#but I do love this man he’s so dramatic and for what
sacredsorceress · 2 days
Scars / Logan Howlett
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pairing: dofp!logan howlett x mutant!reader summary: every person has a soulmate. after settling in the future that he saved, logan starts to consider his next mission when a suspicious mark appears on him. word count: 3.2k a/n: good ol'fashioned soulmate AU. this is the first actual fic i've written in a long time so please have some grace. reblogs and replies are super appreciated! warnings: general mentions of logan's past, scars, self-doubt, alcoholism, reader smokes a cigar, mentions of razors, scars, wounds, two uses of y/n
logan masterlist | inbox | full masterlist
It had been a week since Logan woke up in his healed timeline.
For most people, the change would have been dramatic. But Logan was far unlike most people. The initial dreamlike state he was in when he first walked through the mansion- seeing the ghosts he had once known returned to the flesh, unscathed- quickly subsided. Logan had always been a man thrown onto a new path- how he lived life constantly changing to best fit his interests. Now, with his newfound peace he found the most complicated mission of all: what to do with the life he was now free to live?
Even before the sentinels, the battles, the wars- he had always been a man on the run. He was solo, strategic, concise. For a man who was gifted with infinite regeneration, he had solely concerned himself with staying alive. He ate for sustenance, sought shelter for safety, and nursed a bottle to find enough peace of mind to sleep at night.
The professor had once told him that for a person to reach self-actualization they first had to have all of their needs met. Logan had scoffed at the time, assuring the professor that he knew himself just fine. But now, with his problems so solved that they had ceased to ever exist, he wondered if maybe the professor was right.
Who was he? Where did he go from here?
The answer was found in the form of a scar on his hand.
"Well, everything seems to be just fine."
Logan scoffed at the blue man in front of him
"Well it's not." Logan said. "Check again."
Two days after he had come back, a large, circular scar had appeared on the palms of each of his hands. When they hadn't disappeared after two minutes, he rushed to the bathroom and nicked himself with his razor, watching as the wound healed with only blood dripping down his scruff as a remanent of it. Thirty minutes after that he found himself in the lab with Hank, Jean, and the Professor hypothesizing his miraculous marks.
"Logan, the tests came back clear." Jean assured him, leaning against the wall. "Maybe it's time to consider that it's something else."
Logan quirked his head towards her.
"I haven't had a scar in over two hundred years," he reminded her, his voice laced with irony. "I get not one, but two and you... what? Think it's a coincidence?"
Before Jean had a chance at rebuttal, the professor moved to face Logan.
"That's not what Jean's inferring, Logan." Charles reminded him. "We're simply asking that you consider other options. Less... dire options. It could, after all, be a good thing."
"Yeah?" Logan scoffed. "Like what?"
A silence hung in the air.
When Logan had first come to them with news of his scar, the thought had been on all three of their minds. Still, there were a plethora of things that could have caused that. Though, when the tests came back clear and his skin continued to heal from all sorts of abrasions, it felt as if there was only one answer for his seemingly magical scars.
However, none of them were keen on sharing this diagnosis with Logan. One wondered whether he'd handle the idea of his body failing him over fated love.
Hank was the first to speak up.
"Like a soulmate."
Oh that was rich, Logan thought.
Logan wasn't unfamiliar with the idea of soulmates.
Around the time that two fated lovers were destined to meet, there would be a sign for each of them. In some cases they were eyes changing colors, feeling the other's pain, finding their names everywhere they looked. In other cases they were new birthmarks, tattoos, scars.
In some way, the two were inextricably connected.
In his long life he had seen others experience it dozens if not hundreds of times. When the first thirty years of his life rolled around with no one, Logan accepted that he was one of the outliers. He considered it for the best and by now, with everything that he had gone through, the concept of soulmates almost seemed like an old wives' tale.
Logan glanced at their faces. When he realized they were serious, a deep laugh escaped from his gut. There was a lack of light in his eyes that admitted his insincerity.
"So I disappear for a few decades and you all start believing in fairytales?" Logan pulled the needles from his arm, the heart rate monitor going flat as he did. "What a bunch of bullshit."
Jean laid her hand against his chest, urging him back into the seat.
"Logan." She soothed him. "This is a good thing. Scott and I-"
Oh this was real rich.
"Scott and you are... what, huh?" Logan urged. "Soulmates?"
Logan scoffed, swiping Jean's hand from his chest.
"Bet you're so happy with your 'soulmate' and that's why you lead me on, huh? That it? You're happy?" He taunted, a dark laugh escaping him once more. "Spare me-"
"Logan, that's enough!"
The professor's voice echoed against the linoleum walls of the lab, reverberating off of the medical equipment throughout.
"If you want to wallow in your own self-deprivation, be my guest, but spare the rest of us your grief." Charles continued. "I think it would be best if you go back to your quarters and consider the future the universe has offered you."
The energy in the air was thick.
Jean and Hank avoided Logan’s eye contact while the professor’s nearly burned a whole through him.
Accepting defeat, Logan threw his hands up in the air and pushed himself out of his metal chair.
Soulmates. Logan thought. Who would believe in a thing like that?
"It's a pleasure to see you again."
The atmosphere in the mansion was a stark contrast to the lab Charles had been in days before.
Now the school day had commenced: children skipping from class to class, students chatting with their friends in the hallway, teachers grabbing coffee between lessons. Amidst the organized chaos, Charles had arranged to meet you in the foyer: the replacement history teacher for Logan's class.
"You too, professor." You smiled, reaching out your hand. "I was so glad to hear from you."
Your hand hung in the air briefly, awaiting his return. Charles examined it for a moment- a twinkle in his eye- before taking it. His thumbs brushed against the newfound scars between your knuckles as he did.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't always have these scars, did you, Y/n?" Charles asked.
You had not.
You had woken with them a few days before. Despite your powers rooted in chaos magic, it wasn't uncommon for blemishes or wounds to etch themselves into your skin. However, you often knew why. These marks, scars, were not faint, but instead quite profound. Three thick, healed over wounds patched together like a stitch on the back of each of your hands.
"No professor."
He closed his eyes, a soft smile gracing his lips. Though you knew he wished to ask more questions, the moment was broken by Logan.
"Ah, the man himself." Charles beamed. "Logan, I'd like you to meet Y/n. She'll be covering your class."
You had seen your fair share of news stories about the Wolverine. Who hadn't? Though the television had never prepared you for just how tall, or broad he was.
"It's nice to meet you, Logan."
"You too." He nodded, taking your hand.
His hand lingered in yours for a moment. Charles cleared his throat.
"We were just discussing the most peculiar scar on Y/n's hand." Charles said. "Appeared just a few days ago out of nowhere."
Charles nodded his head in the direction of your hand, leading Logan to squint. As if a light bulb had gone off over his head, Logan glanced between Charles and yourself and with your hand still in his, he turned it examine the back.
Three scars between your knuckles. Right where his own claws would be.
Though he liked to imagine himself as the patron of remaining suave, Logan's eyebrows shot up at the recognition. He traced his view from your hands, up your torso, to your face where you eyed him questioningly.
He thought back to the way that he woke up in the seventies, wrapped in the arms of another woman. If times had been different and Logan hadn't undergone all the so-called character development in the last forty years, he was sure that a face like yours would have gotten him in a lot of trouble. You were beautiful, and your demeanor highlighted your strength.
Your face radiated kindness, warmth and most of all, sincerity- a trait that was difficult to come by in a trade such as his.
But then Logan recalled that this wasn't the seventies and you weren't at some bar leading him on the entire night: your hand was in his and, according to everyone else, he was yours.
The idea almost couldn't register in Logan's brain.
"Interesting, isn't it, Logan?" Charles asked, breaking the silence. "Almost identical to where your claws are, hmm?"
Oh the professor thought he was quite funny.
Logan pulled his hand back from your grasp and shook his head.
"Not that easy, Charles." Logan commented before turning to you, a spiteful tone in his voice. "See you around, bub."
Before you had the chance to open your mouth, you watched as Logan stomped down the nearest hallway, his boots squeaking against the floorboards as he did. His fists clenched and released at his sides as he disappeared from view.
His reaction had come so far from left field that if it hadn't given you whiplash, it would have hurt your ego. Instead you turned back to the professor.
"Was it something I said?" You asked.
The professor shook his head, patting your hand gently.
"Logan's quite a complicated man." He assured you. "I'm sure you'll come to know that more than the rest of us. Now, to your classroom..."
Glancing over your shoulder to the void-like hallway that Logan went down, you considered the professor's words.
A storm had taken over the mansion by nightfall.
As you padded down the wood panelled hallways, the lightbulbs shook in their glass with each thunder clap- wind swatting at the window panes every few seconds. The pitter patter of the raindrops, although harsh, was comforting. It was almost as if the mansion had been engulfed by the storm, trapping everyone inside, while consequently making the outside world feel a thousand miles away.
When you found Logan's door, tucked in at the end of the hallway, you knocked.
The weight of the door fell against the palm of your hands as you pushed it open.
Logan's room was dark. The only light in the space had been from the embers of the cigar that hung in his mouth, cradled between his thumb and forefinger. Despite the darkness, you could make out his figure sitting at his desk chair by the window, feet kicked up on the sill.
Logan only gave you a quick glance over his shoulder before turning back to the view.
"What d'you want?"
His voice was thick and rough around the edges.
"I came for your textbooks." You replied, tiptoeing against his floorboards. "The professor said you'd have them."
The hand of his that held the cigar waved around. Minuscule ashes fell to the floor as your eyes remained trained on the light and the faint glow of the moon that illuminated the side of his face.
"Be my guest," he said. "Don’t have a clue where they are."
The professor had given you the lowdown when he saw your scars.
Charles told you that despite everything that you had learned- the history that you had known- the Wolverine you'd meet was not the same person. He was a man from a different time with far different, darker memories and enough baggage to weigh down dozens.
Amidst the silence, you cleared your throat.
"Must be hard to wake up in someone else's life."
By now you had reached his desk, your fingertips tracing the lines in the dark, lacquered wood.
You could smell him and the cigar from this distance- aftershave mixed with smoke.
"The professor tell you that?"
The chair creaked as Logan flicked his hand towards the window, ushering you to come closer.
Watching your step in the dark, you maneuvered around the furniture and sat beside Logan on his desk- pushing loose papers to the side.
"He give you his whole spiel on soulmates too?" He asked, eyes trained on the rain outside.
Now that was the last thing you expected to come from the Wolverine's mouth.
You'd heard of them more times than you could count. You once wondered whether every repetitive coincidence was a sign that your person was coming. But, when that never happened, you lost hope.
Who got to tell you who you belonged to anyway?
Leaning over, you gingerly took the cigar from his grasp and replaced it with your own fingers. Sitting back into the desk as lightening struck a tree in the distance, you took a puff.
"So that's what the scars on my hands were all about," You thought aloud.
The window fogged as you let the smoke leave from your mouth in a breathy sigh.
Logan tapped his fingers on his thighs, counting the seconds between a lightening strike and its consecutive rumble of thunder.
"Listen, I'm no prince charming if that's what you came here looking for."
Logan's chair creaked again as he leaned back in his seat. His arm draped against the desk as he met your gaze.
You chuckled and held out his cigar, offering it back to him.
"I came here looking for textbooks." You laughed. "You're the one who keeps talking about soulmates. I think you're more of a romantic than you let on.”
His fingers brushed against yours as he took the cigar back into his own hand. Another lightning strike met the ground in the distance, a clap of thunder following moments afterwards.
"You don't buy it?" Logan quirked his eyebrow. It was a teasing question, one he was curious to hear your answer to.
You shrugged.
"I don't think the universe gets to tell me who to love," you said. "If I fall in love with you it's because I love you, Logan. Not because some mark told me to. I just think of it as... a little shove in the right direction.”
