#this happened because I was listening to “Another Love” by Tom Odell
call-me-strega · 11 months
Once again feeling the urge to dramatically belt songs that are really sad or dramatic angstily
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ell-alexanderarnold · 8 months
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Summary: Trent meets Y/n when she’s at her lowest and helps her to find herself again until she falls unrequitedly in love.
Angst & Fluff
Warnings: Reader has mental health issues
Note: I listened to this song while I was writing this ❤️‍🩹 + If you’re feeling alone or something like that, remember that you’re loved and you’re not alone in what you’re battling with 🫶🏻
It was just a normal day for Trent but for you it was more. You fell in love, with a guy who didn’t even want you. He just wanted to be loved. And so did you, more than ever. Turns out in the end that you were just a distraction, a person who he could lash out his feelings to, like it was nothing.
Whatever you thought you and Trent had, wasn’t love. It wasn’t real.
The day Y/n and Trent met
It was raining outside, it was cold as well. Trent hated the cold and wished he stayed home this day. Y/n on the other hand liked the cold but not the rain.
It was a real challenge for Y/n to get up from the bed this day. She just wanted to lay there all day, she liked the loneliness but still felt miserable.
Y/n got out of the bed and went on a walk outside, eyes still red and puffy from crying. The rain fell down on her and she wished she stayed at home. Y/n couldn’t help but cry, everything in her life felt meaningless at the moment.
She kept her head down as she walked and suddenly she dropped her phone, and figured she’d walked into someone. How embarrassing.
“Oh I’m so sorry.” Y/n apologised and the person handed her the phone.
“No worries!” He said and as you looked at him he noticed your red puffy eyes.
“Crazy whether today huh?” Y/n remarked and looked him in the eyes. They were brown and very pretty.
“Yeah, right.” He answered.
“What’s your name?” He added.
“Y/n, I live down the street.” You replied and the stranger shake his hand and said
“I’m Trent.”
You looked up to see that it stopped raining, and that’s how the story started.
Once you met Trent everything in your life stopped raining. Or so you thought.
From that day Trent could tell from your eyes that you’ve been crying. He wanted to know what was wrong and he didn’t even know you.
Months went by and you met Trent met each other on walks now and then, one thing lead to another and you were asked on a date.
You were nervous and overwhelmed, you couldn’t believe that this could happen to someone like you. You somehow felt special for the first time in a long time. Because Trent cared about you.
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” He expressed after you just ranted out all of your thoughts and feelings about your life. You were overthinking if you maybe shared too much, but you trusted him.
“It’s okay.” You answered and forced him a smile.
“How?” You implored.
“I think we’re alike in someways you know?” Trent observed, both of you chuckled.
“I mean I relate to that stuff with loneliness, you just want to be wanted. But I like being alone but not for too long.” He spoke up and you nodded in response.
“For a long time I’ve felt like there was no point in telling anyone what was happening inside of me.” You revealed and as you spoke Trent took your hand and draw small circles on your palm. He could see your eyes well up and wanted nothing more for you thank to be safe and okay.
“Y/n, listen to me. You are enough, okay? Don’t think that no one wants to listen to you, I do. I’ll be here for as long as you want.” Trent said softly as you dried your tears on your cheek.
You didn’t expect to cry on your first date, but it was something pure about the whole situation. You and Trent, two broken hearts are just beginning your “love story”.
4 months later
You’ve grown to love him and yourself.
You walked around in his house in his shirt that smells like him knowing that the smell of his perfume will soon fade, like his feelings for you.
You don’t know what’s going on anymore. You’re not in a relationship but you’re still here, in his house. Were you two just close friends? Who made love on the weekends, kissed each other whilst watching a movie one of you just put on to ignore the silence?
After months of being honest with each other you two couldn’t ignore the reality anymore. Deep down you knew you weren’t feeling better mentally, it was just Trent who made your days brighter and took your torment away.
For him you helped him feel at ease. He loved how he could tell you about things that happened in a match, he would be so angry and frustrated. But you were there for him. The greatest distraction he’s ever had. To you, he was the greatest thing you’ve ever had.
Then there was this silence.
“I don’t think I can go on like this any longer Trent.” You firmly said and looked at him, watching him close his eyes in frustration.
“I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that.” He mumbled.
“Like what?” You challenged.
“Like you could love me.” Trent angrily told you and you were shocked by his words.
“Don’t say that.” You sulked.
“Well, we can’t be together and we can’t be apart so I don’t know what to do Y/n.” He shrugged and sighed.
“It doesn’t matter anymore Trent!” You blustered and tears started flowing down your cheeks.
“The night you told me you love me,” You said laughed in disbelief. “I fucking believed you.”
Trent felt speechless. Perhaps he went too far with leading you on, thinking he loved you but the more he thought about it he just wanted to feel loved. He didn’t want to love.
“Well, then I’m sorry Trent that I loved you and it made you cruel.” You cried and began to walk towards the door before he stopped you.
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” Trent murmured but you didn’t listen.
“I should’ve never told you how I felt that night at the restaurant.” You said quietly as you were ready to leave him.
“Y/n, please.” He sighed.
“It was a long time ago anyways, it doesn’t matter anymore and yet I cannot let it go Trent.” You taunted and stood by the door, waiting for this daydream to end.
“Before you go,” He hesitated. “Don’t walk past me like a stranger next time I see you, please.He finished.
You laughed in response, I mean how were you supposed to live without him when you started living again because of him. Why didn’t he love you like you love him?
“Wasn’t it nice? To feel wanted even if it was just for a while?” Trent questioned, bringing up the feeling you felt before meeting him - to feel wanted.
“It wasn’t real Trent.” You said into the silence.
“But yes, it was nice.” You sniffled and looked down at the floor.
You stepped outside, it started raining once you started walking. Now everything was raining again, you lost him. He was the one you loved, the only one.
It pains you that he saved you but he never knew and he’ll never will.
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jaozendry · 2 years
"I'm better now, right?"
Pairing: Gar Logan x GN!Reader
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Warnings: mentions of suicide attempts
Summary: Gar finds you in the bathroom crying and tries to understand why. You decide to explain to him what happened last year: February 10th, 2022.
Author's note: trauma dumping dont mind me!!!! </3 ; the damian wayne fic part 3 is coming btw!!!!!!!!! <3
Gar rushes to the bathroom after he hears you sob quietly, but also loudly at the same time. It's the first time he's seen you in this state, in the shower, no less. Here you are, sitting in the shower with hot water covering your teary eyes with Another Love by Tom Odell playing in the background.
Gar pauses your music and turns off the shower. He didn't care if you didn't clean yourself yet, that's the least of his worries: he wants you to be okay. He wraps a towel around you so you can feel comfortable.
"What happened?!" he asks in horror. "I heard you cry, I- are you okay?!"
He wipes away your tears and holds both of your hands. You sigh in sadness, asking yourself if you should tell him about... last year. February 10th, 2022. The first time you tried to kill yourself.
"I- uh..." It is clear that you can barely speak. Gar looks at you in the eyes with the patience of a literal saint.
"It's okay, take your time." he says, smiling faintly and his voice slightly breaking.
"It's about... you know... last year. February 10th 2022. You know what happened-"
Gar immediately stands up to check the date upon hearing those words. A horrored expression clouds his face when confirming that the date is indeed February 10th, 2023.
"It's been exactly a year." you declare, still sitting on the floor, a towel wrapped around your body.
Gar immediately rushes back to you, standing on his legs to be on your level and taking your face softly.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You're feeling better now, right? It's all in the past." he explains with half a smile on his face.
"I know, but like, I remember it like it was yesterday." you admit, tears welling up. "I remember every single thing I did. I was in the shower exactly a year ago, pills inside my desk drawer, thinking if I should do it. I should've talked to my sister, she was literally in the house! I should've talked to my parents, to anyone! I should've... I shouldn't have done this to them... to you!"
You break down in tears, holding your stomach while Gar hugs you.
"It's okay, calm down. Talk to me, let it out. You have the chance to right now." he comforts you, his eyes welling up tears as well. You take a deep breath before continuing your explanation.
"I literally remember the music I was listening to while waiting for the pills to work, what clothes I was wearing, the faces of the cops when they showed up, everything! The look on my mother's face when she saw me, the disappointment in my father's eyes, all of it is still in my head."
Gar holds your hands tightly to prevent you from losing control of yourself. He caresses your face and nods for you to continue.
"I remember every room I was in at the hospital. Everywhere I went that day, it's still in my mind. The worst is like... the mental hospital. I felt trapped, because I was! I remember everything that happened there, how many times I cried and at what time, thinking what would happen to me. I was thinking about my family, my friends, even my teachers and most of all... you. What would you think when you found out?! I'm just- I'm sorry."
Your green-haired boyfriend grabs your hips and finally lets the tears in his eyes drop while you quietly sob. He wipes away your tears once again before kissing you on the forehead.
"Look, when you did it, I was terrified... of losing you." he explains. "I didn't care how many days of school you missed, or how much homework you would have to catch up on. Your life is worth so much more... so please... don't throw it away. Let me help you. Please."
His voice starts breaking and his tears drop more and more. He finally breaks and hugs you to avoid worrying you. He kisses your cheeks repeatedly and holds your head.
However, you felt comfort when you heard those words. You didn't feel trapped and alone anymore. Someone was actually there for you. It felt like a fairytale. The both of you finally calm down enough for Gar to whisper this into your ear:
"You're stronger now. Don't let it go to your head, okay? I'm here."
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sakuraaachan · 1 year
Another Love - Izuku M.
This fic is based off the song 'Another Love - Tom Odell' (I do not own this song!!) I do recommend listening to it while you read though!
Izuku x Singer! Reader
Rating: violence, murder, stalking, drinking, cheating
Wanna submit a request? Click here
This is the full version of the story!
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It takes a lot of courage to stand on a stage in front of a vast crowd. All the attention is on you, the spotlight is on you, everyone’s eyes are on you. It was enough pressure to make you throw up, but it was the only place that you really felt comfortable.
Behind you is the band, the music behind your voice. They waited, ready for you to signal them to start. You exhaled through your nose, placing your hands on the microphone which was held up by a stand.
The crowd turned silent, sounds of coughing and throats clearing echoed in the stadium, reminding you they were waiting, waiting for you, they were all here just for you. He was here, he was here just for you. 
You were nervous, feeling your heartbeat through your ears as you slowly raised your hand, the band members shuffled a bit, getting into position before finally you signaled. The piano is so loud, and you want to run back into the darkness. But that wasn’t an option, not if you wanted him to come back.
You swallow your saliva to try and ease the dryness in your throat, giving one last breath before your lips parted.
I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
Injure Picture @injurepictureoffical
Y/n L/n performs the hit song ‘Love Like Yours’ live at [------]. Check out our website for more information on Y/n’s upcoming shows. http://bit.ly/86ghdy
Rand0m Ch1ld @thechildernarenotwell
replying to @injurepictureoffical
Seeing Y/n up close was like going to heaven and meeting an angel, she is so sweet!
Luna @lunabottcher89
My wedding song was ‘Love Like Yours’, singing it to my baby daughter every day.
Anonymous @youdontknowme
Y/n is the human cupid, her songs make everyone fall in love!
Yasmin @battzluv455
replying to @youdontknowme
All her songs are about her boyfriend, they’ve been dating since highschool. True fans know that.
Sam @eazydub23
replying to @battzluv455
She has a boyfriend? Heart = broken !!
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“Hey babe!” You click your phone off, shoving it into your pocket before walking over to your boyfriend and pressing your lips to his cheek. “I got your text, why the sudden meetup?”
“Hey bunny,” Josh smiles as he speaks, his charming grin makes your heart skip a beat. He grabs your hand, lacing your fingers before leading you down the street, “I just wanted to take my girlfriend out.”
 It was the moments like these where you enjoyed life the most. When you smile so hard your cheeks hurt, but you can’t stop because the person you're with just makes you so happy that you have to smile.
“How was the performance yesterday?” Josh brings you to a cafe, sitting across from you, “sorry I couldn’t make it, you know I would have loved to be there.”
“It’s okay! We can always just listen to it together, just you and me.” You stirred your recently ordered coffee, pouring in the tiny little cups of cream. “It’s about when you asked me to be your girlfriend.”
Josh lets out a hearty laugh, “wow… that was so long ago, you remember?”
“Well, it was one of the best days of my life!” You laugh alongside him, “and…I wrote the song based on how I was feeling.”
He nods, clicking his tongue as he watches you take a sip of your coffee. You give him a curious glance, “are you not going to get anything babe?”
“Listen bunny…” Josh exhales through his nose, before placing his arms on the table, “I…I need some more money.”
“What happened to the money I gave you two weeks ago?” You place your mug down, “Josh that was well over five thousand dollars, how did you spend it all in such a short period of time?”
You can hear his foot tapping against the floor under the table, “I’m saving up for something big.”
Well just tell me what it is, I’ll give you the exact amount you need.”
“That’s the problem bunny,” his hand slides over to yours, his index finger rubbing up and down on your finger. “It’s a surprise…I can’t tell you.”
You stare at him blankly, biting back a goofy smile, picking up your phone. “How much do you need?
“Yes! Thank you buns!” Josh squeezes your hand, telling you the amount he needed. You grin at his elated face, sending him the money before putting your phone away.
“Thank you bunny, you are literally the best,” he presses his lips to your knuckles before releasing your hand to check his phone. “Shoot.”
Your smile falters, “what’s wrong?”
“I gotta go, something just came up.” He waves over a waitress, “can I get two blueberry muffins in a to-go box?”
The woman nods before walking off, and Josh looks at you as he packs up his stuff. “You’ve got the bill, right bunny?”
You couldn’t even respond before Josh is walking away, grabbing his to-go container from the waitress walking up. You lean your chin against the palm of your hand, a loving sigh escaping your lips as a smile graces your features.
But it's so cold and I don't know where
“He’s going to propose!” You’re laid out on your bed, legs kicking out in excitement as you squealed into your pillow. “That’s why he has been needing so much money lately.”
After dating for about 10 years, you were finally going to marry the love of your life. Since high school this was all you could ever dream about, wearing a huge wedding dress, planning the reception, walking down the aisle. 
Your life was all about Josh, without him…you don’t know where you would have been. Your singing career would have never flourished, and you’d probably be working some office job.
All your songs were written based on your sentiments with Josh, happy moments where your heart could just burst out of your chest.  It was your brand, songs that made people remember their times with loved ones, the public adored it.
Reaching over to your bedside table, you grab a spiral purple notebook before flipping to a new page. So many lyrics were forming in your head, as you hummed along to them to try and find a rhythm.
There’s a knock at your door, before you hear it creak open. “How's my favorite client?” 
“Hey Dave!” You look over your shoulder, grinning at your manager. “I’m doing just fine!”
“This is a gift from the studio.” He has a huge gift basket in his hand, walking over to your wardrobe and placing it down. “Someone seems a little excited, heard something I didn’t?”
“No,” you giggle. “I’m just in a good mood.”
“Well at least your writing!” Dave’s eyes land onto your notebook, a grin coming across his face. “I assume we’ll have a new hit album coming out soon.”
“I dunno, I kinda want to keep this one to myself, it’s personal,” you turn back to your notebook. 
You had Dave to thank for all the fame you had to this day. He listed you to your first couple of gigs and advertised the hell out of you. Without Dave, you’d probably still be singing at local bars trying to get some higher up managers to notice you.
“Well, I’m sure you'll change your mind.” Dave’s grin falters a bit. “I’ll leave you to it now, don’t want to interrupt the process.”
But like all managers, Dave had his flaws. He was a little too pushy on making romance songs and only romance, he didn’t allow for you to write about anything else but your love life. Which wasn’t a dilemma, since that’s all you wanted to write about anyway.
I brought you daffodils on a pretty string
“How do I look mom?” You twirled in your shiny silver dress, a deep shade of red grazed over your lips along with some eyeshadow to complete the look.
“Wonderful darling,” your mother’s face was close up in the camera on the facetime call. “Are you sure he’s going to propose?”
“I’m 99% sure, otherwise I got my hair and nails done for nothing.” You pick up your phone, checking your messages to see if Josh had texted you.
“Where’d you go?” You can hear your mom tapping on her phone, “why does my screen say paused, did you pause me Y/n?”
“I’m just checking to see if Josh is ready, I have to go pick him up.”
“Didn’t he invite you to dinner?” You click back onto the facetime, and your mother gives you a look. “And you're picking him up? Doesn’t that boy know how to drive?”
“His car broke down, and it’s no big deal mom.” You look at the notification you got from Josh, “I’ve gotta go, I’ll call you after dinner.”
“Okay honey, love you bye!”
But they won't flower like they did last spring
“You look amazing bunny.”
The restaurant Josh brought you to was exquisite, and very expensive. There was no possible chance you were walking out of here without a ring. 
“Thank you..” You tuck a strand behind your ear, “I wanted to look my best for you.”
“Good evening sir and ma’am, can I get you started with any drinks?” The waitress walks over, holding her leathered notepad as Josh orders some champagne.
She nods her head before turning towards you. “Just water please, with lemon.”
“Water? Come on buns, loosen up a little.”
“You know I can’t do that Josh,” you told him, shaking your head with disapproval. “Dave would have a heart attack if he saw me drunk on the news.”
His hand comes over yours, persistent, “come on, you know I wouldn’t let that happen. I’ll take care of you.”
You feel your face get hot as your left leg starts to bounce up and down with excitement. “Yeah, I know you’ll take care of me…you always have.”
Two flutes of champagne are sat on the table along with your glass of water with a wedge of lemon lucked against the glass. “To us?” Josh holds out his glass, and reluctantly you grab yours watching some of the bubbles float to the top before clicking your flute with his.
“To us.”
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
The night continued to go on, Josh going on about how busy he’s been with work which had been making him unavailable to come see you as often as he wanted to.
All this conversation, but you still didn’t have a ring. What was he waiting for?
The food arrived and you almost needed another table to fit everything that Josh had ordered. You finished your salad quickly as your boyfriend continued to chow down on his expensive steak.
You rest your temple on your hand, staring down at your plate with boredom. The thrill of anticipation is long gone by now.
