#this is a reeeeally old draft
river-in-the-woods · 5 months
Tasseomancy examples
Here are some examples of images I’ve seen when reading tea leaves, and how I interpreted them.
A large hen, huddled up and brooding (not laying eggs). Then later, a large hen with its head perked up. – There will be/needs to be a period of rest and inactivity, before you will have the energy to resume your ventures.
A bee visiting a very long, elongated flower. – Certain flowers require bees to have specialised proboscis in order to reach the nectar (the biologist in me is coming through). Hence, this reading means that the nectar/reward is there, if one has the means to reach it.
A scarecrow, and a bouquet of flowers. – Investing in someone who doesn’t appreciate you. Metaphorically, giving a scarecrow a bouquet of flowers.
A mermaid – An instruction to work with water spirits, or to make use of magical waters and inks (which came up when asking how to craft sigils).
A bow, but with no arrow nocked – An instruction to do preparatory work for a project, but not to take any actions yet.
A witch, or, a person and a pointed hat as two consecutive visions – A representative of willpower in its embodied form; mundanely, it means the determination to see one’s goals realised. In occult terms, it’s an instruction to use magical methods.
A cow, especially one with horns – A lunar symbol, representing one’s mother, or any emotions relating to mother figures. It also indicates any work that requires steady, repeated effort over a long period.
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waywardsalt · 1 month
#not one of them scary vent tag posts just. thibkin#ive been playing fe awakening mostly to collect different s-supports bc i like to get the different supports#and also just see. child character hair variants. i have to admit i think i like fates more but awakening has the vastly more#interesting child characters and like. everything with them it does have that.#i want to continue smt iv bc im on my third time through aiming for a nothing ending but like#i rrally like that game but lord its kinda a slog tbh. i might play some mlre later to ease back into it#i reeeeally want to get that neutral ending and figure out how to thread the needle fo reach it#years-old intricately detailed smt iv gamefaqs threads i LOVE you i would still be lost in naraku without you#motivation is… more isabeau screen time. or else#i have no interest in smt iv apocalypse i do not care about that i just want to see all of smt iv#anyways. new ship fic chapter draft poll and if it ends up a tie im just going to force something#or i could get my friend to jump in and vote if theres an even number of votes a few mins before it closes#a newer fear i have abt that fic now is that theres going to be more time spent before the romance#so only a little bit is the actual romance. and im going to remedy that. already have been working on it by shuffling around some events#look the plan is 31 chapters so far honestly we can do confession at roughly 40#and then just. keep going#i dont know how to feel abt it being potentially genuinely long. as. fuck.#i think it’d be funny if it ends up 70-80 w/e chapters n when i post the firsr chapter on ao3 with the bellum/linebeck tag n everything#and i do the chapter count so its like. say the plan is 75 chapters so i do the thing where it shows up as 1/75 chapters#i think it’ be funny to drop the first fic for this weird ass ship and just be open that its going to be like. a very long novel#i might not tho in case i decide to change things on the fly. anyways. whatever. i need to.#research gila monsters and also look into dnd paladins
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muffinlance · 2 years
Shaw reeeeally want to eat the earth kings bear. It’s so exotic and he’s never tried one before. Just a nibble, maybe a haunch, then he’ll know if it tastes like orca-bear or weasel-bear.
(Continued from parts one and two.)
Kuei is, in the understated words of one of his earliest tutors, feeling mildly out of his geological stratum. 
There was a war. There was a war for his entire life, for his father’s and his grandfather’s. He is only learning of it now, because it is over, and his signature is required on the official documents. 
(At least they didn’t just take his royal seal and stamp it themselves.)
The young king has many questions. Mostly about his own court, and which of his advisors are truly trustworthy.
(And which would find for him a less pleasant oubliette, if he tried to rattle his palace’s bars.)
“The Fire Lord will enter through the eastern doors,” an etiquette tutor he’s never seen before instructs him. “You will stand for him, but not bow. His dragons have been instructed to enter behind him, but in practice, will do as they please. Or as he has ordered them. They are an intimidation tactic; do not acknowledge them. The terms have already been agreed upon. Place your stamp where indicated. If he inclines his head, you may return the gesture…”
It would be a significant amount of information to remember, had it not sifted down to “your presence was not required before, and is only ceremonial now.”
Kuei stands when the Fire Lord enters. His fellow monarch is young, but so is Kuei. The boy comes flanked with his own cadre of old men. Perhaps this is just what it’s like, being a king. 
And then the dragons enter, which rather puts into perspective why this meeting is occuring in the grand ballroom, rather than a more usual diplomatic location. They are… very impressive specimens. The old men behind Kuei stiffen at the sight of them. The ones near the Fire Lord have to actively dodge, with a rumpling of robes and dignity alike, as the great serpents claim their place at the boy’s sides. 
And then they keep coming forward, coils of them thick around as particularly rotund badgermoles, and Kuei’s advisors follow the example set by their peers. Which is to say: Kuei is suddenly rather alone at the table, with two great heads crossing paths behind him. They pause like that, for a moment, before moving on. There is enough of them to wrap back around to their Fire Lord’s side, even as they remain looped behind Kuei. 
Yes. Yes, he could see why this would be an effective intimidation tactic.
The Fire Lord looks at the chair he’s been provided. Then down the length of the great table, to where Kuei would sit. There would have been servants to carry the papers between them, but… well. They are probably not going to risk scaling the dragon’s sides. The Fire Lord huffs, and walks to the chair to the left of Kuei’s, before setting down a pile of scrolls.
They let him carry important documents himself. That must be nice. 
“Have you had time to read the final draft?” the Fire Lord asks, his chair scraping against stone as he pulls it out. He sits, and looks to Kuei expectantly.
Do not speak to him, says the voice of the tutor in Kuei’s memory. He is the violent offspring of an upstart island; you are the rightful inheritor of a continent. You bow to him on paper only.
“I… have not,” Kuei admits, and takes his own seat. 
“Neither have I,” says the boy. “We should probably make sure the copies match, too. My advisors kept telling me not to worry about it, which is probably a reason to worry about it.”
So they unroll two copies of the finest calligraphy, and push their chairs close, and get down to reading. It is not an exaggeration to say that Kuei has spent his whole life practicing for this.
“This map cannot be accurate,” Kuei says.
“It… looks okay to me?”
“This is nearly two-thirds of our western fishing ports, nevermind the river transport routes, whose ‘tax rates and availability to outside use shall be at the discretion of the Fire Lord’?”
“That’s where my people live.”
“Then where did my people go?”
“Uh,” says the Fire Lord. Who is actually quite significantly younger than Kuei.
