#this holiday is so freaking messed up
aut1sm-mess · 7 months
Good morning, evening, afternoon, or night. As most people know, today's Thanksgiving. A holiday with an absolutely DISGUSTING history that a good portion chooses to completely ignore. Because hey, why care about the millions of innocent people who died because of fucked up white people when we can just celebrate like this never happened.
This holiday is messed the hell up. When you eat your turkey and all the other weird food, think about this history take a moment to acknowledge the fact that both Canada and the U.S. are built completely off of land that was stolen from people who were here for thousands of years. Thanks, for taking the time to read this.
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sunraies · 11 months
Rafe x Sleepy! Reader where he freaks out that she’s not answering her Phone and thinks The worst scenario that she’s sick of him, cheating etc. But It gets better when she calls him while he’s with The boys and she’s in her pj’s telling him she just woke up and asking what happened that made him call so many times 🥹
Sleepy baby
As requested above
Warnings - insecurities, toxic thoughts, drug use, drinking, and mentions of sex. Ending fluff.
16 hours ago, you posted to your insta story. 16 hours since you'd been laughing, smiling, singing, and dancing into the camera. Music pumping and disco lights blazing as you partied into the night.
You looked so happy, surrounded by your college friends. Some he knew, and some he didn't. He wished he could have been there with you. Long distance was slowly killing him, he was sure of it.
Although he'd been uneasy about you going so far away, things had been working out. He visited as often as he could, and you came home for the holidays. But it was moments like this when he started to doubt it all. His mind would spiral.
At first, he thought there was a reasonable explanation for you not texting him when you made it home and for not responding to his messages. You were probably to tired and drunk, simply forgotten.
But as the hours ticked by and multiple messages and phone calls later, his mind began to wander to darker places. You didn't need him anymore. You had finally realised it. You had found someone else. Someone else had found you.
You were a college student, you didn't need some hometown boyfriend dragging you down, you had finally decided to live your best life. Without him. Party, sex and drugs.
Well, two could play at that game. The moment Topper had told him about a party happening, he immediately said he would go. Fuck it, he was still the Kook King, he knew how to party, how to have any person he wanted.
The problem was that you were the only person he wanted. After a few drinks, he found himself where he normally ended up at parties. Sat with his boys, Topper, Kelce, and Barry, nursing a beer, smoking a blunt, doing a few lines, and glazing into the fire pit as the sky of endless stars shone above them.
"Bro, that's like the billionth time you checked your phone." Topper pointed out as Rafe pulled his phone out of his shorts pocket again.
"What's up, Little Miss Havard ghosting you?" Barry teased as he through arm an over Rafe's shoulders.
"Fuck off" Rafe tried to shake his arm off before sighing as looked at his phone again.
All that stared back at him was you as his lock screen and a couple of notifications, but none from you.
"Oh, shit. You really think she is?" Barry's smirk dropped, suddenly noticing his friend genuinely down about something.
"She's probably just busy," Kelce tried to reassure him. "You know with essays and shit. I mean, I have a shit ton, and that's just online"
Out of everyone in their little friend circle, you were the only one who moved the furthest away. Topper was on a gap year, Kelce was doing online courses, Barry was dealing, and Rafe had to follow in Ward's footsteps. A few of your friends did gap years.
Rafe nodded slowly. "What if, what if she's do -" He didn't finish his sentence as his phone screen suddenly lit up. 'FACETIME - Baby 😍 💍'
He nearly dropped his phone in the panic of answering it. For a spilt second, he thought about letting it ring out of spite. You'd not answered any of his. But he couldn't do it, for all the spiralling his mind had been doing. He needed to talk to you.
"Rafe, hey, you ok?" You looked so sleepy as you rubbed your eye. "I'm so sorry, I've been asleep all day"
If he could have jumped into the screen and kissed you in that moment, he would have. You looked so adorable, hair in a mess, no makeup, clearly sat in your dorm room bed as he recognised the bed sheets and the tapestry on the wall behind you.
What made his heart warm the most was that you were in one of his t-shirts. One of many you had borrowed/stolen.
He knew he was smiling at his screen like a complete goof. But he didn't care.
"Where are you?" You asked, trying to work out the noises around him and odd lighting of the fire pit. "Why did you call so much? Everything ok?" You asked, concerned.
"Everything's good, baby," He smiled. "Just at a party with the boys." He turned the phone around to show them
"God, Rafe, no don-" Too late, there you was in all you sleepiness. Proudly held up on his phone screen.
"Mrs Country Club!" Barry greeted as the others said "yo" and "hey"
You awkwardly waved and smiled as your cheeks burned before Rafe turned the phone back him.
"Well, I better not keep you from the party. As long as everything is ok?" You could tell something wasn't quite right, but didn't push it. He'd tell you in his own time. He always did.
"Everything is fine, my sleepy baby." He smiled, not giving a shit if the others heard.
"Alright, see you this weekend? Facetime tomorrow?" You smiled as he nodded before saying I love yous.
"Aww, my sleepy baby. Sleepy bab-" Barry teased before Rafe pushed him. Causing his chair to topple backwards onto the grass. Making everyone who witnessed laugh.
He glanced at his phone one last time, seeing you smiling face on his lock screen and new message 'Baby 😍💍 - I really do love you ❤️😘'
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weirdrandomtina · 7 months
So, I experienced some deju vu during this scene in Trolls Band Together:
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John Dory grabs his backpack, says he's leaving (I'm done, YOLO, etc.), and then the last thing he says is "Goodbye Forever!", followed by Branch's distraught face, and the next thing Branch knows, all his brothers have left him and he never sees them again.
I was trying to figure out why that little snippet stuck with me, then it hit me:
Trolls Holiday in Harmony, when Branch is trying to figure out a gift for Poppy. He's worried about doing the wrong thing, disappointing her or freaking her out, and says "I CAN'T let that happen". He illustrates his point with Poppy packing a suitcase, and what does she say right before she runs off?
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Really brings his abandonment issues into the light😢
I've seen a few comments of people being annoyed when Branch said to Poppy "aren't you going to leave me anyway", but they clearly don't understand how trauma affects people's mental and emotional state.
He knows Poppy loves him and doesn't actually believe she'd leave, but after a lifetime of being alone, even though he's happy and loved now, there's still that subconscious fear that he'll end up alone again. Poppy means everything to him, and he can't bear the thought of losing her too, especially as a result of something he's done (his grandma died to save him, and he believed his brothers leaving was his fault because he 'ruined everything' at the concert).
Sometimes this results in Branch trying to push Poppy away, which seems conflicting, yes, but again: trauma messes with your mind. He was already heartbroken and angry at his brothers, so he wasn't thinking clearly and blurted out his hidden main fear.
And when he says "everyone else [leaves me]" I hear "everyone in my life has left me so I must deserve to be alone, so you might as well leave me too."
And that's probably why Branch was so hesitant to be open with Poppy - 1. I might scare her away, and 2. why bother expressing my feelings to someone when I'll likely just lose them anyway. Plus he's still getting used to having someone to confide to in his life. Keeping emotions bottled up for years is a hard habit to get out of.
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Drabbles: Too Many Beds (ft. Heeseung)
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Lee Heeseung knew that the universe was against him today.
“We’re so sorry sir, all the suites are unavailable as of right now.” The hotel receptionist bowed apologetically, “We only have the family room available right now, would that be ok?”
That is how he found himself standing in a room with FOUR beds. 
He dropped his bag on the floor with a sigh. 
Heeseung finally mustered up enough courage to ask you out on a short getaway after dating for a month. He had planned everything from the words he would say and the whole itinerary. 
Everything started going wrong from the flight here. The two of you were supposed to travel together, but the airline had overbooked the flight and moved you to another later flight. Heeseung had offered to delay his flight to accompany you but the airline had also overbooked the flight you were on so there was no room for him to move his flight. 
Then there was the whole plane ride. Heeseung was suppose to spend the ride talking to you and charming you, he ended up being squeezed in between an elderly couple who spent the entire ride giving him a lecture on marriage.
The worse part was he just realised he packed the same side of 2 different slippers. Great, now you were going to think he was a freak for wearing 2 left slippers. 
Heeseung slapped his palm to his forehead.
“It’s fine,” He muttered to himself, “When she’s here, it’ll be fine.”
While Heeseung was going through what seemed like the worse day of his life, you were going through the best day of your life. 
The airline had informed you that you would be bumped up to business class, so you spend the whole 3 hours in luxury. You had your own little suite and didn’t have to talk to anybody apart from the flight attendants. An absolutely perfect start to your holiday.
Because the airline had caused a delay, they offered to pay for your ride to your hotel so of course you got an airport limousine. You sat in the plush leather seats, pouring through your most recent read accompanied by a glass of champagne. 
The best part was, you had the most handsome man waiting by the main doors for you as you stepped out of the car. 
“Heeseung!” You called as you got off the car. 
The man looked up from his phone, blinking. He didn’t expect you to arrive in such a fancy car. 
When Heeseung saw you lugging your bag, he quickly ran over. Gently prying your bags from you, he guided you into the lobby. 
“I’m glad you got here safe.” He sent you a charming smile that made you weak in the knees. 
“Y-yeah.” You stuttered, following him into the lift. 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t accompany you here.” He sighed in frustration. 
“Oh don’t worry about it!” You reassured him, “I’m a pretty adept traveller.”
“Yeah?” He grinned as he opened your room door, “Gonna tell me about it over dinner tonight?” 
You paused at the sight, “4 beds? Are other people joining us?” 
“No!” Heeseung said quickly. “The hotel messed up my reservation, I swear I wanted just one bed.”
He turned red when he realised what he was implying. 
“I mean- not that I expect anything!” Now it was his turn to stutter. “I was just hoping- I was gonna ask you properly-!” 
You giggled as you watch Heeseung malfunction, there was basically steam coming out of his ears with his face turning 10 different shades of red. 
He sighed, putting down your bags before approaching you. 
He ran his hands down your arms and laced his fingers with yours. 
“I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend,” He explained, “I had this whole thing planned with roses and balloons.”
“I’m so sorry,” His eyes searched yours, “I’ll redo everything soon.”
You gave him a soft smile, “Can I just say yes to being your girlfriend now?”
“What?” Heeseung said, eyes widening. 
“You don’t have to plan something elaborate just to ask me that, the answer will alway be yes.”
a/n: bet you all can't guess who's my bias in Enhypen. Idea came from this list.
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judasofsuburbia · 1 year
something something middle school steve trying to form a crush on somebody because it seems like everybody has crushes. he tries some girls in his grade but loses interest quickly for silly reasons.
then, at lunch, he sees a girl with long brown curly hair and forehead bangs in a leather jacket, head ducked and legs pulled up to her chest. she must be an eighth grader because steve’s never seen her before. she’s headbanging to the music coming out of her headphones and is sitting all by herself. she doesn’t dress like girls in his grade. she’s rougher, edgier. steve likes this. it makes his stomach swoop.
she’s way across the cafeteria so he can’t make out a lot of her features but he decides leather girl is his new crush.
he never points her out to his friends. he wants to keep her to himself. doesn’t want tommy or anybody else sweeping her up.
not that he actually makes any moves to talk to her. no, instead, he stares from across the cafeteria every day and tries to figure out something new about her.
steve thinks it’s funny the way she picks the skin off her apple slices, eats the skin, and then eats the slice.
she usually gets two milks bc she pockets one of them. a bad girl, steve thinks giddily. she always waits until the bell rings to chug both of them which is odd but entertaining.
she has pins on her jacket that steve assumes are bands. no other girls really talk about bands outside of the beatles. leather girl doesn’t scream beatles fan to steve. he wonders if they like any of the same bands.
he makes up little scenarios in his head of walking up there and handing her a mixtape and the two of them sitting very close so they can both listen out of her headphones.
he throws away notes he writes her because they all sound lame. he also doesn’t know where her locker is. or what her homeroom is to send her candy grams on holidays. or even her name.
this all proves to be a challenge. so he gets comfortable with just admiring her from afar.
one day, he’s seating himself at the table with tommy and them when he hears boys from the football team shouting things like “finally, the freak got rid of the stupid hair!” and “how’s that breeze feel, munson? finally feel like a man?”
steve whips his head around to see the boys towering over leather girl’s table. only…it’s not leather girl. or, it is but all of her hair is gone. buzzed to her scalp. there are tears running down her face and steve realizes his mistake.
he wasn’t crushing on a mysterious eighth grade girl. no, he was crushing on eddie munson.
whom he’d never actually seen but heard a lot of nasty things about.
his stomach feels like it drops to the floor. he can no longer hear the ridicule or general noise of the cafeteria because his ears are ringing. he finally had a crush and he still messed it up. steve felt shame riddle through his body so he abruptly got up and went to the boy’s bathroom for the rest of lunch.
as the bell rang, steve couldn’t get himself to move from the stall he was hiding in. he knows he would get in trouble if one of the hall monitors found him but his body remains frozen. the door opens and steve holds his breath. steve sees white sneakers underneath the door and immediately, he knows it’s leather girl…no, fuck. it’s eddie.
eddie is stomping around, grumbling about his stupid dad and how he looks ugly now, obviously not realizing there is another person in the bathroom. steve hears sniffles and his heart breaks. tentatively, steve gets up and opens the stall door. eddie jumps and clutches the sink behind him.
his eyes are brown, steve thinks. and really pretty.
“jesus, kid, shouldn’t you be in class?” eddie rasps.
“shouldn’t you?” steve retorts, defensively.
“touche,” eddie deadpans. he wipes his tears furiously and sticks his head into the sink to splash water onto his face. steve observes quietly, finally seeing all the features he’s been staring at for months in full detail.
eddie pats his face down with a paper towel and notices steve is still there.
“do you want something?” eddie seethes.
steve chews on the inside of his cheek. he knows he can’t be crushing on a boy. still, even without the beautiful curls, eddie makes his heartbeat faster. he’s still so beautiful. he doesn’t want to go to class anymore.
“have you ever been to the football bleachers?” steve asks.
eddie narrows his eyes. “uh yeah, who hasn’t?”
steve stands up a little taller and tries again. “no, like, the concession stand. when there’s not a game going on.”
“no…” eddie gestures for steve to get to his point.
“i know how to get inside. there are snacks and sodas in there. they never notice a couple missing,” steve smiles as he feels more rebellious sharing this information. “i don’t know if you wanna…”
eddie raises an amused eyebrow. “play hookey?”
steve nods excitedly. he loves the way eddie grins in response.
“lead the way, kid.”
and if steve’s first kiss is a few weeks later by a pair of clumsy, sour candy tasting lips, he’ll never tell.
and if steve gets caught that day and gets detention through the end of the school year, it’s totally worth it.
because eddie is right there with him. crushing on him too.
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lustfulslxt · 7 months
ok, hear me out. so reader decides to try out the red nail theory and shows them to matt, and he freaking adores them, but adores the marks they leave on his back even more😏😏idk if you dont wanna thats completely fine, but i just got red nails for the holidays and all i can think about is scratching up matts back...
Say Thanks - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings : smut, filthy matthew
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten my nails done, and I so badly want to go get them done right now. However, bills exist and with my roommate moving out, everything’s been piled on top of me all at once. It’s stressful to say the least, but I just need to find my footing. It’s not that I can’t afford it, I just have a really bad spending habit, that I didn’t realize is an actual issue until a couple of weeks ago. I used to just work, pay my portion of the bills, save a bit of money, then blow the rest of it on whatever I wanted. Now, I just have to learn to budget.
Saying that, I’ve not really been going out of my way to splurge on things that make me feel good. I’ll get back to eventually, but unfortunately, I can’t afford to right now.
