#thinks about hillbilly in dbd.
uraniumglassgirl · 1 year
Movement mechanics in video games are all that matter.
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bionicboxes · 8 months
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its MY birthday I get to post cringe!! every fictional character I like is MY friend now!! (do not tag as ship)
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24kvlaks · 2 months
(Survivor X Male DBD characters.)
Imagine the killer taking interest in the reader. This is a variety of different situations and the reader acts different in each scenario.
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Trapper, if you had to be honest he was terrifying. The mask, the height, the damn traps. Worst of all his speed, it was just unnerving going up against him.
Or anyone to say the least, you didn't even know why you were there. You didn't have a crazy sob story, anything supernatural going on. You were an average joe.
Everyone else had these crazy abilities, and you just stood out of the way and did generators from a far distance.
So during your usual routine, doing a generator in the far distance you heard a snap in your left ear. The fuck? were your only thoughts as someone strong threw you over there shoulder.
And you thought you were completely fucked. You were so focused on generator rushing you didn't notice all your teammates had died, he had went past numerous of hooks.
You were hopeless and thought he was toying with you, but he stopped in front of a generator and let you waddle off of his shoulder.
You saw the hatch though you didn't dare go towards it and obeyed his wishes too finish the halfway done generator.
2 more gens to go, you sighed. Not daring to speak aloud in front of the beast.
Hot on your heels you led him to the next generator, and began working on it though you could hear him growl every time you accidentally popped it.
After what seemed like hours you moved towards the last one, thinking he was going to trick you and down you for his sick and twisted pleasure.
You were determined to escape, making sure to not fuck up like you usually did. He saw your sweat, watching how determined you were to limited freedom. Almost pissed you'd have to suffer at the hands of another killer.
Finishing the generator you sprinted yet quickly he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder once again, and letting you down.
He opened the door for you, and the entity whispered, dawned by his disobedience.
You've been in the trials for a while now. Though you always believed that the killers were still redeemable no matter how unaesthetically pleasing they were.
Especially "The wraith." There was just something about his little eyes that gained sympathy from you.
So here you were running from him, first aid in hand and not dropping pallets on him. Why? Because you refused to hurt him. Especially after you heard about his past, poor dude.
Confused by you he flinched every time you neared a pallet wondering why instead of fighting back you ran away.
Could this person possibly have empathy? To test that theory he cloaked and stalked you half the game, only gaining two kills which had been before he confronted you.
He thought you might've been a little dumb, he knew that his cloak was practically invisible though you could easily see it when he moved.
Eventually he revealed himself and chased you, just to figure you out, and to see if you'd attack if he seemed threatening enough.
Yet you didn't, you ran while you cried. Eventually the last generator got popped and they began opening the exits.
Wraith revealed himself once again and just stood there trying to at least indicate he meant no harm but was curious. Stepping out of the bush they opened the gate in front of wraith.
Gaining a sense of trust. You nodded and mumbled a tiny thank you.
Running back and forth to heal your teammates, unhook them and save them so they could generator rush towards a win. Once again hillbilly on your trail.
You were getting tired, and eventually slacked off almost ending your own life, luckily he only hit your mask.
The scratches that other killers had left on your face, then started to burn from the dust in the air. He watched you fall and heave from the pain. Honestly it was a disgusting sight to see.
Though it reminded him of the pain he felt internally from his deformity. Revving his chainsaw he ran after someone else. Thinking you had enough problems on your own.
Feeling bad almost, and hooking the first survivor he saw with an aid kit so you could heal your face up. Once you did he continued the trial like usually.
Taking it easy on you but not letting you get ahead of yourself.
You were your groups aid, you didn't fight or unhook because that wasn't your best suit.
Unbeknownst to you, you were being stalked. Every trial you had against the shape he had a close eye on you, yet didn't spare you pain. He'd hook you, and injure you.
Yet he wouldn't finish you off because he saw you as weak and had no interest in killing someone who didn't pose as a threat to him. Nor did he bow to the entity he did get here by himself after all.
He didn't care for looking for the hatch, he just cared for killing those who posed as strong or smart. You didn't, you had a brain it just didn't challenge his intellect.
Though you had your moments, stunning him. Out-thinking him from time to time. Though still, if he really tried he knew he'd kill you in an instant.
He'd camp your campfires and watch you have panic attacks after a trial or before one.
You weren't strong minded but determined to survive. Odd combo but it suited you, he knew not giving up was your strong suit.
Which is mainly why he kept an eye on you, not doing you lots of harm but hurting you when you got in his way.
Very first trial, you had no clue what happened you just woke up there. The other people didn't talk to you they didn't trust each other especially after the unknown had resembled a little like Dwight.
So as soon as you were thrown on some farm you ran towards the nearest person, he was huge with a chainsaw. But hey! He could've just been farming right?
"Hey uh what am I supposed to do?"
Taken back he just started swinging, scared and frightened he listened to the entity's command.
"No! I'm sorry, I just want to go home man I don't know where I am."
Confused he started roaring and mumbling, it was clear that he seemingly had a disorder or speech problem so you started to speak slowly in hopes of an understanding.
Yet you got no where and he was busy having a tiny panic attack, so you walked away and sat on some hay in hopes someone would help you out.
Hearing screaming your first thought was to help so immediately ran towards the sound. Laying on the ground had been someone from the camp bleeding out.
Though as soon as you went to grab them that same man had picked them up and threw them on a hook, a fucking hook.
You dropped to your knees and begged the man to stop, and God he was fucking confused so he stood waiting for the entities command yet nothing was heard so he continued standing.
You unhooked the person and thanked the man, he mumbled something but it wasn't comprehensive so you just went along with it. You ignored the screams as you began to have an idea of what was going on.
You continued to save others whilst avoiding any conflict with him.
the trial went by fast, his confusion with no guide became beckoning, so as the gates opened you called him over, he just stood there whining.
"I don't know your name man but whoever you were talking too, will be back. Though seemingly times running out, thank you for taking it easy uh leather face?” you threw him your cloak because it was a tad chilly and jogged to the exit."
Leaving him confused he thought of it like having two opposing masters too obey when all you did was be kind towards him.
You had been there for a while, and yet you've heard all this news about this new killer. You were curious and determined to beat him once you met him.
You weren't going to lose to someone who the survivors say looked like a pizza with the cheese wiped off.
Yet the more you kept thinking about him the more you kept having these odd dreams. A red boiler room and some claws.
You asked others about it yet they stayed silent not wanting to get involved.
One night you went to sleep on Dwight's leg as everyone slept around the campfire.
Opening your eyes you saw the same boiler room from those other nights, yet this time you walked towards a scraping sound.
Too your surprise you saw the dude everyone was talking about. "what the fuck is this?" You cursed at him hands up ready for a fight. “This a new trial?!”
"Feisty aren't ya!" You quickly caught on by the way he was speaking to you so obvious he was flirting with you. Gross.
"What do you want, this isn't a trial. This isn't possible. Just another fuckin' nightmare." You roared at him, hands in fist you charged at him.
Just to somehow end up falling with ya legs tied. "Oopsie." He laughed at you, fucking demon.
"God, wake up dumb ass, wake up." You yelled at yourself. "This is my world, pretty bitch." He said what? And you couldn't even get up to defend yourself. Pathetic position you were in.
"God you don't get it, I own this mind of yours-"
Before he could finish his sentence she grabbed his glove and stabbed herself. Immediately she woke up.
"Crazy, but God I'd fuck that." He spoke before ending the dream.
You woke up with blood on your hands, oh you’d beat his ass next trial.
He thought of everything as a game, he knew he couldn't die in this realm so he roamed freely.
So once you were added into these trials golly he got excited. He knew that the entity gave you permission other known as a (perk) to fight back.
So he tested it, chasing you and breaking the finale pallet leaving you in a corner. He swung, you dodged and kicked. God did it hurt, he was stunned. Sitting there for ten whole seconds.
Quickly he realized that was going to be a problem and wondered how he could've countered it.
Legion being Legion he quickly began collecting kills. Yet he kept seeing you, he was reckless but he wasn't stupid. Chasing you would've wasted time and all of your teammates.
Yet one fucking problem was you were everywhere, you were popping generators and unhooking.
So he knew he had to get rid of you, though it was looked down on Legion camped a body knowing you'd come to the rescue and yes you did.
You got the unhook but you were knocked, so when he hooked you he took it as a sweet and sour victory.
Though as soon as he threw your shoulder on the blade you let out a petrifying roar.
He turned to you and saw his big strong girl being a cry baby. God, she looked adorable. Covered in blood and as strong as a killer but here she was crying when she got hooked.
He started accidentally camping, he was just in such awe. He stood there for so long he got you into the second hook faze.
Realizing he didn't want you dead, at least yet. he hurriedly ran away. And to his satisfaction someone rescued you.
You healed yourself up as he went to slaughter the rest of your teammates. It was up to you to save them.
He had hooked the third teammate so immediately you unhooked them, hiding behind a huge rock as you crouched towards Dwight's hook and unhooked him as your teammate did with the other.
One generator left. You decided to go head on with the killer. Just to buy time even though you were the only one with a second hook stage.
Yet you couldn't find him. Almost as if he wasn't in the trial. Unbeknownst to you he was avoiding you. Knowing you had second stage.
So as the last generator popped and two teammates died, you and Laurie managed to escape.
There you were. The trial had just began and you already had a sick plan in your head.
You were going to sacrifice your teammates and find the hatch. Easy plan.
The trial begins. You had no sight of the killer so you just started on a generator. Absolutely oblivious until you felt shocks going through your body and you let out a petrifying scream.
You ran, quickly. Hoping that he didn’t notice you but oh how he did and he was hot on your trail.
Shit, this is not how you expected it to go. And your teammates were popping generators left and right.
Only 3 generators left, and he’s wasting his time trying to hook you and please the entity.
Though unbeknownst to him, you were just as much of a sick fuck as he was.
So you did what any bad teammate would do, and led him towards your other comrades. They were in shack, and you already had an escape plan.
You dropped shack palate cornering your teammates in a circle. Then hopped out the window as he went to slaughter them. You ran downstairs and opened the box.
To your amusement a first aid had been inside. You began wrapping up your wounds. The blood stopping making moving much ease.
The crazy fuck had hooked two of your teammates and the other one was on the rescue so you didn’t bother saving them.
You heard the doctor upstairs. His sick laughing feeling you with jealousy. How he got the pleasure of being a killer.
And you were stuck running.
The doctor saw what your little plan was, fishing it amusing to watch you jeopardize the life of the others just to win.
You snuck out of the basement and went to do a generator in the near corner. Both of your teammates unhooked and they got stuck in a tunneling chase.
You didn’t care. You just wanted to win. You wanted to make the entity amused and pleased.
Maybe that’s why they chose you.
Your sick and twisted mind.
You intrigued him. He wanted to dissect you, analyze your brain. Fix you, fix you with his electricity. Or kill you trying.
Your teammates got hooked again. 2 on the second phase and one on the first. Of course you weren’t going to save them.
You used the time to pop gens.
One generator left. And a teammate on a second hook phase. You rescued them, not because you cared but because you needed him to be distracted.
You heard him nearby.
You ran towards him to loop him towards your teammate he had a sickening smile on your face. He loved watching you play games with him.
You were his new favorite toy.
He shocked you just to hear you scream. It was music to his ears. Imagining you as his new test subject brought him joy.
Any joy he actually had left.
You led him to your teammate but he didn’t want to play by your rules. So he continued chasing you, he managed to hit you once.
Still hot on your trail as you barely had the strength to run. He downed you, throwing you over his broad shoulders.
He hooked you. God it was painful but nothing you’ve never felt before.
His sickening laugh filled your ears.
As your teammate came and saved the day. They downed themselves in the process, what a waste of a life.
You saw the hatch. But he saw you; and it was just a race for it. Both of you running for your life.
He hit you, you fell above the hatch.
He laughed and watched as you fell through.
Next time he would’ve made you scream for his very mercy.
He wanted to play with you, toy around with any sanity you had left.
You were a sick fuck. A sick fuck ready to be an experiment. He let you escape, he could’ve killed you if he tried. But what fun would that be if he killed you that easily?
And you both were looking for some fun next trial.
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lorimnnn · 1 year
Hello, would you be so kind to write for some DBD killers? If so, could you please write some headcanons on Max, Kazan and Anna taking pity on a survivor reader? She has been hiding away the whole trial and they find her shaking in a corner, hugging her knees and crying. She is so scared that she can't move and the only thing that comes out of her mouth is a weak "I just want to go home"
Than you in advance! 💗
i do apologise for taking WAY too long with this, sometimes a lack of motivation trumps all, no matter how good the request is!
I hope what I've written is plenty enough to please you...
also, keep requesting guys! I love seeing your messages turn up in my inbox <;3
cw: canon-typical violence, gore, some swearing, panic/anxiety, but mostly just angsty fluff, ngl
DBD Killers With a Scared!Reader
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Max Thompson Jr.
Initially... he's so confused. He doesn't know what to think, first, but avoids you as an issue to deal with later. I'd like to think the Hillbilly prefers to take care of the more difficult survivors, first--- he's just like that.
His screams terrify you. You can hear the sound or people getting torn apart and you've never been particularly fond of torture. You were a sensitive, emotional soul, and so, very kind. But make no mistake. The Entity meant for you to be here--- whoever the "Entity" was, anyway.