“...Did your advisors hand you papers to sign, too?”
“They said you’d already agreed.”
Kuei’s own advisors had implied they’d all be eaten by dragons should he refuse to sign, so. That was certainly a form of agreement. 
One of the Fire Lord’s very intimidating serpents has laid its great head down across most of their table, and appears to have fallen asleep. The other is… scenting the air? Well. That's mildly alarming. It coils its neck back, to the limit the high ceiling allows, and stares down at something outside its coils. 
Which is the point Kuei hears the whuffing of his bear cub. Which his advisors had very firmly told him could not be at this meeting, so little Bosco had been left in a garden with servants for attendants, but so many people are as afraid of a simple bear cub as they are of these great beasts of dragons, so it was no surprise he’d escaped to find the one person who really cared—
“Spit it out!” shouts the Fire Lord. “Spit it out!”
Kuei is not entirely certain how he ends up with his arms inside a dragon’s maw, his formal hairpiece being dripped upon by hot saliva fresh from a fang. But at least he's not the only monarch to be in such a state. 
The dragon’s great size is, in retrospect, a blessing: a little morsel like Bosco had not required chewing. The bear shakes in his arms, but Kuei’s combing through wet fur had not turned up a scratch upon him. 
“That is,” says the Fire Lord, looking up. And up further. Until he finds Bosco’s trembling muzzle, pressed against the top of Kuei’s head, “a really big… bear-otter?”
“He’s just a bear,” sniffles Kuei, hugging his poor baby back, if not quite so heartily as Bosco is hugging him. “A little cub. How could your dragon do such a thing?”
“Uh,” says the Fire Lord. “Shaw… apologizes?”
The dragon does not look at all apologetic. It's nuzzling the Fire Lord’s back, in a way Kuei himself recognizes from a hundred objects pulled from a baby bear’s inquisitive mouth. But father, can’t I eat it? Please?
“We,” Kuei says, his chin lifted haughtily, “are going to refresh ourselves in the royal chambers. You are welcome to the guest baths. And then we are going to sit down with a real map.” 
Not whatever fanciful one the Fire Lord’s advisors have concocted. 
“Fine,” the boy snaps back. 
When they meet again, an hour later, both are free of the sulfurous stench of dragon spit. And both have brought their own maps, of the Fire Nation’s current military occupation.
Kuei does not sign until his people have free access to their own resources again. If slightly less land than they began with. As he is not eaten by a dragon for his troubles, he sets his sights upon his advisors, next.
(Read more prompts || Longer ATLA fics || Original works)
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*Warning, this is gonna be a ridiculously long post...
So, some of you reeeeally wanted to know just a teeny weenie bit more about my weird boy huh? Well, here ya go:
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Yeah, where do I freakin' start with this--? It was not only hard to put together despite the very simple (and more obvious) inspirations... but I had to mega ponder whatever the heck I was on when creating this character, LOL
Lets break it down all over again:
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It is extremely obvious (I think) of which characters Tilde's appearance mostly stems from... our funny scout robots from Cave Story: Mr. Traveler and Curly Brace themselves. (Which heehee geddit he has a punctuation naem TILDE ~~ xdd)
I'm pretty sure some of you have probably assumed (Especially with how much I pair them together...^^") Tilde is... well... their kid somehow--
Not... quite? It's... much more complicated than that, don't worry about it! Anyways, I basically chucked them both into a blender to combine their appearances together as much as possible; an example of this is Tilde's hair! It's a blonde color like Curly's and straight; but has a waviness, spiking up at the ends like Quote's hair.
Tilde's antenna earphone things are green, and his eye color is also that bluescreen blue that Curly has as well, lol.
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So Tilde's outfit inspirations! Tilde is actually wearing Sue Sakamoto's sweater, along with someone's long green scarf. Its a bit old and worn out... but it's very shnazzy, dontcha think? ^^ In earlier drawing drafts of Tilde back in 2021, his sleeves were actually much more sprite accurate to Sue's-- But then I played OneShot and drew them droopy like Niko's once and it... stuck. idc its staying too. I think I wanted to give him a cuteness bonus, so I gave him hairpins thanks to Chase from Harvest Moon lol
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Underneath Tilde's sweater he is wearing a simple black tank with magenta shorts, like Quote's tank and sprite Curly's pants. His shoes I unfortunately don't have a direct correlation for their colors, but they're inspired by Cave Story 3D JP Curly's shoes.
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A much more rare appearance, but this is what Tilde looks like as an adolescent-- Don't question why, just roll with it-- I have my reasons and I won't tell you :^) When I was drawing him, my brain just handed me Basil from Omori. Literally, just Basil's energy and a bit of the Mother series protagonists for outfit design... I tried to swishing it around a bit and ended up with a very puntable looking guy, which was the exact vibe I was going for~ >:3c
I gave Tilde a sweater turtleneck and called it a day, then Lucas came to mind again when I was coloring-- Which overall made this particular bit of the outfit more interesting ^^ Tilde here is also wearing Toroko's pendant. Not really much else to cover here, since the many traits from Tilde's youth carries into here. Continuing...
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Oh boy, how the times have changed and he's all grown up now T_T
Tilde when he's older takes almost all the liberties from especially Quote, wearing his infamous deadpan expression naturally... but he still remains extremely expressive like Curly ^^
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Tilde's outfit is very obviously influenced by them, from their cargo pants to their color schemes (which are also admittedly being carried from his youth as well.) Quote's Blade Strangers design (If you ever heard of it.) was definitely an influence for him as well--
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BUT to keep him looking a bit more fresh, I devised to use even more of that special jrpg sauce i love to throw on my characters lmAO
Y'all should already know from my previous post that I'm a weeb a Japanese culture enthusiast, not gonna explain that again
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Specially for his outfit Tetsuya Nomura's character designs immediately come to mind, i cannot tell you which one specifically.
While imagining the "cool rpg boy outfit" all these characters blend together in my head, probs because they seem to have similar vibes LOL (very cool Nomura-san)
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100% CERTAIN Felix from Golden Sun had an influence on Tilde's outward appearance. I actually drew older Tilde before teen Tilde, and I gave him long hair partly bc of him-- lmao
(While Soren from Fire Emblem is not a main influence for Tilde, he is simply here because I hate him for making me realize long haired dudes are just,,, peak character design idk what to tell you.)
So that's Tilde's sheet
goes very crazy I know
If imma do a Tilde sheet, i gotta do it properly-- He's the best(est)
I'm very tired I worked on this for almost a whole week lol imma sleep or something
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Replaced... For The Better (p2!!!)
