#this is just this side of cutesy and I kind of don't care
mercurygray · 4 months
hiiii could i pls ask about any fred/brady wedding and/or honeymoon thoughts? i love them a normal amount — @shoshiwrites
Being completely transparent here, I haven't thought about this at all, so this is very rough. (And now it's getting long??)
I have this vision that after the stalag, the flight that John is on goes to Paris, where they find Fred working in the Red Cross Club there. The mail's been wild for a few months, and she wanted something new when sticking around Thorpe Abbotts started to feel like a burden she didn't want to carry any more.
and they spend as much time as they have getting to know each other again shhhh.
John goes straight home after that - Paris to England, England to New York, New York to the loving arms of Mom and Dad and the rest of Victor, wondering what he's going to do with his life now that he's not a bomber boy. Fred has to stick around for a bit in Europe until everything wraps up, so it's John who's meeting her boat at the terminal, looking strange in civies and a fedora that doesn't look like it belongs to him after so long seeing him in crusher caps.
Maybe he has a ring that day. He's had enough time to think about it and he's not letting her go again.
(This does not surprise or alarm his parents. He's been talking about her for a while, and they know their son.) They swap her train ticket for one going upstate and go to meet the folks, and Fred calls her parents long distance to tell them that she's engaged. (I think Mr. and Mrs. Torvaldsen are a little more alarmed, but that's only because they've never met the guy, and Fred talked about everyone.)
Everyone's still working everything out, after the war - John's trying to figure out back pay and the GI bill and where they're going to live and find a job so it's just easier for Fred to go home first and get her feet under her. They write constantly and call whenever they can. John decides to take his teacher license exams and Fred coaches him by mail until she can move to be closer to him and start her classes to officially convert to Catholicism. (This is more of a formality for her, but it's important to his parents, so they're doing it. I don't see her as a particularly religious person, but it's not a huge swerve from her Lutheran upbringing.)
Small Catholic wedding - bride in tea-length white dress with a blusher veil and a hat and gloves. (It was expensive but what else was she going to do with that back pay? She's going to dye it afterwards, for a going-out dress.) Her something blue is a piece of her ARC uniform pinned inside her bodice and the silver sixpence was sent from England by her landlady in Thorpe Abbotts and she's borrowing a pair of silver shoe-clips from a friend to dress up her heels. They're absolutely thrilled to pieces that as many people as they get come - Crank made it in from Boston at the last minute, and a few of Fred's Clubmobile friends, and so so so many people send cards. A mountain of cards. ("It's almost like people like you, Freda," John says, very much teasing. "They're sure as hell not for me.")
Honeymoon is probably Niagara Falls, honestly. Or maybe Montreal? A train trip for a couple of days where they can be alone and in love and spend a lot of time with their clothes off and maybe do some touristy things.
...hhhhh this is so long i am so sorry.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
SHAWN HUNTER ; dating hcs
summary ; cutesie shawn dating hcs
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
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always asks for consent
obv hand holding and light stuff you've established as fine but if you're cuddling or making out, like every 20 seconds he's checking on you
always has a hand on you whether it's hand holding, arm slung around your shoulder, or hugging you from behind
late night drives to no where for the adventure and fun
if you get overestimulated easily especially by physical affection, he's super respectful and constantly makes sure you're comfortable and whatnot
kind of understands autism/adhd/other neurodivergent diagnoses but he knows the basics and how to help you
if you go nonverbal, dw, he knows how to communicate with you
always has a pen on him
like holy shit man he's such a simp
if you have to write on his wrist or his arm, that's fine. he's a blank canvas baby
he's so whipped for you
anything for you
at first you rejected him for a while bc he had a reputation for being a player
but after a while you noticed he wasn't giving up
like he sees you as a person, he actually cares about and loves you and sees you as more than just a pretty/handsome face
if you have acne, he loves tracing over the scars/bumps with his fingertips
he tried running from his feelings but we see how that went
and if you have shoulder acne/bacne he loves using a marker to connect all the bumps and scars like a constellation
like you'll change your shirt, back facing him and he goes "Hey can I draw on your back again?"
you just give in
he loves when you shove him into lockers, walls, beds etc to flirt with him
inside jokes go hard
shares his belts and bracelets with you
much less expensive than sharing hoodies and stuff
plus they mean more to him than a dumb shirt
you share bracelets and belts with him too
and that way you guys don't have any major size difference issues
loves sharing music with you as well
music is the way to his heart
likes to just wrap himself around you like a koala and kiss your face all over
helping out with his hard times and vice versa
he doesn't laugh, he giggles and smiles widely
you constantly compliment his stupidly cute tooth gap
it's so cute holy shit
"Shawn, shut up. I don't think you understand how much I stare at your smile because it's the cutest thing ever"
he gets all embarrassed about it
if you're an artist, you're constantly drawing him, especially with a smile to make sure to be able to draw his little gap
"y/n, stopppppp"
"love you too, hunter"
he's got a serious soft side for you dude
"love youuuuuu"
giggles and "shut up!"
let's you play with his hair
definitely hums you to sleep if you're having trouble sleeping or winding yourself down
the sweetest I swear
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threepandas · 3 months
Bad End: Happy Hunting! (1)
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I should have known better. They told us. TRAINED US. Over and over, drilled into our heads! Don't assume! Don't PROJECT Human body language onto alien species! Think that just because they look similar, are ACTING similar, their brains are in any way WORKING similar!
Not every species pack bonds! Some of them are PREDATORS. Be CAREFUL!
I was an idiot. A fucking IDIOT!
I gasped for air. Ran. Ran and ran and RAN. Desperately trying to put distance between me and the hunters behind me. I could hear screams. Crashing. The sound of weapon fire. The air here wasn't RIGHT. Too high in oxygen? Too low? Some other trace element, slowly poisoning my lungs?
I didn't know. Scared! Oh god, I'm so scared!
I thought he was my friend!
Thought THEY were my friends! Stupid. So God damned stupid! You really will pack bond with ANYTHING, won't you?! They bare their teeth and you fucking thought it was a SMILE! No wonder I barely graduated. They never should have-!
A root catches my foot.
Crashing to the mulch of the forest floor. Scramble to get up. My ankle on fire. Hurts. Oh god it hurts! Ignore it. Go! Keep going! Gotta get OUT! Find a ship. Any ship! Radio for help!
All the trees look the same. Am I even going in a straight line? Deeper or across? Away from civilization? I don't know how to survive here! Can I even drink the water? No. Run! Just RUN! Nothing else!
I can't hear them.
I thought he was my friend.
My grades were shit. Worst of the Best, but ultimately good enough. Got to see the stars. The galaxy. Meet real life aliens. Was a glorified gofer for the Earthling Diplomat's Entourage. Galactic Council offered staff. Wasn't really an offer. We took um. Some of them were the "better" guards then the super military badasses we had brought.
Military badasses were pretty offended.
But I was a gofer. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Just here for the aliens, right? Yay getting to meet some, right? I couldn't even PRONOUNCE their species name. I was mortified. Tried my damnedest. They thought it was hilarious. My pronunciation was god awful. Was calling them the cutesy babified version of "office chair".
Met Wolfe. He seemed FRIENDLY. Kind. Considerate. He told jokes. Asked about my day. I started sharing. Hobbies and interests. Stories about home. Explained weird human behaviors. We were close. I... I thought we were close! Was it a lie? Was everything A LIE!?
When my rotation in space was coming to an end, I was SAD! Fucking HEARTBROKEN! That I might never see my friends again. Since communication between our two planets wasn't even stabilized yet. Might never be. I wanted to savor our time together. Treasure it!
But then things started to go wrong.
Random malfunctions, that delayed and delayed us. Lost communications that nearly caused interplanetary incidents. Took days and weeks to fix at a time. People went MISSING. We looked. Every time we LOOKED!
They're dead, aren't they? Oh god. Dozens of crew members DEAD.
Then the engine "broke". Conveniently just close enough for us to make an emergency landing on this planet! And oh, would you look at THAT! A sacred cultural festival!? They won't help us unless we join in.
Heavy emphasis on the HUNT part!
