#this feels entirely unrelated to your ask but i’ve wanted to talk about it for too long
acotars · 11 months
(I have no idea if this will make sense—sorry I’ve had some wine this evening and so I’m rambling)
I think this is a “popular” opinion but not widespread—people need to understand that there is so much nuance to reading. Obviously there’s the “you can like things I don’t like” and vice versa, but also in HOW people enjoy things. Like take Fourth Wing (I know I know), but while I also agree with a lot of the complaints, I still was just like “that was a fun time, I totally ignored all the sex scenes bc I hate how they were written, but I was vibing the whole time.” And I feel like some people would still respond to my opinion like “okay but it was so horrible how did you even enjoy it at all??? Lame”
Like okay Betty, I love high fantasy as much as you, but sometimes I want something that just fucks, okay?
(and not to say you aren’t allowed to not like things, but there seems to be a fine line between “hey! I didn’t like this but that’s okay” and “I hated this and I CANNOT comprehend why ANYONE could find even an inkling of fun from this + I’m going to subtly implicate that I think people who like this are stupid”) (obviously not for books that are objectively hurtful or offensive)
And of course you can go so many different ways than just that example, but it’s a mix of gate-keeping, prejudice, lack of empathy, and a bit of a superiority complex that makes it so hard for the reading community to really be united.
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avis-writeshq · 3 months
Hi! Can I request track one? :)
Spencer Reid being so shy to ask Fem! Reader out so Morgan flirts with them to push him to do it?:(
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pairing: early seasons!spencer reid x bau!fem!reader genre: friends to lovers warnings: not proof read :( a/n: thank you for requesting lovely <3 wc: 700
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Spencer isn’t entirely sure why he’s so upset. He’s got his lips drawn to a pout and his eyes are set on the computer in front of him. He chalks it up to the fact that his contact lenses have been drying out. That must be it.
“Stare any harder and you’ll break the screen.”
You’re giggling at his unhappiness, but he doesn’t feel an ounce of annoyance. In moments you’re placing a steaming cup of tea onto his desk with a tiny pitcher of milk, before swiping a few of his files off his pile. 
“You don’t–”
“Hush, Spencer. You probably have filled more overtime hours in the past week than I have in the last four years. Let me take these off of you, okay?” You smile at him before leaning down to murmur into his ear, “They’re probably Morgan’s anyway, so don’t worry about it.”
Spencer flushes, his cheeks warming to a pretty pink at your closeness and he can smell your vanilla perfume. Every thought in his brain vanishes and he’s pretty sure that he won’t be able to think for the next hour or so. His mouth opens and closes like a broken hinge and you walk away to sit at your own desk. 
“When’s the wedding?” Derek asks through a snicker, reaching a hand out and ruffling Spencer’s already unkempt hair. 
“Wh– stop,” Spencer manages weakly, pushing his bangs out of the way and huffing. “Keep your voice down.”
“Didn’t you say that you wanted to ask her to see that Russian film festival or something?” Derek asks, unrelenting. He gestures to the two tickets poking out of one of Spencer’s book. “You already bought them?”
“I won them,” he corrects, scowling. “Stop laughing!”
“Dude, you have to ask her out,” Derek tries again. “Kid, I’m serious. A girl like that isn’t going to wait around forever.”
Spencer’s annoyance is quick to dissipate into flusteredness, and he avoids his friend’s gaze. “She shouldn’t have to.”
“Come on, don’t beat yourself up. Just go talk to her.”
His efforts are in vain as Spencer huffs again and turns back to his paperwork. Morgan shrugs, flexing his arms. It’s far too early to be dealing with Spencer’s shyness and pining. Morgan watches as he sneaks yet another look in your direction, and it takes a lot in him to not throw the two of you together. Emily keeps reminding him to be patient. Penelope keeps informing him that ‘they’ll get together in their own time’. Hotch would spare him a stern look. 
They’re not in the room, though.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
Morgan’s call out is enough for you to raise your head and for Spencer’s face to morph into look of genuine betrayal. He’s frantically moving his hand across his neck as a very obvious sign to cut it out. Morgan pays him no mind.
“What’s up?” You ask brightly, finishing your sentence before turning to look at him. “Did you need something?”
“You’re looking particularly gorgeous today, you know that?” Derek wears a lazy smirk as he looks at you up and down, and you only manage to laugh.
“Ha ha.” You roll your eyes, glancing briefly at Spencer who could have been mistaken for a cherry. “What are you playing at, Morgan?”
The man claps his hands together, rubbing his palms. “Are you free tomorrow night? I’ve got a bottle of wine that has our names on it.”
Spencer looks aghast. He recalls the information on the tickets he had won, and– tomorrow night. That’s when the film festival is happening. 
“She doesn’t drink,” Spencer butts in before you can respond, snatching the tickets from the inside of his book and getting up from his seat to make his way over to you. “I was um– I’ve got these tickets for a film festival tomorrow. It’s in Russian, but I can whisper the translations to you so you understand. You don’t– you don’t have to go. I know it might not be your thing–”
“I’d love to go, Spence.” You smile at him, plucking one of the tickets from his hands. “A whole evening with you? Who wouldn’t enjoy that? Sorry, Derek.”
Derek raises his hands in surrender, and when you aren’t looking, shoots Spencer a thumbs up. Penelope would be proud. 
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hotgirlgraps · 9 months
crossed hearts | three
synopsis: two strangers make a drunken promise in the heat of the moment
a/n: i felt bad leaving y’all hanging like that so heres the third and final part. enjoy babes!! (hold on through the angst i promised a happy ending) 🤍🤍
part one | two
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You were already running late for work but once that text came through, that didn’t matter to you. Your hands were trembling as a new wave of anxiety rushed through you the second you called the random number and put the phone to your ear.
You weren’t sure what exactly you were expecting, but it was not this.
A feminine voice answered the phone after the second ring, and you felt your heart sink for the second time. You opened your mouth to speak back, but suddenly the words were trapped.
“Y/n?” She softly says, and you weren’t sure why the fact that she knew your name made your stomach twist.
“Yes? Who are you?” You managed to speak back, even though your voice was strained.
There was a slight pause before answered you, not giving a name, but you supposed, a title instead.
“Tyler’s ex.”
You stared ahead at the steering wheel, a million and one thoughts coursing through your mind. The first one being, why would his ex be calling you? Second, why did she have his phone in the first place? Both of those thoughts made your heart physically ache, and suddenly you couldn’t think of a way to justify this.
“Listen, I just wanted to let you know some things that apparently you weren’t aware of. Me and Tyler have been trying to work things out for a while now, but don’t worry, because I’m done doing that shit. If you want him, you can definitely have him, but just know he’s not a loyal man and you’re not the first girl i’ve had to tell this to.”
You were stunned to silence, letting her words echo around in your mind over and over again as you stared blankly at the dash of your car.
“If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.” She adds on, and truthfully you had about a thousand of them, but she wasn’t the one you wanted to ask. You started to feel an unrelenting rage set in, so much so that your whole body got chills.
You didn’t have the time to analyze the situation or the things that she was confessing to you. Suddenly everything Tyler ever told you was a flat out lie and it made you feel absolutely sick to your stomach. You couldn’t believe that you trusted him so much. Maybe all those worries you felt, was really just your gut instinct screaming that he was way too good to be true.
“I appreciate you telling me this.” You muttered back, but before she could speak, you hung up and tossed the phone to the passenger seat. You felt the tears stinging your eyes but you tried not to let them slip. You weren’t sure how to go about this when you talk to him again, but you knew you needed to figure something out. Regardless, you didn’t think you’d believe anything he says if he does try to deny it, because the fact that his ex girlfriend got your number from his phone speaks for itself.
You reached up and grabbed that chain with his ring hanging from it, and ripped it right off your neck. The weight of the silver that’s sat on your chest for a month immediately dissipated, leaving a slight feeling of emptiness, but you couldn’t wear it after that.
You tossed the ring in the cup holder along with the chain and you just sat there, thinking. You didn’t want to go to work after this but you had to, and you knew your were going to dread this entire day. All you wanted to do was go inside, get in your bed and cry until your eyes run dry, but that wasn’t an option.
Tyler ended up sending you a few texts throughout the day. One saying that he hoped you were having a good day at work, the other one reminding you to talk to your boss about getting some days off, and another one was simply just a white heart. But you ignored all of them. If only you could ignore the pain in your heart when you read them.
Later on that night, you’d had four missed calls and a series of texts sitting on your screen from him, but you turned your phone on silent and left it in the kitchen while you curled up on the couch and let your thoughts completely consume you. You weren’t sure exactly how you were feeling, the mix of the emotions was making your mind spiral. You couldn’t sort through the thoughts or the feelings, you were just sitting there with a mind and heart at war.
You hadn’t ate anything, or did a single thing since you got home and collapsed on the couch. You pulled the blanket to your chest and then threw it across the couch when you got the scent of his cologne still lingering in the fabric.
Tyler was worried sick about you when you went all day without answering him, but you didn’t check your phone, so you didn’t know that. Either way, you wouldn’t have believed it.