Despite knowing that I should focus on getting my money right, I can’t help but look into my spare cash, crossing my fingers in hopes that I have enough. Before I can even begin counting, my phone flashes and vibrates, indicating I have a new notification.
Matt sent you $100 for your nails❣️.
My eyes widen, a gasp leaving my mouth as I read the words displayed on the screen. Immediately, I’m facetiming Matt.
“Hey.” He answers, instantly, a knowing grin on his lips.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me mister. Why did you just send me money?” I question, glaring at him through the screen.
“Hmm. I’m pretty sure I said it’s for your nails.” He answers, then continues, “You can say you don’t need it all you want, but I know how bad you’ve been wanting to get them done. And if you haven’t, then you just can’t right now. Which is why I wanna do it for you.”
He cuts me off, “Y/N, shut up and accept my offering. Come over after you get them done?”
“Fine.” I sigh, giving in.
“Great, I can’t wait to see them. Maybe then you can show me just how thankful you are.” He suggests, his lips wide with a smirk.
My jaw drops at his proposal, completely bewildered at his comment, the underlying meaning far from missed. I can’t help but bite my lip as I look away from the screen, my skin ultimately flushing.
“I already scheduled your appointment with Analysse. She’ll be there in fifteen. I expect to see you no later than an hour and a half.” He informs me.
“Yes sir.” I say, unable to prevent the smile that pulls itself to my lips. “Thanks, Matty.”
“Of course, doll. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, we hang up and I’m left to sit in my puddle of confusion and eagerness. Matt and I are only friends. There’s always times where we’re flirty and we’ve always been close, physical touch being our love language. However, his actions and statements today threw me for a loop. I’m sure I’m not misinterpreting it, he seemed very suggestive. Honestly, I don’t even mind that, I just don’t know if he’s only messing with me or if he’s serious. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
“Hey babe, how are you doing?” Analysse greets me, unpacking her supplies.
“I’ve been good, just learning to adjust to new things. How have you been? I feel like it’s been ages since I last seen you.” I reply, sitting on the opposite side of the desk.
“I know! It’s been so long! I’ve been great though. Just living life and doing what I love.” She nods, a smile blossoming on her face.
“That’s amazing, I’m glad to hear.”
“Thank you. So, what are we thinking?” She asks me, all her supplies laid out in front of us.
“Probably just a simple red, maybe like medium length. Hm, not too long but long enough to leave marks.” I explain, smirking at the thought of digging my nails into Matt’s back.
“Ouu, okay.” She giggles, grabbing my hands to prep my nails. “So, are we talking about Matt? I mean, he is the one that reached out to me to book this appointment for you.”
I can’t help the warmth that rushes to my cheeks, “Yeah, I’ve been wanting to get my nails done again. Life just hasn’t been working in my favor.” She nods in understandment, listening to me rant. “Let’s just say, he’s got me thinking about a lot.”
Her mouth opens, laughter pouring out of it, “Oh, I get you. We’ve all had one of those.”
We continue talking and sharing stories as she does my nails. The conversation goes from boys, to makeup, to careers, to food, and just about everything under the sun. Once she’s done, I pay and tip her, and bid her on her way.
Since I still have some time before I have to be over at Matt’s, I decide to take a shower to freshen up. Seeing as I really only had around an extra thirty minutes, I decide to make it quick. I swiftly wash up and rinse off, hurrying out to dry off and get dressed. After applying deodorant and lotion, I slip on my shoes and grab my phone and keys, then I’m out the door.
It only takes me eight minutes to get to Matt’s house, so when I arrive, I’m eagerly making my way inside. We’ve been friends for eons, hence why I have my own key. Upon walking in, I instantly make my way upstairs and head back to his room. As soon as I open his door, his attention is on me.
“You’re late.” He states, his voice stern.
“Only by four minutes.” I shrug, joining him on his bed.
“Four minutes is still late.” He points out, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Won’t happen again, I promise.” I grin, tossing my hands up in defense.
He doesn’t say anything, only smirks as he grabs my hands to observe the nails he paid for. He plays with my fingers, looking at each individual nail, as if inspecting to see if there were any flaws. They were perfect.
“I love them, they look good.” He tells me, his voice now husky.
I look from my hands to his face, his eyes already being on me. His hands never leave my own, his warm fingers brushing back and forth over mine. The intensity of his stare has me clenching my thighs together in need. I don’t knew where this is coming from, but I want him bad.
“They’d look even better wrapped around my cock.” He whispers, his voice deep and raspy, placing one of my hands on his lap.
Only then, did I notice the growing bulge beneath his pants. His cargos now restricting his hard on, keeping it caged in below the fabric. I could feel him pulsating through the clothing, his erection rock solid. My mouth opened and close, suddenly unable to find words to speak.
“Don’t you want to show me how grateful you are?” He taunts, his gaze unwavering.
“Did you have a favor in mind?” I ask, licking my lips as I attempt to swallow in hopes of lubricating my now dry throat.
“Mhm.” He hums, standing up from the bed. He stands directly in front of me, his hands slowly working his belt off. “I want your pretty little mouth around my cock.”
I could feel my underwear becoming more and more soaked, my arousal seeping out of my pussy, completely and utterly turned on. His hand reaches my chin, gripping my jaw as he pulls me up from the bed, before dropping me to my knees. His thumb rubs against my lips before forcing itself in my mouth. I suck on it, my mouth immediately salivating from this situation I find myself in. He removes his thumb, dragging it down my bottom lip, letting it bounce back up as he moves to remove his shirt. I watch in awe, his lean torso flexing with every movement. Next, he unbuttons his pants. Once he pulls them and his boxers down, his dick slaps up, bouncing off of his lower abdomen. I’ve never been this intimate with Matt, meaning I’ve never seen his dick before, and boy was it something.
“Like what you see, pretty girl?” He teases, his hand engulfing his shaft and jerking it a couple of times. “Get over here and make me feel good until I say you can stop.”
I can’t help but frantically nod, instinctively scooting closer to him, eager to take his member into my mouth. One of his hands goes around my head, entangling in my hair, while the other one takes his dick and slaps it onto my lips, leaving drops of his precum behind. My tongue immediately flicks over my lips, taking the traces of him into my mouth, leaving him to toss his head back as a groan leaves his throat.
“Open.” He states, his hand pulling my jaw down.
As soon as my lips are parted wide enough, he’s shoving his entire length down my throat, pulling a gag from me. From his rough thrusts, my mouth is producing enough saliva to coat his dick, strings of spit connecting him to me once he pulls out. He then sets his tip on my lips, nodding at me to get to work, so I do.
My tongue swirls around his head, licking over his slit, causing him to tighten his grip in my hair and involuntarily buck his hips, his dick prodding at my mouth from the movement. I wrap my lips around him once more, my tongue continuously twirling around him, before taking as much as I could of him into my mouth, using my hands on the rest of him that wouldn’t fit. Peering up at him through my eyelashes, I see his brows furrowed in pleasure, his bottom lip held between his teeth.
“Fuck. You’re so pretty, doll.” He moans, running a hand across my cheek. “Sucking me so good, baby.”
I hum around his length, accepting his praise. Throaty moans continue to escape his mouth, encouraging me more as the desire in me burns hotter. I pull away from him completely, then take all of him in my mouth, deep throating him as much as I can without dying. His free hand wraps around my throat, making the feeling of his dick going down my throat all the more noticeable. He starts thrusting, matching my speed, his hips now sputtering as more lewd sounds come from his mouth.
He quickly pulls away, tugging me back by his grip on my hair. “Strip.”
I eagerly obliged, nerves building in my stomach, anticipating what’s to come. It didn’t take long for me to remove my outer clothing, leaving me in my bra and panties as his hungry eyes bore into me.
“Strip.” He repeats, his tone more demanding.
Without breaking eye contact, I reach back and unclasp my bra, letting it fall down my arms before falling to the floor with other clothes. The cool air hit my nipples, the buds hardening in response. I watch as Matt’s eyes follow my every move, soaking in every gesture. My fingers slip in the waistband of my panties, slowly tugging them downwards as I continue shimmying out of them, kicking them off my feet. Matt’s hand is now around his cock, stroking it as he watches me, intently.
“My turn.” He whispers, pulling me against him, skin to skin.
His mouth meets mine in a hot kiss, excitement bubbling between us. He walks me a few steps backwards, pushing me back on his bed and climbing on top of me. Our lips lap one another’s, before he’s shoving his tongue in my mouth, exploring behind my lips. We move together in such a hot and steamy way, his hands touching every part of me as my hands lace through his hair. His mouth then moves down my jaw, dragging open mouth kisses across my skin, leaving a trail saliva in his wake. My breathing was heavy, small whimpers coming through as he sucks and nibbles my sweet spot.
His hands then intertwine with mine, bringing my fingertips to his lips, pressing soft kisses against them. “I can’t wait to see the damage you do with these.”
He starts kissing down my chest, keeping his hands interlocked with mine. His mouth nips and bites at my skin, goosebumps spreading over me. He takes my nipple into his mouth, twirling his tongue around it, his teeth grazing over it, causing a sharp gasp like moan to come from my mouth. He moves on to the next one, repeating the same action. My legs squeeze shut, attempting to relieve the tension that keeps building and building with every little thing.
“Matt, please.” I whisper, attempting to grind against him for friction, to which he only presses his hands onto my hips to hold me in place.
“Shh, baby.” He mutters against my skin, lowering himself to my navel, his tongue leaving a stripe of spit.
His mouth meets my thighs, going back and forth between the two, peppering wet kisses all over them. His half lidded eyes meet mine, a smirk making its way to his face as he blew air onto my center, causing me to thrash beneath him. Instantly, his tongue is between my folds, pulling a loud moan from me as my hands return to his hair, tugging ever so slightly. He licks up and down my core, sucking all of my juices along the way. His tongue prods at my entrance, poking in and out, before he goes back up and wraps his lips around my clit.
“F-fuck, feels so good, Matty.” I whimper, thrusting my hips up for more.
His hands press down on my hips again, his grip now tight, holding me in place. His mouth continues lapping me, his tongue flicking every which way, bringing me closer to the edge. One of his hands leave my waist, his fingers meeting my heat. He slides them up and down, lubricating them before pressing two of them into my entrance. A loud moan falls from my mouth, my body jerking as he begins fucking me with his fingers. His mouth focuses on my clit, sucking with his warm tongue continuously flicking over it. His fingers pumping in and out of me, my arousal evident from the sounds emitting from my core and my mouth.
“I’m so close.” I moan out, pushing down into him.
Unfortunately, he pulls away, completely removing himself from me, a whine of desperation coming from my lips. He hovers back over me, his mouth pressing onto mine, my juices traveling from his mouth to mine as he kisses me hard.
“We’re gonna cum together, princess.” He says, one of his hands holding himself up as his other one rubs his dick up and down my folds.
I can’t help the gentle shaking of my thighs, my hole clenching around nothing as my eyes beg him to fuck me. Without words, he grants my wishes, slowly sinking his cock into me. Low moans escape both of our mouths as he bottoms out, my eyes closing in pleasure as he tosses his head back one again. My arms wrap around him, pulling him closer to me.
“I just knew you’d feel so good, baby.” He groans, his thrusts slow, yet hard. “So wet and warm, and tight around my cock.”
His thrusts remain slow, but not too slow, as he continues digging into me, hitting exactly where I need him.
“Oh, Matt.” I moan out, my face contorting in pure bliss as I drag my hands down his back.
He lets out more groans, enjoying everything about this moment. Instantly, I could feel the knot forming in the pit of my stomach, close to snapping from the building pressure. He picks up his pace, increasing the strength of his thrusts. His hand meets my center once again, rubbing tight circles onto my clit, ripping another moan from me.
“You look like a dream.” He moans out, his eyes never leaving mine. “I can see your close, baby.”
Words stuck in my throat, I’m left nodding my head, nothing but incoherent sounds coming from my mouth as I dig my nails into his back. His lips slam onto mine, bringing me into a passionate kiss, swallowing every noise that emits from me. His tongue roams my mouth again, quickly and eagerly, as if he can’t get enough. As he pulls away, he drags my bottom lip out in between his teeth.
“Cum with me, doll.” He groans, his finger on my clit applying more pressure.
And just like that, the knot snapped, unraveling, and I was letting go all over him, eliciting pornographic moans from my mouth. He followed seconds after, his dick twitching inside of me as his load spurts out. He continues pumping, fucking both of us through our orgasms, pushing our cum deeper into me with every thrust. Stilling for just a moment, he then slowly pulls out and lies beside me, both of our breaths erratic from the exertion.
“If this is what I get as a thank you, I’ll gladly pay for your nails every single time.” He chuckles, grinning over at me.
I laugh, rolling my eyes at him, pushing him away. He smirks, before starting to put his clothes back on, so that he could start us a shower. As soon as I catch glimpse of his back, a gasp leaves my mouth, causing him to turn around with raised eyebrows.
“What?” He asks, expectantly.
“Your back is fucked.” I laugh, covering my mouth, grabbing his phone from the nightstand.
I motion for him to turn around so that I can take a picture. Once I do, he grabs his phone from me and smirks at the picture, pleased with the aftermath of our moment together. He does some typing on his phone before tossing it back down and leaving the room. I pick his phone back up and see that he made a new post on snapchat.
After clicking on it, my mouth dropped, “Matt!”
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a/n : here ya go! sorry for the delay, i’ve been lacking inspiration and motivation. i hope you enjoy it, and apologies if this isn’t what you had in mind. send in more reqs pls, love you 🫶🏼
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ghostgirl101 · 5 months
Hi!! Loved your post about Oliver Quick being obsessed. How about Farleigh being obsessed with you 👁️👁️👁️
Dating Farleigh Start Would Be Like This...
A/N: Pffft his face here is a whole mood 😭 I got a similar request for Felix too, so he's next 🙃 Dating headcanons coming right up, with a side order of freaking obsessive, naturally:
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⚜️• I don't know what to say about this guy that isn't already shown in the pic 😏 he's a cocky, rude, arrogant flirtatious player who takes every opportunity and advantage to use to his best. Once something's caught his attention, it'll play on his mind and he'll get to it in his own way, because that's the Farleigh Start we know and love.
⚜️• You'll meet him at Oxford, maybe hanging out around his friends with Felix and the rest, maybe not. I think he'd be very much drawn to someone who's not like the girls he sees always running after Felix or trying to make him jealous when they don't have his attention. You be you, and when he uses a very bold and seemingly smooth line on you, give him a look of amusement and slight confusion, and he'll be stunned that you didn't fall all over him for his charms like he's used to.
⚜️• Farleigh just watches you leave for a solid minute in bewilderment and intrigue because the guy got kicked out of every school because of how he is, but apparently, you're not that easy? This is new...?
⚜️• Don't think Farleigh's just some rich prick playboy who has to pick on the smarter kids to stay in college though, because he's surprisingly smart, which wouldn't be a first guess based on the way he acts around people and mocks anyone who isn't anywhere in his circle of friends and social class with Felix. If you saw him reviewing essays and stuff with Oliver and the teacher near the beginning of the movie, you can see he knows his terminology and how to study to get good enough grades in class. The only reason he kept getting kicked out of schools was for messing around with the teachers. It's not like Farleigh's stupid, not at all, but there's no way he's going to work harder than he has to... which isn't that hard at all.