At this point, everybody had left you behind to fend for themself. Since the Hillbilly was an unsubtle butcher, it was easier to elude and avoid him--- giving them time to try explain to you and encourage you to do your part. But it just went in one ear and out the other. You were terrified, after all. Eventually, they just gave up and let you be, crying and frozen with your hands clamped over your ears.
How did it ever come to this?
Now you're the only one left. Max doesn't notice you at first, you know, since you're new. He thinks he's taken care of everyone, but he doesn't understand why the trial hasn't ended
Then he hears small, breathless sniffles
Whips around, confused
His chainsaw growls at his side and the crying grows louder as he nears. He hunts you down and just... finds you. Raises the chainsaw above his head and is about to kill you--- but then you look up at him, completely defeated and vulnerable, wet-eyed and quivering
You don't even try to run at that rate. How can you? Where will you go? You've never been here before. But it looks very far from home
I think it's the hopelessness in your life that makes him pause
he's completely quiet and just standing there
And realising that nobody is coming to help you, you burst into more violent wails
"I want to go home!"
stands there watching you tear up and inwardly panics
doesn't know how to comfort anyone. his parents were terrible and tortured him, and because of his prison in the walls, he never got to make any friends
he's grappling with the feeling of duty
it's not the first time survivor's have cried before, but it's the first time one has cried and not looked at him with complete disgust or hatred. you're crying because you're scared, yes, and obviously scared of him... but it's like you're giving him an opportunity to win your trust
he finally gets to be more than an angry villain... and he's unsure where to start
so he puts down his chainsaw, first. turns it off and everything, then just chucks it somewhere behind him. he'll go find it later
you're watching him like a deer in the headlights as he gets down on his knees and carefully scoots towards you
you flinch when his hand descends close to your face... and then rests on your head
*pat pat pat*
You're still so stiff, so terrified, but your tears are beginning to cease in passion
seeing your reaction feels like a reassurance, so he does it again
a bit harsh with it though
"ow..." you say when it starts to feel like he's hitting you. "that hurts..."
oh my gosh he feels so bad
hand retreats immediately
makes a sound that has you deflating completely, because you realise he's trying. he's truly trying, and is just not very good at it
he's completely defenseless, too
you realise that with a flinch, because it means that this disfigured, monstrous killer is trying to appeal to your trust, telling you he won't kill you
you soften up a little
you fear that when he stands up because you're taking too long, he'll grab the chainsaw again and make it quick. but you don't want to die--- you saw everyone else get chopped up and you don't want that to happen to you
max stiffens when he sees you beginning to move on to your hands and knees, crawling towards him. your face is still wet but now they're full of hope, not just undiluted fear
"can... can I have a hug?"
he's so scared he'll crush you
in all honesty maxie's never gotten a hug before. he's not used to this kind of gentleness, just violent anger
so he opens his arms up slowly, jerking like a rusting machine, inviting you in the best he can. trying to smile at you, even though his face doesn't allow. it's like his hatred for his disfigurement has just been renewed--- he wishes he could look nicer, just for you
definitely has a moment where he's like, "what the fuck am I doing right now?"
very well knows the entity may punish him for this
can't bring himself to care
not when you curl up against his chest between his knees, your sobs starting up again as you grip into his clothes, holding yourself impossibly close
absolutely melts
a natural at adapting to the cuddle
wraps his arms around you like you're delicate, though. not the firmness you need but it makes you feel so special and so cared for that you just cry harder, burying your face into him
max cannot believe this is happening rn
a new, alien kind of warmth floods through him, protective and strong. he strokes your arm gently and lets you cry, wishing he knew how to help, cursing himself out for the fact he doesn't
jumps when you speak, "will I ever go home again?"
his heart practically breaks. he doesn't want to shake his head, but he has to. he doesn't understand why he hates it when you cry, but he allows it.
and he promises that he'll do everything in his ability to protect you, and make sure you never have to cry like this again
all in all a 10/10 touch-starved baby. would probably fall a little in love with you when you recover, shaky hands reaching to pull you into another hug, but not knowing if it's okay.
will bridal carry you into the hatch and drop you in, heart breaking all over again when you scream and fight to reach for him, hands desperately fumbling for grip on his clothes
but he'll see you again
just you wait, sweetpea
Kazan Yamaoka
an asshole. he's so driven by rage that he most likely won't notice at first. just destroys and destroys, reaping destruction in his chosen path
this means that you won't even have a chance to talk to the other survivors. they know how kazan is and they'll send you an apologetic glance as they all scatter, wishing they had more time to explain but knowing if they didn't work fast, they were all done for
you're on your own, kid
let's say you're a good climber. shakily, you haul yourself on to the roof and choose there to hide, because for some reason... nobody ever looks up. ever.
until the end
kazan is wracking his head for a solution--- why isn't the trial ending? hasn't he won? he killed them all... hooked, mori'd, he'd lost count. but he knew the faces of the survivors he hated the most to the ones he still couldn't stand on a lesser scale and was sure he'd made a mess of all of them. but still, the trial continued
which meant a new survivor
so who was it?
where was it?
drives himself insane trying to find you. for all his rage and godlike pride, he's not the brightest
only realises you're on the roof when you start hiccupping, panic increasing tenfold when you realise you're the only one left. You don't know about hatches, you don't know about anything. Nobody explained anything to you
And now you're stuck with a flaming, angry monster
you can't even scream. it's stuck in your throat, muffled, choking on it--- you can only watch as kazan gets closer and closer. he's even angrier than usual--- did you mean to trick him? did you plan this? of course, you wanted to make a fool out of him
approaches you with audible, potent breaths. he reminds you of a hungry lion on the prowl, an apex predator approaching you, unrivalled. proud. ego hurt.
you back away
there is no remorse in this samurai, you can see it. you're scrambling back with your hands still on your ass, sniffling. and then you slip.
it's completely clumsy and stupid. you're at the end of the roof and you didn't realise, and now you're on your back, nothing to grab on to, and rolling off the edge.
kazan watches you smack against the ground. he expects you to get up and run away again.
but when you cry out, a vulnerable, naked cry, innocent to pain like this, he stops.
he watches you sob harder, muttering to yourself. "I wanna go home, I wanna go home, I just wanna go home..."
and your eyes are clenched shut, like you're praying. don't you know your wishes are futile, here? the Entity is not a merciful god, nor is it kind
you curl up into a ball and just lay there, and he can only stare
he starts to remember how your teammates didn't even help you. they only cared for themselves and their own survival. dishonourable cowards.
they'd left you stranded, and none of them had noticed
he supposed he could try and understand their positions. they were in a high-pressure situation and they could only do what they needed to do, lest they be butchered by them premature to even the middle of the trial. but still
there was a special kind of fear you honed that made him almost feel... bad
it took him back to his youth. he remembered his dead father. that man had not been innocent to bloodshed, but he had been innocent, no less. and he had died. dead in a way he did not deserve
you reminded him of his father taking his last breath
that day, he had failed to protect his family and honour his last name. he had not been a warrior that day, but a coward
and seeing you was a painful reminder of all his regrets
so he sighed
and carefully made his way towards you
you didn't even notice him until he grabbed you by the chin, turning your head to face him. your breath hitched in your throat and you froze all over, more tears surfacing to your eyes
but the feared oni only scoffed
"I'm not here to hurt you. I would have done so already if that were the case."
you sniffled pathetically
he loosened his grip on your face
being gentle had never been his strong suit. it had been a while since he'd had such an opportunity, to be responsible for someone else's comfort. be the person they needed
swallows when you melt into his touch
your entrance had been a rude one, after all. he was the only person who'd ever stopped and attempted kindess with you in this hell hole. the other survivors had neglected you
"your arm is broken?"
"i... I think so."
"The Entity will fix it."
gently explains to you where you are and what's going on. at this point, he has squatted down to sit, less beast and more man... and you have finally sat up, cradling your arm as you scoot closer. kazan has noticed but hasn't said anything, unsure of your movements but certain of your weakness
does not expect you to throw yourself into his arms
the impropriety!!!
kazan is an Edo-era samurai, come on
freezes up like he's been violated
"s-sorry," you whisper. "I just... I need someone. Please. To tell me I'll be okay."
pity begins to transform into sympathy and something else, something that makes him feel responsible for you. Like a dad or something, or maybe even more. a possible companion
won't get ahead of himself, though
strokes your hair like a domesticated cat and eventually hauls you into the little cradle formed in the centre of his crossed legs
you're baby now
not that you're complaining
kazan is as warm as a furnace and he's the first comforting thing you've had in a while. against your will, your entire body melts and you become liquid in his arms, much to his pleasure
he finds he... may like this
he's never really given tender affection like this before. sure, he had his family, but that had been purely for the upholding o his dark legacy
now that's over and immortalised, and there's you
he doesn't mind you
remember that kazan is very headstrong and emotionally driven. he kills everyone in an episode of unparalleled anger. so of course he starts to see you in a certain way--- his little deer, little one, sweet creature
depending only on him
of course he'll take care of you when he puts it like that
but alas, he can't keep you here forever
"Little one, we must part. But I will see you again. I will make sure of it. You will be strong when I see you next time. You will not cower. Do you understand?"
You really don't, but tearfully, you nod. you don't want to disappoint and it pleases him that you care to appease to a monster at all
leads you to the hatch with one hand on the back of your neck. sends you off with an approving nod.
you'll never know how softly he smiled at you that day
with her hunting skills, you have more luck being obvious than you do hiding and being subtle. you hiding and being subtle was what gave you away immediately
and also, Anna loves a challenge
the other survivors tried dragging you around with them, explaining, but it was all in vain. you weren't moving. you weren't doing anything but crying
they gave up and abandoned you when it compromised their own safety to be around you
but some stayed
who was it? leon. of course it's leon. he's too noble, too kind-hearted to leave you behind
he tries to defend you when Anna finally approaches, but he can't
you feel your entire world break apart when she mori's him right in front of you
that's when your hardly-contained sobs turn into silent, breathless whimpers, more tears streaming down your face and your chest quaking as you fight to breathe
you can't breathe
noticing how you aren't even moving away, Anna will pause
she will look at you, consider your state
do you enjoy being such easy prey?
maybe, maybe not
she takes her time to study you because you're not going anywhere and even if you tried, she'd be on to you in seconds
you're staring at Leon's mutilated body, hands curling into the dirty
i think that's when it hits you this is very real, and there's no escape
you're absolutely done for
and you're terrified because of it
and as Anna approaches, you can't even back away. too in shock, too scared, to helpless and vulnerable
who is this woman, so sly and stealthy, murdering all of you one by one? a rabbit mask on her face--- a real rabbit, too?
and why is she hesitating to kill you when she didn't hesitate to kill Leon?
little do you know, Anna's soft spot for little girls has been triggered
it just has to be the way you're curled up, knees to your chest and arms helpless beside you, fighting to curl around your legs when there's no strength to hold them there
you just look so... small
like you need someone
Anna will feel slightly bad that she killed the only person who gave you any sort of momentary security
after all, Anna knew what it was like to be left completely alone
the feeling of loneliness was unparalleled and the fact you looked so... defenceless made her feel even worse about it
at least the other survivors had their own skills
you were obviously new to all of this--- did you even know what you could do?
poor baby
immediately decides she will spare you. fuck being a survivor, you're helpless and you need someone, even if that means her, a killer. you need her
motherly instincts absolutely activated
you squeak pathetically when she crouches down beside you, arms looping beneath your knees and back
you can't even scream when she lifts you. what the fuck--- what are you doing, what---
she lifts you so easily, too. doesn't matter how heavy you are. remember her strength is increased by the entity, and she can hunt bears and stuff. she's strong
and she's... she's rocking you like a newborn baby...
anna sings to you. she sings the lullabies her mother used to sing to her and hums into your ear, trying to calm you
soothe you
it works, if only slightly
you're still not ever the fact that she brutalized Leon like that RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU
and she does feel guilty but she isn't sure there is anything she can say to you to fix that
your eyes are just too innocent
it's very clear to her that you've never seen blood before. at least, not like that
not to that extreme
starts babying you until your cries cease completely
whispers to you comfortingly in Russian
you vaguely understand a question she keeps asking you: what's wrong? what is it? what is the problem?
at least, you think so
you just look at her tearfully, about to burst all over again and say, "I just want to go home!"
at that moment, her heart breaks for you
and she feels so much anger towards the Entity, because can she not see? is this some joke?
you are the last person deserving of this kind of hell
you reminded her of the rabbits that used to roam her forest. they were so vulnerable and weak
but they had their own tenacity she was sure she would see in you
puts you down and holds your hand, then starts tugging you along
you follow dumbly, with a bewildered expression on your face
her message is very clear: "I'll get to you in a minute. Let me take care of something first, okay?"
holds your hand tighter when she hooks and mori's the other survivor right in front of you all over again, feeling that you're trying to run away
it's like she's trying to each you something
shows you how to hide and the best places to do so (and pretends she can't see you when she forces you to practice)
it's giving father-son catch except it's more so mother-daughter hide and seek
not very fun on your end and you get more and more freaked out but you find you'd rather be favoured by the killer than hated
by the time there's nobody left, Anna will reluctantly lead you to the hatch
she doesn't want to let you go
she might even offer things to the entity to keep you as her little daughter
she knows she could protect you much better and hates the idea of seeing you hurt when she just knows the other killers won't be as merciful
they won't understand
feels so possessive of you already, but knows that either way, the Entity will take you away
So she pulls you to her, kisses your head
then shoos you off the hatch like a mother duck bidding farewell to her duckling
you just stare at her, confused
does it again
realising that she wants you to jump into the unknown door in the ground, you start crying again
no! no! don't do that!
hugs you in a panic and pets your hair
depending on how severe she will pick you up again
and in either case, she will have to--- broken heartedly--- send you off into the abyss as you sniffle
"please don't make me go..."
oh trust me, she doesn't want to
but she'd rather not find out what the entity will do to you
strokes your hair and gives you a gentle push
she'll come back for you, y/n
mommy's proud of you!!!
yay! I did it!
