#this is like three primordial fears all rolled into one
rukafais · 2 years
so i just learned that people fucking dove inside a god damn iceberg and good to know that even for cave divers, who in my opinion are already a special kind of unhinged, and i say that with all affection, there are people even more unhinged than that
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isamajor · 1 year
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Whump drabbles : Auri
I – Gag
They had found themselves in a Falmer-infested cavern. The darkness, barely lit by the reflection of the glowing mushrooms on the dripping walls of the cavern, was stifling. Lucian squeaked. Instinctively, Auri clapped her hand over his mouth, telling him to be quiet. The Falmer were blind, but their hearing was very keen, even allowing them to fire their bows with surprising accuracy. Everyone here preferred to try to avoid confrontation as much as possible. Auri whispered into Lucien's ear that she wouldn't hesitate to gag him at the next moan that came out of his lips. (100)
II – Pet
Sobs were choking in Auri's voice as she told her story.
“Hundred of trees burned, and I heard their screaming within my mind every time I closed my eyes. I fled. I fled and I didn't look back.”
Sitting on a rock, she tenderly caressed the tree stump next to her. Her large amber eyes seemed empty, as if lost in the past. A big tear rolled down her cheek. Without a word, Kaidan petted her head, running his big hand through the Bosmer's red hair, in a clumsy attempt to console her. (95)
III – Smoke
The dragon was burning all around them, the dry grass of the plain, the trees... Even this old stone guard tower was burning. The air was filled with smoke and the smell of terror. There was no escaping, except to take down the imposing beast that circled above them. Auri could be heard on the other side of the flames whimpering that her eyes were too irritated to shoot a bow properly. And Inigo's hissing cough. Lucien was trying to repel the flames near him with ice magic. How could they fight, half asphyxiated by the smoke? And even more, to defeat that dragon? (105)
IV – Salve
Auri felt bad about living in a part of the world where everything would be made from wood, but salved her conscience by thinking how she would follow and defend the Green Pact until her death. After this accident in Valenwood years ago, she swore to herself she would try everything she could to be worthy of Y'ffre. No salve would appease her heart of the terror of being consigned back to the primordial Ooze after her death, so she can only be as zealous as possible and hope Y'ffre would forgive her for breaking the Pact. (99)
V - « Don't lie to me »
The wound on Gore's leg had been treated and his motor skills had improved greatly. However, a few days later, behind a fake playful smile and a quip between clenched teeth, pain hasn't left his gaze.
"Do you know how pale you look, right now? Are you okay ?" asked Auri.
"I'm fine Auri."
"Don't lie to me. You don't look like a person who is fine. You're awfully pale and sweaty. It's your leg, isn't it ?"
The Nord rolled his eyes in respense, not daring to admit his trouble, like a kid caught in the act. (104)
VI – Failed Escape
Auri and Remiel huddled together, their breathing ragged with anguish. The oppressive artificial light of the Dwemer ruin surrounded them, their failed escape leaving them trapped within its thick walls. Auri's heart pounded with each echoing noise of the Dwemer spheres that hunted them. Her arrows felt useless against their metal armor. Remiel, usually confident in her knowledge about all Dwemer things, cursed herself for misjudging the automatons' numbers. If they didn't get out of this ancient maze quickly, they would end up buried alive in these subterranean ruins, far from the surface and the rays of the sun. (104)
VII – Bio Weapon
Sanguinare Vampiris, they called the illness, a virus like a curse spread by the bloodthirsty creatures of the night. Fear gripped the hearts of the afflicted, for they knew what awaited them. Three days of torment and suffering, the slow progression towards an eternal transformation. Auri trembled as she began to suffer of the first symptoms after a fight against a Vampire. She knew the consequences all too well :the slow transformation into a creature she loathed. Altering one's nature was against Y'ffre's wishes. She had to find a cure, before it was too late. (98)
VIII – Alone
She felt alone, so alone. Her heart was heavy and even in the middle of their group, she felt left out. She missed Valenwood and its majestic forests. She missed her family. She missed living in her culture among her own people. But now she was an outcast. She was no longer welcome in her home. She was alone, in these hostile places where everything was made of wood and where the Bosmer couldn't care less about the Green Pact and their god Y'ffre. And even within their group, between two laughs, her gaze was lost and her heart longed to go home. (105)
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Adieu mv - a few rammblings
a few thoughts about the Adieu mv, in particular the latter scenes, also based on captions by Specter Berlin and David Gesslbauer on their IG with shots of the new video and borrowing some quotes from various wiki pages.
Feuer Frei / religion
These are the parts i still don't really get the meaning, the crosses used in the video, like this one..
but is it a 'latin' cross, and if so, a baptismal cross?
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or is it a tie-in with another Rammstein video, per this IG post
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the video of 'Feuer Frei' was shot in a church also echoes the blasts of figure in the hall of 'Doppelgänger' in the Adieu video. Also, Feuer Frei shows Till with a mohawk (but he had that in more videos...if the Adieu mohawk referenced the Feuer Frei mohawk, i'm just glad Paul didn't go back to the tonsure ���)
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Death and immortality
While most hear just a 'goodbye' in Adieu, the video seems to go beyond that into the afterlife, both Specter and David have used the words 'immortals', 'live on forever' in posts. And taken like that (which i actually like a lot), it isn't 'the end' like many fear, but the continuation in the after life.
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Hell / Tartarus
The scene in the 'dungeon' or 'hell' (Specter mentions 'hell of a fanbase' but also 'best fanbase ever', he doesn't mean the former as an insult 😊)
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In one of the posts on IG one of them (that i can't find anymore) used the word 'Titans, and that gave me the idea that this isn't just any old hell, but Tartarus, the (Greek) mythological location where the Titans were confined after being overthrown by the Olympian gods.
The Titans were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans (and six female Titans).
Originally, Tartarus was used only to confine dangers to the gods of Olympus. In later mythologies, Tartarus became a space dedicated to the imprisonment and torment of mortals who had sinned against the gods, and each punishment was unique to the condemned (best known for examples like Sisyphus who was forever forced to roll a large boulder up a hill for it to always roll back down or Tantalus who stood in a pool of water with a branch of fruit over his head but when he reached for the fruit or bent down for the water it would retract so he couldn't reach it).
That last bit imo is reflected in Rammstein imprisoned in a cage that seems like their small stage, or like the cell from the Mutter video, the band and the 'Damned' headbanging for all eternity.
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Interestingly in some version of the christian Bible there is also a reference to the Greek reading Tartarus as a footnote: "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment".
The Tartarus prisoners were guarded by the Hecatonchires or 'Hundred-handers', which in mythology were three monsters with 100 hands, but the 100 hands in this case might refer to the hands of the fans.
And what would immortality be without Valhalla (Norsk mythology)
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This scene is inspired by a movie (afaik), but even if it wasn't it is very reminiscent of the idea of the Valkyries riding to select heroes to enter Valhalla. Odin would select only those fighting in battles "He should have no fear in fighting battles, his own or others, and in the process dying for the cause. It all comes down to his intentions and how he performs in his life. Another way a person can be fearless is that he would accept any circumstance and still go on. Whatever life throws at him, he will endure it and go forward."
The ceiling
Because of the mythological themes and trying to piece in something 'religious' i first thought the final image was of a religious celing painting, like Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam', or that is was 'just a pretty picture', making use of a beautiful location. But when i looked up which painting it was, it actually makes even more sense. From the 'Grand Foyer' in the 'Palais Garnier' (also Opéra Garnier, where a lot of the video seems to have been shot) in Paris, the ceilings are illustrations to various pieces performed in the building. The rectangular painting in the center of the ceiling, that is the last shot of the video, is by artist Paul Baudry
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...and is called "music" 😊
but i do hope we get a 'making of'...but i did hope that for 'Deutschland' as well 😊
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cannibalcoyote · 1 year
The Elder Maximoff Ch.5: More Than A Confrontation
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Ch.4 Ch.6
"Aw junior, you're going to break your old man's heart." We all turn around to see Tony land on the bridge with the avengers behind him, in an defensive stance.
"If I have to." Ultron responds as he steps forward. I disappear into the shadows as only three of them have seen me, and two are nowhere to be seen.
"You don't have to break anything,"Thor stated.
"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Retorts Ultron in a calm yet slightly annoyed voice.
"He beat me by one second." Claims Tony as he looks back at his team.
"Ah this is fine, is what comfortable? Like old times." Questioned Pietro as he walked forward. My siblings have a bone to pick with him but right now I'll focus on Black Widow and Thor as they seem like the biggest threats here.
"This was never my life." States Tony with a hint of remorse in his tone but I pay no attention to it because I'm currently sneaking up behind Thor. My siblings saw me and their eyes had a flash of fear, but it quickly disappeared and they focused once again on Tony with a firm glare.
Thor steps forward explaining how they can still walk away from this, Wanda seemed pretty annoyed at them since she replied in a ticked off voice,
"No we will." While giving them a fake smile.
"I know you've suffered..." I've heard enough,I appear out of the shadows behind him and quickly grow out sharp bones, about 3 inch long razor sharp claws that protrude out of my fingertips with a slight curve, like that of a panther.
Thor, however, hears the creation of my claws as when I shift or grow my bones they sometimes make a cracking noise. He turns to the noise, but is met with the clawing of flesh. I hit his shoulder, my claws left deep gash marks, so I was happy. Thor goes to hit me with his hammer but I'm already gone, the blink of an eye is all it takes for me to disappear through shadow travel.
I reappear next to Wanda and tap her shoulder, but by the jump she gave, she probably didn't hear me next to her.
"Do you have any idea what I could've done if I didn't know it was you Corvina!" Wanda whisper-shouts at me as we travel through the hallways to catch members of the avengers distracted so we can break their minds.
"Yes." I simply responded as I looked up from a ledge to see Iron man and Ultron facing off. I see Captain America or Cap ram into Pietro. I look at Wanda and motion I'm going out to fight, she nods her head and I camouflage myself to look like darkness.
I sneak up behind Cap and create a shadow dimension weapon. I take the shadow dagger and am right behind Cap now, Pietro however looked over at the last second which then caused Cap to roll sideways at the last second, barely missing my dagger. He throws his shield at me and I create a shadow portal, thus making his shield disappear.
"Where's my shield?" He asks in a surprised tone at not having the shield ricochet back to him.
"Oh lets just say somewhere you'll never find." I'm about to attack Cap but I see Clint shooting an arrow at me.
I open a shadow portal above me, and Cap's shield falls into my hand. I held it up just in time to reflect Clint's arrow, however when the arrow made contact with the shield it sent an electrical current through my body. I drop Cap's shield and Shadow travel out of there before they can catch me.
I quickly attempt to heal myself with my primordial darkness manipulation, before going to look for Wanda. I see her about to hex Hawkeye, but he turns around and uses the same electrical shock arrows on Wanda.
I quickly hurry to her, however when Clint sees me he loads another arrow, but this one has a rugged point that is meant to hurt when hitting and leaving their target, meant to tear and snag, and leave a big gash.
I take a step forward and Hawkeye raises the bow, I raise my hands up in a sign of surrender, but he just pulls back on the bow string while aiming it at me.
"One more step and I fire, and I'd rather not hurt a kid." He voices in a calm but stern voice.
"Last time I checked you're already hurting a kid who happens to be my little sister. Now, I'm going to ask you nicely. Give. Her. Back. Now." He looks startled by my voice so I quickly shadow travel Wanda outside so she will be safe from Clint, but not before I brought her to me where I then grabbed the arrow and bit it in the center, causing it to snap in half. I shadow traveled her outside the ship, while I turned into a massive black panther.
Clint looks extremely scared now, I lunge forward at him. He releases his arrow, as it flies forward it hits my shoulder, I roar in pain but charge forward.
Clint's now running for dear life, I jump forward and swipe my long, sharp claws at his legs, successfully slicing through his calves. He falls, so I'm now standing over him. I bite at his neck but he puts his arm in front, so I instead bite his arm other then neck. He lets out a pained scream, but I'm kicked off of him when he pushes his legs up. I transform into a human as I say,
"Bye bird brain.", before I shadow traveled out to where Wanda is sitting.
Ch.4 Ch.6
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sublimedevastation · 1 year
The Lost Son
1. The Flight
At Woodlawn I Heard the dead cry: I was lulled by the slamming of iron, A slow drip over stones, Toads brooding wells. All the leaves stuck out their tongues; I shook the softening chalk of my bones, Saying, Snail, snail, glister me forward, Bird, soft-sigh me home, Worm, be with me. This is my hard time.
Fished in an old wound, The soft pond of repose; Nothing nibbled my line, Not even the minnows came.
Sat in an empty house Watching shadows crawl, Scratching. There was one fly.
Voice, come out of the silence. Say something. Appear in the form of a spider Or a moth beating the curtain.
Tell me: Which is the way I take; Out of what door do I go, Where and to whom?
Dark hollows said, lee to the wind, The moon said, back of an eel, The salt said, look by the sea, Your tears are not enough praise, You will find no comfort here, In the kingdom of bang and blab.
Running lightly over spongy ground, Past the pasture of flat stones, The three elms, The sheep strewn on a field, Over a rickety bridge Toward the quick-water, wrinkling and rippling.
Hunting along the river, Down among the rubbish, the bug-riddled foliage, By the muddy pond-edge, by the bog-holes, By the shrunken lake, hunting, in the heat of summer.
The shape of a rat? It's bigger than that. It's less than a leg And more than a nose, Just under the water It usually goes.
Is it soft like a mouse? Can it wrinkle his nose? Could it come in the house On the tips of its toes?
Take the skin of a cat And the back of an eel, Then roll them in grease,- That's the way it would feel.
It's sleek as an otter With wide webby toes Just under the water It usually goes.
2. The Pit
Where do the roots go? Look down under the leaves. Who put the moss there? These stones have been here too long. Who stunned the dirt into noise? Ask the mole, he knows. I feel the slime of a wet nest. Beware Mother Mildew. Nibble again, fish nerves.
3. The Gibber
At the wood's mouth, By the cave's door, I listened to something I had heard before.
Dogs of the groin Barked and howled, The sun was against me, The moon would not have me.
The weeds whined, The snakes cried The cows and briars Said to me: Die.
What a small song. What slow clouds. What dark water. Hath the rain a father? All the caves are ice. Only the snow's here. I'm cold. I'm cold all over. Rub me in father and mother. Fear was my father, Father Fear. His look drained the stones.
What gliding shape Beckoning through halls, Stood poised on the stair, Fell dreamily down?
From the mouths of jugs Perched on many shelves, I saw substance flowing That cold morning.
Like a slither of eels That watery cheek As my own tongue kissed My lips awake.
Is that the storm's heart? The ground is unstilling itself. My veins are running nowhere. Do the bones cast out their fire? Is the seed leaving the old bed? These buds are live as birds. Where, where are the tears of the world? Let the kisses resound, flat like a butcher's palm; Let the gestures freeze; our doom is already decided. All the windows are burning! What's left of my life? I want the old rage, the lash of primordial milk! Goodbye, goodbye, old stones, the time-order is going, I have married my hands to perpetual agitation, I run, I run to the whistle of money.
Money money money Water water water
How cool the grass is. Has the bird left? The stalk still sways. Has the worm a shadow? What do the clouds say?
These sweeps of light undo me. Look, look, the ditch is running white! I've more veins than a tree! Kiss me, ashes, I'm falling through a dark swirl.
4. The Return
The way to the boiler was dark, Dark all the way, Over slippery cinders Through the long greenhouse.
The roses kept breathing in the dark. They had many mouths to breathe with. My knees made little winds underneath Where the weeds slept.
There was always a single light Swinging by the fire-pit, Where the fireman pulled out roses, Those big roses, the big bloody clinkers.
Once I stayed all night. The light in the morning came slowly over the white snow. There were many kinds of cool Air. Then came the steam.
Scurry of warm over small plants. Ordnung! ordnung! Papa is coming!
A fine haze moved off the leaves; Frost melted on far panes; The rose, the chrysanthemum turned toward the light. Even the hushed forms, the bent yellowy weeds Moved in a slow up-sway.
5. "It was beginning winter"
It was beginning winter, An in-between time, The landscape still partly brown: The bones of weeds kept swinging in the wind, Above the blue snow.
It was beginning winter, The light moved slowly over the frozen field, Over the dry seed-crowns, The beautiful surviving bones Swinging in the wind.
Light traveled over the wide field; Stayed. The weeds stopped swinging. The mind moved, not alone, Through the clear air, in the silence.
Was it light? Was it light within? Was it light within light? Stillness becoming alive, Yet still?
A lively understandable spirit Once entertained you. It will come again. Be still. Wait.
by Theodore Roethke
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loveissupernatural · 2 years
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**read chapter one here** - **read chapter two here** - **read chapter three here**
Morpheus/Dream x fem!reader
In Your Dreams
Chapter 4
“A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
It was like a bomb went off.
Blinding blue light, a suffocating vortex of wind, a bone-shattering tremor of ancient power that sought to pull you apart at the atoms.
You tried in vain to shield your eyes with a shaking hand, hoping to catch even the smallest glimpse of something, anything, to ground you. The basement was shaking. It felt like the floor had been ripped from beneath you, as if some primordial force of nature was drawing every ounce of oxygen from your body. The blustering, lashing gusts were making it almost impossible to breathe.
But then, whipping turned to a gentle touch.
You slowly opened your strained eyes to see glimmering white sand barely shifting in the now-tender breeze. A luminous blue sky opened above your head, dotted with fluffy white clouds and brushes of glowing pink. A gem-colored ocean lazily lapped at the soft sand and a waft of salt water tickled at your nose.
You knew this beach.
You had daydreamed many times here in your youth, using it to escape the confines of your increasingly dull reality. You lost count of how many afternoons waned away in this place with a book of unusual subject and a sleepy smile. It was exactly as you remembered, maybe even more colorful.
A seagull called overhead. But the sound was wrong, forebodingly sharp.
The bird flew over your head and carried with it a dark sky, full of swirling grey clouds. Distant thunder rolled and the landscape began to fade away. The beautiful sea vanished and was replaced with dunes of rough, unforgiving sand. The breeze, no longer a featherlight touch, was dry and strong. It told of a storm coming.
The chill of fear trickled from the top of your spine and creeped underneath your skin. It was ice freezing in your veins.
A figure was beginning to emerge from a wave of reflective heat and blinding light. Its silhouette was growing closer, its gait graceful but powerful. As it drew closer, you recognized the head of wild dark hair and the outline of bone and sinew.
You could see him clearly now – imposing, ethereal, and still gloriously naked.
Your eyes raked from his sharp collarbone and defined shoulders to his icy blue eyes. He was terrifying, but still so beautiful. Your mind was having trouble wrapping around him. He reminded you of a fallen angel, dangerous but with a rippling undercurrent of seduction.
The otherworldly man bent slowly, dark eyes never leaving yours, and stretched his long fingers through the coarse sand beneath his feet. His palm closed, grasping onto the grains with a clenched fist. He rose again to his full height, slow but purposeful, and took a step toward you. For the first time since seeing him inside of that glass prison, you were truly afraid.
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His power was radiating through the air, through every modicum of sand. It was unfettered. It felt limitless and boundless in your bones. You were feeling the brunt of it, not filtered by a binding circle or glass orb, and it felt so incomprehensible that it scared you.
He stopped a few paces in front of you, eyes unblinking and fathomless. Your breathing was shallow and your chest was heaving. You were dizzy.
His head lowered so that his face would be closer to your level. His dark brows were furrowed and framed his penetrating stare in a way that made you gulp.
