#this is all canon to me btw <333
justablah56 · 1 year
Have a character rant about Terry Jr, featuring Ron and some random headcanons about the relationship between TJ, Nicky, and Cassandra! Because nothing bad has happened to any of them at all, what are you talking about (oops, this ended up being long)
Terry Jr absolutely despises the scent of anything "For Men", which makes the soccer changing rooms in hs sensory hell. As a result, all his toiletries are technically marketed at women, but he is willing to pay the pink tax for floral-smelling stuff instead of... That.
(Ron notices how much his stepson hates it, and so also switched to quote-unquote for women products. In his enthusiasm to be supportive, he somehow ends up buying scented sanitary pads)
He still plays soccer, even as an adult. It's just at his local pub's team (which might not actually be a thing in America, oops) but he kept it up fairly consistently throughout his life.
Since being called away for DADDIES missions can really fuck up your work schedule, he works part time as an assistant coach/teacher at a dance studio with surprisingly flexible hours and a very understanding boss. Admittedly, she's seen him break down crying more than once over DADDIES-related shit that he had to explain with half-lies, so that may explain some of her patience with his unruly hours
Mostly he does community theatre though
He actually meet Cassandra before Nicky did! They were on the same drama course at college, got assigned together, and really hit it off. They ended up bonding so much that they considered each other their psuedo-sibling. Since, in this headcanon universe of blurredness, Cassandra doesn't talk to her parents at all, Ron and Samantha basically adopted her when Terry Jr brought her home during the school holidays, which only deepened their sibling bond
Terry's nickname for her is Star, because she shines bright and he was convinced she would make it big time in the acting biz. She has a little custom bracelet that he got her as a wedding present with that on.
He religiously drinks hot chocolate before soccer games, because Ron thought that a "warm up" was a drink to warm you up before a game. He put marshmallows in it and everything, so Terry Jr just happily accepted the bizzare brand of affection and support that so often comes from Ron. The one time he didn't drink it, they lost the game, and ever since that game the Doodlers make sure everyone has a hot chocolate before the game. They never lost since
(Additional headcanon that Grant accidently passed that pre-game ritual to Lincoln)
Since Ron can no longer wear pants, he took to wearing skirts when needed so as to not get arrested. However, due to a lot of the internalised toxic masculinity Willy installed in him, he felt uncomfortable doing so. Terry Jr dragged all the other kiddads thrift shopping for cool skirts and they suprised Ron at the next Oak-Garcia-Wilson-Stampler-Close-Foster-Freeman family BBQ by wearing them. Ron was so happy about them supporting him, he almost cried. Terry Jr ended up keeping skirts and dresses as part of his fashion rotation, and would even wear sports skirts (which have built-in-shorts) on the soccer field sometimes. When Ron disappeared, he stopped wearing them. He still has a gorgeous, corseted, galaxy dress in his side of the wardrobe at the Stampler-Marlowe residence that he hasn't been able to bring himself to wear, but also hasn't been able to bring himself to part with. Scary's seen him taking it out and looking at it longingly, and is definitely not devising a secret plan to get him to wear skirts by making him take her prom dress shopping and making him try on some himself. (She doesn't know why he looks so sad and longing, or why he doesn't wear them when he clearly wants to, but deep down she thinks he should. Terry Jr would start wearing skirts again for her)
Terry Jr and Cassandra both used some theories from Samantha's psychology books to train themselves so they have better coordination and clearer speech whilst drunk than sober (basically, you can remember things better in the condition you learned them in. That includes memorising a list of words whilst drunk. Idk if this actually applies to muscle memory, but for the purposes of this, it does)
Nicky and Cassandra have conspired to test all of Terry Jr's romantic partners, because they are both of the opinion that he only deserves the best and shouldn't put time and effort into people who won't stick around. This includes, but is not limited to, Nicky full on making out with Terry Jr in front of them, and Cassandra walking out into the living room of her and Terry's shared apartment in only a bra and sweatpants. She then proceeds to introduce herself as Terry Jr's roommate, rather than his sister like she usually does, in such a way that she's not outright implying that they have a fwb relationship, just enough to test if they'll get jealous or properly talk to him about why he seemed so completely unphased about her walking around topless (the answer being that she does it often, and it's only a problem when he has friends over who are attempting to be respectful. Grant covered his eyes and dove under the covers the first time it happened, because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, despite the fact that she knows he's gay as fuck)
Terry Jr and Nicky have a very odd romantic friendship that everyone around them (which is admittedly just the other kiddads, Marco, Cassandra, and Rebecca) act like is completely normal, so occasionally Terry Jr just... Forgets? To tell his new partners about the fact that yeah, he and Nicky occasionally kiss and go on dates and by occasionally he means pretty much every week. Like, genuinely completely forgets that that's something he should mention because they might not be cool with essentially being in a polycule
Honestly, the entirety of the kiddads and spouses is like a QPR polycule
It is a frequent joke that Cassandra's initials can just as easily stand for Cassandra Stampler as Cassandra Swift. It is also a frequent joke that Terry Jr nicknamed Taylor angel, specifically for the irony of him being part demon. As a result, whilst legally Taylor's name is Taylor Alexander Swift, if you ask Terry what his initials stand for, he will without fail say Taylor Angel Stampler. Nicky is not impressed (he secretly finds it hysterical)
Terry Jr wants nothing more than for his friends/family to be happy.
Nicky and Cassandra's relationship was one that would have made a wonderful summer fling that ended naturally, but they both pushed it further than it was meant to live to try and show Terry that they were happy, so he wouldn't worry about them. The fact that Nicky whisked Terry Jr away during the wedding to make out with him should have been a big sign that this wasn't going to work out.
