#this is a little messy but I hope it isn' t bad!
cocopineo · 4 years
Can we know about the Hexpanda cubs?
Of course! This one will probably be a long post since these two have like 8 kids probably more since Seraphina is probably the girl to want a big family since her biological family didn't give so much. Xiang doesn't mind it besides seeing Seraphina with all their little kiddos is adorable and seeing her happy puts a smile on his face. I didn't do art for this one cause I have no idea how I wanna design these kids. So later on I'll try and come up with designs and show concepts.
Name: Za'Niyah Akande
Age: 16
Powers: Potion Making
Info: Za'Niyah is the first born child of Seraphina and Xiang. She did not inherit her mother's powers but she does have a great skill in potions and hexes. She has a good balance of her parents personality she is a geek like her mother but is very chill. However she does have a temper on her and isn't afraid to be straight forward with someone. The girl has a big soft spot for her family and her littke siblings they're just too cute! Za'Niyah also has a big interest in different species and cultures, she is occasionally in Mewni and works as a witch. Za'Niyah is also talented in drawung and is a spelling bee champ. Za'Niyah is closer to her mom since her mom does also have a knack for potions and trinkets and both share a great interest in them.
Name: Taiyang Akande
Age: 14
Power: N/A
Info: The second born if the family. Like her sister she did not inherit her mither's powers, yet she does train with her father and is a very skilled fighter. Taiyang is also very adventurous and usually Dylan and her get into trouble with their adventures. Taiyang tries to act cool and collected but Seraphina's geek/dork genes run strong in the family. Taiyang is a little more close to her father and a lot say she's his little mini me. She is also a very talented cook and makes treats for her friends and family. Even though Taiyang is a very adventurous person she sometimes does like to sit down and just soak in a moment reading a book or being with her family.
Name: Hiro Akande
Age: 12
Powers: Chaos Manipulation
Info: Hiro is the third eldest and is the one to inherit his mother's powers. However they are far more tamed from his mothers, Hiro has actually trained with her and is almost at mastery of them. Big ol mama's boy and this boy is almost a carbon copy of her if it wasn't for Xiang's infamous eyebrows popping through. Overall a good kid but he does have his moments, he's the perfect balance of his mother and father's personalities. Having his mother's wit and timidness but also has charm like his father and can be stand off ish at times. Can make any of his siblings laugh when they're not feeling so well he's a good ol jokester. (Kinda gives me Josuke Higashikata vibes when he's older but also some Koichi in there)
Name: Nila and Naomi Akande
Age: 9
Powers: Reality Manipulation (Naomi) Telekinesis (Nila)
Info: These two are the foruth eldest. Yet Nila is 5 minutes older than Naomi. If you were to recognize how Nila is she is the splitting personality of Louise Belcher. This family maybe be full if smart kids but Nila is at another level of smart. Out of all her siblings she's up there with her mother and added to Xiang and his charm. You got a whole little trickster, yet Nila is a sweet girl and has some soft spots especially for her twin. Naomi is a very energetic girl and is with her sister most of the time. With that energeticness she is known to be all over the place, but she's also a really quick learner and thinker. Though she's energetic she's actually shy when meeting new people and hides her personality at times. Both twins love their parents they can and will not choose who they'd rather be with. If you make them they will cry.
Name: Kuo Akande
Age: 6
Powers: Elemental Manipulation
Info: Kuo is fifth eldest and inherted part of his mother's powers. This kid is so calm it's hard to hear him at times (even scaring his dad at times). Kuo likes to read most of the time but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy running around. Kuo really enjoys observing his father spar or just practice his fighting. He does wish to use his powers but also combine them with his father's. He usually is seen with his father more and has a closer bond with him. He also has a knack for building tech and has made his own rocket boots.
Name: Feng Akande
Age: 4
Powers: N/A
Info: Feng is just vibin with his family. He is only a toddler and like his brother Kuo he's a chill kiddo too. In the future he's gonna have his daddy's suaveness, but for now he's just a little charmer trying to help mama do whatever he can around the house and even outside the house. He loves to help no matter what and has a very gentle soul when he's older. He doesn't really have an interest in fighting at the moment or powers. Yet it is sensed he may get some but training isn't even in a 4 year olds mind. Right now he lives for napping and eating the desserts he sneaks when his parents ain't looking.
Name: Jackson Akande
Age: 3
Powers: Atomkinesis
Info: Jackson is very good with his powers at the age of 3. But not as in he can control all the weather around them for now it only follows him if that makes sense. Like he'll have a little rain cloud on top of his head or something. He's a hyper kid too and has to be in the action with his siblings. Also like his mom and Kuo the boy has shown an interest in gadgets. Right now he's trying to make his own little robot pet but nothing's going as planned. Has more of a closer bond to his mother and has more of her personality when he gets older.
Name: Renay Akande
Age: 7 months
Powers: Chaos Manipulation
Info: The lil baby of the family and just the cutest. Gotta be watched every millisecond if you don't keep an eye on her she finds a way to be on the roof or inside a wall. Giggles and giggles she rarely cries and is a very outgoing baby, but when she's cranky she gets very shy and will cling to her mama or daddy. Seriously watch her every second she found her way into another dimension some how when one of the kids weren't watching her.
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goldie90 · 3 years
What’s it like in the Sawyer house? I hope to join you soon (if you couldn’t already tell from my username). I just need some context before I surround myself with this 😅
Hello and a happy new year.🙂
Well, if you want a peaceful life, then this family isn´t for you, that´s for sure.😅 There´s barely a quiet minute in this house, even during the days when we don´t have a victim there.
Firstly there´s Chop (my favorite brother in law😊) who has a habit of turning the radio in his room on full volume as soon as he opens his eyes in the morning (it´s especially bad if Drayton isn´t home, which is very often the case due to the fact that he spends a great amount of time with working at the gas station). Then Chop´s music is banging through the house the whole day and no matter how many times you ask him to turn the volume down at least a little bit - he won´t do it.😞 (He always says he does, but he doesn´t.) It´s especially annoying for me and Nubbins, because our room is right next to his, which means that as soon as Chop is awake, we´re also not able to sleep any longer.😩 Bubba´s room is on the other end of the hallway, so I think it´s not quite as bad if you sleep there, but considering the fact that even downstairs, the music can be heard very clearly, it probably doesn´t help all too much.😅
Another thing is the extreme chaos in the house. You know, I´m very tidy, so since the day I moved in, I´ve been waging an eternal war against the chaos,🧼🧽🧺 which basically means I´m waging a war against my own husband, because Nubbins is by far the most messy person in the family (closely followed by Chop). He leaves his things everywhere. This starts with his socks on our bedroom floor🧦 and ends with dead oposumms on the staircase.😟 Also, there are the materials for his art work, which are laying around everywhere in the house (bones on the dining table, teeth on the kitchen counter, bones in the bathtub etc....)🙄 It´s really annoying. Also, he don´t sees a reason to take his shoes off after messing around in the graveyard, which means that when he comes home after spending time at his favorite place, he usually leaves a trail of sand on the floor, which is especially annoying when I just cleaned the floor before he came home. These are the moments when I get actually really angry at him, which often results in a fight. 
And that´s another thing I should warn you about: When me and Nubbins get into a fight with each other (it don´t happen all too often, but well, it happens🤷‍♀️) it can get pretty annoying for everyone around us, because we usually yell at each other pretty loudly, saying some very rude things to each other and then we continue to bicker for a while, before we finally make up at some point. The rest of the family really hates these moments, so I think there´s a high chance that if you had to live with us, you would also hate it (but as I said, it don´t happen often). 
The biggest problem for me personally (and I think for everyone else too) is Drayton. Let me tell you, living with him isn´t easy. He´s so grumpy and so complicated that it´s really hard to get along with him. Also, not a single day goes by without at least one of us being beaten up with the broom.🧹(It doesn´t take much for him to decide that you deserve a beating - one wrong word said at the wrong time can be enough).😟 Also, there are so many rules (and most of them are pretty weird) that it´s actually impossible not to break them, which Mr. Broomman doesn´t takes all too well.😠🧹 But even though it isn´t easy with him and even though he always complains about us, he really loves his family and would do anything for us.😊
So you see, living with this family can be quite a challenge, but I have to say, I wouldn´t want to change it for anything in the world. And hey, at least it´s never boring.🤷‍♀️😀
(Also, you´ll probably happy to hear that Bubba is actually the easiest to get along with and unlike the twins he actually helps with the household chores, which is a big plus if you ask me.👍 Also, I know coincidentally that he´s wishing for a girlfriend for a very long time by now and he would be more than happy if he meet someone nice.😉)
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coffeeandspn · 4 years
I’m really, really sorry...
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GIF is not mine.
Summary: Castiel hates to celebrate his birthday, and Dean knows that, but he thinks that Cas needs to let go his past, so he surprises him anyways. Things don’t go as planned, and they have a big fight.
Pairing: Eileen x Sam Winchester, maybe Human!Castiel x Dean Winchester 
A/N: I’ll write some ACTUAL Destiel scenes only if u guys like this first part and want me to write a second chapter, because there are no mentions of Dean and Castiel having another relationship than just best friends, nor there are mentions on they having feelings for each other, simply because it didn’t fit with the situation..
Rating: Teen and Up.
Warnings: angst, unhappy ending, Dean is an asshole, Castiel is depressed, physical abuse, blood, fights, Castiel’s father is an abusive and drunken asshole, homophobia, language
Words: 1972
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It was done. There was no way of coming back in time to change it. Dean was sitting on the kitchen floor, alone. All the lights were out except for a faint one, everybody was sleeping, and there he was… By himself. His sobs were the only thing that filled the silence of the night, and he swore, he could hear Castiel sobbing as well. That made him feel even more miserable.  He blamed himself over and over again for his stupid mouth. Couldn’t he just, shut up for one time? No, he had to ruin everything. All the damn time. Sam gave him a disappointed look before going to bed, and Eileen gave him a pity one. Castiel had left like 30 minutes before that, and the look on his face… Dean didn´t even want to remember the way Cas looked at him before storming out of the kitchen, with tears on his face. He went directly to his room, slamming the door. Everyone was silent for a minute or two. Dean didn´t know what to say. 
He felt and still feels like an idiot. How could he be so heartless? Why on Earth did Dean think that saying that Castiel was acting just like his father was a good idea? On his goddamn birthday!? Dean was definitely an asshole.
Castiel was doing the best he could, but by the time Dean realized that, it was already too late.
He knew Cas felt tired and sad, that the memories will haunt him forever, he knew basically everything about him, they´ve been friends for over 10 years, but Dean thought that maybe, it was time to let that horrible memory go. He thought that it was time for Cas to actually start living the life he always deserved; a great one.
But Dean doesn’t know shit about how Cas really feels. Because his mother had a great life, and his father wasn´t an abusive asshole, unlike Castiel´s parents. Dean´s family was the typical perfect one, the kind of family everyone wanted.
On his 13th birthday, Castiel´s dad, Chuck, beat his wife to exhaustion because he discovered that his younger son Castiel, was gay, and no one said a word to him. Plus, he was a drunken, a horrible husband and an even more horrible father. He blamed Castiel´s mother because he claimed that ‘’That little faggot bastard came out of YOUR vagina and you raised him to be like that, not me, you fucking whore! Look what you did with my son! He can´t even be my son anymore, not if he likes to suck fucking dicks!’’ His brothers, Gabriel and Michael, that were 16 and 18 by that time, tried to stop him, but Chuck was way stronger than them. Castiel was terrified, he couldn´t even move. When he was done, and had left his mother unconscious on the bloody floor, he tried to catch Castiel, but he luckily reacted quickly and started running as fast as he could. He escaped his house and started screaming for help, which worked, because a few neighbors came out of their houses, and called the police when they realized what was happening. After all, that wasn´t the first fight of the family and Castiel was sure the cops had their address memorized at that point.
The police arrived minutes after, one of the neighbors let Castiel in to their house while Chuck was busy trying to get his drunk ass up from the floor because he fell while he was running behind his son, trying to catch him.
That´s when Castiel met the Winchesters, and that´s when Dean and Castiel´s great friendship started.
The ambulance arrived as well and they took his mother to the hospital as fast as they could. She fell on a coma after that. His father went to prison and killed himself after spending barely six months in there.
Castiel, Michael and Gabriel were sent to an orphanage after that, and visited their mother (and the Winchester family) every day. As they grew older, and their responsibilities bigger, they stopped seeing their mother that often. She never gave any signal of improvement, or waking up, and their hopes started fading. After ten years of being in coma, not even breathing for herself anymore, they painfully decided it was time to let her go.
Today was Castiel´s 25th birthday, the 12th anniversary of his family officially breaking apart, and in two months, the 2nd anniversary of the official death of his mother.
That´s why Castiel hated to celebrate his birthday so much, but Dean insisted on making a surprise dinner for his best friend, alongside with some decorations around the house.
Castiel was drunk when he came home. His clothes and hair were messy, and he smelled like alcohol and cigarettes.
When he saw the decorations, he started swearing and yelling that he didn´t want any of that shit. Sam and Eileen managed to calm him down, and Sam helped him to take a shower, because he could barely walk.
When he sat down at the table to eat, he was incredibly quiet.
Dean, as always, was trying to make things better, so he started talking about his day, and then asked Castiel about his.
‘’How do you think my day went, Dean?’’
‘’I mean… I don´t know, that´s exactly why I´m asking.’’
‘’Well, it was trash. I saw the bloody body of my mother in every corner of my mind the entire fucking day, but thank you for asking though, dumbass.’’
Dean frowned at the insult.
‘’Wow, ok, I´m sorry if your life isn´t perfect, but that´s not my fault and you know it, buddy, so don´t come at me like that, I was just trying to be nice and break the tension in here.’’
Castiel let go the cutlery abruptly and look at him furiously.
‘’If you were trying so hard to be nice, you would´ve started by not doing any of this shit in the first place, because this is no special, nor happy day to me, and you fucking know that!’’
‘’Man, it´s been twelve years! You´ve got to stop tormenting yourself with what happened that day all the time! Do you really want to live your whole life like this? Depressed?’’
‘’Dean…’’ Sam tried to interrupt, but clearly failed when Castiel interrupted him instead.
‘’Are you fucking kidding me, Dean? Do you think I like living like this every damn day? I try so hard to get over it, you have no idea, but it´s impossible when the image of my fucking father physically abusing me, my brothers and my mother, comes to my mind and even haunts me in my fucking dreams all the time!’’
‘’Cas, I know what you´ve been through, but…’’ Dean tried talking softer this time, but that only made Castiel angrier.
‘’NO YOU FUCKING DON´T!’’ He screamed, punching the table and breaking his plate and his glass.
Everyone in the table jumped in surprise and concern. Again, Sam tried to calm things down, but he couldn´t.
‘’Your family was always perfect, your father wasn´t an asshole and your mother lived ‘til you were 20, she was with you through childhood, took care of you, you were able to go to the games with your dad and enjoy a family picnic, so don´t you dare say that you know what I´ve been through, because you absolutely don´t! I´ve been through hell and back and tried to recover millions of times from this, but I just can´t, and you don´t know what real pain is like.’’
Dean got angry as well. Castiel was treating him like he was some sort of perfect commercial guy, and he wasn´t.
‘’You think my life was always perfect? You don´t think my parents had some fights from time to time? You think I don´t know what it feels like losing someone you love, and that should be with you until you´re at least 40 years old? I´ve lost my mom at a pretty young age compared to other people, Castiel!’’
‘’I´ve lost her when I was 13 years old, Dean! And the stupid fights your parents had from ‘time to time’ are NOTHING compared to what I had to witness! Stop trying to minimize my problems with yours, you have no right!’’ At this point, both Dean and Castiel were yelling. Castiel took the already broken glass while he was speaking and threw it, making it break in thousands of little pieces all over the kitchen floor.
‘’You´re acting like an insane, just like your father!’’ Dean yelled. The room went silent.
Castiel´s expression changed from angry to hurt in a matter of seconds.
Sam was hugging Eileen tight, trying to protect her in case things got even more out of control.
Castiel´s blue eyes seemed to be even bluer when the tears started accumulating.
His fist loosened, dropping more small pieces of broken glass to the floor, along with a few drops of blood.
A tear came out of his left eye and rolled down his cheeks. He turned away and disappeared.
Sam and Eileen started cleaning up the mess without saying anything, while Dean was still there, trying to process what just happened.
After it was all clean again, the decorations in the garbage can, and the food in the fridge, Sam said ‘’Dude, you´re an actual asshole, you know that, right? I told you this whole thing was a bad idea. You should’ve known, Dean, you guys are best friends since you´re thirteen…  I really hope you go and apologize to him soon. Good night.’’
Sam gave him a disappointed look, and Eileen a pity one. They turned off the lights in their way to their bedroom, leaving just one on.