They weren't surprised. Not a single one. Every last one just turned too different people and... and...! Wolfe planned this. THEY planned this! We're gonna die. I trusted him and now I'm gonna DIE! Can't breathe! Branches whipping at my arms and hair and face, as I RUN. Down slopes. Across shallow rivers. Even as my limbs BURN. I... I HAVE TOO-!
A powerful wall of muscle slams into me.
I scream. Thrash, even as I fall. My arms are easily tucked and pinned against my side, as the body covering mine rolls with me down a slight incline. The smell of wet plant matter and upturned soil thick in the strange air. Dizzy. I feel sick. Oh god please no!
Heat and pressure pin me down. Arms like thick steel bands. Still, I struggle, like a cornered animal. I have too. They always tell you to FIGHT. Only chance and survival. The deep rumble of crooned reassurances in an alien dialect fill my ear. I can feel how DEEPLY he breathes me in, before each sentence. Like hes been holding back and finally no longer has too, is giddy with it. How his hands already spread possessively, eager to explore.
And he's strong. Oh god, he's so strong! Please please please! Let go. LET GO!
"Shhhhhh shh shh, is 'okay' now. I have you. You ran so hard! Did so well! My precious little human~ so brave. So strong. You did it! Now, no one can EVER seperate us! You don't have to worry anymore. No more tears~" Hunter, Warrior, oh god it was never a GRIN-! His teeth are so sharp. Pressed so close to my skin!
"I'll take care of EVERYTHING~"
I'm scared.
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oddballwriter · 5 months
💳💥💳💥💳 THE SYSTEM WITH A METALHEAD I BEG OF YOU!! ( if comfy ofc )
Like short 5'2-5'3 reader who looks SCARY as shit and wears all black+tatted but is super cutesy until someone says the wrong shit and they get absolutely insane?
feel like steven would be like raging heart eyes
( maybe smutty maybe not either wayyy..)
- 🌑
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Steven Grant
Steven was scared of you at first, that's for sure. The all black and scary look definitely worked on him
It wouldn't be until you approached him that he realized you weren't going to bite him
He finds the difference between the two of you funny, positively.
To me, he seems more like a listener of ABBA and The B-52, those kind of older songs that are more up beat. Something that some suburban dad definitely has on vinyl
I firmly believe that Steven fucking loves the B-52s for some reason, he just has those vibes
Softer type of music, you know? Definitely not metal
But he does enjoy that you're kind and really nice rather than acting the part of how you look
But the one time when you two were out and someone insulted you both and you proceeded to yell at them and cuss them out was a day that he thinks about a lot. You weren't even yelling at them for insulting you, you just tore them a new one because they insulted him
He felt something that day, and he's not saying that he wants you to yell at him, but if you bossed him around a little then he's going to do it with a tent in his pants
He's too embarrassed to admit that but it's defiantly something that's there and you'll catch on someday
Back to the actual topic though, Steven doesn't like metal but he supports you liking it since it makes you happy
Would attend a concert with you but he'd have ear plugs in so that the music doesn't hurt his ears or stress him out
Also, you will have to leave him in the back because he's not going in the mosh pit, he would not survive. I'm sorry but he's not built for that
Marc Spector
Okay, Marc doesn't really listen to metal, he's not an avid metal listener. But I'm sure he's listened to a few songs and knows the more mainstream bands
He thinks you're cool though. Similar to my HCs for them with a goth partner, he finds it fascinating how you don't care how people perceive you and just be yourself. You're happy and he uses that as inspiration to be himself too
Marc would listen to metal music with you if it comes up, maybe you expand his knowledge of the genre
Do I think he'd handle a mosh pit? No, I think it would stress him out too much. Too much is happening and it freaks him out. Loves seeing you having fun though so go mosh for him
Marc also respects the fact that you're still polite and not true to how people think you would be, but 100% if you tell someone off then he's all for it. You tell 'em!
Since I went on a whole side tangent on Steven's music tastes, it's only right I do it for Marc
Marc sort of shares the same taste as Steven where he listens to songs that were around when they were younger. He's a classics kind of guy. He likes it when he hears people from back then on the radio
This man refuses to leave the 80's and 90's music scene. You will have to pry it from him in the field of reeds
Jake Lockley
Jake is such a "I love all genres" guy, he listens to everything and finds something to like in it. Even country, yeah sure modern country sucks but older ones are the ones he talks about when e talks about country music
So yeah, Jake definitely likes metal and can get into it. So feel free to play it around him
He also thinks you're cool and loves your whole look. Buys a shirt to match
100% would love to see you tear someone a new one so long as they deserve it. This man is an enabler, he's in the back cheering you on
Also, if you ask him to go to a concert with you, he will say yes so fast
Jake would survive the mosh pit, he would thrive
It lets him let out some stuff that he's been holding back and energy that he can't really put anywhere else
Honestly Jake would be so clearly into your whole metalhead life. He thinks it's hot. He finds it sexy. There's something about the loud music and look that does something for him and he's not going to hide that
Honestly, yell at him in bed, it'll be good foreplay if you're down
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mindstriker · 3 months
Been thinking a lot about Borderlands 3 and Rhys lately and since I've seen people posting a lot about the things they dislike about the way Borderlands 3 handled... literally everything, from previous games' characters to their strange and sudden insistent belief that "some of the megacorporations that make weapons to profit off of the galaxy being unsafe and constantly engage in inter-corporate war to steal things from each other are good actually" I thought I'd add a few of my own thoughts into the ring, this time specifically about Rhys- one of the characters who I found to be both dumbed down in 3 (although to a lesser extent than characters like Vaughn, who was pretty much just reduced to a bit character.) Cut because this is gonna be a long one, folks.
I think something interesting is the fact that Borderlands 3 really took away some of the snide, prideful behaviour Rhys had in the original Tales, kinda stripping him of some of his less "cutesy" personality flaws while giving him new ones he didn't necessarily have before- like accidentally making him seem incredibly shallow in quests like Space Laser Tag- where he's mainly concerned about trivial things like his favourite spots being destroyed while the company he fought to rebuild for the past SEVEN years is also being crushed. This is largely because instead of portraying him as the flawed but OVERALL currently well-intentioned (to some degree) character he is, they wanted him to be little more than an "adorkable" goofy type of character- and acknowledging his past of scheming ambition and potential to be incredibly dismissive of others doesn't fit that.
The thing *I* personally like the most about my perception of Rhys as a character is the dissonance between his character arc and his actions beyond the original Tales. I think it's important to spearhead this conversation with the fact that I don't like buying into the idea of Rhys being possessed by Handsome Jack post-TFTBL, trying to bring him back, or even still being in possession of his infected ECHOeye. Whether he sided with him for the majority of the original Tales or not, I prefer believing that the canon ending to the game inevitably resulted in Rhys finally discarding his idolization of Jack and resolving to veer his own life away from following in Jack's footsteps and towards creating his own ideal future with Atlas.
Does that immediately make him a morally perfect wonderful guy who's not still questionable by sheer virtue of INSISTING on making a return to the very corporate hellscape that pushed him to do everything from get unnecessary body modifications (still forever thinking about the fact that he did NOT lose that arm, my man had it purposefully removed for the sake of career success). No. The FUN part of it all is that Rhys is simultaneously right- he isn't like Jack, and I really don't like that the new Tales really switched up his behaviour to resemble his more- and wrong. Because at the end of the day, he's now still the CEO of a large-scale weapons manufacturer taking advantage of the unrest between planets and corporations just like every other big corp.
I think more than anything, I like Rhys best when he's a well-intentioned person (with glaring character flaws like a persistent love for the corporate life and lingering ambitions) who genuinely cares about Atlas and believes that it's the key to bettering the world he lives in- while simultaneously only REALLY managing to be, at most, a lesser evil. Someone snarky and occasionally snide, who's lightened up into the more affable, comfortable, almost silly persona we see in 3- but not missing the flaws that were definitive of his character in the past, either.
