#this chapter goes over a shit ton of stuff
ronanception · 2 years
4.3k words and counting and this is just another awkward situation where I absolutely could break this into 2 chapters but like... nah
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makeste · 4 months
BnHA Chapter 424: Detroit Tears
Previously on BnHA: You know what, fandom is way too heated about this still so we’re just going to leave that be that for now and not get involved. I have some conflicted feelings about it, but this is not the place or time. This is a happy post.
Today on BnHA: Oh right, Horikoshi still owns the rights to my soul. And I’ve just been reminded of why I willingly signed them over to him so freely.
Quick heads up that this isn’t going to be my usual style of chapter reaction post, in that it’s really just going to be a ton of rambling about That One Scene. Partly because I’m only halfway caught up with stuff, but mostly because tbh, this is the only thing that matters to me right at this moment.
Also this is your friendly neighborhood spoiler warning that I’m posting about a chapter which hasn’t officially been released yet! So proceed at your own discretion. This reaction is based on @pikahlua’s excellent spoiler translation writeup here. I’ve officially lost all of my fucks about spoilers and it’s extremely liberating.
I’m glad that Kacchan’s arm isn’t just magically better and that he’s never going to be 100% again. and also that the doctor mentions him needing to rest his heart as well. because I did feel like there needed to be at least a few lasting consequences from him LITERALLY DYING AND UNDERGOING OPEN-HEART SURGERY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD. but I’m also glad they established that it wasn’t career-ending or anything. he’ll probably have some chronic pain and occasionally aggravate his old injuries while fighting, all of which is great for angst purposes. but it was good to see him being calmly accepting of that while also being determined to put the work in to rehab it as much as possible.
also enjoyed the doctor summing up Kacchan’s highly improbable main character resurrection and subsequent antics as basically being some wild bullshit that nobody can explain. lampshaded the shit out of it. “I don’t really understand” lol. nobody understands. in truth it’s that his secondary quirk is bending reality to his will in order to kick ass.
moving on to the main event now! so Kacchan and Izuku’s reunion was obviously the highlight of this chapter and of my life, probably. I’m not gonna sit here and pretend like it wasn’t. y’all know how it is.
what really made this scene for me was Kacchan being more upset at Izuku’s loss than Izuku himself. all those callbacks and all that guilt. that careful selection of flashback panels. the fact that Kacchan’s past bullying of the quirkless Izuku wasn’t glossed over or forgotten, and in fact is the emotional core that fuels Kacchan’s reaction here. Horikoshi didn't have to cut that deep, but he knows what he's about.
and then the crying. I need to write a lot of words about this right the fuck now. first off, having Kacchan just flat out sob while Izuku for once is the calm one (at least until All Might goes in for the emotional kill later on), is such a beautiful reversal and really shows how far they’ve come. even better is that none of it was even remotely out of character. I’m always appreciative when an author can produce top tier emotional hurt/comfort like this and have it feel earned and authentic rather than forced. well done.
also, “Na--cchan!!” fuck yeah Izuku. we’ll never let him live this down. (but also, him later trying to reconcile his forever-tough image of Kacchan with the crying, hiccupping version standing in front of him, by blaming it on Kacchan’s weakened physical state... oh, Izuku.)
also the fact that Kacchan so easily reverts to this smol crying boy even after defeating the world’s greatest evil pretty much activated every protective instinct that I have. he’s seventeen. he’s practically a man now. he’s objectively one of the strongest and toughest people in the entire world. and yet his eyes still go so wide and his face is still so young and Horikoshi still draws him so tiny and vulnerable whenever he’s like this. goddamn gets me EVERY single time. let’s be real, it’s been this way ever since the “you looked like you needed saving” scene back in the literal first chapter. just, omg. he’s still just a kid and he’s too small to contain all these feelings SOMEONE HELP HIM.
anyway so NEEDLESS TO SAY, Kacchan full on mourning in between sobs because he wanted to keep being rivals with Izuku cut me to my core. I cried too, goddammit. because in Katsuki’s mind it’s like. he wasted a dozen years of potential friendship by being a giant asshole. and they were only able to start getting things back on track less than a year ago. and that was probably the best year of both of their lives. and that rivalry meant so much to both of them. pursuing their dreams together as equals. and he wanted it to continue!! he missed out on so much, and it was his own damn fault, and now it’s all being taken away again maybe!!
and I think it’s especially devastating to Katsuki because he was trying so hard to make up for how he treated Izuku, and then this comes along and now he’s worried it was all for nothing. he’s scared that Izuku will maybe have to quit being a hero. (we know that won’t happen, obviously, but Katsuki is living this and not just reading it. he’s never met narrator!Deku and doesn’t have the benefit of all that foreshadowing and stuff.) but even more than that, I think he’s scared that it will undo all of their progress toward mending their relationship. not because Katsuki thinks any less of Izuku now, quirk or no quirk; but because of how Izuku might feel about being quirkless again, and because of the memories it might bring flooding back to the surface. I don’t think Katsuki fully believes that Izuku has forgiven him. so that’s a major fear potentially rearing its ugly head once more now.
and of course, he’s also just sad and upset on Izuku’s behalf, because he knows Izuku is sad about it too, even if he’ll never show it and will just downplay it because of his selfless nature. it’s a major loss, and one deserving of tears being shed, even if Izuku won’t shed any of his.
so yeah. it’s a lot. in Katsuki’s mind it’s the potential loss of a partner (if Izuku quits heroics), and a friend (if Izuku does cool toward Katsuki as a result of being quirkless again), and a dream (of them reaching the highest heights together), and his friend’s dream. so it makes perfect sense that all of that would overwhelm him. all of this is stuff that’s broken him down on past occasions as well.
so anyway it’s going be very cathartic when all those fears prove to be unfounded (because they better be unfounded lol). but in the meantime it’s a very moving reminder of how much he really does care and how far the both of them have come.
also Horikoshi really couldn’t resist giving Nobu one last chance to destroy everyone when this scene rolls up in the anime. that’s so reckless of him. there will be no survivors.
All Might telling both of them they’d become the greatest heroes was also the perfect chef’s kiss moment on top of everything else. we already knew it, of course. but it was good to hear him say it. and they needed him to say it. they needed and deserved to hear it.
and I really love that the qualities he specifically praised them for were the same things that each of them had struggled with the most in their respective journeys. he tells Izuku, who had such a difficult time learning how to tell the world “I am here!!”, that he inspires everyone and has become everyone’s hero. and he reminds Katsuki, who struggled with learning how to save people, and has especially struggled with his guilt over what happened to All Might at Kamino, that he saved All Might’s life and is the reason he’s able to still be there with them. both of them just really needed to hear that acknowledgement and encouragement, and it was such a powerful passing of the torch moment. All Might gets so much shit from the fandom, but he really is a phenomenal mentor when he’s in the zone, and I’ll die on that hill.
also a nice touch keeping the focus of those panels on the two boys and their reactions. even though I would have liked to see All Might’s face when he thanked them at the end, it definitely felt deliberate. this is their moment. their soft little tearful smiles afterwards punted my heart off a cliff and then picked it up and held it gently.
lastly, let it be known that I’m still convinced Katsuki has OFA (All Might vestige explanation when??), and it’s not lost on me that that would be a mighty convenient way for Izuku to potentially still go on a-quirkin’ in the end, if that’s how Horikoshi wants to play it. I'm just saying.
also before I forget, just a quick shoutout to Horikoshi for FINALLY showing all three members of the Bakufam in a scene together in which they finally managed to not be completely dysfunctional lol. my deepest darkest BnHA secret is that Mitsuki is secretly super high up on my list of favorite characters. and she was great in this chapter, and I love how she was just “WHAT THE FUCK” aghast at Katsuki using his main character powers to continuously ignore his injuries. and then she and Masaru kind of silently agreeing to step outside the room and let the boys and All Might have their moment. while still secretly listening in. because you know they were. good for them.
lastly for reals, I just want you all to remember that as great as this chapter was, the one thing that it was STILL missing which we have STILL not gotten is a HUG. we demand HUGS. I’m not leaving this manga till I get a bkdk hug goddammit. I will stay here all night if I have to.
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kkami-writes · 1 year
Black Blood  – Chapter One. cw. written in third person, other chapters will be second person unless otherwise specified wc. 1.1k (1,118)
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October 31, 2020 “Honestly, I think this is the worst idea you’ve ever had,” Hyunjin mumbles out, mostly to himself but his other members are quick to shush him and he goes back to curling himself into a ball. He wonders briefly why he was even here in the first place. 
Him, along with Jisung and Jeongin, were currently sitting in Felix’s room, surrounded by a shit ton of candles that added to the ambience but didn’t provide much light to the dark room. Hyunjin vaguely wondered where Felix had gotten his hands on this many candles, but it was the least of his worries. The two youngest were preoccupied with a ouija board that was laid on top of what he assumed was supposed to be a pentagram; their hands settled on the planchette, moving it across the board in nonsensical circles. 
It was, of course, Felix’s idea to try ‘communicating with the spirits’, seeing as it was halloween of all days and he had insisted that you were supposed to do stupid stuff like this on the spooky holiday. Everyone else had blatantly refused though, leaving just the four of them huddled on the floor. Jisung sat off to the side, a bit further than the others as he clutched a container of salt to his chest. 
‘For protection, duh,’ was his simple response when they had asked him what he brought the seasoning for. No more questions had been asked after that. 
Outside a storm raged on, rain beating loudly against the windows of the dorm, adding to the creepy atmosphere they had set for themselves. Lightning could be heard in the distance, rumbling softly. 
Hyunjin on the other hand, was just about done with his members' shenanigans. He was more than ready to call it a night and crawl into his nice warm bed that was practically calling his name. It was just about to strike midnight and nothing even remotely interesting had happened in the last ten minutes. How much longer were they gonna keep trying? 
Felix and Jeongin on the other hand were still visibly excited, the former starting to chant something in what Hyunjin supposed was to be latin, though being incredibly butchered by the deep voiced aussie. At this, he’s officially done. Hyunjin could only handle so much from them.
“You guys are crazy, I’m out,” He says with a sigh, moving to stand up and leave. 
It’s at this moment though that lightning strikes nearby, resulting in a loud echoing boom that feels like it shakes the entire dorm. All of them scream loudly, definitely waking up their neighbors (who have already filed plenty of noise complaints against the group). Jisung practically flings the salt out of his hands, effectively sprinkling it all over the carpet as he moves to cling onto Jeongin. 
The candles suddenly blow out and they’re screaming again - this time Felix launching himself into Hyunjin’s chest, the latter eagerly wrapping his arms around the lithe boy for any source of comfort. An almost eerie silence overtakes them as they sit in the darkness for a few minutes, no one daring to utter a single sound. 
“Can we be done now? I think my heart is about to give up,” It’s Jisung that breaks the silence, a slight whine to his voice as it cracks from the fear that’s stuck in his throat.
“Aw, don’t you wanna have some more fun?” A new voice pipes up, this one distinctly female and that was definitely not here before. The boys are screaming for a third time, all of them scrambling up in an attempt to get away from this intruder that sounded far too close to them. The disembodied voice laughs at their fright, the sound is light and sultry, almost borderline seductive. 
