#this applies to both canon and ocs
firapolemos05 · 1 year
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Whumpmas in July
Day 16: Make a whump meme.
Every time.
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missbunmuffin · 6 months
Fun fact about Eleanor. She was probably the first person Joe told about being bi and I guess demisexual(it’s like a 2002 or something in France like he knows what demisexual even is lmao) and he’s like
“I never told anyone this and I trust you more than anyone else because I think you’ll accept me. I’ve been attracted to many women in my life but I’ve also been attracted to many men too. Don’t tell any especially my mom i don’t know how she would react to that. Even people are fine with gay people they’ll probably think of me as some kind of slut when that’s not true I probably wouldn’t fuck someone unless I got to know them better.”
And then she’s all like this
“I’m glad you can trust me with that information I never understood why loving someone of the same gender was a bad thing. Also I know what you mean about having sex with random people but I’m straight so they would just believe me because of that. People in this world are so judgmental of people who are different than them. Anyways I was thinking of baking cupcakes lol. Want chocolate or vanilla?”
Also she’s the least homophobic person in her family but also the straightest.
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thesmallmeggles · 8 months
*clears throat*
Revised 🟣Violet🟣 × 🍍Zanzo🍍 Lore
In light of new development that came about during RP, I felt it was necessary to create a more concrete story summary to follow.
As a heads up, it's a bummer. CW: Toxic Relationship (Better safe than sorry even if it might not apply)
👇Under the Line Break as per usual👇
Refresher: Violet and Zanzo were friends. :) They first met as cashier and customer, and started hanging out more after Violet got ditched by her at the time boyfriend at a convention.
(Z: "Hey, don't be upset about that clown. Hang out with some cool people instead!")
When Kale takes over Vandelay, he promotes Zanzo, which results in dropped communication with Violet because of growing busyness.
Which brings us to...
Romance Phase One (Pre Canon)
As it turns out, both people's feelings evolved into something more than platonic. (Violet crushed on Zanzo first, but she never said anything because it'd be awkward. Zanzo didn't feel anything romantic towards Violet until this point.)
However, there were three big stumbling blocks:
1. Working at Kale Era Vandelay Technologies has brought out the worst in Zanzo
2. Violet and Zanzo both have residual traumas that neither have worked through yet which affects how they communicate with each other. (Violet has next to no boundaries, Zanzo tramples over them, they both have poor self esteem)
3. 🧜‍♀️Caramel Roscoe🧜‍♀️, Violet's "friend" and roommate, actively sabotages their relationship because she's mad that this anime loving loser stole her favorite punching bag best friend. (Similar to Zanzo and Violet, she also has issues, but is less inclined to self improvement or recognize that she needs to do so in the first place)
Some Notable Events
In the beginning, Zanzo learns through the grapevine that Violet moved to the island, but instead of contacting her as himself, he pranks her by catfishing. When Violet meets up with him, she's more confused than amused. (This incident also kickstarts Mel's dislike of Zanzo.)
When Mel's actions grow too extreme, Violet moves in with Zanzo
Violet injures Zanzo during a sparring match. (He was teaching her how to parry and she struggled to grasp it. Emotions were high.) When Violet attempts to apologize, he rebuffs her
A month or so later, Violet witnesses Zanzo recalibrating SPECTRA on Roxanne. Basically the final straw leading to break up. (She also gets busted by Kale.)
Zanzo decides the most humane method of handling the situation is erasing Violet's memories with this machine he built. It only seems to work because most of Violet's early Vandelay Island memories are stress induced blurs + she's acting (theater kid)
After the break up, Caramel harasses Zanzo, which includes submitting falsified behavioral reports to HR under Violet's name. (But because this is the Kale Era, nothing comes of it.)
Romance Phase Two (Post Canon)
I've explained in an earlier post how Zanzo and Violet reunited, but to summarize: it was completely by chance several months past.
Zanzo sees this as an opportunity to be a better boyfriend this time around. He... kind of succeeds.
Violet is conflicted. She's relieved that her friend's alive but past pain and current guilt prevents her from fully connecting.
They're currently separated again and working on self discovery. (Zanzo's having a harder time with it.)
Some Notable Events
A lot of Zanzo centered schenagians - getting into fights, kissing dudes, that kind of thing. Violet isn't thrilled about any of this.
Zanzo retrieves 💓Shiruko💓 (D0K1-D0K1/Zanzo's Robot GF) from the old labs to supplement the lack of affection he's getting from Violet. This ends in disaster. (Shiruko is mostly fine- she has free will and a girlfriend now.)
Zanzo confesses about the memory erasure in the break-up, believing that Violet didn't know about it. (He had ordered a VA-SER to do the deed.)
A couple instances of Zanzo giving anonymous gifts to Violet post break up - first one was a data share of Phase One photos + videos (gift of memories), second were wigs and outfits for a pair of vandalized (Mel's doing) custom dolls.
Because HR is back in business, they conduct an investigation into the reports and sus out Mel. She gets criminally charged and Violet cuts off ties with her. (Some friends helped Violet find another place to stay in the meantime. Though Mel ends up moving out of their apartment while Violet is away.) She still goes out of her way to harass the pair.
Under the assumption that Zanzo plans to make an AI clone of her (as if one robot GF weren't enough), Violet confronts him in person to confess that she faked amnesia. Her reasoning being: "okay, this behavior is concerning. I need to come clean about the amnesia thing so he can drop this rose-eyed view of me and move on with his life." Yeah... 😥 This plan didn't work out. (And Violet moved on with this plan knowing that- like, girl.)
The Million Dollar Question: Will/Should They Get Back Together?
Honestly, I'm not sure. 😕
If Mel weren't involved, things might have turned out better between them. Even without her, Violet and Zanzo need to get their acts together for both of their sakes
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 months
How Silver dances in Mary's pov:
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How Silver actually dances:
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Pocho vibes right here.
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moopermoment · 1 year
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a pile of dera’s drawings because i’m playing as them in dnd!
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bigbadripley · 2 years
Chapter 12 - Passenger
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Marc Spector/Steven Grant x Female!OC
Summary: Marc never expected to see his childhood friend Simone ever again. To Simone, Marc may as well have been dead. However, when Simone met Steven 15 years after Marc disappeared, she couldn’t help but notice how familiar he was.
⚠️ 18+ | 3kish Words | Third-person omniscient | Dark?fic | AU/AT |
Warnings: Heavy language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma,  the effects of this in adulthood, suicide! attempt mention, smoking, alcohol, a bit of cheeky but brief oral (m receiving), established relationship
A/N: I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings. I wrote this entirely as a trauma dump.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter list
"Now to calm me Take me around again Don't pull over This time won't you please Drive faster" -"Passenger" by Deftones
It was supposed to be a good day. Simone was deep in her thoughts as she sat in a hospital waiting room, selfishly pondering how great her day was going before she got that phone call. 
I was having such a great fucking day, Laura. She thought to herself, feeling the tears burn her ducts and beg to come out. 
Simone held them back, knowing this wasn't her time to cry. She was surrounded by friends and family of a stranger that she was only meant to care about in a professional capacity. They were meant to cry, not her. 
Her great day started with waking up, as usual, but this time next to Steven. She had only spent the night one other time, but it seemed so natural so quickly. Her eyes creaked open, heavy and itchy with the sandy feeling of dried sleep gunk as she was met by his kind gazes watching her and his fingertips tracing circled on her bare back.
Steven also did this the time before, slowly cajoling her from her slumber with delicate hands and soft whispers. 
"I miss you, love. It's time to wake up. If you didn't look so peaceful, I would try harder." He would coo. Then once she was awake, he would greet her with a smile that was enough to give her a toothache. 
What a fuckin' sweetheart. She thought to herself. Not a bad first thought for your day, and a much better way to wake up than her standard alarm that was thankfully deactivated on her off-days. 
Regardless of how it sounded, Steven loved to watch Simone sleep. He especially loved that she tended to sleep on her stomach when they weren't snuggled into each other. This way, he could draw an imaginary line with his eyes over her body under his duvet that would curve in one continuous streak to trace her eyes, lips, nose, and every detail in between. 
He swore if he could draw a proper picture, he would. Simone would be his muse. 
Then Marc interrupted this moment of bliss before words could be spoken to brush a pebble of sleep dust from her eye, which she didn't take kindly to. 
"Ay, the fuck?" She said as her head inched further away from his ascending hand. 