You look up, snapped out of your trance by Josh. He wipes his face with a white cloth, before clearing his throat. Suddenly that spark of hope is relit within your gut. 
“You’ve got the bill right?”
Your eye twitches a little but you force yourself to smile. “Of course babe.”
He grins before getting back to itching, using his fork to shove some potato in his mouth, “thanks buns, y’know this whole date thing is kinda romantic, you should write a song about it. Could make some good money-”
“Yeah?” He continues to chew his food. “Something wrong?”
“Are you gonna propose to me tonight?” 
He stiffens, grabbing his glass and drinking the rest of his champagne. “Uh…no, what gave you that idea?”
“Are you ever gonna propose to me Josh?” You feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes, but you bite your lips in hope they’ll hold off for a while. “You’ve been asking for a lot of money lately and I-.”
You stop talking at the sound of chucking, your throat running dry. Josh hoots with laughter across from you, holding his stomach as all the attention in the restaurant is brought to your table.
“You thought- I was gonna marry you?” He says between his laughs, wiping a tear from his eyes. You couldn’t find the funny in this situation, feeling embarrassed, like a child who had been called out for having an accident in front of the class.
“That’s a good one, bunny!” His laughter calms down a bit, and he looks at your pained face “wait…you're serious?” 
“Yes! We’ve been together for what? Ten years, what are you waiting for?!” Your voice sounded desperate, feeling helpless to the situation at hand. Josh snorts, bringing his hand up to his face.
You couldn’t take it anymore, standing up and leaving without looking back, Josh continued to laugh at your retreating form, trying to catch his breath so he could speak.
“Wait- buns-- where are you going? You gotta pay the check!”
As you walk away from the table, the weight of disappointment and humiliation settles heavily on your shoulders. The sound of Josh's laughter echoes in your ears, intensifying the pain. You fight back tears, determined to maintain some dignity in this situation.
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
Celebrity News @celebnews
Footage of famous singer Y/n having an argument with her boyfriend Josh Solace at 5-Star restaurant ‘Catch 35’. http://you.tbe/wgsj76
Akrio @kiroarts
replying to @celebnews
WTFFF - are they still together ?!?!
Miss Vidzy @casanova replying to @celebnews
OH MY GOD, look at Y/n she crying! Poor baby!
C0rnzy @real_name_hidden
Looks like Y/n just got a wake up call. #NoMoreLoveSongs
But all my tears have been used up
Celebrity News @celebnews
Josh Solace, popular singer Y/n’s boyfriend, sighted several times with Bethany Winterburg. Is this the start of an open relationship? Or a devastating breakup?
Kaden @anonymouse
replying to @celebnews
What the hell! Didn’t they just have an argument yesterday?!
User @usernamenotfound
He hurt my Y/n. He’ll die.
You clicked your phone off, placing it faced down on your sheets. A groan escapes your lips as you turn to flip over, struggling as yesterday’s dress restricted your movement.
The room was dark, curtains shutting out the sunlight attempting to spill in. One day, it had been a day since your fight with Josh and he already had found a new girl.
You had scrolled through the internet all night, finding more and more photos of him and Bethany. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out Josh’s relationship with Bethany wasn’t new, it was something he had been doing behind your back. 
It felt like your whole life was a lie, all you had ever done was love Josh, and you believed wholeheartedly that he loved you too. A tear descends down your cheek, the moisture mixing up with your makeup, burning your eye.
More tears begin to fall down your face as you begin to pathetically sob. Clasping your hands to cover your eyes as your lip drawback as you cry.
“Fuck!” You shout into the nothingness, falling deeper and deeper into despair. “Fuck! Fuck!”
Your hands smooth into your hair, grabbing at your strands as you start to pull. You whine out of agony, frustration evident in your voice. “God fucking damnit!”
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
FSNEW @famoussingersnewsoffical
It’s been a week since the break up with Y/n L/n and Josh Solace, and while Josh is getting busy with his new lover Bethany Winterberg, we have no updates on Y/n. It seems the singer might be going dark, as all her social media are inactive and concerts have been canceled. Is this the fall of our greatest star?
Courtney &lt;3 @thegoat56
replying to @famoussingersnewsoffical
I ordered my tickets 6 months ago and now they’ve been canceled. Disappointed !! 
Aurelius @justartie
replying to @thegoat56
I blame Josh! How dare he cheat on Y/n with that blondie. I bet she has no talent whatsoever. #JusticeforY/n
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
A couple knocks could be heard at your front door, before a jingle of keys clashing together. Soon the front door opens, and your name is called once again. “Y/n!”
Footsteps walk down the hallway before a soft knocking is heard at your bedroom door. Dave creaks the door open, peeping his head in before he opens the door fully.
You sat at a chair placed at the window of your balcony, staring out into the city. Beside the leg of the table were some empty bottles of liquor.
“Ay Y/n,” Dave sighs into his hand. 
You look over your shoulder, taking a swig of your drink. “Go away Dave.”
“Y/n, the people are worried about you, and what’s this about canceling concerts, you never ran that by me-” 
“It’s me on that stage right?” You take another sip, “if I cancel, I cancel, so fucking what.”
“When you cancel, I lose money.” He protested, walking over to take the liquor from your hands “look, I have you for a concert downtown tonight, if you could just sober up.”
“Leave me alone!” You shove him away, standing up as you finish the last of the liquid. “I don’t wanna fucking sing, how the hell…am I supposed to sing a song about that…cheating bastard.”
“Because that’s your brand Y/n, that is your career-”
“Then fuck this job.”
Dave stops himself from fighting with you further, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He rubs the middle of his eyebrows before sighing, “look, just hang tight. I’ll handle this.”
He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. You sit back in your chair, leaning your head against the glass window before mumbling. 
“I need another drink.”
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up
Lorna Newell @lornanothere
[http//jnn.nws/ahsu6ja] JNN Article - A 26 year-old female was found dead, police say she was stabbed in an alleyway, probably taken by surprise. The victim’s name, Bethany Winterburg. Read more…
ElliottTheIdiott @intellengencenotfound454
replying to @lornanothere
I’m just gonna say it, it’s what she deserves. 
Izzy @lillesaremyfavorite876
replying to @intellengencenotfound454
You seriously think someone has to die just cause they happened to have an affair with a celebrity's boyfriend? That poor girl’s family.
*{P.A.N.D.A}* @hamburger8756
replying to @lornanothere
I heard Deku is going to be helping the police with the investigation !! 
Mitsu [commissions open ] @artbymitsu
replying to @hamburger8756
Oh great, here come the hero stans….
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
“Good evening Ms. L/n”
You only give the door-man a simple nod, entering the lobby of your penthouse. A sweet scent of vanilla entering your nostrils and the soft melody of a piano entered your ears.
A brown paper bag was in your arms, small clinks could be heard as you neared the elevator. You clicked the button, waiting a moment for the elevator to reach the bottom before you entered through the sliding doors.
In the back of the elevator was a mirror, showing you a reflection of yourself. Damn…you’ve really changed. Your hair was neglected, stringy and oily, and your face was still recovering from all the crying.
You tear your eyes away from the mirror pressing your floor on the elevator before pulling out your phone. 
“Beathany is dead?” You mutter under your breath, clicking onto the article to read it through. The elevator doors open, and you continue to look at your phone as you unconsciously walk towards your home, apparently the girl was forced into an alleyway while walking home and was brutally murdered in the dark. “Yikes…”
You continue to scroll, looking at the comments, most were people giving their condolences or expressing their shock of the situation. Except…this one commenter, they kept replying the same thing over and over again.
‘Long live Y/n’
‘Long live Y/n’
You kept scrolling and scrolling, the same message from the same account over and over again. 
A small tud makes you pause, shoving your phone back into your pocket as you look over your shoulder to see where the sound came from.
“Um…hello?” You meant to shout, but it was barely a whisper.
You stare down the hallway, clenching your jaw as you wait to see if anybody would come around the corner. A sudden flash behind you makes you snap your attention to the front door, the sound of a camera’s shutter being all too familiar. 
The door slams shut before you could see who it was, sounds of heavy footsteps running behind the door could be heard. You let out a loud groan, placing your paper bags down by your doorstep before knocking on the door of Penthouse 817.
“Hey! The press isn't allowed up here! I will sue you so hard!”
The door clicks open from your harsh pounding, creaking open to show a very empty penthouse still undergoing construction. You click your tongue, pushing the door further open as you step inside. 
“I really need you to delete that photo, look….you delete that photo and…I’ll have my manager Dave hook you up with free albums,” you creep inside the penthouse, the scent of freshly cut wood wafting in the air. “I’ll even sign each album for you.”
It was mainly dark inside the penthouse, only lights coming from the ones the construction people used. You turned a corner entering a very large living room which had a small luminate room in the back.
“Gotcha.” You mutter.
You walk over to the room, grabbing the door knob before you swing the door open expecting to find a young fan, but your face drops at what you're greeted with instead. 
The walls were covered with photos, each of them had one focus, you.
But it wasn’t just any photo of you, all of them were taken either from your own home, when you were disguised and out with Josh, there were even some of you showering. There were desks and drawers, and a small computer system in the corner, the home screen a photo of you sleeping, aside it a basket of bloody tampons which you could only assume were yours.
You froze with shock, just standing still in the door frame as you read some words which were scribbled onto the only clear wall. ‘Long live Y/n’
But my hands been broken one too many times
“Y/n are you okay?”
You take a long sip of your drink, placing the glass down as you move to wave Dave off, the chubby man checking you over for any injuries, you push his hands away. “I’m fine Dave, just shocked.”
“Good,” he lets out a sigh, pulling out his phone and sending a few messages. “I’ll arrange a new house for you to stay in, you're in need of some new scenery.”
You stay silent, swigging your drink as you watch the police officers enter and exit the penthouse. One man exits the room, his outfit drawing your attention as it was not a police uniform, but a hero costume.
He was a fairly tall man, packed with lean muscles, and broad across the shoulders, the total opposite of your beer bellied manager. His green suit and hair gives away his identity easily, number one Pro Hero Deku.
You stare at him, watching him talk with some of the officers. He pauses for a second, turning his head slightly to meet eyes with you.
You blink as you dart your eyes away, David was right, you did need a new environment. You’d only moved into this penthouse to live closer to Josh, in hopes that he’d move in with you one day.
Memories of your old apartment came to mind, you never sold it because of the moments you had shared there. It was located in Musutafu, just a 30 minute trip from where you lived now.
“Dave.” You tap the man’s shoulder, distracting him from his phone call. “I'm gonna stay at my old place.”
“Hold on, I'll call you back,” Dave says into the phone before bringing his full attention to you. “Y/n, I can have a Dimond hotel ready in 5 minutes, it's an all inclusive spa and everything, it’ll help you feel better and maybe you’ll want to sing again.”
“I’m going to my old place,” you tell him again. “I’m going back to Musutafu.”
You walk off before he could say anything, entering your penthouse to pack a bag with everything you need. You open your wardrobe and begin to stuff the bag with random shirts and pants.
You drop the bag onto your bad, grabbing the 3 bottles from your brown paper bag and shoving them in the bag, leaving one out and opening it. The taste of the clear liquor is bitter, but it fills that bottomless feeling inside you.
You zip the bag up before walking out the room, heading down the steps back towards Dave. He’s on the phone once again, but when he sees you coming he quickly hangs up and rushes over to you.
“Y/n, please reconsider, just stay at the hotel for a couple of days, and get yourself right in the head. You’ve just been through something traumatic.”
“No, Dave.” You say again, taking another swig of your drink. “I’m going home.”
“You’re drunk,” he says again, moving in front of you so you couldn’t walk out. “You can’t drive to Musutafu in your condition.”
“I’ll drive her.”
You and Dave look over to the side, and your eyes meet with a young tall man. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” it was Deku, he gave an awkward smile as he walked in further. “But I live in Musutafu, and I wouldn’t mind taking her home.”
You look over at Dave, “and he’s a hero, no need to worry about my safety, problem solved.”
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
It was a smooth ride in the car, Deku had the radio playing in the background. It was one of your songs, you could tell by the melody even though the volume was very low.
Your bags were sitting in the back seat, and you held a half-empty bottle in between your lap. Occasionally you take a swig as you stare at the passing by street lights.
“So…” Deku clears his throat, “are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” You watch his finger drum on the steering wheel, it’s obvious he has something he wants to say. “Just say what you wanna say already.”
“Sorry!” he stiffens, “but..I’m actually a really big fan.”
“Of course you are,” you groan, relaxing more into the car seat, “you want an autograph or something for taking me home?”
“Not at all!” He says all too quickly, “being able to take you home is more than enough for me.”
You can’t help but smirk, chuckling under your breath. Izuku looks over at you and smiles as well, still a little bit embarrassed. “You’re cute, you know that,” you say before taking another sip, “the number one hero of Japan, is a fan of mine, that’s cute.”
“Wha- I really am! I have all your albums!” He panics, opening up the middle compartment and grabbing a CD. 
You stare with amusement before bursting out into laughter, “I didn’t even know they sold these!” He lowers his head, embarrassed and you continue to laugh. “It's okay Deku, it’s okay! I’m just surprised, you're way more famous than me.”
“I’m not that-”
“Shut up, number one.” You interrupt him, “you won thousands awards all over town, and I’ve only got like 2 to my name.”
“Only 2?” He says with his eyebrows raised. “You deserve so much more!”
“Oh stop!” You put your hand up, “my whole brand is love songs, other song artists deserve it way more.”
“No way.” He says firmly, “your songs are from the heart, they reach deep parts inside us, even though their love songs it's just nice to listen to your voice.”
Silence settles between you two, a comfortable silence. You hadn’t even noticed how wide you were grinning, in just 5 minutes Deku had made you forget all about your troubles, and made you laugh.
“Hey, you really do live up to the legend.” You fold your hands into your lap, “saving people with a smile, making them forget all their worries.”
“I could say you do the same thing too,” he doesn’t look over at you, eyes stay on the road. “Your songs helped me through alot.”
The lights passing by on the street reflect in his eyes, “it’s a shame all this happened to a good person like you, I’m really sorry you have to go through this.”
“It’s just like what everyone online is saying.” You sigh, taking another swig of your drink, “ I’m finally catching up to reality.”
Silence falls between you two again and you start to recognize some of the buildings around you. “Are you hungry?” Deku asks, “I know a great burger spot around here.”
“Mo’s?” You ask.
Words, they always win, but I know I’ll lose
A paper bag sits in between you and Deku. You sat outside of the car, sitting on his trunk while he leaned on the car. You take a bite of the burger, savoring the juicy flavors that burst in your mouth. The familiar taste brings you comfort, and you feel a sense of gratitude for the small joys in life. Deku watches you eat, a warm smile on his face.
"Good, huh?" he asks, and you nod, your mouth too full to respond. You both munch on your burgers in contented silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of good food and good company.
As you finish your meal, you lean back against the car, staring up at the night sky. The stars twinkle above, and a sense of calm washes over you. It's moments like these that remind you of the beauty and resilience of life.
Deku breaks the silence, his voice gentle. "You know, even though it feels like your world is crashing down right now, remember that you have people who care about you. Your fans, your friends, and even someone like me, who just met you tonight."
You turn your head to look at him, his earnest expression making your heart ache. "Thank you, Deku," you say softly. "I appreciate your kindness and support. It means a lot to me."
He blushes slightly, scratching the back of his head. "I'm just doing what I can. Sometimes, all we need is someone to lean on, even if it's just for a little while." 
“So, what do you think is gonna happen with the investigation?”
“It’s gonna be really suffocating, unfortunately,” Deku sighs. “The chief thinks the stalker might have something to do with Betheny’s murder.” 
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the mention of Betheny. You knew being in the spotlight came with risks, but you never knew someone would be killed over you.
Deku's expression mirrors your sadness and concern. He shares a warm smile once you finally meet his eye. “You’re not alone Y/n.”
"I'm scared, Deku," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Scared for my life, scared for the people around me. I never wanted any of this. I just wanted to share my music with the world." You mutter under your breath, “my love for Josh..”
“Hey.” Deku reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on yours. "I understand.” His touch brings you a sliver of comfort. “How about this, let’s hang out tomorrow, get your mind off of things?”
You look at Deku, appreciating his offer. The idea of taking a break from the chaos sounds appealing, a chance to find some solace and regain a sense of normalcy, even if just for a little while.
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "That sounds nice, Deku. I'd like that." You pause for a moment, contemplating the options. "What do you have in mind?"
He ponders for a moment, his brows furrowing as he thinks. "Well, how about we go to the park? It's a peaceful place, and we can take a walk, enjoy nature. Sometimes being surrounded by trees and fresh air can help clear the mind."
The thought of being in nature sounds appealing. It could be a temporary escape, a chance to focus on something other than the chaos that has consumed your life. "That sounds perfect," you reply.
Deku's smile widens, relieved that his suggestion resonated with you. "Great! We'll meet there tomorrow morning then. Take your time and rest tonight. We'll leave all the worries behind for a while."
“Sounds great.”
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours
It had been a while since you actually went outside. It took you almost 30 minutes to decide on an outfit, and you were still unsure if you picked the right one. Choosing an outfit for your outing with Deku feels oddly important to you, as if it holds some significance beyond just a simple park visit.
But you were going to be late if you continued to switch outfits, so though you weren’t exactly satisfied you settled on some jeans and a blouse. It feels light and airy, perfect for a day at the park.
With a deep breath, you grab your bag and head out the door, ready to meet with Deku. It's a new day, a chance for a fresh start, and you're determined to make the most of it. The park wasn’t very far from your house, so you walked there, enjoying the sound of cars passing by.
You enter the park, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over you as you take in the lively atmosphere. The vibrant green of the grass, the colorful flowers in bloom, and the sound of laughter and conversations create an inviting ambiance.
As you stroll along the path, you observe the various scenes unfolding around you. Children running and playing, their infectious giggles filling the air. Couples sitting on benches, sharing tender moments and stealing affectionate glances. Dogs chasing after balls, their tails wagging with pure joy. The park seems to be a haven of happiness and connection, momentarily whisking away the weight of your worries.
