#this is kinda a weird thing to compliment so i'm keeping it from the general tag
isa-ghost · 3 months
✨️ A (Witchy) AMFMN Update ✨️
Also I finally admit I'm famous at the end, war is over and yall won, come read my confession /hj
Spoke to Apollo about AMFMN struggles just now. I say struggles but that sounds scarier than it is, really I just mean grappling with motivation and the energy to write for long periods of time.
It boiled down to the fact that I won the battle against my grief with QSMP ending and no more ongoing Death Family content, but it cost me my motivation to write. That's not to say that the fic is dying or anything, basically I just need to find a new source of motivation, even if that motivation is myself.
But as long as I stay in-tune with myself and keep at writing because I WANT to rather than relying on something fueling me to keep going, I'll be good. Which is what I Have been doing, it's just not been easy. But that's to be expected.
He ended things off saying don't feel discouraged just because the process has gotten a little harder and slower. If I'm ever struggling with motivation or something else to do with the writing process, I can always come to him for guidance and encouragement.
Tbh I really needed to hear the last part even though I already kinda knew it. I'm not entirely sure how me being cheered on by him and him being SO INVESTED in Phil and AMFMN has looked from an outside pov, but Apollo genuinely has been such a devoted fanboy and a great mentor through baby's first huge creative endeavor in a fandom. I've always stuck to OC and original stuff, so fanfic has been a really interesting and different experience.
Also for shits n giggles I asked him if I'm actually "famous" like everyone's been insisting because I love enabling him to be silly with messages. A while back he actually told me AMFMN was gonna pop off and get popular and stuff like that but I never really felt like it had? And some of my other circle members had echoed this to me too, but I still never felt that moment of like "okay yeah, it's popular."
Surprisingly, the first of two tarot cards he just gave me about "being famous" is actually a legit answer. He was saying don't be afraid to indulge the ego sometimes, it's okay to do that if you're not being a dick about it. I did something cool and I deserve to enjoy the pride I have in the success of the fic. And my refusal/denial to do so is kind of rooted in my broader issue with self confidence and whatnot. So lowkey he's bonking me on the head for Indeed Being Just Like Phil, Who Can't Actually Take A Fucking Compliment Or Praise.
The second card he pulled about it was sillier, since that WAS the intention of me jokingly asking him if he did think I was "a famous author." And of all fucking cards to pull he pulled DEATH. Which is SO FUNNY because *gestures to Phil's ties with death* but ALSO THAT CARD IS GENERALLY SO ALARMING TO PULL?? The gist of what he was saying with it is that if I stop letting self image related bs cloud how I look at "my popularity" so to speak, it'd actually hugely boost my confidence and lead to even more success with the fic. And while he can't confirm it'd get me "noticed" by Phil (as some people have for Some Reason said it should, it's not my goal), however that would go down, that IS a possibility. He just kinda said "take the fucking compliments, idiot. If you stay humble without downplaying things, you COULD pop off to the degree some people are already saying you should.
Which tbh,, I DID have a Phil pegs member recently put in perspective that most fics don't pass 1k hits on AO3. I don't know how true that is bc I Didn't Go Here (fic writing) until I got the idea for the AMFMN, but the fact that it has over 8k hits is apparently a huge deal?? And I guess my newness and inexperience with the fanfic scene just has kept me unaware of that?? So statistically speaking, AMFMN *is* famous? Which I just still cannot fathom LOL.
Idk, it's weird to think about. I legit do feel like just some guy who's simply passionately vocal about This Cool Thing I'm Doing. But I will admit, even if I don't Feel "famous" and can't take praise to save my life, it's been genuinely really sweet to have people drowning me in compliments and stuff??
And if I'm being honest, it really does motivate me to keep going, because it's nice to know that people really really like the thing I'm doing. People theorizing and being invested in the story has been the #1 thing making AMFMN so fun. I LOVE watching people try to work out what's gonna happen, when I'm foreshadowing, and yelling at me when I nuke them with angst.
I guess that's a long-winded and self-reflective way of saying thank you to everyone who's been so ride or die about AMFMN so far. Like seriously. It's hard to actually Process all the love but it means the world to still receive it??
But yeah, uh. God says I'm famous guys. Guess I have to admit it now. /silly
Anyway, AMFMN may be slower to update (for now) but I do absolutely mean it when I say it's not gonna die. I am legit too excited about shit I have planned to let it happen.
I wanted to finish Chapter 7 by yesterday but Shit Happened and so I'm gonna try to aim for this weekend instead. If I remember correctly I don't have any plans Saturday so,,, PauseChamp
Also as a quick note, I was gonna say this in the tags but it should actually probably be seen by people: #AMFMN things is the tag I use to save my own posts related to the fic on my blog, BUT if anyone wants to, or is already making theories, art, shitposts, memes, or just generally posting about the fic, I DO check that tag sometimes to see if there's anything not from me. So uh. If you haven't used it already, definitely feel free to use that tag for your own stuff related to the fic too, I will be looking. I 1000% want to see anything and everything people might be saying or posting. It's by far the most rewarding part of writing the fic. :)
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rjschoicesstuff · 3 months
I've made 2 Immortal Desires oc's so far
The first is a human guy named Miguel, cause I really wanted to explore Ripley's dynamic with a human her age who Knows what she is.
And the second is a vampire girl who shows up in Crimson Beech claiming her whole coven got wiped out by the creator. Which is true but she conveniently leaves out that she joined the creator once it became clear that her coven didn't stand a chance and betrayed them.
I'll drop some more info and art for them below the cut
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Both of them are just for little au's I 'write' (more like think of and draw cause I'm Not a writer) cause I love au's yahooo
I wrote all this down at 2 in the morning so idk how much sense it makes + HDDB it's a lot but I found that I enjoy using tumblr as an archive for these things
More about Miguel:
-He's 19, graduated high school in a different city a year ago and recently moved in with his aunt and a cousin in Crimson Beech. He works as a janitor at the hospital.
-I haven't completely figured out the storyline yet cause I mostly just wanted to add a character that's 100% Mine, but so far the gist is that he finds out that Ripley is a vampire, she tries to keep this a secret with him for a while to save both their asses and grow closer in this time because Ripley would go check on him a lot. But eventually someone would find out and they get in trouble. He'd survive his Nexus trial and they keep hanging out. Like I think to Ripley it'd be really nice to have a human friend who knows what she is. And also Ripley gifts him her old talisman bracelet and gradually 'rewards' him with new talismans so he can protect himself if he has to. A lot of this might still change, I'm someone who comes up with characters and the plot follows lol.
-He's a lil shy and doesn't talk a lot, but he's very open about it when he likes people. And he's very Generous with compliments. He's not much of a fighter especially against vampires who are much stronger than him anyway and he'd likely freeze if he ever got into such a situation. He enjoys taking care of people and I think that sorta extends to him Really enjoying giving his blood to vampires lol.
-He has a car that he named Hailey and no one but him is allowed to drive her because he saved up real long to buy her. Like he'll get kinda mad if you even dare to suggest wanting to drive or borrow his car.
-He has a weird sense of humor and often wears shirts with weird/funny/vulgar texts on them.
-Him 🤝 Ripley never completely grew out of their scene phase
-He kinda like Really wants to be part of whatever Ripley, Cas and Gabriela have going on. Like just from the start he has a crush on all of them. He starts out just with Ripley, but eventually the rest follow too.
-He likes how they all make him feel small and fragile in a good way lmao
-I think that while he likes the Idea of becoming a vampire, in reality he doesn't want it. And he knows this. And eventually he would realise it's not going to work with the whole relationship he has going on with everyone in the long run. He'd decide to move out of Crimson Beech and break everyone's hearts lol. Kinda similar to my au where Ripley stays human, tho I haven't shared that one yet..
