#this is all i can make out from the shadowy photo
jamieedlund · 2 years
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✨You said I'm a kid
My ego is big
I don't give a sh*t~✨
Guardian angel
But who is whose 👀
Or what I'd like to call 'when you know the creepy gremlin is actually an extremely beautiful man so you're bias.'
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House llll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: This one is a bit short but I'm starting something and I hope you guys like it.
Word Count: 8,831
Warnings: angst again? but not bad.
Part One HERE.. Part Two HERE.. Part Three HERE.. Part Four HERE..
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(Thank you for the gif @lightningcrashes)
The Johnsons Prison Facility loomed over Eddie, the same shadowy feeling he always used to get when visiting. 
Back then, when Wayne had brought him, Eddie had refused to take the man’s hand. His father hated when Eddie held into his mom and uncles hand, used to say it made him look like a baby. 
He always wanted to make it seem like he was tough, and maybe…. Just maybe his dad would be proud of him. 
But then he grew into his teen years and Wayne stopped coming, too disgusted by his brother, so Eddie was left to deal with his father by himself. And in his teen years Eddie was still trying desperately to get his dads attention but he was more at ease thanks to Wayne. 
Now? He held Motleys hand as she stood by him staring up at the building. In her arm she held her school folder with all the research needed for this family tree. 
With Eddie’s help, and your information, she decided she would fill in Billys side. And she would add Eddie’s side. 
“You ready?” He asks, clearing his throat. 
“Are you?” 
“If you’re here with me? Always.” He smiles and leads her in. They sign in, putting all their belongings in the bin including his rings. When the officer stops Motley she is forced to put her grandmothers ring in the bin, still on the chain Eddie had made for it. 
“It’ll be fine here kid.” The officer smiles. “He used to do that too.” 
Johnson’s prison facility was 2 hours away from Hawkins, and they had three main cops that have been here since Eddie had started coming. 
He leads them to the cafeteria where 4 guards stand and Eddie takes a seat, keeping Motley pressed into his side as he waits for them to bring in his dad. 
10 minutes go by and then he’s there, handcuffed and smiling from ear to ear as Robert Munson is brought to the table. 
“Edward.” He greets, waiting for the officer to cuff him to the table. He grunts in pain when the officer tightens it a little too much, glaring up at him. “Hey man. Think you can take it easy? That's my granddaughter there.” 
“How did….” Eddie begins to ask. 
“Wayne called me a couple days ago. Warned me about how I needed to act. My little fucking brother calling me to tell me to respect my own fucking son and-“ He stops when he sees Eddie’s glare, turning instead to the girl sat beside him. “What’s your name sweetie?” 
“Motley.” She smiles. 
“Jesus. Still into that rock music bullshit? You named your kid after them?” He laughs. 
“He didn’t name me. My mom did.” Motley answers quickly. “She named all of us.” 
“How many of you are there?” 
“Wow. Someone has stayed busy.” He chuckles, casting a side eye to Eddie. “You let her name all four?” 
“The first two I wasn’t there for. The last two I figured she spent 7 hours pushing my boys out that she should get the naming privileges.” Eddie mumbles, tapping his knuckles on the table. 
“You weren’t there for the first two?” 
“No. I didn’t meet them until Metalhead here was 6.” Eddie smiles at Motley, pushing his head to her forehead which makes her laugh. 
“So she’s not yours?” 
“She’s mine. She just didn’t come from me.” Eddie says defensively. “Kind of like Wayne and I.” 
He watches as his comment sinks in, the man’s face falling a bit as he stares at Eddie before nodding slowly. “You got a picture?” 
Motley nods, opening her school folder to pull out the most recent family photo. 
Eddie stood in the photo, dressed in a button up and slacks with his hair pulled back into a low bun and you beside him in a nice outfit. Motley stood in front of him, smiling from ear to ear in her own dress with her long hair curled and her newly pierced ears shown. Ziggy stood beside her holding your hand with her hair in pigtails and a dress that cost you three pancakes to get her to wear it. The boys were both in their cute little baby ties, one in your hands and the other sitting on Wayne’s lap. 
Wayne sat in the middle, Halen giggling widely as everyone smiled and you could see the happiness in Eddie’s 
“Wow. Look at you guys.” His dad murmurs, nodding awkwardly. “That’s a….. you got a good family Wardie.” 
“Wardie?” Motley asks looking up at Eddie. 
“It’s what he used to call me. Way back when I was growing up.” 
“What’s all this for?” He asks, waving his hand to all her papers. 
“I’m doing a family tree and I have some questions. If you would be okay answering them.” 
“I got…. An hour with you guys so let’s get it done.” He smiles. 
The next 40 minutes he talks to Motley about the family, and about his mothers side of the family. Once Motley answers all her questions she closes the folder and stares at him dead on. 
“I just wanted to say….. my dad is one of the best. He didn’t have to stay but he did and he’s made my life better. He’s a good man. You should know that.” And Eddie has no clue what to say, neither does his father. Both just blinking at her for a moment as she packs up her folder before shuffling to give him a side hug. 
Eddie gets protective, standing quickly as Robert tries to hug back but the cuffs prevent it. “It was nice meeting you.” 
“You as well.” She smiles before moving to follow the guard out. 
“Edward. If you would wait just a moment.” His dad sighs, and Eddie sits back down. “I…. I think you’re a great man. I always knew you would be and I’m sorry if I- not if. I’m sorry that I treated you the way I did and constantly hurt not only your physical health but your mental health. I’m sober and I’ve come to realize how bad I was.” 
Eddie nods, he doesn’t really know how else to respond to that. 
“I…. Well I miss you, and my brother. They have family visitation in April and I…. It would mean the world to me- but you don’t owe me anything- if you brought your family. I could make ‘em little wooden sculptures. I’ve gotten good at those.” 
“I…. I’ll talk to my wife about it.” Eddie nods. And then Robert is nodding his head to the guard at the door who brings over a small little ornament carved out of wood, a bat. 
“Last time I saw ya I saw your bat tattoos. We have shop here so I made that.” 
“Thank you.” Eddie nods. “Means a lot.” 
“And slowly, with each step rattling the ground beneath the travelers feet, the goblin king was upon them!” Eddie narrates with an excited look in his eyes, making the entire table sit on the edge of their seats. 
The party; Lucas, Erica, Mike, Dustin, Gareth, Jeff, and Paul; had collected at the house and Eddie had stolen the dining room for the night and banned the girls from entering or interrupting the campaign the party had been trying to schedule for months. 
They obviously started off butt hurt but once you told them you’d let them eat dinner in front of the tv they had gotten more excited about it. 
So you had made dinner, and got them set up as Eddie began his campaign. 
You sat with the kids on the floor, working on a crossword puzzle as the girls kept their eyes glued to the screen. 
Here’s the thing, Eddie told the girls they couldn’t come in but he never exclusively said the boys couldn’t come in. So when Ozzy emerged at the door Eddie gave him a warning look that said ‘back away’ and it always used to work in school. Jocks used to back away from the lunch table easily and theater kids would dash from the drama room quickly. 
But Ozzy? Nooooo. Ozzy liked to cause problems and fight against the punishment. 
He smiles at his dads warning look and gets a little further in the kitchen as Eddie tries to concentrate on the campaign. “And with an angry roar he reaches a heavy fist out to slam against the ground and ‘BAM!’-“ Eddie slams his fist on the table. 
“Bam bam!” Ozzy repeats, hitting the fridge like Eddie had hit the table. 
“Yeah dude. Get into it.” Jeff smiles. 
“The goblin hits the ground so hard the earth begins to crack and tear beneath you travelers! What will you -Ozzy no.” Eddie doesn’t have time to react as his son dashes to the table and sticks his grubby little toddler fingers out to snatch Paul’s little figurine. 
“Hey! Eddie that thing stole my-“ Paul begins whining. 
“That thing is my son so watch your mouth.” He warns before snapping his fingers at Ozzy. “Give it.” 
Ozzy doesn’t, and when Paul reaches for him he screams out and shakes his head. “NO NO NO!” 
“He doesn’t like to be touched.” Eddie explains. 
“Don’t touch him.” Lucas snaps. 
“Well he-“ and then it happens. Ozzy pulls his hand back and chucks the goblin straight into Paul’s face so hard Eddie gasps. 
“OW YOU LITTLE FUCK!” Paul yells, covering the spot leaking with blood. 
You appear in the doorway then, eyes wide as you reach for Ozzy. “I’m sorry guys.” 
“Can’t you keep control of the kids?” 
“Don’t. You. Dare.” Eddie sneers, finger in his face. “Dude we’ve been planning this night for months and we all have to work around your schedule with your kids. This is insane!” 
“Hey. Erica and I have a newborn so it was us too.” Dustin defends, standing up. “And Lucas has away games and Mike is busy with his internship. Gareth owns a bar and Jeff is taking care of his mom. Not all of us have all day and night Paul.” 
“Guys. I’m sorry. I’ll get a washcloth for your face and set the baby gate up. Okay? Just get back to your game.” You try, pulling Ozzys hand to lead him out. 
“ITS NOT A GAME!” Paul snaps and Ozzy whirls back. 
“No yell Mama!” He yells, dashing around the table. Eddie already moving to catch him but before he can Ozzy hits Paul straight in the crotch. 
“Oh! Get him Ozzy!” Mike laughs as Eddie lifts his kid by the back of his shirt and pulls him away.
“No yell mama!” Ozzy repeats himself which pulls Ziggy and Motley into the room. 
“Who yelled at mom?” 
Ozzy answers his older sisters question by pointing straight at Paul. 
“Don’t yell at my mom!” Motley snaps and Ziggys face gets red. 
“Eddie. Get your kids man.” 
“YOU’RE AN UGLY BLOWFISH!” Ziggy shouts. 
“PEPPERONI FACE!” Motley adds. 
“And you stink!” Mike helps, smiling from ear to ear. 
Paul collects his stuff angrily, cussing under his breath on the way out before slamming the front door harshly. 
“Anyone else want to go?” Eddie asks. “Cause I love you guys but my kids and wife are more important. So if you have a problem with them then go.” 
Everyone looks around at each other and shrugs, getting comfortable again as Eddie sets Ozzy down. The girls move over to kiss his cheek before dashing back to the tv. 
“I do have dessert cooking guys.” You mumble, still obviously awkward as you try to reach for Ozzy. He moves away and struggles to get onto Paul’s empty seat. 
Eddie watches as he gets settled, his face just meeting the table. 
“No Ozzy.” 
“Yes Ozzy.” His son argues. Jesus he looked just like Eddie. 
“Oz, come on. I’ll put on Scooby.” You try again and he shakes his head. 
“I’m cool if he stays.” Gareth smiles, shrugging. “He seems to be really into it” 
The rest of the table agrees and you nod, looking to Eddie to make sure. 
“You can stay. But no throwing anything.” He orders and he knows that Ozzy didn’t actually hear a word as he giggles. 
You move to leave to the living room but Eddie stands quickly to catch you and give you a deep kiss. 
“Enjoy your g….campaign.” You smile, heading back out with the girls and Halen. 
Once Eddie starts again Ozzy stays seated which is extremely odd for the toddler, and everytime Eddie makes an over dramatic sound Ozzy repeats it. 
Every “Bam” is met with a “bam bam!”, and every “boom!” Is quickly followed by a “BOOOOM!” and the party seems to love it. 
Lucas lets Ozzy roll for him, laughing every single time he rolls a Nat 20 to Dustin’s measly 1’s. 
And suddenly Ozzy was there every week to watch them play. 
(Let me tell you. Eddie’s kids stand on BUSINESS) 
The day you both took them to get their vaccines was filled with tricks and lies. Your good parents, you knew how this game was played. 
The agreement was if they all behaved during their doctors appointment then they could all get a toy and an ice cream cone. 
So they all piled into the car and played nice until you got to the doctors office. Then to make things easier the doctor pulled you all back and you planned on it being easy. 
But of course it wouldn’t be easy because the kids saw the needle. 
“No no no no no.” Motley begs, her face pressed into Eddie’s abdomen as he keeps one hand on her head to keep her there and the other rubbing her back gently. 
“Breathe. It will be okay. Just a second.” He promises, watching the needle go in and holding his breath as Motley tenses with tears sliding down her face. 
Ziggy cries, Halen and Ozzy crying too as the doctor congratulates Motley and sticks a bandaid over her arm before handing her a lollipop. 
She glares, still crying as she mumbles out “you’re mean,” to the poor doctor and hopping off the table. Eddie gives her another hug, kissing her head before you’re bringing Ziggy up to the table. 
She kicks out and screams as you try and relax her, and Eddie does what he did for Motley and shoves her face in his abdomen so she doesn’t have to look. 
“Come on Zigs. You got this.” He whispers and the doctor pushes the needle into her arm. She cries out, and once the needle is replaced with a bandaid she is far less forgiving than her sister. “Bitch.” 
“Heyyyy.” Eddie warns, helping her off the table to replace her with Halen. 
The youngest was surprisingly calm. He whines out at the pinch of pain but the second he has a transformers bandaid on he is distracted and easy to woo. 
Ozzy however was not having it. He fought you getting onto the table and he fought Eddie trying to hold him. Finally it got to the point where Eddie had to hold his arms down just for the doctor to go ahead and once it was done and Eddie thought it safe to let go your son took a swing on the doctor. 
It hits her in the cheek and Eddie is apologizing immediately as she laughs it off mumbling that it’s not the first time. 
You snatch him from the table and pull him out of the room as Eddie continues to apologize, the doctor just waves him off and laughs. 
The car ride is silent as you and Eddie both try to figure out what to say. You had reached the point with Ozzy where he wasn’t listening to your warnings or lectures but neither of you wanted to hit him. So you didn’t know what to do. 
“That’s it.” You snap, unbuckling quickly and bending to snatch his arm from the seat behind yours and biting down hard enough to make him cry out before pulling back. 
“That hurt?!” 
“YES MAMA!” He screams. 
“Good! No more hitting or biting or kicking!” You yell back. “And everyone but you gets ice cream because you’re a mean baby!” 
