#this is my fave flavour of them three tbh
bougiebutchbinch · 9 months
something, something, very experienced sub!Izzy training up super inexperienced dom!Stede specifically so Stede can give switchy-but-sub-leaning (for Stede) Ed a good time
(.....we are pretending for the purpose of this fic that Izzy actually understands good BDSM etiquette and is not a self-destructive, kinky-but-incredibly-reckless little fucker who would refuse to safeword out of some messed up sense of pride)
(.......or are we. Check the reblog chain for more developed thoughts!)
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magicalrocketships · 3 months
8, 56 or 69 for the over 30's ask meme! (Or all three if you have the spoons/time/inclination) <3
(And yes, two of these are shameless way of trying to potentially find a new favourite cleaning product or low-effort meal haha)
oh hello! love everything that makes things easier tbh.
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
Two answers to this - the first one is low cost: pink stuff miracle paste. It is multi purpose and SO useful. When I moved in here a couple of years ago, I found a use for the drawers I had as a kid which had been stored in a family member's garage - they had stickers on and were grimy and I looked at them and didn't think they'd clean up, but pink stuff took it all off, sticker residue and everything. You can use it for cleaning anything and everything.
The second one is a robot hoover. Mine is called Maxy-Max and he arrived in my life earlier this year and in terms of spoons he has revolutionised my life. I ran most days last year on the equivalent of about 3-5% battery life and as such I have pretty much zero spare energy for cleaning, but now Maxy-Max will do things like find a Christmas bauble under a table and brush it to my feet or a pen under a seat and I will think yes: I love this robot and this robot loves me (and my cleaning).
56. Favorite low-effort meal that you make?
Godddd we are very, very gently starting to occasionally cook things again after 18 months of not being well enough to, but I have two recipes - one of which is an actual fave and the other one I've made and then adapted, but it's SO nice to have flavour again in what I eat (so many ready meals and easy eat stuff that made up my last 18 months are just bland, ughhhhhh so mediocre all of the time).
The first one is an extremely easy, vaguely a version of carbonara if you squint very hard (sorry Italians) and you can use literally any variation of pre-prepared ingredient dependent on need/ease/what you have and add frozen ingredients directly to the frying pan, but:
a) cook pasta. spaghetti is preferable but whatever brings you comfort and joy
b) while pasta is cooking, fry chopped onion and garlic and bits of smoked bacon. add salt and pepper.
c) when pasta is nearly done cooking add frozen peas to the bacon mix, leave to cook while you finish with the pasta and drain it
d) stir in cream cheese/philadelphia to bacon mix, according to taste (usually 1/3 to 1/2 a tub but I don't know how big tubs are elsewhere, just however much you like, you can add more but you can't take it out)
e) stir in the drained pasta to the bacon/cheese mix. add more pepper if you like pepper (I like pepper)
f) eat and feel joy. the leftovers are even more delicious.
The second was the first thing I made from a recipe book in forever. It's a gorgeous cookbook called Ramen by Makiko Sano. It's got so much to say and teach about how to build a layered ramen dish and I'm excited to have the energy to make any of that, BUT, nestled at the back is this recipe for microwave ramen:
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I loved the ramen/kimchi/tofu/spring onion mix, the cheese and sort of egg scramble was nice but I wouldn't need it every time - but it was SO nice to try something new and relatively easy for lunch that didn't make me too tired to actually eat it.
69. What are you looking forward to next week?
I had a friend to stay this weekend and it was lovely but I am now v tired (beyond normal fatigue, but in a good way) and I JUST remembered that I have a long weekend booked off work this week with nothing to fill it up yet but dreams.
ask me questions!
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jnixz · 2 years
For send me a character ask meme
Compton Boole
Gluttonous goats (especially Otto)
My faves
For this Character Ask Meme 
Eyo! It’s ya favs! Hope I you enjoy
Compton Boole
First Impression
Oh little guy, very anxious, brain is shaking like a chihuahua -- help him
I too would rather teleport out of a situation I don’t like
Impression Now
oh man oh man, like the third most relatable character in the psychic 7 for me. Anxious and prone to judging his own work, hindering his own capability in facing other people since he doesn’t think its adequate. Is actually quite competent when he gets a handle on himself to be able to do things enough. Tbh out of all the game mindscapes, his world is the most applicable to me actually.
I adore his personality so much, he tries his best and doesn’t immediately shutdown the notion of helping others. He is just concerned for their safety around him since he doesn’t trust himself to avoid another ‘accident’. When he regains his confidence in himself though, it is very much like being able to see more of your introverted friend and their capabilities and sense of humour.
Favourite moment
Peace-ing out when the Judge first comes out
this entire video, especially the egg-bit-cut-to-blender. The cartoonish dark humour is perfect *chef kiss*
Removing the puppet from his hand and taking charge of his own studio. That is the first time I really saw his confidence and capabilities without being hindered by the everything happening in the level. Replaying and rewatching this level is very good since I feel less pressure on me getting the tasks done and thus can pay more attention and pay more attention how Compton regains the reigns as the level progresses, resolving with the puppet removal.
Idea for a story
Motherlobe Days! I just wanna see how Compton dealt with the days the psychonauts turned into a spy organization and how he interacted with people in that regard. It would be a long fic dealing with how the people left behind (Otto-Cassie-Bob-Truman-kinda Ford) worked during those 20 years.
He was an active agent before, would be interesting to see how he would participate in missions. The best guess I’ve got is that he made the most of his zoolepathy for information and diplomacy. He rarely uses Blastokinesis, and only then the only time he does it is when he is alone and using it on non-living things. The times he does use it around people and animals makes him feel more anxious and guilty for their safety.
More interactions with other members of the psychic 7!! I want more with Ford, Helmut and Lucy! (mostly since I don’t see those dynamics as much)
Specifically for Ford: I have had the want to see how their first meeting went, how Ford might’ve thought Compton teleportation (if only limited to his own mind of he can do it short distance etc.), Cooking together!! They both have a flavour of weird that is completely normal to themselves and I think that friendship is very nice 
Unpopular Opinion
Not always nervous, just introverted. Can actually manage things on his own when not in the ‘doing’ part of things. He gets a lot more anxious on his own work, but if its directing other people -- he has a lot more confidence in that. 
This man has sass, however politely his voice carries it. He just says it very softly that you weren’t sure you were sassed.
Listens to Rock Metal and enjoys it. Helps him focus on making stuff actually.
Favourite Relationship
Compton & Cassie QPP is the best <3 love me some very good platonic relationship representation. I audibly cheered out loud at them calling each other best friends and them enjoying their time together. Goals tbh
Favourite Headcanon
Dark humour friends with Cassie & also Ford. They all have different flavours of it and Compton has the most cartoon-isk one of the three. I could have an analysis on this
His voice has Winnie the Pooh energy.
Overcooks when stressed out
He has those actual animal cooking appliances in his home. He also watching cooking competition shows and it is one of the channels that shows up in his psychoisolation chamber TV
Divorced & had a kid before Psychic 7. Still had contact with his kid and checks up on them. The most contact he has had with them post-divorce is when they asked for help with his grandkids who has powerful psychic powers, especially with Dogen.
