#this is also the same cousin to refuses to say mikes name
taylorswiftshipsbyler · 11 months
I just found out that my cousin is a billy stan
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thewickedmerman · 3 years
Winx Club - Enchantix
It's finally time for the FINAL transformation (Which is gonna STAY the final transformation)! The fan favorite, ENCHANTIX! I am making some changes both for aesthetic reasons and for character reasons. They will all have the Bloomix wings because those are the best wings out of all of the transformations. I will be doing them in order of who earns their Enchantix.
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Starting off with the BEST fairy! I didn't make too many changes, apart from the makeup, the color, the wings, and the skirt. I made the skirt a flowing high-low skirt that resembled a waterfall and a wave. I still included the straps but made both pink and kept the yellow seaweed looking things. But I also added a transparent pink thing to the skirt to make the front a little longer and to add some dimension to it. Layla has had the colors of her Enchantix outfit change from blue to green in the actual show, which I guess was because of how Bloom earned her Enchantix and they didn't want two of them to be in blue (Even though Layla's color always should've been blue and Bloom's really should've been red). However, I stuck with blue but also made is an aqua shade just like all of her past transformation looks. I also add some painted toenails because I wanted to. I changed her makeup because my girlfriend, who is half-black and is very protective of black females (Particularly full-blooded dark-skinned ones), pointed out that her makeup in her official Enchantix didn't look quite right because the lips were too light. So I used a slightly darker shade to fix that, as well as made her eyeshadow purple instead of green because it just looks better. Also, just wanted to point out the two little white things by her eyes because that is part of her original Enchantix form as well. They look like two little dewdrops. She still earns her Enchantix by using the last bit of sunlight to healing the queen of the mermaids instead of restoring her sight that was stolen by Valtor. Also, apparently the queen is supposed to be her aunt, which I'm guessing is more of an honorable love like family thing because of how the royal family of the merpeople are clearly not black and aren't even the same species as Layla. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.
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Stella's Enchantix went through A LOT of changes. Don't get me wrong, her original Enchantix was gorgeous but I didn't feel like it showed enough of her sun and moon powers. I also wanted to give her a more Greek inspired look and went with her prototype Enchantix hair, which is so gorgeous and suits her and the outfit so much. I still went with her hair being lighter just like with her official Enchantix because I feel it does show her moon powers. I just really love the way she turned out. She still earns her Enchantix by saving her father from a dragon.
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Musa's Enchantix went through A LOT of changes. Her original Enchantix was gorgeous but I felt that it should've ditched the pigtails and had more of an Asian influence to it. I went with her Bloomix hair because it is very Asian influenced, though I just added chopsticks, which was suggested by my girlfriend. I also tried to make her makeup look Asian inspired to just add to the look, which I really love. The blue of the outfit was almost gold but I changed it so that it would match the wings. The outfit is mainly purple, which I have as her signature color, but also made sure there was red because of how it is an important color in Asian culture. I made sure to add a music note on her top because of how she is the fairy of music and it goes with her wings. I really love her look and I'm pretty proud of how she turned out. Musa still earns her Enchantix by refusing to leave Princess Galatea behind and nearly dies protecting her. However, I also have Galatea be Musa's cousin because I'm keeping the 4KIDS canon of Musa being a princess, though one that is the daughter of a prince that denounced his throne. I feel like Musa being royal adds to the story of her parents because of how her mother rejected her classical training and her father rejected his royal title in order to have a career in music. However, they still didn't have much money and that added her mother dying because they couldn't afford the right medical attention. This resulted in her father giving up music forever and deciding to beg his family to let him back into the royal family, in order to keep Musa from struggling like he did and would have the means to have proper medical attention, so he wouldn't lose Musa either. He was let back into the royal family for the sake of Musa. However, her father would not be the one to inherit the throne, which would go to Galatea's father. So this means that Musa isn't just saving the princess of her planet that is a friend, but also saving a family member. I'm just assuming that Galatea is Asian with blonde hair (I mean, Musa has blue hair, so why not?) because her father is shown to look like a Chinese Emperor and the planet of Melody is very Asian influenced. Sorry for rambling.
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I really didn't do any changes to Flora's Enchantix, apart from the Bloomix wings because Flora's Enchantix is perfection. She still earns her Enchantix by saving her little sister, Miele (Yes, I prefer her actual name over her 4KIDS name, Rose).
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For Tecna's Enchantix I really wanted it to be the most revealing of her fairy outfits (Well, tied with Sirenix) because of how I had her starting to show off more skin for her Believix form and it shows how she's grown and opened herself up to others and let herself be emotional instead of just logical all the time. Just because she isn't skinny it doesn't mean she has to alway be covered up. But I did adjust the length to make it more tasteful (Even though her original Enchantix wasn't distasteful). I also wanted to add some elements from her Bloomix form besides just the wings. I added the technology pattern she had on her leggings because they looked so amazing (But were a pain to do) and gave her that transparent fabric she has in that form. While Tecna's hair has grown in this transformation (Just like with all the girls), I didn't want to make it more than a few inches below the shoulders because her short hair makes her unique. I didn't add sparkles to the armor because I wanted to make clear the difference in material. Since I have her color being green, I did have to mess around with the coloring a bit and I love the way it looks. The way she earns her Enchantix is my favorite of all the girls because she saved not only her home planet, Zenith, but other planets by closing the portal to the Omega Dimension on Andros. That's just a whole new level of sacrifice. She doesn't die and does manage to escape, of course, but the impact of what she did is just a staple in the Winx Club and how much she means to the group and what an awesome character she is.
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Bloom's Enchantix was one I was VERY excited to do because of the GORGEOUS hair and how I really wanted to make her dress look like fire. This has gone from one of my least favorite Enchantix forms to one of my favorites. Don't get me wrong, her original Enchantix form was gorgeous but really didn't feel like it suited her powers. I did combine this with her Bloomix form because for one, the hair is just GORGEOUS and I really wanted to include the scales from the form. I wanted to have the top also have some flow to it. I especially wanted that with the skirt. I wanted it to appear like actual flames with red, orange, and yellow. I also blended the colors as they transitioned. I added blue-looking flames because of how fire does have a hint of blue to it, which is the hottest color. I decided to make her gloves orange to go with her fire powers and made her jewelry gold to go with her fire powers, as well as purple gems to go with her wings. I gave her a dragon necklace because it looks really badass. I went with a fiery-looking eyeshadow with blue and orange, which was easier to do because of how her hair isn't orange here. As for how she earns her Enchantix, I am NOT having her earn it by that bull crap of it being sheer force of will, which I know that my amazing friend @bellatrixobsessed1 will appreciate VERY much. Also, just so you all know, I'm keeping her birth parents and the entire population of Sparx DEAD! Yes, it's tragic but it's also something that gives Bloom a huge layer of depth. Anyway, what I decided to have happen is that she is on Pyros doing all she was doing in the show and basically trying to cheat to get her Enchantix with the help of Maya. However, Valtor, wanting to destroy Bloom once and for all and knowing that Pyros would be where she was at and that he couldn't enter because of a barrier that kept out dark magic decided to get Bloom to come to him by going to Earth to put her adopted parents in danger. Bloom, deep in meditation learns that her parents are in danger because her sister, Daphne appears to her in a vision to warn her. Bloom in desperation to save her parents begs Maya to help her to Earth. Maya warns her that if she leaves now that she may never be able to earn her Enchantix and that without it, she could die while trying to leave Pryros. Bloom says she doesn't care because Valtor may have taken her birth parents from her but she was NOT going to let him take her adopted parents. Daphne and Maya, reluctantly, use their magic to help Bloom get to Earth through a portal. Traveling through the portal was physically painful for Bloom but she kept on going and refused to give up. She nearly dies but as she arrives to Earth, just as Valtor was about to kill Mike and Vanessa (Bloom's adopted parents), a weakened Bloom with what little strength she had left threw herself in front of them to save their lives. She was close to death but this selfless act saved her life because of how it was what had her earn her Enchantix. Why? Because Faragona said that in order to earn Enchantix, you have to save someone from your home world and make a big sacrifice in the process. Home doesn't mean a place you are born in but rather a place you're loved and have a life. Earth is her home world, so saving her adopted parents allowed her to earn her Enchantix. Bloom, now more powerful than ever was able to fight off Valtor, forcing him to flee. Did you guys like my version of how Bloom earned her Enchantix? Let me know.
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My final group picture of the Winx Club in their final forms. This was a lot of fun, a lot of work, and a lot of headaches. I couldn't have done it without the help of my girlfriend, @keeloves, who gave me suggestions and ideas, as well as feedback during the process. Thank you guys so much for liking my stuff, even if you didn't leave comments. I'm really happy to be done with this and I'm grateful for all the love this has been getting. Also, I have the girls flying instead of just standing like I did with their Magic Winx, casual looks, and Believix.
Credit for the bases goes to SelenaEde of DeviantArt
Credit for the wings goes to AstralBlu of DeviantArt
Credit for the backgrounds goes to xKaJot of YouTube & Keerene and SparxGuardian
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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She Freak
Oh, boy, this is going to be a fucking delight.  If the 1932 movie Freaks were Invasion of the Saucer Men, She Freak would be Attack of the The Eye Creatures.  Freaks is a very troubling movie, but it does go to great effort to present the denizens of the sideshow as human beings who can be loving, greedy, heartbroken, or naïve as much as anyone else, and who find family in each other when the rest of the world rejects them – and must be very careful who they let into that club.  The horror of the story is derived as much from their predicament as from the fate of Cleopatra.  She Freak is… not like that.
A woman named Jade Cochrane works at a little diner somewhere in the south, quietly (and sometimes not-so-quietly) enduring sexual harassment from both the customers and her married boss.  Wanting more out of life, she quits her job and goes looking for work at a passing carnival, which she figures will at least allow her to travel.  From there she sets her sights on marrying Steve St. John, the owner of the freak show and the richest man connected with this community. Unfortunately for everybody around her, even this very moderate form of power corrupts Jade to the core, and after too much of her mistreatment, the sideshow stars take a horrible revenge!
The opening sequence is a bunch of carnival footage in which everybody looks bored, worryingly reminiscent of both Carnival Magic and MUZ.  Even worse, quite a bit of it is shot by somebody sitting on a moving ferris wheel or other midway ride.  I’ve never been able to enjoy midway rides because I get motion sickness (I can’t see J. J. Abrams movies in theatres for the same reason), so this was not a fun experience for me, even on my tiny laptop screen.  It goes on way too long, and most of it doesn’t even have any credits over it.  Crow would have fled to go throw up in a corner.
The moment I knew She Freak belonged on MST3K, however, is this shot:
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What the hell does that sign say?  YHJCY A+ FTJB?  What does it mean?  Is it an acronym?  A secret code?  An in-joke? A message to or from aliens?  That would have fascinated Mike and the ‘bots.  They’d have built a whole host sketch around that sign.
She Freak is tooth-rattlingly bad in many different ways.  I don’t know what any of the people in it think they’re doing but it sure isn’t acting.  It’s relentlessly padded, full of pointless footage of putting the midway up, taking the midway down, putting the midway back up again, and carnival-goers wandering around looking dazed.  At one point we have to watch a stripper do her act, to a chorus of background hooting and applause that sure isn’t coming from the bored-to-shit audience we see.  Most of the film feels like nothing is happening, and then what ought to have been the entire plot is crammed into the last fifteen minutes.
The one place where there is a glimmer of competence is in a couple of quite nice directing choices.  There’s a scene where Jade leaves her new husband with his buddies and sneaks off to bang the guy who runs the ferris wheel, Blackie (don’t worry, he’s white. She Freak has a little person called ‘Shorty’, but to my relief it wasn’t tasteless enough to cast a character named ‘Blackie’ as an African American) that makes a very good use of shadows to tell us what’s going on in two places at once.  Pity the film stock is so crappy it almost ruins it.  I also liked how Jade’s scenes with Blackie have proper dialogue, while Steve woos her in a series of montages.  Jade wants to spend time with Blackie, while her marriage to Steve is something she goes through the motions of and gets out of the way.
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She Freak really has no right to tout itself as a remake of Freaks, for the simple reason that it isn’t even about the sideshow.  The older movie had characters like Hans the dwarf and Daisy and Violet the conjoined twins, who were people with relationships and roles in the plot.  In She Freak we never even see the sideshow that so upsets Jade in an early scene.  There’s Shorty, the little guy in a cowboy hat who works for the carnival, but when we see him he’s acting like he’s Steve’s friend and assistant rather than one of the exhibits.  An armless woman and a few people in funny makeup appear at the climax, but we’ve never seen them before and we have no idea who they are.  Where the hell is the ‘Alligator Girl’ the banners promised?
It’s probably all for the best.  If there had been any ‘unusual people’ with major roles in the movie it would doubtless have treated them in a disgusting and exploitative manner.  But what’s on screen shouldn’t even pretend to be a remake of Freaks.
As the owner of the sideshow, Steve insists that he cares about his employees and considers them ‘human beings, just like you and me’. He tells Jade that many of them came from abusive homes, and that in his show they’re able to earn a living and be around others who won’t judge them.  This is a reasonably noble sentiment, but what we are subsequently shown is somewhat at odds with it.  Steve says his employees are also his friends, but he hangs out and plays cards with the other carnies, not with them.  When Shorty tells him that Jade is cheating on him, Steve slaps him like he would a misbehaving child.  This is not how people treat friends and equals.
You may have guessed where this is heading: in one of my favourite running complaints, yep, we have nobody to root for in this movie.  We’re probably supposed to like Steve, but he’s bland and his actions don’t agree with his words insisting he’s a nice, compassionate guy. The character from whose point of view we see the events is of course Jade, but Jade is the villain of the movie and we’re watching it to see her hubris destroy her.  That means the protagonists ought to be the sideshow people themselves, but since we never actually meet them, their revenge is meaningless. In this context they are not human beings, they are not characters, they are merely what Jade has been calling them all along: monsters.
(Shorty, by the way, is played by Felix Silla, who is the closest thing this movie has to a star. He was Cousin Itt on the Addams Family TV show.)
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She Freak presents us with several reasons why we ought to dislike Jade.  She’s introduced working at the greasy little diner, where she turns down a date first with a customer and then with her boss.  The customer accepts this gracefully but the boss does not.  The scene tries to show us Jade as an uppity bitch who thinks she’s too good for other people, but her boss is such a slimy toad that we have to take her side.  She tells us how her mother married too young and lost any chance at her own dreams, and while Claire Brennan is a terrible actress, the story is one that inspires sympathy.  When Jade seizes on the carnival as her chance for escape she becomes downright pathetic.  I mean, how awful is your life if a travelling midway and sideshow seems like a step up in the world?
Of course, as the movie continues we find that Jade really is just a snotty bitch whose idea of ‘getting more out of life’ is having a rich husband to carry her bags when she goes shopping. She sees others only as what they can provide to her – Steve for money, Blackie for sex.  This attitude blinds her to others’ true intentions.  She is entirely oblivious to the fact that Blackie is an abusive bastard or that Steve honestly loves her.  The lesson of the movie seems to be ‘beware of women who want more out of life.’  She should have known her place!
This is a pretty nasty attitude towards women but there are other female characters who are treated a bit better.  Pat the stripper tried marriage and domesticity and didn’t like it.  She seems to enjoy working at the carnival and is gregarious and kind-hearted.  We’re invited to leer at her performance but she’s presented as much less trashy than Jade, who considers herself above such things. Pat continues to try to be a friend to Jade for as long as she can, and keeps giving her second chances long after it should be obvious that Jade isn’t interested in reciprocating her kindness. There’s also Olga the fortune-teller, who needed to support herself after her husband died.  The three of them even manage to have conversations that pass the Bechdel test.  In a movie called She-Freak that’s almost impressive.
The ending of She Freak is the only place where it really even seems inspired by Freaks.  The sideshow employees take their revenge on Jade, and we see her on display in the sideshow, licking a snake and wearing some unconvincing Harvey Dent makeup.  This is supposed to feel like justice, in that she has become what she most hated, but it’s been so watered down by the movie’s refusal to humanize the sideshow, or even to show us Jade interacting with them at all, that it has no power to horrify.  It’s a big letdown after the opening scene that promised us a horrible freak that was once a human being.  Why does her burned side have an elf ear?
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Invasion of the Saucer Men was not a good movie, at all, but it still deserved better than Attack of the The Eye Creatures.  It’s up for debate whether Freaks was technically ‘good’ but it was an ambitious film with much to say about how human beings treat one another and about the eugenics movement of the 1930s.  In fact, the US National Film Registry considers Freaks one of the most significant films ever made, and it currently boasts a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.  The fact that writer David Friedman claimed She Freak was a remake of Freaks just proves that, like the audiences who booed that film in 1932, he never bothered to understand it.