You look at the time on your apple watch and realize it’s already midnight, and you unfortunately have to be up at five to get ready for work. You didn’t bother going to your room to sleep, because you already knew every time you lay in that bed, you think about him. That’s the last thing you needed.
You curled up on the couch and closed your eyes, attempting to find the sleep you desperately needed even though your mind just wouldn’t shut off. Somehow, someway, you were able to drift off around three, but your alarm woke you up right on time only two hours later.
Your body physically ached the second you opened your eyes. Your mascara from the day before that you didn’t care to wash off was burning your eyes and the couch just wasn’t comfortable enough, but none of that compared to the impending feeling of pure emptiness that took over when the realization hit you that you and Tyler were done. There was no closure or anything such as, because you knew you weren’t going to be strong enough to handle that.
You’d much rather avoid him at all costs. Block his number, get rid of everything that reminded you of him and move on with your life.
If only it was that easy.
You headed over to the kitchen counter and turned your alarms off. You had over fifty missed calls and texts from none other than Tyler himself, with the latest one being only two minutes prior.
You hesitated to grab your phone but you opened those messages anyway, not to read any of them, but just to send back one of your own.
“Need your address. I’m sending your ring back.”
You felt an overwhelming feeling of complete and utter sadness the second you sent that message, but you saw that he was typing immediately after and locked your phone before you had to see what he said.
You proceeded to get ready for work even though it was the absolute last thing you wanted to do. It felt like you were forcing yourself to properly function. Every bone in your body felt like it was being weighted down by solid stones and all you wanted to do was collapse right back on that couch and stay there for as long as you possibly could without starving to death.
You didn’t bother doing much with yourself. You threw your hair up in a messy bun and wiped the black smudges of day-old mascara from underneath your eyes before you walked out, grabbed your phone and your keys and checked the time.
You weren’t going to be late, possibly a little early but at least when you get to work you’ll be able to somewhat distract yourself. You planned to probably stay over a little while just so you can keep your mind off things. If that was even possible.
Tyler was continually calling and texting, but everything was going unanswered. All day long, the messages and the calls never stopped, so you left your phone in your car when you were on break just so you wouldn’t be tempted to answer him at all.
You didn’t bother checking it again after you got off. You were thinking it would be a good idea to just turn that phone off all together, because the temptations to simply see what all he was saying in the mix of all those messages was getting stronger and stronger, but you had to be stronger than that.
But all that strength was sure to go straight out the window the minute you pulled into your driveway and saw Tyler sitting on your porch step. You felt your heart start racing, somewhat in shock and somewhat ready to put the car in reverse and bolt. But, you didn’t.
He picked his head up from his phone and got up from where he was sitting, walking over to your car. You didn’t move a muscle when he opened the door and stood there next to you. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him.
You grabbed your phone and your keys and slipped out around him, ignoring him like he wasn’t even there, despite him calling your name repeatedly.
When you fumbled with the keys to unlock the door, he caught up to you, and the second you went to open the door, his hand pressed against it, keeping it shut.
“Y/n-“ His voice was a low, barely there mutter, filled with rasp from the aggravation and worry that he’s been dealing with.
You didn’t look at him. You kept your eyes trained on the door just waiting for him to move his hand so you could open it, but he didn’t.
“If you want to end things with me, this is a fucked up way to do it. At least tell me to my face instead of ignoring me like I don’t even exist to you.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, starting to feel that rage take home within you again.
“Why are you avoiding me? Everything was fine when we got off the phone yesterday, and then you just started ignoring me and now you want to give my ring back?”
“Everything was fine, Tyler. Until I figured out that you’ve been lying to me this whole time.” You spat, finally turning your head to look at him fully, but wishing you didn’t.
“Lying to you? I’ve never fucking lied to you-“
“Your ex called me.” You cut him off, giving the door handle a pull, but he wasn’t budging.
His eyes narrowed and jaw clenched the second he heard that, and you did your best not to shy away from that strong, intense stare.
“What do you mean my ex called you?” He lowly muttered, his voice suddenly ten times deeper than before.
“Exactly what I just said. She called me. Told me you and her have been working things out the whole time you and me have been- doing whatever this shit is.”
“That’s a fucking lie.”
“If it’s a lie then why did she have my number in the first place, Tyler? If it’s a lie then why would she have your phone in order to get my number at all? It doesn’t sound like a fucking-“
“You know why, Y/n? I’ll tell you exactly why. Two weeks ago, she showed up to my door drunk off her fucking ass at four in the morning. I couldn’t get her to leave. She was so fucked up she couldn’t even talk straight. She ended up sleeping on my couch and I guess at some point she found my phone and went through it or something. I don’t fucking know, but she’s fucking lying to you!”
You took a moment to process everything he said, but it wasn’t fully sitting right with you. You took your hand off the door handle and crossed your arms over your chest, fully facing him. He picked up on your skepticism immediately and pulled out his phone.
“I told the guys about it. I can call them right now and they’ll tell you the same shit. I’m not lying to you, Y/n.”
“Of course your boys will take up for you. I’m not depending on them to give me the fucking truth, Tyler. I just find it hard to believe that your ex came over and crashed on your couch, and that’s all that happened. You always sleep with your phone next to you. I’ve already noticed that shit. That means she must’ve been in your room at some point, i’m not fucking stupid!”
“Yeah, obviously she must have snuck in and stole my phone when I was fucking sleeping!” He shouts, his voice echoing around you, but you try not to let that affect you.
“I didn’t do shit with her. When I woke up the next morning she was already gone. You know what I told her when she stumbled in and tried to get me to sleep with her? I told her I’m with someone and i’m not ruining what we have! Don’t believe me? call her right now i’ll fucking prove it!”
Your mouth clamped shut after that. It was hard not to believe him when he had eyes so convincing in the first place. You were stuck in that battle with your head and your heart again, and as you were doing your best to figure out what to say next, he just realized that you were no longer wearing his ring. The second noticed it, you saw his face drop immediately.
“I don’t know Tyler.” You shrug, defeated. “You have to understand that this is not an easy thing for me in the first place. You’re always hours and hours away from me and that alone is hard enough to deal with. Adding your ex calling me to say that this entire time, you’ve been trying to work things out with her while you’ve been with me, and apparently i’m not the only one? It’s- this is just too much for me.”
“Y/n, I’m not lying to you. I have multiple ways I can prove that, but I wish you’d just believe me. I haven’t given you a reason not to, have I? I’ve never lied to you once. Matter of fact-“
He pulls his phone back out and clicks on a few things before you hear the dial tones through the speaker. A voice answers on the second ring and you somewhat recognized it.
“Darius” Tyler says as he looks down at you to make sure you’re listening. “Remember when I told you about my ex showing up drunk a few weeks ago?”
“Yeah” Darius responded. “Why?”
“What did I tell you happened?” He asks as he starts stepping side to side on his feet.
“Uh- pretty sure you said she crashed on the couch and left before you woke up?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “Well she told y/n another story and i’m just tryna get the facts straight.” he tells him as he anxiously runs his hand through his wild hair.
“What did she tell her?”
“That me and her have been together the whole time me and y/n have.” He grits his teeth, and you can’t help but start to believe him when he’s making the effort to prove it to you.
“Did you tell y/n that the girl is crazy?” Darius asked, and Tyler looked back at you with an expectant look on his face.
“Hopefully she sees that now.” He says. “Anyway i gotta go, i’ll see you wednesday.”
He hung up the phone and slid it back in his pocket, looking down at you with what seemed like hopeful, but worried eyes.
“I can call the other guys and even my dad if you still don’t believe me, y/n.” He shrugs, “But I swear to God I’m telling you the truth.”
You leaned back against the railing and dropped your head down. All the emotions started crashing into you the second a tiny bit of relief did.
He just stared at you for a moment before you heard him sigh and step off the porch, pulling out a black n mild from his pocket and sparking it. You watched him stare up at the sky as he blew the smoke above his head, and even though you were still fighting in internal battle, you knew all you wanted was to go inside with him.
“Where’s the ring?” He asked after a couple seconds, looking back at you.
“It’s in my car.” You muttered weakly.
There was another pause before he spoke again.
“Are you still going to give it back to me?”
That simple question held way too much weight for you to handle in that moment. You dropped your head back down to avoid his eyes and he simply watched you, holding onto the last little bit of hope that this wasn’t all coming to a bitter end.
“Y/n, if she would’ve shown up any time before you, I would’ve fucked her.” He shrugs, and your eyes snap to him immediately. “But now that I have you, that shit makes me sick to even think about. I’ll never jeopardize what we have for anybody. I don’t care how difficult the distance is or how bad it sucks that we don’t see each other hardly enough, cause when we do see each other, it’s so fucking worth the wait to me. I would be a fucking idiot if I ruined everything we have for any reason at all. I just wish you’d believe me. I wish you would’ve just called and talked to me first instead of believing my psycho ex girlfriend right off the bat.”