“Jeez you guys are loud. Calm down. Here, let me get the lights,” At this, all the candles flicker back to life, the boys watching with wide eyes. All four of them had ended up huddled together, pressed into the corner of the room and clinging to each other rather desperately. 
Hyunjin blinks in disbelief at the sight before him. In the middle of the room, laid on top of the makeshift pentagram and ouija board is a woman. The position she’s in is seductive, one leg fully extended and the other propped up at an angle with  a hand on her hip while the other holds her head up. Clad in black lingerie, there’s a corset wrapped around her waist that nicely accentuates her curves with a garter belt that holds up sheer thigh highs. To top everything off, her black stiletto shoes are definitely at least 3 or 4 inches and could probably kill a man. 
Hyunjin finds it rather hard to swallow down the lump in his now very dry throat. 
The thing that stands out the most are the bright red horns on top of her head, they’re slightly curved inwards and they match the eerie color of her eyes that are currently glowing and piercing through the four boys. To top everything off, she’s also got a tail, it’s pointed at the end and currently in the air, swirling around as if it was a snake hunting for its prey. 
Silence follows for a few minutes, none of the boys really know what to say, their minds coming up blank in the impossible situation before them. The girl is simply studying them closely, not bothering to move from her comfortable spot on the floor. They don’t get the chance to say anything before the door to Felix’s room is being slammed open, the other members piling in. 
“Hey, we heard you screaming? Is everything ok?” Chan asks the four boys in the corner, not even noticing the biggest problem in the middle of the room as he goes into leader mode. The other three have definitely noticed the new person in the room, who had definitely not been there before. 
“Hyung,” Minho’s nudging into Chan’s side, his eyes glued onto the half-naked girl whom his leader hasn’t even seen. 
“Oh my god what,” Chan starts as he turns towards Minho, whose gaze is somewhere else and he lets himself follow the other’s line of sight. He can’t see too well in the barely lit room so he quickly flips the light switch on.
He falters at the figure he can now clearly see, she’s still laid out on the floor, seemingly content just watching the events fold before her. But once she notices that Chan’s eyes have landed on her, she’s sending him a cheeky grin and a small wave - her sharp canines not going unnoticed by the eight. 
“Well hello there,”
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supi-wupi · 3 months
Agents (pt 1.)
[pairing] Gojo Satoru x reader
[trope] Spies and Secret Agents
[a/n] next chapter will prob be all smut
[cw] mentions of sex, alot of swearing, mentions of blood and dead body, eventual smut (very small amount), first person
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Fucking hell. What a way to start my weekend. This hotel room is annoyingly boring with white everywhere. What's even worse is the person im sharing the room with, Gojo fucking Satoru.
Hey I wouldn't call just anyone as self centred as me, but Gojo? He's a whole level of self centred. He can go on and on about himself for hours at a time if he wants, and he has. Listening to Gojo rant about his newest topic; his fucking sex life. Honestly, I feel like shooting a bullet in his head, and then mine, but that would cause a commotion.
“Its been really boring lately, with all these missions and stuff. I barely have time to let my sex frustrations out” Gojo blabbers as he swings his legs onto the bed, placing his arms behind his head and leaning to the headboard.
“Way to much fucking info Gojo, I don’t need to know shit about your sex life. Who the fuck rants about how they get no pussy to a co-worker?”
“Awe, but thats no fun now is it?” Gojo says as a smirk paints his face.
“Whatever, talk about anything else BUT your fucking sex life Okashi.“
“Fine then Kitsune, honestly a low blow when you call me by code name” He says… pouting?
“I literally have to call you by code name during missions, and right now? I think we are on a mission.” I shoot back with a glare before turning away and glancing at the tablet with all necessary info.
Kawata Yasushi
Male, 28 years old, has no family, works at a store in Tokyo, and most importantly, owes a fuck ton of money.
“We should get leaving, his shift ends in 10.” I say turning to Gojo, whos already getting up and grabbing his gear. I turn back to the tablet for one last checkover before turning it off and grabbing my own gear. The mental checklist in my mind ticking off items one by one as I scan items on my body and the messenger bag i carry at all times, carrying first aid equipment and the tablet.
“Let head out!” Gojo says as he grabs a soda from the mini fridge and chugging it as we head down the hallway, the destination an alleyway.
As we head out the building thought the back entrance, we slip on our face masks and fix up our disguises. My wig kinda itches but it should hold for a few hours anyway. My outfit is a casual baggy shirt with cargo pants, my messenger bag finishing off the natural look. Gojo looks kinda funky, his wig looks natural but it doesn’t suit him. His clothes consist of a button up shirt and long pants, it looks good on him, although I’d never say that out loud. 
The alleyway is the one our target goes to smoke after every shift he takes, honestly he might die from lung cancer before we even reach him at the fucking speed we are walking. Whatever, his smoke breaks are like 30 minutes consisting of smoking exactly 6 cigarettes each time. 
This mission is simple, I don’t know why theres two of us on this one. It’s just a hit and hide job, easy money. The plan tho? Its me baiting this fucker to let me join him for a smoke, and when hes distracted by me, Gojo has to slice his throat while placing a rag over his mouth. This is really the go to plan we have whenever we are assigned a hit and kill mission together. This should be over in around 30 minutes.
As we are at the last turn to the alley way, I motion Gojo to stop walking while I continue to walk, turning the corner into the alley. Bingo. As soon as I turn the corner, I spot him smoking in the corner, on his second cig. I stride on over to him, ensuring to act as drunk as possible. Once I reach a reasonable distance from him, I stare at him for a while. He looks so confused, but after a few seconds he looks me over.
“Mind if i smoke with you as I sober up?” I say in my most promising drunk voice.
“Uh, yeah no worries.” He replies as he pulls out a box of cigarettes and motions it towards me. I grab one out and he pushes the box back into his jacket and pulling out a lighter as replacement. As he lights my cigarette for me, Gojo silently come up behind him and covers his mouth with a rag, pushing the cig he just had between his lips down his throat. The knife comes next as his body slowly becomes unconscious, slitting his throat enough to puncture the artery. I produce another rag from my bag to place over the cut so blood doesn’t go everywhere or anywhere as evidence.
“Your cleaning up this time, Okashi.” I say quickly before he drags me in duties I hate doing.
“Whatever, why can’t i just dump it in that trash bin right there?”
“Because thats the most obvious place police will look at?”
“Blah blah blah”
As soon as we got back to the hotel room I can say I collapsed into the bed. Wait a fucking second. Theres only one fucking bed. Fuck me. Fucking hell!
“Hey get off the bed, your dirty!” Gojo shouted at me before heading to the bathroom, probably to shower. I groan I sit up, and go to sit on the chair at the desk. 
“You better not take long you fuck!” I shout back at him, sinking into the chair.
Around 2 minutes later, I swear to fuck I hear moaning and groaning from the bathroom. What the fuck? Why does he… sound kinda hot. Wait what am I thinking, I can’t possibly; another moan goes through the door, and straight to my pussy. Oh. my. fucking. god. After sitting there for another minute of Gojo’s hot moaning, I don’t think I can help the way I slide my pants off to desperately rub my clit for any simulation.
I don’t think I heard the shower getting turned off and the door opening because I am way to fucking close to my orgasm to stop myself.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I hear Gojo cooing.
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I will make another part on this soon ;p
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I Forget Where We Were
1.6k/joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Ten: All Is Now Harmed
My fear in lights, all I said comes home. I can’t do this alone. 
what to expect: the steps towards the next stage of life. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, kitten antics, house renovations and surprises
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The week passed in the blink of an eye, with great news at work that you were given a payrise and a shining personal review.
It was tradition that you and Laura had a Friday night cocktail to unwind after the week. She was brighter and happier this week, and Tommy was treating her beautifully, just like she deserved. You had told her your apartment had sold. You had a cash buyer, meaning you completed within the week and now had a lump sum in your account. 
‘Drinks are on you then?’ Laura laughed, ‘first a pay rise and now enough to buy a few birkins with change’
‘Girl don’t even start, I’ll be poor by next week if you tempt me. No birkins just yet, one day though I promise.’ you tapped your cocktail glasses together and offered to drop Laura home. She said Tommy was picking her up for date night.
‘Cute, you guys make me sick’ you cuddled Laura good bye and said she can pop by tomorrow at yours to help you sort your apartment out ready to move in with Joel.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You picked up your usual wine and pizza, some groceries for the weekend and a bunch of peonies to bring home. 
Tommy walked out the front door, covered in sawdust and sweating.
‘Don’t ask’ he said. 
‘Laura’s waiting for you’ he looked like he had seen a ghost and sprinted like road runner to his van. 
The hall was littered with tools, timber and Ikea boxes. 
‘I’m home baby’ you called. Nova came running through the hall, her collar jingling through. You picked her up and held her as you both searched for Joel. 
‘Damn cat has been climbing my sunflowers’ Joel sipped his beer and pointed a finger accusingly at Nova.
You fake gasped and covered her ears. ‘Watch your tone around the baby. What’s going on in the hallway?’
Joel rolled his eyes and carried on keeping busy round the garden. ‘Couldn’t keep building material’s at the client’s house’
‘Where’s Sarah?’ You shouted, as he turned his back and carried on walking.
‘At a friend’s, sleeping over. Birthday party tomorrow.’
You hummed and went back inside with Nova. 
Dinner was cooking and you caught up on your shows, with the kitten snuggled up on your lap.
Joel came in and sat in the armchair opposite you. 
‘There’s room for a little one.’
‘I’m hot. Been working all damn day and just had to tidy the garden’ Joel huffed.
‘Well you didn’t have to tidy the garden, it could’ve waited for tomorrow’ you tried to reason with Joel and his woe is me situation.
He didn’t respond. 
‘The money came in from the buyer’s today. I was thinking we’ll get some bits done and could book a little holiday, us 3. Tommy and Laura too?’ You picked up Nova, still catching z’s, and went and sat on Joel’s lap.
‘I’d love that baby. I’m exhausted, we need a break’ Joel rested his head on your shoulder.
‘I know baby. Thank you for everything you’ve done’ you cuddled him close.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
It was bed time, and you were both showered and snuggled up watching Desperate Housewives. 
‘Laura is meeting me back at the apartment for 11am tomorrow. Got a shit ton of stuff to do’ Nova was nestled between you& Joel. 
‘Sounds good baby. Me& Tommy have some bits to do, but we’ll bring some drink and get stuff done’ Joel looked at you over the rim of the glasses that sat on his nose.
‘I look forward to it.’ You removed his glasses and got up to put Nova in her cat bed. She now has one in every room. You pulled the duvet off Joel. ‘Now get naked, Mr Miller’
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
It wasn’t clear why Tommy and Joel were like this, but you were woken up at 6:30am by the sound of power tools and country music.
‘What the fuck is going on?’ Nova was sat at the foot of the bed, with a head tilt and a baby meow.
You called Joel on the phone, knowing you wouldn’t be heard if you shouted.
‘Sorry baby, we’re just organising the loft. Won’t be long. Coffee would be nice’ Joel sounded as if he had just run a marathon.
