#this au especially after 260..... it's so over
caluette · 5 months
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(the ballad of) the magician and the blue rose
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
hi! do you have any fic recs of like really fluffy one shots
Hiya!! yes I do!! Aren’t they just the best sometimes?? Sorry this took me a few days to do! I had over 260 fics to go through on ao3 just under fluff (I really need to tidy my bookmarks!)  💖 There’s 79 in this list so it’s a long one!! ^-^
please stay safe and read the tags everyone! :)
freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this by rosesau
Harry (not so) secretly crushes on the cute footie player and fills pages with sketches of him.
Thunder started it by booloveshiscuppycake
Harry's always been scared of thunder storms. But louis' always been there to comfort him. Friendship and comfort turn into love. (Fluffy as shit)
but he cant be what you need (if he's eighteen) by lingerielarries
“I need you to do something for me.” Harry said, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
“It seems like you’re asking me to kill for you, H.” Louis laughed nervously.
“It’s nothing that drastic, I promise. It’s just. I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m not a.. normal eighteen year old.” Louis furrowed his eyebrows at that, narrowing his eyes at the younger boy.
“Are people giving you a hard time?” Louis wondered. Harry shifted in his seat and brushed some of his fringe off his forehead.
“Yeah, that’s. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Harry swallowed nervously. He could feel the sweat pooling at his hairline so he wiped it with the sleeve of his sweater. “I need you to uhm, pretend to be my boyfriend.”
the one where harry is sick of getting bullied and casts louis as the hot punk boyfriend to scare them away. louis needs harry to return the favor.
punk!louis and flowerchild!harry
the love is ours to make (so we should make it) by lingerielarries
“I’m.. Harry. I nanny? For Ernest and Doris?” Harry responded.
“A nanny? How old even are you? You look twelve.” Louis remarked. Something caught Louis’ eye, and a closer look revealed that Harry had a coat of pink nail polish on his fingers.
“Nineteen. I’m nineteen.” Harry replied.
“Right. Nineteen, wears pink, flower crowns and paints his nails. Who the actual fuck did my mum hire?”
the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.
All I See is You by ElegantSurrender
Even with the blood gushing from his nose, he couldn’t keep his thoughts on anything but the boy in front of him. He was just so… pretty. He smiled to himself, which only seemed to worry his boyfriend more.
“Why’re you smiling?” Louis asked confusedly, moving Harry’s bloody hand away, and replacing it with his, pinching his nose shut with a tissue. “You’re bleeding, and you’re fucking smiling.”
“Seeing you makes me happy.”
(or the one where Harry has a bloody nose and Louis takes care of him, and Harry really really loves Louis)
Pretty Blue Eyes (I don't care about the nightmares) by justgotowisharder
Harry has nightmares, Louis hates sharing the bed, they end up talking about dreams, they read Freud and they fall in love in the process.
Breathe by dontlietomehoney
Harry has an asthma attack and Louis is scared to death. What follows after though, scares both boys, pulling them apart and bringing them together.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
yes, you make my life worthwhile by orphan_account
Harry whispers to him that this feels like every dream he’s had for the last three years and Louis kisses his temple, behind his ear, across his cheeks and by the edge of his jaw. He runs the back of his finger across Winnie’s sleep-warm cheeks and sighs, the weight of the world finally off his shoulder.
Louis' a pediatrician, Harry's a preschooler teacher, and they're having a baby.
Weigh Us Down (We're In Love) by orphan_account
Harry’s eyes widen slightly at that. “We’re friends?”
Louis nods eagerly, smiling even wider. “Of course we are! You’re like, my first ever friend here. We just moved in, you see. Did I already tell you about that? Anyway! Maybe you can stay for dinner and I can show you my toys?”
Harry smiles. “You’ll let me play with you?”
Louis nods again, excited. “Of course!” He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then he’s slipping off the couch and crouching in front of Harry. “Oh, and Mum always kisses my wounds after she fixes them up. It makes me feel loads better all the time, so.” He leans forward and puckers his lips, pressing them over the bandage on Harry’s knee.
(harry and louis first meet when they’re eight and ten. this is their story throughout the years.)
Breathe by Jade_eyed
Can you write a Larry high school AU where Harry's a sophomore and Louis' his senior boyfriend and Harry's being bullied during class and has a panic attack and all he's saying is 'Louis' so someone goes into louis' classroom and gets him and louis' like freaking out when he finds out and just really fluffy and stuff i just need this okay
[ I changed it a bit , I'm sorry babe I tried. :( ]
Cause If You Let Me, Here's What I'll Do by stylesforstiles
Five times where Harry is Louis' baby
Zero Means Nothing When I'm With You by StripedAndBowtied
Louis doesn't know what he's looking for until he finds it.
Harry just knows he may defy his gender norms, with his height and clumsiness, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want litters of pups running around while he does domestic things all day long.
In other words, boy meets boy and no one can stop pining.
All my senses come to life by erikaeurekajoe
And it was true. Harry's senses were all coming to life, on overdrive in fact because a handsome blue-eyed stranger was holding his hands.
Because of Louis Tomlinson's Arse by AggressiveStress
One in which Harry is a clumsy Uni student that first sees Louis leaning over, picking up his things with his arse very prominent. Harry then falls down the stairs and Louis- wearing a nice little beanie- helps him back to his feet.
In All Its Imperfections by BriaMaria
From: Louis Tomlinson To: Undisclosed Recipients
I’ve asked the front desk and you lovely folks are the ones who are on the same level as me in the car park. I found a to-do list today that looked somewhat important because it has lines of poetry scribbled at the bottom that seemed like they might be for a card project. The stationary has a moose in a canoe at the top of it (and he is quite adorable). Let me know if it’s yours!
“Oh. My. Fucking. God,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting over the sentences again willing them not to make sense. They did, they did make sense. “Oh. My. Bloody. Fucking. God.”
The next thing he knew he was on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with a very concerned Liam hovering over his head.
"What happened, mate?" Liam asked.
Harry just pointed to his computer.
Liam bent over Harry’s desk to read the email. “What? This isn’t bad. Is that your to-do list? Did you finally come up with the inside text for those cards?”
“Leeyum" he groaned. “It’s what’s on the list.”
“Oh,” Liam paused for a beat. “Is it dirty stuff?”
Harry nodded.
There was more silence. And then, “Dirty stuff with Louis?”
Delirious in Love by yourpricelessadvice (orphan_account)
Louis is there for Harry waking up from minor surgery; he wouldn't miss it for the world. For two reasons.
Stars Will Align For Us by 2tiedships2
"The serial monogamist is single," Niall said by way of introduction when he sat down across from Harry in the canteen.
Harry sipped his chocolate milk. "What are you going on about?"
"Your alpha dream boat," Niall said. "That tiny little footie player? I heard from Hannah that he's broken it off with his boyfriend so he’s single and ready to flamingle. Now's the time to make your move."
Harry sipped his chocolate milk harder to keep himself from replying.
Or the one where Harry is an omega at a loss of how to get past his pining and gain the attention of Louis...especially considering the alpha is always in a relationship.
(twenty minutes later) wound up in the hospital by callmelover
“Baby, I think a quick trip to A&E might do you some good, hm?” Louis keeps his voice as calm as possible. He doesn't want to startle Harry or make him scared, but he knows that Harry’s fever is too high and he can't risk Harry choking himself into another attack when he's so poorly.
He hears a sharp intake of breath come for Harry and he knows Harry is starting to panic. Louis moves his hand from Harry's hair to his back, rubbing circles into his sweat-soaked shirt.
“No, no. Shh, don't worry, darling. Everything is okay, you’ll be okay. I just know that the doctors will be able to make you feel much better much sooner than I can...Just want you to get healthy as soon as possible, okay?”
or the one where harry has the flu and louis is a protective, nervous-wreck of a boyfriend
You live in my heart by styleztomlinson
As soon as they’re done with their set, Louis only has one thing on his mind and that’s to get out of there as soon as possible.or,Harry is sick during their performance at the iHeartRadio festival. Afterwards, Louis takes cares of his baby, and dotes on his husband.
Take Care by secretlylarry
Louis really does love to take care of Harry when he's sick.
if we got nothing, we got us by tumsa
Harry is Louis' baby and he's sick as well.
Peppermint and Lavender (and Coffee) by 2tiedships2
“He was there again,” Louis announced by way of greeting. “Lottie was right and she can never know.”
"What the fuck are you talking about?” Niall asked as he snapped his laptop closed.
“The omega, Niall. He was there today. Just sitting in the corner looking pretty. Or at least his back is. He hasn’t turned around when I’m available to see. I know he’s beautiful though.”
"Okay?” Niall questioned. “What does that have to do with Lottie?”
Louis let out a huff. "She told me I shouldn’t work at a coffee shop. She was right.”
Or the one where Louis might have met the love of his life in a coffee shop. But that’s not how it’s supposed to happen.
So Long I've Been Waiting by kikikryslee
Niall held up his glass in a toast. “Cheers.” Harry stared at Louis as he brought the glass up to his lips, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t like he could refuse the drink, but he certainly didn’t want to have any champagne. Louis monitored everyone else, and as soon as they all had their heads tilted back, drinking their mimosa, he reached out and knocked Harry’s glass right out of his hand, sending it crashing to the floor. “Oh, no!” Louis pretended to be shocked at what had just happened. “Harry, you’re so clumsy. You dropped your glass.” “Yes,” Harry said seriously. “I am very clumsy.” --- Or, the one where Harry and Louis are having their first baby, and keeping it a secret until the end of the first trimester is a lot harder than they thought it would be.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me But Divine Intervention by kikikryslee
“So… what’s next on the soul mate search?” Louis asked. “I don’t know,” Harry answered. “Whatever I’m doing isn’t working. I’m not finding him anywhere.” “He’ll get here. I know it." “Yeah. I know he’s out there somewhere; I just have to figure out where.” --- Or, the soul mate AU where Harry overthinks everything having to do with finding the love of his life, and Louis doesn't think there's a Mr. Right for him at all. It takes them a while to realize that their soul mate is the person they want it to be: each other.
We Made These Memories for Ourselves by supernope
Breath held, Harry squints his eyes open and focuses on the first stick. A blue line. Harry breathes out an unsteady breath. He’s pretty sure he read that one blue line is a negative, but he fishes the box from the bottom of the pile just to make sure.
“Negative,” he confirms, voice echoing around the small room. “Next.”
Now that he’s feeling a little less shaky, he scans the rest of the tests at once, is met with a headache-inducing mixture of pink plus signs and blue double lines. His heart rate picks up until it’s pounding triple-time in the base of his throat and the pit of his stomach, thundering in his ears and throbbing in his temples. He flips over the rest of the boxes slowly, but he knows what they’re going to say before he even looks.
[or, Louis is a footballer, Harry owns a bakery, and they're having a baby.]
taken by the wind by scrunchyharry
When he decided to move to London with his sister, Harry thought he would finally get to learn how to control his magic. He couldn't possibly have predicted that he would fall for her neighbour.
Or the one where Harry is a clumsy witch and Louis is making everything worse just by existing.
Piece by Piece by SadaVeniren
He rubbed his hand over his lower stomach and closed his eyes. Louis was going to lose his fucking mind.
(aka Harry tells Louis he's pregnant and it goes as expected)
And We Linger On by stylesforstiles
Harry is pouting. Louis takes care of him
There's a Hole In My Soul, Can You Fill It? by stylesforstiles
Sometimes Harry is so tired. Louis always wants to fix it.
one glance and the avalanche drops by Wankerville
It's strange, honestly, having someone so gorgeous in his kitchen, and not only physically gorgeous, but, like, the everything else gorgeous. The type of gorgeous that Louis wants his life to always be covered in. The type of gorgeous he wants lying in sweatpants and an old t-shirt on his couch when he gets home from class. The type of gorgeous he wants to have shoving crisps down the front of his shirt. The type of goddamn gorgeous he wants to kiss, and coddle, and like, love.
Which is ridiculous- he doesn't know him. Pfft.
(or an au wherein louis buys a christmas tree and harry is the boy in leggings who delivers it. they are a christmas classic.)
Do Not Falter (There's a Star Ahead) by LadyLondonderry
It's Christmas Eve, and every single one of Louis' family members are crowded inside his little flat. Really, what more could he ask for on his birthday?
The present he never knew he wanted - in the form of an omega from his past - might just make this his most memorable Christmas.
Right Here Waiting by lovelarry10
Louis and Harry are expecting a baby. Harry's heavily pregnant and nesting madly, determined to make their home ready for their baby.
Blow Out the Candles, Baby by iwillpaintasongforlou
Louis' been planning Harry's 20th birthday party for weeks, and Harry's too sick to move. Louis might be the kind of sap who tries to nurse him back to health with cuddles and jokes and cupcakes for two.
Never Let You Fall by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry slips on stage and gets a minor concussion, and Louis insists that he spend the night in the hospital just in case. He then turns into a protective baby lion because that is his Harry and he'll be damned if anything happens to him on Louis' watch. Harry rolls his eyes a lot but doesn't really mind.
Asthma and Bad Jokes by Larry_Klaine_Stylinson
When Harry has an asthma attack on stage, Louis has to go and help him. He leaves Niall in charge of keeping the audience entertained.
All I Need is Oxygen (and You) by lululawrence
There are only two ways to navigate Bloomfield High School: become popular or make yourself invisible.
With the help of his best mate Niall, Harry’s introduction to high school hadn’t been half bad. Despite being a “bandie” – the lowest of the low in the ancient hierarchy of high school –Harry had somehow managed to survive freshman year relatively unscathed. So naturally, Harry would have been perfectly happy to resume his position of invisible trombone player number four for the remainder of high school. But one day something drastic happened, something that would change the course of Harry’s entire existence (probably).
It was the last football game of his freshman year, and the band was back in the stands after performing a rousing rendition of Bloomfield’s alma mater during half time. Harry was gracelessly wiping the slobber from the mouthpiece of his trombone when he saw him.
Louis Tomlinson.
Or...a High School AU where Harry is a bandie and Louis is the epitome of cool, so naturally, Harry must find a way to get his attention and win his affections.
i’d burn this city down to show you the light by you_explode
Harry's a sheltered rich kid and Louis's a punk with a heart of gold. They meet when Louis breaks into Harry's house, Harry obtains an instant and all-encompassing crush, and they spend the summer falling into a whirlwind romance.
put your head on my shoulder by wayfared
Niall gives Harry until the end of marching season to either a) make a move on Louis Tomlinson or b) get the fuck over him. Either is easier said than done. Basically, your High School AU with a drum beat.
we should get jerseys, 'cause we make a good team by ellisaco
Harry's not very good at football, but he's aces at cheering Louis on.
Snow by hlftanna
Louis hid something from him. Harry was 100% sure of that. He knew him better than he knew himself. And. He. Hid. Something. From. Him. Harry just hasn't figured out what. Because if Louis wanted to hide something from anyone he usually succeeded because he was Louis Tomlinson.
Use Your Words by zedi
based off this prompt: collage au where jock!harry always serenades flowercrown!louis with love songs in their music class. what nobody knows is that harry actually kinda means the words he sings.
But instead it's Louis as the jock and Harry as the flowerchild because I do what I want.
see the truth (it's me for you) by orphan_account
If you asked Louis the first day of his French Literature class what he’d be doing on the last, he’d probably never have guessed it would involve helping a poorly Harry Styles study for the final exam. Good thing he’s not a betting man.
(Or the one where Louis and Harry spend an entire semester ignoring each other after a one-night stand, only to come face to face when Harry manages to catch the stomach flu during finals week. Sometimes fate is funny like that.)
calling out for somebody to hold tonight by heartinsidemine
“Dunno why I can’t sleep,” is the first thing Harry says into the still, quiet night.
“New flat, new noises,” Louis murmurs, finally setting the kettle on the stove and turning properly toward him. “New responsibilities, too, eh? Second year, you’re working your way up in the world.”
Harry rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Nothing’s really new, though, is it? I mean, the location, but… I’ve got the same job I had last year, same basic courses, same workload…” He sighs out, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You and me are in the same boat, though,” Louis murmurs to him. He hates seeing Harry like this, even though rationally he knows that he can’t do anything about Harry’s insomnia. “Finding it difficult to sleep myself. Was gonna turn on the telly, maybe the cooking channel until I fall asleep. Care to join me?”
He doesn’t think twice about the offer before making it; it only makes sense. They’re both exhausted and they both sleep better with a cuddle, and anyway Louis would absolutely rather have a conversation partner than only the walls of his room for company.
Running Down To The Riptide by sweaterpawstyles
"I can't give you your present yet, Lou."
