#this is literally just me hornyposting
effervescentdragon · 7 months
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onefluffykiriko · 1 year
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Sometimes when I’m taking photos to post on here, I get so insanely turned on…. 🫣🫣🫣
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hormoneeroticism · 2 months
How does the sight of your bare SHOULDER and your COLLARBONE get me so riled up. 17th century menial behavior
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psychangels · 28 days
trying to stop being so scared all the time. i have to be Brave! i can't keep living my life afraid!
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the-hornypost-stash · 8 months
Need a perverted lesbian to grope me all over now please and thank you
🩷 Minors/ageless/blank blogs, do not interact 🩷
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
I hate coopers with all of my being so now I'm going to utilise my masochistic desires and make myself a perfect punching bag for Malenia my beloved. I will let her hit me for as long as possible and the host can do nothing about it aside from somehow managing to kick me out of their world mid-fight.
I will become Malenia's masochistic little slut and she will heal off my fragile little body to her heart's content and kill all of these idiots who dared to challange her in this horribly unfair way! I'm going to walk into someone's world and even out the odds, it's a 2v2 now baby! You are now fighting Malenia, blade of Miquella and her horny little slut she uses as a punching bag 💕💕
Oh I want her to hit me, I want her to hit me so bad, I want her to stab me and slap me and stomp on my neck, I want her to shove my face into that puddle in the middle of her arena, I just want her to absolutely destroy me in front of my coopers who entrusted their lives into my hands only for me to hand them over to Malenia my beloved just so I could get punished more 💕💕
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hazzzyrider · 7 months
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a timely reminder you don't need to interact or expend your energy on stuff that's annoying. you can just enjoy yourself on the internet.
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enivee · 11 months
She suck on my boysghetti
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meteoritesystem · 2 years
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carp-esh-ove-lem · 4 days
i am once again not immune to conventionally attractive white people. unwokest thing abt me
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sevenhundred721 · 4 months
I can't sleep because I'm vividly imagining rolling around in a pool of blood and furiously making out with a mad scientist.
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angelfoxx · 10 months
how about a petit reader like 1.53 or 5'0 (size difference) with keegan, ghost or konig?
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ❝ HI, SHORT STUFF. ❞
… in which you’re (much) shorter than they are.
FEATURING: simon “ghost” riley, könig (does he have a last name or anything???) & keegan p russ.
WARNINGS: suggestive per usual. daily dose of shameless keegan hornyposting
NOTE/S: as a relatively small girlie myself (5’5, so not as short but still not tall) this one makes me giggle. tee hee tall babies tall babies
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✦ — He’s six foot four. Add on whatever height those boots give him, and he’s got a good foot and a half on you. It makes him even more intimidating in the beginning, because he’s just…a big guy. He’s loud and kind of scary and he’s just a fucking tank of a guy, all flat muscle and ridiculous height.
✦ — Once you two are…acquainted, physically…he sort of uses his size to his advantage. Not necessarily sexually. He’s quick to act as a human shield if anything is thrown your way. His first instinct when you two are in a crowded room is to shadow you, which is totally fine, but he’s enormous and so you can just sort of always see the edge of his silhouette in the tops of your peripherals.
✦ — You’re so much smaller than him, and beyond his usual hurt-my-troops-you-hurt-me demeanor, now you two are involved — and you’re so much smaller than him, and you’re so…little. You’re so little and it’s not that he thinks you’re weak but you’re so much smaller than him and most of the other people on the base. So when he sort of fights your battles for you, frets over you doing certain tasks on the field, et cetera, it’s not because he thinks you’re weak or incapable. He’s just…you’re so fucking short compared to everyone else. And he likes you. And you like him. And so he’s going to watch out for you even when it’s sort of pointless.
✦ — His public demeanor towards your size might be mildly annoying at times, but behind closed doors it’s a bit…different. Bringing up how overly protective he is of you results in a minor argument — when he finally lets slip that it’s partly because you’re so much fucking shorter than he is, you’re quick to argue that you’re just as capable as he is. You’re just as capable as anyone else on the base is.