The corner of his mouth quirked into a smile for the first time.
"A shove?"
"Like a... blind date." You finished. "Ever been on one of those?"
A congested laugh escaped him.
"Sweetheart, do I look like the type of guy to go on a blind date?"
You bit the inside of your cheek at the name.
Rolling your eyes, you swatted at his arm. You wouldn't admit how much it hurt your knuckles to do so. You'd have to make a mental note to remember his adamantium skeleton.
"Gosh, you're cocky!"
Logan shrugged, "You're the one who likes it apparently."
You felt yourself grow hot at his accusation.
Even though he had a mark signalling his future affection for you, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed by Logan's knowledge of yours. You felt like a child who's crush had just been exposed to the whole class. Was he noting ever glance that you gave him? The way you didn't move when his arm brushed against yours?
A brief pause hung in the air until another thunder clap reverberated against the walls.
"So what's your mark?" You asked.
Logan shoved the cigar into the corner of his mouth. The biting motion forced him to flex his jaw in a way that you would refuse to admit made you start to realize that maybe the universe was right.
And that maybe his cockiness was justified.
He laid out his hands for you. The room was still dark, making the ability to discern the details of his scar impossible. Taking Logan's hands in yours, you summoned your magic into your hands, watching as they glowed gold.
Logan had two large, circular scars imprinted into his palms. It was a clear indicator of your own magical power that surged from your hands.
It left a feeling you couldn't describe in your chest to know that someone else was marked for you. They were destined for you. To be with you. You had a future written together before the two of you had met. Even if he rejected you, there was a sign etched into his skin that bound the two of you together in some fateful way.
Gently, you traced your fingertips against the mark, feeling the warmth that radiated from his palms.
When your eyes flicked upwards, you noticed how close the two of you were now sitting. You could feel his warm breath against your lips as the lingering smell of the cigar drifted up your nose.
Although he wouldn’t admit it, Logan was enchanted by the energy radiating from you. Whether people hated or loved him, his ability got a lot of talk. In his mind though, he would never be a hero. He was just some guy who got lucky.
You, though? He didn’t need you to tell him that you were an Omega level mutant. Logan had heard about you from the professor: you could cast spells, read minds, reconfigure reality- to name a few. You didn't need a reason to fight for what's right, you just did. Again, and again, and again. Even here, now, you were picking up Logan's history class when he knew very well you could be on the other side of the world sipping pina coladas if you wanted.
What the hell was the universe thinking putting you with him?
Logan admired the reflection of the magic on your cheeks and the way your eyes stayed trained on his palms. Your touch was so gentle he could have sworn he was in a distant dream until your eyes met his.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, gaze locked.
Then another clap of thunder shook the mansion.
You quickly leaned back, pulling your hands from Logan's touch.
"I should... I should go." You said, pushing yourself off of Logan's desk. "It's getting late and I have my first class in the morning."
Logan leaned back in his seat. He said nothing but eyes remained fixed on your form as you made your way towards the door.
Looking back at him with your hand on the knob you made a mental note to remember the image of him with his feet kicked back on the window as he smoked his cigar.
A soft smile remained.
"Good night, Logan."
When you didn't leave immediately, he nodded.
"Night, sweetheart."
Mustering up the courage to shoot him one last smile, you pulled open the door and stepped outside.
Now, Logan didn't know how much he believed in soulmates, but he could be inclined to consider that it was one good wingman.
Leaning back in his seat, Logan sighed and closed his eyes, letting himself drown out his worries with the sound of the rain.
a/n: my inbox is open for more requests! thank you for the request @welcometochilis585
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babyleostuff · 2 days
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𝜗𝜚 THEME: fluff, domesticity, you being jeonghan's whole world (mention of the military) 𝜗𝜚 PAIRING: idol!jeonghan x fem!reader 𝜗𝜚 WORD COUNT: 792
natalia's note: idc if this is too dramatic, i don't want jeonghan to go
⦗💌 ⦘your favourite past time? playing with your boyfriend's hair, duh. sadly, it's the last time you get to do it for the next two years.
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“here,” jeonghan drops a bunch of… somethings in your lap and sits down on the fluffy rug you bought last month, his back facing you. 
your boyfriend’s randomness is nothing new; even before you began dating, you quickly found out that yoon jeonghan was an unpredictable man. but no matter how much time has passed since you agreed to be his girlfriend, you are still taken aback each and every time he decides to do something out of the blue in his jeonghan fashion. 
you quickly grew to love his randomness, though. it’s like being surprised in the best ways possible.
“what,” you pick up a packet of colourful hair ties and hair pins, “what do you want me to do with those?”.  
jeonghan turns around and looks up to meet your eyes, his own holding nothing but fondness and warmth. “my hair,” he says and shakes his head of messy brown hair he died a couple of days ago. “we haven’t done this in a while, so i thought it’d be nice.” 
your stomach churned. how many times have you sat like this - you on the edge of the sofa and jeonghan in front of you, resting comfortably against a cushion you placed so as not to strain his back. a drama or a cooking show would be playing quietly in the background, neither of you watching it, too busy with basking in the domesticity. 
looking back, it was a no-brainer that you got addicted to your boyfriend’s hair so quickly. playing with it became a little habit of yours - before bed, in the morning, at a game night with the boys, during parties - whenever jeonghan was in your arm’s reach, you’d play with his hair, no matter if they were short or long (though you always mourned his long hair whenever he cut them). it always managed to calm you down and ground you when life got a bit too much. 
you’ve never experienced deja vu before, but if this was how it felt then you’d rather be hit with a sledge hammer. it’d hurt less. 
and now… despite that you could feel your heart breaking, you couldn’t tell him no. it’s probably the last time you’ll be able to do this before the enlistment anyway, so maybe… maybe it’ll be a nice way to celebrate his last days at home? 
“it’s hair. it’s just hair,” your mind seems to scream into the void as you grab a couple of the purple-ish hair bands and slide them on your wrist. but your heart is even louder and it feels like you’re being ripped apart. 
were you being dramatic? definitely. did you care? not at all. your whole life would change in the next day or so and despite preparing for this for such a long time now, it didn’t make it any less painful. with jeonghan leaving you’d be losing a part of yourself.
“hey,” he raises his hand and grabs your chin, “get that scowl off your face.”
“i know,” you sigh. “it’s just that-,”.
“i don’t want to hear any of that. we’re having fun tonight, honey,” jeonghan says and runs his thumb over your cheek. affection and pure love, which are always there whenever he looks at you (coups makes sure to point that out on every possible occasion), seemed to slow your racing heartbeat, because the longer you stared into his brown, gentle eyes the more your mind seemed to quiet down. oh, how you are going to miss that lovesick stare. “no more sad faces, yeah?” 
you swallow and nod, your heart heavy from all the emotions. the pink ribbons and blue pins look like the opposite of what you are feeling, but… you have to be strong. if not for yourself, then for jeonghan. 
“any specific requests?” you ask and comb your fingers gently through his silky hair.
“nope. whatever you do,” he says and turns his back to you, “it’ll look perfect.” you couldn't see jeonghan’s face, but you could hear the smile in his voice. 
placing a peck on your exposed leg, he makes himself comfortable against the cushions and lets out his grandpa-esque sigh. 
what the next days are going to bring - you aren’t sure. you don’t even want to think about it. but for now… for now, you are as content as you can be. enveloped by your love’s affection like a security blanket, his warm hands sliding up and down your calves, as if reminding you that he’s still there, it is enough for you. enough to swallow your tears and put a brave smile on your face for the man sitting in front of you. 
for now it is only you and him and all the pink ribbons.
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl @uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot  @iamawkwardandshy  @icyminghao @heeseungthel0ml @goyangiiwonu @bath1lda @ruurooozz @ny0sang @luuxian @onerubii  @hurrican3-insert-nam3 @mekuiikore @luvseungcheol @thenotoriousegg @yuuyeonie @soffiyuhh @svtficsarchive @hyperdramas @huen1ngk41 @lesuneczka @oc3anfloor @gyuguys @fr-freak @bewoyewo
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gomu-fer · 24 hours
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The phrase “silence is louder than words” never meant anything to Sanji
Until now
You have been quiet. Terribly so. For the last 20 minutes and it’s driving him insane. Somehow he has missed you during this time, even if you’re sitting just a couple steps away
Your eyes are glued to your notebook, a steady hand that clenches at the poor pencil glides thorough the page. Usually, you enjoy this activity, a twinkle in your eye that hangs brightly illuminating the room. But now… you wear a pout, a scowl, eyebrows looking down in anger. Steam almost comes out your ears
You’re upset
I mean, clearly, but Sanji still hasn’t build up the courage to ask what’s going on. Because he knows the answer
When you started dating the cook, you knew his tendencies with women wouldn’t just disappear. But it didn’t made you happy either
You had talked about his behavior several times, asking for nothing more than respect which is the bare minimum really. Sanji had dramatically stated that he had no eyes for no other than his sweet angel which, was true in a way
So when you turned around in the market and spotted him salivating at a belly dancer that just happened to be nearby you weren’t surprised
But you also weren’t thrilled
Sanji adores you. You’re his light, his angel, his rock, his goddess, his life . He would do anything for you, hell, he’ll bring down the stars above if you just asked. But who wouldn’t feel insecure after their partner looks at another woman like that?
He hates himself for it, he’ll allow you to spit and step on him like gum if that’s what grant him your forgiveness. He needs to change. He knows it, he will do it a thousand times over, just for you
Slowly, he makes his way to sit in front of you, your movements come to a halt as you heard him plop down onto the chair, but you don’t spare him a glance
“Hi” his voice comes out strained, frightened
You remain frozen, thinking on what to do… lash out? Curse at him? Stay quiet for another hour? Leave?
You just answer
A shiver runs down Sanji’s spine at your answer, the sound of your voice making him giddy, oh how has he missed you
“You’re mad”
“How observant”
“At me”
“Clearly”- finally, your eyes leave your page and find Sanji’s. He looks pale like a ghost, breathing irregular as he awaits his destiny
There’s another silence, this one is different, your annoyed tone sits on top of it leaving a sour taste behind your tongues, a silence that resembles a ticking bomb
“I am sorry” the cook fidgets with his hands, eyes pooling slightly at the thought of what will you do
“Your apology means nothing to me, actions speak for themselves Sanji…” your gaze is heavy, nothing like he usually meets it. You’re so light like the sea breeze, like a fresh lemonade drink on a sweet sunny day. Right now? You burn, hot like a spicy hot sauce that makes your nose run
You shake your head and sigh, a long tired one that makes Sanji’s heart tear at the seams
“I just don’t understand you Sanji… I would never do that to you”
This, this is the moment where you defeat him. Your sad puppy eyes looking up at him, the hurt behind your voice and the truth. Oh the truth of it all breaks him completely, of course you wouldn’t do that to him, you’re the most loyal kindhearted beautiful human being on earth
He swallows
Sanji considers throwing himself overboard for the sea kings to devour him whole, and that still wouldn’t be enough
He suddenly gets up and holds both your hands with such tenderness as he kneels before you
An offering at your benevolent temple
“My love, I know I did wrong and disrespected you and our relationship. No fancy sweet words could ever make a difference. So now I promise you, not empty promise but real this time, that I will change to he the man you deserve”
You shake your head once more. You don’t believe him? Are you finally done with him? There’s nothing he can do I if you decide to do so because he messed up big time
“I know I deserve better” Sanji closes his eyes and scrunches his nose at the statement, your voice drilling through his head and making him dizzy
It hurts, because it’s true
“But I don’t want better on anyone else but you”
His head that had dropped raises to find your face, you’re still mad, but even mad you offer him another chance while holding his hand through it all. Because that’s who you are, you believe in him, you trust him
“This is the last time-“
“Yes! Yes! I promise you my angel, you can kick me out of the crew If I ever even glance at the opposite direction of you, I will be better”
“Sanji” another shiver runs up and down his form, he loves the way you say his name
“Hurting my feelings and getting my forgiveness every single time is not okay. I would only continue to be with you if you show me change”
His golden locks rise and fall rapidly as he shakes bis head up and down. Carefully, he takes your left hand and kisses the promise ring atop of one of your fingers, a reminder of his undying love and devotion
A reminder that your love is stronger than anything else. Even jealousy and disrespect
The cold material meeting his lips makes him giddy. You’re way too good, he’ll spend the rest of his life making it up to you
“I am sorry, so deeply sorry sweetheart, and I’ll repay you being the best man, your man”
A giggle scapes you at the absurdity of it all. You don’t know when had Sanji wrapped you around his finger. If it were anyone else you would’ve walked a long time ago
But you know him, at his core, he needs you
And you love him, and he does too
Nami scoffs loudly making Robin laugh covering her mouth as to not drawn any attention, they can’t see your face but they can imagine both of you on the other side of the door
“I swear she forgives him too easy”
“Love is work” Robin says, whispers to the wind and Nami hates it
Because it’s true
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Kind!Stubborn!Yuu x Jade, Trials and True love, there is enough proof that the twin would potentially wake up the prefect due to them genuinely being close, but there is still an anxiety about trusting one of the TWEELS until they DO actually wake up, maybe comedy if you'd like! Sorry if this is too much or little, had no clue how to word it
I havent seen anything where someone who wasnt a housewarden woke up the reader with a kiss so i was just curious how you'd go about it if you did pick this one up, have a good day! :]
True Love and Tribulations: Shock The Heart
(Jade x Kind!Stuborn!Reader (GN))
For the premise , please refer to this Drabble
Note: Indentions mean flashbacks; Reader is Yuu.