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James and Marcie with the kids headcanons please.❤️
There are nine kids here, we are going in birth order, not family factions:
Jason Harry Potter:
Born June 16, 2023
Thought to be the oldest Potter grandchild until Collin came into the family
He is a spoiled little bean, by both of his grandparents and all of his aunts and uncles, this kid didn’t touch the floor for about his first eight months
Al is his godfather!
He is a proud Gryffindor like his parents and grandparents
He has a really uneasy relationship with both of his parents (James and Katie) after the divorce and also with Marci
There is a lot of anger towards all three of the main adults in his life, mostly as he thinks his parents moved on too quickly
James does get fed up with him while Marci is pregnant with Lilliana and just kicks him out
He goes to Harry and Ginny’s
He’s closer to his Grandpa Harry and Nana Ginny then anyone else
He does eventually come around to Marci, she kills him with kindness and he actually likes being an oldest brother to all the kids
He gets really close to Josey because they only have a three year age difference and he knows how scary it can be at Hogwarts that first year
Jason grows out of his brattiness towards James when he’s about 16/17, but it’s mostly thanks to his younger siblings
Josey Caroline Abraham:
Born December 10, 2026
Her parents got divorced when she was nine, and then Marci moved them to England
She is the oldest of her siblings, so she tries to be strong for her little sister and brother, but she just feels so alienated in England
She is very apprehensive of James, but he doesn’t try to be her dad or anything more than a friend right away
She’s still close to her dad after the move, but then he never shows up the summer before she starts Hogwarts
James takes her out to ice cream when it becomes obvious that her dad isn’t going to show and they go ring shopping for Marci after
She’s a Slytherin, and gets really close to Al, but it’s Jason who really takes her in, and Collin
When she’s fifteen, she asks James to formally adopt her, as he had already adopted her siblings and she was ready for him to be her dad
It took her a long time to realize that he was more of a dad to her than her father
Kerrie LeeAnne Potter:
Born March 21, 2029
She was six when the divorce happened compare to Jason’s twelve
She has a hard time remembering what it was like before the divorce and before Marci
She isn’t close to Katie, but she’s the same age as Hallie so Marci groups them together a lot
This isn’t an issue for either of them, until school
Because Kerrie is eleven before September first and Hallie isn’t
She does have her cousin Michael Harry (Lily’s oldest) and Jason is 17 and Josey is 14
But it doesn’t feel right until Hallie starts school the next year
She is a Gryffindor
Marci adopts her after she marries James, along with Hazel
Hallie Sarah Abraham:
Born October 29, 2029
She had just turned seven when her parents divorced and they moved
She chooses not to remember her father and is more than happy to accept James into her life
He takes her out flying because her own father refuses to
It becomes their thing, and James takes her out every Monday evening
James adopts her after he marries Marci along with Mike Anthony
She is sorted into Ravenclaw when she goes to Hogwarts, and she finds a home in blue and bronze
She gets on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team her second year and James couldn’t be more proud of her
She becomes one of the best Seekers since Harry played
Micheal Anthony Abraham:
Born April 3, 2032
He was four when his parents divorced
He refuses to get in contact with his dad when he reaches out, he claims that James is the only dad he’s ever known
He loves being an older brother, and he looks up to Jason so much
Even though they have a nine year age difference, Jason becomes really fond of Mike Anthony and names him godfather of his first kid
Mike Anthony is only thirteen but he takes it very seriously
He is sorted into Ravenclaw when he gets to Hogwarts
He writes home twice a month and once a week to Jason and his godson
He always tries to make his letters interesting and it gets him interested in storytelling
By the time he graduates from Hogwarts, he has a job at the Prophet and a novel that he’s trying to get published
He writes auror novels using the stories that Al and Harry and Ron and Scorpius would tell him when he was younger
James and Marci are so proud of him
Hazel Kathryn Potter:
Born September 12, 2033
She is two when her parents divorce and Marci is who she knows as her mum
She called Marci ‘mum’ or ‘mama’ straight from the get go, even before they officially started dating
She doesn’t remember being the youngest, so she has always been an older sister
She loves her siblings, ALL of them
She’s sorted into Hufflepuff when she goes to Hogwarts
When she is older Katie does try to come back into her life
She has always known that Marci wasn’t her mother, but Katie isn’t her mum
James makes sure that Katie knows there is no going back on this, and Hazel overhears the whole argument
She is always a little strained around Katie, but it works for the best
Hazel knows where Jason and Kerrie stand on Katie, but it doesn’t change her relationship with Katie
Marci is the one to push Hazel to open up a little to Katie, and promises that she will always be there for her
It’s the reassurance Hazel needs to let Katie know who she is as a person
Lilliana Ginevra Potter:
Born November 11, 2036
James and Marci get married about a month before her second birthday
Just like her oldest brother, she’s a little bean
She is the one that brings the whole family together, she gets Jason to stop fighting with James
Jason is the first person after James and Marci to hold her, the first sibling to do so
She’s loud and keeps the whole house awake the first three months she’s born
She’s really funny and always trying to make people laugh, which works well as she has no idea why all of her older siblings are so cranky all the time
She’s a Hufflepuff, following after her favorite older sister Hazel
When Katie tries to build a relationship with Hazel, Lilliana is so confused
She thought that Hazel was her biological sister and not her half-sister
It doesn’t change their relationship, but it does make the younger three question their siblings lives before they were born and their parents
James and Marci make it clear that nothing is different just because they’re not fully related to their older siblings
But Lilliana gets really interested in how families come together and decides to become a social worker
She ends up working with her Grandpa Harry and her Great Aunt Hermione is putting children in homes and keeping them protected
She ends up changing how fostering/adoption works in the Wizarding World
Erinn Roxanne Potter:
Born February 8, 2038
She was born about five months after James and Marci got married
Out of all the kids, she is the one with the middle child syndrome
She feels constantly over looked, except when Marci brings her to work
She loves visiting the Prophet offices, the noise, the news, and the knowledge she gains makes it all worth it
She looks just like James but is Marci’s little girl
She’s sorted in Ravenclaw when she goes to school
Mike Anthony is a seventh year and wants nothing to do with his baby sister, but she doesn’t care
She joins the school newspaper and takes it by storm
When she leaves Hogwarts, she goes to Witch Weekly and becomes one of their best gossip columnists
She had an in to every Quidditch League party through her sister (Hallie) and her dad, also she can get into any Potter/Weasley event as she’s family
But ever story she writes is completely true, her family is just crazy
Camren James Potter:
Born January 16, 2040
The absolute baby of the Potter family
He is used to being teased by the family and is good at giving it back
He spends a lot of time with his grandparents and is used to being passed off
He loves stilling and watching the Wasps practice, he is a great junior coach to James
He is a Gryffindor when he goes to school, just like James
He is a bit of a trouble maker, and even Al has trouble giving him detention
He’s just too good with the puppy dog eyes
He’s a great chaser, but falls in love with keeping, and eventually becomes captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
He gets signed on to the Arrows after graduating from Hogwarts, the team Hallie started out in before going to the international team
He and Hallie play together in her last game on the international team and bring the Quidditch World Cup back to England
I just want to say that James and Marci are so proud of all their children and the choices they made in their lives. They didn’t always get along or made sense to each other, but they all love on another!
Send me a Weasley for head canons!
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Finley’s Fnaf Lore (1960(?)-1985)
TW - Child death, murder, su!c!d3, just a lot of really creepy and horrifying stuff. Don’t read if you’re easily disturbed, please.
So it starts off with William Afton meeting Henry Emily in high school. They both discover they have a love for robots and building. They start to work together and create their first creation, Prototype Fredbear. They end up losing connection for awhile, each having their own family. William marries a very nice and beautiful woman who is a ballerina. She is named Elizabeth, which they do name one of their twins. Henry marries a softhearted yet determined woman named Clara, who starred in a soap opera! (heheh).
William and Elizabeth have Michael, and Henry and Clara have Sammy. William and Henry reconnect and Mike and Sam grow up together as best friends. Meanwhile, Fredbear’s opens, and it’s the biggest thing in all of Hurricane Utah. Fredbear and SpringBonnie are loved so much, and the Puppet is added after Sammy designed him.
William eventually comes out that him and Eliza are having twins, and Henry and Clara are so happy for them. The twins were named Elizabeth and Cassidy. They grew up loving plushies. Years later... Cassidy and Lizzy have grown and Michael is 14, Henry and Clara have their baby girl, Charlie Emily... William is happy, but jealous. He wanted his children to stay small and pure forever...
He starts to work on a solo project, Circus Baby’s Pizza World! He designs Baby after Elizabeth, Funtime Freddy after Michael, Lolbit after Cassidy, Funtime Foxy after himself, Ballora after his wife, and Funtime Chica after Clara, who he had... a strange obsession with, to say the least...
It opens in 1982, and Elizabeth is ecstatic. She loves Baby, but her father refuses to let her go see them. But he had a reason... This solo project was to see if he could keep children young and precious, by killing them and keeping them in these robots... He didn’t want his little girl to get hurt.
He leaves to talk to a parent, who’s twins have gone missing, Rose and David, and leaves Mike and Cass to stay with Lizzy. Michael and Cass were very close at the time, so they got distracted with their dumb stories. Lizzy runs off to see Baby, but while reaching for the ice cream that was served by CB, another scooper like design shoots out and grabs her. She screams and Mike rushes to try and get her. However, he misses, and Lizzy is forever trapped inside Circus Baby. William is heartbroken.
His baby, his sweet little girl... gone forever.. He decides to close down the place. This is due to three children, four including Lizzy, going missing inside the restaurant...
They are stuck there for years.
Michael and Cassidy’s relationship starts to break as William becomes harsher and their mother more distanced. The Emilys are doing great, though. Of course they are, they ALWAYS are.
Will and Henry decide to add Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Balloon Boy, JJ, and DeeDee. They are finished by the end of 1982, beginning the new year.
Oh! I know who I forgot to mention, Fritz. He was a taller ginger haired boy with green eyes. He was close to Cassidy and Lizzy, their best friend. After Liz’s death, he is forced to stay away from Cassidy for awhile. Michael goes through his own thing and forms a groups. Jeremy, Sammy, and Bella. They each wear masks, to take their anger and fear out on poor little Cassidy, who is tormented by animatronics after watching his own twin sister die inside one. This causes his to have nightmares every night, and traumatized him further.. Him and Fritz reconnect in the summer, and the ginger is the only one to arrive at the birthday party.
Cassidy had also been having visions of gore and terror after the nightmares. He wasn’t sure what they were at the time, so he ignored them. The day of his party was going to be great. Just him, Fritz, his momma and papa, and his Fredbear plushie. He had no idea Mike and his friends would be there. He tried to stay away from them.. He had no idea this would be his last birthday. Cassidy and Fritz were playing Fruity Maze, but only Cassidy heard his mother call for them. He ran off to get the pizza, while Fritz stayed in obliviousness. Cassidy found Mike and the others there. Unfortunately for him, his mother had already went to find Fritz. Michael and his friends pulled poor Cassy away, just leaving Fredbear Plush on the ground. Eliza and Fritz were startled by the screaming and crying. Fritz, being athletic and fast, ran across the entire diner to find Cassidy. He only saw what was left of the incident.
Absolutely horrified, Fritz grabbed the Fredbear plushies and ran home. He was never the same.
... William had it. He was done. He had to save his little boy. He tried and tried, but nothing really worked... He got frustrated and left his body at Fredbear’s, right next to the Fredbear animatronic. The remnant of Cass’s soul ended up creating another, fake version of Fredbear, which Cass deemed to be named Goldie, as a body. He woke up scared and alone, and wanted to just go home. He only had Fredbear and Spring, who could feel human emotion. The others couldnt, but at least he had two friends.
1984, a year after Cassidy’s death rolled around. That meant it marked the death day of both Cassidy and Eliza, who k!ll3d herself out of grief from her children dying. Of course, William blamed this on himself and Mike, taking his anger out by either yelling at Michael or just leaving for hours. Mike started to design animatronics himself to seek approval from his father, which eventually worked. However, it was Charlie’s birthday. Henry and Clara were extremely happy to see their little girl growing up, and Sammy was too (though he was never the same after what happened to his best friend’s little brother)
It was the night William made the biggest decision in his life.
Springbonnie was his prized creation, and she looked up to him like a god. He used her as a pawn to lure Charlie outside and lock her in the rain while he got to the car and drove to the front. Charlie tried to get in, and Puppet (her favorite) searched for the little 3 year old desperately... Charlie was losing hope until she saw Uncle Will’s car. She beamed with excitement, going to him. He told her they could get in the back... that was a lie.
Charlie was found dead an hour later with Puppet next to her.
1985, the year of misery and mystery. Four children, each of them never found. William had friends who had a little girl, named Susie. The Aftons also had a dog named Marigold who had recently had puppies. The entire litter except for one died, and that one was given to Susie. She was so happy, she named him Cookie. He was a golden puppy with one black ear.
There was another family, and they had no connection to Will. They had a little boy named Jeremy. he was the shyest kid in the class, but the smartest. No one knows how he befriended the most popular girl.
The final children... Gabriel. A sweet kid who was the leader of the group. It was Susie, Jeremy, and him against the world.. and occasionally his cousin... Fritz.
A few months after Susie had gotten Cookie, they took him to see Marigold. Cookie, scared of Will, ran away. Susie and her family/friends couldn’t find him and eventually gave up.
Driving home one night, William accidentally hit something. Getting out of the car, he realized it was the poor puppy. He didn’t really care, he just laughed and drove off. Problem was, Gabriel’s birthday was that morning. And the pup’s body was found outside the diner, mangled, by Susie. She, however, stayed strong and went to Gabe’s birthday anyways. The biggest mistake of her life. And the last, too.
Fritz had always hated animatronics since his best friend died. He hated the diner... but he liked Foxy a little. He was only there for Gabe and his friends.
The fear that filled him when Susie suddenly went missing. She was last seen crying by Fruity Maze.
Meanwhile, two familiar children were panicking. A golden bear, and a long strange marionette. Only one was visible to the children, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get them to not follow the golden bunny. She didn’t know Cassidy was an afton, he was just Goldie to her. To Charlie, that is. They watched as another child was lead away.
Poor little Jeremy, he only wanted the Bonnie plush from the claw machine. He ran out of money, but a nice green eyed rabbit offered her money to him. He just had to follow her.
Gabriel and Fritz decided to go and look for them. Cassidy froze in fear. Anyone but him, anyone but his best friend.
The two dead children could only watch as the two were stolen away. Gabriel was convinced because this rabbit said she knew where their friends were. Fritz didn’t go, until the rabbit whispered that she could show him Cassidy once more. That convinced him. When they got to the backroom, all they saw were Susie and Jeremy. Dead, bloody, no more.
Gabriel tried to scream, but was snatched up by Will in the Spring suit. Fritz went to run away to tell someone, but William threatened to kill Gabriel if he told. He said he would leave them if Fritz gave up. The 12 year old, however, refused. He grabbed a wrench, charging at the rabbit. William immediately killed Gabriel, dropping him and grabbed Fritz, cutting off the hand that the wrench was in, which also costed the child his eye.
Everything was a blur for them for what seemed like hours.
Fritz woke up to a red eyed crocodile, and golden bear, and Puppet staring at him. He noticed his friends were there too, each with a mask of an animatronic on their face. He looked back and was handed a Foxy mask.
“Is this for me?”
“Yes, put it on, and you will be given your second chance.”
He woke up once more in a strange body. He felt cold and afraid, but he saw the golden bear in front of him again.
“Hello, Fritz, I am Goldie. I’m happy to meet you.”
“Where am I?!”
“Your new body.”
It was at that moment, Fritz realized he was no longer human. He started at his new metallic hands, but he was not scared. He was worried about the others, the younger children he had seen.
The fox took his first run in the new body. He found them by Puppet, and was followed by Goldie. The three of them were broken down, letting out terrified wails.
Oh... this was all his fault. From that day on, he dedicated himself to keep the others safe with Puppet and Cassidy.
