#this is mostly just for archival reasons dont mind me
sunshinecassette · 4 months
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the-voldsoy · 8 months
Parallels/references/a couple theories about TMAGP EP1:
grouped in order of actual theories, vague things i noticed, and even vaguer comments! (using the same terminology as in TMA for ease)
HEAVY Spoilers !!
“Colin, mate, you know you’re never getting out of here” +won't leave until they figure out the errors “Or they finally kill me” → couldn't quit the Archives because they thought they just wanted to understand and know (but later found out they could only get out by dying or blinding)
Lena talks about cake → Mr Spider doesn't like cake + Elias seemed to love the stuff
pub called The Seward -> Peter Lukas vibes?
“There has to be a way to do this online” → haha ! you wish. (AKA supernatural interferes with internet so it cant be dont online)
“There's this box for a "Response 121" on the form.” → MAG121 is the episode Jon is woken from his coma/brought back to life by Oliver Banks
Talk about how there used to be a separate “Response” department → Elias tells Jon its their job to watch, not interfere (iirc)
Old as shit computer → old as shit tape recorders
AKA: the computer seems to be the only thing that can handle the supernatural
“ "Dolls comma watching" or "Dolls comma human skin" “ → violently Stranger and possibly Eye, has me in mind of MAG24 (the one the Calliope is first mentioned in, where the boyfriend is turned into a doll iirc) 
Barely understandable, long as shit file names →barely understandable, long as shit files names by Gertrude 
[in response to where the files go] “some long dead database that no one will ever look at or care about” → the Archives were unmanaged, decrepit and barely used by anyone outside of them
Work during the night - no sun, cut off from outside world → worked in a basement - no sun, cut off from outside world
Martin (and later Jon) taking the statements → did the same in TMA but in reverse (although I’d love to know if there's any reason behind them being called Chester and Norris, besides what's stated?)
Haha Martin and Jon (and Jonah) are now part of the World Wide Web → shit now they're part of the Web (just like with the tape recorders !!)
Someone talks about how they're sorry, they should've listened, couldn't face not hearing him again → martin @ jon and vice versa
Stranger statement with hints of the Dark → first TMA statement was a Stranger in the dark, and it does put me in mind of the Anglerfish tbh
Sorting system for the statements (although there's is a Lot more detailed and v different) → Smirke’s Fourteen
Gwen openly does not like Lena → literally anyone @ Elias
Asked if they were tricked into working here → well, we know the Archives and Elias
“The awful, terrible thing that landed you here?” → most of the Archives (excluding Sasha and maybe Martin) had something that made them Marked, that mostly led to them working there
Someone who's into spelunking listed the Institute as “cleared” → who could that be (if we know them at all)? Buried avatar, i'd guess, but we don't really know any of them
Photos of the Institute don't show up → photos of the supernatural don't work
The Institute was “weird”, made the subject paranoid → lingering Eye
Fire twenty years ago that burned the Institute → Like the fire at Hilltop Road? Or like that time Gertrude tried to burn down the Institute?
Third floor was the most burned → assuming that's the top floor (and correct me if i'm wrong), wasn’t Jonah in (and later killed) on the top floor?
“offices like little cells” → employees were certainly trapped ! also Millbank Prison
Worried non-existent doors were going to slam shut → the Distortion
Weren’t any papers → left behind before the Institute came to this Somewhere Else (assuming it's the same Institute)? (we need an actual name for the original universe and this Somewhere Else)
Suspicious stains on some floors → my darling, that is blood ! or possibly squished worms, or ink. or possibly something Else
“an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on” → genuinely unsure what this could be
Strange symbols → For all the Fears, or just the Eye, i wonder? I think i remember them saying something about an Eye symbol at this point, but now i can't find where
“you get a job, I get a fresh victim. It’s all in your contract.” → Elias @ his employees
 “To new beginnings, with old friends” → to a new beginning, with our old friends Jon, Martin and Jimmy Magma :)
“You’re not as clever as you think you are. You think you've got us all fooled, that no-one knows you're listening, But I do. I know. I’m going to find you and then…” → hi what did he mean by this
They (jon, martin & jonah) are Watching and Listening and following through technology→ just like Elias (Panopticon vibes tbh) and Sergey Ushanka
Vaguer (idk if theres anyhting here, but wanted to include it anyway):
Alice loves coffee -> Martin loved tea
Meeting in a cemetery → Sasha with Michael pre-prentiss attack, Naomi Herne 
Not wanting to stay at home because it's full of memories → Jon moving with Georgie, Martin moving to the Archives
Gwen Bouchard wants Lena’s job → Bouchard (appeared to) climb the job ladder quicker than he should have
Heh bug list → corruption
 “You don’t seem like the usual hopeless wasters Lena hires” “The awful, terrible thing that landed you here?” → okayy no need to be rude. But anyways the OG Archives crew were actually pretty disconnected from the rest of the world +were barely there by choice?
“freight cars near Brighton” → hey where did Melanie get her first Slaughter mark ?
“it’s not too awkward working with an ex?” → Georgie and Jon?
FR3-d1 -> i feel like there's something there, but i cannot figure it out
Just words that made me irrationally scared:
Starts with a party for someone leaving → couldn't quit the archives
“ …you are perfectly within your rights to resign. No one is forcing you to stay here.”
please put any opinions/additions in the tags !!
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And now i want to find myself a haunted cottage ... to find the love of my life ❤️
I just started this wonderfull gem yesterday and finished this morning. And i am so reluctant to part with it that i even consider to reread it immediately.