Pairings: Paul Lahote x reader, Jasper hale x reader, Paul Lahote x Jasper Hale
Word Count: 1026 (pretty short)
Request: Nope, but Y’ALL I’M BORED!! HIT ME UPPP
A/N: I TOTALLY DID THAT Y’ALL (that’ll make sense towards the end)! Here y’all go. This’ll hurt your damn feelings doe!!
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A/N: (GIF’s are not mine! Credit to owners)
You were driving through the suburbs (Yes i did okay? I couldn’t resist. Fight me). You were, by definition, lost. 
Come on, Y/N, you scolded yourself. Don’t be stupid. Just turn around. You were still in awe at what you had done. You shouldn’t have. Paul loved you. He’d said so, many times. You were in disarray. If a policeman were to pull you over, he’d probably immediately assume you were using drugs. Your headscarf was hanging halfway off your head, and your duffel bag sat in the seat next to you. 
Where would you go? You weren’t sure. Your aunt had said that you were welcome to stay with her if you ever needed, but you didn’t want to bother the poor woman.
It was silly, really. You running away like this. You didn’t know why you had done it. Paul would be so worried. He would probably call Jasper for comfort. And then he would blame himself for your disappearance. Oh, God! Why had you left?
Maybe you had felt jealous? No. That wasn’t your style. Maybe it was the sense of abandonment? Yes, that was it. Your father had left your mother at an early stage in your life. You couldn’t  have been any older than 6 years old. It had left a scar. A need to constantly prove your worth. It was unfortunate, really. You had never had a successful relationship because of it. Until Paul. 
It was a stormy evening, but you were sitting in the rain. Your mom had just died. 
“You okay?” You had jumped at the sudden break in silence. 
“Yes.” Your words sounded hollow, even to you. The strange man had sat down with you, and held you in the rain. You had cried for an hour into the arms of a man you didn’t know, but he just held you. Didn’t say a word. Three weeks later, y’all were dating. And nine months after that, y’all were to be married.
The thoughts flowing through your mind became too much for you to handle. You slammed your foot on the brakes, slowing the car down and pulling over to the sides of the road. It was still pitch black outside, but that didn’t phase you. You opened the door, stumbling out of the car. Leaving it behind, keys and all, you ran. You ran away from the car Paul got you as a present for your third date, and with that, it felt like you were running further away from Paul too. Tears stained the ground, signifying that you had been there. They would be dry by morning, but you felt safer this way. It was almost as if you were leaving a trail for him to find.
It was cold, but that was to be expected.You didn’t know what time it was, and you didn’t care. You were running so fast that all sight of your little f/c car with the blinking bright lights, was gone. You stopped to take a breath. 
You heard a motor whirring somewhere behind you, but you paid it no mind. It was a road, after all. But then, two blinding lights came rushing towards you from behind. You turned your head, curious as to what the hell that driver was doing. You were greeted by the same blinding lights. Your eyes widened as the truck made impact.
“Dr. Cullen!” Carlisle Cullen turned to see the desk registration woman, a nice elderly woman called Peggy, running towards him.
“We’ve got another one!” Peggy’s face was distressed. She fell in line with Carlisle, having to walk rather quickly to keep up with him.
“Talk to me.”
“Jane doe, car accident. Well, the guy that hit her was in a truck, and he’s fine. But she was most likely not, from what her injuries tell us. Estimated age 19. The poor thing had almost every bone in her body broken. It’s a miracle she’s even still alive. Dr.Cullen, she needs to be-”
“Dad!” Carlisle didn’t pay much attention at first. It was a hospital, after all. There were plenty of fathers here, and plenty of those fathers had sons. But it was the cold hand on his shoulder and the worried golden eyes that alerted him to something being amiss.
“Edward? Son, what’s wrong?” Carlisle searched the boys face for a sign of what was going on.
“Jasper. He’s frantic. Says Paul Lahote called him. Paul’s imprint, Y/N Y/L/N. She’s gone missing. Car, everything. Paul says she left a note. ‘Maybe someday, we can be strangers again.’  Carlisle felt the dread pooling his stomach. Edwards eyes widened.
“You don’t think-”
“I don’t know, Son. Why don’t you head back home? Be with your family.” Carlisle smiled  what he hoped was  a reassuring smile. Edward was skeptical, but fulfilled his father’s request. 
Carlisle hurried to the room that Peggy had informed him held the “poor dear” that was in the accident. Opening the door, all traces of hope drained from his face.
“Oh, no,” he whispered to the O.R. A draft flew into his face, as if the air conditioning agreed with him. You were bloody and broken, that was for sure, but it was you. You most likely wouldn’t survive the night, surgery or non. He knew what he had to do, but he wasn’t sure whether or not he had the courage to do it. He didn’t want to condemn you to his life, especially if by some miracle, you recovered. So, he donned his work gloves and set to it. 
A/N: So, that was P2!! Excuse my reeeeally crappy piece of work! I was SO excited to write it, and my brain decided to fail me just now. I was jumping around A LOT. Feel like it wasn’t as good as the first, but y’all be the judges! As always, REALLY hope you enjoyed this! What do we think? Should the reader survive, and come out as a human? Should she be turned, and join the Cullen family? Or, should R pass on, and join her mother on the other side?? Haha jk. I wouldn’t do that to y’all. I’m not that mean (or am i??). But seriously, tell me what y’all think. But just know, this is an angst/drama series, so whatever you DO choose, get ready for a (un)healthy amount of drama!!!! BUT ANYWAY! Not tryna make this A/N longer that the actual story, so i’ll shut up now. But as always, send me an ask/message if you have a request! I do everything BUT ships! If you need to talk, I’m (usually) here!!! No douchey comments, i’m serious! Be yourself loves! Luv y’all, have a blessed day!!
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I’ve sold eight copies of Mouse the Witching Cat’s cursed edition, with three out of those eight being from before the etsy took off. I’m super touched and I’m also glad to announce that that cursed edition is about to become even MORE cursed!
Because, I’ve finished the ebook version of "Mouse".
And by finished I mean spruced up the writing, illustrations, lay out and more with exclusive art you’ll only be able to see in the e-version! That’s right: new illustrations and better writing. Not only will the old version of the book be megacursed, but said copies will be the only ones to contain certain illustrations.
Because Mouse has always been a more experimental project for me I plan on adding more to it bit by bit as the years pass and I get better at my craft. Everyone loves add-ons! In fact here's some previews to the new delux-edition illustrations that will be in the ebook and every printing afterwords:
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In all seriousness I’m very happy with my ebook. This particular draft is called lucky Draft # 13, as it’s the official “end” of this era for Mouse and also possibly the start of something new down the line. You see, I'm planning on opening up a RedBubble store. The appeal to “Oddities in October” as a “brand” is you can enjoy it out of context to the characters. It’s my hope that lots of people, even those who haven’t read "Mouse" or know about her and her friends, will enjoy the otherwise cutesy dark halloweeny art of various creepy creatures. Of course, you’re still more than welcome to discover and enjoy Mouse - but in that case I want to make the ebook more accessible.
