#this is hilarious idc
nanaonmars · 3 months
jason: why won’t you leave my dad alone?!
clark: because we’ve been together for 20 years jason… we have 8 kids, you included, and… we’re in love
duke, in the background: boke!
jason: i’ll find dirt on you yet. i’ve got people working on it.
clark: 🧍🏻
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meyerlansky · 2 months
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now, seein' as you like to do your fighting at night...
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jacarandaaaas · 2 months
small collection of mirabel being comically tiny in the new comics😭
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royalswille · 2 years
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it’s literally them
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petitesmafia · 7 months
would be so funny if Verlaine’s first appearance in the canon manga is for the ADA-pm trade negotiation…all the pm execs in a meeting room discussing who from ADA they should take and then all you hear is a fax machine beep and one single page arrives saying “not Dazai. -Verlaine”
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introvertedx10 · 2 years
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
john, reading sg1 reports about daniel ‘i’m not military they can’t court martial me’: this is brilliant i need a non military on my team
john, adding a scientist and a pegasus native to his team: we will be Unstoppable
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corrodedbisexual · 11 months
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"For your modesty, dude"
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palskippah · 1 year
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Hi! You saw preg Bowuigi, but may I present to you… preg Mareach ✨
The thought won't leave my mind after I mindlessly drew Mario asking Luigi how is it to be pregnant and then it escalated from there 😔
So! Here's some headcanons (that you can find too in the drawings) for this:
Edit! I deleted the suggestive-y ideas to make it more all viewers-friendly, sorry!
-Mario and Luigi's mamma and uncle are twins, so they have this 'twin gene', and it just so happens that Mario got twins first try and Luigi didn’t.
-Mario has thoughts when seeing his bro expecting, he develops a serious case of baby fever that he refuses to tell anyone about. Like he catches himself thinking about him and Peach expecting and her acting in the overly attentive way that Bowser does, or thinking of a tiny blonde baby with a button nose and blue-sky eyes. He feels a bit guilty about these thoughts.
-Luigi eventually pries the information out of Mario and tries to convince him to talk to Peach about it, that she’d be understanding even if she doesn’t like the idea. Mario’s stubborn and just doesn’t and feels bad for wanting a baby too just because his bro is going to have one.
-To Mario’s surprise (and relief) it’s Peach who mentions the idea of having children (he feels a bit embarrassed that she easily used the exact words he scolded himself for: “I want a baby”), so they shyly entertain the idea.  And they decide they'd like to be parents in the future.
-When Magma (that's the Bowuigi baby's name!) grows and gets to the toddler stage, Mario finally decides that they could start trying.
-(Corny and I pulled this from Deadpool 2 but) He gives the 'green light' to Peach as a sort of anniversary gift and she's so happy she jumps in place and holds him to her chest and rambles about what to name the baby and how they'd look and what they'll do together and– Mario jokingly reminds her that first she's gotta put a baby in him for that to happen.
-Luigi is really excited when Mario and Peach tell him that they’re expecting. He hugs them both and says he can’t wait to finally be an uncle, and that they’ll be great parents.
-Luigi spoils his bro the same way Mario did with him when he was expecting Magma, like baking him treats and his favorite foods whenever they’re at their house and overall being a very good bro.
-Soon Peach arranges a room to make a nursery and plans how it’ll be.
-When they discover it's twins she makes arrangements again to adapt it for two babies, assigning a color to each baby’s things, because she thinks that Mario and Luigi having their signature colors is adorable.
-When they’re back from the doctor after discovering they’ll have twins, they’re both happily thinking about two children. Peach of snuggly wrapped little babies with round noses and brunette hair, and Mario for some reason thinks of two blonde toddlers with matching hats and blue overalls.
-Mario's belly looks big soon and Peach is over the moon because he's so round and handsome.
-He's so shaped.
-Due to almost all of the Mushroom Kingdom citizens being small Mario often loses sight of them, especially when talking to toads. They love to stand close and right in front of him, even if Mario tells them to stand at his side so he can see them. Mario's pretty sure not even the toads can see him over his belly and yet they don't listen.
