#this is coming from a polyamourous person
th3-r4t-k1ng · 1 year
Listen, im just saying most shipping problems can be solved by being a multishipper and polyamory.
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roseykat · 9 months
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Helloooo! I’m going to be running a Kinktober for the first time next month! I’m excited because I have a lot of ideas and whatnot so please find the list of dates, titles, and concepts below. As always with my content, I post R18 NSFW content so I advise anyone who is under the age of 18 to refrain from reading/engaging with my posts and future posts!
🌹OCT.1 - Car sex - Bang Chan
Same coin, different faces: Despite not being together with Chan anymore, you somehow end up in the back of his car...fogging up the windows.
🌹OCT.3 - Erotic Massage - Changbin 
These hands were made for you: Changbin innocently asks if you can give him a massage but doesn't expect to become so horny and aroused by it.
🌹OCT.5 - BDSM - Felix
Marzipan, Cherries, and Whipped Cream: A BDSM scene that takes place between you and soft dom Felix.
🌹OCT.7 - Voyeurism - Jeongin
Weeding out the Weak: After almost two weeks of Jeongin not allowing you to touch yourself, greed finally makes you cave which only leads you to be caught by him in his bed trying to get yourself off. Despite pleading to Jeongin for him to fuck you, he finds a better solution of only giving you half of what you want.
🌹OCT.9 - Threesome - Minho + Jisung
Eat, sleep, play: This one shot looks into the dynamics of an established polyamourous relationship between you and Minsung, along with an account of what Jisung likes to call ‘play time’.
🌹OCT.11 - Aftercare - OT8 blurb version 
Blanket of Safety: An OT8 blurb version of how each other members take care of you after intense and/or vanilla sex.
🌹OCT.13 - Squirting - Hyung Line Version 
Come as you please Part 1: A blurb version of how each of the Hyung line members reacts to making you squirt.
🌹OCT.15 - Squirting - Maknae Line Version 
Come as you please Part 2: A blurb version of how each of the Maknae line members reacts to making you squirt.
🌹OCT.17 - Freelance - Seungmin 
Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds You: Featuring Seungmin as your lecturer's student assistant whose personality is just as harsh as he fucks.
🌹OCT.19 - Hate fuck - Minho 
Venom Biter: The end of a relationship between you and Minho turns as sour as it could ever get. A lovers to enemies trope.
🌹OCT.21 - Top/bottom dynamic - Jisung 
Hell’s Baby: Jisung, who is not a jock but friends with many, comes across as a seemingly dominant person. It’s not until you shatter that facade of his, only to find out that he’s a switch, mainly leaning towards a bottom, wanting desperately to be put in his place.
🌹OCT.23 - Dry humping - Hyunjin
Like Throwing Petrol on a Fire: Hyunjin can't get neither his or your clothes off in time for him to fuck you. Unfortunately, he has to resort to and put up with another measure.
🌹OCT.24 - Phone sex - OT8 version
I can’t see you, but I can hear you: An OT8 blurb version of each of the members engaging in phone sex with the reader.
🌹OCT.25 - Threesome - Bang Chan + Felix
Some things are better left unknown: After suspecting your two roommates of potentially being in a relationship, there's more to just that when you discover one of them actually has a crush on you.
🌹OCT.26 - Sensory play - Jeongin
Table manners and Bible Studies: Jeongin, a churchgoer who is also a very sexual person, likes to immerse both you and himself in the realm of sensory play, among other things as well.
🌹OCT.27 - Brat Taming - Seungmin
If the collar fits: Seungmin can't stand brats. But he is more than willing to train one into submission no matter how hard it is for him.
🌹OCT.28 - Cuckolding - Bang Chan
Open Game: This one shot involves, you, Bang Chan, an invitation to an exclusive sex club, and a whole heap of memories that he’s never going to forget.
🌹OCT.31 - Halloween special
Yet to be decided… 
I can’t wait to get into next month so stay tuned for updates or any changes!
Rose xxx
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mochinomnoms · 1 month
Have you ever considered poly Pomeduo (rook and vil) 👀
I respect it, but only if I'm allowed to bully the frenchman and Vil lets me.
Joking (not really)
No but I think it's one of the good polyamourous relationships that could come from NRC. It fits very well, with how they both respect beauty not just as an aesthetic, and they mutually respect each other, though for different reasons lmao.
I think they make for a good polycule since Rook is easily able to play off of Vil's harshness at times. Likewise, I think that Rook appreciates that Rook can see the beauty in everything, from physical aesthetics to hard work. He personally appreciates this, since Vil works very hard on himself to be the best he can be. However, Vil isn't loose with his praise, and i find that he would only want to acknowledge when someone makes genuine efforts to be better, whether it's physical beauty, health, or mental health. I think this brings Rook a bit more to reality, to actually appreciate specific things and not the overall picture.
Combine the two together, I think they balance themselves out very well when it comes to showing their affections to a potential third partner.
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polyamorousmood · 26 days
Have you ever felt guilty about being polyamourous despite knowing deep down there's nothing wrong with it, but you're overthinking everything??
getting a little personal here
I've been struggling a lot with it lately, being attracted to another person while currently dating someone, knowing it's okay and its an open relationship, and it's just been spiraling so much in my brain as guilt for no reason i hope I'm not alone in that
of course, though mostly when I was in monogamous relationships, if I'm being honest. I still get twinges on occasion, butbone of my greater strengths is stopping my brain from spiraling into self-loathing. So. Not a huge problems from me. I do have tips though! Some from recognizing what I do and some from various readings. There's not an order, some of them are incompatible with each other, try a couple and see what works
Affirmations to help you internalize things like "I believe in this as a right for all people, and that has to include myself"
Reframings. So when you catch yourself going "waah! My pArTnEr WiLl fEeL bAd!" You can maybe be like "my partner is my equal. If I hold myself to a ✌ higher ✌ standard than them, I am treating them as an inferior, which is unfair, and will make them feel bad" or you know. Whatever. Frame Polyamory As A Good Thing So That It Can Be One, basically. What does your partner GAIN from polyamory? How is your life BETTER from polyamory?
Politely detach from the spiral. You're not stopping it, necessarily, but it's not you. It's that toddler that lives in your brain having a temper tantrum, and you're the favorite babysitter standing non-judgementally to the side, waiting it out, and saying "wow, that was a lot. Are you okay? Do you think that's all true? Do you think that's all fair? Do you think a juice box or a nap would help you feel better?" once the waterworks have ended.
Check in regularly with your partner, and trust them. Make a space for them to say something they appreciate and soemthing you could have done differently, take them at their word, and use those words later. I have literally gritted my teeth at myself like like "she SAID the only thing I should do different is text her when I'm coming home. Am I calling her a LIAR? Is that what I've come to?"
Literally say when you're being dumb. "Well. I guess that could be true, in a hell world where Nixon Jr is president and we're all idiots, but I don't think that's the world I'm living in so it really doesn't apply here" and drop it
thank our feelings. You feel strongly about it because you want to do right by your partner! That's good! Thank it for trying to make sure you do that, and explain to your guilt that you have things under control, in so many words. "Thank you, guilt, for trying to make sure I don't betray [partner]'s trust, but they know about it and said it's okay, so you can take a day off"
All very effective. I encourage anyone else who has experience with this to weigh in
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Roommates (stucky x reader)
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3767 words
A/N: i'm writing this fic for...almost 6 months, i dreamed many times of stucky and their roommate. it was always hard to write i had seen in my dreams and to translate all i felt during those dreams. But here we are.
It's gonna be in idk many parts.
This one is a little introduction, and with slight angst.
TW: fluff, light angst, polyamourous relationship. Steve and Bucky (they're a warning...) <...>= texting
Don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
magnificient moodboard by the amazing @christywantspizza
divider by the talentuous : @firefly-graphics
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3
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When you had to find an apartment. You never thought to find yourself with two gentle giants for roommates. But here you are, one year later with Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in a nice and homely appartement.