I wish we'd seen him have a stronger reaction to Katagawa Jr. and the possibility of losing Atlas, instead of the played-up-for-laughs kind of upset he displayed over things like a donut shop vs. the literal potential destruction of the company he scavenged out of a bad situation and brought back from the grave. I wanted to see him take it more PERSONALLY. To me, Atlas is in part Rhys trying to prove to HIMSELF that he doesn't need to be like Jack. It's proof and reassurance that when he tries to tell himself he's better, he's right. It's freedom from the corporate rat race he used to live in, because *he*'s in charge of it now, and he's running it with a lighter hand. To me, it's his own (flawed, yes, but I should've made that clear already) attempt to spit on everything Hyperion represented as a corporate environment.
If I'd had my way with it, honestly, I would've played a bit of a more emotional angle with the ideas Borderlands 3 lays out for you. I really love Katagawa Jr. for a lot of reasons, but one of them is the fact that he's a character that really echoes a lot of Rhys' own (past and present) character traits right back at him, and I think that should've been emphasized more. I wanted it to hurt more! Let Rhys look dead in the eyes someone who is, in many ways, eerily similar to himself- opportunistic power-grabbing and all- and realize that he's going to have to have him killed to protect what he's built for himself. I wanted him to realize that this was the only way things were ever going to turn out- because there's no happy ending when you go corporate in the Borderlands universe. It's going to be backstabbing, conflict with other manufacturers, and destruction all the way down.
Anyways I have a *lot* more to say than this (autism does that to a motherfucker)- but I see a lot of discourse? Discussion? Who knows- anyways. I see it a lot regarding Rhys, and I think my take is essentially, TLDR:
He doesn't need to be the pinnacle of evil, a new clone of Handsome Jack or someone stepping into his footsteps, just another heartless corporate fuck who underwent no character development whatsoever and is just as bad as Maliwan, or Tediore, or anyone else. He also shouldn't be reduced to "the good one". I know that Borderlands 3 itself is for the most part completely allergic to nuance, especially in character writing, but I think it's fascinating to play with the idea of a character who is trying to do their best to BE "the good one" and succeeding to some degree- while still failing to break the status quo in a way that matters. He also doesn't need to be entirely a goofy piece of shit that's obsessed with action figures, OR a conniving, snide asshole who's way too overconfident sometimes. He could've and should've been a bit of both, y'know?
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. If you read all this, you have my commendation.
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yueliie · 24 days
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hii y'all! so it has come to my attention...the existing of flufftober and I thought it's sounds pretty cool and challenging but I thought it's would be nice to challenge my hopeless romantic side to good use and reuse my old quote prompts that I made up, so here are the rules!
1. NO requesting two prompts for yourself, only pick one prompt for one character!
As much as I love hearing ideas from y'all, I feel it's a bit cheating for other fans who also want to join in.
2. This is not a selfship event I'm saving these for my milestone events BUT the drabble will be dedicated to you, the requester.
Okie, hear me out, it will be obviously x reader still but the reader's personality & gender will be based off yours. There is only so much I can do with the mc's personality and I don't know my audience well enough to make predictions...so tell me about yourself from pronouns, interests, strengths, weaknesses to your perception of the character! you can even put nicknames they use for you, some ideas if you want and so on, I need that sugar man.
3. PLEASE be respectful, I do not want people to fight over each other.
listen...this is an event I put together for everyone to enjoy themselves and I always wants to doing a writing challenge from start to finish so please be kind for my sake?? TwT
4. MY moots will get a VIP treatment tho cuz I'm affectionately biased towards them-
I LOVE MY LITTLE CUTESY MOOTS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND but this doesn't mean follower and non-follower can't join in! if moots' chosen prompt is taken by someone else and it's NOT your beloved, I will give them permission to have an extra slot just for their favourite. Remember this event is a writing challenge for me, might be late on the delivery if life kicked me in the butt but I'll definitely want to finish it though!
5. WIND BREAKER ONLY!! I'm reading the manga and I think I have too much energy for this series that it's overwhelming my other love (KnY), sorry!
I'M UNHINGED, EMOTIONAL UNSTABLE AND A LIL' STUPID RN BUT yeahhhh...they are holding me hostage, i can't leave until I'm drained-
DONE READING THE RULES? PLEASE PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEP... please be aware this event is a mix of holidays such as valentine's day, christmas (in Japan, it's all about LOVEEE), tanabata festival, white day and halloween. So please, you have my permission to go FERAL in my ask box :D send me an ask for your chosen quote prompt, your details, ideas and character!...MY ASK BOX IS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT UNTIL OCTOBER OR THIS IS FILLED UP (MOOTS DOESN'T COUNT, THEY ARE VIPS) !! PLEASE REBLOG AND SPREAD THE WORD!!
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1. "Both you and your chocolate should belong to me only"
2. "...why a santa's helper outfit?"
3. "...make these only for me, everyday please?"
4. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
5. "Before you go...can i kiss you?"
6. "I'll hold your hand until you fall asleep..."
7. "Call me a monster but I'm just a monster who wants your heart"
8. "I want to be the only one who can see your crying face..."
9. "Why are you so embarrassed about? I just want to remind you how much I love you"
10. "Don't move around so much when you're sick!"
11. "Do you want a hug?"
12. "Can we hold hands?"
13. "Hearing your heartbeat...a melody I will never forget"
14. "With you, I find a sense of belonging as if I'm always home"
15. "I don't know when to let you go"
16. "I don't care what we do, I just like spending time with you"
17. "I hate being so far away from you"
18. "I only accept gifts from the person I like"
19. "Thank you for loving me/being you"
20. "I can't stop thinking about you"
21. "It's your favourite snack, right?"
22. "I want to be with you forever"
23. "You really want to know how I feel?"
24. "You're way sweeter than any chocolate"
25. "...good morning kiss?"
26. "I love everything you make though"
27. "I lose my way, your hand guide me back to the right path"
28. "Holding your hand, you make me forget all my worries and the world around us"
29. "I want your gift to be the first one I get"
30. "How long are you going to stare when your lover is right in front of you?"
31. "Keep me warm tonight"
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Tagging lovely people to boost this event (no pressure...!) : @kaq3yma , @littleplantfreak , @megutime , @iid-smile , @meidiary , @kajibunny , @the-original-skipps , @kaiser1ns , @sanemistar , @stunie !!
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illubean · 29 days
Hiii I hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask if u could do something with Crona x Fem!Reader where the reader has a sort of gothic/grunge style but her room is all hello kitty and pink, and same with her personality ^^
Crona W/ a Goth!Reader Who's Also Cutesy
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Characters: Crona Gorgon Type: Headcanons, FemCoded!Reader
hello from my new mac! technically not new cus its a hand me down but whatevsies
Warnings: none
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bro is probably afraid of you the first time you meet (like they are of most people)
he thinks your style is so cool and it makes them nervous to talk to you
but after warming up to you they realize you're actually really nice
he's still uptight around you a bit but they've loosened up
gathered a lot of courage to ask you for fashion tips...
if you ever let them borrow something from your wardrobe they make sure to be SO careful with it
their worst fear is tearing or staining your clothes (even if they're mostly black and kind of hard to stain...)
he'll let you try doing his makeup once with much convincing but then never again because of Ragnarok's teasing
"this stuff is so heavy on my face...I don't know how to deal with this!"
you dressed them up once and poor baby just can't handle the corsets and all the accessories :(( he will just stick to admiring you while dressing more simple
he likes hanging out with you where the both of you just sit and quietly listen to music
very fond of your playlist and surprisingly, Ragnarok is too
the first time they came to your house he damn near short circuited
very confused...how is your room a complete 180 from your wardrobe?
the pink all over kind of made his head hurt since yk...he's used to the dark
but if you turn the lights down they can get comfy on your mountain of plushies (after you gave them permission ofc)
feels more comfortable around you and much safer knowing that you trusted him enough to show them this side of you
points out things when he's out with Maka that he thinks you might like and she sometimes convinces him to get it for you
you've now dedicated an entire corner in your room to the little gifts they give you :D
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Neighbor reader actually joining for Christmas? Meeting the family and feeling welcome. Perhaps some strategically placed mistletoe? (Jay seems like the kind of guy who would give a kiss on the cheek to assess the situation in that situation to a new or newish partner bc he wants explicit consent wow I love Jason Todd so much)
Jason stood slightly behind you and slipped a mug of hot coco into your hand, "You okay?" he asked. "They can be a lot-"
"It's nice not being alone," you murmur. "Usually I just wait for the day to be over. Chug some Nyquil and sleep through it."
