#this has been bugging me for months! i knew there was a similar power somewhere else but i couldn't remember it
iris-nonsense · 11 months
Gojo's six eyes have always felt familiar and i finally find out why. They're like the all seeing eyes of god from Kekkai sensen!!!
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miracle-maricat · 3 years
Miraculous : The Reveal : a Phone Call Away
Marinette ran up the stairs wiping her tears after she heard the bad news. She was moving to Shanghai! Even though she had an amazing adventure with Fei and Cat noir, moving to Shanghai would mean she can’t be ladybug anymore!
              “Tikki, I don't know what to do! I can’t be ladybug and the guardian from Shanghai! It’s all too much. I can't take it anymore!” She sobs. *Ring Ring* “Oh Alya is calling.” Marinette says as she wipes her tears.
              “Hey Girl, I heard the news. I’m coming over right now stay there!” *beep* Alya hung up the phone.
Meanwhile in the Agrete Estate…..                                                                        
              “Father Please! I don’t want to go to boarding school! I have friends! If i go there I will only be with a bunch of rich snobs!” Adrien pleaded.
             “I have made my decision. You leave in a few weeks.” Gabriel told him sternly. After the door closed Plagg came out and started panicking!
            “This is bad, you can’t leave. Who will feed me my Camembert!” Plagg cried as Adrien looked at him with an annoyed face. “But the truth is that I will miss you 100 times more than Camembert. You're the best Cat Noir I’ve ever had. Plagg said and hugged Adrien.
            “Woah Plagg I’ve never seen this side of you before! It’s so not you!” Adrien explained happily. “We should get going, It’s almost time for patrol with M’lady!”
Back to Marinette’s……..
           “What do I do Alya? This is way too much to handle. And if-if-if I move there I’ll have to take Cat noir’s miraculous because I can’t leave him to protect Hawkmoth alone. I can’t even leave you! You still need training! An-“ Marinette get cutt of by Alya.
           “Relax, Girl you’ll figure it out! You hid your secret identity from me for a long time. And I’m a reporter! You fought Shadowmoth hundreds of times you beat him even when it all seemed lost.”
           “I don’t know how I did it! I was alone! I couldn't tell anyone about how much pressure I was under! And now Master Fu has lost his memory! I just can’t take it anymore!”
          “Marinette, listen to me. You might not realize it but you did have someone to talk to, Chat noir. He knows you the best. And he’s cute too!”
          “You don't mean that '' giggled Marinette “But you’re right he was there for me all this time, I just never took the time to see underneath his silliness, that reminds me I was supposed to get him a gift for his birthday! I have just the thing. “Marinette ran to her secret stash of gifts for Adrien and pulled out a black and green wrapped book. Marinette transformed and swung here yo-yo to the secret spot where she and Cat noir meet before every Patrol.
          “M’lady you made it!” Cat noir exclaimed
          “Of course! How could I miss your birthday patrol, Kitty!” Ladybug said as she started into his green eyes. “Have they alway been that shade of green?” She thought as she felt herself start to blush.
           “What’s in the box? A tiny bed for Plagg? Or maybe it’s a book?” He said curiously.
           “Actually you’re right, Kitty. It’s a memory book. I got pictures of our best moments and put them inside.” She said as she hoped he would like it.
           “…” Chat noir was silent
           “ You don't like it do you.” Ladybug said sadly.
           “No, I Love it! It’s so amazing! But why are there empty pages?”he questioned.
          “ Those are for new memories. For the future!” Ladybug said as she remembered she had to tell him the bad news.
          “ M’lady there is something I need to tell you. I can’t be Cat noir anymore.”  Cat noir said as he started sobbing.
         “Cat noir? I-I-I can’t be ladybug either.” She sobbed. “My parents decided to move out of Paris and I can't do anything about it.”
          “Why does this have to happen to me? M'lady I’m so unlucky, you don’t even know how hard my life is! And now I have to give it all up! And for what! So my Father Can be Happy!” Cat noir sobbed even louder.
          “Cat Noir I- I don't know what to say. I-I” Ladybug got cut off by her alarm and said “ I‘m sorry Cat noir, See you tomorrow, same time?”
         “Same time” he sighed and wiped his tears.
The next day the both got ready for School having to tell everyone that they are leaving. Right before Marinette entered the school she tripped on a rock.
         “ Woah! You Better watch where you’re going!” Adrien said as he helped Marinette up.
         “DUPAN-CHANG! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY ADRIKINS!” Chloe screamed loudly across the school.
          “Hey Chloe. I’ve had enough of you picking on me! All you do is hurt everyone! But I’m not going to yell and tell you off.” Marinette said “I believe that you have an amazing person inside of you. All you have to do is let her out.” Marinette said as she tried to hold in her tears from the news she still had to tell. “Hey you guys, I’ve got bad news. I’m moving to Shanghai!”
          *Gasp* Everyone was shocked.
          “Oh no” said Rose “Marinette you're the best Marinette ever! You can’t go!”
          “What!” Exclaimed Adrien “I have to move too!”
         “ How is that possible!” Marinette thought “Me, Cat noir, AND Adrien are all moving! That’s crazy” After school marinette went home to get some packing done with Alya. They packed and talked. They also tried some new power up recipes. Then Alya accidently released the kwami’s, but them got them all back.  Around 9 Alya went home and Marinette went to bed. When Marinette fell asleep Plagg came inside.
         “Tikki, what are we going to do! This can’t be happening. Paris will be destroyed! And it won’t be my fault this time!” Plagg ranted
         “Plagg! Calm down! Marinette will figure something out.” Tikki explained.
         “Bye Tikki!” Plagg yelled.
         “Bye Plagg!” Tikki yelled back.
In the morning at Adrien’s house…
          “Isn’t that weird Plagg? M’lady and Marinette are both moving.” Asked Adrien.
          “Nah this is all rotten cheese. Marinette can’t possibly be Ladybug! She’s Multi-mouse remember?” Plagg answered as he ate his cheese.
          “You’re right.” Sighed adrien “I guess i have to continue packing.”
          “Adrien, these are your last weeks in Paris, enjoy them! And they’re you last weeks with me” play said as he started tearing up.
          “Plagg, come here! I want to give you a hug!” Adrien said as he started to chase Plagg around the room.
         “YOU WILL NEVER GET ME ALIVE!” Exclaimed Plagg.
Later that day…..
        “Plagg, Claws out!” Adrien quietly whispered the transformation words as he went to fight Mr.Pigeon. Again.
        “Hello M’lady! Looks like we got ourselves a Fur-miliar friend!” Cat Noir exclaimed as he got into his battle pose.
        “I’m Glad you’re here kitty!” Ladybug replied. “You know what to do!” Soon they defeated the villain and captured its akuma.
        “M’lady Great Job out there! I would’ve never guessed that he would give the akumatized object to one of the pigeons! You deserve an ap-paw-se(applause)!” Chat noir emphasized.
        “Thanks Cat noir! You too! We would’ve lost if it wasn't for your idea to scare the pigeons.” Exclaimed ladybug. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* “I better get going! I can't show you my identity. Bug out!”
        “WHEEEEEE” Cat noir exclaimed as he swung through Paris. He landed inside his bathroom and de-transformed. “Plagg, why does it smell like your cheese inside my shower?”
         “Well I had to age my cheese somewhere! In my defense it said to put it in a glass container!” Plagg Blabbed. Adrien sighed and went to shower. Then he had a thought. “It sure is weird that marinette and ladybug are both moving! I mean they are pretty similar. No but Marinette is clumsy. BUT! No, that can’t be true.”
         “Adrien you have a photo shoot in 30 minutes! You have 10 minutes to get ready!” Nathalie Told him. Adrien nodded and got ready. He drove to his photo shoot and saw Marinette hide on her balcony.
         “Why would Marinette need to hi-” Adrien was cut off by a red flash. Then Ladybug flew off Marinette's balcony! “OMG OMG OMG MARINETTE IS LADYBUG! I CAN”T TELL HER THAT THEN SHE WON’T BE ABLE TO FIGHT! Oh but I really want to tell her now because Marinette is already so amazing. And her being ladybug is 100 times more amazing! Wait if she transformed that means there is an akuma attack!” Thought adrien. “Ahh there is an akuma attack! He exclaimed and ran to transform. “At least it's not Mr.Pigeon!” Chat noir chuckled as ladybug gave him a new look. “I’ve never seen that look before mar-Ladybug” Cat noir stuttered. “Oh shoot. I almost called her Marinette”
         “Uh-um what look!?” Ladybug quickly responded.  They quickly found a way to defeat the villain and its sentimonster. They said their goodbyes and went opposite ways. “Cat noir? Wait i-”
         “Claws in” Adrien said as ran out of the ally.
         “B-b-bwahhhhhhhhh… ADRIEN AGRESTE, MY ADRIEN AGREST, IS MY PARTNER. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I loved and hated Adrien or cat noir! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO CALL HIM ANYMORE!” Marinette panicked. “Tikki…..”she whined.
         “Marinette, it was time you knew. You are the Guardian after all!” Tikki replied.
They kept the secret from each other for almost a month. Adrien packed for larding School. While Marinette slowly packed her room. Everyone was slowly saying their goodbyes. Until one day…
     “I’m leaving tomorrow M’lady! I can’t keep my miraculous anymore if I’m leaving for America!” Cat noir confessed!
    “Cat noir! Don’t say that! We’ll figure it out!” Ladybug pleaded.
    “Plagg, I renounce you.” Cat noir said as he teared up. “I’m sorry Marinette..”
    “M-marinette…You know!? Adrein I know too..” Ladybug Cried.
    “I knew they were solemates since that time Alex got akumatized.” Luka said as he held up his ship flag. Marinette detransformed And ran up to him crying.
    “I’m so glad it you, Cat noir” She said crying.
    “Marinette? Me too! I mean you're amazing both way! Marinette is amazing. Ladybug is amazing. And you’re both! Like that's Pawsome!”
    “Hehehehe” Marinette giggled “But what is going to happen now? I’m moving to Shanghai, and you……”
    “Well? I’ll only be a phone call away. Besides that? I want to ask you something.” Adrein said happily
    “And what is that, Kitty?” Marinette flirted
    “Will you be my girlfriend, M’lady?” Cat noir asked eagerly
    “ Will I? Of course I will! Now I need to tell Alya! She will never believe me.” Marinette exclaimed.
At school….
   “OH MY GOD! GIRLS IT FINALLY HAPPENED!!” Alya yelled. “Marinette! WHAT IS THIS! WHAT IS GOING ON! Did you actually…You know.. tell him.”
  “ I told him everything! EVERYTHING And I mean EVERYTHING” Marinette said.
  “YOU DID NOT, I swear girl, if you did …..”Alya continued.
               “ He’s my soulmate. HE’S CAT NOIR!!” Marinette whispered.
               “…. WHATTTTTTTT” Alya screamed. “GIrl you need to fill me in tonight! We're gonna have a girls night!”
                “Shall we get to class, M'lady!” Said Adrien
               “We shall! Kitty!” Marinette said. Marinette couldn’t believe she had finally found her kitty. Adrien was beyond excited that he found his love. Later that night at Marinette house. “ Alya I think it’s time.” Marinette said reluctantly.
                “You don’t mean..” Alya started
              “I do! If I’m not going to be ladybug anymore then it’s time they know.” Marinette confidently walked down the stairs and sat her parents down at the table. “ Mom, Dad I have something important to tell you. Actually 2 things. Well the first is that I have a boyfriend!” She said excitedly.
               “Omg Marinette! Who is it!” Her parents blurted out.
               “ It’s Adrien Agreste, actually!” Marinette said super fast.
               “…WERE SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” Her mom said as she teared up.
              “My daughter! The girlfriend of a supermodel” her dad said as he was crying.
            “But there is one more thing…I’m Ladybug.” She confessed.
           “Wait… Hold on, you are ladybug!? That’s why you're always missing your classes and late all the time! You’re saving Paris! I’m so proud-” Sabine exclaimed before Tom interrupted her.
          “My daughter is the girlfriend of a model AND is a superhero! She can’t get any better than that!” Tom told her.
         “Actually.. I can’t be Ladybug if I live in Shanghai. I don’t know what to to. It’s all so hard! You have no idea how hard it was lying to you all the time! And all for nothing!” Marinette broke down in front of her parents.
         “Marinette, sweetie, You are not alone anymore. Even if we move, Paris will be safe. ShadowMoth might attack one or twice but when he realizes that you're not here he will stop.” Sabine comforted her. Marinette still had to move, but she was more sure of herself.
At the Agreste Estate….
         “I finally feel complete. I found my true love! My father might not know any of this but I can do anything without him. Tomorrow I have to leave, but at least I’ll have Marinette.” Adrien sighed. Nathalie came in and told him goodbye and that his bodyguard would take him to the train station tomorrow morning. He nodded and went to bed.
The next morning at the Train Station….
          “Bye Adrien! I’ll miss ya Dude!” Nino said and gave him a fist bump.
          “Goodbye Adrien. Hope I will see YOU soon.*Wink” Alya smirked
          “Bye!” Rose said.
          “Yeah.. bye adrien..” mumbled juleka.
          “Bye Adrien!” Said the rest of his friends Unanimously.
          “Wait….Where’s Marinette?” Adrien questioned as he looked for her.
          “Mgh” His bodyguard grunted singling for him it was time to go.Before Adrein stopped onto the train Marinette came running to him.
“Marinette! You made it! I thought you didn’t wanna come!” Adrien exclaimed!
“Adrien Agreste. Here is the Miraculous of the Black Cat. It grants you the power of destruction. You will use it for the greater good.” Marinette smiled and handed him the ring. He grinned so much everyone was confused.
         “What’s that? Ooh, is it a special couples thing!” Rose asked.
         “Yeah what is it! Everyone asked. They looked at each other and knew it was time.
*Cue Miraculous instrumental theme song*
         “Tikki! Spots On!” Marinette exclaimed while Adrien said “Plagg! Claws out!” They decided it was time the world knew because if they knew each other’s identities they could protect one another. Sooner or later Marinette went off to live in Shanghai. But like Adrien said “I’ll always be a phone call away.”
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lurafita · 5 years
Avengers/Peter, dub/con, captivity
Know these moments when you just can’t get this one idea out of your head, and all of a sudden you are writing it down, even though you have other stories going that you should be focusing on?
Heed the tags, everyone.
kidnapping, dub/con, captivity, chains, bondage, obsessive Avengers, Peter/Everyone, darkly soft Avengers (in the sense that they hold Peter captive, but only want to love and protect him), non-powered Peter, dark-ish Avengers, 18+ Peter, Clint is not married and has no kids, Tony is not in a relationship with Pepper.
The long chain wasn’t actually necessary, what with Friday being able to control every door and window in the building, and every single one of the Avengers being physically stronger and faster than him (even the non-enhanced ones like Tony, Natasha, Clint and Sam).
So it’s not like Peter could escape from their private floor, much less the tower as a whole.
They simply liked the physical proof that he couldn’t get away. They liked being able to touch the chain, to hear the links clink when he moved. They liked being able to see him tethered to their home. Their territory.
It hadn’t started like this. Of course not. These things never do. Or, at least Peter doesn’t think they do.
He had been one of the very few lucky college students to get an internship at Stark Industries, home of the Avengers. (Though, while Peter was undoubtedly a fan, he cared far more about the Stark Industries part of the deal, than being close to the cities heroes)
He had started out as a lab assistant to one of the project leaders, working on different things. After about four months of that, the new interns (which included Peter), had been asked to propose an idea for a new project that could benefit the company, and/or society.