“Yes! Now shut the hell up and think about what you did!” Adrenaline is coursing through you and you already feel bad for yelling at him but you turn to face the front and see Eddie trying his best not to laugh. 
“You just bit our kid.” 
“That’s not a kid. That’s a villain.” You snap. 
“Think you can bite me sometime?” He teases and you try not to laugh as you look out the window. 
“I think I can make something happen.” 
And when Eddie pulls into the ice cream parking lot the other kids all jump out, Halen being grabbed by Eddie as you move to the back to sit with Ozzy. 
“Mama please.” 
“Mama…. Pwease!” He whines, eyes filling with tears. 
“You were bad Ozzy. Very bad.” You mumble, reading your book as he pouts and cries. There is a knock at the window and you crank it down to greet your husband. 
“Wanted to make sure it was going okay in here.” 
“That’s why I sent you in because you cave in too easily.” You sigh, seeing the puppy dog eyes of your husband. “Eddie, he needs to learn.” 
“But he’s so young and he-“ you start rolling the window back up, with a roll of your eyes. 
“Wait wait. Fine. Okay? He was bad.” Eddie sighs. “But that’s our little man! Look at him.” 
You don’t want to because you know you’ll be met with the spitting image of your adorable husband. 
“Just…. Come on baby.” Eddie whines and you roll your eyes again. 
“I sowwy!” Ozzy sniffles and you feel yourself break under pressure. 
“He’s sowwy.” Eddie coos. 
“F-fine.” You sigh, moving to unbuckle him and get out of the car. “But I swear-“ 
Eddie is grabbing him already and you go to sit where the rest were sitting, watching Eddie take him to the counter to choose an ice cream. 
When they come back Ozzy moves to sit in your lap, which shocks you because he normally hates that. 
He keeps the side of his head on your chest as he eats the ice cream and you’re able to read as Ziggy talks Eddie’s ear off about how brave she was. 
“You were brave. All my dorks did so good.” He smiles, leaning to sneak a gummy bear out of her ice cream. 
“Daddy!”  She whines but he sticks out his tongue which makes her stick out her tongue. Halen tries but he had a mouth full of chocolate ice cream so Eddie is quick to tell him no. 
“How is ice cream made?” Ziggys asks and Eddie shrugs. “Am I supposed to know?” 
“I’m supposed to know how ice cream is made?” Eddie scoffs, looking shocked. 
“Then you tell me how babies are made.” 
“Mommy makes them. Duh.” She responds like he’s stupid. “Where were you?” 
“I can promise you I was right there.” Eddie laughs and you glare which makes him laugh harder, leaning back in his chair to give himself room to cackle. 
Halen imitates his cackle which makes Eddie laugh harder until his chair falls backwards and all you can see are his feet flying in the air. 
Motley and Ziggy laugh loudly, both rushing to go help him up and you shake your head. 
“You’re where Ozzy gets it from.” 
“I think I broke my back-“ 
“Ow. Baby.” Eddie groans, laying face first into the pillow as you climb into bed. 
“What’s wrong?” You tease laying down and adjusting the blanket to cover you. You feel his hand reach out as he grunts in pain, looking for you. 
“Baby come here.” 
“Because we always cuddle!” He sighs, already agitated. 
“How am I supposed to cuddle you right now? You’re in pain.”
“Come on….. just. God damn it come here.” He snaps, pulling you in and grunting in pain. “Just need you near. That’s all I want.” 
“You’re old.” You murmur, rubbing his lower back a little. “Stay still. I’ll go get the icy hot.” 
“Nope! No!” Eddie shouts, dashing after where Halen just escaped from butt naked. “Come here boy!” 
Halen merely giggles and when Eddie runs around the corner he nearly collides with Ziggy, jumping over her like a fence. “Sorry sweetie!” 
“I’m stealing your-“ he doesn’t hear the rest, zipping after Halen and just managing to catch him before he goes to bother you in the kitchen. “It’s bathtime little man. And it’s also rude to run with your junk out.” 
“No bath!” 
“Yes bath!” Eddie laughs. “You smell like grandpa Wayne.” 
“Heard that!” His uncle calls from the hall. “Thin ice boy!” 
Halen and Eddie exchange glances, both wide eyed. “He talking to me or you?” 
Halen shrugs and Eddie tries not to laugh at how innocent he is as he dashes upstairs. Only to find Ziggy covered in your lotion. 
“That’s it. I’m dead.” He sighs. “Your mother is going to kill me.” 
“Okay daddy. I have a plan though.” Ziggy starts.
“…..I might be interested in hearing it.” Eddie mumbles back, Halen wiggling in his arms. 
“We don’t tell mommy. I don’t get spanked and you don’t get killed.” 
“Seems legit. Hop in the shower and I’ll hide the evidence.” And just like that the daddy daughter duo commits a crime. 
By the time you are getting ready for bed he hears you rustling around in the bathroom doing your nightly routine. 
“Hey baby?” He calls, scratching the back of his neck. “I need your help.” 
The plan was to distract you, whether that be through seduction or just talking your ear off he had yet to figure out. 
You come out of the bathroom, raising an eyebrow out to him in confusion as he sits on the bed. “With what?” 
“Allllll of thisssss.” He wiggles his eyebrows, using his hand to gesture up and down his body. 
“What’d you do?” You snap, hands flying to your hips as you glare. 
“What? What do you mean?” 
“You only do that cheesy sexual thing when you are hiding something Edward Munson.” You snap, moving closer. First mistake. 
“No I don’t!” He scoffs. “I’ve never once in my life done that.” 
Yes he had. Once last week when he broke your favorite mug. Twice the week Motley kicked a soccer ball through the back window. 
“Are you accusing me of being a prostitute?” 
“Prostitution is for money. You’re doing it to make sure no one gets in trouble. What’s the word for that?” 
“Slut.” He gasps loudly at your words, moving forward to snatch you into his arms. 
“You wanna see what this slut can do?” 
“Yes. Then I wanna know what you did.” You laugh. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” You sigh, walking in front of Motley as she follows you around the diner floor. 
You were opening this morning, and Motley decided to come with you to try and plead her case before she went to school. 
“Mom please.” She whines. “I wanna go.” 
“Motley. It’s not a good idea.” You repeat, snatching all the ketchup bottles from the table to refill. Honestly you were done with this conversation, and though you understood why Eddie took Motley in the first place you did not want your kids or your husband attached to that man. 
Robert Munson was a plague in memories for your husband and you didn’t want that for him. 
But Motley wanted to take Eddie to go see him on family day. And you were wracking your brain trying to figure out what was going on here. Why was your daughter so obsessed with this situation?
“Be fair!” She snaps. 
“Take it down a notch.” 
“But mom-“ 
“What’s the deal here, Motty?” You sigh, sitting in a booth to start marrying all the ketchup bottles. “If you’re upset about something you should just tell me.” 
“I’m not upset about anything.” 
“Yes. You are.” You respond. “Tell me what’s going on here.” 
“Do you think…. Do you think Dad misses me?” 
“I’m sure he does. He always begs to pick you guys up from school-“ 
“No. I mean….”
“Oh…. Motley I don’t know. Are you missing him?” 
“No. I just wonder if he’s missing me. He’s my dad. He should be right. And if Dads dad can miss him, maybe my father can miss me. You know?” 
You don’t know what to say, and you don’t know how to fix this so maybe you should just give in and see if she can sort some of these emotions out herself.
“I’ll discuss it with Eddie. Okay? Now how about you play hooky and miss your first class for a stack of pancakes?” 
“Okay.” She giggles, and that was a step in the right direction. 
Eddie was tense the morning you got ready for family day, not really saying much as you both shuffled around each other before you had to get the kids up. 
You knew he was nervous and stressed and you didn’t know how to help him which was beginning to stress you out. He was doing this for Motley, and you were so grateful for that but you seemed to be pushing too hard. 
So, as he sat on the bench at the end of the bed putting on his boots, you took your chance and wormed your way onto his lap with your legs on either side of his hips. 
He accepts you with little fight, practically melting at your touch and pressing his nose into your collarbone as you hug him. His hands clutch your hips tightly, and you quickly realize he is doing the grounding technique that his therapist recommended. 
“5 things that you can see.” 
“Your dress, the sock under the dresser, the throw blanket you claim is important, my bandana hanging on the back of the door, and your purse by the door.” 
“Good.” You hum out. “4 things you can touch.” 
“You, my jeans, the blanket and your hair.” 
“3 things you can hear.” 
“The fan in the boys’ room, the water in the toilet run, and Wayne shuffling around downstairs.” 
“2 things you can smell?” 
“Your perfume and the febreeze.” He’s less tense now, breathing out easily. 
“Something you can taste?” 
“If you gimme a kiss something tells me that famous cherry chapstick.” He mumbles slowly, nose going up your neck until his lips reach yours. He doesn’t kiss you though, just keeping his lips barely touching your own, breathing into each other. 
“Are you okay to do this?” You whisper.
“I…. I’ve done it once with her already.” 
“This is different and you know it. And I know you’re doing it for Motley because you’re amazing but I just think this is pushing it a bit.” 
“I’ll be fine.” 
“I’ll be fine. I promise.” He mumbles, finally pressing his lips into your own to kiss you finally. You deepen it instantly, pushing him into the mattress a little from his spot on the bench which makes him smile through the kiss. 
When you reach down to unbuckle his belt he hums out, moving to stop you. “We gotta get the kids ready-“ 
“We got time.” You smile. “And I’m craving it.” 
He couldn’t argue that.
Eddie was trying to hide the fact that his hands were shaking and he couldn’t seem to catch his breath, but he was trying really hard to seem cool. 
This was for Motley, he could do this again for Motley. 
Last time when it was just him and her it was easier. But now, with you and Wayne and Ziggy and the boys. It was going to be too much. Too soon. He really didn’t want his dad knowing all this about his life. 
He also didn’t want all his kids knowing this part of his life, the child of a murderer life. 
Wayne sat next to him in the car and you sat in the back with all the kids. He kept looking back at you through the rear view mirror, lightening little by little each time you smiled at him. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. He was going in with his best team. 
But then the Johnsons Center came into view and all he could feel was dread. This was a terrible idea and he would regret it. 
Motley is the first to jump out, holding the card she made in her hand as she waits on the side of the car for everyone else. Eddie had put her hair into two braided plaits and he was thankful she did because now she can’t pull at it to show her nervousness. 
The boys both yell out when you try to help them out after unbuckling them and they climb out themselves, Eddie helps them hop down since the little toddlers couldn’t manage that part themselves and Ziggy jumps out at him with a smile. 
“You ready?” Wayne asks, helping you shuffle the kids together so you can snatch the boys up. Halen giggles, jumping into Wayne’s arms as Ozzy lays his head on your chest and clutches at your shirt. Ziggy and Motley are both holding Eddie’s hands. 
“I’m as ready as I will ever be.” Eddie sighs. “Alright. Let me see everyone.” 
Everyone smiles at him, just like they always do when he asks this, and before he knew it he was leading them all into the building. Helping Ziggy and Motley on the beginning of what they needed to give up and helping them through the scanners. 
Ziggy giggles when the guard takes his hand scanner and checks her, calling it a lightsaber which makes Eddie laugh. 
Motley once again hesitates when giving up her grandmothers ring, but the second it hits the bin the guard gives her a small smile promising to protect it. 
Ozzy and Halen are a bit easier, you have to give up your earrings and Wayne his watch but they were soon ushered into the courtyard where other families all sat together having fun. 
In the center, sitting at a table by himself, sat Alan looking anxious and eyes casting around nervously. The second his eyes land on the family, a smile splits across his face from ear to ear as he stands and fixes the jumpsuit he was wearing. 
He looked nervous, and that made Eddie feel a little easier about everything. 
“Hey guys…” he smiles, when they make it to the table. “I am so glad you could make it.” 
“Hey Alan.” Wayne mutters, and they stare at each other for a second before Alan holds his hand out to shake like a peace offering. 
“Motley, good to see you again angel.” He smiles, holding out his hands for a hug if she wanted. She does, giving him a full hug before sitting down. Ziggy smiles at him, sitting by her sister quickly and Wayne sits with Halen. 
You stand by Eddie, allowing him to lead you a little closer by your lower back. 
“You must be …..” Alan smiles, reaching a hand out to shake. “My son told me about you a couple years ago when he came to see me.” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smile, and Eddie feels something pinch in his chest. “You know Motley, this one is Ziggy-“
Ziggy goes to bite you when you place your hand on her head, to which you pinch her cheek. “Then we have Halen and Ozzy.”
“You have a little army.” Alan laughs, watching as you sit with Ozzy. Eddie stands awkwardly with the picnic basket Wayne had carried in, Alan moves in for a hug and Eddie is quick to shake his hand before sitting down with his family and allowing Alan to sit as well. 
“They said we could bring food so we did.” He mumbles, opening the basket and beginning to set everything up. 
“Thank you guys! This is great. I was beginning to think you might not…..” Alan blanches, anxiety pouring off him. 
“Sorry. We all got a bit of a late start.” You explain, smiling in Eddie’s direction slyly. 
“I want to know everything. What do you kids do for fun? What’s your favorite animal?” 
“I dance!” Ziggy mumbles, snatching a sandwich Eddie had been trying to pass her. “You wanna see me twirl?”
“I would love to.”
“Maybe after you eat.” Eddie mumbles before she can rush to do it. “Once she finds a way to escape the table she can’t ever sit back down.” 
“Not true!” 
“So true.” Eddie laughs. 
“Kid. You’re an everyday Houdini with dinner tables.” Wayne teases, using his fingers to tickle her side which makes her laugh loudly, pushing his hand away. 
“Grandpa Wayne!” She whines and Alan freezes, keeping a smile glued on his face. Eddie’s side hurts, the scars aching from the bats teeth. 
“She…. They all call him-“ he tries to explain before you’re there to save him. 
“The kids missed their grandma and grandpa from my side and I insisted they call Wayne here Grandpa Wayne.” You explain. 
“You live with them? Isn’t that right?” Alan asks, looking at Wayne. 
“Yes. Little boss pants over here insisted I move in after my hip surgery.” Wayne smiles and you roll your eyes playfullly.
“BIRD.” Halen yells happily, pointing up to the bird flying overhead before bouncing up and down happily and clapping. 