⚜️• So when he saunters over to you yet again with his familiar arrogant smirk and charm, offering you a drink while his eyes unsubtly trail up and down your figure in intrigue, and you smile in amusement and casually turn him down... 😑😐 (his face) and then realises that okay, he might have to work harder than he usually does, because there's something about you that's made him curious, Farleigh has to rethink for a second before trying to get you to tag along with him and his friends more often.
⚜️• If Felix doesn't ask you over to Saltburn for the holidays, Farligh will nag at him to do it, with seemingly no other reason than "you're hot" and "why not have a new face?" and whatever else he thinks up on the spot that's half earnest and true, and also because a big manor out in the country with private gardens is just the perfect place to take this person he's been mildly obsessing over for the past while to draw them in... Felix, say yes now, because boy won't take no for an answer.
⚜️• During the course of your stay and hanging out around Farleigh, you'll come to realise that he's actually not a total jackass and snob that fools around with any girl he thinks is hot enough. His ties with the Cattons are pretty fragile and complex, and there's a lot more to him than he'll ever really show. There's a lot of pressure in fitting in and matching Saltburn's aesthetic and definition, but if you're someone who's not completely used to all the wealth and standards and makes him feel more relaxed and accepted without a facade everyone seems to wear, you'll see more and more of what makes Farleigh, Farleigh.
⚜️• So well done to him for discovering that there's more to an aspiring relationship than just the sex and passion, there's communication and actually getting to know each other too 👏
⚜️• As you get properly closer, you'll see that the dude gets ridiculously jealous when any other guy or girl shows an interest in you that goes past platonic in his eyes. He's started arguments and fights before about lesser things, so don't think he won't tense up and his eyes won't narrow into an annoyed glare at whoever it is that's taking up too much of your time. Farleigh will probably finish it off by humiliating them in some way, smirking in amusement from his seat as he watches his efforts pay off, and shrug with a faux innocent look when you call him out on it.
⚜️• If Oliver Quick happens to be Felix's guest at Saltburn too, Farleigh's jealousy levels and possessiveness will spike too, along with a hint of protectiveness. Since he basically thought right from the beginning that there was something weird about Oliver - maybe not to the realistic point that's revealed, but enough to not have one friendly or lighthearted word for him - Oliver going to you for friendship or most likely something more will only motivate Farleigh to exclude him as much as he can from the rest of the group.
⚜️• I feel like Farleigh would grow to quickly love what it means to be in a committed and official relationship, when before he turned his nose up at the idea of being restrained to only one person instead of a fling, and not having to worry about telling each other things that go too deep. It seems to all come naturally with you, and he loves it; being a loud and gleefully obnoxious supporter when you're doing whatever club or sport or anything at all with half a crowd watching from the sidelines. Proud, smug boyfriend right in the front row taking an unnecessary amount of photos to put up on a wall in his room.
⚜️• Farleigh makes simping look good. 😎
⚜️• He'll take advantage of the money he gets to buy you as expensive things as he can get, smirking proudly when he remembers you talking about something you like to get you. Farleigh can absolutely be romantic if he tries, mostly when you're alone and he makes sure he's the first one to tell you he loves you, it'll be surprisingly heartfelt and sweet and vulnerable, and then you've officially, one hundred per cent, seen Farleigh Start for everything he really is, which isn't all bad at all.
⚜️• Big-time pda, and if you're not into that, tell him now, right now, because he's fairly shameless and won't think twice before showing off to his friends by making out with you at uncalled moments, or being more subtle and sweet by having his arm naturally around your shoulders when you're watching a movie or at some social event. Big handholder as well; walking to and from class, alone, in public, doesn't make a difference to him.
⚜️• His jealousy factors into his affection outside sometimes, not that he doesn't trust you, but Farleigh definitely isn't the only player around, and when you're at Saltburn with Felix, he might find himself being frustratedly insecure that you'll be drawn to him because... well, it's Felix, and everyone loves Felix. So when you show that you're not interested at all and it's Farleigh you're dating, duh, he'll chill out a bit after being clingy for a day or two.
⚜️• I will say that even though I don't write smut, it's gotta be obvious that you'll have more than enough going on behind closed doors, because it's Farleigh, and he likes you a lot, so... yeah, brace yourself 😏
⚜️• All I'm gonna say, though, is watch out for Oliver Quick, who's most likely watching it all with that familiar longing and envy of having such a close and strong relationship with someone beautiful and unique, who seems to fit in with the rest of the family just by being you. He's going to. want it, really want it, and whether he gets it or not is a matter of luck and dark fate.
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wannabeschyulersister · 3 months
but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
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“Who’s bright idea was it for us to have the party at our place?” You asked as you took a good look at the mess that was surrounding you.
“Richie. He somehow got out of hosting this year.”
“What a dick.” You joked. Well, kinda.
The staff of The Bear were known to party hard. It was evident by the state of your apartment. Everyone was excited to let loose and ring in the new year together. It had been a hectic couple of months to say the least.
New Year’s was one of your favorite holidays. It was a fresh start to new beginnings. It was also your third new year with Carmen.
“Where should we get started?”
Carmen wrapped his arms around you, “We should just go back to bed.”
“I would love to go back to bed but I can’t in good conscience knowing that we have a wreck here.” You told him as he kissed your cheek.
He groaned playfully and gave you a small squeeze, “I know. I forget that you’re a clean freak.”
“The faster we do this, the quicker we can get back in bed, Berzatto.”
“And what exactly would we do once we’re back in bed?”
“Well, I was thinking….”You leaned in closer and lightly grazed your lips against his. Just as he moved to seal the deal, you tilted your head back, “We can finally start that rewatch of Gilmore Girls.”
Carmen groaned and laughed, “That’s not what I was thinkin’ we should do.”
“Trust me, I know. You gotta get your mind out of the gutter,” you smiled, “Let’s have a game plan. Start in the living room and then finish in the kitchen.”
Carmen grabbed two garbage bags and handed you one. The both of you began picking up trash scattered around the room. You grabbed an empty champagne bottle and placed it in your bag.
“I loved the idea of people taking photos with the Polaroid this year. I’m sure we got some great shots.” You grabbed the stack that was on the floor.
Carmen moved closer to see the photos, “Is that someone’s ass?”
You chuckled, “That’s Richie’s.”
Carmen looked at you puzzled, “How the hell are you able to tell that his bare ass?”
“You can see the scar where Syd stabbed him.” You pointed out.
“Ah, yeah. Still creepy that you knew instantly.” Carmen laughed.
“Trust me, I hate that I knew it instantly too.” You glanced at the rest of the photos that were in the stack. One of Carmen and yourself caught your eye. Tina snapped the photo of the two of you candidly.
It had been close to midnight and Carmen didn’t want to let you out of his grasp before the countdown began. He wanted to savor the last moments of the year with you before ringing in the new one.
“I think we should put this one on the fridge.” You handed the picture to Carmen and it made him smile.
“Yeah, I like this one.”
“I’m glad that everyone felt comfortable here to let loose. Seeing everyone have a fun night after these last few stressful months was really nice.” You said as you grabbed the broom to sweep up some confetti. The glitter on the floor would be a bitch to clean.
“We have some more stressful months coming up,” Carmen added softly, “I hope everyone will be alright at the end of it.”
You knew he was mostly implying himself. The first year of a new restaurant opening was definitely one of the hardest. Trying to stand out from the hundreds and hundreds of already existing establishments was difficult.
Carmen put the stress of the world on his shoulders. You watched and held his hand through it all. There was nowhere else you’d rather be.
“Everyone is in a completely different place than they were when I first met them. I think you guys will be amazing and The Bear is going to be an absolute success.” You kissed his cheek and it made them a little rosy. He was so adorable when he blushed.
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do. I mean look who’s running the place. You and Syd. That’s a dream team if I’ve ever seen one.”
“You’re just gassin’ me up.” Carmen was never good at receiving compliments. That didn’t stop you from giving him dozens of them a day.
“No, I’m not. I’m telling you the truth,” you placed a hand on his chest near his heart, “I’m going to be right beside you through the good and the bad.”
Carmen placed his hand on yours. He didn’t outright say that he needed the reassurance but he was so thankful to get it. It was like you could read his mind.
He would often jump the gun and worry about things prematurely. You were the one to try and keep him grounded in the moment.
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He said softly before kissing you.
“Ditto, Berzatto. You’re stuck with me for life. I don’t ever want to not know you.”
“If I have it my way, you don’t ever have to worry about that happening.”
“Pinky promise?” You held your hand out with your pinky ready to lock with his.
“It’s a promise.”
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sserpente · 6 months
A "Happy" New Year indeed 🥂🎇🍾🎆
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Synopsis: Tony gifted you all a trip to the Bahamas to spend New Year's on the beach. Even Loki was invited but when no one else wants to spend time with him, you gather the courage to act on your secret crush on him until you end up sneaking away together...
A/N: Et voilà, just like that, I turned a couple older requests from @mandywholock1980, @frzntrx and anon (I’m so sorry for the delay) into a little treat for New Year’s Eve. “Slide well” into the new year tonight as we say in German! I’ll see you guys next year with lots of book news and of course, more Imagines! Thank you all for your love, for your comments, your kind words when you send me requests, for your likes and your reblogs and this year in particular, your patience! I appreciate you all so much and that’s almost 24k of you at this point! So crazy! To an amazing 2024!
Words: 2556 Warnings: smut, SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2
Where is that damn bathing suit? You’d packed it, right? You knew you’d packed it. It was on top of your suitcase so you wouldn’t forget. With a sigh, you rummaged through the clothes you’d brought, creating an utter mess in the process.
Holidays with the Avengers. Hallelujah. No wonder you were so worked up. It certainly wasn’t every day you unwrapped a neatly folded plane ticket to the freaking Bahamas on Christmas morning, a “little” treat from Tony Stark who had flipped the ice-cold temperatures in New York City the bird and booked you all a trip to the other end of the world.
Seeing both Steve Rogers and Thor topless was a delectable sight—not to mention how absolutely gorgeous Natasha looked in her black bikini. You felt self-conscious about yourself, to say the least, but the hilarious part was that it wasn’t because of a bunch of shredded superheroes; it was because of a very mischievous prince who had the very essence of the multiverse coursing through his veins.
The kiss had been… incidental. Rules were rules and Tony had been very clear about all the damn mistletoes he’d hidden across the tower and it was Thor who had not let either of you leave until you fulfilled the silly tradition. Ironically, it had been Loki himself who’d caused all that attention around the mistletoe all those years ago. He only had to blame himself but heavens… he sure knew how to kiss.
And just like that… there you had it. After spending Christmas, or Yule, as he liked to call it, Loki had—unbeknownst to him—managed to make you fall for him. He, who just so happened to have become the most powerful being in the entire universe; or multiverse, in this case.
There it is. The black bathing suit you pulled from the pile of clothes, at last, was your favourite, complimenting your body shape in just the right places. You’d already caught yourself wondering on the plane what Loki would think when he saw you in it. After all, he was a god. He’d met a number of goddesses and princesses, not to mention a stunning female version of himself. How could you, a mere mortal woman, possibly impress him? Hell, you didn’t even have superpowers. Nothing that would grab his attention. Perhaps you should have brought the mistletoe and steal another kiss. Perhaps you could get him drunk so he wouldn’t remember your heartfelt confession if he didn’t reciprocate it. Or maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all and keep the cheeky God of Mischief an exciting fantasy in your head. You’d totally not named the green and gold vibrator you had bought as a Christmas present for yourself after him… you would never do that…
Despite the fact that the Avengers were slowly—really slowly—warming up to the idea of him being around, Loki was alone when you joined the others at the beach. He’d conjured a green blanket with a gold rim to sit on in the blazing sun, his dark green trunks leaving nothing to fantasy. Although he wasn’t nearly as shredded as Thor was, godly strength aside, you were certain he could haul you into the air and one-handedly fling you across the ocean if he wanted to. Or maybe do push-ups while you were sitting on him…
“Hey.” You sat down next to him without waiting for an invitation, your gaze flicking over to the gang playing volleyball in the sand. “I don’t understand…”
“They hit the ball with their bare hands and fling it across the net. If it lands on the ground on the opposite end of the field, their team scores,” Loki said matter-of-factly.
You chuckled. “Not the game. Why are you not playing?”
“Please. This is hardly the most enjoyable place for a Frost Giant,” he replied. His voice was just as icy as the tale he was telling.
“I see… I’m sure no one would mind if you returned to the hotel until it’s dark. It’s gonna be a long time until midnight still.”
Loki scoffed. “Of course, they wouldn’t mind. In fact, they are likely hoping for it.”
“Well, maybe you can tell Thor—“
“Thor is making things worse. My brother has always had quite the talent for ignoring me when he’s with his friends. I am not going anywhere.” You could practically hear the unspoken words: I’ll stay out of spite and sulk.
“Okay then. But maybe you should wear sunscreen. The sun’s pretty aggressive in these parts of Earth.”
“I am a god. I don’t get sunburned.” Indignity swung in his smooth voice as he lifted his chin in defiance.
“Are you sure? At least sit in the shade then. If you’re uncomfortable, I’m sure we can find you some ice.”
“No”, Loki spat, earning him a frown.
“Hey, what’s with the attitude, Trickster?”
“This is ridiculous. I have a multiverse to look out for and Stark had nothing better to do than reduce me to… to…”
“…someone he’d trust enough to bring on holiday with him?” you offered.
Loki glared at you.
“You still feel like you don’t belong?”
Another glare.
“I don’t. Not with them. The only reason I am here is because of Thor who has conveniently forgotten I am even here.”
Your glance found his pale back as he spoke. Loki sighed.
“Would you feel better if I put this… sunscreen on?”
“I would, actually. You don’t wanna start the New Year as red as a crab. You should be blue,” you said, chuckling at your own joke.
“My true form might scare away the other hotel guests.”
“O-oh. No, I meant… blue as in drunk. Wait, so your Frost Giant form is… you have blue skin?”
Loki nodded. “And red eyes.”
“Damn… can you willingly control that? How you look?” You grabbed the sunscreen bottle from your beach bag and squirted a small amount in your palm. It caught fire the very moment it connected with Loki’s bare skin. Heavens… had he just… flinched?
“Odin put an enchantment on me when I was an infant. I could turn if I wished but it mainly triggers if I touch Jötun artefacts.” He didn’t seem all too delighted by the idea.
“I see.”
Quickly, to not get carried away by your fantasies, you rubbed the sunscreen on his back and shoulders and then offered him some more for his face which of course, he declined.
“Well… It’s gonna be a long evening. As soon as Tony brings out the schnapps, you can forget about reasonable conversations.”
Loki smirked. “Thor brought Asgardian ale. They will be unreasonable long before that.”
“And you?”
“What about me?”
You shuffled a little closer, careful not to sit in an awkward position and look at least a little sexy. “Do you plan on getting drunk?”
“It’s the beginning of a new year. Hardly a reason to celebrate.”
“Hmm… probably not if you turn thousands of years old. Still, living the life we do, we should be grateful for every year we’re still alive.”
Loki scoffed. It was easy for you to say, of course. You didn’t carry the entire multiverse on your back.
“I’m going for a swim. It’s getting a little too warm for my taste,” he announced.
You nodded, watching how Loki stood, strolled across the beach, and all but jumped into the ocean. You had to close your mouth to make sure you didn’t start drooling over him. Unfortunately for you, Tony sauntered over the very moment you picked up your jaw from the floor.
“You have a thing going on, don’t you?” the billionaire said. It wasn’t a question. In fact, you were quite certain he didn’t even expect a response.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him. I’ve had dozens of women look at me like that. You want my advice? Stay away from him. Loki is trouble. I don’t care if he’s the harbinger of the multiverse now.”