Spotting a familiar figure in the distance, you make your way towards Deku. He's standing near a pond, watching as ducks glide across the water's surface. Like you, he was wearing sunglasses, but his green hair really gave off his identity. He turns around and catches sight of you, a bright smile spreading across his face.
"There you are!" Deku exclaims, his voice filled with delight. "You look amazing!"
You blush at his compliment, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest. "Thank you," you reply, returning the smile. "You don't look too bad yourself."
He chuckles and extends his arm towards the park. "Shall we walk and enjoy the beauty of this place together?"
“We shall.”
The gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and the sun casts a warm glow over everything, creating a serene atmosphere. As you walk, you engage in lighthearted conversation. Deku's presence brings a sense of comfort and ease, allowing you to momentarily forget the weight of your worries. He listens attentively to your words, his genuine interest shining through his expressive eyes. It felt nice to actually have someone pay attention to what you were saying. 
“Y’know, my dream was never to become a singer,” you say as your and Deku’s laughter dies down from his previous joke. “I actually wanted to be a pro-hero.”
“What? Really?” Deku says, his eyes widening a little. “Well why didn’t you?”
As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden hue over the park, you find yourselves leaning on the fence over by the docks, the reflection of the sun shining over the river.
“My voice,” you say softly. “My parents had always said I was born to sing, and my quirk wasn’t really pro-hero worthy.” 
Deku's brows furrow slightly, “well, what’s your quirk?”
You look over to him. Though your mouth is closed, your voice could still be heard next to him. “Oh you know, nothing really.”
He blinks a few times, trying to comprehend what happened. “Wait…are you talking with your mouth closed?”
“Yeah, that's my quirk.”
All the voices speak at the same time, but your mouth remains shut. Deku's eyes widen in astonishment, his gaze shifting between you and the voices that seem to emanate from nowhere. He takes a moment to process what he just witnessed before regaining his composure.
"That's incredible," he says, his voice filled with genuine fascination. "A quirk that allows you to speak without opening your mouth. That's definitely unique and could be quite useful in its own way."
You chuckle softly, appreciating his reaction. "Yeah, it has its advantages. I can communicate without making any sound, and it lets me sing my own backup vocals. But it's not exactly the type of quirk that would be useful in physical confrontations or saving people like a pro-hero would."
Deku nods, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I see. But you've found your own way to touch people's lives and bring them joy through your music. And that's something to be proud of."
You stare at him for a bit, his words echoing through your mind before you turn your attention back to the glistening river. “Yeah…I guess you're right.” His words resonate with you, a gentle reminder of the impact you've had on others through your songs. But you weren’t going to sing again, ever since you lost Josh, your motivation to sing seemed to disappear with him.
Deku senses the shift in your mood and places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Wanna grab a drink?”
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you turn to face him. "Sure, a drink sounds nice. Lead the way."
But I sang 'em all to another heart
As you step into the bar, the lively atmosphere washes over you. The low lighting casts a warm glow, and the sound of music fills the air. People are engaged in conversations, laughter, and the occasional clinking of glasses. The energy of the place is infectious, and you can't help but feel a sense of excitement.
Deku finds a cozy corner booth, away from the crowd but still close enough to soak in the ambiance. He motions for you to take a seat, and you settle in, taking in the sights and sounds around you. The bar has a rustic charm, with wooden accents and dimly lit vintage bulbs hanging from the ceiling.
“Do you know what you want to drink?” Deku asks.
You glance at the menu, scanning the variety of beverages available. From signature cocktails to classic spirits, there's something for everyone's taste. But you decide on something a little more simple. “Vodka lime.”
He nods before sliding out the booth. You watch as Deku makes his way to the bar, his green hair standing out in the dim lighting. He skillfully navigates through the crowd, eventually reaching the counter where the bartender awaits.
As you wait for Deku to return with the drinks, you take a deep breath, allowing yourself to relax. The soft chatter and laughter of the bar patrons create a comforting background ambiance.
After a short while, Deku returns with two glasses in hand, a smile lighting up his face. He carefully places the drinks on the table, sliding back into the booth. You notice the small lime slice perched on the rim of your glass, a vibrant touch of color against the clear liquid.
"Here you go," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "A vodka lime, just as you requested."
You raise your glass, a gesture of gratitude, and take a sip, relishing the refreshing combination of flavors. The tangy lime cuts through the smoothness of the vodka, creating a drink that's both invigorating and comforting.
Deku raises his own glass, a dark liquor inside, and clinks it against yours. "Cheers," he says, his eyes sparkling with genuine camaraderie.
"Cheers," you reply, a smile playing on your lips.
As the night progresses, you engage in conversations that range from light-hearted banter to deeper reflections. The drinks flow, but it's the genuine connection and shared experiences that truly leave an impact. 
But the bar seems to quiet down as a woman walks onto the wooden stage at the bar. “Alright folks, for tonight's singing battle for $500 we have long time champion Sanda Hitoshi, and… Y/n Yoshito!”
You arch a brow at the call of your first name, but don’t think much of it since she hadn’t called you last. But Deku nudges you with his foot. “That you,” he whispers.
“What?” You say. “But I didn't sign up-”
“I did.” He says, “now go up there and sing.”
You watch a man come up onto the stage, everyone else in the bar looking around for the second contestant. Your initial instinct is to resist, to find an excuse to back out, but the determined look in Deku's eyes and the trust he has placed in you make it difficult to refuse.
Reluctantly, you take a deep breath, finishing the rest of your drink. You stand up from the booth, your heart pounding in your chest, and make your way towards the stage. As you step onto the wooden platform, the spotlight finds you, casting a warm glow upon your figure. 
The murmurs in the bar gradually subside, all eyes now fixed upon you and Sanda Hitoshi, the reigning champion of the singing battle. The crowd's anticipation hangs in the air, and you can't help but feel a mixture of nerves and determination. It had been a long time since you last did this.
The woman on stage, the host of the singing battle, looks at you expectantly. "Well, well, it seems we have a brand new contestant. Y/n Yoshito, are you ready to give it your all?"
You take a deep breath, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach. "Yes, I am," you reply, your voice carrying a newfound confidence.
Sanda smirks at you, his confidence radiating from his lips. He leaned in close to you, “hope you're ready to lose.”
The music begins, a familiar melody filling the bar, and like karaoke the lyrics appear on the screen in front of you. Sanda begins first, his voice fills the bar with a powerful resonance. The crowd reacts, cheering and clapping along to his performance. You watch him closely, his confidence evident in every move he makes.
With the pressure and the competitive atmosphere, you begin to feel small. The spotlight turns onto you when it's your turn to sing, the lyrics appearing on the screen in front of you. You watch the words pass by, opening your mouth to sing, but nothing comes out.
The crowd began to mummer, many of their comments sounded very negative. You want to apologize and walk off the stage, embarrassed that you even came up here. But you meet Deku’s eyes, he had moved from the booth in the corner to one the table by the stage.
He smiles at you, a small nod that says so much despite the small gesture. ‘You can do this’
Drawing strength from his support, you take a deep breath, willing yourself to push through the fear and find your voice. The lyrics on the screen blur momentarily as you close your eyes, shutting out the distractions and doubts that surround you.
In that moment of stillness, you find a sense of clarity. The music resonates within you, touching the deepest parts of your soul. With renewed determination, you open your eyes and let the melody guide you.
As the first words escape your lips, a surge of energy courses through you. The initial hesitation gives way to a growing confidence, and your voice begins to fill the bar. The crowd's murmurs transform into hushed anticipation, their attention now fully on you.
With each passing note, you pour your heart into the performance, allowing the lyrics to carry your emotions. Confidence begins to sweep within you, and you start walking back and forth on the stage and adding a little more movement to your performance. The doubts and insecurities gradually fade away, replaced by the sheer joy of expressing yourself through music. The stage becomes your sanctuary, a space where you can be vulnerable yet powerful.
The crowd's initial skepticism gradually gives way to awe and appreciation. They witness the transformation unfolding before their eyes, witnessing the raw emotions and undeniable talent that you possess. It comes to Sanda's turn, but you don’t let him. Singing over him and taking his part of the song.
The egotistical man doesn't seem to appreciate it, attempting to sing over you. As Sanda tries to tune you out, attempting to regain the spotlight, a fire ignites within you. You refuse to be silenced or overshadowed. With unwavering determination, your voice rises above his, resolute and filled with passion.
Your impromptu duet becomes a battle of voices, a clash of emotions and artistry. Each note you sing carries an intensity that captivates the crowd, their attention shifting from Sanda to you.
As the song reaches its climax, you and Sanda’s voices soar, you’re now staring into his eyes. You can tell he’s trying to hit a higher note than you. With the power of your quirk, you continue to hold the note, and grin at the boy.
“You think you're better than me but you're not--!” You hold out the note,  hitting high notes with a confidence that surprises even yourself. The harmonies intertwine, creating a symphony of voices that reverberates through the bar, leaving everyone in awe.
And as the final note hangs in the air, a stunned silence fills the room. The audience, once divided, erupts into thunderous applause, their cheers and claps resonating with genuine admiration. It's clear that your performance has touched their hearts, transcending the boundaries of a simple singing battle.
Sanda stands there, momentarily speechless, his ego shattered. The crowd continues to cheer, some people even standing up, acknowledging the power of your voice and the strength you displayed in the face of adversity. You step off the stage, feeling a mix of exhilaration and relief coursing through your veins.
You run over to Deku, who’s still clapping a big grin on his face. You jump into his arms, squeezing him with all the passion you had left over from singing on stage. 
“Wait a minute!” A random voice calls out from the bar, “that’s Y/n L/n!”
“Isn’t that Deku?”
Startled by the sudden recognition, you quickly break away from Deku's embrace and exchange a brief glance with him. Without hesitation, you grab Deku's hand and make a swift exit from the bar, blending into the bustling city streets.
You drag him away down the street, the two of you laughing. “I think that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time,” you sigh.
Deku laughs along with you, the sound of joy and relief mingling in the air. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replies, a genuine smile gracing his face. "You were incredible up there, Y/n. It was like watching a star shine."
As you continue walking through the vibrant city streets, the excitement of the performance still coursing through your veins. You find a bench along the street and sit down, catching your breath and allowing the adrenaline to subside. Deku joins you, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the bustling city.
"I've never been able to go to any of your concerts, I usually just enjoy your music online, but-" Deku eyes sparkling with admiration. "It's like a whole different side of you came alive on that stage."
You lean back on the bench, a contented smile playing on your lips. "Maybe it's because you were there, cheering me on," you muse.
Deku reaches out and takes your hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. “I’m glad I was able to make a difference.”
You can’t tell if it was the alcoholic in your stomach, or just the warmth Deku’s presence brought to you. As your cheeks flush with a gentle blush, you meet his gaze, your eyes reflecting the many emotions swirling within you.
In that moment, the world around you seems to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in this intimate space. The city's hustle and bustle become distant whispers as you focus on the presence of Deku, his hand holding yours, and the unspoken connection that binds you together.
A soft breeze rustles through the air, carrying with it a hint of anticipation and possibility. The night sky above twinkles with stars, mirroring the spark in Deku's eyes. It's as if the universe itself is silently encouraging you to take a leap of faith, to embrace the budding feelings that have begun to blossom between you.
“Deku..” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Please,” he whispers back. “Call me Izuku.”
As the words hang in the air, the silence between you becomes overloaded with possibility. He’s leaning in closer. The anticipation builds between you, the space between your lips diminishing with each passing moment. Time seems to stand still as the gap between you closes, and your heart pounds in your chest.
Finally, your lips meet in a tender and electrifying kiss. The touch of his lips against yours ignites a fire within, a warmth that spreads throughout your being. It's a moment filled with vulnerability, trust, and the sweet realization that something beautiful is unfolding between you.
As you break apart, a soft smile graces both of your faces, and the world comes back into focus.
The moment is cut short though, by the call of your name. Your eyes widen, “Josh?”
“Hey…bunny.” He says.
Shock washes over you as you hear Josh's voice, and your heart skips a beat. It's as if time has frozen, and you find yourself caught in a mixture of conflicting emotions.  Memories of the past colliding with the present.
You release Izuku’s hand, standing up from the bench. "Josh... What are you doing here?" you manage to ask.
Josh's gaze shifts between you and Izuku, before he lifts his phone to show the posts of you at the bar. "I... I heard your voice. I followed it. I didn't expect to find you here like this."
“I’ll um, give you two some space.” Izuku clears his throat, sensing the tension. Izuku gracefully steps back, giving you and Josh the space you need to address the unexpected reunion. He moves a few steps away, but you can still feel his supportive presence lingering in the background.
“What do you want?” You turn your attention back to Josh. "I didn't expect to see you here either."
He lowers his phone, his gaze softening as he takes in your presence. "I know it's been a long time, Y/n. I've missed you."
You hesitate for a moment, your mind racing with thoughts and conflicting feelings. You furrowed your brows, “you cheated on me.” 
"Listen, Y/n," Josh continues, taking a step closer. "I made a lot of mistakes in the past, and I've spent a long time regretting them.” You're frozen still as he comes closer, the serenity in his voice almost sounding real. He reaches out a hand as if to touch you, but quickly withdraws it. "I know I messed up, Y/n. I can't change the past, but I want us to try again. I love you."
His words were everything you wanted to hear. And you glance over at Izuku, who’s trying to pretend he isn’t watching. While your connection with Izuku has been growing, the history and familiarity with Josh still hold weight.
You take a deep breath. “No.”
Josh's expression shifts into shock. “What?” It’s obvious he didn’t expect that. “But bunny, I've apologized.” The gentleness in his earlier voice is long gone now.
“And I don’t forgive you,” you say. “You cheated on me Josh, exploited me, laughed in my face.”
"You're being unfair, Y/n!" he exclaims, his voice laced with frustration.
You hated this. You hated how fast your heart was beating. You hated the little voice in your head begging you to take Josh back, to return to your little state of love. You hated the part of you that actually believed Josh’s words.
He continues, "People make mistakes, and I've changed. I love you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."
“The damage has already been done Josh,” your voice is steady despite the emotions swirling within you. “We’re done.”
Josh's face contorts and he takes a step back. "Fine," he says through gritted teeth. "But don't think this is the end. I’m all you’ve ever known, nobody else in the world will love you as much as I did."
With that said, he walks off, leaving you to stand there. Izuku approaches, his presence a pillar of strength, and he wraps an arm around you. “You okay?” He asks.
You turn around and shove your face into his chest throwing punches into him. “It’s not fair Izuku!”
Izuku holds you tightly, each punch like a little tap on his torso. "I know, Y/n," he murmurs.
Tears spill out your eyes, and you want to scream out of frustration. "It's okay to let it out," he whispers, his voice filled with compassion. A soft hand rubbing your back, you allow yourself to surrender to the overwhelming wave of emotions, the frustration, and the pain. 
The tears flow freely, carrying with them the weight of disappointment and heartache. Izuku remains by your side, offering his silent support as you let your emotions be heard. Eventually, your sobs turned into small whimpers, your arms had grown tired now and you stood limp in Izuku’s arms.
“I like you Izuku,” you whisper. “I really do.” You can feel the vibrations of his humming through his chest, and you peel your face off of him to meet his eye. “But I don’t think I’m gonna be able to love you in the way you deserve.”
Izuku's gaze meets yours, filled with understanding and empathy. He takes a moment to absorb your words, his expression softening. You pull away from him, wiping your own tears. “I’m sorry Izuku. But Josh is right…”
Before he could speak, you turned your back and began to walk away. Izuku could only watch, unsure of what to say himself. 
 And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
As you shifted in bed, the sound of bottles clinking could be heard. Once again you drowned yourself in liquor to ease off the pain spiking up in your heart. The sun shining in through the curtains was enough to wake you.
You groaned, head beginning to ache as soon as you sat up. The room seemed to spin for a moment, and you steadied yourself against the nearby dresser. You pulled open one of the drawers, hoping to find some new clothes that didn’t reek of sweat and alcohol.
Rummaging through the drawer, you managed to find a fresh set of clothes tucked away in the back. You discarded your worn and disheveled attire and quickly changed into clean garments.
As you throw your old clothes to the laundry backset in the corner of the room, you stop at the sight of one of your old notebooks. It’s opened with a pen sitting on top of it, along with an almost empty bottle of liquor. 
You must’ve been writing while drunk.
Curiosity piqued, you picked up the notebook, flipping through its pages. The words scribbled across the paper were a mix of blurry lines, barely legible in your intoxicated state. It was evident that you had attempted to write while under the influence, but the resulting pages held little coherent meaning. Some words were readable, lyrics that connected in a way you couldn’t really understand at the moment. 
A little disappointed, you close the notebook and toss it onto your unmade bed. With a sigh, you look around the room, though your head was still aching, you were filled with boredom.
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and take a moment to assess your appearance. Your reflection revealed signs of fatigue and the lingering traces of tears. You looked like shit.
Another sigh emits from your lips, and you crash back onto your bed, feeling under your pillow for your phone. As usual it’s bombarded with tweets, and likes.
Celebrity News @celebnews
{3 Image Attached} Celebrity singer Y/n L/n sighted singing at the local karaoke bar in Musutafu. Seems out little romance singer might have found a new muse.
AnimeBrigade @macetotheface
replying to @celebnews
Is that Deku? Holy shi-
Dont Mori, Be Happy @fatdeadhard
replying to @celebnews
Look at how Deku’s holding her! Move over Y/n! It’s my turn
Pepsi Chan @aloneboi
replying to @fatdeadhard
Nah, Deku move over. Lemme hold sweet Y/n
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“They work fast,” you mutter under your breath, closing Twitter after scrolling through the many comments from your recent appearance yesterday.
Lying on your bed, you allowed yourself a moment of respite, staring at the ceiling as thoughts swirled in your mind. You glance over at your window, seeing how it’s a perfectly sunny day, you should probably get some fresh air.
As you open the window, a gentle breeze wafts into the room, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The warm rays of sunlight bathe your face, the heat irritating your eyes a little, but either way it instantly uplifts your spirits.
You decide to go for a walk, to let your thoughts wander and find peace amidst the serene surroundings. As you step out onto the streets, the hustle and bustle of the city greets you. Mainly just people riding their bikes, or going out on a morning jog. Mainly people going about their daily lives.