Gluttonous Goats
First Impression
omg goat puppet they are so cute-- wait what do you mean there’s a TIMER
Impression Now
They are hilarious actually, absolute nonsense
Oh look at the details in their tailoring aaaaa
Alright but I would love to know more how they would judge other contestants that aren’t Compton
I like to think they are different aspects of Compton’s own judgement style on things. They are what Compton perceives to be the judgement of who they represent but also his own when it comes to things. Hard to explain but its the middle part of a venn diagram of what the others are like(exaggerated), how Compton rates things. very much like Jasper in the first game but fragmented into separate bodies. This makes as much sense as I try to share my own psychology interests to strangers in the internet.
but also they just want to EAT EAT EAT
Favourite moment
The Boss title Intro. Just ooh love the angle and the music swelling up to face them. much more intimating face-off than the part when the bell was removed after beating the judge.
Idea for a story
Goats Judges working with Compton to judge a cooking competition out in the real world. It’s like having a panel on a dish if it’s actually good or not. Their lines are about incoherent as the cooking show when we view them in the mindscape, but then somehow Compton dishes out a comprehensible feedback on the irl dish to help out the aspiring cook.
Unpopular Opinion
Their chant isn’t annoying to me and actually gets me a bit hyped up. That said I do have extremely good capability of ignoring background noise so the pressure was not on me when they were chanting.
Favourite Relationship
I do like that they do listen to Raz & Compton very intently on their presentation. Other than that I think their little gestures with each other is a very nice touch in animation. I wonder how the goat judges interact with each other when Compton’s brain isn’t on judgement anxiety overdrive.
Okay now I do wonder what their relationship with the animal appliances are like. They are probably dismissive of the audience members since they would be turned to food
Favourite Headcanon
I love that we can see the different materials on these constructs. I think there would be other goat constructs of people Compton values but for the goat judges we see are the ones that stayed. They weren’t as big either, similar to jasper. As they grew louder, so did the voices, eventually leading to Compton staying in the psychoisolation more often.
Order of appearance: Fawn was the first to show up, shortly after is Meatallis, then Tincan then Headbutt what with their roles of Grandhead. Interestingly these are people with certain authority that Compton acknowledges.
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cyancherub · 3 years
I don’t wanna overwhelm you wi film recs bc horror movies r my JAM but!!! Here are some of my faves 💕💕 most of em are either female-led or female-focused and I think that’s very special and sexy actually
Swallow (technically a thriller & Not Horror but. Pica freaks me out & the mc’s gets worse throughout the film. Has a happy ending though!)
Faces In the Crowd (another thriller so not horror & critics really didn’t like this one 🥲 but I thought the concept was hella cool & I enjoyed it so idc)
Battle Royale isn’t an English language film but it’s one of the best films ever made, period. I will not accept any criticism of it
Hush is also really good!! The premise is quite fun and the cat &mouse concept really gets flipped on its head, plus the ambience is incredible since there’s very little dialogue
Grace - do NOT watch if you have pregnancy trauma. DO watch if you liked Rosemary’s Baby tho 🤠
The VVitch (SCARY)
The Love Witch (sexy. Scary. Has witches and beautiful women who kill men. Also the film is very vibrant and colourful just like the original Suspiria. What’s not to like)
American Mary!!!!!!!! Do not watch this if you’re squeamish bc it’s probably one of the worst to date body-horror wise. But omg it’s SO GOOD!!! Medical malpractice is my favourite flavour; getting revenge on your attacker IS MY FAVOURITE FLAVOUR
Spring is another body horror film but it’s less (??) gory than AM; also there’s a strong romantic plot driving it which is cute in its own disturbing way
Carrie is a cult classic and for GOOD REASON!! Both the original and the remake are really, really good. I recommend both of em bc they aren’t quite the same :~)
Jennifer’s Body - again, cult classic level and it’s what it deserves
Misery is REALLY claustrophobic and that makes it more horrifying than the gory films on this list tbh
Lots of Stephen King books turned films are actually really good!! A Good Marriage was not so don’t watch that but Gerald’s Game is FANTASTIC. In The Tall Grass I haven’t seen but heard good things about - also IT was too scary for me and I had to turn it off LMAO
Omg I can’t believe I almost forgot A Cure For Wellness; this isn’t body horror but god it will make you squeamish AF - I had to sit down on three separate occasions to get through it LMAO. It’s a bit long and tbh the pacing is a bit too slow for me to consider it scary per se; but nobody will deny that the film is achingly beautiful. Sterile & clean and hiding very dark secrets. Not scary and yet terrifyingly scary??? I so recommend
Circle (not scary; fuckin stressful to watch tho lol)
The Boy (also not really scary; the plot is actually kinda sad when when you think abt it? I’m including it anyway tho cos I’m horny for the killer 😏)
Japanese horror genuinely gives me nightmares. Asian horror in general is just. horrifyingly scary idk what they be putting in the water over there but I love it. That being said; if you watch any, plz don’t watch the americanised english-language versions! The Ring & One Missed Call were terribly scary but their American remakes were just terrible full stop haha
Srry this was a lot!! I got way too excited 😁😁
THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE LIST !!!! of these i've watched hush, carrie, gerald's game, the boy, the vvitch, and a cure for wellness !!!! i enjoyed all of them especially a cure for wellness it was so interesting! i'll check out the others as well !! <33
I COMPLETELY AGREE THAT ASIAN HORROR IS PETRIFYING OFFGHJ. one missed call, the ring, the grudge, shutter, a tale of two sisters .... THOSE FILMS HAVE HAUNTED ME FOR YEARS !!! in the best way omg. i need to look for more so i can be scared shitless :> LMAOO
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thisbluespirit · 3 years
4, 5, 6 for fandom asks!
@allegoriesinmediasres thank you! <3
4. favourite m/f ship - I do tend to het as my preferred flavour, so I have a LOT of ships. I'm not sure which is my absolute fave, it probably depends on my mood. But I am quite intense about Five/Tegan from Doctor Who and I've shipped them for a very long time. They're so awkward, I love them.
(My AO3 works list isn't very helpful, because I write a lot of canon-compliant pieces, so het pairings get in there for just being canon and/or things I've written for other people - funnily enough, my top most written het pairing on AO3 is my (sort of) notp for Dracula 1968, Jonathan/Mina! (post-canon that is. Obv they are a thing, pre-canon, but I don't see much hope for these particular versions post-canon.)
But the next most written het ships are Brig/Liz (from Doctor Who) and Henry VII/Elizabeth of York from Shadow of the Tower and that's a lot truer, although my Brig/Liz period has mostly subsided (but I still ship it sometimes).
5. Favourite m/m ship - I don't have many m/m ships at all, and most of the ones I do have tend to involve James Maxwell or David Collings characters or non-humans, or at least two of the three and in one case all three. Mostly David Collings, tbh.
But the top one has to be Silver/Steel (even if mostly as part of the OT3) from Sapphire & Steel, because that has really fun and interesting dynamics to write - mutual fascination, purpose, yet such opposites - and I genuinely think it's as much canon as the other corners of that triangle are.
6. Favourite f/f ship - again, my works aren't that accurate (Lucy/Mina from Dracula wins out, though, and it's definitely up there, certainly in any top 5), but I think it's got to be Emma Swan/Regina Mills from Once Upon a Time because they genuinely made me quite incoherent with the feels at times.
Meme questions here!
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mi6-cafe · 5 years
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We’re still blown away by the enthusiasm the fandom’s shown for our miniBang (it’s now 25 fics and 25 pieces of art!!). And so to thank everyone who signed up, we’ve decided to rec their work in these posts and also to help you to get to know them better. You see, besides old favourites, we’ve also got quite a few newcomers!
We know that we’ve advertised the miniBang as “one last event before the movie” and now the premier’s moved to November, but the Bond fandom has no time to sigh!
