#this has a lot of links so it's probs not gonna show up in the tags *sob*
torialefay · 2 months
gotta get me that hawk tuah energy it's been so long!
who in skz would have that possessive energy and would be borderline obsessed/low key stalker like 'I need to be inside of your pussy and heart' all the time kinda ENERGY???
OKAY WHAT EVEN IS THAT?!?! pls drop the link bc i am so intrigued.
but for your question, my top 3 possessive/obsessive/stalker skz boyfriends are chris, lee know, and i.n. (also changbin in a way but like in a diff way).
chris: he's legit so lowkey about it you probably won't even know. i've talked ab it before, but he's the type to analyze everything you say & plant little seeds in your head. he's possessive to the point that he's trying to manipulate you into also being obsessed with him. like he will absolutely (veryyyyyy subtly and veryyyyy slowly) try to make you feel like he's the only person you need in your life & that you should depend on him for literally anything you could need. that's not to say he doesn't want you to be independent- he does! but he loves to watch it crumble away for him. pls don't shoot the messenger.
lee know: this man is outright possessive and wants you to know that. he's just blunt about it. like yeah, he wants you all to himself. and what's so wrong with that? you're not gonna do that? kind of vibe. he prob wants to know where you are all the time and it wouldn't surprise me if he demanded you turn your phone location on for him or idk puts a damn tracker on your car or some shit. like he literally has to know or he will go fucking crazy. one thing he WON'T do to you is lis about it. you know he's possessive... but you also know he's got you right where he wabts you :((((
innie: baby bread no more. there's just smth ab i.n. these days that is almost like... cocky in a way? not completely, but he's grown now & he knows that & he knows the power he has now. i feel like he's so the type to want to control you & know where you are, it's not even funny. he's in the middle of chris & lee know on how he expresses it. like he probably won't outright say it, but he's wayyyyy more obvious than chris & wayyyyy less obvious than lee know. i think he'd be pretty vocal though ab things like "i don't really want you to go there" or "why is so-and-so there?". like you know he has a lot of opinions ab what he wants from you, but he tries not to be too mean ab it. he's gonna get upset if you don't follow along with it though 😭😂 and probs will show up wherever you are to check in on you if you dob't respond & he's mad 🙃
*bonus*: baby changbin. he's more posessive in like a protective way. he loves and trusts YOU, just not everyone else 😂 so he's probably gonna have your location & shit so that he can come to you when you need it.
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psychesalcove · 14 days
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ pristine hearts made of gold and jewel - psyches fall writes for: pjo
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i know that its not October yet, but its close enough!! I'm writing some fics for the 7 (and maybe others). I have no idea how long it'll take for me to finish all of these, but i'm planning on having them done by the end of October!:) I'll add links to these once their finished!! so this is kind of like a masterlist for fall fics lmao .. ill also prob be adding more onto here in the future just as a heads up!
WANT TO REQUEST SOMETHING FALL THEMED?: if anyone wants to request something with a pjo character with a senario that isn't already listed below, feel free to!! I can't guarantee that i'll do it, but if you see the idea pop up on this post, i'll be writing it!! Just include what character, readers gender, and if you want a oneshot or headcanon! happy fall!
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ One Shots
𝜗𝜚 When DISCO plays our tune ── Leo Valdez x fem reader ♡ Leo and you didn't have the best dance skills around the school. did that mean you weren't going to dance at homecoming together? no, obviously! .. want to read? ☆click here☆
𝜗𝜚 While the others talk, we were listening to LOVERS ROCK ── Percy Jackson x fem reader ♡ you weren't one for parties, so how you found yourself at a Hermes cabin party was beyond you. at least your crush of a couple years was also there.
𝜗𝜚 NOT A LOT, JUST FOREVER, intertwined, sewn together ── Jason Grace x fem reader ♡ Jason isn't always the best at verbally showing his love to you, his girlfriend. He makes up for it by showing you how much he loves you in other ways.
𝜗𝜚 When I say EVERYBODY, I'm actually referring to me ── Frank Zhang x fem reader ♡ Frank has been harboring a crush on you since freshman year (its currently senior year). He finally gains the courage to confess, in the form of a letter.
𝜗𝜚 UPTOWN GIRL, she's been living in her uptown world ── Piper McLean x fem reader ♡ Working at a record shop uptown has its perks. The main one being the cute girl named piper that comes in every Saturday at exactly 12:00pm.
𝜗𝜚 Just because we USE CHEATS doesn't mean we're not smart ── Annabeth Chase x fem reader ♡ Annabeth is always willing to help you, her study partner (and maybe crush), even if you're not the brightest around.
𝜗𝜚 You know I keep you in MY LOCKET ── Hazel Levesque x fem reader ♡ You and your girlfriend, Hazel stop by a jewelry store downtown to get matching necklaces together.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Head Canons
𝜗𝜚 so when you're near me daring can you hear me, S.O.S? ── the seven (platonic) x fem reader ♡ going to a pumpkin patch with your friends!!
𝜗𝜚 On a live wire RIGHT UP off the street ── the seven (platonic) x fem reader ♡ who knew carving pumpkins could be so fun with your friends?
𝜗𝜚 This is HALLOWEEN everybody make a scene ── the seven (separate) x fem reader ♡ going trick or treating with your partner is a lot more interesting when you're both demigods.
𝜗𝜚 I want to be FOREVER YOUNG ── the seven (separate) x fem reader ♡ going to a haunted house / corn maze
𝜗𝜚 I'm so BEWITCHED, what's this new desire called? ── the seven (separate) x fem reader ♡ how you and your partner would match for Halloween
𝜗𝜚 What's new Scooby Doo? Gonna solve that MYSTERY! — the seven (separate) x fem reader ♡ the seven and reader in an escape room together!!
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fedoraspooky · 7 months
In light of tumblr shooting itself in the foot, I've been thinking about what I should do with my art from now on. Obviously, deleting my old posts off here isn't gonna do shit, it's essentially locking my door after my house got emptied out by burglars. Especially with my old rp account I no longer can log into, they're just gonna steal and sell my old art that I posted there and I can't even flip a questionably-affective toggle about it.
Thing is, I dunno how many people are gonna actually leave. I'm not even sure I will, since I have a lot of friends here... And after so many shitty updates a lot of people are just hanging on out of spite at this point.
That said, I'm considering that for art posts and stuff, maybe I'll post them elsewhere and just link to them here so they're not on tumblr's servers? Idk... Tumblr tends to kill the visibility of links but I'm not really sure what else I can do.
Also, there's the question of where to actually post new stuff. Bluesky seems the most active but I dont know if old posts cut off after a certain amount of posts like twitter does, in which case that would not be a good archive in the long run. xnx
Cohost is functionally pretty close to tumblr, but ngl it seems super isolated on there bc of its commitment to not showing any likes on your posts. I get that its to combat the social media numbers game, but the downside is that it looks like nobody's even seen your work. If people like something of yours there's no way outside of notifs to see it, so scrolling down on your page and seeing only zeros after zeros of comments on stuff (comments are the only visible number), it's easy to feel like you're just posting into a void.
Pillowfort is pretty good, and they just added tag blocking and the ability to queue/schedule posts. Still kinda quiet and invite only, but if you sign up for the invite queue you can get one pretty fast. Also i probaby have a ton of invites sitting around if anyone wants one. I wish it had an app, but mobile web version works well enough I guess, and I'm already used to doing that with sheezy and newgrounds, so I just have those open in mobile tabs together.
Speaking of, Newgrounds has been pretty good, but due to the nature of the portal system and stuff you're more encouraged to post only your better-looking stuff there. You CAN post doodles if you want, but only outside of the portal, which limits their visibility. Kinda like dA's scraps system I guess.
Sheezy looks super promising customization-wise so I'm thinking of posting there more when it opens up to more peeps.
Toyhouse also looks really good for OC and story things too, and also has a good degree of customization.
There's probs options I haven't even thought about, but its good to know there ARE options. I may post in several of those places for now and see how it goes. Test the waters a bit.
If you're thinking of moving your art elsewhere lemme know where, I'm curious to see where people are going :o
Especially you moots, i need to refind my pals in these other places!
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athene-owl · 9 months
Dream Video Followup
OK, I know I said I was done but, after a sleep and some more thinking about the video, there are a few things I really want to add before I can never talk about this guy or his fanbase ever again.
This is the one thing I'm kicking myself for not pointing out - the Pastebin stuff. So, in the description, Dream has 3 links to Pastebin posts. The first is a statement allegedly from Jamie, the second is a statement allegedly from an anonymous person in one of the burner account screenshots, and the third is for some reason a statement by an employee behind the whole Dream USB armband thing????