Between now and late September this year, roughly the time I plan on releasing the book, I’m going to be going through the technical aspects I need for sites such as Kindle. You know? Fixing dimensions, adding in page numbers. Lots of necessary details depending on who takes it. All of which will be in Draft #13 once you buy it - which will also be a lot more affordable (I hope) to wider audiences.
I’m really excited to be taking this next step and I’m extranervouscited to begin working on the merchandise and designs for Oddities. I have some exclusive button/sticker designs and some nice prints that I reeeeally want to make for you all and I hope you’ll all enjoy along with me.
See you guys in September!
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littlepuffy4ever · 4 years
Tag game
I was tagged by @ask-a-wip-fnaf-au and @chicatenders c:
What do you prefer to be called name-wise? Oh, I guess I'm okay with people calling me Steph or Puffy, what is funny since I used to hate my name but I'm okay-ish rn with it
When is your birthday? March 14
Where do you live? Brazil! I'm actually okay with living in here. At least the nature and the animals are beautiful and colorful
Unfortunately, we don't have bears in here :c
Three things you are doing right now: listening to Fetch, inking some drawings and, idk, drinking water-
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest? FNAF, warrior cats, Eddsworld (even though I'm not really into it anymore) anddddd JJBA
How has the pandemic been treating you? Oh, it was going pretty great, you know? I'm a stay home person already and that's probably why I took an interest in laboratory. This month, however, it has reeeeally decreased because of university though hdhdjdjdjdjd what sucks because I've been feeling pretty anxious just by thinking about it
A song you can’t stop listening to right now ? Damn, any Glass Animals song really. Their songs mean a lot to me and I'll forever be grateful for their work
But I've been listening to Count the Ways and Dear Fellow Traveler a lot as well
How old are you? 20!
School, university, occupation, other? I guess everyone knows about this already but I'm a Veterinarian student!! I might graduate in a year and a half (it would've been a year if I wasn't dumb but oh well) so yay
Honestly, I'm kinda of stuck with what I want since the clinical part really isn't something I enjoy :/ I guess I'm kinda waiting to see where my life will take me at this point
Do you prefer heat or cold? Idk really- I normally say I prefer heat, but I really hate days that are hot and have no wind because I feel overwhelmed
But I also get cold extremely easily sooooooo
I think I prefer the in between. The weather lately has been really nice by being hot but also windy and cold at night
Name one fact others may not know about you: I know how to sew and make plushies! I think I haven't got the energy to do something for it for a year now, but I might do a few bear keychains
Are you shy? Hmmmm I guess I'm more the annoying type JDJDJDJDDJDJDJDJ I used to be extremely shy but I feel I've become just "gets excited to meet new people"
Pronouns? I guess I'm okay with any pronouns?? Mostly she/them but I'm okay with he/him
Biggest pet peeves? PET PEEVES ARE THINGS THAT ANNOY ME RIGHT????? HMMMMMMMMMMMM loud noises, people that make jokes about autism/down syndrome/mental illness/these things lol, touch in a way
What is your favorite “dere” type? Hmm, tsundere?? Since I feel my Millie and Lefty fall into it in a way djdjdjdjdjdjd
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be. 7, I feel like I had a huge downfall recently so djdjdjdjdjdjd
What’s your main blog? @littlepuffy4ever !! This blog is slowly becoming a bear appreciation blog-
List your side blogs and what they’re used for: this blog that is my reblog/main blog one, @lilpuffyart is my art blog and two ask blogs (one for General Hashasky from Mogeko, but it didn't work out and a draft for a CTW one but idk if I'll have the energy to use it-)
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I can take a while, like a looong time to answer, but it's not because I hate you or I'm ignoring you. It's just beacuse I forget to and/or talking to people can be pretty overwhelming to me :/
Also, please, talk to me if I ever say something stupid. Sometimes I have a hard time translating Portuguese-English and my thoughts hdjddjdjdjdkdkdkdkdk
I'm not tagging anyone but feel free to do it if you want to c:
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vreliskriri · 4 years
What music do I listen to atm?
Tagged by @thecatranimal :)
[Oop, I forgot this in my drafts. Didn’t mean to take this long.]
Music I listen to lots does give out some information about me. Mainly that I am a musical theatre gay. For the moment, the stuff I mostly listen to includes:
1. Our Lady of the Underground - Amber Gray
[Tbh all things Hadestown are, at the moment, very dear to me, and will remain so even after it gives way to the next special interest. As it stands, I owe Anaïs Mitchell my life.]
2. Most things Lizz Robinett. I found her through her FFXIV covers, but she does a lot of other cool stuff too.
3. So Sweet - Lungs and Limbs
4. Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy - Queen The dapper energy... I hope to one day have a fraction of that. 
[As soon as I got my driving licence, I jokingly started trying to embody Anthony Janthony Crowley by listening to Queen while driving. It escalated.]
5. JoJo openings in no particular order. I've made them kind of a trigger I associate with getting out of bed and starting on whatever shit I need to get done.
6. It's Over Isn't It - Deedee Magno Hall OH THIS SONG. THIS SCENE. I love and adore this and Pearl. I rate this 6 out of 5 stars, would recommend to anyone, might have kickstarted my need to someday acquire a tux.  7. We Shall Wear Midnight from the album Wintersmith by Steeleye Span. Just. My heart weeps every time.  8. R-A-K-A-S, as performed by the group Jean S.  I don’t actually listen to this one at all, it’s just that I learned this song from listening to it in the car bc parents’ music choices. Rather, this song is one I reeeeally like to sing. So this is a song that’s about a girl. Very distinctly about a girl. It doesn’t specify the gender of the singer though! So it can be easily and casually sung by lil’ old me. I’m also learning it on the violin.  9. The 90s Moomin animated series OST. Is soft and comfy and very nostalgic.  10. Hornet’s theme from the OST of Hollow Knight. I know this one on the violin as well! ^___^ Thanks again for the tag! I shall be tagging @rhymingteelookatme and anyone else who might want to do this! 