We’ll keep writing and arting and supporting our writers and artists with many reblogs and comments!
Now give it up for:
Links: AO3 @midrashic on Tumblr
What are your top three dream Bond-film destinations for a holiday? 
London, Hong Kong Harbor, surely he's been to Peru?
Do you have a favourite Bond film? 
Spectre. JK, Quantum of Solace
What’s your Bond OTP/OT3? What’s your favourite rare pair? 
OT3: Bond x Q x Moneypenny. Rare pair: Camille x Felix.
Choose your favourite child (fic, artwork). Tell us about it. (OK, you can pick 2. But that’s it!)
Does it have to be Bond? I'm unbelievably proud of this Supernatural Orpheus/Eurydice AU, Katabasis. 
I’m writing a fic for the minibang. 
I’m writing for prompt: 
??? I don't know her
@bluebellofbakerstreet is my partner. ; 
omg, so hard to pick, their art made me reread some Sherlock faves! Anything to do with Rosie, tbh! The hedgehog leggings really put this one over the top. 
Ask your partner: “If you were an ice cream flavour what flavour would you be and why?” What was their answer?
mint chocolate chip--smooth and soothing but with a few sharp corners
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medusinestories · 5 years
Tagged by @solraneth​ thank you! <3
1. NAME: Viv
2. NICKNAME(S): Vivi (I used to hate it as a teenager, but now my nephews and niece call me that so I’m good with it)
3. ZODIAC: Pisces (Sun/Moon), Sagittarius rising
4. HEIGHT: 162cm (5′4)
5. LANGUAGES: native English and French speaker, pretty good at German (as long as you don’t ask me if a word is der/die/das sdkfhfkdjfh), used to be good at Latin, and have been messing around with Japanese on Duolingo for about a year.
6. NATIONALITY: Swiss and British
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring and autumn
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: I love flowers! Roses, daffodils, lilac, pansies...
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: rose, lilac, peach, vanilla... but also the smell of the forest (wet earth, mushrooms, etc)
11: FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: I still stand by Flint, Silver and Miranda as my current fave trio, but they’re just the tip of a huge “faves” iceberg.
13: AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP: On average, about 7.
14. FAVOURITE COLOUR: teal, fuchsia, burgundy
16: NUMBER OF BLANKETS: I have a duvet and a bedcover on my bed, as well as two fuzzy blankies for the cats to knead (I don’t sleep under them atm, it’s got too hot).
17: DREAM TRIP: I love exploring cities and seeing historical places, but tbh with this virus crap all I want is to be far away from people at the moment. Generally I’m happy anywhere that’s green, somewhat hilly and/or full of trees. Forest, lakes, mountains, hills, seaside cliffs...
18: BLOG ESTABLISHED: June 2017 iirc, but I’ve had tumblr blogs since 2009 or so.
20: RANDOM FACT ABOUT ME: I learned all about astrology when I was 10 years old and became pretty good at chart interpretation over the years. I don’t do predictive astrology, though.
Extra 6;
21: GENDER: Female
22: SEXUALITY: Bi, possibly some flavour of aroace (demi? grey? none of the above? it depends on the mood I’m in?)
23: HOGWARTS HOUSE: Probably a Ravenclaw
24: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: see above re: nationality
25: WHY DID YOU START THIS BLOG?: Black Sails. 100% Black Sails. I wanted a place where I could post fic after years of not having posted fic.
26: MOST RECENTLY PLAYED ALBUM: I bought three of Agnes Obel’s albums last month and I’ve been listening to them over and over.
I’m tagging @ellelan​ @moosefrog​ @olincino​ @significanceofmoths​ @zwergenmaedchen​ @urcadelimabean​ (if you all haven’t done it already!)
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agreytracksuit · 5 years
Shipping Post Game
Thanks for the tag @easilydistractedbyfanfic
Tag 9 people you want to know better - I don’t even know 9 people lmao but I guess @keiraknighted and @galahad-jnr
Top Three Ships
1. Raven x Murphy from The 100. tbh i don’t even know if this really is even in my top 3 i just really love writing them lmao
2. Eric x Adam from Sex Education. it’s my fave show at the moment and every time they have scenes together my heart does the thing, you know the one.
3. Garrett x Dina from Superstore. every interaction they have is perfect i love them sm
I don’t know if they’re my top 3 of all time but they’re definitely my top 3 right now. I’ve watched so many tv shows I can’t even remember all my ships lmao
Last Song you listened to: Does Your Mother Know from Mamma Mia. I got a callback for Tanya and I have 2 days to learn the song hahaha
Last Movie you watched: I think Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. I bought the dvd and wanted to force my dad to watch it
Currently Reading: I have been reading Love, Simon for about a year now. One day I’ll finish it, I just gotta be motivated enough to read which rarely happens
Last Thing you ate: Choc brownie & choc custard flavoured ice cream (Connoisseur brand, the best)
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I shall be a dick cause I love you 😜💕 1 - 150
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
AJ: Raph
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
AJ: Outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
AJ: Raph, duh he’s everything.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
AJ: Nah, not really haha
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
AJ: Obviously he would
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
AJ: Tough but caring, smart, funny, can pick me up when I’m down.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
AJ: Without a doubt *holds up hand with wedding ring on it* 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
AJ: Raven….I wanna save her…
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
AJ:….Uuum….it’s just an ass pic I sent Raph before he ran into our room and fucked me senseless
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
AJ: Don’t have a 5 fave songs tbh
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
AJ:…I…is my spikes hair….? cause no one touches them 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
AJ: Yep
15. What good thing happened this summer?
AJ: Since this is 2020 and Summer hasn’t happened yet I’m gonna say last year’s summer was good. Lots happened though
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
AJ: That’s my husband so yes17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
AJ; Yes, I have an Alien son18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
AJ: Brock? Eh not since a huge fight me and Raph got into
19. Do you like bubble baths?
AJ: Never tried them I don’t think
20. Do you like your neighbors?
AJ: Me and, Raph live away from people so
21. What are you bad habits?
AJ: God….um…shit I know I have a lot but I’m struggling to figure it out22. Where would you like to travel?
AJ: I like travelling so yeah23. Do you have trust issues?
AJ; Not really just depends24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
AJ: Breakfast with Raph, it’s fun talking.25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
AJ:….my…scars…26. What do you do when you wake up?
AJ: Depends its usually Afternoon or some times morning27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
AJ: I’m monochrome, I’d like different scale colours
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
AJ: Raph29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
AJ: No, Brock never said that once
30. Do you ever want to get married?
AJ: ALREADY AM!31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
AJ:…No hair32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
AJ: Don’t know33. Spell your name with your chin.
AJ:…Bite me bambi34. Do you play sports? What sports?
AJ: Mostly Martial arts stuff35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
AJ: Ugh…neither36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
AJ: One guy years back but I didn’t know my sexuality then so…
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
AJ:…Nothing really just…38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
AJ: Raph39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
AJ: I don’t really have a fave store to go to40. What do you want to do after high school?
AJ: I went to MU and that was a disaster41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
AJ: Some do…42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
AJ: I’m thinking of something or i’m too down to talk43. Do you smile at strangers?
AJ: Not really no44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
AJ: Been in space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
AJ: Raph, without a doubt46. What are you paranoid about?
AJ: Fucking things up with my family
47. Have you ever been high?
AJ: No48. Have you ever been drunk?
AJ: Repeatedly49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
AJ: Nope50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
AJ: Dark red51. Ever wished you were someone else?