Jason nodded, frowning a little. Hating that your family took a murderer's side over yours. Leaving you alone- he didn't blame you for sleeping. But before he could answer you a chorus of Ooos and cutesy noises resounded and Jason glance up, rolling his eyes.
He wasn't sure who had snuck that up there- he thought he'd managed to get them all down. But- in a family of gymnasts and martial artists- he wasn't sure who to suspect. But- when he watched you glance up and immediately get uncomfortable and flustered he felt sick- remembering belatedly that his find of attention was your worst fucking nightmare. Videos of kiss cams and public proposals made you want to cringe out of your body.
"Hold very still," he murmured, leaning down, "People don't really bring friends to Christmas very often." It was a shitty explaination. It wasn't an excuse. But- when he brushed a very careful kiss against your cheek, just to make it stop, he's thankful you don't just bolt.
At least you didn't go tense, even if you didn't move closer.
"What a cop out," Dick protested, "Really little wing?"
"Why would you wanna watch your little brother make out with someone?" you ask, nose crinkling in distaste.
"Exactly," Jason said,moving to step out from behind you and position himself next to you, where he could move you behind him if he needed to. "It's fucking weird."
"One shouldn't kiss a lady against her will," Alfred said approvingly, "Especially not for your entertainment, Master Richard. It's not a football match."
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13as07 · 6 months
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Coffee #1.5
(Neji Hyuga)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to iDNAR]
Requested by: @pokepony64 [Kind of]
[Idea inspired by the comment convo I had on my 'Coffee' oneshot on tumblr]
Word Count: 864
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
     "Um... sir... I don't think that is what you want to order," the barista says, his nose scrunched up as he looks me up and down.
     "No, it is," I insist, glancing to the side as I replay the conversation I had with Lee. Two shots of expresso, four shots of orange juice, and two shots of creamer. Maybe Lee said four shots of expresso and two shots of orange juice... or was it three? I'm pretty sure he said two.
     "Sir, I really don't think you want to mix expresso and orange juice."
     "No, I'm sure that's what my friend said. He said it should taste tangy," I insist, letting out a sigh because of the worker trying to fight me on my order. What does he care what I order? It's my drink order, not his.
     "I mean," the worker mumbles, tinting his head and widening his eyes a bit. "It will be tangy."
     "Then that is the order I want."
     "What if you ordered something else? If you're trying to go for an orange flavor you can get an orange lemonade," the worker tries to persuade me, upsetting me even more.
     I just want my drinks made before I'm late. "Please just make my drinks," I mumble, rubbing my temples. I swear, this barista is giving me more of a headache than Lee does.
     "If that's what you want, but just a reminder we don't do refunds."
     "Ya, ya, ya," I mutter, tugging out my wallet to count out my total.
     After paying, I slide to the side of the counter to wait for my drinks. As I wait, the four or so baristas scurry around each other, whispers passed back and forth and eyes flickering my way. Is Lee's drink suggestion that strange?
     "Neji!" Lee's voice rings out, muffled by the big glass window he has himself pressed against. I swear, it's like my thoughts are just a setup for people to show up. "Neji!" He yells again, the bell of the door ringing as an undertone for his voice.
     "Lee," I mumble, turning to the side as he races towards me.
     "Neji!" He cheers again, jumping at me. His arms wrap around my shoulders as he shakes me around, Lee's energy at an all-time high. "Did you order already? Did you order the drink I recommended? After this are you going to see the girl? Are you? Are you?"
     The whole time Lee rambles on, I'm being shaken by him, the most annoying of ways he gets his energy out. The whole time, more eyes fall on us, and 'cutesy' giggles fall from girls both on staff and in line. "I swear," whispers one of the baristas, she and another settled at the end of the counter as they pop lids onto the drinks in their hands. "Those two are so lucky they're cute."
     "I know, right?" The other barista whispers, eyes glancing towards Lee and me. "At least their looks make up for their stupidity." Both girls giggle at their not-so-inside joke. Lee's recommendation isn't that stupid... is it?
     "Neji?" The first girl calls, eyes scanning my name scribbled on one of the to-go cups.
     "That's me," I call back, attempting to shake Lee off of me as I head towards the girl.
     Her eyes jump up to mine, going wide as her cheeks go pink. "Oh... hi. Neji is such a cute name. I... ah..."
     "I'm not interested, yad yad, I have a girlfriend, yad yad, I appreciate your interest," I grumble, taking my drinks from her before turning - more so dragging Lee as I inch away - to head towards the door.
     Lee rambles on about how "unfair it is of me to get all the girls" and "wanting to try the coffee he recommended".
     "If you release me, we can try it together, okay? Unhand me."
     "Yes!" Lee cheers, letting me go before he bounces around. He doesn't need any more caffeine but if it keeps his touch off of me, then so be it. Besides, we'll be reporting for duty soon so his extra caffeine-induced hyperness won't be my problem. "Give me, give me, give me!"
     "Hey! It's my coffee, I get to try it first." Once the sentence is out, I lift the cup to my mouth and take a sip of it. I hate coffee, it tastes terrible, and this cup tastes worse than usual.
     "Okay! My turn!" He whines, snatching the cup I drank out of before pressing it to his lips. Lee gulps the liquid, his face slowly falling out of his usual smile.
     When he pulls the cup away from his mouth, the brown liquid comes squirting out, spewing all over the road. "Ew, ew, ew!" Lee yells, running back and forth in front of me with his tongue hanging out. "Take your cup back! Take it back!" He whines, his words jumbled up by his tongue still hanging out.
     I do as Lee asks, taking the to-go cup back from him. "I don't know how people drink coffee," I mutter, eyes ping-ponging as he keeps running around. Hopefully, Aburame-San likes coffee more than Lee and I do.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 6 months
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Requested by my mutual once again, here comes one of the sweetest girls from the game: Kanata Inori!
Kanata here went through quite a few changes while also being relatively the same as she still wears a button-up shirt, skirt, and slippers combo. However, I changed the type of skirt and slippers: the skirt is one I found on google and I liked it's asymmetrical design that I decided to give it to Kanata, and the slippers were simply made to look more fitted as her original ones look like they can easily slip off. I also changed the cross symbol to a cute little panda design instead cause I saw these cute animal slippers and decided that she'd be the kind of person to wear these kinds of slippers. Her shirt is basically the same, as least from what you can see from underneath the coat, I just tucked the shirt in. Her lab coat isn't as long as her OG one, and honestly, I think it'd be better for Kanata to have one that's adjusted for her small height. I also got rid of the belt from her OG design cause it's basically useless??? It's not even holding up anything like her skirt, so why does she even have one around her waist? I also removed the ribbon but I added some hairclips to her hair instead! Speaking of her hair, I wanted to keep the shape of her tousled hair as it's very cute. But I ended up changing her pigtails to a single, thicker, over the shoulder ponytail instead as her splash art make it look like she's wearing a single ponytail and I liked it so much that I decided to give her that hairstyle instead. A feminine but more serious type of hairstyle. Sorry to anyone who likes Kanata with her pigtails, though. I added an ID and a butterfly patch to her lab as it's common for doctors to wear IDs in the hospital and Kanata is a professional that would wear one, while the butterfly patch is to show a bit more of her cutesy side. I basically wanted to try and balance out her seriousness as a doctor and her friendly, and sometimes playful, personality as a teenage girl. As for her colors, I ended up changing her palette from lilac and blue to pastel green and teal. They're still adorable colors but green is more associated with health while teal can represent calmness. Her hair ended up looking a lot more blonde while drawing her, and her eyes are now a brighter shade of blue. Also, Kanata now has scars because, let's be real here, if the car crash she was in was THAT bad to the point that no doctor wanted to risk working on her cause they were certain she wouldn't make it until Dr. Ando stepped in to do it himself, there's no way she came out of the surgery without any kind of scars. The worst of them are hidden underneath her clothes, but you can still see quite a few of them on her leg and her face. I made sure to keep the scars away from her eyes, though, since you need to see what you're doing during surgery, so I was careful on where to put those scars on her face. And I don't think she has as many scars on her arms or hands as being a surgeon requires finesse and dexterity with your hands. But yeah, I think Kanata Inori should have scars, so I gave her scars.
