#this is going to be v bad for my health I can already tell
passports-pls · 1 year
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Guys you’ll never guess what I started playing
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eoieopda · 1 year
meet me at the bar (ksj)
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You're supposed to be staring down the barrel of the last — and most important — examination of your life, but you only have eyes for your study buddy.
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x AFAB!Reader Type: One Shot | Fluff w/ Smut | 18+ — Minors DNI Word Count: 7.5k AU: Law school, study-buddies, best friends to lovers, highly educated idiots in love CW: Bad jokes, Latin, fingering (v), unprotected sex (p in v), Seokjinnie hits it from the back. A/N: My inaugural Seokjin smut is dedicated to my donsaeng-in-law (see what I did there?) @yoongiphoria, who is now embarking on this stupid, stupid gatekeeping journey IRL. Best of luck, my lil love. I'll be waiting for you on the other side of the war! MJ FIGHTING ~ Big ups to my other lil love, M, for beta reading 💕 I posted an epilogue drabble on 7/26/23. Also: This is written based on my experience in the American legal (educational) system. I was, frankly, too lazy to study up on South Korean law for a fanfic, lol. ⚠️ 18+ only ⚠️ minors will be blocked, on sight. my content is not for you. i do not want to interact with you. please respect my boundaries.
You are not spiraling.
You are a paragon of health and wellness, you tell yourself as you gulp down a mug of coffee that is still far too hot, like you’ll die without it. 
More bitter than the taste on your tongue is the realization that you might die with it —  your third cup in fewer hours. As far as you can tell, though, it’s a win-win situation: You’ll either generate enough anxious energy to finalize your property law flashcards, or you’ll drop dead before you have to review them.
And you won’t have to take that exam…
And you won’t have to pay off your student debt…
Besides, you figure, the stomach ulcer you’re likely inflicting on yourself will be infinitely less painful than dragging your under-caffeinated corpse through yet another day of studying. Another eight, consecutive hours spent forcing forgotten subjects back into your maxed-out brain. 
It’s worth it, you repeat to yourself, though this gauntlet has turned out to be a full-time job that steals, rather than pays. You can faint on top of the finish line, so long as some part of you crosses it.
You should be used to it by now, running a marathon at a dead sprint. That’s all you’ve ever done — push yourself. You attended your first day of preschool and never stopped, never took a breath. Through elementary, middle, and high school; then for four years of university. Going, going, going.
Stumbling through that eighteenth lap around the track, you kept going because — well, being a student was all you’d ever been. That’s your toxic trait, you’ve since discovered. Your concept of self is rooted exclusively within the context of a classroom.
You didn’t know it at the time, but your decision to take the Law School Admission Test — or the HellSAT, as you’ve come to call it — might have been the start of a quarter-life crisis. But you didn’t stop there. No, you took that score and ran with it. Slapped it onto every application as a desperate plea for acceptance. 
When you received your admission letter, you were a bright-eyed twenty-two-year-old with a bachelor’s degree and a vaguely defined dream.
Call it naïveté or call it gravitas, there wasn’t a doubt in your smooth little brain that law school was the logical next step to take. That being intelligent and hard-working made you well-equipped for the challenge that came with pursuing a Juris Doctor. After all, you’d spent nineteen years delaying gratification — what difference would three more make?
Within the first hour of your orientation, you — a professional student — had already learned something new: You were a masochist and, frankly, somewhat of an idiot.
Thankfully, you weren’t alone. 
Sitting — dissociating, more like — at a nearby table was a lanky boy you’d first noticed on your tour of the law building. His glassy-eyed stare was aimed somewhere in the middle-distance, and even though his slightly agape mouth said nothing, it communicated everything. He was the only other person in that atrium who looked the way you felt: scared shitless and riddled with buyer’s remorse. A can crushed under the boot of self-doubt.
It was the first time you and your wobbly knees went running in his direction, but it wouldn’t be the last.
He was so deep in a daze at that moment that he didn’t notice the way you threw yourself into the open chair next to him, didn’t look up at the scrape of wooden legs against the granite floor beneath them. He nearly jumped out of his skin when you announced your presence with words, however. 
It was less of an introduction — the way people in a society tend to greet each other for the first time, ever — and more of a twister. Words whipped through the air at a dangerously high velocity, no syllable ending before you started on the next. Just one breath, a few consonants, and a pair of dark eyebrows shooting up to cower behind his bangs. 
“Was — was that Korean?” He asked when you finally ran out of wind. 
Judging by the way his wide eyes softened, you knew he wasn’t making fun of you. You’d simply scrambled his brain so thoroughly that you’d transcended the known limits of language.
More of a question than an answer, you peeped, “I think so. Maybe?” You wavered with a sigh. “I’m no longer confident that I know any of the things I thought I knew, though. So, um, don’t quote me on that.”
“You’re giving me too much credit. I didn’t catch enough of whatever that was —” He gestured vaguely. “— To even attempt to quote you.”
Within seconds and without knowing, he’d disarmed the bomb ticking away in your gut. He must’ve sensed it, too, because his face lit up so completely that you had to look away. One glance at the floor-to-ceiling windows confirmed that the sun hadn’t reappeared at that time of night. 
That rush of warmth you felt then  — that absolutely insane brightness — was powered exclusively by the grin taking up the entirety of his face. If that megawatt smile alone hadn’t rerouted your oncoming anxiety attack, the distinct, squeaking laugh that erupted out of his chest would’ve done the job. 
You doubled over, either under the weight of your own giggling or with the relief you felt in finding someone equally lost. Eyes swimming with mirth, you wiped wetness from your cheekbone and snorted. “Was that a windshield wiper?”  
“No, that was embarrassing.” 
The tips of his ears and the apples of his cheeks went some dizzy shade of pink. 
He rubbed sheepishly at the back of his neck with one hand and held the other out to shake yours.
“And I’m Kim Seokjin.”
Now, when the door of your apartment flies open without warning, it’s that same savior standing on your threshold. That designation may be melodramatic, but if that brown paper bag contains what you suspect it does, it’s deserved.
Seokjin, patron saint of breakfast sandwiches, flops down on the couch that stretches along the opposite side of your coffee table. From where you sit on the floor — hunched over your notes like a hobgoblin — you reach out your expectant arms and make grabby hands in the space between you.
You see mischief flash in his eyes, but only for a second. In the next, he’s pretending like he doesn’t see you; doesn’t hear your petulant little whines. He extends long legs out over the cushions, clutches the bag to his chest, and lets his head roll back to rest on the couch’s arm.
“Wanna know what I did today instead of practice essays?” He asks, eyes unfocused on the ceiling above.
All you actually want is whatever that smell is. You can’t stop staring at the bag of food in his hands. If you try hard enough, maybe you can summon some sort of psychic energy, make it levitate towards you.
He doesn’t wait for your response. “The math.”
You frown; and as you do, you reluctantly shift your gaze from Seokjin’s hands to his face. He isn’t looking your way, but you can tell he’s grimacing based solely on the way his jaw twitches. It’s a miracle he hasn’t ground his teeth to dust over the past three years, given how often he makes that face.
In an attempt to ease the tension in his posture, you tease, “Didn’t we go to law school because we can’t do math?”
He cracks an unwilling smile. A tiny one, but a smile nonetheless. Without turning his head, he extends his arm out in your direction. In the split second it takes for yours to spring forward like a snake, that blessed bag dangles; the scent of sausage, egg, and cheese wafts through the air and restores your will to live. Clutching your prize, halfway to feral, you tear into it without hesitation.
As you bite off more than you can chew, Seokjin prepares his rant with a sigh, “So, consider this.”
“Mmphf,” you advise through a mouthful of greasy bliss.
“Bar exam prep takes eight weeks, right? If we’re only counting business days, that’s forty — forty days, for a minimum of eight hours each.”
He becomes more restless, the more he talks. Heated, he sits bolt upright and turns wild-eyed to you.
Oh, he’s gone full-tilt insane.
“Three-hundred-and-twenty hours, then. And if you think about that in terms of our clerk wages —” He slaps his hands down on his thighs for emphasis. “— at 2,625 won per hour —” 
Then, he points to you, as if the increasing volume of his voice wasn’t already holding you hostage.
“— we’ve sacrificed nearly two million won in income, just by studying for this fucking test.”
You swallow down the last bite of your sandwich, which you downright hoovered while Seokjin took the path of most resistance. After clearing your throat, your interjection overlaps with his next point: 
“Seokjinnie, why didn’t you just double our monthly —”
“That’s after we paid ninety million in tuition, hundreds of thousands on study materials and registration fees —”
You cut him off. “Is this your way of asking me to Venmo you for breakfast?” 
He freezes, caught fully off-guard. Shocked eyes widen like you’re the ridiculous one. “Of course not!”
He waves you off like his thoughtful gesture is no big deal. Then, like he’s tired himself out, he sinks back onto your couch. From his back, he grumbles with crossed arms, “‘M just sayin’ that I’m tired of this shit.”
You can’t help but giggle at the pathetic pout working down the corners of his mouth. “Felt,” you agree, though it feels a little bit like a lie.
Truth be told, you feel more awake now than you did ten minutes ago, and you can’t attribute it to the coffee — not when the evidence so clearly indicates otherwise. 
Over the course of three years, you’ve built up quite the case against yourself. You’ve made the following findings of fact:
Whenever he pops up, Seokjin brings your mood up with him. Even now, as he marinates in anguish on your couch, his presence gives you a reason not to beat yourself unconscious with the four-kilogram prep book that sits beside you on the rug. Makes you hate your circumstances a little less, if only because you share them with him.
And, for a rapidly deflating balloon, you have to concede that Seokjin looks stunning this morning. 
Unlike you and your day-three hair, he somehow had the energy to wash his. The mid-sections of some strands are still damp; the parts that aren’t frame his face in fluffy waves. His shampoo is something fruity mixed with something crisp — grapefruit and mint, maybe? — and it floods your senses, causing question marks to replace any coherent thoughts you might otherwise have. You’d be lying again if you said you didn’t want to find out for sure how soft those tresses really are.
The verdict? 
Well, the jury’s still out, but you know you’re guilty. 
If being down this bad for your best friend isn’t a criminal offense, it should be.
You shake your head to clear it. To smother the flame licking up the inside of your belly, you grab the certified mood killer off the coffee table and hold it up in front of you. Surely, the cure for a sexual tension headache is an eight-centimeter stack of color-coded, neon index cards covered in information you shouldn’t need to memorize in the first place.
“Exam’s in one week,” you say with a shiver.
Seokjin rolls onto his side to look forlornly at you. You are not looking at his bare hip bone, which appears where the hem of his shirt shifts from the waistband of his joggers. Nope.  
You continue the search for the point you’re trying to make. “I can barely spell mortgage, let alone explain what the fuck to do with one.”
“Don’t think I know what land even is at this point,” he sighs. Dejected, he lets his arm go limp. It spills off the edge of the cushion and dangles until his knuckles brush against the rug. “What is this property you speak of?”
Biting back a grin is impossible, so you press your lips together instead. Just like that — just by Seokjin being Seokjin — the hellscape you willingly walked into gets a little brighter. Maybe, you think, you can do this.
You look down for a moment to shuffle up the cards you spent the better part of two days preparing. As you stare down at the staggering amount of knowledge you might be tested on, you can feel the crease returning between your eyebrows. Your grimace is back, too, like a reflex. 
If you make it through this experience without premature wrinkles, you’ll be shocked.
There’s shifting on the couch ahead, but you don’t look up until Seokjin breezes, “From this angle, it almost looks like you’re smiling.”
His arm is no longer dangling off the edge of the couch. His entire upper body is. Knees now hinged over the backrest for balance, he’s upside-down and smirking impishly at you.
He has to know you’re in love with him, right? How could he expect you not to be?
You clear your throat and arch a single eyebrow as a challenge. “What is the rule against perpetuities, Seokjinnie?”
Like you, he can recite it in full at a machine-gun rate of fire. It’s been beaten so far into your heads that you might utter it on your deathbeds, with your last gasping breaths.
“No interest in land is good unless it must vest, if at all, not later than twenty-one years after some life in being at the creation of the interest,” he responds with a smug smile. “Easy.”
It’s your turn to smirk. 
“Great. Now, what does any of that mean?”
Without missing a beat, he fires back, “Does anyone know?”
“Absolutely not. Next question!”
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Having had the same day, every day, for seven weeks straight, Seokjin is struggling. He’s spent hundreds of hours on the same routine, feeling beaten down and burnt out, all the while. It goes like this:
Every morning, he wakes up and goes for a run in a feeble attempt to feel something other than dread. After that, he eats a lackluster breakfast, and then he promptly chains himself to his desk. When he finally gives himself permission to get up again, it’s dark out; and he’s too brain dead to check the hundred or so notifications that amassed on his phone during his fugue state.
Scratch that. There’s one person he responds to, no matter what. As far as everyone else is concerned, though, he’s a ghost.
Today is the first day out of the last fifty-five where Seokjin doesn’t feel like his brain is being hydraulically pressed. For the first time in too long, he fell into an old routine; one he’s missed. It started with a shower — and honestly, that was overdue — then, he swung by the café he’s frequented over the past three years. There, he made his usual order.
One iced americano, and one sausage-egg-and-cheese croissant with extra hot sauce.
Before he walked back up the block, he downed the former, but he didn’t touch the latter. The latter wasn’t for him, anyways. None of the breakfast sandwiches he ever stops for are.
The subsequent hours looked semi-similar to the three-hundred-and-twenty he’s already devoted to studying. Well, sort of. To be clear, the subject matter still sucks, and he’s still angry that he has to touch it at all, but he isn’t waiting for the sweet release of death in the same way he has been all summer. 
This might have something to do with the fact that, for the first time in nearly sixty days, he’s not on his own. 
More than that, he’s with you.
Having switched away from covenants, easements, and servitudes, he feels a slightly less stupid. Contract law is a little more straightforward and a little less caked in colonialism. Unfortunately, after six hours of burning all his brain cells on shit like liens, Seokjin has begun his descent into madness. 
The worms are digging in, he can’t focus, and neither of you can stop — fucking — laughing.
“I’ll give you a hint,” you giggle, shifting in your spot on the neighboring cushion. You give his knee a pat that feels a tiny bit patronizing, but that makes his pulse race, nonetheless. “It’s a Latin term.”
He snorts so loudly that you do a double-take, just to make sure it wasn’t a sneeze. You both stare at one another for a beat, then comes the eruption.
“It’s all Latin!” He roars. 
To muffle the way he’s wheezing, Seokjin slaps his hands over his face. It’s already tear-stained from his abject failure to keep his shit together. At least he can attempt to hide how red he knows it is.
Your laugh comes straight from your belly. You double over completely when his comes out in squeaks, hand reaching out to squeeze his forearm. It used to bother him, the sound he made when he truly loses it, but it doesn’t any more. 
How could it, when it makes you cling to him like that?
Wiping at your cheeks, you take a deep breath, then sigh, “Does it help if I give you the translation?”
He doubts it because you just pinched your bottom lip between your teeth, and now, his mind is blank. 
Really, it’s a fucking miracle he graduated at all with you around. You and that face you make when you concentrate have always made it impossible for him to do so. It’s why he wasn’t paying attention in class when this shit was taught in the first place, he realizes now. 
To cool himself down, Seokjin grabs the Camelbak bottle off the coffee table, realizes too late it’s yours and not his — oh, well — and shoves the straw into his mouth. He nods once, firmly, and sucks in as much water as he can. 
It all sprays back out of his mouth when you say:
“Naked promise.”
