#this got dark
theatreslave · 11 days
Can you imagine little 21 year old Severus Snape as the youngest teacher?
It takes a bit to warm up to him, but soon, he's the surrogate son to everyone. They mother hen him and at first he's reticent but then he, at least in his mind, basks in it.
After all, the boy hasn't known as much kindness as this in his whole life.
He's healthier than ever, getting in the role of teaching, and becoming the powerful wizard he knew he could be.
Obviously it takes nearly 3 years to get Severus used to life as an adult with freedom, a consistent salary, and the station to actually have some appeal to the fairer sex.
Now all his new mums get an idea.
It becomes their mission to find him a woman.
Nieces, cousins, a friends' friends' kid are all introduced to Severus.
The failed meet cutes only result in more blind dates being set up for him.
It takes another 3 years for him to get up the courage to say no to McGonagall and Pomfrey and Sprout without feeling like he's disappointed them. He's 27 at this point and does well enough on his own when he wants to.
It isn't until he's 28 that they find out he's been keeping a 'girlfriend' from them. Of course he says she's simply a friend but that doesn't stop them from fussing over him every time he 'has plans'.
The intervention comes 6 months later when they realize it's not a "girlfriend" it's "girlfriends." But Severus is now confident and has fun making his surrogate parents squirm a little. Teach them to be so nosy.
But he still let's them fuss about him eating and his hair and his snarkiness. It makes them feel useful and poking fun at them is entertaining.
They notice a change when the Potter boy shows up. He's anxious and quicker to startle. The confident and self-assured young man they know is darker, more quiet.
It only gets worse as the years pass, as the war returns. Poppy keeps quiet as she patches him up. Minerva distracts him with competition and friendly rivalry. Pomona lets him roam the greenhouses when he can't sleep, and sometimes they garden together under the stars. She wonders why he isn't allowed peace. They all do.
At 38, Severus is Headmaster, and so far from the boy they once knew. They can't imagine that it's the same man but occasionally there are glimpses in his dark eyes, in his tired gait, in that final moment when Minerva allowed the anger and betrayal to course through her into her wand.
Minerva sees how he never fights back even though she knows he could have killed her, killed them all, at any point that year.
Pomona sees him for a moment during the battle. He sends a shield and smirks at her surprise and she knows her adopted son is in there.
Poppy let's her stoicism fall at the end of that fateful day. When his body is the last to arrive, escorted by Potter himself.
The childless mother's see him everywhere. In the students who come from broken homes, the ones who are smarter and reviled for it, and the ones who accept affection like it's a venomous snake.
He was so young when they met him and still so young when he left them.
Forever the youngest professor and Headmaster that Hogwarts would ever see.
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mothsparksghost · 2 months
Life is Fickle, Life is Short, But Never Should it Be That Short
TW's: Major character death(s), faked deaths, suicide, mentions of suicide, heavy angst (with some comfort), Violence, Kidnapping
Batman had been off world for almost two months now. He, along with the Lanterns, had gone to aid in gaining Earth a new political alley if they were ever to be attacked by something the Leagues couldn't handle.
Safe to say, Batman was ready to go home and have a makeup family dinner. The mission had gone on longer then any of them could have predicted, and so he had to miss the last dinner they had. Bruce was actually quite sad about that, he loved when all of his family was in one room even if he never vocalized it.
So after finally docking the JL's space craft, Bruce and co. quickly scrambled out of the ship, ready to fill out the necessary forms and get to their respective families and friends. Immediately though Bruce could tell something was off.
The landing, which at least would have someone there to greet them, was empty.
Hackles raised, Batman quickly signaled to the Lanterns with him that something was wrong. When he didn't hear at least some shuffling from them, he turned to the unusually silent men. They were all looking at their respective coms. Some had wide eyes, others mouths were hanging. They looked shocked, scared, even. Batman did not like that.
At all.
"What are you all looking at?" the demand rang out, causing the group to flinch as if they expected a demon to bust down the door and shred them to pieces. With glances, they collectively shoved Hal out as if choosing a sacrificial lamb for a wolves dinner. Batman narrowed his eyes in discomfort.
Hal said nothing, just slowly approached the kevlar clad man. Holding out his coms screen, Batman finally got a look at what they were all horrified of.