✦ — He wants you to understand that he’s not coming from a place of total insanity. Most of the people on the base are guys, and they’re also usually over six foot. You’re a foot and then some shorter than almost everyone on the base. Physically, you’re at a disadvantage — and he proves that by picking you up under both arms and just…holding you there. He wants to show you that maybe he has a good reason to be “overly careful” with you. He cares about you, and you’re at such an obvious imbalance in a high-stress, rough working field.
✦ — Oopsie. Difference in size…mm. Mm. Suddenly, it seems less annoying and more arousing.
✦ — You stop complaining after you’re thrown back-first onto Ghost’s bed and the guy fucking blots out the ceiling because his shoulders are so broad and he’s tall enough to literally swallow you under his shape.
✦ — At some point, you stop complaining about Ghost being so physically overprotective of you. Actually, when there’s a crowd attending a debriefing, one of the soldiers swears that when Price mentions heavy artillery and Ghost sort of stances up behind you, a close shadow clearly unhappy with the idea of you manning the big guns, you reach back and pull his arm around your waist. Oh, and you seem to zone out looking at the way his hand is so much bigger under yours. That too.
✦ — Six foot ten. Six foot fucking ten. What the fuck? Why is he so tall? That’s almost seven feet. What the fuck? What the fuck?
✦ — He knows he’s tall. Obviously. He’s the kind of person to bully people with his height; if he’s involved in a heated argument, he’s no stranger to standing upright (he usually slouches) and sorry, but a seven-foot-tall man wearing an executioner’s mask, staring down at you from his colossal fucking height? You’re toast. Whoever he’s arguing with generally excuses themselves because dude, what the fuck? What the fuck. Hell no.
✦ — Keeping in mind that a lot of his men (and women) are on the taller side, you waltzing in at five feet tall almost makes him laugh. Because like, you’re short to everyone else, but everyone else is short to him. So you’re fucking tiny. He keeps calling you ameise, which you later learns means “ant”. He’s calling you an ant.
✦ — You’re a good soldier. In good fun, he’ll compare other soldiers to you; he’ll tell them that they’re being outshone by “eine kleine ameise”, which sort of pisses you off but you do remember that it’s a joke. Sort of. You are very short and you are outdoing other soldiers.
✦ — If/when you two get in a relationship, he’s keen to use his height against you. You go to find him in his office? He’ll stand up just so he can talk to you from two feet over your head. He’s leading a debriefing? He’ll make a point out of having you stand near him so that every time he straightens up, you have to deal with how fucking huge he is.
✦ — With his jests at your height, you often try to return the jokes. Every time he comes through a doorway, you rush over and ask if he needs ice for his forehead. Because, you know, he’s hitting his head constantly. Every time he’s on the field with you and you have to get in any sort of vehicle, you tell him that he’ll have to skip out on the ride because he’s too fucking tall to comfortably fit in the thing and putting him on the roof would make you guys an enormous target.
✦ — Your jokes sort of die down though when you’re pushed up against the wall, toes brushing the floor and breath shuddering. He’s got both forearms pinning your shoulders down and he’s pistoning his hips unfairly hard up into you and he’s sort of breathlessly laughing a wheezy cackle in your ear. “Why so quiet, meine kleine ameise? No words?”
✦ — He’s six foot one. So his height difference to you isn’t as excessive as the other two seen above, but…
✦ — He’s the most irritating about it. Probably. Because you’ll think everything is fine — he won’t think of you as any less, and he’s fully confident in your capabilities, et cetera — but the minute he gets you alone, the short jokes start. Is it chilly down there? Do you find the stairs too steep? A new truck came in this afternoon, but…well, it’s a little lifted, so you won’t be driving it. You’d only be able to get in with a step-stool — no way you’d be able to reach the pedals!
✦ — He’s insufferable. He’s fucking insufferable. It’s like you’ve opened up a Pandora’s Box of stupid fucking jokes that Keegan finds ridiculous. This shit gets genuine laughs from him. Maybe it’s the jokes or maybe it’s your reactions to them.
✦ — If/when you two are in a relationship, the jokes take a dirty turn. You’re trying to get in his pants? He’s biting his cheek and saying that he’s not sure he’ll fit, and you’re two seconds from slapping him. He makes random comments about how your knees will never turn red because you don’t even need to kneel in order to suck him off. Et cetera. Half the time the jokes go over your head and it takes you a good ten or fifteen seconds of being confused in order for you to realize that he’s making sex jokes at you. By that time, he’s usually turning away and biting back amusement.