OK so I'm gonna go into the third statement first before getting into the other 2 more serious posts - this statement about the baby photo discourse is quite literally a short statement from a random employee of Dream's merch company saying he doesn't believe the allegations because he doesn't think there's enough facts. He doesn't even mention the baby photos which I don't think people even really cared about. I have no idea why this of all things was included but also cannot take any stock in this because this guy 1. Would have no insight into Dream's private behavior and 2. Would financially be VERY inclined to back up Dream. While researching for this I found out there's rumors of Dream's company being unethical or something? I am not getting into that can of worms my god. Here, I'll put the entire quote below to show you how ridiculous this is, yes this is the entire thing.
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As for the other 2 statements, I'm just gonna say this - as far as I can tell, there is no evidence these statements are legit. In the prelude to the 'Jamie' statement, Dream tries to address this and explains that 'Jamie' wants privacy and how in private he can verify their identity. If you wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, this makes sense to me personally given my current knowledge on the situation. BUT I won't say I'm inclined the do so esp given his history and the stakes of the situation. It'll be enough for stans and will probs make him look respectful and noble for 'protecting' her but it just flat out is not convincing evidence to me. This statement is not the slam dunk people are treating it as, if it is genuine then I am sorry for Jamie for being dragged into all of this and that's all I'll say. This is speculative but I need to mention it - even if this is Jamie, this is not 100% conclusive. If she's afraid of public backlash, if she's afraid of Dream, if she never wanted this revealed, then I think she would understandably just want to say nothing happened and for people to leave her alone. We don't have a clear way of knowing. Given how much Dream bemoans fake evidence in his video, given how much he lambasts people for not fact-checking, this is a huge issue with his evidence and I am not convinced by this personally. This is also all true for the second statement from the anonymous Discord user too.
A lot of the things Dream seemingly proves don't actually matter. With the photo at the police station, Dream got his team of lawyers to use this single photo to find out the exact station so they could contact them. They seemingly succeeded at this and found absolutely no records of Dream being reported for anything. I get the feeling this is the piece of evidence Dream is proudest of and that is impressing a lot of people. Doesn't it look really convincing and impressive that Dream's lawyers went through all this trouble, sent emails, made calls - all to find no report against him? It is impressive, but it doesn't prove as much as people are acting like it does. If anything, the photo being connected to a real station proves that Amanda did at least go to the police, since this wasn't a stock photo or anything. And while I'm no legal expert and am happy for someone to correct me, you absolutely can go to the police, talk to them about something, but choose not to report it. I don't think its impossible that Amanda went to a police station, consulted them on the situation without dropping names or wanting to file a report, and then left. This evidence proves no one has reported Dream and his records are clear NOT that he did nothing. He offers 2 answers - 1. That she was lying about intending to report him which he then leads into 'why wouldn't she be lying about everything' (lots of issues with this reasoning but whatever) and 2. She told the police her story but it didn't meet the standard of proof AKA it wasn't even seen as worth filing a report on by the police. But there's a third option - she backed out due to one of the countless reasons these crimes go unreported. I'm seeing so many people treat this as conclusive evidence, proudly supporting the idea that a woman not reporting her abuse makes her a liar. As if its unreasonable for a woman to plan to report, go to the police, but then change her mind. Really disgusting ideas are being spread and popularized by this video and men online are eating it up.
He also tells Amanda to check her mailbox - he has identified her, found her address and sent something to her, I'm guessing some sort of legal notice. This makes me incredibly uneasy. All I'll say is this - if I was groomed by someone like Dream, with his resources and stans and success, I wouldn't report it.
Small thing but at 1:14:35 he mentions how people thought he admitted to the moaning audio being him because he called it "essentially unsubstantiated "revenge porn"" - people thought him calling it 'revenge porn' was him admitting to it being real while he insists he meant it was fake but being passed around like it was him. And I just need to say that he really should've just flat out denied it was him, just say 'that audio is not me' and this whole confusion could've been avoided.
At 1:17:42, when Dream is discussing 'false allegations' he specifically mentions that it is a current 'trend' in the Minecraft community but assures the audience it will grow and spread to other communities. Really hate how that's gonna be cited as proof of victims being fake from now on, I really must ask why Dream had to speak beyond his own situation and make wider claims about this shit because I am fucking fed up. I need random internet men to STOP positioning themselves as experts of complex issues of rape culture right now. I also have seen a lot of big Youtuber men take Dream's side in this and support this message and yeah this will make things moving forward a fucking nightmare. I want people to at least consider how hypothetical hidden abusers in an online community would react to Dream's insistence on 'false allegations' being a popular trend OK? Again, women are statistically far, far, far more likely to face sexual violence from men then men are to EVER be falsely accused so please keep this in mind and do not let your guard down because I guarantee this will have wide reaching consequences!!!! Remember how many celebrity men started suing their abuse victims after what that shithead did to Amber Heard? Yeah.
I never watched the DSMP, Dream's content, any of his Minecraft friends' content, nothing, so I have no context for the bits where he talks about those topics. I've seen people saying there's a ton to that whole side of things, a lot of complex and interpersonal drama so I wanted to mention that he does briefly talk about it if you're interested.
Even from an outside, casual perspective as someone who doesn't follow the Dream stuff closely, my friends and I know of some controversies he didn't mention and I just wanted to point that out. I'm not even saying these things are true/damning for Dream BUT these are all well-known things that he really should've addressed in a video that took over a year to make (this is not a comprehensive list, I'm sure there's more because this man is in drama every week). And before you say that he wanted to focus on the 'serious stuff' - he decided to address the speedrunning stuff, an AI video of him sucking his own dick, 10 minutes on Nick Cantu, and interviews with both his mother and an Uber driver he met once where they both wholesomely recount how funny and honorable Dream is. Anyway, here are the points:
His whole image/persona was taken from Cryaotic, a sexual predator
Him apparently supporting Trump
The drama he had with his SMP - he does briefly mention the QSMP thing but even I know there was a lot more to say on this
People in the DSMP being bigots, Dream was in charge of the whole thing and should've explained why he allowed this
Dream making sexual jokes and comments about underage friends of his (there's a whole Youtube compilation of this and it's weird as fuck)
The whole Pride month donation debacle
Dream's own bigotry towards various marginalized groups
His fans mass doxxing of multiple people - the most infamous being of Twitter user @/faerieluv, a black person who had a welfare check called on them by Dream stans for criticising him? Where they live, 'welfare checks' had resulted in black people being murdered by police before, their ADHD medication was questioned - their life was in danger due to his stans and as far as I can tell Dream has never acknowledged this. Unfortunately, it seems they have left Twitter but I don't have an account so its hard to verify. Also, I previously said they were a woman but that's not clear now so I apologize.
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sparklezzzzzzsstuff · 2 months
I’m not actually sure if someone has done this before but I was js having a brainrot and got this idea tbh, should this have stayed in the drafts? maybe💀, but I really wanna hear others thoughts and opinions on it cause AGHH. I eat up AU content so I thought I’d try making my own even if it’s flops. Most of this is up for interpretation cause I had WAYYY too many ideas/alternates for these.
Okay here we go yap time
(No no you can’t tell who’s my favorite….)
No warnings!!
For Ben I was really thinking of someone leaning more on the playful/mischievous side cause i feel that’s a huge part of most people’s headcanons for him (including mine).
I thought who better than Hermes cause if ur a fan of EPIC (Circe saga specifically 🤓☝️) I felt that Jorge Rivera really protrayed Hermes with a playful/childish demeanor and even if was helping Odysseus he was like “yeah ur probs gonna die anyway bud” and it kinda resonates with Ben cause he’s just in it for shits n giggles tbh.
Being the god of messages I feel like Ben would have a lot of fun spreading misinformation around the mansion (or wherever if the mansions not ur thing 😔).
Also in a way I feel like it’s the same thing with his powers and tech savvy skills. I remember seeing a few people on here hc his job was security cams and stuff so he knows the shit you’re up to😰
Yk wether it’s sending emails under rando accounts or discord messages about his latest obsession he’s not afraid to SEND👏THAT👏MESSAGE👏
In general I feel like one could argue he’s unfiltered tbh
ALSO ALSO flying shoes = floating ghost 🤔
I feel Ben could definitely be capable of showing empathy/giving help to heroes in need and stuff but overall he’d just prefer to get into mischief and do things for his own benefit.
He brings a lot to the table! (that is if you can clear off the Pokémon cards and Zelda figurines)
For example, if there was a mansion in this au (the world they live in is up for interpretation cause I love the idea of Ancient Greece but I’m loyal to the cringe mansion I love dearly 😔)
Teleportation comes in handy for when slender decided to give out hand-written letters that come with Cheeto dust fingerprints(Ben swears they were there before) (they were guys dw bout it…)
Something else I’ve seen on here is that he’d float to make himself taller and i will take this to the grave idc if i die on this hill.