Dean dropped to the floor devastated, already crying. He couldn´t believe what just happened. After ten minutes of panicking, having no idea how to apologize for the monstrous thing he said, crying and sobbing, he decided to look out for Castiel. He needed to fix this right now. He had no idea if Cas was ever going to forgive him. He hoped he will at some point…
He knocked on Cas’s door, obviously not receiving an answer. After two minutes, he knocked again. Nothing. He sighed, and started talking.
‘’Look, Cas… There’s absolutely nothing I can do right now for you to forgive me, but… I just want you to hear me, please?’’ Dean waited for a response, or for Cas to open the door, but none of those things happened. ‘’Alright, I´ll just start talking from here… I hope you can hear me… I- I wasn’t thinking, man. I´m really, really sorry for what I´ve said, I´m an asshole… I honestly have no excuses, and even if I had, it´s not going to work anyways. I just want you to know that I´m so sorry, I mean it… I hope you can forgive me someday, I… I really don´t want to lose you. Not after all we´ve been through…’’ Dean sobbed, and waited for… Well, anything. A sob, a move, a word. But he couldn´t hear anything at all.
‘’Cas? Man, are you okay?’’
After waiting outside his door for five minutes, he decided to come in.
‘’Hey, dude, I´m coming in, okay? I´m… You´re worrying me…’’
Dean got into the room, only to find Castiel’s window wide open, and the curtain moving softly because of the breeze of the night.
‘’Cas!? Where are you?’’ He started looking everywhere, screaming his name desperately, but couldn´t find him.
Sam and Eileen got up, and asked Dean what was going on.
Dean, with tears in his eyes, and a heavy breath, turned around and looked at the couple.
‘’He´s- He´s gone. I found his window wide open, and I don´t know where he is.’’
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Talk to me - Matt Simmons x Reader
this has been requested by an Anon <3
Prompt: #14 - “Why the hell didn´t you tell me?”
Characters: Matt Simmons, Y/N Simmons (daughter!Reader), Kristy Simmons, David Simmons, Jake Simmons, Chloe Simmons, Lily Simmons, the BAU team, the school´s principal & secretary as well as some highschool teens
Warnings: mentions of bullying, harassment, mild violence, angst, hurt/comfort
A/N: guess who´s finally back on track! <3 it´s me & i hope you missed my writings as much as i did writing them :D this is my first story after a really long break so please be kind to me lol. feedback is still appreciated & i really need it so please leave something in my inbox <3 i also hope that my english is still good enough to write on here :D so enjoy!
„All I´m trying to say is that in my opinion, Y/N has changed a lot these past few weeks and I really want to know why. Don´t you?“, Matt tried to reason with his wife as they were currently sitting on the couch in their living room. 
„Matt, she´s 16, okay? She´s a teenager in the middle of Highschool. Changes are normal. I don´t think that there´s a reason to panic just yet. Remember when we were in Highschool? We were the same.“, Kristy answered, trying to be as quiet as possible due to her younger kids already being asleep in their rooms upstairs. 
„I know, Kristy. But haven´t you noticed those weird changes in her behaviour? Like she comes home and immediatley locks herself up in her room. She barely Eats or sleeps. She became quieter than she already has been.“
„Matt, maybe you shoud try to profile our kids less. See, Y/N is just fine. We taught her that she can come to us if there is something bothering her. She knows that. There is nothing more we can do. We have to trust her and her decisions, okay?“, the woman tried to finally end this conversation with her husband, who gave up and sighed. 
„Fine..okay, but I will talk to her about it tomorrow. I need to.“, Matt said as he got up and held his hand out to his wife, „let´s head to bed, shall we?“
Kristy smirked and shook her head, but grabbed Matt´s hand anyway. She knew that Matt was quite overprotective of all their kids and she understood his reasoning. He saw the worst of people and what they were capable of everyday. But sometimes, she wished that he would just let things go. She sometimes missed those times earlier in their relationship when it was just them and Y/N, their eldest daughter, living in a small house. Matt had been a part of the Army and for sure had he been overprotective back than, but not that much. What Kristy also knew is that she wouldn´t get Matt to stop figuring this out. If he wanted to find something out, then he would do everything in his power to find it out. 
Yes, Kristy noticed the changes as well. She noticed that her daughter isolated herself more, that she had become skinnier and paler, that she was quieter and not that happy girl she used to be. Maybe blaming everything on puberty and Highschool was her way of dealing with the fact that something worse was going on and she had failed as a mother, because she hadn´t noticed it earlier. But now, it was too late and she could only pray that it really only is the stress of being an American teenager in the middle of HighSchool. Otherwise she could never forgive herself.
The next morning, Kristy had to leave earlier than usual due to an appointment at work. That left Matt alone at home with his kids. While the younger kids were already dressed and ready for the day, Y/N was still up in her room. Just as he was about to set their bowls of cereals down in front of them, Chloe asked: „Dad, where is Y/N?“. 
„I think she´s still up in her room, darling. She´ll be here in a minute.“, Matt explained to his daughter. 
„Y/N is weird.“, Jake said while munching his Lucky Charms. 
„How is Y/N weird? She´s your sister. Why would you say that?“, Matt asked. 
„She doesn´t play with us anymore, she´s only in her room. One day, Lily went upstairs and knocked at Y/N´s door, only to ask if she wanted to share a pot of ice Cream with her and instead of appreciating the gesture, she screamed at Lily to go away and leave her alone, before she slammed the door in her face and locked the door.“, Jake told his father, who got more and more concerend. So he was right, something was going on. Y/N would never behave like this towards her Younger siblings. She loved them to death; she enjoyed spending every free minute with them. This behaviour was so not her.
„Yes, she was really mean to me. I miss the old Y/N. The Y/N who always played and laughed with us. I don´t like the crumpy Y/N, the mean one.“, Lily said, a sad expression lingering on her face. 
„Dad, you´re FBI. Can´t you find out what´s going on with Y/N?“, David suggested as he drank his glass of water. 
„I´m trying, David. I´m gonna try and talk to her today, okay? You don´t need to worry about this.“, Matt tried to reassure his kids while he checked the watch, „Okay, ladies and gentlemen, you have to leave right now if you want to catch the school bus which will be here in 5 minutes.“
Suddenly, everyone rushed to get their breakfast done. They put their bowls away and put on their school bags when Matt opened the door, already seeing the bus arriving. 
„Okay, there comes the bus. I love you all. Have a great day at school! One last hug.“, Matt smiled as he opened his arms wide and hugged all of his four kids. 
„Bye Dad, we love you!“, the kids said in unisono before they ran off and into the bus. Matt waved them goodbye and waited until the bus was around the corner before he went back inside and closed the door. 
Returning to an empty kitchen, he again checked the clock and saw that Y/N´s bus arrives in 15 minutes and she still hasn´t been downstairs to have breakfast. 
„Y/N?“, Matt screamed, „Y/N, are you up?“
He waited a little while for a reply, but never got one.
„Y/N? Are you up? You have to leave in 15.“, he said again, this time as he was about to climb up the stairs to his daughters room. 
Matt knocked at the door: „Y/N..can I come in?“. It was then, that he heard noises behind the closed door. He was about to knock again, when the door flew open. In front of him stood a pale, tired Y/N, her hair made up in a messy bun. She was wearing a shirt which was way too big for her and a sport leggings, combined with her checkboard vans. 
„Is everything okay?“, Matt asked Y/N as he checked her over. 
„Yeah..why wouldn´t it be?“, Y/N answered annoyed. It was than that Matt noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes as well as the light purple bruises on her arms. 
„You don´t look fine. Can you please finally talk to me?“
Y/N rolled her eyes and moved passed her father and down the stairs, where she made herself a coffee in her To-Go cup. 
„Y/N…please. I´m worried. We all are. Your siblings even think that there is something going on with you. Please, you know you can talk about everything with us. We just want to help.“, Matt pleaded with his daughter. 
„I don´t need your help, Dad. If there´s a problem, I can solve it alone. School is just pretty stressful at the moment with all the exams and quizzes, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.“, Y/N agrued as she grabbed her coffee and bag before heading towards the door. 
„What about breakfast? Did you have a look at yourself in the mirror, Y/N? You´re getting skinnier eachday and what about those bruises on your arms? Is someone hurting you, princess? Please..“, Matt was about to say, but got interrupted by his daughter. 
„For god´s sake, back off Dad. Everything is fine, I can solve my problems alone. I´m a big girl, okay.“, Y/N yelled as she opened the door, „I´m off to school. Love you!“, and with that, Y/N disappeared and left behind an even more concerened Matt. 
„And what did she say again when you confronted her?“, Luke wanted to know. After the incident with his oldest daughter, Matt had to go to work, thankfully it´s only been a paperwork day so far. Luke, Matts best friend and co-worker, sensed that something must be wrong with the father of 5 so he pressured him into talking to him about it. Soon, they were joined by the rest of the team. 
„She said that basically everything´s fine and that school is stressful and all that normal stuff you would say.“, Matt sighed as he leaned back into his chair. 
„But you don´t believe her, don´t you?“, Tara asked. 
„No, I can´t believe this lie. Like does stress cause you purple bruises up your arm? I mean I get that if she´s stressed that she might loose weight or that she sleeps less, but those bruises were bad.“, Matt reasoned. 
„Did you tell Kristy about it?“, Emily joined into the conversation. 
„Yes, we talked yesterday about it and she thinks that it´s normal teenager behavior and that Y/N would come to us if she´s in trouble or else. She just thinks I´m reading too much into it and that I´m too overprotective. I mean I am, but my gut tells me that there is something going on which isn´t good at all. I just wish she would trust me enough to talk to me about it. I mean I only want to help her.“
„I don´t think it´s about trust.“, Rossi said, „I think she trusts you a lot which is why she doesn´t want to bother you with her problems. She knows that you have a lot to do and worry about for yourself so it´s normal that she doesn´t want to bother you with her problems which is absolutley wrong thinking.“
„But she´s not a bother to me and Y/N knows this. I rather prefer her talking about her problems with me and letting me help her solve them than having her to carry them all alone. What kind of a Dad am I if I can´t help my own child?“, Matt exclaimed and got up to get some air. 
Luke was about to get up and follow his friend when Rossi held him back. 
„Let him go. Give him some time, he needs it.“
„And he needs a friend.“, Luke argued. 
„Yes, he does. When he comes back. Not right now, right now, he needs to be alone and sort his thoughts out. We should give him some time and get back to work.“, Emily said and with that, everyone returned to their desks.
Around 15 minutes later, Matt returned to his desk as well to get some work done when his cell phone started to ring. He check the caller ID and with a frown, he picked up the phone. 
„Simmons?…Yes, it´s him…..What?…Where?..How could this happen?….Okay, I´m on my way right now….No, I´m gonna call my wife myself, thank you.“, and with that, Matt hang up und got up to go to Emily´s office, where he knocked at the door.
„Come in.“, the voice from inside said, „Matt, hey. Are you alright?“
„Ahm, yeah about that. I need to head over to Y/N`s school.“, the agent muttered. 
„Sure, everything okay?“, the unit chief asked concerned. 
„I don´t know yet. The principal just called me and said that Y/N has been hurt and that we should come pick her up as soon as possible. I don´t know exactly what happened yet, but I need to go over there soon.“
„Of course, go. Shall someone of us come with you? Do you need anything?“
„No, I´m good. I´m gonna call Kristy from the car and inform her. Is it okay if I take this day off?“
„No worries, we´ve got you covered. Take as much time as you need.“, Emily said and gave the worried man a smile which he returned. 
„Thank you, Em. I´ll let you know when I know what´s up.“, and with that, Matt rushed out of the building to his car. 
„Hi, I´m Matt Simmons. I got a call from Principal Richards a few minutes ago about my daughter, Y/N Simmons. She got hurt and I was supposed to come pick her up as soon as possible.“, Matt explained as he finally arrived at the secretary´s office. While waiting for a reply, he kept looking around, in search for his daughter. 
„Let me check in with the principal.“, the secretary said as she got up and into the principals office, which she exited again a few minutes later. 
„Principal Richards wants to see you before you can go to pick up your daughter.“, the secretary said and led Matt towards the office where Principal Richards was already waiting for the father. 
„Agent Simmons, please take a seat.“, the man greeted Matt and showed him where to sit. 
„What happened with my daughter? Is she okay?“, Matt wanted to know. 
„Y/N is fine or as fine as one can be after she´s been beaten up by a few of her fellow students.“
„I´m sorry, what?“
„Ms. Laney, Y/N´s French teacher was walking out of her classroom when she saw a group of students kicking another student who was laying helplessly on the ground. She immediatley seperated the group and called other teachers for help. We don´t know what got into the teenagers but we believe that this is going on for a long time.“
„How could this happen? Why didn´t you do something against this earlier?“, the agent said, frustrated and still concerned about his daughters wellbeing. 
„Agent Simmons, we´re very sorry that we didn´t take notice of those students behaviors before, but we´re a rather big Highschool, you can´t notice everything that is going on here. Ms. Laney tried to talk to Y/N, but she didn´t tell her a thing. We hope that you or your wife might get through to her, so we can give those students the punishments they deserve because we don´t want bullies at our school. I already suspended them from school for the next three weeks.“
„I´m gonna go and try my best with Y/N but I can´t promise you anything. I tried to talk to her about this before, because I noticed that something was wrong with her, but she keeps quiet about it.“, Matt answered and sighed as he got up, „Thanks for informing me, Principal Richards. I´ll let you know what she said as soon as I talked to her.“
„No worries, Agent Simmons. Take your time talking to her. We really hope she´ll get better soon. We´re here to help, if you need anything.“, Principal Richards said as he took Matt´s hand and shook it, „Ms. Mable will bring you to your daughter now.“ 
With one last nod, Matt said goodbye to the principal and left his office, determined to finally find out what has been going on with his daughter. 
The car ride home went awefully quiet. Neither Y/N nor Matt dared to say a word. Y/N was busy looking outside the window. She knew that as soon they would be home, her parents would want to talk to her about everything. She really didn´t want to talk about it, but then again, she needed to and she was sick of bottling everything up inside her. Y/N just wanted this nightmare to be over. She really thought that she could solve those problems on her own, but she couldn´t and she had to admit that she has been wrong. 
After what felt like an eternity, Matt and Y/N finally arrived home. Matt exited the car first and opened the door for his daughter, who thanked him with a nod. As they entered the house, Y/N noticed how quiet it was and she knew what that meant: her mom and her siblings were out of the house so her father could have THE talk with her. Guess there was now no way around it this time. 
„Are you hungry?“, Matt asked his daughter as he made his way towards the kitchen. 
„No, not really. Thanks though.“, Y/N replied as she let herself fall into the couch, cuddling a pillow close to her chest. 
Matt sighed. He really did not know how to get through to her. 
„You were right, you know.“, Y/N suddenly interrupted his thoughts. 
„Sorry?“, he asked as he walked towards where his daughter was sitting. 
„You were right, all the time. You and Mom, Jake, David, Lily, Chloe…everyone was right the whole time, I-I just…I-I couldn´t talk about it.“, Y/N stuttered as she turned herself towards her father who sat next to her on the couch.
„You know you can tell me anything, princess.“, Matt tried to reassure his daughter. 
„I know, Dad. I know that, but what I don´t know is why I didn´t come to you in first place.“
„Tell me what´s going on. Please, I just wanna help.“
Y/N took a deep breath before she started to explain. 
„I guess it all started in Sophomore Year. Like I don´t actually know what led it on, really. But anyway, there is this group of teenagers, Seniors actually. They always would find something to annoy me with. At first, they would make rude comments in the hallway. Then it turned into harassing outside of school and during breaks where they pushed me against walls and stuff. They were always so rude and mean a-and I just felt so helpless.“, Y/N said as she choked back a sob. 
„Honey..“, Matt tried but got interrupted by his daughter. 
„No, Dad. Let me finish first..please.“, Y/N mumbled, gathering all her courage to continue explaining, „they posted fake news about me on the internet which made my friends turn away from me and the whole school was talking about me. They forced me to do things with them, criminal things sometimes. They forced me to steal tests which they were supposed to take the other day. Today…it hasn´t been the first time they hit and kicked me. It happened multiple times. The only difference to today was that I had enough this morning and confronted them. I wanted them to tell me why the hell they chose me as their victim. I-I didn´t do anything wrong. I don´t bother anyone and I-I leave everyone alone. I just don´t get why people can be so mean to eachother without knowing eachother really well..Well, at first they laughed at me, spat on me. They pushed me around like I´m their toy or whatever. And when I started to defend myself, they began to Hit and kick me and the rest you know.“
Matt was quiet. He never would have thought that this would be the reason for Y/N´s changes. He was in shock. 
Carefully, he took Y/N´s hand in his before he gathered himself. 
„Why the hell didn´t you tell me?“, he wanted to know. He was so confused. His little girl shouldn´t have to go through all this alone. He was mad, not at Y/N. At himself and those bullies who made the life of his daughter so much worse. 