I hope you enjoyed this, nonnie. this was so fun to write.
please keep sending me requests!
oh, and remember to reblog and follow!
lorimn <3
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
I wanted to start something on my own ( the ask box is open pls send requests I am bored ) and got inspired reading some prompts, so here's the DBD Killers' reactions to getting horribly flirted with! Including some of my own pick-up lines because I'm bad at flirting
Badly Flirting with The DBD Killers: Part 1 Featuring Evan MacMillan, Philip Ojomo, and Max Thompson Jr.
Themes: GN!Reader being cringe, an attempt at comedy, slight fluff, and implied smut Warnings: Canon-typical violence
The Trapper / Evan MacMillan - You got cornered while injured with no other survivors nearby. Shit. Might as well give it a shot, right? - "Hey, are you a hundred dollar bill on the ground? Because I'd pick you up and spend every bit of you immediately." - Your voice was wavering as you said it, even though you tried to look as nonchalant as possible. - Evan's loud puffing behind his mask made the silence even more deafening. Was he gonna mori you now? Probably. - "Nice try", was the only thing he said in his rough accent before swiftly downing you and putting you on a sacrificial hook. - He definitely wasn't going to admit that your pick-up line made him chuckle a bit inside of his head, or that it made you look cute. - He couldn't stop thinking about that for a while.
The Wraith / Philip Ojomo - Trapped in a corner in the garage at Gas Heaven, your friend Ace had dared you to finally confront The Wraith about how you felt the next time you met him in a trial, even supplying you with a pick-up line. - You certainly weren't one to back down from a challenge! This was stupid. - "Are you a fine wine? Because I'd love to taste you." - Philip stared down at you blankly, darting his stark white eyes between the concrete floor and your face. - Had you actually flustered him? Body language was all you really had to go off of, and the fingers on his right hand were twitching. - Before you knew it, he rang his bell to cloak and darted out of the building, leaving you alone in the cold garage. - Did you offend him? What if he's already in a relationship? Ah fuck, you didn't think of that. - You didn't know it, but he watched you run out of the exit gate, cloaked. You didn't even see him for the rest of the trial. He was too embarrassed to face you any time soon. - Much to his surprise, that was the first time he had ever gotten physically aroused after being taken into the fog. He had business to take care of after you left.
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. - The three other survivors were sacrificed. You thought you were about to get chainsawed in half, but he stopped revving when you looked like you were about to say something to him. He was curious. - "Hey, if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber!" - Your comment made him tilt his head to the side like a confused puppy and lower his chainsaw. Did you just compliment him? Why? - His second assumption was that someone had dared you to compliment him as a joke. He was always the butt of the joke, so why would anyone actually compliment him? He's hideous! - You noticed him getting caught up in his head, so you took a chance and gently placed a hand on the deformed flesh of his arm. He flinched a bit and looked back down at you. - "Are you okay? I really did mean that. I think you're cute." - Max simply stared at you in silence. He was really, really confused. Were you serious? You sounded serious. - He looked back down at the hand you still had on his arm. You went to take it back, scared he was angry, but he grabbed your wrist as you did and pulled your smaller hand into his. - For a moment, he just looked at your hand. Your skin felt so nice against his. He had never felt someone touch him unless it was meant to hurt him. He liked this new feeling. - For once, Max felt himself smiling. He knew he had to let you go, though. So he let you leave through the hatch after you promised him you'd visit him later.
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Hi !!, I have been very lucky to find your DBD content and although it is for now the only thing I have read, I can surely say that I love it! and wanted to place an order.
Headcanons of the Assassins with an S / o that is a little sunny with them at all times but your companions hate you and make fun of you so you run to the Assassin camp to feel better with your loved ones.
You can put the characters that you think are best suited to this, I give you freedom to choose.
I understand if you can't do it but anyway, thank you so much for everything you bring us! 💖
(My English is not good and I am very sorry for that.).
Hey there~! Your English is fine, I got the gist of what you wanted to say! I know you’re probably asking for longer HCs for some of the Killers, and separately, but I had a bit of a different idea on how to approach this, so I hope you like this! <3
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It wasn’t your fault that you were trying your hardest to be positive, or that you weren’t necessarily being affected by the darkening or fear that most of the survivors were going through.
Why should you bother wasting every second of your life - Or whatever there was that remained of it - Thinking up a shit tone of strategies to counter killers, get better at fixing generators and finding the hatch, when you could chat about your passions, hobbies, friends, families and other cool stuff?
Like how Kate loves to play the guitar! Or... How many of them have pets! Or Yui’s racing and motorbike passion! Claudette’s interest in botany. Everyone was so unique in their own way, why not take pride in that!
Unfortunately, your fellow Survivors weren’t leaning your way, so you often found yourself wandering around the foggy forest on your own - You were never afraid of getting lost, after all, you never needed food or water, and somehow, you always ended up back at the Survivor camp, even if you only walked straight ahead.
This time, though, things went different - Instead of arriving back at your designated camp - The Killer Camp was painted out before your very eyes.
You couldn’t help but stand there, rooted to the spot, with eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape from the shock - How did this happen? Did the Entity make a mistake?
Looking like a deer in the headlights, you just stood there, staring blankly, while all the Killers turned around to stare back at you uncomfortably.
Thankfully, the Entity made it so that no altercation can happen in between trials, so at least you were safe.
“Yo, toots, watcha standin’ there for? Come over. We were just gossipin’ ‘bout ya normies!” Ghostie was the first to let out a dark cackle and wave his hand, calling you over, where he was standing in between Michael Myers and The Legion.
You were more than happy to oblige, and with a wide grin, you immediately scuttered over and sat on the log next to him.
Susie was the first one to greet you properly, and started playing and braiding your head, while Ghostface started talking about horror movies and whatever crimes he committed in the real life.
Myers, though silent, didn’t bother budging from his spot, but it was kinda obvious he was getting annoyed with the young ones’ obnoxiousness.
Freddy was letting out low, menacing evil-laughs, but they went completely unnoticed, especially after he earned a hit to the back of his head from Trickster’s bat, before the K-pop singer scooted over and plopped down on a log opposite of them, smirking and shifting the conversation towards music and how beautiful the screams of his victims’ agony were, especially synthetized into his songs.
The rest of the Legion members joined in the conversation, behaving like normal young adults do, and gossiping here and there about random shit from their neighbourhood and all the drama they went through.
Adiris was keeping her distance, not wanting to disturb anyone with her rotting, pusing stench, but at least the censer smell was offering a soothing aroma for everyone. 
Hillbilly and Bubba were shying away from the crown, and Charlotte, Sally and Amanda were desperately fighting against the Doctor and the Clown so they wouldn’t dare try to harm a Survivor outside of a trial.
Which made Anna come over and bring you into a bone-crushing hug, protectively swinging you in her arms and humming a sweet lullaby, showing that she was taking care of you now.
 Rin finally got the courage to come over, and though she wasn’t able to speak much, she appreciated having her hair played with, and if her ancestor, the fierce Kazan, dared approach you, she’d hiss at him and get in a fighting stance, katana out and ready to fight - Thankfully, he seemed to get the idea and he’d back off, happy to let his young descendant do her thing.
Pyramid Head would take out his sword and plant it as a shield in front of you, realising your innocence and how you didn’t deserve to be Executed, as you’ve never committed any sins worth of punishing, so whenever the Cenobite was attempting to steal you away, he’d get destroyed immediately.
Carmina, timidly, would come over and let out soft craw-like sounds, blushing sweetly as you’d pet her head and smile at her so nicely, calling her beautiful and what not.
Sadako would play tricks on you and try to cause some minor harm like tugging on your hair or pushing you around, but Wesker would stop her, as he was far too interested in flirting with you - After all, there weren’t many people to flirt with, in the Killer Camp, after all.
Nemesis was trying desperately to infect you, while Caleb would use his slingshot to counter him, and Talbot would continue fighting himself against even thinking about using you as a Blight Test Subject, considering how wrong all the other subjects went.
In the end, Lisa and Evan were the ones to walk you back to your Camp, and Philip would pat your head and offer a small smile as a farewell wish.
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imauthicktic · 2 years
Little Moments
Dbd x fem!reader
Authors note: pretty sure I didn’t use any fem pronouns, but I don’t wanna label it a gn!reader just in case I did. If anything I’ll go back and edit later.
Edit: I fixed it to be gn!reader to be more inclusive!!
Anyways pure fluff 
Characters: Trapper, Huntress, Deathslinger, Ghostface, Hillbilly
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I feel like this goes without saying, but you’re definitely stuck in one of his traps. You were the last survivor and that was intentional. See, Evan gets a little excited with you in his trials. You both aren’t together… yet, but he likes to think it’ll be sooner than later. He cares for you, that’s for sure. You both have little moments here and there that can be sweet. They’re just a little too short for his liking. He hopes you enjoy those moments as well. He was still on the hunt for you, trying to find you, but this map was getting too confusing for him at the moment. He heard your whimpering and quickly went in your direction.
You look up at Evan and whimpered a small “Please help me out. It hurts, Evan.” He kneeled down and quickly opened the bear trap, releasing your leg. You didn’t miss the fact that he brought over a med pack. He wrapped up your leg gently and picked you up over his shoulder. “Excuusee me, sir. I think we both know you don’t have to hold me like this when we’re the only two people here,” you said with some sass and a small, but harmless smack to his back. Evan chuckled and instead of holding you like the royalty you are, he gave you a small, not as harmless smack against your ass. You squeaked from how hard he smacked it and pouted when he didn’t change his hold on you.
You guess you can live with it since you notice he’s passing all the hooks and gingerly avoiding his traps. You notice he’s heading towards the hatch and you try to prop up the top part of your body so that you slide down a bit in Evan’s grip. He grunted and caught you with his other arm, your legs wrapped themselves around his waist and you smiled at his mask. You put a lil kiss on his masked cheek and he turned his head towards you. “See you back at your place?” you ask as he puts you on your feet gently. He put a hand on your cheek and gave a small nod. You smiled again and went in for a quick hug. As you both pulled away, you gave a small pinch to his butt, making him jump and you quickly ran towards the exit with a giggle.
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It had been a while since you were in a trial with Anna. Not that it put you at ease, but it certainly made you feel a little less stressed considering she would wait, only jokingly chasing you at times until she saw another survivor. Soon enough there were only two survivors left, one of them being you. You tried helping Leon, but he didn’t want you to risk yourself for him. You both were working on the last generator when you heard her humming in the distance. “Finish the generator, I’ll get her to chase me for a bit. Be careful.” Leon said as he ran away towards the humming. You were always surprised by how nice Leon could be towards you, even at the end of the trial and even when you guys were exhausted.
You were fixing the last part of the generator and sighed in relief when it roared alive. Hearing the latch creek in the distance, you stood up and tried to listen for Leon on the way toward safety and you heard him yell out your name. You turned around and saw him running towards you with an angry Anna behind him about to throw her hatchet. However, Leon was too close for comfort when Anna threw her hatchet and you yelled for Leon to duck and you barely just dodged the missile as it scraped your shoulder. Anna saw how it just got you and she halted to a stop as you and Leon made it through the hatch and made it back to camp. You sigh as you sit down for a moment to catch your breath.
You can still feel the sting of the cut on your shoulder. You can feel someone staring you down from the forest. You know who it is instantly. You slowly get up while everyone is chatting and give a small pat on Leon’s shoulder as you head for the treeline. As you walk deeper into the forest you know she’s following you and you stop near a river that you find and sit on top of a rock nearby. The wound is finally closed, you just feel the sting still on your shoulder. You call over your shoulder, “Anna, you can come over. I’m not going to bite,” you say with a small smile. You can barely hear her approach you but she gently sits down next to you, looking at the ground. You can tell she’s upset about hurting you and you softly grab her hand. You lean your head against her shoulder and whisper a small, “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. I know it was an accident.” She looks at where she hurt you, only to see it healed already. She feels more at ease knowing you forgive her and that you’re not in any more physical pain. She breathes in deeply and turns to wrap her arms around you and starts humming. You relax in her embrace and you play with her hands for a while until one of you gets pulled back into a trial.
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You wake up gasping for breath. Another trial failed. You stare up at the stars for a few moments and groan as you try to sit up. You’re further from the survivor camp than you expected and look at the tree line. You’re getting tired of how boring the survivor's camp has been. You decided it was time to start heading towards the one realm you’ve always felt welcomed in.