Also, excuse my Grammar.
This is the only Request I will write from the last time I opened my Request, as this is the only Ask that adhere to my specific rules.
Lastly, special thanks to @twstarchives as I took some dialogues from their translations.
“Oh my, you seem to have taken a fancy to me.”
“So what if I did?”
That was the last conversation Jade had with the Prefect before the "Sleeping Beauty"incident occurred. He is confident that their conversation that day meant something.
That the Prefect was hinting at him to really look at them.
And as he prepared his documents for the trial, he swallows down any form of doubts in his mind, determined to wake up you up with true loves' kiss.
If only it was that easy.
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In the matter of Finding the Ramshackle Prefect’s True Love: The case of Jade Leech vs the Faculty council 
The antecedent facts are as follows, according to the testimony of Mr. J. Leech and the evidence presented:
Met the first time during investigation of Student Injuries (Testimony from C.Diamond,R.Rosehearts, and etc.)
Worked as a team during the Vacation break, fostered camaraderie (attached photos attached, similar photos of the same event posted in the Magicam of K. Asim, J. Viper, Ashengrotto ,F.Leech, A.Trappola, and D.Spade also submitted as evidence. Printed screenshots included timestamp, digital copy submitted in Flashdrive with links to Original posts)
The Prefect  and Jade are clubmates  in Mountain Lovers club,wherein  Defendant is the founder and sole member, joining in their own will.(Attached Fulfilled Sign up sheet, approved club member contract, listed in the Official club member list with stamp of NRC, all Original documents and timestamps)
Worked together in Monstro lounge, Yuu working there without coercion  (Original copy of contract of Employment, Original copy of payroll records, Original copy of Employee Group photos)
Has been seen together in the library in the past few weeks (Printed copy of conversations with dates, digital screenshots submitted in Flashdrives, handwritten scraps of paper detailing several meet ups also attached with copies)
Exchanged phone numbers (One screenshot, printed with copy)
Give gifts to each other (Letter of thanks hand written by the Prefect, Gift wrapper used, Origami paper animals and mushroom with Prefect’s thumb marks, a detailed forensic investigation attesting that it is Prefect’s thumb marks)
Photos of the  Prefect and Defendant together showcasing their camaraderie and closeness (Printed screenshots of images posted on Magicam, digital version submitted with links to Original Posts;10-20 pieces of Polaroid photos together, and an Affidavit attesting to the veracity of the images)
Scrapbook gifted by the Prefect (Thumb prints of Prefect present)
Defendant alleges that there exists a prima facie certainty that he and the Prefect have mutual romantic affiliations as presented in the gathered pieces of evidence and Testimonies.
Jade had thoroughly prepared for the trial, he also thought that the whole thing was a bit too much dramatic. However, he thanked the professors’ common sense or else, your lips would be tainted by just any man who thought they even had a chance with you. Just the thought of it fills his blood with so much rage, he doesn’t mind getting dirty but, the laws on land would restrict him for any vindication he would have sought to achieve if things had went in a different direction.
Jade looked down at the Prefect who looked expectantly at him. You tried to stand taller while looking up at him, trying to make yourself bigger unconsciously in front of his taller self. “Hmmm, I don’t know.” Jade teased, giving you a thoughtful look, his smile however bearing his intent.” I take my club activities seriously, not that I don’t think you won’t...However, I must warn you, if you cannot devote yourself to the club, you might as well swim along now.” Jade stepped back when he felt a poke on his side. He felt a hint of annoyance. For a moment, he had the urge to retaliate and attack you for violating his personal space. He reeled it in. “Trust me, I wouldn’t put my neck on the line if I didn’t mean what I wanted to do.” You explained, indignant. There’s a certain stubbornness in your eyes that makes Jade want to open up your head to know what you’re thinking. Still, he lets you speak your mind as the unexpected interaction begins to pump adrenaline in his veins. You were making him feel so many emotions at once, he can’t help but be enthralled. After you were done with listing down your qualifications, Jade looked down on you again. “Why do you want to be in my club?” he asks, serious this time. You grinned. “Just like you, I want to explore this magical world. Wouldn’t it be fun if we do it together?”
As Jade began answering the Professors’ interrogation he was beginning to lose any doubts he may have had about your intentions towards him, also maybe because he finds it easy to answer the council’s questions. He wasn’t lying about anything he had said or had written down, although maybe he left out some facts here and there. Some truths do not need to be known by the public, its between you and him.
“Well, everything seems to be in order.” Trein says, scanning the documents once again. 
More than a Trial, the entire thing looked like a staff meeting given that the whole thing occurred within Ramshackle’s lounge. The two  Professors all sat on the sofa near the stairs, while Jade sat on the opposite side facing the windows. The blinds were shut and the old Ramshackle lights kept flickering, Jade understands why the old building needed constant repairs. ” As for your witnesses, all testimony seems to be original.”
Vargas was outside the dorm, guarding the place, while Sam was playing substitute teacher to fill in one of the professor’s shoes. So there were only two professors he had to face.
While the old Professor looked over the documents again, the younger Professor scrutinized Jade instead. Crewel, with his discerning eye and watchful gaze, roamed his eyes over him as if he was a guilty criminal and not a student. 
Jade respected the Professor for his power, yet he still found it uncomfortable to be the tailend of the fashionable man’s observations. 
You got a taste of your own medicine, huh Jade?
“I enjoy observing people, however I get uncomfortable when it’s done to me. I suppose this would mean I’m shy?” “If you’re shy, then I am an Ignilhyde student.”
Jade almost cracked a smile, remembering you and hearing your voice in his head. It would be an outright lie to say he didn’t miss you. Stubborn and sarcastic you might be, he missed the sound of your voice. 
“I think I’d like to eat something light before exercising. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I tend to get hungry easily.”
You raised your eyebrow at Jade as you trekked up the mountains.” You didn’t eat?”  “Embarrassing to admit it, I may have gotten excited on the prospect of on a new hiking trail and forgot to eat my meal.” He admitted, feeling a little sheepish that he had to admit such a thing to you. It seems like Jade often loses his cool when it comes to his hobbies. He is now more used to his human legs, but it doesn’t mean he has entirely adapted to land, especially climbing up steep hills. NRC had banned certain areas from being within student reach,you, however, had managed to convince the Headmage to let the Mountain Lover’s Club go to uncharted territories. “Ah, well, here you go.” Finding a nice spot on the forest floor, Yuu settled down to sit, patting their side, beckoning Jade to sit with them. “ I packed some sandwiches. Hope you like tuna and vegetables, because that’s all I got and some chocolates.”  Jade was about to politely decline, he had packed his own food for the trip. “You are far too kind, however I— is that your sandwich???” The sandwich Yuu offered looked like a bunch of vegetables was dumped between two pieces of bread, if there was tuna meat there he would not know. The Prefect scowled at his reaction but still handed the thing to Jade, who was a little too dumbfounded to stop them from pulling him down to sit while simultaneously putting the sandwich in his hand.  It was surprisingly delicious, and could use a bit more tuna, however the mix of vegetable and spices made him bite back any comment he wanted to give. You began to explain that it was made from some herbs you foraged. “Did you like the food?” Jade was still a bit famished, but he did enjoy it. “Quite so, you must teach me the recipe some time.” You nodded, and there he saw mischief in your eyes.
“Sure, I got a favor though.”  Jade blinked. Jade listened as you explained that you got permission to go into the part of the forest because Crowley given you and errand, and you in turn took it as an opportunity to not only get to explore the place, but also to get Jade permission to explore with you. Now Jade owes you a favor. And you also got yourself a bodyguard on your outing. “Isn’t it fun to share your interest with others?” You say, as if you weren’t doing an odd job .” The Headmage didn’t give me a deadline, we can explore this part of the hills as much as we want. Killing two birds with one stone.” You say proudly. Badump. Another sudden jolt of excitement. For the entirety of that day, Jade and the Prefect went exploring the most enchanted part of the forests, both their eyes shining in enthusiasm as they took in all the wonders of nature. Jade could feel the buzz of magic in the air, and the Prefect reveled at the new discoveries, taking pictures with left and right. It seems like you weren’t losing energy any time soon.
You didn't bother Jade as he gleefully foraged some new mushrooms, it seems like you still had your sense of preservation intact to not interrupt him when he was busy. As soon as Jade stood up from his spot, he  found himself getting pulled into a photo, one hand holding a new mushroom he has discovered.  “ Smile!” you say, ghost camera raised up and facing the both of you. For the first time in a while, he gave a sincere sharp toothed grin without malice.
“Well, then, let’s let him in because he seems like the Perfect True Love Candidate!” Crowley declares in between the two professors, Jade forgot he was there for a moment, he never really spoke throughout the trial. He didn’t seem sincere either, he just seems like he wanted to get things over with and fly off to who knows where. Maybe he misses the Prefect, his errand person.
Jade wanted to pluck out those feathers off his and sprinkle him with lemon juice.
Usually, the trial would also be attended by the Ghosts of Ramshackle, fortunately for Jade, they had pre-arranged plans in the netherworld. Meanwhile, Grim, who had seen him enter through the dorms, flew out from who knows where.
The two professors looked at each other, then they nodded at Crowley. However, before the Headmage could speak, a small crowd barged in the room, with Professor Vargas trailing after them.
“We object!”
“Absolutely not!”
“This trial is a sham-NYAAHHH!”
Jade’s nonchalant facade faltered.
 Ah yes, your friends... 
Grim had called for back up.
Jade cannot fathom how you deal with your so-called group, maybe some of them were rational or interesting, like Jack, Epel, Ortho hell even Sebek was amusing. However, the two Heartslabyul friends of yours had been beginning to irk him. 
At first, the two seem to run away, willing to leave you behind whenever he comes over to chat with you about club activities. But soon enough, they began to be nuisances, pulling you away from him by making ridiculous excuses, all of which you shut down, so that you two won’t converse. It was amusing at first, but now it was getting on his nerves. Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade had been overprotective of you, dare he say both seem to be holding romantic feelings towards you. However, it is Jade you willingly approached to stay with and share your interest with the world.