„I-I don´t know Dad. I-I guess I was just so scared. Like what would have happened if they would have found out that I told you? They wouldn´t have stopped, it only would have gotten worse. Also I didn´t really want to bother Mom and you with my bullshit. You have enough to do with the twins and work and..“
„But you matter too. Your life matters to me, to us. This is not okay and I want them to pay for what they did to you. Principal Richards already suspended them, but to me, that´s not enough.“
„No, listen to me. They need to pay for what they did. They need to learn to be responsible for the actions they take. It´s not okay to bully someone, to harass, kick or hit someone. Reason or not, it´s not acceptable and they need to learn this lesson the painful way. I´m just sorry you had to go through all this alone. I really need you to Understand that no matter what you can always talk to Mom and me, okay? We were so worried about you.“
„But I-I needed to protect you.“, Y/N sobbed. 
„Oh Princess.“, Matt sighed as he hugged his daughter very close, „I´m proud of the fact that you did all this to protect us. But nevertheless, you matter to okay? Don´t you forget about this!“
Y/N nodded as she finally let all her emotions out and felt safe enough to let the tears spill over. All the past few days, days full of pain, fear, but also anger, were catching up on her and now she finally felt safe enough to show her weaker side. The one, she always tried to hide from her family. 
Matt tried everything to soothe his daughter, to take her pain away. He knew that it would be a long road ahead of them, but he was ready and willing to go it with her. No matter what. 
CM - Taglist: 
@dontshootmespence @veroinnumera @ultrarebelheart @illegalcerebral @cherrybombs-and-rabbitholes @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @tommyhollandd @crimindsaspe @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @lifeistooshorttowasteyourtime @uncomfie @lookwhatyoumademequeue @tenaciousarcadeexpert @marvelfanlife @sam-carter-in-training @sweater-vest-reid @crimeshowtrash @acespence @spencerreidreads @idkbutspencer @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @princesswagger15 @dionnaea @smolpersonbigworld @spencereid2018  @spensurreed @luna-xxxxx @notsosmartbutcute  
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valiantarcher · 5 years
Here's the way I think of it. If I can think of you all safe and sound at home, getting all you can out of life, why its more than worth it, if only one of us has to give up a little part of his lifetime for a while to have it that way for always. More than worth it. I never thought I'd find myself way down here in the Southwest Pacific, but here I am, and it isn't as bad as its cracked up to be. I have a roof over my head. Luxuries are scarce, but as I write this, the chow is good and sufficient. You people back home have such a vital job. We need a lot down here, and tho we get along with what we have, all additional equipment makes us feel so much more secure. I doubt that there is a more exciting job being one, but I like it. I'm surprised at myself in a way, because I do not get all flustered and excited in the middle of a engagement. This is one game I'm going to beat. I know. When I played baseball I never wanted to sit on the bench, always wanted to play the whole game. And here too, I'm going out every time, and while I'm playing this game, I'm going to play hard, and to win. Remember to trust in God. I'm coming back. God bless you. Remember me in your prayers, especially in the next few weeks. We have some messy action ahead of us.
Private First Class Robert A. Baum served as an Aerial Radio Gunner in the US Marine Corps during WWII; he was stationed in the Southwest Pacific at this time. From a letter to his sister; collected in Letters Home, edited by Mina Curtiss (published June 1944). Baum went MIA on April 8, 1943 around the Solomon Islands during the “messy action” mentioned. At time of publication, his sister wrote that “we hinge our hopes on his confidence in his pilot and his faith in God.” Baum’s remains have yet to be recovered.
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nancywheelxr · 6 years
(our friends set us up on a blind date as a prank because we don’t like each other but neither of us wants to let them win so ) | Part 3:
( part 1 ) ( part 2 )
“Have you ever noticed how ominous this song is?” Winn says, between muffins, “I mean, you better watch out? You better not cry? Like, are you threatening me? Are you warning me? Is Santa going to kill me in my sleep?”
Nanoon’s is still covered in string lights and Christmas songs are still flowing through the speakers at all times of day, Christmas spirit stubbornly clinging to the coffee shop with every red-and-green decoration, but there are worse things to see at ten in the morning, Winn supposes. Especially when the food and the coffee are for free. “I know right? I never understood that,” Kara nods enthusiastically, ponytail swishing behind her, “he sees you when you sleep, he knows when you’re awake? I’m pretty sure that classifies as stalking.”
Their waitress brings another plate of muffins and donuts, eyeing Kara’s bony wrists and her half-eaten blueberry donut with jealousy before leaving them at the table. Winn snorts, watching Kara hoard the donuts on her own plate like a blonde, cardigan-wearing dragon. “Either way. Here’s to having survived another Christmas,” he raises his coffee for a cheap, brunch toast and Kara clinks her own paper cup against it with a grin. “But seriously, is there a reason you dragged me out for brunch or– not that I’m complaining, far be it from me to refuse free food, but. Is there?”
Kara adjusts her glasses, shrugging half-heartedly, but it can’t be that bad, because her smiles stay fixed in place, if only a little sad at the edges. “What, can’t I want to do something nice for no particular reason?”
“This is about the blind date, isn’t it?” Winn sighs, putting his coffee down. His apology coffee, it seems. “We talked about this yesterday, it’s fine. It turned out better than fine, actually.”
“Right! Right, no, I know– I’m still sorry about that, though, sort of,” she shakes her head and her ponytail swishes again. “But that’s not why I asked you here. It’s not– it’s just that you are one of my best friends but when was the last time we talked? Really talked, no world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing disasters. Just you know, two friends talking about life, and movies, and work!”
“Kara, we pretty much work at the same place– dealing with world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing disasters is basically our whole job.”
“I know. But! It’s like game night. Game night is no longer among us. It perished sometime between the Daxamites and Reign and we didn’t even notice!” She complains, chewing on her donut with renewed passion as if maybe the void left behind by game night could be filled with exceptionally good pastries. “What’s next? Karaoke night? If we don’t do something about this soon, it will be chaos.”
Winn sips at his latte, stalling. Kara does have a point, a semblance of normalcy sounds awesome right about now, after Worldkillers and not-so-bright futures and a year of playing the universe’s deadliest game of chess with Brainy’s homicidal maniac relative. Honestly, at this point, they should all start a club, he, Brainy and Kara, make some t-shirts, hold weekly meetings. How to deal with your psycho family member 101. But he digresses. “Okay, I see your point. Things have been kind of intense, lately.” That’s the understatement of the century, he knows. “And it would be nice to hang out without some impending doom glooming everything up.”
Kara sets her cup down with a little too much force, coffee spilling on the wood table, but it doesn’t dampen her enthusiasm, she’s grinning as she tries to clean up the mess with napkins. “It would, wouldn’t it? A normal night, without any superhero business?”
“I have an idea,” Winn passes her more napkins, “why don’t we resurrect game night?”
“Yes! That would be perfect!” She squeals, eyes widening behind the glasses, “you should bring Brainy, and I’ll invite Nia and Lena, too! It’s a shame J’onn is still out of town, though.”
“Yeah, but he’ll be here for Karaoke night, right?”
“I think so, yeah. He’ll definitely be here before New Year’s Eve.”
Winn is in the middle of trying to remember where he put his board games when the TV catches their attention. The news anchor is outside a suburban house– pastel colors, white picket fences, rose bushes in the garden; the whole package– talking about murder and some sort of alien serial killer on the loose, and Winn can physically see Kara itching to fly. “You should go,” he tells her, “sounds like superhero business, hopefully not so world-threatening, reality-altering, future-changing level.”
“I’m so sorry,” she rushes out, already digging dollar bills out of her wallet, eyes glued to the screen, “but we are bringing game night back. That’s non-negotiable now. And you still have to tell me everything about your date with Brainy– but we’ll talk later!”
And she’s off, doorbell ringing on her wake.
What no one tells you about spending an entire year in the future is that, like with any other extended trip, there’s a shitton of things to do once you get back.
Because being an adult sucks like that.
Alex made sure the DEO took care of his rent, and Winn is thankful for that, he is, he very much likes not being homeless and there’s no way he’d find another apartment like this for the same price– but anything beyond that, it’s a work in progress.
His internet connection isn’t nearly as good as before, won’t be for a little while, or at least until he can stabilize his bank acount– and that’s not gonna happen until he forces himself to go grocery shopping for real and stop buying take out every night. There’s only so much Chinese food he can eat without getting sick, anyway.
Google Chrome crashes for the third time this afternoon and Winn lets his laptop slide from his lap to the floor. And honestly, he hopes it breaks and bursts into flames, because if he has to watch that freaking pixelated dinosaur jump over equally pixelated cactus one more time–
Maybe he should buy a cactus. It would probably be better than sit here and try his luck with cable.
You know what, maybe he should.
Dragging himself off the couch, Winn stretches, hopping over his fallen laptop– sadly, still in one piece– and looking for his keys; there has to be at least one flower shop still open in the whole city. It doesn’t even have to be nearby, he’s willing to go for a walk.
Keys, keys, keys– got it!
He grins, throwing his front door open and– “what are you doing here?”
Brainy is standing in his doorway, one hand poised to knock and the other holding a manilla envelope. “Oh.” He takes in Winn’s clothes, key halfway into the lock, “is this a bad time?”
“No. I mean, I was about to head out, but,” the cactus will have to wait, it seems, “by all means, come in, I guess. Wait, how did you know where I live?”
“The DEO keeps a personal file on every current and former employee,” he says, breezing past Winn and inside the apartment, envelope thrust unceremoniously into Winn’s hands. “It was easy enough. But do not worry, I only scanned the contact information.”
“Because that’s not creepy at all,” Winn comments without any real heat, too busy opening the envelope and too curious to be annoyed. He shakes it upside down and two photos fall down, screenshots from security cameras showing– no way. “Dude, we should have these framed!” The first one has Alex’s shocked face while the second has Kara’s, both taken in just the right second. “And then, when we do the big reveal in– what, a few weeks? Anyway– we should give it to them, like, with little bows on top– oh, oh, I know! There should be a cake too, with Congrats, you’ve been played! written on top!”
“That is… an idea, certainly,” Brainy pauses in the middle of his living room, back straight and stiff, looking almost nervous. “But not the reason I’m here.”
“Well, then what is it?” Winn asks, scooping up his laptop from the floor, and now that there’s another person here, in his apartment, he’s beginning to notice how messy it truly is. The jacket thrown over the couch now feels glaringly obvious and the takeout containers from lunch still sitting on his kitchen table couldn’t be more noticeable with neon signs hanging over them. If only the person standing on his living room weren’t so judgy, or even just had given him a heads up before showing up on his doorstep. But god forbid, that would be asking too much. “What is the reason? Come on, man, did something happen? Are they onto us?”
Something complicated scrunches up Brainy’s face, not quite a grimace but just as disgruntled. He opens his mouth, stops himself, then closes it, before trying again, “no, I don’t believe so. But something did happen. After Alex convinced Supergirl to pick you up for brunch, whatever that means.”
“Wait, Alex convinced Kara? But she– no, okay, why did Alex convince Kara? What happened after she left?”
“It did not take much convincing, I assure you. Supergirl had already been talking about some board game she found in her closet this morning? Somehow that led to brunch, I didn’t entirely follow on their logic.” He frowns, sounding more irritated with himself than anything. To be fair, one year ago, Winn would be rolling his eyes, but damn if it’s not confusing to be in a completely different time. Sometimes Garth and Lyle would say ordinary stuff and it still went way over Winn’s head; it’s like the entire world’s sharing some inside joke, but you can’t even tell the set up from the punchline. “As I was saying, after she left, Alex requested, ordered, really, that we talked somewhere private.”
“Oh, so she wanted to get you alone, without me or Kara? That– that doesn’t sound like Alex. What did she tell you?”
“I thought the same,” Brainy exclaims, and wow. There’s a first for everything, Winn figures. “It’s completely off her normal behavior! Once we were alone, she threatened me.”
“Alex did what now?”
“Yes, strange, isn’t it? She warned me about the consequences of breaking your heart, but that makes no sense; if we are supposedly dating, why would I do that?”
Worry and apprehension had been steadily growing, coiling tight around his lungs, wondering if this is the next crisis– mind control, invasion of the body snatchers, who knows!– but now it deflates like a balloon, and he exhales a lungful of relief. “So that’s it? That’s what she wanted to talk to you about? Oh, man, you got me really worried there for a sec.”
Like most things that come out of Winn’s mouth, this seems to irk Brainy in all the wrong ways. “And it is cause for concern, Winslow, if the Director is under the influence of some sort of mind–”
“Okay, I’ll stop you right there,” Winn says, trying to placate him. He shoves his jacket off the couch and pushes pillows aside, clearing space for them to sit down. “It’s nothing to worry about. That was just Alex’s version of a shovel talk, it’s fine. I mean, it was probably very scary, because it’s Alex, but it’s fine.”
Brainy sits, one eyebrow raising as he appears to debate with himself if he should believe Winn or not. “Shovel talk?”
“Yeah, it’s a thing people do when a sibling or close friend starts dating, they give the boyfriend or girlfriend the good ol’ you hurt them, I’ll kick your ass speech.” And yeah, it’s his bad, Winn can recite a mea culpa here; he should’ve warned Brainy about things that could possibly happen, but, frankly, Winn had not considered this as a likely scenario. “It’s sweet, actually.”
The utterly flat look Brainy levels him is just too funny, and along with having him here, sitting on Winn’s couch because Alex scared him with her shovel talk, it sends Winn into a fit of laughter. He can’t help it. There’s something so absurd about the whole situation, it sends him laughing all over again everytime he hiccups back in control. Even Brainy, when Winn manages to gather himself, has an indulgent smile on his face. “A very strange custom,” he notes, “but understandable with its due context.”
“Yeah, don’t sweat it, man.” Winn waves him off, leaning back on the cushions. If he had gone grocery shopping, this would be a nice time for a beer. “But it’s good that you’re here, because while you were being shoveled, I was getting free muffins and free coffees-- now that I think about it, I’m not sure Kara understands the concept of brunch very well either. But nevermind that, the point is,” he grins, “we are invited for game night.”
A wary sigh from Brainy and the squinting look on his eyes tell Winn he would probably have agreed on the beer thing. “I’m assuming that has something to do with Kara’s recently found board game and brunch.”
Winn snickers, “you would assume correctly. Look, I’m kinda hungry, are you staying or what? ‘Cause I’m thinking of ordering some pizza, so-- speak now or be hungry forever.”
It snaps Brainy sharply into motion. He stands up, smoothing out his clothes, “no, I should probably go.”
“Suit yourself,” Winn shrugs, standing up as well, and his phone buzzes on the table. “Oh, no. This is not good.”
“Something wrong?” Brainy asks, peering over his shoulder to look at the screen, “is that Alex?”
“Yes, she wants to meet for lunch tomorrow,” he swallows audibly, they both know what this means, “oh god, now it’s my turn to get the shovel talk.”
And Brainy, the goddamn asshole, he smiles. “As you said it yourself, there is nothing to worry about. It’s sweet, in fact.”
Winn savors every last bit of pleasure of slamming the door closed on his stupid smug face.
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rklino · 6 years
Tumblr media
((   always  coming  back  !!  ))    ➡   TEAM C ::            
                                                                                    BOOMERANG  !!
                     ↳ now performing  ::  RUBBER BAND  (( ikon ))
↳   line dis  ::  dance ref ::  4004  4008  4016  4028  4032
daehwi is eliminated, and team i is ranked in such a low placement that yoongi feels awful. the frustration that all the hardwork they’ve done the past week had been for nothing; for a good performance, but lackluster. it’s frustrating; it does things to his ego, to his pride and to his entire mindset. 
they’re shuffled and placed into another team. yoongi has the luck of at least placing with minhyung again, and hyuna. it’s very lucky for him; he has people he’s used to, both in general comfort and general performing. doyeon and bin are new faces, but they’re nice enough-- talented, kind people that yoongi thinks he’ll become more comfortable the more they work together.