His full lips parted.
“You have freed me.”
His voice was amber and honey, soft but rumbling like a distant summer storm. The sound poured over you in a warm wave, leaving your skin prickling.
A very uncomfortable combination of fear and awe had congealed in your throat, capturing all of the words that you longed to say. One question finally made its way out of your mouth.
“Who are you?” you asked. Your voice was small and breathy.
He took another step closer, only a few feet away now. His shoulders squared and he drew to his full height, sharp jaw clenching with thinly-veiled pride.
“I am the King of Dreams,” he breathed, his tongue caressing every syllable like a sonnet, “the Ruler of Nightmares. I am Lord Morpheus, Dream of the Endless...”
You swallowed hard, so hard that it was painful.
You hadn’t just released any dream creature, any old manipulator of nighttime fantasies—no, you had released a god.
“That’s…” you gulped again, your gaze struggling under the weight of his, “that’s a lot of names.”
His expression was impassive, but he saw something in yours that made him take another step closer. He could not be any closer now without touching you. Was this it? you thought. Was this the moment he killed you?
“You need not be afraid,” he said, voice gentle but flowing with quiet authority. Your heart was thundering painfully in your ears at his proximity, at the pull of his voice. It ghosted across something deep within you.
“Okay,” you whispered. The word was trembling, struggling to break through that lump in your throat.
The king’s head tipped to the side, eyes studying you in a way that made you feel like the exposed one. He was standing so close that most would consider it socially unacceptable even if he was clothed. The Lord of Dreams was so regal, and still so strikingly naked. Your face felt so hot that your cheeks were tingling with numbness.
“You showed me kindness when I had become quite convinced that humanity was incapable,” he breathed. His eyes had been wandering your every feature, like it was some kind of puzzle that he was trying to solve. He was still confused by your empathy.
You couldn’t help it, your gaze darted to his lips before settling on his incredible eyes again. He was so close that you could feel his breath ghosting across your face.
“I… I just did the right thing,” you replied. Your voice was finally starting to return, as pitiful as it sounded. “It wasn’t a hard choice to make.”
The air was filled with a thick silence. He regarded you, head still cocked, bold gaze searching your eyes for anything deceitful. After a beat, he let out a breath through his nose and straightened again to his full height.
“I am grateful,” he stated. His tone was measured, like he was being careful not to come across as emotional, but there was an undercurrent there of feeling that you were sure you weren’t imagining.
The air was charged, the ashy clouds swirling faster. Your fingers itched to touch his alabaster skin, now so very close and unobstructed by glass. You wanted to somehow show him, through your touch, that you expected nothing in return. That you simply cared.
Morpheus moved back, as if he could sense your intentions, and dropped his stare from yours for the first time. Something in your chest deflated. It felt like you had been unplugged.
He turned away from you, heading back toward the direction from which he came. You were stunned by the intensity of just how much you wanted him to stay and you couldn’t stop the plea that burst from your throat.
He stopped, back rigid and ramrod straight. He did not turn toward you.
“Where – where are you going?”
It came across much more desperate than you would have liked. How contrite your emotion must sound to a god.
“I must attend to unfinished business.”
His tone was full of vengeful promise, the clouds above your head darkening from grey to black. A very ancient human instinct squeezed your stomach, warning you of the danger in the air. You sincerely hoped that one day you would never be on the receiving end of his wrath.
He was walking away again, strut full of menacing purpose. So many questions and pleas burned in your chest: Don’t leave me, Take me with you, Will I ever see you again? But you shoved them down.
Instead, you called out, “Will you be alright?”
He stopped again. This time, he fully turned toward you, something swirling in his icy orbs that took your breath away. He didn’t answer your question.
He breathed your name, his tongue twirling around it and lips caressing it in a way that sent a jolt of heat through your insides. The foreboding landscape dissolved away around you and was replaced with the scorching blue light and thrashing gales.
Through the howling wind, you heard it. So soft, so seductive.
The King of Dreams raised his closed fist and opened his long fingers with gentle care, revealing the mound of sand that he had taken from the desert inside of your head. His lips formed a perfect ‘O’ as he blew it out of his palm and toward you. The sand expanded and became a dark cloud against the blinding blue light, dancing and snaking around your body with ease.
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It touched your skin like a lover, poured into your mouth like warm syrup, and you were fading from the world. Happily.
Your knees buckled, your body ready to drop to the hard concrete floor. But it didn’t.
Two strong arms caught you.
The hard outline of his body was the last thing you remembered before being lost to that tempting pull of darkness.
Your sleep was the deepest you experienced in years.
It was almost dreamless.
It was so very warm, so very pleasant, until you were plagued by terrifying visions. You saw it like flashes from a camera bulb, quick but intense. A black cat, a journey down a dark hallway, and a menacing black silhouette with the glowing eyes of a stalking predator.
“Alex! Alex, please! Wake up, darling!”
You were jolted from your sleep, gasping, disoriented. You were in your bed.
Paul’s screams were echoing down the hall in the early morning light, desperate and panicked. You jumped out of bed as fast as your unsteady feet would allow, a choking feeling of despair in your chest. Something inside of you told you what you would find.
You bolted into the master bedroom, hair flying and a sob on the edge of your lips. Alex Burgess was lying in the bed with eyes darting around inside of his closed eyelids. His head was moving back and forth, as if he was fighting something, disturbed whimpers escaping from his lips. The emerging light of the sun through the bedroom windows shined on his sweaty skin.
“He – he won’t wake,” Paul sobbed to you, turning to meet your concerned gaze with eyes full of tears. You gulped back the cries that wanted to rip from your throat, immense guilt enveloping you like a suffocating blanket.
“Paul, I – I’m so—”
You stopped yourself. What were you going to say? Paul, I’m so sorry for releasing the vengeful God of Dreams from your basement that I wasn’t even supposed to know about in the first place? Or what about, Paul, I’m so sorry, but I’m the reason your husband is gone forever?
You exhaled shakily. “I’ll call the doctor.”
The doctor confirmed what you knew in your heart. Alex Burgess had fallen into a coma that he would never return from. An inconsolable Paul looked sick when the basement guards told him that Edwin had quit the night before and never showed up for his shift. When Hattie and Randy saw his tear-streaked face, they knew. They blamed themselves, but Paul, in his infinite grace, did not.
He descended to the basement with you in tow, telling you hoarsely that he wanted to show you something.
Paul opened one of the glass doors for you. You stepped into the dark room slowly, guilty tears stinging your eyes. The binding circle was blurred, the glass was shattered, and the familiar hum that you’d grown to love was gone. The room was empty, dead.
“I should’ve known,” Paul’s sorrowful voice echoed through the shadowy room. “I knew it would happen one day… just not today.”
Your gaze dropped to the glass-covered floor, blinking back the tears that were begging to fall. This was all your fault. You knew, deep down, that this would happen if you released the Dream Lord.
“Those – those guards, they feel awful,” you said hesitantly, unable to meet his eyes. You had been formally introduced to them that morning. You felt awful is what you really wanted to say.
“It’s not Randy or Hattie’s fault,” Paul sighed, taking a step toward the broken orb of glass. He kicked a shard on the floor absentmindedly. “It’s ours. Mine and Alex’s.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because, Roderick Burgess trapped something in this cellar that was never meant to be held,” he replied almost instantly, forlorn. “And we… we were too afraid to fix his mistake.”
You knew in your heart that this was true, that the ultimate fault really did lie with the Burgesses. But you had played your part, and for a kind heart like yours, it was a heavy burden.
“I wish… I wish there was something I could do to help you,” you offered, heart breaking for Paul. The love that you observed between him and his husband for the weeks you were there was truly beautiful to witness.
Paul gave you a watery smile and put a hand on your shoulder.
“Maybe help me with – with some preparations?” His voice broke on the last word.
“I’d be honored.”
After Alex Burgess’s funeral and a heartfelt goodbye to Paul, you left the Burgess house for good. Not quite ready to go home, you rented a small cottage in a nearby town from a kind elderly lady. Flying back to the States already meant that you would be returning to your old life, the one with something seriously lacking, and you didn’t want to do that. Not yet.
Something inside of you wanted to stay here, in England, at least for now. You wanted to be close to where you met the otherworldly man with eyes that told of universes. You were afraid that the further away you got from the Burgess home, the further away the memories would drift from you.
You never wanted to forget him, the King of Dreams.
You closed your eyes and remembered Alex’s casket and Paul’s tear-brimmed eyes. Don’t forget, you told yourself, he’s the King of Nightmares too.
Despite now knowing who he was—what he was—you couldn’t just let him go. He was powerful, dangerous, something other, but to the despondent ache in your chest none of that mattered. That hum, that vibration that resonated in your very cells… you missed it. Now that you’d experienced it, you weren’t sure that you could ever live without that feeling again.
But you were only human, and he… he was something so ancient that words couldn’t do justice. You were but a blip on his radar, a tiny ant in an ever-expanding universe that he would surely forget if he hadn’t already.
It had only been a week since you released him, but it felt like so much longer. Every time that you fell asleep, you appeared in a world that you recognized as your beloved dream universe. You hadn’t been here in ages, especially since you’d arrived at the Burgess house. Your sleep was fitful, fleeting, and dreamless while Lord Morpheus was locked underneath your feet. Now, it was like a veil had lifted and you were able to return home.
But your haven of escape had changed. Something was different.
You could see past the borders of your own dream now. The hills of tall, green grass that danced in the fragrant breeze ended abruptly, revealing a wasteland of dark rock and churning clouds. Previously, you never even noticed that your dream had a border. But now that you could see the desolation stretching on in the distance, you wondered how you had ever missed it in the first place. It was like someone had removed your rose-colored glasses.
Every night you ventured closer and closer to that border, working up the courage to breach it. You were a consistent lucid dreamer and you were always aware that you weren’t in the real world the moment you closed your eyes. You would fabricate flowers and trees, rivers and brooks, beaches, even small creatures that would roam your little stretch of dreamland. But every time you tried to create something to root beyond the border, it would dissipate into a pile of dark sand and blow away.
You chewed on your lip and twirled the cup of Sleepytime Tea in your hands. It had grown cold. You must have been daydreaming.
The one thing that you longed for more than anything else was to see Dream again. It was a pull in your gut that made you want to sleep every hour of the day. Every night since his release, you called to him in your dream world, but he never came. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was beyond that imposing line, that if you finally had the courage to go poking and prodding into the dark that you would find him.
As you settled into your small bed, you decided that you would venture into the unknown. You would tread the soil untouched by you and test its limits. The emptiness of what lay beyond that border reminded you of a nightmare, but you would search there anyway. Your unbridled curiosity always won over in the end.
You turned off your bedside lamp and closed your eyes. You made a conscious effort to slow your breathing when you noticed swirling shapes begin to dance behind your eyelids. This was always how your dreaming started.
Those shapes flowed, fluttered, and changed colors. They stretched and molded and glimmered until they began to settle at your feet, turning into lush green grass and pirouetting butterflies. The familiar scent of white poppies tickled your nose and you opened your eyes. The two suns that kissed in the sky moved, bringing swaths of pink and orange light with them. They began to set on the horizon of the ocean you’d created the night before, casting vibrant hues that danced in the water.
You turned around.
Behind you, only a few steps away, was the border. Lightning struck in those curling dark clouds, a warning.
Even though you felt like this was something you shouldn’t be doing, that you weren’t allowed to do, you took a deep breath and held it as you scooted a toe past your remaining grass and into the black sand. Thunder rolled over your head, like a growl in the chest of a beast. With bated breath, you moved your other foot away from the soft carpet of green and into the ominous grains.
You stood there for a moment, waiting for lightning to strike you dead or for a gaping mouth of sand to swallow you whole. But nothing happened.
Hesitantly, you stretched your hand out in front of you. It was shaking and damp with sweat. You steeled yourself, then with everything you could muster, you visualized a winding road taking shape before you. You wanted bricks of white, smooth marble to cut through the bare landscape and lead you to Morpheus.
Slowly, so slowly at first that you thought it was just a gust of wind tickling the ground, the sand began to move. It was stubborn, like it didn’t want to move for you, but you just focused every thought on Dream, on how badly you wanted this, of that intoxicating quiver that encased your bones when you were near him. As if giving up, it parted like water, revealing a path of snaking black marble cut with veins of gold.
Well, you were going for white marble. But that’s okay.
You let out a gleeful giggle of disbelief and placed a bare foot onto the road. The golden veins glistened to greet you, as if saying hello.
“Wow,” you sighed appreciatively. You brought you other foot to rest on the marble. It was cold.
You cautiously moved one foot in front of the other, eyes in front of you taking in the ever-parting black sand and stormy clouds. With every step you took, the sand parted a bit more, as if where it was leading you was a secret that would only be revealed once you reached your destination. You felt powerful, but also a bit like you were sticking your hand in a proverbial cookie jar.
You weren’t sure how long you walked through the endless dunes of black, but after what felt like an eternity, an ocean appeared and stretched in front of you. The water was almost as dark as the sand, but it glittered with bits of dancing purple and starlight. The streams of glistening color moved through the calm waves as if alive, as if waiting to shape themselves into something once commanded.
It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
The dark sea sleepily licked the black sand that blew toward it, dancing out of your way. The path was beginning to curve into the water.
With slight trepidation, you edged your big toe into the waves. It swirled around you, tickling your skin, and began to part as well. You placed both feet into the dark ocean with more confidence now. The waves began to divide like the Red Sea. The colorful slivers of starlight were an aurora, swaying through the walls of water. Suddenly, the path dipped deeper into a descending crevice. You couldn’t see the bottom. The edge of sea floor ended abruptly.
Well, you’d made it this far. It would be a shame to turn back now.
With bated breath, you gathered every ounce of courage that you possessed and took the leap. Literally.
You were falling, but it was gentle. The lightless air swirled through your hair like water, but then you realized, it was water. An invisible chord pulled you by your ankle. You were sinking further, further. Your world was shifting and spinning and you didn’t know which way was up.
Then, as quickly as it had begun, it stopped.
You were emerging from the depths, floating into the air, gasping for cool and forgiving oxygen. The sea dripped off you quickly, as if it couldn’t wait to leave your skin, and you were instantly dry. Gently, almost kindly, the dancing air lowered you onto a dark wooden dock.
The sight that met you was unbelievable.
A gargantuan wall of horn and ivory towered in the distance. It was laced with the most beautiful and intricate carvings of faces, creatures, and landscapes that you had ever seen. Even from this far away, you could tell how utterly massive it was. It stood, erect, in the middle of the black sand beach. Unwavering and unmovable.
The moment your foot kissed the black sand, it twisted and separated for you, revealing the same black marble. The golden veins snaking through the stone glimmered again in greeting, like it was happy you’d made the journey.
A childlike smile tugged at your lips. This was more beautiful than even your wildest imaginings.
You followed the welcoming path all the way to the gates, absolutely enthralled by their sheer size the closer you drew. You noticed a massive carving in the middle of the doors, of something resembling a spine connected to the head of an insect. The image reminded you a bit of an antique gas mask.
With tentative but curious fingers, your touch brushed a white gate door, featherlight. You pulled your hand away to find that golden sand was stuck to your fingertips. It glistened in the faint light of the cloudy night sky.
The sound was so deep and trembling that it made you jump back in surprise. It reverberated through the immense ivory walls, making them shake loose more golden sand. You were afraid that you’d broken something, that a giant monster was finally coming to swallow you for wandering outside of your dream, but the sound stopped.
The echo of an enormous bolt unlatching vibrated through the gate and through your body. The marble beneath your feet hummed. The gates were separating for you.
An ever-widening sliver of a view appeared as the doors continued to open. Expecting to see mind-blowing beauty that you couldn’t formulate in your craziest fantasies, you held your breath and resisted an excited giggle.
The sight that met you stole the breath from your lungs.
It was hollow, dark, desolate; an endless stretch of colorless grounds covered in murky water. And at the middle of it all, a once-glorious castle that was crumbling before your very eyes. Gaping holes sat where towers once stood. Spires were bent and decayed. Arches that spoke of past splendor were disintegrating as you watched. Thunder rolled somewhere in the foggy distance.
You had never seen this place before and you didn’t know how long it had been like this. However, something in your gut told you that this was the ultimate tragedy, that this place was once a shimmering gem in the center of this land. A piece of your heart fell into your stomach like a piece of stone falling from the castle wall.
Your quick footsteps echoed around you in the eerie silence. You were certain that if anyone still resided in that castle, without a doubt, they would hear you coming. You were the only speck of life on this bleak stretch of swamp and sand.
You were overcome by a sense of urgency, a need to enter the castle. Would you finally find him, the King of Dreams that overtook your every waking thought? Your chest ached with a longing that felt quite pitiful, really. You were a bit embarrassed by its intensity.
You walked through the decaying threshold. The castle was falling apart just as much on the inside as it was on the outside. You had to keep your eyes on your bare feet to avoid sharp stone and shards of broken glass.
“Excuse me.”
You jolted in surprise, panicked gaze rising to see a figure approaching you from a cracking entryway. She stood at your height, clad in a neat dark suit with coattails. Her brown skin was smooth and almost glistened. She had no hair to hide her pointed ears or her deductive gaze. Her brown eyes were full of intrigue as they assessed you over the top of her circular spectacles.
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“And who, may I ask, are you?” she questioned. Her tone was business-like but not unfriendly.
You felt like you’d been caught doing something naughty.
“I’m, uh, I’m Y/N,” you replied meekly. The woman’s gaze continued to study you.
“Well, Y/N, I’m afraid you must be lost,” she said, taking a step closer to you, “for you are not supposed to be here.”
You gulped, feeling admonished. So, that gut feeling of doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing was right on, then. The woman’s eyes narrowed curiously and she tipped her head to the side, still reading you.
“How did you get here?” she asked.
You looked down, shyly pushing a dull piece of rock around with your foot. You shrugged.
“I just wanted to explore,” you admitted quietly. “Something told me to venture out of my dream. A path led me here.”
“A path?” she repeated, perfectly shaped brows rising in surprise.
“Yeah,” you nodded, eyes rising from the floor to meet hers. You felt a spark of pride in your chest. “I made one. If you look outside of the gate, you may still be able to see it.”
The woman’s eyelids fluttered in disbelief, taking another step closer to you. She was reviewing you closely now, like if she looked hard enough she would see a clue on your skin.
“You – you created something here in The Dreaming?”
Your brows knitted, confused by her shock.
“Sure. I change things around in my dreams all the time,” you replied, not understanding what the big deal was. You chewed on your lip thoughtfully. “Today was the first time I was able to make something outside of that border, though.”
“Border?” Her voice dripped in incredulity. “You were able to see the border between your dream and another?”
“I haven’t always been able to see it,” you said quickly, like a child trying to placate their parent. “It only started a week ago.”
The woman seemed equal amounts shocked and concerned. Embarrassment poked underneath your skin at her astute stare. She regarded you with a look that made you wonder if you were growing a second head.
“You should not be able to leave your dreams,” she said finally, shaking her head. You thought you detected underlying fear with her concern. “And you should not be able to create whatsoever, let alone a path through the waters to lead you here.”
“Where is here?” you asked, swallowing down your prickling sense of shame.
The woman adjusted her spectacles, sighing. “You are in the heart of The Dreaming.”
“This is the heart?” you asked, looking up at the disintegrating ceiling and destroyed stained glass windows. “It looks… broken.”
“It is,” she said solemnly.
Your reason for being here prodded at the base of your neck, imploring you to ask her what you wanted to know more than anything else.