“BAT!” Ozzy calls next, pointing to Eddie’s bat tattoos. 
“How many tattoos you got now boy?” Alan smiles, looking at his son. 
“Oh, Eddie, you should show him your newest one.” Wayne offers. “He’s got the kids' names down his side. It looks great.”
But Eddie blanches, hands shaking as he rubs his side. “Well uh-“ 
He lifts the shirt slowly, showing the tattoo that has all the first letters of their names and their birthdates by them. 
Alan smile falls as he sees his sons side and abdomen, all the scarring there. “Wow….” 
“My dad has cool scars!” Motley explains, tracing along the outer edge of one. 
“What from?” 
“Oh…. Just stuff.” Eddie mumbles out. “We made you some potato salad.” 
As soon as all the plates were full everyone began a natural conversation, Alan asking question after question about the kids. 
And once lunch was done Alan invites the kids to play some game that they had set up in the courtyard. 
“They let anyone with good behavior do this.” He explains as he leads them to the games. 
“Yeah? Family day?” Wayne clarifies. 
“Have you been bad?” Ziggy asks, holding Wayne’s hand as they walk. “Since this is your first family day?” 
“No. I’ve been allowed for a couple years. But I just….. didn’t know if anyone would be interested in coming.” Alan answers truthfully. “You remind me of your grandma.” 
“I do?” Ziggy smiles. 
“Oh yeah. She liked asking questions too. Never stopped.” Alan laughs. “She spent her life wondering new things.” 
“Do I look like her?” 
“Oh, Zigster-“ Eddie starts but Alan is quick to stop him. “Yeah you kinda do kid. You got her bright eyes.” 
Her smile widens and soon enough she was moving to the jump rope game with him close to her. 
“This isn’t going bad.” You mumble, watching the girls with Wayne and Alan. “How you feeling?” 
“Tense. Pain. Awkward.” Eddie blurts, shuffling Halen around in his arms. “I…. This is not what I imagined.” 
“I know.” You mumble, leaning forward to kiss him softly. “But I’m really happy you did.” 
“I…..” he trails off, sitting on the benches with you. 
“I don’t know how to help Motley with this.” You mumble. “But you’re helping her and you need to know that it absolutely means the world to me.” 
“You guys mean the world to me.” He smiles, hand rubbing your knee as he bounces Halen in his lap. “Would you ever…. Allow a supervised visit?” 
“For Alan?” 
“No. For Billy-“ 
“No.” You snap out, body physically turning away from him. 
“I know. I just think she needs closure-“ 
“Shut up.” You snap out, standing quickly to go stand with the rest of your group.  
Eddie sighs out, chest aching. 
The car ride on the way home is silent as all the kids play with the wooden ornaments Alan had made them. Wayne holds the pack of photos you guys had gotten with Alan in his hand and you say between the twins with your arms crossed glaring out the window. 
You hadn’t said a word to him since he asked and he was beginning to think he really fucked uo by bringing it up. 
Dinner passed in silence and by the time you got the kids ready for bed you both split up to get everyone into bed. 
Eddie took the girls, reading them both a bedtime story before taking a moment to pick up the basement lounge area that had been made into their shared playroom. 
By the time he makes it upstairs he moves to see if you’re still with the twins, shocked to find that both of them are completely passed out and their starry night light the only source of light in the room. 
So he shuffles to the room, finding you sitting on the bench with tears streaming down your face that you keep quickly trying to wipe away. 
He shuts the door, moving closer to sit in his knees in front of you. 
“I’m sorry.” You blurt. “I don’t know why I’m crying. This is so silly.” 
“No it’s not.” He mutters, rubbing your thighs. “Nothing that makes you upset is silly.” 
“I just don’t know how to help her with this. I’ve never had to go through it and I hate the thought of him seeing her but she’s gotta have something going on here and I can’t be selfish-“ you begin to rant, taking a deep breath in and moving to hold his hands. 
“We can try a supervised visit to see if it helps her. Or maybe we ask to see what she wants.” Eddie offers. “Or maybe we distract her with a trip to Disneyland.” 
“Shut up!” Your laugh is watery and you slap his shoulder lightly as he lunges up to kiss you. It’s urgent and strong, and you immediately melt into it as his hands slide up your body to keep you pulled close to him. 
“I hate when you’re mad at me.” He murmurs when he pulls away, finger tracing your cheek slowly as he admires you. 
“I wasn’t mad at you.” You mumble, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “I just….. it scares me you know?” 
“I know. I also kind of sprung the idea on you.” He answers. You both work in tandem, slowly beginning to undress each other, one piece of clothing at a time as you keep coming in for more kisses. 
“Did you lock the door?” You whisper, and he grunts out, sliding from the bed to make sure the door is locked before dashing back to you. 
The diner you had chosen to meet Billy at was extremely crowded. Which is why you had chosen it. 
You sat at a table for 4, with Motley and Ziggy on either side of you as Billy sat across from you. He has an irritated expression, had one the entire time as Motley and Ziggy talk to him about anything and everything they could. 
His answers remained short, and the girls were definitely getting hurt by it. 
“I got the chicken tenders and there was only supposed to be three but I got five!” Motley explains with excitement. 
“Ok.” Billy shrugs, not really caring and taking a bite out of his burger. 
Halfway through the lunch they both decided to just talk to you instead which you were fine with, and once he was done eating he put cash down for his own before kissing their heads and heading out. 
You stayed sitting there, smiling at the girls as the waitress cleared the table. 
“Are you ready for the check?” She asks sweetly. “I’m sure I can get the chef to make you both a free milkshake.” 
She winks as the girls sit up happily and you smile back. “We’re actually waiting on my husband and their brothers. They’ll be here soon.” 
“Yeah, we had lunch with my biological dad. But my dad is coming to pick us up. He went to some really big store that had lots of game stuff.” 
“He plays DnD.” You nod, and the waitress smiles happily. 
“I’ll be right back ladies.” 
10 minutes later there is a round of milkshakes as the twins munch on a plate of fries while Eddie listens to the girls talk about the lunch. 
“I got the chicken tenders and there was supposed to be three but I ended up getting five!” 
“You’re absolutely kidding!” Eddie gasps. “The kitchen must have thought you were awesome.” 
“Must have!” 
“Did you have ketchup or mustard?” 
“Atta girl!” He smiles. “I got you something from the store.” 
He pulls out a small pouch and hands it to her so she can dig through it, pulling out a set of pink dice. “NO WAY!” 
“I want one!” Ziggy whines and Eddie laughs before pulling out a little princess figurine for her. 
“Nerds.” You mumble out which makes him give you a toothy grin. 
“Daddy daddy daddy!” Ziggy yells excitedly, running up to where Eddie sat on the couch with his reading glasses on, focusing on the pages before him as the girl climbs up to get to him. “Guess what!” 
“What?” He smiles, closing the book to turn to watch her. 
She pulls her lip back with a finger to show a gap in her front teeth. 
“You lost a tooth!” Eddie laughs with excitement. “Oh Man! The tooth fairy is gonna come give you money tonight!” 
“I thought she gave chocolate? In the baskets?” 
“No zigster. That’s Easter.” He smiles at her. “The Easter bunny does that. Remember? He pooped all over the house?” 
The ‘poop’ had been brownies crumbled, rolled up and set along the floor to make it look like the bunny had pooped everywhere. The girls thought it was hilarious and Eddie regretted setting it up everytime he had to drag Zeppelin away from the brownies. 
“So she gives money?” 
“Always does.”
“How much?” 
“A dollar.” 
“That's cheap!” 
“Ohhhh be careful little one. She might hear you say that and bring nothing.” 
“She wouldn’t dare.” 
“Oh she would.” 
“What a bitch.” Ziggy sighs out and Eddie tries his hardest not to laugh. 
That night Ziggy gets 50 cents and a cute little note saying “how rude.” 
She was upset. Eddie thought it was hilarious.
(Time change here gadies and lentlemen) 
“Babe! Have you seen my keys?!” Eddie panics from down the stairs, rushing around the house to try and find them as everyone upstairs gets ready for the day. “I can’t find them!” 
“Last I saw they were on the bannister!” You call down the steps and Ziggy dashes down, bangs and all. 
Ziggy was 11 now, and she had gone through a lot of changes. No more pigtails, now she kept her hair down with bangs, and she always had one tiny braid in it that she always tied off with one colored rubber band. Todays was bright green to match her nice little dress for picture day. 
“Hey papa.” She greets, dashing past him to get to the kitchen. “Do we have egos?” 
“Egos? Yeah. Sometimes. Eggos however, your aunt El ate them this weekend.” He explains while searching his bag for the keys. 
“UGH!” His daughter yells, stomping to go get cereal. 
“Hey dad!” Motley smiles, entering the kitchen and moving to kiss his cheek. 
“Hey Metalhead- absolutely not. Go up and change.” He snaps, shaking his head. 
Things had changed with Motley too, and Eddie hated it. Well he loved her but he hated that she had to go through puberty. Why couldn’t she just stay young and adorable forever?!
Gone were the overalls and plaited hair. 
Now she styled her hair in all the new trends and styles, she wore tiny skirts and tiny crop tops. Her nails were always covered with a new color every week and the amount of time Eddie asks her to pick up her stupid sandals has gone too far. 
Not to mention the amount of makeup the girls have in their bathroom downstairs. 
“What?! Dad!” She sighs, already ready to fight for her outfit. Today she had chosen a pair of heeled Mary janes with tights and a really short black skirt. That he didn’t mind, even if he was the slightest bit concerned about the skirt he knew he should be lucky she wore the pantyhose. The shirt she chose however was a no. 
“I can see your midriff!” 
“You raise your hand once and everyone will see your bra!” 
“Again, so?” 
“Motley Marie.” He snaps and she sighs out, stomping off to go change as you enter the kitchen with a smile. 
“Morning handsome.” 
“Babe I need my keys!” He panics, kissing you quickly before rushing past. “I can’t be late for work again!” 
“Why's Motley mad?” You ask him while helping him search. 
“I told her to put on clothes.” 
“Why’s Ziggy mad?” 
“Out of Eggos.” 
“Got it.” 
“Morning!” Halen smiles, jumping down the last 7 stairs which makes you gasp out in fear. 
“Halen, you know I hate when you do that!” 
“Looking for dads keys?” He asks with a shit eating grin that makes you both groan out and rush to the plants left on the banister. 
Lately Halen had been in a bit of a….phase? He liked to steal things. But not actually keep them. No the kid liked to steal and hide things just for the sake of it. His favorite spot to hide things happened to be the plants. 
So you both began digging through the plants, searching for the keys. 
Motley stomps back up the stairs, and Eddie whirls to see what she is wearing. “Better. Thank you.” 
“Whatever.” She grumbles out and moves to grab her bag. 
“Cute sweater. Now take it off.” You smile, watching her freeze. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The top that your dad told you not to wear is under it. You think I’m stupid?”
“UGH! This house is so stupid!” She screams, stomping back down the stairs. Her heels hit the stairs with a thump thump thump each time. 
“I would have never realized.” Eddie mumbles, before you pull out a pair of silver keys. “AHA! My beautiful wife!” 
“Do we have Eggos?” Halen asks, dashing to the kitchen where Ziggy is shoving her face with cereal. 
“No. Stupid.” 
“You’re stupid!” He snaps, moving to grab the box. 
“Those are mine!” Ziggy snaps. “You chose the Frosted Flakes!” 
“Just share!” Eddie sighs. “Your mom and I will go shopping later.” 
“Hey guys.” Ozzy mumbles, coming into the kitchen. 
The boys were 8, and somehow become exact opposites of eachother. Halen kept his hair short and mostly wore flannels and converse. He liked to steal things for whatever reason and was currently hyper fixated on baseball. 
Ozzy liked to keep to the baggy long sleeve shirts and black ripped jeans, he had been wearing out his pair of converse for years now and refused to wear the new ones you and Eddie got him. His hair, pitch black, was extremely curly and reached his mid neck. (I’m thinking like Finn wolfhard hair. You can choose though it’s your kid). 
He was currently obsessed with Eragon, and Nirvana. Both of which Eddie could support. 
Ozzy came in dragging his cello case until you grabbed it from him and set it on the couch. Instead of guitar the kid chose the cello, and Eddie had gotten him a nice black handmade cello. 
“You okay pal?” Eddie asks, watching Ozzy scramble to make toast. 
“Yeah. I stayed up late.” The kid mumbles. 
“Yeah! His reading light kept me up dad!” 
Right on cue Motley stomps back up, wearing a form fitting top that didn’t seem much better but at least she’d be able to raise her hand in class. 
“Not much but I’ll allow it.” Eddie smiles, leaning to kiss her cheek right as there is a honk out front. “Really? Samantha can’t just come to the door?” 
“It’s not Samantha.” Motley shrugs, grabbing her bag and lip gloss before heading out the door. 
“Wait what?!” Eddie calls, following her out. “Fucking Aaron again.” 
“Dad, don't embarrass me.” She snaps as she gets into the car. 
“Hey man-“ Eddie calls, stopping the door before she can close it on him. 
“Don’t worry Mr. Munson. She’s in good hands.” 
“I don’t want her in any hands!” He snaps out, glaring at the idiot of a kid. 
“Okay. Fine. Just be careful-“ the door is shut before he could finish his sentence and they are off. “Oh I hate this feeling of parenthood.” 
“Come on kids. We gotta go!” You call from the door, trying to get them all to the car. Halen dashes for his seat, papers flying out of his backpack that Eddie quickly moves to snatch. 
“Halen? Did you do your homework?” Eddie sighs, seeing most of them blank. 
“Ozzy did!” Halen smiles. “I’ll copy it when we’re there.” 
“That’s not how that works kid.” He warns as Halen buckles up. 
“Are you picking me up after baseball practice?” 
“Yes. I might be a couple minutes late because Ozzy needs to be picked up from orchestra.” Eddie answers, kissing his forehead. 
You load Ozzys cello into the trunk as Eddie kisses Ozzys head and whispers “don’t give your brother the homework.” 
“We both know I will.” Ozzy whispers back before pulling out another book. 