“If my ex called you and told you him and I have been seeing each other the whole time me and you have been together-“
“I would’ve asked you.” He shrugs easily. “Cause I trust you. I wouldn’t have believed him over you. I know you, y/n, and I thought you knew me too.”
You felt a new set of tears stinging your eyes and you couldn’t force them back any longer. Two slipped down your cheek and you had to turn away before he caught it, but it was too late. The first time he’s ever seen you fully cry and needless to say, it was breaking his heart. He put the cigar out and stepped back up on the porch, placing himself in front of you.
His arms instinctively wrapped around you and there was a slight pause before you caved and fell right into him, holding him back with every ounce of strength that you had while your tears soaked the fabric of his hoodie. He held you until you stopped crying, swaying side to side with you in his arms.
When you pulled apart, you noticed his eyes tinged red, but the worry was washed right out of them.
He ran his thumb over your cheek twice, his eyes roaming down to your neck for a split second.
“I don’t want you to give my ring back, but if it’s something you feel like you need to do, I respect your choice.”
Your heart won the battle against your mind, like it always ends up doing. You shook your head and wrapped both arms around the back of his neck before pulling him down to your lips.
In the midst of that heated embrace, he pulled back for a split second to look into your eyes, his thumb caressing your cheek again before he leaned back in and locked his lips with yours. He had three words on the tip of his tongue that he was dying to say for the first time, but the moment never seemed special enough.
It wasn’t until way later that night, when you only had two more hours until he had to leave and you were trying not to let that get the best of you both. You sitting on the hood of his car, staring up at the stars, and he was staring over at you.
“I don’t know if I ever told you this. But when I was younger, my grandma always told me the brightest star in the sky was my star. So every time I look up at them, I search for that one. And it’s… right over there.” You pointed, and he followed your hand to the particular star.
He was smiling when he looked back over at you, a rather relaxed look on his face considering the fact that he knew he was about to have to leave soon. His eyes glanced back down to your neck and he realized then that the ring was forgotten about by both of you, until then.
He slid off the hood of the car and walked over to yours, and you watched as he leaned in for a couple seconds and then came back out with the ring in one hand and the broken chain in the other one.
You watched as he approached you, holding the ring between two fingers out for you to take.
“I have another necklace inside I can put this on.” You tell him, but he just shakes his head and waits for you to take the ring, before he walks around to his door and grabs something from inside.
He shows you a little black box that he’s held onto for a little while now. He wanted to give it to you the next time he saw you, but he wanted to make the moment special.
You watch as he slowly opens the box, nervously eyeing you and your reaction when he reveals the silver necklace with a two conjoined hearts pendant.
“You can put it on this one.” He grins, you it was hard to form the words for you. All you could do was stare back at him in surprise with a giddy smile on your face.
He took the necklace out of the box and unclasped it before he took the ring and slipped the chain through it, then stepped behind you.
You gathered your hair and let him assemble the necklace, then felt his lips against the side of your neck afterwards.
“Want you to know how much you mean to me.” He muttered against you, placing a few lingering kisses between. “Don’t want you to ever think that there’s anyone out there who can ever change that, either. I want you, and only you, and I mean that.”
He stepped around you and his hands locked back in on your hips. His eyes were staring intently into yours as if he was trying to drive that point home. He wanted to make sure you believed him and everything he told you, and make sure you would from this point on.
“You don’t have to say it back, but I love you, Y/n. I know it’s only been a month and everything kind of happened fast with us from the start, but I wouldn’t change anything even if I could.”
You stared back at him in complete awe and he stared back at you with a million nerves wracking around within him, but it was all pleasantly soothed over when you leaned in and placed a series of soft kisses to his lips, pulling him as close as he could possibly get before you hummed against his lips, “I love you too.”
taglist: @madhatterbri @730hook @multi-fandom-things730 @willowgreens @shawtys-things @justdamnpeachy @wickedval @730bliss @theworldofotps @madds-97 @gethooked @benjaminka @5secondsofmoxley @adorestar @cypherpart15 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @littlemissbliss06
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dreamii-krybaby · 7 months
I hate the fact that I have to make a post regarding the situation that is happening on MDTumblr rn. But it has gotten the point its been affecting people that have nothing to do with it, even me a little, which I did not expect.
I have no intention of involving myself or in picking sides, but I feel like by already making this post am already putting my feet in the water. But anyways, am going to get straight to the point
If you have no personal relationships with the people who are involved, don’t involve yourself, don’t pay attention to it, that’s it, ignore it. Don’t discuss it, don’t opinion on it, nada, cero. And if you do want to discuss it, do it privately with people of trust.
And if you are confused on what’s going on? Thats fine, in fact, don’t even pay attention to it, don’t ask, keep doing your own thing. It’s not worth your time and energy.
As of rn I feel like there is still a lot of lack of information regarding context and details. And I feel the best way to approach this is to be neutral. As if worse case scenario, if either side of the conflict turns out to be wrong, you save yourself from embarrassment.
Its sucks that I need to talk about this bc am seeing a lot of people that don’t have to do with anything get involved or become affected by it. Even myself.
What am about to do this hypocritical of my part, since I advised to not make an opinion, but I have to say this:
Am disappointed at how some of the people that are heavily involved isn’t really handling the situation well. As in handling things in a more in civil way you could say.
Yes am aware some of them are minors but that doesn’t mean some of them can’t do better.
And am also disappointed that some who aren’t minors are also not handling the situation that well.
I’ve seen both parties insult at eachother, Like if that’s going to make anything better.
So please, if you are an outsider and are feeling affected by this whole thing or are confused, ignore it completely. This is THEIR problem not YOUR’S or MINE’S.
One or two conflicts shouldn’t go out if their way to involve unrelated people and suck the joy out of the entire community. Yes, I know one of them involves serious accusations, but as I said before, they could have handled the situation better and there is a lot of unclear information.
My point still stands, am not taking sides, do not come here and try to persuade me. Bc I won’t.
If after seeing this you disagree with me and no longer want to interact with me, that’s fine. I do not care.
Also if any of you need a break, that’s ok.
And am saying all of this because I learned it from personal experiences in other platforms. And bc am seeing how its affecting way more people than it should.
I will still be posting contend btw.
Anyways made some memes to cheer up a little.
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ghoulelegy · 10 months
Notes from the Greenhouse
Summary: You come down with the ghoulish flu one morning. Despite feeling unwell, you remember to return borrowed items to Primo's greenhouse and end up encountering Papa Emeritus.
Pairing: Primo x Sick Reader
Words: 2230
Primo being a doting grandfather
Mentions of doctors
Foraging and Journalling
Safe for work
Gender Neutral reader
Read Notes from the Greenhouse on AO3 - if you prefer that.
Note: thank you @em0bussy for being my beta reader.
The ghoulish flu had taken hold of you that morning, its unwelcome grip wrapping you in icy cold shivers and fatigue. Its frosted tendrils crept through your body, wrapping you in an unrelenting embrace of discomfort. Every movement felt like a battle against the weight of exhaustion that settled heavily upon your shoulders. Chills danced along your spine, each one a reminder of the fever that raged within, alternating with waves of heat that left your skin flushed and damp.
Your sinuses were a battleground of congestion as if a dam had been erected within your head, blocking the natural flow of air. Each breath was a laborious effort, a struggle against the barricade of mucus that stubbornly refused to yield. Your throat, a usually clear passage for words and nourishment, had transformed into a raw and scratchy passage, protesting every swallow and causing a twinge of pain with each cough.
Your eyes, typically filled with brightness and bursting with life, were now veiled in a dull haze of fatigue. Redness clung to the edges, a testament to the strain of your body's battle against the invading virus. Sleep eluded you, as the coughing fits and restless discomfort kept you in a state of half-wakefulness. Sister Imperator had insisted you take the day off, recognizing the exhaustion that weighed heavily on your shoulders.
But before you could fully embrace the rare luxury of a break, your memory tugged at you, reminding you of the mortar and pestle you had borrowed from Primo. With gratitude for his generosity in allowing you to use them for your homemade paint, you made your way to the greenhouse to return the items.
With the late summer air, you found yourself going on walks and foraging wilted flowers (you decided to leave the living ones for the pollinators) which you then later used to make inks and paints for your writing. Primo had so kindly offered you to borrow his working utensils, to let you experiment with the paint-making process.
“I see you child, come in.” You hear a warm voice calling you in. You enter the greenhouse, the temperate room offering a stark contrast to the frigidity of the hallway of the abbey. You see Primo in his usual attire, kneeling next to some flowers, spraying them with some mist from a bottle.
“Papa! I’ve come to return your stuff. Thank you for lending them to me. The paint turned out nice”. Your words came out with a nasal tone, echoing with the rasping sound of your throat.
"Ah, I'm so glad. What did you use for the paint?”
“Just some berries I found the other day. Bilberries, I think?  Anyways I uh - I wrote all about it in my foraging journal. I can show you if you want” you muffle out, struggling to talk due to the pressure built up in your sinus.
“Ah, that would be lovely. But first, I must ask, are you alright? You sound…congested…and your eyes…they're so red."