Louis furrowed his brows. "And why is that, my love?"
Harry smiled at his lap. "Because your present is under my sweater," he pulled his free hand that wasn't laced with Louis' and gently laid it on his stomach. "I'm pregnant."
It's New Year's Eve and Harry has a surprise under his sweater
Song For The Springtime by sunshiner
“Cherry blossoms,” Harry mumbles. “The solution’s cherry blossoms.”
Uni AU.
the happiest place in our universe by tippytoetomlinstyles
Harry holds Louis’ hand and looks around at all the exciting and beautiful things and Louis looks at him because he finds him the most beautiful and exciting thing there is.
or the one where Louis takes Harry to Disneyland and Harry convinces Louis to wear Mickey Mouse ears to match his Minnie Mouse ears.
Made From Love by lovelarry10
It's almost Christmas, and amongst the preparations, Louis' realised something about his husband Harry.
Harry, however, seems to be oblivious.
Louis' determined to open Harry's eyes and make him realise the real magic that's happening this Christmas...
Another Constellation to Trace by screwstyles
Louis wiggles his eyebrows. “I’m winning that bet.”
“What bet?” comes Niall’s excited voice from behind them, followed by footsteps. “I wanna be in on the bet!” he shouts, prompting Harry to quickly roll down his shirt sleeve and straighten his shirt where it’s still crinkly after Louis’ hands.
Niall takes one look at them and purses his lips in a tight line. “Were you guys making out again? Isn’t the fire meant to die down a bit after eight years?”
“Trust me, the fire is still very much alive,” Louis winks at Harry. “One could even say it’s cooking something.”
Mpreg AU: Louis and Harry bet on who can keep Harry's pregnancy a secret for longer. Neither of them is particularly good at it, and it doesn't help that their soulmate tattoos make it even harder.
another pair of feet by honey_beeing
where Harry is pregnant and Louis is an oblivious idiot.
We Were Made to Love by supernope  
“Everything all sorted? Need help with the buckles? I know they’re a bit tricky in this compartment.”
The voice startles Louis out of his daze, and he turns toward the voice to let him know he figured it out. When he catches sight of the owner of the voice, though, his response dies in his throat. Whatever he had imagined the conductor of a children’s train that rides around the shopping centre in Leeds would look like, this is certainly not it.
Leaning through the window, arms folded across the sill, is a green-eyed angel with cherry red lips stretched wide in a smile and dimples flirting in his cheeks. A black conductor’s hat is the only confirmation that this is not some gorgeous stranger who’s come to flirt with Louis through the window of a children’s train, but is just a man doing his job.
[or, Harry drives a kiddie train in the shopping centre for the summer and is obsessed with babies, and Louis never stood a chance.]
here comes the sun by orphan_account
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Louis promises, his pink, chapped lips moving slowly in the cold. It matches the beanie on his head—pink, because they found out this morning that they’re having a girl and that’s just.
Harry’s going to be a dad. To a little girl. Five months from now he’ll be holding her in his arms, and she’ll be so lovely and small.
They’re going to have a spring baby and she’s probably going to have Louis’ eyes. What a blessing that would be. Harry crosses his fingers on the hand inside his pocket, hoping that she does. He’ll love her either way—blue or green or even brown eyes, it doesn’t matter—but he’d really like them to be blue, he thinks.
[Harry is a pediatric specialist, Louis is a neurosurgeon. All they want is a baby.]
So Put Your Hands In (The Holes of My Sweater) by Kat_rawr
“Are you gonna kiss me then?” He asks so quiet he isn’t even sure Louis heard him.
“I think it’s bad luck if I don’t.“ Louis’ breath is hot on Harry’s skin in the cold air. They stand in the dark; Louis’ face only lit up by the yellow-ish light from the street light a few metres away. The light over the door of their building hasn’t worked in years.
“Okay,” Harry says, and of course his cheeks heat up. There are definitely butterflies in stomach and his mouth is definitely dry.
Harry and Louis go on a lot of not-dates
A Little Kind of Magic by Star55
A tiny tale of Louis' Very Important Birthday and Christmas at Hogwarts that Harry loves celebrating with his best friend whom he absolutely is not in love with. No matter what Niall says. (He's a little in love with Louis.)
it tastes like you, only sweeter by EmmyLouWho
Sometimes Harry hates being a second year, like when all his older friends get to go to Hogsmeade and he has to stay behind in the castle. Luckily, Harry has a Louis to make everything better.
For the prompt: “I’m not allowed to go to Hogsmeade but you always tell me stories about it and bring me candy from Honeydukes”
Sun-Dappled by QuickedWeen
Louis and his best friend Harry are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, facing down their future together. Louis has been in love with his best friend for as long as he can remember, and he begins to feel a sense of urgency as the second semester begins. Finally he hatches a plan to tell Harry about his feelings on Harry's birthday.
Sweet Like Sunshine by orphan_account
When Louis saves him from some seventh years bullying him on his lack of Quidditch skills, Harry takes offense. Louis offers to teach him to make up for it. They fall in love somewhere along the way.
Featuring one exasperated Niall, trips to Hogsmede and many flying sessions.
Follow Me Down This Time by supernope
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he's never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by panicmoonwalk
Niall’s head was sitting in the fireplace, wide grin lighting up his features as flames licked the bright tips of his hair. Louis promptly dropped his tray at the sight.
“Bloody hell!” He yelled, half at the sudden appearance of Niall in the fire and half at the scalding cocoa he’d just dropped on his bare foot. “What are you doing?!”
Niall just continued to grin, clearly highly amused by Louis hopping on one foot and desperately trying to search for a weapon he could use to beat his friend’s head out of the fireplace.
“Well,” Niall began. “We’re going on an adventure!”
Or, the one where Louis and Harry’s Christmas holiday at Hogwarts is rudely interrupted when they’re dragged off on a tropical wizard’s vacation, featuring some angry centaurs, a spell gone wrong, and the ‘weirdest birthday anyone’s ever had. Ever’.
Loving with a Little Twist by hrrytomlinson
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know Niall! I just promised my mother I’m bringing my boyfriend - a boyfriend I don’t have - to Thanksgiving dinner. What should I do? I can’t call back and be like, ‘Oh yeah mom, that boyfriend I said that I have, I don’t actually have. Sorry to disappoint you.’ My life is ruined.” Harry returns to suffocating himself with the pillow.
Niall laughs and Harry growls at his best friend’s unwarranted happiness in this life-ending situation. Harry is fucked. Fuck. He needs a boyfriend. Fuck.
(or a thanksgiving themed fake/pretend relationship au)
everywhere (i wanna be with you) by itiswhatitisbutterfly
Harry and Louis meet because they have terrible friends, they fall in love because something feels right in a world of uncertainty and shifting grounds. Louis is an actor and Harry is a model at the top of his game, the best things in life are the most unexpected ones and the things that hit you when you are least expecting it.
Featuring winter in London, nights in Paris, early mornings in New York, burning heat in Monte Carlo and an enduring love spent transcending four corners of the globe.
on a wednesday, in a cafe by wreckedboyfriends
“What can I get for you today?” he asked without looking up, arranging the last of the pastries.
“Have any recommendations? Never been here before, actually.” Harry hit his head on the top of the case in his haste to look at the source of the voice. It was a really beautiful voice, small and high and just lovely, if a voice could be lovely. Harry thought so. “Alright, mate?” the man asked when Harry finally composed himself, rubbing the top of his head as he took his place at the register.
Harry opened his eyes, and fuck. If Harry had thought his voice was lovely, the man himself was on a whole other level. “Alright, mate?” He repeated and shit. Harry had been openly staring for quite awhile, hadn’t he?
“Yeah,” Harry replied, and it came out sounding like a semi trailer running over gravel. He cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he repeated. “Um, the cherry danish is quite good, I think. ’S my favorite.”
The man smiled. “One cherry danish it is, then.”
OR Harry’s spent the last year with six locks on his door, a pair of too-flamboyant boots buried in the back of his closet, and insecurity issues the size of a mammoth. Louis changes some of that, but Harry changes the most.
I Long For You by AnotherAnonymousWriter
Thirty minutes later, he's sat on a bench in Hyde Park with a book in his lap and a travel mug with hot tea in his hand. Not far from where he's sat, a group of boys are playing football and a bunch of children are chasing each other. Life is good.
Or at least, life is good until he hears a familiar “LOOK OUT!” and sees a football flying in the direction of his face.
And then everything is black.
(Harry gets hit in the head by various objects and falls for a boy with blue eyes.)
Let It Snow by thebrainisafunnyplace
Bakery owner Harry Styles is always cold, until he hires local university student, Louis Tomlinson to work as a cashier. When the storm of the year hits, the boys find themselves stuck together inside the bakery the night before Christmas Eve. Luckily, they have each other to keep warm.
everything i can arrange, every part of me you change by orphan_account
“Don’t you try that shit with me,” Niall spits the second he reaches Louis, pulling off the hood with force. “What the hell is this?” He plops down next to Louis on the empty bleacher and unceremoniously pushes a sheet of crumpled paper in his face.
Netflix and Chill Buddy Application
It’s like no matter how hard Louis tries, he can’t seem to run away from this stupid fucking flyer. All the girls (and some of the boys) in every one of his classes have been talking about it all week. It’s on every wall of every building on campus. Louis went for a jog last night and he nearly tripped and died over a loose one on the football track.
[Harry needs a big spoon and Louis refuses to let anyone steal his position. Based on this post.]
No words by becharlatan
Harry is a music student who never talks because he's a total introvert. Louis happens to bump into him by accident and as if like the constellations, the two have aligned their paths together despite their differences.
Sun Emoji Moon Emoji by mybeanieandme
For the prompt:
University!au: Harry works at a cafe as the busboy and Louis just really wants to get to know him. (Louis pines for an insecure Harry for a semester)
nonstop earthquake dreams of you by lumineres
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
Kiss From A Rose by lovelarry10
Harry is the quiet one in the office no one ever notices. Until Louis does, that is. When notes start appearing on Harry’s desk, he ponders who is behind the kind words, oblivious to Louis’ attempts to get his attention...
Black Cat by lalune15
Inspired by this tumblr post (not asked or requested): fic where louis works at a haunted house jumping out at people and harry’s friends drag him along even though he doesn’t really like haunted houses. when louis jumps out to scare their group, harry freaks out and accidentally jumps into louis’s arms. louis just squeaks. harry ends up sitting there with louis the rest of his shift and totally doesn’t come back every night after that.
Be Mine, For Always by zams
Louis is happy when Harry is happy. That's what Louis wants, and so when Louis starts feeling weird when Harry cuddles with Liam, Zayn, or Niall instead of him, he keeps quiet. But the burning, uncomfortable feeling Louis gets deep in his stomach when he sees Harry contentedly nuzzling Liam's neck, or Harry's arms and legs tangled around Niall like an octopus, or Harry's face smushed in Zayn's stomach as Zayn plays with his hair only gets worse as the days go by.
Loosen Up My Buttons by softfonds
The beautiful man opened this bakery about a year ago. He remembered the exact day he came: a glum, rainy morning in the middle of February, which instantly turned brighter the minute he saw him. The man had come in with some paint buckets and tools, and Louis doubted he would be able to fix up the drab place all by himself. But as he walked down the stairs at the end of the day and saw the man standing there in the middle of a gorgeous pink and white shop, clearly proud of his work, Louis fell in love at first sight. If only he knew how to talk to him.
Usually, Louis knew how to flirt. He prided himself on it. But every time he looked at the beautiful man, he completely forgot how to form sentences, and there was no way he could go up to him only to make a fool of himself. That was the last thing he needed.
Or, Louis owns a tattoo shop called Pretty in Ink, Harry owns a bakery called Rolling Scones, they haven't been introduced, and Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect opportunity to finally talk to the man Louis has been pinning over for the past year. And they both end up with more love than they bargained for.
Coffee Cups and Football Boots by kimtaedumb
Harry’s stood behind the counter again, but this time he’s painting his nails. Louis strolls up to the counter and, thanks to his no brain-to-mouth filter, blurts out, “Isn’t that a little girlish, Haz?” leaning closer to inspect.
Harry lets out a little huff as his hand slips, “Oh, damn, now I’ve messed it up,” he pouts and turns to Louis, “Why should making myself feel pretty be girly?”
Louis holds up his hands in surrender, “’M not judging, jus’ curious is all.”
(The entirely cheesy and cliché Christmas AU, in which Harry doesn’t give a damn what people think about him – mostly – and Louis may be a little bit in love.
Alternatively, the one in which Harry owns a café that’s barely scraping by and Louis is a footballer and he takes Harry away for Christmas.
Featuring Zayn as a cocky little shit that most definitely needs to be put back in his place, Niall as the loveable Irish dude who drinks too much and flirts with Zayn more than the average girl, and Liam who loves everyone but hates them all at the same time.)
you make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong by orphan_account
“Curly?” Louis says, stepping into Harry’s sight. “You okay?” Harry looks up from where he has two things in his hands, a thick winter coat sized for a newborn, and a sweatshirt fitting a grown man such as himself. He looks up at Louis, stricken, and holds them out for him to see. “They’re the same price,” he says. “They’re both forty dollars! Forty dollars for such little material.”
(or, Harry is pregnant and stops at the mall to buy cheap baby clothes. Louis has extra money from working a long shift, and he can't think of a better way to spend it than on him.)
you were the ocean, i was drawn into you by by orphan_account
where harry takes pictures and worries too much and louis plays guitar.
i'll be your sunflower by scagnetism
“What do you think’s gonna stop us now?” Harry says cheekily, laughter in his voice as he looks up at Louis. “Something’s gotta get in our way like always, doesn’t it?”
“Ha,” Louis grins, kissing his cheek and holding open the door for him as they make their way toward the car. “Nothing’s gonna interrupt us this time. ‘S gonna be perfect, just like Pumpkin.”
Or, a few interruptions aren't going to stop Harry from having a perfect pregnancy and having the family he and Louis have always dreamed of.
Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) by flowercrownfemme
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
Short fluffy o/o gaybo drabble with lots of cuddles and softness and sock stealing <3
As one we are everything/We are everything we need by louloubaby92
Harry finally marries the love of his life. He's got the mating mark, he's got Louis' ring on his finger.
And now, he's on his honeymoon. Louis is but a door away, waiting for him.
Honestly, he doesn't understand why he's nervous.
only guilty of loving you by sweetrevenge
After Harry gets set up with his co-worker's alpha friend Louis, he's expecting some pleasant conversation, free dinner, and maybe a new friend. What he doesn't expect, however, is that Louis' arrival in his life begins a life of crime Harry never knew he had in him.
A You've Got Mail!AU with a twist.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Easter Holiday Break” || YEAR 3 – Ch.31 (HP au)
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Day posted: 11/10/2020
Word count: 3, 260
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather was deep asleep early morning when her whole bed started shaking violently. Someone was banging on the girl’s dormitory door yelling her name. She sat up and groaned, remembering what Draco had said the night before. She leapt out of bed and dug in her trunk for her Quidditch uniform, hugging everything to her chest ready to run to the bathroom when she saw her stolen library books had become dislodged and fallen to the floor.
She picked them up quickly and shoved them in her trunk, locking it closed. No one else was awake, the violently shaking bed hardly made nose thumping around in its spot, and so she figured it was safe to continue getting dressed. Ten minutes later she was out in the common room with half the team waiting with Marcus as everyone else slowly came out.
“Hurry up! This is practice time you’re cutting into!” Marcus yelled into the boy’s dormitories and slammed the door.
Heather had never seen him so unraveled. He was pacing the common room, shoving furniture and pillows out of his way as his pacing circle widened. Finally, Draco and the Keeper, Miles Bletchley, came out with messy hair and half-lidded eyes, ready to leave.
They walked down to the Quidditch pitch and Heather and Draco broke off from the rest to get their brooms out of the shed. By the time they walked in, Marcus, the Keeper, and the two beaters were doing pull ups on their brooms which stayed suspended in the air, unmoving, as they raised themselves.
“What is this?” Draco motioned at the sweaty faces of Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole. “I’m a Seeker. I don’t need to do this, do I?”
Marcus jumped down from his perfect pull up and pointed at the empty spot next to him. “Both of you.”
“B-b-but – ”
Heather groaned and pulled a stuttering Draco along beside her. She placed her broom on the ground and held up her hand. “Up.” The broom lifted, following the motion of her hand and let her guide it up above her head until her outstretched arm could no longer guide it and it froze in place. She jumped and grabbed onto the broom, dangling from it and looked over at Draco who had done the same.