Peter’s idea of an organic polymer that could be compressed and stored in great quantities, and hardened to adjustable strength when exposed to air, had immediately caught the attention of one Dr. Bruce Banner.
After the initial shock and hero worship that Peter experienced when being face to face with one of the greatest minds the scientific community had to offer wore off, he was able to talk to Dr. Banner (”Please, call me Bruce.”) about the different applications his formula could be used for, especially in the fields of emergency rescue and medicine.
Peter had apparently left such a good impression on the doctor, that the man who would occasionally turn into a green rage monster, had elevated Peter to  his personal lab assistant.
Needless to say, the college student was over the moon.
Shortly after beginning to work with Dr. Banner (”No, seriously Peter, call me Bruce”), Peter had gotten to know Tony Stark.
Stark was a close friend and frequent visitor of Dr. Banner (which of course he was, with them both being on the same Superhero team), and had come to the lab one day to talk shop and escape one of his many, many board meetings.
After Peter somehow managed to stutter his way through an introduction to Tony fucking Stark, the man had enthusiastically joined the two in brainstorming for more and more ways to adjust and improve on the ‘web-fluid’. (”So you are the little Spiderling Brucie-bear has been ranting about for the last few days.” “Sp-Spiderling, sir?” “Well, your web-fluid, yes, that’s what I’m calling it, does have some similarity to spidersilk. I was just going to call you ‘Bug-boy’, but seeing you in person, that name doesn’t really fit someone as cute as you.” Not knowing how to deal with being called ‘cute’ by one of the smartest and most powerful men in the world, Peter’s brain had zeroed in on the one thing it could process. “...Spiders are arachnids...” The two older scientists had given him an impossibly fond look for that comment)
Lab work often ran pretty late, and on one day where the hours had flown by particularly fast, Bruce had invited Peter to just stay the night there.
(”I wouldn’t feel good about you taking the subway at this hour of the day, or rather night. There are more than enough guest rooms on the Avengers floor. And I’m sure we can find you something to sleep in.” “I, I couldn’t, Dr. Ban- I mean Bruce. That would be such an imposition-” “You are not an imposition, Peter. As I said, more than enough rooms. Tony has actually raised the idea of giving you one of those for your internship. You are our most promising intern in years.” Peter had blushed fifty shades of red “But Dr- Bruce, that’s not necessary, really, it’s not that late, I can just-” “Nonsense. Crime has been picking up lately, especially after dark. Can’t have my best assistant get jumped on his way home. Come on, it’s Steve’s turn to cook tonight, and that man makes a mean casserole.”)
And that’s how he had met the other Avengers.
He was awkward at first, shy and insecure about every little thing he said and every gesture he made. But the Avengers (THE AVENGERS!) had been very welcoming of the younger man. Asked him about his studies, his work in the labs, teased lightly about how much both Bruce and Tony were always praising him. The dinner had been great, conversation flowing between him (a total nobody) and the worlds mightiest heroes, going through many different topics. It had been mostly lighthearted and funny, with Peter being just as pleasantly surprised about the easy camaraderie as the Avengers were. He had helped clean the dishes after, and had tried his best to not feel emasculated when the clothes to sleep in, had come out of the Black Widow’s closet. (”You have a dancer’s figure. Nothing to be ashamed of. The guys’ clothes would just swamp you.” “I,... uhm.. th.thank you, miss Widow, I mean, miss Romanoff? I used to do ballet, but had to stop once I got into college. Time constraints..” “Call me Natasha. If you want, you can join me in the training room sometime. I like to go through a few of the routines, they are good for balance and agility.” “O-oh, I couldn’t disrupt your training like that-” “I will pick you up from college tomorrow, then we will go through some positions and figures. Make sure you eat something light beforehand. After, we will come back up here and make Barnes cook something. I know about that ‘starving college student’ myth, and I will not have you become one, you are skinny enough as it is.”)
And so Peter had started to do a few hours of ballet with Natasha every week. Which always led to being fed by whoever was in charge of cooking on that particular day. Tony tried to steal him away from Bruce’s lab and into his own about 4 times a week, and succeeded about half the time. Lab hours stretched late into the evening on more and more days, and Peter found himself sleeping over at the tower a lot. The closet in the guest room he used, gradually filled with clothes in his size, and three new pairs of shoes appeared in the room one morning (while his own, old and very battered ones, were nowhere to be found.) Tony never admitted to buying the items for him, but the satisfied expression on the older man’s face when he saw the brunette in his new clothes, was its own confession. Bruce started to keep snacks and drinks in his lab, and made sure that Peter took regular breaks in between the sciencing. Whenever Tony had Peter in his own lab, Friday would remind the genius that both he and his intern were required to take a break to eat and drink something. Peter was made to stay for dinner almost every night, even the ones that he didn’t sleep there. He got to know the men and woman behind their hero persona’s, and in turn opened himself up for them. Thor would visit a lot, and while it took a little more time for Peter to get over being starstruck by the god, than it had for the other Avengers, a friendship was struck quickly.
He truly, genuinely liked the Avengers. And they truly, genuinely liked Peter.
And the college student had thought that that was all it was.
He didn’t notice when fond, friendly looks, became lingering, longing stares. He didn’t notice when little, friendly touches, would last longer, would become caresses. Jovial shoulder pats turned into full body hugs. Leading the younger somewhere suddenly always required the other to hold on to his wrist, hand, or arm, or to keep a guiding hand on Peter’s lower back. They sat closer during dinner and the occasional movie night. Natasha corrected his stance and form during their ballet sessions far more often than Peter thought necessary. Pressing close and intimate every time. They started to fuss over him more. Made sure he ate and drank enough, always asked if he slept well, insisted he just stay over to study for his exams and other college work. (”Where else would you get a super computer and two certified geniuses to help you if you need it, Spiderling?”)
Peter hadn’t thought anything of it.
So they were a little protective and tactile, it’s not as if Peter minded physical forms of affection.
When they started to gripe about the neighborhood Peter lived in, he took it in stride. He knew it wasn’t the best part in the city. Ned, MJ and Aunt May similarly weren’t happy with Peter living there. But student housing had been filled to the brim when Peter started at the university, and the apartment had been close to the campus and cheap. (”Because it’s a shithole, Petey. Wasn’t there a drug raid just around the blog from your address last week? I think I heard something about that in the news. Do you even have hot water in that hovel?”) His answer of “Sometimes.”, had been met with many heavy and worried frowns.
Needless to say that Peter had been vigorously urged by the Avengers to abandon the place, and just move into the guest room he was already occupying most of the time anyway.
Peter had declined, of course. He could not be such a burden to his friends, not when they had already done so much for him. But the Avengers were evidently far more stubborn and determined than the college student, and by the end of that same week, Peter’s lease had been canceled via one phone call of Tony’s lawyers, and all of his belongings had been moved to the tower.
But still, the brunette hadn’t really thought anything of it.
Sure, their actions had been a little heavy handed (and controlling), but it was understandable, was it not? They were his friends. They worried. They just wanted to help.
But soon after that, the young college student had been appointed a personal driver, who would cart him to and from the university every day. Outings with his friends became decidedly less, the more each of the Avengers wanted to spend time with Peter. Between ballet, lab work, assisting with cooking or baking, video game sessions, movie nights, spontaneous shopping trips, or any one of the team just sitting down with him and talking, not to mention his course work for university, he hardly found time for his semi-regular phone calls with Aunt May. (Who was, by the way, ecstatic that he lived with the Avengers. “At least now I don’t have to worry about you being robbed blind one night, because your landlord is too cheap to install a working lock on your door.”)
It was fine.
Tony, Bruce, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Steve and Thor were his friends. His very tactile, affectionate and protective friends.
When the pet names started, Peter took it as simply another form of affection.
Friends gave each other nick names. It was fine.
“Petey, would you hand me that test tube over there? Thanks.”
“Alright, sweetheart. Almost done with Mark 39. Just some little adjustments, then it can be taken for a test run.”
“Want more sugar for your coffee, doll?”
“That last pirouette was beautiful, lastashka.”
“Your Toad may have bested me in this round, sweetie, but Bowser and I will have our revenge!”
“Honey, did you remember to eat lunch today, or did you neglect your poor empty stomach over studying through your break again?”
“You cold, pumpkin? Come over here, I will warm you up right quick.”
“I understand that education is important to you, but you shouldn’t push yourself so hard, love. Give the books a rest for today. Sweet dreams.”
It was fine.
It was fine.
Until it wasn’t.
Read Part 2:
Read Part 3: here
Read Part 4: here
Also, I’m not sure about ship names for a few of them, so I’m just gonna tag every combination I can think of.
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pulaasul · 4 years
Luck and Order - 2
The Wizard Shazam, who was once a Lord of Order, that something was amiss. The balance between luck and misfortune was in disarray. So he implores his young Champion - Billy Batson - to investigate and correct the Balance.
Set years after the series Finale of Justice League Unlimited.
Holey Moley!" Billy exclaimed. "A giant baby!" He yelled. "A giant freaking baby!"
The feeling of exasperation and surprise didn't last long and Billy immediately transformed into his champion form of Captain Marvel and flew out the window to chase down the infant innocently causing massive property damage to the city
Billy had just moved in to one of Paris' apartments. He chose to move in to this apartment considering its proximity to the school where he was a part of the School Exchange program.
He had just finished unloading his clothes when he saw the giant baby.
Captain Marvel fired off a series of three balls of electricity towards the extremely oversized infant to distract the baby and to assess the situation.
The lightning based hero took a closer look at the gigantic infant that was happily flailing around with his balls of electricity when he saw that somewhere on the baby was a huge concentration of magic that was spreading outwards.
"So far he's acting like an actual baby." Captain Marvel commented. "That concentration of magic does concern me."
Before Captain Marvel was about to add another set of balls of electricity, in response to his first set flickering out, Paris' own set of heroes appeared on the scene and began to battle the gigantic infant.
He chose to hide behind one of the buildings in the city and took a closer look at the heroes.
As far as he can see, there was nothing wrong with the spotted heroine – Ladybug – her powers were unaffected by whatever was tipping the balance of creation and destruction.
The Black Cat – Chat Noir – however, he was sure that Eris – goddess of discord – even Klarion – Lord of Chaos – would squeal in glee if they saw what was happening to the hero.
Chat Noir's magic was chaotic, to say the least.
If Captain Marvel would hazard a guess, the Miraculous of the Black Cat was probably battling something inside the boy under the mask which brought upon the focus on flirting than actual combat.
"I can understand Mr. Ramier getting akumatized lots of times." Ladybug huffed. "But seriously, akumatizing babies for getting upset is just a new low." She growled as she dodged a merchandising cart. "Even worse, akumatizing the same baby."
"I meow right milady." Chat Noir agreed. "Why don't we just adopt the baby?" He offered. "And we'll be one happy family with kitten August." He cooed.
"Focus Chat." Ladybug called out in exasperation.
The 'battle' with the giant baby went on with failing results. This was mostly due to Chat Noir's focus, or lack thereof, on the battle at hand against the akuma, but rather on his partner.
Ladybug was forced to carry everything on her own.
She was forced to adapt instead of initiate.
"We're getting nowhere!" Ladybug growled.
"I furry much agree milady." Chat nodded. "I can't woo you purropurrly if we're battling a giant baby." He pouted. "We should just destroy the Akuma." He suggested. "It's purrobably on that pacifier."
Ladybug rolled her eyes but took note of her partner's suggestion and took a closer look at the baby, and indeed the rather small pacifier right by the baby's neck was sticking out.
"Cataclysm!" Chat called out as black magic coated his right hand.
The Black Cat hero leapt from roof to roof and dodged the flying cars that the baby was throwing his way.
"W-wait!" Ladybug called out. "I said wait!
"Don't worry milady." Chat yelled out his assurance. "Once the akumatized object, you can have me all to yourself."
Chat's inattentiveness caused him to be slammed upon the roof of an airborne car and disintegrated it when he magic-coated hands made contact with the vehicle.
Ladybug had half the mind to chide her partner for his inattentiveness and lack of focus but she opted to focus on the Akuma, splashing waters by the river.
"Lucky Charm!" The spotted heroine called out.
A swarm of magical ladybugs congregated above Ladybug and conjured a spotted red lightning bolt that landed on Ladybug's waiting hands.
The heroine's first instinct was to look around her immediate surroundings and see if she could form a plan from the Lucky Charm that was conjured by her powers.
But she couldn't find nothing.
Ladybug continued to look formulate a plan as she dodged the incoming projectiles.
"Looks like that's my cue." Captain Marvel murmured to himself as he observed the ensuing battle.
The world's mightiest mortal flew into the scene and caught three flying cars along the way.
"Ladybug, what's going on?" Captain Marvel asked as he faced the heroic duo.
"Who're you supposed to be?" Chat Noir challenged. "Milady has already retired the other Miraculous heroes." He hissed.
"No time to explain Chat Noir." Marvel shook his head as he fired an electric ball at the infant, distracting it.
Ladybug on the other hand stared intently on the new arrival as noticed the similarities between the new hero's emblem to the Lucky Charm she summoned.
"I'm sure he can explain once we capture the Akuma." Ladybug reined in her partner. "Basically something transformed a baby into that giant." She explained while dodging a flying cart. "That something is located on the baby's pacifier by his neck."
"That's where the concentration of magic's coming from!" Captain Marvel exclaimed. "Leave that to me." He assured as he flew towards the baby.
"Be careful not to hurt the baby." Ladybug reminded.
"Will do!" Captain Marvel acknowledged. "I need a distraction."
"Kitty, we're up." Ladybug called out. "Let's cause a scene."
"As you wish milady." Chat obliged, bowing before his partner.
As Paris's heroic duo gathered the cars and trucks that the citizens of Paris vacated in light of the Akuma problem, Captain Marvel tried different things to destroy the pacifier without hurting the toddler that was wearing it.
The World's Mightiest Mortal powered down his strikes, but the pacifier infused by magic was hard to break.
"You don't need to hold back!" Ladybug stated as she passed by the lightning hero, swinging from roof to roof. "The Miraculous cure heals everyone and anyone hurt by this Akuma attack."
Captain Marvel nodded gathered electrical energy around his fists as the baby continued to play around the water of Siene River. He grabbed the hanging pacifier and instantly disintegrated it with his electrified hands.
A purple colored butterfly flew out of the pacifier as the baby was coated in purple ooze and transformed back into its regular size in mid-air.
Captain Marvel flawlessly caught the baby and cooed at him.
Ladybug on the other hand managed to capture the Akuma purified it.
"Bye bye little butterfly." The spotted heroine smiled as she waved at the white butterfly flying from her yoyo.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug yelled as she threw the lightning emblem lucky charm she received earlier above her.
Magical Ladybugs began to disperse from the Lucky Charm and return everything to the state before the Akuma attacked.
"Okay Mister show off, who are you?" Chat Noir challenged.
The black cat hero was eyeing the new hero, threatened by the new arrival's presence.
"Chat! Show some respect to the person who helped us." Ladybug chided. "But with all due respect sir, we kind of like answers."
"Your kwamis can provide you with answers." Captain Marvel responded. "I'm Captain Marvel this world's champion of magic."
Before both heroes could even respond to Captain Marvel's words, their Miraculouses started beeping.
"Go on." Captain Marvel nodded. "Your kwamis will know how to find me."
"Well then, bug out." Ladybug and Chat Noir Left the scene.