"You got a little something there." He explained, still bringing the hands ever closer to her eyeball. Simone made a face of exaggerated disgust, 
"I'll get it!" She exclaimed, swatting Marc's hand away and quickly brushing at her closed eyelids. Marc burst into unhinged laughter at this, thinking it wasn't as big of a deal as she had made it seem. "Hard limit-- don't touch my fucking eyes." She informed, joining in on the laughter after frantically swiping her fingers over her face. 
"I can respect that," Marc replied. 
He realized in her backing off that she managed to put herself an arm's length away, which was too distant for his liking. He brought a hand to her torso and curled it around her back, pulling her into his nude frame. Simone adjusted herself to where she was directly on top of him, skin flush to skin and breasts pressed snugly to his ribs. 
Marc wanted to stay in this moment, looking down at her as she intricately placed gentle kisses along his chest and stared up at his face through her full eyelashes. She spoke softly between each peck,
"What-" kiss. "Do we have-" kiss. "Planned for today?" kiss.
Each smooch went lower and lower, egging him on as more of her body retreated under the blankets. 
"Let's just stay here in bed, baby." Marc hummed, feeling his nerves buzz the closer she got to his hips. Simone intended to have this man at her mercy on this fine Saturday morning, and she was making that clear as she descended. 
A sweet, torturous eternity later, she had completely disappeared under the sheets with no indication that she was there but the lump of her upturned ass and her hot breath against the taut skin of his cock. With an agonizing, tedious movement, she ran the flat of her tongue along the length of the underside of his shaft, causing an involuntary groan to spill through Marc's teeth. 
This is gonna be a great day. She thought to herself as she flicked the tip of her tongue on the head. If she could read minds, she would know Marc was thinking the same. 
Before Simone could go much further, her phone started to ring. She tried to ignore it, hoping it would go to voicemail and they wouldn't call back, but she swore the ringing got louder and rang longer than usual. "Who's it say it is?" She asked, voice sounding muffled under the thick blanket. 
Marc reached his hand under the pillow she rested her head on and retrieved the bothersome iPhone. 
"Says Stella." He told her. Stella was the receptionist at her office, and Simone knew it must be urgent if she was calling on her day off. 
Simone begrudgingly pulled herself out from under the covers and took the phone to answer. 
"Yep?" She asked as she placed it on her ear. To Marc, the voice on the other end sounded like the adults from Peanuts cartoons, and he couldn't make out a single word said. 
"Hey, I know you're off today, but something came up," Stella spoke into Simone's ear. She sounded timid, afraid to say what she needed to say. Simone stood now, and not understanding the call's gravity, Marc began to stroke himself as he observed her naked form, booty, and thighs jiggling with her movements.
"What is it?" Simone asked the caller.
"Laura's mum just called. She's in the hospital." Hearing this sent panic coursing through Simone's veins. Laura was her patient; she had just had her weekly appointment with the young woman the day before. 
"Oh my god, why?" She asked, eyes seeming to budge out. Marc's previous lust as he watched turned to worry, wishing he could hear the other end of the call. 
"They didn't say, just that she was asking for you in the ambulance. They couldn't find her cellphone, so they called here."
"Fuck." Simone hissed, quickly gathering her jeans from the floor. "I'll be there soon." She spoke, placing the phone between her face and shoulder as she balanced on her right foot to frantically get her left into the pants. "Tell them I'll be there soon, Stella, please." She pleaded. 
"I will. Bye," Stella promised before the line clicked and the call ended.
Simone let the phone fall from her face, hands too busy buttoning her jeans. Steven took over and moved to the edge of the bed,
"What's going on, darling?"
"One of my patients-" She cut herself off as she threw the shirt she came in over her braless breasts. "I have to go. I'm really sorry." She apologized. Steven shook his head and picked her phone up off the floor, and handed it to her in her rush,
"Don't apologize. You do what you have to do. We'll talk to you later." 
 Now, Simone sat waiting for news on the girl's condition. She briefly spoke with Laura's mother, Maxine, and it was explained to her as plain as can be between the hitches in the woman's breath: Laura had attempted suicide and was barely hanging on when she was found. Why she asked for Simone specifically in her state was beyond her. 
Simone was in disbelief, knowing just yesterday, during their appointment, Laura had mentioned that she wasn't getting thoughts of hurting herself. How things can change in under 24 hours. 
She's only twenty years old. Simone thought as she sank deeper into the purple padded pleather waiting chair. She should have called me. 
It was then that Simone started to feel guilty. She gives her personal number to her higher-risk patients so they can call her directly if they need to talk to her. 
Just that morning, Simone almost let Stella's call go to voicemail. 
What if that had been Laura calling for help? God, I'm a fuckin' idiot. 
 Simone waited at the hospital for nearly six and a half hours, hearing bits and pieces of insights into Laura's condition and being afraid to go in and see her. She felt exhausted and sick with worry and had chewed and picked her cuticles to the point where they burned and bled.
Each time someone stepped out of the waiting room to smoke, she considered following and asking if she could bum one. Just one was all she needed to soothe her, and she swore by that. Never again after just one more.
She watched Maxine speak with the doctor, trying to gauge their facial expressions so she could be prepared with whatever news they came back with. Maxine closed her eyes, nodded slowly, and turned to walk back to Simone. 
"The comatose state isn't looking like it will change tonight. Her brain lost oxygen for too long." Maxine told her. Simone saw the glassiness in her eyes and gathered what Maxine knew but didn't tell her: it seemed long-term. 
"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Harris." Simone tried to express her condolences, doing her best not to cry in front of this woman holding it together so well. It was her daughter in that hospital bed. 
"You should head home for the night, Doctor Fredrick. If anything changes, we'll call the number you gave us."
Simone nodded at this and placed a caring hand on Maxine's shoulder before walking out, deciding she needed that smoke with a drink. 
 The next thing she knew, she was at a bar sipping tequila from a rocks glass. She had already knocked back two alongside stepping out for a cigarette three times, only smoking half each time before smashing it under her foot, declaring it was the last one. 
Once she downed the third glass, she decided it was time to head back and see her best boys, requesting a taxi over the phone. After a short conversation with the barkeep about why she refused to use a rideshare, she stepped back out, lit a cigarette, and ensured her car was locked. 
I'll come back for you tomorrow. Simone thought, trailing a hand over the side of her black bimmer. 
Right then, the taxi arrived, and she tossed her smoke to the side to hop in. 
"Where ya headed, doll?" The driver asked. She was pleasantly surprised to find his accent was American and quickly brushed off the nickname he used. She gave the address and building name as she pulled her wallet out of her bag to get her money ready. The cabbie laughed, "Ah, good to hear a familiar accent. Where ya from? Chi-town?" He asked. 
Simone looked up from her wallet to the back of the driver's head with a giggle, not realizing how clean-cut her voice sounded, "Yeah, born and raised. I'm guessing you're from New York?"
"Bronx!" He exclaimed, "Is it that obvious?" He asked with a chuckle, flashing his eyes to look at her in the rearview. Simone froze when her eyes met his, and she wondered if she was just drunk or losing her mind. She squinted and leaned forward slightly,
"Marc?" She asked, thinking this had to be a prank. Surely Marc would have told her if he was driving taxis around with a newsboy cap on and a fake accent. The driver cocked his head and raised an eyebrow,
"I don't know any Marc, hermosa. The name's Jake." He corrected. 
Great, he suddenly knows Spanish, too. I'm too fuckin' sauced for this. She thought to herself. Alright, I'll bite. 
"Simone." She returned. "How long 'you been driving, Jake?"
"'Bout a year."
"Pay well?"
"I get by, definitely won't make it as a sugar daddy." He joked. Simone found this hilarious, and regardless of how bazaar it was, she couldn't help but laugh. 
"Eres muy gracioso." She complimented him, telling him he was funny to try to drag more Spanish out of him, convinced that Marc was playing games with her somehow. Her man only knew enough conversational Spanish to mess it up sometimes. 
"Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita." He responded with a flirtatious grin, telling her she had a beautiful smile. 
This is a fuckin' trip and a half. Simone thought. What have you got going on, Spector?
The idea occurred just as Jake, the taximan and apparently mystery alter to her boyfriend, pulled up to the building where she knew he lived and opted to ask if he could take her to her and Joyce's place instead. 
Can't go there if nobody's home. She thought. Jake agreed and got back on the road. 
The ten-minute journey was filled with sharing tidbits about each other and jokes, just making good conversation like she would with any other cab driver. 
There was something about Simone that Jake liked. Whether it was her easy conversation-making in either language he was fluent in, her gorgeous curves, silky hair, or that they already had so much in common, he knew he would be dumb not to try and take a swing. His mind returned to what she had said earlier, and he played off that. 