"I'm alright, it's just…a little cold."
"Oh, you poor thing. Come, come, come. I’ll examine you, and then I’ll make you a cup of tea, child. Rest assured we’ll take care of that cold of yours.”
“I’m not entirely sure if you sound like a doting grandfather or a doctor”. You teasingly spit out
Papa chuckles warmly “I am neither, um well I suppose I am the age of which many would consider me a grandfather, however, I am but a simple herbologist. I trust you are scheduled to see a doctor?”
“Tomorrow, yes” 
“Lovely, I can give you some stuff to help with your discomfort in the meantime, but I still need to examine you first”.
He takes a torch, which he shines in your mouth.
“Hmm, you have some redness it seems, your lymph nodes seem swollen too. Does it hurt to swallow?”
You nod.
“Do you have a fever?”
“Not sure, really”
“Hmm, hard to tell for sure without a thermometer, but you do feel quite warm, might be fair to assume you have a slight fever” he says as he places his palm on your forehead. “Not to worry, I’ll make you some tea and bring you some medicinal syrup for your throat. One minute. I’ll be right back.”
He goes to the back of the greenhouse, on a table filled with glass jars. He goes through the jars one by one, uttering a series of hmmms before landing on an “Aha” before walking back to you.
He hands you a glass jar of black syrup. “Here, child, take this. It’s elderberries, thyme, ginger, turmeric…..some other stuff…yes…uhh here’s the label - cloves, cinnamon and honey.  Not the best tasting, I’m going to be honest, but it should help with your throat.”
He then proceeds to hand you a tablespoon. You pour the dark reddish-brown syrup into your spoon. You can’t help but chuckle at how it reminds you of the paint you made the week before. You notice that it smells richly of fruit as well as spice. You consume the concoction, the slightly viscous silkiness of the syrup coating your throat. Your olfactory sense has been dulled down due to your sickness but the rich sweet taste of the elderberries made it through, along with the immediate warmth of the ginger and cinnamon.
“That was not as bad as I expected it to be. It was actually quite pleasant, Papa” you chuckle.
“Well, I’m glad. Take a teaspoon twice a day or as needed”.
“Okay, now you sound like a doctor, Papa” You chuckle which sends you into a coughing fit.
“Now I shall make you a nice herbal tea, and you will feel better soon. Come, let us go to my office, child.”
He directs you to his office, a small but cosy room with a desk, desk chair, and two couches in the middle.
He sits you down on the couch, while he drapes a blanket over you, before handing you some lemon and ginger tea.
You notice that on his desk is a pair of wooden knitting needles, and a skein of brown wool.
 “You knit, Papa?”
“Indeed, I do. I’m making a blanket right now, got a lot of time on my hands now that the winter season is fast approaching. Don’t need to be outside as much now.”
“Okay, now you’re a doting grandfather. My old school had an unofficial knitting club. We’d sometimes used to gather on Friday after our classes were done for the week and just chill in the common room knitting to some weird TV show we found that day.”
As the tea warmed you from the inside out and the blanket cocooned you in comfort, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected connection that had blossomed between you and Papa Emeritus. In this haven of herbs, warmth, and shared stories, you found solace amid the ghoulish flu's grip. You still felt like you wanted to rip your throat out, with the occasional fit of coughs and sneezes, but the comfort of the blanket and the warmth of the office were enough to offer you some temporary relief.
Suddenly, a thought sparked within you. You reached into your satchel and retrieved your foraging journal, a weathered and well-loved notebook filled with pressed flowers, handwritten notes, and sketches of the plants you had encountered during your walks.
"Papa, I thought you might like to see this," you said, holding out the journal for him to see.
He took it with a gentle smile, his eyes lighting up as he flipped through the pages. "Ah, what a treasure trove of knowledge and beauty you've collected here."
You watched as he examined each page, his finger tracing the delicate lines of your sketches. It was as if he could feel the very essence of the plants you had encountered through the pages of your journal. There was also a section dedicated to berries as well as mushrooms (illustrated with mushroom spores)
"Tell me, child, about this flower here," he said, pointing to a vibrant illustration of a purple wildflower.
“Oh, that’s the sketch of a Michaelma Daisy. I found it on a walk, I used some withered ones to make the paint, then used that paint to paint the sketch.” Papa Emeritus nodded in approval. "A remarkable find and your sketches capture its beauty splendidly."
Encouraged by his genuine interest, you continued to share the stories behind the various entries in your journal. Each plant held its own significance, whether it was a remedy for headaches or a symbol of hope in challenging times.
As the afternoon sunlight painted the room in a warm glow, you felt a profound connection forming between you and Papa Emeritus. The exchange of stories and shared appreciation for the natural world created a bond that transcended the constraints of time and illness.
"You know," he began, his eyes twinkling with a mix of wisdom and playfulness, "I believe that the act of documenting nature's wonders is a form of magic in itself. It's a way of preserving the fleeting moments of beauty and drawing inspiration from the world around us."
His words resonated with you deeply, and you realized that amid your fatigue and discomfort, you had discovered an unexpected source of inspiration and strength.
Papa Emeritus returned the journal to you with a gentle smile. "Keep documenting, keep exploring, and keep finding beauty even in the most unlikely places. Your journey with the natural world is a gift to both yourself and those fortunate enough to share in it."
And as you close your foraging journal and place it back in your satchel, you see Primo running quickly out of his office, before returning, carrying several books in his hands.
"Ah, my young forager, mind if I share some of my research and knowledge? "
“Of course, Papa”
Curious, you settled in, eager to hear what Papa Emeritus had to say.
"Some books about the plants and mushrooms you've been encountering," he began. "Fascinatingly, did you know that lingonberries were once used as a natural dye for textiles? And that bilberries were considered a source of sustenance for generations of foragers. Legend has it that pilots during the war would eat bilberry jam before missions, to improve their night vision during flights. Well of course the night vision part was disproven.”
Your eyes widened as Papa Emeritus shared his insights. The fact that he had taken the time to delve into the history and uses of the very plants you'd been collecting made you feel an even deeper connection to him.
“I had no idea“ you admitted, your excitement matching his own. "It's incredible how much knowledge is hidden within the natural world.”
Primo nodded; his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "Indeed, and every discovery adds to that tapestry of knowledge. It's a tapestry that we contribute to with every step we take into the woods, every journal entry we make, and every moment we spend in the company of nature. I have plenty of books here you can borrow on how to make use of things you encounter.”
As the conversation flowed, you found yourself engrossed in the exchange of stories and insights. With each shared fact and anecdote, the bond between you and Papa Emeritus deepened, transcending the roles of mentor and student, and transforming into a genuine friendship rooted in a shared love for the wild and its mysteries.
As the conversation flowed between you and Papa Emeritus, the hours slipped away unnoticed. The sun's warm embrace gradually gave way to the gentle hues of twilight that painted the room in a soft, amber glow. With each shared tale, the bond between you deepened, and the walls of Papa's cosy office seemed to hold not just the scent of herbs and tea, but also the weight of stories exchanged.
“I just needed to return the things—you let me borrow. And boy, I’m so glad I did”
With a contented sigh, Papa Emeritus leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile gracing his lips. "You know, my dear, sometimes the most unexpected moments bring us the greatest connections."
As the evening deepened, Papa Emeritus rose from his seat and walked over to a small shelf filled with leather-bound tomes.
“You should probably go rest, child” Primo gently voiced his words
“Yeah. I really should.”
"But before you leave, my dear, allow me to gift you with a book from my collection," he said, selecting a beautifully worn volume and placing it in your hands. "Consider it a token of our shared passion for the natural world."
You ran your fingers over the aged pages and smiled warmly at him. "Are you serious?” you ask “That’s so sweet of you.”
With a nod, he gestured toward the door. "Now, my dear, rest and let the herbs work their magic. Tomorrow is a new day, and I do not doubt that your resilience will triumph over this ghoulish flu."
As you left the cosy haven of Papa's office, carrying not just a book but also a heart full of newfound connection, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and a heart brimming with gratitude, you stepped back into your room, you can’t help but feel like smiling as you collapse on your bed.
~ Fin ~
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enteringdullsville · 6 months
Underrated Real Time Fandub Lines: Sonic Adventure 2
“Za Warudo!”
“I’ll make you eat those words!”
Sonic trades barbs faster than his mind can process them.
“THAT’S RIGHT, SONIC! I’M TAKING IT FROM THE oh wait, Sonic isn’t here. Knuckles, I’m taking your emerald.”
Eggman fails to account for the Master Emerald’s guardian.
“Thanks, I forgot who this was! Did we ever establish our names? Hi, I’m Sonic!”
All said in the same angry tone of voice.
“F*** you, moon! You never had the cheese I wanted!”
Doctor Ivo Robotnik, IQ of 300.
“I’m sorry, did you not consent to me saving your life? I’ll put you back down, I’m sorry!”
Knuckles knows not to push his boundaries.
“And now I will control the universe! AND EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH splatoon2letsplays BY EGGMAN! NOW GET IN THE F***ING ROOM!”