“Don’t worry, Tony. I can take care of myself,” you replied with a flat voice. “You could ask him to join you guys, you know. He was sitting here like a pile of misery.”
“He is a pile of misery. And how is this my fault? He could have asked to join too.”
“He shouldn’t have to,” you shot back. Checkmate. Tony sighed, shook his head and, after taking a huge gulp from his water bottle, returned to the volleyball field.
Alright then… if they were not going to celebrate New Year’s with Loki, then you would. You didn’t like beach volleyball anyway.
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Loki had been right about the Asgardian ale. You’d been curious to try it and mesmerised by the taste. By dusk and only one small cup later, you were drunk. Well, sort of. You were present enough to form functioning sentences and sensible thoughts but you would be lying if you claimed that Loki hadn’t noticed your predicament.
Torches, driven into the sand, illuminated your unconventional party location, throwing dancing shadows on the ground and the palm trees around you. Music was blaring out from the speakers behind the bar where an employee, bless his soul, was preparing one alcoholic drink after the next. At some point, you had grabbed Loki’s hand and dragged him away from the centre of attention, somewhere you could talk in peace. You had so many questions—about him, about his thoughts, about his life. And the more questions you asked, the more you realised that apart from Mobius, perhaps, no one had ever taken such interest in him—over Thor, anyways.
You must have been talking for hours at this point.
“Loki? Can I ask you something… personal?”
“Twelve minus twenty-five!” Tony yelled. Right. Twenty-five minutes until the New Year.
The God of Mischief quirked an eyebrow. You took that as a yes and to be fair, he looked adorable holding a cocktail glass with a little paper parasol in his left hand.
“You’re a prince… and you’re a literal century older than me. You must have… lots of experience?”
“Experience with…”
“You know… intimacy. You, um…” You took a sip of your own cocktail. It was a Long Island Ice Tea, one of those you knew got you drunk even quicker than you intended. But you needed the liquid courage. It was the last day of the year, you might as well be daring. “You’re a really good kisser is what I’m trying to say.”
“Ah…” he teased. “You’re still thinking about our kiss, dear?”
“It’s hard not to. You wanna know the truth? I have the biggest crush on you. Not sure what’s stopping me from ripping your clothes off your body right now. Probably the fact that we’re not alone.”
Loki smirked. Then, with a start, he stood up and put both your and his cocktail glass on the little coffee table next to you both. Your heart skipped a beat when he offered you his hand. “Come with me.”
“Somewhere we are… alone.”
Your eyes widened. The way he purred the words you were all but putty in his hands when you allowed him to pull you with him, back into his hotel room. They were big, massive suites all on the ground floor, actual cottages with straw roofs, a minibar, and king-size beds.
“It’s almost midnight. Whatever your plan is, we should probably—“ You didn’t get any further. As soon as the door fell shut and the room was drowned in darkness, Loki’s lips were on yours, his hands exploring your body and tugging on what little clothing you were wearing in this warm climate.
They were gone before you could blink, your legs wrapped around his middle, his hands on your butt, carrying you to bed. A moan escaped your lips when he broke his passionate kiss to get rid of his own clothes. He was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt, one that’d already had you drooling all over him, combined with another pair of dark green trunks.
You were about to comment how hot you thought he was when he kissed you again. You moaned again, felt his hard length pressing against your inner thigh. Instinctively, you spread your legs further, inviting him in. Still, he took his time.
One of his hands cupped your face, the other disappeared down to where you were already throbbing for him. Loki found you wet and eager, your back arching when he began to pamper your clit with gentle pressure, massaging the sensitive little nub until you went absolutely feral for him.
He was proving it, you realised. Proving a point. Answering your question. Yes, he had experience. And he was about to show you just how he could make his partners feel in bed. Fuck…
You whined when he pulled away but before you could complain, he pulled your legs apart even further and sank his length into you. He slid in meeting no resistance, filling you to the brim. For a moment, you both froze.
“You… feel like you’ve been made for me…” you heard him growl against your ear.
“Loki…” It was all you were able to respond when he began to fuck you, stroke after stroke after stroke. He was right. It felt so good you feared you’d pass out and miss out on the fun and you realised soon enough that you didn’t need his hands to give you bliss.
Loki buried himself even deeper inside of you, his forehead resting against yours; grinding so closely against you he created friction where you needed him the most. Slow and deep thrusts made you throw your head back. And then, all of a sudden, you could hear everyone outside count down from ten.
You came the very moment you heard the Avengers’ scream “Happy New Year”, followed by fireworks illuminating the night sky. Flickering, colourful lights fell through the gap of Loki’s curtains, reflecting the firework inside of you.
Pulsing around him, he kept pounding into you until he too reached his peak, his face buried in your neck.
The fireworks were still going by the time you were able to grasp a proper thought again, a whimper escaping your lips as you relished the feeling of Loki jerking against your walls and filling you with his seed.
“Happy New Year, Loki.”
“Happy New Year, dear.”
The God of Mischief smiled—it was quite possibly the most genuine expression you had ever seen on him. He pulled out and you rolled over so you came to lie on top of him. He was even more comfortable than the king-size bed. But when you tried to sit up and climb out of bed, he wrapped his arms around you, holding you captive.
“Where do you think you’re going? We’ve only just started.”
“Oh f-fuck… that sounds tempting but we should… probably wish everyone a happy New Year?” Loki quirked an eyebrow yet again. “Or maybe not…”
He smirked and allowed you both to sit up. With a simple snap of his fingers, he produced two glasses of champagne and handed you one. “Perhaps… I will start celebrating New Year’s after all.”
You grinned as you clinked your glasses. “But only if we do it exactly how we just did it.”
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A/N: Happy New Year everyone! ♥
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
Okay so assuming there is absolutely nothing going on come Halloween night, no ancient threats or out of nowhere invasions or anything, which of the HoM would be up for trick-or-trwating, from most to least hyped?
These 6 would be especially excited for trick-or-treat out of the lot!
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Their trick-or-treating would probably consist of them crashing people's homes (enemies and friends alike) to play some harmless (or not) pranks in the spirit of Halloween.
Randy just in general enjoys Halloween and dressing up. Danny is more excited to have Halloween fun with people not from Amity Park (or more like fun to mess with people who are actually afraid/get scared of ghosts unlike most of Amity citizens). Ben and Jun just likes any excuse to mess with people. While Zak and Rex are all up to have some relatively 'normal' fun with a group of friends (something they didnt have many opportunities for when they were younger).
The other three wouldn't mind joining them, but they would be more excited about hosting a big Halloween Party!
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Kim, Jake and Jenny always sought out more social forms of holiday celebration, and they really would enjoy hosting a big party, open to all of their friends, be they magical, alien or human. Rex would also be incredibly excited (if not to actually host but to participate in it) because it is another 'normal' experience he never had a chance to get before.
Also can you imagine how rad the party would be???
There is also another thing two of them would be very excited about...
Haunted House/Maze.
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Danny and Ben would get into a contest of who could make a better Haunted House/Maze for the party (with some assistance from Randy and Rex).
As I said before, Danny, with all his ghostly powers and expertese would be excited to make a Haunted House for people outside of Amity Park. While Ben would probably rise the challenge to Danny's efforts, saying that he could make a scarier maze.
And the truth is, despite all the ghostly things Danny can do, Ben would make a very decent opposition (and for why, you really need to only refer to Ben 10:AF episode Above and Beyond, that kid can be very sinister lol).
So the party would end up with two haunted mazes, one themed around ghost /spirits /magic, and the other themed around horror movies/sci-fi/aliens, which would fit really well, considering the diversity of their friends. ;D
also i dressed them up like that because
Danny as Phantom, dressed as Fright Knight because i just keep thinking about the dude. Danny as Fenton, a low effort t-shirt because he would be spending more time as Phantom.
Randy as Sorcerer, because despite defeating him, Randy can admit that he was pretty freaking spooky.
Zak as Francis (agent clone boy), because they planned to crash their agency HQ and Zak knew it would annoy Francis.
Jun as Loki of Marvel Variety, because she knows it would annoy Taylor (their universe Loki's demigod son) and it just amuses her in general how popular and different a Marvel Loki is, compared to that Loki she knows and is imprisoned.
Kim as Warmonga, mostly because i wanted to dress her as one of her enemies, but didn't want to go easy way of dressing her up as Shego or Dr. Krakken.
Jenny as Vexus, because Vexus design slaps and i wanted to.
Ben, Rex and Jake went the low-effort easy route (because they are like that), with Jake just freely walking around as Dragon (and people complimenting him on his scaly suit lol), and Ben and Rex transforming freely and whenever the want.
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strangererotica · 1 month
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perv!mean!Hopper, dom!Steve, soft!dom!Eddie x sub!Reader
Includes: MFM relationship, Hopper is a dirty cop/really sleazy human, oral sex, anal sex, guilt/shame/angst, blood mention, surgery mention, abuse of power, vomit, fingering, praise kink, piss, deepthroating, cockwarming, masturbation, swallowing, unprotected vaginal sex, pregnancy, shame, lies, secrets, squirting, and bubble bath sex… 🫨
@wordynerdygurl @eddiesguitarskills
• Our story begins in Chief Hopper’s Blazer, parked somewhere secluded in the woods of Hawkins •
“You got somethin’ to say kid-,” Hopper sighed, irritated. “Just fuckin’ say it.”
He was in a bad mood today…impatient. And honestly, it was the last thing you needed. “Why’re you so quiet anyway?” he asked, his hand sliding between your thighs. “Usually by now, you’d have this sweet little cunt in my fa-.” Hopper stopped speaking when he realized you were wearing underwear.
“The hell is this?” he asked. “You know my rules. No fuckin’ panties when you’re with me.” Hopper cursed, stamping out his burned-down cigarette. “You on the rag or somethin?” he asked, adding “I told you, it doesn’t fuckin’ bother me. There’s towels in the back, and besides-.” Hopper squeezed your thigh, a wry grin on his lips. “-I like it when you make a mess…”
You met his eyes, his deep blue gaze almost sinister with hunger. It would be difficult to say no to Hopper, even with the information you’d been wrestling with since morning.
“Jim,” you began, and he looked at you strangely, since you rarely ever addressed him by anything other than ‘Chief.’
“Yeah?” he asked flatly.
Your heart was racing a mile a minute, as you recalled the way your morning had started…nausea roiling in your stomach on the way to the bathroom from bed, vomit spraying the toilet bowl, and the piece of plastic you’d held between trembling hands, watching as two bold lines of color bloomed in the result area of the test…
“I’m pregnant,” you murmured softly. Hopper stared at you for a moment, before bursting out laughing. “Christ!” he exclaimed, his eyes crinkled in amusement. “How about that?” You watched Hopper light his cigarette, stunned silent by his reaction. “You told him yet?”
“Have I told who?” you asked. Hopper frowned back at you, confused but still smirking. “Your loser boyfriend,” he clarified, snapping his lighter closed. “You told The Freak he’s about to be somebody’s daddy?” Hopper chuckled again at his own words, finding the idea of Eddie being a father hilarious.
The shock you were feeling began to morph into anger. “What if it’s yours?” you asked, a bitter lump rising in your throat. Hopper’s laughter died quickly, his eyes going dark. “It’s not,” he retorted coldly, shifting in his seat to face the road, and not you.
“How do you know?” you asked, and he quickly (almost defensively) replied “because it’s not.” Hopper blew a cloud of smoke at the dashboard, resting his elbow against the driver’s side door. “Can’t be. I had the surgery-.” Hopper made a snipping motion with his fingers. “-Vasectomy. The kid’s not mine…”
You had no reason to believe him. Hopper could see the doubt in your eyes, so he chose to elaborate. “Had it done years ago. After my daughter, uh…” Hopper paused, his voice wavering. “…after my kid died. I decided I never wanted to go through that kind of…” He sniffed, clearing his throat. “…loss, again. So-.” Hopper shook his head slightly, as if shaking away a bad memory. “-I got fixed. Can’t lose a kid I can’t have in the first place, y’know?”
You wanted to believe Hopper. It would relieve at least some of your anxiety, but not all of it. You still wouldn’t be sure whether the baby was Eddie or Steve’s; but at least the affair you were having with Hopper could remain hidden, if the baby couldn’t be his…
“Besides,” Hopper said, interrupting your thoughts. “Can’t risk knocking up a girl like you, right?”
His question caught you off guard. “Like me?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Hopper replied. “One of my girls.”
Your lips parted, a weight sinking in your chest. Hopper’s smile took on a cruel affect.
“Oh?” he teased. “You thought you were the only girl I screw around with out here?” He waved his hand to the window, indicating the forest around you. “Trust me sweetheart,” Hopper continued, taking another drag of his cigarette. “You aren’t the only pretty girl in Hawkins with a boyfriend she wants to keep out of jail...”
His callous attitude was breaking your heart. You felt like a complete idiot for giving so much of yourself to Hopper, far more than your body alone. You’d felt safe with him, for some ungodly reason you couldn’t identify now. Regardless of how good Hopper was at fucking you, the reality of his monstrous character was finally, truly sinking in.
Hopper noticed the look of sorrow that had washed over you, and it annoyed him. “Now let’s get one thing straight,” he told you, leaning closer. “I still own this-.” Hopper slid his hand further between your thighs till he was cupping your pussy, squeezing it so hard you winced. “I still own you,” he added, his tone harsh. “And unless you want Eddie to miss the birth of his kid ‘cause he’s rotting in a jail cell-.” Hopper ripped the crotch of your panties aside and forced two fingers inside you. “-Nothin’ about our little arrangement changes. Understand?”
You nodded resignedly, a tear trickling down your cheek. Hopper rested his cigarette between his lips, using the fingers that had been holding it to pull down your shirt, and your bra along with it. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and index finger, pinching till you yelped.
In some sense, he felt that you were at fault in all of this…that you’d fucked up by getting pregnant. And the main reason Hopper wanted to punish you, was out of fear. Because he knew there was a very real possibility that you were pregnant with his baby. The vasectomy story was a lie, a well-rehearsed one he’d told many girls before you. Hopper really was just a selfish asshole who came in multiple women every week, and didn’t care about the consequences his reckless behavior might cause.
But this time, Hopper was afraid. He’d managed to escape the consequences of his actions for too long now; the truth would eventually come out. Hopper felt like this time, he might have really fucked things up. His bad mood from earlier was now a simmering rage. And he was going to take out all of his frustration on you.
Hopper pulled his fingers out of you with a loud squelch. “Get your ass in the back,” he ordered.
You obeyed.
Eddie and Steve weren’t stupid. They’d seen you rush to the bathroom that morning, obviously feeling unwell. They’d found it suspicious when you stayed in there for over an hour, blowing them off each time they asked through the door if you were alright.
You’d locked yourself in the bathroom as if guarding a terrible secret inside it. As soon as you’d left to go meet a friend for lunch Hopper for sex, Steve and Eddie had done a bit of investigating. And it didn’t take them long to figure out the reason you’d been hiding in the bathroom, and why you’d looked so upset when you left it.
The positive pregnancy test was thrown into the back of the cabinet under the sink, but Steve managed to find it. Eddie covered his mouth in shock when he saw it, a big smile on his face. Steve was less enthusiastic, but not because he didn’t want you to be pregnant. Steve was uncomfortable with the possibility that Eddie, and not him, could be the baby’s father. If Steve was going to have kids with anyone, he’d want it to be you. The idea of Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson beating him to it…pissed Steve off.