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an-oger-in-the-wild · 5 years
Children Shouldn’t Play with Undead Things
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So here’s a fun little team-building exercise I threw at three of my PCs who met a couple in-game days before the official start of the campaign / meeting of the rest of the PCs. The summary? Three unlikely people meet on a coastal beach and end up hanging out in a coastal town’s tavern, chatting the night away, until they - along with the other patrons of the tavern - start getting attacked by an unknown and unseen source: a poltergeist. The three PCs in question consisted of an aasimar warlock, a half-orc cleric, and a wood-elf druid, so some really cool and interesting social and debuff spells (like Detect Evil and Good, Faerie Fire, and Message to name a few) were available for use that didn’t have to be damage-focused, teaching the group early that you don’t necessarily have to only have combat spells equipped in order to overcome obstacles or solve problems.
If you’d like to use this encounter for your 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd level (like my group was) party, you’ll want to be sure to lay a good foundation of visual descriptions - little things that are actually Easter eggs for the party to remember later, realizing that they were actually clues.
QUEST LEAD:  This encounter takes place in a small tavern called Bottles & Drafts.  You can read this little block of text to introduce your characters to the first NPC in this encounter; or, alternatively, you can use your own tavern or NPC if you already have a place in mind:
You see, as you enter, a pleasantly-lit tavern, complete with a small hearth, two long tables, three smaller round tables, and a neatly-kept bar with stools. Looking around, you notice that the dining area is rather saddlery-themed with things like horseshoes, halters, and old bridles hung on the wall for décor, befitting of the inn’s adjoining stables out back.  Near an entryway to a hall at the far end of the room, you see a physically imposing grayish/green-skinned woman - about 6' 1" - with short, chipped tusks protruding from her lips.  She wears a brown tank top with olive-colored cotton pants, and her light-brown hair is kept short on top and shaved close on the sides.  She's standing on a small ladder, hanging a new item on the wall: a black leather horse whip (or some might call it a crop).  She's mounting it to the wall as best she can, but it keeps falling off the wall each time she gets off the ladder, making her visibly frustrated as she repeats the process three times in the time it takes you to find a seat.
This is Jacoba, a half-orc (use stat block of berserker) - she owns the inn, Bottles & Drafts (named thus as your adventurers can both purchase a night’s stay there or take a trip around back to its stables to purchase a mount, such as a draft or riding horse). Today, your party happens to walk in on her hanging a whip...little do they know that this is the item to which the poltergeist has attached itself. 
Part 1: a Start to an Exciting Evening
Be sure the party knows they are not the only ones in the tavern!  Three other patrons sit in different areas of the inn (each to themselves):
Roberick Zemony, male human (looks visibly intoxicated)
Tawnel Ostoro, male half-elf (dressed in the uniform of the local guards)
Baerla Flaskbraids, female dwarf (has a small rabbit familiar with her)
While the party sits around conversing - probably around a meal or a few drinks - have some strange things happen as the evening approaches:
Random drinks sitting in front of patrons at the bar tip over onto their laps, soaking them.
Patrons go to sit in their chairs...but right before they sit down, the chair is just a little too far from them and they fall to the floor on their asses.
The whip will continue to fall off the wall, usually AT Jacoba as she walks by with a plate of food or a platter filled with drinks.  
She will eventually give up on trying to mount it and will make a scene as her barbarian temper gets the better of her: describe her as being close to raging mad over the “stupid whip,” picking it up (perhaps putting the strap in her mouth and gnawing at it for a moment) then violently whipping a vacant spot at the bar with it a few times before throwing the whip down the hallway and heading back behind the bar.
If the party tries to interact with Jacoba or ask her about the whip, she can explain that the décor is a collection of old pieces that have either been found by patrons who frequent the tavern or are left behind after a rental horse or carriage is returned.  This most recent piece was actually given to her earlier today by a tradesman who came through for a drink (while nothing more has to come of this mention, you could always develop this out into an extended quest).
With a good enough Charisma check, Jacoba may also tell the party what she knows about the other three patrons left in the tavern if they get inquisitive:
Roberick Zemony, male Human (nightly patron; commoner, middle-aged; "dad bod," thinning hair; lazy-sounding drunken voice)
Tawnel Ostoro, male half-elf guard (off-duty but still in his regalities; just got off his guard duty shift and likes to come up for a quick sip or two before he returns to the barracks for the evening; condescending)
Baerla Flaskbraids, female dwarf (a scout passing through on her way back to her guildhall north of here; just finished clearing out a pesky infestation of stirges and is staying the night before heading back in the morning)
Part 2: It Begins
Once it’s officially evening, the party sees Roberick get up to go to "water the flowers" (at which Jacoba threatens to kill him if he does).
As he stands to leave, the flames in the wall sconces all extinguish at once and the sound of Roberick screaming in pain and then moaning fills the room.          
          (HE DEAD, Y'ALL.)
Jacoba will quickly try to relight the sconces if no one casts a spell before this is done.
Once there is light, everyone will be able to see Roberick's dead body on the floor, a knife stuck in his chest.
If no one revives him, proceed to Part 3.
If someone casts Revivify or Speak with Dead, he won't know what hit him or killed him.
Part 3: a Murder Mystery
Before Tawnel (the half-elf guard) allows anyone to move, he will swiftly walk over to the door (the only exit) and bar it shut, stating that "no one will be leaving here until I find out who killed this man."
Investigation checks can begin to be made against the dead body (DC: 13).
On a success, they can tell from the angle of impact and the blood splatter that the attack had to have come from the direction of the bar and that the knife had to have been flung at him from a distance.
If investigating for magic, use the same DC for an Arcana check; however, no magical aura is detected around the body or the knife.
If spells like Detect Magic or Detect Evil and Good are cast, assume that the poltergeist will not be within the 30 foot radius in this one instance; after the party has made some good detective work headway though, feel free to reward smart casting by allowing the undead creature to “light up” as it were.  Those spells last 10 minutes unless dropped, so you can toy with them by having the poltergeist move in and out of the range of the spell occasionally.
Insight checks can be made against the NPCs for added intrigue if the characters are suspicious or on-edge:
Tawnel (the half-elf guard): this is probably the most exciting thing he's ever seen as a guard of a relatively uninteresting city, so he's hoping that getting to the bottom of this murder will help him climb the ladder of success
Alibi: he's "one of the good guys" and just wants to figure out what happened…he was sitting in the corner reading smut (but he won't want anyone to know that this is what he was reading).
Motive: everyone - including Tawnel - knows Roberick…he's the town drunk and tends to get into trouble when he drinks: Tawnel has arrested him on a couple occasions for indecency in front of children and found him no better than the dirt beneath his boots - Jacoba has heard him say before that “it would be a better world without Roberick in it.”
Baerla (the dwarf scout): has only been seen thus far to be talking to her rabbit...plus she has a longbow on her back and a sword at her side - seems strange enough to draw some attention, right?