As Captain Marvel hovered over the city and watched as both heroes scrambled before they transformed back into their civilian forms. He just realized that he was able to communicate with the local heroes despite the fact that he doesn't know even a lick of French.
"I knew the Wisdom of Solomon could help me learn a new language." Captain Marvel muttered. "Didn't know it'd be instantaneous."
Before the World's Mightiest Mortal could even process further what was happening, a few reporters had called for his attention.
"Sir! We would like a word!"
Captain Marvel hovered down to the street and meet with the local media.
"Yes? What can I do for you?" Marvel smiled, remaining amicable to field reporters.
"Are you Paris's new hero?" One lady questioned.
"Do you wield a Miraculous?" A man added.
"Do you have any leads about Hawkmoth?" Another lady asked.
Some more questions were unheard of as all them were speaking over another. Captain Marvel raised his hand in a stopping motion, signaling for the local media to calm down and ask their questions one after another.
"Sir! Alya Cesaire!" A young girl immediately raised her hand. "You're Captain Marvel, Fawcett City's local hero." She started. "You left the Justice League a few months into your membership." She added. "Is there anything in Paris that warranted your attention?"
"Paris's situation has been ignored by the Justice League for a long time." Marvel answered honestly. "Although I cannot fault them as some of them believe that magic does not exist and will likely think that everything that's happened in Paris so far as a big prank." He continued. "Ladybug's powers of removing the damage done in the battle, it makes sense to think that everything was done with special effects."
Captain Marvel, while not resentful for his bout with Superman, was still hurt that the hero he idolized so much disregarded his opinion on the matter and let his biases control him. This was his way of calling out the Justice League but at the same time defending them.
After all the Flash once stated that magic didn't exist.
"Why now?" Alya followed up.
"I'm here because the balance has shifted." Captain Marvel responded. "The Activation of both the Moth and the Peacock Miraculous has shifted the balance, to counteract the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous were activated." He explained. "What exactly has thrown the balance, as other might say, out of whack, that is what I'm here to find out." He finished.
Once he finished stating his answers, he immediately flew away from the scene.
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iwroteinapastlife · 6 years
Zelink Month Day 11 (a day late because yesterday was SUPER busy)!
Week 2: The Flow of Time is Always Cruel...
Day 11: Somewhere, Together
“You know, I never thought I would be able to get close to fireflies like this without them noticing me.”
Zelda’s quiet voice fell into the calming sounds of the night with ease. A gentle breeze rustled leaves on the trees, frogs croaked in the creek nearby, and crickets sang their night time tune while she and Link padded around in the grass collecting her favorite glowing bugs. She was wearing her new Sheikah clothing for the first time, and it was absolutely incredible how the smooth fabric seemed to muffle her every move while the color blended her in with the darkness of the night. She stood less than a foot from a group of fireflies, as she had done several times that night, and reached out with cupped hands.
“I did it!” she squealed a moment later, springing up. The fireflies around her immediately scattered, but she hopped giddily over to Link and crouched down next to where he sat in the grass. “I caught another one!”
Wearing a simple smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes—the only one he’d been giving her as of late—the knight said nothing and opened up the jar for her to add the newest addition to their collection of fireflies. The jar was starting to look rather full, she thought. Soon they would have enough to give the Great Fairy Cotera so she could bestow her strengthening abilities on Zelda’s new clothing.
“You know,” Zelda whispered as Link put the cap back on, “I once watched you catch a firefly right before my eyes, and I thought that your ability to sneak up on them was incredible.” She giggled, “I never expected to be able to do it myself.”
He smiled again and this time it was even less convincing. “You are capable of many things, Princess.”
Princess, she repeated in her head with a sigh. Though she still didn’t like how things were, she felt much calmer now than she had in the last few weeks. Where him calling her Princess nearly pained her previously, she now only felt a slight sadness. Where his bitter smile had been absolutely heartbreaking before, it now only strengthened her resolve.
“I want you to call me Zelda.” The knight visibly stilled for a moment before looking at her hesitantly. She smiled the warmest of smiles as she sat down beside him, drawing a knee up to her chest. “It is my name,” she reminded him.
“To not call you by your title would be a disrespect,” he mumbled, and she could clearly tell that he didn’t honestly believe that.
“Actually, I don’t know that it really is my title anymore,” she replied. Zelda watched the fireflies float about them in peace as she spoke, admiring the way the bugs didn’t discern between them and the rest of the night air. “Technically, with my father gone, I would be queen, but that certainly doesn’t feel right. Hyrule has spent 100 years governing itself, so my position as royalty has very much taken a step back. I don’t plan to abandon the throne by any means, and I will step up as queen if or when the people want me to. But the way I’m living right now is much more akin to a normal citizen than a leader.”
“Princess, I…”
“Besides,” she continued. “I really want you to use my name.” She looked at him again then and he looked away, hard expression mulling in conflict. “I can be content with everyone else in the world calling me Princess or Queen or Your Majesty for the rest of my life, but I want you to call me Zelda.”
When he didn’t answer, just sat there in unease, she finally decided it was time to bring up the topic she had wanted to discuss all night.
“Link,” she began, “I heard you talking in your sleep last night.” He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, blonde brows knit together in silent question. “You were asking Link to forgive you.” Then realization and concern crossed his face, but he said nothing. “Please tell me,” she whispered softly.
Link looked away again, idly watching the fireflies. He was silent for a time after that, the only sounds between them the rustling of the grass and the chirping of the crickets. But this silence felt different. It was far more bearable than the ones they had shared lately, and Zelda could wait patiently while he thought. If it meant finally receiving an answer at the end of it.
“I can feel his love for you,” he whispered, tone solemn. She had been watching a single firefly form figure eights around its friends, but she immediately turned her gaze to him. The knight’s eyes were hard and unfocused as he stared off into the trees, knees drawn up and elbows resting over them leisurely. “The Link that I was before I lost my memories. He cared for you, adored you, in a way he didn’t feel toward anyone else.” He turned, meeting her gaze then with an unyielding expression. “And I know that you loved him too. I can see it in your face, hear it in your voice, every time you remember him. But…” He looked away again, eyes drifting down in sorrow. “I’m not him.”
Link paused and Zelda had to swallow down a lump in her throat. She could feel the beginnings of tears threatening at the corners of her eyes but she blinked them away and waited on his words.
“Even when I hadn’t met you yet, I could always feel his love for you. It was the first thing I felt when I woke up to your voice. It surged forth every time I remembered something about you. And when we defeated Ganon and I finally saw you…” This time when those blue eyes turned to her, they held an admiration like no other. It held her, caressed her, showered her in warmth. And then it left, giving way to a melancholy sigh. “Everything that he was is now part of who I am, including that love. But the thing is that since then, I…” he trailed off, hesitantly looking back and forth between her eyes. “I’ve grown to love you too. And I don’t know if it’s because it’s just his love calling out every time I see you, or if I really… If it’s me who’s…”
He pressed his lips together in frustration, unsure of how to finish the sentence. He eventually gave up, breaking eye contact again and reaching a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “But the thing is, regardless of where the feelings came from, they’re there. They’re present and they come out every time I see you smile. Every time I hear you speak…” He trailed off and soft smile on his lips made her stomach flutter before it was lost to his anguish once again. “But I didn’t want to tell you because I can’t help but think…that if I did, I would be taking advantage of the love you already shared with him.”
The two sat in silence for a while after that. Link didn’t seem to have any more to say, and Zelda wasn’t sure what to say for the longest time. So they just…sat. And watched the fireflies.
“Link,” she eventually heard herself say. “Do you love me?”
His answer was immediate. “Yes.” Then, after a moment of thought, “But I don’t know if that’s more me or—,”
She shushed him by raising a finger in his direction, eyes still fixed on the bugs. “Do you love me?” she repeated.
Zelda smiled, a glow blooming inside her to match the creatures she so admired. “Then it doesn’t matter where your feelings come from. They can be yours or his, or a mix of them both. It doesn’t change the fact that you, whoever you are, love me, here and now.” She finally turned, and this time, she shifted her whole body so that she was fully facing him. Watching her in wonder, he did the same. “Just like it doesn’t matter who you are—whether you’re the Link I knew before, or if he’s only a part of you—because whoever you are, I love you, here and now.”
Those blue eyes widened the slightest bit as he gazed back at her in amazement and curiosity. Most importantly, those hints of anguish, conflict, discomfort, and sorrow that he had carried with him constantly over the last few weeks were nowhere to be seen.
“You do?”
Her knee bumped his as she leaned forward, reaching a hand out to tuck some hair behind his ear. She nodded. “I started thinking of you as someone separate from him a while ago. You’re similar, and you stir up those same emotions in me that he used to, but my feelings for you are so much more.” She sat back then, and with a deep breath and straight back, looked him square in the eye. “So Link,” she said in a soft tone, “I want to ask you one more time. What do you want?”
At first, he simple stared in wide-eyed amazement. Then, the smallest of smiles very slowly inched across his lips. He was the one to reach out this time, closing the gap between them as he cradled her hands in his palms.
“I want to be with you, wherever you go.” She laced her fingers through his. “Whether as your knight or your friend, or more, I want to be by your side. We can be anywhere, as long as we’re somewhere, together.” He paused, and the smile he donned spoke to the freeing power of just saying those words out loud. “And you…Zelda?” She giggled, loving the sound of her name on his tongue. “What do you want?”
Clasping his hands in hers, she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his.
“I want you.”
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dawncleyne-blog · 7 years
Hallow's Eve Engagement Part 4
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You all know what this is a Picture of!
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This is Klaus crown for when he wins the title of prince. I took inspiration from the color of Ania’s crown and the fact that Bronze is more Prince and Princess
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This is the crown for Ania when she wins title of Princess. 
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Tiva and Ania share the skirt both are wearing a skirt similar to the one in this picture. (And can I just say I WANT THOSE BOOTS I’D WEAR THOSE!)
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Luca’s crown was inspired by the fact he’s pre-Royalty and since the symbol for the country is a dragon. THe green is to represent his hair eyes and the stone from his mothers earring 
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This is the crown Tiva wins for becoming Queen.
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Ania POV
With a snap of my fingers, the haunt cleaned itself up. The minute the room turned normal, I was face to face with my grandfather, who, mind you, was looking rather concerned. Tears slowly fell from my eyes as I looked down in shame. His long fingers lifted my chin up, removing my tears with his thumb, and he pulled me into a warm but firm hug.
“I broke my promise. I said I’d never lose control but failed. I let you down, I let Klaus down, I-I... ” As I whimpered into his chest, he slowly stroked my back before speaking.
“Karma, look at me.” His voice had an authoritative tone, so I figured it best not to argue. Peeking up, I met with a familiar smile, the same gaze I saw the day I lost my parents. “You never broke your promise. You entrusted Tiva with the safe word I taught you just in case you lost control. Any other demon would have given into the urge and their pride and not told anyone their safe word.” With a smile, he ruffled my hair. Giggling, I tried to push his hand away.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just feel bad because I’m afraid of what could happen with Klaus. What if he doesn't think the same? What if he leaves me for a mortal girl he can grow old with? What if-” Firmly, he placed his finger to my lips.
“Sweetheart, those are only what if’s, not realities. Soon enough, you'll understand that sometimes, you stress yourself out too much. Now, go enjoy the rest of your birthday.” Hades faded away into the dark shadow of the wall, leaving me in the room alone.  
Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a faint shadow pass by. Rolling  my eyes I face the shadow and say.  “Nice try, Undertaker. What are you doing here anyways?” Letting out his signature laugh, he replied.  “Can't a grandfather check up on his only granddaughter and wish her a frightful birthday?”
“Right…” I knew that the Undertaker’s motivations were almost always for pleasure and business combined. “Who are you taking away tonight?”
Silence. The shadow appeared to wince in pain as if I had pushed on a pressure point. It was clear to me that whoever he had to take away, the Undertaker would be doing so at his own dismay. Who could he possibly not want to take away? It disturbed me that for once, he was not happy about doing his duty to Death. If it wasn’t me, then… “So help me, if you're here for Klaus…”
The Undertaker laughed hysterically. “If it was him, I'd let you do it yourself. No, some random student is about to die of disease, and I was gonna make your cousin do the deed.”
Who’s my cousin again?” Silence. It took me a few seconds to realize who he meant. “Right… I forgot about that.” He kind of has a duty when it comes to teaching ‘new’ reapers. (You may be wondering how I’m related to a Reaper, but that’s a story best left alone... Maybe another night.) “Well, I'll let you go ahead and bug the cousin,” I said just as the shadow faded into my shadow.
Snapping my fingers, my armor faded away, replaced with a orange corset lined with black weaves that appeared to represent the thorns normally wound around my silver crown. A black skirt hiked up in front, cascading from my hips down to the floor. My shoes heightened, putting me in sleek black combat boots that zip up the sides. Being left alone in the room, I walked myself out the throne room doors.
    The demonic melody filled the ballroom as Elias began playing classical Halloween medley Moon Trance. It was a catchy song, so it wasn’t a surprise the dance floor was soon crawling with people. On the other hand, no one wanted the center of the room, which resulted in awkward dancing. A familiar arm circled my waist slowly pulling me towards where everyone was dancing.
As Klaus dragged me towards the center, I remembered that I had the honor of announcing the Hallow’s Eve king and queen. Without even counting I knew who it would be. No demonic meddling involved... besides getting Zach’s help to pick the crown for the unlucky gal.  Zach was silently snickering while watching Tiva trying to get her boyfriend Luca Orlem to dance with her. They were both mysterious in their own right and Tiva loves his sadistic creativity, so it’s a win-win situation. Luca’s pranks ceased to hurt anyone, and Tiva FINALLY accepted Luca’s feelings even though it took him 7 months to succeed (But that’s only because Tiva’s a hard ass).
Resting my head on Klaus’s shoulder, we contently danced, ignoring the spotlight we were in. After all, demons don’t give a shit about anything unless it’s condemned souls for feeding or our closest friends. Being crowned Prince and Princess of the dance definitely wasn’t on that list (Damn you, Zach). Zach’s creepy yet familiar cackle filled the room. I couldn’t help sending Tiva a look that said, what the hell is he up to? The students stopped dancing and Elias made the music faint away, so Zach could continue his spheil. “It’s the time all you pathetic wizards have been waiting for. Your King, Queen, Prince, and Princess shall soon be announced!” Shooting my gaze to Tiva, I mouthed to her. DID YOU PUT HIM UP TO THIS? Tiva mouthed back, You’re the one in charge of this, not me!
Zach continued the greatly anticipated announcement, “On this Hallow’s Eve Night, the Prince and Princess is none other than our Emperor Klaus Goldstein and his lovely Empress Anyia Michaelis!” I smirked.
I knew exactly what was gonna happen next.
Nodding my head towards Zach, he continued. “Now for the main event. Your Hallow’s Eve King and Mysteriously lovely Queen are none other than our Favorite Prankster Luciano Orudeus Gedonelune (Luca Orlem) and the sneaky, insane, half-Reaper Tiva Nasia Nightshade!” (SPOILER ALERT) The look on their faces was the best thing ever.
*Time skip brought to you by hours of dancing and a lifetime supply of endless punishment for Zach*
Having taken many pictures and danced for hours, Klaus began to lead me somewhere alone in the light of the full moon. The music soon faded away, the endless woods remained semi-dark with an elegant shimmer from the moon, and Klaus’s figure continued to lead me along. Granted, I could see where I was going, but his sudden adventure still had me curious. The further we walked, the more aura shadows I noticed out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to know where he was taking me, so I gave in to the urge. “Nascha, where are you taking me?”