And that's about it! Gee, I hope nothing bad happens to her! Hahaha...haha...ha...
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homuracar · 10 days
personal complaining rant about haikyuu and hypermasc fanart--because!!! speaking exaggeratedly for fun, and because i don't think anyone's reading
i just saw very very veryvery cute sakuushi art, right after seeing some haikyuu fanart that i really do not like... thing i've realized is i think i hated a lot of the haikyuu fandom so much because, a lot of the art was very masculine LOL. it'll depend on the fandom side ofcourse... and it's not like everyone drew it like that. but i was always stupid and crazyparticular sometimes. hypermasc depictions of characters, in haikyuu fandom i reaaaally hated it. especially because my favorite was ushijima (>_>) it was over. i didn't know how to explain it back then because i was a kid and totally disconnected from that thought, i decided it was because i didn't like my fav being sexualized(complete lie lmao)
a lot of haikyuu fandom sees the boys more as love interests in like, an otome game? or something. or potential husbands. which is fair, people can do what they want... i don't care... well i do care because i hate the drawings and i hate the depictions. but this is my own problem mostly, i didn't end up aligning with most of fan's views on it. ushijima isn't my husband... (gnaws hand) i wouldn't intrude like that... he wouldn't see me like that even if i wanted him to be my wife..... and i would pale in comparison to his other suitors(is now just crazed). not only that i don't align with their shipping views either?! if i was bored by most of the main pairs the fandom decided on when i first got into haikyuu, by now i basically hate them. fuck bokuaka and fuck that one fanfic. (seethe) well actually the ship is fine, most ships are fine or would be fine if i didn't think a lot of the fanwork was atrocious about the characters lol. my art leans feminine, and most of my preferences does too. but i didn't Like the characters that fans decided was feminine like that. i didn't care for them, or i didn't even see them like that! maybe my view of what is fem/masc is a little too jumbled up, but i abide by it. fuck all of this. fuck you. and fuck ushioi. oiushi is fine. ushioi nearly made me dislike oikawa with it's sheer force. oikawa is fine actually he's funny. in fact ushijima and oikawa's relationship IS interesting... i just hate 90% of what i saw of it fanon-wise. sakuushi is precious to me, because gap moe is super. i never liked sakuatsu and i probably never will. i love atsumu but this is not where he should beee...(rolls around). it also made me despise mafia aus by instinct. im crazy but heta is kind of fresh air to me for this, so many cutesy art... so many fun art... and the source material goes with it too. if not outright cute then it's funny, which is cute itself! even if it's dark or weird it's still cute. and so much more ryona than i could ever dream of (Im So Happy). at least back then when i was more brain tied to haikyuu, there were the bunch of people who'd make more cute art. in english fandom, the cartoonish funny cuteness. i find easian fandoms get the characters down in a way i like much more most of the time tho lol. for some reason the jokes people pick up on are different? like you don't see obsessive fan shirabu in english fandom LOL. but seasian fandom does a lot of handsome ultramasc husbando haikyuu fanart(gnaws hand). that's not surprising... i know indonesians like manboobs... whatever idon't even care. i don't care. i don't.
i'm complaining so i might as well, but saddening to me when art of characters being feminine felt so limited. especially for the characters with more "masculine" bodytypes(fuck all of you). again my view of fem/masc is a little jumbled, or kind of weird so my words don't mean much here. but i never understood why characters were so limited by fans in it. if a ""masculine""(fuck you) character were to be given like, a dress, or feminine clothing, it'd be like, deliberately an outlier in some way. like for the "absurdity" of it... they'd never shut up about the absurdity too... i don't care if it's sexualization it's just really annoying to keep being like this guy is so masculine but he's wearing a dress!!! crazy right!!! look how annoyed he is scowling and jaw hard and muscles tense!!! don't you see how crazy masculine he is while in that dress!!!! i'll kill you all. characters flustered in dresses is cute. nobody understands. it's over. it's just strange to see, the only characters where anyone ever acknowledges their feminine traits are whoever people decide are twinks. the characters who isn't usually get focus on how dominant and masculine they are. No i think ushijima has feminine traits? fuck all of you. it's kind of my fault for preferring feminine things while falling in love with strong/big characters LOL. fml... not my fault the fandom's dearest chosen twinks are MID and not WIFE MATERIAL. i don't like twink atsumu miya actually but he's still a cute puppy. okay? fuck. can't we balance this out. can't a cute girlfriend who gets red in the face also work out and be professional athletes? can't tall fit girls faces get flushed confessing to you? do you hate me? why can't everyone be cute girls is it so wrong? look they're slice of life-ing isn't this so cute?!?! don't you agree that it's cute to see them eat meat buns in the snow and have puffs of breath show up?! i'll just yuribend them all. i guess
i say this but i also just never rly gravitate towards more petite or smaller characters. so. lol. and if they have a shy timid pathetic personality it makes me want to see them seme more... lol... the predicament. all the characters with aura is decided seme tch.... which makes sense... tch.. i guess... i'll accept that ame makes sense seme/uke(but i'd never ever let him or draw him seme don't get me wrong.) but i won't allow it for ushijima. im smiling at the sky. my girlfriends are so cu
but if you dig you can find fanart of them in super very cute artstyles! the core of haikyuu is volleyball fun after all. most of the time the characters behave very endearingly, rather than the super macho mafia bosses people are so insistent on. for the majority of it's runtime they're stupid teenage boys, and even after timeskip they're having good fun. they're happy and loving. i really can't stand a lot of the fanart. but if you find right you will find the best the cutest the sweetest. (my current heta twt used to be the acc i used scouring for cute haikyuu fanart and posting them LOL... i still follow some haikyuu accounts bcz of it)(korean sakuushi art!!! the absolute best!!!) ones that really understand haikyuu's cuteness. it's still a manga dear to my heart, even tho i'll avoid checking in the fandom 90% of the time.
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halliescomut · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Ep 5
Sorry I was a bit late watching, and then I wanted to kind of digest the episode and organize my thoughts. And I gotta tell you I am still so fascinated by this show. This week...it's freaking anime Bluey. If you're not aware of what Bluey is, it's an Australian-made (and set) kids cartoon series about a family of Blue Heeler dogs that is syndicated by Disney. It's been creating a lot of really interesting conversations among parents regarding how the show portrays parenthood, and specifically about how often the lessons are for the parents watching with their kids, and not the kids themselves. (This is a good recent article about the show). While I have no children, I do have a niece and nephew at the prime age for enjoying the show and have seen all of the first two seasons multiple times (I'm still working through the recently released 3rd season).
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I'm drawing the comparison here, because while Tadaima, Okaeri has up until this episode focused mainly on the adults of the Fujiyoshi household, with Hikari and Hinata being more cutesy side characters. This episode really centers around both Masaki and Hikari, with Hikari starting to fully start to recognize what being a big brother means. While ages are unclear in the show, it seems like Hikari is supposed to be somewhere around 4, an age where both his psychological development and the cultural standards would be encouraging him to become more independent.
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But, in the end Hikari is still just a little kid, and in his very endearing way takes his big brother responsibilities a bit too seriously and kind of overextends himself.
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From the Masaki side, we see him dealing with the struggle of watching Hikari growing up before his eyes. There's a saying that the days are long, but the years are short when it comes to kids, and that's sort of what Masaki is dealing with this episode. He's watching the contrast of Hikari, who it feels like was just a little baby like Hinata only days ago, now being so much more independent and driven. They're morning the 'loss' of that stage of Hikari's life, while also being so proud of how he's grown. His determination to be helpful, to help take care of the house, of his sister, to help Masaki, these behaviors they want to encourage, that will help Hikari learn how to be a good person as an adult. And they also recognize that tendency that all children have of sort of trying to grow up too fast, because they're to young to conceptualize that they shouldn't give up their childhood, because it is so fleeting in the long run.