"So, this Marc fella, he your boyfriend?" He asked, just before his car stopped at her destination. This made it easier to avoid making the lady uncomfortable if things got awkward. 
Simone wanted to believe he was punking her, but she knew better. Drunk or not, this man was Jake, and Marc was indeed her boyfriend.
It's in the eyes again. Those eyes aren't Marc's or my Stevie's. She thought before she finally replied. "He is, actually. Sorry for the confusion." 
Jake gave her an understanding nod and admired her beautiful fingers as they pulled money from her wallet. "Keep the change." She said, handing him well over what she owed for the ride before she opened the door, stepped out, and closed it behind her. He sat and watched her as her hips swayed with her walk, disappearing into the entrance. 
"Jake, we have to go. Our window is closing." Khonshu's voice boomed in his ears. 
"Alright, bien! Don't need to fuckin' yell," 
 Marc and Steven blinked, and daylight turned to nightfall, clocks showing 8:30. 
Nearly twelve fucking hours lost. They woke up in bed with no recollection of ever falling asleep. They desperately checked the phone to see if Simone had called or texted during that time, but nothing came up. She never told them where she was going, but they didn't think she would still be there. 
They thought about her face and how worried she looked and sounded. Simone would need them, even if she was too stubborn to outright say so. They finally called her, and she told them to come over. 
 She had time to sober up since coming home, having stuffed a sinful amount of leftover garlic bread down her throat and washed it down with a can of ginger ale. 
Her best boys arrived, and the moment she saw them, the day hit her like a ton of bricks, and she broke down. It was Steven who took on the role of caretaker for the sad woman, snuggled in bed with her as she nestled her head into his neck and choked back sobs. 
"I don't know if I'm cut out for this job, Stevie." She said, voice cracking on several words. He hated to hear her question her place in the world, especially when she loved what she did. He tightened his arms around her, 
"Don't say that, love. You're a fantastic psychiatrist, award-winning and trusted."
"Those awards don't mean anything if I can't keep my patients alive."
Neither Steven nor Marc could find the right words to say and hated being unable to help her. This was when Marc got the idea to tell her about how they integrated and their adventure in Cairo, knowing her brain would fill with questions instead of grief for a little while. 
Any other rational-thinking person would hear a story of an Egyptian god using a disordered man as his Avatar and think it was fiction. Still, Simone believed every word and listened attentively, and asked questions. Once Steven got to the part where Layla joined the battle, this ultimately led to a long overdue conversation about Marc being married at one point.
Though Simone was disappointed that she wasn't told sooner, she didn't have it in her to be upset with them tonight. 
"As long as you aren't keeping anything else from me, I'll be okay." She clarifies, not even making the connection with Jake the taximan at that point. Her mind was too stuffed, and she still couldn't be sure he was real. 
Marc did consider bringing up the blackouts, but left it alone, thinking they would cross that bridge when they got there. Sure, Simone would probably be upset about it, but it didn't seem like the right time to bring it up. She had been through enough for the day. 
Their woman ultimately fell asleep in their arms, making moving nearly impossible. Marc held her close, not wanting to leave her like this, not wanting to leave ever again. He noted how she smelled a bit like tobacco, but once you got past that, she still smelled like Moni. 
His eyes drifted to her hand, nuzzled under her face on his chest, and he studied the broken skin around her nails. She's gonna stop doing that shit. He thought to himself, knowing it was a bad habit she took up back when they were just kids and never seemed to quit. 
Regardless of her smoky hair, gnarled fingers, and puffy eyes from crying, she was still more home to him than Chicago ever was. How he wished he had come back home sooner. 
Marc placed a long, thoughtful kiss on her forehead and tightened his arm around her, listening to her make a slightly sleepy baby dinosaur sound before reverting back to shallow breaths. She was peaceful. 
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Emergency Commissions!!
So my cat Nugget is currently dealing with some health issues, and needs surgery. So I need to recoup costs from my very expensive babygirl, so I'm temporary opening up 2 types of special commissions for the next couple of days — 30 USD flat color bust commissions — 35 USD TFA Style Mockups
(give me a transformer not in animated style, and I'll draw my take on them in it)
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I'm down to do both OC and canon characters, only one character per commission. My normal TOS still apply! Please reach out either by DM or through my email, [email protected] if you are interested. If you just want to help out and have some change to spare, here's a link to my paypal. Also depending on factors this has kinda taken all my free time/energy so while I'm going to try to maintain mermay through this I may need to bow out this year
Below the cut is the cat tax of my babygirl Nugget if for folks if anyone wants to see my girl
Here she is, Nugget in all her glory
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raguiras · 2 months
Mionn's art & writing ship trade event
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(Click the art for better quality!)
I'm hosting an art & writing event centered around ships & duos (multifandom)!
I've recently reached 200 followers on this blog, 900 on my meme blog, and 100 on Instagram!! Honestly, I don't even know what to say... I feel so damn honored and am so grateful for the support!! 🖤🖤🙏
As a multi-milestone celebration as well as an event for the official Spade of Storms (Deuce x Allen) day, which is on the 27th of July, I decided to host a TRADE EVENT!!!
Basically, this event is going to be an open art/writing trade that's all about ships (or platonic duos).
The event starts on 7/23 (today) and lasts for rest of July as well as for the entirety of August. For every Allen x Deuce art/writing that I receive during this duration, you get one of your own ship from ANY FANDOM back!
Why am I hosting this?
it's a way to thank everyone for three different follower milestones
a contest/DTIYS/raffle wouldn't promise that everyone gets something back, so I went for a trade event
the event allows me to post more about other canon TWST characters and draw them while not having to neglect Allen x Deuce
I wanna make new mutuals & friends, get to know more ships, and strengthen friendships with mutuals I already have!
Artfight is/was tons of fun, but I only do/did colored sketches there & ships are a tricky subject. Meanwhile, I'll do ANYTHING here!
Basic information:
Make a drawing/writing/comic of Allen x Deuce. (Ideas can be found in this post's pink "starters for my ship" section.)
Post it on your blog, tag me in it, and refer to my event. (While posting is by far preferred — especially for bigger artworks and written stuff — you can also just DM it to me.)
In return, you'll receive a gift of the same type for your own ship from any fandom (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC)! I'll DM you about the ship, so make sure that your DMs are open.
For example: If you submit a sketch, you'll get a sketch back. If you submit a fully shaded drawing, I'II make a fully shaded drawing for you, too. If you add a background, I'll (do my best to) do the same. If you write a drabble... You know the drill!
ANYONE can join, whether you follow me or not! However, new followers through the event are super appreciated!
EVENT TIME: July 23th (today) - August 31st
Anything submitted before or after this event duration will not receive anything back (unless we explicitly do a trade), but be held in high regard nonetheless!
The portrayal of Allen x Deuce must be shippy/romantic.
Please keep angst at a minimum unless it has a happy ending. Comfort is allowed.
Please DO NOT add your own OC or another canon character to the submission. Including them in the background as a wingman or something is alright, though. Additionally, any kind of romantic implications between Deuce and another character/OC are NOT allowed.
Please no NSFW. Harmless implications and slight spice are okay, but keep in mind that these characters are both minors.
AUs are very much allowed! All the previous rules apply here, too, and I'm willing to give an overview of some AUs via DMs.
Please no genderbending.
Please DO NOT draw Allen or Deuce as a standalone character. This is a SHIP event for a reason.
Please don't change their appearances too much, especially when it comes to the color schemes & body types.
Giving them different outfits — especially event outfits — is absolutely cool (yes, you can draw Allen in a skirt if you wanna), and changing their hairstyles is okay as long as they still look like themselves.
This is NOT A DTIYS event, so please DO NOT redraw one of my Allen x Deuce arts. Please come up with something original.
If you have any more questions, please DM me!
What CAN you submit?
drawings // comics // writings // animatics
For drawings, anything from a quick sketch to an extremely detailed drawing with a background is allowed! You'll get something of the same quality back. The same also goes for writings/fanfics.
Animatics will receive a drawing in return.
What CAN'T be submitted?
Gacha videos // edits // memes
-> You can theoretically submit all of these and I'd appreciate them, but I wouldn't be able to give you anything back.
Memes refer to funny pictures that simply have Allen & Deuce's faces in them. DRAWN memes/meme redraws count as DRAWINGS.
Starters for Allen x Deuce
Got no clue what to draw/write about?
Check out the few already existing Allen x Deuce posts on this blog for proper lore and facts.
Check @spade-of-storms for fun facts, shorter rambles and additional info.
In any case, you can't go wrong with simple fluffy, romantic scenarios! Dates, kisses, cuddles, whatever!