‘Sure coffee would be nice, god damn asshole’ you muttered to yourself ‘ so would being able to sleep in til 8.’
You went downstairs and made breakfast for the boys and left some coffee on the landing for them.
You were still in a sleepy daze, you failed to notice the hallway had been emptied of building materials.
Tommy bounded downstairs and swung round the banister launching himself into the kitchen. Joel followed quickly behind, slurping his coffee. They were both happy and chirpy, until they saw you sat in the garden in the patio chair listening to Lana Del Rey with eyes shut.
‘Shit, that’s her man-hating music’ Joel whispered.
‘Boy I’m out of here then. I’ve already pissed one chick off by waking her up to leave early this morning, I’m not facing the wrath of your one too’ Tommy ate his bacon sandwich and got ready to leave.
‘Thank you brother. I appreciate you’ Joel hugged his brother and smacked him on the back.
‘She’ll love it. See you lunchtime at the old house. Bring your marigolds’ Tommy left and Joel approached you in the garden.
‘Baby?’ Joel was terrified. If he knew one thing, it was do not wake a sleeping girlfriend.
‘How can I help?’ You sighed.
‘I love you’ Joel knew laying it on thick would melt you.
‘Asshole’ you sat on his lap, and Joel stroked your thigh under your robe and played with the hem of your night dress.
‘Let’s go, Mr Miller.’
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Your workout was finished, and you and Joel showered and headed back to yours. Laura and Tommy were parked up waiting for you.
‘Can you guys go pick up some trash bags and moving boxes?’ The boys nodded as though ready for a military operation. 
‘Let’s get started.’
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
It was now 4pm, and all your stuff had either been packed up, taking to charity, or put on eBay. 
‘Dinner?’ you were all exhausted, and food was a welcomed idea from Tommy.
You headed down to the local grill and had dinner and drinks before getting home. 
The movers were coming tomorrow, so Tommy agreed to have Sarah overnight so you and Joel could sort things out tomorrow.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
When you got home, you got a glass of wine for you& Joel and ran him a bath. He was now converted since joining you that night.
You were sat on the sofa half watching a film and half internet shopping.
‘Don’t spend it all at once’ Joel crept up behind you and held your shoulders to make you jump.
‘Bastard,you’re not getting anything now’
‘Can I show you something?’ Joel grabbed your hand and lead you to the stairs up to the third floor. This was Joel’s loft, but he said it was just storage and not worth seeing.
He uncovered your eyes and revealed the renovation him and Tommy had been working on.
A bespoke closet, work from home space and dressing room ready for you to move you stuff into.
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
‘Well I feel incredibly guilty for moaning at you both this morning’ you laughed through a sniffle and Joel wiped your tears of joy, ‘Thank you, baby.’
‘I’m so grateful to have you here. I love you more than life, and you deserve it’ Joel squeezed you tight.
‘I can’t wait for the rest of my life with you.’
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The next morning, you had to head back to the apartment and let the movers in. Thankfully, you didn’t have to bring any furniture except the sofa, as Joel had decided they were prettier and comfier than his, and you just had a few boxes of bits and pieces, plus your all of your clothes.
‘I’m on my way back baby, movers finished all smoothly’ you called Joel through your car speaker.
‘Okay darling, just picking Sarah up and then will see you at home.’
Sarah and Joel pulled up home at the same time as you& the mover’s. Sarah couldn’t believe the surprise of a kitten and her new bestfriend moving in within the same week.
‘This will take about an hour, do you want to help me decorate the loft?’ Sarah saw the opportunity to raid your wardrobe and ran with it. 
Joel went and got you both a drink and some snacks whilst he sat and watched you both put the last of your clothes in the wardrobe, and put your candles around the room.
‘Well doesn’t this look beautiful? Who’d have thought we’d make yourself so girly?’ you high fived Sarah and cuddle Joel.
‘Thank you for doing this for me. I love you both so much. I feel blessed to live my life with the Millers’ Nova ran up the stairs and joined the family meeting.
‘All that’s left to do is give you a new surname, can’t have the cat as a Miller and not you officially’ Joel winked.
Now you had an an engagement to think about, as if you couldn’t be any more spoiled.
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suffarustuffaru · 5 months
What's your thoughts on Wish Upon a Sin by HoboWizard
like all the other times people have asked me for my opinions on fics, im gonna link the author/fic and explain the fic’s plot really quick - so the link to hobowizard's ao3 profile is here if youre interested in reading his stuff!!
so wish upon a sin, for those who dont know, is a fic where every time subaru dies, he goes back in time (like canon, yes) only - his save point never updates. it's stuck at when he first got isekaied into the fantasy world, meaning that every time he dies he loses a Shit Ton Of Progress. which is an Extremely fascinating plot and hobowizard is one of if not the most qualified writer for an idea That Ambitious HAH.
and that being said. i really really recommend reading hobo's fics in general for sure. ive read the first couple chapters for wish upon a sin Ages ago and 1. i dont have much time for everything anymore rip :< and 2. i struggle with focusing on things sometimes so i often dont read or finish longfics, so thats just the case for me with wish upon a sin and hobo's other longfic (so maybe im not 100% the target audience), but yes ive read the first couple chapters for each of those longfics a while back!! and i cannot recommend them enough.
wish upon a sin is absolutely gonna be the fic for you if you want a Very long fic thats plotty and centered around subaru that Really explores all the different avenues he can take - like this fic has a very strong premise and then explores it to the Absolute fullest!! i cannot praise it enough hah. its really good!!! and ill always be impressed with hobo's work.
i think my only real criticism (and like all the criticism i give for fics i mean it very Lightly, and also hobo's work is really good already so HAH) is that hobo's biggest strength is plot. he's really really good at complex plot and writing very plotty fics!! but there were a few times in the first chapters of wish upon a sin where i personally wished that the story got to slow down a bit and explore subaru's feelings more in depth. its touched on over and over in the story of course, which is great!! but for my own personal taste i couldnt Feel the full emotional impact bc the plot had to keep moving and moving, if that makes sense? :o and this is a pretty small criticism imo too haaah bc hobo's grammar, writing style, plot beats, general characterization, etc are all very solid. and im sure that, as with a lot of long fics, hobo's writing improves even more with every chapter of wish upon a sin so <3 and i can definitely attest to that given hobo's recent fic!!
anyway i know this ask is mainly about wish upon a sin but id like to also shoutout hobo's recent fic, which is a collab with rajvir - people who've been Around on rezero ao3 mightve seen rajvir a bit (he's commented on several fics in the past!) but yeah their fic return of the lion king is a long fic centered on the fourier, felix, crusch trio. which is a rarity in terms of english fic!! its also been updating pretty regularly so if youve liked hobo's work before and you find this fic interesting id recommend checking that out too :o theres soo so many characters in rezero and id love to keep seeing more in depth fic for more of the cast, so this fic is great to see!! :o
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ghostly-wisp · 2 years
Chapter 5 
chapter 4 | chapter 6 | series masterlist | page masterlist
warnings — strong language
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The weekend didn't give Pedro nearly enough time to process what happened—however, life moves on. He can't not show up to work because of romance troubles amongst staff, though he certainly thought about it.
Pedro wonders if seeing you would bring up any emotions; he hopes not but knows that realistically they will. He had a panic attack in your classroom because he told you he's scared to have a crush on you—that's not something you get over in just two days. He figures he just has to avoid your gaze and stay in his room while you're in the hallway; it's not like he wasn't doing that anyway.
He hopes you try talking to him, though. He's curious to know if your relationship was on the mend, or if he lost you. He hopes he didn't, but he understands if he did. 
He's walking down the quiet, empty hallways of the school. He loves when the school is like this—empty, and quiet, with no students, and most of the staff isn't there. It feels nice not having to keep a smile on his face and act like all is fine for once. Even if it's for a short period of time. Shorter than he had hoped because he heard his name being called from down the hall. He lets himself get his hopes up, that it's you, and the two of you would walk to your respective classrooms like nothing ever happened. Though nothing in life is that simple, and when he turns, he sees Jenny rushing to catch up with him. He forces a smile, “Hi, Jen. He says once she caught up, you feelin' okay?”
She pants, “Yeah,” she stands normally in front of him. “How are you? I heard that there's some…problems–” she's not sure how to word it, and Pedro doesn't want to talk about it in the middle of the hallway. “I'm fine.” he says, “No problems.” Honestly the fact that it was going around the school already – like you and Pedro were some sort of object to be observed by everyone else, and for her to confront him about it in the middle of the hall. He thinks back to something you told him when you first met – sometimes we’re no better than the students – Jenny hums, “That's good, I’m glad.” She fixes her bag over her shoulder before she speaks again. “Can I ask you a favor? I have a shit ton of art supplies in my car that I need to get into my classroom. It would take me so long if I do it alone, could you help me out?” He hesitates, but he thinks that perhaps he judges Jenny too soon. “Sure,” he says, “Let me put my stuff in my room and I’ll be right back down.” 
That was only the beginning. 
Pedro found himself in situations more often with Jenny around, she would come to his room for lunch, they could talk comfortably about problems. Jenny is very nice – but she's not you. He can’t get past that, no matter how hard she tries. The two of them hang out after school sometimes and she always sits herself just a hair too close to him, he never says anything. He just silently allows it, because he thinks that maybe this is the way to get over you. He thinks that if he moves on that all his problems will wash away. Maybe you don’t even notice what's going on.
You definitely notice, though. 
The way Jennys hand lingers on his arm for too long, the way he goes quiet when you enter the room. You see her going into his room every day during lunch and leaving just before the students come back, you’re not stupid. She’s liked him from the very beginning, and you’re out of the picture. It was only a matter of time before this happened, still, it hurt like hell. 
He was never yours, you were never his – but still, you liked to think about what could’ve been, maybe you were too harsh, or things were moving too fast. What's stopping you from being friends with him? He was still so valuable to you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to walk across the hall to see him. Even if you did, you knew Jenny would be there, and you really didn’t want to see her. 
You had no reason to be mad at her in this situation, really, she saw an opportunity and she took it. You would’ve done the same thing if the roles were reversed. He was just a stupid guy that you were getting worked up about, like some teenager who watched her crush get with someone else. Still, you wonder if he even thinks about you anymore, if he wonders how you are, if even for a moment he thinks about coming into your classroom too. Sam notices you staring in the direction of his classroom for a second too long, and snaps their fingers to bring your attention back. “Y/N!”
“Sorry,” you say, turning your chair to face them again. “What were you talking about?” Sam only gives you a blank face, putting their lunch down on the end of your desk. “Y/N, you have to get over him.” They say it like it's so simple, and this, admittedly, annoys you just a little. “It's not that simple, it's like if I told you to get over Jae.” 
“It is absolutely not the same thing!”
“Jae and I have been married. For three years!”
You scowl, they have a point there, but still, you put the rest of the food in your mini fridge. You decide to take the rest of the conversation back to Pedro. “It's just hard, you know, I’m not just losing the guy I had a crush on, I’m losing a friend.” To that, Sam feels for you. You had been there when Sam was going through their men, too, they know how it feels. “I know,” they say quietly. “But you know, maybe this is for the best. He’s a bundle of hurt, a package you don’t need right now.” Still, you can’t help but think about what could’ve been. 