“One.” She nodded at Draco and together they heaved up. She closed her eyes and groaned, willing her tired arms to pull her up as high as they could. She felt the top of her head hit her broom and opened her eyes. “Just a bit more!” she whispered, trying to get her chin over the handle. Her arms shook and she glanced over at Draco, who was still dangling, arms fully extended, with a face as red as a tomato. She dropped down and covered her smile so Draco wouldn’t see in case he ever stopped squeezing his eyes so hard.
The cold blue morning turned warmer and pink as the sun started to rise just beyond the trees. Her arms were pounding and sore and her uniform was already soaked with sweat when Marcus started drills. They hopped on their brooms and practiced double the amounts they normally did. They went through play after play and every possible situation they could get into.
Heather was rolling, flipping, twirling, and diving all over the place until Marcus was assured she wouldn’t mess up any moves with the Quaffle under her arm. Peregrine and Lucian, whose drills normally consisted of aiming the Bludgers at apples and oranges that Marcus got from the kitchens, was now them aiming the Bludgers at each other and occasionally at Heather and Graham.
After Marcus blew the whistle, Heather touched down hard on the ground and fell off her broom landing on the wet grass like a dead fly swatted out of the sky. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t even feel her arms. At one point her braids had gone loose, probably during the diving roll where she dodged Lucian’s Bludger and almost lost her head and joined Nearly Headless nick.
“Careful!” She screamed as Draco fell down beside her and almost smacked her head with his broom.
“If it weren’t for your brother, we’d still be asleep!” He winced and groaned as he sat up. “You should have taken the broom and thrown it into the fire.” His hair dangled over his eyes as he glared at her. Whatever slicking gel he used for his hair had come off completely with his sweat.
“Practice tonight after Gryffindor’s. After dinner meet in the locker room and DON’T be late.” Marcus looked at everyone, making sure they all heard, and headed out.
Heather sat up now that she could feel her arms again and stretched as best she could. “So how’re you going to even up with Harry? The drills you were doing only help you fly steady and cut corners faster… You have to anticipate where he goes – ”
“Flint and I have it under control.” Draco pushed his hair back and looked up at Peregrine who had made his way over.
“I heard McGonagall suspended one of her Prefects from competing in the National Gobstone Championship last year for getting into a fight over what color the nose plugs should be.” Peregrine stared at Draco and raised his brow. “It’d be a shame if… Potter ended up not playing this match.”
“A real shame.” A wicked grin spread across Draco’s face. He turned to her and raised his brow. “Wouldn’t it, Potter?”
Heather looked at Peregrine to Draco and nodded reluctantly. She stood and left the Quidditch pitch, put away her broom and headed to breakfast. Her spoon shook, spilling half its contents of milk and granola oats before reaching her mouth. It took twice as long to eat and by the time she was done, Harry, Ron, and for a brief second Hermione, had arrived for breakfast.
“We’ll be at the Library,” Ron told her as she left the great hall.
She peeled off her uniform and threw it in her dorm room’s assigned hamper and took as fast a shower as possible, remembering all the essays they had been assigned over Easter break. She had one from Divination, one from Care of Magical creatures – about dragons even though all term they’d only been caring for Salamanders; two half ones from Herbology about two different sentient carnivorous plants, one long one from Transfigurations with tie-ins to Charms – Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick had decided to team up to ruin their break this time; three four-inch ones from History of Magic about the three most controversial laws the Ministry had threatened to pass should the Puddlemere United Quidditch team not change their colors from moss green to mud brown in the late eighteen-hundreds, and one from Potions. The only teacher who hadn’t assigned anything was Professor Lupin.
She should be glad that she didn’t have an essay on cursed socks or hexed pet collars to complete on top of all the other assignments, but now that she had decided Defense Against the Dark Arts was her favorite class and that Professor Lupin was her new favorite teacher, she really wished he’d give out more work than just ‘read the next chapter if you’d like’. How could she improve if all that was normally required was reading ahead and writing short essays on creatures they should be learning about in Care of Magical Creatures?
She picked up her bag and headed down the main corridor towards the library when Neville came running down at full speed towards her.
“It’s happening!” he yelled, his arms flailing behind him as he pointed and ran. “H-hurry!”
“Already? But it’s only been two months!” Heather stopped Neville in his tracks by bracing herself as best she could for Neville to knock into her. She caught his shoulders and steadied him.
“Thanks. I thought I’d keep running until I tripped or something.” Neville’s eyes brightened and he pulled out a green leaf that was slowly turning purple in his hands. “Professor Sprout says it must have been a good batch!”
“Let’s go!” Heather took Neville arm and forced him back into a run towards the third green house.
As they ran they were joined by five other students of different years who had all also heard the great news. Two months ago Professor Sprout had let several eager students help plant several chilled seeds of various living death plants from the same family. They didn’t know which seeds they had gotten to plant, but Heather guessed she had gotten the Freezing Shudder plant by the feint spidery grey veins it had. If she guessed correctly, she’d earn five more points for Slytherin, putting them one-hundred and sixty points in the lead above Gryffindors for the House Cup.
They arrived at the green house and entered to see ten different large plants ready to bloom all lined up against the windows. At the center, sitting at the tables, were twenty or so other students. She stopped Neville from sitting at the first table and pulled him along to the last where Fred and George sat whispering to themselves.
“Why are you two here?” Heather sat across from them, suspicious and amused.
Fred and George smiled at her and crossed their arms.
“We like Herbology like everyone else here.” Fred poked at the table with his finger several times, “and you can’t prove otherwise.”
George leaned in. “And we especially love that plant right there.”
Heather turned to see the one she had planted. “The Frozen Shudder?”
It had the shortest of all the stems but the thickest by a good one or two inches. The green was slowly draining from its leaves and trunk-y stem as it died, replaced by a dark velvety purple. The buds on the very top looked swollen and ready to explode with all the other buds, like a balloon stretched to the max.
“Yeah. And you’re not the only one with a charmed pot.” George wiggled his eyebrows. “Hermione told us.”
Neville turned to her surprised. “Oh! What d’you have growing! Which charms does it have? I tried making one myself with an old pot from home, but everything I plant in it catches fire or grows a single grape.”
“I haven’t grown anything yet,” she lied. “I’m waiting for something good. What’s the point in growing grass or squirting Astrophytum Asterias if it’d be just as easy in a normal pot?” She avoided looking at Fred and George who were holding back smiles as Neville nodded.
Fred mouthed ‘for shame’ at her. “What a marvelous point you have. Which is why we’re going to grow our very own Frozen Shudder.”
Heather tilted her head at them. She was curious as to why they wanted it. It isn’t deadly, it’s most common as a show plant for winning ribbons and medals, and it wasn’t used for any potions she knew of. In fact, to use it at all, a saw is needed to cut off any part of the stem which is completely frozen.
“Oh my! So many here. Alright, I have the list here of everyone’s guesses. I hope you’re all ready – and cover your eyes when it happens!” Professor Sprout shut the green house door and took her seat, taking out a ceramic plate from under her desk and held it up like a shield.
Almost on cue, a feint whistling noise started from all the buds. They harmonized for about a minute, and just as everyone eagerly looked around at the plants, the buds exploded thick juicy petals, pelting everyone in the face and back. Everyone cheered as the last petals fell off the plants and Fred and George dove under the table to collect as many Freezing Shudder petals as they could. Heather looked down at them as they stuffed them into their robe pockets and took a few extra petals at random.
“There’s nothing to be worried about technically, but I am.” Neville looked around the room again as if double checking that the only plants to have exploded were only the non-deadly ones. “I mean its Fred and George isn’t it?”
Heather laughed and shrugged.
“Well. That seems to be the last of them.” Professor Sprout went by checking the plants and awarded five points to Slytherin for Heather’s correct guess and almost forty to Hufflepuff for all of their correct guesses as well.
Professor Sprout made everyone leave so she could clean up and Heather walked back to the castle with Neville, Fred, and George. Neville guessed why they’d want to grow Frozen Shudders the whole way but he either never guessed correctly or they refused to let them in on it.
Heather yawned as she pulled the library door open and quickly found Harry and Ron at a table in the back talking to a large pile of books. She approached and sat down. “Hello Hermione, how’s the studying?”
“Will everyone PLEASE stop distracting me?”
Ron shook his head. “She’s been like this since we got here. Harry, help me make another pile of books over here, they might be friendlier than this one.”
Heather laughed and took out all her sheets of parchment and her potions book. She stared at it and frowned, shoving it back in her bag and took out her transfigurations and charms ones.
“Oh can we copy!” Ron shuffled his papers around and flattened out his started essay with one sentence on it. He had his quill ready to write as he leaned over to see what she’d already written.
“I HOPE you’re joking, Ron.”
Harry rolled his eyes and moved Heather’s started essay for him and Ron to read.
“I’m not hearing a yes.”
Ron groaned. “Oh quiet, ‘Ancient Runes Made Easy’. And tell ‘Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles’ to mind her own business.”
Heather wiped the smile off her face with the back of her wrist and turned to Harry. “You have practice today, don’t you? You should tell Wood that Derrick and Malfoy are planning to get you kicked off Quidditch.”
“Kicked off?”
“At least for just this match.”
Harry looked to Ron amused. “And how would they?”
“McGonagall would sooner set fire to her office than kick Harry off and lose the Quidditch Cup.” Ron leaned in. “I think she’ll lose her mind this year. Heard Snape mention it’d be seven years of winning and she almost hexed his pants off. He burst out of the staff room with singed robes.”
Heather snorted. “Well then, when we win I hope she does.” There was a pang of uneasiness in her chest but she ignored it. It was weird to hear that kind of talk come from her own lips and not Harry’s. It made it worse that Ron and Harry were looking at her slightly shocked. “Anyways. They think she’ll kick you out if they can get you in a fight. She let the Gobstone club lose their best player over a dumb fight.”
“Yeah but… That’s Gobstones…” Harry drummed his fingers and shrugged. “No one cares about Gobstones.”
Ron nodded. “Not even McGonagall. So you’ll be fine. I’ll be your second and there’s no way you’ll lose whatever fight – ”
Hermione stood over her stack of books and glared down at Ron. “Ronald! The point is for Harry NOT to get into a fight. Not to win it! Harry if you lose to Slytherin I’ll – I’ll – I don’t know WHAT I’ll do! I’ll get expelled for hexing Malfoy’s stupid face so DON’T get in a fight!”
“Alright!” Harry put up his hands. “I never said I would. Can we all go back to studying and not talk about how at any moment between now and the match I could get cornered by a pack of giant Slytherins?”
They all nodded and Hermione sat back down behind her books. They studied and wrote all day – although Ron and Harry left several times to use the ‘bathroom’ and they always came back half an hour later with smeared chocolate on their lips – and ate lunch in the courtyard on a stone bench just to breath in fresh air.
“How’s Hermione doing it? She hasn’t eaten all day since breakfast.” Harry motioned at the empty seat next to them. “I’d be starving but she says she’ll keep this up all break.”
“Maybe I should bring her a muffin or something. If she passes out and messes up her schedule, we’ll never hear the end of it.” Ron stood and left in the direction of the great hall.
Harry pinched off muffin crumbs and popped them into his mouth. “What would you do… If Sirius Black was knocked out on the ground in front of you? Wandless.”
What would she do? She’d tell a teacher of course… But that wasn’t really Harry’s question. “I wouldn’t kill him… If that’s what you’re wondering. He deserves to go back to prison. A more suitable prison for him. One that won’t lose their most dangerous prisoner.”
Harry nodded.
She looked at him, staring at his muffin, and wondered what Harry would do. He’d say he’d kill him… and she wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t.
“He betrayed them,” Harry whispered. “He took them from us. He took our lives from us. We could have lived as wizards. Already known… EVERYTHING. We wouldn’t be staring at our friends dumbly every time they say something we didn’t already know.”
She thought about what it would have been like to live in a village like Hogsmeade somewhere. Already immersed in wizard culture and learning about muggles from their mother… She felt a hole rip open in her heart and fill with sadness. She wasn’t hungry anymore, and yet she felt starved.
“I’d make him pay.” Harry finished his muffin and stood.
Heather nodded and stood with him, punching his shoulder lightly. “And like always, I’ll stop you from doing something stupid.”
They headed back into the library and after several more hours – and at least three finished essays later – Harry left for his Quidditch practice. Ron had copied several of Hermione’s essays that she kept stacking on top of her pile of books and Ron kept sneaking and by the time it was dinner, Ron had finished two more essays.
Heather sat with her team and ate a roasted chicken leg, mashed peas, a bowl of potato soup, and left early to nap in her dorm until it was time for Quidditch practice again. She met everyone by the lockers and noticed Draco whispering to Peregrine. Marcus didn’t make them do anymore pull ups but they had to sit for at least an hour and listen to Marcus go over strategies again – which revolved around brute strength for Peregrine, Lucian, and Graham, and borderline cheating-but-not-quite from Heather and Draco. Miles Bletchley’s younger brother was there too, who had agreed to help signal Draco if he spotted the Snitch since it wasn’t cheating for the crowd to yell if they saw it before the players.
After practice, Heather dragged her feet down to the girl’s bathrooms and got ready for bed, throwing her uniform in the hamper again and didn’t bother showering. In the common room she had seen Marcus get all of Slytherin’s attention about something but she didn’t have the energy to stay and listen. She fell into bed and closed her eyes, ready to open them up soon to start the day practically all over again until Easter break ended.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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@joscelyn02 (welcome to the taglist :D !)
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darling-clemmy · 5 years
A Feeling We Don’t Know//Clouis Highschool AU--Chapter One
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my highschool AU! I will try to update this regularly, and I hope you enjoy the first part :)) also huge thank you to @missdaisymayrio , without her I could not have written this. 
Summary of Story: After the first night, it seems impossible for them not to run into each other. Though, neither the boy with dreads nor the girl with curls can complain about that.
Summary of Chapter: Clementine had never liked parties--until she realized that some of them aren’t so bad, thanks to one dark haired boy.
Word Count: 3,670 words
The rain beat down against the overhanging glass of the bus stop, creating a repetitive pattern that was starting to get under Clementine’s skin. She’d much rather prefer to hear his cheery voice right now, speaking reassuring words into her ear, or the muted radio as they kiss in the backseat of his car. But that couldn’t happen now, or possibly ever again.
She pulled her oversized yellow raincoat closer to her body, although that would only relieve the shaking due to the cold, and not due to her silent cries. I’m so stupid, Clementine thought, forcing more tears out of her eyes. Yet, under the heavy rain, they were barely noticeable.
A car with blurry headlights zoomed past her, causing roadside rain water to splash up and hit her ankles. She was too numb to care about anything, much less a little bit more water on her already soaking clothes. Her head lifted at a realization—that car was playing their song. She could recognize that beat anywhere, having listened to it nonstop months ago. How silly it was to think that it held any meaning. She knew now that it was all a mistake. He was a big, heart shattering mistake.
Clementine checked her phone once more for whatever reason, as the same picture of a low battery came up again. She sighed, her entire being feeling so crumbled that it was useless to have any hope for herself anymore. So, with no other choices, she stood up from the cold bench, lifted her hood over her curls, and began stomping through the wet, cracked sidewalk back home, leaving him and all of their memories behind her.
Clementine blinked in surprise as the bell signifying an order was ready rung. She removed her hand from beneath her chin and looked at the plate. 
One large blueberry pancake, four scrambled eggs, and six pieces of bacon with a coffee that might as well just have been milk. Kyle, Clementine guessed, rolling her eyes at the fact that she’d have to bring it out to him. 
Tightening the stained white apron that was tied around her waist, she picked up the chipped plate by its bottom and held the mug’s handle firmly. 
The diner was especially busy today, as it was every Saturday. Besides, Everett’s was the only place other than Bee Joe’s to get breakfast in the small town of Wareham, West Virginia. Because of this, probably around half the population came in between 7am and 2pm, consisting of young children with their mothers, a group of loud old men who split the check in eighths, and Clem’s own teachers at school, who, no matter how much they come in, were always surprised she works there. 
After maneuvering through the clustered tables and booths, she finally made it to the table marked “H,” where, of course, none other than Kyle was sat. 
“Here’s your food,” Clementine choked out through a forced toothy smile. “And your coffee. Do you need anything else today?”
Kyle slumped back in his chair as he eyed the food suspiciously, before returning his gaze back to her silently. 
At his uncomfortable stare, Clem cleared her throat and gripped the hem of her stupidly stiff baby pink uniform skirt.
“Nah, nothing that I can order off the menu, anyway,” he nearly slurred out, making Clementine wonder if he was already high or if he was just sleazy. 