You walk aimlessly, allowing your footsteps to guide you through the winding paths. Eventually finding yourself by the river you had visited with Deku yesterday. You take a seat by a nearby bench, and stare out at the rippling water.
“For someone so young, it seems like you’ve got a lot of problems on your plate.”
You turn to the voice of an old woman, she’s sitting on the second bench near the one you were sitting at. She’s knitting, a bag full of yarn sitting by her feet. 
“Just alot going on in my life right now,” you turn back to the river. “ I just don’t know what to do.”
“Life is filled with challenges,” the old woman nods, her eyes filled with wisdom. “I believe that it's through facing those challenges that we grow and find our strength."
“I just don’t know if I have the strength to face these challenges,” you mutter.
The old woman's eyes soften as she continues knitting, her fingers working with practiced ease. She looks at you with a compassionate gaze and says, "strength is not always about having all the answers or being fearless. It's about acknowledging your vulnerabilities and persevering despite them. It's about taking one step at a time, even when the path seems uncertain."
She pauses for a moment, as if contemplating her next words. “Tell me dear, where is it in life, that you find yourself the most confident?”
You lean back into the bench, taking a moment to think about her question. “I guess, when I’m on stage, singing.”
“Ah so you are a singer,” the old woman chuckles. “I find that most singers see music as a refuge. Their way of expressing themselves and connecting with others.”
You stay quiet as a breeze passes by, your hair tickling your face slightly. The old woman's eyes sparkle with understanding as she observes your contemplative state. "Music has a way of touching our souls," she continues, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It allows us to express emotions that may be difficult to put into words.”
As the old woman resumes her knitting, you take a deep breath and let the warmth of her presence envelop you. For your whole life, you’d written songs about how happy and in love you were, but not once had you ever considered writing about your sadness. 
You wanted to learn to love Deku, to be able to appreciate him for showing you kindness and understanding during the lowest point of your life. But you didn’t know how. You had been burnt out of songs about love, you had nothing to sing to him. But, your sadness.
The old woman's knitting needles click softly in the background, almost as if they're providing a rhythmic backdrop to your thoughts.
You turn to her, a warm smile on your face and the old woman meets your gaze with a kind and knowing smile, her knitting needles pausing for a moment. There's a sense of compassion and understanding in her eyes, as if she recognizes the weight of your emotions and the complexity of your situation.
She nods, wordless acknowledging your gratitude. You stand up from the bench, with a newly found determination, you sprint, heading straight back to your home.
As you run back to your home, a surge of energy courses through your veins. The weight of uncertainty and doubt begins to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. The rhythmic clicking of the old woman's knitting needles fades into the distance as you focus on the path ahead.
Arriving at your home, you feel a sense of urgency and creativity burning within you. You enter your room and immediately head to your bedroom, snatching your notebook from off the bed. You slide over to your desk, flipping through the pages and finding a blank page.
With each stroke of the pen, the words pour out onto the page. The lyrics flow effortlessly, capturing the essence of your sadness, your doubts, and your longing. The melodies intertwine with the words, weaving a tapestry of vulnerability and strength.
You begin to sing the newly crafted verses, testing out each lyric with different tones of rhythm. Everything begins to flow as you begin to use the beat of the old lady’s rhythmic clicking. With each verse, you allow yourself to fully embrace the rawness of your emotions. You sing of your struggles, your doubts, and your yearning for a deeper connection.
The song takes shape, evolving with each line and chord progression. Despite your habit to make the song more high beat, and happy, you're determined to explore a different side of your emotions.
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
You worked until nightfall, obsessed with your new project. It had been a whole since you felt this determined, and the song is completed by the end of the day. You sat at your desk proud, staring at the page in the notebook which was covered with eraser marks, smudges, and even some dampness from your tears.
There's a sense of pride and accomplishment in seeing the culmination of your hard work and creative expression on the page. But your moment is interrupted by your phone. It was your manager, Dave. Perfect timing.
“Hey Dave!” You answer.
“Y/n, what’s this I’m seeing all over the internet?” He doesn’t even greet you, “why are you frolicking with that Pro-Hero?”
You lean back in your office chair, “you mean the bar thing? We were just hanging out.”
“No,” he says more sternly. “I mean the pictures of you making out with him.”
The what. You put the one on speaker before switching over to the app, finding it easily as the post was number one on trending.
User @usernamenotfound
{5 Images Attached} I see you…
Trash Mammal @hairylegs
replying to @usernamenotfound
Okay. I think I’m done with the internet for a while now,
iitsTre_ @suliom
replying to @usernamenotfound
Okay, so this happened. And I’m all for it. #Y/n&Deku
Hanna the Dinosaur @roar
replying to @suliom
Nah, I’m loyal to the og. #Y/n&Josh
JayyKT @yaboyJT
replying to @roar
Yeah cause supporting a toxic relationship is perfectly fine.
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“D-dave I,” You continue to scroll through the comments. “I-I don’t know how this happened.”
“Cause you’re careless and irresponsible.” Dave’s voice is firm, a type of anger he rarely ever used with you. “But we can clear everything up since you and Josh are back together.”
“Dave…Josh and I aren’t getting back together,” you stammer. “I…I think I might have feelings for Deku. I even wrote a song, I’m we can use this-”
“You what?” His voice is chilling. “Do you know how much I- do you know what I did to have Josh want to get back with you?  A-and you can’t just start making new songs, especially about Deku! Josh is your career, you write songs about Josh, and only Josh!”
As he stammers, you furrow your brows at the phone. Did he just say he paid Josh to say he wanted to get back with you?
"Dave... Did you... Did you pay Josh to pretend he wanted to get back with me?" your voice trembles of disbelief and hurt.
There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Dave finally speaks. “I did what was best for your career Y/n, cause it seems like only one of us seems to actually care.”
Anger rises within you as you try to comprehend the extent of his manipulation. "You don't get to decide who I should be with or what songs I should write, Dave."
"Y/n, I've invested a lot in your career. I've worked hard to make you successful, and sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the sake of that success.”
Your anger intensifies, fueled by a sense of betrayal. "You had no right to manipulate my personal life Dave. I trusted you, and you took advantage of that trust. This is not how a manager should treat their artist." There's a brief pause before you continue, “I’m going to have to call you back, I need time to think, and maybe consider getting a new manager.”
You end the call, and drop your phone onto your desk. “What the fuck,” you mutter, repeating the words in your mind over and over. You had known Dave to be very pushy, but you didn’t mind it, you owed it to him for helping you jumpstart your career.
But as the weight of the situation settles on your shoulders, and you realize that it's time for a change, you can no longer continue with a manager who doesn't respect your boundaries and manipulates your personal life for the sake of your career.
The phone vibrates on the desk, and you quickly pick it up and answer. “Dave fuck of-”
"Yes, it's me," Izuku's voice comes through the phone, filled with concern. "I saw what happened on the internet, and I wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you alright?"
Your anger and frustration begin to dissipate, replaced by a mixture of surprise and relief. "Izuku, I... I don't know what to say. It's been a crazy day, and I just found out some things about my manager that I never expected."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Izuku responds empathetically. “But, I actually called for another reason.”
Curiosity piques within you as Izuku's words hang in the air. "Another reason? What is it, Izuku?"
There's a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Izuku speaks with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Y/n, I’ve been thinking about what you said…and I, I don’t care-”
Your heart stills at the sound of glass shattering, and Izuku quiets down as well. You quickly stand up from the desk, looking towards your door. That sound definitely came from your house, and since you were home alone, that meant that someone broke in.
“Y/n? What was that?”
The conversation with Izuku is immediately forgotten as your focus shifts to the potential danger in your own home. Without wasting another moment, you hurriedly whisper into the phone, "Izuku, I think someone just broke into my house."
You quickly step over to your bedroom door, cringing at the sound of your barefoot sticking to the hardwood floor. You slowly click your bedroom door lock, before backing away from the entrance. 
Izuku was still talking on the phone, but with your concentration on being silent, you can’t seem to focus on what he’s saying. “I’m coming Y/n!”
You take deep breaths as your back hits the wall in your room, your eyes landing on the many glass bottles sitting on your bedside table. Without a moment's hesitation, you grab one of the bottles, feeling its cool surface in your hand.
The sound of footsteps approaching your bedroom door grows louder, and your heart pounds in your chest. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you grip the bottle tightly. The door knob jiggles, the intruder, struggling against the door lock.
They pound at the door, aggressive knocks that scare you more and more. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you try to remain as quiet as possible, hoping that the intruder will give up and leave. But the pounding continues, growing more forceful with each strike. It becomes clear that they are determined to break through the door.
“Open this door now!”
You recognize that voice. Dave? As you strain to listen through the door, your heart sinks as you confirm that the voice belongs to Dave. The realization fills you with fear and confusion. Why would your manager be breaking into your house?
He’s able to kick a hole in the bottle part of your door, hand reaching in for the door knob to let himself in. Gripping the glass bottle tightly, you make a split-second decision, throwing the bottle at his hand.
The man lets out a loud groan once the glass shatters upon impact with his hand. “You fucking bitch, I’m gonna kill you!”
You reach for your phone, forgetting you had Izuku on the line. "Izuku, it's Dave. He's breaking into my house. I don't know what to do."
He doesn’t respond, the only sound from his air is just fast paced movement and heavy breathing. 
“Do you know how much I’ve done for you Y/n?” Dave continued to kick around the hole he made, opening it up more. “What I've done? You don’t get to cast me aside, no, no, you don’t.”
“Dave, your fucking insane!” You scream back, gripping another bottle in readiness to defend yourself again. “You’ve actually lost it this time!”
His foot falls through the hole, making it big enough for a person to crawl through. “I hired that stalker you know? I knew that dumbass Josh would get caught with that stupid girl. He was so careless, so reckless, he put everything at stake.” Dave’s ab;e to unlock the door, pushing it so hard it practically comes off the hinges.
“That stalker was going to scare you, scare you so badly you’d listen to everything I told you to do.” His boot crunch against the fallen glass on the ground. “I killed Bethany for you Y/n, as your manager, I’d do anything for you.”
The reflection of the knife in his hand increases your heart rate. You begin to throw bottles at him, but with each throw your precision is affected by the fear instilled in your mind. “After everything I’ve done. You’d just fire me like that?” He laughs, a chuckle so chilling. “I don’t think so.”
"Dave, please," you plead, your voice filled with desperation and a hint of hope. "You don't have to do this. We can find another way. Just put the knife down and let's talk. We can figure this out."
But Dave's expression twists into a malicious grin, his eyes filled with madness. He lunges at you with alarming speed, the knife glinting in the dim light. Panic floods your senses as you desperately search for an escape route.
In a moment of instinct, you make a split-second decision. You grab a nearby chair and swing it at Dave, hoping to create enough distance between you. The impact catches him off guard, momentarily stunning him and giving you a chance to make a run for it.
But you slip on one of the glass shards on the ground and fall onto it, groaning as it stabs into your arms. With adrenaline surging through your veins, you’re able to quickly recover, and attempt to stand up, but a hand grips your ankle. 
“No! Stop!” You scream, feeling him pulling you towards him. “Stop it. Please!”
Another crash emits, as glass shards fly into the room along with a body. A loud thump echoes through the floorboards as Deku lands in your apartment, he moves quickly, appending your attacker.
Red and blue flashing lights reflect in the room, and sit on the floor, your breaths come in ragged gasps as you try to process what just happened.
But all my tears have been used up
You were sitting on the edge of an ambulance, wrapped in one of the blankets provided by the EMTs. There were many police cars surrounding your apartment, as well as new vans trying to get as much footage as they could from afar.
You watched as Dave was forced into the back of a police car, he was shouting many obscenities, promising that he would be coming back. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, seeking a small measure of comfort and protection. 
Deku was speaking with some of the officers, having to explain the situation since he was the first pro-hero on sight. 
“Miss L/n?”
You look over to the side, finding a well dressed lady. She holds out a card to you, “I know this might not be the best time,  but I’m Miyahara Mika, after everything that’s happened you’re going to be looking for a new manager. I’d like to be one of your first options.”
Taking the card from her, you read her name. Before you could say anything, Deku walks over, “I’m sorry, no questions right now.” He leads the girl away, sending her back behind the police tape with the other bystanders.
You appreciate Izuku's attentiveness to give you space, but also made a mental note to contact Mika once the immediate aftermath had settled. 
“Are you okay?” He asks.
You take a moment to collect yourself before responding to Deku's question. His concern is evident in his eyes, and you appreciate his presence in this chaotic moment. "A little shaken, but physically unharmed," you reply. " I'm grateful that you were here and intervened when you did. Thank you, Izuku."
You pause, taking in a deep breath to steady yourself. "But what about you?" you ask, genuinely concerned. "Did you get hurt? Are you okay?"
He chuckles, “I’m fine, and I’m just glad you're okay.”
“Miss L/n, there’s someone who wants to see you, um his name is Josh Solace.” An officer comes up to the side of the ambulance, pointing over to the side where you can see Josh being held back by some officers.
With a sigh, you watch as he calls out to you.  With a nod, you signal to the officer to let Josh through.
As Josh approaches, he quickly embraces you. “Y/n are you okay? I came as soon as I heard, do you need a place to say? You can stay with me.”
You push him away, standing up and looking him straight in the eye. Without words, your hands swing across his face, slapping him cleanly. The slap resonates through the air, and a shocked silence follows. Josh's hand instinctively moves to his cheek, his eyes wide with surprise. 
Your lips pressed together,and you looked at Josh with a firm eye. “Josh…I’be done nothing but love you since we were kids. You were the center of my world. I thought I was gonna marry you one day. I can't believe you would let this happen.”
Josh's expression turns from shock to remorse, his voice filled with desperation. "Y/n, I swear, I had no idea. Dave... he threatened me, manipulated me.”
You put your hand up to stop him from talking. “Cut the bullshit Josh,  Dave didn’t manipulate you into cheating on me. You can lie all you want, but one thing’s for certain. You don’t love me, you haven’t for a long time.”
The weight of your words hangs in the air, and a deep silence settles between you and Josh. 
“So it’s over?” He asks, “just like that? All these years down the drain?”
While a part of you wants to believe Josh's words and find a way to forgive him, another part knows that the trust between you has been shattered. 
On another love, another love
It had been two weeks since the incident. For the first week, you stayed with your mom taking a break from social media and anything too exciting. 
During your week with your mom, you found solace in her comforting presence. She provided a safe and nurturing environment where you could heal and process the events that unfolded. Together, you shared meals, talked, and spent quality time reconnecting.
As the second week approached, you began to feel better. You knew it was time to face the world again, albeit in a different way. With the support of your mom and close friends you were able to reconnect with, you gradually reconnected with social media, updating your followers with a heartfelt message expressing gratitude for their support and explaining your need for some time off.
You also reached out to Mika, the manager who had approached you on that fateful day. Her professionalism and genuine interest in representing you had left a positive impression. After careful consideration and discussions with your support network, you decided to meet with her and explore the possibility of working together.
The meeting with Mika went well. She understood your need for boundaries and respect for your personal life. She shared her vision for your career, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and artistic growth.
You explained to her how you wanted to reintroduce yourself into the music industry, showing her your newly made song and how you wanted everything to work out. She loved the idea and got straight to work, promoting the hell out of the huge concert you were going to be having.
All my tears have been used up
Meanwhile you kept in contact with Izuku. He was really busy with hero work, but whenever he had the time you would grab lunch with him. Though it was hard to keep the concert you’d be having a secret, you made sure he didn't know the song that you’d be singing was about him. Nobody did.
“What’s this?” Izuku placed down his coffee mug to pick up the paper you slid over to him.
“I’m having a really big concert, and I want you to be there.” You said with a small smile, “it has a backstage pass and everything.”
Izuku's eyes widened with surprise as he read the paper you handed him. You continue, “you said you’ve never been to any of my concerts before..so…you should come to this one.”
"A concert? That's amazing!" he exclaimed, "I'd be honored to be there."
“I’d be honored to have you,” you chuckle. You couldn't help but feel a rush of joy hearing his response. Despite the challenges you had faced, having someone like Izuku by your side meant the world to you.
On another love, another love
You practiced with the band every day, making sure each of them knew their role. The band members had been supportive throughout the entire process, recognizing the significance of your comeback and the importance of the music you were about to share. They dedicated themselves to practicing and perfecting their parts, despite the different style and emotions involved in the song.
During rehearsals, you could feel the synergy building between you and the band. They were not only skilled musicians but also genuinely passionate about creating something meaningful.
As the concert day approached, the band's excitement grew alongside yours. You could see the determination in their eyes and the way they embraced the challenge of playing a different genre of music. They put in the extra effort to ensure that each instrument complemented your vocals, creating a harmonious blend that captured the emotions and essence of the song.
All my tears have been used up
The stadium was way bigger than you thought it would be. Mika had said that Hamada Nobu, the owner of the largest stadium in Japan, had offered the space for your musical comeback. Something about his daughter being a huge fan.
The sight of the vast stadium, with its countless empty seats stretching out before you, was both awe-inspiring and humbling. It was a stark reminder of the magnitude of the moment and the opportunity that lay ahead. Tomorrow, those seats would be filled with people eager to witness your song.
Standing in the center of the stage, you took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The anticipation was palpable, and the enormity of the occasion weighed on your shoulders.
You glanced around the stage, taking in the elaborate setup and the equipment that had been meticulously arranged. The lighting rigs, the speakers, the instruments—all were in place, waiting to come alive with music. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication that had gone into preparing for this moment.
As you looked out at the empty seats, you imagined the faces that would soon occupy them. Each seat represented a person, a fan, someone who had been touched by your music in some way. Their anticipation, their support, and their love would fill this stadium tomorrow, fueling your performance and igniting the atmosphere.
You closed your eyes for a moment, envisioning the energy that would radiate from the crowd. The shared experience of music, the connection between artist and audience, the power of emotion and expression—it all converged in this space. Tomorrow, you would step onto this stage and give your all, pouring your heart and soul into the music.
Sudden doubt enters your mind. Love songs had been your brand since the beginning, what if they didn’t like the change?