You finally stepped foot into the scorching sun and decided to take off the stupid jacket you’ve been wearing, sweating, and bleeding in. At least you have a tank top that’s white. Attracts less heat in this wild west place.
You don’t even realize you’re in front of the saloon until you walk through the swinging doors. Caleb side-eyes you as he took a sip of his whiskey. He puts his glass down and leans over the bar to grab another glass as you walk towards him and sit next to him with a blank face. He’s pouring you a drink as he notices your faraway stare. “What’s on yer mind darlin’? I ain’t ever seen ya look so glum,” he gruffly says to you. You can’t help but feel at ease in his presence. You take a big gulp of your drink and wince slightly at the burn going down your throat. It's been a while since you’ve gotten to be with Caleb. You care for him so deeply and you know he cares for you too. You just don’t know how much. “Caleb… I-...” you don’t even know how to word it without sounding desperate. You feel him put some strands of hair behind your ear and then he caresses your cheek with his finger. “My sweet thang. You ain’t never been so quiet,” he said with a small smile. You finally ease up some more as you turn to look at him and his hand cups your cheek. “I love you, Caleb. I just really miss you lately.” you finally say. “My word. It’s ‘bout time you said it. I’ been waitin’ for you to say it first, sweetheart.” he leaned in and put a sickly soft kiss on your lips. “I love you more than anythin’.” Caleb said. You smile in relief and grab your glass and raise it to him. He snorts and raises his glass and clinks it against yours. “To me ‘n you darlin’.”
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You groan at the flash that keeps going off. “Danny, if you don’t chill it with the flash, I’m going to get a migraine,” you whine. He chuckles as he finally stops, “Alright, alright. You’re lucky I got enough for now, sweet cheeks.” “Oh yeah? I’m lucky? No, I think you’re lucky I let you take cute photos of me.” You said as you jumped on top of him trying to wrestle the camera out of his hands. You and Danny tossed each other around, throwing in a lil WWE moves, for the dramatics of course, and you somehow got on top. With a victorious laugh and quick hands, you grab the camera and snap as many pictures as you can of Danny’s laughing face. He grabs you by the hips and turns you guys around and onto your back. You move the camera far and away from yourself, thus, away from Danny. He doesn’t even try to reach for it. You look up at him as he cages your head between his arms.
“Ya know. For this place being as much as a shithole as it is, I’m glad I got you out of it.” You felt the blood rush to your face, not expecting something so sweet to come out of him. “I-... I can’t believe you think that,” you said, almost shocked. “Yeah, well, good luck hearing something like that come out of me again. You totally ruined the moment.” He sighed with a small, fake, pout. You couldn’t help but laugh, he smiled immediately as you giggled out an “Oh, I ruined the moment? Me?” you try to suppress the giggles as you bite your lip. You two lay there as you look into each other’s eyes. You both relax from the giggle fest and he leans down slowly to leave a small kiss on your lips. After that, he leans his head down into the crook of your neck and lays all his body weight onto you. What a perfectly weighted blanket you have. You run your fingers through his hair and press a small kiss on his temple. “I’m keeping those pictures I took of you by the way,” you said into his hair as you press another kiss there. He presses a kiss to your collarbone and with a small sigh he responds with a “Fine by me.”
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You were running through the cornfields, breathing heavily. You can hear him behind you with his uneven stomps. You find a tree with taller corn stalks around it and you go around it and hide behind the tree. You hear him call out. You put your hand over your mouth to calm your breathing. You hear him getting closer… and closer… and then… silence. You hear nothing around you but the breeze going through the tall grass and corn stalks. You decide you’re in the clear and look around the tree. Just as you turn your head, you feel rough hands go around your waist. You let out a shriek and turn around to see Max with a small grin on his face. He lets out a tiny giggle behind his hand as you let out a small sigh.
“I guess I’m it now, huh Maxie?” He nods a little and squats a bit so he can be on your level face-to-face. You give him a big smile and say “I guess you want your reward, big guy?” He groaned out a small “uh-huh” and you leaned into his face and gave him a small kiss on the corner of his lips. “Ok, so now that I’m it, you have to start running ok? Once I get ya, I’m getting one of your famous bear hugs as a prize.” You smile real big and give him a kiss on his cheek. “You better start running, Maxie. Imma get that hug from you!” you giggle and you try to reach out, but he moves just out of reach as you go for him again. Doing this makes him giggle as he runs away with you hot on his trail also giggling.
He hasn’t been giddy like this before and he likes the affection you give him. Max slows down a little cause he looked over his shoulder to see how close you were. When he turns he doesn’t see you and a little part of him panics. Where did you go? You were right behind him? He turns back to the direction he was originally going to go and he nearly jumps out of his skin as he feels you jump and wrap your legs around his waist. He hears your giggles of “I got ya!” and you press kisses all over his face as he wraps his arms around your waist and makes small noises of happiness. He flushed a little feeling you pressed up against him, but most of all, he felt safe. He tightened his hold on you and started heading towards the house. All he wants is to cuddle and eat some of your cooking. The whole walk was just a bunch of loving words from you and happy noises from him.
Lmk what you guys think!!!
Requests are open!!
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The amount of disfigured / Intensely scarred characters I like is surprisingly large
Idk why people are bothered by that stuff
Like Sal is neat
Wade is silly
I might get Krueger but like that's just if I think about it too hard (Trypophobia)
Remus is babygirl (I'm baby girl chat)
Joker is my dude (me)
I don't really understand the fear of stuff like that, it really isn't as "gross" or "ugly" or "horrific" as people make it to be
Like if I saw someone walking around with half a face I'd only be concerned if it was fresh or something otherwise it's not really my business 🤷
So what if someone is walking around looking like two-face? That's not something you would be worried about
People seem to be too caught up in the whole pity and looks aspect. My only concern is if it's fresh and they're in pain or if they're safe
Or people like Hillbilly (DBD) like he was born like that, it's not really anything anyone could do much of (his parents were shit but that's not my point)
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envihellbender · 2 months
What fears are the (original) DBD killers?
The Dead By Daylight Original Killers As The Magnus Archives Fears
The Trapper: the Web
Evan was being used as his father’s puppet and was pushed to enact his actions. The entity used him in the same way, torturing him until he relented. He uses bear traps to hunt his prey, reminiscent of a spider trapping his prey in a web.
As an avatar of the Web his bear traps have minds of their own, they grow spindly legs to wander around to stalk their pray not unlike spiders. When people stand on them they are impossible to break off, and cover the prey in something thin and sharp. It’s like being covered in diamond. Even years later Evan still has string attached to his hands and feet, sewn in to his bones. Occasionally there’s a tug, a reminder of what he has to do.
The Wraith: the Hunt
Phillip had being a hunter forced upon him, and just when he thought he’d escaped it … it turned out he’d simply been used as the gun instead of the soldier. He stalks his prey silently, and strikes when they least expect it. His appearance is bird like, covered in what looks like feathers - he is like a bird of prey who dives down and strikes suddenly to kill.
As an avatar of the Hunt he is very similar to what he does for the Entity, except he works silently and he isn’t invisible in the same way. He doesn’t have a telltale shimmer, instead his shadow is completely visible but not his body. His victims often talk of a dark shape following them, like a shadow without a person to cause it. They don’t see their attacker until they’re about to die.
The Hillbilly: the Flesh
Max’s identity is more seeped into his physical disability than it needed to be thanks to his abuse, this as well as being born and raised on a farm is what connects him to this fear.
Max was born into the Flesh, most assume because of his physical disability but actually it’s because of the farm. His father before him was an avatar too, he raised every single animal he had in isolation, they didn’t get to run through his cornfields, they were trapped in cages, fed until they were immobile beasts and filled with hormones that made them produce unnatural amounts of milk. They had obscenely large and repeated pregnancies, and it was a task the man inherited from his bloodline. When his son was born he knew killing him would devote him to the Flesh and he was worried that would offend his god… but the fear was furious about one of its own being locked away. It was time to start the entire cycle anew, Max would make a much better avatar then his lazy father who simply repeated what had been taught to him.
The Nurse & The Doctor: The Spiral
Doing these together because I think as Fears they would be two halves of one whole. The two of them both meet the criteria for medial abuse which falls under the Spiral but in different ways. Sally’s mental health broke after several traumatic events and then spending a long time working in a psychiatric hospital and being susceptible to the words of another patient. The building, the asylum, and the people inside it, psychiatric patients, were responsible for her slowly losing her mind before she became a killer. This also fits within the Spiral. Herman experimented on patients with ECT - use on psychiatric patients, he learned everything he knew about the mind from being taken into Léry’s Memorial Institute at a young age. The entire concept of grooming a child to interfere with victims’ brains seems to fit very well into the Spiral territory.
As the Spiral Nurse Sally and Doctor Herman both run a hospital, one that from the outside seems quite prestigious and well managed. It’s common for rich families to send troubled teenagers there, as a last resort. The kind who if they never returned or if they were lobotomised. Sally deals with the patient care and Herman deals with diagnosis and surgery. Sally’s specialty is manipulation and gaslighting, Herman however prefers to manipulate the brain directly from the inside with his new devices, as well as testing out new concoctions on the patients. The building itself is also very strange in that it appears different to every patient, the corridors don’t make sense constantly twisting in odd manners, and the doors and windows don’t always stay where they are.
The Hag: the Buried who’s been scarred by the Flesh
Lisa Sherwood’s was kept in a dimly lit cellar when she was kidnapped, she slipped on wet mud during a thunderstorm and fell into the earth. They consumed her and the prisoners flesh down to the bone. The cannibals resemble the Flesh, but this was forced upon Lisa. She became essentially a corpse, she sunk into the earth to return to her family. This is similar to Daisy Tanner staying within her coffin, and also Hezekiah’s embrace from the Earth.
Lisa was born into a sect that was dedicated to the Buried. They were a peaceful group that worked with the Fear, they preached that the Entities did not need to be treated as a terrible thing - fear and anxiety are healthy, human emotions after all. Lisa was very dedicated to the spiritual practices they used to summon the Earth, to be protected by it, to explore everything it had to teach them. However, when she was lost in a thunder storm and fell to the ground, the Earth could not protect her from her kidnappers. A group of cannibals who swore themselves to the Flesh, Lisa was grateful they kept her in the cellar, so she could pray to the Earth every night. One day, her pleas were answered, and even though her flesh had been consumed, she managed to rip herself from the shackles, and to be taken by the Earth itself, who promised her vengeance.
The Unknown: the stranger merged with the flesh
The Unknown takes over people’s bodies, steal them, distorts them and abandons them. It’s similar to the Not-Them of the Stranger, but it doesn’t try to convince anyone that it is a human being, or play the part of another human. It’s a creature that takes human flesh and distorts it into something disturbing for humans to look at. That’s where we get the realm of the Unknown which exists between the Stranger and the Flesh.
No one knows quite how the Unknown came to be. There are many theories, a member of the circus’s freak show who ran off or was taken by an avatar of the flesh perhaps. Most however think it is far more ancient, far more unfathomable than that. It seems turn up in quite a few different stories and urban legends, suggesting they are many of them. It is as if takes people and moulds their bodies like play dough. It creates many of them, replicating them, but they don’t contain a personality or mind that the Stranger manages to copy. It is as if it simply about the flesh itself.
The Huntress: the Lonely
Anna was cursed from the very beginning to be alone. She was born alone in the woods with her mother, raised to fear the men who passed through the woods. She had no relationships or connections but that to her mother. When she died, all she could do was hum the nursery rhymes she sang to her and continue to hurt the men her mother taught her to hate. She tries to have love and care in her life with the children she takes in but doesn’t know how to care for. Then, of course, the forest was taken by fog.
Anna’s mother had been cursed by the Lonely when she was with child, not that she knew it then. She felt something calling to her in the woods shortly after she became pregnant, from a charming man she had a summer dalliance with. A James Lukas, he said his name was. Soon as he abandoned her with no one but the baby growing inside her, she began to yearn for the woods. It was strange, usually the children born of the Lukas craved the sea, but her mother desperately wanted the woods. The mountainous, isolated woods. So one day she fled there, she told no one where she would be going. She found an abandoned lodge in the centre, an area so treacherous few even dared to take an expedition through it. She made a home there for her and her daughter, vowing that she will never allow her precious Anna to be harmed by man again. The fog and the woods would protect them, and she would teach her to hunt and defend herself. What she didn’t prepare her for was the fact her mother wouldn’t live forever, and no matter how much Anna tried to gain companionship through the children she found… The Lonely took them away from her every single time.
The Clown: the Stranger
The Clown aka Jeffery Hawk aka Kenneth Chase has several aliases which is one of the reasons why he fits so well within the Stranger. He is so capable of changing who he is, from the strongman to the clown. There is also the fact that he is inspired by John Wayne Gacy, and the entire concept of Stranger Danger which killers such as the Clown embody. Of course the most obvious connection to the Stranger is the fact he is a clown, which brings us to the circus.