So if you are into Good Omens, like Human AU and searching for a kind of different plot - here are my thoughts on a wonderful fanfic from @commodorecliche !
😃 Whats it about?
Aziraphale buys a little cottage and finds some books in it, written by A.J. Crowley. Oh - and there is a ghost in the house! You will never guess who that might be ... But what might sound cheesy really is not. I so loved the authors notes that i will throw them in here:
This is a ghost story. This is a story about the remnants of ourselves we leave behind. This is a story about life and about all the things that cannot be hidden, even after we die. This is a story about finding comfort in another creature, despite the dimensional divide that might stand between us. This is a ghost story. This is a love story.
And that it is. The notes say it all!
{There are minor spoilers ahead - i tried to collect my thoughts without giving too much away, but pls only go on if you are ok with that! }
What i absolutely adore in this wunderful piece:
🤍It is a tale of love told from Aziraphale´s point of view only. Being a ghost story i had goose bumps several times during the first chapters. Nothing too scary, but quite exciting! It also has a bit of angst in it, but mostly it is deeply loving and what hurts is the fact that - well - Crowley is a ghost and Aziraphale is human. There is a natural limit to their connection. I dont want to tell more because i dont want to spoil the story. You should definitely mind the tags before you start reading!
❤️ It is a human AU but takes on a very different plot with Crowley being a ghost. So somehow this is so far unique to me in the GO-universe, where most human AU tend to put them both in the same place - be it rockstars, book sellers, teachers and parents and so on.
🤍Having a ghost and a human falling in love with each other - oh it is so sweet but also ... tragic? Having someone to love without being ever able to touch him? To barely feel him? Crowley is so well written, he is merely an essence - there and at the same time not.
🩶What i really enjoyed is that you will know every character but most of the stereotypes are left out. Anathema is not psychic (or at least it isnt mentionned) for example. There is no bickering between Aziraphale and Crowley. No sentences or dialogues from GO thrown back to the reader. Still everything blends together so well.
🖤 Oh and i loved this fact: Crowley is a writer! Crowley is the one with the words !!! and for once there is no stumbling, no "ngk", no "fuck" no nothing. Most of human AU leave Crowley with "clever hands" but words not so fluently ... (A fact that kind of surprises me often because i am not so sure every Shakespearean Text is really Shakespeare ... right? ;-))
❤️Aziraphale is happy with his body - this is something i deeply appreciate. I have read roundabout 60 fanfics so far and in most human AU his thoughts about himself can be rather derogatory.
🖤Crowley is not the one begging Aziraphale to stay or be together with him - also a quite common theme in GO-fanfics. I absolutely love that!!
I kind of realise now that me writing reviews is my way of parting with a story that particularly got to my heart. This one is truly beautiful for several reasons and i had everything from goosebumps to laughter to angst to heartache to relief to sadness. It ends well, if it is happy is really only your choice. ❤️
This story made me finally set up a "re-read-list" and i absolutely recommend it, if you´re in for a bit of heartache, a different plot and a different version of a "and they life happy ever after". It is a quiet, lovable and aching book, well balanced and still easy to read.
ps: I thought a lot about it, could i do it? Could i fall in love with a ghost? I would like to think of myself as having stayed in the house but probably i would have run. If i had come past this first angst and built a connection - would i have been able to? Would it have been enough to simply love? To have an ethereal connection and know you are not alone but ... no friends to share with, to be grounded to the house, no picnics, no touch? What are your thoughts on this?
pps: if you have read this one, pls come here and scream and cry with me in the comments!!! I dont want to tell too much here but there are scenes in the book that i would love to romp on in the comments!!
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 years
Do you have any tips for researching historical fashion? I am very interested in finding out about many different eras of fashion for many cultures it’s just that whenever I try I get stuck and am not sure where to find any interesting resources. Have a wonderful day!
Sorry this took so long. I almost wrote a book last time and decided its unreadable for anyone other than me. So here u go with the more general and better formatted tips:
• start simple! Get to know the place youre interested in. Get to know the time period as a whole. Fashion is a broad topic that varies from place to place, so its better to start with the general ideas, and get more into smaller details from that; most of the time that basic information is easily accesible online and in various historical fashion books im sure you can find in your local library (i know its hard to recognize which sites and books are actually knowledgable and which are not; usually i just do a background check on the author and see what sources they use in their work. But even with that, dont get too attached to the information you gain; sometimes it will be correct, and sometimes it will prove false, and thats okay. Thats why youre learning and thats why you have to compare different sources to each other)
• The further down the timeline you go, the more "local" fashion gets, and looking for clothing examples gets harder, so keep that in mind; more often than not, if you want to find something from a different culture than yours, you have to get friendly with google translator, especially if youre looking for way, way older clothes.