For information about Allen himself, please check my pinned post.
I want to join the event, but I don't have any ship (OC x canon, canon x canon, OC x OC) you could draw/write about for me in return.
That's okay! In that case, I'll gladly draw/write about two separate characters or a platonic duo for you.
Can I do multiple submissions for this event?
Obviously, and every single one will be "revenged"!
Can I get something of another type/quality back? For example, can I get a fully shaded drawing for my sketch, or art for my drabble?
Unfortunately not, as I prefer to always give something of the same type back. There are only the following two exceptions that I AM willing to do:
you do a drabble/oneshot —> I do a sketch
you do any type of art —> I write a drabble/oneshot
Is there anything you refuse to draw/write about?
Deuce ships (other than Deuce x Allen). NSFW. Family x family. Minor x adult. Any ship considered to be problematic.
How do I tell you about the ship I want you to draw/write about for me?
I'll DM you after you post your event submissions.
Do you prefer to do OC x canon, canon x canon, or OC x OC?
I have a bias towards OC x canon and canon x canon ships. However, I'm willing to do any ship that's not problematic! In the case of OC x OC, I simply need you to provide information on two OCs instead of one only.
Will you do poly ships?
In order to keep things fair, no. But I could include the third party as a plush or chibi head.
I want to make Allen x Deuce content for you, but not receive anything in return.
That's also super appreciated anytime (and totally doesn't make me freak out /pos)! Simply share it as a gift and don't mention the event.
How long is it going to take you to finish your "revenge" on me?
It depends on the type of submission you make & what I'm giving you back. Some things can be done within a day while others may take much longer, but either way, you WILL get something of the SAME TYPE back & that's guaranteed.
Personal notes:
My health isn't the best and I also have a job. Please be respectful and don't rush me nor get mad when I'm being slow.
Please do not start a discussion nor get mad at me if I refuse to draw/write about a ship I deem problematic & want you to pick another one instead. Preferably pick a ship that's by far NOT problematic from the beginning.
I'm unwilling to draw/write about any Deuce ships other than Deuce x Allen because I kin Deuce a ton and tend to feel uncomfortable with many of his ships, so please don't ask for any. I'm asking you to not start a discussion over this, either.
I won't post everything I make for the event on this blog. Sketches and writings will either be DMed to you or posted on one of my other blogs.
That's it for now! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to DM me.
And again, thank you so much for 200 followers!
♤ Happy trading! ♤
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tobeblamed · 1 year
no bc i'm still hung up on this post and how oc's are expected to deliver more background information than anyone else and i'm here to once again emphasize how crucial interaction and engagement is to their own development both for the character and the writer behind them.
canon characters have the luxury of appearing "more fleshed out" / "self-explanatory" simply because we've witnessed them interact with other characters on screen. oc's don't get to have that when they are first created.
oc's start from scratch. and they can only build themselves based on the way they relate to others. it's literally how humans work.
so, you want to know more about oc's? engage. how? lemme give you some tips based on practices i've applied myself (feel free to reblog and add more):
read their headcanons: most oc's will provide important info there
ask the writer about their headcanons: found a headcanon intriguing? ask for details (e.g. if they mention they have a special item in them at all times, ask what it looks like, what for, its significance). this helps motivate writers to uncover new information about their own character.
ask the character about their headcanons: let the muse explain themselves and see how they behave about something personal, for example.
read their stats: pets? scars? tattoos? anything visible that can be commented on? point it out to the muse and comment on it.
send memes/questions: your best chance is when you see them reblog them so you don't have to come up with anything yourself.
relate them to your muse: does your muse like rock music? ask the character or the writer if they like rock music too.
note: this list isn't exhaustive. it's simply a couple examples from first-hand experience. it also applies to all muses (canon or oc), but needless to say, this post is specifically about oc's, hence the focus on them.
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corrieweek · 2 months
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❤️ ~ Hello all! ~ ❤️
Come join us in participating in Corrie Week to celebrate the wonderful Courasant Guard! The week will start on October 4th and end on October 10th or Fox Day (10/10)!
With a few months away, we're still setting up prompts for the days so if you are interested and have some ideas send them in through the form! Keep a look out by following the page or listed tags! we will be sending it out this following Monday (July 15th).
We will be using the tags #CorrieWeek and for this year #CorrieWeek2024
Just as a general interest check use the poll below to show us your interest to join!
Our page is always open to questions! Below the cut is more information about the event! VV
Canon characters, OCs, and/or both are all welcome to the party! We just ask that the Corries (Coruscant Guard) be the central point in any: ships, drawings, fics, or any medium you'd like to use.
Speaking of ships, we don't discriminate. Canon x Canon, OC x OC, Non-clone x clone, clone x reader, clone x clone, etc. We love and live for spreading the love for the Guard! ❤️
Hate will not be tolerated on this page or during this event. If you do not enjoy someone's ship you are welcome to curate your online experience - the Back Button is up top. Everyone is welcome, so please be civil. This is going to be a great and fun way to bond with others in the fandom over our favorite characters. So remember: Don't Be A Dick.
** NSFW content will be allowed during this event follow this link to see how to format it! Link to post
We allow all forms of creativity to be posted for the week as long as it follows the prompt for the day!
Artwork - traditional and digital is allowed with a minimum of a refined sketch
Writing - any fics/drabbles/ficlets need a minimum of 100 words
Cosplay - Share your cosplays with us! Please for privacy reasons anything that reveals your face, name, address or any other sensitive information to be covered up. We want this event to be fun and public but also protect and keep everyone's privacy. (Even if you are okay with showing your face please still do so for the event)
Crafts - sewing, metal, wood burning, carving, stamps, scrapbooks, knitting, felt, if you have a craft you love, share it with us!
Moodboards - single or multiple submissions are allowed!
Photography - with cosplay (same privacy rules apply as listed above) or action/lego figures create a scene with your favorite guards!
Mixed - you don't have to stick to just one! For an example if you can or want you can do a fic and a mood board!
If you do not complete a specific prompt or any during the time period, no worries! please still tag us in your works because we'd love to share! ❤️
Thank you for reading and we hope to see you during CorrieWeek!
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bl00dlight · 3 months
A Song of Shadow & Flame
CANON Dark! Aemond Targaryen x OC niece Targaryen. | SERIES
All NSFW warnings apply in future chapters.
Word Count ~ 3.5k+
i ● ii ● iii ● iv ● v ● vi ● vii ● viii ●ix ● x ● xi ● xii ● xiii ● xiv ● xv
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vii ~ 'Lord of the Tides'
129 AC
The sky above was grey, as it always was upon Dragonstone. The air thick and cloying, the inescapable stench of salt, smoke and brimstone filled the lungs of all who dared cross upon its stormy threshold. It was always warm here, clammy - even when it rained.
I oft found solace, riding high over the plains of ashen volcanic rock. The sulphuric steam stinging my skin as I let my dragon take me high upon Dragonmount. There I let myself venture upon its edges, discarding my boots and feeling the jagged stone beneath my feet. I enjoy feeling how it cuts and presses into my skin, sometimes I leave bloodied and limping. Though it feels good, feels righteous to have my blood dried upon its rocks, ritualistic. Just as I claimed Silverwing, I shall claim this island as my own one day.
I watch as Silverwing scurries into the large cavern etched into the side of the mountain. She oft goes there, for that is why Vermithor can be found lazing. It is a strange sight, seeing two beasts which strike such fear into the hearts of men, so affectionate with each other. I too have found comfort in their embrace, often falling asleep aside the two beasts as a child, usually as they coiled. My father, Daemon would be the one to find me, to scoop me in his arms and return me to Dragonstone.
Vermithor had taken a liking to me, he was an aloof beast - distant. Yet it was my bond with Silverwing which softened his gaze upon me, allowing me to sit by them both under the torch light, reading. Silverwing had always been the most gentle of the elder dragons, tentative to my thoughts and whims. I needn't say many commands, for she already knows my desires. Many found it odd I had claimed her over Vermithor, thinking his temperament was more aligned with my own. In some ways, I wish I had. There was something terribly revealing about claiming such a docile dragon. Something vulnerable, as though it revealed my own heart to others without any need for confession.
This was my home, not King's Landing - city of piss and rotting teeth. Dragonstone was a place of magic; I can feel it simmering in the air and ground. Sense it when I place my palm on the rocks. That low humming of the hearth of Valyria, of the Targaryen's. Many find it to be a grim place, akin with Harrenhal - though mystified with blood magic instead of a curse.