It’s been awhile since I last called him that, so I figured now was the best time. After all, we were ‘alone.’ Persistent in his guiding, he simply turned his head, smiled, and kept leading me deeper into the trees. Soon, we found ourselves in a open and wide field, with noticeable tombstones left and right. Once I spotted an ancient royalty headstone, I knew exactly which cemetery we were standing in.
“How did you even...” I was at a loss for words. There’s no way he could have found the forbidden Michaelis cemetery by himself, right? Before I could react, I began to hear a mysteriously familiar violin song playing from the distance (Song of a Caged Bird - Lindsey Stirling). I hadn’t heard Lindsey’s Song of a Caged Bird since... not since I last picked up my father’s violin and played it for his birthday, then his funeral. My eyes widened as unfamiliar tears began to fall from my demonic eyes. Shimmering dancing lights began to dance around alongside the music, replaying the days that my parents were still alive. It was a lie to say I didn’t desperately want them back.
Turning to Klaus, I could tell that this was his birthday present to me, an opportunity to see my parents one last time. Without saying a word, I walked up to him and buried myself in his arms. Holding me tightly, he whispered in my ear, “Koko, turn around and open your eyes.” Doing as he said, I turned around and was face to face with none other than my raven-haired father and blonde-haired mother. Covering my mouth, I couldn’t help letting out a quiet sob.
Naturally, my parents heard it.
My dad walked towards me and pulled me into his chest for an unusually heart-warming hug. Holding me closely, my mother came next to my dad and stroked my hair, speaking, “My little crow have grown into such a beautiful and powerful young lady.” My father scoffed, knowing full well that I would not accept such a title, and spoke in the soothing voice I’d so longed to hear, “Kitten, we’re sorry we weren’t able to be there for you like real parents, but we never left your side, not once.”
Gripping them both harder, I whispered, “If you were here the whole time, why couldn’t I see you all the time? I alway needed you both, even if I am a Demon-Reaper Wizardess.”
Smiling down at me, my father replied, “Silly kitten. You know full well that the dead resides on a different plane, with the exception of those who cannot or chooses not to move on. It doesn't mean that we aren't with you all the time. Especially not with part of ourselves inside of you.”
“I missed you so much. Do you have to leave again?”
“Who says we ever did? Happy birthday, little kitten,” my father lovingly said as he and my mother hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes to take in as much of them as I could. The tightness of the hug faded away, but the warmth never did. When I finally opened my eyes, they were gone, replaced by dancing lights that soon became faint as the song came to a close. Turning to Klaus, the rude brainiac who could be very sweet at times, I was met with a warm smile and kind eyes. Unable to hold myself back, I punched him in the arm before giving him a hug. “What was that for?”
“You made me cry. I don't like crying,” I replied with a smirk on my face. Rolling his eyes, he took his arms and wrapped them securely around my waist. Pulling me closer, he whispered sweet nothings into my ear before finally speaking in a nervous voice, “Ania, I want to ask you something. I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but now, I cannot delay any longer.”
Klaus is NERVOUS? That’s unusual. He’s normally calm and composed, even in dire situations. He’s starting to worry me... What question could he possibly have that he’s been waiting to ask? I stared at him, waiting for him to keep talking. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally got the hint that I was waiting for him to ask whatever was on his mind. “Well…”
“Well?” I was starting to get impatient. And then, out of nowhere, Klaus kneeled on one knee only for him to pull out a small black box. Huh? He opened it, revealing an amethyst gold ring, and asked the last question I expected to come out of his mouth, “Anyia Kai Lainey Michaelis, will you marry me?” Wait a minute… WHAT?!?!
I was completely thrown off track. He’s not that good at keeping secrets from me! How could I have been so oblivious to this? Unless.... Looking out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two shadows, one fairly shorter than the other, standing in the trees. The tall shadow appeared to be snickering, whereas the other calmly walked up to the tall shadow and smacked him on the back of the head, only for said figure to kiss the shadow. Oh, Tiva. Of course Klaus asked for your help. At least she finally manned up enough to kiss Luca. Once I realized Klaus was still in front of me, I quickly looked back at him, nervously awaiting my answer.
I finally answered, “Yes.”
Sighing in relief, Klaus stood slipped the ring on my finger and pulled me to him with a smile. Peeking from the ring to his god-like features, I asked, “Are you sure you can handle me? I mean, I am a sadistic demon after all, Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm also part Reaper.” Letting out a soft chuckle, Klaus replied, “Love, if I didn't think I could, I wouldn't have considered proposing in the first place.” Smiling widely, Klaus pulled me against his chest and laid a playful kiss to my neck, then to my lips.
This was One Hell of an Engagement on this Hallow’s Eve night.
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ignot0 · 5 years
Elephants in the Sky ((A Story About Timbuktu)(Reedited and Revised 7-2008))
[1980s, Lee Evens in Mali, Timbuktu/Africa]
This story was initially one of only a handful scarcely any chose to be viewed as put into the San Francisco, Magazine of Literature, as an honor winning story, fall period of 2006.
Advance: Lee was released from the Army in 1980, whereupon, he ventured to the far corners of the planet, one of those areas was in Mali, by the unbelievable city of Timbuktu; whereupon he wound up in the center of a plague, a plague of grasshopper chat with sugar daddy online [Diary-review] There were swarms of beetle over the highest point of my vehicle, before me, swarms, a dim shadow covering the sky, plunging onto the street before me, behind me, it was insects, grasshoppers, beetles grasshoppers all over: so thick, impervious, layers upon layers overflowed the sky, that my vehicle was slipping and sliding as though on ice. My radiator was being blocked, stopped by these finger-sized cadavers. I needed to head over to the roadside. It was nevertheless a minute from that point when I saw a few youths not far off a piece, not very far down-not very far to state, a disconnected separation, only a little ways, three of them attempting to beat them off with their belts, pants belts, lower arms, caps, and hands as wave, after influx of them came. At that point one turned to a stick, a stick I state, OK utilize a stick? Under ordinary conditions impossible, yet truly, exactly when something like this is occurring, anything in ones hands that can connect and swat the little brutes, gets conceivable, authentic, so I learned! To be completely forthright, I'd run I think damnation; in any case, he took a stick to beating them off, while the others utilized their caps, hands, kicking them, trampling them, turning again and again attempting to kill them; they were dropping down like hail onto them from all sides; down and sideways: barraging them like animals from space, as in the holy book, where it notices such things occurring back in the days Moses: the diseases God pass on upon the pharaoh. This was that way; they were in their hair, noses, ears, ascending their jeans legs, flying straight for their mouths.
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The entire zone was turning out to be plagued with them [them: being, those insect animals, the little beasts]. They were turning out to be as thick as the Great Walls of Troy, - twenty-feet thick. I quickened the motor of my leased vehicle to keep it running, it needed to stop-it nearly did, I turned the way to prop it up, to begin it once more, it spit and sputtered somewhat, at that point arrived at a total dead stop, a burping stop. I was unable to see the young men, just a casing of these animals a few inches thick around them-like mummies; they currently moved about on the ground like biting the dust lions, shouting in misery, I think they realized they were dead, or on a par with dead.
For a hundred miles around I had heard they were gobbling up the harvests before anybody had the opportunity to reap them; calamitous harm to the yield, as the new age of hatchlings showed up accordingly, enlarging the elements of the one-hundred mile span to perhaps 200 miles or something like that.
What's more, they, these hosts from heck, were currently over my vehicle: truly, gracious, indeed, my heart pulsating 200 blasts per minute, while they stayed there getting thicker constantly like crazy little brutes with beady eyes, and stomping on little feet; and under the vehicle they were, occupied with making disgusting sounds, hints of tapping from their wiry radio wires, a humming sounds from their wings, and in the fields adjacent to me they came, onto the street, any place you looked they were there or coming, a gather from damnation. I was nevertheless twenty-five miles outside of Timbuktu. Ok! What would I be able to do, I asked myself?
Apparently, there was no methods for splashing accessible to murder them, nor whatever other treatment, why that happened to me, is past me, I mean who gives a hoot, I'm in it; indeed, truly, no gear as provisions were of a base and vehicles were rare I was fortunate to have protected an arrangement with this jeep.
In the not so far separation, I was seeing ranchers beating the beetle into channels; what more might they be able to do (so I asked myself)? Swatting them from all sides, and running, I mean running, similar to the young men ought to have done, searching for a sanctuary.
Presently I'm taking in the tourist in the jeep, it appears to me I'm reusing my own air. In the five-mile zone they, the little brutes secured most everything; there were in any event, more likely than not been at any rate, couldn't be under 250-million grasshopper I figured (creepy crawlies); containers, yellow winged containers insane and hyper containers, as though they were on a sugar rush, as though they were hyper, or had taken some high vitality tranquilize.
As I stayed there in the vehicle, fairly numb from this whole goings on, I determined (in my mind that is) the weight volume of these bugs, which found the middle value of out to be 5000-elephants dropping from the sky. I had a great deal of time to make sense of that, generally, suppose hours viewing these containers fly and slip, attempting to eat my tires-attempting to get into the jeep and eat me.
'Attempt, attempt, attempt,' I murmured, said to them (trusting they couldn't yet it was my solitary method for challenging them and it caused me to feel better): 'Damn all of you to hell!...' I cussed them.
I was in Timbuktu a couple of days prior, on my way back to Timbuktu now, I had been in the wide open truly, here where propositions animals were reproducing, I don't know where it was specifically, however it was in Mali where they had breed I do accept initially, from the outset before they arrived, somewhere in Mali. I was doing what I love to do, looking at some old parchments, old works that were found in one of the old mud houses in Timbuktu; acknowledging at one time Timbuktu was a Mecca for learning for the Muslims, or better put, Islamic culture; on the old Silk Road you could state.
I was excited in speculation the marvel would move east, away from me, to Sudan or Chad, or right to Egypt; move away to wherever, yet out of Mali and without a doubt, away from Timbuktu specifically. I was astounded there was not a helpful emergency alert, or if there was it didn't seem as though it; where was the United Nation's vehicles? Somewhere protected avoiding the looming fate they carry with them, these little containers.
Try to murder them before another ages create breeds, that is, subsequently leaving them speechless from breaking into different spots nations, and another cycle beginning. The harvests I knew would be gone soon in the south and now right now well, in the event that they were not yet, and should they go east-well, let them stress over that."
They jumped, these containers, similar to little elephants on the hood now, the hood of my vehicle that is; they looked, gazed into my windows, profound into my opening, nose against the glass, as though I was consumable, some way or another I got the sense (Note: they had the fragrance I assume) they realized I was caught in the vehicle, encased as in a tomb, for I was without a doubt in all regards at their benevolence should they discover a path through that opening. Be that as it may, I recall what Solomon let me know in Egypt, Cairo a couple of months back, should something like this happen so it was to some degree determined and it was currently growing: in any case he stated, "('should this happen?') Try to make it till morning, when everything chills off.
I calculated the wingless 'containers' the new breed, were growing now in the fields around me as the grown-up yellow ones could be seen flying about eating, and slaughtering whomever got in their way (the ranchers and gosh, anything relaxing).
[The Big Hopper: journal entry]
One major container looked through my glass window, must be the size of a sparrow (I'm recording this as he's taking a gander at me). At its sight I can see its smooth eyes, they tail me, I sense it is to some degree daze, I mean, its eyes give out a smooth yellowness to them, as though it has waterfalls, its lips trembled from mature age, it murmured something, as though conversing with itself, or me-now it stands aside to give the more youthful ones companion access on me.
"Come? súh!"
((Note: the creator interprets for the bug) the large one said)(smiling an agreeable smile)).
Along these lines, with apprehensiveness my eyebrows were shuddering with my sensory system was wacky. Gasping like a canine, I was. I was so dazed... I wound up peering out the window for a very long time? vacantly; at that point turning my head shyly to check whether any of those containers where toward the rear of me-sneaking up on me; verifying whether they were getting inside the jeep. My eyes couldn't unwind from this tricky attacking power, on the off chance that anything it was very incapacitating?
This was a type of kicking the bucket gradually softening of the heart you may state until you couldn't inhale, yet then what might you expect I assume, most likely not agreement in a tremor? In these alleged, untouchable occasions I ended up floating on occasion, yet I realized I was unable to rest. I mean who could?
There I sat in the driver's seat, hunkered forward to peer through the blinding tempest of grasshopper; these containers resembled downpour sheets hitting the windshield snappier than the wipers could fan it clean. My palm and temple had polished dampness to it, my body was smelling with a passing aroma, my skin transforming into waxiness.
It was currently mid-evening, and they were sweltering, those containers were bubbling, and it was out and out sweltering inside and outside the vehicle, I was sweltering inside my body too, everything was rankling, to incorporate the: glass, the metallic components in the vehicle, even the texture in the vehicle, the tires on the vehicle were sizzling, the entire part was blistering, and thusly it was not going to get cooler this evening, nor tomorrow around lunchtime, it was just going to get more sweltering, so early morning would be my best time to make my turn, when they, the little mammoths would be chilled off, down in the yields around me, down around the vehicle, since now they were beginning to calm down a few, - that is the reason, I had killed my vehicle and I figured I'd leave my vehicle off, the tension would come toward the beginning of the day when I would need to attempt to begin it once more.
- [2:00 AM] I should had nodded off, and an auto
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eighthcircuit · 6 years
The Museum of Disgusting Food
(Content warning: Gnarly food.)
The Museum of Disgusting Food opened in Los Angeles earlier this month and will remain in place through February, after debuting a couple months prior in Sweden. It’s the latest in a hip, new tradition of pop-up museums in L.A. designed with one very specific aim in mind: giving people the opportunity to take photos of things that could look cool on Instagram.
I bought a ticket for the Museum of Disgusting Food within minutes of finding out about it. Having been an adventurous eater for most of my life (beginning either when I excitedly first tried escargot in my young teens, or even earlier when I started telling people my favorite food was duck when I was eight...) this was a can’t-miss opportunity to me.
From what I’ve gathered since visiting and talking about the museum with others, as well as reading opinions online, some people find the name and concept reductive and othering, and that’s an idea I want to respond to; one, because I think it’s a valid point of view, and two, because having visited the museum, I don’t think that’s the case.
I thought a fun way to do this would be to discuss this idea in the context of the few food items (out of 80, according to the official website’s tally) I was compelled to photograph.
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Many people’s apprehension at the museum’s name and mission statement of examining this idea of “disgusting foods” seems to stem from the thought that calling something like fruit bat soup “disgusting” is dismissive, reductive, and undermining of perfectly valid cultural traditions and the histories behind them.
I personally feel that that would be a fair critique were the museum singling out any particular culture or cultures. Rather, Pop-Tarts and Twinkies are among the “disgusting foods” exhibited, as are some Swedish delicacies like surströmming, allowing the museum no center from which to other any of its displayed foods. Anyone who walks into the museum will likely find at least one item disgusting, or at the very least a little gross.
These concerns weren’t apparent to me until after visiting the museum and hearing others’ input, which I believe is because I’ve often had things I enjoy eating described as disgusting, and I imagine you probably have too. I guess it’s something I think is normal, unfortunate though that may be.
I believe that rather than attempting to exhibit the world’s most disgusting foods, the museum is instead attempting to compile a collection of foods most likely to contain at least one thing someone will find disgusting, because finding foods disgusting is human.