• the reason for that is, you will not only have to check foreign sites and blogs, but also foreign archives; and these are a hell to navigate. Theyre also one of the best things to ever exist on the internet. Theres plenty of free, publicly avilable ones, hosted by museums, libraries, universities or just existing by themselves, and they have everything; scans of books and fashion magazines, fashion plates, old photos, drawings and sketches, everything. Research papers are great too
• speaking of art; its always good to look for paintings and artists of that era and culture! I dont think i need to say more on that. Books are great too, though i mostly use them for other history related stuff, since they usually dont describe fashion much
• overall, learning fashion history is a long and often slow process... id love to give you examples of sites, blogs and everything else i use, but its all in polish and very focused on 19th century; which will be useless, unless its something youre interested in. So its very much a thing you need to look for yourself... i know there are lots of historical fashion youtubers, but i dont personally watch any of them; from what ive seen though i trust that they know what theyre talking about, esp the ones that actually wear and sew historical clothes and reconstructions... theyre often focused on the west, though. At least the ones i know of; feel free to recommend some in the notes. In general feel free to post more tips and sources in the notes
Hope this can help you somehow. I dont feel like its very helpful, but its the best i can offer, im afraid. My "area of expertise" is not only european, and therefore easier to research, but also written in my mother tongue; i do however often look for foreign folk clothes, so most of those tips were written from that experience. Sorry if this isnt what you looked for
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I never wrote an intro so here!
I'm SilentStares but you can call me Silent, Sil, Stare, or Star (i think star is nice and suits me well!) I write fanfiction and draw fanart for a few different fandoms. I'm also silentstares on ao3
you may call me your highness, but i'll accept she/her too. I'm just really cool and I think i deserve to be a pretty princess sometimes!
I am troublingly fond of the worst characters, and I won't stop writing isekai and you can't make me.
I write crack but like, with all my heart. I take it seriously. I will make and have made Keito Hasumi from enstars into a magical girl , and I will take it 100% seriously.
Please feel free to send asks and chat at me! Especially if you for some strange reason want to talk about fanfiction with me or decide that for some reason you might actually want to ask a question of one of my oc's! Or just do something to them- I personally enjoy microwaving them. Im here in hopes of interacting with other fans and goofs not to sit here ALONE and SAD so please do say something to me i assure you I won't be annoyed it's just a tad lonesome here if no one talks :<
Top activities i do: fanfiction, drawing, and programming
current games available: Hateshinai Umi Aquarium,friends and furntasy
available for free on Itch.io!
Original works:
Halcyon (superhero story about a villain who'd do anything to save his hero!)
Now available to read for free! Please just tell me what you think after that's all I ask <3 I really hope you'll give it a chance, its a lot more similar to magical girl stories than regular superhero stories, and if you like theater-loving villains with the power of LOVE (no really that's his power-) with a flair for the dramatic and bunny girls who really need therapy, and a setting where thanks to my weird magic system that dictates how powers are given, the power of love is one of the scariest powers of all, youll LOVE this, also if you like found family and other things like that youll really love it <3
Do mind the trigger warnings though
also official Halcyon tumblr here
mermay marine biologist dating sim aka hateshinai umi aquarium(in progress)
Friends and Furntasy: a furry game where you make your own character and go on adventures with a cast of strange characters to interact with and perhaps,become close to~? owo (though the dating sim aspects are going to be more of a bonus feature and not the focus of the game)
open to comissions but i dont know how to pull that off very well yet
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shiftwux · 2 years
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a heart with blind justice the mind of a dying machine and the fleshy vulnerable soul walk into a bar
normally i dont put footnotes for my drawing (especially since i genuinely dont know these guys like at all) but i like these designs a lot so here we go. most of these are references/terrible puns or otherwise just flanderizing already existing traits ive seen of them on here so
if you follow the chain on his right arm, heart wears his heart on his sleeve
honestly most of the designs on here have heart blindfolded in some way (i think i know why ????lore wise at least but im a bit stupid) so i gave him one of those. then i gave em a scale because of the whole "justice is blind thing"
sub-tangent: its partially inspired by anubis and his whole "measuring the purity of a heart" but the scale is flawed because instead of a single feather its a whole dove
there was no reason for the wings sprouting out from the head. i was going silly mode
mind's design is vaguely inspired by am from ihnmaims. his contorted limbs are supposed to be an homage to calne ca (and if im honest. dr coomer hlvrai)
there really wasnt much going for em i was just being silly. also recycled some old concepts for a thing i handed my ex friend
made him dress like a redditor im gona be realsies
to me the soul is the most vulnerable part of the body so i made them all fleshy and gross
partially inspired by my epic flesh phase. also the magus archive and unwind
actually fuck it its MOSTLY inspired by unwind because in that book they constantly talk about the soul and how, philosophically, the soul could still be there after being separated into a million different body parts
still kept the horns though. also gave him a mask that accidentally looks like that saw trap
arrow tie is like .a demon tail sort of
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Writerblr Creator questionnaire
Thank you @the-ellia-west and @the-golden-comet for the tag!
also sorry for my semi-haiatus, my Laptop fucking imploded in japan and its taken so long to get my new one. I didn't really feel like doing tags and such on my phone, so. Ill be more active again heron out.
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
uh. like January or Febuary pf 2024.
What led you to create it?
This one -> @angst-is-love-angst-is-life convinced me to make a tumblr and I was like "writblr? A) thats a funny ass name and B) SIGN ME THE FUCK UP-"
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
That no one is going to judge me if i suddenly disappear for like a month/don't post stuff
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Just because i dont interact with your tag doesn't mean i dont want to do them, it means that I WAS doing them and then i forgot
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Moar of the same, i suppose.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
(noodling?) Sunset, mostly. lots of background stuff like history, religions, culture... yeah.
How long have you been working on them?
Sunset? seven months. shit, its halfway through the year. White candy is about the same, and Frontline is like a month old WIP.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
For Sunset, I had a old WIP that i had way back when and i wasnt satisfied with the character or the story, or anything really. so I tore it down, scrapped it, and started a new one.