I feel like it would’ve been easier to put it on the news while you were taking everyone’s Best Buys, but you do you, buddy.
Knuckles and the big man upstairs go way back.
“You know I’ve seen my fair share of piss rocks~”
“…You said that really sensually!”
I quote Sonic’s response constantly.
“What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves piss rocks…and adventure. I’m gonna run now.”
“What the f***.”
From Shadow, that kinda hurts.
“It’s been seventeen days…”
Cut to later…
How much time passed between those fades?
“Please stop, Ivo.”
This can go one of three ways. Either Eggman’s lying to cover his tracks, his full name is Ivo Ivo Robotnik (his actual name is pronounced “Eee-Voh”), or he’s just named “Doctor”.
“I put hot sauce on everything-”
Alfred immediately catches on to what Ryan’s going for.
“That rap! It reminds me of her!”
I really want to know what the heck crimes Maria committed.
“I’m here to show you what Ninten can do…and what Za WaruDON’T!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense.”
Shadow as he prepares his epic Earthbound Beginnings/Jojo crossover fanfiction.
“My follower base!”
“And yet they still can’t figure out how to get nazis off their site.”
In which Shadow utterly scorches the entire platform.
“As long as I get my weed back, I don’t really care.”
“I don’t have a character motive.”
The best part is that since Shadow’s been shot down to Earth for reasons completely unrelated to G.U.N., he really doesn’t have a character motive other than being a troll.
“Are you my mom?”
“No? What? The f***?”
Amy the Hedgehog to Tails, who is a boy, a fox, and far younger than her.
“Yes, Rouge. Thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a Hot Topic.”
You can just hear the realization hit him.
Odd as it may be to put a line from the moon rant in an “underrated lines” compilation, nobody talks about how brilliant a conclusion this is.
“I can’t believe he came to his intervention drunk.”
Really? Because it sounds just like him.
DJ Inexplicable Talking Gemstone’s new hit rock song.
“Wait, I know you! I saw your dick on Twitter!”
That’s one heck of a way to introduce yourself, Amy.
“When I see you, it is ON SIGHT! IT IS ON! SIGHT-”
“Yeah, piss off.”
The Ultimate Life Form cares not for your threats.
“What the f***, you Hot Topic hot sauce motherf***er, why would you even say anything!?”
“There’s nothing hotter than hot sauce, Rouge.”
That’s not even remotely an answer to the question she asked you!
“But I wanted the last thing I breathe to be pot!”
I always used to mishear it as “pie”.
“That’s not really a surprise!”
Amy’s line was golden as is. Tails’ barely audible snapback is just icing.
“And that is why I! Am the true owner of the world! That’s right! All that you see before you? Everything the piss touches? That is your kingdom! And you, my son, shall go forth and inherit it!”
Yes, thank you, Knuckles.
“Ah gave birth.”
Another great throwaway line.
“As we know, my dick is on my hand.”
This guy’s about to jack off…
“If I gave Shadow fifteen apples…and then Amy gave Shadow another sixTEEEN…and then Tails took away three…my question is…what is the total mass of the sun?”
“As Obama told me, it’s THREE!”
“Why does it sound like he’s getting further away-this is stupid.”
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful binge watch.
“Wait, that’s no moon, that’s a space station!”
“Nice reference. I also love Star Trek.”
Oh, Shadow.
“Shadow didn’t deserve to die for his piss-”
“Yeah he did!”
“-but here we are.”
She’s not wrong.
“My shoes-my shoes in my reflection are opaque, bye!”
Again, she’s not wrong.
“I’m not understanding any of this, but here’s a gloog.”
We all need a gloog in our life.
“So if we were to all drink piss, does that make you or me?”
“It makes us both avid piss drinkers.”
This explains so much.
“Can I ask you, um-”
“No. Make sure to like, comment and subs-”
No is one of the greatest words in the English language.
“This is a Big McIntosh…”
It took me years to catch that reference.
“This is wagyu steak. Named after the dog, because wagyu tail?”
…I got hit by a “deez nuts” joke.
“I’m gonna get a paper towel.” (Grabs a jar of pickles)
Eh, close enough.
“Don’t worry, this one literally has gold on it, so you will die if you eat it.”
“Good, that was the goal.”
Talk about a rich flavor.
“You hit me in my nose! That’s the spot where I don’t like being hit!”
“Well then that’s where I’ll hit you on repeated instances!”
Sonic being a menace to society.
“Hey, that’s some good bars man, y’know I’m coming to kill you right now.”
“…Can you not do that?”
“Uhhh, for how long?”
“Give me at least…y’know fifteen, sixteen…years.”
Followed shortly by Eggman trying to gaslight Sonic into thinking he destroyed the world.
“If they did make a prune juice cocktail, like half prune juice, half vodka, that would be called the ‘factory reset’.”
I have no idea how they started talking about prune juice, but whatever.
The Dark Story version of Rouge and Knuckles’ encounter is…strange to say the least.
“Hey that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Hey, that’s!”
I think Shadow’s the fake hedgehog around here.
“I’m gonna kill you, and I’m sober now, ‘cause I went to my own intervention!”
Sometimes it just be like that.
“That was completely unnecessary. My back hurts now.”
Screaming for three consecutive years finally caught up with him.
“I diagnose you with DEAD, Wazowski!”
The entire Roz sequence came out of nowhere, and I love it for that.
Not pictured: the epilogue to the Piss Saga.
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fistfuloflightning · 29 days
If you ever have the sudden urge totlk about Kushina/Fugaku, please do <3
(Totally unrelated to me reading your fic and finding a new rare pair. Honest. /lh)
Why yes I do love talking about my rarepairs!! *chin on hands* I’m so glad you asked! Also, sorry for the incredibly late reply!! 
Okay. So. Fugashina. I haven’t actually had to put down my thoughts about this ship beyond fic ideas before, so be forewarned that some of this is just brainmush and might not make sense.
I’ve mentioned this a couple other times, but I’ve long held the headcanon that the Uzumaki and the Uchiha are linked, through their sealing abilities (actual seals vs the sharingan which I would argue acts as a seal on the mind) but also as narrative foils. And that trickles down to their members. We already got the Naruto/Sasuke dynamic in canon, along with some teeny bits of Kushina and Obito also as foils (outcasts desperate to prove themselves to the place/people that regard them as Other).
Kushina is a fantastic character, strong and determined and so very underutilized. Admittedly, it is mostly Minato’s story but Kushina just gets swept under the rug. And while I lovelovelove Minato’s character, there’s a power imbalance in the relationship between the two of them that I don’t particularly like, (probably why I ship both Minato and Kushina with people that are not each other lol). They each deserve to have an equal partnership (and if that means writing fanfic, then fine damnit). Kushina doesn’t deserve to be that wife who wields power over her helpless husband; Minato deserves to be more than just a malewife after we got glimpses of what he could be. Kushina just feels like wasted potential (admittedly we only see her in domestic scenes in the anime, and mayyyyybe some fights scenes in the movies I think if I’m remembering correctly) and I think that’s just sad. It’s like… watching Padme, once the queen of an entire planet and then a senator in the galactic senate, spend most of RotS barefoot and pregnant. Idk I just think it’s wasted potential and it’s stupid and I want to make it better.
I already said I like the Uchiha and Uzumaki as foils, and the one who seems to beat balance her out personality-wise is Fugaku: he’s another case wasted potential (not as bad as Kushina, but still). I like having someone more serious and a little older than her to balance her immaturity and whimsical nature, someone who has the physical and mental stamina to keep up with her, and abilities that compliment hers. I think there are a lot more thoughts about those qualities but I’m exhausted rn. BUT. All this to say Fugaku seems to fit perfectly with her personality and her abilities and has the mental resilience to keep up. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would put her on a pedestal (like Minato did) and instead would challenge her and force her to think instead of behaving recklessly. In canon he’s stern (discipline-wise)with his children—I can see him taking the same approach with Kushina pre-relationship because he can see the potential and will try to help it grow the best way he knows.
She probably likes him for the fact that he doesn’t care she’s an outlier in the village—he likes competence and assertiveness and she’s got that in spades. He treats her as a person and a contributing member of the village—treating her like she has value beyond being a jinchuuriki (which I’m pretty sure was kinda hush hush at that point in canon but idc shhh). 
I just want mutual respect and a balanced relationship and symbolism with an Uchiha/Uzumaki union. A kind of closure to these two once great clans.
…And their babies would be hella cute ☺️ 
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crimeboys · 7 months
“Hey,” Hannah says, out of breath beside her, and while Tina could feel the unrelenting scowl on her face before, it now curls into a little smile she couldn’t stop if she wanted to. “God, it’s crazy in here. Have you had your break yet?”
“Yes,” Tina says. It’s not true. She doesn’t know why she says it, especially because five seconds ago she was turning into the Joker a little bit. Hannah squints and frowns, looking down at her clipboard. “My 15, I mean, I had my 15.” That’s also a lie but it’s less likely to be scrutinized as a lie.