“Hey papa.” Ziggy calls, walking around the car with her painting kit. “Bye papa.” 
“Bye Zig. Good luck with art class today okay?” 
“Good like with Jared.” She smiles, making him smile at the memory of his stupid new mechanic. “Who doesn’t know what a wrench is?” 
“Bye, love you.” You mutter, kissing him quickly before jumping in the car. “Don’t forget Motley has cheer practice tonight, she’ll be home around 8. I’ll be with Ziggy tonight for parent teacher conferences. If she’s a minute late-“ 
“Grounded. Got it.” He smiles, leaning down to get an actual kiss. “Don’t forget I love you.” 
“Never do.” You tease.
“I don’t get it.” Samantha mumbles, watching Motley through the schools bathroom mirror with wide eyes. “You’re bailing again?” 
“I just don’t have time.” Motley sighs, fixing her lip gloss. “I have plans.” 
“But we always do friday movie nights.” Sam whines. “Motley-“ 
“There’s a party tonight.” 
“Then I’ll go with you.” 
“You weren’t invited.” Motley laughs in her friends face before taking off the shirt she wore over her favorite top and walking out of the bathroom. 
On the way out she bumps into Vinny, shrinking a bit at the glare he gives her. 
“Munson.” He snaps, shoving past her to get to class. 
“Harrington.” She responds, blanching as he flips her off over his shoulder. 
Vinny or Vince as he likes to go by now, had grown up quite a bit. Gone was Vinny the nerdy boy that only read and never talked to anyone. 
In his place came Vince, the schools valedictorian and the best baseball player they had. He had grown into an extremely attractive man and it didn’t help that he was nearly 6’3. 
The thing was? He hated Motley and her friends. Hated them for being bullies because that’s exactly what all her new friends were. 
“Harrington?” She calls, swiveling to follow him. 
He doesn’t turn, merely keeps walking like he could ignore her. “Hey Harrington!” 
“What do you want?” He snaps out. 
“There’s a party tonight and I wanted to see-“ 
“Motley. Are you serious?” Vince snaps, glaring down at her. “It’s DND night.” 
“Everyone is there for dnd night?” He asks. “It’s tradition.” 
“They won’t even notice that I’m not there-“ 
“You’re dad is never gonna let you go.” 
“He doesn’t have to know.” She shrugs. 
“Whatever. Just….. leave me alone okay? And have your friends leave my brother alone. He already struggles with his speech thing and you guys just make it-“ 
“W-w-w-orse?” She teases, laughing at his brother until his glare deepens. 
“You know what? I heard my dad talking to yours the other day and he said that you were starting to remind him of Billy. I didn’t see it at first.” He sneers. “I see it now.” 
And he’s off again, leaving her in the crowded hallway feeling stupid. 
Part Six HERE
(Do we want more? What do we think?"
(Merry Merry christmas!!)
Taglist:: (lmk if you want to be removed)
@dontcrydaddy @valentine-ger @mariamayhemrsmunson @hippiefairy02 @alyisdead @thehuntresswolf @username199945 @peaches-roses-sins @bl1ssfulbaby @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @avenjames-anderson @nodont1 @bethanyzed @caseyqdilla @zooboomanfu @hazydespair @costellation-hunter @vanessav03 @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @kidd3ath @katzarantos
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toomanybrainrots · 9 months
Hello! If it's okay to request/ask, A transformers animated request. TFA Autobots x Human Reader, can be Romantic/Platonic
Reader, A very normal human, who keeps moving out, every time they get to a city/town/place, because of different species of aliens keep appearing (Yautjas, xenomorphs, anodites, friendly ones, hostiles, neutrals, etc.) and they either befriended it and/or deal with it
They also have albums or pieces of stuff that's given or dedicated to or from their alien friends and they've been visited by their alien friend(s) and sometimes with Alien's friends/family
Now, this is an interesting request. Thank you for the request dear anon, here is the transformers animated x human reader that you requested
Note: this can be read as romantic or platonic, but I wrote this with platonic in mind
TFA Autobots with a Human Reader that's friends with a lot of aliens
Finally, after moving out of your last place, you can finally get a break from aliens. Don't get you wrong, you liked your alien friends...but, sometimes, it's a bit exhausting meeting aliens every time you moved.
Thankfully you managed to get a long deserved break in Detroit. Sometimes, your alien friends visit, and you welcome then with open arms into your apartment.
You thought you weren't going to see another alien again...that is, until one day, you were out getting groceries and saw the alien outside...with alien robots... "Fuck." You muttered under your breath as one of the robots get you out of the way
Optimus Prime
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When you first told Optimus that you've befriended aliens before after you had gotten to know the Autobots, he was a bit inclined to believe you
That was, until you showed him your photo album filled with photos of you and your alien friends/family
To say he was shocked was an understatement
He was curious by the aliens you called your friends, and asked you questions about what species they were. He had only read about some of them back on Cybertron, but most were unfamiliar to him
Admittedly, he kinda wanted to see them up close.
He didn't anticipate that his wish would come true
Optimus stared at the creature infront of him - well, alien infront of him.
Optimus couldn’t believe the sight. You were talking with an alien— well, another alien — as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
He’d never admit it outloud but he felt himself jump slightly as you introduced him to your alien friend, trying to ignore the immense staring from it(them?)
Eventually, he gets used to your alien friend(s) as they visit more often. He even befriends some of them himself!
Of course, he’s still wary sometimes but he’s on friendly terms with them
Your alien friends are, in turn, also friendly with him, and don’t dislike him at all
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Ratchet didn’t believe at all when you first told him. He just thought you’d gotten crazy
To say his jaw dropped when you actually showed him evidence was a complete understatement
He didn’t think you had actually befriended some of the aliens, even making some of them family. He’s seen a lot through his life but this, this was the first time he’d ever seen it
He recognized some of the species you had befriended, he’s seen his fair share of aliens too during his time. Because of that, he’s bewildered yet again when you say you’ve befriended one of the dangerous ones.
Safe to say, you’ve earned his respect
When he first saw one of your alien friend’s visiting, he was alarmed at first
It was the middle of the night. The others had already slipped into recharge, and the only one awake was Ratchet. The gurmpy medic thought he was alone as he worked in the medbay, grumbling about how untidy it was after Bumblebee had messed it up.
Then, he heard a loud thud and an undescribeable sound. His electro magnets pop out of his forearms, incase of self defense
He walked out of the medbay, looking around until his optics landed on a shadowy figure. He prepared himself as the figure walked out the shadows. However, he quickly came to a realization when the figure - ahem, alien, fully became visible.
He let out a sigh. Your friends really needed to pick a better time to visit.
Your alien friends and family didn’t like him at first, due to him scolding them each time they visited in the middle of the night. But eventually, they grew to respect him when they realized he simply cared for you - in his own grumpy way
He also grew to respect your alien friends and alien family, as they genuinely cared for you
He isn’t friends with them, but he is on okay terms with them
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Prowl, like Optimus, he was inclined to believe you when you first told him
He’s read about a few alien species, as Yoketron most likely taught or told him about some, and while a few you mentioned were friendly, the other most were not that friendly
You managed to convince him after you showed him your photo album
He asked you question after question, wanting to know more about the aliens you grew to think of as friends and family
He found himself wanting to talk to them. He only saw your bond with them through the photos you showed him, but he could tell you all were close
His wish came true after you introduced him to your alien friends
You watched as Prowl and your alien friend talked animatedly. Prowl was clearly curious behind that visor, and was asking your alien friend questions left and right.
Thankfully, your alien friend didn’t seeme to mind - actually they looked like they were enjoying answering the Autobot’s questions
You couldn’t help but smile as they continued to talk. It warmed your heart to see them getting along so smoothly.
Your alien friends and family like Prowl. He’s respectful with his questions, good mannered, and has a kind demeanor. He’s definitely their favorite
Prowl’s on very good term with them, as they sedate his curiosity by answering his questions
He’s friends with some of them and is on very great terms on them
Bulkhead and Bumblebee
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Bulkhead and Bumblebee were very fascinated when you told them you had alien friends and even alien family
They’ve never read about other aliens, let alone seen one themselves - so when you show them your photo album their optics light up like kids in candy shops
Bumblebee is pointing out things left and right and chatting your ear off, very eager to know more about these cool aliens
Bulkhead’s also pointing some things, but he’s more meek and shy as he asks you questions
When they actually meet them, they’re definitely looking at them with sparkles in their optics
You let out a sigh as you watch Bumblebee chat off one of your alien friends ear off, their annoyance evident.
Thankfully, Bulkhead wasn’t as bad as Bumblebee, as he was shyly asking questions - to which, your other alien friend happily answered.
You were just glad they hadn’t annoyed them. Though you can tell Bumblebee’s stepping on thin ice
Your older alien friends definitely take up the roles of the auncles. Teaching Bulkhead and Bumblebee all about their culture, fighting techniques, and teaching them other things that they were tuaght during their youth aswell
Most of them are on good terms with Bulkhead, as the gentle giant’s demeanor was often endearing to them
Bumblebee’s on thin ice but they endure him for you
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banquetwriter · 1 month
I NEED vampire Jonnie Guilbert idc if it’s smut or fluffy I just need a vampire Jonnie however you wanna write it and whenever you have the chance too take your time and thanks in advance if you do this!!!!
୨୧ bleeders part 1 ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 NOT PROOF READ, general vampire stuff so talk of blood and death,
summary: ʚ after roaming your family’s old property you discover that a shadowy figure and you might have a long history ʚ
Words: idk :p
An: let’s pretend this isn’t almost 6 months old. also ik that johnnie is way more emo but he does enjoy a few classic goth things so in my head he is like a goth in the 80’s before he died lol
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The rain was only picking up as the night went on. You were packing your bag up. Putting on extra layers of clothes is anything you could possibly need for a midnight stroll.
It was bad.
You knew it was bad, you just couldn't help yourself. Ever since you had started to explore your family's grounds you had a new purpose it seems. Studying during the light hours but as soon as the night came you were bundling up to go exploring.
You hadn't always lived in this house. But when you were 18 your parents tragically passed away and left you this house in your name. You weren't sure why at all. You hadn't even known it was here.
It was sorta like the house wanted to be forgotten. You weren't the type to believe in all that “spooky” stuff but you could not deny the creepy vibes of the property.
The previous caretaker was nice enough and said while the house and surrounding land were beautiful they definitely had some repairing needed. He told you that in order for the house to be livable it would need work and lots of it. He also quickly told you not to go too far at night, there were lots of creatures at night and he didn't want you to get hurt at all.
And with that, he left. You were a photographer which meant you got to work on your own time. You documented all the work you had done on the house and had skyrocketed your success online and financially. Three years later, a few days after your 21st birthday, you were finally officially done with renovating the house.
You kept the historic feel and haunted “vampire vibe”. But your curious and creative heart was bored by the house, so you took to the outside. Going out at night and choosing to shoot your pictures there.
You planned on slowly transforming the grounds too but that was going to take some time. You placed your camera in your bag and set out, locking your house. You flipped your hood up and started down the path you usually take.
Last time you had discovered what looked like a tombstone about a mile from your house. You took a deep breath in as the rain made your bones cold. You made it out to the tombstone once again. You looked down at it. You couldn't make out the name but it looked old. Like really really old. You stepped back taking a few pictures of it.
Suddenly you heard a tree branch snap from somewhere beside you. You whipped your head around frantically. The images of all the different types of creatures out here flashed through your mind. Luckily it was just a deer. How odd. You had never seen a deer out here before. But maybe whatever creature lives out here kills them before you can see them.
You pull your camera out and line up the shot. The animal slowly nibbled on some grass under a tree. You snap the photo and look down at your camera looking at the photo, and suddenly another tree branch snaps. You start spinning around further rain hitting your face.
And between the rain, fog, and trees, you could make out a figure. You freeze in place, “Is someone on out there?” you call out, your voice shaking. The shadow doesn't move at all.
You point your camera trying to see if you can catch any sort of proof. You snap a picture in the direction of the figure. Once the picture is taken you look away from the camera looking back to see that the figure is no longer there. You huff out checking your camera to see if you caught the picture.
It wasn't there… Suddenly another twig snapped. This was your cue to bolt. You pushed your camera into the bag and ran for it. Attempting not to trip and fall on every piece of shrubbery.
You finally manage to stumble into your backyard. You fumble for your keys and it drops on the ground in front of your back door. You have looking behind you not seeing anything but the pictures of horrifying creatures flash through your mind. You scramble to pick up
Your keys and unlock the door.
You slam the door shut breathing heavily. “Fuck.” you mutter clambering all your stuff onto the counter. The rest of the night you are restless. Unable to sleep, picturing the figure staining your memory.
The next morning you gingerly come downstairs staring at your camera bag. You roll your eyes choosing to make yourself some tea. However, sipping your tea made you hyperfocus on the bag. You internally groaned before checking the picture from last night.
Nothing. No figure at all. Odd. Creepy and odd. But apparently not creepy enough to scare you away. So here you were back next to the tombstone like last night. You moved further to what looked like a graveyard. Around 12 or so graves littered a small patch of very overgrown shrubs.
They were split down the middle, the right side set of graves being more dilapidated. Checking the left side there were several graves with your last name. Which would make sense but it still freaks you out. You shook your head turning the batch of graves on the right.
All the graves had different last names and dramatically different years of death. One caught your interest. It seemed to be the youngest out of the group. “Here lies Johnnie Guilbert, in sin, Born: August 28, 1960, Died: October 31, 1986.”
He was only 26. You wondered what “in sin” meant but probably nothing good. You didn't like the thought of the graves being abandoned like this, you plucked a few flowers from the surrounding areas and lined them on the graves. Adding a few more to Johnnie’s. You sighed walking back to your house.
Once it was late at night again you decided to travel back to the graves seeing if you could catch the figure again. This time you came more prepared with a flashlight.
You crouched down in the misty leaves, waiting to see it again. And sure enough, you heard a small crunching of leaves. It wasn't as loud this time but you heard it. Your eyes follow the sound and see the figure once again.
“Show yourself, please,” you shouted. The figure seems to sway for a second before standing almost still. “I-I won't hurt you. Who are you?” you called out. The figure stayed where it was. Fine then. You pointed the flashlight at it.