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Masaki struggling with the unique challenges of having a second child, and just the stress that comes with having to split your attention between multiple young children, they're feeling guilty over not being able to give everything they had before to Hikari, because Hinata requires more direct attention. And they can see the Hikari is struggling to adjust to no longer being an only child, not being able to climb in Ma-chan's lap whenever he wants, or be the sole focus of attention, but they also know it's one of those moments of growth that you just have to let kids go through. You can't really help, you can just be there.
But there's this pretty universal experience of good parents constantly being worried about whether they're good parents. And you may have heard that if you're worried about it, it means you are, because it means you are actively trying to be the best parent you know how to be. And that lesson is the one we kind of see Masaki learning over the course of the episode. I don't know that Masaki's accepted really that they are a good parent, and that doubt seems to be rooted in a lot of things we don't have knowledge of yet.
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We don't know nearly as much about Masaki's family as we do about Hiromu and the Fujiyoshis, outside of the fact that Masaki's parents have passed. Though it seems next episode we might met their uncle, which I'm betting will give us a lot more insight. But there's a couple of possibilities, one being that Masaki's home life was a traumatic beyond just the loss of their parents, and that there's a bit of a 'breaking the cycle' storyline happening. Something supported by the behavior we've seen from the Fujiyoshi's and their valiant effort to reconnect with their son and forge a truer bond with Masaki as their son-in-law. I particularly enjoyed the interactions between Masaki and Grandma Fujiyoshi, because you could really feel the desire to connect from both sides. While I continue to have issues with the intentional feminization of Omega or bottoms in BL, I was touched by the symbolism of wanting to pass down the kimono to Masaki. Especially because it was clear that this wasn't a case of 'I want you to have this to pass on to Hinata', but very much intended to indicate acceptance into the family.
Overall this show and this episode is a lot of food for thought for a BL. The veneer of the show is quite fluffy, but they've shown every episode so far a commitment to telling an impactful story within the bounds of BL anime and the omegaverse, which I applaud.
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kitkatopinions · 11 months
Nitpick November Day Five! Let's talk about the Happy Huntress uniforms.
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So, I don't remember exactly where I heard it, but I'm pretty confident it's true; The Happy Huntresses introduced in V7 were meant to parallel but be contrasts to the Ace Ops also introduced in V7. I could make an entire post about the ways that I think that failed that are a little more important than their uniforms like Robyn being a politician and them stealing from government works projects rather than like them stealing from Jacques Schnee and how I would've done the Robin Hood allusion differently etcetera etcetera, but those aren't nitpicks.
But specifically with the uniforms, I'm gonna nitpick the hell out of that. Because one of the ways that the Happy Huntresses could've so easily been used to contrast the Ace Ops is their clothes. We as the audience are meant to see the Ace Ops as stiff, order followers who act within the confines of Atlas and Ironwood, and we're meant to view the Happy Huntresses instead as the cool, rebellious non-conforming good badge carrying law enforcement officers that only follow their own rules (which again is an entirely different problem that's much bigger than a nitpick.) But if we're going to see the Ace Ops as stiff and confined and the Happy Huntresses instead represent freedom and expression... Why are their outfits so matchy? The Happy Huntresses should dress however they want, wield cool creative weapons, express themselves through their clothes and emblems if they even have emblems! Even though the Ace Ops all keep to an Atlas color scheme, their outfits are otherwise just as personalized if not more personalized than the Happy Huntress outfits are. Apparently Ironwood is like "No, it doesn't matter if Marrow is wearing a long sleeved coat, Harriet, of course you should wear a tank-top shirt and white shorts with dark blue chaps if you want to," but the Happy Huntresses were like "If our jackets aren't almost the exact same except in different dulled down colors, we won't look like a team." I'll also point out that making the Ace Ops a group of five (something that goes against the norm of teams as we've seen in RWBY) and only making four important HH members (though there is one more member named Crimson that's offscreen according to the Wiki,) is also slightly weird to me. Like, shouldn't Robyn's team be the one not adhering to strict arbitrary unnecessary rules like how many people are usually put on a team, while the Ace Ops are the ones who are adhering to those guidelines? I read on the wiki once that the Ace Ops being comprised of five people was 'a clue' that Ironwood wasn't good because he wasn't adhering to the four-person team thing, and I'm just like...
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It's a nitpick, but really, why do the Happy Huntresses have any sort of uniform? If I was trying to play the Ace Ops as stiff and controlled and the Happy Huntresses as contrasting that, I'd start by giving the Ace Ops all one unchanging across the board uniform and making the Happy Huntresses an explosion of different styles and cool color schemes with no set aesthetic or uniforms at all. It seems obvious! Why couldn't one of them be more subdued and grayscale and one of them is like colorful punk and one of them is more cutesy vintage and one of them dresses in like... Idk, seventies inspired glam, or vampire looking goth stuff, or grunge or biker or anything interesting and not conforming?
This might just be me personally too, but I have an easier time getting attached to and caring about side characters when they look like they have a lot of personality. Like don't get me wrong, May specifically has a great personality that shines through even without some kind of iconic look. But compare this
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To this
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There's a reason people loved Neo from her very first appearance before we even knew anything about her, and it's because we could get so much character from just this shot
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Not to mention
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So much character can be gleaned by style (and attitude.) I do not understand the choice to make characters that are meant to be significant and thematic like the Happy Huntresses and then putting them all in dulled down samey uniforms with all the same weapon.
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trevvylovesspence · 1 year
Hi! Can you do a Scott tenorman x fem Cutecore reader? Scott tenorman is from South Park if you didn’t know, if it’s to hard or you just don’t want to write for that then can you do a Miles Fairchild x fem,cutecore reader? It’s fine if not,anyways have a lovely day/night!
OMG MARI YOU ARE SO COOL! You have a lovely day/night. I had to write for Scott the second you brought him up. So here's our lovely boy trying to charm.
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Warning: nothin really, just 9th graders having crushes on eachother, fluff.
Scott was a quieter kid, he listened his music, bullied fourth graders (Cartman's bitch ass) with his friend group and played video-games in class. You weren't as quiet, running around with your friends, wearing pretty and flashy outfits to school and being honestly, the smartest kid in class.
Your newest cute outfit however had all his focus on you recently, your bell bottoms adorned with not only patch flowers but your own scribbled flowers, a plain tank-top and a cute pink sweater. It matched your Mary Janes that you wore constantly. And it had his eyes all over you, he was the average 15-year-old boy, obsessing over a girl in his class.
He tried desperately for the next few days to win you over with his bad boy act, and honestly it did. "Dude, you're a loser." His friends laughed, throwing a comic from one to the other. "I just don't see why you're hung up on that one girl, there are like...forty-seven others in this town." He scoffed. "I'm not 'hung up' on her, i'm just testing my charm." His friends scoffed and laughed. "Well I heard from her friends that it's working, she's like super into you."
So Scott had a plan, he'd ask you out today. Maybe today was three weeks after that conversation but he'd ask today. Only problem, you had those stupid cutesy Mary Janes on, that dumb heart sweater and that stupidly pretty pink skirt. And even worse you smiled and waved when you saw him.
"Hey Y/n..." He mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a short side-hug. "Hey Scotty!" You giggled and he swore he might melt right there. "It's Scott." He muttered, keeping his 'mean, tough guy' act up. You however did not seem to care if he was stoic with you as you smiled and nodded. "Yep, but I'm calling you Scotty anyway." He could feel himself smiling, you had a charm no boy could resist.
"Hey Y/n..." You looked up at him from your phone with a smile and a tilt of your head, "Yeah?" He noticed you had pink glittery lip gloss on and he just wanted to kiss you right then and there. He truly thought about it, and the way the glitter would stain his own lips. "Scott, you there?" He's brought out of his daydream by your confused face. And he just goes for it. He cups your face in his hands and smears your pretty lip gloss all over both of your lips as he presses his lips to yours. You squeak quietly, taken aback by his actions before leaning into the kiss with ease.
Scott leaned back with a large smile, a rare thing to see. "Go out with me...please." The 'please' was quiet and whispered and you cracked a smile yourself. "Yes."