But it is that which drives me to it, my heart doesn't fear it's darkness nor its danger. For I know within it, for those truly of the blood of the dragon - its darkness is merely there so that our fire may burn brightly. A cocoon of warmth. It is not like the emptied and sullen corpse of Harrenhal, no, Dragonstone is full - it is alive. So, it came as no shock to my mother that I had forfeited my claim to the throne, opting to rule Dragonstone instead and allow my brother, Jacaerys to be her heir.
The realm deserves a King of a kind and just nature; that is not me. My temper burns too hot, and I have no desire to be pulled as a puppet on a string. I have no taste for politics, nor can bear the burden of pleasing the faith. In that regard, I am much like my father, and he was not meant for the throne either.
Daemon, of course was outraged by this notion and doubled down, claiming my willingness to give up the throne proved I was fair enough to sit upon it. But I know that is not true, for if it were - my mother would have refused me. At first, of course she protested but came to see that my heart lies here, not in court. And I shall continue our line, where our House belongs and I shall raise my brothers Viserys, Aegon iii and any child I might have here - amidst the ash and warmth.
My mother has been generous in her patience of me, and my father overjoyed with the notion that I have not wed yet. They are letting me decide who is worthy, and I still have made no choice. Marriage is to be political yes, but I cannot bare marrying and laying with a man I feel little for. I wish to have what my mother and father have, but there is an unlikely chance it seems.
The most promising match's hail from House Stark and Blackwood. Though neither of which please me greatly. In truth, I had wished to marry as mother did, to a Targaryen, to have an ancestral wedding too. Though it seems the God's did not write such a thing within my fate. So, in turn, I wait. I wait to see just where this path of what has felt like endless girlhood shall end. I am but eight and ten, still no marriage or children to speak - some have suggested that I shall take after my great Aunt Saera Targaryen. In truth such a life sounds rather pleasing; fucking lovers then taking off to Lys, pretending to be a maiden to exploit patrons of pleasure houses. Only difference being I would not have to pretend at first.
As I made my way across the stones, I noted the sky dimming slowly, twas time I return home. Even for a Targaryen, nights on Dragonmount can be treacherous. It was no surprise to me that upon my return, more news of dramatics at King's Landing filled my ears. Luke's legitimacy was being called into question as heir to Driftmark by Vaemond Velaryon, on account of Lord Corlys' sudden illness. Of course, we were to be dragged to the capital for his trial. Despite the matter being settled already, it seemed those sniveling Hightower’s were to reconsider claims that had already been declared by King Viserys, though it was no surprise either to hear how my grandsire had deteriorated in years passing. A part of me longed to visit from time to time, though I knew why mother had to leave. Why it was impossible to stay amongst those dens of vipers.
I sat in Lucerys room, my hand entwined with his as he sat upon his bed. The both of us watching as Jace paced back and forth, ranting and muttering.
"Tis an outrage... how can Grandsire let this stand!" Jace paused and turned to us, his face curdled.
"I... do not know." I say softly, contemplating his words.
Jace's face hardens, he scoffs and turns to where Lucerys and I both sit. His finger pointed directly at me," We should not have spent such time away from King's Landing. Mother ought to have trusted us to face them!"
"She has been rather busy brother, rearing us. Tis not her job to entertain the Hightower’s wicked lies and let us spend our lives defending ourselves against them." I can only shake my head at my younger brother's fierce words. For I know he is brave and true, at times Jace can be too stern for his own good.
Jace purses his lips and turns to look upon the view of the bay. I can tell he has no argument against me, so I smile softly and turn my attention to my other brother, who nestles himself upon my shoulder.
"They aren’t lies though... are they?  Even the Velaryon’s think it so. " The silence is broken as Luke's soft voice fills his chamber. His head rising from my shoulder as Jace turns once more.
“Ser Vaemond does not speak for the Sea Snake, brother…” I said, gently brushing his dark hair from his eye.
“But he speaks the opinion many seem to share.” Luke mutters lowly.
 I turn my head to Jace, and both our gazes interlock as we struggle to confirm what our younger brother already knows. The silence continues, and then, Jace steps forward, his tone proud and measured.
"It matters not what they say. The only relevant truth is the fact we are Targaryen's and that Grandsire, and the Sea Snake supports yours and all our claims." Jace beckons, giving Luke a small smile. We both exchange another look before I watch as Jace turns, making his way towards the window once more.
In the corner of my eye, I can see how Luke’s face curdles with discomfort, I turn my head and give him a gentle nod, “You worry too much. All will be well in time.”
“There is much to worry about. I… I do not feel I am right to rule Driftmark, mayhap they are right to challenge me. I know nothing of commanding a fleet.” His dark eyes lower themselves to the ground, Lucerys frowns softly and I can’t help but pull his chin up so that he might look into my eyes once more.
“What do any of us know of our future duties, brother? What does Jace know about protecting the realm, or I about ruling Dragonstone? That is for us to uncover in time. Fuck the treacherous webs our enemies spin, they have their own wants… desires that tempt them. We need not listen, for once we sit upon our thrones their voices shall be too quiet to even hear.” As I let go of his chin, I found the excitement in my tone again. Lucerys face shifts to chuckle quietly and I do the same, he nods giving me a soft glare before rising to his feet to speak with Jace.
I take a moment to gaze upon my two brothers, to see them now growing into men… when it felt like only a moment ago they were mere boys before me. To see how their temperaments became more distinct by the day, gave me a sense of relief for our futures. They were good and brave, it seemed such were rare traits in times such as these. Their dark hair gleamed bronze in the sunlight for a moment, and I was filled with a warmth, a love that I couldn’t quite explain. Though yes, they were my mother’s sons – at times it felt like they were just as much my baby’s as they were hers. How I had held each one upon their birth and ran my fingers across their fat cheeks when they were babes. How, now as they grew into men it was the hard bone of their jaws my fingers would feel beneath them. Such sentiments made my stomach coil with a grief for our youth, for the innocence I felt was being chipped away at by the day. Yet now, seeing them before me, they still appear as the small boys I once held so close, and I knew it would not be very long until I had to let them go.  
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The trip to King’s Landing was but a short one on dragonback and the Princess Visenya indeed watched her earthly surroundings go from smoky wonders of Dragonstone to the dust filled haze of the capital. She practically felt her stomach reel from the mere thought of the familiar stench, and after leaving Silverwing in the Dragonpits it came as a surprise to all her family that upon their arrival to the Red Keep, none from their own House were there to greet them. Only Lord Caswell appeared before Princess Rhaenyra, approaching her with an understanding gaze. Of course, Alicent and her peculiar spawn would not show the decency of kin, for they weren’t. Not truly. Perhaps by blood, but it seemed that made matters worse given the context of the Blacks return. Still, Visenya thought, it had been six years since last they saw the rest of their family. Six years since the night on Driftmark which led to an even greater rift… six years since he had lost his-
“Sister!” Jacaerys snapped his finger before her face, snickering at the dazed Princess.
Visenya looked up from her entranced gaze, realising she had been staring at the ground below, she looked around to see the bustling of carriages and servants around her. The Princess shifted to her two half-brothers, Jace and Luke standing before her. The glimmer of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s silver hair disappearing into the darkness as they made their way into the keep.
“Mother and Daemon are to have an audience with Alicent, and it seems none of the Hightower’s have made time in their day to greet us. We are on our own.” Jace scoffed, folding his arms as he cocked his head.
Visenya raised her brow, nodding as she began to walk, “Tis a blessing really. I do not wish to ruin such a beautiful day with the look of their sullen faces.” Her head turned as Jace and Luke followed alongside her.
“They did all seem rather grey didn’t they?” Jace jested, chuckling to himself.
The three young Targaryen’s continued forth, making their way up the stairs from the middle bailey and into the halls of the Keep. Visenya spoke once more.
“I’d imagine all the years of conspiring and prayer has meant for little time in the sun. They likely appear as corpses now.” The Princess hollowed her cheeks as she gave a wink to Luke, winning a small giggle from him.
Once they had reached Maegor’s Holdfast, the siblings had branched off, returning to settle in to their childhood chambers. As Visenya reached hers a wave of bitter nostalgia washed over her, she let her fingers glide upon the stone walls observing how it had been kept so similar yet… different to how she had left it. Naturally, she had taken her belongings with her but the furniture and the deep crimson bedding. Yes, it had been left just as it was. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the freshly lit candles, the small dish of water and soap which sat in a silver tray upon her vanity, a small rag draping over the chair. Visenya smiled, knowing the servants had remembered such preferences of hers. Near her bed, sat the small trunk of the few belongings she’d brought from Dragonstone. Upon the mattress itself, lay the scarlet gown and matching slippers.