You did not see what you thought you would. A pale-looking guy with a gothic-looking vibe stood before you. His hair was teased, and he had makeup dripping down his face. He was in a white button-up and black pants.
“Woah,” I said breathlessly. He just sorta stood there with his hands shoved in his pockets. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Um, I don't know,” he answered honestly.
There was something off about him. You weren't sure why but you found yourself asking one simple question. “What are you?” you asked. He sighed not knowing how to answer. “Um.” he quietly spoke. Before hesitantly lifting his finger to his mouth before pulling his lips open.
Revealing pearly white fangs. You gasp, stepping back. The bag you are holding slips and within a flash the guy is standing next to you holding your bag up for you to grab. “Oh my god,” you murmur.
“I'm a v-” he stops himself, looking over and avoiding eye contact. “Vampire. I'm a vampire,” he whispers. And you weren't sure why but you believed him. He had a trusting aura. You slowly grabbed your bag from him.
“You probably don't believe me,” he whispered looking at you. “I do,” you whispered. He looked back at you. “Here follow me,” he said, taking your hand. He wrapped his, freezing, hand around your wrists pulling you to a grave.
It was Johnnie. “Fuck.” you mutter. “I saw you putting flowers on my grave. It's what made me actually talk to you,” he said timidly. His chest rose and fell rapidly seemingly waiting for my reaction.
I had a lot of feelings. Shock. Being the first but lots of curiosity. You wanted to ask how he died, and did he drink human blood.
Suddenly the very real danger of being next to him kicked in. “Wait-” you said, stepping away from him. His eyes changed. A sad film bloomed over his eyes. “Do you-” you stopped yourself. You didn't want to be insensitive to his “kind” that drinking human blood was probably a gross exaggeration.
Even if he did drink human blood he was hot enough to get away with it.
He looked at you waiting for you to finish your sentence. You shook your head instead of finishing your probably offensive words. “Never mind,” you said, waving away the thought.
The rain continued to pour down onto the forest overhead. The water drops slipping down and hitting your head. The cold finally got to it and you let out an involuntary shiver.
“Here, let's go back to my house. It's not too far up this trail.” I said pointing towards my house. “Are you sure you want to let me in?” he asks surprised with my invite. I turn to him, and for what seems to be the thousandth time this night I feel a sense of trust wash over my body.
“Yes,” I say confidently. He nods his head waiting for me to lead the way. As we walk I hear more of a story I almost wish I didn't know. “Why is there a grave in my backyard? And why are you buried there?” I ask stepping over a log.
He takes a deep sigh. “Your family. This area… your bloodline has been here for longer than most of those graves. There isn't an easy way to put this. But your family were vampire hunters.” he said and you stopped dead in your tracks.
His eyes caught yours. This was a lot of information to take in. “Continue.” you simply said starting to walk again. “There was a group of vampires that roamed this area and finally your family and a few others decided it was time to do something about it. All those graves back there are for vampires. Stakes in the heart.” he explained.
You took a deep breath wrapping around this idea for a while. “Then why are you like walking around?” you asked timidly. Johnnie takes a deep sigh. “Well it's complicated but by the time I was turned into a vampire only your family still hunted them and I wasn't turned because I wanted to… I did some bad stuff and as a result, I had a lot of bad stuff happen,” he said vaguely.
You nodded. “Did my family take pity on you?” you asked as you saw your house on the horizon. “Basically. Your grandfather wanted me dead but your dad didn't so that's why there is a grave but I'm not dead. Again I guess.” he said.
“Is that partially my graveyard too? I saw names that have my last name.” I explained stepping onto the porch. “Yes it is,” he said slowly climbing up them.
I unlock the door and wait for him to enter, but he doesn't. The door stands open but he just sits there. “Why are you standing out there?” you asked. “A-a vampire can't just go into a house we need to be invited in by the owner,” he says before staring at the top of the door.
“Please, enter my home,” you said. He stepped in and took in the house. He had seen the outside so many times but never seen the inside. You rushed around the house stripping the wet jacket off and setting your camera down.
You looked over to see Johnnie staring into a mirror, you came back behind him to see only yourself in the mirror. He couldn't see his reflection. As you walked up behind him you saw his eyes brimmed with tears. It must be hard not to be able to look at yourself.
“L-looks like your house still has mirrors with silver in them,” he murmured. “Is that why you can't see yourself?” you ask, turning to face him. “Sorta. Any mirror with silver and I can't see myself. But there are a lot of mirrors made without that now. Right after I turned I could see my reflection in stuff but as I “age” in defiance of nature but soul continues to leave, so it's harder to see myself in lakes and stuff” he said, recalling what seemed to be a distant memory.
“Well I can see you and you look great. Very on brand for a vampire,” you whispered standing closer to him. He couldn't help but let out a weak smile at your words. “Thanks. I dressed like this even before I turned,” he said.
The rest of the night went smoothly. You found out that he had drunk off of people but he really didn't do it much only when he was really weak. While it sorta scared you also intrigued you. You fell fast asleep on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Johnnie, unable to sleep, quietly watched the tv you had put on and looked over at your sleeping form.
This was nice. He can't remember the last time he was in a nice house like this, with someone so nice. But all good things have to come to an end, and the sun will be up in a few hours.
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gemsofgreece · 1 month
Can you explain your post about the fear? Is there fear that if ppl vote for a different party, the right wing party will hurt them? And what are the different options? Sorry for ignorance
It is honestly a little hard to explain because we… or I, at least, don’t know what to tell you for sure.
Would the government hurt people not voting for them? No. Not now. Not in the near future. I don’t believe this.
The problem is different and so shadowy and veiled that it ends up scary in a different way. The government very slyly and smoothly tries to make us not realise that we ought to vote someone else.
I don’t know how exactly to explain this but if you had asked this in 2019-2020, most people would have no idea what you are talking about, most people would think that things are mostly going well. Many people still do.
It was from foreign journalism that we found out Greece is dropping like crazy in freedom ratings and skyrocketing in corruption. It makes sense that we did not know because obviously the media are controlled, hence the collapsing freedom. We knew the first thing this government did when they were elected was to give enormous money to the press and the tv channels but it was after foreign media started picking at it that we had evidence of the consequences.
There are things that have happened in Greece all this time that have opened many eyes - destructive massive ARSONS, evidence the government was spying on ministers and members of the parliament, a justice system that proves to be less and less independent every day, a mysterious and ill-handled train tragedy that killed dozens of young people, a general environmental degradation committed to our face and against our will, a concentration of ministers’ relatives and besties in all positions of power, massive hirings of priests and policemen, a collapse of the quality of education (though this has been happening for years), a marginalisation of the citizens of the country for the sake of tourists and rich investors, apart from all the financial and employment issues that are standard trademark problems in Greece. And just if you explore Greek social media you will see that there are huge problems in the society. Immense toxicity. People REALLY have issues. The society is ailing.
However, any attempt at exposing, criticising, protesting, calling for action just falls flat. Ten years ago something would easily get people out in the streets. Nowadays the most frustration a person will ever express is through social media.
Such attempts from people are met with - not violence - but a debilitating scorn. They react to our concerns and accusations by waving them off as wrong, unfair or silly and they make fools of us to our face. This makes the people feel extremely powerless and numb. We are essentially paralysed and convinced of our impending doom. And then so many people do not go to vote - leaving those who are dripped in the government party’s colours to boost it to the aethers.
Some examples to draw a better picture:
The presence and the voice of non-governmental / opposition parties has been reduced in the media. Not that anyone is worth it to be honest but still. They are silenced.
Nobody has ever resigned for the yearly hundreds of massive fires or for the huge train accident or I think even for the spying exposé. In fact, PM just said after the gigantic fire that surrounded all of Athens yesterday that “every year we strive and we become better out of this”. This is an example of how much of a fool they make of us.
The media do not cover the bad things happening in the country. The fire that burnt Athens was in the news because it was inevitable, half the Greek population lives there. However, there are massive fires happening in other places of the country that are absolutely not covered. A fire has been destroying a virgin forested mountain in Serres for a month now, nonstop. Not in the news. Serifos island has been burnt to a crisp - I posted a photo of the now black island earlier in the summer. It was hardly in the news at all. You learn properly about this all through the internet and the little remaining independent press. But middle aged and older people (who are traditionally right wing) relying on tv or certain standard newspapers, they probably have no idea at all or a very skewed image of what is happening.
Committees coming from the EU to investigate on freedom and transparency concerns - the government members have repeatedly not met them lol. Like, they literally do not show up in the meetings. The reports produced by the EU are very alarming and nobody bats an eye. They probably don’t even read them.
A journalist was assassinated a couple of years ago because it became known he was about to reveal something groundbreaking. Private conversations of his with government members were found in his phone. These were supposed to be disclosed in the trial for his murder that happened a few days ago. During the trial, the prosecutor herself announced that these conversations were “accidentally” destroyed because they were saved ONLY in a single CD-ROM (in 2024!!!) that was ACCIDENTALLY broken with a stapler (in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Justice and government together, they consider us utter clowns and they are not exactly wrong to be fair. Oh, and the suspects were released because “there wasn’t enough evidence”. Of course.
One main member of the examining committee for the train tragedy in Tempi was upgraded to the highest court of the country. Needless to say, nothing about the shady parts of this accident has been reported or disclosed.
Owners of the largest sports federations have been buying the press, tv channels, the telecommunications and god knows what else.
We are facing a huge problem with the installation of countless wind parks across the country, even in environmentally protected areas and large mountains, which is unheard of in other European countries. In fact, a lot of the fires are suspected to be associated to this. (Not all though, people sometimes exaggerate about this.) The head of Greece’s wind energy company just so happens to be PM’s cousin.
These are a few examples. I hope you get the picture. It’s not like something is happening directly to people but all these things make us feel powerless, paralysed and afraid of the future. Many are still convinced things are going great. Or want to be convinced, I don’t know.
Even I am not comfortable writing this now.
PS. There are no options if we are being realists. All politicians in the country are either corrupted or utterly useless and usually they are both. We really are doomed.
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
oh swiss and the ghoulettes definitely stalk the sisters of sin together that’s become canon in my mind after you reblogged that hunter’s moon video
Now THERE'S a fun idea.
Creepy, evil murder ghouls under the cut!
They choose her together.
She's a young thing, willowy and pale. She never sees them, but she can feel their presence. The pressure of eyes on her, making her heart race and her palms sweat.
The song is the worst part. Lilting words in a language she doesn't have a grasp of yet, too new to have it memorized. It follows her, she swears it. In the halls, on the grounds, even in her room at night. She doesn't sleep anymore. Not since her window started to rattle in the dark.
Still, she never sees them.
Never sees them sitting in the rafters of the chapel, watching her kneel and pray. They, of course, take full advantage of her obliviousness.
Swiss uses his shadows to obscure them all, and to snake down the wall. Uses them to lock the heavy wooden doors to the ornate chamber they're haunting, her one route of escape. If she heard the bolt slide, she doesn't show it.
Cumulus and Cirrus send phantom breezes to rustle her habits, sourceless wind that makes her jolt. Makes her look around with wide, baggy eyes. It's been weeks since she slept through the night.
Sunshine pulls the light from the room then, the warmth pouring through massive stained glass windows fading away. Aurora adds her own icy chill, an uncomfortable stillness settling into the air. The sister shivers, hugs her chest and heads for the door.
Swiss's shadows track her, melting into her retreating silhouette to. He can taste her fear through them, can her her racing heartbeat. Can feel her breath stutter when she pulls the door and finds it immovable.
"No," they hear her whisper, rattling the heavy iron handle, "no, no no -" She pounds the door with a closed fist, shouts for help. A fruitless effort, the ghouls know. No one will answer. No one ever does.
She tires quickly, so exhausted from weeks of torment. Of invisible eyes and shivery voices. Of little gifts left on her pillow at night - rat bones, a dead rose, photos of her in the library and the kitchens. Of the constant feeling of being watched and having no one understand. Having no one believe.
Once she sags against the door, once she looses one last whispered plea, the ghouls grin at one another in the dark.
One by one, they begin to sing.
Aurora is the one to start them off, her voice high and piercing. The first notes have their prey's shoulders going stiff. She spins in place, whipping her head around for the source of that unholy melody. Sunshine sings next, and the sister claps her hands over her ears.
"No," she says again, and oh does she sound fragile. "Please, please no -"
It's Cumulus's turn then, her rich words filling the gaps between Aurora and Sunshine. The sister slides down the door with a sob, shaking her head and tucking her knees to her chest. Rocking in place while she begs for the aural torment to stop.
If only she could be so lucky.
Cirrus rests a hand on Swiss's back, uses her power to amplify his voice, the sister flinches like she's been hit. It forces her eyes open, and just as their demonic chorus reaches its crescendo Swiss finally drops his shadowy veil. Reveals himself and his fellow hunters to their poor, vulnerable little lamb.
They descend together, floating down on an unearthly breeze, and as they reveal shining fangs and razor-sharp claws the sister can't even find it in herself to scream.
She's no more than a red stain and cracked bones once they've had their fill, bones that will be gifted to Mountain for use as fertilizer. No point in letting their leftovers go to waste.
"She was sweet," Cumulus coos, licking a stray streak of blood from her finger. "Too skinny though, I'm gonna have her in my teeth for days." She sucks at her fangs and Swiss huffs out a chuckle.
"I dunno, I kinda like the chew," he lilts, running lazy fingers through Aurora's platinum waves. Cumulus snorts.
"You're hardly a food critic," she teases. "I've seen the things you put in that mouth." Swiss responds with a lewd gesture, licking at the air through a vee of his fingers, and all it does is serve to prove the ghoulette's point.
Cumulus hums to herself as she collects the bones they've left, Swiss shifting his attention to where Sunshine and Cirrus are busy grooming each other. After a moment the little ghoulette in his lap chirps, and Swiss peers over her shoulder. He finds her turning a small bone form the sister's hand between two elegant fingers. He noses behind her ear, inhaling the scent of wintry air and fruity shampoo.
"You wanna pick the next one, Ro?"