-I gave him a genderbent version too, just cause everyone else also doesn't have a set gender in the books lol. They are very similar except she feels more freedom in how she can express herself regarding her appearance (like long nails, showing more skin etc.) than canon Miguel.
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More about Sabine:
-She's very eccentric and fun to hang out with if she likes you and she's on your side.
-She's a scary good liar and sometimes just makes shit up because it's Funny. Especially because she's definitely over a century old so when talking to younger vampires she'll just make shit up about things people used to do in the past.
-She'd join the Venandi's because she's used to hunting and has a high prey drive.
-She's terrified of dying and will do whatever she has to do to protect herself, she would never put someone else's safety before her own, no matter how important you are to her.
-She betrayed a lot of friends in her old coven, she tried to convince them to join the creator too, so they could all survive, but everyone was set on protecting their coven and town, even if they had to die protecting it. She thought it was insulting that they seemed to suggest she should do the same and left them behind. She feels no responsibility or guilt for their deaths, but rather anger that they didn't make the right decision, like her.
-She's good at reading people and generally knows exactly what to say to make people like her. She'll lose interest in people if they don't 'give back' enough, especially if they aren't fun or interesting enough to make up for it.
-Her love language is stealing shit for people ❤️
-I like the idea that the creations in book 1 could switch between that form and their og human looking forms, so I imagine she can turn into a creature if she wants. I think she has mixed feelings about that form though cause it's kinda ugly 👎 and nowadays she can't switch anyway because it'd blow her cover
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luvghostie · 2 years
Hello! So I was hoping you could do this as a platonic thing, but;
What would Kyle, Stan, Kenny and Cartman be like with a father figure reader? Reader constantly cares for them, supports them praises them like no tomorrow and is in general kinda like a dad to them. I'm curious as to how they would treat them and act around them.
Aww, yes I love this request<3 sorry it took so long, I had things to take care of but enjoy!!
{𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵}
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Cartman: um, do you want my autograph or something?
Cartman doesn't know how to react to someone being there for him. Yes, his mom provides for him the best she can but she rarely gives him reassurance or affection.
He'll be very cruel to you at first wondering what you actually want from him.
When you stay longer he'll realize you're not using him for anything weird but instead you are like something he's always wanted... An actual parent.
“Hey... Can you please tell me I'm not stupid? Not that I need your praise or anything, I'm just ego feeding... Yeah.”
compliments and hugs are something he'd love. Just not in public.
Often times he'll probably cry knowing that he's rude to you. He wants to change himself but he doesn't want to get hurt by the other kids.
Memories of bullying, neglect and nasty remarks about his weight are something he hopes you confined him about. Making him forget all those bad times which tore him apart.
In general, Cartman will try to give back what you give to him. It might not be in the same way, but know he appreciates you more than anyone else.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Kyle: I wish my dad or even my mom was like you-
Kyle has two parents but both of them seem annoyed with him all the time. Ike is little but they give most of their time to his projects or things he likes, leaving the older out.
He'll ask you questions that he can't ask his mom or dad. They vary from animal questions, life questions, or even questions he worries about late at night.
“Could an asteroid hit so hard that none of us feel the impact? So, we die peacefully?”
The answers you give him he takes to heart and tries his best to understand. Remember, he's only in fourth grade.
If cartman says anything rude to you Kyle is always in your corner. (no doubt he and Cartman have had fights about how he talks to you)
You'll have to break the two apart before things escalate
Kyle tells his parents about you but not everything. He's worried that the knowledge and affection you give him will make his parents see you as something that might send him to hell. Realistically, it's because you're more of a parent than either of them could ever be.
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Kenny: *muffled* please don't randomly leave... Not only will you hurt me, but you'll also hurt Karen.
Kenny is the most emotionally and physically hurt so you might have to give him extra compliments. Everyone else in the group has at least one parent that attempts to feed, help, or nurture their kid. However, his could give two fucks.
He'll make you thank you cards for caring for him and keeping him alive. Karen will also give you her favorite barbie, assisting that you deserved it more.
Kenny might ask you often if he could stay with you or at the least hangout. His parents wouldn't look for him anyways.
*muffled* You wanna go throw rocks at the elderly?
He gets upset at times when others bug you or talk over him. He won't yell, but he'll wait for them to shut up.
If he dies in front of you, he hopes you know he'll just come back in three days. The first time he died while you were there terrified the shit out of you. Not to mention how Cartman, Kyle, and Stan didn't seem to care much.
Kenny is a sweetheart and is very glad to have you around. It's a plus to him that Karen likes you as well. He'll try not to make sexual jokes around you or make you uncomfortable, it's a force of habit though.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Stan: Hey, hows your day?
Stan is the most normal one in the group. He loves his family but having you around is nice.
His mom sometimes isn't home and his father can be kind of overbearing at times so you're like his gateway to being relaxed.
If he has homework he needs to do or struggles with a subject he'll ask you for help on the topic. Especially because his dad's not very smart and would probably punch something if he was wrong.
He'll talk a lot about random things he finds interesting or Wendy. Speaking of wendy, you'd probably help him with his relationship and give him a nudge in the right direction.
“You think she'll like the flowers?”
If he throws up before giving her the flowers you'll do him justice and do it for him.
Stan might cry openly in front of you and the group if he has problems. Everyone tries to help the best they can but you might have to yell at Cartman for being a dick.
Stan is a nice boy and is grateful for all you do for him and his friends. He'll give you compliments and buy you food for payback. Even his mom likes you.
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theshoegirldiaries · 6 months
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A Year Of Shoes
Day 48/366 @irregularchoiceshoes ‘Garden Fence' a rare recent buy. IC shoes sadly haven't been doing it for me for a few years now (and if you've followed my blogs or socials over the past 16 years you'll know what a massive fan I've always been of IC, so it's been a huge change and disappointment tbh, but I'll always be truthful about what I like/don't like).
I don't want to turn this into an essay, but generally I feel they've become very...'user friendly'?! Commercialised. Which is everything they weren't. Low heels, loads of dark colours, just nothing out of the ordinary, which is what they were known for for two decades. I want the weird things I never knew I wanted (garden gnome shaped heels for example). Personally, I feel like I'm compromising on every style I 'kinda' like now. Given their cost, my lack of storage space and the fact I never get out, I can no longer justify that purchase to myself for something I 'kinda like, but...'.
I got these from SS23 in the sale at the end of last year for about a third of their (eye-watering) original price. A new bird heel, cute, a little lower than I'd like, but I thought the fencing concept was cool (it's holey further up but lined with a 'shoe' in black at the base), I would've preferred brighter colours than the mostly grey flowers (See? I can't help it) to compliment the cheerful bird and the rubber sole makes them very chunky and rather heavy, but I did want them in my collection despite this (just not at full price).
Honestly, part of my reasoning for doing this year-long photo challenge was to fall in love with (my) shoes again, because I don't get excited about footwear like I used to and for the most part that's because I don't have the thrill of IC anymore. Gone are the days of checking their website religiously and buying new shoes within seconds of their release. I'm sad about it, but I also don't see the point in needlessly buying stuff I'm not that into, purely because I've always been one of their biggest fans, that's silly. I collect things I love, I don't buy just for the sake of it. It's not about numbers or keeping up with anyone or trying to (weirdly) flex that I have something from each season or collection or every character heel ever made or whatever. I'm buying it because I genuinely like it and if I don't, I won't get it, it's that simple.