It could’ve been you, Pedro, and Sam. Laughing and making stupid jokes. It could’ve been you and Pedro hanging out at his apartment watching stupid movies, talking about your day, students. 
It’s not that you don’t value your time with Sam, you love them dearly. It's just that, you missed that extra presence, you missed the new person in your circle. Now you don’t have that, and you know the other teachers know what happened. Because they give you this sympathetic look when they ask how you are, and they suck their breath in whenever Pedro’s nearby. For teachers, they’re not very discreet people. They treat you now like even saying his name will cause you to burst, you hate it. You just want things back to normal, sometimes you wished that Pedro never came here. It would be easier if he just never moved into your district, never into the classroom across from you. Life would be easier if he just asked someone else for help on printing things, it wouldn’t be as fun though. Maybe it's your age, if you're older this could’ve worked. Or like Pedro said, if you met sooner. 
“Still.” you say in response to Sam, “It hurts, but I’ll get over it you just have to give me time.”
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Jenny invites Pedro over on friday night, and he accepts the offer, it beats sitting in his apartment alone. They don’t do much, or talk about a lot, they just sit and watch Young Sheldon – which wouldn’t be his first choice, but it was the only thing that was on that they could agree on. 
She’s almost on top of him, their legs touching, and she's leaning awfully close to him. Still, he doesn’t say anything, he places his arms across the top of the couch – almost welcoming it in. When it cuts to commercial, she finally speaks. “I would hate to have a student like him.” Pedro raises his eyebrows, “Really? I think it would be interesting, hearing what he has to say. I guess he is condescending, though.” he replies, “I don’t necessarily want to say I would hate to have a student that acts a certain way, he clearly doesn’t see how he's hurting their feelings.” She shrugs, slowly pushing herself away from him to get up. “Still. I would’ve gotten so frustrated.” 
“Well,” he smiles, to show that he teases. “Good thing you’re an art teacher. I would be screwed. Science n’ all.” Jenny nods, “I guess so.. I’m going to get a glass of water, do you want any?” 
He shakes his head, “I’m good.” and when she disappears into the kitchen – he can’t help but glance around. He notices a few things, a coloring book on her glass coffee table, a stack of student artwork that he assumes is to-be-graded, and lastly, a staff photo that was taken just a year before he started working at the school.
He gently picks it up, looking around at the familiar faces. But his eyes are drawn to you. 
You're smiling widely, you and Sam have your arms around each other, the top you’re wearing looks nice on you, and he knows he's seen it on you a couple times. His heart pangs a bit, he misses you. No matter how much time he spends here, he can't deny that. He notices the dip in the couch from Jenny placing herself next to him, just as close as before. “I look so stupid in that photo,” she laughs, assuming that he was looking at her. He quickly scans for her to avoid making this awkward. Jenny sticks out like a sore thumb, she's in the front of the stand and she wasn’t ready for the photo because she was barely in her spot. “I was the one taking the photo, so I had to rush into the spot.” 
He hums, “You look fine.” 
Just fine she thinks, but she’ll take it. “So, I heard Y/N and Sam talking today, they were talking about you a lot.” This gets his attention, a lot more than what she had hoped for when she brought up the conversation. She hates the hold you still have him, she just wishes you could fucking let go already. He doesn’t say anything, so she continues. “Sam was tellin’ her that she needs to get over you, that you’re not worth all this time.”
That alone fills Pedro’s heart with this excitement, this sense of hope that he needed – but he's careful not to show it. He sucks in a breath, putting the photo down, he feels her hand slowly slide up his hand. This is the first time she actually physically touched him. He tenses at the touch, not expecting it. “If you ask me, she ought to let this go at some point. You know, she can be such a bitch. I mean she made you feel like shit and now she wants to act like–”
He isn’t sure what it is, but he feels an anger bubble inside him, and he whips around, lightly smacking her hand off of him. “Don’t you fucking talk about her like that.” he didn’t realize he raised his voice, his nostrils flare and he glares at her. This surprises her, her jaw is slack and her eyebrows raise slightly. Normally, Pedro would apologize for raising his voice in such a manner, but he doesn’t. “She didn’t hurt you. You have no fuckin’ right to talk about her like that.”
You’re in your apartment, you've got your headphones in listening to You’re On Your Own, Kid, by Taylor Swift. Cleaning up around your kitchen. Your music goes quiet in your headphones, and you notice an incoming call from Pedro. You pause, you even feel your body freeze unsure what to do. If Sam were here, they would advise you not to answer it, but then you think – what if it’s an emergency? If it's an emergency – why doesn’t he just call Jenny?
The pair stare at each other for a moment, and suddenly he stands. She doesn’t protest him, her eyes just follow his movements as he frantically looks for and grabs his coat, throwing it on. “Thank you for your hospitality,” he says quietly, “but I think I should get going now.”
But then your heart pangs, if he isn’t calling Jenny, maybe it's because he thought of you first. You disconnect your headphones and slide the green button. 
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w2beastars · 1 year
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 21
Beast Complex is back, bitches!
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Don’t get me wrong, I adore Paru’s other stuff like “Drip Drip” or “Sanda.” In fact, get the fuck outa here till you read “Drip Drip” and “Sanda”!
But I think the strange, twisted yet wonderful world of Beastars still have plenty to offer. Even more so in the Beast Complex series that is a terrific collection of short stories not necessarily directly connected to Legosi. A collection that has just been expanded with two spanking new short stories, the first being “The Zebra and the White Tiger.”
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The protagonist of this chapter is Mika, a young adult zebra who is trying to find the zebra of her dreams over a dating app. It is not going well as she has been meeting a few males who are douchebags.
... I know I use the word a lot, but I adore the word douchebag.
Mika is about to give up after having used the dating app for half a year. She tries one more time after having had chats with this one dude named Atari who seems nice enough.
so, she agree to meet Atari in real life. There is just a tiny problem...
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A white tiger BTW.
Mika is obviously pretty freaked out. More importantly, she is royally pissed off. We get this panel that is fricking brilliant:
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I thing it is a topnotch detail that the text with her angry and disappointed thought is plastered across his face as she does not see another animal, she sees a god damn fraud. Oh, and cat-fished... XD
Mika storms off in furry fury as this was the last straw, this was the one disappointment that broke the camel’s back for her. Atari follows her and tries to say that he didn’t lie when he told her he had white and black stripes but that he never said to her he was a zebra. Mika points out that Atari is full of shit since even if he didn’t text it to her, he is still registered as a zebra on the dating app.
Atari then makes a valid point.
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Yeah, Mika is a fraud as well. Her profile picture is not exactly accurate as she tries too hard to seem cuter than she actually is to make males on the app interested in her.
Mika feels embarrassed as this is the first time she is called out for it and she realize that it is probably the reason she has dated nothing but boring asshats for half a year. If you use a superficial photo you most likely get superficial dates.
Atari claims that there is nothing odd about the two of them lying since almost everyone lies a little on dating apps to try and get in touch with others. And he actually says he prefer the way Mika actually looks.
Mika calms down but she is still annoyed by the situation and rightfully points out that what Atari did is a classic predator tactic. You know, lure a herbivore by claiming to be the same species on a dating app and then eat her. Atari has no response to that since he shamefully realize she is right.
But she decides to try dating him anyways. I mean, I can get that, look at that face:
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He is a fricking cutie! Big himbo energy!
... sorry.
The date actually goes surprisingly well. The ball gets rolling when a regular tiger pass them by and calls Atari a “bar-code”, a common nickname among tigers when they see a white tiger which is pretty rare. Atari explains that he tried dating a normal tiger without success, that she only took black and white photos of them together since she thought it was embarrassing to date an albino.
Mika laughs as she jokes that she saves a ton of money on photos since they are almost all black and white. Feeling sympathy for Atari and seeing that there was no malicious intentions for him to date a zebra, she decides to offer him a handshake.
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We get some more Beastverse lore since there is an urban legend among animals with patterns that if two animals with the same type of pattern touch that their stripes or spots will merge together if they are soulmates. For a brief second, Atari feels like that’s what happens... and then he calls himself stupid since he is not a teenager.
Mika must have felt something as well as she incites him to a zebra dance club. She argues that he might enjoy it since everyone else there are black and white as well so he won’t feel like an outsider.
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Honestly, it look like fun. and it also makes sense since real life zebras prefer to be in herds which is kind of what this zebra dance club is.
Atari is a bit startled... but he quickly realize something that separates him from the zebras and therefor also separates him from Mika.
As they join the dance, Mika accidentally loses her grip on Atari’s hand and can therefor not see him in the crowd as she sees nothing but a whole lot of black and white.
And that’s where Atari realize that Mika’s stripes are for protection, to blend into her herd. But Atari’s tiger stripes?
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Don’t worry, nothing violent happens. But Atari is startled by his hunting instinct kicking in. Heck, he realize that not telling Mika on the dating app that he was not a zebra was basically the same as a tiger hiding in the grass, waiting for his prey to come out when she felt safe.
But once again, as it usually is in Beastars and Beast Complex, honesty is what creates a true connection.
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That is so cute is a messed up way, but what else is new? :P
Despite Atari’s disappointment over not finding someone he has common ground with, Mika still tells him that they can make it work, playfully telling him to use his stripes to track her down.
I really liked this chapter, but out of the twenty-two chapters of BC it felt like it had the weakest ending. But keep in mind that since almost all the chapters are brilliant then there is absolutely no shame in being second best compared to so many first-class mangas.
Next time, snake and rat talking about their weird cucumbers :P
I’m Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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It's Always Supernatural in Philadelphia (chapter 1/? WIP)
[Perhaps the dumbest project I've ever started. This idea has infested my head for over a decade. A couple years ago, I posted a pic of the cold open but recently decided to pick it back up. At about 1400 words, this is far more a proof of concept than anything. I've never written/read a fanfic. I know I need to look into posting this on a site more formatted for this stuff. I'll be mapping out the story soon so posted chapters can have some consistency. Should edit this chapter a bit too. I also haven't watched either of these shows in a long time. The story ostensibly takes place in 2016 but what's happening in either canon continuity at the time? I've no clue. AU, I guess.]
11 AM.
October 28th, 2016.
On a Friday.
Dennis made small talk while finding a clean glass.
“You guys from around here?”
“Nah. Passing through.”
“Don’t get a lot of suits in here. Don’t mind me askin’, what’s your business, fellas?”
Sam cleared his throat. “We’re, uh... P.I’s.”
“Any interesting pic-”
With a clatter, Charlie stumbles to the counter. “Dennis. It’s not dying. I keep whacking and-”
Shushing, “Did you use the spiked bat?”
Offendedly stammering, “Of course! Never seen a rat like this. And you know I’ve seen a lot-”
“Like what?” Dean interjected.
“Oh, hey guys. Green.”
The Gang Hunts El Chupacabra
Chapter 1
Charlie leads Dean toward the basement door.
“Okay, I guess it’s fair to warn you, seeing as how you’re a guest and all-”
“Warn me of what?”