SUPPOSE they had outfits and he had to be pried off the hot topic isles and link getup. I genuinely do not think he’d fw the sandals im sorry 😔. He’d slap something else on and call it a day. Or maybe not tbh..he’d think they’re cool.
I feel like outside of this AU he’s a bit of a chatterbox so..IN this AU he’d probably use deliveries as a way to talk the ear off and bother hang with his friends and fellow Creepypastas.
Anyways, in summary Ben can impish and irresponsible but he’s a master of his craft and if there does end up being heroes to guide he wouldn’t hesitate to…interfere.
“You want to beat her? You’ll need the blessing of a certain god, divine intervention, someone who’s not afraid to..send a message”
Nina my beloved scene girl this one’s for you
First order of business shout out to @jeffthekillerzblog and his au about Ben, Jeff and Nina’s arcs I love them sm. The whole idea of her getting over Jeff and sort of becoming her own person without him is awesome and I can definitely see it in my au too.♥️♥️
I chose Calyspo because when met with Odysseus she was instantly head over heels, turning into a kind of obsession and yearning for company😔👏(yeah same)
I think Calypso’s whole idea of “I love you and I think I’ll die without it” resonates with what Nina used to be with Jeff and her need for his affection.
Although I don’t really think Nina would necessarily keep a partner as a hostage on an island I think she tends to feed into that kind of delusion of a healthy relationship when desperate for attention
In terms of style and aesthetics Calypso and Nina are pretty much opposite (Nina scene style I am loyal to you) however in this au I’d think she’d wear a lot of pink layered robes and fun jewelry. I like to keep style up for interpretation just cause it’s fun.
Ultimately Calypso does do the right thing and lets Odysseus go,(with pushing from Ben Hermes) I do think at heart Nina knows it isn’t right but she still longs for love.
It gets lonely on an island okay?🤨
“Tell me though, who’s Penelope?”
“She’s my wife…”
“Anyways! I’ve got all you could want here, all you could need here..just you and me my dear, my love for life!”
ALRIGHT. Here’s the thing, at first I wanted to choose Slenderman for this because it just felt right. However I wanted to choose Ej instead because I took into account the storyline with Persephone. (Also with Jeff and smile dogs friendship I was thinking him too cause smile dog could be his Cerberus ugh😔)
From my interpretation of others HCS and mine I definitely see Ej as a lone wolf so what better place to be dark and ominous than the underworld itself?
Dramatically staring out into a sea of souls while Chappell Roan , Radiohead plays in the background/j
I do think Ej would enjoy the isolation and in my hc he’d rather hide away from the others because of his demonic nature, and nobody there to pester him (besides Ben with his emails of course).
Anyway, going back onto the Persephone storyline because it was a dealbreaker between Slender and Ej.
I thought about which one would really want to seek love. In past HCS of slender I’ve seen that he is in fact capable of caring (if ur a fan of the mansion and believing he collects traumatized children like Pokémon or infinity stones) .
So, let’s say Slender is actually capable of caring, would he really wanna go seek love? I kinda see him as a single dad but I’ve debated it tbh. For now I’m just going with single dad who’s not interested in romance but rather power.
So that left me with Ej, I think Ej still has some human in him. Whatever was left behind after his transformation/sacrifice made him yearn for company even being ruler of death. (He’s got Cerberus aka smile dog 🤷‍♀️maybe a couple skeletons idk)
Anywho if he did happen to stumble upon Persephone, rather than kidnapping her pissing her mom off I think he’d be too scared to approach her 😭
In the sense that he wouldn’t want to scare her with his appearance even with the mask.
Maybe his Persephone is a kidney? Who knows 😔
“If I became the monster and threw that guilt away would that make us stronger?”
I’ve been waiting for this I’m about to go crazy
Athena, warrior and goddess of wisdom, not to mention hella creative.
I feel like this matches with Jane’s sense of responsibility and maturity. In my hc Jane is a STROOOONG WOMAN😍😍🤤. I also saw someone on here saw she does poetry and I couldn’t agree more
Athena,who has no husband—oh look at that Jane doesn’t either she’s happily married to Mary(idc if Athena doesn’t marry. THIS one did.)
Aura if I’ve ever seen it
COOL WEAPONS COOL WEAPONS and armor tbh. Feminine robes and the usual Athena getup.
If you’ve listened to God Games then I don’t need to speak any further on how driven she is too succeed, “bring it” attitude.
I think it’s nice how Athena and Ares rivalry can be intertwined with Jane and Jeff’s backstory, despite Jane having coming to terms with it she still has sought vengeance.
Much like Athena in the Arachne story tbh
Independent fr fr, def wants to protect her wife from any other gods but also doesn’t worry about anyone messing with her.
I see her as a really good leader tbh
Wise tree af, knows you better than you know yourself and WILL use it against you if you piss her off.
Outsmarts people for breakfast.
In terms of Odysseus I think she’d def get annoyed with him but because shes got more important things to worry about she sticks with him.
“Goddess of wisdom, master of war, my life has one mission…create the greatest warrior.”
Alright. God of war you know where this is going. Major anger issues but he’s sm more than that guys trust pls it’s just for the plot guys pls come back where are you going—
Angry ANGRY guy that’s why I chose him
Also I get major fire nation zuko vibes from him..NOT just cause he was burned I swear on my life
Anyway, if you’re lucky enough to not die and finally see past the blood thirst you’d see a whooooole lot of angsty regrets and if you peel it back a little more he’s bi
Fighting the demons daily
All those battles go straight to the head and probably boost his ego (FAKE FAKE FAKE) to no end.
I interpret ares as arrogant, brutal, and egocentric but I think a good arc for Jeff would to be to try and change that (maybe even heal some burned bridges with Jane, and his brother, who knows??)
He’s trying I swear
Ben def hangs with him and try’s to make him turn a new leaf and leave his asshole ways. (Even if he isn’t the best influence)
Quite literally insane idk what to tell you
Still love him though he’s a new guy I swear ignore the blood on him that’s normal you’re crazy.
“What kind of sick coward holds back his power while his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla…didn’t even try to kill her.!”
Aaaaaand the crowd goes wild. Unfortunately those are all the characters I have inspo for rn but I hope more will come to me!! Also I wish I could have found a better quote for Jeff but oh well. All of these quotes are from EPIC/god games by Jorge Rivera-Herrans!! :). Honestly kind of scary to think of a mansion in this au it wouldn’t last 8 seconds. Would Ej technically live in the basement?? I’d love to hear others thoughts on this cause why not just add ☝️
Happy summer ya’ll☀️☀️☀️
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fantasmafanta · 8 months
twst apocalypse au
sorry gaymers i'm twstposting again
so i started a yokohama kaidashi kikou inspired (kinda) zombie apocalypse twst au. i'm currently writing it as a fanfic but i'll probs draw a bit for it too. i say its ykk inspired bc it's more "soft apocalypse" bc i love that kind of thing. (though there is some angst/intense shit for you pain lovers out there, mostly in the first chapter but it's also gonna be sprinkled throughout)
uhhh but yeah it's from epel's perspective but i kinda have everyone in it. each dorm has their own post-apocalyptic chill spot/hobby/business. i'm not gonna talk about them all here tho as i want it to be revealed in the fic. may talk abt it later tho.
i'm having trouble with deciding on ships to put in the background. the main focus is obviously their lives during the apocalypse but for some characters i think it can be used for development and for others i just think its fun.
prolly gonna have rooktrey. however, i need help deciding who i want riddle to be with. my multishipper ass is losing my mind over having to pick one. appletart (riddle/epel) would be neat but im kinda ehhhh for this one. then there's riddle/che'nya cuz he shows up later and theres a lot of intereting childhood friends -> lovers stuff there that i can play with + riddle finally being able to enjoy his company. and then maybe riddle/ruggie bc they make me happy and also i think ruggie would do a good job of pushing riddle out of his comfort zone a bit.
considering putting idia with someone cuz they're kinda learning to cope and live their life more in this but also i love the idea of them being able to be happy by themself. but also they'll have a neat dynamic with diasomnia in this so possibly malleus or silver but irdk.
but yeah, if anyone actually took the time to read my rambling here, 1: thank you for your time, 2: pls help me decide what ships to do/dynamics to work with, 3: feel free to leave me some suggestions on what u wanna see in this au, and 4: here's the link to the actual fic. the first chapter is lowkey mid but i'm very excited for the rest of it. also my chapters are kinda long (esp chapter 2 oops) so i apologize if u dont like that. but anyway chpt 2 should come out tomorrow or sunday depending on whether i'm able to work on it while at a sleepover w a friend tomorrow :3
thx again for reading also sorry to chip moots for my bs
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
1, 11, 16 and 20 for get to know you fic writes asks <3
1- do you prefer writing one shots of multi-chapterfics?
mainly series! you can play around with characters more, delve into the feelings, complications, you can include multiple themes or stick to just one. i like working on the plot, it gets my brain working better. i enjoy one shots for things like bingos, writing new characters or shows, and obvi fix it fics. and any requests i get i like to expand on peoples ideas/req's.