“Can – can I ask you a question... I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
“Lucienne,” she replied. Her eyes were suspicious but not unkind.
“Lucienne,” you repeated, giving her a kind smile. “The only reason I left my dream was because I was looking for someone. Hoping to see someone, actually.”
You had piqued her curiosity. She watched you over the edge of her spectacles again.
“And who, pray tell, would that be?”
She blanched, but recovered quickly. “You know Lord Morpheus?”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged, a bashful smile overtaking your face at the very thought of him, of those eyes that seemed to peer into the depths of your soul. “I released him.”
Lucienne gasped. The sound echoed through your head like a ringing church bell, and suddenly she was gone. The castle melted away and you were surrounded by black nothingness. It was cold. A force pulled at the back of your navel and you were falling, falling, falling…
You shot up in your bed, breathless and gasping for air. Your wobbling hand reached up to your forehead and wiped away a thick layer of sweat.
You collapsed back onto your wet pillow, clamping your eyes shut and punching your soaked sheets.
You were so close.
**read chapter 5 here
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Lion’s Den: Part 8
“I’m making demands,” the words had fallen from your tongue and had hung in the air with potent seriousness that was cleaving to the tail end.
“Demands,” Bucky had leaned forward and rested the points of his elbows on the table, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms displaying the edges of tattoos peeking beneath the Italian cotton, “what kind of demands.”
“You wanna negotiate.” Steve had raised his hand, and the waiter seeing to the table had begun walking over with a bottle of wine and three glasses, the tremble of his hands as he approached had been one of many signs that spoke to his anxiousness.
The glass that had been placed in front of you was quickly filled with wine once the waiter had unscrewed the cork, and then he had filled Steve and Bucky’s glasses.
“You said Marcus had it out for me,” you reached for the glass and curled your hand around the width of the glass, peering at the two alphas as they sat across from you.
“Marcus made contact with another family; another alpha.” Steve had reached for his glass and took a swig from the glass.
You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed the wine and then watched him set the glass back down on the coaster. Your attention was still placated on him, your eyes taking in the sight of him swiping the leftover wine on the corner of his mouth, with his thumb.
“That doesn’t give you a right to treat me as a pet you can keep locked away. I want my freedom.” You glanced from Steve to Bucky and then squared your shoulders. “And I want you to apologize for being so condescending.”
“You have any idea how many people could get away with talking to us like that?” Bucky had questioned, leaning in as he looked you over.
“You gonna kill me?” You had finally sipped from your glass, an underlying trickle of fear-based around what they could do, had started to surge.
“You have a lot more power than you think,” Steve had settled his hand on top of Bucky’s and squeezed.
“What the hell does that mean?” You studied the action and the glance from one to the other. You could sense the immense bond that had been thriving between them, the incredible connection that had made Steve and Bucky an impossible pair. They were powerful together, a seamless and well-timed formidable machine, then against the world. It was almost awe-inspiring to see the two alphas who had loved each other with every fibre, every atom of their entire being.
“You felt the connection between us. All of us. You know how powerful your scent is and what it does to us.” Steve had gripped Bucky’s hand, his fingers curling around the side and into the palm.
“As far as we would go for each other,” Bucky had turned his head and locked eyes with Steve, “til the end of the line-“
“-we would also go that distance for you. You have the power to eliminate Bucky and I, and you don’t have to lift a finger.”
You felt as if you couldn’t catch your breath, you felt as if your heart was about to burst free of its cage and falter before them. They had a hold on you, and you had a hold on them.
“I think I deserve an apology.” You had muttered, glancing from one to the other. “You both-“
“We’re sorry,” Bucky had started, “Your scent is like a stimulating drug that makes us feel impossibly high with a single hit. We forget…shit, Y/N-“
“-We are a triad. A perfect triangular system of true mates that affect each other on a minute and basest level. We forget we had forgotten, to think past our primordial urges.”
Bucky’s sudden uptake in seriousness had stolen your attention from Steve. “You can make your demands, and we’ll hear them out.”
“Good. I have a list.” You set your hands upon your thighs and wiped the sweat from your palms as you approached the subject of making demands with alphas that were used to dealing with people more intimidating than you.
Despite them saying that you were meant to be as a complete, perfect triad, you were timid in a manner to approach the subject of your demands. Steve and Bucky were, by any other means, not just intimidating but completely, irrevocably dangerous and deadly. They had made themselves an unshakable empire that had men and women catering to the whims of the two alphas. They were able to run the city with an iron fist while simultaneously enforcing a sense of the law that had failed a majority of people that had needed it most. The law had become so tainted and twisted that it had driven the line between what was right and wrong to minuscule depths.
“I am going back to work.” You had raised the first demand with a slightly wavering voice that had cracked at the edge. “I am going back to work after the weekend.”
“Work?” Bucky had questioned, leaning forward to brush his fingertips against the back of your knuckles, the corner of his lips twitching as he started to smirk.
“Yes,” your eyes had narrowed slightly as you looked Bucky over, catching the glint in his irises that had become bolder the longer you looked at each other, “work. I’m going back to work because I like it. And I want to work.”
“Work is fine,” Steve had answered before Bucky, the hand that was on his knee tightening in response, “though there is the problem Marcus had created.”
“Marcus,” his name on your tongue had felt poisonous and aggravating in its nature, and you had loathed the very idea of having to form the word, “he tried to sell me?”
There was a streak of silence that had made you blanch as your stomach had become knotted at the very idea that you were discarded like you were nothing. It was indelible, the hovering cloud that promised some future threat that was unseen.
“We’re not going to let you get hurt.” Steve had attempted to calm himself, to level out his energy that was starting to rise to meet the agitation at Marcus and his illegitimate attempt to undermine Steve and Bucky.
Or whatever had possessed him to pursue this folly.
“Regardless, you can’t be left alone for long periods.” Steve had reached for the glass of wine sitting in front of him, and for the first time, you had noticed the depth of the tattoo that was dusting his knuckles with a few clear, initials on the skin.
“The Winter Soldier,” Bucky had answered the question you hadn’t been able to ask, his voice drawing you into the penetrative depths of his blue irises, “it was a name given to me when I was in the army.”
“You were in the army?” It was a clear surprise to you, a shocking revelation you hadn’t even thought of and had proved that everything you had thought you knew about him, every rumour hadn’t even scratched the surface of what was there.
“We both were,” Steve had stolen your breath and your attention with the intensity of his baritone voice and the flickers of green in his blue eyes, “Bucky was a sniper and I was a captain.”
“The Winter Soldier,” your breath had not yet returned to you in full, and you were blissfully and spaciously remunerating on the words that he ha spoken, on the manner of his vowels and consonants that you had mentally broken down to a hindbrain’s clear distinction.
Steve and Bucky were safe. Alpha and alpha who could keep omega safe.
It was the primordial directive, the reiteration of the basest facts: Steve and Bucky could and would keep you safe.
“Steve was a captain.”
“Captain America…?” You hold your laugh in by biting down on your bottom lip at the self-righteous name scrawled across Bucky’s knuckles, and you wonder why you had never truly noticed before.
“That fucking name,” Steve scowls and draws the rim of the wine glass to his lips, downing nearly all of it before he shakes his head, “we were on a tour in a place where English was hard to come by. It was a misunderstanding.”
“This woman wanted to thank Steve for saving her children, she asked him his name and somewhere it was lost in translation. She thought he said his first name was America-“
“Captain America.” You had snorted as you laughed, your hand covering your mouth as you laughed into your palm, the annoyance building on Steve’s face as he had swiped his hand across Bucky’s shoulder, the usually poised alpha expressing himself boldly.
“The name stuck.” Bucky had only stopped laughing when steve had shut him up with a domineering kiss and a hand around his throat.
It was clear, easy to see that Steve was the dominative alpha in the relationship and Bucky, despite being intimidating to nearly everyone else, was rather submissive. Or at the very least, he seemed to enjoy being submissive with Steve in the manner of sexual relations. They had loved each other, deeply and truly, it was apparent through the bond that had flourished between the two alphas that they were each other’s greatest loves. You were almost envious in a way, of the two and their relationship that had thrived, even though you knew that you would eventually get there too. You would, eventually become as deeply connected to the two of them as they were with each other.
“Any other demands, omega?” Steve had slowly let go of Bucky and had centred his attention back on you, his blue-green eyes iridescent and captivating.
“I don’t want to be restricted to the house. I want to be able to go out and do things. I’m not a pet you need to keep locked away. I want to be able to leave and go into the city.” You had known there was going to be a tentative and underlying hesitation given what had happened and what had yet to happen, however they were not shutting down your demand.
“You’re right, we had no right to lock you away. You’re not a prisoner.” Bucky had been the first to apologize, after your most recent demand, though Steve was not far to follow.
“We’re both sorry. There will always be risks when it comes to your safety. There will always be someone looking to hurt you, because you are ours. Nevertheless, you can’t be locked away like that, it’s not fair to you.”
“Bronx and Queens-“ You had started speaking before you had come to a complete standstill and closed your jaw with a snap.
“You can have your freedom as long as you try not to shake the men meant to keep you safe. If we’re not with you, you need to have them. At. All. Times.” Their demand had met you own, a compromise that would keep you both sated.
“I promise to keep my babysitters in tow as long as you promise not to be primordial assholes.” You had let fly the insult before you could catch it, and you were waiting for the shoe to drop, only to receive a crooked smirk from Bucky in return.
“Steve really needs to rein it in.” Bucky had tailed your insult with a insatiable and flirtatious wink sent to his alpha. “That’s not the Captain America we deserve.”
“Fucking push me,” Steve had growled under his breath, ending the little circle of demands with the approach of the waiter, “you should count your blessings that we’re in public, Buck. Instead of my cock shoved in your mouth, you can have food.”
“Like that’s stopped you before,” the banter was back in full swing, the back and forth that was so innate and easy between them, giving you another look at the contradictory image they had projected in private, versus how they conducted themselves in the public eye.
It was only in private, only with the three of you, that Steve and Bucky could allow themselves to truly be relaxed.
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@taznovembercelebration day 21: cinnamon, brimstone
Taako rifles through his cabinets, searching every single nook and cranny he can. There’s a moment of fleeting, delicious triumph when he finds a canister squirreled away in his dry storage, though the mood sours when a cursory shake reveals it to be empty. He tosses it in a long, lazy arc as he aims for his kitchen trashcan. The canister clatters noisily on the floor next to the trash. Taako rolls his eyes and returns his attention to his cabinets. He swears he stocked up on everything two weeks ago.
The wind rattles his windows and he shudders a little; last thing he wants to do is venture out in the maelstrom pounding his home but he’s missing a vital ingredient. He drums his fingers on the cabinet door before he’s struck by an idea.
He begins methodically twisting his rings; you’d think he’d manage to remember which one does the trick but he has a very particular aesthetic and can’t be bothered to remember which rings hold deep power and which ones turn his fingers green. He fiddles for another moment before his thumb flicks across a band on his middle finger, sending it spinning.
In an instant, Taako’s kitchen becomes a personal pyrotechnics show, smoke and light filling up the space and billowing out before it can choke the air from his lungs.
“Ogie, my dude, can you help cha’boy out? Because I’m –“ Taako cuts himself off as he realizes the scene in his kitchen isn’t one he’s seen before. Normally his patron appears with far less fanfare and theatrics. Half the time he just shows up as an owl or imbues one of Taako’s books with sentience.
The figure standing in his kitchen looms large and looks entirely out of place; tendrils of smoke emanate from his dark skin and his dark eyes burn like coals. He has dark, gnarled horns as thick as Taako’s wrist. The thick stench of brimstone permeates from the singed circle he’s left on the floor.
“Well.” Taako blinks, looking him up and down. “You’re not Oghma.”
“Decidedly not, mortal.” His voice rumbles, deep and primordial.
Taako should probably be a little freaked out that this pseudo-fiend is hanging out near his stove, but he has more pressing concerns. He crosses his arms and frowns. “Is he busy or something? Is he outsourcing my shit now? Because that was absolutely notin our pact!”
“His matters are of no concern to you at this moment. He sent me in his stead.”
Taako’s frown deepens and he rolls his eyes. “Well since you’re here, could you get me cinnamon?” Taako walks over to the discarded canister and shakes it in front of his substitute patron.
He seems to be taken aback. His stony façade drops for a minute, furrowing his eyebrows instead. “Sorry you were trying to summon your patron for a spice?” His voice is now a couple tones higher. He just sounds like some guy.
Taako shrugs. “I mean listen if you lived in the middle of nowhere, you’d exhaust all your options before going to the market too. Also the weather sucks right now.”
Not-Oghma blinks once, twice, then three times. It looks to be more out of shock than necessity. “So let me get this straight. You have a warlock pact with Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge, and you use to run errands?”
Taako rolls his eyes at the absurdity of this statement. “My man. Fiend. Thing-that-scorched-my-kitchen-floor-and-don’t-think-we-won’t-be-discussing-that-later. Of course I don’t use the pact to run errands. Oghma needs a scribe to record all his big ideas, I was in a pinch when I was a lot younger, so we made the pact. The whole magic thing has seriously saved my bacon a few times but he’s mainly offered some sense of like, I dunno, security? Someone big’s got a vested interest in me. Probably wouldn’t be too keen on me biting it randomly so I get to relax a little. And yeah, okay, sometimes he’ll do me a less major solid like getting me spices.”
Not-Oghma tilts his head. “That’s it? No threats if you break the pact? No intimidation? Fear mongering?”
“From Oghma? Nah, man. He’s cool. So what’s your deal? Why’d he send you?”
“Um. Well, it feels silly now. Basically, I’m meant to learn how to manage a pact? I’ve been working in close conjunction with the Raven Queen for a number of years but she wanted me to get a feel for all the possibilities of what a pact can look like. Apparently she and Oghma go way back and he has far fewer warlocks to deal with than she does.”
Taako squints at him and fights a smile threatening to paint his face. “So you’re like an intern?”
“No!” He protests, perhaps a bit too emphatically.
“Well, Mister Not-Intern, do you have a name? And how long’s this Warlock’s Apprentice thing going on?”
“My name is Kravitz. And apparently until it’s agreed that I’m capable. I’m not replacing Oghma in the long-term. I’m just meant to deal with small warlock needs and report back about what’s going right and what’s going wrong.” Kravitz looks a little unsure of himself.
Taako grins easily at Kravitz. “Well, bud, lucky for you, I’m Oghma’s neediest warlock.” He delights in seeing Kravitz's confusion as Taako sends him a wink. “I’m also his best." He pauses and tilts his head like he’s thinking hard about something. "And I think at this point maybe his only? Anyway, you’re going to get a crash course in pact management. Now, about that cinnamon.”
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keilemlucent · 3 years
pretty eyes & starshine: iii
(Mostly SFW)
hawks | takami keigo x reader
part i   ||   part ii   ||   part iii​​ (epilogue)
word count: ~2.2k
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Nothing ever really ends. It just grows in different ways with different parts. 
warnings: description of post-injury, reader and hawks being traumatized but coping, a soft epilogue
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the ending folks :’^) thank you for reading this far. here is something gentle for all of us, with some future, past, and the present for sweet starshine and keigo :’^)
enjoy loves 💞!!
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
Keigo doesn’t break promises. 
He loves white lies, the silly kind where he can rib you for a minute or two before soothing any ruffled feathers with quick kisses. He never leaves big wounds, nothing gaping or jagged, just loving pokes in your sides to get you to laugh and quip back at him.
He never goes back on his words that count.
His journeys out of the house remain short and rarely surprising. He never leaves without a goodbye, whether that’s a sleepy fuck or two, or a hand-written, tooth-rotting note on a scrap of paper next to a steaming cup of coffee on the kitchen island.
Keigo’s used to the open skies, rolling forever. The curve of the horizon is his primordial friend that he never got to say goodbye to, but he still chases it a few times a week. Little drives he takes by himself, hikes, and things that he let him feel a bit of that free wind in his shaggy hair. 
It takes you a while, but you don’t look forlornly at the door anymore.
The awareness that of his absence from your little bastion lingers as you move throughout your day, but you know he’s good for his word. He always returns, bearing a toothy grin, and usually an armload of snacks or takeout. 
It’s better, and you’re both a bit more alive. 
Spring in the mountains reminds you of something you can’t place. 
The memory of it is foggy, far-off and untouched. Probably a bit dampened from, you know, a year of trauma, but the feeling of it makes your quirk burst to light without fail.
It comes when you notice the little patches of wildflowers that spring up in new grass that rings around the porch. Heat flares in your eyes when you see the little seedlings you and Keigo planted into the window boxes begin to bud and flower. 
The days get longer, sweeter, and the summer comes easily.
The bad days never cease, but you both learn to cope to some degree.
Your scar... cracks one day. You’re doing some half-assed stretches in the living room (mostly arching your back so Keigo gets a good peek of your ass) when it happens. Your right leg bends at the knee, and a resounding ‘crack’ and shatter echo off the walls of the cabin. 
You both panic. 
Keigo instantly urges you on the couch, trying to soothe your own panic with little coos from the back of his throat. You feel numb as Keigo shoves up your pant leg, looking for any damage.
The scar looks relatively unchanged. It hasn’t writhed since your days at the hospital, and its edges have only faded a shade or two with time. It’s long, obtrusive, and something you still avoid looking at.
All the same, Keigo traces the gnarly flesh, nimble fingers searching for the source of the sound. Any bit of pain he can identify and soothe, ideally, remove. The pads of his fingers drift to the crook of your knee, pressing against the shiny, black seam of the scar.
His eyes go wide before awe shines through, without a lick of fear. 
He warns you to take a deep breath, ‘breath with him’, before pinching at the glassy center and pulling. There’s a bit of resistance as he pulls, you’re not sure what he’s doing, and you see ‘it’ before you really put it together.
Keigo holds ‘it’ up for you to see.
The inky glass of the scar.
Literal rock. Inky obsidian pulled from your flesh, about the size of your pinky and painfully jagged. 
“W-what is that?” You asked, grabbing his wrist to examine the bit. “That’s... the scar?”
Keigo nods his head, scrutinizing it with you, pinching at it, “Weirdest scab I’ve ever seen.”
You have never thought about calling the ugly root of the scar a ‘scab’ but looking at the way it so easily was pulled away, it makes sense. After a bit of examination and tender prodding, the tissue around it looks healthy, albeit thick and burned. The scar goes deep into your flesh, feels raw to the touch, but the skin that’s beneath it is somewhat alive. Maybe too alive, given how sensitive it is.
Nonetheless, you marvel at the little piece of volcanic glass that Keigo had pulled from you like it’s the most precious stone in the world. 
It takes a long time to convince both of you.
Keigo never receives another call from Suits, ‘president’, what the fuck her name is. Thank fucking god. His snap seemed to have scared her and her crumbling organization away. You can only hope that it was for good.
The potential return comes from kindness rather than demands. 
Calls from both Endeavor and Miruko, ‘Enji’ and ‘Rumi’ as they insist you call them. Rumi chatters on the phone for hours with Keigo every few weeks, puts the phone on speaker, and has you give your piece as well. You like her, she’s funny and loud and Keigo smiles when he talks to her.
Enji actually visits. 
Once or twice, maybe more. You stop counting when the extra bodies in the cabin don’t have you breaking into a cold sweat anymore. It had taken a great bit of coaxing, but you opened your cabin up for the former pro and his entourage. 
He brings along his daughter and the ‘Three Musketeers,’ as the media calls them. The boys train in the mountains nearby, never lingering too far based on the shouting from the blond one that echoes against the hills. 