Maybe things will turn around (but I've been saying this for a good few years now) or maybe I'm in the minority and chunky, low heeled, black courts are what people want (if so though, can you not get those anywhere and keep the weird and wonderful for those of us that do want that?). I just have to appreciate the cool and crazy styles I've collected over the years and admit I have enough to last me a lifetime, so if my collection doesn't grow much, at least I love what I do have.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
hey I was the one who asked about ao3 I'm sorry if the question came off as odd, I love your takes on mdzs and was wondering if you ever wrote any fics because you have really great diction on your posts and I thought 'This person could make really great fics' so I thought id ask, that's all
it's fine! lmao it just really looked like i was potentially getting set up for some weird anon hate game.
thank you! and the answer is i do have an AO3--i used to link it here a lot--but it's only got two mdzs fics on it. despite my having struggled to focus on any fandom besides mdzs for like two years.
because what happened when i got stuck in this fandom like a suction cup directly to the brain is, i wound up reading a lot more smut than i usually tolerate, because of the nature of the novel and how their relationships with sex are meaningfully integrated with their characterization and development as people and relative to one another. so a lot of the smut in this fandom has substance in a way i care about.
and my writing always reflects my reading material in a 'ooh i could do that like this' kinda way, so i started generating my own fic concepts with a sex element that i wanted to explore.
and then i got really invested in this new form and its tricks and affordances, so the only fics in this fandom i've actually been finishing are E-rated, because i'm inspired by the learning process.
(also because it turns out this shit is so easy to write, like you can cheap out on so many structural and narrative elements if you put sex in there, i'm so mad about this still. cheap!!!)
and having finished them i want to share, you know?
so i got a different ao3 for that, since mostly i like and write gen stuff, and i didn't wish to subject my existing subscribers to my learning to porn. i'm not sharing it here though, sorry, because everyone i've shared it with (upon request) has been weird about it.
the fic isn't even particularly outre! i'm remixing stuff that's done a lot in the fandom, according to my own artistic sensibilities! i do not know what the Weird is and what private conclusions are being made about me as a person on the basis of my very ace sex pollen remixes and shit. but it makes me anxious so i will Not be doing it anymore.
anyway as a reward or something for the guts to come back with your name out and take another shot and for the compliments <3, which of these not-sexy mdzs fic concepts do you vote i thwack into a postable form over the next month or so, and put on my main?
post-canon wwx gets amnesia back to the yiling laozu in burial mounds era and his current life explained very badly by lan jingyi, and concludes the lan have coerced him into a very creepy situation
funny wangxian modern au incorporating the height thing i was talking about earlier this week, where the main plot is ripped off from an autobiographical anecdote the singer told at a concert i went to and i was like, this would make a great one of those modern aus people keep writing. oh no now i want to.
time travel fixit outside pov, where wwx and wen ning get physically catapulted back from the qiongqi pass to before the war, and go and intervene just before lotus pier can be destroyed, wearing a mask and spooky cloak so no one will know the yiling laozu is wei wuxian (and a weimao so no one notices the ghost general is wen ning but let's be real that was less likely to happen for several reasons)
thing where the misunderstandings go off in a different direction early on, and wwx thinks lan wangji and mo xuanyu were actually an item and his impersonation has been tragically successful. very funny dramatic irony concept that is in execution going to be like 70% angst. some of it very funny angst though. (this one is the least developed because it doesn't really suggest its own plot.)
find what already exists at Kieron_ODuibhir lmao.
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distortedataraxia · 1 year
Hi! Uhhm I was wondering if I could ask for a BSD matchup?? I've never done any requests or stuff like this before but I've seen some other people do this and wanted to try so uhh yeah ofc it's alright with you don't wanna do this!!
So I'm 164cm tall and have a pear body shape, I'm also a little chubby. I have short hair and my natural hair colour is a light brown but I dyed my hair to a very dark brown/black...does that make sense???
I'm INFP and a Cancer and my Ennegram type is 4w5 but my friends say 4w3 fits also really well
I'm short sighted and can see ok without my glasses I were them most of the time but sometimes I forget them or give them to my friend since she needs glasses too but doesn't have her own
I'm Bisexual and use She/They pronouns...I'm also really affectionate my love language is a mix between Physical touch, Receiving Gifts and Words of Affirmation...I guess it mostly depends on the person my friend for example doesn't like Physical touch much which I respect!! So I always give her a lot of small gifts and tell her how happy I'am to have her!! For people who like affection more lots of hugs...for me personally it's important that those I care about know how much they mean to me even if they don't give me the same love and attention back :)
I actually prefer to be alone but don't mind people I'm a little quiet when you first get to know me and don't talk much about myself, I don't like talking about myself in general because I don't want to annoy or bother anyone. I have slight trust issues but at the same time open up really quick and get attached to people really easy which kinda annoys me T^T
Idk if this is enough or too much but this is what I always saw others do so yeah qwq"" again if you don't want to do this you don't have to!!
Author notr : Hello ! Firstly i'd like to deeply apologize for the time taken :') and secondly i hope you'll enjoy this, and that this is good enough, despites the fact i'm sick, thank you for requesting and take care! ★
Now into the matchup ★
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I pair you with...
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You said your love language is a mix of physical touch, receiving gifts and words of affirmations but that it mostly depends on the person you're with.
With Dazai, you'll see all of the aboves, but mostly physical touch.
So much that you may discover the concept of "hug burn-out"
It is important for you to show the person you care about that you love them - sadly with Dazai, you might feel like a thin wall seperates you from him in a way, all the things you don't know and all of his suicide attempts, but , you swear that by each day that passes, you can see a decrease in the number of his attempts, slowly
And that's why you're not going to give up on letting him know that you love him, even if he might have figured out already, without turning into an akutagawa kinnie of course, or are you?
i'm so sorry
Random compliments , hugs and gifts, he'll keep announcing that he doesn't deserve such a kind and beautiful person as you, so much that he wouldn't bear the thought of double-suicide with you because that would mean that he would cause your death.
Dazai will feel distant for a lot of time, but eventually, you'll see him soften to you
Mission let dazai know he's cared for and loved , i'll let it up to you to imagine that, i can imagine you having that mission on your list with Atsushi, you both could make "evil" plans together to surprise Dazai
You're an introvert, your MBTI let us know that atleast - Thanks to luck, Dazai, even while being the mess of a person he is, will let you have your alone time
And will spend that time missing you, by annoying kunikida or getting you a weird gift in his own ways.
Also, he steals ur glasses , be ready
You've got slight trust issues, and trusting Dazai may be a bit scary, knowing he had a past in the port mafia, and that it is hard to ever know anything about him, yet, you can't help but trust him and his silly smiles.
You're quiet when you don't know Dazai at first, which isn't much of a problem, Dazai will do most of the talking, and soon enough, you'll talk too.
Dazai doesn't talk much about himself, and you don't talk much about yourself too, Dazai will take notice of that and will let you indirectly know that he'd like to know more about you because he's interested, he'll figure most of it out though, but he'll still let you know you can never bother him or annoy him with your stories.
How did you two meet though?