11. link your 3 fave fics right now.
ooo... okay... two that i cant stop rereading & some shamless self promotion of one of my fave series
16. how many fic ideas are you nuturing right now? share one of them?
oh good god.... i think around 17 that are either currently in the midst of being written, or on the bingo card.
and a whopping 25 series ideas. some of which i will definitely write and some that when i just looked at them now i went "eehhhh" so i probs wont be writing all of them LOL.
One idea that i'm excited for and do plan on doing relatively soon is Rita Calhoun meets a make up artist through a client that she takes a liking to, they end up on a first date, rita's smitten, but yn's worried that she has a deal breaker considering rita gives off the no kids vibes and she has a young daughter at home. Rita's willing to give it a chance because she's so smitten, and just cutesy fluff and chaos ensues.
20. have you noticed any patterns in your fics? words/expressions that appear a lot? etc?
YUP lol. I LOVE a good trope of what you think is gonna be a one night stand with a stranger but the next morning you walk in to find out you now work with them/they're the child of your boss/they're your besties sister/etc, etc/
There's also tons of words/phrasing, especially with smut recently that ive been noticing are go to's for me.
Thanks for asking! ☺️💕
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sothischickshe · 2 years
Ship categorization game: Anya/Xander, Angel/Buffy, and Willow/Xander
Ooh thank you sweetie!
I find anya to be quite an overrated character generally 🤷🏼‍♀️ and while I'm not immune to their charms while watching (sidenote oh the rewatch urge, it's strong 😩) I find their dramz a bit too repetitive (and tragic 😢).
I'll never tell is THE breakout omwf song/performace for me buttttt I think their relationship has a little too much of the men are from Mars, ancient demons are from venus as long as they're lady shaped (which doesn't necessarily completely sync sensibly for me with the rest of anya's characterisation?), and I def think the hell's bells break up thing was too contrived/lazily explained??
So idk they're kinda cute but I'm not that fussed, I guess of the options im going to go: seasonal ship! 🍃🍁
Hmm idk, the older I get the less appealing I find them -- particularly how it's the teen girl/older bf trope writ extra large, but also bc the more we learn about Angel across the verse the weirder him morality petting her in early buffy seems??? I'm pretty into the crisscross of ot4 ships of buffy Spike faith Angel, but for me buffy/angel is def the weak link of those.
Again im def not immune to some charms while watching (iwry??? 😢😢😢😢😢) but I'm probs gonna go rare pair bc im more interested if Spike and/or faith or darla maybe is thrown in too, but that's difficult to do well
I did enjoy them being awful together actually!! It was compelling!! They're both consistently pretty selfish actually!!
Rating this crack ship cos I just don't have any interest in it past s3, and I love that they mended their friendship and how important it was across the show (S6 finale!!! 😢💛🖍️).
I still prefer it to xander/Dawn though 🙃 (the comics have a lot of crimes to answer for....)
Send me a ship and I will attempt to categorise it!
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No. 5, or "Spell Pharaoh. Tell me what the FTC does."
"Name a single hobby of your's outside of media consumption."
That satiric and honestly iconic TikTok by Glamdemon2004 (a head's up that there are no captions on this video) has lived in my head rent free since the I saw it on Twitter.
The fatal read hit me on two levels.
I have very few hobbies. I used to have some amount of hobbies when I was younger. I wrote when I was a teenager and was a voracious reader. College slowly stripped me of any love of reading. It wasn't until I entered grad school that I realized the anguish I felt picking up a book. Writing, too, has lost its luster (although this blog is an attempt for me to reclaim that).
All of my hobbies are media consumption. I hate to call the mindless and mind-numbing scrolling I do on Twitter, Reddit, or Youtube a hobby, but it's how I spend all of my not school time. There are reasons of course. For me, media consumption fills time and it provides much needed audiovisual stimuli for my melancholic neurodivergent brain. Of course, there's also nothing wrong with consuming media. Humans have been creating and enjoying the creations of others forever, but idk...the Frankfurt School and the critiques of popular/mass media also haunt me when I sit for hours just doing nothing but staring at a screen.
It's also something that has bothered me for years. I've often wondered how other people pass the time. How do people find things that bring them joy? That fill the day with someone other than doing the things they must to survive capitalism. (a lot of this is the melancholia speaking, i know.)
And on a less depressing note, how do people find things that they like to do? I wasn't a child who played the piano or did a sport, so there's no like childhood thing for me to return to. I quit almost everything I was in as a child the moment things got challenging and no longer enjoyable. I've left a wreckage of potential hobbies in my wake, so my goal this year has been to find the joie de vivre in something and a smaller side goal of that to quit less things.
Enter Crochet
I've learned/re-learned how to knit off and on for the last 15 years probably. My last return to knitting was in 2018. I was desperate for literally a n y t h i n g to break the monotony of gym, class, spend hours online, homework, sleep (but probs not even bc of insomnia). I started knitting for something to do with my hands while I was watching Youtube. Like all my times knitting, I quit (I plan to return to knitting at some point because I think knitted socks look nicer than crocheted socks). When I quit knitting, I thought that maybe at some point I'd take up crochet since it seemed easier thank knitting.
Towards the end of 2022 I was gonna start knitting again, but a barrage of posts on Twitter showing beautiful crocheted items convinced me to give that a go.
And, I like crochet! I find it easier to get in a rhythm working the stitches, working up a project is fun, and even the moments of frustration feel encouraging, rather than a reason to put down the hook. It's also an activity I can do in silence without feeling like I need to have something else to do to occupy my mind. Hopefully glamdemon2004 is proud of me because I finally have it, a hobby outside media consumption.
I am a wee beginner crocheter and I love to start new projects all the time, which is something I love about crafting! I can work on different projects depending on how I'm feeling. Currently, I'm working on:
Yearlong mood tracker blanket (using this pattern from TLYarn Crafts).
Face scrubbies made out of a cotton/bamboo blend to replace the disposable cotton rounds I use (linked here)
Granny square beret (linked here)
Oh and a sweater I'm gonna frog because the ribbing in the pattern is Not Fun to Work! If you have any beginner friendly patterns using a category 3 yarn, I am all ears.
Crochet has not cured me of my media consumption woes or tendency to sadness, but idk Marx was on to something. Having the fruit of my labor in my own hands does give a burst of serotonin like no other.
P.S. Also, I made another account to reply from (theblogwiththelilactattoo) because I refuse to have this account linked to the primary blog I haven't used since 2010!
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drawnaghht · 1 year
Gonna be honest, aside from fandom events/celebrations I'm prob not gonna be very active here again, on account of busy-in-general but also, my side-accounts are still always more art-oriented.... I like to post my own arts hehe x3 so I guess I'm writing abt this as a gentle reminder to myself that it's alright to not be active & how much I really enjoy posting my own work when possible.
some more thoughts on this under cut! the blog will stay mostly usagi chronicles related with reblogs related to other usagi stuff and tmnt but I will try to keep it to my own art as I originally intended.
right now I've also been obsessing again over the Tintin fancomics and animations by @/professorcalculusstanaccount (not gonna tag them bc this is not directly related) and their work (+ just ruminating on my own old stuff) has been inspiring me enough that I'm thinking of returning to my og comics again. just in a... very subtle way. i don't like drawing attention to myself as much(as much as I should at least) and I wanna take a lot of babysteps to get back to building those up again.
for my SRTUC/TMNT2003&ROTTMNT crossover fic, I am thinking now that I want to take a similar approach in that it is mostly images, some larger text. bc I realized I do not actually enjoy writing long spans of prose. like. I enjoy making comics bc I am more used to those, but also, I am imagining things much more visually so it is hard for me to put some of these into text form at all times. I think that's why I probably haven't written this fic properly or finished any of my old fic. So a pretty normal "I explain my fic/AU idea" post, but I would like to try it in a concentrated way. I dunno how I would format this crossover on AO3 for example, but here in tumblr I could put them neatly under a cut and write away. It would be cool if I had the energy for animations/comics too bc those, while taking more time than writing, are far more enjoyable on the whole to make (but again, I am much more used to them)
I also want to explore more of a genfic (general "genre" fanfic) look at crossovers. As much as I like the Yuinardo/Leochi (Yuichi x Leo) ship, I also really enjoy exploring more unusual dynamics and situations in fanfic haha x3
my health's been slowly declining this week again and i haven't noticed next to work so I'll try to keep phone and personal internet time to a minimum now. sjdnddj i also just haven't had the energy for new art in general, so I'm basically going into spring hibernation until the next big spike in free time.
but hey! things I look forward to posting about more are some of the short comic thumbs I've been doing! I've fanart mostly for usagi chronicles right now but I'm also probably gonna post other short sketches I've done on my regular fandom art/ sketchblog, @aghhtdraws . There's a Chi/Ki (Chizu x Kitsune) doodle post I wanted to do and also a few other Usagi sketches I wanted to post.