Alibi: she knows no one here - why would she kill someone?...she was busy scrolling a message to send with her animal messenger (a rabbit) back to her guildhall to inform them of the completion of her job; her rabbit is "gone now though."
Motive: Roberick was being loud and obnoxious and (per Baerla) was making fun of her height earlier that evening.
Jacoba (the half-orc tavern owner / berserker): normal day, just got a new shipment of food today as well as a few new bridle materials, some new tankards, that kind of thing; a tradesman bartered with her for a new item for her tavern - the whip.  
Alibi: she was serving drinks when the lights went out and Roberick dropped dead.
Motive: Roberick was behind on his tab by several months - Tawnel knows that this has really been bothering Jacoba lately.
Part 4: Further Bloodshed
The poltergeist will become enraged by any light-based spells or by radiant damage (clerics and paladins BEWARE!).
It will also get increasingly angry if the whip is in any way touched or damaged.  If someone moves within 30 feet of the poltergeist’s area, it will become aggressive and throw things using its Telekinetic Thrust (+4 to hit, 2d4 bludgeoning or piercing damage, depending on the item); if they get reeeeally close, it will use its Forceful Slam attack (+4 to hit, reach 5 feet, 3d6 force damage).
NOTE: If you really want to freak the party out, try throwing them around with its Telekinetic Thrust by rolling a contested Strength (the PC) versus Charisma (the poltergeist) check to see if the undead creature can “hurl the target up to 30 feet in any direction, including upward,” causing 1d6 damage per 10 feet moved - I wouldn’t recommend this unless your group can handle these amounts of damage though - always playtest before playing!
Part 5: Reclaiming Serenity
There are a couple of ways this can go:
If you have a party who loves to get stuff done by way of combat, you can certainly take the most direct route by allowing them to work through the difficulties of waging war with a creature who never turns visible. As mentioned in my opening paragraph, debuff spells like Detect Evil and Good, Faerie Fire, or See Invisibility are great uses of spellcasting while in combat with an invisible creature.  Additionally, you may have a party member who thinks outside the box and has the idea to try to destroy the item to which the spirit is attached - this is a great idea! A low-level encounter like this is a nice way to condition your party for battles that cannot simply be won by hacking and slashing.
If you have a party or party member who wants to make the world a better place with a more passive approach, you could delve deeper into the backstory of the poltergeist, giving it a history that shaped it into a malevolent spirit. Use the whip as inspiration: did the whip belong to the spirit in its previous life? Was it sentimental? Does it need returned to someone in order for the spirit to find peace? Alternatively, does the whip have a darker connotation - was it a weapon used against the spirit in its former life? Is the spirit seeking an unattainable revenge on innocent victims?  Ponder these things and come up with a flexible and easily improved story in case you have a tenderhearted sorcerer or a righteous paladin with high charisma who want to try to reason with the undead creature.  Allow a series of Persuasion checks to convince the poltergeist that they don’t need to act violently or to help the undead creature to pass on into the next life: this can make for a really memorable role-playing moment that will change the normally black and white outlook most parties have on undead creatures.
Thanks for reading, guys!  If you like this post and would like to get more encounter idea inspiration like this one, let me know by asking to be included on my Enticing Encounters taglist!
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rwby-prsm · 5 years
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Okay... I’m finally starting to get overwhelmed.... Geez, I have a lot of OOOOLD drafts that I don’t even know if I wanna revisit.... So uh... maybe like 1 or 2 more, but- yikes man, I’ve been slacking....
So there’s one more for @ask-team-clst and there’s an old Blinded By The Light draft for @teamoliv I could do- damn, I feel bad about that one... Puck is a real idiot if those like five times he hung out with Violet he honestly forgot her name... Ah well! Drama is fun. 
Oh, and of course there’s the fucking Colden thread that’s actually reeeeally important so I can finally kill the bastard and change my icon back! 
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And to think I just woke up a few hours ago.... And have been typing non-stop.... I should get food and take a break. But I really want to finish these last few while I have the muse....
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gold-from-straw · 6 years
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The first draft is done, I’m so happy with it! It’s also surprised me because a sequel’s taking place in my head already... it should be quite a different story - Matt feels very adrift and alone in this book, even though he has supportive friends and people who love him, they can’t really know what he has to deal with. The sequel, however (tentatively named The Society), will involve a lot of world-building - think Harry Potter being dumped into the wizarding world as a depressed, cynical 17 year old who’s only just started to get his life together when these smug gits come bursting in, thank you very much! Though Matt’s not very Harry-like... if he was this would be a fanfic and probably get like a hundred times more readers ;)
I just need to work out whether I should end the book with the first story completely tied up, or whether I should add this epilogue which then leads into the second book, but means ending on a bit of a cliffhanger! It ties up all the worldbuilding loose ends (Matt never finds out exactly HOW he got these powers in the first story, that forms a major part of the second story), but at the same time I don’t like ending on a cliffhanger because it puts a lot of pressure on getting the second book done and... well... I have a lot of other stories I want to write first!
So if anyone knows someone with a time-turner or tardis I would reeeeally appreciate a good word ;) I’d be a terribly boring companion for the Doctor, though, all I’d want to do is write in a little time bubble away from all my actual responsibilities...
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syntaxeme · 7 years
You know...the way July and Hotep got together was originally going to be much less pleasant. 
See, during some of my very first plotting stages, back when it was supposed to all fit in one book (ha!), Hotep was meant to be the Big Bad Guy of the story. (At this point, that seems pretty silly to me, because I now realize that Valen could easily shut him down if he got too out of line.) So the idea was that he was going to be the one to “eventually destroy the earth,” so they needed to summon old, scary Eros to put him back in his place. This was in the same draft where Emma ended up either killing herself or selling her soul to some random immortal because Hotep’s presence had completely fucked up her mind to the point that she couldn’t stand it. And I guess he and July just didn’t interact? 
So Eros showed up and put down whatever big scheme he was scheming that was intended to destroy humanity altogether. They made it clear that should this ever happen again, he won’t live through it. And as punishment for his shitty behavior, they pulled a Daphne and Apollo with him and July. Made him love her, made her hate him. (This was me trying really hard to find a way for them to get romantically-involved while still preserving their characters and the plot I had in mind.) My thought was that, outside of the text, he would eventually win her over, etc. etc. 
A lot (I mean a fucking LOT) has changed since then. Now, Eros’s appearance feels much less like a deus ex machina (as They become an entirely new conflict Themself), and the way that Hotep and July get together makes a lot more sense. It works better for their characters. It works better for Emma, too! Because now she doesn’t have to fucking die. >_> And I like Hotep way more now than I did before. I mean, that version of him is still interesting and could still exist in separate worlds, but I prefer this one. He’s much less of a Bad Guy. Easier to love and to support loving. Less Problematique. 