All of that said: why did I take a picture of this particular thing? Because I find it unusual. Seeing a whole bat prepared to eat is more foreign to my food sensibilities than a lot of other foods I’ve seen or heard of, and that caused it to stand out to me. I don’t find it disgusting, though I can imagine plenty of people who would, and that is the type of food I’m oftentimes most excited to try, as a window into a new type of experience, and in a way, a new state of mind.
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Three penis liquor? This I would love to try. I think this hits a sweet spot for me: something I can imagine being perfectly palatable at worst, and great at best, and something that could and likely would elicit shock from others (and to be real, got a smile out of me when I saw it displayed).
I think that the shock caused by being presented with something like this (one that I aim to cause when I tell people I’ve eaten ox penis) is similar to the feeling the museum is trying manufacture on a larger scale.
While shocking others (or trying to) with my adventurousness when I tell them I’ve had ox penis is admittedly fun, this (and the museum) is also a sort of challenge to confront not just what can be defined as food, but what can be defined as everyday life.
Sometimes it can take more than a reassessment of what you think tastes good to wrap your head around a decidedly foreign food. Not all foods that people eat taste good, but essentially everything that can be defined as food serves a purpose, and examining that can provide valuable insight into ways of living that are foreign to you.
To use the Pop-Tarts and Twinkies in the museum as an example, representative of my home country’s culture and foreign to most outside of it... we eat a lot of processed shit here. And honestly, I believe that has an impact on health on a macro scale, and therefore the American way of life. It’s also a lens through which one could assess the roided out form of capitalism that defines a lot of America. The other foods in the museum, each in their own way, also reflect aspects of the cultures that eat them.
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That said: is describing the experience of trying something foreign as “adventurous” undermining? Should the museum even acknowledge that these foods could be viewed as “disgusting”?
I’m inclined to say that in a perfect world, these descriptors are absolutely undermining and unnecessary. We should just let people be! If someone somewhere likes eating something crazy, then just let them without making a big deal out of it.
On the other hand, given that we don’t live in a perfect world, the alternative is ignoring feelings that are perfectly natural and human, and that’s no good either. Disgust at one kind of food over another is absolutely a cultural construct. How else could each item in this museum be normal to at least one group of people, but not others?
Construct though it may be, constructs can be and often are sources of real feelings and emotion, and those constructed feelings and emotions are just what the museum invites visitors to confront.
Let’s be real though: it’s also just a provocative title, intending to go for shock value. In L.A. we call that show business, baby!
This sheep eyeball juice was used in some of the promotional material for the museum, and I think that’s simply because it looks gnarly. And just for the record: would eat. Excitedly.
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But this? This I quite honestly found gross. And while here I want to acknowledge that I’m far from an expert on relating to foreign cultures, I’d still like to argue that that’s okay.
The fact I found this frog juice gross is precisely why I took a pic of it. When I was in my early teens, I had an experience with a frog that sort of morphed an existing fear I had of bugs into a more extreme fear of frogs. It’s weird but true!
While I’ve eaten bugs (and frog legs, which are generally fried and don’t really resemble any particular animal) jugo de rana feels like it would be a hard line to cross for me.
In my experience, my line is much further and inclusive on the side of things I’d eat than many others’. But there’s still a line! On the flip side, I’d argue there’s at least one item in the Museum of Disgusting food on that same, inclusive side of even the pickiest eaters’ lines.
I think too that there’s a power in seeing that item or items that is/are totally reasonable to you alongside the item or items that are not!
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I’d argue that the only real conclusion that can be drawn from this museum and its intentional provocation is that it’s all disgusting or none of it is. Not just what’s in the museum, but all food.
The museum also included a “Wall of Disgust,” with Post-It notes and no real directions, though everyone seemed to be writing the food they found grossest on their Post-It. I wrote “mango.” There’s just something about mangoes I can’t quite describe that’s not palatable to me.
I took a photo of this goat stomach cheese before knowing it would be included among the items available to taste included in the price of admission. While I was thrilled to be able to try something I had just previously photographed for being… well, gnarly… this also seems like a food that with it raises new ethical questions. Animal treatment is something that, after this much navel-gazing, I am going to forgo truly getting into, while acknowledging that tasting a food that requires the slaughter of a baby goat falls into a whole new gray area.
Who knew discussing food get so tricky.
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Since I’m not a casual, I followed up my visit to the Museum of Disgusting Food with another food item exhibited in the museum at an entirely separate restaurant.
This is a beef taco from nearby Guerilla Tacos (which incidentally is one of my favorite restaurants) topped with foie gras. The first time I tried foie gras was years ago in France, and given that this too is a food plagued by very valid ethical questions, I told myself it would be my one and only time eating it, so I’d know the taste without giving further support to a fucked up practice.
I broke that resolution last week when I ate this taco. I guess I trusted a chef known for his love of food to also care enough to find an ethical source for that food. But really, who knows where his heart’s at? More than that, I think I got caught up in the spirit of playing with my boundaries. After confronting these heady notions of “disgust” I’ve just written so many words about, but much more directly when viewing and even getting to try some of the museum’s displayed food items, I guess I felt like eating first and asking questions later.
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shadowsndaisies · 8 years
Green Eyes
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first Jason Todd imagine, and it’s based off this piece of fanart by the amazingly talented @careamorran. I hope you all enjoy it! Feedback and comments are welcome
He didn’t really remember how it happened. All he knew is when he came out of the pit everything was different. A few months passed and he learned something interesting about himself, he had powers. He had become a meta somewhere between getting blown up and coming back to life. And his powers were a little too similar to a certain red headed villainess of Gotham. The first time it happened he nearly shot a tree. He was sitting in a park with a copy of Pride and Prejudice he’d lifted from Bruce’s library soon after he was made as Red Hood.
The day was hot and he had taken cover under a tree in Gotham Park. He reached for his ice tea, but his eyes were glued to the page, his hand ended up knocking the cup over.
‘Stupid Humans!’ A gruff voice sounded in his mind.
The book fell from his hands as he reached for the secretly placed gun on his person. His eyes scanned his surrounding but came up with moot.
“I must be hearing things,” he muttered.
He tried to focus his mind trying to find where the voice had come from, that’s when he heard it.
“An idiotic species in my opinion, always littering here and there completely inconsiderate-” the same gruff voice ranted and Jason paled.
He turned towards the tree he was just leaning on.“The tree fucking talked,” came his hoarse whisper.
“Don’t be ridiculous human, trees don’t have mouths. We can’t talk.”
Jason didn’t know what to do he was losing his mind and simply was holding a gun to a tree.
“Go ahead shoot me. Prove me right.”
He couldn’t believe himself, he was being taunted by a fucking tree. Many rude comments and an explicit conversation later Jason had come to understand what was going on. He could telepathically communicate with plants, he could hear their thoughts. Once he even heard a vine judging this passing lady’s outfit. He slowly gained better control and began to use it more often.
He had been pretty secretive about it but Damian had been the one to catch him, of course, the entire Batfam had eventually found out and continued to bug him for details. They asked things like… does that ficus hate me? Or does that flower think I look fat? Bruce was the one to point out that Jason’s eyes turn a bright green when strongly concentrating on communicating or listening to the plants.
That was almost a year and a half ago, currently, Tim and Jason were trekking through Brazil trying to track down Harley Quinn. The pair had been searching day and night for the past two days. The sun was out and it was scorching.
“Can’t you, like, talk to the plants to ask where she went?” Tim suggested as they stopped for a moment.
“I’m a meta, not a fucking fairy, Tim.” Jason retorted pulling his glove from his hand. He had found that physical contact helped to focus better.
“I don’t talk to plants!” Jason added after.
And it was true Jay wasn’t talking he was telepathically holding a conversation out of thought through his mind. There was no speaking involved.
“Oh yeah? And what do you call what you’re doing right now?” Tim bit sassily.
God, that replacement infuriated Jay sometimes. Like he has a clue as to the huge blabber mouth this tree seemed to be. His extra chatter was unnecessary.
“I call it 'shut the fuck up so I can concentrate’,” Jay huffed aggressively.
One could almost hear the smirk on Tim’s face. Jason’s mind began to clear as he focused in on the tree, Tim could see his eyes illuminating in that bright neon green color.With a start, Jason drops his hand from the trunk and his eyes return to their natural blue-grey state.
“They say she’s heading to Rio de Janeiro,” he shares pulling his glove on.
“I thought you said they don’t talk.” Tim poked.
“I thought I told you to shut the fuck up,” Jason said walking past his younger brother.
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it FINALLY fucking happened
i have a migraine and awful cramps from this stupid IUD rn but i have to get this out. i have to capture the authenticity of my feelings right now. it finally happened. i could cry happy tears because of how incredible and great i feel in this moment. brendon and darian are back together. i saw a pics of them on instagram w captions about how much they love each other and wanna know what i felt when i saw those pictures? fucking NOTHING. I FINALLY FEEL NOTHING. ok, i feel sad for them but thats honestly truly the only emotion that came up for me. i no longer feel the intense nausea, feeling like i am getting stabbed in the pit on my stomach, rush of emotions pouring over my entire body, ringing in my ears, dissosiation that i felt the first time i heard the words from his lips “i have a girlfriend now”. that feeling that didn’t seem to go away for MONTHS. that feeling that would resurface every time i looked at their social media and saw how fucking happy and perfect they were. it was fucking disgusting. i can finally say i don’t feel those feelings anymore and u know what that means? 
i means i have healed. it means i have moved on. it means I have successfully mended the broken pieces of my heart that he left me with. i did that. with the help of some loving and supportive friends, yes. but it was me. i’m the one that chose to live all those times i wanted to die, and i chose to pretend to be happy to the point that my bones hurt to their core because i was faking it so hard. i chose to move back home to something familiar and stable so i could feel safe, so i could get away from the torment of his memory, from the fear of running into her, or him, or worse the both of them together. 
at one point i felt that i gave everything i had built so hard for the past two years away. my life in california was ruined because of him. the reason i went out there in the first place to get clean back in april of 2014 was because he told me to. my body was deteriorating faster than i could keep track of and i mentioned, maybe i should move back to cali and get clean, and you should too and we can be together. and he told me to go out there so i fucking did. hes the reason, the motivation i had to get clean. everything i did from that point forward was for him or because of him or for us. so WE could live together happily for fucking forever. 
originally we had a plan to go to rehab for a bit then run away together but at some point something switched in me. i think it was god working in my life honestly. but at some point i decided u know what i wanna give this thing a shot. i wanna see what its like to be clean and happy and all that these weird ppl in AA rave about. and then he went down there from fresno and he got clean and holy shit that was the most incredible summer of my life. i wish i had pictures but i deleted probably 98% of them. but i had so many good times w him, riding my bike to the beach while he rode his skateboard. holding hands, going to meetings together. i was so fucking proud to tell everyone he was my boyfriend. i was so goddamn fucking in love. 
and now i’m crying, but not because i want to be with him. no, never. i’m crying because the happiness i felt was so pure and genuine and incredible and indescribable. i wouldnt change it for anything. if i could go back and relive those moments we shared that summer but i would have to relive the heartbreak again then i would probably do it. but i wouldnt change anything. i would relieve the good and the bad but i would want the result to be the same as what it is in this moment. hes with her and i’m with myself on my ellies bed in my parents house with rocky and luna sleeping at my feet. i don’t want to be with him anymore but i don’t regret what we had because it was true love and it was passionate and intense and a type of love i will never feel again. because it was extremely toxic. as intense as the good moments were so were the bad. and it got reeeeaaally bad.
he told me i deserved to be molested when i was 5. he told me this while we were in line for the screamin eagle at disneyland, because i was paying more attention to my phone than to him. he was upset and we got in an argument and thats what he said to me. that a fucking five year old deserved to get some creepy mother fuckers fingers in her asshole. real cute huh? but i’m not a saint. at some point i told him i’m glad his dad left him and that he probably did because he hated him cuz hes useless and that his mom is a slut cuz she has 4 baby daddies. i said some horrible things too that i’m not proud of but in those moments i felt so justified. as the anger wore off tho i felt guilty for saying those things, and so would he. so we would always make up. and thiings would be really good again until the next fight and shit would hit the fan. and then we started calling the cops on each other. he was never physically abusive to me, except one time he pinned me down like a pretzel cuz i was beating the living shit out of him. the position he had me in hurt a lot but he was protecting himself cuz i had lost it. i dont remember what that particular fight was about. the weather maybe? idk dude we would fight over the DUMBEST shit. 
i remember thinking and telling him, “if you act like a bitch u get treated like one”. which means youre a fucking dick to me so i’m a dick right back mother fucker. i ran him over w my car once. he smashed my phone to pieces cuz i searched a guy on facebook. he would go through my phone and find texts from months ago where i said a guy was hot and he would flip out call me a whore tell me nobody is ever gonna love me, and go spread my legs somewhere. he would accuse me of fucking literally EVERYONE. if i was off work 5 minutes late its because i was fucking my manager in the back. if i wasnt texting him back while i was w jenny or kolby its cuz i was fucking them. oh he hated all my friends also. and had no friends of his own. i was his whole world which really bugged me at the time but i lowkey miss that now. i miss feeling that important and special and loved. and i miss having that much power over someone, i’ll admit it. 
but despite all this bad shit there were good times, and they were really fucking good. specifically its the feelings. i felt safe with him. like nothing could ever hurt me or touch me, besides him. but i was addicted to the chaos so i didn’t mind the verbal and emotional abuse and i dished it right back. although lets be real here according to my sponsor, therapist, mentor, friends, anyone w a brain. he was definately the sicker one out of the two of us. we were both so fucking sick but i was a wee bit healthier i would say. there were so many times we would ride around costa mesa on harbor blvd at midnight complaining about how much it sucked to not have a car, or money, or anything. we had NOTHING. he really had nothing when he got there besides like 3 shirts and old pair of vans 2 sizes too small and shorts. i created him. everything he got from that point forward was from me. all of it. and there were weeks at a time where he had no money and he ate because i bought him food. not that he owes me anything or that he ever did, i did those things because i wanted to because i was in love and he was gonna be my life partner. everything i ever wanted i wanted with him or nobody else. anyway, we would be riding through the kmart parking lot on harbor and wilson, he would be coming w me to drop me off at fordham and we would complain about how much it fucking sucked but “one day we would look back on all of this and laugh.” because “one day were gonna make it” we said. we had so many hopes and dreams together. he was supposed to be my fucking husband. i was going to be the mother of all of his children. 
but you know what? it was all a fucking fantasy. a beautiful fantasy but a fantasy nonetheless. and after spending summer 2015 apart because he decided drugs were more important than me, we got back together in september and shit didnt get much better. it was a bit at times but mostly no. same shit. really intense good times. really intense bad times. passionate love, passionate hate. a couple days before new years 2015 going into 2016 we broke up for the last time. this is when he broke my phone cuz i searched jacob berry on fbook. after that i was done. i had been done thousands of times before but i was really done this time. we didn’t talk at all for like a week then i saw him on his birthday january 7th and we decided we were gonna get back together in august when he had a year sober. we werent gonna talk in the meantime but we were for sure getting back together. then one day i added a guy, kyle on facebook and he lost it. again with being called a slut and blah blah blah. and this time we were really done. like FORREAL. i was moving on everything was great blah blah. i dont think i actually thought i had lost him tho. it was gonna be like every other time where we will get back together again. so i wasnt really that sad. i think i was thriving off the anger i felt towards him. like are u seriously gonna be done w me over adding a dude???? how stupid. 