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Chapters: 5/9 Fandom: IT Rating: M Warnings: Mention of past child // psychological abuse, Fight Club!au, mentions of suicide attempt. Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, learning to love yourself
Tag list: @richietoaster, @beproudtozier, @that-weird-girls-blog, @s-onora, @s-s-georgie, @bellarosewrites, @iamcupcakefrosting, @reddieonwheels, @ghostnebula, @madidraw @madi-main, @gazebobullshit, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @airbenderking, @ambitiousskychild
By the time Eddie was 13, he was allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and several cooking oils. By 15, he had never swum in gym class and never went to a friend’s birthday party or had one of his own. By 16, Eddie knew that he liked looking at boys rather than looking at girls, though that didn’t seem to matter at the time. By 18, he had graduated high school and that was the end of his social life. And by 21, Eddie’s life had been torn to pieces.
He was a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy and now left without a mother, without a home, and without a clue. On top of being told he should go to group therapy, his caseworker had also suggested doing something to blow off some steam. Join a book club or go to the gym. Or maybe join a need-to-know based fight club. Either or.
Chapters one, two, three, four
Eddie Kaspbrak had never had a crush before. While some assholes might have believed due to never being able to leave his house, he would wind up with some Oedipus complex, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Eddie wouldn’t have been attracted to his mother for several reasons, but the main one, aside from the whole incest factor, was that he didn’t like women.
The truth was however, he didn’t seem to like men either. There was perhaps a small inkling that in reality, he did favor one over the other, but he hadn’t ever found someone he longed to be with. No actors came to mind when Beverly asked him who his favorite celebrity crush was and whenever Mrs. Hanscom would tell him he could invite someone special over for dinner, he always drew a blank.
The only person he ended up inviting was Richie because he was special in his own right. Richie wasn’t the only friend he had during his time in Bangor. He had gotten closer with Bill, and Mike, and Stan just as much as he had with Ben and Beverly.
Bill and he had begun to see one another outside of the group meetings. It started after Bill had taken a hard hit to the face after a fight and it seemed Eddie was the only one with any knowledge on patching up a wound. He blamed it on spending so much time in doctors' offices and asking the pharmacist what all the different products did. He fixed Bill up and the two became friends, with Eddie showing Bill all the different ways to keep himself from bleeding out and how to hide certain bruises with certain products.
After Bill, it had been Mike, who had taken Eddie under his wing on nights he went to watch the fights. He tried to explain in further detail the different movements and marks the fighters were making. There was so much more terminology that Eddie had ever expected. Each punch had a name, each foot motion had a title. It wasn’t just punched and block, it was jag, and cross, an uppercut, and a hook. Outside of the fighting, Mike was a gentle soul who enjoyed spending time with the animals on his family's farm and welcomed Eddie to come along and do the same, though that was still something he had yet to find any real enjoyment in, though the invite was nice.
Stan and Eddie had found a nice middle ground based on them both rolling their eyes at Richie’s antics and taking comfort in relaxing activities such as puzzles and building ships in a bottle. Stan had taken Eddie bird watching with him and he had to admit that being out in the woods wasn’t as terrifying as his mother made it out to be. He didn’t have to worry about poison ivy, or ticks, or quicksand-like she had always warned about.
Having friends was so much different than Eddie thought it would be. He wasn’t putting on a show or wearing a mask. He wasn’t trying to blend in or force himself to laugh or smile just for somebody to include him. The gang liked him for who he was despite the obvious oddity that he had walked out of.
The only one who seemed to try to get a reaction out of him was Richie. Sometimes he would say something, give him a little nickname or make an obnoxious joke in hopes of getting a rise out of him. He had found ways to keep himself from freaking out, not wanting to upset his mother by being unhappy or annoyed.
With Richie, it was hard, however. He would just be so bothersome and then just laugh it off without a single thought. He never pushed too far, never made him feel too bad for it, he was just doing it to be a little shit.
There would be times when he was just sitting there and Richie would try to prompt him. They had gone out to the quarry and Richie would splash him while he was trying to read and sit in the sun, soaking up all the healthy rays that he had been denied during his childhood. They had gone to Mike’s farm and all agreed to take turns in the hammock. Richie had refused to get out and ultimately pulled Eddie in with him, forcing them to share it because he couldn’t be bothered to just let Eddie have his turn.
Rather than just letting it slip, however, Eddie had found himself lashing out at Richie. Never cruelly, never enough for them to get into an actual fight. Names would be thrown around, most of which Richie found pure enjoyment in. After all, he was doing this to rile Eddie up. To pull him from the shell he had found comfort in.
Nobody else had bothered to do so. Sure, Ben and Beverly allowed him to take his time, always ready to help him with anything he needed help with, but it was Richie that pushed himself into Eddie’s space and forced him to release all those urges that he hadn’t realized were still buried deep inside of himself.
So it was no surprise to Eddie when he began thinking of Richie whenever they were apart and dreaming of that goofy smile he would flash whenever they were together. He had begun to wonder if he was just not meant to feel sexual urges and then he’d wake up with a hard-on all because of the thoughts surrounding those glasses-wearing jackass.
Eddie didn’t know how to approach this. He was 21 years old. He was a grown adult, who could legally drink, though he didn’t drive and he didn’t have a car. It was the first time he had ever had a crush on anybody. He hadn’t felt this pathetic since the time he openly admitted to Greta Keene that his mother would be his Valentine when he was 12 years old.
He tried to shake it off and tell himself that it was just because they were friends. Who didn’t get a boner because of their buddy, right? But the hardening of his member didn’t come when he thought of Bill, or Stan, or Mike. And if by any chance it did come because of Ben, Eddie was fairly certain he would cut his dick off. The last thing he needed after escaping his home was to get turned on by his actual cousin.
Luckily, or unluckily depending on the situation, the only person that made him feel that way was Richie. The only person that made his stomach do flips and his heart to beat faster and faster, was Richie.
He tried to tell himself it was normal irritation, but he knew it was more. He found himself unsure if he wanted to slap Richie with his hand or his lips most days.
Eddie was sure it sounded ridiculous. Here he was, this lonely little virgin, dealing with this childish crush on his best friend. He felt stupid and dumb every time he thought about it. But he couldn’t stop the thoughts from coming in. Couldn’t stop the daydreams of grabbing Richie in the middle of their workouts and dragging him into the back room so he could have his way with him.
He knew about porn. He had masturbated before. He wasn’t that sheltered. He hid away in the darkness of his bedroom and touched himself back when he was a teenager who woke to morning wood almost daily. That shit was all biology. The stuff he dealt with now had Richie’s name all over it.
The worst of it had been at the stupid carnival that happened. It came to town every summer and it was probably the most exciting thing they had going on in Bangor. There were rides, and funhouses, and games to play. Ben, Mike, and Richie were pretty revved up about it, while the others just followed along because it was something to do.
They went on some of the rides, which were modestly fun to absolutely mindblowing. Eddie had never been to anything like this, so rollercoasters, and funhouses, and the merry-go-round were all things he was trying for the first time. He had been a little iffy on the Ferris wheel, as heights weren’t something he had ever been too keen on.
Richie had convinced him, however, promising that if he went on it with him, he’d win him something nice later. Eddie didn’t so much care about that but allowed Richie to tug him into the metal cubby that was no way safe and kept his eyes closed as they took off. Richie, for the most part, didn’t taunt him by rocking the stupid thing back and forth and instead kept his eyes focused on the horizon, instructing Eddie to do the same.
The sight was beautiful, but seeing Richie so content as he looked out at the sunset as even better.
When they got off, Richie made good on his promise. He followed Ben around, trying to win something for Eddie even though the latter repeatedly told him he didn’t have to. He had lost a handful of times, consistently going to the ATM to get more cash. When he finally did win, he saw a little girl pouting in the corner, having lost the game, and Richie, not being a monster, gave her the prize and thanked her for letting him win so he could show off. He went back to trying, leaving Beverly and Eddie to hang out on the sidelines.
Beverly, who had her arms full of the large stuffed animal Ben had won for her, was jittering off to the side. She had been trying to quit smoking and was dealing with the side effects of going cold turkey. “I’m proud of you,” Eddie mentioned to her, knowing how hard it must be to fight that urge.
“You’re sweet,” Beverly mentioned, picking aimlessly at her nails. “Ben said the same thing. When he found out I made it the two weeks without breaking, he bought me flowers.”
“Just imagine what he’ll get you when you go an entire month? And then six months? And then a whole year?”
Beverly just smiled, squeezing the large teddy bear to her chest. Across the way Ben stood, providing support to Richie as he continued to try and land the basketball into the hoop. Eddie watched the two of them smile at each other, the loving tension lingering between them.
“Bev,” Eddie spoke quietly. “Why are you and Ben just friends?”
Beverly snorted then, offering a faux look of surprise. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’m not blind, Beverly. Nobody is. Ben won’t make the first move because he doesn’t want to force anything, but why haven’t you?”
Beverly looked away then, out into the distance. She chuckled, the same way Richie had the night he admitted he tried to kill himself. That short, dry laughter meant to fill the void as they collected their thoughts. “God I could use a cigarette right now.” She admitted.  
“You do like him, don’t you?”
“I would be a fool not to.” Beverly pointed out. “But I would be an even bigger fool to steal him from somebody who deserved him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m damaged goods, Eddie. The shit my dad put me through, there’s no going back from that. I . . . I’ve grown as a person, I know that is true, but Ben deserves better than some secondhand trailer trash that got fingered by her dad after he came home from work because he wanted to see if her hymen was still intact.”
“So what, you think because you were abused you don’t deserve love or some shit?”
It had been a topic brought up often during their group meetings. People like them, who had been hurt so badly by the people they trusted, didn’t know how to function in the real world because they didn’t see themselves as normal. To them, they were shiny toys that had been scuffled up and broken. Nobody would choose them, not when they were lying on the floor and the other person had the choice to buy something pretty and new.
Eddie himself had dealt with the issue, unsure as to why Mrs. Hanscom and Ben had put so much time and patience into him until he finally realized that was what family was meant to do. They were meant to be good, and gracious, and kind to one another. They weren’t supposed to lock them up and throw away the key.
“Ben is going to go places, Eddie. He’s going to get into an amazing college, just like Stan and Bill, and he’s going to leave this place behind and never look back. And I want that for him. He deserves that.”
“So do you.” Eddie insisted. “Beverly. All that shit you went through? You’re better because of it. It’s like they say in the meetings, the key isn’t to just survive but to live. Live your life after all the garage and prove our abusers wrong. You’re not doing that by keeping him at arm's length.”
“Since when did you get so insightful.”
“He is my cousin and he’s crazy for you. And you’re my friend and you’re crazy for him. Am I crazy for wanting you to be happy?”
Beverly didn’t answer. She kept her eyes on Ben or at least in that general direction. “You know, I could say the same for you.” She mentioned after a moment had passed. “When do you plan on living your life and making a move on Richie?”
“He won’t ask you out because of his track record, but the guy is in to you, Eds.”
Eddie shook his head, refusing to believe it. “That’s just how he is, Beverly.”
“He can be an annoying prick at times, but it’s nothing compared to how he is with you. Face it, Eddie: pissing you off is Richie Tozier’s form of foreplay.”
“Spaghetti man!” Richie shouted as he jogged over. That big, bright smile that made his eyes light up was prominent on his face. He stopped in front of Eddie, holding his chin up high to him. “A Lannister always pays his debts.” He announced in a tight British accent.
He pulled something out from behind his back then, a small little koala bear that had come from one of the games.
“Bullshit,” Beverly called. “Either Ben won that or you paid the barker to hand it over.”
“You wound me, Ms. Marsh! I won this little guy fair and square.”
“It’s true, Bev. After about thirty tries, Rich finally wacked enough moles to be declared the winner.”
“Always knew I was a champion at walking off,” Richie announced proudly.
Eddie took the bear, hugging it closely to him. It wasn’t anywhere near the size of the one Ben had won for Beverly, but he couldn’t care in the least. He stood and followed the rest of the game over to the concession stands, all eager to purchase some overly greasy fair food, and thought about what Beverly had said to him.
Maybe Beverly had a point there. After all, Richie had begun to pester Eddie and Eddie only. Sure, he liked to push Stan’s buttons and flirt with Ben, but never to the point of getting a reaction out of them. Maybe he was just the only one receptive to it.
Still, Eddie didn’t want to focus too much on it. He had something else he had been working towards, and that was getting into the ring.
He hadn’t planned on ever fighting, but the more he worked out and gained muscle and the more he would go and watched, he began to think about what it would be like to be inside the ring just for a moment. The possibility of having the absolute shit beat out of him was obvious, but he could bow out any time he wanted to, no shame on it.
He had spoken to Richie and Ben about it, both of which seemed rather apprehensive about the idea, but neither was going to stop him if he wanted to do it. They told him he had to work a little bit more and gain more upper arm strength before trying it out.
Ben showed him a few pointers here and there to work on and Beverly even agreed to spar with him a couple of times just to get him in the general mindset of it all. She completely kicked his ass every time, but it was still nice to have an idea of what to expect. Richie continued to work at the gym with him, assisting in any way he could.
Eventually, it came to the point where he felt ready to step into the ring. They went to the farm one Saturday night and he gave his name to Mike to add to the list. Mike and Stan exchanged a swift look but didn’t argue. After a bit of time and more people signed up, the roster was posted.
Bowers vs Huggens. Corcoran vs Bannerman. Marsh vs Ripsom. And finally, Kaspbrak vs. Criss.
He would be going last, which was a bit of a baller busting moment since it meant waiting around. It also meant giving Richie the chance to try to talk him out of it. That of all things was a little off-putting. He had been working hard, building up to this moment and to know the one person Eddie wanted to prove himself to didn’t believe in him was disheartening.
“It’s not that I don’t believe in you dude,” Richie insisted. They had walked off for a bit, standing off by the torches lightening the area, just a bit far away so they could talk over the yelling and cheering. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I can handle myself, Rich. Besides, I see you get hurt all the time, it’s not a big deal.”
“My face is ugly to begin with, short stack. I’m trying to protect that pretty boy thing you got going on.”
Hearing Richie calls him pretty wasn’t anything new. He had said it from the beginning and lasted throughout their quick friendship. He complimented everybody, so it was never a real surprise to Eddie when Richie would drop some form of flattery on him. The only difference was Eddie happened to be the only one who got any real reaction from it.
The fight from over way had finished and it was Beverly’s turn next. Eddie had never missed a fight that any of his friends fought and he wouldn’t do it now. “I’ll be fine, Rich,” Eddie said, letting the words sink in before going off.
The fight between Beverly and Betty had been a wild one; not for the actual things going on inside the ring, but the reactions of the men around them. Seeing two women go at it was something Eddie would never gain pleasure from, but it seemed to work on the other guys.
“This is the most we’ve made in a while,” Mike commented as Stanley counted the bets.
“God bless sexism,” Stan replied dryly.
Mike had mentioned before that other men had offered to bet double if he got the women to dress a bit more scandalous. Both Betty and Beverly agreed to the show shirt, no shoes rule, but they had the sports bra that was more useful than fashion and wore either shorts or leggings.
Of course, the sex-driven pigs that loved the idea of two women tearing at each other begged the two men running the show to make them wear something over to underwear or a bikini, but they refused, insisting that the women could fight naked if the men did the same.
Beverly wound up winning, leaving the ring with a messy bun and fat lip, but she was the champion and that was that mattered to her.
When it was Eddie’s turn, he tried to keep himself from vomiting right on the spot. He accepted a hug for luck from Beverly, and a nod from Ben, and a final glance from Richie before climbing into the ring.
Vic Criss was a skinny guy with short, styled blond hair. He was good friends with Bowers and could be a bit of shit sometimes, but he wasn’t the worst of those who liked to throw punches.
Eddie tried to remember all the tips that Ben had given him before signing up. Just do the movements, focus on the other man’s weak points, and dodge and block everything he could. Tiring out the other opponent was also a good strategy but he also had to remember this wasn’t boxing or wrestling. Anything could be thrown at him at any given moment.
“And just remember, if you want out, just say so. No shame in stopping.” Ben reminded him once the final time.
Mike counted them in, stepping out of the way once it was time.
Eddie got into the stance, typical of most fighters. Vic started slow, mostly hitting his upper arms to throw him off. Eddie threw some jabs of his own and even landed a kick to Vic’s hip, but that was the last of him having the upper hand.
Vic didn’t go easy on him, making sure to quickly remind Eddie the point of this was to kick the shit out of his other. He got a good punch right to Eddie’s left cheek, cutting it open in a matter of moments. They got to the floor and tumbled together, and Eddie was able to snag a few hits of his own, but Vic was able to throw him off and land an elbow to Eddie’s nose. Blood came pouring out and he stopped for a moment when it touched his hips.
That had been his fatal flaw however and it gave Vic the chance to knock Eddie off his feet. He tackled him, holding him down and pinning him there for as long as he needed. Vic was announced the winner and Mike were there in a matter of moments to pull Eddie to his feet.