The others glance over when he says it, Aurora herself tipping her head back to look up at the ghoul. He gives her tiny waist a squeeze, and the ghoulette smiles.
"Yeah," she trills, leaning up to nip at Swiss's throat. "I think I do."
"Aww, our baby girl is growing up so fast!" Sunshine feigns wiping a tear from her cheek. "All ready to hunt, I'm so proud!" Her words are so very playful, and with a giggle she dodges the bone Aurora chucks at her head.
Tomorrow, their game will begin anew.
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cyberrat · 4 months
Dear god do you have any idea how unbelievably horny Vox would get if he found out Val couldn’t stop his own dick from fucking him!!!
He would definitely wait while Val was sleeping until it happened and then pull apart his legs to record it. He has a secret file of shadowy videos taken in the dark where you can see it squirm inside him. The only lighting is the camera’s flashlight on the lowest setting. It looks grainy and shaky as fuck
And Vox LOVES IT when Val cums inside himself. He tries to lick up whatever spills out around the cock
Poor Val, suckha sex crazed maniac that he can’t even stop his own body from molesting him
Vox has a huge folder dedicated to Valentino in every available position. He has candid photos, perfectly poses photos, staged videos… and those hidden little things that he had labelled ‚home movies‘.
In a way he is in love with Val. As much as any of the two of them can be in love. Also in a way, it makes him sad to see Val stressed out. His audio processors picking up on his delirious whimpering and dissecting it into fine detail.
However, it does not stop him from getting horny. In fact, the more distressed Valentino sounds, the more excited he gets. He never gets to witness *this* particular side of the other unless he is asleep and getting accosted by his own body.
His own, beautiful, treacherous body.
Vox pries Valentino‘s long legs apart with the gentleness of a surgeon. Drool is dripping from the corner of his widely grinning mouth.
Valentino‘s chest heaves, his hands - all four of them - clutching at the bedsheets. His face is twisted as if in pain.
He probably *is* in pain. He has to be. His pussy is puffy and flushed; an oversensitive, overworked mess and yet his cock keeps drilling itself into his own body with gusto.
Valentino‘s skinny thighs shake. Vox records it all. His claws gently dig harder and Valentino‘s legs follow the pressure, angling further apart just like he‘s done a million times before.
Well trained.
Vox zooms in on the cock busily molesting its master. Just a moment later, Valentino‘s muscles tense. He shakes through an exhausted orgasm, his own cum starting to bubble past the stopper of his cock.
Vox‘ grin widens, more drool slipping from between his teeth.
„Don‘t mind if I do,“ he croons and leans down to take care of the mess.
Maybe he‘ll finally start showing his little home videos during the credits of Vox-2-Nite. Valentino would be humiliated… but he‘s suitably sure it would also get him horny.
Everything does.
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Pulling Me Out and Connect Me
A/N: Just some Chuuya lab PTSD thoughts.
TW: Blood, mild gore, child abuse
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairing: Chuuya x Reader
Reader Type: Gender neutral, black coded
Small fingers twitched against warm glass as more chemicals were pumped into his tank. He could feel the tubes in his spine and wrist suck them into his veins, and then distribute them to his brain, heart, and stomach.
He wanted to scream, but his vocal cords constricted against the tubes shoved down his throat. He began to thrash, but the needles in his spine dug deeper and deeper into the bones and nerves until the liquid around him was dyed red.
"Doctor his vitals are dropping!"
"Give him-"
"Wait the energy levels are rising. We have to enact Code 535!"
His skin jumped as warm fingers brushed his face. They passed along his forehead, down his temple, and along the curve of his jaw.
"N there's nothing more we can do."
"That's fine. Dump the tank. We can produce another eventually."
He slammed his hands against the glass, but all of the shadowy figures on the other side ignored him.
He slammed his hand again, only for warm, small fingers to lace with his.
"Chuuya. Chuuya? Baby. C'mon you're the one who wanted to be up early."
He opened his eyes, and the slurry of blue, black, and red liquid was gone. Instead he was staring at your face, your curtain of dark curls hiding you both from the outside world.
Your frown broke into a grin. "There we go. Now we're cooking with oil."
"Time is it?"
"4 AM."
He groaned and shut his eyes. "Fuck, why'd I suggest this again?"
"Hmmm." You kissed his jaw, along his cheek, and finally a chaste kiss to his lips. "Cause you're sweet and lovely."
He opened his eyes again when he felt you sit up and your weight shift. You were still astride his hips, but you were looking out the window and at the glowing city. The sun hadn't risen yet, and through the smog and lights he could see a few stars doing their best to burn against the blue and black sky.
He shuddered, and this drew your attention back down to him. You brushed sweat slick strands back behind his ear.
Your smile softened at the nick name. " You okay? You're a million miles away."
"I'm fine. Early as shit." He grabbed your hips, his voice going lower as he slipped his fingers under your shirt to kneed at the soft flesh of your sides. "C'mon. Said I'd take ya out today, yeah? Can do this again later. I promise."
"I suppose I can leave the most comfortable seat in exsistence." He loosened his grip as you got up. "Want me to make coffee before we head out?"
"That'd be fantastic."
You grabbed your robe and slipped it over you shoulders, before going back to the bed, and pressed another chaste kiss to his lips. Without another word you were gone, the soft padding of your footsteps the only hint you were still in the apartment.
Chuuya shut his eyes and and rubbed at his wrist. The past was the past, and there was nothing that he could do to change it. The choices he made, the people he gained and lost, all of it was the rocky and blood slick road that had made the Chuuya Nakahara of today.
He sat up and swung his legs over the bed, before going over to a small table under a window. He plucked up a photograph that had six figures staring at the camera. They all wore the type of straight faces that threatened to burst into laughter if so much as the breeze blew wrong. A smile ghosted upon his own lips as he traced the wood frame with his thumb. He couldn't remember when the picture had even been taken anymore. He supposed that's what happens when a decade goes by.
"Coffee's ready!"
"Kay! Gimme a sec!"
He set the picture down and grabbed his cigarettes out of the drawer, before leaving the room entirely. The photo of a 15 year old Chuuya, Piano Man, Lippmann, Doc, Iceman, and Albatross seeming to wish him the best as he left.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
Since it is self-indulgence Saturday, even though this is not podcast girls related in its entirety, I decided to follow in Kate's footsteps and post the outline for a Wolf 359 PMV I have been thinking about for years but can't make to shake everyone by the shoulders and say "do you understand my vision".
It's set to Marianas Trench's "Masterpiece Theatre III." If you are asking yourself 'Hey Kat was this inspired by that one really big lyricst-" what about it. The first and last lines are perfect fits when taken literally, idk what to tell you.
I got a new disease in me Eiffel coughing, Hilbert offering ‘nicotine’ lozenges I got a friend that's losing sleep Hilbert bent over a microscope, Minkowski’s silhouette peering in through the lab door I take it hard, it's hard to take Minkowski frowning and writing a letter starting with Dear Dominik I'm wide awake Hera surrounded by screens showing all three of those previous scenes I'm wide awake Outside shot of the station framed against the star
One more confession, Eiffel speaking into the recorder discretion's not what I need to sell his words broadcasting into deep space I never needed a reason for keeping secrets from myself Anne’s photo taped under his console And now that's just how I tell Hilbert leaning over Eiffel’s shoulder as music plays. Hilbert’s gaze flicks toward him I'm wide awake Eiffel with the gas mask surrounded by knockout gas
I'll wreck this if I have to Minkowski outside the station pounding on the airlock door Tell me what good would that do Eiffel lighting his last cigarette I'll wreck this if I have to Hilbert ripping out Hera’s personality matrix
(I'd be so good to you) Carter shaking Dmitri Volodin’s hand in his Russian apartment (I'd be so good to you) Rachel introducing Minkowski to Hilbert as her science officer at Canaveral
You get separated, somebody's gone Eiffel playing chess with the auto program And I don't know how this is wrong The crew arguing over Hilbert, Hera with a skull speech bubble and Eiffel with handcuffs And I'm so frustrated, falling behind Disheveled Minkowski hunting the plant monster You were a friend of mine Lovelace pushing Hilbert up against the wall, her hands around his throat
I'd be so good to you Lovelace taking Hilbert to lunch at her insistence 'Cause they don't know you like I do Flashbacks to Lovelace’s mission They don't know you like I do Lovelace horrified seeing Eiffel getting sick, flashback to Lambert sick the same way They don't know you like I do Hera viewing Eiffel in the medbay through her screens, a bunch of metrics on blood ox, heartrate, etc. pulled up They don't know you like I do The whole crew staring at the comms as it speaks with Eiffel’s voice
*** Instrumentals: Star changes color ***
There's a difference from me to them Lovelace shoving Minkowski out of the way and getting impaled And the road home is paved in star fuckers requiem Eiffel desperately piloting the rickety shuttle I can never go, go back home again Lovelace’s monitor flatlining (Acadia is gone) Acadia is gone The shuttle exploding and disappearing into the distance
All my indecision, all of my excess Don't you ever tell me I'm not loving you best Cutter in his swanky office receiving the distress call, juxtaposed with Minkowski, breath puffing out from the cold, placing the call. Cutter is dominant in the visuals, with Minkowski as an afterthought And I just need a minute, I just need a breath It's very hard to drink to my continued success and I, I will Rachel Young handing a mission dossier to a shadowy figure. Again Hera’s schematics showing the percentage of the station systems in crisis are present but pushed to the side, peripheral slow down, slow Eiffel half dead slumped over the shuttle console It's better in the worst way The Urania overshadows Eiffel’s shuttle It's getting better in the worst way SI5 looming over him in the open hatch, smiling unpleasantly
(Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) (Look around, round, look around, round, look around) Timelapse showing an external view of the station changing – original layout, stress fractures, Urania parked next to it, wing getting blown off (rip Blessie… or not???), Urania getting integrated into the structure
So here's another day, I'll spend away from you Minkowski floating leaning her head against a window. Maybe holding a wedding ring Another night I'm on another broken avenue Eiffel’s mugshot on the console Trading in who I've been for shiny celebrity skin Hilbert getting his wrist slammed in the drawer, his careful samples going flying I like to push it and push it until my luck is over Lovelace staring down Kepler over the chess board
I wonder what you're doing, I wonder if you doubt it Kepler sipping his scotch and gesturing to it, presumably giving The Whiskey Speech. Maxwell and Jacobi in the background pretending to gag I wonder how we used to ever go so long without it Kepler handing Jacobi his business card at the bar All the work to impress, charming girls out of their dresses Maxwell at Hyperion’s house with Kepler surrounded by fancy readouts Smiling pretty and pretty Maxwell and Hera looking at each other on the mindscape beach
I am right beside you, right (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) Jacobi outside pounding on the capsule, Jacobi inside horrified, Maxwell indecisive I am right beside you, right (I thought you wanted me) Lovelace and Hilbert vs the dentist chair from hell (What you want, what you need) Minkowski attempting to phone home I'll make this perfect again Minkowski slamming her fist into her palm in the hidden room, decision to mutiny (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die) If I burn out and slip away Lovelace tied to a chair next to Eiffel in the armory, expression defiant. Countdown ticking over the image: 10, 9, 8, 7, 3, 2, 1. When the countdown gets to 1, Lovelace closes her eyes. (What you want, what you need) (Cross my heart, I hope to die, hope to die) (I thought you wanted me) (What you want, what you need) You're beautiful, you are A bloodspattered Lovelace’s eyes snapping open as she’s wreathed in blue light
I've been here so very long Eiffel facing Bob in the hotel room. Stars popping up in Bob's speech bubble to indicate the many systems they've done this with (I could slip into you, it's so easy to come back into you) Restraining bolted crewmembers smiling at an imprisoned Lovelace I'll hide it, can I hide in you a while? Eiffel screaming at a Pryce-piloted Minkowski through the airlock/ the two of them escaping into the vents (I'm not sick of you yet, is that as good as it gets?) Lovelace and Jacobi firing on the Sol capsule with the launcher I never took you for a trick but Lovelace and Kepler staring each other down over the negotiations table sometimes I don't know what you want Cutter and Minkowski superimposed over them I could take it if you need to take this out on someone Rapidfire: Minkowski sending Eiffel home, Jacobi’s fight with Reimann, Lovelace shooting Minkowski, Kepler in the airlock (And this is just the part I portray) Hera in the mindscape facing off against Pryce with Eiffel behind her (And this is just the part I portray) The picture dissolving into shards strobed with jagged electricity I don't know how it got this way Picture resolving into Doug holding a recorder in his hand
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kuwdora · 6 months
Thank you all for the lovely comments on my last art post. It's been a lot over the last few weeks/months/years. Here's some more art. This painting was from last week or the week before, can't remember. My first acrylic pour canvas in over a year. I used an old canvas so you can kind of see the old painting beneath (weird streaks/shadowy lines). Too tired to take a proper photo cause if I don't post now I'll forget. I need to get my website back up or upload stuff to my ko-fi gallery for sale but my brain is dragging its tired feet on all of that because of sads and fatigue. that's the burnout speaking, of course. sometimes i capture my focus for other things, but it's a fickle time time. last week was very hard, getting bad news and not being treated well. plus i'm still waiting on stupid insurance to approve authorization so i can see another doctor for a thing. agh. my resiliency has eroded over the last year especially. do not like. but it's nice when I can manage to focus enough to make (and finish!!) a thing. this painting technique does a good job of making me slow down. even though it's so messy to clean up. but at least this one turned out pretty okay, especially after not making anything like this for awhile.
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numinousmysteries · 8 months
Dancing the Tandava (10/10)
We've reached the end. Thank you for all your kind words, likes, and reblogs. I'm so happy you enjoyed this story and I'm thankful this fandom is still alive and kicking <3
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Geneva, Switzerland 2023
The rumbling stops abruptly. Mulder opens his eyes and sees that light, both from the fluorescent overhead and the window, has returned to the room. He’s still huddled under the desk with Scully and Hannah but there’s no longer any debris strewn on the floor.
“What the hell was that?” Scully says, her voice taking on the high-pitched tone he knows she only uses when she’s faced with something she truly can’t explain.