!ATTENTION! All Leaguers To Justice Hall For The Combined Funerals Of: Agent A, Nightwing, Redhood, Red Robin, Spoiler, Black Bat, Oracle, Signal, and Robin, At-
Deftly, Batman stared down at the message.
He felt numb.
So numb.
And then.
Rage at not immediately being told.
Rage at not immediately being pulled from the mission.
Rage at the entirety of the Justice League for having a funeral without even telling him.
Rage at not being there to protect his family from what had killed them.
And then, it clicked! It must be an elaborate, very, very, misguided prank. After all, Superman wouldn't let his family die! He'd hear the struggle, the fading heart beats, the screams for help.
Wonder Woman would have helped them as well! She had been given one of the few bat distress signals! They'd have pressed the button and she would've come running!
The League would have noticed!
So obviously it was a prank! A stupid, horrible attempt at getting him to cut back on work! That was it!
And with those thoughts, Bruce went sprinting down to the Zeta Tubes and teleported to the Justice Hall.
When he finally got there, it was decked out in black. Silly them, it seems as if he needed to go over what the Leagues bank cards should be used for again!
Silly, silly, silly.
Bursting through doors, he finally found the main hall.
With the entirety of the Justice League. Dark, Young Justice, the Titians, everyone.
And would you look at that! They were all wearing black! Silly them! Didn't they know that all black was meant for the Bats?
Scanning the room filled with people, with heroes, he didn't see his children or not children or even his father. Not a single one. Whipping around, he came face to face with 9 caskets.
9 photos.
9 pieces of his family.
Suddenly, Batman felt a heavy but gentle hand land on his shoulder. He would develop whiplash if he kept this up. The hand was connected to a Superman. To Clark. To a sad Clark. A guilty looking Clark.
Why was he looking guilty?
"B, I'm so sorry." Salty tears flitted down the man of steel's face.
But Bruce didn't care.
Because all too soon, he realized, it wasn't a prank.
It was real.
And he couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle it at all.
Quicker then anyone there thought he was capable of, he whipped out that small piece of Kryptonite and decked Superman. It was an all out brawl between him and the Leaguers after that. And he wasn't the one loosing.
So he decided, 'Fuck it, fuck it all,' and left the Leaguers with bruises and new scars when the younger Leaguers asked him to stop.
He then Zeta Tubed his way to the Bat Cave. To the smoke filled, ashy rooms.
Everything was offline, everything was silent, everything was dead.
Climbing up the elevator shaft, he reached what should have been the manor. Instead it was a desolate waste land of ashes, burned wood, and silence. Well, almost desolate.
A single safe stood out in the wreckage. And in quick order, wielding something that he never thought he would, Bruce joined his children.
"Fuck! FUCK!" Superman shouted at the new funeral. One that wasn't ever meant to supposed to happen. But was a funeral ever meant to happen, ever expected? The man stared the rare photo of a smiling Batman. Of an alive Batman. Of an alive Bruce.
Tears ran hot down his face like molten lava, even as he heard the rest of the Leaguers joining him in his sorrow. He had went and tried to find Bruce after being knocked out, and only found his cooling corpse instead.
Supermans thoughts were interrupted when a bang, not all to unfamiliar, sounded out. Whipping his head up, he thought he was hallucinating. Because standing there were 9 dead people.
9 people who should have been dead.
"YO, where's B? We gotta debrief him on what happened-" Nightwings rambling got cut off as he looked just beyond Clark.
The others soon looked, and then the screams started.
The wails of anguish filled the hall as the Leaguers surrounded them, trying their best to comfort the Bats as much as they can.
"What happened? Where were all of you?" Wonder Womans voice rang out above the quiet mummers and piercing wails. Alfred took it upon himself to explain, even if the wobbling voice hurt those surrounding him to hear.
"We were kidnapped by a rogue organization that figured out our identities. They were after Batman originally, but decided that the best way to get revenge was to torture all of us. They created clones, proceeded to slowly kidnap us one by one, until they eventually burned down the mansion with the husks inside."
And didn't that just make it so much more painful?
He was floating.
He didn't know where he was.
He just was.
But he felt wrong.
He needed to do something.
Something to protect.
Not something, someone.
Multiple someones.