They were starting to file for a divorce, having mutually agreed that the type of relationship they were forcing themselves into wasn't working out for them, when they found out that Cassandra was pregnant. They halted the legal divorce and Nicky moving out, with the agreement to raise Taylor together for the first two years, and then have a 50/50 split of custody. Nicky was going to move back into Terry Jr's apartment when that happened (the betrayal happened before that could occur)
Cassandra often jokes that Terry Jr is more Nicky's husband than she is, since he was with him before, during, and after her
Terry Jr's preferred method of drinking water is not water with some ice cubes in it, but an entire glass of ice cubes with some water in it to stop them from sticking together due to the cold. Outside of sports, he's not good at remembering to hydrate, so he just crunches on ice instead
saw the notification for this , looked at , saw how much I needed to scroll , and immediately let out an absolutely delighted squeal hoLY SHIT ANON AHSJJWKDJND !!!!!! /pos
the terry/nick/cass polycule is something I never knew I needed but now refuse to live without, thanks <3333 truly the definition of this is my boyfriend and this is my boyfriends wife <33 Nick and Cass testing out all of Terry's partners is so fucking funny I love it , ALSO TERRY JUST . FORGETTING TO TELL PEOPLE HES BASICALLY DATING NICK EBJDJSKSKKSS they're just so silly and I will be Thinking™ abt them <333 but Terry meeting Cass before Nick did is actually so interesting to me , they are SIBLINGS your honor !! and the star nicknameee whahdjd 🥺🥺 I love them dearly <33 also the whole thing abt the skirts 🥺 Terry convincing the rest of his friends to wear skirts to support his stepdad 🥺🥺 and then him continuing to wear them ! AND THEN STOPPING ONCE RON DISAPPEARED WOSIHSJSJS 🥺😭😭🥺 plus the bit abt scary deciding that she wants to help Terry be comfortable wearing his skirts/dresses againnnn 🥺🥺 she cares abt him !!!! I just love all of this v much , ty anon I love you dearly<333
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butchladymaria · 2 years
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#bloodborne#not exaggerating when i say that even wearing PANTS was seen as an exclusively masc thing btw#there are Multiple cases of women literally PASSING AS DUDES by wearing pants. IN THE ARMY NO LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#this one lady who wore pants to farm was seen so outlandish it warranted public backlash#women were arrested for wearing pants and button-down shirts as recently as THE SIXTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i could go more into maria's outfit as a whole but the pants ALONE make her canonically masc By Definition in the historical context :)#if ur abt to be fucking stupid on this post im Just going to block u btw#having said that if anyone DOES have normal responses or questions i really love history and i have a lot of resources#comment/reblog/inbox/dm are all fair game <333#in case anyone was curious what my inbox looked like after making that post#most of these are direct quotes :) its just silly to me#like holy [citation needed]#if u want to know more!!!!#i love her so much and im really tired of (overwhelmingly cis) people literally being so insecure in their own gender#that they just start reinventing gender roles in my inbox!!!!!#and everywhere else they can get their hands on#i think some of yall need to realize that uhhhhhhh#butch lesbians seeing maria as a butch lesbian is not fucking '''''''tokenism'''''''''''' or whatever#that is Literally Not What That Word Means#but it may be worth examining why you are so upset by it?#or barring that........have some genuine curiosity about the history of gender.......because its really cool to research imo
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seagullcharmer · 8 months
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our only chance (the time is now)
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Tell me about jeeves and wooster like you're a car salesman (I want to get into it now because of you 🤝 just curious what to look for and where, share your mighty old man yaoi wisdom)
HELLO !! AAA tysm for the ask... id be delighted to give a rec to the ceo of old man yaoi herself lol, im putting on my best car salesman voice!! :D
okok so. this car is for you. i remember you mentioning that u like characters who are competent / good advice-givers / surrounded by idiots but arent leaders themselves, and this is jeeves in spades teeheee...
he and bertie wooster are from the series by P. G. Wodehouse set in the 1920s-1930s about this well-meaning dorky guy who keeps getting into trouble (thats bertie) and his amazingly competent valet (jeeves!!!!) - and their dynamic is amazing. it's a little more lighthearted than sheo/haskill or butler/craftsman i think but you may still like it :D
jeeves is so much more competent and intelligent than bertie but always has bertie's best interests at heart. they still have little spats over silly things, like bertie's ugly ties, so jeeves gets to have his prissy little "very good sir 😒" moments <33
the books (all free on Gutenberg) can be read in any order and the tv show episodes (all on Youtube) can be watched in any order :] so u can jump around to see what u like, but if i were to recommend a specific place to begin, it would be this wonderfully-edited video that sums up their dynamic, so u can see if it might be up ur alley:
if u wanted to start w the books id actually give an unorthodox rec which is the short story Bertie Changes His Mind, cos it's brief, it's the only story from the perspective of jeeves, and it offers so much insight into their relationship. and tbh its very gay and basically reads as though it was written by haskill
(^ me revealing the fact that that i got into J&W bc of haskill... the haskill-to-any-other-snarky-butler-character pipeline is so real. plus haskill and sheogorath have been compared to jeeves and wooster sooo <3)
OK THATS IT... thank you sm for the ask i got extremely carried away i just love these two fr <33
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starshine-valley · 1 year
Hey so since I’m a ShizuMafu stan. I would like everyone to consider…
Mage/Chosen one! Shizuku and Vampire! Mafuyu
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scatteredskittless · 2 months
Okayy so I’ve done something similar but I wanted to see it from someone else but it’s Creepy pasta room head canons !!! I don’t mind who you do but I would love to see Jack’s most of all !! Thank you <3
Creepypasta room headcanons
A/n: At the beach rn with family.. sighhh I hate the beach (._.) BUT I LOVE THIS REQUEST !!! LMK IF YALL WANR A PART TWO (^_-)☆
Includes: Jeff, Ej, Toby, BP and Nina :333
Warnings: None
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「 ✦ Jeff ✦ 」
🔪✮ MESSY ASS ROOM and it does NOT smell all that great tbh 😭😭
🔪✮ Has zero shame about it too, you come to hang out in his room he'll just kick stuff to the side and shove stuff off the bed casually.
🔪✮ Posters all over the walls, most of them are of bands he enjoys (He stole most of them 💀)
🔪✮ Jeff has a knife collection so he has a little setup for them :3
🔪✮ ALSO!!!! Side headcanon he fucking loves MSI (The song "This Hurts" by them is literally him chat)
🔪✮ There's a window in his room by his bed that you can use to get to the roof of the manor, it's actually got a pretty damn good view too
🔪✮ Has a mini fridge in his room beside his bed that has drinks in it
🔪✮ Mostly energy drinks and Pepsi with like, a singular water that'll never get drank.
🔪✮ Probably doesn't have sheets on his bed.. the mattress is full of mysterious stains
🔪✮ Musty BEAST (I love him)
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「 ✦ Eyeless Jack ✦ 」
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Jacks room doesn't smell all that great either.. he keeps all his organs to munch on and such in there.
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 There really isn't much there tbh, just the essentials to have in a bedroom.
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 A bed, a wardrobe, chair and a desk with an old computer on it..
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Oh and a few shelves with one big window that he usually keeps closed ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 His flooring is a grey-ish carpet and his walls are painted black
👁️‍🗨️𖤐 Kinda boring, ik 😭
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「 ✦ Toby ✦ 」
🪓☆ Chaotically clean room, bro is a maximalist to the extreme (^o^)
🪓☆ ‼️‼️ He yearns to collect ‼️‼️
🪓☆ there's a few shelves with trinkets he's collected over the years on them (≧ω≦)
🪓☆ Posters, banners, stickers, drawings and records littered eevveryywhere on the walls and ceiling of his room (maybe this is just projecting because thats witterly my room ☝️)
🪓☆ Has the glow in the dark star stickers on his ceiling for sure
🪓☆ His room is MUCH bigger than the other proxies, has everything he needs and more
🪓☆ I mean, he has a little couch in there that has a big stuffed animal on it and a bug blanket (His hyperfixation is bugs, if you couldn't tell /silly 🪲🪲 )
🪓☆ He spends a shit ton of time in his room because it's genuinely super cool
🪓☆ Has a Tv mounted on his wall in the corner !!