The rest of you settle into the walls of the cabin whenever they come to visit. It feels warmer than normal; it makes sweat gather under your arms and in droplets on your forehead. Even if you wanted to attribute the heat to the old flame hero’s presence, it wouldn’t account entirely for your thumping heart. 
You work through it, slowly. 
You like watching Keigo and Enji. They both look worn. Keigo’s a bit too young for grey hair, but Enji has more than his fair share around his temples. The beard around his jaw glints silver in the lowlight of the cabin whenever he tilts his head to sip at his tea.
They smile like old friends, talk like it too. 
You end up in the kitchen a lot during their talks, distantly cooking and observing. You’re always listening to their stories, the banter. It’s hard to keep up with, a lingering vestige of Keigo’s old persona that clings to him and his mannerisms.
You don’t mind it, even if it feels foreign.
“Can you pass me that honey, dear?” Fuyumi asks, voice sweet and close.
You nod, sliding her the jar across the corner top. She carefully spoons a glob of the thick liquid into the four waiting mugs, humming just under her breath. 
The cabin feels warm, and it’s not just the ambient heat Enji gives off. 
The ‘three musketeers’ plan to camp in the mountainside and ‘rough it’. You couldn’t imagine the freshly-greened hills giving them too much trouble. They bicker, you have found, constantly. Blunt jabs from Enji’s son, met by explosive remarks from the blond one (why is his hero name so long? You can never remember it well.) Consider your growing aversion to loud noise, you like Deku the best. He seems like the peacekeeper (and peacemaker) of the trio and compliments your cooking. What a gem.
The guest room has been polished into an actual guest room. Fuyumi takes it, and Enji, bless his heart, takes the creaky fold-out couch. He doesn’t mind, he tells you, something about enjoying tending to the hearth at night.
Keigo calls the nights where they fill the house ‘sleepovers’, and he adores them.
They’re a bit overwhelming for you if you’re being honest. But Enji is far less intimidating now that you’ve seen him nodding off and slack-faced on your couch. Fuyumi has patience you’ll never fully understand, and babies you a bit, which you don’t welcome but don’t refuse either. 
She does just that, scooping up three mugs after pushing your own toward you. You regather and sit next to Keigo at the kotatsu, slipping your legs under the thick blanket and sagging with the heat. You rest your head on his shoulder, and he presses you into his side, pressing a few kisses to the top of your head. It’s an idle action, habitual and welcomed as the conversation flows.
(Something about one of Keigo’s old sidekicks. Another about Endeavor’s agency, still chugging along with him at the helm, albeit not as an active hero. The new hero charts, the new rules established, legislation. Things are getting... safer, a semblance of order being re-established now that much of the League has been apprehended.)
(Things are settling, as horrifying as the change is.) 
The thought of so much makes you sleepy, long-standing exhaustion heavy in your bones. You nod off at some point to the kind, safe voices. 
Keigo coaxes you awake once the conversation dies down.
“Love,” he purrs, rubbing your side, “let’s get up now and get you to bed.”
You follow him, the way he rises and guides you to the bathroom to help you ready for bed. Enji is settling on the couch, tugging a few throws over himself on the futon. You give him a shallow wave with half-lidded eyes, meeting his own.
Eye contact feels hard, but you manage to hold it for a few seconds.
In the bathroom, you pop onto the counter and slowly brush your teeth. Sleep clings to you, and you know it’ll return quickly, but the process of moving and interacting wears you down so easily. Your toothbrush almost slips from your grip.
“Just a little more, and then you can rest, dove,” Keigo urges, reverent as he finishes his own routine in tandem. You watch as he splashes water on his face, wetting the tufts of hair that fall around his face.
The cabin feels warmer. 
You notice it as you enter the bedroom, Keigo already hopping into bed to assemble the ‘nest’ as both affectionately refer to it. The old throw, a few extra soft blankets, and a buttery soft duvet must be arranged just right before he is satisfied. 
 Keigo knows it’s a remnant.
He carries plenty of them, little chunks of him that are old and worn, old and unused. He can shake them, can’t bury them, they just simply are.
The birdish ones are nice, he thinks. He likes that he can preen you. He loves that you can preen him. That you’ll indulge him in that way, running your hands through his overgrown hair. You detangle any knots, soothe the snarls and rub at his neck until he’s liquid in your lap. 
He likes nesting. The cold of the cabin can be almost forgotten in the little nests he makes. The mountains of bedding and pillows that you both can settle in. It’s peaceful, and it's shared, and things are okay. 
It’s all slow, and a bit tedious, things that the remnants of ‘Hawks’ scream and thrash at. But, really? Keigo has no reason to listen to a ghost. He tries not to let himself be haunted. 
He indulges himself for the first time in his life, probably.
As Keigo nestles you into the sheets beside him, he gives you a bit of room to get comfortable. Adjusts your pillows how you like, tangle your legs together in the comfiest way. Your own version of nesting that makes his palms sweat and his words turn to mush.
You settle together, chest to chest, Keigo’s chin hooked over the top of your head. 
“Did you have a good day?” You ask, soft and sleepy.
Keigo nods easily, “I did. Enji doesn’t seem to quite as much of a square as he was a few years ago.”
You snort, muffling a giggle into his chest, “He’s definitely a little bit of a square. But I like him.”
“He offered to host us at the estate if we ever want to go back.”
You swallow, thick and slow, and try to bury yourself deeper in him, “... Do you want to go back?”
“No.” He pauses. “Maybe. Not yet, and not anytime soon. But the offer is on the table. It’s nice to have, even if we don’t take it.”
It’s insurance, somewhere else to tuck yourselves away if the mountains stop favoring you. 
The thought of the future makes your head spin, as it tends to. The scar aches, but maybe it’s a tad duller than it was a few months ago. The pains only last a few moments, only stab so deeply. The place where the little chunk of obsidian fell out doesn’t feel quite as tender. 
You lay your cheek on Keigo’s chest, your breath coming in time with his. 
“‘M tired,” You murmur into his chest. “Can I sleep?”
“Of course, starshine.” He pushes back your hair, clears your forehead to press his lips to the skin, lightly. Little kisses piling up on top of each other. “Get some rest.”
“You too, pretty eyes.”
You both need it. For more than just a day with the folks who stuck around. You and Keigo need more rest than a being can responsibly accumulate during a human life. There are things to be stitched, worn parts of you that need tending to, and burns that’ll need salve until the day you die. It’s not any less than it was in the month’s past.
But it’s easier to manage. 
You snuggle into Keigo’s chest, drifting off to the thought of fresh coffee and crackling heat.
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
thank you for reading!!💞
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Leviathan's Odyssey 5:
*Mammon is happily about to break into Lucifer's study yet again when he hears the sound of banging metal and high-pitched shrieking coming from the kitchen... Knowing what the likely source, he swallows his reluctance in order to go check on what's happening*
*Beel is in the kitchen when he runs in, having narrowly dodged the flying butcher knife that lodges into the wall next to his ear… Little Satan is strapped into a high chair, wailing at the top of his lungs and banging his fists against a nearby countertop*
Mammon: BEEL!! What the hell is goin’ on in here!? Weren’t ya in charge of feedin’ him??
Satan: DIE!!!! DIE!! Diedie!!!
*a frying pan appears to float off of its hook and goes flying towards Mammon’s face but Beel manages to grab its handle before it knocks him out*
Beel: I was! But I think I made him mad…!!
Mammon: *gulps when he sees the metal pan just an inch from his nose, but has to push it aside quickly* He’s ALWAYS mad, Beel! What'cha do this time??
Beel: Nothing! *ducks a riocheting butter knife* I just…! Well…
Mammon: Spit it out already!!
Beel: I was trying to teach him how to eat, okay?? But he poked himself with a fork and lost it!
Satan: DIIIEEEE!!!!! 
*previously thrown kitchen supplies lift off of the floor and start flying at them for a round two. Beel rips a cabinet door from its hinges to shield them while Mammon takes the frying pan to bat away the murderous forks and spoons*
Mammon: Beel!! We agreed that we weren’t givin’ him that stuff yet! He’ll kill us all!!
Beel: Yeah, yeah I know but it’s not fair! He should learn how to feed himself like the rest of us!
Mammon: Now’s not the time for “fair,” Beel!!
*apparently hearing the commotion himself, Asmo storms into the kitchen wearing nothing but a bathrobe and a beauty mask - but even covered in cleanser, he look PISSED*
*Mammon grabs Asmo by the arm and pulls him out of the way of an iron cauldron careening his way. Asmo shrieks at the sudden pull and clutches onto Mammon for dear life following the close save*
Asmo: What is the little monster doing now?!? Why are things flying??
Mammon: Quit callin’ him a monster and hell if I know! It’s not like he knows any spells!!
Beel: *whacks away a meat tenderizer aimed at Asmo’s cheek* I think he’s just really mad!
Asmo: *throws his hands up in despair* Of course of all the babies in all the world, we managed to get one that radiates homicide!!
Mammon: Shut your trap and go wake up Belphie! Lucifer’s still with Diavolo so he’s gotta be the one to put him to sleep this time!
Asmo: Me?? Why me??? Belphie won’t get up for me, make Beel do it!
Mammon: Are ya blind AND stupid?? I need Beel here with me! Just scream or something ‘till Belphie wakes up! It’s all you’re good for anyway!
Asmo: Shut up, you money-grubbing dirtbag!!
*Asmo yelps a bit at the volume, but he manages to run out of the kitchen without much injury*
Satan: DIE!! Die! Die! DIE!!
Mammon: *pops his head out from behind their cover* Yeah we get it little buddy, ya don’t like us! But would it kill ya to cut it out??
Satan: DIIIIEEEE!!!!!!
*Mammon quickly jerks back behind the "shield" as a set of five knives all lodge themselves into it*
Mammon: Fuck, okay nevermind!!
*it only takes a couple minutes of fighting off the cutlery for Asmo to come back with a drowsy, but upright, Belphie in tow*
Belphie: What’s happening here…??
Mammon: No time for explainin’!
*Mammon swiftly grabs Belphie and sticks him behind Beel before taking the cabinet door from him*
Mammon: Grab another, Beel!
*while Beel rips off the other door, Mammon keeps shouting over the chaos*
Mammon: Belph, ya gotta knock out the kid! Beel and I will protect ya, just stay behind us then get’em outta the chair! Do what ya gotta do after that!
Belphie: *stays right behind Beel but groans* What did you do this time…??
Mammon: Shuddup and move!!
*the three of them start approaching the baby in the high chair, still wailing at the top of his lungs. Between the two cabinet doors and their combined reflexes, Beel and Mammon are able to keep Belphie more or less shielded from the flying utensils until they finally get close enough from him to make a move*
*Belphie jumps forward enough to grab the buckle to Satan’s seat, ignoring his little fists as they try to rip his hair out, and he gets the baby out of the chair as quick as he can manage*
Belphie: Ow!! Okay, lights out, kid!!
*Belphie sticks his hand over Satan’s eyes and, gradually, his struggling loses its gusto until the little baby falls asleep in his arms. All the kitchen supplies fall to the ground and it seems like his tantrum is finally over…*
Mammon: *drops the “shield” he was holding* Oh thank fuck that worked!! No more forks for him, Beel!
Beel: *also sets down his “shield” and looks down guiltily* But how is he ever going to eat right…?
Mammon: We’ll just have to teach him when he gets better.
Belphie: “If” he gets better…
*there’s a silence between the brothers as the gravity of that thought sinks in… What if he never gets any better…?*
*But then the little boy yawns*
Satan: *yaaaawn* Pa…
*all heads in the room snap towards the baby demon and everyone holds their breath. That was a new sound… right?*
Satan: Pa… Per… wish…
Beel: “Per… wish?”
Belphie: I think he meant, “Perish…” 
Asmo: *groans* Of course his second word also means, “Die!”
Mammon: But he’s learnin’! That’s what Lucifer said, right? 
*Mammon comes over and carefully takes the sleeping Satan from Belphie, holding him not unlike how he used to do all of them when they were young*
Mammon: He’ll get better, alright? Believe your big brothers for once! Ya guys weren’t all that different than this...
Asmo: *rolls his eyes* That’s such a lie...
Mammon: Shuddup Asmo, I’m serious! We just gotta be patient…
Beel: Do you think Lilith could have calmed him down…?
*again, there’s another silence in the room… aside from Satan’s soft snoring. For once, it seems like his little brothers are looking at Mammon for something… comfort maybe?*
Mammon: Lilith… *he fights the urge to bite his lip by holding Satan a little tighter* Lilith woulda been patient with’em… Levi too. They’d have helped us out… 
Belphie: If they were still here…
Mammon: *sighs* Yeah Belphie. If they were still here… but we don’t gotta focus on that part, ya know?
*Mammon starts walking towards the exit, patting little Satan on his sleepy head*
Mammon: I’m puttin’ the little shit to bed. Ya got feedin’ duty again tomorrow, Beel. No forks this time.
Beel: *nods quietly* Alright…
Mammon: *stops at the doorway and looks back* Oh. And “not it” explainin’ this mess to Lucifer. Ya gotta figure that out yourselves!
*as his brothers start to shout out in protest, Mammon just laughs triumphantly while he starts down the hallway. Looks like something isn’t his fault for once*
~Meanwhile in the Deepest Depths of the Ocean~
*for the first time since his conquest began, Levi is completely alone in the darkness. Having conquered every part of the seas above, all he has left is the deepest trenches to explore… home to the nightmares even his army refuses to face*
*perhaps being a stranger to this world has helped him. Whatever force commanded his troops to stay above has no sway on his mind. Even Lotan, his most trusted general, wouldn't follow him into these shadows...*
*he's told only one thing lives here. A creature beyond all comprehension... A being without form, without thought, and without convention, and yet festers into consciousness like a blight on all existence... A creature for which all other monsters fear to the point of insanity yet, strangely, Levi remains undaunted...*
*his mantra of loathing shields him as much as it consumes him. He’ll bow to no beast who believes they're better than him, no matter their size or strength. No one can think they’re better than he is... He’ll prove their lives are worthless in the end*
*finding the creature proved easy. He only had to follow the strings of insanity attempting to strangle his mind, growing ever thicker the closer he’d come. A lesser being may have felt helpless approaching it… a shattering insignificance compared to One that Defies All: a primordial essence from which those below the depths are connected and yet through denial believe to be their own... A Greater Power. A God*
*... but he’s fought a God before. All he saw before him now was an Abomination*
*and what he eventually saw skewered on the end of his trident was just another step on his journey of conquest - even as blood the color of madness plumed in the water around him, boiling his skin and contorting his bones... When the ranting clutter in his mind finally quieted, Levi was something new entirely…*
*he didn’t need to return to his army to feel their presence now. His metamorphosis completed when a ghastly wail that escaped his throat, carried telepathically through the waters around him. A clear signal to all who felt it... Above the sea, you’d hear nothing. But below...*
*a cacophony of shrieks. A chorus of howls. The roar of a new Master and the response of an entire ocean now at his disposal...*
*An army of unspeakable terror flourishing just out of sight…*
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
jonmartin, pre-romance, #15/28??
I did manage to get BOTH of these in! So we have a combo of "You called me, remember?" and "It's too early for this". Much like the others, the MINUTE I read this prompt an idea popped into my head that I just HAD to go with! This is actually based off a real life incident I had with a friend (They know who they are...) but it fit both Jmart and the prompt PERFECTLY! The names have been changed to fictional characters to protect the innocent. (Hint I was the Martin in this situation) Anyway this was super fun and cute to write and I made myself all squishy a lot. HOPE YOU ENJOY! <3
There were precious few reasons why Martin’s mobile should be ringing at exactly 5:47 am on a Tuesday, and precisely none of them were good. Still, the anxiety inducing sound alerting him to something ominously, ambiguously amiss struggled to worm its way through a rather lovely dream of his acceptance speech after being awarded poet laureate. The poem he had prepared for the occasion was marrow-deep and hauntingly beautiful, or at least he remembered it that way until suddenly he was reciting the lyrics to Abba’s ‘Waterloo’ instead and sweating profusely as the audience began to murmur in disgust amongst themselves. Waterloo was indeed blaring, but from the ringtone of his phone, not from his lips, and his stomach performed a cold somersault with the force of the wave of anxiety that had begun in his dream and crested up to lap at the base of his barely functional brain. The few synapses he needed for basic motor function and reading comprehension crackled to life as he clumsily batted the buzzing device on his nightstand into his hand and squinted blearily at the name.
It was small. That was an immediate relief. If the care home had been calling about an incident with his mother, either her health or the staff’s as a result of her, it would have been the full moniker of ‘Sunrise Acres Care Home’ ticking across the caller ID. Yet small implied a name, a person, someone he had in his phone and not just a random spam call, and anxiety spiked again as Martin scrubbed at his eyes until ‘Jon’ appeared in white hot letters on the screen. Sleep dissolved from him in an instant and he sat bolt upright in a tangle of covers as he smashed the green answer icon with his thumb and threw the receiver to his ear.
“Hullo?! Jon? R’you okay? What’s happened?” he demanded, voice still slumbery thick and groggy.
“Martin!” Jon’s silky, prim voice, thinned out to a tin can vibrato over airwaves, answered, “Good, you’re awake. I need your help. Urgently.”
Martin was already out of bed by the time ‘need’ reached his ears, yanking on the first pair of jeans he spotted in the laundry heap on the floor and hopping on his free leg to the en suite with his phone pinched between his cheek and shoulder.
“I’m on it!” he assured him despite having no clue what ‘it’ was, exactly, “I’m coming to you as soon as I can. Where are you? Are you hurt? Should I bring a first aid kit? I don’t think I have a first aid kit… should I buy a first aid kit? There’s a Boots just down the block from my flat, I could-“
“Martin, stop! What the hell are you on about?” Jon’s annoyed tone cut through his panic like a scalpel.
Martin stopped in the doorframe of the bathroom, brows knitted, jeans puddling around the one leg he’d managed to get through and left once again in naught but his boxers as he gripped his phone back into his hand.
“Huh? What are you on about? You said you needed help!” he snapped.
“I do! But not like… not like THAT. What kind of mortal peril do you imagine I would find myself in at a quarter to six in the morning?”
The initial surge of adrenaline fizzling out uselessly in his veins the more Jon talked, Martin sagged against the doorway and pinched his temples as he strained his words through a colander of civility.
“I don’t know, Jon. You called me, remember?”
“Right, right…”
A terse, lowly hissing silence of dead satellite replaced Jon’s voice, twisting Martin’s nerves as acrobatically as he twisted to avoid the point. He kicked off his jeans and stalked grouchily back to bed where he threw himself face down and unmoving.
“So, what is it then? Wi-Fi gone tits up? Forgot how long to steep Darjeeling?” he hissed into his rumpled duvet, a little nastier than he would have liked given the deadly combination of interrupted slumber and primordial biological survival instinct.
“I uh…” Jon’s voice deflated over the speaker, “I have a… problem.”
“Yes, we’ve so very, very clearly established that. What kind of a problem, exactly…?”
“A problem of an upsettingly… Arachnid nature.”
“A spider…?”
Martin propped himself up on one elbow, eyes narrowed with genuine and curious concern.
“Wait like a… like a spooky spooky spider? Or just an ordinary kind of spooky spider?” he inquired with as much levity as he could muster, given one of the likely options.
“Stop saying spooky. And the ordinary kind. I think. No, I’m sure of it. It’s merely the sitting on my kitchen wall like it owns the place and staring at me rudely with all eight eyes, judging me for skipping breakfast again, kind,” Jon answered with clinical pointedness.