White Candy was just a kind of spontaneous, "hey, i want to write something i havent tried before".
Frontline stemmed from a odd Monday desire to write Sci-fi.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
I think about Sunset all the time. Frontline and White Candy probably get like two hours a day, each.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
A Fantasy action romance.
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
I'm actually not quite sure how to answer this question, but. the First OC I made was Enju(延珠, roughly translates to Lady Pearl or Delicate Pearl, depending on how you read it). She was the main character in my first WIP and she was a Mage and part of a party of six.
Who’s the most unhinged?
out of all of my OC's, probably Camellia.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Do you ever cringe at them?
Alittle, occasionally.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
Complete, probably. if they write themselves, they write themselves to my vision.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions?
Oh yes. put it in my Ask box. I'll answer them as best i can, the more specific the question the better tho(sometimes i stress about not answering the question y'all ask the way you wanted)
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account?
a good and open-minded attitude.
what makes you decide against following?
Generally people who are angry. I have no reason to talk to angry people, and I have nothing to fear from them.
NP tags: @ominous-feychild @agirlandherquill @the-letterbox-archives
Sorry if I tagged you and you already did this; I haven't been keeping up with my tags in a while(due to my laptop imploding, as mentioned before)
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human-adjacent · 1 year
episode 101 - another twist
- fair warning this is my favorite episode and also my least favorite episode and i am not okay. this post is mostly for myself
- intentionally listened to this on april fools day so i could pretend that michaels death was just a silly little prank
- i love all of nikolas lines she’s so cute. her little “hellooooo!!” to elias in the beginning, the way she keeps going “can i call u elias?” and says that she’s his good friend, her constantly insulting jon and saying that he’s rude and that he has bad skin, “ah, it’s downright uncanny!” “out with the old, in with… well, in with the you!” she’s such a good character
- MICHAEL☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ i love him sm and all of his lines are also so good. even tho the main reason i liked him initially was because of his voice he’s also just so fascinating and his, as jon would call it, “identity issues” are so interesting. i love how even after all this time and all that the distortion has done there still is some humanity left inside of it, some semblance of the original michael shelley still fighting to exist. i know he’s here to literally murder jon but the fact that michael willingly gave jon a statement despite it going against his nature and entire existence really just shows that he is not a complete monster. the distortion desires to kill but as a past institute employee michael understands jon’s desire for knowledge, and even though he wants to take his revenge on the archives, i also think he has some empathy for jon. michael was killed because of his own ignorance and naivety, and i think he can see himself in jon, who’s also suffering because of his own ignorance, being pushed around and manipulated by his boss just like michael was. the distortion wants to kill, but no matter how angry or upset he is, michael shelley does not, and unfortunately for jon the distortion is just the more powerful force in this conflict
- i have nooo idea what i just typed sorry i didn’t mean to ramble but michael makes me very insane. dont u dare reblog and try to disagree with me bc that was not a coherent thought to provoke discussion that was just me grieving
- en e way here’s a list of quotes from this episode that i just really enjoy (woah i just figured out how to make a bulleted list that’s crazy)
“The Eye watches, and the Stranger conceals, but me… I lie, Archivist.”
“I am the throat of delusion incarnate.”
“Being Michael stole the only purpose I have ever known.”
“The cramped casket sings loud, but not loud enough to drown out screaming.” (the cramped casket is a beautiful way to describe a coffin)
“How do you define the start of your being when in some ways you have always been?”
“the Magnus Institute – that ivory tower, keeping its prisoners ignorant in pursuit of… knowledge. [Giggles] A dungeon full of idiot watchers.” (giggles🤭)
“Am I evil, Archivist? Is a thing evil when it simply obeys its own nature?”
“The mind does not shatter, Archivist. It is soft and malleable. It bends and twists and returns to what it was, though what you see and feel may leave their mark upon it.”
“I cannot tell you the existential joys of truly… becoming. Of an entireness finally crossing the threshold into your self.”
“Even sharper than the joy of becoming is the agony of being opened and remade. To have your who torn bloody from your what, and another crudely lashed into its place.”
“My very existence tied to my pointlessness. Wearing my failure as the very fabric of my being.”
“He got… distracted. Let feelings that shouldn’t have been his overwhelm me.” ☹️
- ok i held a grudge against helen last time for killing michael but i will admit i think she’s cool😔 also i would’ve loved to see michael distortion in the early days of his uh transformation because i would assume he also felt lost and confused like helen did and i’m curious what he would’ve done
- don’t talk to me for at least 3-5 business days i need to mentally recover
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hollerite · 11 months
My Pinned Post thing!
I don't usually do introductions, but I think I'll make one here just for the fun of it.
1: My name is private, but I go by Hollerite on the internet. You can call me Holly for short, or any other nickname you want I don't mind. 2: I am a straight transgender woman. She/her pronouns, Terfs and other transphobes DNI. Otherwise, I don't really care who interacts with my stuff.
3: I'm a Vtuber! I Stream on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/hollerite! I've been really struggling lately, so I'd really appreciate it if you guys gave me a follow. Mostly play Limbus Company and Bloons TD6, but also whatever other random games I feel like, and love taking suggestions. 4: Fanbases I'm in are:
All 3 project moon games!
Five Nights at Freddys
One Piece
Lisa the Painful RPG(Not really much anymore, but I might still reblog some fanart)
Portal 2
Warhammer 40K, but basically only the stuff about the Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus.