You knew them from college, they were friends of friends and when your last roommate kicked you out because she wanted to be alone with her boyfriend… the two big guys were nice enough to propose you to come and live with them for a while. “Yeah, don’t need to pressure yourself, doll, take your time to get back on your feet. We have enough rooms for three.”, told you Bucky. “And when you find a studio or something else, we’ll help you to move out and in, sweetheart.”, said Steve.
But one year later, you don’t want to move out. You like to be here with these two. Monday is Buck’s night for cooking. Tuesday, yours, Wednesday is Steve turns, Thursday is movie night with take outs or leftovers and Friday to Sunday is more like “who’s there, who’s eating at home, who wants to go out?” vibes.
Life is easy, and you were surprised to see that…they clean, like ALL the time. Steve is the tidiest of all of you. Buck tries to keep is mess in his bedroom and ask for help when he has too much “trash”.  Sunday is almost always the day where you all clean the appartement. You cook pancakes or waffles and then it’s time to give the appartement a little bit of a makeover. It’s always full of giggles and pinning. Like the time you found a boxer under the couch. Bucky was a blushing mess, saying it was from like two weeks ago when this girl came home with him after a night out. “But I respected the rules, we didn’t do anything on the couch”. Or the time, Steve found your vibrator under the bathroom cabinet, you just took it back and gave him an innocent smile and told him to forget about it. Spoiler alert: Steve didn’t forget that and was impatient to finally have the guts to ask you if you wanted to use it with him one day.
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Today, it’s Friday. It’s the first slow day you have in weeks.  Steve is out with some friends and Bucky didn’t answer yet to tell you if he’ll be home tonight.
You decide to eat some leftovers and to watch for the hundredth time your favourite movie. Thirty minutes in, you hear the keys and then the door opens with a loud thud. An angry Bucky storms in the living room and lay on you without saying a word. He pushes his head between your breasts and groans. “Ok, hello to you too grumpy man. Can you tell me why you invade my space and doesn’t ask for my consent before shoving your head here?” Bucky starts to mumble fast, and you don’t understand anything.  You slap him gently on the back of his head. He stops and lifts his head to look at you. “Shitty day, shitty people. Need a stress relief. May I, doll, please?” he pouts and makes his best puppy eye.
Since you arrived, you realised that the two giants you lived with were very into physical touch. Bucky likes to lay on you meanwhile Steve likes to play with your hair during movie night or offers you little massages during them.
You never complain, you’re most of the time cold so this two are your personals heaters.
You start to massage Bucky’s head and this lovely idiot starts to act like a cat and purrs. “Did you eat?” he asks you.
“Yup, leftovers, there’s still some if you want.”
“The lasagna?”.
The evening goes on. But you can feel that Bucky wants to ask you something. He’s fidgeting, more than usual, and can’t seem to stop touching you. He’s currently massaging your calf. “What is it, Buck?”.
He sighs, and sighs again before sitting up and looking you dead in the eye. “Can I kiss you, doll?”. First, you think he’s joking, but then his expression is too serious for your liking. “Like kiss me on the lips?”, you ask him.
 “WHY?” you almost scream in shock.
He blushes and whispers “because you look beautiful, and I want to kiss you”.
“that’s a cheesy pick-up line, Barnes.”
He looks at you again and asks, “but does it work?” shyly you nod. You won’t lie, you already thought of what it would feel like to kiss Bucky, but you never really asked him, too scared to make thing awkward with your roommates. “So can I kiss you, doll face?” when you don’t say anything he gets closer, when his lips are almost touching yours, he murmurs “I need words, Y/N”.
You swallow loudly before saying “yes, you can, Bucky”.
Then his lips are on yours. The kiss is tender, lovely and your fingers grab his hair. His hands get under your shirt, and you shiver. You feel his tongue caresses your lower lips and you parted them. When both or your tongues meet, the kiss gets more and more passionate. Your legs circle instinctively his waist to bring him closer. When you need to breath you break the kiss and Bucky is panting above you. Pupils blown out and lips swollen. He’s more beautiful than ever. You smile, a little bit uncomfortable. You tap his cheek gently and whisper “gonna go to toilets, sorry”. He nods and lets you go.
Bucky can’t wait to tell Steve what happened.
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Two weeks later, Bucky has never once talk about the kiss… at least with you. You didn’t either. You felt weird. Not in a bad way, you wanted to start again, to try again and see if the kiss made you feel again all dizzy and warm.
But for now, you are alone with Steve. Bucky went home to see his family.
“Truth or dare, sweets?” asks Steve from the kitchen.
“Really, aren’t we like to old or outnumbered to play this game?” he snorts and come back with your cocktail and his beer.
“Nope, it’ll be fun”.
“If you say so, truth” you reply.
After maybe twenty minutes, you have to say that he is right, you’re having fun. You told secrets that both of you had never tell and you did some fun dares. But now, Steve wanted to ask you to kiss him.
He spoke with Bucky, and he was jealous. He’s best friend had the guts to kiss you, when he was too afraid to be rejected. But tonight, with the alcohol in his system he feels powerful.
“I dare you to kiss me…with tongues!”, he declares. You laugh because he made a move with his tongue, but you accept the dare. Why not try and see if your attraction for Steve is the same as for Bucky?
When your lips touch his. You feel sparkles down your spine. When you lick his lips with your tongue and he part his, you feel hot all over. His hands go to your waist, and he places you on his lap.  And like with Bucky it gets heated pretty fast. And like with Bucky, you end the kiss and excuse yourself to go to the toilets
&lt;Stevie: I did it, buck.
Bucky: how does that feel, punk?
Stevie: like a dream came true, but I don’t want to scare her. We are not playing fair.
Bucky: I know, we must discuss that the three of us when I get back.
Stevie: what if she says no. What if she wants to be just with you.
Bucky: or you…
Stevie: I am sure she likes you more.
Bucky: stop, Steve. We don’t know what she feels. Did she kiss you back? Like really kiss you.
Stevie: yup…that was so hot. She did the thing with her tongue you told me about.>
“Stevie?” you say when you come back in the living room.
“I-I think I’ll go to bed. See you tomorrow?” you ask shyly.
“Sleep well, sweetheart, brunch is on me!”. You kiss his cheek and retrieve to your bedroom.
&lt;Y/N: I kissed Steve.
Y/N: we were playing truth or dare. He dared me to kiss him. (with tongues, his words, not mine)
Nat: and ?
Y/N: I don’t know what I am supposed to do now. I felt the exact same thing with Bucky and Steve. And you know I don’t feel much when I kissed guys until I am pretty attached to them.
Nat: yeah I know…you and your demi-sexual thing.
Y/N: scuse you bisexual girl who dates only nerds guy. How’s Bruce?
Nat: currently massagin’ my feet so perfect. But you need to talk to them. I am sure they’re planning something.
Y/N: planning smth?
Nat: ask them. Good night, babe.>
What you didn’t know, it’s that before you join them in the appartement. Bucky and Steve had a thing, that only Natasha knows. They are best friends, sure, but they’re also lovers. They only tend to be like that when you are not around, since you moved in.
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You are not going to lie to yourself, you are feeling bad to have kiss your two roommates. And you are feeling worse to have like it, both time and even considering doing it again.
This Saturday, you come back from a little walk with Natasha. When you arrive, the appartement is quiet, a little bit to quiet. No one is in the living room and the door from Bucky’s room is wide open and empty, but the room from Steve is closed. You wait to hear something, like Steve has a girl around, but nothing.
You go there and knock. Steve’s voice comes to you in a grumble “yeah?”, “Hello, just to let you know I am home. “, you say.
 “Oh hey, little one, ok, we’ll be there soon for dinner.”
You can’t stop your question “We?”. You hear Steve chuckles and then he invites you in.
“Buck and I, sweets, who else?” he says when you open the door.
Steve is on his back with Bucky curled onto his side, sound asleep. You saw them bro cuddling now and then, but never like that. You raise an eyebrow but don’t say anything. Bucky has hard days and seems to find comfort in cuddling. “I have an empty space right here” teases Steve and tapping the other side of him. You hesitate and decide to go and join the cuddle. You lay down beside Steve, his arm goes around your waist. You put your hand on his chest, just beside Bucky’s hand.