“O… kay…?” Martin drawled, suppressing a giggle, “So, what’s the problem then?”
“What do I do?”
Martin opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again as he doubted that he had actually heard Jonathan Sims, the irascible, pompous, only capable of truly looking at him down his nose Head Archivist Jonathan Sims, ask him, a lowly assistant, what to do. With a spider. It would have been almost adorable, had he not scared the life out of him initially, but even that knocked it only down a single peg to helplessly charming.
“I-I mean, the normal thing one does when encountering a spider in one’s home? You kind of only have the usual two options? Er well, three, if you count just leaving it be, but I doubt you’re amenable to that one.”
“No, absolutely not, out of the question,” Jon declared swiftly.
“Didn’t think so,” Martin chuckled, rolling onto his back and sagging in relief into the mattress.
“So?” came the impatient invitation to continue.
“So what?”
“So, then what do I do?” Jon repeated brusquely.
“Well, you either kill it or let it go, of course! What else is there to do? Invite it to brunch?”
“I know that! I’m not an idiot!” Jon erupted furiously, “Good lord, Martin! Do you really think I would have called you because I didn’t know the only two options for dealing with an eight-legged criminal invading my home were kill it or let it go? Really?! Did you suppose this was the very first spider I ever encountered in my life? Is that what you thought? Or perhaps I had my own personal valet to attend to all of my insectoid tribulations, hmm? Just call the bug butler, he’ll attend to it straightaway! Do you ever stop to think before you open your mouth? Or do you customarily just air out whatever inane notions blow through your ears, no matter how puerile? Christ!”
Martin let the phone drop onto the bed beside him, away from the verbal darts hurled directly into his eardrum and taxing the output matrix of the speaker, as Jon launched into an affronted, mortified tirade, smirking and shaking his head.
“It’s too early for this…” he mused to himself ruefully, rubbing both hands over his face and eyes.
Once the phone stopped humming and glowing white hot with remote rage, Martin scooped it back up and yawned into the receiver.
“You alright there, Jon?” he asked in a gentle tone.
A ragged sigh crackled into a blip of feedback from lips too close on the other end of the phone.
“…Not really?” came Jon’s tremulous reply, “Listen, I’m sorry I went off on you. That was unfair of me. I-I just… I really… really hate spiders.”
Something squeezed in Martin’s chest, something about the confident bass flayed neatly out of Jon’s usually assertively solid mannerisms, leaving it abnormally thin and rickety. He sat up on the bed, cradling the phone much more gently to his cheek.
“Hey hey, it’s okay,” he assured him, “If anybody sympathizes about being afraid, you definitely called the right person. Need me to stay on the line with you while you whack it? A good heavy book will probably do the trick, or if you need speed and agility a rolled-up newspaper or a magazine might be better?”
“No! I wasn’t calling because I needed advice on how to murder the damn thing! I’m quite capable of doing that on my own. Frankly, I’ve taken rather a vested interest in honing my spider termination methodology over the years. I called you because… well you were going on about how you thought they were…” Jon trailed off in a series of garbled sounds of disgust, “Cute… of all things.”
Martin grinned and had to put the phone on his bare chest a moment, as if Jon might somehow perceive his giddy glee through the receiver.
“To be fair I’m a little odd that way. Most people feel much the same as you do about them,” he commented as he picked it back up.
“True, but that’s not even the whole of it!” Jon went on exasperatedly, “I also overheard you talking… must have been to Tim or Sasha but… you were explaining about how helpful they are to the ecosystem and what a vital role they play in that natural order of things, and how we always see images of them eating butterflies and beautiful things that make them look sinister, but how really they mostly control pests and the like… how you thought they got kind of a bad rap?”
“Wow I uh… I can’t believe you remembered all that,” Martin muttered, freckled cheeks dusting a light pink, “But what does that have to do with your unwanted houseguest in particular?”
“It was the last part, mainly. That’s what got me. The part about fear. That they’re afraid, too… You said there had been studies that showed a clear fear response in spiders… to us. They’re afraid of us, demonstrably more so than we are of them…”
One word of all of those slipped between Martin’s ribs and into his heart. Too. They were afraid, too. His thumb stroked and consoled the edge of his phone unconsciously as Jon blustered on, unbothered by his own unconscious admission.
“And now I can’t do it! Now I have to set this bloody spider free because you think it’s cute and want to make friends with it, and I can’t make it an innocent victim of my fear and I have no idea how!”
Martin couldn’t help but smile, imagining how Jon must be in his flat on the other end, scrunched in a corner all hunched up shoulders and furrowed brow with hackles bristling, squaring off with a creature who was possessed of no knowledge of the fear she symbolized, or the grace to understand the iconographical divorce to her salvation. Only Jon, quivering and still bed-rumpled and frazzled, could understand the magnitude of cupping that fear in the palm of his hand while reaching out to him with the other. And now Martin understood it, too.
“Hey alright, I’ve got you. Steady on Jon, we’re gonna get through this together. I’ll talk you through the steps, you just follow what I say, okay?” he instructed in his best 999 operator performance.
A beat of silence ensued, followed by a much more robust and emboldened, “Okay.”
“So, what you want to do first is get a glass.”
“A glass?”
“Yeah, like a water glass. And a stiff piece of paper or cardboard or something. If you’ve got a bit of post lying about, flyers and coupons and the like, those usually work well.”
There was a period of distant shuffling, clattering, and indecipherable muttering as Jon gathered his weapons, then sucked in an audible breath through his teeth.
“Alright I’ve got them, now what?” he asked, sounding a bit winded.
“Now you very carefully put the glass over the spider, then slide the paper under the glass so you trap it inside. Then you can take it out without touching it or worrying about it scuttling off on you and set it free wherever you think it’ll be happy!” Martin answered sweetly.
“Okay, okay. I think I can do that,” Jon chanted for steadiness, “I’m putting the phone down so I don’t louse it up, but d-don’t hang up, stay on with me, okay?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Jon. I promise. You’re okay.”
“O-Okay… Okay… Okay…!”
Martin listened as Jon’s voice grew distant, but somehow stronger, more like a war cry, with the soft pad of socked feet on tile, then a short stretch of silence, and then a chorus of oaths and yelping, rising to the crescendo of a door being messily flung open, shut, then opened and shut again. A drumbeat of returning feet rolled mutely close and melded into the scratchy rustle of the phone being picked back up.
“I’m back,” Jon announced.
“Is it done?”
“The deed is done… your little friend is enjoying some lovely pink dahlias out front as we speak.”
“I’m pleased for her! And… for you, too,” Martin said, voice melting into lilting tenderness, “I’m honestly really proud of you, I know that wasn’t easy for you.”
“I… Ah… No, it wasn’t. Thank you, Martin,” came the sheepishly measured rejoinder.
“You’re very welcome.”
Martin smiled privately to himself, and ran a loving thumb down the edge of his phone once more.
“So then may I rightly assume I have permission to come in an hour or so late today so I can go back to sleep?” he continued, already knowing the answer as he flopped back down on his pillows and rolled up into the covers.
He was relieved to hear a husky chuckle rumble through the phone.
“Yes, yes. I think you’ve more than earned it.”
“Brilliant, see you in a bit then? And for lunch?” he added hopefully.
The brief silence as Jon calculated his response hung thick and palpable in the digital airwaves.
“Lunch sounds good,” he replied at length, “See you then.”
“G-Great! Great! See you!”
Their phones clicked mutually off without the awkward jumble of sign-offs, pleasantries, and accidentally stumbling over each other’s words. Martin thought glimmeringly of the spider hunting free in plush pink petals, none the wiser, and of Jon, with new and irrefutable proof that not everything ugly or quietly cunning in the world lurked behind to cast its shadow over him. A spider could be just a spider, and Martin back asleep with both hands still clutching his phone to his chest, dreaming of singing Waterloo again, but this time to a rapt audience and thunderous applause.
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my theory inb4 the finale:
the mysterious cube at niirdal-sarqet was a pre-age of arcanum training tool for prospective spellcasters.
the design of the cube all points to an exceptionally ancient time. it echoes the same long-forgotten mystique as the age of arcanum. the language embedded in it is qoniira—a language older than celestial. some of the power inside hearkens back to dunamancy, the manipulation of time and space, which believers in the luxon allege existed before everything else along with their deity. it's covered in archaic versions of the gods' symbols—not just the prime deities, all of them (excepting the luxon). betrayer gods included, their iconography neutral and non-menacing, as if the people who created it... didn't recognize them as betrayer gods in the first place.
according to the story of the founding in the EGtW (explorer's guide to wildemount, ch. 1), the betrayer gods were only seen as betrayers after the war with the primordials. before then, the gods were just the gods—the creators. all of them together had created the peoples who formed families and cultures and nations. qoniira likely dates to this age.
mortals didn't know how to spellcast at this point beyond divine gifts. so when the primordials, who had claimed the realm for themselves too, eventually decided to wreak destruction and return the realm to elemental chaos, the mortals were nearly defenceless.
this was when the schism between the gods occurred: the ones who would become the betrayer gods fell apart to grief and rage and wanted to wipe the slate clean; let the primordials destroy it all. the ones who would become the prime deities wanted to wage war and save the world they'd created from the primordials. the prime deities ultimately accomplished this by teaching mortals arcane magic. (this was the factor that led the following era to become the age of arcanum.)
why i think the cube was a tool to teach arcane magic:
it's fairly clear that the cube was meant to be both dangerous and easy to access, the way we saw it in episode 7. the command phrases to open it were in qoniira—this would've been easy for anyone native to the tetrarchy to read. even anyone not native or fluent in qoniira would still be able to figure it out with some dedication, as the exu gang made pretty evident. the lack of barrier to activating the cube tells me that access was intended to be unrestricted.
the stone guardians appeared in response to people physically interacting with it. mechanically, each player had to make a wisdom saving throw every time they came in contact with a new face/platform while the cube was active; if they failed, they took 2 points of damage and had their max hp reduced by that amount as a guardian emerged from the stone, apparently fueled by the player's health.
each time this wisdom save was a success, aabria explicitly described the respective player seeing the stone roil before stopping at their attention, unable to form.
before the cube opened, it had begun to move. fearne deliberately forced her will into the cube to command it to stop moving, rolling a 23 spell attack. it listened to her and didn't move; it broke open in place.
recall the command phrases to activate the cube.
the universe above / the universe within / remember what came before / decide what happens next / provide for all / a shield to protect.
note "decide what happens next." this is a phrase meant to be a command to the reader too. in episode 6, tetrarch thrascuur told the party that power—and magic—was about choice. a person deciding and enacting their will on the world around them to realize their desires. if this is the tetrarchy's basic understanding of magic, this command phrase from the cube seems to be teaching that lesson from the get-go.
it ties into the behavior of the cube exactly. the other phenomenon the players experienced was a gift of a powerful boon from 'a mote of light, possibility.' dorian and dariax gained the ability to control the strength of gravity on their bodies; orym got an additional battle maneuver after viewing time as a path forward, like his future; opal, as a martial caster, had an epiphany on how all magic overlaps and got a pool of hit points to heal people with; and fearne was able to change time by willing a d20 roll to be rerolled after viewing time as a sprawling web that she could pluck apart to her liking.
mechanically, each player rolled a d6 on their first turn to determine their boon—except orym, who received a boon without rolling a d6. orym is also the only party member whose class, battle master fighter, doesn't have spellcasting as a feature. the energy of the cube may be limited for those that don't have a lot of experience with or capacity for magic. those who do, though, can get a variety of different powers. based on the others' results (opal: 1, dorian and fearne: 3, dariax: 4), the boons are likely split into three groups: 1–2 seems to correspond to divine-based powers like healing, while 3–4 seems to be dunamancy-adjacent and therefore possibly arcane. 5–6 is a mystery since no one rolled either number, but a probable hypothesis is elemental/nature-based magic.
so, the activated cube will create a hostile stone guardian derived from the person's relative strength, should they fail to use their will to prevent it. at the same time, they receive a gift of power with a random understanding of how to will it into use. the stone guardians challenge the person in combat—an appropriate context for learning magic to fight primordials. the stone guardians' main tactic is brutal too: aiming for what the person fears most. but an effective way, in a controlled situation, to make someone force their will on the world very hard to stop it.
with all that in mind, the rest of the command phrases begin to make a lot of sense too.
"the universe above / the universe within / remember what came before." the first phrase refers to the gods, echoing the story of the founding in the EGtW and its continual references to their origins "beyond the ashen skies." the second phrase likely refers to the primordials, who lived beneath and within the earth. so in the context of devastation brewing at the hands of the primordials, what would a call to "remember what came before" mean—except to remember that the gods had created all mortal life from the elemental chaos? simply by choosing to shape them into existence?
"decide what happens next" is the method by which the person takes control of the power and magic around them—on their own, like the gods themselves.
then: "provide for all / a shield to protect." these two phrases connect smoothly. they can refer to mortals learning magic in order to protect their communities and loved ones from the primordials. it can also refer to the cube itself and the intentions of the gods who would become the prime deities—providing mortals with the methods to protect each other.
TL;DR: i think the cube is a religious artifact that taught mortals arcane magic because of how old it is and how the cube made a really cool arena full of magically-granted epiphanies on the nature of magic and the universe.
thank you for reading my ted talk :-) hopefully you enjoyed it before aabria (maybe) dunks this post into the garbage on thursday.
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whump-a-la-mode · 4 years
Villian-Sicle | Part 4
This ones a little short, as well as being a very good example as to why I don’t write much action. I hope you guys like! (I think I might need to change this story’s title soon, I still have a ton of ideas to write about.)
CW//Superhero whump, villain whumpee, hypothermia, hospital setting, explosions, pulling an IV, blood (a lot of it), restraints, broken glass
It was hard to tell which came first-- the horrid screech from the heart monitor, or the snap.
Though, Leader was quite certain that, before both of those events, had come a few, blissful seconds of silence. Tense silence, certainly, but silence. A period of silence in which their eyes were locked on those of Villain, and those of Villain on them. The two had had quite the dumbfounded look about them-- two deer mutually looking into the headlights.
Villain was the first to snap out of it. That was when everything else had come.
The sound from the heart monitor hadn’t been loud, in an objective sense, but to the silent room. It had sounded like a gong. The steady, shallow peaks on the screen turned rapidly to jagged spikes, so much so that Leader felt that they could practically hear Villain’s heartbeat from their chest.
The snap had come a moment later.
As soon as Villain had been transferred to the hospital room, Leader had insisted, with all the foot stamping and sternness they could muster, that they be restrained. The doctors had finally relented, securing Villain’s limbs to the bed with fabric restraints, and using a sort of seatbelt-like webbing to secure their head.
The snap had come from the latter of the two restraint methods. With a sharp jerk upwards, Villain raised their head, breaking the strap in what must of been a panicked effort, fueled by adrenaline.
In an instant, their dumbfounded expression was replaced with one of utter, primordial terror. The look of a deer that had convinced itself to fight back against the car speeding towards it.
“Wh- What the hell did you do to me?!”
The words came from a broken voice, as if it was trying to scream, but couldn’t muster the volume.
Leader looked to Medic. Medic looked to Leader. Head Doctor looked terrified.
“You need to calm down.” Leader spoke, keeping their voice as level as they were able. The words came out almost as a growl.
Villain shook. Their trembling gaze moved down to their chest, to the flowing tubes of scarlet.
“Blood...” That came out more as a whisper, like they were talking to themself.
“We’re trying to help your sorry ass. Lay back down!”
Villain’s eyes narrowed, their fear filtering through a sieve, only allowing their fury to pass through its grate.
They didn’t say anything. They didn’t have to.
The screen of the heart monitor exploded outwards, sparks and wires bleeding from its body. A rain of glass shards sprayed outwards-- a rain which Head Doctor only narrowly avoided by diving to the floor.
Leader gulped. Dammit, dammit. Technology powers, right.
Around their head, Villain’s matted hair flowed like an inferno. With thin, pale wrists, they yanked at the fabric restraints holding their limbs down. Rug burn marks scraped themselves into Villain’s skin, but to no avail as of yet.
“Go!” Leader turned, glare momentarily turning from Villain to focus on head Doctor. “Get out of here!”
“Who here has superpowers? We’ll handle it. And lock the door behind you!”
They nodded and, still trembling nearly as much as Villain, the doctor was off like a shot.
Leader turned back to Villain.
“You’re just hurting yourself.” Their tone was level, but their volume was ear-piercing. “Stand the fuck down!”
Leader stood near the door, maybe two paces from it, with Medic on the other side of the room, nearest to the now-destroyed heart monitor. With Villain’s attention so surely fixed on Leader, Medic took their chance.
Fists pounded on the door from the outside.
Medic dove to the bedside, forcing down Villain’s shoulders with their hands. Leader could only watch as Villain’s maw snapped down around their assailant’s neck.
The wound wasn’t very deep-- Villain had barely even found purchase-- but the sight of liquid scarlet trickling down their cheek was enough to make Leader feel sick.
Medic fell back with a scream, narrowly avoiding hitting their head on the tiles. For a few breathless moments, all three combatants gasped for air, exhaustion already taking over.
Voices screamed from outside. Leader tuned them out.
“You are never going to do that again. Got it?” Medic growled, struggling to their feet. Their wound had already stopped bleeding, but it was clearly visibly-- a messy gash in flesh.
“How about you suck my ass instead?” Villain snapped back. With one last, determined yank, the restraint around one of their wrists came loose-- not breaking, but somehow having come undone from the bed frame itself.
Leader knew what was going to happen next-- they just weren’t sure if they wanted to watch or not. In the end, they had been unable to look away in time.
With their now-free hand, Villain grasped the catheter in their chest, pulling it from their flesh in a grotesque flash of flying scarlet. The clear tube in their hand dribbled its contents onto their hospital gown. With a look of disgust, they threw it to the side, leaving the blood to puddle on the floor.
Leader gritted their teeth. Villain grinned.
The hemodialysis machine was the next thing to go-- exploding in a practical fireball of wires, sparks, metal, and gore. A piece of machine sailed past Leader’s face, narrowly missing. Another monitor exploded after that one, then the intercom system, until the hospital room was under assault by wild sparks and metal.
Medic dropped to the floor, covering their head with their hands. That proved to be a mistake a moment later, when they were forced to roll out of the way of a flying metal shard.
“Medic!” Leader shouted, though they were somewhat preoccupied by dodging a piece of what had used to be the room’s AC.
“Fuck!” Medic’s voice came. “We need to sede-”
The last crash was the loudest, somehow, as the sterile lights overhead were turned into a hail of projectile glass. Leader swore as a piece broke itself on the back of their head.
They thought to have fallen unconscious, for a moment, when the onslaught halted. Sparks flew from the remnants of the overhead lights, wires hanging almost too calmly. Medic took the opportunity to scramble back to their feet.
“Leader?” Their voice came from the noir.
“I’m here.” They replied, breathlessly. They expected a petty quip of some nature from Villain, but none was received.
The two of them stood, catching their breath, waiting. Waiting for the next explosion, the next chaotic outburst, but-
But it didn’t come.
It must’ve taken at least a minute for Leader to think to take out their phone, turning on the flashlight. They shone it on Villain, nervous, unsure of what they may find, but not optimistic.
Villain lay on the bed, flat. Unnaturally so. A feeble trail of blood stemmed from their chest, but they did not fight it. Their hair hung limply, though the rest of their body was horribly stiff.
Their eyes were wide open. That was the worst part. Their eyes. Fear wasn’t quite the right word, neither was terror. Resignation, perhaps? But even that was not quite right.