She sat upon her bed, taking in the smell of damp and mildew. The air around her was quite cold, though a fire crackled. It was likely her chambers had not been used since her departure, from the smell of it – it seemed to not have been cleaned very often either. She settled in, and soon found herself sitting at her old vanity. Admiring how she had grown, how the last time she gazed into this mirror she was but a girl.
The princess had indeed grown vigorously as the years passed. Much like her parents it seemed she had inherited both the mind and body of a dragonrider. Imposing, her body had become – not only to others but to herself. Her form Junoesque, unyielding in its femininity as her hips and breasts were among the first thing to develop suddenly. It seemed almost overnight she had no longer fit into the clothing she once freely adorned, her body changing, aching even. The first time she had gotten her moonblood felt like a life sentence for Visenya, as no more did she feel the same kind of unawareness of her body. The princess had felt like she was now very much a prisoner to her newly found womanhood, she seldom understood why such changes were needed. Why every moon her belly would swell, growing heavy and coil with pain, how she would have to crawl to her mother’s quarters and lay by her side simply to reassure such things were normal. Though, as the years had gone by, she adjusted to such feeling, relished that the pain she felt at times was proof of her fortitude. That no man could endure such sufferance so frequently.
Visenya marveled at her sun-kissed skin, the way her silver hair gleamed now that it had grown even longer than her mothers. She kept it loose, unbound; for she relished in letting her body grow as it pleased, there was no use in taming herself; her hair included. Indeed, did the Princess enjoy herself – for no matter how beautiful a man thought her to be, it was herself which she wished to appease the most. The Princess was strict regarding her standards, unwavering that she would be dressed in the finest gowns, and smell of the richest scents the realm had to offer. Whether it was silk from Dorne or perfumed oil from Lys – she simply refused to lead a life without such beauty within it. Some may think it shallow or indulgent, but Visenya knew it was merely her lust for life which drove her towards such luxuries. She wished to experience everything, wished for a life of sensuality and passion. There was no grey cloud in her sky that was without a silver lining, for she would not accept much less than satisfaction. After all, there was so much suffering in the realm, so much ugliness and brutality. She owed it to every poor soul who died so terribly, to live life as it ought to be lived. Indulging and embracing pleasure and beauty in every way, for so few had the opportunity to.
Such mentality, did however, lead her at times to indulge in the filtrations of men and despite Visenya’s bravado, she was gentle at heart - oft stringing men along rather than shatter their dreams of winning her favor. Such is exactly what her father had told her worried him before their arrival to King’s Landing. He spoke of how difficult it was stopping his inclinations to assault the few men he might find leering at her at Dragonstone. King’s Landing, however, was a different beast and Prince Daemon had no doubt he would be combatting an endless sea of men who might have more lecherous ideas. He had spoken sternly about keeping to herself, not drawing attention to herself beyond what would already be given. That if any man were to approach her, she would deny him.
The Princess of course, found her father’s worry amusing, the few times she had entertained men had only ever ended up with innocent mischief being made, and at times drunken affections… which were oft less innocent in nature.  But she was no fool as to lose her virtue before marriage, for she knew how such a thing impacted her mother and she had promised herself that her virtue was a pleasure in itself. That there is beauty in saving herself for the truest, purest of loves, as there is beauty in indulging in fleshly pleasure. Visenya was positive no man would attempt to accost her in such a manner, for if they did they would face the wrath of her mother and of course the looming threat of her rumoured father, Prince Daemon.
As she prepared herself to leave, she peeled the thick, black riding leathers from her frame, cringing at the particular scent of sweat and dragon that ruminated from them.  Visenya then doused the rag in the bowl of water, using the soap to scrub at any and all places which eluded to such a scent. Soon, she had changed her undergarments, and drew the scarlet shaded gown over her frame; it’s sleeves long and elaborate, intwining string which laced across her structured shoulders. Visenya then pulled a small vile of perfumed oil, from her trunk, dabbing it upon her skin and threading it through her hair. The contents of which filled the room with the smell of heady jasmine and musk, a recent gift from a nobleman in Lys.
As she left her chamber, she was accosted by Jace and Luke. Who swiftly grabbed her wrist pulling her along the corridors as they babbled about going back to the middle bailey to re visit where they trained as children.
 Once they reached those fateful steps, they let go and waved for her to join them in a busy yard below..
“Come. You can watch.” Jace beckoned, Luke stopping upon the steps to look up towards her.
Visenya shook her head, leaning against stone banister upon the mezzanine which overlooked the commotion below. The Princess cocked her head to the side, “I’ve just changed… I have little intention of getting myself filthy once more.”
“Of course…” Jacaerys shook his head, rolling his eyes as he let out an amused scoff, “Suit yourself then.”
With that, the two boys trotted down the steps, and Visenya looked upon the bustling yard below.  She watched with a hearty smile as her brothers made their way towards the wooden weaponry stand, Jace playfully swinging one of the swords at Lucerys. However, she noted the few people who glared at her brothers and the whispering that occurred in their presence. A slight anger rose in her belly, do these fat old Lord’s and Lady’s have little else to do but gossip?
She waited until a pair had noticed Visenya’s scowling from above, and smiled smugly when swiftly they turned their heads and went about their business. A small gathering had distracted the Princess, as it seemed there to be an on going sparring session in the far corner of the yard. The whipping of long silver hair catching her attention, and she noticed how her brothers had soon caught wind of the action, joining the crowd below.
The silver haired figure was lithe with lean thew and a tall frame all tightly contained in black leathers. He swiftly jostled the sword in his hand with a fine precision, but her eyes caught a familiar sight, that it was Ser Criston whom the figure dueled against. A cunt, though he may be, but a talented fighter indeed.
Criston swung his Morningstar, shattering the figure’s shield. He’s done for. Visenya thought. However, she raised her brow in intrigue as the figure discarded his shield with fierce aggression and then began striking. Perhaps not. She thought again, impressed by his fortitude. One after the other, a flash of steel and light locks before he ducked and turned – it was then when she felt her heart practically fall into her chest. The figures face sharp and aquiline, his skin pale… too pale. That familiar grey.
It was the black eye patch which was tightly fastened over his right eye which gave it away.
He continued on, fighting harshly and fiercely against Cole before finally, winning the duel. Visenya looked at her brothers below, hearing Aemond’s voice mutter something to them both as he had finally acknowledged the two young Princes’. Though something had told her, Aemond was well aware of their presence. Jace looked up at Visenya pleadingly, and it came as no surprise then when she looked back, she noticed Aemond’s gaze follow her brothers upwards.
For what could have only had been a second, they clocked each other. The Princess felt her eyes widen, shock, fear, anger, intrguie, digust; any and all emotion flooding through her in those fateful seconds. He noticed her, he took her in. He knew it was her. She tussled her hair back and looked away, pretending as though she hadn't recognized him.
Aemond narrowed his eye upon the Princess, scanning her briefly. He had only gazed upon her for a second, he tilted his head as if he was contemplating something before his attention was drawn to the incoming drawing of the heavy gates.
Visenya steadied her breath and watched as the gates opened with a heavy moan. If only to make matters worse, the arriving party was another headache in itself... Vaemond Velaryon.
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sleepycat63 · 13 days
artificer's pups in my AU!
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(the name of the collector was given to me by @ok1237! hope you don't mind the tag, it just felt right to give credit)
their story + more rambling under cut
Before I go into the characters' stories, I feel like I should add a bit of background to how I believe(or head-canon) the cycle works.
Basically, every creature is immortal until ascension (or other method of permadeath: ex. Rot). This means no matter what age, how you died, when you died whatever, you will wake up in the next cycle. There are no alternate timelines for each creature, if someone dies, it is never permanent. You die, you come back unharmed (physically, mentally however... yikes). Simple as that.
^^^ Less intelligent creatures, such as slugcats, are usually unaware of this fact. Specifically, Artificer is not aware of this. As far as she knows, her pups are gone.
The toll attack plays out as it does in the game. Blue pup is impaled and killed on impact. Arti and Green pup try to get away, but are hit by an explosive that blinds Arti, and stuns Green pup.
As explained earlier, Blue pup, nicknamed "Pearl" by Artificer, inevitably comes back in the next cycle, now separated from their family.
Green pup, nicknamed "Leech", does not drown. She escapes the leeches by stunning them, which is also the first appearance of the abilities she inherited from her mom. She tries to find her mom, but is forced to seek shelter before the rain kills her.