...anyway. Just thought about that some this morning. I recall talking to my sister about all this, and when I mentioned, “I reeeeally want July and Hotep to date now” she was like “yeah, but they shouldn’t. Maybe outside the book, just for you, but I don’t think it should happen in the book.” And I was like ;_;. I don’t recall if this was the same conversation where I realized I was going to need more than one book to tell the story fully. It’s just really interesting to me to think sometimes about how much has changed since I first started planning it. 
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
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Repost, not reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Synnie. Nickname: Syn. And a bunch of bastardizations of Synkling. Age: 22. Faceclaim: Noodle from Gorillaz, and Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite.
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them, He/Him (less frequently). Height: 5′3″. Birthday: November 6th. Aesthetic: Fluffy OC things, Competitive Gaming, and CATS. LOTS OF CATS. Last song you listened to: lmfao Aaron... hit me up with some fucking music. I love BotanicSage tbh. (Old School Knuckles)
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: Truthfully, I haven’t written very many. I’ve only done OCs---any time I’ve contemplated canon, I never really go through with it. I do want to write characters like Bayonetta and Catherine (ATLUS), but I know I only have the capacity for one---maybe two at a time. Anything else is just a pipe dream.
If I had to choose, Jin was really wonderful. She deserved so much better. And so did I, honestly. Alas, all I can do to immortalize her is to make her my FC. She was my first tumblr muse---and that means I really, really haven’t written many, for I’ve only had a grand total of five. And two were immediately abandoned.
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What inspired you to take on your current muse (that you are posting this on): My friend @theseasirens and I just wanted to RP tbh. The community was pretty barren until we showed up and everyone just... popped out of the woodworks, which was pretty nice. We were banking on Spla2n reviving everyone, but an early resurgence is a good one.
Splatoon is my special interest. I have fun playing it, and I want to play with others, too---so a lot of my posts as of late have been me just gaming. Granted, most people get tired of playing with me after a while, but I can understand why.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse: She’s... extremely multifaceted. I’ve worked a lot on her history. I am in love with her design, her symbolism, and her annoying mannerisms. Of all the characters I’ve created who started off with bad pasts, her own has constantly kept up with her, albeit I wish I had more opportunities to show it. I get ecstatic when I’m told she is very fleshed out and relatable. She’s the epitome of perfect child who burnt out, but she’s suffered the burnout long before she ever deserved to.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: No idea. It smacks me in the face. It will take forever for me to ever write anything. I’m a person who needs the perfect environment (just dont be fucking hot, really... I hate this place). Music and mood really helps, too. Sometimes Bon screams at me what to do. Other times, I end up with like, 25+ drafts going untouched for weeks until I slash them all in one fell swing. Kinda annoying. Looks at my drafts rn like... can’t wait for it again.
Favorite types of threads:  I love threads that challenge your muse! Whether it be a fight, morals, or what have you---I just want them to rethink their lives as much as I do. I also reeeeally love intense fluff, because I’m a slut for fluff. Just warm fuzzies. I could use lots, lots, lots more of that in my life. I just really like to write scenarios a lot, no matter what it may be.
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Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse:  Goodness, um... Writing-wise? She’s used to having her way. So when she’s challenged---and cornered in a way that she cannot refute, she becomes unresponsive, or petty. The pettiness is reserved for close friends she doesn’t mind showing her whiny true self to, but the others? She has to fight tooth and nail to justify her already shattered perceptions. 
I also worry that I’ve... done perhaps too much work on her. A lot of it may never come to fruition. That honestly ends up being the case a lot. But... sometimes my fears are quelled, just because... maybe it’s better off that it isn’t. I was told I don’t call a lot of dramatic attention to it, which I don’t, because... I’d rather people find out on their own, IC. It’s cooler that way to me. She has a lot of little things about her that relates to her character as a whole, and for one character to find out all the little ins and outs of it? I think that would mean the world to the both of us.
Oh, and I have to write fucking super haughty because... it’s her. So. That’s always a fun pain in the ass. 
There’s probably more, but I can’t think of anything right this second.
Tagged by: @musesoiree is too lazy to tag people. Tagging: but uh, so am i.
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far-above-far-below · 7 years
1, 3, 22, 39
1) What was the first fandom you got involved in?
hp and star wars about the same time! i was around 6-8 i think? thank god i didn’t write down all the shitty crossover fics i made, it was a habit of mine to lie awake in bed and ‘write those in my head’
3) What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
definietly the Maul fandom. y'all are really nice for some reason? also, i met Fog, which is just. wow the Markiplier/Jacksepticeye fandom is a bit problematic and immature, but they’re really nice too, and again, i’ve met one of my best friends there
22) Is there anything you regret writing?
i have thrown a fic into the furnace. like, physically threw it into the flames. it was on paper and i was probably 8 when i wrote it, and y'all. y ’ a l l. the cringe. (at least now i know how old Sora is, because it was a Maul/Sora fic lol) other than that, i have a short story i just really don’t like. i was actually 3rd on some contest with it, but i really, really hate it
33) Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics, or huuuuuge epics?
i write jack shit that’s what i do, constant ongoing writer’s block for the win
i have a shit ton of one chapter porns, no backstory, no intro, just fucking. never published a single one tho i also have a reeeeally long Maul fic, which i wrote 40 pages of when i was 12 and all 40 of them belong to hell. i’m currently very badly trying to rewrite it (i also might have a smaller au that i might draft out sometime..? and might actually write it……?? probably not but hey i can dream)
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[[so i cleared ye olde inbox, but i still got some drafts to sift through. hopefully i won’t be too tired from work tomorrow because i reeeeally wanna get stuff done. and if i get a good chunk cleared out, i might just make a starter call :>
anyway time for the bed zzz]]
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foxesrefuge · 7 years
your were tagged ;D What do you think of Riko as a character inside the books? (no HCs) / Any fave HCs you want to share? / Any pairings/ships you like with him? / fic recs? / art recs? / Kevin&Riko - do they have/had feelings for each other? / Thoughts on his finale scene? / Did you read Nora's extra content? // tag other bloggers you think have something interesting to say about him! (maybe someone we don't know yet??) #Thoughts on Riko Moriyama
HOO boi XD here comes the trainwreck.First of..all thank you @c-valentino for tagging me and…. making me uh ..work and think on my own (sobs) haha *nervous laughter (noreally tho, thank you, целую!!)I probably won’tcome up with super new or hyper interesting stuff and… actually, Icould just link CVal’s whole post here……………………but okay here wego, then!!Ugh, I guess I have to out myself now real quickbefore we dive in: I was always kinda very interested in the ‘BadGuys’. No matter what, I’d try to find out more about them, try tofigure out how their twisted brains work and why their Morales werealways a bit questionable, which doesn’t necessarily mean I’m okaywith whatever they’re doing or understand and support their actions(hell fucking nooo).I’m just finding it super interesting tothink and sometimes even talk about.