He needed to protect those dear to him.
He needed to protect his family.
His family.
Where was his family?
With a sudden sharpness, a shadowy mass with flashes of grey skin opened its eyes. The eyes of the creature were pure white, and as it rose it's head, two horns became visible. It looked at where it woke up, surrounded in a cave system that pulsed with different colors, but blues being the most prominent.
Slowly, it got its bearings back to itself.
He knew he was dead.
But he also knew with a pulse of something, that his family wasn't.
And just like that, he was at two ornate doors, as big as the old manors door. He grabbed one handle with a clawed hand, pulling the surprisingly light door open. A vortex of green met his eyes.
All around was green.
He needed to fly.
He knew it should be impossible for him, but he didn't care, he needed to find his family.
To protect his family.
So with a flap of massive bat wings, he was off, looking for something.
That something turned out to be a giant, glowing, gothic castle. He quickly landed, hurdling through giant doors.
Soon enough, he met the one he knew would help. One that felt similar to him.
"̸̮͔̗̀̾̈́̕H̶̯̩̫̬͗̅̒̃͜ë̶̼́̆̿̿̒l̴̢̫͓̱̜̎p̷̻̩̻͇̯̞͌̅́̕ ̶͖̯͔̟̀̋̆͘m̶͉̹̳̯͑e̸̲̾ ̷͙̥̫̦̙̕f̶̡͎͈̾̾͋̓̐̀i̸̞̻͍̎̾͊n̷̰̻̮͓̤̆̄̾͒̅ͅd̷̢̦̩̓ ̴̞̼͈̦͕͛͊̚ṭ̵͖̂̂͗̔̾h̸̡͍̖̣̻͚̓͒̾͝ḙ̶̮́͛̇̎͘̚m̸̛̱̎̋̐̔͠,̷̧̰͕̤̬̝̑̚͝ ̴̹̃p̶̢̥͙̈́ͅļ̵͙̜̫͍̊̋̉̓ͅé̵͙͔̟̇ă̷̺͈̏̓͝s̵̙͖̣͔̔̊͆̍͘ȅ̵͇̍͒̚͝.̴̢̰̗͍̮̳̀̌̕ ̴̳͉̩̬̿̊̃͘Î̴͉̺̰̯̫̊̅͘ ̷̻͉͙̈́͛̍̀n̵͕̯̖̤͉̹̔͐̅̃̓̕e̷̡͉͕̖̅͆̊ē̷͇̊d̵̢̥̜̹̮͑͌͌͆͝ͅ ̶͕̫̿̈́̈́͝͠ẗ̵̪́̊ó̷̝̜̀̀͊͝ ̶̨͇͓͖̞̄ͅṕ̴̨̬̗͚̤́̔ŕ̷͚̐̊͆́̒ơ̵̰̜̭͙͒͑̒͐t̷͕̖͖̝̥̙̾́̕͝e̸̡̞͎͉͈͒͋̎͛c̴͉̘̔t̶̢͚̖̮͈̟͒̅ ̵̞̯̘̮̤̄͊͑̔t̵̡̪̭̜̟̕h̷̟̀e̷̟͊͜m̸̳̒͑̀́.̸̨̮͈͈̺̺̌̓̎̊̏̃"̵̺͚̰̹̗̃
And the Ancient made of cosmos, with flowing white hair, never ending green eyes, crowned with stars, ice and aurora's, agreed.
They were being beat by that same damned organization that cost them their colleague, their mentor, their friend, their father.
And they were all loosing.
Everyone was preoccupied with something, whether it was Kryptonite suits, incoming hoards of androids, or rogue powers spilling out. Flashes, bangs, and screams from all sides filled the air.
It was looking like the Leaguers were going to die.
The Bats, who should still be benched due to the traumatic and catastrophic events done by them, were not holding back. Blood was being spilt by all of them. The no killing rule was shot with a single bullet to the head.
So they didn't hold back, not at all.
But it still wasn't enough.
And they were loosing.
They were bleeding.
They were going to die.
And then the sky opened up, a massive vortex made up of glowing greens filled the sky. It reminded those who knew of them, of the Lazarus pits. But the fighting didn't stop. Oh no.
It only stopped when they came through.