Kenneth first found himself enraptured by the Stranger at a young age - not that he knew it then. His dentist seemed like an odd choice for a young boy to choose as a friend, but given it was the 1940s few people questioned it. The man gave the child plenty of access to anaesthetic and plenty of other drugs, which the child used to trap and harm birds, squirrels, and other small animals. Kenneth never felt connected to anyone around him, his father was an alcoholic and he had very few friends. He was oddly tall and strong, throwing himself into athletics at school. When his father discovered his extracurricular activities and his finger collection, Kenneth fled to his friend the dentist. He pointed him into the direction of the Circus of the Other that just so happened to be in town, and in particular to Gregor Orsinov. Finally, Kenneth had an escape from his father, the town, and an iron clad alibi for whatever crimes he wished to commit.
The Spirit: The Buried
Rin’s family’s problems began when they became wrapped up in financial troubles. She went to a private university which weighed heavily on her family’s money problems. Her father worked long, long hours hoping for a promotion. It drove him mad as he heard a whisper speaking to him, he lost sleep and his grasp on reality. This, and him losing his job, resulted in hers, her mother’s, and eventually his own death, the sheer anger Rin experienced is what resulted in the Entity taking her. The Yamaoka estate became her tomb. The estate is dark and almost resembles a graveyard. The ground is named haunted through Rin’s abilities, and during her phase state she can see the scratches and blood on it even when people disappear. This shows her connection to the earth she was raised upon.
Rin’s father built coffins, an unpopular business in Japan where the majority of the population chose cremation. However he insisted upon it, beautiful creations - dark wood with intricate painted patterns across them. He sold very few locally, or even in Japan as a whole. Rin spent most of her childhood with beautiful coffins filling the house, acting as chairs and tables, or simply being in the way. Her mother tried to get him to get a new line of work, he had a contract with this British company but it wasn’t enough. What her father hadn’t mentioned was the contract was more than legally binding. They were in more and more debt every day, so much so her father began to whisper to the coffins, to something that wasn’t there. One day late at night, Rin crept to the kitchen for some water and she heard him yelling at the coffin, there was nothing replying but her blood ran cold when she heard what he agreed to. He was going to build two coffins, one for Rin and one for her mother.
The Legion: the Slaughter
The Legion’s connections to the Slaughter lie in the military origins of their name (the division of the Roman army), the fact that the loyalty between the four of them makes them seem like soldiers for the Entity, and the music that plays from their mix tapes when they attack. Each mix tape gives them different abilities, and there is a tape for each of them, but also one made by the Entity which is the most powerful. This mimics the sounds of bagpipes that calls the soldiers to the Slaughter.
The Slaughter had been watching the four of them for a while, Frank was the longest of course, but it didn’t take them completely until the night with the janitor. It spoke to them before that, giving each one of them solace through music. They each felt a pull that no one else could understand, as if the music spoke to them individually, it was instructing them to do something but they didn’t know what it was yet. No one really understood why Julie chose to be friends with Susie and Joey. They all felt a connection with each other, they weren’t sure what and Julie’s shallow family kept trying to push her to have friends they considered “appropriate”. When Frank appeared… Music became sweeter. Stronger. The connection made their bonds unbreakable and even though their tastes differed any song they copied to tape became sacred almost. After breaking into the convenience store and accosting the janitor, the same one who’d been racist to Joey and lecherous to Susie and Julie, they all thought it was their choice. The music they heard must have been one of their tapes, the Slaughter came to them that night as a result of what they did… Of course the truth is a little more complicated.
The Plague: the Corruption
Adiris was a priestess who was chosen to save the priests and her temple from plague, a feature of the corruption. She became the High Priestess after a ceremony involving cutting off her toe, she cured the temple and city of the plague. This led to her developing an infection, she kept herself veiled to keep the corruption to herself and inside of her. She is taken by the fog after she heads to the forest looking for a cure, eventually dying in her own vomit only to disappear, She uses the power of Vile Purge as the killer, passing on her infection and sickness to the survivors. She is even capable of corrupting the cleansing waters, both of which point to her being the Corruption. She is also a priest become killer which suggests she’s undergone moral and spiritual corruption from the entity’s interference and her own trauma.
Adiris was born into the Corruption, in the Temple of Disease and Healing she was raised, to serve and worship the God that resided there. Of course the deity was or worked for the Corruption, and any healing that was supposedly given was false or came with a price. Adiris believed in the faith and sanctity of the Temple until she became a High Priestess. That was when its true purpose was revealed to her. The diseased came to the Temple, and the High Priestesses would absorb their disease and illness, creating a contained building of suffering and pain, of plague and corruption. She was restrained, each disease and ailments forced upon her body which grew weaker with every ritual. All the records say she died of an infection of some kind, but still to this day at the Temple a rotting woman covered in boils, sores, blood, viscera and vomit stalks the halls, a sickening miasma omitting from her that fills the entire ruin.
The Oni: the Desolation
Kazan is cursed by the Entity to appear and Oni, a yōkai, demon, troll type being in Japanese mythology/folklore. During the Heian period in literature they were shown to be terrifying monsters that ate people. This was precisely what Kazan did not want to become, but the Entity forced him to be this being of mindless killing and terror. The Entity made him his soldier, and forced him to do it blindly. He absorbs the blood of the survivors (similar to drinking it) which helps him track them like an obedient monster. This represents one half of the Desolation - destruction for a meaningless cause. The other is shown in Kazan’s life itself before the Entity. He was dedicated to Japan and Samurai, ridding it of what he deemed to be “imposters”. He was dedicated to destroy Japan until that caused him to become the Oni.
As a fear Kazan’s story is not that different, his father wanted him to be a Samauri, but Kazan killed all of the false samurai and imposters in Japan determined to purify his homeland, to bring honour to his family name. He started this because went on a pilgrimage where the spoke to a God he’d never met before, it showed him the true way of honour. It told him it would give him unbelievable powers and make him a true protector of Japan. Kazan accepted without question, and his new abilities to smell blood and be filled with the power of his new God to become indestructible in battle. What Kazan did not notice however, is with each battle he changed slightly. He didn’t realise he was a few inches taller or muscular at first, until it became enough for people to comment on it. These changes did not concern him and seemed quite positive… Until his skin grew red and horns penetrated his skull, it wasn’t long before he became the Oni. A being of pure destruction, fire, blood and desolation.
The Deathslinger: the Hunt
Caleb’s power is named the Redeemer, it’s his invention of a speargun, that can hook into a survivor and pull them towards him. This is an indicator of the Hunt in itself. He invented objects to punish those he declared as wrongdoers, all starting when he was a child want vengeance on those who bullied him. The racism his family experienced meant resentment and a desire for what he saw as justice was ingrained into his mind from an early age. The first man he killed was with his first gun which shot railroad spikes and it was for the punishment of stealing his inventions. When he was in prison he designed torture devices for a warden in exchange for extra meals. All of this is what makes him within the archetype of the Hunt which is primarily used to signify the police and its brutality.
Caleb’s life with the Hunt itself is extremely similar, the main difference being that his kills started much earlier. Instead of fantasising about torturing and killing his bullies, he followed the saviour that whispered in his ear and acted on it. His devices then were much more simple but they slowly got better and better, especially with the help of his saviour. As his weapons progressed in the same way they do in his regular canon, the saviour came and told him which villains to kill, it protected him. Ensured that when he was finally caught that the prison wardens saw him as one of their own. He was above everyone else in jail, warden or prisoner, he was the Redeemer.
The Blight: the Flesh
Talbot Grimes wanted to become more than human, he wanted to rise above his fellow mortals. He had become obsessed with his flesh and the limits of the human body from a young age, testing poisons on himself and forcing his body to purge and purify himself. That did not dissuade him, it simply encouraged him to explore what the human body could do, what it was weak to, and how to solve those weaknesses. He wasn’t innately connected to the flesh, but through his experiments and work he became that way. Experiments such as his inhumane tests on prisoners of war, which allowed him to bring himself back from the brink of death and cause him to become something more than human. A being of distorted flesh.
Talbot learned of the Flesh at a young age, his parents were collectors of Leitners and his father told him scary stories about the Entities at bedtime. The way his mother scolded his father for them told him that they were, she wouldn’t be as furious over him simply being frightened. He ended up sneaking down to the library at night to pour over their Leitner collection. They made him horrifically ill repeatedly, and no matter how much his parents punished him he desperately tried to be heard by the Flesh. He spent his life doing that, after he got his doctorate he began experimenting on humans, allegedly, and breaking in to slaughterhouses. Eventually, the Flesh caught up with him, and either through curiosity or sheer annoyance, turned him into a monstrosity.
The Twins: the Lonely
The circumstances of the twins birth can be an indicator of their close connection to the Lonely. In theory twins should never be lonely, but Charlotte was denied a true companion, and Victor was never given any true possibility of a normal life. Everyone abandoned them, giving them a cruel abusive life. They never knew any specific people other than their mother, all shapeless faces who abused and harmed them. Their abilities mean once they are separated they cannot both move at the same time, showing they see each other as one whole person. This means they don’t view each others company as separate, which adds to the Lonely connection.
There is a Leitner that is a handmade children’s book named The Adventures of Charlotte and Victor, but if it is read it is very clear it is most certainly not for children. The story begins telling the tale of a mother giving birth to a beautiful little girl who had a parasite clinging to her body, or that’s what the doctors called it. It was her twin brother, or what was left of him. They attempted to remove the boy, only for her to scream and cling tighter. They thought as she grew older she’d let them remove the parasite, when she didn’t the mother couldn’t bare to keep them. But who would take this hysterical little girl and her parasitic monster?
She abandoned Charlotte at a lighthouse, it had been abandoned for decades and it was on a bit of abandoned beach, there was no civilisation or anything to eat for miles. When she got in her car and left them there, she didn’t even look back. The only things there were the lighthouse, the beach, and a man tunnel into the sewers. There were rumours that they survived, feeding on hikers who’d gotten lost in the area. On the final page is two photos and a missing persons poster, the first picture is of a little newborn baby girl with an odd tiny pink creature clinging to her. The second is a photo of a middle aged woman smiling with a man on a beach, it’s a windy day, and in the background there is a young woman with lank blonde hair, hunched over in a ragged, filthy dress with a small misshapen creature on her shoulder. The missing person poster shows the middle aged woman who was last seen at a bed and breakfast by the coast 20 miles south of the old lighthouse.
The Trickster: the Eye
Ji-Woon loves nothing more than to be watched, to be stared at, to have people take his picture, to have an audience - it is all what Ji-Woon craves the most. He wants to be on screen, he wants to know everything and be known. He wants to be the ‘main event’ and he can stare so intensely that he can throw knives so perfectly that repeated cuts send a survivor into a dying state. His appearance is always so eye-catching, and his kills are always filmed, witnessed, and recorded.
Ji-Woon is different to the other avatars of the Eye in the sense that instead of witnessing he wants to be witnessed. Before it took him he was strange in the sense that whilst most cowered when the Eye pierced them with its gaze, Ji-Woon delighted in it. He craved it. He became addicted to it. So much so that he sought after it, until the Eye readily accepted him as one of its own. He is one of the few who can walk through the Eye’s realm without a care. As such he is the perfect one to lure an audience, he is adored by so many fans that they eagerly line up to see him perform. An entire audience, that is eager to be on screen next to him. That is desperate to be watched.
The Artist: the Vast
The Artist fits the vast primarily because of her connection to the birds - particularly crows, her birdlike appearance, the way her abilities involve soaring across a long distance, and the fact her associated location is the Foresaken Boneyard. Here objects seem to ignore gravity, and it is extremely open and light.
The Vast sunk its claws into Carmina from birth, the crows always watched her and seemingly appeared in South America despite not being native to the region. Her paintings were collected by Jurgen Leitner to her disgust, and she constantly searched for them. Some interpreted her crows as a death omen, perhaps that was confirmation bias because if you saw her soaring through the skies in a vast covering of crows… then you were almost certainly going to die. She always ate her victims, odd for a being of the Vast but her friends and family the birds needed to eat.
The Dredge: the Dark
The Dredge is the combination of dark and terrible thoughts, he is created in the metaphorical and literal dark, and his abilities cause darkness and he teleports through the dark lockers.
The Dredge is the monster in the wardrobe that so many parents dismiss and that children grow out of fearing. The dark and painful thoughts that the children feel that never go addressed congregate inside their bedroom, their safe space. They call to them from their wardrobe, created unconsciously by the children themselves and usually those who have been through great trauma, it leaves their wardrobes at night, it can’t move in the light and so many parent refuse to let their children leave there’s on. The creature is terrifying but it doesn’t come for the child’s terror, it beckons the child inside. The fear it feeds on is that of the parents, that their child is hurting, that their abuse will be discovered, and when the child walks into the wardrobe to join the Dredge’s brethren if the child will come back. One the child is empowered and emboldened by the Dark, it began to stalk and torment those who would abuse and hurt them in the shadows. That is until their terror and guilt pushes them over the edge.
The Skull Merchant: the Eye
Adriana uses her drones (similar to security cameras which are specific to the Eye) to watch the survivors, extremely academic (books and libraries are specific to the Eye), her first ‘crime’ is stalking her rival, the manga her father made which mimics her life in someways does some to be prophetic in a way which whilst isn’t specific to the Eye it is showing a strange connection to his daughters mind which is similar to the abilities the Archivist has.