On another love, another love
As the sound of the crowd reached your ears from the dressing room, instead of igniting your usual sense of determination, it filled you with fear. The magnitude of the moment hit you all at once, and doubts began to resurface.
What if they didn't like the new direction of your music? What if they were disappointed by the change? The fear of being rejected by the very people who had supported you throughout your career weighed heavily on your mind.
Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself of the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and soul-searching that had led you to this point. You had poured your heart and soul into this new music, and it was an authentic expression of who you had become as an artist.
With each passing moment, the fear began to transform into excitement. You reminded yourself that the crowd gathered outside was there because they believed in you and your talent. 
You took one final look in the mirror, meeting your own eyes with a determined gaze. You had worked tirelessly for this moment, and now it was time to step onto that stage and give it your all. 
All my tears have been used up, up
Oh, oh, oh
Your body glistened with sweat as you continued to sing, pouring your heart and soul into each note. The stage lights bathed you in their warm glow, amplifying the intensity of the moment. The energy of the crowd fueled your performance, their cheers and applause becoming a harmonious symphony that echoed through the stadium.
As the music swelled, you took a small moment during an instrumental break to catch your breath. The adrenaline coursing through your veins kept you going, but you knew the importance of pacing yourself. Using your quirk to provide a brief respite as your voice soared through the air.
The band continues to play as you quiet down, taking the moment to search around the front row for your green haired friend. This song was for him, and you wanted to see him as you sang it. But he was so where to be seen.
Disappointment settles within you but you return to the center of the stage.
Oh, need a love, now, my heart is think of
As your quirk sings and the music surrounds you, you feel a surge of emotions welling up inside you. A small tear escapes the corner of your eye, tracing a path down your cheek. It's a single tear, but it carries the weight of countless emotions that have been bottled up inside you. It's a tear of joy, of pain, of resilience, and of triumph.
In that moment, as the tear falls, you surrender yourself to the power of the music and the vulnerability it brings.
“I wanna sing a song that'd be just ours.”
“But I sang ‘em all to another heart”
As you stared at the hidden camera in front of you, you were acutely aware of the enormous projector behind you, magnifying every emotion etched on your face. The camera was capturing every tear, every tremor, every raw expression that danced across your features as you sang your heart out.
You could imagine the faces of the audience members, their eyes fixed on the projection, immersed in the journey of your performance. The close-up shots captured the intensity of your emotions, allowing the viewers to witness the vulnerability and passion that flowed through your voice and body.
“And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love (fall in love)”
As the powerful notes of your voice filled the air, you used your quirk to double over the sound, creating a mesmerizing echo that reverberated through the stadium. It was a deliberate choice, a way to emphasize the weight of your words. With each word that escaped your lips, the echo carried it forward, enveloping the audience in a haunting and immersive experience.
“But all my tears have been used up”
You look to the side, a tuft of green hair catching your eye. It was Izuku, he had actually come. With each word you sing, your gaze remains fixed on Izuku. It's as if your performance becomes a personal conversation between the two of you, a way to convey the depth of your emotions and express the unspoken feelings that have lingered between you.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
The energy in the stadium becomes electric, as the audience, caught up in the intensity of your performance. They clap, cheer, and scream, their excitement and appreciation reverberating throughout the stadium. The energy is palpable, a tangible force that sweeps through the air, connecting you with each and every person in the audience.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
You wave Izuku to come over, smiling as he refuses to at first, but with a small push from Mika he begins the walk over. The crowd seems to go crazy at the sight of him.
The audience's excitement reaches new heights as they realize that Izuku, their beloved pro-hero, is joining you on stage. Cheers and applause fill the stadium, their admiration for him evident in their fervent response.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
You meet Izuku halfway, a beaming smile on your face as you take his hands. The crowd erupts with even more enthusiasm, their cheers growing louder. It's a beautiful and heartwarming sight, witnessing the genuine affection and connection between you and Izuku.
“Oh, oh”
As the music dies down, you leap forward and kiss Izuku. Time seems to stand still in that moment as the world around you fades away. The audience, caught up in the intensity of your performance, erupts into cheers and applause once again, their excitement reaching new heights.
As you break the kiss, you find yourself lost in Izuku's eyes, the world around you fading into the background. It's a powerful and unforgettable moment, one that will forever be etched in your memory and in the hearts of those who witnessed it.
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80 notes · View notes
pablopascal · 2 years
Another Love
Dabi x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: death, abuse, lots of angst, some fluff, slowburn in the beginning, spoilers, Dabi’s pov is italicized A/N: Recommend listening to another love by Tom Odell (Slowed version) Also this is the first part of the fic. more parts to come when I'm not busy. please reblog, comment, like much appreciated!! sorry for spelling mistakes. *DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE*
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GIF by tokoyamis
Touya and you were best friends before he died, always together. His father hated it, not wanting his children to associate with anyone. Touya and you were tied together by the universe or so his mother always said. But it was until the night he died; the universe tore you both apart from each other. You were saddened by the death of your best friend, knowing he wouldn’t want you to be sad forever. You lived every day for him because he couldn’t.
Touya was always at the back of your mind every day, he would never be forgotten. Deep in your heart you wanted him to be out there in the world safe away from his father and not dead. You knew he would never come back, and the world would move on from the death of Endeavor’s son Touya Todoroki. That’s what happened: everyone moved on with their lives and forgot about the death of an abused, scared little boy that wanted some form of love from his father. The sad truth was that he never really died that night. 
“I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring”
Dabi sighed as he watched from afar where he was “buried”, there was the same person he loved as a child. He always watched over her since he “died” and never once did he abandon her. He wished he could walk up to her and wrap his scarred arms around his beloved friend.
The one that truly believed in him when his father didn’t. The one that always stood strong in front of him when he couldn’t get back up. He saw the tears run down her cheeks as she pressed a kiss to her fingertips and then put those lightly kissed fingertips to the gravestone of Touya. He watched as she walked out of the cemetery with her head held high with fire in her eyes.
“And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hands been broken, one too many times”
You were always trying to exploit the abusive ways of Enji Todoroki and what you had witnessed watching Touya grow. The torture that he pushed Touya through before his death and what he put Shoto and the others through.
After Touya died you never left the little brother’s side because you wanted to protect him when you could. But of course, Enji was able to keep you from the youngest Todoroki three years after Touya’s death. You made it your life’s mission to tarnish the hero’s reputation. 
You were on your way to meet Natsuo for your weekly study group. You both go to the same college and he is the only way you can stay in touch with Shoto. Walking into the library, you see the white-haired teenager sitting at the usual table but you notice someone next to him as you get closer.
You pulled the chair out in front of Natsuo and looked up to see no so little Shoto. Your smile grew in size seeing the kid that you promised Touya you would protect. You felt a sense of security that he wasn’t at home with his father, knowing the torture he has probably gone through. 
“Hey Shoto! How are you doing?”
He looked up from his phone realizing someone was talking to him. He was taken back to see the girl that Touya always brought home to play with his other siblings while he was pushed into training endlessly. Shoto blanked for a few seconds and then came to his older brother waving his hand in front of his face. When he blinked to make his eyes focus on you and his brother, he saw the concern on both of your faces.
“You okay sho?” you asked. 
 He looked at you saying, “Yeah… Yeah...  I’m just surprised to see you after all this time.”
You smiled at him, “You’ve grown so much, Sho. I hope you’re enjoying going to UA this year.”
He looked at you and smiled while saying, “Yeah it's good. I’m making some friends too.”
You nodded your head saying, “Good Shoto for you. Touya would be proud of you. I’m proud of you everytime Natsuo says something about you.”
Shoto shockingly looks at his older brother, “You talk about me to other people?”, who just looked at him with a toothy smile. 
Natsuo turned back to you with a serious face saying, “So you still out to get my dad? Not that I care! He has it coming.” 
You nodded your head yes with a sad smile, Natuso started speaking again, “I hope you are able to show the world the truth about Enji. He deserves to be torn down from his throne.” 
You looked at him with a smile, “I’ll tear him down even if it kills me in the process, Natsuo. Just make sure to take care of each other if I die, okay?”
Natsuo looked at you sadly before nodding his head at you in agreement, “I know y/n. I’ll never let anything happen to them.” 
Shoto during this whole conversation was thinking about how you were going to bring down his father and how it was going to destroy you in the process. He knew his father would do everything to save his reputation. Even making you disappear would be something he would do. When Shoto came to after his thoughts, he looked up to see you smiling at him with a sad look on your eyes. 
“Okay let’s get studying so I can leave and start my plans to destroy your father's reputation,” you said laughing while getting your books out. 
Shoto and Natsuo saw that the smile didn’t reach your eyes. To be honest you were scared of the outcome of showing the world the true Enji, but you knew that you had to do it for Touya’s sake. You looked up to see the two boys smiling at you with concern, you sighed. 
“C’mon stop looking at me like that… I’ll be safe. It’s my middle name,” Natsuo rolled his eyes, “Natsuo I saw that. I’ll be as safe as I can. I promise. Now c'mon let’s study. I have work after this, I can’t be late again.”
Before you guys got into studying you said something towards Shoto, “You know Sho, you look so similar to Touya when he was a kid. That makes me happy that I can still see him in some ways.” 
You said this with a sad smile on your face before looking back at your textbook. Shoto and Natuso looked at each other then back at you to see you wiping away the tears that were falling down your cheeks on to the textbook. Natsuo reached out to touch your hand in a comforting way. 
Looking up at him smiling and then looking at Shoto, “I’m proud of you four, especially after what you dealt with. None of you deserve that treatment from your parents. I will do everything in my power to show the world the truth.”
“So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words they always win, but I know I'll lose”
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“The love was there. It didn't change anything. It didn’t save anyone. There were just too many forces against it. But it still matters that the love was there.”
"Turn my eyes, I see you stare 'Cross the room and right at me Now you're smiling like you've got Like you've got something on your mind"
― Mehro, "chance with you"
"When you think no one's watching I'm watching only you When you feel no one's listening I hear through the noise to hear you"
― Shannon Saunders, "Atlas"
"Feeling the way you breath down my side I'll never escape you, I can never try Seeing the way you look in my eyes I'm lost in illusion, my world set aside"
― The Irrepressibles, "To Be"
"I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where"
― Tom Odell, "Another Love"
“You're trying not to tell him you love him, and you're trying to choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
“Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.
These, our bodies, possessed by light.
Tell me we'll never get used to it.”
― Richard Siken, Crush
“We can't hold hands― Someone might see. Won't you please Hold toes with me?” ― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It
"Does it seem too hard? Does it seem alright To keep in touch?"
― Mehro, "hideous"
"How was the world before the big melt happened? How was the sun when it could touch your skin? How was it all before the city died?"
― Black Casino and the Ghost, "How Was the World"
"Can't you look at me? Am I that hideous to you? Can't you talk to me? Do I really mean nothing to you?"
― Mehro, "hideous"
"So this is the subterranean life. If it can't be conjugated onto us, what good is it?" ― John Ashbery, A Wave
“Sorry about that. Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud. Especially that, but I should have known."
― Richard Siken, Crush
“With this bullet lodged in my chest, covered with your name, I will turn myself into a gun, because it’s all I have, because I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting, walking around with this bullet inside me ‘cause I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling your teeth.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
“If you love me, Henry, you don’t love me in a way I understand.” ― Richard Siken, Crush
"How we got there, how we flew up Heaven's doors are miles away 'Cause you're stuck to the ground You have to stay"
― Panchiko, "Laputa"
“There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.” ― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It
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kayliemusing · 2 years
Describe your dream house - I want something that's very rustic, bright and classy. Maybe a French-Country kind of thing with a splash of boho. I've always pictured myself having a house that looked kind of ranch style on the exterior. Inside, lots of beiges, creams, tans, white brick, etc. Some wicker furniture pieces and light fixtures. Big kitchen with an island and also white cabinets that have little windows on them, open concept, big windows so everything is bright when the sun comes in. Barn doors for the pantry. Light coloured vinyl or hardwood floors. Big wooden beams on the ceilings. I also want a big back yard so I can have a fire pit and a patio. My idea of my "dream house" is very specific, and I have an overwhelming amount of inspiration pictures on my Pinterest lmao. - On another note, if I'm allowed to go crazy... say if I won the lottery and was allowed to have outrageous things in my house I'd want a spiral staircase, a bookcase that's secretly a door that leads to a beautiful reading nook or little library. I'd also want a Koi pond built into the floor. I love Koi ponds and I've always thought if I got really rich and I was going to do something weird and outrageous, that's what would happen.
What's your top 5 songs at the moment and why? - Maroon by Taylor Swift because Taylor put something in that song that I cannot explain. The chorus and bridge make me feral. - Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. a) Relatable. b) a good beat. c) I'm a monster on the hill - About You by The 1975 specifically for that one verse. Also it feels dreamy. - All Too Well (10 Min Version) by Taylor Swift for obvious reasons. Also this is my all-time favourite song to exist in the universe. It'll always be on the list. - Another Love by Tom Odell for that bridge (I also didn't want to write Taylor Swift again because it makes me feel annoying)
What's your favourite memory from school? - Any memory during Halloween or Christmas time when we got to colour pictures and do crafts :')
Whats your least favourite memory from school? - There's a lot tbh. Probably when my math teacher accused me of cheating on a test in the sixth grade in front of the whole class. It was so embarrassing and untrue. (The reason behind it was that I was new to middle school and put the test in my locker because I didn't finish it, thinking 'oh I'll finish at school tomorrow' instead of handing it to the teacher. Obviously not well thought out, but he was way too extra about it lmao)
Whats your relationship with your parents like? - Strong and healthy
Describe one of your favourite people - One of my favourite people is a friend of mine. I met her at work a couple years ago. She's very personable and friendly. When we first met, she was new at work, and she crossed the whole store the second she saw me and introduced herself which I thought was just so friendly. We have very long coffee dates and she shops at thrift stores but somehow finds the best and cutest clothes.
Talk about your favourite tv show as a kid - OMG. I think my all-time fav show as a kid was Little Bear. Obviously it was about a bear who was little and he had all these little animal friends, and they'd do fun things and go on small adventures, mostly in their imaginations I think. I loved that show so much and some of my fondest memories of being a kid was when I was watching Little Bear.
Talk about a band you loved as a teenager - The 1975!! I went through this phase in the tenth/eleventh grade where I was obsessed with them!! It faded a bit and now I still listen to their music, but not as avidly as I did then. I remember I loved them so much I would write stories based off of their songs lol
Talk about your favourite historical period - I'm always really inspired by the Victorian Era. I think I just find it very fascinating and it reminds me of the fantasy genre a little bit lol. The furniture was so detailed and unique, and I just love the history that's there. Obviously, I know it wasn't sunshine and roses to live back then, but I've always loved it for some reason.
Share a recipe you love - Chicken Tortilla Soup is my favourite!! (Doesn't really matter which one - they're all the same on google)
How many children do you want and why? - About 2-3. I don't really have a good reason why. I can see myself with that many.
What's your favourite season and why? - Autumn <3 I love autumn because I feel like that's when the year comes alive, ironically. That's when my favourite fall drinks come out, favourite clothes (like the sweaters), the trees are so pretty, corn mazes, pumpkins, apple crisp and apple pie and other baked goods, the weather is generally really nice; crisp mornings but warm afternoons. I also love that Halloween and Christmas are coming up because those two are my favourite holidays. Taylor Swift albums usually come out in the fall and it's also Red Album season. On a more real note, I also just start to feel a little bit better. I find summer makes me a little nostalgic and sad, so when fall rolls around, my spirits lift.
Write a review for the last book you read - AMAZING. 10/10!!!! PLEASE READ!!!! I read The Stolen Heir by Holly Black and I loved it! I saw some people give solid critiques to a few things, but I disagreed a bit. I thought the main character, Suren, captured my attention right away and I fell in love with her. I feel like I might need a little more time with Oak to fall in love with him, but Holly made me fall in love with Suren within two pages which I think is such a testament to who she is as a writer. It was also such an incredible journey throughout the book, and the ENDING. I can't wait for The Prisoner's Throne <3
Write a review for the last film you watched? - Amazing. I love Wreck It Ralph.
Write a letter to someone your no longer in contact with - N/A
Talk about your favourite conspiracy theory - I don't really believe in conspiracy theories, but I remember when the theory that Ted Cruz was the zodiac killer went around lol
Whats your favourite city and why? - I have no evidence for this but Montreal, because it looks pretty. I haven't been there, but I saw pictures. (Honourable mentions: Edinburgh, which I also saw pictures of and would like to visit someday.)
Describe an essay/story you wrote in school - I remember writing an essay in grade ten where I just trauma dumped on my teacher. Got an A though.
Whats some life advice everyone should know - This isn't really life "advice" but just a general tip which is that everyone should stop engaging in hustle culture because it's a disease.
If you got $500,000 what would you buy - A car, another cat, and maybe an apartment.
0 notes
The stages of dating ...... eddie munson[This is long]
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[ I just think the song matches the vibe so I suggest listening ]
The meeting
:you had met eddie through the party because you were just like eleven but older and you understood the world more than her
:you had the same story plot as el because you escaped together
: you guys together were unstoppable so while you stay in Hawkins while the byers were in California you stayed with the wheelers
:befor you meet eddie you had a crush on Steve so it took a while for him to peek your liking
:people thought dnd was weird and you were one of the people
:so when most of the party met him you met him to
:so when lucas was busy with basketball mike ran to you so you can fill in
:[Mike out of breath] ed-eddie I found your sub for dnd
:"sup I'm y/n .... let's cut to the chase you obviously need me sooo in return I want my homework done for the rest of the week by you munson because I am supposed to be with nacy right know stuffing my face and binge watching horror movies so do I have my self a deal"?
Eddie:every day beside friday I have stuff to do
Yn: so deal ?
:it only took you a few minutes to learn because you scammed through your powers and got any information about dnd there is
:and ofcorse you won the game and that impressed him
The asking out
:he was formal ,came to you because you were friends so he wasn't so scared to ask you out
:so eddie asked you at lunch
"So y/n what about you and me Sunday at the movies "
Y/n:eddie who the fuck goes out on Sunday that's me day how about this Friday?