I also like to write analysis of shows I like often enough, but writing is usually very taxing for me if it gets too long so I try to avoid it unless I have a very strong idea. Wait... have I been writing essays this entire time??? x3
I'll still tag those as #analysis bc that makes sense for me as a short tag and I don't really keep to an essay format as much, but yeah, you can block that or #aghhtposts if u don't wanna see those xP
i tag things more for my own convenience, but that is also very useful for tag blocking! (so glad xKit still works 10 years after it broke or smth)
oh! and I also wanted to post some screenshots/links from insta. both Stan and some of the crew have been posting new posts about SRTUC which have been a delight to see. ahhh im so glad the show exists and the crew seem to have a lot of good memories about it.
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dogcircle-scans · 4 years
Do you guys read Natsume fan fictions? I’m new to the fandom and was wondering if you guys have any good recommendations ☺️ and thank you for everything you guys are doing! I’m so happy I can read such high-quality chapters all the time for my favorite manga! 🙏
I only read fanfic for one fandom and that fandom is not Natsume Yuujinchou. But I went around asking different people for recommendations because you asked. I haven’t read any of these fic aside for that one Souko/Reiko fic so I can’t personally vouch for the vast majority of these, but this list is long as hell so there’s bound to at least one fic you’ll enjoy.
Everything will be under the cut. 
Edit: feel free to reply with your own fanfic recommendations and add onto this ask. 
jars and jars of jam by adventureboots
“natori no u just gotta learn to accept that touko san will give u homemade jam now and that u and natsume are friends: the fic”
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,929
The First Law by DarthNickels
“The world of humans is vastly different from the world of the spirits, and sometimes serious miscommunications occur. Naturally, Natsume finds himself directly in the middle of an enormous one.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 8,375
Bodyguard (carry me, carry you) by Shycraft 
“Madara watches.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,932
Grass Whistle by FoxWitch
“’I'll lend you these. It won't be a huge difference, but it couldn't hurt.’ Tanuma accepted the object, finding it to be a pair a glasses.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,333
A Song on the Autumn Breeze by spoilers
“When she was young, Taki and her grandfather ventured out onto the mountain to search for a visiting spirit. After finding his map in her grandfather's papers, Taki, Natsume, and Tanuma make the trip themselves.” 
Rating: G
Word Count: 718
Three for Family by NightsMistress
“The more Touko hears about Natsume Takashi, the more confused she becomes. The stories she hears are of a selfish child acting out for attention, or worse, but all she can see is a sad, lost child in need of a place to put down roots so that he can settle his mind.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,564
a time to come by ezri
It’s about “mortality.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 828
The Human Mask by harunekonya 
“From the time I was a small, I've been able to see strange things. Since nobody else can see them, they are probably what you would call spirits. And now I am one of them.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 182,225 
Note: apparently this fic is being reposted onto ao3 with the author’s permission, so if you’re like me and find ff.net super cursed, here’s the link.
night blindness by persepoline
A youkai AU.
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,641
Calling You Home by paperwar
“Five moments Natsume shared with Shigeru.“
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,026
Paper Magic by WerewolvesAreReal
“A youkai being trailed by an exorcist puts the Fujiwaras in comas. Afraid of being forced to leave his home and being passed again between listless relatives, another option presents itself. Natori offers to become Natsume's nominal guardian.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,348
Dangerous Game by FoxInBox_aka_FIB
“Natsume is clutched in the jaws of the true form of the creature he has trusted for so long, and Natori feels fury curl in his chest, along with a deep and aching sorrow. This will destroy Natsume, to have his beast and all the beings he had probably counted as friends turn on him like this.”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 1,599
the subtle grace of gravity by egelantier
“Five times the Fujiwaras surprise Natsume (including that one time when Natsume absolutely fails to surprise them in turn).”
Rating: G
Word Count: 8,000
Finding Home by darkcyan
“On a school trip...Tanuma's teacher and about half of his classmates disappear. Everyone must figure out how to deal with this changed world, and the new dangers it has brought with it.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 23,763
in this house by ezri
It’s about Natsume and Birthdays.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,289
The color-changing kimono by bereshit001
“There is a strange kimono on the top of a tree that exorcists use to measure their strength. Inspired by the volume 17. special chapters.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 813
A Simple Detour by Hazelnuthelper
AU where Madara is unsealed much earlier and meets Natsume as a child.
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 10,567
The ones that come after by taizi
“a collection of oneshots about all the good people who come into natsume's life after all the bad”
Rating: T
Word Count: 72,751
like dawn breaking over the horizon by aloneintherain
“sickfic! natsume, touko san, and others being cute”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 3,970
like religion by WerewolvesAreReal
“Natsume would like to make it clear that this is all the dog's fault. (OR: how to become a god, by accident).”
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,894
belomancy by erzi
“In which Matoba is going to f*cking die.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 22,758
left you with the ghosts by erzi
“A bit of a Matoba character study.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 11,980
in the nook of a cousin universe by akitania
“Natori captures a youkai, learns a thing or two about divination, and considers a future that might have been.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,256
passing the dark by persepoline
“Sleuthy MatoNatos.”
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,755
i am (am not) actually a cat by meowtoba
"Matoba Seiji is transformed into a cat by sheer bad luck and a youkai's curse.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 9,098
crossroads by darkcyan, meguri_aite
“Shuuichi wasn’t sure which question felt odder on the tongue; Matoba and rent-splitting were strange bedpersons in one sentence.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 6,874
The Summoning by meguri_aite
“Matoba Seiji is on the floor of his living room. And he is bleeding.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 6,796
now we’re here, now is fine by crazybeagle, twelvenervouscats (crazybeagle)
"’Honestly. You’re both being morons and martyrs for no reason at all.’”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 29,198
The Green Plastic Table by Spades 44
AU where Tanuma has healing magic + Natsume and him suck at communicating.
Rating: T
Word Count: 63,190 
Note: this fic is hosted on ff.net.
ephemeral by ghostcribs
"I wish we could stay here forever."
Word Count: 1,171
Rating: G
Cold Hands by ghostcribs 
Natsume’s reluctance in letting Tanuma in comes with some consequences. 
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,906
Aftermath by Mayorofcattown
“The short cut home that took Tanuma much longer than he expected.“
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,264
Misc Ships:
flickering blue by kornevable
An alternate ending to the “Tell Me Your Name” two-parter.
Ship: Reiko/Souko
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,731
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Halley’s Comet
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Steve x Single mom reader part two.
Link to part one!
Listen I’ve been thinking about Halley’s Comet lately and searched the year…1986? Guess who has a new detail to add to their season four fics!!
Tw~ inexperienced babysitters, uhm Dustin doesn’t know how to change a diaper?
Dad!Steve masterlist!!
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Credit to @k-k0129 who I talked with a little bit about how like Steve and max have a sibling vibe, and how Dustin would probs need help babysitting Alice!
I will write more if anyone would like!(I can just turn this into something like my mini Dad!Eddie masterlist! I probably will do that because lots of ideas rn!!!!)
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When your date night finally arrived almost a week after Alice’s doctor’s appointment, you were all dolled up in your pretty outfit hair and makeup done especially for this.
Steve hadn’t told you where he was gonna bring you just the dress code. While you were getting ready Steve was over showing Dustin step by step how to care for Alice, not with her of course just some doll he bought from the 99 cent store.
“Listen Henderson I know Yoh think that diaper is on right but it’s backwards and if my kid comes back with a backwards diaper” he glares at Dustin who gets the hint quickly working to fix the diaper.
“Good good.” He mutters examining the diaper, “could have placed the tapes a little better but I’ll give it to you.” Dustin lets out a sigh.
“Woah there you’re not done bud, you still have to learn how to feed her and burp her!”
“Steve it can’t be that bad!” Dustin shouts back.
“Of course if you’re a natural like me it’ll just come to you but you…” Dustin rolls his eyes and soon enough he’s watching Steve back out of his drive way telling him he’ll be back in a couple of hours with Alice.