Within the following cycles, all three have parted ways. Pearl, now terrified of the Scavengers, flees the Garbage Wastes and finds himself in Industrial Complex. Leech finds herself in Waterfront Facility, still searching for her mother. Artificer.. well, we know where she is.
Pearl, inspired by Industrial's previous state as a factory, ends up learning how to craft items of their own (With help of the "fire spit" they inherited from Arti). They gave themself a title based on their love of the items they found, The Collector. He never lost his grudge against the Scavengers for separating him from his family (at this point, he believes them to be dead), only keeping peace with them for trade and convenience.
Leech, on the other hand, is still desperately searching for her mother. They're uninterested in anything but having their family back, and this makes an impact on their health (mental and physical). She lives off of only meat, favoring the Scavengers. She earned her title "The Parasite" from the Scavengers spreading word about her tendencies to target them. When they eventually give up on finding their mother, they stay in Subterranean, mindlessly feeding off the creatures there, only motivated to keep living from hope she will someday find her mother.
Other info:
> Both pups inherited some of Artificer's powers, but being half natural slugcat, they're dulled down significantly.
> Collector got her bomb jump, crafting skill, partial explosion immunity, and water sensitivity. They have a normal omnivore diet.
> Parasite got her bomb jump, parry, maul, partial explosion immunity, and carnivore diet.
> As of right now, only Collector is aware of how the cycle works. He is aware his mother and sister are out there somewhere, but he's terrified the Scavengers will attack and kill him again.
> Parasite is partially aware, as she has died and woken up again, but she doesn't know this applies to other creatures.
> Artificer is not aware. In her eyes, her pups were murdered in cold blood thousands of cycles ago.
> Everyone hates the Scavengers. Collie is afraid of them, Para eats them, Arti murders them. Family bonding!!!
that's it!! it's a work in progress as of right now, some details will be worked on and given more thought later on. feedback is VERY appreciated!! i am not a writer (these are some of the first OCs i've created and taken seriously ... ever) so i dont mind constructive criticism as long as you’re nice about it :))
btw....... if you’re interested in my OCs..... you should totally check out my askblog..... @ask-sleepys-slugs.... i've been trying to flesh out a story for my OCs and people asking questions reallyyy helps my creative process, so i'd appreciate it 🙏🙏
anywayyy byee :]
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cainhart · 2 months
My brief theories on hybrid psychology, biology, lifespan, historical connections to our world, and the possibility of other hybrids in the DMC world aside from the loser twins and Nero.
In Devil May Cry, being a hybrid is not exactly seen as a freak of nature but rather as something disgraceful on the demons' side. The reason for this is quite simple: humans are considered "food" for demons. Human blood is both literally and spiritually a fuel, an essential substance that feeds the demons. The fact that a demon has "disgraced" itself to the point of mating with "food" is a big deal among demons. A lot of Devil May Cry media comment on this—it's even directly said of Sparda that he "turned into a lustful monkey," because, in their eyes, humans are lustful monkeys. Worse, humans die very quickly; they're weak and fragile. You can imagine how much worse it is for demons, where power is everything.
As for humans, there is no canon information about their perspective that I know of. My theory is that some of the "demigods" and mythological figures mentioned in the history of the world are hybrids who were born on Earth before the separation of the two worlds, but that's a topic for another day. As far as we know, the hybrids that are on Earth right now are Dante, Vergil, Nero, and (probably) Matier.
What confuses me more is biology. Humans and demons are different species, even though they were once "one." And even devils differ from each other by looks, too. While Mundus looks like a human man, particularly Zeus, Sparda looks like a bug. Agrosax has both a female and a male body. But it looks like they can alter their looks and DNA enough to have a human-like body by using their demonic magic. And they can have hybrids, hybridity works strangely in humans and animals too.
In Homo sapiens-Neanderthal hybrids, only the female was fertile.
In the animal kingdom, female hybrids are usually fertile unless there is a direct biological problem.
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This is a Mule. A hybrid born from a female horse and a male donkey. Female Mule can only breed with male horses. Male Mule are infertile.
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This is a Hinny, born from a female donkey and a male horse. Both male and female ones are infertile.
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Liger's are both thought to be unfertile, but like Mule's, female Liger's can breed with male lions, creating Liliger. Tigon females are fertile, but males are not. A female Tigon and a male tiger had bred and created Titigon.
The reason for this is Haldane's Rule. When I tried to apply it to demon-human hybrids, I came up with something quite funny: Vergil shouldn't have been able to have a child. The Sparda twins are supposed to be infertile. But if we replace this with demon fuckery, we get at least the following result:
Male hybrid: Can breed with human females. Cannot breed with demon females. Cannot breed with Hybrid females.
Female hybrid: Cannot breed with human males. Can breed with demon males. Cannot breed with Hybrid males. A sad day for people with Vergil/hybrid!Nero's mother OCs because hybrids are unable to breed and produce offspring. Probably. Their partial infertility isn’t the strange part—that’s expected. Hybrids are known to have accelerated healing, incredible strength, agility, speed—the list goes on. These are part of their demonic heritage. But the truly fascinating aspect is how it plays into their biology. The human body can't display even half the strength of hybrids unless adrenaline is involved. If humans could perform such actions, our muscles would tear, our bones would break, and our blood vessels would rupture. Not to mention the risk of brain hemorrhage, blood coming out of the eyes and ears, or even heart attacks. The reason hybrids don’t suffer from these conditions might be due to their superior healing abilities, but even that explanation only scratches the surface. It’s directly related to the fact that they are hybrids.
The reason why Dante and Vergil can fall or jump from great heights (with Vergil literally falling into hell and only fainting, and Dante jumping off a cliff in DMC4) and continue on as if nothing happened is perhaps due to the high ratio of collagen, protein, and hydroxyapatite in their bones. This trait likely begins developing in the womb, as their bodies produce an abundance of osteoblasts. However, it would be nearly impossible for human women to survive such pregnancies. The human body would struggle to provide the immense amount of nutrition a half-demon child requires, leading to either a miscarriage or the mother dying from malnutrition and exhaustion. This could explain why hybrids are so rare.
How Eva carried TWO hybrid babies remains a mystery, but Sparda was likely-no, surely highly active during and after the pregnancy. Otherwise, Eva would not have survived, since there are six hours between Vergil and Dante’s births.
I believe that if a hybrid woman ever became pregnant by a human male or a hybrid male, her pregnancy would be shorter. Since hybrids are not fully human, their bodies function in a way that's almost like Homo sapiens 2.0. Their growth factors would be insane: -Growth hormone would be highly elevated. -their IGF1 would be mutated, leading to significantly increased cell growth and development -mutated CDKs would regulate the cell cycle to promote faster cell division and growth. -placental efficiency would be enhanced, with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor doubling the blood flow and nutrition supply. The cyncytin genes would also be more active. Anyway, you get the picture. Hybrid women could grow and pack a whole ass baby in about 4 months and call it a day. This process may be even faster in Devil Trigger form, but Hybrids can't hold their DT long enough. What bugs my mind is whether female hybrids would have periods. I think so? But the duration and intensity would likely differ from human women. One day I will write in-depth about female and male hybrid anatomy but for now, this is enough.
Another thing is, assuming hybrids are not easily cut or pierced by mundane weapons, their skin must produce high levels of keratin. Keratin is a protein that gives nails their hardness and forms the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). The calcification—the storage of calcium salts in the skin—must be high. At the same time, neither Dante, Nero, nor Vergil have any scars, acne scars, blackheads, or blemishes. Their skin heals perfectly, restoring itself to its original state. The white blood cells of hybrids must be working like crazy lol. To put it crudely, when they get a cut—or any wound, for that matter the white cells ring alarm bells and rush to close the wound. Blood clotting (hemostasis) begins, then cytokines are released and after that the bleeding stops, what follows is tissue formation (Proliferation). This happens in such a short time that it is hard to believe. At the same time, as I mentioned above, the high collagen and keratin ratios of hybrids also prevent scars. It's really strange.
Another thing is that hybrids have a highly developed sense of smell, hearing and sight. In DMC5, Dante could smell Urizen from quite a distance. And demons, even hybrids, have their own scent. According to Dante, it's not a nice smell. That's my guess, too. I think the sons of Sparda are fire-based demons, considering their devil trigger form (I don't know what to think of Nero because his DT form is very vague and very humanoid. But he still can be a fire-based demon, considering Sparda, Agrosax, and Berial are prolly fire-based demons but none look alike). Therefore, the smell of all three could be like burnt flesh or a sooty, weird grotesque smell which I like the idea of. This is probably the smell of their demon blood mixing with their human blood. The hybrids smell must differ from each other based on their type. We've seen demons from the four elements throughout the series, but I think there could be more concept-based demons, like ‘darkness’ because nobody knows where to put these demons, so they just call them darkness or void… things like that. Even though we humans are the same species, we can give ourselves different names to feel special, so it's not surprising.