 “He’s ok?” you ask quietly.
“Bad day, really bad one.”, answers Steve.  Automatically, you caress Bucky’s cheek and pass your finger in his hair. “How was your day with Natty?”.
“Good, really nice.”, you smile at Steve.
In your walk with Nat, you arrived at this conclusion: no need to put words for now, just enjoy the feeling of being close to those two wonderful men. So, you enjoy the cuddle and to pass your fingers in Bucky hair, while Steve caress your hip. You’re at peace. You’ve never felt like this with any of your ex’s.
Maybe they talked to each other, and they know that you have kissed each of them, maybe you can tell Steve now and Bucky when he wakes up. Maybe, just maybe you are, and they are into polyamorous relationship. Maybe…
“Stevie?” you murmur in his neck, he smells divine as always, citrus and pine. He hums in response. “I…I kissed Bucky before I kissed you.” His hand still on your waist and he squeezes it.
“Yeah, same Sweetheart, I kissed him before I kissed you.” You sit up, not sure to have truly heard what he said.
“Wait, what?”. Steve grins at you, then he turns his head to Bucky and kisses him on his forehead. Buck sighs in his sleep and get more comfortable on Steve. His leg goes on his thighs, and he tightens his grip around the waist. He looks peaceful. “You’ve kissed?”, Steve shrugs but his smile tells you everything you need.
You weren’t expecting that, of course not, but why are you not more shocked or disturbed? You look at them and it’s like the missing piece of the puzzle in your head. Everything starts to make sense, or you have more questions that need answers. “I always thought that your friendship was more than that”, you think out loud. Steve chuckles while Bucky stirs in his sleep. He tucks himself more onto Steve and his hand, who was on his stomach, goes right to Steve’s crotch. And the blond does nothing to stop him, well not exactly nothing, he’s looking at you and when he sees your expression, he gently takes bucky hand et brings it back to his sternum.
“I think we need to talk the three of us, Sweets” he whispers to you. You can only nod and keep staring at their interlaced hands. “We don’t want to scare you away, you know?”,
“Scare me away?”, you ask intrigue.
“Yeah, by telling you our little secret.” You stay silent, not sure you want to acknowledge the truth just yet…because it doesn’t scare you at all, it turns you on more and that’s what scares you, you almost feel like a creep.
“I would have never judged you. You can love who you want” you finally say. Steve smiles and brings you closed once again. You put your hand on top of theirs. For the first time in a long time, you feel complete and that stress you out.
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The next day, you all decide to have THE discussion. It’s just after your usual Sunday brunch. The guys are doing the dishes and you just looking in the void. Your mind is racing. What if it just a dream, what if they pranked you?
“Dollface? You’re with us?” calls you Bucky. You blink twice to focus on them again. They are smiling, and you get butterflies.
“Yeah, I am” you whisper.
“Good, good, so…” starts Steve. And then he explains everything, his relationship with Bucky, their attraction for you since they met you. You listen, stunned by their revelations. Bucky points out some details and makes you giggle. You feel shy and powerful. The more they talk, the more they stare at you with love and lust. You have the last word; you are the one who has to say yes or no.  You take a big breath and ask, “How would it works?”.
They are taken aback; Bucky takes Steve’s hand under the table and squeeze it hard. “If we try this throuple, we have to make rules, right?” You sound so confident; Steve’s heart is beating fast.
“Yeah, we need rules for the start, to try and navigate in this together” states Bucky. You nod and smile. Then you get up and round the table to go to their side. You see their hands and chuckle.
 “No more hiding now, show me those hands, guys”. They laugh and put their hands on the table, you place both of your hand on their neck. It feels good, you like that they don’t have the same texture, but they both soft. They lean against you and close their eyes.
 “I feel like I just solved a puzzle” murmurs Bucky. “Is it weird?” he asks.
 “I don’t know, don’t feel weird. “, you answer. Steve is the first to move, he stands up and takes your hand and Bucky’s and goes on the couch. He sits down and puts you on his laps. Bucky takes your calf and cuddle against Steve. One of Steve’s arms is around your waist and the other is around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky has one arm around Steve waist and the other on your legs. You put your hand on each one of them that touches you.
 After a moment of silence, you ask” Can we kiss again?”.
 “Yes, please” they said in unison. “I want to see you kiss” you murmur.  They don’t move, Steve’s blushing, while Bucky is looking at you. You put your hands on their chins and turn their faces, so they face each other. “Please, can I see you kiss?”. Your gentle command makes them move. Slowly they approach each other lips. When they start kissing, it’s sensual, loving and you get flustered. It’s hot, you never thought that looking at two people kissing would be this sexy. Then Bucky does something that makes Steve moans. You did once or twice hear him having someone around, but he has never moaned like that. Steve’s hand on your hip squeezes your flesh. Steve breaks the kiss first; Bucky bites his lower lip.
 “You turn, doll face”, growls Bucky. You expect him to kiss you, but he does the same as you did, take your chin between his fingers, and make you face Steve. You kiss the blond; you try some of your trick to make him moan like Bucky and when you succeed you break the kiss and turn your intention on Buck. He smiles at you, and you smile back, before going to kiss him. With Bucky, each of you fight for dominance. You move on Steve’s lap and after a while, you feel him getting hard under you. Suddenly the reality of the situation strikes, and you start to panic.
You get up and say, “I’m going to the toilets”. Bucky and Steve watch you go, and they try not to laugh, because they recognise a pattern there.
Your room is next to the toilets and when you go out, you look at your bed and you really want to hide yourself. But why would you hide? You take a deep breath before going back in the living room.
They are whispering to each other, Bucky seems unhappy, while Steve tries to calm him down. “hey, guys!”, they turn their heads so fast, you’re sure they’re going to bump into each other and you giggle. “ehm, sorry to ran away, could we…could we go in my room? For more privacy?”
Steve is the first to get up, Bucky looks at you strangely “privacy of what? we are the only one here” he says in a cold voice.
“Bucky” warns Steve.
 You sigh and smile “No he’s right Steve. Bucky, I know that we are alone, but I would feel better and safer in my room…because it’s new to me and I need to navigate around all of that…around this new us. If that makes sense?”
Bucky relaxes and nods, standing up, “makes sense, sorry.” You wait for them to come close to you before you take each of their hand and guide them into your room.
“Where do we sleep?”, you ask.
“Let’s just say, that we can sleep on our own or together, but no pressure” answers Steve. You smile and walk into your room, sitting on your bed facing them.
Bucky is the first to go lay and waits for Steve and you. “Doll, in the middle” he commands. You giggle and do as he say, loving the few times you find yourself engulf between those two sweet giants.
Steve follows you and sighs. “Love the smell of your sheets, sweetheart”. You smile at him and blushes.
“I use the same wash as you…”, he laughs softly and kisses your cheek.
“But it still smells like you.” He boops your nose and you giggle shyly. Bucky brings you close to him, and he kisses your neck, making you shudder.
“When did you know?”, he asks you.
“When I did know what, bucky?”
“That you liked both of us”.
This question, you’ve been asking it to yourself for weeks now. But honestly, it just came along the way. The fact that they opened their home for you, that they’ve always been there since. Always have a shoulder to lay on, someone to rely on. You’ve never felt alone since you moved in here. You tell them that and they both smile, Steve strokes your cheeks and Bucky your hip. You feel safe, understood, and complete.
Then, they both lean in and kiss you. A three-way kiss, that left you breathless and panting. You look at them and you smile, stroking their chin with your thumb, loving the difference of texture. Steve is shaved, while bucky always have a three-day beard. You pass your thumb on their lips and bucky groans, pupils wide, the blue of his eyes almost inexistant.
“You’ve freed the beast”, chuckles Steve, who’s biting his lip.  
“Y/N, Sweetheart?”, whispers Steve. You try to focus on him, but flashback holds you in your terror.