Now, since that’s settled:I think Riko is justas interesting as our MC’s, if not one of the most interestingcharacters, and maybe also one of the most tragic ones (imo). I don’treally think you get this impression after reading the series for thefirst time, though. He seems super flat and not interesting enough inthe books. I wouldn’t have given him a second thought if I didn’t getthe chance to read the extra content.
Which leads me now to my actually toughts on Riko, based  onextra Content and HC’s:The way Riko sees the world isobviously reeeally different from how our MC’s view the world,which is quite,.. understandable, regarding where he comes from, howhe was raised and trained and what he went through (bc hooo boi,that’s not a life I wanna live). This guy knows he’s the son ofExy, obviously The Number One and the actual King of the court. Thereshould be no way anyone could have the power or strength to outpacehim (oh and Riko is going to make sure of that). He is a Moriyama andthinks of his players as his property, he basically gets what hewants and who he wants. Sounds like a pleasant life, right? But Idon’t think he had one. He is living with this pressure form“above’, knowing that he always ‘has to be’ The Best of them all. Hehas to deliver otherwise he would be no use and therefore not worthkeeping in the nest, on the court and alive. I always picturedhim feeling the pressure and weirdly enough people tend to forgetthat Riko is not a robot… because being pressured like that,knowing you have to be THE BEST all the time, no matter what .. thatreally really really fucks with you and your brain. He isprobably under constant stress, giving more than just his best ,whichhe also expects from his players. There is no space for compassion,no place for weakness, nor failure. His live is Exy and there isnothing else than Exy keeping him alive. It’s his past, hispresent and his future for the rest of his life. His mentalbreakdowns always turn into violent outbursts because that boy can’treally cope with the mess in his head (probably not even aware ofthat) He never learned how to control his anger or himself. Why wouldhe? He is King, a Moriyama, he is the one controlling. So yeah, youbasically don’t want to be near him when he’s having his moments. Hisruthlessness makes him go overboard at times. A lot of times.He’salso never at fault. No matter what he does because.. what the hell??Such a concept doesn’t even exist. So how in the world is Rikoa tragic character, when we just settled that he’s nothing but anabsolute ruthless monster with no restrains???!!
Lemme explain ok. Riko was born into this world of Exy, Thesecond son, not the first(!!), growing up and having those insaneexpectations to life up to –  he would be a worthless piecenothing, not needed on the court. He had Kevin, the brother who wasalways by his side, on and off court; his number 2, his property,*his*. Riko doesn’t know how to treat people right though,doesn’t know the concept of actual friendship, It’s always just Exyand Exy and Exy, there is no time for friendship. I also believethat he deep down feared for his life, he just wasn’t aware of thatbecause his brain was too occupied with getting better.One of myHC’s is that: he was super restless the whole damn time, not able tocalm down, constantly under pressure.He basically barely slept.How is there time for sleep, when you can use that precious time ondrills?It wrecks him. The nest destroyed a perfectly fineboy, gave him the chance to basically develop this crazy god complexand also turning him into this Exy monster. And most of the time hewasn’t even aware of his problems because there is just no time andspace for that shit.
Now what happens if one suddenly takes away his Exy? Welp,there’d be nothing left of this fucked up guy. He is a mess, abroken soul, not good enough to be alive.He has nothing, not evenhimself because he was sold to the court and owned by the court.There are many many many demons living in his ribcage, twistinghis brain in the worst ways. I’m not even sure if he’d be able tolive a normal human life outside the nest, without being able to feelanything besides the need to do better and better and better. It madehim mad to the point of no return … so yeah uh .. don’t you thinkthat’s kinda tragic??
Fave HC’s: Mhh, I uh … you know what?
basicallyeverything CVal came up with and mentioned  in her post
…..…..(did u think I was joking, Val?)
Riko with freckles, I dig that!!
Riko playing an instrument.. preferably the piano (ok listen, just the picture of Riko, in a black suit … sitting in front of a piano…no?just me?ok)
Riko being an amazing swimmer
Also some Au’s
Riko and Ichirou → actually interacting with each other (Onii-san,y'all I’m chokiNG ( maybe some kind of Uchiha-Verse or something like that, why not? I dig it))
Fox!Riko ( @bvccvrdi  thank you for this and @shihoran for destroying me and my emotions daily w this)
Pairings/Ships and Feelings:
Riko/Kevin clearly. There is no doubt.
Especially after reading the extra content and old drafts.Thesetwo were boyfriends. Their relationship was hella unhealthy and probsreally violent but  … they just can’t live without each other(I mean can u imagine how obsessed Riko had been with Kev?? He wasHIS, okay? His and ooonly his.He didn’t even touch Kevin’s side of the room after all this time,can u imagine??). They were rivals for sure .. but .. they were alsoabsolutely obsessed w each other.I currently ship them likenothing else. Too invested. Even though I’m more than just conflictedabout this but I just cannot help it.
Thoughts on his final scene:….I have to admit thatI’m super unhappy with how the AFTG series ended. I’m glad to have ahappy end, couldn’t be more great full but everything feels so rushedand off. And I think it’s all due to Riko’s super quick death.Everything happened way too fast, I actually hate that he died, orspecifically how fast and easy that happened. It just didn’t fit atall, in my opinion.
Art Recs:
Give @shihoran a follow and you’ll be well supplied!!
And here are some other amazing pieces:
I ♔
II ♕
IV ♗
V ♘
VI ♙
IX ♜
X ♝
XI ♞
Fic Recs:
 I haven’t really read that many, mainly because I know there aren’t that many. But here are a few I really liked
♥       what if i did    MadHatterNO7
♠      Meant to be mine    shihoran
♣       bvccardi’s Fox!Riko
I also know @c-valentino is working on something reeeeally really nice, y’all. So You better stay tuned, pumped and hyped!!! because I suRE AF AM!!!!
Everyone I’d love to hear from was already tagged, I believe. But whatevs, I’m going to mention y’all again. Feel free to ignore tho:
@shihoran​ @viviena​ @still-waiting-for-godot​ @bvccvrdi​ @ziegenkind​ @mochis-mullet
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