🪓☆ Oh and he has a guitar in his room that he l can't play, he just thinks it looks cool o_O
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「 ✦ Bloody Painter ✦ 」
🎨꩜ Don't mess with any of his shit without permission first and you'll be fine 🙏
🎨꩜ Has some of the normal (Ones that he doesn't use blood in, he keeps those safe.) paintings, drawings and sketches he's made on his wall behind his easel in the corner of his room :33
🎨꩜ I also think he likes to write!! So maybe some poetry is on his wall as well in that little corner ^_^
🎨꩜ Almost the entirety of his back wall is window which he loves
🎨꩜ HAS PLANTS !!!! 🌱🪴
🎨꩜ Has a nice desk to draw on with a comfortable chair. Theres a nice smelling candle on it with a few books and a lamp (●^o^●)
🎨꩜ Also owns the most??? Comfortable?? Blankets?? EVER????? Amazing textures, NO SHERPA <(`^´)>
🎨꩜ Has a drawer thingy dedicated to his art supplies (Which is also very organized, btw)
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「 ✦ Nina ✦ 」
🪱ᰔ Like holy shit it's so colourful ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
🪱ᰔ LOTS and LOTS of homemade stuff stuck on her walls along with various other things, there's stuff everywhere
🪱ᰔ Now you already know she owns a gir blanket and a gir backpack, like cmon (灬ºωº灬)♡
🪱ᰔ Collection of stuffed animals !! Some on her bed and some in a hanging net in the corner above her bed
🪱ᰔ Has LED lights and there's no windows in her room
🪱ᰔ Has a nice desk with a computer on it and trinkets, her keyboard lights up rainbow ☆´∀`☆
🪱ᰔ Her wardrobe and closet are FULL. She has like, so many cool clothes, belts and accessories
🪱ᰔ Convinced slender to let her paint her walls funky and cool !!
🪱ᰔ Soooo her walls are purple and she painted on with a smaller paint brush cheetah print all over them :3 (She's an icon and I love her dearly)
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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yurinaa-world · 3 months
Hellooo :D hope ur having a great day :))) btw di u mind if you do an aventurine with a s/o like shenhe? Like shes known for being canonically beautiful and people are wondering how aven pulled a baddie hehehehe thanks so much and keep yourself healthy <333
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Aventurine x Gender-neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a s/o that's like Shenhe
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, spelling mistakes
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Just like how everyone wonders how he even got with you, so does he think that as well? Under his cocky attitude and confidence is he feels himself getting cold feet when he’s with you. What is it? He doesn’t know either.
He just absolutely loves showing you off to everyone not as his trophy but as his lover that can’t be bought or taken from him, and incomparable to another mistress that others bring with them to show off.
He’s romantic whenever you're in public. Kissing your hand, or making you choose what to bet on—don’t be nervous about messing up, you always end up winning—because you're his dear lucky charm.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Why don’t you place a bet for me.”
“Huh? Me?”
He wanted you to place a bet instead…if you mess he’ll end up just losing his high bet! Other people at the gambling table just laugh at his decision while looking disgusted along with their mistress giving the dirtiest look with the attention you were taking off from them. 
“I’m fine I’ll just mess it up.” “No no, come on, play. You’re my pretty lucky charm, aren’t you? Pick a number to bet on.”
Looking at the stack of chips he was going to lose so easily, it all just makes you so nervous. He takes your hand and places a chip in it before closing it up for you with a confident look on his face—just give you some confidence. 
In your eyes, the safest option would be to bet black, at least it gives you a 50/50 chance to at least win. All the other men and their mistresses at the table just laugh, deciding to increase the money they are betting. 
“Your loss, gentlemen.”
You felt your heart drop a little when the silver coin spun around the various black and red numbers.
“I told you, you’re the prettiest lucky charm here.” You just stare wide-eyed at your winnings. While Aventurine was smiling up at you, taking your hand that had the chip in it and kissed your knuckles.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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averagetmntfan · 9 months
(yeah I copy pasted it from the other acc, don’t sue me)
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wassup! Finally, a master post! Am I right?
hi there! I’m Jayah! You can call me jj tho. I’m js here to post a bunch of fun art and maybe some animation stuff? And occasionally, fan fiction >:). I am GenderFluid, and I go by all pronouns. And my sexuality is lesbian!
and my lil gay ass miiiiiiight be possibly maybe simping for someone rn..?? (*cough* a literally drawing)
I also have 12 roleplay blogs! @leontheluxuriousone , @wrecking-it-raphie @gayass-blueberry-mugman, @bendy-the-dancing-doofus, @koi-the-cosplay-boy, @improv-master-mikey , @ask-miss-maple-leaf ,@blue-masked-simp , @mikey-the-magnificent , @no-ditches-no-bitches , @candy-for-the-win and @ask-olive-huchers
PLUS: @ask-adi-huchers @candy-for-the-win @neon-of-the-leon (new ROTTMNT leo acc) @ask-miss-maple-leaf @ask-christopher-harrison
my current hyper fixations are: rottmnt, tadc, TBT(trolls: band together/trolls 3), The great north, bobs burgers, the cuphead show, moon girl and devil dinosaur, amphibia, the owl house, tmnt 12, cuphead and mugman in General, KREW, poppy playtime, and a SHIT TON MORE-
btw I swear quite a lot on this, so if that isn’t ur thing, u should click off.
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and here’s my sona ref!
DISCLAIMER: please don’t send me werid asks, or gross inappropriate content. I’m a minor.
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100 DTIYS!
• FANART!!: •
Leo goober(@ghosty-0w0)
PRINCESS KOI FR (@mikey-rottmnt)
MY BABIES- (@allyheart707)
MY SONS<333 (@mikey-rottmnt)
The sand.
shopping day! (discontinued)
1 2 3
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The 4 servants Au:
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Chapter 1 (ongoing)
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 (currently on hiatus)
The 4 turtles work peacefully at a competing hotel with the battle nexus, with their beloved father. But one day, everything spirals out of control! And their worlds get flipped upside down! Follow Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey on the journey of a life time! And who knows, they might meet some friends along the way, or maybe more…
Pissed off peeps >:[
brace face!!
• FICS: •
Colour theory thingy sorta??
Leo being a dumb-dumb
what do the bros do outside of the hotel??
Mikey needs a hug
does raph break stuff often?
Do the bros like Lou Jitsu movies?
How do they feel about working there?
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Time beats a dead man
(Collab au w/ @mikey-rottmnt!!)
A silly cuphead and mugman au Abt uh..a lot of stuff. (Heavily inspired by babtqftim)
picky eater
get served! ..or, maybe later..
portals gone wrong!! 1 2 3
Secret admirer<3
the struggles of school
Is it salad?
• HC’S that are canon in this silly au: •
Cups and mugs (cups are not Canon)
How to hug the gang!!
Human mugs doodles
chip and Dale!!
Koi and mugs being gay
Rock paper scissors
• some lore: •
mugs lore
Hs! Mugs and euro…
Mug and cup lore
Main crews fav ice cream!!
cup lore (belongs to Ari)
Favourite drinks!