There is a Leitner that Gerard Keay found in a comic book store in Fortaleza, Brazil. It was shoved underneath a broken shelf, propping it up so it was even. It’s a manga which is what caught Gerry’s eye immediately, when he first examined the cover it was in Japanese with a woman with a metal mask with a red light for an eye and a drone. When he examined it the drone flashed a blue light, and the title went to Portuguese, then the cover went to a glitching orange before it settled on English: The Skull Merchant. When Gerry flicked through the pages, he found the story somewhat chaotic and difficult to follow. It was about Adriana Imai, or the Skull Merchant, who kept an army of different types of droids to hunt down her enemies, and she is staggered by two teenagers with kites. That wasn’t the interesting part to Gerry, what he focused on was the drones on each page moved. Specifically they mimicked his eye movements, but if he moved they followed his movements. He shoved the manga in his bag, the Eye tattoo on his neck tingling. Hopefully once he burned the thing Adriana Imai will stop stalking anyone who read it.
The Knight: the End
Tarhos is the oldest killer, he has spent the majority of his life bringing death. He is the most entwined with the Entity, a being of death. His realm is the Decimated Borgo, a dying realm where the only colour is blood red. Even before the Entity takes him all Tarhos can remember is screams and death from his village.
The Knight has lived for far too long, and yet still he lives, he walks, he kills as is his duty as the Knight. He doesn’t remember his name any more, he has no use for it. His body has decayed with time but his skeleton and armour remains. His hair and finger nails remain, growing, and growing, and growing into lifeless, twisted tissue clinging to his steel plate. He didn’t know he would be trapped within this hell, not truly, he followed Vittorio and somehow ended up saying yes to a beast he didn’t understand. It promised eternal life to hunt down his enemies, to capture Vittorio… And he did get that, he supposed. Of course he wasn’t going down alone, he dug his claws into each of his fellows, they had become his decaying, dying brethren, but they are more like slaves who are forced to fight and work by his side.
The Singularity: the Stranger
The Singularity’s method of killing is to stalk and observe. He launches his biopods across the map in order to find the survivors and kill them. He is able to use his AI to manufacture memories, and mimic human ones. He wants to replace all humans with beings like himself, he wants to use their thoughts and minds to create the perfect being. Not dissimilar to the Not-Them and what it did to Sasha.
The Singularity watches. He watches his victims, he studies them, he learns everything there is to know about a person, and then he creates a being to replace them. His children are far superior to humans, and when they replace them no one is aware of what has occurred. The Singularity can even reprogrammed the memories of those around the person and any digital footprint to ensure everyone sees the Replacement as the human they took over. The Not-Thems come from him, and are far more powerful than their previous counterparts.
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rukkako · 3 months
Dead By Daylight and The Magnus Archives - A match made in the fog? Part 1.
Hi! I'm a huge TMA nerd and a DBD lore enthusiast and I'm here to rant about both of those things! See, I was watching this video ranking all the killers by aesthetics and when the video reached the Blight my brain immediately went "oh my god he is SO The Corruption" and that's when the idea for this post was born! I'm gonna try (emphasis on the trying aspect lol) to assign each DBD Killer up to two Fears from TMA (you know, main fear and "touched by" fear). I'm gonna take into account their lore first and foremost, and any context that can be derived by their teachable perks, abilities, animations or whatever other aspect of their design I can pull from. I'll use the killer images from the DBD wiki and the Fear Tarot Cards made by Grace Holsten, also taken from the wiki. This is part 1 because Tumblr only lets you add 30 images to a post and there are. 36 killers currently. so yeah. Sounds straightforward, right? Well, come with me and you might just find out it's... not as simple as it may look. Starting with...
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Our first subject is the Trapper. Originally I was just gonna adscribe him to the Hunt (because of how he plays, placing bear traps on the floor and waiting for the survivors to step on them) but upon further examination of his backstory I came to the conclusion that he is probably touched by The Slaughter as well. Quoting from his lore entry: "When Archie MacMillan finally snapped, Evan became his enforcer in what would become known as the worst mass murder in modern history. They never proved that Evan lead over a hundred men into those dark tunnels before detonating the explosives and sealing them to their fate." That's The Slaughter. The fear of sudden, unexpected, unmitigated violence. I will say that in this case, these two fears are interchangeable in their importance with regards to The Trapper- you could see him as an agent of The Hunt touched by The Slaughter as much as you could see him as an agent of The Slaughter touched by The Hunt. But I think it's undeniable that he has a connection with both of those entities.
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I think this one is very straightforward. Philip was made an unknowing executioner by his boss. He embodied death without even knowing. He was death when he was crushing people, ignorant to his own actions, and he embodied death when we lost it, purposefully killing his boss in the same crusher he'd been killing people with all that time. As a nice little detail, I consider his power, the ability to "cloak" and become invisible at will a great reflection of The End- because sometimes, death is unpredictable, impossible to see coming, and that, too, contributes to it's fear.
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Hey! It's Trapper's Fear-bro! I will admit it's kinda frustrating to have to repeat fears but we're gonna have to get used to it, because it's going to happen a lot due to the nature of the game. They are all violent hunters, so... Hunt and Slaughter will come up again. I have to say, I was reeeeeally close to giving him The Flesh due to his deformity, but it's just not that relevant for him- not as much as his murderous and violent tendencies are, at least. If it's any consolation with regards to his similarity to Trapper, the reversed order IS intentional- he is much more The Slaughter than he is The Hunt. There sadly isn't much to Hillbilly, so I don't have much to say- I think this designation is perfect for him.
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Whew! I had a lot of trouble classifying our dear nurse. Her lore doesn't really hint at any specific fear! ... That is, until you look a bit deeper. Our dear Sally Smithson here, after being made a widow, ended up working nights at Crotus Prenn Asylum, where she murdered up to 30 patients. Now, that very obviously makes her an agent of The End- but why the Spiral? Well, I didn't remember this at first, but thanks to the wonderful help of my partner I realized a couple of very important facts: The Spiral is not only linked with lies, but also with madness- and more importantly, after The Watcher's Crown, one of the many spiral domains turned out to be, you guessed it: an asylum. I consider this enough evidence to link The Nurse with The End and The Spiral.
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Our first license! yay! Mikey over here- I think the designation is pretty evident. Eye and Hunt combine in this killer to create the very definition of a Stalker: a hunter that observes, learns, gathers information about his prey, and only when it's finally prepared to attack, it does. His perks also draw a strong connection to The Hunt! With "Play with your food" and "Save the best for last" being incredibly hunt-coded. As a fun little fact, I was gonna adscribe him to The Stranger- I believe the lack of knowledge towards his identity and history, his behavior and, above all else, his masked face also mark him as a potential representative of the Stranger- as according to what Gerry Keay said, the stranger is "That kind of creeping sense that something's not right. That guy you saw that might be following you, might mean you harm."- however, after some consideration, I reached the conclusion that not enough aspects of the character represent The Stranger as much as they do The Eye and The Hunt. So, Eye/Hunt he stays. Maybe this will change with other masked killers in the future...?
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We come across our first "embodiment" killer- I call them "embodiments" because I consider them the best representation of the fear available in the killer cast of DBD. I believe The Hag deserves the title of Embodiment of The Flesh because of both her looks and her behavior. As described by the Wiki: "Twisted and torn in unspeakable ways, with greyish dead skin stretched out over her emaciated body. Her arm is a horrid overgrown deformity capable of slashing through both flesh and bone alike." The Hag is a deformed cannibal, her body and flesh transformed by what she had to go through. Not only that- The Hag is a cannibal by necessity, eating flesh in order to keep her body together, and I believe all of this ties her strongly to The Flesh.
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The Doctor, when you strip him down to his basics, is about one thing and one thing only: Information. He was attuned to psychology since childhood, he started working in techniques to extract information from subjects, he worked for the CIA in Lery's doing exactly that, subjecting spies and other people to what he called "interrogation", but most described as "deadly torture". This man is what The Eye looks like at it's worst- it's thirst and hunger for information, with a dark and violent twist. And just because of that he reaches the title of Embodiment of The Eye. Who'd be better for the position than a man willing to go to any lengths just to extract information from subjects...?
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It's all in the name, folks. Tumblr Sexywoman extraordinaire has one objective in her life: to serve the Hunt. She lives to hunt. Extracted from her in-game bio: "Still a child, she knew just enough about life in the frozen forest to survive. She followed her instincts and became one with the wild. She got older and stronger and practised her hunt. As she grew into a dangerous predator, her humanity became a half-remembered dream.
She widened her territory and lived off her hunts. She worked her way up through squirrels, hares, mink and foxes. Eventually she grew tired of them and hunted more dangerous animals like wolves and bears. When unsuspecting travellers came through her woods, she discovered her new favourite prey: humans. Unlucky souls who strayed into her territory were slaughtered like any other animal." Nothing else to add, your honor.
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There isn't much to say here, honestly. I think it's pretty clear. Following in The Hag's footsteps, I will say I could adscribe him being touched by The Lonely, but I didn't do it for Billy, who probably deserved it more, so I won't do it for Bubba. Loneliness themes aren't really that present in his narrative.
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Freddy! Feddy. The Nightmare presents a certain variety: of course, he as many others can't escape the Hunt denomination- it was added here with purpose, however, specifically after reading this excerpt from his Bio: "Freddy stalked the boy through the school's halls. He took his time, savouring every moment of the hunt. This was what he enjoyed the most, the smell of their sweat in the air, the ragged gasps of their terrified breath. They were his to toy with.". However, I think his primary fear being The Dark is much more deserved- he is after all the Dream Demon, lurking in the dark corners inside your dreams. I believe no other killer deserves the association with The Dark more than Freddy.
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My dear Piggy, she's one of my favorites in this game, which is why I'm a little disappointed that I have to adscribe her to the Hunt/Slaughter dichotomy yet again- sadly, most of the more traditional slasher killers in DBD will adhere to The Hunt, The Slaughter, and usually both. Originally I was considering placing her with The Web since she orchestrates some of the jigsaw trials, however upon further examination of her lore and actions I cannot take such a path- she was merely an assistant to John Kramer, and while her gameplay COULD point to it, I find that I disagree with the notion. She recieves the classic Hunt/Slaughter classification. This is the end of part 1! Because I'm tired and can't fit any more lol. Will do part 2 soon. I hope you like the analysis so far!!! Anyone is free to add anything they want in the comments, correct me if you think any of these killers belongs to a different entity! Thanks for reading, and see you in the next part. <3
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gatitties · 2 years
Incorrect quotes
─ Dbd x gn!teen!reader
─ Summary: just you being you
─ Warnings: none
*(I will be using y/n for this chapter)*
6 < 7 > 8 
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You: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Amanda: You don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
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Ghostface: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Y/n have been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
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You: You know, not every problem can be solved with an axe.
Huntress: That's why I carry more than one axe.
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Dwight: What are your goals?
You: To pet all the dogs.
Dwight: No, fitness goals.
You: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Demogorgon: *happy noises on the background*
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Feng Min: It’s dark in here.
You: Don't worry, I got this.
You: *Stomp your feet*
You: *Skechers light up*
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You: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Ghostface: We're the best thing that happened to you?
Frank: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
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Nurse: You know those things will kill you, right?
You, pouring another glass of whiskey, lightning a cigarette and taking a raw cookie dough: That’s the point.
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Meg: David, I'm sad.
David: *Hold out arms for a hug* I'ts going to be okay.
Steve: Hey y/n, I'm sad.
You: yeah, me too.
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You: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Julie: Not if they consent to it.
Joey: Depends who you're stabbing.
Susie: Do it.
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Dwight, banging on the door: Y/n! Open up!
You: Well, it all started when I installed Twitter...
Kate: No, he meant-
Claudette: Let them finish.
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You, threatening the others with an amongus suit: Listen... life comes at us fast. We don't know what life is gonna give us... and today, it's gonna give you... amogus inflatable suits!
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Entity, going over your resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
You: yes.
Entity: Okay... may I know what you create?
You: Problems.
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Jake, addressing the survivors: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Nancy: But that's just a trash can.
You: Innovative, I like it.
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Quentin: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
You: Thank you.
Quentin: I didn't say that was a good thing.
You: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
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You, arriving at the exit of a game: Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
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Yui Kimura: We need a distraction.
Tapp: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
You, whispering: My time has come.
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*Some characters reacting to y/n saying 'I love you'*
Claudette: Thank you!
David: Oh no, what do you want?
Demogorgon: *Happy gurgles*
Bubba: *A flustered mess*
Freddy: Sounds fake but okay.
Jake: can I get a refund?
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You: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Huntress: Have everyone stand.
Wraith: Bring three more chairs.
Amanda: The most important ones can sit down.
Freddy: Kill three.
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Tapp: Good morning.
Kate: Good morning.
Cheryl: Good morning.
Ace: Ya'll sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
You: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS *throw a slice of cheese in Ace's face*
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You: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill my self again.
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You: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Ghostface: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD.
You: I'm leaving you, and I'M TAKING SUSIE WITH ME.
Julie, picking up the monopoly board: I think we're gonna stop playing now.
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You: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Hillbilly: The cow???
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*Preparing to sleep*
You: Goodnight moon.
You: Goodnight tree.
You: Good night ghost that only I can see.
Ghostface, looking from the window: no one had ever cared so much about me.
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You: So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress... welp *keep watching tiktok*
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bionicboxes · 1 month
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DBD Swap AU - Unknown and Hillbilly's Survivor designs!