You look between them, and you take a shaky breath. “Oh, yeah?”. Bucky nods and starts to pempers kisses on your cheek and neck.
“Can I kiss you doll?”. You nod and he kisses you tenderly, deeply, you let him have the dominance in that kiss. It feels good, but then his hands wonder on your body, and you start to panic. Bad memories coming back to you. You try to tell him to stop, but then Steve joins him and you freeze, panic taking hold of you, and you feel hopeless, unable to tell them to stop. You whimper and they stop everything they do and look at you. Your eyes are tearing up and you’re heaving, fright written on your face.
Bucky looks at Steve and he’s panicking; the blond understands he must be stronger for both of you. “Buck, it’s okay, she must have…”, they look at each other and remembered the time you came home totally shaking and afraid. It was just before you dump your last friend with benefits.
“Rumlow”, growls Bucky. “I’m gonna end him”.
You take bucky hand and holds it tight. “don’t leave me.”
“I’m not, I’m here doll.” You nod and looks at Steve.
“I won’t either, sweetheart, I’ll stay here with you. Just take a deep breath for us?”. You nod and do some breathing exercise, following what Steve does and then Bucky when he joins in.
“So-sorry”, you murmur, unable to look at them, fiddling with your nails. One hand goes on yours and then another.
“No need to be sorry”, they said in unison, their soothing voice calming you even more.
“it’s a lot.”
“Then we take our time.”, says Steve softly.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us now”, jokes gently Bucky and that makes you smile.  
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part 2
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slaaverin · 2 years
My Ultimate Reclist
Hi Hello it’s been 4 years now since I came back to the fandom and started reading fics again. I thought I would do a reclist with my all time favorites. It’s gonna be rather long, so bear with me. It contains mostly classics and fics everybody know but it can be useful for new people in the fandom. I’ve read thousands of fics but it’s the ones that stuck with me the most. It is in no particular order.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by @magpiefngrl​ (37600 words, rated E)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Ooooh I love everything she writes since I've been back in the fandom and this one didn't disappoint. Draco in this one is just so endearing discovering the muggle world! He's adorable. And I loved Harry falling in love with him as he watches him, honestly I fell in love a little too. Her writing is always very immersive and just top notch? Perfect? I can't praise this fic enough. I think it's also a good one if you just started reading Drarry.
Licurici by @lou-isfake (133092 words, rated E)
Charlie wanted Harry, but he’d never planned on having him. He’d never planned on Draco Malfoy, either. He hadn’t planned on anything but living out his days in Romania, with his friends and his dragons and his safe, peaceful distance.
Apparently, it wasn’t a very popular plan.
This is a story about crumbs and flickers and roots, running away and coming home; about falling in love without meaning to (twice), and having truly good friends, and the mutually revealing recognition between two people in love with the same man.
This was one of the most beautiful thing I've ever read. At first I was very reluctant to read it because I am so protective of Harry and Draco you know? I wanted to keep them to myself and didn't see myself share them with another character. But then Charlie came in and knocked out all my preconceived notions. I fell in love with him and his voice instantly. I was sucked in by the prose and the feels. So many feelings that everyone has. It made me think of polyamour in a whole new way and I adored it. Please please if you haven't, read it. It is so worth it.
A Descent into Delicious Delirium by J_amethyst (27273 words, rated M)
Harry makes a few piss-poor decisions. Malfoy’s still a rich prick.
The lesson to be learned here: Don’t engage in a disastrous game of chicken. Unless, of course, you enjoy the idea of a naked photoshoot, and the entire Wizarding World believing you get off on Malfoy.
The following is a recount of the course of events that unfolded.
*All named persons have consented to the retelling of this story with stipulations of authorial dramatic flair. The author does not condone the views expressed and reflected by Rita Skeeter, The Daily Prophet, and other associated entities.
The photoshoot scene was EVERYTHING. So hot! And their outfits were quite hilarious? It kinda often lingers in my head Harry and Draco taking the pose under Apolline's camera. Like a still image. Horny porker is practically canon to me now. Very much a feel good read I loved it.
Wild by GraceFisher (95799 words, rated M)
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.
The one where Harry has a sexuality crisis, Draco has an existential crisis, and they accidentally fall in love.
I'm sorry but this is not ok, I see no one talking about this fic ever and it is SO GOOD? The prose immediately sucked me in from the start they have a way of writing that is very poetic? And weirdly I liked that Harry and Draco don't speak much?! I mean they spoke but not to say many things. They're playing around things all the time. And it adds SO MUCH TENSION like I could cut myself with it. Idk it was just brilliant. Everything was brilliant. I also loved that it was mainly focused on Harry and Draco. So. Go read it right this instant because this fic deserves so much love.
By the Grace by @letteredlettered (139812 words, rated T)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Lettered is my favorite author of all time. There I said it. So of course I loved this fic. It was so heart-wrenching. Draco is a mess. Harry is in denial. It just squeezed my heart and then released it and make it swell. The end is beautiful. I loved the auror training. I loved everything. It's a masterpiece as everything lettered writes. (Yes I fangirl on the daily at her writing and wish I was her and also the keyboard she puts her finger on. Marry me? thank you)
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered (153881 words, rated T)
Harry gets de-aged.  Malfoy has to help him
My god this one is wonderful. Harry is the sweetest and broke my heart. The slow realization on Draco's part is so good to see. It made my cry and I loved Harry even more after reading this. And Draco, my heart broke for him too. The end was so perfect I smiled like an idiot. This fic is a treasure and a gift and I will cherish it for a long time.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by @letteredlettered (40913 words, rated E)
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life. Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life.
Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t. 
Instead it has Indian takeaway and a blue jumper and people wanting a whole lot of what they can’t have, discovering themselves as they discover each other
Ok let’s talk serious business. THIS FIC LADIES AND GENTS it has to be one of my favorite of all time. Draco is so endearing to me with his simple life, and Harry is a mess, and it hurts, hurts, hurts in every way. It felt so wrong to me, but then it became right and everything clicked into place and it works and it’s incredible. I adored it, it is so brilliant. Please give it a read you won’t regret it. Please read all other fics she writes because every fics of hers is amazing you will do yourself a favor.
Stupid love by @the-sinking-ship (16940 words, rated E)
Harry Potter, how does Draco Malfoy hate thee? Let me count the ways.
It was a very fun and very charming read. I laughed a little too much at Draco's obliviousness, very unreliable narrator. I love that Harry just knew and went for it even when Draco was such a tough nut to crack. He was just so sure that he hated him! Oh Draco my sweet child. They were adorable. Read it without worry.
In the Hand by aideomai (28470 words, rated T)
Two months after Harry went missing, when Hermione was frantic with fear and panic and sleep deprivation, Draco Malfoy cornered them outside the Great Hall before breakfast.
Another amazing author. This was just so freakin creative. I loved all the versions of Harry and Draco in this Drarryverse lol. Each of them were different and believable. It made me want to read a fic for each version. Anyway this was brilliant.
Far from the tree by aideomai (112572 words, rated E)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
Gosh I love this fic. The reunion scene in the forest will remain imprinted in my head for a long time. My heart ached for Draco so much. But then when the reveal happens I loved seeing the older versions of Harry and Draco and their interactions with the younger ones. Perfect writing and perfect ending to a perfect fic.
“Dad says” by GallaPlacidia (39219 words, not rated)
Eleven-year-old Scorpius starts writing to Harry. Harry starts to fall in love with Draco through his portrayal in his son's letters.
Featuring an extremely remorseful Draco living with muggles and working at a second-hand book shop, an isolated Harry, and a Scorpius who's dreading going to Hogwarts because he knows he'll be bullied there.
I adored Scorpius in this and the relationship he develops with Harry. This fic was just adorable for me. And when something ends with "All was well" then I'm just a sucker for it! I loved this fic and honestly I could rec all GallaPlacidia's fics so please go read them all!
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (104357 words, rated E)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
This one is simply HILARIOUS. I laughed so much at the cafeteria scene. I usually don’t like creature fics much but this one was great I highly recommend.