“Max, do you copy?” Steve asks over the stupid little walkie talkie Dustin had bought for his birthday, though it came in handy cause the first thing you’d asked was how you’d get in contact with them if something where to happen with Alice and Steve simply waved the heavy thing.
“Yes Steve.” She lets out a sigh.
“Listen Max, I need you to promise that if Dustin tries to contact you, that you’ll awnser cause he’s supposed to babysit Alice and …I’m not so confident in his abilities.”
Max lets out a little sigh, she loved Alice and if it was you who asked her she’d be jumping around her room eager for you to drop the cute little baby off at her house so she could babysit, plus you paid really well for such a low maintenance job, all she had to do was care for her and she got to play with a baby?? She’s in!
But of course she has to keep up her reputation so she decides to give Steve a hard time, “What’s in it for me?”
“I don’t know Max like twenty bucks?”
“Deal.” She listens to Steve tell her when Dustin will probably ask for help and the conversation ends there pretty quickly.
Some few hours later just as Steve predicted Dustin is calling the land line asking her to be over because apparently Lucas couldn’t calm her down after she gripped a huge chunk of Dustin’s hair, and so they called Mike wheeler…she isn’t sure what they expected from him, she’s seen him interact with his own little sister Holly just a handful of times and she can’t say that they were particularly very good so she can only imagine the three of them fumbling around to settle her only to not even try her pacifier.
When she shows up she’s right. The three of them are awkwardly sat on the floor as they take turns holding Alice each time she’d stop for a second to examine who was holding her but really she was just being passed between Dustin and Lucas since every time she was offered to Mike he’d hold up a hand as if to gently push her away.
“Let me see her” Max tells them as she sets down her bag gently taking Alice into her arms while she crouches down next to the diaper bag pulling out the pacifier.
“Did you try this?” She holds it up and they all blink at it shaking their heads no.
“Of course not.” Immediately when it’s placed in Alice’s mouth she suckles the pacifier closing her eyes as if her eyelids had been the heaviest weights in the world.
“I think she was just tired” she mutters handing Alice back to Dustin who jostles her a little before he gets her settled.
“Do we just keep holding her while she sleeps? Can’t she sleep in a bed?” Mike asks.
“Sure…if Dustin had a baby’s bed.” Max says sarcastically, “babies cannot sleep in real beds especially not Dustin’s do you see how tall that is?” She measures the day bed with her hands pulling them away so Mike can see how idiotic that suggestion was.
“Do you guys not babysit at all?” She asks rhetorically expecting them to have.
They all shake their heads no and she scoffs, “you’re serious?” They all nod.
She drifts off into her own conversation for a while with Lucas before Alice begins to cry again and Max looks over to see her trying to gum at her pacifier.
“Max, what’d I do? I tried everything” Lucas practically cries ten minutes later and she raises an eyebrow taking Alice from him as she pulls a pre made bottle out.
“Have you tried feeding her?” They look between themselves but don’t awnser and she rolls her eyes once again before feeding and burping Alice who falls asleep afterwards in Max’s arms.
“I’m going home, I don’t get babies, I’m not even good with Holly” Mike says before he literally just goes home when Alice starts to cry again.
“Change her diaper” Max hands her over to Dustin who prepared all morning for this moment as he changes her diaper quickly.
Meanwhile you and Steve have just finished eating at some restaurant you don’t even think you could afford. Though he’s telling you that the night isn’t over yet, this has you fumbling with your wallet checking to see how much you had brought hoping he wouldn’t try and take you to anything too expensive.
He drives you up to a secluded little mountain not far from Hawkins before getting out of the car and opening the door for you taking your hand and guiding you to the hood of the car with him.
“Wanted to watch the comet with you.” He mutters quietly.
In your freshman year of highschool you had told Steve about wanting to watch Halley’s Comet when the time came with him, honestly you didn’t remember telling him at all so you didn’t expect him to remember but he did and you where grateful for that as a few happy tears gathered in your eyes as you watched the bright comet fall through the sky leaving a bright light in its wake as Steve gently cups your face.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks his lips almost touching yours, before he can say anything else your pushing foreword to kiss him yourself.
“That means we’re going out right?” Steve asks and you blink at him for a moment, “right? Right? Y/n? We’re dating now right?” He asks as he follows you back into the car.
“Want me to be honest Steve?” He nods quickly, “I kinda thought we’d been dating for like four or five months now ever since you spent the first night at my house and tiredly told me you liked me…I’ve been thinking we were together this whole time.
He blinks for a few moments, he had so much anxiety over this just to find out that the love of his life thought that they were already together???? God was he that oblivious, now that he thinks about it he practically lives with you and you give him goodbye kisses to the cheek every morning?
The drive to Dustin’s is relatively short and both of you are scrambling to his front door pushing eachother out the way to see Alice first.
“Hi baby” you whisper gently taking her from Max’s arms.
“I thought Dustin was watching her” You whisper looking to Steve who looks back.
“I don’t think you want just Dustin watching her babe…he put the diaper backwards on the doll.”
“Is that what that doll was for?” You ask gesturing to the car behind you two.
“You saw that?”
“Of course”
“You think I’m a bad diaper changer?” Dustin questions Steve as he comes out the room.
“I mean you had to call theme for something.” Steve mutters.
“Check her diaper!” Dustin turns his nose up and you giggle unsnapping the bottom of Alice’s indie, “Dustin…not only is it inside out, it’s backwards.” You mutter looking at her diaper.
You let out a little sigh as you set her down quickly fixing the diaper to sit correctly before you and Steve leave to go back to your trailer.
“I guess this is normally where couples part ways.” He tells you looking at you like he’s gonna miss you, “but I usually sleep here at night babe so not us.” He steps out the car doing a little jog to open your door before getting Alice out and settling her into her crib.
All and all, that may have been the best date Steve’s ever been on but he hopes that every date after that day will be with you.
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I’m working on a part two to the single dad!eddie fic as well right now so that’ll probably come tomorrow!
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yjwhatif · 2 years
i can see Dick and everyone not really thinking about Lor or what happened to him or theorizing that Bart could be in SERIOUS danger because while yes, they do care about Bart, Conner has been their best friend for ten years. they've spent months thinking he was dead and now he might not be. after all the losses, they might be able to get HIM back. i can understand why they're more focused on that and leave the Bart situation at "we can trust him to handle himself" even when they probs shouldn't
I totally agree anon, it’s definitely understandable - whether they overlooked information or not, Dicks reasoning for choosing Conner over Bart was very valid - it’s a difficult situation and I do think he showed an appropriate level of objectivity to justify the decision he made. Conner was literally asking for help - that was the path they had to follow.
Though, I do think Zatanna has a bit of a habit of overlooking others when she fixes her focus on something/someone that means a lot to her. We saw it in her arc where there were multiple moments when her fathers well-being came before her students (something I started writing about but I don’t think I ever actually finished - part one’s on here somewhere)… My point being, as soon as they link Bart’s mystery friends to Conner, we never see Zatanna mention Bart again - her focus return’s to being completely set on Conner. Therefore she only looks as far as the answers regarding Conner and overlooks any which could suggest Bart’s not as dismissible in all this as they are willing to believe. Once they have that solid lead on Conner - that’s it - Bart becomes an afterthought. (Oh, and I just wanna clarify that this isn’t me hating on zatanna in any way - it’s just an observation I’ve picked up on with her character throughout the series that I thinks interesting.)
The only person to bring him up unprompted is Artemis - which either speaks to her having more of a connection to Bart than the others or simply that she’s just better at not letting her emotional investment in something/one sway her focus/judgment… of all the OGs who have taken on leadership responsibilities, I think Artemis has proven to be the strongest, with her ability to remain objective without losing touch with her reasonability or empathy… but that’s a whole other post that I will probably never get round to doing - or at least not until after we finish the season anyway.
Obviously all this is just my personal perspective on thing and any other interpretations are completely valid - this whole situation is just so interesting to me and I really wanna see what the outcome is of them discovering what Bart has been through. Also I want to finally get an answer on whether they told anyone about the information they gathered on Bart - because fair enough, if they want to follow the Conner side of things, that’s fine - he means a lot to them - but I will no longer accept them doing that and NOT passing on the Bart information to those who may still want to continue looking for him. There are people who care just as much about Bart as they do about Conner, and I don’t think it’s fair for Dick to be the one who makes the decision on who knows what regarding him - he needs to let (at the very least) the outsiders decide whether they want to trust Bart’s judgment or continue the search for him… OR, failing that, tell big boss black lightning, who I think technically oversees everyone and let him be the judge on who gets to know. That would be the reasonable thing to do.
And on that note, I’m gonna call quits before this gets any longer (oops 😬)
Thanks for your message anon!