“I have a shit-ton of crows down here. So, like. Please don’t spook them?” Charlie opens the door and leads the way down the stairs. “Ya know they’re more afraid of you than you are of them. Also, like, crows are super smart. I once saw one smoke a cigarette.”
“Cool. Now show me that rat.”
Blood pools in a spot a bit over a foot in diameter a couple steps away from the bottom of the stairs. Charlie is chuckling to himself repeating, “That rat, that rat, that rat” under his breath.
Dean crouches down with a flashlight to examine the blood then does a 360 checking for escape routes under pallets and cabinets. No tracks. He lightly dips his finger into the blood as he catches Charlie doing the same. “So you’re say-”
“Did you taste the blood?”
“Nah, man. I’m just... Chewing my nails. Protein.” He stands up and puts his hands in his jacket pockets.
“This was a rat but not a rat?”
“Ima level with you,” Barely keeping his balance, Charlie hunches down and continues in a hush, “I’ve seen a lot of rats. A lot of rats in my day. But this was something else. Actually,” he claps his hands once and the crows squawk in a frenzy, “can I interest you in some Crow-Nog?”
Upstairs, Sam is trying to get his laptop working. He’s looking under each booth for a socket with power. The only one is being used by a couple charging their phones.
“Hey, do you guys mind if I borrow your socket for a minute? I can charge your phones on my laptop.” The young couple look across at each other waiting for the other to say something. “Alright. Um. Sir? If you wouldn’t mind swapping sides. Your lovely date would appreciate it, I’m sure.”
The young man gets up. “I’ll go order us a couple more drinks.”
“I’m okay,” Sams blurts before realizing his social faux pas. He makes eye contact with the woman and she smiles. He taps his fingers nervously and his eyes look to the table.
“Actually. I think the two of us are leaving. Come on.” The non-descript couple leaves with one rushing the other.
Dennis, watching the situation unfold, stands at the table. “Did you- was that intentional?”
“I’m sorry...”
“I’m sorry, Dennis, but I need to get to work.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead.” Dennis lingers a couple seconds longer than Sam would like but goes back behind the bar. As he does, Dean and Charlie emerge from the basement. Dean’s eyes quickly meet Sam’s and he slides into the booth.
Sam exhales, half annoyed he’s being interrupted again, half in preparation for what Dean is gonna reveal. “So what happened?”
“I think we’re on the right track. Freddy Got Fingered over there told me he has seen weird things around here. He tried to get me to drink something called Crow-Nog but there’s other witnesses.”
“Other witnesses? Friends with that guy?” Sam points to Charlie trying to open a bottle of super glue with his mouth.
“Yeah, why?” Dean returns assuredly. “Anything good in there?”
“Well, nothing to report as of yet.  I don’t know if this place even has internet.”
“Did you ask your friend over there?” Dennis is failing to look natural as he wipes and re-wipes the bar top.
“I’ll ask mine when you ask yours.” Charlie is trying to open a bottle of nail polish remover with his glued shut jaw.
“Fair enough. Didn’t we order drinks already?”
“Yeah. I’m going to let mine go. I wouldn’t drink anything here even if it was out of a bottle.”
“What do you mean? Alcohol kills all the germs.” Dean smirks. “Yo! Two beers. Your worst and your best.”
With a thumbs up, “You got it.” Dennis turns to the taps and rambles to himself unsure of how to fulfill the request. In one pint glass, he pours a pungent lager. He once read that good lager smells like rotten egg so, even if it is spoiled, he has the plausible deniability of it being fancy. “Charlie.”
Charlie is already right behind him, wiping nail polish remover from his lips in embarrassment.
“I’m not even going to ask. Charlie, what’s the best beer here?”
“Crow-Nog, duh, Dennis.”
“I’m not!” Hushing himself, “I’m not giving anybody your bird moonshine, okay?”
“Then whatever is in that third tap. I’ve been,” his eyes dart back and forth, “metaphorically sucking the spout.”
Another pint glass is grabbed and filled with a brick red tinted liquid. “This better be beer.” Dennis places the two glasses on the table. The lager in front of Dean. Charlie’s pick spilling over onto Sam’s laptop.
“They’re both for me, buddy.” The lager is already half-drank before the final syllable escapes.
“Sorry about my janitor over there. He can get a wee excited for guests.” They all look at Charlie as he licks a nail polish brush. “Let’s ignore him. So what are you guys working on?”
“Mr. Reynolds,” his empty pint is scooted towards the wall as he lowers his voice, “have you seen anything out of the ordinary around here.”
“Out of the ordinary,” a million flashbacks, “around here?”
“Yeah. You know. Strange. Unnatural.”
Ready to follow their monsters-are-real scripts, Sam and Dean both focus on Dennis
“Did Charlie put you up to this?” Dennis gulps and flatly repeats, “Did Charlie put you up to this, huh?” He chuckles, puts his hands on his waist, and looks at the ground before looking through Dean. “Wow. Okay guys. How about you finish your drinks and,” he clicks his tongue, “hit the old dusty trail.”
“We’re being serious.”
“So am I. It was nice, guys.” Walking away, Dennis scolds Charlie for eating nail polish. As Dean begins to drink the mystery drink, “And quit putting your whole mouth on the beer taps. I’m not going to tell you again.”
Deans spits out his drink and Sam laughs. “Let’s get out of here, Sammy.”
Mac holds the door as the brothers exit. He lets them by, straightens his posture, and sizes them up.
“Who were those guys?”
“Assholes,” replied Dennis.
“I thought they were kinda cool. Didn’t wanna try my nog but that’s okay. Can’t all be winners.”
“Dude, we need to move the nog.”
“Man, I know. Those guys were cool too. They were also super packing.”
Mac’s eyes widened. “No shit?”
“Definitely. The shorter guy,” he whistles, “was in the basement with me.”
“And what. He had ‘I’m packing’ energy, dude!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Dennis interrupts, pouring a red beer for Mac to get him to sit down, “Maybe that guy you talked with. Tall guy, nah. Don’t buy it.”
“I do. I buy it, Charlie. I was checking those- I was,” Mac takes a quick sip, “ assessing those guys. Tall guy. I bet he’s packing. I mean, did you see his hands?”
“Oh yeah. I was glad he stayed up here with Dennis.”
“Why were you in the basement together? Is it about the crows?”
“The murder?”
“The what?!” Almost spilling his drink, Mac stumbles to his feet. “I actually. I just remembered a thing. I gotta go.” Mac leaves the bar.
“You gonna finish that?”
“Mac’s beer that is infested with whatever diseases hide in your saliva glands?”
“Take it.”
Charlie pulls a plastic mini-bottle out of his jacket and pours the white substance into the beer. “I’ll be in the basement. Call me up if Frank comes by, yeah?”
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fujobritta · 3 months
okok because @constable-rohza asked . some stuff about my mq au (that goes with this fic !)
little note about making the au: because i know nothing about the california school system or just how school works in the united states in general i spent a while just very vaguely asking people i know in the us about how shit works there (i will never understand why elementary is 5 years and then middle is 3 and then high is 4 ??? here we have elementary for 6 and then junior high for 3 and then senior high for 3 . it makes so much more sense to me . anyways) like . why the fuck do freshman/sophomore/junior/senior exist . its just so insane . but i could talk about how much i hate america for days on end this is supposed about my au .
i write like most of the fic that goes with this au in class on folded sheets of a4 paper so heres some additional paraphrased notes that i found on those as well as some little fun facts ive been turning around in my head:
there this weird little timeline thing i spent like 30 minutes losing my mind over (i was incredibly tired and had nothing in my system but an adhd pill and a glass of milk and nothing was making sense to me) anyhow in that flashback at the start of the fic, as mentioned in the a/n at the end of the chapter, brad is 27 and david is 30 and they're sort-of-friends (brad doesn't want to call them friends but they are). jo at this time is 6 years old and david's ex-girlfriend kinda just stuck the kid with her . i had a bunch of backstory behind that but then i realized that i was probably never going to get into that so i just scrapped it . but it was the whole "you knocked me up before we broke up now i'm forcing you to take care of this kid because i don't give a shit anymore" thing and david is a pushover so he just took it . about 9 years later and like a month into the new school year, brad gets arrested . jo is 15 at this time, has to start school . he gets out on parole around two months before the school year ends .
jo's homeschooling wasn't really homeschooling, brad would just give her schoolwork with instructions and some teenager would sit there and babysit every day until brad got home early (made an arrangement to never have any classes to teach during the last period/block of the day) to cover anything she didn't understand . once she got old enough for brad and david to trust her at home alone (like 11-12ish) they stopped hiring a babysitter . she was about a year or two ahead in her studies when she starts at the high school brad and david work at so she breezes through most of her assignments and tests
before brad was a teacher he had some job in finance . what specifically ? nobody knows ! he never talks about his old job and just vaguely alludes to it because it creeps people out . all anyone knows about it is that he made a buttload of money from it . he decided to be a teacher for fun because he has a soft spot for kids and knows a ton of stuff
i wanted to stick fairly close with canon so no spoilers but the way brad got arrested was by covering for something jo did
when david was a kid he actually didn't have much interest in being a teacher, he wanted to be a firefighter and teaching was his plan b (one of his parents was a teacher) . he talks a weird amount about firefighters in the show and i wanted to incorporate it somehow :P also he forces his class to read brene brown
ok that's all for now because i still have to finish writing the fic and i may add some of the little details in my head into later chapters and i don't want to spoil too much !!!
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tigressaofkanjis · 1 month
Across the Universes
To add to my endless WIPs and stuff I have done but never released...I had a thought. Transformers pairings where both characters have to appear physically in at least five different shows/media and just playing what if on their interactions and how they would differ. One chapter would be a pairing and in separated sections like G1, IDW, TFA, TFP, Cyberverse, etc I would just write maybe fun paragraph stories about them in each respective universe. Just for fun. If it's like MegOp, you know, they appear in pretty much every universe so it would be a shit ton of sections but with varying differences depending on the universe.
Now, many continuities will be separated into pieces because of the difficulty to maintain just one type over the span of multiple different shows. I.e. "Aligned" would be separated into TFP, Rescue Bots, RID15, and WFC/FOC because the characters might be considered the same, they do have altered personalities and it is difficult to merge it. Same thing goes with what is considered "G1." IDW comics have so many variations that it is difficult to simply merge it with G1 so it's technically its own thing. Beast Wars, same deal. Unicron Trilogy is nasty because you have some characters only featured in one show but not the other two so they will be marked as either, Armada, Energon, and Cybertron respectively unless they appear in all three.
Movieverse has a frustrating timeline where it's technically the same universe but ROTB somehow creates a new timeline. It's the most unclear thing ever and to separate it is awful so I'm just merging all seven live action movies into one bundle. You choose which version of designs you wish to see it as.
Now, I will consider Transformers One its own thing regardless of what anyone declares because I refuse to believe it has anything to do with the live action films and it should not. It's alright if it takes cues from the movies, TFP, TFA, and all its little easter eggs in terms of design and story. Here's the issue of this fic overall, I cannot release it until after One comes out so I can add the universe to my data. With it so close, it would be awkward as hell to release one pairing only to have to re-add the fic with a One variant if both characters appear in the film, you know? To skip the frustration, I'm waiting to release it.