Indigo Park
Vita Carnis
Vox(Not Hazbin, I dont like anything else, just vox)
Markiplier Ig? I just watch his videos, not actively in his fanbase, but he's my favorite YouTuber.
But Really I'll probably be posting 90% about Project moon, that's my big obsession right now.
5: Other interests I have:
Robotics, which is for totally normal and not at all horny reasons(I will be hornyposting about robots, it is 100% genuine I love all of them so much)
Prosthetics, for similar reasons
Space travel, for not horny reasons
Data archival and media preservation! This is something I do pretty regularly, so if anyone has some lost/endangered media they want to see preserved, Let me know and I'll add it to my archives! Especially dedicated to preserving old Soviet media, that's fascinating to me. I also have full copies of Wonderlab and Unus Annus if anyone wants them.
Writing! I do at least some of it literally every single day for almost 3 years now, and while ive not gotten anything published yet I have finished drafts of two big stories. ill sometimes tag posts with stuff that reminds me of my characters, that's mostly for the few people on here who have read my stuff, but I'll happily talk about it if anyone curious.
Thats basically my deal, lemmie know if I missed anything I'm very new to tumbling. Will update this as things change
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get-scooped-idiot · 1 year
THIS ACCOUNT IS NO LONGER ACTIVE!!! SORRY!!!!!!!! but its archived anyways </3
Hello everyone! And welcome to Ask Ennard! This is a fun little fandom account dedicated to answering your questions to and about Ennard! This post includes all the info you will need before sending in a question!
Who is Ennard?
Silly guy from fnaf sister location who scooped michael afton
Basic info:
This will mostly be sketches in order to keep it going. I have little motivation for finished pieces, so I hope you don't mind ^^" that doesn't mean there will never be finished drawings for asks though!
This blog is for Ennard and takes place before Pizzeria simulator! Because of that, there are no Security Breach/pizzeria simulator characters! However any characters from Fnaf 1-Fnaf 5 are here!! (dont ask how the funtimes r here. i like them so theyre here.)
Most art will be done in whiteboard, MS paint, or Krita
No NSFW! I'm a minor!
Nothing that promotes bigotry or racism will be tolerated.
Prosh//p, nsfw accs, ect, DNI!!
No shipping, I just don't personally wanna do it. (especially between ennard and michael. I dont have a specific reason, it just makes me uncomfy ^^")
Nothing uncomfortable.
My interpretations of the characters are my own. You can have your own interpretations as well, but do not project them onto me. I like how I portray them.
I can't promise I'll get to every question but I'll try!
Breaking these rules may result in a block depending on what u did
About the Admin!
I'm Reese! I'm the only admin atm and as of now I'm not looking for others! My main is @hearts4ggy I'm a minor, I go by any pronouns, and Gregory is my favorite fnaf character.
Thank you for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this silly account I made for my favorite characters!
Any other questions can be sent directly by just addressing the admin! All admin questions will be put in #Admin Questions and #Admin stuff
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ginoeh · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @tj-dragonblade , thank you!
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
As a teenager... well, that was quite a while ago lol. I suppose that would have been Harry/Draco. First fandom, first queer pairing, first smut stories. I was such a sweet sweet summer child XD The early 00s were wild
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Soooo. Funny story. Way back when, I got into fanfiction via fanfiction.net. You know how their filter system is bad/non-existent? Yeah. Little me, on her first outing to ffnet, didn’t know how to operate the character settings. I clicked on the first story on the top of the first page of the HP section. It was a Snape/Hermione star-crossed lover deal. It flash-fried my brain, taught me content curation in a crash course and incidentially made me partial to the ship for quite a few years...
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
See above lol. I will never ever forget the experience. I tried to find that story later for downloading (like an ugly beloved keepsake ig lol) but never managed.
If you mean fanfic I've written: it was gen.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Nope. Scraped by a few times since I entered the tumblr bubble but managed to stay out of it. I don’t get the point. It's freaking fictional characters in fictional worlds. Go touch grass or something instead... (but you will make me fucking mad if you try to drag me into these things with wild ad hom accusations based on what i ship or dont ship)
Did you used to have a NOTP or have one currently?
No, not really. It's only ever preferences. There are some I dislike due to my own hc/inability to suspend my disbelief but I wouldn’t call them NOTPs. I just don’t read them.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I actually dislike the term OTP. It's a scale of preferences for me. There are few (read: none) fav characters that I can only see with one love interest (and anyway, sometimes i do prefer plot over love story. wild take i know) and the more time I spend in a fandom the more I diversify.
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting into?
I don’t get this question, sorry. If I'm interested, I'll search it out. Even if the fandom is old. AO3 is an archive for exactly that reason.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they’re kind of interesting?
Not that I can think of, at the moment!
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Probably? I'm not clear on what all one is getting cancelled over this week/month/year by which group of 'concerend bystanders'. I suppose I might get cancelled for the mentioned Hermione/Snape?
What is your favourite crack ship?
I'm so glad you asked. It's clearly Dream/Helm (thank you for that @writing-for-life ) Or Gollum/The One Ring (thanks go to Neil himself here). Or - actually, never mind lol.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
At the moment it's Dreamling. But I cycle through fandoms/pairings periodically...(btw im looking for more Johanna/Death? If anyone could point me in the right direction?)
What do most of your ships have in common?