He had always wondered what his life would look like if it ever flashed before his eyes. Now, he knows. It’s not a montage of his finest moments, the most recent of which would not have made the cut. All he sees is you, wide-eyed, glancing between him and the wet spot that’s now soaking through your sweatshirt.
You press your lips together, probably to keep from laughing in his face. It’s a valiant effort on your part and a kind gesture, but honestly, he doesn’t deserve it. His fingers twitch as he clutches the bottle, wanting nothing more than to dump the remaining water on his face. He embarrasses himself more often than not, but this stings his cheeks like a sunburn.
“I am —” he raises his hands, flustered, “So sorry. I don’t remember waking up in a sitcom this morning, but I, uhhh, clearly did.”
When you stand up, you’re grinning. And not in that scary way you do when you’re about to retaliate for some prank he’s pulled. No, that look on your face is genuine amusement. 
Thank god.
You shrug as you cross your arms over your torso and grip the hem of your sweatshirt with both hands. “All good, Seokjinnie,” you laugh. “This needed to be washed, anyway. You see that coffee stain?”
No, he does not see that coffee stain because the tank top underneath your sweatshirt is clinging to the wet spot as you tug the top layer up your stomach. He feels bad for staring — really, he does — but fuck, your skin looks soft. Like, so soft that he has to grip his water bottle to keep a grip on himself.
Eventually, your tank top separates from your sweatshirt. It falls back down to where it belongs, to Seokjin’s dismay, and the sweatshirt keeps going. 
“Nudum pactum,” you remind him as you pull the drenched hoodie over your head. Playfully, you toss it at him. It smacks against his chest, splays out over his lap. 
Once more with feeling: thank god. 
You sink back down beside him on the couch, and he can’t help but notice that you’re the tiniest bit closer than you were before. It’s innocent, just your bare knee bumping his shin as you re-cross your legs. Still, it leaves his tingling through the fabric of his joggers when you don’t move away.
The silence surges as it settles, crinkling like static in his ears. He almost doesn’t hear you when you ask him again: “What’s it mean?”
“It means —”
Unfortunately for him, the water he just forcibly ejected from his mouth didn’t help him. His throat is dry now, and he sounds strangled, he’s sure. The way you’re watching him so intently doesn’t help one fucking bit, either.
Are you doing that on purpose?
You nudge him physically this time, knuckles connecting gently and playfully with his leg. He wonders if you can hear his heart hammering against the wall of his chest in all of this quiet. You might, he figures, especially when you tuck your hair behind your ear.
Instinctively, his eyes flick down to the length of your neck. Without a curtain of hair in the way, it’s even more exposed skin that he doesn’t know what the fuck to do with. Making matters worse for him, you tilt your head to the side expectantly. His breath catches when he tears his gaze away, back up, and sees the way you’re looking at him now.
You are absolutely — without a goddamn doubt — doing this on purpose.
If that’s the game you want to play, Seokjin can play it, too. He turns away from you to set the bottle back down on the coaster he took it from. As he does, he finally answers your question — the nonchalance he’s faking even sounds convincing.
“It’s an unenforceable promise,” he replies casually. “One with insufficient consideration.”
He rights himself in his seat, stretches a bit further backwards until he’s resting comfortably against the arm of the couch. You hide it well, but there’s a hint of a pout on your lips when you clock the newfound distance. 
Check, he smirks to himself, your move.
A flash of pink slips out. Your tongue wetting those lips before you prompt him more quietly than before, “And consideration is…?”
He slips up, makes the mistake of noticing the rise and fall of your chest as you take measured breaths. So, he sees, you’re buzzing with anticipation, too. He wonders if it’s him that’s having that effect on you, or the circumstances. 
For all he knows, it could be pent up steam that you need to release. Stress weighing down your body that you want to get off.
Fuck, he wants to get you off.
He swallows thickly. “Can’t get something for nothing. There has to be an exchange, otherwise it’s meaningless.”
You say nothing, so he keeps talking.
“Quid pro quo, essentially,” Seokjin adds. He chuckles slightly when he realizes. “See? Told you. It’s all fucking Latin.”
The corner of your mouth twitches at his joke, but you don’t make a sound. The hand that previously pushed against his leg inches closer, just barely. It’s such a small shift that you don’t seem to realize that you’re moving it. 
Maybe you feel that pull, too; the one he’s been fighting since you barged into his life without warning. 
Maybe the consideration has been there from the start; a promise for a promise. I’ll jump if you do. Because it’s always been that way, hasn’t it? Since orientation.
Pulling all-nighters in the library, developing matching caffeine dependencies, getting sick too often from the strain of it all. 
You and him.
Laughing quietly in the back of lectures, cold sweats through cold calls, bitching about unpaid internships while you spend indisposable income at the bar down the block without acknowledging the irony.
There are only two real differences between this night and that first one, he notes.
Now, Seokjin isn’t questioning every decision he’s ever made that led him to this point. He’s not scared shitless, not really. Not when you’re around.
You cut through the silence with a sigh that’s barely more than an exhale, so breathy that your voice dissipates as soon as it hits the air.
He could probably hear a pin if you dropped one — can hear everything you don’t say. It’s all packed tight inside that utterance of his name like gunpowder, locked and loaded. 
So, who shoots first?
You shift again. Now, when you speak, it’s deliberate and in a language he can parse.
“Tell me you want me, too.”
His body answers for him, pushes off from where he leans until he can get his knees underneath him. He’s waited three years to kiss you, but he can delay gratification for the brief time it takes to overtake you. Pinned with his palms bearing weight on either side of your head, you wind up caged in and breathless beneath him. His right knee occupies the space between your spread thighs.
Again, it’s a miracle he’s made it this far with you around.
He hums, beyond pleased with the position he finds himself in. “Maybe. Tell me if I got the answer right.”
“Oh my god.” You toss your head back to the extent that you can, which admittedly isn’t far. Your frustration rolls off you in waves, heat palpable. “I’ll kill you, I swear.”
“Sounds admissible to me,” he teases further. He flexes an eyebrow. “Isn’t that an exception to the prohibition of hearsay evidence? Speaks to motive, I think.”
Seokjin has no idea why he’s riling himself up like this. If he could shut up — just this once — he could be kissing you by now. You seem to be aware of that fact, too, because you grip his shirt so desperately, one right move might tear it.
You huff out a laugh despite the circumstances,  “This friendship is over, by the way, in case that’s not clear.”
That tiny smile on your face spreads to his. Not over, he knows, just modified. Amplified, finally. Knowing that, he continues to push his luck. 
“Can I make one more joke?”
“So over!” You emphasize with a wail.
He takes a second to center himself before hitting you with award-winning drama, sincerity dipped in the kind of humor he never misses out on with you: 
“You have adversely possessed my heart.”
Your jaw drops at how stupid that line was, but you reign it in just in time for his lips to crash into yours. 
It almost knocks the wind out of him, the way the pieces fall with force into place. They slot together easily, just like you do. With fingers clinging, the weight of his body molding overtop of yours. 
You kiss him until he forgets what life tasted like without your tongue licking into him, your little moans melting in his mouth — until you break apart, gasping for air. Panting, you ask, “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting on you?” 
He doesn’t, no, not at all. Thankfully, you take his stunned silence for what it’s worth. After relinquishing your grip on his shirt, you bring your hands up to cup his face gently in your palms. 
With you touching him like this, he has no option but to stare down at you. Bit redundant, he thinks, since his focus has always been locked right here, right on you, by choice. Given that, it’s a little funny that he managed to miss every signal you’ve apparently sent him. But really, it doesn’t necessarily surprise him to hear that he’s even dumber than he thought.
You kiss him slowly this time, briefly, before nipping affectionately at his bottom lip. It drives him exactly as crazy as you want it to; makes his cock twitch inside his joggers, makes his brain foggy with a potent combination of fondness and filth.
Do you have any idea how many times he’s thought about this? He’s genuinely wondering because even he doesn’t know. He’s lost count of all the times he’s watched you nibble on your own lip and wished it was his instead. A million or more, if he has to guess.
Seeming to sense the way you've scrambled his brain, you nudge the tip of his nose with yours and giggle.
Seokjin can’t help but grin. “What’s so funny?”
“Thought of a good one,” you answer. Your smirk does his head in. The contrasting, goofy wiggle of your eyebrows squeezes his heart. “Better than yours, I think.”
He kisses you quick and hums, “Oh?”
You nod. 
The suspense is killing him. So is the way your clothed cunt grinds ever so slightly against his thigh. 
He wants you, he wants you, he wants you. 
“You gonna make me come, Seokjin, or do I have to wait for you to file a subpoena?”
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You may have to seek a refund for the prep course you paid for. 
For as long as you can remember, you’ve learned best through application. You could read the same chapter, over and over, and not absorb a word. The same was true with lectures, even more so when they’re pre-recorded rambles by the weirdest adjunct professors known to man. Sure, you may eventually memorize concepts this way, but they don’t sink in deeply enough to stay. You can’t use them in any way that helps you.
To no one’s surprise, no part of your civil procedure lecture sticks until it falls into your lap. 
Strike that. 
Until Seokjin loses his balance in trying to take his pants off, and falls onto your floor with a yelp.
A moment or two passes while you stare at each other in shock, but that dissolves quickly. And so do both of you, right into another fit of laughter that makes your shoulders shake. Then, you jump to your feet and hold your hands out to him.
Seokjin accepts them, though he doesn’t rely on them at all when he stands back up. He seems more than content just to hold onto you, whether or not he needs you to keep him steady. You have no complaints, for once in your life.
Shaking his head, he chuckles, “Venue change?”
“I think —” You hum and kiss the column of his throat. He swallows hard enough that you feel his Adam’s apple bob against your lips. So sensitive.  “This is what they call forum non conveniens.”
He’s having none of that, and you don’t necessarily blame him. As it turns out, the shoe isn’t terribly comfortable when it’s on the other foot.
You’re lifted without warning, bent over his shoulder, and hauled off in the direction of your bedroom before you can even squeak in protest. You drop like a bag of dirt — albeit a beloved bag of dirt — onto your mattress once he reaches it; his lips are on yours to swallow the gasp before it can leave your mouth.
As eager as his mouth are his hands, roaming down the curve of your waist and over your hips. With fistfuls of the pajama shorts you hadn’t bothered to change out of, his head dips down under your jaw. The warmth of his breath is quickly replaced by that of his tongue, flicking a short, languid line along your neck.
“Want you so fucking bad,” he breathes. A shiver shoots straight down your spine and you keen, head crashing gracelessly back against the pillows. “Just like this.”
And he means it — you can feel how true it is with him settled between your spread legs. He presses his hips forward to meet your clothed cunt, cock teasing you through four goddamn layers’ worth of fabric.
His lips flutter against your earlobe just seconds before his teeth graze your flesh. He continues, voice vibrating through his chest to yours, “All the time.”
You outright whimper when he grinds against you a second time. Halfway to crazy, you knot your fingers in his hair and wrap your legs around his back in a silent plea for friction. So hungry for him that it aches.
“Seokjin, need — oh, god.” 
You lose your train of thought the second his hand slides into the gap between your bodies. Long fingers slip below the waistband of your shorts and panties, too. He doesn’t stop there. Not with fingertips whispering over the mound of your cunt, not until he finds you wet and wanting.
So wet that you can hear it when the pad of his index finger runs along your slit.
His mouth curves against your neck, prompting you to shift your head on the pillow. You tilt your neck just enough to meet his eyes. 
To your surprise, he’s not smirking. Not even close. If anything, he looks awestruck. Like he’s finally realizing what he does to you, how your body reacts to him. From the looks of it, that discovery is flipping his whole damn world upside down.
For once, Seokjin doesn’t crack a joke and neither do you. It’s quiet, save for your tiny gasping breaths and the ripple of his fingertip swirling over your clit. Even the moan building in your chest gets the memo. It disappears somewhere in your throat when — fucking finally — that middle finger penetrates you.
And god, he sounds so wrecked when he finally speaks. 
“Tried to imagine it a thousand times, you know,” he murmurs. 
You clench around his finger as it curls upwards, shiver when he starts to stroke the sensitive spot along your front wall. His thumb picks up where his middle finger left off, pressing against your clit in a way that makes you mewl.
Seokjin only stops talking to kiss you deep and leave you dizzy. It’s too brief. If asked, you’d never be able to quantify what amount of time is enough, but you know that wasn’t, so you pout.
Ignoring your little whines, he continues with a hum, “How perfect you’d feel, if I ever got this lucky.”
Oh, Jesus Christ.
You laugh as you say it, but you’re dead serious: “If you keep talking to me like that, you’ll never be able to get rid of me.”
Marry me, why don’t you? Beautiful bastard.
“Threat or promise?” 
He adds a second finger; and suddenly, you’re not laughing anymore. No, the strangled sound you make while you grind against his palm isn’t funny at all, but you can’t care about that now. Your focus is stuck on remembering how to breathe. In, out. On the stars blinking behind your eyelids when they give up and flutter shut.
He works you open for him like he’s already attuned, like it’s the fiftieth time he’s finger-fucked you and not the very first. And, quite frankly, it’s embarrassing how little time it takes for him to pull you apart at the seams.
No one has ever made you cum with such little effort. You’re scared to learn what it’s like when he tries.
You catch the triumphant gleam in his eye in the split second before you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He’s earned it, you suppose, so you’ll let him relish the personal record he’s managed to set on his first time out. You might even let him brag about it, so long as he continues to make you tremble like this.
“Shit,” he chuckles low near your ear. 
If he sounds muffled, it’s because you’re still waiting for your system to reboot. He knows this, knows how fucking sensitive you are, and slides his fingers out of you as slowly as possible. Still, those aftershocks throttle you; the unintentional stimulation makes you jolt.
“Yes,” you nod helplessly, squeezing your eyes and jaw shut simultaneously. “Shit is right. Perfect analysis, no notes.”
A chaste kiss is placed on your temple. It’s petal soft and subak sweet, but it functions like a defibrillator. Within a split second, he’s revived you. Eyes now open again, you exhume your face from where you buried it and blink up at him. Warm brown eyes light up when you reappear.
He’s so fucking beautiful that you almost want to avert your eyes. Key word: almost. You’ll drink in the sight of him until you drown, you think.
Seokjin looks concerned. With a shy smile, he checks in: “You okay? We can stop right now if you’re not.”
You don’t know who they are, but you know that they don’t make them like him anymore. Which is a fucking bummer for the rest of the world — just not for you. This one is all yours.
“You quitting on me, Kim?” You let your knee fall inwards to nudge his side, and you pretend not to notice how boneless you still feel. “Didn’t wait all this time to tap out early, did you?”
He rolls his eyes, but he’s grinning, nonetheless. His warm palm massages the outside of your thigh affectionately, if only for a moment. Then, he pats his fingertips against the same spot. “Shorts off, champ.”
You follow his instructions and move to shimmy out of them, but not before snorting, “Champ?”
“Fine. Old sport?” He offers with a shit-eating grin. Your shirt smacks him in the face once you peel it off and chuck it at him. He pouts. “Hey!”
“Thanks, I hate it.” 
He tugs his shirt over his head, launches it over his shoulder without looking. Your unabashed stare immediately clocks the slight hint of his abdominal muscles. Lean, but not sharply contoured in a way that looks painful to touch. Soft. Perfect, even.
What lab were you engineered in?
“For someone with so many opinions, you don’t offer many suggestions.” He shoots you a pointed look while he unties the knot at his waistband drawstring. “What’s your proposal?”