Well, one day you woke up and chose the outside world, went ouside,ended up crossing the path of a port mafia member, crazy story i'm telling you, he was suicidal, abilities manifested and you ended up having no choice but join the port mafia, to cope with your despair you'd go to lupin bar and ended up hanging out with dazai ango and oda, You first feared Dazai and life was feeling heavy because working in the port mafia was hard, but then it became a bit more bearable. And of course the day oda died you both escaped the port mafia bride-style and ended up joining the armed detective agency-
I'm so sorry this is my tired's brain results
Anyways, you both will always be there for each other, and that's what matters most
You also started dating one day after a confession, where oda's grave lied, and mostly thirdwheeled
I'm so sorry-
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In response to these egregious allegations, I am not supernatural
1) my dad and his sister were both debate champs, they passed down their ability to bullshit to me. It's learned behavior, and something anyone with enough practice and charisma can pull off. And on the record, I didn't say I could massage muscles like a professional, I just said that I'd give it a shot since I understand how muscles work because of my premed stuff
2) okay so yeah ig the prophetic dreams thing is kinda weird I'll admit. But it's not a clear thing. It's like, I'll have a dream and there will be one specific moment that I'll remember when I wake up like hearing a specific phrase or doing a particular thing, and then after a few seconds of waking up I'll forget and then when it happens a few days, or even months later, I'll suddenly remember having that dream. So it's not really deja vu but it's also not totally a prophetic situation. And the thing with the broken ankle wasn't "oh I had a dream that I'm going to break my ankle soon" it was I had a dream where I walked into my living room and saw my brother's music stand in a specific lighting and position, forgot I had the dream, had a gut feeling on a monday two weeks later that something was up, broke my ankle, and the next morning since I was home recovering I walked into the living room and saw the exact moment from my dream
3) I'm just autistic alright? We have a knack for figuring shit out about people, especially people with abusive or narcissistic behaviors
4) I make it a habit to know exactly where my roommates are at all times because worse comes to worse I know exactly where to go if they need help. As for the emotions thing, I also try to keep track of their schedules so I know if they're going to need food, or a hug, or some generic advice because they're my closest friends and I love them and want to take care of them. Also the cake thing was 100% a fluke that I pretended was on purpose just to make hanna feel a little more appreciated as a congrats since she's not super big on compliments or words of affirmation
I know all my roommates' love languages and their behaviors in most situations, I carefully studied them so I could know exactly how to approach and handle any possible scenario that occurs
I'm not some creature out of folklore, I'm just very in tune with my surroundings and my subconscious
That all sounds like things someone whose a supernatural being would say
I say with a joking, not-at-all serious tone
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internet-necrosis · 2 years
Female centered media can be so healing!
I've been trying to enjoy as much female led media as possible, basically every time I watch something that has dudes I just ask myself "is this necessary? Is there a female centered alternative I can watch instead?" Which I know for a lot a women might seem kinda obvious, but fr I just never realized how much male dominant content I consume. Now that I've made this change, which wasn't even that hard to do in the first place, I just feel way less stressed in general. Microdosing female separatism but with media lmfao. I should probably note that I also try not to watch anything that's women who use the term qu**r or talking about makeup being empowering or some other libfem bs unless I have some good reason (which for my sanity I have yet to find). I've also been trying to not subject myself to more current news updates than I need, more social and political commentary than I used to, I want to learn more practical things or watch something that brings joy/contentment. Idk man too much drama and too heavy doses of reality got me burnt out on that shit. I want to learn something I can put to use, not something I can do nothing to change. I'm taking a break from that futility while I focus on my own personal growth and stuff.
Recently I've been customizing my own clothes to look more punk and have a more interesting fit for the colder weather coming up. Don't get me wrong I can't sew to save my life, but I refuse to buy things I don't need and I wear punk/goth/deconstructed clothes almost always anyway. I'm always taking safety pin donations lol. There's something really freeing in the fact that I almost never take photos of my strange outfits because as I'm sure I've gotten weird looks and maybe a sneak photo taken of me once or twice, I really do wear these clothes for me only. I love connecting with others who compliment and like my outfits though, but I don't think social media is the best place to do that anymore...I think it used to be. I gotta give this app credit for being my only social media site I go to anymore. Even then I can go a few really pleasant days without it and it feels really great! The less phone checking the better I suppose. I've been keeping a journal and that's been nice too, knowing no one is going to see what I type on there is so freeing and invigorating. Tbh it scratches the social media itch 99% of the time.
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munkustrap2019 · 4 years
Here’s the original book with all the info being provided courtesy of wikipedia
"The Naming of Cats"
"The Old Gumbie Cat" (Jennyanydots)
"Growltiger's Last Stand"
"The Rum Tum Tugger"
"The Song of the Jellicles"
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer"
"Old Deuteronomy"
"(Of) The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles (Together with Some Account of the Participation of the Pugs and the Poms and the Intervention of the Great Rumpus Cat)"
"Mr. Mistoffelees"
"Macavity: The Mystery Cat"
"Gus: The Theatre Cat"
"Bustopher Jones: The Cat about Town"
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat"
"The Ad-dressing  of Cats"
"Cat Morgan Introduces Himself" (added in the 1952 edition)
and here’s how it was rearranged and intertwined with the plot for the stage
Overture" – Orchestra [honey you’re in for a storm
"Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" [hey this is who we are. buncha cats.
"The Naming of Cats" [we are verrry exclusive so don’t go acting like you know us when you don’t even know all our names
 "The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball" [but we invite you to our ball and we’ll also give you the reason WHY we’re having a ball
"The Old Gumbie Cat" [here’s an old cat we respect who we think might be chosen because we love her
"The Rum Tum Tugger" [here’s a younger cat we love, an absolute blast, lots of fun
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat" [ here’s an older cat WE DON’T RESPECT but when she was younger we did love her..she was so much fun...and posh...
 "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town" [here’s an older posh cat we respect
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" [here is a ~hint that there’s something scary out there but! aha the young rascals we love at the end of the day
"The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles" [A FUN PLAY to kick the night off /we should think about re-writing this a bit tho...
"The Jellicle Ball" [A FUN DANCE
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat (Reprise)" [BUT SHE’S NOT INVITED
"Memory (Prelude)" [even though she remembers when she used to have fun with us
"The Moments of Happiness" [lmao treasure your happiness while its there
Gus the theater cat [because soon it will be an old dream as you see your abilities sink with age
"Growltiger's Last Stand" /not in 1998 and replaced by pekes and pollicles in 2016 so imma skip it but we should REALLY think about getting this song re-written as well/
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat" [here’s an older cat who we love again!!
"Macavity: The Mystery Cat" [here’s a rascal we don’t love at all. he’s kinda a punk. 0/10 not welcome.
"Mr. Mistoffelees" [young cat who has our attention and brings back someone beloved to us back to our side
"Memory" [ya’ll stop being mean to grizabella she has a show stopper song and allow this old cat we used to love back into the fold]
journey to the heaviside layer [we wish her safe travels and a great rebirth
"The Ad-Dressing of Cats" [now that we’ve introduced you to people we love, let you hang with us, and heck even named some of ourselves and found it within ourselves to accept someone we used to know back into our fold, you are now officially welcome to act like you know us
and for a littttle bit of positivity towards the 2019 movie [aka my brand]
"Overture"/"Prologue: Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" [esentially the same with transporting us into the world of who knows what? CATS BUNCHA CATS
"The Naming of Cats"/"The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball" [VERY SPECIAL CATS KINDA EXCLUSIVE BUT WE’D LIKE TO LET YOU KNOW US
"Jennyanydots: The Old Gumbie Cat" [let’s start with a cat we think might win because munkustrap loves her bless his heart
"The Rum Tum Tugger" [let’s interrupt with a younger cat who is already having a blast by himself but encourages you to also have a blast
"Grizabella: The Glamour Cat" [victoria don’t go near her she’s not invited -.- even as you see the loads of history that she must have with us
 "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town" [ha! that was a downer huh...anyone hungry? can’t go to the ball on an empty stomach
"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" [some young rascals who are kinda punks but sadly we are in love with them
 "Growltiger's Last Stand" [wait a minute.. this is a henchguy...shady people from before...hmmm...1...plu-...no wait a second this isn’t math time
"Old Deuteronomy" [mom!mom!mom!
"The Jellicle Ball" [dance party time
"Memory (Prelude)"/"Beautiful Ghosts" [its nice that there’s a party guys but it feels mean to leave her out...especially since you’ve been nice enough to make me feel at least a little accepted
"The Moments of Happiness" [is it mean to keep shunning someone we used to love and refuse to allow her to be reborn at least in terms of how we perceive her character...