On cautious feet, Leader crept to the stiff Villain’s side. Their chest rose and fell. They blinked, but didn’t seem to register that which their gaze encapsulated.
“What the fuck?” Medic whispered. 
Again, fists slammed on the outside of the door.
“What the hell is going on in there?” One shouted-- Hero. It was muffled, but their tone couldn’t possibly be missed. The door handle shook.
“I guess we should...” Medic started.
“Yeah.” Leader nodded. “Yeah. Let’s... let’s go get them.”
Why couldn’t they stop looking at their eyes?
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tunedtostatic · 3 years
galaxies of my heart
Vikady, also featuring Sana and a brief Krejjh cameo
CW: injury, aftermath of torture, painkiller drugs, brief domestic violence mention (not named characters), food, discussion of medical trauma & painkiller controversies
As she speaks, one of her hands makes what could be the beginning of a motion to reach for Arkady, then folds back into her lap. Arkady wonders if Sana gave her a crash course on Not Touching Your Loved Ones Without Warning After They’ve Been Tortured Because They Might Freak Out, or if that was something she already knew from her time as a medic. Either possibility feels depressingly plausible.
I finished my first tscosi fic! In which injuries are cared for, miscommunications are miscommunicated, assumptions are countered, and kisses are kissed. Title (and lyrics referenced in the fic) are from “space girl” by Frances Forever, even though it’s kind of a fluffy song relative to some of the subject matter, but not to worry, I have a permit [unfolds a sheet of paper that reads “I was working on my Vikady fanmix in the morning the day I started this fic and got it stuck in my head big time”]
Edit: I realized 9k is a little long to be easily navigable in post form so I archived this as well. I just learned when attempting to post a credited picrew that Tumblr is still hiding posts with links, but it’s at archiveofourown dot org, /works/31851859.
Edit the second: Re-reading “adrenaline makes you do stupid things” by jaggedwolf and I'm 90% sure I accidentally stole a couple things from there rather than the general primordial soup of my brain (the line "That can't be comfortable" and maybe the general concept of Arkady making sure she gets hurt before the person she's been captured with), so adding this to give credit where due to a really great fic that you should definitely read if you haven't already.
The first time Arkady surfaces, everything around her is still coated in a haze as though she’s dreaming. The room is quiet, and when she takes a sharp breath in, all of a sudden Violet is leaning over her, her hair swinging near Arkady’s face.
“You’ve got very dynamic hair,” Arkady says, or at least tries to say, and then she’s asleep again.
The next time she wakes up, she wakes up completely, although her mind still feels a little foggy. Her body aches, and—yeah, based on that ceiling, she’s definitely in the medbay of the Iris 2. Which means that they made it back to the ship, or at least that Arkady did—
Fear surges through her, and she peers back and forth. Her eyes land on Sana, who is sitting to the right of her bed, crocheting something that sprawls across her lap in chaotic loops.
Her intention is to say Sana’s name, but she can’t even make it through the first syllable, emitting a sound that sounds more like the “Ssss” of the litter of feral kittens Brian and Krejjh found that one time. Great job, Patel, you’d make a better hissing kitten than a first mate. Krejjh is going to have to stop calling you First Mate Patel and start calling you Feral Kitten Patel—
The thought of Krejjh is enough to make Arkady’s whole mind flinch. Krejjh—
The feral kitten hiss must have been loud enough for Sana to hear, though, because she’s dropping her crocheting to her lap, looking toward Arkady.
“Kady,” she says warmly, at the same time as Arkady croaks, “Krejjh—”
“Is fine.” Sana’s hand comes up to rest on the pillow next to Arkady’s cheek, a steadying presence, though she doesn’t touch her.
“They were with me.”
“They were.” Sana nods. “But they’re here and they’re not hurt. Hanging out with Brian in the kitchen as we speak.” She glances through the medbay door before her gaze bounces back to Arkady, and it’s such a familiar Sana kind of motion that Arkady feels the remainder of her panic fade slightly. Speaking of octopuses of myth and legend, that’s Sana, one mental tendril keeping track of the approximate status of each member of her crew at any given time.
“How are you feeling?” Sana continues. “Park said you were in a lot of pain before you passed out. Violet has you on a painkiller drip, but she’s using the minimum the way you always want. If you’re in pain, we can raise the dose.”
Arkady turns her attention more fully to her body. Pain and sensation are present, but muffled, as though they are far away. Ribs: hurt. Arm: hurts significantly. Legs: hurt, but only a little.
It’s bearable. “I’ve had worse.”
“I’m fine, Sana. Just feels like…what do you call them…colors, purple, ouch…bruises.” She shakes her head, then stills with a wince. “The others?”
“Everyone’s safe.” Sana pats the pillow where her hand rests next to Arkady’s cheek. “Park found you and Krejjh before anyone laid a finger on them. He got out fine, too. You’re the only one who was hurt, Kady.”
Arkady studies Sana’s face. “How…bad is it?”
“Six fractures, no serious tissue injuries.” Sana’s voice is gentle but matter-of-fact. “We’re going to pick up some skeletal accelerators next time we’re on-planet. Violet thinks that with those in the mix, the worst,” she gestures to the cast on Arkady’s right wrist, “should be mended in about two months.”
Arkady closes her eyes. One day, everything is fine, the next, a few backwater IGR assholes get the drop on them, and now she’s going to be out of commission for two months.
Still. Better her than Krejjh.
The thought is an icily familiar one, although yesterday she was limited to the grimmer Better just the two of us than the others. Krejjh was tied up on the other side of the room, and when the IGR goons got bored beating on Arkady, or kicked her in the wrong place and just killed her, they’d move on to Krejjh, and there was nothing Arkady could do about it—
Arkady’s eyes fly open, and she turns her head to nudge it clumsily into Sana’s hand. Sana cups Arkady’s cheek in her palm, thumb brushing over her cheekbone, wiping away wetness. When Arkady exhales, her breath is shaky. Stupid. They’re all safe now.
“They didn’t hurt Krejjh?” Her voice doesn’t sound like her own, unsteady and small.
“They didn’t hurt Krejjh.”
“Can I walk? Before the two months?” Her voice is still so small. Stupid.
Sana brushes Arkady’s temple with her fingertips, her calloused palm still warm against Arkady’s cheek. “Violet says she thinks you’ll be able to use a walking cast in three or four weeks. Or a little earlier, depending on how quickly the accelerators work their magic.”
Arkady keeps her eyes closed. “Those aren’t cheap.”
“That’s what rainy-day funds are for.”
“Do we even have a rainy-day fund anymore?”
“I will shake Other Violet down for loose change if I have to, Kady.” Sana’s fingers caress her temple again, and there is steel in her voice as she says, “This is my ship, and when one of my crew needs something, I find a way.”
“I know you do.” Arkady opens her eyes, though she finds that her eyelids seem to have grown heavier in the intervening minutes. She blinks sleepily at Sana. “You’re such a good octopus.”
Sana beams. “Thank you, Kady! I…have some questions,” she adds, “but they can wait until later, I think.”
Arkady’s eyelids are so heavy, but there’s one other thing she needs to ask. “Vi’?”
“Violet’s okay, too. She’s been taking care of you since yesterday, but I shooed her off to get some sleep.”
Arkady smiles. “’nks, S’na.”
Sana smiles back. “We’re all okay,” she says tenderly, “and if anyone out there tries to change that, I will demolish them.”
Arkady nods against Sana’s hand, straining to keep her eyes open.
“We’re all okay, Kady,” Sana repeats, and Arkady lets herself slip into sleep.
There are hours of restless dreams, and a dreamlike interlude where someone gently shakes her awake, holding her head up and helping her drink a medicine cap of chalky fluid, before she slips back into dreams that finally segue into deep sleep.
There is quiet music playing the next time she wakes up. She can remember where she is this time, and she lies with her eyes closed for a minute, enjoying the sound of the instrumental jazz track she recognizes from Krejjh and Brian’s Infinite Space-Themed Playlist. In the darkness behind her eyes, she doesn’t have to face the fact that she can’t walk, or run, or kick, or punch, or protect the crew, or—
Okay, maybe the space behind her closed eyelids isn’t as restful as it could be. Arkady opens her eyes.
Violet is sitting beside her bed with one leg tucked up on the chair, reading a tablet. A few strands of hair have fallen from behind her ear to brush against her cheek, and she’s biting her lower lip the way she sometimes does when she’s focused on something. Brian’s little retro radio music player is sitting on the bedside table, continuing to ooze soft jazz as Violet lifts an absentminded finger to tap to the next page, then curls her hand back into her soft sweater.
Yeah, eyes open? Definitely an improvement.
She should probably say Violet’s name, regardless of how endearing it is to watch her read. Before she has a chance to do so, though, she must breath loudly or make some kind of noise, because Violet looks up, her face crinkling into a tired smile.
“Hey,” she says softly.
Arkady smiles. “Hey, Liu. Good to see you again.”
“It’s good to see you, too.” Violet’s smile quavers for a second. “Really, really good.”
Arkady tries to make her voice reassuring. “Hey, I’m okay, Violet, huh? It’s gonna be okay.”
Violet rolls her eyes, a small smile blossoming on her lips. “You’re the one in the medbay bed, Arkady. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
As she speaks, one of her hands makes what could be the beginning of a motion to reach for Arkady, then folds back into her lap. Arkady wonders if Sana gave her a crash course on Not Touching Your Loved Ones Without Warning After They’ve Been Tortured Because They Might Freak Out, or if that was something she already knew from her time as a medic. Either possibility feels depressingly plausible.
“It sounds like you have been taking care of me.” Arkady smiles again. “Sana said you were here with me all night until she made you get some rest.” She thinks back, trying to pin down a faint memory. “I remember seeing you, leaning over me?”
“Yeah, you woke up really briefly last night.” Violet wrinkles up her forehead in that adorable way that she does. “You said something that sounded like, um…‘You’ve have hair’?”
Arkady grins. “Well shit, Liu, you sure do have hair, don’t you?”
Violet laughs, shaking her head back and forth. Her hair bobs around as though a breeze is passing through the medbay, and Arkady laughs too, then winces as the pain in her ribs flares.
Violet stills instantly. “You have some fractured ribs—”
“Yeah, kinda put that together.” Arkady tries to breathe with the minimum possible amount of motion.
The expression on Violet’s face makes it look like she’s in pain herself. “Would you like me to up the dose on your painkiller drip?” she asks softly.
“Nah.” Along with the flaring pain in her ribs, both of Arkady’s legs and her right wrist have that same itching, burning ache. The rest of her body is just sore, like she’s covered in bruises, which she probably is. “Uh, speaking of which, though. Could I get a rundown on what’s, you know, busted? Sana said I had…six? seven?...fractures, but we didn’t get into specifics beyond the two-month limit.” She grimaces a little at the thought.
“Six,” Violet confirms immediately, before adding, with an abashed smile, “I mean, not that that makes things that much better than seven?”
Arkady resists the impulse to laugh again, confining herself to a snort. “Can’t argue that point.”
“In answer to your question,” Violet begins, slipping into her calm medic tone of voice, “you have two cracked ribs and fractures to your left foot and right ankle. They broke your right wrist pretty badly, and I’m going to need to be very careful about injecting any accelerators there, especially if we can’t find an actual doctor on-planet to do it, so it might be a little more than two months before any, uh, heavy use, but you should have the hard cast off earlier than that.”
“Right.” Arkady inhales through her nose; exhales through her mouth. “Could have been worse, right?” At least she isn’t blubbering the way she was with Sana, but her voice still drops too small and quiet on the last word.
“It could have.” Violet’s own reply is almost a whisper, and Arkady silently swears at herself for her choice of phrasing.
When she looks up, though, Violet doesn’t look weepy.
She looks furious.
“Hey, you okay there, Liu?” Arkady stares at Violet’s clenched jaw and balled fists. “You look like you’re about to blow a gasket.”
Violet laughs a little, flexing her fingers and curling her hands more loosely back against her sweater. “Did you pick that one up from Tripathi?”
“That’s not a mechanic expression. Everyone uses that expression.”
Violet gives her a skeptical look.
“Okay, yeah, I may have picked it up from the captain. It’s still a normal-person expression, though.”
Violet chuckles, and they both lapse into silence.
This is nice, Arkady tells herself. Spending time with Violet is nice. It’s nice, it’s pleasant, it’s a way to distract herself from the itching, burning ache in her limbs and the creeping dread of knowing that if the ship is boarded, Arkady can’t even run, much less protect anyone else.
“Speaking of Tripathi,” Violet says with a smile, “I should give you an update on the latest, ahem, on-ship situation. Our captain has declared that next time she has a free moment she’s going to tear out that weird shallow closet in the hall next to Park’s room and put in inset cabinets for towels and stuff so Park and RJ and I don’t have to cross the ship for them. But when RJ found out, they said…”
Arkady tries to listen to Violet’s narration of Sana and RJ’s stalemate about the cabinets, smiling at the appropriate points while keeping a lid on the sinking feeling of knowing that for not days but weeks, she’ll be able to do jack-all do protect either Sana or RJ, or Violet, who is sitting here smiling at Arkady with love and trust in her eyes as though half the universe isn’t out to get them here in their one fragile ship that Violet wouldn’t even be on if Arkady hadn’t tricked her onto it in the first place—
She shoves the thoughts away, focusing on formulating a reply to Violet’s story. “Well, if it devolves into fisticuffs, Sana could take them, but if Sana calls a vote, I’m pretty sure Brian and Krejjh will side with RJ about the sheet music, and I don’t know what or whether Park would care.” She grins. “So, even odds.”
Violet snorts. “Well, I’ll keep you apprised, assuming none of the combatants wander in here to make their case to you themselves.”
“Medbay and a show?”
“On this ship? I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Arkady grins again. “I don’t know why Krejjh thinks being an outlaw is boring. The way we live, we practically produce our own shampoo.”
Violet snorts again before adding, in the kind of giggle-whisper Arkady most closely associates with grade-school gossip, “I can’t believe they got RJ into Sh'th Hremreh.”
“I know.” Arkady bites back another grin. “I mean, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Krejjh can be very persuasive.”
“If by ‘being persuasive’ you mean ‘talking loudly and enthusiastically about a piece of media until everyone in their general vicinity is compelled by gravitational media force to watch the thing in question,’ then yes, I guess you could refer to it that way.”
“I notice it hasn’t worked on you yet.” Arkady raises an eyebrow. “Or has it?”
“No, I have not dipped into Sh'th Hremreh.” Violet raises an eyebrow. “Yet.”
Arkady bites down on another chest-killing laugh before it can escape, glancing toward the radio on the bedside table. “Speaking of Brian and Krejjh creations. The notorious Infinite Space-Themed Playlist, huh?”
Violet smiles, gazing at Arkady tenderly. “You seemed a little restless in your sleep, and I’ve always hated total quiet when I’m sick, so I thought maybe it’d be nice to put on some background music.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Arkady pushes away an obscure flash of annoyance at the sentimentality of Violet taking the time to put on this playlist for an asleep Arkady as though something as trivial as music is a priority when Arkady is down for the count and Krejjh is doubtless drained from yesterday themself and the whole crew is going to have to figure out how to scrape by and cover piloting shifts and handle everything with no security officer and a stressed pilot and a tired medic and—
She shoves the annoyance aside, telling herself not to be an ass. There are literal studies showing that music is good for mental and physical health, right? And she sure as shit could use as much distraction as possible from the ache of her ribs and her ankle and her messed-up wrist. Having a playlist on is nice. This is nice.
Holst’s The Planets has come on, making for a somewhat grim background compared with the rest of the playlist, and Violet leans forward to jab irritably at the advance button until a benign rock song begins.
Arkady gives her an inquiring look, and Violet sighs, biting her lip again.
“I am so angry,” she says finally. “About what they did to you.”
“You and me both, trust me.”
Violet sighs, slumping in her chair. “You and me aren’t the only ones who are. Krejjh was pretty…shaken. Brian and Sana have been there for them, obviously,” she adds hastily, “and they’re doing fine. We can take care of each other. We are taking care of each other. The last thing I want to do is make you worry about us. But…” She trails off. “This isn’t just another day on the Iris. Not for any of us.”
“Well, that’s why the IGR does what they do,” Arkady mutters, closing her eyes. “Torture gets results.”
Violet sounds startled. “Every credible study in the universe has shown that torture doesn’t work. You said yourself—”
Arkady opens her eyes. “Torturing someone to interrogate them doesn’t produce reliable information. People know that. That’s not what it’s for. Torture is popular across the universe, through history, because it punishes people. Controls them. Their families. Whole societies.” She wouldn’t have to explain this to Sana. “When it’s on the table, you live your whole life under a threat. The actual torturing makes the people doing it feel powerful and good, and in the environment it creates, everyone else is easier to control. Win-win.”
Violet’s eyes have gone all huge and empathetic. “Arkady—” she whispers.
Something about that look always gets under Arkady’s skin. “Calm down,” she snaps. “I know you’re incapable of not freaking out when I talk about my childhood, but no, I’m not implying I was beaten up as a kid. The guards mostly just beat on adults; I think they knew that if they went after kids too often, enough people would’ve stood up against them regardless of losses. Or hey, maybe it was a vestige of human decency. Kinda doubt it, though.” She gestures vaguely with her good hand, careful not to pull at the IV. “I mean, of course I got beat up by other kids a few times, but just in a normal way, not in a torture way—Point is, yeah, I’ve known this stuff for a long time, but it’s not like you’re a stranger to it, right? You’ve spent your entire adult life under the IGR. You knew what was happening to some of the people who were disappearing.”
Violet is staring silently at her with that look of horrified concern, but hey, at least Violet’s overempathetic mind jumping directly to Cresswin as an explanation of Arkady’s knowledge on this subject is arguably preferable to her thinking through the percentage of Arkady’s life spent in Special Forces and then as an IGR guard herself, a train of logic that she finds herself hoping Violet doesn’t follow.
But that isn’t the right way to think about it, is it, her brain points out a moment later, the way it does whenever she considers discretely concealing the most hideous parts of herself from Violet. Violet is dating her. She deserves to know what she’s gotten herself into.
“It was never like…this,” she starts. “It was never me in a room with a helpless person, hurting them. But you know I was Special Forces during the war. You know I was a guard on Telemachus. Yes, I grew up on a prison planet and it’s all very sad but once you get over your latest shock about that—you’re a scientist, you can do the math and figure out that I don’t only know how this works from one side of it.”
Violet’s eyes are getting progressively wider, and Arkady drops her gaze to stare fixedly at her own hands. “They didn’t train us on the details of it; not…techniques. I mean, I don’t doubt they had people for that, but that would’ve been above my pay grade. But me, us, those goons who got the drop on us yesterday, we’re instructed pretty clearly in, ha, ‘maintaining control over a noncompliant population.’ Not like it’s just a few backwater goons breaking bones, either. When I was a guard—”
It isn’t even that her voice breaks, not really. It’s more of a stumble over the sudden realization that her voice should be breaking, or shaking, or anything other than steady and clear.
“When I was a guard, we all knew that some of the people we were guarding would be ferried to the more, ha, specialized options. Zone Z isn’t a secret.” Her voice, still flat, is rising. “And during the war…I can’t pretend that what I did in combat was better. I killed a lot of people, Violet. I killed a lot of people and they will never be alive again. You can’t say that that’s better than being a professional torturer. I can’t pretend that, and I can’t pretend some of my unit and some the people leading us…I can’t pretend that they didn’t do…” She stares down at her body. “This kind of thing.”