“Okay, well, let me know if there is.” By now, she was smiling so tightly and fakely that it was beginning to hurt. Before he could get another word in, she spun on her heel and rushed back to safety behind the counter, away from the college boy.
Once there, where none of the customers could really see, she threw down the order notebook with a huff. Looking up at the red LED clock, she counted the minutes to when she’d be allowed to leave. 275 minutes. 16, 500 seconds. It’s a lot, but she hoped that maybe she’d be able to just wash tables until then. 
“Dumb day?” A southern-twanged voice asked from beside her. 
Clem sighed in relief that it was Brody, and not her supervisor scolding her for not being “sweet and accommodating,” as she’d always say.
“It wasn’t too bad until Eric, you know, the new cook guy, spilled bacon grease on the floor and I had to clean it up. And Kyle’s here and you know how he always is and of course I’m his waitress.” Clementine complained as she lowered her head in closer to Brody, like preteens gossiping. 
“Ugh, he shouldn’t even be allowed in here. He’s such a creep,” Brody agreed. “I had to wait on the Yorks and all eight of their kids, who all wanted chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of Disco Broccoli. Omar’s a good cook and all, but how is anyone supposed to do that?”
Clem chuckled thinking about Disco Broccoli and his Chive Talkin’ Friends. She was surprised kids still watched that show. “I think customers think we’re Gordon Ramsay.”
“Sorry, we’re actually just a bunch of 16 to 25 year olds and their 40-something year old manager.” The auburn hair girl replied, scribbling down her tipped wages. “On a lighter note, are you doing anything tonight?”
“Nope. AJ’s parents don’t need me to babysit tonight and my parents are both working late again.” She furrowed her eyebrows before continuing, “Why?”
“Marlon’s having a party tonight and I was wondering if you’d like to come!”
“Shush, before you say ‘I’m not a party person, Brody,’ it’s not as big as his other ones. There will only be, like, 30 people there, at most.” Brody chastised, placing a hand on her hip.
“Why so small?”
“It’s for his best friend. He just got back from a music camp or something,” she explained. 
Clementine sighed, realizing that she and Brody had never really hung out outside of work before. They may not have been best friends, but Brody had always been there for her, so maybe she owed it to her to go to a party or two.  “Okay, I’ll go. At least for a little bit.”
“Really?” Brody squealed, making some customers’ eyes gather on the girls. “Thank you, Clem! I promise you’ll have fun.”
Clementine laughed, “Who’s his actual best friend anyway?”
“His name’s Louis. Has dreads, writes music and plays piano, his family lives in that really big house down on Charlotte Lane,” Brody described, hoping to jog Clem’s memory. 
Really, she didn’t need to. Everyone in Wareham knew Louis Hastings and his parents. With his high economic standing and the fact that he was a major social butterfly, everyone had talked to Louis at least once. He was well liked, too, so it was no surprise to Clem that a welcome home party was being thrown with him as the guest of honor. 
“Well, I’ll make sure I’m there,” Clem promised with a grin. 
The door opened and hit the ear-ringing bell above it. The girls looked over to it to see an old couple, dressed in button up shirts with matching patterns. 
“Oh, look, Mr and Mrs Carlton. I’ll go get them a table,” Brody recognized with fond smile, as the couple often came in for their usual English breakfast tea and raspberry scones. 
Clementine watched as Brody left her side behind the counter before returning her eyes to the clock that seemed to be ticking slower as it went on. 260 more minutes.
Might as well start washing those tables, Clem thought before grabbing the soapy bucket and the old rag and getting to work. 
“You really know how to make the guest of honor feel special, Marlon,” Louis criticized, shoving three more packs of red solo cups into the grocery cart that had an obnoxious squeaking wheel.
“Don’t be mad. You should be happy I’m bringing you along to shop for food, since you’re such a picky eater and all,” Marlon rolls his glacier colored eyes in response.
“I’m not a picky eater,” the dark haired boy began. “I am a refined one.”
“Chicken tenders and french fries are real refined, Lou.”
“Everyone likes chicken tenders and french fries.”
“Vegans don’t.”
“They make fake chicken tenders, you know,” Louis informed, scrunching up his nose at the sour cream and onion chips that Marlon threw in the cart. “Are you buying all of this?”
“I’m not that bad of a party host. You really think I’d make you buy your own party supplies?” Marlon asked incredulously. 
Before Louis could respond, he felt his phone vibrating in his back pocket. He could tell by the personalized pattern that it was his dad calling him. He frowned.
“Hey, Dad,” he greeted blandly. 
“Why aren’t you home yet?” The older man interrogated with a harsh tone.
“I’m out with Marlon,” Louis explained. “I’ll be back later tonight.”
“I can’t believe you sometimes, Louis. You really can’t even be bothered to have dinner with your parents after being away for two months?” His father questioned.
“Look, Dad, I—” Louis began, only to be cut off.
“Just don’t, Louis,” his dad interrupted harshly. “Just—if you have the time, text your mother. She’s missed you a lot.”
“Yeah, I will.” He already had two hours earlier.
His father gave no goodbyes before hanging up the phone, leaving Louis to listen to a dull humming.
“Is everything okay?” Marlon asked.
Louis remained silent as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.
“I know how tough your dad can be—“
“Do you still have your fake?”
Marlon’s eyes widened. “ID? Of course.”
At his words, Louis picks a large box of beer out of the cooler and slides it onto the bottom rack of the cart. 
“That’s the spirit, Lou!” Marlon hit Louis’ back roughly.
Louis chuckled, but still, the feeling of disappointment in himself remained in the pit of his stomach.
Clementine was late. 
Thankfully, not excruciatingly late. Not so late that it’d be rude to show up now. Just late by thirty minutes or so, since she had spent twenty more minutes than expected trying to figure out what to wear to her first party and another ten getting lost on the way there. 
But, still, she was late. And she hated being late. It was embarrassing.
She walked up the steep steps to Marlon’s front door, the newly setting sun casting her shadow down in front of her, surrounded by a yellow-gold. She was already gnawing on her bottom lip in anxiety, thinking about how lonely she may be here. Yet, Clem still knocks on the door before lowering her hand and wrapping it around her other wrist.
Marlon opened the door, a navy blue can in his hand. “Oh, hey, Clem. Brody said you’d be coming tonight.”
She grinned bashfully. “Yeah, she thought it’d be good for me to get out more.”
“Well, I can assure you that my parties are the best reason to do so,” Marlon boasted. “Come in. Brody’s in the kitchen.”
Before she could say another word, he’s shut the door behind them and ran off to speak to somebody else in his living room. Clementine huffed and raised her brows, analyzing the inside of the house, trying to find the kitchen.
In front of her in the entryway was a rack of coats, hung up high on the grey wall. Clem didn’t bring a jacket, as it was nearly 85 degrees out, so she moved past it and walked into the main area. To her left was Marlon’s living room, accompanied by a few boys she vaguely recognized from school drinking and playing some video game on the large flatscreen. Not wanting to have to talk to them, she quickly walked straight and into the kitchen. 
“You made it!” Brody jumped off from her seat on the granite counter and skipped over to the tan girl to hug her tightly. “I love your outfit.”
Clem looked down at her cuffed blue jeans and form-fitting rosy shirt. Although she was receiving a compliment, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, thanks. It only took a billion years to pick out.”
Brody grinned softly. “Let’s go out onto the patio! That’s where most everyone is.”
The slightly taller girl grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out through the sliding glass door and onto the rocky terrain of Marlon’s patio. To her right was a porch, which you could step up onto and enter an above ground pool. There were pretty, golden bulb lights strung across the entire backyard, glowing down on a little over a dozen teenagers. Music from a nearby speaker played loudly, as Marlon didn’t have any close-by neighbors that would file a complaint.
Brody dragged Clem up onto the porch and over to a few of their classmates who she recognized: Violet LaCasse, Sophie and Minerva Wilson, and Mitch Gray. She had never really talked to any of them, except Mitch once for chemistry homework. But she knew that Brody was really good friends with Sophie and Mitch (surprisingly) especially, so she stayed put.
“Hey, Clementine, right?” Minnie asked as Clem sat down on the metal chair, her arm loosely around Violet’s shoulders.
“That’s my name,” Clementine joked tight-lipped.
“You want a beer?” Mitch chimed in, already reaching for the cooler beneath them.
Clem’s amber eyes widened. “Ah, no, thank you. I’m driving back home tonight.”
Mitch shrugged. “If you wanna’ have real fun tonight, then you drink. I’ll drive you home after.” He gave a cheeky grin.
“You’ve already had three beers in the past 40 minutes, dumbass,” Violet objected, running her finger around the lid of her water bottle.
Clementine remained silent, her eyes furrowed together. Instead, she simply shook her head at his offer. As she looked to her left, she saw how Brody’s lips were set in a slight pout, her fingers wrapped tightly around themselves.
Once the auburn haired girl noticed Clem’s concerned stare, her expression did a complete 180, returning back to her usual welcoming grin. 
Sophie tugged on Brody’s sleeve. “Did Marlon say where Louis is?”
“You know, I don’t—“
As if on purpose, Marlon busted through the sliding glass door, his arm around a slightly shorter, darker skinned boy. A cuter boy, Clementine admired. Louis Hastings.
“Look who’s fuckin’ back and better than ever!” Marlon roared, clearly already tipsy, stumbling out onto the patio.
Practically everyone grinned and cheered, the screams of the teenagers echoing into the forest behind them. The rest of the boys who Clem saw inside also came outside, all thrilled to see their favorite friend back home. After a few minutes of the rowdy boys yelling and pushing each other, Marlon and Louis made their way up the porch steps and over to the table.
Marlon kissed the side of Brody’s head, her nearly flinching at the touch. “You smell like alcohol, babe.”
He kissed her again, despite her protests, as Mitch and Louis did that awkward side hug-back-hitting thing guys did. 
Louis’s eyes scanned the table, nodding a simple hey, good to see you again to the blonde and the twins before his tawny brown eyes met Clementine’s.
He knew her face from around school, but didn’t really know her too well since she was a grade below him and almost everyone else, except for Mitch. All he really knew her by was the fact that she won a state photography prize for their school last year and that she sometimes wore her hair in two cute pigtails tied with purple ribbons. And that she was pretty. Really pretty.
Louis held his hand out towards her across the table. “Why, hello. I’m Louis, to formally introduce ourselves.”
Clem’s cheekbones flushed vaguely before the corners of her mouth lifted up. “Clementine.”
“I’m glad you could make it. The more the merrier, right?” Louis preached. “Oh, wait, that sounds bad. Uh, nevermind.”
Clementine giggled softly, not caring about the slightly confused stares from the rest of the group.
“Alright, you two, stop flirting,” Marlon interjected, waving his hand around. “C’mon, Lou, let’s go talk to Luke.”
“Okay, okay,” Louis said, turning back to look at her. “See you all later.”
The group said their chorus of goodbyes to the two boys and watched as they walked down the wooden steps, Louis holding up Marlon so he doesn’t fall. Clem’s stare lingered on the boy with dreads, even after they walked across the yard to a group of boys kicking around a soccer ball. 
Brody leaned over the arm of her chair and whispered into Clem’s ear, “You’re welcome for inviting you.”
“Oh, quiet. He was just being nice,” she insisted, tucking a curl behind her ear.
“Whatever you say,” Brody sang.
Clementine stood awkwardly by the side of the house as she watched the rest of the party-goers dancing and talking. She wraps one of her hands around the opposite arm in an attempt to warm herself up. She wished she had brought a coat now, the early autumnal cold night air surrounding her in an aura of blue. When she lifted her head to look up at the stars, she hoped that the far away heat from them would transfer to her body. Sadly, it didn’t.
Since she was scuffing her white shoes against the ground, she didn’t notice the presence of a body next to her. She was too focused on an ant crawling through the caverns between bricks and a new dirt mark on the tip of her shoe that she accidentally ignored the kind boy.
He cleared his throat, alarming her and making her look up.
“Sorry,” she apologized flustered. “You were pretty quiet.”
“I don’t know if this will surprise you, but pretty much no one else has ever said that to me,” Louis told her, leaning against the tan house as well.
“Well, you did make quite the entrance,” Clementine complimented.
He shrugged. “Marlon and his alcohol made quite the entrance.”
“Right, right.”
“So, um,” Louis began. “I got you a drink.”
Clementine raises an eyebrow. “Why?” 
“I noticed you didn’t have one at the table. I can’t let a pretty girl go thirsty at my party,” Louis explained, his dark eyes twinkling like the stars above them.
She eyed the red cup suspiciously then gazed back at him. “You seem nice enough, Louis, I just don’t know if I wanna’ take a random drink from you.”
“What? I--Ohh!” Louis’ face dropped at what she was implying. “There isn’t anything--It’s just water with ice. I hope you like ice--Ah, okay, this is a really bad first impression.”
Clementine giggled and bit the inside of her lip. “Then, how about you make a good second impression?”
“Yes! Yeah, yeah,” Louis agreed. 
“Can you walk me to my car? No offense to your party, but I don’t really think I’m needed here.” Clementine joked, but her solemn undertone spoke a different narrative.
He smiled wordlessly and opened the glass door for her, following her once she stepped inside. They made their way through the simple layout of the bottom floor and to the front door. Louis once again held it open for her, and her heart felt warm for the first time tonight.
The walk down the long dirt driveway and to the main street that Clem had to park on was silent, since the two teenagers didn’t know anything to talk about and didn’t really mind the comforting quiet that was only filled with chirps of crickets and nearby music from the party. Once they reached Clem’s silver sedan, she paused in front of the driver side door.
“Well, this is me,” she announced, pulling her keychain out of her back pocket. “Thanks for the walk.”
“I’d feel too bad to let you walk down here alone in the dark,” he reasoned with his hands shoved into his jean pockets. “But, you know, I don’t know if our short walk made up for the whole four hours of the party where you looked miserable.”
“What? I was having fun. So much fun,” she promised dramatically, but at his incredulous stare she gave in. “Yeah, fine, it kind of sucked for me.”
Louis sported a small grin. “And I take no offense to that. Besides, I didn’t really throw it.”
“Even if you did, it’s not like my opinion on it really matters. Everyone else looked to be having fun,” she responded.
“Your opinion matters to me.”
Her lips went into a confused pout. “We just met.”
“So? You still matter, and I still feel kinda’ bad that you were dragged here,” Louis empathized with soft eyes.
Clem sighed. “Can you still say thank you to Brody for me? And make sure she gets home safe? I know she doesn’t drink it’s just….”
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” he assured, opening the car door for her. He cleared his throat. “Have a nice night, Clementine.”
She smiled and slipped into the car, closing the door after her, but her window remained open. “You too, Louis. Welcome home.”
“Yeah, you too,” Louis said before realizing his mistake. “Wait, no. God, I’ve messed up my second chance, too, haven’t I?”
The tan girl laughed. “No, no, you haven’t at all. Goodnight, Louis.”
“Goodnight,” he waved weakly before stepping out of the way for her to drive off.
He watched her car as she drove down the curvy road like he was watching her herself. When she braked, turned on her blinker, and took a left off of the street, Louis sighed to himself with a blissful smile. She really is something else, he pondered, bringing his hands up to feel how warm his face had gotten during their interactions.
He wondered if she was feeling the same joy in the pit of her stomach, too, or if it was simply one-sided. 
What he did know, though, was that he’d definitely have to thank Brody for inviting her. 
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raccoonpatriotism · 6 years
260 [Random, Useless Headcanons 📂] from @homeofthevan | Part 2 Explosive Boogaloo
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1-100: Here
101: He’s always had an, uh, ‘excellent’ temperament with old women - starting from being forced to help out at Old Folks Homes to get him out of the Orphanage. 
102: He yells to show he cares. 
103: He also yells for the sake of it.
104: You have to constantly say his name if you want him to continue to be part of the conversation.
105: that’s why he so often repeatedly uses names, nicknames, a simple ‘son’ when speaking to people.
106: He assumes everyone’s just like him until proven otherwise.
107: Along with what I said earlier about him not being empathetic; he really isn’t able to visualize himself in someone elses shoes unless he’s been walked through, like, a specific a few times. 
108: He respects Miss Pauling the most out of everyone he knows. 
109: Smissmas and Thanksgiving are tied for his favorite holiday.
110: Jane really likes Halloween though, and isn’t a grump on Valentines day. 
111: <- Jane’s password for anything he owns that requires a password. More 1s if necessary.
112: When he’s thirsty he’ll go to the nearest form of water for hydration - catch him just drinking out of the bathroom sink - leaning up as he wipes his mouth, chirping, “Hello, private.”