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kuh-boose · 2 years
This is gonna be critical of the halo show (ie the show that just kind of uses halo as a skin), so if you like it and don’t wanna hear criticism, maybe don’t read. 
People go on about how "well since it's not the games he has so reason not to reveal his face." And to that  I would say it's a lot less about him revealing his face and more him having/not having a reason to remove one of the few safety measures he has for himself. The armor keeps him safe, it keeps him linked with Cortana and his team, it gives him intel. He's been engrained since childhood to take advantage of everything at his disposal to ensure his safety, his teams safety, and mission success. The risks to John aren't so much about concealing identity so much as the paranoid protective and vigilance measures of child soldier who has grown up to watch SO many people die around him because (to him) he wasn't good enough or prepared enough to stop it. (you’ll notice that what we’ve seen of other spartan IIs puts them roughly in the same wheelhouse)
The only social arguments I can think of is that Spartan IIs get major shit by a lot of other members of the UNSC just for existing, and, more significantly, he takes his being a "symbol of hope" thing very seriously. He *likes* being a symbol people can rally behind, even if he feels undeserving of, or indifferent to, the honor. Oh there’s also probs some neurodivergent stuff going on there that I’ll mention in a sec.
These parts of his character are all fascinating and like *perfect* gateways into discussing PTSD and how it could represent in a high functioning person like John. He also very much has a martyr complex. And lets not forget that the man very likely has some sort of social function disorder (what was it at the beginning of 4? mildly sociopathic?) that would make human interaction difficult, likely more so outside the armor. Like on surface level he's an amazing soldier, but inside he is riddled with guilt and an overly robust sense of duty. He truly feels like everything that goes wrong is his fault, that he should be able to stop all the bad things. He is constantly trying to grasp at everything, *anything* that will make him a better soldier, give him less chance at failure so that people around him stop dying. And what bites is these are complex character issues that the show doesn't seem to give a damn about in favor of cheap, over done stuff. 
(To be fair, past episode one I've just been watching reviews and clips because I refuse to give Paramount my viewership for their numbers. So if I missed something that would address these concerns, my bad. But like, I doubt it since they’re constantly showing the face of a man who is very likely paranoid about being out of armor in any capacity)
I just stay salty about this ok?
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Stranger things is about mental health & trauma- deal with it!
I’ve seen a lot of people claim anyone who mentioned this topic immediately be gaslit and told they’re “just crazy” and “rudely projecting their own issues on to the characters.’ Like- no you don’t have to believe my  Will DID/Lonnie theory ( I could be wrong). But to claim one of the show’s central themes isn’t about mental health/trauma (screams either complete lack of lit comprehension or denial cause you have your own negative biases towards such people). So let’s just go into what’s literal text-not subtext/symbolism. Just the super blatant stuff.  RIGHT IN THE SHOW!
-We have El when she first appears on screen  asked by Benny if her parents starved and hurt her and if that’s why she ran away. Benny then calls CPS to say El “may have been ab*sed or something.” After this Lucas says there is “seriously something wrong with her-wrong in the head. She’s probably from the NUT-HOUSE in curly county.penthurst” We also see El  cannonically has PTSD-all of s1 she’ll see something benign (a cat, a coke commercial, a closet) and is triggered to see a traumatic flashback. That’s literally ptsd.  There’s also hints throughout the seasons she’s developmentally behind in both language, telling time etc (neglect like El’s irl can cause an intellectual disability-analysis on El/that subject here).The real pethurst in pensylvannia (not the one in stranger things/ Curly county)  closed in 1986-  it was a facility for people and mostly  kids with intellectual disabilities (it wasn’t technically a psych facility like the one in st)-but it was infamous for it’s abuse of these intellectually disabled patients kept there. We also have Brenner be a ab*sive psychiatrist.
- Hopper after suffering from the loss of his daughter. Is popping pills like candy, drinking and smoking constantly. He later says he used to hallucinate and forgot what was real -seeing and hearing sarah and says if he didn’t confront the pain he’d “fall down a black hole he couldn’t get out of.” NO... subtext here about what the void represents nope.
- Both mothers (Terry & Joyce) are dismissed as being mentally ill and simply grieving the loss of their kids . But both end up being right about the supernatural.
- “Terry pretends Jane is real. i mean it’s all make believe. you know the doctors all say it’s a coping mechanism.”
- While with Joyce the whole town pre s1 already questioned her mental health. Jonathan says “She used to have anxiety problems (pre s1).” And Jonathan, Hopper, and Lonnie all assume she’s hallucinating: talking to Will via lights, seeing a man without a face, saying Will’s body is fake -due to grief. Plus Lonnie mentions the fact Joyce’s aunt Darlene also used to hallucinate as a possible reason  (terry’s aunt also had mental health issues mentioned in s2 by Becky). Lonnie even says everything Joyce is seeing  is “all in her head.”  Hopper and Jon both say she needs to sleep and accept reality and Lonnie says she needs to see a “shrink”.  Hopper “i’m not saying that you’re crazy”. Joyce : “no, you are.” Joyce also says to Lonnie “Stop looking at me like that... like everyone else like i’m out of my damn mind.” Hopper also says about Joyce she’s “on the edge”. Callahan says in response , “she’s been on the edge for a while now” (referring to her mental health- even before Will’s dissappearance)”. While Lonnie says Jonathan is “feeding into her hallucinations ... you’re going to push her right over the edge.” In s2 Hopper says “ I think everyone is on edge- you, me, Will most of all. (when talking about Will’s ptsd/trauma)” 
- in s1 They claim Will just “fell” over the edge of the quarry’s cliff. Later the only other queer coded character (Mike) jumps off the quarry cliff (where Will’s body was found) cause the homophobic troy forced him too jump. Troy even says earlier dead-Will is “flying with all the other fairies all happy and gay” (to Mike). And Troy says to Hopper El made Mike “fly” after jumping off the cliff. Friendship saved him from jumping off the edge metaphorically ( and he’ll prob eventually be happy and gay too).
-Will is seeing a therapist . And we are told he has ptsd and will experience the anniversary effect, personality changes,nightmares, having episodes, etc. And things “will get worse before they get better”.  Mike also asks if what Will is seeing is “real or like the doctors say all in your head?” And Will continues to see hallucinations of the mf/upsidedown that only he can see initially.
-Hopper also agrees with owens mentioning how he knew guys with ptsd . joyce : “it’s not like he’s describing a nightmare. He talks about them like they’re real.” Hopper: “Yeah, because they’re not nightmares they’re flashbacks.I think he’s right about trauma.I think everyone is on edge (bringing that s1 ref back), Me you, Will, most of all.Nothing’s gonna go back to the way that it was. But it’ll get better.In time.”
-Nancy suffers from survivor’s guilt and drunkingly says she killed Barb. Jonathan says like Nancy he has “a weight that you that carry all the time . i feel it too.” (cough depression). He also says he tries to be there for Will but says about Will “he’s not the same. maybe things can’t go back to the way they were. (mirroring Hopper’s words earlier that season)”
-Jonathan said in s1 Joyce had “anxiety issues” than Nancy says in s3 “you really are your mother’s son... you worry too much.” Then we see him look worried after the comment.
- in s2, Axel & a scientist both call El and Will “schizos” because of their powers. In s3 mrs driscoll isn’t believed about the supernatural cause she’s schizophrenic-but like Joyce/Terry was right.
- Kali saves a woman named Dottie (a british slang term for crazy)  from a mental hospital and then compares herself and El to dottie. saying her non-powered gang is “Like us ...outsiders... society discarded them.”  In graphitti we even see the title “obedlam” a british poem about discarding the mentally ill and leaving them homeless.  El before this sees a mentally ill man screaming “we’re all dead!” Kali’s friend says to El, after this encounter they were “dead all of us” until kali “saved them here” (points to head) “and here” (points to heart). Pointing to the theme of love and friendship helping those with such issues. Similar to the cliff analogy.
-The cycle of ab*se. Max in s2 says she’s afraid of becoming like Billy (her ab*ser). We see Billy mimic his ab*ser neil and inflict pain on max. In s3 we see the roots of his behavior are linked to mimicking Neil- Neil in a flashback says  about baseball “what are you scared?”  “ did i raise a p*ssy for a son”. So young Billy later in a fight says to a boy “ what are you scared to fight me? fight me p*ssy. (as he beats the boy)” Deflecting his anger of his father on to someone else. In s3, We see as a kid he used to say to Neil “don’t hurt her” (his mom)-specifically after  Neil backhand slaps her -but we later see possessed Billy backhand slap Max (just like neil).  The resentment to his mother leaving - festered into how he views women and max negatively . And his attraction to mrs wheeler prob is linked to him subconsciously missing his mother. Max in s2 even says  he can’t take it out on her mother so he does so to her instead (we even have Billy hallucinate hurting mrs wheeler).We see in s2 the cycle of abuse is there- Billy mimics Neil, and then Max mimics Billy. Billy harrasses Max and yells “SAY IT!” (mimicking Neil).  Max like Billy later  yells “SAY IT” and uses a bat /violence to stand up for herself against Billy- which earlier she said she was trying to combat … explaining she can be angry like Billy sometimes but she never wants to be like him (her nickname symbolizing this: aka ‘mad max’).  Billy’s last dying words were an apology to Max- for becoming her neil. And we hopefully will see Max break this cycle.