Silence. Arkady forces herself to look up.
Violet is staring at her in horror, but, for once, Arkady at least agrees that it’s justified.
She can feel herself breathing hard, and her face is wet again, which is frankly an indictment of her as much as anything else in this conversation. Crying to your girlfriend for sympathy about the horrible things you’ve done to other people isn’t exactly a good look.
“Look,” she says. “Some of this will haunt me until the day I die, and that’s good. It means I’m still human; it means…it doesn’t matter what it means. It’s what I need to do whether it means anything or not. I should be haunted. I think even Sana would agree with that.” She sighs. “I can figure out a way to live with this shit, and I do, but you signing up to…you know…see…someone who you knew was a smuggler and a killer doesn’t mean you thought through the implications of the IGR part of the equation before you asked me out.” Her voice is rising in irritation even though Violet is the last person in this medbay who deserves it. “I’m not the most mobile right now, but this is your medbay, I think you can find the door—”
Arkady looks up again. Violet is making steady eye contact with her. The horror hasn’t all gone out of her expression, but her voice is firm, not panicked. “I knew, when I started going out with you, that you had been a soldier with the IGR.”
“Okay, but you also assumed anyone who’d fought in the war was a ‘war hero,’ so you’ll forgive me if I have my doubts that you grasped what—”
“Arkady.” Violet’s voice is louder now, but still very level. “In case you need the reminder, I was fully aware of both your history and what the IGR was capable of the day I asked you out. You know, the day we were fleeing New Jupiter in a stolen IGR ship? That day?” A faint note of humor has entered Violet’s voice, though it disappears as she continues, “I’m going to leave for five minutes, to go to the bathroom and splash water on my face, not for good. I’ll have my communicator if you need anything.”
“Oh.” Arkady stares at her. “Okay?” she manages.
Violet walks out of the medbay, and Arkady stares blankly at the ceiling until her footsteps reenter. As promised, the hair around her face looks damp, but she looks calmer, more settled. She sets a glass of something on the bedside table.
“I brought you some juice, which you should be able to have now that you’re up and talking, but—” She sighs. “We should probably discuss this first.”
Arkady watches her.
“Arkady, I…” For the first time since her calm monologue before leaving the room, Violet looks uncertain, then presses on. “Like I said. I did know that you had been a guard with the IGR, and I did know more or less what that meant. And I knew—” She rubs her face with one hand. “Well, I didn’t know, it’s not like you can ever know with anyone, when I was a paramedic I saw cases of domestic violence where you never would’ve—anyway. I thought that I knew that you weren’t the kind of person who hurt people for your own satisfaction, and that felt like enough.” Her eyebrows crease together. “You make me feel safe. You always have.”
Arkady can feel her face beginning to get soaked again. All the things that she feels are careening around inside her, as though her heart is a ship in a bottle and somehow, within the glass, someone has conjured a storm.
“And it…sounds like I was right?” Violet lets out a breath that could almost be a shaky laugh. “You never…you’re saying you never did to anyone else…the kind of thing that was just done to you.”
She opens her mouth again, then hesitates, her words becoming slower and more contemplative.
“You’re right, though. I’m not sure I…that in the time after I’d realized the IGR was a lot less than less than perfect, I’m not sure I ever thought through the degree to which you, as a guard, would have been complicit in…those things. And…” She sighs again. “You’re right. I do think of people who fought in the war as heroes. I mean, I never really had a chance to—or, no, I can’t sit here and claim that I never had a chance. I never let myself think about how likely it was that some of the people fighting for us were…how did you put it. Specialized at things that make me sick even to think about. But also…”
She drops her gaze to her lap.
“I…I know that you killed Dwarnians. People. I know that a lot of soldiers killed a lot of people. I mean, that’s what war means, right?” She gives another shaken almost-laugh. “And I’m not—I’ve never been the kind of person who celebrates other people dying—”
“I know you’re not, Violet.” Violet is a biologist and a medic. Her work is the stuff of life, not death.
Violet slumps lower into her chair. “Yeah. But…because those deaths feel…felt…feel…partially justified to me, because the Dwarnians were trying to conquer us…maybe I let that make me forget a little that those deaths are still…deaths.”
She lifts her face, looking Arkady in the eye, and Arkady isn’t sure what she sees there. “Sometimes I wonder whether, irrespective of everything else about our lives—” Violet makes a swirly motion with her hand, as though to encapsulate the distances between worlds. “I wonder if you always would have been the kind of person who doesn’t lose sight of the death part.”
“Interesting theory, Violet,” Arkady says, once she can get herself to speak. “Doesn’t change that I was the one of us doing the killing.”
As she says the words, she realizes that they sum out to something snarkier than she intended, but there’s no bite to her voice, and Violet seems to register that.
“No,” she says simply. “It doesn’t.”
Arkady watches Violet in silence as she scrapes tendrils of drying hair off her forehead, straightening back up in her chair.
“Anyway. I’m not walking out that door, Arkady. You’re right, I hadn’t truly thought about what it meant that you were Special Forces. There are probably things about the war that I need to…well, I’ll probably never understand them completely, but things that I need to acknowledge.” She sighs. “But I meant what I said earlier. When I asked you out, I was asking you, not some hypothetical better you. Besides,” she adds quietly, “it’s not like I don’t have my own regrets.”
There’s a pretty big difference between ‘keeping your head down and getting a college degree’ and ‘actively killing people,’ but Arkady doesn’t feel like getting into it.
She lets herself sink back into the pillow. The room feels calmer, like the air on a planet after a storm.
No, it doesn’t, Violet said, and somehow, that feels like an anchor. Violet isn’t so horrified by the things that Arkady has done that she needs to pretend that they don’t exist.
“I. Uh. Okay.” Arkady attempts a smile, though she has a bad feeling that she’s making more of a weird grimace.
Fortunately, Violet doesn’t seem to mind, giving her a smile of her own that’s only a little shaky. “I’m glad we, uh, talked about this, but I’m guessing it isn’t doing your pain any good and I’m ready to shelve it for now if you are?”
“Shelving, uh. Sounds good.” Arkady nods vigorously. “Yeah.”
“Also, you owe me an apology for snapping at me,” Violet says calmly.
“Oh.” Arkady stares at her for a second. “I…shouldn’t have done that, should I?” Great job restating the obvious, idiot. “I…” Jesus Christ.
Violet is watching her silently. Arkady takes a breath.
“Violet, I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have snapped at you about something that had almost nothing to do with you. I mean, I shouldn’t shout at you in general, that’s broadly speaking a dick move, but in this particularly context I definitely, especially shouldn’t have—”
Shut up, shut up, shut up. What is a good apology even like? Sincere. Doesn’t make it about yourself.
“What I mean is—I’m sorry.” She bites her lip. "And, uh…thank you. For, um, not holding me to a lesser standard because I was hurt.” Or because I’m someone who has hurt other people. “Not that you should have to remind me I owe you an apology, but…” She squirms. “You had enough faith in me to know I’d. You know. Want to. So. Uh. Thanks.”
So much for not making it about herself. She coughs awkwardly. “So. Yeah. Uh. You sure there’s not anything…more that you want to talk about? Because I, uh, just freaked out and dumped a ton of my garbage right into your lap, and if there’s anything else you need to say, or ask, or whatever, I’m here. I mean, I kinda can’t go anywhere else right now, but—you know what I mean.”
“Thanks.” Violet smiles a little. Arkady nods, trying to smile back and hoping this one isn’t too grimacey.
Staring at Arkady as though deep in thought, Violet says, “I don’t think there’s anything else, right now. I still want you to talk to someone about…all this…at some point. It doesn’t need to be a civilian counselor. Just…someone. But…”
Violet bites her lip. Her pained look from when Arkady hurt herself laughing is back, if it even ever left. “You have multiple broken bones and you’re stuck in bed and in pain, and right now more than talking about anything I just want you to be able to rest.”
“Oh,” Arkady manages. Helpfully, she follows it up with, “Ah.”
Violet smiles again, then hesitates. “Though, there is—"
She is staring at Arkady very intently all of a sudden, and Arkady can practically see the gears turning inside her head. She feels her own body tensing, a runaway voice inside her warning her that reminding Violet about so much of her past all in one go might mean that this is the day Violet finally does walk out the door for good.
But when Violet speaks, it’s not about the part of the conversation that Arkady was expecting.
“So…you’ve always known that torture, um, works. Ever since you were a kid.”
“What? Yeah, I—you grow up on a place like Cresswin, you get a pretty firm grasp of what torture is used for, yeah.”
Violet is biting her lip as though in deep thought. “So…when I was on the Iris…and you’d just stopped pretending to be Kay Grisham, and I accused you of wanting me to get in the cryo chamber so you could torture me for information…you said ‘We don’t torture, it doesn’t yield reliable results,’ and then you said, ‘Also, it’s wrong.’ But you believed…you knew that torture did work.” Violet’s voice is slow, her face still screwed up as though she is working something out. “Even if not for the exact purpose I was accusing you of. So…when you said all that…the reason that you, the real you, didn’t torture, that the Rumor crew didn’t torture, is just because it’s wrong.”
“Gee, Liu, glad you’re having a warm, fuzzy realization about how heartfelt and wholesome it is that our crew doesn’t torture people.” Arkady’s pent-up dread gives way to a fervent eyeroll. “Have you met Sana? Like, held a conversation with her? At any point in time? For more than thirty seconds?”
Violet sighs in annoyance. “That isn’t what—” she fires back, then stops, her voice going gentle again. “That isn’t what I meant. Do you want to try to have some of the juice now?”
“Liu,” Arkady says, a slow grin spreading across her face. “Are you keeping a lid on the snarky repartee because I’m all injured and convalescent? Because if I can say anything I want while you nobly go easy on me, can I just comment that the way that you put cereal in your milk a little at a time ‘so it doesn’t get soggy’ is mind-blowingly—”
“You’re making me. Want. To be a lot. Less. Noble. About it.”
Arkady snickers, then smiles, holding out her bruised but less-busted left hand. Violet stops mock-glaring and reaches across Arkady’s body to take it in a careful, awkward clasp, smiling at her as though…
Well, shit, Arkady doesn’t know how to put it into words, or at least not into words that aren’t all dramatic and weird. Violet is smiling at Arkady as though Arkady is some wonder of the universe that Violet can’t believe she gets to have the privilege of seeing, like a star or a comet or…whatever it is that biologists rock their socks about, a really cool bug or something.
It’s weird and kind of overwhelming, but kind of in a good way, and Arkady just wants to sit here and hold Violet’s hand, and look at Violet, and let herself be looked at by Violet like the wonder of the universe that Arkady knows that she is not but that she could, as Violet watches at her, almost believe herself to be—
“Violet,” Arkady says, wrinkling her eyebrows. “How many painkillers do you have me dosed up on right now?” She squints at the IV bag above her, dropping Violet’s hand and trying to shove herself a little more upright against the pillows. “Also, does a convalescent gal get to sit up around here? I kinda want to try some of that juice, and maybe someday even do something horribly taxing like read an update on our ship’s computer systems.”
The corner of Violet’s mouth turns up in a smile. “I’ll raise the bed. Let me know where you want to stop.”
“Right.” Arkady lies back as the fancy Iris 2 medbay bed hums its way upright. “Okay, stop.”
Raising her head from the thin pillow, she tips her stiff neck back and forth, peering around the medbay, which looks pretty much the way it always does. Sana’s multicolored crocheting bag is slung over the back of a chair.
“Let’s see, I think there’s—” Violet leans somewhere behind her, pulling out a fresh pillow and reaching forward to tuck it gently behind Arkady’s head. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“In answer to your question,” Violet says, still in her calm, attentive medic voice as she continues to adjust the pillows, “you told me back when I was taking down medical info on the Rumor that you prefer minimal use of sedative painkillers, and even the Iris doesn’t have any of the good non-sedative intravenous stuff, so I’ve been using the minimum of the intravenous sedative painkillers and transitioning you to our standard orals. That should mean you’re less groggy, but also that we’re blocking less of the, well, pain, so let me know if you want me to adjust the dose. It’s not all-or-nothing; I can fiddle with it a little without instantaneously sending you to another dimension,” she adds, a note of warm humor in her voice as she sits back in her chair with smile.
Arkady blinks, still stuck on the first part of that. “You did?”
“Did…” Violet frowns, visibly parsing which of her words Arkady is referring to, before her face clears in understanding. “Did stick to the minimum end of the range I considered safe and reasonable?” She gives Arkady a look Arkady doesn’t quite know how to interpret, sort of alarmed and sad. “Your medical decisions are your own, Arkady. I’m not going to override your wishes just because I care about you and seeing you in pain isn’t easy for me. Or any other reason.” Violet’s eyebrows furrow. “No one should,” she adds, in that quietly defiant tone of voice that she uses when she’s declaring something and has realized that she wants the whole universe to know it’s what she believes.
“Oh.” Arkady swallows. “Yeah.”
“We’re coming up on the next dose of the orals in a quarter of an hour,” Violet says, her voice businesslike again as she checks her watch. “In the meantime, are you ready for juice?”
“I didn’t even know we had juice.” Arkady eyes the glass with interest.
“There was some concentrate in the pantry. When Tripathi and I sorted the food, we tucked some of it away in case someone got hurt and needed easy fluids.”
“That was very forward-thinking of you.”
“On this ship, not really,” Violet mutters, holding the glass to Arkady’s lips.
Drinking from the glass as Violet holds it turns out to be somewhat complicated and require both of their full attention, but once Violet sets it back down, Arkady leans back against the pillows with a smirk. “Hey, we’re dashing space rogues. A few bumps and bruises are all part of the job.”
“‘A few,’” Violet returns, but without rancor.
“It’s my job, Liu,” Arkady snarks back cheerfully. Between the juice and the strains of one of Krejjh’s actually-good Dwarnian jazz tracks and Violet’s reassuring presence next to her, Arkady is beginning to feel more like herself than she has in a while, the helplessness of yesterday starting to feel a little further away. Even the pain is…okay, the pain is still pretty painful, actually, a constant burn at the edges of her mind.
She hesitates.
“Could you maybe…” Arkady licks her lips. “You said you could fiddle with the painkiller drip a little, right? Because my shitty bones kinda hurt a lot and I wouldn’t mind if they, uh, didn’t.”
“I can do that.” When Violet meets Arkady’s gaze, her voice is calm and serious. “I’ll start with a small increment. It will take about thirty seconds to take effect. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah. Yes.”
Standing, Violet adjusts something.
Arkady waits.
“Do you feel anything yet?”
The relief is noticeable, the pain in Arkady’s chest and limbs cooling down a notch. “Better. Wow. Better.” Arkady hesitates. “You, uh. Said that that was a small increment? I think I could use another small increment.”
“Okay.” Violet makes another adjustment.
This time, the relief is almost total. Arkady stares at the ceiling, feeling tears of relief prick her eyes as the burning ache eases to almost nothing.
Everything feels a little foggier, too, but she’s still here, and able to form mental sentences, and the pain is all but gone.
“That’s good.” She bites her lip as Violet sits back at her side. “That’s really, really—the pain is almost gone. Now.”
Violet swallows visibly, staring at Arkady in relief.
Arkady feels a tear coalesce and run down her cheek, and Violet reaches forward with gentle fingers to wipe it away.
“I’m glad, Arkady,” she whispers. “I’m so glad.”
Arkady lets a long breath out, looking around the room again. It’s almost like being in a new room, a room-without-pain, during a new day, a day-without-pain.
“Sana will be glad, too,” she comments wryly as her gaze lands on the crocheting bag again. “She gets all twitchy whenever she manages to have good food or meds or supplies on hand and someone doesn’t use them.” She grins. “It’s her whole octopus thing. You know, I think I called her an octopus yesterday? Krejjh won’t shut the hell up about octopi now that they’ve found out they’re, gasp, actually real, so I guess I just permanently have octopi on the brain now, and I was thinking about how Sana has her whole multitasking thing where she’s got an eye on the status of the whole ship and everyone on the crew at all times, and—damn it, I should have called her a ghost squid. She would have hated that.”
Violet is giggling helplessly. “I can’t believe you called Tripathi an octopus.”
Arkady grins lazily. “Yeah, well, now she’s gotten to enjoy living with the mystery of what the hell I was talking about. Even sedative-induced grogginess has the occasional upside, right?”
Speaking of twitchiness, Violet’s twitchy question face is back, though Arkady can tell she’s trying to hide it.
“You didn’t override what I told you, okay?” Arkady says. “You didn’t dose me up, even when I couldn’t have done anything about it, because I’d told you not to. So I figured you wouldn’t take a mile if I gave you an inch.”
“Oh.” Violet sits back in her chair, looking at Arkady with that same expression she was looking at her with earlier, sadness and something else Arkady can’t parse.                                                                
Arkady sighs. “During the war. When you got injured, they knocked you straight out. It made it easier on the medics, I guess—no panicking soldiers, just unconscious bodies to take care of until they got better or didn’t. And easier on the medics meant less medics per ship, which made it easier on the brass. I mean, I guess that was why, though I wouldn’t put it past just being a power trip for some of them—”
“I know.”
“—but it isn’t like you can easily say when it was that and when it was—” Arkady blinks. “Huh?”
Violet sighs, her eyes dropping to her lap. “That’s not just a wartime thing. When I was a medic out by O-11, some of my colleagues used too much sedative on people they thought were being a problem. Or who…might be a problem. Aggressive, scared, not ‘compliant,’ whatever. Of course, if you paid attention to who they were more likely to think was a problem…”
“I’m guessing there were patterns?” Arkady offers.
“Yeah.” Violet bites her lip. “The irony was that…this was less of a thing out in the field, but pretty often when someone was actually in the hospital, they’d be denied painkillers because the staff decided they were lying or exaggerating. It was…” Violet twists her hands in her lap. “It wasn’t just those problems, either. When you have a lot of people living in poverty, the power dynamics with whoever is in charge of access to medical treatment get…bad. It was not a good situation, and I was—you know. There. Being part of it.”
Arkady blinks, staring at Violet. Maybe the reason she didn’t know how to interpret the look in Violet’s eyes earlier was because it wasn’t actually the panicky huge-eyed way she looks at Arkady what feels like every time Arkady mentions some detail of Cresswin, but a look of recognition.
“I never thought about what it would be like to be a medic under the IGR,” she says quietly.
Violet finally looks up. “Part of it was the IGR, but a lot of my older colleagues had come up doing the same thing. It’s like you said. Republics aren’t perfect, either.”
Violet licks her lips, hunching further into her chair. “It’s like you said about the war. Yes, sure, once I wasn’t a trainee and it was me and some colleagues out on a call, we were never the ones who gave those injections, used more than was needed. But that doesn’t mean that the ones I was with were always great about other things, or that others weren’t…” She sighs. “Just because I didn’t do anything especially bad myself doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have…you know, tried to do more than I did.”
Arkady stares at Violet, considering offering her her less-busted hand again, but decides against it. If she were Violet she wouldn’t want someone pawing at her trying to offer comfort about something that can’t really be comforted.
Violet’s work is the stuff of life, she thought to herself blithely only a few minutes ago, somehow not thinking about how much being a medic had to do with death and utterly traumatic shit. And-or, apparently, standing aside while your colleagues hurt and traumatized other people and then having to live with that.
“Jesus,” she says.
They sit quietly for another few minutes.
“Well, on a lighter note,” Arkady says awkwardly, “when it comes to your current cool, awesome medic job with our little band of dashing space rogues…can I, uh, have some more juice?”