For his part, Eddie was just happy. He was babbling excitedly to Steve about baby names, what the three of you would need to change around the apartment before the baby arrived, etc. He was buzzing with energy, while Steve was taking the news of your pregnancy in stride. He was happy for you, but he wanted to be happy for the two of you...excited for your baby and his. Not your baby and Eddie’s…
While Steve sat on the couch in silent contemplation, Eddie paced back and forth restlessly, chatting away at Steve about all his plans for the baby. “(Y/N)’ll be home soon,” Eddie told Steve. “When she walks in, we should both jump out and be like, hey mama!”
Steve rolled his eyes at Eddie. “Nobody’s jumping out at anybody, okay?” he retorted. “She hid the test, Ed. She didn’t want us to know.”
Eddie’s look of joy faded. He knew Steve was right.
“If she wanted to tell us, she would’ve this morning,” Steve continued. “We have to respect her privacy. God only knows what’s going through her mind right now.” Eddie flopped down on the couch beside Steve, his leg bouncing nervously.
“Why wouldn’t she tell us?” Eddie asked, even though he knew the man beside him didn’t have an answer. Steve shrugged his shoulders in an attempt at indifference. “I’m sure she has her reasons,” he replied. “And she will tell us, when she’s ready...”
Hopper dropped you off a few streets over from the apartment complex, just as he always did after driving you out into the woods and fucking you. This time was different from the others. You were sore. Hopper had fucked you in the ass today, and not gently. It would take some time to recover, and the most appealing thing in the world to you right now was a warm bath you could lay back and relax in.
Standing outside the door to your apartment, you could hear Steve and Eddie talking inside. Part of you was happy they seemed to be bonding in your absence. Another part of you worried that they somehow knew about the pregnancy…or worse, about your affair with Hopper.
Your worries disappeared as soon as you opened the door. Steve and Eddie were busy in the kitchen making dinner, politely arguing about whether or not the pasta they were boiling was truly al dente. Your keys jingling got their attention. “Hey babe,” Steve called out. “Hope you’re hungry; Eddie and I boiled a shit ton of pasta by accident.”
Eddie held up the empty box the pasta had come from, idly inspecting it. “Yeah,” he commented as his eyes scanned the label. “Turns out one box yields, um…” Eddie pursed his lips, trying to do the math in his head. “…Waaaay more than we need,” he finished with a lighthearted grin in Steve’s direction. “Math was never my strong suit, okay?”
Steve left the stove and approached you, resting his big hands on your shoulders like protective mitts. The gesture was tender, warm, very unlike the affection you were used to getting from Steve. “Thought we’d eat in tonight,” he said, massaging your shoulders softly. “Maybe watch a movie together.” Steve was being so gentle, it took you completely by surprise, in the best way.
Eddie leaned in to your neck, nuzzling you with a soft kiss. “Dinner can wait,” he said, turning your chin to face him. “I think I’m in the mood to have dessert first…”
Steve nodded in agreement- “I second that,” -and let his hands glide down your arms, lingering around your wrists. “What d’you say, (y/n)?”
You realized how lucky you were, in that moment. These two beautiful men were standing there, wanting only to please you. A part of you wanted to reveal your pregnancy, but the possibility of ruining such a tender moment gave you pause. Guilt washed over your heart as you remembered your other secret, the one you were most afraid of confessing: Hopper.
“I think I’d like to have a bath first,” you told them. “And afterwards, I’ll absolutely be ready for dessert…”
The bath Steve ran for you was perfect. Big, fluffy piles of cotton candy-scented bubbles floated on top of the water, swallowing you in a warm hug as you sank beneath them. You let your hair fan out on the water’s surface, your eyes drifting closed as you tried to relax. A cassette player on the sink played a tape of ambient music that Eddie had chosen for you. The lights were dimmed, with a few candles flickering beside you on the edge of the tub.
It should have been the perfect atmosphere to relax in, but your mind was running circles. Additionally, the work Hopper had done on your ass earlier that day made sitting uncomfortable, even in a warm tub of bubbles. You tried to avoid thinking of the pregnancy, but it was impossible. Over the course of one day, you’d gone from worrying you were falling in love with Hopper to bitterly resenting the power he held over you. Could you really trust him, that there was no way the baby could be his? As much as you wanted it to be true, based on what you knew of Hopper’s character, you had plenty of reason to doubt him.
How could you have been so naive, to think that Hopper didn’t have similar arrangements with other girls? He’d taken such good care of you sexually, fucking you slowly, unselfishly. Maybe it really had been for him all this time; but Hopper made it seem like he was fucking you for your pleasure more than his own. Like he genuinely cared about you. The way he ate you out for hours on end, licking you till the pleasure turned to pain. Why would a man who had so many girls dedicate that much time to your satisfaction? To making sure you came at least six times in one afternoon? Was there something about you that Hopper couldn’t get from all his other girls?
You hated feeling jealous, especially over someone like him. Here you were, sitting in a beautiful bath prepared by Steve and Eddie, about to be fucked by both of them as soon as you were finished. And yet, you were jealous over a filthy son of a bitch that was twice your age and fucking who knows how many other girls?? You shook your head, bubbles fizzing at your ears. A quiet little sob escaped your lips, but not quiet enough for Eddie’s perceptive ears to miss.
He peeked around the doorframe, a concerned look on his face. “You good, (y/n)?” he asked. With a heavy sigh, you managed a smile, and rested your chin on the side of the tub. “I’d be better if you and Steve joined me,” you said.
Eddie’s lips quirked into a grin. He stuck his head around the corner and called for Steve, “get in here Harrington, she wants us in the tub with her.”
When Steve entered the bathroom, he was met with a view of you sucking Eddie off at the side of the tub. The image made Steve’s brain go a little hazy, and all he wanted was to be naked, too. Your eyes left Eddie’s and locked with Steve’s as you sucked. The look on Steve’s face made you grin around Eddie’s cock, the corners of your lips stinging at the stretch. “Fucking look at her,” Eddie marveled, running his fingers through your damp hair. “Look at how good she sucks it…”
Steve removed his shirt and began to work his belt undone. His cock was hard and leaking by this point, wet and ready for the moist heat of your mouth. He removed his pants and his boxers, kicking them aside as he made his way to the tub.
Eddie’s legs quivered as he stood beside the bath, with you on your knees in the tub taking his cock down your throat. Steve watched while masturbating to the view in front of him, massaging his cock in slow, patient pumps from base to tip. He knew he’d get the same treatment from your lips as Eddie, that all he had to do was enjoy the show till his turn came.
The soft gurgling sounds you made around Eddie’s cock had both men groaning. “Good fuckin’ girl,” Steve praised. “Takin’ such good care of Eddie’s cock…gonna take care of mine too, yeah?”
You nodded, your head bobbing on Eddie’s dick. Pulling your lips off his tip with a loud pop, you shifted in the water and reached for Steve. “Uh-uh,” he scolded, swatting away your touch. “No hands. You want my cock? Then find it with your mouth like a good little girl…”
Greedy, hungry to taste the sweet pearly liquid oozing from Steve’s tip, you did as he instructed. Clasping your hands behind your back, you leaned forward till Steve’s cock was bumping your mouth, smearing precum over your lips and chin. “Open up,” Eddie murmured down at you, patting his hand against your cheek. “Take care of Steve’s cock the way you took care of mine, pretty thing.”
As Steve pressed himself between your lips, his girth caused an even sharper sting than Eddie’s. Usually, this was the order you sucked them in; Eddie was a little longer than Steve but not as thick, so he generally went first and got your throat warmed up for Steve.
A hum of pleasure rolled deep in Steve’s chest as he fucked your mouth, watching his cock disappear between your lips again and again with every thrust. Eddie climbed into the tub, reaching for your hips and tugging them to meet his.
As Steve continued to use your mouth, Eddie pulled you onto his lap beneath the water. He splashed away a hill of bubbles to watch your pussy swallowing his cock under the water. Steve lifted his leg and braced his foot against the edge of the tub. This position gave him even deeper access to your throat, his balls slapping full and heavy against your chin as he took you. Gripping your hair in his fist, Steve used it as leverage to fuck your face as rough as possible, till your gag reflex activated and you smacked his thigh, telling him to pull back. Vomit spilled onto the ceramic bathroom tile. Steve wiped your lips clean with a towel and cradled your face in his hands. “You wanna stop, baby?” he asked, and you shook your head ‘no,’ in response.
Steve complied, burying his cock down your throat again without pause. Eddie’s dick was nestled balls-deep inside your cunt as he let you cockwarm him. The urge to buck up into you was deliriously tempting, but Eddie forced himself still, knowing he’d come too soon if he moved even slightly. The sounds you were making on Steve’s cock were beyond pornographic. Gulping, choking, gagging around the thick outline of his shaft, you forced every inch down your throat till you’d swallowed him completely.
Steve exhaled a flurry of curses, his hands in your hair gripping for dear life as his knees went weak. “Oh my-oh my god baby-how d’you-how d’you do that?” he gasped. “I’m gonna-fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna come honey, shit!”
Steve ejaculated so far down your throat, his cum slid straight to your stomach. Eddie completely lost it, watching Steve’s face contort in pleasure as he relieved himself inside your mouth. Unable to hold back any longer, Eddie bucked his hips upward, punching into you with a few hard, breathless thrusts. As Steve staggered back to lean against the bathroom sink, Eddie groaned into your shoulder and painted your pussy with cum. “Oh my god!” he exhaled, falling against the back of the tub, a big smile on his face. “That was…I’ve never come that hard in my life, (y/n)-.”
“Neither have I,” Steve chuckled, finding his breath again. He returned to the edge of the tub and caressed your cheek, smiling warmly down at you. “Good girl,” he said, and then left for the bedroom, ready to pass out in bed.
Eddie lifted you off of him, resting your ass on the side of the tub, and parted your legs over his shoulders. You held onto his hair as Eddie buried his face against your cunt, his tongue searching out and swallowing every drop of his orgasm. Your thighs were shaking, clamped around Eddie’s face as he ate you, licking your cunt clean, hoping to get you all dirty again.
His wish came true less than a minute later. Biting your bottom lip to keep from screaming, you came all over Eddie’s tongue. A mix of cum and piss squirted inside his mouth and ran down his chin in slippery streams, dripping into the tub. Eddie growled into your cunt, his hand furiously working his dick under the water, a second climax overtaking him as he swallowed your release. Thick ropes of semen expelled under the water, clinging to the hair on Eddie’s legs. He pulled you into the tub with him, soaking your bodies in both your cum and his, kissing you so deeply you’d swear Eddie’s tongue touched your soul.
Eddie gently rocked you in his arms, in the mix of bubbles, water and cum. His body stretched across yours and covered you like a protective shield. You felt safer than you ever had before, looking into the eyes of the man you loved more than anything, the man you would do anything for…
…even if that meant doing Jim Hopper, to keep Eddie safe. There he was, that horrible, cruel bastard, forcing his way into your mind again, even as you lay in Eddie’s arms. The urge to tell, at least one of your secrets, became overwhelming.
You held Eddie’s cheek and gently stroked his hair, your words barely above a whisper as you told him: “I’m pregnant.”
His eyes lit happily, the corners of his lips turning up into a grin. “I love you, (y/n),” Eddie said.
And that, you realized, was all the assurance you needed that no matter what happened from here on, things were going to be alright… 🖤
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sturn3 · 2 months
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✮⋆˙ reflections- the neighborhood ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆
bbf!chris, who has been best friends with your older brother for aaaaages.
bbf!chris, who never seen you as more than his best friend's annoying little sister.
bbf!chris, who loved scaring boys away from with your brother.
bbf!chris, who would come in your room, mess your hair up, flex in your mirror and go bother your brother.
bbf!chris, who would randomly grab big portions of your food and stuff them in his mouth.
bbf!chris, who would have burping competitions with your brother. seriously, ew!
bbf!chris, who broke your heart when he announced he was going to prom with summer jones. did she even know his favorite color? his favorite mac miller song?
bbf!chris, who started noticing you more and more when he'd come back home for holidays with your brother from college. he couldn't help but notice how much longer your hair had gotten, your new belly piercing, more revealing clothing, and you genuinely were glowing.
bbf!chris, who followed you out of your brother's room when you caught them smoking weed, a habit they had recently picked up in college. in fear that you'd snitch on them, he ran after you. that moment he panicked so much, you looking up at him expectantly, he didn't even think it through what he'd do when he got this far, so he did the unexpectable. he kissed you.
bbf!chris, who was dying over how much you avoided him after that kiss, your brother was starting to notice it too. asking him a couple of times what was going on, chris not giving him any information or anything. your brother though, couldn't help but threaten him to not make a move on you. too late. the forbidden fruit was sweeter.
bbf!chris, who was trying to read your mind as you sat across from him at the table. picking at your food with your fork. you raised your head up, not expecting him to be directly looking at you with his big blue eyes. freak.
bbf!chris, who was currently stuck with you in a 7 minutes of heaven. awkward silence filling the room, the tension could be cut with a knife. "so, why did you do it?" you caught chris off guard. "why did i do what? kiss you?" he said confused, "yeah, why did you do it? you know my brother would freak out and you know about my stupid middle school crush on you so tell me why did you do it." you said in one breath. chris was looking at you like he had seen a ghost, he didn't know the reason you were avoiding him was because you were scared of what you were feeling. "you had a crush on me??" he said squinting his eyes and trying to suppress a smile. "yeah, yeah. don't act like you don't know. everyone did. my parents, your parents, your brothers and even mine," you admitted "well, do you still have a crush on me? cause i could work with that." you both smiled like idiots at each other and immediately kissing.
rip bbf!chris, who was caught by your brother kissing you😕😕 no, no, he didn't die, he was just made to do a thousand push ups, mow the lawn, clean your pool and beg for forgiveness.
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writingforstraykids · 7 months
My favorite dessert - Felix Edition
Pairing: Felix x femReader
Word Count: 3731
Summary: You finally convince Felix to help you in the kitchen, preparing cookies for the upcoming Christmas time. One thing leads to another, and some knocked-over sugar on the floor isn't the only mess you two make in the kitchen...Or: you can't stop teasing your husband about loving cookies more than you, and he has to prove a point.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, domestic married life, baking cookies, teasing, smut, oral (f receiving), fingers in v, p in v, edging (sort of I guess)
A/N: This has originally been a Moon Knight fic, so don't be confused in case this seems familiar 😂 I felt like the concept from last year would work well with Stray Kids as well, and Felix won the vote. Have fun🤭 ~ Moon🌙
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Felix glances up at you from the sofa curiously as you wander around the kitchen, slowly covering more and more of the kitchen island with all kinds of bowls and cooking utensils. He raises his eyebrows as you go to collect the sugar and flour and take out some eggs and milk from the fridge. You curse softly as a pack of cinnamon slips from your hand, and some fine powder covers the floor. “What the fuck are you doing?” he giggles, pushing himself off the sofa to join you in the kitchen area.
You laugh softly as he kneels down and wipes the cinnamon away for you. “I thought I’d make some cookies.”
“Cookies?” he asks curiously, smirking when he sees the excitement in your eyes.
“Yeah, you know, for Christmas,” you tell him innocently, grabbing your notebook filled with some of his and your favorite recipes.
“Christmas?” he laughs, getting up from the floor and stepping beside you. “Babe, it’s the second of December.”
“Which means I’m already a day late,” you tell him, frowning when he snorts at you. “Sunshine.” you pout at him. “Christmas cookies are meant to be made before Christmas. To enjoy the time leading up to it and getting in the holiday spirit. Also, why would you only eat them for five days before Christmas or so?” you huff.
He smiles gently and places his hands on your shoulders, seeing you pout and rubbing them soothingly. “I’m messing with you. I know how excited you get for this time of the year.”