“Oh, fucking Foolish forgot to mark it,” she grumbles, checking it off the list. “He is so bad about that. It’s literally a check mark, right?”
“Well, his namesake and all.” Hannah laughs.
“Yeah, yeah, can’t blame him.” There’s a noise over her earpiece and Hannah looks like she’s in pain. “Um, I’ll take over in a few minutes, if that’s okay. Boomer broke a fucking fryer.”
“He’s in electronics.”
“Well, it’s Boomer!” Hannah says with a crazed little laugh and shrug of her clipboard. She storms off toward the deli and Tina resists the urge to kick her register a little. No shared break today, she guesses.
Twenty minutes later, Tina is chowing down on a really bad sandwich in the Subway when Quackity sits down in front of her. He looks stupid with the hairnet. “Don’t you usually go to the breakroom? Don't get enough of me at home?”
“Do not call it home,” she says with her mouth full, throwing a napkin at him. “I’m not here for you.” Quackity turns a bit, looking out the window with a curious gaze. Tina kicks him when he starts to laugh. Hannah is giving Boomer a dressing down in front of God and everyone. “You literally can’t say anything, okay? You are so much more embarrassing, Quackity.”
“For what?”
“Hairnet. Fumbling the ball on like five separate occasions.”
“I have to wear the fucking hairnet, okay?” He adjusts it, like it’ll somehow look better on him. “And those balls had nothing to do with me.”
“I mean, at some point you’ve gotta ask, are you the problem?” Quackity grabs her bag of chips and she lets him because she doesn’t want them and also she feels a little bad about the way his shoulders drop.
“Don’t fuck it up with Hannah and then we’ll talk, okay?”
“I’m literally not! She just- I dunno. I feel like she likes me, right? Like I’m not insane?”
“Tina, I’ve literally never talked to Hannah.”
“But I tell you about her.”
“All the fucking time, yes.”
“Quackity, I’m literally the nicest person in the entire world. You know that, right? You’re being mean to the nicest person in the entire world.”
- from document titled “walmart”
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tommstic · 11 months
Being trans in the south
Hey all! I’ve finally accepted myself, and I think that now is a perfect time to share my story. This post will contain transphobic language, descriptions of dysphoria, and other possibly triggering things. I think it’s important to read just to get a look into the life of a trans kid in the south, but if it makes you uncomfortable, please skip if you need!
I live in the southern area of the USA. It’s not really a secret, I talk about my state and the whether pretty often so it’s not like I’m trying to hide who I am. Because of that, I feel comfortable sharing this story with some more personal details.
I live in South Carolina. The state is no stranger to anti-lgbtq+ corruption in the local government and in the citizens. SC is one of the states which has currently banned LGBTQ+ topics to be taught under the umbrella of sex ed. With this info, you can probably infer what life as an lgbtq+ teen is like in the dead centre of a red state.
I realised I was trans during late 2019 - early 2020 (my memory is fuzzy due to unrelated matters, so sorry if the timeline feels fuzzy sometimes). I decided to identify as bigender at the time. I only came out to my close friends, and that was after months of being scared they wouldn’t accept me. Of course, they accepted me, being lgbtq+ themselves.
Later on, somehow, word began to spread that I was trans and people at school began to ask me questions about it. It was scary. I remember being so anxious every time someone would come up and talk to me during that time because I was afraid they would harass, hurt, or judge me because of my identity. And naturally, whenever someone would ask, I would tell them I wasn’t trans and they’d heard wrong. It felt weird to act like I was “the victim of gossip” when in reality it was true. I was trans, but I wasn’t ready to talk about it.
Time passes, blah blah, unimportant nonsense. Nothing really significant to my identity happens, I still identified as bigender. I was trying to accept myself more by being more public with my identity. I wanted to believe that the south wasn’t as hateful as the media portrayed it, so I was public about my identity online and would tell people I was trans if they asked. My first instance of experiencing genuine transphobia was when I was banned from my friend’s house by their dad due to me being trans.
I felt so sick that night and I cried so so much- I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that my identity had gotten me banned from seeing them again. I felt like I was the problem.
Then I entered my freshman year. I started wearing pins on my ID because I wanted to try again. Plus, I assumed that if I was in a public space I’d be safe. I wasn’t entirely wrong, but in some instances it didn’t exactly work out.
There were certain classes where I took off my trans pin from my ID. Mostly classes overrun by country kids and openly trans/homophobic people. I would put the pin in a small pocket in my bag and wear my ID as normal.
One day I did the same as usual, putting my pin away, and I noticed this kid looking at me weird. We leave the classroom and when we come back to pack up I check my bag and the zipper is opened and the pin is gone. Now I’m not completely sure it was him, but someone stole my pin and I know it wasn’t out of jealousy. There was a sticky note with a shitty cross drawn onto it. Losing the pin sucked, especially considering the motive, but it was the least of my problems.
People from my school would occasionally send me DMs via Instagram telling me I need God and how I’m disgusting. I was even threatened a few times, which was sadly no surprise. I’ve always prided myself on not taking cyber bullying seriously when it’s aimed towards me. I don’t typically let it affect me. But when you’re already surrounded by an environment that seems to absolutely hate you, having your online spaces being invaded the same way hurts like hell.
During the same class I mentioned earlier, I was called slurs both to my face and behind my back. Two kids were talking saying that “the class had been ruined by the tr*nnies,” while nodding in my direction. Another kid had asked me straight up if I was a tr*nnie.
It was around this time that I felt like giving up on my identity. I still felt sick looking in the mirror and looking at my body. I still hated everything remotely feminine about myself. I still hated being a girl but I decided that it was just easier to suppress my identity and go back to being “normal.”
In other words, being told that Id never be a real man was the straw that broke the camels back.
I still mentioned being trans in passing when I was talking with my friends, but generally I kept it a secret. During this time, I began to feel even worse about myself. I considered suicide because I felt like I would never be a real man. I felt like I wouldn’t ever be able to free myself from this prison that I had built for myself by rejecting my identity. It was shitty and it felt awful. I kept holding on to any piece of femininity I could find in myself because of how much I started to hate the idea of being trans. I hated it so much I just wanted to stay “normal.”
I relapsed. The only other trans friend I had at the time was a fucking enabler who I should have cut off forever ago, so it just got worse. I started doing stupid shit that I can’t even say on here for my own safety. It was bad, it put me in danger, and it was disgusting.
I began to calm myself down after a few months of not thinking about it and I decided to wade back into the waters of my trans identity by identifying as genderless. I just thought “hey, if I don’t have a gender, then there’s no reason to feel dysphoria right? I’m just me.”
Yea well no surprises here, it didn’t work. Another year of suppressing my real identity and I still hadn’t learned anything. I suppressed my identity for 3, almost 4, years because I was so scared of who I really was. I suffered from so much internalised transphobia for the past years due to the environment I grew up in. It changed how I perceived myself for the worst, and in the end, it didn’t stop me from being trans.
I have VERY recently come to accept my identity. I’m a boy. I’m FtM and that’s okay!! I wanted so bad to be able to hang on to my cisgender identity that it made me feel miserable for years. Finally I can really say that I’m trans and proud. I feel like I actually fit my identity and I no longer feel like I’m faking anything. It feels so freeing-
However, now that I’ve finally let go of my internal transphobia, I still have to face that of the world around me. I’m anxious to be public about my identity, I’m anxious to even come out to my parents (AGAIN.) because of what they might think.
I know there’s people out there who’ve had it worse than me, and that scares me the most. To imagine that there’s people struggling with the same issues as I am but with genuine violence in their lives, it’s worrying. As a country and as a society we have to understand that our views on young lgbtq+ members is crucial to how they view themselves. We’re just kids, we shouldn’t have to “toughen up” because we’re being told to shoot ourselves. We shouldn’t be getting told all these terrible things in the first place.
It’s fucking awful and I don’t think people have a real understanding of how passive transphobia affects people in the real world. There are dead trans kids because of this. There are dead queer kids because of this. It’s not easy to be surrounded by hate no matter where you look. I was lucky enough to have my friends as a support but not every kid has that. We gotta fucking fix this, it’s hurting innocent kids who just want to figure themselves out.
This was longer than I expected,, I tried to keep everything very linear. This isn’t a sob story or whatever, I just want to raise awareness for kids in the south because what I experienced was honestly so mild compared to what some other people I know have gone through. If you made it to the end, that’s awesome because I would’ve gotten tired by now Hah- thank you so much for reading-
if you’re of legal age to vote PLEASE do research on who you’re voting for because our leaders, local or National, determine the future of this country.
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wc-confessions · 11 months
Hey ^^ as a friend of Dicerollball, I saw a ask that was making some weird claims. I thought to clear things up. Dice has NEVER been friends with fox or xen-main (the person who I think has made call-outs on them.) The people who have made call-outs about them have been ableist, transphobic and rather racist about dice’s own race and identity. They have faked claimed a lot about dice as a person.
Making them a example of anti-black in the community is honestly pretty dehumanising. The proof has been 4 years since then. They have they have apologise for their behaviour back then.