The worst of the haunted look slides off Violet’s face as she smiles. “Of course.”
When the glass is empty, Arkady does reach her less-busted hand toward Violet, tugging her forward when she takes it. “Come here.”
She thinks Violet might go for a kiss on the forehead, depending on how fragile she’s thinking of Arkady as being right now, but Violet kisses her on the lips.
Their lips move together gently for a few seconds, then Violet settles back into her chair, smiling. “Your lips are sticky.”
“Excuse me, Liu, but I feel I should point out that your lips are now also sticky.”
“Touché.” Violet grins as she stands up again. “How’s your pain? We should still be transitioning you to the orals, so I’m going to get that ready now.”
“Still good.” Arkady smiles, wiggling the fingers at the end of her cast as Violet heads for the medbay sink.
“I know you and Sana are going to grump at me and Krejjh at some point for covering you and RJ instead of running,” she calls, “and then grump at me even more for making sure they hurt me before Krejjh, but if it had to be us, you are lucky you got me as a patient instead of Krejjh, trust me. They got completely freaked out when we tried to introduce them to Necco wafer candy a few years ago and still make grim remarks about ‘humans eating chalk.’ Dissolved pills would not be an easy sell.”
She’s expecting Violet to banter something back, but Violet looks downcast when she returns to Arkady’s side.
After Arkady has knocked back the chalky goo, she watches Violet carefully as she returns to the sink. That look could be about any number of things, but Arkady has the strong feeling that she’s seen it before, the first time Violet was bandaging her up after her gunshot wound on the Gay Louisa.
“Are you mad at me?” she asks, hesitantly, when Violet sits back down.
Violet’s face crinkles up in concern as she looks at Arkady. “Mad?”
Arkady grins weakly. “You know, because I went out and got myself hurt again?”
Violet’s forehead smooths out, then re-crinkles itself a second later. “I—no, Arkady, I’m not mad that other people tortured you. Or, I mean, I’m mad, I’m—furious, but at them, not at you.” She pauses. “And yes, I’m…‘mad’ isn’t the right word, but…it makes me upset that you got badly hurt to protect me and RJ, and it makes me upset that you think it’s good for it to be you who gets hurt instead of the rest of us. But you know that the times I chastise you for getting hurt, I’m not angry at you. Right?”
She smiles on the last words, in that specific abashed way that she smiles when she’s asking for reassurance about something that she thinks is just her anxiety playing up and probably not something she should actually be worried about at all.
When Arkady just stares at her, though, a look of alarm passes into her eyes. “You do know that, right?” she asks in a smaller voice. “I would never be really angry at you for getting injured.”
“Oh,” Arkady says. “Yeah. Of course I know that.” Did she?
Violet looks like she isn’t particularly fooled. “Well, now you do.” She sighs, shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry. If—hypothetically speaking, I mean,” she adds, her lips twitching in the ghost of a smile. “If you’ve ever thought I was actually angry at you for being injured in a bad situation…I’m sorry.”
Arkady blinks at her, finally managing to muster a nod.
Violet smiles a little, reaching out and smoothing Arkady’s hair. “I’m not mad at you, Arkady. There’s nothing about you being hurt and in pain that I would ever be angry about.”
“Well, not nothing,” Arkady points out. “You just said that you were upset that I try to put myself between the rest of you and danger.” She can’t resist adding, “You know, my literal job?”
“Your job is being first mate.” Violet’s voice cracks slightly.
Time to see how prohibitive this wrist cast is. Arkady lifts her hand to Violet’s face, brushing a tear from the corner of her eye. “It’s a job with a lot of facets.”
Violet sniffs wetly, lifting her own hands to gently support Arkady’s wrist as she lowers it to her lips and brushes a kiss against Arkady’s fingers.
“I’m not mad at you for putting yourself between other people and danger, Arkady,” she whispers. “In fact, it’s probably one of the reasons I fell in love with you.”
Arkady can feel her face getting hot as she stares, dazed, at Violet. “But…”
“I think it was a very brave and good thing that you did yesterday, and it scares me and makes me angry how okay you are with getting hurt to protect other people. I can feel both of those things at the same time.” Violet smooths Arkady’s hair again.
“Oh.” Arkady clears her throat awkwardly. “I. Oh.”
Violet chuckles, reaching up to dash a tear from her own eye. “You know what I feel, right now, more than anything? I’m just glad to have you back safe with me.”
“Oh,” Arkady says again. “I. Um. Hhh.” Get it together, Feral Kitten Patel. “I’m…glad to be back with you too. Um. Really glad.”
Violet smiles through her tears, and they gaze at each other in silence for a while.
“You know,” Arkady says wistfully, “I’m not exactly thrilled I can’t use a gun, or a knife, or punch anyone, or—” She cuts herself off. “Uh, you get the idea. But what I really can’t wait for is to be able to scoop you up, carry you to bed, and hold you in my arms all night long.”
“I.” Now Violet is the one blushing. “You…”
Arkady smirks, and Violet seems to regain the ability to form sentences, reaching out and caressing Arkady’s cheek. “Well, the scooping me up in your arms part will have to wait a little longer, but you should be able to relocate to your real bed some time in the next few days, and then there’s nothing stopping us from a whole lot of careful cuddling.”
Arkady smiles. “Sounds like a plan.”
“As for right now…I can’t exactly crawl into bed with you,” Violet says, sounding regretful, “but we could try…”
Pulling the chair with her, she moves so that she’s sitting as close as possible to Arkady’s shoulder, then carefully lowers her upper body to the bed so that her lower left shoulder rests just below Arkady’s right one, her face nestled into Arkady’s neck. Her left arm is presumably squashed under her, but her right hand comes up to rest on Arkady’s shoulder, thumb gently stroking Arkady’s shirt.
“Liu,” Arkady says, trying not to laugh, “that can’t be comfortable.”
Violet’s mutter against her neck sounds almost sleepy. “You’d be surprised.”
“Whatever you say.” Arkady tips her head to lean her temple against the top of Violet’s head. “Are you gonna fall asleep like that?”
“No,” comes the immediate response. “Or. Actually, this is more comfortable than I thought it would be, and I shouldn’t leave you alone for more than fifteen minutes while you’re still on the drip, and alarms are fallible so maybe I should…” She raises her hand to her comm. “Violet Liu to Iris Cockpit.”
“Hello, Science Officer Liu!” sings Krejjh’s sunny voice. “How’s the patient?”
Arkady can feel Violet smile against her neck. “She’s doing pretty good, Krejjh. Hey, can you send someone down here in twenty minutes to poke me awake? First Mate Patel and I are at risk of engaging in some romantic tandem sleeping.”
“Iiiii sure can, Science Officer Liu!” The grin in Krejjh’s voice is audible, and Arkady feels a lingering echo of fear fading from her mind at the sound of them alive and well. “Aaand I’ll let you get right to it. Krejjh out.”
Arkady snorts. “I have no idea why you’re eager enough to cuddle with me that you’re willing to risk getting shaken awake in situ by a pilot making disgustingly enchanted faces at how ‘cute’ we supposedly are.”
“It’s a high price,” Violet says solemnly, her voice sleepy, “but it’s a price I’m willing to pay.”
Arkady snorts again, trying to ignore the growing feeling of sunlit happiness in her chest. Violet’s hair is soft against Arkady’s face and her body is warm against Arkady’s side, and Arkady stares up at the ceiling, trying to comprehend how and why she has gotten ridiculously, disgustingly lucky enough to be here, now, with Violet’s hand curled around her shoulder and the steady rise and fall of Violet’s breathing against her.
In the kitchen, someone or something makes a subdued crashing noise, and someone else cackles loudly. Arkady can feel Violet’s amused sigh, and she smiles, letting her eyes drift closed.
“I hope you play this song someday,” croons the radio, “and think of Earth girl who loves space girl…”
A gentle current of air from the vents stirs a strand of Violet’s hair against Arkady’s ear, and she wriggles her head minutely to dislodge it before tucking her head back against Violet’s. As she closes her eyes again, the feeling of sunlit happiness is so strong that she wonders if she’ll be the one to stay awake even as poor tired Violet falls asleep. That would be ironic, wouldn’t it?
When Krejjh enters the medbay eighteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds later, they have to bounce back and forth from one foot to the other in silent agony for several seconds at the sheer adorableness of the sight of their crewmates cuddled together on the medical bed. First Mate Patel’s forehead is smoothed out in sleep, a smile on her lips, and even when Krejjh nudges Science Officer Liu awake and she disentangles herself from her girlfriend, Arkady curls her head into the indentation Violet’s cheek has left on the pillow, as though even in sleep she knows that any space that Violet takes up in the universe is a place where she will be safe and sound.
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flowers-of-io · 4 years
Made with love and sleep deprivation, no beta because I’m lazy. Happy new year!
Edit: It’s now on AO3 too!
“I hoped to see the new year behind the City’s walls once more,” Elsie says, rubbing her palms together above the campfire for warmth. It makes Drifter wonder idly whether Exos even need to keep warm, or is it just a luxury, like sleep for Lightbearers—one step further away from humanity, mindlessly taken by many in the name of convenience. But that’s the thing about Exos, right? The need to feign humanity so furiously, least their brains collapse on themselves.
“New year’s just a concept.” He does not verbalise the thought, just shrugs and pokes the fire with a piece of pipe they have found laying around the campsite. The flames spring out higher and Elsie withdraws her hands to avoid them. “A made-up reason to relieve the sad, lonely life.”
“You’re always fun to be around.”
“No one’s keeping you here by force, you know.”
They are huddled by the fire, three hooded figures encircling a patch of warmth in the pervasive cold. Eris is furthest away, staring into the darkness with an unreadable expression, and her hands fiddle with the edge of her scarf. Drifter and Elsie sit by her two sides, both masterfully avoiding each other’s glances, and Drifter’s Ghost hovers over his shoulder; its red optics sweeps over the area cautiously.
“Before the walls had been built,” Elsie starts, ignoring his retort, “I was in the City for the new year, once. And people were shooting fireworks. I remembered those from my childhood, but they were even more beautiful than back in the day. I heard the City’s Warlocks figured out a way to make them using void grenades.”
“Your boss allows for that?” Drifter chuckles, pulling a jade coin out of nowhere and flipping it with a ding. “Hey Moondust, what’s that rocket launcher you made that does this cool stuff with void, where it splits and—”
“I did not make it. It is an embodiment of the deathsong.”
“Yeah, sure, and you never tried shooting things with it just for fun? What d’you do on that moon every year—got no useless traditions like us lowly folks?”
The question stings, if only a little. Useless traditions, Eris thinks, with bitterness growing on her tongue; roaring storms of colour tumbling overhead, the din in her ears—pressing on her sinuses—as  the sky sets on fire and explodes into a million pieces, tearing open and bleeding light.
She used to love that ecstatic chaos, standing in a singing crowd with trembling hands, pouring champagne over her shoes, staring with that primordial fascination at the ungraspable beauty of the skies alight. The memory of that thrill only infuriates her, because she no longer can, because she has seen the real storm and real fire, she has seen the sky torn apart and bleeding, and the crowds were screaming but there was no champagne and no stars, only the blood on her hands and the smouldered remains all around her, and her head heavy from the explosion that killed ten of them before they had got a chance to crawl for cover.
Fear, it enrages her; how it only takes and takes and takes, how she can no longer love what she used to and must cower away from any joy it once brought. How everyone she used to enjoy it with are gone, and every erupting star reminds her of the emptiness, of the space where their hands used to be for her to reach out.
“Lights and noise. And screaming people.” She says dryly and looks away. “Too many screaming people.”
Drifter narrows his eyes, and Eris tenses up, readying herself to counter any oncoming remark, but he only frowns, then stands up and heads to the cabin.
“Hey, I’mma rummage through your stuff.”
“No—” Eris starts, but the door have already shut. There is a small chuckle coming from Elsie, cut off by the murderous stare of three glowing eyes.
He jumps out after a solid minute, a few Cursed Thrall’s heads in his hands, pulsating sickly green in the darkness. He throws one up and follows by a shot from his cannon, and the explosion echoes through the glacial mesa for miles.
“You’re gross!” Elsie snaps, cowering to avoid the flesh and chitin raining down. Drifter just laughs and throws another one.
“When I assume you cannot be any more ludicrous, you never fail to prove me wrong,” Eris says, but there is no edge to her voice, and she stares at the Thrall heads erupting in the sky, unwavering. The makeshift fireworks light the campsite with flashes of green, and the remains scattered on the snow emit a gentle glow long after the eruption.
Drifter blows up the last head and plops back next to the fire, grinning like a kid who just stole a candy from the store. “Happy new year, nerds.”
Eris rolls her eyes, but the quivering of her lips betrays the held-back smile.
“Happy new year.”
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 43. Slowly but steadily getting there boys. 
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Dionysus explains more about the voices in Nico’s head. The story can also be found on AO3 and FanFiction.net! And in Tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di Angelo, Therapy, etc. 
This might be crazy: Chapter 43: Demeters’ Divine pear Juice
Dionysus gave me a juice box when we got to the Big House. We sat down on a side of the porch where people rarely came, from which you could see the forest. 
I put the straw in the juicebox. ‘I think you are going to tell me what you and dad think is going on in my head,’ I said, a little shaky. 
‘Yes. After that, we will decide what to do about it.’
‘Okay.’ I took a sip. Oh, pear juice. ‘I want to know what it is. I have noticed you and Hades take it quite seriously, so…’ I shrugged, unsure how to finish that sentence. 
Dionysus stared at one of the trees. Someone put it big, red mark in the middle of the trunk. ‘Are you ready?’
He nodded. ‘Hades and I think that the faces  and voices are coming from the Elder Gods. The Elder Gods are gods who were before, but are not anymore. Selene and Helios are examples, but there are also gods who got reïncarnated a few times. Eh, I am one of those. There have been two Dionysusses before me.’
I raised my eyebrows. ‘Sorry to I interrupt, but that must be weird as hell, knowing that.’
He shrugged. ‘I live with it. Anyway, these Elder Gods are supposed to be in a place not even the gods have ever seen. All we know about it is that it is not always in the same place. It moves. And when it does, sometimes a few Elder Gods get themselves stuck in Tartarus.’ He took a break to sigh. ‘The only way for them to get out is if they find the doors of death. Yet, for sóme reason, they always try to contact someone in the hope that person will come down to Tartarus to break them out, even though no-one can do that.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘If their target actually goes down to...’
‘...Tartarus, it usually does not go over well.’ He slouched a little. ‘And Hades and I think that target is you.’
I took a few sips of pear juice. ‘But there is something we can do about it,’ I said, trying to visualise a solution. 
‘Yes, luckily. Multiple ways, even.’
‘Otherwise, you would not be so calm.’ I think. 
‘Very observant. Probably the best way to get rid of them is via the diplomatic route.’
I pulled my legs upon the chair. ‘Does that mean that I will have to talk a bunch of primordials down?’
‘Elder Gods. Primordials are something else.’
‘Elder Gods, then?’ 
‘Diplomatic means without violence, in this case. How it is done is that you attract the peaceful spirits who are in the Elder Gods’ resting place, so that they can keep the spirits in Tartarus at bay. That does mean that you might still hear a voice sometimes, but those voices will be peaceful and wise. Taking the violent route means that you do not hear those voices either, but it will also give you traumas the diplomatic route won’t give you.’
I thought about that for a second. Would I mind a voice if it was peaceful? ‘Would the voices be near constant?’
‘No. They don’t talk much, and when they talk, it is usually enlightened babbling.’
‘It would be completely gone if I chose the violent route. But I assume that will cause hefty PTSD?’
‘Among other things.’
‘Alright. Then I trust that you are right.’
As soon as I said it, it felt like a stone sank into my stomach and I realised I did not, in fact, fully trust that he was right. This was something big, something dangerous. I could trust him, I knew that, of course, but... ‘Eh, that being said, what exactly are we going to do? How will I attract these peaceful Elder Gods?’
‘We will go to the underworld. Near the Styx lays a platform from where you can contact the peaceful Elder Gods. You will go into a trance. I will be the one to guide you through that state. You will make contact with the right voices and notice the bad ones leave. After we are done, the nasty voices will fully go away over the course of a few weeks.’ 
He said we’ll have to go to the underworld. Near the Styx. I knew Dionysus had never done anything to me, but somewhere inside I was afraid that he would hurt me. That he would throw me into the Styx and leave me there. I would be in trance, or otherwise said, unable to defend myself. 
‘Nico, do you have trouble trusting me on this?’
I took a deep, deep breath. ‘Yes. I know I can trust you, but somehow I don’t.’
‘The fact that you told me shows that you indeed trust me. Now, I know your father would be willing to come with us, so that there is more than one person to witness what is happening.’ He shifted on the chair. ‘There is also a contact platform on Olympus, if that makes you more comfortable. However, there will be people walking around and trying to see what is going on there.’ 
I did not want to go to Olympus. I’d take the Underworld. At least I knew that place. ‘A third option, which can be combined with either of the previous two, is that I ask Hestia to come along,’ Dionysus continued. Hestia. I could trust Hestia. She would never hurt me. Yet, could I ask that of her? ‘That is not a strange thing to ask. She often comes along when someone has to meet the Elder Gods, because she calms people down.’ 
I squeezed my juicebox. ‘If that is so, I want Hestia to be there. I can trust Hestia. Yet, I think dad will want to be there too. Eh, and I understand that you will still be the one guiding me.’
‘Then that is what we are going to do.’ He stuck out his hand. I shook it.
‘Yes. Then that is what we are going to do.’ 
I didn't really know how to feel. I felt a cocktail of different emotions. Fear most of all. 
‘I understand it if you feel strange. I am proud that you are still here.’
I nodded and drank a bit of pear juice. ‘It is a lot.’
‘I reckon.’
‘Eh, when will we do this? Right now? Tomorrow? In three weeks, three months?’ 
‘The only limits I set is that you must give me time to speak to Hestia first, I want it to be over with this very week and I want it to be right after you’ve had a meal. For that meal, you should stuff yourself. Eat too much, even. If it isn’t enough you might faint.’
‘Okay. Tomorrow then, if you can reach Hestia by that time. Right after breakfast. I want to get it over with and I do not want to chicken out.’
He smiled. ‘Very well, Nico. Very well.’
Will slept in my cabin that night. ‘Maybe now it can finally get better.’
‘Maybe it will.’ I moved closer. ‘I am afraid, Will. It sounds like a whole operation. I mean, Dionysus was pretty calm about it, which makes me think it cannot be that bad. But…’ I sighed. 
Will kissed me on the top of my head. ‘I’ll be right here to hear it all once you're done. I’ll drop everything I am doing. I’ll let someone die if I am in the middle of an operation.’
I understood it was meant as a joke, but I was not really in the mood. I closed my eyes. ‘I want to sleep.’
‘Then you can sleep, Nico. You are safe.’
A/N: Kinda on the bridge about whether I’ll upload a chapter where Nico talks to Hestia or if I should get it over with and then write a chapter about Hestia. Update from future Rose: Hestia chapter will be there. Next up. 
Okay boys I feel like I am kind of dragging this arc. Sorry for that. As said before, Hestia will be next and then I’ll get to The Thing and after that to the other Thing (Not saying much but it’ll be cool). 
It suddenly hit me that Nico and Will being a couple was a whole shock in America, when in the Netherlands there was this book where someone (very obviously) had a mother in a relationship with a (non-evil) stepmother in like... 2008 and no-one batted an eye (Lena Lijstje, for all my Dutch readers) (I googled it. It was damn 2002). 
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