"Gus: The Theatre Cat" [I mean gus just wants to be able to percieve himself as worth something again too
"Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat [we came here to celebrate bops guys forget literally everything
"Mr. Mistoffelees" [if munkustrap is allowed to serve up a song, maybe its ok if i the newbie suggest a cat song for the purpose of bringing back old deut and getting that boy some self esteem. Believe in yourself guys and magic!!
"Memory" [victoria; mister mistoffelees worked out better than i could’ve hoped maybe i can work out one more... grizabella: ya’ll remember when it was great to hang out? well i do and it makes me feel so alone and angry and tired and sad because it shouldn’t be impossible to get happiness back when the worst thing i’ve done recently is want to come back
"Beautiful Ghosts (Reprise)" [i mean we’re all jellicle cats right?
"The Journey to the Heaviside Layer" [let’s get some joy in her life again
"Finale: The Ad-Dressing of Cats" [we are family! victoria! you’re a jellicle babe literally do not hesitate to consider us yours
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
could I get some petname headcanons for the pillars from Demon Slayer?
Giyu Tomioka
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Not rly the romantic one tbh
Would rather just call you by your first name (or a shortened version of your name at max)
When he realizes that it means something to you, he'll try at least
But knowing this guys social skills, it'll be very cringe
Do you know the scene in Boruto where Sasuke calls his daughter his 'little peanut'? Yeah about that level of cringe
Won't understand why you're laughing
But in the end making you smile isn't a bad thing, right?
Shinobu Kochō
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Y'all be thinking she showers you in words like 'my pretty butterfly' right? Wrong.
She's a bully, basically
Will find every possible way to call you an 'idiot' without actually sounding like an insult
Likes to pick on sth you're insecure about and turn it into a nickname just so you get over it
Better not make her angry she knows a lot of foul words to call you, no hard feelings tho
Calls you "Boo" and a lot of other cheesy stuff just to mess with you, but she also kinda likes those names fr
If she actually uses a proper nickname on you: Run. You have fucked up big time. "Darliiiing, come here. I'm not mad at all!"
Just has a weird kinda love language, but she sure will compliment you in other ways
Gyomei Himejima
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A total drama queen
But also very romantical
Will write poems trying to describe his feelings for you, goes fully "shall I compare thee to a summers day"
Calls you stuff like "treasured angel", "precious light" and his "muse"
Isn't shy to go full monologue shall someone ever ask about you
Rengoku Kyōjurō
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A big cinnamon roll
Huge amount of love for detail, puts a lot of work in his petnames and the whole relationship in general
Nicknames will be very personal
Like your favourite color or pet, or even a feature of you he adores
Yet also a little dull and blunt, so he might overdo it sometimes
For example accidentally embarass you or reveal a secret through his nickname
I could totally see him call you random stuff like "sleepyhead" or his "ember"
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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This dude says the most sweetest shit with the most creepiest expression
I'd like to imagine he's a very big softie in private
Like, lying in bed while playing with your hair and just pouring his heart out about how much he loves you
Is very held back, serious and respectful with his words
Affectionately calls you "my love" or simply his "beauty"
Obviously not into PDA so in front of others he'll just call you his "partner, anyone of y'all got a problem with that?!"
Kanroji Mitsuri
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Loooooooves to shower you in every single nickname there is
You'll rarely hear your own name coming out of her mouth, unless it's serious
Since she's a passionate eater will probably call you stuff like "honey" "pumpkin" "muffin" "cupcake" or "sweetiepie"
She's also a bit immature so she'll also joke around with the names sometimes
When she feels more serious or just plain happy she will call you her "darling"
Iguro Obanai
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Will 100% call you his "better half" and we all know why he does🥲
Can't believe you're actually dating, totally overchallenged. Is this a dream?
So he utters sth like "holy shit" at so many occasions you already think it's your nickname lmao
Whenever you do or say sth sweet, look good or just enjoy a romantic moment together he starts cursing silently because he doesn't think he deserves it
Sometimes when you're alone he whispers something like you're his "reason to keep fighting" or his "will to live"
When he's more comfortable, his favourite nickname for you is "sunshine" since you never fail to brighten up his mood and banish the darkness in his mind☀️
Uzui Tengen
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What can I say? This man knows exactly what he's doing
He loves to brag, openly calling you his "next wife/husband/partner" in front of others
Covers the whole range from "babe" to "princess", likes variety
Creates his own nicknames for you so they'll sound extra flashy
One would think he'd tell everyone how beautiful, strong etc. you are, but that doesn't need to be said.
It's a no-brainer that the most amazing man also has the most amazing partner!
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unluckilyimnot · 3 years
How you fell for them || Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Hina, Emma, Yuhuza, Senju
Type: fluff
Words count: 1,236
Warnings: some angst, broken English
Toman + Sanzu, Inui || Tenjiku + Koko || m.list
Note: Yes it took me forever to finish this, I was just kinda down (and still feel not that good lmao) but I get my first tatoo this week-end !! I'm so happy
English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there're any mistakes
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Hina is so kind with everyone, helping others without thinking twice. Giving good advice and always smiling sweetly, even to you. You're not really the type to talk a lot or to anyone, kinda a loner. Never asking for help even in the worst situation. But this never stops her from coming to your desk one day when you throw your pencil hard on it. "Do you need help ?" She asks in a low tone, not wanting to push your boundaries. Blinking twice, you were about to say 'no' but you were definitely stuck with this and it was playing with your patience. 
So you just nod, to everyone's surprise. She takes a seat next to you with a smile and starts to explain to you calmly before the class begins. You didn't say much at the moment cause the teacher came in and started the class. But when it was done, you got out to bring back a strawberry milk to her desk as a thank you. 
Since, she always asks you if you need help and starts to just talk to you casually, in the hallway or when you exit school at the same time. And you have to admit that seeing her smile and talk to you when most people ignore you makes your heart flutter. She has a kind heart that deserves the world, and you don't want to ruin her reputation. So, as much as you're happy when you're with her, you spend less time in her company so people don't get any bad ideas. 
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You happen to spend some time with her cause you're both at the same school, and she really appreciates you so she comes to see you during breaks and to be with you. She is pretty popular I think, I mean she's soooo pretty and kind, she must be. And you tend to think that you're the "ugly friend", the one that no-one sees. You're just often with the princess but do people really acknowledge you ? You don't think so. And it shows. 
You weren't really confident about yourself or your looks, but now it's even worse. Your tendency to look at the ground all the time and the fact that people come to you to know where Emma is, was hard sometimes. But you know it's not her fault and still like her like a really close friend. But she doesn't really like it you see, she doesn't want you to feel bad like this when she finds you pretty as hell. 
So one day, as someone passed by you two and made a comment, she looked at them in the nastiest way possible on earth before turning a head dramatically. Looking at you, you were turning your coffee with a small, uncomfortable smile. Brushing her hand against yours to take your cup and a sip of the black liquid, her eyes in yours like she was about to tell you the most important thing in the world. She puts it down in front of you again before moving your bang. 
"You're pretty you know, you should be more confident," she says with a smile. It was normal for her to say stuff like this, but it touched your heart deeply. There's sparkles in your eyes when you look at her. 
After this day, she compliments you way more often, almost everyday with stuff like "keep your heads up !" Or "This liner looks good on you" with a smile. She knows that looks aren't everything but lifting your mood in general is just good enough to make you feel prettier. You couldn't help but do the same for her, cause she deserves it too and you were dying to say it without it looking weird. She was the sweetest after all, your heart can fall for her too right ? 