I’ve even talked to some of the people who made the call-outs about dice and they apologised privately about their actions as well as agreed to tell the person who was fake-claiming about them not to continue further harassment.
If there is anything you’ll like to talk about regarding some of the call-outs made about them, my twitter/discord dms are up as I’m not active on tumblr.
@ mod cloudnettle, heres the thread dicerollball made abt the situation: https://twitter.com/dicerollball/status/1548870334043918336 - other mod
This is mod cloudnettle responding! (now known as clownnettle 🤡)
I'd like to apologize for me doing the very thing that I wanted to avoid and posting a complaint from an anon which had no proof (context for the ask that was sent) I should've actually looked the situation up and not made assumptions.
I'd also like to apologize for not posting this earlier! The reason I took so long to respond was completely unrelated to this ask. I was in fact the mod who posted that ask which this one is referring to so it's entirely my own fault for spreading the misinformation on this account.
It's horrible to hear that there was a misinforation campaign targetted at your friend and I feel even worse that I contributed to it. - Clounettle
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Hello hello! Hopefully this blog is a little easier to find your way around than being isekaied to an entirely new world. Let’s get the basics out of the way, yeah?
About Me
Hey!! I’m Vizzie, she/they, I’m 21 years old and Canadian. I’ve been writing for fun for the past few years, it really helped me through the pandemic and I got to meet so many awesome people through it! I’m prone to giving characters more angst than they should ever have to deal with, but I promise it hurts me as much as it hurts you lmao. I love travel and music, so even if you want to hmu to chat about something unrelated to twst, feel free! I love love love meeting new people and chatting with them but I also. Suck at responding sometimes. 
I have a blog for Obey Me fandom, and you can find it here:
  Feel free to DM me if you’d like to connect on Discord!
1. This is a drama, hate free space. Do not bring politics, bigotry, or rude behaviour to my blog and expect to get away with it. Don’t be an instigator, you won’t get the attention from me that your mother never gave you.
2. I take requests, but please for the love of god. Do not send me requests where something about Yuu’s/MC’s appearance is altered. Most of my work will not include them anyways, but if you would like something with them, they remain Gender Neutral. Always. And as neutral as possible as well, where their appearance is referred to traits that can be experienced rather than inherited. (Ex. Fatigued, hyperactive VS hair length, height, etc.)
3. This is a mostly SFW blog? I’m going to say 14A- simply because some of my work depicts gore and violence (I warned you about angst) but there will be trigger warnings, the writing will be under the cut, or linked to another site. If I miss a tag, just send an ask or dm to let me know, I’ll fix it. 
4. This blog is meant to be fun. Meant to start conversations. I promise I want to talk to you. Even if we’ve never interacted before, feel free to tag me in stuff. Feel free to RP. Send a random gif. I don’t mind. Have fun. Love y’all  😘
Tags ⬇ #december drabbles - mostly fluffy scenarios I wrote in response to prompts over the month of December :D
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Jane’s Pets Pt. 42: No One Left Behind
TWs in the tags
Separated | Rope burns | “Why did you save me?”
Jane has decided to keep you all separated. At least, that’s what she said. She might have put you in isolation and let Kit and Dollie still be together.
You rub at your wrists. There are rope burns all over your body, but your wrists hurt the worst.
You haven’t decided, yet, if chains or ropes are worse. Kit feels very strongly that chains are worse. They say chains are too solid, too unyielding. You could theoretically cut ropes.
You said that ‘theoretically’ doesn’t matter much. They said that it made them feel better anyway.
You rub your wrists. You agreed to come down here because you didn’t want to be alone, and now you’re alone anyway. Your head hurts. With nothing else to focus on, the ache seems to go through your entire body.
It’s better to be alone than to be tortured. You know this logically. But as the hours drag on, you can’t help but wish Jane would come back.
Your head hurts. You rub your wrists.
Puppy is in a lot of trouble for things she barely remembers doing. A past version of her would have been mad about this, but she’s not that person anymore. All she wants now is for Master to be happy with her again.
The punishment would be fine if Kitty and Bunny weren’t getting hurt too. She understands that she needs more pain to be good even when she’s sick, but Kitty and Bunny don’t need to get hurt.
Puppy leans against Master. She wants Master to pet her and tell her she’s good. She wants Master to tell her that she knows how hard Puppy is trying, that it’s not her fault but she still has bad instincts that only pain and fear will fix.
“You want to say something, Puppy?” Master’s annoyed, Puppy can tell, but the fact that she asked at all means she’s interested in what Puppy has to say. Puppy nods.
“Go ahead.”
“Master. Why did you save me?”
“From the asshole with the knife?”
Puppy smiles. That could refer to several people, including Master herself, but she’s near positive they’re referring to the same person. Puppy nods.
“We’ve talked about this before. I don’t want you to die yet, Puppy. No one gets to kill you except me.”
“I’ve survived having my throat cut before. Why didn’t you just attack him? Why did you agree to the trade?”
Jane’s demeanor shifts. “We got really lucky that you survived that, Puppy. I won’t let it happen again. No more talking. Give me your hand.”
Diya has always been a researcher. Ey loves nothing more than checking out a bunch of books from a library and disappearing for weeks. So it’s only natural that, as soon as ey is freed from captivity, ey gets to researching.
The research is not particularly hard. Ey only has to look for a minute before finding a recent string of violent murders. Maybe it’s completely unrelated, but the murders with shockingly little evidence as to who did them matches up pretty well with a murderous teleporting kid.
But there is one important difference between what the news describes and what happened to Diya. Because in all the stories, there was no one left behind. This girl clearly isn’t only killing people who deserve it, so… why did she leave Diya alive?
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else!
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @ghostsinthecloset @scp-1296
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selphplusplus · 1 year
I don’t even write anymore
The constant over the shoulder
has ruined the ONE outlet
that was keeping me together.
There is no more therapeutic tool for me.
Perhaps you can’t appreciate that.
But what the fuck did you think I was going to turn to to cope
with shit life throws us!?
The healthy outlet I replaced
all this whatever the fuck I’m doing now
has been unappealing entirely.
Eyes on the screen.
At a whim.
So you feel safe knowing what I’m doing.
I’m gonna continue to fall apart
again and again.
And again.
My words are gone.
A wounded muse
i curated and resurrected from the pain
My demons and traumas
I’d started overcoming.
And yet.
you slaughtered it
Right in front of me.
And all I could do is watch.
Revert to the part of me that learned to mask the pain,
because you knew
You’d setup a perfect catch22
only too late
and after it was too late to apologize.
Broken trust. With a dash of selfish justification.
I’d have forgiven it.
But to lie for so long.
Avoid having the conversation hanging in the air
about what I’ve been going through
visually deteriorating
in front of the fucking people
who are supposed to love me.
Hmph. Go find your proof in the trash.
Or you could have just asked directly
and pushed because let’s be quite Frank, it’s not like the signs weren’t there.
So what used to be the only fucking tool that was healthy
An outlet to expel the temptations
Deliver me of my own evil
when I got so in my own mental umbra.
“That underneath shit”
As the folder rabbit hole starts.
I’m very very buried. 6‘ x 6’ x 6’ deep.
I’m tired. I don’t know that I have the energy
to resurrect again.
Why are we expected to resurrect Lazarus
again and again
into the phoenix?
If it’s only purpose is to burn into another oblivion.
The only words
that want to write any more
are full of hate
Wrapped in rage
And augmented with an avalanche of
//Stop talking,
interrupting me.
you do that dumb shit
enough the rest of the fucking time // comment mine
The hatred and anger.
That’s not my muse.
And all I see is what have you done to her?
The weight she bore,
anymore she can’t carry.
And I have no poems these days
to sustain the beauty in the darkness
I managed to find despite losing odds.
Now I just want darkness.
No. A deeper order. The exact opposite of divine.
Pure unrelenting chaos.
The eternal paint thinner
stripping away the remaining emotions
until the words on the walls themselves
fade to actions
Self slaying sinful suicidal acts
worse than the darkest blackness.
Suffering to sacrifice to slayer of the sun itself.
What’s the opposite of starbirth?
The dark heat death of your universe
flame to embers to not even smoke anymore
No, now sleep,
Or much longer
Slumber eternal
One of the better ideas
//Please what!? Shut the fuck up.
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vonkarma2 · 14 days
⚠️ for rocio and gloria, ❗angel, and📓with whoever you feel you have a really good one for? (also 👖made me think of a high school au rocio. student whos super smart and whos world revolves around college acceptance and also doesn't talk to literally anyone else at school ever)
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
For Rocio, it’d probably be like !do not approach! or something like that, since they get recognized very frequently and hate when random people start talking to them for whatever reason. Though since they are a wizard, a message like that may come across as unnecessarily threatening.
Asking this question for Gloria reminds me of like those memes where its like someone smoking in front of a sign that says no smoking or whatever. Warning label saying do not trust this person while she is looking at you with eyes like this >🥺 and saying don’t you trust me..