Vic turned to him then, shaking hands with him like any proper fighter. Eddie left the ring, letting Beverly look over his bruises. His cheek was cut and would need some damaging and his nose wasn’t broken but had a good amount of blood coming from it.
Eddie’s face from his nose to chin was stained in his blood and while that should have been rather horrifying to him, he found that he loved it. The rush that came from throwing and landing a punch was far more electrifying than Eddie ever anticipated.
Richie hurried to his side, offering a wet towel to help Eddie clean up. “How do you feel?” He asked automatically once Beverly was finished going over the damage.
“Amazing,” Eddie admitted, almost surprising himself with it. “I shouldn’t. I got punched. A lot. I should be revolted and feel like shit, but I just wanna jump back in there.”
“Fun, huh?” Richie beamed, placing his hand warmly on Eddie’s shoulder.
“It was fantastic. Almost arousing. Practically titillating.” Eddie rambled on, using big words he could think of to describe it. “Orgasmic.”
“Sounds hot, Eds,” Richie muttered, those big eyes drawing down to Eddie’s mouth.
Eddie would have thought it was due to the blood-splattered there, but he knew better. “Is my face still pretty, Rich?”
The taller man faltered for a moment before that big, goofy smile came across his lips. He reached out, gently touching Eddie’s chin with his thumb and index finger. He tilted his head up just slightly, moving in closer to him. “Cute, cute, cute.” He whispered.
Eddie waited for him to make the next move. To do the one thing they both wanted, but he didn’t. Richie stepped back then, releasing Eddie’s chin after a beat. For a moment Eddie began to question everything, wondering if he had missed something between them or was making it all up in his head.
He had already been bold once on this night, so he figured why not go for gold? Closing the space between them again, Eddie lifted his bruised and unwashed hands, grabbing Richie’s he’d and pulling him downwards as he leaned up. He kissed him then, his first kiss ever.
It was hard and his mouth was still somewhat covered in blood, but he loved it. And when he pulled back, he waited. A small part of his brain thought Richie would have reacted badly. Would have thought the actual idea of kissing Eddie was merely laughable and having his blood smeared across his face as a result of their kiss would be practically traumatizing.
But he just laughed. Heartly and full of joy, he laughed and smiled before dipping down to kiss Eddie again. It was proper this time, with a better angle. Eddie fell into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Richie’s neck, ignoring the discomfort that came from his nose and mouth pressed against Richie’s.
He had waited long enough for this. Besides, if it meant kissing Richie, the pain didn’t hurt that much anyway.
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beesartandstuffs · 5 years
Shot in the Dark: Interim- Chapter 5
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Also, please note that while this chapter is written in second person, it is not a reader-insert.
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SHOT IN THE DARK MASTERLIST (find more stories here!)
You've never had a brother that you know of, but if you could name one person who would fill that role, it would be your cousin, Michael Bailey.
He was your cousin on Emma's side. Five years older than you, cool to kids and adults alike, Mike knew how to have fun without getting in trouble. It was partly for that reason that Emma and Damien liked to have him around to entertain you, you supposed. 
Mike's dad— Emma's older brother— had died in the War, so you never got to meet him. Mike never seemed put out about it, though. He always had a smile on his face and a joke to tell— something that you, a kid with no friends and few things to smile about, appreciated greatly.
When he was fifteen (three months after your tenth birthday, to be exact), he moved in with you, Emma, and Damien. You remember sitting on the stairs when you were supposed to be getting ready for school, listening to the three of them talk in the living room.
"You're welcome to stay as long as you want," Damien was saying. 
Mike murmured something, probably some sort of expression of gratitude.
Emma offered him breakfast. Mike refused politely, saying something about carsickness.
Damien asked Mike about his mother. He was being polite because Emma already knew— she was always taking care of her sister-in-law, the only family she had left— but Mike responded with the same information that you all knew already. Ellen was the same, still sick and getting sicker. You remembered the word typhoid being mentioned when they had spoken about it before.
You clung to the banister, pondering. Why did adults find it necessary to talk about things they already knew? Wouldn't it be a better use of their time to ask things they didn't know?
Footsteps rattled the staircase, and you watched a head of tight orangey-red curls turn the corner at the landing.
Mike stopped when he saw you, sitting on the stairs, still in your bedclothes.
For a moment you stared at each other. His fine eyebrows were raised, making his pale blue eyes seem almost silver. Your eyes were dark as ever and mostly hidden, strands of coal black hair curtaining your face. 
Then Mike grinned. His skinny arms were strained from holding his suitcase. "Hey, squirt."
Uncle Abe called you squirt, too. Mike had started doing it only recently, probably trying to mimic him, and you supposed that was alright. You’ve been called worse. 
Emma came up behind Mike. Her eyebrows shot up when she saw you. "Liam, honey, your uncle will be leaving for work soon. Did you want me to drive you instead?"
Slowly, you shook your head. You wordlessly stepped down and pulled Mike's suitcase from his hand and took it up the rest of the stairs to the spare room, then sat on the bed.
He didn't seem bothered by your presence. He was wearing nice pants and a sweater vest with a blue jacket with patches on the elbows, kind of like how Damien dressed on Saturdays, except Damien was strong and had a big rib cage while Mike was all arms and legs.
Mike took off his jacket and draped it over your head, prompting a quiet giggle and a flail, resulting in the jacket ending up on the floor instead.
He laughed, too, ruffling your mop of hair like everyone else seemed to like to do. "Doncha have school, kid?" he said, opening his suitcase on the bed next to you.
You got up on your knees to see if he brought you anything. "Nuh-uh," you said, although that wasn't exactly true. You would just ask Damien to stop by your school after work and get your homework from your teacher.
Mike grinned. He knew what you were up to. "Just wanted to spend time with your favorite cousin, huh?"
"You're my only cousin," you pointed out, reasonably enough. "Except if Emma and Damien have a baby."
"But then the kid'd be your sibling, right?"
You paused. "... I guess."
Emma and Damien had become your legal guardians a little under five years before, but you still didn't really think of them as your parents. They'd never tried to make you call them "Mom" and "Dad", didn't even make you call them "Aunt" and "Uncle" (but you did anyway). They were just kind of… there. They took care of you, clothed you, fed you, taught you manners and morals the best that they could, helped you with homework and played with you when they had the time.
You liked them a lot. Maybe you could even love them, someday.
But would a child of theirs really be your sibling?
"You're thinking pretty hard there, kid," Mike pointed out, carefully placing a stack of folded shirts in the dresser. He sat on the bed next to you and kicked off his shoes.
You nodded thoughtfully. You did think a lot. Emma always said it was because you were so smart. Damien said it was because you were wise.
You didn't really like how much thinking you did. It got noisy.
"Hey, Liam. Gotcha something."
Said something gently tapped the top of your head. You looked up and it gently smushed your nose instead.
"A book?" you wondered.
Mike dropped the item in your lap. "It's a new journal. Auntie said that yours was almost full. You good at writing?"
You shrugged.
"You like writing?"
This time, you nodded. Reading and writing was as natural to you as breathing.
"How much you write a day?"
"Two thousand words." You’re not quite sure how you know that but it sounds correct. 
"Two-thousand? A squirt like you?" You frowned up at him, and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Just teasin'. Writing is good, good for your brain."
Emma said that too, sometimes. She was always pleased to see you writing in your journal. Did she put Mike up to giving you a new one?
"Why didn't Emma give me this herself?" you asked curiously. 
Mike's smile wavered, then turned into a scowl. You opened your mouth to apologize but he shook his head. "Nah, kid, Auntie didn't tell me to get this for you, I just— I wanted to, y'know?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Gosh, man. Don't your friends ever give you stuff?"
You stared at him blankly, and his frown deepened. But he didn't look angry at you, or at anything really. It was more like when Damien was worried about something. His forehead went all scrunchy and one corner of his mouth leaned to the side while the other stayed in place.
"Don't you have friends at school?" he tried again.
You shook your head slowly. You spent your class time doing your work, and recess reading and writing. You didn't have the time nor desire to spend time with other kids— You never knew how to act with them, anyway, and they didn't know what to do with you either. Best not to bother.
Mike didn't say anything more about it, but when Emma came to the room to check on him and was clearly about to scold you for delaying, he smiled and said, "Actually, I was wondering if he could stick around, just for today. I know you and Uncle need to work so… I thought maybe he could show me around. Keep me company, y'know?"
Your eyes darted between the two. Mike didn't need to be shown around. He'd spent plenty of time here. Did he really want to spend the day with you?
Emma's lips twisted around, like they always did when she was thinking. But then she looked at you, and a smile flitted across her face. "Just for today, understand?"
"Yes ma'am," you said, at the same time that Mike said "Thanks, Auntie."
You grinned, ducking your head. Emma and Mike laughed.
You'd never had someone around all the time, someone who wasn't an adult.
It took some getting used to.
But… it was nice.
Tag list: @mayor-damien-protection-squad​​@markired​​@blackaquokat​​@pleaseletthisjimbetaken​​@gravitykaz​​@jojored22​​@neverisadork​​@withjust-a-bite​​ @gmcfyuffins​​ @satansladydoor​​ (If I’ve tagged you and you don’t want to be tagged, please tell me! Inversely, if you would like to be tagged in these, don’t be afraid to ask!)
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eltvns · 5 years
hey y’all i’m cosmo !! this is elton, he’s a professional baseball player with a lot of issues but he’s baby™ and just wants to be loved. like this and i’ll hit you up to plot ! also my discord is @ kingwavy#6636 if it’s easier to plot there !
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new york’s very own elton bishop was spotted on broadway street in jadon hi dr. martens . your resemblance to aron piper is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as zany, but also vehement . i guess being an aquarius explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be black turtle necks & sunglasses at night, scuffed dr. martens, cigarette smoke against neon lights.  . ( sex with me has never lasted more than three minutes )  &  ( male & he/him )  +  ( cosmo, 24 , they/them , est . )
carl gallagher. shameless.
mike wheeler. stranger things.
eric forman. that 70′s show.
aaron judge. new york yankees.
full name. elton “john” bishop.
birth-place. bronx, new york.
age. twenty-two.
dob. 1/21/1996.
zodiac. aquarius.
orientation. pansexual.
spanish / english.
      the son of an alabama native father and a new york mother, elton was born into immediate chaos. his mother refused to leave new york, the city life being made for her. she originally was born in mexico and moved to new york as a child with her family – - a large family that elton grew up with. his father, however, was a southern man through and through, and while up in new york for business, happened to create elton before departing back to alabama.
       growing up with a single mother, elton immediately began violently acting out once he started elementary school. no one was sure if it was because of the lack of parental guidance in his life, because the young boy needed some attention, ( tw violence ) or if he was just suffering from undiagnosed mental issues. in elementary school, he was stabbing peers with pencils, throwing chairs, playing pranks on teachers, cutting off girls’ ponytails, and a whole list of other things. ( end tw violence ) there were multiple occasions in which elton was almost expelled from school, but pity was more powerful. eventually, however, elton began to appreciate everything his mother did for him to excel in life and he went on to clean up his act to try and lessen his mom’s burden.
      his father would often come up to visit when he was young, but soon began to realize that elton was nothing like the son he wanted. elton was very animated, loved make-up, dressing up, watching soap operas with his mom, and all-around was not very physically active or into any sports. his father pushed sports on him, though, and elton started to play baseball once he entered middle school. this was where he made most of his friends, but where he began to lose himself. elton no longer felt comfortable wearing make-up or gossiping with his mom about cute boys, so he dove head first into sports and excelled at that too.
       he was never in the closet around his mother’s side of the family or anyone in his city at home - new york was more accepting of that - , but when he flew down to alabama to visit his dad ( which happened often once he was in his teen years ) , elton threw on a football t-shirt or a basketball hat and became the perfect son to an athletic father. it all changed one night when elton was at his dad’s when he was about sixteen years old. elton was at a party, some party with kids he didn’t know in a town he wasn’t extremely familiar with, when he was hooking up with a boy in one of the spare bedrooms. he wasn’t sure what happened or how it happened, but his dad tracked his location and barged in on him in a compromising situation. ( tw verbal abuse ) he very calmly asked elton to get into the car so the male did just that. his dad told him he was worthless, he was useless, he was a mistake – everything under the stars a son couldn’t bear to hear – and was immediately sent back to new york on a red eye. ( end tw verbal abuse ).
      getting back to life in new york was busy, yet amazing. he forgot about his father’s existence because it was clear that his father had forgotten about him. he stopped paying child support so elton decided to get a job at a sports shop in order to help his mother out. he became more so withdrawn and angry after that, but still the same elton beneath everything. so when his father passed away while elton was twenty years old, he received a letter stating that he was now the owner of all of his father’s assets, including the money. elton went on to college where he was on a scholarship for baseball. he was scouted, played in a minor league for the yankees, and a year later was brought up to the MLB. he now plays right field and is the most popular yankee to exist since jeter or a-rod.
wanted connections.
his few close friends !!! ( 1 / ?? ) 
sometimes elton can be very strange and introverted. basically this person would have to be bubbly and help him really become more confident and happy with himself. kind of like a harold and maude relationship without the romance ( or with ) . 
some familial connections, his dad’s side, prob cousins or another child that his father had and elton didn’t know about bc he lived in ny.
apartment neighbors // 
a possible love interest in the form of two stumbling over their words, goofy, yet adorable messes around each other. could definitely blossom into something!
the person he slept with as a teenager that his dad caught them !!!
maybe someone that charms/annoys him on his way home every late night at ½ am from the bar. lol he’s probably super grumpy and this person has to be like.. super bubbly ?? walking their dog ?? idk. (
WINE NIGHTS and shit talking ANDFGDF . 
someone he gets high w often. (  1 /  ?? ) 
maybe some m/m bros that are actually into each other, but they’re too good of friends to say anything to each other, etc. 
head canons.
animated. very zany. loud and brash at times.
VERY TOUCHY and affectionate to those he loves
probably has fallen in love x300.
speaks fluent spanish
would definitely storm area 51.
loves make up... doesn’t wear it anymore tho.
low-key ashamed of himself
often tipsy or high or both
isn’t exactly mean, but he’s not rly the nicest person in the world and he prob wouldn’t go out of his way to do anything decent for someone he didn’t know.
deals drugs as a side hustle
definitely has hooked u p a lot ( i mean look at him ??? ) now he just wants to be loved tbh.
he LOVES love. he believes being in love is the meaning of life and is getting depressed about never having been loved.
he’s a video gamer, a basketball lover, and a chain smoker.
could be a lovable dumbass once he’s comfortable around someone.
does lack common sense at times.
does not have any social media platforms.
leaves clean laundry on his bedroom floor for a week
prob doesn’t drink enough water
constantly wears dr. martens
will always be found with taco bell bags in his car.
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santoteez · 5 years
A Manhattan Tale - Seonghwa (5)
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Parts: 5 of ?
Masterlist HERE
Genre: Chef!Seonghwa, FormerDrugdealer!Seonghwa, FormerKingpin!Hongjoong, Bad boy/ Good Girl kinda??
Warnings: Love interest is a Black Female, mentions of sexual intercourse, swearing, eventual smut, mentions of betrayal, Angst, Mentions of drugs
Requested: yes
NOTE: This fic does NOT, in any way, shape, or form, portray the way I view any member of Ateez nor does it depict their true personalities or actions. This AU is just that. An AU. All family members are FICTIONAL.
Seonghwa stormed into Lincoln Hospital, Zelie right on his tail.
“I’m looking for Minjoon Kim.” He told the front desk.
“Are you family?” The woman asked.
“Seonghwa Park.”
“Are you sure you’re family?”
“Are you sure that DIY wig is actually up to par?” Seonghwa narrowed his eyes.
“The woman cleared her throat, looking back at her screen. “Room 201. Take the elevator on your right one flight up, walk to the end of the hall and take a left. Third door on your right.” She fished out a bright yellow pass from a folder and placed it on the counter. “Take this. Once your visit is over, just bring it back.” She said, refusing to meet Seonghwa’s gaze.
He smiled sweetly. “Wasn’t so hard, was it? Thank you!” He gestured for Zelie to follow him.
“Do you have to be mean to everyone?” Zelie rolled her eyes.
“I’ve said worse things. I did her a favor. Did you see her frontal?”
Zelie shook her head. “How do you even know these things?”
“Santana talks a lot.” Seonghwa pressed the elevator button, and they both got on. They walked down the hall, Seonghwa’s footsteps quickening the closer they got. He broke into a light jog as they turned the corner.