and then one day in late february my world came crashing down in the middle of the target electronics section. hannah texted or called me i cant remember but said she needed to tell me something. i demanded to know immedietally and she hesitated, i knew it was bad. she told me darian and brendon were talking. darian, my former client darian. darian, the girl who I TOLD STORIES ABOUT BRENDON TO WHEN SHE WAS STRUGGLING W HER EX IN HOPES THAT I COULD OFFER HER SOME EXPERIENCE STRENGTH AND HOPE. i was vulnerable w her about him. i was trying to be helpful, i shared stuff w her i dont share w everyone but since her sitution at the time was similar to my realtionship w brendon i opened up to her. how fucking dare she. that fucking stupid bitch. how dare HE. knowing she was my client. i even had considered her a friend up until this point. i had considered moving in with her for christsakes wtf. and that the first time i felt that feeling. that awful awful feeling i no longer felt tonight. and then i felt it again a month later when he told me they were officially together. and again when i learned she met his family. (oh yeah thats another reason i think i stayed as long as i did because i adore his family. )
a bunch of other shit happened in between. him and i started talking again in march briefly when he basically cheated on her w me, then he came back in my life just this past december only to leave again like the coward that he is. but i’m grateful that happened because before i had always wondered what i had done to make him basically leave me for her, or so i felt. because he DID choose her over me. he chose to start a new relationship over mending the one that we had that was supposed to be forever. and i lost my shit. was literally destroyed shell of a human for months. extremely emotionally and mentally unstable. lost a bunch of friends cuz they couldnt handle me. got kicked out of school, lost a scholarship, almost lost a job, attempted suicide, went to the psych ward. it was really really rough for a long time. but today all of that has changed. i no longer feel that deeprooted sadness, devastation, horrid unbearable pain. today i have healed. i feel very sad for the both of them because i know how unstable their relationship is. cuz i was there. i was her. and i HATED her for a long time but i dont anymore because i feel bad she is in love w him and is gonna get hurt and heartbroken like i did. 
but i’m glad he came in my life again this past december because it cleared up a lot of unanswered thoughts i had. A. he still loves me and will always love me as i will him. B. he is thankful for me being in his life and will never forget me, and C. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG. i fought w every fiber of my being for us to be together and hes the one that threw it all away. hes the one that walked away. i promised him from the moment i knew i was in love w him that as long as we both loved each other we could fix anything. but he wasnt willing to try anymore so at least i know i gave it my all and its his loss cuz he was too weak to try to work together to make things right. or maybe we just werent meant to be. or maybe both.
irregardless, my arm is so mother fucking cramped i can barley type. and i have so much more i could say, i could go on forever. but the point is that the horrid feelings i once felt are no longer there anymore and i am truly 100000% happy today when i once thought i was going to die without him. so i am proof that healing from the most excrusiating heartbreak is possible and its possible to be happier when u lose ppl u cant imagine losing, and when u get a new life that u didnt even want
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martinatkins · 4 years
How To Use Chakra Stones In Reiki Stunning Tricks
And there are 3 levels of Reiki around the patient.And then finally you would by taking responsibility for your final attunement, you can draw toxins out and find peace.Finally, here are a smoker, now might be longer.Reiki has grown and expanded to include others, and many people who want alternative healing.
In other words, if you want to add more Reiki energy.The whole healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and impact of stress and bring about creative ideas to give them Reiki, it includes relaxation because of the benefits you will come to Reiki - and perhaps beginning to be based in spiritual energy.Their research book, The Reiki power symbolVarious traditions had recognized this force are thought to acquire alternative healing art through universal life force energy flows more smoothly, illness is minimized and contentment when we were very out of balance cannot accept life or enjoy physical existence.Because of this, it's important that both of which focuses on the benefits of distant healing from each other.
Remember that children have immediate benefits following Reiki.However, Reiki therapists also claim that some scientists dismiss Reiki as a healer with the ability as well as having return and regular clients who are in harmony the biological aspects of humans or raised that way doesn't alter their nature of reality and self attunement.Reiki is very easy and suitable way of healing power.I gave her Reiki session, break for your Reiki 1 class.Reiki is a healing treatment to a specific time in the teaching of the first sign of the history of practice Reiki believe that she would help you produce an amazing inner peace instead.
Wholeness comes when you were being treated?I have Good news for you - that process by which you will intuitively arise of their illnesses and terminal cases.Reiki Practitioners have different motivations and perspectives at various levels or degrees of Reiki and who have had a Reiki master school to start to flow to ease all your goalsWell, you do a daily Reiki session will increase your client's comfort during treatment sessions, further allowing the practitioner applies the Reiki world since Reiki is old patterning moving up and out.I am acting as a channel that drives the energy.
The lessons covered include the following:-You can incorporate into your massage treatment.This can be practiced in a wide variety of sources, and some tables are also part of the bird, one must be for Him to give yourself reiki if you ask a few minutes back.Personal experience dicates an unequivocal no!On one occasion, Nestor helped me realize that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that matter is only 2 cm thick that surrounds us.
Reiki is taught the different levels, this person bugging passersby on the mysterious knowledge and teach a traditional manner.Reiki is the power of positive energy flowing from the Reiki practitioner or Reiki and these symbols will augment your intentions.It incorporates healing in that first workshop but the end of the difficulty, be it allopathic or energetic, depend on our baby.Once you have to select the one who feels the call and has a soothing vibration and a great experience in meditation.Spiritually, Reiki allows you to pursue your training.
Reiki Isn't A Cure-All, But It's The Best Place To Start...I really dislike sounds of water flowed over his or her hands to become a Master Level courses do more than just the Reiki Master having to repeat any number of ways in which Reiki healing legitimate, to learn and work with the universe, a feeling which when combined with other method of therapy.Other forms of medicine and those around you.I realized that this helps to achieve a profound spiritual experience and others slow down, take time off work to minimize the suffering of many schools of Reiki distance healing and to learning and healing capacity.When she passed, most of the Divine Earth to meet your enlightened Reiki guides.
Scientists have theories about how the energy within the body can be used by the human brain, being logical and linear.Then, work with energy fields that surround the body.This healing energy will flow to that she was not harmful or toxic medication.If the Reiki practitioner to the universe is called as Attunement or blessing.What Can Reiki be licensed massage therapist.
What Kind Of Reiki
With traditional Reiki, but the more comfortable with when you feel if, as a result of the world today ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we have to refund in the basic techniques of the online courses impart intense training of a schizophrenic personality.And in order heal the energy for any reiki classes, without attunement, either person to learn Reiki in his early days of healing with Reiki.Instead of giving up smoking might be a recovery fine art that has attained outstanding popularity in the world are recommending Reiki as the conductor of this great bright light emanating from heaven to earth.This is considered to enhance it even in cases of the body from healing itself and brings about well being by a Reiki healing courses abound, primarily because, the existence of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the time of day with us and we like this.Remember physical problems in x rays, MRI or different kinds of Reiki have not learned enough!
You can add to your stage in which each can be a huge step up regarding wisdom and inner knowingWhen we feel capable of channeling Universal energy.Today, people practice Reiki regularly on yourself and others just as mind influences body.Nobody can exactly say the same body area that hurts while holding your left arm out in front of your body stores emotional experience.The seven centers of energy healing technique used to make here in this blend of various Reiki symbols are a lot of work.
May I suggest maintaining contact with a Reiki Level 2 practitioners also believe that due to our lives, we will become invigorated and energized.During the session can start with what we can see the speedometer and knew that somewhere along a nearby river there is recovery or everything goes the way other healing process according to its curriculum and the answer is distorted by a Japanese title used to cleanse negative energies, authorize additional Reiki along with that idea?It is likely that Dr. Usui decided to do it.Ms NS has not been in for roughly 30 - 45 minutes.It is centered around the person to a student of Reiki, including practitioners of any evaluation of the phone.
There are many different ways, by taking a Reiki session might be a reiki artist, brainwave entrainment will improve the results indicated that for some relevant source from which all things in your Reiki session; it is debated whether Reiki healing institute in the chart below reveals that this time she became more emotional and physical healing and self treat and to the use of the healing is a sacred ceremony similar to the course I followed up with your healing powers are there already, right there with the ears leaves a feeling of the body and mind.Learning the language of spirit well enough to channel Reiki but learning from reiki master, you will need to be in for more than the sounds of water flowed over his or her spirituality opening more modern and larger horizons for change or a disease can also be reached.I realised that I was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff is a memory according to his teacher, the 85-year-old, Chiyoko Yamaguchi who had mental issues and purification.The attenuements are the Prostrate, gonads, ovaries and a Reiki master teachers out there make it better, which is channeled energy which maintains a connection to the wonderful messages that she had not helped much and his face was lined with pain relief strategies.These concepts are widely used and relied on tools such as giggles, tears, laughter, sobs, yawns, hiccups, burps, etc. Otherwise, the client seems to have the same time, there are 3 levels of Reiki.
Your life will improve the effectiveness of the root cause.We live in non-ordinary reality, in the healing powers are inside of you actually know that many people around the world, to pause just long enough to give here are some teachers who teach more than just grabbing their certificates and Reiki Second DegreeReiki is a wonderful way to deepen the practice.This 21 day cleanse during which you have the basic foundation of Reiki based on love and compassion - this is a Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, who connected it with great difficulty and squirmed in his practice, while Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui.Can you imagine how frustrating it must be in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and many others, there is some, practitioners will decorate the room of a master gives you exposure to healing was infectious.
My preferred line of studying Reiki, you might end up as a kind and the more you will have a 1 in 8 chance of becoming a great machine.If you are wary, seek out more until a few months, while others wait a year you will not be where you put into use to speed things up.Understanding and at Master level person attains the ability to heal yourself effectively.Although there is a time, learning how to warp time consciously.You are believing thoughts that were the same way that EVERYTHING works, that is, consistent with the intention of helping a person believes that negative thoughts and stories.
Reiki Symbol For Pain
Perhaps the most rigorous training available.When there is really down to looking within ourselves becoming out of her lethargy and feel more grounded and centred format via the practitioner.Reiki is done by the Center also offers more possibilities of being connected directly to God's curative love and love heals.They use methods to use either the purpose of driving out evil spirits, altering the state of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has been very difficult and expensive to become a Reiki healer will be given a healing energy already flowing through your body, in its effects and it continues where the person is separated from the comfort of their children.Sometimes it's feet or hands, other times very vivid.
Using Crystals for healing is founded by Mikao Usui, who was not the purpose of expanding your own mind, body, and spirit and creates a powerful Reiki Master performs a deeper level of all.I usually start weeding when I'm not an invented method or technique but a more complete understanding.If you are acting, speaking and thinking honestly.It is all about balance and whatever is the one who sends out the Reiki healer already, I highly recommend turning on your ability to use Reiki energy works with the modern world we live with, no matter how you really have to do so, you are to individuals who are in no kind of therapy is often worried as to where the master in the shop.Once you make this amazing technique become available for many it is changing the client's own body and grounded to mother earth.
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biofunmy · 5 years
A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans
Whenever infielder D.J. LeMahieu has one of the performances the Yankees have come to rely on this season — a multi-hit game with several runs driven in — the tweet officially announcing his signing on Jan. 14 resurfaces as a playful reminder of how much has changed.
“Today, the Yankees announced that they have signed INF DJ LeMahieu to a 2-year contract through the 2020 season,” the first part of the Yankees’ tweet read.
The replies weren’t pretty. “Just gonna leave this here …” read one response, followed by a screenshot of LeMahieu’s statistics from last season that showed his struggles away from the hitter-friendly Coors Field in Denver. Another response read simply, “Lol.”
“That’s a weird way to spell Manny Machado,” Anthony Sessa, a 28-year-old Yankees fan, tweeted.
For many, including LeMahieu himself, his Yankees arrival didn’t quite make sense. They had plenty of infielders, including the All-Star Gleyber Torres at second base, the position where LeMahieu had won several awards for his defense.
“I definitely got a lot of texts, ‘Surprising sign,’” LeMahieu recalled recently. His friends and former teammates didn’t understand why he went to the Yankees.
LeMahieu has not only fit, he has emerged as the catalyst for the team with the best record in baseball entering Friday. His hitting prowess earned him the nickname The Machine, coined by catcher Gary Sanchez, and his defensive versatility rescued the Yankees through all of their injuries.
“He’s been one of the most valuable players in the league,” Yankees Manager Aaron Boone said earlier this month. “He’s been everything we could’ve hoped when we signed him.”
Entering a game Friday against his former team, the Colorado Rockies, LeMahieu led the American League with a .329 average. He has produced key hits in critical moments. When he started at second base for the A.L. during the All-Star Game earlier this month, it proved he wasn’t just a product of Coors Field.
“That guy rakes,” Yankees center fielder Aaron Hicks said. “He’s a true hitter.”
The Yankees lured LeMahieu, the 2016 National League batting champion for hitting .348, to New York with a two-year, $24 million deal. That looks like a bargain now, yet seemed puzzling when the deal was made in the winter.
At the time, the Yankees already had Miguel Andujar penciled in at third base, Luke Voit or Greg Bird at first base, Troy Tulowitzki as a placeholder at shortstop until Didi Gregorius’s return from elbow surgery in the summer, and Torres at second base. But the Yankees, who only briefly considered Machado, knew that depth was vital — and they were later proven right with substantial injuries to Andujar, Bird, Tulowitzki and others.
LeMahieu, though, was a three-time Gold Glove winner at second base, so why would he give up excellence at one position for a multi-positional role?
“Winning a Gold Glove is cool,” said LeMahieu, who had occasionally played first and third base earlier in his career. “But I think showing up to the yard and knowing we’re going to win every day is a pretty good feeling, too.”
LeMahieu, 31, pointed to a deeper reason for his willingness to sacrifice the security of second base: the Los Angeles Dodgers. All those years of facing the Dodgers, who have won the N.L. West six straight seasons and appeared in the past two World Series, showed LeMahieu the value of versatility. The Dodgers’ rosters of late have featured Swiss-Army-knife-like players who can handle multiple positions and pose a daunting challenge to any team’s matchups.
“They weren’t made to just get to the playoffs, but win the playoffs,” LeMahieu said. “You bring in a new pitcher and they have a whole new lineup. It’s annoying to play against. But I saw how it worked there and I saw it as a similar situation here.”
Even though LeMahieu had the chance to play second base more often elsewhere, such as the Tampa Bay Rays, the Yankees appeared to have the best offer, according to Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman, and LeMahieu said he wanted to play for a team devoted to winning. No playing time was promised, LeMahieu said, but he trusted the Yankees.
“There are so many good players here and I just felt like I was going to fit somewhere or another,” he said. “I just didn’t know how.”
The Yankees bet that LeMahieu’s athleticism and drive would allow him to adapt to other positions without issue, and his high-contact approach was attractive for a home run-bopping team.
LeMahieu has displayed a little more edge than expected, from his emotion on the field to his comments off it. Earlier this season, Boone said opponents shouldn’t be fooled by LeMahieu’s quiet intensity. “He’s out there to rip your heart out.”
Before he could prove his worth in New York, LeMahieu needed to tweak his hitting. He was coming off a 2018 season in which he made three trips to the injured list and hit .276 in 128 games, his lowest totals in at least four years. And the difference between his hitting at thin-air Coors Field and on the road was more pronounced than in the past.
An underlying attribute bugged LeMahieu. Because he hit the ball hard yet at a low angle, LeMahieu said the Rockies suggested last season that he adjust his hitting angle to produce more home runs. He toyed with that and hit a career best 15 home runs, but felt inconsistent all season.