If it was permissible on land, he’d show them a sample of how he got his earring.
Alas, land rules seem to be kinder than those of the sea.
And you wouldn’t like it if he does what's in his mind either, given your protective nature. You always seem more fearless when it comes to those you care for, and it doesn’t go well with Jade, the thought of you hating him.
Really, you attract such a rowdy bunch, it must be because you're too accepting of people's...quirks.
Jade stared at the gift you gave him, it was small enough to carry, however big enough to be used as a journal. All in all, it was quite portable.
“ It’s a scrapbook!” You declare with glee, he half believed you were gonna bounce any moment now with the whimsy in your voice but you didn’t. You were often quiet, but when you got excitable, it truly shows.  You two were in the library, as he was discussing with you the discoveries you found the last time you went hiking, identifying even the leaves you found on the ground. It was a regular briefing session after every activity.  You explained how Jade could preserve some of the plants he found, explaining the drying process of the flowers and the leaves. You also explained how it can help keep track of the discoveries, and is a more fun and novel way to record things compared to typing it up digitally.
“This will be our club’s legacy!” You cheered quietly, pulling him down by the hem of his coat as you whispered in his ear after the librarian gave you both a stink eye. “ We could put the photos I take here, it’s like we’re actual explorers.” Not a bad idea, Jade thought. It was smart and it made things more interesting. He doesn’t seem to mind working together to build a legacy with you.  The determination in your eyes sparked like jellyfish in the skies. Badump! Badump! “Very well, let’s work on ‘our’ scrapbook.” And so the two of you did, chatting over the phone over what to do, what to put in it, and the next club meeting’s topic. You even suggested putting in some recipes based on the plants you foraged, making sure that no one ever eats the one herb that got your tongue speaking gibberish for two hours straight. It's been awhile now, and Jade doesn’t feel like giving any snide comments when you unconsciously poke or hold unto him anymore. He seems to have found comfort in your presence.
The Professors have berated the unsolicited guests, however, with Grim vouching for them, and given their relationship with the Prefect, the two professors let them interrogate and cross-examine his evidence.
“ This is clearly fake!” Ace declared, holding up a polaroid photo of you and Jade in the forest.
“Yeah, fake!” Deuce and Grim echoed. 
Epel looked at the photo and gave it to Ortho who scanned it.
“It doesn’t seem to be digitally manipulated.” The flame-haired first year states. Ace and Deuce groaned in disappointment.
Epel didn’t harbor any ill will towards Jade, however he is still aware of what happened in the past with Octavinelle, as well as his sneaky ways. He just can’t let one of his friends be take advantage of like that. Jack echoes the same sentiments, however he is much more level headed than the Adeuce duo, he is simply there just in case the Eel-mer pulls off any of his tricks. So is Sebek, who seems to not want to be there, but still stays, he seems more alert than Jack, watching every movement of the Octavinelle student.
“This is forged handwriting!” Deuce says, unsure of himself as he raised one of the documents which was labeled to be in the Prefect’s handwriting.
“Proof?” Jade asks.
Deuce looked flustered and couldn’t say anything back. 
Jade’s suave smile returned.
They were just a bunch of fools who bark more than bite. Jade doesn’t really need to do anything as the unorganized bunch seems to be getting on the nerves of the professors, too.
Every photo, handwriting and evidence they pick up is confirmed by Ortho to be authentic, and with every confirmation the first year's confidence depletes.
It's just a matter of time.
The door got kicked open and Floyd walked in followed by Azul.
Jade sighed, exasperated. The professors and Crowley groaned and some of the first years stepped back.
“Jade~ We’re here to help or whatever! Hehe.” Floyd plopped to the space next to his brother.”This seems so fun, you should have called me in.”
Azul was much less flamboyant when he came in, apologizing to the others for their sudden appearance, smooth-talking his way so that the professors would let him and Floyd testify in Jade’s favor.
When you were desperate for money due to your meager allowance, Jade had convinced you to work for Monstro Lounge. In the past, you would have declined due to the last time you were coerced to work there, however, given your newfound friendship with Jade, you reluctantly agreed. Jade wasn’t subtle in his preference over you when it came to the staff, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t work you to the bone just like Azul did. And you were fine with that, for you had expressed that you take it as an insult to your skills when you are not treated equally as the rest. Still, you did not say no to taking some of the “wrong order” drinks that returned to the kitchen that Jade needed to dispose off, nor the meals that were a bit “burnt on the side” to be served. With you working in Monsto Lounge, you had more time chatting with Jade outside of topics of club activities. You were very chatty when it came to your hobbies, but you were a bit guarded when it came to your life from the other world. You were smart, Jade liked that. Still, as you two become closer, you began permitting yourself to tell him stories about your world, which he was equally intrigued in. In turn, however, you make him spill some of his stories from the sea.  Sometimes, Floyd gets so irritated when the two of you talk post-work hours when the lounge is supposed to close, as he wanted to go back to his room and sleep, that he just turns off the light on both of you.
Meanwhile, Azul cut off some madols from your paycheck to reimburse the “utility cost” you two use up when you stay a little late in the lounge.  You got so upset  by the pay-cut that Jade was tempted to leave Azul to fend for himself at the next lunchtime rush hour.  Oh wait, he wasn’t tempted, he did actually leave the lounge for a quick “break” during saturday lunch hour. It was a mess back there.
Azul learned his lesson.
Jade wants to strangle his brother right there and now.
Azul was able to word his story properly, highlighting the closeness of the Prefect and Jade when the former worked at Mostro Lounge. No doubt, he was killing birds with one stone.
First, he was showing the professor’s that his business and employees were doing well and not being subjected to unfair business practices because Jade and you had time to foster romance, and Second, by testifying for Jade, the eel-mer will owe him a debt of gratitude.
However, Floyd was a different issue. He answered the first years and professor’s questions without thinking of the way he is phrasing it, and Jade was not permitted to interrupt lest he ‘compromises the testimony’, according to Ace.
“Yeah, Jade is always thinking about Shrimpy. He has this whole notebook full of their info.”
“Like what?” Ace asks. Deuce looked ready to throw a punch.
“Likes, dislikes, blood type and all that. Sizes too!”
Shut up! Shut up!
Epel and Jack got a sour look on their face, and the professor’s look at Jade pointedly. Even Sebek, who also collects information about his lord, raised an eyebrow at Floyd’s statement.
“It was for club purposes, the Perfect has access to my information too. The Blood type is in case of emergency, and the size is for the club jacket.” Jade intervened.
“Nyah! You’re not supposed to speak!” Grim yelled, to which Crewel quietened him down.
“So anyways, Jade and Shrimpy seem to be very interested in each other and all that, Jade talks about them a lot and sometimes it gets very annoying.”
Jade will punch his brother after all this, he thinks.
“Oh yeah, he also has some of their things in his drawer!”
Sevens, Floyd shut up!
He was making Jade look like a crazed stalker instead of a prince charming.
Now even Azul gave  Jade a quick judgemental look.
“ He even glues the stuff Shrimpy gives him on his notebook and grins creepily, wahhh~ Really, it gives me goosebumps!” Floyd adds.
“ORIGAMI! THEY’RE ORIGAMIS THE PREFECT HAS MADE!” Jade blurted out, unable to keep his cool any longer.
It seems like everyone was taken aback by his uncharacteristic reaction. “ I’m sorry…ehem..” he tried to regain his cool. After a moment, he returned with his polished smile, eyes sending daggers at his brother for a quick second before closing it and addressing the others.”They’re origami art that the prefect made, it's in the ‘scrapbook’ I have submitted.” He points on the evidence on the coffee table, indeed there were origamis there.
Despite the chaos, Floyd was undeterred and kept talking.
“Ya know, Jade has been acting odd more than usual. He looks stupid, but he also looks happy.” the twin continued, this time his voice taking a more serious note.”He seems to sincerely like Shrimpy, he wouldn’t be here otherwise. There’s no benefit with sticking with 'em’ even if Shrimpy is a lil  bit fun, after all. He’s not stupid to be doing all these for flimsy feelings.” Floyd scratched the back of his head.”So just let my brother try waking em' up, he’s proved himself enough, and none of you even have a lick of evidence against him, just a bunch of useless ramblings.”
The room went quiet.
The professors, even Crowley, looked at each other and nodded.
“Mr. Jade Leech, let me guide you up.”
Jade and the Prefect found themselves caught up in the rain from their latest hike. Thankfully, there was a nearby cave they could take shelter in. “Are…you…alright?” You said as you scooted closer to the fire. Only your hiking jacket got wet, and it seems like your inner clothes did not. Still, it was particularly cold.  Jade had made a small fire and was setting aside his jacket to dry in the corner. The teal-haired second year sighed, he can’t believe you were asking for his condition when you were the one shaking despite being covered in a blanket.  You really were far too kind. Jade came from the ocean, he wasn’t susceptible to the cold as humans were, you knew that, but still asked for his condition. He smiled. “I am fine, Prefect, thank you for asking.” He put his hand on his chest and gave you a reassuring smile. Yuu rolled their eyes, then he beckoned him to come over to their side. Jade agreed, curious on what they intend to do. Once he is sat, you spread the blanket around his shoulder too, and huddled close to him.”So that..we…brrrr…don’t get as cold.” You say, your shoulder touching his. “I know you don’t like it when I ‘clingy’ , as you word it, but this time we’re talking about life and death.” The seriousness of your tone coupled with your trembling form, made him chuckle, you looked like a wounded animal.” Hey, I’m being…brrr..serious here.” Jade just nodded, humoring you. There was a moment’s silence. Badump! Badump! Badump! “If you knew I didn’t like it, why did you still approach me?” He asked, "It has always been in his mind.” Aren’t you afraid I’ll bite.” He teased, making a display of his sharp teeth. “I'd like to live, thank you very much”, you scoffed. Then your voice softened.”At first I didn’t mean to, it was a force of habit…however now…”you paused. Badump! Badump! Badump! You murmured something Jade didn’t catch, so he leaned down to listen. You turned your head and met his yes. “I don’t think I am afraid of you…” He heard a gasp. From him? From you? Who knows. You lean in closer. “Maybe you should be…” his eyes glazed over, the beating in his chest battling the thunder from outside. “Hmmm, but I think I’d like to trust you.” You whisper softly, he could feel your breath on his cheek. He feels goosebumps on his neck, and another kind of excitement feels him. Something akin to pure utter joy. “Careful, I might think you fancy me…” You grinned. “So what if I did?”
Nothing happened that night.
You two were rescued by the professors that day, and it was the last conversation he had with you in person given that your busy schedules prevented you from meeting up. He heard about you intending to clean your dorm, however, he didn’t mean that it would lead to all this trouble.
Still, it seems like it was worth it.
The feel of your lips on his was worth it.
When you awoke, you shot up from your bed to a seated position. Jade was barely able to dodge your sudden movement.
He couldn’t help it, he laughed.
You blinked your eyes, dumbfounded at the way he is laughing. His laugh sounded…nice…Maybe a bit evil sounding, but it was nice.
You touched your lips, remembering that you felt something soft land on it.
“What was that?”You ask, although you felt like you knew the answer.
Jade brushed a stray hair from your face, his eyes looking at you softly. 
He took your hand and laid a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
“The consequences of shocking my heart.”