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unluckycactus · 2 months
oookay, I guess this is my Ao3 unhinged author note moment (it's not funny, but I'm upset enough as is)
I shutted down this post reblogging function bc I DON'T WANT ATTENTION, that will put me in danger
I just want the ppl who follow me here to know what's up. Just to leave a written record, if anything were to happen to me:
25-yr long dictatorship. Election happened. Bro is a sore loser and commited fraud (again). Ppl ain't happy.
A civil war might break out in my country.
I say "might", but we're pretty much already getting k*lled on the streets by the g*verment. Civilians are getting kidnapped, s*ot, you name it by the g*verment.
It goes without saying that this is a fucking mess. Look, i woke up to tons of shit like: riot 5 blocks away from my house, a criminal gang declaring they want the d*ctator out, etc.
Anyways, not gonna go into all the details, but the reason i might go poof is bc the military has broken into our houses before (2017 I'm eying you), taking ppl by force and you never see them again.
This happened 2 blocks away from my house last time (2017), mind you.
I'm unfortunately easy prey cos I can't really fight back, my body has really deteriorated and I can't lead a regular lifestyle 💀 (heck, i went to vote on Sunday but my body couldn't cope with 5+ hrs under the sun in waiting line, and so woke up paralized yesterday our of sheer muscular pain).
So, yeah, it is what it is for me.
I really hate talking about this stuff bc I dissociate from reality online, like,, I don't wanna be that person who's always throwing a pity party. I don't wanna be miserable all the time and let alone be known for that, so I try to tone it down but 💀💀💀 can't really do anything rn but suck it up
Hopefully this chapter of my life can be over soon, and may I live to post a meme about it.
If not, pls remember me for all the crack scenes I ever wrote.
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gojosoath · 1 year
the world underneath your skin — toji fic
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MINORS DON’T INTERACT // 18+ ONLY! pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader (uses she/her pronouns)
tags: romance x ANGST x like a SHIT TON OF ANGST x AU (no sorcerer stuff in this au) x action x smut x f!oral x doggy x penetrative smut x toji being a major tease
warnings: alcoholism x self harm (Y/N self harms, i do NOT mean this in any way implying that the reader (you) do this. and that if you have struggled/or are struggling with self harm, this is a major trigger warning. as someone who personally has struggled with self harm, i know how sensitive the topic is) x death (only characters' death from manga is toji's wife and megumi)
summary: After spending most of his life as an underground hitman for desperate means to support himself financially — Toji Fushiguro gets recruited to work as an assassin for the government due to his his mastered skills. Through his new occupation, Toji struggles with muscle pains and is recommended to see a massage therapist. Toji meets Y/N, who becomes Toji’s massage therapist, and the two realize they both have toxic addictions they hide from daylight; Toji’s alcoholism and Y/N’s self-harm. Along the way, Toji and Y/N can’t seem to stay away from each other despite the darkness that threatens to keep them apart. 
Table of Contents // my ao3 // taglist form
taglist: @sakinotfound ;@nanamingojo; @bubs-world ; @saskamo
a/n: how many times do i write 'smirk' whenever i'm writing about toji?? who knows but that dude does smirk a lot so. also PLEASE give feedback you guys, sometimes when there's no likes on a post i get bored. so entertain me with your tags thanks WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: self-harm and brief mention of SA
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Part 5: The Past Says ‘Hello’ (wc: 4.1k)
Toji’s body held echoes of what had been pressed against his senses; the warm water from the shower made him flinch when he first stepped into the stall. His palms are against the tiled wall, head low as water runs down his body. He feels a prick, a vague memory from last week. It’s been like this ever since he had his drunk session with his client. He wasn’t used to feeling this way; something had happened to him that he couldn’t fully recall what happened in an orderly fashion.
It was the alcohol, Toji tells himself. He turns off the water and steps out of the shower, proceeding to dry himself with his towel. Toji had better things to look forward to, which was also something else he wasn’t used to feeling. Because Toji was getting ready to come and see you at your clinic. At this point, Toji assumes the two of you are in the full routine of friends with benefits relationship.
Since the last time he had seen you, his mind had been occupied with memories of you two fucking in your clinic. It almost felt like the memories plagued him, because the memories of your moans, the way you felt around his hard dick, and how you held onto him would wake him up in the middle of the night. He found himself jerking off whenever he thought about you, he almost felt like a horny youngster who couldn’t get enough. He found himself jerking off in his bed, in the shower, and even on the couch with his palm rubbing against his dick until he was teasing himself.
Toji showed up at your clinic at the usual time. After spending another week of his life that consisted of a deranged occupation, he was the least to say, eager to see you. He entered the clinic that always greeted him with the bell ringing that hung above the door. To his surprise, you weren’t behind your desk. His eyes scanned the lobby, trying to find traces that you had recently been in the lobby but he couldn’t detect any.
“Miss L/N,” He calls out, “it’s Toji, I’m here.”
Toji waits for a moment but he doesn’t get any response. He goes over to the single room for the patients and peeks his head inside after sliding the door but it’s empty. Toji’s automatic response is to become paranoid, and move quietly — his entire body and senses are on alert mode. And yet, on the outside, he doesn’t display even an ounce of such emotions going on inside him. He directs his attention to the bathroom located around the corner of your desk. He sees the light that comes from underneath the crack of the door.
Toji knocks, “Miss L/N?” He waits and puts his ear close to the door to try and listen. It’s complete silence. Toji knocks again while his other hand goes to his pocket, taking out his keys. He had picked countless locks throughout his life, even before his occupation. He unlocks the door and carefully pushes it open, only for something to be blocking it from being opened all the way. Toji looks into the reflection of the mirror and doesn’t see you in it.
He tries again, “Miss L/N?” He pushes the door but is also considerate that something is blocking it. When he has it open enough so he can squeeze his body through, that’s when he sees what was blocking the door;
You. It’s you on the floor, followed by a small pool of blood that had formed around your arm.
Toji springs to action, making the rest of his body through the tight area and kneeling. He immediately takes off his sweatshirt and wraps it around your arm that has a fresh cut on it. You aren’t fully unconscious, your eyes are half closed while your mouth moves inaudibly.
“Miss L/N,” Toji picks you up in his arms, pulling him into his chest, his other arm going underneath your knees so he has you in his arms bridal style. “Miss L/N, it’s Toji.” He gets out of the bathroom and goes to set you on the patient massage table. He then rushes over to your front desk where he searches for the first aid kit and thankfully, finds it. He is back in the patient room in no time, opening the first aid kit as he searches for gauze and ointment. Toji pulls the chair next to the massage bed and takes a seat.
Your eyes are still half closed, and it’s then that Toji realizes you’re saying something. He leans in and listens, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” You whisper over and over again.
Toji says to you, “It’s okay, Miss L/N. It’s me, Toji.” He unwraps his sweatshirt around your arm and examines your cut. Blood oozed out of it but it didn’t seem that your life was in danger. Toji pressed gauze onto your arm which seems to somewhat bring you back as you slowly blink your eyes until they settle onto Toji. He continues to hold the gauze to get some of the blood flow to stop.
“Toji…?” You ask.
Toji doesn’t waste time, “Why did you cut yourself again?” His question seems to ground you fully, as you try sitting up but Toji puts his arm over your chest, stopping you midway. “Lay down,” He tells you.
You lay back down, tears of embarrassment welling up in your eyes. You turn your head the other way, biting on your bottom lips from bursting into tears. You feel as Toji wipes at your arm, followed by ointment.
Again, Toji asks, “Why do you cut yourself?”
No one had ever asked you directly why you self-harmed whenever they saw your scars. You felt ashamed and embarrassed by the sternness in his tone. You felt as if he were scolding you. There’s silence between you two as he wraps your arm up, hearing him close the first aid kit.
Tears slip past your eyes and you bring your other arm over them. “Sorry,” You say with a shaky tone, “I lost track of time.”
“Why do you do it?”
You answer truthfully in a whisper, “To punish myself.”
Again, the silence between the two of you. You’re still not looking at him so you can’t see his expression. You’re sure that it’s judgment plastered all over his features. You find yourself rambling, “I know if it doesn’t make sense…but it makes sense to me. It also feels good to feel the pain that isn’t in your…head. I know I sound crazy.”
To your surprise, you hear Toji say, “It’s not crazy.”
His answer makes you turn your head back towards him, and he has this look on his face that’s the complete opposite of judgment. He has his elbows on his knees, hands collapsed between his legs. Seeing him for the first time since last week feels like a fresh breath of air. You swear he has gotten more beautiful since the last time you saw him in your clinic.
Toji brings his knuckles up to the corner of your eye, where he wipes them away. He scoots closer to the bed with the chair, bringing his forehead to your temple. You can smell him, and it brings your body back to life.
“What made you cut yourself before I came?” He asks you.
You sniffle, “I remembered something…bad.”
He hums at your explanation, “Miss L/N…” His voice is so deep, his hand moving to your jaw where he cups it, “how about instead of you punishing yourself — let me punish you.”
His words make your eyes snap wide open, breath hitching in your throat. You can feel his breath on the side of your cheek. “What do you mean?” You urged breathlessly.
“I mean,” Toji presses a kiss to your jaw, making you shiver, “whenever you feel like punishing yourself, you tell me. And I’ll make sure to punish you instead.”
“How so?”
Toji pulls back, leaning back in the chair and spreading his legs. There’s a mischievous smile on his lips. He pats his lap with his hand, “What do you think?”
You’re excited — blood rushing to between your legs and even your head. Toji stands up and simply says, “Take off all your clothes and meet me out in the lobby. I’ll be waiting.” He walks out of the room and slides the door closed. You’re left there, trying to process what just happened. You sit up slowly and look down at your arm where Toji had wrapped it. Your body was buzzing with anticipation with the different ways how Toji was going to ‘punish’ you.
Nonetheless, you stripped off all your clothing, setting them on the bed. Your arms hugged yourself, feeling conscious of all the self-harm scars your body was engraved with. Although Toji had already seen all your self-harm scars, you still felt nervous that this time around, he would retaliate in disgust. You found yourself going to the door and sliding the door open. Toji had drawn the blinds over the window and was sitting on the couch where the last time you two had fucked each other’s brains out. He had an arm around the couch with his legs spread open.
His dark eyes scanned your body, motioning for you to approach him with his hand, “Come here, darling.” You went over to him and he instructed you, “Lay over my lap, ass in the air.”
You did as he told, bare ass in the air over his lap. He pressed his hand on the middle of your back, making you arch, “Mmh, good kitty,” he teased you. You can feel your breathing pick up, making yourself prepared for what’s to come. But Toji surprises you again as you hear him undo his belt and then he’s wrapping it around your wrists.
“Too tight?” He asks you before clasping the belt into the buckle.
“No,” You exhale, “just fine.”
He gives your bound wrists a little pat with his hand, his other hand starting from the back of your neck and sliding slowly down your bare back. Your body hums with anticipation, feeling the way his large, calloused hands feel against your skin that’s starting to become hot.
“How many times have you cut since the last time I saw you?” His thumb runs down your spine, making you practically tremble.