113: He guzzles coffee like it’s fuel, but he has a very strict, No Caffeine after lunch protocol.
114: Decaff is for WIMPS.
115: Jane plays the trombone.
116: Subsequently, in most music, he appreciates and hums along with the bass parts.
117: Modern AU-Jane may be a Call of Duty fanboy, but he respects Halo for being another accurate depiction of life on the battlefront. 
118: Speaking of modern Jane, the Military didn’t accept him in the 80s either.
119: His love for the military lead him to believe for sure he’d be accepted he was the Perfect Patriot and his enlistment would be a surefire way to help fund his transition--
120: But of course, as strong as he had become he’d spent his youth very sick and with the possibility of the illness to return along with a terrible psyche eval and 80s typical transphobia that lane was firmly closed.
121: At least he had DOOM to fall back on. And he was physically strong enough to hold down jobs to at least pay for testosterone.
122: And then Call of Duty came out and he became an early era streamer. (Went viral as one of those guys who basically RPs being an actual soldier in the voice chat.)
123: BACK TO CANON JANE because those headcanons just.. plain, aren’t useless. canon jane doesn’t have to deal with transphobia. tch.
124: He’s not the best to have on your football team as menacing as he is. He’ll start tackling everybody. Running the wrong way. Trying to steal the ball from his teammates.
125: If you tell Jane something’s American after he criticizes it, watching him backtrack is really fun.
126: Jane doesn’t get sick often, which is good because he is insufferable. Either goes full isolation straight up outside somewhere. Or is whining to everyone and everyone how it’s not allowed that he can’t be burrowing somewhere outside.
127: His hands are always warm - if they’re cold he’s probably having an Episode of some sort. 
128: Rock and Roll helps his tinnitus, though he’ll still refer to it as Hippy Garbage. Like most music.
129: Jane could probably tapdance if given proper shoes. Mmm no, he’d stomp through the floor. Horse level clomping.
130: He’ll be the hype-man for anyone on his team.
131: Despite not being a fan of mint flavoring, he loves himself a candy-cane.
132: His thumb isn’t double jointed - seeing someone showing off their double jointed-ness would have Jane proclaiming magic was necessary.
133: LT. BITES lightning round!! Lt. Bites sees jane as its “General” 
134: It got the bite taken out of its ear fighting over sour cream - it won.
135: Jane doesn’t give any raccoons a higher rank than Bites.
136: Lt. Bites doesn’t crave human flesh or anything, but it likes the sensation of biting people!
137: Jane has tried to get his raccoon a job at RED.
138: You can tell when Jane is having a really good day on the battlefield because you’ll round the corner and there’s Naked Soldier.
139: He’s waxing poetry about the beauty of the Male Form, take it in you soft quivering maggots. 
140: I can’t get the image of Jane crowd surfing out of my head? That’s, like, his ideal dream for being recognized for his heroics. Medals and a mosh in his Honor.
141: Anytime he sees a Bald Eagle he entirely stops what he’s doing to place his left hand over his heart.
142: Jane loves The Art of War and is still awaiting Sun Tzu’s next book.
143: [ Alcohol ] Jane only sees ghosts when he’s starving, drunk, or suffering from a concussion. And it’s merely a way for such a boar minded guy to internalize what’s going on around him.
144: He can touch his toes keeping his knees straight.
145: Jane has minor ice-skating knowledge, as most growing up in the midwestern united states do. He’s not, good, though, he’s really intent on Taking Steps instead of gliding.
146: Put him in front of a piano and he’s holding out on finger and pressing down on one key at a time like an old man at a desktop keyboard.
147: Jane is ready to beat up your father. 
148: Especially if your dad is shitty, unleash good ol’ Solly on him.
149: While he favors picking his nose with his pinkies, neither of his pinkie pads have any feeling.That makes them a little less dexterous when the time comes.
150: He’s always aching to be active, his brain will take things literally if it means he’ll be doing something.
151: Rum pineapple juice and malibu caribou -- Er. He doesn’t like pineapple flavoring. Isn’t a fan of mixed drinks in general? 
152: He’s capable of staying out of the picture and not picking his nose, often times if things aren’t focused on him he’ll just sorta.. Stand out of the way playing with his hands - rifling through his pouches. Some times he’ll even, *gasp* pay attention. 
153: He really likes to but in with his opinion is the thing.
154: He’s an American and his ideals must be heard.
155: Merasmus out here having doing the most for Soldier, in helping him reintegrate back into society. You think he’s bonkers now?? Psh. You should’a seen him fresh home from Poland.
156: He’s shown up to Civil War reanactments with a real gun.
157: Jane is incapable of yawning silently.
158: Stairs are overrated.
159: Catch Jane with a lukewarm mug of water pouring coffee grinds directly into it and saying “Damn, that’s a fine cup of Joe.”
160: Only. 100 left? Sweet Joseph Wetnurse of Jesus He’s got dirty blond hair leaning toward brunette.
161: Any righteous death deserves a warrior’s burial - That’s why you’ll find Jane, helmet over heart, giving a stirring eulogy about the Toilet from the Men’s Restroom that Got Unearthed and Shattered By... Nobody In Particular. 
162: He will just join in large groups of people  - like protests? He’ll just fall in line and preach his own stuff which sometimes doesn’t exactly align with the group at large.
163: i asked myself, would jane pick someone else’s nose? Yes.
164: His hugs are always really warm.
165: He would notice his wallet being pickpocketed - unless it was replaced by something the same weight. He’s like a temple from Indiana Jones.
166: Mentally? Jane’s fine with being alone, but. That leads to him living in a box or a room straight out of that “Damn, bitch, you live like this?” comic.
167:  Despite deep cold being triggering to him (SEE HC, 67.), he loves snow-forts and hot chocolate because those are great American past-times.
168: next one is this post’s 69 brace yourselves! Jane’s never truly in silence, the constant whistling in his ears will see to that. That’s why sometimes, when it is quiet, you’ll catch Jane looking into space like he’s trying to see where the sound is coming from.
169: Important to note, he ain’t popping a boner any time he’s fighting nude. Or, really, fighting any time. Intent is really important for him. (If he gets all rubbed up on, though, Well,)
170: Jane is under the assumption that everything he comes up with is ingenious and people like Red Spy are holding society back by ignoring such wide plans.
171: He’s secretly soothed by everyone on his team’s voices.
172: First off, himself. He loves to hear himself talk. Mostly fueled by self-important intent, the tenor of his own voice also soothes his eardrums.
173: Pyro’s is muffled yet energetic - and never fails to get Jane pumped up.
174: Scout’s got that accent that is pure and simple, American. Soldier may not listen to half of what he says, but for background buzz and funny colloquialisms 
175: And, Engie's accent garners a whole other sort of American respect out of the Soldier. As far as soothing goes? Engie’s is like butter.
176: Soldier hate’s Heavy’s accent on principle, but below his American Stubbornness is a love for the deep, thoughtful symbols Heavy provides. Plus, y’know, he appreciates a fellow loud guy.
177: Demo’s voice makes Solly a happy man. It used to make him furious, an all Scottish accents did, but more recently it makes him feel nostalgic. 
178: Jane would swear up every mountain he can that there’s nothing positive to be found in Spy’s accent, but zoning out to such poised speech patterns and rounded vowels is a common occurrence. 
179: When Sniper gets that gravelly tone going on, when he takes things really seriously? Jane like that.
180: Jane can’t find it in him to be really put off by anything Medic says during surgery, so his voice only causes a feeling of safety throughout the Soldier. He can’t get enough of hearing Enthusiasm in the Medic’s voice.
181: He doesn’t believe the Police can arrest him because they aren’t the official Government.
182: He looks at a baby and is like “What animal is this?”
183: Big hands.. talented at giving massages.
184: BEWARE HIM BREAKING YOUR SPINE - just specify ‘and don’t kill me’!
185: Jane doesn’t gossip so much as, be around people who are gossiping which makes him want to make up some Hot Goss. Also, he’ll act like every rumor someone else shares is spoken truth.
186: Jane picked up finger guns from Scout. He either uses it constantly or doesn’t use it for weeks at a time.
187: He lifts, broskis.
188: Jane will talk about trucks because the Average American Male is expected to. He knows nothing about cars.
189: He’s an impulsive liar, so caught up in in his web of ‘things he says to impress people’ that he believes everything he says. So are the woes of being an adult with ADHD.
190: He goes between being smell-blind and having the scent skills of a bloodhound. It’s probably a mental thing, because there’s no in between, but Jane doesn’t know anything.
191: i’ve been working on these for 5 days at this point... i hope they’re appreciated JANE prefers..soft food. jane Does Not lov the cronch.
192: Which is what makes cashews his favorite nut. they’re soft-ish. and they have just enough crunch to not gross him out.
193: He loves immediate gratification. 
194: Beyond joining the Military? Jane’s never had a solid plan for his future. Lives too in the moment. 
195: As long as he’s having fun, Jane’s a pretty content guy.
196: Any artistic skills he may have once had go into making Maps for war planning sessions.
197: He’ll fall victim to Sleep Paralysis occasionally and, once able to move, will spend the rest of the day curing ghosts and Merasmus’ magic.
198: He was SUPER into Howdie Doodie Time in his youth, and being put in front of any reruns will have him basically hypnotized into silence.
199: He’s proud of his ass.
200: Jane can keep marching pace for hours at a time. And if he’s not lugging around his rocket launcher he can keep marching for an entire day no pausing. 
201: Jane isn’t shy about telling jokes, because he believes everyone has the same sense of humor as him.
202: He knows karate but refuses to use his knowledge because it is not an American Form. He will stick to brute strength and loud yelling thank you very much.
203: He’s the type to state every time he’s going to use the bathroom. Like, people can be having a serious conversation and hes like, “I am going to take a shit now!”
204: Jane’ll go a week without washing his hair, but he always brushes his teeth two times a day.
205: He gives a damn good kiss.
206: All Human Nudity is safe for work. As it was God’s Intention to make people strongest when not held back by fabric.
207: All he wants is recognition.... for his good deeds...
208: He’ll have staring contests with the Sun. He’s yet to win, but that damn star shouldn’t get too comfortable.
209: Much like his pinkies, his feet have been crushed, blown up, and bruised so many times that he doesn’t have much feeling in them either.
210: He’s never washed his bellybutton.
211: He prefers savory to sweet, but he prefers sweet to sour.
212: Half assing is not in Jane’s vocabulary.
213: His brain will get stuck on simple Math - like, he tries his best to figure it out, it’s just.... Numbers..... they are a construct. And so he’ll end up pondering what 5+7 is for, like, 5 minutes.
214: Jane is constantly torn between wanting to be a Figure of Authority and also being a man born in the trenches following orders.
215: Have I mentioned lately Jane fucks? 
216: Jane’s room is sparsely decorated, but it’s only because he’s not materialistic and doesn’t generally receive gifts.
217: He’s more than willing to strip Right This Moment and fight something.
218: Jane’s not afraid to call other people losers.
219: He crops his own hair once a week. Same day he’ll do his wash.
220: Jane’s stubble grows in really fast, but he can’t deny the feeling of having a freshly shaved jaw is amazing.
221: If a teammate is struggling emotionally..... Jane walks away.
222: If they’re struggling again, /then/ Jane will give them some uncalled for American Advice. Like, meaningfully yelling “GET OVER IT, YOU SLOBBERING FOOL.”
223: He has a very, very high pain threshold. 
224: He accidentally walks into walls all the time.
225: He can’t magically see through his helmet - he just knows everyone’s feet super well.
226: It’s good that Lt. Bites is a wild, self sufficient animal because Jane is terrible at pet care. And child care. And any sort of care.
227: On the very rare occasions Jane gets overwhelmed with depression he’s a shadow of his former self questioning the sanctity of American Ideals and wondering aloud if War really is the answer to his problems.
228: Next day he’ll be fine and forget he was ever upset.
229: He’s never gotten a real back massage before, if he were to get one he’d probably literally melt? Some women he’s slept with liked to say sensually ‘oh what a big tense man you are’ and, like, weakly rub his back. they didn’t get paid to fix this man’s back muscles LMAO
230: Any backwards period-typical beliefs about women went out the window upon meeting Miss Pauling.
231: His love for America is truly as pure as it gets.
232: Jane’s pretty xenophobic, but he can learn better, I’m sure. he’s gotten his ass kicked for being ignorantly racist and he grew to be a better person.
233: He takes really well to learning things through violence, the only issue is.. dealing with Soldier Being Violent.
234: There’s nothing a fist to the face won’t fix.
235: He’s not much of a napper, his brain being far too active to let him rest during daylight hours.
236: He’s constantly moving, even in sleep.
237: Hell, give him a few hours after being knocked unconscious and he’ll start wiggling something around.
238: He doesn’t stop to smell the flowers, because if they wanted to be smelled they’d approach him.
239: He believes in the good of all humans, it’s just buried down past his Fight Everyone radar.
240: He only likes musicals about fighting Hitler.
241: His biggest regret is not punching Hitler.
242: He does not fear death, he does not fear punishment. He lives for his ideals and if he’s taken down believing in himself? Then that’s okay.
243: Jane needs deodorant reminders.
244: He takes personally being betrayed as people betraying the country of America.
245: (oh shit i slacked off it’s been like two days since i wrote something, Who Is Soldier?) CEREAL THEN MILK, MAGGOTS
246: Jane doesn’t know the word migraine so he really can’t describe how he feels.
247: Look, he loves his friends, he loves his guns, but he’s stingy with the word.. Love because that’s what he feels for America and the country will always be number one.....
248: Jane’s not too partial to sarcasm outside of combat, but it’ll find it’s way into his speech. His tone is usually hammed up to signify he’s joking around or being cruel.
249: He’s like a cartoon character, he can only understand sarcasm if it’s Funny to at the moment.
250: Jane likes his hair being pet.
251: He likes his hands being played with as much as he likes playing with other people’s hands. (A lot.)
252: He loves dogs, but is more of a cat person. Dogs and him just echo energy and HYPE feelings back and forth at each other until they pass out and then Jane feels more emotionally exhausted than hanging out with people.
253: The weirdest parts of rom-coms make him cry. 
254: He appreciates a good non-american explosion, but he has his preferences. 
255: You show Jane genuine kindness and interest and he’s like, Yours. Jane vc: Are you the vice-president?
256: If he were to have a reptile for a sidekick instead of a raccoon, he would have a turtle.
257: He can be delicate when he needs to be, but cracking eggs is a different story.
258: While not too partial to sugary beverages - he has a figure to maintain, root beer and ginger ale are his go-tos.
259: He can appreciate a salad! Jane Doe will eat his greens!!!!
260: Soldier has no tattoos, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be open to getting any. Just never crossed his mind.
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thank you,... for reading my garbled thoughts.. for respecting The Soldier... and for being a creative individual. But mostly the respecting Soldier thing.
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pinkletterday · 6 years
Writer's Year In Review
This year has been a revelation. I went from deeply, irrevocably believing I can't write fiction at all to knowing that I'm actually pretty good at it!
It's given me the confidence to find work as a freelance writer and editor in real life, after years of unemployment and anxious paralysis resulting from chronic illness and trauma. A lot of other factors also helped but the fic writing played a huge role in getting my shit together.
General Fic Stats:
Word Count on AO3: 92284
Fics posted to AO3: 23
Favourite Fic:
Kiss It Better (Westallen).This fic is my baby. I love little Iris and little Barry in it so much, the hurt and confusion in each other they attempted to heal, how that healing carried into their adult love and family. It will always and always be my favourite thing I have ever written. Wee!stallen is my jam, and the reason I ship them so damn hard.
Do Not Go Gentle (Westallen). Ngl, I love this for the sheer amount of truly gratifying comments. Every single one of them have been emotional and flaily. It all makes me feel like I may have finally levelled up. Hallelujah. xD
Funniest Fic:
The Care and Feeding (Queenwestallen). This is my ultimate OT3. This fic, written as a list and discussion is 95% humour and contains some of my best banter and (I feel) characterization. An element I'm really proud of is how I managed to center and include all their important non-romantic relationships in their conversations. Iris's boisterous female friends, Oliver's friends, Cisco and Caitlin's snarky commentary all shoehorned themselves into the list with hilarious and wholesome results. 
It's not a popular OT3 but I feel like it's a good first attempt to drag this ship to water. xD
Cutest Fic:
Dancing Queen (Olivarry). Even after a year this contiues to be the fic with the highest kudos ratio (except for the more recent one) and the second most bookmarked. I love getting comments on this because they are all some variation of "my teeth hurt. I have diabetes!" xD Well, I did build it around a rainbow sprinkle icing sugar donut, but there is a significant dollop of angst there in the middle. A flangst donut.