End notes:
Word Count:4k+
That's a lot of words! I hope you enjoyed the Oneshot. I would like to hear youe thoughts in the Ask!-Quill
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nativegirltapes · 1 day
hiii. what would a normal week look like for angel and drew? like what do they do together everyday of the week!? love ur writing
⸻ ┊͙ a week with angel & drew ! (younger!reader)
notes: i literally love this question i have never thought about this before, thank you nonnie <3 this was so fun to write 😭 these are just some ideas btw and all for fun <3
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𐙚 monday
mondays start with drew waking up angel extra early to come hit the gym with him! she’s always complaining about not going the gym enough, but complains when drew tries waking her up. as a reward after the gym, drew lets angel pick breakfast for the morning, & pays of course!
𐙚 tuesday
tuesdays are more of an independent day for the both of them. drew has zoom interviews or whatever he has going on for work! and angel is sleeping in, cleaning around the house, then taking herself to the mall before heading to her night lab! drew usually has dinner cooked and ready when she comes home <3
𐙚 wednesday
on wednesday’s angel is waking up early to get some errands done and go to her 11am class, when she gets home drew usually has fresh cut flowers out for her. to which she always acts super dramatic and gets all lovey for her man, clinging to him for the rest of the day.
𐙚 thursday
thursdays are chiller days, drew helps angel study for upcoming exams or just with homework. but of course she’s still complaining about having to study, her reasoning being ‘it’s too hard to focus when you’re big biceps are staring at me, begging for me to take a bite.’ (let’s just say no studying actually ever gets done)
𐙚 friday
fridays are angels favorite day, she gets drew allllll to herself. they usually find something fun to do; shopping, walk in the park, local farmers market, or staying in and watching movies. all before angel gets all glammed up for their weekly dinner date <3 drew always takes her somewhere fancy. angel ends up drinking too much wine at dinner and acts like a feral animal when they get home.
𐙚 saturday
on saturdays angel is usually out spending time with her girl friends & drew is either with his friends or getting some alone time at their apartment! when angel comes home she tells drew all about her day and he’s so happy to listen. listening is literally his love language idc
𐙚 sunday
sunday dread hits angel and she doesn’t want to get out of bed!!! drew is either cleaning up around the house or also rotting away in bed with her. but after drew can finally convince her to get out of bed they go for a walk around town and spend some quality time together (like they don’t spend every waking minute together….)
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bitethedevil · 16 hours
What do you like about the character of Raphael ?
A Feral Love Letter to the Devil We Know
Oh boy. Here’s my list of why Raphael is like catnip to me (it’s not short and it is possibly a bit extra deranged because I am currently sick).
Purely physical things that convince me that this man was made for me in a lab:
Brown eyes and dark hair has always been my type
The slight stubble and those cheekbones (generally just his whole facial structure is beautiful)
The fucking n o s e <3 <3
Those thick thighs (perfectly sittable and bitable). He is just perfectly shaped.
Those hands he waves in your face all the time and those long fingers (does things to me)
His clothes. Yes, even in cambion form and even the silly clown boots, I love them. It is just all too extra, and I live for it
Everything about his cambion form
I have this crazy theory. There has been made these studies that depending on hormone levels, women are attracted to different kinds of men. At one end of their cycle, they prefer more ‘feminine’ looking men, and on the other end they prefer more traditionally ‘masculine’ looking men. If I get tired of his human form, I get more attracted to his cambion form and the cycle repeats. I think that is why I just do not get tired of staring at this stupid man every day. I know I’m not crazy. It’s science (and we all know I’m a trusted scientist).
Non-physical things that intrigue me:
How expressive he is. I love how his face changes constantly and dramatically with each sentence he speaks. It’s mostly an act but he is so charismatic. He has ‘rizz’ like the kids would say.
I can’t fix him. I don’t want to. His mind games intrigue me. I want to study him like a bug and play mind games with him too (I’m not delusional enough to think I’d win). Let it be toxic as fuck on both parts.
This man is just chucking stones from his glass house like there is no tomorrow. He plays such a big bad devil, but he is really just a little wet cat with a god complex and daddy issues. Not to mention his little hissy fits if any of his perceived weaknesses are pointed out. I find it endearing (unfortunately).
His voice and his eloquence. I love it. Even his shitty poetry. I could listen to it for eternity.
He is so smart. I have been shouting it from the roof tops: he is not stupid. He is always ten steps ahead.
He’s honest. He doesn’t lie and you know where you’ve got him (if you know how to keep up with him).
Genuinely everyone thinks he sucks, both devils and mortals, and yet he thinks he is the shit, either genuinely or as a coping mechanism.
He just such a nuances character if you really dig into it.
Things I relate to:
The scheming and overthinking. Everything is meticulously thought out to the point of obsession. He is playing 4D chess but doesn’t even consider that the other players might just eat the pieces to win. He strikes me as someone who completely overcomplicates things for no reason, and I felt that.
His idea of order is very different from what’s actually orderly. It just has to make sense to him, like ‘what do you mean it’s not orderly to have dead people lying around, trash everywhere, and debtors running around aimlessly in my house? Completely intentional. What’s not clicking?”. I felt that too. There is order to my chaos, and you don’t have to understand it. I get it.
He’s a cringy theater kid with a love for poetry too.
I too find it annoying when other people don’t follow the script I had in mind for the conversation.
Just human enough to understand how human interactions works, but either doesn’t give a shit or genuinely thinks that just spouting vaguely threatening poetry to strangers is a completely normal thing to do.
The obsession and ambition that just completely makes him lose the plot of everything else.
He is just so obsessed with everything being perfect to a point where it almost seems silly.
Acts like he doesn’t care, but actually cares A LOT about how other people perceive him.
I could honestly keep going but you get the picture.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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Nexus to Moon: dramatic, mysterious, evil.
He is the monster. He forced me kneel, he hurts me, he makes me relived of all my mistakes. I couldn't fight him and the worst of it..... I. Scared. Of. Him.
Nexus to Sun: Bitch wants me to work for him and gets mad when I say no. Also... Cringe.
I am sorry but, has anyone felt a really drastically shift tones between Moon and Sun when they interact with Nexus?
Like Nexus really wants to hurt Moon, badly. He does not hesitate to cram his hands inside Moon's head, and mocks Moon for everything he did. It was intense, and we can feel it is Nexus the one who is in the control. And that Moon will not do or can try anything.
Also Moon gets kneel down and tortured pretty quick after that. Also he seems very scared of Nexus after each time he interacted with Nexus.
But Sun... I don't know man... I think I had made Nexus cooler in my head.
He is just so cringe. (THE GOD thingy makes me die a little bit whenever I hear him screaming that name)
I couldn't see the monster who hurt Moon with the way he was chasing Sun around and Sun just kept running like it is no ends tomorrow.
(Lmao dude just straight up pulling Naruto run on Nexus, really reminds me back then, of the times when Sun doing something stupid and Nexus just angrily yelling ran after him.)
And even when he had Sun at the corner, he couldn't say anything 'emotional damage' to Sun.
"What ... Are you insane?!"
"Yeah. I thought it was pretty obvious."
And baby girl is so obsessed with the fact he is no longer Moon, he thinks it is him who is still the one Sun calls for help. Which is sad and funny both at the same time.
Like we can feel a tiny small hesitant in Nexus's voice when Sun keeps saying 'Moon', like he thought Sun wants him to stop.
And how the issue gets dragged on the surface. Sun always feels like he couldn't help Nexus and Nexus also feels like he couldn't let Sun help him. (Because the same old story, Sun got hurt and kidnapped whenever he came with Nexus.)
"So now I have value for you?"
"Yeah, for once in your miserable life, you have value."
It is sad when they come back at each other like this. Especially when Nexus always says that he needs Sun back in the day.
"You had friends, you had a family. They love you."
Sun loves him. He still loves Nexus. He didn't want Nexus dead is one thing, but he seems so worried about Nexus (accidentally calling him Moon when seeing him got shot) and tries to make Monty stop shooting. Even after Nexus runway, Sun - the one who gets so infected by Negative Star power, still wants to know if Nexus is okay.
And when he was back at home, he wasn't even scared of Nexus, not like how he used to be terrified of Eclipse or Killcode or even when he interacts with Dark Sun. He seems just pissed and done at himself, and not even with Nexus.
"I didn't have friends. I was a replacement."
Nexus didn't consider Monty his friend. I mean it is totally understandable, especially when they hijacked his head before. But replacement... Really? Sure maybe at first with Sun, but what about Earth? She didn't know jack about you?
"Maybe at first, but I liked you."
Haha... Remember when Nexus said he was very appreciative of how Sun loved him more than Moon? Haha... Good times ...
"oh my..., cuz I was nicer to you."
"because you are nice."
"because I didn't beat you.... Guess what Sunny, you are nothing but a tool for me..."
He throws away any good things he did for Sun. He burned all their memories, and saw himself as a monster. He tried to make himself a monster towards Sun, and when seeing it didn't work, because Sun doesn't care about how horrible he is now, he straight down Sun with the 'I don't care about you' attitude.
"You know what... You are not worse than Moon. Hell you are not even better..."
'You are just exactly like Moon. ' I think it is what Sun wants to say. They are both so stuck in their own minds, never wanting to hear what other people say, what people are trying to prove they are so much better than this.
"I tried."
"No you didn't. You USED me. And now I am going to use you."
"I am sorry."
His voice seems so small. He sounds so heartbroken when he says sorry to Nexus, like we can feel the thought process behind Sun. He truly thinks everything happened was his fault, it is Sun's fault leading Nexus to become like this.
"Your apologies don't mean anything to me."
And Nexus sounds so wanting to move one, to get done with his job, to stop talking about the past. It doesn't matter if Sun says sorry or not, because he doesn't care. He doesn't want to care.
And the term he used... Dragging Sun into his lab and plug he into the machine, to let him never do any of his own will ever again....
What does Nexus think Sun will do with his own will? Like what exactly can Sun do? Yapping at his ears until it bleeds? Sun doesn't have any manipulated skills at all, he is so straightforward and honest to actually harm Nexus from behind, like, Nexus just needs to highjack Sun's head like Moon.
From my perspective, I think there are a lot of methods to let Sun do as Nexus plead, but Nexus only wants to stop thinking about Sun. Like if he fully controlled over Sun, he will not have to think about how Sun is disappointed in him anymore, He will not have to think of Sun as a human being, as his ex brother, as someone still cares about him.
And when Sun says he will not do as Nexus says? Nexus sounds didn't surprise at all. They understand each other too well to know even Sun sometimes a coward, he will not give up like that for Nexus.
Also... Why did he not just threaten Moon? Or Dazzle? Or Jack? Just like how he mocks Solar?
Did he not want his older brother to think of him lower?
"...I have you kneel at me, right ? So look at your superior being."
The way Nexus said that, it makes me feel sad. Like, Nexus so wants to cut off Sun, to make Sun think of him as a monster, to hurt Sun not even in the way it matters.
He still couldn't hit Sun at his lowest, I mean, back then, Old Moon even worse with Sun both emotionally and physically back in the days.
Even after so much nonsense craps, Sun still unharmed. He tortured Moon, he mocked Solar, but Sun.... There is no win in this fight.
Their fighting still looks so much more than their so used banter before... I wish Nexus and Sun will be still brothers ;.;
Sidenote: I love that Ruin tries to convince Nexus to think more with his head but just ends up giving up like : oh right, screw you then, asshole.
Very baby girl behaviour of him.