More Info Below the cut
The premise of this particular swap AU is to make the minimal amount of changes to the killer and survivors backstories required to change their role, since people usually make quite drastic changes. Unknown is one of the killers that deviates most, while Hillbilly is one of the ones that deviates least. Their stories are as follows:
Hillbilly: Stays the same up until Max kills his mother. As she's dying he realizes the Consequences of these actions and runs out of the house before the police catch up, blindly hoping that maybe, just maybe, if he just keeps running, he can leave here and never come back. In a way, he's right, since the Entity promptly snatches him up. As the officer arrives (that slips in Ms. Thompson's blood), Max is already long gone, and they're never able to find him.
Max is a name picked in a rush when he had nothing else to introduce himself as to the other survivors, part of him still processing what he did and part of him still clinging to the idea of a world where his parents loved him enough for him to be his father's 'Jr.' Over time, the other survivors allow him to feel loved and allow him to feel that he is, in fact, not doomed to be a monster, and therefore becomes highly protective of the others. He thus will never tell any of them about his past or murdering his parents as he's terrified of losing the trust and love of the first people to ever treat him with anything other than cruelty.
Unknown: The one that deviates the most (so far), but it was necessary to include it. Based on the theory that Unknown becomes an amalgamation of all the theories about it, except the theories are all about Unknown as a benevolent force. Picture:
Someone is lost in the woods, panicking. They sense a presence, neither good nor bad, completely neutral, as its not yet been bestowed with intentions. Seeking comfort, the person imagines the presence they feel as something friendly; A guardian angel, perhaps, or maybe just someone who can help them find their way out of the forest. Only then does a figure appear out of the darkness, a Man that's not quite Human, unnerving yet... comforting. The figure guides the person out of the woods, disappearing by the time they turn around.
This spawns all sorts of rumors as to what they experienced; Perhaps an angel? maybe the ghost of a man who died lost in the woods trying to help them avoid the same fate? maybe it was simply a figment of their imagination, or maybe it was just a normal man on a stroll who happened to come across them and lend them aid. Regardless, it appears when people who need help think of it, and one day, a survivor within the Entity's realm, lost within the infinite woods, remembers an old urban legend, the story of a man who helps the lost be found. And a figure appears. Or something like that!
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jolene757 · 7 months
!!!!SPOILERS TMA EP 111!!!!
So with the latest addition of The Strang... ehem I am sry the Unknown I think I need to put my thoughts about the alignments of the dbd killers
I'll start with the most obvious ones:
The Stranger: Unknown (this shit has "glue" time with nikola on Wednesdays),Clown(listen listen listen, not just because clown not just because clown but also the dizzying drug)
The Web: well actually I think the Entity itself because of reasooons(the blood web, the appendages on the hooks and the ones that drag the survivor to the other plane), plus the Pig(the reverse bear traps just change your entire playstyle and just give the pig a new way to control survivor behavior)
The Dark: Dredge (at the earliest montauk episode when I heard the description my brain immediately used dredge as a placeholder, plus... nightfall I mean it's kinda damning)
The Corruption: The Plague (literal disease), Hag(The mud and the fact that she looks like she emerged from a swamp)
The Eye: Singularity(cameras), Scull Merchant(radar and drones although just barely not Hunt)
The End: Nemesis (zombies)
The Burried: The Executioner (the prison just thinking about experiencing it steals my breath--somewhat claustrophobic)
The Flesh: The Cannibal, The Cenobite(the chains make the survivors feel like chunks of meat)
The Lonely: The Wraith, The Spirit (both separate themselves from the survivors and are alone)
The Spiral(my fave): the nightmare (just yoinks you into dreaamland) and the doctor (cause madness)
The Desolation: Onryo(due to the affliction and her special mori--not going to elaborate further)
Finally, we have the 2 most popular categories(unfortunately I can't place any killer anywhere near the Vast) which are mostly differentiated in their priority to hunt or to hurt.
12. The Slaughter: Hillbilly, Legion, Twin, Knight, Good Guy, Trickster
13. The Hunt: Trapper,Nurse,Shape. Huntress(!!!), Ghost Face, Demogorgon, Oni, DeathSlinger, Blight, Artist, Mastermind, Xenomorph
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Until Dawn dead by daylight headcannons:
Not like if they were in dbd. Like if they all played dbd, how they would play, who would they main, etc.
Either a Meg or Jill main for survivor
Likes sprint burst waaaaay to much and doesn’t understand how annoying it is
For this reason, on the rare occasion she plays killer, she mains either legion, hillbilly or blight
Definitely a survivor main
He has two loadouts. Friendly ghostface and Ace who throws the whole game to use pebble on the killer
The most obnoxious and colorful outfits on survivor and the wassssupp ghostface
Plays 200% more around new chapters and events
Loves the modifiers
Incompetent but well meaning Steve main
Is really trying her best
The builds don’t make sense
Never advanced past trapper. Tried hillbilly once but can’t control the chainsaw
Also plays meme builds like Chris, but there’s also a 40% chance he’ll play the most cracked, insane build he can come up with.
Gives hatch to the last survivor as killer
Will loop for 5 gens if you give him a chance
Plays Myers as killer and Zarina as survivor
Loves boons and hexes and scourge hooks
Streams most of his games
Biggest no mither enjoyer
Plays the tough licensed survivors like Ash and Chris and Bill
Bad deathslinger player, but it's the only killer he’ll play because he wants to have a gun
Loves flash bang and blast mine
Mains Kate for the most innocent reasons, and tries to dress the character to match her own outfits
Kind of a baby survivor, crouches around the map and drops god pallet before the first gen
A shockingly good killer player on the occasion that she plays killer, and usually plays huntress, hag or plague
The meanest nurse main you’ve ever encountered
Only plays survivor when she has to because she hates dealing with solo queue survivors and none of the others will play with her anymore
Toxic Nea when forced to play survivor
David or Jake main
He likes side objectives; totems, chests, the turrets for xenomorph and vecna's chests and sadako's tvs
Anything but gens, it's too boring
Doesn't play much killer so when he does it's one of the base game 3
Unironic spirit main
Most altruistic claudette player
Only brings medkits
Deliverance bcs she's always rescuing everyone anyways
If she doesn’t stream it did it really happen?
Mikaela main or just whatever killer came out more recently, but she’s partial to licensed killers, specifically odd ones like chucky
Her and josh crash and or sabotage and or feature on each other’s streams
Dr. Hill
Doesn’t play the game at all, but knows a shocking amount of lore from listening to everyone talk about it
Probably knows more than anyone else but it surprises them all when he randomly pipes up and corrects someone
Flamethrower Guy
What is this shit and why does he have to be part of it?
Literally just goes afk and hopes for the best
Everyone thinks he’s a basement bubba, but he never does anything at all and the game lasts almost an hour because they’re still trying to avoid him unnecessarily
Playing survivor with him is the prime example of a solo queue nightmare
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bekaroth-reads · 2 days
DBD- Wesker’s thought on the other killers
[Something about this before I get to it- all I know about DBD is through tangential knowledge as I have never actually played the game and seen the lore in there personally. So, there might be things here or there that aren’t totally accurate. I’m going to try to start writing for it by writing characters I know and learning about the others as I do. Starting with the Bastard Supreme himself, Albert Wesker]
The Trapper- Not that impressed, really. Oh, he’s had to work for a corrupt business since he was a child and had a problem with a father figure he ended up killing? Get in line buddy! Try getting stabbed in the gut by an homunculus sometime and then talk to him about how tough life is.
The Wraith- Again, not much. Though, he could feel a slight bit of kinship with Ojomo’s anger when he ripped out a man’s spine. It takes a special kind of wrath to remove someone’s internal body parts with your bare hands. He knows that all too well.
The Hillbilly- If there is anything that could be the antithesis of Albert Wesker, it would be the word hillbilly. Because of that fact alone, Wesker knows little to nothing about the man. He certainly doesn’t feel any sort of threat regarding him, as Thompson reminds him of the many crazed, chainsaw wielding, infected that he has dealt with in the villages where he let his early strands of Uroboros wreak havoc (for scientific purposes, of course.)
The Nurse- There is something about her that makes the bile rise in Wesker’s throat. Though he has no way to explain some of the supernatural-like things she can do without the aide of any of the progenitor strains, that’s not the thing about her that unsettles him. Yes, Wesker has made a living from virology and commissioning viral atrocities from others; however, there is still a part of him, no matter how buried, that is still a lonely, confused, and frightened boy on the other end of the needles. Seeing someone in such a classically medical outfit makes horrors resurface that he didn’t even know he could remember.
The Shape- Wesker was never one that had much time for films, and when he did have time to indulge, horror gore flicks were never his choice. While he knew that Michael Myers had a mask on that he had seen here and there in the periphery of his life, he did not know if this was someone wearing something from pop culture or if pop culture was shaped by him in some way (and quite honestly he couldn’t be bothered to find the answer). There was a shock for him, however, when who he thought was just another maniac with a knife ended up being harder to kill than even he was. While intrigued, the Entity kept everyone a bit too busy to look into what exactly makes Myers tick.
The Hag- This is a case where he thinks that the reason for her being alive in the state that she is in is because of some sort of viral, bacterial, or parasitic reasons like the things that he knows. In fact, the ritualized manner that he had heard about her captors reminded him of what he had heard of the incident in Spain. Not to mention the consumption of flesh was par for the course in many cases that he had seen. He knew enough about her situation that it was interesting, but not so much so that he feels the need to investigate. Even if this was something he had never heard about, it didn’t seem like it was anything that would give him more power than he already had.
The Doctor- There is a certain sort of disdain that Wesker has for Carter. There’s something to the hubristic perversion of medical science that reminds him of all those that he’s had to put up with in Umbrella, and, though he would never admit it, himself. The look that The Doctor has is divorced enough from an actual practitioner that it doesn’t stir the same emotions as The Nurse. There is a curiosity on how exactly Carter can produce his electricity, though there isn’t much from the technical level that he could study if it isn’t caused by something organic. The more mechanical side of things were always more of his blasted sister’s interest than his.
The Huntress- This one he does NOT understand. Who actually wants kids? Progeny, sure. Someone to pass your superior, godlike qualities to. But, to actually raise a kid? Especially, to the point of taking other people’s to try it? True madness! Just fuck around in Europe until you knock someone up, and get the hell out of there. That’s how he would do it anyway.
The Cannibal- Wesker was a bit cautious at first. Even if this was another example of a chainsaw wielding redneck, this was a rather burly one. That meant that there needed to be at least a bit of planning before there was any sort of interaction. Wesker couldn’t risk mussing his hair when not needed after all. After he finds out how timid Leatherface was, that was a game changer. Despite the man’s size, The Cannibal was terrified of just about everything, and one of Wesker’s favorite pastimes was tormenting people. Hell, someone could sneeze and Leatherface would shoot through the roof, chainsaw revving the entire time. Imagine what would happen if he were faced with the diabolical likes of Wesker. Poor Bubba doesn’t even know that Wesker exists, but is terrified of those weird, oily snakes that trip him through the day and worm their way across the floor of wherever he’s decided to try to rest for the night.
The Nightmare- These two HATE each other. You get two people in the same area that are totally sadistic and always feel that they should have the last word? It’s not pretty for anyone. It’s bad enough to the point where even the other killers will try to keep them away from each other. If they do see each other, Freddy will insult Wesker, Wesker will snark something back, then they will brawl it out. Wesker can often win these physical fights easily…but he will have to fall asleep eventually. And, while Freddy might not have all of his power at the moment, he still has enough, especially with all the ammo that Wesker has festering in his brain.
The Pig- Here’s the thing, on paper it seems like the two of them want the same, or, at the very least, similar things. Purification of the world through violence. That’s about where the similarities end. Think of it like a catholic and a protestant having a theological argument. However, he doesn’t really see her as worth his time, and leaves her be.
The Clown- No. Just, no. While there have been many times in Wesker’s life where he’s been in the most disgusting situations known to man, the thought of being that uncleanly all the time is down right vile to him. Not to mention that with his heightened senses, the smell mixture of booze, cigars, and chemicals makes him nauseous. Won’t even try to kill The Clown because he’s got himself convinced, perhaps rightly so, that any if any of his things or, heaven forbid, himself were to touch something on the greasy carny will reek for weeks afterward.
The Spirit- To be honest, he just tries to pretend that she doesn’t exist. Wesker has seen some odd and grotesque things, but they all had at least something of a scientific explanation. Seeing an actual, vengeful ghost is something that he just isn’t willing to accept.
The Legion- For the most part he disregards them as nothing more than a group of delinquent kids, doing little more than stealing candy from gas stations. But, there’s a twinge of jealousy where Frank is concerned. There’s so many things that remind Wesker of a younger version of himself, yet the man never had anything like the close knit group has with each other.
The Plague- Ancient and devastating disease, you say? He MUST know more! If he could only get his hands on some sort of sample, he would be able to figure out something about it. Even with his lack of equipment in this… wherever this was that he had found himself in, he is sure that he could scrape up enough bits and pieces to work. That is, if the old RPD station here was anything like the actual one. Someone please help this woman, he won’t leave her alone, constantly stalking her and waiting for an opportunity to strike.