AJ: For years I always did52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
AJ: No scars….53. Favourite makeup brand?
AJ: Don’t use make up54. Favourite store?
AJ: None55. Favourite blog?
(Mun one: @thelostandforgottenangel cause she’s awesome56. Favourite colour?
AJ: Red57. Favourite food?
AJ: Hmm…Spaghetti58. Last thing you ate?
AJ: Raph’s ass *Sticks tongue out*59. First thing you ate this morning?
AJ: Cereal60. Ever won a competition? For what?
AJ: never61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
AJ: ALMOST got Suspended/Expelled62. Been arrested? For what?
AJ: Nope luckily63. Ever been in love?
AJ: Currently in love with the man of my dreams64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
AJ: God…that was way back in College me and Brock were talking then…we kissed after admitting we liked each other65. Are you hungry right now?
AJ: Nah I’m fine66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
//YEP 67. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
AJ: Watching repeats of some old TV Shows70. Names of your bestfriends?
AJ: Besides Raph? Leo, Mikey, Donnie and, Raven71. Craving something? What?
AJ: Raph’s big cock72. What colour are your towels?
AJ: Eh white I think72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
AJ: Three73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
AJ: No, never had that kinda thing74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
AJ: None75. Favourite animal?
//Dog76. What colour is your underwear?
AJ: My jockstrap’s red77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
AJ:…Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
AJ: Strawberry79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
AJ: Black80. What colour pants?
AJ: Also Black81. Favourite tv show?
AJ: The Walking Dead82. Favourite movie?
AJ: Rocky Horror Picture Show83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
AJ: Neither84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
AJ: neither85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
AJ: Never seen it don’t wanna86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
AJ: None87. First person you talked to today?
AJ: Raph88. Last person you talked to today?
AJ: Roger89. Name a person you hate?
AJ: My mom90. Name a person you love?
AJ: Raph91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
AJ: My Dad92. In a fight with someone?
AJ: Not currently93. How many sweatpants do you have?
AJ: None94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
AJ: Um one or two95. Last movie you watched?
AJ: one of the Fast and Furious movies, me and Raph watched it last night96. Favourite actress?
AJ: Hmm….too many tbh97. Favourite actor?
AJ: Same as before98. Do you tan a lot?
AJ: Never99. Have any pets?
AJ: a shared pet with Raph, one I bought him100. How are you feeling?
AJ: Tired to be honest101. Do you type fast?
//Yes102. Do you regret anything from your past?
AJ:….people I met in MU….Breaking promises to people103. Can you spell well?
//not really104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
AJ: No105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
AJ: Nope106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
AJ: Yeah Brock’s with breaking my promise to never drink107. Have you ever been on a horse?
AJ: Nope108. What should you be doing?
AJ: Raph~
109. Is something irritating you right now?
AJ: Not being able to help Raven110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
AJ: Raph, without a doubt111. Do you have trust issues?
AJ:…No this was already mentioned before112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
AJ: Raph113. What was your childhood nickname?
AJ….pass on that one114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
AJ: Yep115. Do you play the Wii?
//Yep116. Are you listening to music right now?
AJ: Nothing currently117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
AJ: No118. Do you like Chinese food?
AJ: Nope119. Favourite book?
AJ: Tomorrow When The War Began is one I love120. Are you afraid of the dark?
AJ: No121. Are you mean?
AJ: only when someone pisses me off122. Is cheating ever okay?
AJ: Never okay EVER123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
AJ: I don’t wear shoes124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
AJ: Kinda yeah125. Do you believe in true love?
AJ: I have that with Raph126. Are you currently bored?
AJ: Yeeeep127. What makes you happy?
AJ: My family128. Would you change your name?
AJ: Nah129. What your zodiac sign?
Libra130. Do you like subway?
AJ: Nope131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
AJ: Turn them down 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
AJ…I Already said RAPH133. Favourite lyrics right now?
AJ: Don’t have any134. Can you count to one million?
AJ: Never had to135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
AJ:….too many tbh136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
AJ: Depends tbh137. How tall are you?
AJ: 6′6138. Curly or Straight hair?
AJ: Don’t have hair so139. Brunette or Blonde?140. Summer or Winter?
AJ: Summer141. Night or Day?
AJ: Night142. Favourite month?
AJ: Dunno143. Are you a vegetarian?
AJ: Nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
AJ: Doesn’t matter145. Tea or Coffee?
AJ: *Shrugs*146. Was today a good day?
AJ: Kinda147. Mars or Snickers?
AJ: Mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
Limits are meant to be overcome
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
AJ: I am one
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
AJ:…Spell shit
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sun-summoning · 6 years
harukaozawa replied to your post “if you ever wonder where the hell i am, the answer is i am out living...”
Would definitely be interested in any fave recipes you have to share
when i make anything with choux pastry i use this recipe. at first i would make eclairs bc they’re arguably prettier and seem fancier, but i prefer making cream puffs instead. rather than having an ugly crooked eclair, you get a cute little dollop!! and i’ll just use a star tip when piping to give it ~texture~ and add just a little bit to it. also it freezes very well after baked. i usually have a bag of pre-baked puffs in the freezer. when i need them, i just stick them in the oven for a few minutes so they can crisp up and then voila.
also this is going to sound douchey and i swear i’m not a snob, but i really do recommend mixing the eggs into your choux pastry by hand. and if you need a bit more egg than what your recipe calls for, then add it slowly. the recipe i use calls for four but sometimes the eggs are small or maybe i dried the flour clump out too much on the stove idk. but i’ve learned to just trust my instincts (obvs these must be developed) and drizzle in a bit more egg when necessary. and then if you have a bit of egg left over, you can egg wash (i never do that lol) or if you’re like me, eat scrambled eggs for dinner.
now for my pastry cream, i started off with this recipe. as a standard vanilla cream, it’s lovely! ngl i picked it bc it had the least amount of egg yolks required. some require like five yolks and that’s just too many egg white omelettes for dinner for me. 
anyway, i’ve since started playing around with that recipe as a base to make different flavours by infusing the milk at the beginning. when i want to make earl grey, i add maybe like three tea bags and let that sit when the milk is coming to a boil.
and then over the holidays, i was making peppermint bark but then my dumbass seized the freakin chocolate so i ended up with a clump of hard gritty minty chocolate. there’s not much to do with seized chocolate lol, but you can add it into something where it’ll be 100% melted. so in this case i added it to the milk!! um i added prob like 1/2 a cup of it and it made the cream a bit thicker. not that i’m complaining. but just saying.
i seized some chocolate like last weekend bc apparently i cannot do something as simple as melt chocolate. i’d like to try using that to make maybe a mocha filling? so i’ll just melt the chocolate when the milk is coming to a boiler with some instant coffee. 
i’ve been asked to bake earl grey cream puffs for my friend’s wedding. i was thinking of giving her a few flavours, one of which might be ube. one of my coworkers has already insisted on being my taste testers. my mom suggested using ube jam, but i think that might be a bit too strong, so i might make a basic pastry cream (sans the vanilla or maybe with just a dash?) and then mix the jam into that. idk i need to test this. fortunately the wedding is still in june. 
these brown butter chocolate chip toffee cookies are delicious. i never have flaky sea salt on hand. also i’ve never made an effort to find it. i have shamelessly just used coarse. 
this is the almond biscotti recipe i’ve been using. i’m still trying to get all the bake times down properly. man do not cut the biscotti without a hefty first bake. it’s just a mess if the cookie is still too soft. i’m a dumbass. but i learned my lesson!