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radiation · 2 days
My Thoughts On MORPHEUS
Rewatched The Matrix yesterday. Everyone knows that Morpheus is fucking dope, but few realize he is one of the most moe characters of all time. Here is why:
Ok so at the beginning of the movie, Morpheus really appears to be this mythical figure, and that's how a lot of ppl view him. But something often overlooked is that, as the movie progresses, the more you see Morpheus acting mundanely, dressing normally, making mistakes, and getting the absolute shit beaten out of him & needing to be saved. Seriously, the gap between how he comes off when he first contacts Neo (larger-than-life, near-omnipotent) and when he gets kidnapped (totally fallible & vulnerable) is huge. You also see other characters doubt his absolute faith in Neo and it’s like wow yeah. This is really just some dude who is incredibly driven and passionate, and dedicated to his own ideals to a fault. He acts the way he does because he has a very clear image of the role he needs to play and has structured his life around it, choosing to embody this whole badass character in order to fulfill it. And from the way his appearance of perfection is shattered later in the movie in moments of monotony or when things spiral out of his control, I really believe how he acts when he meets Neo is suuuuper scripted. Like he has spent so much fucking time planning the perfect way to present himself and rehearsing exactly what he will say and do and how he will dress. And its funny to watch The Matrix knowing how totally badass & collected he is seen as in pop culture because he truly is incredibly incredibly dorky
This goes without saying but I also believe he is gay as fuck for Neo, but I need you to understand that the way he goes about it is sooo cute. I mean ok everything surrounding "You are The One and I've been searching for you for years" kind of speaks for itself. But also think about when Neo talks to the Oracle, she says this thing about like "knowing you're The One is like knowing you're in love". We can naturally really easily extend this metaphor to Trinity's explicit prophecy of her falling in love with The One, and knowing that's the case that also extends the metaphor to Morpheus knowing Neo is the one = Morpheus being in love with Neo. And I think how excited he acts around Neo, how physically affectionate he to him, arguably flirting with him during the dojo scene and shit bla bla bla sounds lame as fuck to write but I do think yeah whether literally or metaphorically that's kind of what's up. I think we can be confident that Morpheus loves Neo, and I think romantic love is a close approximation, or at the very least there are certainly real & valuable parallels to be drawn to it
But back to the previous paragraph, the specific kind of devotion towards Neo that Morpheus experiences where he is putting on all kinds of airs trying to mystify Neo, viewing himself as a supporting figure to prop up Neo as the savior -- Morpheus's underlying adoration is expressed through the language of respect, restraint, and selflessness, and a kind of self-sacrifice he is like...excited about. Feels very similar to the whole "best friend who is in love with the main character, but nobly tries to get him another love interest / somehow make his life better without any respect to his own desires". It's very sweet and well-intentioned, but totally excessive. Nobody else is asking you to go this far man this is just you. And it also comes off as a really big obfuscation of at least quasi-romantic feelings, both externally and internally, lacking a lot of self-awareness, so it makes it feel like Morpheus has this like elementary school crush he doesn't quite understand yet and it's really funny and delightful
There is definitely a certain writing style in The Matrix that is dramatic, over the top, and mythological, but compared to Morpheus, Neo and other ppl in his crew speak and act in ways much more grounded. Something I noticed a lot is just how much doubt and disillusionment all of the characters express in living life outside the Matrix, in the effectiveness of the revolution, and of Neo being The One, but Morpheus is totally an exception to this. The only person who puts on nearly as much airs, acting as dramatically and poetically as according to plan as Morpheus is Agent Smith, and like the dude isn't even a person he's a program. But even then Agent Smith expresses disappointment in his own life, and Morpheus doesn't. Seriouusly Morpheus is like the only guy in the movie who does this shit. By seeing himself as a mechanism in a prophecy to save the world and minimizing his own wants and discomforts for the greater good, he has kind of dehumanized himself in a way that's kind of sad. I think it's very easy to buy into it and take his self-perception at face value, and I think most people have, but there are a lot of moments in the movie where you can see through that. That underneath the appearance of a pure legend is a real person who means the absolute best, who is endlessly dedicated and adoring, but suffers from a one-track mind makes Morpheus a really fucking cool and unique character, and has one of the greatest impacts in making the movie's scenario feel believable. And also makes him sooooooooo cute. Anyways I forgoet what happens in the other mvoies this is only about the first one. Rewatch The Matrix 1 and open your eyes and you weill see the truth.
Also another thing I wanna mention that but its only tangentially related -- I think its very interesting how Neo is treated as a protagonist. I can't place exactly why but way the movie is written and shots are framed, he really isn't treated as an audience insert, and many moments in the movie are from other characters' perspectives (including their perspectives towards him, bereft of Neo's own expression). The movie honestly, more than identifying with Neo, expresses empathy and adoration towards him. So it kind of feels like literally everyone in the movie has a crush on him and so should you LOL. Morpheus is definitely a part of this, but I also appreciate the romance between Trinity and Neo feeling equally or more from Trinity's perspective, neither of them really being the object of desire, but if you had to choose one it'd definitely be Neo
Well let me know what you think & Dont try to troll this post because this is real shit
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inkspiredwriting · 16 hours
A Strand of Silver
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Y/n Hargreeves was having one of those mornings. You know the type: spilled coffee, mismatched socks, and the eternal struggle to find her keys. As she rushed into the bathroom to get ready for the day, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Normally, she didn’t scrutinize her reflection too much, but today, something shiny caught her eye.
“Wait, what?” Y/n muttered, leaning closer to the mirror.
There, in the midst of her hair, was a single, unmistakable strand of silver. She plucked it out and held it up to the light, squinting at it as if it were some foreign object.
“Oh, no,” she groaned, her voice tinged with melodrama. “I’m turning into my mother!”
Just as Y/n was contemplating her impending transformation into a full-fledged silver fox, Five Hargreeves walked into the bathroom, his shirt half-tucked and his tie in a state of disarray.
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” he asked, eyebrow arched in amusement.
Y/n turned to him, holding up the gray hair as if it were evidence of a crime. “Look at this!” she said, her tone a mix of shock and horror. “Gray hair! I’m only 35!”
Five peered at the hair, then back at Y/n, a smirk spreading across his face. “Welcome to the club, darling. Want me to dye mine gray so we can match?”
Y/n glared at him, though her lips twitched in a reluctant smile. “It’s not funny, Five. I thought I had more time before this started happening.”
Five leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “Oh, it’s hilarious. You’re acting like this is the end of the world.”
Y/n huffed, tossing the gray hair into the sink. “You’re supposed to be supportive, not laugh at me.”
Five’s smirk softened into a genuine smile. “I am supportive. I support the fact that you’re still gorgeous, gray hair and all.”
Their playful banter was interrupted by a loud crash from the kitchen, followed by a muffled “Sorry!” Y/n sighed, recognizing the chaos as her brother-in-law Klaus’s doing.
“Maybe I should just let my hair go completely gray,” she muttered, “and scare the life out of Klaus.”
Five laughed, stepping closer to her. “Klaus would probably think it’s cool and start a new trend.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but laugh, too. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Five wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. “Listen, I love you, gray hair and all. Actually, it’s kind of sexy. Makes you look distinguished.”
Y/n snorted, leaning into him. “You’re such a liar.”
“Nope, just a man with great taste,” Five replied, kissing the top of her head.
As they headed into the kitchen to see what chaos awaited them, Y/n tried to push the gray hair out of her mind. It was just one strand, after all. How bad could it be?
Klaus, Luther, and Diego were in the middle of a heated debate over who had the best waffle recipe when Five and Y/n entered the kitchen. Luther was holding a spatula like a weapon, and Klaus was dramatically waving a bottle of syrup around.
“Hey, guys,” Y/n said, trying to sound casual. “Do you think gray hair makes me look older?”
The room went silent as all eyes turned to her. Luther looked thoughtful, Diego just shrugged, and Klaus... well, Klaus being Klaus, decided to take it to the next level.
“Oh, honey,” Klaus said, rushing over to examine Y/n’s hair, “I think it makes you look even more fabulous. Very... royal. Like a queen!”
“Like the Queen of England,” Diego added with a smirk, earning a punch on the arm from Luther.
Five burst out laughing, shaking his head. “You see, Y/n? Nothing to worry about. You’ve got the whole royal approval right here.”
Y/n shook her head, trying not to laugh. “I’m going to regret asking, aren’t I?”
Later that evening, when the chaos had settled and they were alone again, Five and Y/n found themselves back in the bathroom. Y/n was brushing her teeth, and Five was leaning against the counter, watching her with a soft smile.
“You know,” he said, his voice thoughtful, “I used to think that life was all about big moments. Saving the world, traveling through time, stopping apocalypses.”
Y/n looked at him through the mirror, raising an eyebrow. “And now?”
“Now I know it’s about the little things,” Five continued. “Like finding a gray hair and freaking out about it. Or laughing about it with you.”
Y/n rinsed her mouth and turned to face him. “You’re surprisingly sentimental tonight.”
Five shrugged, pulling her into a gentle embrace. “Just thinking about how much I love you. And how that won’t change, no matter how many gray hairs you find.”
Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, her heart swelling with affection. “I love you, too, Five. Even if you laugh at my gray hair.”
Five chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Deal. Now, how about we find that hair dye, just in case?”
Y/n laughed, swatting his arm. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Guilty as charged,” Five said with a grin. “But you wouldn’t have me any other way.”
Y/n smiled, leaning up to kiss him. “No, I wouldn’t. Now, let’s get to bed before Klaus decides to redecorate the kitchen again.”
With that, they headed to their bedroom, their laughter echoing through the house. It had been a day full of surprises and laughter, and as they curled up together, Y/n knew that no matter what the future held, she could face it all with Five by her side
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imtryingbuck · 2 days
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n L/n becomes Queen of Astoria not that she wanted to. Prince James of Winterfeld meets her and falls in love.
Word count: 2,575
Warnings: angst. fluff. mentions of being hung and murdered by arrows (it does not happen!) groping.
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All she had to do was spend time with the man, it didn’t mean she was going to marry him on the spot and begin trying to pop out heirs. Her mother promised her that if she did not like the man then she would drop the topic all together. Even though she was now Queen and one of the most skilled warriors in the army she was still a child at heart, holding up her pinkie finger she made her mother wrap her own around her digit and pinkie swear.
“Please spend more than five minutes with the man before you decide.” Y/n nodded reluctantly, her original plan going straight out the window.
Prince Brock Rumlow was the man her mother had chosen. It was less than five minutes before she wanted to leave and call the meeting off. Yes he was a attractive but truthfully that is all he had going for him. He was dull, rude and so full of himself she struggled to remain stoic as he talking about himself and himself, oh and more importantly himself. She made the mistake of looking at Carlson who stood by the wall with the rest of the knights, he put an imaginary noose around his neck, closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out - she failed to stop the unattractive snort noise she made.
“What is so funny?”
“N-nothing, my prince. Please continue.”
The kingdom was bustling with the arrival of the King and Queen from Winterfeld - a neighbouring kingdom - that was coming to meet the new queen for the first time. The queens mother was busy greeting them and their family as Y/n was dying a slow and painful death called boredom as Prince Brock droned on and on.
“I am sorry that the Queen is not available at this moment, a feast will be held tonight in honour of your arrival.”
“It is understandable. Where is the Kings second wife?” Queen Winifred asked.
“S-she passed away.”
“Oh, oh I am so sorry! How are the princess’s doing?”
“I will admit they aren’t doing great but they are strong little darlings.” Her mother was giving them a tour of the castle before showing them to their chambers that they would be calling home for a week.
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As her mother was busy with the King and Queen of Winterfeld, Y/n had changed out of her dress and into her training clothes and made her way to the training grounds with Carlson and a handful of her most trusted knights following closely behind her. It took her slightly longer to arrive as the townsfolk would stop her to say their hello’s and wishing her good luck in the makeshift circle, she spoke to each and every one of them.
“You have not been here for quite a while now, I do not know how you will do.” Carlson said with a smirk on his lips.
“I will pick you for my first opponent then shall I?”
“And lose? Surely I will be hung for treason”
“I will never have you hanged, no I would shoot a thousand arrows at you” Carlson gasped dramatically as she laughed.