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She's friendly with a lot of people, of course, but especially with girls. Like really friendly. She is a girl crush, you can't go against me. She'll be the type to come see you every morning and fake to jump on your back (only because you're close now) with a 'good morning'. She kinda glares at people that she doesn't like but puts a bright, fake smile on them whenever they talk to her, making you laugh a lot. She's goofing around a lot so when she tells you that she loves you or that you're her favorite, you never know how to react. But your heart does, and you swear to God that it's gonna stop if she continues. 
You blush and get fluttered a lot by Yuhuza and her comments. She knows it and play with it. She would hold a piece of your hair, twirling it around her finger while saying that she love them and that you look good. Tells you this every morning btw, just to see you smile and stutter with your words. 
Yuhiza once invited you to go out and you first thought that you'll be with other people. But when you arrived at the meeting point, neat makeup and a cute outfit, you only saw her. "There's no-one else ?" You ask, confused. "Nope, just us. You don't want to be alone with me, Y/N ?" she answered, smirking at you. "No, no, that's not it I-'' she laughs at your panic before taking your hand. "I'm just teasing, don't worry. I know you love me." You blush at her words, only if she knows. 
"You're pretty Yuhuza," you get the courage to say, not even looking at her. But she was, and she leaned to your heart to answer. "But you're the prettiest here." 
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"I take you on a date today !" Says the blond girl without asking for your opinion. You looked at her, blushing at the term she uses to just go out with a friend. You couldn't say that she always was like this, but lately, she has begun to go out a lot with you. 
Being the classmate of the leader of Brahman wasn't an easy thing. The day she decided to be friends with you, she never let you go - ever. You spend half of your time with her (not that you complain). She's the sweetest person you ever meet and treats you like you're her dearest friend, when you're sure you're not. But it's fine, as long as you can see her smile all day you're okay with that feeling. 
On childish day like this one, you have a hard time believing she's the leader of one of the most scared gang. She's just a cute girl going out shopping with a friend you know, nothing much, nothing less. Just her asking for your opinion, choosing clothes for you and calling you pretty all the time. You fell in love with that side of her faster than you could ever think of. 
And there are those times when the Brahman's leader shows and, at those, you're happy to be on her side. You'll never forget that time when she knocked out a guy that dared (according to her) talk to you when you were out with her. The way she can be herself and not be scared to show that part of herself to you makes you feel so comfortable, like you can do the same. Like you can fall for her when she acts like you're already hers.
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I hope you liked it ♡
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djsadbean · 2 years
...this is embarrassing so I'm keeping anon on...
But you have no idea what a force for body positivity and self-love you are, Bean.
I have a weird nose. My family had been pointing out my freckles a bunch (trying to compliment me lol) but I was feeling kinda ugly because of the freckles they kept pointing out. I have stretch marks on my legs for literally no reason. Got a soft tummy from snacking while concentrating on research. Boring brown eyes; curly/messy brown hair.
I think to myself, "Gosh, maybe I really am ugly."
And then I see your drawings of Steven - you draw him as the most adorable creature on the planet.
And I realize he has a nose kinda like mine. He has freckles - freckles that are just SO FRICKING CUTE. He has stretch marks and cellulite. A cute, soft stomach that makes me wanna hug him lol. Cute tossled brown hair; sweet brown eyes that are anything but boring.
And that does something to the way I think about myself and about attractiveness in general.
With your art and headcannons, you are helping us - everyone in this fandom - in ways you can't even imagine, Sarah. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the WG gang for bringing this positivity and compassion through your art.
oh my gosh im so happy to hear that!! sometimes i forget ppl read my ramblings xD i hope you know youre perfect the way you are and i think subconsciously i added qualities to steven that i want to like more about myself too.
the stuff i listed are so common in a lot of us and idk i wanted to "romanticize" these things bc life is short and we should see ourselves in the characters we love. and we dont always have to feel "positive" about these things all the time but it's nice to feel content or indifferent too. like it's just there and that's not a problem. i hope this makes sense ^^ its def great when we LOVE these things about ourselves tho! but of course no pressure to if youre having a meh day. i think im gonna do something similar with cherie and rever-sel too ehehe i also want girlies to identify with.
thank u so much for this kind message!! this means so much ily anon i hope u have a wonderful day and im gonna remember this forever <3 <3 <3 thank u sm!!!
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Demon Form Ranking
Thanks Tia for the tag!
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I'm not putting an image for each one... sorry. In rough order, from worst to best!
Team 'What the FUCK are you guys wearing'
Satan - this one should surprise absolutely no one, and yet it's personal for me. I love the horns. I love the tail. I even like the boa and the rib tie. But I cannot forgive the fucking... white dots on the pants??? What did you do, Satan? Did you wash them with bleach? Absolutely disgusting. And I know he's covering a bunch of skin, but everyone else has some sort of markings/tattoos. Where are Satan's?
Asmo - Another one where I love the concept but not a fan of the execution. His wings and horns are adorable, and I really like the scorpion actually? But I dislike the weird buckled pant leg (asymmetry is cute, but how many buckles do you need? And grey and black?). I also don't like the bare arms, or maybe it's just the tight cuffs? Points for the hearts though.
Belphie - This one may be controversial but. I think it just looks silly. What are those buckles supposed to connect to, bestie? Why can I see your ankles? Why are you wearing parachute pants???? Belphie does get points, however, for the cutouts on the sleeves echoing the cow pattern on the torso. I can't decide whether I love or hate the horseshoe, so I won't comment further on that.
Also, I always forget how fluffy his tail is... he gets extra points for fluffy tail.
Team 'You made an effort but I can't give you full marks'
Barbatos - The colours are cute, love the tail and the veins on it, and I think the horns are very cute. It feels relatively plain, but I can't bring myself to hate it. Points on for good tailoring, points off for the mindfuck his shoulder ruffles deliver unto me.
Diavolo - Don't get me wrong, I do like this design generally. I like the gold tipped wings and horns, and the gradient on his wings is gorgeous. I also like the fur and all the gold details, it definitely lets you feel he's royalty. Let's just say everything above the waist gets full marks... but the pants just feel insanely visually busy to me. I don't know whether to focus on the white loincloth, the gold sparklies, the gold dots, or just give in and stare at his boots. At least the boots look kinda cool.
Beelzebub - I really like the silhouette here, the tight tank, and Beel's is possibly the only design where the excess buckles don't bother me, because they blend visually with his outfit. The jacket's a little visually busy (love the spikes, I think I'd be fine with it without the little rings?) and I'm not sure how I feel about the boots. I think if there was a little extra pizazz I'd be happy with this, maybe if his wings were more translucent/reflective as they are in fan art?
Team 'Understood the assignment'
Lucifer - I don't know if I can put into words how much it pains me to put Lucifer this high up, but I can't deny his demon outfit is just plain good. I love the balancing of the black/red, I love that it fits his character to have such a grand outfit, the inclusion of the peacock theme, his wings (which I feel should be bigger, but I'm willing to accept he's keeping them partially folded). He's kept from top ranking because if I compliment him too much my soul will shrivel up and I'll die.
Mammon - I guess the eldest bros just brought their A game? It makes sense given that he's a model and all for him to have a good outfit. The horns look delicate but super sharp, and the bone detailing on the wings looks incredible. I like the spikes, the gold accents, and I even like the stupid little dangly bits on the collar. Everything totally suits his character. The only thing keeping it from being my absolute favourite is that I think all the diamonds on the sleeves are a bit too much.
Leviathan - This one might be a bit of bias shining through, but Levi looks so much like an outfit you'd design in your teenage emo phase and it somehow works. The mesh undershirt with the cozy hoodie? The little scales? I don't know if this is intentional, but his horns remind me so much of coral and I love how on-theme that is for him. Also love the recurring scale motif, it's just perfect for him. The only thing that I'm unsure of are the suspenders, which I can't decide if I hate or love.