i like this macaron recipe bc it’s fairly foolproof and if anyone has ever made macarons before.....yeah. my first time was good. my second time they were chocolate and just ended up looking like little swirls of shit lol. they tasted good though!! but yeah i find with that recipe the cookies are always nice and chewy. i also find that they don’t really crack. rather, they stay true to the form that they went into the oven with. i’ve upped my egg white to about 75g, but i do want to see if adding some more will changed how it all turns out. 
ok so my mom loves cheese tarts and i love my mom for her birthday last year i got her half a dozen (that’s generally how they’re sold) from three different places and we kind of ranked them to pick our fave. love you uncle tetsu but i’m still sad that you closed your matcha store i loved those matcha madeleines so much. anyway, i made these tarts for the fam and everyone seemed to like it. i did find the filling to have a bit of a grainy texture. still delicious though. tbh i haven’t tried recreating them yet. my friends gave me a set of mini tart pans for christmas though so i’ll try again soon.
and madeleines!! ok plains ones are nice, but frankly i find them kind of lacking. my personal favourites are ones that have a good hint of lemon and some icing sugar dusted on top. i haven’t made them in a while, but i definitely have a phase. if you ever want to and you need to buy pans, i recommend not giving into the temptation of buying the baby sized ones where the madeleines are like the size of your thumb (prob smaller). they’re great, don’t get me wrong, but the i think the full sized ones are way better. also since they’re virtually little cakes, i have shamelessly put the mix into a greased muffin pan or tart pan lol. i ran out of space in my madeleines trays and wasn’t going to go through a second round of baking. my utilities yo.
and these chocolate cookies. a very simple recipe but somehow everyone i’ve ever fed them to absolutely loves them. they’re like brownies. also i’m a lazy fuck and will not be bothered with rolling out the dough and making shapes. i literally just make little balls, press my thumb into them, and then move on. and if i feel like making them pretty, i melt some chocolate, dip the cookies in that, then dip them in sprinkles.
AND TRES LECHES. i fucking LOVE tres leches cake. ok i don’t remember what recipe i use, but i want you to know i love it.
alright that’s all for now. if you made it to the end of this post, congratulations. 
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transhawks · 6 years
dabi, ochako and shinsou!
Thank you for the ask! I got caught up with catching up with frens and leaving the city for school so its a bit late...
1: sexuality headcanon
He’s bi!!!!
2: otp
Dabihawks, lol
3: brotp
Him and the LoV (though I think shigadabi is a nice ship)
4: notp
him and any kids, this includes Toga. Anything that might be seen as incestuous once the reveal happens!
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He has piercings we can’t see... ;)
He suffers dizzy spells often, in addition to his nausea, and maybe chronic pain, but given everything, I’d like to believe he has an incredible pain tolerance at this point. I don’t think he’s a very healthy person, even I wonder if the fandom is too quick to exaggerate his ‘weakness’
6: one way in which I relate to this character
I think it’s clear from my posts that I’m quite radical in my political opinions, and also personally don’t believe non-violence should be the only tactic used in protest, especially since states never hold themselves to the moral standards protesters do. I think ideology-wise, Dabi and I would find a few points of agreement (ideology-wise, not exactly implementation!!)
I, too, look good in dark jackets and never got over my resentment for my abusive father.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character.
He fucking T-posed on live national television just to flex on his father. I’d say it’s fucking iconic but then he like ran three feet and threw up just to get the fuck out of there.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave, he’s AND a dumbass. At least he’s hot.
1: sexuality headcanon
I think she might be pan!
2: otp
I don’t know if I have an OTP. I’m still hoping for traitor!uraraka so I can make my Tochako ship sail, but otherwise I think Tsuchako is kinda cute? Izuocha isn’t bad either, nor IzuIiOcha, but I’m really prepping my sails for Tochako/Ochatoga.
3: brotp
Her and most of the kids! Like Izu x Ocha x Iida friendship? I live for that. I love her and the girls being friends, especially Tsuyu and Mina!!! She’s also really perceptive about Katsuki so I wouldn’t mind them forming some sort of friendship. Speaking of perceptive, if she isn’t the traitor, I’d like to see more Aoyama x Ochako friendship.
4: notp
any adults. oh, and ...mineta.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
She was really nervous about speaking to everyone; UA is the Tokyo Metro Area and people have opinions about people who speak Kansai-ben, but while she doesn’t use it as often as she has all her life, when it does come out, no one really poked at her for it.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
She’s very intuitive and perceptive, and I try to be those things?
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Her crush on Deku, tbh. It’s cute and I love Deku, but he can’t even talk on the phone to her.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll for now - but I’m hoping for a more problematic cinnamon roll in the future.
1: sexuality headcanon?
idk? Bi? I sometimes think he might be Demi, too.
2: otp
Shindeku! Shinkami! And, screw it, Shinoma!
3: brotp
Aizawa and Shinsou, except it’s more dadtp! And just all the kids, 1-A and 1-B, I want him to have friends, I want him to be happy and accepted!!!!!!!
4: notp
no shinzawa, he’s a teenager and that’s his mentor.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He actually doesn’t have cats yet, despite loving them, so he either goes to cat cafes as a treat or feeds some strays.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Hnngh, insomnia is the devil.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
”I’m not here to make friends”
Shinsou, by the time you leave this field, you’ll have like 3 best friends for life. It’s the Shounen law.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll-flavoured coffee and maybe a few melatonin pils.
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chngbok · 5 years
from ur shittiest friend: 8 (skz), 10 (woojin, seungmin, yeosang), 13 (felix), 19 (ateez), 26, 30, 31 (skz, you knew this one was happening go wild)
this was a long one oops ty @linos-teeth
which member of _____ would you go to in the middle of the night if you had a bad dream?
If it was like,,,,,,,, a dream that made me miserable then chan but if I just wanted to be like,,,, have my mind taken off then Felix or Seungmin.
what flavour of ice-cream do you think ______ would be?
Woojin would be Vanilla, seungmin,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Neapolitan and yeosang would be strawberry 
you’re stranded on an island with _____. using only three words, describe how you feel. 
We are doomed.
who do you think is the best dancer in _____? 
It’s bad but I haven’t watched them dance in a g e s,,,,,, but I do love how yeosang dances. 
fave picture(s) of your bias(es)? 
cheating and saying this gif for seungmin
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and this of changbin
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fave choreography? 
ooah u m. I think it’s Miroh atm tbh I love it a lot
you’re favorite thing, personality-wise, about each member of ______ 
Chan - He’s so fucking passionate about his work and the others and just abt everything and holy fuck he cares sm
woojin - he cares sm for the others (when hes not like,,,,,, set on killing them) and i love that he can be there for all of them
Minho - Hes so weird? Like??? says some of the strangest shit and thats great.
changbin - fuck he’s so happy with his chubby cheeks and the weight h’s gained like both in his face but his muscles and he’s so confident its amazing.
Hyunjin - he never gives up n he works till he’s got the thing down and he works sm to make sure his rapping and dancings better then anything n thats rly cute.
Felix -  h e just!! he’s rly fucking funny and always happy and i’m glad he’s happy like!! keep shining sweetie.