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(Coming soon..?)
“Small turtle, and even bigger problems.”
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
I'm nervousss, new to tumblr and this is my first interaction on here :{
I just love your writing sm btw and your characterization has taken over canon for me! dogcoded bucky for president okokk so im thinking from the "smut phrase/action prompt" list, buckbucky went out drinking, bucky and curt got rowdy and there was a fight, tensions are high gale's patience is wearing thin. soo drunk bucky got hurt and is trying to come to terms with his masochism. gale is patching him up and bucky is losing his mind. bucky is just staring slack mouthed as gale kinda reprimands and manhandles him around without asking. gale notices him going quiet and decides to tease him sorta as punishment. "spread your legs baby, thats it.. wider." and bucky is just gone with the pain, praise and humiliation. ok i have to go study but i hope you like the ask!
prompts | omg hello and welcome!! no need to be nervous i promiseeee, we're all equally deranged pals here >:) i'm so glad you made this your first interaction bc i LOVE this prompt/idea aaaasjdkg and thank u sm?! <333 dog coded bucky is everything to me :')) this got pretty long so i didn't set up much context past what you already wrote, but i hope this is what you had in mind! x
John’s head spins as Gale eases him onto the edge of his bed, body aching in protest. He decides, as he often does when the aftermath of his actions catches up to him, that the extra glass of whiskey and the previously–exciting fighting words had not been worth it.
“Head hurts,” he grumbles, and Gale glances down at him as moves to stand between his knees with a medkit, looking wholly unimpressed.
“I wonder why,” he says dryly, firmly pushing John’s hand away when he bats at Gale’s in an attempt to delay the inevitable sting of antiseptic. 
“Don’t need that.” John tries to pull away instead, but Gale’s hand finds the back of his head and pushes him forward with an exasperated sigh, and it’s clear he’s at his limit with his antics.
John likes caring, soft Gale, but this Gale? The one that snaps at him and pulls him around and takes control? It does something to him. And he’s sure it has something to do with his masochistic tendencies and his inclination to self–sabotage, but regardless of the reason, it has him squirming under Gale’s hands, further irritating him.
“Bucky–” Gale shakes his head and grabs his jaw, leaning in closer as he dabs at where the bridge of his nose had been split open by a mean right hook. He can’t help the way his face scrunches up at the sting, digging his fingers into Gale’s forearm but not daring to push him away.
“Fuck,” he hisses. It hurts in a really, really good way.
“Stay still,” Gale murmurs, gripping his jaw tighter, and a quiet whine climbs up John’s throat, feeling the dabs of the cotton pause for just a moment before Gale continues on.
The bruising ache, the firm hand on his face, the close proximity, and Gale’s flat commands are making his skin itch, heat rising to the surface as his mouth goes a little dry. He instinctively closes his legs around Gale’s sides to stop him from getting close enough when he goes to observe the deeper split above his brow, and Gale pulls back, levelling him with an irritated stare.
“John,” he says sternly, and he can’t help the way his face flushes, lips parting as he stares back. The corner of Gale’s mouth twitches, and something shifts in his expression, and John flinches when his hands find his knees, squeezing firmly.
“Something wrong?” The tone of Gale’s voice is different, a veiled challenge behind flat words, and John can only shake his head.
“No?” Gale tilts his head, letting his palms slowly creep up past his knees, holding John’s gaze. He can feel his pants growing tighter around his front, and it’s getting hard to keep his eyelids from drooping as he stares up.
Gale nods to himself, sliding his hands to the insides of his thighs, applying a little pressure.
“Why don’t you spread your legs for me then, baby?” He murmurs, and John’s cock twitches in his pants, the tips of his ears burning. He parts his legs easily when Gale slides his hands further up, pliant under his touch, gaze jumping from Gale’s lips to his hands and back up to his eyes.
“That’s it, good job,” Gale purrs mockingly, shuffling closer, the tone of his voice steely despite his praise. His fingertips brush against the crook where John’s thighs meet his hips, and a breathy noise escapes his lips, and Gale smiles dangerously, leaning down close enough that their lips almost touch when he speaks again.
“Wider, doll.”
John complies, breath catching in his throat when Gale closes the distance between them, the press of his body against his front as he reaches for the gauze enough to have his hips twitching forward involuntarily.
“That all it takes, John?” Gale asks as he leans in, getting to work cleaning away the dried blood above his brow. John barely flinches, too busy swallowing down an embarrassing groan, eyes locked onto Gale’s face.
“A simple instruction and you’re this worked up, hm?” The drag of the gauze stings, but John’s hands are on Gale’s hips and Gale hasn’t told him off and he doesn’t want to move and jeopardize that.
“Be good and stay still for me, and I’ll see what I can do about that,” Gale presses his thigh down to punctuate his bribe, and John’s mouth goes slack, a moan rumbling low in his chest. He’s certain Gale can feel how hard he is just from a few teasing comments, and his face is hot with embarrassment, yet he still can’t stop himself from rocking his hips forward into Gale’s thigh, whining when the friction drags just right.
“Makin’ such sweet sounds with that pretty mouth of yours,” Gale hums, smoothing out a bandage over his brow. “Maybe we can put it to use, too, if you behave.”
John thinks Gale may very well be the reason he goes insane one day, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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i don’t really see canon “the prank” to be “attempted murder” but i find the idea that wally & orion are proud of sirius for almost killing a half blood to be funny(or alternatively disappointed that snape didn’t actually die)
OKAY yeah uhh i have Thoughts on the prank. i dont think it was attempted murder either bc snape is pretty smart and sirius knows that, i think he assumed snape would catch sight of the werewolf and leave bc he got piss scared .
ummm yes so wally and orion right . obv parents get involved (snape's, sirius' & remus') (no one finds out remus is a werewolf though ofc) and sirius gets off scot free (basically scott free) because ykyk Black family and i hc he comes home that christmas (bc angst <3) and walburga's like awe my baby boy's finally coming back to me <333 good job on trying to get rid of that filthy half breed sweetie pie <3333 too reckless but it doesnt matter !! awe whyre you so sad youll get him next time ill help <33333
walburga is clinically insane btw
orion is just dreading seeing more of sirius but he's impressed but hes also a motherfucking DICK so hes just like . ofc you failed . stupid mf.
god i need sirius to punch the fuck out of him.
whateverr basically sirius wallows in the feeling of im just like them ☹️💔 & walburga is ENTHRALLED & orion is mildly impressed
oh and also random regulus thing hes worried bc sirius is Bitchy but hes also a bastard little brother so he just annoys sirius the whole christmas break but it actually works ! because sirius comes back to hogwarts and thinks GOD i hate them all 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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nulltune · 9 days
fgo ordeal call 3 spoilers!!! (ФωФ)
but also if You Know, and would like to interact with You Know Who (not voldemort okok but a Certain New Moon Cancer) then hmu.......