Hybrids also have the ability to sense energy. This is something we humans possess as well since we live in an energy field and are always in touch with it, we can feel the energies around us. It’s the same for hybrids, but their ability to transfer and sense energy is far beyond what we can ever achieve. It’s canon that demonic energies can bring a hybrid’s demon side to the surface, calling and provoking it. In Deadly Fortune, when Yamato is fixed/healed by Nero, Dante feels a sudden and all-too-familiar demonic energy that unintentionally triggers his demonic side for a moment. This is Yamato’s call. Dante’s demon side is provoked by her and, inevitably, by Vergil’s energy because I wholeheartedly believe Yamato contains a part of Vergil’s soul. They are inbound.
Not much is known about how long hybrids live, but they do age, as we’ve seen with Dante and Matier. Interestingly, Matier lived long enough to meet Sparda. I think hybrids outlive humans, and an average lifespan of 300 years, like Tieflings. I’ll delve into the biological factors of this separately another time.
In the Devil May Cry anime, there’s an episode about a devil’s sincere love for a human. This kinda confirmed my belief that there MUST be other hybrids besides shit twins, Nero and Matier. People in love sometimes have sex, and if they want to, children are born as a result. However, based on what I mentioned earlier, I’m not sure how healthy the pregnancy would be.
The character themes are the best source for understanding the inner conflict a hybrid experiences. Their demon and human souls and blood clash with each other, fighting to see which will come out as the victor. This is evident even with Nero, which is interesting because he’s only about 15% demon, having a hybrid dad and a human mom. It’s weird because, physically, demon blood is dominant, but according to the lore, the human soul is superior. Nero has so little demon blood that he nearly lacks the demonic smell (Dante in Deadly Fortune and Malphas in Devil May Cry 5 comments about this). He’s more human than the twins—a very domestic boy. His psyche should be stronger than the twins. 
Dante's theme songs, however, are understandable, he is a half-breed, a perfect balance of two opposite sides. We see that these demonic urges are directed toward other demons, but I’m curious about whether hybrids have any violent urges toward humans. They are half-demon, after all. Demons are the predators of humans—Sparda himself ate humans before he awoke to justice. We humans even have cannibalistic urges, thanks to female genome transaction, our time cannibalizing each other has scorched into our brains.  Human blood is not just tasty to demons yet hybrids are not berserkers or lesser demons with zero intelligence. They have a brain and a human heart; I don’t see them openly fantasizing about mauling or eating people. But I’m pretty sure the smell of human blood would be appealing to them. It might be like smelling a barbecue and thinking, “Damn, that smells good.” But maybe it wouldn’t be enticing enough to make them attack or eat people. You wouldn't want to eat an alive cow while it stands there cowly, eating grass. You may even interact with it in a nonaggressive way. That’s how I think hybrids would act towards humans if they were in control. Yeah, IF. Returning to Sparda Kin’s theme songs, the inner conflict of a hybrid makes sense with what I’ve said earlier. When you lose control and your demonic side takes over, you essentially leave part of your human consciousness in the hands of an apex predator. In such moments, you could harm those you love or innocent people, or commit worse acts. In the Bible, Nephilim are said to eat humans. This is, of course, a biased point of view, assuming that Abrahamic religions derive their sources from ancient records. But these Nephilim (hybrids) are not all the same; they are all different from each other and this is proven by science, human hybrids and animal hybrids are always different. It is also said that Nephilim are immortal, but there is no explicit mention that they are truly immortal; they simply die. However, the existence of man-eating Nephilim might suggest that some hybrids would indeed have a desire to eat humans. By the way, Nephilim are directly related to our world and the DMC hybrid concept—giants. Hybrids result from the mating of Annunaki people left on Earth with humans.
And don't even get me started on the creepy similarity between the Annunaki legend and Sparda and Mundus. :l
Well, uhh, that's all. I didn't touch on everything I wanted to touch on, but this post would be too long if I let myself go. Have a good day!
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
Guys, we're doing it!
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Do you remember this survey? I didn't expect such a great response. If that many of you really want to participate, I guess I'll have to do more than one batch of the draw to choose as much of your MC's as I can.
More info under the cut!
Time for some rules, so we won't get lost
The concept is simple. You give me your precious OCs/MCs, I adopt them for a while, write fanfic (related to WHB, of course) and hand them over to your loving hands.
For now, I plan to choose 3-5 people to write for. This may change if more people apply. If one applies, I will write for one. If 96 apply, I will choose more. We'll figure it out.
You can apply in two ways. One is to reblog this post and describe everything in reply, the second is to create your own post with the hashtag #whbmcshuffle Preferably both at once. I don't want to accidentally lose any application. I also recommend following this tag for the time being because I will post further information under it.
The people I will write for will be drawn randomly. I want it to be fair, and I guess this is the only way I won't be biased when I see mutuals I like or Andrea my favorite demons.
You can apply for one week. Since we may all be in different time zones, submissions will close when this survey ends.
Feed me information. Since I want to write something good, I would like to ask you for some information. Here's the list:
Name and pronouns: Quite obvious. Short bio: Who are they? Any difficult past or traumas? What were they doing on earth? Did they get to hell like in canon? How do they feel in hell? Where they live? Character: What are their main character traits? How do they usually behave? How do they behave in crisis situations? Voice: (Not mandatory, although, very helpful.) What would the narrative look like? More calm or energetic? Confident or not at all? Funny or serious? Calm or nervous? Laid back or distrustful? You can even paste here a song or a link to some story that you think reflect your oc's voice well. Important facts: Free space, you can put whatever you want here and whatever you think is important. Demons to include in the fic: (from 1 to 3) Brief description of relationship with chosen demons: I guess that's obvious. The tone in which it should be written: (i.e. spicy, angst, fluff, funny or other) Narrative type: Second person (addressing as 'you') or third person (addressing with selected pronouns) The script you would like to see: (Not mandatory, although, very helpful) For example, a date on Earth, cooking together, whatever you come up with.
I know it's a lot to ask. This is a minimal list, but the more information you give me, the better I will be able to empathize with your MCs and hopefully imitate their character. If you have already written about them, for example in your other posts, feel free to include links, so I can take a better look at them. Of course, you can add photos, or a song, or memes, anything you want!
I didn't mention the length of the fic, but it depends on how I will feel writing it. But I'll want it to be at least 800 words.
Most important. Have fun! It's mainly about getting to know each other's OCs/MCs. Who knows, if there's a lot of interest, maybe we'll do more draws. 👀
I tried to include everything, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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say hello to the first Official Canon Characters aboard the HIVE o7 (joking, but they are legit ocs which is kinda weird to say 👀)
random lore + some extra tidbits below the cut
OKAY this is all pretty loose bc i don't wanna get top restrictive with it, the vagueness is half the fun. but here's what i got:
in the “HIVE canon”, sector heads/ranking officers (which for now is just leander and COL ig until i eventually cave and make more lmao) are specifically given custom uniforms and number prefixes instead of the CR[insert number here] format.
the “M” in front of leander’s stands for medbay. COL didn’t pick one so it’s just his name lol.
crewmates can wear any accessories they want as long as the base uniform stays the same (bee arm patches, grey, etc). all crewmate numbers gotta start with CR to be canon, but that doesn't apply to shitpost comics or like. general vibes
(there’s a reason the crew uniforms are grey. it’s the same reason leander made the captain’s gloves. )
the ship shuffles itself! it's not random all of the time, sometimes you open a door and end up in the room you were heading to like a shortcut, but other times you can open a random door and end up in the kitchen, or the training hall, etc etc. i just think an eldritch abomination ship is funny.
weirdly enough though it doesn’t do this in crisis situations. guess it’s only fun if the pranks are harmless ;;
if you get lost, call the captain (ello! o7) or COLONY over comms. they can generally get you wherever you need to go bc COLONY is directly connected to the ship and the captain’s able to make [INQUIRIES], which let us pass freely.
it’s kind of hard to tell if leander has a similar ability. the running theory is no, but he never seems confused?? when he enters a room?? so either he has one or he really just rolls with the punches. both are equally possible tbh.
in actual lore these two were probably some of if not the first few people to be recruited. obvs that’s a retcon now but shhh.
random characters from fandoms still get dragged into our shenanigans. at the end of the day this is all just for fun, and that’s one of the best parts, so hell yeah i’m keeping it.
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