You blush heavily at that and subconsciously shift on your feet. “It’s annoying, isn’t it? You’re right, Lix, I’m way too early and-.”
He cups your face and pulls you into a tender kiss, shutting you up for a moment. Pulling back, his warm, sparkling eyes meet yours, and your breath hitches at the pure love coating his chocolate orbs. “I have told you how much I love seeing you happy. I know how much this time we have together means to you, so it also matters to me,” he tells you, caressing your cheeks. “You’re not annoying, you’re freaking adorable, babe.”
You giggle happily and cover his hands with your own, making him beam. “Seriously though, stop me if it gets too much.”
“Promise,” he smirks, and you frown playfully, knowing he wouldn’t. As if he’d tell you to shut up about baking cookies, getting presents for your loved ones, decorating the house, and wishing for a white Christmas. Or stop you from singing Christmas tunes even though it was still weeks away.
You give him a quick kiss before turning back to your notebook. “Lixie?” you ask in a sweet singsong.
“What do you need, Lee?” he asks, smiling fondly.
You turn to him surprised, and your whole face lights up. “What did you just call me?”
“I called you by my last name, which just happens to be yours as well,” he chuckles and steps in front of you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I know, you just never did that before. Not randomly like that,” you say happily and smile at him fondly.
He looks at you adoringly, smile widening. “I should really start doing it more often then.”
“Please do.” you smile and press a gentle kiss on his lips.
Felix hums softly into it before squeezing your hips.“So, what did you need?” he asks, and you turn in his arms, opening a page of your little book. 
“Would you like to help me with this?”
"What, baking?” he asks and glances down at your neat handwriting.
“Please? It could be fun.” you insist and glance up at him, seeing him chew his lower lip as he scans the recipe. “I mean…only if you want,” you add nervously.
He soothingly squeezes your hip, and his eyes stay focused on the page as he speaks up again. “You know I’ll always help you,” he giggles, eyes flickering back at yours. “I just don’t think I ever did those before, so you’ll have to help me out.”
“I’d love to,” you wink at him and lean into his hold comfortably. “After all, you help me out all the time, you’re always there for me and show me I’m loved no matter what. The least I can do is show you how to make those cookies.”
He snorts softly and rolls his eyes playfully. “As if that would be the only thing you’d do for me.” he sighs before nodding and kissing your cheek. “Alright then, let’s see how soon you give up on me.”
“I’d never give up on you, sunshine,” you assure him and cuddle into his side as he steps close to you and looks through the book with you. “If you see any cookies you’d like to bake, tell me.” 
Felix hums agreeingly and watches you picking out a few classics until his eyes catch a specific heading. “Wait, are these the ones you made for my birthday?”
“They are.” you nod, agreeing.
“Can we make them too?” he asks, remembering how soft and tasty they had been. He has spent many nights dreaming of the sweet treats since then.
“Of course.” you smile and note down the page. “Alright then, you’re ready to start?”
“I’m not sure.” he giggles as you pinch his side playfully. “I’ll try my best,” he winks at you. You have no doubts since Felix enjoyed baking a lot himself from time to time. You show him how to prepare the different types of dough for each of the cookies, and he follows your instructions observantly. You haven’t had as much lighthearted fun as this in a while, and you both love it. Once the first ones are in the oven, he makes you some hot wine punch, and its sweet scent spreads throughout the kitchen. You hand him the rolling pin once you reach the dough, that’s always a little tough for you to flatten enough. He grunts softly and looks up at you, amused. “So that’s why you needed me.”
“Dork.” you roll your eyes playfully and make sure to tell him once he has flattened it enough. 
Felix helps you with decorating them, drawing small patterns onto them, and he realizes he hasn’t felt that relaxed in a while. You sit opposite him, focused fully on your work, a loose strand hanging into your face. He smiles softly and reaches over, gently brushing it back behind your ear. You look up, and your eyes meet his. The way they soften when spotting him makes his heart beat faster, and his stomach flutter. Only you are able to make him melt within seconds. He has to physically force himself to focus back on his task and finish up. You clean up the kitchen together once you two are done and the cookies are in the oven. 
He steps behind you as you wipe the table and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. Planting soft kisses on the back of your neck, hands soothingly rubbing your hips as you lean into him. “I love you,” he confesses softly. “So so much, babe.”
You turn around in his arms, wrapping your own around his neck, beaming up at him. “I love you too, handsome. You didn’t do so bad, by the way,” you tell him proudly.
“I have a great teacher.” he winks at you, his eyes softening. “And an amazing wife.”
“And I have an amazing husband.” you smile softly and brush back his soft hair. “Maybe we can do that again sometime?”
“Sure,”  he nods sincerely. Then he smirks and gently wipes his thumb over your cheek. “You’ve got some flour there, love,” he states.
You chuckle before leaning forward and crashing your lips onto his. He kisses back passionately, and you two melt into each other. God, how much you missed moments like this when he was on tour. An aggressive beeping sound interrupts you and makes you both flinch from the sudden sound. “Fucking hell.” he breathes out laughing and turns off the alarm. “I guess they’re done.”
“Oooh, yes, the chocolate chip cookies you wanted.” you nod excitedly and step back as he gets them out. After a few minutes, you carefully pick two of them up. “They’re the best like this, I swear.”
He laughs softly and takes one of them, gently blowing onto it. Felix takes a bite, and fuck, you were right. The warm dough, still a little soft, melts on his tongue and mixed with the chocolate, it tastes heavenly. “Fuck that’s good.” he moans out, and you start laughing. “Hey! You know I would get my ass kicked if I ate stuff like that too often,” he protests, only slightly offended.
“I know, I know.” you giggle and raise your eyebrow at him. “I just never heard you moan like that when you tasted me, that’s all,” you say innocently, and his jaw drops.
“What did you just say?” he asks, his voice dropping an octave lower, and pupils growing wide and dark. 
“You heard me.” you shrug and hop onto the kitchen island, spreading your legs casually and taking another bite of your cookie.
“Don’t tempt me,” he smirks, raising his eyebrow at you. 
“Not doing anything.” you give back with a mischievous shimmer in your eyes as you lick your lips clean painfully slowly.
He’s in front of you in a matter of seconds, his hands grabbing your thighs. “You’re a fucking tease.” 
“More like you’re easy to be teased,” you smirk before licking one of your fingers clean. 
“And you’re just as easy to be teased when I get my hands on you.” he gives back, deciding to play along with your little game.
“Is that so?” you ask challengingly. “Why don’t you give it a try?”
“Give it a try?” he laughs, amused, and rolls his eyes at you. “Fuck, you must be desperate for this pretending I haven’t done that before.”
You smirk succeedingly and spread your legs even more. “Maybe I am handsome.…but who wouldn’t be with that sight?” 
He hums softly and grabs your hand, wrapping his full lips around two of your fingers, sucking them clean. Your pupils blow wide, looking at him as he does so, and he raises an eyebrow at you, smirking in succession around your fingers. He pulls back and lets go of your fingers, a pop echoing through the kitchen. 
You hum contently as his lips capture yours in a passionate kiss. His hand sinks into your hair, pulling you closer. You grab his arm, pressing yourself against him. His hands quickly move down, pulling up your sweater and letting go of you for a moment to pull it off. You smirk when his mouth parts in a gasp once he sees you’re not wearing a bra. “See something you like?” you grin.
“You’ve been planning this all day, didn’t you?” he asks chuckling, his eyes taking in the sight of your breasts.
“What if I have, Lix?” you ask, combing your hand through his hair. 
“Christmas really gets you in a good mood.” he grins cheekily, and before you can protest, he leans down and licks right over your nipple, cupping your other breast. 
You moan softly as he starts kneading the soft flesh and bites down gently. You can feel his wedding ring against your skin, and a small smile spreads over your lips at the small reminder that he is truly yours. His lips messily travel down your stomach, licking and biting his way down to the hem of your pants. The thing with Felix is that he always gets what he wants without pushing you to your limit or stepping over your boundaries. He’s gentle and skilled, and you have never felt more safe with anyone else than your husband. Felix knows you too well, and he never fails to notice immediately when something’s off, which is why you always let him have his way. You have never needed your safeword before, and gosh, you love the thrill of not knowing what’s next.
You giggle softly as he eases you out of your pants with skilled moves and throws them to the side. “Baby, you’re soaked.” he groans softly, seeing the dark patch on your underwear. Fuck, he hasn’t even touched you there yet. 
“Only for you,” you tell him, and a low growl escapes his chest. He's on you in a matter of seconds.
Skilled fingers slip into your underwear and down between your folds. His teeth nibble softly on your earlobe as he circles his fingers over your clit. “Say that again.” he rasps into your ear.
“I’m yours, Lixie. All for you,” you tell him and moan sweetly as his finger teases your clit. “Please.” you breathe out and grab his arm tight to steady yourself.
He pulls his fingers out and sucks them clean deliciously, staring right into your eyes. 
“Take them off, love,” he says, his voice sounding smooth and comforting. You do as he says and take off your panties, your bare cheeks hitting the cool surface of the kitchen island. “Spread your legs, beautiful.”
You do as he says and watch him intrigued as he leans down, burying his face between your legs. You gasp when his tongue makes contact with your skin, licking up between your folds before circling around your clit with just the right pressure. And then he moans so sinfully it has your thighs trembling already, the vibration of it shooting right to your core. 
Felix has taken you by your word, wanting to prove that you were the only thing making him moan like he could lose his mind. His tongue laps up your juices, and he groans softly when it pushes against your clenching hole. Your hand buries itself in his hair, and the grip on it makes his eyes roll back. “Fuck, Lix, don’t stop,” you beg when he adds his thumb on your clit while fucking you with his tongue. 
This man just knows how to use it. You roll your hips into him, chasing his touch and clenching around his tongue. His moans against your skin send shivers down your body, and you lean back, bracing yourself on your hand to make it easier for you to move your hips. Your head falls back as the knot in your stomach grows tighter, and you can feel you’re getting close. “Don’t stop,” you breathe out and press his face closer to your core as you gush against him. 
Felix can tell you’re about to stumble over the edge. That’s when his hands grab your hips, and he pulls back just like that, licking his lips. “What the fuck?” you huff frustrated. “I was so close.”
“You asked for it, now live with it,” he says, seemingly unfazed, and removes his sweater, discarding it onto the floor. His sweatpants follow, and the only thing left are his boxers, which do a bad job of hiding his arousal. He hops onto the kitchen island with a smooth move and pushes you down gently.
You scoot back and make yourself as comfortable as possible on the kitchen island as he hovers over you. You frown at the mischievous smirk creeping onto his lips and raise your eyebrows in surprise when he grabs the chocolate sauce not far away from him. “What are you-Felix!” you gasp as he opens the bottle and pours a pattern over your torso. The cool temperature of the sauce drips onto your skin, catching you off guard.
He grins as he puts the bottle aside and leans down closer. “I thought I have to prove that you’re my favorite dessert?” he whispers against your lips, which has you whimpering and squirming with need.
This man shouldn’t be allowed to make you so weak. “You’ll drive me crazy one day.” you breathe out, and your eyes flutter close when he moves further down, and his tongue experimentally licks over your skin. You bury your hand in his hair as his tongue travels up your stomach, around your breasts, and over your nipples before going back down to your abdomen. He follows the pattern of the chocolate sauce at an agonizing pace and smirks against your skin as you can’t stop moaning, begging for more. 
Once he's done, he moves back up again and kisses you, sliding his tongue against yours. You can taste the sweetness of the chocolate and moan softly. His hand slips down between your legs again, one finger pushing into you with ease. Your grip around his hair grows tighter when he soon adds another finger and then another, opening you up and preparing you for him. He toys with your clit mindlessly whilst doing so, and it pushes you closer to the edge once more. "Felix, please," 
"Please, what?" he asks against your lips, curling his fingers against your sweet spot. 
You cry out in pleasure, and your hips buck into his touch. "I'm so close," 
"Nah, you're not." he shakes his head, and your eyes shoot open, looking at him almost offended. 
"Excuse me?" you breathe out. 
"I said you're not close," he repeats himself calmly, and a smug grin covers his lips. Sometimes, that angel face could trick you into thinking he wasn’t a menace beneath it. He kisses you sweetly and pulls out his fingers, making you whine at the sudden emptiness. "You're just ready to take all of me." 
You huff softly and laugh weakly, reaching down and pulling at his boxers impatiently. "You really weren't joking about teasing me." 
"I have a point to prove, don't I?" he asks, chuckling and caressing your cheek. "Easy now. I got you, sweet girl." 
You lean into his touch and smile up at him through hooded eyes. "I know you do." He smiles gently and kisses your forehead before taking off his boxers and throwing them over his shoulder. "I swear if they landed on the cookies, I'll kick your ass once this is over." you threaten him jokingly. 
"Oh, so first you want me to make you cum, and then you'll kick my ass? How rude." he gives back, amused. 
"You're about to fuck me on the table, and I don't even have a pillow. You talk about being rude." you tease back, and your heart melts when he goes to grab his discarded sweater from the floor. He scrunches it up and places it underneath your head. "I was joking, sunshine," you tell him fondly. 
"I know you were," he tells you just as fondly and plants a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, making you giggle. 
You open your mouth to speak, but a moan leaves your lips when the head of his cock slides through your folds, collecting your juices. You spread your legs for him and moan deliciously when he starts pressing into you with slow and gentle thrusts. As soon as he’s buried fully inside of you, his head lays against your chest as he groans softly. "You're still so tight." he moans deliciously, and you clench around him in response. He starts moving, and you roll your hips to meet his thrusts. 
"Only for you, Lixie," you tell him and see the proud smile covering his lips. He picks up pace after a moment, and you moan out in pleasure. Your hand falls to the side as you attempt to hold onto the table's edge to steady yourself. Instead, you knock the rest of the sugar onto the floor, and the loud thud makes you both stop in your movements. 
"Did you just -?" Felix asks quietly. 
"Yep, that was the sugar," you answer unbothered as if nothing happened. 
"You -." Felix starts laughing above you, his arms trembling. "We're so fucking ridiculous sometimes."
You start laughing as well and shake your head. "I love us for that," you tell him, biting your lip at the burning but pleasurable stretch. "Now move, handsome," you beg softly and wriggle your hips impatiently. 
Felix giggles and picks up the pace again, thrusting into you steadily. "Patience." But you've had enough of that, and it doesn't take long until you're begging for more. He grabs your hands and pins them down above your head when he picks up the pace and force of his thrusts. His other hand teases your nipples, squeezes your hip, and then comes to rest on your clit. His thumb draws circles on it, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. 
You arch up against him, moaning his name and begging for more. "Please, Lix, harder, I can take it." you ramble, and he gives you exactly what you want, his teeth sinking into your neck. 
He can tell by the way your moans grow high-pitched, your back arches, and your face contorts in pure pleasure. "Come for me, my beautiful wife." he encourages you, and your body tenses at his words. He kisses you sweetly before whispering softly. "Come for me, Lee." 
Something inside you snaps, and hot white pleasure ripples through your body as he sends you over the edge with four little words. You cry out his name with a broken whimper, and the way you clench around him and push your legs closer together sends him over the edge sooner than he thought. 
Felix groans loudly and fills you up, his head sinking against your shoulder as he lazily rides you two through it. Your combined pants and whimpers echo in each other’s ears as your high has subsided. He moves to pull out, but you keep him there. 
"Stay, please. Just for a bit," you whisper, and he smiles softly. 