A massive, humanoid being made of swirling galaxies with an infinite number of glowing green eyes and what could be considered a halo of floating white hair. Atop its head was a crown of equal proportion made of icy rods with stars twinkling weaved through an aurora pulsing around it all. It was terrifyingly beautiful.
And then, another one came out. This one was different, but oh so familiar looking.
It was as if a living shadow took shape, sucking in all of the light. It had two horns that stabbed through the air, with clawed hands and feet resembling the many gargoyles around Gotham. It's massive wings were pulled back, allowing for what little color, yellows, to peak through. It had a long, slender, spiked tail ending in a sharp looking diamond. Its hair, or what would have been hair, looked like it was slowly melting off, sliding onto what little grey flesh could be seen. It eyes were a pure, glowing white, and only when it opened its mouth, that too many fangs, not teeth, could be seen.
It was terrifying.
It was comforting.
And suddenly, shadowy ice spikes rose from the ground, impaling the ones trying to end the Leaguers.
The Bats.
After that, it was soon known that the Big Bad Bat was back.
And he was different.
H̵̢̜͇̩͙͊̓͐́ͅê̷̫̬͓͖͎̒̈́́̂̚͝ͅ ̷̧̟̝̟͖̭̪̬̪͇͙͝K̵̬͕͓̗̀̽̒̽̄i̴̦̪͒̇̿̑̄̀͝l̶̢̧̻̮̗̰͕̹̼͈͉̏ͅl̴̥̮̙̯͔͈̉̀͆̑͐͘̕ē̸̢̳̘͑̐̿̃͂͐͐͒͝d̶̨͍̬̗̦͈̙̩̰̍͐͑̌̆̃͜͝͠.̷̢̝̜̖͎̟̣́͗̍̌̂͑͒̌̌̔͜
srry, this got away from me lol. Anyways lemme know what you think of it :} Have any questions? Please ask! Just know it might take a little while for me to answer. Any criticisms? Welcomed as long as they are constructive!
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magicratfingers · 1 month
for drink and draw:
a prairie dog doing something with a pineapple? cutting it up, wearing it as a hat, making a pina colada? idk, the name of your beer inspired this
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pandagirl45 · 2 months
Johann found out Steve has a uniform kink by stalking him. One day He wore an American colonel uniform same as Rhodey's and proposed to Steve.
Oooh yes!! Haha yes 😂
Johann adjusting his suit, his uniform he kept pristine. He was going to save to gloat on a defeated Steve, Captian America. His mortal enemy. His nemesis. The bastard that stolen everything, and he means everything.
It was his, but it wasn't for a side he supported with obsession. Not obsession like he has for Rogers... no.
Rogers was in the gaze of another. Another the poses threats to what they have. They have something. Johann felt his muscles stretch and tear. The forced healing and tearing as he glared at the burned image.
Johann found Rogers, he was there in casual clothes. Even with the projector of a skinned face man, Johann, knew Rogers would tell it was him.
They have something.
First, imperfect blue eyes glanced at him. Messy dirty blonde hair whispered across his stupid perfect face. Johann smiled, the tear sounding off in his head, rogers eyes staring in horror, fingers twitching.
"Rogers, I have come to proposed an alliance. Between us."
They have something.
Steve mouth hung open. Horror was a word that followed rage. Confusion altered how he was suppose to respond to red skull. A thorn in his side. A man that wouldn't stop going after him and now... here he is.
Dressed in a uniform. A uniform he has seen and loves rhodey in. His partner. Rhodeys uniform the shoot a bolt of lightening down his spine. Fitted to the T. Here...
Like everything with Johann... Red Skull, was a bastardization of something amazing. Handsome. That rocked Steve's world. This... just all of this.
Steve stared, feeling the swath of need hit him. The uniform fitted but not fitted to who he wants see.
Echos of bloody red swam in his artist eye. Copper scent plugged his nose. The reddening of fake skin, Steve spine shudder. His vision tilted before he stumbled out, "sorry sir, I don't know you."
No. NO. Johann stared at his muse. His enemy, walk away with his thoughts. Plaguing his mangled body with rage. Scornful lust. He glared as he watched the fake iron man talking to him.
A man not even meeting America's sweetheart eyes. How can that puppet of a government be anything worth of Rogers light. His burning righteous light.