Grounds for Divorce by @tepre (122217 words, rated E)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
This is the perfect bonding fic (I love this trope) the jealousy killed me but it was alright at the end. Everything felt organic. It was messy and painful but so beautifully written. Masterpiece. Go read it. I could put every one of Tepre's fics on this list they are all so good! She's an amazing author!
Buy A Heart by xErised (17668 words, rated E)
Draco's cock hardens as he looks at the invitation to the charity auction; his golden ticket to one wild night of desperate sex with Potter to get rid of this inexplicable obsession. His heart whispers that one night will never be enough, but Draco is beyond caring. All he knows is that he will pay any price to have Potter over and over again.
Alright so this one is pure and filthy smut and it is so freakin HOT. It left a strong impression on me years ago, go read it.
dirtynumbangelboy by @magpiefngrl​  (39400 words, rated E)
After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition. Draco wants his parents to stop matchmaking him and Harry wants to make his ex jealous. All they need to do is simply pretend they’re in love. Problem is… Draco already is.
Aaaah fake dating I freakin love this trope! I love this Draco, he is a mess, he plays piano, he’s hot. Such a perfect fic.
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1​ (74228 words, rated E)
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
I loved the magical theory. Sentient houses are my kink. The smut is scorching hot. This is so good. Bix is such a treasure to the fandom and I loved every one of her fics I advise you check them all out.
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by @aibidil  (43328 words, rated E)
A fuck-or-die fairytale in which Draco Malfoy lives a despicable and unapologetic life — that is, until he's cursed to die unless he can fall in love with and fuck Harry Potter
I read it really a long time ago so I don’t remember much but I love the trope of fuck-or-die and this one really stuck with me. I remember it was so good and I loved it.
Ligabus Filium by @tessacrowley (41534 words, rated E)
It should be careful, deliberate, but it isn't. Like every other part of their relationship, it happens gradually and then all at once, before they even realize it. And when the little blue threads bind them together, there's no going back.
When I started reading Drarry again I was a sucker for BDSM fics. To me, if you’re into the genre, this is the best one. Tessa crowley is such a good writer, I recommend you check her other fics as well.
Forgive those who trespass by Lomonaaeren (135889 words, rated E)
Harry Potter was convinced he had an ordinary, if inconvenient, life. Then Ron and Hermione vanished in the Department of Mysteries. And the only person who may know where they are is a mute Draco Malfoy.
I read this fic when I first came back to the fandom. I don't remember the details just that it deeply stuck with me. I was slightly horrified but intrigued. I love everything in the department of mysteries. This was a horrific adventure and I loved it. If you want something on the dark side this is for you.
Turn by Saras_girl (306708 words, rated E)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
I couldn’t make a reclist without including Turn. This fic changed me and my viewpoint for the better. It made me question my life choices. There’s nothing to describe it, you need to experience it.
Running on Air by eleventy7 @tinyhistory (74875 words, rated T)
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Best for last. This is my favorite fic ever written ever. The vivid scenery. The pacing. It’s soft and there’s love. It’s brilliant and beautiful and poetic and I so deeply want a hard copy of it. I need it tattooed on my soul. By the end I was a sobbing mess. It is weirdly so personal to me. I think I too found home by reading it. DROP EVERYTHING YOU’RE DOING AND READ IT. THANK YOU.
That’s it for my favorites! thank you for reading! <3
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calciumcryptid · 5 months
Do you mind if I pitch my Tim Drake solo run real quick? Thanks.
Tim is aged up to nineteen, and decides he needs some time away from the family so he decides to help Bruce with a business venture in a new city (I vote a parody of Newark, so for the sake of this I am calling the city Newark).
Tim invites Tamara Fox as his business partner, and Bernard moves with him as his boyfriend. Bernard starts to attend college in Newark for whatever degree (I would say journalism because it makes sense for him but there are a lot of journalist love interests already.)
Tim is forced to vigilante Newark for some reason or another, and the press can call him a name (not intended to cement a new alias for him but perhaps to guide to one).
Tim is worried Tamara will be put in a coma again so he hires Pru to be her personal bodyguard. Tamara begrudgingly agrees.
Tamara decides she is tired of being put into comas and asks Pru to train her as she becomes an unofficial Batgirl as she operates in Newark, but later takes on a different identity (maybe Flying Fox). Barbara approves.
Kon learns Tim struck out on his own without him, and basically decides he will be Tim's daylight counterpart and moves in with Tim and Bernard (can you tell where I am going-). Kon gets a new alias (I vote Supernova).
Everyone participates in a pride parade where Kon comes out as bisexual.
Eventually, Kon and Tim kiss on the apartment balcony but Tim panics because they shouldn't have done that only for Bernard to turn on a lamp and turn around in a swivel chair with a giddy expression. Tim and Kon both panic, but Bernard just asks if they know about polyamourous relationships.
The comedy that follows from that could span so many issues, and I think that would be fun.
A lot of guest appearances from the rest of Young Just Us and the Fox family. The Bat Cauldron and Superfam isn't allowed (yet) though I will accept a Steph appearance.
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chaos-otter · 1 year
I tend not to defend creators because the story is usually deeper than what is initially spread. That being said, I'm really sick of so much of the boyfriends tag being full of monogamous non-black gentiles trying to cancel someone over stuff that happened years ago, were taken out of context in one case, and about representation that isn't yours to call bad rep.
As a polyaffectionate/polyamourous black jew I'm going to ask that people stop bringing this up as an excuse to shit on a creator and comic you dislike. It is fine to dislike him or his content. It is not okay to imply he is a pedophile for drawing a short character or writing fic about teens when he was a teen.
First off, a character being short is not child coded. Please fucking stop with this. As a short 29 year old who has been thought to be anywhere from 12 to 18 recently, some people look young. It is a fact of life. The reason CSA is illegal and damaging isn't because of how children look, it's because they cannot consent. So despite looking like an adolescent at times, I am not a child, Nerd is not a child, stop with the weird desire to change what constitutes CSA.
In addition, if you are an allosexual adult, you can't tell me you never fantasized about a celebrity in your youth. You may not have posted it, but unfortunately, the ability to post things is becoming more and more accessible and expected. Along the same vein people say/do fucked up shit in their youth. We cannot expect people to have spotless lives, he apologized and hasn't posted anything remotely antisemitic or rascist in many years. If people can't grow from their mistakes and change for the better without the mistake following them forever, why would anyone ever want to change?
It is why criminal records, in the US, are locked once a minor comes of age. It allows people to grow without the mistakes of youth following them forever. Maybe judge people on their current actions and not those of years before?
As for the poly rep, no story will match every experience. There are many poly couples who have stories just like boyfriends and many more that don't. Sure, it might not feel super realistic, but that's because it's not real. I'm sick of people getting upset that representation in media is not their exact experience because that's not the point. There is no way to perfectly show every way a person can be in one story, but if one story makes it, then that is one more place for people to find representation. It also opens the door for more diverse forms of representation. For example, I hate the Madea movies for how they portray black families. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't have been made because they portray some families, and those people deserve representation just as much as I do.
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megane-sama · 6 months
I want my last tumblr post for the year to be a kind of recap of my year in media. Sort of.
Noone asked but here are my top 3 books and top 3 mangas of 2023.
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1. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.
This one honestly rewired my brain chemistry in the best ways possible because on God, bloodthirsty, traumatized, polyamourous bisexual revolutionaries is something that can be so personal to me. I can talk from now till tomorrow but I doubt I'll ever be able to fully explain how much I love this book so I won't bother, just know it's amazing. The sequel Heavenly Tyrant will be released in 2024 and y'all know I will be sat. Heavily recommend, read it if you haven't already or I will chew through your walls and devour your immortal soul :>
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2. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
AHHHSHDHHNSN THIS BOOK...Had me practically enthralled actually, I didn't even notice the length because of how badly I was hooked, lined and sinkered. I loved how human the characters felt, they felt real so I felt a lot for them in return, also the "you get cool powers for the low low price of your own mindscape being stripped away" was fun. There is so much in here I loved, especially the running theme of love in itself, a flawed family that only keeps standing because it's filled with nothing but love, the love between Vic and Lou and Vic herself as a character too. Its filled with an array of amazing characters (except Charlie Manx and the Gasmask man, fuck them) and it flows so satisfyingly. So yeah I also recommend.