words cannot express the emotions i am feeling rn bc i have fr waited literal years (since high school to my last semester in uni… SNIFFLES) and i deadass still have my 500+ pulls saved for hakuno despite having no confirmation for playable hakuno at all back then LOL i just luvs hakuno kishinami…… a whole lot….. okok 😭🩷
im gonna be so real tho i'm only peeking in to see the hakuno parts bc that is how my brain functions 🚶‍♂️ and seems like this is a hakuno after all their development + 1000 YEARS OLD ⁉️ + knows abt the different routes/timelines from the extraverse…. probably going to be a bit different from my portrayal bc i've taken her before all that growth but i am a happy lil lynnie.!!!! hakuno's characterization has been so good 🥹 and fits how i've been interpreting their character :]
AND IT DOES KINDA FIT WITH HOW I'VE BEEN WRITING HAKUNO'S FGO VERSE..... i will be updating it Soon(TM) 🫵 so chaldea masters be prepared bc u might just be receiving a moon cancer from yours truly uwu 💖 but i will def be a bit canon divergent bc i . do not want to be extella-based at all VEKFJSKCJS (<- i am so excited for this alr tho bc give me scenarios of hakuno protecting ur muse. fighting together working together???? 👀✨️)
i will go so insane once hakuno is properly released because we will get their character profile and biography and dialogue and just!!! MORE STUFF ABT HAKUNO 😭😭🫶🫶 SUCH A W FOR LYNN NATION i'm waiting until then bc i wanna make sure i get the hakuno dialogue down pat.... and just make sure their character is consistent ububuu
so cute how hakuno's like a cool dependable senpai figure to ritsuka (fgo mc) in the event btw…….. but hakuno is hakuno so like . sbkvhsjfx
Hakuno: But you can't see inside because of the cake wall… If I could eat this and make a hole… Ritsuka: Hey, Kishinami Hakuno…! This is definitely a bad thing to eat!
GAP MOE 2 ME…….. 😭😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷
THERE ARE SOOOOOO MANY GOOD LINES AND MOMENTS THO. i have fr been screenshotting everything hakuno says bc i love it i love him i love her AUGHGHH,,, <333
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allieswithbenefits · 27 days
you can tell me your disability headcanons if you'd like! i like hearing about them :]
yay! okay
so i've told you about in stars and time i think well guess what i have disability headcanons for those guys :D
there's the main crew (sif, bonnie, odile, mira, and isa) and i have thoughts about all of them mostly mobility / disability aid thoughts rather than specific disabilities bc i drew them a while back
there's also loop and i feel weird (/neu) about them for system reasons but i might have thoughts about them too by the time i'm done with this!
sif: sif is canonically disabled already (he wears an eye patch) which is super cool and awesome! because sif = me and me = wheelchair user, sif is also a wheelchair user yep. they are very small so they def have a custom chair that fits him which he was able to get easily because i said so. sif has ptsd (canon). also sif is a system
bonnie: bonnie is autistic and nonverbal and they use a magical aac device which is the same as a normal one except it's isat so it's magical. they also wear the construction worker soundproof ear protector things
odile: odile is blind maybe low vision she uses a white cane and she is my bestie (odile <333)
mira: mira has a forearm crutch not sure if she uses it all the time but maybe. she is not above whacking people with it >:)
isa: isa has a prosthetic arm and he def doesn't wear it all the time. he worries that at some point sif will want a hug and he will give them a hug but it won't be as good without the prosthetic arm but sif does not think this. they communicate about it because they love each other. platonically. the arm is metal btw and his earrings are exactly the same color
loop: loop is also a system. this has nothing to do with sif being a system (lie lie lie). i've seen a loop schizophrenic headcanon i think and i vibe with that too <- is schizophrenic
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triple-starsss · 7 months
(sits on the floor and smiles joyously) hiii literally all ive been thinking about is this au hehe <333 been thinkin about the three hogs as rommates,,what do u think their dynamic would be n stuff? (as pairs or as a full trio, etc?) suuuper duper in love with everything youve been doing here btw GRAAHHH <sorry the demon escaped
THIS TURNED OUT WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED ABDSJDF i rambled alot B]. ALSO RAGHH THANK YOU!! kicking my feet and twirling my hair it genuinely makes me so happy knowing people love my silly, little, super self indulgent au <3
okay so i’ll start by saying Eggman pretty much just threw them into their apartment and told em “BOND”. Initially, they were a little awkward with one another and Sonic could NOT stand it, he was doing everything in his power to make this getting to know each other process QUICK. Silver was definitely the easier one to talk to out of the two, Shadow would often just give either of them a look (trust he wanted to say something but he’s socially awkward and REALLY isn’t used to talking to new people).
They start warming up to each other during their first song writing session, that’s when they find out they all listen to really similar music and start having a super clear idea of what they want the band to be. They end up finding out they all have A LOT more in common than they thought (none grew up with their birth parents, queer, then there's the obvious ones like all hedgehogs, names start with S, musicians ETC ETC ABSKDHD) they start wondering whether Eggman did this on purpose for some super intricate branding scheme (it was just coincidence).
ACTUAL DYNAMIC STUFF NOW ABSDJDF!! overall they LOVE to tease each other and argue over petty things (enrichment for them, also just a little homage to them being rivals in canon). Chaos is to be expected considering they have such distinct personalities and being 3 guys in their early to mid 20s living together. They do care for each other though, they admire one another's talents and tend fill in for each other's short comings when they need to (not without pointing it out first of course).
TL;DR they argue and act like siblings over the dumbest shit but they care for each other despite that!!!!
i might go into a little more depth with their pair dynamics some other time since there's some fun little things i wanna draw to accompany it BUT FOR NOW </33 THIS'LL DO
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intertexts · 2 months
OK HI. HELLO ROS <3 standing in ur doorway like this 🧍 listen i will read worm eventually i just have so much HAPPENING. ALL THE TIME RIGHT NOW. AND DONT HAVE THE TIME. and also jrwi has me in a chokehold u know how it b. ANYWAY. i need u 2 tell me as much about new haven wards as u can without like major insane spoilers for worm. little spoilers r ok. i watch/read everything with a few lil spoilers 2 look forward to anyway <3 i know nothing abt the universe of worm (<<has barely made a sizeable dent in it but god i will i prommy) but i wanna know what exactly nhw is about. how does the universe work. how do the powers work. what is the situation with the nhw how and why are they working together where did they all come from!! gimme the nhw lore!!! as much as u can!!!!! looking at u with the biggest saddest wettest eyes rn pls pls pls infodump abt nhw 2 me!!!!!!!! ros pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
HIII HI HI WHISKEY <333 UR INSANE FOR ASKING THIS. BTW. literally insane. grabbing u so hard by the shoulders there is a crazed look in my eye. anyway. FIRST i am tagging @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone here also!!!!!! bc it is his au as much as mine & i am NOT qualified 2 talk abt nhw mark n such. augh.
ok. ok. ok. new haven wards. putting the cut here.