They made it to room 201, where Hongjoong and Santana were already sitting, and Soojin was in Minjoon’s arms on the bed. Minjoon was badly bruised. Red, black, and purple stained his skin, and his eye was swollen. He had on an oxygen mask and was connected to an IV. Despite all of that, he still looked strong.
Seonghwa approached the bed, placing his hand on Minjoon’s head. “What happened to you, kid?” He asked, and for the first time in years, he teared up. Minjoon looked up at him, turning away when his eyes started to water. The interaction caused Soojin to burst into tears, hiding her face in Minjoon’s chest.
“I’ll take her to go get some ice cream,” Santana said, pulling Minjoon off the bed.
“NO! I want to stay with Minjoon! He can’t be alone again!”
“We’re not going home, baby. We’re just gonna go get some ice cream and come back. Why don’t you bring him some? He’ll get better faster.” Santana said.
Soojin turned to look at Minjoon, who nodded and gave her a weak smile. “Okay, let’s go.” She said, holding Santana’s hand.
Once they were out of hearing range, Hongjoong spoke up. “EMT said it was physical assault. He was on his date, and someone came up behind him and attacked him with a bat. He tried to fight the guy off but he froze due to a panic attack. The guy had on a hood, he didn’t get a good look. His date is traumatized. She’s the one that called 911. She just left.”
Seonghwa ran a hand down his face. “These fuckers are getting bold. In broad daylight?”
Hongjoong shrugged. “Still don’t know who the fuck is doing this. Lil-” He stopped abruptly, turning to look at Zelie.
“She knows,” Seonghwa said.
“I spared her the details, but yeah.”
“You’re still here?” Hongjoong asked.
Zelie shrugged. “I feel that dealing doesn’t make you a terrible person, especially when you have a reason for doing so and you at least try to redeem yourself. That goes for you too, HJ. Neither of you are bad people.”
“Looks like you hit the jackpot,” He smirked at Seonghwa, who rolled his eyes. “I appreciate that, Zelie. As I was saying, everything Lil Mike has found out points to One Eye, but he can’t find solid proof if it’s really him or just a copycat. Once we have damning evidence, we can make calculated moves.”
“Minjoon, you said you fought back before your panic attack?” Seonghwa asked.
Minjoon nodded.
“Did you scratch the person?”
He nodded again.
“I see where you’re going with this. Please don’t tell me you’re going to see who I think you are.” Hongjoong said, exasperated.
“We need the help, don’t we?” Seonghwa asked, taking a look at Minjoon’s fingernails. “Looks like there are some skin cells under there. Whoever it is, you got them good. If the test brings up a match, the person should also have some marks that line up.” He walked around the room, searching for cotton swabs.
“I don’t get it. Who’s he going to see?” Zelie asked.
“Looks like Loverboy left that part of his life out of the briefing he gave you. His last girlfriend cheated on him with a doctor way older than her. They were in high school. She went to college for forensic examining. She works at the precinct across town.”
“You’re going to see your ex?” Zelie asked, trying her best not to seem bothered.
“You two sound like I’m taking her on a date. I could care less about her musty ass. I’m trying to figure this shit out. I want this shit to stop.” He used cotton swabs to carefully clean Minjoon’s fingernails. “They can fuck with me, but Minjoon? Entirely too far. Zelie and I are gonna head to the precinct now to see if Breana is there.”
“Me? Why am I going?”
“Well, the obvious answer is because since your house was vandalized and you still have a gunshot wound, I’m kind of your bodyguard. But, since everyone is so skeptical about me seeking Breana’s help, you can be my witness that there are no feelings on my part whatsoever. And plus, I know you see me as your boyfriend that isn’t really your boyfriend. My sister said that shit all the time about every guy growing up.” He placed the swabs in a glove, tying it tightly.
“I knew I recognized that voice.”
Everyone turned to see a raven-haired woman with a large baby bump in a white lab coat.
Seonghwa looked like he’d seen a ghost. “HJ, I’ll call you if anything. Minjoon, anything you need, text me. I’ll be here. Zelie, we should get going.”
“Hwa, it’s me. Minseo, your si-”
“I know who you are. I was just leaving. No need to kick me out of the hospital too.”
“Hwa, I’m sorry!”
“My name’s Seonghwa. And you should be sorry. Sorry that you grew up to be a heartless bitch. Zelie, we’re leaving.”
Minseo turned to Zelie. “You must be the girlfriend! You’re so beautiful-”
Seonghwa grabbed her hand, pulling her close. “Don’t talk to her.”
“Seonghwa, there’s actually something I came to ask you. I’ve tried tracking you down, but you didn’t exactly have a number or address last time I saw you. I’m pregnant.”
“I can tell. Congratulations.”
“I wanted to know if you’d like to come to the baby shower? This isn’t me asking you for anything monetary. You don’t even have to bring anything. I just would like to see you there.”
“After embarrassing me at your practice, you think I want to be at your house? I don’t even want to be in the same room as you. Tracking me down wouldn’t have been such a problem if you took the stick out your ass and took a trip back to The Bronx every once in a while. But you’re too good, right? Let’s go, Zelie.” He walked out of the room, holding Zelie tightly by his side.
They made it down to the front desk, where Seonghwa slammed the visitors pass down before speeding out of the place.
They get in the car and make it onto the highway in silence before Zelie spoke.
“Are you okay?”
Seonghwa sighed. “Yeah. I’m sorry for losing my cool back there. I just took one look at her and memories came flooding back. The look of disgust from her and her patients. The last shred of hope I had left being torn from me as she kicked me out. The loss of dignity. She made me feel so small that day. She wasn’t always like that. It wasn’t until she started dating that rich kid husband of hers. Suddenly she couldn’t do Pizza Fridays or Sloppy Joe Wednesdays with me anymore. She was all ‘that’s a lot of carbs, Hwa.’ Started eating kale and going out with his family for sushi night. I was forgotten. And now she decides to remember she has a brother? Why? So she can look good at her bullshit baby shower? Tough luck.”
Zelie spoke up cautiously. “What if I went with you?”
“You’re seriously expecting me to go? Whose side are you on?”
“If I have to pick, I’d say the baby’s. What your sister did is despicable and you had every right to lash out at her today, but think about the baby for a sec. This baby is being born into your family. They have no idea what went on before they were born. The baby deserves a chance to know you. What happens when you have kids of your own and Minseo’s kid grows up not knowing they have cousins and an uncle? That’s going to be a deep void in the baby’s life. A void only you can fill. Maybe just forget about the baby shower. But I’d say at least tolerate your sister for the baby, even if you never fully forgive her.”
Seonghwa stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond. He turned up the radio in hopes to fill the awkward silence. 15 minutes later, he pulled into a parking spot.
“C’mon. We’re here.”
They walk into the precinct, filled with people being handcuffed and policemen going over reports. Seonghwa walked up to the rotunda.
“I’m here to see Dr. Rossi.”
“Under what circumstances?” The cop asked.
“Tell her it’s Park. That she still owes me a favor.”
The cop sighed, picking up the phone and reciting what Seonghwa said to the person on the other line. After a few seconds, he hung up.
“She said you can head on in. Only one of you.”
Seonghwa wrapped his arm around Zelie’s waist. “The lady’s with me. I’m not leaving her here.”
They walked down the hall into an open office. At the desk sat a fair-skinned woman with natural blond hair and piercing green eyes.
“Seonghwa, to what do I owe this visit?” She smiled smugly.
“I need that favor, Breana.”
“Depends on what it is.”
“No, it doesn’t. I did you the favor last time, and you said you’d owe me. Whatever it takes. So, unless you want your colleagues to know New York’s biggest coke fiend is right down the hall, you better get your ass out of that seat.”
Breana was taken aback. “You’re showing off because your little friend is here. How cute.”
“Now I know this trick didn’t just call me a ‘little friend’.” Zelie said under her breath.
Seonghwa threw the glove on the desk. “Inside are several cotton swabs. I need you to test the skin cells and see if anything pops up.”
She looked at the glove in disgust. “I can’t even get a plastic bag?”
“It’s a hospital. Not a deli. They don’t exactly have Ziploc bags lying around. Gotta preserve the evidence somehow, right?”
“Not to mention, it sounds to me like you have more than enough plastic baggies already,” Zelie said, sniffing in an exaggerated manner.
Breana chuckled humorlessly. “Nobody asked you.”
“I speak when I feel like it. Who gon pop me?”
“Looks like you found someone as rude as you are,” Breana said. “Too bad it’s only a matter of time before he gets bored of you.”
“You don’t know me, honey. I got that thang that keeps him coming back. I don’t have to go fuck an old man to be told I’m the best of the best.”
“Listen, bitch. I know how to keep my man.”
“Must be easy. With that big ass age difference, he can’t be very fast.”
Breana scowled. “You sure know how to pick em, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa smiled. “Isn’t she just an angel? So, do we have a deal?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll run the tests. I’ll message you once the results come back and see if it matches anyone in our database. Until then, get the fuck out of my office. Next time, come alone.”
“Alone or not, he gon be thinking bout alllll this.” Zelie ran her hands up and down her body. “Bye, Powder Nose.”  She waved.
They walked out of the precinct and back into the car.
“What now?” Zelie asked.
“I’m pretty hungry, wanna head to Applebee’s?”
“Yeah, sure. Sounds good.” Zelie nodded. “We still have time to kill until work.”
“Actually, I’m thinking of closing the restaurant for a little. I can’t guarantee it’s safety until the situation’s boiled over. I liked the way you stood your ground against Breana just now. I know she can be an asshole.”
Zelie rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Don’t say that name. She really tried it.”
“I can’t lie. Seeing you that upset was so fucking sexy.” He turned to look at her.
Zelie looked back in shock. “Boy, you better drive before we never make it to Applebee’s.” She said turning to look out the window.
“Maybe I’m in the mood to eat something else.” He said, his hand gently squeezing her thigh.
Zelie swatted him away. “Men are just DEVIOUS. I said DRIVE.” She said, making Seonghwa laugh.
Stephie here! So we finally got some type of lead on the suspects. Because this fic is moving so slow (It’s my fault, I always have too much going on) It’ll probably be a longer AU than Hongjoong’s. Not by a lot, buuuut yeah lol
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 years
Okay, you don’t know this because you can’t see me make this post, but I promise I spent TIME figuring out doggo pics (and other pics; we’ll get there). 
Okay, so there are four dogs. The first one is this guy: 
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This is what he looks like when John first finds him, except he’s very cold and wet in the back garden of the Embassy, and John has no idea how the little guy got there (he will find out later about an attache in another embassy having purchases the dog from a breeder, then decided it was not manly enough; that man will be summarily removed from every guest list on embassy row). 
John is on his way to pick up Josh for lunch when he spots the puppy. He scoops him up and tucks him in his coat and figures he can get Donna to call the Humane Society on his behalf. 
Donna is happy to do so and even gets a warm towel from the dryer brought up so she can cuddle the MOST ADORABLE PIBBLE.
“The what?” John asks, thinking he’s misheard.
“Pibble,” Donna says. “It’s a nickname on the internet for pitbulls.”
“Pibble,” John mutters and smiles. He “forgets” to ask Donna to call the Humane Society. He also does NOT have to convince Josh on adopting the little guy because Josh comes out of his office, spots the puppy, and yelps, “IS THAT A PIBBLE BIT?”
The puppy is officially named “Sir Pibble Smilemouth” a week later. John knights him with a butter knife. They were not expecting him to be the biggest boy. But now he looks like this: 
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He is, of course, a lap dog. 
So, about a year after they get Pibble (and realize he is the biggest boy), John is in England to do English stuff and also visit the Queen (he is the favorite cousin, after all). She has him come along for a visit to a Corgi rescue, and John REALLY doesn’t mean to do more than look, but then he spots a a scruffy little guy in the fourth kennel down. It’s a sad story: The corgi came from a backyard breeder and was abandoned in front of the rescue because it didn’t have a naturally docked tail (the breeder had the nerve to leave a note (WITH THEIR NAMED SIGNED) explaining they didn’t want to HURT the dog--said asshole was raided a week later). 
John really, really, REALLY doesn’t mean to take the dog home, but it’s been there a YEAR, and he has ways (money) of keeping the puppy out of a long quarantine, and so he comes home with this guy:
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He “forgets” to mention to Josh that he’s bringing home a dog. Josh rolls his eyes but is otherwise unfazed (he’s married to this idiot, after all), but he demands that for John to fully apologize, he has to let Josh’s staff choose the new dog’s name. 
And so, Lord Mr. Stumpybuttons becomes a regular fixture around the White House (Sir Pibble prefers the embassy because it’s closer to food and kids come through and love to pet him). He loves CJ best because she always sneaks him cheese (his cheese farts are legend; CJ does not care because he gets so fucking dorky when cheese is offered). He also becomes known for following CJ into the briefing room and sitting by her podium. When they go in one day, there is a tiny podium next to hers, and you better fucking believe Lord Mr. Stumpybuttons standing with his front paws on the thing went viral (note: I know WW happened in the late 90-early aughts, but I always picture them present day; likely because they treated the show as present day, so). 
Six months after Lord Mr. Stumpybuttons (who hogs the bed more than Sir Pibble, who is WAY LARGER AND THAT IS NOT FAIR) comes into the family, Josh is on the campaign trail with Sir Pibble (who loves a car ride), and they’re in Arkansas. Donna takes Sir Pibble out to pee (Josh called a Republican hopeful Lord VolDUHmort on a hot mike has been grounded to the bus by both Leo AND CJ), and when Donna comes back in,she has something wrapped in the cardigan she was wearing. She explains as she undoes Sir Pibble’s harness one-handed that Sir Pibble REFUSED to come back inside without it. Josh expects a pinecone (Sir Pibble has a collection) or a gross tennis ball (they’re in a parking lot of a slightly questionable Ramada Inn. 
It is, instead, a pupper about the same size Sir Pibble was when John found him, but this one is clearly all mutt. Josh doesn’t even pretend like he’s not gonna bring the little guy home. He gives the dude a bath, dries him off, lays him on Sir Pibble (who is flopped out and chewing lazily at a Kong ball), and sends a photo to John. 
“Congratulations! We’re parents!”
John responds with MANY emjois and asks where they are. 
“I dunno,” Josh texts back. “Someplace in Arkansas. Donna says it’s called Toad Suck, but I think she wants me to embarrass myself on TV again.”
Maybe Toad Suck grows into a goofy, handsome boy: 
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And, just when they think, “Okay, we have enough dogs. We don’t need anymore dogs,” some upper crust type complains that he got his daughter a Chihuahua and it ANNOYS him, and so he’s getting rid of it. They’ve had it a week. It doesn’t even have a name. 
The daughter in question is fifteen and STANDING NEXT TO HER DAD when they get this information, and John and Josh have to squeeze each other’s hands REALLY HARD so they don’t yell at the guy. 
John throws on his best smile. “We’d love to have him! One in every size. Did you have a name picked out?”
The girl is OBVIOUSLY trying not to cry as she brings up a picture on her phone: 
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“I was gonna name him Spruce Moose,” she says, and Josh laughs so hard he nearly falls over. A joke from his favorite Simpsons episode? Oh, hell yes. 
“You know,” John says as Josh continues to laugh, “I believe your father mentioned you were looking for summer work, and Josh and I are always on the hunt for a dog walker who understands how odd are schedules are.”
Upper crust asshole is PISSED. The daughter is BEYOND HAPPY. She becomes a fixture in the neighborhood and gets tons of work because the Marbury-Lyman dogs are sweet as can be, but still, you’re walking a pittie, a corgi, a very smart mutt, and a tiny guy all at once and not tripping? LET US HIRE YOU. 
“Okay, that’s it, no more dogs,” John and Josh agree. It’s too damn hot in the bed as it is. And spring is coming. They leave a second-story window open one night, and when they wake up in the morning, the screen is pushed in and there’s a huge fucking Siamese cat on the kitchen counter: 
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He’s got a couple scars, but when Josh approaches, he immediately starts purring like a rusty chainsaw and SCREAM MEOWING for attention. He is CONSTANTLY noisey, and when Bernice meets him, she immediately dubs him, “Professor Meowbury, Purr HD.” 
He is also a shoulder cat and did NOT flinch when Josh screamed in surprise the first time he landed (from the cupboards above the stove; he’s a dick). John ADORES him because he learns that making one small, cat-like sound at Professor Meowbury will lead him to scream-meow for at least two minutes, and it becomes his very favorite way to pretend like he didn’t hear comments from people he doesn’t like who he is not allowed to kick out of his office. 