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3. Confessions by Kanae Minato
Now I love a good revenge plot, especially when it chooses not to go down either the "I've done this so now what more do I have to live for" pipeline or even worse for me the "if I go through with this I become just as bad as you" one. Confessions really scratched that itch for me and it's presented in such a simplistic yet really well written manner, watching the web that slowly being spun and revealed as the plot progresses and when it finally comes together at the end and catches the fly, ohhh it's so satisfying. Also even tho the perpetrators in question were teenagers Yuko Moriguchi said fuck them kids and fuck you too and I think she's an icon for that. Also heavily recommend.
Honourable mention to The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky because it came really close to being in my top 3. It took me 8 months to finish and I'm pretty sure I didn't get most of it but I enjoyed it. There's so much in it to be enjoyed no matter what angle you're reading it from. Its not an easy read but honestly if you think you're up for it, go for it.
My worst book of the year however was The Stand by Stephen King. And for a book titled the Stand I really couldn't stand it, which kinda sucked because I'm a Stephen King fan but my God did I dislike a lot about the Stand. I won't say much but maybe I'm not white or Heterosexual enough to enjoy it idk and honestly if someone tells me it's their favourite SK book I'm going to assume they're either white, painfully straight or a liar.
Now for Manga.
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1. Jigokuraku by Yuji Kaku.
Honestly this should come as a surprise to no-one. If you know me, you know I have a terrible case of Jigokuraku brain, like that shit is chronic, literally my fave shounen right next to Haikyuu and JoJo. But yeah I was Jgkrk obsessed yesterday, am Jgkrk obsessed today and I will be Jgkrk obsessed tomorrow.
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2. Rosen Blood by Kachiru Ishizue.
Honestly it was everything I thought Diabolik Lovers would be (don't get me wrong I like DiaL but in a very messy, that's the kinda shit you watch from a distance reality TV way). I would lay down my life for Rosen Blood and all its Characters, especially Gilbert (beloved). It also made me want to read more Shoujo so we'll see how that goes in 2024.
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3. MADK by Ryo Suzuri.
Honestly I have nothing to say about this except I'm sorry, the voices in my head won with this one. If you know, you know.
Honourable mention to Boys Run the Riot by Gaku Keito tho. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
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fantasy-store · 1 year
Eventide Polyamourous
my take on/an alt version of the polyamorous flag and another addition to the skyset pride series
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Polyamorous relationships are diverse and come in many forms and dynamics. not everyone is the same and the relationships between the partners may all be different. it may look like two or more people dating one same partner but not each other or it may look like a whole web of connected relationships like constellations in the sky. the polyamory does not strictly have to be romantic or sexual relationships.
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Forenoon Monogamous
my take on/an alt version of the monogamous flag and another addition to the skyset pride series
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Monogamous relationships are the opposite of polyamory, they are a relationship between two people, although that does not mean both partners are monogamous. one might be poly one might be mono but a monogamous person is only in a relationship with that one person. some people feel complete just being in that one, some people feel complete in multiple, both are incredibly valid in their own right.
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tagging for reach/notes: feel free to be asked to be removed from or added to the taglist
@melodymogai, @archival-arrival, @the-yanderess, @iloveleeks2, @queersrus, @kitti-coining, @polyfragmentedchaos, @zelle-exe, @lethargicexcitement, @bi-lesbian, @mikus-coining-blog, @dykefnctl
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brightideathepunny · 1 year
I bet your saddled with a bunch of responsibilities outside of your YouTube channel.
Indeed I am. There are many things that keep me from making videos and coming up with punny content for the masses, and the main ones include:
Work - With a full time job at an instrument rental company and a 40 hour per week schedule, it's a far cry from the free time I used to dedicate to scripting, recording and editing.
Relationships - I maintain 2 committed romantic relationships with my 2 boyfriends, who both now work at the same company with me (one of them got me and the other one jobs there, so we're pretty lucky) and switch off every few months living with one or the other. Being polyamourous isn't something I'd recommend to just anyone, but I've found it's something that works well for me and my loved ones, and I'm really happy to be close to both. I also strive to keep in touch with my family and other friends as much as I can to let them know I'm thinking about them and care about those bonds as well.
Self-care - Normal adulting stuff like grocery shopping, laundry, and personal hygiene apply here, as well as casual downtime, watching shows, playing games, and listening to the Critical Role podcast (on about episode 81 of campaign one now). I enjoy going on mini-adventures too, like going to a park, going to the movies (just recently saw the new Mario movie) and trying new hobbies, like minifigure painting (if anybody asks I'll be happy to share photos).
Just recently I started breathing some life back into my channel with little shorts, and it seems to be working at netting me new subscribers. I plan to fulfill the old Brony tradition of singing a cover of "Winter Wrap-up" in honor of 3000 subs on YouTube, so hopefully that happens soon.
Thank you very much for your ask!
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thekingswench · 1 year
Tiago Saavedra
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Faceclaim - Pedro Pascal
Full Name - Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra
Nicknames - Auggie, Tee
Age - 46 years of age 
Birthdate - 15 April 1975
Gender - Cismale, he/him  
Sexuality - Bisexual, Polyamourous 
Ethnicity & Nationality - Latinx, Chilean 
Occupation - Biostatician with emphasis in pharmacology & botany
Educational Information - Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics & Botany, Master’s dissertation on statistics pertaining to spatial dimensions, PhD on the medicinal importance of exoticized plant species pertaining to psychotropic medications 
Mother - María Estrada Saavedra (67)
Father - Tomás Agustín Ureta Bustamante (72)
Siblings - José Santiago Bustamante Saavedra (m, 39), Maite Bustamante Saavedra (f, 49), Sofía Isidora Bustamante Saavedra (f, 46), Mateo Bustamante Saavedra (m, 42)
Tiago is very close with his family and, when not working, can be found taking his leave with them. The Saaevedra household is full of laughter and good humor so that, no doubt, infects the people they bring to meet the family, as well. 
Affectionate - Tiago is very loving and has a lot of love to give to the people he cares about. There is never not a time when he is actively trying to do sweet things for those he considers his, whether that be family or friends. Often, that affection is very lowkey, seen in physical touch or acts of kindness (such as cooking a meal or carrying someone to bed), but it is something that is almost ingrained into his personality. However, that does not mean that his affection cannot take on different forms with different people, and sometimes that affection may look odd to people not in on the “secret.” 
Dependable -  If there is one person you should be able to count on, it’s Tiago. Whether you’re on an unfamiliar planet or just need some help around the house, he is the one you want to back you up when you need it. That dependability leaves him feeling very steady, something secure that you might not have otherwise. Despite his eccentricities and the fact that he is passionate about his work, and that might come across as being very “out there,” Tiago is one of the loyal people in the world. Once you have him, you have him for the rest of your life unless you do something too unforgivable to jeopardize that trust. (Even then, depending upon the circumstances and the relationship, he might let you in again, but he would never stop caring, even if he says he has). 
Humorous - Tiago is always laughing and always there to entertain. A bit of a class-clown type, when circumstances call for it, he is often the one to lend a bit of humour to an otherwise heavy situation. He makes it his goal to get each of his team to laugh when they need it because, as his mother always used to tell him, ‘laughter is the best medicine, mijo. Use it as often as you can.’ 
Argumentative -  Despite his genteel attitude (most of the time) and his seemingly bookish persona, Tiago has a lot to say about a lot of things and when he thinks (or knows) he’s right, he will defend that knowledge like a pitbull. He doesn’t let go of an argument until it is sufficiently played out when it is serious. When it’s not, well, sometimes he argues for arguments’ sake. Particularly when it comes to Fredi Castillo, the argumentation is often just a chance to speak with the other man, to get him to notice him, but far be it from Tiago to ever reveal that information. 