so the basic movement of worm is that powers are from trauma. ridiculously simplified, but that's the base of it-- if you have superpowers, you have them because you went through traumatic events so severe to you specifically that it broke ur brain a little bit. the powers manifest in some way as a reaction to the traumatic scenario. (it is also more complicated than this. playing the spoiler card.) OR secret second option u put urself into indefinite debt to an extremely shadowy and ominous.... organization? person? shadow government branch? conspiracy? and get superpowers in a can, with like, a 10% chance they'll backfire and mutate u into some fucking terrible inhuman shit and then they'll completely memory wipe you and brand you and dump you off somewhere. not really relevant here. because the main way of getting superpowers is to be violently traumatized, cape society in worm tends to be grittier, more violent. there's more villains, the heroes are less shiny marvel or dc and more making whatever moral compromises they need to get the best outcome possible. at one point one of the main heroes in the city worm takes place in tells the sixteen-year-old protagonist "i don't care, there's a kill order out on them, just put a bullet in her brain if you see her, it's fine" and then a while later goes "yeah i'd vote for a kill order out on you guys too," directly to her face. worm is always going "hey, wouldn't it fucking suck if superheroes were real?". there are many horrifying and inhuman and violent threats. sexual and racial and physical violence aren't swept under the rug. these seventeen year olds are sent to crime scenes where flayed and gutted corpses are suspended from the ceilings because they're heroes! ^_^ but this aint about worm this is about the new haven wards!!!!! [wards are the child soldiers junior hero branch of the main syndicated/unionized hero organization, w/ placement in every major city alongside regional protectorate headquarters]
>key things for this au:
--william wisp changed his last name to bell when he moved to new haven (where his brother david lives :) and joined the wards, for another layer of anonymity ^_^ (he is. severely paranoid about his identity & privacy. <- also a Big and Heavy thing in worm/parahumans world. it's a Big Fucking Deal to unmask a cape regardless of their alignment)
-dakota never got the mechanical heart & biomedical augumentation so didn't meet mato cole at that time! he's still dakota damascus :]
-virion... idk why he's still virion & not vyncent actually. probably just because that was the name his parents gave him? we can't change it now though nhw virion & canon vyncent r two different guys to me...
-ashe is the unluckiest fucking guy in the world!!!
their powers are a little different from canon both bc of the ways powers work just being different frm how they do in pd & also because of the "they're always a reflection of the worst moment of ur life that you're just dragging around with you reminding you of it" thing. <333
wibby / whisperer is a breaker/shaker (<- power classifications meaning he has another form he shifts into, and also an area of effect] in his breaker form (crackling white-blue energy) he 1) can control how corporeal he is, or *how* corporeal he is, from "walks into the brick wall" to "doesnt notice there's a brick wall and goes straight through it", to "goes incorporeal to stick his hand in a guy's chest then resolidifies to instakill him" w/ some tradeoffs. & 2) shape/control energy manifestations in a fairly wide radius around him, where the power of the shaped energy is in proportion to the amount of recent death in the area-- if there's a ton of casualties in the area, he can do a lot more than he could in a peaceful small town in the middle of nowhere. the situation with his trigger event was him. growing up socially isolated and half convinced he was going crazy and everyone else Also thought he was fucking insane (deadwood is still haunted!! more haunted :]) for years & years + the loneliness + frustration + unsureness if he's actually the one just. losing it or if it's all really real + the constant feeling of being in danger, that the town is bad and malicious and out to Get you. anyway. he fell, take that as ambiguously as u do for that in canon, didn't die, but was severely injured & couldn't move. just laid there for maybe a day or so in the woods that wanted to kill him. anyway he triggered when he was found! the catalyst was not "the place that's been out to get me my entire life finally succeeded" but the helpless incandescent frustration of "actually nothing i ever do is going to make you understand. i've been trying for so fucking long to make you See It but you won't!!! you never will and you just think i'm crazy or stupid or making it up for attention even though it has such obvious fucking consequences and is manifestly Real!!" he was recruited to the wards by miss g herself, who was like hahahhahaa this kid could be a Really Fucking Big Problem if he doesn't have an eye on him!! ^_^ he never wanted to be a hero, and still doesn't, really, but he's terrified of accidentally hurting people & deadwood is like a weight around his neck and maybe things will be better if he just gets out of here. for a while they're not, of course. he just feels like. y'know. he's another sick thing that crawled out of deadwood, and his powers make that obvious. the way they interact with recently dead shit makes him sick!! living with david is awful-- a big, lovely, lonely high rise apartment, an older brother who barely bothers to speak to him, calls to their mom through the walls going "why is he here? why would you send him here? can he like, go anywhere else?"
virion sol / imprint is a trump (meaning his powers interact With other capes powers.) he can copy powers by touching other parahumans-- the copied power is just as strong as the original, whatever the original is, but he doesn't have an innate sense of how to use it; he can easily be overwhelmed or overstimulated by powers that involve a ton of sensory input, or accidentally loose cannon something he wasn't expecting and can't easily control. regardless, this is a fucking insane power to have. it's so cracked. like within the parahumans-- world, this is something so rare, especially being able to copy the full strength of the power. the very few examples in canon of something similar, the copied power is always inferior. his situation was similar to canon-- the greats were a team of independent heroes, & were like, extended family to virion. he grew up unpowered, but in the cape world-- so many aunts and uncles teaching him security, standard protocols, how to fight capes, how to run cape business and independent team business, how to handle guns and tasers and safely run background checks. y'know. a family's worth of professional knowledge. he never really wanted to be a cape, anyway, he was more than happy to do all the unpowered stuff at home that needed to be done. occasionally he came with them on patrol n stuff or snuck out to watch them. the greats' long term goal was prying out the lich, an extremely heavyweight warlord who had control over most of the city. virion's father struck a deal with the lich-- virion knows as little what the deal was For as he does in canon, but he double crossed the entire team. virion snuck along to the confrontation with the lich (setup) & watched his father turn & murder all of them. still not sure if he did it all himself or just watched as the lich's minions did it, but the way they knew all their weaknesses, how efficient and brutal and unexpected it was-- it was his dad feeding the information. virion stays frozen in shock and horror & hidden during all of this. can't do anything to help. is fucking useless, despite all he knows and has done. for the first time in his life, he wished he had powers, that ram and min and everyone could have taught him how to have and use their powers like they taught him everything else. he triggered watching it all happen. after this, he went on the run, terrified that someone would Know that he saw, that they'd be coming for the loose ends, that his dad would come back for him. all he has of his family is a couple piecemeal things he could grab before he ran-- ram's favorite revolvers, a holy medal of alphonz's, some of his mom's sturdy jewelry. anyway, he ran, moved to a different city, new haven. started figuring out his powers, started targeting specifically other capes who were up to bad shit-- minor to mid league villains, the occasional local hero who would Look squeaky clean, but after their sudden death dirty secrets would come out, etc. all very low-key, very subtle. none of the disappearances or deaths looked related. during this period he is SO fucked up. he is so fucked in the head. he's incredibly hypervigilant and paranoid and jumpy (good at looking unbothered and still clocking every single sound and movement and always facing doors and windows), mired in the grief and guilt and horror at. watching his entire family slaughtered and life shattered in a night. sleeps for no more than two hours or so at a time. even on top of the lich and his dad... what he's been doing puts an even bigger target on his back. doesn't have time or heart for anything but the dirty work. is dissociating through the periods of time where he's not actively hunting someone down or on the job. silhouette is the one who puts the pieces together-- of course he's on the protectorate (hero organization) radar. sure he's only been targeting bad guys, but how clean each one was? how well covered they all are? how whoever this is has allegedly killed at least almost two hands' worth of capes in cold blood by now? sets off alarms, if you're looking!!