There are so many lint rollers in their house. And leashes. And treats. And toys. And sweaters. And the carrying sling for Spruce Moose (who loves people but gets scared easy but not as easy when he’s in the sling). And you have about a 60% chance of getting bowled over by the crowd when you show up because even Professor Meowbury runs to the door for pets when people show up, and always seems to know who has NEVER experienced a shoulder cat (the screams are amazing). 
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The Beginning
Circa, January 25, 1958: Double Wedding, suburbs of Chicago, of 2 sisters (the only two children born to their parents). December 4, 1958 1st Child, a son, is born 2.5 weeks late and, of all the subsequent children, that first child is the tallest and heaviest.  6 months later, July 1959, the first cousin, a female, is born.  
From that point on, each sister has a child born “approximately” 18 months following the previous birth; and, each time one sister has a boy, the other sister has a girl.  By 1968, 10 years post-wedding, John & Carol have 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls) while Mare & Paul have 7 children (5 girls and 2 boys) and, 4 years later, add one more girl to the mix for a total of 8 with 6 girls and 2 boys.  
The final count from this one double wedding is 14 children born to two sets of Roman Catholic families of Irish descent (and both John & Carol are 100% Irish).  Both families purchase homes about 2.5 miles apart and every Holiday, birthday and special event are celebrated as one large family.
Meanwhile, with John having been raised in the same village as John & Carol are residing (i.e. Hinsdale), John has two brothers and a cousin/adopted sister living in the area where his parents still reside; the two sister’s parent’s still reside 2 miles away in Clarendon Hills where Carol’s sister and husband reside as well.  
With John’s older/eldest brother residing in Hinsdale and he and his wife having 6 children of their own, a dozen children with the same last name attend the Catholic Church’s grammar school where the Nuns could never keep track of which kid went with which set of parents - particularly since 3 grades had two children a piece (one from each family).
Unfortunately, however, the back story is necessary in order to piece together what has been occurring throughout the children’s lives.  With John and his brothers having attended the same Catholic School as their children - and with their father (our grandfather) being physically, emotionally and verbally abusive, the boys had a difficult childhood.  
However, with John’s elder/eldest brother being the brightest, most athletic, best grades, most popular and the pride and joy of their parents while John grew up with average grades with lots of allergies and not being very athletic, their father continually picked on John as not being “as good” as his brother in a whole host of areas.  In short, as the middle child, John (at least perceived) that he was picked on and abused the most with constant put downs, never ending criticism and frequently take down to the basement for beatings.  
Throughout his upbringing, John believed that he was never going to be as smart, as good, as successful as worthy as his eldest brother; thus, he grew to deeply resentful of his older brother and carried a great around an enormous amount of anger with him into adulthood yet, because of the times and the fact that abuse/anger/resentment were not part of the social consciousness for most adults, few recognized something that John did his best to conceal until he began to have children of his own.
While it took many years to make sense of things (and, only then, it was first pointed out by a Shrink and then later admitted to by John’s wife, Carol), but the deep anger and resentment that John had held onto was not controlled well because of his drinking and hair trigger temper.  Furthermore, because of John’s twisted rationalizations, he believed that it was the favoritism shown to his eldest brother that was the reason why he was abused and victimized by their father. 
Therefore, unconsciously, John immediately began to believe that his eldest son was not going to be shown any differential treatment as he grew up.  John was bound and determined that subsequent children born to him would not be made to feel inferior or be the subject of hostility, anger and abuse.  However, to everyone’s detriment, John’s immense anger resulted in him taking it a step further when he began to “pay back” his father and brother by inflicting the same (and even worse) treatment upon his eldest son.
John’s eldest son was < 18 months old (his second son had not yet born and his eldest son could not yet walk) when his older brother (and his wife) witnessed something very disturbing in early 1960.  John’s older brother had stopped by, without calling first, to visit John and his wife; and, as they approached the house, they could hear John screaming and a child crying.  
Given the loud disturbance, they chose not to knock and, instead, entered the house through the back door into the kitchen.  From that vantage point, once they were standing in the kitchen, they could see straight through the dining room right into the living room where John was holding his son up by one arm and screaming at the son to “stop crying you baby, grow up..” (among other things); but, what truly disturbed him was that, as John was screaming, he was also hitting the child with his free hand across the child’s back, his stomach and even his head.
It was just then that John’s the brother looked over and saw John’s wife just watching it all play our without saying a word; and, as she casually looked over to notice the brother and his wife, it was then that they chose to walk right out the back door they’d come in from.  It would be more than 5 decades later when John’s older brother recounted that precise story to John’s eldest son, Mike.  
Although, before recounting the story, Mike’s Uncle asked “how was your childhood?”  Completely stunned and unsure what to say Mike asked “why do you ask?”  His Uncle replied “because your Aunt and I witnessed something disturbing when you were a baby and we’d always been concerned that what we’d witnessed that day may have been continued throughout your childhood.”
After recounting what they’d witnessed, Mike (the son, i.e. me) began to cry eventually saying that “yes, that conduct continued..”   “why are you crying?” his/my Uncle asked?  Mike replied “because no one believed me when I spoke up...”   and, “when I finally did speak up” (while in therapy) “my mother stated that when/if your father ever got angry and took it out on you, it was your fault...  you were to blame, you never learned to keep quiet like the rest of us.”
Therefore, after growing up with the threat of physical, emotional and verbal abuse occurring at any moment, my mother had tried for decades to blame me not only for the abuse I suffered but she also blamed me for ALL of the discord (i.e. the fighting, the screaming, the physical abuse, the horrendous things that were said to me and the resulting toll all of that took on the family) that took place when we were growing up.  And, she not only said this to me numerous times but she’d also blamed me for all of it whenever she spoke to the younger siblings.  Each/every time anything was ever referenced re: fights, abuse, verbal tirades etc., by ANYONE in the family, my mother’s first response was to blame me, Mike, for it.
“Why did she do that??”  Because to blame, Mom didn’t have to take responsibility for anything that occurred; blaming me would both prevent anyone from blaming my father and it would also alleviate anyone at anytime from saying to Mom “why didn’t you stop Dad from abusing Mike?”  By making me responsible for all of the unpleasantness that occurred while we grew up shifted the focus of blame away from her and my father solely onto me.  How do I know this?  Because that’s what she would say to me each/every time I inquired.
However, when I’d come back to her and remind her that I wasn’t speaking about anything that may have occurred as a teenager when I was thrown out and disowned several times; instead, I’d remind her “I’m talking about those acts, that behavior and that cruelness that took place on Quincy St.” (the first home we lived in until I was 12 years old).  However, whenever I’d get specific to the timeline I was inquiring about (i.e. under the ages of 10 or 12), she’d leave the room or discount that it wasn’t bad.  
In short, she never wanted to talk about the time period from 1961 - 1971 (a time period that, even “if” Dad was abusive, most people would respond by saying “what was your Mother, where was she during this time?”  Obviously, at this young age, it’s difficult to make a case that it was all “Mike’s fault” and further calls into question where she was during this time.
With both parents unwilling/unable to admit that they were “wrong” and a complete lack of accountability of who was at fault for so much anger, resentment and awful memories, neither parent would ever state that they did something inappropriate or were simply wrong; and, while they frequently told anyone that would listen that the other party was “always wrong” (Mom said this often regarding Dad), they both - when pressed - would conclude that all of the strife was of Mike’s making.  This went on well into adulthood and past!
The fact that they blamed Mike was easy well into adulthood because, from the time Mike went to college, he rarely came home to visit.  I/Mike was unable to visit my family for a variety of reasons beginning with the fact that I was the one blamed for everything that was wrong; Dad would never admit that he took out all of his anger and resentment of his brother on me and Mom would never-ever admit that she knew and/or witnessed everything Dad did to me but did “nothing” to help me - in spite of my pleadings with her to help me!
However, it’s much deeper than just that! Because I/Mike was born gay and struggled deeply with self-hate/self-disgust/self-esteem - and because my mother would never accept the fact that she ever had a gay son (thus, prevented him from ever talking about or referring to his personal life) - and refused to allow me to ever bring someone I was dating home to meet the family, I was made to feel isolated, loathed upon, disconnected from and not part of the family.
Moreover, my father’s verbal abuse growing up extended to him using terms such as “disgusted”, “ashamed of”, and “embarrassed by” to describe how he felt about me; therefore, by being gay, I heard things such as “he was right all along”; therefore, now it was Mom co-opting these terms by refusing to allow me to talk about my charity work, tell family members what it was like to care for an AID’s patient or to respond to a cousins question on whether I was dating anyone at this time or not.  
In short, I was not allowed to bring up or even comment on anything about myself beyond my job, my car and the weather; and, by going along with these pre-conditions, I would return to wherever I was living and fall into a deep, deep depression for days, even weeks, because:                                                         A.) I couldn’t be honest and open;                                                                           B.) no one really wanted to know me;                                                                 C.) I was “less-than” everyone else (thus, so was any man I was dating);         D.) I was not worthy or good enough to be liked (let alone loved) because of my differences; therefore,                                                                                           E.) I would ALWAYS be different and ALWAYS be less-than; thus, how could I not be deeply depressed after each visit???
As I entered into adulthood, I found it all that more difficult to get past those awful childhood memories when my own family blamed me for their own respective harsh memories of childhood combined with the fact that my own mother’s refusal to admit she had a gay son meant that she still opted the terms such as:  “disgusted”, “ashamed of”, and “embarrassed by” to refer to me.
Therefore, ANY/ALL mention of “abuse” or “hitting” or “fighting” was referred to by my Mother as either: “Mike is lying” or “Mike’s too blame or at fault”   If she couldn’t pass off that I made it all up and was lying, then it was all my fault and I was too blame for talking too much.  At no time was anyone else at fault!
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keywestlou · 4 years
Police protests have been growing over the years. Commensurate with an increase in police power. Such must stop and be corrected for the good of those suffering suppression.
Two more black deaths of concern in the past 24 hours. The nation is out of control. Beginning with the police.
A black man shot in a Wendy’s parking lot in Atlanta. I viewed the shooting on the internet. The scene one of police out of control in the manner they handled a simple situation.
The other in California. A black man was found hanging from a tree dead. Police claim a suicide. The matter is under investigation, including an autopsy.
One need go no further than the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence to understand there is no difference between black and white when it comes to the law.
The second paragraph.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. — That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. — That WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS, it is the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR ABOLISH IT, AND TO INSTITUTE NEW GOVERNMENT, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, AS TO THEM SHALL SEEM MOST LIKELY TO EFFECT THEIR SAFETY AND HAPPINESS.” (emphasis added)
I have 2 major concerns.
The first is a government cannot operate without some sort of police power. “Defund” actually means “reorganize.” It should if it does not.
Society requires some sort of policing.  Whether you  like to believe it or not, people are not all the same. There are bad people out there. Some intrinsically evil.
My other concern involves property rights. Yes, there is such a thing as property rights. A person buys a piece of real estate, he owns it. His money paid for it, performed improvements, etc.
In comes a group of protesters. Most black. As in Seattle. They have taken over a 4 or 6 block area, including a police precinct.
I saw a black man at the protest site on TV yesterday explaining what they had p planned for that area (pointing) and then another. Not his to do with. He had not paid for the properties nor earned them.
Property owners have rights also. Not as valuable as human life. However to be considered.
If the police/black problem is not resolved, eventually you will have the blacks and property owners at each others’ throats.
I wrote yesterday re the removal of Confederate statues, changing names of military bases, etc. The point I sought to make was one cannot be selective in so doing. Do them all or none at all.
The question then becomes what is “all.”
Take Arlington Cemetery for example.
In 1900, Congress approved the burial of Confederate veterans in Arlington Cemetery. They numbered 482.
Arlington is divided into sections. The Confederate soldiers lie in section 16. Section 16 is not far from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
There is the Confederate Memorial authorized in 1906. Unveiled by President Wilson in 1914. Intentionally unveiled on the 196th anniversary of the birth of Jefferson Davis.
Since erected, most President send a wreath to be placed at the Memorial on Memorial Day.
There is a Tomb of the Civil War Unknowns in section 26. Dedicated in 1866. The remains of war dead arising from the fields of Bull Run and the Route to the Rappahanak River.
Two thousand one hundred eleven dead from the battles buried in Arlington. Some Union, some Confederate. Scattered remains across the battlefield within a 25 mike radius of Washington. The result of  mass carnage. Remains could not be identified.
All buried together. One grave/vault for all.
The history of the land known as Arlington interesting. Reveals connections with both sides of the Civil War.
George Washington’s step grandson was George Washington Parke Custis. His grandmother was Martha Washington.
Custis inherited what he named the Arlington Estate in 1802. From whom, I could not determine. George Washington himself? I do not know. All I could discover was he inherited the property.
Custis wanted the property to be a living memorial to the former President.
So far, everyone concerned with the Arlington property on the side of the angels.
Custis had a daughter Mary. She married Robert E. Lee in 1831. The same Robert E. Lee who led Confederate forces in the Civil War.
When Custis died, he left the estate to his daughter Mary for the duration of her life, and upon her death, to her eldest son.
Robert E. Lee never owned the property himself, though he was executor of his father in law’s will.
The Lees abandoned the property at the start of the Civil War. Union soldiers were coming. The Union seized the property on May 25, 1861. The land had value from a military perspective. It was located on high ground and was perfect for defense purposes in protecting Washington.
The taking by the Union had nothing to do with punishing the Lees. It was taken strictly for its strategic value.
The first Civil War Union dead was buried May 13, 1864. There were 2 national cemeteries at the time. Both overloaded with bodies due to the War. Arlington not a national cemetery yet. Nevertheless, the 2 national cemeteries closed to any further burials the day the first Union soldier was buried at Arlington.
Arlington became a national cemetery June 15, 1864.
Arlington was segregated. As all national cemeteries were at the time. Arlington remained segregated till 1948 when President Truman desegregated it.
White soldiers buried in section 13. African Americans and freed people in section 27. Today there are 3,800 freed African Americans buried in section 27.
Arlington is huge. It has expanded several times. Today 400,000 veterans and eligible dependents are buried in Arlington.
The Lee home long gone, of course.
A law was passed soon after the War began. Property on Union soil could be sold for back taxes. One condition. The owner had to pay the taxes in person.
Mary, wife of General Lee, had failed to pay the taxes. All of $92.07. She claimed illness the day she was to appear to pay the taxes. She sent her cousin Philip Fendall in her place. The authorities refused to accept payment from Fendall as the law required the person who defaulted to appear in person.
The Union purchased the property.
Custis sued. After many years, the case was settled with the Government paying something like $3 million.
Now for the question. Should all the Confederate monuments be removed and as well as all the Confederate graves?
Many, if not all, will say no way. I say why not. What is good for one, is good for all. Otherwise leave everything alone. Do nothing.
The situation not as simple as it initially appears. I may be wrong. The question a tough one.
I apologize for not writing about Key West as frequently as I did. This is day 95 of my self-quarantine. If I do not go out, I do not know what is going on. When I am back in circulation news of Key West will be more prevalent.
Enjoy your Sunday!
AMERICA IS IN REBELLION was originally published on Key West Lou
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4/4 You tell him you are pregnant - 5SOS
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Let me know if you have any requests.
Calum - You two had been together for 3 long years before Calum and you decided to buy a house together. A home complete with a dog and a yard and although the families are ready for a wedding, you just don’t see it right now.
“Right, okay, baby” you repeat in the mirror while you look at your scared eyes. “Cal and I are going to be parents.” You find that you are more excited than you thought you would be. Any time it popped into your head, the idea used to terrify you. You can’t being a baby into a world now, you are still a baby but now that it happened...It doesn’t seem like an impossible thing to do. You hear a knock at the door again and prepare to open it with a deep breath.
“Seriously Y/N, what’s taking you so long? I need to ge-” Calum says but you already started opening the door to stand in front of him with a nervous smile. Calum looks down at the pregnancy test in your hands before he whispers “holy shit.” Your heart falls and you feel like you are going to be sick (who knows, maybe it’s the baby). Your hand falls to the side and your smile fades.
“I thought you would be happy” tossing the test in the garbage, you go to move around him but he lightly grabs your hand. When you look back at his face, the smile he has is ear to ear.
“I’m gonna be a daddy?” The initial shock is gone and it looks like you and him now have the same feelings.
“Yeah” I sigh with relief.
“Holy shit” he whispers again, hand on your belly which hasn’t grown at all. “We made a baby, like there is a real baby in there?” You laugh and lean in for a hug. 
“A real baby, Cal.” You tell him and he opens his arms for you before kissing the top of your head. 
“I can’t wait.”