Seungmin - my lil bub,,,, my smart cookie,,,,, my lil devil. I love him!! again!!! so smiley but fkn evil when he wants tho he’s a bit more chill now but!!!! I love my boy n his quips ♥ 
jeongin - he has grown sm with his singing and he knows n he’s a lil shit n he’s great and wow!!! love him
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t y for asking annie (even tho i asked u to ask but ily anyway) 
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nctmoonstarsun · 7 years
11 question tag
I was tagged by @g-te  for the 11 questions game where you answer 11 questions then write 11 new questions! (Thank youu! ^^)
how are you? / Meh lmao
sad ballads or happy upbeat songs? / Depends on my mood really, but right now, happy upbeat songs
fave anime movie? I haven’t watched any haha
dogs or cats? / Cats!!
do you keep stuffed animals in your room? / no ^^
someone you miss? / Honestly everyone is there for me, so no one
describe your phone case? / A black, professional-looking case 
favorite lore/myths? /  Ooo i dont know..
earbuds or headphones? / earbuds
can I steal your heart? / um you can try..?
favorite thing about your ult bias? / How he is always really cheerful and positive, such a little fluffball honestly ^^
cloud’s q’s
Do you know a ksong by heart? (bc I don’t :x I can hum a trillion tho) / A few (I do karaoke a lot sooo)
When it comes to friendships, are you low or high maintenance? (As in your friends gotta talk everyday with you or you’ll feel like the friendship is dying OR if you can spend days without talking to them yet you still remain close) I can spend days without talking to them yet I still remain close
Do you have a secret that you will take to the grave? (Ofc I’m not asking you to reveal it) / No XD
Recommend me 5 songs (not necessarily kpop songs) / DRAMARAMA (MonstaX), Limitless (NCT), See You Again (Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth), Red Flavor, Russian Roulette (Red Velvet)
What do you prefer?: first, second or third gen kpop songs? / I listen more often to third generation kpop songs
What’s the cheeeeeeeeeesiest thing you’ve done? (one time a former friend of mine was telling me about a problem she had and at the end of our convo I kissed her in the forehead bYE) / Um… honestly I have the worst memory so I can’t actually remember
If you were asked to participate in a variety show, which one of the following would you pick and why? (Pick two!): problematic men, master key, hello counselor, weekly idol, one fine day, law of the jungle / WEEKLY IDOL, Hello Counselor (honestly I love these shows so much)
Your top 10 kpop songs of 2017? / DNA, Mic Drop, Cherry Bomb, Red Flavor, Likey, Really Really, Dramarama, Russian Roulette, Limitless, Rookie
Would you rather live in a huge mansion or a compact studio house? Compact studio house 
Tell me a fun childhood story (I’ll start! One time an aunt gave me money to buy ‘papas’ (potatoes) at the grocery store so bc I’m obedient af I went and asked the counter lady how many of em could I buy with the money I had so she went ‘uhh, not many tbh’ so i ended up getting like two and when I returned to my aunt’s house she laughed her ass off and said: I meant ‘papas fritas’ (potato chips) Not those! - and uh yeah this is funnier in Spanish but it proves that I’m such an innocent angel I mean wow) /  Well not much happened in my childhood but I remember how before I moved to England (I used to live in India), me and my friends (we were 7 year olds) would practice talking in English because ‘I needed to get used to it’, and now I talk to them about that and we just laugh at it lmao trust me it’s funnier than it sounds if you’ve experienced it.
If you were offered to start a band, would you accept? / HELL YES (even tho I have no talent I still love singing does that count?)
kiki’s q’s
Link your favourite playlist here if you can and if you can’t write out the first 10 songs on it! (Not a question but shh) / I don’t really have a playlist I literally just go onto the group and then pick the song on spotify ahaha
Is your current ult bias your first ult bias? If not who was your first? / No… My first ult bias was Jungkook ^^
Who is your ult bias? / Jung Jaehyunnnnn <3
Who is more likely to hog the aux cord, you or your ult? / Hmmm I feel like neither of us would hog it, more like just take turns or something I guess
Who is more likely to forget an important date, you or your ult? / Ummm… guilty as charged (basically me)
Who is more likely to ask the other to pick them up after work, you or your ult? / Me, just cos I love the idea of him picking me up after work lmao
Who is more likely to write the other a hand written note expressing themselves rather than just saying it, you or your ult? / That will be me… I’m not that good at expressing my feelings in general, but if I really want to, I’ll sit down and write a long heartfelt note
Who is more likely to cry when a dog dies in a movie, you or your ult? / I don’t cry at movies, but I feel like he’ll be upset and then I’d start crying because he’s upset
Who is more likely to almost burn the house down while cooking, you or your ult? / I can cook, but so can he..? So I don’t know
Who is more likely to start a pillow fight, you or your ult? / Probably me, I have a habit of throwing pillows at people if they tease me 
Who is more likely to ask the other to come over to cuddle with them so that they can fall asleep better, you or your ult? / Me probably haha
Mir’s q’s :D
If you could travel anywhere, but were completely by yourself, where would you go? / I honestly don’t know because I hate going places on my own
What inspires you? / Stories of successful people who got where they are now by hard work and dedication (esp. those with the same aspirations as me)
How many pets would you have in your ideal future? Any specific names or types in mind? / Just one small puppy
What are you opinions on fedoras / Um, not really the biggest fan of them
how many spoons can you balance on your face at once (picture or video proof preferred (i’m trying to get someone to do it pls anyone)) / They’re all the way downstairs and I’m in bed right now I can’t be asked to move
What is your favorite type of tree? / Willow tree
If you could convince one person to like kpop who would you convert? / My dad, cos if he’s convinced, my mum will automatically be converted too XD
What are three things you are normally associated with and/or what are three things you want to be associated with? / Well, I guess making people happy, but that’s pretty much it
If you were in a kpop group what position would you hold (ie. leader, main vocal, moodmaker, etc) feel free to tag your mutuals and who they would be! / I think I’d be vocal, leader and the 4D member haha ^^ @g-te would be rapper/moodmaker and @thatbubblecat would be the lead dancer and visual 
If you could have any wild animal as a tame pet what would it be?? (i’m ocelot loyal all the way) / Probably a lion
What is your opinion on mint chocolate chip ice cream? (for maj) / LOVE IT!!
Gitte’s q’s
What is your (clothing) style? like is it casual, street style, sporty, classy… It really depends on my mood, like sometimes I wear casual, and sometimes classy, sometimes girly.
Would you reather be very smart/intelligent but ugly, or dumb but beautiful? Very smart but ugly 
Which languages do you speak/understand? English, Hindi, Malayalam, French
What is your biggest dream? To be a doctor
Do you fold or do you crumple up your toilet paper? (I am curious okay?) Fold XD
Your favourite season? Winter
Do you have a favourite number? If yes, which and why? It’s always been 17, I think it’s my lucky number
Do you prefer, day or night? Night
Do you like bright or dark colours? Both, I usually tend to stick to two colours though; bright red or black
Do you have any habits? Accidently hitting people when laughing (even though I apologise immediately after), covering my mouth accidently with my hand when awkward and mumbling at the same time if I’m talking. 
What’s your ideal type? Oo well he's caring and protective, a pure baby but can be manly. Can sense if I'm upset and quickly tries to make me feel better. Empathetic, down to earth and modest, generally cheerful person who is positive and optimistic. A bit extroverted. In general, similar to me, I guess.