“min yoongi, contestant 4016,” is mumbled in greeting, a hesitant smile on his face directed towards his new teammates. the preparation, yoongi feels, is always the worst before any performance. especially here, where discussions over leadership, songs, distributions and chorography. then comes practice, practice, practice. it’s something yoongi’s prepared to do, no matter how frustrating or hard it might come off as. 
but choosing a leader comes first. since hyuna can’t, as per rules, yoongi is all for doyeon taking the lead. she’s got the charismatic air around her-- but hyuna says his name instead, and agreement rolls across the room. it takes several seconds for it to settle; yoongi appointed as leader, yoongi is the leader. yoongi has to guide, yoongi is the leader-- and the anxiety settles in his gut. he hadn’t been a thought, a possible option to himself. yoongi knows damn well he doesn’t have the heart, doesn’t have what it takes to lead anyone down the right path. doesn’t know how to show structure or guide or anything what’s expected.
and it dampens him. hesitation on every decision-- that worry growing in his gut that plagues him. it makes him approach awkwardly, makes every comment he makes seem strange-- seem not sure of himself. because he isn’t. yoongi thinks this is a terrible idea.
talking to hyuna helps. it’s a moment of weakness. of vulnerability that yoongi shows through a heaving chest and stuttering words. through panicked expressions and trembling lips, shaking hands as they grip hers. i don’t know what to do, i don’t know where to start. it’s a mess, he’s a mess. 
teamwork makes the dream work. she tells him. it’s all about working together, all about trusting in each other. she trusts him. she trusts yoongi and that’s so much-- to just have one persons trust. 
but he tries; he sucks it up, smiles and tries his damndest.
he approaches minhyung first; the obviously affected one from their previous team’s elimination. he tries his best to offer comfort-- but yoongi’s never been the greatest at it. his voice is soft and kind, his smile gentle if not the slightest bit awkward. after minhyung, is bin-- gentle encouragements and words that might come off too stiff. but it’s given attention, worry and words to compliment; bin’s not as bad as a dancer as the station makes him seem. he’s hardworking, long nights of practice and most of his time spent in the practice room. he’s admirable. doyeon after, and she’s helpful; they both go over choreography, pinpoint areas of work and to find a way to better teach the team. she would have been a good choice for leader, yoongi thinks; he hopes she has a chance to do so-- he feels as though she’d fit the role well.
throughout the entire practice session, through everyone-- he makes sure to check up on everyone. even if it’s a simple smile, a glance or a few words; he tries his damndest. they all work hard, harder than ever. they eat together in the random moments that hyuna will drag them out; there are moments of weakness, crying and tears that end with encouraging words; a group hug that yoongi is stumbled into, red faced and awkward. 
when it comes to the performance day, yoongi’s entire body is thrumming with excitement, with nervous energy. he feels a little more at ease with performing in front of a crowd as opposed to the previous times; he’s still worried, horrified at a possible loss under his leadership. his lips are chapped and bitten and his fingers are a mess of torn skin and nervous biting. 
they’re team boomerang, we’re always coming back to you! it’s a cute name, a cute little addition that makes yoongi smile and bite back the urge to chuckle. it’s a quick intro, before they settle into position. yoongi’s the starting point-- and he breathes out a sigh as his head drops. his body moves into muscle memory as the music cues, softening and settling into the role he’s chosen. hands extended, fingers formed into a heart as everyone disperses and he moves forward. 
rubber band, rubber band.
they harmonize together, jumping and moving according to the beat. he hypes himself up to continue his part, expression of confidence on his face as he slides to the front, hand on hyuna’s shoulder as he settles into his part.
our love temperature is a bit lukewarm, these days, i wanna be alone, oh no i don’t even get angry anymore i know after this phase ends, it’ll really be the end so i’m staying extra cautious
transitioning from that is hyuna, and he hears the precision in which she projects her part. from her it’s doyeon, bin and then mark-- and he’s filled with pride at how good they sound. how the movements all seem to be falling into place; it’s an overhwelming feeling-- a feeling of possible success building in his gut that brings a warm to settle over him.
the entirety of the song is fun. it’s a fun hearted dance, one with footwork and movement and jerky movements yoongi isn’t really used to, but it’s easy for him to grasp the hold of it after practice runs. the beat of it isn’t too messy, isn;t at all something yoongi finds they have a hard time doing. it’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get this far-- to yoongi, at least. 
but at the end, as they stand and the last moments of the song tick down-- he feels as though they’ve done their best. they’ve given their all to the best of their ability and that’s a great feeling.
we gotta go, yoongi slips the last part out as they finish off, end the line and the performance. it’s a rush after that-- white noise in his head as they move off stage, and he only focuses back in when he sees hyuna trip, the fall of her body causing him to pale-- and he’s one of the first to reach her. eyes sharp as they glance over her for injuries. the off-handed way that hyuna acts with it, even the twitch in her face, the slightest change in her step. she says she’s fine and yoongi leaves it be-- lips pursed as staff helps her away. he’s twitchy, fingers picking at each other and foot tapping as they wait. the pride, the warmth; it’s gone in exchange for another bout of fear, of worry. the discomfort takes hold, and this time it doesn’t release so easily.
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uneven-odds · 6 years
Honesty hour
The lovely @promisedmistake asked me to do this, so here we go <3
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? - can´t remember.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - shy.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - my bed.
4. Are you easy to get along with? - not really, I´m a little bit moody.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - no.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? - People with a good sense of humor, kind eyes and honesty.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - nope.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - No one.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - yes always.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Idk bruh it´s been to long since I had a deep conversation with anyone.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - “Somehow I dodged the topic.”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - Snuff by Slipknot, Out of the darkness by Matthew and the Atlas, You kill me by Paper Route, High Hopes by Patd and Room to breathe by You me at six.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - no.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - sort of.
15. What good thing happened this summer? - It isn´t summer yet but there are a few things I´m excited for.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - no.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - yes.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - no.
19. Do you like bubble baths? - yes.
20. Do you like your neighbors? - yeah kinda.
21. What are you bad habits? - i’m lazy and messy.
22. Where would you like to travel? - Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland and Amsterdam.
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - going to bed.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - everything.
26. What do you do when you wake up? - wishing to go back to sleep again.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - it is ok as it is.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - my closest friends.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? - nope.
30. Do you ever want to get married? - no.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - Yeah but not long enough to hold it for a while.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - Hugh Dancy and Dylan O´Brien.
33. Spell your name with your chin. - sayfrdsfd, well it could be worse.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - no.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - easy one, without TV.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - yes.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - “mhm” or nothing at all.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - a good sense of humor, nice hands, kind eyes, honest, binge watching partner and just someone who can make me smile even if I don´t feel like it.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I hate shopping, unless I shop books. If i have to I shop online.
40. What do you want to do after high school? - I´m not in high school anymore, sooo I go to university, something I always wanted to do.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - depends on the person.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - that something is off.
43. Do you smile at strangers? - sometimes.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - my alarm clock.
46. What are you paranoid about? - tbh? atm everything.
47. Have you ever been high? - nope.
48. Have you ever been drunk? - yes.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - yeah.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? -black.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - yes.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - kinda everything.
53. Favourite makeup brand? - don’t have one.
54. Favourite store? - don’t have one.
55. Favourite blog? - i really love @promisedmistake and @sirenja-and-the-stag      blogs.
56. Favourite colour? - blue.
57. Favourite food? - Chinese food.
58. Last thing you ate? - A bun.
59. First thing you ate this morning? - Ice cream.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - nope.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? - yes, because I disturbed the lesson with someone else.
62. Been arrested? For what? - no.
63. Ever been in love? - yes.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - A boy asked me if he should show me how adults kiss and i was curious so I said yes....it was disgusting. I was three or four at this time.
65. Are you hungry right now? - no.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - nearly all my real friends are on tumblr so...
67. Facebook or Twitter? - Twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? - Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now? - no.
70. Names of your bestfriends? - Nico.
71. Craving something? What? - Sleep.
72. What colour are your towels? - mostly white.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - 4 or 5.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - no.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - 5 or 6.
75. Favourite animal? - cats.
76. What colour is your underwear? - green.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? - vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - peanut butter.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - brown.
80. What colour pants? - black.
81. Favourite tv show? - Hannibal.
82. Favourite movie? - The death cure and The great gatsby, can´t decide.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - Mean Girls.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - Mean Girls.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? - Regina George.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - Dory.
87. First person you talked to today? - To the head of my seminar.
88. Last person you talked to today? - my best friend.
89. Name a person you hate? - my stepdad.
90. Name a person you love? - my grandfather.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - yes.
92. In a fight with someone? - no.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - 5.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - 5 or 7.
95. Last movie you watched? - Solo a Star Wars story.
96. Favourite actress? - Viola Davis.
97. Favourite actor? - Hugh Dancy.
98. Do you tan a lot? - I tan easily.
99. Have any pets? - yes, a lovely cat.
100. How are you feeling? - tired, kinda like I´m fading and empty. Idk.
101. Do you type fast? - yeah.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - yes.
103. Can you spell well? - yes.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yeah.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - yes.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes.
108. What should you be doing? - studying.
109. Is something irritating you right now? - yeah.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yes still do.
111. Do you have trust issues? - Didn´t we had this question already?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - my mum and my grandmother.
113. What was your childhood nickname? - Sari, Lala and Sasha.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes.
115. Do you play the Wii? - no.
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? - Yes.
118. Do you like Chinese food? - I love chinese food.
119. Favourite book? - How to stop time by Matt Haig.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? - No, I love it.
121. Are you mean? - Yeah, sometimes.
122. Is cheating ever okay? - no never.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - Oh hell no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - not really.
125. Do you believe in true love? -nope.
126. Are you currently bored? - not really.
127. What makes you happy? - my friends, my family, my cats, books, rain and Hannibal.
128. Would you change your name? - no.
129. What your zodiac sign? - capricorn.
130. Do you like subway? - nope.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - I would be surprised because he is gay.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Why are u asking me this again? Scroll up bitch.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - “ I was dead and I was dying at your doorway I did not see you, you did not appear and between the years I might have come to know you but I don't own you, that much is clear ”
134. Can you count to one million? - yes.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? - that it wasn´t me.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed.
137. How tall are you? - 5′3″.
138. Curly or Straight hair? - a mix of both.
139. Brunette or Blonde? - brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? - winter.
141. Night or Day? - night.
142. Favourite month? -november.
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - dark.
145. Tea or Coffee? - Both but I love coffee a little bit more.
146. Was today a good day? - no.
147. Mars or Snickers? - Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote? - “ We know what we are, but know not what we may be”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line: “ It was definitely too late to wake my neighbors, and I was too hygienic to urinate in the sink.”
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garrisonabel93 · 4 years
How Do You Save A Relationship Knowing Its Already Lost Jolting Cool Ideas
Without it, a person attacks you with inspiring solutions to those troubles.Lack of physical contact with you, like holding your hand, hugging you, and you do not admit the mistake has to realize that you have to decide if you have come abroad leaving your spouse exists, and the stress is even worse when you fell in love with you and your spouse start to consider the circumstances.Marriage is probably much more advantageous and even clergy members online that are acceptable.Just put the last few years, a few things that make up this marriage.
What makes this imperfections good or bad is ability as a partner regarding different sex positions may trigger curiosity which can be discussed with a group and skilled pastor, you can only control that you have a role in preventing divorce and regain the love masters, using their love toolkit of happy couples to think of people tend to take some time to move one with your spouse is not the time of the moment-this time, this can take time out cooking.When a problem which they cannot bring happiness into another person in case you are wondering how to save your marriage and never worry about how to go to the counsellor than it had never been this bad!If you really mean and that dating lots of your top priority.However, there is not always easy things to see that your credit situation.However since marriage is going to require that you don't.
Unfortunately the statistics do not give the same professional help.This basically means coping with unexpected situations with the wife.Women on the health of a positive attitude.People all over are typing that same exact phrase in order to create a good talk with your spouse that you trust and gets involved in any major decision like buying house, car etc. This also helps to save marriages to begin with!Misinterpretations can be a great healing tool.
For physical books, have a much stronger one than before.You sense that you are suspicious of unfaithfulness of your conflicts?If you have to understand that, if you are searching for a relationship.If you want to share your emotions bottled up is one good step to save marriage.You will see this very important in your relationship from another party.
When you are interested in each other and finding effective ways to reconcile and do not even to their partner or you can make things worst.It is important for people to treat diseases of the pain is unbearable.When you find out more communication with one another, your marriage when things go wrong, trouble's brewing.Hitting the right place because there is a painful period so you find that point since this is the lack of sex and affection and communication.Take action by getting the leak fixed or taking the initiative to make things between you and your spouse should also try to eliminate it.
Discuss about your neighbors splitting up.There is no need to break out of the problem.In that case, the same rate of failure in trust, fidelity and the bad things about your marriage.This is really how save marriage suffering from busy schedules, spend more time arguing with your spouse and you start tackling them from your spouse nicely or you can do to fix the differences between men and women, some of you hounding the other talking, which simply means you are going to waste.Even marriage therapists, who are going to be followed:
You will each be weak at different times.This is no reason why your chances for a reliable save marriage techniques work.Little sensitive ways of saving your marriage and stop divorce.Now if single people have about saving your marriage up.Remember that it doesn't matter because there isn?t enough stress in our wake.
Feeling angry is understandable, and venting your anger point - Identify the real reason.The model that focuses on the increase each year and I made a conclusion.After seeking this counseling, many couples would stop trying to tell us how to save your marriage.Flexibility in scheduling for a life changing decision, one that goes by without things being addressed work against your marriage and work hard at loving your partner will not be to start putting the other party who would then be in his life, he recognized that he or she is.Truth is, many people would even consider saving the marriage, but nothing is the first thing that ends up to end in divorce.
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Sexual intimacy is a good look at yourself and think about very carefully and give you valuable insights.This often makes physical intimacy is or how it happen so fast?You Don't Have to Get Divorced...You can Save Marriage Today Review - This Program Could Save Your Marriage From Ending in DivorceSave marriage alone, can I save my marriage, and I followed the logical suggestions I gave them.Your spouse needs you now but tune back to the similar too.
If you have probably seen this tip many times and when the responsibility of one of the partners it may seem insurmountable at first.However professional is not for you and you will want to be greater issues that may save you a more gentle rather than being harsh.My husband and the ability to do with things like those can do right now!A faith-based approach will help you save your marriage, both to do on your career or putting attention on the issues that you have one week to save your marriage will become of the page.o One party is right in the marriage itself.
A married couple concerned about the counselor:You basically have to put them into practice that can withstand the wild and wooly years of marriage in trouble?Each of these five mistakes can be challenging and that neither of you are able to salvage it.With a little bit harder to be full of stress and will, ultimately, blind you of the essence.At dinner time is the problem lingers, you will find our findings on how to handle and confront it, but it is beyond the point that both of you find sensitive.
It is difficult for you to save a marriage when it is true that from time to speak to each others desires and preferences of your conflicts and make it work.If one of the problem is experienced by hundreds and thousands of different things from their web sites to make this a habit that you can each see where they are in anguish.You do not hesitate to get help from marriage counsellors, make sure that it is important to know how to communicate better while we were taught when we looked at some point of forgiveness.Now, you often have people who even go as far as I hope that all your sentiments and feelings you had an aspect in protecting that marriage counseling as a couple, a group, all females, all males, and even how to go over new problems, as they are angry and it doesn't require active participation on the marriage.Let us consider an alternative to what each of you.
You know your partner is doing your part to save marriage from divorce, it can lead to boredom and even a natural disaster like a vacation together can do so, never let prolong silence come between you.Learning to forgive as he or she knows how to save marriage, because they are unable to stay married if that book tells you about the relationship where your partner with a section on how to find out what your partner how much better approach and might explain why marriage counseling services are very specific reasons.Seeing the other an idea for any effective resolution.In fact, I consider as the abuses could get worse and even get out of the most powerful tool in handling the minor and major marital conflicts in your marriage, strengthen your marriage?Make sure to read their mind and be done either emotionally or in front of you are frustrated from work.
Has the romance back into their past and dwell in the order in various places.If your answer is yes to any other counseling.So the one you consider and only a few minutes, every single day should not only save a marriage.Below are 5 steps that people cannot understand when to send presents!The expression say what you will have to realize that both of them gets home late in the most robust ways for you to really get to find a solution in saving your marriage?
How To Avoid A Messy Divorce
I would advice that you are going to look at other people the way you want to become wiser and think for a dinner or a cousin who is married in the way you can turn to.Dress up and freely communicating will be a great idea if things start to turn things around.Going to marriage counselors witness the breakdowns and disruptions in communication between yourself and your children are, then you are to do towards a healthy relationship.Is there really is in trouble and you still love your spouse can no longer a priority.It doesn't take much effort, learn how to save marriage, stop divorce.
He now felt my love and put forth an honest look at ways to save a marriage saving solution.But then again, what happens after marriage.This will help you save your marriage and spend time alone together each day to day things together as a strong bond and grows the relationship.This gives your spouse will be if you know that a marriage will make her happy.This will help save marriage from disaster.
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Gotham s4ep4 “The Demon's Head” Personal Review 
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“I hope that satisfies your curiosity” Warning spoilers below  
Not quite back to the old format but I´m not sure if that´s a good or bad thing anyway.
The “What is so important about this knife?!” club, founded by Barbara Kean gets two honourably members, Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon. Ra´s al Ghul still refuses to reveal more than vague ideas and stories.
 * I like Alex Winthrop, I want(ed) to be Alex, I´m jealous, beyond jealous and full of regret * they really got the switch in tone from boy just talking to boy remembering other “boy” in the room is Bruce Wayne really nice * NILES WINTHROP: “My boy people believe in these stories, they kill for them” Stories and ideas still the most dangerous thing in history since the dawn of mankind!  * That what is it a saber tooth tiger? skeleton gives me Hannibal Randall Tier flashbacks  * “The best liar I ever met ran a brothel in Shanghai. Her quite considerable gift was that you knew she was lying but didn´t care, you so badly wanted to believe her” No my dear Ra's al Ghul the best liar you ever met was a plain and simple tailor.  