“Thank God.”
Luke - 
You had been pacing the bedroom for about 25 minutes before a soft knock brought you back into the real world.
“Hello?” Luke asked cautiously. You stopped pacing and threw your arm behind your back. The door opened and Luke stuck his head in before noticing the odd way you were standing and came fully into the room. “I can hear the floor creaking every time you pace. What’s wrong?” He moved closer until you moved back and he paused. “Did I do something?” Panic swept across his face and you had to tell him before he kept thinking it was him.
“Remember that time that we ran out of condoms and our wonderfully intoxicated brains said ‘nah, it’s fine, you can’t get pregnant’?” you asked and Luke stayed silent before realizing what you were trying to say.
“Oh” he sat down on the edge of the bed. You were not sure what emotion you were actually going to get from Luke but this was not one of them. That looked like full on regret. You hold up the pregnancy test that you had been pacing with and sat down next to him. 
“I’m sorry” You look down at the test you were holding. “Listen, I know that it wasn’t something that we wanted and I get it if maybe you don’t want to - “
“Whatever you think you are going to say, no. I have to many thoughts to say them right now but WE did this, WE need to take responsibility.” He was looking at the ground with his brows furrowed. 
“I just don’t want to bring down anything you built. I could make this easy and just go” You say softly. You did not actually want to leave but you wanted to give him the option. 
“NO” he says and stands up. “I will not let you think you have to do this alone.” He is frustrated and I know I have to just let him handle this alone before he can process it. 
“I need you to stay. I need you in my life. I somehow need this baby already. I just - I don’t know how - what” Luke struggled to get his feelings out. He took a deep breath and knelt between my legs with is hands on mine (and the test) he looked down with a small smile. “I don’t regret what we did. Not for one second.” He looks up. 
“I’m scared” you tell him with a whimper.
“So am I” he admits.
“Do you think we can really do this?” 
“I don’t think we have a choice but you know Mum will be here any time we ask.”
“You think Liz will be happy.”
“I think Liz is going to be over the moon. Definitely.”
“Are you sure you are okay with it?”
“I’ve never been more okay in my life.” He kisses your lips and leans his head on your lap. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Lukey, I love you too.”
Michael - 
You found out that you were pregnant while Michael was on tour but you hadn’t told him yet because you wanted him to enjoy the time he had with his friends. He came home yesterday and though they traditionally spend the first few days home with family, they decided to have a family party the first day and then just relax for a week or two before they made the rounds to see cousins and aunts and uncles etc. Michael had noticed that I didn’t drink anything alcoholic at the party but I just told him that I wanted to remember his first day home, he looked so happy to see his family. When we got home he talked about how exhausted he was from flying to 4 different countries in 6 days just to get back on a plane and fly home. The hectic schedule isn’t what phased him, it was the time changes. You started to get ready for bed since it was nearly midnight but Michael was still online with Calum.
“FUCK” you hear from the front room. 
“You okay?” You ask back. 
“He’s kicking my ass and I don’t understand. He wasn’t this good on tour - are you cheating” He grumbles. You assume he is now talking to Calum.  “Babe, will you bring me a beer?” You take a bottle out of the refrigerator and bring it into the front room where you hear Michael is. 
“I’m going to bed, love. This whole growing a baby thing is whipping my butt.” It’s not the way you intended on telling him but it just kind of slipped out. 
“Yeah I guess that co- WHAT!?” He jumped up and grabs you, spinning. 
“No, no, no. Need you to stop that, nausea Michael, MichAEL, MICHAEL!” You say louder and he places you back down but does not let go. 
“For real?” He asks. 
“3 months” you smile and lift up your shirt to show him your barely there bump. 
“Wow” he says, eyes wide, hands on belly. 
“We get to find out if it’s a boy or a girl next ultrasound” you tell him excitedly. Michael’s phone started ringing and you both laugh when you see Calum’s name and face pop up. It’s a face time request and boy does he look happy.
“BABY!? I’M GOING TO BE A FUCKING UNCLE!?” He is skipping around his room. 
“Not with a mouth like that you won’t be.” You tease him with a smirk. 
“Sorry” he laughs. 
“Night Cal” Michael says but he does not wait for an answer before he hangs up and walks over to you. 
“Let’s get you in bed” he smirks. 
“You don’t plan to sleep do you?” You know he doesn’t but you want to tease him anyway. He is in a wonderful mood for it. 
“I don’t plan on letting you sleep yet either” he winks and leads you to the bedroom with a smirk. He lightly smacks your butt as you walk through the door. “God this is awesome!”
Ashton -  
24. You had taken 24 pregnancy tests in the past 2 months and many more before that. You had tried not to get your hopes up when you opened the box this morning but something was different today. You two had been trying to have a baby since you had gotten married in Maui last year but so far you had no luck. Several doctors later, you found out that you may not be able to have children on your own. Your best friend who happens to also be Mike’s girlfriend offered to be a surrogate if you were unable to conceive but you refused to accept that you could not do it. Hands shaking, you placed the test on the sink ledge and set a timer. You walked away from the stick to avoid looking and getting false hope but when you saw two lines you almost fainted. 
“No way” you say, shocked and quickly grab the ‘fancy test’ from the closet. The confirmation came up and it told you that you were at ‘1-2 weeks’. You grabbed it and went to find your husband. “Ashton!” you shout as you come running out of your bathroom. “ASH!!” You don’t know where he went in the house but the boys were coming over so you head for outside. 
“WE DID IT!” You ran to him and jumped up, luckily he reacted fast enough to catch you.
“What did you do?” Luke asks confused. Ashton hadn’t caught on yet either but once he saw what you were holding he let out an excited cheer.
“What is going on?” I heard Mike ask Luke but he couldn’t answer. 
“YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE UNCLES!” You told them after Ashton put you back on the ground. “I just took 3 tests and they are all positive and it’s finally time and we are having our baby!!” You saw Luke smile but Michael had relief in his eyes. A small tinge of confusion swept over you while you watched Mike react. 
“Mikey?” Ashton asked him, noticing the odd look too. Michael looked up and smiled a sweet but sad smile. “You okay?”
“Just kind of bitter sweet” he says. You understand immediately what he meant. 
“You do know that this just means that you guys will have to try yourselves, you don’t have to worry about being ready for us.” you remind him gently. Michael wraps his arms around you tightly.
“Don’t let me ruin this” he chuckles. “I’m so happy for you guys.” Calum came up and saw the current interactions with a bewildered look. 
“We are going to call you Uncle Cal Cal from now on” Ashton tells him as you untangle away from Luke’s excited embrace for Michael’s calmer one. Cal chuckles and walks over to wrap himself around you. He always gives the best bear hugs but it was soft and protective today. 
“I’m not ready to be an Uncle” he teases and you smile. He pulled away and went to clap Ash on the back. 
“Daddy Ash” he smiled. The boys laughed and you shook your head. 
“Nope, not yet. That’s still creepy right now” You laugh. You keep watching as the boys start to talk about how to decorate the basement to be baby friendly. You know you have plenty of time but it’s amazing to see the boys have something new to be excited about. You sat on a chair and watched as they came up with idea after idea, smile on your face. Ashton looked up with a genuine smile. 
“I love you, princess.”
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first-and-ten · 7 years
2017 Week 1 Preview
Welcome to the NFL season. Maybe it can keep your mind off the fact that the world is burning and drowning at the same time and nazis are everywhere and there is a racist sexual predator in charge of America and North Korea didn’t watch War Games as a kid and the bees are disappearing.
Teams on Bye: MIA, TB
KC 24 - 31 NE -- Game to Watch -- I’m choosing to view this as a good thing because one of my least favorite teams has to lose. Some people are pointing out that Andy Reid has a great record when he has more than a week to prep, but y’all, so does Belichick. There is precedent for the Chiefs kicking the living shit out of the Pats, but I don’t see it this time, not on the night where those jackasses get to bathe in their own self-importance and Super Bowl “highlights.”
JAX 20 - 27 HOU -- Lock It Up -- I’m by no means high on the Texans this year, and I don’t fancy their offense against the Jags D. But this is gonna feel like that Gleason game in the Superdome, and the Jaguars are good at fucking things up even when they are not astounding emotional underdogs. JJ Watt and Jadeveon Clowney will both be waiting to make Leonard Fournette’s NFL welcome not so welcoming. Maybe they’ll injure Bortles and Jacksonville will have to start an actual QB... If you can call Chad Henne that...
PHI 30 - 28 WSH -- Game to Watch -- -- Unpopular Opinion -- I spent the last year playing the Eagles on Madden franchise so you’ll have to forgive me if I’m a bit bullish on them. I may forget that in real life they don’t have 2,000-yard rusher and 3-time MVP Melvin Jolly in the backfield, or that Fletcher Cox has yet to be enshrined in the Pre Football Hall of Fame. In fact, Carson Wentz has zero Super Bowl rings, as opposed to the six he has garnered on my xbox! Still, the biggest factor for the Eagles last year was Lane Johnson. Before his injury they were 4-1, after they were like 3-8. That combined with Washington’s lack of pass rush means we might not yet have to worry about whether Philly can run the ball. The reverse is true on the other side: Washington’s stout o-line and the Eagles’ strong front seven cancel each other out, leaving Kirk Cousins throwing into an admittedly patchy secondary with no help from the ground game. I like the rivalry game, and I’ll give it to the up-and-comers.
NYJ 21 - 18 BUF -- Unpopular Opinion -- I know Tyrod Taylor technically cleared the NFL’s concussion protocol, but you can’t convince me he’s at 100%, or that the debut of the Rick Dennison offense in Buffalo won’t be a nightmare. This is exactly the kind of game the Josh McCown Browns would win, and it’s one I think his Jets will too. I just don’t see a lot of movement from Buffalo, whose list of weapons has been whittled down to two.
OAK 24 - 28 TEN -- Unpopular Opinion -- -- Game to Watch -- Time for Tennessee to Prove It. There’s no defense I would rather go against in a Prove It game than Oakland. I could easily see Marcus Mariota shredding them. If I wasn't a total whip I would be starting him this week in fantasy instead of Aaron Rodgers. Both of these QBs are young and coming off of injuries. I am excited by this. They also have aging runners trying to stave off younger bucks. I think if Marshawn is gonna be good, it’s gonna be early in the season. In the end, despite being outcoached, I think the Titans watch up great against Oakland and extract an important, top-shelf win at home.
BAL 23 - 27 CIN Such a close game I predict and yet I am not too interested in this game. We’ll see if Flacco is better, but anything else this game reveals could easily be a fluke. In the end, Cincy has dominated the Ravens at home for awhile, and I don’t like where Baltimore is at the moment. If the Bengals can find even one small area of leverage, they’ll find the win.
ARI 31 - 21 DET -- Game to Watch -- -- Lock It Up -- Low-key important game featuring two potential NFC Wild Card teams. The difference will be that one is a team and the other is Matt Stafford gunning his way to an exhausted .500+ despite having to max out the potential of the rest of the roster to get there. I think we might see a big game from Larry Fitzgerald. The Lions don’t seem to be set up to cover him.
ATL 26 - 20 CHI -- Survivor -- Some smart people think this is gonna be a tough out for Atlanta, and yet I give them my highest confidence Survivor designation. Am I stupid? Or am I just banking on Julio Jones making quick work of Chicago’s iffy secondary and Mike Glennon coming back to earth after an excellent preseason?
PIT 35 - 20 CLE -- Lock It Up -- Gonna add a name to the Cleveland QB Jersey of Doom! Kizer, your time on the clock starts now. We get a Joe Hayden revenge game in quick turnaround, and unfairly it will come against a Browns team that will be missing #1 overall pick Myles Garrett. That just bites for football in general. This will be LeVeon Bell’s first-ever Week 1 start, thanks to injuries and a league system that still for some reason punishes players for pot use. Who runs this thing, Jeff Sessions? Anyway, Bell might pass 100 yards by halftime. Something to watch, though, is that Roethlisberger historically struggles in Cleveland. I mean not as much as Cleveland’s quarterbacks do, but he does struggle.
IND 12 - 21 LAR -- NFL Title Belt (IND) -- The NFL Title Belt enters the season on inauspicious terms, ready to be wrested from Scott Tolzien’s hands by the Aaron Donald-less Rams defense. I will be shocked if Indy pulls this off, the only reason I don’t have it as a lock is that I don’t trust the Rams as far as I can throw them, or as far as Jared Goff could throw the ball last season without getting intercepted.
SEA 36 - 28 GB -- Unpopular Opinion -- -- Game to Watch -- I’m fucking excited for this game. You get the Bennett Brothers facing off in the middle of an emotional situation for Michael. You get Sheldon Richardson’s debut. You get Eddie Lacy’s revenge(?). You get the revenge game for the Packers’ stomping that was itself revenge for the NFC title game comeback AND the failed revenge for the Final Mary AND the Fail Mary itself. You get Aaron Rodgers facing an LoB that has no significant injuries for the first time since said NFC title game. Y’all, be pumped. The Seahawks will play passionate because of the Bennett stuff, they will refuse to let GB run, and they will execute their defensive scheme which we know can disrupt Rodgers when it’s done right.
CAR 29 - 27 SF This is a worrisome game, and if it’s SF’s I will be kicking myself. Cam is coming off an injury that lasted all offseason, their secondary sucks, Kyle Shanahan gets to debut his career at home, and the Niners have a weird streak of winning on kickoff weekend. The Panthers have to travel all the way across the country, and on top of that, don’t underestimate the memory of SB50. We saw how pumped the Broncos got playing here in the preseason. But just look at the names of the players and tell me again how San Fran pulls this one off, eh? If nothing else, Christian McCaffrey and Greg Olsen can blow this one open.
NYG 23 - 26 DAL Again? Yo, NFL, stop it with this shit. Look, I want to believe that the Giants will stymie the Cowboys AGAIN and Eli will take advantage of his new weapons and the Cowboys will be exposed, but I don’t think so. Mostly I just dread the coverage of Zeke. Can this just... Not? If Odell doesn’t play I might not even watch, even though it’s the only game today that I’ll be home for.
NO 31 - 27 MIN -- Game to Watch -- The return of Adrian Peterson! Which means he’s good for at least one devastating fumble and at least one run with 5+ broken tackles, along with something stupid he says to the media after the game. This is strength on strength for sure: the Saints offense against the Vikings defense should excite. It may be on the road but the indoor vibe of the Vikings’ stadium is Drew Bree's-Friendly. On the other side, both units have to be improved from last year to make any impact. I like the Saints’ multiple layers of defensive improvement better than the Vikings’ strategy of “throw Dalvin Book at the wall and see if he sticks” so... Whodat!
LAC 16 - 19 DEN -- Game to Watch -- So get this: Not only is this the first game to feature two black head coaches in their debut games, but those coaches GREW UP AS NEIGHBORS IN AURORA COLORADO and then were TEAMMATES ON THE BRONCOS. How on earth does that happen!?!?!? Anyway, usually I would pick a loss for either of these teams since they are new coaches who I don’t honestly have a ton of faith in, but they can’t both lose so I’m kinda gonna go with the It’s Easier To Coach At Home In Denver Than Away At Denver. As you can probably guess, that is one CJ Anderson TD and then four Brandon McManus FGs I have for Denver on the board, not exactly a runaway game. This is a low-key Mike McCoy re-revenge game, as he was stolen from DEN to HC in SD but then had to come back to OC for us after LA showed him the door. I’ll be interested to see how this whole team looks under new coaching, especially since I would at this point consider the Chargers more talented across the board. If we can’t stop the run (like last year) it’ll be tough to squeak one out. I know we have a lot of guys injured up front, but somehow I still like the pieces we’re gonna put out there, and by the time we’re running out of depth the Chargers will be gassed from the altitude. Either way, should be an interesting start (in primetime, no less) to both the Vance Joseph and Anthony Lynn eras.
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose!
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phanfluffs · 8 years
And so they did
PROMPT: soulmate au where the first thing your soulmate says is tattooed on your arm, however, both dan and phils tattoos are in a foreign language that they don’t understand (as in they don’t speak the same language)
(prompt from @phanfic)
WORDS: 1785
(WARNINGS/TRIGGERS) none, as far as im concerned, though the quickest mention of abusive ever, right at the start. a few nervous/down thoughts I guess?