Ae Sook’s qs
      1. What qualities do you like of your ultimate bias? (Say who he/she is too)
      2. What sort of animal would you be if you were to choose one? (your spirit animal)
      3. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
      4. Do you like kpop? If so, how long has it been since you’ve been into kpop?
     5. What star sign are you? 
     6. List all the groups/bands you listen to regularly (any genre of music).
     7. What is your favourite choreography (kpop)?
     8. How would you describe yourself? (positives and negatives, but put mainly positives)
     9. Sushi; yes or no?
    10. Who is that one idol you can relate to most? (Who do you think you’re most like? - and no, I don’t mean your ultimate bias)
I tag:
@thatbubblecat @taeyongtown @deeimana @g-te (i know you’ve done this, but I want to see what you would put for my question lmao x)
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clownleys · 7 years
RULES: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you finish tag people to do this survey.
tagged by @wickedwitzh, thanks, hon. <3
it's quite lengthy, so u’ll have to deal with my tiny blog font. sorry not sorry, it’s big enough on my tiny laptop.
1. are you named after someone? two fictional characters, yep. u see, my mom loves this polish book series, so she named me after her faves like a nerd that she is. 
2. when was the last time you cried? well, i almost cried yesterday, because. i was on a bus. and it suddenly struck me that by the time i’m rich enough to direct a movie, ezra miller will be too old to play art school drop out in it. also stallone will be dead. i don’t want to live long enough to see the future of cinema without stallone in it.
3. do you like your handwriting? kinda? it’s not bad.
4.  what is your favorite lunch meat? depends on the day, weather and stars positions. also the content of my fridge and the outfit i’m wearing. 
5.  do you have kids? just two cats and countless dropped projects.
6.  if you were another person, would you be friends with you? i mean, i would finally have someone to discuss my rarepairs with, so why not.
7.  do you use sarcasm? of course. 
8.  do you still have your tonsils? yep.
9.  would you bungee jump? would love to.
10.  what is your favourite kind of cereal? see the lunch ask.
11.  do you untie your shoes when you take them off? depends on shoes, and if they actually have laces. 
12.  do you think you’re a strong person? i can do a push-up, so. duh.
13.  what is your favourite ice cream flavor? coconut would be a flavourite if i had to pick one, but overall it depends. i’m. very bad with picking faves.
14.  what is the first thing you notice about people? their clothes, i think. i’m kinda very into fashion and love seeing what ppl are wearing and how it corresponds with their personality. also the colours i associate them with and their general vibe.
15.  red or pink? pink (floyd)
16.  what is your favourite physical thing you like about yourself? my body shape is nice. and my hair. but i also like my face, eyes and kinda everything. i’m a nice looking human that’s bad with picking faves, i told u.
17.  what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? not wearing any of those.
18.  what was the last thing you ate? burger + bacon flavoured crisps
19.  what are you listening to right now? i have Rocky OST playing in the background bc it’s dope.
20.  if you were a crayon, what color would you be? online quiz says blue, diana says mahogany or cherry (maroon). i’m gonna go for the last one, bc it reminds me of “cherry bomb”, which’s one hell of a song.
21.  favorite smell? mint tea, the air right before a storm, cats’ fur after they come back home in winter, lilac
22.  who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? i. have no idea. maybe some friend? some parent? pizza?
23.  favorite sport to watch? i used to love Horses Jumping Over Stuff (i don’t know the proper name, don’t judge me) as a kid, so let’s go with that.
24.  hair color? brownish.
25.  eye color? dark brown.
26.  do you wear contacts? nope.
27.  favorite food to eat?  don’t make me cheese.
28.  scary movies or comedy? i’m not particularly fond of any of those genres, tbh. 
29.  last movie you watched? “fried green tomatoes”. i have a list of complains, and my first one is that it’s not as explicitly gay as the book is.
30.  what colour shirt are you wearing? i’m. not wearing one, okay. just a dress and a leather jacket today.
31.  summer or winter? both are okay.
32.  hugs or kisses? kisses.
33.  what book are you currently reading?  “the secret life of bees” by sue monk kidd
34.  who do you miss right now? i just missed a deadline.
35.  what is on your mouse pad? i do not own such a thing. or a mouse to begin with.
36.  what is the last tv program you watched? oh boi. i don’t remember watching one in literal years.
37.  what is the best sound? the sound water makes when it touches hot surfaces. 
38.  rolling stones or the beatles? c’mon, u can’t make me choose, it’s hard. but i guess the beatles? maybe? i guess i do like them a tiny beat more, so let’s roll with it??
39.  what is the furthest you have ever traveled? i have honestly no idea. cyprus, i guess?
40.  do you have a special talent? yes, it’s using this sorta questions to trick my friends into complimenting me. i just asked diana, and my self esteem sky rocketed. i can also draw stallone’s back tattoo from memory* and name at least 4 frog species.
*(i drew shirtless stakar ogord three times, that sorta shit stays with ppl) 
41.  where were you born? at the hospital in a small polish city that only has one statue and six water curtains in summer. also a whole lotta rock type pokemon.
42.  people you expect to participate in this? @damnwilds, @taki-random, @muffinekjagodowy, @itsjuliasowhat, @rydersara, @thirstyforred
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not all monsters do monstrous things.
hi friends, i’m sians c: i'm a taurus, i like long walks on the beach, and i'm looking for some rad people to write stories with.
i roleplay both fandom and oc, but lean more towards fandom. in particular i would do bad, bad things for some teen wolf goodness.
TEEN WOLF (this - no - fit)
i’ve only just finished season three because i suck. however! i’ll probably finish season four this weekend. letsbehonest. i don’t mind au’s, non canon compliant rps, or spoilers (know most of them come to that and have read an /embarrassing/ amount of fanfic let me tell you–-) essentially, if you don’t mind me being behind, i will love you forever.
i play both oc and canon, faves to play being stiles, derek, erica, cora, lydia.
and not that pairings need to be a thing, but oh lawd, the following make me wriggle-like-a-happy-puppy happy:
stiles x derek <3 isaac x scott isaac x cora stiles x cora stiles x erica
(can you tell i just really love me some stiles?)
any mix of canon and oc pairings i’m so down for, so lemme know if there's something in particular you're feeling
plot bunnies:
i don’t have anything solid in mind, tbh, so i’m going to throw random prompts and see if anything sticks.
~ "dude, it's beacon hills" with the magic of beacon hills waking from its dormancy and becoming a hotbed for supernatural shenanigans, the ragtag beacon hills pack have caught the attention of more traditional packs - which have beacon hills in their sights. whether they are friend or foe remains to be seen, with rumours ranging from alliances to out and out war. at the same time, that magic is calling all sorts of supernatural beings, some long thought extinct, to beacon hills seeking sanctuary. so with distinguised packs and powerful creatures descending on beacon hills, the influx of buff dudes wearing camo and barely concealed weapons can only mean one thing: hunters.
~ "and i'm standing here like a frickin' idiot all by myself with a handful of magic fairy dust!" a curse is cast over beacon hills which causes its citizens to live out fairytale scenarios. although it may seem harmless kissing frogs to try and bag a prince, the origin of fairytales are much grimmer (pun not intended, but damn it kinda works): the little mermaid ends up sacrificing herself back to the ocean, the pied piper disappears with hundreds of children, and little red riding hood - well, anything to do with wolves makes the pack a bit antsy. and it’s down to the pack to break the spell and bring back those caught up in the curses web.
~ “you need to be that spark, stiles” stiles has been brushing up on his magical education, and as such has become quite the mini harry potter. he’s not quite sure if he’s a witch or a druid - he’s bad with the politics, he just knows he’s a total badass now. so of course, /of course/ it turns out deaton's been hanging around to train him as the emissary for the hale pack. and of course, /of course/ derek’s being a total sourwolf about it. but the ragtag pack is making waves in the magical world, and the coven of witches that have just blown into town aren't shy about taunting the hale pack and trying to draw our their resident magic weaver. they want blood, figuratively and literally.