You’d love to bite back at him. Really, you would, but he pulls his boxers down alongside his joggers, and every meaningful thought you’ve ever had goes flying out the fucking window. All that’s left is I want you, I want you, I want you.
Automatically, you reach out with a tentative hand, craving nothing more than to feel his velvet length in your hand. To your surprise, he stops you. He catches your hand in his, lifts it to his lips, and brushes a kiss over your knuckles.
“Rain check, baby,” Seokjin smiles against your skin. There it is. That’s the one. “Need to fuck you, posthaste, or I’ll simply pass away.”
You open your mouth to comment; he breezes right past you. He points to the mattress, then to the wall to your left. “On your side, love.”
That works, too.
“Face away from me.”
Never in your life have you moved so fast, all but throwing yourself down where he told you to. As you land with a slight bounce, you mouth to yourself, Posthaste? Nerd.
A second slips by, then Seokjin slips into the space behind you. His lips tickle the back of your neck when he kisses the base of it, causing you to gasp yet again. Maybe that’s just how you breathe when he’s around — like you don’t know how.
His hand drifts down the length of your side, passing over the doughy flesh of your ass. He gives it a squeeze for good measure — because of course he does — but he doesn’t linger, not now.
That hand continues until you feel his fingertips scratch affectionately at the back of your right thigh. He doesn’t need to ask; you lift your leg, allowing your knee to hinge overtop of his hand. Now that his hands are occupied, you offer yours to assist. 
This time, he doesn’t stop you when you wrap your fingers around his length. And fuck, there’s so much of it. Part of you wants to ask where the hell he thinks he’s going to fit all of it, but you’re not a quitter, so you keep your mouth shut. 
Seokjin shivers under your touch, breath catching in his throat so blatantly that you can hear it right behind your ear. 
“Hmmm,” you tease, squeezing the crown gently as you circle your wrist. “Does that work for you, champ?”
His forehead drops against your shoulder. The groan you force out of him is twice as long as necessary, followed by an unwilling laugh. “You’re right, okay? You’re fucking right. It’s awful. Just so fucking bad.”
Your thumb swipes over his leaking tip, smearing the bead of pre-cum waiting for you there. You’re relentless. “Sure you don’t like old sport better? Huh, buddy?”
“Baby,” he warns. There isn’t much heat to it, but it burns white hot in your core anyway.
The stretch of his cock does, too, when you finally stop fucking with him and start letting him fuck you. The breath he holds as he enters you slowly is let out in a shuddered groan when he bottoms out. Perfectly full and fully incapable of teasing him further, you simply melt back against his chest.
He’s careful to start, testing the waters and refusing to push you too far, too fast. You want more, though, you always have. Greedy, you rock your hips back against him to force him deeper into your weeping hole. He takes the hint, fingertips pressing bruises into the underside of your knee as he picks up his pace — and you’re far too blissed to care.
He pistons into you eagerly, deliberate. His hips clap against the flesh of your ass, but the sting of it all can’t compete with the way he splits you open. Makes you reach back to cling to any part of him you can get your hands on, claim whatever you find for keeps. Buried to the hilt, and somehow,  he’s still not close enough.
You’re close, if your fluttering walls have anything to say about it. You’re babbling, too, so lost in pleasure that you can only repeat — over and over — how fucking perfect he is. How perfect for you he is.
Seokjin peppers kisses down the curve of your shoulder as he thrusts. It’s the only real indication you have that he’s at a loss for words, too; that he’s compensating for the quiet. He kisses you with an open mouth, teeth grazing the space he finds, leaves a mess on your sweat-slicked skin.
“Fuck,” he grunts. You mewl. “Can’t stop thinking about —”
“Just like that, please.”
“— how many times I could’ve —”
You wail, “Shit, Seokjin, don’t stop. I’m so close.”
The staccato strokes will be the death of you, you’re sure of it. Thankfully, he doesn’t stop. Not when he kisses the back of your neck again, and not when he murmurs directly in your ear, “— had you like this, if I’d said something years ago.”
Please, please, please. 
It’s all you can say, again and again, as if he isn’t already giving you everything you want before you even ask for it. Responding to every movement you make, fucking into you with precision so that each vein of his cock brings friction where you crave it. Fucking you through your orgasm when it catches you in a riptide and sends you reeling.
“That’s it, baby.” His voice is soothing despite the recklessness of his thrusts. “So good for me. So fucking good.”
You’re still gushing when he snaps his hips forward and stills, cock twitching as he lets himself go inside of you. Still trembling when his head droops forward to nuzzle against your shoulder blade, and when you feel his breathing begin to slow in tandem with yours.
Once he pulls himself out of you, a few moments pass in fucked-out silence. It’s comfortable, if you ignore the mess between your thighs — and you do, for now. Your brain is too busy to waste time on that.
You’re exhausted and bordering on delirious when you say it, but that doesn’t make it any less true:
“I might love you, probably.”
He doesn’t respond immediately. He doesn’t move either, which makes you wonder if he’s fallen asleep with his face smushed into your bare back. But you feel the tiniest exhale through his nose; the kind of laugh you get from him when he’s too tired to be any louder.
His reply is muffled, lips still pressed against your skin, but you hear it perfectly.
For the record, he probably loves you, too.
Epilogue, posted 7/26/23.
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final a/n: i have a follow-up drabble planned for these two! stay tuned 🥰
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scramratz · 6 months
Hey! I'm in a very peculiar situation and would love some advice. Basically I always been naturally androgynous and never thought much about it. Partially is bc I have a hormone deficiency problem, the part of my body who supposed to send the signals to the rest of the body to produce hormone basically doesn't work. I was born like that and when I was a tiny kid I started taking growing hormones. Time pass and bc my family is v disfuncional and I was living in a abusive environment my mother decided I didn't need to go to the doctor anymore. I was 12 at the time. So basically I never got my period, and my body as a whole never fully "developed". When I was younger I thought I should be ashamed of that bc people would point out I didn't have boobs. I shaved my head when I was 16 and everybody would misgender me. At the time that made self conscious and ashamed bc even though I was happy the way I looked I felt like people were point it out my health problem yk? Like I wasn't a real woman. I'm 25 now and this year I finally had the financial security to go back to the doctor and started hormone therapy. The doc only prescribed me hrt tho and to my surprise I started to feel very bad about myself. I already had body dysmorphia and now I just don't feel like myself anymore. I feel like I'm losing me. My boobs are getting bigger and my body fat as a whole seems to be changing it's distribution, I also got my period. It's been four months and I really really want to take testosterone to see if I can go back again to be more androgynous. I want to get more body hair, gain muscle mass etc Idk if I'm nb or something, I just know I was happy presenting my whole life as that and I'm scare of losing it. But I also don't know how to tell this to my doctor, I'm so afraid she will not take me seriously (or worse). Anyway I don't know what to do, Idk if I can even take testosterone whiteout having sure I'm trans.
This is a very peculiar situation! I’m not a doctor and this is way above my pay grade but wouldn’t stopping estrogen help? You naturally don’t produce enough hormones so stopping estrogen would theoretically stop you from feminizing further right? Though, it’s unhealthy to not have any hormones in your body isn’t it? In that case, you could try going to a different doctor, like a planned parenthood, that’s informed consent and just tell them you want to start masculinizing hormones. Also it’s worth a shot just talking to your doctor about how you’re feeling! Wosrt case scenario, you gotta get a new doctor.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
updated a little flashback Vladlence script thing that I started writing in like 2020. some of you may remember this comic
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Smile :)
[The year is 1990-something-- before Vlad betrayed and temporally displaced Silence that one time. Vlad and Silence (in human disguise) are at some kind of businesspeople shindig. They've stepped outside for some air and are basically alone. Vlad has a glass of wine.]
S: Lord. I'd forgotten how tedious these are.
V: They're really not worth it unless you can drink. It was so much worse when my parents would drag me to these as a child.
S: Hm. I didn't mind my father's business functions, but my ex-husband's were insufferable.
V: [chokes on wine] "Ex-husband?"
S: Well... "Ex" in that my untimely departure left him a widower, yes.
V: ...is he a--
S: [rolling eyes] NO, he is not a ghost.
V: Still! How have you not mentioned him once?
S: [shrugs] It didn't come up.
V: That isn't fair! I've spilled my guts to you for your research. You HAVE to tell me something!
S: You're being ridiculous.
V: ...That's it. I've decided.
S: Decided what?
V: The favor you owe me for bringing you along as my plus-one tonight!
S: Oh, please! All I've learned this evening is that you're still capable of being intoxicated by normal amounts of human alcohol.
S: Now, you've learned that I had a husband once, a very long time ago. I'd say we're already even.
V: [pouts]
S: Why does it even matter to you?
V: .........if I say, will you tell me more about your human life?
S: I--! Oh, fine. Whatever. Yes.
V: Because marriage is--! It's--! Marriage is everything! It changes your whole life! You finally have someone to always be there for you, in sickness and in health and all that.
V: How could you just...[mimes swatting something out of the air with his free hand] move on, after that? It makes no sense!
S: [tuts, rolls her eyes] You're insufferably romantic, you know that?
S: Marriage is not "everything." My marriage had everything to do with finances, and precious little to do with anything else.
V: ...Oh.
S: That's less common these days, I'll admit, but forgive me if I still feel you're overselling it.
V: ...Well...Still, he was there, right? At least you had someone.
S: [annoyed] Sure. Can we talk about something else now?
V: Did you have a family? [leans against the balcony, resting his chin on a hand, smiling expectantly]
S: [frowning] ...Not the change of subject I was hoping for.
V: [just keeps looking expectantly]
S: [sighs heavily] [trying to be annoying on purpose] Well, I had a mother and father, two siblings-- both of which died in infancy-- and on my mother's side, my cousins--
V: [impatiently] I meant with your husband!
S: [twitches] ...No. It was just he and I, and then I died.
V: Oh.
S: [snarky & bitter] ...Then, he remarried a nice young lady who got to keep all of our money. They, I believe, had several children together.
[Silence is quiet in a sort of uncomfortable angry way. Vlad, oblivious, gets lost in his own thoughts.]
both: .......
V: [CLEARLY thinking about Maddie. a bit dreamily] ...do you ever wish that you could do it all over?
[Vlad is looking at the sky, and doesnt see the judgemental, incredulous look Silence immediately shoots him]
V: That you had more time to make it work?
S: [humorless laugh] HAH! No!
V: [snapped out of his reminiscing, looks at her, surprised] No?
S: [like its an uninteresting, obvious fact] My life didn't have anything worth going back to.
V: [disgust directed at the percieved failure of the faceless husband figure] He was that bad?
S: [waves dismissively] No, no. Our marriage wasn't bad. It just wasn't--
S: ......well, it wasn't much of anything, I suppose.
V: [furrows eyebrows] Hm.
S: [after a short pause] I much prefer this.
V: [for some reason, his heart skips a beat] This?
S: [a bit frantically] My research! In the Ghost Realm. The achievement, the influence, you know. Much more fulfilling.
V: [nods, a bit spacey because of a weird inexplicable feeling he's having] Ah. I see.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Jin Ling and the Curse of Escalating Abuse
Seeing the complex nature of the relationship between Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng, I wanted to cover the topic of escalating abuse of the uncle towards his nephew, as Jiang Cheng is abusive towards Jin Ling throughout the entire story but that abuse shifts as the story goes on. Note: this is not an essay about how abusive people can love their victims still. I know Jiang Cheng loves his nephew, but that love means nothing in the face of him continuously being the force that drives the young boy to danger. Love does not absolve abuse. Moving on: though many of the scenes I mention are gone over in multiple translations, I will only be using one source per scene for my argument, as none of them are worded radically different. I will, however, include the other translations under the cut for anyone who wants to see them for comparison.
In the early section of the novels, we learn two important bits of information about how Jin Ling views his maternal uncle, Jiang Cheng:
From as early as Jin Ling could remember, he had never seen Jiang Cheng’s face make the expression it was currently making. His uncle, who had led the distinguished Yunmeng Jiang Clan alone since the man had been young, had been cold, severe, and gloomy for years and years on end. Not a single lenient or merciful word left Jiang Cheng’s mouth if he could help it, nor was he ever willing to offer charity and kindness.
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
Angrily, [Jin Ling] leapt onto his feet and pulled out his sword on the spot. “How dare you hit me! Even my uncle’s never hit me!”
Surprised, Wei Wuxian said, “Really? But doesn’t he say he’s going to break your legs all the time?”
“He’s just saying that!” Jin Ling raged.
–Chapt. 24: Malice II, fanyiyi
From Jin Ling’s perspective, his maternal uncle is always acerbic and never kind, but he has never been physically abusive to Jin Ling. Plus though he often threatens Jin Ling with physical abuse–threatening to break his legs or use Zidian on him–Jin Ling considers this all talk. In fact, Jiang Cheng’s abuse of Jin Ling stays firmly in the realm of verbal and emotional for most of the story. His most common insults to throw at his nephew are about Jin Ling appearing unworthy of his position as Jin (and Jiang) heir, in almost a mimicry of how Madam Yu would tell him that he was unworthy of being the Jiang heir in comparison to Wei Wuxian:
Frowning, he said, “Jin Ling, how much time are you going to waste? Do you need me to go over there and invite you back? Look at your sorry state—why the hell haven’t you gotten back up!?”
–Chapt. 7: Pride II, fanyiyi
“‘Fine’?” Jiang Cheng said. “You look like you took a tumble in a muddy ditch—you call that ‘fine?’ Aren’t you embarrassed to be wearing your clan’s uniform? Go back and change immediately! Out with it—what did you run into today?”
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
He is also shown to have a bad habit of lashing out instead of expressing any emotion that could be considered nice, just like Jin Ling says:
Upon seeing that Jin Ling was fine, Jiang Cheng’s heart crashed back to earth like a boulder. Immediately furious, he said, “Didn’t you bring a signal? Don’t you know to fire it if you encounter something like this? Don’t try to show off! Come here!”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
And because of Jiang Cheng’s outward lack of concern for Jin Ling’s health and safety–prefering barbs over comfort–Jin Ling refuses to be vulnerable with him, keeping his fears, concerns, disappointments, and even positive emotions like relief to himself. Outwardly, he lashes out, just like he has learned to do from his maternal uncle:
Since Jin Ling hadn’t caught the soul eating maiden, he was also angry. “Wasn’t it you who told me I had to take the thing down no matter what?! You told me if I didn’t get it, I should never come see you again!”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
Annoyed, Jin Ling said, “I already told you, I didn’t run into anything! It was just a fall. The whole journey was a waste of time.”
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
The one who called was Jiang Cheng, who stood near the edge. Still teary-eyed, as soon as Jin Ling saw his uncle, he immediately wiped his face, sniffing. He looked here and there and finally made up his mind to fly over, landing at Jiang Cheng’s side.
Jiang Cheng grabbed him, “What happened to you? Who did this to you?!”
Jin Ling rubbed his eyes roughly, refusing to speak up.
–Chapt. 84: Loyalty, exr
Who can blame him, though? Almost every life-threatening situation Jin Ling finds himself in is a direct result of Jiang Cheng’s cruelty towards him: from attempting to fight to goddess statue without calling for help, to ending up almost suffocated in the walls of the Nie Clan Saber Hall, and even to him winding up in Yi City:
Jiang Cheng’s next words were wrapped in thorns. “Why are you still standing there? Are you waiting for prey to rush toward you and stick themselves on your sword? If you can’t capture whatever’s living in Dafan Mountain, don’t ever come see me again!”