Johann has to see. Has to understand what makes that Colonel worthy of his Perfection.
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artcompany1 · 2 years
I have this headcannon that Spamton used to be really good at singing.
Every night he'd do karaoke with the Addisons at the cyber grill. He'd sing and hum to himself when he got bored or working. He'd sing a little song to himself everytime he got rejected or ignored to cheer himself up.
Big shot Spam would buy Queen a karaoke machine just so he could have an excuse to sing at the color cafe. He'd convince other customers at the Cafe to join him. Sometimes if he was lucky a Swatchling or two would join.
He'd sing in his ads and make cute little jingles. His voice had become a major part of his brand. The second you heard his voice you could immediately tell it was him.
And then the glitches start.
No matter how many hours he spends, alone and cold in the dumpster, he can never get himself to sing without being interrupted by voices that are not his own.
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Wintry prompts! "I lost my jacket" Reggie ship of your choice!
(TW/CW: Implications/References of Abuse)
Alex nervously tapped his drums, normally drumming would help ease his anxiety. However, it’s harder to lose himself in his drumming when they were very obviously down one member. Truthfully he was still the only one who was even attempting to pretend like practice was happening. 
Julie sat at the keyboard but she was fully facing the studio door. Luke leaned on the other side of her keyboard and was also staring at the door. Although he would intermittently shift his concerned gaze to check on the others around the room.
Flynn paced at the back of the studio, frustration clearly growing as her repeated attempts to text and call remained unanswered. Willie was no longer there, he’d been the one to volunteer to go look. 
They’d also insisted everyone else wait, just in case. “We wouldn’t want Reg to show up to an empty studio.”
Alex honestly has no idea how long either of them have been gone at this point and it was eating a hole in the pit of his stomach. Although it was significantly worse as far as Reggie was concerned. 
The last time any of them had heard from him was as school ended. When he’d insisted, via text, he had to go home really quickly before practice. He further insisted he would be fine and they should all get started without him.
The idea unsettled everyone. The boy had been going home less and less over the past few months. While more and more of his belongings had been found squirreled away in the studio. 
He refused to openly admit what he was doing or tell anyone why. Though they all had their own suspicions. 
“Fuck this.” Luke finally growled as he put his guitar back on its stand. He had his tawny fleece halfway on when the studio doors slowly creaked open. 
All heads swiveled, and the tension in the room lessened as Willie walked in. They had Reggie-who was hugging himself tight inside his flannel-cradled under one arm. The dark haired boy's head was ducked down and nuzzled into Willie’s side so no one could clearly see his face. 
Alex exchanged a look with Willie, he had never seen the skater's eyes so icy before. That was all he needed to see to know he was never letting Reggie anywhere near that house again. Hell he shouldn’t have let him go back there today. 
Willie and Reggie settled onto the couch and everyone hesitated, not wanting to overwhelm him. Julie moved first, gingerly sitting on Reggie’s other side, a gentle hand placed on his back. He shifted, pulling Julie in closer to wrap himself tight around her. That’s when everyone else moved closer, settling where they could around him. 
“Reg?” Luke tentatively asked as he and Willie switched places. Alex bit back his hiss as he swears he saw purple in the brief moment Reggie’s face wasn’t buried in either Willie’s hoodie or Luke’s flannel. 
“I lost my jacket,” is all anyone can get Reggie to say, and even that came out through broken silent sobs. 
Eventually, they all convince him to let Julie talk to Ray. Although, it’s more formality, to help Reggie feel like he was part of the decision. Alex is certain the rest of them had already decided the same thing he had. 
As they shift to go to the house proper, Willie breaks off from the group.
“Where are you going?” Alex asks as he lingers behind with Luke. Julie and Flynn have already guided Reggie inside with promises of pizza and a movie night. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” He shoots back with a wry smirk, board below his feet, phone in his hand. “I’m getting Caleb, then we’ve got a jacket to find. You two should go help our girls make sure our boy is ok.”
Alex’s jaw falls open at that, but wishes Willie luck as he drags Luke inside to do just that. The four of them spend the rest of the evening comforting Reggie and getting him settled in the Molina guest bedroom. Ray even lets Luke and Alex stay over, with the same caveat he has for every sleepover, doors remain cracked open. 