As they arrived they noticed that there was a small crowd around the circle, some of them there she did not recognise. Those that did noticed her and moved over so she could lean on the wooden railing and watched as two of her warriors fought against each other, she was told a wager had been made - if Luka won he was able to propose to Lelands sister, his opponent, if Leland won Luka had to run around the whole kingdom in his birthday suit. She had to laugh, and admit that she didn’t know which one she wanted to win more.
Luka won.
Leland was not happy.
Carlson jumped over the wooden railing, Y/n throwing his shield to him, he looked around analysing each person there to pick out the person who would fight him - even though he already knew who he was going to pick. “You.” He smirked and pointed his sword towards Y/n.
“Me? Oh how kind of you!” Y/n was quick to jump over the railing too, her shield being passed to her. As she got into position she heard an unfamiliar voice.
“A woman? That is not fair, she should not be fighting.”
Y/n smirked and nodded to Carlson, who winked before lunging at her - not at all going easy on her. The loud clanking of their swords battling against one another rang out in the air, Carlson knocked her shield out of her hand - Y/n smirked, and lunged at her friend, her sword beating off the shield, using the side of her sword she hit him in his side. He dropped his shield and surrendered. This action made her and win the round. Everyone cheered, the new men that had made their presence known all laughing at Carlson for losing against a woman.
“Which one of you fine gentleman said that women should not be fighting?”
“I did sweetheart. You only won because he went easy on you, you know on the battle field the enemy won’t go easy.” She looked over to where the voice came from and smiled. A man leaning on the railing like the rest - handsome man with light curly shoulder length hair, slight stubble of hair on his face, his eyes were bright blue.
As handsome as he was he was a fool for two reasons, the first being that he obviously had no idea who she was, and secondly for daring to call her sweetheart.
“And who may you be?”
“Prince James of Winterfeld, and you?” Bless his heart, he laughed along with those from her kingdom thinking they were laughing with him and not at him.
Foolish man indeed.
“Well Prince James, I am the person who challenges you to get into the circle with me, just as long as you do not mind going easy on me.”
“Challenge accepted. And I promise you sweetheart, I will not.”
Carlson hands over his sword and shield to the brunette, telling him ‘good luck’ before climbing back over to where he was stood originally.
“Come on then sweetheart, I promise not to embarrass you.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him, and began circling him - making him follow her every movement, she knew exactly what she was doing. The second he took his eyes off her she lunged at him, he stumbled back not expecting the attack but he managed to gain control. Once again the only sounds being heard from the woods were the sound of two swords clashing with each other.
James had to admit that he was impressed by her moves, her grace and the fact that she wasn’t struggling for breath even though this was her second round in the circle. She began getting the upper hand against him, he was trying to justify that by getting distracted by her beauty. He had truly never laid eyes on more of a beautiful woman before in his life.
To gain the upper hand against the woman who wasn’t backing down, James ducked as she swung her shield from the side trying to hit him, in his crouched position he sliced her right leg with his sword, blood quickly flowing from the wound. The hiss she let out satisfied him as he was growing annoyed at how he was being bested by a woman. He wanted to laugh at the men from the kingdom who were willing to jump over the railing to protect her, and how they looked concerned when she shook her head and carried on with their fight.
James looks to the side where the woman looks to - not realising it was a distraction - he had no time to react to the woman’s leg sweeping his own under him. Her sword being pointed to his chest, his hands went up.
“Looks like you have lost to a woman, my Prince. I apologise if I have embarrassed you.” He gives her a tight lipped smile watching her climb back over the railing, the man who she was fighting with before whispering something in her ear and she leaves.
“You alright Buck?” Steve asks his best friend and Prince.
“I think I am in love with the mad woman.”
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The large hall was full of Lords, Ladies, knights and servants, James - who preferred to be called Bucky - had to admit that the hall was better than the one at home. After introductions and handshakes with the lords and ladies, his family was introduced to the Princess’s, Bucky had to admit that they were all beautiful but his thoughts were on the beautiful mad woman who had bested him earlier that day.
Sitting down next to Steve his eyes darting around the hall in hopes that she would be there, slumping back in his seat he turned to Steve. “After I have met the Queen I am going to leave and try to find the mad woman, cover for me please.”
“The woman from earlier?”
“Why do you want to find her?”
“Hopefully I can make her a princess.”
“You call her a mad woman when you are talking about marrying a woman who bested you. You are the mad one.” Steve laughed.
“Yes, we can be the mad married couple.”
Steve goes to reply but gets cut off by the Royal Herald announcing that the Queen had arrived. Every single person in the hall stood up, the knights shifting their stances as the large wooden doors came open.
Bucky’s jaw dropped.
It was her. His mad woman. She was the Queen of Astoria.
She walked with her head held high, a crown sitting upon her head, her dress was a dark red and black. Before walking up to her seat, she greeted the King and Queen with a slight nod of her head, Bucky knew that she could feel his eyes burning a hole at the side of her face but she was ignoring him.
Steve had to pull on his arm to sit after everyone else does, he was so lost in trance that he didn’t notice everyone sitting. All that kept running through his head was that the beautiful mad woman was a Queen. A Queen he had fought against. And that’s when it dawned on him, he had hurt the Queen! That’s why the men tried to intervene, they were protecting her after he had sliced at her leg!
“- and this is our son, James.” His mothers words snapped him out of his spiralling mind.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, sweetheart.”
Nobody around them questioned the nickname she had given him, though Carlson and Steve chuckled. “The pleasure is all mine, my Queen.”
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Throughout the meal Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes off her as she talked to the man who he found out was named Carlson, and talked with his parents. He was waiting for her smile to drop and order her guards to drag him into the dungeon before having him hung but so far a pretty smile was still sat on her lips, he was also nervous of tension brewing between the two kingdoms and him having to admit to his parents that it was all his fault.
“I have heard they call you the Warrior Queen, why is that?” His mother asked her, she tried to repress the smirk off her lips as she sees James sinking slowly in his seat.
“I am the only woman to ever fight in my father’s army, I have been to many battles for him.”
“How many battles have you been in?” The King then asked.
“My first one was when I was sixteen. My father did not know I was there until the battle was over.” She chuckled, the King and Queen joining in.
“Will you continue to fight now?” The Queen asked.
“Of course. I will be right at the front and centre, my men will not fight without me being there.”
“A true Queen you are” King George said, she smiled at him. Though her smile quickly dropped off her face and that had Bucky’s heart pounding. 
“You. Yes you, come here.” She points at a knight who looked absolutely terrified. His eyes darting between her and his King, as he slowly made his way over to her. “You may get away with groping the servants where you are from, but you do not come into my home and do the same to mine. I see or get informed that you have done it again I will hang you myself. Is that understood?”
“Y-yes Queen.”
“Larissa, come here.” Larissa’s cheeks heated up as all eyes went on her as she moved forward, bowing to her Queen she waited. “Apologies to her.”
“I-I am sorry.” He was mortified. He was a knight and was being made to apologise to someone lower than him.
“It’s fine.” Larissa mumbled.
“Larissa darling, you may go back to what you was doing. You, get out of my face. I will say this once and never repeat myself, any man regardless of your station touches my girls I will hang you all myself. Now let the music continue.” She sits back in her seat and turns her head to Carlson having a quiet conversation.
The King was furious. Not because the young Queen had scolded his knight but because the knight had done something that even he wouldn’t permit. “Queen Y/n, I must apologise for his behaviour. I can assure you that I do not let that happen in my home and I will promise you that he will be punished for his behaviour.”
“It is fine, I believe the man has learnt his lesson.”
“My Queen, may I be bold enough to ask you for a dance?” Bucky spoke up, truthfully unaware where he had gained the confidence. When she nodded and stood the crowd dispersed off the floor, sitting down to watch their Queen dance with the Prince.
As the music began again Bucky took her hand in his, the other going to her waist. “When are you going to tell my parents what I did?”
“What do you mean?”
“I harmed you!”
She chuckled. “It was a scratch. I have had worse.”
“Are you going to have me hung?”
“It would have already happened if I wanted that. Do not fret sweetheart, I do not want to kill the only son of the King and Queen of a neighbouring kingdom.”
“Very well. I am sorry for what I did, though if I had known who you really were I would not have gotten into the circle with you.”
“Because you are a Queen…”
“I am a daughter, a sister, a friend and a solider before I am the Queen and you do not need to apologise, you put up a good fight.”
“I could have won if you had not distracted me!”
“If I agree will that help you sleep easier tonight?”
“Very well. If I had not distracted you, you would have still lost.”
His parents and her mother watched as they danced, they all hear the dramatic gasp falling from the princes’ lips and the giggle from the queen. The two mothers share a look of joy and hope.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @sidraaaaaaaaa | @mrsnikstan | @barnesxstan | @hi172826 | @alexdarkacademia | @supraveng | @baw1066
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How would task force 141 react to the reader giving them puppy eyes (🥺)when they want something?
AND how would task force 141 go about getting the reader to do something for them? Would they get payback and use the puppy eyes as well? or do they have some other method?
Ahhh this is such a cute idea!! I love these sort of asks. This is gonna be quite long
Gaz - he doesn't immediately fold to the puppy eyes, but they do weaken his resolve by quite a bit. With enough pleading and over the top dramatics, he folds quite quickly.
"Pleeeease?" You ask, holding up your phone to show some online shop selling something you've been after for ages. A soft plush that has a giant blanket inside. "It would be perfect for movie nights!"
Kyle sighs, "c'mon, love, we have enough blankets and plushes around the house for movie night now."
And when you pull out the puppy eyes with some more soft pleading, he just sighs.
Though, when he wants something, he's more sly about it. He 100% uses that charisma to get what he wants without puppy eyes, and he's so smooth about it. It almost makes you mad.
Soap - Folds. Immediately. No hesitation. Your puppy eyes are his greatest weakness and you know it.
"Look at her! I could use a companion while you're on missions!" You show him the newspaper listing that someone was selling kitties.
"No, bonnie! I don't want to have to share you with some wild cat!" Johnny pouts at the idea, crossing his arms.
And when you pull out the puppy eyes, he's immediately calling the listed phone number. One would be fine, he supposes.
This man would definitely use puppy eyes to his advantage in return. You don't fold quite as quickly as he does, but you still do eventually. It's a win-win, really.
Ghost - I mean, he was more than likely going to buy you whatever you wanted anyway, so the puppy eyes just speed it up. He likes showering you in gifts because he knows he isn't always the best with words. Though, the gifts are meaningful(mostly)
"Si!" You shout from across the apartment, running to show Simon what you had just found. "Si! Si! Si!"
"Woah, dove-" Simon grabs your waist, stopping you in your tracks. "What's got you in a hurry?"
"Look!" You shove your phone to his face, your screen showing off a matching pajama set. "I want matching pajamas with you!"
And you already do, but you want another pair so you don't waste any time using your best puppy eyes.
Simon sighs, "Alright, giv' it here, I'll get 'em."
When he wants something, he just asks for it straight up. He doesn't ask for much so you know if he's voicing it, however nonchalantly, he must really want it. He spoils you so why can't you return the favor?
Price - Does NOT work on him. He finds it more amusing than anything. Even if you know it doesn't work, you still always try because what if it does work some day?
"John, can we stop at that new restuarant?" You ask, pointing it out as the two of you walk around the city.
It was date night, and he was already planning on taking you somewhere even nicer, though you didn't know that.
"Not tonight, luvie," John replies, squeezing your hand. "I have somewhere else for us."
"Oh, please?" You plead softly, pulling out your puppy eyes. "I really want to try it with you tonight."
"Not tonight, maybe some other time," he chuckles softly, "now c'mon, we've got to keep walking if we plan on making it in time."
This. Man. Does. Not. Ask. For. ANYTHING. You basically have to pry it out of him, and even then, it's a fight. He just wants to spoil you, and he does not want you spending your hard earned money on him. That's your money, not his. Still, getting him to talk after a few heavy-handed glasses of whiskey is pretty easy.