- Will says his now memories (that he describes like dreams) are “growing “, “spreading “,and “killing”. While Kali says they need to face their father and (as Brenner) says El has to confront her “wound” or else it’ll “grow”, “spread” and “eventually it’ll kill her.” Kali says she used to be like El . She used to bottle her pain away and it “spread.” But she then says  “I confronted my pain and I finally began to heal (from those wounds).” We also see with jonathan and nancy when describing “shared trauma” zoom in onto the scars on their hands. The wound heeled into a scar so to speak.
both have Hopper do a speech that delves into dealing with trauma/depression but still finding good along the way.
-s2 Hopper outside the snowball: “how are you holding up? Yeah, that feeling never goes away. It is true what they say, you know. Everyday it does get easier.”
-s3 Hopper monolouge : “ Feelings jesus. For so long, i’d forgotten what those even were. I’ve been stuck in one place,in a cave you might say , a deep dark cave (cough s2 supernatural cave). For the first time in a long time, i started to feel things again. I started to feel happy. Life... yeah sometimes it’s painful .sometimes it’s sad, and sometimes it’s suprising... happy.. And when life hurts you, because it will .remember the hurt . The hurt is good. It means you’re out of that cave.”
BUT YES- St has nothing to do with mental health/trauma, we’re just “crazy” and “projecting”. It’s not like some of ya’ll  act pompous when you just have a bias and get pissy at the idea of relating to characters you “other” as “crazy” or “damaged” irl or anything (so attack people for pointing it out). Or (benefit of the doubt) you are just like.... oblivious... or just a kid who doesn’t know better XD
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a-blu-jay · 4 years
In the light of the whole doomsday arc and chaos I think it's important to like,,, clarify ? Some points ppl r makin even tho theyre prob not gonna see it.
Also!! This is all /roleplay and talking about the characters not the content creators
Yes, everyone has fucked up. That's what they're ALL going for, especially the ppl takin the lead when it comes to the writin of the script. Everyone is a fucked up character and everyone is a good character with the exception of Dream.
Now to get some more in depth:
Let's start with c!Tubbo. Since the beginning he's been put into tight and bad situations. Watching his friends get exiled, being made a spy for the sake of Intel to win a war which is So Much Pressure, eventually fighting in said war, being made president of the revolutionized country but then immedietly having to rebuild it, later be manipulated to exile his beat friend and brother in arms etc etc. It's a lot of trauma and greif, it's not false to call him a child solider because that's exactly what he is. Schlatt was right, the moment he died the country was doomed, wether that be from Pogtopia, Technoblade, Dream or the inevitability that the leadership would fall onto Tubbo. He's not infallible and he's not experienced. He's a severely Traumatised teenager. But this doesn't necessarily make him a good person.
Next is c!Technoblade because I have some Opinions. He's a fucked up character. Just like everyone else, just in a more transparent way. A lot of the characters hide the bad things they've done in a way to preserve moral righteousness and such. Technoblade has always been clear and transparent he wants nothing more than anarchy, chaos and the fall of L'manburg. Now, acts of terrorism aren't good, they're pretty fucked up. The great thing about his character is that he's so goddman complex. Just like Tubbo and Tommy he's been wronged. And just like Tubbo and Tommy he's a hypocrite. That's what happens when you have morally grey and ambiguous characters. He made his intentions about anarchy clear and Pogtopia made their intentions about Governments clear, they both chose to ignore eachother which in the end made them Hypocrites. A specific point I want to make about Technoblade teaming up with Dream is that Tommy has NEVER been clear with Technoblade with how Dream treated him. Technoblade couldn't have known what Dream did because of Tommy's trauma about speaking about it and Dream's manipulation. Technoblade teamed up with Dream because they shared a common goal, he doesnt trust Dream and has voiced that before. Also! Tommy's point in their argument in the middle of Doomsday was really interesting, he said (I'm paraphrasing) "why can't you just let people love what they love." A thing to note is that Technoblade DID. After the end of the revolution he left to go live in retirment and solitude and let them fight amongst eachother and destroy eachother. The very same Government he predicted to be corrupt then tried to execute him without trial even though they said he'd be given one. Which is a pretty corrupt thing to do. In the end Technoblade was used and just a little bit mistreated but he's not in the right because of that. Again, he can be seen in the lense of a Villain but that doesn't mean he really is one.
Now onto c!Tommy. His character is deffinetly an interesting one! I think his main fault is his own hubris. He's prideful to a default and stubborn when it comes to the idea he could have done something wrong because of how badly he wants to be the/a hero. Now, I'm not saying he HASN'T taken accountability for some things he's said and done because he most certainly has and thus has grown as a character. Another huge fault is his hyperfixation on the emotions and people attached to objects. Honestly? Tubbo logically wasn't wrong, they're just discs. But in Tommy's head they're a symbol of his and Tubbo's friendship. The problem is when he picks these discs over his actual friendship with Tubbo and how Dream has manipulated him. Dream plays a BIG part in why Tommy thinks the discs are so valuable. If you're told enough times and manipulated into thinking objects hold a significant value to the things important to you then eventually they become fiercely important to you and have some weight to them. I think in the beginning, in Tommy's brain destroying the discs meant his and Tubbo's friendship was over because of the part they've played in their friendship. Again, Tubbo only ever saw them as dics, plastic vinyls that drop from mobs and play pretty music. To another point, Tommy is also explicitly Hypocritical, just like Technoblade. He holds onto the fact that Tubbo and L'manburg and it's people are his friends and he cares about him but then calls Technoblade his friend and casts his emotions aside. The problem is the blatant fact that Tommy used Technoblade as a weapon and after being called out that friends don't do that to eachother he ignores it. In this instance he's no better than Technoblade. A kinda big problem is his character development, which really doesn't have a lot to do with c!Tommy and more with how the writers suggest developing him as a character. I think the main thing is that he goes to Tubbo's side saying how the discs never truly mattered to later saying they need the discs. The discs don't matter. What matters is defeating Dream. But just like Tubbo, Tommy is a highly and incredibly traumatised Teenager.
Next is c!Ranboo, the mad lad! I don't really have a whole lot to say? Just some quick analysis of what his characters ideals are and his actions in everything. Looking at his character he's incredibly paranoid, anxious and probably Traumatised from things we the audience don't know. At the end of the day he's a true neutral character. In one of the tweets cc!Ranboo sent it said that as long as Dream isn't hurting the people he (character Ranboo) directly cares about, he doesn't care what Dream does. For a good portion he was against Dream because he cared about everyone nd dream was hurting everyone. He's joined Technoblade and Ph1lza in the Arctic because he thinks that Dream has gotten what he wants, he doesn't know anything about Dream and Tommy's conversation by the end of Doomsday. Also! Ranboo's ideals/beliefs are anarchist by nature and principle. The reason he has a problem with choosing sides between L'manburg and Dream is because of the hierarchy within those sides, and the obligation that you have to fight that comes with picking those sides. Technoblade and Ph1lza both chose to fight under free will and because they chose too without coercion. Everyone is equal there. There's a really good post somewhere talking about it that'll I'll look for that explains it very well. (EDIT: found the post also hopefully i did the link right)
This is getting painfully long so I'm wrapping it up here with a few last things. Everything has always come down to Dream. The reason L'manburg was built was to get away from the oppressive power that is Dream (another point for Technoblade teaming up w dream, he wasn't there for Dreams stuff, he only knew of Schlatt but I digress). Dream has manipulated everyone, he's running the puppet show with the strings tied to his fingers. He's manipulated Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Technoblade, Schlatt, EVERYONE. He's pitted everyone against eachother because he loves the chaos. Because he knows that if they weaken eachother it'll be a lot easier to take control with less effort put in from his part. Dream has always been the main antagonist from the very very beginning. Sure some could say Tommy started it with the discs but Dream was the one who took them in the first place etc.
He's also pitted the audience against eachother. It's really interesting in how he's actually manipulated the audience. It doesn't matter who's on what side or who's wronged who when the cause for all their greif has always been Dream. The fandom is fighting over traitors and betrayals and villain arcs. It doesn't matter, not when Dream is runnin free with the amount of power that he has.
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