–Chapt. 8: Pride III, fanyiyi
It seemed that the boy hadn’t come to Qinghe alone. No surprise—at Dafan Mountain, Jiang Cheng had come to support his nephew, so why wouldn’t he come this time too? Only it seemed that the uncle and nephew had gotten into an argument in Qinghe Town, which caused Jin Ling to set off for Xinglu Ridge on his own.
–Chapt. 23: Malice I, fanyiyi
It turned out that, having tricked his uncle and released Wei Wuxian several days ago, Jin Ling had been worried that Jiang Cheng would actually break his legs, so he had decided to sneak off and disappear, intending to reappear in front his uncle only after Jiang Cheng’s temper had cooled.
–Chapt. 35: Flora III, fanyiyi
As much as Jin Ling wants to assure everyone that “that’s just how his uncle is” and show us how unbothered he is by Jiang Cheng’s behavior, he does actually fear the man. And with good reason to! Now let’s address the elephant in the room: Jiang Cheng very much so does want to be physically harm Jin Ling, and this almost always correlates to Jin Ling talking back/not listening to him. Take this scene from right after the juniors survive the goddess statue and Jin Ling reminding Jiang Cheng that he was the one who told the boy to either catch the beast on Dafan Mountain or never return to him:
Jiang Cheng wanted to slap the stinking brat so hard he’d fly back up his mother’s birth canal—but he did actually say those words. Since he couldn’t very well embarrass himself, the Clan Chief could only turn to sarcastically mocking the cultivators scattered randomly over the ground. “So what exactly thrashed all of you into looking so dignified?”
–Chapt. 10: Pride V, fanyiyi
The thing stopping him from slapping Jin Ling is the fact that Jiang Cheng publicly told the boy not to come back if he was not successful, and he has been publicly called out when trying to take Jin Ling to task. Being unable to swipe at the boy as he wishes, he then turns his attention to his disciples to punish, as they are lower than him in rank and therefore no one can chastise him on his unbecoming behavior. But once we get to the scenes where all social hierarchy and propriety break down–the second siege and Guanyin Temple–all hands are loosed:
Jiang Cheng forced himself to walk over to Jin Ling, grabbing him at once, “Did you get hurt?!”
Jin Ling’s breaths even smelled like rust, “I didn’t. I...”
Jiang Cheng immediately slapped him onto the ground, scolding, “You didn’t?! Then I’ll make you get hurt and teach you the lesson! You damn brat turning a deaf ear to my words?!”
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
Jiang Cheng shoved Jin Ling, who’d been holding him up helplessly, out of the way...
...With panic, Jin Ling stood in front of Jiang Cheng, “HanGuang-Jun! My uncle’s hurt...”
Jiang Cheng slapped him onto the ground, “Let him come! Am I scared of him?!”
–Chapt. 102: Hatred, exr
Social etiquette no longer exists in a life-or-death battle or hostage situation, so Jiang Cheng has no face to maintain in front of anyone else. But by this point in the story, Jin Ling has spent a considerable amount of time with two role models who do show him kindness, care, and support. He begins to crave that parental love he has been deprived of, starting from the second siege:
A few sect leaders clutched onto their sons, cautioning them, “When the corpses rush inside all at once, protect yourself and try to get out. Stay alive no matter what! You understand?!”
As Jin Ling heard this, he felt himself cringe, but somewhere deep down he hoped that his uncle would say something similar as well. He waited for a while, but nothing came from Jiang Cheng...
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
And when Jiang Cheng finally hits him for the first time, Jin Ling’s only reaction is to look towards wangxian:
He sat down, catching his breath as his eyes turned to the two sitting at the side of the Demon-Slaughtering Cave closest to the outside.
Both Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi were a mess.
–Chapt. 81: Loyalty, exr
Finally, all of the dysfunction in Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng’s relationship comes to a head in Guanyin Temple, the climax of the story. Jiang Cheng’s behavior escalates into physical violence towards his last living relative, while Jin Ling is no longer lashing out at his uncle in place of being vulnerable but is also no longer able to brush off Jiang Cheng’s cruelty as acceptable. He has had his entire worldview turned on its head, and out of that, realizes that he does not want to continue the cycle of abuse and hatred that Jiang Cheng tries to force him to inherit, but would rather follow the path of love and kindness that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have shown him is possible.
Jin Ling on Jiang Cheng’s personality:
For as long as he could remember, Jin Ling had never seen Jiang Cheng with such an expression. His uncle, who had single-handedly led the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng at a tender young age, was always cold and gloomy. He was merciless and never kind with his words.
–Chapt. 23: Malevolent Part 1: Running into Gunpoint, taming wangxian
From the beginning of his memory until now, Jin Ling had never seen such a look on Jiang Cheng’s face before. This uncle of his who led the prominent YunmengJiang Sect ever since a young age had always been cold and dark. When he spoke, he was willing to neither show mercy nor do good.
–Chapt. 23: Malice, exr
Jin Ling saying Jiang Cheng has never hit him before and is all talk:
Jin Ling stirred awake after a while. He rubbed his neck, which was still hurting, then angrily drew his sword and sprung up. “How dare you hit me! Even my uncle has never hit me before!”
Wei Wuxian was shocked. “Is that so? Doesn’t he frequently say that he will break your legs?”
Jin Ling raged, “He had never meant what he said!! You fucking cutsleeve, what do you want? I ...”
–Chapt. 24: Malevolent Part 2: Escape, taming wangxian
He was so angry that he jumped up and unsheathed his sword at once, “How dare you hit me! My uncle hadn’t even hit me before!”
Wei WuXian exclaimed, “Really? Doesn’t he say that he’ll break your legs all the time?”
Jin Ling fumed, “He’s only saying that! You damn cut- sleeve, what on Earth do you want? I...”
–Chapt. 24: Malice, exr
Jiang Cheng’s insults to Jin Ling:
He scowled, “Jin Ling, why are you wasting so much time? Do I have to come over to invite you back? You look like a mess now; why aren’t you getting up?”
–Chapt. 7: The Prideful Part 2: Wangji Finally Makes his Appearance! taming wangxian
He frowned, “Jin Ling, why did you linger for so long? Do you really need me to come and pick you up? Look at what a terrible situation you’re in right now, and get up!”
–Chapt. 7: Arrogance, exr
Jiang Cheng said, “Safe and sound? You look like you’ve been rolling around in the gutters, how is that ‘safe and sound’? Aren’t you ashamed to be wearing your family’s uniform? Hurry back now and get changed! Spit it out, what did you encounter today?”
–Chapt. 23: Malevolent Part 1: Running into Gunpoint, taming wangxian
Jiang Cheng, “Nothing wrong? You look like you just rolled around in a muddy ditch, and you say there’s nothing wrong with you! Don’t you think that it’s an embarrassment to be wearing your sect’s uniform? Hurry back and change into something else! Speak. What did you run into today?”
–Chapt. 23: Malice, exr
Jiang Cheng lashing out at Jin Ling in place of concern:
Jiang Cheng was greatly relieved when he saw that Jin Ling was not harmed. He immediately began to reprimand him. “Didn’t you bring the signals with you? Why didn’t you release it even though you were up against something like this? Were you trying to show off? Come over here now!”
 –Chapt. 10: The Prideful Part 5: I’m Bringing This Man Back to the Lan Estate, taming wangxian
Seeing that Jin Ling was safe, Jiang Cheng finally calmed down. Quickly afterward, he scolded angrily, “Didn’t you bring signal firelights with you? Don’t you know to use them when you meet something like this? What are you pretending to be strong for? Scram over here!”
–Chapt. 10: Arrogance, exr
Jiang Cheng’s behavior pushing Jin Ling into danger:
Jiang Cheng then said in a scathing tone, “Why are you still standing there? The prey’s not going to stab themselves with your swords! If you can’t capture whatever’s on Dafan Mountain, don’t look for me again!”
–Chapt. 8: The Prideful Part 3: Discovering His Good Looks After Cleaning Up, taming wangxian
Jiang Cheng turned again, his words covered with thorns, “Why are you still standing there? Waiting for the prey to come and throw itself onto your sword? If, today, you don’t catch the creature hunting Dafan Mountain, don’t come to me ever again!”
–Chapt. 8: Arrogance, exr
It turned out that Jin Ling didn’t come to Qinghe alone. That wasn’t surprising; previously, Jiang Cheng had also provided him with back-up on Dafan Mountain, so why wouldn’t he be here this time? However, from the looks of it, the uncle and nephew probably had an argument in Qinghe, hence Jin Ling had trekked up Xinglu Ridge alone.
–Chapt. 23: Malevolent Part 1: Running into Gunpoint, taming wangxian
It appeared that Jin Ling didn’t come to Qinghe alone. Well, no wonder. Last time, at Dafan Mountain, Jiang Cheng had been there to assist him, so why wouldn’t he have come this time? However, looking at this now, it seemed that the two had a quarrel in the town of Qinghe, which was why Jin Ling went up the Xinglu Ridge alone
–Chapt. 23: Malice, exr
It turned out that a few days ago, after Jin Ling had sent Jiang Cheng away on a lie and released Wei Wuxian, he was worried that his uncle might really break his legs this time around. Hence, he decided to sneak out and disappear for a couple of weeks, then reappear when Jiang Cheng’s anger had subsided.
–Chapt. 35: Foliage Part 3: The Paper Effigies Shop and Glutinous Rice Porridge, taming wangxian
Ever since a few days ago, after Jin Ling lied to his uncle and let Wei WuXian go, he had been worried that this time Jiang Cheng would really break his legs, so he decided to sneak out and disappear for a few days, not appearing in front of Jiang Cheng until his anger subsided.
–Chapt. 35: Grasses, exr
Jin Ling refusing to be vulnerable with Jiang Cheng/lashing out:
Jin Ling was furious that he failed to capture the soul-eating fairy, and retorted, “Didn’t you say I had to capture it at all costs? And that I shouldn’t return to you empty handed!”
–Chapt. 10: The Prideful Part 5: I’m Bringing This Man Back to the Lan Estate, taming wangxian
Jin Ling was also angered from not capturing the soul- consuming goddess, “Weren’t you the one who told me that I have to catch it? And, if I don’t catch it, I shouldn’t go see you?”
–Chapt. 10: Arrogance, exr
Jin Ling said impatiently, “I’ve already told you that I didn’t encounter anything. I slipped and fell. It was a wasted trip. Ouch!” He yelled, “Don’t you drag me around like this! I’m not three years old!”
–Chapt. 23: Malevolent Part 1: Running into Gunpoint, taming wangxian
Jin Ling replied impatiently, “I already said that I didn’t run into anything. I tripped, and it was a waste of time. Ow!” He shouted, “Don’t tug on me like that! I’m not three-years- old!”
–Chapt. 23: Malice, exr
The voice that had called out earlier had belonged to the man standing at the head of the ship, none other than Jiang Cheng. Between tears, Jin Ling peered out and upon seeing his uncle, he abruptly stopped crying and quickly rubbed away his tears. Sniffing slightly, he looked around, clenching his teeth as he quickly flew over to Jiang Cheng’s side. Jiang Cheng grasped Jin Ling’s shoulders in alarm, asking, “What happened to you? Who bullied you!”
Rubbing his eyes forcefully, Jin Ling remained silent.
–Chapt. 84 Loyalty: Little Friends, chiaki_himura
The voice earlier had come from Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling’s eyes were misty with tears. Hearing his uncle’s voice, he immediately wiped his face clean, sniffed his nose, looked back and forth between the two ships, and then finally decided to fly over. The second Jin Ling landed besides him, Jiang Cheng had his hands on him, “What’s wrong? Who bullied you?!”
Jin Ling wiped at his eyes hard, but refused to speak.
–Chapt. 84: “Core” Part 6, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Jiang Cheng wishing violence on Jin Ling:
Jiang Cheng wanted to slap this kid so hard that he would be forced back into his mother’s womb. However, these were his very own words; how could he take them back?
–Chapt. 10: The Prideful Part 5: I’m Bringing This Man Back to the Lan Estate, taming wangxian
Jiang Cheng seriously wanted to slap the rotten brat so hard that he went back inside his mother’s stomach. However, he really did say so himself, and he shouldn’t prove himself wrong.
–Chapt. 10: Arrogance, exr
Jiang Cheng physically harming Jin Ling:
Jiangcheng limped quickly towards Jin Ling, grabbing him his shoulders with both hands as he said angrily, “Are you hurt!”
Breathing heavily, Jin Ling murmured, “No, I......”
Jiang Cheng had landed a slap on Jin Ling’s face as he berated, “No?! If you’re not hurt then let me give you something to hurt about! You rascal, turning a deaf ear to my words now, aren’t you?!”
–Chapt. 81 Loyalty: Corpses of the Burial Mound, chiaki_himura
Jiang Cheng limped towards Jin Ling, grabbed him and yelled, “Are you injured!”
Even Jin Ling’s laboured breaths were tainted with the smell of blood, “No, I…….”
Jiang Cheng immediately slapped him onto the group, “No?! Then take this as a reminder for what you just did! Do my words mean nothing to you, you little shit!”
–Chapt. 81: “Core” Part 3, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Jiang Cheng pushed away Jin Ling who had been supporting him, and despite having lost so much blood, his face remained flushed with anger as he roared, “How could you?! Wei Wuxian, how could you?!”...
...Lan Wangji stood up furiously as Jin Ling leapt in front of Jiang Cheng again, trembling as he begged, “HanGuang-Jun! My uncle is injured......”
Jiang Cheng struck a blow on Jin Ling, causing him to stumble to the ground.
–Chapt. 102 Hatred: I’m Sorry, I Swallowed My Words, chiaki_himura
Jin Ling wanting to hear kind words from Jiang Cheng:
Several sect leaders grabbed onto their offspring, urgently directing them, “When the corpses rush in, you have to protect yourself and find a way to escape. You must stay alive no matter what! Do you understand?!”
Hearing the desperation in the parents’ voices, Jin Ling felt a pang of sadness. Deep down, he had hoped that perhaps Jiang Cheng would also say this to him, but however long he waited, nothing came out of it...
–Chapt. 81 Loyalty: Corpses of the Burial Mound, chiaki_himura
Various Sect and Clan Leaders had grabbed their own sons, warning, “When the corpses rush in, you will protect yourself, and find a way to escape! You must survive no matter what happens! Do you understand me?!”
Hearing this, a sourness churned within Jin Ling. A part of him longed to hear those same words from his own uncle. But after waiting for a few, long moments, Jiang Cheng showed no sign of speaking up.
–Chapt. 81: “Core” Part 3, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Jin Ling looking to wangxian for comfort:
After taking the blow, Jin Ling couldn’t stand any further and sat onto the ground heavily, breathing deeply as his eyes travelled to the silhouettes of the two people sitting closest to the entrance of the cave.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were a mess.
–Chapt. 81 Loyalty: Corpses of the Burial Mound, chiaki_himura
Yet Jiang Cheng* himself had no energy left to stand after giving this slap. He sat down heavily, breathing hard as he glared at the two figures closest to the mouth of the Demon-Crouching Cave.
Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi were a mess.
–Chapt. 81: “Core” Part 3, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
*boat-full-of-lotus-pods is the only translation of the three I have of Chapt. 81 that says that Jiang Cheng is the one who looks at wangxian. Both exr and chiaki_himura say that this is Jin Ling.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
I’d love to hear your thoughts on Austin butlers new esquire article. It’s an amazing interview. He’s just so pure and humble. His maturity amazes me because I know some guys his age. They are not like that at all. It shows how amazing his mother was.
Oh Anon.... that interview was so well written....