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mynameisjag · 1 day
For anonymous: Prompt: Nicepool crushing hard on Weapon X.
Author's Note: If given the chance, I will write Logan as the embodiment of a feral cat unless specifically told not to.
The usual thing about the TVA force hiring Deadpool and Wolverine to help handle cross universe dilemmas happens. Which was usually solved with a good fight, quips, and hauling their blood covered bodies back home for a greasy dinner.
Handling the situation with words…was abit more…problematic…
No one wanted to get near Weapon X to demand the variant go home and Deadpool, well, he had his own issues with his variant.
“The forces of fanfiction are against me, why are you fucking here?!”
“Good to see you too buddy!”
“Fucking how!”
Nicepool just shrugged and did a little wave over at Logan, who waved lightly back, “The forces of the multiverse are a mystery, death and life is at it’s own whimsy command. Much like love.”, and the man was now dreamily sighing and staring lovingly at the pissed off Wolverine variant.
Who was currently distracted by Wade’s Logan.
Logan was steadily just watching the other black clad mutant circle around him, both bristling.
Wade ignored that whole situation, they could take care of themselves like the big girls they are.
“You can not “Pretty Woman” this situation, Miss Lola over there is a man eater in the way Hannibal Lector is.”
“Oh, their name is Lola? That’s so pretty…Lola…”
“Is this what everyone back home feels like dealing with me, shit, I’m going to have to some apology letters or flowers when we get back home.”
“I should get them some flowers, what do you think they’re favorite is?”
“Lily’s, like the ones they use at funerals because that’s what is going to happen.”
Both Wolverines were on all fours and doing great imitations of cats now, hissing and teeth baring included.
“Awe, they are making friends!”, Nicepool clasped his hands in front of himself, sighing deeply again.
“Just fucking stick your dick in a trash compactor, it would end the same!”
“I can give them a better life, I can save them from the streets, I can be their hero.”, there seemed to be actual anime sparkles around the man…Wade waved it all away like a bad fart.
“Lola” was now purring and rubbing up against Logan, both chittering away like the ferret cousins they were.
Deadpool was just staring at his variant, his face being covered did not deter the aura of his annoyance being projected full force at the other, too bad Nicepool paid absolutely no attention to the waves of hatred sent his way, “You know what “Mr. Salt is too spicy for me”, go on, go confess your love,” he dramatically pointed over to the Wolverines, “go on, go-wait, where’s the other one?”
Logan shrugged nonchalantly, “He left.”
“Yeah, he went home.”, he pointed at one of the doorways usually made from the TVA for dimensional travel, “I think he wants me to follow him.”
“Nope, I kidnapped you fair and square, we have a dog and rent together now, so you are not going anywhere. I’ve gotten too used to stealing your body heat at night. I’ve got no body hair to keep me warm, Lo, you’ve got too much, it’s a perfect balance, we can’t mess with the balance.”
Nicepool took a deep loud breath, interrupting the other two as he placed his hand on Wade’s shoulder, who just shrugged it off, “I know what I should do now, wish me luck,” he then turned and went through the gateway like a soldier on a mission, the entryway closing behind him in a zip of light.
“Wow,” Deadpool clapped his hands together once, “he is going to be murdered. Violently. Lola is going to use his thighs and squeeze his head like a watermelon in absolute viscous glee…I’m sorta jealous that’s how that cheery fuck will go out this time,” he turned toward his partner, “will you-“
“-I’m not getting your rotted out brain shit all over my crotch.”
“Fucking damn it!”
-Lola comes from the lyrics, “Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl.”
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funkyplantguy · 2 days
cumbo. ough. they make me violent. idiots. I think one of them could be flirting in the most obnoxious entirely obvious way and the other would be sooo oblivious. Either of them could fill that role. Maybe they’re both doing it. They’re stupid. witness geminitay is in fucking shambles she hates them (she knows because grian was witnessing it first and he couldn’t do it alone he had to drag someone else into it) scar (violently aromantic but doesn’t know) thinks both cub and mumbo are being normal and he doesn’t understand why gem and grian are so dramatic. they r literally just awkward grian… you literally told me last week you wanted to elope that’s just what friends do. gem proceeds to beat grian to death with a shovel for not inviting her to the wedding. this is not a 200 word prompt sorry I’m a yapper. only important bit is the cumbo the rest is implied.
YES. yes. you get it. you Get It. they're both so fucking weird and Not Normal About Anything in the best possible way. i feel like they make each other SO much worse. you think you've seen cubfan135 be Weird? watch as i introduce the world's most wet cat of a man to the scene. it's autism x autism but like, slightly different flavors so it could either go so horribly wrong or they could end up making out sloppy style and i have personally decided that it's the latter. but yes i too love the highkey flirter x oblivious dumbass trope. big fan of the idea of cub trying to hit on mumbo SOOOOOO hard (in his own weird-ass way) and mumbo being truly so fucking unaware. like, painful levels of unawareness. everyone around him is .2 seconds away from strangling him at any given moment. gem and grian have already planted 37 tnt minecarts underneath his base for when they inevitably can't take it anymore and need to blow something up but luckily cub gives up and just straight up asks him if he wants to make out before they can pull the trigger anyway. please come yap in my asks (or dms) anytime you'd like. i too am a yapper and will talk your ear off about cumbo (or anything, honestly) for 7-9 business years
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ladyisabelsblade · 2 days
My Live Reactions to X-Men Origins: Wolverine
A text thread between me and my friend.
Just watched the opening sequence and it’s so fucking funny when you’re high
Dude that guy with the two guns, his sequence kind of slapped
And then the other guy punched a tank. Yo….
This Deadpool looks like an idiot with the swords but he’s still pretty funny lol
Why does he know Swahili?????
Oh no! They’re colonizers!!???
But not Wolverine, he cares about black people, that’s how you can tell he’s the good guy
Little brother, breaking cycles of abuse
--wolverine says racism is wrong! --have u seen his cartoon claws yet?
They didn’t look that bad but I am high so I don’t care
The action sequences aren’t half as bad as in last stand
Or at least I’m too high to notice if they are lol
--u see a lot of hugh jackman nipples
Lumberjack Wolverine, wow
Just wow he’s wow
"Your country needs you” “I’m Canadian”
Aw, I like this girl. She’s so gonna die
What the fuck is this stupid story?
Even Logan thinks it’s stupid.
Most clumsily overt foreshadowing ever
Oop, yep she dying
--lmao --yea she lasts under 10 mins thats hilarious
Damn fucking eviscerated
Manly man scream
He ruthless
--relatable tbh
He’s so oiled up
Damn the dramatic irony is dramatic irony-ing
The Adamantium looks like the aftermath of a lush bath bomb
--ooooh ur not at the cartoon claws yet --he’s still all boney
Cover up your tits you preening slut precursor
They look so stupid just do practical effects you idiots
I should have seen that coming
--who exploded things?
Everyone but Logan exploding the helicopter was slay queen
--lol this movie is such a blur for me, i love reexperiencing in real time
Oh this is the bad part
Fucking blob omg
--ah yes --and will i am
I like will I am he ain’t bad
And boxer Logan, boxer Logan is saving this scene for me
--idr him good or bad, i just remember he's will i am
He is
I laughed so hard when his name came up during the opening credits
--its a great jumpscare
Local man discovers his girlfriend was fridged for his character development
--is this the first time uv seen gambit in something? like have u seen him in the cartoons or stuff?
and poker? This is like combining every old lady white woman’s wet dream together: lumberjack, boxer, poker player
No I’ve never seen the cartoons man
--by far the most loved x-man
gambit slays here dude
Will I am dead
--u have the best one liners omg
I’m over an hour in and I’m really enjoying this movie, being high is really elevating my experience
--its probably greaat high ngl
It’s just like fun moment after fun moment, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense
--its my dad's favorite hated movie --its so fun
He’s right, I can’t believe you told me this was worse than last stand
--idr last stand at all ngl
Oh, well it was really bad
My man is more okay with jumping out of a plane than flying in one
sir this is an operating room you can’t be here
Damn, this is freaky, I thought Stryker was a creep in x2
oh it’s mystique isn’t it
Damn that’s cold
No, poor baby he’s so sad
They were together for 6 years damn
Yo this is so dope
This fight
--have u gotten to deadpool
Kayla, now is not the time
Not yet
--thats THE thing
I know
But here he comes
Yo the black around the eyes thing kind of slayed tho
Damn fucking sliced his head off
Oh shit damn
Do they look out for eachother because you kind of suck ass victor
Kayla come on don’t die
girl this movies good I don’t know what you’re talking about
That was so slay Kayla
But you’re still probably dying
he don’t even remember her that’s so fucking sad dude
damn wtf tear my heart out why don’t ya
This movies cheesy but it’s hitting all the right beats
Like this is a pretty good origin story movie
Probably a horrible stand alone movie, but if I pretend like I’m watching a bunch of flashbacks stitched together it’s pretty good
Oooo two post credits scenes
--he kiinda does
In Deadpool 2?
--yea lol
Comes back just to die
lol he wasn’t too bad but I think I’d have a different opinion if he was sober and there weren’t already two other great Deadpool movies
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ferrarifan4ever · 1 day
Oscar's parking space
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Wife!Reader
(This is quite a quick one, primarily because I'm bored)
Warnings: Swearing, Marriage, mention of hospitals{if I missed anything please tell me}
Also,this hasn't been proofread soooooo...
Y/N had known Oscar basically all of her life, as friends, of course. That was until they turned fourteen when Oscar fell down the stairs and sprained his foot (none of this is true. I think). Him, being the dramatic teenager he was he thought he was going to die. So as he lay there on a random hospital bed in the A&E, [WHAT'S IT CALLED IN AUSTRALIA???] he confesed that he loved you. He didn't end up dying,so no suprise there,but you did end up getting married. Let's skip to the present day shall we?
You were sat in the McLaren motorhome waiting for Oscar to return from his interviews, occasionally twiddling with your rings. You got startled out of your trance by the very man who put those rings on your finger, you glanced up and there he was in all his gorgeous glory. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Your cheeks blushed red, unaware how long you'd been staring at him. "Ok...let's go!"
Y/N and Oscar. Against the world. (That would make a banging movie ngl.) As you two walked out of the paddock, occasionally stopping so Oscar could take a picture with a fan, you quickly arrived in the car park. You turned the corner and went to hop into Oscar car, except,it wasn't there. There was no car. This was Oscar's parking space and he made that VERY clear to literally everyone. He swiftly grasped his phone and rung Zac.
"Heya mate,um....yeah. Yeah,I know. Zac. Mate lemme speak. Yeah okay so, basically,my cars gone.Zac,if I knew where it was,would I be calling you right now? Oh shut up,your not funny. Yeah, well how are me and my wife supposed to get back to the hotel. We ain't walking. Okay. Cheers, thanks mate. Yep bye. Love you."
You stared at your his with a confused look on your face."Why'd you say I love you?"
"Because Zac hates when I do it,and it's really funny." It's times like these you wonder why you ever married Oscar."Right so what are they doing about the car?" You said while side-eyeing the empty spot."Oh yeah,their sending out a search party for it. However in the meantime,we have um...a replacement car." As he said this George drove past in a Mercedes branded golf buggy. Oh shit. Where you ridding in the golf buggy? "Hi Oscar and Y/N! I'm your knight in shining Merc." Fuck no, was the exact thought running through your minds. Oh Welp. Might as well.
You hopped onto the back of the buggy and called Oscar on. "For the record George,I hate this." But hey,the end of the day,it was an okay car.
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passports-pls · 1 year
Tumblr media
Guys you’ll never guess what I started playing
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