"Of course babe"
"Were not there yet munson "
:the date went great you both ate till you couldn't and laughed at the stupid movie that played
The dating
:hanging out in his trailer
: playing dnd together
:stealing his clothes
:getting a hell fire shirt
:you got to spend more time with Dustin and the boys and you got more closer to Erica
:using your powers for easy stuff
"Ed's I just read there mind and there definitely talking about us"
"Those ass holes"
:binge eating
:being lazy
:going to school and rocking your grades [with cheating of course]
:random drives at night and I love yous
:doing everything together
:him teaching you how to play guitar
:modeling for eachother
:showing him your powers
:random singing matches
:making mistakes for eachother
:laughing at each other
:being confident within eachother
Pictures and videos of you guys
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You telling him his hair isn't all that
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You being drunk at 2 in the morning and saying this
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Playing a game of dnd
You after using your powers [Imagine your race and gender]
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Id like to add one more stage .... grief
:you always thought why not you why did I not use my powers to save him then you realize el , Mike, hopper, max, Lucas, all of them... they all need you alive well.. you needed your eddie alive you were not even living when he dead
:the guilt took over you, you changed you weren't the same withought him
:you did the best you could for him trying to live life the way he would
:people say sooner or later it gets better it didn't kinda
:but your family and the people around you made life worth living again
:you would visit his grave and play the guitar for him
:you would tell him all the good and bad news
"Yeah and then they walked away like nothing happened "
: u tried to move on really
:but you did move on ... to steve
: you always felt bad like you shouldn't move on but then you would remember
A month ago...
"Hey y/n what would happen if you passed like would you want me to move on "
I think it depends..... on the person and how much you loved them I would want you to because you deserve happiness like I do so yes I would want you to because I would never want to see you hurt and not happy I'm not saying you have to or need to but you would know when the time is right
"Yeah I guess so y/n I would want you to move on to and if you do I hope they treat you good you deserve happiness so I would want you to move on "
And that's why I love you
"Come here gimme a kiss "
End of flashback
:know you remember why you loved
The " freak" eddie munson
"All my tears have been used up......... on another love "
And that is the start of the stages series
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Another love by Tom Odell. Tell me that Bucky wouldn't send this to his girl when things were getting difficult for him emotionally
a/n: no idea if this was meant to be a prompt but i couldn't stop thinking about it so i wrote it lmao
pairing: Bucky X Reader
word count: 1.9k
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Life hasn’t been the fairytale either of you deserved. Things just don’t turn out as perfect as they to in movies and sometimes you fall for the wrong person, too deep probably, and it makes you feel like you will never find the right one.
After everything Bucky had been through he fell for a woman for the first time in decades and though he put all his faith in her, she wasn’t the right person for him. He was ready to give her everything he had and love her with all his heart, but she didn’t want it. She didn’t deserve it. Leaving him heartbroken when she left, thinking that maybe loving someone and be loved by someone is just not meant to happen to him.
Then you came into his life.
Being a nurse working beside Dr. Cho at the Tower, you ended up stitching him up quite a lot following his missions. Bruises, cuts, even bullet holes, you’ve seen them all on his body and though Bucky hated to appear vulnerable, you somehow made him feel at ease when you were cleaning him up, humming whatever song you had stuck in your head that week.
You bonded over music from day one. As a person who likes all kinds and genres, you were his number one source when it came to modern music. You made him Spotify playlists every week, making him listen to the best songs in your opinion and he listened to them all. Not just because they really were good songs but because he was ready to do anything you asked him to. You had him wrapped around your finger in a blink of an eye, but when things were about to take a turn, he backed out. At first, you just thought you misread the signs and that he didn’t even like you like that. But then you heard Banner and Nat talk about how Bucky keeps talking about you and that everyone in the Tower thinks that he is in love with you. So instead of letting him get away with it, you confronted him.
That was when he told you about the woman that hurt him before. The way she broke his heart and made him think that he is not worthy of being loved. And you listened to his every word patiently, though you wanted to smack that woman so badly for hurting such a wonderful man.
“Just because she couldn’t appreciate your love, it doesn’t mean that you are not worthy of receiving or giving love. Because you are,” you told him as your hands reached for his metal one, taking it between your palms. You knew how insecure he felt about it and you wanted him to know that you loved every part of him, even the ones that wasn’t entirely made of him.
“I don’t know if I’m the right guy for you, Y/N,” he shook his head, doubting his worth once again.
“You are, because I want you. And I know that you’ll try your best to be the right guy for me even though you already are,” you chuckles and reaching up you cupped his face in your palm.
That day you made a silent promise to take it slow and just find your own pace with each other. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, loving is already complicated enough, but Bucky’s state of mind was an even messier issue. However you refused to give up on him.
Weeks went by and your usual routine started to change slowly. Bucky didn’t only come to see you when he had an injury to take care of, you went on dates or just hung out after your shift. You were always there when he returned from a mission and he never let you leave the Tower without him, he always walked you home, even if he had work to do.
Everything seemed to be on track. Right until one stupid fight ruined everything.
Sam always had a flirty manner in his act. He liked to chit-chat, compliment you, but it was always just friendly. However, when one day he and Bucky returned from a mission, both of them with quite a few injuries, they ended up under your hands as you worked on their wounds, cleaning and bandaging them.
“Darling, your hands are gifts from God,” Sam sighed when you applied a cooling gel to one of his burns before you covered the injured skin. “Or maybe you are an angel yourself,” he then added, making you chuckle.
“Stop it, I’m just doing my job.”
“And you are so damn good in it. I’m one lucky man,” he grinned at you, but before you could say a word, Bucky jumped off the stool beside him and marched out of the room as if he was just triggered into being the winter soldier again. The door shut close behind him, he walked out without even glancing in your way and he left you all confused. You exchanged a look with Sam before you finished up his wounds and mumbling an apology you went after the grumpy soldier that just left.
Stepping out of the room you spotted him at the end of the hallway, sitting all by himself.
“Hey, why did you leave?” you asked, sitting next to him.
“No reason,” he answered without even looking at you, keeping his gaze at the tiled floor.
“That’s so not true. I know something is wrong. Please, just talk to me!” you pleaded, placing a hand to his arm, but his eyes snapped at it right away and made you think you did something wrong.
“I was just not in the mood to listen to Sam flirting with you,” he hissed.
“Then why didn’t you just tell him to stop?” you asked, knitting your eyebrows together.
“Because… I don’t have the right to act all possessive over you.”
Technically, he was right. You weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, but everyone in the Tower knew you were something. You wanted him to be possessive, to make men stop flirting with you because he thought of you as his. You were so close to it too, but now you felt like you were going backwards again.
“Well, you can easily have the right, Bucky. You know that,” you told him, praying he would take the desperate hint you’d been trying to send him these past weeks.
“Y/N, stop,” he breathed out, closing his eyes.
“Why? Would it be so hard to be more than just friends? Am I not good enough for you?” you asked, speaking thoughts you’ve been harboring these past times even though your rationality knew they weren’t true.
“You know that’s not the case!” he snapped, standing from his seat so you did the same. “It’s me, Y/N. I’m the problem and you know that.”
“You are not a problem, Bucky! How many times do I have to tell you that? I’m not the one who broke your heart, I want to be whatever you need me to be, Bucky, but you are shutting me out! I’m getting tired of telling you the same thing over and over again, because you don’t seem to be listening!” you replied angrily, letting out all the pent up tension you’ve been carrying around. “I feel like I’m talking to a wall, you just keep ignoring what I’m saying. And I want to be patient with you, I would do anything to make you happy, but I can’t do this if you don’t cooperate with me.”
You turned around and marched back into the room before he could say a word, leaving him completely stunned and in panic that he is losing you.
That day you went home without him for the first time in months. Not because he wasn’t there to walk you home, Bucky waited for you at the hall, but then he was informed that you left early. It was a clear message to him that he needed to get his shit together if he didn’t want to lose you.
Eating all your feelings away, you sat on your couch that night with your favorite ice-cream, watching reruns on TV, hoping to take your mind off of a blue eyed soldier, but you didn’t succeed. He was all you could think about and the thought of losing him made you want to cry yourself to sleep and never wake up.
When your phone’s screen lit up with a message, you were shocked to see a text from Bucky. Only that no words were in it, just a link that led you to a song on Spotify.
Another Love by Tom Odell.
Even though you knew the song well, you still listened to it, tears rolling down your cheeks as you focused on the lyrics, because you knew it had a message from Bucky. A quite emotional one. You listened to it again and again as the singer sang about feeling like he put way too much of his energy into another love and that he fears that he won’t love his current one the way she deserves. You knew that this was exactly how Bucky felt like, he was scared he wouldn’t be able to give you everything you wanted because he had been hurt so badly before and it broke your heart to know that he was ready to live a lonely life because of his misbeliefs.
Eager to see him as soon as possible, you grabbed your bag and was about to head out, but when you tore the door open you found the man you were looking for already standing on your doormat.
“Bucky!” you breathed out with teared up eyes. “How long have you been standing here?” you asked, holding the door open for him to come in.
“Since you started listening to the song,” he answered with a soft, tired smile. “Like a hundred times,” he then added, making you chuckle even through your tears. “Y/N, I’m sorry for the way I acted today. It’s just so hard for me to put myself out there again. I know that you’re not her, that you’re different, but still, I can’t help but think that it will happen again,” he told you, his voice dying down at the end. Stepping closer you cupped his face in your hands as you stared back at him.
“Putting yourself out is never easy, but you have to do it sooner or later, Bucky. And I promise you, I won’t do the same thing that she did. She didn’t deserve your love, she didn’t deserve you. Don’t punish yourself for her faults,” you pleaded as he leant into your touch, his eyes fluttering closer, his thick eyelashes fanning on top of his skin under his eyes.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” he whispered, his hands finding your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
“You are not a mess,” you shook your head. “But even if you are, we can be a mess together,” you chuckled and his eyes finally opened as a small smile stretched across his handsome face.
“That sounds good,” he nodded softly as he leant closer and rested his forehead against yours. “Will you wait for me? To fix myself so I can be the man you deserve?” he asked, so out of breath as if he just ran a marathon.
“I’ll be right here, listening to all our playlists until you’re ready,” you chuckled softly, as he smiled back at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek as a silent promise.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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writingzen · 3 years
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Yandere AU, yandere heeseung, angst
Listened to Another love by Tom Odell slowed
Authors note: hope you enjoy. I decided to write some thing different. This is just fictional, none of this is real or based on true events. This writing is just for fun and if you don’t like it, please just click away. If you have an request, please ask!
WARNINGS/other info: angst, toxic relationships, mention of physical and mental abuse, suicide, blade, death, cussing, mention of murder, yandere, victim blaming, use of she/her pronouns
You’re gone.
After everything, you’re finally gone.
Did he not love you enough? Was he too mean? I mean his punishments went too far sometimes, but they weren’t that bad. Well at least that’s what he thought.
But that doesn’t matter anymore.
You’re gone.
And he isnt.
Tears leave his eyes, running down his face quickly. One after one. Sobs escape his lips as he carries your cold body in his arms. Crying into your chest, trying to bring you back while shaking uncontrollably. Holding you, please just come back
You did it. You finally did it. After years of abuse and wasted tears. After years of fake love and unwanted bruises. After years of strict rules and ugly memories, you finally did it. He hugged your body tightly, not letting go. He couldn’t let go. He still needed you. You were everything to him. Yes, he hurt you from time to time, but it was because he loved you. All he ever wanted was for you to be safe.
“Please, come back. I need you. I still fucking need you, I beg you”
All the abuse and hate ran through his head as he regretted every choice he made. If only he would had paid a attention a little more, if only he’d hide the knifes. God, if he could, he would go back just to hide that stupid knife. Who would have thought? The stupid knife he used everyday. If it was for cooking or a punishment. God why were you so disobedient? None of this would have happened, if you would have just fucking obeyed. If he could go back, he would have hide every bad thing in this world. Maybe you would still be here.
Maybe you would be alive
But no matter how much he tried to blame you, he knew, it wasn’t your fault.
God why was I so stupid? Why couldn’t I have been nicer? Why couldn’t I have just held in my anger? Did I not love you enough? Jesus Heeseung you could have fucking loved her more. I’m so fucking stupid.
He wanted to yell and cry. He wanted to kill everyone who hurt you. He wanted to break everything in the house. Every plate, every chair, every window, everything you have ever fucking used. He wanted to hurt and do everything that was evil, but what would that change? At the end, he would only hurt himself, but that’s what he wanted. He deserved it,
I know I do
Everything was a waste now, every murder, every crime, every punishment. But God it hurt so fucking much.
Now here you lay, your lifeless, cold body in the arms of your lover. While tears run down his eyes, his heart pounds hard, hurting. Warm red blood everywhere and the knife just inches away from your wrist. A pale color covered both his and your face. And all he could do was kiss you. A salty taste came to his mouth from the tears that escaped, his lips pressed against yours harshly. Holding onto your face as anger and sadness continue to hit. The kiss finally turning soft and less of a kiss as he pressed his forehead against yours. In a shaky breath he speaks one last time.
“I love you”
Finally he accepts, there’s not going back.
Cause now you’re gone
And so is he.
Hoped you enjoyed. If you have any requests, please ask! Have a great day loves !!!!!🤍🤍🤍
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Attack on Titan Playlist Snapshots
A/N: Yeah I was bored again. Have some character music tastes. Influenced by yours truly. 
I would recommend listening to the songs you haven’t heard - even if it just a different version. Use headphones. Commit arson. Immerse yourself. - Nemo 
Jean Kirschtein
‘THRIFT SHOP’ by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
‘Uptown Funk’ by Mark Ronson (ft. Bruno Mars) 
‘Discovers’ songs about five years after the rest of the world does. Never listens to the radio. Is still living everyone's early teen years. Only give him and AUX cord if you want throwbacks to middle school.
Eren Jaeger
‘Hai Phut Hon’ (KAIZ Remix - slowed) by Phao
‘Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)’ (slowed) by will.i.am 
‘Prince Ali’ (slowed) by Will Smith
Listens to, exclusively, slowed Youtube versions of Tiktok songs ha found via Anime Tiktok. Weeb, but he doesn’t actually watch that much anime? Like he was mindlessly scrolling one day and now he’s stuck. 
Levi Ackerman
‘Double Bubble Trouble’ by M.I.A.
‘MIC Drop’ (Steve Aoki Remix - slowed) by BTS 
‘16 Shots’ by Stefflon Don
Only ever plays baddie or hype songs. If you were to ever ride in a low body car with RIM lights, you’d pray he has control of the radio because you will never feel more confident in your entire life if he does. 
Mikasa Ackerman
‘Sour Candy’ (slowed) by BLACKPINK & Lady Gaga 
‘Pump It’ (slowed) by The Black-Eyed Peas 
‘Rasputin’ (slowed) by Boney. M
Thanks to ‘Ereh’, much of her songs are also slowed, however she has a little more range than he does. She’s not limited to just ‘Tiktok’ songs, and honestly? Same? Listen to those demonic-sounding songs. Me too, tf. 
Hange Zoe
‘Kill This Love’ by BLACKPINK
‘BBoom BBoom’ by MOMOLAND 
Mostly listens to female K-pop groups. That’s why they’re the only ones listed. The ‘other’ songs she listens to are rare, but the thing they have in common is they’re all female vocalists. Just happened like that. 
Armin Arlert
‘The Greatest Show’ by The Greatest Showman Cast
‘The Music of the Night’ by Gerald Butler
‘Evermore’ by Dan Stevens
Literally only musicals. Music from movies. Songs. Soundtracks. Everything. Surprisingly has whole playlists for any mood. Unsurprisingly knows enough musicals to be able to put said playlists together. 
Erwin Smith
‘You Found Me’ by The Fray
‘Arcade’ by Duncan Laurence 
‘Another Love’ by Tom Odell 
The only reason these are even listed is because this is for songs. He listens to podcasts. He’s a podcast guy, not a song guy. But on the occasion where he does listen to music this is his taste in a nutshell. 
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peakyswritings · 4 years
Another Love
Tommy Shelby x female!reader
A/N: hi! This is my first fic and I don’t actually know how I feel about it. I’ve been inspired by the song “Another Love” by Tom Odell and I used #13 and #40 from the angst prompt list. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language, so forgive me if you find any mistake
Warnings: angst, smoking, drinking, slight self-hate
The gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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All my tears have been used up on another love
The first time you met Tomas Shelby was at the Garrison. You where new in town and you had just started working there as a barmaid, he was in the private room with his brothers, smoking and drinking whiskey. Harry had warned you about them, he had told you that every order was on the house and to be sure that they always had their glasses refilled in the shortest amount of time. You didn’t know exactly what kind of business the Peaky Blinders were in, but you were not blind. Three things caught your attention in the first week. First, they had blades in their caps. The second thing you noticed was the respect and fear people showed towards them. Last but not least, they always carried guns. You tried to follow Harry’s advice, trying to avoid any kind of personal contact with them and only getting close to them to take their orders and refill their glasses.
That was until that night.
You and Tommy had never talked much before- just some small talk, but nothing serious- and he never paid particular attention to you, but that night something changed. It was closing time, Harry had already headed home because it was your turn to close the Garrison. The customers were gone and you were cleaning up the last glasses, when he entered the pub. He was drenched by the rain and he looked exhausted. He didn’t say a word as he let himself fall on a chair and he lit himself a cigarette.
“Do you need something, Mr Shelby?” you asked politely. You surely didn’t expect him to show up at that hour of the night.
“Just pour me some whiskey, Y/N” he said taking a drag from his cigarette.
You did as he said, then you turned your back to him to keep cleaning the counter. You both stayed silent for a while and for the whole time you could feel his eyes on you. After a couple glasses of whiskey and what seemed a tremendous amount of time, he finally talked.
“You know, there was a woman...”
That night he told you about his previous girlfriend, Grace. Apparently, she was a spy for the Crown and he fell in love with her. She had left for America a couple months before your arrival in Small Heath and he had just been told that she got married with some rich man. You didn’t know what made him open up to you, maybe it was the whiskey, maybe his tiredness or maybe it was the fact that customers always talked about their problems with the barmaids. However, you could feel that he needed to take something off his chest, so you just listened to him.