~ "what's this look on your face?" "what look" "the kind of look that makes me want to punch you" "oh my god you are so derek's sister" juggling magic lessons with deaton, lacrosse training and general school madness, stiles and cora's schedules meld enough they tend to be paired together for pack duties: the snark factor is ridiculous. even school's not much of an escape when they're made permanent lab partners. the rest of the pack tend to find other things to do if the pair are in the vicinity. she's biting and intense and he's fluent in sarcasm, and neither can quite work the other out. but damnit she's observant, and clever, and stiles finds himself challenged by her in ways no one else has matched. and damnit, apparently he has a thing for intelligence and sarcasm and the ability for someone to be able to kick his ass /and/ looking drop dead gorgeous doing it - who knew? but they way that derek is starting to death glare him more and more, and the knowing smirks from some of the others in the pack, he’s apparently slower to realise his feelings than those around him.
aaand yes. any character/pairing-centric ideas above can easily be replaced with different characters/pairings. if any aspects of the above interest you, awesome! if they don’t, still awesome! i’d lovelovelove to hear any ideas you happen to have, and we can come up with some stuff together too.
logistics and boring things:
i roleplay third person, past tense, paragraph form, via email.
length doesn’t matter although mine tend to be on the lengthier side. i.. i ramble, haha.
reply time varies. most likely i’ll reply every few days, i’m most active over the weekend. if you’re looking for multiple posts every day, i will most likely (read: definitely) be a sad disappointment.
in my twenties (oh lawd, haha) so would prefer you be eighteen plus, lovelies. i do like smut, not gonna lie, but it doesn’t need to permeate the story. plot = love.
standard limits apply, really. no thank you to bathroom play and gore/vore. pregnancy/mpreg isn’t my thang, possibly other things but they’re hard ntys. no judgement, just not my scene c:
pairing wise, i don’t mind any gendered pairing and i muchly love to double.
i’m pretty chill about most things although i will most likely end up totally fangirling over our characters and plot and stuff like the total dork i am. yey? (“dude i heard this song and omg it totally reminded of that scene where…”)
tldr. roleplay with me, i’m so lonely xoxox
other genres:
of course i roleplay things other than teen wolf, silly billies. i play either canon or oc unless noted.
~ harry potter. any era, next generation preferred.
~ percy jackson and olympians/heroes of olympus
~ disney’s descendants.
~ h20: just add water. oc preferred.
~ jim henson’s labyrinth.
~ kingsmen.
~ misfits.
~ twisted/modern retelling of a fairytale.
~ reincarnated greek gods.
~ anything modern fantasy supernatural.
i have a few plot ideas floating around for most of the above, so feel free to ask about them. and again, i’d love to hear any and all ideas you happened to have.
if any of the above piqued your interest, awesomeee. drop me a line with what you’re looking to roleplay and whichever other random goodness - favourite colour, ice cream flavour, banana bread recipe - have at it.
hope to hear from you, sians x
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upslapmeal · 8 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @ilwinsgarden​!
Rules: Answer all the questions, then add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions (lol that last bit won’t happen)
1) Coke or Pepsi? neither they both taste the same and they both taste bad
2) Disney or Dreamworks? I mean...disney bc it has pixar but dreamworks did make my fave animated film so
3) Coffee or tea? I guess tea is less bad than coffee (as you can tell I like a wide range of drinks)
4) Books or movies? I wish I could say books and it definitely used to be books and I still love books but my free time and attention span are much less than they used to be so I’ll go with movies
5) Windows or Mac? mac
6) D.C. or Marvel? I’ve seen like...3 marvel films and the only dc film I’ve seen is suicide squad so that’s probably not enough to go on
7) Xbox or PlayStation? my brother has a playstation so I’ll go with that
8) Dragon age or mass effect? not played either
9) Night owl or early riser? NIGHT OWL. I mean I’m often awake early in the morning but that’s just bc I’ve not slept yet
10) Cards or chess? cards
11) Chocolate or vanilla? as a flavour? vanilla. as a food? chocolate.
12) Vans or converse? converse
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? ravenclaw (I've not played dragon age) 
14) Fluff or angst? fluff
15) Beach or forest? forest
16) Dogs or cats? BOTH don’t make me choose but if I had to then maybe cats just don’t tell my dog ok
17) Clear skies or rain? I like both but it’s been pretty grim here for a while so clear skies
18) Cooking or eating out? in an ideal world where nothing costs money then eating out bc my cooking is limited to pasta and fishcakes
19) Spicy or mild food? I am very White™ and can’t deal with even a little bit of spice
20) Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? christmas definitely
21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? a little too hot I guess? neither sounds like much fun but I suppose I’m more used to that one
22) If you could have a superpower what would it be? shapeshifting or flying though I guess shapeshifting entails flying doesn’t it
23) Animation or live action? animation
24) Paragon or renegade? gatorade
25) Bath or shower? bath
26) Team Cap or team Ironman? team the incredibles
27) Fantasy or sci-fi? preferably a mix of the two tbh
28) Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes if so what are they? I mean I think I do....not that I can think of any of them now.....
29) YouTube or Netflix? youtube bc you can get everything on netflix for free elsewhere
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? harry potter but I really loved the percy jackson books too. so many books I need to reread.
31) When do you feel accomplished? lmao
32) Star Wars or Star Trek? star wars but I’ve never seen star trek
33) Paperback books or hardcover books? paperback bc they’re not too heavy and you get nice creased spines
34) Fantastic beasts or Cursed child? fantastic beasts had a better plot and lots of animals but I really want to watch cursed child to see how they do all the effects bc I’ve heard they’re amazing
35) Rock or pop music? I genuinely don’t know what genre the music I like is...maybe a mix of the two?
36) What is the most important thing in your life? good question
37) Mountains or sea/ocean? mountains as long as I don’t get tired going up them
38) How do you express yourself? not very well (I genuinely don’t know, I’d be interested to know what answers friends would give to this about me)
39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? drift house by dale peck, I read it when I was 10 and it’s with me at uni now
40) What’s your element (air, water, etc.)? is this like a horoscope thing? bc if it is then I’ve no idea. though tbh even if it isn’t I’ve no idea. I like playing with fire. I’ll go with fire.
41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I’d love to go to japan or back to russia, and I might be going to canada soon so there too
42) If you had any job in the world, what would it be? anything in film, like a set designer or editor or anything. which is why I’m studying linguistics.
43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? 1) everyone in the world to just be decent human beings that are loving and tolerant and just. decent people ok. 2) an ability to pause time so I can get my work done despite my procrastination. actually scratch that, it would make my procrastination worse. an ability to not procrastinate. 3) to clean up the environment
44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?pasta probably. or fish if we can vary how we eat it.
45) What’s currently the most pressing issue on your mind, and what’s stopping you from fixing it? I should be doing reading for an essay but I’m tired and I don’t want to so I’m procratinating
46) What is your dream companion animal? ooh a tiger
47) Raptors or songbirds? songbirds
48) Do you think there is life on other planets in universe? there’s so much universe out there it would be amazing if we were the only life anywhere
aaand my question: 49) What’s your strangest childhood memory?
I’ll tag: @musicalhog, @the-desolated-quill, @jaime-donc-je-suis, @peterbaeafcapaldi, @sancriss, @pentatonicadenza
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