I already knew most of the things stated in the interview about Austin, but it was nice hearing him expound a bit more on certain things, and also sharing a few things that I didn't know as well. 😊
Some of my thoughts....
Austin is so introspective and deep... you can tell he was a deep thinker, even as a kid. He's such an old soul.
I had no idea he was religious/spiritual?
I didn't know that he doesn't really drink. I guess Timmy saying that Austin was "drinking tea" in Brazil while Jason Mamoa was downing shots was true lol 😆 😂
I'm SO glad he quit smoking... 😩😭 That stuff will ruin your health. 🙏🏾
I'll admit, I was kind of shocked to see him say that he still loves and cares for Vanessa. 🥺
It seems Austin is going the Leo and Daniel Day Lewis route in trying to keep his private life separate from his work life. I know Leo has said in the past that when ppl know TOO much about your private life, it's hard for them to separate you the actor, from the character you're playing onscreen. I have to admit that there's some truth to that at times. It's harder for actors to really "disappear" in roles and be believable to the audience if the audience knows a little too much about you.
Him recounting some of the stuff that went on in his childhood was heartbreaking 💔
His mom seems like she was the sweetest woman 🥺 Parents of these actors really don't get thanked nearly enough. All of the sacrifices, driving to and from auditions, etc. Like, I know he's so appreciative for everything she did for him.
Some screen shots that stood out to me:
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This broke my heart 🥺
Knowing how it felt to take care of my mom for months last year with her heart issues, I can personally attest that it's VERY stressful when your parent is dealing with health issues. I can't even imagine being a caretaker. 😔
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Now I know where he gets his kindness from. 🥰
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I feel so bad for him. 😭
You know, it's crazy, cuz when I would see him back then on like the Carrie Diaries, or see news about him on The Shannara Chronicles (never seen that show), I had NO CLUE back then that he was going through all of this. I just remember hearing all of a sudden that his mom died, but didn't know all of that other stuff was going on at the time, and that he was having to film that show right AFTER her funeral. 🥺
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Lol this interviewer lady did the lord's work in telling us what we want to know lol 😆 😅
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I'm SO glad he talked about this! 👏🏾 Maybe now V stans will stop making a big deal out of this.
I always felt like he was trying to protect his privacy and the awkwardness of having to talk about a past gf when you're trying to just promote your work. Turns out, he was also trying to protect Vanessa's privacy as well!
But her stans turned it into smthg that it was not. 😓
To me, the term "friend" is smthg that a lot of celebrities use if they want to maintain privacy.
It seems he still feels love and care for Vanessa...❤️ I mean, I guess you would when you've been with someone for nearly a decade, who was the person you were with basically your entire 20s. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Overall, very well-done interview!
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katiifaestarot · 8 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone+everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation!
I am trying to empower YOU to do the work YOURSELF and SAVE YOURSELF from all the horrors of this land that keep you afraid and stuck in your comfort zone, all the fears and doubts about your life weighing you down (conscious or unconscious fears), and most importantly TO LOVE YOURSELF SO MUUCCCH THAT WHENEVER IT GETS BAD AGAIN (((BECAUSE IT WILL, UNFORTUNATELY THATS JUST HOW LIFE WORKS!!!!!))), you already have, at the very least, some IDEAS about what routines, habits, affirmations, plans, etc-- will make sure you get back up when you feel motivated,positive or okay-to-keep-going again. ((( because it will Be Okay Again, FORTUNATELY, thats how life works ;P )))
DONT rely on the wrong people, situations, THINGS** to help you.
I LIIVVEEE BY GETTING UP AND HELPING YOURSELF!!! so that you already know what you deserve to recieve from other people, places, situations, etc-- when the going gets tough and you're surrounded by people trying to help you.
This process of empowering and helping yourself will also be beneficial for you in another way too. Helping you understand how to ask for what YOU NEED instead of letting things build up and explode, and helping you release any expectations of other people outside of yourself reading your mind because thats fake and no one can tell you what YOU need or what YOU want but yourself. Period💯
My reading today is all about L O V E ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
**romantic, platonic, family, SELF-LOVE, etc-- and I will channel what chooses/NEEDS to come through; These messages will be short and straight forward today!!!!
Feel free to check out my other readings on my page if you're looking for more guidance, advice, or just want to get confirmation on something!
I will be asking the question: What does Pile(1,2,3,4) NEED to know to help them stay in a healthy/positive mindset about love?
This reading is definitely for anybody worried about family stuff, about self-sabotaging a currently GOOD/POSITIVE/HEALTHY connection of any type!, about being alone/lonely FOREVER, about friendships, etc.
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through crystals this time! The photo is right below this text! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that may sound like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Citrine (abundance, optimism, happiness. Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakra)
PILE 2- Black Onyx (strength, perseverance. Root Chakra)
PILE 3- Red Jasper (grounding, passion, protection. Root Chakra)
PILE 4- Yellow Topaz (abundance, prosperity. Solar Plexus Chakra)
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING THOSE TYPES OF READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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this pile is straightforward as he||:
To help yourself STAY in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love you would have to stop being complacent, stop complaining, BE GRATEFUL, allow your idea of success to become rooted in a better intention than what it is currently, dont be afraid to mess up//try something different//fail, etc--, Learn from your mistakes, and allow your mind and body to properly rest.
pile 1....you kinda have a lot of work to do, sorry to say, before you can fully accept--OR EVEN RECOGNIZE-- what a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love looks like for you.
You need to explore yourself more! And you can do this by going out of your comfort zone and relying on the trust and faith you have to guide you to what is right for you and what will help you grow and move on from old belief systems, old structures, old ways of thinking, old situations, old people, etc-- so you can have a more open-mind to what love can actually look like for you.
Its scary for you i feel to fully explore your emotional depths.....but i promise if you allow yourself to feel the change and accept it.....and go through those tough emotions, you'll become so much wiser and stronger!!
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First off, maybe check out pile 1, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called too!! Maybe for more guidance, advice, or messages you may need to receive!!
AND/OR maybe check out pile 4, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called too!!
Pile 2, stop being so jaded about the past. It is time to let go of the pain associated with that time.. Its done and over with. You dont need to forgive anyone but yourself right now. But please recognize the more you wallow the more seperated you'll be from a healthy/positive mindset about love. In all Forms!
To stay in-- OR GET INTO!!! a more healthier, positive, TRUSTING mindset about love: Love yourself. Celebrate yourself. Release demons of yesterday and focus on the white light shining in and around you. Be grateful and stay steady walking in your truth! You have the strength to over come any and all obstacles, ESPECIALLY mental ones!! Mental Fortitude is something you definitely want to build up right now to help with self-discipline, determination, and motivation. These things will help you achieve what it is you want and then ultimately attract the correct people in your life who will show you how to be loved safely, fully, and most importantly, the way you deserve🥹💜
This pile had a lot betrayal wrapped with family, friends, coworkers, ex-romantic, etc-- so PLEASE use YOUR discernment on how this will resonate with you!!!! Clearly though, the message could be applied to all types of betrayal!!!!!
also!! setting and maintaining boundaries:
within YOUR OWN MIND ( holding yourself accountable ) and with other people around you (creating a more solid defense before fully trusting and accepting someone new into your life) would absolutely help you trust yourself more, because you show up for yourself by taking accountability and acting accordingly!!!!! And once you can hold YOURSELF accountable; anybody who tries to play with you will soon realize YOU have NO PROBLEM holding THEM accountable for their mistreatment of you. As long as those boundaries are clearly communicated by and effectively absorbed by the other person!!
When people react negatively to someone else enforcing a boundary with them.....thats when its time to cut them off!! So work on setting boundaries without fear of losing people and the correct people will show up for you the way you need them too.
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Pile 3, you need quiet time and space to fully reconnect with yourself. To help you stay in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love, you would need to connect back to hope and optimism and release old stagnant OR any new anxious energy that keeps you feeling overwhelmed. You have options and choices regarding how to move forward but the clear message is: STAY POSITIVE AND HOPEFUL!
the correct community, jobs, lovers, friends, environments, etc-- will show up for you when you reconnect with what it means to truly be alive. You have to stop being afraid of unknowns, what ifs, and just continue to live and breathe fun, hope, joy, SUCCESS, anything that keeps you moving forward positively.
Take a mini hermit mode to decipher what moves to make for yourself, how to stay grateful, and most importantly so you can finally tackle that do list + get rid of unnecessary burderns + really figure out what options work best for you so you can eliminate any unwanted setbacks keeping you overwhelmed.
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Maybe check out pile 2, from this previous reading I did, If you feel called to!! Maybe for more guidance, advice, or messages you may need to receive!!
⚠️⚠️ If you are triggered by talks of substance abuse or mental health issues: Please find another pile OR check out another reading of mine !!⚠️⚠️
# 1 thing to help you stay in a positive/HEALTHY mindset about love is to let go of coping mechanisms that do not help you progress towards a better mindset IN GENERAL for yourself.
You are worn down and worn OUT pile 4 and i am sorry that you feel life will not get better for you at this point in time.
i understand if your mental health doesnt afford you the same opportunities as others to help yourself and keep going so PLEASE take everything with a grain of salt and PLEASE trust your intuition and discernment here.
You really have been through it so please use your discernment + better judgement skills to help yourself outside of this reading. Im just a simple tarot reader who is trying help guide others to their fullest potential in THE GOOD WAYS!!
You are no exception. You have so much depth, so much capacity to love and live in this world without regret or fear holding you back.
Put down the escapism and pick up taking accountability for your actions.
Put down playing the victim and pick up walking away from mistreatment, disrespect, and negativity.
Put down the substances that help you escape and pick up getting yourself the help you DESERVE!! Whatever that looks like to you:
some examples- taking nature walks in your neighborhood or city, journaling about your problems/feelings/the past thats holding you back, seeking medical professional advice, talking to a trusted community or support group/friends or family.
I could list off so many more examples till im blue in the face, but ultimately, you will know what you must do for yourself to help yourself get through this tough time.
Love comes when you love yourself first, start showing up for yourself, take the proper accountability, forgive yourself, learn from your past, grow, and move on.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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neeeeeoposts · 5 months
Ohhhh, your FoulWilt art is so adorable! Do you have any headcanons for them, either as individuals or as a couple?
YOU BET I FUCKNG DO😈😈😈😈 also thank you sm 💕💕
but i'll do individual hc first before couple hc 💁‍♀️
also these hcs are most closer to my human au (see some of my doodles for their designs :P) so some headcanons may be inaccurate to a more canon version of them
just a warning; this is really freaking long so just saying-
• one of the episodes already portrayed this (S2E3: Where There's a Wilt There's a Way) but Wilt has this like rlly bad mentality where he must help anyone and everyone he can, takes everyones health and wellbeing before his own type of thing
• willing to give up his kidney if you asked him to
• sleeps in some of the most impossible positions known to man (Coco found him asleep in the closet once)
• either has flexiable as hell or has some stiff ass limbs, no in between
• can't sing well, but dances extremely good (from what he could learn from Frankie's computer)
• wilt helps Eduardo w his insomnia sometimes (I HC THAT ED HAS INSOMNIA STFU I THINK ITS CUTE)
• on the same topic on the last one, wilt also sews any of eduardo's broken plushies together when he's not around
• cooks like a god (pastries, not so much tho)
• probably forgot his birthday once or twice
• pansexual (he had to fight for his life to explain that he DOES NOT KISS THE COOKING PANS to Bloo)
alr larry's turn 🤭🤭
• didn't actually know HE was the reason for wilt's broken arm and eye, so when he found out, he was like- spending the whole month trying to both make it up to Wilt (despite the fact wilt repeated that he forgave larry) and was extremely guilt-ridden that he was basically isolating himself
• cant cook for shit, its almost sad
• probably the one to teach wilt how to say no and every cuss word known to man
• closeted hamilton fan (or just musicals in general), but he mostly enjoys dubstep or just VERY LOUD songs in general
• flower enthusiast, daisies are his favorite
• probably shaved his head once because he thought he'd look good but never again
• i think he smells like peaches ☝️😲
• bisexual (has dated before, sometime pre-Good Wilt Hunting ep then broke up lmao)
couple hcs🤭🤭🤭
• before dating they would actively avoid each other while also desperately trying to see each other too
• larry is touch starved and wilt is overly affectionate (via touch and words) so it works out basically
• i think they live on opposite sides of the house, so they make up for it by giving each other gifts and letters either whenever they see each other or some magical delivery system
• when they have sleepovers wilt has the life changing moment of what it feels like to actually sleep in a bed
• on that note, wilt is a massive cuddle person and will hang onto larry like a koala while asleep (trying to pry him off is nearly impossible)
• Frankie and Coco write fanfics about them, you cant tell me otherwise
• Their relationship developed from really long glances to the other from across the room to just holding hands in public and that was enough for Frankie to realize theyre dating
• i think i saw this in a fic once but the two would basically give very back-handed 'compliments' every time they saw each other, which developed into "dont you EVER FUCKING say that to him" when the other is insulted
• Rarely play basketball against each other, but when they do Larry is extremely fucking careful that wilt gets upset because he "isnt giving his best efforts" (Larry loses on purpose anyways for Wilt's sake)
• is there a term for when both partners in a relationship have massive problems and go to the other for advice and comfort? because i think thats them
• wilt has no knowledge of relationships whatsoever so trying to explain what a "pussy" is to him is very difficult ("like a cat?" "...no.")