Your Vigil In My Keeping (Westallen). This fic has less than 200 hits but has the highest kudos ratio of all. I guess kid fic isn't everyone's cup of tea, but Wee!stallen is cute af yo. I headcanon the origins of Barry and Iris's steadfast partnership in this story, where her faith and belief in him is as strong as his protectiveness of her, all tied up in the language and innocence of children.
Kinkiest Fic:
WA Smut and Kink Collection. I literally just posted this yesterday lol. So far it's just a face-sitting short, but I have quite a few hard and soft kinks lined up. Westallen needs more hard smut tbh, and they have such a unique powerfully loving dynamic that every kink I'm writing has required me to come at it a little bit sideways with a whole lot of emotional focus.
Saddest Fic:
Three fics I can't choose from.
Do Not Go Gentle (Westallen). This is basically Iris's grief and fear in a raging tempest, and it's strongly implied that the future Nora has warned them of will come to pass regardless of what they do. The fact is that there already is and will be a timeline where Iris loses Barry, just as there must be one where she won't, because that is the nature of potentiality. 
The Paradigm of Uncertainty (Westallen). This was a drabble almost, that ruminates on the probability that speedsters do not erase timelines but abandon them, along those versions of their loved ones. It's as @rkwago's brilliant comment says: "Iris hurts in so many weird, cosmic ways that her life is almost an eldritch horror house," which is the most perfect description ever of what it means to be a time traveller's wife.
The Universal Constant (Gen, background WA). A lot of people find the way Barry goes off on Joe cathartic in this fic, and so do I. But it's not so simple. I don't think Joe was wrong to form the views he did, or that anyone was in the wrong really. As @sophiainspace pointed out, it's a mediation of grief and love, their parallels and continuations between parents and children and lovers. The fact that it takes Henry's death for Barry to find the adult language to articulate to Joe why he will always believe in his father's innocence is a tragedy that cuts three ways.
(This fic is also the reason I have a folder in my drive marked "how to get away with murder" and probably a likely reason to get me arrested one day. xD)
Most Popular Fic:
Strangers In The Cold (Coldflash). The Coldflash fandom is a joy to feed. This was my first smut fic which was preceded by an entire chapter of banter about nothing in particular (except it ended up establishing a background that gave birth to the Coldflash vs Olivarry polyam series) And holy wow, for a newbie writer, the response has been amazing. Looking back, I wince at a lot of writing mistakes and its undeniably rough, but it really bolstered my confidence.
(I feel a little guilty that all my other CF stories are still in my WiP folder while I update the polyam series at snail's pace.)
The Shape of Us (Westallen). I wrote this on tumblr half-asleep one night, half as a rambly headcanon...and woke up to literally one hundred freaking notes. What the hell. Now at over 260, it's the most popular fic I've ever posted on tumblr.
I never consciously intended it to be a body-positivity fic but apparently women really relate to the insecurities of growing older and watching our bodies change with marriage, children and the sheer hectic pace of life. Even my non-fandom friends reblogged it simply for its representation of "real women". Barry's response is my own wish fulfillment fantasy; the sort of total acceptance and validation that we wish we could hear it the times we can't find it in ourselves. In light of the virulent body-shaming Candice Patton has been subjected to ever since she was revealed to have gained a fuller figure in S5, I'm very glad to have written it.
Least Popular Fic:
Carry On (Gen) This character study of Oliver Queen only has 135 hits a year after posting, which is par for the course with gen. But has a solid 12% kudos ratio, which means it's probably as good as I think it is. It's one of my favourite and easiest fics I have ever written.
Love Me Like You Do (Olivarry) Lordy, if my first Coldflash smut filled me with confidence, my first Olivarry smutfic all but ruined it. I struggled with it for a long time, unlike SitC, which I suppose shows in the over-descriptions. I got carried away with the quipping and I guess Barry topping at all is really not popular with slash fans?
Still, I'm honestly toying with the idea of deleting and rewriting it. At least it was a learning experience - don't write smut unless it makes you feel horny yourself.  
Most Challenging Fic:
Do Not Go Gentle (Westallen). I think the reason stories you knock off in two hours are instantly popular while the ones you slaved over for weeks barely get any attention is because the process is reflected in the ease of reading. But this one is an exception. It was an absolute monster, taking three weeks and several revisions to wrestle into submission - and it paid off in spades!  Going by the response, I seem to have achieved the wow factor I was going for.
My only regret is that I posted it on tumblr before the last revision that finally made it work, so that too many readers saw the lacklustre version rather than the polished one.
Honorable Mention:
A Stitch In Time (Olivarry for now, eventual Queenwestallen) Baby's first multi-chapter! Admittedly chapters 3 and 4 have been languishing in my drive for a few months now and this thing has 100% more deleted scenes and outtakes posted to my tumblr than the actual story on AO3. But I'm so proud of it! I learned to write action scenes because of it, how to write climaxes, dream sequences, news articles and tell a story in several different formats. It made me rediscover my empathy for Felicity and write her as a PoV character, think deeply on Laurel Lance's losses and give voice to her struggles, and explore how a real friendship and understanding could evolve between Oliver and Iris out of their mutual love for Barry. (Centering female characters within manpain narratives, ftw! Otoh, I centered Iris so much it veered off the Olivarry rails into Queenwestallen territory on its own)
There is so much meaty conflict and delicious looming disaster in this story that I'm determined going to keep at it, even if slow and steady. If only to bring the light of Barry/Iris/Oliver into the world. xD
Holding On (Olivarry). This real-world disability AU deals with chronic and mental illness and the precariousness and personal demons of that reality. I tore out the rawest parts of my life for this fic and put them on display so that I couldn't bear to show it to anyone for a year after it was written.
I'm very glad I did finally brush it off and put it up because it has struck a chord with so many people, especially other Spoonies. The low number of hits on a fic that deals in hurt/comfort rather stings, as I can't help but think the disinterest is because of the "disability" and "neurodivergence" tags. But I still think it's one of the best things I've written and one I'll always be proudest of.
General Reflections:
Things I've learned over the past year of writing:
- Self-deprecation is not my friend. I need to be honest enough with myself to acknowledge when my writing is good, because either I self-validate and build confidence or I become a black hole of insecurity where validation goes to die. And if I think I'm a bit better than I actually am, it's not just okay but necessary to believe it.
- What I call writer's block is perfectionism, anxiety and physical and mental fatigue. If I don't eat, sleep, hydrate and acheive a relaxed mental state, I won't be able to write. 
- Momentum is more my friend than any amount of inspiration and motivation. Sitting my ass down and make it a habit to churn out X number of words a day, even bad writing, will do more to help me than polishing an idea to a high shine. 
- If I don't forgive myself for the stories I can't write I'll never write anything. I am doing this for free, to share the love and joy and therefore obligated to no one. 
- I'm capable of writing things I don't have the first idea how to write. My fingers on a keyboard can paint the picture my brain can't visualize. 
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, but I am going to make it a personal goal to write at least 15k words per month, learn to stick to a posting schedule where possible.  and end next year with an additional 150k words posted. 
To everyone who follows this blog, commented, reblogged and liked my posts - I see and remember and appreciate every one of you. You're the reason I feel seen and valued and why I am motivated to keep writing through all the difficulties life throws at me. <3<3<3
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rougesrant · 4 years
The Rogues Rant #260
Welcome to The Rogues Rant, an occasional look at all things Rugby.
Shoalhaven has put up another strong early season performance winning the Bowl Final 33 – 5 against Hunters Hill at the Kiama 7’s on Saturday. Having made the final the week before at the Macarthur 10’s, the Shoalies will be one of the teams to watch when the local comp gets underway in two weeks’ time. A record 3000 strong crowd turned out for the 7’s tournament which was in doubt until a very welcome clearance from Rugby Australia came through in late November. All in attendance complied diligently with all the Covid requirements, cleaning out the host clubs food and refreshment supplies across the day. Even the Streakers who graced the field during the afternoon wore the obligatory Masks. The Western Sydney Two Blues made it two from two after winning the Macarthur Tens last week with a 15 – 12 win over the North Shoremen in the Open Final. The Women’s Trophy went to the Southern Districts Reblettes with a 20 – 5 final victory over Warringah. The Bungendore Mudchooks took the Country Cup over Parkes 26 – 12 in the Final, with the Country Women’s Final won by the Jindabyne Miss Piggies 27 – 0 against the Goulburn Dirty Reds.  
Unfortunately the IDRU Season Launch Luncheon has been cancelled due to a lack of bookings being received. The Lunch was to be held at the City Beach Function Center on March 12th.
Four clubs have confirmed that they will be fielding a 3rd Grade side in 2021. The IDRU Board has decided that a competition will go ahead with a draw to be finalized in the next couple of weeks. Competing will be Bowral, Camden, Campbelltown and Shamrocks.    
Super Rugby after two weeks of matches is looking like a bit more of the same. The matches last weekend in New Zealand were again on a different level to what we have witnessed so far in Aus. The thought of the Aussie sides, especially the Waratahs up against all the Kiwi sides later in the year is a bit scary. The form shown in their first hit outs across the ditch was quite impressive and only suggests that the Aussie sides will be up against it again this year. Even at this early stage it looks to me that only the Brumbies and the Reds will provide any opposition at all for the Kiwi sides again this year.
Speaking of the Waratahs, after their opening season losses I see that there is already calls going out for the removal of Coach Rob Penney. The Waratahs playing ranks have been decimated with something like 1800 playing caps lost through the player exodus we have witnessed over the last couple of years. What we have seen so far this year I reckon Rob Penney is the Waratahs number 1 asset at the moment. He speaks a lot of sense and it appears to me that he is just the man to take NSW through what will be some very tough times ahead. There is talent in this current group of players who are very inexperienced at this level as the Tahs find themselves in a very similar situation to that which the Reds were in a few seasons back. Rob Penney clearly knows his stuff and should be given every opportunity and resource available to bring these players through. Maybe that’s the biggest problem at NSW Rugby, Resources!
The Rogue has only missed one winner so far this year after three rounds. This week I’ll go for The Force, The Brumbies, Chiefs and Crusaders.  
IDRU Season Launch Luncheon – 12th March. CANCELLED
IDRU Round 1 – 19th / 20th March.
                             University V Tech Waratahs (Friday 19th)
                          Avondale V Bowral
                          Campbelltown V Vikings
                          Shoalhaven V Camden
                          Shamrocks V KIama          
NSW Country Week – 12th-14th June.
IDRU Grand Final – 4th September.      
All opinions offered in this column are the opinion of the author. They should not be considered to represent the views of the IDRU.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Photo by Logan Riely/Getty Images
A look at ten freshman that Auburn will face this fall who have a chance to make an immediate impact
The faces change but the talent level in the SEC tends to stay the same. Quite a few familiar names are gone but they will soon be replaced by a new squad of studs. Today, I am going to highlight a freshman off each of Auburn’s opponents this fall that fans should know. Chances are good, quite a few names on this lists are going to become well known nation wide in the not too distant future.
Kentucky - #7 S Vito Tisdale
Finding playing time on this veteran Kentucky squad will be difficult this fall for the Cats 2020 signing class but one name has consistently popped up this off-season as someone ready to contribute day 1. Vito Tisdale was first ranked as a top 100 player by 247 Composite but saw his stock plummet over the last year tumbling in the rankings to #473 and the 41st ranked safety in the country. But the early returns have been incredibly positive with head coach Mark Stoops specifically mentioning Tisdale as a youngster who has stood out during fall camp.
“He’s a guy we’re playing all over the place right now. He’s wearing No. 7 and I don’t want to put that on him yet but he reminds me of the other guy that wore 7 for us. That’s a pretty big compliment. Mike [Edwards] is one of my all-time favorite players. So instinctual and such a good player for us. Vito coming in as a true freshman and us moving him ... we’re playing him at nickel, at medium, at the sam position, he’s playing strong safety and really is doing some good things. He’s not quite there yet. A lot of guys you couldn’t even think about putting at all those positions. He is able to handle a lot and I really like his demeanor. It’s a lot like Mike. No nonsense and just goes and does his business.”
Georgia - #88 DT Jalen Carter
Obviously picking just one player from the nation’s #1 class is a little difficult. I imagine most Auburn fans will be interested to see how Broderick Jones’s career turns out after flirting with Auburn up until it was time to take an official visit. If not for an injury, 5-star CB Kelee Ringo would be someone to keep an eye on and it’s hard not to be mesmerized by the potential of a 6’7” 260 lb tight end like Darnell Washington. But for my money, Jalen Carter was one of the top 5 players in the 2020 class.
The true freshman has generated plenty of buzz during fall camp and looks poised to see snaps early for this loaded Dawg defense. Cater starred as both a defensive lineman and a tight end for his his school where he dominated with his elite athleticism. What jumps out watching his tape is how fluid he is for a big man. Not only can he move but he’s powerful in the interior with an outstanding knowledge on how to win with not just strength but leverage as well. The Dawgs continue to load up on elite defensive weapons.
Arkansas - #2 S Myles Slusher
Not going to lie this was a little bit difficult. While I liked a few of Sam Pittman’s late additions most notably 4-star QB Malik Hornsby, I don’t see a lot of instant impact players in this 2020 signing class. The one name that does appear to be popping up a bunch is unsurprisingly the Hogs top rated signee of last year’s class Myles Slusher. He was one of only four blue chips signed last cycle by Arkansas.
The Hogs return their two starting safeties on the backend in former Auburn targets Myles Mason and Joe Foucha but it looks likely Slusher will see some action too this fall. New DC Barry Odom stated they’ve worked the Oklahoma native not only at safety but at nickel as well. Given the dearth of talent on this Arkansas squad right now, any kid with potential is going to have a chance to make an early impact.
South Carolina - #4 QB/WR Luke Doty
Unfortunately for South Carolina, the guy I should be talking about, 4-star RB MarShawn Lloyd, is expected to miss all of the 2020 season due to an ACL injury. At worst, he would have been the #2 guy at tailback for the Gamecocks, likely #1 by the end of the year. Instead, AU fans should get to know former top 100 QB signee Luke Doty who is off to an interesting start to his career.
Doty was ranked the #4 dual threat QB in the 2020 class but faces an uphill battle to win the starting job with graduate transfer Collin Hill and Ryan Hilinski ahead of him. So the tremendous athlete will instead pull double duty working at WR as well where he has reportedly impressed South Carolina WR coach and former UGA quarterback Joe Cox.
“Luke is one of the most impressive young men I’ve ever been around because Luke has to deal with Coach Bobo’s meetings and my meetings,” Cox said in a post-practice interview on Tuesday. “Thinking back to being a first-year player in an offense where there’s so much going on, it’s been crazy how well he’s been able to comprehend things. He has a great attitude and has been a great leader on this football team.
“You see it, all the younger guys, he’s the guy in that class. They all gravitate towards him because they know he’s going to be doing things the right way, and it shows. He takes notes in meetings, practices the right way and does everything he’s supposed to do, and he’s going to be a guy pulling along a lot of young guys for a long time. My hat’s been off to him this whole fall camp with everything he has to learn playing all kinds of spots. I couldn’t imagine doing it - there’s no way. There’s been a couple days where his head’s been spinning pretty good, too, where he may have forgotten just how to play football. But he’s made some plays and I think regardless, it’s going to benefit him for both positions doing what we’ve had him do this fall camp.”
You turn on his tape and you can very quickly understand why new South Carolina OC Mike Bobo wants to find a way to get this kid on the field. While probably not a starter, he’s expected to be apart of the rotation at wide receiver this fall.
Ole Miss - #27 WR/S Marc Britt
Britt initially committed to Florida last fall but decided not to sign on National Signing Day and instead postponed a decision until February 20th. He flipped his pledge to the Rebels and has made an immediate impact since stepping on campus.
He initially started out at wide receiver but after a round of COVID-19 decimated the Rebels secondary, Britt flipped to defense where he was quickly working with the ones. Britt played both ways in high school and could end up doing the same for Ole Miss given their needs for impact players on both sides of the ball. He’s a fantastic athlete out of south Florida with a penchant for making big plays. I suspect AU fans will see a lot of him week 5.
LSU - #2 TE Arik Gilbert
Despite LSU signing a top 5 class this was actually one of the easiest picks to make. There aren’t many human beings in the world with Arik Gilbert’s skillset. Built like a defensive end at 6’5” 250 lbs but with speed of a wide receiver and the hands of a tight end, Gilbert can play all over the field for the Tigers.