GENRE: fluff :)
(AUTHORS NOTE) im popping the oneshot cherry, presenting you with this, looking for some followers on here, @phanfucks , ao3 agnesisacunt, ff.net agnesfandoms, and my wattpad ineedfiction. also my ig danisabear but whatevs really. also this is kinda short dan bc he’s only seventeen at this point. anyway. enjoooooooooooooooooooy :)) also feedback helps the flowers grow
(Phil’s pov)
Philip Lester lived in a world where people had ‘soul-quotes’. That was the name of the little thing that was written on your arm from birth, the first thing your soulmate would say to you. Some people found their soulmates when they were just 7, some people even had to wait fifty years, and some never got their soulmate. Maybe they never met, maybe their soulmate was mean or abusive, or maybe they didn’t have a mark, or their soulmate had a mark for another person.
Soulmates didn’t have to be relationships, more often than not they were, but they could be friendships too.
The thing with Phil’s soul-quote? It was in danish. ‘Undskyld, men tog du lige et billede af mig?’ what?? He’d once tried looking it up on google translate, the sentence ‘sorry, but did you just take a picture of me?’ didn’t make any sense back then, but now, as a photography student, it kind of did. Kind of.
It was all very exciting though, him having a soulmate from a different country, while all his friends just had british soulmates. Phil also may have kind of dreamed about his soulmate finding Phil’s slight british accent hot.
But currently, he was more excited than ever. He was going to Denmark with his photography class at uni, because every year a country to go to was chosen by the students of the class, they’d have five options, and Phil may have convinced 13 people to choose Denmark. They would arrive at Copenhagen airport in about 45 minutes, use the rest of the day to get settled in, get right in to photography monday morning, and then take the train to a city in jytland called Aarhus on tuesday evening, where they’d spend three more days. Phil was ecstatic. Even at 8 o’clock on a sunday morning, he’d never been more excited.
The first day of Copenhagen was unsuccesful. He’d tried to speak to as many people as possible, even walking into some on purpose (do. not. ask). But no one said anything that could sound even a little bit like the thing he had on his lower right arm, in a squiggly writing - his soulmates writing. It’d taken several of Phil’s family members to figure out the letters, and it just made it all the more difficult that it was in a foreign language.
Phil was dead-set to try again tomorrow.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He’d gotten a few ‘undskyld’s, but that was more or less it.
Now he was on the train to jytland, at 7:47 p.m., going through the pictures he’d taken of The Round Tower, Amalienborg Palace, a few birds, dogs, flowers, and people.
“Seem a little down, Phil? Didn’t find them today either?” Asked Camille, one of his friends, sounding like she felt rather sorry for him. Most of the people he knew, including her, had already found their soulmate, some were married, some not. Phil was the oldest person he himself knew who hadn’t found his soulmate yet. He was 22 for god’s sake. The most common age to find your soulmate was around 17. How long would he have to wait?
“Nah, I didn’t, unfortunately.” he answered. He got a few pats on the back with the people he sat with at that, but none of them really knew what to say, which was understandable.
“You’re gonna find them, promise.” said Mike, who was also Phil’s cousin’s soulmate. “Thanks man, anyway, did you guys get some good pics?” he asked.
“Yeah, I got one from the top of the Round Tower with a really nice view, also one of a dog with it’s owners sitting at a fountain. What about you guys?” said Mike, and so they continued talking until they had to get off the train.
First day of Aarhus? No luck. Phil was really fucking hoping that the second day was gonna be better (little did he know, it was).
Phil, Mike, Camille, Emma, and Damon were walking with each other along the Aarhus Canal, taking different pictures of it, buildings, cafés, dogs, people, and their ‘Baresso’ coffees. Phil had gotten an Ultimative Iceblend with mint, and it tasted like heaven. Camille and Emma had both bought a danish soda called Faxe Kondi, which tasted surprisingly well.
‘Holy-’ Phil couldn’t help himself, quickly putting his camera in front of his right eye and snapping a picture, when he saw the most breath-takingly beautiful boy he was to ever lay his eyes on. He had a brown fringe, sweeping to the left, sparkling brown eyes with little specks of golden and honey in them, and was smiling the brightest of smiles to some of his friends and, oh god, dimples as deep as Phil was in love. He was petting his dog, a black-spotted Grand Danois, and looking at some of his friends, laughing along with them. Well, until he wasn’t, and was suddenly looking at Phil, and oh shit, oh no, he fucking saw me taking a picture of him like some creep.
“Undskyld, men tog du lige et billede af mig?” he said, but of course, Phil didn’t understand shit.
“I-I’m sorry, say that again please? I’m british.” Phil explained with the slightest of embarrassed laughs.
The gorgeous boy looked down at his left arm, taking a couple of seconds before answering, with the most stunning smile ever; “Sorry, but did you just take a picture of me?”
And Phil burst out laughing, in relief, joy, happiness, so many different emotions.
“I- um, yes, yes I did actually.” He chuckled, more or less ignoring all the confused faces around them.
“Yeah? And not just of Bella here?” Pretty boy (also known as Phil’s soulmate, apparently, holy fuck) asked, scratching the big dog, that was more or less in his lap, behind the ear.
Phil chuckled. “Well, as charming as she is, that wasn’t the first thing on my mind.” He replied, smirking slightly at the now blushing boy, and if you asked Phil he’d probably refuse the slight tint on his own cheeks.
“Um, Dan? Hvem er din ven her?” asked a friend of the boy, Dan, as Phil had just discovered. Jesus, that’s a nice name. Is it short for something, maybe? What’s his last name? Phil thought to himself, and yes, he did feel a bit creepy to be honest, but he also knew that these were regular thoughts right after meeting your soulmate.
“Oh. det er- this is-” Dan giggled, not sure what to say since he didn’t kow his soulmate’ name yet, but kinda confused as to how his friends hadn’t caught on yet.
“I’m Phil Lester.” Phil said with a kind smile, reaching his hand out to Dan’ friends. Phil. Dan couldn’t help but let out a small, contented sigh, as his soulmate seemed to be the perfect person.
“Dan Howell.” Dan said at last and reached his hand out to Phil too.
“Howell? Isn’t that an english name?” Phil asked curiously, wanting to know as much about this boy as humanly possible.
“Well yeah, my great-great-grandpa was from Ireland and his son, my great-grandpa, got married to a danish woman who took his name, and so on.” Dan answered, quietly ushering Bella off of his lap so he could stand up before his legs fell asleep. He was about a head shorter than Phil, which was adorable, but would also be the cause of a great amount of neck pain in the future.
“Oh, you’re tall, no fair.” Dan whined and pouted, and Phil laughed, but was cut short by the voice of Camille. “Alright, not-so-wild guess, are you two soulmates?” she asked and when the two boys nodded to her, she couldn’t help but gasp along with Phil’s other friends and pull him into a hug, while some of Dan’ squealed a little and embraced him too, all laughing and congratulating.
“Alright, alright, but Dan how old are you?” asked Emma in a teasing tone. Phil snickered.
“Oh, I’m turning eighteen in June?” he told, not quite knowing why she wanted to know that, until she slapped Phil, exclaiming ‘old man!’. They all laughed at that, though Phil rolled his eyes and snickered again. “I’m twenty-two.” he explained.
Both Phil and Dan’ friends may have all lured off about fifteen minutes after that, but it’s not like the two really noticed. And Phil likes to tell himself that Dan didn’t notice the thirty-one pictures that were taken of him in the coffee shop they sat in for the next two hours, chatting and trying to teach Phil danish, though he probably did. And he probably noticed the twelve Phil took of him as they were walking and sitting beside the canal with Bella too.
Sadly, Phil couldn’t see Dan almost all friday because Dan still had school for a couple more weeks. That didn’t stop him from talking about him all the time, though. It was quite endearing, to be honest.
When Dan’ school day finally ended, at 1:55 because it was a short day, he and Phil met up right outside of the rather big - yet still much smaller than Phil’ old high school - building, they both smiled from ear to ear.
“Hey.” Dan said breathily.
“Hey.” Phil returned it in the same, slightly awe-struck, tone. “Don’t you guys have to wear uniforms?” he continued, noticing how Dan’ attire was a red-plaid sweatshirt, with the image of a dog and silhouette of a man in the center. Phil learned yesterday that Dan had quite an expensive taste.
“No, not here. When I was younger I always thought it would’ve been cool if we did, but I’m rather relieved now.” they laughed.
“Good. They’re horrific.” Dan laughed even louder at Phil’ words, and Phil could only say that he was proud of that.
“It’s sad that you’re leaving already. In two hours right?” asked the younger of the two, frowning deeply.
“Yeah. I was thinking if you maybe had the time, you could come say goodbye at the airport?” Phil said nervously, though he knew he had no reason to be. Dan smiled again, nodding.
“Yeah. We can exchange skype accounts, social media?” Dan proposed, and Phil nodded.
“Could we exchange a goodbye kiss?” said Phil, teasingly setting his hands on Dan’ waist, making the younger of the two giggle loudly.
And so they did.
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miclovin17 · 8 years
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Five Nights at Freddy's *Name:Chica the Chicken *Nicknames:Charlotte, Charlie, Miss Chicken and sometimes the kids get confused and tell her Ducky the Duck *Age:20 years :3 *Height:1,55 *Chica suffers from fear of abandonment *Occupation:She is in charfe of serving snacks for the childrens ............................................................
-Chica is the third member of the group Fazbear, a group whose job is to entertain small children.
It could be said that Chica's personality focuses on the attention of the need of the others, this means that she can always lend her help and she tries to keep her friends in a good mood, there are usually "small situations" that they make her angry. As a manager in the preparation of snacks Chica usually plays with ingredients to get a new flavor that children may like. She proposed the idea that each birthday boy/girl chose the flavors he/she wanted in his/her pizza, cake or cupcake. Freddy to hear that proposal, he did not hesitate to accept. ............................................................. Chica suffers the fear of abandonment, sometimes her mind is being possessed by the idea that others will leave her for the simple fact that it has happened before or because she thinks that it is impossible to have luck. Sometimes she gets a little complicated to be able to concentrate when she is cooking, some ideas turn obsessively around several thoughts until fear begins to invade her mind. Chica devalues herself (sometimes) considering herself inferior, feels that the others no longer want to be with her... especially Foxy. ............................................................... -Relation with the other members of Fazbear:
*Freddy:Chica was the first to meet Freddy, they both bonded a fairly deep friendship and loyal from children, they know well that they can always count on each other's support. When they were children (Charlotte and Frederick :3) they used to play in the pizzeria and all the games they thought their favorite were Hide and Seek, although at first they thought it would be more fun to play with the other kids...even though they were them 3 (she, Freddy and Golden). With the confidence they carry with each other, they don't hesitate to tell things, but they made a promise that neither should hide something from the other (this sounds like they're a couple ... FreddyxChica...no...no .-.). As children, Freddy had asked Chica if it was normal to have feelings for someone you barely know, Chica thought for a moment, thought of those words that her father would have told her about having feelings for others, and she finally answered ''That yes, it was normal to feel appreciation and love for your parents or your friends ... But Freddy quickly replied: It's a boy !!!...leaving Chica baffled and Freddy a little embarrassed, because he just like Chica were just kids, and apparently Chica understood about that ''theme'' but he doesnt... Chica had suggested to him to talk about it with his parents, but when she saw Freddy staring at the floor, she said nothing and heard what the boy murmured:''I dont want to talk about it with them, I mean maybe my mother understands me and helps me to reason ...but my father'' After that, Freddy remained silent without finishing the sentence, Chica as a consolation gave him a hug...(Hey...this looks like a fanfinc .-.) Chica's father had told her that when time passed, she would no longer be a 7-year-old girl, she was going to grow up and she was going to become a young woman ... (She WAS going to convert...) And I also told her that the feeling of appreciation and love was going to change with respect to other people and especially with that "person" with whom she loved and felt happy. Chica as a kid, she remembered those words, but even so she didnt know if those words made a match with what Freddy felt respect for "that boy" But on the other hand her mind as a little girl, she saw that thing a little adorable...And since then she began to help Freddy to reason and control his feelings towards that "red-eyed boy" .................................................................
*Bonnie:She appreciates him a lot and along with the others try to protect him from whatever it is (overprotectors? ... yep) in the same way that Bonnie sees her, Chica also sees him as her little brother ... despite Of her height that makes her look smaller than the purple rabbit, which bothers her a little. Although Chica's mind thinks that others dont want to be with her, she appreciates the fact that Bonnie wants to hang out with her. She knows well that she made a promise to Freddy, about that neither should hide something from the other, but...there is something that she has not told the bear and is that she and Bonnie usually cook in secret, The fact that she as much as Freddy dont want the rabbit to burn, but Chica finds it difficult to refuse that little bunny that she appreciates so much. Bonnie helps Chica in the decoration of the food and also helps her with the washing. Most of the time that she is with Bonnie, she usually caresses his ears, she knows well that the rabbit bothers that and she tries not to do it every day. On another occasion, when Freddy and Foxy are arguing, they begin to talk rudely and that's when Chica covers Bonnie's ears and prevents the boy from hearing those rudeness. It also happens when Freddy often yells at Mike for smoking in the office...After that, she uses her "secret weapon" ...(a frying pan .-. ...)with the bear and the fox or she also usually throw water at them as if they were two felines attacking each other. When she and Bonnie are washing the dishes, she finds it strange to see the rabbit with the sleeves without bending. I mean she advised him something like:''Bonnie you should bend your sleeves, so you will not get wet ''but when she tries to do it for him, he takes a small step back saying: ''Its...okay Chica...It is not necessary'' And the curiosity of Chica increased, although she wanted to leave that scene aside...but she cant. Because she wants to know what Bonnie is hiding, Is it something that he doesnt want her and the others to know?...* coff * Bonnie has marks on his arm *coff* (excuse me, I had my throat a little dry .-.) .................................................................
*Foxy:The little chicken has a relationship with the coyote ... sorry, fox. Their relationship began when that "red-haired boy" met that "pink-eyed girl" (corny, I know). This is the point of view of this relationship, you will think that Chica is the one who usually gets nervous and red when she is with Foxy, but it is the opposite, ok she usually blushes too, but her flushed face does not compare with the nerves of Foxy Here comes the cheesy) Girl being of a small stature, she feels like a little chick in the arms of Foxy. Together they usually protect Bonnie from Freddy for the simple fact that in their minds they think the worst that can happen between these two (.-.). So, whenever Freddy is hanging out with Bonnie, they usually get to the scene Chica and Foxy and they arrive more or less like this: Foxy usually opens the door with a kick saying '' Hurry up Chica we must save that boy from that Pedophile!!! '' and then enters Chica behind him and says ''Dont worry little one, we'll save you from that evil bear!!! '' and Freddy is like '' What the hell are you two doing!!?? '', And after that, they Two take Bonnie away from the bear, leaving  Freddy in a bad mood while saying several rude to the distance. Due to the fear of the abandonment of Chica, she usually feels like an egoist by those questions that go around her head ... questions that on the one hand wants to tell Foxy and on the other hand she is afraid. With their fear the crisis usually begins when their mind often questions questions that can harass the other, in this case Foxy. Such as:''How much do you love me''        ''Dont you love me as you used to?''        ''How do you love me?''        ''Show me that you love me''
Just thinking about those questions, she usually feels worse ... but she tries not to think about it. ................................................................. *Golden:He was the second child she met through his cousin (Freddy), Girl together with Freddy and Foxy feel quite depressed by the fact that one of their dear friends is not with them ... accompanying them. But Chica and Foxy try to be in a good mood not to make Freddy feel bad, since he would be the most affected regarding this second "theme" ... (And when I refer to second, I'm saying that Freddy already Is very affected by the Bonnie affair and his memory loss). .................................................................. -Some data: *Her real name is Charlotte *They also call her Charlie *Like Bonnie is Pansexual *She usually gets annoyed when the children get confused by her name and call her Ducky the duck...(.-. Tell me that I was not the only one to believe that Chica was a duck...) *Her fear of abandonment comes from her mother, who abandoned her and her father *Every day she offers Mike a snack, but this one closes the door in her face *She was the first to see Foxy's left eye under that patch, since he always hid it since he was a child, just like his blunt hand *And when that happened, Chica just smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead...saying:''You should not be ashamed of your appearance, darling'' *She was the second to die *As a child she used to help her father cook...she used to *When cooking, she tries not to cry because of her father's memories *She used to be afraid of the Cupcake *But over time she got used to it and took care of him *She changed his name to "Chay" *She usually leaves Chay in the kitchen, to prevent him from seeing how the children eat some of their friends ... (mother of god) *Sometimes she doubts whether Foxy's hugs should match. Since, at the time of cooking, Foxy usually enters the door with open arms and she follows the flow ... falling into the trap *After that, Foxy doesnt let her go, ignoring several requests from Chica about to release her. *She loves pizza...She REALLY loves pizza
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