anyway, silhouette tracks him down, says hey, i know who you are, i know what happened. you're just a kid. you join us, and you'll gain the resources and skill to be able to get revenge. aren't you tired of running? now... virion took to this fast and well when he did, but. before it all, he was just a teenager. despite the family business, he was just some guy! he helped his mom cook and got help with schoolwork at the kitchen table and his cool aunts took him out for lunch. he never wanted this or expected it. and of course he doesn't trust the heroes farther than he can spit, but... it's something. it's better than this. anything has to be better than the way he's driving himself into the ground. & also, of course. if silhouette can find him. anyone else who's looking for him can too. (i don't think he's even registered on the radar of anyone. his dad didn't actually survive the lich, obviously, & he was the only other one who really knew abt virion + nobody knew he triggered. he's just. so fucking paranoid.)
dakota damascus / failsafe is a thinker/mover. he 1) has a precognitive sense of any pain that anyone in a radius around him will feel in the next short amount of time. this is-- varyingly difficult to block. he can't just Choose not to feel it, although the intensity of the feeling, again, varies. mostly proportionally to how severe the pain actually is, or how many people are hurt, but, with time, he can dull or sharpen it + follow the threads of it to discern Who exactly is in pain, rather than just an ambient sensation. 2) is VERY fast & has matching enhanced cognitive speed. these two abilities work SO good together, both in combat situations & also just day to day patrolling. man. i love dakota. anyway, he triggered young-- he was out with his parents (maybe 7/8) and they got caught in an attack by siberian-- a genuinely indestructible, incredibly powerful villain who can just,,, run her hand through a concrete foundation like it's butter & collapse buildings, or scoop out peoples insides in a heartbeat. and also likes to eat people, like, raw and bloody after dismembering them. whatever level of ultraviolent shocking horror u are imagining. double it. anyway. they got caught in the scene of this attack, dakota got separated from his parents in the panic and stampede and rush to get out-- he's seven! it's terrifying levels of panic and claustrophobia and people shoving and trampling and he's not gonna leave without his parents!! of course not!! he triggers from the fear and the disorientation and the panic & he can't find them & he's trying to fight the crowd but he barely comes up past their knees & there's awful sounds of fighting & he's close enough to see her... things are doubly disorienting with the echo of the agony from everyone who gets Fucking Siberianed. he sees most of the fight. um. a while after she's driven away and it's finally finished he finds what's left of his parents. there's a beat in worm, during an encounter with siberian and the Big Heroes, the prime force equivalent, where they just.. give her a victim to chew on because it makes her happier and less of a nightmare to fight. which is something i think about frequently. anyway, after this things are kind of loose, similar to canon. he does the same shit. it's also quieter and you can feel less people hurting the higher up u are. yk? OH GOD. YEAH. at some point after this we still have not hammered it out. he confronts the slaughterhouse 9 (the supervillain group that attacked/siberian is part of) about it & gets his face slit open (half chelsea smile style) & makes a deal to either kill a guy in [n years] or that guy will kill him & several hundred other people!!!!!!!!!!!! dakota damascus killing a man baked into the bones of nhw!!!
anyway he & cat still fell. he underwent a second trigger event when this happened, actually-- the panic and desperation of that situation + the way it echoed his first trigger, etc. this is also super fucking rare, btw. there are very few second triggers & it is almost Never good. (u cannot trigger more than twice + a second trigger is always a refining or an improving of the intent of the original trigger) so that's where the speed etc. came from. tide found him, gave him. a better support system (low bar!!) + a real purpose in joining the wards. i have a lot of feelings abt this.
ashe / auxiliary / muse is also a shaker/breaker!!!!! his backstory i cannot talk too much about because it is Big Spoilers. but he is a fucking powerful telekinetic (around when he joins the wards, having not really used his power in years, he has an upper weight limit of a couple times his body weight & a fairly large radius of effect). he also has a breaker form that only triggers in certain situations & if he really really pushes himself to breaking w/ his powers-- when he enters it, he loses lucidity, for the most part, & starts warping and stretching and breaking space-time in strange, dreamlike ways-- the pavement melts, or everything gets bouncy, or cars and concrete chunks and things with no business moving float slowly around like balloons, or he pulls and crumples reality to move without really moving.... it gets Real fucking bad, real fast. ANYWAY. he eventually sneaks out one night, walks to a gas station to get. snacks. it-- okay, i'm fucking linking mac's post, i CANNOT summarize all of this concisely. go read that. so. that's ashe's deal!!!!!!!!!
SO. YEAHG. THATS. THATS THE MOST OF IT. um. yeah. theyre a dreadful little polycule they are. So fucking clingy they r traumabonded. like little trembling chihuahua puppies. separation anxiety and all. virion and dakota share a comfy old victorian house in a suburban neighborhood maybe a fifteen minute walk from the protectorate hq. wibby starts out living w/ david and eventually just... all his stuff moves over to their place. their clothes r all mixed up they know each others blood types they're all sleeping together on the couch. eventually their house gets blown up. they all get various flavors of nightmare & are 1 million shades of debilitatingly mentally ill but like-- it works. they r good for each other. theyre good together. do not separate them. etc. i'm not even gonna fucking START talking abt their dynamics other than that but like. i mean. if you want a repeat of THIS u can always ask!!!!!!!
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talknerdytome18 · 4 months
I've been thinking about AGGGTM ships again. This series isn't meant to be ship heavy (as it should be, because I barely survived the shipping madness from HSMTMTS) but I love writing about both the canon + non-canon couples. So I've decided to talk about ships I've seen for AGGGTM in this post because I have uni assigments due and I wanna procrastinate.
Disclaimer: These are just ships I've seen on Instagram or Twitter. My opinion is my opinion and if you don't like it, then just move on. This is only gonna be non-canon pairings so don't expect PipRavi or JamieNat here (because I ship those and this is only about non-canon pairings).
Pippa Fitz-Amobi/Connor Reynolds: eh... I can kind of see it. I see it in the sense of them being childhood crushes that fade in a week. Connor did canonically have a crush on Pip in book 1 that faded after book 1 (it wasn't mentioned again). They wouldn't have anything long-term as they're better off friends.
Jamie Reynolds/Stanley Forbes: This ship has four fics on AO3 and I've actually enjoyed them. I'm personally more of a JamieNat shipper but this one is pretty cute. I see it as Stanley being Jamie's bi awakening (I hc Jamie as being bi). They'd be cute if you know... Stanley didn't die.