-Mario lives at Peach's castle but he and Luigi still kinda often stay at their own little house at the outskirts of Toad Town. Luigi sometimes goes by himself or brings some of his children. They like to have some kind of peace apart from their families and the royalness of it all. (Thinking about the fact that Bowser went on a vacation by himself as Junior said once in a game sjdks)
-Peach is very excited for the babies and she always asks for permission to caress his belly and to hold it and to kiss it. She talks a lot to the babies too, even at times holding very long one-sided conversations with them while Mario listens in with an absolutely besotted smile.
-Many nights, when Mario's sprawled on his side with his arms in weird positions and snoring away and Peach's at his back holding him, she mumbles on and on sweet words to her children and her boyfriend, and holds Mario closely.
-Ever since they know he's expecting, Peach randomly suggests baby names to Mario, who shakes his head or actually explains why he doesn't like them. She suggests one day a couple of names just for funsies and to her surprise Mario loves them.
-Peach leaves their bed very early to focus on her royal duties all morning, while Mario's asleep almost until midday surrounded by an insane amount of red and pink pillows.
-Peach eats red power up mushrooms to be able to easily carry Mario around when he gets too tired, that way she doesn't get tired either.
-Late on Mario gets the 'pregnancy brain', he forgets things and sometimes does stupid stuff. Once at their house he dropped a fork, and since it never crossed his mind to ask for help or pick another one from the kitchen cabinet, he ended up stuck in a crouch when trying to reach it, yelling for Luigi to come help him up.
-Donkey Kong and Mario are mean besties, and DK often teases Mario and vice versa. Like DK purposefully drops something and asks in a faux nice voice for Mario to pick it up for him, then does the laugh™ as Mario stares at him unamused.
-DK used to (gently) push Mario to sit in soft furniture and laugh at him for getting stuck. Mario would sulk and cross his arms over his belly until the stupid monkey dignified himself to help him up. Until DK did it one day that Mario had been particularly tired about the pregnancy, and besides the usual reaction he also got misty-eyed and his lower lip wobbled. DK freaked out and couldn't figure out how to console him as Mario silently cried. Peach almost obliterated DK on the spot when she caught them.
-Since then DK isn't as mean with Mario until the babies are born weeks later. Also, he's a bit terrified of Peach now.
-Magma, who's still a toddler, often asks her uncle-mama when the babies are going to come out of his belly so she can meet them.
-They have twin girls! They're identical when they're babies and kids but when they grow older they have more noticiable differences (like height, same as Mario and Luigi and their mom and uncle)
-They’re Nettarina and Mariella. Sadly I don’t care how silly the names are, I like them and so does Mario aksjdksajd
-Mario has strong genes so their babies look a lot more like him than Peach (who’s glad, because she wanted to have two mini Marios!), although he hoped they’d look more like her.
-Mario is already fat and he gets even fatter with the pregnancy.
-The girls (and Magma too) speak fluent italian and english.
And that’s what I have so far! I know i missed some characters that I could have mentioned like Daisy or Toad and others, but maybe I’ll think of them too for another post c:
I hope you liked them, and if you have any other ideas or headcanons feel free to share them, I’d love to know!
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chirpsythismorning · 7 months
What they're saying is s5 is going to have Hawkins High School as one of the locations for the plot. What I'm hearing is jealous Mike opportunities...
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solosclark · 1 year
favorite crack headcanon that me and my friends have is that Jedi fuck but won't marry (canon) and Mandalorians will not fuck without marriage. ensue comedy. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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mono-socke · 5 months
this is entirely unrelated to everything, but my new favourite thing is collecting random screenshots of squips
here are few of my favs
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mister-lucky-bunny · 2 years
The funniest Jerma bit to me was when he put on an Elmo voice to appease a chat member’s younger sister because she was apparently scared of him
Only for him to instantly find out she’s 24 (edited cuz I remembered it wrong oops)
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moodyjazzyblues · 5 months
i made another brandon farris audio animatic i hope these are positive contributions to society
actually i dont care i will continue making them for as long as they remain funny to me video link/og under the cut
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
🎶I think I'll try defying mavity🎶
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skyblueartt · 27 days
I wonder what all the ghost kids were doing for 30 years when dear ol William was rotting away after being springlocked. There is so much hilarious potential lmaooooooo my god. Also angsty potential but I’m in a silly goofy mood. Personally I’d be taunting the HELL out of that dumbass
They all just look at him like
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