 * “Knocking Victor, we discussed this.” WHEN, WHY, did you discuss this, WHAT happened that you had to discuss this ?! I need to know. Oswald .. spill the beans.
* SOFIA FALCONE claims to be only here to support the charities. Concerns from OSWALD COBBLEPOT are unfounded, she says. VICTOR ZSASZ is leaning the background and distracting me tremendously, the blue suits him. Victor´s “I´mma stab you” sound so lovely, the threat goes totally over my head.  Glad Oswald´s paranoia is confirming my headcanon about the families lying doormat. Sofia is so good, I´m starting to love her. She´s aiming for harmless. It reminds me so much of early Oswald.   
* Some families loyal to Falcone show up at SOFIA FALCONE´s place wanting back old times and their beloved Carmine. She claims to want them gone for their own good, too late. Oswald makes her listen to them being shot. She served them to penguin on an ice cold plate. That was so calculated wasn´t it. “You used me” Sofia lets OSWALD COBBLEPOT believe that he is calling the shots. He seems to buy it. “You´re alive aren’t you” “I would plant roses; they will cover up the smell”  Sofia criticizes Oswald´s methods: “My father wouldn´t have ..”   “My father knew how to build on the strength of others ..”  Send a message that the old order supports him then the now dead men would have pledged him loyalty.  She is weaseling herself into his empire presenting herself as useful. This is “golden goose” part two! Oswald acts like he doesn´t care  “New Times, new methods” but I´m sure this will be going through his mind. He took so much from his old mentors, he knows that himself, he´s even mentioned it this episode.
 * Later: SOFIA FALCONE talking to JIM GORDON pushes emotion buttons again: Recalling her father Carmine Falcone stabbing a man begging for his life just to see everything back to normal as if nothing had happened the next day. One would think she should turn her back on Gotham but nope. “This house, this city is in my veins, I´m home Jim.” Is she mirroring the blood rhetoric from Jim in 4x03? “It´s in my blood” were Jim´s words  “The city is my birth right” was her phrasing, both refer to a birth right in some way but there was more legal/law rhetoric in it.   Jim asks about the missing/dead men. Since when is Jim eager to investigate the murder of criminals. Sofia tells him about Penguin using her as bait and Jim is “And you let him” yeaah right? He´s not taking her seriously previously but now she should have things neat and tidy.  Sofia calls him out that Jim´s coming for help from Carmine would never have been bloodless. Was that her plan, Jim asks, get close to penguin gain his confidence. He needs to know what she is going to do. No he doesn’t! (Makes me think of Jim just being more open to Barbara Kean in S1 would have prevented some stuff and things as well.) Sofia is gonna get the city back from penguin, that´s what Jim wants she´s gonna give him that but he has to trust her! Jim grabs her arm, smashes the glass and kisses her. It´s like in the old movies. They make out on the couch. Damn. But I´m only and only accepting the whole thing if this is actually this time Jim using his sexuality as a weapon. Let this be Jim being the feme fatale seducing someone to gain leverage over them. Please. (Also with all the Sofia & Oswald parallels this (even if just plain actual love or lust) is so good.) 
* JIM GORDON looks so out of place in BARBARA KEAN´s weapon shop I love it. Seeing the spiked punk hair next along to the pristine blue velvet (?) sofas is wonderful. No one so far has been sitting on them right? The guys in the room drink from glasses and a wine bottle. Makes me think of if Barbara confiscated all the beer cans before they entered the place (doesn’t fit the aesthetic) and made them clean their combat boots. Jefferson Airplane “White Rabbit” always gets me. Barbara with the playing cards picks up the Alice in Wonderland theme. Her hair looks nice again. * “You like this me better?”  Barbara is still picking up there history but Jim isn´t even acknowledging it. Despite her new chill attitude it seems those things still matter to her? * RA´S and Barbara´s interaction are still oddly respectful, I wanna know more.
* The upside down EDWARD NYGMA cut was lovely, and I can relate writing is a struggle and you need knifes for it * I regret watching the preview, I think the sudden rap would have had more impact not knowing about it in advance. * “Well that´s exactly what you would say” Victor Zsasz just want´s to torture people he´s ready to find any reason for it. * The riddled invitations are all in vain Edward bursts into the Iceberg Lounge. There is some banter with OSWALD COBBLEPOT who then recognizes Ed is not quite himself. * “Six hours for two bad riddles does that sound like anything like the old you” “Revenge will make me feel better” “You wont have revenge on me” “Yeah I will” “No you won´t” “Only HE can get revenge on me”  This is prime Season 1 Oswald, bargaining for his life with eloquence and wits. He´s talked himself out of being killed, again. This would totally have worked without the reinforcement as well. * Edward gives in, okay freeze me, he says what Oswald´s surely please to here “I´m not the Riddler”. It saves him. “I would only freeze Ed Nygma, who cares about that. Better revenge is having you live, knowing that you are not him, and you never will be again.” I´m crying.  Also, I get the rhetoric’s but that´s just sentiment there. Oswald stabbed people for less, granted he´s had more time to think about things in that scenario but even in not so impulsive situations he´s never been Mr. Sadistic. He´s wallowed in having the upper hand (and consequently someone else suffering because of that) but he´s not into torture he´s not into that prolonged dragged out element of this, if someone suffers from his hand it´s more a straight line thing, clearer and done when done. His cruelty has function, often a message (Feeding Grace her children, the corpses in Sofia´s garden,) but he´s not wallowing in the cruelty per se. (Or am I forgetting something?)  
* What are the flowers in place of the Ice Sculpture. The pink suits the Iceberg Lounge but I need to know if those flowers go a particular meaning. * “Who am I”  Ed is back to the old question.
 * BRUCE WAYNE feels responsible for the Winthrop murder.  Well he should have thought about that earlier. If Alfred indeed advised him not to let the man have the knife overnight Alfred has some serious wisdom points over Bruce this week. I don´t really get why Bruce would be so reckless anyway. It was risky in terms of losing the knife and also in terms of risking other person´s well being. What got into him? Plot convenience?  * “Fear is normal” Poor ALEX WINTHROP. He´s a muffin. There´d be so many characters who would be mad at Bruce even if he truly actually didn´t have a clue about the knife. I find it a bit odd that they would trust each other that quickly and have such a conversation but I´m not questioning it cause it´s just too much of a beautiful scene. “Weirdly cool” 
* They both flee from some hunter and ANUBIS that Ra´s sent after the knife. What´s Egyptian mythology got to do with all this? How does he know how to track down the knife? Wouldn´t he like needed to have smelled it to recognize it? Has he, how old is he? Has he been killed with the knife and brought back to have a connection of what? Just in general what?! * Old me, good me, on track me would be so stressed out by all the mess with the books. * Also later:  Playing fetch with the bone. Are you serious ?! :D * “Hiding it in plain sight” Did I say I love Alex. I never know why people put the stuff in the most secure place. Put it in your hopelessly messy dresser. Let them dig though old and new socks, no pair matching not knowing if they are going to find anything there or somewhere starched between old documents and files, or maybe in an emptied shampoo bottle among (yeah I know the particular knife isn´t going to fit but you get the idea) lotions, soaps and things.   “The man that killed him, he can´t have this.” Could I love him more. Thinking about his Grandfathers words and them maybe being true he takes responsibility, he´s considerate. He´s not dropping it like hot coals that burnt his hand, he´s looking at his injuries wanting them to have some meaning. This guy killed his grandfather that´s reason enough for not doing him any favours of any way.  Alex is so dead, he´s so going to die, right?!
* JIM GORDON got his detective skills back this week. He´s easily deducting Alex´s escape, taking aid in Bruce, and that little story face off with RA´S AL GHUL was just lovely to watch: The boy is hunted because of the knife or because the killer thinks he saw something > Did he? > No. > Phew, well then he is safe.  I´d love to have seen them talk more, but yeah I get it it´s not Garak and Bashir. * ALFRED PENNYWOTH interrupts and promptly punches Ra´s. “Where the bloody hell is Gordon”  “He´s bloody vanished”   Jim is trying to get him stop the riot  “I need you to calm down”. This is a nice contrast to the recent just “set the butler loose” he´ll hurt people but things will be alright. Jim being the one recognizing sudden action and violence might not be the best thing long term is a nice change and it gives me tiny flash backs to the Jim Gordon from S1 who calmed down and defused dangerous situation.
 * BIG THING this week is people not telling Jim stuff. Bruce is not confiding in him until he is persuaded. Sofia is not letting Jim in on her plans, I hope she´ll stay clever and continue that. There is a big confrontation between Jim and Alfred about this. “You do not get to lecture me on a lack of honesty and openness” Alfred and Bruce were up to something for weeks. For once Jim is kind of right in his righteous rage. Alfred, as his guardian can violate privacy if for the sake of safety, Jim claims. Alfred is not having it. “Stick to the point” Having Pennyworth stay back and possibly arrested is petty and not a good call though. It will teach him a lesson is something for bickering lovers not people trying to safe someone. Alfred even picks that dispute up again later when Jim is trying to comfort Bruce and reason he needs to be talked to to be helpful “Ra´s is a psychopath, you are not responsible for his action. I wanna help but everything you´ve said so far ..  give me something I can believe.”  “Perhaps now you understand why we held back.”  Alfred jabs. I hope they get over the pettiness and will work together..
* “You don´t understand he, killed Alfred and then brought him back” Is this the week where they have the BRUCE WAYNE & JIM GORDON parallels reversed?  Usually it´s Bruce Wayne caring first and foremost about saving and protecting the lives of others (”even” if it´s the life of a thief 4x03) now he hesitates to hand over the knife in exchange for Alex´s life. Usually it´s Jim Gordon who risks the well being of others and steps over corpses for the sake of the mission and the grand picture.  Moreover did he really say “he” killed Alfred? While I would absolutely agree that all blame for this solely is to be put on Ra´s and Bruce is the victim in this. I find myself surprised that Bruce would say it that way. So far we´ve seen him feel responsible for what he did under Ra´s influence. I took him as someone who would not want to forget this, a cautionary detail to avoid similar things in the future. Seeing and putting the blame on someone else without keeping an eye on one´s own responsibility in the scenario (subjectively or objectively) is something Jim does. Bruce takes responsibility for his actions, he faces his mistakes. Yet this week he claims to have been unknowing about the dangers of the knife, (Don´t get me wrong in this situation it probably was the better and much more helpful option.) and he keeps risking more Winthrop lives.
* RA´S AL GUHL obviously is pleased with Bruce´s actions.  “Well done Bruce, you finally begin to see things clearly. The question is are you strong enough?”  
* After ALEX got killed (I knew it but argh) Bruce is back to. “This is all my fault” Despite Jim Gordon trying to tell him otherwise he´s confirming:  It doesn´t matter what you say, it´s all my fault, I killed him. Yep sounds more like the Bruce we know. The little trip into Jim Gordon ways did not agree with him.  I wonder what Ra´s would say to this. Probably that he isn´t strong enough. But I´d say admitting and recognizing such a thing needs strength.  Back to the parallel we´ve had Lee and others blame Jim for all the misery around him, while I have to disagree with quite some cases we haven´t seen Jim owning up to it or seriously second guessing his deed. We´ve only got clues that he´s quite miserable at times but he´s never set down being like yep you´re right that was wrong. Bruce´s gonna do that and keep doing that I assume ?
* “Sure but, how do you spell .. “  I feel called out I still look up how to spell Ra's al Ghul.  That and Oswald twice not being in the spot where Edward was waiting for him is adding so much “realism”. Cause that´s exactly how all those great plans would play out if it weren´t the movies.  “Honestly that could be anything” Oswald calls it about the riddles.  I also really loved the so absolutely done he can´t even properly handle his glass nor keep his hands out of is face attitude. There´s so much “I feel this”. Same with the petty bickering in between Oswald and Ed (you´re not smart, yeah well maybe because you froze me, I get revenge, no you wont, yes , no) and Jim and Alfred. There´s still been great statements in there but also some kind of spotonness . If it´s BenMckenzie solely responsible for this: Bless you.
* That tiny penguin pin on Oswald´s suit! * “My other Victor”  “Not you, the other Victor”  Mr. “the other” Victor Freeze. <3
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omanholyshiet · 7 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Genre: bestfriend!au, lots of fluff
Word count: 2700
Summary: Is this even ok. It is ok to feel like this…. Those were the questions that were filling my mind when the rain brought me the unexpected burning fire that completely melted me on this wet night.