At least one character has a dark/unknown/violent/tragic past (they can be victim or perpetrator!!! I'm all for character development babey)
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I don’t hate ships? As I said above. Possibly the reduction on 'I can fix him/her' or 'my love will save him/her from depression/"the darkness"/etc.' but that is mostly a matter of the author's style of crafting characterization and plot and has nothing to do with the ship itself.
I'm tagging @bazzybelle , @seiya-starsniper , @writing-for-life if you want to or maybe just point me towards your post if you've done it already?
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alena-draws · 1 year
It's 2 am and I am genuinely screaming at your art. I always do, but christ. I usually check out in case you've uploaded something new, your art is a strong creative reference point for me, I hope you know that. It makes art feel fun again.
A lot of the art you post might be doodles and quick sketches, but they have so much life in them, and emotion, and I always, always love seeing it. I have a bunch of your drawings saved in a folder for reference whenever I'm stuck and feel like I should have some more fun, and enjoy what I'm doing. Then I go look at it, and feel immediately inspired, and go back at it.
I started seeing your art because of bnha, and THEN I realized that OH? YOU ALSO GOT INTO TRIGUN? My god, I read the post you wrote about the series just being...wonderful--and it REALLY IS,. No spoilers for anyone, just..it's good. its so, so good for so many reasons, and it hit a chord in my little heart, and now youre making art of it? Dont mind if I do???
I read that you were trying to focus this blog into more serious art, and thats fine, although if you were to also post your funny little doodles anywhere else, whatever they may be about, just say where and I'll be around too >:)) its always so very nice to see anything at all. So, yeah. screaming. I just saw the most recent trigun sketches and UGH. Theyre so fine. The cHARACTERS ARE SO FINE. id rant about the complexity and simplicity of it all. You art really shows Vash's emotions, and..ah, it hits the spot. So uh, yeah! You're awesome, keep doing awesome. Sorry about the long message, don't feel pressured to answer ^^)!
Aah thank you so much for that sweet ask!! The fact that you have art saved in a folder and that it helps you get back to drawing when you feel stuck, that makes me so happy to hear! It's in a way one of the best things I could hope to achieve, because even though as an artist you draw for your own joy, if I can move other people or even better, inspire them to do art too, then I'm super glad :') I hope you keep on having fun and enjoying doing art!
Also oh yes like many other people I got deep into Trigun...(I might just add some more to that post that you mentioned, because I haven't yet expressed all that I wanted to say about that show)
Don't worry, the funny little doodles will stay here and continue to be uploaded! What I mainly meant by keeping this professionall-y is, that I mostly want to post art, not too many text posts, because I want my Tumblr to function as a kind of online portfolio/art archive. That works here just a bit better than on Twitter.
Again, thank you so much! I'm really happy you like my stuff so much and took your time to write such a kind, long message! Have a beautiful day and weekend!
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bagelbucket · 2 years
*sigh* one hyperfixated mutual has the power of 1000 ad campaigns huh?
Kay, I'll bite, what's redacted asmr/ where can I find it?
ok so for whatever reason i literally cant find my old lists explaining what to listen to in what order, so ill make you a new one!
hi! and welcome to redacted asmr, now known as redacted audio!
redacted audio is a asmr-like channel that uses multiple character povs to tell a high quality and engaging storyline! each pov has their own "listener" which can be you or any oc you imagine!
it's pretty much a M4A boyfriend roleplay story, but with multiple bfs, and you're a different person for each character. a lot of us dont listen for that though, and stay just for the plot! (yeah...the plot mhm.../lhj)
sounds kinda cringe, yes, i know. but i promise you its worth your while. the voice acting is all done by Erik, the channel owner, and he voices dozens of characters perfectly. the plots are well thought-out and its never a dull moment. there's comfort audios and fluff mixed in with it all, and its just an amazing experience that i highly recommend! :D
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To start: freelancer 1, vincent, milo, david, sam, asher,
Then: freelancer s2, the balance (and any other audios in blake, elliot, and brachiums playlists that you didnt get to in the balance playlist), then inversion
Make sure you listen to the tws in the video descriptions, some of the content gets heavy.
Theres also: ivan (which partly comes up in fs2) (and then his endings which dont really matter but you can watch them for some easter eggs), camelopardalis (his videos talk about events throughout the whole prime universe story), and vega <- all of these playlists have something to do with eachother, but dont really effect the main plot and can easily be avoided
Then: avior, project meridian, (we arent sure of either of these timelines, but its side stories you can follow, and they have a bit to do with eachother)
then: ollie, aaron, geordi (these all have basically nothing to do with the main plot. They are side stories)
theres non-canon romances, which are mostly for freelancer and can be listened to for fun Id recommend not listening to the individual playlists (lasko..huxley..etc.) for freelancer because it can get confusing and all you need is in the Freelancer playlists, but its your choice!
Theres also imperium, which currently has two seasons (Imperium s1 and Cataclysm s2) and its like a “what if it was worse” au. there are a lot of trigger warnings for this one. so be careful and treat it as dead dove.
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there are a handful of removed audios from that youtube policy ban-thing that happened a few months ago too, but those can be found for free on the redacted audio patreon! only a couple of those are actually plot-relevant, like some of gavins audios and adams audio (they were removed because of mild sexual content and heavy abuse. again, mind the tws). the rest are teasers for more explicit audios.
here are some links to some of my older posts for more!
thats about it! i have a lot more posts ab this on my blog archive. tumblr hates me and eats all my old posts on my blog, so if you wanna see any anything else for warnings or smth go there! also block #redacted spoilers if you dont want uh. yeah spoilers.