Equally baffled, he shrugs as the three of them get up from the floor. They’re in the same office as they were before, but there’s no sign the room was just rocked by a seismic quake. Instead, the desk is neatly organized. The messy piles of paper are gone, along with the bael tree in the corner of the room.
“Look at this,” Hannah says, holding up a framed photo on the desk. Bellona is in the picture alongside an olive-skinned woman around his age and three teenagers who must be their children. All five are dressed in hiking gear, smiling atop a mountain.
Mulder tries the door again and this time it opens easily. Hannah and Scully follow him out into the hallway. There’s no sign of Bellona or any of his followers. The door closes behind them and he notices the nameplate bearing Bellona’s name is gone and is replaced with one that reads “Dr. Samita Shah.”
Hannah and Scully spot the nameplate as well and the three of them stare at each other in bewilderment.
“We should check the collider tunnel,” Hannah says.
Hannah doesn’t have the authority to access the LHC tunnel as an intern, but after a few texts to her friend Emmanuelle from the control center, she’s able to swipe her ID card at the ATLAS entry point. Her card grants her access to the elevator, too. The giant elevator lurches into action and they begin their long descent hundreds of feet underground.
The elevator opens into the tunnel that houses the LHC. There’s a narrow walkway along the side of the curved wall, tracing the body of the collider that extends for miles ahead of them.
Mulder spots movement up ahead and the three of them sprint down the walkway toward the shadowy shape.
“It’s William,” Scully shouts as they get closer. Mulder steps aside to let her reach William first.
Their son is on his hands and knees with his head bowed.
“Don’t move,” Scully cautions, as she checks him for signs of injury. “Did you hit your head?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he says. “I’m okay.”
Mulder joins Scully as they gently help him up to his feet. “I’m in the LHC tunnel? At CERN?” He asks.
“Yeah, buddy,” Mulder says.
“And it’s 2023?”
Mulder confirms the year for him as Scully keeps a firm grip on William’s forearm, both to keep him steady and ensure he won’t disappear again.
“Mom,” William pulls her into a hug. “You saved the world.”
“She has a habit of doing that,” Mulder says, embracing both of them.. He’s reminded of the night William was born, finding Scully and the baby in that dilapidated room, and feeling so overwhelmed by fear and love. His heart hammers as he squeezes his family tighter, unwilling to let them go.
“William!” He hears Hannah shouting and heading towards them.
William frees himself of his parents’ grasp and runs past them along the walkway to meet Hannah. Mulder and Scully watch as Hannah goes to hug him but William takes her face in his hands and kisses her on the lips. They can see Hannah’s shock melting into joy as she grabs him around the waist and draws him in closer. Their lips draw apart but their faces stay close as they whisper to each other. Mulder can’t hear everything they’re saying but he can make out a few “missed yous” and “love yous”
“They make a good team,” Scully says quietly.
“They remind me of us. I guess declarations of love following near-death time-travel experiences run in the family.”
She smirks at him but rises on her tip toes to kiss his cheek, imprinting the spot where she once landed a right hook on a ghost ship. Her lips are warm and soft on his skin, a far gentler sensation than the one her sharp knuckles left back in 1939.
William turns back towards them and calls out, “Let’s get out here.”
William and Hannah walk back to the elevator holding hands. Mulder smiles at Scully, happy to see the relief in her eyes, then guides her in the direction they came from with his hand on the small of her back.
Once Scully feels confident that William doesn’t have a head injury or other serious physical damage from his disappearance, the foursome make their way to CERN’s Restaurant 1 cafeteria for dinner. William fills them in on his trip to Camp Hero in 1993. A Google search on Hannah’s phone fails to turn up any articles on Samita Shah’s death. Instead, she’s currently listed as a visiting scientist at CERN, on a one-year fellowship while her husband, Vincent Bellona, continues his work as a tenured physics professor at Princeton.
“It worked, mom,” William says to Scully, smiling. “You convinced Dr. Shah not to join the project.”
“Apparently,” Scully says. “But what I don’t understand is, why do we have no memory of this? If we were able to change the past by altering Shah and Bellona’s timeline, why don’t dad and I remember meeting you in the past? Or any of this happening in 1993?”
“They must’ve wiped our memory before we left Camp Hero,” Mulder says. “The military had that technology back then. They did it to me at Ellens Air Base on one of our very first cases together.”
“Or we could be dealing with a multiverse scenario,” Hannah says.
William looks at her agape. “We must be if you’re seriously proposing that. I think I like you even more in this universe.”
“Ha, ha,” Hannah intones sarcastically and William winks back at her.
“Anyway, I can’t believe how young the two of you looked,” William says to his parents in between bites of his burger. “And even though you were just partners, I could totally tell you liked each other. It was kind of cute.”
“Oh, William,” Scully says. “I can only imagine which ridiculous suit I was wearing, or what tie your dad had on. We must’ve seemed terminally uncool.”
“Well, I wouldn’t really call you guys cool now,” William counters. Mulder playfully flicks a piece of paper straw wrapper at his son. William adeptly dodges it and the balled-up paper flies over this shoulder.
Hannah pokes Wiliam’s bicep with her finger. “Don’t tease them,” she says. “Your parents are awesome. Look how they helped me find you, and how they helped you back in 1993 when they didn’t even know you.”
“They got to know me,” William says, smiling wryly at Mulder. “It took my mom a little more time to believe me, but she got there.”
Scully glances down and Mulder rests a hand on her thigh trying to comfort her. “I wouldn’t have expected any less,” he says.
“It’s just that now—” Scully starts, her voice breaking as a breath catches in her throat. “I couldn’t imagine life without you. We were so scared when you disappeared.”
The mood of the table sombers until William stands up and comes around to the other side to hug his mother. Still seated, she rests her head against his stomach and embraces him around the waist. “I would love you in any universe,” she whispers, pulling back slightly to wipe tears from her eyes.
“I know,” William says, smoothing down her auburn hair. “I think we’d always recognize each other. You too, dad.” He smiles at Mulder then over the table at Hannah. “And you too, Hannah.” Across their trays of half-eaten food, Mulder sees Hannah blushing.
Since finding out William had disappeared, Mulder’s been running on adrenaline, not giving himself a moment to pause and consider the possibility that they’d never see their son again. Now, the relief washes over him like a crashing wave and he doesn’t fight the tears as they come.
So much has changed in thirty years since a skeptical, red-headed spy sauntered into his office haughty with the confidence that comes from never seeing the supposedly immutable laws of nature mutate before your eyes. They tested and challenged each other and forged an elemental bond that couldn’t be shattered with all the energy the world’s largest particle accelerator could muster.
So much has changed for the better. They have a miracle of a son. He just heard Scully essentially admit to believing in alternate universes, although he has no intention of pointing that out to her. He hasn’t abandoned his quest for answers, but he’s found that unraveling the mysteries of the universe can coexist with loving and being loved. It’s more than he ever thought he deserved, and it’s all he could ever want for his son.
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happyk44 · 1 year
jasico prompts!!!!! i have several you can choose ur favorite:
stupid newlyweds who are on honeymoon and therefore their braincells are dead, not noticing weird things happening around them bc 1) they're used to weird shit 2) they just got married and are too into each other to notice the terrorist attacks, alligators, and mafia shootouts
classic coffeeshop au except this coffeeshop is definitely a front for money laundering but the receptionist is So Cute so you can't blame jason for going there everyday
jason has wall of nico photos that are definitely not creepy and he insists that its just his cork board where he puts photos of friends on except its mostly nico.
god!jason kidnaps nico to piss hades off but oops now he's in love and he keeps making excuses as to why he cant release nico: weather's too hot, you owe me money, i have a cold, etc etc
It wasn't a shrine. No matter what Leo said, it wasn't a shrine. Shrines were completely different - Jason knew that. He had a couple actual shrines and this, this was just a photo album. It wasn't even technically dedicated to Nico. It just sort of... ended up there.
Jason couldn't really pinpoint when or how Nico's photos became the prime material of edge page. The album had been a simple idea. Something to look at when he was feeling lonely and remember that he had friends. Initially it was just a small photo book he took with him on his travels but ever since Leo made him that portable printer, he had expanded it to a couple collections.
He hadn't been hiding it either. The albums were innocuous from first glance, protected. Everyone knew he had them, he talked about them all the time. Every time he whipped out his disposable camera, and then later his shock-proof phone, he'd say a quick, "For the album." And they'd smile and pose. There were a lot of candid photos too.
Travelling was just easier for Nico. So he was around more. Checked in more. Of course, Jason was going to have a lot of photos of him.
But as he flipped through his albums, he was beginning to speculate that maybe Leo was onto something. It still wasn't a shrine but...
Well, Nico was pretty. The light caught his face in wonderful angles. There were times he'd be laughing and Jason would think, I have to remember this.
The thing about losing all your memories? You wanted to make sure you had something, just in case it happened again. He wanted physical proof. Leo was here. Piper baked cookies. Hazel had a birthday.
Nico laughed. Nico smiled. Nico disappeared into the corner shadows of the wall. Nico held a puppy. Nico walked around with a half-grown chicken on his head for two hours.
Jason closed the album shut and set it aside. Nerves tousled up inside him. This was... perhaps a problem he had not anticipated. He steeled his breathe inside himself.
It wasn't a shrine. Shrines were for worshipping. For holiness. And his pitures of his friends were important and beloved, but they weren't worshipped. Or holy to him. They were just memories. They were just moments. They were just...
He closed his eyes and exhaled softly.
Sprawled out on the bed, Leo snored. Jason honed in on the sound as he creaked open the album closest to him and reviewed the photos. Nico's hair caught in the moonlight, his head tilted back up to the stars, eyes closed, face blissful. Half a second later when he caught Jason taking a picturing and started laughing. Another half second and the smear of his hand, his dark eyes peeking out just above.
Jason traced the picture.
I knew you loved him, Leo had laughed hours ago as he'd flipped through pages, but I didn't realize it was obsessive horror movie shrine type love.
Of course, Jason loved him. He loved all his friends. Nico was important to him. And these photos weren't - they were just a memories. Just moments.
Jason flipped through the pages of the album. The brushes of air caught against his skin. Thoughts of sinking into shadowy tendrils, the rush of nothingness, fluttered to the front of his mind. Nico's hands cold against his. His quiet, Are you okay? as Jason readjusted to solid ground.
In the album, Nico reflected back at him from every corner. Dark eyes glinting with secret smiles. The curve of his jaw. The spread of his hands. Other people sat in the pages too. But Nico outnumbered them all. He was front and center. Just looking at him filled Jason with a thick warmth he hadn't felt in a very long time.
He paused. An understanding dawned on him.
Of course, I love him, he's my friend, he'd huffed back at Leo earlier. And it's not a shrine.
Leo had grinned wickedly. His eyes were alight with a knowing that Jason detested. He hated the way Leo always seemed to know him better than he knew himself. Not in a factual logical way - but emotionally. Jason could introspect on himself for decades and never come out with the emotional understanding Leo could sniff out just by looking at him.
It's totally a shrine, dude. He'd laughed a little here, hipchecked Jason. And you're not thinking of the same love I'm thinking of.
He didn't elaborate then and Jason didn't ask. But he got it now.
Maybe it was a shrine then. Sort of. Looking at Nico - candid and posed - filled him with a quiet delight, a sense of clarity. And there was devotion there. It sat quiet in his bones, waiting for the moment Nico would appear from the shadows like an unholy angel. Then it would rattle up cut through Jason's core like a hot knife. Like an iron brand.
He'd been branded in the name of a god before. Although then, he had been an unknowing participant, sat down before a group of adults and burned until his tongue bled. His shrine was devoted to a statue. His prayers heard without much response.
This time was different. His shrine was smiles and humanity, warmth. His calls went answered every time. The brand on his soul had been placed there willingly. He'd chased it down with heavy teeth and was rewarded with blood and family.
Jason pushed Leo's legs out of the way and crawled into place next to him.
The last couple of years had been spent wandering around from place to place, restoring temples, building shrines, remembering the forgotten, taking care of the old. In his travels, he'd hoped for a deity he could take pride in like he used to. When he'd ask them what they wanted from a follower, they'd smile knowingly with crooked teeth and sharp eyes and shaky hands.
They knew the truth he was too blind to see.
He'd already found his god.
Now he just needed to prove his devotion.
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wabart · 2 years
Would you ever do a tutorial on how to draw tit so well? you are a titmancer!
Thank you! 🧙‍♂️
getting used to the Shapes of masculine chest/arms/etc takes some time but tbqh it is sort of just rectangle with more chunks
sketch the body
hes a quick how-to for the front angle and how i sketch the pecs
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and then I put together a colour palette: i believe skin tones are not just a "base" and then the "darker shadowy colour" and then the "highlight colour"; it is made of so many blue-green-purpley-yellow-orange tones you wouldn't think to include, and all of those together are what creates the illusion of one solid skin tone. Study from real life and use photo references as much as you need. Challenge yourself and get lots of practice! I make a palette from photos when i want to make sure I'm accurate. Here's an example:
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In this, there's light, saturated tones and desaturated colourful ones in deep purples. I tried to get as many different-looking swatches as possible; when I paint, these will blend together and create hundreds of more colours on the canvas. Try to not over-swatch or you'll be sitting there for ages and be focused on perfection.
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here, I'm getting the general shapes of shadows. In most real-life situations, shadows are not pure black, and highlights are not pure white. Of course, that isn't always true!
I'm not working from a photo reference in this because I am very very very very used to painting boobie but i REALLY recommend using one until you could do it blindfolded. I use references ALL the time, for colour and shape and lighting and angles I have trouble with. There is absolutely no shame in it; you are creating a strong foundation to draw from :)
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I'm making it very stark so it's easy to see: the top "square" of both pecs is more shaded where it meets the collarbone. Notice how these bits of shadow don't touch; there's a highlight separating them. This creates the illusion of depth! Shading the body is all about shading the simple shapes plopped on top of eachother :)
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I added purple to the underarms area; I find that adding a saturated colour fools the eye to think the shadows are more intense without needing to dip into a dark, instense palette. I blended out the colours on the pec to make them less stark: see how the general shape of shading versus shadow is the same on the left and right, but the left is more gentle. A lot of my technique is memorising What Stuff Goes Where; for example, the little triangle directly under the collarbone where it meets the shoulder. The collarbone itself is a strip of highlight, with that darker triangle directly underneath. This makes a HUGE!!! difference in how you perceive the shape.