• larry, with the help of nearly everyone in the whole house because theyre all broke as shit, bought wilt a prosthetic arm for his birthday and wilt sobbed on larry for a whole hour
• larry likes to throw wilt over his shoulder very often bc hes light as a feather and its just funny to him
• i think i just really like the "tall skinny guy" x "even taller and built guy w man boobas"
• wilt rarely swears unless needed to while larry says at least once per sentence
• both are awkward af so asking each other out is like a mental battle to the death
• mac, goo and bloo will spend hours trying to analyze a corkboard if they're in a relationship or not (when they do they will place traps for wilt and larry like a mistletoe)
• larry draws REALLY FREAKIGN good and when wilt found out he begged larry to post it somewhere (it blew up) and now every letter larry writes to wilt has a small doodle of something on the back or in the corner as per his request
• wilt gets flustered very very very easily and its really funny to larry
• watch movies together and either larry falls asleep on wilt or wilt goes to get more popcorn then never comes back because everyone needed a favor from him
• Jackie Khones is a certified detective on trying to figure out on what the actual hell is going on between the two (probably worked w Mac again in order to figure that out)
• Wilt is a dog person but Larry is a car person, that is one of the main (and probably only) arguments between them
• i already said wilt was a good cook so he'll always make larry small snacks (because Herriman forbids people making their own meals for some reason) and larry will silently cry of happiness for a moment bc "wilt's too good for him"
• wilt blinks like a frog when he zones out and larry also finds it funny
• but on the opposite note, wilt found out that larry will sway side to side when idly standing or zoning out and likes to point it out whenever he does it (wilt finds it funny and cute at the same time)
• they save the corny nicknames for when theyre alone, but publicly will call each other stuff like "shorty" and "carebear" (wilt likes to call larry carebear because he's somehow more caring than anyone hes ever known and is nearly as tall as a bear)
• Wilt scheduled times designated to shit-talking Duchess with eduardo, coco, bloo, mac and frankie (Larry had no idea who Duchess even was but when he met her for the first time he never wanted to punch someone so bad)
• Wilt fish-kisses (looks like a 3) and Larry kisses w tongue
• madame foster now hosts 'pride parties' in june which was inspired by the couple so that residents of the house could feel comfortable while living there (and she got all the tea about them from Frankie)
ok tahts all bye
thanks so much for requesting <3
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penguinkyun · 3 months
chapter 154 review (and 153 and 152)
due to the nature of these chapters this review will contain references to canonical csa, abuse and suicidal ideation along with references to canon one sided incest. if this affects any of you please click off and I'll see you next time! your mental health matters
before i say absolutely anything else: hoshino ai get behind me
while i did want to make a review for each chapter individually but since i couldn't, I decided to combine 152, 153 and 154 in this one because they're all a continuation of the same scene anyway. this will be primarily 154 though since the other two supplement it.
anyways. aughaughauhasufghauighasugh- *continued noises of agony* i want to eat this chapter. holy shit.
i had so many questions answered with this chapter (and like. got several more LMAO) and this was so so good to read
i have to comment on hikaru's characterisation because he's so utterly resigned to being unloved like all the light left his life the moment ai did. its sort of a mirror to how ai considers herself entirely unlovable too and it just hammers in the fact that they really some part of the understanding and acceptance both of them were seeking but unfortunately the factors weren't in the cards for them.
what does this chapter breakup do to the already established timeline of the uehara-himekawa suicide taking place in the year of dome preparations and 153-154 seemingly confirming that said murder-suicide takes place wayy before the twins are even born? i am not looking at it. i do not see it. i am absolutely not thinking of what this changes about aqua's no hoshigan arc. nope. not seeing it. timeline doesnt exist to me.
sorry to hikaru, but ai immediately going “teehee! no ^V^ <3” at his marriage proposal was incredibly funny. girl there are so many things wrong with you (affectionate)
anyways when i was reading this i was actually struck by how i could just. tell ai was lying during this whole breakup. its really remniscent of her fight with nino, because ai's defense mechanism is to fawn and find the right thing to say to fix the situation to try and descalate it and she does not like confrontation. and here its like...shes trying to break it off as clean as possible, throwing out every reason because she doesn't want to but she knows she has to both because she is utterly right that the type of relationship they have is not healthy for hikaru and that adding marriage + kids to that would be incredibly difficult and would just be Bad for the both of them.
it was just so bad in the delivery ai please oh my god. its actually a little bit funny if you ignore the. the breakdowns.
and its. just really really sad that both hikaru and ai blame themselves and hate themselves for things entirely out of their control, which hikaru thinking airis abuse of him was something he did and ai filled with so much regret even when she knew she was trying to make the best decision for the both of them.
anyways. also ignoring how the movie arc kinda fails in delivering the set up that wouldve made this chapter hit much harder than it already does. moving on!
i just really really enjoy how this hammers in the fact that ai really was just. an ordinary girl. she was a lonely girl trying her hardest to be able to love and give the best possible lives to the people she cares about and even her dvd is still just trying to do that. to give herself accountability in the future so that she can't back out of it by giving the DVDs to gotanda that maybe, she along with her kids can try for a family again. it is just so ai in a way that is utterly heartbreaking to read.
also uh. kamiki's assertion he did infact give ai's address to ryousuke would be a kinda a confirmation he wasn't entirely responsible if not for the huge sixteen year old corpse of amamiya goro in the room. wonder why the two of them were there at the hospital that night. wonder how hikaru got said hospital address when ai broke it off because she considered herself the burden rather than hikaru and thus wouldnt have given the hospital address to hikaru. wonder about all of that. also wonder about miss fuyuko niinos role in all of this. so many questions really.
(also justice for katayose yura. is she STILL in those mountains.)
as for this being aqua’s revenge plan, its exactly what i expected actually! we've been told over and over that aqua would not be able to kill kamiki, not without extreme damage to himself both mentally and probably physical if he went through with his suicidal plan. this revenge is as gentle as it is cruel. it thoroughly breaks apart hikaru's world — striking directly at his heart past every single denial he has offered himself for 15 years to slam him with the plain truth: ai loved him and he killed her. And he now has to sit with that regret of time lost for the rest of his life. but it's also so gentle as it offers everyone a release from the chokehold ai’s death has had on them. it offers everyone a chance to let go of those regrets and move on with their lives in freedom. even for hikaru, he is finally given the full truth and learned that he was infact loved
but as much as i like this revenge it feels…i don't know how to say it but its sort of a disservice to the struggles aqua has faced till now because this revenge is the conclusion without the necessary setup. ever since c.10, aqua has expressed intense suicidal ideation and has been incredibly depressed and that ideation got horrifically worse during the movie arc.
there has been no resolution to this intense downslide of his mental health with basically just ruby’s “You're my oshi and I depend on you”, Kana asking him not to die (framed comedically) and Akane trying to use kana and aquas crushes to fix him. none of this is a refutation of the core issue of his suicidal ideation: that he feels such immense guilt at having failed ai, to the point he believed he had to commit murder and die, for him to atone completely. none of that refutes his belief that he is worth less than everyone around him. So him reaching this revenge without any of the emotional healing required feels a bit jarring and there's no catharsis. after over 140 chapters of aqua feeling heavily suicidal to see him looking forward to his future is nice, but i'd have liked to see his healing yknow? to have him say point blank he wants to live
SHOUTOUT TO MENGO FOR DELIVERING IN FANTASTIC ART YET AGAIN....! HAPPY HOSHINO FAMILY PANEL MENGO ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME. AUGH. AUAHG I AM IN PAIN. AUGH. That page of Hikaru absolutely breaking down at the news Ai really, truly loved him, with no lie and just the desperation with which he presses his hand, his entire self as if he could just reach across the screen and hold Ai’s hand again. laughs in agony
although theres been a recent trend of ai's importance being downplayed to roid up grsr and this chapter feels sort of...the opposite? like the twins importance to ai was being downplayed in favour of intensifying the hkai relationship (but since this dvd is aimed at asking her kids if they want to be a family with hikaru 15 years in the future i guess...?)
oh hello ruby there you are i thought you had no idea about the revenge plan. her presence is interesting because im tentatively hoping we'll finally get a resolution to the AquaRuby debacle due to the way theyre paralleled to hkai. fingers crossed.
anyways ending on aqua literally sobbing as he delivers the final sentence to hikaru - that his understanding of ai was fundamentally wrong and because of his desire to have her for himself he lost both her and any possible chance he had of a happy ending.
fuck. break next week welcome to our favourite biweekly manga
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Lev x reader
Lev had been so excited the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. It was one holiday he couldn’t imagine being different in Japan compared to Russia, but as his team crushed his hopes revealing it was, he no longer had the same enthusiasm. Every girl in their classes thought he was handsome, but they also thought he was weird, and he didn’t know what the hell White Day was to wait for that. So he buried the card he’d made in his bag, having learned that not only did the boys not give them to their crushes on Valentine’s Day- but when they were given they were also supposed to be accompanied by a gift.
In hindsight, it hadn’t mattered. You hadn’t come to school on Valentine’s Day anyway, so he had no use for it. Kuroo had told the team you missed for a personal matter and you’d be back today, he really hoped that was true. Even if he couldn’t confess because the customs were different, seeing you just put the lanky boy into a better mood. Kenma told him it was his fault you missed school that day, claiming that he annoyed you so much that you had to take a mental health day, but if that were true you wouldn’t have been texting him yesterday, right? You’d even asked him how many confessions he got… that wasn’t you poking fun at him for being weird, right? He needed to stop letting Kenma get in his head.
Getting to the gym, he was disappointed when you weren’t there. He didn’t share classes with you, you were too smart to be in his classes, but he was used to seeing you here.
Kuroo had already started talking to them when the gym door slammed open, “Hey! Sorry, I’m here!”
You huffed for breath, carrying an extra bag- a gift bag- as you ran over to the team. Kuroo gave you a crooked grin, “What made you late? I saw you on my way here.”
“Forgot this at home, had to wait at the gate for my mom to bring it.” You took a deep breath, clearly having run back, “All good now. Whatcha need me to do, cap?”
“We’re already set up. Yamamoto even filled the water bottles for the first break.”
“Shit. Sorry, guys.”
Kai smiled at you, “Don’t worry, Y/N. Happens sometimes.”
“What’s in the bag?” Yamamoto asked curiously.
Pulling closer to you, you pointed a finger at him, “Not for you.”
“Ohohoho,” Kuroo smirked, “But it is for someone, otherwise you would’ve just said it was yours.”
You glared at him, “Kuroo, you may be my brother’s best friend, but I will still drop kick you if you open your mouth again.”
That brother in question didn’t look up from his game boy, “Do it anyway. It’ll be funny.”
“Kenma, give me the game.”
“Not on your life, Y/N.”
With narrowed eyes, you leaned over and whispered something in his ear, and the next moment the game was placed into your waiting hands. “Good boy.”
“I hate you being here. I want you to know that.”
“You tell me that every day. Warm up laps, guys, let’s go!”
“God, how are we related?” Kenma grumbled, stalking off for his usual slow halfassed laps. Shibayama and Inuoka gave you thumbs up and big smiles before they left to join, and you seemed to flush as you shooed them away. Weird, Lev thought, they were your best friends.
As he went to follow, your hand shot out and caught his elbow, “Lev! Uh, before you head home after practice, can you meet me at the gate?”
“Sure thing!” He gave you a big, dopey smile before he followed the others, not wondering too much what you could need.
Practice seemed to drag that day, and Lev may have been wrong, but Kenma seemed to put extra effort to be out to get him for some reason. He wasn’t even complaining that much! He was too excited to meet with you after practice, maybe even get to walk you home…
When they were finally released, he somehow found the energy to run to the club room to change- he just didn’t want to keep you waiting! But then he got tangled in his clothes and somehow ended up lagging behind the other guys anyway. He was having bad luck today or something.
Making it out to the gate, Lev saw Inuoka and Shibayama whispering to you, giving encouraging pats on the shoulder before they caught sight of him and ran off with a wave. Weird again.
But then you turned to him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen and all those cares went out the window. “Lev! Great!” You held out the bag you had carried into practice, “This is for you!”
Lev blinked, unsure why you would be giving him something, but you just grinned bigger and started pushing the bag into his hands. Looking inside, he found a container of… something. “Wait… is that!?”
He looked up at you with big eyes as he pulled it out, and you just kept smiling, “I had to ask your sister, took me all day yesterday, and the night before, to make it cause I kept screwing it up somehow.”
“Pryaniki.” Lev said in awe, staring at the container, “Why did you try so hard?”
“Well… there’s actually a letter in the bag, too.”
Lev’s hand flew back into the bag, almost dropping the container of Russian spice cookies in the process as he yanked it out. His eyes scanned the letters carefully, making sure he wasn’t misreading any of it since he had trouble remembering some of them, before his wide eyes set on you again. “Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.”
“I know.” You flushed, “I really thought I would’ve had it ready but-“
“No, I mean- uh- the team, they said that-“
You waved him off, “I’ve never been all that worried about the difference in the two days. To be honest this is just a random Wednesday now, but it works all the same to me.” You bit your lip, pointing slightly at the letter, “Do you accept?”
Lev shoved the items into your hands, beginning to dig through his bag without a thought on what the action meant, before fishing out the card he’d made. “Sorry. I didn’t know there was supposed to be a gift to it.”
You grinned, gingerly swapping the cookies back to his hands as you took the card. The message was simple, carefully written in a hand unfamiliar with the letters, but you got the message.
‘I like the way you manage my heart.’
“I’ll accept if you do.” You chuckled.
“Deal.” Lev grinned, wrapping his exceedingly long arms around before he offered to share the cookies as he walked you home.
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trafalgarya · 2 years
How is it like to be in a relationship with Kara members ?
With : Eida, Delta, Daemon, Code, Amado, Kashin Koji, Jigen/Isshiki.
manga spoilers.
aged up Daemon.
brief mention of depression, autism, and insomnia.
SFW only!! i'll write a NSFW part if you guys want it.
i'm not currently reading the manga, so i don't know much about Eida. i'll just go with the flow and with what i know about her.
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Being in a relationship with Eida is extraordinarily romantic.
She'll definitely call you pet names. "Darling", "Sweetheart", "Pretty boy/girl", or simply "My love".
Because of her ability, she's used of everyone falling in love with her. But with you ? Completely different.
She didn't even had to use her power to capture your heart. Being the charismatic and elegant person Eida is, she made an extraordinary first impression without even trying.
I think she would prefer a person just like her, calm and confident. She wouldn't mind an energetic person too, but that reminds her too much of her little brother, Daemon.
She'll act like a mother to you, always making sure you drank and ate well enough, got enough sleeping, being in good health, etc. She'll be very caring with you.
She wants her S/O to be perfect. Not superficially, but more like mentally. She wants her S/O to be the happiest person because of her. She want to please them, to be the center of their life. But in a cute way, not like in a possessive way.
She's into traditional things. Just offer her flowers, dance with her, hug her while she's cooking, kiss her slowly but gently in her neck, and i can assure you she'll be at your feet. She'll be melted by all that.
Her main love languages are physical touch, words of affirmations, and acts of service. She can't help but want to touch you every time. It doesn't even have to be sexual. She just want to hold your hand, feeling your hand around her waist, your lips against hers, your fingers on her hips. She's also pretty eloquent, so she'll recomfort you whenever you are in a bad mood or something. She'll give you plenty of compliments, kissing all your insecurities and looking at you with a look full of love. She also demonstrates her love by buying you something you love, taking you on amusement park, eating ice cream with you. Everything.
She. Will. Introduce. You. To. Her. Brother. That's not even an option. He sometimes insert himself in your dates, just to be sure you aren't tempting to hurt his precious sister. Boy have his eyes locked on you. He already threatened to kill you if you dare hurting her. But Eida reassures him, so he's more and more relaxed with you as time passes by.
Overall, she loves you very much. She's a really romantic and loving person. Don't hurt her little heart who's craving love, she trust you very much.
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Listen, i adore her very much.
And, i was genuinely surprised at her reaction when she understood she loved Eida- She was romantically totally different in my head 😭.
Her love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch, as showed in the manga.
V E R Y C L I N G Y. She will always hug you or hold your hand whenever she can.
She would be so protective of you. If you don't feel safe, wherever you are, just tell her where you are and she'll come at the speed of light. Literally. (considering the fact that she can manipulate light, that's not an hyperbole 💀)
Very clingy in bed, always hugging you.
She's the big spoon tho, i just can't imagine this woman being the little spoon.
I don't feel like she'd use pet names for you. But if she do, it must have my/mine included. "My love" or "My angel" is what she'd use.
She's very understanding when it comes to problems or troubles. Depression ? If she can do something, she won't hesit once. Autism ? Although she's not the best emotion-wise, she'll try her best to help you. Difficulty to sleep ? She won't sleep until you're asleep first. She'll make you feel loved, protected and safe, whatever the situation is.
Definitely showering you in kisses as she's wrapping her arms around you, bringing you on her lap, and kisses each one of your insecurities separately.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but she won't hesitate to hold your hand or kissing your cheek quickly, often followed by Code teasing Delta for being such a "dovey-lovey".
She'll always keep an eye on you. Whether you're sleeping or just sitting at her side doing nothing, she'll stare at you at each and every moment of your life.
Overall, Delta is very supportive of you, encouraging you if you want do to something, and she's too much in love with you to even considering being close of someone else.
Daemon (aged up)
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Being in a relationship with Daemon is... very energetic...
Bro has too much energy.
At this point, you're acting more like a parent than a lover for him.
Introduced you to her sister two minutes after knowing you. No, i'm not lying.
He attached himself too fast, so Eida isn't surprised when she met another one of his little brother's potentiel love interest.