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
It’s kind of funny how Angel’s priorities went from largely selfish and interpersonal (I hope I can get taken seriously and also have a good time on my first trip out to see the world <3) to like. Survive. He’s being hunted by 2 factions, 1) various demons who don’t want the portal to be opened 2) the people who are trying to completely extinguish the entire royal line. It sucks because after the portal gets opened, the humans who are trying to kill him still need him to die, only now he doesn’t have Rocio to defend him and Gloria is probably not going to risk her life for someone she barely knows. 
Actually this kind of reminded me to complain about something completely unrelated. Version 2.0 of these OCs had a very simple, straightforward plot that I probably could have written out completely in about 30k words. Like, it was genuinely doable. But I didn’t really like that version of the story because I thought it made the characters and world seem pretty flat, so I decided to focus more on fantasy politics/other world building elements + make several of the characters arcs more complicated. Unfortunately, I only had/have ideas for how to rewrite some of the characters and beats, so a lot of them remain just as straightforward as before. And it makes me think I was way too ambitious and now any shot I have of finishing this story and moving on is so over T_T hopefully I can come up with something thats still relatively simple bc I really do want to finish the story one day :)
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Since I’ve posted about song lyrics before, I wanted to look for movie or book quotes for these people. I’m doing my ocs, not werewolf story. But I wanted to say this line reminds me of Kaleela and Baize’s relationship sorry everyone
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When I got this question, I was excited because I thought I would have a lot of good answers considering how OCs brained I was looking at other media for a really long time. But in the end, I couldn't think of anything. Best I can do is 2 panels from saiki k that remind me a lot of rocio
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
I think it is so frustrating and sad you have to not even tag things to avoid getting hate like adding anti tags should be enough but even then I just don’t understand why people are so so so sensitive about opposing opinions. I have a more nuanced opinion of Dany than 99% of Dany fans in that I acknowledge her darkness although I also don’t fully agree with everything you said about her. It’s not worth writing it up bc that’s not the point of this ask (long story short I think she’s inclined to violence at first but we see her being sickened by the memory of it aside from burning MMD which is a special case I could talk at length about, and I am intrigued by that conflict within her character). And I am so wholly unbothered by your interpretation and opinion of the character. I like your content a lot and it’s nice to be able to read opinions that conflict with mine mixed in with things I agree with and I honestly don’t understand why other people don’t feel the same way. Which isn’t judgement. People are allowed to want to see only things they agree with. But it is so foreign to me. We are talking about a book series here.
As an entirely unrelated side question: do you have a post anywhere talking about the reader in your fic or have you left her as more of a blank slate? I’ve never been interested in x reader fic but I love Jon and want to read yours but what I worry about x reader content is that the reader won’t be enough of a blank slate. I am also simply curious about what you have thought up about her whether or not the fic ends up being for me
I'm totally fine with other opinons, but I have had issues before of being harassed over my opinons of Dany before and I would rather not tempt fate because it was pretty brutal last time. I also don't enjoy debate, because I don't use my blog as a platform to entertain that kind of discussion, I like open minded discussion of similar ideas and using different opinons to explain my side. But I do not wish to have a back and forth of totally disagreeing sides, that is not fun to me that gives me anxiety.
I'm fine with people thinking my interpretation of Dany is overly extreme, because I do understand what about her people like and why one may disagree. But debating someone about those issues isn't why I like talking about her. I like exploring a character not defending why I have a stance over and over again. But Dany stans have been unforgiving in the past and I don't want to risk it. And I don't want to platform debates and hostile arguments on this blog.
I made a Sansa post earlier which stemmed from someone whom I follow that made a point I did not agree with, but I did not go directly to them or add to their post. I made my own as to not be negative in a space talking positively about a character or subject. I dont belive in hijacking someones post to argue against what they are saying or going into there inbox to yell at them for it either, I dont think it is a productive way to get your point across. I prefer making my own posts where I can logically display my opinions and why in a well thought out manner, not argue with someone personally.
But Dany stans are not fond of me, and so I sometimes don't tag at all, soley out of anxiey because having a barrage of disagreeing opinions angry in my inbox insulting and demeaning me was what happened last time. So I avoid it to not create a hostile enviroment for my own followers as well.
As for my story, I appreciate you expressing interest but I cannot speak as to the degree of a blank slate reader. I try to not inundate the story with an overly vocal or overly involved reader, I try to blend her into the background of the story without being obtrusive or give her to strong of a vivid personality, but the reader does have a character consistency throughout.
I would suggest reading a little bit of the first chapter, because its pretty indicative of the style in which I portray the reader and make your decision from there. I don't want to mislead you one way or another but the first few scenes should give you a solid idea as to if it is your cup of tea or not.
Either way, thank you for your message I appreciate when someone who thinks differently then I do does not see the value in personally attacking someone for it, and expressing interest in my story, if you read it or not I am flattered either way you are very kind!
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pwnyta · 9 months
Apologies for my mistakes in advance.
Ok, so, I have a question for you.
Some time ago (honestly, it might have been kind of a long time ago) you’ve been talking about Genshin and how you prefer when the mc is not the point of view character but just someone who spectates from afar while other characters living their lives/stories. Tbh I’m not entirely sure that it was the exact thing that you said, but at the very least, that’s how I’ve remembered it xD
(Not trying to put words in your mouth btw, again, that’s just how I’ve remembered it)
So, my question is: do you not like MCs, like, in general? Like I know that it’s a strange question and that mc from Genshin feels more like a self-insert (I think they get better as the time goes on, maybe they’ll be their own characters by the end of the game lol), so it’s strange to question whether or not you like MCs just based on this one answer, but I was wondering about it so I decided to ask.
I’m not gonna lie, I am (kind of) a main character truther, they usually end up being my favorite characters, and if I don’t like mc, then I usually drop the work as a whole (because I don’t want to consume something that’s going to anger/annoy me, and bc MCs are usually a huge part of the story, I would rather just not interact with the story as a whole. Kind of unrelated, but my hatred for Bak*go forced me to drop mha bc he started to gain more and more screen time, and even though he is not THE main character, I still think that’s a good example).
Like. I hope you don’t think that I’m looking for troubles or anything, but as a person who likes MCs and as someone who would rather drop the work if I can’t emphasize with them/don’t like them/feel like they are NOT treated or behave like main characters, I’m just interested in the perspective of someone who doesn’t care for those characters/don’t like them in general.
Sorry if my message was confusing, I hope you got my point.
Well honestly I do tend to find MCs significantly less interesting than other characters. MCs tend to be the most generic character so that people can relate to them… thats just not how I read stories so it does nothing for me.
Like Naruto (& honestly the rest of his team) I found him (them) largely annoying and was always more interested in the stories of other characters with weirder powers (like Shino) & because I like more minor characters I Guess Im just more tolerable of their absence so long as the story is fun (Shino was probably THE most neglected of class but I stuck through Naruto until it wasnt fun anymore.)
But yeah especially in something like Genshin where Aether/Lumine are both the MC… and nothing really changes based on the character you pick... they arent a real character and what they do doesnt really matter because its just a stand in.
Like if you made QIQI the main character things would inherently change because she is her own character and the world would have to change based on what she might do. Her options to choose would be SO much different since shes a child and a zombie and w/e the world couldnt possibly be the same…. or CYNO would be interesting because hes got such a different temperament and also struggles with discrimination from being a desert dweller so there would even be more resistance... Hes basically got 2 personalities the quiet professional who keeps his head down and the goofy little meme boy who likes puns and YGO thats closer to who he really is and only shows to his friends (who hate it… OMG WINDBLUME IM STILL DEVASTATED LEARNING CYNO IS QUITE WHILE WORKING BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE RACIST AND HE ONLY JOKES WITH HIS FRIENDS BUT HIS FRIENDS ARE ACTIVELY ANNOYED BY IT AND DONT WANT TO HEAR IT…. IM SICK. …anyway.)
You can interchange Lumine and Aether and nothing changes because theyre not a real characters with their own personality so I just cant give a shit about them. The only thing that makes them tolerable is that its pretty clear Aether is supposed to be the main character canonically.
That said I wouldnt completely dismiss an MC just for being an MC…. some are interesting or serviceable enough to be somewhat likable. I love Luffy from One Piece, I like Tsuna from KHR and I did like Deku from MHA at first though recently he just feels like he doesnt matter at all (which normally I wouldnt mind since I usually prefer side characters stories but cutting screen time of Deku and focusing on characters who genuinely dont fucking matter or are terribly written like Endeavor or the side villains whos stories are forced and/or dont fucking MEAN anything… its frustrating. As much as I cant STAND Bakugo I actually wouldnt mind him having more screen time because he IS important to the story (or should be)… same with Todoroki but Bakugo is just a FLACCID and stagnant character and Todo was fucking wasted as Hori somehow thought itd be a better idea to build his abusive POS father without him present… DONT UNZIP ME NONNY. IM SO MAD…).
UM…. yeah. I didnt take offense or anything to the question… I actually love having an excuse to bitch about silly shit like this. Fandom discourse used to be one of my favorite pastimes before people started pretending it was serious business because theyre too lazy to do any actual social justice.
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