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fluffle-friends · 2 years
Pollux, eyes dazed out from the hours spent at computer screen, reading the messy sorry with sore narrowed eyes. When it clicks what it is... He sighs, grumbles, mutters "what good is a sorry? Does sorrys stop tragedies or misery?" Yet he just... slumps in defeat. As long as that child doesn't dig into his affairs... The kid doesn't seem to notice anything weird about Pollux... Ugh, this is too much depending on the ghost's (Pollux knows Hibiki's name but refuses to use it in case of *shudders* personalizing...) ignorance. Yet, Pollux gets that the ghost has friends that can be trouble and... Pollux shouldn't revert to old habits. He's trying to be normal.
At one point, Pollux is going to stare at the screen with Hibiki popping out with a dead empty stare before looking to the ceiling as if to question what is his life.
Got any calm OCs for Pollux to unwittingly become attached to?
Hehe, okie-dokie!
Calm OCs hmm... I'd say that Masayuki can be very calm - he's often more occupied with looking after Aimi to cause any shenanigans and is tasked with keeping Adeuce and Grim in line (I can't help but think about him accidentally handing the infant to someone when he's on the verge of pulling a Silver due to lack of sleep and stressed from needing to wrangle the trio again lmao) - He's one of my two magicless-student-from-another-world OCs which gives him that little disadvantage of, well... Magicless-ness. However this guy is strong and can be very intimidating - especially if he's pissed. He's more of a peacekeeper-type character though, so it's unlikely that he'll cause any trouble on purpose. The crowbar he keeps on him and his appearance would probably prove to be barriers to that friendship though if I'm not mistaken.
Ranmaru's definitely a good contender for being one of my calmer OCs - although if Pollux were to encounter him after encountering Hibiki then chances are he'll already know of him from seeing him be stated at by the little ghost. And on closer inspection, it seems that they look very similar aside from the age gap and hair length (hehe twin siblings) - I feel like Pollux may find it slightly easier to be at ease around him, considering Ranmaru has a few traits that make him significantly less intimidating than any of his peers (long hair easy for him to trip on (which has occurred before in gym class), generally small stature, magicless and hailing from another world therefore having very little knowledge of magic, the ghost of his twin brother watches him sleep often and he has no idea... he's also kinda blind) so he may be a bit easier to get a bit too attached to than Masayuki
I also have Zane! He's a new OC I'm working on who's in Pomefiore. Soft-spoken and interested in the fine arts, he likes to take candid photos of people or sketch them for practice. Although, I am under the impression that Pollux may not be too thrilled about the idea of someone drawing him without his knowledge. Zane does tend to be very relaxed and soft-spoken though, somewhat similar to Rook in the ease at which he compliments people - albeit far less flamboyantly with more straightforward comments about how the colour of someone's hair looks pretty in the light. (He'd have many compliments for Pollux tbh lol)
Aside from those three... I suppose my O'malley cat guy (name is still a WIP) could possibly be counted as calm - but he'd probably fit more in the 'will try to be smooth but fail while knowing almost everyone who could provide good help/info' - so like him trying to lean on something and falling backwards into the rose bushes in Heartslabyul, but also simultaneously knowing of the one guy in Ignihyde who can somehow hide an explosion-proof box in their room for testing makeshift bombs and knowing that fact about them. (It's Silas) I'm under the impression that Pollux wouldn't feel too at ease with someone with so much knowledge and that amount of hubris though
(do correct me if I'm wrong with any of these tho lol)
(honorary mention - Aimi (Masayuki's daughter) would like Pollux's hair because it's a pretty colour. She is an infant though, so I feel like his first impression may be along the lines of: ew, a child.)
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jellogram · 2 years
WAIT did I tell you guys how I accidentally pissed off my baby cousin's grandparents with my rum and coke habit
For context my family is Californian and generally not a very warm, friendly family. We mostly just make fun of each other. We don't do the hugging and excited greeting thing. We also have free flowing liquor at every party. Remember both of these facts.
My cousin's baby daddy is from Kansas City and I met his parents at our Christmas party and when they walked in with a big bottle of captain morgan I was stoked and I followed them into the kitchen to get some, because I am a dirty little slut for rum and coke and morgan is the best cheap rum for it.
Apparently you cannot just walk into the kitchen and reach past a family friend you've never met to grab the bottle of rum they just put down. I should have known this but I was blinded by the thought of rum and coke.
So the dad is like "Well, hello?" in that tone that midwesterners use when they're pissed but not trying to drop their politeness. And I was startled because all I was thinking about was rum and coke so I was like "Oh, uh, hi." And they're all like, "We're [baby daddy]'s parents?" like that was supposed to mean something to me so I was just like "Okay, I'm one of the cousins."
In my family this is a fully polite greeting. This is the end of the conversation. You have done your social duty. But this dude turns to some other family member and is like "I see she likes captain morgan," again in that fake-friendly-but-actually-annoyed tone so I'm just like "Yeah?" and this dude whole ass *scoffs* at me, like I've just said something ridiculous. In my mind you put a bottle of rum in the liquor pile and I am showing you a compliment by being happy about what you've brought, what is the problem? Do we really need to do a big formal introduction? Am I supposed to be excited to meet my baby cousin's dad's parents?
So I'm thinking that was kind of a weird and off-putting interaction but whatever. Then it gets worse. I found out the captain morgan was supposed to be for the gift exchange, which was alcohol themed because we're just that kinda family. I had just cracked open and poured a glass from his gift exchange offering right in front of him.
In my defense a bottle of morgan costs like $12 and we had a $20 minimum. Also it was unwrapped and he had just put it on the counter with all our drinking booze. Nonetheless I was moderately mortified. The only bright spot is that my cousin never keeps the same man for long and I'll probably never see them again unless they kidnap the baby.
So this is how I learned the valuable lesson of "You cannot give a Californian hello to a Midwesterner while also drinking their booze" and how they learned the valuable lesson of "Don't fucking leave your liquor unintended around my family."
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magnusgoetia · 3 years
Transcript of a Sinner’s Conversation: A Meeting with Caecus
--Begin (In Medias Res)--
Sinner: You kiddin'? Dyin' was the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Caecus: There’s nothing you left behind? No family to miss?
Sinner: My family? Fuck 'em, I'd ‘ave hired 'elp to kill 'em already if it meant they'd be dead-dead, and I wouldn't have to spend time wiv 'em down 'ere. It wouldn't be right for me to force this on my friends either, but they'll be 'ere in due time anyway. I can wait.
Caecus: So, you’re expecting your friends to join you here as well. The wait must be awfully lonely.
Sinner: Ah, not really. I’ve made friends while I’m ‘ere. The shit I can do ‘ere is like, fucking magic and with it I can make up for what I lack in a lot of different ways. Just wish I could remember how I ‘ad died.
Caecus: Maybe it’s better not to remember… Not all of us intended to be here, after all.
Sinner: No. No, perhaps it’s best not to remember. I quickly found out that it's not just evil folks that end up here, lots of good folks, plenty of weird ones too. I'm sensing you’re of the “gooder” ones, you radiate...well, it’s 'ard to describe, but I don't sense any hostility from you at the very least, even though you were born ‘ere.
Caecus: How amiable of you. But remember, a birth is just a new beginning of sorts. You couldn’t have been alone since you were… delivered to us.
Sinner: Ah, you’re a poetic type aren’t ya? Anyway, I’ve not made many friends but I do ‘ave a particular fondness for this one clown...me an' 'im seem to 'ave this weird connection wiv each other. Actually, he's more of a jester type, though rather embarrassingly his name escapes me...
Caecus: Are you, by chance, referring to an imp named Blocko?