But, this time, she felt it was different. Daemon loved you very much, it was not like usually. The blush on his face and the big smile he's letting appear while near you, or just talking about you, made Eida genuinely happy. Her brother was finally serious in a relationship. Thus, she'd be more relaxed and friendly with you.
Daemon would certainly share his meals with you. I think his favourite food is ice cream, so you'll always buy an ice-cream for both.
Whenever he feels bored or tired, he's directly coming to you with that childish tone and this amusing walk.
"Y/NNNNNN... 'am sleepy..."
Rubbing his eyes, he's just too cute for you to say no. He always ends up with his head on your lap or just him sitting on it, his arms around your waist/neck, and a cute sleepy face. Snoring a bit, adding more to his cuteness.
If you're walking outside, except him to be on your shoulders, playing with your hair, a big and innocent smile on his face.
Protecting you won't be a problem. His power can literally reflect any attack as long as it's intended or vizualised. All he has to do is touching you with his palm (he would use that as a pretext to hold your hand btw), and reflecting the attack as he's hiding your eyes. But he's also physically strong, so he would just jump on the person and kicking him until he's unconscious and coming back to you like a flower, as he didn't just beat the shit out of someone.
I think you've guessed it : Definitely into PDA. Always on your shoulders, holding your head, or kissing you.
Definitely using too much pet names for you. "Baby" and "Darling" are his favourites.
Clinging to you when sleeping. Definitely the little spoon.
Eida trust you very much. Whenever she can't take care of Daemon, she won't be as worry as she usually would. Because you're here now.
I don't think Daemon would really have a type. Someone who accept him for who he is is enough.
Overall, Daemon loves you too. He act more like your child than your boyfriend but yeah-.
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A relationship with Code is pretty chill.
Sorry, this part will be short, i don't have too many ideas for him.
Definitely refers to you as "Darling".
When you're outside, he always have an arm around your shoulders, not giving a fuck about what people think of you or your relationship.
Proud to have you in his life and won't even hide it.
Definitely brought you to Delta, and teased her, saying he's loved, not like her.
He's the only man of your life, even if you don't want it.
Like, you remind about how Code wanted to kill Daemon just to be the only man to Eida ? Basically the same with everyone that's a love rival to him.
He'll rant to you about his admiration to Jigen, but also will vent about how much he hates Kawaki and that he should've took his place as Isshiki's vessel.
Want to stay with you everytime.
His favourite type of kiss is the French Kiss. Long, passionate, sensual, intimate... All that.
Not the biggest fan of PDA, but not against it.
Overall, a relationship with Code is pretty chill. He loves you and don't hide it. He's proud of you. "That's my S/O", he'd say.
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A relationship with Amado is the concept of maturity itself.
You two are probably taking breakfast together, and you love coffee as much as he did.
You're smoking together too. I can see Amado smoking on the balcony of his house, with his S/O. If you're not smoking, however, he's fine with just having you by on his sides. And if you don't like the smell of cigarette, that's fine with him too. He'll smoke whenever he's away from you.
You two will talk about everything while he's working on Kara's bodies. If you want to, he'll explain every single step he's doing on his computer.
You're probably in good terms with Jigen, as he seemed to consider Amado as a friend.
He won't be as affectionate as Delta is, but he's sure to remind you everyday that he loves you. Not even compliments, maybe just making your breakfast or helping you with whatever is your problem.
Amado is a great listener. Just tell him whatever is stressing you, and he'll make it his priority. He wants to make you know that he's here for you.
I can see Amado having an arm around your waist as you're walking outside.
He'll let you rest your head against his chest as you two are sleeping. Probably smell like cigarette, coffee or just the man smell. You know, the virility smell. Something like this.
You two definitely have kids. I can see Amado as a great dad, always proud of their kids, patting their head as they bring a great note at school.
If you're feeling sick, Amado's got it. He'll bring you glasses of water in bed as he's putting a little watered towel on your forehead, slowly rubbing your back.
He'd definitely want someone like him, calm and patient. Smart, too. He doesn't care about your body, he loves who for who you are inside, not outside.
Overall, Amado is such a good husband. Always taking care of you and being a good person. He loves you very much and would show it.
Kashin Koji
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A relationship with Kashin Koji is... well... complicated ?
Like, he was always shown with a neutral and reserved face, also frowning. He didn't really showed an emotion through the entire show, except when he was about to die to Isshiki.
He loves you, ofc, and you know it. He just don't really know how to show it.
That'll be little attentions, like keeping an eye on you with his toads, and he'll intervene if the situation become bad. He don't bring about it later though.
I do believe Kashin Koji is flustered whenever he have to hug you or whatever.
If you need calm sometimes, he'll grab your hand and enter in one of his toad with you, either just enjoying the view or sending both of you to Mount Myōboku.
That man is smart, so when you are sad or stressed, he immediately see it. He'd leave you your favourite food or your favourite book if he isn't in house.
I don't have any ideas... So...
Overall, Kashin Koji loves you, but can't really express it directly. Instead, it'll be with little actions.
Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki
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They're the same person, so just pick the one you want. I'll speak in both of their names for you to interchange.
Anyways, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is quite reserved and discreet.
Jigen/Isshiki himself is a discreet and reserved person, so no doubt that he'll prefer someone like him.
He'll let you sit on his lap if you want to, while he's reading a book or if he's resting.
Not into PDA. Sorry man.
If you have to carry something big, just ask Jigen/Isshiki. He'll either carry it himself or reducing it with Sukunahikona.
Only smiling frankly around you. And that's rare.
He'll let Amado take care of you if he can't. He trust him like a friend, so yeah. Oh and, you're in good terms with Amado btw.
You broke something precious ? Don't worry, Jigen/Isshiki already made tons of copies of this object and sent them in his dimension where time doesn't flow. He'll just bring it to you and pat your head. He'd say something like "There, there. You don't have to worry anymore."
It doesn't seem like it, but he's an affectionate man when he wants to. He'll bring you in a soft, warm hug if you're feeling down, just rubbing your back and letting you vent. He'll listen all of it.
If it's because a Kara member, be sure you'll never see them anymore. If that's because someone else, you won't see them anymore too. It it's something else, just leave it to him. He'll solve the problem in little to no time.
Would give you the world if you wanted to. He just want to see his S/O happy.
The only pet name he'll use is "Dear". But in front of others, he'll simply call you by your name in a soft tone.
He'll protect you from every danger. It's not like it's a big deal after all. He effortlessly beat Naruto and Sasuke together. If it wasn't for the Baryon Mode, they'd be dead by now.
Code won't be a big deal too. Even though he's stronger than Jigen/Isshiki, he respect him too much to even consider hurting you.
Little naps in the middle of the day, a plaid between the two of us, his arm around your waist. You couldn't feel safer than in Jigen/Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's presence. You know how strong he is and how much he'd do for you.
Overall, a relationship with Jigen/Isshiki is discreet and calm but loving and romantic.
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algolagniaa · 8 months
I am bored bored bored bored bored and I don’t want to write about the things actually on my mind or happening in my life so I’m just going to critique this chart reading someone did for me a couple days ago
according to this person I AM going to get married just late…. like I shouldn’t stress for about 4 more years. and tbh a part of me is like “nooooo I want to be a young and beautiful bride” but if I shut that part up that sounds p ideal.
also told me to avoid dating anyone with Gemini placements…… girl everyone I’ve ever so much as had a crush on has Gemini placements. with the exception of my ex fiancé. I vibe with Gemini moons almost exclusively. the girl I have a crush on rn has a Gemini moon and I think it was the same day I got this reading that she told me she wants to kill me over and over. literally HOW am I supposed to turn that down. I’m only human faerie after all
mentioned that I need to be careful who I let close to me because a lot of people over the course of my life are very jealous/envious of me, particularly those with strong Sagittarius placements (which I’ve def found to be true). this is literally WILD to me like ik I’m pretty great but what do I have (other than looks and brains and intrigue and force of personality, okay maybe I get it) that you actually want. actually being me isn’t that great most of the time.
spouse will be sociable and emotionally intelligent and intelligent in general and religious/spiritual and “quaint” and love travel. pretty standard 9th house themes. also said she will have an “underlying intensity” which, yeah I hope so otherwise what are we doing together.
apparently my Uranus/Neptune conjunction in 1st makes me come off as unreliable and my Pluto placement makes me seem controlling/manipulative and too intense for many people. and those two things combined are why people decide to write me off as a bad person. which I guess makes sense bc what happens is they like all of a sudden see something about me they don’t like and then act scared of me??? even when there is genuinely no reason to be????? anyway apparently one of the big things I’m supposed to learn that will help mitigate this is to treat friendships more causally and not expect everything to be a super deep connection. but I feel like I already DO THAT with a lot of people + also when I do that I end up playing with them like dolls or chess pieces. and it’s fun but not satisfying. well whatever I have astrological license to treat my friends worse I guess
ages 24-25 were supposedly years of great personal growth and healing for me but all I did in those years was get abused and lose all my friends and have everyone tell me that actually I was abusive and a narcissist with 17 personality disorders including one that is straight up not in the DSM. and go to a bunch of therapy that didn’t work. and get addicted to weed and gain 30lbs and have everyone in my life collaborate on a giant gaslighting effort to convince me I was dangerously obese and they were worried for my health. and obsessively read r/amitheasshole trying to figure out the rules for Correct behavior. and cut myself to win arguments. and get kicked out of thanksgiving drunk in the middle of the night. and move to Spokane and have my first great love vow to hate me forever. and continue to get abused in Spokane, and meet some friends, and lose those friends bc I pissed off a serial killer dude, oh also I pissed off someone in the mafia I forgot that part, and get abused more and have a dead bedroom in my relationship and lock my entire personality up in a box and put it in a deep dark corner of my mind and give up on ever being happy. also I cried on my birthday both years. where’s the growth and healing…. I guess I hiked a lot in that time? and went to the gym but my heart was NOT in it
apparently I am v talented at communicating, networking, and making connections and can use my gifts to acquire money and power if I so choose. girl I so wish that were true
was also told what themes I will focus on during the next couple years of my life and apparently this year my focuses are: relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, equality, sharing, interpersonal style. and I can see a couple of these but for the most part….. can’t relate.
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borathae · 8 months
I have a question that I feel comfortable asking here cuz your a v v nice person
anyways ummm does cum actually taste good? I’ve never had sex lmao but I’ve always seen it described as like “oh your pussys so sweet” but like idk
pls help 😭
Pussy does not taste "sweet", I can tell you that much. If you read it in smut, I can guarantee you this is just for the sake of poetic dirty talk (you know just how you say "her kiss was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted", it's poetic and describes something pleasant/wonderful tasting).
So don't expect pussy to taste like sweets/candy/chocolate, pussy will taste like pussy JFJADSFJ 💀 if the person hydrated enough, ate their fruits & veggies, doesn't smoke or drink alcohol and has great hygiene, the taste will still be a good taste. It's just not going to taste like candies. Clean, healthy pussy smells like pussy at first until she gets wet and then she gets this warm, wet really good scent to it. Where you really wanna nuzzle your face into and go "grrrrrr pussy grrrr" NFNADSFN
As for dick, listen besties I gotta be honest with you all, the dudes I've been with, had terrible dick FHADHSFHA sorry but the taste still haunts me. It wasn't good, like sometimes I think about it and gag HAHAHH. But I know for a fact it was mostly because these dudes didn't hydrate, smoked, drank alcohol and rarely ate fruits/veggies also some were just straight up bad at hygiene. In my defense, I was a lot younger when I gave these dudes head, these days I would tell them to get their health in order first before I take them inside JFADJSFJ I have standards these days fnasdnf. But from my experience I can sadly only tell you that dick doesn't taste good JFADJSFJ sorry they also smelled so bad BESTIES I don't wanna badmouth dicks because I genuinely love dick and know that there are so many delicious dicks out there, but all the dicks I had were so bad NFANDSF sorry 😩
As for cum, I have a confession to make. I never had cum in my mouth before because the dick already grossed me out too much BHAHAHAH. I can tell you however that precum tastes salty af, sometimes bitter and mixed with the ball smell?, it's rancid omfg besties please I'm reliving all my blowjob traumas rn HAHA 💀 sorry I love dick I really do just not the ones I had NFANDSFN 💀
As for pussy cum, I would say it just gets more intense? idk if that's the right way to describe it but yeah the wet arousal taste just gets stronger. As for squirt, I never tasted squirt before but given what it is, I would say that it tastes salty as well? But I could be wrong 🤔 so forgive me, I never tasted cum or squirt before either. One because I refused and the other because it has never happened before.
In conclusion, it's honestly hard to describe how genitals smell and taste because at the end of the day, they taste/smell like genitals NDSNF just like chocolate will always taste & smell like chocolate, genitals also have their distinct notes. You get me?
But if you asked me, I would say that pussy is "sweeter" than dick. Yeah maybe I'll change my mind once I get the yummiest dick of my life, but sadly I cannot say this yet NFANDFN 💀
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
Day 11: Simple Phrases
I have decided to read the lesson aloud so you can hear how the words are said as I do not know IPA and trying to spell the words out phonetically was not working. If you would prefer I used to format of "[Irish], [English], [Irish but slower]" for the words/phrases, just say so.
Tags: @bella-daonna @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl @unseeliethot @charlataninred @grimalkinsquill (ask to be added or removed0
Written version below the cut
A short prologue: First of all, I am not a fluent speaker. Although I am not that bad at gaeilge, I am in no way, shape, or form a gaeilgeoir. This is all fairly basic information, but I am not completely immune from making mistakes. 
Second of all: Irish has three main dialects, Ulster, Munster, and Connacht. I was taught through the school system by people from all over the country, and my dialect is somewhat like patchwork. If you, or anyone else, pronounce words slightly differently than I do, it's probably because we’re speaking different dialects, and that's fine. 
Third of all: while Irish uses the latin alphabet, it is unfair to assume it obeys by the same phonics as English. The most glaring examples of this are fadá, or these things á��íóú. Fadá [lit. long] lengthen vowel sounds turning ah (a) to aw (á) and so on so forth. Also, if a consonant is followed by a h, then one exhales a little harder when saying the consonant, therefore softening it. The most obvious appearance of this is “bh” which makes a “v” sound. Or a “w” sound because most consonants make two different sounds depending on the vowels around it, which we shall not get into today. 
The first thing you need to know in any language is how to say hello. In Irish, the most common greeting is “Dia duit”, which is literally “God be with you”. However, if someone greets you with dia duit, the way you respond is “Dia is Muire duit” [lit. God and Mary be with you], and as the third person greeting you reply with “Dia is Muire is Padraig duit” or you can replace Padraig with any saint of your choosing. However if you are talking to a group larger than that you can use “Dia diaobh”. 
Some more informal greetings include “Haigh” which means hi, or “Aon sceal?” which means “any stories” and is basically what's up. You can also skip straight to asking how someone is.
“Conas atá tú?” is “how are you”, to which you can answer “Táim go maith,” or “Táim ceart go leor” which are “I’m well” and "I'm alright” respectively. You can reflect any question asked of you with a good “And you?” which is “Agus tusa?”
If you are asked your name with “Cad is ainm duit?” you can respond with “____ is ainm dom” for “my name is____”. If you are taking the initiative to introduce yourself without being asked, you can also use “Is mise ____” which is “I am ____”. 
The basis of saying goodbye is the word “Slán”, which is derived from sláinte (health), so it is wishing someone good health. However, most people either say “Slán leat” or “slán go fóil” which are “heath be with you,” and “goodbye for now”. Which variation you use is completely up to you. 