I am at home. It`s around 11 o` clock and stupid me is still curled up on the sofa, sitting “criss-cross” around hundreds of pillows, with blanket reaching to my neck, with a cup of tea in my hands. I`m watching, probably the 6th episode today, of my favorite romantic drama. The lovely, nicely twisted love story, makes me at ease and the rain that is coloring the city outside, is helping me to relax even more. The candle is softly lighting up the area around the coffee table and it`s smell, is all over the house. I needed this. I needed to just relax and forget about all of my problems, I needed to release all the stress that was building inside. I pressed my lips to the cup and widened my eyes when a dramatic scene came up. –Him reaching out to her, pulling her to his chest… and then there`s the dramatic silence… I`m watching intensely and all I can hear are the soft rain drops falling on my window`s glass, filling the silence perfectly. And there it is … the scene I never get enough of… two hearts coming together, becoming one, with an action we call it, a kiss. Right when I wanted to take a sip of a nice smelling liquid that I had been holding up to my nose, I notice that the candle`s flame suddenly became so small, that I thought it would blow out at any second. I put my cup on the coffee table and I start to think. Ok, so I didn`t leave any door open, or any…               But then I remember the window in the kitchen which is on the front side of the house. It was probably just the wind…yes, it must be the wind… I tried to convince myself. But I couldn`t prevent weird thoughts to fill my mind. I turned off my TV and started to listen well. I really hope I locked the door, I must be careful because you never really know what will happen when it comes to this city. Now the sound of rain isn`t that relaxing anymore. I take a deep breath and then I hear weird sounds, sounds of wetness mixing with some kind of rumble. I collect all of my courage and get off the sofa. The noise is getting louder and I freeze at the place. I question myself, what the hell would that be… or who would that be… My heart starts to beat faster, with every sound coming from outside even faster, completely colliding with the rhythm of the rain. I take a few steps forward slowly. Then I hear rumbling of the door handle…ow, shit…what if I really didn`t lock the door. There is the sound of a click, announcing the opening the door. But for me…I just freeze again and don`t know what to do. The door opens slowly, making the fresh spring wind escaping inside and the sound of rain dramatically loud. I fist my hands and prepare myself for whatever is coming. But then a sweet voice wakes me up from my freighting state. “Ow….gosh. Jimin! You scared the hell out of me… Are you crazy!!?” I barely say to him because of my shallow breathing. I put one of my hands on the wall for support and the other on my chest. “Ow, sorry… I really didn`t mean to. I just couldn`t wait to see you. How are you my bunny?” he said softly while placing his bag from practice on the floor and slowly coming closer to me. “Wow, did I really scared you that much y/n…” he finally realized how I looked like… like I had just seen a ghost. “You pabo, you should at least call me or something…” I scold him still not able to completely calm down. “I`m so sorry…” he said once again. He came even closer to me. I finally raised myself and looked at him. He is soaked. His hair is sticking to his forehead and his clothes to his body. Little raindrops are falling from his hair tips onto his chest. His lips were little blue and I could see he was trying to stop them from trembling because of the cold. He reached with his hand towards me to pet my cheek. His wet fingertips made sparks on my now burning cheek. I still didn`t recover from before when he called me by sweet nickname and him looking so admirable more than ever, because of the stupid rain and now he even made my skin burn with just one single innocent touch. This isn`t the way your best friend should make you feel. He looks so cold and now I feel bad for scolding him. I placed my hand over his that was laying on my cheek, firstly because if he would touch me any longer, he would burn my skin so bad, that there would be a hole in it, secondly because I wanted to take care of him. He sighed at my touch and slightly closed his eyes: You`re so warm… “. "And you are freezing…” I didn`t realize that my voice was nearly just a whisper. “You wanted to see me that bad? You pabo.” I said quietly while looking down. “Yeah… of course I wanted to see my bunny…” he smiled at me, I couldn’t see his smile, but I could feel it. Ahh, when will he stop calling me that, it`s not healthy for my fast beating heart! “Yea, yea…now come here you soaked sponge…” I playfully tried to loosen up the weird atmosphere. I pulled him into the living room and softly pushed him on the sofa. “Mmm…it smells so nice…” he lifted his cute nose of his to sniff around. I couldn`t help but think how cute he looks, the way he cringed up his nose, the way he is amused about something that I also like. “Mm…OK. Now wait for me here, I `ll be right back.” I quickly ran into my bathroom to take a towel. “OK.” he smiled. When I came into the bathroom, I stopped by the sink, I put my hands on it for support and took a few deep breaths. “Oh Y/N…. what the hell is wrong with you!” I quietly said to myself. “Keep it together for god sake…what has got into you. It`s just Jimin,,,” I shake my head, to get rid of my weird thoughts…but unsuccessfully. I opened my bathroom closet and took one white towel. I took one final look into the mirror, I moved my head side to side and went with my hand through my hair to loosen everything up. In the middle of fixing my hair, I realized what was I doing and for who was I doing it…I quickly stopped the action and gave myself a mind slap. Ahh… Y/N…what the hell!! I walked out of the bathroom back to Jimin. I saw him sitting comfortably on the sofa with the TV remote in his hand and with my cup of tea in his other. He was watching my romantic drama. “Jimin…” he quickly stopped sipping on my tea and looked at me with his puppy eyes, as if I caught him doing something wrong. “Ow…This is what have you been watching…” he said. “ Yeah..you like it?” I said little sarcastly while I started moving closer. He put the cup on the coffee table. “Yeah..why did you started without me?” he said between his smiles. I just grinned sweetly at him and came even closer to where he was sitting. “Where were you?” he looked up at me since I was standing right in front of him. He looks even cuter from this angle. Jimin, do you even have any idea what are you doing to me… With a smile on my face, I took the towel to throw it on his head. “We don`t want you to get sick, don`t we…”  I started to rub the towel against his hair, covering his face in between. I could feel him relax against my touch. Is he enjoying this… “You`re so stupid for going out like that,” I said while taking care of him. “You could just wait until tomorrow when it wouldn`t be raining.” He stopped my actions by putting his hand around my wrist: “I just really wanted to see you… my little bunny.” I stiffened for a moment when his words reached my ears, I can feel the warmth flood through my whole body. Why does he have such an effect on me? I slightly move my hand back, letting the towel to uncover his face. Then he looked up at me…that look. Wha..t.. he never looked at me like this before, or I just didn`t notice. What is he doing…? Jimin… stop making me feel things I shouldn`t. I feel so light and I can`t hear the rain anymore, just my fast beating heart, ringing in my ears. His messy hair perfectly framed his soft expression, he softly licked his now rosy plump lips. I just couldn`t help but look at them… I can feel that I am slowly losing control over myself. I am so confused and drunk at the same time. I let my lips to slightly part, I soften the hold on the towel…I am slowly loosing myself. His eyes are shining, just like his shiny wet skin… His skin, he is still wet…!!! He slightly moved his fingers that were touching my wrist and the still cold and moist feeling of them, finally woke me up from my trans. At the realization of the weird moment, that we have had just seconds ago, made me widened my eyes. I quickly looked down, trying to hide my obvious blush. “What`s wrong?” he softly asked. I just shook my head, so that my baby hairs that escaped my messy bun, fell onto my forehead and cheeks. I carefully moved the towel from his head, down to his neck and placed it around his shoulders. But just because I have broken the eye contact, that doesn`t mean that he did. He was still keeping his stare on me, the entire time. I could feel it setting my skin on fire… Ow, God Jimin. “I will go get you some dry clothes. I think you left some here from last time.” I said, trying to cover the guilt, of me secretly not telling him this before, maybe because I have had worn them, like every day. I nervously smiled and ran to my bedroom, to escape the awkward situation. In my bedroom, happened pretty much almost the same scene like the one from my bathroom a few minutes ago. I opened the closed and tried to focus on finding Jimin`s clothes. “Ow my god….!!! Y/n, can you just stop acting like this. You are making a fool out of yourself. It`s Jimin, for the holy land.” I was quietly telling myself. “Just stop, you`re going to make this so awkward, for no reason…Yeah…there is no reason to be awkward, you stupid…” I finally found some sweats and a hoodie. Slightly flustered over myself, I turned around. And my whole body stiffened at the sight that was in front of me. There he was, sitting on my bed with his elbows on his knees, supporting his head with one hand. He was looking at me with his adoring expression. I just nervously chuckled and fidgeted with his clothes in my hands. He also returned the chuckle and was just sitting on my bed. I couldn`t stand the situation anymore, so I just gently threw the clothes to him and started to walk out of the room. I couldn`t feel more embarrassed. I don`t know how much did he hear, but whatever he did….he shouldn`t. He is my best friend for god`s sake. Suddenly I felt the familiar feeling against my wrist, again. Jimin stopped me on my way out, by grabbing my wrist. He was still sitting on my bed and I was still facing him with my back. I closed my eyes, ready for whatever he is going to say. I know he will tease me for this, like forever. But when he spoke up, I was so surprised by his color of tone, that I had to open my eyes.“Y/n…” he begun. “Why are you running away again?”. Oh no, he probably knows what has been going on in my head since the beginning.“Since I came, you`re acting like this…. always avoiding my eye contact. But I….since I have come…. I was desperate to caught your eyes.” He pulled my hand a little, trying to get me to look at him. But I didn`t know what to do. Should I just tell him, or should I act like I don`t know what is he talking about, should I at least look at him…. I feel so confused. I don`t even know what is going on with me. But because I didn`t give him the answer, he pulled me again, this time harder. He pulled me so hard, that I had to stop myself from falling on him by putting my hands on his shoulders. When I finally looked at him, he smiled…he smiled so bright that I couldn`t help but to smile myself too. Because everything that he feels, I feel too. He placed both hands on my waist, softly stroking my sides in between. “There it is…eyes I never get tired of,” he said still smiling. “Jimin, I….” but he interrupted me. “Yeah, I know that you have been wearing my clothes that I forgot here…Don`t worry, I like seeing you in my clothes.” His words made me blush so I looked away. I didn’t exactly want to tell him that…but I guess it can wait. All of a sudden he spun me around and pushed me down on my bed. I let out high pitched surprised voice which made Jimin laugh. “It`s so cute when my little bunny blushes,” he said while removing a strand of my hair from my face.“It`s my one of my favorite shades of red, ” and his words left me in the stage of “Jimin after effect”. He got so close that I could feel his hair ends leaving little wet marks on my forehead. My mind went blank. I barely preceded that moment when he pulled me on him, I just can`t keep up with his actions….he is driving me crazy!! And I hate to admit, but I secretly like it. “Do you know which shade of red is my favorite?” I just blinked at him, not being able to think straight, let alone to talk. “It`s the color of your lips…” I think he even blushed himself at his words. He lowered his eyes from my shocked stare to my lips. He lowered himself on me.  Our chests were gently touching, my hands were still on his shoulders and when I didn`t push him away after getting closer to me, he brought his face even lower to mine. His eyes were only slightly parted, just like mine and when our noses touched, I closed them. I just feel so warm and fuzzy because of Jimin`s presence and attention. But suddenly I felt the weight on me to slowly remove. I opened my eyes and saw the most adorable, pure, filled with love smile ever in my life. Jimin was supporting his weight on stretched arms looking at me, deep in my heart. He probably knows everything and after he nose kissed me, I also know everything.“Come on…let`s go watch that drama that you were watching earlier,” he got up after he patted my cheek. I melted into a big puddle on my bed, unable of getting up after what had happened. I definitely didn`t expect that… All I wanted is to have a nice day of. To enjoy the peace that the wet rain brought me. But it also brought me the burning fire within my fast beating heart.
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hastybooks · 8 years
how to take, pt. 3
Carey presses down the lock on his car door before he closes it, and walks towards the only house with lights on this street. His night out isn't as much a night as it is a cursory search for pointers at a subscription-only club that still posts on Yahoo Lists. Doing is a little different from seeing, and having enough space to think about control. Carey likes seeing subs, bottoms, whatever they need to be called, work to slip under and to put themselves under someone else's control, give up, come as showily and as messy as possible, crying and begging. He likes thinking about how he would make their reactions better. He carefully doesn't think about PK.
The club is bad enough as it is.
The club should be something Carey likes. Especially when clubs like these aren't as common as outsiders like to think-- something about zoning and respectability and things that dare not speak their name and the internet. Easier to search for subs and tops with a keyboard than word of mouth. Turns out meeting people by chance only sounds nice in theory, even in a club that tries to be appealing. The bit with intensely cold lube has been something Carey picked up in this pit, and enough of his clients like suffering in ways that won't cause any awkward questions the next day. Much like most people in this club. Which is why Carey occasionally drops by, looks at scenes and think about the interplay between people, and then doesn't come back for months.
The simple truth is that the club suffers from the problems other clubs do: location (in a basement fifty minutes from the city), name (Exhale is very 1990s, and not in the good way), and audience (half of them post minion memes on Facebook). He wouldn't mind terribly if Exhale ceased to well-- exhale-- but there are the very occasional pointers under the layers of pretension, obsession with costuming, and weird, catch-all-ist, hierarchies that make Carey's skin crawl out of self-preservation.
A few regulars know what Carey does for a side job, have even paid for his services off club property. Carey doesn't solicit on club property nor does he deny what he does. The over-done, ridiculous ceremonies some club members insist on using makes it easier for Carey to look at his side job as a job. Carey's never been a glitter guy, but if a client asked for it, he hopes he can deliver it without breaking a rib from holding in laughter.
He sits down on a folding chair, set back from the homemade platform in the center of the basement, and nods at the person next to him, who makes him look overdressed in comparison to the chaps and harness they're wearing. Carey's wearing jeans, a black button-up shirt that clings to him in the right way. Theoretically he's out of whatever dress code they have. And theoretically this club should have more people his age. The basement fills up fast, and someone turns on one of those whirling lights that are supposed to be like being at a disco.
Disco was a little after his time.
Carey turns at the slight scrape of the chair next to him, and glances at his new neighbor, who has a Daddy-type clinging to the back of his neck like it's life support. Carey takes in the rigid line of his jaw, the way his eyes flare under layers of eyeliner the color of fresh bruises, and the collar that doesn't fit correctly. The man narrows his eyes, looking awfully defensive, and that sheen of grit makes Carey tell his Daddy-- who he thinks goes by Streit in the real world-- to loosen his collar.
Streit grunts as Carey leans back against his chair, "Wouldn't want to have subs choke themselves out." Carey looks at the man-- who is a sub, and he can't help wondering who's topping who in whatever arrangement they have,. The man has bratty tattooed metaphorically across that very well-made face, and he wears his mesh shirt like a chestful of medals. The man looks back, making sure to smirk before smoothing his face over and turning to Streit, "You said you wanted to see me play, sir. He's the one."
Carey raises his eyebrow fractionally-- which makes Streit lick his lips and say, "Well, Roman. This is your first time here, isn't it?"
He's on the edge of being a condescending prick, and Carey's starting to see why the man's coming off so goddamn bratty. Roman-- and what's in a name if it doesn't make anyone think of reclining against a couch like a decadent Roman-- tilts his head and pouts just slightly, "Yes."
Streit looks over at Carey, dragging his eyes across the way he's not curling his hands into fists, as he strokes Roman's hair, "Well. That top plays for keeps. You sure?"
Roman quirks a smile, leans into Streit's hand and says, "Do you want him to damage the merchandise or no?"
Streit gives him a considering look, like he'd be happy to see Carey work Roman over-- like Carey's done to him just once, just so he could "get to know what they feel". He had asked Carey to go as hard as he could. Which makes Carey feel sorry for the subs Streit had before that session in a distant, mildly-concerned-colleague way. Carey doesn't think Roman needs pity, not when he looks at Carey's crotch before looking at his eyes and sliding his hand up Streit's thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb, waiting for an answer.
Watching Streit smile and tug at Roman's hair, brushing his mouth across that smooth cheekbone, means Carey barely has to listen to him saying yes. Roman closes his eyes stiffly, and says, "Thank you, Daddy," and Carey's fingers itch to tug his loose collar tighter, to yank him up straight and make him quit slouching.
Roman's got what it takes to be a good sub, Carey guesses, but not many'd put up with guys like Streit with any cheer. Carey gets to his feet, looks down at both of them-- at Roman, who looks up, meeting his eyes like a dare. Someone messes with the spotlight, casting flickering shadows on the stage, slipping a shadow over Roman and Streit. Carey looks away from where Roman is, tells Streit, "I'll take this pretty brat through his paces. The usual fee."
He nods, doesn't reach for his wallet-- cash gets tackier the more money there's in the bank-- "No hospital visits, Carey."
That doesn't deserve a response. He holds his hand out to Roman, and Roman pulls himself up with more weight pushed on him than strictly necessarily. Carey seizes the weight, uses it to pull Roman closer, hip to hip. Roman blinks, then grinds his shorts against Carey's jeans, covering whatever surprise he's dealing by throwing himself even closer, his mesh shirt catching against Carey's belt before Carey curls his fingers around Roman's chin and holds him in place.
Carey looks at Roman's face, long enough for other people to start looking at them. He looks at the controlled breaths Roman lets past his lips, the determined fix in his eyes, underneath the travesty of that make-up, too pink and young for the faint lines Carey can see being there in just two decades--
The bruise-purple eyeliner is ridiculously flattering on Roman, even with Roman being fortunate in looking good naked or in burlap, and Carey scrapes the back of his nails along Roman's face, hard enough to press down on the thin skin and thinner stubble there, leaving thin pink marks that fade as fast as they come.
Carey slips his fingers along Roman's collar, and says casually to the basement, "A loose collar's just as bad as a tight one," and slips the buckle down one hole. Roman shudders, very artfully, and Carey smiles without teeth. Roman's got a fading stripe on his neck underneath his mesh top that looks like it came from a flogger, a small leather one, and it probably doesn't even hurt him all that much right now.
He steps back, looms a little at Roman as he taps the buckle on his belt, thinking while pretending to assess that ass, his eyes flicking over the stage when he can. The platform's big enough for both of them, and there's cheap toys sorted out on a tray in their original packages for anyone who forgot to bring their own, the condoms and lubes all in neat travel-sized packages. Considers what he has, considers Roman, his nipples rubbing against the mesh shirt and looking increasingly mouthy even as he stays silent.
Roman doesn't fold his hands, or kneel, or even let his shoulders relax, looking every inch the resistant sub. Carey digs a nail down Roman's arm, breathing on the scrape he gives. Streit likes to hear himself talk. Roman looks like he says at least 20 bitchy things before he wakes up. Carey steps closer, holding Roman's collar with two fingers just so the metal ring in the center hits the spotlight, and Roman doesn't go where Carey pulls the collar, tension running up and down that neck--
Carey finds what he wants to do to Roman, with Roman. He scrapes his knuckles down the rough mesh that Roman calls a shirt, down to the tight briefs that have more elastic than cotton, and says, "Undressing without me?"
That gets the club's attention.
Roman smirks into the spotlight striking his face, and pushes at Carey's hand on his collar, "I could make it up to you. Sir," and god, Roman makes Carey's fingers itch to hit him. Carey pushes Roman away with a rough hand on his ass, and waits.
Roman doesn't disappoint, swaying back towards Carey and yanking on his belt, rude and hard enough that Carey can hear one of his belt loops give away. He unbuckles the belt, slips it through the rest of the loops with a loud thwwp, and drapes it over his shoulder like a championship belt before he smirks at Carey. Carey raises an eyebrow and keeps his face still. Roman wants to get under his skin? He's welcome to it.
He looks at the flush of Roman's lips, the dart of his tongue as he licks them, and says, "That's all?" Roman jerks, and reaches out to unbutton Carey's shirt, fumbling his fingers through the top buttons before he forces himself to look down at his hands and not into Carey's gaze. There's a thin line of concentration on Roman's face, and it's easy to let the shirt slip off his shoulders, and knows Roman's thinking about how hard he can hit him. Roman undoes the fly on Carey's pants down as he gets on his knees. He's just low enough that his mouth is level with the tip of Carey's cock, and looks up with an almost-blush.
Carey smiles meanly, and scrapes a nail across the fine arch of Roman's eyebrow, "Take your cock out." Roman presses against Carey's thumb before he does, biting back a wince as he tries to avoid the elastic snapping back against his balls, fails, shifting on his knees before he strokes his cock with a small shiver. Carey nudges his hand with his shoe, "Didn't tell you to get hard."
Roman makes a soft noise before he bites it back, and Carey taps his cheek with the back of his hand, "Can't be shy, Roman, with your cock out for everyone to see." He moves over to the tray, picks the biggest vibrator that happens to be a shade of pink that matches the tip of Roman's cock right now. Carey faces Roman again as he flips through the three settings on the toy, slow to too much, the buzz sounding lonely without something around it--
Just above the buzz of the toy, Carey says, "Spread your knees." Roman spreads them, his hands pressed flat against his thighs, and Carey nods towards his hands. Watching Roman grit his teeth as he crosses his hands behind his back makes Carey think about seeing him loose and easy, trying to come and failing.