Sinner: Yeah, don’t surprise me you know ‘im. He seems like the type to ‘ave a particular reputation.
Caecus: That he does, and yet a divine will connects us. I’m being led to believe your intriguing appearance has an even more… intriguing history.
Sinner: Riiiight...Well, you know what they say about skeletons and closets. Though I suppose I ‘ave nothing to hide ‘ere...Well, to put it simply, I was a broken kid. I never got help, and I did... unspeakable things to anyone who ‘ad wronged me—or simply didn't like.
Caecus: Even the purest of souls can be corrupted by another’s sins.
Sinner: Yeah...Well, it's not like I'll stop doin’ what I did while I was alive, with all that murder and hedonism. Though death has a way of humbling some people...In any case, the murders mostly stopped as I grew older. I seemed to have preferred to just traumatise people instead, ruin lives of the people I saw as bad or evil.
Caecus: Then you found a different punishment for those you had judged.
Sinner: I suppose so. A lot of it involved me spying on groups of people. I'd worm my way into the seedy societies that thought they were safe in their little circles and collect dirt on them. Really sick shit too by the way but don’t worry, the hypocrisy wasn’t lost on me either.
Caecus: Oh? You judged yourself a hypocrite yet continued along a path of self-appointed righteousness... Why?
Sinner: I don’t know, maybe a sense of catharsis? A lot of these were people who I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about killing or whatever. Sometimes it was more personal too, there were—still are people I am attached to up there that got hurt, and I took my revenge on them in their place.
Caecus: Ahh, how noble. Fighting for your friends.
Sinner: Yeah, there was this one particular bastard. Actually, there were a few…but…eh, nevermind…this one particular guy who was essentially lying to one of these “friends” and caused them a psychotic breakdown. I didn’t take action right away, but I did end up killing ‘im. Didn’t even bother hiding the fact it was a murder.
Caecus: What made you wait?
Sinner: Money, mostly. It makes the world up there spin, and you need a lot of it to get anything done, right? Well, I ‘ad to wait until I ‘ad enough money to fly to the states on top of all that shit involved in immigratin’. When I settled in, that’s when I made my move on a buncha grudges. This guy was just the first. Moving to the states made my life a lot easier in some ways. Was a lot easier to sleep when I took care of the grudges too.
Caecus: Oh, wow. You must have had remarkable resolve to keep a “grudge” that long… Tell me, did all of them truly deserve it?
Sinner: No, most didn’t, but I am…was, an angry person. I found I was very much capable of venting my anger, to put it mildly, and I was much too young when I had...shall we say...discovered it.
Caecus: Young minds are impressionable.
Sinner: Right, and the fact that I was generally good at getting away with it made me feel just that little bit better about it.
Caecus: So, you exploited that validation to continue justifying your actions. Most sinners in your position never reach awareness...
Sinner: Yeah? I’ll take that as a compliment, but I was totally emotionally disconnected when committing my crimes. Afterwards I pretty much always dealt with conflict. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Though I had largely stopped my ways. I’m ‘aving way too much fun down ‘ere, and even though I won’t drag ‘em down here with me, I’d love to have my friends join me eventually.
Caecus: Would they be pleased being here, embrace this existence like you have?
Sinner: I dunno, some of them have a hard enough time as it is with one existence, I doubt they’ll be too happy to find out there’s another waitin’ for ‘em. The others I’d imagine would be quite surprised all the same, being atheists and such, but I reckon they’d come to like it.
Caecus: An existence you cannot escape is itself a prison. Albeit, choosing to enjoy it in spite of that perspective is a marvelous thing. If you could imagine them in your presence, what would you do?
Sinner: Again, I dunno. It’s hard to tell when they’re not here yet but I am somewhat interested in what’ll end up happening should they get here. I dunno if I’ll be able to tell if it’s them even.
Caecus: And how do you dare to enjoy existence now?
Sinner: Well, I’ve been doing everything I’ve ever wanted to do but could never do in life amongst other things. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I played a bunch of video games, so I miss those quite a bit. I’ve found plenty of ways to fill that void though. Some of your movies are pretty sick down ‘ere, and importing goods from the other rings to ‘ere means I don’t miss out…mostly, on their fun too. I just wish I could explore the other rings; I don’t get why us sinners can’t.
Caecus: Decretum is often difficult to understand. However, it would seem a blessing that you’ve been placed with the multifarious company of the pride ring.
Sinner: True enough, whatever that means. There’s a lot of strip clubs, greedy businesses and shit, stuff you think you’d only find in the other rings. Though I think I probably would’ve ended up in wrath if we landed in the rings based on our sins.
Caecus: Most catechisms view wrath as an excessive anger. You strike me as having more control than the average sinner.
Sinner: A lot of people on the surface woulda said the same too, I was and I suppose still am really good at keeping it in check, well, good enough to not make it obvious anyway. Though it’s been a lot tougher down here.
Caecus: This is a realm of collective temptation, after all.
Sinner: My only judge here is myself and perhaps my peers if I let them. I still kill down here, but it’s been in self-defence. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone out of anger yet but let’s just say I’d feel sorry for the poor sod who happened to piss me off on a bad day.
Caecus: You’ve always been your own judge. I suspect the lack of good comparisons for your behavior here has coaxed you further.
Sinner: Actually, I could tell you about the first person I “killed” down here. It was soon after I woke up. I suppose this guy thought it’d be easy—fresh sinner, just in time to be another tally mark on some statistic.
Caecus: A second death, the lake of fire…
Sinner: Uh...yeah, I reacted on instinct and it musta been a sort of “kiss of death” type shit. I only touched the dude with my hand, and he just kinda…shrivelled up and died. You know…like when a cartoon character eats a lemo—ah sorry, you can’t watch TV.
Caecus: Ah, yes… a shrivelling death is nevertheless descriptive.
Sinner: Anyway, I have a bunch of other powers too but that one I’m most afraid of you know? I can drop the ambient temperature of an area so shit gets cold, have some form of telekinesis and a buncha other stuff, like I have some kinda control over this weird glowy energy, it’s how I have my eyes, which are purely for show, I don’t need them since I can see perfectly fine without ‘em...not that you’d know I even have ‘em.
Caecus: I’m aware you observe our world, in a traditional sense. My observations are just a bit more… unorthodox. And I feel as if your fear is not from a lack of understanding.
Sinner: Well I seem to have it under control, but I’m afraid in a moment of weakness I might react without thinking, you know? I’ve not had it happen yet, but it would be so easy when flippin’ out that I just give ‘em the ol’ touch of death.
Caecus: Even a king’s heart is just a stream of water to the hand of… fate.
Sinner: Gonna be honest, I haven’t the foggiest of what you just said. Though if I’m being honest myself, I couldn’t care less if it was someone I didn’t know anyway. Only really care about my friends and such. You seem pretty neat yourself.
Caecus: The impression is mutual. It’s not often that I’m seen as anything other than senseless and intimidating. I don’t find it unwarranted, granted; my appearance is as disconcerting as my psyche.
Sinner: How do you even know what you look like? It’s not like you can just look into a mirror.
Caecus: I was presented with a vision soon before I arrived, my last blessing I suppose… Regardless, my rebirth is a tale for another time. I’ve relished in your company long enough, and I must answer my calling. I’m sure our paths will converge again.
Sinner: Hey, I hope so too...uh....
Caecus: Please, call me Caecus.
Sinner: Well, it’s only polite to give you my name too. I go by many names here, but I am quite fond of “Mr. Death” as silly as it sounds.
Caecus: Silly, yes, but very becoming of you. A pleasure, Mr. Death.
Mr. Death:Well, don’t let me keep you. I’d like to see you again sometime, Caecus. I’ll take my leave.
Caecus: All in due time.
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