His commitment came as one of the biggest surprises in recent recruiting history. In today’s world of Crystal Balls and RivalsCasts, everyone typically has an understanding of where a kid is about to commit. The Georgia Bulldogs were seen as the longtime leader for Gilbert with Alabama and Tennessee the top challengers. However, before his decision, the momentum seemed to be in the Tide’s favor up until he actually announced for LSU. LSU’s impressive offensive performance this past fall along with Gilbert’s connection with head coach Ed Orgeron lead the Tigers to pulling off one of the biggest recruiting coups of last cycle.
Expect to see Gilbert all over the field for the Tigers especially with the departure of Ja’Marr Chase. He’s listed as a tight end but he will spend a lot of time split out as well and has the top end speed to make big plays after the catch. In my amateur opinion, Gilbert was the top player in the 2020 class and I fully expect him to be a thorn in Auburn’s side for the next three years. How the hell did Kirby Smart let him get out of Georgia?
Mississippi State - #13 CB Emmanuel Forbes
It’s been a wild off-season for the Bulldogs of Starkville. They decided to send Joe Moorhead packing after a rough bowl performance and convinced Mike Leach to sail down from Pullman with his Air Raid offense. They snagged a graduate transfer quarterback from Stanford while losing three starters to the transfer portal themselves. They are also installing a brand new 3-3-5 defensive scheme while also transitioning from a Spread Power attack to a full on Air Raid on the offensive side of the ball. It’s gonna be wild.
The Bulldogs lose a lot off their defense especially with the transfers of Fabian Lovett and Jaylon Jones. At corner especially, Mississippi State seems to be on the hunt for some early impact players. The Magnolia State’s #2 ranked player of the 2020 class looks poised to fill that void for the Dawgs. Forbes isn’t a burner but possesses great length and isn’t afraid to get physical at the line of scrimmage.
Tennessee - #11 WR Jalin Hyatt
One of the more underrated playmakers from this past signing class is Jalin Hyatt. The 6’0” 175 lb speedster was a late riser in the rankings last cycle but I am not sure if he rose high enough. He had an ultra productive career at South Carolina HS powerhouse Dutch Fork where he holds the school record for receiving yards and receiving touchdowns.
The Vols are in need of some playmakers at the wide receiver position with the departures of Jauan Jennings and Marquez Callaway. Don’t be surprised if Hyatt is a starter by the time the Vols come to Jordan-Hare Stadium.
Alabama - #31 OLB Will Anderson
This was one of the tougher decisions to make on this list. The Crimson Tide signed the consensus #1 player in the 2020 class in 5-star QB Bryce Young who despite a late start to camp is locked in a QB battle with Mac “Pick 6” Jones. I also think 5-star edge player Drew Sanders is going to be a problem in the very near future and there’s a lot of buzz around 4-star WR Javon Baker. Plus there are 3 former Auburn commits on this list including Javion Cohen who had one of the uglier ends to a recruitment I’ve seen in some time. But the man I think ends up making the biggest impact for the Tide this fall is Will Anderson.
When Rodney Garner makes you a top priority early in your high school career, chances are pretty good you are a ball player. Auburn was one of the first SEC programs to offer the Georgia native and were even seen as the leader following his junior season. But Alabama made a serious push and landed the star pass rusher last spring. Anderson then went on to put together an absolutely absurd senior season recording 20+ sacks. He’s earned plenty of hype during fall camp and looks poised to at least be a 3rd down specialist for the Tide this fall.
Texas A&M - #1 WR Demond Demas
While much of the Aggie hype this off-season has been about the amount of returning production to the roster this fall, quietly the wide receiver position has become a major question mark for Jimbo’s squad. It started with the injury to Cameron Buckley who was expected to take on a much larger role this fall. Then it continued with the recent decision by the Aggies leading returning receiver Jhamon Ausbon to opt out and prepare for the NFL Draft. Ainas Smith has transitioned to running back leaving Jalen Preston as A&M’s most experienced WR heading into 2020. He caught 3 passes for 36 yds last season.
Good thing Dameyune Craig is still a damn good recruiter.
The nation’s #3 ranked wide receiver per 247 Composite, Demond Demas, looks poised to earn a starting spot this fall. The 6’3” 180 lb freakazoid was ineligible to play his senior year due to some drama around Texas’s transfer rules. That hasn’t slowed the hype train and the early returns this camp have been positive for the true freshman. Kellen Mond is going to need some new weapons on the outside to step up if this Aggie team is going to come close to the high expectations some are giving them. I suspect Demas quickly becomes one of his favored new targets.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/9/17/21440074/10-sec-freshman-to-know-arik-gilbert-will-anderson-demond-demas-jalen-carter
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jaemtens · 7 years
Stay In Your Lane
nct | johnny x taeil | rated t (language) | college/bowling au | 2.7k | ao3 | gift for @heonseoks ( @nctinc @playnct )
a/n: this is a gift fic for an nct secret santa gift exchange! i hope you enjoy it <3 merry christmas :)
summary: Moon Taeil is the mom-friend to seven "children" whose sole purpose is to make his love life a living hell. Yes, even in a bowling alley on the day before Christmas Eve.
“Mark, get back here!” Taeil shouted, smoothing his caramel brown hair back with his free hand, his other hand parked on his hip to seem a little more punitive. The black-haired teenager started walking his way, but it wasn’t very effective – he knew it wasn’t. Despite being the oldest by a good year or so, he earned so little respect from his group of best friends. It used to be “Taeil-hyung” this and “hyung” that; now he’d be lucky to get a please and thank you from the little brats.
“Yeah yeah, what is it, Taeil?” Mark absentmindedly replied, still texting away with all of the dexterity of a high schooler.
See? No respect these days.
“Shoe size,” Taeil curtly asked.
“Oh,” he muttered, finally glancing up at an impatient-looking Taeil and the attendant standing behind him. “260,” Mark answered. And, at lightning speed, the attendant pulled out a pair of hideous-looking bowling shoes, off-reds and miscolored whites combining in some sort of frenetic pattern.
“Now you can go join the rest,” the eldest instructed. “265 for me.”
The clerk handed him his equally-tacky shoes and promptly moved onto the next customer. Taeil had already paid – after, of course, coordinating the whole goddamn thing between seven other teenage-slash-early-20s boys. It was a nightmare finding a mutually-agreeable time, but he finally succeeded after a few weeks of trying. Taeyong was the hardest to nail down; after going to college and dyeing his hair bright-fucking-pink, Taeyong had been nearly impossible to coordinate with. There was always a party this week or an exam that week… Taeyong was just too cool for the rest of them. Haechan would only go if Mark was going, and Mark would only go if Doyoung went, and Doyoung would only go on Saturday. Jaehyun was pretty cut-and-dry: no Sundays because they conflicted with ultimate Frisbee. Yuta and Winwin were the easiest to convince; he told Winwin that Yuta was going to be there and Yuta that Winwin was going to be there.
This was the first time they had all been together in at least a few months, and it was solely because mom-friend Taeil took the time to keep pestering everyone: they were all free the day before Christmas Eve. They all had been close friends in high school, spending damn near every waking extracurricular moment together. Their little group had been practically inseparable – until college came along. Now with all of them in undergrad, Taeil thought the rest might have grown up a bit. He stepped away from the counter and scanned the bowling alley for any sign of his friends.
Apparently nothing had changed.
Any misgivings about the maturity of his friends completely disappeared when he spotted them: Doyoung and Taeyong were fighting over the terminal where they were inputting names, Yuta was trying to pull Winwin onto his lap while the younger was thumbing through the food menu, and he watched in real time as Haechan chucked one of his shoes at an oblivious Mark, earning a look of total disbelief from the black-haired boy. He hadn’t even begun to process the chaos when the preternaturally unproblematic Jaehyun snuck up behind him.
“They’re probably gonna kick us out, right?”
“Yeah,” he replied. He paused, then shook his head. “I just don’t care anymore.”
“That’s a great attitude to have,” Jaehyun answered with a wry smile.
“Well, shall we?”
“We shall.”
Two frames in and miraculously they still hadn’t been kicked out. Haechan and Doyoung erupted in an uncontrolled fake-rage when Mark got his second strike in a row. Yuta literally only paid attention when Winwin was up (and only cheered for him). Meanwhile, Winwin pretended that Yuta didn’t exist – “he’s playing hard-to-get on purpose,” Jaehyun informed him. Taeyong already tried to change Doyoung’s score once using the terminal, but was promptly banned from being anywhere near the scorekeeper when the younger caught him. The whole scene was only made more ridiculous by the matching red Santa hats that Taeil had brought with him and passed out before they started bowling. In retrospect, Taeil was pretty sure that the only reason that they hadn’t been kicked out was because there was like no one else there.
Well, they were the only ones there. After Taeil’s second frame, a lone guy started a game a few lanes down. Honestly, he was surprised he hadn’t noticed the guy earlier.
Okay, so it wasn’t exactly unknown amongst his friend group that, yes, the flamboyant mom-friend Taeil was gay. It didn’t bother any of them – especially with Yuta and Winwin trying to get into each other’s pants constantly. However, just because it didn’t bother them certainly didn’t mean that Taeil never caught shit for being gay. Every time – yup, every time – a cute boy caught Taeil’s attention and someone from the group noticed, he would get taunted about it for weeks. Mark and Haechan were the worst, texting him about his “crush” incessantly. It would’ve been cute if it wasn’t so goddamn insolent sometimes.
It got worse when they figured out that Taeil’s “type” was tall guys. He looked over toward the new guys once more and, of course, the guy had to be at least 180 cm, probably taller than Doyoung. Fuck. He was going to have to play it cool or one of the others would pick up on it. Luckily the only one who was really paying attention was Jaehyun, and he didn’t care much.
Or so he thought. Mark was tugging on his sleeve: “Hey, it’s your turn.”
“Oh, sorry,” he halfheartedly replied, starting to get up to walk toward the ball return. Before he could make it very far, Mark had already started connecting the dots, looking up at where Taeil had been looking and then back at Taeil. He could feel the dread washing over his face as he saw Mark’s features light up.
“Hyung~” Mark sing-songed, skipping around to intercept Taeil. “What were you looking at over there?”
Mark had said it just loud enough for the others to catch on, looking down the bowling alley for the source of Taeil’s forthcoming mortification. One-by-one the others started to realize what was going on. Haechan was the first pipe up: “Don’t you mean, who were you looking at, hyung?”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. He could see Haechan and Mark’s mischievous smiles spelling out his doom. However, it was Taeyong who made him want to curl up in a ball and die.
“Why don’t you two go over there and tell tall, dark, and handsome that Taeil-hyung’s in love with him?”
Doyoung started hollering while the rest snickered uncontrollably. Even Jaehyun lost his composure and was laughing along. Taeyong wore his shit-eating grin with pride despite Taeil’s own attempts to give him the worst death glare of his life. After giving up on Taeyong, he looked back over his shoulder to see the other boy looking over at them, probably wondering what all the commotion was about. Taeil just brought his knees up his chest in the seat and pulled his Santa hat farther down his forehead, trying to hide his quickly-reddening cheeks.
“Please don’t,” he pleaded. “I’m not even interested in him.”
“Uh huh,” Doyoung mocked, calling Taeil’s bluff.
“Yeah, he’s totally your type!” Mark shouted, perhaps loud enough for the other boy to hear.
Taeil reached for the black-haired boy, pulling him down hard and shushing in his ear. “Shut up,” he whisper-shouted.
Mark just giggled in response, breaking free of Taeil’s grip and then promptly pulling Haechan, presumably to go chat with the other boy. He was not having any of it, sinking further into his seat and hiding from his misery.
“Looks like they’re talking to him,” Jaehyun nonchalantly said. Taeil glanced over and saw Jaehyun looking back down the bowling lanes. “Mark and Haechan are both smiling pretty hard.”
Taeil shot him a dark look before glancing over at Taeyong and Doyoung, who were both incredulous (and ecstatic) about what was unfolding right now.
“Oh, they’re pointing at you now. The other boy is looking over here now.”
“Are you done giving me a play-by-play yet?” Taeil whined. He briefly looked over toward Mark, Haechan, and the other boy only to see all three of them staring directly at him. Mark started nodding, saying something quickly to the new guy. Taeil felt his cheeks flush with heat, a dusty pink shade probably washing over his features.
“Dude, your cheeks are redder than Winwin’s bowling ball,” Jaehyun added.
“Ohmygod, shut up, Jaehyun.” He looked over at Taeyong again. “Are you happy, you little demon?”
“Very,” the pink-haired boy replied.
“Y’know,” Yuta piped up. “It’s still your turn, Taeil-hyung.”
He groaned in response. At least he could pretend not to care if he decided to bowl instead of cowering in embarrassment. He got up, his steely and robotic motions a crutch to prevent him from looking toward the other boy. Taeil grabbed his green bowling ball, and looked down the lane toward the ten bowling pins staring back. Even while he was pretending to keep his entire focus on the lane in front of him, all of his thoughts kept returning toward the new guy. God, he probably thought he was such a dork, especially with all the shit Mark and Haechan were feeding him. He tried to shake it off, running up to throw his bowling ball down the lane.
To his complete and unending dread, the ball didn’t release when it was supposed to, his fingers staying looked in the bowling ball’s holes until his arm was pretty high up on the upswing. Instead, his bowling ball flew up and over the barrier between their lane and the next lane over, landed in the next lane over with a loud crash, and promptly found the gutter. Moments later, his crowd of “friends” behind him erupted in laughter. He didn’t think he could feel any more embarrassed after Mark and Haechan’s little stunt. Nope – Taeil looked down the bowling alley and saw Mark doubled-over dying of laughter, Haechan wiping his eyes free of laughter-induced tears, and, yes, even the new guy had a little smile on his lips.
Taeil scurried back to his seat, even Jaehyun not sparing him any pity. “Just kill me,” Taeil muttered, covering his face with his hands.
“And miss out on all of this?” Taeyong chimed in. “No fucking way.”
“Fuck you.”
“M – Mark and Haechan are walking back over,” Jaehyun gasped out, still recovering from spurts of laughter. Moments later, Taeil heard Mark’s shrill voice before he saw the black-haired boy.
“So his name is Johnny, and he’s actually really nice,” Mark reported as if he hadn’t just gone on a mission to embarrass the shit out of him. “He goes to a university around here and bowls every Saturday morning. He also feels really bad for hyung.”
“He still laughed a little, though,” Haechan interjected.
“Only a little!” the older of the duo argued. “Johnny-hyung is also pretty quiet, he’d be perfect for a loudmouth like Taeil-hyung.”
“You. Little. Shit,” Taeil spelled out, his murderous eyes boring into Mark’s soul.
“Hey, calm down hyung! I’m just trying to hook you up, man. You should really go talk to Johnny-hyung.”
“And what!?” Taeil protested. “Apologize for my dickwad friends?”
“I don’t know, give him your number,” Taeyong suggested.
“Or, I don’t know, avoid giving him your number for eight more frames while looking over at him every four seconds and asking Mark and Haechan whether they really think he likes you?” Taeyong mused.
Taeil shot another look™ over at Taeyong before huffing out a sigh. “It’s not like I signed up for this!”
“Uh, yeah you did,” Doyoung replied. “You signed up to be friends with us.”
“Six! Years! Ago!”
“Shoulda seen it coming,” Yuta interjected.
“You guys are the least helpful friends in existence,” Taeil deadpanned.
“Oh my god, I’m done with this,” Taeyong grumbled, getting up and grabbed Taeil’s arm. “I’m going to help you help yourself by making you talk to your crush.”
Taeil felt his eyes go wide. “What!?” he shouted. “I didn’t ask for this!”
He started flailing and trying to get away, but Taeyong’s grip was surprisingly strong. The pink-haired boy yanked him along, Taeil watching as the rest of his friends smirked at his Taeyong problem.
“Look alive, hyung.”
Taeil swung his head around, seeing he was just moments away from being at Johnny’s lane. He tried to fix his hair with his free arm; Taeyong snickered at his self-consciousness. Johnny was still finishing his frame, and Taeyong waited for the taller boy to start walking back toward the seats behind the lane before explaining why they were there.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” Taeyong started. “My name’s Taeyong, but I really feel like you should get to know my friend Taeil here.”
Without any warning, Taeyong nudged him forward toward Johnny, as if he was prodding a kindergartener to their first day of school.
“He really likes you, by the way,” Taeyong added before hightailing back to the others.
“TAEYONG!” Taeil shouted. “I’m going to kill you!”
He looked back over at Johnny, who seemed both amused and confused at the same time. Taeil could feel himself getting nervous, words pouring out of his mouth with no filter attached.