✦ — He seems to take a great joy in bringing you stupid gifts. Ever the romantic; if you’re both scouting on a looser mission, he’ll pick you flowers. Specifically, though, he’ll pick you tiny flowers. Or, like, petals. He asks you to carry his rifle and walks behind you because apparently it’s the same height (or taller) than you are and it’s funny to watch. At one point, he gets his hands on a tiny model gun and he’s practically bursting at the seams to gift it to you as a “proper size gun”.
✦ — He knows he can make those jokes and get under your skin. He doesn’t care, though. When he’s laying in his barracks with you sitting on his stomach and jabbing him in the chest with that stupid toy gun, he’s just smirking like an idiot. He finds how easy you are to irritate so incredibly fun to mess with. He’s just sort of egging you on the whole time. “Yeah? I’m bothering you? I’m frustrating you?”
✦ — You’re still complaining and whining, so eventually he just starts flipping the script. He’s saying it’s so good you’re short because it makes it so much easier for him to flip you over and pin your shoulders down, and it makes it so much easier for him to wrap his arms around your mouth to keep you quiet when you two are tangled in his sheets at night with his teeth buried in your shoulder and his hips flush to yours, and you fit so nice and snug around him…
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degendog · 3 months
ur forcemasc posts r so fucking good that they have caused me 2 form a parasocial relationship with u /j
seriously tho this is like my go-to forcemasc blog when im dysphoric cuz its just like. immediate cure. like as a super fem trans guy who has only just recently come out of the closet and struggles to embrace masculinity (i swear im Literally the pastel flower crown wearing baby trans boy u wrote abt in that one forcemasc post. not by choice i just need to be forcemasced) i cannot stop thinking abt u absolutely obliterating my holes and forcemascing me and just making me in2 ur idea of a perfect man... i want u 2 tear me down completely just break me entirely and then rebuild me in2 the exact type of man u want me to be. i'd do anything for it really
anon i have been thinking about this ask all day. i’m glad my hornyposting is a dysphoria salve for you
i’m proud of you for coming out and starting to truly live your life, anon. that takes serious balls. i think you need to start going further with it now. what kind of man do you want to be? how do you want to look, truly? do you want to be a muscley gym bro in a muscle tee? a greasy punk you saw smoking a cig outside the gas station? some nerdy guy that works in IT?
don’t worry, baby boy, i’ll help you get there. i’ll get you a haircut, a men’s one, a clipper cut with a squared-off back. or maybe i’ll shave it all off, start from scratch. i’ll slowly start replacing your clothes with ones you’ve always wanted to wear but were too scared to—women’s skinny jeans replaced with men’s straight-cut, “soft boy” button downs replaced with men’s shirts, panties replaced with boxer briefs (easiest to pack with), even your socks get replaced. you can keep that giant dysphoria hoodie you practically live in, but i’ll glare at you whenever you wear it until you change into a real outfit. and i’ll let you keep those flower crowns, but none of them match your new clothes, so why would you keep wearing them? eventually they’ll be forgotten about in a drawer, or given to a friend’s little sister. i’ll force your legs apart if i catch you sitting with them crossed, until it’s second nature to manspread. and every morning i’ll grab the front of your pants to make sure you’re packing, to make sure you remember your dick belongs to me.
i’ll get you on t, do the first few shots for you until i decide you’re ready to do it yourself, and then i’ll watch you with hungry eyes as you inject yourself with what you should’ve had this whole time. i know it’s scary at first, but being a man is about doing shit that scares you. it builds character. so shut up and take the needle.
and sure, i’ll fuck you with my strap until you can’t think, until your thighs are shaking and your holes are tired and sloppy and you’re completely spent, and the only sounds you can make are moans. i’ll jerk you off while i fuck you—don’t you love how sensitive your new dick is? but i’ll also teach you how to top, how to take what you want. i’ll press myself against your back and coach you through fucking somebody else with the very same dick i fucked you with.
when i’m done with you, you’ll be surprised you ever were a baby-trans soft boy. because all you have ever been is a man.