He wraps his arms around you and rolls onto his back with you on top of him. Felix soothingly rubs your back and plays with your hair. "Are you convinced now?" he asks teasingly, unable to let this go yet. 
You push yourself up with a grunt and brace yourself on his chest. You smirk down at him. "I believe you," you tell him and teasingly circle your hips, making him moan. "My turn now,"   you say, and he grabs your hips, growing hard again already. 
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"I think I can get used to baking with you." he grins, and you playfully smack his chest.
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@soullostinspaceandtime @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies @imastraykidsfan
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fairladyinpink · 1 year
Pregnancy/Family OTP Prompts
(mentions of abortion, religious abuse, teen pregnancy)
A waking up at 5 AM riddled with morning sickness. B being woken up by them and following them to hold their hair back and help clean themselves us afterwards. (bonus if they reassure them and that they're not disgusting. not even a bonus, should be the bare minimum)
"You know what would be bomb right now?" "What?" "Strawberries and cream cheese, right? Then, like, cover them in hot Cheeto dust." A looks at B with a look of mild disgust and confusion, but then remembers that it's just a weird, weird pregnancy craving. A goes to the store to get them because whatever B wants, B gets.
B was rather envious of A's natural parental instincts. The way they got the baby to giggle and coo so effortlessly. The way they could rock them to sleep within minutes. The way they could feed them without any hiccups and the way they could change diapers in a flash. One day, A had to leave for a few hours, leaving B alone with the baby. When they returned, A found the house a mess. Food splattered across the kitchen, toys and blocks strewn across the house, and B, on the verge of tears, trying to calm the screaming baby. After cleaning up the mess, A lets B talk about their frustrations and insecurities, reassuring them that they're an amazing parent.
Cooking/baking something together and B accidentally measures incorrectly and A has to correct them. Due to B's heightened emotions, they start crying and A has to comfort them.
Getting corny shirts for B like "waiting on player 3" or "beauty and the bump".
Watching an usually stoic and mean B coddle and play with their new baby, admiring how soft and nurturing they could be.
After a long day of walking and being on their feet, A is finally home and able to relax. What they didn't expect is was B to have their most recent craving prepared for them, a warm bubble bath ran, and their favorite TV series set up with B massaging their feet. It was at this moment where they realized just how lucky they were to be B's partner.
Wearing matching costumes for holidays.
They were both only 17. They couldn't raise a baby. They weren't ready for it. They planned to hide it until they got enough money for an abortion until A's overly religious parents realize they've been sick for a little too long. Now they were forced to raise it.
A being extremely overprotective of A due to their pregnancy. B always complains about it but secretly loves it.
B having to set limits and hide the coffee maker during A's pregnancy because although A denies it, they're no better than a drug addict when it comes to coffee.
^ Alternately: A is an avid coffee drinker who literally can't function without a cup of coffee each morning. B hates coffee, and the adversity only grew when they got pregnant. It got so bad that even the smell of it would have B throwing up once again.
A's water breaks and B is panicking. You'd think B was the one giving birth the way they kept pacing back and forth. A remains calm through their contractions and labour pains since they can't both be freaking out in the delivery room. Something snaps inside of B when they notice A forcing themselves to smile and joke through the intense pain they were going through to try and calm A down.
A got home from a long, exhausting day at work to find B sitting on the floor by the door asleep. A puts up their things before picking up B and carrying them, waking them up. "Oh, you're home. I was waiting for you but I guess I fell asleep and- Wait, how are you holding me? Aren't I too heavy?" "Of course not, love. No weight is "too heavy" when it comes to you."
The severity of the situation didn't hit A until they saw the nursery, the one that B had been protecting and hiding from them for months. B had uncovered their eyes and awaited their reaction. What they didn't expect was full-on tears, tears of fear, uncertainty, and joy. They were having a baby together. They were going to start a family together.
"S/he gets their looks from you, definitely." "Is that a good thing or bad thing?" "No comment."
"[name], I have something to tell you but I'm not sure how you'll react and I don't want you to be mad and-" "Hey, it's okay, just spit it out." "Well . . . we're having a baby."
"I'm not sure if I can hide this pregnancy any longer." "I'm surprised you still can, to be honest. You look like you're smuggling a small watermelon under there."
"What?! You're pregnant??? You can't be, we're only 17!"
"You said heartbeats? Plural? As in more than one?"
"The baby's kicking! You wanna feel?"
"Look how tiny her/his feet are!"
"We need a break." "It's only been a week since they were born." "Neither of us have showered, had a full meal, nor slept since we came home." "Maybe we could use a couple of hours to ourselves."
"I believe in you, you can do this- we can do this."
"I'm having a big-ass drink after this baby born, I hope you know that."
"It's almost like you're glowing." "I don't know what the fuck you're seeing, but it is definitely not a glow. "
"You're going to be an amazing mother/father, I just feel it."
"I've never seen clothes/shoes this small before!"
"I'm not going to shatter into tiny pieces if I pick up a box. I'm not fragile, I'm pregnant." "There's a difference?"
"I still love you, [name], all of you. Stretch marks, spit-up covered shirts and all."
"It's like their fist-fighting my fucking uterus." "At least they'll be strong, just like daddy." "They'll also be all brawn and no brain, if we're going by that."
"Just a few more weeks, you can do it." "I'm not so sure."
"We should name them [really weird and absurd name]." "How about we not do that?"
"Do you know who the father is?" "No, but they kind of look like [ex], don't they?"
"Do you think we can do this? Raise a kid?" "I mean, look at us, we can barely take care of ourselves. We might not be the best at it, but we can definitely do it together." "You're so cheesy, it's sickening. Speaking of sickness, excuse me for a moment."
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
when he loved me- e.m
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: the one where you feel eddie begin to pull away from you
Warnings: ANGST, falling out of love, misunderstanding, hurt, eddie being a total sweetie at the end, fluffy & cheesy ending
Request: No
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: inspired by the song “when she loved me” from toy story 2 because i swear every time i listen to my sad sava playlist and that one comes on i’m a fucking bawling mess and thought it could be a cool fic with a twist at the end. benny’s and star court still exist so it isn’t canon but fanfic doesn’t have to be. also, this fic is set in the winter of 85’ and leading into the early days of ’86. one last thing, reader may be a junior but she’s around steve’s age, just for clarification :) enjoy! -sava
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Part of you knew this day would come sooner or later, not realizing you got caught up in the grand scheme of the feelings of young love until it slowly starting inching out of your life. The fleeting feeling of dissipating love stretching you thinner and thinner, now becoming a shriveled lump standing the the corner of the parking lot of Hawkins High. 
The school bell had just rung and the swarm of students began flowing into the parking lot, ready to celebrate the next two weeks off of school for the holiday break and come back to a fresh year and a fresh semester of classes. Laughter and screams of joy fill the lot as your peers say their goodbyes for the time being, the promises catching up at the annual holiday party held by Jason Carver lingering in the cool Indiana wind. 
You’re body stays motionless as you watch cars fly past you out of the lot, a familiar lanky metalhead slinking along to his van catching your eye before you turn on your heel. His face is full of happiness as he opens the driver door with no hesitation. Not even a glance around the paved lot in search of you, something that used to be so common place between you two.
The resident ‘freak’ of Hawkins became your boyfriend at the beginning of the previous school year, with the start of his second attempt at a senior year and your only attempt at a junior year. He practically swept you off your feet with his naturally seductive charm paired with his eccentric and carefree personality. You were instantly hooked on the drug that was one Eddie Munson.
Days spent together laughing and exploring with one another quickly turned into relaxing evenings full of cigarette smoke and lazy makeout sessions on his bed in his uncle’s trailer, the two of you growing fond of one another quite fast and letting the thrill of teenage love keep you up at night. He invaded your mind like a sick plague, tossing and turning in your bed at night dreaming of Eddie and what the two of you would do the next time you’d meet up. It was an unhealthy obsession that made your heart flutter and love seep deep into your bones.
Which is why the last few weeks of quick glances and unspoken tension left you feeling queasy. 
Weekly Saturday date nights had become less and less frequent, between being stood up at Benny’s Diner and the movie theater at Starcourt, or just a quick last minute cancellation phones call began to make your mind race. Part of you wanted to push any doubts you had down and just ask your boyfriend why he was being so flaky, but it’s hard to talk to someone who won’t hardly even look at you. 
Conversations begun dwindling fast, and the lingering touches the two of you shared between classes and at lunch stopped all together. You weren’t sure if you had somehow managed to piss the metalhead off, but even the boys of Hellfire were beginning to pick up on his strange behavior. They attempted to reassure you that there was nothing you did wrong, but whenever you would try milking any kind of explanation out of them, the group would fall silent or quickly change topics, either keeping you out of the loop or also being as clueless as you were, you weren’t sure.
Your Friday nights spent at Hellfire had stopped as of last week, not really feeling up for sitting in a silent room aside from the instructions from your Dungeon Master with so much tension in the air you couldn’t even cut it with a knife. The cafeteria where you shared many memories at your favorite table surrounded by your favorite people became a sickening sight, opting to eat the little food you packed for a lunch in the sanctuary of the school library, thanks to the kindness of the librarian you’d befriended recently. 
The squeaking sound of the tires attached to his van pulls you back to reality momentarily, watching as he exits the lot and leaving you in the dust. With a sigh, you turn on your heel and head in the opposite direction, beginning the trek back to your own home on the opposite side of town from Eddie’s trailer.
The rational part of your brain was telling you to run back and try to catch the bus, knowing the cool wind nipping at your sensitive skin would most likely give you a cold if you kept walking. But you were at the point in your life where you just didn’t care. With the school break starting, you could take the next two weeks to retreat in the comfort of your bed and put on the best Oscar-winning acting performance of your life when your family arrived in town within the coming days, pretending that you weren’t a miserable ball of constant anxiety as you kept waiting for the time to come for Eddie to finally approach you again, only to break things off officially.
You knew he had big dreams ahead of him. Tuesday nights at the Hideout were beginning to draw in more of a crowd from surrounding towns, with a record deal or agent coming to scoop them up in just a matter of moments. He would leave this town and never look back, only the occasional visit to see his uncle who has treated him right since day one.
And you? You’d go off to college somewhere, despite wanting to drop everything and follow him on the road to fame and success. Applications went out in a few different directions all over the country, you were just waiting for one of them to bite back and accept you with open arms. The dread you used to feel about leaving for college has slowly started to become an after thought, knowing it’ll be much easier to say goodbye and start fresh with the way things were looking between you and your boyfriend. The pain wouldn’t be as unbearable as the day he’d cut the last remaining thread that was clinging to the both of you, keeping this relationship tethered together.
After a little over an hour of walking, you pull open the front door of your house and immediately relish in the warmth surrounding you. Kicking off your converse, you climb your way up the stairs and walk into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you and throwing your backpack down on the floor with a thud. Your body was still shivering from the long journey back from school, prompting you to immediately jump in your bed and bundle up in your nest of blankets.
Just as you felt yourself finally getting comfortable and the shivers coming to a halt, you hear the phone seated on your nightstand ring. With a groan, you lift one of your arms out of the cocoon you made for yourself and pick up the bright yellow phone, holding it up to your hear with a huff and mumbling a quick ‘hello’.
“Y/N, hey, it’s Dustin. I was wondering if you and Eddie could give me a ride to Hellfire tonight? I tried calling Eddie but he won’t pick up, so I assumed that maybe you both hanging out at your house,” the curly haired freshman questions you. You let out a soft sigh and turn on your side, getting a better position closer to the tethered phone.
“Yeah, Eddie’s not here. But um, I’m not going to Hellfire tonight. I would suggest trying Eddie again or asking Mike,” you answer.
“What? But you missed last week already! You know Eddie is strict on attendance within the party-“
Dustin was a sweet kind who always meant well, it was a fact you were quick to pick up on when the school year started and Eddie roped them into the club, claiming they were just lost sheep who needed a proper home, which is very true. But the boy also wasn’t the best with boundaries, and you weren’t too thrilled about his insistence on the attendance policy Eddie set in place.
“Yeah well I really don’t give a shit what Eddie thinks at the moment,” you snap. There’s a long pause, the silence over the line making you want to bang your head against the wall for having an attitude with the young member. “Shit-I’m sorry Dustin, I didn’t mean to snap towards you.”
“It’s alright…but is there something going on with you and Eddie? The other members and I have noticed your absence at lunch and how weird things have been. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he explains to you, raising your spirits a tiny bit.
“I honestly don’t know what’s going on, I wish I had a better answer for you. But you don’t have to worry about me Dustin, I’ll be fine. Whatever the outcome may be,” you tell him, the last sentence coming out much softer than the others.
“Okay, just making sure.”
“Thanks kid. I hope you find a ride, have fun,” you say, and quickly put the phone back on the console, a sharp ‘ding’ echoing in the room. You throw your head back against your pillow and stare at the ceiling for a good few minutes before closing your eyes and letting sleep overtake your consciousness. 
A soft sudden tap against the window coaxes you awake, blinking a few times in your current spot before sitting up right in your comfy bed and directing your attention to the noise. You feel as if your eyes are deceiving you as you watch your metalhead boyfriend knocking against the glass, his feet perched on the roof that sat outside your window.
You felt your stomach drop as you continued to look at him, a lump quickly forming in your throat as you throw the covers off your tired body and begin making your way towards the window.
The day you’d been dreading was finally happening. 
Eddie Munson was here to finally cut the remaining ties that held your relationship together. He was here to kick you out of Hellfire and break your heart, all in one fell swoop. 
You pause for a moment and direct yourself towards the side table you kept by your door, all the important things you always needed before leaving the house finding a home on the surface. You pull out a box on the lower level of the table, the collection of Eddie’s things you kept at your house all in one convenient location. He’d probably be wanting this back right about now, considering some of his favorite band t-shirts and a few signature jewelry pieces resided in the cardboard box.
Walking back to the window with the box in hand, you set it on your desk and undo the latches of your window, sliding the inner portion up and feeling the cool air meet your skin once more.
“Hi,” he lets out, a smile situated on his face as his hot breath collides with the cold Hawkins air. You’re quick to cross your arms, feeling as if you need to retreat in yourself and look towards your feet rather than meeting his gaze.
“Hi,” you muster out.
“You gonna let me in? I might just freeze to death out here baby,” he asks you, his big brown eyes widening into a puppy dog gaze when you look up at him.
“Probably not the best idea, you don’t plan on even being here that long, do you?” you question. His eyebrows furrow at your words, his nose scrunching ever so slightly as the silence is quick to fall between the two of you, but he quickly shakes out of the negative expression.
“Well Henderson told me you weren’t feeling up for the meeting tonight, and thought maybe I should come and check on you since you’ve now missed two meetings back to back. Is everything okay?” He asks, repositioning himself a little.
Damn Dustin with his lack of boundaries. You might just end up hurting the kid. But not before you hurt the man in front of you. Is everything okay, is he fucking serious right now? You truly couldn’t comprehend what was going through his mind. Was he being purposefully obtuse or did he really not notice you over the past few weeks?
“Are you actually ser-never mind,” you let out a harsh sigh and turn away from him for a brief moment, grabbing the box of his things and shoving it in his hands. “I assume this is the real reason you’re here, right?”
“Baby, Christmas isn’t for another couple of days, I’m not ready for the gift exchange,” he tells you, trying to hand the box back to you, but you hold your hand out to stop him.
“This isn’t a Christmas gift. It’s all the stuff you’ve left at my place over the past year and some months,” you explain to him. 
“Okay now I’m lost sweetheart. Can I please come inside though? So we can properly talk?” Eddie asks, trying to step through the threshold of your bedroom window but you’re quick to stop his actions once more.