Your mind goes blank, all you can think about is how his fingers would feel inside your wet hole. Suddenly, his hand lifts from your back and you feel naked without his touch. His hand comes in contact with your ass cheek as a spank, making you yelp and lurch forward from the impact.
“Come on, pretty girl,” He persists with a smug smirk on his lips, “answer honestly for me.”
You swallow, blinking a few times, and recall out loud, “Six times.”
Toji hums, leaning to your side where his fingers cup either side of your face, making your lips pucker. He turns your face to look at him, and in a stern voice he says to you, “You’re not lying to daddy, right?”
You shake your head vigorously from side to side, “No, I swear.”
He gives your lips a peck, making your eyes flutter close at how good that imprint of his scar feels against your mouth. “Good kitty,” He remarks with a satisfied tone, “keep count of the spanks otherwise we start all over. Ready?”
You nod your head and his large hand spanks your other ass cheek. “One!” You squeak out, the burning sensation electrifying your body.
You hear Toji suck air through clenched teeth, “You’ve got such a nice ass, you know that, Miss L/N?”
“But this ass will look so much better with my hand prints, don’t you think?”
Smack! “Three!” Toji places both hands on your ass cheeks and jiggles them, “Tell me who is the only one that gets to punish you?” You’re trying your hardest not to dumb out on him with the way your head feels fuzzy with pleasure. The burning on your ass feels so good, you manage to answer, “Only you, daddy.” Smack! “Four!” Toji compliments you, “Good girl.” You wiggle your ass in the air for him which earns a deep chuckle from him, “I think you’re enjoying this more than me, huh?” Smack! “Five!” “Now you know what will happen if you self-harm again, yeah?” 
Smack! “Six!” Toji places his large palm on your hand and rubs your burning and aching ass cheeks. You collapse against the couch, your cheek against the armrest. Toji’s other hand goes to your hair where he runs his fingers through it. “Since you’ve been such a good girl,” Toji says, “how would you like me to fuck you?”
“Doggy style,” You tell him breathlessly, “please,” you plead to him. Toji places a kiss on the middle of your back, and says against your skin, “I brought condoms with me.” He pulls out a packet of condoms from his front pocket and goes to unzip his pants where he pulls his hard dick from his boxers. He strips himself completely naked and gets himself positioned behind you. You’re expecting his dick but instead, you feel his hot mouth on your pussy from behind. “Toji!” You can’t help but cry out in surprise, “Oh!” Toji hums against your wet pussy as his tongue starts from the top of your clit and then moves down to your gaping hole. He sucks and swirls his tongue, making your toes curl in pleasure. He pulls back, quickly replacing your hole with two of his fingers. “All this for me?” He entertains with his lips smeared in your wetness, “And I haven’t even entered inside you yet.” “Please!” You mewl. “Please, what?” You groan in frustration, “Fuck me already!” Toji ‘tsks’ and sits up where he has one knee placed on the cushion of the couch and the other leg stretched out, “So impatient, aren’t we?” He sets the tip of his dick against your entrance and slowly enters inside. You let out moans of pleasure, the burning pleasure of his large dick stretching you out and making you smile. Once he’s completely inside, he pulls back out and slams into you. The movement makes your bound hands clutch onto the fabric of the couch, “Yes!” You exclaim, “Oh God, yes Toji!” Toji continues to thrust into you, the sound of your ass cheeks smacking against his abdomen. One hand reaches across, grabbing a hold of your hair and pulling at it so your face is lifted off against the couch. His other hand grips the side of your hip, slamming into your pussy. In between thrusts, Toji grunts, “You…” thrust, “are, so…” thrust, “wet, baby.” Your vision goes blurry, the insides of your stomach building up to that pleasurable climax. Toji leans over you, pulling your hair so you’re looking up at him. He kisses your open mouth, feeling his ragged breath against you. He fucks himself into you, feeling the way the head of his dick kisses your cervix. There’s sweat running along the side of his face, black strands already sticking to his forehead. Both of you are consumed in euphoria, Toji putting his face into your neck. You can feel his hot body against your back, your ass cheeks jiggling with each thrust he fucks you in. “Tightest pussy I’ve fucked,” Toji discloses with grunts into your neck, “you hear me, doll?” “Uh huh…” You can only say, followed by his arm snaking around your torso, pressing you completely against him. “Use your words,” He tells you, moving his arm across your chest.
“Best dick I’ve ever had,” You respond erratically.
“Oh yeah?” Toji amuses, thrusting into you and keeping it in, which makes you claw at his arm. “That’s right, you can scratch me all you want to. I can take it.”
You dig your nail into his arms and when he pulls back, you feel empty. You’re mewling to feel full again and Toji fulfills your desired fantasy by ramming his dick back into you. You can feel his dick twitch inside you, becoming more vocal.
You feel confident, “You gonna cum, daddy?”
Toji is back at pulling your hair back in his fist, “Fuck,” He grunts, “yes, gonna cum in this tight pussy.” And with that, he finishes inside you, lurching his hips forward and keeping it in until he empties all his load. He collapses on top of you but still being mindful not to crush you with his weight.
The lobby is filled with both of your mingled heavy breaths. You can smell him; a mixture of cologne and sweat. You feel him soften up inside of you, but before he pulls out, he places a chaste kiss on your shoulder blade and then reaches over to undo the buckle around your wrists.
“You still have the energy to give me that massage?”
After the two of you cleaned up and got dressed, (well, Toji remained shirtless so you can massage him) you were back in the patient room. Toji lay on his stomach, his skin covered with light sweat glistening under the warm lighting. You were still occupied with the feeling of his fat cock inside you and yet here you two were — about to indulge in a massage as if you didn’t just get your brains fucked out not that long ago.
You rub your hands with the oils and begin massaging his lower back. Compared to the last time you had given him a massage, he feels relaxed. There’s silence between the two of you, but it’s nothing awkward. If anything, it’s peaceful. You begin to wonder if Toji had fallen asleep.
“So what happened last week?”
“Last week?” Toji repeats.
Your hands take their time in how the scars across his body feel against your hands. “Yeah,” You try to sound not too curious about his personal life, “you said something had come up which is why you were late.”
“You said the same thing,” Toji returns smoothly, “that something had come up for you that day as well.”
“Oh, uh, yeah…” Your voice trails off, thinking back to the events that night; going over to your dad’s apartment.
Toji sighs in contentment as your hands knead up his back, “If I tell you what came up for me, will you tell me what happened with you?”
“Depends,” You affirm, “if you tell me the truth.”
“Why would I lie to you?” You can hear the smirk in his tone.
You shrug your shoulders, “Men have that tendency, I guess.”
Toji lets out an amused laugh, feeling his body shake against your hands. He has a sexy laugh. “Do you think I’m a man that would lie to you?”
You come back with, “I think you already have lied to me.”
“Is that so?” He decoys, “Such as?”
“I find it hard to believe that someone who has an office job has this many muscles.”
Toji flexes his back muscles for you, “The ladies love it.”
You don’t want to give him the satisfaction but a laugh erupts from you, “I’m sure they do.” Your fingers run along one of his scars, “And what about these? How does a man who works a desk job get so many of these?”
“Do you like them? My scars?” He jests at you.
You allow yourself to smile, a blush forming on your cheeks and say quietly, “Yes, I love them. They’re very sexy.”
Without hesitation, Toji says, “Yours are sexy, too.”
Your hands begin to shake, and a lump in your throat from hearing those words. That was the first time anyone had said anything positive about your self-harm scars. “Well, I did these to myself…” You whisper with a quivering bottom lip.
“I still find them sexy,” Toji reiterates to you, “but you know what to do next time you want to self-harm, right?”
You blink back your tears, “Yes,” You say, “only you can punish me.”
Toji practically coos at you, “That’s my good girl.”
You blush again, switching back to the topic, “So, tell me, what happened last week?” Your hands pause, “But you have to tell the truth.”
“I was with a woman.” His words make your body ignite with a rageful fire, jealousy soaring through every part of your bone. Toji sighs, “It’s part of my job.”
“What is?” You snap sharply at him, “An office job requires such a thing?”
Again, Toji sighs, “I used to be a full-time escort,” Again, his words shock you. Toji? An escort? He continues, “I retired from that profession…but it seems I’m getting sucked back into it.”
You find yourself asking, “Why?” You reapply oil to your hands and instruct him to lie on his back. Toji turns to the other side and adjusts himself. Once he’s on his back, his eyes watch your every move. You pretend not to notice and begin by massaging his upper shoulder.
“I’ve been told it’s hard to ever get out of that profession,” Toji explains.
“So…this woman?” Your fingers work down his bicep, “Was she one of your…escorts?”
“Yes,” Toji answers shamelessly, “she was.”
You’re trying not to picture Toji with another woman, it makes you want to scream. “Is that all that it was?” You glance at him and he has his eyes closed.
“Yes,” Toji assures, he then peeks at you, his lip scar twitching as he smirks, “Are you jealous, doll?”
You huff, “No.”
Toji grabs your hand and brings it to his lips where he gives your knuckles a peck, “Don’t worry, kitten, it was part of my shift. That’s all.”
You roll your eyes and snatch your hand back, replacing the surface of his skin with your hands again. “So, you’re telling me the truth then?”
“Well, I thought that’s what we were doing, no? To be honest what happened last week? Tell me what happened to you.”
You’re silent for a moment and decide to be truthful, “I went to check up on my dad…I drove over to his place. He was drunk and threw something at me. I just ended up leaving.”
“Does he do that often?” Toji asks, “Hurt you?”
You let out a bitter laugh, “Gosh, don’t act like you care even if he does.”
Toji furrows his eyebrows, “You don’t think I’m telling you the truth, huh?”
You turn the other way to wipe your hands with a cloth, “Well, we barely know each other. You’re just one of my clients…” 
You hear Toji sit up behind you, “Do you usually have sex with your other clients as well?”
His question makes you whirl around, your eyes fierce as you glare at him, “No, I don’t!”
Toji is smirking at you as he slips his shirt over his head, “It’s okay if you do. I’m the last person to judge, considering what I do for money.”
You blurt out, “Did you enjoy it? Having sex with that woman?”
Toji goes silent. Both of you do. He looks down and for a moment, looks like he’s lost in thought. He then says, slowly, as if being very careful what he is articulating, “I had to let her do whatever she wanted with me in that hour. That’s how those sorts of things go.”
His response makes your stomach twist, something about his answer sounding off. Toji looks up at you through strands of his dark hair that fall over his eyes and he’s smirking again, “Don’t worry, I’m okay. I’m a professional.”
You feel embarrassed, hugging yourself with your arms across your chest, “Sorry…”
Toji extends an open hand towards you, “Come here.”
You take his hand, being pulled into a kiss; it is soft and passionate. You turn your head to the side for more access, your hands reaching behind his neck. His lips mold perfectly against yours, the indent of his scar always feeling so nice against your lips. His hands are in your hair, your noses bumping with one another.
When you two pull back, Toji asks, “Well, does he? Does your dad hurt you like that often?”
You meet his gaze, “Yeah, he does…”
A mischievous look glints in his eyes, “Next time he tries to do that again, you hit him back, okay?”
You can’t help but laugh, “Hit my dad?”