<33 have fun! and my asks are open if you need anything. if you're from my dsmp mutuals, i think you'll find this pretty easy to traverse.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Hey so nico I realise now that I copied way too many options from the ask game my apologies
If you have any, what are your special interests?
What are your most common stims?
Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
Do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people?
What kinds of things are sensory hell for you?
Are your friends and/or family accepting of your autism?
Do you enjoy hugs? Or are they sensory hell?
Tell us something about your special interest.
If you could have any item related to your special interest what would it be?
Are you generally a loud or quiet person?
What's something you find hard to do because of autism?
no problem i like to Answer Questions
what are you special interests:
i have two!!! the long-running one (ive had since i was 10 or so) is just like. fantasy stories? in general? epic fantasy first and foremost but it also bleeds into urban fantasy and more fantastical horror. this manifests mostly in writing, because the mechanisms of fantasy stories in particular capitivate me, so. writing them is fun. i am less unhinged about this one but still unhinged
the second one, which i am EXTREMELY unhinged over, is the magnus archives!!!!!!!! this special interest really only started to develop a few months ago but i know it will have its hooks in me for a very, very long time kjdhkdfg
most common stims:
listening to really loud music with a lot of Noises in it, sort of like shaking in place, hand flapping, making the motion to snap but like with all my fingers at once
jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london !!!!!!! reasons: he canonically had a tendency to run away as a child (eloping), preferred books to making friends, has a very specific sense of humour others dont always get, often doesn't realize other people are joking, tends to show signs of low empathy but high compassion (not realizing people are upset, not knowing why they're upset, but wanting to help them Not Be Upset), likes things to be ordered & logical, tends to have rather black and white thinking at times/a strict (if admittedly... very strange) moral compass, and, most importantly: he is my skrunkly and i say so
i also hc Gansey from the raven cycle and Katniss from the hunger games as autistic! gansey mostly bc of vibes and parallels (the way he acts around most ppl vs his friends reminds me a lot of masking), and katniss bc of her horrible social skills, one-track mind, and. also vibes
do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people?
yes and no. other autistic people tend to be more understanding of the way i think and act, and we often share a lot of more Odd(TM) traits. but also. like . i have lived with an autistic person for over a decade (my brother). and i love him, he is my brother, but our needs as people are so incredibly clashing that it is hell to spend more than a few hours with him at a time. so yeah sometimes the answer is "yes" and sometimes it is "no" skdhfksdskdjf
sensory hell:
most noises? aksjhkdshf. just. yeah. most noises. also very light touches, they actively hurt. i also dont like the texture of velvet or anything with a strong smell.
are your friends/family accepting:
hmmm lets separate "friends" and "family" into 2 separate boxes there
friends: mostly ! sometimes they say/do stupid things abt it (like when my one friend got upset at me for losing speech and made it about her) but for the most part theyre fine.
family: dad? great. he and i think the exact same way (tbh hes probably autistic too). mom? ... sort of. only when my traits are convenient for her. rest of family? yeah mostly. they dont actually Know i dont think (except my cousin) bc no one's bothered to tell them, but theyre like "oh haha thats our nico, hes just really weird but it's fine".
i am like a cat in that my preferences on any sort of touch change randomly at all times, but i ALWAYS need to be the one initiating it. if i want a hug, theyre great. if someone else tries to hug me without permission, i am going to bite them
tell us something about your special interest:
when season 5 of the magnus archives was begining production, it was the start of the pandemic and a bunch of people were starting up podcasts since they were bored. Alexander Newell (voice of martin, a soundscaper, and the director) was like "oh shit the microphones i need might get sold out, this is bad" (bc he had to get multiple microphones to every actor in season 5, needed backups, etc) so. he just. went (in person or online) to every single store in the country that sold them and bought EVERY SINGLE MICROPHONE OF THAT BRAND. like, he owned every single microphone of that brand in England except the ones people had previously bought. people were asking on podcasting forums "hey do you know where you can get these mics???" and he would read those and just be like. ha. hahahahahaha
if you could have anything related to your special interest, what would it be:
the official Rusty Quill "The Spiral" themed spiral notebook. 1 because i love the spiral, 2 because haha spiral themed spiral notebook, 3 because its so pretty, 4 because i have a notebook problem <3
also maybe the spiral or eye hoodie, the What The Ghost hoodie, the extended sounds of brutal pipe murder shirt, or the ex altiora shirt !! those all slap. but theyre more expensive skdhfksdfj
are you a loud or quiet person:
around new people? quiet as hell. when i'm tired? also quiet as hell. when im comfortable and not tired? pretty loud skdjfhkdhf
what's something you find hard to do:
remembering to do shit like brushing my teeth and eating 3 meels a day. also, stuff like making friends, knowing how to interact with people in what way, comforting people, etc.
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dragonheart2497 · 2 years
i was thinkin about shapeshifter mumbo an xisuma so here we go
they're both the same species of shapeshifting cryptid! they can turn into whatever they consume.
they usually have control over when that happens but in s8, Mumbo's abilities went a tiny bit haywire, and for the past few seasons Xisuma's kinda slips when he tries eating a new mob he discovered (therefore the 20 different mob-sumas)
"consume" includes consumption of souls, which is how Mumbo became Grian's form of "human"...but probably still not actually human, did Mumbo not realize that humans dont have wings?? (whatever species Grian is, the Waffle is clearly a trait necessary to survival)
... and X became Keralis. someone please explain to me what that entire video ending was.