“Eddie just stop, please! I really don’t want to be broken up with in the comfort of my own home,” you blurt out. His features go from confused to sad in a matter of seconds, looking like a kicked puppy who was left on the side of the road.
You bring your hands up to your head and begin massaging your temples, the frustration building inside you beginning to effect the areas of your body most vulnerable to stress. You really weren’t in the mood to have this discussion right now. Frankly, you’d never be ready for this discussion, but you knew it had to happen at some point.
“You think I’m breaking up with you?”
“Eddie you cannot be fucking serious right now. Why else would you start pulling away from me? Cancelling dates, stoping giving me rides to school, ignoring my fucking existence? I know when someone is falling out of love with another, I’ve seen it happen to Steve when he and Nancy were dating,” you explain to him. 
Without hesitation, he tosses the box of his things up on your desk and pulls himself inside your room, much to your protest. He stalks over you and crouches down, trying to meet your gaze as your eyes find purchase on the floor again.
“Baby, can you please look at me? I don’t want to break up with you, not ever in a million years,” his voice soft as he reaches for your chin. You pull away and turn your back towards him, Eddie throwing his hands up in a surrender pose that you see in your floor length mirror. He lets out a defeated sigh and runs his hands through his hair, worry etched across his face.
He began to pace around your small bedroom, muttering incoherent sentences under his breath as he bites at his fingernails, something he swore he never did unless it was the only possible thing that could sooth his frayed nerves, turning to weed or a cigarette instead. But he knew you couldn’t have the lingering smell of nicotine or the wretched marijuana smell in your home, your parents might actually kill you.
‘Fuck it’ Eddie thought, stopping in his tracks and turning his attention towards you. You watch from the mirror as his body disappears behind you. Your brows twist in confusion as you turn around to see what in the world he could possibly be doing, only to be met with his figure kneeling before you, one leg resting against the plush carpet of your room while the other knee pressed firmly into it, his fingers fumbling through the pockets of his vest and jacket before pulling out a small black velvet box.
“Oh my god, Eddie what are you doing-“
“This,” he opens the small box and presents you with a diamond ring seated between two satin cushions, the color similar to the box itself. The ring had a simple stone attached to a plain band, the diamond cut into the shape of a heart and measuring in at a quarter of a carat, but beautiful nonetheless. “This is why I’ve been acting do dodgy.”
Your hands fly to your mouth, covering the gasp you let out as you took in the image before you, the beautiful ring and the soft vulnerable expression resting on Eddie’s face. You shake your head as you feel tears begin to prick at your eyes, truly and utterly shocked by his actions.
“Eddie you totally suck at proposing!” You exclaim, removing your hands from your mouth and letting out a sigh, your hands running through your hair in frustration.
“This isn’t how I planned on asking you! I had this whole thing planned and then you started saying shit about breaking up today and I panicked!” He matches your energy, standing from his position. Your eyes meet his and another sigh slips past your lips. “I had this reservation at Enzo’s for literally tomorrow, and w-we were gonna go to Skull Rock, where we had our first date! And I was gonna do it there, I promise this was not in the plan.”
“Eddie, how did you even afford this? A beautiful ring and a dinner at Enzo’s? Baby that place is expensive,” you interrogate, willing yourself to rest for a moment and plop down on your bed. Eddie stands before you, the tiny box still open in his hand, ring staring directly at you.
“That’s one of the reason’s I’ve been so dodgy too. See, to afford this amazing ring for my beautiful girlfriend, hopefully turned fiancé, I picked up some extra dealing jobs and even found some side jobs over the course of the past few weeks. We’re talking actual manual labor, sweetheart,” he explains to you, bouncing down to look at your face, with his feet resting on the ground. You meet his gaze through your lashes, a pout pressed upon your lips.
“I picked this baby up today and the reservations at Enzo’s were made a week ago. I promise baby, you’re it for me. I-I know we’re young and not even out of high school yet, but I need you in my life forever, I love you so much. I’m sorry I acted like an ass with neglecting you, but you know I can’t keep anything from you! Our relationship is an open book and if I spent too much time around you, I’d spill the beans and the whole plan would’ve been ruined.”
“You really mean all that?” You ask him. He grabs hold of your chin lightly and tilts it, getting a better look at your sad eyes. 
“Every fuckin’ word, sweetheart,” he promises, leaning forward and capturing your lips with his soft ones. Without a second thought, you melt into his touch, bringing your hand to his cheek and resting it on the delicate skin as you deepen the kiss. Tearing yourself away quick, the pout you had earlier quickly makes another appearance, your brows twisting in a bit of anger.
The lingering sense of guilt began washing over you, embarrassment quickly following at the realization of the misunderstanding settling in. Part of you did feel bad, especially seeing the reaction Eddie had when you tried giving him his stuff back, as if he’s been punched in the gut, like he did in the school parking lot at the beginning of the school year when Jason Carver inserted himself in your business, where he definitely didn’t belong.
But another part of you kept telling yourself that you had no idea. When someone acts standoffish and neglectful like Eddie had been, what else were you supposed to think? It wasn’t like the two of you could talk about the situation, because he wouldn’t reach out to you anymore. Even the Hellfire boys didn’t know what was going on. You thought, now knowing the circumstances of his odd behavior, he would’ve confided in Jeff or Gareth, but no. He kept everyone in the dark, at least from what you thought.
“You really did hurt me, you know?” 
“I know baby, and I regret treating you so badly. I will do whatever you want me to in order to make it up to you and show you that I. Love. You,” he tells you, peppering kisses all over your face, a giggle escaping your mouth.
You take his hands in yours and stand to your feet, bringing him up with you. The two of you stare at one another, foreheads pressed together and basking in each other’s presence under the soft moonlight that creeped through the open window.
“I’m not accepting, just to let you know,” you announce. Eddie pulls away from you, his happy, blissful demeanor quickly fading with a frown slapping across his face and his eyes growing as wide as dinner plates.
“W-wait, what-“ you bring a finger to his lips, shutting him up.
“Let me speak Munson. I want you to actually ask me, just like you had planned. My answer will come to you tomorrow,” you tell him, closing the box with a snap and looking at him with soft eyes. His features twist back to what they were, the grin creeping along his lips forming the cute dimples on his cheeks you so desperately loved.
“Plus it gives me time tomorrow to go find a nice outfit and get my nails done.”
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nom-nommmm1 · 4 months
sorry! I have a suggestion: dead and y/n meet through friends and start liking each other without the other knowing and he offers to watch a horror movie with her one night (because she doesn't want to watch alone) and he's super shy and keeps a distance between them but she asks him to be there so she doesn't get scared. at one particularly scary scene she hides her face in his neck and he freaks out, and they kind of look at each other and finally kiss. then they have sex and he's very shy about it but she helps me feel better and it's amazing for both of them
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Masterlist for more + taglist !!
A/n: Hey anon! Thank you for the idea I hope you enjoy! :) For context y/n is not a virgin but Pelle is
Content warning !!: shy!pelle x fem!reader, p in v, unprotected sex, dick riding, hickeys
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As the wind flew past the window of the school building she shivered a bit. The science teacher always left the window open no matter the weather. Somehow a kid always managed to spill a chemical in his class that would be too toxic just to breathe in so he ended up just keeping his windows open all the time. “Alright kids, off to lunch” he says. All the kids walk their way to the cafeteria tiredly. It was a Friday and Halloween eve. No one wanted to do work, just make it through the day so they could go home.
I grab my lunch tray and make my way to my usual table to see Pelle Ohlin. We had only exchanged a few words, he was a friend of a friend, but for some reason I thought he secretly didn’t like me. Always staying a good distance away from me, giving me weird looks. You know what I mean. I sit down to see Pelle now talking to Euronymous, my friend and his band member. It goes quiet. Euronymous briefly pats Pelle on the shoulder and whispers something in his ear. What were they up to?
I see Pelle glancing at me in my preifereal view and try to ignore it. “H- hey y/n” Pelle says a pinkish tone now coming to his face. “Hi Pelle, what’s up?” I ask turning my body to face him. “O-oh uhm I was wondering what you were doing and all, since it’s like the day before Halloween” he blush deepens and he puts his hands on his face to try and hide it better. “Nothing much, I was going to watch a horror movie with my friends but they dipped and I’m not trying to watch that alone” I chuckle a bit embarrassed. ”Oh I mean I could watch it with you? I have nothing to do either..” he drags on awkwardly.
“You’d do that?” I look back at the ground, then at him. “Uhm- yeah if you want me to” he says his voice muffled by the sleeves of his shirt, he’s now resting on his arms. “Alright, I guess I’ll see you there?” I say getting up to throw my tray away, walking out of the lunch room. “Totally..” he mutters as I’m already gone, his blush now bright red. Euronymous chuckles, hearing the whole conversation, hitting Pelles shoulder playfully.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
A knock on my door startles me. I quickly open the door to see Pelle in a little more of a classy outfit then the one he wore to school. “Dude we’re watching a movie, why’re you dressed up?” I laugh pointing at his dress shirt and pants. “Oh uhm…I don’t know, I just thought I should dress up” I chuckle again. “You do you I guess” Pelle looks down at the ground, embarrassed. “Hey I didn’t mean it, I’m messing. Cmon in” I smile welcoming him in. He smiles back and looks around the living room. “Nice place you got” he says in a bit of awe. “Thanks, my parents are stuck at work for the holidays so I get the house as I please” he nods his head in acknowledgment, roaming a bit around the room.
“Hey, you wanna get the movie set up and I’ll get the snacks?” I ask glaring at him. He nods in response, choosing a movie as I am in the kitchen picking out snacks. “You don’t have any allergies do you?!” I shout from the kitchen, trying to shout over the popcorn popping. “Nope! Not any that I know of!” He yells back, chuckling after. The microwave goes off, I take the popcorn out and put it into a nice bowl. I come back with a few snacks and popcorn, grabbing two waters as well. “Can you get the blankets?” Pelle nods again, running over to my fabric closet and pulling out two soft blankets.
He hands me the softer one and takes the other. He sits down, us at a respectably distance from each other, the middle of the couch empty with space. I click start in the movie and get comfortable to watch. As the movie goes on there’s a few jumps here and there. But the tension in my body builds as the scene goes on. The now quiet moment after the woman has lost the killer.
The killer jumps out, the woman screams. I jump, practically jumping on Pelle. Hiding my face in his neck. Pelle pulls me away, looking at me dumbfounded. I blush embarrassedly as he looks at me. “Oh my god I’m so sorry-“ I say but I’m cut off by Pelles lips. My eyes widen in shock. I quickly get comfortable in the kiss, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck.
After a few minutes I pull away for air. We look at each other panting, beads of sweat start to form on Pelles forehead. “Do you wanna…go all the way?” He asks cautiously. His eyes dilate just from thinking about him being intimate with me. I smile nervously. “If you want to” and that’s all I have to say before he tackles me in a kiss again.
His face flushing pink, he’s belly flips just looking at you..but him doing this to you..how’s he supposed to handle all of this? I smile coming in closer to him, pinning him to the couch. I pull away for a second “you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to” I say to him but he just shakes his head. “No no I wanna make you feel good” he says grabbing my hips, pulling me in closer.
I jump as a scream from the TV goes. Pelle chuckles, rubbing the skin of my exposed hips. “Hey nothing can hurt you babydoll, it’s just you and me here. I will never let anyone or anything hurt you” he whispers pulling me onto his lap. I smile, blushing a bit.
Pelle smiles back and takes me into a kiss. The once innocent kiss starts to get dirty, and eventually turns into us making out. He holds onto me tighter pressing me against him. His tent in his pants pressing up against my stomach. His face goes red. I laugh into his mouth, making him chuckle back loosening his grip, becoming less nervous.
Pelle pulls away, looking up at me straight into my eyes. “Can I..uhm take these off?” he asks referring to clothes. “Why of course” I smirk slowly lifting up my shirt. As my shirt goes up halfway Pelle does the rest takes my shirt off and throws it on the coffee table. He quickly unclips my bra and stops for a moment, taking in my figure. He then latches onto one of my breasts, groping the other one with his hand while the other is still on my hip.
I gasp as his tongue laps around my nipple. I can feel the bruises start to form on me from his hard grip, but I don't care enough to tell him to stop. Pelle sucks on the sensitive bits of my chest, going up and down the surface making me moan out. He creates small markings, not super huge but big enough to be prominent on my skin. Pelle takes his time with me, coating my chest in his saliva.
He pulls away from my chest, a string of spit following his path. He smiles, his lips glistening from his own salvation. “You're so beautiful,” he says before pulling my pants down painfully slow. “Last chance to back out my love,” he says, his brown eyes reaching my soul. “I'm ready,” I say putting my hands on his soft face, my hands gliding over his defined jawline.
Pelle lowers my underwear. His breathing speeds up, so close to the thing he's wanted for years. To think that his dream of being with you was about to materialize is driving him insane. My underwear is now completely off. Pelle groans impatiently taking off his boxers. His member twitches. Pelle places his hands on my hips once again, hovering me over his lap angling me perfectly before pushing in.
Pelle throws his back on the couch as we groan in sync. This wasn't my first time but I've never had anything quite like Pelles, thick and with a good length. What was I thinking before him? He stays like this for a bit, getting used to the feeling. “You feel better than I thought you'd be” he grunts starting to slowly go in and out, making a rhythm that feels good for the both of us. He speeds up, using my waist for support, his hands digging into me.
I moan, the stinging pain of his nails soon turning into pleasure. He mumbles and rambles as he goes in and out of me at a steady pace. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this” he says, blush starting to creep up to his cheeks and ears. I try to respond but I only grunt, being too focused in this moment to talk. People rolls his hips into my pussy making me moan into the nook of his neck.
Pelle is starting to slow down from exhaustion, as it was his first time ever doing something like this, but he wanted to pleasure you. After a bit Pelles legs start to shake tiredly. I put my hands on his chest, pinning him to the couch stopping him from rolling his hips. “Let me help, ok? Just relax sweetheart” Pelle nods relaxing into the couch a bit as I start to move around him. Pelle puts his head in my neck, holding onto my waist again. I start to pick up the pace, grinding on him, our hips crashing into each other as I feel a burning sensation in my abdomen.
Pelle whimpers, starting to pick me up and slowly drop me on his cock. I moan fully taking him in as I slowly fall to his base. Pelle then starts to pick me up and put me down on his cock harder and faster. I soon get used to the rhythm, rocking on his cock at the same pace. “Fuck! Y/n” Pelle says in my neck, giving it a few bites before relentlessly fucking me up and down on his cock. Echos of the movie comes from the TV but I am now too occupied to care.
Pelle and I moan in sync once more, not being able to control the sounds between us any longer. The sound of skin slapping becomes louder and louder by the second as Pelle speeds up. Precum and my slick become the perfect lubricant, letting Pelle slide in and out of me effortlessly. I rock harder on Pelles cock, our hips crashing into one another as we both reach the edge together. Pelles hot cum goes deep inside me, sending shivers down my spine.
As we come down from our own climaxes Pelle slips in and out of me a few more times before completely stopping to catch his breath. “Could we stay like this for the rest of the night?” He asks referring to being inside me. I chuckle. “If you want to I guess” Pelle smiles, kissing my shoulder. “I’m so glad I decided to watch this movie with you” he says admiringly. “Me too” I smile pulling him in for a kiss.
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The ending was a little rushed but I hope u dudes liked it !! Thank you again for all the requests, I appreciate them <3
╰┈➤@mxqlss @slavicb-tch3s @bkaulitzz
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