Toji presses his lips against yours and says, “Yeah, beat the shit out of him.”
You’re just as crazy, “I will, I promise, daddy.”
Toji kisses you, “Good girl.” 
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
Bookmark rec
Thank you @ihni for coming up with this idea and tagging me :)
Rules: Pick (at least) ten fics from your AO3 bookmarks, and post them with links and a note of why you like them or why you picked them (alt. your bookmark comment). Then, as tradition goes, tag ten people. Or something, whatever, I'm not your boss.
So here's my list. I'm horrible in describing WHY I particularly like something because I hate analysing fanfics. But I can assure you that each and every one on this list has risen tons of emotions in me. Happiness, sadness, compassion, pain and so on - all that good stuff. And my god HOW MANY AMAZING FICS I HAD TO LEAVE OUT!!! Check out my whole bookmark list for more.
come a little closer (i want you to stay a while) by hazel1706 (12k / Harringrove/son-ish) I honestly don't know what to say about this fic. Not because it's bland but because I've read this...*checks history*... 30 TIMES OVER THE LAST 7 MONTHS. They wrote this for me as a gift in Harringrove Holiday Exchange 2022 and I've never read anything that matches what I like to read/write so perfectly as this fic does. There's pining and there's lemon and so many things going on inside the heads of the characters and and and... Mostly Harringrove with Harringroveson undertones + genderqueer Billy. It has everything I love and need and it's perfection. 💜
The Flatshare by CallieB (47k / Harringrove) Billy moves in with Steve and there's only one bed. But they haven't even met. The idea is so intriguing and unique that it just drew me in immediately.
First to Burn by boltblum (76k / Harringrove) Au where Billy moves nextdoor to Steve, and they grow up as friends. I'm bad in reading long fics bc I can't concentrate but this one kept me hooked throughout. And in the end made me sob uncontrollably.
Cherry by LazyBaker (58k / Harringrove) Billy has gender issues. That right there is like catnip for me, can't help it.
Hands Off the Merchandise by mounrtheantagonist (3,6k / Harringrove) This was the first fic I read that had Billy in lingerie in it. A new kink (men in lingerie) has never been unlocked so quickly as what it did when I read this.
love me the way you love water by lutes_and_dandelions (23k / Harringrove) Six chapters of pining. No other explanation needed.
Shit-faced by SunshineWarrior (8,3k / Harringrove) I'm a sucker for drunk confessions. And this is all about those.
Running scared by Thei @ihni (1,9k / Billy Hargrove) An embarrassing confession coming up in three, two, one: I love Transformers. *Hey! We don't always choose what we love, okay?* So, this has those vibes and I absolutely love this fic.
If I only Told You by CrossedQuills (68k /Harringroveson) Just. Amazing. I think I've read this too at least twice if not more.
within me, an invincible summer by bigdumbbambieyes (48k [WIP] ( Harringrove) This is just incredible. Billy wakes up after Starcourt with a new heart. So many painful and lovely things in this one.
And one extra because I just can't leave this out:
Like Magnets by Pondermoniums (53k [WIP] / Harringrove, Hellcheer) What if Steve and Billy had teeniest tiniest chibi dobbelgangers... This is so cute in so many levels that you have to read it to understand.
Who to tag... No pressure: @destroya2005 @discodeviant @disdaidal @lovebillyhargrove @shieldofiron @spaceofentropy @dragonflylady77 and anyone else who wants to share!!!
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birchbow · 1 year
Hey birch! Quick ask for your writing on POF. What do you like the most about your Kurloz and Gamzee? If you could pick a few favorite things or traits from the versions of them you created, what do you think those would be? It's ok if you skip, I just got curious. I love your epic clown sagaaa 🥰🥰
!!! :Oc oh huh! My favorite traits are almost always the ones that create friction--some of those are neutral but create drama and some of them are outright negative, lol. Short answer, PoF Gamzee's a reckless coward and PoF Kurloz is incredibly dangerous and proud over top of a deep well of insecurity. Long answer.....under the cut, lol.
The Gamzee I write is, and I say this with authorial love and tbh no moral judgment, kind of a coward. He's not scared of the same stuff as most of us would be, he's good at combat and he likes pain, but also he's hugely, deeply afraid--of lots of stuff, but especially being left behind, and that drives a ton of his characterization.
Being left/abandoned is a pretty returning theme for a reason! From the very first chapter, when Gamzee's internal monologue is basically, "Well, time for the thing that made me happy to Go Away again. Hopefully if I'm good and I wait well enough, it'll eventually come back." He's been captured on his first mission, is his family going to leave him to die? Karkat's cocooning, is he ever coming back? Kurloz is poisoned and the family is turning on him as a suspect, are they done with him forever? He's the lynchpin of the Cult of Flesh's heresy, are his gods going to turn their faces away from him?
And when he feels like he has been abandoned, he goes through cycles of rage and then retreating from the rage, because being angry is holy but being angry is bad and drives people away, but being angry feels right, but-- It drives him to be overly obliging, trying not to drive people away, and it pushes him to be vicious when somebody seems to be interfering with his grasp on the things he values. It makes him a very sweet guy who'd do just about anything for the people he cares about, and it makes him clingy and dependent and blindly devoted, and prone to lashing out when he feels like they don't care about him as much as he cares about them!
I identify with a lot of that as an author, but I also just feel like it dovetails pretty neatly into the scant amounts of canon characterization we get for Gamzee, so I find it very compelling to read/write!
As far as Kurloz goes, what I like most about him as a character is probably like...his pride? And (especially because this is a kinky sex fic) the shame that goes along with that.
On a very surface level, the concept of the Grand Highblood as a grumpy, proud old guy who's getting reluctantly dragged in the direction of a still terrible but less hemoist society is very funny to me. Make up a bigoted old man and then force him to knuckle under repeatedly to the people he's bigoted against. But also on a more-plot-less-humor level, a character who's made himself a very strict code of "this is what's expected of me and I will fulfill it no matter what it does to me" is RIPE for drama. Especially when the plot of the story is then giving that character something that suddenly he finds he values at least as much as that code and pride, and making him struggle with that.
The counterpoint to that being; it's fun to set up a character as a proud, badass, dangerous son of a bitch, and then give the POV/the readers a shot straight into the shit that he's hiding behind that "I'm untouchable, don't fuck with me" pride. Sadism, especially as extreme as I've written into Kurloz, can be an intimidating thing! On the surface it's part of the mask, part of the scary persona--but it's really compelling and interesting to me to then sidestep that mask and go into the roiling mess of sexual shame and religious guilt and uncertainty and self-loathing. MAN I love writing the Brother Immortal scenes, you guys.
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thegamingcatmom · 18 days
A thing that hasn't left my mind for a bit. Hear me out.. MC Is a witch.
Now not Like some scarlet witch type witch, but a person who like sacrifices things 😅
I truly don't know I just have the idea of kate being all smug asking about what MC can do and MC just looks at her like "bring me a *something dead*" Kate believes it's bullshit untill MC does her thing and next thing you know they get a lot of money randomly. (Omg add to MC actually being like Salem witch trials old😭😭)
BUUUT if we wanna go the way of her actually having powers I was thinking of Morgana Pendragon! Katie Mcgrath my love, did an amazing job as Morgana. (Sorry had to show some love)
Excuse my rambling yet again! I honestly just was thinking of MC with the Feral sisters but she's a witch. Perhaps she's actually a lot stronger than the sisters and she thinks it's amusing?
Hellaw frosty!
That has crossed my mind as well. Like, before I started on the first chapter I was contemplating having MC not be human because I was like "What makes her special? Why would the Denalis fall head over heels for her? How does one manage to charm an entire family of vampires?"
It was certainly tempting because I´m absolutely digging that concept of the Denalis being all smug and cocky, believing MC to be yet another mouse they can play with before going in for the final blow. Only for MC to...play along. Play the part of the innocent, because her appearance wouldn´t lead anyone to believe otherwise. To the public eye, she´s just an ordinary woman. A mortal.
The Denalis entertain her, so she´s willing to see where this goes.
...For now.
On the inside, however?
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I ultimately decided against it because it just didn´t fit with what I had in mind. I´m a sucker for Beauty & The Beast type of stuff. Yknow, being held somewhere against your will by something that could snuff out your existence in the blink of an eye, but it decides not to because, for some strange reason, it seems to have a soft spot for you. Everyone else can f off though, no mercy.
It also helps that the place is actually quite nice to look at. Despite its rather...peculiar inhabitants.
Sooo yeah, I needed MC to be your ordinary human girl, facing off against forces that could wipe out entire armies in a matter of seconds. Because, in my books, there´s nothing sexier than having those forces at your beck and call, absolutely smitten with you, willing to kill for you, while you´re just there like-
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(The last one is so MC & Kate yall. Kitty Kat, you hopeless case. 😭)
I gotta admit, the money thing has me a bit confused. Is that a thing? Like, making a sacrifice and getting a shit ton of money in return? Does that happen in any tv show or movie? Honestly curious cause I very rarely watch anything anymore. I´ve become more of a gamer and writer over the past couple of years. 😅
I do know Morgana Pendragon, but I haven´t actually seen her in anything cause *points to the aforementioned*. But I know a lot of ppl got the hots for her. I don´t blame them, lmao.
Okay so, I had to google Salem Witch Trials (don´t judge me) and-
I love love love history so ofc we gotta make a quick lil smt, yes? Yes:
Imagine MC (a witch) living in Salem Village, the place where the accusations of witchcraft began. Those accusations were false, obviously, but it made blending in much more difficult for her kind. People have become wary, paranoid, forcing MC to a life in the shadows. She watched from afar as men and women alike - some of them close friends - were brought to trial. Some of them never returned home.
To this day, MC is plagued by feelings of guilt for merely watching as good men and women were executed in the name of "justice". She should have done something, could have done something. She has that power. But her heart had been gripped by a power mightier than her own: fear.
She can´t change the past, but she can ensure a future.
She now works from the shadows to preserve the light. A light that draws in creatures far more dangerous than herself. How she despises them.
Witch!MC claps eyes on the sisters, dragging some poor fella away. Fella´s already dead, so there isn´t much she can do. However, that doesn´t mean others can´t be saved. So she follows them, cloaking spell firmly in place, in the hopes they´re gonna lead her to their hideout. Because she couldn´t live with herself if she didn´t at least check, yknow?
Well, nobody´s there. Nobody with a heartbeat, that is.
She turns around, about to leave (because she might despise them but she doesn´t start fights without good reason), when-
"...Who´s there?"
Cue MC revealing herself. Cue MC acting all naive and innocent. Cue MC pretending to be human so she can infiltrate The Lair and find out what´s so special about that weird ass family that causes her powers to malfunction.
I dunno, lmao.
I just know it´s gonna be a mess à la The Sisters from there on out. The Denalis obsessed with the fake!human, while said fake!human is just there like-
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Not even realizing she´s bewitching (hehe) an entire family of vampires - her sworn enemies - because she´s rather busy being a confused gremlin.
(Do you sense a pattern here?)
She might have to annihilate them after all.
We´ll see.
Apparently, I can´t write an MC who´s not completely dense when it comes to just about anything.
I apologize.
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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