And so you went out with him, deciding to walk around the mall. You running into every cute clothing store you could find and him awkwardly following you like a puppy. Once you ran into a comic store he was confused. "You like this kind of stuff?" You shook your head, "Not really, this is more for you to have fun looking around." Your eyes lit up forever as you picked up a stuffed animal. "But I also like the Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon stuff!" He chuckled, tilting his head as he watched you rummage through the stuffed animals.
"Oh my gods!" He raised his eyebrow and you pulled out a small penguin, he had no idea why a small penguin with a hat and bow had you so excited. "He's Tuxedo Sam, my favorite Sanrio character." you giggled as if it was obvious, he was even more confused. "Sanrio?" You raised your brows. "You don't-...actually it makes sense you don't know, nevermind. It's a Hello Kitty thing." And then he got it. "Ah, I see. You want him?" He asked, motioning to the stuffed animal you still cuddled in your arms.
You nodded softly and he chuckled. "Hand him over, I'll go pay." You raised a brow, "Do you have enough?" He pretended to be offended, "Y/n, are you calling me poor?" You laughed and shook your head, handing Sam over to him. "No, I'm just sayin that cause I don't have enough. My allowance wasn't as much as usual." He nodded. "Don't worry, I got enough for little Sammy here." He joked, and you followed him to the counter where he payed for it and handed it back to you. "Alright, any other clothing stores you wanna walk through? Or are we at that point when I buy you every cute food item you see?" He looked down at you and you laughed, "Nah, let's go look at your kind of stuff now." You blushed and cradled the small stuffed animal in your arms.
So now you had a quiet sweet boyfriend named Scoot who took you shopping and read you his comics.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
🌹 Who's the flirty one and who gets shy and flustered?
Thanks for the ask, @kaylinalexanderbooks!
I'll go with some of the couples from Supernova Initiative!
🌹 Who's the flirty one and who gets shy and flustered?
Jack & Lyorna
Flustered/Shy One - Jack. Despite being very extroverted and outspoken, Jack is incredibly awkward and shy when it comes to matters of romance. It is partly due to the fact that he is a strongly sex-repulsed asexual who feels too uncomfortable to try and flirt, but also because his self-esteem isn't the best so he doesn't even consider himself flirting with someone as a plausible course of action. He is also, despite his adventurous lifestyle, completely inexperienced (not naive though, he probably knows more than he should lol) when it comes to matters of sex and romance.
Flirty One - Lyorna. But in like a sweet and endearing way. She is aware of Jack's shyness when it comes to flirting and romance, and so her "flirts" with him are generally on the more wholesome, cutesy side, y'know. Like, she loves showing him that she appreciates the things he does and always tries to lift up his self-esteem when she can through subtle ways, so her flirting mostly comes through as a supportive friendship with romantic moments, and Jack rather likes it as it is, even though he was initially clueless to her advances at first. Now, he has gotten to the point where he himself engages in this form of "flirting" with Lyorna, something he would have never have considered possible.
Relationship Song - La Da Dee - Cody Simpson
Vesper & Deimos
Flustered/Shy One - Both (most of the time). Both Deimos and Vesper are pretty emotionally stunted young adults with painfully introverted personalities who often come across as either too harsh, awkward, or strange to strangers. When they first met and had to work together, they weren't even friends, they had a rivalry (like, "I don't like you cause I don't want to" type of rivalry), but begrudgingly realized they had started to care for each other and had no idea what to do with that information for a long, long while lol.
Flirty One - Vesper (on rare occasions lol). She was the first one to verbalize/act out her feelings towards Deimos, though her first attempt was pretty harsh/unromantic (it was very much a "shut up you idiot I fucking love you!" moment, because she hadn't meant to say it, and he didn't know how to react cause he realized he felt like that too). After that she was also the first one to try and be a bit more flirty, though both of them continued equally awkward in their own ways.
Relationship Song - I'm a Mess - Bebe Rexha
Noctus & Aleks
Flustered/Shy One - Noctus. He is very much a serious, "by the book" secret agent who has spent his entire life (that he remembers of) following orders and being the Junction's perfect soldier. He had never considered love and romance as a factor he desired in his life, and when he first met Aleks he considered the bubbly troublemaker as unbearable, but grumpily found himself falling for him regardless. And later, much to his own surprise, found himself breaking protocol for the first time in his life in order to side with and save the love of his life and his friends.
Flirty One - Aleks. He is a very forward, funny kind of guy who is rather vocal about his feelings. Being a "prankster" type, Aleks is more than definitely the kind of young adult who makes suggestive jokes that often come across as the stupidest things in the world (deez nuts kind of jokes, for reference). This is part of the reason why the secret agent was often so exasperated by him and found him so insufferable. Aleks made his attraction to Noctus pretty clear from week one, though initially, he was actually just joking with the "uptight secret agent babysitting the crew" but later found himself actually meaning it.
Pax & Tarah
Flustered/Shy One - Pax. He is a young space cadet who has never dated before in his life and though he is very much up for "breaking the rules" and getting into trouble, Pax is also very much not ready for the level of recklessness and sheer dangerous excitement Gabi has to offer, which makes some of their interactions pretty interesting. Pax does try to be flirty on occasion but those attempts mostly come across as endearingly awkward.
Flirty One -Tarah. She is a very blunt, "speak things as they are" kind of girl, having been raised to be no-nonsense and generally direct. Though her attempts at flirting were initially as awkward as Pax's she quickly got better at it and now is the most forwardly romantic one of the duo - she also is the one who has the most "date ideas", though those ideas often involve at least some form of danger for her to consider them "thrilling enough" lol.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Rowena & Crowley back the wrong horse, over and over and over...
Everyone remembers Rowena's tragic clinging to Lucifer in season 11, and how it ended up for her. Upon learning she's the only one that can put him back in the cage, Lucifer pragmatically snaps her neck--a form of cold, indifferent insurance:
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Ah, the tragedy of Rowena's desire to have security. Rowena wanted to be loved and protected by Fergus's father. She wanted to be appreciated and protected by Lucifer.
Crowley remarks that she's always looking for the biggest, baddest beast in the room to hide behind.
In 11x23 Alpha and Omega, we see Rowena cozying up to her newest target, Chuck:
ROWENA: [Crowley mocks her as she speaks] Charles, I'll put the kettle on. My mom always said, there's nothing a nice wee cup of tea can't fix.
CROWLEY: It's what she does. Find someone with power...cozies up...digs the claws in. [As he’s talking, Crowley walks over to a cabinet, opens a door and takes out a bottle of Craig] CHUCK: Hmm. Yeah, well, I'm not helping anyone right now, obviously. She's been...nice. CROWLEY: For now.
Funny sidenote: As Rowena moves in on Chuck, getting sweet on him, she starts calling him "Charles," a little nugget for how she'll later call Sam "Samuel," and Cas, "Hello, Castiel."
Ahem. Anyway. The thing is, that yes, Rowena totally does this. We can't really blame her when we look at the tragic happenstances of her life. During the course of the series, we see her make numerous moves to gain favor will powerful beings:
We see her volleying to make Crowley sit upon a stronger, more secure throne.
We see her cozying up to Lucifer and getting killed for her trouble.
Next, we see her coming back from the dead to move in on Amara.
She's kind of playing both sides, but she gets sweet on Amara here: "Oh, I can be useful...And even if it is born out of my own self-interest, I-- I care about you. I'm someone you can talk with. Confide in. Have you... have you ever had that? Oh, you don't have to be (alone), darlin'!" 
Then, as I mentioned above, she cozies up to Chuck, and Crowley snarls many a nasty word about her.
We find Rowena trying to date rich men and lying about her background, painting herself as a posh, well-to-do ballerina.
In an abrupt about-face to insulting Cas (she called him a fish in season 10), we see that Rowena has flipped on her appraisal of him.
Now, Castiel is super hot. He's "the handsome, strong angel," an ideal partner/protector. So, she hits on him. A lot.
Despite her memory of "Cas's face" as Lucifer snapped her neck, her dogged attraction to Cas blooms sometime in season 12.
Perhaps, it's when she and Cas and Fergus are hunting Lucifer together.