You were surprised to see him like that. He always seemed emotionless and controlled, but that night he seemed...beaten. His usually neat suit was drenched and wrinkled, his hair was wet and he smoked cigarette after cigarette. In his worn out state he seemed more human and you felt something that you couldn’t recognise.
There was something about him that attracted you like a moth to a flame.
You didn’t talk about that again after that night and he acted like nothing happened. You thought that he probably regretted the way he opened up to you in his drunken state, but you decided not to bring it up. Actually, something did change from that night. You talked more, sometimes he would sit on a stool in front of you instead of staying in the private room just to keep you company. The more time passed, the more you found yourself catching feelings for that broken man.
I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care, but it’s so cold and I don’t know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string, but they won’t flower like they did last spring
Soon your friendship became something more. At the beginning things where amazing and you discovered that behind that hard exterior there was a caring and kind man. He always cared for you, making sure you where alright and he walked you home every night. Most nights you invited him in, you sat on the couch and you spent the night talking. However, as time passed by, you noticed that something was off, as if he was restrained and still deciding if he could trust you. He started to pull away, he sat in the private room of the Garrison more often, when he walked you home he didn’t come inside anymore.
Little did you know, that the cause of his detachment was his previous relationship. When Grace decided to go away, some part of him went away with her. He had feelings for you, but he was scared, he didn’t want to be hurt like that again. He knew that by pulling away from you he was hurting your feelings, he just couldn’t help it. He tried to make an effort to fix that, despite his fear and insecurity.
One morning he came to your house. The first thing you noticed when you opened the door was a beautiful bouquet of yellow daffodils surrounded by a pretty pink string.
“They say gifting a bouquet of daffodils ensures happiness” he said, handing you the flowers.
You gave him a big smile and thanked him as you took the flowers to put them in a vase, moving away from the doorstep to let him in.
“Do you want a cup of tea? I was preparing it” you said as you walked towards the teapot.
He sat at the table and you poured you both a cup of tea, before sitting in front of him. He was silent and he was trying to find the right words to say. He wanted to tell you that he was sorry, that he didn’t mean to push you away, that what he felt for you was real and that he was just scared. You were slowly becoming an essential part of his life and he was terrified. He ended up going away without saying a word about his feelings. Actually, he barely said a word at all, leaving you sad and confused.
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I’m just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up
On another love
He didn’t want to lose you, nevertheless he kept on pushing you away, too scared to open up and to let you see the deepest parts of him, too scared to let you in only for you to walk away afraid of what you’d see. He knew that if he let you in, you would have noticed how broken and hopeless he was and you would have walked away. Just like Grace had.
He wanted to spend the night with you again, he wanted to kiss you, he wanted to make you laugh and to keep you safe, but he was restrained. He just couldn’t bring himself to do that.
Eventually you got tired of the situation. You had waited for months, given him the space he needed, but at some point it was just too much. A week after the day he left your house without an explanation you decided to confront him. It was late at night, you had just closed the Garrison and he was walking you home. As usual you invited him in and, just like every other time you had asked him in the past two months, he told you he was tired.
“Please, Tommy. I need to talk to you. If you don’t want to come inside, then we can talk here. But we can’t avoid this conversation anymore”
He knew it was a matter of time before you got tired and confronted him. He thought he had prepared himself for this, that he would have been able to face the situation when the right moment came, but he was wrong. Nothing could prepare him to let you go. You went inside and you hung your coat, then you turned to face him. He looked you in the eyes, waiting for you to talk.
“Tommy I can’t do this anymore. I’ve tried to give you some space, I waited for you, but now it’s just too much...” you said hoping to provoke something in him, something that could make him understand that he was losing you for good.
He looked hurt for a moment, but then he put on his usual mask of indifference, looking away from you.
“It’s fine, if that’s what you want” he said in a emotionless voice.
“So you basically don’t care” you crossed your arms and you kept on looking at him.
Just one word. It was all se said before lighting up a cigarette. It would have hurt you, if you didn’t know he was lying. In the past months you had learned to read him and you could always tell when he wasn’t telling the truth.
“You’re lying”
He didn’t say a word and he kept on looking away from you. You knew he was acting like that because he didn’t want you to see that he was hurt. He did that because if he didn’t show any emotion, maybe it would have been easier to convince himself that he was not hurt. That he was alright.
“Stop running from your feelings!”
He took a last drag from his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray and only then he looked at you.
“I want to stay with you, I want to be here for you, but I can’t if you don’t let me!”
His gaze softened when your voice cracked, but still, he didn’t say a word.
“Talk to me for God’s sake!” you snapped, exhausted.
After a few moments, he finally talked and, for the first time in a long time, he opened up to you. It was the only thing he could do if he wanted you to stay.
“I’m scared, Y/N. I’m scared to let you in because I know that you will walk away too. I’m afraid you’ll end up seeing me the way that I see myself” he looked away from you again.
You took some steps towards him and you put a hand on his cheek and stroking it gently, to make him look at you.
“There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Nothing would make me walk away from you”
You said those words looking at him in the eyes, hoping to make him understand that you were telling the truth.
“I love you, Tommy. Nothing could make me love you less”
It was the first time you said it and you meant it. He looked at you speechless. You loved him.
You loved him.
He he moved closer, and he gently put his lips on yours. It was a sweet kiss, full of love and things unsaid.
“I love you too, Y/N. And I’m sorry. Please give me another chance. I want to make this right. I will make this right. I promise.” he said with his husky voice, looking at you with his piercing blue eyes. He meant that. You didn’t answer, you just pulled him in for a kiss.
You knew it wouldn’t be easy, that there would have been ups and downs, that his wounds wouldn’t heal so easily. Nevertheless, you knew that all of that was worth it, as long as you had each other.
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Truth or Dare Part 5
Tension builds in the House of Lamentation, and one relationship grows as another falls apart.  Arianthi finds out the brothers have been keeping a secret from her.
NSFW - penetrative sex, unprotected sex
TW -  Possible TWs for those who have suffered from physical abuse.
Written from the perspective of my female character Arianthi. 
I’m adding a different mood playlist to each installment of this series, just songs that I listened to while writing and feel embody each part of the story.
Hey Violet - Like Lovers Do
Post Malone - I Fall Apart 
Tom Odell - Another Love
LP - Too Much
Hozier - Better Love 
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Mammon and I stare at each other for what seems like forever, but in reality can only be a few seconds.  Seeing him cry triggers all my usual instincts.  
Protect him, hold him, make it better.  
I try to move away from Diavolo but he sleepily tightens his hold on me, and I watch as Mammon slowly closes my bedroom door.  I stay still and listen as his footsteps steadily fade, a slow crack forming on the one piece of my heart that Mammon hasn’t already shattered.  
Diavolo nuzzles the back of my neck.  “Something wrong?”
“No.  No it’s nothing.”  I relax back into his arms.  
I don’t owe Mammon anything, especially not after tonight.  Just enjoy having Diavolo in your bed.
“Well, if you’re still awake I obviously didn’t do my job well enough earlier.”  Diavolo skims a large hand down my stomach and between my thighs while he lazily rocks his hips against my ass.  “Let’s see if I can improve on that.”  
He roughly pushes two fingers inside me; I’m wet with arousal and his earlier release and he uses that to his advantage, pushing in and out, making me even wetter for him.  He slides his other arm under my shoulders to palm my breasts and hold me tight to his chest.  He removes his fingers and brings his hand behind my knee to slightly raise my leg, then slowly slides his cock deep in my pussy.
Despite our earlier session it is still a tight fit, and when he lowers my leg it becomes tighter still.  I’m deliciously sore, pain edging along with pleasure as we melt together.  His hand comes to rest on my lower stomach, pressing our hips tightly together as we sleepily rock against each other.  His thrusts are slow and shallow, but still manage to hit all my sweet spots.  
Diavolo flutters soft kisses up my neck to my ear.  “You feel so good....how do you feel so good?”  
I loll my head back against his shoulder to allow him access to the other side of my neck.  I feel his soft lips again, then the sharpness of his fangs as his nips at my neck, marking me as his.  I moan and raise a hand behind me to tangle my hand in his hair, attempting to pull him even closer.  The only sounds in my room are our mingled sighs of lust and bare skin meeting bare skin.  I feel my orgasm coming on, unfurling like silk low in my abdomen.  One last thrust from Diavolo sends me over the edge and my pussy clenches around him; he follows immediately, shooting spurt after spurt of cum deep inside me.  It mixes with his earlier release and runs down my thighs, my body unable to contain all of it. 
He pulls out and rolls me on my side to face him, putting one hand between my thighs to collect his cum on two fingers.  He swipes them slowly over my lips, coating them.  
“Kiss me.”  The low growl is an order I immediately obey, and he licks along my lips before his tongue meets mine, and we share the taste of our mutual release.  
He breaks the kiss after a few moments, then wraps his arms around around me, cradling my head against his chest.  He rests his cheek on top of my head and presses a kiss into my hair.  “Good night princess.”  
I wake up several hours later, still in Diavolo’s arms.  I can hear the persistent buzzing of my D.D.D. on my nightstand.  I free one arm and snag it, thumbing open the home screen.  56 new messages and 11 missed call.  I scroll through them; they’re all from the brothers, minus Mammon. 
You missed breakfast are you ok?  Will you be joining us for lunch?  Please answer the door, we’re worried.  Please come down for dinner.  
I throw the D.D.D. away from me as hard as I can and it lands on the carpet with a thud.  
“Nobody you wanted to talk to?”  Even though his voice is thick with sleep I can hear amusement in Diavolo’s question.  
I stretch out lazily next to him and shake my head.  “Just the boys.  I missed breakfast and lunch.  They’re worried I’m going to turn my room into a bunker.”
“Don’t you think you should let them know you’re ok?”  Diavolo’s eyebrows draw together in worry.
I reach out and smooth away the wrinkles in his forehead with my thumbs before pressing a light kiss there.  “If you keep frowning that way your face will get stuck like that.”
He chuckles as he reaches out and catches my hand, pressing a kiss to my palm.  “You’re adorable, but I’m not letting you get away with not answering.”
I sigh.  “I’ll eat dinner with them tonight.  Right now I just want to keep being with you.”  I laugh.  “And take a shower.”
Diavolo grins at me.  “I don’t suppose you could be persuaded to allow me to join you?”
I gasp in mock surprise.  “I would never deny my prince anything!”
He bites his lip.  “Your prince, hm?  I do like the sound of that.”  
He growls and rolls over on top of me, pressing kisses all over my face, my neck, my chest.  I attempt to retaliate and we wind up tangled in the blankets, giggling and breathless.
“Ok, but seriously.  Shower time.”  I smile at him and sit up.  I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and wince a little.
Diavolo is instantly by my side, frowning with concern.  “Are you ok?  Did I hurt you?”
I brush away his concerns with a smile.  “Just a little sore from last night.  You are significantly.......larger than anyone else I’ve been with.”
He gives me a cocky smirk, then sweeps me up in his arms, bridal style.  “Well since this is all my fault allow me to pamper you a little.” 
He carries me into my bathroom, and sets me down on the sink.  I wait for him to start the shower, to get the water temperature just right.  He picks me up again and gently sets me under the warm stream of water before stepping in behind me.  “Let me wash your hair.”
I wet my hair then obediently turn my back to him, sighing as his strong fingers work through my hair, gently pressing against my skull.  He helps me rinse, then repeats the same process for my conditioner.  
“Ok, your turn mister.”  I pour some shampoo into my hand, while he wets his hair.  We run into a problem when I go to lather his hair.  “Ok, you’re going to have to bend down because I can’t reach you!”
He rolls his eyes at me with a smile and bends down so I can shampoo his hair.  I take my time, gently scratching his scalp with my fingernails, enjoying the soft feel of his hair.  We take turns soaping each other’s bodies, sneaking soft kisses and touches in between.  
“Stay right here.”  Diavolo gives me one last kiss before shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower.  He quickly towels off, then wraps the towel around his waist.  “Now come here.”  
He holds out a towel and I step into his embrace.  He softly towels me dry, wrapping me up tight when he’s done.  He grabs an extra towel and my hair brush before picking me up again and carrying me back to my bed.  He sits on the mattress, settling me firmly in his lap before softly drying my hair and gently brushing it free of tangles.  We don’t speak, the silence comfortable and easy.  
Diavolo hugs me from behind when he’s finished.  “As much as I hate to say it, I do need to return to the castle.”
I slide off his lap.  “Let’s get dressed then and I’ll walk you out.”  
I pull on a pair of jeans and a white hoodie while Diavolo gets dressed in his clothes from the night before.
I start to walk to my door but he catches my elbow and pulls me to a stop.  “Are you still sore?” 
I shrug.  “A little bit.”
Diavolo turns his back to me and bends down a little.  “Climb on.  No walking for you while I’m still here.”  
I laugh as I put my arms over his shoulders and he reaches behind to grab my thighs, lifting me up and holding me effortlessly. 
I kiss the top of his head, still laughing.  “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy about you,” he instantly replies laughing along with me.  He walks out into the hallway, still laughing while I kiss the top of his head over and over and tickle his neck and his ears.  We round the corner and bump into Asmo and Beel.
“Oh.  Hey guys.”  I give an awkward wave, looking down over Diavolo’s shoulder.
“Uh hi.”  They reply in unison, matching expressions of surprise on their faces.
“Well.  We’ll be going then.”  Diavolo gives them a nod and brushes past, continuing our journey to the front door.  The second we’re out of sight we both start laughing so hard he almost drops me.  He sets me down gently when we reach the door. 
 “Are you sure you’re going to be ok here?” he asks, reaching out to hold my hand.
“I’ll be fine.  There’s six other people to act as a buffer, and then after dinner I can go back to hiding in my room.”  I smile at him, reaching up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.  It’s soft and lingering, neither one of us wanting to part.  I eventually give his chest a small push.  “Go on you, Barbatos is probably worried.”
Diavolo drops one last kiss on my cheek.  “I’ll talk to you soon.”
Later on that evening the seven brothers and I gather around the dinner table in complete silence.  Belphie takes Mammon’s usual place beside me and Mammon sits at the end of the table, staring at his plate, scowling when our eyes happen to meet.  The air is heavy with tension that even Asmo, chatterbox that he is, can’t break.
He eventually settles on me.  “So Arianthi, what was Diavolo doing here?  You guys looked like you were having fun.”
Lucifer shoots a look at me.  “Diavolo was here?  Why didn’t you come get me Arianthi?”
I busy myself pushing fried bat wing around on my plate, refusing to look at him.
“He wasn’t here to see you.”  Mammon’s voice is icy and I’m afraid to look over at him.
Asmo realizes his mistake a moment too late and immediately begins copying me, studiously examining his plate.  Lucifer is now frowning at me, displeased and confused. 
Keep your eyes down and you will live through this.  They can smell fear.   
“Tell him human.  Tell him why Diavolo was really here.”  Mammon’s voice again, mocking now.  I stubbornly refuse to raise my head.  “He wasn’t here to see ya Lucifer, because he never left last night.  Stayed with the human all night, ain’t that right?”
Lucifer sucks in a sharp breath.  “Is this true?  Were you sick again?  Is that why he stayed?  You could have fetched me, there was no need to trouble Lord Diavolo.”  His voice is concerned, and I’m ready to crumble under the pressure and admit everything when Mammon lets out a low, cruel chuckle.
“She wasn’t sick.  She was too busy fucking your precious Lord Diavolo’s brains out to be sick.”  
I snap my head up and Mammon’s eyes meet mine, sparking blue fire, equal parts rage and pain.  
Something inside me snaps and I slam my fork down on the table.  
“Oh?  We’re making it that kind of family dinner?  Well that’s just fucking fine with me.  Hey Mammon, those witches you have pacts with?  How come you were still fucking them up until a few weeks ago?”
His face visibly pales.  “How did you know about that?”
“I didn’t for sure until you confirmed it just now you hypocritical ass!  But there were nights when you didn’t come home, marks that you didn’t have before......”  
I notice none of the other brothers look surprised by this little revelation.  I didn’t think it was possible, but the tiny pieces of my heart shatter a little more.  
“You all knew didn’t you?  You all knew and nobody told me.”
They all have the good grace to look ashamed before Mammon starts in.  “It wasn’t their business to tell.  Wasn’t any of your business either!”
My mouth falls open in shock.  “None of my business?  None of my GODDAMN BUSINESS?  You’ve spent the past five months glued to my side, flirting with me, sleeping in my room almost every night.  We’ve kissed Mammon!  I care about you!  I thought you cared about me.  I deserved to know what was really happening.”
He slouches lower in his seat, glaring at me.  “I didn’t owe you anything.  You were probably fucking Diavolo behind my back the whole time too.”
There’s a collective gasp around the table and my vision goes red.  “Does your asshole ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth Mammon?  You know better than that.  You KNOW me.  You know I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Mammon gives an incoherent growl and flings his dinner plate against the wall.  “I thought I did.  But ya really are just like every other human.  Worthless.”  
He pushes back from the table and in a few seconds we all hear the front door slam.
I rub my hands over my face, surprised when I pull them back and they’re wet.  I’m crying and I didn’t even realize it.  The remaining six brothers are staring at me with a mixture of pain and concern.  My hands are shaking and my chest is tight.  
When I finally speak my voice is low.  “Was it funny?  Seeing me fall in love with him while he was sleeping with them?  Did you guys laugh about it when I wasn’t around?”
“Arianthi.....” Beel looks like he’s ready to cry along with me.
“It wasn’t like that, I swear it wasn’t,” Levi pleads with me.
“He really does care about you,” Asmo says.  “We do too.  We just couldn’t........there’s a lot you don’t know.”  He trails off and bites his lip, eyes begging me to understand.
I huff out a low laugh.  “No, I get it.  You don’t owe me any loyalty.  I’m just some worthless human.”
“Arianthi,” Lucifer begins. 
I stand up and walk away from the table quickly, before breaking into a sprint, refusing to hear what he has to say.  I throw open the door to my room, quickly shoving clothes into a bag.  
I can’t stay here.  I won’t stay here.  Not with them.  