Sarcastic - Growing up with four siblings has made Tiago adept at not only understanding the intricacies of sarcasm, but perfecting his own brand of it. His witticisms are often dry and, with the right tone, may go directly over someone’s head. Even still, it is perhaps one mode of communication that Tiago is most fond of. He employs it liberally and delights in doing so, much to his partners’ chagrin. Sometimes that sarcasm can get him into sticky situations, but he is smart enough to get him out, too, most of the time. And, if not, he has three other people that have his back. 
*Eccentric - Tiago’s eccentricities are vast and bred deeply into his being, something that he has had since he was a young boy. His family are well aware of his ability to monologue about a rare flower species for hours at a time or to infodump about something he has hyper fixated on for months’, which is often how his research begins, but those who might not be used to him may find it tedious or difficult to work through. When he was growing up, he often had to curb these eccentricities for fear of being ridiculed, but he has since embraced them. Visiting his workplace means that you will often come into contact with Tiago at his most open so his eccentricities will not be hidden, just as they would not be when with his family. If you are asked to put your right shoe on the left side of your left and hand your laundry to him from the left instead of the right, an upward motion instead of downward, just indulge him. He promises you’ll get used to it or, if not, will be able to, shortly upon your arrival. 
Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra was born fifteen minutes ahead of his sister, Sofía, on a warm April morning, welcomed into this world with an eager older sister smiling down upon them and two incredibly relieved parents. The Saveedra family is one of love and laughter and Tiago and his sister were quickly welcomed into that tradition by a warm extended family and quiet, friendly community. When María brought her children home, there was homemade food, as much supplies as the new additions to the family could need, and a neighborhood that rallied around their newest additions with open arms. 
Kindness and community are what Tiago grew up in and, with them, he thrived. 
As he grew from a curious toddler into a bright young boy, Tiago’s thirst for knowledge and the unknowable continued to grow. He was constantly asking questions of his mother and eagerly awaited his father to return home from the hospital after each shift so that he could hear all about his day. Even when the stories were not perfect, when they did not have a happy ending, Tiago wanted to know them. Tomás never denied his son, even when he probably should have, but that indulgence ultimately created a man who loved to learn, who thrived in that space, and who would become the top of his class at the academy where he received his education. 
While a bit of an eccentric and a lover of all things mathematical, Tiago’s easy-going personality usually endeared him to all those around him, even when they didn’t initially get along. He was a bit of a nerd in the lower grades but he eventually grew out of that, looks-wise, and grew more confident. He is still quiet, but now that quietness hides an over-active mind and a man that always has a plan, even when it might not be one hundred percent perfect. 
His thirst for knowledge led him to a career in academia, one which would become integral in his assignment to his current workplace and the affections that would grow between the team; doing this work, they become a family. Hand-picked for his theses on the spatial dimensions and his work with psychotropic fauna species, Tiago and the rest of his team have been tasked with searching to find the substances most likely to aid medical researchers, hoping that the work they do may prove to be the key to unlocking significant advancements in medicine, enough to save lives and earn their place in the history books as the research team to do so. 
Tiago cannot have children. While he recognizes that that would bother some people, he does not care. His family is large enough and he has enough cousins and nieces/nephews that there doesn’t feel like a “void” in his life without kids. He always has children around him, even if they are not his own, and that is enough for him. Tiago is also definitely open to the idea of raising children with his partners, but would sooner adopt than have anyone birth one of their own. For him, family is not only that which you are born into, but that which you choose. 
Tiago is potentially on the autism spectrum, as he has tendencies toward those behaviors, though he has never officially been diagnosed. He has lived his life long-enough - and has learned how to remove himself from stressors that would endanger himself or his crew - to know how to cope with certain things, so he's never really chased one. 
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soupedepates · 10 months
ok ok i need to talk about my blorbos in my project "A Nap in the Garden of the Hesperides"
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aint they so silly
so there are two main storylines. - Dante and Aramis not having the time of their lives - Lucienne, Yousra and Candy being silly sapphics
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Aramis is a great pianist, he is leaving next year to study music abroad in Vienna so this is his last year in the conservatoire. He comes from a quite wealthy family, and he avoids his parents most of the time (angsty teen much). He suffers from insomnia, this comes from the fact he was seriously sick as a kid and almost died in his sleep several times.
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Dante was living with his father in Guatemala until they learnt his mother (his parents are divorced, his father is Guatemalan and his mother is French) has cancer. They came back to France to support her (his father respects immensely his mother, and reciprocally). Dante needs to be stimulated not to ruminate dark thoughts so he starts courses at the conservatoire : opera singing (he is a wonderful tenor), choral singing, music theory, modern dancing... and of course piano.
Dante falls in love with how Aramis plays the piano, and Aramis falls in love with Dante's voice. They learn to know each others through music and end up dating. But the point of this storyline is that this is the good person, but bad timing.
It ends so fucking bad. uwu
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Lucienne is Aramis' best friend since diapers. They are almost always together, so much Aramis' parents think they are dating (spoiler alert, Lucienne is a lesbian and Aramis is gay). Lucienne lives with her girlfriend Yousra since she is 18 (Yousra is two years older, they met in high school) and they are very happy. Lucienne is polyamourous, and she falls in love at first sight with a ballerina she meets through Aramis : CANDY.
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Candy too falls in love, but as soon as she learns about Yousra she backs down for she doesn't want neither to interfer nor to be the side-chick. After meeting Yousra, she and Lucienne decide to pursue a relationship but swear to never touch each other. They start an epistolary romantic relationship.
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Yousra is her gf's wingwoman while being a nurse. She also is here to cut Aramis' or Lucienne's bullshit (and they need it), and helps Dante to deal with the possibility his mother dies. She needs charadev cuz she is such an interesting character but in the actual state of things she is but a support character.......