(In the same time frame, Crowley is also hanging off Cas's arm, keeping him company, trying to be oddly "cutesy," singing in the car, etc. It's...hilarious. You get the mental picture of them both trying their hardest to get his attention.)
Season 13 brings us her library tryst with Gabriel.
She says she's motivated by trying to heal his wounded virility/grace/pride, but it's at least partially about his status as an archangel.
And of course, there's security in Sam(uel), but it's all twisted up with him being her executioner, not just her protector.
But in being her "destiny," he also functions as her security. It's very complex. (And kinda sexy.)
Rowena will hit on Cas as later as season 14's Ouroboros, saying his full name in a similar coo to how she says, "Charles and Samuel." -> "Hello, Castiel."
Castiel, for his part, tends to be a little flustered by her, straightening up and saying, "Hello," back.
Finally, in season 15, somewhat hilariously, Rowena moves in on Arthur Ketch.
But it's a little different this time, reflecting a more confident, in-control, and emotionally integrated Rowena.
She seems to be genuinely interested in him for his wry, science-loving personality. They banter.
She and Ketch mutually harass Dean for details about the other, like schoolyard crushes.
They had a battle connection in the past, have fought together and helped one another re: resurrection spells, but it is only now that they’re healthy and healed that they can actually see each other.
Rowena throws Dean a breathless, thankful look when he saves Ketch (for her).
She’s reformed, Ketch is reformed. It’s heartbreaking just how excited she is about him. He instills a her hope in her, for the future. (But he won’t sell out his friends. He dies. She won’t let the world die, so she dies, too.)
But Crowley does the same friggin' thing, doesn't he? He is so her child, a tragic mini-Rowena, despite his efforts to look like a big, bad Hell-king. 💔
When we meet him, we see him backing the Winchesters re:the Colt.
In his early appearance, he does this because he thinks Lucifer is going to wipe out demon-kind.
That gamble goes okay for Crowley, mostly.
Sometime in this timeframe, he is given the role of Hell-king as a consolation prize, by Ramiel, prince of Hell, who honestly doesn't give a fuck.
In season 6, Crowley backs Castiel. Cas's got magnetism and sex appeal.
As the original "angel's angel" in Heaven, he's a strong frontrunner in Heaven's Civil War simply by popularity alone. So, Cas is the horse Crowley decides to bet on.
Then, Cas turns out to be duplicitous, cunning, and too devoted to his human family to be controlled. He’s way more than Crowley can handle.
There are glimmers of this power imbalance, when Cas on occasion has had enough of Crowley's innuendo-laden threats, like when Cas snaps and crushes him into a wall, for example. But on the whole, Crowley ignores this. It's his tragic hubris.
Eventually, Cas overwhelms him and seizes power, and the whole thing turns out to be a frightening blow to his position.
So, Crowley goes running to the brother Raphael, which is another bad gamble. Castiel straight-up kills him, and Crowley is forced to flee and go into hiding.
In seasons 7-8, Crowley vies for control of the prophet Kevin, torturing and killing those around him.
He makes sure to kill Meg, who is in his mind a Lucifer loyalist (she's actually a Castiel loyalist at this point, but the Lucifer label sticks).
In season 9, Crowley manipulates a series of events to allow him to dangle Dean to Cain in a bid to transform Dean and destroy Abbadon, the newest threat to his position.
(Crowley won't suggest taking the mark on his own; he won't risk his own neck.) Afterwards, he scoops “demon” roofied Dean up, like spoils of war, a dark parallel to the pimp-demon in Girls, Girls, Girls (and Randy).
In season 10, this bites him in the ass, too.
Demon Dean proves too much to handle, a liability on the job, as he refuses to perform the cold, capitalistic mercenary duties of Hell.
"The little prat’s bad for business. He’s uncontrollable. Must be the Mark."
In a scene similar to Cas crunching Crowley into a wall, Dean too throws Crowley down. Demon Dean will not be cowed by Crowley, and he will not be a sidekick, little bitch, or Queen to be "controlled."
So, Crowley goes running to the brother, Sam. He “sells him out" to Sam.
And then Crowley goes running to revive Castiel again, to deal Dean. Dean is now a problem (the problem-that-solved-his-original-Abbadon-problem).
And around and around Crowley goes.
Despite everything, Crowley softens to Dean. Crowley's a little bit human now, and it shows. As he softens, his mother appears, making things much more complicated.
Crowley tries to muster up the glory of his former evil self--he kills a bunch of poly/queer swingers for no real reason.
Then, Crowley sees a new opportunity to sway a powerful being, and we get Crowley unsuccessfully trying to mold Amara as his newest weapon of mass destruction.
Like with Demon Dean, he strikes fast to scoop her up when she's “vulnerable” and "new,” to get her under his sphere of influence.
Then, it goes badly, as this always does for Crowley. Amara breaks “Uncle Crowley's”arm and runs away.
In this season, Crowley goes to bat for Cas again, trying to detach him from Lucifer and screeching angrily at Cas as Lucifer beats Crowley up.
In fact, in that brief moment before Crowley even goes to bat, he's actually smiling at Dean and Cas as they reunite, as Dean says, “Cas, we don't have a whole lot of time, okay?"
Crowley is a softie. Cas is his kinda-friend, and Crowley wants Dean to be happy. Crowley's changed.
At the end of the season, we briefly see Crowley complaining about Rowena cozying up to Chuck, while he moves to cozy up to Billie. (Really, Crowley? Stop doing the thing that gets you burned, man.)
Enter season 12, and Crowley works with his mom again. He and Rowena form an uneasy alliance, and both begin to see family in a slightly new light.
They trust each other a little more, and they hurt each other to try and solve their mutual pain re: Oskar and Gavin.
Hilariously, they both start seeing Castiel in a fresh light this season. It's like, in watching his devotion and chivalry to his family, and as their understanding of family shifts, they've mutually decided that he's dependable and thus desireable. (The "blue-collar, family-oriented soldier.")
So yeah, season 12 finds Crowley cozying up to Castiel again in order to lock away Lucfier--with Crowley being overly friendly and flirty and sing-songy to the point that Cas just might bash his own head in.
(In this same timeframe, Rowena warms to Cas, so you have this implication that they're both hanging off his arms adoringly, and he is tired as fuck of dealing with them. I'm sure Cas's tendency to get a little flustered and sweet with Rowena is something that would drive Crowley insane on multiple levels.)
Crowley even risks his life for Cas against Vince!Lucifer. (He wants Cas to be his friend so badly in this era, oof.)
Then, he saves Cas against Ramiel, thanks in large part to his bond with Dean, and Dean thanks him for it.
Crowley, like Rowena, will take any form love. Any friendship. Any comradery. Even scraps. They've got the same neurosis.
Anyway, in season 12 we also have the team-up of the century, where Crowley works with Rowena to send Lucifer back to the cage. Victory!
And Crowley has another fatal misstep. His last one ever, perhaps. He thinks, yet again, that he can outsmart another overpowered beast in order to buy his own security.
And so, he locks Lucifer in Nick's body, Ma'lak box-like, and tries to out-bark and out-dominate him.
Horribly, Lucifer doesn't even appear that threatened or upset. Even when he's being humiliated, the demons under Crowley flock to Lucifer. (It's not fair!)
Lucifer seems quietly amused, like he's waiting for his moment to strike, just as Cas behaved in season 6, quietly tolerating Crowley's goading because he was not actually threatened by him.
(Crowley is no Azazel or Dagon or Ramiel or even Asmodeus.)
And it's fatal. It goes badly. Crowley's gleeful crowing of brains-versus-brawn blows up in his face.
He escapes by the skin of his teeth, and goes running, tail tucked, to tell the Winchesters what he's wrought.
Sam and Dean are horrified, realizing that Jack, Kelly, and Cas are in danger, and so they speed towards them in hopes of warning them in time.
Crowley seems a little hysterical and fatalistic, deciding to back the Winchesters one last time, because, "life is meaningless," and "what's the point of it all."
Crowley lost everything for a job he hated, so he commits suicide, because he's tired and worn down.
He has become like Raphael, "we just want it to be over."
Crowley falls to nihilism.
And Rowena despairs. 💔💔💔
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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