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WIBTA if i asked my friend to stop being disparaging about romance/sexuality? (sorry in advance for long post, this situation a little complicated)
we are all adults, early/mid 20s. My friend is aroace, but i'm not, although i did spend a few years in the community before i realized my behavior/thoughts are not due to my sexual/romantic preferences, but are actually due to repression/guilt/shame/trauma. This is just personal experience obviously, i'm not trying to gatekeep or tell anyone how to identify
this friend often makes disparaging remarks about sexuality and romance that come off as shaming. i know they aren't talking about me specifically, but it still feels bad to hear them talk about how they wish "the allos would stop being so horny all the time" or how "it's gross how allos are all like this", all while knowing that i count myself as allosexual and alloromantic, and i'm definitely not 'horny all the time' or 'always talking about sex' or 'having sex all the time'. I've literally never fucked anyone in my life (🕺🏻celibacy🕺🏻--joking aside, i personally don't want casual sex, and i haven't dated since i was a teen). The most sexual i get is occasionally hornyposting on my 18+/priv accs, which they don't follow.
Obviously, i'm not trying to invalidate their feelings and i'm definitely not telling them they should enjoy something they obviously don't. i would just prefer if they stopped saying stuff to me about how gross allo people are. It comes off as "we enlightened beings vs those degenerate rutters".
Before anyone says this is bait, no, it's not. i'm genuinely asking for advice bc i value this friendship and i don't think they have bad intentions, just a lot of frustrations. i know it's frustrating that society places so much value in romantic/sexual relationships, and i know it's hard to be practically drowning in something that personally makes them feel gross. i also wouldn't care if they complain about this to other people, or feel this way inside, but it does hurt my feelings when they bring it up to me in this way.
I haven't actually said anything to them yet, so WIBTA if i (kindly) asked them to not talk to me about how 'gross' allos are, or if they do want to discuss their frustrations, to avoid using such derogatory/generalizing statements in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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saphig-iawn · 7 months
Please Read Before Interacting
This blog started as a place for me to just escape shite other social networks, but now I'm enjoying it here and coming into my own space. I use this blog to reblog stuff that I really like (I use the tags #clothes saphi wants #saphi doll). I'm using it to chart and chronicle my journey into womanhood and share that experience for baby trans folk like me (I use the tag #saphi's journey). In that process I discovered that I not only enjoy but am very good at writing hornyposts and RP so at this stage, if you're feeling thirsty and you want a mommy domme to own you then go ahead, or if you're feeling domme and want a sub then I'm game my DMs and Asks are open (you're gonna wanna read after the break if you're down to clown and check my #saphiposting tag).
So PLEASE read and understand:
// if you are a minor DNI - and if you don't have a visible age in your bio or pinned post, I will be forced to block you for both our safety
// if you are a cis man who thinks he can get up in my gubs DNI - I literally just told you I'm a lesbian lmao
// if you are a sissy/chaser blog DN fucking I, bucko - I'm serious, my body and my life aren't a kink, get in the bin.
// if you are racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise bigoted and narrow minded, get the fuck out of here, DNI or be blocked
// if you consider yourself gendercritical or share detrans content, this place is not for you, fuck off, DNI or be blocked
// if you send me unsolicited nudes in DMs, I don't care what gender you identify as or what your body and bits look like, you will be blocked
Right then horny people, ground rules. While I am a domme and hypnodomme, I am also a switch. I domme and I sub. I am happy to domme if that is what you enjoy, but also love a sub that wants to feel a little power and give domming me a try.
I love teasing messages but if you want to RP then tell me and we can set up how we want to play and what limits, boundaries and safeties we want to put in place. This is doubly important when hypnosis is involved! Hypno can be fun and safe, so communicate with me as I will with you.
I WILL NOT under any circumstances post or send horny images, vids or audio, so please don't bother asking.
My list of stuff I'm into is vast so here's broad kinks that I vibe with: bondage, hypnosis (by extension some CNC), objectification, dollification, dronification, degradation (we set boundaries first), petplay, chastity/denial/orgasm control, bimbofication, power dynamics in general (once again, we set boundaries first). Non-negotiable hard pass: gore or body horror/mod, ageplay, hard impact play, piss/scat, feeding/feedee, forced intoxication. If in doubt just send me a polite ask and I'll answer. Communication and boundaries are key.
Last updated: 12.13.2023
Tags: saphi's journey, clothes saphi wants, saphiposting, saphi doll
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