X has been trying to keep an archive of these shifts as clones/ vessels for when needed, as shape shifting for long periods of time was more exhausting than transfering his literal soul through different bodies. it hasnt been going the greatest for him though (again, reference above mentioned video... they kinda developed their own personalities and minds, uh oh)
mumbo can shapeshift for long periods of time because as a redstoner he's deprived himself of enough sleep to have ridiculous stamina
evolutionarily, the cryptids shapeshifted to camoflauge among its prey. Humans were hardest to trick, leading to the cryptids trying to become more and more humanlike, eventually accidentally just assimilating with human society (to a certain extent). Because once humans started not realizing the creatures weren't human, said hungry bois were offered all the necessities like food. they didn't need to hunt humans anymore
this is why Mumbo and Xisuma's default forms are,,, human appearing. mostly. at least very human appearing on Mumbo's part, theres a reason why X still has to hide her face
so yeah. tldr; mumbo and xisuma are both shapeshifting cryptids of a species that came to live alongside humans, they can learn to shapeshift into things they consume!
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actualbird · 2 years
hi zak i just wanna i looove your fics ur marius hcs are so canon to me and if u don’t mind me asking how do u usually outline ur fics?
hi anon!! thank u so much :DDD
and sure thing! i remember i answered this question once or twice in the past but i cant find it again in my archive ahjfkjhsfkjahs so i'll just go thru it all again (and for good reason cuz i think i my answer last time made it look like things were organized. it's not. it's Not Organized)
anyhoo, short overview answer is: craft big idea -> rough outline (summaries/short bullet points) -> detailed outline (connecting all the dots)
long detailed answer follows under the cut (wow, me using a readmore HAHAJKHSVKFJ well, my writing process is boring i dont wanna stretch dashes with this, i'll save being a nuisance for my silly little headcanons)
all screenshots will be coming from my outline for my most recent fic "standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" cuz it's freshest in my memory and also planning took a LOT of time here
step 1: craft big idea
the first thing i actually do on outline doc is make the summary that i forsee it'll have on ao3. this is cuz my summary format on ao3 is [excerpt of scene] + [a few lines explaining the fic overall], and thinking of what to put here first helps me get a good grasp on what i want the fic to be in the Big Picture sense: what the mood/tone will be, whos POV it's in, what the inciting event that kicks it all off is, etc etc
the big idea, along with all the other steps in my process, are subject to change as the process goes on. for example, for the shovel talk fic, heres the first ao3 summary i made for it (version from april 3, thank u google docs version history HAHA)
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this was back when i envisioned the fic as a long-ish oneshot that was mostly comedy. but as i continued thru the other steps of outlining (and realized that the comedy is more of the hook and seasoning and the real core is gonna be the feels later on that i didnt wanna spoil upfront in the summary), the ao3 summary changed to whats on the fic now
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still, no matter how the ao3 summary changes, it's a great starting point for my brain to get into the rest of the fic cuz ive already got a bunch of the core stuffs for the story
step 2: rough outline
this step is me getting into the overview of each part/chapter of the fic, the big idea but for specific chunk of story. these come either in the form of short bullet points or short short summaries of the events, and thats rlly all that is in here: events. all the details is for step 3
heres the rough outline portion for chapter 5 of standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)
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absolute barebones, but each chapter has got something along these lines going on for them (i just shared this one cuz it's the least messy to look at AJHVKJZHFVAKJHS) which keeps me on track irt what needs to be Happening.
step 3: detailed outline. the longest and most stupidly meticulous part of my process
this step is what it says on the tin. with the smaller bigger picture of the chapter (huh, actually, im realizing that my process basically hinges on taking in the big picture and then slowly zooming in bit by bit) i then start putting down the exact things i wanna write: everything from dialog to descriptions to etc etc. and all of it is absolute wordbarf and the fact it is wordbard is Important
heres an excerpt from the detailed outline portion of chapter 2 of the fic
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i put in A BUNCH. and this is important to me cuz it's at this stage i can start filling in the blanks, irt the events i put down in step 2
like in this chapter, i had 2 events to link: vyn making dumb sex innuendos -> vyn making his grand and genuine love declaration about marius. how to get from point A to point B is something i cant leave for the actual writing portion because my tendency is to blank for days, trying to find the perfect way to word it or execute it.
but in this outlining portion ive got the freedom to try out a bunch of methods in a wordbarf format that gets my thoughts in order. it doesnt have to be good or make sense just yet, as long as it connects the two events, i can refine it during actual writing
and more often than not, changes Do happen in the actual writing portion, since once that bit is going on ive got a clearer idea on how the scene is flowing and all that jazz. still, those changes are hinged upon the fact that ive got a skeleton prior, or else i'd have a really hard time trying to figure out whats not working because i hadnt put a Thing thats Not doing the job yet. i guess my penchant for doing this step that i know many people see as insane is that it's easier for me to work on something imperfect that already exists than to make something do what it needs to do on the first try
heres another portion i still consider as part of step 3: me trying to figure out how marius and giann have their argument in chapter 5
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and then i basically transplanted these into the chronological outline portion so i could see how it works in the actual scene
so my full outline for this fic is a grand total of 6.7k words cuz i do the detailed outline for every single scene HAHA
aaaaand thats how i outline, anon! i hope this sates ur curiosity :DDD
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