of the few people who truly get and understand each other (alongside the other two things in their polycule).
Hyjn makes me insane. They're so. Oauaurughh. The way Hiyori saved Jun in Reimei and brought him into the spotlight, but at the same time Jun indirectly saved Hiyori and brought her the one thing she didn't have back then in Reimei: A real connection. Someone she could feel close to, someone who could stay and deal with her no matter how demanding or "annoying" hiyori could be. Someone who Hiyori could trust after Nagisa and she parted ways, Jun was her safe spot during that time until all of Eden met again. I know about the whole "hiyojun sun/moon" and yeah sure, it makes sense, but to me specifically Jun is the comet to Hiyori's sun. They need each other, and just like the rest of Eden, I don't think they'll let the other go that soon.
On another note can i mention how cute i think the idea of "hiyori helps jun to go out shopping once he comes out as trans, but jun was never girly so he can't help hiyori at all and she's just left to stay all pouty at jun until he shows his uttermost support for her and agrees to learn about that stuff just to help her" is. yeah thx bye
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