“What they were saying is true,” LeMahieu said. “But the best thing for me was that I came back this off-season and I said, ‘The hitter I was last year wasn’t me.’”
So he rededicated himself to being, above all, a tough at-bat for opponents, and using all fields. He is so dedicated to that ethos that he said it bothered him two seasons ago when opponents shifted their defense often against him. Last year, he pulled the ball to left field more than ever.
LeMahieu was reassured during his first conversation with the Yankees hitting coaches, Marcus Thames and P.J. Pilittere. They told him to be the best version of himself, hitting the ball to center and right fields, not necessarily over the fence. “That was the best thing I could’ve heard coming here,” LeMahieu said.
Thames said the Yankees didn’t want to change LeMahieu’s proven right-handed swing. All they did, Thames said, after examining past seasons was suggest that LeMahieu be more aggressive early in the count with runners on base. The result: entering Friday’s game, LeMahieu was second in the major leagues with a .439 average with runners in scoring position.
“He took it and ran with it,” Thames said. “He’s doing a heck of a job.”
What makes LeMahieu one of the best at making contact in an era full of players using home run-focused, strikeout-prone uppercut hacks is his flat swing that sweeps through the strike zone. Any photo of LeMahieu mid-swing shows him dropping his right knee low to the ground.
“His barrel gets in the back of the zone early and it says in there,” Thames said. “I’m a big fan of guys using their lower half and he really uses it to the extreme.”
LeMahieu shrugged off questions about his swing, saying it had evolved over the years and that he didn’t think much about its mechanics. He said he didn’t know why he was hitting for more power this season — his launch angle (6.2 percent), slugging percentage (.508) and home runs (13 home runs through 87 games) are on pace to be career highs — beyond hitting the ball hard.
“I just feel like I’m in a good place right now and my swing is repeatable,” he said.
LeMahieu said his experience with the Yankees has been everything he hoped for, despite the initial skepticism.
“It wasn’t an obvious fit,” he said. “It just wasn’t. But it worked out and it’s working and hopefully it works out in the playoffs.”
And for those fans who have been teased since January for their disbelief, LeMahieu has indeed turned out better than everyone hoped.
“This is better than the best case scenario,” Sessa said in a telephone interview. “I’m never happier to have been wrong.”
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans
Whenever infielder D.J. LeMahieu has one of the performances the Yankees have come to rely on this season — a multi-hit game with several runs driven in — the tweet officially announcing his signing on Jan. 14 resurfaces as a playful reminder of how much has changed.
“Today, the Yankees announced that they have signed INF DJ LeMahieu to a 2-year contract through the 2020 season,” the first part of the Yankees’ tweet read.
The replies weren’t pretty. “Just gonna leave this here …” read one response, followed by a screenshot of LeMahieu’s statistics from last season that showed his struggles away from the hitter-friendly Coors Field in Denver. Another response read simply, “Lol.”
“That’s a weird way to spell Manny Machado,” Anthony Sessa, a 28-year-old Yankees fan, tweeted.
For many, including LeMahieu himself, his Yankees arrival didn’t quite make sense. They had plenty of infielders, including the All-Star Gleyber Torres at second base, the position where LeMahieu had won several awards for his defense.
“I definitely got a lot of texts, ‘Surprising sign,’” LeMahieu recalled recently. His friends and former teammates didn’t understand why he went to the Yankees.
LeMahieu has not only fit, he has emerged as the catalyst for the team with the best record in baseball entering Friday. His hitting prowess earned him the nickname The Machine, coined by catcher Gary Sanchez, and his defensive versatility rescued the Yankees through all of their injuries.
“He’s been one of the most valuable players in the league,” Yankees Manager Aaron Boone said earlier this month. “He’s been everything we could’ve hoped when we signed him.”
Entering a game Friday against his former team, the Colorado Rockies, LeMahieu led the American League with a .329 average. He has produced key hits in critical moments. When he started at second base for the A.L. during the All-Star Game earlier this month, it proved he wasn’t just a product of Coors Field.
“That guy rakes,” Yankees center fielder Aaron Hicks said. “He’s a true hitter.”
The Yankees lured LeMahieu, the 2016 National League batting champion for hitting .348, to New York with a two-year, $24 million deal. That looks like a bargain now, yet seemed puzzling when the deal was made in the winter.
At the time, the Yankees already had Miguel Andujar penciled in at third base, Luke Voit or Greg Bird at first base, Troy Tulowitzki as a placeholder at shortstop until Didi Gregorius’s return from elbow surgery in the summer, and Torres at second base. But the Yankees, who only briefly considered Machado, knew that depth was vital — and they were later proven right with substantial injuries to Andujar, Bird, Tulowitzki and others.
LeMahieu, though, was a three-time Gold Glove winner at second base, so why would he give up excellence at one position for a multi-positional role?
“Winning a Gold Glove is cool,” said LeMahieu, who had occasionally played first and third base earlier in his career. “But I think showing up to the yard and knowing we’re going to win every day is a pretty good feeling, too.”
LeMahieu, 31, pointed to a deeper reason for his willingness to sacrifice the security of second base: the Los Angeles Dodgers. All those years of facing the Dodgers, who have won the N.L. West six straight seasons and appeared in the past two World Series, showed LeMahieu the value of versatility. The Dodgers’ rosters of late have featured Swiss-Army-knife-like players who can handle multiple positions and pose a daunting challenge to any team’s matchups.
“They weren’t made to just get to the playoffs, but win the playoffs,” LeMahieu said. “You bring in a new pitcher and they have a whole new lineup. It’s annoying to play against. But I saw how it worked there and I saw it as a similar situation here.”
Even though LeMahieu had the chance to play second base more often elsewhere, such as the Tampa Bay Rays, the Yankees appeared to have the best offer, according to Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman, and LeMahieu said he wanted to play for a team devoted to winning. No playing time was promised, LeMahieu said, but he trusted the Yankees.
“There are so many good players here and I just felt like I was going to fit somewhere or another,” he said. “I just didn’t know how.”
The Yankees bet that LeMahieu’s athleticism and drive would allow him to adapt to other positions without issue, and his high-contact approach was attractive for a home run-bopping team.
LeMahieu has displayed a little more edge than expected, from his emotion on the field to his comments off it. Earlier this season, Boone said opponents shouldn’t be fooled by LeMahieu’s quiet intensity. “He’s out there to rip your heart out.”
Before he could prove his worth in New York, LeMahieu needed to tweak his hitting. He was coming off a 2018 season in which he made three trips to the injured list and hit .276 in 128 games, his lowest totals in at least four years. And the difference between his hitting at thin-air Coors Field and on the road was more pronounced than in the past.
An underlying attribute bugged LeMahieu. Because he hit the ball hard yet at a low angle, LeMahieu said the Rockies suggested last season that he adjust his hitting angle to produce more home runs. He toyed with that and hit a career best 15 home runs, but felt inconsistent all season.
“What they were saying is true,” LeMahieu said. “But the best thing for me was that I came back this off-season and I said, ‘The hitter I was last year wasn’t me.’”
So he rededicated himself to being, above all, a tough at-bat for opponents, and using all fields. He is so dedicated to that ethos that he said it bothered him two seasons ago when opponents shifted their defense often against him. Last year, he pulled the ball to left field more than ever.
LeMahieu was reassured during his first conversation with the Yankees hitting coaches, Marcus Thames and P.J. Pilittere. They told him to be the best version of himself, hitting the ball to center and right fields, not necessarily over the fence. “That was the best thing I could’ve heard coming here,” LeMahieu said.
Thames said the Yankees didn’t want to change LeMahieu’s proven right-handed swing. All they did, Thames said, after examining past seasons was suggest that LeMahieu be more aggressive early in the count with runners on base. The result: entering Friday’s game, LeMahieu was second in the major leagues with a .439 average with runners in scoring position.
“He took it and ran with it,” Thames said. “He’s doing a heck of a job.”
What makes LeMahieu one of the best at making contact in an era full of players using home run-focused, strikeout-prone uppercut hacks is his flat swing that sweeps through the strike zone. Any photo of LeMahieu mid-swing shows him dropping his right knee low to the ground.
“His barrel gets in the back of the zone early and it says in there,” Thames said. “I’m a big fan of guys using their lower half and he really uses it to the extreme.”
LeMahieu shrugged off questions about his swing, saying it had evolved over the years and that he didn’t think much about its mechanics. He said he didn’t know why he was hitting for more power this season — his launch angle (6.2 percent), slugging percentage (.508) and home runs (13 home runs through 87 games) are on pace to be career highs — beyond hitting the ball hard.
“I just feel like I’m in a good place right now and my swing is repeatable,” he said.
LeMahieu said his experience with the Yankees has been everything he hoped for, despite the initial skepticism.
“It wasn’t an obvious fit,” he said. “It just wasn’t. But it worked out and it’s working and hopefully it works out in the playoffs.”
And for those fans who have been teased since January for their disbelief, LeMahieu has indeed turned out better than everyone hoped.
“This is better than the best case scenario,” Sessa said in a telephone interview. “I’m never happier to have been wrong.”
Credit: Source link
The post A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186410131227
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans
Whenever infielder D.J. LeMahieu has one of the performances the Yankees have come to rely on this season — a multi-hit game with several runs driven in — the tweet officially announcing his signing on Jan. 14 resurfaces as a playful reminder of how much has changed.
“Today, the Yankees announced that they have signed INF DJ LeMahieu to a 2-year contract through the 2020 season,” the first part of the Yankees’ tweet read.
The replies weren’t pretty. “Just gonna leave this here …” read one response, followed by a screenshot of LeMahieu’s statistics from last season that showed his struggles away from the hitter-friendly Coors Field in Denver. Another response read simply, “Lol.”
“That’s a weird way to spell Manny Machado,” Anthony Sessa, a 28-year-old Yankees fan, tweeted.
For many, including LeMahieu himself, his Yankees arrival didn’t quite make sense. They had plenty of infielders, including the All-Star Gleyber Torres at second base, the position where LeMahieu had won several awards for his defense.
“I definitely got a lot of texts, ‘Surprising sign,’” LeMahieu recalled recently. His friends and former teammates didn’t understand why he went to the Yankees.
LeMahieu has not only fit, he has emerged as the catalyst for the team with the best record in baseball entering Friday. His hitting prowess earned him the nickname The Machine, coined by catcher Gary Sanchez, and his defensive versatility rescued the Yankees through all of their injuries.
“He’s been one of the most valuable players in the league,” Yankees Manager Aaron Boone said earlier this month. “He’s been everything we could’ve hoped when we signed him.”
Entering a game Friday against his former team, the Colorado Rockies, LeMahieu led the American League with a .329 average. He has produced key hits in critical moments. When he started at second base for the A.L. during the All-Star Game earlier this month, it proved he wasn’t just a product of Coors Field.
“That guy rakes,” Yankees center fielder Aaron Hicks said. “He’s a true hitter.”
The Yankees lured LeMahieu, the 2016 National League batting champion for hitting .348, to New York with a two-year, $24 million deal. That looks like a bargain now, yet seemed puzzling when the deal was made in the winter.
At the time, the Yankees already had Miguel Andujar penciled in at third base, Luke Voit or Greg Bird at first base, Troy Tulowitzki as a placeholder at shortstop until Didi Gregorius’s return from elbow surgery in the summer, and Torres at second base. But the Yankees, who only briefly considered Machado, knew that depth was vital — and they were later proven right with substantial injuries to Andujar, Bird, Tulowitzki and others.
LeMahieu, though, was a three-time Gold Glove winner at second base, so why would he give up excellence at one position for a multi-positional role?
“Winning a Gold Glove is cool,” said LeMahieu, who had occasionally played first and third base earlier in his career. “But I think showing up to the yard and knowing we’re going to win every day is a pretty good feeling, too.”
LeMahieu, 31, pointed to a deeper reason for his willingness to sacrifice the security of second base: the Los Angeles Dodgers. All those years of facing the Dodgers, who have won the N.L. West six straight seasons and appeared in the past two World Series, showed LeMahieu the value of versatility. The Dodgers’ rosters of late have featured Swiss-Army-knife-like players who can handle multiple positions and pose a daunting challenge to any team’s matchups.
“They weren’t made to just get to the playoffs, but win the playoffs,” LeMahieu said. “You bring in a new pitcher and they have a whole new lineup. It’s annoying to play against. But I saw how it worked there and I saw it as a similar situation here.”
Even though LeMahieu had the chance to play second base more often elsewhere, such as the Tampa Bay Rays, the Yankees appeared to have the best offer, according to Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman, and LeMahieu said he wanted to play for a team devoted to winning. No playing time was promised, LeMahieu said, but he trusted the Yankees.
“There are so many good players here and I just felt like I was going to fit somewhere or another,” he said. “I just didn’t know how.”
The Yankees bet that LeMahieu’s athleticism and drive would allow him to adapt to other positions without issue, and his high-contact approach was attractive for a home run-bopping team.
LeMahieu has displayed a little more edge than expected, from his emotion on the field to his comments off it. Earlier this season, Boone said opponents shouldn’t be fooled by LeMahieu’s quiet intensity. “He’s out there to rip your heart out.”
Before he could prove his worth in New York, LeMahieu needed to tweak his hitting. He was coming off a 2018 season in which he made three trips to the injured list and hit .276 in 128 games, his lowest totals in at least four years. And the difference between his hitting at thin-air Coors Field and on the road was more pronounced than in the past.
An underlying attribute bugged LeMahieu. Because he hit the ball hard yet at a low angle, LeMahieu said the Rockies suggested last season that he adjust his hitting angle to produce more home runs. He toyed with that and hit a career best 15 home runs, but felt inconsistent all season.
“What they were saying is true,” LeMahieu said. “But the best thing for me was that I came back this off-season and I said, ‘The hitter I was last year wasn’t me.’”
So he rededicated himself to being, above all, a tough at-bat for opponents, and using all fields. He is so dedicated to that ethos that he said it bothered him two seasons ago when opponents shifted their defense often against him. Last year, he pulled the ball to left field more than ever.
LeMahieu was reassured during his first conversation with the Yankees hitting coaches, Marcus Thames and P.J. Pilittere. They told him to be the best version of himself, hitting the ball to center and right fields, not necessarily over the fence. “That was the best thing I could’ve heard coming here,” LeMahieu said.
Thames said the Yankees didn’t want to change LeMahieu’s proven right-handed swing. All they did, Thames said, after examining past seasons was suggest that LeMahieu be more aggressive early in the count with runners on base. The result: entering Friday’s game, LeMahieu was second in the major leagues with a .439 average with runners in scoring position.
“He took it and ran with it,” Thames said. “He’s doing a heck of a job.”
What makes LeMahieu one of the best at making contact in an era full of players using home run-focused, strikeout-prone uppercut hacks is his flat swing that sweeps through the strike zone. Any photo of LeMahieu mid-swing shows him dropping his right knee low to the ground.
“His barrel gets in the back of the zone early and it says in there,” Thames said. “I’m a big fan of guys using their lower half and he really uses it to the extreme.”
LeMahieu shrugged off questions about his swing, saying it had evolved over the years and that he didn’t think much about its mechanics. He said he didn’t know why he was hitting for more power this season — his launch angle (6.2 percent), slugging percentage (.508) and home runs (13 home runs through 87 games) are on pace to be career highs — beyond hitting the ball hard.
“I just feel like I’m in a good place right now and my swing is repeatable,” he said.
LeMahieu said his experience with the Yankees has been everything he hoped for, despite the initial skepticism.