“Hey, I’m really sorry for my so-called friends, they have no decency or self-control, and I’m honestly surprised that we haven’t been kicked out of here because they’re the worst. I organize one day at the bowling alley and they manage to drag you into it. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen, I really should be going back—“
“—It’s really okay, Taeil,” Johnny interrupted, smiling slightly. Taeil looked up at him, trying to see if he was beng genuine. He couldn’t believe that someone would put up with half of his friends’ shit and still be okay with it, there was no way that he would be fine with some random assholes making him the subject of their friend’s embarrassment.
“Really?” he finally asked.
“Really really,” Johnny replied.
“Oh well, that’s a relief, Mark and Haechan can be really irritating when they put their minds to it. And Taeyong can be even worse because he acts all cool and like he doesn’t care until he pipes up with an ice-cold takedown. You didn’t meet Doyoung but he only eggs them on until it gets really bad.”
Johnny just laughed in response, seeming to agree with him. He smiled in response, butterflies still floating up to his stomach. He looked around, his eyes locking onto the scorekeeper for Johnny’s lane. Taeil started counting the strikes and spares.
“Wow, you’re really good at this…” Taeil muttered aloud.
Johnny laughed again. “You’re the real pro here.”
He looked back at the taller boy with a puzzled look.
“I don’t think I could throw the ball over to the other lane even if I tried,” the black-haired boy added.
“Ohmygod, I’m never going to live that down,” Taeil whined, covering his face with his hands again.
“It wouldn’t have been so ridiculous if you weren’t wearing the Santa hat,” Johnny said while laughing. “Did you buy all of them?”
“Y-yeah, how’d you guess?”
“You seem like the responsible one out of your friends.”
“Yeah, I am.” Taeil laughed before settling into a prolonged silence with the taller boy.
“Well, do you wanna come play with us? No pressure of course but like I just wanted to offer because I could kinda use someone on my side…” he added, his voice trailing off.
Johnny paused for a second. Taeil could feel his heart beating out of his chest – why did he have to be so weird about it?
“Sure,” Johnny finally answered. “Lemme just grab my coat and stuff.”
“Great!” Taeil shouted, perhaps a little too loud. “I can grab your ball.”
“As long as you promise not to throw it down the wrong lane.”
Taeil turned bright red again, freezing in place and looking over at Johnny. “I’m kidding!” he added while grabbing his coat.
“Yeah, you’ll fit right in,” Taeil deadpanned.
The two walked back over while laughing a little. Taeyong was the first to notice them, immediately interrupting them with a question:
“So, did you get his number yet?”
Taeil responded quickly: “No, I told him he has to get a strike in the other lane first.”
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scorpiofangirl1109 · 3 years
My Cats OC Part 260
part 259- https://scorpiofangirl1109.tumblr.com/post/667990364389523456/my-cats-oc-part-259 
hello everyone! welcome to part 260 of my series on kiki!
this is a continuation of the au where jemima and sillabub are kiki’s big sisters!
munk and demeter are so in love with their little kiki and are so excited for her to meet her two big sisters. they hope their older girls will love kiki just as much as they do.
the news of kiki’s birth was still quiet as munkustrap and demeter want to soak in the moment. but soon the rest of the tribe would learn of the news later on.
visitors would have to wait a bit before they could meet kiki. plus there would be a little official introduction for the tribe. but right now it was family time for munk, demeter and all their girls.
bomba had gone to collect the girls from tugger and misto. so munk had given kiki back to her mother and was going to greet jemima and sillabub at the door.
he was interested on how the girls were going to react. but with all of the prep work they did with both girls, especially sillabub, hopefully it would go well.  
soon munk saw both of his big girls and he bent down as they raced into his arms for a hug. they had huge smiles on their faces clearly excited to meet their new sibling,
they still did not know if they had a brother or sister yet. as munk and demeter wanted to be the ones to tell the girls themselves. and bomba had kept her lips zipped when the girls asked her over and over whether their new sibling was a brother or sister. 
“daddy!!!” jemima smiled really big “mama really had the baby? i’m a big sister again?” 
“yeah, mama had the baby. she is with the baby right now. are you guys ready to see them?” munk asked.
“do we have a brother or sister daddy?” sillabub asked excitedly as she bounced up and down.
“mama is going to tell you. now she is really tired and a bit sire because having a baby is a lot of hard work. so i want you to keep that in mind ok?” munkustrap asked.
before today munkustrap had sat the girls down and told them that when the baby was born demeter would be needing a lot of rest afterwards. so they would need to help with the baby and around the den.
both girls promised they would and said they would help a lot. munk knew they would be good little helpers and would probably try to cuddle their new little sister a lot. 
munk took the paws of both of his girls and led to them the bed demeter was on. kiki had finished eating again and she was fast asleep in demeter’s arms once again. 
demeter smiled as she looked up from baby kiki who sleep peacefully in her arms and was even all bundled up in a little white blanket to keep her warm.
jemima and sillabub both hug demeter happily and then look down at their baby sister. they both have the biggest smile son their faces right now because of how happy they are to be big sisters.
“hi girls. i am so glad to see you both again. i missed you both so much. this is your little baby sister kiki.” demeter smiled.
both girls got excited hearing that they had a brand new sister. thought they would have been just as happy with a little brother as well. 
“she looks like daddy!” sillabub said “is she sleeping right now? cause she looks like she is.”
“yeah she is sleeping. newborns do that a lot. would you two like to hold her?” demeter asked.
both girls got very excited about this prospect. so after both girls were sitting and told about to how to be very careful and shown how to properly hold their sister, jemima got to be the first to hold kiki.
seeing her youngest and oldest together like this made demeter want to cry. it was a surreal happy moment seeing all of her babies like this. 
sillabub was right next to jemima and she was smiling down at her new sister too. she took one of kiki’s little paws in her own and held it. she marveled about how tiny it was.
“hi there kiki. i’m jemima, your big sister. you are so cute! i am so glad that you are here now. i can’t wait til you are bigger and we can plat together.” jemima smiled and gently kissed kiki on the top of her tiny little head. 
munkustrap and demeter looked at each other for a moment. they shared the same expression on their faces. it was a look of awe and their hearts were melting. jemima was a sweet little thing and she shined in her role as a big sister and would continue to do so.   
after a bit kiki was carefully handed over to her other big sister sillabub. she needed a little bit of help from munkustrap readjusting kiki in her arms make sure that her head is supported.
demeter had worried about how sillabub would feel about no longer being the baby and now being the middle child. admittedly she was still really nervous about that. 
it would take time to adjust to a new baby but demeter hoped all the work she and munkustrap put in with their daughter would pay off. 
“hi there kiki! i am your other big sister sillabub! you are really cue like jemmi said.” sillabub said.
demeter smiled seeing her two other girls first interactions together. this was a sweet moment and she truly never wanted to forget this moment seeing all 3 of her girls meeting. 
munkustrap was also beaming with pride seeing all 3 girls interacting with each other. he loved being a dad to all 3 of his girls now. he was looking forward to see them grow up together.
both parents hoped they developed they developed a strong sibling bond that they both shared with their own respective siblings. and they were looking forward to just some time together as a new family of 5. 
right that is part 260 let me know what you guys thought and i will see you all for part 261! so sorry this is super short and took so long! 
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
Auburn landed four commitments this past week and are hoping for a few more before the season starts.
Finally, things are starting to heat up on the recruiting trail for the Tigers. Auburn went two long months without a commitment but since then have reeled in six commitments with four coming in the past week. I will let Gus Malzahn speak for us all
Boom!!!!!!!!!!! War Eagle!
— Coach Gus Malzahn (@CoachGusMalzahn) July 25, 2017
Here’s a quick rundown on Auburn’s four most recent commits.
Auburn Lands First 2019 Commitment
It sounds like even the coaching staff was shocked when 4* WR George Pickens committed to the Tigers this past Friday. It was a welcomed surprise I am sure, as the 6’5” 190 lb Hoover wideout is expected to be one of the top players in the 2019 class.
“They were very happy. Coach (Gus) Malzahn was like, ‘Are you serious?'” Pickens said. “I’m very glad that I just committed to Auburn. Auburn is a great campus. I feel really good about the school I chose. I feel very comfortable around here.”
3* Josh Marsh Earns Dream Offer
Honored and blessed to be offered by Auburn! 100% committed! War Eagle! http://pic.twitter.com/zp6nlxshH4
— Josh Marsh (@joshuamarsh20) July 22, 2017
Last Friday was Auburn’s last camp of the summer and Josh Marsh made the absolute most of it. The tackle machine out of Decatur apparently impressed the coaching staff enough to land an offer. Marsh, an admitted Auburn fan, committed immediately. I incorrectly guessed that he would be a Buck or maybe grow into a defensive end but it sounds like he will play more as a hybrid linebacker/safety for the Tigers.
"I was kind of speechless and didn't know what to say," Marsh said. "He got up to walk out of the room and see if coach Steele was ready for me. I was with my mom and dad and said, 'I want to commit, but I don't know how this works.' They were like, 'Neither do we; we've never been in this situation. Just tell him.' Coach came back and we started talking and I said, 'I want to come play ball here. I want to commit.' He was taken off guard a little bit. He was like, 'OK, I'll go talk to the other coaches, and after today's over, I'll tweet out a 'Boom'.' "
I don’t know why but the line “I’ll tweet out a `Boom`.” is hilarious to me...
Tigers Snag A Top Linebacker Target
Committed !!! @CoachGusMalzahn http://pic.twitter.com/hlcMWEUEPK
— Money Mike (@Illionairemike) July 24, 2017
Harris is a boss. Like I said when he committed, I think he’s the best linebacker in the southeast. He was a top target for Auburn’s coaching staff. Harris, in an interview with Keith Niebuhr earlier this year, said that Travis Williams specifically said he was targeting him and 4* Zakoby McClain. T-WILL is halfway there. Williams played a huge role in this commitment:
“Coach T-Will checks with me every day. I send a text. He sends one right back. He treats me like I’m his own child,” Harris said after his most recent visit. “After me texting coach T-Will, man, he gives me the same amount of love every time or even more. When I come visit, every time I come, it’s more and more love. It’s like I’m always a part of the family. They already treat me like I’m a War Eagle, and I like that.”
Greg Brown Gets His Man
COMMITTED and SOLID #WarEagle #WDE http://pic.twitter.com/VIqiteFT6G
— Lakewood〽️ (@JamienSherwood) July 25, 2017
It became apparent that after the evaluation period, Jamien Sherwood was a high priority target for the Tigers. In fact, I feel comfortable saying that Quindarious Monday and Jamien Sherwood are Greg Brown’s top guys at safety. He got them both. For Sherwood, the Tigers had to beat out Florida and this past weekend’s visit helped seal the deal:
“This past weekend really kinda sealed the deal. This past weekend just sealed the deal for me. I just knew that I want to go there,” Sherwood said. “It was a hard decision for me to choose from those two schools. Those were my top schools (Auburn and Florida). Those two were neck-and-neck. Besides the football part, I just felt like I could be at Auburn more. That’s what separated Florida and Auburn. They were my top two, and they were right there.”
Visit Recap
Commitments weren’t the only news of the week. The Tigers had plenty of top targets on campus this past week with most arriving for the cookout event on Saturday. However, the Thursday before the event, two of Auburn’s most coveted targets visited in 4* OG Trey Hill and 4* LB JJ Peterson. It appears the Tigers have work to do on both but I also think Auburn is a bigger threat for both than some may think, especially Hill.
Saturday though was the big day. Auburn hosted a Big Cat Weekend part 2 that was apparently even more informal than the first. The focus was on building further relationships with top targets. Keith Niebuhr of 247 had a free play by play thread for the event that’s worth a read if you want to get a feel of how the day went. Benjamin Wolk over at SECCountry also had some live updates and later put together a nice recap. Here’s the list of attendees put together by Wolk:
3-star RB Shaun Shivers*
4-star WR Seth Williams
3-star OL Kameron Stutts*
4-star RB Asa Martin
3-star DL Daquan Newkirk*
4-star DB Quindarious Monday*
Unranked OL Brady Ward (2020 prospect)
4-star DL Caleb Tannor
3-star WR Shedrick Jackson*
3-star DB Jamien Sherwood
4-star 2019 DE King Mwikuta
4-star LB Michael Harris
4-star RB Dameon Pierce
Unranked 2020 WR Kobe Hudson
3-star DB Derek Turner
4-star LB Quay Walker (Alabama commit)
3-star CB Miguel Edwards (Oklahoma commit)
3-star TE Daniel Barker (Illinois commit)
3-star WR Cornelius McCoy (Purdue commit)
3-star ILB Rosendo Louis
4-star 2019 OLB Ge’mon Eaford
Unranked 2020 WR Deajaun McDougle
Unranked 2020 DE Andy Boykin
3-star DE Andres Fox
That’s quite the group. The big name that should stand out is 4* LB Quay Walker. It’s not often Alabama commits visit Auburn after committing but even more rare to be decked out in AU gear as Walker reportedly was Saturday. There seems to be some rumblings that Walker might not be all that solid and the Tigers and Georgia Bulldogs are making a push. Definitely a recruitment to follow.
This was also important visits for 4* RB Asa Martin and 4* DE Andres Fox. Martin is planning on committing August 24th and with the dead period approaching this was one of his last chances to visit AU before he commits. He was in Alabama the previous day for their cookout event so it was incredibly important for Auburn to get him on campus. The Tide are the trendy pick for Martin but again I don’t think you should count Auburn completely out in this hunt.
Fox, meanwhile, has decided to push back his decision timeline. After his Alabama visit, he announced that he had a top 2 of Auburn and Alabama. That’s a bit of a surprise as LSU was long considered Auburn’s top competition with some LSU insiders even thinking the Bayou Bengals lead. With Caleb Tannor committing to Georgia this past week (another recruitment that might not be completely over though), landing Fox has become even more important for this Auburn coaching staff.
Overall, it sounds like it was another successful event for the Tigers. There were a few disappointing no shows in guys like 4* WR Matthew Hill (sick), 4* LB Zakoby McClain (could not get back from West Virginia in time) and 4* Buck Richard Jibunor (practice) but for the most part, Auburn got the guys they needed to get on campus. No commits went public that day but both Harris and Sherwood silently committed at the event and went public a few days later. Hard to complain about a 4 commit week.
New Offers
With the Tigers having their last camp of the summer, there were quite a few offers that went out this past week. One name in particular might be someone Tiger fans should keep a close eye on in the coming months.
3* DE Kayode Oladele - Nigerian natives are becoming a theme in Auburn recruiting. Prince Tega Wanogho, Prince Sammons, Richard Jibunor and now Oladele. He’s a bit raw but man he’s got some serious upside. At 6’5” 238 lbs he’s got some of the best bend I have seen in this class as a pass rusher and could easily fill out that frame and play at 260+ lbs. If things go sideways with Andres Fox, don’t be shocked if this kid becomes a top target.
3* OT Jalen Goss - AU is still searching hard for some offensive tackles this class and Goss is another name to add to the list. The former Florida commit has great size but will need some time to develop at the next level. Another name to track in the coming months.
3* CB Jamari Brown - This is the name to keep an eye on. Brown is a tall CB prospect at 6’3” 180 lbs and he impressed the coaching staff Friday earning an offer. He also happens to be Junior Rosegreen’s nephew. If he’s anything like his uncle, sign me up. Auburn’s CB recruiting has been a mystery at times this year but after this weekend it seems Brown and Derek Turner are names to watch.
2020 WR Deajaun McDougle - Besides having an awesome name, I don’t really know much about McDougle as I couldn’t find much tape on him. Suffice it to say, if Auburn is offering a rising sophomore, he can probably play.
2020 WR Dazalin Worsham - Hewitt-Trussville is absolutely loaded with talent and Worsham has a chance to be one of the best of the bunch. He’s a threat to score every play and has a nice combination of length and speed. Explosive is probably the best description. Will be a top player in 2020
2020 LB Quanderrius Robinson - The Tigers are looking to build a pipeline in Jackson-Olin. They landed Tadarian Moultry in 2017, pushing for Coynis Miller in 2018 and now have offered Robinson for the 2020 class. Not a ton of tape available on this kid but will apparently play safety in the fall though his future is at linebacker.
This was another long post but it was a busy week. The Tigers are finally starting to see some dominoes fall and according to Shaun Shivers, more are expected.
we might have another one on the way War Eagle #1recruiter
— s (@V8Blazing) July 27, 2017
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia http://bit.ly/2vMPwt2 via IFTTT
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