Once the bag is full I zip it up and open my door.  The brothers are all standing outside my room.  I roughly shoulder past them and start for the front door.
“Arianthi?  What are you doing?”  Satan sounds alarmed.
“Where are you going?” Belphie asks, struggling to keep up with me. 
“Anywhere but here.”  I don’t slow my pace.
“Why are you taking a bag?”  Levi is practically in tears.
“Because I’m not coming back.”
“What do you mean?”  Asmo and Beel are in tears.
“Exactly what I said.”  I open the front door and Lucifer’s hand closes in on mine, pulling me to a stop.
“Arianthi, you can’t go.”  His voice is no-nonsense but soft, trying not to anger me further.  “It’s dangerous for a human to wander around the Devildom after dark.”
Too late for concern motherfucker.  I shake off his hand.  “Don’t you dare touch me.  Don’t you ever fucking try to touch me again.  Any of you.”
“At least tell us where you’re going to stay,” Beel pleads.
“With Solomon.”  I turn and slam the door behind me without looking back.  
Despite saying I was going to stay with Solomon, my feet unconsciously make a path towards the Demon Lord’s castle.  I stand outside, debating what to do when the door swings open, Barbatos standing in front of me. 
Diavolo pops up behind him.  “Arianthi?  Did you walk here by yourself?  It’s dangerous out..........”  He trails off as he gets a closer look at me.  “What’s wrong?  Did something happen?”
“Diavolo,” my voice cracks as I try to fight back tears.  “I need you.”  
Wordlessly, he steps forward and wraps his arms around me, pressing my head against his chest.  He hands off my bag to Barbatos as I break down and sob into his jacket. 
I spend the next two months staying with Diavolo and avoiding the brothers.  Anytime we run into each other at R.A.D I turn and walk away, Diavolo often accompanying me as a buffer.  When Lucifer comes to the castle to discuss student council business, Diavolo lets me know ahead of time so I can shut myself in our room.  
Evenings are spent going on dates or exploring the Devildom, then coming home to make love.  Diavolo becomes my anchor and my protector, slowly patching together my broken pieces.  We have an easy, playful relationship and our time together makes me genuinely happy. 
I have yet to get the rest of my things from my room in the House of Lamentation, and Diavolo insists he can replace anything I’ve left behind.  I refuse.  I know he’s trying to be kind, but I want my things.  One night while he’s in his study, deep in paperwork, I grab a bag and set out.  It’s late enough that all the brothers will either be out or in their rooms, giving me a perfect chance to grab what I want out of my room.  
In and out.  There and back.  
It takes me barely any time to get to the House of Lamentation, and I sigh in relief when I see most of the lights are dark.  I cautiously crack open the front door and listen carefully.  Once I’m sure there’s no one close by I ease inside and slowly make my way to my room.  I see a light on in the kitchen and debate trying to sneak past. 
More than likely it’s Beel.  If I’m quiet he’ll never notice me.  
I take a few seconds to hype myself up and then start to creep past the kitchen doorway. 
I’m almost clear when I hear something rustle behind me.  “Oi!  Who the hell-!”  
I spin around and see Mammon staring at me.  
“Oh.....it’s you,” he sullenly says, looking me up and down. 
Something tightens in my chest as I look at him.  He’s wearing a pair of low slung pajama pants and holding a bottle of water, hair ruffled from sleep.  
“I’m just here to get some of my stuff.  Then I’m gone.”  I hold up my empty bag in explanation. 
Mammon snorts.  “Go on then.  Wouldn’t want ya to keep Diavolo waiting.”
I roll my eyes and turn away, not willing to engage in another verbal sparring match with him.  
I hear him heave a sigh behind me.  “Wait.  Dammit Arianthi, wait!”  
I stop walking but don’t turn around.  
“We need to talk.  Can ya stay a minute?”  
I stand still, debating if I’m strong enough to deal with him right now.  
“Please stay.  For me?”  His last request is barely a whisper but it breaks down the rest of my defenses.
I follow him into the kitchen and lean against one of the counters.  Mammon stands in front of me, eyes firmly locked onto the floor.  We stay in a silent stalemate for a minute before Mammon opens his mouth.
“I wanna apologize for the stuff I said the last time we were together.  And for what I said at your birthday.  I didn’t mean any of it.  I was just so angry and hurt......and ya didn’t deserve any of that.  I shouldn’t have said it.  I can’t take it back so all I can do is apologize.  You’re the last person I ever woulda wanted to hurt.”
I stare back at him in silence.  My heart is ready to forgive him, telling me to throw my arms around him and promise to never leave him again.  
My heart is a dumb bitch.  
When he realizes I’m not going to say anymore than that Mammon bites his lip, hesitating.  “Can I ask ya something?”  
I nod. 
“When I saw ya that night, with Diavolo, was that...”  His voice shakes. “Was that the first time?”  
“Yeah.  Yeah it was.”  I pause.  “Can I ask you something now?”  
He nods slowly.  
“Did you ever care about me?  Or was everything we did just....... I don’t even know.”  I throw my hands up in frustration.
Mammon’s head snaps up, blue eyes wide and full of tears.  “Of course I did!  You’re.......you’re special.  I loved spending time with ya, and when ya kissed me I thought my damn heart was gonna stop.”  He blushes furiously. 
I bite into my lower lip, hard.  “If that’s true-”
“It is!”  Mammon interrupts me.
“If that’s true Mammon, then why were you still having sex with other people?  If you cared about me so much then why not try to be WITH me?  You know that’s what I wanted.”  I choke, trying to fight back my tears.  
Mammon looks down at the floor.  “Ya wouldn’t understand,” he mumbles.
“What?  What wouldn’t I understand?  Tell me what I wouldn’t understand!”  My voice gets higher and I’m shaking with anger.  I don’t want to be mad at him, but I can’t help it.  
“Ya really wanna know?”  His voice is starting to match mine in volume.  
“Because I had to forget about ya!  I knew I was never gonna have ya!  You were gonna haveta leave at the end of the program, and that’s not if ya didn’t figure out how much of a scumbag I was first.  So I kept fucking those witches so I could keep my mind off of ya!”  
He’s crying now.  “Ya know why I finally stopped?”
I shake my head; I’m crying too, hurt and angry that he thought I would do that to him.
“Because I couldn’t keep pretending they were you!  I couldn’t keep rutting inta someone thinking about ya and then being disappointed when I opened my eyes!  I decided I was gonna take a chance, try to be with ya....really be with ya.  But then I saw Diavolo lookin’ at ya that night, and I knew he wanted the same thing I did.  And I knew if it came down to a scumbag like me or the literal prince of the Devildom you’d choose him.  Ya woulda been stupid not to.”  
He sighs and wipes at his tears.  “And then the story with Solomon came out and ya did that stupid dare where ya kissed Levi and I just........I just lost it.  And I just wanted to make ya hurt as bad as I was.”  
His eyes meet mine, begging me to understand.
I understand exactly what he’s saying and my heart breaks for him all over again.  “I never would have done that to you Mammon.  If you had said you wanted to be with me......I wanted to be with you so, so much.”
Something like hope flickers in his eyes before it’s snuffed out by something darker.  “Wanting me didn’t stop ya from fucking Diavolo that night though, did it?”
I’m frozen to the spot, feeling like I’ve been plunged into an icy bath, then anger flares up.  
“Fuck you Mammon,” I hiss.  “You hurt me.  Maybe that doesn’t excuse what I did with Diavolo but you treated me like garbage.  You broke my heart.  He was there for me.  So fuck you and your bullshit, because I’m over it.  I fucking hate you.”  
I spin away from him and move towards the doorway.
Something yanks me back hard by the arm, and slams me against the counter.  The muscles in my back and my arm are screaming, and when I look up Mammon is in his demon form, wings spread, staring down at me.  He keeps his grip tight on my arm and lowers his head until we’re eye to eye.
“Ya fucking hate me huh?”  He growls, low and dangerous.  
I stare back at him, refusing to answer.  
He gives a deep chuckle.  “Always so damn stubborn aren’t ya?  Well, you’re gonna have to get over hating me because I fucking love you.”
I barely have time to register what he’s saying before he brings his mouth crashing down on mine. 
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naturallyobsessed · 3 years
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I posted 191 times in 2021
119 posts created (62%)
72 posts reblogged (38%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.6 posts.
I added 15 tags in 2021
#marvel cinematic universe - 2 posts
#jatp - 2 posts
#mcu - 2 posts
#marvel collage - 2 posts
#collage - 2 posts
#newyear 2021 resolutions newyearresolutions 2021resolutions - 1 posts
#gay men - 1 posts
#that's it - 1 posts
#all the music i listen to is sad - 1 posts
#gimme it - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#i want to but idk what you think and i want your opinion on it okay bye
My Top Posts in 2021
fun thing
my favorite line from each hp movie, hsmtmts episode, and jatp episode.
philosopher’s/sorcerer’s stone: NO YOU CAWNT! THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY! 
chamber of secrets: you’ll find I can be very, persuasive
prisoner of azkaban: shove off malfoy
goblet of fire: spectacular
order of the phoenix: I hope there’s pudding
half-blood prince: no. can you introduce me?
deathly hallows part 1: mooorning
deathly hallows part 2: not my daughter, you bitch!
the auditions: she thinks I’m a Chad?!
the read-through: did I just join a cult?
the wonder-studies: NOOOOOOO
blocking: I get it. friends.
homecoming: maybe people are allowed to go out with whoever they wanna go out with and be whoever they wanna be (which is what everyone really needs to hear this right now)
what team?: okay, but with boys.
thanksgiving: I just happen to be a long-time fan of the south side knights.
the tech rehearsal: it’s Lucas, Jennifer.
opening night: I’m not done with you yet, honey
act two: I’m not the Troy you want
wake up: I have been crying for 25 years? how is that possible?
bright: your tainted hot dog could be right around the corner
flying solo: but we’re not alone, ‘cause we always have each other.
I got the music: oh, it’s not for him bro. it’s for us.
the other side of Hollywood: what’s a jar jar?
finally free: making me blush.
edge of great: no ❤️
unsaid emily: this is an interesting little relationship you and I have.
stand tall:  no music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you.
4 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 21:56:26 GMT
lgbtqia+ hc for victorious characters : )
tori: lesbian
jade: bi
cat: omni
trina: pan
andre: gay
robbie: bi
beck: straight but very supportive
4 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 04:00:56 GMT
the unholy trinity: y/n potter, y/n stark, y/n salvatore
4 notes • Posted 2021-10-23 17:12:36 GMT
hear me out
bobby + arctic monkeys
6 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 22:53:25 GMT
Hi! I'm just a sensitive minor who's in a lot of fandoms even though I'm not that involved in them :)
Anyways, hi! I'm a Hufflepuff, isfp-t, scorpio, bi-curious, younger sibling with anger issues who uses she/her pronouns. I like to write and read fanfiction, but mostly ones with oc's. I like to make fun of Harry Potter TikTok povs with my brother because they're stupid and I hate them.
Now, here's some shows I want to watch because why not
I Am Not Okay With This
The End Of The F***ing World
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
The Umbrella Academy
Love, Victor
Miraculous Ladybug (I've seen some episodes but I want to watch enough so that I can call myself a fan)
So yeah, that's that. I do not support Steve Kloves, J.K. Rowling, Tom Felton, Robbie Coltrane, and all of the other problematic HP actors. I also do not support Chris Pratt, Robert Downy Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, and all the other problematic MCU actors.
As for fictional characters, the characters in my banner are my favorite from each fandom, but I'll list them anyways.
EJ Caswell from HSMTMTS
Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
Willie from Julie and the Phantoms
Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai
My least favorites from each fandom are as follows;
Nini Salazar-Roberts from HSMTMTS
Draco Malfoy OR Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter
Caleb Covington from Julie and the Phantoms
John Kreese from Cobra Kai
I will now list my top three comfort songs from different genres (sad, happy, baddie)
Lovely by Billie Eilish
Another Love by Tom Odell
Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and Finneas
Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars
Cruel Summer by Bananarama
What The Hell by Avril Lavigne
Streets by Doja Cat
Poker Face by Lady Gaga
Take a Hint by Victoria Justice and Elizabeth Gillies
Yeah, that's pretty much everything. Thanks for reading, and have a fun time on my page!
10 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 02:23:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cph-dreaming · 3 years
Being Bonkers - Day # 280
“Take my mind and take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal, heal, heal, heal
Take my past and take my sins
Like an empty sail takes the wind
And heal, heal, help me heal
And tell me somethings last”
Tom Odell, Heal
By chance I met a former friend of mine the other day that I haven’t seen for more than two years. There are numeral reasons why I more or less consciously cut her out of my life at that time. I had already started to deteriorate emotionally while coming to terms with my physical disorder. At the same time I worked more than 60 hours a week as a manager, focusing on performance, leadership and financial targets, ignoring my own well-being. And she’s the kind of friend that doesn’t accept that kind of shit. She would keep on insisting that I needed to take care of myself at a time in my life where I could do anything but, least of all listening to well meant advice. And she was pregnant, in a stable relationship, and because I was already so fucked up, instead of just being happy for her, she only reminded me of my own shortcomings and all the things that was never going to be in my life.
We ordered a beer and sat down outside my favourite bar. I was on my way to say something like ‘Damned, you look good, it’s so nice to see you again” and all of those platitudes. Before I had even uttered a word she looked at me with her piercing blue eyes and said:
“I know that a few minutes from now you’re going to apologise for not reaching out to me the last two years. And then I’ll apologise to you for not doing the same. So we’ll just waste precious time with banalities instead of listening to each other. The important thing is that I still love you, and I’m pretty sure you still love me, so let’s just forget about trying to justify why we haven’t been there for each other. Ok? Now, what’s happened in your life?”
When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder half a year ago and was referred to treatment at the Center for Affective Disorders at the main hospital in Copenhagen, one of the things in group therapy they were adamant about was for us patients not to reach out to people from our past that we have somehow hurt and lost. I really did not understand that, like in not at all! Come on, now I finally have been diagnosed and I can tell people that all the time there’s been this explanation for why I have behaved like shit.
Two months ago I decided to text this dude I haven’t heard from in several months in the middle of the night, basically telling him that I forgave him for not wanting to see me anymore, that I knew I could be too much but that I on the other hand was the only one who really understood him, knew what the shit he was dealing with felt like, and that, by the way, I wouldn’t mind seeing him naked again, that I knew he felt uncomfortable asking me, but that yeah, he could just literally fuck me all night.
I haven’t heard from him and he’s blocked me on social media.
So the need to reach out to people from your past is often a sign of (hypo)manic behaviour. I get that now. On the other hand reaching out when you’re not hypo is often an unproductive endeavour. Yeah, it’s true, there might be a reason why you’ve hurt people beyond forgiveness, but you’ve still hurt them. Telling someone that there’s a reason for an unforgivable sin doesn’t erase that sin and you still have to own up to what you’ve done, psychiatric diagnosis or not. I mean, my former boyfriend won’t feel any better with me telling him that when I’m hypo my libido is uncontrollable and I fuck everyone I meet. I still cheated on him. And even though there’s a reason for my behaviour that I didn’t understand at that time I cannot expect him to be ok with that. Ever.
That is why I was so emotional about meeting that former friend of mine. Even before I had even tried to explain she had decided to forgive me for the wrongs I had done to her, for not being there when she needed me. It also makes me realise that from now on I need to do better. That there might never be another ‘get out of jail card’ with her. And at the same time I am slowly learning that I can be loved and forgiven, whatever grievances, whatever disorder. That with the right people in my life, healing doesn’t have to be a lonely trip all by myself.
I’m so damned happy that my treatment doesn’t involve the word ‘acceptance’. As my therapist said the other day, if you get a cancer diagnosis it won’t make you feel better just by accepting it. It’s ok to be fucking angry about the cards you’ve been dealt! Instead the focus is on ‘mastering’, a word that implies learning about your disorder, acknowledging the hardships of it, and most of all that there’s a lot of work you can do yourself to get better. And it implies a journey. Nothing is static. You’ll probably continue to have ups and downs, whatever meds you’re on for the rest of your life, but there will be progress towards getting better. And there’s hope. There has to be hope. Always. Why the hell would I still go back to the Skamverse if there wasn’t.
- Robbe, WtFOCK
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pablopascal · 3 years
Another Love
Dabi “Touya Todoroki” x fem!reader word count: ? warnings: death, abuse, lots of angst, some fluff, slowburn in the beginning, spoilers, Dabi’s pov is italicized A/N: Recommend listening to another love by Tom Odell (Slowed version) Also this is the first part of the fic. more parts to come when I'm not busy. please reblog, comment, like much appreciated!! Is has been recently updated as of 2/5/22. *DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE*
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Touya and you were best friends before he died, always together. His father hated it, not wanting his children to associate with anyone. Touya and you were tied together by the universe or so his mother always said. But it was until the night he died; the universe tore you both apart from each other. You were saddened by the death of your best friend, knowing he wouldn’t want you to be sad forever. You lived every day for him because he couldn’t.
Touya was always at the back of your mind every day, he would never be forgotten. Deep in your heart you wanted him to be out there in the world safe away from his father and not dead. You knew he would never come back, and the world would move on from the death of Endeavor’s son Touya Todoroki. That’s what happened: everyone moved on with their lives and forgot about the death of an abused, scared little boy that wanted some form of love from his father. The sad truth was that he never really died that night. 
“I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring”
Dabi sighed as he watched from afar where he was “buried”, there was the same person he loved as a child. He always watched over her since he “died” and never once did he abandon her. He wished he could walk up to her and wrap his scarred arms around his beloved friend.
The one that truly believed in him when his father didn’t. The one that always stood strong in front of him when he couldn’t get back up. He saw the tears run down her cheeks as she pressed a kiss to her fingertips and then put those lightly kissed fingertips to the gravestone of Touya. He watched as she walked out of the cemetery with her head held high with fire in her eyes.
hope you enjoyed this! I'm almost halfway done with this fic. Since I'm out of college for the summer it should be done in a week or two. hopefully by the end of next week though. please message me if you want to be tagged in the fic when it's is done. love everyone and be safe and don't do anything stupid. (5/22/2021)
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