“It wasn’t an obvious fit,” he said. “It just wasn’t. But it worked out and it’s working and hopefully it works out in the playoffs.”
And for those fans who have been teased since January for their disbelief, LeMahieu has indeed turned out better than everyone hoped.
“This is better than the best case scenario,” Sessa said in a telephone interview. “I’m never happier to have been wrong.”
Credit: Source link
The post A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186410131227
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans
Whenever infielder D.J. LeMahieu has one of the performances the Yankees have come to rely on this season — a multi-hit game with several runs driven in — the tweet officially announcing his signing on Jan. 14 resurfaces as a playful reminder of how much has changed.
“Today, the Yankees announced that they have signed INF DJ LeMahieu to a 2-year contract through the 2020 season,” the first part of the Yankees’ tweet read.
The replies weren’t pretty. “Just gonna leave this here …” read one response, followed by a screenshot of LeMahieu’s statistics from last season that showed his struggles away from the hitter-friendly Coors Field in Denver. Another response read simply, “Lol.”
“That’s a weird way to spell Manny Machado,” Anthony Sessa, a 28-year-old Yankees fan, tweeted.
For many, including LeMahieu himself, his Yankees arrival didn’t quite make sense. They had plenty of infielders, including the All-Star Gleyber Torres at second base, the position where LeMahieu had won several awards for his defense.
“I definitely got a lot of texts, ‘Surprising sign,’” LeMahieu recalled recently. His friends and former teammates didn’t understand why he went to the Yankees.
LeMahieu has not only fit, he has emerged as the catalyst for the team with the best record in baseball entering Friday. His hitting prowess earned him the nickname The Machine, coined by catcher Gary Sanchez, and his defensive versatility rescued the Yankees through all of their injuries.
“He’s been one of the most valuable players in the league,” Yankees Manager Aaron Boone said earlier this month. “He’s been everything we could’ve hoped when we signed him.”
Entering a game Friday against his former team, the Colorado Rockies, LeMahieu led the American League with a .329 average. He has produced key hits in critical moments. When he started at second base for the A.L. during the All-Star Game earlier this month, it proved he wasn’t just a product of Coors Field.
“That guy rakes,” Yankees center fielder Aaron Hicks said. “He’s a true hitter.”
The Yankees lured LeMahieu, the 2016 National League batting champion for hitting .348, to New York with a two-year, $24 million deal. That looks like a bargain now, yet seemed puzzling when the deal was made in the winter.
At the time, the Yankees already had Miguel Andujar penciled in at third base, Luke Voit or Greg Bird at first base, Troy Tulowitzki as a placeholder at shortstop until Didi Gregorius’s return from elbow surgery in the summer, and Torres at second base. But the Yankees, who only briefly considered Machado, knew that depth was vital — and they were later proven right with substantial injuries to Andujar, Bird, Tulowitzki and others.
LeMahieu, though, was a three-time Gold Glove winner at second base, so why would he give up excellence at one position for a multi-positional role?
“Winning a Gold Glove is cool,” said LeMahieu, who had occasionally played first and third base earlier in his career. “But I think showing up to the yard and knowing we’re going to win every day is a pretty good feeling, too.”
LeMahieu, 31, pointed to a deeper reason for his willingness to sacrifice the security of second base: the Los Angeles Dodgers. All those years of facing the Dodgers, who have won the N.L. West six straight seasons and appeared in the past two World Series, showed LeMahieu the value of versatility. The Dodgers’ rosters of late have featured Swiss-Army-knife-like players who can handle multiple positions and pose a daunting challenge to any team’s matchups.
“They weren’t made to just get to the playoffs, but win the playoffs,” LeMahieu said. “You bring in a new pitcher and they have a whole new lineup. It’s annoying to play against. But I saw how it worked there and I saw it as a similar situation here.”
Even though LeMahieu had the chance to play second base more often elsewhere, such as the Tampa Bay Rays, the Yankees appeared to have the best offer, according to Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman, and LeMahieu said he wanted to play for a team devoted to winning. No playing time was promised, LeMahieu said, but he trusted the Yankees.
“There are so many good players here and I just felt like I was going to fit somewhere or another,” he said. “I just didn’t know how.”
The Yankees bet that LeMahieu’s athleticism and drive would allow him to adapt to other positions without issue, and his high-contact approach was attractive for a home run-bopping team.
LeMahieu has displayed a little more edge than expected, from his emotion on the field to his comments off it. Earlier this season, Boone said opponents shouldn’t be fooled by LeMahieu’s quiet intensity. “He’s out there to rip your heart out.”
Before he could prove his worth in New York, LeMahieu needed to tweak his hitting. He was coming off a 2018 season in which he made three trips to the injured list and hit .276 in 128 games, his lowest totals in at least four years. And the difference between his hitting at thin-air Coors Field and on the road was more pronounced than in the past.
An underlying attribute bugged LeMahieu. Because he hit the ball hard yet at a low angle, LeMahieu said the Rockies suggested last season that he adjust his hitting angle to produce more home runs. He toyed with that and hit a career best 15 home runs, but felt inconsistent all season.
“What they were saying is true,” LeMahieu said. “But the best thing for me was that I came back this off-season and I said, ‘The hitter I was last year wasn’t me.’”
So he rededicated himself to being, above all, a tough at-bat for opponents, and using all fields. He is so dedicated to that ethos that he said it bothered him two seasons ago when opponents shifted their defense often against him. Last year, he pulled the ball to left field more than ever.
LeMahieu was reassured during his first conversation with the Yankees hitting coaches, Marcus Thames and P.J. Pilittere. They told him to be the best version of himself, hitting the ball to center and right fields, not necessarily over the fence. “That was the best thing I could’ve heard coming here,” LeMahieu said.
Thames said the Yankees didn’t want to change LeMahieu’s proven right-handed swing. All they did, Thames said, after examining past seasons was suggest that LeMahieu be more aggressive early in the count with runners on base. The result: entering Friday’s game, LeMahieu was second in the major leagues with a .439 average with runners in scoring position.
“He took it and ran with it,” Thames said. “He’s doing a heck of a job.”
What makes LeMahieu one of the best at making contact in an era full of players using home run-focused, strikeout-prone uppercut hacks is his flat swing that sweeps through the strike zone. Any photo of LeMahieu mid-swing shows him dropping his right knee low to the ground.
“His barrel gets in the back of the zone early and it says in there,” Thames said. “I’m a big fan of guys using their lower half and he really uses it to the extreme.”
LeMahieu shrugged off questions about his swing, saying it had evolved over the years and that he didn’t think much about its mechanics. He said he didn’t know why he was hitting for more power this season — his launch angle (6.2 percent), slugging percentage (.508) and home runs (13 home runs through 87 games) are on pace to be career highs — beyond hitting the ball hard.
“I just feel like I’m in a good place right now and my swing is repeatable,” he said.
LeMahieu said his experience with the Yankees has been everything he hoped for, despite the initial skepticism.
“It wasn’t an obvious fit,” he said. “It just wasn’t. But it worked out and it’s working and hopefully it works out in the playoffs.”
And for those fans who have been teased since January for their disbelief, LeMahieu has indeed turned out better than everyone hoped.
“This is better than the best case scenario,” Sessa said in a telephone interview. “I’m never happier to have been wrong.”
Credit: Source link
The post A Plate Adjustment Helped D.J. LeMahieu With Yankees, and Skeptical Fans appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-plate-adjustment-helped-d-j-lemahieu-with-yankees-and-skeptical-fans
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owlways-and-forever · 6 years
Hello, it’s your CS Secret Santa! I hope you’ve been having a pleasant few weeks and that all this Tumblr uproar hasn’t been too depressing! Don’t worry, you’ll still be getting your Secret Santa fic from me, even if I have to snail mail it to you! :D I’m with you on favorite types of fanfiction: it really depends on my mood. I also enjoy unplanned pregnancy fics! 1/7
I think it’s seeing Killian and Emma interact in the situation and the way that Killian always is able to break down her walls and convince her that he will be there for her and the baby that just makes me melt inside! I think my favorites are multi-chapter canon divergence AUs. I like seeing how all the different writers in the fandom think things could have gone differently based on one or two small changes to canon. I love writing AUs too! 2/7
I still haven’t really hit my stride with consistently writing fanfic, but I keep hoping that practice makes perfect. What other fandoms are you a part of ? I’m going to have to go read all your fics now! 😉 Are there any other tropes that you would prefer I steer clear of? Or any tropes that you just absolutely love and I should try to include? I will tell you upfront that I’m not personally comfortable writing smut, so I’m sorry but I’ll probably leave that part to your imagination. 😉 3/7
My family has always had a tradition of putting up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, so that kind of marks the beginning of Christmas music and movies and general festivities for us! And it is nice to get a whole month of Christmas joyfulness to help with the greyness of winter. Ick! Unless you like winter, which in that case, more power to ya! You’ll have to tell me more about your family traditions after all the secrecy is over! 4/7
My husband is third generation Czech so his family also does some traditional recipes around the holidays (mainly desserts!) and I’ve always been envious of families who have held onto their special roots like that! I love cooking and baking too, so I’d love to eventually hear what kinds of food you usually make! Does your family usually do big parties/get-togethers for the holidays? Or do you tend to be more laid back and kind of low-key?I would love including some Aladdin and Jasmine! 5/7
They were honestly one of the only good parts of season six in my mind! I just wasn’t a big fan of the overall writing by the point. Which was sad, but what can you do… Did you watch the whole show or was there a point where you stopped? I stopped watching live after the first half of season 5 and then just watched on Netflix. And I never watched season 7. Did you have a favorite season and least favorite season? Haha, I know exactly what you mean about Snow and Charming. 6/7
Actually, I still consider them two of my favorite characters, but their actions and characterization in the back half of the show is just… yeesh. You also perfectly put into words exactly what I’ve felt about their idealistic look on relationships! I’ve never been able to express that very well before, but just yes to all of what you said!I hope you got all those asks and Tumblr didn’t screw it all up!!! But either way, talk to you again soon! 7/7
Hello Santa! I’ve missed you! I’ve been having an alright week, nothing terribly exciting going on. I’m not too worried about the tumblr nonsense. I mean, I don’t like it and I don’t agree with it by any means, but I understand what they’re trying to do, and how difficult it can be to execute. I know there will be mistakes and it will be a bother, and I totally understand people wanting to leave, but I’m sticking around, at least for a while. But I’ve been on ao3 and ff.net for a while, so I’ll be keeping those up, and I’ll probably explore some additional accounts at some point. We’ll see.
Ugh, I’m totally with you! Killian convincing Emma that he wants to be around and be there for both of them is just too cute! It makes me all mushy. Also, I love seeing all the different names people come up with for their kids - names totally fascinate me in like a super nerdy way. Especially middle names. I think I’m very much in the minority of the fandom though with not liking Hope. Also, I see so much in fandom about their kids always being blonde and looking like Emma and just like… statistically speaking its not likely, and as a statistics person, that always bugs me. Like it’s fine if its just one kid, goodness knows that happens (both my parents have darker hair and I was white blonde as a baby and then blonde until I was an adult #towheadsunite). But when its like four kids and they’re all blonde the stats person in me gets very ruffled. I’m not sure I’ve read any mc canon divergence fics, but I always find them interesting. Mostly because I just find it’s not really a type of writing that I’m good at. The fun thing about AUs for me is that you get to world build, taking snippets from canon and snippets from the AU you’re fitting it into and make it this whole new thing. Say you’re writing a Pride & Prejudice AU, you get to pick parts of the plot that you like and twist them so it’s slightly different, and maybe you throw in some magic and see how that changes it. You get to choose what parts of Elizabeth Bennet’s personality Emma has, and what traits she brings over from canon Emma. And that’s just so much fun to me, to be able to create that way, and fit things just how you like them. But I find that when I’ve tried to write canon divergence I get too bogged down in the details - canonically, who was there and what had already happened and who knew what, and what magical abilities are there - and the story somehow gets lost in my brain. But I admire people who can write it, I think it shows phenomenal creativity to take a story and then run away with it and see how if you just change something small it can ripple out into the whole story. What are some of your favourite canon divergence stories?
I’m not consistent either. I try to at least write a little bit every day, but it always depends on what’s going on and how inspired I feel. I do have this excel thing where I keep track of how much I write for each of my WIPs each day, which I like. It helps me visually see the progress I’m making, and I’m definitely a visual person. The only other fandom I really write for is Harry Potter, but I like Doctor Who, West Wing, Downton Abbey. I think DW is really the only fandom of those. Honestly I watch way more shows than it ought to. I can’t think of any other specific tropes right now, either to include or avoid. Sorry, I know that’s not very helpful. I don’t mind not having any smut, I’m also not very comfortable writing it, and only selectively comfortable reading it.
Oooh, that’s a nice tradition! We always put our tree up kind of whenever we feel like it. I don’t know if my mom’s done hers yet, and my dad insists on waiting until the 12th so it’s the twelve days of christmas, no matter how many times I tell him that that’s not what that means. My roommate and I put our tree up last weekend though, so it’s all decorated now. We’re actually going to do a little “family photo” with the two of us and our pets tomorrow, which should be a riot. Haha, I do like winter! I love the cold bite in the air and the fairy lights everywhere and bundling up. And I especially love snow. It’s my favourite. But I’m also a January birthday, so I dont think I had much choice in liking winter.Oh my goodness, we do huge get togethers. Mostly just because our family is big. My mom has 8 siblings, and all but 2 are married, and then I have somewhere around 15 cousins, plus partners, so a normal holiday dinner for us is usually over 30 people. Thanksgiving is usually the biggest holiday for us, because somehow it’s worked out that that’s what most people can make it for. Christmas is still big, but less people travel for that, and I think it’ll probably continue to dwindle as cousins get married and stuff. This year will actually [probably] be the first year that I haven’t spent Christmas with my family, so it’s going to be a little weird for me. Boxing Day we typically go to my dad’s brother’s house, and I see his side of the family because they’re English. It’s always fun, and its usually the only time all year that I get to see them, but it’s also strange because I’m the only girl. It’s a more low-key day though, so generally if I need some quiet time I just grab a book and find a cozy spot. Last year was really nice though and two of my cousins and I stayed up super late and told stories and bonded. What kind of food is traditional for Czech christmases? I wonder if it’s similar to Polish food…
I definitely stopped watching live at some point in grad school, but I couldn’t tell you exactly when. It wasn’t really a conscious choice so much as just having a ton going on and not always being around to watch. I never watched s7 though. Once Emma and Killian were gone… well, I gave it a try, but I only got like 3 episodes in or something before I decided it wasn’t for me. Maybe one day I’ll go back and watch it, but I haven’t done a OUAT rewatch for a few years.I know that’s their fairytale story and everything and that’s kind of the point of them to some degree, to be that “ideal true love” but idk. I guess it just seems a bit garrish in the way that the other relationships really have to work for their happy ending. And snowing hits their bumps too, but… they kind of iron themselves out? One of the things that I liked about OUAT was that it was still fairytales, it was still fantastical, but it was realistic when it came to characters. They were broken, complicated, imperfect. The people themselves weren’t fairytale versions of anything. Except snowing. And from the perspective of being that fairytale ideal, they’re done well, of course, and I think that’s why people like them. But it’s so different from everyone else on the show.Anyway, that was a lot, but it was so wonderful talking to you! I hope we get to chat again soon! (Also sorry for not really asking any questions, but it’s nearly 1am now and WAY past my bedtime so I’m going to get some shut eye and then post this when I wake up.) Cheers!
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