You probably already know that Éire is Ireland and gaeilge is the Irish language. So a Gaeilgeoir is someone who is fluent in Irish, a gaeltach is an area where people speak Irish in day to day life, and a gaelscoil is a school where everything is taught through Irish. It is also handy to know the word for English: bearla. So “As gaeilge” and “As bearla” are “in Irish'' and “in English” respectively. 
You will always need a few bits and bobs words when you’re starting out. “Agus” is “and”, “nó” is “or”, and “ach” is “but”. You can do a lot in this world with three good conjunctions. Please is “le do thoil”, and thank you is “go raibh maith agat”. You will see “Fáilte” in a lot of tourist destinations, as it means "welcome”. And “Slainte!” is “cheers,” which we saw above also means health. 
Finally, while you may be happy to tell people “Tá cupla focal agam” meaning “I have a few words (of Irish)”, there is no shame in saying “Ní thuigim” or “I don’t understand”, or asking them to repeat “as bearla, le do thoil”. Learning new skills is admirable and most people understand that. 
I want to also do a seanfhocail a day, for fancy points. Seanfhocail are idiomatic phrases, and literally means “old words”. Today’s seanfhocail is the classic: “Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin” which is “There’s not hearth like your own hearth” or “There's no place like home.”
See you tomorrow for everyone’s favourite: mutations (urú agus séimhiú)! Slán libh!
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aspd-culture · 1 year
a little bit of a vent but also a question. someone said i was “collecting disorders” and now i feel like shit. all because i wanted the aspd role in a discord server because i think i have aspd when i already think i have bpd/npd and have those roles. they pretty much lied about me too about other things in order to make me look bad and “call me out”. i was so stressed and paralyzed. my heart started racing and my stomach dropped. i feel like i went into flight mode. i hate confrontation. i didn’t defend myself because i thought that would make me look like a loser who cares. i thought to myself they’re not worth a reaction anyways. i decided that defending myself is not worth the mental hassle. they can think what they want and it doesn’t matter to me. this is just fan behavior. this is how i justified not defending myself and just leaving the server (which i don’t like in the first place).can a person with aspd have this type of a reaction? i feel like the typical reaction would be to fight back but im so tired of fighting and the toll it takes on me. i get such an adrenaline rush and my body starts shaking and i feel the need to fight but these days i just can’t. these fights aren’t worth it to me anymore. these people don’t deserve my effort, even if it’s a fight.
Ooo let's see if I can piss off an ableist today (not you, the people who say bs like "collecting disorders"). I have 8 professionally diagnosed mental health conditions, one I am currently in the process of being assessed for, and a handful of other symptoms we have as of yet been unable to place under a particular diagnosis.
There is no such thing as "collecting diagnoses" and that phrase is arguably one of the most ableist things I have ever been forced to read and hear multiple times since the beginning of my mental health journey. The gall of some people to *make fun* of another person and accusing them of faking because they struggle with more disorders than you think is acceptable? Fuck that. Blatant and obvious ableism. You are valid. Idc how many diagnoses you have, self or otherwise, you are valid to me because I am not a professional and even if I was, I am not your professional.
The DSM-V specifically calls out that multiple cluster b disorders can be diagnosed comorbid. They have similar development criteria so it makes sense that if you have one, there is an increased chance you may have more than one. In fact, if you have been diagnosed with one pd, you are more likely to be diagnosed with a second one than you were to be diagnosed with the first.
What you described from them is some major fan behavior, and I'm proud of you for leaving the server. That is exactly what I would have done for the same reasons. Let them talk, they are just showing everyone who matters how ableist they are anyway. And for the record, the people they are trying to seem cool to (reddit-type ableists) are already going to hate them for being in a mental health server.
They are playground bullies and I'll tell you what I learned about playground bullies very young; the easiest way to ruin their day is to completely ignore what they're saying.
They thrive off the attention and validation they get from your hurt and your anger. The fact that you left ruined their fun, I promise. Maybe they kept talking shit to try and make it fun again, but deep down each of them knows that once the person they attempted to victimize neither shrunk down nor got angry, it was no fun anymore.
So yeah, many pwASPD may have fought back against it, but it is definitely aspd-culture to ruin their fun and get the ultimate revenge of refusing them the dopamine of a reaction.
You did a great job, and you *are* valid. It sucks that you had to deal with them, and anything you feel about it is valid too. There are people who won't treat you that way, I promise.
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
I’ve been spending a lot of downtime still working on Pokemon Violet, so! here are some super-indulgent headcanons no one asked for about which Morvant would have what Pokemon on their team!!
for the sake of setting, we’re in a Louisiana that v much has pokemon for some reason, so just go with me on this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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(this is my favorite .gif from any gym battle ever, and fittingly, it’s also the one from the sc/vi ghost gym)
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For some reason, I imagine Vincent gave each of the Morvants an eevee when they were little, and those were technically their “starters.” Maxi spent most of his time up at night even as a small child, and then even moreso when he took night classes in mortuary college, so naturally his little buddy (originally named Beignet when he was still soft and brown and fluffy) went right along with him and eventually evolved late one moonlit night.
I think the next ones he found were likely his Totodile somewhere in the swamp behind his house as a kid, and likewise, his Corpish, and eventually they both evolved into their current Feraligatr and Crawdaunt selves. (His totodile would be named Sawyer, his corpish got the nickname Gumbo bc Hex kept threatening to put it in one and it stuck). Whereas Beignet’s fairly quiet, Sawyer is fairly loud and rambunctious, which means he’s usually kept outside or in his ball when there’s business going on at the mortuary. Gumbo can walk around a little more freely but still keeps himself scarce when there’s people around (and once or twice has been asked to snip a suture when Maxi can’t find his scissors, though he’d never tell anyone that).
His Dusknoir was a Duskull he found in the cemetery near the House, and he just always kept it around for company. Eventually he leveled it up enough to evolve and found some Reaper Cloth in a dusty curio shop in New Orleans to evolve it further, and now Erik (for the Phantom, ofc) generally stays hidden in the attic or in the cemetery again during business hours. He’s sort of the bouncer for the mortuary, and the one who usually helps Maxi with his night work. Maxi really only chooses him to battle when someone’s really pissed him off, or messed around in something they shouldn’t have.
His Corviknight was a little Rookidee he caught somewhere on his travels during his bad spell, but he’s pretty mellow now that Maxi’s mellowed out too. He’s huge and very serious-looking (Maxi calls him Damien bc he always seems like an omen of ill fortune), but actually pretty chill. He generally helps Sawyer and Erik move heavy things around the mortuary, and occasionally is Maxi’s ride into town when there’s something wrong with the hearse. Once or twice when there’s been a malfunction with the equipment, Maxi’s had to quietly ask him to lower the casket into the grave, which he’s actually surprisingly good at.
His Rowlet is likely his most recent acquisition -- he possibly found him in the woods near the House. I have an idea that Maxi helped nurse his wing back to health or something after it was injured in a fight with a careless trainer while he was wild, and now he just kind of hangs out with the others and doesn’t really seem to want to leave. Maxi calls him Joel (after the main character in his favorite novel), and Joel and Beignet are generally the two “greeters” who help him with mourning families, especially ones with small children. 
Maxi doesn’t really battle people a lot, but if he did, it’d likely be bc someone was messing around in the graveyard when they shouldn’t be, or someone was snooping around the mortuary. Beignet’s surprisingly strong and can deal with most things, but if he faints then it goes to Gumbo, then Sawyer, then Damien. He doesn’t battle with Joel, and he only sends out Erik when he wants to absolutely trounce somebody. (He might even let Erik eat the stranger’s soul after if the House has already been fed, who’s to say.)
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Hex’s little friend was named Dulce as an eevee, and evolved into an Espeon -- not because Hex was less nocturnal than Maxi per se, but more out of sensitivity to the spirits that always follow the two of them around. For the most part, he acts like a lazy house cat, and gets a bit jealous when Hex pays attention to his other pokemon bc he was here First.
His Crobat, Lago, was originally a zubat he kept bumping into in the woods around the House in Greymoon as a kid, and he was so annoyed by it pestering him that he finally caught it one day after Dulce narrowly beat it. He kept it with him so long that the two eventually bonded for real. He tends to sleep most of the day in Hex’s dark room in the mortuary, but comes with him for night shoots (and to act as a scout when he’s after a target).
He likely found his Greninja as a Froakie while clambering around in the swamps near the House as a kid, and adopted it bc he thought it was cute. As a Greninja, it often climbs up into difficult places to get interesting shots with a camera on a timer (and assists Lago in helping Hex track potential victims). Hex named him Kermit as a joke but it kind of stuck, and with how serious his Greninja actually is, it’s quite the contrast.
He caught Zorua during his own bad spell wanderings -- I imagine he kept looking over his shoulder as he moved across the various Mexican states and seeing this little shadowy fox following him from a distance for days at a time, and finally just turned around and confronted it. It’s now grown into a Zoroark, and it frequently impersonates him somewhere in town whenever he needs to establish an alibi. Whenever Hex is present in the House but particularly quiet, Maxi and Rora occasionally toss something small at him to see if it’s actually him or Sombro (Hex’s muddle of “sombra” and “Bro”).
I imagine he found his Volcarona as a Larvesta during a stint along the Mexican part of the Gulf Coast post-Oaxaca Incident that he doesn’t talk about. Hurley is huge, but he’s generally very friendly, even if he eats everything in sight -- which has led to Maxi chasing him away from a service more than once when he tried to scarf everything on the catering table. He scares the shit out of people because it’s so unexpected to see in a small town like Greymoon.
His Rotom is his newest, which he found wandering around the abandoned Six Flags theme park in NOLA with his other pokemon to take some interesting shots. it keeps possessing his cameras but he’s given up trying to discipline it, and if anything, is kind of interested in experimenting with how it can potentially impact his film as a ghost. Hex just calls them “Little Guy” or “Fantasmito,” depending, but they don’t really have a true name. Hector will battle with him sometimes, but he prefers to keep them back bc they’re small.
In terms of Hex battling, he’s much more willing to do so than Maxi. He likes keeping Sombro up front and someone random in back of the team, just to mess with whoever he’s facing off against with Sombro’s Illusion ability. (His favorite is to let him impersonate Dulce and let people using Dark-type moves wonder why they don’t seem very effective). If he wants to end it quickly, though, he’ll send out Kermit. If he really wants to thrash someone, he’ll send out Hurley first and hit them with Fire Blast.
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Rora’s loyal childhood eevee Antoinette was turned outside by a heartbroken Matilde when she died, as she couldn’t bear to look at her and be reminded of her late daughter. Maxi begged to keep her and regularly snuck her food, but after so long of not seeing her around, assumed she just moved into the swamp and gave her up for gone. Antoinette eventually evolved into a Leafeon and fended for herself, but somehow sensed when Rora resurrected and made her way back to the House to end up on their doorstep with glowing eyes and covered in Spanish moss. Half-feral, always hissing at her littermates Dulce and Beignet, generally bad tempered -- won’t let anyone but Rora pick her up or pet her. She’s a reluctant indoor pet and regularly screams to be let outside, where she patrols Rora’s garden as her domain.
Dauphin, her serperior was her second pokemon -- one her parents probably got for her, or she received from some family member, as they’re usually purebred and hard to find in the wild. He was also left out in the garden to fend for himself, and though Maxi tried to take care of it too, it moved into the farthest reaches of the property to avoid Mathilde’s tantrums and having things thrown at it. It’s huge, deeply lazy, and immediately acclimated to being a pampered favorite again, often lounging about on tree branches or on furniture around the house. It likes breaking in to the viewing parlor because it’s the nicest room in the House and believes it belongs there, but Maxi keeps chasing it out. It loves Rora and Antoinette to death and follows Ror anywhere, often sunning itself right behind her in the garden when she’s tending to her roses. Rora loves him too, even if he does try to take up her whole bed at night. He’s the only pokemon Antoinette seems to stand, albeit begrudgingly.
She met Lizzy (her mandibuzz) post-Resurrection, when she was looking for roadkill with Antoinette on the side of the road for something to taxidermy, and they stumbled across the same zigzagoon corpse. Rora wanted it for art, Lizzy was hungry, so Rora compromised and brought her back to the Mortuary (to everyone’s dismay, but especially Antoinette’s) to feed her the unnecessary innards from their shared treasure. Now she’s listed as one of Rora’s collaborators on her dioramas that she sells in the rent-a-stall market in the historic part of Greymoon, as she often finds the corpses Rora taxidermies in exchange for more delicious rewards. She’s always preening and proud of herself.
Dolly Parton II, her Mimikyu, is a really interesting case. I imagine the Mimikyu moved into Rora’s childhood bedroom after she died and no one went in there anymore, and lived under her old bed because it was quiet and out of the way. Its disguise is likely actually stolen from a Pikachu doll that was hers from when she was little, because Mathilde would’ve insisted on leaving all of her belongings in a perfect staged diorama of a teenage girl’s room. When Rora came back and moved into her room again, Dolly emerged when she started to redecorate it, and immediately began fighting with Antoinette. Once Maxi and Hector ran up to see what all the fuss was about/help subdue her, Rora decided she liked the little intruder enough to keep her. She got her name because while Rora was listening to her old CDs as she re-painted her room, she started doing this weird little dance (that mostly consisted of hopping up and down) when “9 to 5″ came on. She has a temper, but generally gets along with everyone reasonably well, and even tags along with Maxi or Hex sometimes to see what they’re doing.
She met her Sneasel, Mary, post-Resurrection as well. No one knows what an Ice type was doing in Greymoon, but Rora took pity on her immediately when they found her desperately trying to break into the mortuary via the loading dock, presumably to get into the room for its chillier temperature. After showing a... rather off-putting interest in wanting to help Maxi with the bodies on the table, Rora took her to her own workshop, where now she’s a happy co-collaborator in her taxidermy projects, much to Maxi, Hex, and their teams’ quiet terror.
Rora’s Phantump is her most recent friend, where she half-tripped over her while wandering alone in the cemetery. Poor thing was napping near a grave that had the name and date practically erased from the headstone due to weather exposure. Rora just calls her “Baby,” and also doesn’t battle with her. Baby doesn’t really go in her pokeball, so she’s frequently either hiding in Rora’s skirt or her hair when they’re out and about, or peeking over the edge of Rora’s workbench as she tackles a project. Has a tendency to sneak up on people without meaning to, but is fairly sweet -- she’s fallen asleep in Maxi and Hex’s laps from time to time when everyone’s watching tv. 
Rora doesn’t really like to battle, tbh. She thinks it’s messy and a waste of her time, plus she loves her Pokemon too much to make them deal with that. She’d really only battle in self-defense, or to cover up any family secrets in an emergency. She’d probably lead with Dolly and Mary, then follow up with Lizzy, and only resort to Antoinette if she had to. Dauphin is her ace, and will defend her ferociously. Baby is not going into the fight, no matter what.
Anyway!! This was long, and if you made it this far, thanks so much for humoring me lol. I’ve played at least one game per gen since Yellow, so it’s been a part of my life for a long time. I always love Pokemon AUs, so I couldn’t help but make one up for my necromancers. Death is such an interesting thing in the Pokemon universe, especially with what we know about a lot of Ghost pokemon lore, so I’d be really curious to see how that worked out!!
If anyone wants to do this for their own OCs, I used this teambuilder and just pulled from Pokemon Home for the biggest selection. It hasn’t been updated with Sc/Vi teams yet (though they have one for the games by themselves), so maybe I’ll give that a look another day. If you make one for your blorbos, feel free to tag me in it, I love talking about these obvi :’D
thanks again, y’all are wonderful <3
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