As a general rule (with basic, diffuse lighting on the subject) I will do a strip of shadow along the bottom of the pec (ending a little above where the nip is at; this depends on how big the pec is. Someone with a smaller one will have a taller shadow!!) and then it is IMMEDIATELY a highlight in a kind of "U" shape. A lot of the form comes from choosing to blend slowly between dark and light versus putting darkness and lightness side-by-side. Practice and study photos and you will see what I mean, I promise!!
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And there you have it!! The pec is just one part but it can really level up your apparent skill when you know how to draw or paint one to your standards. :)
Another quick tip: these general rules also apply to breasts, though the shadow at the top near the collarbone is far more gentle; that sharp shadow implies firmness and flatness.
And: when more at an angle, you can draw pecs quickly by doing this:
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"the closer tit is dark around the edges" up beside "the right tit is highlighted on the edge"; the contrast between dark and light implies the two side by side :)
See, even without lineart, it implies Mounds:
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I hope this is helpful!!!
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
Really Stupid Theory Idea:
(Ive totally definitely cracked the code)
Thinking about this bit from TSE
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Soul says the brain is what split them up in the first place (i doubt hes talking about Mind). Going into "Someone help me understand what's going on behind my eyes. Doctor I can't tell if I'm not me" shows how much his sense of identity has been jumbled up since the "brain" is split into three he doesn't know whats happening in his head nor what hes supposed to be. The beginning half of Cacophony has Heart & Mind fighting over Soul/who should control him/take his place, not even trying to view him a person or having his own identity. Especially with Storm & a Spring, Mind saying "A Soul so deep, and dark, and eternally cold and an oath, formed from us both that it would stay whole" saying that THEY are in charge of Soul and are the ones keeping him Whole. So by the time Soul has his song he's 1. Trying to keep the other two from tryin to kill the other again/stop their arguing and 2. Trying to figure out who he and what hes supposed to be. And since in the end of TSE Heart & Mind are still fighting and has no idea what hes supposed to be, he gives up and views tridental regicide as the answer. Its only till Heart & Mind attempt to see the others viewpoint that he can make his own viewpoints about himself and his identity.
Where am I going with this? Well its obvious
(im not going anywhere with this I just wanted to rant about Soul and I made a stupid theory out of it)
I was always confused why Soul looked like this
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But also this
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Like whys he half colored in Light but other times hes not?
Speaking of Night&Light, who tf is thie fella??
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Are you Whole? Are you Soul? Well ladies, gentlemen and the technicolor rainbow in between the answer to that is Yes but also No
That shadowy figure is totally definitely
Soul 2
Now you may say "KJ, soul 2 isnt real, it was just the way CJ was mixing his music/lyrics and he just forgot to fix it"
And I say stfu you're WRONG and im gonna TELL you why you're wrong.
(All lyrics im getting from are specifically from CJ's videos that indicate who says what)
As i said before the line from TSE in the forst photo up top says Soul can't understand whats going on behind his eyes/in is brain/head. He also says this line:
"Open your window look out and see them. Tines stabbed through eyes that the sides have condemned"
While this lyric is usually used for how heart went blind theories, its odd that it says "The Sides have Condemned" the sides being Heart & Mind. And as we know by the lyrics " Heart Mind Slay Soul" and "Fathers of fathers, I know that I'm vile. Let's see how long it takes to murder me. Neither is wrong, yet neither is right. Condemn him to the infirmary" Soul uses their own lines against them and knows how their fighting is a threat himself (also shown by the lyric in Dream). He tries to show that neither side is Good or Evil (the thing they only come to terms with in VoaC) but the very thought of working together and seeing the others side, is said that the person deserves to be Condemned. Which is exactly what the line from Night. A person with another perspective (from the window), and the sides (Heart & Mind) condemn that idea.
However the lyric in Light "Open the window, look out and see me, that sad, sulking mess, this human you're being" is said by the black shadowy character. But thought Soul was in the window? Unless the Shadowy Guy
Is that idea dumb? Probably BUT you have lyrics like in Two Wuv "The person you see is a dark divided man". Divided can mean both Heart & Mind but also the fact that Soul is divided into 2 colors. But thats up to interpretation you say, well what about the fact that this line from Night (that have {} which are indications of when Soul is singing)
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Along with this, Soul & Shadow Pal can both say Me when talking about themselves specifically. But when trying to say Me as in all together/Whole, they glitch out and cant say it. Because neither of them are Whole. But are technically the same person/entity
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(Two Wuv is also the song where you can point out the parts when which half of Soul is singing. Depending if talking about the point of Cacophony/HMS or the perspective of Whole/Soul 2 when writing about/making the songs themselves. However i dont have enough room for that atm so thatll have to be a separate post (if i make it lol) )
The ending of Light has all of them singing together while physically being overlayed as well.
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But you have this one at the final chorus
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You see Heart & Mind with the lighter split of Soul together but ALSO the Shadowy Man/the dark half of Soul. You can tell by the fact that none of them are holding a microphone but Shadow Bro is.
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Now this has all probably been sad before (i cant remember if anyone did a theory for this honestly i have a bad memory)
But im going further.
So much stupidly further that im claiming these lines in The Whole World And You
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Are not mind & heart singing but instead soul & the other half
But maybe technically are?
At that time, the () & [] werent indicating whether Heart & Mind were singing. They were just spitting up the duet lyrics to be more readable.
Yes, the Mind voice is there but the lyrics are more talking about having to be Whole again. Soul & Other One are talking about how them two split and eventually become Whole again. "I hope you're happy now ive merged dark and light" is especially talking about how dark & light/heart & mind are now together again. So the person singing isnt either of them. It sounds more of Whole talking to himself about being split and coming back together again. But the voices still sound like Heart & Mind as well as the lyric colors in the video being black & white (but spining into the opposite colors). Unless,
And this is quite stupid so much so that i dont rlly believe it and wont accept as canon when drawing them
But, at least at that point, the halves of Soul ARE Heart & Mind.
In a way at least. Soul is also his own person/self as well shown by how he talks in TSE & Two Wuv. But he also has lines like "I can feel them stew" in Night or "I won't hesitate to kill my Heart & Mind. I will abdicate these deviants sat inside" or the entire 2nd verse in Two Wuv. Its why he's called the vessel as well, Whole spilts into Heart & Mind leaving Wholes Identity & Self behind. Soul IS his own self (being Wholes identity) but also your emotional & logistical side are apart of your identity as well. Which is why the combined photos in the end of Light are at first split color soul are each halves/are on the sides of Heart & Mind, but also one of all 4 of them being overlayes together with the halves of Soul as full bodies. (Also goes into to the fact CJs original name for Soul was Body a bit as well) . Also why the album cover is Heart & Mind as 2 halves with Soul as the Mask & Whole being the hand that holds it (shown by the nailpolish colors)
Okay im done i originally just wanted to rant about Soul & Two Wuv cos i relate to them a lot. But i had a silly idea and wanted to type it out.
So in an incomprehensible conclusion, there might be 2 Souls/2 halfs of Soul (one of them might sorta be Whole) but they also might be Heart & Mind finally agreeing with the other.
Or something idk im tired and i find this HILARIOUS so im posting it hi
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 year
(Whumpy) WIP Wednesday
Here are 3 snippets from some stories I'm working on. If you see this post, consider yourself tagged (and be sure to tag me if you share your WIPs!)
From Chapter 3 of The Climb (ao3):
Jason stops dead, paralyzed by the fear that cuts through him like the Clown’s scalpel. That wasn’t the voice of another ghost. That was real. He’d been so lost in his delusions that he hadn’t heard the makeshift trap door creak open or the heavy boot-steps descending the unfinished concrete staircase, approaching him. The ringing in his ears grows louder, and his head hurts so much that he thinks he’s gonna pass out. Two bright beams of light pierce the darkness, falling on him, illuminating him like a deer in headlights, knocking the wind out of him like a punch to the gut.
“No…” His whimper catches in his throat. Any courage he had regained from facing certain death was sucked out of him and terror bubbled up in its place. How could he have been so careless? This is why I was left here to rot. This is why I was replaced. He should’ve known the Clown would never let him creep through these halls unprotected. He’d never let his prized plaything slip from his grip. You fucking dumbass. His partner would make him suffer for this.
He throws up a scrawny arm over his face to shield his stinging eyes from the flashlights that are pointed at him. His heart is galloping in his chest, racing toward that trap door that is now blocked by the pair of shadowy figures. He tightens his grip on the wall to keep himself from collapsing and begging these flesh-and-blood specters for mercy.
A really rough excerpt from probably the worst / most twisted moment of Jay's torture at the hands of Joker 🤡 (part of my Ruined series):
(cw: torture for the two snippets under the cut)
“Really, Jason. All this fuss over an ice pack?”
“Oh, the hammer? (chuckles) I just wanted to see your face.”
“Now you hold that there. Good. And let’s get these back on.”
“It’s ok, buddy. Your punishment is over. All is forgiven.”
“Calm down, little bird. Deep breaths. (Inhale , exhale.) Good. That’s my good boy.”
Strokes his sweat-soaked hair. 
“Kill me,” Jason begs through tears, through clenched teeth. “Kill me. Please. Sir. Kill me.”
“Nonsense. We still have work to do, partner.”
“Please,” he sobs, defeated. Can barely get the words out thru his clenched broken teeth. “It hurts so much.” (In a tiny voice)
“You’ll feel better soon, I promise. I’ll even let you rest for a few days before we resume our training. You’ll feel as good as new.”
He just sobs. There is nothing he can do or say. 
After the Clown leaves him: (eerie silence, like a tomb. Never felt so alone in his entire life.)
“Why?” He asks the man who he thought was his father. Sobs. “Why? It hurts. Please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
From a ficlet tentatively titled "An Apple a Day" (another part of my Ruined series):
When the pliers clamp down around his front tooth, Jason shatters.
“Thank you sir! THANK YOU SIR!” he screams, a blood-sputtering scream, his words slurring around the cold, pitiless metal that’s shoved into his pried-open jaws. He prays that’s enough as he shakes like a puppy on the fourth of July. He gave the psycho what he wanted—he called the man “sir,” like some fucked up sex roleplay. 
Joker has been punishing him for running his mouth. Again. For laughing in his pasty white face when the Party City Clown informed him that he’d be calling the man “sir” from now on. “You can take your ‘sir’ and shove it up your fucking ass,” were his exact words. The old Jason may not have regretted those words. That boy probably would’ve thought this agony was worth it. But that boy’s gone now; murdered by a photo. Batman had bitched at him many times for running his mouth while on patrol. Probably yet another reason why Batman picked a new kid for the job, why the old, rejected kid now has eight throbbing holes in his swollen gums.
Warm, coppery blood dribbles from the corners of his mouth, coating his busted lower lip in crimson gore. His breath’s coming in frantic pants, on the edge of hyperventilating. His armored chest full of broken ribs heaves beneath the heavy braided ropes that bind him to the wooden chair, ropes that squeeze his lungs like a giant’s fist. Nailless fingers dig into the material of his gloved palms as he balls his fists behind his back. No more, he silently prays yet another useless prayer as tears roll down his scarred cheeks. Please no more…
He’s a dumbass for holding out so long. Ten teeth—at least—gone from his mouth now. Two from the fucking crowbar, eight from the Clown’s pliers. And for what? To impress the man who’d left him here to rot? The man he considered his father; his partner who picked a new kid rather than bother finding the old one.
The gloved fist twisted into his matted black hair tightens, tearing at his scalp, and wrenches his head back even further. “Be more specific,” Joker says casually, as if they were discussing the weather over a cup of coffee and not the eight bloody teeth scattered on the table in front of him.
“Thank you for…” His mind races in circles, groping through the immense pain for the right words. (through the pain that shattered his thoughts)
“I think the patient needs another extraction, Dr. J.”
Joker sighs. “Excellent diagnosis, Nurse.”
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: The Bell in the Fog, a dazzling historical mystery by Lev AC Rosen, asks—once you have finally found a family, how far would you go to prove yourself to them?
San Francisco, 1952. Detective Evander “Andy” Mills has started a new life for himself as a private detective—but his business hasn’t exactly taken off. It turns out that word spreads fast when you have a bad reputation, and no one in the queer community trusts him enough to ask an ex-cop for help.
When James, an old flame from the war who had mysteriously disappeared, arrives in his offices above the Ruby, Andy wants to kick him out. But the job seems to be a simple case of blackmail, and Andy’s debts are piling up. He agrees to investigate, despite everything it stirs up.
The case will take him back to the shadowy, closeted world of the Navy, and then out into the gay bars of the city, where the past rises up to meet him, like the swell of the ocean under a warship. Missing people, violent strangers, and scandalous photos that could destroy lives are a whirlpool around him, and Andy better make sense of it all before someone pulls him under for good.
A new case for the queer private investigator, except his client is his ex and he'll be facing a whole slew of messy history, dangers, and feelings, especially since he's falling for the cute bartender too. Its 1952 in San Francisco and ex-cop turned private investigator Evander "Andy" Mills is on the case. Ever since opening up his own investigation office, he's still trying to fit in, no one trust him because he's an ex cop despite him being gay, but he's trying. When an old flame shows up, his ex from the navy, wanting to hire Andy to help him get back some illicit photos that could destroy his career, Andy is on the case. Yet this case has a lot of it's own troubles and dangers as Andy gets pulled in further and further into his old history with his ex and the fact that someone is killing for the blackmail photos that happen to be more than just his ex's. Can Andy crack the case before it's too late and finally protect the home and people he's begun to think of as his own family, and maybe also finally ask out the cute bartender Gene that he's been crushing on, that is, if he can work out his complicated feelings for his ex. This was such a fun historical murder mystery, it's a great continuation of the first book, and I absolutely can't wait to see if there is going to be a third book (I would love for this to be a continuing series), it would be so cool to see all the characters again and see them grow, especially getting to see Andy grow more into himself and his journey as a P.I!
*Thanks Netgalley and Tor Publishing Group, Forge Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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