Ant Lowe/Connor Reynolds: UH NO FUCKING WAY. Even if we're going based off book 1, they'd still be awful because of how Ant acted in the series. He was so disrespectful towards Connor when he pulled that prank in Kill Joy, knowing that they were running on limited time. He's also so nasty towards Connor in Good Girl, Bad Blood when Jamie went missing. I can't even imagine these two working out in an alternate timeline because I fucking despise Ant Lowe. Fuck Ant Lowe I hope Jamie beat his ass when he found out about how he treated Pip and Connor during his disappearance.
Cara Ward/Lauren Gibson: I really like this ship! I'm still not Lauren's biggest fan (she reminds me of a former friend), but I think the show might change that since Ant's not there. Asha and Yali have lovely chemistry from what we've seen in their posts. I also feel like Lauren having a sapphic arc would be better than that Ant/Lauren nonsense. Seriously, wtf was that???
Zach Chen/Connor Reynolds: YES YES YES YES. If you follow me, then you know how much I love this ship (I created their AO3 tag btw). They would be so cute together! I kinda feel like Connor had a little crush on Zach in the book (he was acting pretty secretive about where he was after the memorial in ggbb. Like dude, nobody cares if you were playing Fortnite with Zach. Is there something else you're not telling us???). I would love for them to make them canon in the show (especially since Zach is there... and why would you add him but cut Ant?), but it's unlikely.
Pippa Fitz-Amobi/Max Hastings: EWWW DISGUSTING. IF YOU FUCKING SHIP THIS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU WEIRDO 🤮 (Yes, this is a real ship I've seen when looking through the ship tags on ao3 😭).
That's all I can think of. Some of these were fine... except Ant/Connor and Pip/Max. Anyways bye! - Em <333
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buggiethedrag0n · 1 month
HAIIIII my new reference sheet 4 any1 who wants 2 draw meee :333
Tumblr media Tumblr media
i have way more outfits than just these 2 but i dont have the energy 2 draw that much lololol
the raccoon tail patterns that go infront of my chest are fake hair extensions btw :)) i have a lotta different ones
ANYWAYYYYYY the rest of mah info under the cut :33 !!!!!!!
Full name: Bugthing (you don’t get to know my last name 😁)
Aliases: Bug, Creature — Buggie (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Species: Concept Dragon (Fire, Type 3) / Angel (Type 4) hybrid
Planet of Origination: The Concept Universe / ‘The Void’
Age: I’m not telling you that. (OOC: usually it depends on which universe i throw him it but i typically characterise him as my age. which makes him a minor.)
Height: 8’9”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as transmasculine & xenogender
Pronouns: He/Him/His, Xey/Xem/Xeirs/ It/Its/Itself, They/Them/Theirs — Blood/Bleed/Bloodself, Gore/Gory/Goreself (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Sexuality: Solian, fictosexual, fictoromantic (i use the term aroace in conversations tho, its easier :3)
S/O: None. Technically. Unless you count my F/Os (that being Galacta Knight, Holly/THK, Moonjumper, and Shamura)
Family: Parents, brother, a number of cousins (and technically that one fankid i made for me n holly named Moggie but. They’re not canon.)
I’m an artist and fanfic author, and Nebbie’s assistant as a newly ascended Creator entity!!!!
Buddies with uhhhh God :))) (or Jesus ig but her name is Yk here. I call her Nebulis/Nebs/Nebbie tho. Bc we’re friends :3) (he uses all prns btw)
Bc of my fun powers and rights as Nebbie’s assistant creator I get to travel to whatever universes I feel like. Both to make sure everything’s going well and nobody’s broken the space time continuum and also to hang with my favs.
I like to call myself a Nice Boy(TM) but thats only really to my friends/family (not including my brother because I fucking hate him). I can get REALLY mean when I’m upset/if i don’t like you. But yeah I’m usually pretty ok!! Not the best person out there but at least I’m not a bigot lol. SPEAKING OF BIGOTS a lot of my very outward “”””cringe”””” behaviour is from me just being comfy in my own skin and pissing ableists off On Purpose bc I find it funny (it is).
I’ve lived in the Concept Universe/Void my whole life, but I tend to wander off to various universes both for My Duty(TM) and also I Like The Characters. I was first given the opportunity to leave the Void when I was abt 8 I think? My good buddy/auntcle figure Xephyr asked me and my brother if we wanted to check out what ppl were doing down there (with Nebs’ and our parents’ permission ofc), and we agreed. I’ve never been normal since (that’s a good thing though).
I don’t USUALLY do fighting stuff (unless I’m in like a COTL variation universe or something) but when I do I usually just use fire. I might be a pyromaniac. Which is concerning because I have fire magic and can easily commit arson. Yeag :)
Hex codes
(Not including the bracelets or hair extensions)
Body/both fits or smth:
#0E0E0E — Horns / Burns / Burnt feathers / Fit 1 base
#0400B4 — Iris
#D80000 — Tail tip
#FFB7A7 — Blood / Blush
#F8D7CF — Scars / Wing webbing
#EBE6E6 — Freckles
#FAFAFA — Skin
#FFFFFF — Teeth / Talons / Septum piercing gems / Glasses lenses
#F7FBFF — Sclera
#F2F2F2 — Hair / Feathers (the ones that AREN’T scorched)
#F9DEBF — Halo star / Light magic things 2
#F3B16D — Halo / Light magic things 1
#000000 — Nose / Septum piercing / Fishnets (alt fit) / Glasses frame
Usual fit:
#0F0F0F — Belt base
#910000 — Fit accents
#C40000 — Belt accents
#BEBEBE— Belt buckle
#3A2222 — Socks (ignore the fact that this isn’t in the ref image plsss)
Alt fit:
#161616 — Shirt base
#2E2E2E — Shorts 1
#464646 — Shorts 2
#CCCCCC — Belt buckles
#DFDFDF — Belt 1 studs / Chains / Choker & cuff spikes
#F3F3F3 — Shirt pattern 1 (anarchy symbol)
#81FF5A — Shirt pattern 2
#FF5AEC — Shirt pattern 3
#FA0000 — Cuff / Choker
Funny Rainbow Checker Belt (gets its own section bc SO MANY COLOURS):
#D70000 (red)
#D76D00 (orange)
#D79200 (orange-yellow)
#D7C000 (yellow)
#65D700 (yellow-green)
#00D73E (green)
#00D7BD (teal)
#009ED7 (light blue)
#0034D7 (dark blue)
#5300D7 (purple)
#7200D7 (purple-magenta)
#B600D7 (magenta)
#D700B7 (pink)
#D70065 (pink-red)
Socks (again, its own section bc too many colours):
#FF6690 (pastel red)
#FF9997 (pastel red-orange)
#FFB881 (pastel orange)
#FDFFA7 (pastel yellow)
#84BCFF (pastel blue
#9C84FF (pastel purple)
#A210FF (magenta)
(istg if you draw any nsfw of me ill devour you)>🐜
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