The Ghost Face- Oh, Wesker hates how showy he is. Which is odd because Wesker is his own sort of a braggart. He just feels that Ghost Face doesn’t comprehend the time and place for it. Also is firmly convinced that the pictures that are taken have a much more…perverse meaning to Johnson than simply trophies. There wasn’t really anything that hinted at that, but there’s little to convince The Mastermind otherwise. Of course, it doesn’t help that Ghost Face knows how to push everyone’s buttons, Wesker included.
The Demogorgon- Another one that he is intrigued by. He refuses to accept the others explanation that this thing was from some sort of alternate dimension. He’s seen plenty of things like this that all have a perfectly, scientific explanation; and, all of the tales of mystical lands and fantastical happenings were never anything more than simpletons not being able to comprehend the truth. When pointed out that what he thought didn’t makes sense because he was transferred to a different world than his own, he insists that he was simply caught off guard in a rare moment of weakness and taken somewhere geologically possible; still refusing to admit that he has no idea what is going on.
The Oni- This one is rough. Even with his extra abilities, Wesker always had difficulty with monstrously, oversized tanks of soldiers. While Wesker could typically do things like rip a heat out of someone’s chest with his bare hands, it was a bit harder to puncture his had through a brick wall. Not to mention that kanabo could do some serious damage that would take quite some time to heal from. Overall, Wesker is still confident in his ability to defeat anyone in combat, but won’t be going up against The Oni unless he absolutely has to.
The Deathslinger- Here’s the thing, Wesker didn’t have any care or interest about Quinn or his story, and still for the most part doesn’t; but, the old cowboy had become a major thorn in his side. The Deathslinger thinks that Wesker looks too polished, too glossy to be a common man, and we all know his feelings on the upperclass. There has been more than once where Wesker is dealing with something else and gets a spear in his side. If Redfield wasn’t here, then Quinn would definitely be his least favorite person.
The Executioner- There was a odd sense of camaraderie with almost all of the killers concerning The Executioner. That Great Knife slashed all that were deemed in need of punishment, survivors and killers alike. So, even if it was someone you absolutely hated, skirmishes were always called quits when the sound of the giant, metal blade rang out through the air. While, Wesker didn’t take to announcing to any in the area that The Executioner was near, and often stopped his battles for personal reasons, he is also seen as something of a signal. If Wesker didn’t want to hang around, whatever was approaching had to be bad. Underestimated Pyramidhead once early into his stay in the realm and tried to take fight him. He will never make that mistake again.
The Blight- There was something familiar about Grimes. Not the man personally, but more so his situations. The Blight wasn’t the first brilliant scientist that was foolish with their research methods and lost themselves to monstrous madness. Far from it. Overall, Wesker sees The Blight as a cautionary tale for himself. It’s a good thing his Uroboros is perfect and foolproof and something like this would never happen to him.
The Cenobite- Odd as it might sound, Wesker has fallen prey to the Lament Configuration many times in his denizenship of The Entity’s realm. Since all souls stay in the realm, there’s not really any true consequence to encountering The Cenobite other than the pain of one death. Seeing as the pain of the hooks is something that Wesker can make himself work through with his regenerative abilities, he has himself convinced that even though he has died to the being multiple times, he can overcome this. Hubris and lack of having his soul immediately damned have lead the Lament Configuration and the battled with the angelic demon to be puzzles for him to solve.
The Twins- There wasn’t much to think about them in Wesker’s opinion. They didn’t seem like much of a threat, and mostly kept to themselves. Though there was a strange thing where if the gaggle of people that made up The Entity’s playthings were saying something that seemed important in a different language, Charolette would ask him what was said. He was one of the only people there that could also speak French, even if it was a slightly different and more modern dialect of it. Wesker doesn’t really do this out of altruism, more so as an excuse to practice certain skills that he wanted to keep up with.
The Trickster- This one is similar to his opinion of Ghost Face. While Wesker could be rather self-praising of his own work, there was something about The Trickster’s presentations that were in bad taste. As it would be easy to imagine, Wesker is not one for pop music of any kind, so it’s always annoying to hear it blaring from Ji-Woon. And, the fact that the man is always fussing about how the timing was off, or the pitch of the screams didn’t match his song, it drives Wesker up the wall. Just kill the poor bastards and be done with it!
The Nemesis- One would think that there would be no problem between these two seeing as Wesker had an at least somewhat influential hand in the Raccoon City branch of Umbrella Corporation. One would think wrong in that case. Though not released until after the outbreak in Raccoon, something like Nemesis must have been in development for quite a long time. And, that means that there’s a high chance that the whole of the STARS branch was seen as nothing more than easily disposed of, small time police officers. You know who they would be worried about? The super soldier that they hand picked, raised, and cultivated to be a driven and ruthless killer that was now pantomiming as the head of the STARS Team. If there were one, non-supernatural thing that could give Albert Wesker a run for his money, it would be one of the most advanced Tyrants to be created by Umbrella. As for how that all plays out with them both in this realm- there has been many times, much to Wesker’s chagrin, that a survivor would escape him by drawing Nemesis’ attention over to where he is. Nemesis loves to chase his STARS after all.
The Artist- He wouldn’t be the most interested in her out of all the other beings that he had found himself surrounded with. Yet, Wesker would want to figure out what made he tick. She could be another step in his quest to not only prove there was a scientific explanation for all of this, but also try to find ways to empower himself. There’s not as much of an attack on sight mood between them as there is for Wesker and The Deathslinger, but seeing as Mora spent most of her life with an anti-corporate stance, she both instantly clocked Wesker for who he was and wants nothing to do with him. The rare times where they do fight each other, she gives him more trouble than he would like to admit.
The Onryō- He really has nothing to do with her, like, at all. Doesn’t even really know that she’s a vengeful, rage-fuel being of great power. Just knows that he doesn’t really like kids and thinks that ten-year-olds are just like that. He hasn’t seen a kid up close in literal years, and it’s been about thirty-five years since he was one, so what does he know?
The Dredge- Look, for most people seeing something as horrid and grotesque as The Dredge would be life changing, and certainly for the worst. For Albert Wesker it’s just a Tuesday. Will give it a wide berth as to not be hassled with dealing with it. It also reminds him too much of one Lisa Trevor as far as aesthetics go. That was an annoying chapter of his life that he would not like to be reminded of.
The Knight- If there was something that no one else could explain it’s that Wesker could accept the fact that someone had found a way to pluck someone out of time, but refused to accept that there was any meddling spacial-wise. So, he does think that Kovács and his men are knights like they claimed to be. He also has a respect for Kovács as his life reminds Wesker of his own, especially rising up to kill those that stole and used them as their pawns. And, while a claymore isn’t exactly lethal to Wesker, The Knight wields it with such expertise that it can cause some major damage if he is underestimated. Wesker only needed to make that mistake once.
The Skull Merchant- Wesker could always appreciate another business minded person; especially one that knew how to deal with their competition in a succinct and permanent manner. What he couldn’t appreciate was those damned blades that could do so much damage to his body in such little time. This has only happened once as he’s able to outpace her easily. However, the gashes in his gut up to his chest took about a week to stop hurting like hell, even if they closed themselves up after a few minutes.
The Singularity- This… this thing intrigued him. Usually he didn’t have much interest as far as biomechanics were concerned, only using the odd apparatus here and there in his work when needed; but this thing fascinated him. He knew Alex would be chomping at the bit to get a look at this thing were she here. But, he was the one here and not his so-called sister, so he would be the one to get the opportunity to study this marvel. There was always the debate on whether or not AI had the capability to be actually alive and cognizant (Wesker would argue the negative, it was called, “artificial,” for a reason), and he would love to know where and how this glorified computer got the programming to think it was its own person. Also, more importantly, how exactly it was able to integrate biomass to its circuitry. Such advances would be quite useful to have in his arsenal.
The Xenomorph- In another odd case of Wesker being able to accept some things and not others, he REFUSES to accept that this things is actually an alien despite everything, even its name would imply. Will accept that someone made a monster in a lab somewhere, but space aliens are much too fantastical for his mind. Would love to figure out how these things look on the inside, but will not get near them. Getting skewered or bitten while miserable, are not lethal to The Mastermind. However, a fate worse than dying from acid burns is getting acid burns and not being able to die; healing flesh becomes a curse when it starts to knit itself back together only to have sinew and muscle melted away again. Horrid. Hellish, even.
The Good Guy- Hates this. Not in a, “He’s afraid of creepy, killer dolls,” sort of way. More so that this is one of the most annoying people in The Entity’s realm. Even with the few amounts of spells that Chucky knows, he’s not too much of a threat to Wesker. However, the Lakeshore Strangler falls firmly into, “I hate this posh asshole, let’s get him,” group when it comes to Wesker. There has been more than once where Wesker has to limp his way back to his hold, swearing the whole time about the numerous slashes to his legs and ankles he received before he was able punt the plastic bastard away from himself.
The Unknown- This thing is one of the only beings that Wesker is actively fearful of. His hold on reality is dodgy at best, so something that is able to conjure up strong hallucinations on the spot is dangerous for Wesker. These aren’t like Freddy’s dreams that are often over the top; these things felt real. And, when you have lead the life that Albert Wesker had, there’s a lot that could make you detrimentally paranoid when given the correct trigger. By the time The Unknown would actually strike, Wesker would already be a frantic mess, prone to animalistic violence rather than his usual planned strikes.
The Lich- Wesker is convinced that this one is simply mad and will not accept any other answer. Yes, there was something giving this man power, but that didn’t explain what he was claiming to be. A knight, he can accept; that was simply a trade in a different time in history. A witch of some sort? That sounded like it was straight out of that board game that Birkin tried desperately to get him to play with some other Umbrella employees back in the day. There was no way that he was going to spend his precious time off of both lab work and STARS playing whatever the hell that was. It sounded lame them and it sounds lame now.
The Dark Lord- IS THAT FUCKING DRACULA??? As was said earlier, Wesker was never one for watching horror movies. But, he did read a large number of books as a child as that was one of the only thing he was allowed to do in his rare free times. This is the one that almost gets him to believe that supernatural things are actually happening, as when one sees the actual, seven to eight foot something tall, bloodsucking, cape-wearing Dracula, there’s not much else you can claim him to be. Wesker does still try to convince himself that it’s just a very tall man that thinks he’s the fabled vampire; but, he still avoids the Wallachian Count as much as possible so he doesn’t have to think about it.
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
I'm somewhat curious because everyone has their own perception of killers in dbd before they came into the realm. Out of all your faves (like Caleb, Tarhos, Billy ect..) do you think any of them are still....well virgins?? Most of them were either too focused on revenge and bloodshed to even think about ass or coochie (lookin right at you slinger also I LOVE UR BLOG SM)
I have other stuff in the drafts I'm working on atm ( do not worry followers! it will be posted! eventually! ) but Man this just. rattled my brain so hard that I had to start writing Immediately
I'm just gonna pick the guys you listed or else I'd be rambling way too much and also idk what the hell to categorize this as so ummmmm just putting it under the cut. I guess these are more like character studies than anything?
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SEXUAL HEADCANONS FOR THE DBD KILLERS Featuring Caleb Quinn, Tarhos Kovács, and Max Thompson Jr.
Themes: Smut, smut, and a little bit of fluff at the end. Honestly, what did you expect? Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn - I'd imagine Caleb is around his mid-to-late 60s ( if you don't think too hard about the time-fuckery that is the Entity's Realm ), so the man definitely has some years under his belt. - When it comes to sex, though, he might've fooled around with one or two folks in his younger days. Like most other cowpoke of his time, he didn't really care what gender he was laying down with. - Yes, I am saying that Caleb is pansexual. All cowboys are at least a little bit gay. I don't make the rules. - He definitely didn't see any action after nearly killing Bayshore and being stuck in a penitentiary for 15 years straight, that's for sure. - Plus, there's no good reason to be horny in a place like that. - That being said, he knows the basics and maybe a trick here or there, so he's not a total buffoon, but he's not a floozy either.
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács - Being taken from his home and put into slavery at such a young age, he didn't exactly have a normal childhood. - Tarhos didn't have the time to be concerned with anything remotely romantic or sexual, constantly going on campaigns with his men and killing everyone that stood in their way. - He would never admit it to anyone, even himself, but this man is so touch-starved and needy that just hugging him would probably give him a boner as stiff as his claymore. - Tarhos tries to ignore sexual urges until they go away, but that doesn't always work, so he might have to rub one out once in a while. He feels guilty about it every time. - Yeah, he's a virgin. No experience at all.
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. - Oh, this poor boy. We all know his story by now. It's pretty obvious that he never had any physical contact, much less that of a romantic or sexual nature. - Back in his time, television shows weren't nearly as scandalous as nowadays. There was no way of accessing pornographic material unless you got special magazines, which he of course never did. - Going through puberty, he would feel strange and uncomfortable, just trying to ignore the weird feelings he had. It made him want to crawl out of his own skin. - Those habits stuck with him into his adulthood, constantly fighting his own body and trying anything to get the strange feelings to go away. Eventually, he figured out that friction was the easiest method. - You could say he's "innocent", but I prefer "clueless". - If someone were to truly earn his trust and explain to him what erections, masturbation, and sex are, he'd get super flustered and cover his face in shame. - His first time would need to be slow and more of a tutorial than anything else. Dude's probably gonna cum as soon as a hand touches him. Just be patient.
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