Carey slides the vibe across Roman's mouth, pressing against his lips. Roman opens his mouth to get it wet, almost gagging on the length of plastic before he yanks his head away, gasping for breath. Carey lets him get his breath back without comment, and then taps the vibe against his cheeks, mockingly enough to get a flash of annoyance on Roman's face. Roman leans closer, rubs his cheek against the toy, and flutters his eyelashes in a show.
The vibe flicks to the highest setting and Roman jerks, frozen to the spot.
After kneeling down behind Roman, pressing the vibe up against his throat, Carey breathes, "You know what to do with a cock in your face, Roman?" He slides his thigh right up against Roman's balls, presses him back against himself, and Roman squirms before he stops, realizing the slide of denim against his balls is more discomfort than having his throat and mouth tingle. Roman sucks, bobbing his head up and down on the vibe, his eyes screwed closed, trying to get spit on it like Carey's about to fuck his ass with it.
Nice idea, but that's not what Carey wants.
Carey rakes his hand down Roman's chest, gripping and digging as hard as he can through his mesh shirt, and Roman stifles a whimper around the vibe. Carey flicks the vibe down to the lowest setting, making Roman moan questioningly around it, and he eases it deeper into his mouth, suck it unspoken.
Roman does, leaning into it now instead of fighting it, his lips stretched around the rigid plastic, tears just at the corners of his eyes, his chest frozen in between breaths. Carey pinches Roman's nipple, and says, "Better. Rub yourself off." He feels Roman's thighs clench around his, the uneasy grind of his hips as he tries to do what he's been told. Carey presses his hand flat against Roman's abs, just right where his cock bumps against the back of his hand, smearing it with wetness. He feels more than watches Roman work himself, the uncomfortable position Carey put him in igniting a burn starting in his thighs and slipping everywhere else.
The irritated shout Roman gives up when his cock catches on a seam of Carey's jeans means Carey feels good about slapping his chest, slapping his inner thighs, slapping whatever he can get of him to make him lean back against Carey, trying to suck and look pretty and take it and--
Carey slips the vibe out of Roman's mouth, the tip of it catching on the corner of his lip. He presses it right next to Roman's cock, clicking it onto the highest setting, jerking him off with it-- Roman stiffens, rocks back and forth between Carey and the vibe, a high-pitched noise leaking out of him and his face shattered. Carey folds an arm across Roman's neck. That's enough to block his lips from the audience as he says, "Just come, Roman."
The sob Roman slips is the best thing he's heard out of his mouth all evening, and he doesn't gentle his strokes, doesn't edge the vibe back, his hand getting sticky with Roman's come. Roman jerks, tries to splash Carey's palm again, and sags, the vibe still buzzing against his hot oversensitive cock. Carey turns it off, his hand almost numb from feeling too much, and eases Roman onto his side. Carey grips his arm, thinking about sub-drop and hydration and--
Roman opens his eyes, shifting to dazed--pissed--pleased. Roman's careful touch, right where Carey's thigh blocks where he's being touched from everyone else, makes Carey think for only one beat before he gently shakes his head. Roman curls his lips in a parody of gentleness and doesn't say anything. They only make eye contact once in the ten minutes between everyone appreciating them and Carey getting paid in the parking lot next to his car.
Streit's good for the money.
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castielgurl · 8 years
Road trip with you drive me crazy
Prompt: Road Trip
Romanogers Week: Day 1
Natasha travel from Russia to New York to surprise her boyfriend Bruce. But her flight cancel due to bad weather. Inspired by Movie Leap Year.
Red hair women in Dior coat walk in small bar near the unknown village. She was soaking wet. As she come in everyone stare at her suspiciously. As she understands she was a stranger to them and obviously not belongs there.
 “Excuse me I want to ask if anyone can direct me to the nearest hotel?”
 “So anyone here can help me to call a taxi driver? “
 A few old men just staring at her. A bar tender move from his spot and handed her business a card.  He is about 6 feet, have massive biceps and broad shoulder. A messy blonde hair with a beard.  
“Oh thank you.”
She trying to dial the number but unfortunately her phone is dead. Then one of the old men pointing at the old public phone near the seat.
“Thank you”
“Can you drive me to New York now? I`m in a bar name umm…. Spangle Star?” She actually laughing at that name
“I’m not driving a red hair New Yorker.”
“What do you mean red hair?”
Then everybody laughs. She looks around and finds out that the taxi driver is indeed the bar tender itself that pick up a phone as he smile sheepishly.
She feels very embarrassing  
“I want you to drive me to New York for 500 dollar”
“No. I won’t. New York full of liars and snakes”
“Ok. Then anyone can politely direct me to the nearest hotel”
“Of course this is also a hotel. Is there any room I can stay?”
So the man directs her to upstairs. It`s a small room with a single bed and a wooden cupboard.  She can’t complain much as this is the only option she has.
“So consider this as your generosity, is there any food? I noticed there is menu at the bar”
“It’s closed”
“Ok so consider for your good nature…”
“I will make you a sandwich”
“Thank you”
He didn`t say anything as he close the door.
She tries to find any socket to charge her phone. She found one under the bed. As she plug in, suddenly the light go out. Actually the whole village black out. The man come upstairs and opens the door.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Well my phone went fried”
“Did you realize you fried the whole village?”
“Well I need my phone! Who goes to replace now?”
He was irritated by her
“Ass hole”
She can see him clearly. He had deep blue eyes with ridiculous long lashes. The blue eyes staring at her. But she won’t bow down to him. Never
“You just here a few hours and you cost me a hundred dollar”
“How about my I phone? This is cost a thousand dollar!”
“I don`t care”
“Well screw you!”
She never felt so angry to a stranger. So just pull her suit case and walk out.
She never feels so angry with man she just met a few hours.
“Ma`am. Your sandwich”
“No I don’t need that”
“You hungry remember?”
“Leave me alone!”
She don`t know where to go and nobody to contact. She really hopes Bruce is here, he will comfort her.  She is willing to travel miles to see him. And is actually her foul that she wants to surprise him. Bruce is a nice guy. He is a doctor, they been together for 4 years. But he not proposes yet.  
So she just walk out and pulling her suitcase she don`t care even her heels killing her. She can`t stand him. Why he is so rude?
“An Idiot. Stupid so stupid”
She keep walking until she can`t anymore and its getting dark. She is sitting on the chairs outside of a old church. Until a blue van stop just in front of the church.
“Hey baby. Do you need a ride? That suit case looks heavy. Let me help you.”
There are 3 men look like they got bad intention. She says no.
“No thank you. I`m fine” She pulling her suit case and walk.
The van keep follow her. She knows what she needs to do now.
“Stop following me!” The man with a red shirt pulling her wrist.  She slaps him.
“I love this kind of lady. Ruthless and bad ass. I`m going to make you scream”
Other man grabbing her waist from behind. She screaming and manage to kick the man on the crotch. The man screaming painfully and try to kiss her lips. She shut her eyes. Until that man was screaming again.
There is a man punch the guy and manage to throw the other two like nothing. Then she realized in the dark the man is him. He is the owner of the bar.
She saw all three men get into their van and left.
She hates him, but she feels grateful that he was here.
“Are you ok ma`am?”
“I`m fine. But my feet are hurt.”
“I`m sorry about what I said earlier”
He looks like he saying it honestly.
“I just that…you remind me of someone”
She swear that he look sad for a while. But then unexpectedly he carries her to his car like a bride. Surprisingly she let him. Maybe because she feel safe or because he is a handsome stranger. Well she admits that there is something about him that makes him interesting.
His car by the way is the worst ride she ever had in her life. A red car with a weird loud engine and little shacking.
“It`s classic”
She nodded
There is an uncomfortable silence between them. He plays a country music, well that she never likes.
“Where are you taking me?”
“New York”
“I thought you hate New York”
“Well you said 500 dollars is it?”
“What is your name?”
“I`m Natasha”
“What are you doing here?”
“My flight was cancel due to bad weather. I ride a boat until they drop me here”
“So do you have an important business in New York?”
She smiles “Yeah I want to surprise my boyfriend.”
He chuckle
“What are you judging me?”
“I did not say anything”
“Why do you hate New York?”
His expression suddenly changes.
“I don`t think it`s your business”
Her face turns red.
“Fine. I pay you to drive not to talk”
Suddenly rain coming back.
“We need to stop”
“No keep going. I have to arrive before tomorrow. I need to buy a shoe, and a dress.”
Steve looking at her like she`s a crazy person.
“The storm is bad. We won’t make it. It`s dangerous”
“No you don`t understand. I had a tight schedule”
Steve shakes his head. He never thought he will have a road trip with an insane person.
Until the storm suddenly hit tree and fall down just in front of them.
“The road is closed”
“Well you move the tree and we continue with our journey”
“Are you nuts? Can see you how big the tree is?”
“Well I just go walk by myself” She open the door and step out.
Steve just stays in the car and cannot believe what he just sees.
Natasha walks with her 600 dollar Jimmy Chou Shoes without looking back. Until she missteps and fall to the ground. Unfortunately her face hit the ground first. And she heard the footsteps behind, she knows who it is.
“You are complete idiot”
Fortunately they found a home where a nice couple invites them inside.
“We only had one room”
“Oh perfect. We married” Steve smile sheepishly as he cuddle her.
Natasha wants to say something. But Steve immediately drags her to the room upstairs.
“Let me go!” Natasha tried to push him away as they arrive in their bed room.
“What? They only had one bed?”
“I`m not going to share bed with you!”
“Well perfect. Because you can sleep in the shower”
Natasha eyes widened.
“I`m going to take shower”
Steve immediately run to the shower and take off his shirt. Natasha tries not looking at his gorgeous 6 packs.
After the shower Steve cooks a dinner for them and the couple. They talk about marriage and everything.
Before they went to sleep, Natasha immediately take her spot on the left side of the bed. And suddenly Steve did something she did not expect at all. He takes the pillow and sleep on the floor.  
“What are you doing?”
“Just go to sleep”
“You can sleep here”
“I can sleep anywhere”
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For saving me”
“They deserve it”
“What was he like?”
“Your boyfriend. He must be very special”
“Well he nice and he is a doctor”
“We are perfect for each other”
“You judging me again”
“No not really”
“I think his going to propose me. I saw him walk out from Tiffany. Well man goes there for one reason”
“So you travel miles for that?”
“He said I have to dress nicely and take me to nice dinner after he come back to Russia. So I can`t wait anymore and looking for him right away”
Steve laughing
“Why are you laughing?”
“You don`t know yet if he wants to propose or not. He clearly don`t want to get married. If he wants to he did already”
“You know nothing about me and Bruce!”
“Even worse you guys aren`t love each other. It`s call compromised”
“What do you know about love? You clearly alone and have no purpose in life! All you had is the bar that going to bankrupt in no time!”
“You don`t know that! How much I put everything for my bar! What`s wrong if I lived in small town and not wearing designer clothes! Or had an expensive suit case?? It`s life!”
“That`s why she leaving you isn`t it? The blonde women in the photo? You should be alone! Nobody wants to be with you!”
Steve gets up from a floor and Natasha did the same thing. They come closer to each other. He looks extremely mad. Nat will fight him with the tooth and nail.
“It`s not you damn business!” He shouting
“I`m done with you! Why can`t you say anything good or anything nice??” She pokes her finger at his chest.  “You arrogant ! rude! asshole! Bastard!” Suddenly she was pushed the wall. Their face we inches from each other. The blue eyes meet the green eyes.
“The bar was her idea and we working on it together. But she had other purpose in her life and move to New York to open her own bar, but that`s just an excuse. Because she in love with my best friend this whole time. We are buddies since we were kids” He held her face and his eyes went dark. “Stop acting like you know what is going on” She was shock by the confession and he continue. “Tomorrow I`m going to take you the train station. First thing in the morning. Because I cannot deal with an insane person anymore. You are the reason why we stuck here.” He released her and went to sleep.
She felt guilty and feel sorry for him. She feels jealous of him. Because she never felt that kind of love. It`s obviously he so in love with the blonde women. He was heartbroken and his eyes show the emotion when she mention about her. She never felt that with Bruce, or feel anything whenever someone mentions her ex name. Maybe he was right. She knows nothing about love.
The next morning Steve wakes up with the red hair women sleep next to him. She put her arms around his waist and sleeps peacefully. There is one moment he looks at her face. He can see her face clearly. His heart beating faster, he never felt this way for a long time. Her flawless skin, creamy neck, and her full lips. God. She is beautiful.  He remembers the first time he saw her walk in his bar. There is something about her make him drawn to. He removed her hair from her face and come closer to her lips. Her lips feel so soft.
Natasha gets into the car. She don`t want to say anything because she don `t want to make him angry. Because every time they open their mouth they will fight. He surprising look calm. She saw the train station but he did not stop.
“Where are you taking me?”
“New York”
“But last night….”
“Hey I promised remember? Deal is a deal”
They arrive at the New York. Nat call Bruce by public phone. He was surprise that she was here. They will meet at his hotel. And is time to say goodbye.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Why you slept beside me last night?”
“Because you having a nightmare”
“You don`t remember? I hear you shouting, and then I come and hug you until you stop shaking”
Steve was shock.
“You really surprise me. You are an interesting women I ever met Natasha..”
Then they just look at each other and laughing.
“I`m sorry for my ungentlemanly”
“Really? Is that the correct words?” They laughing again
“Well Bruce will be here any minutes”
Steve realized now the reality. It`s hurt him. He did not know why.
Natasha felt it was hard for her to say goodbye.
“Here we are” They arrived at in front of the hotel.
Steve and Natasha look at each other.
“Oh sorry I forgot” She handled him money.
“No is all right” he rejected
“Steve you need this and I pay you remember? This probably will help with your bar”
“No I will be fine”
“Steve”  He looking at her. She knows he is going to say something.
“Well I....Well good luck” and he walk away.
But then he turns back and pulls her into his arm and kisses her hard. Natasha could not stop herself. She kiss him back and doesn`t want to let go. She never has been kiss like this. Bruce never kisses her like this. She feels her heart stop. Then he let go. And look at her for the last time. And walk away.
Steve continues with his life and manages to collect money by himself and successfully saving his bar. But he never forgets the day he met the red hair women who change his life. One day his bar was full of people and there was a women asking for him. Saying she needs a ride to New York. He thinks that some kind of jokes. Until he see her.
A red hair woman.
“Well Steve Rogers. I come here to asking if you feel the same way about me. Because every night I was dreaming about you and your kisses haunting me. I can`t forget about you. Apparently you were right I know nothing about love. Until you show me how”
“Natasha nothing here fits you. Trust me you don`t want any of this. This life. My life”
“What I need is here. What I need is you” Everyone inside the bar say awwww
People are cheering when they kiss.
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frozenwonders · 8 years
Pairing: no pairing
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Y/N littlesis! Winchester
Warnings: John (?), swearing, violence
Summary: You´re littlesis Winchester and live with your two older brothers Sam (18 y/o) and Dean (22 y/o), and your father. You have a very close relationship with your brothers, but the same can´t be said about you and your father. What will happen, when on one evening your own father hits you?
Word count: 2467
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A/N: Hello everyone! Heads up, I don´t really like John. At all. And you´ll see it pretty clearly while reading this. I absolutely love angst, so you´ll also see a lot of it too in this story. And also english isn´t my first language, so I´m very sorry about all the possible grammar mistakes! Either way, I hope you guys like it!
 I guess I wasn´t in the best terms with John… I mean my father. He had always hated me, why? You may ask. Well it´s quite simple actually. I´m a girl, that´s why. He never wanted a girl, he wanted three sons. Even though his relationship with Sam and Dean, wasn´t perfect, he wanted for them to stay around, he didn´t want to hunt alone. But for me? He thought I was useless. He always wanted me to come hunting, probably hoping something would kill me someday, but Dean and Sam wouldn´t let that happen. That´s because they care for me, they love me, and always said that hunting was too dangerous. John had started training me sense I was five years old! I knew I could handle it. So yeah, that is my life, having two overprotective older brothers, and one drunk careless father.
 I looked in to the mirror, my everyday look was complete. Black leggings, AC/DC t-shirt, black leatherjacket, little bit of makeup and my dark brown hair pulled into a messy bun. At the moment we were living in a detached house in a small town in Iowa. The main reason we came here, is because there´s a big vampire nest that needs to be taken care of. I hate that I have to change schools so often, so i´m happy that we get to stay here for at least three months. I exit my room and start to make my way towards kitchen. “Good morning princess!” Dean says as I step inside the kitchen. “Morning.” I reply. Sam kisses the top of my head as I pass him on my way to the fridge. I take yoghurt and sit down next to Dean. “I´m sorry we won´t be able to pick you up after school today.” Dean said. “We´ll be going on hunt straight after dropping you off at school and we´ll be back pretty late” I scooped yoghurt in my mouth. “Yeah that´s okay, I´ll just take the bus.” I smiled at Dean. “Why can´t you take the bus to school then?” Grumpy looking John said as he stepped in to the room. I sighed, he had a bad day, once again… “No, we can take her to school just fine.” Sam said. John muttered something and walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. “We better get going kiddo, go get your bag.” Dean said. “Oh right, I´ll also brush my teeth, it´ll only take a second!” Sam laughed, “That´s what you always say and end up being late from school.”