The next morning, Willie proudly returns with Reggie's jacket.
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minti-tales · 1 year
Minti and Pomodoro/Dante (The Viera shaped Voidsent of Y'zel's.)
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CW: Body horror
Still got stitches on my ring finger, so here's a 100 word story. I swear I'm taking it easy, but a writer must write.
Dreams are meant to be impossible. So why was she seeing this shadow in tattered robes on her ceiling, with ears like hers, and claws like hers, and so many teeth? Too many sharp things, circling a mouth cracked wide open, licked by a stretched tongue the color of bruises. Horrible red eyes inside its maw. Hail and well met, it croaked. I am called Pomodoro. Shall I consume your forfeit soul, where you lie? 
An attempt to scream came out as a scared gurgle, as the Ascian’s tongue wrapped around Minti’s neck. How many masters do you serve, really? 
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lovstrikes · 11 months
trigger warnings // suicide mention; alcohol mention; child abuse mention; drugs mention
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it was a mistake. theo was twelve the first time it happened; the first time they really FELT somebody else's emotions.
first, it was the fear and urgency as their dad bundled them into the car in the early hours of the morning. then it was their siblings, clinging onto their arms and wailing as they peered through the darkness and into the house. finally, it was their mother in her final moments — the finality ( and the peace ) as she threw herself from the second floor balcony.
and it only got worse from there. the man smoking up outside the bar whose wife left. the little girl passing by on her way to school, already terrified to go home and for what happened when the lights turned out. theo felt it all.
until they didn't.
the pills were, objectively, a TERRIBLE IDEA. but at age of twenty-one, permanently incapacitated by their own so-called ' superpowers ', they would have done anything for some semblance of a normal life. and it was worth it. it was worth the migraines, worth the sleepless nights, and worth the price of feeling nothing at all.
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tyfinn · 2 years
'A' is for Alexis
@schittscreekdrabbleblog Word of the Week: Necklace
David was on his way to get some pretzels when he saw something sparkling in the window of the jewelry store.
It was a gold capital letter 'A' and it just looked like something Alexis would wear. He still needed to get her Christmas present, so, win-win. 
Just then a horrible thought crossed his mind. He had already rescued her three times last year. What if the day comes and there is not a good outcome. At least they would have her necklace to help identify her. 
I really need to stop watching true crime before I go to sleep.
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artemis-complex · 2 years
’Stretch’d and still lies the midnight,
Two great hulls motionless on the breast of darkness,
Our vessel riddled and slowly sinking, preparations to pass to the one we have conquer’d,
The captain on the quarter-deck coldly giving his orders through a countenance white as a sheet,
Near by the corpse of the child that serv’d in the cabin,
The dead face of an old salt with long white hair and carefully curl’d whiskers,
The flames spite of all that can be done flickering aloft and below,
The husky voices of the two or three officers yet fit for duty,
Formless stacks of bodies and bodies by themselves, dabs of flesh upon the masts and spars,
Cut of cordage, dangle of rigging, slight shock of the soothe of waves,
Black and impassive guns, litter of powder-parcels, strong scent,
A few large stars overhead, silent and mournful shining,
Delicate sniffs of sea-breeze, smells of sedgy grass and fields by the shore, death-messages given in charge to survivors,
The hiss of the surgeon’s knife, the gnawing teeth of his saw,
Wheeze, cluck, swash of falling blood, short wild scream, and long, dull, tapering groan,
These so, these irretrievable.’
-Song of Myself: 36
Walt Whitman
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-Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee, 1633
Rembrandt van Rijn
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tangledfate · 2 years
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@bravedfate​ asked:  “Is that…. somebody’s hand?”   -fiero to fiore
Fade green eyes glanced down to the severed hand strapped to her belt, half wrapped in cloth so it didn’t drip.
“We had to improvise.”
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eastgaysian · 1 year
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bruciemilf · 9 days
Bruce: I know it’s hard, but you must remain forgiving and merciful, Jason.
Tim, who had to watch Bruce skin a man alive like a piece of salmon with a batarang for saying something rude about his then deceased son, throw him in the back of the Batmobile, and drive him to the hospital just to beat him up again:
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
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emo magician girl :P
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katruna · 5 months
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