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internal-orchids · 2 years
I got some tasty THH headcanons from the oven if you wanna look
-Sayaka: Transfemme Polyamourous Pansexual (she/doll). She has perfect pitch! I also feel like she is really fascinated by fancy knifes cuz why not. Has a collection of em. Oh, but she has had those little plushies youtubers have of her band and owns plushies of the rest of her band. She’ll do your make-up and nails and hair and say you look amazing and kiss your nose! Her favorite animals are chinchillas. She’ll get mad when you don’t take care of yourself. She totally stims by playing with her hair mhmhmhm I’d play with her hair if I were her. She loves the smell of citrus, cinnamon, and berries! She lights scented candles all the time. -Leon: Transmasc Polyamourous Bisexual (he/they/strum/explo). He needs to walk around a lot. He gets really, really restless. Stims by singing? Sure why not. He 100% has volume issues. His older brother gave him his first guitar, and most of his cool punk jewelry. His hair is dyed. He pierced his own tongue. Chaotic mans, truly. I feel like he wolud really like Panic! At the Disco? He just has the vibes. Also a lot of eighties stuff. His favorite musical is either Rent or Heathers. He bites ice cream, and drinks sparkling water. Self-proclaimed gremlin man. WAIT I FORGOT MOTHER MOTHER. He listens to Mother Mother. He plays FNaF for the lore but will never admit it mostly cuz he sucks at it. Hates clowns cuz he watched Popee the Performer as a child and it fucked him up. -Chihiro: Genderqueer Pansexual (literally anything except it/its). They are actually really chill person! Once they become more comfortable with who they are, they really come out of their shell and make new friends. In addition to their programming, they also have learned 3-D modeling. I feel like they’d have a cat but be unable to let it in their room cuz it wants to snuggle. Well but what if they made a tiny keyboard for it so it can lay on that while they work. That works. They like making jewellery, and make those rainbow loom bracelets colour coded to their friends. They have a polaroid camera and take pictures of their friends. They even have a scrapbook! Sayaka helps them with it. They play Cookie Run for the character designs. -Mondo: Transmasc bisexual abrosexual (he/him). He can sew and do embroidery. He has to tell himself that it’s very very masculine while he does it, though. He spends way too much on hair products. Occasionally he uses super glue mixed with water in a spray bottle. He’s really nice to kids, and makes sure they are always safe! Yes, that means threatening assholes. I feel like he would stand in front of pet stores for fucking hours. No, mans volunteers at shelters. He swears a lot but they keep him on because he’s so good with the pets. He will get you on a motorcycle. It will happen. You can’t disagree with him. He has a tomodatchi that he’s had since he was like five. -Kiyotaka: Bigender (Male and Agender) demihomoromantic (any pronouns he doesn’t care). He can knit. It helps him calm down and stuff. Yeah. He’s actually…kinda boring? He has so many identity issues. Who even is he? He’s stubborn, y’know. Oh! I know. He’s actually just really awkward around people. He knows lots of little fun facts. If you give him enough time he’ll tell you all about any given topic you want! He just never gets time to talk to people. Let him interact! His favorite book is 1984 by George Orwell and it scares the hell out of everyone because he talks about how well the society runs. -Kiyondo: Non-binary (possibly polyamourous) pansexual (they/it/flame/match). They can sew! They like sewing. They can also imitate anyone that they hear cuz they get really really bored. That’s actually why a lot of they exist? They also like arson. Well, not arson. Just fire. Yeah. They like dressing up in either fabulous beautiful outfits, or greasy little mole outfits, no inbetween. They also bite people a lot, and get into a lot of fights. It’s ok though, they’re good at dodging. They think they are the hottest, most seductive person in any given room, but they flirt like a bad A.I. and never wash their hair so up to you. They are friends with Chihiro on Cookie Run but they mostly just fucking grind. -Hifumi: Cisgender aroace (he/her/they) HE IS FUCKING RICH. He doesn’t actually like buying physical thing UNLESS it’s like…a cosplay or figurine. He reads everything online, but he does commissions all the time and once he gets to Hope’s Peak he’s in really high demand, so he can charge a fucking premium. He’s suprisingly good at buisness. He is also a closeted furry, though he hasn’t made himself a fursuit yet. He makes other people fursuits, though. He honestly loves making costumes. He will join a discord group, he’ll love it and comsume his entire life, it will die, he’ll be crushed, and then the cycle starts again. He needs more IRL friends. -Celestia: Transfemme Lesbian (she/fleur/hush) I hate her but I love her and want to kiss her. She has a whole fuckton of peircings, and she’s got one of those chains that goes from her ear to her nose. She wear way too much make up too. Fuck it give her black lipstick. She tried to wear fishnets, but they messed up her legs and she doen’t like them. She wears those funky bell earrings so Grand Cherie Bois can play with them when he sits on her lap. She will never wear anything that’s not completely elegant, though she has a soft spot for fuzzy cat slippers. She kinda hates being her persona all the time. It’s fiiine though.
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myconia · 16 days
As I'm sure can be imagined, I'm the rainbow sheep of my family. The only queer, liberal, gender non-conforming person in a family of (from what I can tell) straight, cisgendered Republicans (my blessed sister-in-law not included). No one in my family outside of my immediate knows that I'm polyamourous or queer, nor that I changed my name.
I'm pretty sure appearances are even kept up that I'm still Catholic despite being the only one to not take confirmation.
My grandfather's mother was a nurse.
My paternal grandmother is a nurse, recently coming out of retirement to be a nurse at my young cousins' elementary school.
My family has teachers, police, military personnel, vet techs, maintenance workers. I'm the only one to pursue a nursing track for my career.
Hearing my grandmother tell me that she's proud of me, wanting to be updated on my progressions and encouraging me to keep going even when it gets hard....it's healing something in me that I never knew I needed. I've found the connection in my family. I'm not like them, I can't be. But at least at heart, in what calls and moves the soul, we are connected. And it's so fucking beautiful.
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lunieloon · 17 days
Happy Pride Month from the Lunieverse main characters!!
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Rambles on Each character's sexualities/genders below!! (Be warned: it's another long infodump)
Growing up as a kid in the early-mid 2000's there wasn't much (if any) representation in the shows I would watch, and so I never had characters I could fully relate to. That’s why now that I'm making my own shows and characters, I think it's important to have them reflect everything I was missing as a kid.
It's taken me a long while to figure out my identity, and in turn, it's also taken me a while to figure out my character's identities, so this may change in the future. But for now, I'm confident that this is what my characters are!
Starting from left to right...
Regio Corona:
Any pronouns
Regio is part of what I like to call the "Self Insert Trio!" He's a character based more off of myself in appearance and also reflects more of my own internal struggles than some other characters.
They are very indifferent about their gender, as far as they're concerned, it doesn't matter. She thinks it's a waste of time worrying about it and would rather focus on being alive than how they're percieved. He also doesn't get how people can fall in love with the first person that crosses their path. The only person they've ever liked is Lyall-Dean. Everyone else is just another person. That she wishes would stay away from them.
Velvet Estrella:
Velvet is another member of the Self Insert Trio! They're the epitome of "I'm probably nonbinary but i have a job, so i don't care about that now." Through they are fully aware that people see them as a girl, and it bothers them a LOT. But saving the world has to come first, sadly.
They're also bisexual! And though they don't get crushes easy, sometimes it's hard to deny someone's attractive when you need to see them every day (especially at their job)
Mea Mine:
Okay okay, last member of the Self Insert Trio I promise XD. Mea is an avid hater of love trianges- so her solution to those is date everyone involved! She has 3 partners, and though it was a learning curve for them all at the start, it sure beat whatever complicated love square situation their lives were before XD
Bea Lex:
Bea is an immortal teenager. She will watch planets rise and fall, and people explore all of the universe. And throughout it all, she will know one thing for certain: Girls are pretty. Luckily there is no doomed yuri here! Because her gf is also an immortal teenager!
Stephenson Ken Royden:
Stephenson is the prince of a medieval-style planet. He grew up listening to stories about knights saving princesses and princes slaying dragons. But he would always wonder why knights couldn't save princes instead? After all, slaying a dragon seems like dangerous work, and he would much rather get saved by a knight instead. (And the women in his family proved to be much better equipped to slay a dragon if needed)
Spacey Cosmos:
Spacey is the son of interplanetary diplomats Astro and Nebula Cosmos, and though his planet is currently going through a population decline crisis, he's managed to avoid knowing anything about it since he's been travelling between planets his whole life, so he's completely chill with being gay. (This may be the only aspect of his identity that he is chill with.)
March Calendar:
Despite all the other shit he's had to deal with, the one silver lining March had in his life was how easy it was to transition when he discovered he was trans. His parents were rich and spent most of their time travelling while under the impression their kid was at boarding school (something March unenrolled himself from as soon as he could use a computer) He then used the money that would have gone to boarding school on HRT and junk food. It worked so well his parents didn't even realize he wasn't a boy to begin with.
Oh Yeah, he's also bisexual, but he's had zero luck with anybody. (at least until he meets Ener)
Blu Ponds:
In a wild combination of tragedies and life-changing events, Blu is trans but doesn't even know how big of a deal it is. His parents died when he was 6. Since he was part of the lowest class of Pigmentian society he never had an official birth certificate until Petal's mom was applying to get legal guardianship over him. BUT since that was more Petal's idea, she had Blu fill out the paperwork himself. Blu was 8 years old at this point, and so he filled out the form to say he was born a boy. And no one ever corrected him on that. As far as the law was concerned he was a cis male. As a teenager, the only regret Blu has over filling out that form himself is that his name is legally Bob and now he can't change it.
Perplex Jones:
Somehow, being asexual is one of the most controversial aspects of Perplex's life. (And not the conspiracy theories or being haunted by ghosts??? Bro?!) Perplex never thought people would be mad that he didn't want to fuck them, but sadly, living in a 24/7 livestreamed content house means people are going to sexualize him. (A fact that he is very uncomfortable with!!) And to make matters worse, no one seems to take him seriously when he brings it up. (Something that he won't let slide. Trust me.) He wishes he didn't have to be here, but in order to prevent the end of humanity he does his best to ignore the adverse effects of his internet fame.
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