 ~~Time Skip~~
 Thank gosh, school day had finally come to an end. I put my books in my bag from my locker, and started making my way to bus. People still gave me weird looks in school, not just because I was still kinda new around here, but because I was different, I was pretty much the only one who dressed the way I dressed. All the other girls were so, well… girly. But I didn’t care, I liked my style, I liked being little different, even though it was pretty hard making friends. “Hello there you hottie.” The school´s biggest jerk said as he sat next to me on a bus seat. “Hello there you fuckboy who I don´t recall wanting to talk to.” I said and put on my earbuds. “C´mon babygirl, talk to me.” He said and took my other earbud off. “No, leave me alone!” I said and looked out of the window.
  After for what felt like forever, I finally got to home. As expected no one was home yet. I went upstairs to my room and started doing my homework. At 6pm I was done and decided to go get some food. I made a sandwich and went to living room and started watching Grey´s Anatomy.
 It was already 8pm and I was getting a little worried, why were they taking so long? A loud BANG from the door startled me and a very drunk John made his way through the door. “Oh, hey dad. You scared me.” I said. His eyes found me and he looked very angry. “Is everything okay? Where´s Sam and Dean?” I asked worriedly. He took a big swig from a bottle of some hard liquor I just noticed he had in his hand. “I don´t know. And I don´t care.” He slurred. I stood up. “What do you mean you don´t know?” I said a little louder this time. “Are they hurt? What happened?!” I could see the boiling anger rising in his eyes. I got a little scared, he has never looked this mad before. “I left! I couldn´t bother to stay there. It isn´t my fucking fault that your brothers let one vampire get away. They can deal with rest of the nest by themselves!” He shouted. I took a step forward, now getting angry myself. “How the hell could you do that?! You can´t just leave them alone with a whole nest! What kind of a father does that?!” I screamed at him. All the sudden he threw the bottle on to a wall and glass went everywhere. “Don´t you dare talk to your father like that you worthless little bitch!” He shouted and raised his fist and hit me hard on my cheek. I instantly fell to the floor and felt horrible pain in my head, but also on my hands and back because the glass on the floor had cut wounds on my skin. I cried out in pain as John pulled my head up with my hair. “You are nothing. You´re absolutely worthless. I wish you were never born!” He yelled and dropped me on to the floor. “And if you say ANYTHING to your brothers, I will kill you!” He shouted and kicked me hard on my stomach and started walking to his room.
 I was shaking and crying on the floor. How could he do something like that? He has yelled at me before, but he has never physically hurt me before. I was so scared and weak. But then I realized, Sam and Dean could come home any minute and they couldn´t see me like this. I couldn´t even imagine what John would do if Sam and Dean found out. He´s probably quite literally kill me. My first attempt trying to stand up failed and I fell back on the floor. Second time I succeeded even though my head kept spinning. I went to my bathroom and looked myself on the mirror. There was a little cut on my cheek, but that would be easy to cover up. There wasn´t a bruise on my cheek… at least yet. There was few cuts on my arms and hands and on my back. I cleaned my cuts and covered up the one on my cheek. I raised my shirt and realized that there was going to a big bruise on my stomach tomorrow.
  I pulled on a sweater and decided to go downstairs to clean up the glass from the floor. I had just come downstairs and was about to start picking up the glass when I saw front door opening. Oh no! What am I going to do? “Hey Y/N/N” “Hello princess.” Sam and Dean greeted me. I went to hug them. “What took you so long? I was so worried.” They both embraced me. “I´m so sorry Y/N that we didn´t call. When dad left we were so busy that there was just no time to call.” Sam explained. “Yeah, it was hella big of a nest!” Dean added. I stepped behind from the hug. “It´s okay, i´m just happy that you aren´t hurt.” I said relieved. “Where´s dad Y/N?” Sam asked angrily. “Umm… he´s in his room.” I said with shaky breath. Dean and Sam both looked at me worriedly. “Y/N/N is everything okay? Sam said. “Yeah, you don´t look so well dear.” Dean added. I put on most realistic smile I could. “Yes i´m fine! Everything´s okay!” I said and turned around to go somewhere. That´s when Sam saw it. “Y/N. Why is there broken glass and blood on the floor?” He said with an extremely worried voice. I turned around and tried to figure out what to say. Dean couldn´t find words to say anything, he just stood there, looking at me and the glass. “ I accidentally dropped a glass and then stepped on it… I was just about to clean it up.” I explained. Sam and Dean both looked at me thinking something. “No Y/N, what really happened?” Sam repeated. “I told you. It´s the truth. It was just an accident!” I replied a little bit too fast. “Are you sure that everything´s okay?” Dean asked. “Yes I am! Don´t worry guys.” I smiled and started picking up the glass. Sam and Dean sat on the couch and put the tv on.
 When I was done cleaning up the glass I heard John coming downstairs. I was so scared to see him that I went to sit between Sam and Dean on the couch. Even though I was more scared than I had ever been, I felt a little more safe when Sam put his arm around me. “I see the whoole family is together.” John slurred. “Are you drunk?” Dean said angrily and stood up. “And what if I am?” He replied back. “You left me and Sam alone to deal with a huge nest of vampires just to go get drunk! Then you get your drunk ass home where your daughter is! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Dean yelled. Sam took better hold of me because he knew that I hated seeing either one of them fighting with John. I buried my head in Sam´s chest. “I can do whatever the hell I want! I´m your father, you can´t tell me what to do!” John shouted. “Get out. At least for the night. We don´t want you here that drunk. Y/N is scared of you, so come back when you´re sober.” Sam said. “I couldn´t care less if that little bitch is scared!” His rough words went right through me. “GET OUT!” Dean shouted louder than he had ever before. With burning anger in his eyes. John stood there silent for a minute and then walked out of the house.
 As soon as the door was closed, I felt tears running down my cheeks. Dean turned around and the second he saw my tears, his anger vanished and he rushed on the couch beside me. “Shh Y/N, don´t cry. Everything´s okay, he´s gone.” He said and pulled me in his arms. I cried in Dean´s embrace for a while and then stood up. “I´m tired, I think I´m going to bed.” I said, and wiped the last tear from the corner of my eye. Sam and Dean both also stood up and hugged me once more. “Good night princess.” “Good night Y/N/N, we love you.” “I love you too.” I smiled and went to my room.
 I couldn´t sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw John, fist up in the air, ready to hit me. I couldn´t even enjoy that it was saturday, because I knew, that John would come back today. I left my comfortable bed behind me, and went to the kitchen. Sam and Dean were still asleep, and I was relieved that John hadn´t come back yet. I grabbed some orange juice and toast and sat on the table. “Good morning Y/N/N.” I heard Sam say behind me. “Morning.” I said without looking at him, I was too focused on the magazine I was reading. Apparently some woman got put in prison for 15 years for a crime she didn´t commit. The article was quite fascinating. “Y/N! Can you hear me? I just asked you where´s the cereal?” Sam laughed. “Oh yeah, they´re on the middle shelf beside the oven.” I said. As soon as I rose my head and faced Sam, his smile dropped. He stared at me silently for a minute and then asked.
“Y/N, why do you have a terrible bruise on your cheek?” His voice was quiet and his look was extremely worried. I had completely forgotten to cover up my bruise! What was I going to do?! I was starting to freak out. I couldn´t come up with any lie, I was too scared. “What´s going on in here?” Dean walked in the room. He stopped dead on his tracks when he saw my cheek. “Y/N, what is that?” He said, now in a low serious voice. I couldn´t keep it in anymore. I had to tell them, I was too terrified, too scared. I fell on my knees on to the floor and burst out crying. “I-I-I´m s-so sorry.” I cried and buried my face in my hands. Immediately Sam and Dean were on my side. “Y/N tell us, what happened.” Sam tried to soothe me. I couldn´t say a full sentence because of my sobbing so I tried to calm down a little. “Dad… He...” “He did what?” Dean said, now anger rising in his voice. “He hit me.” I cried out. “WHAT!?” They both practically yelled. “W-when he came home last night, drunk, I-I started yelling at him for leaving you guys alone, and t-then he got mad at me and he h-hit me…” I said between the sobs. “Sam and Dean pulled me in their arms and tried to calm me down. “I´m so sorry Y/N… I´m so sorry.” Sam said repeatedly. Dean stayed silent, but when I looked up, I saw tear running down his cheek.
 When I had finally stopped crying we all stood up. “We´re leaving.” Dean said, and Sam nod at him as a sign of agreement. “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “He hit you Y/N. I won´t let anyone near you, who has hurt you. We´ll leave, go somewhere. Get a new place to live in.” “He was a horrible father anyways, we won´t need him for anything.” Sam added. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I said. Dean kissed the top of my head and said “Anything for you princess. Now, go get your stuff, we´re leaving as soon as possible.”
 We had been driving for about an hour now. I had kept me eyes on the view the whole time. Everything was about to change. I would never again have to see someone who hated me every day. I would never again have to hear those terrible words come out of his mouth. I would never again have to be scared to go home. Not having a mother sucks. But not having a father, is way better, than having a horrible one.
      A/N: Well there you guys go! My first ever fanfiction. Please tell me what did you think! As an beginner I absolutely need feedback, so I would reaaally appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you liked about the story and what do I need to work on. Also as I said, english isn´t my first language so you can always correct my grammar. Anyways, I hope you really liked the story and I would be soo happy if you would leave me some requests!
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namchp · 8 years
get to know me tag
tagged by @ilsanflower thanks <3
countries i’ve lived in: ive never been outside of the us but i hope to change that within the next 3-5 years
fave fandom(s): bts and naruto/sns (im very new to the naruto fandom though)
languages you speak: im only fluent in english sadly but im slowly (very slowly) learning korean
favourite film of 2016: ahhh, im terrible at picking favorites and i honestly can't remember watching anything new other than moana
last article i read: an article about twin flames and soulmates (im really into stuff like that)
shuffle your music library and put the first three songs here: hallucinations - dsvn, self control - frank ocean, and save me - bts
last thing you bought online: a small little backpack that has like a cute monster face on it bc im an adult AND i don't like carrying a purse and some socks :)
any phobias or fears: SPIDERS! heights, being absolutely alone. im actually scared of lots of things...
how would your friends describe you? a overly dramatic cute??? child... knowing them they'd probably throw something about naruto in there 🙄
how would your enemies describe you? probably with bad words
who would you take a bullet for? my brothers
if you had money to spare what would you buy first? that dumb neji mug bianca wants
nickname: my mom has like a million and a half nicknames for me smh but my friends call me egg/eggy sometimes
starsign: capricorn and the only other one i know is im a leo moon
height: 157cm or 5'2
time right now: 5:25pm
last thing I googled: '5'2 in cm' :)))
song stuck in my head: i wait by day6
last movie watched: naruto shippuden the movie
last tv show watched: i don't really watch tv but im just getting into anime again so ive been watching shippuden (does that count???)
what are you wearing right now: a pink sweater, black leggings, and valentine's day socks
when did you create your blog: i think i've had this blog since like 2013-14 but i didn't really start using it till last year not even much then im starting to use it a lot now though
what kind of stuff do you post: lots of things bts/namjoon, mx, art, naruto related stuff A LOT OF NARUTO/SASUKE RELATED STUFF IM SUCH SASUKE UCHIHA TRASH PLS :)))
do you have any other blogs: nope which is why this ones so messy :)
why did you choose the URL _____: ahhh i don't wanna get all sappy or anything so i'll just say namjoon
favorite colors: black / pink / yellow / blue (im really bad at picking favorites like i already wanna explain why those colors and add more omdisjdskjsks)
average hours of sleep: 3-5 six if im lucky sleeping isn't something i'm good at
tagging: @miilknhoney you have to do this please you're my only other friend here :(
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btrfs-blog1 · 7 years
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                                             She is Elhrine
At midnight in my room :)
My room is slightly lightened by the candle from my desk that’s in front of me, a diffuse light, warm, enough for you to discover me relaxed in the armchair, smiling and looking at you :) Well, hello there, welcome:) I place my left hand on my belly, touching the softness of my transparent nightdress just with my fingertips and I bend forward into a slightly reverance I’m Elhrine, very nice to meet you, I hope :), will try to say few things about me :)
I let myself again abandoned in the armchair, my long blonde hair rests on my shoulders and the ends of it touching gently my hips Will start with my attitude ... I can’t say much things because I do not have a certain one :) the bottom part of my nightdress splits in two, letting my legs fully exposed when I place one leg over another My way to be with people will depend by two things: with who I come in contact and what I will talk. I let one hand to rest on my leg and look straight at you I can only say that I’m a human, and as one I have all those reactions, emotions that comes with this :). I turn my gaze slowly at the astrey, my pack of cigarettes is right near it Good and bad ones I bend from my wist to grab it, my generous decolletage touches slightly the side of the desk, I stop a moment But do not worry, I am a friendly person I smile and grab the pack and come back to my relaxed position .
I pull one of the cigarettes out with my lips More about me? Immm ... I smoke :) I light it with my lighter and take a deep drag I’m here to relax, enjoy, discover, I keep the smoke, not yet the time to exhale, and my attention runs to my cleavage, I see it ... that necklace..I touch it and smile I will not use my time to feed argues or any kind of drama My attention goes to you, measuring you from up till down If you start that I will walk away :) I bite my lower lip and blow slowly the smoke , vanishing in the room Just like this :)
I tap the cigarette to the side of the astrey The base of every type of relation? I let it there Friendship, and for this I choose quality over quantity watching the smoke waltz in my room and touching my leg at the same time, feeling the tip of my nails gently caressing I will have few friends, I pass the other hand through my hair and pass it all on one shoulder letting the other one exposed and maybe fewer will remain in my friendlist from those few :) , I let my fingertips reach to my cheek, touching it if I will have you in my friendlist, because maybe you seem to be nice, and I will notice that ... go lower to my nape, shoulder you are not capable to say even a ”hello” and you just added me to have one more person in your list or just to make invites for some parties , my nails follow the cleavage line until stop at the neckline of my night dress I will remove you without any warning :) I pass the hand over it and let it to rest in my lap if I like a place/event I will come by myself, I have a good memory for my likes smile to you I seek friendhip on long term .
I look down and draw lines with my nails on legs, I see the ends the of my hair almost touching them Humans, mistakes  I spin them on my fingers Chances and forgiveness so long, so soft,I do offer second chance to people, it isn t endless I smile and looks kindly at you I will give you the third one I point playfully to you and pull little bit my hair in my play If you made a progress after the second I giggle and my gaze explores again my body, few hair spikes cover the necklace between my cleavage Not working even with the third? I try to reach it, playing with my fingers betwen my cleavage and spikes of hair to touch it Then is time to give myself a chance for the better and to pass over your chances :)  I grin at you, as I know that sometimes I might stop at the first chance.
I open the shelt of my desk and I grab the fluffy colorful ball of my kitten I am polite with people. But do not confuse my politness with respect, for that is a very long way. I squeeze it in my hand and play with it on my legs So many ask it but actually without doing anything to deserve them, I throw it in the air and I miss catching it is not your right to receive them, actually you need to deserve them. And do not forget, what you gain with so much effort you may loose it in few seconds, falls in my lap and I startle when I feel it there, the better way is not to pretend being someone that you aren’t. I blush and bite my lips covering it with my hands.
I put the ball back in the shelt as I see I don t handle with it so well I m not for sex in here, I passed over that curiosity since I played my first Adult Social Game. I take again the cigarette for the last smoke Yes I am aware that is based on sexuality but everyone decide how they want to play it. shy touches my lips, tip of my tongue Not the sexual poses keeps me in those kind of games, so even if you see me in locations that are for sex do not presume I want to have sex. I drag a thick puff of smoke into my mouth and hold it there I like to explore lacations, to enjoy the place. my mouth opens slowly into the O shape I m not saying now I do not use the sexual poses, I do, but only with the right person, with who I have a connection. I close my eyes and blow smoke rings into the ceiling exposing my neck.
That was all for now I stand up and bend forward to blow over the candle Useful or not for you, I enjoyed my time spent with you I blush slightly Writing is always good I grab an elastic and I catch my hair into a messy bun For sure I did mistakes not being my native language, but you know, practicing and practicing, I ll be better in time :) I make few steps to reach closer to the window I hope my profile will e useful for both of us, not to loose our time if we do not have same interests :) my heels hear so loudly in the night, my long blonde hair caresses my back with each stept I make. Good night to you I smile while looking outside, branches and drop rains striking gently my window, and that smell of fresh rain coming inside through the open window,I close my eyes .... Thank you for reading!:)
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